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2024.06.10 15:55 hackr_io_team Python Project: Hangman Game

Python Project: Hangman Game
I'm sharing this python project because it's one of my latest. The full guide is on Hackr.
At the heart of our project, we'll leverage Python's simplicity and Tkinter's ease of use to build a game that accepts user input, manages game logic, and updates the GUI accordingly.
In this Hangman Game, Python will oversee the backend logic, including tracking guesses, determining game state (win/lose), and updating the displayed hangman drawing.
But we'll also dive into creating a visually appealing interface using Tkinter, ensuring our Hangman game is not just functional but also enjoyable to play.

Step 1: Setting Up The Project

Alright! Let's begin by setting up our Python Hangman Game project.
This initial step is crucial as it establishes the groundwork for our entire game, ensuring we have a structured and organized workspace from the start.
i. Install Python
Before diving into coding, ensure that Python is installed on your computer.
If you haven't installed Python yet, visit the official Python website to find a Python version that’s compatible with your system, and follow the installation instructions.
ii. Choose and Set Up Your IDE or Code Editor
Now it's time to choose an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or a code editor to develop your Python Hangman game.
If you’ve read my article on the best Python IDEs, you’ll see that I favor Pycharm and VSCode.
For a more Python-specific IDE, PyCharm is a fantastic choice, offering rich features tailored for Python development.
But I’d also encourage you to check out VSCode if you’re already familiar with that coding environment and you’d like to carry on with what you know.
Simply head to the VSCode extension marketplace and install the Python extension, and you’ll be good to go.
iii. Create a New Python Project
Once your IDE or code editor is set up, it's time to create a new Python project:
  • Open your IDE or editor and select the option to create a new project.
  • If provided with the option, choose a Python project or just create a general project if your IDE doesn’t specify project types.
  • Name your project something descriptive, like PythonHangmanGame.
iv. Organize Your Project Structure
print("Hello, Python Hangman Game!") 
It can be really beneficial to organize your project structure for better management and future scalability.
Here’s a simple way to structure your Python Hangman game project:
  • src: This directory will contain all your source code files.
  • images: If you plan to use custom images for the the GUI, place them here.
  • sounds: Optional directory for sound effects (e.g., for correct or incorrect guesses).
  • lib: If your project requires external libraries or modules, place them in this directory.
v. Set Up a Version Control System (Optional but Recommended)
Consider initializing a Git repository in your project folder to manage your source code versions.
Use the command line or your IDE's built-in Git support to create the repository. This step is highly recommended as it helps in tracking changes and collaborating with others.
vi. Verify Project Setup
To ensure everything is set up correctly, try running a simple Python program in your project environment.
This test will confirm that Python and your IDE or code editor are correctly configured:
vii. Ready Your Development Environment
As we move forward with building the Python Hangman Game, keep your IDE open and familiarize yourself with its layout and features.
You'll be spending a lot of time here, writing code, debugging, and running your application.
And there you have it! You've successfully set up your Python Hangman Game project.
With the foundation laid down, we're ready to dive into the exciting parts of building our game.

Step 2: Designing the Hangman Game Logic

Now, let's delve into designing the Hangman game logic.
This step is essential as our Hangman game relies on a solid understanding of game mechanics and logic implementation.
If you’re not totally familiar with the game, in Hangman, players attempt to guess a word by suggesting letters within a certain number of guesses.
Let’s look at this more closely.
i. Understanding Hangman Game Mechanics
The classic game of Hangman involves guessing a word by identifying individual letters. For each game:
  • A secret word is chosen, which the player attempts to guess.
  • The player has a limited number of incorrect guesses before the game is lost (typically, this number is 6, corresponding to the head, body, two arms, and two legs of the hangman).
  • Each correct guess reveals the positions of the letter in the word.
  • Each incorrect guess brings the player one step closer to losing the game as parts of the hangman are drawn.
ii. Implementing the Game Logic
We'll implement the game logic in Python, focusing on managing the secret word, tracking the player's guesses, and determining the game's outcome.
Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved:
  • Choose a Secret Word: For simplicity, the secret word can be hardcoded or chosen randomly from a list of words.
  • Track Correct and Incorrect Guesses: Maintain two lists to track the letters the player has guessed correctly and incorrectly.
  • Game State Evaluation: After each guess, check if the player has won (guessed all letters of the word) or lost (exceeded the maximum number of incorrect guesses).
iii. Building the Basic Game Logic
Let's sketch out some simple Python code to illustrate these game concepts:
import random # List of potential secret words word_list = ["python", "hangman", "programming", "challenge"] # Randomly select a secret word from the list secret_word = random.choice(word_list) # Initialize variables to track guesses and attempts correct_guesses = set() incorrect_guesses = set() attempts_left = 6 # Function to display the current game state def display_game_state(): # Display the secret word with guessed letters revealed displayed_word = "".join([letter if letter in correct_guesses else "_" for letter in secret_word]) print(f"Word: {displayed_word}") print(f"Incorrect Guesses: {' '.join(incorrect_guesses)}") print(f"Attempts Left: {attempts_left}") # Main game loop while True: display_game_state() guess = input("Enter your guess: ").lower() # Check if the guess is in the secret word if guess in secret_word: correct_guesses.add(guess) # Check for win condition if set(secret_word).issubset(correct_guesses): print("Congratulations! You've guessed the word!") break else: incorrect_guesses.add(guess) attempts_left -= 1 # Check for lose condition if attempts_left == 0: print("Game Over! You've run out of attempts.") print(f"The secret word was: {secret_word}") break 
In this basic code, we’ve outlined the core logic for a simple console-based Hangman game.
As we progress through this tutorial, we'll expand upon this foundation, integrating it with a graphical user interface using Tkinter to enhance the player's experience.
In the next steps, we'll dive into setting up Tkinter and linking our game logic to a GUI, creating an interactive and visually appealing Hangman game.
Let’s get coding!

Step 3: Introduction to Tkinter for GUI Development

Let's roll up our sleeves and dive into creating the graphical user interface (GUI) for our Hangman game using Tkinter, Python's standard GUI library.
Tkinter is built-in with Python, making it a convenient choice for creating simple and effective GUI applications without the need for additional installations.
Note that we'll adopt an object-oriented approach for this project to enhance the structure and maintainability of our code, making it easier to understand and extend.
This also makes it a great way to learn the basics of OOP.
i. Check if Tkinter is Installed
Before we start coding, let's ensure Tkinter is available in your Python environment. While Tkinter typically comes with Python, it's good practice to verify its presence.
Open your terminal or command prompt and enter the following:
python -m tkinter 
This command should open a simple Tkinter window, indicating that Tkinter is installed and working correctly.
If it doesn't, you may need to install Tkinter by referring to Python documentation or by heading to PyPi.
ii. Setting Up Your GUI Project File
In your project directory, create a Python file named
This file will contain both the GUI components and the game logic, integrated within a single class structure for simplicity and efficiency.
iii. Creating the Main Window with Tkinter
Let’s start by defining a class for our Hangman Game, encapsulating both the game logic and the GUI components.
Start by setting up the main window in this class:
import tkinter as tk class HangmanGame: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.title("Hangman Game") self.master.geometry("900x600") # Further GUI setup and game logic will be added here def main(): root = tk.Tk() game = HangmanGame(root) root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
In this code, we've:
  • Imported the Tkinter module to utilize its GUI functionalities.
  • Created a HangmanGame class, introducing an OOP approach to structure our game. This class will contain methods for setting up the GUI and handling the game logic.
  • Initialized the main application window (master) within the class, setting its title to "Hangman Game" and specifying its size to 900x600 pixels.
  • Defined a main function to create the Tkinter root window, instantiate our HangmanGame class with this window, and start the Tkinter event loop.
Running this script will open a window demonstrating the basics of Tkinter in action.
iv. Adding Widgets
Tkinter supports various widgets that can be added to the GUI, such as labels, buttons, and canvases.
These will be crucial for displaying the hangman drawing, the word to guess, letters already guessed, and accepting user input.
In the subsequent steps, we'll dive deeper into how to use these widgets to build the functional parts of our Hangman game interface.
This step sets the stage for developing a full-fledged GUI for our Hangman game.
In the next steps, we'll expand on this, incorporating the game logic and enhancing the interface to create an engaging and interactive game experience.

Step 4: Building the Game Interface with Tkinter

Now that we've introduced Tkinter and set up a basic window within an object-oriented framework, let’s set to work on further developing our Hangman game's GUI.
We'll focus on designing the layout, adding interactive widgets, and preparing the game board to display essential game elements using our HangmanGame class.
i. Designing the Layout
Within our HangmanGame class, let’s aim to create a cohesive layout that includes:
  • A top section for the hangman drawing as incorrect guesses accumulate.
  • A middle section to reveal the word being guessed, with blanks for letters yet to be guessed.
  • A bottom section containing alphabet buttons for player input.
ii. Implementing the Hangman Drawing Area
Let’s utilize Tkinter's Canvas widget within our class to dynamically display the hangman drawing:
def initialize_gui(self): self.hangman_canvas = tk.Canvas(self.master, width=300, height=300, bg="white") self.hangman_canvas.pack(pady=20) # Additional GUI setup continues here... 
In this code, we've:
  • Embedded the Canvas widget creation within the initialize_gui method of our HangmanGame class. This method orchestrates the setup of our game's GUI.
  • Created a Canvas named hangman_canvas as part of our class. This canvas, with a 300x300 pixel size and a white background, is designated for the hangman drawing.
  • Used pack() with vertical padding to place the canvas appropriately within the window.
iii. Displaying the Word to Guess
Let’s now incorporate Label widgets into our class so that we can show the word with blanks or correctly guessed letters:
def initialize_gui(self): # Previous GUI setup code... self.word_display = tk.Label(self.master, text="_ " * len(self.secret_word), font=("Helvetica", 30)) self.word_display.pack(pady=(40, 20)) 
In this code, we've:
  • Created a Label widget within the initialize_gui method to display the word. Initially, it shows an underscore for each word letter in the secret_word.
  • Selected a font size of 30 for clarity and readability, ensuring the underscores and letters are easily distinguishable.
  • Positioned the label with pack(), applying padding to set it apart from other elements.
iii. Adding Alphabet Buttons for Guesses
When it comes to handling player interactions, let’s generate alphabet buttons within our class, linking each to a guess-handling method:
def initialize_gui(self): # Previous GUI setup code... self.buttons_frame = tk.Frame(self.master) self.buttons_frame.pack(pady=20) self.setup_alphabet_buttons() 
In this code, we've:
  • Defined a setup_alphabet_buttons method within our class to create and configure buttons for each letter in the alphabet.
  • Established a Frame widget to group alphabet buttons, ensuring organized placement within the GUI.
  • For each alphabet letter, created a Button widget. These buttons invoke the guess_letter method with the respective letter as an argument upon being clicked, facilitating player interaction with the game.
Nice work! We’ve now created the foundation for our interactive Hangman game.
If you’re new to the world of OOP, know that by embedding our GUI setup and interaction logic within the HangmanGame class, we've laid a solid foundation for building a fully interactive Hangman game.
The idea here is that the OOP approach not only organizes our code effectively, but also sets us up for seamless integration of game logic and GUI updates in the next steps.
Let’s keep this momentum going!

Step 5: Integrating the Game Logic with the GUI

Now that we've laid out our Hangman Game's GUI, it's time to breathe life into it by integrating the game logic.
This will make our game fully interactive, responding to player inputs and dynamically updating the GUI.
i. Initializing the GUI & Random Word Selections
First things first, let’s initialize our game by calling the initialize_gui method along with a new method that we’ll define to select a random secret word:
import random class HangmanGame: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.title("Hangman Game") self.master.geometry("900x600") self.word_list = ["PYTHON", "JAVASCRIPT", "KOTLIN", "JAVA", "RUBY", "SWIFT"] self.secret_word = self.choose_secret_word() self.correct_guesses = set() self.incorrect_guesses = set() self.attempts_left = 7 self.initialize_gui() def choose_secret_word(self): return random.choice(self.word_list) 
In this code, we've:
  • Imported the random module to help with random word selection.
  • Added a word_list attribute to store potential secret words. This list can be easily extended or modified to include any number of words.
  • Introduced the choose_secret_word method, which randomly selects a word from our wordlist using random.choice(). This method is called when initializing self.secret_word during the creation of a HangmanGame instance.
  • Ensured that the selection of the secret word is integrated into the game initialization process, making the game different each time it's played.
ii. Updating the Hangman Canvas
Let’s now add a method to our HangmanGame class to update the hangman drawing based on incorrect guesses:
def update_hangman_canvas(self): self.hangman_canvas.delete("all") # Clear the canvas for redrawing incorrect_guesses_count = len(self.incorrect_guesses) if incorrect_guesses_count >= 1: self.hangman_canvas.create_line(50, 180, 150, 180) # Base # Additional drawing logic here for each part of the hangman 
In this code, we've:
  • Added an update_hangman_canvas method to the HangmanGame class. This method clears the canvas and redraws the hangman figure based on the current number of incorrect guesses.
  • Utilized Tkinter's create_line and create_oval methods within conditional blocks to progressively draw the hangman as incorrect guesses accumulate.
iii. Handling Letter Guesses
Within the class, we define the logic to handle letter guesses for the hidden word, updating the game state and refreshing GUI elements as needed:
def guess_letter(self, letter): if letter in self.secret_word and letter not in self.correct_guesses: self.correct_guesses.add(letter) elif letter not in self.incorrect_guesses: self.incorrect_guesses.add(letter) self.attempts_left -= 1 self.update_hangman_canvas() self.update_word_display() self.check_game_over() def update_word_display(self): displayed_word = " ".join([letter if letter in self.correct_guesses else "_" for letter in self.secret_word]) self.word_display.config(text=displayed_word) def check_game_over(self): if set(self.secret_word).issubset(self.correct_guesses): self.display_game_over_message("Congratulations, you've won!") elif self.attempts_left == 0: self.display_game_over_message(f"Game over! The word was: {self.secret_word}") 
In this code, we've:
  • Implemented a guess_letter method to update the sets of correct and incorrect guesses, decrease attempts_left for incorrect guesses, and invoke methods to update the canvas and word display.
  • Used update_word_display to refresh the displayed word on the GUI, revealing any correctly guessed letters.
  • Created check_game_over to evaluate if the game has been won or lost, displaying an appropriate message through display_game_over_message.
iv. Connecting Buttons to the Guess Function
To ensure alphabet buttons are correctly linked to the guess_letter function, we adjust the button setup in the setup_alphabet_buttons method, utilizing the class's methods for game interaction:
def setup_alphabet_buttons(self): alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" upper_row = alphabet[:13] # First half of the alphabet lower_row = alphabet[13:] # Second half of the alphabet upper_frame = tk.Frame(self.buttons_frame) upper_frame.pack() lower_frame = tk.Frame(self.buttons_frame) lower_frame.pack() for letter in upper_row: button = tk.Button(upper_frame, text=letter, command=lambda l=letter: self.guess_letter(l), width=4, height=2) button.pack(side="left", padx=2, pady=2) for letter in lower_row: button = tk.Button(lower_frame, text=letter, command=lambda l=letter: self.guess_letter(l), width=4, height=2) button.pack(side="left", padx=2, pady=2) 
In this code, we've:
  • Defined the setup_alphabet_buttons method within the HangmanGame class to create interactive buttons for each letter in the English alphabet.
  • Initialized a string alphabet containing all uppercase letters, A-Z, to iterate over and create a button for each letter.
  • Split the alphabet into two halves: upper_row and lower_row.
  • Created two frames within self.buttons_frame: one for each row of letters. This ensures that the alphabet is neatly divided into two rows, making all letters accessible without overcrowding the screen.
  • Associated each button with the guess_letter method using a lambda function, enabling the game to react to player guesses by checking the chosen letter against the secret word, updating the game state, and refreshing the GUI accordingly.
  • Utilized pack() for button placement, arranging them side by side with consistent padding to ensure the interface is visually appealing and user-friendly.
v. Adding Game Over Messages
To round things off, let’s define a display_game_over_message method that show the user the result of the game when reaches its conclusion:
def display_game_over_message(self, message): # Hide the alphabet buttons by hiding the entire buttons_frame self.buttons_frame.pack_forget() # Display the game over message in the now-empty area self.game_over_label = tk.Label(self.master, text=message, font=("Helvetica", 18), fg="red") self.game_over_label.pack(pady=(10, 20)) 
In this code, we've:
  • Utilized pack_forget() on self.buttons_frame to hide the alphabet buttons from view. This effectively removes the button area from the game interface, preventing further guesses.
  • Created a Label widget, self.game_over_label, to display the game over message in the area previously occupied by the alphabet buttons.
Great work! Our Hangman Game is really taking shape now! Let’s keep this effort up and move on to the next stage, where we'll add graphics for the Hangman.

Step 6: Adding Graphics for Hangman

Now it’s time to enhance our Hangman Game with graphics that not only make it visually appealing but also enrich the player's experience.
Let's now focus on refining the hangman drawing method with more detailed graphics.
i. Refining the Hangman Canvas Drawing
We previously introduced a method to update the hangman drawing based on incorrect guesses.
Now, we'll enhance this drawing to include more detailed graphical elements, potentially making each stage of the hangman's appearance more visually distinct and engaging.
def update_hangman_canvas(self): self.hangman_canvas.delete("all") # Clear the canvas before redrawing stages = [self.draw_head, self.draw_body, self.draw_left_arm, self.draw_right_arm, self.draw_left_leg, self.draw_right_leg, self.draw_face] for i in range(len(self.incorrect_guesses)): if i < len(stages): stages[i]() # Call the drawing method for each incorrect guess 
In this enhanced code, we use a list of methods (stages) that each draw a part of the hangman.
As the number of incorrect guesses increases, we sequentially invoke these methods to progressively draw the hangman.
ii. Drawing Detailed Hangman Parts
Let's now implement methods for each part of the hangman's body, aiming for a bit more detail than simple lines:
def draw_head(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_oval(125, 50, 185, 110, outline="black") def draw_body(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_line(155, 110, 155, 170, fill="black") def draw_left_arm(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_line(155, 130, 125, 150, fill="black") def draw_right_arm(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_line(155, 130, 185, 150, fill="black") def draw_left_leg(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_line(155, 170, 125, 200, fill="black") def draw_right_leg(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_line(155, 170, 185, 200, fill="black") def draw_face(self): self.hangman_canvas.create_line(140, 70, 150, 80, fill="black") # Left eye self.hangman_canvas.create_line(160, 70, 170, 80, fill="black") # Right eye # Draw a sad mouth self.hangman_canvas.create_arc(140, 85, 170, 105, start=0, extent=-180, fill="black") 
In this code, we've:
  • Implemented separate methods for drawing each part of the hangman, such as draw_head, draw_body, etc. within the HangmanGame class. These methods use Tkinter's create_oval and create_line functions to add shapes to the canvas, creating a more detailed hangman figure.
  • Introduced a draw_face method as the final stage, adding a simple face to the hangman to indicate the game's conclusion. This method uses create_line for the eyes and create_arc for the mouth, providing a simple yet expressive face.
Nice work! By adding detailed graphics for the hangman, you’ve really elevated the gameplay while also leveling up the overall aesthetics of the game.

Step 7: Adding Game Reset Functionality

Let’s wrap things up by adding game reset functionality. This is will allow our users to start a new game easily without needing to restart the application.
To do this, we’ll create a method to reset the game and add a button that players can click to trigger the reset.
i. Implementing the Reset Game Method
Let’s start with the reset_game method, which will include selecting a new secret word, clearing guesses, resetting attempts, and updating the GUI to its initial state.
def reset_game(self): self.secret_word = self.choose_secret_word() self.correct_guesses = set() self.incorrect_guesses = set() self.attempts_left = 7 self.hangman_canvas.delete("all") self.update_word_display() for frame in self.buttons_frame.winfo_children(): for button in frame.winfo_children(): button.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) if hasattr(self, 'game_over_label'): self.game_over_label.destroy() 
In this code, we’ve:
  • Reset the game's state by selecting a new secret word, clearing the sets of correct and incorrect guesses, and restoring the initial number of attempts.
  • Cleared the drawing canvas to remove any hangman images from previous games, preparing for a fresh start.
  • Updated the word display to reflect the new secret word's placeholders.
  • Re-enabled all alphabet buttons, making them clickable again for the new game.
  • Conditionally removed the game over message, if it was displayed, to reset the game interface to its initial state.
ii. Adding the Reset Button to the GUI
Now, let’s add a button to the GUI that allows the player to reset the game. This button will call the reset_game method when clicked.
def initialize_gui(self): # Existing GUI setup code... # Add reset game button self.reset_button = tk.Button(self.master, text="Reset Game", command=self.reset_game) self.reset_button.pack(pady=(10, 0)) 
In this code, we’ve:
  • Continued the GUI setup by adding the alphabet buttons to the interface.
  • Introduced a "Reset Game" button into the GUI. This button will call the reset_game method when clicked, allowing players to easily restart the game at any point.
  • Placed the reset button below the other game elements, adding appropriate vertical padding for clear separation and visual appeal.
Note that with our new Reset button, we’ll need a slightly larger overall window to accommodate it, so let’s also adjust our main window size:
def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.title("Hangman Game") self.master.geometry("900x650") # Rest of code… 
iii. Adding Game Restart Functionality
Now that we have a reset method, why don’t we make further use of this by adding a game restart button?
This will only appear after the game is over and will give a clear signal that the user can start over.
We’ll start by modifying the display_game_over_message method to show a "Restart" button alongside the game over message.
This button will leverage the existing reset_game method but will only be displayed when the game concludes, offering a clear call to action for the player.
Note that we’ll also hide the reset button when this happens so the UX is nice and clear for our players.
def display_game_over_message(self, message): # Hide the reset button self.reset_button.pack_forget() # Hide the alphabet buttons and display the game over message self.buttons_frame.pack_forget() self.game_over_label = tk.Label(self.master, text=message, font=("Helvetica", 18), fg="red") self.game_over_label.pack(pady=(10, 20)) # Display the Restart button self.restart_button = tk.Button(self.master, text="Restart Game", command=self.reset_game, width=20, height=2) self.restart_button.pack(pady=(10, 20)) 
In this code, we’ve:
  • Hidden the reset_button to indicate that the game is now over.
  • Added a "Restart Game" button below the game over message. This button, when clicked, triggers the game's reset functionality, offering a straightforward way for players to start a new game after the current one concludes.
Now, since the "Restart" button becomes part of the game-over sequence, the reset_game method also needs some slight adjustments to ensure it properly resets the game state and also manages the visibility of the "Restart" button correctly.
def reset_game(self): # Re-show the reset button self.reset_button.pack(pady=(10, 0)) # Reset game state and GUI elements as previously outlined # Hide the game over label and the Restart button when the game is reset if hasattr(self, 'game_over_label') and self.game_over_label.winfo_exists(): self.game_over_label.pack_forget() if hasattr(self, 'restart_button') and self.restart_button.winfo_exists(): self.restart_button.pack_forget() # Ensure the alphabet buttons frame and other interactive elements are visible again self.buttons_frame.pack() 
In this code, we’ve:
  • Used the .pack() method to re-show the reset_button with a fresh game.
  • Added logic to hide the game over message and the "Restart Game" button when the game is reset by checking if these elements exist and currently displayed, then using pack_forget() to remove them from view.
  • Made sure to repack the alphabet buttons frame, ensuring that the interactive part of the game's interface is made visible again for the new game session.
Nice work! We now have a fully functional Python Hangman Game! Before we to dive into some testing to ensure our game functions the way it should, how about we polish the styling?

Step 8: Enhanced Styling [Optional]

In general, taking the time to improve the visual aesthetics of your Hangman Game can really elevate the overall user experience.
The easiest way to do this is by changing the color scheme and applying stylish fonts.
So, let’s adjust the main window's background color, customize the button appearance for a more modern look, and select a stylish font for the text elements.
i. Changing the Main Window's Background Color
To set the main window's background to something like light blue, you can modify the __init__ method in the HangmanGame class to include a configuration for the master's background color:
def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.title("Hangman Game") self.master.geometry("900x650") self.master.configure(bg='light blue') # Set the background color # Remaining initialization code... 
In this code, we’ve simply added a background color parameter of light blue to the main window.
To ensure the design is coherent, this can also be added to both the labels for the game over message and word guesses:
def initialize_gui(self): # Existing code... self.word_display = tk.Label(self.master, text="_ " * len(self.secret_word), font=("Helvetica", 30), bg='light blue') self.word_display.pack(pady=(40, 20)) 

def display_game_over_message(self, message): # Existing code... self.game_over_label = tk.Label(self.master, text=message, font=stylish_font, fg="red", bg='light blue') self.game_over_label.pack(pady=(10, 20)) 
ii. Customizing Button Appearance
Now, we can also change the background color and font properties of our buttons to elevate the overall aesthetic.
Let’s start with the alphabet buttons:
def setup_alphabet_buttons(self): # Custom button appearance button_bg = "#4a7a8c" # Example: a nice shade of blue button_fg = "white" # Text color button_font = ("Helvetica", 12, "bold") # Example: bold Helvetica font # Setup code for upper and lower rows... for letter in upper_row: button = tk.Button(upper_frame, text=letter, command=lambda l=letter: self.guess_letter(l), width=4, height=2, bg=button_bg, fg=button_fg, font=button_font) button.pack(side="left", padx=2, pady=2) # Repeat for lower_row buttons... 
In this code, we’ve used a new background color, text color, and font for our buttons.
We can also apply this same styling to our Reset and Restart Game buttons:
def initialize_gui(self): # Existing code... button_bg = "#4a7a8c" button_fg = "white" button_font = ("Helvetica", 12, "bold") self.reset_button = tk.Button(self.master, text="Reset Game", command=self.reset_game, width=20, height=2, bg=button_bg, fg=button_fg, font=button_font) self.reset_button.pack(pady=(10, 0)) def display_game_over_message(self, message): # Existing code... button_bg = "#4a7a8c" button_fg = "white" button_font = ("Helvetica", 12, "bold") if not hasattr(self, 'restart_button'): self.restart_button = tk.Button(self.master, text="Restart Game", command=self.reset_game, width=20, height=2, bg=button_bg, fg=button_fg, font=button_font) self.restart_button.pack(pady=(10, 20)) 
iii. Using Stylish Fonts for Text Elements
Now, let’s select a modern and stylish font for the game's text elements, such as the guessed letter display, and the game over message.
Of course, feel free to experiment and choose your favorite typeface:
def display_game_over_message(self, message): # Existing code... stylish_font = ("Arial", 18, "italic") self.game_over_label = tk.Label(self.master, text=message, font=stylish_font, fg="red", bg='light blue') self.game_over_label.pack(pady=(10, 20)) 
By adding these styling enhancements, we’ve not only made the game more enjoyable to interact with, but this is also a great way to learn how to make simple adjustments that significantly improve the UX of your app.
That's it! Now it's just about testing and refining your python project!
submitted by hackr_io_team to CodingOpportunities [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:54 xxxrafixxx The 'Not Interested' preferences is blatant bullmanure

The 'Not Interested' preferences is blatant bullmanure
Just wanted to dump some hate off my chest. And point a middle finger to the Instagram management.
Basically, I indicated that I don't wanna see posts with keywords "mellstroy" and also "motivation" page bullshit. Guess what. A post by a page named mellstroy_motivations shows up on my reels. At this point they are just telling me to fuck myself. Fuck you too instagram. I hope you always find a fly in your soup. What's even the point of this preference or 'not interested' button?
That list is just text storage. The audacity of it. Make that garbage work!
Really upset with seeing this mellstroy guy recently. Adds no value to the videowhatsoever. What's more I am annoyed to find entire pages dedicated to reposting shit with his face.
submitted by xxxrafixxx to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:54 Purple_Garage6719 The truth

The truth
I lay here with nothing to do day in day out I only know how to wake up after everytime I've went to sleep so as a teenager you get on the ice the freedom of the night enlightens you so you want more time in the night more then you want the drugs since you're doing things with your friends getting whacked smoking cones up a bush track in the car to sitting up at a blokes house playing puff puff pass so you like spending the time awake but you don't want to learn how to change your sleep schedule so you stay up until you're completely drained that's 4 days long then you go to sleep the more you do it for awhile the longer it seems to span out as in drag down the matter is normally so heavy by the 4th day you go to sleep straight away you repeat this process until you find yourself sleeping in the day they you work that out the same way until you find yourself sleeping in the night again you've been turned upside down the world feels different to you you're happy you continue doing the same thing for years to the point you're smoking a half gram in 1 day where as when you first did it you'd be awake 4 days from a half gram then the 4 day period awake feels shorter time seems to pass by so fast because of the solitude in nothing physical really happening to you so you're at mental peace speaking to people on the internet you go on there for 2 years straight the people on there never change in such a way they show a personal friendship with you there is no bond as if you're just going there to listen to them like it's their job with society showing no form of emotion to me I stay attached to myself in the things I do they were so time filling to begin with where it was angelic and happy but now the time passes by so quick the people are still the same on the internet they haven't changed even tho I've shown up everywhere I can for days at a time you'd think that'd be the sort of atmosphere where you'd form a relationship but I've never even used my private message on the website it's like this place where you show up and you just see what happens with where the conversation goes but most of the time they don't want to hear you talk so you're in this room where they don't mind you being there but they don't want to listen to you unless they've spoken to you they are cocky people with attitude some of them others are gamers and nerds there's asians and there's blacks they have their own rooms they stay in but these people are sometimes up on the screen it's 4am their camera looks like different sort of quality and they make no sense in what they say but they do answer your questions but it seems to be the same thing just about anywhere they just ignore you for the most part like you're in this place on the internet that is 2d on the screen but it's a feed of a projection where does that bounce off ?? This place seems like the only place for decent social activity but you're never apart of their community so it's difficult to get involved into the form of conversation they are so not whacky people they were whacky once in 2020 they were doing the stuff I was doing everyone was being ignorant in a sense of madness it was a trip but now they more serious and you find more mysterious figures then people happy to see you remember after years of going on this site everytime I got on the pipe I still hadn't formed a personal friendship with anyone the community is relatively small but it does change not in the ways you'd think sometimes we see new people but there's been times where months had passed not many new people we still showed up in the room everyday then people were just making different named rooms going in them there still some people there just sitting there after years and that so over this entire time I've listened to music while I was chilling only using Soundcloud I've now reached a block on the rap music I find I only see other new rap when I make a track myself it's the same thing with the electronic music it's all the same rap is better but yeah it seems like there's a block on the music in society otherwise it's just me making the sense everyone now thinks I've lost the plot that I'm always gonna be not in a job since I'm on the job about whatever the plot is. This is how hard people are to come by. That is life it seems life I've seen it both in the physical and society's mental. So now I'm just smoking dope and ice trying to think of a way out of the box how can I change life not mine but that around me.
Some people are stupid and it shows why they want my eyes I made this profile of Ben smith with not even his real photo and who adds it ? Rory castles does he's deleted me now but also other people added it what would that suggest that Rory could be the underlying problem ?
Yeah isn't taking sool all about how long you can stay up for
That's what it was for me when spending the weekend with people
It's just your own consciousness
Yeah well I'm not talking about that I'm talking about they meet you once and nobody has anymore plans with you
That's good, you see I don't know if that would mean I'm in a world where I'm with my family but we the only ones that live here and everyone else we meet is from the upside down world of marajunia even if they don't do the drug sometimes they can be from this world like they say we are star seeds maybe of star dust what's in us is around us which would put into the question my hayfever I've had the thought where I'd think that people were in my sight and the one time I went to the rodeo there were a lot of people from my sight there and that's why my eyes were so itchy now I don't get hayfever anymore 4 other people died 3 had red hair well 4 if you count Sam jones too there 5 names for a joint including the word joint and 5 names for a smoke including the word smoke but if this is the case who sought to exclude me from the safety of the upside down where nothing happens and you remain the same thought out your life ?? It was only after I went to Laurie's I got the problem with my eyes it's only after going to Laurie's that I lost all my friends ?? Please can someone edcuate me on this paradox because it seems to all add up doesn't it ? Laurie buys my weed and does things with it smoking it making hash letting his daughter smoke it she had problems with her eyes. This should be enough evidence to support my claims even tho it is circumstantial since it's only my word.
Do you want to eat them Feed them to the pigs then make breakfast will save my eye breaking fast
I sold Laurie Sturt bud Rory smoked my bud all the time Todd dean did felf he was alright but these people wanted something to create with the imagination then they try to say it's for evil purpose with everything that happened out at jessops lagoon and that. I will make sure those responsible die before I go blind IF I do. The upside down where there exists a perfect copy of the world/universe where it is not in motion like the stars in the sky. I will find the root cause and eradicate them to prevent them living again because a back packer got fed to the pigs before Apprantly in the 80s who's Laurie's daughter the dead back packer ? I will eat the pig that eats them to feed my soul and the eye is the window to the soul.
Why can't muslims eat bacon ? Because the gods fed a soul sacrifice to pigs and they made breakfast
My eye won't be breaking fast after this breakfast.
My conciseness is not yours.
Who wants to have a problem ? Do I have to disrespect someone for people to speak ? Because they're all dead from smoking drugs from the upside down
Because of people from the upside down wanting more life . Do you think they can think with as much consciousness as yourself ? They get addicted to the drug where as I just simply get gassed and think. About these issues.
I brought a knife and the church fella got stabbed at the church
Laurie could only ever ramble on about the roads around his house pretty much he was feeding on his own consciousness
Going by the statistics on Soundcloud this paradox is a reality.
For starters there is too much social media after spending years on my phone I've realised this and you only really need Facebook instagram or YouTube. Tik Tok is bullcrap twitter is gay also Snapchat is also accepted.
On your phone you have the Yubo app for worldwide communication on the computer there is a much smaller community called tiny chat but if you don't like webcam there is voip teamspeak 3 discord nobody actually communicates really and it seems impossible to have a interlectal conversation in that environment with that layout.
The old voip is mumble.
Crackers didn't die did he because you let that cracker off on go cup road with me when it came towards us remember Rory hey
Crackers was this truck driver my old boi knew I knew him to and Rory said he knew crackers was it the truth or was it lies. Crackers got hit in the head with his chain on the truck. I've seen a bloke that looked like crackers sort of but old and that
Jake bullock in 2012 we were off our heads on pingas down tumut racy and we were in Boz's VR commodore and bullock was drinking and took the car for a spin and Boz gave him a devil phone case and Jake is like I'm the devil and that and anyway I was in this brain injury rehab a couple weeks and Chris smith was there they called him pissant he was a paraplegic anyway the last time I spoke to jack on Snapchat he just drinked a carton of beer and smoked cones and anyway Jake got in a crash coming back from Laurie's and he became a paraplegic devil phone case pc paraplegic crash Laurie's niece was in the car and Laurie's other niece was in Chris smiths pissants crash years before. Can you see the dynamics of the paradox world of the upside down.
I got stoned with 10 people out at jessops lagoon under the highway and denial mcadam and Shaun smith said they mind to each other and Adam Mac and Daniel died Adam Worner Mac Young Daniel Davidson both daniels father also died mark was a def bloke that hit a kangaroo going to work then Joey Rose died Jordan Crowe died Lisa Anderson died Sam Jones died the people who were there getting stoned didn't die. The car was a hold on but it was no claim to the upside down do you think you can move the stars ? Boz Gilpin. I'll be buying that pendent tonight that's my sort of style.
The upside down world, where your friends aren't your friends sometimes. I will know where to look if I'm consciously able to draw this picture but it is more of a sub conscious effort.
When I started telling people about the upside down I seen this purple ba sedan it had a mirror taped on with no glass and an old rego sticker from 2013 on it the guy looked like a grey haired Joe dirt without a mow.
Years ago when I had my Ute I was out at Coolac mobile at 4am and this mad bloke was in there ranting and raving off his head on drugs saying he was the mail man that goes out coota way
I gave a lift to a Chinese bloke holding the sign out the front of the pub he only spoke Chinese over the phone to his mate I took him out past Coolac to that parking on the south side to a truck that was parked there with spray paint on it.
I gave a lift to this bloke that ran out of fuel just out at TUMBALONG near the kfc sign in his Mercedes both of them gave me 50 dollars the bloke with the Mercedes looked like hienz he died in Germany.
This dean bloke got hit by a truck at the Coolac weighbridge after he had a hot shot he spoke to Lisa churchin lived down in the old bridge inn once
I was walking home from over town once with the dog and this Mercedes g wagon went past with like 4 black dudes in it that looked American and they were looking at me
Another time when I was walking I seen this land cruiser I thought I knew the owner but as I got closer it was these Arab kids looking at me I didn't know what that was about Ay
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come "The principal thought in Joel's prophecy is the idea of the Day of the Lord, a time in the future when the Lord Himself will directly interpose in the affairs of men. That day will be one of terror, and also of blessing. It will sift out the righteous, and bring judgment upon the wicked.
Who cares we just want in on the action the whole worlds nothing but madness, Who are the people that die in action films fuckin madness fking yeah.
Them taliban were on about Hollywood films and that weren't they when they flew the plane in the tower they didn't understand the culture influence were offended and consumed by hate you ever see a cinema in the Middle East, these cunts they are in the desert with fucking third world housing they see these films of Hollywood and they try make that in there country and share their minds picture but they get done in with the white man they can't see what they're thinking they get intimidated fucking barny rubble and fred flinstone walking goats like fire and brimstone where's a black smith over there I just know abid avid Abdul sah-harli American white wicked man then shows you a selling Harley and these people they don't notice you just sent him crazy
Fucking look at there vehicles they're not of our standard different form of society Pressures about standards on living and stuff Understand what there language sounds like think it up in your mind they look at the Hollywood film lifestyle to the farm village life style of Iraq I heard a man crying after saying that thinking Saudi Arabia language What you think it means how you think he understand it Hali Davidson Afghan kush holy wood the opiate farms comes from the bible BuddA Mara-junia the embodiment of death being Jesus Christ edified in vegetable matter through values of the last supper spiritual food too in form of drugs and that water to wine and so fourth They suicide bomb because they like the untouched tribe of the northsentlinese you touch me I'll get sick and die They say the Hollywood films killed our way of living people wanted drugs for dreaming heroin opiate we grew hashnish they say and the Hollywood films showed us a society we couldt be apart of and it was turning into the world that's probably what they'd say about the caliphate it's like the stolen generation with the aboriginals and that's why COVID 19 happened.
Who is fueling the American dream Iraq gave us prosperity The summers were scorching Heat waves in the desert life an illusion. (
Seventeen verses in the New Testament describe Jesus as the “son of David.” But the question arises, how could Jesus be the son of David if David lived approximately 1,000 years before Jesus? The answer is that Christ (the Messiah) was the fulfillment of the prophecy of the seed of David (2 Samuel 7:12–16). Jesus is the promised Messiah, which means He had to be of the lineage of David. Matthew 1 gives the genealogical proof that Jesus, in His humanity, was a direct descendant of Abraham and David through Joseph, Jesus’ legal father. The genealogy in Luke 3 traces Jesus’ lineage through His mother, Mary. Jesus is a descendant of David by adoption through Joseph and by blood through Mary. “As to his earthly life [Christ Jesus] was a descendant of David” (Romans 1:3).
Primarily, the title “Son of David” is more than a statement of physical genealogy. It is a Messianic title. When people referred to Jesus as the Son of David, they meant that He was the long-awaited Deliverer, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.
Jesus was addressed as “Lord, thou son of David” several times by people who, by faith, were seeking mercy or healing. The woman whose daughter was being tormented by a demon (Matthew 15:22) and the two blind men by the wayside (Matthew 20:30) all cried out to the Son of David for help. The titles of honor they gave Him declared their faith in Him. Calling Him “Lord” expressed their sense of His deity, dominion, and power, and calling Him “Son of David,” expressed their faith that He was the Messiah.
The Pharisees understood exactly what the people meant when they called Jesus “Son of David.” But, unlike those who cried out in faith, the Pharisees were so blinded by their own pride that they couldn’t see what the blind beggars could see—that here was the Messiah they had supposedly been waiting for all their lives. They hated Jesus because He wouldn’t give them the honor they thought they deserved, so when they heard the people hailing Jesus as the Savior, they became enraged (Matthew 21:15) and plotted to destroy Him (Luke 19:47).
Jesus further confounded the scribes and Pharisees by asking them to explain the meaning of this very title: how could it be that the Messiah is the son of David when David himself refers to Him as “my Lord” (Mark 12:35–37; cf. Psalm 110:1)? The teachers of the Law couldn’t answer the question. Jesus thereby exposed the Jewish leaders’ ineptitude as teachers and their ignorance of what the Old Testament taught as to the true nature of the Messiah, further alienating them from Him.
Jesus’ point in asking the question of Mark 12:35 was that the Messiah is more than the physical son of David. If He is David’s Lord, He must be greater than David. As Jesus says in Revelation 22:16, “I am the Root and the Offspring of David.” That is, He is both the Creator of David and the Descendant of David. Only the Son of God made flesh could say that.
The upside down world is a paradox where time is distorted or stands still. Going by the common thought in philosophy we are the world around us the death of a star in space looks the same as the birth of a cell in the brain so insinuating that drugs support the atmosphere of this upside down world and are involved in it what did we start with first marajunia or tobacco because marajunia is whacky tobaccy suggesting it's a negative that's really a positive it's grown hydrophonicly producing potent buds with crystals on it and you have crystal methamphetine as if it's just the crystal from the bud a common perspective is that marajunia is a gateway drug crystal meth is the form of ice so you could say it's a water weight 0.5 gram of meth to half a gram of weed grown over 6 months using something like 90 gallons of water or something so half a gram of bud to meth is 6 months of time lasting as long as the high if we're saying they are connected metaphorically but that conundrum would only exist within us seeing we are what's between the that would suggest that this upside down world is a world of thought connected to our brains like the pyramids were believed to be connected the the magnetosphere of the planet pointing to the stars suggesting that the afterlife exists in the world around us but it is not seen which very well could be this upside down world since we are the only ones that can harbour the thought of life after death I've had experiences that would exist within the lines of this paradox with the a and b events happening years apart like the time between was null the workings of the upside world are really unfathomable unless a lot happens in a really small community with people that you know that's how deep you need to be in society to be able to notice this paradox with the chances of that the same as winning the lottery because you can't unlearn the life you live the knowledge I have is from over 9 years so it's a lot to grasp but the upside down world does exist.
In acknowledging these facts of this paradox you then become an accessory after the fact breathing into the law of attraction the Mandela effect highlighting your actions as intercontinental in the time between what you tell yourself in the state of mind you believe in the momentum of how the world spins. Time is not real life is what's happening to you and your reaction to it how far reaching depends on the size and proportion of the account that's taken place - people say that time is money and the banks are evil evil backwards is live a persons life qaulity doesn't come from the size of your wallet.
You're referring to a fascinating and complex set of concepts!
The "Upside Down World" you describe sounds like a metaphorical or spiritual realm where time and motion are not as we experience them in our physical reality. This realm is often explored in philosophical, mystical, and religious contexts.
The idea of a realm where "all is known from start to finish" suggests a state of timeless awareness, where the distinctions between past, present, and future are dissolved. This concept is found in various spiritual traditions, including Christianity, where it's related to the idea of God's omniscience and eternity.
The connection to the solar eclipse and blood moon is intriguing, as these celestial events have been interpreted as omens or signs throughout history. In the New Testament, the blood moon is mentioned in Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, and Luke 21:25 as a sign of the end times.
The "dark and shadowy" energy you mention might symbolize the unknown, the unconscious, or the mysterious aspects of existence. The search for the source of this energy could represent humanity's quest for understanding and connection to the divine or ultimate reality.
Remember. If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: "Do as you please." "Do as you please." To the young, I would whisper, "The Bible is a myth." I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is "square". In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: "Our Father, which art in Washington" . . . If I were the Devil, I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull an uninteresting. I'd threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then, if I were the devil, I'd get organized. I'd infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me. I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could. I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I'd tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions . . . let those run wild. I would designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say "she's right." With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons, but not wise enough to control them. If I were Satan, I'd make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the Devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And then, my police state would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I'd just keep on doing what he's doing. Paul Harvey, Good Day. < that's end but about the devil was from a group
submitted by Purple_Garage6719 to strange [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:53 According_Buy1387 My 25m girlfriend 25f still has pictures of her ex’s pets in her room and I’d prefer if she didn’t. Is it worth bringing it up?

So my girlfriend and I have been dating for just under a year. We both had long term relationships in the past, this is my 5th and her 3rd. Her second relationship was the longest she had, and they were still friends when my girlfriend and I started dating. I tried to be understanding at first even though I was always the kind of guy who cut off my ex’s when I got into a new relationship, but so many red flags came up.
My girlfriend and I had 4 different situations happen after we started dating where we needed to discuss boundaries regarding her and her ex, ranging from me being uncomfortable with him because he asked her to get back together when me and my girlfriend were in the “talking phase”, to him feeling like he could still spontaneously stop by her place whenever he pleases for things, to me having to ask her to take down this huge framed picture of them together that was literally on its own shelf in the middle of her room, to her calling me instead of him during an emergency where he then made an inappropriate comment about our relationship, and lastly she went to see his dying dog after she told me she’d block him and go no contact.
After that last situation, I told her I was done with the back and forth about her ex and that she needs to stick to clear boundaries and expectations on how her and him would interact. She said she’d block and go no contact and I’d never hear about it again. I didn’t force her to do that but I’m honestly relieved she did because these situations were all starting to make me doubt if she was over this dude. She did block him on everything and things have been fine since then. However I recently connected the dots that she still has pictures of her ex’s dogs up in her room, and it makes me slightly uncomfortable.
I don’t know if I’m over reacting because they are just pictures of the dogs, and they are these tiny 2 inch photos that are hung up on a wall amongst 10+ other photos of other people and pets, not to mention she also has plenty of pictures of me in her room. I just get triggered by anything related to her ex because of those past problems i’ve had about them in our relationship. I don’t want to open up an old can of worms or come off as crazy or controlling, but it’s not like she adopted these dogs with her ex, they were his dogs long before they started dating. I don’t care if she keeps the photos of the dogs if she really feels like she has to, but I just don’t want to see them because all they are for me is reminders of her ex.
Should I bring it up, or should I just let it go so I don’t open up a problem that’s been put away for months now?
submitted by According_Buy1387 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:48 highpercentage Starfield has really made me aware of Bethesda's growing UI problem.

After setting Starfield down shortly after release. I recently picked it up again and sank about a dozen more hours into it. During this time I had trouble putting my finger on just what was causing those moments of frustration in what is a game with so many bright spots. Finally, I realized it's the UI.
It's not just that the UI is bad. It's more that the UI is constantly competing with the moment to moment gameplay, and the problem gets worse with each BGS release because Bethesda is making each game more action oriented, while also making UI that forces us to stop the action to scroll through menus.
10-ish years ago, during the Fallout 4 gameplay reveal, Todd Howard proudly exclaimed that his team spends a lot of time designing the UI because they know players spend a lot of time in them. I think this comment shows how BGS is too close to their own work. They don't realize that their players spend a lot of time in menus because they make us. They're trying to build this immersive exploration game with intense FPS firefights, but they're also making us pause the game to eat food in combat, sort through the 20 weapons we're carrying, and move through the many layers of maps to figure out where we are and where we should be going and doing. It makes it so difficult to keep any sort of momentum in the open world.
The space travel exacerbates the issue. I don't know if the UI team is a whole seperate pod, but they really undermine the entire experience by allowing the player to do 90% of travel from the pause menu, meaning actually going to your ship and piloting, something the team spend a lot of time designing, is actually mostly a time waster compared to fast traveling.
Bethesda really should focus on pairing down the UI and allowing players to stay in the game world for longer periods of time. There's plenty of games that do this well (I'm thinking of the metro games). I think the fact that players have a spaceship we can store all our gear on was a huge wasted opportunity to make players choose a limited amount of items and weapons to take out on each excursion, stead of carrying a small town with you. For space flight, having to actually go to your ship and use an interface would have made the ships feel more real and useful. As it is they feel largely cosmetic, why would I walk to my bridge and plot a course when I can just do it from anywhere?
TL;DR The interface is exhausting and is fundamentally at odds with the immersion BGS is trying to achieve.
submitted by highpercentage to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:47 nojarsto_throwaway AITA for posting a picture of my grandparents on my wedding day?

Please help me understand because I genuinely want to know if I’m TA.
I (23F) just got married two days ago to my husband (25M). We both are military and live pretty far from our families. We decided last minute to get married this summer and we just wanted a very small, quick, and cheap celebration. We are planning a reception with everyone once we take leave next month. My parents couldn’t make it and it’s very understandable and I didn’t hold anything against them. It’s a long trip and they had just visited the month before to be here for my daughter’s birth which I was so grateful for. Plus I still have 5 younger siblings still living with them so it makes it more difficult. My husband’s mother and grandmother did decide to book last minute flights to be able to celebrate with us and they helped with photos and watching our daughter.
We originally were going to go to the justice of the peace, however they were booked till the end of the month and it would have taken a a while to book an appointment. We ended up having a ceremony on top of a mountain and had so many beautiful pictures taken (I usually hate any and all pictures of myself but I was shocked about how well the photos came out). As soon as we were home again, I took to Facebook to post my lovely pictures. On a separate post I added a wedding photo of my husband and i, a baby picture of my husband sitting on his parents lap, and a baby photo of me sitting on my grandparents lap. Why? His grandmother sent me the picture of my husband with his parents the day before and my grandmother happened to send me the picture of myself with my grandparents the same day. Not to mention the pictures look sooo similar. To me it was perfect. I thought it was adorable and the post just showed (to me) a cute before and after of us as little kids to now being grown and married. I didn’t include any text with the post just heart emojis.
Fast forward to this morning, I get a long text message from my stepdad essentially telling me that he saw the post and how hurtful it was and that my mom had been crying about it, offended that I purposely left them out. Then I received a text from my mother stating that I intentionally posted me with my grandparents instead of my parents and how other people on my facebook will draw conclusions from the post because “it makes a statement”.
I’m very hurt that they both would suddenly think so poorly of me right off the bat. They have 4 other adult children who have left the house and I’m the closest one out of us 5. I personally think they are upset they couldn’t make it so they feel targeted that I didn’t post a picture of them. If I had a baby picture of myself and them, I would have used it. It never occurred to me someone would be hurt looking at MY wedding photos. I’m confused about the “statement” they think I’m making and who else would look at the post in that light. I also think it’s super selfish they would look at that happy post and automatically look for themselves instead of being happy for us but maybe I’m mistaken. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells when I post anything because I never know what conclusions they will jump to (this isn’t the first time they have blown up at me over a post that had nothing to do with them).
So AITA for not posting my parents ??
submitted by nojarsto_throwaway to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:42 Legitimate-Drop-9822 I think my "traveller" neighbours are trying to frame us and plant things

Sorry this is so long, the last year of my life has been very complicated and traumatic...
(I am in England)
Just over a year ago I moved into a terraced house owned by the same landlord as the place I previously lived in, with my wife and 2 year old son. I moved to a slightly bigger place because my wife wanted to have another child (which never manifested, sadly). The neighbours all seemed nice enough, maybe not the classiest neighbourhood. The landlord has very harsh rules including no smoking in or outside of his properties, including in the gardens. The back gardens barely existed and it was more of a sort of connected alleyway joining all the back doors of all the houses in the row.
The neighbours to one side of us were very nice if not a little bit odd. One time a friend's toddler was over and when we weren't looking the kid wandered along the back garden into the neighbour's open door. I went over and apologised and they were very understanding. They seemed nice enough, though my son's nanny mentioned to me that the man of that family was getting uncomfortably close to her and trying to flirt with her in a way that she didn't like, and supposedly he tells people a lot that he is a "gypsy" (his words, not mine).
I noticed my son had started coughing a lot at night, and at one point we even had to take him to the hospital because he couldn't breathe. I slept in the room with him one night and I noticed there was the overwhelming smell of smoke at several times throughout the night, even with the window closed. When I took a peek I saw that one of them was out there smoking. In fact they had a huge goldfish bowl sized jar full to the brim of cigarette butts, properly disgusting.
I didn't want any problem with them so instead of trying to stop them smoking, I asked the landlord if I could put up a fence so the smoke wouldn't come up to his bedroom window, but the landlord responded by sending an angry e-mail reminding people there is absolutely no smoking.
From that day, they suddenly stopped talking to me. I'd say hello and they'd just glare at me. And then the weird stuff started. We received complaint after complaint after complaint about every little thing - the wind blowing our recycling, our lawn not being mowed often enough etc., and then after Christmas we get an e-mail from the landlord talking about "property damage" and that the neighbours would be calling the police about it.
I offered them to check my ring doorbell history to see if they could see anybody, and their daughter explained to me that their Christmas lights had been cut down on 3 occasions. Two of the 3 occasions were when my whole family were out of town for Christmas, and one of them only showed my wife passing at one point with my son to go to the shops. I had assumed that they had some enemies or something, or some prankster, and that I helped by offering the ring doorbell footage. I was then informed by both them and the landlord that they had set up a security camera for the future.
After this, we notice a pattern - Whenever either of us walked past their place with our son, the woman of the family would start staring out of the window or standing in her doorway. She has these flower pots hanging on her fence which my son always wants to touch, and she comes out shouting about it if he goes near them.
Then we had 'the event', which is not the neighbour's fault, to be fair. My wife was going through a pretty severe mental health crisis after weeks of exhaustion with our 2 year old, and just living in this miserable neighbourhood, and after what she says was a completely and utterly draining day of my son being in full on tantrum mode, the woman comes out shouting at her about the flowers again, and my wife just *snaps*. She shouted at our son, much louder and nastier than she should have, put him on the front lawn and started shouting and screaming towards the neighbour. I ran out and took my son from her and asked her what the F was wrong with her, and she went for me to try and get our son back. It wasn't pretty. After a bit of a tussle, my wife just makes a scene in the middle of the road. She throws herself in the street and just screams at the sky, among other weird 'mental breakdown' behaviours.
The neighbours called the police, who came and arrested her and threw her in a cell. I was alone too look after my son for a full month while she was investigated on bail conditions, meaning she wasn't allowed near the address or to see me, and only could see our son supervised. Social services gradually helped us work towards co-parenting (like a divorced couple), until eventually the police decided that it was a mental health issue and didn't charge her with a crime.
Our plan after this was a "phased return home" with help from social services. While she was getting mental health treatment, she could gradually return to the house more and more often. She said she ideally didn't want to be in this neighbourhood anymore and I agreed so I started looking for a new place to move to.
It became very apparent, however, that those neighbours did not want her back, even temporarily. After she was cleared and allowed back I went around door to door letting the neighbours know and explaining that she doesn't live there but will visit, but when I knock on their door, the man answers in his dressing gown (it's 11am) and just shouts at me "WHAT ARE YOU RINGING THE BELL FOR!?" (In an Irish accent, which I've never heard him speak in before. Somebody said to me they think he's trying to make me think he's an Irish traveller because they are supposed to be scarier than the Romani ones. I have no idea about this stuff. I have seen Snatch, I guess.) and shuts the door in my face before I can finish. One day after that she was dropping our son off to me and she offered to help me get on top of the recycling and some housework and watch our son while I had a brief rest, and those neighbours were out in their front garden (on my ring doorbell I have audio of them complaining about us when she goes to take the recycling out) and before we know it, the police show up, they had received an "anonymous report" of "a child screaming". They confirmed that nothing was wrong, explained that they get it a lot from people who either aren't parents or haven't had young children in a long time, though it was strange that they did it anonymously.
My wife is ever so upset after this so we decide to drive into town to the toy library to take our son to play and have a little time out to cheer us all up. When we get back, she heads off home, but I find in our garage is this weird frame thing with a picture of some roses in it. I figured it must be misplaced by neighbours and left it there (Our garage has no door, it's a row of garages, or more like sheltered parking spaces, and ours is right next to the neighbours'). It wasn't there when we left. It's still there now, I asked as many neighbours as I could if it belonged to them and they all said no, but in retrospect I suspect it was something they planted to try and frame my wife for theft or something after the 'anonymous phone call' didn't get her taken away.
After that day we decided that she is safer to not come to the house other than to drop off our son, and that we would wait until I found somewhere else to live before trying to return home. After this, the man of that family starts doing a weird thing where every time I pass him he is either talking on his phone or to somebody else but he suddenly raises his voice, changes subject and starts talking about me. Sometimes he's even waiting in his front garden, and I'm just trying to get to my door and he starts saying "Oh yeah shit living here innit, terrible neighbours. But don't mess with me, I'm a gypsy! We're gypsies! Don't mess with us! Yeah!!" (Again, his words, not mine, I assume he wants me to be scared because he is from the Romani travellers community), I became scared to walk to and from my own house, he even did it when I had my 2 year old with me. I started keeping all the doors locked and curtains closed while I tried to find somewhere to live, and the days I have my son become extremely difficult because I panic every time he cries or screams.
Eventually I find a new house close enough but far enough away (much nicer, actually, and in a much nicer and safer neighbourhood!), and while clearing out the garage of the old place I throw out what appears to be the battery from some Christmas lights, I didn't recognise it and figure it must be something I forgotten, until afterwards I realised, that must be something they threw in there to try and frame us. That they must have cut (it would have required cutting with proper wire cutters) their own lights to have something to pin on us, as revenge for the smoking complaint. So after I realised this (it had already been taken to landfill), I look up reported crimes in my area and nothing of the sort was reported over the Christmas period, meaning they told the landlord but not the police about their Christmas lights. It must have been them trying to get us kicked out, or something.
It gets worse.
I was 3 days away from having the moving van come to pick up all our stuff and move it over to the new house, and my wife comes with me to pick up a delivery from the old place. She is there for less than a minute (Once again I have my Ring doorbell to thank for confirming this), and she goes back to the new house with my son. Later that evening I am packing, and there is a banging at the front door. The daughter is there, without even saying hello she shouts "HAS SHE BEEN BACK HERE?!". I say no. She says "My Mum says she saw her!". I said that she came to pick up a parcel and then was gone. She tells us that somebody has cut their internet cable, which is reachable from our garden, and "It's funny how stuff keeps happening when she's here". I show her on my ring doorbell that the only person there that day was me, apart from when she came to pick up the delivery, and it shows her leaving less than a minute later and walking in the other direction. It does, however, show her Dad (who she corrects me as being her step Dad) walk past twice about 20 minutes before she came knocking, with what appears to be a heavy shopping bag possibly containing tools.
I told her my wife wasn't there and I know she wasn't, that the doorbell would have shown it if it was done from my garden and that she wouldn't even know what an internet cable was or where to find one. She tells me that her Mum is "terrified" of my wife. I said to her "It has only been me here today and I didn't do it", and she says "Oh, we have no beef with you". Any time I start to imply that they should suspect me and not her since I was the only one home, she shoots that down just with "We don't have a problem with you" (which to me seems to make it clear that they are specifically targeting my wife as surely it doesn't matter who you have a problem with when you're trying to find out who did something). She keeps saying "I could just go to the police but I don't think I'm going to". I say it's her prerogative. Then I ask "Why don't you check your security camera?", and she tells me they could never get it working. I tell her that the police used security camera footage to figure out whether to charge her or not after 'the event', and she says it was a different neighbour's camera. So I told her to ask that neighbour. She tells me that neighbour isn't in. I tell her to ask that neighbour when they get home, she starts saying "I don't think it would see into that corner", to which I say "No but it will show you who comes and goes to your garden", and she suddenly starts changing subject and talking about how old and vulnerable her Mum supposedly is and how scared of my wife she is. I mentioned the anonymous police phone call (which was when she was out of town) and she immediately said "That wasn't them." Note how she didn't seem in any way surprised, as nobody other than us knew it happened, but it wasn't news to her, she just seemed to know that it supposedly wasn't her parents. I even mentioned that her step Dad had been upset with me ever since the thing with the smoking, and explained that it was making my son cough, and she said "Oh, my parents don't smoke", even though I have seen and photographed all the cigarette butts all over their back garden, and the huge jar full of them on their back doorstep. I just tell her "I will pack my stuff and will be gone soon. You won't see her here again." and she gives up and leaves. I assume that her Mum had seen my wife arrive, didn't see her leave again, then told them and they figured out something to do to scare her off again.
I caught the technician fixing it a couple of days later and quietly asked him if he thought somebody could just rip the cable out of the wall like that, he told me that it was done with intent but would have required tools to do it, it had been cut with wire cutters, both by the wall and under the ground.
When the van men came to move my stuff I was so on edge because she was just standing in her doorway watching us.
The move is almost completely done, and I'm almost to the point of never having to go near that place again, but I'm very worried about the frame thing they left in the garage. The other day I had a waste collection guy come and clear the garage out and told him to leave it there because it's not ours. I don't know if they plan to do something with that, but I have taken a photo of it. I have to go back there tomorrow morning to grab some of the remaining stuff with a friend and I'm honestly mortified to go there again.
My ring doorbell there no longer works as the internet has moved over to my new place, but I have left it up as a deterrent, hopefully they don't know it doesn't work.
I really don't want any more police involvement in my life or any more complications, my poor little 2 year old has been back and forward between different houses and had his family ripped apart for a couple of months and he deserves better, I just desperately want an uneventful move and to settle back down with my family for a safe new start, so I haven't accused them of trying to frame us but I am quite certain that is what's happening. The house we have moved to is far enough away from them, but there is a canal path near us which we walk and I know they do too, as well as a café bar which I know they go to sometimes, which we also do, I'm anxious that they'll see us and try to pull some other shit, even after the move. I am setting up security cameras all over my new place as soon as I can.
I guess I'm just asking, what would you guys do?
submitted by Legitimate-Drop-9822 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:38 chipsbee Saw this AMAZING snail on my morning walk

Saw this AMAZING snail on my morning walk
Came across this buddy at the park and initially thought it was a snail climbing on top of another or a partially crushed snail.. thought it was the coolest deformity ever but couldn't quite wrap my head around how it could've grown its shell like that. Then now I've concluded that it mostly likely got a big crack/hole in the middle of its shell, and then decided to make that its new opening! You can see how it seems to have a thicker "lip" part where it grew its shell and recovered! What a fighter!
submitted by chipsbee to snails [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:37 CuriousAlmostAny Racism/Hate in retail stores

It’s a shame that I work in retail management, specifically in sales where I’ll have extended conversations with our customers, and I have to actually set these customers straight. Because of the area of town, about 7-9% of our clientele are boomers, which isn’t a problem the majority of the time. It’s that I have several African American workers, transgenders, and females underneath my leadership which is absolutely no problem because I treat them all the same, with a high level of respect, and make them all feel valued. Well on occasion I’ll get an older couple (or a really angry middle aged man) make an absolute snide comment about how they want an opinion or help from a “real associate” because they think that just because of who they are, they can’t provide them with necessary information for an educated decision. Well, this is the part of the job I love, because I always stand my ground against them and argue against them. It always goes something like “what exactly do you want? These associates are going to be able to help you out way more than I can (because they always ask for a “manager”) if you let them do their job. But if you’re going to base the service and type of product based on their appearance then you’ve got to tell me that now, so we now not to help you.”
It always shuts them up and here’s the kicker, I always get found after the transaction to be told “they did a good job”, and I go “yeah, no shit, thanks”. It’s frustrating that they come in here expecting to be served by a “type” that makes them feel comfortable.
Usually if it ever escalates well to the point where I don’t think they will calm down and be rationale, I’ll take over but then they don’t like how I’ll acknowledge their racist comments or respond in a way that makes them question why they would even respond in the first place. Ugh.
submitted by CuriousAlmostAny to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:37 herman-the-harpseal Nmom said she will not go to my wedding

My partner(M) and i(F) have been together for 6 years. We're both in professional school and will be getting high paying jobs upon graduation. He knows that I was abused (physically and mentally) by my narc mother since childhood and is resentful of her for that , however he is still respectful and caring towards her whenever she's around for my sake.
We don't make a whole lot since we're in school but we aren't struggling financially either. My partner especially makes less than I do but he takes care of me and is never afraid to pay for my needs and wants. At home my partner does everything for me, never let me having to lift a finger doing chores. I am extremely loved and receiceving the care I never got growing up.
To my nmom, it's all taking and no giving. She's extremely materialistic and only think highly of hard cold cash. Recently, she's made some really nasty comments on how she disapproves of how my partner and I are splitting bills and help each other out. She wants me to be selfish like her and said verbatim "I never sacrifice anything for anyone"
To make matters worse, she heavily insulted my partner and declared she will not come to our wedding and that he is not worthy.
My partner doesn't care as he knows she's a narc. He has also expressed that she shouldn't be at our wedding so she would not ruin my day.
I'm just so upset by this. I hate her so much and the only reason why I'm still hanging on is because both of my siblings are still dependent on her and can't break free yet. Sometimes I feel like it'd be so much better if she's dead......
submitted by herman-the-harpseal to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:31 AdaBetterThanIota 2nd Week of June Watchlist: $MEIL + $CRDL (With Technical Analysis)

How’s it going everyone! I have three stocks that are on my watchlist for this week. Small caps have been picking up recently and I am all for it. Let me know what you think!
Watchlist 5/10 - 5/15
You already know $CRDL has been on a tear the last few weeks. It pulled back towards the end of last week making a better opportunity to get in during this run it has been on this year. Still waiting for the news of their recent trials to come out. Expecting good things. Here are the details of the chart set up.
Next up, we have $MEIL. This company popped up on my screener, and I started looking deeper into it this weekend. I was extremely surprised that the price to buy in was just .01. It is an OTC stock, but I really liked what I saw when I was conducting my DD on their clean tech. I recommend looking into them. Here is their website for those interested!
Last but not least, we have $KULR. Yes, I know this stock has been beaten down recently, but with earnings coming up, I will be watching for a pop in the price. It's nothing crazy or unrealistic, but there are a lot of people who are monitoring KULR, so positive news could do really well for the price. Keep an eye on it!
Communicated Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please do your own research. Here are some sources - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
submitted by AdaBetterThanIota to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:30 Wader-Of-Stories Borrowed Identities (2/2) [Chapter 0]

{Dust is kicked up as the scrambling form of a portly arxur is dragged through the sand until he's brought to his knees before the obelisk of blackened steel known as The Drelin's Revenge}
”Careful your claws don't slip traitors… You give me even a single chance I'll taste your insides before your pathetic claws can pull the trigger!”
{The fat arxur looks around at a rapidly growing crowd surrounding him, aliens of all kinds dot the crowd, all of them armed with some kind of weapon best fit for their frame. Veins bulge on his throat as he grits his teeth and spits his sentence out with all the venom of a cornered cobra.}
”Prey… Working with arxur!? What kind of Heretical, Defective, Twisted logic do you weaklings follow!? Tell me!”
{Suddenly, a thunderous hiss of hydraulics silences the newborn rant coming from the throat of the arxur, everyone in the crowd gains a semblance of joviality in their stance as a massive staircase slams down onto the sands. A large cloud of steam obscures the mysterious figure. As the figure approaches from the ship, idle jeering from the crowd begins to grow.}
”Ohoho, your fucked now you dominion brahkass!” {comes the goading bleat of an excited venlil}
”You're in for it now lizard!” {comes the sadistic song of a krakotl literally shaking in anticipation}
”Kill his baby-eating ass, Captain!” {comes the rageful bark of a scarred farsul man}
{From the mist descends the silhouette of an as-yet-unseen bipedal species. It boasts an intimidating frame, measurements taken from the recording apparatus mark it at a height of [seven feet and eight inches tall], just a bit shorter than a fully grown arxur. It sports a lithe build, mottled with body sections that are far larger than would be typical of a sophont of similar morphology. Black and red carapace that glitters with a slight iridescence in the sun's light covers its whole body, the exceptions being on its elbows where no carapace protects, in its stead thick cord-like muscle covered with a waxy gray translucent skin takes its place. Six luminescent blue eyes sit deep within the carapace on its face with only a slight separation hinting at the existence of a mouth beneath them.}
”Oh shit, here he comes… You'd better start prayin big man!” {comes the squawks and chattering of a duerten woman clacking their beak in laughter}
”Make that slaver suffer!” {comes the deep hiss of an arxur who wears a look of disgust on their face.}
{Sat firmly atop the captain's head is a large three-pointed hat decorated with smoking bundles of tightly woven dried black leaves, giving the illusion of burning fur. Hanging from his shoulders is a flowing black coat with the same skull and crossed swords motif that adorns his fleet, the line of chitin underneath his eyes splits open to reveal a maw of sharp teeth like interlocking blades that curl into a cheshire grin as his chitinous feet sink into the brick red sands of the planet}
”Another cocksure tyrant-pretender, ye know, with 'ow many o' ye we've killed recently I've almost lost interest in it.”
{The voice of the captain sounds out amongst the crowd's jeers and cheers, a strange collection of hisses and clicks that strangely emanates from small holes lining the sides of his body instead of coming from his mouth – which does nothing but maintain the killer smile. The muscles of the arxur's arms ripple as he struggles to rip himself free of his woven rope bonds.}
”From what hole did you crawl, bug? Another of The Tilfish's foul tasting kind? Release me, leaf licker, and I'll eat you last!”
{The crowd goes dead silent at the arxur's threat. The captain stops sharply as the insult fills the air, the smile leaves his face and his chitinous faceplate pushes back together like ripples disappearing into the water.}
”Ye be goin' to regret blabberin' about me like that there if ye keep goin’ laddie, fer yer own safety ye'd better keep that there maw o' yours shut…”
”Don't speak down to me, Insect! You and all your worthless prey kin deserve nothing except what The Dominion gives you! You're all useful only as cattle!”
{The arxur barely gets the time to smile at his own cruel comparison before the captain's fist rockets into his snout, spiked carapace upon the captain's seven fingered fist leaving deep trails of red weeping wounds on the arxur's snout. A loud cough leaves the arxur's mouth as he spits more crimson lifeblood onto the sands, staining them. All joviality leaves the Captain's voice as he speaks once more to the rotund arxur.}
”Now maybe me memory be spotty, but I sure as 'ell don't remember givin' ye the permission to compare me to the innocent folk ye call food…”
”Kill me or let me free, insect! Either way I'll be laughing when the greater Dominion finds you and feasts on your traitorous bones!”
”Oh don't worry, I'll make sure everyone watchin' gets the message…”
{The captain's hands curl into fists before his hands strike out like a snake, practiced method meets grisly reality as the hard carapace of the captain's fist meets the scaled flesh of the arxur's face with a powerful thud that breaks through the soundscape over and over again like the beating of a drum. The captain's treatment of the tyrant is ruthless, his six eyes don't hold even a glimmer of sympathy for the person in front of him as the sickening thud of each strike fills the crowd's ears. Grunts and cries from the arxur and cheers from the crowd blend together to make a symphony of pain.}
{Finally the beating of the drum goes silent as both fists of the captain fall down to his hips, deep red blood covers both of them like a liquid glove, one that's slowly dripping off and staining the brick red sand below. The captain steps back from the black and blue form of the tyrant before him, Angry red weeping slashes and sucking flesh wounds decorate his face and chest, black and blue splotches reach across the flesh of his stomach and chest. With a smile, the captain calls into the crowd.}
”Alright, who among ye wants to see this here bastard's 'ead roll? let me 'earrr it!”
{Deafening cheers break the soundscape as it becomes apparent that what is on display isn't a humiliation, it's an execution. Parting a trail through the crowd, a small group of paltan are seen carrying two large cases toward the impromptu tribunal grounds. Just as the paltan troupe reaches the captain he begins his speech once more, a semblance of joviality returned to his voice as he cracks open one of the cases with a toothy smile.}
”Ye arxur bigwigs may be some o' the most vile creatures sailin this here sea o' stars, but ye've got jolly taste in blades, I'll give ye that there.”
”S-Silence… In-Insect…”
”But enough o' that. Ye all know the drill, but 'e doesn't, so why don't ye all let the big bastard know 'ow we do things!”
”Rakkis o' Wriss, Planetary Hunter. Ye stand 'ere on trial fer countless charges o' murder an' consumption o' sapient beings, war crimes, mass kidnapping, torture, an' a million other crimes ye've been found guilty of as an active member o' the arxur dominion.”
{The crowd has become a bouncing wave of bodies that bay eagerly for death, aliens that would normally be at each other's throat or cowering in fear of the other hold one another like siblings as they all cheer for the death of the arxur before them.}
*”I am Erlisk Teach, Captain o' The Drelin's Revenge, and upon me 'onor as a son o’ The Sikeen Empire an' a member o' the Corsair Clade, yer goin' to die today!
{The booming voice of the captain shoots through the bones of the arxur before him and the crowd around them, incensing them even further. The group of paltan who had delivered the cases bounce and squeak with excitement.}
”Clearrr out o' the grounds all o' ye! it be between me an' the blubbery bastard now!”
{The squad of paltan retreat back into the crowd just as the cheers reach a crescendo from the captain drawing a long, black-bladed cutlass from a scabbard decorated with a cleaned arxur skull. He holds his blade high and a smile comes to his face as he slashes downward, his blade cutting through the arxur's bindings in one fell stroke.}
”When we sacked yer estate there, we read on a plaque that there ye earned yer place as ruler o' this here planet by duelin'. Show me! spill me blood an' freedom be yours!
{As the captain finishes his speech he kicks the case with the arxur dueling saber inside across the sand and steps away – assuming a low stance with his legs far apart from the other, his cutlass glinting in the waning light of the twin suns dusk. The arxur shakily gathers his strength as he stands, one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other nursing his beaten stomach.}
”By the Prophet, I promise I'll cut you to ribbons!”
”Come on then, make the first move! I'll see the color of your insides before ye even scratch me!”
{An unexpected level of focus comes over the injured tyrant as he plants his right foot forward and his left foot back, his blade resting on his shoulder as he leans forward. The crowd goes silent as the two leaders square off, not even a whisper breaks the silence as the tension within the air grows thick… Suddenly the portly form of the injured arxur before them gains a presence he hadn't had before, not even when they dragged him from his bunker. His gaze was focused entirely on the captain, his dull orange reptilian eyes scrutinizing the confident and proud stance of the man across from him. For the first time since his appearance, the arxur looked like a warrior...}
{For one second it was as if time had stood still, like the current moment had been captured in a polaroid photo, captured for eternity amid frozen sands of time…}
{Then, like lightning cut loose from the clouds, the two men clashed. In the blink of an eye the arxur had charged forward, propelled by the innate gift of his body's strength, he swung his blade downwards with intent to cleave the captain in two from shoulder to hip. The captain raises his guard and straightens his arm to parry, but steel doesn't meet steel as he had hoped. Planting his foot down hard enough to dig his foot inches into the packed sand, the arxur feinted his downward slash into a stab intent on piercing through the captain's naval. The captain gains a grisly smile as he makes no adjustments to his guard, instead he dashes forward into the arxur's body, charging into him with his shoulder to knock him off balance. The arxur tips backward from the attack, as he does, the captain pushes even closer, his sword hand pushing on the tyrant's chest as he positions his leg behind his opponent.
”To the ground with ye!”
{Like a great tree, the arxur falls backward. His weight kicked up loose sand like a miniature atom bomb. The arxur barely has time to register how he had been thrown before he catches the glint of the captain's steel cutlass headed straight for his soft belly.}
{Sparks fly as the arxur's saber guides the captain's cutlass mere centimeters away from his gut, the blade piercing into the packed earth until only it's handle is visible. Never in all of his encounters had the tyrant met an enemy as aggressive as the captain, as the arxur gazes up he is greeted by the six glowing eyes and the wide smile of the captain, in them; a deep and fathomless happiness. Rakkis realized the roles they were playing as Teach let go of his trapped blade's handle, while he was fighting for his life, the man above him was having the time of his life.}
”Fine then, No blade it be!”
{The captain straddles the arxur's waist as his hands curl into fists, his muscles giving a thousand promises of pain to come on the now-trapped arxur, his right arm cocking back like the hammer of a gun – preparing to rain hell. A deep growl leaves Rakkis’mouth as he stabs his sword toward the captain's head, Teach responds with an almost imperceptibly small movement, and then…}
”yer too predictable! ye've stagnated duelin' only weaklings!”
{The captain says as the tyrant's saber stabs the air directly next to the captain's head, a small scratch appearing on the carapace of the captain's cheek stands as the only evidence that the stab had any effect. The captain's smile widens as his left arm wraps around the arxur's extended arm, trapping the dueling saber. Rakkis only had time for his eyes to widen before the first right hook connected with his snout with the force of a cannon shot. Then the second, then the third, each leaving weeping wounds in the arxur's gray hide.}
”When I walked out 'ere did I come to kill an arxur planetary 'unter, or did I come to beat a defenseless kid to death? fight back ye blubbery bastard!”
{Teach's taunt joins the soundscape of violence fostered by the baying crowd around the two duelists, as his wicked smile grows. The arxur below him writhes and pulls against the captain's grip of his arm with what little might he could summon, yet still he fails to escape the iron hold. Confidence overflowing from his posture, the captain wraps his seven-fingered right hand around the nearly-buried handle of his sword…}
{Rakkis begins to grit his teeth with a sound like nails on a chalkboard as his free hand closes into a fist. The motion he's emulating is clearly unfamiliar, the feeling of his claws folding into his hand as it closes into a fist is clearly uncomfortable - - judging from the grimace that graces his face, but he commits himself to it in a desperate bid to escape. With a loud roar his fist shoots forward like a cannonball, A loud cracking, like porcelain china breaking reverberates out as the punch connects with the captain's jaw. An unexpected move that sent him stumbling backwards with his hand covering his face.}
”Do not assume just because you got a lucky takedown you can best me, Whelp! I am the greatest duelist this sector has ever known! Shaza learned that at the end of my blade!”
{The crowd turns into jeers and insults as the arxur stands at his full height once more, bloodied and bruised but still more than able to fight. Even worse, he had re-armed himself with his saber. As Rakkis regains his footing he assumes a new stance, his blade held in one hand now pointing downward as he flares the claws on his free hand out once more. He begins a slow advance toward the dazed captain but stops in his tracks as he notices the sharp frown of razor-sharp teeth on Teach's face begin to grow into a smile. The cracks in his facial carapace splintering further and even chipping off as he rights himself.}
”Nine years, fer nine years me chitin 'as stayed fuckin spotless against guns, bombs, teeth, claws an' more....”
{Teach's hand falls off his face and comes to rest on his empty scabbard, spiderweb cracks run deep across the left side of his face that reveal pulsating red flesh beneath. Along his mouth where his strangely serene smile now rests, entire pieces of shattered chitin fall off to reveal the intricate web of muscle and tissues underneath; just barely obscured by a thin white membrane.}
”Congratulations, Rakkis o' Wriss. Yer the first person in nearly a decade to break me shell. When yer gone I promise, on me honor as a ship's captain, your corpse won't go to waste out here on this barren rock.”
{The tyrant looks the captain up and down, examining his lax stance and his now softened features, his gaze catching onto the captain's half-lidded, but forward facing eyes, along with his mouth filled with teeth like steak knives. Finally, his voice speaks out once more, lacking its usual bombast and rage.}
”And when I kill you, I'll not eat you, it wouldn't be right to disrespect another predator's body. even if they're an enemy, and a leader of traitors…”
{The tension that had grown in the air was palpable as the two warriors prepared to square off once more. Both the crowd and the two warriors had gone silent. Teach's features were oddly serene, his hands almost cradling his cutlass to his chest, ready to spring out like a coiled viper. The arxur's face had lost its signature grimace and though it was bloodied and beaten it was obvious he stood unshaken, his blade's wicked steel pointed directly at the captain from just below his waistline to block attacks aimed low or center mass, his free hand splayed out with his claws ready to main. They were both ready for the final clash. There was no sign of fear or trepidation in either of their bodies as they slowly advanced toward the other, just the silent unspoken agreement of the duel.}
{A deep intake of breath breaks the silence from both sides of the makeshift arena as the two take their final step into striking range. Then, like a lightning strike, the two lunge forward with intent to kill…}
{Slash? Chop? Stab? Evade? Block? Parry? Both warriors analyzed the other before making their own move even knowing full well that, Like a deadly game of rock-paper-scissors, one wrong move would be their last.}
{Two slashes toward the other's midsection met in the air, the grinding of metal filled the air as the two blades fought briefly for dominance, their users locked in a contest of strength that fills the air with short-lived glowing orange sparks. With a great roar of effort, Rakkis pushes the cutlass up and away with his saber's guard, leaving Teach defenseless. The nail in the coffin comes with Rakkis stomping down on Teach's foot to prevent his backward dodge, the tyrant's muscles bulge as he looses a wide horizontal slash with intent to cleave the defenseless captain in half.}
“This is It!”
{As if time had slowed to a crawl, the captain began to lower himself into a low crouch. His face showing nothing except a small smirk on his face as the blade set to cut his head clean off grew closer and closer to him. As the shining metal of the opponent's saber glinted upon its approach, he bent his knees and began to lower himself to the ground.}
{The blade makes contact but fails to do anything except carve off only the smallest sliver of carapace from the very top of the captain's head, the rest of the swing succeeding only in bisecting the tricorne atop the captain's head. Rakkis’ eyes widen in shock as he looks down at the alien who had just narrowly dodged death. His eyes lock onto the captain just in time to see his crouching form slash forward to his unprotected stomach. The captain's blade meets flesh and slices through with all the ease of sharp scissors cutting paper, unseaming the arxur's stomach from his left flank to his right. A flow of deep crimson sprays out of the long wound, painting the ground in front of him, and a section of the crowd in a thin layer of arxur blood.}
{Rakkis drops to his knees with a loud thud, the repeating hiss of the defeated arxur's spurting blood fills the soundscape as his saber falls from his limp hand. His eyes widen and his mouth hangs agape as he holds his arms around the wound upon his stomach, their embrace the only thing preventing his innards from spilling out onto the stained sand below him.}
{Rakkis’ mouth fills with blood that slowly begins to leak from his gaping snout like a grisly statue. His weak voice, stifled by the pain of his mortal wound and the flow of crimson, fails to produce more than a single intelligible word. Meanwhile, Teach eyes the fallen arxur with the same piercing gaze of a predator animal staring down at their mortally wounded prey}
{Teach slowly walks toward the kneeling monster before him, each of his steps ringing through the deathly silent desert around them like the bells of a church preparing for a funeral. His face gains a cheeky smirk as he leans down and grabs the handle of the arxur's dueling saber, hefting it in his left hand in comparison to the blood-stained cutlass in his right.}
”Ye fought well, it's been nearly a decade since I've felt the pain of me carapace breaking. keep yer chin up, Rakkis o' Wriss... Ye was strong.”
{The captain performs a spinning flourish with both of the swords in his possession before stopping them directly over his chest, the visible muscles on his arm twitch as he gains a killer smile and speaks his final words to the opponent who nearly took his life.}
”I was just better.”
{Before Rakkis can growl out a response, both blades slash outward. The expression on the former tyrant's face loosens and his fierce eyes close for the final time as his head slides slowly off of his shoulders, a sanguine geyser bursts forth from the arteries of the stump for but a second before calming down into a bubbling fountain. The captain cleans the blood off of both his cutlass and his newfound saber with a flourish that paints a harsh line on the rust red floor.}
{the crowd erupts into excitement and cheers as the sanguine geyser falls all around the tribunal grounds, men and women from the Federation and Dominion alike dance, applaud and cheer the gory sight of the arxur's execution. The pops and cracks of bullets being fired into the air begin to permeate the landscape, along with the whirring and blasting of plasma. The crowd's energy has evolved into a full-on parade of excited bodies cheering, taunting and screaming in an electric display.}
”Listen ‘ere me lads and lasses! Ye all did a hell of a job, Now get to lootin’ and baggin whatever isn't nailed down! After that, git back to the ships an’ clean yourselves up! last ship off planet's in charge of rehabbin’ the newbloods!”
{Teach grabs the discarded scabbards of both his cutlass and the Rakkis’ dueling saber before sheathing them and ascending the stairs back into his onyx colored flagship. Behind him, a small group of Sivkits roll the dead tyrant's body onto a stretcher, unceremoniously tossing the lifeless head of the arxur onto his still belly as they all follow The Captain into his ship.}
{People of every race in the known galaxy sprint from place to place, exhausting themselves by hauling important cargo from the Planetary Hunter's mansion like weapons and ammunition, and of course, as much loot as they can carry. The ones who become too exhausted to continue or pass out are acknowledged in the form of a shout from their comrades, a simple number that rises with each tired body decorating the floor. It becomes quite easy to see that they are making a sort of game out of it as they run back and forth with hovercarts filled with items.}
{Rakkis’ mansion has been entirely ransacked, stripped down to it's base materials, even then some of those have been taken by the scrambling crews of people as well. Finally, a calm venlil approaches the skeletonized remains of the mansion with a metallic container that sloshes with a liquid inside. He has a completely disinterested look on his face as he sprays down the remains of the building with the liquid, before a slight smile comes to his face as he tosses a lit match into the house and watches it erupt into flame.}
{The view on the feed switches as the calm venlil who lit the mansion ablaze gathers one final hover cart full of miscellaneous junk, most of it wiring and piping from the neighboring storage sheds, the feeds cuts out as he steps onto a small ladder and wrenches the camera free from its wall mount. Static fills the screen for a second until the view from the satellite freely adrift above the red planet returns, small smoldering fires and plumes of smoke rise all across the planet's surface, each one a prison and torture house that once held thousands of lives, doomed to a death in horror.}
{The few ships that were still planetside finally begin to slowly leave the atmosphere, joining back up with the fleet. The last ship to leave the smoldering planet and rejoin the convoy is a large, boxy ship of Gojid design with the name Cradle Song painted on the flank, as they join up with the fleet the clacking beaks of a flamboyant Krakotl's laughing fills the radiowaves.}
”Hahaha! Looks like your on rehabber duty Traskul!”
”Ugh, rehabber duty… Having to speak down to a bunch of feds until they get the fuckin hint feels worse than having my quills pulled did.”
”No need to be so sour about it Trask, besides, word around the fleet says there's a sizable chunk of 'em that still got their wits about ‘em.”
”You've never had rehabber duty, Kalkos! Me and the crew gotta just sit there for a few hours and convince a bunch of scared little worms to come out of their cages.”
”Maybe you oughtta get that rust bucket of yours looked at by Hurlask and her little troupe of thafki. Her ship's as cold as ice but she's the best engie we got here in the fleet.”
”With her prices? I'll have better luck trying to duel the Cap. Hurlasks got the business sense of Nevok except she ain't a pushover like one.”
”If it stops you from crying about it all the time, here, I'm jettisoning a cargo container filled with the choice picks that me and the others managed to grab up. Use it to finally get some upgrades when we're back at port.”
”Shit, you'd do that for me? I… Thank you Kalkos”
”Don't mention it, just remember to show up next time I invite you over for movie night and we'll call it even.”
”Your still on that movie kick? Usually shit doesn't keep you occupied for more than a few days. How did stale, bland, fed movies hook you?”
{A large grey capsule is shot out from the backside of the Krakotl vessel toward the Gojid ship, it's slow and graceful dance in zero gravity is cut short by the pull of a harsh cable that wraps around it and pulls it into the cargo bay of the boxy ship.}
”These aren't fed movies Trask, they're from The Captain's people, and words cannot describe how awesome they are.”
”That good huh? What's so special about em?”
”That good. It's like each one is completely and utterly divorced from the notions the bastards in the Federation have, they're all starring these weird hairless ape people instead of The Captain's folk though, I tried to ask him about it once but he just brushed me off, said something about me ‘seeing soon’ then meandered back into his cabin.”
”Alright, alright. No need to talk my ear off, I gotcha. I'll be there next time, alright Kalk?”
”Don't be late you big lug, the plot is integral to the experience.”
”I won't be late, promise. what are we watching? Probably some sappy romance right?”
”You offend me sir, we are watching a movie about… uh… a ocean I believe?”
”That seems kinda boring”
”The movie is just called [Pacific Rim]. translates out to a location in an ocean, probably one back on Cap's world.”
”Well I'll be there, can't guarantee I won't pass out though with such riveting entertainment.”
”Don't get angry when I chew up all your snacks while you're sleeping!”
{The lively conversation between the two ships is cut short as a loud radio broadcast from the flagship cuts through all the idle chatter playing in the fleet.}
”Cradle Song, get yer ass to the newbloods and get them into shape! The rest o' ye, dock safely or get ready to jump! we be done with this here expedition. Time to 'ead back home!”
”Aye Aye, Captain!”
{Immediately all the idle ships begin to move with purpose toward their destinations, either docking within the larger carriers or preparing their engines to warp. Radio transmissions run rampant with questions and confirmations abound as the smaller craft within the fleet moves like insects to their hives.}
{Only the large carriers, the newly acquired arxur transport ships, and the flagship still remain out in fleet formation, the rest lay docked in the hangars that begin to close as the engines on every ship information begins to spin, preparing to enter a long-range jump. Just before the ships get ready to break into hyperspace a final transmission comes from the pitch black walls of The Drelin's Revenge}
”That there, be what waits fer the Dominion an' the Federation, take this here message to yer shiverin' bosses, The Sikeen Empire be returnin' to The Orion Arm, an' we're out for blood.”
{A small port opens up on the side of the flagship, from it a large missile flies loose from its dark metal holdings and straight for the satellite. The last scene that the camera manages to take in before the missile makes impact is a large portal opening with the fleet disappearing into it's depths.}
[Playback Ended]
[Very Well, File has been forwarded to the Elders of Talsk under Epsilon 10-0 Clearance with the attached message “Seal this away in The Archives.”]
[Have a great day Chief Nikonus, Glory to The Federation!]
submitted by Wader-Of-Stories to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:30 sameed_a how to use SWOT analysis to improve decision-making?

I've always considered myself to be a fairly rational decision-maker, but a recent encounter with a business dilemma seriously challenged my thought process. I was handed over the reins of a sinking family business; a quaint little bookstore that was struggling to stay afloat in the era of Amazon and e-books. I was suddenly in the middle of a turbulent storm with no idea how to navigate.
That's when I remembered the SWOT analysis I learned back in my business school days. It stood for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. As I frantically scribbled down these points on a piece of paper, I began to see the situation in a clearer light.
Strengths - I realized our strong relationships with loyal customer base, our unique collection of rare books, and our staff's depth of knowledge were our strengths. Weaknesses - obviously, our outdated business model and inability to compete with online giants were our primary weaknesses.
Opportunities - I had an 'aha' moment when I thought about the unused space we had upstairs which could be transformed into a cozy reading and community area. Lastly, Threats - a major threat was definitely the expanding e-commerce platforms.
The SWOT model helped me create a more objective, less emotion-driven perspective. I started making decisions based on this analysis. I took steps to modernize our business model, better utilize our space, and leverage our unique strengths to distinguish us from the online giants.
Six months later, our quaint bookstore was flourishing with a steady influx of both new and loyal customers, and our revenue had seen a significant increase. The power of the SWOT analysis seriously amazed me and played a crucial role in the revitalization of our bookstore.
P.S. Okay, before anyone starts frantically searching for this miraculous bookstore revival story, let me stop you right there. This was a hypothetical story, my friends. But isn't it amazing how a simple SWOT analysis can be so powerful? Mental models aren't just buzzwords for business school textbooks. They can actually come in handy in real life too. Who knew, right?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:28 como365 Springs in Missouri. We have many of the largest in North America

Springs in Missouri. We have many of the largest in North America
Map from by the University of Missouri Extension
Secrets of Missouri’s Spring Systems By Missouri Geological Survey Director: Carey Bridges
Several springs bubble up in the sandy bottoms of deep pools in the wide valley of Montauk State Park in Dent County and feed the rushing force of nearby Current River. Near St. James, Maramec Spring wells up from a deep cave opening into a circular basin, spreads outward into a quiet lake, and then rushes over a falls and down the valley into the Meramec River.
During the late 1800s, Missouri’s saline springs or “mineral-waters” were believed to be of great medicinal value. More than 100 saline and mineral water springs were listed in an 1892 Geological Survey publication along with locations, chemical analyses and notes on their medicinal value. During the early 20th century, these springs enjoyed considerable attention because of their supposed medical applications, but little emphasis has been placed on their potential since then.
In the springs region of the Missouri Ozarks, the land is hilly and pitted with “funnel-like” structures known as sinkholes. The sinkholes help form a natural, efficient system of surface drainage. Just under the loose, rocky soil are massive layers of limestone and sandstone. Such formations are usually porous and limestone is often cavernous.
Missouri’s limestone beds have been compared to chunks of Swiss cheese or a large, dripping-wet sponge. These comparisons aptly illustrate the natural siphon and reservoir system they form. Natural drainage features include sinkholes, creeks, valleys, small streams and several feet of clayey, loose soil.
As surface waters gather force, they make deep cuts in soil and bedrock. Over the years, small streams may create rivers which dissect the landscape, leaving high bluffs along their banks. The whole story isn’t that simple though. For example, geologists puzzle over the eight known ebb-and-flow springs in the state. Are they siphons in cave systems that feed larger springs?
And what about Toronto Spring in Camden County, which rises from a sand bar in the middle of a creek? And why is Grand Gulf in Wayne County which is 200 feet deep, 600 feet long, and 100 feet wide, not connected with two nearby springs, and clogged with large trees and registers relatively warm temperatures?
How extensive is the air-filled cave passage closed by the water level of the spring at Roaring River State Park? And where does the water come from that forms the large lake in Devils Well in Shannon County?
Scientists are attempting to answer these and other questions. So far, many of the answers are mere hypotheses since much information is still to be gathered. Water levels, temperatures and daily flows are being measured and recorded all over the state. Scuba divers are exploring water-filled caves and have already discovered flooded beaches of white sand, an ancient dugout canoe, great empty caves behind walls of water, and the strange phenomena of rise-and-fall, warm and cool spring outlets.
While researchers continue to work to discover the secrets of Missouri’s spring systems, only a fraction of the spring waters available are being used for municipal or domestic supplies. The springs do, however, contribute indirectly to the economy by sustaining the flow of streams and by serving as focal points for a thriving and expanding recreation industry. Hundreds of springs have been developed in State Parks, National Forests and by private owners for public enjoyment.
Springs are generally places of unusual natural beauty. They provide fisherman a place to fish, artists a place to paint and families a place to play and enjoy life. Truly, Missouri springs are some of the state’s most important natural resources.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:27 sabbah What is "Pinkwashing"?

What is
Please be advised: This content forms a segment of the "What Every Palestinian Should Know" series, presented by Handala on Palestine Today.
Pinkwashing refers to when a state or organization appeals to LGBTQ+ rights in order to deflect attention from its harmful practices.
From university student clubs to queer film festivals to Pride Parades to New York Times editorial pages, the contrived presence of the Israeli flag alongside the rainbow flag has become all too common, despite consistent pushback by queer activist groups. StandWithUs, a Zionist group founded in 2009, is one of the most egregious offenders of this conflation of Zionism and queer liberation. Buoyed by hundreds of millions of shekels allocated to the ‘Brand Israel’ initiative by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, it began a campaign that included brochures that declare Israel a “gay paradise” for queer Palestinians as well as provocative newspaper ads with headlines such as “Hamas, ISIS and Iran kill gays like me”.
This messaging has been deemed ‘pinkwashing’ by queer pro-Palestinian activists; widely in use since at least since 2010 by groups such as Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT) as a twist on “Greenwashing”, where companies claim to be eco-friendly in order to make a profit. In the case of Israel, pinkwashing is done to salvage its abysmal global reputation of being a colonial aggressor, through exploiting and even encouraging anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia to present itself as a comparatively modern cosmopolitan haven- and boost its tourism revenue in the process. Through my answer here, I will explore how pinkwashing functions and the detrimental impact it has had and continues to have on all Palestinians, but especially queer Palestinians. It will also push back against the idea, present even in some critiques of Israeli pinkwashing, that Israel would be a queer haven “if only” there was no occupation, or that Zionism and queer liberation could eventually become compatible.
While pinkwashing does quite frequently operate as a propaganda or public relations strategy, a deeper understanding of how it functions regarding Palestine and Palestinians reveals that pinkwashing is also the inevitable manifestation of the intrinsically homophobic and Orientalist nature of Zionism, which itself is a manifestation of European colonial thought . As Palestinian queer rights organization Al Qaws has explained, “pinkwashing is the symptom, settler-colonialism is the root sickness.” The pinkwashing of Israel relies on the understanding that the East remains stubbornly backwards regarding homosexuality because of a refusal to learn from Western progressivism. However, as Joseph A. Boone outlines in “The Homoerotics of Orientalism”, this is ignoring several hundred years of history where “it was the uptight Christian West that accused the debauched Muslim East of harboring what it euphemistically called the ‘male vice’ (sodomy)”.
The Middle East was associated with ‘sexual deviancy’ and ‘effeminity’ whose mores and values good Christians must remain on guard against. The movements for modern nation-state building in what is now Turkey and Iran actually saw the adoption of heterosexual norms “at least in part as a response to the European representations of its civilizational ‘backwardness’ and sexual ‘irregularities’”. In Turkey, “unabashedly frank references to same-sex acts and desire were written out of the historical record and repressed from collective memory in the name of western style modernization”, while “the price of Persia’s emergence as the new Iranian nation-state was the official eclipse of its long-standing history of male homoerotic bonds as ‘pre-modern’ and the cultivation of heteroeroticism as the new norm.” Overall, the modern West was positively associated with heteronormativity which the Middle East was deemed in need of emulating in order to enter the realm of progressive modernity.
There is a long, complicated history of homophobic aspersions between not only the constructed binary of the East and West, but also between, for example, the Abbasid Caliphate and the Persian empire, with the former blaming the latter for being a “gay influence”. That today, many Islamic conservatives depict homosexuality as a foreign contagion in the name of nation-building and “cultural authenticity” is merely an outgrowth of the aforementioned historical relations. In the process, the history of homoerotic relations among males once intricately interwoven into the fabric of Muslim culture is being erased and denied.
This is not to oversimplify how homophobia functions in the Middle East, or to lay blame on the West; rather, it is to understand that current depictions of homophobia in the region as resistance to “Western modernity” obscures how these understandings of sexuality we have today, are in fact modern; they are the result of modern nation-state building and the accompanying construction of the “Other” as inferior, to be stigmatized, exploited and discriminated against.
It also obscures how the present-day colloquial deployment of “Islamic sexual repression” narratives currently plaguing human rights, liberal queer, and feminist discourses came to be. This paradox at the heart of Orientalist notions of sexuality, where Muslims are simultaneously hypersexual and repressed, informs the dehumanization of Muslims in general and the sexual violence enacted against the prisoners deemed “terrorists” (whether by the U.S. or Israel) in particular.
Which leads to how the discursive strategy of how racist understandings of sexuality is currently being weaponized in order to uphold present day imperialism and colonial political aims. This necessarily includes the Zionist project in Palestine, which was only possible because of historical processes in Europe. The same European masculine values which deemed Muslims as sexually deviant were also weaponized against Jewish people in antisemitic acts and depictions which deemed Jewish men “effeminate”. Zionist founders were later keen to combat these historic allegations. This has manifested in the conflation of masculinity with the national army, with the dominant masculinity in Israel identified with the Jewish combat soldier and “deemed an emblem of good citizenship” This desire for masculinity is in fact a precondition for the Zionist enterprise, which would later evolve into a violent, militaristic culture.
While “the Jew had been both feminized and Orientalized in Europe, the Zionist culture similarly feminized and Orientalized the indigenous Palestinian Arabs, who were also seen as inadequate.“ The Israeli state, then, must attempt to transcend the contradictions in needing to appease homophobic supporters of Israel among, say, Western Evangelicals, who constitute the majority of supporters of Israel in the U.S while simultaneously projecting the image of Israel as a gay haven in certain Western secular contexts.
These efforts to transcend these contradictions can best be understood through the lens of homonationalism. This term was coined by Jasbir K. Puar in her excellent Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. In it she describes homonationalism as the framework in which certain homosexual constituencies are able to embrace and be embraced by nationalist agendas, including the imperial expansion endemic to the war on terror. Basically, (primarily, but not exclusively) white cisgender queers can assimilate into the nation, such as through openly joining the national army and buying into a combination of ethnic chauvinism, religious nationalism, toxic masculinity, and the Islamophobia so crucial to the war on terror.
This is evident in multiple Western countries where, for example, gay politicians have risen in the ranks of conservative political parties, all who articulate Muslim populations as an especial threat to LGBTQIA+ communities. Naturally, this is despite the exhortations by some queer Muslims who insist that their religious and family struggles are not much different from those of their Christian or Jewish counterparts. Gay rights, in other words, have been absorbed into what Puar calls the ‘human rights industrial complex’, which operates through the foregrounding of western countries as champions of human rights and non-western (Muslim) countries as their enemies. Implicit to this complex is the notion that religious and racial communities are more homophobic than white mainstream queer communities are racist, or that a critique of homophobia within one’s home community is deemed more pressing than a critique of racism within mainstream queer communities. The logic of homonationalism which underpins pinkwashing strategies is not compatible with queer liberation or the elimination of oppression as a whole. Rather, this logic is in service of broader imperialist aims and thus cannot include those queer people who have been racialized or otherwise deemed enemies of the state.
Pinkwashing in action:
Israeli prime minister Netanyahu in a joint meeting of the U.S Congress declared that the Middle East is “a region where women are stoned, gays are hanged, Christians are persecuted. Israel stands out. It is different.” Missing from this narrative, of course, is how Israel profits from the very persecution he describes through Israeli spyware being used to crackdown on dissidents, including queer people.
However, what is significant here is how the “Israeli Arabs” were spoken about, rather than to. Similarly, StandWithUs’s previously mentioned advertisements which declared Tel Aviv, a “gay paradise” for Palestinians has nothing to do with what’s best for Palestinians at all. After all, as Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA) have pointed out, “there is no pink door in the apartheid wall”. Queer Palestinians, like all Palestinians, live under the control of a state that has deemed them demographic threats, obstacles in the way of a Jewish State by and for Jews. Most Palestinians have never set foot in Tel Aviv for this reason, and in general Israel prioritizes ethnicity and demographics above all else, including asylum cases.
These statements and advertisements are meant to accomplish the following goals: (1) Israel being absolved of its colonial and military policies which has resulted in the loss of countless Palestinian lives. (2) Israel being contextualized by the Middle East but ceasing to be located there; Israel should be judged according to ‘regional standards’ while also being treated as a cultural outpost of Europe (which they get to be! Tickets to see Israel in Eurovision, anyone?).
The flip side of the pinkwashing coin:
Israel being praised for supposedly being so ‘queer-friendly’ is dependent on Palestinians (and Arabs and Muslims in general) being demonized as uniformly homophobic. This is evident in the report released in 2008 by the Israel Project extolling Israel’s progressive values. The report stated that “There are several explanations about how Israel has come to embrace its gay and lesbian community. One is that the family as an institution is central to Israeli Jewish society. Therefore, parents would rather accept their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) children than let homophobia destroy family unity”. As Steven Salaita excellently analyzed in Chapter 4 of his work Israel’s Dead Soul, Sexuality, Violence, and Modernity in Israel: The Paradise of Not Being Arab, the purpose of such a grotesque statement is to imply that Palestinians:
“are neither family oriented nor tolerant; they are willing to sacrifice their own children to their irrational beliefs, or they are so irrational as to be unable to make such a choice. Even in its exaltation of Israeli open-mindedness, the Israel Project betrays its own implicit homophobia: homosexuality is not embraced by Israeli Jews; it is merely tolerated in the interest of family unity. It is not something Israeli Jews would ever accept; it simply presents a difficult obstacle that they are reluctantly willing to overlook.”
This was perhaps more revealing than the Israel Project intended, but it underscored how the language of LGBTQIA+ rights is being co-opted in the interest of Israeli foreign policy and the tourism industry even as homophobia remains rife in Israeli society. When Israel’s Ministry of Tourism, The Tel Aviv Tourism Board and Israel’s largest LGBT organization, The Agudah, joined together to launch TEL AVIV GAY VIBE, an online tourism campaign to promote Tel Aviv as a travel destination, it was met with the following (verbatim) comments:
  1. Surely nothing to be proud of. Shameful.
  2. Haredim!!!!
  3. Gay avek also cute slogan (Yiddish for go away).
  4. Yes by all means bring hordes of aids.
  5. Inviting destruction full speed.
Opposition to Israel’s so proudly touted pride parades has also reached the point of violence, with an ultra-Orthodox man who was imprisoned in 2005 for stabbing several people at a pride parade doing the same in 2015 following his release.
As Sarah Schulman explains, “Overall, Israel is a profoundly homophobic society.The dominance of religious fundamentalists, the sexism and the proximity to family and family oppression makes life very difficult for most people on the LGBT spectrum in Israel.”, while Aeyal Gross, a professor of law at Tel Aviv University, explains that “gay rights have essentially become a public-relations tool,” even though “conservative and especially religious politicians remain fiercely homophobic.” As Samira Saraya, one of the co-founders of Aswat, an LGBTI+ organization for Palestinian women has further elucidated, “If you are an Israeli gay man who served in the army, looks masculine, acts ‘normal’, and has a secure job, then you are treated well. For the rest of us, things are much less rosy.” That it is to say, if you do not somehow ‘compensate’ for your queer identity in ways conducive to Israel’s ethnonationalist project vis a vis homonationalism, you are even further outside the margins of the Zionist ideal and thus more vulnerable to the brunt of homophobia and racism.
Zionism’s obsession with ensuring a Jewish majority comes with pressure to produce as many children as possible to resolve what Zionists have outright declared as the ‘demographic problem’, adding another obstacle to those who would prefer same-sex partners. This was attested to by Israeli scholar and queer rights activist Amit Kama, who has worked on a government survey to attract more gay tourists to Israel even as he himself was forced to marry his partner outside of the country.
Almost lost in all the rainbow confetti and the condescending hand-wringing over Palestinian or Muslim homophobia is how in Israel, all marital issues are under the control of the Orthodox rabbinic authorities; thus, there is no civil marriage in Israel, only religious marriage. Orthodox Rabbinate representatives supporting the law against civil marriage and gay couple being able to be married with cite a wish to “guarantee the Jewish future of the state of Israel” and protect against “assimilation”.
The weaponized understating of this queerphobic in Israeli society functions through treating Palestinians “as a site onto which queerphobic Zionists may project their queerphobic fantasies”, as articulated in Saffo Papantonopoulou’s excellent article, “Even a Freak Like You Would Be Safe in Tel Aviv: Transgender Subjects, Wounded Attachments, and the Zionist Economy of Gratitude”. In it she details transphobic abuse directed her way which demanded she stop criticizing Israel, as it is supposedly the only place in the Middle East where she could expect to be treated “equal to a male or female heterosexual” and not be met with violence that they so graciously went so far as to describe in detail to her. She explains that Zionists’ deflections of their own queerphobia onto Palestinians is meant to “allow the queerphobic Zionist to live out his own queerphobic fantasy while simultaneously deploying a pretext of caring about queers.”
The identification of Tel Aviv as gay-friendly even by those who harbor queerphobia then is presented as a “gift to all queers” who are in fact meant to feel grateful for being ‘allowed’ to thrive or even live.
“Under the Zionist economy of gratitude, the transgender subject is perpetually indebted to capitalism and the West for allowing her to exist. The properly delimited space for the transgender subject within this ideology is essentially one confined to an apoliticized space of pride parades and gay bars, but never the front lines of an antimperial or anticolonial project. Hence, the queerphobic Zionist can pass the gift of his racist colonial phobia as well as his queerphobia on to the transgender subject…I am supposed to feel vulnerable, afraid, and attacked, in order that I may pass on that gift of death to the supposedly transphobic Palestinian”.
Progressive Pinkwashing:
Pinkwashing is as prevalent as it is because it is not limited to those on the right, with instances of the logic of pinkwashing internalized and regurgitated even by self-professed radical groups. A prescient example of this was seen in response to ‘‘No Pride without Palestinians,’’ a queer coalition based in New York City, who sought to move World Pride 2006 outside of Jerusalem, arguing that Palestinian queers (and many Arabs from neighboring countries) would be banned from the celebrations, and those already present risked intensified surveillance, policing, harassment, and deportation. OutRage! a British queer group, waltzed in carrying placards commanding ‘‘Israel: stop persecuting Palestine! Palestine: stop persecuting queers!’’ and ‘‘Stop ‘honour’ killing women and gays in Palestine.’’
This seemingly innocuous and politically correct messaging, stemming from the group’s commitment to protest ‘‘Islamophobia and homophobia,’’ negates the ways in which oppression by a settler-colonial state might sustain or even create the conditions for social ills, including homophobia. Their equation of Israeli oppression of all Palestinians with Palestinian homophobia did so by taking for granted the Israeli state narrative that it does not, in fact, “persecute queers”, foremost among them Palestinian queers. Furthermore, it takes for granted that queerphobia is a more pressing threat to queer Palestinians than colonialism, as if these could ever be separated.
This is of similar thinking to an Israeli student who asked Palestinian queer scholar Sa’ed Atshan during a pinkwashing panel why he couldn’t log onto Grindr in Hebron, with another queer student asking about the absence of gay clubs in Gaza, the world’s largest open-air prison which barely has electricity or potable water.
As Atshan replied:
“Is whether or not Grindr is used among Palestinians a more important question than the conditions in Hebron that Palestinians endure as a result of the Israeli occupation there? How does use of Grindr become a marker of Palestinian civilizational value?…It perplexed me that the absence of gay clubs in Gaza is more outrageous to some people than is the reality of queer and straight Palestinians in Gaza struggling to survive amid unspeakable conditions imposed by Israel.”
What pinkwashing also does is obscure how a society under constant assault is put on the defensive and thus cannot undertake the scope of work needed to fully eradicate social ills. With decades of Zionists negating and attacking Palestinian culture and identity as either nonexistent, inconsequential, threatening, or all of the above, Palestinian society as a whole has become very zealous about what it perceives to be its traditions and culture. As Rima with Aswat explained, “The majority of the society rejects behaviors and changes that “threaten” its heterosexuality and patriarchy, since they are perceived as a threat to the continuity [emphasis added] of the uniqueness of our culture”-while obviously incorrect and dangerous thinking, it is fueled by the constant violence against Palestinians in the name of Zionism and the feeling of insecurity this engenders. The ramifications of this thinking to Palestinians themselves is evident when the Palestinian Authority periodically assigns itself the role of morality police to “protect” Palestinian society from being “infiltrated and corrupted by homosexuals and agents of the West”. The threat of Israel and Zionism to Palestinian coupled with the identification of queerness as a Western phenomenon ends up galvanizing reactionary responses, leaving marginalized Palestinian more vulnerable to multiple forms of violence.
Israel as Oppressor of Queer Palestinians:
Warning: Description of sexual assault, torture, and queerphobia.
Here it is worthwhile to delineate how Israel also draws upon racialized homophobia and transphobia in its abuse of Palestinians. This includes the blackmailing of queer Palestinians, with a former Israeli Intelligence corps member sharing that in training to disregard Palestinians’ privacy and manipulate their personal lives for Israeli state interests, “we actually learned to memorise and filter different words for ‘gay’, in Arabic.”
Even more horrifically, there are detailed accounts from Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails of verbal and sexual harassment which use homophobia and transphobia as a threat. One 16 year old described a police officer as telling him that “‘I will fuck you and you will sing on my dick’ as part of his threats. Another 23 year old recounted how an Israeli secret service member shouted “you terrorist, I’ll fuck you like a homosexual!”, while another in a separate report described being harassed by an interrogator who asked “Are you a homosexual? You look like a woman. Have you ever fucked a woman?”. Still another detainee described how they were threatened with having their brother undergo a sex change against their will, saying “They put me in an investigation room with a glass partition and on the other side I saw my brother, dressed as a woman, immodest, in a mini-skirt. […] They said that they […] had arranged for him a sex-change surgery in Jerusalem.”
These are not isolated cases, as Israel’s extensive use of sexual harassment and assault as a form of torture against Palestinians are well documented. The reasons for this are betrayed even in the very report most of the aforementioned testimony was drawn from, with the author declaring that “Sexual torture and ill-treatment, including forced nudity and curses with sexual contents, may have particularly deep and sometimes long-lasting humiliating effects among Arab men. This is grounded in the notion of honour, which is basic in social life in much of the Muslim world.” Here the author is taking for granted the idea that Arab and Muslim men (though here he is using the terms interchangeably) are more sensitive to being sexually harassed and assaulted than their western counterparts. He seems to, whether subconsciously or not, believe that the perpetrators of these acts are comparatively enlightened rather than perpetuating the old use of sexual violence against men in armed conflicts and the concurrent bigoted dynamics of emasculation, feminization and/or homosexualization as insult.
To revisit Puar, the paradox at the heart of such an Orientalist notion of sexuality is reanimated through the objectification of the Muslim terrorist as a torture object, who is both sexually conservative, modest and fearful of nudity (and it is interesting how this conceptualization is rendered both sympathetically and as a problem), as well as queer, animalistic, barbarian, and unable to control his (or her) urges but having an innate “indecency” waiting to be released. In Brothers and Others in Arms: The Making of Love and War in Israeli Combat Units, Danny Kaplan argues that this sexualization is neither tangential nor incidental to the project of conquest but, rather, is central to it: ‘‘[The] eroticization of enemy targets . . . triggers the objectification process.’’
Not only are homophobia and transphobia weaponized against Palestinians in such a manner by the magical rainbow state of Israel, it ends up leaving queer Palestinians vulnerable to the ramifications of queerness being associated with collaboration. As Al Qaws has written:
“this pervasive linking of non-normative sexuality and Palestinian collaboration has become a term and identity of its own in the Palestinian imaginary and reality: isqat…this false connection with Israel and collaboration associates queer people with treason, dishonesty, untrustworthiness, and fraudulence, and therefore works to substantiate a very specific kind of homophobic fear within Palestine”.
The use of homophobia and queerphobia as a cudgel on behalf of Israel is certainly not conducive to queer liberation and is an abhorrent practice. It also must be contextualized in the overarching repression and oppression all Palestinians face, with Palestinians regularly extorted for a variety of reasons, from needing healthcare to wishing to hide marital infidelity to wanting to marry and live with a Palestinian with a differently colored ID card. Whatever individual experiences Palestinians have are shaped by the oppressive hold of Zionism.
Solidarity, not pink apartheid:
Through pinkwashing, Palestinians are reduced to either being a victim of internal Palestinian homophobia in need of saving or to a violent perpetrator of homophobia among Palestinians and terrorism against Israelis. They are forced to walk a tightrope between having queerphobia exploited by Israel as carte blanche for their own dispossession and the ways in which Zionist colonialism shapes the queerphobia they face within their own communities. What is needed is dedication to ending all forms of oppression against Palestinians. Queer Palestinian organizers are calling for the promotion of Palestinian LGBTQ rights to be done in a way that challenges the appropriation and weaponization of that cause by Israeli organizations and instead engages first and foremost with Palestinians, rather than perpetuating the erasure of Palestinians inherent to Zionism.
Further Reading:
submitted by sabbah to Palestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:27 Interesting-Face22 First Pride experience, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Ignore the Right Wing Lies

So I went to Pride in my local big city this past weekend. It was my first experience with a Pride parade ever since I came out almost 8 years ago. While the fascists don’t seem to be whipped up into a tizzy like they were last year, I did keep my head on a swivel, just in case.
The day started with watching a charity 5K. Had I known about this, I think I would’ve trained for it. At least one person was in costume and struggling mightily, but the rest of the participants were…people. I think there should’ve been a fast lane and a slow lane (because some people do not mess around with their running), but it was for a good cause.
Then came the parade itself, and it was very tasteful. Remembrances and moments of silence for murdered trans people (which the crowd was very respectful for), basically no kink, representation of both charter schools and local school districts, lots of represented nationalities from the areas around town, and, most hearteningly of all to me, were multiple floats for our senior LGBTQ+ guys, gals, and nonbinary pals.
That last one really hit home. As much as anti-LGBTQ+ Christian preachers want to tell us what we are is a phase of youth, seeing those floats felt like the most dignified of middle fingers to that assertion—to say nothing of what our senior LGBTQ+ citizens saw and went through to get to this point. Seeing that representation put a smile on my face for the rest of the weekend. And they got some of the loudest cheers of the parade.
As the parade ended, I didn’t stay much longer because my social battery was dead. Part of that was due to my first confrontation with a street preacher (which I think I handled pretty well, considering how some others confronted them). In fact, there were four around the party zone, and three of them got no attention.
But will I be going back next year? If I can get some of my fellow LGBTQ+ hockey players together, sure.
What got me was just how wrong the right wing and many Christians are about Pride. There were no kids using litter boxes, identifying as cats. There was no debauchery during the parade. I’m sure there are plenty of Pride parades that have the latter, but this was most certainly a tasteful Pride with a party atmosphere and a lot of regular folks.
submitted by Interesting-Face22 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:22 Jumpy-Inspector-1697 How to deal with friend

Tldr:how to deal with drama filled friend that has invited herself to my husband's social activity when he is stressed by her presence so much he now wants to give up his only hobby.
Ive been friends with person a for about eight years.
I met her through someone else through social activity 1.
Over the past few years I've hung out with her doing social activity 1 and helped at her social enterprise which does social activity 1. However person a has many issues with attachment and trust likely stemming from her childhood issues of abuse and that she was put into care as a teenager. So she tends to have intense relationships which then end intensely. After which she bitches about how awful that person is.
I've watched friend after friend I've made through social activity 1 had fallings out with person a. I've always told her to forgive them and say sorry to them and never taken her side.
Now person a had a falling out with person b who was a Co director at her social enterprise which has a very high turnover. Person a didn't tell me as she knew I'd be upset as I've had a go at her before for constantly going through people particularly when she fell out with my original friend that I met her through. I haven't spoken much to person a since this as it hurt me again and I was too upset about the situation.
Now my autistic husband has seen this and finds her really stressful anyway but also parasitic. Which i think she is. We have had fun times together but she makes me stressed as I'm always constantly waiting to hear who else she's fallen out with or whatever other drama she's gone through.
I am very good friends with person C who is person a's best friend, childhood friend and proxy sister. I see person C most days as we do our social activity 1 together. Me and person C hang out independently of person a which makes her jealous. I can just about deal with this.
However I mentioned at some point to person a or she saw on Facebook that me and my husband were going to social activity 2. This is in a public space with public invite just bring yourself along. My husband doesn't have many friends and never has explosive fall outs like person a but will let friendships fall away as he gets less interested by activities or he gets stressed out about something small. We have made lots of friends at social activity 2 and felt part of our local community for the first time in years. He was going and socialising by himself with these people which was a big change post pandemic.
Now person a decided she wanted to come to social activity 2. She knew I didn't really want her to come as I was a bit cold about it. Then at the birthday party of person C, she kept asking me if I was avoiding her and she wanted to come to social activity 2. I said some things to show I wasn't that comfortable with it but said it's a public space I can't say you can't. She had previously messaged the admin of social activity 2 to ask if she could and made a massive deal out of it.
She has since been coming to social activity 2 and whilst she's behaved like a normal person. My husband has been so stressed by her presence that he doesn't to go. Quite justifiably he is really upset with me for not standing up to her and saying I would rather she didn't go.
I don't know what to do. I feel like this could be the explosive end though tbh she's not done anything abhorrent to speak of to me or my husband. Rather she is too stressful for him to deal with. If I say it straight to her I know it may end the relationship and I feel really upset by that but I know it will also upset person C. This could then ruin my social activity 1 also.
It all seems so petty and school drama.
I want my husband to have social activities he feels good about. I don't want to lose him either.
submitted by Jumpy-Inspector-1697 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:22 maddy_k2019 Deactivation for closed store?

Wondering if anyone can tell me if this is accurate, I was told on the Facebook group for doordash that you can get deactivated for closed store orders if you accept them? Something about it being manipulation of the system. Basically what happened with me was I got an aldi order at like 8:15, turns out aldi closes at 8 which I didn't even realize upon taking the order. When I got to the store I was prompted to photograph the store hours for half pay and started receiving more orders after. I haven't really had many closed store orders since I started dashing but I'm not trying to get deactivated over something that we as drivers can't even control because this is how i make extra cash lol. Apparently you have to take the hit to the AR & decline them? Or unassign if they do end up being closed I was told. Never heard of this, anyone else???
submitted by maddy_k2019 to doordash [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:21 machoman66 Immigration options// Dubai Resident

Hi All,
Need your thoughts/ opinion/ advise.
I am a 26 year old with a Bangladeshi passport, I currently reside in Dubai with a pretty stable job, I have been here almost all my life from schooling and now back from work, I was away for 4 years to obtain my bachelors from Hungary.
The reason i came back from EU was because it was peak COVID and I was a fresh graduate without job, I ran out of money, there was a lockdown everywhere. I had a small business which I intended to continue after graduation till I get my PR and citizenship but unfortunately everything went haywire during COVID.
Went straight back to Bangladesh because my family moved after my dads retirement ( UAE doesn't give PCitizenship), I tried some businesses out there but the mentality mismatch was wild. I cannot express the pain of an expat in the middle east who was born and raised here and has to leave one day..
Moved back , 2.5 years in Dubai now with a job , no complaints , but as I am still single and no added responsibility at the moment, this is the right time to look for migration options/ at least a PR.
Have around 75 K AED in cash savings.
The options that I am considering:
Masters Degree, seems the only feasible way at the moment
Germany : As my bachelors is from Hungary, for some colleges I am exempted from GMAT, hence makes it easier for me to move + well within budget , can work part time to cover any excess expenses.
Canada - not interested/ nor considering for obvious reasons
Masters in other countries in EU -- Drop in your suggestions
Masters in Australia/ UK /USA -- No money
Or try for a Masters in Hungary again, unsure about the immigration policy now
The only other options seems marriage, which I do not want to
Skill based immigration is tough because my job/experience is not fit.
Would be awesome if any one on the same boat and can share how did you make it// any advises in general.
Feel free to ask questions.
Thanks !
submitted by machoman66 to expats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:21 Secret_Safe_5761 Please tell me I’m not the only one who wants skills back.

I recently played FNV for the first time and I feel like it as well as its perk system are wayyyyy better. I can’t even really put my finger on what makes the perk system superior, but I really liked how NV Speech Skills gave you many, many, many opportunities to weasel your way out of fighting or free shit or anything like that. Not just lore and/or extra caps. And I also liked how you can utilize not just your speech but also your high SPECIAL or other skills to pass skill checks. Another reason I like skills is because it gave me more things to work towards to make myself better at the game. I don’t know if it’s just because of speech or what but, man, I really hope this next game has something like that.
submitted by Secret_Safe_5761 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:21 Not_a_vampiree Stop telling me I’m procrastinating for asking questions

Sorry if this rant gets out of hand just kind of sick of it overall, I have been a part of writing communities for a pretty decent time, particularly on older accounts but that’s more or less irrelevant.
I am not a perfectionist, I can be pretty finicky with my writing concepts but I have never been a person who procrastinates writing. I think writing is a learning experience in which the process of asking questions and evolving doesn’t stop even after a persons piece is finished.
So of course I ask a lot of questions, the basics like “how to write a scene like this?” Or “how to portray this better” and so on, but every time I ask questions I always get told by a select group of people condescending me, telling me I am procrastinating writing my story even though nine times out of ten I have already started and am usually in the middle of writing my story.
Despite by finicky writing style when I am set on something I am pretty set, I don’t ask permission to write things, I ask how to write things, I rarely ever listen or respect advice telling me not to do something because I feel like the entire point of me writing is telling the stories I want to tell, but people really like to make wild baseless assumptions on me based off of me literally asking questions.
It hasn’t happened so much recently but it definitely still happens to an extent, not so much on reddit anymore but it definitely does. Like for example me being told I am procrastinating on a recent post, just for me to respond I am not and exclaiming that they are an asshole for assuming (more or less), just to get downvoted like crazy and for the person to respond saying they didn’t like my story idea all in a means to respond to me rudely.
Either way I’m gonna keep asking questions
submitted by Not_a_vampiree to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:20 trust_me_Im_straight Godwyn and The Lands of Shadow

Hasty Edit: Maybe it’s good if I put a SPOILER WARNING first even if I hid the spoilers.
(Okay so I have a bit of a wacky Elden Ring theory based on a what I believe might be a potential misunderstanding in the lore community, I don’t usually type out any theories I have but I thought it’d be fun to see how wrong I was when I look back at it after the dlc, gonna try not to ramble and make it quick since I have a bad habit of doing so, all information gathered outside the base game and the 2 dlc trailers will have the spoiler tag in front of them to protect your innocent eyes.)
So to get into the nitty gritty, there has always been speculation with the Black Knives Plot, with the hinted involvement of Marika or Miquella, I believe that both were involved, and with the following new information from the lead up to the dlc some pieces of information just felt like they clicked: 1. Miquella had to divest himself of his flesh, his lineage, of all things golden, I believe he had to somehow, because he’s a demigod, sever his connection to the erdtree to enter the land of shadows. 2. Miquella was seemingly was sponsored by Marika in his journey to the land of shadow, if the mythical “divine-blessing like item” truly exists 3. According to Andreas, Black Knight Commander Spirit Ashes, Messmer fled from the Erdtree, assumedly before his crusade
Now these pieces of new information was the thing that made certain previous information all click for me, here I explain why.
Godwyn was mentioned to have been meant to be a “a martyr to Destined Death” by the finger reading crone.
“Oh, Lord Godwyn...Such cruelty, such humiliation...My poor, sweet lordling should have died a true death.As the first of the demigods to die.As a martyr to Destined Death.But why must it yet bring such disgrace?A scion of the golden bough, sentenced to live in Death..."
This made it clearly seem like the Night of The Black Knives went wrong/not as planned, assumedly by the intervention of Ranni to take advantage of this occasion to achieve her own goals, I believe Godwyn the incredibly powerful and dragon defeating demigod wouldn’t go down that easily against a gang of black knife assassins, if at all, and as seen in all images where he’s being held up by the assassins as they carve the curse mark into his back he doesn’t possess any other injuries, I believe from software are very intentional with these sort of things, thus making Godwyn a martyr by allowing his own death, making him a probable co-conspirator, it all going wrong through Rannis intervention through the knives which she enchanted and her ritual at the top of her divine tower.
Now to finally get into the potential misunderstanding, I believe a “True Death” is not referring to Erdtree Burial and the soul returning to the Erdtree as many have assumed, as previously stated by the finger reader, the “True Death” refers to him dying as “a martyr to Destined Death”, giving Miquella’s quote, "O brother, lord brother, please die a true death", a whole new meaning.
I believe this is the key to understanding what Godwyn was supposed to die for, to enter the lands of shadow.
Here’s my half-schizophrenic reasoning for it, the curse mark of death consists of 2 parts, we know at least half of the mark can sever one’s connection to the Golden Order, by example of Ranni.
“Cursemark carved into the discarded flesh of Ranni the Witch. Also known as the half-wheel wound of the centipede. This cursemark was carved at the moment of Death of the first demigod, and should have taken the shape of a circle. However, two demigods perished at the same time, breaking the cursemark into two half-wheels. Ranni was the first of the demigods whose flesh perished, while the Prince of Death perished in soul alone.”
Most of us assumed one half of the mark was death of the body and the other half was death of the soul but this might not be the case for the full mark, considering the wording of the mending rune of death.
“Formed of the two hallowbrand half-wheels combined, it will embed the principle of life within Death into Order.”
The mending rune is formed by both half’s which assumedly means death of the body and death of the souls respectively, yet the two combined provides the principle of life within death, I believe Godwyn was meant to have died to live on in the lands of shadow to perform a task, as we know from the 3 hour gameplay session Godwyn have death knights who are in the lands of shadow, as seen by the “Godwyn’s Loyal Knight” boss, we know they are called death knights from the weapons the boss dropped, I believe he was meant to go here to maybe kill, imprison or bring back Messmer the man who fled fromthe Erdtree, this could just as well not be the case and he’s meant to do something completely different here, now we will again touch upon Miquella.
"O brother, lord brother, please die a true death."
“Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless.. I will never set my eyes upon it now… Your divine Haligtree…”
I believe Miquella, a fellow co-conspirator, through his many attempts to make this “True Death” of Godwyn happen resigned to himself travel to the land of shadows to achieve what needs to be done, sanctioned to do so by Marika.
I do not know what it is that they wanted to make sure happened in there and I’m pretty sure all conspirators posses different motives, the night of the black knifes and the death of Godwyn was probably important for all involved for different reasons, I don’t know exactly how the ritual was meant to happen and if the deaths of all the other lesser Demigods were “sacrifices”, as said by Marika in reference to her demigod children, to achieve this goal, I am however pretty convinced Godwyn willingly died and was meant to go to the lands of shadow in hopes of doing something.
From this information our opinion of Marikas shattering of the Elden Ring might be questioned yet again, was it a backup plan, was it always meant to happen afterwards, did she panic, or was she struck by grief, I believe whatever Godwyn was meant to be doing is closely related to this shattering since it has been heavily implied Marika shattered the Elden Ring because/how Godwyn died, I have a bunch of other small things I want to add as potential evidence and potential mini conclusions but not to ramble and further waste your time I’ll end it here.
TLDR: Godwyn was a co-conspirator of the night of the black knives and willingly let himself die in order to travel to the land of shadows, Miquella tried to make this “True Death” of Godwyns’ happen but in the end traveled there himself to perform his brothers task, Marika is in on it all and my therapist keeps pestering me about needing to take my medication, my next post will be a tutorial on how to slowly smuggle a computer through your anal cavity whilst locked in an asylum.
submitted by trust_me_Im_straight to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]