Lamictal and tardive dyskenisia

Comprehension List of Insomnia Medications and its Dementia Risk

2024.05.20 20:56 Tall-Stick Comprehension List of Insomnia Medications and its Dementia Risk

NOTE: I didn't include every single medication for insomnia, only those commonly prescribed.
In the table I will explain the purpose of each medication, its class, how addictive it is, short term or long term, and dementia risk. Addiction Category consists of 3 levels: Low, Medium, and High. Dementia Risk will be divided into: Not likely, Likely, and very likely, as there's not much studies that confirm dementia risk with anti-depressants. I've included several notes that provides general analysis and should be used for general knowledge only, THIS ISN'T MEDICAL ADVICE.
Drugs Treatment Duration Addiction Risk Dementia Risk
Ambien Insomnia Short-Term Medium Likely
Lunesta Insomnia Short-Term Medium Likely
Sonata Insomnia Short-Term Low* Likely
Imovane Insomnia Short-Term Low* Likely
* if taken accordingly
Anti-Depressants [atypical]
Drugs Treatment Duration Addiction Risk Dementia Risk
Trazodone Depression Long-Term None N/A (read below)
Mirtazapine Depression Long-Term None N/A (read below)
Doxepin Depression Both None Likely
Amitriptyline Depression Long-Term None Likely
TRAZODONE: This drug contains low to no anticholinergic properties and contains moderate antihistamine properties. It's very good it contains extremely low anticholinergic properties but the moderate antihistamine effects could be a cause of concern, albeit talk to your doctor. Generally many people take this drug for many years with no issue.
MIRTAZPINE: This drug contains low to no anticholinergic properties which is good but it contains high antihistamine activity which could be linked to Dementia, albiet the research is limited. Some doctors link antihistamine to dementia, while others don't. Use with some caution and talk to your doctor.
Drugs Treatment Duration Addiction Risk Dementia Risk
Seroquel Anti-Psychotic Both None N/A (read below)
Zyprexa Anti-Psychotic Both None N/A (read below)
Chlorpromazine Anti-Psychotics Short-Term None N/A (read below)
SEROQUEL: This drug if taken long term, can cause memory impairment, TD Tardive dyskenisia, muscle issues, metabolic syndrome, and related heart disease. Anticholinergic drugs are associated with causing or exacerbating memory impairments and Seroquel is one of them. USE WITH CAUTION AND WITH ADVICE FROM DOCTOR.
Zyprexa: This medication contains high anticholinergic activity which isn't good. This drug has very harsh withdrawl effects. It can cause: Parkingson's, dopaminergic syndrome, diabeties, etc. Obviously this medication isn't worth it.
Chlorpromazine: This medication worsen memory and thinking, worsen movement and increase the risk of falls, increase the risk of stroke and death. This also includes medications like: haloperidol (Haldol®), chlorpromazine (Thorazine®), thioridazine (Mellaril®), perphenazine (Trilafon®) and others.
Supplement Treatment Duration Acutally helps? Why it helps
Vitamin D Insomnia Both Yes -Helps body produce Melatonin, low levels means low melatonin
GABA Insomnia Both No -Does not cross the blood brain barrier
L-Theanine Insomnia Both Yes -anxiolytic effects which is known to induce high quality sleep
Magnesium Glycinate Insomnia Both Yes -Helps regulate neurotransmitters related tosleep
Ashwagandha Insomnia Both Yes -Indirectly promotes relaxation
Melatonin Insomnia Both Yes -Natural hormone for sleep, so makes sense taking doses will help
5-HTTP Insomnia Both Yes -In one study, people who took 5-HTP went to sleep quicker and slept more deeply than those who took a placebo.
Chamilion Tea Insomnia Both Yes -Promotes relaxation and relieves stress
L-tryptophan Insomnia Both N/A -Limited evidence suggests it helps with uptake of seritonin
CBD-Oil Insomnia Both Yes -Induces sleep by promoting relaxation, low stress, and low anxiety. Also calms brain activity
submitted by Tall-Stick to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:53 Tall-Stick Another Comprehension List of Medications and its Dementia Risk

NOTE: I didn't include every single medication for insomnia, only those commonly prescribed.
In the table I will explain the purpose of each medication, its class, how addictive it is, short term or long term, and dementia risk. Addiction Category consists of 3 levels: Low, Medium, and High. Dementia Risk will be divided into: Not likely, Likely, and very likely, as there's not much studies that confirm dementia risk with anti-depressants. I've included several notes that provides general analysis and should be used for general knowledge only, THIS ISN'T MEDICAL ADVICE.
Drugs Treatment Duration Addiction Risk Dementia Risk
Ambien Insomnia Short-Term Medium Likely
Lunesta Insomnia Short-Term Medium Likely
Sonata Insomnia Short-Term Low* Likely
Imovane Insomnia Short-Term Low* Likely
* if taken accordingly
Anti-Depressants [atypical]
Drugs Treatment Duration Addiction Risk Dementia Risk
Trazodone Depression Long-Term None N/A (read below)
Mirtazapine Depression Long-Term None N/A (read below)
Doxepin Depression Both None Likely
Amitriptyline Depression Long-Term None Likely
TRAZODONE: This drug contains low to no anticholinergic properties and contains moderate antihistamine properties. It's very good it contains extremely low anticholinergic properties but the moderate antihistamine effects could be a cause of concern, albeit talk to your doctor. Generally many people take this drug for many years with no issue.
MIRTAZPINE: This drug contains low to no anticholinergic properties which is good but it contains high antihistamine activity which could be linked to Dementia, albiet the research is limited. Some doctors link antihistamine to dementia, while others don't. Use with some caution and talk to your doctor.
Drugs Treatment Duration Addiction Risk Dementia Risk
Seroquel Anti-Psychotic Both None N/A (read below)
Zyprexa Anti-Psychotic Both None N/A (read below)
Chlorpromazine Anti-Psychotics Short-Term None N/A (read below)
SEROQUEL: This drug if taken long term, can cause memory impairment, TD Tardive dyskenisia, muscle issues, metabolic syndrome, and related heart disease. Anticholinergic drugs are associated with causing or exacerbating memory impairments and Seroquel is one of them. USE WITH CAUTION AND WITH ADVICE FROM DOCTOR.
Zyprexa: This medication contains high anticholinergic activity which isn't good. This drug has very harsh withdrawl effects. It can cause: Parkingson's, dopaminergic syndrome, diabeties, etc. Obviously this medication isn't worth it.
Chlorpromazine: This medication worsen memory and thinking, worsen movement and increase the risk of falls, increase the risk of stroke and death. This also includes medications like: haloperidol (Haldol®), chlorpromazine (Thorazine®), thioridazine (Mellaril®), perphenazine (Trilafon®) and others.
Supplement Treatment Duration Acutally helps? Why it helps
Vitamin D Insomnia Both Yes -Helps body produce Melatonin, low levels means low melatonin
GABA Insomnia Both No -Does not cross the blood brain barrier
L-Theanine Insomnia Both Yes -anxiolytic effects which is known to induce high quality sleep
Magnesium Glycinate Insomnia Both Yes -Helps regulate neurotransmitters related tosleep
Ashwagandha Insomnia Both Yes -Indirectly promotes relaxation
Melatonin Insomnia Both Yes -Natural hormone for sleep, so makes sense taking doses will help
5-HTTP Insomnia Both Yes -In one study, people who took 5-HTP went to sleep quicker and slept more deeply than those who took a placebo.
Chamilion Tea Insomnia Both Yes -Promotes relaxation and relieves stress
L-tryptophan Insomnia Both N/A -Limited evidence suggests it helps with uptake of seritonin
CBD-Oil Insomnia Both Yes -Induces sleep by promoting relaxation, low stress, and low anxiety. Also calms brain activity
submitted by Tall-Stick to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:25 rauhweltbegrifff Benzotropine for akathisia- experiences wanted

I'm currently experiencing akathisia. I thought I had tardive dyskenisia as well but I see I got it mixed up with dystonia. After I take seroquel I experience akathisia much more as well as dystonia but not as much as the former.
Gabapentin at my current dose was helping but the last few days I think my dose was becoming weaker? It just wasn't working as well and my anxiety shot up immensely too.
I went to the ER because I couldn't stay still and having constant panic attacks.
I was prescribed benzotropine and it works but it doesn't get rid of the anxiety. I also read antihistamines and hypoallergenic medications could cause movement disorders worse?
Is this true?
submitted by rauhweltbegrifff to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:36 rauhweltbegrifff My success with mirtazapine, gabapentin, and klonopin for akathisia

Important info is in bold. Rest of it are what I am experiencing right now and maybe an idea of having someone close to sleep near or by you. It helps a lot for anxiety and when you wake up in panic.
I've been sleeping next to my parents as lame as that sounds since I become confused and constantly going into panic attacks once my seroquel kicks in. The akathisia is much worse at this time and for hours. I have to take gabapentin a little before my dose to make it somewhat bearable. I'll still be rolling around for hours in a confused and anxious state with what feels like RLS on steroids.
Sleeping next to my parents gives me some peace since I can see them when I feel like I'm starting to slip into a panic attack during my incoherent and panic attack filled phase. I've tried to sleep by my self but I can't stand it as it sends me into full blown panic attacks and just much worst anxiety overall being by my self. It feels like I'm sinking into my bed because my mind is awake but my body feels like it's not there. So I sleep on the floor. It helps me feel grounded.
The worst feeling is my blood pressure drops or at least it feels like it and then tightness and congested feeling of my chest starts once the seroquel is fully working. It feels like I need to manually breathe and it feels like I'm out of breath too. It also feels like I'll die in my sleep from not being able to breathe properly or breathe at all. That's what really sends me in to a panic attack. The inconsistent heart rate and blood pressure doesn't help either.
I will also sit up right in panic sometimes gasping for air or making a sound while sleeping every 20-30mins or every hour or two if I'm lucky. Scared my dad a couple times because of this.
Tardive dyskinesia symptoms have been showing a lot more often too. Woke up several times not being able to control my limbs. Almost fell over once after getting off my bed because I could barely control my legs or arms.
The akathisia during the day started getting worse as days went by. I was desperate because this feeling is horrible. I saw that a good portion of what is used to treat akathisia is already prescribed to me which is clonazepam and gabapentin.
Gabapentin is definitely what works the best. I am also tapering off klonopin and was doing all right with .5mg but now it feels like it's not enough because I am much more anxious than I was a month ago. It still definitely helps with the akathisia though.
Mirtazapine also seems to help a good amount. I'm taking .5mg of clonazepam, 1200mg of gabapentin spread throughout the day, and 15mg of mirtazapine.
Mirtazapine and 250mg of vitamin b6 early in the morning, gabapentin 3x a day, and the clonazepam I take half in the day and half late night. I have to time my doses correctly so I don't experience any akathisia.
Vitamin B6 is supposedly effective but I'm not too sure if it really is.
I also take 250mg of lamictal split into day and night, and 2mg of risperidone which I am tapering off of and will be off completely soon.
I did as much research as I could since it started getting a lot worse soon after I saw my doctor. So I had almost 30 days till I saw my doctor again and I definitely would've gone to the ER. I almost called the ambulance when it started getting bad because I didn't know what the hell was going on. I also didn't know what was going on with me till someone else told me what it was I was experiencing in another post I made which was after I already met the doctor.
It feels like I have to jog around my place without these medications I listed above. It also makes me extremely prone to panic attacks which would occur every few minutes.
Hope this info helps anyone else.
Ask your doc for propranolol and gabapentin. Try mirtazapine. Klonopin should be a last resort.
submitted by rauhweltbegrifff to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:42 OrderInner7199 Can't take antipsychotics

Hey guys, so I'm Schizoaffective Bipolar type (my great grandmother was schizophrenic so it runs in the family) and last year was a lot of hell with trial and error for med changes. I wanted to go on injection antipsychotics because I get poisoning paranoia with my medications as well as dissociative episodes where I could overdose. The dose of my other medications taken at a very very high dose won't be as dangerous so we chose the injection to minimize that specific risk). I was on quetiapine (Seroquel) in pill form and coped really well. Because I'd been on it for so long though it was time to change up.
So we switched to Flupentixol (Fluanxol) as pill form and I had some trouble with repetitive blinking, minor tics, and my fingers getting "cramps" (like I'd bend my finger and even though my brain was saying to return it to a straight position it wouldn't respond, but there was no muscle spasm or pain, and wouldn't move freely unless I physically moved it with my other hand). After I was then put on Aripirazol (Abilify) and it made me absolute insane, worsened all of my symptoms and I was in hospitals and care facilities a lot while I was on it. So we immediately stopped that and went back to Flupentixol as an injection. The blinking came back and was worse, like I couldn't open my eyes, I was so sleepy, and the tics came back too. Eventually one day it started bad in the morning and got worse and worse I ended up in A&E with SEVERE tardive dyskinesia (ALL my muscles were contracting by their own accord, pushing my back all the way backwards trying to snap me in half, twisting my torso, twisting my neck so I had to talk to the nurses while facing a completely different direction, it was excruciating) I ended needing an emergency Procyclidine (Kemadrin) shot driven in from a different hospital to stop it. After than my psychiatrist said that I couldn't go on antipsychotics again because now that tardive dyskinesia has developed and is a risk, we can't chance it because long term Procyclidine use will affect my heart but if the tardive dyskenisia is permanent we will have to use it. (We're trying to minimise cardiovascular issues from medications as much as possible.) I've got another month on Procyclidine before stopping to find out whether my tardive dyskinesia is permanent and I'm now on the mood stabiliser Lamotrigine (Lamictal) and no antipsychotics.
Do any of you function well without antipsychotics? I really struggle. Is there any advice that would be useful? What are my options now? I hallucinate minimum once or twice a day when I'm on antipsychotics, way more frequently without. My delusions and paranoia is almost constant without antipsychotics. My tactile hallucinations are also constant. Any input would be super appreciated.
TLDR: I can't take antipsychotics due to health reasons, is anyone else in the same boat? Any advice?
submitted by OrderInner7199 to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 17:57 W-Pip2328 Should my psychiatrist have managed my medication more actively?

Several years ago, a psychiatrist I was seeing in a different state put me on lithium, seroquel, and lamictal for a mood disorder. The seroquel was so I could sleep at night, to counterbalance the lamictal, and they warned me to watch out for the appearance of muscle tics and to stop Seroquel immediately if that happened.
Around 2 years later, I'm in a different state with a different psychiatrist. I start getting muscle twitches in my eyelids that don't go away after a few weeks so I schedule an appointment. My regular psychiatrist (let's call them Dr. A) is out so I see a different psychiatrist (let's call them Dr. B), who agrees with my concern that I might be developing tardive dyskinesia. Dr. B tell me to halve the dose of Lamictal for 5 days then discontinue the Lamictal and Seroquel completely. I do some research and find that you're not supposed to go off Lamictal or Seroquel that fast, so I ask for a 30 day supply of both and Dr. B says sure, go off the meds however you want, here's a 30 day supply.
Two weeks later I have a followup with Dr. A, who, when asked, doesn't know what happened during my visit with Dr. B, and to the best of my recollection doesn't know that I even had a visit with Dr. B. In the meantime I've devised my own plan for going off the Lamictal and Seroquel: wean myself off Lamictal completely for 2 weeks while keeping Seroquel at the same dose (I'm anxious about sleep, so I didn't want to go off seroquel too quickly), then go off Seroquel over the course of 3 weeks, decreasing my dose every week. Dr. A inquired briefly as to my plan and said it was OK, even though I feel like Dr. A should have told me that, since I was having eyelid twitches, it was advisable to go off Seroquel sooner. Neither Dr. B nor Dr. A. told me what to expect when going off either drug; it was more like a "Sounds fine, good luck with everything" though going off seroquel was total hell for a month.
I guess I'm asking whether it's reasonable to expect my psychiatrist to inquire about a ramp-down plan I've devised myself, correct it if it feels like it's too slow or incorrect, and tell me what to expect. I felt like I was (1) misguided about the right rate for getting off both drugs, and (2) given that tardive dyskinesia can be permanent, I'm upset that Dr. A listened to my plan and didn't really give any feedback or inquire about it. I'm still dealing with the eye twitches 2 months after stopping seroquel and I feel like I could have used more guidance with such a potentially permanent condition.
submitted by W-Pip2328 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 05:39 always_unsure13 Psychiatrists- treatment resistant PD & GAD (~25 meds tried, 10+ therapeutic modalities) for entire life: at what point do you deem a patient a lost cause?

Hi all, I’m a 29yo female, 125 lbs, 5”6. Currently on 60mg Zoloft, 30mg Lamictal, 15mg propranolol, 15mg Valium, 15mg Mirtazapine. Clonazepam (sublingual) PRN, ondanestron PRN, propranolol PRN.
I’ve had treatment resistant panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder since I was 8 (diagnosed, had symptoms earlier). Major depressive disorder since I was 23. Agoraphobia started around then too. Also IBS-D since I was a child, officially diagnosed after a scope in 2020. In 2022-2023 I had 4 recurrent CDI involving 2 hospitalizations and was officially diagnosed with PTSD from this.
I have been on so many medications to try to treat these illnesses, as well as trying many types of therapy. I’ve seen 3-4 psychiatrists through my life, including specialists at a teaching hospital. I’ve had 10+ therapists.
Drugs I’ve been on since I was 8, and I may be forgetting some: (apologies for spelling)
SSRIs: Lexapro (worsened IBS), Prozac (worsened IBS), Zoloft, Celexa, Paxil, Viibryd
Atypical antidepressants: Wellbutrin, Mirtazapine
SNRIs: Pristiq (bad reaction), Cymbalta, Effexor
Tricyclic: Nortyptyiline (sp)
Atypical antipsychotics: Olanzapine, Seroquel, Risperdal (tardive dyskinesia), Rexulti (bad reaction- intrusive thoughts began), Abilify
Mood stabilizers: Lamictal
Benzodiazepines: Lorazepam, Clonazepam, Diazepam (unwanted physical dependence’s)
ADHD meds: Ritalin (dystonia), Adderal
Beta-blocker: Propranolol
Therapies I’ve tried: CBT, DBT, psychotherapy, family therapy, mindfulness, meditation, group therapy, exposure therapy, a PHP program and two IOPs.
My psychiatrist now wants me to replace Zoloft with trintellix. I’m currently in an IOP for the PD and MDD. I want to believe that we can find a medication that helps but it’s been 20 years of this with no luck and a lot of the time when I try new meds I have bad reactions. I stick with it to reach the therapeutic effects but they end up not helping and consuming my day. To be clear it’s not just me saying my symptoms aren’t being relieved, it’s my doctor too, saying that medication isn’t helping.
When you have patients like me, do you truly think you can find a medication or a cocktail that will relieve symptoms? I am hopeful for improvement but realistically I’m thinking, why would something work now, whatever is going on hasn’t been helped. Why would my doc want to start me on a new med given every single other med has never worked?
submitted by always_unsure13 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:52 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Disclaimer: Don't mean to come off as a negative nelly or an anti-psychiatry warrior with an agenda, I'm just very anxious and frustrated.
Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, post ssri sexual dysfunction, or Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to adhd_anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:52 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Disclaimer: Don't mean to come off as a negative nelly or an anti-psychiatry warrior with an agenda, I'm just very anxious and frustrated.
Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, post ssri sexual dysfunction, or Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:52 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Disclaimer: Don't mean to come off as a negative nelly or an anti-psychiatry warrior with an agenda, I'm just very anxious and frustrated.
Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, post ssri sexual dysfunction, or Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:51 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Disclaimer: Don't mean to come off as a negative nelly or an anti-psychiatry warrior with an agenda, I'm just very anxious and frustrated.
Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:50 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Disclaimer: Don't mean to come off as a negative nelly or an anti-psychiatry warrior with an agenda, I'm just very anxious and frustrated.
Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:50 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Disclaimer: Don't mean to come off as a negative nelly or an anti-psychiatry warrior with an agenda, I'm just very anxious and frustrated.
Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 18:32 Solidus35 Worth the bet?

Briefly some context: I'm 29, have noticeably lived with a melange of depression, anxiety, OCD, executive/cognitive dysfunction (a lot of ADD-like stuff) since I was around 17 or 18. Some hypomanic sort of stuff here and there. Have only ever tried Sertraline for a bit more than a year and a half back when I was 24-25 and I didn't ever feel it did much to help even at 125 mg. Left me with permanently worse sexual functioning and a restless leg sort of thing I don't think I had before. Tried Luvox about 3 times at the lowest dose three years ago and it made me suicidal and the trip to the psych ward that it led me to led me to being put on a higher dose of Luvox, after a couple of doses of that I was left pretty much psychotic with a state of suicidality, terror, depression, and anxiety that I had never felt before. This lasted for 3-4 months along with burning skin nerve pain and an overall feeling my mind had been broken.
These types of experiences along with the literally thousands of horror stories I read before and after ever trying psych meds have made me really skeptical of trying anything again.
Problem is I still live with the same mixture of crippling/disabling depression, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction that I have lived with for years, I can't work or do much of anything.
I went to a psychiatrist that I've seen 3 times now asking for a different prescription each time because there's always something scaring me into not trying what she prescribes. I haven't tried another psychiatrist because I can't mentally handle the research and calling it takes. She's prescribed Abilify first, Lamictal second, and now Lithium, and these last two I think we got to together because its antidepressants and antipsychotics that I'm generally most scared of because of my own experiences and that of thousands of others.
Scared of dealing with drug induced psychosis, suicidality, insane levels of depression and anxiety, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, autoimmune problems, organ damage, Steven Johnson syndrome, and thus antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Lamictal have been things that I've resoundly said no to.
Are the problems with thyroid and kidney functioning inevitable with Lithium? Based on what I've described and my symptoms does it sound like worth a try?
I realize ill prob have to do risky drug trials once I start the process of taking meds again because I doubt ill hit something great without having to try several things but I want to minimize the risks and don't want to try something as arguably risky as Lithium if its not worth it.
submitted by Solidus35 to Lithium [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 13:28 Important_Chapter_29 Without meds and need help

Hi everyone! I've been taking Vraylar for about 8 or 9 months now and it's been a wonder drug after some awful experiences with Seroquel, Ability and Latuda. But when losing my job and being on Medicaid, the insurance is wanting another PA (even though they approved it before the New Year). I had about 3 pills left and tried stretching them out but now I've been fully without any for almost a week. Didn't expect I'd feel any withdrawal symptoms because of the long half life, but was starting to feel depressed a few days ago, horrible headaches, anxiety, vivid dreams and insomnia too.
Has anyone else experienced such quick oncoming side effects after stopping the drug? I was only on the 1.5 mg dose so I'm not sure how I would have tapered off of that anyway. Any advice on what the proper way to taper off would have been and if you've had similar experiences?
I'm considering coming off the drug now just due to insurance issues and having to travel abroad (scared my meds would get taken) but also the fear of tardive dyskenisia always loomed over me.
Thanks for the help!
submitted by Important_Chapter_29 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 04:50 Hairy_Camel_4582 A small success

This may help you. Or may not. Please try at your own risk. I was exceptionally desperate and living through an existential crisis of akathasia, visual snow syndrome and pppd. All of that I got from an SSRI injury. I was diagnosed with FND. I have no problem with following the therapy route with EMDR, but so far the below is what helped me the most.
The overall answer to our quest likely involves glutamate to gaba conversion and dopamine and norepinephrine balancing and unblocking dopamine receptors. I have no firm science to prove this, neither am I a medical practitioner. This is just based on my personal research. In this existential crisis I don’t have the will power to wait for a pharmaceutical cure! I have a lot of life altering symptoms. I did not have the classic presentation of akathisia, mine manifested in the form of sensory symptoms and awful restlessness, anxiety and depression.
I took P5P 500mg/day (increases dopamine production, reduces norephinepherine, converts glutamate to gaba) , niacinamide 3000mg/day (unblocks drug induced dopamine blockade and does something to acetylcholine), 25mg managanese (unblocks dopamine blockade) a day for 2 weeks. It chilled me the fuck out! Sleeping so much better. Vivid dreams gone. Tremors, twitches gone, gait problems gone. Derealization gone, skin numbness gone. Afterimages are less, palinopsia almost gone. Body zaps gone, pins and needles almost gone. Some pppd symptoms gone. Akathisia and PTSD symptoms much less. Breathing is so much more relaxed. I’ve ordered organic mucuna now (natural levadopa). I still have tinnitus, but it feels less bothersome. Hyperacusis is resolved. I also take a large dose 5000mcg of B12 (non methylated, I’m an overmethylator) to counter any negative effects of P5P.
For people who developed VSS several months after drug usage, I would call it tardive vss, similar to tardive akathisia or Tardive dyskenisia. I can’t say for sure, but there may be a connection. Just like akathasia and dyskenisia can go away on its own, sometimes vss’ers report natural remission.
Drugs implicated in akathisia - psychiatric drugs, antibiotics, antiemetics.
Other causes of akathasia onset - concussion, mTBI.
Drugs used to manage akathisia - benzodiapenes
Is it a coincidence?
The below resource were helpful.
P5P is the most widely recommended for akathisia in drug withdrawal forums, but please start with a small dose. Everyone is different.
Sorry for the rough formatting.
submitted by Hairy_Camel_4582 to visualsnow [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 09:45 ElenoirMiro What could I choose between tegretol, topamax, lithium or off label meds for maintanance and for the highs. for the lows I will stick to lamictal

Hello. I decided to stick to lamotrigine for the deep depression I was after the mixed episode and i am glad I did. I finally find relief. Evem in my lowest days the low is not that low. I used to still take 100 seroquel to prevent any hypomania but it made already too tired in a way I think it affecte breathing and heart palpitations and had also to quit at least temporary because of suspicion of dystonia. Two doctors good ones infirmed the dystonia from it and I kind of agree as I have some strange muscle twitches in my face only when my neck is very tensed and I am very tired and have cervical issues. Anyway If I feel hypomania too much I will probably take seroquel again just temporary. But I should really take something to prevent it not to wait until its kind of late. As you all know, there is a point when manic and already do not think of needing meds and you are an alien with superpowers etc. Anyway my doctor will probably try either lithium or topamax tegretol because I might not tolerate antipsychotics anymore. I have no idea what would work best with lamictal. I could continue seroquel but I am kind of scared of tardive diskinezia.
submitted by ElenoirMiro to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 05:00 ElenoirMiro Need advice I will see my doctor asap but until then I am a mess.

Hello . I was on 50 of lamotrigine and could not raise it as it caused anxiety. Well IT seems even ar 50 it helped depression. I also took seroquel a low dose lately for mood and anxiety and I had to stop seroquel out of fear of tardive diskinezia. As I started again seroquel three months ago usually at 30 minutes after I take it I have this face musche twitches and I feel the need to just move my cheeks my eyelids twitch etc. I talked to another one of my docs an emergency docs online. He said usually this would happen all day tardive and not 30 minutes after I take the med. He was not very sure but did not totally exclude the possibility. This week I go to the other doctor the main one. Please advice. I quit lamictal just because I quit seroquel as that protected me from anxiety or anxious hypomania.and now I just have this. Anxious hypomania.just from 2 days after I quit I have so much anxiety even If I take klonopin and gabaran I cannot take this anymore. This anxiety is just awful. Last night I did not take the med and still had these muscle twitching when I laid in med. Could they be caused by other med like.gabapentin although I don.t think so ? Or by other condition like a fasciculations syndrome. I feel very tense in my face AND neck and I start to twitch and I feel the need to move my jaw or neck. Or just by anxiety. I am so at lost what to do. Not even my doctor is sure. Anyone else has these ? What did You do? Why did seroquel helped my anxiety more.than even klonopin? Can lamotrix 50 help.anxiety or worse.I also woke up earlier this morning I am already depressed I am afraid I am starting a new mixed episode. I stopped 50 lamictal because I thought without seroquel IT will cause me anxiety . But I am more.depressed very depressed and actually I.had to increase that after my doctor rec. Not stop it. I messed up thanks.
submitted by ElenoirMiro to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 15:33 ElenoirMiro I had to stop seroquel. Only with lamictal should I continue? I am BD1

Hello. Sorry for venting. Had to stop seroquel the only AP I was taking for mania it caused TD. Tardive diskinezia. Anyway. I was on a dose of 50 lamictal But in the past when I took IT Alone IT made my anxiety ocd worse worse. I have no idea what happened in the last two weeks. Either lamictal made me anxious .either my thyroid turned to hyper sometimes this happenes and my anxiety îs a mess. Anyway. If I stay only with lamictal and cannot take any other AP i am afraid I will end manic. I already just got out of a mixed episode. I Heard depakote îs better for mixed episodes or lithium. Lamictal as I know îs more for depression. I needed Something to also help anxiety and ocd. Seroquel did that or risperidone for a while. But it seems these caused some damage in the long term and now I got tardive diskinezia.
submitted by ElenoirMiro to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 15:09 ElenoirMiro Had to stop seroquel dr confirmed TD . Cannot take other Ap. pls help

Please I need advice. Had to stop seroquel dr confirmed tardive diskinezia.had it also after risperidone but after stopping it. This time îs during I took seroquel. I am very anxious. Seroquel helped anxiety . I also take rivotril and gabapentin but still very anxious. I also has to quit lamictal it gave me more anxiety and hypo and worse ocd. I am a mess. I only have some depakine left in house and next week I go to the doctor. What can help from meds other than AP with stable mood and also anxiety ? I am prone to panick attack daily and ocd . I am really a mess and having anxiety right now. Thanks.
submitted by ElenoirMiro to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 06:03 nbdyke perfect med cocktail but it makes me ill

found the PERFECT drug cocktail that had me so well regulated and on top of everything. had multiple friends say they wish they could be on top of their life the way i was. but lamictal makes me so nauseous i tried everything. i had to take every pill one by one and would throw them each up it was such a fight every time and i would have to end up picking which were more important to prioritize getting down. i already have a chronic illness that makes me nauseous often and makes me vomit and pass out from it so the whole thing became such a fucking nightmare
so now im off lamictal and i feel like theres not a lot of options. im already also on lithium and i cant up it because it triggers my other condition. im on an anti psychotic we are going to up but i had tardive dyskinesia from a different anti psychotic previously so im worried that could happen again and that regardless i dont think this antipsychotic can fill the gap of what lamictal was handling for me. it was the on medicine that was life changing for me. anyway the next step would be adding in an anti seizure med.
just so frustrated with the sick joke this is. finally figure out a magic combo that makes me so functioning and everything is achievable and life feels so good but my body physically rejects it. i dont think ill find another combo that works as well i think i have to give something up for the other
submitted by nbdyke to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 16:47 ElenoirMiro Seroquel side effect thinking to stop and replace it

Hello everyone. I am starting to worry that I might have a seroquel side effect although I am not sure its from IT or Something else going on but it seems weird. Usually at half an hour after I take seroquel I am starting to have facial twitching. Sometimes its like a grimace anyway today I took 50 in the afternoon and I felt some twitching before but after I took IT it was worse. Indeed I am also pretty anxious today and I also drink coffee daily but never had these before and I still drank coffee. The thing is my dose of 50-100 does not affect dopamine as I know. So could it be tardive diskinezia?even at this dose? What should I do. I also take gabapentin and lamictal. Gabapentin off label for bipolar stabilization. I am in a depressive episode. But I am afraid If I quit seroquel completely I will spiral into a manic or hypomanic one. Even If actually at this dose IT does not help much mania. It just mostly helps me sleep. I also have risperidone in the house and even at high doses I never had this side effect from risperidone and I am sure IT affected dopamine. Maybe its Something else going on and seroquel increases that thing? Glycemia, loss of electrolites? I take magnesium calcium but anyway today I has the worse twitches they seem not to go away. Every time I move my mouth or eyes almost as If it will start again. I also have a left hand tremor but can be due to anxiety . What do you all suggest? Please I need advice. Anyway my doctor only comes back in february and I do not trust much the other doctor. Thanks .
submitted by ElenoirMiro to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]