Fun names for walking teams

Name Nerds Circlejerk

2018.09.14 00:56 Lyd_Euh Name Nerds Circlejerk

Poke fun at awful names and naming culture. No name is safe.

2018.01.08 23:56 1251isthetimethati Not How Girls Work

A place to laugh at all those clueless to how girls work. This does not include podcast clips or tweets from those (especially public figures) who constantly recite typical misogynistic rhetoric, and make a profit or following off of intentionally disparaging women online/in media; We will not give them free publicity here, or even more attention. Please read the subreddit rules before participating; New accounts, or ones with low karma may be subjected to AutoMod flagging and filtration.

2017.07.31 08:11 lostRecords wow thanks i'm cured

A subreddit that collates the cures for everything!

2024.06.10 03:08 guantou_red [PC/NA] Queer Misfits (very casual guild) for mostly Solo Players

Queer Misfits Guild

What DO we do?

What DON'T we do?

This guild might be for you if:

With that in mind, this guild is understandably NOT for everyone, but if you're still reading, it is probably for you.
Note to more advanced players: You are also welcome to join if it appeals to moods that you feel. (We do have a few people that are pretty excited to do more vet content as well if you like) Just please remember which guild you are in when you are asking people if they want to join you for an activity.


  1. No elitism. No elitism. No elitism.
  2. No judgment. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, anxiety friendly, AND newbie friendly. (experienced players are also welcome, it's the attitude that matters)
  3. Try to keep it family friendly, please.
  4. The word "queer" is special to us. Please don't tell us that you hate that word. It's the only word that many of us feel comfortable using. You don't need to identify as queer in order to be in this guild, but please don't try to take it from the rest of us.
  5. Yes, allies are welcome, too.
  6. If you get frustrated with new or "poor" players who are "doing it wrong", you are in the wrong guild. Raging is not okay. Also, see number 1.
  7. Ask first before assuming people want lessons in "how to play ESO". Don't assume we all want to improve. We may already be having exactly the type of fun we want to have.
  8. Respect the solo-player needs to mostly play solo.
You read the whole thing?!! Thank you! If you made it this far and want to give it a try, here is our discord invite: When you post an #introduction, be sure to include you ESO username (It's the one you use to log, not the character's name) so that we can send you an invite.
Note: If you get a confusing response like "aww...shucks" when you join the server, it's not you :-) We have favorite welcome stickers we like to see but they are random so everyone just sits on the edge of their seats waiting to see if that sticker will pop up. (Kind of like a room full of people staring at the DVD screen saver waiting for the icon bouncing around the screen to hit perfectly in the corner.)
See you soon.
submitted by guantou_red to ESOGuilds [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:08 LovelessLostSoul 27 [M4F] Virginia/online. Romance, video games, anime, generally good vibes?

My name is Alexander, hello. Hi. You should totally message me. Here’s why:
I will play video games with you, watch anime (or not, we could also just watch your favorite show), talk to you for hours about anything and everything, voice chat or via text, with open ears whenever you want to talk shit about your coworkers or really anybody in your life, and debate what the best type of apple is with you (it’s green apples, fight me).
If you’re interested in getting to know each other on a deeper level and are open to potentially growing something where we talk regularly, especially when the days are getting a little too lonely and monotonous, I’m your guy. If you’re a bit of a dork, you’re in great company with me. If not, feel free to make fun of me for my own dorkiness instead. I don’t care where you live, but you should tell me all about your favorite spots.
So about earlier. You should totally message me. I look forward to it :)
submitted by LovelessLostSoul to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:07 LovelessLostSoul 27 [M4F] Virginia/online. Romance, video games, anime, generally good vibes?

My name is Alexander, hello. Hi. You should totally message me. Here’s why:
I will play video games with you, watch anime (or not, we could also just watch your favorite show), talk to you for hours about anything and everything, voice chat or via text, with open ears whenever you want to talk shit about your coworkers or really anybody in your life, and debate what the best type of apple is with you (it’s green apples, fight me).
If you’re interested in getting to know each other on a deeper level and are open to potentially growing something where we talk regularly, especially when the days are getting a little too lonely and monotonous, I’m your guy. If you’re a bit of a dork, you’re in great company with me. If not, feel free to make fun of me for my own dorkiness instead. I don’t care where you live, but you should tell me all about your favorite spots.
So about earlier. You should totally message me. I look forward to it :)
submitted by LovelessLostSoul to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:07 KesbeL [EU] Experienced IGL starting a new project / LFT

My nickname is Noutaja and i have been playing CS for 8 years and only thing i find enjoyable is team gaming with only purpose to win. Since i hate losing and love winning.
About me:
Finnish, 24yo, 8000+ hours, 2,3k faceit elo and MANY past teams. Finnish and international.
Role: IGL.
Do i have an idea how to play game: Yes.
Experience: Too much to count. Latest with my finnish mix in S49 and got promoted to IM
So what i am looking for?
4 players to fit into my system and get into advanced by 2025 (maybe, yes?)
I think thats roughly everything, HMU with questions if you have any.
Contact me via:
discord: thenoutaja
-- Noutaja :)~
submitted by KesbeL to RecruitCS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:07 RelativeCarrot1696 5v5 Ranked + Ranked Rework

5v5 Ranked + Ranked Rework

The point of this post

  • Make Ranked very similar to Powerleague in difficulty, but with better rewards so people still play
  • Make an alternative to Ranked that attracts casual players

Ranked Rework

  • No more Ranked boost
  • Ranked now unlocks at 5000 trophies again.
  • No more bot matches in any rank
  • No more modifiers in Ranked, but they are now available in Friendly Battles
  • Reset now gives +200 Bling for every rank you climbed through (Up to 4200 if you reach Masters)
  • Every rank you reach gives +200 Bling along with the Starr drop as well.
  • Similar to old Powerleague, rank resets will now derank you like this
  • Epic Wins and Close Matches are coming back to compensate
  • Every 5 wins you get in Masters will award you with a Ranked Starr Drop
  • Upon reaching Legendary, you will receive the Ranked skin of the season for free alongside the Legendary Starr Drop.
  • Upon reaching Masters, you will get a Legendary starr drop and 5 Ranked Starr Drops.
Attempting to explain these
All of these changes to Ranked are meant to bring it closer to old Powerleauge with the exception of Deranking, Team/Solo Queue separation, and Ranked Starr Drops.
I removed Modifiers because I'm a firm believer that they just don't fit into competitive. We've seen with Quickfire breaking Heist, Timed Detonation making the brawler pool super limited, Big Friend creating extremely broken brawlers like Fertilize Spike, Barley with the healing SP + Gadget, Business Resilience Griff, and Colette in general. As much as I love it, I have to admit that it has it's huge flaws. Second Wind feels like it belongs in Mega Pig, and Super Bushy is quite literally straight out of Mega Pig. The only modifier I've seen not be universally hated on or annoyed by is Sick Beats, but I've even seen complaints about that too. So for the sake of making Ranked more competitive, the modifiers have to go.
The huge improvements to the rewards acts as an incentive for casual players to play Ranked for longer, despite the changes.

Introducing Squad League!

  • The Elo system, matchmaking etc is identical to current ranked to make it lean towards casuals
Game Modes
  • Brawl Ball
  • Gem Grab
  • Wipeout
  • Knockout
  • Princess Rescue (NEW)
  • Showdown X (NEW)
Bronze 2 - Super Rare Starr Drop
Bronze 3 - Super Rare Starr Drop
Silver 1 - Epic Starr Drop
Silver 2 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 300 Coins
Silver 3 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 300 Coins
Gold 1 - Epic Starr Drop
Gold 2 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 300 Coins
Gold 3 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 300 Coins
Diamond 1 - Mythic Starr Drop
Diamond 2 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 400 Coins
Diamond 3 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 400 Coins
Mythic 1 - Legendary Starr Drop
Mythic 2 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 450 Coins
Mythic 3 - Super Rare Starr Drop + 450 Coins
Legendary 1 - Legendary Starr Drop
Legendary 2 - Super Rare/Epic Starr Drop + 500 Coins
Legendary 3 - Super Rare/Epic Starr Drop + 500 Coins
Masters - Legendary Starr Drop + 1100 Coins
Brawl Ball: Freezing Ripples, Cool Shapes
Gem Grab: Arctic Extraction, Snowflakes
Knockout: Shuffle City, Riverbank Crossing
Wipeout: Icy Ice Park, Frosty Tracks
Heist: Ultra Pit Stop, Snowflakes
Princess Rescue: Cover Parade, Romantic Escape
Showdown X: Skull Creek, Dark Passage
This but much longer and a bit wider. My suggestion for making it longer is to make the three walls at the top of the diamond go all the way up to five, then four -> three -> two -> one, and make a few more three - wall sections on the sides.
Honestly all I would do to make this suited for 5v5 is to make all of the sections longer and a bit wider.
Literally just Pit Stop but bigger
  • Both Showdown X (formerly Showdown) maps' spawn points will depend on your spot on the draft. First pick will spawn on the left side, and last pick will spawn all the way on the right
  • Snowflakes is the same as it's Gem Grab version but with the heist safe being placed in the place of the walls in the middle of the snowflakes at the top. Additionally, the pine trees connecting the two unbreakable walls will be reduced so brawlers can switch from lane to lane. The unbreakable wall sections being connected by the pine trees will have the two walls branching out cut off so it's a 2x2 square area.
Knockout Changes
  • The "dead teammate" boost is now worth 2 powercubes (1 if that's still broken)
  • Stalling abilities such as Charlie's Personal Space and Mico's Out Of Frame can no longer avoid the gas.
Wipeout Changes
  • The Blue Star will be placed in the middle of the map to avoid draws.
Draft Format
  • Best of 2 (similar to Ranked)
  • (Experimental) Every player on the team will be allowed to ban one brawler.
  • There is now a text feature that players can use to discuss strategy. (Can be turned off in the settings tab)
Next to the filter button, there is a button that says "Roles". When you tap on that, then you will be navigated to a screen that has a button for every brawler role (one that says Assassin, Tank, etc). Press one, and you will have the role you chose below your name and you will be limited to picking brawlers of the role you chose. The Roles button will become a cancel button that you can press to stop this.
  • There is an empty slot below the names of the players that the Team Leader can use to suggest roles. They can do this by tapping on it, and then selecting the role that they would like them to play. Doing so won't automatically lock them to their suggested role, but rather encourage them to go to the Roles tab and switch to it.
Princess Rescue
One player on the team fights their way to the top of an enemy castle, while the rest of the team has to fight it out to make it to them! The first team to bring their princess back to their base wins!
  • Respawn times are shorter to avoid ridiculously cheesy matches.
  • Match time is 5 minutes, similar to Gem Grab.
The Princess of each team is supposed to fight through waves of robots until they reach the top of the tower. When they reach the top and move towards the window facing the battlefield, they can jump onto a teammate by walking out of it. Then, they will be carried away.
  • The Princess can't jump out of the window if there are no teammates nearby
  • If the Princess dies, then they will be respawned on the floor they died on.
  • If the Princess dies on the battlefield, then they will respawn on the top floor.
The Princess is also a new role that only the Team Leader can assign. The Team Leader will have to be the Princess, unless they use the Role Suggestion feature to try and pass it on to someone else. The role only becomes available for selection if the Team Leader suggests it.
  • The player with the Princess role can suggest their role to other players too.
Interactions with the Princess
  • When holding the Princess, you can toss them to a teammate/your castle by using your attack or Super, similar to Basket Brawl.
  • Getting knocked back forces you to drop the Princess.
  • You can't use jump pads and teleports while holding the Princess. You must preform a self-pass.
Cooler interactions with the Princess
  • Piper loves being carried by Rico.
  • Emz loves being carried by Poco.
  • Edgar loves being carried by Emz.
  • Frank can carry lighter weight character with one arm.
  • If he's in Dragon form, whoever's getting carried by Draco will hold on to his back.
  • Brawlers getting carried by Hank will just sit ontop of his puffertank. For his throw animation, they will jump off.
  • Smaller characters like R-T and Tick have to always carry people above their heads.
  • 8-Bit will carry/throw the princess with one arm.
  • Otis carries people by having them sit on his head, and then wrapping his tentacle around them.
  • Sandy will go to sleep in the carrier's arms.
  • Somehow, everyone's strong enough to carry someone as heavy as Frank.
  • Surge can carry Meg and Max on his shoulders.
  • People being carried by Chuck will cling to his back.
  • People being carried by Bonnie in cannon form will sit inside of the cannon. For her throw animation, they will shoot out of it.
  • Edgar carries everyone on his back using his scarf.
  • Mico seems to hate being carried.
  • Colette really likes being carried by Piper and Spike.
  • Piper and Spike get incredibly uncomfortable when carrying/being carried by Colette, but try to hide it.
  • Pam can carry Jessie on her shoulders.
  • Carl loads the princess into his minecart, rather than carrying them.
  • Edgar, Crow, Bonnie, Janet, Stu, Buster, Fang, and Draco have special jump animations.
  • Melodie, Frank and Pearl get carried in uncomfortable positions
  • Janet really dislikes being carried by Melodie (and vice versa)
  • Jacky can carry lighter weight characters on her back, and when doing so she will still hop around on her drill.
Weight chart (feel free to correct me if needed)
  • Ash is a heavyweight
The Castle
The castle on either side of the map will have 4 floors, with 1-4 having robots on them that the princess will have to kill in order to advance. The fifth floor has the window that you can jump out of to have a teammate carry you.
  • The first floor contains three waves of punching robots, with three of them per wave.
  • The second floor contains three waves of shooter robots, with three of them per wave.
  • The third floor contains three waves of mouse robots, with three of them per wave.
  • The fourth floor contains one boss robot. He can only use the missile ability, and he has 10000 HP.
  • All robots from stages 1-3 have HP and damage similar to the purple robots in Robo Rumble.
  • If you die, you will have a 3s respawn time and then respawn on the floor you died on.
  • The princess can't attack out of the castle window.
  • If you hold down the movement stick towards the window, then your brawler will enter a "bending over" animation where they look out into the battlefield. This can only trigger if no one's there to catch you.
  • Short brawlers like R-T and Cordelius will climb ontop of the window like they're getting ready to jump.
  • Eve moves her spaceship up to the window, and then steps out of it to look out the window.
  • You will get a notification if the enemy's Princess finish a wave.
New Mechanic: Teleport Selection
The teleporters placed on either side of the map can be accessed with a teleport button on the bottom left corner of your screen, right next to the movement joystick. You can teleport back to your base immediately, but you have to stand on each teleport for one second to unlock the option to teleport to them. This is meant to give players a defensive option for when the princess starts to escape, and force the princess's teammates to create a new method of escape, rather than simply walking forward while their enemies are stuck at their base after a team wipe.
  • It takes a second to teleport, just like a regular teleporter.
Breaking into the Castle
Is your princess being a bum? Then get in there and climb the castle yourself! You can breach the enemy's tower to try and rescue your princess yourself, but there will be 1 more wave of robots on each stage, even if the princess already cleared them out.
  • Once you're inside of the castle, you can't get out through the way you came in. You must go through the window.
  • If you input an attack near the princess when on the 5th floor, then you will pick them up. If you go to the window, then you can jump out with them.
  • Frank will slam Mortis to the ground if he jumps out the window with him.
Finishing the game
You can finish the game by either
  • Throwing the princess to the castle
  • Walking to the castle as the princess
  • Touching the castle with the princess in your arms
Now that I'm done, here's some fun meta predictions
  • Bull would be great for rescuing the princess with his high mobility super, heal gadget, and high HP. He can also break into the castle and climb to the top quickly, thanks to his high damaging main attack.
  • Max is gonna be the best brawler in this gamemode because of her insane mobility support. She can help her teammates run up the map
  • Every good composition will have atleast one tank and support
  • Gray and Gale will be solid options if your strategy is to get someone to breach the castle
  • Having no solid answer to aggression in your composition might be a guaranteed loss
  • I don't know how to feel about Dynamike in this gamemode. He has a solid mobility option with Dyna Jump that can be used to survive, move to the teleport on the enemy's base, do dribbling with the princess, and reach the back of the castle for a break-in. Not only that, but he has a gadget (Fidget Spinner) that gives him 19% more speed for 2s, which could be used to run away from an incoming tank, shift from cover to cover, and break into the castle. By running this build however, he's sacrificing one of the best gadgets in the game with Satchel Charge, and one of the highest super damages in the game with Demolition. Not only that, but the aggressive nature of this gamemode means that he's gonna be running into more Assassins and other speedy brawlers that he struggles with. But hear me out, he would be atleast B - A (if this gamemode somehow makes it into the game). Just the amount of mobility he has to bounce up the map with relative ease combined with the teleport mechanic will make him a very good pick for breaking into the castle, and helping the princess get out easier.
Showdown X
Showdown X is the team version of Showdown. It functions just like a regular Duo Showdown match except for the fact that you have 4 teammates, and there will be changes made to make it more competitive.
All Changes
  • Powercubes in the middle of Dark Passage decreased from 6 -> 4
  • All Powercube locations will spawn cubes 100% of the time.
  • Kit's Power Hungry starpower is disabled.
  • Stalling abilities such as Mico's Out of Frame and Charlie's Personal Space no longer negate poison damage.
  • Using a gadget that gives you a halo effect will now reveal you in the grass.
  • All dead teammates will respawn at the Team Leader's location. If the Team Leader dies, then the dead teammate will spawn at the location of the teammate that had the 4th pick in the team.
New Mechanic: Position Switch
During the final preparation phase, you can request either a position swap or brawler swap. When you press the swap button like you're going to swap your brawler, then there will be a popup asking if you want to swap brawler or position. Then, you can tap "switch position" to request a position swap with your teammate.
Heist 5v5
Extra chaotic heist. Good luck.
Changes coming with it's 5v5 iteration
  • The Heist safe now has it's HP increased
  • After being damaged by 25%, the safe will "Hypercharge". It will be invincible for six seconds, and then be attackable again.

Thank you for reading!

submitted by RelativeCarrot1696 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:05 Fi2eak For those that buy SUVs and trucks due to their safety features. Why not go all the way and get a rollcage installed?

Just as the tittle says. Why not go all the way and add more safety measures? There's rollcages, racing seats, and 5 point racing harness. I'm sure there's more you can add to make the car safer.
I recently stated that I was going to replace my steering wheel with an aftermarket one instead of taking it in for an airbag recall. Of course, I got the usual "have fun going through the windshield in a collision" and such. Yet the same people aren't willing to upgrade their cars in the name of safety.
submitted by Fi2eak to StupidCarQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:03 TillRepulsive6537 89th Joint Task Force - [A3] [Recruiting] [Halo] [MilSim] [Serious] [OPTRE] [New Player Friendly][NA/EU] [60+ Player Operations

89th Joint Task Force - [A3] [Recruiting] [Halo] [MilSim] [Serious] [OPTRE] [New Player Friendly][NA/EU] [60+ Player Operations
The 89th Joint Task Force wants you to help defend humanity! Founded in the Late 2490's to combat the growing insurrection threat across the outer colonies, the 89th JTF served as a premiere expeditionary force in readiness for the UNSC. Even now, in the early 2530's, aboard the 6th Battle Group, we stand ready to put down rebel threats and alien incursion alike. The 89th Joint Task Force is a MILSIM OPTRE unit. With a good handful of our members and leadership either active military or prior-military, we're able to tune the unit to scratch the more realistic itch our members have while also keeping it casual enough for our more easy going members. We are also new player friendly; whether you are new to Arma or an Arma Veteran, our extensive Instructor Corps will be happy to teach you everything you need to know to join the fight.
The 89th Joint Task Force is a HIGHLY active and ever-expanding unit. We are seeking recruits who have a drive to be as active and dedicated as the highest echelons of our command, so we may continue to grow and establish ourselves as a community. We offer those who meet this requirement a place where they can feel they belong, where they will grow close with their squadmates and be ever ready to utilize their camaraderie to ensure mission success. As an expanding unit we look for those who have a drive to lead, for our next team, squad, and platoon leaders. We look for those who not only want to be part of our unit, but for those who wish to help us succeed! If you think you've got the right stuff, come join, and take your place in the unit.
This sounds great! What do I need to join?
A willingness and dedication to being an active member.
Minimum 18 years of age
A working mic and headset.
Ability to speak and understand English.
A level of patience and the willingness to learn.
A commitment to being a consistent member and team player. Activity minimums for the active component is one(1) main operation a week, and for the reserve component two(2) operations a month.
What We Offer:
3 Main Operation Days every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 7:00pm (1900) EST.
A dedicated server and TS open 24/7
Fun, Story driven Zeus-ran campaigns with attention to lore detailing, as well as fun/side operation sporadically hosted by a number of our dedicated zeuses.
Available Slots
ANVIL Company: 20 Total
Friday & Sunday: 12
Friday only: 3
Sunday only: 5
Bastard Company[LAR] (Saturdays Only): 18
submitted by TillRepulsive6537 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:03 DependentMango5608 Summer activities for paralyzed mom

Hi everyone! My daughter (8) has been really struggling socially and academically. We're starting the process of helping her out via therapy etc, but I want to spend our time together this summer in a way that helps her come back to school in the fall as centered and focused and happy as she can be!
I'm looking for ideas for ways to keep her engaged physically and mentally that I can help with. I'm quadriplegic, and I need help with even very rudimentary things. She's always happy to help me out, but I want to think of some activities we can do this summer together to help us prepare for the upcoming year.
To give you an idea of my level of functioning, I'm up in my wheelchair for a few hours a day, I can move my arms and wrists but not my fingers, can’t walk whatsoever but my chair takes me pretty much wherever I need to go. We do stuff like art, reading, time outside- we’re lucky to be located near pretty much everything, so as long as it's wheelchair accessible, we can probably find it nearby.
I want to make this summer fun for her but prepare her for the upcoming school year. Does anyone have suggestions for activities I can maybe keep up with a little easier? I just can't be very hands-on and I would love some ideas!
submitted by DependentMango5608 to ADHDparenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:02 maxdefolsch [Monogatari Short Stories] Hitagi Throwing

Hi ! This is one more post of a series whose aim is to share the Monogatari short stories that hadn't been translated into English yet. Except that one already was. Whatever.
Short stories masterpost here, updated regularly to show our progress with the translations.
Today is a re-translation of Hitagi Throwing (by Tigoris), a rather long short story, published in the Heroine Book #5: Senjougahara Hitagi. This one is among the most interesting short stories : it is about Suruga remembering her first meeting with Hitagi at the age of 12.
Once again, the previous translation was very old, and I wanted to make sure we had a better version for the short stories book.
As someone who has been devoted to Senjougahara Hitagi for some years now, it feels like a betrayal of some kind to say something like this, but when I first met her as a first-year in middle school, the impression that I had of her was not exactly a positive one.
To be more specific, one might say that it was a negative impression.
I thought, “Just who is this girl?”
If it’s okay to be a bit more informal, then my more exact thought was, “This girl’s bad news.” Now, I’d like you to cut me some slack here, because at the time I had only just graduated from elementary school, and I was, in appearance, personality, ability, and intellect, a brat of a meager 12 years of age.
However, I will also firmly say that Senjougahara-senpai was not entirely without fault of her own; in fact, let me emphasize that she was not without fault. After all, when she—the track-and-field club’s very own ace—came storming into the gym during basketball practice, it seemed like the start of a raid, and all of the basketball club members flinched. And she didn’t come alone. She brought along a large group of her followers, which was not limited to other track-and-field members and included students from not only the second- and third-year students, but there were even some first-year students mixed in. To an observer, it looked as if a feudal lord had descended upon the gymnasium along with his full retinue of retainers.
To put it another way, it’s like when Mitchi showed up in Slam Dunk.
She was smiling softly and had a gentle manner, but that only made her all the more intimidating, in part because her cronies had an unusual air about them.
“You’re Kanbaru-san, then? I’ve heard rumors that you’re quick on your feet—if it’s no bother, may I observe you?”
What is she, a noble lady?
That was what I wanted to say, but back then Senjougahara-senpai was like that—she was like a character taken straight from a shoujo novel.
It put a shiver down my spine to discover that this person really existed. And allow me to clarify that when I say “a shiver down my spine,” I don’t mean it in the good way—looking back on it now, it might be more accurate to say that I recoiled with shock.
I had an instinctive feeling that her request was strange.
And so was she.
To put it simply, that just about sums up my first impression of her—of course, Senjougahara-senpai was famous, so after I had enrolled in the school and even before I joined the basketball club, I had already heard her name a number of times.
She and Hanekawa-senpai were the two poster children for my school—to the point that we were told (by a teacher during the entrance ceremony) not to cross “those two” if we wanted to make it in the school (at the time I didn’t know which two the teacher was talking about, but, in retrospect, the warning was largely accurate).
However, as you know, I was a twelve-year-old who had, for various reasons, a rather extraordinary obsession with running fast—but because of those same reasons, I was unable to join the track and field club. Nevertheless, I took an interest in the ace of the track and field club, Senjougahara-senpai, and went to observe her running during that April, even though I had not become a trial member of the team.
I didn’t realize that it was possible for a person to run so beautifully.
It took my breath away.
My running form was not something that I had received coaching for—even now, I have not received any education in sprinting, so my running form is self-taught. Being self-taught is not a bad thing; it’s a perfectly acceptable running style, and I never had a complex about how I ran, but when I saw Senjougahara-senpai run on that day, the beauty of her form stood in stark contrast to the frantic flailing of my own form.
She displayed the final form of human running.
She was the idealized runner.
But I could not attempt to copy her—she was not like me, and I was not like her.
I was painfully aware of our differences.
I also remember thinking that the track uniforms were erotic, but that’s neither here nor there. I’d had no intention of joining the track club, as I said before, but after seeing her run, whatever lingering regrets I had were gone.
It blew me away.
To look at it another way, it was seeing Senjougahara-senpai run that day that made me into the basketball player that I am today—it was easy to forget what had caused me to become so passionately devoted to basketball, but I’ll save that discussion of “you never know what event will become a turning point in your life” for another time.
You could say that I’m not really a shy person, but when it came to Senjougahara-senpai, I made it my policy to actively avoid coming in contact with her, so for her to seek me out on her own was so surprising as to strike me dumb. Add in her whole “storybook princess” demeanor, and I turned into a stuttering, stumbling idiot—so, suffice to say, on the day that Senjougahara-senpai (and her retinue) observed my basketball practice, I was not exactly doing my best.
“May we speak, Kanbaru-san?”
After practice, Senjougahara-senpai approached me—and while I didn’t exactly feel enticed by her invitation, my heart skipped a beat regardless.
Looking at her up close, it was hard to believe that a girl with such mature features was only a year older than myself.
“You’re as fast as the rumors say—so how about it? Do you have any interest in transferring to the track club? Why not spend your youth in friendly competition with me?”
… She was an impressively bold headhunter. By the way, the basketball team captain (a third-year) was also there at the time as Senjougahara-senpai (a second-year) tried to steal me from the team, but the captain acted as if it were none of her business and didn’t interrupt.
Just what were you hoping to find by examining the ball that closely, captain?
You can turn it over as many times as you want; you’re not going to find a hole.
I was disappointed in the team captain, but setting that aside, I was happy to receive the invitation—no matter the situation or the way that it was said, I would always be happy to receive praise for the legs that I was so proud of. It made my heart dance to be acknowledged.
That simplicity still has not changed.
I’ve always been an idiot when it came to this.
That said, it still didn’t mean that I was so stupid as to blindly be scouted just because someone praised me. I’m an idiot who can think. So I politely, but firmly, declined her invitation while trying to hint that she had been a bit rude, but without being so blatant as to damage her reputation or be rude myself.
“Better luck next time.”
What is this memory?
Who is this cheeky little brat? Oh, it’s me.
Was I at the age where I reacted to authority with petulance? Or was I afraid that if I didn’t reject her firmly, she would wear away my resolve and convince me to join the track club? Either way, maybe that wasn’t the exact phrasing that I used (I would like to think so), but, even if so, I still rejected Senjougahara-senpai in a rude way.
“Oh my. You’re quite spirited, aren’t you? I’m becoming even more interested in you.”
Senjougahara-senpai replied in a cool and composed tone (looking back on it now, I can’t help but think, “Who the hell are you?”), but the retinue of club members assembled behind her looked to be trying to use their eyes to stab me through.
Oh man, I’m so dead.
The crowd of cronies looked ready to get physical with me, but Senjougahara-senpai smiled and held a hand out to stop them without looking, then said, “It’s okay. I like nothing more than to tame cute girls like this.”
Seriously, who the hell are you?
Perhaps my imagination is adding to the memory a bit, so maybe my memory of middle school second-year Senjougahara-senpai isn’t perfectly accurate, but the big picture of us having a stressful, if brief, interview as our first contact is certainly true.
“Have a pleasant day.”
And with those parting words, Senjougahara-senpai left.
Even in the face of my unfavorable and downright rude response, she remained elegant. She carried on that noble air from start to finish, and while those events did hurt me, I thought that it was for the best.
Even if I had to be rude to do it, it would be better to firmly reject her than to reply so mildly that she continued to hold out hopes for me—of course, having rejected one of the famous girls of the school, I suspected that I may have set myself up to have a difficult life as a middle school girl, but, well, even if I had tried to stay in her good favor, I would likely have bungled that too.
Come if you’re going to come; I’ll take you on.
That was the stance that I mentally took, and I was not disappointed.
But the one who came to find me in the gym the next day was not one or more of Senjougahara-senpai’s retinue come to put me in my place, but instead it was Senjougahara-senpai herself—without anyone else, just herself.
“Hello everyone. We are blessed with lovely weather today, aren’t we? May I observe your practice once again?”
The older girls in the basketball club began to murmur to each other—it sounded different from the reaction from the previous day, and I later learned that it was because Senjougahara-senpai very rarely went anywhere unaccompanied.
She didn’t choose to have people follow her around, but instead, it was more that she was the kind of person that people naturally gravitated to and followed—which meant that the only way she could arrive in the gym without at least a small group of followers was for her to have told them to leave her alone.
I told her “better luck next time,” so did she actually think that she should try again and hopefully have better luck on the second attempt? And she decided that coming on her own might be the factor that would convince me?
Several of the basketball team members volunteered to make Senjougahara-senpai more comfortable, and so she sat off to the side in a comfortable chair, partaking in the snacks she had been provided while watching us practice with a smile. Or rather, she watched me practice. I couldn’t read anything from her body language.
I had been welcomed into the basketball club with a good bit of fanfare because of my speed, so it wasn’t as if I had never been observed while playing before, but there was something about being watched so intensely that made it difficult to play. On that day, I missed an unusually high percentage of shots and even made a lot of simple mistakes with dribbling—the only thing that kept me from outright failing was the speed of my legs. But seeing as Senjougahara-senpai was there to see how fast I could be, she must have been happy with the display.
“Kanbaru-san. Have you reconsidered your response to my invitation?”
“No, I’m not having second thoughts…”
I didn’t go so far as to say I hadn’t thought about it at all.
It was difficult to be rude to someone who showed up two days in a row to express interest in you.
“Hm. Then how about this? You and I shall have a 100-meter race, and if I win, then you will transfer into the track club. Don’t you think it’s a wonderful idea?”
“… So if you lose, then you’ll join the basketball team?”
She tilted her head in confusion.
No, don’t you “Eh?” me.
There’s no way that you don’t understand.
“No, I will not be doing that.”
She firmly rejected the idea.
“But it would mean that I will no longer come to the gym every day without fail.”
“You intend to come every day…”
I told her no.
I’m pretty sure that I tried to be less rude than the day before.
Senjougahara-senpai seemed genuinely surprised by the response.
“How strange. Was I wrong about you?”
“About what?”
“Someone like you would be unable to back down when presented with a challenge.”
That assumption of hers—was correct.
But, even if that were the case, I couldn’t allow myself to race against anyone. Of course, if I accepted the challenge and won, then the whole issue would be settled. But if I were to lose… I didn’t want to think about what would happen.
Also, there was the question of whether Senjougahara-senpai would actually back down if I won against her in the race—so it would be all risk with no reward.
“No thanks.”
She simply said that she understood.
I fell silent, and Senjougahara-senpai left—but before she departed the gym, she cleaned up the snack wrappers and put away the chair that she had used while observing our practice. She did seem to have had a good upbringing.
I was happy if she understood that she wouldn’t be able to convince me to join her club, but, thinking about it more, Senjougahara-senpai hadn’t said what it was that she understood. The true meaning of her words was a mystery.
And the next day, that mystery was solved.
For the third time, Senjougahara Hitagi arrived in the gymnasium during the basketball team’s practice. But unlike the first and second visits, she was not wearing her school uniform, nor was she wearing the erotic—that is to say, stylish—uniform of the track club, but she instead wore one of our own basketball uniforms.
Her back bore the number 4.
Well, actually, the number was also on the front of her jersey, so I don’t suppose I needed to specify that it was on her back. Anyway, the point is that the #4 jersey belonged to the captain.
I looked back to confirm and found that, sure enough, our team captain was in the back of the gym wearing her P.E. uniform and polishing a basketball. I just polished that one. Why are you polishing it again? Just how shiny do you want that ball to be? It’ll slip out of our hands if you give it any more polish than that.
Apparently our team captain rented out her uniform, what you might call the symbol that our team followed, to Senjougahara-senpai when she asked for it. You could say that this was the instant when all of our captain’s authority vanished.
Once this whole thing was settled, there would be a coup d'état.
“If you will not compete with me on the track, then I will come to your field and compete with this basketball. Does this work for you?”
“Uh… huh…?”
To be entirely honest, I was mostly just feeling uneasy at that point in time, and I definitely didn’t want to accept her challenge. I didn’t want to, but what choice did I have when she had shown up a third time to try and convince me to join the track club?
She did, technically, ask for the “captain’s” permission before doing this (it pains me that I had to put quotation marks around captain, but that reflects the sad state of affairs at the time), and so half of the gym’s court was reserved for myself and Senjougahara-senpai to have our competition.
Our showdown.
Bout. Duel.
What actually followed was not as dramatic as the words used to describe it might suggest. It wasn’t instantly resolved, and there was definitely some tension during the competition, but it’s a bit difficult to have much drama when the competition is just a free throw contest. Our “captain,” or, I guess I should say, our captain, insisted that we have a competition where there was no risk of us coming into physical contact with each other. I was a new member on the team, and while Senjougahara-senpai was a veteran athlete, she was not a basketball player. So, to be on the safe side, it was decided that we could not have a true 1-on-1 match on the off chance that either of us should get injured.
Whoever made ten baskets first would win.
There were no handicaps, and the competition proceeded in a simple and straightforward manner—we took turns taking our shots, and after thirty minutes, it was all over.
The final score was ten to nine.
It was a close match—which Senjougahara-senpai won.
We both missed a number of shots, but we remained neck-and-neck throughout, until, in the end, Senjougahara-senpai managed to get the final basket.
“It was a good competition.” Senjougahara spoke, brushing aside her long, elegant hair. “Kanbaru-san, it seems that you are more suited for the basketball court than the track—I hope that you will continue to give it your best.”
She turned on her heel and left the gym.
I had already been thinking of some way to avoid taking part in races (such as by focusing on long jump or high jump) and had resigned myself to having to join the track club, so when Senjougahara-senpai simply departed, I was left dumbfounded for a moment.
But it was only a moment.
I hurriedly chased after Senjougahara-senpai—and I full-out sprinted, so I quickly caught up to her elegant walk, and I grabbed her wrist.
Grabbing someone by the wrist is a forceful way to stop them. One might say that it’s wild and violent, which is to say, it’s very me. Senjougahara-senpai turned to look at me with obvious suspicion, and perhaps she was letting her real self show through because her gaze was sharp.
Under that sharp gaze, I asked, “Was this your goal from the start?”
It was almost more like an interrogation than a simple question, which was also very like me.
“You wanted to compete with me, beat me, and then drop me?”
“… What do you mean? For what reason would I do such a thing?”
Senjougahara-senpai asked back seriously without any hint of evasion.
“To protect me,” I replied.
The outline was simple enough—there was no mistake that the original reason that she had come to the gym was to scout me for the track team after hearing rumors about me.
And she would surely have anticipated that there was a chance that I would say no to her invitation.
But what she did not anticipate was the super strength of my refusal—that is, my more-than-necessary, full-on rejection. And I had rejected her so rudely in front of all of her followers.
Senjougahara-senpai managed to keep things peaceful at that time, but, as they say, bad news travels fast. A newly enrolled first-year who dared to bare her teeth at the elegant and skilled Senjougahara Hitagi would be a rumor that reached every ear in record time, and when it did… my school life would have a very bleak outlook.
I had planned—which is to say, foolishly assumed—to deal with that problem when the time came, but Senjougahara-senpai had a way to prevent it from happening in the first place.
She was able to rein in the people who followed her directly, but she had no way of anticipating what others might do upon hearing the rumor—people are good on their own, but there’s plenty of bad to be found in a group. That was why Senjougahara-senpai needed to get ahead of the rumors and put an end to the story—and in a way that would let her be in the winning position. But it wasn’t just about her winning—she needed to win in such a way that it would be a close battle so as not to tarnish the reputation of the first-year rising star of the basketball team.
And so we had a free-throw contest.
… Thinking about it more, it had been strange for the team captain to just go along with whatever Senjougahara-senpai said, but then also be the one to decide on the rules for the contest in the way that she did… In other words, by having us take turns to do our free throws, they would be able to control the scores, and the two of them must have arranged the entire circumstance of our contest from the start, back whenever Senjougahara-senpai had gone to ask to borrow the uniform (which means I was completely wrong about the captain).
If I had accepted her challenge on the second day—which would have been the best for Senjougahara-senpai—she could have controlled her speed so as to put on a show of it being a close race between the two of us.
She must have a lot of confidence to have been so sure that she could “barely win in a neck-and-neck competition” in not only running on the track but also a free throw competition. That she was able to pull it off so cleanly, however, meant that I could not fault her for that confidence.
By clearly and definitively beating me and then, just as clearly and definitively, acknowledging my ability in a public space—which is to say, giving me permission to continue playing basketball—she would knock down the perceived conflict and defuse the situation with her fans who might have wished me harm.
“… Supposing that I had been thinking along those lines…”
Senjougahara-senpai spoke now in a flat, sober voice that was entirely unlike how she had been talking up until that point.
“Wouldn’t you be throwing away my consideration by confronting me and voicing your thoughts to me? Are you not undoing what I’ve just done?”
She was trying to tell me that I should follow her lead and subtly accept what she did for me. I let go of her wrist.
And then I took hold of her hand instead.
I did so gently.
I copied Senjougahara-senpai’s mannerisms of softness and kindness—she no doubt thought that I was trying to have a friendly parting handshake to show that there were no hard feelings, but instead I did something that was completely unexpected and kissed the back of her hand.
“W… What?!”
She practically screamed the word with surprise, and I straightened.
“No, I don’t think so.” I declared. “Because I have decided to accept your kindness and go far beyond what is necessary to repay it—Senjougahara-senpai.”
From now on, I am your dog.
That’s what I told her.
Senjougahara Hitagi and Kanbaru Suruga. The pair that would go on to be called the Valhalla Duo began here.
“Are you an idiot?”
I still think that those words and the cold smile that came with them were probably Senjougahara-senpai’s genuine, impartial reaction to what I had said.
As usual, thank you spr-o-ckt for contributing to this commission.
A cute little story. I wish we could see more of those that actually feels important rather than yet another pun-filled discussion about a random topic.
See you next time for another story !
submitted by maxdefolsch to araragi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:02 Acrobatic_Snow_501 I wanted to have a little fun with a review about Soccer socks

I wanted to have a little fun with a review about Soccer socks
Shared for funsies. (Yes, I do take those reviews seriously, but I also do it 'cuz it's fun.)
Title of Review: The most amazing review about socks you've ever read.
You'd think upon seeing this review's picture that I laze upon my job about a Vine Voice reviewer. You could not be more wrong dear reader. In fact, I will get you into a little secret: I don't play Soccer, or as our esteemed colleagues from outside North America: Football. (Footmall is life, my friends).
So why am I sitting at my desk, resting on my laurels (and comfy socks?).
Well it so happens that my flat is all floorboards and just this one rug (which you can see if you squint at the picture above). Furthermore, for those in the know, I also have made Dexterity my dump stat. In plain English, that means I'm not a particularily agile or dextrous person and my proprioception is more likely to make me walk into a doorframe in plain daylight than allow me to navigate my humble abode like a normal human being.
What does that have to do with these fine soccer socks, you ask me? Well they feature those nifty rubber pads (or whatever poly-chain of plastics) underneath that protect this clumsy oaf from slipping unduly.
And it works. I honest to God vacuumed my flat before sitting down to take this silly picture and I found the socks to be comfortable (if a bit tight for someone wearing 10.5 (US size)) and more importantly, Non Slip.
I guess I could take them to Yoga too.
If I took Yoga classes. :)
submitted by Acrobatic_Snow_501 to AmazonVineCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:01 This-Rain-here Text getting dry? But in person, we were smiling and laughing the whole day? Now it’s like 1 word answers? Already bored or moved on?

I (30s Male)Met this person (30s female) 2 weeks ago, we met and we had fun! We were laughing, cracking jokes and vibes really well!
Our text was nice! Good mornings, good nights, and regular chats every day! I checked and her profile was off/paused too now.
We met the 2nd time, and had dinner(she paid) and went for a sunset walk. We talked about the fun things and also what we were looking for! We were laughing too, smiling and it felt real. I broke the touch barrier by playful hugs, hand holds and squeezes and she never felt like she was resistant to it, and sometimes even laughed and held onto me.
End of the night, I drive her home, we held hands for abit in the car, we kept looking into each others eyes and she would stare at me while I drove the whole way.
It’s been 3 days now, and alll of a sudden, no more good mornings, no more updates and just 1 word answers? She did say she was busy from work, which is get. Her profile is open and I guess not pausedsed anymore?
Should I just ask straight up if she’s still interested? Or if she’s just busy? I don’t want to seem like bugging her, but it was a complete 180 of the last week or so?
submitted by This-Rain-here to hingeapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:01 Separate-Hyena-621 Friends Wanted

Ok, Time to be honest and admit I am 32 and lonely. All my friends have drifted away after having multiple kids and my best friend of 15 years turned into an incel. Now I'm mostly alone and it sucks. I'd really like to find a friend to connect with or a group to feel welcome in. Gaming has always been how I socialized and I really want to be apart of a team. If you feel the same or are looking for a positive, friendly, slightly goofy and fun gamer pal then why not shoot me a message. As for games so long as we click who cares I can get most games as money isn't an issue. I have a beefy PC, PS5 and Quest 3.
Drop me a DM or message with a bit about yourself.
submitted by Separate-Hyena-621 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 Gelflingdeet Which Palm Pal is your absolute favorite and which one would be your least favorite if you HAD to pick?

Which Palm Pal is your absolute favorite and which one would be your least favorite if you HAD to pick?
Ok, here's another fun question for you absolutely beautiful people! ❤️❤️❤️
Which Palm Pal is your absolute favorite and which one would be your least favorite if you HAD to pick?
My most favorite is Fallon Flower because we share a name! But, my least favorite if I had to pick one is the peach! 🍑
I don't hate him or anything, he's still a little bit cute but he's definitely my least favorite.
What about you? And remember you have to pick one for each!
Love, Palm Pal Gal 🌸
submitted by Gelflingdeet to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 SparkyX_04 Some thoughts on the Atheist-Muslim strifes

Been seeing a lot of heated debates by Atheists & Muslims in this group. Vulgar language being thrown around & all. So I wanted to just say a few things. Not sure if this is gonna make any difference but I am gonna do it anyway.
So, to the Muslims: I don't know where to start but whenever you debate an atheist on anything religion-related, just know that they don't have a single law or system to rely upon, they can switch as per their whims. Whereas we have a proper system & shariah law given by Allah that we follow. Don't say vulgar things or use abusive language against anyone, let alone atheists. If they make fun of our Prophet SAW or just our religion in general, that shows you their morality & the tolerance or respect they have for others. Don't do the same things they do cuz then there'll be no difference. If they say blasphemous things or make fun, just ask them once to be respectful. If they comply, then of course we can debate. But if they still make fun of Islam, just leave them as they are. We are not here to enforce Islam, we are here just to deliver it. Allah has told us in the Quran that there'll be people who'll make fun of this religion. So we can't fix this, we can only try as we are ordered to. Also, most Muslims need to keep in mind that all Islam haters are not Hindus & all Muslims are not perfect or even close to perfect. We just have a better & just system, that doesn't mean we follow it all the time.
& to the atheists: Look, whatever you say or claim about our Prophet SAW & our religion are the things you believe, not us. So when you are alone or in your own community, you can be as much profane as you want, that doesn't matter to us. But in the presence of Muslims, be respectful. We answer almost all your questions without calling you names or using abusive language, except for some Muslims who shouldn't do this. If you have a question, just respectfully put it forth, there's no need for the slander. Try to stop availing every little opportunity to abuse Islam. I think that most of you atheists, in this sub at least, don't even know Islam in the true sense. You only see one bit & assume the rest. So just ask us whatever you want about the religion, we'll answer you if we know or we'll refer you to somewhere else if we don't know. Also, we give you the answers that Islam gave us. Don't expect us to mold Islam to suit you or to make you accept it. If you understand the answer, good. If you don't understand the answer, then just agree to disagree. No need to go around slandering Islam just because you don't understand what it says.
I have missed a lot of points here cuz I can't remember all at once lol. I want to hear what people think about this. Also, I might be wrong about some things, I am all ears if someone corrects me.
TL;DR None, read the whole thing
submitted by SparkyX_04 to PAK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:58 Creative-One-1088 Rate My fursona 1-10

Name: Otis Age: 17 Height: 2 feet, 9 inches tall Species: Yanbit
Personally: Friendly, adventurous ,wise cracking (He can be sarcastic if someone provokes him).
Likes: Going on adventures, exploring, telling jokes and puns, music, jumping really high, nice people, outwitting his foes, hanging with friends, comic books, video games, and pizza.
Dislike: bullies, rude people, people who like hurting others for fun (pineapple on pizza), and clowns
Voice: Bugs Bunny brer rabbit like voice
submitted by Creative-One-1088 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:57 natb23 Why Inside Ending is Flawed

*MY opinion*
I did a post a few days ago talking about the show's issues at that point. I also stopped watching after that episode (3 I think) but decided to watch the last 10 minutes of the finale to see who won. Like i already said in my last post, there is literally no incentive to not spend money in this show. And yet that is the premise of the show... "how can they minimize their spending and challenge themselves". But the person who spent literally zero pounds, gets voted out second. And the two girls who troll all week end up leaving with the prize fund.
Secondly, split and steal only works if the viewer is genuinely unsure of what's going to happen. I skipped to the end of the finale and as soon as I saw it was Manrika and Chloe, I knew they were going to split because they were bloody best friends all season. This is why a) you don't cast people who already somewhat know eachother and becomy cliquey, and b) you definitely don't let the two besties make it to the end. Imagine if the ending was Manrika and Joe in that situation. Then the viewer suddenly ponders all the outcomes: Will Joe get her back and Steal. Will they both be spiteful and steal and therefore lose the money? Will Manrika have a redemption momeny and they both split?
Instead we get the two contestants who were glued together all season. Of course they were going to split it. Also, before anyone says it's random or "sidemen can't do anything about this once the show started", yes they could have. Every reality show's production team are constantly intervening to lean the show in a certain direction. Keeping Castillo in originally after recieving all votes (I heard, could be wrong with this info). KSI and Behz creating drama by ordering stuff from the shop etc. They definitely could've just come in and changed the finalists. Or bring someone back if they wanted to.
Anyway, like I said in my last post, a good idea for a show. But:
Casting = 4/10 (Some good personalities but the balance was so far off that it ruined the trajectory of the show) Editing = 6/10 (Certain scenes carried on way too long, spoilers galore in the outros) Credibility of Premise = 2/10 (Not sure how season 2 goes when people know they can just splash through the money but Sidemen will top it up) Ending = 4/10 (Just weird to have 2 of the biggest spenders walk away with the money and the split was predictable)
submitted by natb23 to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 blackquillsimp lost my dog almost three weeks ago, it’s been unbearable

lost my dog almost three weeks ago, it’s been unbearable
i’m literally in tears as i write this—my beloved dog passed away on the 21st of may, tuesday will mark 3 weeks since we had to say goodbye.
he turned 9 years old earlier in may. everything seemed fine in the beginning of april, but he deteriorated so quickly, so suddenly, and spent the last two months hospitalized for severe gastroenteritis. at first the vet thought it could be a bacteria or ibd, but his results came back and it turns out it was a pancreatic tumor. he lost weight so quickly, and on the day of his “goodbye” he was so apathetic, truly a shell of his former self.
losing him has been single-handedly the worst, most difficult thing i’ve ever experienced in my life. i’ve always been more attached to animals than to humans, and my dog (lovingly named cookie), was my best friend, my younger brother. at times the only thing that gave me some happiness throughout the years i spent in severe depression. everyone at home is absolutely devastated.
i’m so angry that life took him so early. i know there are owners who have undeservingly lost their sweet pets much earlier, and i’m truly grateful that i got to live 9 years with him, but i wanted more. i feel like i cannot accept his death. it was so fucking sudden, man. how the fuck are you supposed to cry and then get on with your life as if a part of you hasn’t just been ripped away from you and vanished.
i’m trying so hard for him, and for my family too, but everything is so tiring. nothing feels real. i’m only trying so hard to keep going because he helped me tremendously when i was suicidal, and i don’t want to disappoint him.
life is cruel. fuck. if i could switch places with him, i would in a heartbeat. i want him to experience more happiness, more love, more fun.
i don’t believe in the afterlife and all that but i hope so badly that his spirit is watching over me.
cookie, may 2nd 2015 - may 21st 2024 i love you forever and always
submitted by blackquillsimp to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for a genuine connection that will last a lifetime

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to amwfdating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for a genuine connection that will last a lifetime

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for a genuine connection that will last a lifetime

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for a genuine connection that will last a lifetime

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for a genuine connection that will last a lifetime

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]