Permutations for third graders

Finished second year, feel absolutely devastated at grades

2024.05.15 03:10 Brylan-Stonk Finished second year, feel absolutely devastated at grades

As of April of this year, I have completed my second year of studies in my major, and have gotten my grades back for the Winter semester. All I can say is, I'm utterly disappointed.
By far, my GPA is a 3.3/4.0. A lot of people would say that this is a decent average, but I disagree. My GPA coming out of first year was the same, so my grades haven't even improved, despite having another year to achieve that.
I came into second year with the intention of getting straight A's in all of my courses. As someone who is not in STEM (I'm in a social science major), this seemed pretty doable to me. But it didn't end up turning out the way I wanted it to. First off, I didn't get the best professors this year (I didn't give enough care towards the quality or reputation of the prof, just chose classes that would give a comfortable schedule), so I had a more difficult slate to begin with. Despite that, I chose to go along with it and make the best of it that I could. I tried to see it in a positive light, as in "challenging profs would allow me to learn more and grow as a person".
Right from the get go I implemented new study techniques that I hoped would help me excel in my classes (making question sheets/flashcards, taking thorough notes from the textbook). Turns out, it only helped somewhat. In some classes, I ended getting straight A's throughout. However, I had a bunch of other classes in which I only got B's (and even one C) as a final grade. Some of the classes were genuinely difficult (thanks to tough graders), while some I feel like I didn't put in the proper effort despite going in with the goal of doing so.
This is what truly hurts me. Not the part where I had hard profs, but the fact that a lot of this was within my control and that I still fumbled the bag for quite a bit. At the very least I can say that I put in more effort than last year, but in brutal honestly, I still fucked around for a bit. I have ADHD, and I STILL haven't fully gotten it under control. I had a damn year to do it and I still failed to tame it. It was as if I knew what to do (I watched as many "How to get 4.0 GPA type videos on YouTube), but my brain (still MY fault) didn't act on it properly. I would study hard for concepts that I could understand, but would still give up when things got hard. This manifested itself in the form of missed deadlines (for tasks I simply couldn't get), doing things last minute, and on multiple choice tests, doing poorly on the questions that I refused to study because I felt it "wasn't relevant" or because I got too lazy to go the extra mile. I made schedules, but didn't stick to them completely because I allowed myself to get distracted too easily with other stuff that didn't matter as much.
I valued studying and academics, but a part of me still valued having fun and a social life more. On the positive side, this drove me to get involved in more deeply in extracurriculars, which led me to build a huge group of supportive friends and the expansion of my network, which ultimately led me to obtain two pretty dope executive positions at some large student clubs and win second place in a case competition. This helped a lot in gaining experience on my resume, which allowed me to land the internship I'm doing this summer. On the other hand, I began to prioritize hanging out with friends and relaxing, which led to a lot of wasted time that I could have used to sharpen my knowledge of the subject matter I was supposed to learn in class. I partied more, which led to more hangovers and even more lost time. I made some really great memories along the way, but I was also still "all-over-the-place" and wasn't completely on top of my stuff.
Now, I feel like I have limited my post-graduate chances. I have ambitions to do either an MBA, go to law school, or simply do a masters in my major and go into research/academia from there. I very badly want to do all three at prestigious schools (U of T, McGill), or even the Ivy Leagues or Oxbridge. However, I don't think my chances of getting into Harvard Law or into an MA program at McGill will be too high after they see my average. I do have some pretty strong ECs as of now (which I am extremely grateful for) and am looking to begin with research in my third year, but my GPA so far just doesn't cut it.
I know that I'm still in my second year, and that I have a chance to still turn things around and raise my GPA to something much more competitive by the time I graduate, but the dream of being that "perfect 4.0 student" is impossible now. It hurts so deeply considering that I was one of the top (academically) students in my high school (3.8-3.9 GPA), getting honour roll all 4 years and earning a dope entrance scholarship. I feel like I wasted all of that, and that I'm continuing to waste my potential by failing to tame my bad habits.
So for my next two years, I'm promising myself that I'll be that top student I always wanted to be. I'm still gonna aim for that 4.0 every semester onward, or at least dean's list throughout the rest of my uni career. I want to fight for that high average and discipline, but I fear that I'll be doomed to repeat the same bs I did this year, considering that I spent two years being a mediocre student. I don't want to do that again, I want to actually EXCEL and react my FULL POTENTIAL. I fully regret giving in to laziness, I condemn myself for prioritizing partying over studying, I regret not asking for help when I needed it the most, and I regret any other imprudent decision I have made during this year.
I genuinely want to do better this time. I want that 4.0 desperately. Rant over.
submitted by Brylan-Stonk to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:15 Shatner_78 How do I get over a really bad performance?

So I got into jazz a while back and, being a beginner trombone player, decided to join my local community college's all-ages improv band. Things went pretty well during practice, I learned about permutations, arpeggios, approaching the third and the seventh, etc. I'm no J.J. Johnson, but I could string together a few melodic notes.
Then, tonight, we had our end-of-semester performance. I had three solos, one on Autumn Leaves, one on Cantaloupe Island, and a third on Freddie Hubbard's Little Sunflower. I don't know if it was the nerves of playing in front of a crowd for the first time, but I was really out of tune on my first solo. I thought I had done pretty good, until I listened back to the recording.
The second solo was a disaster. Remember how I mentioned I was supposed to play on Cantaloupe Island? Well, my director called me in on the wrong song, and I got completely caught off guard. On top of that, the flute player soloing before me went over the cut off, leading to me not knowing where we were. This song had a chord change every four beats, which is particularly difficult for me. I played in key and tried my best, but, because I had no idea where we were, I also went over my allotted time.
The last solo, on one of my favorite tunes, wasn't so bad. Most of the song is on a Dm7 chord, which basically means C-major scale for me. But I can't get over how terrible the other two solos were. I feel utterly embarrassed and extremely discouraged from playing jazz. I have a teacher lined up at the end of the month that is a jazz musician, and I usually have really high aspirations (wanting to be the best that I can be), but I really don't know anymore.
Sorry for the rant, please share your thoughts.
P.S. I also posted this on the jazz subreddit if you saw already
submitted by Shatner_78 to Trombone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:12 Shatner_78 How do I get over a really bad performance?

So I got into jazz a while back and, being a beginner trombone player, decided to join my local community college's all-ages improv band. Things went pretty well during practice, I learned about permutations, arpeggios, approaching the third and the seventh, etc. I'm no J.J. Johnson, but I could string together a few melodic notes.
Then, tonight, we had our end-of-semester performance. I had three solos, one on Autumn Leaves, one on Cantaloupe Island, and a third on Freddie Hubbard's Little Sunflower. I don't know if it was the nerves of playing in front of a crowd for the first time, but I was really out of tune on my first solo. I thought I had done pretty good, until I listened back to the recording.
The second solo was a disaster. Remember how I mentioned I was supposed to play on Cantaloupe Island? Well, my director called me in on the wrong song, and I got completely caught off guard. On top of that, the flute player soloing before me went over the cut off, leading to me not knowing where we were. This song had a chord change every four beats, which is particularly difficult for me. I played in key and tried my best, but, because I had no idea where we were, I also went over my allotted time.
The last solo, on one of my favorite tunes, wasn't so bad. Most of the song is on a Dm7 chord, which basically means C-major scale for me. But I can't get over how terrible the other two solos were. I feel utterly embarrassed and extremely discouraged from playing jazz. I have a teacher lined up at the end of the month that is a jazz musician, and I usually have really high aspirations (wanting to be the best that I can be), but I really don't know anymore.
Sorry for the rant, please share your thoughts.
submitted by Shatner_78 to Jazz [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:23 TheCarzilla Is this worth an email to the teacher?

My third grader came home with a math test. He said that his teacher told the class, “Everyone got a 100 except for one student.” Of course my kid is that one student. I think being singled out like that was a blow to his self esteem. He has been struggling with math throughout the year and now he’s feeling even worse knowing he’s the only one who didn’t get 100%. I don’t like to feel like I am nagging, and I have never emailed her with any issues before, but I this seems like a crappy thing to do to a kid. Would you email or leave it be, since there only 20-something days left of school.
submitted by TheCarzilla to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:18 ecupatsfan12 The bad news bears of flag football

I’ve coached tackle for years and am coaching flag for the third year. I have a brand new team of sixth graders in a 6/ 7/8th grade league. 2 of our players have any football experience. 8 players are brand new to football. We have the highest % of sixth graders. Most are 3-4-3 6/7/8 grade. I have 9-1 7th grader.
Needless to say our first practice was a disaster. I had to teach kids like they are 6 to throw catch and hold the ball. I have 2 very nice assistants who are great. The previous year I had a team of 10 7/8 year olds who we beat the brakes off everyone. That team would mercy rule this team.
We’ve been beaten 122-26 on the year. We’ve had 1 tight game against a team that played dead against us. I had to completely junk my playbook and run literal I formation handoffs and immediate passes. I can’t throw more than 10 yards downfield. We got beat 40-6 by a team yesterday and our kids finally cracked. The parents have been extremely supportive and positive. I just want to make it fun and retain the team and give them some skills. But I’ve never had a group of kids this weak
submitted by ecupatsfan12 to flagfootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:58 cholly97 The virgin kurutoga dice vs. The chad sharpwriter

The virgin kurutoga dive
The chad sharpwriter
submitted by cholly97 to mechanicalpencils [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:06 FTHomes Fox News Poll Shows Everyone Is Voting For Biden That is A Patriot, Loves America, And Smarter Than A Third Grader

submitted by FTHomes to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:29 Kishkumen7734 What happened to Third Grade?

My entire teaching career (two states, five schools) I was told that third grade was the "ideal" grade to teach. The students all knew how to read, they knew how to "do" school, they enjoyed learning. They're just starting to get smart before hormones start affecting anything. In my experience, this has been true except for the current year. The other third grade teachers are having difficulty with behavior, defiance, and disrespect. It wasn't so the previous years.
Last year I saw these children as second graders, and the teachers had to use police whistles in the hallway to get them in a line for dismissal. I knew it was going to be a tough year.
I was not expecting a group of kids so cruel to each other, so vindictive and hateful. They truly delight in seeing the despair of their classmates.
Students will steal things and throw them in the trash, just to see a kid getting frustrated at finding his stuff in the garbage each day. Students will pretend to include someone in a group, just to enjoy the tears of despair when she's kicked out of the group. Then they'll rub salt in the wound by saying they were only pretending to like her. Students will dismember small toys and relish the look of despair of the owner's face. We've had almost a dozen serious physical assaults, including boys hitting girls.
"your imaginary friend is your dead mom" was said just this last week from one student to another whose mom had died. I've never seen even middle school students be this hurtful toward each other.
I'm hearing others state similar things about third grade, as if third grade is expected to be a difficult year. It never was for me until this year. How many others are seeing a sudden change in third grade?
submitted by Kishkumen7734 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:05 ceo10k-da Haven’t had any grandmaster quests in forever

Will we ever see quests that were as well thought out, lengthy, and elaborate as while guthix sleeps, ritual of the mahjarrat, etc?
Or is the lore just played out. Are we end game lore? I feel like the games been dumbed down for third graders to get through. Quests used to be hard, long, and enticing. Now they’re doable in 30 minutes.
submitted by ceo10k-da to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:21 redditfordays Fourth year changed me

For as long as I can remember, I have exhibited an unhealthy amount of neuroticism. Always fixated on potential negative outcomes and spending an unproductive amount of time preparing for the worst, no matter how unlikely. This sometimes worked out in my favor, but the vast majority of the time it just led to sleepless nights and hurtful self talk. During med school it got really bad. For years during preclinical, I slept <6h/night (often only 3-4h), as it would take me anywhere from 2-3 hours to fall even fall asleep. My mind ceaselessly racing with anxious thoughts of missing assignments or sleeping through my 12 different alarms. During third year I finally got on some medication for sleep, but I still felt like I was living near the upper end of the stress-performance curve. All the way through ERAS my inner monologue was consumed by endless permutations of hypothetical worst-case scenarios. But everything changed when I clicked submit.
When I saw that confirmation screen, it was like all the stress that I had been carrying for years just melted away. Many of my peers were still struggling with the uncertainty of the upcoming match, but all I could think to myself was "it's out of my hands." By force of habit, I wanted to be a wreck about it, but I somehow couldn't. For the first time in a very long time I felt calm. I started to really enjoy my clinical electives, no longer preoccupied with evaluations and letters of recommendation. My clinical performance increased, as did my general level of happiness in life. I suddenly had the bandwidth to be a better peer, colleague, friend, and life partner. The Match came and went, then graduation, then moving to a new city. I still feel content and although I still occasionally have fleeting moments of doubt or panic when I think about actually starting residency, I am now able to successfully brush them aside and use my energy to actually be productive.
I know everyone says that M4 is the promised land, but for me it was more than that--it was genuinely transformative. Good luck to all you M4s moving on to residency, and stick with it M1-3s. There is light at the end of this tunnel! And for you cave-dwelling troglofauna like myself who have spent your whole lives in the dark, the light is warm and it's fuckin' beautiful. <3
submitted by redditfordays to medicalschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:03 BobbyBangz A third grader gave me this for teacher appreciation week

A third grader gave me this for teacher appreciation week submitted by BobbyBangz to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:09 webuyequipment Heavy Construction Equipment Varieties Equipment Planet Equipment

Heavy Construction Equipment Varieties Equipment Planet Equipment
There are plenty of heavy construction equipment varieties. Heavy equipment or heavy machinery refers to heavy-duty vehicles that are specifically designed for carrying out construction duties, most commonly earthwork operations or other significant construction projects. There are various types of heavy equipment, each of which performs a different function and is necessary for various building activities.

Examples of heavy equipment: Excavators

The latest Excavators include factory-installed Advanced Telematics dubbed Live-Link to keep you in command at all times. The system provides you with real-time access to your fleet’s operational activity and work reports. It is the most in-demand heavy equipment due to its operating language, which consists of a boom, dipper (or stick), bucket, and cab on a rotating platform called as the “housing.” The undercarriage, house, and arm are the three basic components of an excavator (also boom is used). Tracks, track frames, and final drives are all part of the undercarriage. The operator cab, counterweight, engine, fuel, and hydraulic oil tanks are all housed in the house. A center pin connects the house to the undercarriage. High-pressure oil is delivered to the tracks’ hydraulic motors via a hydraulic swivel at the pin’s axis, allowing the machine to freely slew 360° and so offer left-and-right movement.


Modern backhoes are driven by a more powerful engine, delivering tremendous performance and quick response time, as well as increased productivity and up to 13% fuel savings. They have been completely redesigned to provide industry-leading backhoe breakout power, loader lift capacity/reach, and cab visibility. The sturdy robotically welded two-piece structural frame design of the new series Backhoe results in excellent stability, performance, and serviceability. Large box-section constructions in high-stress places like the boom nose, foot, and cylinder help the machine last longer. The new heavy-duty front axle with double effect steering cylinder keeps all wheels in contact with the ground even in the most difficult terrain, ensuring remarkable stability and reliability. The hydraulically moved clutches enable the operator to alter direction and travel speed while on the move, and the control valves provide smooth speed and direction shifts, resulting in smooth and accurate operation. The redesigned tilting engine hood allows for easy maintenance access.

Excavator with a dragline

A dragline excavator is a type of heavy machinery used in civil engineering, surface mining, and excavation. A dragline is a huge excavator that uses a wire cable to draw a bucket. The bucket is lowered to the material to be dug by the operator. The operator then pulls the rope, dragging the bucket down the ground surface and digging into the material. After some time, the operator releases the drag rope and raises the bucket to the location where the material scooped up will be dropped. New series draglines feature bucket capacities ranging from 76m3 to 116m3 and working weights ranging from 5,800t to 7,500t. The new series has a maximum suspended load capacity of 383,286kg.


The bulldozer is a well-known item in the category of heavy equipment. They are synonymous with power and dependability, and are also known as dozers, track-type tractors, or crawler tractors. They have a hydraulically driven horizontal blade that allows them to move massive amounts of dirt, rock, and other material. The dozer is tracked and uses its broad blade to clear terrain, grade, excavate, place, and transport goods. Dozers are employed in construction, mining, agriculture, and forestry applications. A bulldozer is a big metal plate (known as a blade) used to push massive amounts of soil, sand, debris, or other such material during construction or conversion work, and it is usually equipped with a claw-like device (known as a ripper) at the back to release densely compacted materials. It is usually a crawler tractor (continuous tracked). Bulldozers can be seen at a variety of locations, including mines and quarries, military bases, heavy industry factories, engineering projects, and farms.

Motor Graders

The new series motor graders are well-equipped versions that are excellent for small-to-medium-sized grading tasks in municipalities, road maintenance, and general construction. Their innovative engine solution gives fuel-saving performance with minimal operator maintenance, and with ProCare product assurance, ownership and upkeep has never been easier. Models include the productivity-boosting features that operators seek, and they are available with conventional drive or AWD, as well as machine control-ready for integration into precision fleets. Motor graders, often known as road graders or graders, are essential pieces of equipment on every construction site. They are typically self-propelled machines having a blade that may be adjusted. A typical motor grader has three axles, with the engine and cab located above the rear axles at one end of the vehicle and a third axle located at the front end of the vehicle, with the blade in between. Motor graders are distinguished by their long adjustable blade and are regarded as simple equipment for mining beneath the ground.

Tractor-scraper on wheels

A wheel tractor-scraper is a form of large earthmoving equipment. The scraper’s back end features a vertically movable hopper with a sharp horizontal front edge that can be lifted or lowered. The latest generation of wheel tractor-scrapers has the power, traction, and speed to provide consistent output in a wide range of earthmoving tasks. Scrapers are available in single-engine and tandem-engine open bowls, tandem engine push-pulls, and elevator configurations. Modern wheel tractor scrapers additionally have features such as high-pressure steering, engine over-speed protection, tire spin reduction, differential lock engagement prevention, machine/ground-speed management, and a payload estimate system. The new models include a variety of additional advancements such as enhanced Cushion Hitch hydraulic-system refinement, Auto-Stall assistance, cab interiors with a revised dash as well as visibility and operator comfort enhancements; maintenance, and so on.


Trenchers are made to cut tiny, straight trenches. Modern trenchers can create trenches with precise profiles in widths ranging from 20 to 60 centimeters and depths up to 2 meters. They are equipped with a wheel fitted with rim buckets or a boom or ladder on which an unending chain of buckets or scrapers circulates. The equipment moves itself using rubber tires or crawlers (continuous metal treads driven by wheels). As the machine travels ahead, the ladder or wheel rotates, causing the buckets to dig at their forward edge. They discharge onto a conveyor belt or a chute, which accumulates the cuttings on both sides. Trenching machines can be outfitted to cut through hard terrain and even soft rock, but they struggle with boulders. Trenchers and excavators are quite similar in that both types of machinery can break and remove soil and rock from the earth. Trenchers, unlike excavators, may remove soil in a continuous motion. These machines are frequently used to excavate trenches for pipes and cables.


Loaders are ideal for earthmoving, road building, agricultural uses, as well as large and small-scale constructions such as maritime structures. A loader is a heavy equipment machine used in construction to move or load materials such as asphalt, demolition debris, dirt, snow, feed, gravel, logs, raw minerals, recycled material, rock, sand, woodchips, and so on (such as a dump truck, conveyor belt, feed-hopper, or railroad car). There are several different types of loaders, each with its own name based on its design and application, such as bucket loader, front loader, front-end loader, payloader, scoop, shovel, skip loader, wheel loader, or skid-steer.

Crane towers

Tower cranes are utilized in civil engineering and erection work. For larger building jobs, a fixed tower crane is used. The latest generation of tower cranes has extra features such as a safe load indication (SLI) and an anti-collision device, eliminating the requirement for the client to purchase a separate SLI and an anti-collision device. A fast-erecting mechanism and a top-slewing system are also being developed. The advantages of fast-erecting cranes include their ease of usage and versatility. This means that these cranes can be used to construct single-family and multi-family homes, as well as small infrastructure projects. Top-slewing cranes can be tailored to meet any individual needs.


New age pavers are built to do tasks such as road repair and resurfacing, bicycle path paving, car parks, decks, and landscaping. The latest versions produce higher-quality paving results by using a heavier screed with tamper bars. They are intended to meet and exceed your requirements for precision, efficiency, and ergonomics. As a result, the paving performance is exceptionally high, including excellent compaction values.


Climbing power, high centrifugal forces, and 360-degree view are all combined in modern compactors to give you with higher productivity and power. The entire compaction line is simple to operate. The compactor has unique features and sturdy structures that allow you to build strong roads. Whether it’s a single drum soil compactor or a vibratory tandem road roller, every compactor outperforms expectations in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, the equipment is outfitted with LiveLink and Compaction Coach, a Compaction Monitoring System that was created to help the highways industry. It reduces the number of passes and allows you to track the operator’s performance with real-time compaction notifications.


The military-grade chassis design, rapid attachment system, and auxiliary hydraulics make the next generation telehandler an ideal machine for loading/unloading and moving/placing items. Versions with a lifting capacity of 6,000 pounds and a lift height of 20 feet are available, as are models with a lifting capacity of 20,000 pounds and a lift height of 100 feet.

Dumping trucks

Dump trucks of the latest generation can deliver huge loads fast, easily, and affordably. They are available in rigid or articulated variants with cutting-edge designs, are powered by a powerful engine, and are very strong machines. They ensure total driving safety, even at high speeds. The transmission system and chassis, as well as the axles and suspension, are all built to withstand harsh daily loads for optimal reliability. Dump trucks are commonly used to transport material across the road or around a job site. They usually have a cab similar to a Truck Tractor but have a hydraulic dump bed. Dump trucks are available in a variety of axle configurations, which often limit the amount of weight that can be hauled.

Pile driving machinery

Pile driving equipment is designed to line and hold piles in place while driving them into the ground. This type of equipment can also be used to retrieve piles from the ground. A weight-lifting device and a driver are typically installed on a pile driver or on a truck, tractor, railroad platform, excavator, or crane hoist. Pile-driving machinery is categorised as striking, vibratory, or jacking based on the principle employed to operate the driver. It is intended to align and retain piles in the proper place, as well as to drive piles into the earth. This type of equipment can also be used to retrieve piles from the ground. A weight-lifting device and a driver are typically installed on a pile driver or on a truck, tractor, railroad platform, excavator, or crane hoist. Pile-driving machinery is categorised as striking, vibratory, or jacking based on the principle employed to operate the driver.

Conclusion for heavy construction equipment

There are plenty of heavy Construction Equipment Varieties. Each sort of heavy equipment has a distinct purpose, therefore when selecting, ensure that the equipment meets the requirements of your project. To improve production and cost-effectiveness, it is critical to select the appropriate piece of equipment for the work.
submitted by webuyequipment to BuyYourEquipment2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:24 Top-Refrigerator3147 What to do when other kids get physical with mine?

The school year is almost over, but I have HAD it with other kids getting physical with mine. Looking for advice on how to navigate this please. Here’s some of the things that happened:
  1. One child hit and pinched my kid on three separate occasions. This same kid later progressed to spitting in my kid’s food at lunch and dumping her home lunch out on the floor.
  2. Two boys in 1st grade started pushing/chasing my kid and a couple others and were yelling “skin wars!” These boys are of different ethnic backgrounds and they were only doing this to Asian kids. I was approached by an Asian parent of one of the other kids and they confirmed the third victim was also Asian.
  3. Another child in my kid’s class walked up to mine at recess and scratched her in the face (it was a deep scratch that started just millimeters away from her eyeball). They weren’t even playing with or near each other at the time.
  4. Another child in her class keeps kicking her in the leg during “centers” in class when the teacher isn’t looking.
  5. Some 5th graders (off school property) yelled at my kid and I when we were walking home and kept saying “hey little girl! If you’re horny and you know it clap your hands!”
I have talked to the teacher (and principal) about each of these occurrences and literally every time I just get told “everyone has different family dynamics” and they seem avoidant on any further communication on the matter.
My partner and I are at a loss. We’ve talked to her about yelling out/defending herself when someone comes at her but she is just not that type of kid. She also says that she is just told “when other kids are mean to you, just be nice right back to them” and she doesn’t want to get in trouble at school. I’ve been keeping track of all incidents with dates but this is getting ridiculous…
Has anyone else dealt with stuff like this?
submitted by Top-Refrigerator3147 to kindergarten [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:49 sillybuddah Parent looking for advice about monitoring progress for incoming third grader

I truly appreciate any thoughts and advice.
My second grader has been very inconsistent since first grade. Low reading scores, then catches up, then I hear he has poor phonics skills, is struggling with writing, is doing just great now in everything but has poor spelling, and so on. This information is primary provided in quarterly conferences. Very little work comes home and the only grades we see are at the end of every quarter. That being said his teacher is wonderful and will update me whenever I ask. He has high ability but low performance so we’ve connected a few times this year.
My question is how to be a good support to my son when he enters third grade next year. I believe most work will be on Chromebooks and while we may be able to view grades, I don’t think we’ll be able to actually see his work, quizzes, tests, ect. I was in elementary school in the early 90s so all of our work came home each night and my parents would be able to see what I needed to work on.
How often would you expect the parent of a child who performs inconsistently to reach out? I know he will be in very capable hands next year, but I also want to make sure I’m doing my part at home.
submitted by sillybuddah to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:44 BaguetteDoggo ROG GL752VW Cooling Fan Replacement

My old fan is on the fritz and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good replacement for it. There are third party parts available online but since the original part is discontinued they're kind of pricey. Was wondering if maybe some permutation of the part still exists in a modern ASUS system, I figure buying an in-stock ASUS made part would be better than rolling the dice on something from AliExpress.
submitted by BaguetteDoggo to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 13:23 OmarD1021 Rating my classes I took this year (fall 2023-spring 2024) as a civil engineer.

I just want to say before I start rating the classes that everyone is different in a way, some people find some classes easier than others and I just want to give a rating that reflects on what I think was hardest classes I’ve taken to ones where I think were the easiest. This can give you a general understanding of what you can expect from the class. I’ll also be sharing what professors I’ve had and rate the class on a scale from 1-10 in terms of difficulty and list the from the hardest to the easiest. I’ll also list when I took the class (fall 23 or spring 24), credits hours, core class or not, and say whether it a full semester class or half a semester class.
Alright here are my rankings:
  1. Civil engineering 274 (Statics), core class, 3 credits, full semester, fall 23, professor: Harntaro Wibowo. Difficulty: 9.5/10 All I can say is listen to the rumors about this class. When I was in CE 160 everyone was saying that statics is going to be the hardest class you’ll ever take at ISU, even the TA’s were telling us that. I have always been optimistic and never really thought of it until I took the class. I mean what can I say, first 80% of your grade are the exams and the other 20 is homework, Top-hat etc. Second the material of this class especially in the beginning is kind of hard to keep up with as everything builds up with each other but you do get used to it. When I tell you that you can’t fuck up one exam you really can’t, it’s almost impossible to get a good grade if you fuck up one of them. You’ll have 3 midterms and 1 final, 4 questions on each exam and 90 minutes. The exams are not impossible to solve obviously but they do try to trick you by for example finding the mass instead of weight, unit conversions, and complex wording. Pros about this class is platoons are really helpful for this class (TA’s giving out examples and showing you how to solve them, once per week for 50 min) and if you do go to all of the platoons you do get 2% extra on your final grade. Also SI was helpful as she did give out a lot of examples from previous exams and would recommend going to them. Wibowo wasn’t a bad professor he does recommend printing out the practice example sets before each class because that’s what he goes over the whole class period but I wouldn’t say he is the best at all in terms of 1 on 1 conversations. Also the graders of this class in my opinion are kind of harsh when grading your exams, they can deduct you up to like 5 points for wrong units or wrong answers which I found ridiculous. Overall be prepared for this class, get up to date with 3D related material,Fy,Fx, and moment equations, and a lot of trigonometry.
  2. Civil Engineering 206 (Engineering economic analysis and professional issues in civil engineering), core class, 3 credits, full semester, spring 24, professor: Jon Matthews Rouse, difficulty: 8.7/10 If you told me back when I was applying for this class at the end of fall that CE 206 was going to be hard as fuck I would’ve laughed at you, but holy fuck it is. Firstly I want to get this out of the way, I wanna say that some classes are hard not because the material is hard but because the professor makes it hard. CE 206 falls into that category where the material is basically high school maths with plugging and chugging numbers into formulas but holy fuck does Matt make it ridiculously hard in his exams. Matt is a great guy and an excellent professor (top 5 coolest professors I’ve ever met), gives dad vibes when you meet him, but he is no joke in his exams. Some of his questions are ridiculous where he really tries to trip you up with the wording and his work out problems are really long and tedious. He also admitted that he does plug numbers into a calculator to see where students might trip up (like squaring your answer when you’re supposed to multiply) and puts the number as one of the multiple choices. He also doesn’t post anything on canvas at all which I found ridiculous since the first page of each exam is solving true and false questions, full in the blank, definitions, etc..Oh yeah you only got 55 minutes for the midterm exams, which I found hard to even see how you could ever finish both the midterm exams (especially the second one) on time. His second exam was so bad, 60-70% failed the exam, and had to curve it by 10%. The homework’s weren’t bad but his graders are really tough graders, I mean I never got a full mark on any of the homework’s and I had 13 homework sets. No wonder why this class is the 5th dropped class at ISU, it’s literally impossible to finish both midterm exams on time, graders for the homework are tough, and no room for extra credit (beside doing only extra credit homework but still).
  3. Engineering mechanics 324 (mechanics of material), core class, 3 credits, full semester, spring 24, professer: Oleg Zarechnyy, difficultly: 7.7/10 The content in this class is arguably way harder than what you take in statics but when it comes to grading and overall the class structure, this class is not bad. If you take it with Oleg (great professor) his method of teaching is TBL (team base learning) and the class structure is to watch the lecture videos before attending the class, as what you do in class is 2 top-hat questions on the material you watched at home. He also recommends to do the homework before each lecture but I never did and it was fine. The team you are with the whole semester are picked at random and you sit in the same place during the semester. The top hat questions aren’t tricky but if you did not watch the videos you won’t get the answers right. Each question is about 25 min, the first 12 min you do it alone, then the remaining 13 min you discuss your answers with your teammates and submit them together. You do also submit your answers when you do it alone. Exams are easier than statics exams by a mile, I mean some of the questions they give you the moment of inertia, sometime they give you the forces, etc… basically all the calculations that you might trip up they will give you. The formula sheet is essential to this class, so understand where everything is. There are 3 midterm exams, 3 questions, and 90 min (30 min avg each question), very doable. They never try and trick in any of the questions like in statics and it’s pretty straight forward. The final will have 4 questions but you got 120 min so again doable. You have also 3 homework’s each week due Monday, Tuesday, and Friday on Willyplus. Overall a very doable class (class avg on each exam was about 75-80%) and shouldn’t be hard to pass.
  4. Deferential equations 266 (differential equations), not a core class, 3 credits, half a semester, spring 24, Professor: Domenico D’Alessandro, difficulty: 7/10 Out of the math classes I’ve taken so far at ISU, Calc1, calc2, and Def eq 266, I would say that def eq is definitely the easiest out of the 3 I have taken. This class is supervised by the one and only Steve butler so I already knew it wasn’t going to be batshit hard like the calc department but don’t think it’s a walk in the park type of class. For me this class is all about proving that a certain problem is right by proving it with a set of equations. What I like about this class is 3 things, first and most importantly is that the exams are fair not ridiculously hard like the calc exams but not easy to the point where you didn’t have to study, second you could theoretically not attend a single lecture like I did 99% of the time and just go to the quiz review (more on that in a moment) and try and understand what they are talking about (which wasn’t hard to comprehend) and do well enough on the quizzes to be ready for the exams, and thirdly there’s a fucking formula sheet thank god. If it wasn’t for the formula sheet I promise you this class would be 10x harder cause you do need a lot of equations for this class. Exam wise there will be 2 for 266, 6 questions each, and 75 minutes, which I think is fair considering some questions are really easy and fast to solve and some do take time but I wouldn’t say it’s like a 20 minute question more like 7-8 minute question. For me quizzes were the best as like in calculus you have a weekly quiz 25 min, 2 random questions from the practice quiz you have to solve, and as I said if you go the quiz review and understand what is happening it’s Literally a free 10/10. Exams are 60%, quizzes are 25%, Homework are 12% (you only need to do 3 questions form the sample set to get full credit), and the remaining 3% is basically free points if you do the weekly review where it asks how are doing in class, recommendations, etc. overall very doable class with a lot of chances to get a good grade as he does drop your lowest 2 exam questions, 1 quiz, and 4 homework sets. I can’t tell you if the professor is solid or not as I rarely went to class besides doing the quizzes but from what I gathered he is ok.
  5. Statistics 305 (Engineering statistics), not a core class, 3 credits, full semester, spring 24, instructor: Troy Meyers, difficultly: 6.7/10 This is the exact reverse of CE 206, the content here is hard, in my personal opinion, but Troy makes his exams really easy. First off I wanna say that Troy is one the funniest professors I’ve ever met, he tells us cool and funny stories, he really wants you to succeed in this class by helping and asking questions, and he really is passionate about statistics. The material is hard but his exams are literally the example material he posts on canvas along with of the homework questions. I mean if you can memorize the practice material on canvas you’ll be just fine as most of the time he doesn’t even change the numbers in the exam (keeps it the same). The first 2 exams were really easy, the third exam I failed it just because I stoped going to lecture and didn’t even go to the exam, but the avg was really high just don’t be a dumbass like me, the final is recycled material from the 3 midterms along with questions from post 3rd exam. The homework is really easy if you understand what you are doing. Honestly this class could be hard if you don’t take it with Troy. Oh yeah DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS ONLINE! I heard they make the online sections of this class ridiculously hard, just take it with Troy he teaches like 7 sections of this class, so you should find more than enough seats to be in his sections.
  6. Chemistry 167 L (chemistry 167 lab), not a core class, 1 credit, full semester, fall 23, Instructor: Krishna Suresh, difficulty:6.2/10 This class for 1 credit is absolutely bullshit. Firstly the “professor” for this class is named Sarah Pistolesi but you never actually meet her or even talk to her ever, even if you tried to send an email she will never respond. So what you have is a post graduate instructor and about 15 other students in a laboratory doing chemistry. What I was hoping for this class is to do dope ass chemistry experiments and overall have a chill and easy time but nope this class is the literal definition of aids. You do about 13 experiments throughout the semester and I would classify 1 experiment as cool and rest absolutely ass, you have to do a fat ass report on your experiment, and you also have 3 in class experiment exams throughout the semester, you have a pre lab quiz, post lab quiz, and post lab EXAM each fucking week (all online though). I mean all that for 1 credits is insane and they weren’t easy quizzes or exams nah they were the ones where you actually had to read the lab manual thoroughly and do the labs precisely to do well on them. The pain in ass really was the lab reports, some of my lab reports were like 8-13 pages long as they ask you a shit ton of questions about the experiment you did that week along with a review on what you did, you had to make graphs from excel, and solve stoichiometric questions which as I said before is insane for a 1 credit class. I mean I put more effort into this class than fucking Calc 1 and that’s not even a joke. Now the instructor (Krishna Suresh) is really cool though and does understand our pain for this class I mean this was her first time teaching this class and was astonished by the amount of work you had to put for 1 credit. She did her best and did sometimes allow us to go early because for some reason there is no fucking chairs to sit on and the lab was 3 hours long so you had to stand up to 3 hours straight with no breaks at all. Smh that class was a joke on god and unless you are a chem major you aren’t going to get an A on this class, also some of the questions were ridiculously hard to solve unless you know chemistry for real for real.
  7. Speech com (Speech communication), not a core class, 3 credits, full semester, fall 23, Professor: Michael Wettengel, difficulty: 5/10 Out of all the classes on this list this class is the dullest class I’ve taken so far. In fact it’s so dull I can’t even tell you how the grades were distributed because he goes off by points, and not by percentage but what I can tell about this class is that you have to put effort into your speeches. In this class you will have 3 major speeches, 3 or 4 mini speeches, lots of homework, and in class activities. For your mini speeches all you have to do is write a speech 2-4 min long on a index card-s and read it to your fellow classmates, obviously it’s not that straightforward as you need to come up with the plot and stuff but that wasn’t bad. For the major speeches you had to make a PowerPoint for your first two speeches along with references and research to prove on what you are taking about and obviously a rehearsed speech you have to prepare and present to the class. You got a lot of homework you have to do but honestly they were just stepping blocks for the presentation and speech you were going to give for your major speeches so it wasn’t bad. Finally the in class activities weren’t bad but they were silly especially at the beginning. Oh yeah for this class you have attend as there is attendance points and also for the in class activities you had basically each class. The main speeches were an informative, persuasive, and special occasion. The first one (informative) was in my opinion the most annoying one as you had to do a lot of research for your topic along with pictures, slides, references, etc. The second (persuasive) was actually not bad as you would want to keep the same topic from the informative one and just persuaded on why your topic is important. For the third one (special occasion) it was the easiest as no research was needed and you can really talk about anything you want. For the first two speeches you had to get your topic approved by the professor but the third one you don’t have to as long as you and another class mate aren’t talking about the same topic. Michael wasn’t a bad professor at all, he actually made the class quit fun it was just the material and over overall speech com is boring. He is a tough grader though and does take the speeches seriously and will deduct points accordingly to the speeches rubric. Honestly the only reason I give this class a 5/10 in difficulty is the amount of effort you have to for this class and not because the material is hard.
  8. Civil engineering 170 (Graphics for civil engineers), core class, 2 credits, full semester, fall 23, professor: Stuart Nielsen, difficulty 4.25/10 What made this class instantly easier than the rest of the civil engineering classes is that the class is online and even if it wasn’t I think it would easier than the other civil engineering classes. Firstly no exams in this class which is already great, secondly it’s easy to follow up in this class meaning you don’t have to watch the lecture videos multiple time to understand what’s happening you can watch it once and easily see what he is talking about. There are 12 homework sets, and 2 projects that’s it. The homework sets are: first 2 weeks you do sketches, 2D, and 3D drawings with building objects. You also learn how to draw thing on a side view, top view, etc in 2D and 3D. The next 5 weeks you will use AutoCAD learning how to use it and using its tools, a bit surveying, etc.., then 1 week to do the final project on AutoCAD which is literally what you did on the app for the last 5 weeks compressed into a final project. The the next 5 weeks you do Revit which was actually really fun in my opinion, you learn how to design and build a building on Revit, floor plans, put objects, sceneries, etc…, and then 1 week to the final project which was basically to build a house with a few requirements. Honestly this class is really easy and I would say the hardest thing about this class was the AutoCAD final project was a bit tricky but once you get used to AutoCAD it’s only honestly cake. Revit is in my opinion easy and simple to understand, its tools are not complex and the rendering on the app is great. Stuart is a great guy and although you don’t really meet him he does put a lot of effort into his videos and does respond to emails.
  9. History 202 (Introduction to western civilization), not a core class, 3 credits, half a semester, spring 24, professor: John Monroe, difficulty: 3.6/10 I never thought I would enjoy learning about history and this class did not disappoint. It’s a fun class to learn about European history (Napoleon, French Revolution, WW2) and John’s videos are fun to watch. It does get boring sometimes but that’s when some of the history was boring but I wouldn’t say I slept or anything like that. You do quizzes weekly but honestly if you do watch the lecture videos then you shouldn’t have any problems. You might not take an A on this class as some of the questions are detailed (you need to read the questions carefully) but you will definitely enjoy the class.
  10. Anthropology 230 (globalization, and the human condition), not a core class, 3 credits, half a semester, fall 23, professor: Sedi Azirani, difficulty: 2.8/10 Im going to make this short and simple, watch the lecture videos, do the weekly quizzes, do a essay every 2 weeks, review the course for the final exam, take the final exam and you’ll get an easy A. The only tricky part about this class is the essays as you have to watch a video (usually there will be 2 to choose from) get a reference source and write an essay about the video topic. Quizzes are easy if you watch the videos and look at the slides, and the final exam is easy if you review the material. Honestly an easy A.
  11. English 250 (written, oral, visual, and electronic composition), not a core class, 3 credits, full semester, fall 23, professor: Paul Kimumwe, difficulty: 1/10 If you have taken any english class from ISU you should know that they are an easy A. I put literally 0 effort into this class and still got a 98% on it. You literally do 4 or 5 major essays of your liking as long as you follow their simple requirements and you do 1 power point slide towards the end of the semester explaining your future plans with your degree and I would say thats about it. I mean the only way to fail this class is literally not to submit anything but you really do need a free A from time to time to boost your gpa and luckily this class is a requirement for any degree you take here.
Final thoughts:
This year, I tried to get out of the way the bullishit classes like my SSH electives, and the easy classes so I can get to the good stuff in the future without a annoying and unnecessary class that I’m forced to take that literally isn’t a engineering class, so I would say that this year was a smooth sailing but probably won’t be next year as I’m going to take some tough ass classes. I hope I have given y’all some insight to these classes if y’all ever gonna take them especially for future Civil engineers.
submitted by OmarD1021 to iastate [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:12 IDKyMyUsernameWontFi English needs more pronouns

As a language, we really don't have that many pronouns (hyperbolic ik). I, you, me, us, they, he, her, etc. We generally have singular and plural forms, first, second and third person forms, and some gendered forms, but not all permutations of the above. There are so many potential other pronoun use cases that English could use from other languages.
One of the popular discussions in society right now is around the singular they (which has been grammatically correct for a hot minute). The somewhat understandable confusion arises from the fact that the non-gendered third person pronoun is the same for the singular and plural case. "I went to my doctor today and they gave me a new prescription" (singular). "I miss my siblings, they always make me laugh" (plural). We have specific gendered singular third person pronouns, so why not have a separate non-gendered singular third person so 'they' could be explicitly plural? So many other languages (mandarin, swahili, turkish, korean, finnish) have this form of pronoun, so why not English?
It goes beyond that example. I am currently learning 'Ōlelo Hawai'i (which does have a singular third person non-gendered pronoun, ia, which can refer to people or objects). Hawaiian has so much more granularity when referring to multiple individuals. First, there are 2 person pronouns (e.g. 'olua for "those two people") which are just pretty neat imo. But more usefully, there are different forms of inclusion for speaker and audience baked into all the variations of different plural pronouns. Example: In english, for a first person plural pronoun, we have "us", but that can be ambiguous as to the audience is included in the "us" or not. "You can't play with us, find a different team!" vs "They aren't nearly as good as us!". Same pronoun, excluding the audience in one, including them in the other. In general the context provides enough info, but why the need for ambiguity? In Hawaiian, there is:
the variations also exist for the 2 person pronoun mentioned earlier (e.g. kāua, māua, 'olua, lāua).
tl;dr: English needs an inclusive and exclusive variation of the 1st person plural pronouns as well as a specific non-gendered third person singular pronoun. Open to adopting other cool language features into english as well, comment if you know any!
submitted by IDKyMyUsernameWontFi to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 17:28 PatronusCharming Mysterious power draw issue

My car won’t start and says “push button malfunction”. I bought it brand new in late 2020 - it has 37k miles. My basic warranty has expired and I do not have an extended warranty. I took it to the local dealer (MazdaA - not the one I purchased from) and they diagnosed that there is something drawing the power even while the car is powered off. They think it is the avast alarm system and say it will need to be fully unwired from the body of the car to fix it, which would be extensive. They recommended letting them fix it and calling the dealer I purchased from (MazdaB) so they can reimburse me for the cost of repairs. That sounded… like a presumptuous suggestion so I called MazdaB who basically said all they need to do is unplug it from OBD2 and it will stop drawing power. MazdaA said that’s the lazy way and that it will still draw power because it’s connected to a module and has damaged my battery (even though my inspection report shows my battery in great condition) - also just replaced my battery (OEM) at MazdaA 6 months ago. This, and new tires, are the only parts ever replaced on my car. MazdaB said that’s not true and that they have heard of many dealers trying to charge a buttload just to unplug the alarm. I asked if the two dealers can just talk to each other cause it sounds like there’s a misunderstanding of the problem. Nope - they refuse.
I decided not to play tag between the MazdaA and had my car taken to MazdaB. When I dropped it off I told them the situation and offered to show them the diagnostic videos from MazdaA - Nope, they don’t want or need to see it but then proceed to ask me questions answered in the videos. However they took the diagnostic report which read like a third grader wrote it and also misreported my mileage so not sure how reliable that was.
Of course I am paying another diagnostic fee so they can figure out the true problem, though now the responsibility lies with the dealer I purchased from and where they claim the Avast alarm has a manufacturer warranty (which apparently only matters at MazdaB?).
They’ve had my car since Saturday and didn’t look at it until Monday. I haven’t heard back yet but hoping for good news when I call today (weds).
The problem is that MazdaB, whenever I called about the power draw, has asked “is this about the avast alarm?” Like they already know about this issue, like it’s common?
My question is - does anyone have experience with a power draw on their mazda3? What was the problem, was it the alarm? How was it fixed and what was your experience?
Also - I understand that each dealer is a separate family owned franchise but I don’t understand why they refuse to represent Mazda to the same standards or willing to cooperate with one another. I know I have to pay another diagnostic but why wouldn’t they want to see the diagnostic video? Like wouldn’t you want the maximum information available? Maybe that is normal but I am a process engineer and my mind operates on efficiency and I am solutions obsessed so this disregard for the experience leaves me in discomfort and a new loss of faith in Mazda in general.
submitted by PatronusCharming to mazda3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 13:20 Purple-Green-3561 New pencil day, courtesy of a second grader

New pencil day, courtesy of a second grader
I teach second and third grade, and hooked one of my second graders on nice pencils this year. This was his present to me for teacher appreciation week; he had his mom take him to an art store and chose the ones he thought I would like based on what I've let him try.
submitted by Purple-Green-3561 to pencils [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:22 Level-Challenge1199 Would you like one of these as a teacher appreciation gift?

Hi, everyone. Honestly, after reading some of the posts here, I'm kind of scared to even ask. I am a mom of a kindergartener, third grader, and fourth grader. The school sent out a list of pre-designated type items for each day. Tomorrow is school supply day and Wednesday is snack day. I have already reached out to all of the teachers and asked what they would like. Thursday is write our teacher an appreciation letter. Friday is give your teacher a unique gift. For Friday would you like something like a drink dispenser with matching can shaped tumbler, hand lotion, EOS lip balm, drink mixes, gum, and a beach towel for or a pool or beach day? Or Crumbl cookies? Or neither? If my budget allowed for more, I would. I'm not saying any of this to toot my own horn, but I have seen many of you on here say you feel unappreciated during the year. I try my best to make sure that my children's teachers know that they are appreciated all year. For example, when I hear that themselves or their children are not feeling well, I reach out to say I hope they feel better.(Wisdom teeth removal, losing a pet, child swallowed a coin, car accident) Recently, I went on a field trip with my kindergartener and noticed that the teachers were unable to buy any treats at the strawberry patch. After they left, I bought both teachers a box of homemade strawberry donuts and dropped them off at the school. One of my kindergartener's teacher recently told them she was pregnant and I reached out with a congratulations as well. I also take seriously any issues my children have in class whether it be behavioral or academic. I do try my best. With all of that probably unecessairly said could you please let me know if you'd like either of these options? Thank you! I hope all of you amazing teachers feel appreciated this week.
submitted by Level-Challenge1199 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 01:13 Dorex_Time How to use shipping as a measure for character depth and how dynamic they are in your writing

Hi everyone before I begin I would like to make a little disclaimer that I have no qualifications in writing, im actually more qualified to be a scientist than a novelist lol. Ive got no masters or phd in it but I did study a sizeable amount of English and Literature while I also write as a mini hobby so do with that information what you will
Ive had this idea for a while now but never shared it nor posted about it, wasnt sure where or how id share such an idea and thought hey why not Reddit on a writing sub, still not sure if this sub accepts unsolicited advice though lol
I came up with this rule of thumb that could be used to measure how well youre writing your characters through the use of shipping, the basic summary is if all your characters can be shipped together without any major issues and all possible permutation of character pairings are plausible then your characters and quite possibly your story lack depth
I first came up with this idea when observing the My Hero Academia fandom and how easily acceptable and presentable all ships were compared to other fandoms. Now this isnt to say the characters in MHA lack depth or the story is bad (I dropped it around season 2 or 3 so maybe it got better while I was gone), im simply detailing the origins of my notion. I compared that to other fandoms and noticed there was a stark difference
For me to detail my idea id like you to imagine the ships of Deku x Mina or Ochaco x Kirishima, if youre a fan of the show or at least know a thing or 2 about it both ships are both palatable despite the show never actually propping up such ships nor working towards such a direction (that I know of) but yet you can find tons and tons of ship art for both pairings. Now yes I know the internet will ship literally anything (theres a lot of Lorax x Once-ler stuff, Jesus) but for the sake of this discussion I want you to focus on how people are genuine with these ships and dont simply pair them together as a joke or just because
Now lets jump shows and look at ships like Aang x Mai or Jett x Toph, yes there might be some ship art for these characters and people who genuinely like the idea of these characters being together but I bet you despite ATLA being the older piece of media the amount of artwork for these ships would pale in comparison to the previous ships. I dont need to tell you how great of a show ATLA is and how nuanced it is with its worldbuilding, dynamic characters and the wonderful chemistry that makes everything fit so perfectly together, people have been doing that for nearly 2 decades
The lack of artwork for such pairings boils down simply to, in my opinion, the depth and dynamic nature of ATLAs characters. Im sure anyone who was a fan of the series during its run and reruns (and I guess even today?) can remember how hectic the war was (is?) between Aang x Katara vs. Zuko x Katara. People are so heavily invested in the ATLA characters and I cant blame them. The characters are so well fleshed out having their own personalities, traits and quirks that people view them almost as if they were real people and cant possibly entertain the idea of x character getting with y character simply because of the several traits, history and personalities that conflict, this isnt really the case with MHA. Yes, there are disagreements on ships but I have yet to witness a full scale shipping war, just mutual disagreement while for ATLA ive seen essays, ESSAYS! On why Zuko x Katara is good or bad
I dont believe the characters in MHA are very dynamic, or at least not compared to ATLA. Theres nothing wrong with this however as different shows and mediums aim to achieve different things, imagine if a light hearted show had deeply flawed characters working through something like idk depression, thatd be strange
Perhaps the love for MHAs characters and the seemingly lack of apprehension to pair one with every other character stems mostly from their designs. They were made to be interesting looking after all compare that to ATLA where the character appeal is mostly found in the complexity and inner struggles of those present within the narrative. The ATLA characters do have neat and interesting designs but their clothing is quite regular compared to the crazy and interesting costume designs of MHA
With all that said Ive more or less used this rule of thumb as a sorta gauge to determine if characters are dynamic enough and fleshed out enough. Think about your favourite show, book, etc and see if every character can be shipped with each other chances are your response is something along the lines of "hell no" now think about something you watched, read, etc where the characters had the personality of a cardboard box and see how easy it is to ship characters or if theyre somewhat passable, chances are you can
I should add the disclaimer that this works for normal ships and not the questionable ones so this rule of thumb shouldnt be applied to incest (Luke Skywalker x Darth Vader), adult x minor (All Might x Eri), etc. Those kind of ships are automatically bad lol so this rule of thumb would be useless, for both good and bad stories regardless if they had dynamic characters, if you factored in such relations
Its been helpful in conceptualising my own stories, if all characters could all potentially be partners then I tell myself its still half baked, if I have a sizeable amount of characters that would vomit at the prospect of having to date another character I tell myself that Ive made some progress. Now to you veteran writers, youve probably already seen the problem with this rule. The problem being te rule is useless when simply thinking up of pairings that involve protagonist x nemesis (Green Lantern x Sinestro) BUT believe it or not I didnt come up with this rule for that but rather as a way to test how good of a friendship characters have. There are characters that would do anything for each other, die for each other, share a house with each other but never date each other because they view the other as a sibling. Think something like Zuko and Aang (barring their sexualities)
If im trying to write characters that have a brotherly like bond I apply my rule of thumb. If they can be shipped and its possible or somewhat palatable then I havent done enough to flesh out their character. Dynamic protagonists, deuteragonist, etc will have quirks and traits that dont mesh well with those they are close to which is fine, much like how a lot of people wouldnt date their best friend. It adds a layer and sense of realism even though its somewhat small it could have a decent effect on the overall plot. Cant really think of an example right now but uh maybe something like 2 very close characters being viewed as a couple by outsiders but upon learning this the characters display to others (as well as the reader) their various quirks that make them incompatible. Not only do you get to flesh out the characters but also have an in-universe excuse to have an exposition of them with great detail
Further disclaimers: If you read all of this, great job on you and thanks for taking the time to read about my random idea! Im adding this lil section here cuz of how people can be. In the case someone comments (insert something I totally didnt say) I can just point to this disclaimer. First, id like to say theres nothing wrong with shipping and I do enjoy the exploration of rare pairs, while I disagree that some ships are plausible within the cannon I would be a liar to say I dont consume them and sometimes enjoy them. If you wanna ship a ship that akes no sense within the cannon go for it have fun, I dont care lol. Secondly, id like to state that this is a rule of thumb I came up with and decided to share as it may be a good and useful writing tool HOWEVER this rule isnt gonna be applicable to all forms of writing, if youre a creative you should recognise that there are no hard or set rules in art but rather guidelines but even with that they only apply SOMETIMES. Sometimes crazy ships make sense within the context within a story whether its because of a radical shift in the characters behaviour or the plot or even both. This was something I thought of a while back and thought id share with my fellow writers so please dont take this as me saying "if all the characters in your story can be shipped then its shit". Thirdly I wrote this all in one go so there are probably grammatical errors and other junk in here ill probably notice later, I may or may not have other things to add in the case I do I will add an "Edit:" before adding any new paragraph, but then again all depends on if im lazy to fix any of this lol
submitted by Dorex_Time to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:18 Hookyarnandballer They just don’t listen.

Hi! Long time follower, first time poster. I’ve been subbing for almost 3 years and love my job! I’m long terming for the rest of the year (we have 3.5 weeks left!!) but I’m STRUGGLING with one of my groups. They’re 5th graders (in my district 5th grade is intermediate so they go to classes in blocks). My first and second blocks are great but my third block makes me want to rip my hair out. I don’t know what to do.. we have a doorbell but they don’t respond to it, I’ve tried bribing, candy, all of it. I gotta do something if I want to keep my hair for the rest of the year. Help? 😭
submitted by Hookyarnandballer to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]