Should I have my cousins in my wedding?

2024.05.29 08:27 PresentVegetable9096 Should I have my cousins in my wedding?

I (28F) am marrying my wonderful fiancée (27M) august 2025. We got engaged in November 2023 and have been planning our wedding and for the most part, it’s been great. I am having my sister as my maid of honor, my fiancées sister, and four other friends in my wedding party, a total of 6 girls. My fiancée is having 5 friends. He only has the one sister who will be a bridesmaid on my side. My aunt on my dads side has three children (one daughter who is a freshmen in college, one daughter who is a senior in high school, and one son who is a freshman in high school). My family on my dads side has been on and off speaking with my aunt for years and it seems like if something doesn’t go her way, they get into a huge argument and don’t talk and then eventually makeup and act like nothing happened. We are close to that side of the family and go spend holidays with them, go on vacations with them, etc. (when we are actually speaking to them)z When my fiancée and I got engaged, it was expected to have my two girl cousins on my side. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. But before I could even address that, my aunt was throwing a fit because my youngest boy cousin would not be in the wedding, on my fiancées side. She was upset because she felt like he was being excluded. My cousin is much younger than my fiancee and his friends. I don’t think my youngest boy cousin should be in the wedding. I am not trying to exclude him, I just don’t think it’s necessary. Of course, there was a huge fight and to make things short, our families have not been talking. My aunt was extremely rude to me and my dad. My aunt and my eldest girl cousin was calling me selfish and fake and it was just awful. I blocked her on everything but she still had my email. Most recently, my aunt emailed me and apologized and apologized to my dad. I responded to the email and said I appreciated the apology because what she said was really hurtful. Now that she has apologized, my dad wants to makeup and “try to move forward”. I am okay with trying to makeup, for my dads sake and for my grandfathers sake. (She also cut my grandfather off for not sticking up for her in this situation). But, my dad is expecting me to have my 2 girl cousins in the wedding party and the boy cousin to have a small part - such as an usher. I feel like that is not appropriate after how everyone was handle. But I feel pressure from my family to have them in the wedding. I feel like my decision to have the cousins in / out of the wedding is the fate of the family and I don’t think that should be my responsibility. The majority of the people I have talked to, say I am in the right and don’t have to put anyone in my wedding I don’t want. But like I said, I’m feeling alot of pressure and I know I’m a people pleaser so this is hard for me. I would just like an outsiders perspective because I feel like I don’t know what to do.
Sorry for the long post - I just wanted to try to give some context. Thanks in advance!
submitted by PresentVegetable9096 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:27 surveycircle_bot (Il)legal products on platforms

(Il)legal products on platforms submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:24 mankls3 This dude is mapping every outdoor pull-up bar in NYC.

pretty cool. i was hoping there would be a map for this as i too love pullups like the person who put this together. i dont know how accurate this is though since i barely ever leave my neighborhood!!
submitted by mankls3 to nyc [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:24 mixapenerd Part three of my Nujabes mixtape series

Continuing 魂の瀬葉淳 (tamashi no seba jun) - Soul of Seba Jun

Part Three - Hip Hop Apostles

This is all the vocal hip hop tracks whereas the rest of the mixes are mostly instrumental.
submitted by mixapenerd to Nujabes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:23 Humble_Net_6614 These computer books are sure to sell like hotcakes

These computer books are sure to sell like hotcakes
I've been searching everywhere for a copy of Windows 95 Secrets!
Location: A bookstore in SM Davao City Mall in Davao, Phillipines. It's the best mall in Davao, square footage is expensive.
submitted by Humble_Net_6614 to techsupportgore [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:23 No-Introduction8996 怎麼進行郵箱抓取以及郵箱抓取工具推薦



1.電子郵件搜索工具: 可以使用電子郵件自動搜索工具來有效地提取電子郵件地址。根據具體要求、資源和技術專長等各種因素,你可以選擇在內部構建電子郵件搜索器或將其外包。使用內部網路搜索器可以進行定制,以滿足確切的數據收集需求。但是,創建電子郵件刮板需要技術能力和資源,包括維護和改進所需的時間和精力。
2.正則運算式(Regex): 正則運算式是用於匹配字串中字元組合的模式。它們對識別文本中的電子郵件地址特別有用。用於匹配電子郵件地址的簡單regex模式如下所示:[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,}該模式可搜索與電子郵件地址相似的序列,是電子郵件搜索的基本工具。
3.網路搜刮應用程式介面: 有些網站提供API,可用於以編程方式訪問數據。網路搜刮API(應用編程介面)是一種專門的工具,提供了一種相當有效的收集電子郵件地址的方法。對於不具備廣泛編程能力或資源來創建自定義電子郵件搜刮工具的用戶來說,它們尤其有用。並非所有API都能直接提供電子郵件地址,但它們仍然是收集相關資訊的寶貴資源。
4.自定義腳本: 對於更複雜的搜刮任務,可以編寫自定義腳本來導航網站、處理分頁和提取電子郵件地址。Selenium等工具可用於實現網路流覽器的自動化,從而可以採集需要用戶交互的動態內容。


1. 驗證碼和反機器人措施


2. 動態內容


3. 速率限制和IP遮罩


4. 數據品質和準確性



住宅代理: 這些IP地址分配給真正的住宅用戶。與數據中心代理相比,它們被檢測和阻止的可能性更小。
數據中心代理: 這些IP地址由數據中心提供。它們更便宜,但更容易被檢測和阻止。
輪流代理: 這些代理伺服器會在一定數量的請求或特定時間間隔後自動更改IP地址。


1. Octoparse是一款用戶友好型電子郵件網路搜刮工具,無需編碼即可進行數據收集。它的主要應用之一就是從社交媒體平臺和專業市場門戶網站搜索電子郵件。下載該軟體並搜索"電子郵件搜刮器"後,你會發現一個預置範本,旨在幫助用戶從網站上收集電子郵件和社交檔案資訊。只需點擊幾下,這些範本就能讓你從網站上提取電子郵件數據。或者,你也可以選擇自動檢測模式,自定義工作流程,執行量身定制的任務,從而提取你想要的任何數據。
2.Rocket Reach是另一款用於電子郵件行銷的工具,不過操作起來稍顯複雜。它帶有一個Chrome流覽器擴展,可以迅速捕捉頁面上的電子郵件地址。此外,還可使用其搜索頁面查找聯繫資訊。不過,每條線索的成本相對較高。該工具更適合大型企業。
submitted by No-Introduction8996 to Proxylists [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:22 AdFrequent4409 Winterfest in My Save 🩵⛄️

Winterfest in My Save 🩵⛄️
I loveee having holidays in the sims. Makes it feel so alive. Here’s some flics from my sim family’s Winterfest 🤗
submitted by AdFrequent4409 to Sims4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 Helpful_Tiger2077 I guess Haaland greets you after being away for a month

I guess Haaland greets you after being away for a month submitted by Helpful_Tiger2077 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 Natural_End_1125 4star⭐ trade

4star⭐ trade
Looking for inkredible. I have some 4⭐ cards pls look at photos and let me know.
submitted by Natural_End_1125 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 EchoJobs Hiring Senior Perception Software Engineer - Navigation USD 180k-225k [San Francisco, CA] [Rust C++]

Hiring Senior Perception Software Engineer - Navigation USD 180k-225k [San Francisco, CA] [Rust C++] submitted by EchoJobs to SanFranciscoTechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 EchoJobs Hiring Software Integration Engineer USD 130k-165k [San Francisco, CA] [Python NumPy Pandas Git Rust C++]

Hiring Software Integration Engineer USD 130k-165k [San Francisco, CA] [Python NumPy Pandas Git Rust C++] submitted by EchoJobs to SanFranciscoTechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 EchoJobs Hiring Senior Perception Software Engineer - Navigation USD 180k-225k [San Francisco, CA] [Rust C++]

Hiring Senior Perception Software Engineer - Navigation USD 180k-225k [San Francisco, CA] [Rust C++] submitted by EchoJobs to SFtechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 EchoJobs Hiring Software Integration Engineer USD 130k-165k [San Francisco, CA] [Python NumPy Pandas Git Rust C++]

Hiring Software Integration Engineer USD 130k-165k [San Francisco, CA] [Python NumPy Pandas Git Rust C++] submitted by EchoJobs to SFtechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:20 MoFire_MoFire Suche Blaue Keycaps im Iso-De layout

Suche Blaue Keycaps im Iso-De layout
Liebe Community,
ich suche seit einiger Zeit, inzwischen schon etwas verzweifelt, nach keycaps guter Qualität in Iso-De Layout. Speziell hätte ich gerne welche in blau mit einem ähnlichen Farbton wie GMK striker, Monacokeys Basic Blue oder PBTfans Klein Blue. Leider sind die genannten weiterhin ausverkauft, habe auch mit den Anbietern kommuniziert und verschiedenen Händlern, wenn ich eine Antwort bekam zur Aufstockung hieß es das es mindestens ein paar Monate dauern wird bis diese wieder erhältlich sind.
Würd mich sehr über Vorschläge freuen von keycaps die auch ausnahmsweise auf Lager irgendwo sind. Ich bin gewillt bis zu 80-100€ zu zahlen wenn sie wirklich guter Qualität sind und und den gewünschten Farbton haben.
Im Anhang ist noch ein Referenzfoto des gewünschten Farbtons (Monacokeys Basic Blue). Muss nicht 100% so sein aber wär schön wenn die Caps zumindest in die Richtung gehen.
submitted by MoFire_MoFire to germankeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:20 Trollkinger Rate my sealed collection

Rate my sealed collection
I'm referring to the pokemon cards, not skylanders lol
submitted by Trollkinger to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:20 issrafel Sears 10k40 diasywheel typing incorrectly

Sears 10k40 diasywheel typing incorrectly
So basically, my Sears electric typewriter has this issue where my daisy wheel is typing with an offset of a few characters, it's always consistent with it's offset, so for example, if I were to type "t" it would type "e", or I type "f" and get "c", always an offset of 4 characters (in this example) however the offset will change whenever I power it on and off, sometimes an offset of 8 characters or whatever else, but it will always consistently be off by the same amount for each letter until power off. Seems like it's having trouble finding home? My daisy wheel seems to be totally fine in terms of its condition.
I know it's not related to the keyboard itself, as the screen displays the correct letters, just the wheel mechanism seems to not find them correctly.
In the photos I have displayed on the screen what I had attempted to type, as well as two examples of it attempting to print
submitted by issrafel to typewriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:19 ckimart [for hire] commissions open

[for hire] commissions open submitted by ckimart to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:19 Ok-Preparation-1334 LD5 (Lora) after a few resets

LD5 (Lora) after a few resets
I was bored so I decided to try my luck at rerolling a few accounts. In about 10 resets, I pulled Lora! Also got a Zaiross and Nora.
submitted by Ok-Preparation-1334 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:18 taylordabrat Jayson Tatum says Drake is his favorite rapper (ranks Drake #2 after Jay Z for GOAT)

Jayson Tatum says Drake is his favorite rapper (ranks Drake #2 after Jay Z for GOAT) submitted by taylordabrat to Drizzy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:17 EmployEquivalent2671 Polećcie mi jakiegoś polskiego ceramika/studio

Szukam miejsca (w polsce żeby mnie nie zabiła cena shippingu), które przyjmuje zamówienia na rzeczy spoza oferty, raczej większy format niż mniejszy. Chciałbym zamówić kilka garnków z grubszej gliny, tak w okolicach 3-5l, więc ludzie klejący kubki mogą nie mieć wystarczająco doświadczenia na takie coś
submitted by EmployEquivalent2671 to Polska [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:17 itsIzumi Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at the SoCal Star League #3!

Final Bracket

Twitch Stream

(VOD not currently available)

Youtube VODs

Place Player Losses in Swiss pools Eliminated by
1st FLY ∣ Jmook (Sheik) --- ---
2nd 69% ∣ Fiction (Fox) KoDoRiN Jmook
3rd Tempo ∣ Axe (Pikachu) Mango Jmook
3rd C9 ∣ Mango (Fox & Falco) --- Fiction
5th GUG ∣ Kürv (Fox) S2J & Joshman Jmook
5th KoDoRiN (Marth) Mango Axe
5th Khalid (Jigglypuff) S2J & Lucky Mango
5th S2J (Captain Falcon) Jmook & Axe Fiction
9th Mango's Friend ∣ Lucky (Fox) bobby big ballz, Fiction & Kürv ---
9th Moist ∣ Joshman (Fox) Khalid, KoDoRiN & DQ'd ---
9th bobby big ballz (Falco) Jmook, Joshman & S2J ---
12th ABG ∣ salami (Fox) Mango, max & Khalid ---
12th max (Sheik) Axe, Fiction & Kürv ---
14th ↓ Steech (Fox) Fiction, Axe & bobby big ballz [+Tiebreaker: salami] ---
15th ↓ GIS ∣ cliché (Falco) Jmook, Lucky & Kürv ---
15th ↓ teccskill ∣ nut (Sheik) KoDoRiN, Steech & salami ---
  • null originally had a spot, but couldn't make it. Axe was his replacement
  • Bottom 3 SoCal players get relegated. S2J, bobby big ballz, and max are this iteration's "guest players" who don't count for relegation
  • cliché and nut get relegated to Division 2 for placing 15th
  • salami beats Steech in the 12th place tiebreaker. Steech gets relegated to Division 2

Division 1 Finals

Jake "Jmook" DiRado // Twitch Twitter Wiki FlyQuest vs. Shephard "Fiction" Lima // Twitch Twitter Wiki 69% Apparel
Jmook 3 - 0 Fiction
1 stock = Sheik Dream Land 64 Fox = ---
2 stocks = Sheik Frozen Pokemon Stadium Fox = ---
1 stock = Sheik Frozen Pokemon Stadium Fox = ---
Generated by Tournament Tabler

Division 2 Results:

(happened a week ago but I'm opting to include it here)
  • There were six open spots in Division 2. A points-based system from SoCal tournaments determined who would get these
  • snake, IggyNieves, Zeo, ZimD00D, s-f, and Calvin (1st to 6th in points) qualified
  • sumi, wingstop21, and J Button (7th to 9th in points) got to play one "Elimination Playoff" set against a player who placed 12th for a chance to take their Division 2 spot
  • salami, cliché, and Khalid got promoted to Division 1. Khalid beat Zeo in the third place tiebreaker
  • ZimD00D and Calvin got relegated for placing 15th
  • In the Elimination Playoff sets: sumi beat s-f, SubTails beat wingstop21, and Venelox beat J Button. SubTails and Venelox remain in Division 2, sumi is now in Division 2
Place Player Losses in Swiss pools Eliminated by
1st ↑ ABG ∣ salami (Fox Franz ---
2nd ↑ GIS ∣ cliché (Falco) Alberto & Cohenski salami
3rd ↑ Khalid (Jigglypuff) --- salami
4th ABG ∣ Zeo (Captain Falcon) Khalid cliché [+Khalid]
5th PEPIS ∣ Noire (Falco) snake & Life Khalid
5th Cohenski (Fox) SubTails salami
5th Franz (Dr. Mario) --- cliché
5th Alberto (Captain Falcon) Franz & IggyNieves Zeo
9th OBE ∣ snake (Falco) Zeo, Cohenski & cliché ---
9th true ∣ Life (Marth) Zeo, salami & Alberto ---
9th PNUT ∣ IggyNieves (Fox) Venelox, Zeo & Noire ---
12th GS ∣ SubTails (Sheik) Khalid, Life & Alberto ---
12th YET ∣ Venelox (Fox) salami, cliché & Noire ---
12th ↓ Melee Stats ∣ s-f (Marth) Franz, cliché & snake [+sumi]
15th ↓ ZimD00D (Marth) salami, IggyNieves & s-f ---
15th ↓ ωZ ∣ Calvin (Sheik) Khalid, Cohenski & Noire --
submitted by itsIzumi to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:16 I_gofast No issues here

No issues here submitted by I_gofast to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]
