Bhanu priya blue film

Impossible movie to find

2024.06.10 11:21 rstack989898 Impossible movie to find

This has been driving me crazy for years, I watched this when I was young, it was an older film somewhere in the maybe late 70s to 80s range maybe? It centred around a young teenage looking boy he was Caucasian with some sort of dirty blonde or maybe it was redheaded hair, who randomly started having little blue spurts of electricity coming from his hands that quickly developed to some sort of telekinesis, it was oddly not really an action movie mostly just drama, specifically remember a scene of him around a truck when a little blue light comes from his hands, and him moving soda cans with his mind and showing his best friend, moving or spinning money like coins maybe aswell? Please help thank you in advanced
submitted by rstack989898 to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:30 Salted_Mangoes [US-CA] [H] 70x L&F creampacas, 69x L&F hyperglide reds, 76x L&F Durock linears, 71x cherry blues [W] Paypal, local cash

70x L&F creampacas- made these in 2021, been using them as daily drivers for about 2 years. No issues with housings or stems, just fell out of love with long poles. Lubed with g205 + deskey films, 67g tx springs. 80$ shipped OBO
69x L&F hyperglide reds- Had a friend use a break in machine for 500k actuations, ngl couldn't feel a diff but sounded a bit better Lubed with g205 + deskey films, 67g tx springs. 60$ shipped OBO
76x L&F Durock linears- Smokey housing, purple stem, not sure what the exact switch is, but feels like 65g stems? 30$ shipped OBO
71x cherry blues- 15$ shipped or free bundled
Local to 92780, local or bundles will be heavily prioritized. Thank you!
submitted by Salted_Mangoes to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:01 CatStriking7561 3DownNation’s 2024 CFL season predictions: M.O.P., Grey Cup & more - Written by 3Down Staff

The 2024 CFL regular season is almost upon us, which means it’s time to make some bold predictions about what will unfold this year.
Eleven of us at 3DownNation have filed prognostications, including editors JC Abbott and John Hodge as well as contributors Ryan Ballantine, Troy Durrell, Santino Filoso, Joel Gasson, Ben Grant, Pablo Herrera-Vergara, Andrew Hoskins, Peter Klein, and Brendan McGuire. Justin Dunk, our managing editor, will no longer make predictions as he’s involved in pre and postgame radio coverage with the Saskatchewan Roughriders.
Predictions have been made for Most Outstanding Player, Most Outstanding Defensive Player, Most Outstanding Canadian, Breakout Player, and Grey Cup. These are all standard award categories, except for Breakout Player, which we’ve created specially for this article. Those eligible include all young players in the league — not necessarily just rookies — who seem destined for stardom in 2024.
Most Outstanding Player
ABBOTT: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
Last year, V.A. was discounted due to his exceptional receiving corps and punished for one horrific game in which he threw six interceptions. When the Lions keep rolling in 2024 despite him being surrounded by inexperienced new players, voters will finally recognize V.A.’s contribution.
DURRELL: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
V.A. could become the first CFL quarterback since Michael Reilly in 2018 to throw for over 5,000 yards. The 31-year-old was spectacular in 2023, throwing for over 4,700 yards and 31 touchdowns, doing so while missing nearly three games due to injury.
GASSON: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
This feels like a now or never year for the Lions. If they are to pull off the big win at home, it’ll be Big Play V.A. carrying the load.

HERRERA-VERGARA: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
It’s now or never for the Lions and V.A. understands that. William Stanback’s presence will force defences to play heavier fronts, which will open things up for the passing game. V.A. will thrive under the pressure and deliver for his team.

HODGE: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
The 31-year-old should benefit from an improved run game this year, though he remains the linchpin of the league’s most pass-happy offence. Voters love giving this award to quarterbacks and Zach Collaros and Chad Kelly have had their turn. Now, it’s V.A.’s.

HOSKINS: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
After a big season last year, Adams is ready to be in the top spot this year. He narrowly missed in 2023 and I see him taking Jordan Maksymic’s offense to a new level.
McGUIRE: QB Vernon Adams Jr., B.C. Lions
He just keeps getting better with age. If he stays healthy, V.A. is the M.O.P.

Most Outstanding Defensive Player

GASSON: DB Garry Peters, B.C. Lions
Without Matthieu Betts, the Lions’ pass rush may not be quite as ferocious, which means their secondary will have to make a few more plays. The eight-year veteran has continued to get better every season, earning a CFL all-star selection the past two years.

Most Outstanding Canadian

FILOSO: LB Ben Hladik, B.C. Lions
The six-foot-three, 235-pounder started every game at middle linebacker in 2023 and notched 102 tackles, five sacks, and an interception. Look for him to build off his career year while patrolling the heart of the Lions’ defence.
Breakout Player
ABBOTT: LB Josh Woods, B.C. Lions
After two years as a noticeable package player and an incredible starting stint in the playoffs, Woods will be on the field a lot more for B.C. this year. If he’s not at least a West Division all-star, I’ll be shocked.

Grey Cup
ABBOTT: B.C. Lions 35, Montreal Alouettes 21
It’s now or never for the Lions to get over the hump and I trust them to do it at home in 2024. I don’t trust the talented but tumultuous Argos, so Montreal will be the de facto losers from the East Division.

DURRELL: B.C. Lions 27, Montreal Alouettes 20
The Lions have all the pieces to make a run at the Grey Cup and will finally get over the hump by beating the Blue Bombers in the West Final before taking out the defending Grey Cup champions in a classic at BC Place Stadium.

GASSON: B.C. Lions 30, Montreal Alouettes 25
It’s time for the Lions to get over the hump as Winnipeg’s run in the West Division has to end eventually. Meanwhile, the Alouettes seem like the only complete team in the East Division right now.

HODGE: B.C. Lions 33, Toronto Argonauts 26
The Lions snap a 12-year Grey Cup drought in front of a sold-out crowd at BC Place Stadium in a story fit for a Hollywood film. It’ll be a dogfight between B.C. and Winnipeg for the top spot in the West Division but the Lions are bound to knock off the Blue Bombers one of these years.

HOSKINS: B.C. Lions 34, Montreal Alouettes 27
B.C.’s offence will take off again and they’ve gotten tougher on defence. Look for the Lions to be led to the promised land by M.O.P. quarterback Vernon Adams Jr.

KLEIN: B.C. Lions 32, Montreal Alouettes 20
The Lions have had success when hosting the Grey Cup in the past, so why can’t it happen again? Another year to grow and improve gives them a slight edge over the Blue Bombers in the West Division and homefield elevates them to a big win in the biggest game.

McGUIRE: B.C. Lions 30, Montreal Alouettes 27
Winnipeg’s defence isn’t going to hold on long enough to get a fifth straight trip to the Grey Cup. Montreal will only get there because of Toronto’s dysfunction and the rest of the East Division rolling over again.

Full Story Here:
submitted by CatStriking7561 to BC_Lions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:35 GreatRecipeCollctr29 Cookie Recipes that We All Love from Popular Bakeries Either Across America or Regionally in Several States

I am compiling recipes found on the Internet of cookies recipes found in popular bakeries, cookie shops from across America or regionally in several states.
If you have any cookie recipes that you know of please post the name of the cookies - then links. So other members may be interested making these to satisfy our cravings.
Specialty's Cafe and Bakery: Chocolate chip cookies either Semi-sweet chocolate chips, Semi-sweet chocolate chips with walnuts, White Chocolate Macadamia Nuts -
Black & White -
Oatmeal Wheatgerm Chocolate chip - Omit the pecans for the original kind of healthiest cookie but has a texture of a granola bar -
Pecan Sandies -
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip -
Fudge Brownies (whether it is plain, with walnuts or peanut butter chips) -
Snickerdoodles -
Note: Specialty's uses Guittard Semi-sweet chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips on their chocolate chip cookies. They also use Guittard's Au Lait White Chocolate chips on their black and white. After mixing the cookie dough and folding the chips and nuts, it is advisable to fold in the ingredients until it is evenly distributed into the cookie dough. Then scoop out either 3.5 oz or beige scoop (standard cookie size in 1990s to 2014), then reduced to 2 oz (standard blue scoop). Scoop them onto a parchment paper lined container in a single layer. Then put another layer of cardboard & parchment paper, add another single layer of cookies. Cover with plastic film and let it refrigerate and rest the cookies overnight to 24 hours.
Next day, preheat oven to 350F (conventional) or 325F (convection). Place the cookies 1.5" to 2" apart from each other on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake cookies for 14 to 15 minutes or until edges are golden brown but soft on centers.
As for black and whites, preheat oven to oven's instructions from the recipe. But cook for 12- 13 minutes to avoid chocolate from burning.
We remove the cookies from the oven, and let it cool on the baking sheets for 5 to 10 minutes to avoid breaking the cookies. People go crazy when our cookies came straight from the oven. We advise them to wait at the alloted time. Then cookies are packed in a slanted to vertical position in boxes. If it were packaged flat, they would crumble.
They also used Gold Medal Blue Label for all of their cookies.
Panera's Kitchen Sink Cookies -
Levain Bakery's Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Chips -
Levain Bakery's Chocolate Chip Walnut -
Black and White cookie from NYC -
Crumbl Cookies:
Pink Sugar Cookie -
Master document of all retired cookie flavors from Crumbl Cookies -
Follow this link and click on them to make your favorite to suit your cravings.
Cornbread cookie -
The Original Cookie Company's Butter cookie recipe -
Corner Bakery & Cafe Oatmeal Cookies -
Mrs. Field's Cookie base recipe -
Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookies -
Double Tree Chocolate Chip cookies -
Reddit's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe posted from FoodPorn -
Reddit's Best Gooeist Brownie Recipe posted from Baking -
Tate's Bakeshop thin chocolate chip cookies -
They also use Gold Medal Blue label ap flour for making their cookies. Most bakeries use this brand. Others might use a different brand depending how the flour was milled and how much protein it contains. 10% to 11% protein is ideal used by professional bakers and pastry chefs at commercial kitchens and manufacturing companies.
Good luck baking! Enjoy, have fun! Share these treats!
submitted by GreatRecipeCollctr29 to TopSecretRecipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:45 eemanonn Can't relate to anyone else's experiences. Also giving some support and resources to people who's posts are often ignored here.

Pretty sure I am genuinely heading into psychosis. Unlike 90% of the people here, I did not get dpdr from from weed, edibles, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, or substance abuse, never did any of those things a day in my life. Whenever I post trying to find any answers as to what is going on here, I am met with no replies. My condition is chronic and has been slowly getting worse since I was 13, I am now 30. When I tell you my symptoms are severe and don't relate to anyone else's here, I truly mean that. I don't know if it's because I didn't get it from a one time event of weed, panic or anxiety or something, but I am in such a horrible state that I am losing my ability to function each day. Memory, vision, closed eye visuals, mental clarity, completely detached, dulled senses and sensory perception changes, hot head, pressure at back of head (both of which gets much worse with screen time), detached, mild scoliosis, hyperacusis and tinnitus (which makes it all worse because it happened recently while I was going through this and never have experienced it before this, from a dental cleaning). Most of these symptoms are things I never see mentioned here outside of memory and brain fog in severe cases. I do not have out of body nothing, no tunnel vision that I see a lot of people with weed or panic induced issues mention. I feel like my issues are for some reason stemming from my actual eyes but the optometrist I've been going to says my vision is fine.
I don't expect a reply, but I will give a brief write up. Never struggled with stress or anxiety growing up, never had a traumatic childhood growing up, I think something in my genetics or something physical caused this. I have always been a level headed person. When I was 13, I had a cold in the gym. I was born with a heart murmur which went away but left me with exercise intolerance that got worse over the years, now I get high blood pressure and elevated heart rate from just standing up. So in the gym at that age, I had a cold, I decided to shoot basketball even though I wasn't feeling well. Did this and time started skipping around me really bad, so I sat down, afterwards I went home that day and noticed that my vision was off. Like I couldn't properly focused on things and I had opened and closed eye visuals (that have gotten worse over the years), like visual snow but not black and white dots. This never went away. Got a few painless ocular migraines this year that went away and never came back. Every time they would happen, felt as if my vision cleared some but then they stopped happening entirely.
At age 19, I was doing something that required a lot of visual focus in low lighting, later that day I noticed I was feeling off, and all of my symptoms had gotten worse. But with the addition of brain fog. Light brain fog and perception issues, I couldn't describe this feeling to anyone so I just got over it and went on living my life, the cognitive issues never messed up.
At 25, went to the movies one night, didn't want to put my head on the seat, so I sat with forward head posture for the film. Next day, woke up, noticed my vision had changed again, this time with physical symptoms. Head pressure at the back of head whenever I would look at phones or any digital devices. Started having double vision when putting finger in front of face.
Age 30, February, was playing a game one night, endless archive in ESO. Intense session, forward head posture, really immersed because it requires a lot of concentration. Put in eye drops and went to bed. Next day woke up, feeling more off, the first cognitive change since 19, my vision was worse, extremely heavy eyes, constant pressure at back of head, eyes blurring when reading texting, having to constantly blink to refocus near vision , feeling like I'm looking through stuff instead of at stuff. No light sensitivity, but artificial lights like light bulbs, car light, and street lights all hurt my eyes and seem slightly brighter than before. When this first started I would get dizzy and nausea, but thoss two symptoms went away over time, or maybe my brain is blocking it out more now. My symptoms have all gotten progressively worse and have never once got better. I do not have episodes, my situation is chronic.
In May, really wanted to explore options before I completely lost my mind since I felt myself sinking deeper each day into what was happening, so I went to the dentist to see if I need work done which I do. They cleaned my teeth which unfortunately left me with permanent tinnitus. Those of you who do not have this, it's not just some ear ringing, it's chronic and makes it impossible for you to try medication or any kind of treatment methods because everything has the possibility of making it much worse, if you don't have this symptom, you truly don't know how good you have it, people with it sometimes get psychosis because their is no end. Things like mindfulness, meditation, stuff that never worked for me in general, are completely off the table with tinnitus, because you never have any form of peace anymore.
Lastly, I truly understand why most people look at posts but do not reply, if you know your situation is from weed, medication, substance, anxiety or panic attacks, and have struggled with these things your entire life, it's kinda odd to come in here and see some people with situations that seem more complex than yours which has a more simple cause. But the people like me still need help, advice and support as well. I search through people's profiles and am so amazed to see how many people are living normal lives with DPDR, like still finding enjoyment in stuff, still being able to concentrate physically and mentally, meanwhile I'm like a complete vegetable and cannot go back to any sort of a normal life. It makes me feel like even more of an idiot because I come here every blue moon, type up a whole story in hopes that I can get some help or guidance, and then get completely ignored because no one has it as rough, or everyone got it through weed, childhood trauma, drugs, or otherwise.
It truly makes you feel cursed knowing that you never experienced any of those things, actively avoided those things all your life, and still ended up like this, with one of the more chronic, severe cases that no one can relate to. And then you watch a bunch of videos, tiktoks etc and can't relate to those as well. I won't talk about the stuff I have tried to help myself so far, because I don't expect to actually get a reply here, but I have a neurologist appointment a year from now, because that's how horrible healthcare is where I live, so I'm definitely not going to be alive by that point.
To those of you who have "episodes", or only experience mental issues with no physical components to your situation, I just want you to know how truly lucky you are. For those of you who have it like me, and struggle to stay present in any given moment, not tied to anxiety or stress, drug abuse or weed, I know it doesn't mean much, but just know that you are not alone, even if your posts never get any replied.
Reddit is a forum that mostly houses the majority, so there will be a ton of support here for people who got their dpdr or dissociative disorders from panic attacks, anxiety attacks, trauma abuse, drug or weed abuse, and no support for those of us with less conventional origins. Because most people's origins are anxiety, panic, drug or weed induced, the advice thats given is to alleviate those things, keep your anxiety low etc. Thats why you can't find support anywhere online for less conventional causes, like BVD, epilepsy, migraine disorders, etc, because no one here is interested in exploring other causes that aren't related to the common causes. Not only that, but most people's situations here are mild in that they are still able to go on and live a somewhat normal life. They don't have things like tinnitus, hyperacusis, or anything else that compounds their issues. I will read a story here about someone who has this chronic, and then check out their profile and it's just a bunch of normal stuff everyone else does. I guess that's the case if your situation is truly just caused by anxiety or depression and by getting treated for those things allow you to function and reconnect, but it really sucks how many of us I see here get outright ignored. It's not just my posts, I see it all the time. I'm ranting because at the end of the day we're all suffering, but those of us who are suffering in a more complex way or maybe have conditions that compound our current issues (like tinnitus, if you don't know how bad this is or never heard of this condition, check out that subreddit and then come back here).
My dpdr is so bad that I am essentially bed bound, I cannot do any of the normal things I see A LOT of people posting here or in their post history. Gaming, watching TV, classes, listening to music (tinnitus and hyperacusis), following a conversation. Imagine dealing with all of that, with no cause (outside of the tinnitus) and no support (because no one here can relate). Even now, I lay here, bed bound cognitively, with no anxiety or panic, slowly forgetting everyone and everything around me, trying to figure out what happened to cause this and if there's any way to treat it if it's not caused by anxiety, trauma, or drugs. I don't know of a subreddit to turn to when the dpdr subreddit can't relate to you. It's completely isolating. This post is long I know, but since no one ever really replies it doesn't really matter. Maybe I should be actually posting this in the psychosis subreddit, not sure, so many physical issues and weird progression to this point that it feels criminal to even post this here. Here is a little advice, if you have dpdr or something like it, and your situation is chronic with physical ailments (not stuff like tunnel vision, feeling out of body), I mean like actual vision issues, head pressure at the back of head, etc. And you know you never touched a drug or had anxiety and stuff growing up, please get off this subreddit and explore actual possible medical causes of your dpdr. Since most people are here due to very clear causes, the community is comprised of people who only are treated for anxiety and depression.
If you know your dpdr is not anxiety, panic, trauma, weed or drug induced, it's time for you to start looking elsewhere, because you could actually have undiagnosed medical conditions. Referring to the people who have severe cognitive issues. Also, some of you with mild dpdr (primarily just vision issues like floor moving, wall moving etc, dizziness in supermarkets), may have BVD (binocular vision dysfunction)
If you have tinnitus and hyperacusis (doesn't seem like many people here have), I do not recommend going to those respective subreddits, as they are very negative and dark.
If you have head pressure, ocular migraines or anything like that. It may be worth asking in the migraine and epilepsy subreddits to see if your symptoms line up with theirs.
If you have heart rate issues only standing, you may have pots or postural tachycardia, and may need to see a cardiologist, there is also subreddits for those.
If you live in an area with ticks, being tested is a good Idea even if you don't remember being bitten. Lastly, mild dpdr can also come from certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies, such as vitamin d, b12, or iron deficiency. Stuff like MS or chiari malformation as well. Some of this stuff may help some of you if your dpdr does not have a cause. Also, even if you all know your dpdr was caused by weed, anxiety or drugs, alcohol etc, you should still give support to the people here who don't have those things. This condition is already extremely isolating, so even if you know your dpdr isn't severe (as in you can still function to some degree), or only comes in episodes, you can still help, especially if other people here have helped you before, like paying it forward.
submitted by eemanonn to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:35 0hilvd RTD2 and title drops.

Every episode since "Wild Blue Yonder" has had a title drop.
A title drop is a line from a film, television series, book, or other media, that contains the title of the work. While they're certainly not uncommon to Doctor Who's past. It seems peculiar that we've been consistently getting them since Susan Twist began appearing.
"The Star Beast" is currently the only episode of the RTD2 era to lack both these two elements. RTD has used reoccurring phrases as season plot lines in his previous seasons and there has been much speculation about Susan Twist's role in this season. Do you think its possible this could also be intentional seeding of a potential plot or somehow related to stories now affecting reality?
(Title drops with time stamps below:) Wild Blue Yonder: (@ 4:43)
The Doctor: Yeah, it's the Air Force. The words are Wild Blue Yonder, which means the Tardis played us a war song.
The Giggle: (@ 13:47)
The Doctor: Oh, it's not a tune. It's a laugh.
Kate: It's a puppet.
The Doctor: The giggle in everyone's head.
The Church on Ruby Road: (@ 0:14)
The Doctor: Once upon a time, Late on Christmas Eve, a stranger came to the church on Ruby Road.
Space Babies: (@ 12:42)
Ruby: A baby farm run by babies.
The Doctor: Space Babies!
The Devil's Chord: (@ 0:53)
Timothy Drake: There is one thing you might like. It's called the Devil's chord.
Boom: (@ 7:53)
The Doctor: Now its confirming if there's a live target on it. On wrong move, and boom...
73 Yards: (@ 24:48)
Ruby: No, I can't see her. But I know she's there. Seventy-three yards. I have measured it a hundred times.
Dot and Bubble: (@ 0:22)
Lindy: Dot and, Bubble.
Rogue: (@ 7:05)
The Doctor: Does not-a-Lord have a name?
Rogue: Rogue.
Regardless of whether their is any greater significance to these title drops, how do you suspect they will handled in the following two episodes? Is "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" a prophecy pertaining to Ruby's parentage or maybe is it a tale about her time with the Doctor? Could the "Empire of Death" be a literal empire or something more fantastical?
submitted by 0hilvd to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:08 qvp11 help?

do you know why spicetify is taking so much memory I've tried to turn off accelerated hard were on Spotify and opera gx and discord ( i'm also using vencord if that helps )but the option is just grayed out please help
submitted by qvp11 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:50 Inevitable-Muffin-77 Hello again so here the actual update on the emesis blue novel. I only done the first 5 minutes of the film but tell me on what should I improve and do it in the comments I don't do chat. Note: This is a draft not the final product yet.

Hello again so here the actual update on the emesis blue novel. I only done the first 5 minutes of the film but tell me on what should I improve and do it in the comments I don't do chat. Note: This is a draft not the final product yet. submitted by Inevitable-Muffin-77 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:36 Ball34s The Ambitious Alien

In the vast, star-studded expanse of the Milky Way galaxy, Zorg the Conqueror sat hunched over his control console aboard his modest spacecraft, The Nebula Weasel. Zorg was a Blorpian, a diminutive alien species known more for their intellect and technology than their bravery. Standing at a mere three feet tall, with a gelatinous, greenish body and disproportionately large eyes, Zorg was determined to make a name for himself in the intergalactic community.
Blorpians were generally peaceful, preferring to stay in their domed cities and engage in endless scientific pursuits. However, Zorg was different. He had always harbored dreams of grandeur, of being recognized as a hero among his people. Recently, he had become fixated on the idea of kidnapping a human. He had heard countless tales of humans—wild, unpredictable, and ferocious creatures. Capturing one would surely elevate his status and prove his worth.
After months of planning, Zorg had finally identified his target: a human female named Lisa. She lived in a small town on the third planet from the sun, which the locals called Earth. Zorg had conducted extensive surveillance, watching Lisa’s daily routines through his ship’s cloaking device. She worked at a local diner, lived alone, and seemed to be the perfect, unsuspecting target.
One crisp autumn night, as the stars twinkled above the sleepy town, Zorg activated his ship’s teleportation beam. In a flash of blue light, he materialized in Lisa’s living room, his blaster clutched in his three-fingered hand. He was ready to make history.
Lisa, a fiercely independent woman in her late twenties, had just settled down on her couch with a bowl of popcorn. She was watching her favorite horror movie, finding comfort in the predictable scares and thrills. As the suspenseful music swelled, Zorg appeared in the middle of her living room, causing her to scream and spill her popcorn everywhere.
Zorg, expecting compliance, was taken aback by her reaction. "Silence, human! You are coming with me!" he squeaked, his voice high-pitched and trembling slightly.
Lisa, however, was not the type to be easily intimidated. She quickly assessed the situation and grabbed the nearest weapon she could find: a cast-iron frying pan from her kitchen. "Get out of my house, you little green creep!" she shouted, brandishing the pan menacingly.
Zorg dodged the first swing, but the second one hit him squarely on the head, causing him to yelp in pain and drop his blaster. The weapon skittered across the floor, and Lisa promptly picked it up, aiming it at Zorg, who was now cowering on the ground.
"You picked the wrong woman to mess with," Lisa said, trying to figure out how the alien weapon worked. Zorg, seeing his opportunity, quickly activated his translator device, his large eyes filled with fear.
"Wait! Please don't shoot! I can explain!" Zorg pleaded, his voice now coming through in perfect English.
Lisa, surprised by the sudden change in tone, lowered the blaster slightly but kept her grip firm. "Start talking, then. Who are you, and what do you want?"
Zorg gulped, his gelatinous form quivering. "My name is Zorg, and I'm from the planet Blorpx. I... I was trying to kidnap you to prove myself to my people. I wanted to show them that I could capture a human, the most feared creatures in the galaxy."
Lisa stared at him in disbelief, then burst into laughter. "You thought you could just come in here and take me? Do you have any idea what humans are capable of?"
Lisa, still holding the blaster, decided to teach Zorg a lesson. She made him sit on her couch while she dug through her movie collection. "Sit tight, Zorg. You're about to get a crash course in human resilience."
Over the next few hours, Lisa subjected Zorg to a marathon of action movies, war films, and documentaries about human endurance. They watched scenes of humans battling against all odds, surviving extreme conditions, and fighting for their freedom. Zorg’s eyes grew wider with each passing scene, his terror mounting.
"This is John McClane," Lisa explained, pausing a scene from Die Hard. "He took down a group of terrorists in a skyscraper, barefoot. And this," she continued, switching to a documentary about World War II, "is about real human soldiers who fought in one of the deadliest conflicts in our history."
Zorg, thoroughly horrified, could hardly believe what he was seeing. "Are... are all humans like this?" he stammered, his voice trembling.
Lisa nodded. "Pretty much. We're tough, resourceful, and we don’t take kindly to being messed with."
By the time the movie marathon ended, Zorg was visibly shaken. He had learned more about human tenacity and ferocity than he had ever imagined. Lisa, seeing that her point had been made, decided to go a step further. She fetched her laptop and pulled up news stories about real-life human achievements, from surviving natural disasters to overcoming insurmountable odds.
"See this?" Lisa pointed to an article about a woman who survived a bear attack and hiked for miles to get help. "This is what we’re capable of. We're survivors."
Zorg, thoroughly chastened, nodded vigorously. "I see that now. I had no idea humans were so... formidable."
Lisa handed him back his blaster, now that she had removed the power source. "Next time you want to impress your people, maybe try doing something a little less invasive."
Zorg nodded again, grateful for the advice. "Thank you, Lisa. I will take your words to heart." He activated his teleportation device, ready to beam back to his ship.
As Zorg vanished from her living room, Lisa couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the night’s events. She knew she would have an incredible story to tell her friends at the diner the next day. She sat back down on her couch, picked up her bowl of popcorn, and resumed her horror movie, feeling more invincible than ever.
Back on The Nebula Weasel, Zorg was greeted by his ship's AI, a snarky program named Blip. "Welcome back, Captain Zorg. I see your mission was... eventful?"
Zorg sighed and slumped into his pilot's chair. "You have no idea, Blip. Humans are even more terrifying than the legends say."
Blip's digital face appeared on a nearby screen, smirking. "I warned you, didn't I? Humans are not to be trifled with."
Zorg nodded, still shaken by his encounter. "You were right. From now on, I'm sticking to less dangerous endeavors."
Blip's smirk widened. "Like what? Knitting?"
Zorg managed a weak smile. "Something like that."
Meanwhile, on Blorpx, on a large stage in front of hundreds of thousands of Blorpians, Zorg was giving a lecture.
Ladies, gentlemen, and gelatinous beings of Blorpx, gather 'round, for I have a tale of sheer terror, unprecedented bravery, and a cast-iron frying pan. Yes, you heard me right. A frying pan. Now, let's set the scene. Picture this: a bold, ambitious Blorpian—yours truly—dreaming of intergalactic fame. The plan? Kidnap a human. Easy, right? I mean, how hard could it be?
So there I was, Zorg the Conqueror, stealthily teleporting into the living room of my chosen target, Lisa. Just as planned. What wasn't planned was the popcorn apocalypse that ensued the moment I materialized. She screamed, popcorn flew, and I thought, "Ah, an appropriate reaction to encountering the great Zorg."
I pointed my blaster and squeaked, "Silence, human! You are coming with me!" I expected fear, compliance, maybe even a little awe. Instead, I got a frying pan to the face. Let me tell you, folks, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
As I lay there, seeing stars—literal stars, mind you—I realized I had severely underestimated humans. Lisa, with a mix of annoyance and amusement, decided to educate me on the tenacity of her species. She didn't just stop at one movie. No, no. She lined up a marathon of action films, war documentaries, and survival reality shows.
"Zorg," she said, with a look that could melt neutronium, "this is John McClane. He fought terrorists barefoot. And these are real soldiers from World War II. They faced odds you can't even comprehend."
By the time we got to the survivalists who could build a five-star resort with nothing but dental floss and a toothpick, I was shaking like a leaf in a supernova. "Are all humans like this?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
"Pretty much," she replied, casually munching on popcorn. "We're tough, resourceful, and really, really don't like being messed with."
As the horror film marathon concluded, Lisa handed me back my now-depowered blaster. "Next time you want to impress your people, maybe try knitting."
So, here I am, back on Blorpx, with a newfound respect for humans and a slightly bruised ego. But hey, I didn't just learn about human resilience. I learned that sometimes, the most valuable lessons come from the most unexpected places. Like the business end of a frying pan.
Now, when you think of humans, remember this: they're not just wild, unpredictable creatures. They're formidable, resilient, and very, very creative in their use of kitchen utensils.
Thank you, Blorpians, and remember—never underestimate a human, especially if they have a frying pan within reach.
Please visit my YouTube channel
submitted by Ball34s to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:52 wyuzhi [SG][H] Lin Special Dolphin v2, LZ Ergo v1, Rainy75, Keycaps and Artisans [W] PayPal

10/06 - Imgur


Lin Special Dolphin v2 - USD 450 built, OBO Built with 2.5mm alu plate, lubed (205g0 on stem, 105 on spring) and filmed (TX) retooled Cherry Reds (2019 batch, spring-swapped with TX 60g) Paint splatter cerakote in the colors of future funk hiney h87a PCB
LZ Ergo v1 - USD 650 built, OBO Built with 1.5mm alu plate, lubed (Christo MCG-111) and filmed (deskey) Pewters (spring-swapped with sprit 63.5 slow extreme 2 springs) Stormtrooper White and Highland Green Cerakote Refer to last image for the ding on the bottom right corner
Rainy75 Electro Blue (local shipping only) - USD 95 (SGD 125) (RGB/PP/Gradient Glass/3500mAh/Violet Switch)
Shostudios Arc - USD 380 built, OBO Final prototype, black with maple accent Built with 1.5mm alu plate, lubed (205g0 on stem, 105 on spring) Gateron X (stock springs) Same exact build featured in the typing test
Hex 3Cv2 - USD 130 built Navy HHKB top, silver bottom Plateless, lubed (205g0 on stem, 105 on spring) Gateron Black (spring swapped with TX 55g)


DCS Deadbeats - USD 190 OBO Base & Novelties Lightly used, no visible shine or texture loss, shipped in bags
GMK Future Funk - USD 250 OBO Base, Light Alphas, Spacebars Moderately used, no visible shine or texture loss, shipped in bags


Rubrehose Phunk Lucette - USD 130 each, 3 available OBO Future Funk Commission
Rubrehose Deadbeats Loosette - USD 130 OBO DCS Deadbeats Commission
All prices are excluding shipping, items will ship from Singapore
submitted by wyuzhi to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:23 SaleemA25 [CA-ON] [H] Cycle 7, QK60, HMX Switches, Cherry Clip-Ins, TX Stabilizers, Screw-In Stabilizers H60 JST PCB, Parallel PCB, Springs, Switch Films, Graveshift O-Rings, Gel Keyboard Feet [W] PayPal, E-Transfer

Selling some things to fund for another board. DM for further information or more pictures. Please leave a "PM" before sending me one, first come first serve. Prices are USD without ship and I can ship most/all places in the world with a discounted price with my Canada Post business account.
Cycle 7: $185 - Void Elf WK Flawless - Gold PVD Weight (Plastic wrap still on) - Mill-maxed non-flex cut PCB with 0305 sockets - PC plate - Equalz Screw In Stabilizers with other stabilizer accessories - Keycap Puller - Cable - Extras bump-ons - Gasket beans - Gasket stripes - PCB stripes plugs (Only used if have flex cuts on PCB) - All foams - Carrying case
QK60: $100 - WKL PC Top, White Aluminum Bottom, Gold Weight - Some very small scratches (most aren't visible unless you zoom in yourself and located in the back/bottom) - One standoff on top left middle is broken off but doesn't effect functionality/performance - One almost invisible dot on the pc top, not visible unless zoomed in - Dual Mode PCB - Aluminum Plate - Gasket stripes - Foams - Feets installed
Cherry Clip-Ins, TX AP 1.2/1.6mm, Screw-In Stabilizers Bundle: $20 for ALL - Most/all have been used, some cherry clip-ins remain stock, wires are mixed but all function - TX Stabilizers: 7u, 6u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, extra 6.25 and 2.25u wire + 14 stoppers - Cherry Clip-Ins: 7u, 6.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, extra 7u wire - Screw-In Stabilizers: 7u, 7u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u, 2.25u CleaBlack Translucent + 12 screws
H60 Solder JST PCB: $30 - Yellow 1.6mm no flex-cut PCB - No DB or JST included - Spacebar only is mill-maxed with 3305 socket
Parallel 65% Solder PCB: $15 - Blue 1.6mm no flex-cut PCB - Comes with JST cable
HMX Hyacinth V2U Switches: $25 - x69 included - Used few times
Graveshift O-Rings: $5 for BOTH - 30a + 50a Medium (65%) - Few very small cuts in the O-rings but are still both useable just fine
Gel Circular Feet's for Keyboard: Free with any purchase - Good use if your keyboard needs new feet lol
HMX Sunset Gleam Stock Springs: Free with any purchase - There's x55-60 stock springs if I were to guess
Durock 0.3mm Switch Films: Free with any purchase - x61 unused switch films
WTB: • GMK Aurora Polaris Rama • GMK Wasabi R1 • GMK Wob with Icons • GMK Katakana • Voice Mini Obsidian • JJW PlayTray Mint/Lush Green
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading and have a great day! :)
submitted by SaleemA25 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:53 Husyelt objectively best ranked Lynch films list

Obviously ive taken subjectivity out of this thought exp
Eraserhead 10/10 goat film (even Kubrick agrees, although All That Jazz! is a contender for and 8 1/2), most creative work of all time.
Blue Velvet 10/10 film. There's a before Blue Velvet, and an after Blue Velvet Kino landscape for Hollywood
The Elephant Man 9.5/10 you wont find a better movie for humanity than this one
Twin Peaks 9/10 all seasons distilled into one score, yes S2 fumbles a bit, but hot damn S3 carried it across the endzone
A Straight Story 9/10 wholesome movie, glad Disney could fund a Lynch joint
Wild at Heart 8.62/10 glhf
Lost Highway 8.5/10 the highs are top marks, the lows are, no, they still kick ass
Mulholland Dr 8/10 woulda been a 10/10 tv series
Inland Empire 8.4/10 yes its better than Mulholland dont @ me for the ranking detour
Dune 7/10 this was the hardest to rank, probably a 10/10 but I cant be certain
submitted by Husyelt to davidlynch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 over18forreal 1, 2

2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:34 axstfu chance an indian student living in the middle east

  1. penn state
  2. uiuc
  3. virginia tech
  4. uw madison
  5. georgia tech
  6. umich
  7. nyu tandon
  8. cornell
  9. harvard
  10. columbia
  11. brown (cus i really like the open curriculum)
  12. asu
  13. umaryland college park
  14. university of virginia
  15. some of the lesser known UCs
  16. purdue
  17. unc chapel hill
  18. stanford
might apply for cs to some of the less competitive schools but for the rest im thinking of industrial/ electrical engineering (still not sure), also lmk what ucs would fit my profile
also let me know if i need to include more schools in list
submitted by axstfu to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:24 PinkPoncho3 I had a dream about a Mayday movie coming out and now I'm sad.

So basically there was a trailer where it was just a girl walking down the street, wearing a green coat, unzipped, with the hood up. She had a serious, but sad look on her face, hands in her pockets. Her red hair only being slightly visible under the hood. The closer she walked to the camera, you could see her Spider-Girl costume. You can hear someone yell, "Mayday!" before she looks into the camera with her blue eyes, and puts on her mask.
Then I woke up and just about cried, I was so upset it wasn't real. Kinda makes me wish that i had the money, time, and skills to make a fan film.
Oh and also it was Raimiverse Peter and MJ who had a daughter.
submitted by PinkPoncho3 to SpiderGirl [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:21 PinkPoncho3 I had a dream about a Spider-Girl movie and now I'm sad.

I had a dream about a Spider-Girl movie and now I'm sad.
So basically there was a trailer where it was just a girl walking down the street, wearing a green coat, unzipped, with the hood up. She had a serious, but sad look on her face, hands in her pockets. Her red hair only being slightly visible under the hood. The closer she walked to the camera, you could see her Spider-Girl costume. You can hear someone yell, "Mayday!" before she looks into the camera with her blue eyes, and puts on her mask.
Then I woke up and just about cried, I was so upset it wasn't real. Kinda makes me wish that i had the money, time, and skills to make a fan film.
Oh and also it was Raimiverse Peter and MJ who had a daughter.
submitted by PinkPoncho3 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:45 Killobyte Relics - Kennedy Space Center

FujiXWeekly Pacific Blues
IG [@shawn_buso](
submitted by Killobyte to x100vi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:41 StrykerXion BREAKING: Texas Legislature Reinstates Blue Laws, Bans 42 "Sinful" Items on Weekends

In a stunning move that has sent shockwaves across the Lone Star State, the Texas Legislature has voted to reinstate the long-forgotten Blue Laws, effectively banning the sale of 42 "sinful" items on weekends. Governor Greg Abbott, citing the need to return to traditional values and protect Texans from the temptations of modern life, hailed the decision as a victory for morality.
The list of banned items, leaked exclusively to the Texas Tribune, reads like a page out of a Puritan's handbook, reflecting a deeply conservative worldview and a healthy dose of paranoia. Among the prohibited items are:
  1. Dancing shoes: Because who needs fancy footwork when you can two-step?
  2. Mixed drinks: Only straight liquor for God-fearing Texans.
  3. Rock and roll records: The devil's music has no place in the Lone Star State.
  4. Swimsuits: Modesty is the best policy, y'all.
  5. Playing cards: Gambling is a gateway to sin.
  6. Lipstick: A natural look is the only way to go.
  7. Comic books: Corrupting the minds of our youth.
  8. Foreign films: Hollywood is bad enough.
  9. Fancy hats: Pride is a sin, even on your head.
  10. Novels with "suggestive" themes: Leave those thoughts to your imagination.
  11. Sunglasses: Thou shalt not hide thine eyes from the Lord.
  12. Board games: Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
  13. Perfume: A natural scent is the sweetest.
  14. Fancy cars: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ride.
  15. Televisions: The boob tube is a tool of Satan.
  16. Coffee: The only stimulant a Texan needs is patriotism.
  17. Spicy food: Temptation in every bite.
  18. Yoga pants: Leave something to the imagination.
  19. Self-help books: God will provide, not some guru.
  20. Anything tie-dye: Hippies are not welcome in Texas. 21-42: [Insert increasingly absurd and specific items, such as left-handed scissors, avocado toast, and anything with a French name]
The new law, set to take effect immediately, has sparked outrage and ridicule across the state. Critics are calling it a gross overreach of government power and a blatant attempt to impose a narrow moral code on all Texans.
"This is ridiculous," said one Austin resident. "I can't believe I won't be able to buy a damn avocado toast on a Sunday morning."
Despite the backlash, Governor Abbott remains steadfast in his support of the Blue Laws, claiming they will restore "decency and morality" to the state. "Texas is a beacon of righteousness," he declared. "We will not let the forces of evil win."
Only time will tell how this controversial law will impact Texans. In the meantime, residents are advised to stock up on their favorite "sinful" items before they become illegal on weekends. And remember, y'all, keep it clean and keep it Texan.
submitted by StrykerXion to houstoncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:50 crapinator2000 Chat Gbt grts it right

Ranking places in Europe based on mentions in bucket lists, must-sees, cruise ship itineraries, and famous film locations can help identify the most to least crowded destinations. Here is a general ranking from most crowded to least crowded:

Most Crowded

  1. Paris, France
    • Bucket Lists: Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral.
    • Must Sees: Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Sacré-Cœur Basilica.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Seine River cruises.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Midnight in Paris," "Amélie."
  2. Rome, Italy
    • Bucket Lists: Colosseum, Vatican City, Trevi Fountain.
    • Must Sees: Colosseum, Vatican Museums, Pantheon.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Ports in Civitavecchia.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Roman Holiday," "The Talented Mr. Ripley."
  3. Barcelona, Spain
    • Bucket Lists: Sagrada Família, Park Güell, La Rambla.
    • Must Sees: Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Casa Batlló.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Port of Barcelona.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Vicky Cristina Barcelona," "The Spanish Apartment."
  4. Venice, Italy
    • Bucket Lists: St. Mark's Basilica, Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge.
    • Must Sees: St. Mark's Basilica, Doge's Palace, Murano.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Venice port.
    • Famous Film Locations: "The Tourist," "Casanova."
  5. London, United Kingdom
    • Bucket Lists: Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, British Museum.
    • Must Sees: Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Eye.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Thames River cruises.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Harry Potter," "Sherlock Holmes."
  6. Santorini, Greece
    • Bucket Lists: Oia, Fira, Red Beach.
    • Must Sees: Oia, Fira, Akrotiri.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Santorini port.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Mamma Mia!"

Moderately Crowded

  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • Bucket Lists: Anne Frank House, Van Gogh Museum, Canal Ring.
    • Must Sees: Rijksmuseum, Anne Frank House, Vondelpark.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Amsterdam port.
    • Famous Film Locations: "The Fault in Our Stars."
  2. Prague, Czech Republic
    • Bucket Lists: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Old Town Square.
    • Must Sees: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Astronomical Clock.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Danube River cruises (nearby).
    • Famous Film Locations: "Mission: Impossible."
  3. Florence, Italy
    • Bucket Lists: Uffizi Gallery, Florence Cathedral, Ponte Vecchio.
    • Must Sees: Uffizi Gallery, Florence Cathedral, Palazzo Vecchio.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Ports in Livorno (nearby).
    • Famous Film Locations: "A Room with a View."
  4. Dubrovnik, Croatia
    • Bucket Lists: Old Town, Walls of Dubrovnik, Lovrijenac.
    • Must Sees: Old Town, Walls of Dubrovnik, Stradun.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Dubrovnik port.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Game of Thrones."

Less Crowded

  1. Edinburgh, Scotland
    • Bucket Lists: Edinburgh Castle, Royal Mile, Arthur's Seat.
    • Must Sees: Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Palace, Calton Hill.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Ports in South Queensferry.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Trainspotting."
  2. Vienna, Austria
    • Bucket Lists: Schönbrunn Palace, St. Stephen's Cathedral, Belvedere Palace.
    • Must Sees: Schönbrunn Palace, Hofburg, Belvedere Palace.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Danube River cruises.
    • Famous Film Locations: "The Third Man."
  3. Lisbon, Portugal
    • Bucket Lists: Belém Tower, Jerónimos Monastery, Alfama.
    • Must Sees: Belém Tower, São Jorge Castle, Rossio Square.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Lisbon port.
    • Famous Film Locations: "Night Train to Lisbon."
  4. Budapest, Hungary
    • Bucket Lists: Buda Castle, Parliament Building, Széchenyi Thermal Bath.
    • Must Sees: Fisherman's Bastion, Chain Bridge, St. Stephen's Basilica.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Danube River cruises.
    • Famous Film Locations: "The Grand Budapest Hotel."
  5. Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Bucket Lists: Blue Lagoon, Golden Circle, Hallgrímskirkja.
    • Must Sees: Blue Lagoon, Hallgrímskirkja, Perlan.
    • Cruise Ship Itineraries: Reykjavik port.
    • Famous Film Locations: "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."
This ranking considers the cumulative mentions across the four indices to gauge the overall crowd density at these European destinations.
submitted by crapinator2000 to TourismHell [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:44 JustMeInBigD Things to Do June 10-16

Sorry for not getting a list done last week. I was under the weather (literally and figuratively.) Happy to be back to normal this week.
As always, feel free to add events I may have missed in the comments (with links.) Feedback about events you've attended or plan to attend is always helpful and welcome.

Things to Do June 10-16

*Free (or no admission/cover)
--Recurring Event
The Dallas Mavericks continue their quest to win the NBA Championship with games 3 and 4 this week.
This week is Dallas Tiki Week.
Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16.
Juneteenth is next Wednesday, June 19, and celebrations begin this week.
Dallas Pride events continue throughout the month of June.
Weekend & Multi-Day Events
June 9-12 Run Lola Run 25th Anniversary 4K Restoration at Violet Crown
*June 11-13 4th Annual North Texas Black Tech Symposium at Virtual/Online
June 11-16 Frisco Roughriders vs. Amarillo Sod Poodles at Riders Field, Frisco
June 13-16 Premier SuperCopa at Moneygram Soccer Park
June 13-16 Juneteenth Unity Weekend Celebration at Crowne Plaza Dallas (and other locations)
June 13-29 Pegasus Theatre: Big Mouth Thunder Thighs at the Bathhouse Cultural Center
Through June 23 Kitchen Dog Theater Love And Vinyl at Good Records
*Through June 28 Central Library Staff Art Exhibit at Dallas Public Library Central Branch
Monday, June 10
Women in the Environment Presents Sustainability at the Dallas Zoo
*Book Club: The Matrix at Interabang Books
*--Open Mic Monday at The Wine Therapist
*Sweatworking Week - HIIT with Cowboys Fit at Main Street Garden Park
*--Social Run by Braindead Running at Westlake Brewing
Jess Williamson with special guest Rattlesnake Milk at The Kessler
Kizomba Semba Class & Prática at 2155 Ballroom & Events, Carrollton
Silversun Pickups at House of Blues
Celeste Barber: Backup Dancer at the Majestic Theatre
The Shake Up at the Limbo Room at Ruins
Tuesday, June 11
*Dallas Mavericks Pep Rally at Klyde Warren Park
Pride Series: My Own Private Idaho at Angelika Dallas
Noah Kahan: We'll All Be Here Forever Tour at Dos Equis Pavilion at Fair Park
*Beginners Dungeons and Dragons at Skyline Branch Library
*Mindful Fusion Dance Class at J. Erik Jonsson Central Library
*DFW Bookmakers:Art Journal Cover w/ Scrapbook Collage at Bachman Lake Branch Library
*Spanish Class at White Rock Hills Branch Library
*Deep Ellum Spelling Bee at Three Links
*--Free Rooftop Movie: Bridesmaids at Sundown at Granada
*--Wellness Series - Sound Bath Meditation at Sammons Park
Wednesday, June 12
Dallas Mavericks NBA Finals Game 3 at American Airlines Center
*Spanish Learners Conversation Table at Park Forest Branch Library
*The Writers Meetup at Oak Lawn Branch Library
*Musical Theatre Workshop at Lakewood Branch Library
*Book Club: "In Pieces A Memoir" by Sally Field at North Oak Cliff Branch Library
*--Inner Moonlight Poetry Series at The Wild Detectives
*Line Dancing at the Latino Cultural Center\
*--Salsa Night at Vidorra Dallas
*--Swingin’ at the Sons at Sons of Hermann Hall
*==Improv Jam at Dallas Comedy Club
San Fermin at Deep Ellum Art Co.
Todd Rundgren: ME/WE 2024 tour at the Majestic Theatre
Thursday, June 13
Dallas Wings vs. Seattle Storm at College Park Center, Arlington
*An Evening with Ms. Opal Lee at Skyline Branch Library
*African Textiles Workshop with Renee Michea'l Jones at Fretz Park Branch Library
Flipside at Texas Theatre
*Book Discussion & Signing - A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets at Interabang Books
Book Launch + Signing with Joel McDonald at The Wild Detectives
*Erin Little & Sebastián Paramo in Conversation at Deep Vellum Books
--Thursdays on Tap at the Perot Museum
*The Sugar Cane Cheat Sheet Rum Tasting at Apothecary
Live Jazz Night at Babou's at Hôtel Swexan
*--Karaoke Thursdays at Dallas Comedy Club
Lathe Of Heaven / Semantix / Perdidos at The Double Wide
Com Truise (dj set) at It'll Do Club
*--Vitruvian Nights Live featuring The Spazmatics at Vitruvian Park, Addison
*Farmers and Crafts Market at the Downtown Green, Rowlett
Game Night at Meow Wolf, Grapevine
Friday, June 14
Dallas Mavericks NBA Finals Game 4 at American Airlines Center
Dallas Jackals vs. Old Glory DC at Choctaw Stadium, Arlington$5 Fridays at Galleria Ice Skating Rink
Alanis Morissette - The Triple Moon Tour at Dos Equis Pavilion at Fair Park
Backyard Show: An Evening With Grant-Lee Phillips at The Wild Detectives
Arts and Letters Live: Doris Kearns Goodwin at Moody Performance Hall
Dallas Tiki Week Entertainment Extravaganza at Sons of Hermann Hall
The Black Sugar Comedy Show at Dallas Comedy Club
The Dead Thing at Poor David's Pub
*Summer Fridays with Live Music at The Rustic
*Landon Talley at Vector Brewing
Jack Ingram presented by Garland Cultural Arts at Plaza Theatre, Garland
Ricki Derek at Rayleigh Underground, (Las Colinas) Irving
*Sounds of Summer: Even it Up at Grandscape
*Seratones w/ Patrick Pombuena Community Orchestra at Levitt Pavilion, Arlington
Sister Hazel at Billy Bob’s, Fort Worth
Saturday, June 15
FC Dallas' Ya'll Means All Night at Toyota Stadium
Dallas Wings vs. Connecticut Suns at College Park Center
*Juneteenth Festival of Service at the Automobile Building at Fair Park
*Juneteenth 4K Freedom Walk & Festival at Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center
*Juneteenth Celebration at Juanita Craft, M. L. King Jr, Hiawatha Williams & Nash-Davis Rec Centers
*Juneteenth Celebration at Forest Green Branch Library
*Juneteenth Concert with musical guest, Kamica King at Pleasant Grove Branch Library
*Amor Eterno - Concert and Festival at the Latino Cultural Center
Legacy's Pride Variety Show at The Rose Room
*True Crime Mini-Convention at J. Erik Jonsson Central Library
*Gardening in Small Spaces at Preston Royal Branch Library
*Fairy Gardens at the Lochwood Branch Library
*7th Anniversary Party at Interabang Books
*Open Studio: Found Poetry at the Dallas Museum of Art
*--Group (Bicycle) Ride at Community Beer Co
*4th Birthday Party on the Patio at Another Round
Soul Flower Music Fest at Pacific Plaza
Office Space at Texas Theatre
Black Boys Cry at Bishop Arts Center Theatre
*LOVER Taylor Swift Tribute at Community Beer Co.
Grace Pettis + Robby Hecht at Opening Bell Coffee
Prime Nightcult Presents: Tape B and Friends at Longhorn Ballroom
The Dinner Detective Comedy Mystery Dinner Show at Hilton Garden Inn Downtown
*Cars and Coffee at Garages of America, Frisco
Sunday, June 16
Father’s Day Skate at Southern Skates Roller Rink
*Human Library: Juneteenth Across Generations at Bachman Lake Branch Library
Roger Corman Tribute- The Tomb of Ligeia on 35MM at Texas Theatre
Drawing from the Masters at the Meadows Museum at SMU
Mayahuel Ballet Folklorico 15th Anniversary at the Majestic Theatre
Ari Matti at Hyena’s Dallas
Clan of Xymox with Curse Mackey and SINE at Granada Theater
Swim with Mermaid Victoria at The Stoneleigh Pool
*Branoofunck at Armoury DE
40th Anniversary Emerald City Band Concert at the Dallas Arboretum
submitted by JustMeInBigD to Dallas [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 sludj I wanted to try using Eterna Bleach Bypass more…

I wanted to try using Eterna Bleach Bypass more…
I hardly ever see recipes using it and thought it would be a fun challenge to try using it more. It’s definitely one of the harder to use sims, but I have been tweaking a recipe that I kinda dig so far.
A few test shots with my XT4. I used a few different lenses: 7artisans 35mm f1.4, Rokinon 85mm f1.4, and a Helios 44-2 + speedbooster
Recipe so far:
Film sim: Eterna Bleach Bypass DR200 Grain: strong/large Color chrome: strong CC Blue: strong WB: Auto +4 red -3 blue Highlight +1.5 Shadows +2.5 Color +3/+4 NR -4 Sharpness -2 Exposure comp: +0 to -2/3 (I personally liked results better when under-exposing, but also dependent on environment)
Also worth noting is that I liked how greens rendered a bit more when using Adobe RGB colorspace.
Thoughts are welcome, looking to tweak the recipe even more.
submitted by sludj to FujifilmX [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 Availtonone Questions about new Fujitsu install

Questions about new Fujitsu install
Hi - having some trouble with my new Fujitsu aoug48 heat pump and have a few questions.
  1. Is the blue protective film on the inside of the pump supposed to be removed? It seems like it would restrict air flow?
  2. It’s a 4 ton unit for about 2K sq ft and it consistently gets overwhelmed by the sun and never hits temperature. I’ve monitored the outdoor unit and it seems to always run at a low fan. What could be wrong?
I’ll be having my installer come back but want to build more context.
submitted by Availtonone to hvacadvice [link] [comments]