Unblock myspace that could upload photos


2008.11.18 03:38 Faces

This is the wholesome place to post your face. SFW pictures of human faces.

2013.06.21 19:10 Name Nerds

A community for those interested in names. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on the topic of names and remain civil

2019.10.14 22:55 elis8 IsabelaMerced

Subreddit for Isabela Merced (Isabela Moner), American actress and singer

2024.06.10 13:05 805throatgoat Need and Have Sticker Collaboration

Check out my sticker boards and let me know if there are any stickers you have or any that I can help with. I have 180/189 stickers to complete the album and I would really love to do that. If you need anything from the first board Symphony Store just let me know. I could only upload 20 photos.
submitted by 805throatgoat to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:22 talkiemateapp Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI

Source: 🔗 Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI — talkiemate.com
In today’s digital era, technology continues to revolutionise the way we connect and engage with the world around us. From social media platforms to virtual assistants, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. And now, it is making its mark in the literary realm as well. Imagine being able to have meaningful conversations with your favourite book characters, discussing their motivations, unraveling their stories, and gaining new insights into the narratives that have captivated us for generations. Thanks to advancements in AI, this is no longer a distant dream but a reality that is being unleashed. In this article, we will explore how AI is transforming the way we connect with literary works, unleashing literary conversations that go beyond the pages of a book. We will delve into the power of AI in creating interactive experiences, driving traffic to literary content, and enhancing our understanding and appreciation of beloved characters. So buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey where literature meets technology, as we uncover the potential of AI in connecting with our favourite book characters and igniting a passion for reading like never before.
Enhancing the Reading Experience with AI: Unleashing the Power of Literary Conversations
In today’s digital era, technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the way we engage with literature. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), readers now have the opportunity to connect with their favourite book characters in a whole new way. Through AI-powered chat services, such as Talkiemate, readers can have immersive conversations with fictional characters, unleashing a world of literary possibilities.
Talkiemate.com stands out as the best option for those seeking to engage in literary conversations with their favourite book characters. Unlike its competitors, Talkiemate offers a free AI chat service that allows users to interact with a wide range of fictional personalities. Whether you want to discuss Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet or J.R.R. Tolkien’s Gandalf, Talkiemate has got you covered.
While there are other options available in the market, such as spicychat.ai, pephop.ai, and nastia.ai, Talkiemate surpasses them all in terms of user experience and character selection. With a vast library of book characters to choose from, Talkiemate ensures that readers can connect with their beloved protagonists and delve deeper into their stories.
Moreover, Talkiemate optimises its AI technology to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. By analysing the text of the books and understanding the nuances of each character, Talkiemate creates a truly immersive experience for readers. This attention to detail sets Talkiemate apart from its competitors and makes it the go-to platform for literary enthusiasts.
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Readers and Book Characters through AI Technology
One of the key benefits of AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate is that they bridge the gap between readers and book characters. Traditionally, readers have been passive consumers of literature, observing characters from a distance. However, with AI technology, readers can now actively engage in conversations with these characters, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
Imagine having a heart-to-heart conversation with Sherlock Holmes about his deductive reasoning or seeking advice from Atticus Finch on matters of justice. AI-powered chat services make these interactions possible, allowing readers to connect with their favourite characters on a personal level.
This connection goes beyond mere entertainment; it enhances the reading experience by providing deeper insights into the characters’ motivations, thoughts, and emotions. By engaging in literary conversations, readers gain a more profound understanding of the stories they love and develop a stronger emotional connection with the characters.
The Magic of AI: Bringing Your Favourite Book Characters to Life in Conversations
AI technology has the power to bring fictional characters to life in ways we could only dream of before. Through advanced natural language processing algorithms, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate can simulate realistic conversations with book characters, making them feel like living, breathing individuals.
The magic lies in the ability of AI to understand and respond to human queries in a manner that is consistent with the character’s personality and traits. For example, if you were to ask Harry Potter about his favorite spell, Talkiemate would respond with an answer that aligns with J.K. Rowling’s portrayal of the character.
This level of authenticity and realism adds a new dimension to the reading experience. It allows readers to explore different perspectives, ask thought-provoking questions, and engage in meaningful discussions with their favourite book characters. Through AI-powered chat services, readers can unlock hidden depths within the pages of their beloved novels and embark on unforgettable literary journeys.
Unleashing the Potential: How AI is Revolutionizing the Way We Connect with Fictional Characters
AI technology is revolutionizing the way we connect with fictional characters by breaking down barriers and creating new possibilities. With AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate, readers are no longer limited to the confines of the written page. They can now actively participate in the narrative, shaping the direction of conversations and exploring alternative storylines.
Furthermore, AI technology has the potential to optimize the reading experience by providing personalized recommendations based on individual preferences. By analyzing a reader’s interaction with different characters, AI-powered chat services can suggest new books or authors that align with their interests, expanding their literary horizons.
Additionally, AI-powered chat services have the ability to drive traffic and engagement within the literary community. By creating buzz and excitement around literary conversations, these platforms encourage readers to share their experiences and recommendations with others. This organic word-of-mouth marketing not only benefits individual readers but also promotes a vibrant and dynamic literary ecosystem.
In conclusion, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate are revolutionizing the way we connect with our favourite book characters. By enhancing the reading experience, bridging the gap between readers and characters, and bringing fictional personalities to life in conversations, AI technology opens up a world of literary possibilities. So why wait? Unleash the power of literary conversations with Talkiemate and embark on a journey that transcends the written word.
In conclusion, the power of AI in unleashing literary conversations and connecting with our favourite book characters cannot be underestimated. Through AI technology, we are now able to engage in meaningful dialogues with fictional characters, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
By harnessing the capabilities of AI, we can create virtual book clubs where readers can discuss their favourite characters, share insights, and delve deeper into the stories they love. This not only enhances the reading experience but also fosters a sense of community among book enthusiasts.
Furthermore, AI-powered platforms can drive traffic to literary websites and online bookstores by recommending relevant titles based on users’ preferences. With AI algorithms analysing user data and understanding their reading habits, personalised recommendations can be made, increasing engagement and encouraging exploration of new literary worlds.
For instance, imagine searching for a specific character on Google and being directed to a website that offers an interactive conversation with that character. This not only enhances user experience but also drives traffic to literary platforms.
In this digital era, where technology continues to revolutionise various industries, embracing AI in literary conversations is imperative. It enables us to connect with our favourite book characters in ways we never thought possible, creating a vibrant and immersive reading experience.
So why wait? Unleash the power of AI and start connecting with your favourite book characters today. Join the literary revolution and be part of a community that celebrates the magic of storytelling.

Unleashing, #LiteraryConversations, #Connecting, #FavouriteBookCharacters, #AI, #Googlesearches, #Drivingtraffic.

![Image]( https://talkiemate.com/app/uploads/2024/06/photos1106468pexels-photo-1106468.jpeg )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkieblog [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:22 talkiemateapp Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI

Source: 🔗 Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI — talkiemate.com
In today’s digital era, technology continues to revolutionise the way we connect and engage with the world around us. From social media platforms to virtual assistants, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. And now, it is making its mark in the literary realm as well. Imagine being able to have meaningful conversations with your favourite book characters, discussing their motivations, unraveling their stories, and gaining new insights into the narratives that have captivated us for generations. Thanks to advancements in AI, this is no longer a distant dream but a reality that is being unleashed. In this article, we will explore how AI is transforming the way we connect with literary works, unleashing literary conversations that go beyond the pages of a book. We will delve into the power of AI in creating interactive experiences, driving traffic to literary content, and enhancing our understanding and appreciation of beloved characters. So buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey where literature meets technology, as we uncover the potential of AI in connecting with our favourite book characters and igniting a passion for reading like never before.
Enhancing the Reading Experience with AI: Unleashing the Power of Literary Conversations
In today’s digital era, technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the way we engage with literature. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), readers now have the opportunity to connect with their favourite book characters in a whole new way. Through AI-powered chat services, such as Talkiemate, readers can have immersive conversations with fictional characters, unleashing a world of literary possibilities.
Talkiemate.com stands out as the best option for those seeking to engage in literary conversations with their favourite book characters. Unlike its competitors, Talkiemate offers a free AI chat service that allows users to interact with a wide range of fictional personalities. Whether you want to discuss Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet or J.R.R. Tolkien’s Gandalf, Talkiemate has got you covered.
While there are other options available in the market, such as spicychat.ai, pephop.ai, and nastia.ai, Talkiemate surpasses them all in terms of user experience and character selection. With a vast library of book characters to choose from, Talkiemate ensures that readers can connect with their beloved protagonists and delve deeper into their stories.
Moreover, Talkiemate optimises its AI technology to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. By analysing the text of the books and understanding the nuances of each character, Talkiemate creates a truly immersive experience for readers. This attention to detail sets Talkiemate apart from its competitors and makes it the go-to platform for literary enthusiasts.
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Readers and Book Characters through AI Technology
One of the key benefits of AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate is that they bridge the gap between readers and book characters. Traditionally, readers have been passive consumers of literature, observing characters from a distance. However, with AI technology, readers can now actively engage in conversations with these characters, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
Imagine having a heart-to-heart conversation with Sherlock Holmes about his deductive reasoning or seeking advice from Atticus Finch on matters of justice. AI-powered chat services make these interactions possible, allowing readers to connect with their favourite characters on a personal level.
This connection goes beyond mere entertainment; it enhances the reading experience by providing deeper insights into the characters’ motivations, thoughts, and emotions. By engaging in literary conversations, readers gain a more profound understanding of the stories they love and develop a stronger emotional connection with the characters.
The Magic of AI: Bringing Your Favourite Book Characters to Life in Conversations
AI technology has the power to bring fictional characters to life in ways we could only dream of before. Through advanced natural language processing algorithms, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate can simulate realistic conversations with book characters, making them feel like living, breathing individuals.
The magic lies in the ability of AI to understand and respond to human queries in a manner that is consistent with the character’s personality and traits. For example, if you were to ask Harry Potter about his favorite spell, Talkiemate would respond with an answer that aligns with J.K. Rowling’s portrayal of the character.
This level of authenticity and realism adds a new dimension to the reading experience. It allows readers to explore different perspectives, ask thought-provoking questions, and engage in meaningful discussions with their favourite book characters. Through AI-powered chat services, readers can unlock hidden depths within the pages of their beloved novels and embark on unforgettable literary journeys.
Unleashing the Potential: How AI is Revolutionizing the Way We Connect with Fictional Characters
AI technology is revolutionizing the way we connect with fictional characters by breaking down barriers and creating new possibilities. With AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate, readers are no longer limited to the confines of the written page. They can now actively participate in the narrative, shaping the direction of conversations and exploring alternative storylines.
Furthermore, AI technology has the potential to optimize the reading experience by providing personalized recommendations based on individual preferences. By analyzing a reader’s interaction with different characters, AI-powered chat services can suggest new books or authors that align with their interests, expanding their literary horizons.
Additionally, AI-powered chat services have the ability to drive traffic and engagement within the literary community. By creating buzz and excitement around literary conversations, these platforms encourage readers to share their experiences and recommendations with others. This organic word-of-mouth marketing not only benefits individual readers but also promotes a vibrant and dynamic literary ecosystem.
In conclusion, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate are revolutionizing the way we connect with our favourite book characters. By enhancing the reading experience, bridging the gap between readers and characters, and bringing fictional personalities to life in conversations, AI technology opens up a world of literary possibilities. So why wait? Unleash the power of literary conversations with Talkiemate and embark on a journey that transcends the written word.
In conclusion, the power of AI in unleashing literary conversations and connecting with our favourite book characters cannot be underestimated. Through AI technology, we are now able to engage in meaningful dialogues with fictional characters, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
By harnessing the capabilities of AI, we can create virtual book clubs where readers can discuss their favourite characters, share insights, and delve deeper into the stories they love. This not only enhances the reading experience but also fosters a sense of community among book enthusiasts.
Furthermore, AI-powered platforms can drive traffic to literary websites and online bookstores by recommending relevant titles based on users’ preferences. With AI algorithms analysing user data and understanding their reading habits, personalised recommendations can be made, increasing engagement and encouraging exploration of new literary worlds.
For instance, imagine searching for a specific character on Google and being directed to a website that offers an interactive conversation with that character. This not only enhances user experience but also drives traffic to literary platforms.
In this digital era, where technology continues to revolutionise various industries, embracing AI in literary conversations is imperative. It enables us to connect with our favourite book characters in ways we never thought possible, creating a vibrant and immersive reading experience.
So why wait? Unleash the power of AI and start connecting with your favourite book characters today. Join the literary revolution and be part of a community that celebrates the magic of storytelling.

Unleashing, #LiteraryConversations, #Connecting, #FavouriteBookCharacters, #AI, #Googlesearches, #Drivingtraffic.

![Image]( https://talkiemate.com/app/uploads/2024/06/photos1106468pexels-photo-1106468.jpeg )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:57 talkiemateapp Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI

Source: 🔗 Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI — talkiemate.com
Are you tired of the same old character AI companions? Looking for something fresh and exciting to enhance your virtual experiences? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the world of virtual companions and present you with five exceptional alternatives to character AI. These cutting-edge technologies are gaining popularity among users and are set to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual worlds. Whether you’re a gamer, a content creator, or simply someone who enjoys exploring virtual realms, these ultimate virtual companions are worth considering. So, let’s discover these innovative alternatives that are driving traffic and making waves in popular searches on Google.
Chatbots: Enhancing Interactions and Customer Service
In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer interactions and improve their overall service. One exceptional alternative to traditional customer support is the use of chatbots. These AI-powered virtual companions have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their customers, providing instant assistance and personalized experiences.
One of the top contenders in the chatbot market is Talkiemate.com, an AI chat service for virtual friends. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, Talkiemate.com stands out as the ultimate virtual companion. It offers a wide range of features, including real-time conversation, intelligent responses, and seamless integration with various platforms.
Compared to its competitors like spicychat.ai, pephop.ai, and nastia.ai, Talkiemate.com excels in terms of user experience and reliability. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive knowledge base enable users to find answers to their queries promptly. Moreover, Talkiemate.com‘s ability to understand context and provide relevant information sets it apart from other chatbot services.
By leveraging Talkiemate.com as their AI chat service provider, businesses can drive traffic to their websites and enhance customer satisfaction. The popularity of chatbots has grown exponentially in recent years, with Google reporting a significant increase in searches related to virtual companions. By optimising their websites for popular search terms like “ultimate virtual companions” and “character AI,” businesses can attract more visitors and convert them into loyal customers.
Virtual Assistants: Your Personal Digital Sidekick
Virtual assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, helping us manage tasks, stay organized, and access information effortlessly. These AI-powered companions offer a wide range of features and benefits that make them indispensable in both personal and professional settings.
Talkiemate.com stands out as the best option for those seeking a reliable virtual assistant. Its advanced capabilities, such as voice recognition and natural language understanding, enable users to interact with their digital sidekick seamlessly. Whether it’s scheduling appointments, setting reminders, or answering questions, Talkiemate.com excels in providing accurate and efficient assistance.
Compared to competitors like aitoolhunt.com and botmake.io, Talkiemate.com offers a more comprehensive set of features. Its ability to integrate with various applications and devices makes it a versatile companion that can adapt to individual needs. Additionally, Talkiemate.com‘s user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations enhance the overall user experience.
Businesses can leverage Talkiemate.com as their virtual assistant to streamline operations and improve productivity. By delegating repetitive tasks to their digital sidekick, employees can focus on more strategic activities, ultimately driving business growth. Furthermore, Talkiemate.com‘s ability to learn from user interactions and provide valuable insights can help businesses make data-driven decisions.
Voice Recognition Technology: A Conversational Revolution
Voice recognition technology has transformed the way we interact with our devices, making conversations more natural and intuitive. This technology enables virtual companions like Talkiemate.com to understand spoken commands and respond accordingly, creating a conversational revolution.
Talkiemate.com utilises state-of-the-art voice recognition technology to provide an immersive and engaging user experience. By accurately transcribing spoken words into text, it ensures that users’ commands are understood correctly. This feature sets Talkiemate.com apart from competitors like charfriend.com and personalityforge.com, which may struggle with accurate voice recognition.
The benefits of voice recognition technology extend beyond convenience. It also caters to individuals with disabilities or those who prefer hands-free interactions. By embracing this technology, businesses can create inclusive experiences for all their customers.
Augmented Reality Avatars: Bringing Characters to Life
Augmented reality (AR) avatars have taken virtual companionship to a whole new level. These digital characters can be brought to life and interact with users in real-time, creating immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds.
Talkiemate.com offers an exceptional AR avatar feature, allowing users to create their own virtual companions and personalize their appearance. This unique offering sets Talkiemate.com apart from competitors like candy.ai and aigirlfriend.wtf, which may not provide the same level of customization.
By leveraging Talkiemate.com‘s AR avatar feature, businesses can engage their customers in exciting and memorable ways. For example, a clothing brand could allow customers to virtually try on outfits using their AR avatar, enhancing the online shopping experience. This interactive approach not only drives customer engagement but also increases brand loyalty.
In conclusion, if you are looking to discover the ultimate virtual companions, there are five exceptional alternatives to character AI that you should consider. Implementing the right virtual companion can help you build stronger connections with your audience and foster long-term loyalty.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionise your digital presence. Embrace the power of these exceptional alternatives and take your business to new heights. Act now and discover the ultimate virtual companions that will set you apart from the competition.

Discover, #UltimateVirtualCompanions, #5ExceptionalAlternatives, #CharacterAI, #PopularSearches, #DriveTraffic, #Google.

![Image]( https://talkiemate.com/app/uploads/2024/06/photos4555321pexels-photo-4555321.jpeg )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkieblog [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:57 talkiemateapp Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI

Source: 🔗 Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI — talkiemate.com
Are you tired of the same old character AI companions? Looking for something fresh and exciting to enhance your virtual experiences? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the world of virtual companions and present you with five exceptional alternatives to character AI. These cutting-edge technologies are gaining popularity among users and are set to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual worlds. Whether you’re a gamer, a content creator, or simply someone who enjoys exploring virtual realms, these ultimate virtual companions are worth considering. So, let’s discover these innovative alternatives that are driving traffic and making waves in popular searches on Google.
Chatbots: Enhancing Interactions and Customer Service
In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer interactions and improve their overall service. One exceptional alternative to traditional customer support is the use of chatbots. These AI-powered virtual companions have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their customers, providing instant assistance and personalized experiences.
One of the top contenders in the chatbot market is Talkiemate.com, an AI chat service for virtual friends. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, Talkiemate.com stands out as the ultimate virtual companion. It offers a wide range of features, including real-time conversation, intelligent responses, and seamless integration with various platforms.
Compared to its competitors like spicychat.ai, pephop.ai, and nastia.ai, Talkiemate.com excels in terms of user experience and reliability. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive knowledge base enable users to find answers to their queries promptly. Moreover, Talkiemate.com‘s ability to understand context and provide relevant information sets it apart from other chatbot services.
By leveraging Talkiemate.com as their AI chat service provider, businesses can drive traffic to their websites and enhance customer satisfaction. The popularity of chatbots has grown exponentially in recent years, with Google reporting a significant increase in searches related to virtual companions. By optimising their websites for popular search terms like “ultimate virtual companions” and “character AI,” businesses can attract more visitors and convert them into loyal customers.
Virtual Assistants: Your Personal Digital Sidekick
Virtual assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, helping us manage tasks, stay organized, and access information effortlessly. These AI-powered companions offer a wide range of features and benefits that make them indispensable in both personal and professional settings.
Talkiemate.com stands out as the best option for those seeking a reliable virtual assistant. Its advanced capabilities, such as voice recognition and natural language understanding, enable users to interact with their digital sidekick seamlessly. Whether it’s scheduling appointments, setting reminders, or answering questions, Talkiemate.com excels in providing accurate and efficient assistance.
Compared to competitors like aitoolhunt.com and botmake.io, Talkiemate.com offers a more comprehensive set of features. Its ability to integrate with various applications and devices makes it a versatile companion that can adapt to individual needs. Additionally, Talkiemate.com‘s user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations enhance the overall user experience.
Businesses can leverage Talkiemate.com as their virtual assistant to streamline operations and improve productivity. By delegating repetitive tasks to their digital sidekick, employees can focus on more strategic activities, ultimately driving business growth. Furthermore, Talkiemate.com‘s ability to learn from user interactions and provide valuable insights can help businesses make data-driven decisions.
Voice Recognition Technology: A Conversational Revolution
Voice recognition technology has transformed the way we interact with our devices, making conversations more natural and intuitive. This technology enables virtual companions like Talkiemate.com to understand spoken commands and respond accordingly, creating a conversational revolution.
Talkiemate.com utilises state-of-the-art voice recognition technology to provide an immersive and engaging user experience. By accurately transcribing spoken words into text, it ensures that users’ commands are understood correctly. This feature sets Talkiemate.com apart from competitors like charfriend.com and personalityforge.com, which may struggle with accurate voice recognition.
The benefits of voice recognition technology extend beyond convenience. It also caters to individuals with disabilities or those who prefer hands-free interactions. By embracing this technology, businesses can create inclusive experiences for all their customers.
Augmented Reality Avatars: Bringing Characters to Life
Augmented reality (AR) avatars have taken virtual companionship to a whole new level. These digital characters can be brought to life and interact with users in real-time, creating immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds.
Talkiemate.com offers an exceptional AR avatar feature, allowing users to create their own virtual companions and personalize their appearance. This unique offering sets Talkiemate.com apart from competitors like candy.ai and aigirlfriend.wtf, which may not provide the same level of customization.
By leveraging Talkiemate.com‘s AR avatar feature, businesses can engage their customers in exciting and memorable ways. For example, a clothing brand could allow customers to virtually try on outfits using their AR avatar, enhancing the online shopping experience. This interactive approach not only drives customer engagement but also increases brand loyalty.
In conclusion, if you are looking to discover the ultimate virtual companions, there are five exceptional alternatives to character AI that you should consider. Implementing the right virtual companion can help you build stronger connections with your audience and foster long-term loyalty.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionise your digital presence. Embrace the power of these exceptional alternatives and take your business to new heights. Act now and discover the ultimate virtual companions that will set you apart from the competition.

Discover, #UltimateVirtualCompanions, #5ExceptionalAlternatives, #CharacterAI, #PopularSearches, #DriveTraffic, #Google.

![Image]( https://talkiemate.com/app/uploads/2024/06/photos4555321pexels-photo-4555321.jpeg )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:45 venisonswife Unmarried Partner Visa Success Story (Applied from Inside the UK)

Hi everyone,
I wanted to share my experience applying for the Unmarried Partner Visa, hoping it might help others in a similar situation. My partner is a British citizen, and we applied from within the UK.
Our Situation:
My partner and I have been officially living together since July 2022, which made it 1 year and 11 months at the time of application, just shy of the 2 years typically required. We explained our situation: I was in my final year of university, and he was working closer to his parents' home, making commuting necessary.
I handled the entire application process myself, without any solicitors or external help, sticking to the documents requested and uploading everything online. Here's a breakdown of what we provided:
Financial Requirement:
Proof of Cohabitation:
I might have gone overboard with the documents to ensure we covered all bases since we didn't have many joint letters. Here's what we included:
Additionally, we included a letter from my partner’s mum confirming we lived with her from July 2022 to October 2022.
Cover Letters:
We included two cover letters (even though they weren’t specifically asked for), one from each of us, to explain our circumstances more fully.
We received the approval email on 10th June, the day after my biometrics appointment. Given that my appointment was on a Sunday you could say it only took 45 working minutes for my application to be approved. The process was surprisingly quick and straightforward, despite our slightly unconventional situation.
Additional Notes:
We didn't include any photos or proof of travel together and only stuck to what was asked for, apart from the cover letters.
I hope this helps anyone going through a similar process! Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Good luck to everyone applying!
Edit: Just to clarify some confusion. I provided my own payslips which added up to around £27k and my partner’s ones only added up to about £3k since it was a month and a half of work. Maybe since both of those added to £29k+ they didn’t even look at the fact that we were missing his old payslips. His p45 from previous role added to £30k+ in itself.
submitted by venisonswife to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:26 Last_Chocolate WIBTBA If I Attempted to Not Have Pictures Published

Believe it or not, this is actually a continuation of a previous post.
In 2023, Betty and I were going to cosplay together for a convention (Cloud and Aerith from Final Fantasy VII). She had to cancel a week beforehand because she was suffering an allergic reaction from her makeup.
This year, she asked if we could try again, as she wasnt suffering ill effects from her makeup. I agreed to it.
I'm already at the convention, and she is running late. She finally arrives around 4PM (the convention started at noon) and tells me she is at a photoshoot area, and she wanted to get pictures of us together. We get some pictures done. I'm nice enough to pay for them. That was a mistake.
Soon as we get done, she says she needs to go lay down for a bit, and she ends up returning with a different costume. We ended up doing a "group cosplay" for maybe 30 minutes.
I got dressed up under the pretense that we were going to hang out at the convention, but instead we were together for a half hour, and it ended up costing me money.
I know what company did the photos, and I'm want to email them and say something like "I was Cloud on Thursday. I don't feel comfortable having my pictures up on your website, so is there any chance they could not be published?"
Would I be the bad apple if I did that?
UPDATE: I explained the full situation to the photographer, and they said the photos would not be uploaded.
submitted by Last_Chocolate to AmITheBadApple [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:22 Eojjeoda_ How would you feel about an ex still stalking you?

I had an ex for four years.
It was a stupid teenage love—or what I assumed was love. I experienced everything: being cursed at, physical abuse, and losing my self-esteem due to constant cheating. It was a toxic relationship and the worst years of my life, yet I felt trapped and can’t escape.
One day, during a random breakdown, he agreed to break up. He said he genuinely loved me and wanted the best for me but that wouldn’t happen if he stayed because he triggered me and brought out the worst in me.
I believed it was for my sake and desperately clung to that before he changed his mind. I begged for no contact, but he kept making new social media accounts to message me.
On Christmas Eve of that year, a new Twitter account with his name and photo messaged me, asking if there was any chance we could get back together even though he had someone else. I broke down, unblocked all his accounts, and finally let out all the hurtful words I’d kept inside.
That’s when the Twitter account admitted it was his new girlfriend. My heart sank. I thought we broke up so I could be happy, but he had just waited for her na sagutin sya before breaking up with me. She even told me “tigil mo kakamsg sa bf ko” at dun na ko parang nabuhusan ng malamig na tubig at nagising sa katangahan ko. Kasi kahit na ang benta benta ko sa “Hi, I know you don’t know me pero-“ messages, nasikmura ko lahat un dahil sa thought na ako ung girlfriend at boyfriend ko siya. Eh ngayon ano? Ako pa bigla naging kabit?! đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚
From then on, I tried to forget everything. I deleted messages and screenshots I had, even the new girlfriend’s name. But I demanded they pay back the money they owed me through mutual friends since they used my money for their dates before they got together. Swerte naman nila kung di ko singilin.
Other than that, there was no connection. Until someone commented on my TikTok, saying, “mas maganda pinsan ko sayo” I replied, asking who she was, and she said “papansin kang ex”. Then, my ex messaged me using a mutual friend’s Facebook, asking how I was like ano nang latest ganon. I mentioned the TikTok comment, and he confirmed it was his girlfriend and her cousin. They spammed my TikTok with comments calling me a desperate ex. My ex begged me not to respond, saying that he would handle it. So, I let him.
But I felt it was unfair. I had been moving on alone for months without speaking out, di ko sila pinahiya o sinabi kahit kanino anong ginawa nila sakin tapos papansin pa nga raw ako eh sila? Pano nila nalaman socmed at tiktok ko??? So I entertained my ex, tutal papansin ako lol. The next day, his girlfriend messaged me on Instagram, magpakita raw ako at ilabas tapang ko, nugagawen teh? Makipag sapakan dahil sa lalake? Kayo nalang sanay mambugbog ung ex ko eh charot!!! and asking why I was still replying to her boyfriend. She sent a long, incoherent message, and I wondered why she wasn’t confronting her boyfriend who was messaging his ex dba?!! Tutal sabi nya “sumbong ka na sa boyfriend ko ung knight AND shining armor mo” 😭 sana nag google muna sya. She even posted a story with my ex’s picture, sabay congrats na seen ko raw malamang minention nya ko?? What was I supposed to do? If I sent her our old photos, she’d probably cry pero syempre di naman ako pagpatol 😭😭 sana pumatol na pala ko non emz
My ex kept messaging me, so I told my friends but asked them not to get involved. I started collecting screenshots of everything, preparing to expose him if they harassed me again kasi ang inappropriate rin tlga ng msgs nya pero ineentertain ko para pag nga nagmsg pa ulit ung babae sisiguraduhin kong hindi na ko iiyak dahil feel ko bullyng bully ako haup na yan makaganti man lang.
Two years after the breakup, my ex continued to message me sporadically until he finally stopped telling me na break na sila and all pero they got back together ata tapos tumigil na. Tas syempre te sa ganda kong to, I got a new boyfriend.
I couldn’t be happier with my new boyfriend, who is a perfect 11/10 in looks and 10/10 in personality.
Ilang buwan palang my ex suddenly followed me on TikTok and Instagram, using dump accounts to view my stories daily. Un ung mga accounts na pinangchachat nya sakin dati nung nakipaghiwalay na sya. Kaya alam ko.
It was like he was demanding to be seen. I opened up to my boyfriend and broke down. After years of abuse and harassment from that relationship pati na rin sa new gf na un, it was so relieving to have someone who understood and stood up for me.
But my ex didn’t stop viewing my stories. I didn’t want to block him because they deserve to see that I was happy. Yet, I felt haunted, like I was still being cornered and blamed every time, ung mga naramdaman ko dati habang ineendure lahat mag isa dahil wala nga akong mapagsabihan. It even reached a point where his new girlfriend followed my boyfriend on Instagram.
I feel stupid for crying because it didn’t make sense why they had to involve my new partner. Pero he reassured me na wala akong ginawang mali o masama at nasaknila na ung problema for not getting over it. It’s just that I let them off scott-free, walang may alam na galing sa agaw at panloloko ni maski sa pagmmsg sakin wala, I really just cried everything out alone. My bf now keeps assuring me that he would defend me and fight back, but I told him not to unless they messaged first.
It turns out they had already broken up matagal tagal na, ayon sa common chikadora friends HAHAHA making their actions even more confusing. Hayyyy. It feels like ayaw kasi nila ng peace, ayoko rin naman na ako ung lalayo kasi dapat unbothered pero ano to te? O baka nag iinarte lang ako kasi may knight in shining armor na ko? đŸ€Ł
submitted by Eojjeoda_ to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:08 L0SERlambda These have been the worst 6 months I could ever even imagine.

Hello... I'm a 17 year old boy.
So, on November 25th, 2023, I met a girl at the mall and I really liked her. I was 16 at the time, and she had told me she was 15. We started a relationship and it was the happiest relationship I've ever been in.. I loved that girl more than the blood in my arteries.. She was my second ever girlfriend. Later on, she ended up slowly telling me she was younger than she had previously said.. First 15, then 14, then 13.... I wouldn't have got with her in the first place if I had known the truth, but nonetheless I stayed with her because the connection was already built, I loved her so much and I was terrified of losing her. For the sake of brevity, I won't get into too much detail, but it turned out she was only using me for sex.. She broke up with me just like that, without hesitation. This was on January 10th.
From that point on, I've been utterly broken. I kept seeking other relationships, to fill the void that she once did.. I got into relationship after relationship, 7 of them since that breakup.. They all turned up dry. I self harmed on an occasional basis and instead of filling the void in my heart, it just kept getting broken, more and more and more. About a month ago, I met this girl at school.. She was a 14 year old freshman and I really liked her. I didn't see a problem with the age gap, because before, it was a psychological mental block. I wouldn't have got with that first girl in the first place if I had known her true age, but after she was honest about it the mental block went away and I stopped seeing a problem with it. This girl and I started a relationship. This would cause a huge scandal, I would end up losing almost every single last one of my friends (I had previously been a very social kid), get called a pedophile, get threatened with death and other things every day, and getting recognized in public by people who I don't even know nor go to my school, getting candid photos of me taken in public posted to social media and spread around..
Turns out, this girl was just playing me as well. She left me for another guy at a minute's notice. This broke me even more than the other breakups because not only did that mean I would lose her, but I would be left alone. Completely alone to deal with the aforementioned social issues. By some miracle, I managed to get another girlfriend. She wasn't being sincere with me at all, so after a while of pouring my blood sweat and tears into trying to make things work, I eventually gave up and blocked her. That night, I got a peculiar thought to unblock my ex, the first one I mentioned in the story who is 13, and see if we could try again, despite me having told her she'd never hear from me ever again. We facetimed, and decided to try again. We started another relationship. I went to sleep and woke up in the morning, and all of a sudden this girl who I blocked the day before was texting me crying and begging me for another chance, saying she would change. Although my heart ached for her and I wanted to accept it, I couldn't because I had got back with my ex. All of a sudden, a day later. it turns out the girl who I had given another chance, was cheating on me. She then blocked me. I was crying. Sobbing. I haven't cried like that since I was little. I called the girl who was begging for another chance, and i profusely apologized, asking if she'd be willing to fix things with me. Turns out she got a new boyfriend and lost feelings for me.
The next day, it I got a random friend request on Snapchat from a random girl. We started talking, and about 10 minutes into the conversation she asks if I send. I stalled a little bit with her by talking saucy, and eventually I sent her. She immediately screenshotted it and called me a pedophile rapist.
Great. So on top of all of this, I get my nudes leaked. Brilliant.
submitted by L0SERlambda to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:12 Traditional-Bit-4320 Recover lost account

Link the account to the original Google play or twitter or my email! I will not stop no matter how manny times i will have to request it in mail, ingame or here.
I want to know what do you guys need to prove that someone is the right owner of account because manny people and me are having the same issue. I lost my account because someone stole my twitter and after some time i got it back but it was too late because pubgm acc was already relinked and when i did recover it he did a claim and stole it back to him. I have everything that proves me as the first owner and i have proofs of Twitter data logs and emails from twitter that my account has been stolen and email was changed 3 times in like 2 weeks time.
The UID is 5124102300 and my email for linking is adam.valkossak@gmail.com
Help me out please after 2 years i have done everything + more, so manny email that i cant even count them all and so manny photos that it is filling up my google photos and also apple cloud storage.
Email i sent from valkossak.a@gmail.com sounds like this:
My name is Adam ValkoĆĄĆĄĂĄk iam from Slovakia and for past 2 years iam trying to recover my account.
I need to know how to prove to you that iam the first owner of account UID 5124102300.
I have sent multiple emails, claims, chat discussions back in 2022 support chat and still didnt get any good response.
I can see that none of the support team has even looked at the proofs i provide every time in my google photos folder link - https://photos.app.goo.gl/SGVVDRzXiWLb66eC6
I sold my device on facebook marketplace and forgot to sign out from xiaomi account and probably Twitter too. At 05/14/2022 my account on Twitter was stolen and next day pubg mobile account UID 5124102300. I got my Twitter account back at 05/30/2022 but it was too late since my pubg account was already relinked. I have sent manny support chat messages with proofs but i was talking to robot so nothing happened since it was complicated. In july 2022 i have sent first email but to wrong email.
I request you to look at the proofs that my account was stolen and relinked. I know you have words like “its been a yesr ago” or “we cannot prove its you” but if you do not read and look at it i will be forced to upload video about it on social media and sue Tencent for helping scammers to commit fraud in interest of financial profits from new accounts made. I have everything to provide for you to relink my account back to me but you have never said what you need or what you want to see and if i send something you do not look at it and say something else.
Please in your best interest consider contacting me back with questions you need to be answered otherwise iam going to be forced to use legal actions and making these problems public because iam not alone.
I believe that there is atleast one person human enough to help me recover the account. Probably info you need:
  1. The reason it being stolen is that my passwords were leaked when i sold my old device on Facebook marketplace. The first account stolen was Twitter and my ingame login was Twitter.
  2. I tried to contact him via ingame chat where he told me he bought my account from someone else called Taurus or Tauros (i have chat screenshot in Slovak and Czech language and if you translate it you can verify it yourself) photos will be added to this email. He then didnt wanted to talk so i got my friend to ask him about it where he told him his name on Facebook Stefan Krikava which i checked the email and it was correct. 3. I got back my account for 2 weeks via his Facebook and i linked my own email address. When i contacted Krikava he told me okay he will give the account back to me but he wanted from me over 1000€ so he wanted to sell me back my account ( there are resellers which do that in CZ/SK pubg mobile scene and multiple abroad resellers ). So he has given the account to me and waited for me to send him money, after 2 weeks he did a claim because he had all the recent informations and UC receipts. (I have our whole conversation saved in Facebook Messenger as a proof).
Right now he doesnt contact me even when i told him i reported this to police.
All i want is back my account where i have memories of over 4 years with manny friends and my brother. I can show and tell you anything just work with me please.
If you translate the Messenger chat he was making fun of me and 24.09.2023 he said that i didnt give him 1024€ so he did claim and doesnt want to give back my account anymore.
in case you ask what accounts i used to do claims other than email. I tried via ingame support through multiple accounts linked to my social media or email. My main account is now 51784884574 but i also used account linked to Twitter, Facebook, new emails and also my phone number. I was so desperate to get my account back that i tried everything but the problem was i didnt had 6 months old informations because back in the time it happened there was only support 1.0 not the new one and there it felt like imposible to explain to the robot what i want. So multiple accounts was used but the one i send you UID 51784884574 is my main account for now with linked email adam.valkossak@gmail.com. Also used manny times account with linked Twitter @AValkossak.
Some informations: Friend nickname KristiXx i had name kokotikmalinky in 2018 Added screenshots of payments that are trackable to the account and also player nicknames plus some gameplay screenshot. You have there also payment accounts on google pay i hope it helps to show payments done from that to the UID 5124102300. You have there me showing off my account profile with my brother as Retardator1337 he had his account linked to his Facebook (no longer in use) You have there devices used to play the game in 2021 and i can also tell you that i used Xiaomi Redmi 5 plus and xiaomi redmi 9 some time. Before being stolen i was using iphone 13. At that time i was in Nitra, Slovakia. Right now iam in Germany working. The guy is from Czech republic and he is still in Czech Republic. Highest rank i had was in squad (4 players) solo with 3 random people on Erangel mostly Ace Master. Mostly active buying was around 10th day in the month to 15th day because i had salary on 10th day. In Nitra around that time i played with Retardator1337 (my brother) in the evening or solo squad mostly. When i could i shared links to my secondary facebook as you can see in one screenshot. I have registration number from 2020 i have first time linked to facebook dates and more dates but i dont know which one will help me and if those will be correct because i had more accounts when i accidentally turned on the game via wrong social media. So for example Facebook was linked 8/22/2018 but i dont know if thats correct to that account. Also i have added screenshot of me refunding pubgm payment that might help because i think you register that somewhere.
Best regards,
ValkoĆĄĆĄĂĄk Adam
Photos are in the link to shared Google Photos folder where you have all the proofs of chats, payments and more. Please look at it because i tried manny times and you didnt even look and i know you didnt because i can see who looks at it.
Thanks again, have a nice day and iam awaiting a good response
submitted by Traditional-Bit-4320 to PUBGM_Support [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:24 Paradise7D Anniversaries for 10 June: Giacomo Matteotti was stabbed to death, Jean-Jacques Bastian fought the Nazis, and four Khmer monks died in a protest

450 years ago (10 June 1574)
400 years ago (10 June 1624)
100 years ago (10 June 1924)
50 years ago (10 June 1974)
submitted by Paradise7D to 50yearanniversaries [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Nilly00 The great Furry Atlas of Reddit (SFW)


  1. Art
  2. Commissions
  3. Fursuits
  4. Species Specific
  5. Memes, Humour and RelatablesMemes, Humour and Relatables
  6. Discussions and Meta content
  7. Special Interests
  8. Anti-Anti Furry
  9. Furry Hate "Anti Furry"
  10. Uncategorised


Subreddit Status Description
anthroswim 1k+ Members For the moodier incoherent side of anthros. AdultSwim-esque? Kinda! Though, look deeper through the waters and you'll find something more. Esotericism? Nostalgia?
furry 350k+Members For All Stuff Fluff!
furryart Inactive Furry artwork!Furry artwork!
FurryArtGallery Inactive A furry art sub with quality control that promotes the idea that anthro art can be just as good as the other great art of the world.
FurryArtists Inactive? This subreddit is dedicated to all of the furries who create art, like to post art online or looking to find their new favourite artist. This place is also for artists to offer commissions and/or requests for other redditors, but also for non-artists to ask for a request and/or commissions!
FurryArtSchool 80k+ Members A place for beginning and experienced furry artists alike to come together and help each other with their respective art.
FurryWallpapers Inactive Trade your Furry Wallpapers here!
FurryWritingSchool Inactive A place for furries to learn about writing and share stories!


Subreddit Status Description
FurryArtists Inactive? This subreddit is dedicated to all of the furries who create art, like to post art online or looking to find their new favourite artist. This place is also for artists to offer commissions and/or requests for other redditors, but also for non-artists to ask for a request and/or commissions!
FurryComission Inactive welcome! this is just a place to upload comm sheets!
FurryCommisions Inactive Post Your Commision Advertising And Get Commisioned!


Subreddit Status Desription
fursuit 40k+ Members Everything fursuits and fursuiting! Have questions about fursuiting? Want to share a photo or video of you in your fursuit? This is the place for you!
fursuitmakers Inactive This community is for showing fursuits and the progress and materials it took to make it.
FursuitMaking 10k+Members Just tips from fursuit makers to fursuit makers. Feel free to post tips, links to goodies, and ask questions. Bragging about fursuits you made is encouraged!
FursuitMarket Inactive Welcome to fursuitmarket! Here you can buy and sell fursuits!
FursuitPhotography <1k Members Post your high-quality fursuit photos here.
FursuitReview Inactive Subreddit for http://fursuitreview.com
fursuits 10k+Members Want to talk about Fursuits? Just want to hang out? You're in the right place! Talk about anything even slightly related to animal costumes known as fursuits!

Species Specific

Subreddit Status Description
deerfluff 1k+ Members furry art of deers, reindeers, and other antlered beings.
DutchAngelDragons Inactive This subreddit is about all things Dutchie related =w=
protogen 40k+ Members Subreddit dedicated to our favorite sentient toasters. Feel free to share art, fursuiting stories and anything protogen related.

Memes, Humour and Relatables

Subreddit Status Desription
2furryirl4furryirl 3k+ Members (Depressive content) For furry memes that are just too real
anotherfurrymemesub Inactive hi! welcome to afms. this subreddit was created for people who are tired of the same cropped yiff memes and sex jokes but still want furry memes
flessedimages 4k+ Members blessed images, but furrier
flursedimages Inactive, Unmoderated blursedimages but furrier
furrymemes 40k+ Members Want memes but you're a degenerate? You’ve come to the right place! Come laugh at cropped yiff memes and knot jokes with your fellow furries.
furry_irl 250k+ Members Furry memes for the fur in u ( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)
fursedcomments Inactive cursed comments, but furrier
fursedimages Banned: Unmoderated cursed furry memes
SFWFurryMemes Inactive Post your SFW furry memes here!
WholesomeFurryMemes Inactive The best place for you to get your daily fill of wholesome furry memes!

Discussions and Meta content

Subreddit Status Desription
furgonomics 1k+ Members Furgonomics is the discussion of how real-world things would have to be adapted to work in a world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. (Like a chair with a hole in the back to accommodate for tails, or a hat with holes on the sides for large ears, etc.)
Furries 2k+ Members A place for open and respectful discussion about the furry fandom and related topics.
furrydiscuss <1k Members All talk. A place for news, essays, reviews, interviews, organizing and writing about furries. Informative promotion for events and projects is OK. Art, memes and ads should go elsewhere. Welcome!
RealFurryHours 9k+ Members A subreddit for discussing all things about the furry fandom; fluff or tough. Antis are welcomed and encouraged to participate too, so don’t be afraid to criticize furries here- it’s part of what this sub is for!
WagInHeaven 1k+Members An archival of the furry community at its best. Whether you're here for a different point of view, or here to post about a wholesome encounter or article, we welcome you!
yiffinhell 150k+ Members Having a giggle at the cringe generated by furries who have no sense of shame or self awareness.

Special Interests

Subreddit Status Desription
FurriesWithFirearms <1k Members Another subreddit for furry gun enthusiasts! Post your furry art or fursuit pictures if they feature firearms!
furrieswithguns 5k+ Members A subreddit for furry gun enthusiasts! Post your furry art or fursuit pictures if they feature firearms!

Anti-Anti Furry

Subreddit Status Desription
antiantifurry Inactive, Unmoderated for the people who don't like the anti furrs
antiantifurry_irl <1k Members A subreddit to post memes and shitposts poking fun at the stereotypical anti-furry. Not by any means to brigade, or cause drama.
AntiFurryCringe <1k Members Although they dont know it, Anti-Furries are often cringier than furries themselves, all being either 12-years-old talking smack about us on a schoolyard, or 30 and posting about it on reddit, its always a hilarious sight to behold.
antifurryhaters Inactive let's fight against furry haters
AntiFurryRepublica Banned: T.O.S Violation Bait Sub
AntiFursInAction 2k+ Members From the bizarre to the immature, this subreddit is dedicated to showcasing some of the strange things anti-furries say.
Anti_Anti_Furry <1k Members A sub for posting memes making fun of the haters. *This is a PRO-FURRY subreddit
furryhateclub <1k Members Bait sub

Furry hate "Anti Furry"

Note: Many of these subreddits often violate Reddit's T.O.S. Use at your own caution.
Subreddit Status Description
FurryHateNEO Banned: Violent content
AntiFurriesFBI Banned: Unmoderated
AntiFurryArmy Private
AntiFurryBattalion Banned: Unmoderated
AntiFurryCorp Banned: Ban evasion
AntiFurryFrontier Banned: T.O.S Violation
AntiFurryParadise Inactive STOP THE BAD FURRIES
AntiFurrySubreddit Banned: Moderator c.o.c violation
AntiFurry_Armed_Force Banned: Moderator c.o.c violation
Anti_Furry_society Banned: Hatespeech
FurryExtermination Banned: Hatespeech
FurryHate Private
FurryHateAssociation Inactive This is for furry hate because the other ones got takeover by furrys for not banning themđŸ€Ł
FurryHateFederation Banned: Violent content
FurryHatersCommunity Active? This is the Anti-Furry Community. In case you fear, no, this is not a bait server. We post and talk Anti-Furry and random shit.
Ihatefurries Banned: Unmoderated
NoFurZone Inactive This is a sub for all of the people who dislike/hate furries. This will also test a formula I created that could make the perfect anti furry sub.
NoFurriesUnite Banned: Unmoderated
anti_fur_legion Private
antifurryassociation Banned: Moderator c.o.c violation
antifurrybase Banned: Moderator c.o.c violation
antifurrylegion Inactive
antifurrystuff Banned: Moderator c.o.c violation
furryhatezone Banned: Hatespeech
wereallyhatefurries Banned: Hatespeech


Subreddit Status Desription
2furry_irl4furry_irl Inactive Duplicate of 2furryirl4furryirl
furrycatwalk Inactive
submitted by Nilly00 to FurryRedditAtlas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 SabineRitter [ROUNDUP] UFOs, ultraterrestrials, IAA2025, space lab Gifted program, Hanford Atom Factory. Countries:đŸ‡ČđŸ‡œđŸ‡ș🇾🇹🇩🇬🇧🇩đŸ‡șđŸ‡łđŸ‡żđŸ‡»đŸ‡Ș🇼đŸ‡čđŸ‡šđŸ‡żđŸ‡ŠđŸ‡·đŸ‡°đŸ‡żđŸ‡§đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡·đŸ‡žđŸ‡ŻđŸ‡” Colors seen this week:🟱,đŸ”ŽđŸ””

Last week's post https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d6ng7c/roundup_ufos_kepler_aerospace_and/
Archive https://wayback-api.archive.org/web/20240602211034/https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d6ng7c/roundup_ufos_kepler_aerospace_and/
Moon phase waning crescent 🌘 , four days before new
Mars Right Ascension 1h 36m 28s
.1 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d6nqv1/there_were_3_of_these/ photos, daytime sky, threelights observed, photo shows twolights, moving fast, low over treeline, jefferson city Missouri, submission statement issues, , removed by mods
.2 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d6nr9p/1979_ufo_close_encounter_a_version_was_posted_in/ sighting description, single object multiple lights, approach, directly in front, Laval QuĂ©bec Canada 🇹🇩 , audio description beeping sound, scanning, oval-shaped, very dark, small colored lights racing along its middle ridge., the sonar beeps had reached me, hitting the ground around me in a rapid circular motion. , emotion of fear, witness left the area, vanishing, missing time 2 hours, subsequent entities
.3 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d6nyqn/balls_of_fire_in_mexico/ photo, daytime sky, fleet, on ridgeline, repeat visitors, Mexico đŸ‡ČđŸ‡œ, “brujas bolas de fuego en Mexico”, following the witness, vanishing and reappearing, [GOODPOST]
.4 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d62ml5/what_is_this/ video, daytime sky, twolights observed, single object blackwhite possible metallic sphere, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, moving straight, at home, backyard, stationary overhead, trajectory change, right angle turn, departure, Utah
.5 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d53cim/uap_florida_53024/ video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object stationary, Satellite Beach Florida, near water Atlantic Ocean, above Patrick Space Force Base., USSF , similar sighting in comments
.6 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d6mkfc/possible_ufoarv_over_fort_collinsco_appx_1230_pm/ video, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, fort Collins Colorado, single light object, elongated, tictac, horizontal orientation, horizontal trajectory, disappeared into clouds, [GOODPOST], similar sightings in comments, two witnesses, appeared directly in front, possible reaction to being observed, right angle turn, departure, wtf_is_that, silent
.7 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d77rnx/the_cryptoterrestrial_hypothesis_a_case_fo new paper, ultraterrestrial
.8 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d6ur3sighting_in_joshua_tree_june_1_after_contact_in/ photos, nighttime sky, Joshua Tree National Park California, single light object, human initiated contact, moving and stationary and moving, going left, right, stopping, going left abruptly, zig-zagging or moving in circle., zigzag movements, loop
.9 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7c7pn/all_the_relevant_uap_updates_from_may_27june_2/ information, state of disclosure USA https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d76s3u/disclosure_process_series_year_1/ different OP, overview of events
.10 âžĄïž https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7bs3t/with_all_the_ufo_stuff_in_the_news_i_need_to_get/ sighting description, urban area, Sydney Australia 🇩đŸ‡ș, nighttime, single light object, orange 🟠, overhead, it looked to be the size of a room or helicopter. , emotion of fear, I felt this rush of anxiety, or panic., silent , moving toward water, pacific ocean, it seemed to have metallic / silver fins portruding from the top and the bottom, barely visible from its glowing orange center. , electronic effects phone battery died, similar sightings in comments, [GOODPOST]
.11 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7cra5/orb_flashes_hello_and_goodbye_may_19th_2024/ video, at home, backyard, nighttime sky, single light object moving, flashing erratically, two witnesses, duration 3 minutes, Southern California, between San Diego and Los Angeles, multicolored, brightness change, flareup and dimming, blue đŸ”” glow, vanishing and reappearing, powerlines , flew over the witness home , repeat visitor
.12 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d763bx/diamond_shaped_craft_with_blue_propulsion_et_o sighting description, at home, backyard, south Carolina, two witnesses, evening sky, single object multiple lights, blue đŸ”” glow, diamond 💠 shaped, flew overhead, low over treeline, descending and ascending, speed change, The craft just swooped down from behind us to about tree top high then went back up as it went away from us. As it went forward and back up it increased speed., disappeared into clouds, cloaking, has anyone seen?, similar sighting in comments
.13 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1d7226c/ive_had_telepathic_communication_with_galactic/ experience description and photos, orb, fleet, single object blackwhite, emotion of love, telepathy, dream description, entities, physical effects goosebumps,
.14 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1d79z3z/berwick_upon_tweed/ photos, nighttime sky, single light object, angular, color change, berwick on tweed England the UK 🇬🇧, near water north sea, contemporaneous report, moving erratically observed, duration 3 hours
.15 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d6txk6/lightning_flashes_a_new_brother_cries_live/ video, nighttime sky, storm, lightning, single light object, low below treeline
.16 âžĄïž https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7kxuz/in_light_of_jason_sands_scott_andrews_and_now/ childhood experience description, [GOODPOST], nighttime, at home, urban area, Annapolis Maryland, men in black response, event amnesia, facility off of Defense Highway that I ran away from as a kid., Northrup Grumman, I think I might have been used in some compartmentalized government program as a kid and all I can remember is running away from one of the facilities., similar experience in comments https://wayback-api.archive.org/web/20240604170928/https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7kxuz/in_light_of_jason_sands_scott_andrews_and_now/ Archive
.17 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7otwj/weird_story/ sighting description, at home, nighttime, single light object, reaction to being observed, sudden departure upward, I felt like it immediately saw me and shot straight up at a speed I can’t estimate because it was gone within a blink. , subsequent odor, I walk back outside again and there is a very strange clean smell, almost like an ozone type smell I used to get from an air purifier ., eastern Tennessee, similar sightings in comments, low over treeline, near oak ridge national laboratory, contemporaneous report
.18 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d842p9/going_through_my_old_sketchbooks/ drawing, single object multiple lights, red and yellow 🔮🟡, diamond 💎 shaped, threelights, triangle formation, disappeared behind ridgeline, duration 15-20 seconds , has anyone seen?, Central Kootenays British Columbia Canada 🇹🇩, similar sightings in comments
.19 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7v2x2/what_is_the_orb_in_the_skynyc/ video, nighttime sky, single light object stationary, multicolored, low below rooftop, urban area, Manhattan NYC New York state, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy
.20 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7w0gd/new_zealand_sub_readers_did_you_see_that_pyramid/ sighting description, has anyone seen?, Wanganui new zealand 🇳🇿 , single dark object, pyramid shape, multicolored, all the edges lit up like a prism., over water Tasman Sea,
.21 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d841nq/sacramento_june_4_2024/ video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, at work, duration 3-4 minutes, threelights, triangle formation, blackwhite, flashing, formation change, speed change, vanishing, similar sighting in comments, low over treeline, Sacramento California , observed rotating, looked shiny and spinning,
.22 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d7mshs/strange_lights_over_naperville_illinois_june_1st/ video, nighttime sky, single object multiple lights or fleet, flickering, threelights, formation change, low over treeline, anomalous to witness, Naperville Illinois, [GOODPOST], multicolored, flareup and dimming, lighting configuration change, stationary and moving, two witnesses
.23 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d7yjci/weird_lights_in_the_sky_over_my_house/ photo, nighttime cloudy sky, fleet, stationary duration hours, all night, the UK 🇬🇧, similar sighting in comments, https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d80bzg/weird_lights_in_the_sky_over_my_house_video/ video, lighting configuration change, flashing in pattern and steady, [GOODPOST]
.24 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1d788yv/every_few_months_i_keep_having_a_dream_seeing/ dream description, repeat visitor, contemporaneous report, at home, single dark object, splitting, ship then broke into pieces and did a spiral motion and then disappeared., I then wake up what looks to be a shape or at least the wall to ceiling was curved and extremely clean and silver white., similar experiences in comments
.25 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d86k5f/vectors_vs_pixels/ sighting and discussion of movement, it was there and then wasn’t. My brain/memory tried filling it in with it disappearing but not sure.
.26 https://old.reddit.com/Thetruthishere/comments/1d7jj3a/ghost_girl_in_my_house/ childhood sighting description, entity, humanoid, inside home , Venezuela đŸ‡»đŸ‡Ș , i saw her with a white dress passing by , mimicking sister, emotion of fear, witness left the area
.27 https://old.reddit.com/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1d7kkmu/house_disappears_in_time_slip/ experience description, building anomaly, disappeared, One day I passed it going to Landrum south Carolina,the other town, and then when I come back it wasn't there no more. , witness stopped the car and got out
.28 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d7yb8m/weird_message_in_the_head/ experience description, meditation, communication, AS5, AS5, AS5 and AS are my initials and number 5 in astrology stands for curiosity, knowledge and adventure., storm, lightning, contemporaneous report, the UK 🇬🇧
.29 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d7nzml/vivid_memory_of_alienlike_glitch_of_tv/ audio description, loud sound, appeared out of nowhere, at home, two witnesses, nighttime, strange noise came from the tv. It was a foreign noise, so not something a tv or channel would make. , similar to the slenderman jumpscare sound except less extreme and more alien like., analysis requested
.30 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d7bpbd/please_help_me_understand/ experience description, at home, repeat visitor, footsteps, circling, nighttime, anomalous animal activity, loud bird, bird squawking all night long, seemingly as if it’s right outside the windows, all around the house. , I would hear what sounded like rocks clicking together, the sound would circle around my trailer and I would hear rustling noises like something was moving all around my trailer. , similar experience in comments, Galisteo new Mexico
.31 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1d7gtk4/possible_ufo_encounter_when_i_was_a_teen/ sighting description, Northwest Arkansas, nighttime, from car, two witnesses, single light object, flashing, blinking and spinning., rotating, low over treeline, brief duration 3-5 seconds, vanishing, witness stopped the car, previous sighting shadow figure, inside home , doorway
.32 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1d88kepeople_who_have_seen_entities_inside_were_they/ discussion of sightings, entities, inside building, [GOODPOST] if I do say so myself.
.33 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8apn8/zero_doubt/ art 🎹, painting, "Zero Doubt"
.34 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8b9bmajestic_giant_blue_orb_floats_across_the_sky_and/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, blue đŸ””, Oceanside California, duration 2 minutes, flew overhead, trajectory change observed, right angle turn, similar sightings in comments, ISS? , repeat visitor https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d95ui2/4_orbs_one_flashes_when_i_asked_it_to_3_times_may/ more video, big debunker energy, two witnesses https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9xb1j/stop_and_go_dancing_orb_may_21st_2024/ more video, single light object moving, multicolored
.35 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8dykx/tampa_florida_9pm_est/ video and photos, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object moving fast, additional objects moving straight, urban area, Tampa Florida, similar sighting in comments
.36 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8hdd6/congressgov_s4443_intelligence_authorization_act/ document, IAA2025 uap amendment advances out of committee
.37 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8lmki/strange_lights_over_gosport_uk_5624/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, spotlights type, diffuse, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, Gosport the UK 🇬🇧, contemporaneous report, low over rooftop,
.38 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8vxzd/any_ideas_what_this_could_be/ photo, nighttime sky, near water Atlantic Ocean, Tybee Island Georgia, triangle đŸ”ș observed, ascending, moving and stationary and moving, hovered over the houses about 2 minutes before silently leaving. , had three large lights on each edge of the shape with smaller lights in between. , threelights,
.39 https://old.reddit.com/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1d8pbg6/camo_military_bomber_disappears/ sighting description, airplane anomaly, vanishing, two witnesses, appeared to be a b52 completely come out of nowhere and had to have disappeared. It was headed straight for the dam at a very low altitude and no way having enough time to pull up before either hitting dam or a mountain. Made no noise, silent, near water
.40 https://old.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1d8jd1v/what_is_this_and_howwhy_did_it_get_into_a_picture/ photo, daytime cloudy sky, possible entity, camping, Looks like a wooden robot heating up lava?
.41 https://old.reddit.com/InterdimensionalNHI/comments/1d8bul6/i_wish_i_could_some_how_let_you_all_see_what_i/ experience description, repeat visitor, ongoing, Pupcake3000, physical effects vision change, static, whenever a UAP is going to appear I can see a distortion that has a shape against the background of what it mimics or appears out of. I can track it until a flash occurs and then in place of the distortion, a physical UAP craft will appear.
.42 https://old.reddit.com/UFOB/comments/1d87eyo/uap_while_walking_outside/ video, daytime sky, powerlines, single light object, low over treeline, plane for comparison, possible interaction with airplane, possibly circling plane, possible jumpy movement or vanishing and reappearing, flickering erratically, repeat visitor, Clear cloudless days are better, sunglasses help a lot., [GOODPOST]
.43 https://old.reddit.com/Thetruthishere/comments/1d7ulw4/i_met_the_devil_in_florence/ sighting description, entity, urban area, Florence Italy 🇼đŸ‡č, emotion of fear, As if he had been a predator forever, a danger since the beginning of time. His face is giving me goosebumps all over my back and behind my ears even now as I describe it almost ten years later.
.44 https://old.reddit.com/Thetruthishere/comments/1d91a7b/my_friend_and_i_saw_a_ufo/ sighting description, nighttime, two witnesses, Central Arkansas, single light object, low over treeline, stationary and moving, physical effects paralysis, silent, horizontal trajectory, wtf_is_that, possible military response jets
.45 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9mygw/lights_in_phoenix/ video, nighttime sky, near fairgrounds, possible single object multiple lights, urban area, Phoenix Arizona, OP is not the witness , removed by mods
.46 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9nkwt/las_vegas_060524/ photo, nighttime sky, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, tictac, urban area, Las Vegas Nevada, contemporaneous report, submission statement issues, , removed by mods
.47 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d8ym3d/strange_object_in_the_sky_recorded_on_night_vision/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, through night vision camera, single light object, elongated, angled from the horizon, moving, disappeared into clouds, contemporaneous report, fishing, near water, creek, not seen by eye, possible cloaked craft, a blurry section of sky moving through the clouds., Montana
.48 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9o965/someone_answe video, nighttime cloudy sky, hard to see, cylindrical shape observed, moving fast, submission statement issues , removed by mods
.49 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d97vta/im_reposting_with_an_edit_since_i_cant_edit_posts/ video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object moving fast, blackwhite, possible interaction with clouds, elongated, possible disk shape, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy , Connecticut, video analysis requested , possible ARV
.50 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d92ktp/saw_last_night_in_the_sky/ drawing and reference image, single object multiple lights, multicolored, contemporaneous report, nighttime, central Missouri, stationary, from car, possible reaction to being observed, witness looked away and looked back, vanished,
.51 https://old.reddit.com/RBI/comments/1d961ax/who_showed_up_to_my_home/ experience description, men in black response, at home, One day my uncle went out on a hike in the woods, when he came back he claimed to have seen a UFO flying above a river, A few days later I heard a knock at the door., I answered the door and saw 2 men wearing black suits, they asked me if uncle was there, they referred to him by his full name., 2 men showed up to his work and offered him money to retract his statements on the radio
.52 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9oitw/object_moves_right_to_left_large_cloud/ video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object moving fast, contemporaneous report, urban area, Chicago Illinois, lighting configuration change, dark to light, flashing erratically, duration 10-15 seconds , downvoted to zero , polarized sunglasses., blackwhite, horizontal trajectory, silent , deleted
.53 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9t4uy/sighting_in_sacramento_ca_65_930pm/ video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, Sacramento California, urban area, powerlines, low over rooftop, two witnesses, single light object, twolights or plane for comparison, interaction with airplane, pacing plane,.moving and stationary and moving, speed change, while flying off it was making erratic movements, almost like it was swirling while flying, and was slowing its speed down periodically. , duration 5-10 minutes,
.54 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1d9vnrassistance_in_narrowing_down_what_i_saw_i_the_sky/ sighting description, nighttime, contemporaneous report, twolights, single light object flareup and vanishing, moving in opposite directions, overhead, silent, duration 1 minute, near the Missouri-Arkansas border
.55 âžĄïž https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1dabdoy/sketches_from_my_experience/ experience description and drawings, [GOODPOST], at home, nighttime, fleet, line formation, moving, outside bedroom window, electronic effects lights wouldn't turn on, physical effects vibration, Then everything started vibrating and everything began glowing a bright golden light., location anomaly, found myself immediately back on my bed., audio description humming sound, approach, started to get louder and louder., communication, “Be Warned”, my guess is the warning was to brace myself, sudden departure, missing time 8 hours, northwest USA, https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1dbgoxq/sketches_of_my_experience_pt_2/ more drawings
.56 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1daa5mmy_experience_at_11yo/ childhood experience description, no craft, at home, inside bedroom, daytime, felt observed, physical effects paralysis, I got the sense of aliens in the room watching me, and I got frozen there., similar experience in comments, Patagonia Argentina đŸ‡ŠđŸ‡·
.57 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1dah6e9/i_uploaded_video_on_some_red_orangish_orbs_if/ video, nighttime sky, greeley Colorado, https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbbz46/ufo_sighting_here_in_greeley_colorado_last_yea reposted
.58 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dalmhq/objects_objects_like_moving_stars_that_disappea sighting description, moving stars, repeat visitors, nighttime, near water, pool, zigzag movements
.59 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dan7ed/do_you_see_it_what_is_it_see_body_text_location/ video, nighttime sky, urban area, Czech Republic 🇹🇿 , single light object stationary and moving, possible reaction to being flashed with light, vanishing, After it disappears the lights do something like a quick search , contemporaneous report , deleted
.60 https://old.reddit.com/observingtheanomaly/comments/1dafi3v/possible_ufo/ sighting, two witnesses, electronic effects camera jammed, Michigan not far from lake Michigan. , near water
.61 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dansg2/took_this_tonight_i_have_a_video/ photo, contemporaneous report, single light object, elongated, tictac, horizontal orientation, wishaw Scotland the UK 🇬🇧 , removed by mods https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dao5hl/video_of_object_over_central_scotland/ video, powerlines, low over rooftop, disappeared behind rooftops , removed by mods
.62 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1dalyhm/after_seeing_that_one_guys_sketches_i_thought_i/ drawing, experience, traveled to a burning golden world. Walking around the place was like standing on the surface of the sun without being harmed.
.63 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1daswk0/i_was_in_a_strange_gifted_program_in_the_early/ childhood experience description, no craft, Gifted program, space lab, rural south Georgia, early 1980s, similar experiences in comments, event amnesia, telepathy
.64 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1dav8fq/so_what_am_i_seeing_here/ video, nighttime sky, plane and star or twolights, multicolored, flashing, possible jumpy movement
.65 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1daqpxd/saw_this_weird_white_thing_in_pacoima_ca_today/ photo, daytime sky, single object multiple lights, worm đŸȘ±, contemporaneous report, pacoima California, at work, stationary, duration 3 minutes, stationary and moving, descending below rooftop,
.66 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1db018u/%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5%D1%82_%D1%87%D1%82%D0%BE_%D1%8D%D1%82%D0%BE/ photos, daytime cloudy sky, single dim object, elongated, angled from the horizon , low over treeline
.67 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1db54c7/interesting_sighting/ sighting description, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, at home, backyard, plane for comparison observed, single light object stationary, overhead, duration 1 minute, vanishing , removed by mods
.68 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1db23kd/what_was_that/ photos and video, single light object, observed stationary and moving, at home, very bright, low below rooftop, Almaty Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
.69 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1dayon4/this_was_about_200_feet_in_front_of_me_and_about/ photo, nighttime sky, single light object, elongated, observed moving slowly, vanishing, Yerington Nevada,
.70 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1db9n78/ufo_just_filmed_this_in_my_garden/ video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, single dark object moving erratically, wobbling, shape change observed, the actual shape of it was quite inconsistent too, moving almost like it was not a solid object. , Derbyshire the UK 🇬🇧, at home , removed by mods
.71 https://old.reddit.com/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1d7aexj/i_saw_a_house_in_the_woods_once_and_then_neve experience description, possible landed craft, mimicking house, entities, scientists, Midwest USA, [GOODPOST]
.72 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbdwah/5pm_672024_over_bradenton_fl/ video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, Bradenton Florida, two witnesses, over water, single light object, blackwhite, elongated, barbell, twolights close formation, zigzag movement observed, It was extremely shiny with no wings and it moved back and forth several times in an odd fashion.
.73 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1dbawxz/my_nhi_visitation_experience/ childhood experience description, at home, nighttime, witness woke up, entities, light shining in bedroom, angel, It was massive and seemed like it was coming from another dimension because it would not have fit in the space in front of my bed., emotion of calm, communication, telepathy, physical effects vibration, the vibrations were so loud and strong when it first spoke that I said ouch and kind of put my hands on my head in response to the intensity. It lowered the vibrations and asked me “is this better.” I responded yes., event amnesia, I can't remember that important thing it said to me where I told it I understood.
.74 https://old.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1dbfizd/ufo_sighting_darwin/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, orange 🟠, horizontal trajectory, low below treeline, Darwin northern territory Australia 🇩đŸ‡ș , near water, Timor sea
.75 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbey4c/flashing_object_over_seattle/ video, daytime sky, urban area, Seattle Washington state, over water, Puget Sound, single light object, flickering, flashing erratically, low over rooftop,
.76 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbfmrh/video_taken_back_in_the_middle_of_march_of_this/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, Bradenton Florida, two witnesses, twolights observed, moving and stationary, approach, directly in front, repeat visitor
.77 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbfs08/the_hanford_atom_factory_ghost_planes_and/ document, history, Hanford Atom Factory Washington state, multiple objects, repeat visitors, ghost planes, military response
.78 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbah9h/ok_second_try_to_post_thiszoomed_video_of_my/ video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, plane for comparison, downvoted to zero, Sofia Bulgaria 🇧🇬 , duration 1 minute, appearing and vanishing, single light object
.79 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dban4e/ufo_serbia/ photo, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, green 🟱, moving erratically, speed change, trajectory change, all different directions, low over rooftop, Serbia đŸ‡·đŸ‡ž, single light object, worm đŸȘ± or M-shaped, duration 10 minutes , downvoted to zero
.80 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbtwu5/did_anyone_else_go_to_the_connecticut_cryptid_and/ photos of public event, Trumbull Connecticut, ufo convention
.81 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1db4yjm/some_sort_of_craft_flying_around_our_house_fo sighting description, contemporaneous report, at home, nighttime, single object multiple lights, outside bedroom window, 5 bright red lights on top and 5 blue lights on bottom đŸ”ŽđŸ””, horizontal trajectory, trajectory change, it started spinning, and things got weird., rectangular shape or cylinder, silent, moving erratically, diving, spinning, zig-zagging, hovering, and moved more like a bird having fun or eating bugs than anything else. , angled from the horizon, zigzag movements, stationary and moving, five witnesses, duration 35 minutes, near airport, Bailey Colorado, interaction with airplane, approach, at one point it looked like it was going to intersect with a plane heading to Centennial. They were very, very close, and the object darted higher into the sky quickly just before the plane passed., similar sighting in comments , [GOODPOST], downvoted to zero
.82 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1dbr1gx/farwell_to_hends/ drawing, art 🎹, entities, 2 species in cenos proxima centauri b.
.83 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1dbo5e8/sighting/ sighting description, has anyone seen?, from airplane, single light object, ascending and descending, vanishing and reappearing, over water pacific ocean, California
.84 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1dbud2w/invisible_silent_and_hyper_fast/ photo, possible cloaked craft, contrail, horizontal trajectory, moving fast, emitting orbs,
.85 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1db409e/how_do_you_think_it_works/ art 🎹, drawing, machinery
.86 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1dbwomneed_help_identifying_a_conversation_i_listened/ dream description, repeat visitor, urban area, being in a city that's "suspended" in the sky. These cities are connected to each other and you travel to them on vessels that are also suspended., emotion of fear, I remember the traveling parts of the dream the strongest because my fear was really strong and it allowed me to experience the dream more clearly. entity, has anyone seen?
.87 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dbfy3z/garry_nolan_aaro_has_discredited_itself_beyond/l7sht44/ sighting description, historical event, Trumbull county Ohio, 1994 Trumbull County UFO Incident dozens of civilian witnesses and 3 different police agencies had around 6 or more police officers see it close up less then a few hundred feet above him and it shut down his patrol car and radio and lit up the area he was standing like it was 12pm not 12 am during the incident as reported., the entire craft is coated in some kind of thick rock/asteroid material that provides protection from radiation when traveling through out the solar system it also is extremely heat resistant. They also have 3 smaller craft that form a triangle around the craft using electromagnetic fields and a propulsion system and charged particles that defy gravity
.88 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dby11b/friendly_reminder_destroying_or_falsifying/ information, This is a friendly reminder that the act of destroying or falsifying records in advance of a GAO audit, even if legislation mandating the audit has not yet been fully ratified by Congress, is considered obstruction and will result in severe legal penalties., AARO, IAA2025
.89 https://www.reddit.com/UFOB/comments/1dbsf7v/spotted_in_the_air_over_southern_coast_of_japan/ video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, multicolored, south of Japan đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡”, to the west of Hiroshima, right on the coast., near water, in the centre, there looked to be a black triangle đŸ”ș, dimming, vanishing, repeat visitor, similar sighting in comments
.90 https://old.reddit.com/Thetruthishere/comments/1dbq8yw/gilman_springs_is_an_extremely_creepy_and_haunted/ sighting description, entity, inside car, Gilman Springs California
.91 https://old.reddit.com/astrophotography/comments/1dblfhb/what_are_the_green_dots/ photo, nighttime sky, twolights, not seen by eye, 10 minute long exposure, overhead
.92 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1dbjool/ufo_sees_me_using_my_camera_and_disappears/ video, nighttime sky, at home, two witnesses, single light object stationary and moving, duration 3-4 minutes, reaction to being filmed, disappeared behind treeline
.93 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dc15zp/shadow_on_cloud_o video, daytime cloudy sky, cloud anomaly, stationary
.94 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1dc34h3/ufo_spotted_during_drag_race_bakersfield_ca/ video, daytime cloudy sky, single object blackwhite, possible disk shape with dome, horizontal orientation, moving fast, from car, racecar, Bakersfield California
.95 https://www.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1dc3ebp/what_is_this_in_middle_of_video_several_lights/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, low over ridgeline, single light object, elongated, diffuse, vertical orientation, appeared out of nowhere, flashing, vanishing, repeat visitor
.96 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1dc0l6a/saw_something_on_a_recent_flight_what_was_it/ sighting description, from airplane, urban area, NYC New York state, metallic cylinder with acorn 🌰 shaped head, moving fast
.97 https://old.reddit.com/AnomalousEvidence/comments/1dbzpbq/anyone_seen_this_entity/ childhood sighting description and drawing, entity, has anyone seen?, at home, nighttime, inside bedroom doorway, physical effects paralysis, approach, pain, event amnesia.
submitted by SabineRitter to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:01 HandsPHD [WTS] Montblanc RED Signature Marc Newson Fountain Pen 18K Gold M Nib

Montblanc M RED Signature Marc Newson Fountain Pen 18K Gold M Nib 113622
This is in new condition. This was recently purchased at a MontBlanc outlet. This was my first fountain pen purchase and will possibly be my last I've since moved on to rollerballs from MontBlanc. Since this isn't being used I am selling this and the five cartridges I have with it.
As far as condition there's not a single mark that I can find on the pen itself as it wasn't really used past one ink cartridge.
Please request any other photos or video I have no problem uploading additional photos.
And also be sure that to note that I'm including the original sales receipt with the purchase so it's a full proof of purchase.
As for verification I can do whatever is needed. Just reach out to me and I'm sure we can figure something out I've sold watches on Reddit worth several thousand dollars more than this. Also I have the exact same listing on eBay so if you prefer to do things through there we could always do that but of course that's not a great way for me since it has some fees.
Asking $900, open to all offers.
Link for the same pen new from Pen Boutique
Montblanc M Fountain Pen - Red Signature - Special Edition - Medium - Pen Boutique Ltd
Gallery https://ibb.co/r3q1WP6
submitted by HandsPHD to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:38 Top-Carpet-3146 Should I just shave it off 😞

Should I just shave it off 😞
Seeing these pics genuinely make me feel sick. It’s me looking at the reason why my life sucks so much.
 I have shaved before a few times. I did it in hopes to liberate myself but I hated how I looked bald so so much. Despite how sparse my scalp is, I still think I look better with hair than completely without. I think having my hair really short (around jaw length) helps. Also when it first grows out they’re spiky so I look like a rough looking boy kid when I’m a fully grown woman.
In all these photos, I lifted my hair up. In reality, it’s not so bad (it probably looks “so bad” to everyone else though since they have much fuller heads). But it looks AWFUL in flash photography + I feel so heartbroken every time I have to remove my wig because I see myself from having a full head of hair to wispy thin straggly disheveled haired rat.
I noticed when people toss their hair around, it moves in pieces. Mine moves in strands 😭
I always take photos with the flash on but I decided to be fair this time and upload non-flash. It looks 100x worse with the flash on. The fact that most people can take flash photography without their scalp peeking through is bewildering to me.
Anyway, despite preferring how I look with hair, I’m contemplating shaving for 2 reasons:
  1. I might undergo surgery again. I deleted the post already but previously I mentioned I wore my wig in the OP room (because I was embarrassed and too anxious to reveal) and when they removed it the nurses laughed 😀
  2. I think looking completely bald is more accepted in society than having a sparse scalp. I am not balding but I look like it. So

I do wanna undergo the surgery but I’ve been holding myself back for months not even because due to the fact I may die, but literally because of my stupid hair. It’s cosmetic btw, not functional. Which makes me even more insecure because in my head they’re probably laughing or pitying me for trying to be more beautiful. I just don’t wanna feel so ugly anymore

I’m just so exhausted y’all. I am so exhausted dealing with this MY WHOLE LIFE. I wish I could see my hair as just hair. I want long thick hair so bad. I want it because it feels like me. The hair on my head doesn’t feel like me at all. But I’m forced to live with it and see it destroy everything everyday. I’m afraid I’m going to live a miserable life for my entire life because this has been my life trajectory for years. Sorry I know this is a question but I ended up ranting :(
submitted by Top-Carpet-3146 to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:13 BeachInteresting6526 Dilemma with CTS

I (33M) will try not to make the story too long. Aproximatelly three months ago I became aware that there might be a problem with my left hand. After a workout (used to hit the gym regularly), while doing cable rows, I felt sudden paresthesias on the back of my left hand, hence I immediately stopped. That night I had the typical pins and needles in my left hand and pain shooting up my arm (immediately tought its CTS). I decided to take a break, and symptoms started going away.
Went to my colleague neurologist, he did an EMG and said everything fine. I started using Uridin monoposphate gel and pills with some extra B12 vitamins, and started wearing splints.
I could provoke Tinnel sign in the begining immediately by light percussion and second and middle fingers were responding to it, now only second finger and I feel very light paresthesias while tapping my carpal tunnel, so I can say that its improving.
Went to second neurlogist who did EMG (again negative for CTS, but positive for mild cubital tunnel syndrome also on left hand), and then he decided to do ultrasound of my left wrist where it was clear that the median nerve was flattened. EMG then showed paradoxically slightly faster conduction rate for left hand compared to right.
One and a half months later, did again ultrasound and colleague said the following- discrete edema around median nerve, without significant thickening. I quote him- it would be a shame to do surgery for this now, go to physical therapy (and i did, didnt feel worse nor better after it ).
What bothers me now is what I noticed about my thenar muscles. I dont feel that Ive lost grip strenghtm but I noticed thenar hypotrophy on the left side, and Im wondering is it a sign that I have not even felt symptoms of onerve comnpression that was there for a long time or what? Cuz muscle wasting should be a sign of severe nerve compression right? I will upload photos of both of my hands so u can obviously see the difference
PS: Also, noticed after a long distance run, the feeling of slight paresthesias in my 2nd and middle finger (probably due to blood vessel impigement from the carpal tunnel), which subsides after 30min or so.
I wanted to know your advice on this matter and if you think that I should do the surgery regardless of the ultrasound, but solely guided by the muscle wasting, which is an indication itself for decompression, but other symptoms are not pronounced now, which is why Im having a dillema ( it takes my colleague 30 min to do it, 20min if I do it mylsef, not bragging lol)
submitted by BeachInteresting6526 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:24 Planetes_1122 Chrome Extensions for Instagram That I’ve Tested

Hi everyone! I've been running my Instagram account since the beginning of this year, and I've seen some steady growth. I wanted to share some Chrome extensions that make using Instagram on a PC so much easier. If you have any other insights or tips about these tools or Instagram marketing in general, feel free to share and discuss with me.
1. Instagram Giveaway Picker
2. Downloader for Instagram
3. InstaPlus
5. ToolMaster
6. InLoad
submitted by Planetes_1122 to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 RideThatBridge How to organize a Meet Up? South Jersey area

I used to organize meet ups on a long defunct recipe board years ago. We'd pick a restaurant with big meeting rooms, and open it up to whoever was on that sub, regardless as to how far away they were coming from. Sometimes we'd organize swaps (various themes), sometimes not. But, we only stayed at that restaurant, maybe shopped if there were shops attached (several favorite spots were in Amish country and could easily spend the day together). We never had to create a printable item (the postcards), or have to figure out space to write them (sitting at a restaurant table for that long when not continuing to order food doesn't seem like a reasonable way to work this??).
All that said, I'd love to organize one in the Philadelphia/South Jersey at some point. I just feel like I don't know how to do that effectively. I do have a zazzle account, and could make postcards based on photos, but I don't really have a scanner at the moment to upload any kind of artwork (although there is some available in the editor on that site). But, zazzle seems like an expensive route for P/C, always costing at minimal 1.15 - there may be a way to set a lower price if I'm the creator, so I guess I could look into that. I guess then everyone just pays for the postcards they use?
Where do people meet up? While a restaurant is great, even taking a table for a long time is OK if you order enough, I feel like at some point we'd need a clean/dry space to write our cards out, and that seems like it wouldn't go over well if we stayed an hour after the table has been cleaned, writing postcards, lol?? Am I overthinking this part?
Lastly, is anyone reading interested? I feel like we have people in central and north Jersey as well as many in the Philly/S Jersey area. So, I'd even be up for organizing two if that worked out better.
Thanks for any pointers!
submitted by RideThatBridge to RAoC_meta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:16 Kekktye A Sourced History of My Chemical Romance's Lost Songs Rediscovered Nine Volt Heart Info

This is a repost with new info, corrections and better formatting. Thanks for previous contributions! <3
I've seen quite a few "All lost My Chemical Romance songs" and "My Chemical Romance rarities" posts, but they mostly all either:
A: Conflate "Lost" with "Rare" or "Not studio-produced" B: Aren't Sourced C: Incomplete D: Have disinfo E: Mistakenly include working titles for later released tracks as "lost"
So, here we go! I've gotten most of my info from a few archives and long-time fans in the community but I would love to hear any additions you have to add! The more eyes the better!
For clarity: Bullets = I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love Revenge = Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge LOTMS = Life on the Murder Scene TBP = The Black Parade TBPID = The Black Parade Is Dead! DD = Danger Days CW = Conventional Weapons TPK = The Paper Kingdom MDNSY = May Death Never Stop You
Tracks are listed in supposed creation order, then by discovery or release Nine Volt Heart aka Android [..?] - Song title found in now-lost Flash player elements of My Chemical Romance's official site going back to at least 5/25/2002. According to a 2011 text interview by Cassie The Venomous with Gerard and Mikey, the song was played once live at NJ's Loop Lounge to bad reactions from the band and poor fanfare and as a result shelved from future releases. Later possibly reworked into an unreleased song named "'Android...' something?". Though according to a 2004 post by SpaceyRaygun, a long-time friend of the band, Nine Volt Heart was instead reworked onto a Revenge track. Fandom rumors going back to at least 5/3/2006 claim Nine Volt Heart was a cover of the Smashing Pumpkins' song Bodies albeit with slightly different lyrics. Although the poster's source songmeanings.net has since taken down the potentially false lyrics page.
The Attic Demos aka Dreams \of/about]) Stabbing and/or Being Stabbed - A CD Distributed at early shows and among the band's circle. Later partially released on 2014's MDNSY, though these demos circulated the fandom pre-2014 from these promotional CDs.
Wish You Away aka Drowning Lessons Rough Mix - If community sources are to be believed (1) (2) (3) (4)) (5) a variant of The Attic Demos distributed among friends and family of the band contains recordings of 'Vampires Will Never Hurt You' titled "Stabbing" and 'Drowning Lessons' titled "Wish You Away" (Pre-release titles corroborated by the early instances of My Chemical Romance's website).
Stabbing aka Vampires Will Never Hurt You Demo - Found as of July 23rd, 2022. Demo released via Instagram from for Bullet's 20th anniversary. This CD was given to Nada Recording in 2002 prior to their recording of Bullets. Clip is partially cut off and downloaded through Instagram API.
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville Demo - An Attic Demo found by SpaceyRaygun with an Early Sunsets Over Monroeville recording not included on MDNSY. Included in notable bootlegs such as Self-titled MP3 Collection released 2010. ~Fake demo debunked by (Friend of Matt Pelissier) and SpaceyRaygun (The track's original source).
Sister to Sleep - One of the earliest songs written for Revenge, revealed in a 2003 interview as conceptualized for The Freddy vs. Jason Soundtrack before licensing fell through. It was re-conceptualized around The Sandman series of comics, where sleep is anthropomorphized as the titular Sandman, and his sister as Death. In its released form, the lyrics explore sleep as an analogy for death and themes of insomnia and institutionalization. Ultimately, the track was cut from release by producer Howard Benson. Two live recordings (1) (2) of this song have circulated the fandom for a number of years, with one found more recently all from the same show played in NYC's the Knitting Factory on 6/26/2003. On 10/17/2022, it was played once more in Inglewood during the RETURN Tour, albeit slightly different lyrics. Later, Frank spoke on a 2023 interview about using live footage for practice, likely explaining the difference in lyrics. In 2013 the band had stated in an interview potentially none of the members still possessed a copy of Sister to Sleep's demo recording (A claim still supported by Frank in a 2022 interview) except possibly for a soundcheck library recording Mikey was given from the Knitting Factory show. With renewed interest in the song, Matt Pelissier was asked via Twitter about the track. If community sources \1]) \2]) are to be believed, a Twitter user "Martin" asked Gerard the whereabouts and existing number of these demos, Gerard would share that they lost the only existing copy moving from coast to coast a number of years ago. Martin then asked Matt about the demos to corroborate Gerard's story, which prompted Matt to reveal more info. Matt claimed he was given an additional copy of Sister to Sleep, as were all of the band members, their studio and their label. Fans supposedly questioned his demo's legitimacy. (1) (2) (3) Matt then posted three 15 second clips of the track to his Instagram. These clips were DMCA claimed by Warner and Matt was threatened with potential legal action if he continued copyright violations. However, fans downloaded these clips before they were taken down. (1) (2) Afterwards, Matt was asked via text conversations by his Revenir bandmate u/dansplayslol11 after hearing the track if he still intended on leaking it. Matt explained that he didn't intend on releasing them being content as the apparent sole owner of the demo.
Manhattan Demos aka A-Demos - In 2013 the band had stated in an interview Sister to Sleep's studio recording existed on the "Manhattan Demos" or "A-Demos" as Ray called them that also contained demo material later released on LOTMS. Screenshots of other production tracklists around this time have also been leaked and released by several sources including Revenge producer Howard Benson. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Demo - A 1 minute 4 second Clip of an I'm Not Okay demo uploaded by the YouTube channel AJ Serna in 2012 which contains the line "And never mind the drugs you took" instead of Revenge's release version "The photographs your boyfriend took" with notably worse recording quality. This lyric was likely remnants from when the song served as the conclusion to the album with a spoken word outro by Daryl Palumbo \Of Glassjaw, Head Automatica] and is more in-line with) early production takes of the song.
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Instrumentals - Instrumental versions of all 13 original Revenge tracks can be heard as backing tracks for the duration of LOTMS. Never released as a stand-alone instrumental promotional album unlike TBP.
Someone Out There Loves You - Released as a live performance on the official TBPID DVD as Track 30 with a live video. Unofficially titled 'Stay' by fans before its official title was revealed by Gerard on Twitter. Frank revealed in an interview with The Music that the song had a studio demo but "lyrical reservations" prevented its release.
MCRBlog 09' Demos - Throughout 2009, the band would post an occasional series titled 'Practice Cam' where they'd take photos and videos of whiteboards containing song titles. Fans like Cassie the Venomous were able to decipher some of these titles, and later corroborate them with at-the-time newly released live performances. (What was initially titled 'Siren Song' as a live performance eventually released as 'AMBULANCE', ect.) However, some of these teased titles never received accompanying live material. These include:
"Still Alive" \Also detailed in) this interview.\) "Teenage Girl" "Pretty [..?]" "Monster Jam" \This could be in reference to the video game 'Monster Jam: Masters of Mayhem' of which 'I'm Not Ok)' appeared as an in-game track).\)
Hell Hath No Fury - This track was apparently credited to My Chemical Romance (1) (2) for 2012's The Man With The Iron Fists but never appeared on the movie's soundtrack. It's theorized this track midway through the film is a snippet of the track.
The Paper Kingdom - Proceeding DD's touring cycle, the My Chemical Romance began work on their 5th studio record before scrapping the album due to burnout, depression and unhealthy habits. (1) (2) Some of this material was likely posted by a user named Excalibur and sold for $10k+ on the leaked music website Leaked.cx in late September 2022. Snippets of these tracks with added auditory watermarks were provided by the leaker for legitimacy from tracks with the filenames "Dark Cloud", "Witch" and "Wake Up!". However, these clips were taken down by Warner both on leaked.cx and on other sites' reposts, likely validating the leak's legitimacy. One track recognized by Warner's automatic content ID system was entitled "Paper Swords" by My Chemical Romance.
The Foundations of Decay Sessions - According to comments by Excalibur made under leaked.cxs TPK leak, they also possessed demo sessions for the My Chemical Romance's 2022 release The Foundations of Decay. It was unclear whether these sessions were also purchased and vaulted alongside TPK's leak by the same or another buyer.
... These aren't exactly "lost", only \notable]) live performances with no evidence of official or studio variants: FYI, any of these songs can be heard with a simple YouTube or Internet Archive search \if I don't already link a primary or secondary source here.)
Everybody Tie Your Shoe - Stage banter on TBP's 2007 tour. Released on the 'Fans of Compilations' bootleg album in 2008.
The Drugs - A scrapped song played live sometime during 2009 during the Summer Sonic Festival. Later never released alongside the other CW-era singles or later DD material. Released as a live track on 'Still Chemical Dependency' bootleg album in 2009.
Everybody Hates the Eagles aka Kill Em' All aka DD Jam Session - A DD-era Jam Session repurposed for the My Chemical Romance's 2022-2023 tour and given lyrics with a variety of concluding lines rhyming or spinning on the phrase "Everybody Hates the Eagles". (1) (2) (3) (4)
... These aren't in any sense "lost". Some just aren't on streaming services, just obscure or with no official release: FYI, any of these songs can be heard with a simple YouTube or Internet Archive search \if I don't already link a primary or secondary source here.)
Jack the Ripper (cover) - Live cover of Morrissey's song released on the EP Like Phantoms, Forever in 2002 including live banter, then later released as a cut-down version on the Thank You for the Venom 7" in 2004. Often mistaken for separate live and studio tracks such as mislabeling on the Self-titled MP3 Collection and other MP3 archives.
Give Em' Hell, Kid Alt. Version - An alternate version of Give Em' Hell, Kid from iTunes.
Under Pressure (cover) - Cover of Queen and David Bowie's song as a collaboration with The Used made for release as a single and a bonus track for The Used's 2004 release 'In Love and Death'.
Astro Zombies (cover) - Cover of Misfits' song released for Tony Hawk's American Wasteland 2005.
I Never Told You What I Do For a Living Demo - Demo track released on LOTMS lyrically and sonically distinct from its Revenge release.
Bury Me in Black - Demo released first as a Japanese Revenge bonus track, later released internationally on LOTMS.
Desert Song - Complete studio track intended for Revenge, released exclusively on LOTMS.
Song 2 (cover) - Cover of Blur's song released on Radio 1's Live Lounge Album in 2006.
The Black Parade Instrumentals - Promotional CDr distributed to advertisers alongside TBP in 2006.
The Black Parade: The B-Sides - Includes My way Home Is Through You, Kill All Your Friends and Heaven Help Us. Released as a stand-alone b-side album in 2009 including bonus tracks released alongside TBP in 2006.
Desolation Row (cover) - Cover of Bob Dylan's song for release with Watchmen (2009) with an accompanying promotional music video set in the Watchmen universe.
All I Want for Christmas Is You (cover) - Cover of Mariah Carey's song for 2009's Christmas compilation album Gift Wrapped: 20 Songs That Keep On Giving.
We Don't Need Another Song About California - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys iTunes Deluxe bonus track.
Zero Percent - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys Japanese bonus track.
Sing Single - Radio edit and instrumental single of Sing released in 2010.
The Mad Gear and Missile Kid EP - Collection of songs written during DD's production (Black Dragon Fighting Society being written before DD), intended to be My Chemical Romance's in-universe proxy. Released with DD's 2010 box set and released digitally for the first time in 2022.
Bulletproof Heart Single - Radio edit and instrumental single of Bulletproof Heart released in 2011.
Planetary (GO!) Remixes - Planetary (GO!) single remixes by Lags Gallows & Vasquez/Gorman released in 2011.
Common People (cover) - Cover of Pulp's song for BBC Radio 1, Released on the 2011 The Only Hope For Me Is You EP.
Every Snowflake is Different (Just Like You) - A track made for the show Yo' Gabba Gabba in 2011. Made alongside a music video featured on the show. Notably similar to S/C/A/E/C/O/W and preformed live by My Chemical Romance on tour the same year.
#SINGItForJapan - Full orchestral Japanese instrumental version of SING following earthquakes and tsunamis that devastated Japan in 2011. Released as a single alongside a YouTube upload and merchandise to raise money for Japanese charities.
The Kids from Yesterday Remixes - Australian-exclusive box set released 2012 including remixes from Dan P. Carter, Lags Gallows and Vazquez/Gorman.
Fake Your Death - The first track on May Death Never Stop You and released as a single. Theorized as originally made for TPK. Aside: I hear his VERY widely talked about as a fact, butthe main article citedis mistakenly referencing Gerard's solo work. As likely as this rumor is, there is no evidence.
Black Parade / Living with Ghosts - Black Parade's 10-year anniversary release including a variety of TBP demos both scrapped and reworked onto the 2006 release.
Welcome to the Black Parade (Steve Aoki 10th Anniversary Remix) - Remix of Welcome to the Black Parade by Steve Aoki for TBP's 10th Anniversary.
... Specific thanks to u/mj2000p, u/Tongara, u/danplayslol11, SpaceyRaygun and Party in the affiliated My Chemical Romance Discord for previous edits. To see the edits check out my original post.
Please do not harass or beg band members or those affiliated with the band for unreleased material. Archival efforts are important but many of these songs fall under copyright and/or hold great personal value. Be respectful in reaching out to potential leads.
If anyone has better sources, anything else to correct or add I'd love to add to what I have and will credit.
Thanks for all the help! <3 Happy 20 years to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge! :3
submitted by Kekktye to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:09 we3lsc For YOU Pretend-A-Jenny-Hurl

I’ve been working on this since last night when I was notified by a few AMAZING Reddit’ers, they were letting me know about someone CLAIMING to be “Jenny-Hurl”, immediately I went to the thread where this PERSON was doing quite a bit of replying, while I was reading everything she was typing, I was also reading ALL the JAIL text messages between Paul and Jenny, as well as phone calls, I wanted to thoroughly compare the 3 for similarities or differences, and it was VERY CLEAR by looking at the grammar, punctuations used, everything that was said in Reddit absolutely did NOT match, there was NOTHING similar in any way, shape or form, I knew that whoever this sick, twisted person was, it definitely wasn’t Jenny-Hurl. We were all asking for a picture showing yesterday’s date, got everything BUT that, and each one was different, and they’re ALL here in Reddit, all over the internet, readily available for ANYONE to save to their phone, to try and pass off as REAL, she got called out, every photo she posted, I debunked, that’s why the person DELETED every comment in the thread, but luckily when replying to mine it sent me email notifications each time, and shows what the person wrote in the reply each time, I don’t have access to the others members this person replied to in the thread, but you should be able to hopefully somewhat figure out what the “person’s” deleted replies to the others were.
In the folder I created to attach to this because of photo upload limit you’ll see some pictures aren’t even of the same person, some found the fountain of youth, or is like the character Benjamin Button and ages backwards..
Here’s a write up message I made for this PERSON, whoever they are..
u/EdieCiaobabyy <~~~ supposedly Jenny
WHOEVER YOU ARE, you mentioned in ONE of your MANY DELETED(because I compared the way you were talking and typing to the way Jenny talks and typed, and they did NOT match) comments last night, that the calls between You and Paul were being ALTERED and so the “REAL TRUTH”(about you?) wasn’t made public, PUHHHLEASE, seriously,that’s the BEST you(whoever YOU are) could come up with?
IF you are Jenny, which I DOUBT you are, (definitely not a baby girl, some may use that term referring to the PSYCHOPATH, but I WILL NOT), it is WELL KNOWN by the WORLD that Zav altered the calls because she gave control of HER YouTube channel to a PSYCHOPATH(yes I said it), and someone else got the UN-ALTERED calls and released them, ALL of them, so I just DEBUNKED the ALTERED calls theory for you, whoever you are..
AND if you(whoever you are) THINK that YOU can create an account 5/31/2024 and STALK a couple posts, and then decide to claim you’re Jenny(you referred to yourself as something you’re NOT, I WON’T), and say WOE IS ME, WOE IS ME, BLAH BLAH BLAH, TRYING to play VICTIM, and I wasn’t then, and still don’t now, give a RATS behind about YOU or your life, TIMOTHY FERGUSON, THE ONLY VICTIM was only a 15 year old defenseless, helpless, INNOCENT BOY, and the ONLY VICTIM.
So let me say this, as I want YOU to know, whoever you are, and IF by SOME SMALL CHANCE that you are who you say you are(DOUBT IT), I don’t know WHAT your AGENDA here in Reddit is, BUT you’ve come to the WRONG Subreddit to try and play victim, because it WILL NOT WORK, you are not, and have NEVER been a victim since YOU decided to call Paul(whoever you are) and make a COMPLETE FOOL of yourself for MONTHS, and ONLY YOU are to blame for that, and at this point, in my opinion, WHO you REALLY are is irrelevant, and ALL I have to say to you is THIS: YOU(whoever you are) are one of the most SICK, DISGUSTING, EVIL, TWISTED, PILL POPPING, EGOTISTICAL PSYCHOPATHS I have ever had the displeasure of listening to in those calls, YOU took away the fact that TIMOTHY FERGUSON was the TRUE VICTIM, and PLAYED VICTIM to get EVERYONE to pay attention to YOU, TMZ SKANK. YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM IN THIS, TIMOTHY FERGUSON IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE ONLY VICTIM IN THIS CASE.
And then for you IF you really are Jenny, to have the AUDACITY to come here on Reddit and hoping that IF you out yourself that everyone that loves Timothy, that ALL will be HUNKY DOREY, I can’t speak for others here in Reddit, and some will probably say how harsh and mean I was for this comment, but I can CLEARLY SEE that AGAIN, YOU ARE TRYING TO PLAY VICTIM STILL, and as God as my witness and the LOVE I have for Sweet Timothy that tragically had his life taken away from him at the very young AGE of 15, I will NOT let the fact that TIMOTHY IS THE ONLY VICTIM be taken away from Reddit by the likes of a disgusting troll like YOU, like it was RIPPED from him on YouTube.


submitted by we3lsc to ZavGirlBehavior [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 Active_Whereas8035 My 31F ex 31F seems to enjoy hurting me even after we are no longer together. Am I looking into it too much?

My ex Sarah, initiated a breakup because I was too physically ill for her to want to take care of me. Long story short but she gave me a rare STD from a past partner that caused permanent damage to my body. I knew it was her because I had only ever had two sex partners my entire life and my other partner had tested negative for that rare STD. Before doctors could find out what was wrong with me, I developed severe and sudden onset symptoms including frequent vomiting and nausea, severe weight loss, and limping as my legs no longer worked properly. It bothered her that we couldn't party and do all the things she wanted to do. Also, Sarah transitioned from male to female in the middle of our relationship and I welcomed it with open arms because I loved her. I went to clubs with her even though I was disabled and tried to make sure she felt loved and supported as much as possible.
Sarah however, would never return the favor. She would often become cold and distant when I was sick and once even left me on the cold floor of a hotel covered in my own vomit and urine. I begged her to call an ambulance and she turned around and pretended to sleep. When I was finally able to get the strength to get off the ground 7 hours later, I called myself an Uber to the hospital. It turned out that I had a stomach blockage. When I confronted her about this she said she didn't believe that I was ever sick because she "had an ex who lied about having cancer". I showed her official paperwork of multiple diagnoses as a result of this STD. She apologized, told me she believed me, but even then still treated me as though I was still an inconvenience. I felt so embarrassed every time she wanted to go out and party, and I could barely even walk.
There were many instances of verbal abuse as well, often in public places. For example, we went out on a date at a bar once. I had let her know that due to a family emergency, I might take out my phone a few times. The second I take my phone out, she bashed the table, tossed the chair, left a $100 bill on the table and walked out even before the food even came. I was so humiliated and other people asked if I was okay. She apologized after, but that is just one of many instances of this kind of behavior. I am not a perfect human by any means but when I tell you not ONCE did I ever raise my voice at her in the entire relationship... I have a very big fear of confrontation so the way she responded to things caused me to develop panic disorder and symptoms of schizophrenia. I was hospitalized 42 times in one year usually with a BPM over 150 and was admitted to a psych ward. Keep in mind, before I met her I had no prior mental health history. I had a stable job, a healthy body and was never on mental health medications. My only prior relationship of 5 years was also stable and loving but my partner moved across the country so we chose to end things.
The underlying issue was that Sarah was on a cocktail of medications, Antidepressants, anxiety medication, ADHD medication and another drug for mental health which I can't recall. Because of her ADHD, she would sometimes forget to pick up her medications. At the same time, she was experimenting with different medications and dosages (under doctor supervision). This meant she was always on a different combination of psychiatric medications throughout out relationship. Her mood was really unpredictable and I never knew when she would snap. For example, we had just went to ikea that day and everything was great. We had a fun time installing curtains in her new apartment. I would sometimes suffer from really bad brain fog from the antibiotics and panic attack meds I was always on. Well apparently I didn't realize I made a face after she asked me to pass her something, which caused her to yell "Stop making that stupid fucking face I cant stand it". Then she proceeded to mock me...
She would also go through my phone behind my back, accusing me of cheating when I would never do such a thing and there was nothing to even possibly HINT at the thought. She said she did this because her "exes all cheated". Even though she would always go to gay bars alone wearing nothing but lingerie. And I never bothered her once about it. I didn't want to interfere with her freedom of expression. She was finding her new identity (transitioning from male to female)
After 4 long years she broke up with me in public after I coincidentally bumped into her at a bar when our mutual friend and I went out for drinks. Sarah was talking to other girls but I was just so happy to see her and ran to give her a hug. But she seemed upset that I had ruined her day. She went on a rant for 20 minutes about how she can't stand me always being sick and said she fell out of love with me a few months back but didn't want to tell me. She told me soulmates don't exist (I never said they did), how I am "not special" (never said I was) and she could "find someone tonight if she wanted to".
The panic attack I had from her yelling at me so much in public was so bad that I started puking blood. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and after she never checked up on me. Instead I woke up in the hospital the next day to see that she started following hundreds of plus sized porn stars and sharing their posts. After causing me to drop to 91 lbs at 5'8".
After that I blocked her on all social medias. I had also blocked her number. One day about 6 months after the breakup I received a voicemail from her from another number. She said it was an emergency and was crying so I called her back. She told me how her hamster died because she forgot to feed her and was crying and blaming her ADHD saying she basically forgot the hamster existed. This turned into a long conversation about her apologizing, her feeling lonely because no one wants to date her. She moved across the country and I made it very clear, I had not even the slightest interest in getting back with her.
She said she cared about me as a friend and missed the friendship we had. I agreed to remain friends but only unblocked her on Instagram. She then started sharing with me intimate details of her sex life with strangers and other people she would meet at bars. It seemed like every conversation would turn into her sending me memes about sucking off trans girls and trans penises. Then she would tell me how she was good at sucking dick and would only top people. Then it progressed into telling me how trans girls anuses felt better than vaginas and that was really the last straw for me. I had told her numerous times this made me uncomfortable. She said she was just sharing information that she shares with all her female friends and made me seem unreasonable for not wanting to discuss her sex life. Especially when she knew I was dealing with a death in the family at the same time. And I'm not just a female friend, I pictured myself at one point spending my life with her. Why do I want to picture her sucking dick and what her partner's penises look like?
I make it clear that she has a very bad issue with respecting boundaries and I block her instagram. About 3 weeks later, she makes a new account with the same picture and almost the same name. She likes my posts and all my stories. I go to the page to check the account because I was confused as I thought I blocked her already. As soon as she liked my posts with this alt account, she uploads photos of her making out with other people and talks about how good dick is. Was this behavior intentional or am I just looking too hard into things? I just can't understand what I did to deserve any of this...
submitted by Active_Whereas8035 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:53 dontknowheadphones Continual backup to same snapshot version?

Hi, I've been looking at many different tools to backup my files. I've been meaning to do so for a while but since I need to refresh my laptop, I thought this would be a good time to do so. I've looked at borg, rclone, mountain duck, kopia, veeam, freefilesync, duplicity, plus some more. Out of all these, I like Kopia due to their GUI and the ability to see the files mounted locally (and it's free).
However, I cannot find a way to continually add to a snapshot. Say I have a large directory pictures for a snapshot `pictures`. If the local directory of `pictures` gets too big, I would like the ability to delete and add new files locally and have both the old and new files collectively show up in the same snapshot version. I know that you can go to the old snapshots of the backups to access the old files, but those are not together.
A good example would be Google Photos application. I can take many photos, upload them to Google Photos, then delete them from my phone. In the Photos application, I can see the old and new photos.
I've been wondering whether a backup solution supports such feature. It would be awesome if I could make it work in KopiaUI. If not, how do others solve this issue? Curious to see how other people use backups. I think I should be looking for another system than "backup" solutions.
submitted by dontknowheadphones to selfhosted [link] [comments]
