Estrogen patch brand comparison

Boyfriend says I'm too close with my mom so I broke up with him on the spot.

2024.06.10 02:45 Blooming_Onion5904 Boyfriend says I'm too close with my mom so I broke up with him on the spot.

This is sort of long but I tried my best to condense it.
My (25F) boyfriend (26M) and I have been together for two years. We are very close, and have talked about our future, moving in together, if we want kids, what we want to do career wise. We both are currently in university. I am pursuing a PHD and he is pursuing a bachelors, as he is also in the military.
Because of him being in the military and also going to university, he is pretty busy and has already been on two deployments of 10+ months each. Granted that those aren't terribly long in comparison to many others. I am in uni full time and also have a full time job so I am also busy but not in the same capacity as him. We both have met each others parents countless times, and everything seemed to be going flawlessly. Or so I thought.
Two weeks ago I went to my parents on scheduled leave as I was getting my IUD changed and needed to recover after that, as I get put under for it due to endo, so they also remove any lesions or growth. They offered to have me over and I said yes, because it meant home cooked meals (I live on campus at my uni as it is cheaper than renting an apartment in the area, so I eat on campus the majority of the time since its included in my tuition.) Four days into my two week leave, my boyfriend asked to stay a few days as he had the week off and wanted to spend time with me and my parents. They said of course, and I of course did too. He came over and everything was fine until the two days later.
My mom and I are very close, as in, no topics are off limits close. To keep it brief, we talk about literally everything, including very personal things like medical issues and explicit topics. I know explicit topics may raise some red flags, but let me explain, as it was what caused the issue with my boyfriend. So bear with me and this might get a bit personal but I will try to keep it clear but controlled.
As I said, I recently got my IUD replaced, I've had one since I was an early teen, but this time I changed brands as the previous one started to give me issues. I was sitting at the island in our kitchen while my mom was washing dishes at the sink. She had asked how I was doing with the new brand and IUD insertion, and I told her how my "outer region" is super sore, and hurts worse when I stand, and that it feels like someone is pummeling my cervix. She nodded and sympathized with me, and mentioned that I shouldn't make it worse and to keep my "hooha" off limits until the 6 week mark, which is when my doctor said that things can enter it again. I laughed and she continued with telling me how when she gave birth to my brother, who was quite the large baby, she needed stitches and she said how my dad was "forbidden from entering her child portal" until she was ready. This isn't even the worst conversation we have had. But I digress.
My boyfriend was apparently in the next room within earshot. I didn't know this, as he said he had to go out and pickup a package from an amazon locker at Walmart so I guess he got back and then sat down in the living room. My moms and I conversation changed subjects because I had forgotten to ask her about a recipe I wanted, but after about 30min it ended and so I got up and went to the living room to wait for my boyfriend but as I mentioned he was already there. He looked appalled and asked to talk to me outside.
He told me how it was disgusting that I was talked about my private area with my mom, and it was even more disgusting that she told me about her and my dads "situation" after the birth of my brother. He told me that he can't look at me the same now knowing that my mom knows all of my business and that she should be, verbatim, "on a registry or list or something because that's f**king disgusting and inappropriate." I told him that since he feels that way, he doesn't have to ever see her again, because we are done. He didn't say anything and left.
Ever since then, he has been blowing up my phone apologizing and asking if we can talk, if he can have another chance, and that he wishes he had never said what he did. Now I know that not everyone has a good relationship with their mom, and that not everyone who does, is this close with her. We are close enough that if anything ever did cross a line, we would make it known. I also know that some people may take us talking about our genitals in a weird way, but everyone has them and its not weird or gross to us so we aren't embarrassed to talk about our struggles, especially as women. I'm not judging anyone who isn't comfortable with talking about that, so please don't judge me for being comfortable with it. I don't expect everyone to be on my side, because I do realize our closeness is probably abnormal, as I have been told that many times.
But a lot of the friends in our friend group have been bombarding me with texts about how I was cold and insensitive for immediately breaking up with him on the spot. I would have been fine with his stance if he had just approached it politely or probably literally any other way than he did, considering he said my mother should be on a "registry" or a "list". I mentioned that to our friends and they all say that he was just caught off guard and that anyone would have reacted emotionally in his situation. Two of our friends are on my side and say that they would have done the same.
Am i wrong for breaking up with him? I am about 90% convinced that I did nothing wrong but that 10% has been in the front of my mind for a while. Any advice or thoughts are appreciated.
submitted by Blooming_Onion5904 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:02 D_Weather Request for late game buff

Request for late game buff
Azir is weak across the board especially in Elite and Skilled brackets. He has many counters and with the removal of Lethal Tempo, has low agency in the early game now. Tends to be down in CS and gets out-pushed. Can we get a late game buff that rewards players for using it well?
Vladimir in comparison still performs better than Azir across all skill brackets. He is getting some much needed buffs in patch 14.12
Can we get a passive turret buff? Or E shield buff?
submitted by D_Weather to azirmains [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:57 TuckerGrover Help identifying canoe I was given. Future project!

Help identifying canoe I was given. Future project!
Hello! I recently was given a canoe from a neighbor. It’s fiberglass and 17’ long. He mentioned it took on about a cup of water when it was last paddled 8 years ago, but in struggling to see anything too obvious, so likely seepage from the scarring. I plan to sand it, patch with resin, then repaint. To help me in the paint colors and any design, would anyone know what brand or model I have here? Much appreciated.
submitted by TuckerGrover to canoe [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:55 Pazzberry101 Notes from the Frigate Beta Test (04/30/2024): Human Vanguard

What follows is the post I made in the play-test section (only available to founders at the moment (?) to help everyone make sense of the units in the Human Vanguard. As you will see below, the Vanguard plays about what you would expect from an well rounded RTS faction. Instead I wrote down notes on macro.
You can see my overview of the Celestial Armada here. You can check out he Infernal Host post here.
I want to emphasize that all of these notes were made during the "Frigate" play-test which took place back in April and lasted until late May. The early access release of the game is going to feature a ton of changes in the numbers, balance adjustments, and of course, units that don't exist yet. The amount of changes between the previous play-test and the one I am sharing now was substantial setting aside fact that they dropped a whole new race.
Howdy, call me Paz
Just as it was with the Celestials post, I have come to deliver a reference sheet for the Human Vanguard. No macro guide to speak of really, as the Vanguard plays about as standard and familiar as you expect from a RTS faction and doesn't have anything goofy going on. I can share some general notes about resources and macro that we learned from the previous beta though!
-B.O.B.s' multibuild ability allows them to work on a building simultaneously with other B.O.B.s, the last time this was tested, three is about the most you really want to commit to any one structure because there is a sheer drop in returns to build time after three.
-You can fully saturate a Luminite mine with 12 workers as denoted with "12" number over the mine, but if you pay close attention to the way the workers gather from the mine, there are two center nodes that are closer in mining distance between your command structure and the luminite.
-Because of this, if you have three workers working the center nodes of the rock you are actually losing some gathering efficiency in comparison to the workers that are working the side nodes.
-This isn't to say that you aren't gaining more Therium than if you weren't fully saturated, but if you are concerned about optimization, and want to get the most from your workers, peeling off two center workers (if there are three working each of the center nodes) that are gathering should be the first option if you need to build something, saturating another base or beginning Therium mining.
-Therium fields produce ore at a constant rate as the match progresses up to a certain cap. Ores enrich (glow green) when the field has no other places to put a patch of ore. This just means you gather from that patch at a quicker rate than the others.
-Therium fields can be saturated with as many workers as you want, but it is easy to overmine the field quickly. Five workers mine the Therium field at a rate that matches the Therium fields production of ore patches, so having four workers means that you will mine Therium at a rate that still allows the field to produce enriched ore.
Hope you enjoy the sheet, forgive me if there are any mistakes in the numbers.
Tier 1 Units
Tier 2 Units
Caster Spells
Update from the notes, thanks to comments that were made in my post on the Discord server.
submitted by Pazzberry101 to Stormgate [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:47 thegamspm Hello

I just had some questions if anyone wanted to answer them for me I'm 21 but I haven't started on any type of e or anything what brand would y'all recommend like one that operates online something affordable but provides estrogen/testerone blockers/progesterone/finniestride I had previously found one brand that supply's all of this but it was way expensive. And here's a picture of me not on e yet.
submitted by thegamspm to transtimelines [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:41 Illustrious_Green564 sony's or soundcore's?

hi!! i recently wanted to get some new and affordable noise canceling headphones because i wanted some for a couple of months but then settled for some sony XM5's. they're pretty good and i'm not planning on replacing them any time soon, but wearing them for long periods of time is really starting to take a toll on my ears. i'm back to looking for some headphones but i'm not sure which to get. i was hoping to find some that are good with comfort, noise cancelation, and looks good overall. i've narrowed it down to two choices:
Sony WH-CH720N: either this or another brand of the same name (can't remember it) but i know someone who let me try theirs on once before. it had a snug fit and some good noise cancelation. this would also work for me since i already own sonys so i would just need to add another device to the app.
Soundcore by Anker Life Q30: i've looked a bit into which headphones to get and these have popped up quite a few times. for affordability, these were cheaper and i've seen a bunch of people saying these were the best and even one saying they were better than sonys in comparison. i don't mind getting a new app from another company, i'm just unfamiliar with the brand itself and if its good or not because i've never gotten soundcores before. i really just wanted to know if these were actually better than sonys.
tldr; looking for affordable noise canceling headphones and cant decide between sonys and soundcores or another brand in full. mainly looking for good noise cancellation, looks, and comfort.
submitted by Illustrious_Green564 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:41 sudobangmusic How does the Gravis suit not disable achievements!?!?

365 damage resistance across the board, 50 environmental damage resistance in all categories, 3 random legendary effects, worth 85+ thousand space dollars... And you can literally get it as soon as you get to the lodge the first time on a brand new character? Not to mention that you can sell it to the Trade Authority vendor on Cydonia for 11k, unload and reload the mod, then get it again; making it a really easy and quick unlimited money loop...
It's basically a cheat suit and it doesn't disable achievements, but the mod that makes the watch visible does? Or the community patch that just fixes bugs does?
I think it's awesome that they introduced a category for mods that don't disable achievements, but how did this particular one end up in that category?
submitted by sudobangmusic to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:22 Mountain-Sky-1717 Intense pelvic pain and HRT?

Hello… I am wondering if anyone has had really bad cramping as a result of HRT? I have been on it for about a year and I thought that I had a found a good place with the dosage but in the last week I have been knocked back with intense pelvic pain and I think it may be coinciding with new estrogen patches although I am not totally sure about that. I ended up in the ER and they did a CT scam and said that the uterus lining was thickened and I don’t know if that is what it causing this. Another possibility is that there is blood in my uterus that can’t get out because the cervix is closed up from the treatment. My doctor said that there is a surgical procedure to open the cervix but it sounded kind of risky so I have not done it.
It is another three weeks before I can see my oncologist and I am trying to figure out a survival plan until then because the pain is so bad (like worst period cramps I can imagine...) Maybe I should just take the patch off and see what happens? Feeling kind of desperate… 🥺
submitted by Mountain-Sky-1717 to CervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:52 kayakero Why wordpress is the top CMS in the world when it comes to start a website

WordPress has firmly established itself as the leading Content Management System (CMS) globally, and several factors contribute to its dominant position. Its popularity stems from its versatility, ease of use, robust community support, and extensive ecosystem of plugins and themes. Here are the primary reasons why WordPress is the top choice for starting a website:

1. User-Friendly Interface

WordPress is renowned for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Even individuals with minimal technical expertise can quickly grasp the basics of website management. The dashboard is straightforward, making it easy to create and manage content, customize settings, and install plugins or themes.

2. Open-Source Platform

Being an open-source platform, WordPress is free to use, modify, and distribute. This openness has fostered a large community of developers who contribute to its continuous improvement. Users benefit from constant updates, enhanced security, and new features without additional costs.

3. Extensive Plugin Ecosystem

One of WordPress’s greatest strengths is its vast plugin ecosystem. With over 58,000 plugins available, users can extend their website's functionality in virtually any direction. Whether it’s for SEO, security, social media integration, e-commerce, or performance optimization, there’s likely a plugin available to meet the need.

4. Wide Range of Themes

WordPress offers thousands of themes, both free and premium, catering to various industries and styles. This extensive selection allows users to quickly change the look and feel of their website without extensive design knowledge. Themes are customizable, enabling unique and professional designs that align with brand identity.

5. SEO-Friendly

WordPress is designed with SEO best practices in mind. It generates clean and optimized code, offers a variety of SEO plugins (like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack), and allows users to manage meta tags, URLs, and other critical SEO elements easily. These features help websites rank better in search engine results.

6. Community Support

The WordPress community is one of its most significant assets. There are numerous forums, blogs, tutorials, and online courses available for users of all skill levels. This extensive support network makes it easier for beginners to find help and for advanced users to find solutions to complex problems.

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While no platform is immune to security threats, WordPress takes security seriously. Regular updates and a wide array of security plugins help protect websites from vulnerabilities. The active community also ensures that any security issues are quickly identified and patched.

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11. Content Management

As a CMS, WordPress excels in content management. It offers robust features for creating, organizing, and publishing content. The Gutenberg block editor further enhances this capability by providing a flexible, block-based approach to content creation, enabling more dynamic and visually appealing layouts.

12. Cost-Effectiveness

Starting a website on WordPress can be very cost-effective. The core software is free, and there are numerous free themes and plugins available. Even premium themes and plugins are often reasonably priced, offering significant value for their cost.

13. Regular Updates

WordPress and its ecosystem of themes and plugins are regularly updated to add new features, enhance performance, and improve security. This ensures that websites remain current with the latest web standards and functionalities.

14. Integration Capabilities

WordPress integrates well with various third-party services and tools, such as email marketing platforms, payment gateways, and social media networks. This interoperability makes it easier to build a cohesive online presence.


WordPress's dominance as the top CMS in the world is a result of its user-friendly nature, flexibility, extensive customization options, strong community support, and commitment to continuous improvement. Its ability to cater to a wide range of website types and its robust features for SEO, security, and e-commerce make it the go-to choice for both beginners and seasoned web developers.
Whether you’re starting a personal blog or a large-scale e-commerce site, WordPress provides the tools and resources necessary to build and maintain a successful online presence.
More reviews:
submitted by kayakero to reviewsforyou [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:01 PLpro12 How do I optimize my Amazon FBA listings for visibility during holiday seasons?

1. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research
Effective keyword research is the foundation of a successful Amazon listing. During the holiday season, consumer search behavior changes, and it’s vital to adapt your keywords accordingly.
Use Holiday-Specific Keywords
Incorporate holiday-specific keywords that potential buyers are likely to use. For instance, if you’re selling toys, include terms like “Christmas gifts for kids” or “holiday toy sale.”
Utilize Amazon's Search Terms Report
Amazon's Search Terms Report provides insights into what keywords customers are using to find products. Analyze this data to identify high-performing keywords and integrate them into your listings.
Leverage Competitor Analysis
Examine top-performing competitors' listings to discover additional keyword opportunities. Tools like Helium 10 can help you uncover these keywords and implement them effectively.
2. Optimize Your Product Title
The product title is one of the first elements that customers see, making it a critical component for SEO and conversion.
Incorporate Primary Keywords
Ensure your primary keywords are included at the beginning of the title. This not only boosts SEO but also immediately conveys the product’s main attributes to potential buyers.
Highlight Key Features and Benefits
Clearly state the product’s key features and benefits. For example, if selling a tech gadget, include specifications such as “4K Resolution” or “Wireless Connectivity.”
Include Seasonal Keywords
During the holiday season, incorporate seasonal keywords like “holiday sale,” “Christmas gift,” or “Black Friday deal” to capture the festive shopping mood.
3. Enhance Product Descriptions
A well-crafted product description can significantly improve your listing’s visibility and conversion rate.
Use Bullet Points for Clarity
Bullet points make it easier for customers to quickly digest product information. Highlight key features, benefits, and any unique selling points.
Tell a Story
Engage potential buyers by telling a story about how your product can enhance their holiday experience. This emotional connection can drive conversions.
Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords are specific phrases that are less competitive but highly targeted. Integrate these into your product description to capture niche searches.
4. Optimize Backend Search Terms
Backend search terms are crucial for improving your product’s discoverability on Amazon.
Include Misspellings and Synonyms
Incorporate common misspellings and synonyms of your primary keywords to capture a broader audience.
Use All Available Space
Amazon provides 250 characters for backend search terms. Make sure to use all the available space to maximize your keyword coverage.
Avoid Redundancies
Ensure there are no redundant keywords in your backend search terms. Each word should be unique to maximize SEO potential.
5. Utilize High-Quality Images
High-quality images are essential for attracting customers and improving conversion rates.
Showcase the Product from Multiple Angles
Provide images that showcase the product from various angles, highlighting important features and details.
Include Lifestyle Images
Lifestyle images show the product in use, helping customers visualize how it fits into their lives. This is particularly effective during the holiday season when buyers are looking for gifts.
Use Infographics
Infographics can convey critical information quickly. Highlight key features, dimensions, and any unique selling points through visually appealing graphics.
6. Leverage Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)
Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) allows brand-registered sellers to add rich content to their listings, which can significantly enhance visibility and conversion.
Tell a Compelling Brand Story
Use EBC to tell your brand’s story and differentiate yourself from competitors. Highlight your brand’s values, mission, and unique selling points.
Include High-Quality Images and Videos
Rich media content such as images and videos can provide a more engaging shopping experience. Use these to demonstrate product features and benefits.
Use Comparison Charts
Comparison charts help customers see how your product stacks up against competitors. This can be particularly persuasive during the holiday shopping season.
7. Encourage Customer Reviews and Ratings
Positive reviews and high ratings are crucial for building trust and improving your listing’s visibility.
Provide Excellent Customer Service
Excellent customer service can lead to positive reviews. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and resolve any issues quickly.
Follow Up Post-Purchase
Send follow-up emails after purchase, politely asking customers to leave a review. Make it easy for them by including a direct link to the review page.
Offer a Great Product Experience
Ensure your product meets or exceeds customer expectations. A great product experience naturally leads to positive reviews.
8. Run Targeted Amazon Advertising Campaigns
Amazon Advertising can boost your product’s visibility during the competitive holiday season.
Use Sponsored Products
Sponsored Products ads appear in search results and product detail pages. Target high-performing keywords to increase visibility.
Implement Sponsored Brands
Sponsored Brands ads showcase your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. These ads can drive brand awareness and conversions.

Leverage Sponsored Display Ads

Sponsored Display Ads target shoppers both on and off Amazon, based on their shopping behavior. Use these to retarget customers who have viewed your products or similar items.
Monitor and Adjust Campaigns
Regularly monitor the performance of your ad campaigns. Adjust bids, keywords, and targeting based on performance data to maximize ROI.
9. Optimize Pricing and Promotions
Competitive pricing and attractive promotions can significantly enhance your listing’s appeal during the holiday season.
Use Dynamic Pricing Tools
Dynamic pricing tools adjust your prices in real-time based on competitor pricing and market demand. This ensures your prices remain competitive.
Offer Limited-Time Promotions
Limited-time promotions create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to make a purchase. Use deals such as “Lightning Deals” or “Holiday Specials.”
Leverage Coupons
Coupons are a powerful tool to attract bargain-hunting holiday shoppers. Highlight the discount in your listing to increase visibility and attract more buyers.
10. Utilize Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Benefits
Maximize the benefits of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) to enhance your product’s visibility and appeal.
Ensure Prime Eligibility
Products eligible for Amazon Prime enjoy increased visibility and appeal to Prime members. Ensure your inventory is fully stocked to meet demand.
Use Amazon’s Multichannel Fulfillment
Amazon’s Multichannel Fulfillment allows you to fulfill orders from other sales channels using your Amazon inventory. This can help streamline operations during the busy holiday season.
Monitor Inventory Levels
Keep a close eye on your inventory levels to avoid stockouts. Use Amazon’s inventory management tools to forecast demand and manage stock effectively.
11. Leverage Social Proof and External Traffic
Driving external traffic to your Amazon listings can boost visibility and sales, especially during the holiday season.
Use Social Media Marketing
Promote your listings on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Use holiday-themed content to engage your audience and drive traffic.
Collaborate with Influencers
Partner with influencers to reach a broader audience. Influencers can create content showcasing your products, driving traffic, and increasing sales.
Leverage Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful tool to drive traffic to your Amazon listings. Send holiday-themed newsletters with special promotions and product highlights to your subscriber list.
12. Monitor and Analyze Performance
Regularly monitor and analyze your listing’s performance to make data-driven optimizations.
Use Amazon Seller Central Reports
Amazon Seller Central offers various reports that provide insights into your listing’s performance. Use these reports to identify areas for improvement.
Track Key Metrics
Track key metrics such as conversion rate, click-through rate, and sales velocity. Identify trends and adjust your strategies accordingly.
Implement A/B Testing
A/B testing allows you to test different elements of your listing to see what performs best. Experiment with different titles, descriptions, images, and pricing to find the optimal combination.
By implementing these strategies, you can significantly enhance the visibility and performance of your Amazon FBA listings during the holiday season. Stay proactive, adapt to market trends, and continuously optimize your listings to maximize your success.
Helium 10 - 20% OFF Discount (Limited Time)
An all-in-one Amazon seller tool to easily find, list, and sell 10K+/month products! Disclosure: I get a small kickback if you click through - Thanks for reading! DM if you have any questions :)
submitted by PLpro12 to newamazonsellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:53 RememberThe5Ds One of the largest practices in my city is cutting ALL women off ALL HRT

Based on This study.
Just for context, I live in a mid-sized Southern city. The entire metro population is around one million people.
I was working at a charity event today with a woman who told me she was sweating and uncomfortable. She was probably early 60's, I'm guessing. She said when she had her annual this year, her doctor took her off her HRT (she was taking estrogen and progestrone) because they "cause dementia." She said she's using her patches until they run out, but just not as often. I told her about the telehealth options. She said she's miserable but she is complying because she "doesn't want dementia."
So naturally I started asking her questions. She goes to a huge mega-practice called "State Name Physicians for Women." I was kind of incredulous at first and I said, I thought other studies said estrogen prevents dementia? She said yes, but this study was "very long" in duration and followed many women, although now that I found it, it only had 5600 women and indicated the need for more study.
According to her, she says the practice made a decision and NOBODY gets HRT.
I do not go to the same practice. In my case, the decision to supplement was pretty straightforward: I had a total hysterectomy at age 42. I'm on .0375, which is a low dose. I have no ovaries and I never took the progesterone on a regular basis. It was also optional.
Progesterone did help with sleep but I thought it made my hair fall out too. I am on estrogen (Vivelle patch) for pelvic and sexual health and because it actually improved my migraine headaches. Another STRONG factor for me is bone health. Severe osteoporosis runs in my family. My grandmother's vertebrae crashed down on each other and my mom, who could not supplement due to endometrial cancer, had the bones of a 105 year old person at age 80 and she was bedbound. I pretty much watched her fall apart physically after she had her total hysterectomy at age 67.
My doctor's position up to this point has been: as long as I have a clear mammogram, I can have estrogen as long as I want. (I have no breast cancer or other risk factors. My mother did get endometrial cancer at age 67, but she was also supplementing and had her ovaries. My doctor was not concerned about that.)
My annual exam is coming up later this Summer and I'm scared. A couple of months ago I managed to land a good job at age 61 and I'm VERY concerned if I have to come off HRT, because I cannot function with migraine headaches. I do not want to give up a job I like. I know when I tried to go off it one time (or was dealing with shortages) I got the mother of all migraine headaches.
I've already decided I'm doing the telehealth option. Frankly, if there is a risk of dementia, I am willing to accept it. My state has assisted suicide now.
What say you?
submitted by RememberThe5Ds to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:53 FewWillingness1081 SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?

SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?

How are both B2B SaaS and B2C SaaS companies finding clients?

There's never been a better time than now to start a SaaS startup. Whether you intend to focus on the B2B space or B2C, SaaS companies are experiencing extreme customer success. The sheer amount of companies that existed before the pandemic, compared to now is outsized and growing at an amazing scale. Many companies changed their work model, enabling millions of workers to work from home. In order for this to be successful at scale, requires technology to fundamentally support the many workers and their ever-evolving task lists.
Customer success is the primary ingredient for the success of many SaaS startups in 2024. By helping their clients achieve their business goals, customers have been more likely to stay loyal to their favorite SaaS products as they grow and succeed.
At the core of every SaaS business strategy, 3 key points stand out:
  1. Customer Retention
  2. Customer Engagement
  3. Customer Satisfaction
Harnessing these three areas helps you build a strong and durable customer base.

Customer success at the forefront of your SaaS company

For B2B & B2C SaaS startups, the customer success departments have evolved from simply handling tickets to collecting and analyzing customer feedback in an effort to optimize the customer experience. This doesn't need to be something reserved for the larger players in the space. As an early-stage SaaS you want your customers to spread the word to their friends and colleagues, about their experience, so going above and beyond is a must! Let's put this idea as a fundamental requirement, and the next set of activities will help you to scale your products at lightning speed!

Stop struggling to get initial users for your SaaS product

Why is Reddit ranking so high in Google Searches? Saas
I [will] make a strong argument that we often cannot see the solution to our problems because we are too close to the problems to see our surroundings in the first place. The more you've optimized and automated your SaaS, the more you realize that there's less to do, up to a certain point. The next thing you typically pivot focus to is growth through marketing or advertising. So you start to post in DigitalMarketing, socialmedia, and marketing for ideas on how to perform outreach, enhance your seo, and even dabble in PPC. If you're lucky, you'll begin to see that there are issues with basic things, because members of Reddit will happily point them out to you.
If you haven't already seen this post, it's a good thread, and I recommend you check it out. The OP reveals some reasons why their product is struggling to gain traction. The community on Reddit is fantastic for providing insights as to what can be useful. Especially in communities such as SaaS, while others sometimes are not so forgiving (cough, cough, Entrepreneur).
Most of us SaaS founders don't actually have the luxury of spending time doing this. It's very much a make-it-or-break-it type scenario. Those of you who feel this way will certainly appreciate the next few bullet points that I will provide that should help you to begin generating traffic to your SaaS landing page [immediately].
  1. Find the subreddit or community (Reddit, Linkedin, Facebook, Slack, Quora, X (Twitter) that you think aligns with your product niche.
  2. Answer every question that you believe aligns with your target consumer, such as the "How-to's", or "Why's" that appear in the "Best", "Hot", and "New" tabs. Browse through each and every single tab.
  3. Post only if you think what you have to add is immensely utilitarian, otherwise, spend time engaging through comments, and providing resources, links, and sources to any material you share.
  4. Make sure your profile is optimized, because if you [do] provide any information that stands out, both happy and unhappy users will pounce on your profile to find anything that they can use to their advantage (be ready for the trolls).
  5. Check your analytics. You'd be surprised to realize that some posts (that you don't create) will get thousands of views. A small percentage of viewers will then roll into your website to see what you have to offer, for their own reasons.
If 1,000 people visited your website from this tactic, consider that maybe 50 - 100 of them might actually be your customers, maybe even smaller. The better the offering on your landing page, the more likely you'll even get sign-ups for your SaaS with free trial periods, or free offerings!
Repeat this every day, and you're now generating 10,000 - 20,000 (or more) potential clients to your website daily. Some days will be great, others not so great, but you've found a method that now works, and is proven!

Leveraging social media (organically) to scale your SaaS

I like to break social media platforms into 2 categories:
  1. Literature-driven communities:
    1. Reddit
    2. Quora
    3. Linkedin
    4. X (Twitter)
    5. Slack
  2. Social Media Apps:
    1. Instagram
    2. Tiktok
    3. Pinterest
    4. X (Twitter)
Yes, I purposefully placed "X" in both categories because it had a great mix of both content types, and was originally based on small "tweets", but now it provides a lot more media, and I find myself spending less time reading.
Literature-driven communities are apps that you're potential SaaS customers have to stop and read, to find something interesting, even on mobile. While the "social media apps" are full of videos, and media fighting to hook your attention. This rapid-scrolling behavior is conducive to "doom-scrolling", making it much harder to capture the eye of your potential customers.
I would recommend investing more time into "Literature-driven platforms", as I think you'll get far more engagement without the need to sell your soul for likes, and followers. In fact, I only have about 100 followers on Reddit at this time, yet I still managed to gain 50,000,000+ views on my content in May 2024.
Also, here's another great Reddit Post about finding customers for your B2B SaaS.

Opening up to friends, family, and colleagues as early customers

As you launch your product you're typically stuck in a paradoxical situation of needing to convince new clients with testimonials from previous clients. It's not easy to convert potential users without any data or feedback. It's much easier to do this when you have traction, but that's now always the case for a new SaaS founder.
Here are a few methods you can use to attract clients of your product early, in exchange for much-needed testimonials and referrals:
  1. Offer your product to your "inner circle". This includes friends, family, colleagues, connections on Linkedin, or members of your social club.
  2. Give discounts, and extended trial periods. It may cost you next to nothing to give your product out to testers, but having received a testimony repays you 100-fold!
  3. Run surveys on Survey Monkey, or - Not only will you get structured feedback from prospective users, but some of these testers might be willing to stay on, and use your product for an extended period.
  4. Offer lifetime deals to early adopters. This may not be very fun, but it's a real opportunity to start bringing in revenue, validating certain functions and capabilities, and again, creating testimonials that you can use to convince new clients that your service works.
Consider this your beta trial (B2B SaaS) period. B2B SaaS founders typically will leverage their existing network at the beginning due to a high likelihood that they have some level of corporate experience (at least I hope!) going into their new venture. To get started, all you need is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which represents the leanest version of your app idea. Customer feedback will significantly add value to the long-term outlook of your product at this stage.

Using analytics to optimize your sales funnel

How to build a SaaS sales funnel
This next section is dedicated to BareMetrics, who inspired many of the lists that you'll see.
First, let's talk about what a SaaS sales funnel actually is, according to BareMetrics:
"In sales and marketing, the “funnel” refers to the process of qualifying leads and converting them to customers. You pour in leads at the widest part at the top of the sales funnel. As you work on converting them through the sales process, the funnel narrows. The bottom of the funnel is where your hottest qualified leads pour into your business as customers.
The traditional sales funnel is broken down into a few stages as leads engage with your brand:
Awareness: This is where your prospects become aware of your product and your brand. They’re just learning who you are, what you do, and that they have a problem you can solve.
Discovery: This is the phase where prospective leads are doing some initial research, narrowing down the products and services that can help them solve their issue.
Evaluation: In this phase, prospects are conducting more serious evaluations, weighing the pros and cons of making a purchase, as well as comparing you to your competitors.
Intent: This is the final phase of the funnel before a purchase is made. Logic, numbers, and value-driven communication are the keys to making that final persuasive push.
Purchase: This is where leads have ultimately decided that your brand meets their needs. They then join the ranks of your paying customers! Your work isn’t done, though: You still need to help them through the welcome and onboarding phase.
For your SaaS business, you have one key additional stage you need to consider: retention. Unlike other retail businesses, you don’t just want your customers to make a one-time purchase. You have to continue persuading them of your continued value each month. In this phase, you can also use the insights you gather about the customer and their behavior to upsell with features that meet their specific needs (and, in turn, increase your average revenue per user)."
Beautifully written (in my opinion). Retention also deserves much of your focus here as a SaaS entrepreneur. You have to convince customers month-over-month that you're not only maintaining quality, but the product has a roadmap for improvement. The use case that attracts initial customers doesn't necessarily guarantee that they will keep coming back. You're going to have to keep an ear out for what they are saying, and use as many opportunities as you can to understand what their needs are. I did something like this on Reddit within the dating app space.

Learn which metrics you should be tracking to optimize your SaaS sales funnel

Hubspot CAC Recovery Chart - SaaS companies
Hubspot has a great write-up about 15 metrics that you should be tracking. Here they are (below):
  1. Customer Churn
  2. Revenue Churn
  3. Customer Lifetime Value
  4. Customer Acquisition Cost
  5. Months to Recover CAC
  6. CAC: LTV Ratio
  7. Customer Engagement Score
  8. Qualified Marketing Traffic
  9. Leads by Lifecycle Stage
  10. Lead-to-Customer Rate
  11. Customer Health Score
Every SaaS startup is different, and what they use to track overall growth and retention varies from company to company. Generally, most experts can agree that at a minimum, if you're team is focusing on optimization, these items should be reviewed every day, if not weekly within your organization.

What tools you should be using to optimize your SaaS sales funnel

Best analytics dashboard for my SaaS product - Mixpanel
My favorite tools for tracking data throughout your sales funnel are as follows:
  1. Unbounce / LeadPages - Landing page tracking and optimization
  2. / Inspectlet
  3. / Google Analytics
  4. / Wix / Webflow
  5. / Square / Braintree
  6. / Hubspot / Constant Contact
I also included some variants in this list. Notice that I did not include any ad platforms here. I know many marketing agencies would kill me, but it's not a necessary tool. Most of us have been taught to spend money on ads, to start tracking users to your platform, but if you're not generating at least 10,000 monthly visitors to your website organically (today), then you should take the organic route. Here's a resource on how to start getting clients for your SaaS startup. Only when you've exhausted all other ways of generating organic traffic, you should invest in advertising.
For me, it may be worth it to bring in another resource, who can guarantee me organic traffic with proven strategies, than pay for a PPC campaign, full of bot clicks from bot farms!

Create comparison content with competitors

Just recently I found a thread in SaaS talking about their journey with SEO. After 6 months of implementation, their strategy now brings in passive sales, due to their commitment to content creation. Many SaaS founders are admitting that creating "comparison content" with competitors is a great way to leverage a larger brand's presence in the SERP space. I highly recommend you invest in creating feature matrices detailing where, why, and how you stand out from other competitors on the market.

What you should do after you've gained thousands of new customers

Let's do a short recap to identify how we've gotten here.
  1. We officially launched our SaaS
  2. We invited our inner circle of friends, family, and colleagues as initial testers of our B2C SaaS, and leveraged our professional network for B2B SaaS.
  3. We offered discounts, trials, or lifetime deals in exchange for feedback and testimonials.
  4. We've highlighted initial success stories as case studies on our SaaS brand website, to help us convince new clients
  5. We've set up a sales funnel (feedback loop) to track conversion success at every core inflection point using top tools like Mixpanel, Unbounce, and Stripe.
  6. We're implementing organic social media strategies that drive 10,000+ visitors to our SaaS landing page every month, which helps us optimize our sales funnel (5).
  7. We've invested in a customer retention strategy, equal to our outreach strategy. Tools such as Mailchimp (newsletters), and SMS marketing ( work well here.
  8. We've exhausted growth, and need to further 10x our user base. Now's a great time to consider influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, or paid ads.
The decision to invest in a team or organic social media assets to continue growth, or take the path of investing in ad campaigns for growth really depends on where you see yourself in 2 - 3 years. Some people want to build a SaaS product that helps them live a simpler life, assisting in an exit from the traditional corporate 9 - 5 pm. Others desire to take the VC route, raise funds, and scale to extraordinary heights, eventually going public through an IPO.
No matter what your decision is, none of this can happen without achieving success in steps 1 - 8. For some SaaS founders, they will achieve every point mentioned within 6 months, while others might take 6 years. A good example of this slow and steady approach is Mailchimp of course!

Getting customers for your SaaS is easier than you think

This article will single-handedly provide you with the links and resources needed to build a customer base within your first 6-months of launch. Within 2 - 3 months you could even exceed the 1,000 user mark. For some 100 customers is also great, it just depends on who you're targeting (B2B vs. B2C). Make sure to focus on customer success, get those testimonials, and establish dominance by giving your loyal clients a bespoke experience!
If you found this article helpful and are ready to continue executing, feel free to grab a copy of our book The Growth Checklist. It's the only book around that guarantees growth within 30 days, or we'll fully refund you the value of the book. If you've already purchased a copy, and are struggling to execute upon any strategies, you can simply book a meeting with me here.

Find us on your favorite platforms

We also wrote this article, along with other similar ones on the following platforms:
  1. Linkedin
  2. Reddit
  3. The Growth Blog (24 Hour Designs)
  4. Quora
  5. Medium
Follow us on whichever platform you prefer!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by FewWillingness1081 to u/FewWillingness1081 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 FancyFireDrake Yang in the Lostbelts Arc 2: Training and Talks

Between Esdeath and Ivan, for a while things hadnt looked all that promising regarding the groups plan to save the Lostbelt. But as the blizzard stopped, the thing that made life so harsh and survival the most important aspect of all, Ivan had proven himself to be surprisingly amicable.
The Yagas lifestyle, brutal and loveless as it was, was no longer needed in a world that could be warm. And with the Box (Yang still was pondering the proper name for the device) in place after the Lostbelts Tree was destroyed... their world was for now at least safe. Comfortably stabilized and in stasis until Yang could get off this planet and plant them on a proper world.
So the trio departed for the next target, this time by a matter of logic and reason. The various Lostbelts had been marked on the walkie talkie like apparatus Yang received with various redacted information. Suppsoedly to be revealed as they progressed. It made her wonder what kind of game this was supposed to be but any information could be useful. Each Lostbelt had different ranks of danger, with Russia being the lowest.
In accordance with the danger rating, their next location would be Scandinavia. A land where Ragnarok never proceeded as it was supposed to, with a Mother Goddess fused with Scathach as its Lostbelt King. And its Jumper being... annoyingly hidden. Supposedly this Jack Slash (Corax immediately wanted to kill him no debate involved after she learned of his name... something about Worms?), had talked Surtr into attempting to end all the world instead of only the age of gods.
Skadi was at least much more approachable than Ivan, greeting them like a mother would. Horrific circumstances regarding humanity in this Lostbelt aside, who had to routinely be feed to Giants at young ages, Skadi was elated to hear they could help, defeat Surtr and put an end to the Giant threat. She had guaranteed them her full support in every endeavor.
It was nice to have a proper room in Skadis Palace instead of having to hide out in a cave. All things considered things were looking up, even if a harsh fight was on the horizon. And what better thing to do than train? So she had done just that with Taiyang for the last couple hours. Corax mentioned wanting to discuss... something with a certain Mother Goddess...
Yang wiped away some sweat of her brow, drinking some of the warm tea the Lostbelt King had provided. She honestly hoped the next Lostbelts would be warmer this cold was getting annoying.
As they recovered some of their energy... Yang felt compelled to ask. "Say... how did you meet Corax?"
Tai coughed, having been drinking water at the time of the question being asked- his mind somewhat frantically pondered an excuse that would keep his extradimensional paramour’s secret.
“Well… she found me, after I joined back up with the survivors from my Remnant she came to visit our Citadel and we started talking”
Yang leaned back with an amused smile. "Really? She just popped in and felt like chatting? Well... I suppose thats how I met her and Sephiroth in Animal Crossing but still... What did you talk about? Anything in particular?"
“Well… she gave me a Symbiote- a piece of Quil it’s what helps me use this arm Flowey gave me without losing my sanity or just straight up dying.”
He looks over at her.
“Are you wondering who she is under the mask? She told me that she knew a counterpart of mine and wanted to meet me because of it, I took her to meet Pietro if you remember him? Your friend Penny’s father?”
So thats how she did it. Yang couldnt help but thank the masked woman mentally. Actions like that were an easy way to get in Yangs own good graces. Shed have to voice her thanks to the woman some time.
"Mister Polendina?" the huntress pondered the name. "I heard of him. Ive known what he looks like from studying Remnant but... I never actually got to meet mine. Last ive seen of Penny was when Pyrrha tore her apart on accident and I never left Patch before... you know." Yang gave an awkward shrug, quickly trying to change the topic. "He seems like a cool guy. Would love to know what he thinks of my tech. As for Corax..."
She clicked her tongue contemplating. "I guess... im just curious cause I cant really get a read on her. Why shes here or doing all this. My best GUESS is that maybe she is projecting some of her trauma and trying to make amends... and fuck me if that isnt a running theme in our group." she let out a small sympathetic chuckle.
"I wouldnt rip the mask of her face or something. She needs to deal with her shit on her own time. Just... curious for sure now how her RWBY visit went."
“Yeah… I don’t know the whole story as well, I don’t know how she met Sepiroth or any of the details after the fact- I just know Remnant went… badly for her to say the least and that she cares about you a lot.”
Tai smiled a little sadly.
“She can be such a gray blur sometimes can’t she?”
That made Yang blink. She... maybe figured something like that after hearing Corax voice in her head back when she took Sephiroths challenge. But to hear that this masked stranger cared about her... why? That was the question currently on Yangs mind.
What could she have done to deserve Corax care?
All she could tell for sure was that Taiyang seemed to care about her as well. Good grief what a Trio they made. Their little 'Neo Chaldea'. Misery loves company?
"...Good way to put it." she said with a small mirrored smile. "You probably know her better than I do and if she is a blur to you, she may as well be mist to me. But well... I suppose we just have to wait until she comes out with her own baggage and lend a shoulder for her when she needs it." Yang decided, unaware just what kind of promise she was making.
....Suddenly she felt like chuckling. "You know its weird... the way she acts... it kind of feels familiar. Or well not familiar but like... something I imagined someone to act LIKE..."
“Raven right? What you always hoped she’d be like when you found her back on Remnant? She reminds me of Ray sometimes too… they’re similar people in a lot of ways”
Yangs expression looked blank for a moment, Taiyangs comparison ringing true. "Yeah I think so. When I first learned that a 'Bandit' gave birth to me... I kinda thought of an 'edgy badass who takes no shit but could teach you cool stuff'. Guess thats what a brain of a 5 year old comes up with." she said distinctively... removed. The same kind of emotion and passion one would give towards describing the specific color of grass.
"Corax... oddly fits this idea I had in my brain I suppose. But considering Corax is around and Raven isnt... I fail to see any similarities." she stated neutrally and matter of factly.
“Yeah… I know what you mean”
Taiyang’s voice sounded… sad, he wished Yang had had the chance to get to know Raven back on Remnant, back before all the Ozpin shit.
‘Sorry Corax you’ve got your work cut out for you…’
Trying to lighten the mood Tai nudges Yang-
“She’s a badass though right? I never wanted to use a sword before what she did in the last Lostbelt now I’m wondering if she’ll give me lessons”
And all but immediately the passion and emotion was back in Yangs face. Gone the utter lack of care about Raven... replaced by what Corax had become.
"You can say that again! Shes treating space like it was paper. I don't think I ever saw someone THAT good with a sword its frankly absurd. I'm honestly surprised Ivan lasted as long as he did." she said with a heartfelt laugh... and admiration in her voice.
A golden blade appeared in her hand, brimming with the power of Ea and Rhongomyniad. "I ended up picking up on sword fighting when I saw just so many Items in Jumpchain not just fitting a brawler fighting style alone. Feels like a waste to deny myself of them entirely. But I am the first to admit that I still feel like a complete novice. You think shed be up to give me some training?"
“Well no harm in asking is there? Even if that doesn’t work out the two of us could train?”
Yang gave a small smile in return. "Sounds good to me."
"Honestly I don't really understand the issue here. You weren't there to fulfill your duties as a mother but now you are here. So what is your problem?" Skadi asked in a remote and secure corner of the Palace the woman standing in front of her... said womans mask in her hand and clutched so tightly her knuckles went white.
"The PROBLEM is that it took me until Remnant literally went to Hell to figure out I have *issues*. The problem is that it took me facing and killing the objectively worst mother in the Omniverse to even THINK about actually being a mother. The problem is that I can not even look at Yang without wanting to vomit out of sheer guilt." Raven said in exasperation. She had the absolutely foolish spur of the moment Idea to turn to a Mother Goddess for advice on her predicament... but it was increasingly looking questionable how smart that idea was.
Skadi hummed in thought. "True... this Ragyo woman really put shame on the role of mother. But you did good in ensuring she can no longer do harm. And I do not think simple absence means you are as bad as her."
"Its not just that I am bad its that I am the worst possible option at the latest time imaginable. I had my chance twice over, once when I had her and left and once again when Summer died. Summer Rose is her real mother and she COULD be that figure in her life. Now she has Aziza who is basically Summer but a cosmic level Pharaoh."
"You are getting too hung up on the idea of motherhood as some sort of competition." Skadi argued, a frustrating amount of compassion on her face. "But such bonds are not easily summarized or put on a ranking. All one can do for sure is love and be there for them. Do you love Yang."
"...Yes. It... took me a while to admit that but I do love her."
"And are you there for her now?"
"...Its not that I-"
"Are you there for her NOW?" Skadi insisted and raven sighed. "I mean... I think so."
"Than that alone means you have what is necessary to be a good mother. As long as you have these two virtues I would never judge you my child."
What in the world was it with people around her being so understanding? Seriously a part of her still wanted Tai to spit on her face when she first met him. It was frustrating in a very complicated way.
"I didnt exactly... HAVE those for a long time. Me and my brother... the tribe wasnt exactly the kind of environment where you make close bonds. I never really had a mother myself and just was too... afraid. Of Ozpins War. Of Salem. Of... caring. So when I had the chance I didnt try."
Skadi just continued to wear a gentle smile. "And yet your Semblance, this power rooted in your soul, manifests as a connection and gate to your loved ones. I believe your Soul is trying to tell you something raven. Something you yourself cant yet see... but I do and Taiyang does and I am sure if you let her Yang would see it as well."
Raven bit the inside of her cheek, brain furiously trying to voice counterarguments. "Skadi."
"Please call me mom."
...Right. Mother Goddess. "...'Mom'... what if it is just too late?"
"It never is too late to show someone you love them. Just as it is never to early to stop with fetishizing ones own sadness."
"But she doesnt CARE about me. And honestly that should be a good thing! Wouldnt I just be selfish if I make her deal with something she put behind her?"
"The woman she moved past is not the woman in front of me today isnt she? You allowed yourself to change Raven and dove into the unknown to be there for her. Mask or no Mask hiding your identity that is NOT something a coward could do." and just like that, raven found herself pulled into a hug, eyes widening from the sudden embrace.
"My child... you are so much braver and stronger than you think you are. I KNOW you will get over this and I can not wait for the day I get to see the both of you act like mother and daughter should."
...Such a notion fell somewhere between pipe dream and insanity for Ravens current mind. But being hugged by a woman that just radiated comfort... she couldnt bring herself to speak these words.
submitted by FancyFireDrake to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 Johnnyblaze-99 How did BJ get his test up?

I’m struggling with low test and estrogen (at 40) and looking to possibly jump on trt if I can figure out something more natural.
Bj used to be on the patches and now isn’t.
How did he get his testosterone up? I know the boron and dhea are supposed to help.
Is there a way to get it up so I don’t have to jump on trt.
submitted by Johnnyblaze-99 to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:28 Lonely-Owl2877 scared a bit of hrt

i’ve been on HRT for a year, im amab 18. i was on estrogen pills for most of the year they switched me to patches maybe 3-4 months ago and the changes have been so rapid than pills and it’s freaking me out. my boobs grew a lot and although they’re not super big they’re obvious. and my worry isn’t really about people’s judgement, maybe it is but apart from that i’ve realized i think they’ve been making me feel maybe dysphoric the other way around. i don’t wanna be a man forsure but i’m scared to look too much like a woman. i don’t feel much like a woman either now i’ve stopped hrt bc it’s been a bit overwhelming questioning my gender again. i love the effects of hrt i think i love having more hips it feels like i was meant to have them but the boobs are freaking me out crazy i’ve gone full blown panic about them and i’m scared it will ruin my life. i feel so sad and dumb. i’ve tried to think about my gender for the past week but not much clarity has came. i’m over analyzing what my identity might be and it’s kind of blown me out of proportion. i don’t know what i want anymore. i’ve considered maybe i’m non binary but for some reason that makes me sad. i thought i was a binary girl. i don’t wanna masculinize back again but i also don’t want boobs i wish i could be on it and not have them. i’ve been also looking at older pictures before i transitioned and al thought i don’t wanna look like that again i still freak out bc i’ve changed so much and that kind of makes me not recognize myself much for some reason i over analyze everything about myself. what can i do? i’ve lost all hope of feeling happy again.
submitted by Lonely-Owl2877 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 TallMills What brands/lines should I be wary of when getting parts?

Hey, just making a quick post because my gf and I are planning on building her a PC (I have lots of experience with it already) but we haven't nailed down a specific part list yet (outside of probably a 7800X3D as the base CPU with probably a fat air cooler like the NHD15(S?) or a Dark Rock Pro 4 or something to minimize maintenance). I was just wondering if there are any brands or lines of products or specific parts that I should be wary/careful about, like I've heard Asus's name a lot in recent times for example but not sure if their stuff is fixed now or what.
And also, while I'm writing this, if anyone has some recommendations on the newer case fans that can daisy chain without cables, that would be very welcome, because I know there are a lot of good ones out there but I can't find any good comparison lists between them that don't mix in other fans that aren't those lol.
Quick edit to add: one example I'm going with from my own personal experience is avoiding a Zotac GPU due to it getting a loose fan within 6 months that sounded like a chainsaw in my first build on a 1060.
submitted by TallMills to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:05 Lucky_Button3422 How to fix side of broken toilet (read)

How to fix side of broken toilet (read)
Hey guys, when I first installed this toilet I bumped it against a wall and a small piece of the left side ceramic broke.
I know and have read how dangerous ceramic toilets can be if they break. However, this backside left of the toilet that broke doesn’t get any weigh in it or pressure. It is simply the backside part of it. So no weight when sat on.
When I flush, less than a handful of water comes out, it’s not poop water but instead the clean water.
What can I do to patch this up? I don’t want to throw away a brand new toilet , that’s been used less than 10 times.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Lucky_Button3422 to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:40 IT_Unknown Snapdragon ARM laptops - anyone seriously looking at these?

So we're currently looking to buy in our next lot of laptops, and were looking at the latest G11 HP 600 series.
Now this Snapdragon X news has dropped, and Qualcomm's got an app compatibility page listing 90% of what we use day to day (, we're seriously considering waiting for them to come out, given the apparent extreme increase in battery life.
Our current fleet seems to be averaging 1-4 hours away from the wall, even with the brand new machines, depending on what staff are doing.
The idea that we could instead get multiple days worth of charge when away from the wall is just too enticing.
We're almost fully cloud native at this point with only minor policy changes required to get there, and the only other concern is our app management tool (Patch my PC) does not yet support ARM deployments.
Is anyone else considering these, or at least watching the developments with extreme interest?
Also, anyone know if PMPC is going ARM anytime soon? :D
submitted by IT_Unknown to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:16 mtsgsd Terrible support

Anybody else find their brand new S24 Ultra with a black screen after updating?
A security patch appears to have done something to the phone, and that's where the fun begins. Store tells me that since it's less than a month old, I should call Verizon support as they will want to go thru Samsung's warranty. Ok, I call Verizon.
After enduring sales pitches for things I don't need (sorry your new phone is broken, how about buying this stuff too?) The agent offered to send me a brand new phone for next day delivery, which would have been today, Sunday. I was concerned about losing some of the info on the phone, so I asked if I could take it to a ubreakifix shop to see if they can recover the phone first. They said no problem, and everything is stored in the ticket, so all I have to do is call back if I need the phone. good so far.
The shop can't do anything for the phone, so I call back. Doesn't matter that there's a record, I still had to go thru everything including the sales pitches all over again, except this person took twice as long to do it, and insisted that I only qualified for a certified like new replacement and that it would take two days. Plus she said she was sending me a green phone ( i have a grey phone, but don't mind) and was simply annoying.
Granted the phone should be fine buy what the heck Verizon? I can't even check if her info is correct, because I can't find warranty information anywhere. I do have the device protection service as well.
Ok, venting complete, but I'm going to be rethinking my Verizon account when this is paid off.
submitted by mtsgsd to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:00 popcodswallop [WTS] VINTAGE • Piston Fillers and Other European Pens from the 1930s-50s (Springy to Wet Noodle): Pelikan 400 Tortoise, Wartime 100 Luxor Visible OS Stylomine 303 Retrofit Big Ben Orion Everlasting 552 •

This week’s vintage batch features European FPs from the 1930s-50s, most of which are piston fillers. Nibs range from a springy to Wet Noodle, including one dip-pen nib retrofit. As always, all are fully restored and ready to write.
Pastable link:
Condition (n.b.): All pens listed below have been disassembled, cleaned and restored with new sacs installed in the last couple weeks and seals installed in the last couple years. Each of these pens is guaranteed to fill and write as designed without leaks or other problems. Nibs have been adjusted when necessary to ensure that all lay down a smooth and consistent line.
Line Widths and Writing Samples: To provide buyers with as much information as possible, I have adopted the following line width standards: XXF (.1-.2mm); XF (approx .3mm); F (approx .4mm); M (approx .6mm); B (approx .8mm). Nib flexibility is determined by variation (max line width under pressure) and softness (amount of pressure). Flexibility designations based on variation generally run as follows for an XF/F nib: Semi-Flex (approx. 1mm); Flex (1.2-1.9mm); Superflex (2mm+). All line width measurements are taken with a digital caliper but should be considered approximations providing a general guide. Width may vary slightly depending on type of ink and paper used as well as amount of pressure applied. All writing samples are on Rhodia dot paper using Waterman Serenity Blue.
1. 1950s Pelikan 400 (Tortoise, celluloid, GPT, piston filler, 14k KM [F/M Ball] nib). This standard-sized model measures 4 15/16” capped. I assume that the Pelikan pen company requires no introduction here :) This is an example of one of Pelikan’s most celebrated vintage pens in tortoiseshell celluloid with transparent striations for viewing the ink level. Classic gold-plated cap band and Pelikan-beak clip. Two-chick Pelikan logo stamped in captop (see DETAIL PHOTO). This pen is a piston filler: to fill simply rotate the blind cap counter-clockwise until the piston is fully extended, submerse the nib, and rotate the piston clockwise until it comes to a stop. Blind cap is stamped KM, corresponding to the ‘M’ marking on the 14k Pelikan nib. The ‘’K’ is for ‘Kugel’ (‘ball), designating this nib as a ball nib, the tipping finished to give it a wider sweet spot for smooth writing at a wide range of angles. Though I wouldn’t call it a flex nib, it does have a springiness and buttery smoothness that’s quite nice. It lays down a smooth and consistent F/M line by the standards above (see WRITING SAMPLE). Condition: fine [C]. I’d describe this pen as more of a user. It’s been fully restored with a new seal and is guaranteed to fill smoothly to factory capacity without leaks. However, there’s an issue with the piston while unscrewing the blind cap all the way that makes the blind cap want to lift up and disengage when the piston is close to fully extended. The solution to this is simple enough: apply a little downward pressure to the piston when unscrewing the blind cap to extend the piston and it works just as it should every time (100% reliable). This has been factored into the price all the same. Barrel transparency is near mint with light yellow coloration and no staining (see DETAIL PHOTO). Gold-plated trim shows brassing to the bottom of the clip and a sliver around the bottom edge of the cap band as well as some nicks to the top edge of the clip tassie. Celluloid surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other notable blemishes – scarcely even any microscratches. Manufacturer imprints are deep and fully legible. A chance to own one of these with superb clarity at less than half the price they fetch on merchant websites. Price: $190 SOLD
2. 1939-44 Pelikan 100 Wartime (green Binde, celluloid, NPT, piston filler, chromium nickel [CN] steel Oblique F/M-XF Flex nib). This standard-sized model measures 4 5/8” capped. During the material restrictions of WWII, Pelikan made several, short-lived changes to the 100. In place of 14k nibs they implemented Chromium-Nickel steel nibs marked CN. The gold-plated clip was supplanted by nickel-plated (so-called "reverse trim"). And the gold-plated cap bands gave way to no cap bands at all, the cap being either smooth or milled with decorative bands like this example. This wartime model is 100% original and correct, having all these features, including the original nib. It is made of celluloid with a vibrant green marble Binde. Pelikan two-chick logo stamped on the cap top (see DETAIL PHOTO). Barrel underneath is a transparent green for viewing the ink level. This pen is a piston filler: to fill simply rotate the blind cap counter-clockwise until the piston is fully extended, submerse the nib, and rotate the piston clockwise until it comes to a stop. The Pelikan CN nib is a Left-Foot Oblique (iridium is ground in a shape like your left foot viewed from above). Under normal pressure it lays down a smooth and consistent F/M on the cross-strokes and XF line on the down-strokes. And the line widens to a 3B+ (approx 1.9mm) under moderate pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Versatile variation and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it a great choice for shaded writing and expressive styles. And the tipping was smoothed by Rick Propas when this pen was restored, making it just as buttery smooth as a Pelikan 14k nib. Condition: near mint [B+]. This pen comes from my personal collection and is the result of hunting the best example I could find. Wartime 100s are rare and this one, which resembles an artifact from a time-capsule, took me decades to track down. Nickel-plated trim is pristine with no brassing or other notable wear. Celluloid surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other noteworthy blemishes. Barrel clarity is superb with no discernible darkening or staining (see DETAIL PHOTO). Manufacturer imprints on the captop are factory deep and even contain most of their original green fill. The only hiccup is that despite being restored 2 years ago by Rick Propas and only being filled 1-2 times since, this pen only fills to half capacity. And this despite the piston operating as smooth as they come. I’ve regreased the pen, but it hasn’t seemed to make a difference. Because this pen is more off a collector-oriented find, I’ve decided to list it anyway. You’d be hard pressed to find another example of this rare piece of Pelikan history in better cosmetic condition. Price: $450
3. 1930s Luxor Visible 5907 (red and translucent web celluloid, NPT, piston filler, 14k Two-Tone XF Super-Flex nib). At 4 7/8" capped, this pen roughly the same length as a Pelikan. Luxor was a German brand of the Hebborn pen company, founded in 1925 by former Kaweco employee Heinrich Hebborn and located in Heidelberg until relocating to Cologne sometime before 1937. In Richard Binder's words: "The company produced pens of high quality, and it was known universally by the name of its signature brand, Luxor, with designs inspired by the aesthetic of ancient Egypt. Sub-brands included Sphinx, Visible, and Grandvisible" (source). The company is credited with having designed the first telescopic piston mechanism, which Montblanc would famously incorporate into its own designs. Despite their high quality, there weren't very many of these pens made and Luxors are especially scarce finds in the US today. This Visible model is made of a stunning red and translucent web celluloid similar to that which Wahl-Eversharp used for the Doric. Unlike the Doric, however, the entire barrel is translucent to show the ink level and piston operation. The cap is also translucent! The celluloid pattern is complemented by nickel-plated clip in an elegant Egyptian motif and triple cap bands with one wider, knurled band. This piston filler holds far more ink than cartridges, converters, and lever fillers of the same size. It is filled by removing the blind cap to reveal the turning knob (see fillers photo), rotating the knob counter-clockwise until the piston is fully extended, submersing the nib, then rotating the knob clockwise until the piston is fully retracted. The pen is equipped with a beautiful 14k two-tone Luxor nib stamped with the pyramidal Luxor trademark. The nib is a Super-Flexible writer, laying down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2.3mm capped) under light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Thin hairlines, strong snap-back and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it a great choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition: excellent+ [B+] aside from a hairline crack in the shank of the nib. The crack can be seen in the photos. It has no effect on the nibs performance or how it writes. And there’s no reason to think it’ll worsen unless the nib and feed are removed and re-installed (something that is only done on vintage pens for repair, not flushing). I’m happy to offer a one-year guarantee (no-questions return for refund) that this crack won’t get any longer. Nickel-plated furniture is remarkably clean, showing no brassing or other notable wear aside from a small spot of brassing on the bottom terminus of the clip. Red color is of an even shade across the cap and barrel. Celluloid surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other notable blemishes – scarcely even any miscroscratches. Barrel clarity is excellent but slightly ambered in comparison to the cap's (see DETAIL PHOTO). Manufacturer imprint on the cap is deep and fully legible. An uncommon and uncommonly eye-catching pen that also happens to be a lovely writer. Price: $290
4. 1940s-50s Oversized Stylomine 303 Retrofit (black, celluloid, NPT, accordion filler converted to twist filler, 14k XXF Needlepoint Wet Noodle nib). This oversized pen is massive, having a thick girth that doesn’t fit all the way into the slots of the slotter box and a capped length of 5 3/8.” Stylomine was a Parisian pen company founded shortly after World War I. Streamlined profile, clip, and font of the imprint exude the aesthetics of midcentury design. This pen is made of black celluloid with tapered ends. Nickel-plated trim in a deluxe configuration includes cool spring-loaded clip with a hallmark ‘Y Z’ on the right side. I wasn’t able to track this down, but it’s possible the clip is either sterling silver or silver-plated. In 1940 the company patented an innovative FP filling system comprised of a rubber sac shaped into a bellows and attached to a glass ink cartridge at the end of the barrel (see fillers photo). Referred to as an accordion filler today, the pen was designed to be filled by removing the blindcap and depressing the glass ink cartridge several times until the cartridge fills with ink. Since accordion sacs are no longer being made, I followed David Nishimura’s advice and restored this pen using a standard tubular sac trimmed at both ends. This essentially converted it into a twist filler so that instead of depressing the glass cartridge one twists it a little over 1 full turn to fill the sac as well as 1/3 to 1/2 of the glass cartridge. Thanks to the size of the pen, this retrofitted solution still allows it to hold about as much ink as a typical lever filler (e.g. Waterman 52). This pen came to me nibless. But I was able to find a serendipitous match in a massive 14k, iridium tipped E.S. Johnson #4 nib stamped ‘303’. This number matches the Stylomine model number on the barrel! Like all my dip pen nib retrofits, the nib and feed were modified to guarantee factory fit, flow, and performance, delivering the best of both centuries. That nib yields Flexible variation with Wet Noodle softness, laying down a smooth and consistent XXF line that widens to a 3B+ (approx 1.8mm) under minimal pressure – i.e. anything more than grazing the page (see WRITING SAMPLE). Don’t be fooled by the max line width. Needlepoint hairlines, effortless variation, surgically responsive snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it an ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition: excellent+ [B+]. Nickel-plated trim shows no brassing or other notable flaws. Celluloid surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other notable blemishes – scarcely even any microscratches. Manufacturer imprint on barrel is deep and fully legible with ‘Made in France’ slightly weakened. Price: $340 SOLD
5. 1930s Big Ben (grey shell, celluloid, NPT, piston filler, 14k XF Flex nib). This standard-sized model measures 5 1/16” capped. Big Ben was a trademark of the Benzion Trading Company of Copenhagen, Denmark. The company was founded in 1933 by Niels Benzion, who had worked for the Wahl-Eversharp. A pen of cosmopolitan origins, the Big Ben has a piston-filler patented in England (hence the cap imprint) while the pen was made in collaboration with H. Hebborn & of Heidelberg, Germany. That is why this pen so closely resembles the Luxor above. This particular example is made of celluloid in a grey shell pattern resembling that of a 2nd-gen Eversharp Doric complemented by nickel-plated clip in an elegant Egyptian motif and triple cap bands with one wider, knurled band, and decorative bands at the ends of the cap and barrel. This piston filler holds far more ink than cartridges, converters, and lever fillers of the same size. It is filled by removing the blind cap to reveal the turning knob (see fillers photo), rotating the knob counter-clockwise until the piston is fully extended, submersing the nib, then rotating the knob clockwise until the piston is fully retracted. Big Bens came with two different 14k nibs depending on when they were made and for what market: a nib stamped ‘Big Ben’ in cursive font; and a nib stamped ‘1st Quality’ in the same distinctive font. This pen is equipped with the latter. That nib is a Flexible writer, laying down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to a 3B+ (approx 1.9mm) under moderate pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Thin hairlines, strong, snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it an excellent choice for expressive and shaded writing. Condition: excellent [B]. Barrel transparency is superb with no staining and a yellow coloration (see DETAIL PHOTO). Nickel-plated trim is clean with no brassing or other notable wear aside from minor high point wear on the clip, a couple spots on the lower cap band that have lost some of their original luster, and thinning of the plating on the blind cap’s thin decorative band. Celluloid surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other notable blemishes - scarcely even any microscratches. Manufacturer imprint on cap is deep and fully legible. Price: $330
6. 1930s Orion Everlasting 552 in Box with Papers (Black and Bronze, celluloid, GPT, lever filler, 14k XXF/XF Flex nib). This standard-sized model measures 5 1/4” capped. Orion was Danish company (located in Copenhagen) that imported quality pen parts from Germany and England and assemble the pens in Denmark. In 1933 they changed their name to Miller Pen Co., a writing instrument importer that exists to this day. This pen comes in its original factory box with exquisite paperwork (see DETAIL PHOTO). It’s made of the same black and Bronze celluloid Conklin used for the Endura, complemented by gold-plated trim with elegant, Art Deco clip stamped ‘Orion’. Flexible 14k Orion #2 nib lays down a smooth and consistent XXF/XF line that widens to a 3B+ (approx 1.8mm) under moderate pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE. )). Thin hairlines, strong, snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another excellent choice for expressive and shaded writing. Condition: excellent [B]. The only noteworthy flaw on this pen is brassing to the center of the clip over the Orion trademark. Trim is otherwise pristine with no noteworthy flaws. Celluloid surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other notable blemishes - scarcely even any microscratches. Manufacturer imprint on barrel is deep and fully legible. Price: $240
Shipping: Pens purchased on the weekend are mailed on Tuesday. Otherwise they are mailed within 2 business days of payment. All pens that do not come with their original boxes are packaged in PVC or thick plastic tubes to protect them in transit. To CONUS locations the following shipping options are available:
  • USPS First-Class with tracking for $5 Due to the delivery delays that continue under postmaster general DeJoy, I strongly recommend that the Priority shipping option be chosen. All packages will include full insurance (covered by me). Rest assured that a full refund is guaranteed (issued through Paypal) in the event of a lost parcel and you will not have to wait until I receive a reimbursement from the USPS.
  • USPS Priority with tracking for $9
International Customers: Please contact me for shipping quote if located abroad (delivery confirmation required). (Note: due to the issues stated above, my international shipping options are currently limited. PM for more info). Please do not ask me to commit mail fraud by altering the declared value of a pen for customs. Not only am I registered as a business but shipping insurance is based on declared value.
New York Customers: For tax purposes, I am now required to add an 8% sales tax on any sale made in the state of NY. If your shipping address is in NY state, please let me know before payment to receive an adjusted total. Discounted shipping is included for NY State residents to help defray the extra cost.
Ordering: Pens are placed on hold for the first person to reply to the thread and PM me with firm request to purchase (no chat DMs please). A request with the words “I'd like to purchase [pen number]” would be best to avoid confusion), to which I’ll reply with payment details. Please note that a message inquiring into a price discount does not suffice to place a pen on hold. If I haven't received Paypal payment within 24 hrs after a hold is placed, then pen(s) may become available to the next person.
Payment, & Guarantee: Payment by Paypal only. All pens are guaranteed to be in the condition in which I've described them. If I've missed something objectionable or the filling mechanism is not fully functional, the buyer may contact me up to 7 days after receiving the pen for a full refund (issued once I receive the pen back in the same condition as sold). Buyer must ship the return no later than 2 weeks after it was delivered to receive a refund. I've sold pens online for over a decade. Please check my past listings here as well as on the classifieds and historical sales forums on FPN (username: Estragon) and FPGeeks (popcod) for some of my previous offerings.
submitted by popcodswallop to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:59 StarryEyed34 Burning down the music industry: the house as a metaphor for Taylor's record label

Burning down the music industry: the house as a metaphor for Taylor's record label
I'll preface this by saying that I am both a comingoutlor and a burnitalldownlor. I believe Taylor, alongside other artists, has a plan to do something to create major change in the music industry.
This post was seeded by u/taytopancakes posting this blind about Lucian Grainge, chairman of UMG (Taylor's record label)
This immediately made me think of the saying "out of the frying pan and into the fire" and led me to the realisation that maybe the TTPD epilogue may be telling us that moving to UMG was just as bad for Taylor as being at Big Machine. I've kept feeling that we've been ignoring how the epilogue fits into the story.
Something old, someone hallowed,
who told me he could be brand new
And so I was out of the oven
And into the microwave
Out of the slammer and into a tidal wave
How gallant to save the empress
from her gilded tower
My theory is that Taylor is not telling the tale of falling into the arms of a lover here but the story of leaving Big Machine to move to UMG and how, instead of being saved, she has just found herself in a very similar position to before.
I was in my new house placing daydreams
Patching up the crack along the wall
I pass it and lose track of what I'm saying
'Cause that's where I was when I got the call
So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst
And tried to tell the town
The house is a metaphor for her recording label. The town is Nashville / the collection of record labels. All the destruction of houses we see in the Eras tour is Taylor telling us she's going to burn down the music industry.
Little did you know your home's really only
A town you're just a guest in
So you work your life away just to pay
For a time-share down in Destin
Little did you know your home's really only
The town you'll get arrested
So you pack your life away just to wait out
The shitstorm back in Texas
Dear Reader, when you aim at the music industry make sure you don't miss.
submitted by StarryEyed34 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:10 Anoniiimooz Questions about treatment plan

Questions about treatment plan
I have this wart, some people were very helpful either giving me advice for going forth. When I return back home I’m going to start treatment. Just wanted to see if this is an ok plan
  1. Clean and Soak feet in warm water
  2. Use a clean cuticle cutter to debride, right to the point of almost bleeding.
  3. Use Compound W brand plantar foot pads.(they have 40% SA). Wrap with tape to make sure it’s secure.
  4. Keep the patch on for 48 hours. Then replace. Debride if deemed necessary. Repeat
Is this an ok route. Not really sure how often I should debride. I was thinking often, because I’ve had this wart for years, and I’m suspecting that it’s deep.
submitted by Anoniiimooz to Warts [link] [comments]