Pineapple stencil

Surgery Day Experience

2024.05.31 14:20 Timely_Low4038 Surgery Day Experience

Hi everyone,
Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone in this community who’s shared their experiences on this sub, before and after photos and pre/post-op advice which really helped me prepare for my uplift (Mastopexy) surgery. In particular, I loved reading people’s positive experiences and recaps of their surgery day.
I am around 7 weeks post op now and wanted to share my surgery day experience too in case there’s people out there who have pre-op nerves.
Night before prep:
My surgeon didn’t specifically ask me to do this but from reading advice on here I showered with Hibiclens antibacterial soap the night before. I didn’t moisturise my chest/torso area as this was specifically advised against in my hospital admission notes.
Surgery day:
On the morning of surgery, I woke up at around 6am, showered with the Hibiclens again (no moisturiser on my chest or torso) and then put my hair in a braid. Said a few prayers and then got dressed in a baggy zip-up tracksuit top, matching bottoms with a light vest underneath and no bra. I also made sure my post-op compression bra was packed in my bag as my surgeon’s PA had reminded me a million times.
Arrived at the hospital at my admission time (9am on the dot) and checked in. Filled out some admission papers regarding my personal details and then was given a menu to choose my post-op meal (I went for tomato soup, brioche bread roll and pineapple juice, which turned out to be really yummy! I was expecting bland hospital food but was pleasantly surprised).
I was then taken to my personal room for the day, my friend set up camp in the corner of the room on a sofa chair as I got undressed into my hospital gown, slippers, robe etc. and then provided a pee sample for my nurse to run a pregnancy test on. Also worth mentioning I was on my period so was given a large maternity pad to put inside my disposal underwear, so no worries with leakage.
My nurse came back in to talk me through more admission notes, check my weight, blood pressure, temperature and then answer any other questions I had. She left and then shortly after my surgeon arrived and ran through my consultation notes, re-iterated some potential risks and post-op instructions (he said that if he told me after the surgery I probably wouldn’t remember due to being out of it from the anaesthesia haha). I then signed a consent form and he proceeded to draw the line markings on my breasts in preparation for the surgery. I reiterated that I want my boobs LIFTED and that I wanted a areola stencil used to cut my areolas symmetrically as I know my surgeon prefers to hand cut his nipple shapes which I wasn’t entirely a fan of.
After the markings were done he left to begin a breast augmentation surgery for the patient who was ahead of me and I was left in the room for another hour and a half or so. The nurse popped in to check on me and my friend a few times and then eventually my Anaesthetist came into to run through some questions about me such as allergies, whether i’m on any medication etc. I made a point of telling him I get nauseous easily and he said he’d ensure I was given anti-nausea meds via my IV as well. I would recommend saying this even if you don’t get sick easily just to prevent potential sickness. Vomiting and putting that harsh gagging pressure on your chest after surgery is not ideal.
My anaesthetist left the room and literally five minutes later his assistant came to take me downstairs and it was go time! Gave my friend a quick hug, held back a brief spell of tears and followed him to the OR. It was around 11am when I finally went down.
Once on the table I was surprisingly quite relaxed. I was reciting prayers in my head as my anaesthetist put the cannulas in my arm and that was surprisingly not as painful as I expected and I’m an absolute baby when it comes to needles. I was then given oxygen to breathe in and was told they were going to inject a painkiller that was about to make me feel lightheaded and that I’ll be asleep shortly after. I remember feeling light headed/tension in my head and a sharp tingly pain in my groin (weirdly) and honestly after that I don’t remember anything. I don’t even remember my eyes closing or falling asleep!
Post surgery:
All I remember next was opening my eyes in what appeared to be a similar room but much smaller than the actual OR. I was in my compression bra but I briefly remember thinking ‘have they still not put me to sleep yet?’ I turned and asked the nurse in the room with me and she let me know the surgery was over. I asked her if everything went okay and she told me it all went well, no issues whatsoever and that I can go back to my room in the next 10 minutes! I was so relieved it was all over. I was in mild pain and told the nurse. She gave me pain meds through my cannula straight away. I asked a few more questions but I can’t remember what now haha I just wanted to talk so I didn’t feel as groggy. My anaesthetist came into check on me and cleared me to return to my room. I was wheeled back upstairs where my friend was still there waiting for me (apparently my surgeon had already come in to tell her the surgery was over and I was fine) and was assisted in to my bed.
I was given water which I drank LOTS of even though my nurse told me to take it easy with small sips haha. I think it’s because I had a weird chemical taste in my mouth which my nurse suggested was probably the anaesthesia or the breathing tube. Surprisingly, I didn’t have a sore throat from the tube at all, and I had specifically brought throat lozenges as people on this sub had warned of this.
I was really alert and talkative after surgery which my nurse and surgeon commented on a few times when seeing me as they usually expect patients to be really slow and groggy after going under. I did have a slight dizzy spell when getting up to go to the toilet for the first time but overall I felt fine. Pain was at a minimum and I was able to drink my soup and eat fruit within the next hour. My nurse checked my blood pressure frequently and noted it was consistent and within normal range and overall I felt like myself, which was a worry of mine as I had never gone under GA before and didn’t know what to expect.
Was given my medications and discharged around 5pm but was allowed to stay until 7:30pm to avoid the evening traffic going home. My friend helped me back into my tracksuit and left me to wait while she brought her car around to the hospital entrance. She had my car seat reclined for me with a neck pillow and blanket. I put the seatbelt on but under my arm so it wasn’t strapped across my chest.
Got back home around 8:30pm, the pain was still mild and stayed more or less the same - i’d say a 2/10 generally and maybe a 3 at worst. I was only using codeine at night because I found thats when I’d be my sorest first thing in the morning after lying in the same position all night.
Overall looking back my experience was amazing and relatively smooth sailing and I can’t thank God and my surgeon/anaesthetist enough. Nerves are normal but I hope my experience can assure someone that not all experiences are negative and its easy to see a skewed perspective on this sub where people predominantly post here to seek advice on negative outcomes or medical issues, which is understandable. Just know theres both the good and the bad, however alot of people still say this is one of the best decisions they ever made.
Hope this helps calm anyone’s anxiety about the procedure and any questions please let me know!
submitted by Timely_Low4038 to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 01:21 EnvironmentalAd241 Roblox starts and a few seconds later it crashes

So, i've been struggling to play because it just freezes and then crashes, the log is next:
2024-02-22T00:18:20.563Z,0.563208,1290,6 [FLog::Output] Loading AppSettings.xml from C:\Users\Lautaro\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-de4af066788f46c6\AppSettings.xml
2024-02-22T00:18:20.573Z,0.573208,1290,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] UpdateController: versionQueryUrl:
2024-02-22T00:18:20.573Z,0.573208,1290,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] WindowsUpdateController: updaterFullPath: C:\Users\Lautaro\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-de4af066788f46c6\RobloxPlayerInstaller.exe
2024-02-22T00:18:20.574Z,0.574208,54f0,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] Update thread: started with protStr
2024-02-22T00:18:20.574Z,0.574208,54f0,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] Checking if updater exists at C:\Users\Lautaro\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-de4af066788f46c6\RobloxPlayerInstaller.exe. Returning true
2024-02-22T00:18:20.690Z,0.690983,1290,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date header was Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:18:20 GMT
2024-02-22T00:18:20.690Z,0.690983,1290,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date timestamp is 1708561100
2024-02-22T00:18:20.690Z,0.690983,54f0,6,Debug [FLog::UpdateController] version response: {"version":"0.613.0.6130507","clientVersionUpload":"version-de4af066788f46c6","bootstrapperVersion":"1, 6, 0, 6130507"}
2024-02-22T00:18:20.691Z,0.691976,54f0,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] Update thread: isUpdateRequired FALSE
2024-02-22T00:18:20.730Z,0.730308,1290,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] RobloxGitHash: c6e1610f3bc2604e4e4d304c4149b49dfd8ff6ff
2024-02-22T00:18:20.732Z,0.732321,1290,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] The base url is
2024-02-22T00:18:20.732Z,0.732321,1290,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] The channel is production
2024-02-22T00:18:20.768Z,0.768556,1290,6 [FLog::Output] *******
** Validated reflection database in 8.052240 ms, found 4809 entries with the following skipped: 0 enums, 0 properties, 0 functions, 0 events, 0 callbacks, 0 classes.

2024-02-22T00:18:20.769Z,0.769563,1290,6 [FLog::Output] setAssetFolder content
2024-02-22T00:18:20.772Z,0.772582,1290,6 [FLog::Output] setExtraAssetFolder C:/Users\Lautaro\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-de4af066788f46c6\ExtraContent
2024-02-22T00:18:20.773Z,0.773589,1290,6 [FLog::Output] DUAR is on.
2024-02-22T00:18:21.130Z,1.130127,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) loadAuthTokenFromDisk:
2024-02-22T00:18:21.140Z,1.140123,1290,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Native => Engine set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=02/22/2024 00:09:29&rbxid=673976837&browserid=205884720629
2024-02-22T00:18:21.140Z,1.140123,1290,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, local launch, localBtid is 205884720629
2024-02-22T00:18:21.142Z,1.142122,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] StartupController finished starting: stage = 2, BTID = 205884720629, upgradeStatus = 3.
2024-02-22T00:18:21.142Z,1.142122,1290,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, after initialize the websiteBTId is -1, and localBtid is 205884720629
2024-02-22T00:18:21.142Z,1.142122,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) saveAuthTokenToDisk:size:1231.
2024-02-22T00:18:21.142Z,1.142122,1290,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Engine => Native set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=02/22/2024 00:09:29&rbxid=673976837&browserid=205884720629
2024-02-22T00:18:22.631Z,2.631644,1290,6 [FLog::Warning] UserAgentString Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoRoblox/WinInetRobloxApp/0.613.0.6130507 (GlobalDist; RobloxDirectDownload) is set
2024-02-22T00:18:22.632Z,2.632648,1290,6 [FLog::Output] CrashReporter Start
2024-02-22T00:18:22.632Z,2.632648,1290,6 [FLog::Output] The crash upload percentage is 10
2024-02-22T00:18:22.632Z,2.632648,04b0,6 [FLog::Output] WatcherThread Started
2024-02-22T00:18:22.635Z,2.635661,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) loadAuthTokenFromDisk:
2024-02-22T00:18:22.635Z,2.635661,1290,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Native => Engine set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=02/22/2024 00:09:29&rbxid=673976837&browserid=205884720629
2024-02-22T00:18:22.718Z,2.718170,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Set WebView linking marshaller
2024-02-22T00:18:22.720Z,2.720163,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] initializeWithAppStarter
2024-02-22T00:18:22.720Z,2.720163,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] initializeSingleton
2024-02-22T00:18:22.722Z,2.722156,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:Native)
2024-02-22T00:18:22.722Z,2.722156,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] instantiate controllers
2024-02-22T00:18:22.722Z,2.722156,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::SurfaceController, count: 1
2024-02-22T00:18:22.722Z,2.722156,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Launching univeral app in-app
2024-02-22T00:18:22.722Z,2.722156,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] initializeLuaAppWithLoggedInUser: (stage:Native).
2024-02-22T00:18:22.722Z,2.722156,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] applyLocale
2024-02-22T00:18:22.726Z,2.726141,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] OTAPollingEnabled set to: false
2024-02-22T00:18:22.727Z,2.727138,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Load configs for user key: app:179013812458618544
2024-02-22T00:18:22.734Z,2.734112,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Retrieving patch
2024-02-22T00:18:22.734Z,2.734112,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch DataModelPatchConfig : type=1, assetId=5345954812, assetVersion=8308, maxAppVersion=613, localAssetURI=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-02-22T00:18:22.734Z,2.734112,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : numAttempts=10
2024-02-22T00:18:22.735Z,2.735108,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : contentId=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-02-22T00:18:22.735Z,2.735108,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : get patch from content provider for Model
2024-02-22T00:18:23.575Z,3.575327,1290,6,Info [FLog::Audio] OutputDevice 0: Altavoces (Realtek(R) Audio) [HDAUDIO] 48000/8
2024-02-22T00:18:23.599Z,3.599314,1290,6 [FLog::Audio] InputDevice 0: Micrófono (Realtek(R) Audio)({{a0d9df9d-3558-4b8c-8a17969b36d585ac}}) 48000/2/4
2024-02-22T00:18:23.599Z,3.599314,1290,6 [FLog::Audio] InputDevice 1: Microphone (Camo)({{a8106958-505a-49dd-b3568b6a18816e7c}}) 48000/2/4
2024-02-22T00:18:23.788Z,3.788763,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:InitializedLuaApp)
2024-02-22T00:18:23.788Z,3.788763,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] startLuaApp: (stage:InitializedLuaApp).
2024-02-22T00:18:23.788Z,3.788763,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] returnToLuaApp: (stage:InitializedLuaApp).
2024-02-22T00:18:23.788Z,3.788763,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] returnToLuaApp: ... disable videoRecorder.
2024-02-22T00:18:23.788Z,3.788763,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] returnToLuaAppInternal: ... App has been initialized, returning from game.
2024-02-22T00:18:23.789Z,3.789766,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] [_:1]::replaceDataModel: (stage:0, window = 0xe19c6) [tid:0x1855a8f78e0]
2024-02-22T00:18:23.796Z,3.796787,5914,6 [FLog::Output] Info: DataModel Loading rbxasset://places/Mobile.rbxl
2024-02-22T00:18:24.667Z,4.667600,1d4c,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(Startup)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.079Z,5.079369,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] D3D11 Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] D3D11 Adapter: Vendor 10de Device 1c82 VRAM 4004 RAM 14282
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: ThreadSafe 0 Framebuffer 1 FpFramebuffer 1 Shaders 1 Compute 1 Instancing 1 PerInstanceStream 1 ConstBuffers 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Framebuffer: MRT 8 MSAA 8 Stencil 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Framebuffer: Depth16 1 Depth24 1 DepthFloat 1 DepthClamp 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Border Color 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: RGB10A2 1 RG11B10F 1 R16I 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: DXT 1 PVR 0 ETC1 0 ETC2 0 Half 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: 3D 1 Array 1 Depth 1 MSAA 1 MSAAFP16 0
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: NPOT 1 PartialMips 1 CubeMipGen 1 CubeFramebuffer 1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: Size 16384 Units 32 VertexUnits 16
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: ConstantBufferSize 65536
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: isAppleGPU 0
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: 32bIdx 1 Memoryless 0
2024-02-22T00:18:25.080Z,5.080371,1290,6 [channel] Caps: ColorBGR 0 RTFlip 0 MinusOneToOneDepth 0
2024-02-22T00:18:25.126Z,5.126461,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Video memory size: 2147483648
2024-02-22T00:18:25.175Z,5.175125,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Loaded 810 shaders from pack d3d11 variant default (4415284 bytes)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.175Z,5.175125,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Compiled 570 shaders in 48 ms
2024-02-22T00:18:25.221Z,5.221352,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::disableVR
2024-02-22T00:18:25.221Z,5.221352,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::initialize view(000001850AB30FD0)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.221Z,5.221352,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::start dataModel(0000018562DD3530)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.221Z,5.221352,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob[_:1]::RenderJob
2024-02-22T00:18:25.221Z,5.221352,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::run dataModel(0000018562DD3530)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.222Z,5.222359,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:LuaApp)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.222Z,5.222359,4444,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::stepDataModelJob: No DM yet. Continue...
2024-02-22T00:18:25.222Z,5.222359,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] userDidLogin
2024-02-22T00:18:25.222Z,5.222359,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] applyLocale
2024-02-22T00:18:25.226Z,5.226387,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::scheduleRender: No data model. Bind workspace now...
2024-02-22T00:18:25.251Z,5.251565,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] LayeredClothingMode updated: LC=1 HSR=1
2024-02-22T00:18:25.251Z,5.251565,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Future is bright shadows
2024-02-22T00:18:25.261Z,5.261636,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] SmoothCluster::initSolidTextures()
2024-02-22T00:18:25.261Z,5.261636,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Terrain TextureArray 512x512, arraySize: 36, mip: 10
2024-02-22T00:18:25.267Z,5.267678,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 1920x1057
2024-02-22T00:18:25.536Z,5.536015,4444,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Update OTA config
2024-02-22T00:18:25.544Z,5.544054,4444,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(DID_LOG_IN, 28), data({"username":"jg_Maki","membershipType":0,"isUnder13":false,"countryCode":"AR","userId":676656355,"displayName":"jg_Maki"})
2024-02-22T00:18:25.545Z,5.545058,1290,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) saveAuthTokenToDisk:size:1277.
2024-02-22T00:18:25.545Z,5.545058,1290,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Engine => Native set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=02/22/2024 00:09:29&rbxid=673976837&browserid=205884720629
2024-02-22T00:18:25.546Z,5.546063,1290,6 [DFLog::SignalRCoreError] ID: 1 Disconnected - stop() called
2024-02-22T00:18:25.609Z,5.609366,4e70,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(Home)
2024-02-22T00:18:25.610Z,5.610371,4e70,6 [FLog::Output] Session Transition FSM: Initialized.
2024-02-22T00:18:25.610Z,5.610371,4e70,6 [FLog::Output] Session Transition FSM: Now in App Session.
2024-02-22T00:18:25.960Z,5.960527,5524,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Update OTA succeeded: {"SchemaVersion":"1","CanaryUserIds":[],"CanaryPercentage":0}
2024-02-22T00:18:25.960Z,5.960527,5524,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Update OTA config not deployed
2024-02-22T00:18:40.367Z,20.367472,4e70,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(ExperienceDetail)
2024-02-22T00:18:41.517Z,21.517223,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] launchUGCGame: (stage:LuaApp).
2024-02-22T00:18:41.517Z,21.517223,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] launchUGCGameInternal
2024-02-22T00:18:41.519Z,21.519238,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] applyLocale
2024-02-22T00:18:41.520Z,21.520245,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Retrieving patch
2024-02-22T00:18:41.520Z,21.520245,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch DataModelPatchConfig : type=1, assetId=5345954812, assetVersion=8308, maxAppVersion=613, localAssetURI=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-02-22T00:18:41.520Z,21.520245,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : numAttempts=10
2024-02-22T00:18:41.521Z,21.521252,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : contentId=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-02-22T00:18:41.521Z,21.521252,1290,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : get patch from content provider for Model
2024-02-22T00:18:41.836Z,21.836100,1290,6,Info [FLog::Audio] OutputDevice 0: Altavoces (Realtek(R) Audio) [HDAUDIO] 48000/8
2024-02-22T00:18:41.854Z,21.854053,1290,6 [FLog::Audio] InputDevice 0: Micrófono (Realtek(R) Audio)({{a0d9df9d-3558-4b8c-8a17969b36d585ac}}) 48000/2/4
2024-02-22T00:18:41.855Z,21.855051,1290,6 [FLog::Audio] InputDevice 1: Microphone (Camo)({{a8106958-505a-49dd-b3568b6a18816e7c}}) 48000/2/4
2024-02-22T00:18:41.870Z,21.870012,1290,6 [FLog::VIPTeleport] new DM, after gameLoadedSignal connect
2024-02-22T00:18:41.876Z,21.876995,1290,6 [FLog::UGCGameController] UGCGameController, initialized DataModel(000001853A2CE3D8)
2024-02-22T00:18:41.876Z,21.876995,1290,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::joinGame
2024-02-22T00:18:41.876Z,21.876995,1290,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::joinGamePostStandard: URL: BODY: {"placeId":5210095481,"gameJoinAttemptId":"DA6BBB01-0A6E-413F-9564-2DED67B21E17"}
2024-02-22T00:18:41.876Z,21.876995,1290,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest: requestCount: 0, url:
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2024-02-22T00:18:41.877Z,21.877993,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] [_:1]::replaceDataModel: (stage:3, window = 0xe19c6) [tid:0x1855a8f78e0]
2024-02-22T00:18:41.877Z,21.877993,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::pause dataModel(0000018562DD3530), view(000001850AB30FD0), destroyView:0.
2024-02-22T00:18:41.877Z,21.877993,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] stop
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2024-02-22T00:18:41.881Z,21.881983,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::start dataModel(000001853A2CE3D8)
2024-02-22T00:18:41.881Z,21.881983,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob[_:2]::RenderJob
2024-02-22T00:18:41.881Z,21.881983,1290,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::run dataModel(000001853A2CE3D8)
2024-02-22T00:18:41.881Z,21.881983,1290,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:UGCGame)
2024-02-22T00:18:41.882Z,21.882980,5914,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::enableVR
2024-02-22T00:18:41.991Z,21.991539,5914,6 [FLog::UGCGameController] Game Scripts are loaded
2024-02-22T00:18:41.992Z,21.992542,5914,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::stepDataModelJob: No DM yet. Continue...
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2024-02-22T00:18:42.619Z,22.619884,5524,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest, response:
2024-02-22T00:18:42.619Z,22.619884,5524,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] Game join succeeded.
2024-02-22T00:18:42.619Z,22.619884,5524,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::processing join parameters
2024-02-22T00:18:42.619Z,22.619884,4444,7 [FLog::Network] NetworkClient:Create
2024-02-22T00:18:42.620Z,22.620890,4444,10 [DFLog::KeyRing] Parsed config created at: 11:55 12/6/2022.
2024-02-22T00:18:42.623Z,22.623903,4444,6 [FLog::Output] AnalyticsSessionId is 9685b9a8-4966-40c3-a80d-b8ee8a9ea009.
2024-02-22T00:18:42.623Z,22.623903,4444,6 [FLog::Output] ! Joining game '7b36c174-8407-4f03-b709-d33cdf9231b5' place 5210095481 at
2024-02-22T00:18:42.623Z,22.623903,4444,6 [FLog::GameJoinLoadTime] Report game_join_loadtime: placeid:5210095481, join_time:1.1036658899966269587, universeid:1820745142, referral_page:ExperienceDetailsPage, sid:9685b9a8-4966-40c3-a80d-b8ee8a9ea009, clienttime:1708561122.3329999447, userid:676656355,
2024-02-22T00:18:42.623Z,22.623903,4444,6 [FLog::Output] Session Transition FSM: Now in Play Session.
2024-02-22T00:18:42.624Z,22.624908,4444,7 [FLog::Network] Client will attempt to connect following server endpoints with threadSleepTime(-1)
2024-02-22T00:18:42.624Z,22.624908,4444,7 [FLog::Network] UDMUX Address =, Port = 58949 RCC Server Address =, Port = 58949
2024-02-22T00:18:42.625Z,22.625914,4444,7 [FLog::Network] binding socket on inaddr_any:0

2024-02-22T00:18:42.637Z,22.637972,4444,6 [FLog::Output] Connecting to UDMUX server, and RCC server
2024-02-22T00:18:43.032Z,23.032845,1d4c,6 [FLog::Output] Connection accepted from
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2024-02-22T00:18:43.035Z,23.035845,1d4c,7 [FLog::Network] Replicator created: 000001854701FC98
2024-02-22T00:18:43.302Z,23.302633,4444,7 [FLog::Network] Time taken to initialize schema = 3.093000 ms
2024-02-22T00:18:43.303Z,23.303631,4444,7 [FLog::Network] Assigned peer id = 206
2024-02-22T00:18:43.303Z,23.303631,4444,7 [FLog::Network] Join snapshot timer: 1.030600
2024-02-22T00:18:44.360Z,24.360491,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Future is bright lights
2024-02-22T00:18:44.767Z,24.767021,4ce8,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
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2024-02-22T00:18:44.768Z,24.768021,4ce8,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
2024-02-22T00:18:44.768Z,24.768021,4ce8,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
2024-02-22T00:18:46.623Z,26.623766,500c,6 [FLog::Error] Asset (Image) "" load failed in Workspace.Map.Gas Station.GasStationAdStand.Part.Decal.Texture: Request failed
2024-02-22T00:18:46.913Z,26.913349,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] SmoothCluster::initSolidTextures()
2024-02-22T00:18:46.913Z,26.913349,1290,6 [FLog::Graphics] Terrain TextureArray (2022) 512x512, arraySize: 35, mip: 10
2024-02-22T00:18:47.526Z,27.526339,5524,6 [FLog::Error] Asset (Image) "" load failed in Workspace.Map.Planet2.EasterEgg.Pineapple Egg.Mesh.TextureId: Request failed
2024-02-22T00:18:47.526Z,27.526339,5524,12 [DFLog::HttpTraceError] HttpResponse(#1430 00000185A8C4B190) time:488.4ms (net:161.2ms callback:0.0ms timeInRetryQueue:0.0ms)status:404 Not Found bodySize:63 url:{ "" } ip: external:0 numberOfTimesRetried:0
2024-02-22T00:18:49.383Z,29.383186,5914,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
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2024-02-22T00:18:53.415Z,33.415249,55e0,6 [FLog::VIPTeleport] made it to inside gameLoadedSignal without teleportParams
2024-02-22T00:18:53.424Z,33.424286,55e0,6 [FLog::Output] Server RobloxGitHash: c6e1610f3bc2604e4e4d304c4149b49dfd8ff6ff
2024-02-22T00:18:53.424Z,33.424286,55e0,6 [FLog::Output] Server Prefix: 0.613.0.6130507_20240221T222630Z_RCC_0ba28
2024-02-22T00:18:53.783Z,33.783443,4444,6 [FLog::Output] enabled
2024-02-22T00:18:54.003Z,34.003433,4444,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
2024-02-22T00:18:54.003Z,34.003433,4444,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
2024-02-22T00:18:54.003Z,34.003433,4444,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data
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2024-02-22T00:18:54.003Z,34.003433,4444,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Failed to load sound rbxassetid://15989131829: Unable to download sound data

submitted by EnvironmentalAd241 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 19:50 OatmilkBunnie What do you collect?

What do you collect?
I’m obsessed with faeries and collect mostly faerie food, books, and toys. What do you collect?
submitted by OatmilkBunnie to neopets [link] [comments]

2023.09.27 14:26 eZGjBw1Z (US) Aldi Finds Sneak Peek and Weekly Ad for 10/4/23

(US) Aldi Finds Sneak Peek and Weekly Ad for 10/4/23
The Sneak Peek and Aldi Finds ads for 10/04/23 - 10/10/23 are available.
View the sneak peek ad on Aldi's website by scrolling down to where it says BROWSE OTHER ADS and choosing the latest date range. Sneak Peek ads are mostly the same across the US but may differ slightly. The Full Upcoming Aldi Finds Ad is available here.
Advertised prices shown in the Sneak Peek or Weekly ads included here may differ from prices at your store. Prices in the Aldi Finds Ad online should be consistent across the US.
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Bold denotes items that are not in the corresponding Aldi Finds Sneak Peek ad.
Previous Aldi Finds ad: (US) Aldi Finds Sneak Peek and Weekly Ad for 9/27/23
Archived Aldi Ad
submitted by eZGjBw1Z to aldi [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 22:28 travel4me22 [Thank You] Unfortunately Short and Sweet Thank yous

I was away for a week and then a surprise visitor arrived for a week...or more and I have not had much time to thank everyone for all the wonderful things sent to me the last few weeks. I miss carding too, I will get back to it soon! In the mean time these thank yous will be shorter than normal for me, but I do love opening the mailbox to see all the pretty colors. I will send replies and make new offers when my company has left and or when they take a nap :)
u/brittybear94 thank you for the pineapple party invite! I am sure we all had a wonderful time.
u/celpel thank you for the amazing embroidered thank you card. It's beautiful!
u/chippydoodoo so happy to hear from you! Glad to know you are sticking with nursing school and will soon be graduating - well done you! Please let me know when you graduate, I would love to send you a card to celebrate that amazing feat. I love that you still have my card from so long ago :)
u/DPClamavi x 2 thank you so much for both postcards using new techniques, that are quite Awesome! Not sure which I like better, if I had to choose I think I like the ink blending and outlining with marker, seems a bit easier and I already have stencils to try it with!
u/FightClubAlumni thank you for the peacock feather card, glad to hear you are in good spirits after your ordeal. I did lol reading your "glad it didn't happen during charades"! Feel better!! Thank you for all the little goodies too.
u/geeneon thank you for the postcard exchange. I have been in a reading slump as well. Probably because the book I was reading is Way Creepier than I usually like and I don't want to read it at night!!
u/HexagonalRainbow x 2 thank you for both postcards. When I first read you were cutting out animal parts I was thinking Okaaaay that is bizarre, and then I read you had the kids put them together, that sounds like a lot of fun! I love carding in a peaceful place, next to a local river sounds wonderful.
u/ImOkReally Aww you are too sweet, thank you for the thank you postcard! Love the old polaroid camera!
u/Intrepid-Researcher WOW, I mean WOW, Love love love this dragon card. You spoiled me too much with all the extra's you included: tea, washi samples, stickers, postage stamps, origami, tea and more. Thank you for sharing your book reading lists. I love to read other people's recommendations, I will be adding your favs to my list! I LOVED project Hail Mary, I recommend that book all the time. And if you listened to it on Audible the narrator does an amazing job reading it.
u/isar-love thank you for the beach chair of Germany, I have never seen anything like it. They look something I would love to try some day.
u/Jdoodle7 thank you for flower card and catching me up with your travels. I will be sending you a card with some info soon.
u/kittykatcon thank you for the Driftwood Beach card. That looks like a place I would love to stroll along. I am glad you have settled in. Sorry to hear your job has been keeping you busy, better too busy than bored senseless.
u/libertyprogrammer x 2 thank you for two postcards from Gettysburg area. I never thought to put the NP stamp on the Postcard I buy there. I hope I remember to do that in the future. I am glad you had a good time exploring Gettysburg history. We did that a few years ago and after a while we were just overwhelmed with the details.
u/mikepenpal6 thank you for the Cape Cod postcard. I am glad you and your family enjoyed your time there. It is a beautiful area to be sure. I hope you have more fun summer trips planned!
u/New_Year_Baby thank you for the Firenze travel postcard, wow 2 weeks in Italy?! That must have been awesome. How many cities did you enjoy? Italy is at the top of my list of European Countries to visit, all because of the food!
u/onebadjoke thank you for the Wakefield postcard. How awesome to go on vacation and find a place you love so much that you decide to move there!
u/PhilosophyWest5945 thank you for the owl postcard, he seems so regal. I didn't know there were any Star Wars books lol. I might have to give some of them a try.
u/rennbrig thank you for the thank you card. Glad you like the card I made to celebrate your new flair, you deserve it!
u/Tinawebmom thank you for checking in on me, I am doing well, I will send you something soon to catch up and tell you how my husband is growing plants now :)
u/tigerlady13 x 2 thank you for the sunset monument and Olympic Park postcards. I will have to remember that park, always looking for easy trails! Best of luck on your new job, maybe you have already started it? How is it going?
u/welshfancy thank you for the latest installment of your bird encounter stories! This one sounds awful, how traumatizing for a little kid! I hope you got something extra special at the Sale to make it all worth it.
Thank you to u/tigerlady13, u/powelaleooo, u/pinkpengin (love your RAoC Seattle Meetup art), u/wabisabi_sf, u/sneezeburgerandfries, u/KK6321 and u/luxsloth for the wonderful Seattle Meet Up Card. How awesome that you were all able to get together and sharing our love of Carding!
submitted by travel4me22 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2023.08.01 17:24 HSerrata August 2023

Aug. 01 [WP] Years ago, you accidentally helped a mob boss change a flat while transporting a corpse, being promised a "Favour" in return. Now, desperate, you seek them out to cash in your favour. [Title] Time for Payback [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: DeLorean: #14, La Muerte]
Aug. 02 [WP] You beg the universe and any god that is listening for help. Unfortunately for you, you get a response you don't want. [Title] Offer: Void [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Ballisea: #46, El Sol; Diavola: #02, El Diablito]
Aug. 03 [WP] Happy birthday! You just turned 18. Now it is time for your parents to sit you down and tell you the world's great secret. Everything you've ever known has been a lie. [Title] No Problem Children [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: -]
Aug. 04 [WP] There are many tales of dragons watching over humans, but what about humans watching over dragons? A nest of abandoned dragon eggs were found by some villagers, many wondering why a dragon would abandon her eggs. [Title] Abandoned: No Dragon Wood [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Six: #06, La Sirena; 23: #23, La Luna]
Aug. 05 [WP] You're on a blind date. She's cute, but the one big eye is kind of creeping you out. [Title] Love. Triangle. [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: - ]
Aug. 06 [WP] On that day, the world went silent. [Title] Royal Agreement [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Oren: #47, La Corona; Justice: #47, La Corona; Eva: #35, La Estrella; Ballisea: #46, El Sol; Jake: #14, La Muerte]
Aug. 07 [WP] You're a family man but sometimes life is hard. You always thought that being sucked into another world would be cool, until it actually happened. Now all you care about is getting back home to your family. [Title] Family: Focused [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Lyra: #35, La Estrella]
Aug. 08 [WP] It's 2025 NASA has just launched its 'Kid To The Moon' Project. Millions of kids from all around the world sign up but only 10 can go. You are one of the Lucky 10... [Title] Sharp Work [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Justice: #47, La Corona; Phoenix: #35, La Estrella]
Aug. 09 [WP] 2 weeks ago you crash landed on a desolate planet light years away from earth, today while exploring you found ruins of a past hyper advanced society, stranded you desperately try to find out more in order to try to find a way out. [Title] 's Unassisted [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Helios: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 10 [WP] You sacrificed everything to get this far, and at the last moment you were betrayed by the one you thought most dear. You lay dying one the snow, praying to any god, demon, or anything that would listen. You receive an answer. [Title] Eternity's End [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Six: #06, La Sirena]
Aug. 11 [WP] Last night you fell asleep in your bed like normal. Which is why waking up in a debris field on a runway is... weird. [Title] Stellar Survivor [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Norma: #35, La Estrella; Jenny: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 12 [WP] You're a store owner and you have to explain to a weary adventurer why the magic ring of spell power given to him by the King of the Realm for defeating the Fire Lord is only worth 5 gold pieces. [Title] Breezy Service [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Ozone: #42, La Calavera]
Aug. 13 [WP] "I know I said I want to find myself, but this isn't what I had in mind!" [Title] Perspective Gains [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: - ]
Aug. 14 [WP] a gateway has opened in the park. [Title] Gateway to Opportunity [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Phoenix: #35, La Estrella]
Aug. 15 [SP] Two women getting coffee. [Title] Cup of Exposition [Aurelilo's Sun '23] [Cast: Ophelia: #14, La Muerte; Victoria: #35, La Estrella]
Aug. 16 [WP] In a dystopian future, bodybuilding and gym supplements are outlawed by the government. You work as a smuggler in the underground black market, where you sell creatine and other banned products to desperate customers. [Title] Super. Unappetizing. [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Roy: #42, La Calavera]
Aug. 17 [WP] In an austere location, deep in the jungle or high atop a treacherous mountain, you come across a free-standing door with the words 'authorized personnel only' stenciled on its surface. [Title] Secrets Plus [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Jenny: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 18 [WP] You're the new Warden of a prison. In conducting research on the inmates in the prison, you discover an inmate who has been there for over 200 years. [Title] Sun's Out [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Jane: #68, El Rio; Zoe: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 19 [WP] You are a serial killer and you have just picked out a group of teenagers camping in the woods as your next targets. They turn out to be surprisingly difficult to kill even though they made pretty much every stupid mistake they could possibly make. [Title] Royal Prerogative [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Oren: #47, La Corona; Justice: #47, La Corona]
Aug. 20 [WP] You've just discovered that your drinking buddy and best friend of many years is actually the Grimm Reaper and each natural disaster was a result of both of you getting drunk together. [Title] Time for Friendship [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Miller: #14, La Muerte]
Aug. 21 [WP] In the future body modifications that enhance strength, speed, vision, and other physical attributes, are very common. A new police recruit is partnered with a training officer that has the most number of arrests and confessions and has no body mods at all. [Title] Royal Sacrifice [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Justice: #47, La Corona]
Aug. 22 [WP] Demons are known for disguising their contracts as seemingly innocent agreements or promises. One day, the girl you made a "pinky promise" with when you were young shows up at your door. [Title] Devilish Esteem [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: - ]
Aug. 23 [WP] The time police are trying to arrest the personification of time for "illegal time hopping". Time itself just got bored and decided to play in the human world, it never thought there would be so much trouble with his playtime. [Title] Tim. Gun. [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Tim: #14, La Muerte]
Aug. 24 [WP] You’re immortal and you became best friends with Death ages ago. [Title] Time to Reset [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Miller: #14, La Muerte]
Aug. 25 [WP] You've just been isekai'd, but instead of a magical fantasy land, it's an 80s movie, and you and your companions have to win the big competition so Mr. Oilmoney doesn't tear down the orphanage and build a casino. [Title] Sharp Distraction [Aurelio's Sun '23] [Cast: Justice: #47, La Corona; Oren: #47, La Corona; Phoenix: #35, La Estrella; Riot: #42, La Calavera; Dara: #0, El Cero; Rhapsody: #46, El Sol; Monday: #23, La Luna]
Aug. 26 [WP] As a joke you prayed to a "fake god" that you made up when you were a child... imagine the surprise when it responded. [Title] Imaginary Imagination [Pineapple Cup '23] [Cast: Ballisea: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 27 [WP] Your pet is sick. VERY sick. You don't have the money for a vet. You pray for a miracle, and someone shows to help, though they're not what you expected... [Title] Regal Acquaintance [Pineapple Cup '23] [Cast: Regal: #46, El Sol; Victoria: #35, La Estrella]
Aug. 28 [WP] After dying of illness in 1557 you woke up again. You seem to be immortal. The cost is a decade long coma every 50 years. To ensure you don't miss anything important you started a book & newspaper publishing company. You just woke up again. [Title] Sharp Business [Pineapple Cup '23] [Cast: Dana Sharp: #46, El Sol; Melody Sharp: #35, La Estrella]
Aug. 29 [WP] It's a new town, for you. Everything seems normal, except people make an effort not to look at the sky. [Title] Sunny Interpretation [Pineapple Cup '23] [Cast: Jenny: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 30 [WP] In the world of monsters once one comes of age they receive a title detailing their role in the world. Titles like City Smasher, Dream Lurker, World Ender, ect. You are a promising young monster who aspires to receives a high title. However, when the day comes you receive the title of Tutorial. [Title] Dreaded Tutor [Pineapple Cup '23] [Cast: Dread: #42, La Calavera; Jenny: #46, El Sol]
Aug. 31 [WP] one day, slipping and falling into a puddle leads to you traveling into an alternate dimension. [Title] Sunny Nostalgia [Pineapple Cup '23] [Cast: Jenny: #46, El sol, Dani: #35, La Estrella]
submitted by HSerrata to Hugoverse [link] [comments]

2023.03.25 12:01 Drakos8706 Powerless (part 27)

Captain Vohr’Doe walked along the hall of the crew quarters, hoping that Kyle wasn’t in his ‘living’ room; there was something he'd had delivered to his equipment room that she really wanted to see, but didn’t think it would be prudent to simply ask to see it. As Captain, she had - of course - been given an inventory of the items he had delivered, and while a lot of it seemed to be a bit much - like the meat smoking pit, along with the filters to keep his room safe - there was one thing that she couldn’t quite put in that same category, regardless of how much upkeep it would need.
She very well could have put in a call to security to find his location, but she knew he would be either in his ‘room’, or in his ‘equipment room’, and it was good to take a walk among your crew from time to time; let them know that you don’t think of yourself as better than them. So it was that she greeted the members of her crew that she passed, taking the time to speak to them, and make sure they were doing well. And so it was that she finally made it to his room, and pushed the call button. After waiting a few moments, she pressed it again. Finally, she decided he wasn’t in his room, and turned to head towards the elevator to take her down. However, she had barely taken three steps when he turned the corner, prompting the slightest twinge of disappointment.
He was dressed in a black silk shirt, with a pair of pants that were made to have lots of room in the legs. The waist obviously fit him, and yet, the legs themselves seemed to be made for someone much larger than himself, as his legs had plenty of space to move around inside the pants. They also had a peculiar color scheme, as the left half was all black, and the right half was a deep, vibrant red. There were pockets about halfway down the legs, with metal chains hanging on them. She could also see that he was barefoot, and while there was no rule saying he had to, she was aware that his people usually wore shoes when out in public. But, he wasn’t hurting anyone - namely himself, in this instance - so she didn’t bother about it. He was also still wearing the sun-shades that he had on before, and she had to wonder as to why seeing as she had read that Sol was just as bright on Earth as the lights on the ship. Perhaps the mahn’ewe operate under dimmer lighting? Two years would be time enough to shift someone’s vision.
He had in his left hand his tablet, his face pointed entirely at the screen, and in his right was a plastic container, that was square-shaped, with rounded corners, the base of which was the size of his whole palm, and which flared out about an inch along its length upwards. It was mostly full with what appeared to be tiny, tan-gray seeds, and even as she watched, Kyle lifted it to his mouth and simply stuck his tongue out, using his saliva to adhere the seeds to his tongue. He was just lowering his hand - having retracted his tseed-covered tongue back into his mouth - when he stopped, and she got the feeling that he’d finally looked up, and saw her; which was solidified when he said,
“Hey, Cap’n; fancy seeing you down here.” She didn’t miss the note of trepidation in his voice.
“Well,” she began, “I actually came down to see you. Do you have a minute to talk?”
“Of course,” he replied, “Here, or…?”
She smiled, and said,
“Your room should do fine, unless you wish to go somewhere else?”
“Oh,” he replied, somewhat flustered, “No, my room’s fine; just a second…” and he made his way over to his door, opening it for her.
And upon the door opening, she was at first confused, as she was confronted by a wood-paneled wall about six feet from the door. Then she realized that these were the crates his things had been shipped in. He must have had more things in them than she’d originally thought, as he had yet to unpack it all even after three Standard days aboard this ship. However, when she stepped in, and walked around the corner around ten feet to her left, she saw an entirely different sight.
To her right was a 7’-tall entertainment center, about 5’-wide, and a monitor inside that took up the entire space from left to right, though it was only about 4’-tall. The top of the monitor was about level with the top of her chest, with a shelf above it that was filled with various personal effects. Most all of these were variations of a winged lizard that looked remarkably like the reptile aspects of the drahk’mihn, not least of all because they were all different colors.
There were what looked like egg-shaped geodes, the upper ‘faces’ missing about a quarter of the ‘shell’ the insides each dyed one of the six primary and secondary colors, with a miniature lizard curled protectively around its corresponding color. There was a timer-glass - the bottom bulb containing red sand - with the side ‘pillars’ that connected the ‘cage’ holding the glass center steady being one of these creatures on each side, mirrored by identical creatures on the ‘bottom’, relative to whichever was on the top at any given turning. There was a large figurine that was of a multi headed example of these creatures, one red body, with multiple other colored heads, one being red, but the others being blue, green, black, and white. Everywhere she looked, there were figurines, pictures, and posters - held to the wall with magnets, it looked like - all of them containing these creatures in some setting or another. Just as she was about to comment on them, a light turned on on a nearby table, and she looked in over to see a white orb made of plastic. In certain parts, there was obviously more plastic layered than in others, creating ‘shadows’ across its surface. As she studied it, the ‘shadows’ seemed to look almost like craters.
“Earth’s moon?” she asked, turning to look at Kyle, who - she just noticed - wasn’t looking at her. In fact, he seemed to be looking for something. As she watched, he scanned his room, looking over every surface, and even under chairs, and in the space under his desk in the corner where his legs would go. He didn’t seem to notice she said anything, taking several seconds before he turned, looking at her with a slightly surprised look on his face, saying,
“Hmm?” distractedly, until his mind seemed to catch up to what she’d said, as he followed that up with, “Oh, right; yeah, that’s Luna. It was only ‘illustrated’ to show the light side, so the other side isn’t ‘stenciled’ to show the cities on the dark side.”
“Oh,” she replied, “I didn’t realize that Earth’s moon was tidally locked... Well, I can certainly understand the sentiment: no matter how much I enjoy being out among the stars, surveying new plants, my home planet will always hold a special place in my heart.”
“Pur’Rosse?” he asked politely.
She gave a small laugh, and replied,
“No, I was born on one of our colony planets: Clash’Rept. It’s not very large, or particularly important, but it’s home… If I’m interrupting your search for something…?” she finished, gesturing for him to continue. She saw him go a little red, as he sheepishly chuckled, and it was at that moment that she noticed something else: while he was still wearing his glasses, the lenses were now completely clear, with no tint at all. It seemed that he noticed what she was looking at, as he went slightly cross-eyed, then gave another small laugh.
“Just a second.” he replied with a slight smile, as he finished giving his room a quick sweep, then entered his connected bathroom. After about a minute in there, he stepped out, took off the glasses, and set them down on his bedside table. “A week was more than enough time for the A.I. studying the things I sent back to be able to reverse-engineer their cloaking devices, and then upgrade it. With that, comes the tech to detect them, if they happen to try sneaking up on me again.”
The fact that the mahn’ewe had access to invisibility technology wasn’t lost on her, however, she chose a more… intelligent question to ask.
“And you expect them to come here?” she asked with a slight smile.
He looked a bit ‘on-the-spot’, and gave a smile of his own.
“Well,” he replied, “Not exactly ‘expect’, but let’s just say I’m acutely aware of the possibility.”
She nodded, conceding the point, and decided that was a good enough explanation, so she changed the topic.
“And what are these?” she asked with a slight smile, “They look vaguely familiar.”
Kyle smiled at this, and he replied in a genuinely happy tone,
“Dragons; they can be found in the mythos of just about every human culture in history. They can range from benevolence, to malicious, and everything in between. They usually have control over some element, from fire, to ice, to lightning. Some legends have them controlling every element, or just being all-powerful… Plus, they just look cool.” he finished excitedly.
“Well,” she replied in a slightly amused voice, “I have to agree with you, there.” finishing with a light chuckle.
The conversation seemed to stall there, and Kyle was the one to broach the subject.
“So, you wanted to talk to me?” he inquired, with a note of trepidation creeping back into his voice.
“I did.” she replied, with a gentle firmness; she didn’t want him to feel more threatened than he already - obviously - was, “It’s come to my attention that you haven’t been interacting with the ship beyond your two rooms, and that you give the most minimalist of replies when addressed by your fellow crew members. And while there’s no rule that you have to interact with the crew, I’ve been informed that you haven’t even been to the cafeteria to eat. Obviously, I have no problem with you having your own food and cookware,” here she gestured to the air filter hanging over a stovetop/oven in the corner, “But it’s starting to unnerve the crew a bit. You must understand how it looks to someone on the outside: all anyone is aware of is that you’re a Class 12 aggressor. No one knows why you’re classified as such, and I know you don’t want to tell the story to anyone else; hells, I doubt you would want me telling the story on your behalf.
“So the only thing they have to judge you off of is the official Federal rating on you, and your behavior you exhibit in front of them. Now, I’m not asking you to spend all of your free time fraternizing with everyone you see. However, if you could just start by going to eat with everyone else - perhaps go down to the gun range? - I’m sure that you can meet new people, who simply want to know you… I read your psych report: I know what you went through as a child. And while I can’t guarantee that no one on this ship will bring back memories of the tormentors of your childhood, I can guarantee that the majority will leave you pleasantly surprised,”
If what she’d learned from her interactions with the suun’mahs, and the kanfi’doe - not to mention Kah’Ri - was anything to judge by, then he was very clearly expressing guilt, with his head dropped, and him seeming to be unable to make eye contact. Finally he broke the silence, looking at her sheepishly, saying,
“How far d'you think I can push the ‘unpacking my massive amount of personal items’?” with a shy smile on his face.
That drew out a genuine laugh from her, and she smilingly replied with,
“I think you’ve pretty much used up that time. I’m sure we could pass it off as the only reason you’ve been so reclusive, but it won’t work for very much longer.”
Kyle gave a resigned sigh, and in a matching voice said,
Alright, I’ll go out more besides, you’re right about the gun range: I’ve only ever shot any guns once, when a… an acquaintance brought his pistol and rifle on a camping trip. I was invited to go to this National Park by some people at work, and I didn’t have a really good reason to refuse… Anyway, I really do have a few more things to do in my equipment room, though; so, would tomorrow be okay?”
She smiled at this, and said,
“That would be acceptable, thank you.” she didn’t want to end on this note, however, so she cast her mind around for anything to talk about, and her mind latched onto something,
“What was that that you were eating when you were in the hallway?” she asked, gesturing to the plastic container he’d set down on his desk.
He smiled at this, and brightly replied,
“Oh, those’re sunflower seeds; well, sunflower kernels seeing as they’ve already been shelled.” and here, he walked over to a cabinet that was used for storing utility items, which did have a few cleaning supplies in the bottom, but the shelves were filled with snack foods. From one shelf at about his shoulder, he pulled an unopened, identical container, and tossed it to her. Having removed the plastic film around the edge of the lid, she opened it, and - mimicking Kyle - she stuck her tongue into the mass of kernels.
The kernels - themselves - had a light, almost bland taste to them, but in a good way. There was a definite taste to them, and not so little that she actually needed so many at a time, but also not so strong as to be overpowering. It was very much something that she could eat if she was feeling ill, and having trouble keeping down more rich flavored food. Plus, the salt was applied in such amount as to enhance the flavor, and not to overpower it. She couldn’t find anything wrong with it. However, one thing occurred to her, somewhat belatedly.
“Are you sure this is safe for me?” she asked with a small smile.
“Yeah,” he answered, smiling, “Kay’Eighty’s already gone through the medical records of the different species, at least, what’s available to the wider public. There’s not really much that we can eat that other species can’t, and there’s not really much that you couldn’t eat, anyways.”
“Well,” she began with a slight laugh, “That’s good to know… Speaking of Kay’Eighty, may I meet her?”
“Of course.” he replied, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small blue box, that soon morphed into a foot-tall, human-shaped ‘robot’; though, ‘android’ would probably be a more fitting descriptor, at this point.
“Hello Captain Vohr’Doe,” she said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Captain Vohr’Doe smiled down at the tiny person, and replied,
“And you, as well. How are you enjoying your stay here; is there anything I can do to make your time here more…” She wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to say here: ‘inclusive’? ‘Enjoyable’? Whatever she wanted to say, it seemed that Kay’Eighty understood, as she responded with a polite smile, and to say,
“Thank you, Captain, but I have everything I need, supplied to me by the humans. All I need - really - is material to feed my nano-forge in the off chance that I were to lose any bots, for whatever reason, and - again - I have more than enough in storage.”
Not wanting to overstay her welcome, she decided to leave them to whatever they needed to do. So with farewells all around, she took her leave, carrying the container of sunflower kernels that Kyle gave her.
Ah’Sheen hated being so small, at times. At only a foot tall - or two feet long on all fours, and counting their tails - the miu’alfar were the smallest sapient species in the known galaxy. Though, it wasn’t the Federation - in and of itself - that made it a problem, as there were all sorts of workarounds that the Federation went out of its way to implement that were to the benefit of the smaller species. But in every civilization, there were always the extremists. People who thought themselves superior to others for whatever reason, and thought that gave them the right to bully others. And that led to ‘trickle-down’ bullying, which led to her current situation.
The three rahv’oyeck that had been harassing her had been content to hurl insults at her, mocking her for being so small, even though the rahv’oyeck didn’t grow taller than two feet, themselves. But when she’d turned the corner into the connecting path - on a street it would be referred to as an ‘alley’, and in this case, wasn’t covered by the security cameras - her vision went completely dark, as one - or all - of them manipulated the light from her eyes. Unfortunately for her, she had been close to the edge when this happened, and her momentum couldn’t be stopped so suddenly, as she’d sped up to try to get away from them. This led to her falling the ten feet to the floor below. Luckily, her people could survive greater falls with minimal injury; it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, though, as she rolled into a sitting position, a bit winded from the impact.
Of course, this led to a cacophony of laughter above her, which quickly came down to her level, accompanied by the flapping of their wings. She heard the female of the group talking, first.
Wow” she said in amused awe, “You made her eyes into mirrors! How’d you do that?”
The one to her left - a male - replied in a smug voice,
“Yeah, my dad taught me about that: basically, you just have to reflect all the light from a surface, and it makes a mirror; takes a lot of focus, though.”
“So,” said the one in front of her, a male, “Where were you heading, rodent?”
“Please,” she replied, “Leave me alone; I won’t tell anyone, just let me go.”
“I don’t know,” the one who was apparently blocking her vision said with vindictive pleasure, “We were on our way to lunch, and I’m thinking you might just make a tasty meal.”
There was laughter, then the female said,
“She may be small, but I don’t think you could finish her by yourself.”
“Oh, didn’t you know?” he asked, “Rodents have collapsible spines; I bet I could swallow her whol-rgck!”
His voice cut off into a choking sound, as at the same time, her vision came back. The first thing she saw was the two rahv’oyeck who were directly in front of her, and to her right; both of whom were staring - with their beaks wide open - at something above them all, and to her left. Looking in that direction, she saw Kyle, and an instinct to run and hide flashed up inside of her at the sight of him.
The first thing she noticed was his face, which was twisted into a pained-looking rictus, a bastardization of the smile he gave to Kah’Ri at lunch the other day. Firstly, there were too many teeth visible; as well as his gums. And though she couldn’t see his eyes, she was instinctively sure that there was zero amusement behind that ‘smile’. Backing this up was his right arm extended all the way out to his side, who’s hand was currently wrapped around the throat of the rahv’oyeck who had used his Gift on her. The fingers on the end of his wings were scrabbling at Kyle’s hand, trying to free himself, but Kyle’s fingers might as well have been made of steel, for all the good it was doing him; he finally settled on hanging on to Kyle’s hand to relieve the pressure on his throat, which Kyle didn’t seem to be squeezing enough to entirely cut off his air, though his hand was visibly shaking from the obvious restraint. His voice reflected that almost-painful restraint of rage as he - in the icy voice of a psychotic murderer trying to sound innocent - said,
“You know, I thought I heard the squawking of a bunch of seagulls, but turns out it was actually laughter. And so I thought to myself, ‘Hey, I like to laugh; maybe these seagulls’ve got some jokes.' So I decided to come and find out: What’s so funny?
The other two just stood there, beaks still open, and a tremble now running through their bodies as they stared on in obvious terror; here was the Class 12 ‘beast’ Kor’Rah was referencing the other day. After a few seconds of silence, Kyle gave a casual flick of his wrist, sending the bird in his hand fluttering behind him, and showing a supreme lack of concern for the life he was literally holding in his hand just moments before. At the same time, he bent forward, reaching out towards them. The other two obviously - along with her, she had to admit - thought that he was reaching for one of them, as they both fell over themselves trying to scramble away from his outstretched hand. However, he surprised them all by grabbing Ah’Sheen around her waist in an unexpectedly gentle - while expectedly firm - grip, and lifting her up, placing her on his left shoulder as he straightened up. Looking down at the two in front of them, he said in soft growl,
“You know, humans have two rules -” here, he looked to the side, and his voice momentarily took on a bit of a distracted tone, “Actually, humans have a lot of rules - but two main ones that you’re dangerously close to breaking unforgivably. First and foremost being: don’t mess with my friends.” and here, he walked past them, leaving them staring up at him. She didn’t want to seem like she was making fun of him, but she felt he was leaving himself open to it from the other three there, so she sent a tendril of thought to his mind, which he accepted, and through it she said,
‘You said there were two, but you only told them one.’
She felt the smirk he was suppressing, and he said back,
‘I know, but there’s always one who has to be Billy Badass.’
Almost as if on cue, they heard a rather hoarse voice behind them say,
“Yeah, and what’s number two?”
Kyle stopped dead, and slowly turned, as she felt him let the rage bubble back up to the surface. She felt vindictive smile crack his face, and he practically growled through clenched teeth,
Fuck around, and find out.” and with that, he took a quick, hard step forward, causing all three of them to scramble around, and take to the air, flying in the complete opposite direction. Kyle gave a snort of laughter, and continued on the way he was going, which turned out to be to the elevator. He was about to push one of the buttons, when he froze, seeming to think of something.
“Um,” he began, “Where were you going, by the way?”
She gave a slight laugh, and said,
“Well, I was going to lunch; why, where are you going.”
“Oh,” he replied, “I was heading to my equipment room, but I can drop you off on my way.”
“Oh,” she said, “Well, if you’re not going, then I can wait for a while: they mentioned that they were heading to lunch, as well, and I don’t want to deal with that. You can set me down here: I’m sure they won’t try anything, again.”
But Kyle was still for a few seconds, before he pushed the button to take them to the equipment rooms.
“I got something that can hold you over till dinner.” he said as the doors began to close.
She wanted to decline - not because she was afraid of him, but because she didn’t want him to go through any undue effort on her part - but she thought better of it; if for no other reason, than to ‘force’ him to put her down would be to take another fall similar to the one she just took earlier, and she didn’t want to go through that again. Soon enough, they were in front of his equipment room, and he motioned for it to open, and she was confronted with a wall of wooden crates. Kyle didn’t seem to be bothered by it, as he turned to his left, and walked around the corner, revealing a mostly clear room. He had obviously put his stuff away, seeing as the room was mostly clear, with the only thing out of the ordinary was a big rectangular metal box in the far corner, and a bunch of large canvases on the walls. The canvases were all of various things, from a dark forest, to nebulae, to a ‘cartoon’ tree, with a large gray trunk, and purple leaves, with golden light shining through the cracks.
Kyle walked over to the box, setting her - along with his sunglasses - down on the desk that came with the room beside the box, he opened said box, pulling out two cylindrical plants with long, green leaves. Each was individually wrapped in plastic, and were quite obviously frozen. As he walked over to one of the closets that lined the walls, he opened it to reveal a large cooking pit. He walked a bit further in, and picked up a smaller pit, one that was just barely taller than herself. He set this one beside the larger one, filled it with lumps of what appeared to be coal, and set it alight. He reached up, and turned on what she took to be an air filter, judging by the sound of an air-intake. As he stepped back, her eyes moved past him, to the spot that was hidden from her view before, as this was on the other side of the box ‘wall’ he seemed to have purposely constructed, and she couldn’t help but gasp when she saw it.
There, to the right of his door - though you wouldn’t know that walking in, obviously - was a 10’-tall tree, and as unexpected as a tree on a ship would be, it was what the tree bore that was the real shocker. For all over it, from the highest branches, growing from vines that wrapped their ways around the trunk, to other, thicker vines that grew around the base, sprouting large green fruits, some of them even bigger than she was, as well as a yellow-tan plant that had almost sharp-looking leaves sprouting out of the top. Kyle followed her gaze, and in a smiling voice, said,
“Oh, yeah; that’s my fruit tree.” he said, as he walked over and picked her up, taking her over to the tree, “Those are apples: ‘red crisp’, there, and those are called ‘granny smith’. The red ones are sweeter, while the green ones have a more tangy bite to ‘em. Those’re ‘oranges’, and the larger ones are called ‘grapefruits’; ‘mangoes’, ‘pomegranates’, ‘peaches’, and ‘bananas’. On the trunk are red and green ‘grapes’, ‘strawberries’, ‘blackberries’, ‘raspberries’, ‘blueberries’, ‘passionfruit’, and ‘dragonfruit’. Down there are ‘watermelons’, and ‘pineapples’. Just a small sample of the fruits from Earth, but the ones I’m most familiar with.”
She was stuck staring in awe, and finally found her voice enough to ask,
“How are there so many different fruits on one tree?”
“Well, before the scientists moved on to manipulating the human genome, they started with plants. Besides making actual hybrids - like, mixing the qualities of multiple fruits together - they made hybrid plants wherein they grow multiple different instances of fruits, or vegetables, like this one.” and with this, he reached out, and pulled a large bunch of the ‘strawberries’ from the vines, using his shirt as a makeshift ‘basket’.
He then took her back to the desk, and set her down, then returned to the opened closet and retrieved a machine that looked like some kind of food processor: it was a large pitcher that sat in a smaller machine-base, with four small blades at the bottom of the pitcher. After he set that down on the desk, and plugged it in, he took the remaining leaves off of the strawberries, and dumped them - one by one as he finished with them - into the processor. Reopening the freezer, he scooped out some ice with a metal scoop, and filled the pitcher almost to the top. He then went over to another closet, and this one was more shallow - mostly a closet to hold coats - that had been converted into a liquor cabinet, stocked floor to ceiling with many different spirits of many different colors. He selected a clear bottle, and closed the closet, returning to the desk.
After he poured a measured amount into the pitcher, he put the lid on the top and - while holding it down, one finger hovering over one of the buttons, he looked over at her and said,
“This’s gonna be kinda loud.”
She covered her ears, and he pushed the button, activating the blades to begin pulverizing the contents of the pitcher. After almost a minute, the harsh crushing, grinding sound fell away, replaced by the loud wiring of mechanical parts. Kyle shut the machine off, and reached into a cabinet over the desk, pulling out two glasses, one several inches taller than the other. After he poured the delicious-smelling drink into the glasses, he handed her the smaller one, and she took an experimental sip: it was delicious., and she told him so.
After he had taken his own drink of the mix - and nodded his thanks to her - he reopened the box, this time reaching into the furthest-most left side, on the other side of the partition, where items that needed to be kept cold - but obviously not frozen - were kept, and pulled out a bowl with a lid on it. Looking over at her, he asked,
“How are you with… ‘jhode’yuus’, the drahk’mihn would call it; we call it ‘butter’ - at least, in English, we do.”
“That’s not a problem,” she replied, “Being a mammal, milk - and milk by-products - are easily digestible by herbivores; it’s the actual meat that we can’t process.”
“Cool.” was all he said, and proceeded to open the bowl, taking a plastic seal off the top. Out of the cabinet to the right of the one containing his glasses, he pulled a small rectangular box, from which he extracted two long sheets of some thin metallic material. He folded them in half long-ways, and cinched the ends together, the metal being extremely pliable. Taking a spoon out of one of the desk drawers, he then scooped a large dollop of the ‘butter’ into each ‘trough’ that he’d made, and opened the two containers, pulling out the vegetables inside, stripping the outer leaves from the seemingly now-thawed vegetables, revealing the yellow-white kernels that were hidden beneath.
“This’s called ‘corn’,” he stated, “More specifically, ‘corn-on-the-cob’. There are several ways to prepare corn, but by far the best way to do it is like this. You can boil it in a pot - sure - but I prefer to boil it in butter, on the grill.” and with that, he set each ‘cob’ of ‘corn’ on the bed of butter, closing the metal over the tops of each. He then took the metal-wrapped vegetables over to the pit, and set them on it, placing the lid back on the pit.
He came back, and sat down at the desk, taking a large - for her, anyway - drink from his glass, and she was suddenly struck by the silence. It occurred to her that asking ‘how have you been’ would be both hollow, and a bit invasive, seeing as they’d only met once. She looked up at him, wanting to say something, but still not knowing what to say, her mouth left slightly open. However, when she looked at him, she saw a strange smirk on his face, and before she could think of anything to say, he took the initiative, answering as if she’d asked a question.
“I’ve been good - well,” he said in a slightly distracted voice, “As good as can be expected, anyways. I’ve been mostly just unpacking; been doing that for the past three days. I haven’t encountered anyone tryin’ to mess with me, but I’m guessing that’s ‘cause they don’t wanna be killed - or eaten - by the ‘Class 12 monster’.” he finished with a smirk.
“Well,” she began in an almost flustered voice, “I’m sure that’s not…” she then thought better of her response, “Yeah, that’s probably it. There’s never been a Class 12 sapient species make it very long before driving themselves to extinction. People fear what they don’t know.”
“Yeah,” he replied easily, “I’m used to that. But we’re not really a ‘Class 12’ under most circumstances. I mean I’m sure you - as an expeditionist - know that a species isn’t rated on their everyday behavior, so much as their most extremes. And actually - for the most part - you’ll have to worry about humans trying to pet the various sapient races, as they’ll see them as just ‘too cute’.” he finished in an amused voice.
She hesitated for a moment, and found the courage to ask - albeit, in a timid voice -
“What… What made them classify you as a ‘12’, then?”
The look he gave her, it wasn’t anger; actually, it wasn’t anything. If she had to name the expression on his face, it would be ‘neutral’. However, there was a deepness to his eyes when he looked into hers, a dark pit of emotions that she felt could swallow her whole if she gazed too long into the abyss of his pupils. Then he blinked slowly, and that was replaced by a gentle sadness as he replied,
“Trust me, you don’t wanna know.” and though his voice had a note of that gentle sadness his eyes held, there was no anger, or offense; something happened on that ship that he knew would damage her. A notion crossed her mind then, of a temporarily insane example of the creature who wanted so badly to crush the life from the rahv’oyeck he held in his hand, with no filter, no control. A slight shiver went down her spine, and she gave a small nod of agreement. He gave her a gentle smile, and changed the subject.
For the next six Standard minutes, or so, they talked about their homes. He had given her his native language, stating it would be easier for them to speak in their own languages; he already had her’s, of course.
He told her about going camping back on Earth, the animals he saw, the wild apple tree he found, and even showed her photos on his personal communication device from Earth. And she was in awe at the beautiful landscapes he showed her, from green clearings in the middle of a vibrant forest, to a lake with a horizon of hills behind it, and even some animals, a lot of which looked unfamiliar, though she did see a black animal version of a galan’zhee. It was about as tall as the grass around it, and she was amazed when he told her that the grass was level with his own head. She wondered how he could take that picture with such a large apex predator looking at him - as it was in the picture - and she was shocked when he told her that all you have to do with 'black bears' is to make a lot of noise, and make yourself look big; that for all the damage they could do, they’re really just big balls of fear.
From there, he inquired about her home life, and so she told him about the colony planet she was born on. It was not really much different than the pictures on his device, with the notable exception that there were no predators larger than an adolescent miu’alfar, and those are very skittish as it is, avoiding any life forms bigger than themselves. There was also the notable difference - from Moor’Ess - of there being a definite day/night cycle, and how they didn’t need sunglasses to operate in brighter lights. He informed her that he wore them to protect his eyes, and that at home, he would block all windows from allowing natural light in.
It was during this that something from before occurred to her.
“Say, Kyle: did you really mean what you said to them, back there?” she asked a bit timidly.
Kyle scowled at the walled-off door, as if they were waiting outside.
Damn straight.” he practically growled, then his expression cleared into one of slight confusion, and he looked over at her, saying, “Wh- um… Just so we’re like, on the same page here: what-uhh, what part did you mean?”
She laughed a little at this, and with a bit more confidence said,
“The part where you called me your friend.”
Kyle’s eyes opened a bit wider at that, and she got the distinct impression that he’d been caught off guard with that, but instead of trying to backtrack on it, he simply asked,
“Well, shouldn’t I?” with a funny little smile on his face.
“Well, no-” she replied, slightly flustered, “I mean, yes, I just… I mean, we just met; I didn’t want to assume… I mean…” she trailed off, not really knowing what to say. But to her relief, Kyle’s laugh that followed was one of polite amusement.
“It’s okay, I understand… Nah, humans are a social species, even introverts like myself. If there’s no reason *not* to be friends with someone, we can usually ‘buddy up’ fairly quickly. Add in the fact that we’ve been dreaming of ‘aliens’ since before we had radio waves, and most people out here’ll be hard pressed to find an enemy in humans. Not to mention that you all look like some kind of animal from back home, and yall’ll be havin’ to beat humans off with a stick; metaphorically speaking, of course…. Mostly, anyways…” to which they both had a good laugh.
Finally - though she barely noticed the time go by - he went to the pit and took the corn from the heat, and put the lid back on, closing the door behind him.
“I’ll deal with it all later,” he said with a small laugh, the metal-wrapped corn being held in his shirt, like the strawberries had been.
She chuckled, herself, as he pulled plates from one of the cabinets over the desk. After setting each ‘cob’ of corn down, he took the handle of the spoon, and used it to tear open the metal wrapping, spilling out the corn ,as well as the ‘butter’ it was cooked in; and the smell was absolutely divine. After he had poured out the contents of each wrap, and they had allowed it a couple minutes to cool, they dug in, with Kyle providing another large dollop of butter on each plate, instructing her that the best way to eat it is to slather it with butter, which was easiest done by simple rolling the corn in the butter.
It was delicious; better than the smell, even. For several minutes, they were both silent, each enjoying the crisp, rich taste of the Earth food. Finally, they had cleared the cobs of all the edible kernels, and had also each taken a bit of time to gnaw on the film that surrounded said kernels, that had stayed stuck to the cob. Kyle then went over to the tree and collected a large bunch of fruit, consisting of a couple peaches, a bunch of red grapes, a bunch of blackberries, and a few strawberries. He took them over to the desk, collected a bowl from another cabinet, and after retrieving a knife from the desk, began cutting up the bigger fruits into smaller pieces, depositing them in the bowl. After he was done, he shook the bowl around, effectively stirring the fruit without any utensils. He then set the bowl down, and retrieved two forks from the desk. He set one down in front of her and - with a slight smile -asked,
“You okay with sharin’ a bowl with me, or would you prefer your own?”
She picked up the fork and - without a word - began spearing pieces of fruit. He gave a small smile at that, and she could have sworn she saw a bit of relief in that smile, but she was focused on eating her dessert. And it was delicious, as well.
Not that any of the fruit she was eating was necessarily better than any she’d eaten before, but it was all entirely new, and all delicious. She particularly liked the peaches, though calling them the ‘best’ was only possible by a small margin.
They wound up spending all day in his room, talking about their lives back home, their likes and dislikes, and generally just becoming friends. She was a bit surprised at how easy it was to talk to him, and the more she got to know him, the more she believed that she didn’t want to know why his race was a Class 12.
She also met the A.I. that had volunteered to work with him - she was not assigned to him, as the humans accepted their A.I. as equals, and didn’t treat them as simple computer programs. And she had to admit, Kay’Eighty was a very personable being, being just as emotive as any biological person she’d ever met.
They had a nice dinner in his equipment room, him grilling a steak on the smaller pit in his closet, along with some of the salad he’d made for her, consisting of what he called ‘lettuce’, ‘tomatoes’, ‘cucumbers’, slivers of ‘carrots’, and ‘croutons’, which were little squares of re-baked bread, which left them more crunchy than if it had simply been toasted. Once again, everything was delicious.
Finally, she began to feel the effects of having been drinking and talking all day, and began to feel drowsy. Upon noticing this, Kyle began cleaning up, then - more gently than before - lifted her to his shoulder, again, and as such, they left his equipment room. From there, he escorted her directly to her ‘living’ room, where he bid her goodnight, waiting to leave until the door closed behind her.
[Next link in comments.]
submitted by Drakos8706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2023.02.05 16:04 Xillenn Mjesta kao što je bio nekadašnji Kriterion u Sarajevu?

afoul schooner cloudburst ownership osmosis volume top monastery effect well shanty story workshop pineapple volatile berry samovar hello jury brain class stencil trap burn-out grub cot recondite rustic stopsign media hallway burglar headquarters sip eraser creature semester vibraphone giraffe ephyra disapprove buzzard survey razor trip strawman sniffle doctorate celery son counseling ravioli weather equipment spree offer macaroon lazy labour consensus cruelty angina fuzzy alien cone webinar video hash spend scenario
submitted by Xillenn to bih [link] [comments]

2023.01.19 00:07 doctorsirus A Conspiracy Theorist's Starter Guide to IRL Artisan Goods (Part 1/5: Wines and Alcohols)

Hello there.
I love this game so much, so much so that I love my in game wife enough to write conspiracy theories about her. However, that is not the purpose of my diatribe today. In game, you can make a vast amount of artisan goods for the sake of profit or gifts. As someone who lives in the middle of a patch of haunted woods and is low on cash, I make a lot of these goods for the purpose of exchanging favors. I'm here to provide a crude starter guide for those that may be inspired by the game to start making their own, but aren't sure where to start.
I'm going to be discussing a couple of things. Keep in mind, this is just a starter guide so I'm not going to be talking about a lot of the nuances of these artisan goods. Just like the name on the tin, this is to get you started, nothing more. I'm going to be talking about the following:
Let's get started.

Wines and Alcohols

Alcohol has been brewed for thousands of years, and the easiest to make is, of course, with grapes. Let's talk a little bit about the brewing--or fermenting, as we'll call it--process first before I start with how to do it.
Alcohol all starts with a fungus called yeast. It's fairly easy to buy yeast packets nowadays, but what about in the olden days of Rome, Greece, and Egypt? Well, the thing is yeast is pretty much everywhere. It's outside, it's on your foods, it's probably in your house at this very moment; it's also the critical ingredient to making bread. There tends to be a lot of dormant yeast in the skins of grapes, and coupled with all the sugars in grapes, it is easy to start the fermenting process to make alcohol. Yeast fungus needs sugar, and as it eats sugar, it excretes carbon dioxide (which will be important for later) and ethanol, the alcohol you drink.
The fermenting process takes a long time, several weeks or even months in fact. Yeast needs sugar, and while certain fruits have sugar to spare, such as grapes, sometimes you will need to add more sugar to keep the fermenting going; this has the added benefit of making your brew more potent and stronger. While talking about sugar, I should take a moment to talk about the difference between sweet and dry wines. The difference between the two is taste, and that taste can be predetermined by where an when the fermenting process stops, or is forced to stop. If the yeast eats all of the sugar in your batch of wine, that is a dry wine (the yeast will die off or go dormant). If the fermenting process is stopped purposely or accidentally before all the sugar is eaten, that is a sweet wine. There is no "better" between the two. It is all up to personal preference.
Lastly, the carbon dioxide is critical to this process. Oxygen isn't toxic to the process of fermenting, and at times you'd want to introduce oxygen into your wine, but leave that to the experts. This is a beginner's guide. Just know that oxygen is not good for fermenting wine in most circumstances, so avoid exposing it to the open air at all costs.
Wine is the most straightforward, so let's talk about it's close cousin, mead. Now while wine can be brewed with the sugars in fruit, you can also add sugars; for simplicity, let's just say it's water, yeast, and fruit. For mead, the entirety of ingredients is just water, yeast, and honey. Honey is the key ingredient to qualify an alcohol for the title of a mead. If you add fruit, any fruit, to the process to flavor it, then it is called a melomel. My personal favorite melomel that I brew is a sweet Cactus Fruit Melomel.
Beer and ale is a little different, and the process is much more involved. Since this is just a starter guide, I'm not going to get into it. Trust me, try wine first to get yourself used to the process as it is much easier, and will teach you the necessary skills to make ale and beer. I'm also not going to be talking about topics such as gravity and acid content
Now, for the wine making process itself.


You will need a couple things.
For the type of yeast, you will need wine yeast. There are specific types of yeast used for different things. For instance, active dry yeast is used in sodas. You can get away (sometimes) with using a different yeast depending on what you are doing (Such as when I made ginger ale with wine yeast in this), but let's stick to the basics first. Yes, amazon sells wine yeast if you don't have it in your area. In terms of proportions for how much yeast you will need in your wine, less is more. There is not time limit when making wine. You can keep the fermenting process going on for nearly indefinitely. However, if you add too much yeast to your batch of wine, yeast has a very distinct taste it it may not be something you will like in your wine, especially if it is too strong.
Why do you need two different fermenting mediums? Because you don't want all of that fruit sitting in your wine. Not everyone likes fruit pulp in their juices, and the sentiment is much, much stronger for wines, beers, mead, and ales. Plus, the fermenting fruits will effect the taste if it's left in there too long. It's best to get it out. If you like pulp in your alcohol, good for you, but let's do it by the book first.
Additionally, the second fermenting medium's narrow neck is needed for a critical part of the process: removing oxygen. For the primary process, you can get away with a wide, open-mouthed bucket. However, the secondary part of the process is something that needs to worry about oxygen contamination. Oxygen contamination effects the taste and darkens the color of your wine. The narrow neck of a carboy helps prevent this. How? Remember the part where yeast produces Carbon Dioxide (CO2) when it eats sugar? Well, CO2, is heavier than oxygen and, if you have an airlock in place, the CO2 produced by the yeast will push out the oxygen in the air above it. No more oxygen contamination.
Alright, that covers all the basics. Your schedule is cleared, your counter is filled, and everything is in a neat row. What do you do now?


You'll need to mash up your fruit a bit; for a straight mead, you skip this step. For melomels, you don't. You can blend it or juice it if you want, or if it's a softer fruit like grapes you can do it like they do in the movies (Fun fact, your toe fungus also helps in the fermenting process. Just don't be gross and rely solely on your athlete's foot.). If it's something like apples, quartering it with a knife should be fine. It doesn't have to be great or perfect, just good enough, as the fermenting process will be enough to deal with some larger pieces. Trust me, at the end of the primary fermenting process, it will all be mush.
At this point, you can also add in spices if you are feeling adventurous. Have apples? Try allspice. Oranges? Cinnamon. Pears? Vanilla. Pineapple? Cloves. You can get weird in later batches if you want. For instance, adding tea to certain fruits may add a distinct aromatic flair, or even black pepper (seriously). For basic spices, the general rule if you don't want it with the fruit normally, you won't like it as a wine. Just don't add too many spices at first; less is more. If the taste is not strong enough, you can always add more later. If it's too strong, that's not something you can take back.
So your fruit's in the bucket. Next comes the sugar. How much sugar? Well, there are guides out there, and if you want a sweeter wine the general rule is more sugar. However, in this aspect I am a child and guides are not the boss of me and I will add more sugar if I damn well please.
Just start with one pound of sugar per gallon and go from there if you are not sure. You can always fine tune your preferred amounts in future batches. If it's not sweet enough for you, no sweat. You can always add more sugar later. My batches of Cactus Fruit mead need about 20 pounds of honey for a five gallon batch.
If you are worried about exact proportions, you don't need to be exact. For instance, in a five gallon wine making bucket, the primary fermentation medium, I tend to have all of my fruit, sugar, and spices take up about the first gallon of space and fill up the rest with water. Does that mean I have only four gallons of wine or mead? No, it doesn't. You can add water later in the process, and adding water is in fact necessary. Trust me, it may seem like you are watering down your wine but this will not affect the taste as strongly as you may think.
Fill up your primary fermentation medium as full of water as you need. It's usually five or three gallons for most starting home equipment. Just make sure you have the space in your carboy for the desired amount of wine.
So you're sugar, fruit, water are in. Lastly, it's the yeast. Personally, I don't like the taste of yeast in wine, so for me less is best. This may not apply to you. Additionally, the less yeast in the mix, the slower the process. For five gallons of wine, I add somewhere about a third of a packet or three grams, but I try to be lighter than that. If you are worried about having too much yeast in the mix, start with less and, say it with me now, you can always add more later.
Mix that bitch thoroughly. Make sure the sugar is dissolved. That is a necessary step, as the yeast cannot eat raw sugar that easily. It has to be in water. Close the lid, and make sure it is airtight. All the way sealed now. I don't care if you have noodle arms and always fail the smashing stone contest of strength during the Stardew Valley Fair, make sure it is all the way sealed. A little bit of oxygen is fine at this stage, but too much will be bad. Finally, put in your airlock wherever it may be on the lid, and ensure it is filled with the correct amount of water. The airlock ensures that the yeast reaction, when it produces CO2, will push out through the water and make its signature bubbling. CO2 can escape, and oxygen can't.
Once per day, take off the lid and stir thoroughly. By day two, you should be seeing fizz and bubbles whenever you stir the mix. If not, this is a sign you need a little more yeast in the mix. Add a pinch, stir gently, and seal the lid. After another two days of no bubbles, add another pinch and stir; if there is a week of no bubbles, you likely have a dead batch of yeast and need a new one, although adding more yeast at this stage may affect the taste. Make sure the airlock still has water. You will be stirring this mixture once a day for a full two months.


Before the filtering process can begin, I cannot stress this point enough: clean the ever-loving shit of your equipment and carboy. At this point, mold contamination becomes a very real thing. You will want your equipment to be as clean as possible to prevent the possibility of it occurring. It's not as big as a problem as you may think, but it's better if it just doesn't happen to begin with. I will talk more about this in a moment.
At that time, it is time to clear out the batch. Pry open the lid and slowly scoop out the fruit mix, called must, into a bucket or whatever you have on hand and discard. Dump it into compost if you have it or whatever; you will not be using the fruit mix any longer. Warning, must will get chickens drunk. It's fun to watch, but I don't recommend it for their health.
Using a wine siphon (you will have to suck start it), carefully get the rest of the wine into the carboy; this process is called racking. You can also deploy a cheesecloth filter as you pour to capture whatever loose fruit pulp you have left in the bucket as it is poured. If some pulp or cloudy garbage makes it into the carboy, do not worry. The is only the first of many more filter attempts you will be making. Do not scrape the bottom of the bucket for the last bits of watery wine material; the majority of the yeast is there. If you get it into the carboy, it will strongly affect the taste. Your carboy will have enough yeast in it to function, don't worry. If you are worried about sweetness, add a cup of sugar or two to the carboy and dissolve.
If you have, let's say, a five gallon bucket and a five gallon carboy, as you stare at the finished carboy you will have a lot of empty room at the top of the carboy because of what you had to dispose of. Don't worry, at this moment, you now can add water. Fill it to at least the widest part of the neck, although you can fill it up farther if needed. Don't fill it up too far because the yeast reaction may make it bubble over the neck. As a rule you want to keep the carboy as filled as possible to limit its exposure to oxygen; this is the phase where oxygen contamination becomes really important. The less room at the top, the less chance for contamination. One inch of head space at the top between the wine and the filer should be fine.
At this point, you can be pretty lazy with the wine. You don't need to do daily stirrings, and all maintenance of the batch will be taken care of ever three or four months afterward during it filtering. Try to keep the carboy away from sunlight in a place with a neutral, constant temperature; two hot will affect the taste, and two cold will make the yeast go dormant. It really doesn't need much during this stage. Just enjoy watching the bubbles form and the little blips of the airlock.
However, now I must talk about mold contamination. This is somewhat common for greenhorns, but rigorous cleanliness can avoid mold contamination; even I still get this. What do you look for and what do you do? Well, fortunately, you don't need to go much. After about two or three weeks, the little inch of space above the wine may become cloudy and moist. After that, stringy little bits of mold may form, even on the surface of the wine itself. This does not mix with your wine, so you do not need to worry about that unless you ingest it. However, this will oxidize your wine, so it is something that needs to be taken care of regardless.
Your first instinct may be to rack it again and vigorously filter it. Don't. You may have some lose bits of mold fall to the bottom with the faint bits of fruit and must, and it is so much harder to get out there. Remove the airlock, and if possible take a small spoon and scoop out the mold. Be very careful, you don't want bits to sink to the bottom of the carboy. Gentle wipe down the inner surface of the carboy with a very, very clean rag, and add a crushed up and dissolved Campden tablet into the carboy. This will help sterilize the mix. This may also kill the yeast reaction. Ever wondered why a wine may taste like sulfur? Because there is sulfur in the mix as a sterilizing agent.
I will reiterate, this guide is bare bones for a reason. There are a lot of chemicals to add to wine to help the process at different stages and different reasons. Some terms you may want to look through when you have time in relation to wine making:
Among others.
Assuming you don't get mold contaminants, after ever three or four months, you perform a racking. Clean your gear in the fires of Mt. Ginger Island, grab your siphon, and rack off the wine into another carboy, or some other sterile medium that will be returned to a carboy. Ensure your filter doesn't touch the bottom. You will have fruit must there and you don't want that in your next batch, so keep the end of the siphon in the carboy about an inch or two off the bottom. Dump what's in the bottom afterwards; saving the wine there may be more trouble than it's worth. Fill up the carboy with more water (adding sugar if needed. You can sample it in this stage if you want to gauge the sweetness) , and let the process begin again for another three or four months. You need time for the must and cloudy garbage to sink to the bottom, and time for the yeast to pump out more ethanol. This process can continue for a very long time. Just keep racking every few months, adding sugar to balance out your desired sweetness, or don't add sugar if you want a dry wine. After enough racking and time has passed, the carboy will become very clear. At the start, it will be cloudy and thick, but once it is "ready", the wine will be entirely transparent. Once your wine or mead has the desires alcoholic strength, taste, and purity of liquid, we proceed to the next step.

End the Cycle

The fermentation process can be stopped mainly in four ways. The first is the yeast eats all the sugar in the mix and it stops. It's as simple as that, and is the process for making a dry wine.
The second is the process is allowed to continue for so long that the yeast produces enough alcohol to kill itself. In a large enough doses, alcohol is toxic to yeast. You can also add beverages with high alcohol content to your carboy to stop the fermentation.
The third is chemically. You can things like sodium metabisulfite to kill off the yeast, but this is both not guaranteed to work and may affect the taste. It's not advised to do this with your first batch.
The last is chilling. Yeast goes dormant if it is too cold, and if it goes too cold for too long, the process will stop altogether. It is not 100%, as the process may start back up again, but it is pretty reliable. Just make sure you perform at least one last racking after the refrigeration period to get out any excess yeast.
At this point, you're pretty mush done. It's time to bottle your wine, or store it in mason jars. It's basically the same process as racking. Get your siphon, suck start it, and drain the wine into your bottle or jar of choice.
And we're done!
Join me tomorrow for another set of artisan goods for beginners.
submitted by doctorsirus to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2022.04.24 20:12 iano_byrno My Aya experience from a while back at a wonderful retreat in Costa Rica. Hope ye enjoy! Happy to answer any questions about it.

I awoke from a solid night’s rest excited for the day ahead. The ceremony wouldn’t be starting til around 9pm, so there was a day of time killing to be had. We started off with a fasted 2 hour sivananda yoga session in the ceremony room. This would be good breathing practice for later on Ronit said, partner of our Shaman Josué and mother figure at the retreat. She encouraged us to keep our eyes closed as much as possible throughout the session, again, good prep for later. Breath and smile she said. Breath and smile. If things got a bit intense during the ceremony, this was a good mantra to fall back on.
With yoga done, it was time for breakfast and we gathered around the sun kissed outdoor table to share the first of our two meals of the day. All the food was prepared fresh that morning, porridge, mixed fruits, granola and homemade almond milk. The atmosphere was light and conversational, with Ronit smiling us through the ease with which almond milk is made, and smiling still when she talked about how She, The Medicine, Abuela Ayahuasca would be visiting us soon. Knowing that I wouldn’t be eating after lunch, I helped myself to a few extra portions. Hey, I’m a big guy, lots of space to fill.
Breakfast breakfasted, we were left to our own devices until lunchtime, so the time killing exercises began.The retreat centre not being overly big there wasn’t a whole lot to explore or do. The in-between meal hours I spent colouring in a mandala even though I knew as soon as I started that I’d never have the time to finish it. I wandered down and sat by the river at the bottom of the property for a bit, read my book in the hammock and messed around with the table of musical instruments in the ceremony room that would be used to great effect later that night.
There were a few arrivals to the centre throughout the day. Ruby, a bubbly 22 year old American who was just in for the night from her job as a peace corps worker in a small coastal Costa Rican village. Olivia, a quiet pixy like German girl who had experience with ceremonies of various kinds. Esteban and Chris, a Costa Rican couple who would be helping out with the ceremony, Tito, a friend of the retreat crew who’d be doing aya for his first time and Will, another local who’d be doing his 9th ceremony. These arrivals joined myself, Tyrone, an early 40s yank from Washington who had arrived the night previous, and Shannon, a recently liberated from her job as a bar manager in Dayton Ohio and who was travelling Cost Rica for 6 weeks.
Everyone was greeted in the same way, with a hug and a welcoming smile by staff and guests alike. Before long it was lunch time and again there was light hearted conversation in between eating. Lunch lunched, the spanish speakers retired to a side table leaving the non-natives at our table to chit chat and kill some time with a long game of Uno, which of course I won. We talked convivally about this and that and nothing in particular. After Uno we went our separate ways. With nothing really to do and with light fading I chose to get one last hammock reading session in and finished my book. With still some time to go before the ceremony I noodled around with a classical guitar that I had spied in the music room the night previous, and was soon joined by inquisitive ears who were looking for a distraction just as much as I was. I played a few songs as the retreat crew floated around getting things prepared in the ceremony room. and was thanked by my attentive audience for ‘filling the space’ with music.
The day never dragged though. The mood amongst our group was calm. There was no evident impatience. No palpable nervous energy, nail biting or leg shaking. Everyone was expectant and ready for the evening ahead and with the light of the day now gone we were given our 10 minute warning. I say warning but really it was Esteban coming around saying we’re gonna get started soon. I grabbed my wool jumper and socks from my room having been told earlier it’d be chilly in the open air ceremony room so best lash a layer or two on. We joined Josué in the room. Rows of single mattresses lined the one long wall, facing out to the open space with nice views of the surrounding treeline and block of sky visible under the roof. There were some folded blankets at the foot of each mattress. An ominous bucket was placed at each bed side. Lit candles were strewn about the place, not too many, a nice non-gregarious amount, and in the middle was the pseudo ‘stage’, where the music of the ceremony would be performed. There was one amp connected to an acoustic guitar, several drums of varying size, a microphone, some flutes, latin percussion claves, maracas and random sound making devices like shells on a string. Clackity clackity clack. We each took a spot on an empty mattress and settled in.
Josué was a big round bellied man in his early thirties. He wore his typical Latin black hair in a bun and sported a wispy moustache and even wispier chinese goatee thing on his chin. His thin rimmed glasses and unintentional facial muscle contractions caused by poor eyesight made him seem childlike at times, particularly when laughing his giddy laugh. When he spoke his words were soft and gentle and always with an ease of purpose. He had an easy air about him, not exuding any certain charisma or guru like clichés. He just seemed very comfortable in his skin and surroundings. I, like everyone else felt very at ease in his company.
The night previous he had sat us down to share how we were feeling and set intentions for the ceremony. He spoke about his own path and journey to the medicine, having discovered it while working for several years under a Peruvian medicine woman. He had been a music teacher prior but felt a new calling after his own experiences with it and went about setting up the Mundo Gente Medicina Retreat Centre with Ronit and his brother Gabriel. He gave us some insight into what he perceived the medicine to be and answered any questions we had. Speaking lovingly about the medicine his energy was gently infectious. When each of us spoke he listened attentively and seemed interested in what we had to say. I didn’t really have any specific intentions in mind, no one thing that I had hoped to gain or issue I was seeking clarity for. I said that I had been fascinated by the medicine for years and always wondered about where it could possibly bring me or what it could show me. I was a seeker of knowledge, of happiness, of growth, and having sat with the idea of participating in a ceremony for years I felt that the time was right. So here I was.
Everyone was seated in solemn silence as the Mundo crew floated around putting the final touches to the room. Neither the staff nor us spoke a word. After a few minutes in silence Josué asked us to make our way outside to the fire. We shuffled out and took up a spot around the flames that were set into the circular stone rimmed hearth. We again sat in silence waiting for Josué and Ronit to join us, each person shifting their lazy gaze between the flames and starry nights sky. After some time they joined us and began their welcoming introduction to the night, walking us through some of the small print. There were 2 bathrooms available. The emergency exits of the evening. The fire we were seated around would be fed throughout the night if anyone wished to come to it at any stage of the ceremony. A cosmological break out room as it were. The staff would be on hand for anyone who needed guidance or help. If at any stage anybody wanted anything they could get the staffs attention by putting a hand up or just shouting out. Josué explained that some aya ceremonies follow certain rules or practices involving one on one interaction and various interruptions to a person's journey. There would be no such rituals tonight, with each participant being allowed to go through their journey with minimal interference by the staff, unless they felt it necessary to say, splash some rose water on our heads, add or take away a blanket, or provide a calming and earthy touch to the shoulder. We would be otherwise let alone, but always under the watchful senses of the crew. The ceremony would begin with Ronit administering some rapé medicine to each of us, followed by silent meditation, then Josué would administer the medicine, whose effects would take between 1-2 hours to latch on. After 2 hours we’d be asked if we wanted another dose. Music would be a constant throughout the night.
The small print now out of the way, Ronit welcomed each of us to say a prayer or mantra or thanks or whatever we wanted into the fire. She walked around to each of us, dropping a handful of tobacco leaves into our palms. The tobacco plant has been used in ceremonies for thousands of years, and this tobacco was grown nearby on a sacred volcanic hill. Good shit. Ronit started her own prayer by thanking everyone for being there with her, thanking her love, her amore, Josué for what he does, and thanking Abuela Ayahuasca for Her wisdom. She finished her prayer with the mantra ‘Aho’, or Amen as we’d probably call it, and tossed her tobacco leaf bunch in the fire.
The circle went around with each one saying their piece. Thank you for my friends and family. Aho. Thank you for giving me the strength to want to grow. Aho. Thank you to everyone for being here and sharing this experience. Aho. There were several languages at the circle so I dusted off my Gaeilge and spoke lyrically into the fire. Aho. Prayer done, Ronit blurted out a ‘wooooooooooooow’ and had a massive grin on her face. ‘That was so beautiful’, as heads were nodding in agreement. It felt nice introducing some old language and I wondered if any old Druid or Celt had made their way to this part of the world to experience the Mayan customs. Also knowing that nobody could understand what I was saying allowed to me share my intentions and thanks with an unconscious ease. So instead of saying some clichéd shit in English, I said it in Irish.
Intentions set by one and all, Sylvie, one of the staff, handed each of us a sheath of torn linen and we were asked to blindfold ourselves before being led into the ceremony room. This was an exercise in trust building, and also our first ‘giving in’ of the evening. Giving in to and trusting those around us, not resisting, setting the tone to allow the medicine do it’s thing. This was just another step in setting the mind right for the night. We had each been on a diet of sorts leading up to the ceremony, with at least 7 days of no meat, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, refined sugar, spicy food, and any other drug advised. The idea being to cleanse the system of as many toxins as possible to give the medicine as clean a pallet as possible on which to do Her thang. I’d been pretty good about it. Hadn’t had meat for at least 2 weeks, no coffee or weed for 10 days, and as little refined sugar as I could manage. All in all I was feeling good.
The group sat in its blinded silence. After what seemed like only a few minutes I felt a hand on my shoulder. I instinctively reached up and was met immediately by a soft and gentle palm. Fully vertical I and my partner made our way around the fire, through the vestibule and into the ceremony room, our movement in fluid unison, matching step for step. I gave up my trust into whomever was leading me in and thought to myself how effortless it seemed, navigating a couple of corners, moving through a door, being turned around and lowered safely onto the comfy confines of my mattress. My home for the night.
I was the last to be brought in so now with the gang all there, off came the blindfolds and our eyes were welcomed to the sight of Ronit sitting in the middle of the room preparing the rapé, a ground mix of tobacco and herbs that’s been used ceremonially by Amazonian tribes for thousands of years. Sacred snuff. I was called up first and plopped myself down in front of her. She held a Y shaped pipe in her hands and was spooning the rapé from a glass vial into one of the Y tubes. She asked me to take in a deep breath and exhale it fully while holding one nostril closed. I exhaled completely and Ronit placed the snuff filled tube into my right nostril and with a quick short ‘pfffff’ rocketed it up my sinuses causing an immediate eye watering and tingling sensation at the back of my throat and into my neck. She re-filled the pipe and we repeated the snuff rocketing sequence on my other nostril. This wasn’t just for shits and giggles, not the proverbial rapé chaser to the aya’s pint. It would, I was told, help clear out the sinuses, allowing our breath to roam unobstructed throughout the night. The latest purposeful step.With some tissue handed to me and instructions to blow my nose in about ten minutes, I returned to my mattress and laid down for some silent meditation while everyone else got their rapé on.
Everyone rapé’d it was onto the Aya mix. Ronit cleared away her snuff stuff and Josué took up the reigns. He had a long double measure shot glass, six small wooden bowls and a bottle of water. The ayahuasca mix was in a big glass bottle with cork stopper. Josué was shaking it with vigour, the brown contents swirling and shaking and swishing around, coating the container with strainy yellow brown streaks as it vibrated itself into a drinkable mix. Everyone's eyes were fixed on it, or at least mine were. Nobody spoke a word. Nobody wanted to speak, or needed to.
Mix mixed, he poured out the first double shot into a bowl and gave me a beckoning look. Here we go. I plopped myself down again. He raised the wooden bowl to my hands, I gave him a ‘drink it now?’ eyebrow raise to which he replied with a ‘yeah, what the fuck else are you supposed to do with it’? nod and it was down the hatch. Bowl emptyish, he added a bit of water and I gulped down the remnants. It didn’t taste bad. It didn’t taste good either. It kinda tasted how it looked. A slightly viscous brown watery goo. Inoffensive, and I’ve definitely had worse tasting drinks in my life.
Drink drank, I gave Josué a thankful nod and back to my mattress with me it was as everyone else had their medicine. Unfolding the blankets I tucked myself in with a smile, gave a big sigh and closed my eyes. I don’t know after how long I fell asleep but when I awoke it was into a light and airy consciousness. Keeping my eyes closed I slowly started to get my senses back and wriggled a little in the bed. I stretched out my legs and listened to what was going on around me. There wasn’t a whole lot to hear other than some others tossing and turning in their beds, and the constant drone of the creatures of the night buzzing all around. And then the music started. Or maybe it was the music starting that woke me. Either way I was glad to hear it and it provided a nice soundtrack to my very relaxed and present nap. I chanced a quick eye open just to check in with the room, making sure everything was still there and I hadn’t woken into some alternate universe type situation. Squinty eye scan complete, I was left satisfied that no such black hole voyage had occurred and settled back into my relaxation chamber. Drifting in and out of consciousness I suddenly felt some movement down by my legs but not wanting to open my eyes ignored it as best I could, putting it down to mind tricks. But it didn’t stop. Light prodding against my calf and thigh. Then I thought, wait, what if this was it? What if Mother Ayahuasca had come down from the cosmos and chose me to be her human chaperone in this world? Could it be? Dare I be so lucky? Was I to be an actual STAR LORD? Then another, more familiar thought cropped up. I had felt this before. Popping my head up and giving another one-eyed squint I was greeted by the blurry form of Bagheera, the house black cat licking himself clean in the crook of my legs. I inwardly chuckled and lay my head back down. Ronit tapped my shoulder, asking about Bagheera. I told her he was fine, it was good energy to have on the bed beside me so I was glad to have him there. I moved a few minutes later and Bagheera, disgusted with this outrageous affront to his comfort hopped off my mattress in search of climes anew. I wished him luck and again settled into some delightful lucid napping.
Some ‘what if’ thoughts fleeted around my head. What if I don’t feel any effects. What if I didn’t follow the pre-ceremony diet strictly enough. What if I came all this way for nothing. What if I got violently sick out of both ends. What if I had a bad trip. But they never manifested into anything negative. They came and went, and with Ronit’s earlier words ‘The Sun Will Rise In The Morning’ echoing around my cavernous noggin I was beginning to feel lovely, totally at ease. Then stuff started happening. Nothing major. There were a series of quick short visual bursts appearing and disappearing in the same instant. Bright fluorescent outlines framing pitch black animalistic stencils. It seemed like the medicine was prodding and probing, pushing buttons as it grew in strength.Testing the waters, stretching out, limbering up. I remember thinking at one stage how heavy I felt. My whole body was rooted to the thin mattress in a state of perfect relaxation. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d felt this relaxed, not feeling any aches or pains, or anything at all really. If this was it, if this was the height of my experience, this beautiful state of relaxation then I guess this was it. Then a hand touched my shoulder. Esteban asked if I wanted a second glass. Ummmmm yes please Esteban, you beautiful fucker you.
The second dose was thankfully administered at bedside. I really didn’t want to get out of my Chamber of Relaxation. Same as before, the shot glass was filled then emptied into the wooden bowl, and the remnants gulped down with some water. A thankful nod to Esteban and I tucked myself in again, let out a big ol sigh and with music gently ringing in my ears I smiled my way back to sleep.
The second dose did the trick and I was soon in the full throes of things. First there were the visuals. They came in waves. Diametric shapes morphing into animals in brilliant colour and black contrasts. Royal eagles drawing in from the haze devouring everything in my panorama, dissolving, ebbing and flowing into each other at a steady and uninterrupted pace. It was fun. Fun to watch from my front row seat. And I was yawning. Lots and lots of yawning. Big, long, deep, greedy yawns. Incredibly satisfying stuff. These were the best fucking yawns I’d ever had. Record breaking shit. They were heightening the visuals too, causing all sorts of expansions and explosions.Things contracted, imploded and combusted in rhythmic unison with my inhales and exhales. I could feel my cheek muscles burst skin capillaries, most likely caused by the shit-eating grin plastered all over my face each time another glorious yawn was brought to an end, yielding another impressive fireworks display beneath my eyelids. Lottttttttttttttttts of yawns.
Then there was the music, a mix of live instrumentals from the crew and some songs on a spotify playlist being played through an amp. It started off as background noise. I was aware of it, but it was just, there. It was ignorable. Until it wasn’t. It’s hard to express just how all encompassing and immersive it was when it kicked in, when it reallllllllllly kicked in. The connectivity I found in the music, to the music, is inexplicable. It was IN me, part of me. It was all around. It was guiding, supporting and feeding me. Speaking to me. The music careened me this way and that, issuing a rocket fuel injection of pure transcendent energy. At times it seemed it was my own personal soundtrack, coming in when I needed it and focusing my body and mind onto connecting more and more into the experience. When one song ended I’d feel sad. When another started I’d be giddy with happiness, excited and invigorated for where the string plucks, drum beats, maracas and chants would lead me. There was one song where Ronit (I found out later) was singing these candescent icaros, wailing all her feminine energy into the ether and into me. Her voice creating soundwaves under my eyelids, causing the visions and my very being to vibrate in line with her breaths. It was an impossibly beautiful experience.
There were breaks in between songs, or at least there seemed to be. With the end of each song came a ‘shoooooo’ and brief respite from the rocket fuel hypnosis before the next one would begin. In these moments I’d be brought back to what was left of my senses, I’d re-adjust in the bed or stretch my tingling legs into the bottoms of the blankets. There was such stillness and silence at times that I wondered if it was just me in the room. This was while I was actually aware of the room. Every so often I’d chance a squinty eyed scan of my surroundings. I could barely make Tyrone out, who was on a bed maybe 3 feet away from me. He seemed so far away and small, like he was at the end of a very very long hall. I heard Tyrone more than I saw him. He had a prolonged episode of ecstatic ‘mmmmmmmm’ noises that accompanied his exhales. I enjoyed it. He sounded like he was having a lovely time, so this in turn made me have a lovely time. Later on he was sitting up rocking back and forth, making not so ecstatic noises any more. I guess things got a bit intense for him and he was working shit out. Eyes closed, I heard a soft voice saying something to him and he immediately relaxed. Leading up to the retreat I had been apprehensive about being in a group for the ceremony, selfishly thinking if the noises and experiences of others would be a distraction or a hindrance to me but they really weren’t. I was aware of the ‘room’ but never to the detriment of my own experience. It in fact had a positive effect. There was a visceral empathy that superseded my own egotistical leanings. I felt very connected to everyone. Every so often I’d hear vomiting or sobbing. Each time I heard a gag or vomit or sob I got empathetic pangs. ‘I’m in this with you, and also I’m glad you’re purging’. ‘Purge good and purge true my friend!’ Poor Will sounded like the devil himself was trying to escape his innards. I’d heard those sounds before, owing to some heavy nights drinking so I knew he’d be ok and didn’t pay too much heed to it. Empathy was effortless, but so was falling back into the depths of unconsciousness. We had all been aware that vomiting and crying were potential reactions to the medicine, that it was part of the process and to embrace it if it came. Sending all my positive purge vibes to the purgers I’d feel a little envious twinge. Maybe it’d be my turn soon, but (fucking thankfully) I didn’t purge. Well, not really.
In between all the musical yawny fun there was the burgeoning worry that I could shit myself at any time. Given the fact that every muscle, EVERY muscle, was in a state of utopian relaxation it was hard to ignore my ever increasingly falling-asleep-at-the-job sphincter. I long hummed and hawed over whether I could even open my eyes let alone go for a dump. Eventually I felt good enough to try and figured getting rid of the cramps would free me up for the rest of the nights entertainment. Standing, my legs were shaky. The whole fuckin ground was shaky and wobbly and my vision blurred. Not feeling too steady at all I enacted the help of my trusty friend the wall and leaned my way to the bathroom to rid myself of these pesky cramps, giving the ol sphincter one last job before he could take the rest of the night off. Ahhh sweet relief. I was glad to have ‘purged’ as it were and shit shat I sashayed over to the basin and glanced in the candlelit mirror. My pupils were saucers. Massive fucking black saucers. Woah. I didn’t linger, and Dorian Gray mirror visit done I made my cramp free way a little more sure-legged back to my Chamber of Relaxation.
Meeting me on my way back was Jack, the beagle of the house. He was sitting in a chair and bathed in a brilliantly sad blue light from an overhead bulb. Jack was 11 and wasn’t doing so great. He’d been a regular at the vet in recent weeks. He couldn’t piss and wasn’t eating. During the day he’d wander around a bit, try and force a piss, fail, and plop down somewhere in resignation. I knelt down and held his head in my hands as he offered it up to me. Looking in my eyes as I petted him gently he let out a long sigh and sinking deeper into my hand I softly slipped it out, letting him relax his head on the seat cushion. I told him he was a good boy and made my way back to the ceremony room to get back to business. Feeling warm I ditched my wool jumper and socks before climbing back into my chamber. With just a vest on my torso I could now feel my skin. It tingled. I rubbed my shoulder gently, marveling at how incredibly soft it felt. It didn’t feel like my own. I ran my palm down my face. My head filt tiny, like when Beetlejuice had his head shrunk. I scratched limply at my neck, my limb not feeling entirely all itself. I didn’t feel a thing. My whole body was buzzing.
Everything was lovely and the evening continued very gently. If it felt natural to move I moved. Moving provided a warmth and reset the visuals or whatever train of thought I was in. There was a moment where I was lying down in perfect repose when I out of nowhere shot straight up, eyes wide open. Across from me was Esteban who had been on his back doing some star dancing with his feet. He shot straight up too. We looked at each other for a moment. I nodded. He reciprocated. And I lay back down. It was nice to share the briefest of moments with him. It was the only time throughout the entire night that I met someone else's eyes. At one stage Ronit had placed an extra blanket on me but when I popped my head up to thank her all I could make out was a blurry outline of her body retreating back from whence she came. Her face looked blank. At times I’d also open my eyes to see the other helpers scurrying around like hooded djinn, floating here and there, carrying out their necessary work, whatever it was.
Then the random access memories started popping up. With a breath in I’d be brought back to somewhere, or someone from my life and with a breath out be taken away. Things I regretted, things that have plagued me for years. Things from my childhood. Of being in my childhood home. Of walking to school, being on summer holidays. Christmas dinner with my grandparents. I thought of my parents, my siblings and my friends. There were times I felt unadulterated love towards them. The type of love that makes you frown in confused wonderment. I wanted to hug them and tell them how much I loved them. I missed them. There was no rhyme or reason to who or what I was brought to, but each memory acted as a lesson. Sometimes I’d let out an interested ‘hmmm’ in ponderance of a certain memory. Other times when I was going down a negative path that I knew would lead to nowhere I’d utter ‘Stop’. Speaking to who I’m not sure, myself? The medicine? Good or bad no one thing was ever dwelt on. The memories went on for a while. I say ‘a while’, but time wasn’t really a factor at this stage. It, along with its friends space, distance, weight, most of the laws of physics, and all the earthly senses hadn’t been seen in their known form for a while now.
In the few moments of barely manageable ‘clarity’ I had I attempted to keep my eyes open for at least a few seconds so I could look at the stars. The sky danced. Stars thronged,pulsated. They changed positions, danced, swapped sides, became mirror images of themselves. They seemed to be communicating with each other. Having fun. Apologising for almost colliding, then going on their separate ways. The sky in general pulsed and stacked itself in on itself, folding over and over like pages in a book. I wanted to go outside by the fire where I’d get an unobstructed view of the night sky but it was taking everything I could to keep my eyes open. I knew if I went outside I just wouldn’t be able to focus on anything so I stayed put. I also didn't want to have to talk to anybody who might be out there. I was having too much of a good time to interact with anyone. So I stayed, dead weight in my bed, sighing heavy happy sighs and seeing what else was going on in my chamber. My immaculate relaxation chamber. I didn’t want to ever leave it. It was my adult womb. Who needs fire and sky when you have a fucking womb?
The night wore on and with each exploratory eye squint the stars would recede a little bit into the dawning morning sky. That was the only visceral indication that time was still….happening. The sounds of crickets were replaced by the chirping of the morning birds and the effects of the medicine gradually dissipated. The music stopped. Senses returned. Consciousness patiently made its way back into the fold. I lay there eyes closed, not wanting to leave. Then the room started becoming more active. People moving about, doors opening and closing. My shoulder was tapped again. Breakfast was ready. I got up and made my way to the breakfast table. There were some people laying around the remnants of the fire. Others were still in their bed. Others still were back in their rooms, or down by the river. I helped myself to some of the freshest and most delicious pineapple, watermelon and bananas ever experienced by man. It tasted so fucking good. I picked at the fruit for a while before jumping in the hammock to ponder a while. Again there was silence. Nobody was speaking, everyone just floating about. I felt at peace. At ease. Not long after we gathered back in the ceremony room for the sharing circle.
Josué and Ronit greeted us all with a smile. Josue said he felt the evening was a very calm one. He was expecting some exotic energy to take ahold but it never did. It was all very mellow. He told that the medicine we took was black Ayahuasca which comes from the vines that grow closer to the ground. He elaborated, saying that it was an earthier, darker medicine than traditional aya that is taken from leaves higher up the plant.It lends to a more, in his words, aggressive experience. Ronit said she felt apprehensive at the start, that there was resistance to the medicine at first but it soon went away. Josué went to each of us in turn with his impressions of our evenings. He felt Tyrone didn’t fully let go, didn’t fully give in which is why he had some difficulty at times.To Shannon he said that her tears were beautiful. To Will he just laughed at his purging. To me he said I did amazing work, just off by myself with the medicine. When he was done I was first up with my own impressions. Having only very recently come out of it it was difficult to express anything coherent. I thanked everyone for being there, for sharing the energy and empathy in the room. I thanked the musicians for their playing. Thanked Ronit for her voice. I told Tyrone that I felt very connected to him. I told Will I was sending him all my good vibes during his purge. I described the moment with Esteban and asked if he remembered it. He did, saying that my experience was the mirror of his. He just, sat up out of nowhere and caught my gaze too.Weird shit. Each person told their story of the night and it became quite clear that even though we each experienced intensely introspective and personal nights, we all shared a common uniformity/similarity. There was a shared thanks for each other. Will, in a heap in the corner beside me said he had a really bad night but could feel everyone's energy throughout and that helped get him through it. Rooby compared the comfort she felt to being in the womb. Tito, speaking in Spanish said he had experienced something indescribable.
Having had a couple of weeks separation now I can reflect on it with a bit more of a critical eye. I was perhaps expecting a massive breakthrough or revelation but it didn’t come, and that’s good. One big takeaway from it is to not have any expectations in life. They serve no purpose. Things just happen. Negative thought patterns too. They serve no beneficial purpose. There was no epiphany, no meeting with God. No instructions from the Maker for where I was to go from here. I don’t necessarily feel any different. I guess the whole thing just acted as a reminder for me. A reminder to be mindful. To exercise emotional intelligence. To be empathetic. To continue on my path. Was it spiritual? Sure. The times of feeling connected with everything and everyone were indescribably joyous and fulfilling. Beyond words. It felt like an introduction however, the first pint in a psychedelic session as it were. Now that the doors had been open I imagine that with more experience, more settings and approaching it with different intentions the experience will morph and change and offer up something new each time. I also have to ask myself what my purpose for doing it was now that it’s behind me. I guess I was looking in part to destroy the ego, or separate from it as best I could. And that definitely happened. In the days after I found myself and my ego battling side by side, arguing. The me part of me was telling my ego to stop being such a dick. It felt like the ego was trying to rejoin the rest of me after the medicine had banished it temporarily. I let him back in but warned that I’d be keeping a vigilant eye on his behaviour. I also definitely wanted to explore the power of the brain, and the funny and amazing things that altering it’s chemistry can achieve.I wanted to fire up that pineal gland ta fook and see what happened. I wanted to exercise the Id. The psyche. The soul. The voice inside, or those voices. I wanted to exercise them all. I wanted to see if my subconscious, unconscious and conscious state of minds could piss off and allow me freely join the superconscious for a while. And I believe I did. Given the opportunity I’d absolutely do it again. Not any time soon, but definitely some time, if I feel like it. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? Breathe and smile. The sun will rise in the morning.
submitted by iano_byrno to Ayahuasca [link] [comments]

2022.01.22 00:04 Witchfinger84 I work on cars for professional demon slayers- Rachel

The crazy asshole that started all this-
The creepy chick with the coffin in the back of her truck
It was Captain Asshole’s day off, which were typically the best days at the garage for me because it meant that I could actually sit inside behind the counter and bask in the cool breeze of the air conditioning under the excuse of keeping a body at the desk in case customers walked in. More importantly, it also meant that Captain Asshole wasn’t around to ride my ass, and that was good for my peace of mind.
Did he go golfing? Was he down the street at the truck stop strip club putting ones on the rail? Honestly, I couldn’t give a shit. I was just happy to be rid of him for 8 hours so I could do my job without him constantly riding my ass. I had no idea how the fuck he ran a business if he was always breathing down my neck and micromanaging me instead of... Doing whatever the fuck it takes to keep a business open.
I was holding the desk like a good soldier when a woman I recognized walked in. She was short, petite, small bust but a great ass, and she usually hid it under some pretty frumpy looking clothes. She was lowkey goth with Bettie bangs and black lipstick, but I knew who she was- She used to work at the strip club. I knew she lived up the street because she used to walk to work and had to pass the garage on her way to that sleazy dump. I didn’t know what she did there because being a broke ass loser living out of the car, I never had the spare change to go bust a couple bucks on strippers.
She came in and said, “You the guy that worked on Henry’s Pontiac?”
“That shitbox firebird? Yea, it needed to be taken out back and put down. The poor thing was on its last legs.” I admitted.
I noticed she was wearing a HELL PATROL jacket.
No way. I knew this chick. She was truckstop strip club bait. She was a demon hunter? Get the fuck out of here. A pretty little girl like that? I mean, she wasn’t the hottest piece of tail I’d ever seen in my life, but she was definitely hot enough to get some kind of action that could keep her fed. I remembered what Henry said about Hell Patrollers, that they didn’t come from the straight life. People who had job skills, that could contribute to polite society, that had something to live for, they didn’t strap into Mad Max bullshit and go fight demons.
It made me wonder, what was this chick running from that put her in that leather HP jacket? I decided it wasn’t a good idea to ask. Maybe she was testing me. Maybe she’d volunteer it herself. Maybe she was like Henry, and just wasn’t afraid to talk about the fucked up shit.
All I knew was that Henry had tipped really well, and told me he would send his friends my way. I just had to play it cool and maybe there was more money in it for me, and I could use the money.
“Henry said you’re a good honest mechanic and you don’t fuck people around. I need a good mechanic for my daily driver.” She said.
“Yea, I understand. The HELL PATROL guys only work on HELL PATROL cars.” I said.
“What else did he tell you?” The woman asked.
“To expect weird shit and stay quiet about it.” I said.
“I’ve seen you while walking around. You live out of that station wagon in the parking lot, don’t you?” She asked.
“I do. I’ve seen you too. You used to work down at that strip club, the Hell Hole. What changed. What got you into Hell Patrol?” I asked.
She started to look at me sideways like I had really fucked up. Her eyes narrowed to slits like a cat’s.
“Nevermind. You don’t want to talk about it. What can I do for you?” I asked.
“I need a quick tune up. If I drop off now, can it be done before the end of day? I’m taking it out to the track tomorrow and I want it to be perfect.” She said.
“I can’t quote you anything until I see it, but I’ve only got a couple quick oil changes in front of you right now, so I can definitely get it up on the lift really quick. It’s not all fucked up like your buddy’s Firebird, is it?” I asked.
“No, my shit is race ready. Or at least, I want it to be. Just make sure all the bolts are tight and nothing is leaking.” She said.
“Okay listen, in the interest of full disclosure, my boss isn’t here right now and he’s a piece of shit. If he was here, He’d see you were with HELL PATROL, and he’d tell me to find something expensive wrong with your car and rip you off, because Hell Patrollers are loaded. You lucked out today.” I said.
“You are honest.” She smiled, “Tell you what, you do the job and you don’t fuck me around, I’ll tell you how I joined HELL PATROL when I come to pick the car up.”
“I mean, if that’s what you want to do.” I shrugged, and pushed some paperwork and a pen across the desk towards her so she could fill it out.
She put her name on the page. RACHEL WHITE. She filled out the make and model of the car on the paperwork for me as well.
I read the paper and nearly shit a brick. Fuck me. Get the fuck out of here, get all the way the fuck out of here.
We walked out into the parking lot and it was staring right at me. The pearlescent white paint on the car and the matching white rims were unmistakable. It looked like a fucking ghost in automotive form.
“You’re serious. You daily a Superhero Shiro.” I said.
“Oh, you know what it is?” She asked, and she gave me a knowing smile.
Allow me to explain that shit to the people in the back that aren’t into cars. The Nissan 300ZX Shiro Special was one of the single greatest automotive triumphs ever made. It was an off-catalog special edition car that Nissan never advertised, and they only delivered about a thousand of them to the American market. At the time it was built, it was the fastest production car in Japan. It was a turbocharged V6 crotch rocket with T-Tops that could pull 150mph, which doesn’t sound that fast in 2022, but in 1988 on a Tokyo highway, that was out of fucking control, especially on a car that just drove off the dealership lot. It was also a pure race car- The Nissan Z car started it's American tour in 1970, and became immediately popular because it was fast, reliable, and cheap in a time when America was killing off muscle cars with high gas prices and better safety standards. As it gained in popularity, it got further away from its roots and got bloated with pointless luxury features that slowed it down. The Shiro Special was a back to basics love letter to the original 1970 Z, it ripped out all the digital luxury bullshit and replaced it with pure, no frills, straight-to-the-track racing parts. In 1988, this was the car you bought if you were Dale Earnhardt on a budget. It wasn’t a car, it was a 93 octane time capsule of Japanese engineering.
And this girl had one.
“Lady, it’d be my pleasure to get under that hood and take a look around.” I spoke too soon.
“Go nuts.” She tossed me the keys, “I’m gonna go check up on my girls from the club.”
She adjusted her jacket and I could see that like Henry, she was wearing a shoulder holster, locked and loaded. All of these HELL PATROL people were fucking cowboys. She headed off down the street towards the strip club and I turned back to the car, which at the moment, was the only thing more interesting to look at than watching her walk away.
I opened the door of the car and it was whisper quiet, like it was supposed to be. So far, so good. The interior looked clean, like someone gave a shit. The Recaro racing seats were pristine, I could see the marks on them from the vacuum cleaner.
The car itself was pristine. What was in it, that’s where shit got weird.
For starters, there was one of those clip on cupholders in the AC vent. That wouldn’t have been a big deal, if it was holding a big gulp cup or something like that. Instead, it was holding some kind of actual fucking grenade. What the fuck.
I leaned in to look at it and read the label that was stenciled on the side of the can. It wasn’t one of those pineapple grenades you see in movies, it was one of the ones that looked like a tallboy of beer with the grenade thingy on top... I didn’t know what that was called, the part that had the pin and the little handle thing on it. I wasn’t a war nerd. It was a white can with a yellow stripe on it, it said “WP SMOKE.”
I recognized that shit from a war movie I watched in high school. The WP stood for Willy Pete, White Phosphorous. It was a fire bomb, it was shit the GI’s used in Vietnam. They’d dump them down Viet Cong tunnels and the fire would consume all the air in the cave and suffocate all the VCs.
I looked over at the passenger seat, and there was a stack of books on it. Each one was more fucked up than the last, they all had a common thread- Weird ass magical demon shit. She had Ars Goetia, the Malleus Maleficarum, the Testament of Solomon, some shit with Aleister Crowley’s name on it, and some other crap I didn’t know anything about or recognize, but I’m certain it was all bad news. It looked like the top picks from a witch’s book case.
I reached down to find the lever to push the seat back so I could drive the car up onto the lift, but when my hand touched something and yanked it, it wasn’t the seat lever. I panicked at first, thinking it was, and that I had accidentally pulled it off the seat, but it wasn’t that at all. It was the ass end of some kind of short barrel shotgun that she had stashed there.
“What the fuck?” I asked myself as I hopped out of the car to look at it. I didn’t know shit about guns, but I could tell you right now, that was a fuck you gun. It wasn’t for hunting, and it wasn’t for war. It was concealable, probably illegal, ideal for committing crimes or just being the last thing between you and certain death. It had a sling on it that had elastic loops, and they were filled with red 12 gauge 00 buckshot shells.
Her shit only got weirder. I shoved the shotgun back under the seat, found the lever, and moved the seat back so I could sit in her car. I looked up briefly in the rearview mirror, and that’s what I saw what was in the back.
The Shiro had one of those “sorry-not-sorry” sportscar backseats that was barely there and had no leg room, but that didn’t stop her from filling it up with weird crap.
The pile of junk that was back there was basically a sexual predator’s shopping list. She had a bunch of those zip tie soft cuffs that cops always had in their riot gear, Some weird manacles and chains that I wasn’t sure were a sex thing or a prison thing, a couple fifty foot bundles of rope, and the piece de resistance, a brown glass bottle that clearly said CHLOROFORM on the label. Oh, and just in case I had forgotten this was California, there were a couple of fully stacked high-capacity clips for some random guns that were definitely all the way illegal in this state. I also saw a baseball bat and what I’m pretty sure was a police taser.
What the fuck was this girl doing? It wasn’t even her HELL PATROL car. This shit was her daily driver.
I decided that asking questions was probably a bad idea. With the kind of bullshit she kept in her car, asking about it was probably a one way trip to getting hogtied and stuffed in the trunk. I would have done some pretty fucked up shit to get a ride in a Superhero Shiro, but not in the trunk. Somehow I figured that might not be as fun.
I started her car. It turned over on the first pull like a good little Nissan should. I got it up on the lift and gave it a once over. A check here, a tightening there, make sure the alignment was straight and the brakes and tires were good, and she was set. The car looked like she had driven it out of an automotive museum, except, you know, it was full of really illegal kidnapper shit.
When she showed up to pick up her car, I couldn’t look at her the same way.
“Lady, you must have some fucking stories to tell.” I said to her.
“Buddy, you don’t even know. How was the car?”
“Better than new. Where did you even find it?” I asked.
“Friend of a friend hunted it down and offered me first crack at it. Couldn’t refuse.” She said.
“I’d like to know your friends... Unless they’re into some of the weird shit you keep in that thing.” I said.
“It’s not demons or zombies I’m scared of, it’s people.” Rachel said.
“I’m more scared of you, having seen what’s in your backseat.” I said.
“Demons and zombies are demons and zombies. Human cultists can hide in plain sight. That’s the shit I stay strapped for.” She said.
I slid the invoice across the desk. She took a look at it, opened her purse, fished out some cash, and then threw an extra fifty dollar bill on top of it for me.
“Human cultists? Maybe I just don’t know shit because I’m not in your line of work, but that sounds paranoid as fuck.” I said.
“When you’re wrong, you’re paranoid. When you’re right, you’re prepared. When you’re a woman, it’s best to be both. Creeps are bad enough without being devil worshipers. Creeps that are devil worshipers...” She said.
“You sound like you know what you’re talking about.” I said.
She opened her jacket and flashed her gun in her shoulder holster.
“The last time someone was as close to me as you are right now and talking about demonic shit, I shot them. And it wasn’t legal for me to be holding a piece at the time. That’s why I’m in HELL PATROL.” She said, “I don’t fuck around with that pepper spray shit, I go straight to the steel.”
“Lady, I promise you I am not a devil worshiper.” I said, and leaned back hard.
She laughed.
“Don’t worry. I’d know.”
Well, as cool as her car was... I was not wild about her being a repeat customer.
submitted by Witchfinger84 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2021.12.02 06:02 jillloyo [SELL] [US] UPDATED DESTASH SALE! ♡ Reduced Prices & Lots of Products/New Freebies Added!

Thanks for checking out my long (but organized) sale! Lots of new additions this week, replenished the FWP section & also reduced most prices in an effort to clear house!
[BN/BNIB: Brand New/Brand New in Box, NWOB: New Without Box, LU: Swatched/Light Use (used 1-3x), MU: Moderate Use, RV: Retail Value, DISC: discontinued]
* SKINCARE SALE - Feel free to mix & match from both lists (same goes for the freebies!)


Eyeshadow Palettes

EYES - Liquid/Cream Shadows & Eye Primers


Z-Palettes & Magnetic Shadow Singles/Refills

FACE SINGLES (All Magnetic, No Compact)

Face Palettes






Face Primers





Setting / Loose Powders


Setting Sprays


Mascara & Lashes






Lips - Bullet & Liquid Lipsticks


Lips - Glosses, Oils, Scrubs


Brushes & Tools

*All New unless noted as light use (LU); all used have been washed

FREE STUFF (with purchase)

FWP - EYES (Eyeshadows, Brows, Mascara, Liners)
BAGS/ACCESSORIES * iDecoz Heart Rhinestone Phone Stick-On Mirror (New) * ECOTOOLS Small Makeup Bag * Green Croc Cosmetic Bags (2 aval) * MAKEUP REVOLUTION Pink Metallic Makeup Bags (x2) * MYCHELLE Dermaceuticals Gray Cosmetic Bag * NEUTROGENA Transparent Zipper Bag
FWP - AOA Products
* SKINCARE SALE - Feel free to mix & match from both lists (same goes for the freebies!)
submitted by jillloyo to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2021.11.28 01:15 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, & brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!


Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'" x2, "Mad About Cucumber" x2, "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x3 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $20
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4 x2
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $9 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5 Wunder2 Glitter Gelly "Aquamarine" .05 oz $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palette: “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” $12
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Buxom Full On Lip Polish "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Fekkai Brilliant Gloss Multi-Tasker 4 oz $11
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz $7
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz $7 x2
Redken Triple Take 32 4 oz $10
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8
Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Kiss Nails Glam Fantasy Press On Nails "05" & "08" $6 each
Kiss Impression Nails "Shimmer" $6
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each. All Brand New


Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x5 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x5 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primer * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz ~x2~ 1 * “White Russian” .05 oz x5 * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine"x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x3
Cerave PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion .17 oz
Clarins Extra Firming Energy .1 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance .25 oz
Juice Beauty * Green Apple Peel Full Strength .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x4
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2 Philosophy Nature In A Jar Skin Rest Serum .16 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10g x2
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium" x2
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Vichy * Aqualia Thermal Cream .51 oz * Mineral 89 Skin Fortifying Daily Booster 4ml x2


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Curlsmith Hold Me Softly Style Balm 2 oz
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
Kenra Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2
Matrix Blowout Glotion 1 oz
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror
Sample Packets: * Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade Blonde-Light Brown * BareMinerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream Packet “Vanilla 02”, “Natural 05”, “ Tan 07”, “Chestnut 09” x4 * Living Proof Full Thickening Cream * Tarte Tarteist Lip Paints Sampler
submitted by pandasparkle to BeautySwap [link] [comments]

2021.11.27 23:40 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, & brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!


Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'" x2, "Mad About Cucumber" x2, "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x3 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $20
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4 x2
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $9 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5 Wunder2 Glitter Gelly "Aquamarine" .05 oz $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palette: “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” $12
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Buxom Full On Lip Polish "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Fekkai Brilliant Gloss Multi-Tasker 4 oz $11
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz $7
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz $7 x2
Redken Triple Take 32 4 oz $10
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8
Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Kiss Nails Glam Fantasy Press On Nails "05" & "08" $6 each
Kiss Impression Nails "Shimmer" $6
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each. All Brand New


Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x5 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x5 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primer * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz ~x2~ 1 * “White Russian” .05 oz x5 * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine"x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x3
Cerave PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion .17 oz
Clarins Extra Firming Energy .1 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance .25 oz
Juice Beauty * Green Apple Peel Full Strength .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x4
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2 Philosophy Nature In A Jar Skin Rest Serum .16 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10g x2
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium" x2
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Vichy * Aqualia Thermal Cream .51 oz * Mineral 89 Skin Fortifying Daily Booster 4ml x2


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Curlsmith Hold Me Softly Style Balm 2 oz
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
Kenra Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2
Matrix Blowout Glotion 1 oz
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror
Sample Packets: * Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade Blonde-Light Brown * BareMinerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream Packet “Vanilla 02”, “Natural 05”, “ Tan 07”, “Chestnut 09” x4 * Living Proof Full Thickening Cream * Tarte Tarteist Lip Paints Sampler
submitted by pandasparkle to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2021.11.20 03:57 jillloyo [SELL] [US] HUGE MAKEUP REHAB DESTASH SALE! ♡ Reduced Prices + TONS of Freebies! ♡ OLAPLEX, Glossier, Colourpop, Tarte, Gucci, Too Faced, Nars, Urban Decay, Milk + More!

Thanks for checking out my long (but organized) sale! I'm selling off most of my collection as part of my makeup rehab process - just trying to stick with the products I love & actually use. Lots of new additions/FWP & also reduced most prices in an effort to clear out. Hope you're able to find something that you like!
[BN/BNIB: Brand New/Brand New in Box, NWOB: New Without Box, LU: Swatched/Light Use (used 1-3x), MU: Moderate Use, RV: Retail Value, DISC: discontinued]
* SKINCARE SALE - Feel free to mix & match from both lists (same goes for the freebies!)

Eyeshadow Palettes

EYES - Liquid/Cream Shadows & Eye Primers


Z-Palettes & Magnetic Shadow Singles/Refills

FACE SINGLES (All Magnetic, No Compact)

Face Palettes






Face Primers


Setting Sprays


Setting / Loose Powders





Mascara & Lashes






Lips - Bullet & Liquid Lipsticks


Lips - Glosses, Oils, Scrubs


Brushes & Tools

*All New unless noted as light use (LU); all used have been washed

FREE STUFF (with any purchase)

FWP - EYES (Eyeshadows, Brows, Mascara, Liners)
FWP - AOA Products
* SKINCARE SALE - Feel free to mix & match from both lists (same goes for the freebies!)
submitted by jillloyo to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2021.11.18 07:06 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, & brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!


Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'" x2, "Mad About Cucumber" x2, "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x3 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $20
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4 x2
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $9 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5 Wunder2 Glitter Gelly "Aquamarine" .05 oz $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palette: “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” $12
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Buxom Full On Lip Polish "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Fekkai Brilliant Gloss Multi-Tasker 4 oz $11
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz $7
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz $7 x2
Redken Triple Take 32 4 oz $10
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8
Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Kiss Nails Glam Fantasy Press On Nails "05" & "08" $6 each
Kiss Impression Nails "Shimmer" $6
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each. All Brand New


Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x5 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x5 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primer * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz ~x2~ 1 * “White Russian” .05 oz x5 * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine"x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x3
Cerave PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion .17 oz
Clarins Extra Firming Energy .1 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance .25 oz
Juice Beauty * Green Apple Peel Full Strength .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x4
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2 Philosophy Nature In A Jar Skin Rest Serum .16 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10g x2
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium" x2
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Vichy * Aqualia Thermal Cream .51 oz * Mineral 89 Skin Fortifying Daily Booster 4ml x2


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Curlsmith Hold Me Softly Style Balm 2 oz
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
Kenra Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2
Matrix Blowout Glotion 1 oz
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror
Sample Packets: * Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade Blonde-Light Brown * BareMinerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream Packet “Vanilla 02”, “Natural 05”, “ Tan 07”, “Chestnut 09” x4 * Living Proof Full Thickening Cream * Tarte Tarteist Lip Paints Sampler
submitted by pandasparkle to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2021.09.28 09:17 kobony Watercolor Stencil Pineapple Brida Shower Invite bridal shower invitations summer wedding card,wedding invitations,wedding card,wedding invitation card,wedding cards designs,saved the date,marriage invitation card

Watercolor Stencil Pineapple Brida Shower Invite bridal shower invitations summer wedding card,wedding invitations,wedding card,wedding invitation card,wedding cards designs,saved the date,marriage invitation card submitted by kobony to wedding_card [link] [comments]

2021.09.21 22:14 trappedbeat [WTS] Hongdian and Iron Feather Creative Fountain Pens. Diamine, LTB, J. Herbin, and Pelikan Ink Bottles. An Ink Sample Bundle. Non-FP Stuff. (Ink/Paper Samples Upon Request)

General Info

CONUS only. Paypal G&S only. Prices are negotiable. Shipping starts at $5.
I will ship packages on Saturday because the post office is usually closed by the time I get off of work and I need time to fill ink samples if any are purchased.
Feel free to ask questions if you have any as well or desire more pics. Please comment on this post before sending me a DM because that is the order I will go in.
Thanks for looking!

Info if you want to add on ink samples or paper

If you are purchasing a fountain pen, an ink bottle, or a Hobonichi cover, you can add on ink samples for $3 per sample. Each sample is approximately 4mL to 5mL (though really, it's closer to 5mL). If I'm very low of a particular ink or out of vials, I will update the Google Sheet and post accordingly. These inks come from my personal collection so certain ones I can only spare one or two samples.
Paper samples are free upon request but up to five sheets. It's up to you if you want to get multiples or mix and match. Bear in mind that the paper will be folded when I ship it to you.
Please refer to this Google Sheet for what inks and papers I have available. Includes (not very in-depth or technical) notes on what I think of each item.
Verification Pictures. The fountain pens are Hongdian (left) and Iron Feather Creative Abalone (right). Second picture is for the ink bottles on sale. Third picture is for the assortment of ink samples (I tried to order them by greatest amount to least). Last three are for the non-fountain pen stuff.

Fountain Pens

Hongdian Dark Green - Fude Nib [B] - $12
I'm giving it a conservative rating of B even though it has only been inked once. It has an all metal body and the dark green is lovely in person.
Includes: original box, converter
Iron Feather Creative Abalone - 1.1mm Stub Nib [B] - $185
Honestly, it pains me to let this fountain pen go because I love the look of it. But I don't find myself writing with it often because it's not as comfortable for my small hands. The nib is on the drier side from what I have noticed and has the Iron Feather Creative logo engraved.
Includes: original box, converter


If all bottles are bought together, I will sell them for $55 shipped.
SOLD Assortment of Ink Samples - $20
These are ink samples I have purchased from various online stores such as Yoseka, Shigure, etc. Some are used, some aren't. Samples vary between 2mL and 5mL. I will throw in one 5mL ink sample of your choice from the spreadsheet for a grand total of 12 samples in this bundle.
Ink samples are: Bungubox Ink of Witch, Kiwi Inks Emerald Green, Robert Oster River of Fire, Troublemaker Inks Petrichor, Robert Oster Green Diamond, Robert Oster Cherry Blossom, Robert Oster Green Black, Lennon Tool Bar Pineapple, Robert Oster Caffe Crema, Robert Oster Peppermint Green, Kyo-Iro Keage Sakura

Non-Fountain Pen Stuff

SOLD Berry Red Hobonichi Cover [B] - $20 - Fits the A6 sized Hobonichi or any standard A6-sized notebooks. I did use this cover but kept it in a CoC to avoid stains and scratches so it still looks like new.
SOLD Apple Gingham Hobonichi Cover [B] - $40 - Fits the A5 sized Hobonichi Cousin or Avec and can be used to cover other A5 sized notebooks. I did use this cover but kept it in a CoC to avoid stains and scratches so it still looks like new.
TheCoffeeMonsterzCo My Emoti Planner [C] - $9 - This was a part of Helen's 5th Year Anniversary Bundle (link of item) and I haven't used it since I got it. The cover was bent during transit which is why I am marking it down despite not using it but the paper itself is undamged. There are 35 sheets, 120 gsm paper. I do not know if this can handle fountain pens so buy at your own risk!
CLAIMED Hobonichi 2022 Uniball Multi-Pen [A2] - Free - This is the freebie that comes with Hobonichi planners if purchased directly from their site. I'll include it if another item is purchased and is requested.
CLAIMED Hobonichi Basics Stencil [B] - Free - Has been used a couple of times but is clean. Fits the pockets of the Hobonichi covers (regardless if it's A6 or A5). I'll include it if another item is purchased and is requested.
submitted by trappedbeat to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2021.08.31 20:43 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] BUNDLE SALE! Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, & brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase & free makeup bags! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!
NEW DEAL: Pick 5 free deluxe minis for every $25 purchase


Setting Spray Bundle $30
Primer Bundle $30
Lip Bundle $25 (2 sets available)
Hourglass Brushes Bundle $75
Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
PUR Energize and Rescue Primer 1 oz $12
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'", "Mad About Cucumber", "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x2 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
It Cosmetics Bye Bye Foundation Full Coverage Moisturizer “Light Medium” $30
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Jane Iredale Pommisst Hydration Spray 3.04 oz $15
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
PUR Haze Mist Setting Spray CBD Replenishing Facial Setting Spray $10 x2
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil Shades"Chocolate" x10 & "Ebony" x6 $16 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil Easy Shape & Fill Shade "5" $17
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Ardell FauxMink "811" BN $4 each x2
Ardell Wispies Fiber Building Mascara $4 each x2
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows “Bae", "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $20
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara $18
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
Kiss Lashes "Pompadour" x3 $9 each
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $9 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palette: “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” $12
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Makeup Revolution Love Conquers All Eyeshadow Palette $3
Makeup Revolution #Selfie Eyeshadow Palette $3
PUR Goal Digger Vanity Palette SU $10
Ulta Beauty 8 Piece Eye Shadow Palette $5
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Gloss “Luna” $10 each x2
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Buxom Full On Lip Polish “Debbie” x2, "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lipstick “Miami” $8 each x2
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Lipstick Queen Invisible Lip Liner $7 each x2
Ofra Long Lasting Liquid Lipstick “Laguna Beach” x2 $6, “Mina” x2 $6, “Monaco” x2 $6 each
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5
Nyx Butter Gloss “Creme Brulee” x2 $3 each
Ulta Beauty Tinted Juice Infused Lip Oil “Passionate Peach” x2 $5 each

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
Hourglass No. 2 Foundation/Blush Brush (Used/Washed 1x) $30
Hourglass No. 3 All Over Shadow Brush BN $24
Hourglass No. 10 Angled Liner Brush BN $22
Hourglass No. 11 Smudge Brush BN $24
Hourglass No. 14 Detail Setting Brush (Used/Washed 1x) $22
Hourglass Ambient Powder Brush (Used/Washed 1x) $19
MAC 164 Brush $20
MAC 141 S Brush $20
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3 For Combination Oily Skin 13.5 oz $20
Crepe Erase Flaw-Fix Eye Cream .5 oz $35
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads 28 ct $12
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Kopari Coconut Face Cream 2.5 oz $20
Kopari Coconut Rose Toner 5.1 oz $19
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7
Ulta Beauty 24k Magic Metallic Peel Off Mask Rose Gold 3.4 oz $6


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Honest Beauty Truly Restored Leave In Conditioner 4.2 oz $5
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Express Primer 5.7 oz $10 x2
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Goji Orange Lemonade” $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Original" Summer Edition Packaging $15
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 21 oz “Original” $25
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
MineTan Super Dark Violet 1 Hour Express Tan 1.01 oz $7
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Pacifica Mineral Bronzing Sunscreen Pineapple Flower 6 oz $10
Pacifica Mineral Spf 50 Body Butter Pineapple Flower 5 oz $10
The Body Shop Body Butter Coconut 1.69 oz $3
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Ulta Beauty Watermelon Body Sorbet 8 oz Used 1x $5
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8
Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Kiss Nails Glam Fantasy Press On Nails "05" & "08" $6 each
Kiss Impression Nails "Shimmer" $6
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each and/or pick 5 free for every $25 purchase


Eyebrow * Ulta Beauty Brow Shaping Gel "Clear"
Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz x2 * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x6 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * PUR Fully Charged .14 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz * Too Faced Damn Girl Mascara .20 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x6 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Foundation * Bareminerals Original Liquid Mineral Foundation "Fairly Light 03" 0.13 oz * Bareminerals Original Liquid Mineral Foundation "Neutral Ivory 6" .13 oz
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz x2 * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * First Aid Beauty Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturizer .34 x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz x2 * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * Nyx Hydra Touch Primer .27 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smashbox Vitamin Glow .24 oz * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz x2 * “White Russian” .05 oz x4 * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine" x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Beauty by Popsugar Be Racy Liquid Velvet Lip * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom Serial Kisser Plumping Lip Stain "Pucker Up Dolly" * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


Avene Antioxidant Defense Serum .1 oz
Awake 2% Retinol Complex .10 oz
BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x2
Belief The True cream aqua bomb 0.33 oz
Bliss Rose Gold Rescue 8% PHA + AHA Blend Peel 3 pack
Dermadoctor Lucky Bamboo Fermented Wasabi Pressed Serum .34 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Exuviance Overnight Transformation Complex .35 oz
Fountain of Truth The Truth Elixir .17 oz
Goodal Wash Up Deep Clean Pore Glacial Clay .33 oz x2
H20+ Aquadefense Detox Mask .5 oz x2
Juice Beauty * Green Apple Peel Full Strength .26 oz * Prebiotix Instant Flash Facial .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x3
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2
Perricone MD * Cold Plasma Plus+ Sub-D/Neck .25 oz * Rejuvenating Moisturizer 0.25 oz x2
Peter Thomas Roth * Cucumber Gel Mask .47 oz x3 * Water Drench Hyaluronic Glow Serum 0.17 oz
Philosophy Purity Moisturizer .25 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10g x2
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium" x2
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Ursa Major Golden Hour Recovery Cream


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Aquage Volumizing Mist 2 oz
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz
Kenra * Shaping Spray 1.5 oz * Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS * Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof * Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2 * Restore Perfecting Spray .5 oz x6 x3
Loreal Tecni Art Extreme Lacquer 2.1 oz
NatureLab Perfect Shine Clarifying Scalp Scrub 1 oz
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz
Sexy Hair * Spray & Play 1.5 oz * Spray & Play Harder 1.5 oz * Texture Surfer Girl Dry Texturizing 1.25 oz
The Good Stuff Complete Repair Balm No Rinse Conditioner 2 oz SU
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
LA Girl Lipstick "Nudie" Used 1x
Tarte Exposed Highlighter .07 oz (Broken if you want to repress)
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror

Sample Packets (1 free with any purchase):

Makeup Bags

$5 each or free w/ $40 purchase
Pink Sequin x3
Pom Pom Straw
Purple Snake Print
Coral Bag
Purple Palm Leaves Bag
submitted by pandasparkle to dramafreeMUE [link] [comments]

2021.08.31 20:43 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] BUNDLE SALE! Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, & brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase & free makeup bags! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!


Setting Spray Bundle $30
Primer Bundle $30
Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
PUR Energize and Rescue Primer 1 oz $12
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'", "Mad About Cucumber", "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x2 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
It Cosmetics Bye Bye Foundation Full Coverage Moisturizer “Light Medium” $30
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Jane Iredale Pommisst Hydration Spray 3.04 oz $15
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
PUR Haze Mist Setting Spray CBD Replenishing Facial Setting Spray $10 x2
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil Shades"Chocolate" x10 & "Ebony" x6 $16 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil Easy Shape & Fill Shade "5" $17
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Ardell Wispies Fiber Building Mascara $4 each x2
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows “Bae", "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $20
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara $18
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
Kiss Lashes "Pompadour" $9 each x3
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $9 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palette: “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” $12
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Buxom Full On Lip Polish “Debbie” x2, "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
MAC 164 Brush $20
MAC 141 S Brush $20
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3 For Combination Oily Skin 13.5 oz $20
Crepe Erase Flaw-Fix Eye Cream .5 oz $35
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads 28 ct $12
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Kopari Coconut Face Cream 2.5 oz $20
Kopari Coconut Rose Toner 5.1 oz $19
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7
Ulta Beauty 24k Magic Metallic Peel Off Mask Rose Gold 3.4 oz $6


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Honest Beauty Truly Restored Leave In Conditioner 4.2 oz $5
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Express Primer 5.7 oz $10 x2
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Goji Orange Lemonade” $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Original" Summer Edition Packaging $15
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 21 oz “Original” $25
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
MineTan Super Dark Violet 1 Hour Express Tan 1.01 oz $7
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Pacifica Mineral Bronzing Sunscreen Pineapple Flower 6 oz $10
Pacifica Mineral Spf 50 Body Butter Pineapple Flower 5 oz $10
The Body Shop Body Butter Coconut 1.69 oz $3
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Ulta Beauty Watermelon Body Sorbet 8 oz Used 1x $5
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8
Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each


Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz ~x2~ 1 * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x6 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz * Too Faced Damn Girl Mascara .20 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x6 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz ~x2~ x1 * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * First Aid Beauty Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturizer .34 x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz ~x2~ x1 * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * Nyx Hydra Touch Primer .27 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smashbox Vitamin Glow .24 oz PENDING * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz x2 1 PENDING * “White Russian” .05 oz x4 1 PENDING * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine" x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Beauty by Popsugar Be Racy Liquid Velvet Lip * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


Avene Antioxidant Defense Serum .1 oz
Awake 2% Retinol Complex .10 oz
BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x2
Dermadoctor Lucky Bamboo Fermented Wasabi Pressed Serum .34 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Fountain of Truth The Truth Elixir .17 oz
Juice Beauty * Prebiotix Instant Flash Facial .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x3
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2
Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Glow Serum 0.17 oz
Philosophy Purity Moisturizer .25 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10g x2
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium" x2
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Ursa Major Golden Hour Recovery Cream


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Aquage Volumizing Mist 2 oz
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz
Kenra * Shaping Spray 1.5 oz * Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS * Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2
Loreal Tecni Art Extreme Lacquer 2.1 oz
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz
Sexy Hair * Spray & Play 1.5 oz * Spray & Play Harder 1.5 oz * Texture Surfer Girl Dry Texturizing 1.25 oz
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
LA Girl Lipstick "Nudie" Used 1x
Tarte Exposed Highlighter .07 oz (Broken if you want to repress)
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror

Sample Packets (1 free with any purchase):

Makeup Bags

$5 each or free w/ $40 purchase
Pink Sequin x3
Pom Pom Straw
Purple Snake Print
Purple Palm Leaves Bag
submitted by pandasparkle to BeautySwap [link] [comments]

2021.08.31 20:34 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] BUNDLE SALE! Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, & brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase & free makeup bags! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!


Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'", "Mad About Cucumber", "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x2 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Jane Iredale Pommisst Hydration Spray 3.04 oz $15
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
PUR Haze Mist Setting Spray CBD Replenishing Facial Setting Spray $10 x2
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil Shades"Chocolate" x10 & "Ebony" x6 $16 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil Easy Shape & Fill Shade "5" $17
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Ardell Wispies Fiber Building Mascara $4 each x2
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows “Bae", "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $20
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara $18
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
Kiss Lashes "Pompadour" $9 each x3
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $9 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palette: “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” $12
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Buxom Full On Lip Polish “Debbie” x2, "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
MAC 164 Brush $20
MAC 141 S Brush $20
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3 For Combination Oily Skin 13.5 oz $20
Crepe Erase Flaw-Fix Eye Cream .5 oz $35
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads 28 ct $12
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Kopari Coconut Face Cream 2.5 oz $20
Kopari Coconut Rose Toner 5.1 oz $19
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7
Ulta Beauty 24k Magic Metallic Peel Off Mask Rose Gold 3.4 oz $6


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Honest Beauty Truly Restored Leave In Conditioner 4.2 oz $5
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Express Primer 5.7 oz $10 x2
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Goji Orange Lemonade” $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Original" Summer Edition Packaging $15
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 21 oz “Original” $25
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
MineTan Super Dark Violet 1 Hour Express Tan 1.01 oz $7
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Pacifica Mineral Bronzing Sunscreen Pineapple Flower 6 oz $10
Pacifica Mineral Spf 50 Body Butter Pineapple Flower 5 oz $10
The Body Shop Body Butter Coconut 1.69 oz $3
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Ulta Beauty Watermelon Body Sorbet 8 oz Used 1x $5
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8
Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each


Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz ~x2~ 1 * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x6 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz * Too Faced Damn Girl Mascara .20 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x6 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz ~x2~ x1 * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * First Aid Beauty Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturizer .34 x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz ~x2~ x1 * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * Nyx Hydra Touch Primer .27 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smashbox Vitamin Glow .24 oz PENDING * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz x2 1 PENDING * “White Russian” .05 oz x4 1 PENDING * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine" x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Beauty by Popsugar Be Racy Liquid Velvet Lip * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


Avene Antioxidant Defense Serum .1 oz
Awake 2% Retinol Complex .10 oz
BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x2
Dermadoctor Lucky Bamboo Fermented Wasabi Pressed Serum .34 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Fountain of Truth The Truth Elixir .17 oz
Juice Beauty * Prebiotix Instant Flash Facial .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x3
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2
Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Glow Serum 0.17 oz
Philosophy Purity Moisturizer .25 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10g x2
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium" x2
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Ursa Major Golden Hour Recovery Cream


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Aquage Volumizing Mist 2 oz
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz
Kenra * Shaping Spray 1.5 oz * Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS * Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2
Loreal Tecni Art Extreme Lacquer 2.1 oz
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz
Sexy Hair * Spray & Play 1.5 oz * Spray & Play Harder 1.5 oz * Texture Surfer Girl Dry Texturizing 1.25 oz
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
LA Girl Lipstick "Nudie" Used 1x
Tarte Exposed Highlighter .07 oz (Broken if you want to repress)
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror

Sample Packets (1 free with any purchase):

Makeup Bags

$5 each or free w/ $40 purchase
Pink Sequin x3
Pom Pom Straw
Purple Snake Print
Purple Palm Leaves Bag
submitted by pandasparkle to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2021.08.14 06:10 pandasparkle [SELL/SWAP US only] Huge Collection Sale! Makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, and brushes. Includes Limited Edition Items! Mostly Brand New! Deluxe minis! Free gifts w/ purchase & free makeup bags! ABH, Benefit, Colourpop, Clinique, Hourglass, Ofra, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay & more!

Welcome to my sale!


Benefit “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer .37 oz $18
PUR Energize and Rescue Primer 1 oz $12
Smashbox Primer Color Correcting Adjust Travel Size .50 oz $9
Strivectin Anti Wrinkle Lineblurfector Primer SU $23
Wet n Wild PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer .68 oz "Coconut Dreamin'", "Mad About Cucumber", "Rose What's Up Rose-Bud" x2 $2 each
Foundations, Concealers, Powders
It Cosmetics Bye Bye Foundation Full Coverage Moisturizer “Light Medium” $30
Kylie Cosmetics Skin Concealer "Birch" & "Pinenut" $5 each
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brighten & Correct Duo "1N" $25
Setting Sprays
Jane Iredale Pommisst Hydration Spray 3.04 oz $15
Pixi Skintreats Glow Mist, Hydrating Milky Mist, Vitamin Makeup Mist 2.7 oz $8 each
PUR Haze Mist Setting Spray CBD Replenishing Facial Setting Spray $10 x2
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil Shades"Chocolate" x10 & "Ebony" x6 $16 each
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Stencils 2 pack $4
Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil Easy Shape & Fill Shade "5" $17
Benefit High Brow SU $9
Ardell FauxMink "811" BN $4 each x2
Ardell Wispies Fiber Building Mascara $4 each x2
Clinique High Impact Mascara $15 each x2
Colourpop Super Shock Shadows “Bae", "Bandit”, “Cheap Date”, "Cornelious", “Crimper”,“Liberty”, “Quatre”, "White Rabbit", “Seeker”, “Trois” SU $4 each or all for $30
Colourpop Super Star Loose Pigment “Badlands” (Used 1x), “Typhoon” BNIB $4 each or $6 for both
Covergirl Clean Fresh Mascara “Extreme Black” $4
Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara “Intense Black” $4
Essence Metal Shock Liquid Eyeshadow “03 Galaxy Rocks”, “04 Supernova”, “05 Moon Dust”, “06 Total Eclipse” Swatched $2 each or all for $5
Eyeko London Sport Waterproof Mascara $14 x4
Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara $18
It Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara $17
Kiss Lashes "Pompadour" x3 $9 each
KVD Beauty Go Big Or Go Home Mascara $12
Laura Geller Glamlash Dramatic Volumizing Mascara “Black” $6
Lorac Royal Treatment Primer and Mascara Duo $12 x2
Lorac Pro + Fiber Mascara $14
Tarte Tarteist Metallic Shadow “Shake Down” $5 each x2
TheBalm Batter Up Eyeshadow Stick "Dugout" SU $4
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara Travel Size .17 oz x3 $10 each
Ulta Beauty Perfect Pair Eyeshadow Duo Includes “Petite” and “Beauty Junkie” $4
Ulta Beauty Lash Primer $5
Ulta Beauty "Limitless Lashes Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara" & "New Heights Lifting Mascara" $6 each
Wet n Wild ColorIcon Pigment "Merry" $5
Cheeks (Highlighters, Blushes, Bronzers)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Blush Trio "Berry Amore" $20
Benefit Gogo Tint .33 oz $15
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator "Ballerina" SU $10
Ofra Eyeshadow/Highlighter Single “Bliss” $4
Physicians Formula Butter Blush “Plum Rose” SU $5
Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer "Queen's Land", "You're Dragon Me Down" Swatched $4 each
Wet n Wild Color Icon Rainbow Highlighter “Bronze Over The Rainbow”, “Everlasting Glow” SU $2 each
Wet n Wild Highlighting Bar Limited edition “Earth” $4
Wet n Wild Highlighting Gold Bar “Holly Gold Head” $4
Wet n Wild Loose Highlighting Powder “Moon Tears” $5
Eye & Face Palettes
Colourpop Custom Pressed Powder Palettes $12 each or $20 for both Palette 1 “Tiki”, “Paper Tiger”, “Criss Cross”, “Cannonball” Palette 2 “Full Zip”, “The Hidden Hills”, “Golden Gate Bridge”, “Team Captain” All Shades are SU. Can split them up in singles ($3 each)
Dose of Colors Snow Angels Palette $14
Glitter Injections Magnetic Palette $2
Juvia’s Place Nubian Mini SU $6
Kylie Cosmetics Sipping Pretty Palette BNIB $25
Lime Crime Plushies "Fresh Squeezed" One Shade (Dragon Fruit) Used $14
Makeup Revolution Love Conquers All Eyeshadow Palette $3
Makeup Revolution #Selfie Eyeshadow Palette $3
PUR Goal Digger Vanity Palette SU $10
Ulta Beauty 8 Piece Eye Shadow Palette $5
Violet Voss Hashtag Palette BN $35
Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Used 1x $30
Lips (Highend)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Gloss “Luna” $10 each x2
BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipstick “Petal” $12
BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" $14
Becca Liquid Crystal Lip Topper Glow Gloss “Champagne Dream x Bellini” $12
Buxom Full On Lip Polish “Debbie” x2, "Dolly" (no box), "Grace","Peyton", “Trixie”, "Victoria", “White Russian” BN $12 each
Coverfx Monochromatic Lip Color "Pink Dahlia" & "Warm Honey" $10 each
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Lip Pencil "08 Spice" SU $17
Jeffree Star Velour Lip Scrub "Blue Raspberry Sucker" Used 1x $8
Juice Beauty Phyto Pigments Liquid Lip “18 Gwyneth” $12
Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lipstick “Miami” $8 each x2
Laura Geller Color Enriched Anti-Aging Lipstick "Pink Mink" $15
Lime Crime Lip Glaze (Butter + Glaze) “Rosemary” $16
Lipstick Queen “Morning Sunshine” Lipstick $19
Lipstick Queen Invisible Lip Liner $7 each x2
Ofra Long Lasting Liquid Lipstick “Laguna Beach” x2 $6, “Mina” x2 $6, “Monaco” x3 $6 each
Stila Shine Fever Lip Vinyl “Speedway” $9
Tarte Lip Paint “Bling” (SU) $5, “Get It” (SU) $5, “TBT” (New) $9
TheBalm Plump Your Pucker Lip Gloss “Exaggerate” $9
Too Faced Melted Latex Liquified High Shine Lipstick “Hopeless Romantic” “Safe Word” $8 each
Urban Decay Ultra Cushion Lip Gloss “Shadowheart” $8
Urban Decay Vice Liquid Lipstick Kristen Leanne "Forget" $15
Woosh Beauty Spin-On Lip Gloss “Glam Peach” $5
Lips (Drugstore)
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip "Nine To Five" Used 1x $5
Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss “Behind the Scenes (Clear)” $2
Fizz & Bubble Lip Scrub “Cherry Slush, “Sugar Tart” $3 each
Milani Bold Color Statement Matte Lipstick “25 I am Brave” $5
Nyx Butter Gloss “Creme Brulee” x2 $3 each
Ulta Beauty Tinted Juice Infused Lip Oil “Passionate Peach” x2 $5 each

Applicators & Tools

Anastasia Beverly Hills Blending Sponge $10
Beauty Blender Blush Applicator Sponge $10
Hourglass No. 2 Foundation/Blush Brush (Used/Washed 1x) $30
Hourglass No. 3 All Over Shadow Brush BN $24
Hourglass No. 10 Angled Liner Brush BN $22
Hourglass No. 11 Smudge Brush BN $24
Hourglass No. 14 Detail Setting Brush (Used/Washed 1x) $22
Hourglass Ambient Powder Brush (Used/Washed 1x) $19
MAC 164 Brush $20
MAC 141 S Brush $20
Sephora Collection Drawn Together Magnetic Brush Set Includes Complexion, Crease, Powder, Packing, Fan, Concealer Brushes & Magnetic Frame $45
Wet n Wild 10 Piece Brush Collection Professional Ergonomic Handles $35

Makeup Sets


Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm .17 oz $10
Clinique 3 Step Skincare System Combination Oily Skin Type 3 includes Dramatically different moisturizing gel (4.2 oz), Liquid Facial Soap Oily (1 oz), Clarifying Lotion 3 (1 oz) SEALED x2 $18 each
Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3 For Combination Oily Skin 13.5 oz $20
Crepe Erase Flaw-Fix Eye Cream .5 oz $35
DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Rescue & Protect Eye Balm .5 oz $35
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 1.7 oz $35
Dermalogica Phyto-Nature Firming Serum (RV $145) $110
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Eye Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 $20
Exuviance Overnight Recovery Masque 1.7 oz BNIB $35
First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads 28 ct $12
GLAMGLOW YOUTHMUD® Glow Stimulating & Exfoliating Treatment Mask 1 oz $40
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream 2 oz $36
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment 2 oz $60
Kopari Coconut Face Cream 2.5 oz $20
Kopari Coconut Rose Toner 5.1 oz $19
Lancome Renergie Lift Multi Action Ultra Face Mask $8
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 4 oz $5
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water 8 oz $9
OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream .6 oz $16
Perricone MD Cold Plasma+ Face 1 oz BN $95
Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads Super Size 90 Pads $46
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser 3 oz $6
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer 1 oz $9
PUR Grinch Stole My Mask Clay Mask 2 oz $25
Shea Moisture African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Drying Lotion $7
Ulta Beauty 24k Magic Metallic Peel Off Mask Rose Gold 3.4 oz $6


Bed Head Hard Head Hairspray 3 oz $4 x2
Bed Head Mini Masterpiece Hairspray 2.4 oz $4
Bosley Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub w/ Bamboo Charcoal 2 oz $14
Honest Beauty Truly Restored Leave In Conditioner 4.2 oz $5
IGK Beach Club Texture Spray Travel 1 oz $4, 1.7 oz $10
It's a 10 Miracle Finishing Spray 1.7 oz $4
Keranique Lift & Repair Treatment Spray 3.5 oz $9
Kyn Argan Oil 1.01 oz $10
Matrix Biolage Airdry Glotion 5.1 oz $10
Ouai Wave Spray 1.7 oz $8
Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Express Primer 5.7 oz $10 x2
Tarte Mermaid Waves 4.22 oz $16


Calvin Klein Deep Euphoria x2 & Euphoria .5 oz $15 each
Clean Rain & Pear Rollerball .17 oz $9
Clinique Happy .14 oz $8 x2
DEFINE ME Delphine Hair Fragrance Mist .1 oz $7
Dior Miss Dior EDP .17 oz $20
DKNY Nectar Love Rollerball EDP .1 oz $7 each x2
Gucci Bloom EDP 0.16 oz $20
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .17 oz $12
Kate Spade Walk On Air Sunshine Rollerball .34 oz $15
Marc Jacobs Dot EDP 1.7 oz (Usage Shown) $45
Michael Kors Wonderlust Rollerball Keychain .07 oz $7
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .33 oz BN $10
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP .5 oz $15
Philosophy Amazing Grace EDP 2 oz BN $50
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose .11 oz BN $4
Prada Candy EDP .24 oz $16
Scent Beauty Scent Organix Discovery Kit “Rise & Shine”, “I am Bright”, “I am Radiant”, “So Serene” Sprayed x1 $6
Tory Burch Love Relentlessly EDP Rollerball .1 oz $14
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .24 oz $25 each x2

Body Care

COOLA Sunless Tan Firming Lotion 2 oz $10 x2
Gucci Bloom Body Lotion & Shower Gel 1.6 oz $18
HauteBronze Tan in A Mitt .57 oz $5
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Goji Orange Lemonade” $18
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 17 oz “Original" Summer Edition Packaging $15
Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer 21 oz “Original” $25
Kopari Coconut Body Glow .5 $5
Lancome Idole Body Lotion 1.6 oz $10
L'occitane Supple Skin Oil .5 oz $12
Loving Tan Bronze Shimmer Luminous Cream “Dark” .6 oz $9
MineTan Super Dark Violet 1 Hour Express Tan 1.01 oz $7
Nest Fragrance Ginger & Neroli Body Lotion 1.5 oz $3
Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm .6 oz $6
Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil .6 oz $6
Pacifica After Sun Body Spray 6 oz “Pineapple Flower” Sprayed a few times $6
Pacifica Body Butter “Hawaiian Ruby Guava” 1 oz $4
Pacifica Mineral Bronzing Sunscreen Pineapple Flower 6 oz $10
Pacifica Mineral Spf 50 Body Butter Pineapple Flower 5 oz $10
Sol De Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream 2.5 oz $15
The Body Shop Body Butter Coconut 1.69 oz $3
Ulta Beauty Body Lotion “Sweet Grapefruit” 10 oz $6
Ulta Beauty Watermelon Body Sorbet 8 oz Used 1x $5
Victoria’s Secret Fragrance Mist “Ravishing Love” Usage shown $5
Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion “Exotic Bloom” 8 oz $8 f Victoria's Secret Hydrating Body Lotion Acai 3.4 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Body Lotion Mini “Fresh & Clean” 2.5 oz $3
Victoria’s Secret PINK Detox Time with Charcoal Purifying Clay Face & Body Mask 7 oz $9
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon Body Lotion $5
Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion 1.69 oz $9


Dashing Diva Glitter Glamour Gloss Ultra Shine Gel Strips $5
Incoco Nail Polish Applique Break the Ice $4
Kiss Nails Glam Fantasy Press On Nails "05" & "08" $6 each
Kiss Impression Nails "Shimmer" $6
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Jasmine Green Tea" $3
Le Mini Macaron Hank Mask "Rose x2 $3 each
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Mini Nail Polish “231 Red My Lips” $2
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat x2 $5 each


10 for $20! Or $3 each. All Brand New


Eyebrow * Ulta Beauty Brow Shaping Gel "Clear"
Mascara * Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash .1 oz x3 * Butter Double Decker Lashes Mascara .18 oz * Buxom Xtrovert Mascara .05 oz * Clinique High Impact High Impact Mascara 0.14 oz x2 * Grande Cosmetics Grande Mascara .05 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out .10 oz x2 * It Cosmetics Superhero Mascara x3 * Julep Length Matters Mascara .2 oz x2 * Lancome Cils Booster XL Mascara Base .07 oz * Lancome Definicils Mascara .07 oz * Lancome Idole Mascara .08 oz * Mac In Extreme Dimension Lash * Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift .15 oz x2 * Maybelline Great Lash Blackest Black .15 oz x6 * Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara "Very Black" .15 oz * Maybelline Total Temptation .15 oz * Milani Highly Rated Mascara .16 oz x2 * Nyx Worth The Hype .17 oz * PUR Fully Charged .14 oz * Smashbox Full Exposure .14 oz * Tarte Tarteist Lash Paint Mascara 0.08 x4 * Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 0.33 oz x2 * Too Faced Damn Girl Mascara .20 oz * Too Faced Mascara Melt Off .01 oz x6 * Urban Decay Subversion Lash Primer .06 oz * Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara .08 oz x5


Blush * Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Blush "Sweet Peach Peony" .07 oz
Bronzer * Cargo Swimmables Water Resistant Bronzer .10 oz x2
Foundation * Bareminerals Original Liquid Mineral Foundation "Fairly Light 03" 0.13 oz * Bareminerals Original Liquid Mineral Foundation "Neutral Ivory 6" .13 oz
Highlighter * Becca Ignite Liquified Light Highlighter .17 oz * Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid “Opal” .2 oz x2 * Benefit Highbeam .08 oz * CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops “Moonlight” .095 oz x6 * Dermablend Glow Creator Liquid Highlighter .13 oz * LA Girl Strobe Lite Strobing Powder .07 oz * Ulta Beauty Liquid Highlighter Northern Lights .17 oz * Winky Lux Holographic Highlighter “Charm” .11 oz x3
Primer * BareMinerals Prime Time Original Foundation Primer .15 oz * Becca BackLight Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * Becca First Light Priming Filter .2 oz x2 * CoverFx Blurring Primer .16 oz * CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz x5 * CoverFx Water Cloud Primer .16 oz * Elf Luminous Putty Primer .14 oz x2 * Estee Lauder The Smoother .17 oz x2 * First Aid Beauty Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturizer .34 x2 * Laura Geller Spackle Hydrating Moisturizing Under Makeup Primer .50 oz x2 * Lorac Light Source 3 in 1 Illuminating Primer "Dusk" 0.33 oz x3 * Loreal Infallible Matte-Lock Mattifying Primer .25 oz x4 * Maybelline Master Prime Primer “050 Hydrate + Smooth” .5 oz x2 * Milani Prime Perfection .34 oz * Nyx Hydra Touch Primer .27 oz * PUR 4 in 1 Correcting Primer .34 oz * PUR No Filter Blurring Photography Primer .24 oz x4 * Smashbox Photo Fix Primerizer x4 * Smashbox Vitamin Glow .24 oz * Smith & Cult Blackdrop Mattifying Primer .35 oz * Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer .16 oz x8 * Ulta Beauty Hydrating Primer .34 oz, Mattifying Primer .34 oz x2, Poreless Face Primer .5 oz
Powder * BareMinerals Original Mineral Veil .03 oz x6 * Becca Hydra-Mist set & Refresh Powder .05 oz * Dermablend Loose Setting Powder .11 oz x2
Setting Spray * Tarte Ready Set Radiant .24 oz


Lip gloss * BareMinerals Gen Nude Patent Lip Lacquer “Darling” .03 oz x2 * BareMineral Mineralist Lip Gloss Balm "Sincerity" x2 * Beauty by Popsugar Be The Boss Lip Gloss “Time After Time” .085 oz x6 * Buxom Full On Lip Polish * “Dolly” .05 oz x2 * “White Russian” .05 oz x4 * GrandeLips Hydrating Lip Plumper "Mauve Epice" .04 oz * Ulta Beauty Jelly Gloss Lip Gel "Beach Babe" x2 "Sunshine" x2
Lipstick * BareMinerals Mineralist Lipstick "Honesty" .06 oz * Beauty by Popsugar Be Racy Liquid Velvet Lip * Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipstick "Dolly Dreamer" .006 oz x2 * Buxom Serial Kisser Plumping Lip Stain "Pucker Up Dolly" * Buxom VaVa Plump " Wine Me" .05 oz * GrandeLips Metallic Plumping Lipstick "Raspberry Daiquiri" .04 oz


Avene Antioxidant Defense Serum .1 oz
Awake 2% Retinol Complex .10 oz
BareMinerals SkinLongevity Long Life Herb Serum .27 oz x2
Belief The True cream aqua bomb 0.33 oz
Bliss Rose Gold Rescue 8% PHA + AHA Blend Peel 3 pack
Dermadoctor Lucky Bamboo Fermented Wasabi Pressed Serum .34 oz
Elizabeth Arden * Prevage Anti Daily Serum 2.0 .17 oz x3 * Superstart Skin Renewal Booster .17 oz
Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ .17 oz
Exuviance Overnight Transformation Complex .35 oz
Fountain of Truth The Truth Elixir .17 oz
Goodal Wash Up Deep Clean Pore Glacial Clay .33 oz x2
H20+ Aquadefense Detox Mask .5 oz x2
Juice Beauty * Green Apple Peel Full Strength .26 oz * Prebiotix Instant Flash Facial .26 oz * Stem Cellular Anti Wrinkle Booster Serum .26 oz x3
Mario Badescu Aloe Vera Toner 1 oz
Murad Vita-C Glycolic Brightening Serum .17 oz x2
No 7 * Early Defense Glow Activator Serum .16 oz x3 * Restore & Renew Face & Neck Serum .16 oz x2
Perricone MD * Cold Plasma Plus+ Sub-D/Neck .25 oz * Rejuvenating Moisturizer 0.25 oz x2
Peter Thomas Roth * Cucumber Gel Mask .47 oz x3 * Water Drench Hyaluronic Glow Serum 0.17 oz
Philosophy Purity Moisturizer .25 oz
Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer .33 oz
PUR 4 in 1 Cloud Cream .5 oz
Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Flash Perfection Exfoliating Treatment 10 g x2
Strivectin Tighten & Light Peptight Face Serum .27 oz
Tan Luxe The Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops "Light/Medium"
The Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate .2 oz
Ursa Major Golden Hour Recovery Cream


Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Smoothing Anti Frizz .85 oz x2
Aquage Volumizing Mist 2 oz
Authentic Beauty Concept Shaping Cream 1 oz x2
Drybar Jump Start Quick Dry Blowout Serum .33 oz
Fekkai CBD Calming Supreme Oil .1 oz
It's a 10 Potion 10 Miracle Styling Potion 1.5 oz
Kenra * Shaping Spray 1.5 oz * Volume Spray Super Hold Finishing Spray 25 1.5 oz x2
KMS * Hairstay Hairspray 2 oz x2
Living Proof * Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 Styling Treatment 1 oz x2 * Restore Perfecting Spray .5 oz x6 x3
Loreal Tecni Art Extreme Lacquer 2.1 oz
NatureLab Perfect Shine Clarifying Scalp Scrub 1 oz
Redken Forceful 23 Hairspray 2 oz
Sexy Hair * Spray & Play 1.5 oz * Spray & Play Harder 1.5 oz * Texture Surfer Girl Dry Texturizing 1.25 oz
The Good Stuff Complete Repair Balm No Rinse Conditioner 2 oz SU
Virtue 6-in-1 Styler 0.5 oz


Clinique Happy EDP .05 oz
Clinique My Happy Cookies & Kisses EDP .05 oz
Coach Blue EDT .06 oz
Elizabeth My Fifth Avenue EDP .05 oz
Ellis Brooklyn Myth EDP .05 oz
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle .05 oz
Giorgio Armani Armani Code Absolu Parfum 0.04 oz
Giorgio Armani My Way EDP .04 oz
Gucci Bloom Acqua Di Fiori EDT .05 oz
John Varvatos XX EDT .05 oz
Juicy Couture Oui Splash EDP .05 oz x3
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy EDP .5 oz x9
Lancome Idole EDP .04 oz x2
Lancome Idole L'Intense .04 oz x2
Lancome La Vie est Belle .04 oz
Mont Blanc Legend 0.04 oz
Oscar de la Renta Extraordinary Pétale EDP .6 oz x2
Philosophy Amazing Grace x2, Nude Rose x2 .05 oz
Prada Candy .05 oz x12
Ralph Lauren "Woman" EDP .04 oz x2
Tiffany & Co. EDP .04 oz x3
Tory Burch "Bel Azur" & "Love Relentlessly" .05 oz
Valentino The New EDP & UOMO Born in Roma .04 oz
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP .04 oz x8

Body Care

Basd Body Lotion "Mint" 1 oz x2
Loreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion "Medium" 1 oz
St. Moriz Wash Off Tan "Matte" 1.01 oz
St. Tropez One Night Only Gloss .16 oz

Free Gifts w/ Purchase

1 per $20 spent before shipping
CoverFx Mattifying Primer w/ Anti-Acne Treatment .16 oz Exp 2020 x2
LA Girl Lipstick "Nudie" Used 1x
Tarte Exposed Highlighter .07 oz (Broken if you want to repress)
Ekel Face Mask "Aloe" x4, "Coenzym Q10" x5, “Collagen” x8, “Hyaluronic Acid” x6
Ulta Beauty Complexion Rollerball exp. 5/21
Loreal Hello Gorgeous Compact Mirror

Sample Packets (2 free with any purchase):

Makeup Bags

$5 each or free w/ $40 purchase
Pink Sequin x3
Pom Pom Straw
Purple Snake Print
Coral Bag
Purple Palm Leaves Bag
submitted by pandasparkle to BeautySwap [link] [comments]