Guitar labor day 2010 sales


2008.10.11 13:10 /r/emo

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2020.04.15 01:08 bbythrowaway8675309 an unofficial subreddit by and for Best Buy and Geek Squad workers

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2011.12.14 02:05 daftcube Dance Gavin Dance

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2024.06.10 11:11 REFlorida What do you sell - what do you make - how long did it take to get there??

So someone posted 'what do you sell' and I thought to start this as an expansion so sales reps can see whatever options there are out there and realistic turn times etc. This forum tends to be very tech heavy, but there are very good sales jobs out there where people can make more than enterprise sales reps that may not even be a consideration
I’ll start with my experience
Pharmaceutical sales rep for five years
Started base $50,000 at goal commission $25,000 (company car, gas card, expenses so free lunches)
Five years later Base salary was around 100 at target goal 150,000 (same benefits) Frankly, the easiest amount of money I’ve ever made in my entire life for the least amount of work. However, it tops out there.
You can get into specialty here where the base salary is going to be closer to 125 to 175 with your at realistic target probably around 175 to 240. And if you go into management, you’re looking closer to that 200 to 300 depending on the company and if you wiggle your way into medical device.)
Currently year 2 in mortgage lending - 1099/self generated leads
Yr 1 65,000 - Currently Half way through year 2 - $70,000 YTD (I’m aiming to finish around $150-200,000. however I work seven days a week but I am remote and I’m writing this from the UK when I normally work in Florida. A lot of cold calling
submitted by REFlorida to sales [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:06 NewYorkPosthub Navigating Financial Success in the Gig Economy - Insights from Sethurathnam Ravi

Navigating Financial Success in the Gig Economy - Insights from Sethurathnam Ravi
As the landscape of work undergoes a profound transformation, the rise of the gig economy stands as a testament to the changing dynamics of employment. In this realm, individuals like Sethurathnam Ravi find themselves at the forefront, embracing the autonomy and flexibility that define freelance and contract-based work. However, amidst the allure of this modern-day gold rush, a formidable challenge looms: achieving financial wellness in the ever-evolving terrain of gig work.
Sethurathnam Ravi - Former Chairman of BSE
Understanding the Gig Economy
The gig economy, closely associated with Sethurathnam Ravi and platforms like Uber, Airbnb, and Fiverr, epitomizes a labor market characterized by short-term contracts and freelance engagements. This paradigm shift has empowered individuals to leverage their skills and expertise across diverse projects, offering unparalleled flexibility and the opportunity to explore multiple income streams. Yet, alongside these benefits come unique financial hurdles that demand attention and strategic planning.
Challenges Faced by Freelancers and Independent Contractors
  1. Income Variability: Sethurathnam Ravi, among countless others in the gig economy, grapples with the unpredictability of income. Fluctuations from month to month pose challenges in budgeting and financial planning, requiring adaptability and resilience.
  2. Lack of Benefits: Unlike traditional employment arrangements, gig workers often forego benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. Sethurathnam Ravi and his peers bear the responsibility of managing their own benefits and savings, adding complexity to their financial journey.
  3. Uncertain Work Opportunities: Market demand and competition dictate the flow of projects for gig workers like Sethurathnam Ravi, leading to periods of underemployment or unemployment. This inherent uncertainty underscores the importance of cultivating resilience and diversifying income sources.
  4. Tax Complexity: Freelancers and independent contractors, including Sethurathnam Ravi, navigate a maze of tax regulations and obligations. Managing expenses, deductions, and quarterly tax payments requires diligence and foresight to avoid potential pitfalls.
Strategies for Financial Wellness
  1. Budgeting and Cash Flow Management: Sethurathnam Ravi and his peers must develop robust budgeting strategies to cope with irregular income. Prioritizing essential expenses, allocating funds for emergencies and taxes, and leveraging budgeting tools can provide clarity and stability in managing finances.
  2. Diversifying Income Streams: Recognizing the inherent risks of relying on a single income source, Sethurathnam Ravi explores avenues to diversify his earnings. Offering a range of services, targeting diverse client niches, and leveraging multiple gig platforms can mitigate the impact of fluctuations in demand.
  3. Building an Emergency Fund: In the face of uncertainty, Sethurathnam Ravi understands the importance of building a financial safety net. Setting aside funds equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses ensures resilience in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
  4. Investing in Insurance and Retirement: Despite the absence of employer-sponsored benefits, Sethurathnam Ravi prioritizes investments in health insurance, disability insurance, and retirement accounts. Consulting with financial advisors and exploring affordable insurance options ensures comprehensive coverage and long-term financial security.
  5. Managing Taxes Effectively: Sethurathnam Ravi adopts a proactive approach to tax management, tracking income and expenses meticulously throughout the year. Setting aside funds for tax obligations and seeking guidance from tax professionals minimize the risk of compliance issues and penalties.
  6. Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Embracing a culture of lifelong learning, Sethurathnam Ravi invests in his professional development to stay competitive in the gig economy. Remaining abreast of industry trends, acquiring new skills, and expanding his knowledge base enhance his earning potential and career prospects.
Achieving Financial Stability
In navigating the complexities of the gig economy, Sethurathnam Ravi and his peers recognize the importance of proactive financial management. By implementing strategies such as budgeting, diversifying income, building emergency savings, investing in insurance and retirement, managing taxes effectively, and prioritizing continuous learning, gig workers can achieve greater financial stability and success in their careers. Despite the challenges inherent in this evolving landscape, with careful planning and resilience, freelancers like Sethurathnam Ravi can thrive and prosper in the gig economy.
submitted by NewYorkPosthub to u/NewYorkPosthub [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:05 magic-creator Am I reasonable for wanting to quit

Good day to you all, I'm slowly reaching the end of my nerves and so here I am, looking for some common sense (yes, on Reddit.)
So I'm a content editor for an EU- based company. The pay is great, industry standard, flexible time, remote, etc.
Gosh, I was so happy I landed this role last year.
Here I am today, thinking about quitting.
As an editor, my job should be to work with text and writers. I do that, plus correct and micromanage other teams.
I'm helping the sales team do their job, I do data entry, correct designers, fix briefs from the SEO team (which we're told have to be perfect, done only by SEOs, but they slack off) plus explain how our CMS works to new employees.
I tried pushing to get people around me to do their job, but until I do it, it's just not done.
Plus, I'm always at fault for their mistakes if they somehow manage on their own.
And all of it wouldn't be a problem on it's own. But the fact that this company is so fucking disorganized...
There's no way to check things off my to-do lists. Every minor and major thing gets prolonged, then done twice, then once more.
For example, we were supposed to finalize quarterly reviews by 18th. I go on and do it as soon as possible - I don't need one more thing to think about.
This morning, I see the reviews have been deleted and the process extended to July 1st.
I spent half a day finalizing those for myself and my manager. Now I have to fucking do it again.
That's what it's like for everything, be it a simple paragraph or website migration.
I'm in a continuing loop of "the same shit different day."
Is this a standard?
Is this how things are done in other companies?
Am I insane for wanting to quit now?
Plus, there's a non-compete clause which complicates things...
P. S. If anyone happens to recognize me from my oh so beautiful company - I don't give a shit anymore.
submitted by magic-creator to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:05 Due_Following_3069 fuckin hate depression

my life could be worse and i consider myself extremely lucky to be born under circumstances in which i don't need to worry about my survival. but god forbid i pursue what i love when free time appears. i cant even tell the difference between burnout and depression atp. im trying to fix my sleep schedule and fix everything that could be causing me problems. it's genuinely so frustrating that the "spark" (passion) i get has faded again. it just feels like everything is so stagnant..? no direction. and yet a few months ago i knew exactly what i needed to do and felt that constant excitement or "spark" that made me feel like i had something wonderful to live for. and all that knowledge is still there, but my drive is gone. and it worries me to think that i may be losing my love for guitamusic but that cant be true bc this all began when they dropped my dosage from 150mg to 100mg. or so i think. if this keeps going the way it is im gonna end up wasting the rest of my highschool years doing nothing. they did bump the dumbass dosage back up but ive just been rotting inside all day. im gonna try to get out there and go jam with my uncle n some other old dudes that play guitar, maybe start gigging with em, and like i said before, fixing my sleep schedule (got messed up cuz i moved to another state n summer just started so i have no schedule). and get a guitar teacher so ill have more incentive to practice. it really does feel like all my excitement has faded slowly since the dosage drop n shit (even after bringing it back up). unless this started happening before then? i wouldn't want to live anymore if i lost my spark forever. im hoping that once i fix my sleep the meds will actually take full effect (smth like this happened before when i first got on these meds, not sure about the sleep part but the sudden change in general mood etc). i still worry that it wont get fixed and i just wont love guitar and music as much anymore but when thinking rationally it doesnt seem very likely. but im trying to get to such a level that im one with the instrument, more fluent at spontaneously speaking through music than speaking english. that isnt quite easy so wasting my time really isnt something i want to do. but im just existing. and it feels like im stuck. i know exactly what i need to do. but its like seeing an open door to where my destination is, knowing exactly how to get there, and yet im chained to the wall by things i cant see.
submitted by Due_Following_3069 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:04 Clear_Weather3793 Lili cannot get ARF DD Tungsten? 🥲

Lili cannot get ARF DD Tungsten? 🥲 submitted by Clear_Weather3793 to 1688Time [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:04 abyshelp Urban Forex / Navin Prithyani is a scam, snake oil salesman and you are not going to become profitable with this cause it's nonsense and truth be told as someone said. The content they teach could actually harm an aspiring trader cause it's so wrong.

I am creating this to post our experience on this course and guy just to help other people out there to know... he's a sales man and a course seller nothing else.... really good and psychology and hooks you thinking you will one day become profitable but years after nothing to show for it and more questions...
I hope you don't spend as much time as I did there before realizing it .. there are lots of reviews on trust pilot but I wanted to also create something on reddit where people could actually ask questions cause all the 1 star reviews on trust pilot are right
My review: Most 1 star review you see are correct. I took the Mpa 1, 2, core basics, 4 course bundle and by then I already realized he was a sales man. I kept on hoping that maybe that was just a tactic to sell course that he was profitable and could make me but to be honest I don't believe so... By the time I got to the 4cb, I knew that the Iconic trader program was bullshit and so was mpa 2... to be honest the mpa 1 had more things to learn for 100$ than the thousand dollar 4cb... just a ruse to take your money... Fact Is even though I say that... the course was bullshit also... The guy is a scam... Think about, 🤔... after watching the course you realize that the trades he post are different from what he teaches. 😂, imagine finishing his thousand dollar course and paying hundreds of dollar to be in his elite community and when he posts a trade you are totally clueless as to how that trade got taken and when you ask you here oh, that's advanced 🤣.... I thought I got the advanced course... the 4cb is so vague that's it not worth it... all his courses are thrash cause they don't work.... even the support team I can tell you how many times I have asked a question in the support and the answers are so different from each support member that replies... scary cause they don't even know cause they don't probably trade.. take a close look at navin trade and it seems that for every trade he takes.. it's like he comes with a new concept to make that work.. Hindsight trading... That's not all... I am sure you have heard of his more expensive courses.. unicorn program, the do or die... wait till you hear the reviews on those.... look save your money and if you think oh maybe people in this review section just don't know how to make it work.. Fine
Keep an open mind as you watch the courses and simply see as when you try to use whatever he teaches in the live market, it fails over and over and over again.. and there's this thing your mind will do... Trying to be like if I make this tweak, it works now. Or this mistake it works now... Yeah endless tweaks... and you never get there..
Simply try backtestsing his strategy, something Navin never mentions probably because you will find out he teaches bullshit rather quickly and you know something else. He then make it seem like you have to purchase the next course to understand and make it. . But wasn't that the reason you got the first one in the first place... and after getting the next course, guess what you are gonna hear that again...
Man has so many programs that just thinking about that and the pricing you know he's a sales man... like mpa 1 Mpa 2 Core basic 4 course bundle Mastering volumes What type of trader are you Iconic trader
Like are you are a trader or a course seller. It's all crap and he's a scam... hopefully this helps someone and you don't spend as much time as some of us did hoping this was the way to trade..
Something I would say would probably help Is if you see someone trying to redefine the art of trading and how it has been done for ages. Let the bells of red flag ring in your head cause are you saying everyone that has been trading right has been getting it wrong.
Anyways stay safe..There's so more I wish I could say and maybe I will write it update is as well... cause some of you might have questions and want to ask more.. for that I will say... I will definitely create a reddit thread on this... post your experience and questions there.
The content are super harmful to traders
Thank you.
submitted by abyshelp to Forex [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:03 Windyy_Orbitss Anyone who needs a digital marketer? (Will do it for free)

Hello! Everyone i am a new digital marketer! And i want to gain experience! If anyone has an online e commerce business and wants someone to handle it which includes:
-creating adds and editing the images accordingly to your business needs and then running adds on them
If you want to grow your business kindly hit me up i would be more then willing to help you and i would also gain experience!
Yes ill do it for free without any charges as i want to gain experience!
submitted by Windyy_Orbitss to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:59 Windyy_Orbitss Anyone who needs a digital marketer? (Will do it for free)

Hello! Everyone i am a new digital marketer! And i want to gain experience! If anyone has an online e commerce business and wants someone to handle it which includes:
-creating adds and editing the images accordingly to your business needs and then running adds on them
If you want to grow your business kindly hit me up i would be more then willing to help you and i would also gain experience!
Yes ill do it for free without any charges as i want to gain experience!
submitted by Windyy_Orbitss to DigitalMarketingHack [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:56 Drugexchanger Little (or no) crack on the guitar’s griff

Hello! I have some tragedie, can you please make me calm or to say what to do? :) My guitar have fallen on the days and here on the griff it left a crack :( I think and also I hope this is just cosmetic paint crack. Or it is the crack on the wood and I have to do something with it? Is it dangerous or no, help please!🙏 Guitar: epiphone les paul Goth, matt black.
submitted by Drugexchanger to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:45 TiodoGais Hell survival Manual - How to get out of Hell (Part 5)

If you missed my grand entrance into the silver city, I recommend reading my last post.
If nothing here makes sense to you, start from the very beginning.
I apologize for the long period without news. I received an unexpected visit, and because of it, I was bedridden for quite some time. I'm grateful that my boss saw everything happen—I mean, saw what he thought was happening—and assured me that I would receive financial assistance while I recover.
Did you know that if you don't have most of your documents, the hospital bombards you with questions? It's pretty obvious, isn't it? It's a shame I didn't think of that while I was being taken there; I could have jumped out of the car and avoided the headache.
Jokes aside, the last few weeks have brought me answers. Maybe I have a chance to correct some mistakes. Maybe all of this wasn't just a desperate final act to gain favor with the Lord. This place has been much more useful than I anticipated.
Today's post is important because I finally have the chance to talk about the most precious information one can have when condemned to the abyss: how to escape it.
But before I start walking through my memories, I need to tell you guys how I ended up in this miserable state.
In short, I got into a fistfight with an angel.
And If you think I got all busted up, you should see the other guy!
As I mentioned in my last post, beings from the depths of Tartarus have been haunting me since my escape. Jailers of rotting flesh, insectoids with multiple faces that recount countless insults to my person.
With focus and meditation, I can ignore them during the day, endure them at night, and pray not to encounter them in my dreams. Although this last one always seems to happen, I usually manage to carry on with my life relatively well.
I just didn't knew that hell wasn't the only realm keeping an eye on me. With that in mind now, I should have noticed that something was wrong.
I have been having strange encounters.
A taxi driver who, instead of taking me to my apartment, guided me without me noticing to the nearest Catholic church and vanished with the car as quickly as he arrived.
A lady in the park who watched over me throughout the period I spent enjoying my late afternoon near the lake. I don't remember the color of her eyes, but something tells me she had more than one pair.
And the most recent one, a beggar who threw me against the wall as I exited through the back of the burger joint with my boss.
I couldn't see him arrive because he wasn't there initially; it's as if he had materialized from thin air in a matter of seconds.
I remember opening the door and heading towards the gutter, then an unbearable heat enveloped my body for a brief moment, and I was thrown against the wall.
At first, I also thought it was just a random bum trying to rob me, but the spectral glow in his eyes, the way reality slightly warped around his body, and his voice that echoed in my mind like the roar of a beast told me otherwise.
I... panicked.
You see, I am doing everything I can to avoid setting foot in Gehenna again. Until that attack, I clung to the comforting fact that I am out of that prison, that they can't hurt me anymore.
So when one of the soldiers from the celestial ranks pushed me against the wall, wrapping his heavy hands around my neck, a primordial fear crumbled my will. I could barely struggle as he roared in my mind.
"To dust thou returned, and cannot stay here. Thy soul, stained by the ashes of hell, is marked by the blood of the star. In thee, he sees a way out; in thee, the holy sees a mistake."
In his eyes, I could recognize pity and hatred.
He saw me as something so small and fragile, something to be protected from the claws of sin. One of the Creator's toys that had been so rudely broken and was now fighting against the rules that guide existence.
In his own words, a mistake. One that needed to be fixed.
Even with such a fragile appearance, his strength was tremendous. He squeezed my throat while whispering apologies in my mind. I could see demons approaching in the darkness, ready to grasp my soul in my final moments.
My heart racing, my mind almost devoid of oxygen, I could no longer think straight—I was going to die.
I stretched my arms against the wall, anything would do, any way to defend myself.
My hand closed around something cold and heavy, and with all my strength, I pulled.
Adrenaline is a powerful drug. I managed to wrench one of the rusty bars from the window and hit him with all I had.
The blow sent him into the street, where a van ran him over shortly after.
My boss insists that I had a panic attack and that in my altered state, I ended up throwing a loose iron rod at a school van, scaring some poor kid shitless, before fainting on the ground.
This brings me many questions.
Now more than ever, I feel paranoid, watched.
And knowing that people wouldn't even know if I were being attacked terrifies me.
I feel like my time is running out, something horrible is about to happen. So without further ado, I must fulfill my purpose and at least help you while we still walk in the same plane.
Hell is a place of torture and punishment, the reward our sins earn us in the afterlife, but it is also a prison.
It's not just for the sinners who wander the circles in search of a light that has long rejected them, but also for the original evil—the serpent that hisses hatred long before humanity even dreamed of existing.
The being forged when the Creator and the original angels still roamed the cosmos, shaping and expanding it.
He who was once God´s favorite, but has since fell with a third of the stars.
The one who commands faithful followers both on Earth and in the depths.
The concept of time in hell is complicated; some circles distort your perception, and two hours can suddenly become two minutes.
Combine this with the lack of natural light and claustrophobic confinements, and you will see that most of the slaves in the Silver City go through years like zombies, one day indistinguishable from the next, unaware if they have been there for a day or a decade.
In my fourth year as Jack's torture toy, this condition was affecting me aggressively.
Over the years, Jack had opened my schedule, allowing me to work under the orders of some of his followers in other regions of his kingdom, still confined behind the walls and never seeing the light of day.
My schedule was cruel and irregular, so much so that even today I must admit that I am not confident in stating that only four years have passed. In the morning, Astaroth would play with my mind; I lived a thousand lives with a thousand deaths, the profane void and the painful light of the vastness, my mind reduced to ashes and then expanded beyond the confines of my skull.
Immediately after, I was blindfolded and taken to the Pleasure zone, where I was forced to synthesize drugs and beverages from the blood of beasts and fungi.
In the floor directly below one of the main sales points of the Scarlet Maiden, the most purchased drug in the city, I worked for hours grinding and heating, accumulating terrible blisters and burns while my mind was numbed by the aroma and visions.
In a hot and cramped room, I was joined by five other slaves, and there we spent most of the day.
Deaths from overdose were common, some fell from excessive work, others were killed for pure pleasure. Our guards were always incredibly high and enjoyed mistreating us to maintain their sense of power.
Pawns so low in the hierarchy of the infernal king, probably venting years of spite in our daily sessions.
From time to time, the owner of the operation would come down to check the quality of the product, which was never refined enough, and would punish us for it.
By order of the king, he wouldn't lay a hand on me, but he made me watch and often forced me to participate in the torture of my colleagues. Fingers cut off, teeth pulled out, hot iron spikes on the backs of those who spilled even a gram of his precious product.
The things I was forced to do still keep me awake.
And always accompanying him, I saw her.
Unfortunately for Mice, the girl brought with me did not meet her end in his perverted arms, but in the hands of one of Jack's captains. Always with a distant look, drugged beyond her limit, following her master like an obedient dog.
Occasionally, she would watch me with a hint of sanity in her eyes.
While her master punished us. she often tried to approach me, but always without success.
When the work was done, I was put to sleep with gas and woke up again imprisoned in the palace catacombs, ready to endure another session of agony before sleep.
Day after day, this insanity continued, my long-diminished hope was exhausted, I became a shadow, a shell of my former self, ready to follow the next order, begging for mercy that was never granted.
This cycle continued until one particular night, when I woke up again below the castle, chained to the wall, with a decrepit old man beside me.
For some reason, Astaroth had let me rest that night; I should have suspescted something was wrong.
In the darkness, his face was hard to discern. I remember terrible dark circles, short and damaged gray hair. His eyes were sunken, pulling you in like ocean waves, his lips cut, and what seemed to be terrible gashes on his neck.
"So... it's true?" the old man murmured, breaking the silence.
"What are you talking about?"
"I've heard that madman's ravings many times, but this sounds different; there's some ground that supports the theory this time."
"I don't have time for the ramblings of a senile old man."
"Do you really have the Mark of the Beast?"
I stared into his eyes, recalling the same claim coming from my captor's mouth.
That fucking mark, up until then, I thought it was just an excuse that bastard Mice used to save his own neck, one that had cost me four years of confinement.
But there was a fearful weight in the old man's voice; his words carried a sense of truth.
"What is this damn mark? Ever since I set foot in this cursed city, I've been treated like merchandise, my mind scourged night after night because of this shit! You're all mistaken, you're wasting your time! Leave me alone!"
"Haven't you noticed anything strange, young man? We're just a bunch of damned souls in hell, but don't you feel that your stay has been particularly difficult? As if the very ground fights to keep you here?"
"I've listened to the ramblings of the collector who found you; you were captured by an angel, weren't you? That doesn't usually happen. Something attracted it, just like the Succubus, just like the beasts."
"I'm just a wretched soul; there's nothing more to it. I'm only getting what I deserve! I should have been patient, Holly didn't deserve that, but she was going to tell everything! She was going to show the photos, and I was going to lose my job, my damn family, my house! I saw no other way! And now I'm paying for it, nothing more, nothing less..."
"Do you really think that's all there is to it? So many here with souls far more rotten than yours, yet still surrounded by pleasure and power. If hell worked as you think, why would Jack have what he has? Why would sinners be able to raise such a heresy as this metropolis?"
"I don't know, damn it! I just want all of this to end! I just want to go home!"
In the moments that followed, the old man pondered something in his mind, looking avidly into the darkness, fearing we were being watched, and then he said calmly, "I know a way out."
Despair is dangerous; the lack of a path, of a light, brings out the worst in humanity. Surrounded by eternal darkness, I was presented with a way out of torment, and it was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
"Don't say anything, just listen to me. If what I've heard about you is true, there is a chance. But I'll only tell you everything if you promise to take me with you. I'll withhold details as we travel to make sure you don't betray me. You'll do everything I say, how I say it, when I say it, or the deal is off."
"Wait, travel? To where?"
"The ninth circle of hell, of course, where the one who marked you is eagerly waiting. There, he holds a passage to a higher plane, where perhaps one can obtain a new body. "
A shock ran through my heart, a new body.
A way out of here.
"Even if all of this is true, how do you suppose we escape from here? It's not like Jack will suddenly repent of his sins and set us free overnight."
"That part I'll leave to you. Think of it as a test of your abilities. If you can get us out of here, it will serve as proof that you can handle the journey to the depths of the abyss. If we get caught, I'll know I was wrong about you."
We didn't talk for the rest of the night. I couldn't sleep either; how could I? My mind was restless with the possibility of salvation, an escape route from all the pain, a new chance at life. I just needed to get us out of there, but how? Trapped in the catacombs, without even the grace of seeing the city, I had no idea what things were like on the surface. I couldn't formulate a plan.
At least, not alone.
Patiently, I waited, the days passing by, torturous and merciless. But in that moment, I had gained a frightening resilience, with something to cling to, hope had flourished again, I thought not even the corrupted shadows of the city could shake me anymore.
Damn, was I wrong.
Finally, the day I had been waiting for arrived. You see, with so many slaves falling from excessive work and cruelty, an exchange would happen from time to time, and some familiar faces would appear when I was lucky.
On that day, when the blindfold was removed, I had to hold back from showing my happiness.
In the laboratory with me was John, tied to a wooden table in the corner grinding fungi with a leather mask, and in the middle, cracking open beasts' skulls with a giant hammer, was the gigantic man who had been captured with me.
A long day followed, the smell of sweat, blood, and drugs intensifying with each passing hour.
My eyes were keenly watching the movement of the guards, restless and anxious. It was almost a daily ritual, the moment they secretly entered the stockroom to 'evaluate the quality of the product.'
Precious few minutes when we were left alone.
As always, the guards grew tired of the trembling and tapping feet and retreated to the stockroom, threatening us with the loss of our eyes if we told anyone. As soon as the door closed, I got up and went directly to John.
As naturally as I could, I put on the leather mask and pretended to help him with the fungi while whispering by his side:
"I don't have time to explain, but I might be able to get us out of here, and I need your help to do it."
His calloused hands stopped working, dropping the equipment on the table.
"What?! Nate, is this true?"
"Don't turn to me, keep working."
Slowly, he returned to mashing the fungi and sorting them into small bags. He was trembling, making mistakes; hope in hell can easily shake anyone.
"What do you need?"
"Information, you work outside too, don't you?"
"Selling everything to the addicts who come from the lower city, but I don't know if I trust my life to anything that comes out of their mouths."
"That's something already. I need to know everything, even if it doesn't seem important. Please tell me, maybe we can-" — A heavy hand landed on my shoulder.
That behemoth of a person was standing right behind me.
He had heard everything.
Even with the constant cacophony of the equipment, the incessant blabbering from the upper store, and the lower tone of our voices, he had listened. He knew we were trying to escape.
"I want in."
"A cripple and a pile of sticks? There's no way in hell you two are escaping this city without my help. If you want to do this, I'm coming along. If not, the guards will have a nice little surprise when they come back."
I could hear footsteps approaching. His expression made his intentions clear. I had no other choice at the moment but to include him in the team.
"Damn it, fine! Information, as much as you can get. When we meet here in the lab, we'll share everything we've discovered. Once we have a plan, we start taking action."
The door opened, and the soldiers entered, still with their masks down and their noses full of powder, seeing each of us quietly in our respective places.
In the following weeks, with the extra help, I was able to learn a lot about the flow of drugs and weapons in the city.
The Greek god of a man is named Yudi, and when he's not in the lab, he spends his days carrying metal plates to the lower city until his feet bleed.
With him, we discovered that about twice a month, the Collectors go out in droves through the gates toward Lust in search of fresh meat, taking with them an absurd amount of metal to supply the numerous outposts scattered throughout the circle.
John had discovered that a significant portion of the merchants in the Pleasure Zone use this expedition to transport a large part of their stock to the higher circles right under Jack's nose. On the night before the group's departure, the masters' most valued slaves are chosen to carry box after box to a certain warehouse in the lower city. There, the Collectors take their share of the deal and hide the goods in their cars before the day begins.
The collectors' parts are properly marked, and the rest is supposedly not opened.
In the darkness of the dungeon, my mind began to formulate a plan. If we could find a way to stay in the lab until the end of the shift, we might be able to infiltrate the merchandise and escape the Silver City through the front gate.
There were still many problems: the merchandise was moved at night, precisely when we were taken to our respective 'dormitories'. Our absence would surely be noticed. And how on earth were we supposed to even know which box would be moved to the warehouse and which would be sold the next day?
If we were to do that, we needed more information, but we also needed to be quick.
Up until that point since the old man's arrival, Astaroth and Jack had left me alone. If they decided to do another torture session, the Archduke of Hell would claim domain over my mind again and know exactly what I was planning to do.
I shivered, thinking about what horrors would await me after that.
Each night before bed, I updated the old man on the progress of my plan, asking for details on exactly how we would escape from that cursed plane when we reached the ninth circle. But that bastard never said anything, just looked at me waiting for my next move.
Afraid of losing the precious window that had opened for me, I foolishly decided that it would be better if we acted quickly and forced fate to smile upon us for a change.
When I woke up in the laboratory the next day, I took advantage of the guards busy fucking with their own minds to tell my colleagues the plan.
It was insane, but what in that pit of despair was coherent?
On rare occasions, the old man graced us with his presence in the laboratory; because of the agreement, he had to come along. I gave the excuse that he knew of a safe place where we could rest if we managed to escape. It wasn't convincing, but what other choice did they have but to accept?
When the four of us were working together, we would act. Thanks to John, I found out that we didn't always work the day shift in the laboratory; every other day, we spent entire nights in that damn cramped place.
If we caused a distraction, we could use the panic to invade the stockroom and hide among the merchandise that would be mislaid. The slaves would take us to the Warehouse, and from there, we would rely on luck for them to be too busy searching for us in the Upper City to find us.
We would have to leave before Jack was notified of our escape; with Astaroth by his side, there was no place in the city where we could hide.
Luckily, nobody wants to be the one to bring bad news to the psycho.
With the plan set, we began to act.
Having no idea the self-appointed King of Hell was already well aware of our actions.
The day I escaped from the Silver City was also the day I officially gave up my humanity while in hell.
Hatred, anger, they consume the heart of everyone, from the purest to the most honorable, not that I am anywhere close to being either of those things.
Even to this day, I still feel dirty, undeserving to be here now, and I know it all too well, but still, I do not regret the things I did to survive.
The plan had started well, with all of us together in the laboratory feeling anxious with every passing second, my stomach churning, my hands trembling. I didn't know how to act normally anymore, didn't want to raise suspicions, so I hyperfocused on my work, waiting for the end of the shift.
Cutting muscles from beasts, roasting ground fungus powder with a meat-like texture, slowly being numbed by the sweet aroma that always hung in the laboratory.
The sound of footsteps upstairs had considerably reduced, one of the signs that the shop was about to close, I looked at Yudi and nodded.
You know, the strange fungus that grows on the walls of the city has some interesting characteristics, they call it Dead Man's Fiber, to the touch it's like touching wrinkled skin, when ground and heated, a strange reaction causes it to become slimy and acidic, sticking to human muscle it devours it, generating a byproduct in the form of orange powder. The unrefined form of Scarlet Maiden.
In this state, the drug is highly unstable, and upon contact with water, it rapidly increases its temperature, which can give you horrible burns.
Or, if there's a sufficient amount, an explosion.
Throughout the day, little by little, we gathered five small bags filled with the byproduct, hiding them beneath the many empty bags scattered in the corner.
When I nodded, Yudi slowly rose and headed to the pile; the soldiers had once again left to get high, so he quickly planted the powder bags around the boiler, attracting curious glances from the poor souls accompanying us on that shift.
I hoisted John onto my back, the old man following closely behind, and we positioned ourselves at the edge of the stairs.
As soon as Yudi saw that we were ready, he lifted the water jug we received at the beginning of each day and threw it toward the boiler.
Then, chaos.
An explosion caused the floor directly above the boiler to collapse, powder and chemical gases making it nearly impossible to see more than a foot ahead, screams and cries of pain ensued.
One of the slaves who accompanied us was caught in the blast; an iron pipe from the boiler had pierced his neck, pinning him to the wall, the last customers of the shop above were caught in the flames that rose like a mushroom through the hole that opened in the floor.
Soldiers hurried down the stairs to control the fire, not seeing us pressed against the wall, we quietly went up as soon as everyone descended to control the damage.
John guided us to the stockroom; we had little time until the merchandise was moved to be saved from the flames.
I could already hear murmurs from outside; the distraction had worked, we had drawn attention.
Perhaps, too much of it.
In the darkness of the stockroom, it was hard to see anything; dozens of boxes filled the space, mostly unmarked. We had no idea which ones to break into.
"What now? Do we just pick at random? You told us you had a plan!" Yudi said, pulling at my shirt.
"Now is not the time for this!" John said somewhere in the dark. "Fuck, just...I don't know, pry open one of the smaller ones! There's supposed to be a way for the collectors to know which one to pick, maybe there's something inside!"
"Look at how many boxes there are! The fire is already spreading, it won't take long till-" Yudi was interrupted by a pound at the door.
"Open this fucking door already! I want my powder safe and sound, do you hear me! Useless bitch, hurry up!"
What little time we had was about to be over. I could faintly see scared eyes looking at me for answers in the darkness. My heart was pounding, and I just wanted to get out of there.
I noticed a pile of boxes that was more isolated than the others. Without light, it was hard to tell, but with no other choice, I hurried towards them.
The door was about to give in; we would have to rely on luck.
We opened two boxes, put on the leather masks in an attempt to avoid inhaling too much of the drug, and split up, hiding within the merchandise. I stayed with John, trusting that Yudi would take care of the old man.
The door gave in with a loud thud.
"Quick, you incompetents! I want every damn gram secured! And you, slut, get two more and get this shit out of here now! If Jack shows up, he's going to ask questions, and questions ruin an honest man's business."
The screams and footsteps, the smell of the drug making me dizzy, the smoke from the fire engulfing the shop. We were hurriedly moved to the elevator, and as I felt us descending, a wave of relief filled my heart.
Through the small cracks in the wood, I could distinguish the lower city slowly growing larger, the plan was working as intended.
I remember John smiling.
Maybe it was the drug, maybe it was the euphoria of the moment, but I remember being happy to have him with me.
...I miss him.
We were led to the warehouse, where they left the boxes and abandoned us in the darkness. I could hardly believe how well the plan was going.
Looking back now, I realize I was a fool.
The collectors never checked the boxes; they just loaded them onto the cars.
Before I could connect the dots, we were passing through the silver gates. Looking through the crack, I had once again the full view of that sin-ridden skeleton, and even as I moved away from it, I felt in my heart that I had already been touched by the city, and it tends to always reclaim what belongs to it.
The truck that was carrying us headed towards the Spire until the crown of the first circle was nothing more than a small dot on the horizon.
And then, it stopped.
"Why now? We haven't reached the spire yet, why stop now?" John whispered nervously in front of me.
Before I could respond, a chilling shiver ran down my spine upon hearing Mice's voice.
"Well, I think the little show has gone on long enough, hasn't it?"
The lid of our box opened, and I could hear the pumping sound of a shotgun. Above, Mice and two companions grinned maliciously at us.
"Well, well, what do we have here? Jack's new favorite little toy and his buddy! Care to tell me what you're doing in my shit?"
"Please, Mice, you can have the drugs, just let us go!" I pleaded.
Mice laughed, laughed so hard that his fucked-up lungs gave him a coughing fit. After composing himself, he ordered us to be taken out of the box. Yudi and the old man were already kneeling in the sand with their hands on their heads.
"Oh, fucking amazing! Hold on, let me get this straight. You really thought your dumbass idea would work out so well? Holy shit, buddy, you're really stupid, haha! Listen here, I'll tell you a little secret."
Mice approached my face, pressing the shotgun barrel against my chin.
"You would never have even found your little buddies again if Jack hadn't ordered it."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on! Use your fucking head! Everything so convenient, so perfect, your whole plan worked because Jack wanted it to. Your encounter with the old man, the information that reached your colleagues, the timings lining up, the guards leaving, all observed, all permitted."
My face contorted in horror; once again, I was nothing but a pawn, a toy of that maniac. Astaroth would always watch us, the king always controlling every miserable inch of his kingdom.
"Why!? Why would he let us get this far?"
"Something in your ultimate fate pleases him. If he can't extract any information from you, he'll just let you guide him to what he wants, won't he?"
"But then, why stop us now?"
Mice chuckled.
"Ding ding ding! This is the question of the moment! Congratulations, idiot, some neuron up there still works as it should! You see, I never cared about that mangy mutt. Jack is just a little baby who luckily gained a lot of power, if he's so afraid of what your mark represents like this, it means that you pose a danger to his empire, through you I'll have the chance to take the throne that has always belonged to me!"
Mice was interrupted by a sound, Yudi laughing as he watched kneeling.
With a smile, Mice approached, knelt in front of Yudi, carefully dusted the drug powder from his shoulders, and asked: "And what's so funny about that to you?"
"It's nothing, it's just that you call us idiots, but if you think you can usurp the throne with two piles of muscles and a tough attitude, you're even dumber than you seem to be."
The smell of gunpowder invaded my mind before I could process what had happened.
I remember touching my head, something was stuck in my hair, I lowered my hand and saw myself holding a loose tooth. "I heard a howl of fear, but why fear?
My ears were ringing, I couldn't think straight.
Yudi was lying back.
His skull sprawled across the sand, stained by a scarlet puddle.
"Oops, my bad, loose finger and all that."
"You motherfucker!" I lunged toward Mice, the barrel of his gun slowly turning towards me.
"No, no, no! I don't think so! If you lot wish to stay alive and not get a one-way ticket straight to Lust, where we already have some scouts ready to capture you, I must point out, you will behave!"
All that, just to become someone's toy again, I could hardly believe it.
Looking at Yudi's body, I wondered if he had felt any pain, the harder I made it for Mice, the better. Maybe if I were quick, I could escape the collectors in Lust.
But then, while I pondered, others acted.
The old man lunged at one of Mice's companions, biting his neck with all his might. The second one, startled, reached for his holster, but John quickly grabbed his legs, bringing him down to the ground.
They were willing to fight, to die for a chance.
Mice turned the gun towards them, pumping the shotgun once again. "Damn it, can't you do anything right? Stay still! I can't aim like this!"
I saw the opportunity and grabbed the shotgun.
A deadly tug-of-war ensued, punches and kicks thrown in an attempt to take control of the weapon, the power to kill. I was malnourished, still weak, tired, and slightly high. Mice was an experienced Collector, a bloodthirsty killer who had faced demons head-on. It was only a matter of time before he overpowered me.
I gave up pulling the shotgun towards me and pushed it with all the weight of my body towards Mice. We fell and rolled in the dry sand, the gun stopping a few feet ahead.
I crawled to the shotgun, Mice holding onto my feet and pulling me into another exchange of punches.
I don't know what came over me, all the anguish, all the fury and fear accumulated until that moment exploded into rage. I gave up on the gun and threw myself at Mice, landing repeated punches to his head.
Again, adrenaline is a powerful drug.
Screaming, without full control of my arms, I punched, I punched until Mice's face was nothing but a red mess, until his arms stopped retaliating, until his chest stopped breathing. I continued until tears filled my eyes and sobs choked my throat.
I looked at my hands, and the weight of what I had done became clear in my mind.
Killing a person changes you; you can feel life slipping away from their eyes. Even in that place, where death is just the beginning of another cycle of pain, it still holds its weight.
The old man's screams of pain snapped me out of my trance. His efforts were admirable, but he was eventually thrown to the ground, where the Collector attempted to strangle him. I grabbed the shotgun, and out of pure instinct, I struck the Collector's head with all my strength. He immediately fell onto the old man, the base of the gun now adorned with a red stain.
Looking to the side, John was trying to wrest the gun from the Collector, without success. In the distance, I could see dust rising; we weren't alone. The king had noticed that something was amiss.
The old man took the gun from my hands and opened a hole in the Collector's chest, who collapsed like a house of cards onto the dry ground.
The spire was visible; we needed to go. With John in my arms, I ran.
"Leave him behind! He'll do nothing but slow us down!"
I could feel John's embrace tighten. He knew he was a burden; he knew what they would do to him if we left him behind. I could feel his fear.
Ignoring the protests, I headed towards the spire.
They were getting closer; I could discern the caravan amidst the cloud of dust.
Upon reaching the spire, Aecus's judgmental gaze bore down on us coldly. Remembering Mice's words, I approached.
"Oh Aeacus! King of Aegina, my heart is not pure for rest, my eyes are blind to injustice, and my fists only weigh for my desires. From dust I came and to dust I return, my soul judged to forever burn, so I beg you to open the doors to my torment."
His cold gaze remained unmoved; the Spire would not heed my words.
"This won't work. We need to go to the lower circles. It would be incredible if we could get Rhadamanthus's attention, but at the top of Hell, it's hard for him to hear us."
"What do we do now? I've done my part; I got us out of the city. Do yours and take us to the Ninth Circle!"
The old man looked at me, his eyes burning with fury; for a moment, it seemed like there was a dark gleam in his eyes. He calmed himself and approached the entrance.
The followers of the morning star follow his teachings in exchange for secrets and powers greater than a mere sinner could ever dream of. How to survive in such a ruthless terrain, how to tame and enchant demons and spirits, how to change oneself.
The old man whispered words in a convoluted language forgotten by time. Aecus began to chant in response, and the spire trembled in anticipation, the chamber taking on a sinister glow.
Without looking back, the old man said, "A wish for a wish, a will for a gift, Blood taken in exchange for bliss"
"What the fuck are you?" I asked.
"Nathanael, you have a choice to make. Do you want to escape Hell? Do you want your life back?"
"Of course!"
"Then John must die."
A chill ran down my spine. Nothing comes easy in the abyss. Only pain, only suffering.
John begged for mercy, and in my mind, I knew what I had to do, the price Minos demanded for his services. The old man merely watched me.
John fought, struggled until the last second.
He threw himself off my back and crawled through the sand towards the caravan, which was slowly approaching.
"I'm sorry, John."
I dragged him by the stumps of his legs into the depths of the spire. He tried to cling to the ground, breaking his nails in the process. I threw him against the inner wall, and in that moment, both of us could feel it.
The Spire would claim him.
There would be no turning back; death would be eternal. Nothingness would embrace him.
I had to ensure he wouldn't escape.
With tears in my eyes, I broke his arms, his screams still haunt me. Even to this day, I suffer from it; every morning, I hear his whispers, every night, his screams keep me awake.
I did what I had to do to survive.
I wished there was another option. I wished so much that John was still by my side, but Hell was devised in such a way that even something as simple as friendship is only allowed for punishment.
I tried to be quick. With one of the rocks from outside, I broke his knees, turned around, and left.
"Nate, please! Please, Nate, don't do this to me! You bastard, what did I ever do to you? I hope you suffer, you piece of shit! Burn a thousand times in the deepest pit of this place!"
When I left, a black mass flooded the chamber, and I could see as Nate was consumed by the Spire. Until the moment they were dissolved, his eyes never stopped looking at me in that way, with palpable hatred.
At that moment, I realized that everything I had suffered until then was justified, I belong in Hell.
I tried to warn; I am not a good person.
The mass took on a purple glow, and the old man quickly pulled me inside. The last thing I saw before disappearing was the red glow of Jack's ring approaching in the caravan.
The air in Heresy is putrid, a constant miasma floats in the air like snowflakes, slowly filling your lungs and eventually killing you.
Outside the Spire in the center of the 6th circle, I noticed for the first time a strange mark on the back of my left hand.
A delta adorned with thorns.
But at that moment, I couldn't focus on it; all I could do was cry, huddled near the Spire, wondering if it was all really worth it.
"Let's go, he doesn't like to wait."
He looked at me, with a somber look in his eyes.
"Samael, the Morning Star, the true Lord of Hell."
These memories pain me, my hands tremble, and my eyes filled with water make it difficult to write.
I also still haven't fully recovered from the beating I took from that angelic being, so for today, we'll stop here.
Hell is an eternal prison, where everything and everyone are made and placed in such a way that at any moment they can be used against you.
Only pain will bring you a semblance of security, only agony will bring you power.
In this insane realm of trades, I should have realized that even the way out would exact a terrible price.
submitted by TiodoGais to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:42 ExcarCR Estoy arto de no hacer nada.

Maes solo escribo esto para desestresarme sinceramente.
Tengo 20 años, casi 21 con estudios, titulos, buen inglés, sin experiencia laboral. Hace poco termine parte de mis estudios que segun yo me "ayudarían" a encontrar un trabajo tal vez no excelente, pero si algo bueno. Saque varios cursos de informática, Office y ingles b2 y ahora estoy de mantenido en mi casa sin hacer nada de nada.
Busco trabajos en cualquier cosa, como call centers por mi nivel de inglés y incluso algo que tenga que ver con info, pero no sale absolutamente nada!!!! He enviado incluso ya de la desesperación a restaurantes de comida rapida como mc, taco, pizza hut, papa jhons, entre otros, también a supermercados como pali, waltmart, Auto y de todo maes de todo!! Pero no consigo nada, creo que tengo un buen cv y aún así me llaman de pocos lugares para una entrevista y a esas pocas siempre voy bien presentado, con buen tiempo hablando bastante bien sobre mi sin miedos y seguridad, Pero aún así nada....estoy cansado.
¿Como es posible que yo un hombre de 20 casi 21 no pueda encontrar empleo en cualquier lugar? Yo solo quiero salir adelante, tener mis cositas, ganarme la platita, pero nada de nada y ya no se que hacer, me siento miserable al ver que apesar de mis esfuerzos y conocimientos en ciertas áreas no logre nada.
¿Sera porque no tengo experiencia? Puchica si hasta eso, hasta para entrar a trabajar en x lado ya son 1, 2, 3 o mas años de experiencia, entonces ¿Donde estan las oportunidades para los jóvenes que quieren ya empezar? ¿Soy yo el problema? No lo lo se.
submitted by ExcarCR to Ticos [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:41 oldladywinter Is this contractions?

I am a ftm 39+4. It's currently 2:38am and I've been up since 1 with consistent cramping, not wave like, not in my back. But cramping like period pains under my belly button and pressure in my bum like I have to poo. They're every 10 min or so give or take a couple more extended intervals.
I have never done this before and know that early labor can last hours (or DAYS!?!?) and it's only been an hour so I don't want to call my midwives just yet and inform them. Especially if this is just Braxton Hicks?
Any chance these are the real deal contractions?
submitted by oldladywinter to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:38 B-B-B-Byrdman Moonbat 8115

Company Information

Corporate Site
Moonbat Co.,Ltd. plans manufactures, imports, purchases, and sells umbrellas, clothing, fur, leather, jewelry, and hats in Japan.
The company is mostly famous for their umbrellas, known for unique designs and products made from high-quality materials, and this reputation is also relevant to their other products.. In addition to their own brand, the company also collaborates with famous domestic and international brands. The products are sold at department stores, specialty stores, and online shops nationwide.

Stock Perks

Categories: Discounts

Rights day

End of March


Invitation to a private sale to buy products at a discount. The sale is held in Tokyo and Kyoto, in mid-June.


Unknown. 100 shares will definitely get you access, it's possible that even 1 share might be enough?


This is not an official stock perk and will not be listed on any benefit guides or even advertised by Moonbat themselves. It's something that they appear to be doing recently as a value-add to their shareholders and there's no guarantee that this perk will continue.
You can buy their products for greatly discounted prices. Plenty of umbrellas, along with other products such as scarves and other accessories. There is also a section for damaged or other products that they can't sell normally at an even greater discount. If you like their products, this will be the best chance to stock up on them!
submitted by B-B-B-Byrdman to japanstockperks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:32 RunsaberSR I appreciate ya'll.

Scrolling through this subreddit sucks.
Sorry you all have to deal with asshole customers and what seems to be a very driving work structure.
I'm sure alot of folks ended up in the stores because of the savings these days, and i wish that translated to them showing more appreciation/ consideration to the staff. Part of those low prices are definitely born from the extra labor on your backs.
I promise I'll never ask if something is in stock. The store is small. If i can't find it. 💁‍♂️(i miss those stuffed nachos...)
I'll also always use a divider at the register and try to keep stuff moving smooth for ya'll.
I dunno. Dope store.
I hope people treat everyone working there better. Just wanted to give a shout out to all who have decided to man the grocery trenches, and to let you know my family and I appreciate you.
A Dirty Disgusting Customer
submitted by RunsaberSR to Aldi_employees [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:29 fxdatalabs_Yp Why is it important for small businesses to conduct regular performance reviews with AI service providers?

Important for Small Businesses to Conduct Regular Performance Reviews with AI Service Providers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how businesses operate, offering enhanced efficiency, insightful data analysis, and innovative customer solutions. For small businesses, the journey of AI implementation is often facilitated by AI service providers. Regular performance reviews with these providers are crucial to ensuring that the AI solutions remain effective, aligned with business goals, and secure.


Implementing AI can be a game-changer for small businesses, but it’s not a set-and-forget solution. Just like any other aspect of business operations, AI systems need continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure they are delivering the desired outcomes. Regular performance reviews with AI service providers are essential in maintaining and optimizing these systems.

Understanding the Role of AI Service Providers

What Do AI Service Providers Do?

AI service providers offer a range of services including AI strategy development, implementation, and ongoing support. They bring specialized expertise and advanced technologies that small businesses might not have in-house, helping to deploy and manage AI solutions efficiently.

Importance of AI in Small Businesses

AI helps small businesses automate routine tasks, gain insights from data, and enhance customer interactions. This leads to improved operational efficiency, better decision-making, and a competitive edge in the market.

The Necessity of Performance Reviews

What are Performance Reviews?

Performance reviews are systematic evaluations of an AI system’s performance against predefined metrics and business objectives. They involve assessing the system’s efficiency, accuracy, and impact on business operations.

Why Are They Crucial for AI Implementations?

Regular performance reviews help ensure that the AI systems are functioning as intended, adapting to changes, and continuously improving. They provide an opportunity to identify and resolve issues, optimize performance, and align the AI solutions with evolving business goals.

Key Benefits of Regular Performance Reviews

Ensuring Alignment with Business Goals

Regular reviews ensure that the AI systems are aligned with the strategic objectives of the business. This alignment is crucial for realizing the full potential of AI and ensuring that the investment in AI technology delivers tangible business benefits.

Improving AI System Efficiency

Performance reviews help in identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement in AI systems. This can lead to better resource utilization, faster processing times, and more accurate results, enhancing overall system performance.

Enhancing Data Security and Compliance

Regular assessments help in ensuring that the AI systems comply with data security regulations and industry standards. They also help in identifying potential security vulnerabilities and implementing necessary safeguards.

Steps to Conduct Effective Performance Reviews

Setting Clear Objectives

Before conducting a performance review, it’s important to set clear objectives. Define what you want to achieve with the AI system and the specific outcomes you expect. This provides a focused framework for the review process.

Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Establishing KPIs is crucial for measuring the performance of AI systems. These indicators should be relevant to your business goals and provide quantifiable measures of success, such as accuracy rates, processing times, and user satisfaction levels.

Regular Communication and Feedback Loops

Maintaining open communication with your AI service provider is essential. Regular feedback loops ensure that any issues are promptly addressed and that the AI system evolves in line with your business needs.

Challenges in Conducting Performance Reviews

Identifying Relevant Metrics

One of the main challenges is identifying the right metrics to evaluate AI performance. The metrics should be comprehensive yet relevant to the specific business context and objectives.

Balancing Detailed Reviews and Day-to-Day Operations

Conducting thorough performance reviews can be time-consuming and may disrupt regular business operations. Finding the right balance between detailed evaluations and maintaining daily operations is crucial.

Best Practices for Performance Reviews

Involving All Stakeholders

Involve all relevant stakeholders in the review process, including business leaders, IT staff, and end-users. This ensures a holistic evaluation and helps in gathering diverse perspectives on AI performance.

Leveraging Performance Review Tools

Utilize specialized tools and software for performance reviews. These tools can automate data collection, analysis, and reporting, making the review process more efficient and accurate.

Case Studies of Successful Performance Reviews

Small Business Success Story

A small retail business conducted quarterly performance reviews with their AI service provider. Through these reviews, they identified and addressed issues with their inventory management system, resulting in a 20% reduction in stockouts and a 15% increase in sales.

Lessons Learned from Large Enterprises

A large financial institution implemented regular performance reviews for their AI-powered fraud detection system. This proactive approach helped them adapt to emerging fraud patterns quickly, reducing fraud losses by 30%.

The Future of AI Performance Reviews

Integration with Automated Monitoring Systems

The future of performance reviews will likely involve greater integration with automated monitoring systems. These systems can provide real-time data and insights, making performance reviews more dynamic and responsive.

Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

Advancements in real-time analytics will enable more immediate and actionable insights. This will allow businesses to make timely adjustments to their AI systems, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with business goals.


Regular performance reviews with AI service providers are crucial for small businesses to ensure their AI systems remain effective, efficient, and aligned with their strategic objectives. By setting clear objectives, developing relevant KPIs, and maintaining open communication, businesses can maximize the benefits of their AI investments and stay competitive in an ever-evolving market.
For more insights into AIM[L]( [a]([d]( [D]([t]( Science Development, please write to us at: []([]( [FxisAi](

AI #PerformanceReview #BusinessGrowth #ROI #ContinuousImprovement #Partnerships #Customization #Innovation #Adaptability #Efficiency


1. What is the purpose of performance reviews with AI service providers? Performance reviews help ensure that AI systems are functioning as intended, identify areas for improvement, and align the AI solutions with business goals.
2. How often should performance reviews be conducted? It depends on the complexity and criticality of the AI system, but quarterly reviews are a common practice to maintain optimal performance and alignment.
3. What are some key metrics to evaluate in performance reviews? Key metrics include accuracy rates, processing times, user satisfaction, resource utilization, and compliance with data security standards.
4. How can small businesses overcome challenges in conducting performance reviews? By identifying relevant metrics, involving all stakeholders, and leveraging performance review tools, small businesses can conduct effective and efficient reviews.
5. What are the future trends in AI performance reviews? Future trends include increased use of automated monitoring systems, real-time analytics, and more dynamic and responsive review processes.
submitted by fxdatalabs_Yp to u/fxdatalabs_Yp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:28 LoveMyCowgirlBoots He wants me to do everything

Here I am, up until 2 in the morning because I’m so annoyed. Our youngest is 10 weeks old. He got home on Thursday and was pissed the house was super messy. She’s definitely been the fussiest out of our kids and I think it was gas. She’s just now getting better.
I got mad at him and told him that it seems like he doesn’t think being pregnant and having a new baby is hard. I was also annoyed because he didn’t do shit for me for Mother’s Day.
I’ve also been trying for a long time to get one of my businesses going. I made a course helping mom’s learn to advocate for themselves during labor. The course is done and it’s just marketing it that is hard with the kids (I’m a SAHM). I also just started making breastmilk jewelry. Every time I really focus on my stuff he gets mad that the house is messy. Which is what I’ve been doing since the baby has been born.
So on Friday he’s mad that the house is still a mess. He did the laundry and complained that it had been sitting there for a week and that I don’t take the kids outside or really care about anything.
I asked him what he wants me to focus on because whenever I do my things, I don’t have as much time for the house. He said he wants me to do it all. He wants me to do my businesses with fighting kids all the time, taking care of them, taking them places plus cleaning. He said he’s at work busting his ass all day.
I told him that I’m here watching the kids all day and when he get home at 9 or 10 at night so that he can work. He hold me I was lucky.
He said he prioritizes work, then the house then the kids and he wants me to prioritize the house the kids and then my businesses.
I asked him why I can’t prioritize my businesses too. He said it doesn’t work that way when I’m the stay at home parent.
He said he wants the house clean so he can do other things which I do get. But it’s not like I’m just sitting and doing nothing all day.
It’s also hard to take our 2 year old out with the baby because she’s a runner and doesn’t fucking listen. So what am I supposed to do?
submitted by LoveMyCowgirlBoots to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:28 alasia83 How do I make this work?

Sorry...the title doesn't explain anything really!
I'm 40.
------ Backstory - skip if you think it's not important ------
I was in a relationship for 8 years that was rocky in the beginning, improved for periods but mostly stayed quite tense with some physical arguments and for the last two years, we were basically housemates that tolerated each other.
I have teenagers (13, 16 and 17) - he's not their dad. My ex wasn't very involved with the parenting side of things but loved to discipline and kind of threw his weight around a bit. He got on well with my daughter (middle child) but didn't interact with my two boys, he says because one of autistic and one ADHD so he didn't know how to interact with them.
Just before the split last June, I got back in touch with a man that I had met online when we were both 20. We were from the same town but he had just finished uni at the time and had moved abroad. From the beginning we clicked and chatted for hours, day and night, on MSN. Literally if we had spare time, we were talking about anything and everything. He had a few girlfriends over this time, I met my children's father and had my children but he was physically abusive so we ended up splitting up around 2010. Just after this, my friend came to see me one evening after work (spur of the moment kind of thing) and I didn't feel like I could have him in my house because if the kids do we just stood on the doorstep cuddling and chatting for three hours. Then he went home.
Anyway long story short, he met a girl the following year and went on to marry her. Over the next few years, we drifted apart as by then I had met a new man (the one I split with last year) and gradually contact fizzled out. I then blocked him when he got married, just do I wasn't tempted to contact him again as he seemed happy.
When I unblocked him last year we probably hadn't spoken for about five years, but we started chatting again like old friends. It transpired neither of us were happy in our relationships and we had both decided to split with our respective partners that year. I think honestly, talking again gave us both the push to actually end our sour relationships. So we did. He then moved in with a friend in my town while he filed for divorce from his wife.
We decided after a couple of months, to meet up and again we got on like a house on fire. No break in conversation, no awkwardness and when he hugged me goodbye, I felt a spark of attraction - from my side anyway. We met up a couple more times over the weeks and eventually progressed as far as we could without my children being involved (dating during school hours etc).
----- My issue ------
So where we are now, is I really like him.
We've been seeing each other officially since November last year but it's been so on and off because I keep getting overwhelmed and I have no idea why.
He's been here about four times while my children have been here and they've all said hi to him in passing.
I've spoken to them about him and that he's my boyfriend, they refer to him as such and have brought him up a couple of times in conversation (mentioning his birthday etc), but during my periods of anxiety and overwhelm I tend to stop seeing him for a couple of weeks at a time, during which my children don't ask where he is or how he's doing, it's like he doesn't exist.
My children are all homebodies that like to stay in their rooms most of the time anyway, popping down a few times during the evening to chat or whatever and the younger two have done this whilst he's been here, although the conversaton has been slightly stunted and awkward (they tend to direct conversation to me and not him).
I'm not sure how to progress any further.
When he's come round in the evening to watch a film (which we watch in my bedroom as it's downstairs and I use it as a living room), my eldest asks if he's goijgntk em staying over and I tend to just say I don't know as I'm not sure how to answer.
I don't want to force him on my children, especially as their last experience of me having a relationship was with a man who acted awkwardly and cold towards them.
I feel guilty that I'm spending time with him, like I should be there for my children instead so going out isn't an option but equally, I don't feel comfortable with him coming here in case my children feel weird about that.
I feel guilty that we might progress to living together in a few years time and as my children were young the last time that happened, maybe they'd find it strange suddenly living with another man. I know it wouldn't happen suddenly, but I hope you get what I mean.
Also - I have diagnosed generalised anxiety disorder and am on the waiting list for autism assessment so that might be affecting my thoughts on this whole thing.
How do I progress from here without putting my children in an awkward position but also balance wanting to see him?
I should also add, the children say they're absolutely fine with me seeing him and him being here, but I struggle to believe they're actually fine with it and worry they're just saying it as they want me to be happy - in fact, they've said "as long as you're happy, that's all that matters" and that kills me as I want them to be happy and comfortable too, obviously.
submitted by alasia83 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:28 midadtoo Does anyone have a problem not with a messy house, but an ugly one?

So, my mom's been a hoarder my whole life while my dad and sister were mostly away from home. It was firmly level 3 - 2.5 during my childhood, but I'm so grateful that in the last 5 years or so it's become more like level 1 to 1.5 with my dad and sisters' consistent help. :)
However, my mom has a weird problem with how she allocates her money (at least I think so). She's a huge spender in general but deems it a waste to spend any investment on the state of the house; she's perfectly happy buying plastic tubs to display in our living room, or keeping small piles of clutter around the living/guest room so that the visual clutter becomes off-putting. She can buy 30 expensive items on sale in a day because "they were on sale" but never new, furniture/decor or organisational tools. The colour schemes in the house do not match at all and she tries to incorporate very cheap looking stuff into our home, because she's afraid of spending any real money on house stuff.
We have had the same furniture since we moved to this country and I was a baby. We've had the same bedsheets and if I ever wanna buy new ones, they have to be the ugly bright ones because theyre cheaper, even though the difference between those and nicer sheets is not that substantial. Everytime I beg my mom to buy an organisational bin or basket she says it costs too much so I end up buying it myself (even though it is a long term investment that ends up costing a fraction of what she spends in a day, and she's fine with spending her money in useless sales). We don't have any "nice stuff", not even for guests.
I know this is suchh a minor problem, and I'm so grateful and proud my mom has made progress and is at this point anyway, don't get me wrong!! I also know its her money and she can choose to use it as she pleases. But it's still frustrating because I can tell it reflects poorly on us to guests, and we are a upper-middle class family, with an upper-middle class circle, but with a lower-middle class looking home. Im not being classist, just giving you an idea of how the situation is. I just wish it was different.
Can anyone relate?
submitted by midadtoo to hoarding [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:25 Confident_Eggplant33 Facebook Ads Specialist to Boost your business and Sales!!

Hello! Everyone i am an experienced digital marketer! If anyone has an online e commerce business and wants someone to handle it which includes:
-creating adds and editing the images accordingly to your business needs and then running adds on them
If you want to grow your business kindly hit me up i would be more then willing to help you in the most economical rates!!
submitted by Confident_Eggplant33 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:25 ReadyContact9736 Breaking Down the Everton Takeover Part II : The Stadium

The only thing on my mind for the last 24 hours has been Everton and all of you. There are plenty of reasons why, and I’ll summarize them here:
I don't write often in my role. I decided on this one, maybe my last. I will come and hang with you all, probably through my OG account.
There is no new information here. As I had said before, the stadium holds the key to any potential deal. I’ll explain why. As always, stuff is complicated, requires compliance to clear things, and is structured in various ways.
How the New Stadium Saves Everton FC in 2024
Financing a stadium costs a lot of money and adds to the debt. Everton’s current standing can largely be attributed to the stadium project and the way things were handled. The good thing is the stadium is a great asset from any financier's point of view.
More Debt
In any case, the stadium would be a crucial asset, even in its half-completed stage, to restructure Everton’s debt. Given the stadium structure is complete, with a credible owner, a creditor should be willing to underwrite loans against it. It would be deemed distressed, but there are financing firms specializing in financing distressed assets/debts.
Distressed debt investing is the process of investing capital in the existing debt of a financially distressed company, government, or public entity. A financially distressed company is one that has an unstable capital structure. This could mean the company’s debt load is too high or difficult to refinance, or the company can’t meet restrictions on its current debt covenants.
The market rate on Everton’s loan is extremely high at 10.25%. In the event of a change of ownership to more credible owners, there is a significant chance for any distressed debt investor to make money by refinancing at a lower rate. Everton already had GDA Luma Capital offer £150 million to invest in the stadium debt back in May, even before 777 went belly up.
In my opinion, this is the big pot of gold attracting investors who are willing to finance the takeover. There are ways to structure this, and this can be a potentially contentious between a new buyer and debt financier. They would, however, need to know if Everton will be able to continue making payments after they move into the new stadium. Almost everyone in finance in the US anticipate rate cuts this year, making this even more attractive in the short term.
New Avenue for Equity based Raise
This can be bizarre to understand; however, there are times when funds want to buy an equity stake in a particular revenue stream. An example is Real Madrid selling a 30% stake in Santiago Bernabeu’s operations for $380 million to Sixth Street back in 2022. It is a 20-year deal, and Real Madrid shares 30% of all stadium revenue with Sixth Street, besides season tickets.
Any new owner would come in knowing that Everton is building a new stadium. It would take time for them to come in and really understand the potential revenue streams, but there is an avenue for Everton to raise more capital this year through this.
There is nothing stopping any fund to come in now with an owner’s consortium, and get these rights in-return of paying for this upfront now. Let's say Everton’s is worth £190 million for 30% stadium revenue for 20 years. A fund pays £190 million now in 2024, but they won't get a share of 30% of stadium revenue until the new stadium is open in 2025.
In that case, for a 20 year deal, the fund only gets 30% of stadium revenue for 19 years of the term. They can in theory be compensated with a small equity stake for the one year where they don't see stadium revenue. Do you see how Sixth Street actually funded the deal before Bernabeu's reconstruction was completed? If anything, there were sections of the Bernabeu that were shut down during construction over the next two years. While Sixth Street actually did not get equity for this, they may see this as the cost of doing business, and did it to win a deal they think will be lucrative over the long run.
How the New Stadium Saves Everton FC in 2025 and Beyond
A stadium is literally one of the biggest revenue drivers, and building a new one has a significant impact on matchday and commercial income. A new stadium would generally mean increased capacity, better hospitality offerings for premium clients, more retail space to sell, and increasingly the potential of making a multi-purpose venue.
A stadium is like an asset that sits empty for around 80% of the 365 days in a year. Think of this like a vacation house you own but only use over the summer. Wouldn’t it be nicer to be able to rent it out to someone for the remainder of the time when not in use to make a few quid?
Example: Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Before the new stadium was built, Spurs made an average of £1 million per home match and roughly £40 million annually in matchday revenue at White Hart Lane. Fast forward to the new stadium, and Tottenham ended up making over £6 million per home match and £117.6 million in matchday gate receipts. Some of the £6 million per home match is attributable in the commercial revenue section, which includes more sponsorship inventory and signage to sell, more at-venue sales, etc.
For uses beyond football, Spurs could either rent the entire stadium upfront (less likely as the organizer bears a lot of risk here) or do a revenue-sharing based deal. When Beyoncé performed for five concerts at the Spurs stadium, a total of 240,000 fans attended. The deal with the organizer allowed Spurs to keep a cut of premium seat sales and merchandise sales while also taking in entire food and drinks revenue.
As a result, Spurs made £1 million per night, almost their entire matchday revenue at White Hart Lane, in food and drinks revenue alone at Beyoncé’s concerts, and a total revenue of £15 million over five nights.
Everton’s Potential New Revenue Streams
Back to Everton, Keith Wyness thinks the new stadium can make Everton an additional £50 million - £60 million in revenue. I do not know the math behind it. However, it is clear the figure can be much higher in the future. As of now, Everton has claimed that they can organize four or five non-matchday events in a year, but the figure will go higher if the new owners come in. It generally requires a few government bodies to give licenses and permissions to host these, which most are happy to do considering the economic impact of such events on the broader community.
Everton made £17.3 million in matchday gate receipts from 19 Premier League matches and gate receipts from three away cup ties, and £19.2 million in sponsorship revenue in 2022/23. This is lower sponsorship revenue than the £35 million in 2021/2022, partly because of the removal of USM-linked sponsors. I can totally see why they think an additional £50 million - £60 million is possible.
However, I assume the biggest increase over the next five years from building a new stadium would be on commercial revenue and activities. The potential opportunity to sell naming rights is also huge, probably bigger than the £10 million/year for 20 years that Moshiri claims he and Usmanov agreed upon. There will certainly be more signage to sell to sponsors in the new stadium, along with really leveling up concessionary offerings.
Another avenue is the space around the stadium. This is generally in the form of developing the real estate around the stadium, where most new owners look for things like shopping centers, commercial spaces, etc. It works great for fans as well and significantly increases earning potential.
A factor that really works in favor of Everton and is underrated by fans is how much the economic growth of the city and the area around a stadium can affect stadium-related revenue. Everton is extremely lucky in that case, as Liverpool is the fastest-growing city economy in the UK, growing at 20%.
I think the only thing that came out of Moshiri’s investment is that he secured Everton over the long run by investing heavily in the stadium. It is a short-term pain for long-term gain approach, the gains of which can really be amplified with the right ownership group.
The stadium is literally the only bargaining chip Moshiri will use to drive the price up and hope to see an exit where he leaves with something.
Question for Evertonians
Would you celebrate Moshiri if he decides to write off his loan to Everton, knowing a significant amount of his £400 million went into financing a stadium, which Everton can reap benefits from for decades?
submitted by ReadyContact9736 to Everton [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:21 dogplant335 Maynila sa mga kuko ng Liwanag

Possible light spoilers ahead so if you don't like spoilers move along.
So I went into this movie blind. I didnt know anything about it aside from the fact that this is heavily recommended in any philippine film post that i've read.
For one, it sucks that the themes and social commentary discussed in the film are still relevant today almost 50 years after the movie was released. People from the province still flock to the big city. It might not be metro manila now as it could be cebu davao iloilo bacolod tacloban etc. The main theme that ligaya was taken away by the big city and that you the young kid from the province also ventures out to look for ligaya in the city still rings heavy now. How many thousands of young bright-eyed kids try their luck in manila only to be slapped in the face with thw reality that is oppression. Our labor laws may be stronger and the oppression might be different but the day to day worker is still oppressed by the inefficiency of the services that our government provides e.g traffic.
It was brilliant and I loved it the whole way through. The special effects suck but what did i expect.
My biggest gripe with the movie, from the lens of a filipino-chinese, is that i felt it was very racist to the chinese. First, the system which the contractors used to take a portion of the employees salaries was called "taiwan". I wonder where this originated as i've never heard this term aside from that movie.
Second, the main protagonist was insik and highlighted his insikness. It seemed that the insik were really oppressing the filipinos. Why wasn't the film positioned as a class struggle where the rich (no matter the race) oppressed the poor instead of highlighting the fact that they were insik.
It's not a huge issue the movie is still great and still does deserve all the accolades it has received. I just wonder why it was framed in this lens. What was the landscape?
I'm also disappointed in the fact that Philippine directors and writers were able to write such a complex and rich movie in 1975 while we get shit like deleter now.
What are your thoughts? I'd like to hear more about what you guys think.
submitted by dogplant335 to FilmClubPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:17 dmodulation 10 Reasons to Invest in a Social Media Marketing Company in Laxmi Nagar

Nowadays social media is very important for every business. With its help, you can reach more people at a lower cost. This will increase your sales, more and more customers will be able to connect with you and everyone will know your brand. If you have a business in Laxmi Nagar, then investing in a social media marketing company like Modulation Digital will be beneficial for you. These ten reasons explain why it is good to invest money in social media, which is completely worth it-

Expertise in Local Market - Diving Deeper into the Benefits

Local marketing is important for local businesses. Modulation Digital has the advantage of understanding the people of Laxmi Nagar very well. They will run your social media in a way that all the people of the local area connect with your business, and know more about your business.
Cultural Relevance
This means that modulation digital understands the people of Laxmi Nagar very well, their likes and dislikes. Therefore, they can create social media campaigns and content that directly touch the hearts of the people of Laxmi Nagar! So that they will be more attracted to your product or service.
Local Preferences and Trends
Modulation Digital also knows what is happening in Laxmi Nagar these days and what people like. Using this information, they will make your social media page relevant to the place. Simple language, local issues - what the people of Laxmi Nagar will like. which normally attracts the local people of that place and your business

Comprehensive Strategy Development- Essential Elements

No random method will work for running on social media. You need a solid plan that directly targets your customers and fulfills your business goals. Modulation Digital is an expert in this work. They will create such social media plans that will make your business successful!
Goal Setting and Alignment
Modulation Digital will first understand what your business wants to achieve from social media, what does it want to sell? What kind of customers do you want to bring to your shop? Or do you just want to tell people about your brand? Modulation Digital will run social media according to your purpose.
Audience Research and Persona Development
It is equally important that you know who your customers are. Modulation Digital will do research and understand who your real customers are, what they like and what they don't like. Based on this information, they will put such things on social media that your customers like so that they become more attract with your brand
Professional Content Creation
To be popular on social media, you need to put out attractive things! Modulation Digital is an expert in this work. They will create such videos and pictures that customers will stop and pay attention to you. Also, they will write such things that people like and tell about your business, so that the attention of the user is attracted to your brand -
High-Quality Visuals and Graphics
Attractive photos and videos make people stop and watch more. Modulation Digital has very good photo designers and videographers. They will create such pictures, graphics and videos that will explain your brand very well, which will draw customers towards you as soon as they see them!,
Engaging and Relevant Copywriting
Only photos are not enough on social media. There you also have to write such things that people like. Modulation Digital has very good copywriters. They will write such things that your customers will like and will tell about your business, which will help them understand more about your brand

Time and Resource Efficiency: Maximizing Your Business Potential

Saving time and money is important for every business! Modulation Digital can help you save your time and money.
It is important to post something on social media every day. So that users get consistent updates of your page, this work is very time consuming. Modulation Digital will post the right things for you at the right time. This will save both your time and money!
Automated Scheduling and Posting
It is important to post something on social media every day at the right time. So that users get consistent information and updates from your page. Modulation Digital has the tools to post your posts at the right time without any error.
Expertise and Efficiency in Campaign Execution
It is not enough to just post posts on social media, it is also important to run them correctly. Modulation Digital's team has people who have good knowledge of social media. They will run your social media campaign properly so that you get maximum benefit! So that customers get satisfaction from their work
Data-Driven Insights- Leveraging Analytics
It is very important to know how your business is doing on social media! How will Modulation Digital help you in this.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

Modulation Digital will tell you how many people are visiting your social media, what things they are liking and what things they are clicking on. Based on this information, you will be able to understand whether your social media is doing well or not. More and more users come on your social media account and its result will be good.

Continuous Optimization and Testing

It is very important to keep learning for better performance on social media! Modulation Digital will help you learn this. They will try (A/B TESTING) different types of ads and things to see which things people are liking more. Based on this information, they will continuously improve your social media so that you get more benefit from it! USER EXPERIENCE
Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies
The world of social media changes very quickly! To stay ahead, it is important to learn new ways. Modulation Digital will provide you with this facility. They will make your social media even better by using modern tools! So that the awareness of your account increases.
Analytics and Reporting Tools
To be successful on social media, you have to constantly post interesting things and also interact with people. This task is a bit difficult, especially to post things at the right time every day. Modulation Digital has new tools with which they can post things on your social media at the right time, without any hassle.
Creative Design and Content Creation Software
To keep people on social media, you have to post attractive things! Modulation Digital has new software with which they can create amazing photos, videos and graphics. This software is so easy that using them is child's play! With things like Canva, they will create amazing pictures in just a few minutes!
Increased Brand Awareness
The more people know you on social media, the more you benefit. Modulation Digital will make your brand easy to recognize. They will make your brand consistent everywhere - Facebook, Instagram, everywhere. So that everyone will recognize your company at first sight! This increases your brand awareness
Enhanced Customer Engagement
Interacting with customers on social media is very important. Modulation Digital will help you interact with your customers. They will reply to customer comments, answer questions, and add fun content to give people a chance to connect with you! This will make your customers love your brand and tell others about it too!
Effective Advertising Campaigns
Advertising on social media in the right way is very beneficial. Modulation Digital is an expert in creating ads that attract people as soon as they see them. They will first see who your customers are and what they like. Then, they will create amazing ads that can run on Facebook, Instagram or any other place. This will help you reach more customers and your business will benefit!
Staying Ahead of Competitors
The world of social media changes very fast. To stay ahead, you have to learn new things. Modulation Digital learns every new thing and runs your social media accordingly. So that your business always stays ahead of others! Keep yourself updated in every technology information so that you can keep your customer's social media ahead.
So, do you have a business in Laxmi Nagar? Modulation Digital can help you grow on social media!
This company understands the people of Laxmi Nagar and will put up things on social media that people will love. They will create amazing ads, create attractive images and videos, and most importantly, they will interact with your customers!
The benefit of all this is that you will get more customers, more people will know about you and your business will flourish! So what are you waiting for? Talk to Modulation Digital today!
submitted by dmodulation to u/dmodulation [link] [comments]