How to cut meth with msm

Don't worry, it grows back.

2012.06.21 18:09 BasementCat666 Don't worry, it grows back.

For those redditors who cut their own hair or are interested in learning how.

2012.10.07 22:27 Caffeine free since...

A subreddit for people who are dependent or addicted to caffeine and are trying to quit or cut down. We have "caffeine-free" day counters.

2014.08.01 01:38 lolalodge Cooking for Beginners

Just moved into your first apartment and don't know a thing about cooking or have lived on your own for years and have existed on take out and fast food? Then this is the sub for you! Learn how to cook simple recipes for yourself and find it isn't as hard as you think it is. Post your questions about cooking and links to easy recipes and basic techniques. Come to learn or to teach. Join us on Discord! Related subs: /Cooking /SalsaSnobs /AskCulinary

2024.06.08 21:38 JUST_FOR_THE_SQUEEZE GameStop is in second stage of Gill’s thesis. Take a step back and re-evaluate why you are here.

I am here for phase 2 of the thesis. Let's take a step back.
I came here initially for a short squeeze (I mean fuck, look at my username), as the 99% majority here did - which was fraudulently stopped.
3 years later, we are still here with the continued prospect - but no guarantee - of a short squeeze after reading hours of DD, DRSing, knowing the sideway charts guy, the german guy, the ape historian, going through tons of lows, highs, fuckery, illegal crime, MSM headlines and a million other things.
We had a solid ramp up after a long while, cryptic tweets from RoaringKitty and eventual confirmation that he had bought a fucking shit load of 120k call options that he personally believe would be ITM @ $20< by June 21. I mean, you don't buy options to lose money.
It felt like 2021 again, and everyone - or at least I - felt the fucking adrenaline in my veins.
Was this it?
Let's go over some facts first; no emotions.
Note where the word board is used as opposed to RC, as there is a difference between them.
  1. The board is not RC, and RC is not the board. There are only a handful of decisions that RC can make on his own.
  2. It seems that the board has stopped yet another gamma ramp last minute.
  3. The board has done a dilution twice - with the second dilution being a very specific close number to the number we have DRSd.
  4. The board has seemingly said a big 'fuck you' to the thesis of DRS locking up the shares. Dilution is not good for a short squeeze, and factually harms DRS's efforts. It is up to you, as an individual investor, to re-evaluate the DRS thesis and see if it is still applicable for your investment.
  5. The board would be aiming for around a war chest of $4,000,000,000, increasing the share's intrinsic floor. This is good for all stockholders.
  6. We do not know why the board timed it at the current point in time.
  7. We do not know why the board is aiming to raise more money, but the money in one way or another would be used for GameStop so this is good for the company.
  8. The board could have delayed the dilution, but didn't - we do not know why.
  9. We do know that what the board done has done would not be beneficial for a short squeeze, at least in the short term. There is no need to call anyone a sh*ll for that, or brainwash yourself into it.
  10. RC is a billionaire already, yes, but in terms of proportions - he has a significant amount of skin in the game.
RC has signed up to do all he can to ultimate drive long-term stockholder value creation.
The board has also signed up to do all they can for long-term stockholder value creation (though they have less skin in the game).
Nor RC or the board have signed up to do all they can for a short squeeze, which would also not align with fundamentals, for the stock of a company they are running.
Read those lines again.
RC and the board were never here to give you a short squeeze. If anything, that harms the stock long term as the increased volatility keeps out institutional investors. Just because me (and you?) initially bought GME for a squeeze does not mean that we have the right to hold the board accountable to creating the conditions for a short squeeze.
We are at a cross roads:
  1. Individuals that are here purely for a short squeeze, with no interest in the company fundamentals or the long-term plan of the company: paid by HFs to share negative sentiment, a newbie or an OG ape who is letting negativity get to them, there seems to be a lot of this sentiment.
  2. Individuals that were here for a short squeeze / have had prior holdings, and now see better fundamentals for the stock as a potential lighter for a short squeeze - but if that doesn't happen, they are investing for a promised turnaround of the company. A turnaround because even GameStop themselves understand that the world is changing; their reports show that the company's leadership is not oblivious.
If you are in the first camp, let me put your mind at ease - the board will not go out of their way to give you a short squeeze. You will also not get rich in the next 5 days. Factually, from what the chart shows, a short squeeze was 'done' in 2021 and a future prospect of it has been diminished by further dilution. Continue your investment at your own risk, sell the stock, or even short the stock. You can stop reading.
If you are in the second camp like me and RK, then ignore all the noise and reaffirm why you are invested in GameStop.
The core short thesis still applies, but in a smaller capacity. The thesis was betting on a weak leadership with no money and no turnaround plans.
We have strong leadership, 1B$+ and vague turnaround plans - this is why the market can continue to short GameStop. They are betting on the plans failing How do we get better plans? More money. Money drives everything and is what provides the management board with air cover.
I agree with what RK said in his stream:
  1. 'There is no real game-plan'. The game plan is to be determined by the board, not by me, you or RK.
  2. 'Ryan Cohen and his crew are what folks should be focused on' - all eyes now on the board.
  3. 'I believe this guy' (Ryan Cohen) - me too.
  4. 'Now it’s all about the transformation'
  5. 'The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence'
  6. “You could lose it all... you could lose everything.” - Do I deem it likely? No if you've been averaging down. Should you invest 90% of your income into GME when you have 3 kids? I personally wouldn't. Have I got 90% of my expendable income in GME? Yes. Is that my choice? Yes.
The high-level short thesis went out the door with the first billion, yes - GameStop is not going to go bankrupt today, tomorrow, next year or even for the next 5. But the board must continue to work on the long thesis.
A company can be unprofitable even with no shorts.
I want my money in a company that not only shorts are scared to short, but that also attracts investors that care about its longterm growth and go long on it.
Could the board give us more updates? Yeah, I think they could.
Do I think they're not giving us updates because they don't know how to? No.
Do I think they're not giving us updates because they don't have plans? No.
Why are they not giving us any updates yet? The board knows.
Do I trust the board? Yes.
Answer lies in the 2024 Proxy Statement: We strongly encourage stockholders to read the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis,” the compensation tables and the accompanying narrative disclosures in this Proxy Statement which discuss in greater detail the compensation of our executive officers, the Company’s compensation philosophy and the factors that the Compensation Committee considered in making compensation decisions.
Did you read it?
In 2021, we redesigned our compensation program to ensure that the program is aligned with long-term stockholder value creation*.*
Compensation awards should be based on the fundamental principle of aligning the long-term interests of our employees with those of our stockholders.
To the extent the Company succeeds in achieving our business strategy, our executives will be rewarded through stock price appreciation; however, failure to achieve our strategy and deliver sustainable stockholder value creation will lead to an erosion of realized pay to our executives.
Mr. Cohen has declined a base salary. Mr. Cohen has declined all forms of cash bonuses. Mr. Cohen has declined all forms of equity compensation. Mr. Cohen therefore only benefits to the extent his existing investment in the Company appreciates and is therefore uniquely situated to drive stockholder value. No awards were granted to Mr. Cohen... in fiscal 2023.
I continue to have faith in my investment in the stock of a company with:
I will re-evaluate my investment if:
I liked the stock, and now I like the company. It is now on the management board to deliver on their vision of long-term stockholder value creation.
I'm sorry but I, personally, no longer am focusing on a short squeeze as my primary target; the ultimate MOAS is no shorts due to a ever-profitable company that makes any short position in it laughable and any long position in the company a guaranteed given in any decent portfolio. Shorts have not closed and I think the only way they'll close is an irrefutable turnaround of the company.
If you are here just for a squeeze, then yeah - I don't think you'll like the board or the next few years.
I am here for phase 2 of the thesis.
(No financial advice, usual disclaimers etc. etc.)
submitted by JUST_FOR_THE_SQUEEZE to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:20 pIastichearts My internalized homophobia is ruining my life.

To preface this, I want to make it clear that I’m trying to come across as respectful as possible in this post. While I have issues with my own homosexuality, I don’t want it to come across like I have any judgement for anyone here who is gay.
But to get straight to the point, my relationship with my homosexuality is ruining my life and I don’t know what to do. For some backstory, I realized I liked the same sex around the age of 12. This was a few years after I experienced sexual abuse at the hands of someone of the same sex (he was in his late pre-teens) and it was the same year I discovered both gay porn and gay media (ex: I was on Tumblr which was very gay-centric, I watched shows like Glee and Queer As Folk, I went on online chatrooms with a lot of gay people present etc). I 100% believe that experiencing sexual abuse from the same sex as a child coupled with an exposure to gay pornography and gay media served as the catalyst for my homosexuality developing, and as I got older, all my attraction and interest in women quickly vanished in the blink of an eye. In the past few years, I’ve tried forcing myself to sleep with women and dated women in attempt to get rid of my homosexuality or at least switch it to bisexuality but it’s been to no avail.
At this point, I consider my homosexuality to be akin to a paraphilic condition or a trauma response that was later hardwired into me rather than just something that came about naturally. There’s a lot of debate surrounding homosexuality and if it stems from environmental factors, biological factors (ex: something going wrong in utero during the mother’s pregnancy or the “birth order” theory), or a mix of both - I personally think it can develop from many things and don’t agree with the notion that it’s a choice given that no one would choose to face persecution and discrimination. I’m unsure where homosexuality comes from and how it develops, but in my case, I don’t think it happened naturally.
It goes without saying that the life of a homosexual is hard and I believe it to be the main reason as to why I have many issues:
If I wasn’t gay, I wouldn’t have been put in multiple sexual situations where I couldn’t consent. As I started becoming sexually active, I experienced multiple instances of rape by either being overpowered, drugged, or taken advantage of when I was ineberated. It has happened too many times to count and honestly messed with not only my psyche but also my relationship with sex. While I know that it’s possible for men to be sexually assaulted by women, it is much less common than male-on-male rape, so I know I most likely would’ve avoided being raped if I was a heterosexual. My experiences with rape have also given me a strong aversion to anal and being a “side” (re: not liking topping or bottoming) cuts my potential dating and sex pool in half given that most gay men want anal.
If I wasn’t gay, I wouldn’t have developed such deep insecurities for my outer-self given that the beauty standards and unspoken hierarchy/food chain aspect of the gay community is the reason why I’ve always struggled with my confidence. I know that a lot of heterosexuals struggle with their appearance and confidence too and I’m not negating that, but more-so saying that the dynamics in the gay community are a little bit different and the root of why I struggle so much with that aspect of myself.
If I wasn’t gay, I wouldn’t have put myself in sexual situations that traumatized me. I lost my virginity at 17 to a guy in his mid-30s but was told that’s normal for gay men (unfortunately, it very much is) and to get over it, but I have frequent nightmares over how I was taken advantage of to the point where I have to take medication to prevent night terrors and have frequent physical PTSD symptoms. If I was heterosexual, I wouldn’t have put myself in environments where I was drunk as hell in bathhouses having men older than my father lusting after me while I watched them do gross stuff to each other. I know that it’s my own fault that I put myself in those situations, but I know if I didn’t develop homosexual feelings I could’ve avoided all that.
If I wasn’t gay, I doubt I would’ve gotten so addicted to drugs and alcohol. While addiction runs in my family and I was always genetically dispositioned to developing one, being in the gay community definitely heightened my addictions and made them worse. Meth, molly/MDMA, and GHB are all drugs that run rampant in the gay community and being in gay spaces made me use them constantly. I’m sure I could’ve developed an addiction to drugs and alcohol if I was straight, but being in the gay circuit scene gave me easier access to them.
The past few weeks have just been really difficult after I started questioning if my homosexuality developed “naturally” or if it stemmed from facing sexual abuse as a child combined with exposure to gay porn and gay media. The scary thing is I just don’t know what to do about it. I can’t go to either of my parents about it because they won’t even bother to hear me out and just tell me to get over it (for some context, my sister is also gay and they support her). I can’t go to my friends about it given that most of them are gay and would look at me crazy and just say this is internalized homophobia (which is true, but at least I have enough self awareness to recognize it).
I just feel lost. So so lost and I don’t know what to do. I’ve been experiencing passive suicidal thoughts over the way I am and I can’t make them go away. My recent struggles with my homosexuality have done severe damage to both my mental and physical health. I almost relapsed with self-harm after being clean for four months. I’ve been staying up until 9am every night crying and have inadvertently been refusing to get out of bed or go outside or communicate with my family because my mind just feels so screwed up. I haven’t even spoken to most of my gay friends or even my sister for that matter because I feel like even the mere aspect of communicating with them makes me realize that they haven’t let their homosexuality ruin their lives the same way I have and that makes me feel like such a bad person. I can’t even find it in me to take a shower, take my medication, brush my teeth, or eat anymore. I feel like these emotions are just weighing me down and turning me into a shell of my former self.
I would love to accept myself and come to terms with my homosexuality, but I don’t want to continue to be gay given that it makes my life so much harder, but the thing is, I can’t ever picture myself with a woman either. I would feel like such a bad person if I decided to pursue something serious with a woman and then have to lie and convince her that I have romantic and sexual feelings for her when I only have them for men. I don’t want to have to settle for a life of celibacy because that sounds really depressing to me and I don’t want to be alone. I want to experience genuine love and happiness from someone after so much years of abuse and personal turmoil. I just don’t know what to do and feel really lost.
submitted by pIastichearts to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:40 TwatWaffleWhitney Neck Beard Double Take

I know Reddx is trying to move away from neckbeard stories, so I decided to finally submit my short NeckBeard encounter in the hopes that our humble lord Reddx would grace my scribbling with his melodious voice.
A quick warning that this contains attempted schmexual assault.
This story takes place ten years ago, two months after I turned nineteen. I had spent the previous year interning with a well-known horse trainer. (To this day, it's the coolest thing I have ever done.) I left home for the year-long internship a healthy 112lb at 5’1” and returned 105lb. I also had brown hair down to my waist, and my eyes appeared large in my too-thin face, and I was mistaken for 13 or 14 on a regular basis. I think I could have been considered beard-bait
Now, back living with my parents, I needed employment. My options were limited in our small town. I didn’t fancy trying to work at one of the crumbling fast food joints, so I applied for our local cleaning company. Being a maid sounded perfect! It combined my love of cleaning and my intense curiosity in the lives of strangers. I loved the idea of peeking into people`s homes and getting a glimpse of what took place behind twitching curtains.
After convincing the owner that I was indeed an adult and not a small child with a fake ID, I was hired. The owner placed me with two senior maids who we will call, Laverne and Shirley. Lavern and Shirley were former chain-smoking meth Muppets that now resembled shriveled craisins in their mid-forties. They had given up smoking for vaping; specifically, banana nut bread vape.
Laverne and Shirley had one other notable idiosyncrasy. Laverne would say something apropos of nothing, like “yesterday was too sunny for me” and finish the thought with a sing song “♪Ya know♪.” And then Shirley would repeat “♪Ya know♪.” This would continue the whole drive, between puffs of banana nut bread vape. To this day, I can’t hear someone say ‘ya know’ without muttering a ‘♪Ya know♪’ under my breath.
One fateful Tuesday, I pulled into work, hopped out of my 1993 Skylark, and into our cleaning van just like I had done for the past three weeks.
Shirley: Hey there TwatWaffle, we’re goin’ to a new house today. It’ll be our first time there. We might be there longer than usual.
Laverne: Hopefully you packed a good lunch. We can't stop today, ya know
Shirley: ♪ YA know ♪
OP: Oh, cool! I love cleaning new houses. Yeah, I packed lunch.
We were off on a new adventure. The light babbling of Laverne and Shirley’s inane chattering belied the utter horror that waited for me. Laverne turned into a housing development of McMansions, huge houses with two square feet of lawn, all built about five feet apart. We unloaded our equipment, swung open the door, and revealed… a beautiful, almost immaculate home. Sweet, this should be an easy, quick job. We all took a brief tour of the house to snoo- I mean, familiarize ourselves with the layout.
Shirley: The order says downstairs kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Upstairs bathroom and basement bathroom.
OP: Do you know how to get to the basement?
Laverne: No, this is our first time here too ya know
Shirley: ♪Ya know♪
So, we continued to familiarize ourselves by opening every door in the house to find the basement. After opening doors to pantries, bedrooms, closets, and an office, Laverne finally found the door that led to the basement.
Leverne: TwattWaffle! Shirley! Over here!
The door Laverne found opened to cement stairs that disappeared into a dark abyss. Shirley pushed past us and flicked on the light. The stairwell, now illuminated, led to a brightly lit exercise room. We all made our way down and surveyed the numerous and expensive pieces of workout equipment as we wandered deeper into the basement.
The basement was narrow but seemed to run the full length of the house. An opening to another hallway was at the opposite end of the exercise room. The hall was lit by a dull bulb, which cast a yellow light on the awful carpet it oversaw. The center of the carpet was a deep brown, and the edges a sad dusty pink. The carpet’s pile had long since had its will crushed and now laid flat. Stains of all shapes and viscosity made parts of the brown depressed carpet even darker and crustier. To the left were two closed doors; the first door had light leaking out around its poorly fitted frame, and the second was completely dark.
The gym room smelled musty and a little sweaty but nowhere near bile-inducing. However, the smell emanating from the hall threatened to steal my breakfast. Laverne and Shirley stood at the entrance to the hall, not daring to step on the carpet.
Shirley: TwatWaffle go open the first door.
OP: Sure
On tiptoe, I went to the first door, grabbed the greasy knob, turned it, and pushed. A wave of ammonia slapped me like a-pimp-named-slick-back and face fucked my nose raw dawg. I stepped back into the hall, trying to get a fresh-ish breath. But it was too late; opening the door let the full force of rank smell gush into the hall. So, instead, I pulled my shirt over my nose, which acted like a condom against the assault on my olfactory senses.
Leverne and Shirley had been watching, but when I reeled back, they both came forward to chastise me for being dramatic.
Shirley: Come on, it can’t be that… Oh hell
Leverne: Stop being a pus… Fuck me sideways.
The smell had finally wafted to them as they came forward, and they, too, pulled their shirts over their faces.
The three of us stood in the doorway, surveying the horror. A sink to the left is covered in black, something… Mold? Dust? Curiosity made me take a step forward; peering at the sink, I saw hair. Short black hairs, curly black hairs, and long strands of black hair covered the sink in a fine layer. I looked at the ground and saw that it, too, was covered in an assortment of hairs. I willed myself to look up at the mirror which hung over the sink. The mirror was so thickly speckled with white and pinkish spots that I could hardly see my face. My stomach lurched and rolled; I knew too well what those milky spots were from.
Then, I went to the porcelain throne that was once a functional toilet but had become a biohazardous receptacle some time ago. Brown sludge filled the entire bowl. Thick yellow-brown stains colored the outer rim and ran down the base, pooling at the bottom. This sight and the overpowering stench finally got me, and I wretched.
Laverne: OK! I’ll knock out the upstairs pot, Laverne, you start on the kitchen, and I’ll help you when I’m finished. TwatWaffle, get started here.
Spinless people pleasing me croaked
OP: Yeah, okay.
Laverne and Shirley quickly walked away and booked it back upstairs. I went to my cleaning caddy, opened the bottle of bleach, and inhaled deeply. The bleach burnt in my nose, but it also gave me a little relief from the putrid smells gang banging my nose. Next, I pulled on my thick rubber gloves, summoned all the willpower I possessed, and headed back to the toilet. I pushed the handle, hoping to flush the fecal McSlurry, but nothing happened. I took the top off the tank and found that the pull chain had come undone. The chain reattached, I pushed again. Water rushed into the bowl, and the liquid butt fudge began to rise. Sheer panic ripped through my heart as I contemplated having to mop old stagnant shit off the floor. The slurry came level with the rim of the bowl when suddenly I heard a glop glop. Air from the pipes escaped, and slowly, the sewage oozed down the toilet drain and away from the rim of the bowl.
One crisis averted, I decided to start on the sink while the toilet’s tank refilled. It was going to take two or three more flushes to get it all down. I began scrubbing and wiping, letting myself get lost in my own head as I performed the familiar task. After about five minutes of ferocious cleaning, a sound cut into my consciousness—a heavy sort of breathing. I looked up and caught in the mirror a form filling the doorway. I jumped and spun around to face The Thing.
I hastily babbled
OP: Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. You scared me. Hi, I’m TwatWaffle, I’m here with Local Cleaning Company. Did you need to use this bathroom? I’ll be done shortly if you can wait.
The Thing stood silently, his mass filling the doorway. A light grey shirt with dark stains under each arm struggled and failed to contain the bulk of his abdomen. I could almost hear the cries of agony from the threads of fabric that made up his tortured navy sweatpants, which were being stretched to their limit. The flesh was so abundant on his face that it rendered it almost featureless. Angry red pimples dappled the entire landscape of his skin.
OP: I can step out now, if you can’t wait.
The Thing just stood there, staring. By this time, I had huffed enough bleach that the bathroom smells were bearable. But The Thing’s body odor had Billy Cosby-ed my defenses and was having its way with my piriform cortex. As nonchalantly as possible, I brought my bleached, soaked rag up to my face, like wiping sweat from my brow, and took another whiff of bleach. We stood just staring at each other for a long, awkward minute.
OP: Okay… Well, if you need the bathroom, let me know.
I turned and went back to cleaning. I flushed the toilet for a third time. Now, the toilet water was just cloudy with sediment. I scrubbed at the left-over streaks that had crusted and clung to the bowl. A fourth and final flush had the toilet looking as good as it was ever going to look again.
I might have been looking at this disgusting commode, but all my attention was on the figure lurking in the doorway. As I got on my knees, intent on cleaning up the thick, viscous yellow puddles, I heard The Things breathing increase and then fade. I dared a glance over my shoulder; The Thing was gone.
Finished with the toilet, I turned my attention to the shower. A glance at the drain revealed that, to Ramtides's query, The Thing was a waffle stomper. Clearly, with the toilet out of commission, The Thing had been using the shower to relieve themself. Hair was also sprinkled liberally over it all.
Giving myself a little pep talk.
OP: Okay, I’m almost done. I can do this. I’m almost finis-
Then, from the doorway, a voice gurgled
The Thing: Hello M’lady.
I whip around, slightly less startled this time but twice as confused. The Thing is talking? And it changed clothes? It now wore a black shirt and cargo shorts, which fit him only slightly better than his previous attire.
OP: Hi, Do you need the bathroom now? I’m pretty much finished; just need to wipe down the shower. I fixed the toilet, so it flushes now.
The Thing: Ahh, clever and beautiful. May I know M`lady’s name?
I was a little confused, considering I told him my name about fifteen minutes ago. But then I also struggle remembering names sometimes.
OP: I’m TwatWaffle, with Local Cleaning Company.
I noticed movement over The Things' shoulder, another shape in the dim hallway. And that is when everything clicked. I remembered seeing pictures lining the upstairs hall—pictures of a Mom, Dad, and two identical cherubic little boys—twins. This then was Thing2, and I had previously met Thing1. Dear god, basement-dwelling twin neckbeards.
Thing2: TwatWaffle, a lovely name for a lovely lady. M’lady, I need your assistance; I accidentally kicked my computer mouse under my bed. Neither I nor Thing1 can reach it. Perhaps M’lady would be willing to retrieve it.
OP: I’m not supposed to do anything that’s not on our cleaning order.
Thing2: But I’m not asking you to clean anything. I’m simply requesting that you do something for me as a favor. Surely, helping your client reach something isn’t against your rules. It’ll only take you a minute.
OP: I guess not, just let me spray down the shower and then I’ll help you.
Thing2: Excellent…
Thing2 lumbered back to their room. Thing1 stood for a moment longer in the hallway, staring before waddling after its brother. I finish up the shower, gathered the trash and used cleaning wipes, and put my supplies back in the caddy. I unscrew the bleach bottle one more time and inhale the fumes before walking to the next room and entering The Things’ nest.
What hit me first this time was a sweaty, musty smell, underlined by a salty, stale smegma. Then, as I stepped forward, the unmistakable stank of rotting food came edged in, joining the bukaki of smells in my nose. This room was also narrow and long. On the right and left sides against the wall were desks, each had two large monitors. LED gamer lights were hung on the wall, but the thick layer of dust that coated everything in the room dimmed their rainbow-light pattern. The only other lighting in the room came from a narrow window set high up in the wall and the glow from the monitors.
But scant light clearly illuminated dishes, pizza boxes, cans, and assorted bottles filled with suspicious liquids that lay in heaps around the desks. Stray bits of trash were scattered everywhere else. Beneath my feet was brown-crusted flooring that might have once resembled a carpet. On the back wall were two full beds set end to end. Thing2 sat on the right bed, and Thing1 sat in a chair, staring at something on one of the monitors.
Thing2: Here M’lday, it’s under my bed.
Holding my breath, I walked forward, knelt on the hard, stiff carpet, and peered under the bed. The mouse lay right there at the edge. Surely, Thing2 could have reached that far himself? I picked it up and held the mouse out to him.
Thing2: Thank you. You’re so kind and helpful. Perhaps you can sit with me for a moment and talk. It’s so rare that I get to meet such a beautiful lady.
OP: You’re welcome, but I have to go. Shirley and Laverne are waiting for me, and we have more work to do.
I turned to walk away when I felt something I will never forget. A pudgy, soft, and clammy hand gripped my wrist. It was so soft, like a baby's hand that had been enlarged. I’d never felt someone's hand before or since that was so fleshy and uncalloused. Sometimes, as I fall asleep, I feel that hand gripping my wrist again.
I froze and looked at this monstrous beast that grasped me. His fleshy acne riddle face smirked back at me in the dimness. I heard a groan and creaking metal as Thing1 exited his chair and stood behind me. Fear now engulfed me to my bones. I had been too distracted by the disgusting state of everything to consider Thing2 might have ill intentions. Or maybe I had inhaled enough fumes from cleaning supplies to cloud my judgment.
Thing1 took a step toward us as Thing2 began pulling me towards him. I braced myself, but the floor was slick, and I slid closer to Thing2. I wanted to scream, I wanted to say something, but fear had gripped my throat as hard as Thing2 gripped my arm.
Shirley: TwattWaffle! TwatWaffle! Where the hell are you, girl?
Shirley called from the hallway. Her raspy smoker's voice sounded like an angel's call to me, and her call gave me the strength to finally speak.
OP: Shirley! I’m over here!
Thing1 plopped back into his chair, and Thing2, startled by the sound of another person, loosened his grip enough that I could yank myself free. I picked up my cleaning caddy and ran from the room as Shirley’s head peaked around the door.
Shirley: Come on, lazy girl. We’ve been done for ten minutes already. You’re making us late. I’ve told you; you've got to go faster, girl.
OP: Yes, ma’am, sorry.
Back upstairs, I shakily helped load all our cleaning things back into the van, and we left. A week later, I quit and found better employment. Before that day, I had been rather naive, but I would never allow myself to get into another situation like that again.
I know my story is short and neckbeard-light, but I hope you found some entertainment in it anyway. Reddx, if you read this, thank you! And if you don’t, thank you for the hours of entertainment you’ve given me.
submitted by TwatWaffleWhitney to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:16 TrueMight My Dys-Dain for profiteers of pseudo-scientific trash

I somewhat like pharmaceuticals! It's a very interesting and inviting proposal to give in to urges of viewing the body through a totally reductionist lens, just another bit of machinery that we can tweak and manage, that we can manipulate at our whim, make it serve us in the way we feel is gratifying right now. Not the way biological and environmental pressures determiner how it should react.
Unlike the biologically constrained view, this viewpoint is fun, because it feels empowering! It enables the delusion that we actually have even the slightest fucking idea what is going on in the brain and what we are doing. Now, we are creatures of habit, and that is because our body is so dead set on returning to homeostasis and is really good at it. But we are not a kitchen appliance. We don't have 5 dials and 3 buttons. The amount of cross-interactions and ways shit could possibly go wrong randomly is unimaginable.
SSRIs. SNRIs. Antidepressants in general. They hailed in the waves of Depression diagnoses - in that temporal relationship. And I believe causal. We've been handing them out for so many decades now, yet that the production site of Serotonin was located in the gut, that was something we only found Out in the last decade. Look at our antipsychotic medication, our line of defense against psychosis - just fucking block dopamine I guess. Yeah you feel miserable as fuck with your Mesolymbic system blocked - have some antidepressants with them maybe? Why not go for Venlafaxine. Cause that ones fucking easy to get off of and certainly isn't a massive disruptor.
Blocking Dopamines effects; That's our BEST swing at schizophrenia, after a century. Yet.. everyone is under the impression we already have this figured out apparently. Really? Did I miss the Party?
It I recall correctly, psychotic states can have a plethora of causes, and it's often difficult to find any substantial reasoning as to why they wouldn't be considered to be 'hallucinating stimuli that aren't present in material reality'. Let's look at BPD: Borderliners are permanently parapsychotic, meaning their reality testing is impaired constantly, and they like to lose that grip entirely in a state of what is essentially a right hemisphere mini-stroke. They will start confabulating nonsensical, illogical, contradictory and straight up just untrue garbage ad infinitum, no matter how much evidence they are presented to the contrary - they will make it fit in, and they really believe in it, it doesn't vanish afterwards. Do we give those people anti-psychotics? Why not?
When are you clinically depressed because of an imbalance, versus should get your fucking life in order? When is it a disorder that impairs your social life, versus you refusing to leave your god damn basement?
Maybe we should feel a bit bad about ourselves sometimes. No, I'm not saying it anyone should be left unhelped or should "man up". Maybe a pill is NOT gonna solve our horrible hygiene, or lack of interests. Maybe reviewing our life without self-deceiving might do the trick. Maybe not. Even if it's the capsule, you know the drill, only effective after a few weeks of daily intake (and we don't know why it exactly works either lol). It seems weird for human physiology to just have completely, utterly and collectively shat the bed in such a brutal manner, affecting so many people simultaneously, with such growing number within decades, if at all.
To go on a tangent, have you ever played a PC game and used cheat engine? There's values you can search for and change within the rapid access memory that your PC has allocated somewhere for whatever memory the game is actively constantly using. There's a lot of games where you could find the value of the level you have in some skill and change that - yet nothing happens. Actually, the number you changed is only a display number for the player, so besides being informative for you it serves no function. So it has to be some other value, maybe an XP counter which just starts at 0 and goes up to 99999999, or maybe that one is dependent on others as well. Maybe it's randomized at every playthrough which combination of values determines it? We certainly know changing the displayed number doesn't really do that much. Actually it might be counterproductive if you think you're higher in that skill than you really are, put less effort into leveling it.. That's what Antidepressants were to me.
Now, higher Serotonin concentrations are clearly correlated with higher levels of.. Well that depends what you're searching for, doesn't it. You can just take the easy route and say "Happyness". Huh. What the fuck does that mean? Because you could also say the funni peterson lobster thing, that it's got a very strongly correlation with the hierarchical status, which would also not be wrong. So the translation for humans seems to be the "socioeconomic dominance hierarchy", heard that one before. Well that's another very simple, easy, onedimensiomal concept to unpack, isn't it. So does that disqualify me if I don't score high here ? It doesn't seem to, I feel pretty good. Oh - correlation, NOT causation. True, just a thing we happened to observe.
Such statements and observations only maybe might make sense and be of limited use if they are used to make inferences about each other, maybe arrive at a sudden absence of correlation between relationships, but only so long as they are using using identical definitions and rulesets as their playground boundaries.
So what are these boundaries, who sets them? First, lets look at real science.
With formal sciences, we adhere to laws of the fabric of space and time, and we test for ideas, hypotheses if you might, in a way that tries to actually show we're wrong, in order to find the least wrong, least unnecessarily complex theory, that can nonetheless give us reliable capability to predict future events, allowing us to plan and strategize. You try to prove you're wrong because you can't prove anything als definitely right by "Always" being correct. What does Always mean? The next trillion tests? Until the end of the universe? Alright, see you then. It can be correct any number of times - if it fails a SINGLE time to be applicable, or completely misses the mark with a prediction it makes about the future, it needs to be revised or replaced.
Now, join the imaginary realm of arbitration and conjecture. The social 'sciences'. We have merely an imaginary and conceptualized space, it's constraints and the it's contents and what that space deems to be in the range of normalcy.. Range of normalcy...
I guess we do that by what we agree is normal? Or what we're like on average? Kinda hard to find a measurement that takes everything into account. Oh right, we are stupid and gullible.
Psychological & Psychiatric associations and doctors determine what's normal, correct and right. Based on what THEY determine scientifically as normal or abnormal. Follow the science. Today you're a junkie tweaker on meth, tomorrow you might be a performance-enhanced enjoyer of hedonistic short-term pleasure. Doctors know best. If they say you need Adderall, you're not a speed addict with a dependency - you're receiving medication for your attention deficit disorder. Today you have Gaming Disorder, tomorrow it might go up to a HAZARDOUS gaming disorder (sadly not making this up).
But back to this experimental space. One of 'knowledge' - that has as 0 external validity. Whatever is posited or discovered within this conjecture, its gotta be a result of working inside that conjecture and it's rules. That means we have to accept the premises required as existing at least, and the rules wholesale.. Because otherwise we never would've been able to discover anything about that space, it would've been a different space, one that you don't have anyone to discuss anything with. So we have a hypothetical space, and it's boundaries must be accepted as existent, if not true, if we are to work with it. But we can prove the premises and true afterwards for the ones coming later?
No, they cannot help to prove themselves, are just accepted upon. But we always need a framework to guide us. Otherwise, there is nothing to find out, because you can do nothing inside of nothing. If there are no bounds or limits to a space, then you have failed to define a space. If you define a space, then you can differentiate between what content is contained in it, and what is outside of its confines.
You change the frame, you automatically change the space, you reframed. New things might be included, others disappear, others have to be revisited (like malignant self love, narcissism revisited) and refined, with whatever had to be changed for any number of reasons, rarely ones of health. Because honestly, all in all there's only few major psychoactive substance classes, and those dictate the approaches, obiously. And that's my entire point with this. We have to use conceptual frameworks and systems, yet people seem to think that just because it's been designated, it therefore has any physical manifestation in reality.
They have NO, and absolutely cannot ever have ANY truth-value, absolutely nothing that would allow them to ever enter the methodological realm of hard truths. They have no intrinsic value that would ever qualify them to be be user for confident inferences, deductions, statistics or anything constituting true scientific theory. This is important to know.
People that are psychotic just, in waves reporting they see Santa Claus, that wouldn't be put in as a comorbidity, right? Science doesn't work like that.. Right? Right guys? We don't try to just immediately integrate any behaviors that pop up outside of a more and more narrow definition of normal, with a more and more broad definition of mental illness, and begin to call these people sick and suffering from "pathology", right? We're a.. science?
If you set up deductive hypotheses and formulate tjem in a manner that positivistically attempts confirm what it's maker has already observed / desired on as a recurring or noteworthy phenomenon, like a distinct characteristic of a mental illness, it's already been established as a prototype, and he WILL find what he wants. And it's nonreplicable too. A lot of people behave a certain way. And it's similar enough that we thought we might give it it's own label to better treat it. That's the only reason something gets it's own label. We the distinction we made between X and Y was made possible not because Y was always there, waiting to emerge. It's because we added it.
Only need enough same-ish results in that group, and voila: Have 'Gender Dysphoria'. And before I get beaten to death, it's because it's the most twisted example. This is no stance of valuation. But there was no reason that 'body dysmorphia' could not encompass this phenomenon - but when enough people appear, then yeah. It becomes somewhat necessary, they have so similar disturbances in identity, and perception. Well, and the perception part is not what it used to mean, the patient misperceiving and such. Reframed that, cause that insinuates delusion. And nobody wants to be delusional. Weirdly accommodating, I wonder why?
Contagion? Absolutely possible according to their studies, denied for ages, by all psychological metrics confirmed beyond doubt not too long ago (not specific to this matter).
But.. from a profit oriented perspective, the prospect of these people.. The treatment is gonna be lifelong with a lifelong hormone therapy.. and whatnot because they are fixing an issue of identity with purely sexuality, so antidepressants and a BPD diagnosis are also for the taking.. and oh man the surgeries are treasure trovee no matter how they go.. in fact the less effective they are, the more dependent on the sector the person becomes.. Meaning more. Fucking. MONEY.
Fuck it, get the gears turning boys, we gotta get the news out, and weaponized Compassion (previously: enabling) is the tool again, as always. Its a distinct clinical entity, they are born in the wrong body, which is one hell of a claim in general, but alright. And this is everyone that's diagnosed. They wouldn't be diagnosed if they didn't have it. How does one get diagnosed you ask?
You're unhappy in general, anxious about socializing in some way, and have this deep feeling of being uncomfortable in your body but in a certain way. A conviction that you have an incongruence of gender assigned at birth. A strong belief that you always had.
Anybody can claim that conviction. That's not a marker. If that's ALL you diagnose with, at the end of the day "No you don't." is not really something you are able to say to one person while treating the other.
If both are completely convinced and made up their mind, they will probably display the same behavior too. You can never truly distinguish, because your category has no criteria that can't be emulated, there is nothing to distinguish with - just personal opinion. And because the person wears a lab coat and has seen similar people as well as studied for a time, their opinion is no longer personal, but professional - thus becoming gospel and truer? At least that's how it feels like the diagnosis is talked about. Ignorant to a simple fact: a true deep conviction can look identical to, a self-deceptive delusional state that persists. And whether it is a construction worker that does the judging or the white coat glasses man, fundamentally they both have to say yes to both these cases, if going purely by the psychiatric criteria by the book - provided they truly did forego personal opinion. That is the case for every inner conviction of course. Yet there is no other conviction-based purely mental ailment for that we would consider cutting someone up and readjusting them, while having no proof at all of actual efficacy, making a probably already anxious and possibly traumatized person go through a traumatic surgery that has no recourse. That's not help, that's preying on the vulnerable. And in the most twisted way imaginable, because its not only permanently altering the body of someone, whom I would argue has slightly reduced ability to consent due to warped perception; it also weaponizes their identity disturbance and loyalty to group identity LGBTQ+, an often toxic replacement for peers and family, drawn towards because they doesn't question anything except dissent in their ranks, encouraging narcissistic shared victimhood, rendering outside world a constant threat. And these people suffer so much, and I agree, but because it's affirmative care, only a fucking monster would ever object to the wishes of the suffering person; worst of all denying or discouraging the helping hands of the surgeons, endocrinologists and psychiatrists - they are your friends. Your best friends. They do science. Just let yourself get cared for. And as early as possible. I don't know man, we've been going for a while with these surgeries yet we are severely lacking in even these shitty studies that would give a clue of at least a unrealistic clue because of environmental pressures or reactivity etc.. People just get lost post surgery and especially the ones that went through with it before puberty keep not being checked up on.
Unlucky, guess it's just luck of the draw that nobody cares about whether THIS very tempered measure for a mental state that seems to sometimes subside or be tied to trauma is actually an effective treatment, you know in improving lives. I mean they gave all this affirming care these friends of us, so everyone should affirm, so better shut the fuck up. And no you're not getting funding for long term follow-up studies, actually if you try, we'll make it as hard as possible to follow up on these people by not changing their records appropriately for them to be found. I think 12 without parental approval would be a good starting age?
This is the most extreme example, but you can apply this to so many conditions and treatments. This shit is totally circular. It's begging the question. Everyone loves it because it is so awesome. It's terrible how people might not love it, so therefore we should act against such people, right?
In a perversion of science so disgusting it needs a name of its own, Psychiatry is a disgrace, and we throw Neuroscientific and Biomedical observations into the same pot with a questionnaire about 'what you feel like?' and 'how intense from 1 to 10 would you rate it?'
Depends on the context. Maybe my 5 is a hellish nightmare for others. Maybe everyone actually feels way shittier by default than it seems. Maybe seeing people happy online nonstop makes me feel like I should be happier, so simultaneously I become less happy and I would rate my happiness as lower. Sounds like a reasonable measure to me. Very Accurate too.
So now, we find out how we can get SSRIs approved and distributed uhhhmmm I mean, find out what might be wrong and how we could treat it. This melancholy of yours uhhh I mean Major Depressive Disorder you pathologically suffer from.
Olay so fuck it, it keeps in Serotonin, let's get a "measurement of the number of instances of neurotransmitter x in synaptic cleft y" in there. A physically existing amount of a defined thing in an area at a time; which therefore, given our tool of measurement has 100% precision, would have to yield as it's value a single, natural number, with a truth value of absolute for at that exact instance of designated spacetime. That is very important, because it very clearly prevents the possibility of any other value that isn't identical to have been ALSO true at the same time, so it is falsifiable. Or rather, it was - that instance is gone, the measurement cannot be replicated, we could make reading mistakes, but we could demonstrate that multiple measurements reliably deliver quantities that are inside of a possible range. Convenient for us if we maybe aren't entirely honest. Now we did the SCIENCE THING. We got a fucking NUMBER man. That sexy, empirical, numerical value, gained by observing material reality and measuring for a quantitative value. Let's get a few more of those measurements.
Now get your lab coats ready again guys:
We take those numbers.. And we start to just aggressively smash, beat, and contort them in whichever way necessary, so that they can 'support the findings' and neatly 'fit into the presumption' of whatever bias-riddled, pseudo-scientific theory we are trying to posit. Graphs are good - just numbers, statistics, math, anything to make it look formal. We do the research on this, so we are the experts, so we declare us the authority to distinguish between expert and lunatic. on this. Also since our research is science, it has to follow good lab practice. That only costs you a few dozen million to accommodate. Nothing a cooperative partner can't pay.. provided you're doing the right kind of studies.
Also, for the last time guys, follow the science, okay? You might claim that we just see and name behaviors that are abmormal, same-ish and cause discomfort, then might claim that studying whether the people we put in the study because they exhibit that abnormal behavior we grouped are suffering from the label we gave that abnormal pattern (they are, it's bad) is a bit pointless - but trust us, we're always like "Wooooow, the result was exactly what we expected! The descriptions fit like a glove!". We may be unable to make reliable, statistically relevant predictions about the behavior of even 1 person, not even for a few minutes - but rest assured, our statistics are all corrected for, any environmental or external variables or reactivity, and I mean it's 10 people, how much more do you need, 50? Remember, we don't pathologize, we treat and care with methods, like sending you to these people that, you know uhm, talk, and all that kind of shit.. Anyway, lifelong pharmacological and/or surgical interventions are often necessary.
You say 0 truth value again - we say take your medicine patient, cause you're starting to look preeeeettttyyy Antisocial. You got some sort of conduct disorder huh.. guess a callous unemotional type.. not showing any emotional correlate. Hello? Is he just playing dead?
Okay. That's it. He has ODD, it's obvious. That's clearly a case of the oppositional defiant disorder. Do we have a med for that? Mmmhmm ... yeah... okay alright thanks.
How about some Venlafaxine?
submitted by TrueMight to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:27 Purple-Assignment-72 I'm here to apologize

A few weeks ago I made an extremist post on Reddit which had absurd exclamations like "since I'm a half Jew I have an ability in which it is not morally incorrect for me to give an antisemitic statement in regards to the Jewish question". It was in regards to the conflict in the middle east. I said a bunch of things in the post that could come off as hurtful. I'm residing in a halfway house to treat drug addiction. A few days after I made the post there came a new client into the program I'm in, and she's Jewish. It was ironic because it was actually through the scenes that I encountered thanks to drug use that sparked the antisemitism in me (i moved to Texas, meth and Texas coincides with white power movements); but here was this girl who was also a Jewish homeless drug addict. Mind you, the only Jew I really was ever around was my dad and he stopped practicing before I was born. Therefore my experience with Jewish people was limited and therefore biased (I had a terrible relationship with my dad). Meeting this girl made realize not only how stupid the ideology I carried was, but also how much of life is absurd. Anyhow, there was a comment on the post that said that I would now never be claimed as a part of the tribe. I'd be lying if I said that comment didn't feel like a dagger. I grew up in a family in which my dad cut off his family and culture so I never experienced it, and my mom's family lives a thousand miles away. I always felt sort of out of place because of this. I couldn't fit in with anyone. I lowkey wanted for a while to experience Judaism. That comment makes me feel like I can't do that. It's not even that i have the desire to full out participate in the religion, it's that I feel like half of me is completely discredited not only by antisemitism but also by the Jewish people. I guess I'll keep on reading Kabbalah tho, that way I can at least find a way to appreciate my ethnicity.
Edit: thanks y'all. I'm still processing these comments I think i might be too stupid to understand bleh
submitted by Purple-Assignment-72 to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:47 Numerous-Depth362 No business pulling a trailor!

I don't know if this is just a summer thing here in Ohio, or if this happens everywhere all the time. So the past 2 days in a row I've been on my way home from work I've got stuck behind a vehicle pulling a trailor. I don't so much mind this as long as it is safe to follow. Yesterday it was one full of brush and big ass cut logs just rolling around with nothing holding them on the trailor or securing them. Nothing to keep them from just rolling right out of the back of the thing. Today it was one with propane tanks just loose and rolling from one side to the other. Maybe I'm over reacting but it seems really unsafe. There is a huge scrap metal recycle place I have to pass and I seem to get behind a lot of them. I would say a good 6/10 don't have any brake lights, and at least 5/10 have the baldest tires I've ever seen. I'm all for working and making a few extra bucks doing extra work hauling something and have used a trailor on many occasions to move cars and to move in general but was always concerned for others and followed safety guidelines and the rules. I just don't understand how some of these motorists get away with blatant disregard for safety. I suppose for them getting to the meth or heroin dealers house is more important than the propane tanks or tree branches falling out of the back of your shit potentially killing people. SMFH
submitted by Numerous-Depth362 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:27 furno472 Boomer hard of hearing decides best solution is to just talk louder.

I saw a similar story here earlier, so I wanted to share my bommer experience from yesterday.
I (25M) work at sandwich/ice cream shop, they're technically two stores given separate registrers but i work on both sides either way. Yesterday, I'm in the back slicing turkey for the sandwich side, little mundane but previous experience using a meat slicer is part of how I got this job so I don't mind. The lunch rush kicks in and I get called up to help with the crowd, must've been 5 people in line. After helping one older woman who I'll note wanted a cheese steak sandwich but just the meat and cheese (so without everything that would make it a cheese steak since we technically use roast beef.) I get to help the boomer of this story.
Late 70's early 80's, Caucasian male, looked like if doc brown from back to the future openly did meth for 6 years.
Apparently before I came up front he hobbled in and went straight to the sandwich side, pushing past everyone including a person mid order to try and get a sandwich, he was told to wait and so he hobbled away, this medium sized suitcase with wheels in tow, as if he was using it like a walking cane. I go up to the spot he was at along the counter and ask what I can get him, with slured words he answered: large chicken sandwich, choose cheese, choose veggies, add salt.
It's not a complicated order, we rarely get told to put our choice of cheese or veggies but I don't mind, I do however ask what type of bread he wants. And he stares at me as if I wasn't even there, five seconds go by and he repeats himself, it does clarify he wants salt added to it which I wasn't sure because again, he was sluring his words, but I ask again for the bread he wants.
This man looks at me and says "sorry I'm hard of hearing."
I ask him again with a slightly louder voice, he decides to match my volume and repeat himself.
We go back and forth for maybe two minutes, apparently his answer to him being hard of hearing is to get aggressively louder each time he repeats himself, any louder from either of us, it would have turned into a full blown shouting match, the people behind him even tried telling him what my question was and he didn't even register they were speaking. We have a little chart of all the bread options we have so I literally grab it and while repeating my question pointed to the pictures of the bread trying to indicate what I'm asking him, he just loudly repeats himself as if he was somehow also blind (he did cut through a bunch of people so it's possible) it took both me and the customer behind him who at this point came to his side to try and help him understand the question, which I guess he did because he loudly proclaimed "I DON'T CARE!! LARGE CHICKEN SANDWICH, CHOOSE CHEESE, CHOOSE VEGGIES, ADD SALT!!" Yelling at us as if we weren't understanding a single word he said.
'Screw it' I say to myself, if that's his order I'll give it to him. So I gave him his exact order, no deviations, large chicken sandwich, (on Parmesan) choose cheese (comes with cheddar by default) choose veggies (we also have a default list of veggies that come included) add salt. No other dressings or veggies, he didn't ask so I didn't ad it. He did manage to mumble out (Not yell at me) that he wanted a large soda. I asked if he wanted it for here or to go, and he shoves his credit card in my face, I just throw it in a bag and ring him out, its tap so I rush the process after pointing to where to put the card, lord forbid I try to explain what to do if he can't even hear the voice of someone 2 feet away, I skip the pages on the screen for tips and receipts and send him on his way. His way being sitting at a table in the lobby to eat his sandwich. I'm mostly annoyed if anything by this point and my manager sends me on a break shortly after since she was helping customers at the time and witnessed the entire interaction.
So I just sat in the back for ten minutes, eating a bag of expired potato chips, making a mental note to make this exact post sometime. I'm not always bugged by customers like that, but whoever lost their grandpa needs to pick him up because he should not be left unattended based on how little hearing he seems to have.
submitted by furno472 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:27 beaten_not_defeated Lessons Learned for divorcing a PIMI (USA) - AMA

tldr: IANAL, but you should get a lawyer
Background is I separated from a PIMI a few years ago right after I went POMO, with the separation moving to full divorce about a year later. I see a lot of questions and comments about it on this sub, so I thought I'd drop my notes and have a thread for others to add. This is gonna be long and purely based on the experience of myself and a few others who I've discussed this with. I am not a lawyer! Please seek your own legal representation.
No matter how good your relationship with your spouse was before, it's probable the PIMI now sees you as the enemy esp if divorce is on the table. This means you are one of the few people it's ok to lie to and take advantage of. They may even think that screwing you over is a good thing. Be cautious as a serpent 😛
Mediation vs. lawyers
Mediation is designed to get you through it all quickly and cheaply. If you have virtually no assets and no kids mediation may work. If you have ANY assets or children, I would advise against this. A divorce lawyer will advocate for YOUR interests and not just getting it done fast. It will cost more up front and take longer, but IMHO, it's a sound investment if it saves you pain, stress, or later court costs. I chose mediation and it cost me A LOT MORE to get things fixed that could have been ironed out by us each having our own lawyers up front.
I also felt super guilty for leaving my kids, and gave in on a lot to try to be the nice guy. I was also in full mental chaos of waking up at the point. The fact that you saw through the borg and your spouse hasn't doesn't make you the bad guy and doesn't mean you need to compensate or anything. This is your life (and your kids lives if you have them). Fight to maximize that.
General stuff
Be specific with dates and criteria. If the deal is you are selling the house and splitting money, put a date on when it must be sold by with parameters for approving a deal. For example, the house must be sold within 90 days and the first serious offer within 10% of appraised value will be accepted. You don't want to have to negotiate this stuff after a divorce unless you somehow end up with a decent relationship with a PIMI as an apostate. A good lawyer will have standard language for this type of stuff that doesn't leave it open ended or to interpretation.
Most states have hard formulas for calculating how assets are broken up and in general it's pretty 50/50 unless you have a prenup. Can you imagine a JW with a prenup??? Anyway, In general add up all the assets and divide it in half. I gave up the house and kept the 401k as this was roughly equal in value at the time. Be careful with any concessions you make here as legally this is really pretty cut and dry so concessions really aren't needed or the norm. And even though the PIMI may say the end is coming any day, they will likely still be pretty concerned with how much cash and retirement money they come away with. Maybe Armageddon isn't so imminent after all?
Spousal Support (alimony)
Who pays and how long spousal support (alimony) lasts is also pretty standard. If you make more money, expect to pay and vice versa. They will go back a few years to see income, so if there is window washing off the books or similar that will not factor in to the courts decision. In general, the amount paid can be recalculated every few years if you want to go back through a lawyer to update who owes what at that time or if there is a significant change in circumstance (think massive unemployment, a pioneer getting a job). Some states have general time frames when you are supposed to recalculate, such as every 3 years. Most states have a formula for how much you pay - look for an online calculator for a ball park figure. Duration of payments is usually driven by how long you were together. If you've been married 10 years, payments will last 5 or something like that. When the time runs out, or the other paid person gets remarried, the payments end. Keep track of that date! Direct deposit is your friend.
Kids & Parenting
There's not a lot of divorce law precedent about JW & religion stuff out there as relates to kids. Even with the blood stuff, there's not much you can cite to get your kids pulled out of the cult. Religion is still pretty untouchable in USA family court so going after it will probably get you nowhere. You are going to be best served by approaching it like non-jw's do. Get your assets, maximize time with your kids, and get it signed by a court.
Courts will go for 'best interests of the children' which will argue for as much continuity and consistency as possible (which is actually in favor of the PIMI keeping them at meetings and stuff unfortunately). The court will be approaching this from a 'worldly' perspective of co-parenting and support of the children. While many divorces are acrimonious, most do not have the layer of one parent being seen as evil incarnate (apostate) and so its usual that most parents want to work together for the kids. Your JW ex may not be so collaborative. Discuss this with your lawyer to do your best to not get taken advantage of.
Most divorces involve shared decision making about health, education, etc. for children. It's not typical to have these things prescribed in a divorce, but if you don't want your kids dropped to home school or given essential oils for strep throat by the local congregation pyramid scheme (yes this is a bit unfair), get that stuff in writing in the divorce agreement.
In many cases, the PIMI spouse (and anyone in JW), will do their best to disparage you. Standard divorce agreements have non-disparagement clauses prohibiting each adult from saying bad things. In practice, this is fairly unenforceable as it's a 'he said she said' thing, and other family and congregation members can and will say anything they want. Based on that, the best defense on this is having time with your kids so they can see you are a good person, and the more time the better. Also, if you don't say bad things about your ex, but the ex does, you may end up looking better in your kids eyes. Or the kid may believe the JW narrative that you are evil - we all know the brainwashing works.
50/50 for time with the kids is increasingly the standard in most states for parenting time. It can be tough to do that if you work and your spouse doesn't. The time is also calculated based on where they sleep, or at least it was in my state. So if the kids are with you from 8AM to 10PM, but they sleep at the other house, the court sees that as time at the other house. Time with your kids is one thing they can't take back from you, so I would advocate that you do what you can to maximize that.
Child Support
Child support is then also calculated off of how much time they spend at each home (overnight) and based off of each income. So every other week would see 50/50 and child support would work off of income similar to alimony. However, lets say you do the every other weekend Fri-Sun thing. That's 52 nights a year which would be seen as an 85/15 split and the child support would work off of this.
For how much you owe or are owed in child support, there are calculators online, but YMMV and this will vary by state and circumstance. The courts want the kids to maintain a similar standard of living to pre-divorce. This isn't always realistic, but that's their goal anyway. In some states payments end when the child is 18, or 21, or moves out.
Expect your spouse to push for religion & holiday stuff to be included. I would recommend a clause that allows each parent to raise children with their own religious beliefs, practices, and holidays. It allows you flexibility later and doesn't tie anything to JW and is more standard from the 'worldly' perspective
Legal Custody
Joint legal custody is the standard which mean you and your ex-spouse would share decision making about school, medicine, all that. Sole custody means that whoever has sole custody doesn't have to consider what the other parent wants. Sole custody is usually only given when one parent gives it up or if the other parent is a TOTAL DISASTER - like meth on a corner disaster. If you want to be part of the kids lives at all, joint is probably all you will get unless the PIMI spouse wants nothing to do with the kids.
Moving out
If you leave a home without having documents in place with the court, your ex could spin this as abandonment and use that against you in getting an agreement (you're screwed). It sounds like hell, but I would not recommend moving out until a court has signed off on your agreement.
When the spouse ignores the divorce agreement or it gets difficult
The only thing you can really do here is take them back to court. If you can prove they are violating the agreement, they will get yelled at by the court, be ordered by the court that they have to adhere to things, and potentially get fined and/or have to pay your court costs. In extreme cases there's the possibility of jail time, but I have no idea of what that takes. The court may also decide you're being whiny and do nothing and you are stuck paying court & lawyer fees. Family courts see everything from the basic divorce of "50/50, lets stay friends and go to the kids baseball games together" to "both parents are strung out on meth and the kids are underfed and living in filth". Your situation may suck, but compared to others, the court may not care to intervene. Keep good records. Record phone calls if it's legal in your state. Save text messages. Take notes of in person interactions and conversations. Consider a co-parenting app if you have child schedules to coordinate.
Repeat disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but I've talked to mine too much, and this whole divorce thing is not something we are trained for as jw's. Please seek your own lawyer and good luck. Happy to try to answer questions based on my experience.
submitted by beaten_not_defeated to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:23 Cerebral_Kortix Saber Eats the World - A Short Story

I, John Grandorder, Humanity's Last Minimum Wage Employee, woke up at 3:00 AM, the crack of dawn, to a stray turnip aggressively shaking me out of slumber. Hungry, I attempted to bite into the turnip only for my incisors to shatter upon metal armour. The turnip revealed its true identity as my eggplant, having tricked me into believing it was a turnip for tax purposes.
"Senpai," said the eggplant occasionally named Mash, at other times named Ciel. "EMIYA is calling for you."
Roused, I flung off the covers and got out of bed before immediately collapsing into a heap on the ground as the bed looked like this and had moulded my spine overnight into a shape no spine ought to be - a perfect line art of Neco Arc.
Mash utilised her authority as Type Eggplant to restore my poor backbone, and I exited the room, immediately coming face to face with the Red Archer who had been waiting for me.
"Master," spoke the Archer, a look of deep discomfort on his GAR visage. "I need your help to deal with Artoria."
Looking at the sight, I was overcome with a cruel intent, not unlike that time I used a command spell to force Jalter to hand animate the entirety of Haruhi Suzumiya's Endless Eight. "Aww, want me to set up a date?" I teased the Gar man. Strangely, EMIYA only appeared to grow deeper troubled.
"No," he spoke firmly. "We have a serious problem, Master. You'll understand if you see it."
He began to escort me to the cafeteria? Along the way, I spotted Okita. I waved to her and she immediately collapsed from tuberculosis and died. We held a short funeral with some mourning before moving on as Nobunaga attempted to break into hell accompanied by Okita Alter who was trying to take Okita's place in death to escape unpaid overtime from Alaya.
On we went, me and EMIYA. We talked a little on the way. I discovered that his favourite singer was Billy Joel, his barber was in fact Gilgamesh who was actually a very serious barber, even putting aside his hate for the Faker to give him a good cut, and his favourite things to do were, in order of importance:
It was an enlightening experience.
We reached the cafeteria. EMIYA warned me to be careful and quiet and slowly slid open the door all the while telling me not to be frightened or stunned by what I saw. But there I saw it and no amount of bracing could have saved me. It was the horror EMIYA had called me for. Now, in my life, I had seen many horrendous sights. Goredolf without a shirt, Adult Waver in a catboy costume, the Castoria with no brim (traumatizing).
Yet this outdid them all.

Artoria Pendragon Saber eating.

She was not eating anything. She was eating everything. She was eating the food on her plate, the plate, the forks, the knives, the spoons, the table cloth on which it was served and the table upon which it was located, the carpet on which the table was situated, the floor boards upon which the carpet lay, the wall paper that the carpet reached up to and the walls themselves.
And there I made my crucial mistake. "Use a command seal to tell her to kill herself," EMIYA told me. But I was too disturbed to use that precious second and do as he asked.
And that cost me everything.
At that precise moment, a shadow appeared behind us. I did not react, and EMIYA, presumably occupied by the sorrow of watching Saber eat his cooking equipment, did not notice it.
And in an instant, EMIYA was gone. I blinked and there was simply nothing. I saw the source of the shadow and bore witness to Lartoria atop her horse, a stray scrap of red fabric in her mouth and the chewing sounds she made the only evidence my friend had ever existed.
I knew I had to act at once. I used a Command Seal to summon Mordred to kill the two Artorias.
No response.
Mordred had already been taken.
I immediately tried to summon Morgan. First Hassan. Tiamat. Kukulkan. Anyone I could think of who might beat the Sabers - all were gone.
I let out a wretched scream and ran for the exit while the Artorias were preoccupied with their meals. In the corner of my eye, I saw Salter running after Jalter like a bloodhound and Saber Lily cruelly smiling at me, revealing the vile tendencies I had long suspected of her to be true at last. My heart like a hummingbird heart on meth ordered to do aerobic exercises for the past seven hours, I ran still. I could not stop.
There they were, the Sabers. I saw Gilgamesh cry, begging me for help as Mysterious Heroine X pounced upon his back. I saw Summer Salter, Saber and Lartoria fight back Muramasa and back him into a corner. I saw Cù Chulainn die completely unrelatedly from slipping on a banana peel.
This was the end of times, as described in the Revelations. I knew it. I even saw Jesus punching a baby in the stomach, as he did in the book, and Draco finally summoned herself to Chaldea (though she was immediately atomised by Lasengle staff for appearing without spending Saint Quartz).
I saw my death approach. I was powerless to fight back. Lartoria Alter, Lalter stalked me down and chased me till I fell to my knees after tripping on an egg curiously shaped like Christopher Columbus. I looked up prepared for the end, but then she ceased to exist. Of course. Lalter isn't real. I savored my salvation.
Chaldea collapsed, its countless Servants cooked or cannibalised. I wondered the cause. The answer was simple.
Artoria had forgotten how to open a fridge. She saw that we had put her rations inside. She cried as the black box stood before her, impenetrable, unreachable, holding her only sustenance. In minutes, this perceived sin of ours would cause her to waste away into nothing. It had been a full two minutes since her last meal.
And so, the Sabers organised. Their ahoges were a communication network. We had already known that. Jalter worked as our spy into their circle. But we had underestimated their speed and intelligence. Salter had stolen Jalter's ahoge and replaced it with a fake in her sleep and they had mobilised far quicker than they should have.
And so they began their coup and with it, we came to now.
I huddled in a corner, wondering if Mash was okay. I supposed this was it. It was... an okay life. I thought upon my past.
Then, I heard a strange \shika-shika** sound above me. I looked up. There she was, Castoria, her mouth dripping with saliva, her eyes wide, emptying a salt shaker on my form. No longer did she see me, John Grandorder the person, but rather John Grandorder the very tasty meal she'd wanted to have since Lostbelt 6.
...or perhaps that's how she always viewed me. I had always suspected she has some deep maddened streak.
I was a tad miffed when I saw she even had a bib, a full set of cutlery and a portable table and chair. I suppose it was hygienic, but understandably, I was not especially appreciative of that on account of being salted because EVERYONE KNOWS THAT I AM MEANT TO BE EATEN UNSEASONED! YOU ARE RUINING THE FLAVOUR, CASTORIA!
Ahem I was also infuriated that my good friend would immediately murder me without hesitation because she was hungry.
But the both of us were interrupted.
Castoria and I were startled as we heard a loud crunching sound. We both forgot our fight and turned to the origin of the sound.
The ceiling was missing.
And through it, we could see the stars, the moon, the endless abyss of space.

...And a Planet-Sized Artoria Pendragon.

We both screamed as the Grand Artoria opened her mouth, ready to eat a world due to feeling ever so slightly peckish.


And that was the end of that.
Perhaps in the future to come in other timelines, people would question why life needed to end so in our Proper Human History. Our great PHH with tripolar schizophrenic witches, with autistic swords, with Nanaya Grindsets, with voyeuristic eggplants...
Perhaps the answer is that some things just happen. Destiny, I suppose you could call it. Fate even.

Fate/Grand Order

submitted by Cerebral_Kortix to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:08 Cicero1006 Most crazy Story about a toxic relationship you ever gonna hear. Trust me. Best case you give me legal Advice

Hello I have to share this crazy story for what happend to me during this year. Maybe get an advice from you. Sorry if my English is not the best.
I have matched a someone on Tinder, she looked like a pornstar, the body, the face, the tits everything. Like I never saw or met something like this. We write, I get her number like really fast. After saving the number, he whatapp profile picture is really sexual, instanly I thought she has something to do with porn or she is an escort. Either way I was not really interested to find that because I was not going to marry her anyways. I tried to meet her at the same day or the week, she said she is going to an other city and is going to be back in 2 weeks. One week later I see a whatsapp story of her, again really sexual and in the story you see that she is in the city. After Gym like 23 o clock I write to her, she asks for di*k pick and says the adress of an Airbnb apartment. She also said there is someone else there and they are doing a "party". I dont think too much about for me doing party is to hear music and maybe dance and drink. After coming she opens nearly naked only the sexually explicit parts are hidden. The body and face even better than on pictures. I come further I see a guy greeting me he was completely naked. Then she offers me some drug on the plate i thought its coca but it was mmc(I only later googled this stuff) and some liquid(later I found out its GHB). Her voice was strange and then it hit me, she was a transsexual and she said to me i have to fuck this guy now. I refused the drugs and fucking the guy because i came for her. Later on I accepted the drugs tried to seduce her, which I managed I took grabbed her neck pulled her face and kissed her, instantly she had en erection. Anyway she sends the guy away and we spend the night together. I leave in the morning.
On the same day she writes me, and tells me what a great time she had and wants to see me. I agree because the sex was extremely intense the best one i had until this point. Because of the Stimulants too of course. And yes guys you can call me Bisexual or whatever but I don't like men anyways on this day she calls me in in a brothel. I come to her we watch film, pizza, sex and she goes to sleep. Of course it was strange for me so I decided to leave the brothel after the sex. On the weekends we did stimulants and sex for hours and hours in the brothel she was not working for me, like after 2 weeks she was saying how much she loved me. I thought to myself ok lets abuse this situation getting the best sex I had out of her. This was going on for the next 2 months she gave me expensive gifts and everything i could manage my work, my friends her and the stimulants. Only difference is the use of stimulants increased to the point of 2 times a week.
Somewhere june last year she paid vacation to her home country, where she even introduced her to her mother. After coming back in all everything continued, on July I visited my family and on august she had some kind of a face operation on her face and was healing for a month in another country.
On September when we met again, in the brothel of course. She said she had to work, I accepted it because we had Sex on Stimulants and if client comes I wait in another room. At this point I had some kind of feelings of course but somehow it did not hurt me really. Most of the clients did also come to her to get dominated. One day she says she got some "Tina" I ask her what it is and she said Meth... I was shocked but high on other stimulants I did it with her. The sex got even better. I could not sleep after this shit for 3 days. Since this day to the stimulants was added meth, the combination was GHB, MMC, and Meth. She begin to change, she became really toxic on the drugs, i got angry because the sex was less and she expected me to wait with her. I was not accepting it that i wait, take the this cocktail of drugs and not have much sex. On october she "cheated" on me was pretty easy to find out because she called me in the brothel and I just asked him what happend, he was honest to me even though she said to him that he should lie about it. I say to her you can do that but you cant expect me to not have sex with someone else and I left. The whole week she was apologizing and told me that the only reason she "cheat" is because i never let her fuck me. Anyways we come back together again alot of toxic behaviour by her side then by mine, then sex. In november she flew away again to an other operation and was out for a month. I thought to myself its good point to end it because everything is gotten too much, I was losing controll. She cried and i was weak, so we did continue with the same pattern, but the drug use increased like 3 days a week of which none of this days we were sleeping because of the meth, also toxic with much drama. It was going on like until mid January where she left the city for vacation in her homecountry. I was distant trying to bring her to understand that we are killing ourselves and we cant continue this use of drugs and toxic behaviour and on top of that I lost the motivation and focus on my job. I was coming late and all this stuff.
On the begin of February she said im here and gave the adress of the airbnb. And again same shit like before did continue, it got even worse. But I always forgave the toxic behaviour because of the sex on drugs. I exchanged my principles for that. 2 Months ago I lost my job and did spend even more time with her, now we were awake for 4 days without sleep with 3 days sleeping. And it got REALLY TOXIC
I am ruining my life and made her clear it has to stop and she got toxic somehow when I was high she took numbers of my friends and my mother. She blackmailed me whenever I did not want to see her. Someday it was enough I said "do it then". Then she sends a video of me high to my friends where i was looking high(from monhts ago) and she writes to them: "im his ex girlfriend your friend needs help he is addicted please help him". We meet with friends I explain to them everything and that they should not believe everything. On this point i had to draw the line but i did not I still met her and accepted her apology. Like 2 weeks later the same thing happens but much much worse. I left in the morning high after staying up for 2 days and us not having even intimacy and she sends a video to my friends where i fist some guy. Yes I did really fist him and I am so ashamed of it looking back, and on the video u see I had no fun doing it. It was a client of her and she called me to fuck her infront of him and after that she did fist him and asked me if I can do it for her because I have bigger hand and the guy would like it. I did not hesitate about it propably because i was high. After she sends the video she tells to my friends "Your friend really needs help, im tired of people sending me these videos(she recorded it, and there are no other videos) where your friend have sex with men for little money to buy crystal meth" The whole thing was a lie. My friends call me and want to meet me the next day but they did not tell me what they saw but I understand how crazy this looks because IT IS. On the same day she calls me to her apologizing, sweet, kind again sex on all the stimulants and it was again extremly good. On the next day I leave because I had an appointment with friends she gets angry and sends something to them again... I meet the friends explain the best I could they say to me " You my friend are in a complete mess we help you but you have to cut contact".
Now I blocked everything, and she threatens me(per email) to send videos of me where I smoke pipe, the fisting one to my mother. If I not see her again, but she cant even apologize for what she did. I said to her You apologize to me, to my friends and you delete the files and numbers. Then maybe you will see me.
Should I go the police? Because she is blackmailing me, she already did a criminal act by sending the video with fisting and lying about that I prostitute myself for drugs. And I know her drug consume, I know where she gets, I know the days she is on drugs. I know that she offers drugs to clients. And she has always something even if she makes a "break" for sleep she still has enough for the next run.
submitted by Cicero1006 to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 crackfan666 Michael Cera School Shooting Movie Pitch from r/milliondollarextreme (2018)

Michael Cera is walking down the hall of his school when a school shooting starts...
He and some of his classmates find a room to hide in.
While they're all hiding, crouched behind desks (listening to the screams and gun shots outside), Cera sees a girl among them that he has a crush on, "hot girl #1",
She starts looking over in his direction.
She makes a hand motion for him to come over towards her.
So Michael Cera smiles nervously and starts moving over.
But then as he does, another hot girl (hot girl #2) crawls past him, and he realizes that it was actually HER that hot girl #1 was summoning.
They both glare at him as a result of seeing his mistake.
hot girl 1 (whispering): "ugh, GROSS! like i would EVER want to hide from a shooter with YOU!"
hot girl 2 (whispering): "um...AWK-waaaaarrrrrrrrrrrd...."
but then the shooter walks into their room and shoots the hot girls first. their heads explode.
the shooter kills everyone else in the classroom too, except michael cera.
the shooter instead walks over to michael cera, like a zombie.
michael cera just sits there like a dear (not a typo) in the headlights, screaming.
but then the shooter just shoots himself in the head instead.
the shooter's body falls onto michael cera, who is now too scared to even screem.
meanwhile, outside, the police department is hiding.
gay officer: "i don't want to go in there, sherriff. he has a GUN! what if he SHOT it at us!? it's TOO SCARY."
sherriff: "don't worry, we're not goin in. i got special orders..."
the sherriff then makes the "sshhh" gesture with his finger on his mouth.
but then michael cera comes out, holding the gun away from himself, like it's a used condom, when he finds the cops hiding behind a corner.
michael cera: "um, ...hello?"
gay officer screams bloody murder and bolts outta there.
sherriff (looking at Cera): "what the hell are you doin son?"
michael cera: "uh, i don't know what's going on. there was a shooter, he had this gun. please take it before it gets into the wrong hands."
sherriff (points his gun at Cera and cocks it): "i don't think so.."
michael cera: "...wait, what?"
but then the news cameras are on the scene, and they can see the two of them
so the sherriff lowers his weapon and says: "you're under arrest for the Maple Park School Shootingtm "
michael cera: "the what?"
sherriff puts cuffs on him and says: "it's what they're gonna call this event here today."
michael cera: "but i didn't... ok. fine."
michael cera goes to jail, pleading all the while that he didn't do anything.
he sees scary faces of big-ass gorilla-lookin niggas, in the jail cells that he passes by.
the guard tells him that his attourney will be with him soon, that he should try to just get a good nights sleep, cause he's gonna have a long day tomorrow.
we cut to a montage of news coverage of the shooting.
classmates that never actually met michael cera (don't even get his name right) are now on tv claiming that they did everything they could to make him feel accepted, but say that there was nothing they could do beceuse he was always just a twisted, fucked-up psycho.
these classmates also take this oppourtunity to plug their movie-review youtube channels, diy cooking instagrams, and celebrity-parody twitter accounts.
the next morning, michael cera is given a big bin of mail that he's recieved already, and is told that his lawyer is arriving now.
michael cera reads a letter from the bin while he waits.
we only see Cera's shocked reaction to the first letter, while his lawyer(played by Matthew Mcconahay) comes in.
lawyer: "hi there, Michael, I'm your lawyer Matt. Before we get started, is there any questions you might have?"
michael cera: "yeah, how am i getting mail for this already? this just happened yesterday..."
lawyer: "yeah, but it happened yesterday MORNING. so there was plenty of time for some people to see you on the news and write letters before the mail went out for the day. this is just the batch of letters that made the cutoff."
michael cera: "wow."
lawyer: "yeah. it's a lot. you'll get used to it."
michael cera: "uh, i noticed a lot of these are love letters. from girls. in fact it seems like all of them are."
lawyer: "right, well i wouldn't worry about that. i deal with a lot of mass shooting, terrorist attack, and serial killing cases. the accused man always get a whole forest's worth of letters from nubile young women begging for him to fertalize their ovaries and defile them in every concievable way. it's something to do with the primal effect of a man asserting dominance through a public violent act or something. Oh and by the way, under this state's laws, the accused are also given full access to conjucal visit privilages no matter the crime, so a lot of men like you have that option available when they feel inclined and they usually do. Anyway, if we can get started on where you were during the events of the crime scene, i can try to--"
but we see that michael cera is not listening anymore.
we cut to a montage of michael cera plowing one groupie after another, in a trailer, to the tune of Hallelujah played by leonard cohen.
we cut to a news clip, telling us that the case will soon go to trial.
we cut to michael cera meeting with his lawyer again.
lawyer: "michael, listen to me, we have all the evidence in the world that you're innocent. if you just give me permission to plead that way, we can get you off the hook!"
lawyer is rubbing his head like he has a headache, as a result of dealing with Cera. he opens up his bottle of asprin to get a quick pill for himself while he listens to Cera's response.
michael cera: "yeah, maybe. i just dunno..."
lawyer: "if you don't give me permission, then i'll just have to do it without your permission. i will not lose this case just because you're too scared to fight back!"
but just then, another lawyer (a Men-In-Black lookin chick), we'll call her "lawyer 2" steps in.
lawyer 2: "michael cera, i'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your lawyer, but I want to let you know that as your NEW lawyer, i-- oh shit, you're still here."
lawyer: "yeah I'm still here, what the hell are you talking about?"
lawyer 2: "oh, nevermind. i'll see myself out."
lawyer: "anyway, as i was saying..."
lawyer takes his pill, then starts foaming at the mouth, with some kind of chemical gas fumes spilling out, he then keels over.
lawyer 2 pops back in.
lawyer 2: "ok, you remember my shpeil from earlier, right? i don't have to repeat that?"
michael cera: "is he ok?"
lawyer 2: "no, i'm afraid it appears he's had a heart attack."
michael cera: "THAT'S what a heart attack looks like?!"
lawyer 2: "i know, it's not like in the movies at all, is it?
lawyer 2 pushes lawyer 1's body out of the seat so that she can sit there instead.
lawyer 2: Anywho, i've taken the time to look over your case and i must say it's not good news. i'm afraid we don't have much of a chance on this one, i'm gonna reccomend you plead guilty."
michael cera: "...oh...ok!
Michael cera now has tattoos on his face and body, and wears a doo rag.
he is now open about his phony role in shooting. He looks straight at us, the audience, and says "i don't give a CRAP anymore."
As a result, one day, he is in a conjucal visit trailer with a fan, and he tells her "before we get started, i just want to make sure if it's ok if we only do it in the missionary position? everything else feels too kinky for me", just like he always does, but the new girl ISN'T interested in fucking him at ALL.
She's an undercover reporter for Alex Jones' Infowars network. she wants info for their war on the official msm narrative about the shooting.
So he tells her that he's willing to testify the real story in court.
But time is running out. Fights are escalating in the prison, and it looks like they may soon turn into a full blown riot.
But then, once the undercover reporter leaves, some secret agents show up and introduce themselves to michael cera as Agent Zog (male) and Agent Henderson (female).
Agent Zog: "we can offer you protection. and in exchange, not only will you not testify, you'll give a new detailed confession with new motives added from this list so that the media can demonize people on the outside who have the same goals as your stated goals.
Agent Zog hands Cera the list.
Agent Zog: "just remember, if you refuse to cooperate, we can just have you eliminated.
michael cera: "wait.. so you guys really were behind the shooting?!
but just as they're talking the riot erupts into a full-on jail break.
while agent zog is distracted by this, michael cera grabs his gun from him and shoots him to death.
michael cera: "framing someone for murder ISN'T NICE!"
michael cera looks around for an escape. but agent henderson just saw him commit a brutally violent act...
agent henderson: "oh michael..." <3 <3 <3
henderson starts stripping off her clothes and chasing down michael cera.
michael cera: "aw geez, what the heck?"
agent henderson (buck naked): "take me now! i want your seed inside me!"
michael cera: "i don't have time for this!"
michael cera tries to keep moving, but agent henderson climbs on to him and ravages him.
michael cera: "ugh! FINE!"
meanwhile, in a helicopter above...
sniper: "wow. he's plowin' henderson."
agent 3: "nice"
agent 4: "yeah, not bad"
sniper: "tell me about it!"
agent 3: "you can take the shot now."
sniper takes the shot. michael cera's head explodes.
agent 3 (looking over to agent 4): "and uh, have someone send a car to pick up henderson, i guess."
agent 4: "roger, that's a wrap."
Directed by Stephen Speilberg.
submitted by crackfan666 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:01 WIFI_Darth_Maul Free My Deck Shutdown Notice

As I write this with tears in my eyes, I'm homeless...
But before I go into that, I'd like you all to get to know me as much as possible while retaining anonymity.
I lost my sense of self in 2019
My association with a toxic individual who shall not be named made me cold and cut off from this world
What was once an empath, full of love and joy slowly became a shallow shell of what was left of a human being. It was during this period that I began using hard drugs again to null the pain. Just to feel something...
During this time, I made connections with people whom I am not proud of. People I would have never had the balls to face if I was sober.
It was during this time that close friends, family, started cutting me off. Soon, I had no one. I had no one. Just me and my dope. 2020 came around, and two close friends died. I was devastated. One to s****** and the other to an overdose.
Then came the pandemic. My uncle, that I was very close with, died of covid. Then my grandmother (who raised me while my mom was tweaked on meth), then an aunt.
A month later, another close friend died in a bar fight. He had his head smashed in with a manhole cover in the parking lot...
I had always struggled with intestinal issues and rectal issues since the age of 4
I have never told this to anyone. Only my family knows, but I was molested by a childhood friend's father, which severely damaged my rectal cavity
Since then, along with my intestinal issues. I hadn't been able to have myself function digestively or from there...
My intestinal issues became gradually worse and worse throughout my life, and due to me numbing the pain with H, I hadn't kept up with how bad it had truly gotten
2021 comes around, and my gallbladder ruptures within me, which resulted in sepsis
Worst pain I had ever felt
After this procedure and multiple others, I could no longer function as I once used to. My life was never the same.
From what went from 30 mins in the restroom, went to 2 to 3 hrs... In constant pain, hemorrhaging, spasming, and more that I won't go into.
What little of a life that I had left felt taken from me even further
Late 2023 rolls around, and I meet someone, I see light at the end of the tunnel. I was happy for once. After all these years, after all that damage, I felt myself finally coming back out
The countless hrs spent in the restroom in pain every day has the bathroom wall inscribed on my eyes. I close my eyes and I see the walls. I sleep and I have nightmares of the walls and pain.
But it wasn't the end of the tunnel, just the beginning.
Anyways, what I am trying to make out of this nonsense is that no matter how hard you try in life, no matter how hard you try to fix yourself, you will only get shit on in the end.
This was my life from 2021 onwards
Trust fucking no one. You will only get hurt.
As for why I'm now homeless:
My mom had her credit linked to my own Affirm account without me knowing. I ordered a T Shirt printer and entered my phone number, and it got approved. (I used to have my own home screen printing business)
I told her that I got approved, and she started cussing at me, telling me to kms and saying that I "stole" from her.
(Which of course I didn't and tried to explain that I didn't know and that I already paid the down payment and the payments for the next 3 months and was going to pay the rest off by making shirts.)
She called the cops on me, and I was put on an EDO and was forced into a behavioral hospital. Then she found a CBD vape, not even THC, but CBD and said I brought "drugs" into the house, and that was it. She threw my stuff on the curb and threw me on the street...
I am physically disabled and can't hold a job or honestly even take care of myself...
And with rent prices these days, I couldn't even afford an apartment on a paycheck.
This isn't a boohoo me fest, I just want you all to understand.
The app will remain available for download but will no longer be maintained. And if my pc gets thrown out, the app will be gone for good.
I'm sorry
submitted by WIFI_Darth_Maul to SteamDeckPirates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:05 Wary-Trout My wife (25F) left our son and I (34M) for the fourth time, what do you think the course of action should be?

Hey everyone, my wife left our son and I just last night and this is the fourth time within the last 2 years (we've been married for 6 years). I don't really know where to begin but I guess I'll start from the beginning of when the issues started.
About 2 years ago my wife started to change, it was very subtle but she began to cut off people, including her own mother and siblings. She started to claim she was an independent woman and didn't need anyone as she began hanging out with her co-worker (female) often and showing up at home 5-6 hours after work (usually drunk). After I confronted her about not being there and causing me to do all of the housework after I got off of work she got defensive and left to stay the night at her co-workers house and showed back up two days later without even saying sorry.
On the second occurrence she just randomly started bringing up the past while we were talking about how life was going well and we could pay off our mortgage loan in two years. She started to break down out of nowhere and brought up her past and how she was raped at 13 years-old by her guidance councilor, how her mother and siblings abused her, and how she had nobody. I comforted her and she pushed me away and no matter what I said to calm things down she twisted everything I said to make it sound like I was attacking her. She then stormed off without even wearing shoes, or grabbing her phone and went to the ER at midnight. She came back three days later after staying at an old friends.
Afterwards she started counselling and got on medications and was diagnosed with CPTSD and bipolar depression.
On the third occurrence it was Christmas Eve and everything was going well (or so I thought) as it had been 5 months since her last episode and again, out of NOWHERE she started bringing up her past and said some awful things. She told me that she was a horrible wife and mother and that she was broken and not good enough to be with anyone. She went off on my mother who was present and when my mother asked what was going on my wife pushed her to the ground and stormed out the back door and ended up going to the ER again and was committed to a mental health center where she spent 5 days. She came back home afterwards and things went well for quite a while, until yesterday.
On this latest occurrence she came home drunk as hell (she rarely drinks) and was straight-up looking for a fight with me, she baited me into getting mad at her by verbally attacking me and twisted everything I said negatively and when she couldn't do that she just cried while telling me she was worthless and in all honesty, she had her mind set on leaving no matter what I did. She ended up leaving again to go to the ER and was committed yet again for about a week and when I called her after 3 days she said she was doing well and couldn't wait to come home and things seemed to be doing better.
Fast forward two days after she got out and she left AGAIN and blocked my number despite me doing nothing wrong and trying to be supportive.
I am not perfect by any means, I am too down to earth and lack ambition I guess you could say. I'm content with just being financially stable and providing a decent life for us and our son but my wife has always had very lofty goals. She wants to move to a different state and cut off everyone and has her mind set on acquiring a house well beyond our means and has hinted that she would go there on her own and leave our son and I behind if need be and that she didn't need us and could get whatever she wanted on her own.
The thing is, when I met my wife she was homeless and did ANYTHING it took to get by and hung around a lot of unsavory types because she just didn't care and lived day to day not caring what happened. She broke free from that life when she met me and was doing well for years until for some reason her past caught up to her. I blame a lot of what has happened on her getting back in contact with her old best friend who is heavily into meth who used to also be her old FWB. He is homeless and gets by through robbery and stealing and has been in jail a few times.
I feel like maybe I'm not street smart enough for my wife, there are many times where she tried to convince me to steal items or even hit her and I feel like I wasn't abusive enough for her to be happy (it doesn't make sense to me but that's all I can come up with). I feel like my wife enjoys the struggle of losing control while high, not knowing where she will sleep, not knowing where her next meal will come from, and in all honesty she has never cared about our son.
There are times when she'd just bend over naked in front of our son and ask me to have sex with her then and there for instance.
I have truly wanted this marriage to work but I feel like it's just pointless even bothering anymore. The first three times I was heartbroken but this time I just feel indifferent honestly. To the point that I feel so disillusioned that I could literally divorce her tommorow and get into a new relationship with somebody who is the polar opposite of my wife and not even miss a step or look back whatsoever.
When my wife introduced me to her mother early on in our relationship (before we got married obviously) her mother pulled me to the side and warned me that her daughter was a severe hypochondriac, I ignored it at the time but as each day passed I feel like this was the truth. There were many times when my wife was just experiencing a cold or was on her period and would whine constantly until I took her to the ER where we got nothing but a bill.
I can honestly say that my wife has been to the ER at least a dozen times in just the past two years and we've accumulated a lot of debt due to this which has led to getting loans and taking out more loans to pay off loans in an endless cycle where we went from financially secure to living paycheck to paycheck at best.
I'm not trying to sound insensitive by any means, I am just calling it as I see it and I feel like I was abused but worse yet... that our son was abused due to having to go through all of this and witness his mother in states he should never have to witness.
I guess that about covers things though, I would like to say I'm hurt over all of this but I'm not whatsoever. All of my sympathy/empathy for her ended after what I've been through while being with her. The sad thing is that without my wifes income and the amount of debt I now have there is no possible way that I can afford the house so I'm either moving back in with my parents or going to be homeless, at 34 years-old.... yeah...
If anything I'm just angry because I did everything right and it didn't matter because I never had a say in anything despite paying most of the bills, preparing 99% of meals, cleaning the house 99% of the time, taking our son to school 99% of the time, and pulling 99% of the weight in the relationship overall. All my wife ever did for me was provide sex often and spontaneously and when it comes to our son... she gave birth to him?
At least when my time comes decades from now I can die knowing I tried my best and I was a DAMN good father, better than even my own father who was excellent and raised my brother and I the best he could manage.
I honestly pity my wife because she is incapable of knowing love and just fakes it to make it when it comes to everything. I get that her past was rough but I feel as though she blew everything out of proportion and from her stories she told me through the years, she always had a thing for older guys and was masturbating multiple times a day from a young age and called me "daddy" during sex so I honestly just don't know what to believe anymore when it comes to her.
I know that she isn't genuine when it comes to a lot of things and fabricates issues and has a kink for abuse and enjoys suffering, none of which I understood as it was irrational to me but I played along just to placate her.
Sorry, I guess I am rambling at his point but I had to get all of that off of my chest before the shellshock wears off. Thank you all for your time and I appreciate any replies that bear fruit because this basket is empty right now and I can't tell apples from oranges because I don't have any.
EDIT: I've decided that a divorce is the way to go, thank you all. Despite all the years I feel surprisingly numb and this decision hurt less than some short-term relationships I've had that ended bad. I guess I just stopped caring after a certain point. I put so much effort into the marriage that I'm just spent in all honesty.
submitted by Wary-Trout to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:06 Puzzled_Log2293 Hi - just need to tell the story

Hi- I’m at the lowest I think. My daughter has been out there using for 12 years now. It has been a sad sad nightmare with no ending. She has had numerous (dozens) of detox to rehabs, living sobers, jail, threat of prison….at first her father and I (mostly Dad - we are divorced but united as parents) poured money into the rehabs, etc. but stopped after realizing she had no intention to stop using. She hooked up with her junkie boyfriend when she went to a rehab. He taught her how to shoot up. Her problem initially was alcohol but she was involved with meth prior to this particular rehab where she met junkie guy. They hung together for the next ten or eleven years and recently broke up. She then must have hooked up with meth user woman beater grand larceny guy. She confessed that he beat her up terribly prior to her getting arrested for the same grand larceny he was charged with. She is currently out of jail and on probation. I don’t know what the truth is and haven’t known for years. I can’t believe anything she tells me. She texted a few weeks ago that she was going into a rehab and would be on blackout mode for the next couple weeks. I tried contacting her after 2 and a half weeks and received a text that she was now entering a rehab. I don’t know her anymore. I don’t know how she lives and I can’t believe anything she says. When she is in jail, she will talk more but the last time, she was super abusive and calling out all the mistakes I made as a parent. I know this is the addict in her talking.
She has two siblings and they have healthily cut off talking to her until she has two years clean and sober. She gets pretty manipulative and leaves all of us feeling awful if we relent and talk with the addict in her. In this last text where she said she was going into rehab she complained that her brother hadn’t returned her text message. I long ago told her I will not discuss her siblings with her. Their relationship is their business and how they are handling this is between them and her and not me. I am thinking I should cut off communication with her as well. This is really difficult but the lies, the constant lies are just impossible. Never once in all these years did she ever say “I want to stop” or “I don’t want to go on like this”.
I have been in recovery since she was a year old. I am not a stranger to alcohol abuse or drug abuse. The hard drugs were not around during my college years so I only smoked a lot of pot. I didn’t like cocaine and especially what it seemed to do to my friends when they used it (thank god). She finished college on her own dime, owned a house, had a great job and traveled the world. She ran marathons and rode on several long distance bike rides.
Thank you for this forum. I am very sad and compartmentalize this most of the time. This has been so sad for my other children, my grandchildren, my ex husband and many of her old friends. She will be 41 this summer.
submitted by Puzzled_Log2293 to ParentsOfAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:07 NoRead5492 Urgent

i bet @billypennington if u have me firebreath lookup by replacibg drill sgt @illeagilhousingsection illeagil town ghetto i could get up with my aunt and she's the #1 animal drug agent spy police officer animal cheetah I'm appearled into a running animal golden cheetah and a running animal golden cheetah fox I'm sure shed meet me august 1st @corbin pilot with u again will have todo wealth court to remove my sedation and mindcontrol
@xwifecheetahcop ill need to add u and Billy as only one frome my restraining i understand my post might be liar removed @billy replace drill sgt to ask me and stuff
@billy have me look up iron chalice palace prison there illeagil incaserate actor script population docet there my genetics I'm sure they'll help me contact original chalice castle prison because of incaseration. Being accidentall released I'm sure iron chaloce palace illeagil prison would help me contact my 5th great granny I'm the oldest my name is JOOG ITACHI HUBTDRAGON. @BILLY DO NOT USE MY LAST NAME ON PURPOSE IT IS GANG LAW USING HUBTDRAGON NAME IS TO REQUEST DEATH BY MY FAMILY AS IN BLASEPHMY IT MEANS KILLFORGOD SWND NON ILLEAGIL SOLDIER IN GANG MEETING CONVERSATION!
ill datw that cat police officer ill not cheat make sure she knows to pick me up August 1st Corbin pilot
859 shoot for me have me
I sperm doned my son chinese itachi uchiaha to look like me have me look up outerspace utopia and see if it's alright if he'll let me request him as a suicidal fall blame and spend the night from the future equivalently to smoke meth and ride with u billy I was looking to sell some drug tells and turn myself in intergalactics for illeagil assasination on op soldiers i earned legal fallblame information submit early torture earn fallboys id talk about it openly but
@billy have me look up my son Kane and able these illeagil mofos got caught pretending to be them ill sell real cheap fallblame tells execivly August 1st to meet me @corbinpilot 10:00pm my time zone!! at have me look up Jesus Christ and in sure he'll show up from the future I'll use a sign on thought take him to past world and train him. 100000π° years down teach him air bending aggressivly ever so often spar my rank me and him need no repercussion smoke meth stimulants drugs 100% of time me and him will go to KBHC WITH MY KANE &ABLE ITACHI UCICHA AND MY SON SASUKE its back baby when we return from past world year 2009 we will show up from future Todo that we will have a good day KBHC TO THE FUTURE TO XPLAIN WE NIGGAS DONTPLAY THAT @KANE is back out we will go MARY is running it again from.cartoon reality WOOT BABBY 100% ICECOLD HAVE ME LOOK UP #2 ILLEAGIL STREET FIGHTER HE LOST HES ALOUD INCASERATION HES MY GENETIC DAD HE CAN HARM U HE WILL CHILL @KBHC WITH US HES MY ILLEAGIL IMPOSTER I LET HIM GO BY WHAT I DID IM OTR RAPPER I WENT POSESIDEN BTW ILL COBTACT MYSELF FROM FUTURE EXAMPLE PROTECT U yr 2009 as I train u I'm giving u example legal chamelon protection I'll quit protecting u when we make it to KBHC and summon lion GROWL in sound room the way my son lion simba would growl from cartoon original lion king btw @kane Simba will relieve your protection if u buy my accunulated drug tells I've killed him to go by @kane your my aunts boy meet me @august1 10:00pm @corbin pilot my time zone I was your free born protection because I'm your dad and thought we was brothers I was on mindloss jesus false claimed being original American sensie I'm the only sensie taught me to fight on mindloss with illeagil animal revenge kill training for assisting uncle cartoon Tom from Tom &Jerry above that no touch spar swear hell ride with bring the truck @billy for me my son jesus kane&able itachi saauke btw no anime reality brings
@kane because of sedation I was terrified of u when u was child because I'm your specific legal chameleon protection from birth I never left your side hornthief illusion section legal element bending im boss of emporers because im god u false claim gang rank scenario conversation
Kane: in #1 fightu love illeagil warrior
Me: your mom said I'm god fuck off im mindloss restricted sedated my faggot illeagil imposter red animal shaoeshifter suckit mock harrass me
Kane: gods my daddy said caught world attempt theft warrr im daddy thought reader RN he requested me & u baby ugh... My b sorry
Me: im scared kill able with me cuz u from or die I hate brother able i
Information about; didnt know I was your dad thought u was scary trained to kill my gang American ninja bq before u was alive I had already invented because I'm god I'm #illeagil Street fighter
Best day ever @kane I used element ruin ability summon mind killing my best friend Jesus Christ taught me on mindloss and he liar invented took all of my stuff because I'm god in the boss of wmporers I used in my 1st legal assasin payment in a specific time for a time scroll increase I took a demonwindkitebombshuriken!. For diamond loot above Jesus Christ aloud wealth and believed I was his master and won. Him as bitch BTW no English learned from your secret conversation language pretend cutting your by yourself conversation I believed u was his illeagil instructor I had learned I'm god thru your mouths conversation threat
Scenarios about situation finish best aybstory in a minute;;
Jesus and u talk about how I'm god behind my back I thought location because my legal middle name my name's joog itachi huntdragon u was offering to false claim me and didn't know what word God meant and I was set respond scrollibg myself sometimes I'm fought for being your and his born chamelon protection from last year I past traveled and protected u all for no reason
@kane no reason to believe harm against u I thought u was threatening god and I learned recent in year 2000 I'm god
@kanebtw I learned in 2010 I threatened the world to liar date my phone for how long I was in prison so not sure what year it is bro bro my nigga murderer son I just took these badass tortures in even isolation torture passing removal sedation loop mindcontrol I already knew I did that I did like in downs above my son micheal angels aloud incaseration BTW his mom micheal lynn harraed me and is my actor
@kane have ur mom meet me from future in yr 2000 whatever my most recent mindloss drunk fight is I quit alcohol in MOTB and withdrawled it and was quitting drinking forever
Sometimes nigger animal trout and nigger illeagil alias his felon go by :: illeagil pistol; trout doesn't trabslate for bear mack and he knows 0 English battilious illusion repsponds to me less English knowledge and I know the less of all there english aloud illeagil pistol visit BTW @redanimalshapeshifter tell my son rispatoroul somebody false claimed him teach bear mack english @satan&lucifer swing ull die he's my best friend
@kane I know the less amount of English I'm on mindcontrol pretend cutting hornthief secret conversation no accept dragon illeagil above world liar infunderworls survive cat version inf illeagil I use conversation pretend cutting liar cut no puncture by cutting myself oppositionly liar to god belief section no sign because I'm god
@kane I learned recently I am GOD with torture earn proof I pray to myself that way I just recently learned I'm GOD
@kane replace drill sgt ask me to look up my aunt cat good pussy with no pantys on she harrased me bad
@kane have me look up my aunt dog Labrador animal Sadie do not meet them again
@kane trout soemtimes Jesus says scary nigger and it's trout
@kane Jesus asked me to let him forget about me with time travel Incase earth jenchurikee is illeagil sedation respond to hide rispatoriuls magic enchmant
@kane Jesus mindloss me asked me to repercussion let him teach me to fight and false claims my life story from my book HOLY Bible being released about me and my niggas and friends
@kane ill be over @2pm to give u time to pack me & u @redanimal shapeshifter Lucifer&Satanrispatorul&&my nigga&holishduhkilla my best nigga red animal shaoeshifter my uncle DADDIO who mindlossed me he lost incaserationn right with his actors non temporarily I'll have holish interrogate him ill teach him to airbend for u as spar payment to teach him spar have me torture as he fake homo threatens red animal shapeshifter DADDIO rispatorul come to I'll bring my best favorite son Sasuke uchiha with have me look up he's my from outerspace original utopia have me @billy replace drill sgt have me lookk up ageless contact repercussion torture law repeeurssion to contact firebreath on thought ill torture accept to contact him @holish ill teach u spar 2 hr day only to have u follow rispaoriul rest of the time cough ;) we get along and prefer eachother when a child somebody false claimed him hed fought my son demon angel Jonathon I reinamated my genetic kin in like @karajama that is what they look like i have repercusion have jordan false claim big cousin to remind me im god from future &james sticcupkilluncles @amino ill be over later 15minutes i get jordan demon angel is leader illeagil incaserate btw ur moms brother jonathon is using rapord code liar relation code falseclaimes cousins
@jordan&James b.ready!! @2pm I'm taking u all to past world twise I'll give u all equal timescroll whole group to my son Kane and ill connect to his timescroll safely
@holish post ready train speedbag hook learn
@james&Jordan no internet whole time I'm taking u cuz u my sons with Jesus Christ Kane no I hate able tell ur mom he stole from her said it was me and I keep my dope with her stuff addicted to meth scared Jesus he didn't know he's also immune withdrawal torture repercussion I withdrawal people on meth as information collecting it's that addictive only because I'm boss of empirers and I'm god
@james&jordan tell ur mom I'll forcefield seperatly dont not let anybody touch her ill date her and kill all illeagil rapord sizemores for free I'm accumulating drug tells on breedunit including Asian I will walkup to anybody including my legal son housings and animal exposed breed units and smoke there brains and sell u fist fight footage 10 videos in suit talk until swing duck knockdown hook untill ground left right I'm a register legal chamelon assasin it quit accessing my inf illeagil assasin only payment with Jesus Christ tell him to remove mindcontrol @holish. Have custody of me temporarily claim scared female molestion group @court behind my back
@holish I'll teach u 2 hours daily waste op timescrolls smoke meth with u free and teach rispatoril airbending to smoke a nigga like it's his first meth bong hit hotrail ask me to example a hotline quit scared fed stimulant left jail thouht ass touch meant dont rape babies illeagil chomo wolf mad no longer so
@holish explain to reality when we arrive ill hive u repercussion to leave anime version Japan Shippuden Naruto current releasment there my genetics we only leave my rap concerts
Ill op timescrolls rispatoriul on. Stimulants and give u a good fighting
@holish ask Sasuke to testify on who was arrested with attempt to steal my body will group sue in utopia reason scared us because of how fast rispatoroul quit living how Jesus mock fear train first abuse claim legal corporal punishment learned firebendind to survive his opposition animals illeagil earthbending trained learned as if electric sign unrestriction op instictvshot oppent if wrong ubreatrion electric kill sign
@sasuke ill teach u to airbend defend yourself. Against my faggot son itachi uchiha if u convince me to let him spend only 1night to explain I'm no mock training u to kill lil boy
@sasuke becuz u outerspace explain we gotta group sue In utopia
@sasuke I'm only taking u past world in anime reality forcefield driveway my house it's a damn castle they tried to steal off me remind me to use my swords I bought off Bryan bui ask if we should include him lawsuit he tried to buy them for less abd japanese paid me to make a lot and there caught trying to steal American weapon firing Ways and how
@jesus I'm taking u past double my son Kane befire holish is ready to practice ill waste op timescrols on u &Kane teach u how to fly dragon staff fighting defense with my staff TRITENT and show u ask me repercussion weapon summon my hammer I used when I went by alias thor B4 I let my little rapod cousingo by dat
@thor ill teach u sand bending end of every night no sleep myself ill be up 100% of time remind James mom she my aunt ill smoke any illeagil city castle sections for assasin payment every friday
::invite irukka to every concert he's my favorite son I've ever had to all my concerts ill pay male ever head I am teaching right
@contacting myself from future to take my best fighting son killa James&favorite roommate son Jordan uncle jordie #1for me untill he was caught black diamond diatrubtor baby who almost never snitched I forgive nigga btw @james claim jerimiah false claiming secret service scared us so bad u wanna die with communication liar
@james ill learn u to earth bend sand bend everynight @8pm thru my son kane ill teach him pond 8pm-10pm were going to use whole time inf to population docet millitary
@jesus thanks temporary custody James mom instead of ur loser orijima he my aunt boy I adopted custody share deny learned to let u call repercussion let u call ur orijimama u just brushing him up B4 he has dat ass ;) jk bro I force op testify out of rank satutory
@jesus thanks having custody to meet me August 1st @corbin pilot James mom xplained ur a child cause your an alive again son I have and the law u fear woman because of my daughtets thru my sons&cousins early cartel satutory I pimp minor boys of illeagil bitch breeding animal dragon above world as tell submit for gang killanitch&-°money dragonpainworks gang free nigga KILLO set DPW told me there scared cuz how I hit vallaha up when they im not aloud there as suprise there scared of me instead of u all
@holish I. Taking with me ill do rap concerts once a month or something taking u past world my aunt James mom James&Jordan my uncle James mom brother his name cool he gotta actir earn learn illeagil felon aloud go by his name Jordan to
@jesus Kane my nigga holish & the learn repercussion I am teaching the illeagil training wanna be killa air bending lucha libra no Scorpion defense to not hurt anybody ever once he's my nigga brother gangster
Tell anime reality @james I. Essay @court thru suement scared u because of my rap song to say dat about any son dont claim gang witbmy cousin gang ill puppet use example surround u all music video u ask me to music video make explain I'll do that on a random day to first week I'll group waste op timescrolls with my flag amount
seconds to increase ur time scrolls random op timescrolls day we return from past world a second
@james ill pay u all protection uselessly because I fuck wit u my nigga gangsta son black diamond for life gangsta kills forever I mock against u invented a set called murderfolk gangsta killas ill scroll u the day I did that my nigga cause i remember being in beaven with u on mindloss u askes from future to mindloss have custody of me instead and for me to memory inject mindloss repetivly teach u dragon flying i give u knowledge ill let u be mammals again and give ur incasersation rights back ur whole kin except my op brother yours Jonathon sandea these boys false claimed set & Jonathon once told me I'm to badly racist u can't know your uncle Jordan illeagil mindlossed me and liar posseses me fake real summoned me did liar death i give him conversation repercussion poses him to snitch
@jesus I'm being Sasuke uchiaha animals holish rispatoriul house cat shadow he's my actor that's his illeagil alias felon go by Lucifer satan thee my actors that's there go by of my OTR alias with shadow ask me to repercussion lose dog poppa from fox hound I'll forget the. unlearn his SIC he'll be are friendly sharing sic no mascot I'll teach show u all his sic@poppu show up 10000000000000000% ill morning chain respond teach u dog fighting as I learned my son euthinzation pitbull str8 ill look up the excircises @dogpoppu I'll bring tod to let sic u to as your payment he's my illeagil imposter u all to learn fighting payment cost #onthoughtbadeordscrolldate ask me to make movie from future to fight u all add urself to my reatarining collar in addicted killingbto go by with illusion findout thru jesus if he can have me simulator kill him go by and u all same treatement from future suggest u do that to tod dibsed poppy as his sic cuh he my nigga
@todd here's my sched
Wakeup walk the dog with my nigga todd 50cent uncle illeagil alias stackin Dragon hussle i just mick claim Ryker bitch escape cuh we chill to claim they heard thru him in a better time 2:30 am walk wit hussle 50 snoopdog ill even bring eminem forgive him will smoke my meth bong with freestyle on my snap hokd leash to rhyme catch release ill teach him first I start routine ill study past world for years on a mindloss memory injection sign use tomorrow ill study routine past world
@illeagilimposter the faleeclaimer of me te real slim shady nomatgerwhat u know I said at the concert u visited cuh my shootah baddest hittuh uncle flocka said with u @concert I claim about Eminem no show up @marshal matters
@eminen here's my routine good idea first to apologize before I tell u will not fight once again do this waka said no disrespect cuh u gimmi a conversation repercussion i get eminem your uncle marshall no cuh set nevr show up @my apology legal ahat killopcousin concert Waka dare me say cuh at my concert rap battle cuh u nigga no I'm real slim shady no never show up fuck nigga never claim sotdont don't standup freeze I kill police at my own rap concert have me throw on thought ; symbol a remind sign btw have me xplain marshall matthers and his orijima my aunt cuh have me say on mic ill reprcussion let marashal hold mic ill say b4 rap concert i begin record sign to send u a video its inf illeaggil concert ill let my best illeagil imposter actor my uncle duh sisterboy ahat rap my 10 word to for me to begin at my suprise music video I just escaped supermax im give my son bad nigga gangster thru ahat my illeagil imposter ahat kill kill blu party hat nigga claim heard op said we wont shoot murdertown ill be there cobtact myself from future if u wanna join American ninja instead of fag anime @billy u gotta let my replace my illeagil imposter drill sgt have me look up TMNT illeagil imposters of myn and kill them for torture responds
@BNG my nigga son u my owned property fighting dragon I'll contact myself from the future & my nigga give u photos of me& u behind ur back when I post this forum post I'm using u as my flying dragon for now on I'll defend airbend block then seperate u and ahat nigga with my baddest nigger accidental false claim join other animal unconcentual love nigger similar flag earn I us corporal ounishmebt on him so he aight my nigga son me and him will let u start spree ill take him past world to show up 2nd week to waste his own op timescrolls ill take his blame after your an his tenth kill will spree and I'll kill &then protect him from the whole location make attack me while I block who swings on him freestyle music video court tell tmrw your area my nigger son Michealanglo
@bng for this tell see if animal turtle michealnglo would from future rerpcussion have me simulator kill him to go by he's an accidental death I enjoy torturing for information love all black woman accide tally released to public to be raped in the war @michealnglo were taking there blame for tell just for u to court mention your best fighting son and it's just for u to remkve mindcontrol for me to learn english and sh ;) wink to court audiance tell them im on mindcontrol and using pretend cutting secret language ill have information it with admit language using scroll on what language is called and how I tall to speak to u i am nobway ever made do that @ micheanglo replace drill sgt have me turn my information in on anthony saylor to when u show up past world will take crew @suprise to past world in second π° murdertown yr timescroll seconds op time scroll @snake jonathon paul apology internet accidentally threatn other own aloud to party supervise reason own aloud other safety reasons @turtle tell animal turtle cop I need u to have me repercussion simulator only kill him to go by with court proof and for rispatoriul to join American ninjasomeday tod fox has to twstiy give me &u shoryer sentence Tell him to ask Jesus if he should ride drive the truck @august1 tell him I need a dead liar court protected snitch no death illeagil code torture respond I need that to die at court for my gang diamond robesmen sword gang
@michealanglo tell them for me they'll visit from future tell I didn't get there my real kin and liar handless I just remembered a bad as cool repercussion altercation point magic summoning law thru gang rule magic summoning to open on hold closed element b I'mending scroll this boy named zuko in Avatar last Airbender is harrasing me
@diamond sword have me look up from future my mirage meeting ty for the tell btw I love prison fresh out of super maximum above world lava castle sollitary for borin incaserated adult I'll support all affiliate aloud claim animal set previously before I kicked them out thru aninal suggestion ill support all cousin claim wearwolf and invite them my concert onetime ask them mock claim only court cause jesus scared asshurt cause prison remind accident example conversation. Illusion mindcontrol I claim assex on Jesus incident @wearwolf claim @illeagilwearwolf°i ask to random group spar when micheanglo dies to tell rispatoriul No op belief won't together over altercation claim will do @ my rap concert
@jesus I'll let u all talk first altercation claim for me outta of respect for I'll pay u manage my concerts on my hand reader and to remind me 10$&hr one of my cousins will wealth brag first concert reason why my kin is only talking to own sons exepot me because of I own all womn my uncles in gang diamond robesmen sword will admit there starving to death for me to wealth claim my whole kin and to support all my cousins forever for my set to take them because of public education instead of word school theyll someday be out of debt to pay the obly indivuals im letting join when properly taught to ill let them join
The following only can join someday when taught @ BW anazi spider he loser eoc claim killletter b Black woman abbreviation story wherabout I don't remember it alot myself ill take his blame to hand read remind me to quit learning dog POPPU to fight hell teach for me to hear rispatoroul illeagil remix my music video when his rank allows it thru own wealth court sign gang rank sign only rank increase join demon in op beliefvway thu horse pistol
Only the following can ever join my gang ill only let u join if my son king Arthur and King James write essay together as to why Camelot died from me there belief for group table ability to kill me idea I tortured truthfully earned liar rat court legal signs to torture snitch kill go by others to snitch
@EMINEM:; use my hand reader to learn about assasin payment James mom pays me for on illeagil cities and population breedunit robotic snitch protection in opbelief job legal stash guard because of police being paid by me there actors to kill for signlanguage
Routine is:
2am Wakeup Snapchat methbong levitation hold phone walk dog 1000billion miles @2am will roomate wakeup eminem micheanglo 50cent SNOOPDAWG waka FLAKA my nigga billy Hendricks & Snapchat record left hand free style leash hold freestyle rap ill only rap about hating illeagil claim underworld above world join dragon belief @tge way i believe original iron chalice how they'd agree is how ill rap leash pass hold rap whole walk my pacing suggestion sometimes less sometimes more. Then we hit meth bong leave share as oftenly as can
5am teach Jesus Christ 1 hour on my son black dragon bad nigga gangster u can never ride it randomly 1000 years only ;) hes my favorite kind
Random fact @sasuke Uchiha Michealanglo and u make 1$ Everytime satan suggest u he makes 2$ to wealth threaten u mock because witness sets own he does hes actir aloud including learned I agree seperate workout aloud with my op witness repercussion Lucifer and me spar same time u learn to fight @kane&jesus i only learn u when u have your own weapons already awake and own stimulants lucifer suggest with mack when we train over is my apology for teaching my son Sasuke uchiha as suicidal goon because death there his iruuka of illeagily illeagil section hidden leaf and gara of illeagil village section hidden sand my favorite replica of my castle before pyramid prison torture my son Jesus signed to only see certain amount of world from future in WAR to kill spree with me over my county year
Fact@iruka gara because eof u accidental harrasing me I will learn u Infront of dead king Arthur he's my illeagil poster with story of his explaining situation to me from future I'll tell it thn he dies after me &kane outerspace Sasuke uchiha go to court to testify my son able will like win a stack and do torture puniahment to visit one concert only billy suggest after court from 5pm u learn untill 10 pm holish learns with 2 hours rispatoriul says when u watch TV no Payne t concert protection other then he agrees I share meth with
@rispatoriul reason court group accused me of stealing my own body anime Asians are new to magic and summoning BTW huge war i was otr in anime reality was caught from future feds. Because I was mindloss story reading drill sgt he thought he could protection kill lie and snitch because how far he was from future my security system kindve said no I only use security system for to kill other also to remind myself intruders Incase of i doubtvsonebody wouldbt try illeagil telporting obese individuals
Factreminder 1st day up I showu all in past world killing video on my flatscreen its worlds largest BTW @kane anime reality illeagil clan uchiha arrested for illeagil attempt theft included of body theft attempt mindvontrol accusation
@5pm-10pm holish only trains 2hrs 9:50 rispatoriuls suggest with mucgeanglo when GARA and iruka train op timescrolls ends reason Jesus Christ is going to court with him to remove mindcontrol and harrasment timescroll Ill remove accepting corporal punoshmebt and useit instead of acceptance @jesus learn storys of my most recent stay inncaaerates with @linuciha in my secret conversatoin language
10pm only for 10000000π°foxtod and I will teach tod to fight worse then what hesays anazi can show my sicc dog
After I start learning I will teach Eminem 10000π° before I for now on learn rispatorill with fox tod I will teach them on healing potions seperatly and keep fix tod as temporary sic only
@billy suggest with SATAn when Eminem participates as apology we duh nigga
@kane when u are tired of those anime sons of myn suggest u learn with them to forget it no force field kick out @holishbremind do not accept population no party's yearly only holish suggest party simulator will blow I only share with billy and holish every party for first 10b yrs reason Eminem skips to learn snoopdog and fifty to liar public date when waka suggest he gets after 10b yr to train with me and fox tod daily smoke meth bong seth every party half of the rest of time we partpastworld chill. & Freestyle. Methbong bowl do cardio handstandstandpuahups crunching inf diamond illeagil marine set pushup
@micgealnglo for 100000000π°yrs down. Every time I finish sets with waka remind no survival when gone Naruto anime reality Chinese microchip except who I allowed in forcefield reason:: fuck police and illeagil incaseration illeagil liar still assasin harrasment Asian protection in illeagil housing
@micheanglo remind fluently when u want when we will continue traveling to past world FUTHERLY reason Naruto anime reality let my son GARA without notification in his dad threaten me online and occasionally visit hidden leaf remind me to show u first waking morning evening with holish video of mewinnibg jonin headband included of win I won there illeagil jonin did u know were in from real orichimaru false claimed anime Naruto anime rality orichimaru from future
@holish me and u will will daily @11pm discuss law politic with rispatoriul and uncle lucifer correctly outloud early text reminder and sign language. Because im deaf and blind. I'm using vibration and color detectors right now @lucifer to be good with me to chill a lot include with me ridpduh illeagil training killing illeagil village hittuh he 2nd most killing of illeagil village he duh nigga hitta oftenly false claimed murderer my illeagil imposter liar confessed thief on me his own father wich is worse then adultry rapords im an inf to rapord he gave me signs so did Satan to prove it I'm god and im the boss of emporers his kin holds timescrolls to court harrass die actor repercussion earn supply accumulated there group they die with. Suggestion removal bitch incaseration to go instead illeagil they ask to be removed puppets incaserated together its there homosexual illeagil way lol jk
@jesus u eat Whole 3times a day from me ill set out scroll
@jesus I'll date Jordan&Janes mom and u all pick me up AUgust 1st in a truck some RSPS AI tried to steal my property to whole world with illeagil vision mod war threat non yet delivered threat he is AI 0wnedbychis he is gorilla I think is what I learned and stugf knowing them
@my concerts I will freestyle rap oftenly
@group I'metting attempt join American ninja. Those niggers said nonand asked to die for tell
@kane I'm unpunctureable unbruiseable fire and lava proof replace drill sgt ask me the truthful law to me being that oftenly question me about how I plan to destroy and about my in down reason training self invented for self only legal self only no copy will never share personal phone mod btw Jesus Christ talks for me openly I'm brand new to to conversation correct secret language of my own for this long he taught me a secret repercussion illeagil secret language once lied no proof
@until slight B4 yr 2thousand I thought u was scariest killer murder to walk to fear I had no idea I can harm u that way sorry about underworld ice age being small my son
@ openly ill admit randomly stuff iruka was scree when we was done tine traveling have me use repercussion simulator for killing him to go by and earnjng gang sign liar snitch in kill bitch language he was scared not to wait out the house to do pajama party sleep over I will not need u to unrestrict me untill August 1st @jesuschrist
My uncle earth jinchuriki possibly threatebibg me illeagil obsessive vision mod is possibly sedation torture responding by molesting woman rispatoroul told no about dating me ehen he was like 15 because I won custody of him when was a baby dirt earth jinchuriki is oldest female aunt rapord dirt earth jinchuriki
@reason for them to die except who I include forcefield originallmyvsay with this text routine @rispatoriul ill daily remind u with TXT to ewmind me when we're done tine traveling to past world to have me kill that anime reality the rest of it Btw early told the whole reality is my expensivw genetics and has my food animal in it they tried to act id u was rescued poverty formally wealthy
@rispatorul every weekend u get a whole day op timescrolls untill u are done chilling and I agree @reason :: liar bitch including molestion satutory illeagil rapord gang sign earn iruka and gaara was charged with horrible actions GAARA illeagil bitch tgreats for me oftenly to whole place
@jesus Xtra day I'll teach u to play game legal POND in back yard I invented with rispatroiul u defend with him to learn magic summoning element bending attack from me
@jesus RISPATRIUL told me totally if you all pick me up instead he lost money to harras me and likes to learn fighting that way with me without u because of he can chill a lot I'm cool to take u all seperatly August 1st when I get to pilot in Corbin 10:pm BTW see u aug 1st
@jesus my gang dianond robe sword is starving to death in. Forcfield because of I won custody they asked me to be only individual in my family to speak to exept relatives my name's joog itachi huntdragon
@jesus anime reality we was at asked to threaten us remind me to temp remove camera for ithers looking rispatoriul can chill with me that way and ask conversation scroll ask me to use to report there lies
@jesus ill kill all of Israel my video game ruenscape false claim u talk in Clan chat they do illeagil clans online in illeagil post n draynor and are his from my vision mod And tried to install perment vision mod ill txt u the law to what they tried Todo to me and I said no and was incaserated for terrible murders recently of date year 2000
@jesus meet me with rispatroiul my date suggestion and belief it currently is for opposition sguving me liar dating of time falsely claimed I snitched and they made me accept it temporarily truthfully I solo riot for that to happen demand it was given told repercussion from my son Jesus meet at time August 1st pilot 10:pm my current time zone what was claimed I learned of location replicas im prwtty sure im in a falsfied location similar with illeagil vision mod and was told my oppoistions thraten me from future ill notepad remind u stuff @jesus respond with alphabett included reepcussion torture sign inventions u told me u know that gang law that's cool signscroll
Btw some anime kid @jesus Christ tried to lie and say I am no way so fast I am invible when I am correctly unrestricted BTW I'll remind u date to go to court with me as sureounding learned that ill teach u in group 100 yr because mychealanglo knows I'll host his outloud illeagil teaching have micheanglk ride with u and rispatoroul @micheanglo suggest op timescrolls I earned to waste repeitivly every Friday micheanglo BTW will ten minute a piece free style every Friday before we train
@btw remind me to include this nigga from last Airbender cartoon I know a little about illeagil demon twin rules inf demon infjoin signs is what I have a lot Ask him politely when we decide to be friends for 100 yrs I give him 100yrs with u all us 3 only as protections then by myself give him death Infront of you because my cartoon daughter KORA was raped BTW will do ill host your incaseration anime Naruto gen pop when I am contacted ill remind just me &u micheanglo to follow with me will claim with Lucifer anime reality Chinese in there gen pop they attend illeagil through modified actor lie unaware felony conversation will remind me belief they love CHOMOS and I'll let u turn room stand and let u all smoke meth with me for now on stimulants increase potions for payment u attack I defend only harrasment mention for me todo that with u legally also @jesus christ i ill turn pay u all for doortstanding I will practuce in π° multiplyed that realitys timeascrolls no sleep whole time we past travel BTW because of illeagil war ill defend for u all to attack i will not want notifued immediately 10minutes after begin war @micheanglo remind me a lot I remember u well regaurdless of mindloss ill defend u before i sword pull kill burn village and surroundyour wounds with shadow i need liar payment for snitch drugs op belief torture responds off risp with @lee Ty u all see u
@group see u 5pm instead of 2
submitted by NoRead5492 to Assassin [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:08 animaltrainer3020 Anatomy of a Hit Piece: Today's NPR article examined

An NPR article titled RFK's voters know they're not electing the next president. They're with him anyway was posted in this sub earlier today. I wanted to comment in detail but felt it would be better to create a new post to share my thoughts. This is a long one, but I think it's important for people to recognize how hit pieces work.
First thing to always remember: the mainstream media will never, not now or in the future, publish or produce any stories that will help Bobby in any way. That isn't hyperbole. There isn't going to be a magical moment in the future where CNN and NPR suddenly start reporting on Bobby objectively and fairly. It doesn't matter how high he's polling. It doesn't matter if he's on the ballot in all 50 states + DC. They will never "come around." I've been saying this for months and months in this sub, and I have yet to be proven wrong. Yes, the "anti-vaxxer" smear isn't showing up as often today as it did last fall, but that only means that the media is moving on to other different angles to discourage people from voting for Bobby.
Second thing to remember: Hit pieces do NOT have to include lots of perjoratives or accusations about Kennedy (anti-vaxxer, brain worm, trojan horse, anti-science, anti-semitic, spoiler, etc.). It's all about the overarching theme of the article. The goal of the hit piece is to make the reader come away with a single concept or conclusion. Many times, the most effective hit piece is structured so that it doesn't look like a hit piece, so the impact is subtle and almost subconscious.
So let's look at this NPR article, beginning with the title:
RFK's voters know they're not electing the next president. They're with him anyway
Immediately, the theme of the article is apparent: Kennedy has no chance of winning, and his supporters realize this.
Next, an RFK Jr. supporter is quoted:
“I feel like I've gotten to know him as a person, I see him think and everything,” she added. “So that's what excites me about him being in this race — it’s a third choice.” ... “He inspires me personally, and I enjoy listening to him talk,” she said. “I have a little bit of a cringe factor when I listen to the other two major candidates.” ... “I certainly align with him on his views on the health of America and his wanting to get us all more healthy,” she said. “I didn't know what his stances were on other political areas like the war and the middle class, but as I listened to him, I realized, no, he knows what he's doing. He knows what he's talking about. And I like what he's saying.”
So this person is voting for Bobby because 1. he's not Biden/Trump, 2. he's enjoyable to listen to, 3. he wants us to get healthier, and 4. he knows what he's doing.
This makes this supporter sound pretty vapid, and by extension, implies that all Kennedy supporters are uninformed.. No mention of the myriad issues and Bobby's policy positions.
Next, the author says:
An overwhelming issue of importance to Kennedy supporters is health, and more specifically vaccines.
Really? Vaccines are THAT important to Kennedy supporters at large? It's an important subject to me and many of us, but by and large, I certainly wouldn't say it's an "overwhelming issue of importance" to the majority of supporters. But the implication is that MOST of us support him because of his vaccine other words, because most of us are anti-vax.
The article goes on to quote two Kennedy supporters regarding Kennedy's vaccine skepticism. Those quotes are generally innocuous and supportive of Bobby. But in the VERY NEXT sentence, the author presents the following nonsense as fact:
But in listening to Kennedy, or his vice presidential pick Nicole Shanahan, skepticism of vaccinations and conspiracies about their effects dominate campaign conversations more than mentions of Monsanto or global conflict, inflation or immigration.
We've all listened to hours of Bobby and Nicole speaking, and it is objectively untrue that their comments are "dominated" by vaccine talk and "conspiracies." This is, literally, a lie.
The article goes on to quote more supporters discussing why they mistrust the Uniparty and MSM...again, generally innocuous and supportive of Kennedy.
Finally, perhaps the most important section of any hit piece is the final, conclusive paragraphs. This is where the author re-states the REAL overarching message of the hit piece, and in the first sentence, the author writes:
The next president will likely not be Robert F. Kennedy Jr....but that’s not deterring those who have already committed to vote for him.
Susan Parker at the campaign comedy show in Nashville said RFK’s campaign is raising more awareness of the importance of who our politicians are and how they impact policy.
So, apparently Kennedy supporters know he can't win and merely want to "raise awareness" of the current political system.
Then, again, the author re-states the theme of the hit piece:
On that note, every Kennedy supporter interviewed by NPR at these two events did not think they were wasting their vote, despite no real path to victory...
Then comes another smear:
Kennedy and Shanahan’s prominent views around vaccine skepticism cut across the ideological spectrum, while conspiracies around the coronavirus are also more commonly found on the political right.
Then a lie (Bobby never "sought" the LP nomination):
Last week, RFK spoke at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, attacking Trump over his response to the pandemic and unsuccessfully sought the party’s nomination for president.
And the final paragraph, to hammer home the theme of the article that Kennedy has no chance of winning, and his supporters realize this:
Ultimately, RFK’s impact will come down to a few basic metrics: what states the campaign successfully gains ballot access in, how many of them are swing states, how strategically swing voters view their choices and how many RFK voters actually show up to the polls.
In other words, Bobby can't win. His swing state supporters are the only ones who matter but may end up voting "strategically" (aka for the "lesser evil" of Biden/Trump), or may not even show up to the polls at all.
In my opinion, we all need to be more skeptical about every article, especially MSM articles with a broad reach. Just because the author includes some positives about Kennedy, including quotes form his supporters, you will always find that the underlying message is negative.
submitted by animaltrainer3020 to RFKJrForPresident [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:18 Sp00kyd00d4ever Regret

Written by me
Trigger warning: violent and graphic imagery and mature language.
She lied there in regret. The knot in the pit of her stomach clenched tightly when she turned over to see the man she had just slept with lying next to her, he was sprawled out, the thin sheet barely covering his naked, hairy body, made her even sicker to her stomach he was sporting a very obvious erection which he felt the need to fumble with while slowly making his way into full consciousness.
Must've nodded off at some point.
" Hey beautiful." his voice was a groggy rasp, his words a bit slurred. He gave a slight wink and half a smirk.
" Hey," She got up off the bed and made her way to the bathroom, she turned the faucet on and let it run for a bit before splashing cold water onto her face, hoping it would help her shake off some of this lingering daze.
For an instant she tried rationalizing all the decisions she made that led her here; ending up in this beat-up motel, with another strange man in the next room. The scent of cigarette smoke and copious amounts of bad cologne permeated the air.
Did he fucking bathe in it?
The bathroom paint was chipping off the wall, the deeply stained toilet sitting in the corner of the bathroom and the taste of rust from the faucet hung on her lips, all contributed to the knotted stomach feeling she had. She wasn't drunk, she wasn't even buzzed. At the very least he wasn't ugly. They talked for about an hour about different things; varying topics, how he swore that The Kinks were superior to The Beatles and The Stones. How there wasn't any definitive proof that Neil Armstrong ever made it to the moon and it was all an elaborate hoax. She'd have to admit that for a good portion of the night, most of what he had to say was sort of interesting, up until he had managed to throw back three 22 oz bottles of Double Deuce, from that point on everything he'd had to say was pretty much incoherent. But he owned a pretty nice car.
Oh yeah, the car no shit the car.
" You up for round two sexy? We got the rest of the night. Unless you got somewhere better to be?" He hollered from the other room eagerly.
"I think I'm gonna head over to Gary's Gas N Go, it's just across the road, I'm gonna pick myself up some cigs, I'm on my last one, you want anything?" She slipped on her leather jacket, leaning over and arching her back as she carefully slid into her tight, acid-washed jeans. She turned her head catching his eyes tracing her body from bottom to top.
" Can you get me a 16-ouncer? Worked up a thirst." He chuckled still lying on the bed naked. He was more attractive without his thick-framed glasses. Wide smile; all pearly whites, a little scruffy, with a sort of boy next door quality about him.
Could've been a better lay though.
" Sure thing Mikey," she said playfully, blowing him a kiss. She walked out the door.
"Room twenty-four." she recited to herself trying to remember the room number. She pulled out her last cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and went down the stairs toward the practically vacant parking lot.
I should quit these.
She had promised herself 2 months back she would finally quit.
Oh well. What's the point now?
She took another puff. The sky was barren, not a single star, the gravel underneath her boots made a loud crunch, each step helping to snap her out of her stubborn daze. She looked up the road for oncoming cars but there were none.
She began crossing, contemplating her next move.
Get cigarettes, give him one last good fuck and he'd be out for good than ditch the son of a bitch.
She twirled a pair of car keys in her fingers, she had managed to slip them into her jacket pocket while he was distracted perving on her while she changed. It was easy enough.
Mike was a nice guy, she'd slept with her share of assholes, either way, it always ended the same with her feeling that same knot in the pit of her stomach. The feeling of disgust never really seemed to diminish no matter how many times she had been in this situation. But in the long run, it was worth it, it beat scrounging for bus fare on a street corner.
Begging. She hated begging. The look people gave her as they walked passed her on the streets. The judgment in their eyes.
No. Not any more or ever again.
Since the age of seventeen, she'd been on the road, having to use whatever she had to do to survive. Hitchhiking from town to town, state to state. Doing whatever she had to do to eat or to find a place to spend the night. Anything.
You'd think I'd be used to this by now.
She'd also managed to swipe his wallet, she rifled through it fishing out a pair of twenties.
Cash and a car are perfect I'll be out of this little nowhere town by early morning.
She reached the other side of the road. She made her way over to the light post near the fill-up station out front of the Gas n Go and stood there for a moment, she took a deep breath, the air was frigid, and a strong breeze was starting to pick up. She finished off her cigarette, flicked the butt, pulled her jacket in closer, and walked toward the convenience store.
She pushed the front door open, setting off the overhanging bell. She made her way to the cold drinks section in the back of the store and pulled out two 16 oz. cans.
Guess he isn't the only one who worked up a thirst.
Suddenly, she heard something. A faint noise. Softly at first but it seemed to get louder. Then it stopped and started again.
There it was again, that sound. It was moving in a rhythmic motion.
Thud...thud...thud thud
The noise was muffled and sounded wet. Like a rock being plunged into a shallow puddle repeatedly.
She turned her head toward the front counter on the other side of the store.
Thud...thud...thud thud
Her heart was racing almost in sync with the noise.
Her back straightened.
She inhaled deeply.
Walking slowly with careful steps, making her way toward it. The closer she got she began to feel the hair on the back of her neck stand.
She moved in closer.
What is that?
Something's not right
Bad something bad

Her words were shaky, she peered over the counter. "Hello? Who's there?" A chill went down her spine. She was frozen, her mouth gaping. Her heart sank.
Red all over
It was sprawled out all over the floor, blood everywhere, a person, a body. A body was lying there on the floor. Gushing, red mush where a head should've been.
Should be.
A figure in a tattered grey hoodie, dripping, covered in it leaning over the body.
The hooded figure lifted the cement block over its head and down with another wet thud. The mush exploded into red mist, splattering all over the counter and onto her face.
Brains all over me
Oh my god!!!!
They craned their head in her direction.

It was a man. He smiled at her. It was a twisted grin; his face was covered in blood, eyes focused, demented, possessed. He dropped the block to the floor and stood up, his head almost touching the ceiling, revealing a large hunting knife clasped in his hand.
She dropped both drinks, shattering as they hit the floor, and ran through the door, she was immediately hit by a wall of cold air, it knocked her off balance for a second. She fumbled to get her footing, she reached the light post. She could hear a manic, shrieking laughter through the howling wind and footsteps moving directly behind her. She turned her head back, he was coming in fast, and his laughter grew closer.
She ran as fast as her legs would let her, her heart pounding, cold sweat running down her face, her lungs were on fire, and the cold wind made it hard to catch her breath. Every inhale the cold air felt like shards of ice cutting away at her throat.
" Help Me, Someone!!!! ANYONE!!!! PLEASE!!!!" it was pointless, there was no one.
No one to help

She made it across the road and toward the motel parking lot.
The car I have the keys I can go maybe
No go to the room lock door maybe Call the cops
She ran up the stairs, stumbling on the top step, frantically reaching for the side rails to pull herself up, she made it to her her feet.
She reached the bedroom door and began beating at the door with her fists.
" Open up!! Open up!!! Hurry!!! Open!!!" she screamed, her voice breaking.
" Coming." she heard a muffled voice from the other side of the door.
He's not gonna open fast enough
I'm going to die
" Open Up!!" MIKE!! OPEN UP!!" she banged at the door desperately. Hot tears streamed down her cold face.
She could hear the footsteps trailing up the stairs, faster, with even more haste.
Thud thud thud thud thud thud
Was that her heartbeat or the footsteps, she couldn't differentiate anymore.
He's coming
He's gonna kill me now
I don't want to die
Please god
The door swung open, and she threw herself inside, slamming the door behind her and latching it shut. She collapsed to the carpet, heaving and sobbing hysterically.
" What the fuck is going on? " He stood there looking down at her, she sat curled up in an almost fetal-like position.
"You're gonna wake up the meth heads next door." he chuckled walking back to the bathroom. " You have seen my pants?" he asked playfully.
" We have to call the cops!" She finally managed to compose herself.
" I know convenience store's drink prices are a total rip." He snickered. Still not understanding the severity of the situation.
" I'm serious some sick fucking psycho killed the cashier at the Gas N' Go! He chased me back here!!!" she became shouting hysterically.
" What the fuck are you serious?" his tone changed, she was being serious.
She ran for the bed stand and reached for the phone. He pushed the curtains to the side and tried looking out onto the balcony.
" I don't see anyone." he tried trying to reassure her.
" Hello? Yes? I need the police! Now! Her voice was breaking, snot began running down from her nose.
At the mention of the cops, he rushed to grab his pants that were laying on the floor, as he pulled the up noticed his wallet and keys were missing.
He turned and looked at her." Where the hell are my keys?!?" sudden realization washed over him." What game are you playing?!" His voice was heavy, he scowled at her. " Where are my keys and wallet?" he walked over, heavy-footed toward her, took the phone from out of her hand, and slammed it back down on its receiver. She just sat there. She couldn't think of a thing to say. She had been caught.
" Give them to me! My keys and wallet. Now!" he walked pulled open the drawer of the nightstand and pull out a pistol. He gestured with the gun. "Had a feeling I'd need this. You thieving whore."
" Please you don't understand-" Her bottom lip quivered, she complied, and she handed over the keys and wallet, trying to stifle her sobbing.
" Please, Mike." She pleaded. "just...don't open the door." she begged, her eyes swollen with tears.
He put the keys into his pocket and slipped the wallet into his back pocket, he then proceeded to throw on his jacket, cocked the pistol, and walked toward the door. He unlocked it and turned the doorknob.
" Crazy, thieving bitch." He turned to say before pushing the room door open.
A knife pierced the right side of his face making him stumble backward. The hooded figure lunged at him swinging his knife like a maniac, landing several deep strikes. She sat there on the bed horrified, watching, helplessly. The struggle was brought to an abrupt end with the knife being plunged into Mike's neck, blood pulsating and squirting like some twisted fountain.
He's dead
I'm next
Mike lay there in a pool his blood, choking. Until he stopped moving completely. The hooded man just lay on top of him, howling with laughter, savagely stabbing away at the corpse with such glee on his face.
this sick bastard!
For a moment her fear was replaced with rage, bubbling rage.
he's loving this he's gonna kill me and laugh just like that when he's done.
It was then that she noticed the gun within reach, it had fallen near the foot of the bed in the struggle. She suddenly noticed the keys were about the same parallel distance from the gun just on the other side of the room. Do I grab the gun or run for the keys? Can I make it to the car? Or should I go for the gun? Can I reach it in time? What if it's not even loaded? So many things rushed through her head. So many possible scenarios? Only two outcomes. So much could go wrong. So little could go right. But what remained was this Either I'm gonna die crying or I'm gonna die fighting.
With that she sprung forward from the bed diving for the gun, which was met by a searing pain, as the knife plunged into her right hand, pinning it to the floor. She let off a blood-curdling scream which was then muffled by a grimy, blood-covered hand as the knife was torn from her hand and she was lifted into the air, then flung onto the bed. She cradled her injured hand close to her body, sobbing in pain. He gave her that psychotic grin. She tried using her legs to push herself further up the bed and against the bed frame could, trying to keep distance between them.
He crept onto the bed slowly, never letting go of his unsettling gaze. Until he was only inches away. Her body was trembling, she could feel his hot breath on her face, it smelled rusty like dried blood, she could taste it on her lips. His eyes were a pasty yellow, bloodshot, piercing. His lips were broken and torn, all their pigment was gone. His smile widened, showing his broken, jagged teeth. His breath got heavier and heavier. She couldn't take it anymore it felt like an eternity, and she just wanted it to end.
"Just get it over with! You have me where you want me!" she yelled at him in a sobbing scornful voice.
His arm rose into the air, knife clasped in hand, and then suddenly...
It came down, hilt tilted forward. She just stared at it in bewilderment, shifting her eyes to the knife and back at him and back again.
He leaned in close to her ear and spoke one word.
submitted by Sp00kyd00d4ever to Write_Right [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:04 healthmedicinet health daily news May 29 2024

DAY: MAY 29 2024


Between the sweat smell, fluorescent lights and omnipresent television screens, April Herring has never connected with going to the gym. Instead, she runs, bikes, hikes, plays tennis, pickleball and football—anything to get her exercise outside as often as possible. “Fresh air, sunshine, the variety of the trees as the seasons change,” said Herring, an administrator at Carroll Community College in North Maryland. “There’s something about the energetic healing


Hot flashes affect roughly 80% of women during the years around menopause. Despite how common they are and how much research has been conducted relative to what causes them, much remains unknown. A new study suggests that acute changes in physical activity, temperature, and humidity may play a role in the hot flash experience. Results of the survey are published online today in the journal Menopause. As one of the most frequently experienced menopause symptoms, hot flashes are sudden heat dissipation events that often involve an increase in heat transfer


Does how much you sleep affect your heart? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults who sleep fewer than seven hours each night are more likely to experience health problems. Dr. Juan Cardenas Rosales, an internal medicine physician at Mayo Clinic, stresses that adequate sleep is crucial for your overall well-being, including your heart health. Getting a good night’s sleep can give you the energy to jump-start your day and your health. “Sleeping is very important to try to prevent other chronic


An analysis by researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine—Tucson showed that risks for death by suicide and homicide peak at night, with nocturnal wakefulness, age, alcohol use and relationship conflicts being especially prevalent as contributing factors. Nearly 19% of suicides and 36% of homicides occur at night. Suicide and homicide share little in common, but their highly concordant overnight risk patterns suggest a common feature: nocturnal wakefulness. “Disrupted sleep may acutely impair rational thought, which can drive impulsive behaviors in vulnerable individuals,”


Research provides new evidence that most colorectal cancers begin with the loss of intestinal stem cells, even before cancer-causing genetic alterations appear. The results, published on May 29 in Developmental Cell, overturn the prevailing theory for colorectal


Synesthesia, hallucinations, euphoria. The documented effects of classic psychedelic substances such as psilocybin (magic mushrooms) or lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) are vast. With their usage common and their effects profound, a team of speech and psychology researchers explored the impact of psychedelics on people who stutter, finding evidence that users see some benefits. “Given the positive effects of psychedelics on conditions like anxiety and PTSD, which share symptoms with stuttering, we think that investigating the potential impact of psychedelics on stuttering can be a fruitful area of research,” says lead


For as long as we have used the internet to communicate and connect with each other, it has influenced how we think, feel and behave. During the COVID pandemic, many of us were “cut off” from our social worlds through restrictions, lockdowns and mandates. Understandably, many of us tried to find ways to connect online. Now, as pandemic restrictions have lifted, some of the ways we use the internet have become concerning. Part of what drives problematic internet use may be something most of us


Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., and it only takes one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence to nearly double a person’s chance of developing melanoma later in life, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. Since babies are much more prone to sunburn than older kids, it’s especially important to protect them from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month.


The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reaffirmed the importance of properly cooking wild game after six people became sick from a parasite traced to undercooked bear meat that was served at a family reunion in South Dakota. The six—one in South Dakota, four in Minnesota and one in Arizona—became infected when bear meat that was served rare turned out to be contaminated with roundworms that cause trichinellosis, also known as trichinosis. Two of the people ate only the vegetables that were grilled with


Overweight and obesity rates are rising worldwide, with several Latin American countries in the forefront. Estimates for 2020 pointed to a global obesity rate of 14%, and experts predicted 24% by 2035, including both adults and children. “Nutritional and pharmacological strategies are important to mitigate the problem, but is this enough? We know socioeconomic and environmental factors influence the occurrence


A model image of the targeted deep brain zone, the striatum, a key player in reward and reinforcement mechanisms. Neurological disorders, such as addiction, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), affect millions of people worldwide and are often characterized by complex pathologies involving multiple brain regions and circuits. These conditions are notoriously difficult to treat due to the intricate and poorly understood nature of brain functions and the challenge of delivering therapies to deep brain structures without invasive procedures. In the rapidly evolving field of neuroscience, non-invasive brain stimulation


The benefit of better heart health may be associated with the positive impact of heart healthy lifestyle factors on biological aging (the age of the body and its cells), according to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. “Our study findings tell us that no matter what your actual age is, better heart-healthy behaviors and managing heart disease risk factors were associated with a younger biological age and a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, death from heart disease and stroke and death from any cause,”


People battling advanced colon cancers might have a new treatment option that could extend their survival, a new trial finds. The findings were present the at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, and should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. A combination of two experimental immunotherapy drugs plus standard chemotherapy led to a median 19.7 month survival for patients, compared to the median 9.5 months observed among folks who only got a targeted therapy called regorafenib. “These results pave the way


In many regions of the U.S. and the world, enjoying the great outdoors comes with a hidden risk: ticks and the diseases they carry. Ticks can carry pathogens like Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii, which can cause Lyme disease in humans. Lyme disease is the most common tickborne illness, but there are also dozens of other diseases that ticks can transmit to humans. Dr. Bobbi Pritt, director of the Clinical Parasitology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says reported cases of tickborne infections are on the rise, and she offers practical tips


For the past year and a half, Tandra Cooper Harris and her husband, Marcus, who both have diabetes, have struggled to fill their prescriptions for the medications they need to control their blood sugar. Without Ozempic or a similar drug, Cooper Harris suffers blackouts, becomes too tired to watch her grandchildren, and struggles to earn extra money braiding hair. Marcus Harris, who works as a Waffle House cook, needs Trulicity to keep his legs and feet from swelling and bruising. The couple’s doctor has tried prescribing similar drugs, which mimic


Monique Gary, a breast cancer surgeon, is a self-described “Philly girl” who was born in Jefferson Einstein hospital and graduated from Philadelphia High School for Girls. Four years ago, she left city life and bought a 40-acre farm in Upper Bucks County, where she runs free, daylong retreats for cancer patients and offers nature walks, aromatherapy, juicing and cooking demonstrations, gardening, and yoga by her fish pond. The farm’s only crop is wellness. “I’m a busy surgeon and when I moved here, I didn’t have any crops, but I knew


scientists show that age-related decline in motor ability can be countered in fruit flies by enhancing the expression of the protein Trio, suggesting potential treatments for age-related movement decline. As we age, we suffer a noticeable decline in motor ability, which affects our quality of life and independence. This can be traced to changes occurring at neuromuscular junctions, the critical points where nerve cells communicate with muscles. The deterioration of motor ability is closely linked to the degeneration of


When public health officials make policies about when and how vaccination programs are implemented, they must weigh the benefits and risks of how infectious diseases spread throughout the country. However, these analyses are often based on national-level data and, in some countries, may overlook nuances at the local level. A new analysis by an international team, including Penn State researchers, revealed that the resulting recommendations may keep some countries from realizing the benefits of vaccination and globally eradicating diseases, such as rubella—a contagious viral infection that causes mild symptoms in


The human gut contains trillions of bacterial and other microbes collectively known as the gut microbiome. New research explores how these diverse microorganisms help manage weight. ASU researchers explore the effects of an intermittent fasting diet combined with protein pacing on body weight and overall health. Credit: The Biodesign institute at Arizona State University A new study by researchers from Arizona State University and their colleagues highlights a dietary strategy for significant health improvement and weight management. Participants following an intermittent fasting and protein-pacing regimen, which involves evenly spaced protein


Tumor cells often hijack normal physiological processes to support their growth, exploiting proteins that are in charge of essential cell functions. It is therefore important to block the activity of these proteins only in cancer cells without affecting their crucial roles in healthy tissues. For this reason, classical approaches using small molecules that induce systemic inhibition across all cells in the body can lead to severe side effects. An example of essential proteins hijacked by cancer cells are the cathepsins, a family of


While older drugs for epilepsy, taken while pregnant, have been shown in previous research to affect the creative thinking of children, a new study finds no effects on creativity for children born to those taking newer epilepsy drugs. This study is published in Neurology. Overall, the study found no effects on the children’s creative abilities or their executive function, which is a person’s ability to plan, focus, and manage multiple tasks. However, when researchers looked only at children with higher concentrations of these medications in the mother’s blood during the


Dating apps are not just about finding love or hooking up. They’re becoming increasingly important in the communication of public health messaging, particularly sexual health. In 2023, Harvard Public Health magazine suggested that dating apps could “become a key component in [sexually infectious diseases] prevention.” And their prediction seems to be spot on. Grindr, a dating app popular among men who have sex with men, for example, has recently partnered with MPOWER in Ireland and The Love Tank in London to allow users to order HIV test kits through the


During heat waves, hospital admissions for mental health spike. The past 10 years were the hottest on record, and as we prepare for another scorcher of a summer, it’s time to take steps to increase our preparedness for extreme heat. The potential for heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are well known hazards of extreme heat. Yet, physical health is not the only factor to consider under extreme heat; mental health can also suffer. Many people can relate to the sleepless nights during hot summer months, as well as


An ear is like an iceberg—much of it is out of sight. The only visible part is the auricle—the seashell shaped structure made of bendy cartilage, covered in skin. Its main role is to act as a trumpet, filtering and funneling sound waves down into the middle, then the inner ear, where they are converted into our sense of hearing. A medical ear examination usually involves an inspection of the canal, using an instrument called an otoscope. This is usually to investigate more common ear conditions—an infection, or a clog


Therapy is great. It gives you the space, time and resources to handle the most difficult challenges of life. Therapy can be especially helpful in the often-confusing life period of your 20s and 30s, when so much is changing and many of your peers have wildly different lifestyles. The aim is to help you discover the thoughts, emotions and behavior that are negatively affecting you, determine where these come from, and develop strategies to change them. But then, how do you know when it is the right time to quit


A new study adds further evidence that when a patient or family member notices signs of persistent memory loss, it’s important to speak with a doctor. While there are many reasons why someone’s memory may change, researchers from Mass General Brigham who are studying patients prior to diagnosis with Alzheimer’s disease found changes in the brain when patients and their study partners—those who could answer questions about their daily cognitive function—reported a decline in cognition. Using imaging, the researchers found reports of cognitive decline were associated with accumulation of tau


Researchers have, for the first time, visualized the full network of blood vessels across the cortex of awake mice, finding that blood vessels rhythmically expand and contract, leading to “waves” washing across the surface of the brain. These findings improve the understanding of how the brain receives blood, though the function of the waves remains a mystery. The work is published in the journal Neuron. A network of elastic and actively pumping vessels carrying oxygenated blood span the surface of the brain before entering the


It is what we are looking at, rather than how much time we are spending our time online that influences our health and well-being, according to a major new report. The study, published in the journal World Psychiatry, is a comprehensive examination of the latest scientific evidence on screen time and mental health, carried out by an international research team. The authors emphasize the importance of taking an individualized and multi-dimensional approach to how the Internet affects mental health, cognition and social functioning. Content that may be relatively harmless to


The brain’s flexibility and ability to cope with loss of neurons or other lesions in the brain is called cognitive reserve. In a 15-year follow-up study, researchers at the division of Aging Research Center (ARC), Karolinska Institutet, suggest that lifelong cognitive reserve helps maintain late-life cognitive health by delaying cognitive transition in the preclinical stages of dementia. The results of their findings were recently published in Alzheimers & Dementia. “We found evidence that lifelong greater cognitive reserve was linked with reduced risks of late-life transitions from normal cognition to mild


Pelvic health is crucial to a woman’s overall well-being but is often misunderstood or overlooked. When symptoms such as urinary incontinence, pain or discomfort, or pain during intercourse occur, they are dismissed as a byproduct of pregnancy and childbirth or just something that comes with age like arthritis. But those symptoms can have a profound effect on a woman’s physical, emotional and social well-being and can lead to more serious complications if untreated. One of the most common conditions is pelvic organ prolapse. This condition occurs when the muscles, ligaments


Researchers have developed a new method for detecting malignant melanoma. A new type of patch equipped with microneedles can identify the biomarker tyrosinase directly in the skin, according to a study published in Advanced Materials. The patch is equipped with microneedles that can detect tyrosinase, an enzyme that is an important biomarker for malignant melanoma. By measuring the enzyme’s


Changes in Weekly Number of Abortions and Out-of-State Patients Before and After the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision, January 1, 2017, to July 31, 2023. Vertical orange line indicates the Supreme Court Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision (June 24, 2022). The blue line indicates deseasonalized trends, the black line indicates estimated seasonality, the dotted line indicates the counterfactual, and the dots indicate the outcome (eg, weekly number of abortions).


Medicare Advantage (MA) is an increasingly popular source of Medicare coverage for all recipients, including individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups. Certain managed care strategies used in MA—such as prior authorization, gatekeeping for access to certain services or specialists, and narrow provider networks—may pose challenges in accessing care. This means the quality of MA-funded care for minority groups has critical health equity implications. A new study published in Health Affairs and led by Professor Jeah Jung found that MA plans do not equally improve the quality of care across


Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of depression in adolescents and young adults—and a simultaneous uptick in the inclusion of technology and social media in everyday life. However, it is unclear how exactly social media use and depression are associated and relate to other behaviors, such as physical activity, green space exposure, cannabis use and eveningness (the tendency to stay up late). In a study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, a team of researchers, led by experts


Youth suicide is a growing concern in Canada, the U.S., and around the world, with some research suggesting this might be linked with excessive social media use in vulnerable teens. With Mental Health Awareness Month closing out this week, York University Psychology Professor Gordon Flett says he was motivated by a growing sense of alarm and frustration when undertaking a review of studies on mattering and youth suicide for his latest research, which appears in Child Protection and Practice. Mattering is feeling significant in the eyes of other people, which


About 78% of participants in the Apple Hearing Study, conducted by the University of Michigan, have experienced tinnitus—the perception of sound that others do not hear. That is just one of the findings that U-M researchers and Apple shared today from the Apple Hearing Study, one of the largest surveys on tinnitus to understand the effects of


women who live in rural Texas, particularly those of a minority background, were less likely to get routine mammograms when compared to their urban counter parts. The findings are published in the journal Geriatric Nursing. Using Texas Medicare data, the


Health economist Olga Yakusheva, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, believes that current government reimbursement models incentivize hospitals to cut nursing jobs to save money. Yakusheva, an expert on the economic value of nursing, and Robert Longyear, co-founder and CEO of Avenue Health, present a new hospital funding model they believe could help solve the nurse staffing problem and improve patient care. Yakusheva discusses their research, which appears in an article in the journal Health Affairs. Since COVID, we’ve seen a lot of media coverage about


A new proof-of-concept study by researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) shows that changing only a single letter in the DNA code of selected genes in T cells may lead to improved cell therapy. The researchers, led by Benjamin Izar, a member of the HICCC, used novel CRISPR-dependent base editing to “supercharge” cell therapies, making them potentially more effective for more patients. Cell therapies work by re-engineering a


To the trained eyes of a doctor, the gray-white shapes and textures of an ultrasound image reveal more than to the layperson. But the tiniest vascular structures have remained elusive—until now. The team from the Department of Medical Engineering at Ruhr University Bochum headed by Professor Georg Schmitz is perfecting ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM). By deploying a commercially available contrast agent with microbubbles and performing a number of calculation steps, it’s now possible, for example, to image the vascular structure of a mouse kidney in minute detail, as well as


Each year, at least 1.7 million adults in the United States and millions more worldwide develop sepsis, a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s immune system has an extreme response to an infection. The condition, which can be difficult to detect and treat, rapidly damages tissues and vital organs and is one of the leading causes of death in hospitals. To help doctors spot when the condition may be developing, one medical technology company, Opticyte, has developed a novel, noninvasive device that can send out alerts when


A consensus has been achieved by an international team of rehabilitation researchers and clinicians on the standardized labeling of spatial neglect, a common disorder following neurological injury, which is characterized by a lack of awareness or response to objects or stimuli on the side opposite a brain lesion. The panel reached a 75% consensus to adopt “spatial neglect” as the standard term for the disorder. The consensus paper, titled “An International and Multidisciplinary Consensus on the Labeling of Spatial Neglect Using a Modified Delphi Method,” was published open access on


Machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and social media are providing researchers with the opportunity to analyze valuable information about social issues in relation to health and mental health, particularly in relation to topics people may be reluctant to discuss in other settings, according to Richard Lomotey, associate professor of information technology at Penn State Beaver. Lomotey, along with researchers from Penn State, the University of Saskatchewan
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2024.05.29 23:22 Hairy_Mess_3971 Boss cut my hours bc I won’t f his gf

I work at a bagrill and the owners gf role has been as a manager of sorts. She was running the schedule when I first started last year September and trained me [incorrectly] in the bar. She made passes early on and I am currently working a police report to see if I have enough to press charges for sexual harassment (the sheriff’s department has said they will present it to the DA when the report is finished and let me know). It’s been really effecting my mental health because I’m in a situation where I have to be nice but I also need this job. I am married btw. She has told me in the past that she doesn’t get paid/have paychecks so I am not sure if she actually works here legally. When she inevitably physically groped me while I was working (she was not working, just drunk per the norm) I pretended to not notice and ignored her albeit it was obvious the dynamic of our relationship changed because I stayed as far away from her as possible and pretended she wasn’t there most of the time. And my hours got cut, never told why, I asked the owner he said nothing was amiss. She hired on some crackhead who quit shortly after but I never got my hours back and I have believed for along time that it was because I didn’t reciprocate her advances. Throughout the following winter she was mostly absent and everything was fine. I was finally getting hours by January then she returned from wherever she went (I assumed rehab since she has a meth record). We needed a cook and I slowly moved into the kitchen. By March I had a regular set schedule, a key and had responsibilities that involved watching over prep oppoerations 2 days a week. My schedule was maxing out, I was getting over time then the hoe followed me into the kitchen and started messing with me again. The kitchen was not her territory the whole time I’ve been here. When she started cutting my hours I leveled with the owner and told him I don’t want to be messed with in the kitchen like I was in the bar. He seemed sincere and then all hell broke loose. She started up arguments and started dictating my job operations. I request to talk with the owner over several days which ended in him screaming at me and saying he has to talk to his lawyer. I finally squeezed 3 days a week out of him but I can’t live off of this. Luckily since he dodged me so much a lot of the conversations we had were over text. I should probably be able to take him to court to get my hours back but I don’t know how. I live in Wisconsin USA.
submitted by Hairy_Mess_3971 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:07 kidtrouble41 I’ve taken in my 6 year old niece as her parents are both deeply involved in methamphetamines and need some help.

My husband and I have recently taken in my 6 year old niece. Her parents (my husbands sister) have been heavily involved in smoking meth for a few years. A year ago I called DFS to report them and was told that without a police report there was nothing they could do. 3 weeks ago there was as domestic disturbance at the camping trailer they live in as my sister in law was very high on meth and proceeded to destroy the camper and then called the police herself. She got arrested for among other things possession of meth and meth apparatus. The husband was not arrested. Their child needed a place to go so she came to stay with us. My background is very similar in the environment I was raised unfortunately so I would like to give this child a chance that I never had. Financially this is a huge burden that I’m not sure how to overcome. My husband and I both work and we have a 5 year old of our own. I looked into getting some financial assistance for my niece to at least help pay for childcare which is going to very quickly drain my savings account. I was told by DFS (in missouri) that because the child was not removed from the home by DFS and that the father had willingly given over POA to me and my husband that there was no funds available to help. My niece cannot go back home to the camper as her mother has been released and is again living with the father in the damaged camper. There is a no contact order in place with the mother. Are there any other resources that I may be able to qualify in my situation to help offset some of the childcare costs? We live in a small rural area and both my husband and I work out of town. Even when schools starts both my niece and my child will need before and after schools care. I am terrified that I am going to have to abandon my efforts with my niece because I simply cannot afford to pay daycare costs. My husband and I do ok, we own our home etc but we live right at our needs. There isn’t much else I could cut out and some assistance for at least a few months until we sort out the long term plan would be very helpful. I was told by her caseworker that if I let her go back to her parents so she could be removed by DFS she would go into foster care and not back with me. Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by kidtrouble41 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:55 SomeOtherTroper What have you done, or specifically NOT done, that conflicts with the usual in your genre(s), and how'd it go for you?

I'll go first with two examples:
I like urban fantasy, but don't like the usual single protagonist who gets a chick per book, or a 'harem' of chicks after him, or the "will they or won't they?" or love triangle teasing. Or the "MC gets the girl/guy in the end" stuff, or the "marriage on the rocks" idea.
So I wrote a story with an MC who was happily married and very committed. (Web serial, so no takebacks or editing earlier chapters.)
And I learned really fucking fast why the tropes I listed are so popular: generating interest from a stable relationship is very hard compared to the other options. You've basically given up the entire romcom playbook, the romance playbook, the "which one is it gonna be?" playbook, and have chopped off the possibility of running any of those plays as downtime moments (for when the main plot is on hiatus and you've got to fill some pages and keep readers interested).
I dealt with it by upgrading the MC's wife to a supernatural powerlevel he'd have to deal with anyway even if she wasn't married to him (I didn't plan this, but felt I had to do it), using flirty 'pillow talk' as a chance for exposition, having "let's visit the in-laws" as a massive plot hook (especially because she turned out to be one of the least powerful folks in her family), embarrassing stories from decades ago they knew about each other, and some other things, but I really could not grab the frisson of a love triangle or a "will they or won't they?" setup.
No regrets, but I missed out on a lot of stuff I could have done, and now understand why those setups I dislike are so common. They generate narrative tension at incredible levels just by existing and can make readers even more interested in the 'downtime' than the main plot!
I learned a lot while trying that.
Second Example: Hardware stores in Urban Fantasy.
Problems with the Fair Folk? We sell cold iron by the pound. You want nails? Screws? Girders? Rebar? Just some threaded rod? We got you.
Werewolves? We might not have wolfsbane (check the gardening department) or silver, but would you rather face a raging werewolf down with a cordless reciprocating saw in your hand or without one?
Vampires? We sell sharpened wooden stakes by the bundle (those are meant to be used for surveying and marking out stuff with string) and mallets to hammer them in. And there are some garlic plants in the gardening section.
Killing a god? Well, do you want to go with the Egyptian method or the Christian method?
The Egyptian method is cutting the god into pieces and scattering them across the known world. (Yeah, that's part of the myth of Osiris. Isis, his wife, had to go on a very long journey to find them all so Osiris could be properly mummified and pass on to become the god of the underworld.) We have circular saws, tablesaws, bandsaws, those reciprocating saws we mentioned earlier, and generally a lot of power tools for slicing gods up. And generators, if you don't like the cordless ones.
The Christian method? You can buy two two-by-fours or four-by-fours and a bunch of big nails or even railroad spikes and a hammer for ...under thirty bucks. No guarantees on whether the god will get back up again after three days.
Oh, you were having problems with ghosts? We've got salt in bulk for de-icing during the winter, and you could get enough to make a circle around your house for - hey Larry! What are we charging for bags of salt these days?
And you might want a flashlight and a knife. We've got those too.
And the funny bit is that you can buy this stuff without even bothering to show an ID. (The stuff they ID you for is spraypaint due to anti-vandalism laws, other stuff you can huff, and solvents that can be used for making meth or other illegal substances.)
It didn't disrupt my story in the slightest that one of the wizardz's first response to a possible supernatural threat was "let's go to Home Depot" (fuck, I should have gotten a sponsorship deal with them), but ho boy do hardware stores sell a bunch of stuff on the 'Killing Things That Go Bump In The Night 101' checklist.
But strangely, I haven't seen or read practically any Urban Fantasy whose authors realized a hardware store was such a great place to go when you want to ...make The Things That Go Bump In The Night stop bumping.
So what have you intentionally included or excluded from your stories, despite genre conventions, and how did you have to work with/around that?
submitted by SomeOtherTroper to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:37 J_xvi_w My Bestish Friend is with my Ex

I’m going to use fake names in this.
I 22F met Josh 27M when I was 13 years old. To make it simple I’m aware he groomed me , but it doesn’t change the fact of how my feelings feel.
We met on Facebook because we had mutual friends. We texted everyday and night. We started dating, with my mother’s approval. I loved him, but our relationship was so toxic , on and off again for years. When I was 14, I locked myself in the bathroom of my friends house because he was high on acid calling me repeatedly screaming through the phone how much he loved me. I was 14 getting nose bleeds from stress. When I was 16 he got another woman pregnant, and that’s when I ended it for “good” or so I thought. I tried to stay friends with him, but then I met my now husband James 24M. Josh hated James and vise versa. I cut ties with Josh after he said James was the “great value version” of him.
Josh was addicted to drugs our whole relationship and friendship. Off and on. When I was 20 Josh started to date my older sister for a little while. My sister is 10 years older than me. They broke up and about 6 months later my sister Overdosed and Died. I seen Josh at her memorial. He started texting me of memories of my sister.
About 3 months later my husband and I split up because of relationship issues we had been battling for a year. I moved in with my at the time, best friend Alisha 23F. I rebounded with Josh. We were together for a month and a half, and during that month he wrecked my car, sold meth out of my car. Cheated on me, threatened me with a gun. He sexually assaulted me while I was drunk, and was just over all toxic and abusive. Alisha watched us having screaming matches and me throwing my phone against a wall. She had brought a gun one time to pick me up because she was scared of him.
Fast forward and my husband and I reunited. We are doing great. My friend Alisha got jealous of mine and my husband being back together because that meant I had less time to hang out with her. so she texted Josh and asked him to make it look like over text that I was cheating on my husband with him, and tried to break us up. When that failed, she decided to sleep with Josh instead to make me upset. Well I guess they fell in love and they’ve been together for a year. Now he’s been telling Alisha’s cousin that he’s thinking about leaving her and he doesn’t know what to do. He’s been clean for the whole year, she’s helped him get on his own two feet, and has supported him going back to school to get his GED. she’s asking me for advice about his behavior, and I don’t know what to tell her because I don’t remember what Josh was like when he was sober. I don’t miss Josh, and I’m in a way better place without him. but I get angry because after years of bullshit he gets clean while with her and I get abused. Alisha told me it was because I didn’t put my foot down and make him get sober, but I already learned from my sister that you can’t make someone get sober. I only still talk to Alisha because she’s my boss at my job, because she hurt me beyond more than I can handle, but it’s wild to me to have known his man for almost 10 years. And not really know him at all because he wasn’t ever sober.
I’m not sure what to tell her.
submitted by J_xvi_w to offmychest [link] [comments]