Weight loss solutions in california


2019.10.02 08:02 Drichthy WeightLossInRecovery

Just a casual place to discuss weight loss for individuals dealing with disordered eating. Everyone is welcome, regardless of what you're struggling with or where you are in your recovery.

2013.10.04 05:03 woodswiki Expert Advice on weight loss

Weight loss has become an incredible part of our life and hence to know about the tips and tricks in it becomes significant. This subreddit is dedicated to those who are looking for weight loss tips, quick weight loss techniques and healthy natural weight loss products.

2014.04.09 08:25 Itsthatgy WeightLossAdvice

For healthy living.

2024.06.10 17:41 AngryCalibrachoa Afraid that I’ve permanently sabotaged myself.

I’m currently trying to recover from very restrictive ARFID, due to my (emetophobia) fear of vomiting. My BMI is very low, and my periods have been irregulanon-existent since around August 2023. They would at least come near the 50 or 55 day mark. Now, I’m pretty sure I stopped ovulating.
I feel so torn up about it, because for one, I know my depression in the past six months contributed to my weight loss. I’m on the autism spectrum, and my cycle was like a form of stability for me. It sounds ridiculous, but without my period, I feel like less of a person—which I know, is not the case at all.
What’s worse, I knew that I was passively choosing not to eat, and sticking with safe snacks that have basically zero nutritional value. Being 24 years old with this fatigue makes me feel physically far beyond my years.
I hope whenever I see my gynecologist and doctor, I’ll get good news. Maybe, if I gain a few pounds, it’ll come back. But, I’m afraid I’ve ruined my chances to have a child in the future, and increased my risk of osteoporosis.
This time of recovery is very, very difficult. I can’t even begin to describe how burnt out I feel.
submitted by AngryCalibrachoa to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:40 Only_Pass_132 Weird lump under bruise

31 year old female 170cm 100kg Non smoker (I vape) On ozempic for weight loss (not diabetes)
On the 30th May a, quite heavy (150-160kg) student of mine fell on me and managed to squish my leg between him and the quite thin edge of an aluminium door.
My bruise has been healing fine (today’s picture included in comments) but when I run my fingers over the area it feels hard and lumpy. I can only describe this as what a very old thin pillow feels like on the inside but rock hard (not soft) Is this normal?
submitted by Only_Pass_132 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:36 Anxious-Leg2609 Lore i guess

Chapter 1: Mechania's Genesis (1900 - 1910) In the year 1900, against the backdrop of a world on the cusp of transformation, Victor Mechanus, a visionary engineer, embarked on a daring quest to establish Mechania, a nation forged in the fires of innovation and ambition. Nestled amidst the untamed wilderness of a secluded region abundant in chemical resources, Mechania emerged as a beacon of hope amidst the tumult of the Industrial Revolution. With unwavering determination, Mechanus rallied the brightest minds of the era to his cause, laying the cornerstone of his dream and setting into motion a chain of events that would reshape the course of history.
Chapter 2: The Founding Pioneers (1910 - 1915) As the first decade of the new century unfolded, Mechania burgeoned with activity, its laboratories teeming with the ceaseless hum of innovation. From the bustling metropolises of the old world to the remote frontiers of the new, pioneers from every corner of the globe flocked to Mechania, drawn by the promise of a future where the boundaries of what was possible knew no bounds. Together, they laid the foundation of a society where ingenuity reigned supreme, united in their quest to push the boundaries of human achievement ever further.
Chapter 3: The Rise of Technological Utopia (1915 - 1920) With each passing day, Mechania's stature grew, its influence spreading far and wide as word of its technological marvels reached the farthest corners of the Earth. In the crucible of Mechania's laboratories, ideas were forged into reality through the alchemy of science and industry, giving rise to a new era of innovation and progress. From the earliest experiments in chemical synthesis to the first glimmers of automation, Mechania emerged as a shining beacon of hope amidst the tumult of a world in flux.
Chapter 4: The Golden Age of Invention (1920 - 1925) As the roaring twenties swept across the globe, Mechania stood at the vanguard of a golden age of invention and discovery. Against the backdrop of societal upheaval and cultural revolution, the nation's laboratories buzzed with the ceaseless pursuit of progress, yielding breakthroughs that would revolutionize the course of human history. From the development of novel materials to the invention of revolutionary machinery, Mechania's engineers and scientists ushered in an era of unprecedented technological advancement, laying the groundwork for a future where the impossible became possible.
Chapter 5: The Industrial Renaissance (1925 - 1930) Amidst the economic prosperity of the 1920s, Mechania underwent an industrial renaissance, its factories and workshops bustling with activity. From the sprawling assembly lines of bustling factories to the intricate laboratories of pioneering inventors, the nation's industries thrived as they embraced the promise of automation and mechanization. With each passing year, Mechania's economy soared to new heights, fueled by a relentless drive for efficiency and innovation that knew no bounds.
Chapter 6: The Shadow of War (1930 - 1935) Yet even as Mechania reveled in the fruits of its labor, shadows lurked on the horizon, portents of challenges yet to come. With the specter of global conflict looming large, Mechania found itself at a crossroads, its leaders grappling with the sobering realities of a world on the brink of war. Against this backdrop of uncertainty, the nation's scientists and engineers redoubled their efforts, pouring their energies into the development of new technologies aimed at securing Mechania's future in an uncertain world.
Chapter 7: The Crucible of Conflict (1935 - 1940) In the crucible of conflict, Mechania's mettle was put to the test as the world erupted into war. With the outbreak of World War II casting a shadow over the globe, Mechania mobilized its industrial might in support of the war effort, churning out armaments and war materiel with unprecedented efficiency. From the sprawling shipyards of coastal cities to the towering factories of industrial heartlands, Mechania's industries became the lifeblood of the Allied war machine, fueling the fight against tyranny and oppression.
Chapter 8: Triumph and Tragedy (1940 - 1945) Against all odds, Mechania emerged triumphant from the crucible of conflict, its factories and laboratories standing as monuments to the indomitable spirit of innovation and perseverance. Yet amidst the triumphs of victory, shadows of tragedy loomed large, as the toll of war exacted a heavy price on the nation and its people. From the sacrifices of brave soldiers on the front lines to the untold suffering of those left behind, Mechania bore witness to the full spectrum of human experience in the crucible of war.
Chapter 9: The Dawning of a New Era (1945 - 1950) As the dust settled in the wake of global conflict, Mechania stood on the precipice of a new era of peace and prosperity. With the war machine winding down and the world rebuilding from the ashes of destruction, the nation's leaders turned their gaze towards the future, determined to forge a path towards a better tomorrow. Against the backdrop of post-war reconstruction, Mechania's scientists and engineers embarked on a quest to harness the power of science and technology for the betterment of all mankind, laying the groundwork for a future where the impossible became possible.
Chapter 10: The Atomic Age (1950 - 1955) With the dawn of the atomic age, Mechania found itself at the forefront of a new frontier of scientific exploration and discovery. From the earliest experiments in nuclear fission to the development of advanced reactor technologies, the nation's scientists pushed the boundaries of what was possible, unlocking the power of the atom to fuel the dreams of a brighter tomorrow. Yet amidst the promise of atomic energy, shadows of uncertainty lingered, as the specter of nuclear proliferation cast a pall over the world, threatening to plunge humanity into a new era of conflict and destruction.
Chapter 11: Technological Renaissance (1955 - 1960) In the midst of the Cold War tensions and the burgeoning Space Race, Mechania experienced a technological renaissance. Its laboratories buzzed with innovation as scientists delved into cutting-edge research in fields such as aerospace engineering, computer science, and materials science. The nation's industries flourished as they adapted to the demands of the space age, producing spacecraft components, satellites, and advanced propulsion systems. Mechania's engineers and scientists became instrumental in shaping humanity's quest to conquer the cosmos.
Chapter 12: The Space Exploration Epoch (1960 - 1965) As humanity's reach extended beyond the confines of Earth, Mechania played a pivotal role in the exploration of space. From the launch of the first artificial satellites to the historic moon landing, Mechania's technological prowess propelled humanity to new heights of achievement. Its scientists and engineers collaborated with international partners to build space stations, launch vehicles, and robotic probes, expanding humanity's understanding of the cosmos and paving the way for future interplanetary exploration.
Chapter 13: The Information Age Dawns (1965 - 1970) With the advent of computing technology, Mechania ushered in the Information Age, forever changing the way humanity communicated, worked, and lived. From the development of early mainframe computers to the birth of the internet, Mechania's contributions to the field of information technology were profound and far-reaching. Its scientists and engineers revolutionized data storage, processing, and communication, laying the groundwork for the digital revolution that would transform society in the decades to come.
Chapter 14: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (1970 - 1975) As computing power increased exponentially, Mechania delved into the realm of artificial intelligence, seeking to create machines capable of emulating human thought and behavior. With breakthroughs in neural networks, machine learning, and natural language processing, Mechania's AI researchers made strides towards the development of intelligent systems that could revolutionize industry, healthcare, and transportation. Yet with the promise of AI came ethical and existential questions about the nature of consciousness and the limits of human control over machines.
Chapter 15: The Cybernetic Revolution (1975 - 1980) In the wake of the oil crises and geopolitical tensions of the 1970s, Mechania embraced the cybernetic revolution, blurring the lines between man and machine. Cybernetic implants, prosthetics, and enhancements became commonplace, offering new possibilities for human augmentation and enhancement. Mechania's scientists pioneered breakthroughs in biotechnology and nanotechnology, creating symbiotic relationships between humans and machines that promised to reshape the very fabric of society.
Chapter 16: The Biotech Boom (1980 - 1985) As concerns about environmental degradation and resource depletion grew, Mechania turned its focus towards biotechnology, seeking sustainable solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. Genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and bioinformatics became the cornerstone of Mechania's biotech boom, offering new avenues for agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation. Yet with the power to manipulate life at the molecular level came ethical dilemmas and biosecurity concerns that tested the boundaries of scientific progress.
Chapter 17: The Green Revolution (1985 - 1990) Amidst growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, Mechania spearheaded the green revolution, harnessing renewable energy and sustainable practices to build a more resilient future. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power supplanted fossil fuels as the primary sources of energy, reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impacts of global warming. Mechania's scientists and engineers developed innovative technologies for energy storage, carbon capture, and sustainable agriculture, paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable world.
Chapter 18: The Age of Globalization (1990 - 1995) As the Cold War came to an end and the barriers to trade and communication fell, Mechania embraced the age of globalization, forging economic and cultural ties with nations around the world. Its scientists, entrepreneurs, and artists became ambassadors of innovation and creativity, exporting Mechania's ideas, products, and values to every corner of the globe. Yet with the benefits of globalization came challenges of inequality, exploitation, and cultural homogenization that tested Mechania's commitment to human rights and social justice.
Chapter 19: The Digital Renaissance (1995 - 2000) In the final years of the 20th century, Mechania experienced a digital renaissance, as the internet and mobile technology revolutionized every aspect of daily life. E-commerce, social media, and digital entertainment became integral parts of the modern experience, connecting people in ways previously unimaginable. Mechania's tech giants led the charge in innovation, developing platforms and services that shaped the way people communicated, worked, and consumed information. Yet with the benefits of connectivity came concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and the erosion of social bonds in an increasingly virtual world.
Chapter 20: The New Millennium (2000 - 2005) As the world welcomed the new millennium, Mechania stood at the forefront of a new era of technological progress and societal change. From the dawn of the genomic age to the promise of clean energy and space exploration, Mechania's scientists and engineers continued to push the boundaries of what was possible, driven by a shared vision of a better future for all humanity. Yet amidst the optimism and excitement of the new millennium, challenges loomed on the horizon, from geopolitical tensions and economic instability to ethical dilemmas and existential threats that would test humanity's resilience and resolve in the years to come.
Chapter 21: The Genomic Revolution (2005 - 2010) The early 21st century saw Mechania at the forefront of the genomic revolution, unlocking the secrets of the human genome and paving the way for personalized medicine and genetic therapies. Breakthroughs in gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 revolutionized healthcare, offering new hope for patients suffering from genetic diseases and cancer. Yet with the power to manipulate the building blocks of life came ethical and moral dilemmas that challenged society's understanding of what it means to be human.
Chapter 22: The Era of Renewable Energy (2010 - 2015) As concerns about climate change reached a fever pitch, Mechania doubled down on its commitment to renewable energy, investing heavily in solar, wind, and nuclear power to reduce carbon emissions and combat global warming. Innovative technologies for energy storage and grid management transformed the way electricity was generated, stored, and distributed, ushering in a new era of clean, sustainable energy that promised to power the world for generations to come.
Chapter 23: The Age of Artificial Intelligence (2015 - 2020) With advances in machine learning and neural networks, Mechania entered the age of artificial intelligence, where intelligent machines and algorithms permeated every aspect of society. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to predictive analytics and personalized recommendations, AI became an indispensable tool for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. Yet with the rise of AI came concerns about job displacement, privacy, and the existential threat of superintelligent machines that could surpass human intelligence.
Chapter 24: The Biotech Renaissance (2020 - 2025) In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mechania experienced a biotech renaissance, as scientists raced to develop vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic tools to combat the deadly virus. Breakthroughs in mRNA technology and gene therapy promised to revolutionize healthcare, offering new hope for patients suffering from a wide range of diseases and disorders. Yet with the rapid pace of biotech innovation came questions about access, equity, and the ethical implications of manipulating life at the molecular level.
Chapter 25: The Quantum Leap (2025 - 2030) As quantum computing and quantum cryptography matured, Mechania embarked on a new frontier of computing and communication that promised to revolutionize every industry and aspect of daily life. Quantum computers offered unparalleled processing power and the ability to solve complex problems that were previously unsolvable, while quantum cryptography ensured secure communication channels that were impervious to hacking and surveillance. Yet with the power of quantum technology came concerns about its potential for misuse and unintended consequences that could reshape the world in unforeseen ways.
Chapter 26: The Era of Space Colonization (2030 - 2035) With advances in space travel and habitation technology, Mechania led the charge in the colonization of the solar system, establishing permanent settlements on the moon, Mars, and beyond. Lunar mining operations and Martian terraforming projects promised to unlock the vast resources of the cosmos and pave the way for humanity's expansion into the stars. Yet with the dream of space colonization came challenges of sustainability, resource management, and the ethical implications of human colonization on other celestial bodies.
Chapter 27: The Age of Virtual Reality (2035 - 2040) As virtual reality technology matured, Mechania entered a new age of immersive entertainment, education, and communication that blurred the lines between the physical and digital worlds. VR headsets, haptic feedback devices, and neural interfaces offered unprecedented levels of immersion and presence, enabling users to explore virtual worlds, interact with digital avatars, and experience new forms of storytelling and social interaction. Yet with the rise of VR came concerns about addiction, escapism, and the erosion of real-world social bonds in an increasingly virtual society.
Chapter 28: The Rise of Bioengineering (2040 - 2045) In the wake of environmental devastation and biodiversity loss, Mechania turned to bioengineering as a solution to the world's most pressing ecological challenges. Genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and ecological restoration techniques offered new hope for restoring damaged ecosystems, preserving endangered species, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Yet with the power to manipulate life at the genetic level came ethical dilemmas and questions about the long-term consequences of playing god with the natural world.
Chapter 29: The Age of Augmented Reality (2045 - 2050) With the advent of augmented reality technology, Mechania ushered in a new era of mixed reality experiences that seamlessly blended the digital and physical worlds. AR glasses, smart contact lenses, and neural implants enabled users to overlay digital information onto their surroundings, enhancing productivity, entertainment, and everyday life. Yet with the rise of AR came concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the commodification of reality in an era of ubiquitous connectivity and digital augmentation.
Chapter 30: The Era of Transhumanism (2050 - 2055) As advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, and AI converged, Mechania embraced the philosophy of transhumanism, seeking to transcend the limitations of biology and create a new species of posthuman beings. Brain-computer interfaces, cybernetic implants, and genetic enhancements offered the promise of enhanced cognition, longevity, and physical capabilities that blurred the line between man and machine. Yet with the pursuit of transhumanism came questions about identity, autonomy, and the ethical implications of reshaping humanity in our own image.
Chapter 31: The Rise of Global Governance (2055 - 2060) Amid growing concerns about geopolitical instability and the existential threats posed by climate change and emerging technologies, Mechania spearheaded the establishment of a new system of global governance aimed at addressing humanity's most pressing challenges. International treaties, supranational organizations, and digital governance frameworks sought to foster cooperation, coordination, and collective action on a scale never before seen in human history. Yet with the rise of global governance came questions about sovereignty, accountability, and the balance of power in a world increasingly interconnected and interdependent.
Chapter 32: The Age of Synthetic Biology (2060 - 2065) With advances in synthetic biology and biofabrication, Mechania unlocked the potential to design and engineer living organisms with unprecedented precision and control. Synthetic organisms, biomaterials, and biofuels offered new solutions to age-old problems, from environmental pollution and resource scarcity to food insecurity and disease. Yet with the power to create life from scratch came ethical dilemmas and questions about the limits of human intervention in the natural world.
Chapter 33: The Quantum Revolution (2065 - 2070) As quantum technologies continued to mature, Mechania entered a new phase of the quantum revolution, where quantum sensors, networks, and algorithms promised to revolutionize every aspect of science, industry, and society. Quantum internet, quantum teleportation, and quantum encryption offered new possibilities for communication, computation, and cryptography that transcended the limitations of classical physics. Yet with the rise of quantum supremacy came concerns about the potential for quantum computing to disrupt existing cryptographic protocols and undermine cybersecurity on a global scale. (Max lol i think that all it just a prototype it has 100 chapter the full version in discord)
submitted by Anxious-Leg2609 to MapOfToulmond [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:34 Sallysinger2003 My entire family is obese, help!

How I can support my family in weight loss and healthy habits as someone who has been able to avoid these problems myself?
I am 26F 113lbs 5'2", I am fully healthy. I had a wonderful time visiting my family this week; however I noticed some sad facts: 1) I am now the only person who is not struggling with obesity in my family 2) half of my family and people I know are on ozempic (which I am not against) and 3) I am the only person who doesn't regularly eat fast food, soda, and highly processed food as their normal diet.
All of my family complained directly to me about their weight, how they're on ozempic and it's not working, and how they don't know why they aren't losing weight. I lovingly mentioned how we live in a country where you have to essentially fight to not become obese (obesogenic environment) and I myself personally gain weight easily now and I think the reasons I don't struggle with my weight are because I have healthy systems in place. These systems are quite simple: 1)don't drink soda almost ever 2) rarely keep any highly processed food in my house (I still eat it here and there at parties/events/work but not having it in the house is a huge thing for me) 3) I almost never eat fast food (talking like 3-4 times in year maximum) 4) I regularly exercise (but if I don't workout I never gain weight because my diet is solid) and 5) my diet is like 80% meat, veggies, and fruit.
My family's responses to that are "same!! I have those same healthy habits!" when that is objectively not the case.
What does one do about this? how can I lovingly encourage my family to have healthier habits? I hate knowing that they are fully capable in taking better care of themselves, and they seem to want to, but don't seem to understand what it actually takes to be healthy. I want them to live long health lives.
Idk if it's delusion, lying to themselves, or not conceptualizing the idea that some people really are strict and follow through with very rarely eating fast food/highly processed food/soda, etc.
submitted by Sallysinger2003 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:32 Mevensen AA/totalis in 7yo

AA/totalis in 7yo
7yo has had two AA flair ups that caused nearly total scalp hair loss. First time just using mometasone solution for about 6 months brought hair back 100% now this past year around Christmas a bald patch in the back led to total scalp loss again but not eye lashes. Some thinning of eye brows. Doing both mometasone solution for parts that have wispy hair since liquid is easier and then mometasone crm for total bald areas since derm said it's a little more intense
Going to be doing lab tests to check vitamin deficiency or thyroid, etc. I know treatment options change as my son gets older. But any other reccs for treatment. Any words of advice? It's hard as a parent watching my son go through this child hood and knowing he's different. Does AA ever go away or is this a life time struggle?
Thanks to all of you
submitted by Mevensen to alopecia_areata [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:31 Strepsils8888 Is it normal to lose 6kg in 1 and a half months?

I started eating based on the healthy eating plate (50% vege+fruits, 25% meat+protein, 25% carbs), practice intermittent fasting and exercise (only cardio) more than 3 times a week…
I only measure my weight once a month, so I was shocked about my weight loss in such a short period of time and worried if I was sick.
submitted by Strepsils8888 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:31 randomthoughts56789 Had to terminate and I'm not sure how to feel

Pretty much the title. I'm not sure if I'm angry or sad more but the level of resentment is not what I expected this time around.
I had a non viable pregnancy back late last year and the timing of that whole pregnancy was a living nightmare. Found out about it 4 days before my mother went on hospice and one of the last things she ever told me was I was overreacting cause she had multiple miscarriages and she moved on so what was the big deal. Safe to say the relationship wasn't the best and I spent 16 years caring for her only to watch her throw it all away. I found out the pregnancy was non viable the day before the memorial service and the following week I had to have the D&C. Two deaths in less than 2 months broke me.
I changed jobs and careers and figured maybe it'll work out again. I had a positive test after being late 4 days and I told myself no getting hopes up cause there was a high chance it would turn out to be nonviable again. However in telling my husband he immediately suggested termination cause we just can't. I agreed to an extent as I have no family left to help, his family favors his older sister and seems to forget about us, we can't afford childcare and wouldn't qualify for help as we would make too much money according to our state, I have a massive fibroid that could put me into high risk, I'm 39, and my mental health sucks at the best of times. So I get it.
However this is where the negative emotions come in. I wanted a chance. I wanted something that was me and him cause he has a daughter from his first marriage and I have nothing. He told me we can do trips and focus on his daughter since her mom is borderline not caring about or for her. I just don't care. I play nice but I have no say in anything and his daughter will be 13 this year. I can't make rules, I have no say in what happens, so in being forced to be a bystander I didn't get to enjoy her being little and feeling like I helped raised her. I feel like my deceased mother robbed me of time, money, resources, and a chance at a family cause she wouldn't care for herself. I feel like my husband had such a negative experience with his daughter and ex he never wanted to try again despite having shared that when we first got together. I did weight loss surgery for a chance and now twice in 7 months I'm left with nothing but the old pregnancy tests and all the evidence of a family of my own I'd ever have.
I am looking into therapy cause I feel messed up. I hate the idea of going to work and pretending nothing has happened when all I want to do is stay in bed. I resent nearly everyone right now. I hate a fair few. I hate that others have family to help and didn't even want kids but it worked out for them. I hate his ex for being the way she is and she has what I wanted and I'm left with nothing and yet she still complains while getting handouts and not acting like an adult. I know there was a high chance things would have ended badly but emotionally I need to just mourn for what I could have had.
Physically thankfully the 2 meds worked and I'm actually in less physical pain that I am during my cycle and after the D&C and I think that's garbage. I have a follow up in 2 weeks to make sure it all worked fine. The day of the first med it was only 5 weeks so nothing was really there.
I just needed a place to vent cause can't share this with anyone else. Just gotta suck this up and go into work and hope I'm not a mess while I'm there. I know I just have to work through the grief stages and eventually I'll be somewhat okay.
submitted by randomthoughts56789 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:27 WeirdLawfulness5843 phantosmia and parosmia, woo!

back in december i had covid, uneventful, lost smell but came back. In april i had a really awful cold that could have been covid but never tested positive. This knocked out my smell down to like 30%- and it never came back. The month following i started to get bloody mucus, quite a lot of congestion. Then i started to notice coffee smelled..not good anymore. Went to ENT. Sinuses seemed okay. About a week later, some cooking oil burned in house and for some reason… it stuck in my nose. now phantom cooking oil smell in the left nostril for over a week. Still have smell distortions with coffee, sweat, onions, more in left nostril (this was the one that had the blood). I’m at a loss atm. I have started smell training, and i don’t alwqys notice the cooking oil either, but it’s annoying. I also am trying mometasone at ENT suggestion. They didnt seem the least bit alarmed but they also had no solution. Any thoughts welcomed. I also notice it is not present when i wake quite often.
submitted by WeirdLawfulness5843 to Parosmia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:24 Secret-Bluebird8520 Calculating Macros Help!

Hi! I’m a 27 year old female, 5’ 4”, 145 lbs, 27% BF. I need help calculating my macros. Some calculators have told me my deficit calories should be 1500 and some have told me 1950 - they’re all over the place even when I enter the same activity level.
Right now I have my macros set to 131P, 165C, 56F (1689 calories).
A typical day for me looks like: - Sydney Cummings workout at 5AM before work (I follow her workouts chronologically and lift heavy) - Work desk job 7:30-4:00 (I try to get a 25ish minute walk outside in around lunchtime, equates to just over 1 mile) - Walk 30-45 mins in the evening
My daily step count is typically between 8k-10k steps.
I follow my macros consistently with the occasional treat, but have not seen any weight loss in the approximately 1 month I’ve been following these macros.
My Apple Watch usually tells me my TDEE is around 2,000-2,000 calories per day.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!
submitted by Secret-Bluebird8520 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:14 gastricsleeveturkey Gastric Sleeve Turkey - Price, Cost and Before After Photos

Gastric Sleeve Turkey - Price, Cost and Before After Photos

Gastric Sleeve Turkey

Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective surgical method in the treatment of obesity, and Turkey has become a preferred destination worldwide in this field. Gastric sleeve surgery involves removing a large portion of the stomach and reconstructing the rest into a narrow tube. This surgery allows patients to consume less food and promotes weight loss. 🌟
Turkey stands out in this field with its high-quality healthcare services and experienced surgeons. In addition, hospitals in Turkey are equipped with modern technology and offer services in accordance with international standards. 🏥
You can review for details: Gastric Sleeve Turkey
Why choose Turkey for gastric sleeve surgery?
Because Turkey combines quality healthcare with affordability.
You can choose Letsmedi for Gastric Sleeve surgery in Turkey.

Gastric Sleeve Turkey Price

The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is quite affordable compared to other countries. The prices for this surgery in Turkey usually range between 4,000 Euro and 6,000 Euro. 💶
This price includes preoperative evaluations, the surgical procedure, hospitalisation, and postoperative follow-up services. The low cost of living and the favourable exchange rate in Turkey are the main reasons for these affordable prices. 📉
You can review for the most favourable prices: Gastric Sleeve Turkey Price
Is gastric sleeve surgery expensive in Turkey?
No, it’s quite affordable, ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 Euros.
Access to high-quality healthcare services at affordable costs makes Turkey an attractive option for gastric sleeve surgery.

Best Gastric Sleeve Destination

Turkey is one of the best gastric sleeve destinations, not only for its affordable prices but also for the high-quality services it offers. 🏅
Major cities such as Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir are among the popular destinations for this surgery. Hospitals in these cities are equipped with modern medical equipment and staffed with experienced and specialised surgeons. 🏙️
Which cities are best for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?
Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir are top choices.
In addition, Turkey's historical and cultural richness allows patients to relax and have a pleasant time before and after surgery. Turkey, which has a strong infrastructure in the field of health tourism, stands out as an ideal destination for patients considering gastric sleeve surgery with its hospitality and quality health services. 🌍

Gastric Sleeve Turkey Before And After

Seeing the transformation of patients who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery can be incredibly motivating. Before and after photos provide a visual testament to the effectiveness of the procedure and the life-changing results it can offer. 📸
Why are before and after photos important?
They show the real impact and success of the surgery.
Patients considering this surgery can look at these photos to set realistic expectations and gain confidence in their decision. You can find numerous before and after photos from patients who have had their gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, showcasing their remarkable transformations. 🌟
Choosing Turkey for your gastric sleeve surgery means opting for a country renowned for its quality healthcare, affordability, and comprehensive patient care. For those looking to embark on this life-changing journey, Turkey remains a top destination. 🌍
Gastric Sleeve Turkey Before After Stories
Gastric Sleeve Turkey Before After Photos
Gastric sleeve Turkey Success Story
submitted by gastricsleeveturkey to HealthTurkey [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:14 katiegrace123 Hi!

Hi! I wanted to introduce myself as I get closer to surgery to give you my story! I have been obese my whole life. I have been over 200 pounds since I was 13 years old. I am now 24. I have been put on and off diets my entire life. I never took those diets seriously because I wasn’t doing them for myself. I was doing them for approval from friends, family, and my pediatrician. Fast forward to 2022. I got married to my high school sweetheart and got pregnant on our honeymoon. During my pregnancy, I herniated 2 discs and broke my back. I was in excruciating pain and could not move for months. The doctor said he needed me at a lower BMI to do disc replacement surgery. He also said that losing weight would help take pressure off my discs. I had my son in November of 2022 at my highest weight of 320 pounds. For reference, I am 5’5.5”. I started taking my weight loss seriously right after my son was born. I lost 20 pounds from November until May of 2023, but my weight was stuck right at 300 pounds. I have PCOS. I went to my doctor in May of 2023 and got approved for Wegovy. She also suggested researching bariatric surgery. I went to my first bariatric surgery consultation in August of 2023. I started doing monthly supervised weight loss appointments with the nutritionist. I am now at 234 pounds, so I am down 86 pounds. 😊 My hospital was hacked on the same day I had pre-op testing (May 8th), so they do not have access to my records to approve me for surgery. I am currently waiting for the hack to be resolved so Dr. Inman can review my records and schedule my surgery! It looks like this process will take right around 1 year from the first appointment until surgery day (at least that’s my hope)! I decided to get the duodenal switch surgery even though my BMI is currently at 38. It started at 52. I thought this surgery would give me the best results with my PCOS. I am scared but also so excited. I am excited about the potential of being in a thinner body. The potential of doctors taking my pain seriously. The potential of being in less pain. The potential of being able to move easier. The potential of reducing my PCOS symptoms. The potential of feeling comfortable and confident in trendy clothes. The potential of being viewed differently by the world. And the potential of finally saying I did it.
submitted by katiegrace123 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:11 wild_burro Opinion A Politically Made Insurance Panic

Auto insurance rates are up 46.2% since January 2020, more than in the eight previous years combined. Homeowner premiums have increased 37.8% since 2019 and 5.8% in the first three months this year. Arizona (62.1%), Illinois (56.9%), Texas (54.5%), California (48.4%) and Florida (42.5%) have seen even higher increases…
Used and new vehicle prices have increased 29.5% and 20.4%, respectively, since January 2020. More expensive cars cost more to insure. Prices for vehicle parts have risen 21.7% since the start of the pandemic while repair costs are up 48%…
Storms and wildfires are causing more damage, but this is largely because building values and repair costs have soared. Home construction material prices and labor costs have climbed by roughly 38% over the last five years…
Higher interest rates and declining profitability are making it more expensive for insurers to raise capital, further pushing up premiums. Property and casualty insurers last year paid out $101.70 for every $100 they collected in premiums. Such losses are unsustainable, which means premiums will continue rising as insurers price in their growing costs.
submitted by wild_burro to inflation [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:10 OddSatisfaction4844 Why should or shouldn't I 26M message her 25f new guy/replacement?

I 26M got into a LDR last year with a girl 25F, I was fully in love with her but it was tough due to distance, time zones and her being unsure about her future. We still spent almost every hour of every day together when she wasnt working, for nearly a year. I often felt like nothing but a source of fun and attention for her and it made me nervous.
When I asked her about ambitions she says she lives in the moment, which, I did not like as an answer considering the situation, but I kept dating her.
I broke up with her in november due to her behavior and feeling like she was slowly losing feelings, but we talked and she cried heavily and showed serious remorse. I folded instantly and we fully made up and had a wonderful holiday and we were back to being highly intiamte. She said she understood the breakup entirely and we agreed to still be fully in a relationship. We agreed to put the dating label on it again once we see eachother irl but that was simply a formality. There was an unspoken obvious that we'd be far more compatible irl where we can physically be together because shes not great at being intimate over text or video nor is she highly receptive to it.
Her ex complains about her being super clingy irl and that's exactly what I like. Her being highly codependent is a part of why we ended up being a couple to begin with. We got sick back to back in january after a wonderful christmas break and our communication and intimacy dropped off a cliff due to it. Once shes "not in the mood" theres essentially nothing I can do aside from spend time with her platonically until she starts liking me again. The problem is in jan I was also getting very depressed and wanted alone time. All she wanted to do was play league and I wanted to do other things. At the end of jan she bought me apology gifts for the lack of intimacy and began talking about visiting again but the gifts were a suprise and I didn't get them until after a crappy conversation where i told her i was depressed and she took it as a breakup. It really muddied the water for the 3 weeks leading up to her "leaving" me, because we were on completely different pages.
Back in october, I helped her learn how to play league because she likes to spend a ton of time together on call but doesn't like doing anything, and I figured it would be something mindless we could enjoy together. She hated it, fought me, cried about playing it, whined and complained but warmed up to it after a few months. She would quit after 1 loss and go to bed early etc. It would kill intimacy for us many nights, and I didn't understand why she got like that, and we talked and considered it a possibility that because some nights we play with her recent ex, it could possibly be bringing up dormant emotions. They didn't have a proper breakup either. She didn't disagree with this theory, but we kept playing with them because I refused to set boundaries. The recent ex is a good guy and I get along with him well. She hasn't been in many relationships and it was her most serious.
By january I didn't want to play league anymore because I felt like she was taking it a bit too serious, and I wanted us to play other games. I didn't like how it affected her mood so much, and shes far more affectionate when we spend our time doing other things.
Again, she'd wine and refuse and get upset about me wanting to play other games or watch anime She began playing league alone or with her ex at the very end of jan/start of feb. I woke up to them playing on call in the server one morning (shes 7 hours ahead of me) and got extremely grossed out but didn't make it an issue because I didn't want to be insecure/controlling which I deeply regret.
In feburary our relationship kept deteriorating but I knew after time passed we'd make up and be back on track, so I didn't push her or make a fuss about her lack of intimacy. I needed to work on myself and make more money so I could just buy the plane tickets. At this point, I knew i needed to be the one to buy them or it wasn't happening. She initially was going to buy them herself but I told her to focus on moving out of her parents house first because we were still new and I felt like that was a more important step in her life. But as soon as she moved in with her roomate, she began changing a lot and her interest in visiting me faded. Our relationships highly cyclical because she has honeymoon phase addiction where she tries really hard at the start and it trickles off as she gets comfortable. She always comes back around though so I give her space and let her be the one to do it.
Unfortuantely, peer pressure got to her around valentines, her friends and roommate convinced her to meet someone on bumble. She would vent to friends about our breakups and disagreements and at some point it became clear she'd been telling her friends me and her were nothing but a situationship. Me and her never called it that and it couldn't be further from the truth. We never went through a real breakup but she attests "they were real to her" which I can't buy. If I never stopped giving her love affection loyalty care and attention at any point, its not really a breakup. It's not like I don't communicate with her the issues and try to seek solutions, she just refuses any form of conflict resolution. Shes extremely stubborn and never apologizes or tries to make up. If we have a disagreement or lose a game of league for example and she won't tell me she loves me for 2 weeks.
When she began swiping on bumble, she didn't tell me anything. I didn't think much of her behavior because I was trying to get used to her not telling me she loves me for weeks at a time. I'd also began growing used to her cold spells. I wanted to be with this woman, so i needed to grow accustom to this less affectionate behavior, because I didn't want to break up with her or make her feel like she wasn't good enough or I didn't feel loved if this is just how she is. So i was trying to come to terms with being with a less verbally affectionate person despite how I was raised and my previous relationships training me to crave constant affirmations. I loved her and didn't want things to end because she felt like she couldnt give me what I wanted. I was happy with her despite our differences, I was just emotionally stunted. She begged and made it clear to me she didn't care about our differences in the past and I wish I was on the same page back then when it was new, but I was affraid she was just honeymooning and would lose interest over time; and maybe thats exactly what happened, but I don't know
Unfortunately, She began playing league with this new guy every single day from valentines day, the last day we really spoke as a couple. I didn't find out until 3 weeks after when her ex texted me and asking who she was playing with. (he wasn't being invited anymore) I also found out shortly after through a friend she went to a movie with the guy week 2.
I immidiately tried to talk to her when i found out and it was a nightmare. She just cried a ton and shut down on me and told me we can't be friends or hangout cause she still had feelings for me, is trying to move on and is "losing progress"when we speak which made me confused and even more upset.
Considering how our relationship started and ended, theres never going to be a situation where she doesn't "lose progress" talking to me. It doesnt seem to be possible for us to interact platonically because she treats relationships as nearly plantonic to begin with. For example, just being in call together or hanging out as friends is too much for her and its why she caught feelings for me to begin with. Shes admited if she spends enough time alone with any guy she will catch feelings and theres nothing she can do.
I... don't know how to respond handle or cope with this.
She heavily complicated my emotions and situation by essentially confirming that she jumped the gun and started hanging with someone new and can't back out even though she still loved me.
This is destroyed me.
I thought I could handle it and let her go through with it, but after 3 days she went back to playing league with him and I had a mental breakdown. I've already been in situations where theres another guy. It's not worth sticking around. No one wins.
If I did this same thing to her she'd be completely devestated. If I stayed cool and let her do it, and then moved on to another girl, she'd be devestated. We were in eachothers servers and still fully connected everywhere online.
Theres no way out without someone getting hurt due to her actions and the way she handled it.
Simply having her added and seeing her activity was destroying me, and it was my own doing as I requested her not to hide it after i realized what was happening. She was also constantly checking my discord server and social media but not interacting outside of reactions.
Ultimately I caved to my mental and deleted/blocked her everywhere on everything, kicked her and her roomate and left her server. I deeply regret it because I love her to death and wanted her as a friend always no matter what but it was too late.
What she was doing was too much on me.
She would play way longer with him, as opposed to going to bed at 10pm while palying with me, she'd stay up till 12am on work nights. She used him to climb ranks because he's diamond. She has competitiveness issues and wanted to climb rank to be higher than my ex, her ex and her friends, yet she refused to play ranked with me back when we played because it was too scary/stressful (no i am not mean or anything) She was new back then, but still, this still hurts me deeply. I was essentially forced to play bot games only long after she'd gotten used to the game. Now shes completely addicted to climbing ranked with him.
It just slowly crushed me. She has been playing an absurd amount of league with him and its the sole reason she's not even bothered talking to me or fixing things even as friends. shes found something else to occupy 100% of her time and energy and completely replace me. I got fully discarded like garbage. Not to mention, the reason she didn't say anything is because she knows if it failed with him or they didn't click she'd come right back to me. I essentially was left in the dark as a "just in case" This girl used to sit in call and do nothing but stare at me smiling for hours.
Even now, i know I'll never get closure or an apology as long as she's spending copius amounts of time with this other guy ranking up, and my hearts completely shattered because of how much time and energy she requried and the things she helped me get through in life. She ment A LOT to me. I'm unsure how she could stomach doing this. It hurts so badly.
I have the guys discord, given to me by a mutual, and could attempt to speak to him, and every day I feel myself inching back to wanting to do so. I'd hoped I'd just move on and get over it but I'm still dreaming about her. I had a dream she apologized recetly and I'd woke up crying. It constantly brings my mood down and I can't distract myself enough to let it go. Even with friends something will get said that throws me back into depression.
In my heart I know if that new relationship fails she'll be forced to reflect on what she did and despite the horrible ending there's a very good chance she'd reach out to check on me in her loneliness. Same goes for if she falls out with the friends that led her to use dating apps. It hurts even more that these girls with all mutual friends with me. They never even bothered talking to me about it. So this morning in a low, I made the mistake of checking her Op.gg for the first time in months and saw theyre still playing constantly, every day, and her rank is significantly inflated.
It hurts so bad.
I want her to be happy obviously, I want to move on too, but god will not let me rest even in my sleep. It's very hard for me to move on as well, because I'm extremely picky. I didn't agree to date her on a whim, and when she asked me out I declined at first but came around over time and asked her out instead, because I trusted her and she swore she was serious about this. I never thought she was capable of anything like this, and the girl back then definitely wasn't. I chose to date her very carefully.
She moved in with a friend that ended up having her wing-manning for her on tindr dates, and this is where things started seriously going downhill.
Something I never thought to get upset about because I didn't want to be controlling, but it changed her. She used to swear off dating apps like I do and the friend ate away at her until she folded.
I know messaging the new guys a shit idea, but the upsides are there. Theres a possibility I can get the full story from his POV. I want real closure. I want to see the bumble messages she was sending to him from the start so I can move on not feeling as if I was the reason things failed. I can find out how the relationships going and get a full picuture. They could be dating or it could already be dead in the water and shes just putting off bothering me again. The pain of seeing her do what for me essentially amounted to cheating will grant me closure, because right now I still love her due to the complications. My emotions unfortunately aren't fickle and I struggle heavily to get through things. Seeing her completely and utterly happy with another man will push me to move on. He'll obviously be curious about me too. She never broke up with me after all, and began things with him without even properly ending our relationship. I didn't put up much of a fight because competing with someone she can physically be with is irrational, but this still hurts me as if it were real. As her friend I wanted her to have that. I just never wanted to get abandoned like this for it.
I'm scared to do it, but I can't think of anything else that would bring me any form of closure. Venting to her and venting to mutuals was a mistake and just made things worse. I wish I just messaged him from the very start and never bothering speaking to anyone else. Now he's spent thousands of hours straight up boosting her account. Shes a brand new player and hes made like 5 alts in order to keep ranking her up.
I know theres a high chance he doesnt react well to me contacting him and goes to her about it immidiately, but my relationship with her is completely and utterly over reguardless from my current pov, so why not get closure for myself through him? There's also a chance that me and him get along great and I get the closure she refused to give me without messing anything up for her.
I'm just tired of suffering, it's been literal months and it still hurts the same.
I can answer any questions with more context. Talking about it for a bit usually helps me feel better. It only gets this bad in solitude. I can't vent to friends or mutuals anymore. I need to keep appearing like I've moved on for the people that care about me.
I'm not even sure at this point what advice I need or I'm looking for, I just feel like I seriously got fucked over by someone who made me promises and begged to be with me despite the complications because she wasnt really sure what she wanted in life. I wish I just ended it back then instead of falling in love. I would rather have died than go through the pain of losing her the way I did. It brought me nothing but agony.
submitted by OddSatisfaction4844 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:10 Willing_Demand_9481 Seriously considering leaving. Long but I need to vent and get advice please read

I work at a Medical Spa. It's only ever offered tox, weight loss injections, and all the other things nurse Injectors do. I was the 1st esthetician she hired. The owner wanted me to come in and establish this place as a skin care place and do esthetician services. The majority of clientelle is brow waxing, at my previous job I was almost fully booked with brows.
I knew not everyone would follow me to the new spa and I knew not all my brow clients would want to turn into facial clients. And I know it takes a few years to get clientele. I'm doing about 15 to 20 clients week here.(however it's slowing a bit since off season is coming) however most of them are brow services. I've been here about 9 months now. And I'm slowly starting to get a few facials a week.
Everything was fine here but she talked to me one day. And said she is cutting my hours in half because she is paying me too much hourly and my services aren't expensive enough. (She does pay a very good hourly) And she said she expected me to be doing mostly Microneedling, High level chemical peels and more expensive services like that. Keep in mind our facial prices are the most expensive in my entire town.
She also thinks an hour is way too long for a full facial. She said taking an hour for a facial is not enough profit. She also is only letting me work 3 days a week. And I'm not allowed to come in early, stay late, or come in on Saturdays. She also keeps giving me attitude and mildly excluding me on the daily. She also says when we do facials we need to start upcharging for things like Extractions, or facial massage, and massaging their shoulder while masks set, and things like that. I politely said we charge the most in town and no one else Up charges for those things usually they are included. She didn't agree
Social media is also a problem. I post daily and post on my Instagram story 8 to 10 times a day. Because that is what our marketing girl wants us to do. I'm always either not posting enough or what I post isn't good enough. I'm not getting any clients from social media. And the owner never talks up my services to her clients even though she has full books of tox and filler clients. They don't even know I do this here.
I also don't have a lot of products to use for facials. Like for example I have 1 mask I can use for facials. I could go on for hours about all the things like that happening. I feel like she wants me to quit so she can hire someone at a lower pay than she offered me. Some of my current clients are telling me they are struggling to get in with me with my schedule being like this. So my number of services are going down. So I'm scared of she's going to end up firing me.
I've been calling and emailing and going into every esthetician business in town and none of them are hiring at the moment.So part of me is considering leaving but idk what other career I'd want. Or if I'm ready to go back to school for something else. But I'm getting anxious at work so bad. I can't tell if I'm the problem and being dramatic. But I've lost all my confidence in my work because of this job. But I'd miss my clients. I'm not sure what to do or if I'm the problem. I'm tired of feeling like everything I do is wrong. And I don't feel safe enough to talk to her about my concerns and I'm scared of getting fired. Any comforting word would be appreciated too if you don't have advice.
submitted by Willing_Demand_9481 to Esthetics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:08 diy_financier Total rookie, should I get a pro to do it?

Total rookie, should I get a pro to do it?
Hi all, I'm a bit of a rookie on all things diy so excuse if there is an obvious answer here.
I wanted to fit a small TV to the drywall, per the picture. The relevant details are:
  • This is the top room (roof extension) of an old victorian terraced house; extension was done probably 15-20yrs ago
  • The wall area is 79cm and it's plasterboard. I don't feel any stud on the section (neither at the 400mm or 600mm mark, either side).
  • Immediately behind is a shower area. I think the plumbing is probably in the opposite wall given showerhead location (per the picture), but am not certain
  • The TV I've selected is 55 x 38 cm and weights 3.3kg (although some of this is probably the "stand", which I wouldn't use)
  • I was planning to place the TV in the green area, fitted to a simple bracket which weights 1.2kg in the red section
  • So I'd have a total weight of around 4-5kg. I was planning on using these screws on the job, which seems like an easy/clean solution rather than drilling the plasterboard and using hollow wall anchors, or another solution.
Would this likely work / sustain the weight? Anything I need to be mindful off other than avoiding "drilling" the screws near the purple section to avoid hitting any wiring that may be connected to the switch (which I think tend to be installed vertically)?
Thanks so much in advance.
submitted by diy_financier to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:07 rajbala57 Packers and Movers in Faridabad: Reliable Service at Competitive Prices

Packers and Movers in Faridabad: Reliable Service at Competitive Prices
Relocating can be an overwhelming experience, but it can be a smooth and stress-free process with the right packers and movers. Faridabad, a bustling city in Haryana, is home to numerous relocation service providers. However, finding reliable packers and movers who offer competitive prices can take time and effort. This blog will guide you through the key aspects of choosing the right packers and movers in Faridabad.
When planning a move, whether it's within the city or to a new location, the primary concern is the safety and security of your belongings. Reliable packers and movers ensure that your items are packed efficiently, transported safely, and delivered on time. They offer comprehensive services including packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and even unpacking, saving you time and effort.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Packers and Movers

  1. Experience and Expertise: Look for companies with several years of experience in the industry. Experienced movers are well-equipped to handle various challenges that may arise during the relocation process.
  2. Customer Reviews and Ratings: Online reviews and ratings provide insights into the quality of service offered by the company. Positive feedback from previous customers is a good indicator of reliability.
  3. Range of Services: Choose a company that offers a wide range of services including residential and commercial moving, vehicle transportation, and storage solutions. This ensures that all your relocation needs are met under one roof.
  4. Pricing: While it’s important to find a service provider that fits your budget, don’t compromise on quality. Look for transparent pricing with no hidden charges. Competitive pricing doesn’t mean the cheapest but rather the best value for money.
  5. Insurance Coverage: Ensure that the company offers insurance coverage for your belongings. This provides peace of mind knowing that you are protected against any potential damages or losses during the move.

Why Rajbala Packers and Movers Are the Best

Among the numerous options available, Rajbala Packers and Movers have established themselves as the most reliable and competitive packers and movers in Faridabad. Here’s why they stand out:
  1. Extensive Experience: With over a decade of experience in the moving industry, Rajbala Packers and Movers have honed their skills to perfection. They have successfully handled thousands of relocations, both big and small, with utmost professionalism.
  2. Positive Customer Feedback: Rajbala Packers and Movers boast a plethora of positive reviews and high ratings from satisfied customers. Their commitment to providing excellent service has earned them a stellar reputation in Faridabad and beyond.
  3. Comprehensive Services: Whether you need to move your home, office, or vehicle, Rajbala Packers and Movers offer a complete range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. They also provide secure storage solutions for those in need of temporary storage.
  4. Competitive Pricing: Rajbala Packers and Movers believe in offering top-notch services at competitive prices. Their transparent pricing policy ensures that there are no hidden costs, and you get the best value for your money.
  5. Insurance and Safety: Understanding the value of your belongings, Rajbala Packers and Movers provide insurance coverage to protect your items during transit. Their trained staff uses high-quality packing materials and the latest techniques to ensure the safety of your possessions.


When it comes to relocating in Faridabad, choosing the best packers and movers is crucial for a hassle-free experience. By considering factors such as experience, customer reviews, range of services, pricing, and insurance, you can make an informed decision. Rajbala Packers and Movers in Faridabad, with their extensive experience, positive customer feedback, comprehensive services, competitive pricing, and commitment to safety, emerge as the best choice for all your relocation needs. Trust Rajbala Packers and Movers to make your next move a smooth and stress-free journey.
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submitted by rajbala57 to u/rajbala57 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:07 BitOSun Ask for ultrasound?

I have been having flares of some sort over the past several years but I never get any answers. The most recent started in January and I am just beginning to feel better. It started with a major caffeine sensitivity, then cold intolerance with shaking and feeling faint, late period, brain fog, difficulty maintaining weight, dry skin that I thought was just from winter, and bloating. I also noticed what I believe is raynauds syndrome. I have had this in the past with other flares, but I wasn’t sure if it was actually it. I finally went to the doctor in March and most of my labs came back normal besides abnormally high HDL which made my total cholesterol high. TSH 1.77 and high albumin. Vit D 35. Doctor said it was anxiety and dismissed me. Dr didn’t want to do any further testing, nor did they want me to come back in. During this time my gut motility decreased even more and I got itchy bumps in armpit area and itchy skin at elbows. Dr finally ordered more test that came back normal. Anti ccp level 5. TPO and other thyroid measurements were not checked. It wasn’t until the major gut motility issues that I realized it may be my thyroid. I took everlywell test TSH 1.88, free t4 0.71, and free t3 3.5. I am at a loss where to go from here. I am almost certain I had postpartum thyroiditis after second child. A couple of years after that I had tests ran bc of feeling bad and TPO was 10, TSH 1.35. I also had similar symptoms a few years ago and TSH was 2.4. I felt like I was dying at the time. I lost my arm hair and I was extremely fatigued. No diagnosis and no further testing was performed. I left knowing I had to make a change so I started exercising, tracking macros and intermittent fasting which made a huge difference (most fit I have ever been) and has kept me out of the drs office until now. I think being back in college and my hips popping out of place at the beginning of the year caused enough extra stress for things to go haywire. Also, I worked in dental field for 7 years as X-ray tech, my grandmother had hypothyroidism and RA, I’m sensitive to soy, and I have MTHFR variants. I keep missing the height of my flare for labs, and I am just now realizing that it may be a thyroid issue. If it were you would you ask for an ultrasound or wait until another flare?
submitted by BitOSun to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:06 scubasteve42381 Latest News for the East Coast contract talks

International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Halts Negotiations with United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) Amid Automation Disputes
 North Bergen, NJ – (June 10, 2024) The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) today announced the suspension of talks with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, 2024. This decision arises amidst ongoing negotiations of local agreements under the coast-wide Master Contract, set to expire on September 30, 2024. The ILA canceled Master Contract talks with USMX after discovering that APM Terminals and Maersk Line are utilizing an Auto Gate system, which autonomously processes trucks without ILA labor. This system, initially identified at the Port of Mobile, Alabama, is reportedly being used in other ports as well. A spokesperson for the ILA stated, "Here we go again! This is another example of USMX members unilaterally circumventing our coast-wide Master Contract. This is a clear violation of our agreement with USMX, and we will not tolerate it any longer." “There’s no point trying to negotiate a new agreement with USMX when one of its major companies continues to violate our current agreement with the sole aim of eliminating ILA jobs through automation,” said International President Harold J. Daggett, who serves as chief negotiator for the union. The ILA will not meet with USMX until the Auto Gate issue is resolved. Additionally, the union is still waiting on results from an audit for the jobs created out of new technology, a report they have been anticipating for almost two contract periods. The ILA has observed an increasing number of IT personnel on marine terminals, with concerns that APM and Maersk's IT departments in Charlotte, North Carolina, are encroaching on their jurisdiction. "We are not taking this lightly," the ILA cautioned. The ILA is monitoring and keenly aware of APM Terminals and Maersk Line’s repeated attempts to circumvent the ILA-USMX Master Contract and cut ILA jobs through the introduction of automation and semi-automation equipment. "Most of the problems the ILA is facing on the East and Gulf Coast all stem from APM Terminals and Maersk Line," the ILA added. "Maersk Line, the second largest ocean carrier in the world, has a track record of pushing automation. They started semi-automation in the Port of Hampton Roads, and have full automation at Pier 400 in Los Angeles, California. The ILA lost tens of thousands of jobs in the 1970s due to containerization, and APM and Maersk seem to be leading the charge to eliminate good, family-sustaining jobs right here in the U.S." The ILA has long expressed deep concern over the impact of automation on jobs, highlighting APM Terminals and Maersk Line’s abuse of the ILA Master Contract, which have led to job losses in various ports. ILA President Daggett made it clear that the union will take a firm stance against any technology that threatens ILA jobs. He spoke extensively at the union’s quadrennial convention last summer, about Maersk Line’s history of pushing automation down the throats of workers around the world. 
“Who the hell is a foreign company like Maersk, to come on to American soil and build fully automated terminals,” the ILA leader asked in a fiery speech to hundreds of ILA delegates at that July 2023 Convention. “This foreign company Maersk tries to shove fully automated terminals down our throats and for what reason? To eliminate good paying American jobs, ILA jobs.” The ILA leader expressed criticism of President Joe Biden and lawmakers for turning a blind eye to automation and its devastating effect on American workers. “How can this Administration allow a foreign company like Maersk, and other foreign shipping companies, to get away with this?” President Daggett asked in his convention remarks, as he warned Maersk and other foreign companies of the consequences of their plans to automate. “Mark my words, there is going to be an explosion, and the ILA and dockers around the world are going to light the fuse.” His son, Dennis A. Daggett, who serves as the ILA’s Executive Vice President, echoed these sentiments in his own convention remarks, as he stated that the relationship with USMX is not as it appears. "We want ironclad language and the actual intent of that language in writing," he told ILA convention delegates last July. "Years after we sign a contract, everyone seems to get amnesia.” Today as the ILA announced cancelation of talks with management, ILA Executive Vice President Daggett said: “I guess they (USMX) just thought our speeches at the convention were for show. Well, I hope they realize by now that every word spoken was real and sincere." The ILA is now putting action behind those words as it cancels talks with USMX. The ILA believes there are many issues that need to be resolved in their current agreement before they resume negotiations. With less than four months until the contract's expiration, the ILA has very little faith that these issues will be addressed in time. "Historically, management has been known to drag their feet or kick the can down the road, but I think this time it caught up with them." The ILA continues to call on the Administration and President Biden to recognize the threat posed by foreign-owned companies attempting to undermine American jobs. "We won’t stand for it, and neither should they," the spokesperson concluded.
About the International Longshoremen’s Association: The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) is the largest union of maritime workers in North America, representing 85,000 longshore workers along the East Coast, Gulf Coast, Puerto Rico, Great Lakes, and major U.S. rivers. Its membership includes longshore workers in Eastern Canada and the Bahamas. The ILA is dedicated to ensuring fair labor practices and protecting the rights and jobs of its members.
submitted by scubasteve42381 to Longshoremen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:03 afycs gaining weight, help!

i (19f) have been in a pretty low caloric deficit (~1,000cal) and have lost 25 pounds in just over 2 months.
however, after i officially hit that 25 pound weight loss, no more weight will come off!! and if it does, i gain it back within a day. it’s now been almost a month of 0 progress just back and forth weight loss, and i haven’t changed my eating habits! now, even eating under 1,000cal, i’ve gained 2 pounds in 2 days!
please help me. i can’t keep gaining weight. what can i do??? has anyone else experienced this???
some more info: i’m 19f, i was 173 i am now 148/149, my goal weight is 120.
i exercise every single day for over an hour and burn 450-500 cal.
i eat omad with one snack during the day, usually consisting of all vegetables and protein. my calories never add up to over 1,000, which is why i’m freaking out over gaining weight.
i drink 2L of water a day as well.
please help!!
submitted by afycs to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:02 Multisand True portable AC for camper

I have a rugged off grid camper trailer, but it gets so damn hot in the summer. Because of its size, it's a lot of work and very expensive to install a traditional AC unit.
I've looked at the EcoFlow Wave 2 and the Zero Breeze units, that are both relatively expensive. I've also looked at other brands, and I did find an Indiegogo campaign for an Airmate Split AC, but the campaign is closed.
Mostly, I think I've found myself wondering if it's actually not possible to find a light weight, compact portable AC that's worth investing in.
I have absolutely no qualifications to consider specific specs or MacGyver solutions.
Does anyone know of any solutions that I haven't mentioned, that my actually be worth investigating?
Note: I live in Europe, so it has to be compatible with European power sockets :) I did take the quiz and look at the spreadsheet, but I didn't quite find what I need. Maybe the technology is just not there yet..?
I'm eagerly awaiting replies! Have a great day.
submitted by Multisand to AirConditioners [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:01 thatotherchicka April 2021 - Question #59

“59. In accordance with 19 CFR § Part 171 Appendix B, which of the following circumstances would NOT be considered a “mitigating factor” in the CBP administrative penalty decision for a proposed or assessed penalty claim?
A. Demonstration of a consistent pattern of importations that is in compliance with all applicable CBP laws and regulations.
B. Timely compliance with lawful CBP requests for records related to the alleged violation(s) in accordance with 19 CFR § 163.6.
C. Providing CBP with additional information relating to the subject violation or other violations.
D. Taking remedial action to pay the actual loss of duties prior to a penalty notice and within 30 days of CBP’s notification.
E. Demonstration that CBP had actual knowledge of the violation and, without justification, failed to inform the importebroker so that an earlier corrective action could have been taken.”
Well, isn’t that nice – they tell us exactly where to look. Unfortunately, the appendixes to part 171 was quite hefty. Let’s see if we can find the answer to this one in appendix B:
(G) Mitigating Factors
The following factors will be considered in mitigation of the proposed or assessed penalty claim or the amount of the administrative penalty decision, provided that the case record sufficiently establishes their existence. The list is not all-inclusive.
(1) Contributory Customs Error. This factor includes misleading or erroneous advice given by a Customs official in writing to the alleged violator, or established by a contemporaneously created written Customs record, only if it appears that the alleged violator reasonably relied upon the information and the alleged violator fully and accurately informed Customs of all relevant facts. The concept of comparative negligence may be utilized in determining the weight to be assigned to this factor. If it is determined that the Customs error was the sole cause of the violation, the proposed or assessed penalty claim shall be canceled. If the Customs error contributed to the violation, but the violator also is culpable, the Customs error will be considered as a mitigating factor.
(2) Cooperation with the Investigation. To obtain the benefits of this factor, the violator must exhibit extraordinary cooperation beyond that expected from a person under investigation for a Customs violation. Some examples of the cooperation contemplated include assisting Customs officers to an unusual degree in auditing the books and records of the violator (e.g., incurring extraordinary expenses in providing computer runs solely for submission to Customs to assist the agency in cases involving an unusually large number of entries and/or complex issues). Another example consists of assisting Customs in obtaining additional information relating to the subject violation or other violations. Merely providing the books and records of the violator should not be considered cooperation justifying mitigation inasmuch as Customs has the right to examine an importer's books and records pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1508-1509.
(3) Immediate Remedial Action. This factor includes the payment of the actual loss of duty prior to the issuance of a penalty notice and within 30 days after Customs notifies the alleged violator of the actual loss of duties attributable to the alleged violation. In appropriate cases, where the violator provides evidence that immediately after learning of the violation, substantial remedial action was taken to correct organizational or procedural defects, immediate remedial action may be granted as a mitigating factor. Customs encourages immediate remedial action to ensure against future incidents of non-compliance.
(4) Inexperience in Importing. Inexperience is a factor only if it contributes to the violation and the violation is not due to fraud or gross negligence.
(5) Prior Good Record. Prior good record is a factor only if the alleged violator is able to demonstrate a consistent pattern of importations without violation of section 592, or any other statute prohibiting false or fraudulent importation practices. This factor will not be considered in alleged fraudulent violations of section 592.
(6) Inability to Pay the Customs Penalty. The party claiming the existence of this factor must present documentary evidence in support thereof, including copies of income tax returns for the previous 3 years, and an audited financial statement for the most recent fiscal quarter. In certain cases, Customs may waive the production of an audited financial statement or may request alternative or additional financial data in order to facilitate an analysis of a claim of inability to pay (e.g., examination of the financial records of a foreign entity related to the U.S. company claiming inability to pay).
(7) Customs Knowledge. Additional relief in non-fraud cases (which also are not the subject of a criminal investigation) will be granted if it is determined that Customs had actual knowledge of a violation and, without justification, failed to inform the violator so that it could have taken earlier corrective action. In such cases, if a penalty is to be assessed involving repeated violations of the same kind, the maximum penalty amount for violations occurring after the date on which actual knowledge was obtained by Customs will be limited to two times the loss of duty in duty-loss cases or twenty percent of the dutiable value in non-duty-loss cases if the continuing violations were the result of gross negligence, or the lesser of one time the loss of duty in duty-loss cases or ten percent of dutiable value in non-duty-loss cases if the violations were the result of negligence. This factor will not be applicable when a substantial delay in the investigation is attributable to the alleged violator.
The only one that is not a mitigating factor is B – timely compliance with lawful CP requests for records related to the alleged violation(s) in accordance with 19 CFR 163.6. Although I would highly recommend complying timely, it is not a mitigating factor. The answer is B.
submitted by thatotherchicka to CBLE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:59 theyellowpants My birth control story

I’m writing about my personal anecdote in the hopes it helps some of you as I think my path might help work around some of the weird shit the GQP is trying to do to us
I started hormonal BC when I went to college at my mom’s request. The thought was I’m an adult and will have adult experiences and it doesn’t hurt to take extra precautions
I gained 70 lbs and wasn’t able to shake the weight. I tried different ones and eventually though stuck with weight I was able to manage on one. My periods were bad, I guess these kind of helped.
After I graduated I was moving cross country for work. I wanted to know what going off the pills were like and if it could improve my health
I felt like I experienced a renaissance and felt better but still needed something that would prevent pregnancy. I tried to go for a copper IUD. It was a failed insertion and was traumatic. I feel sorry for the people in the room that day and my mom flew out the next week to visit and make sure I was okay
Finally I found something called saheli (centchroman) it’s a NON hormonal pill made in India that I buy online. It costs me about $50 for a year supply. It’s been my solution ever since.
In the USA I think it’s approved as a drug used in cancer patients but it was researched for the use of preventing pregnancy over 50 years ago in India if I recall correctly
It’s an estrogen receptor, and I’m an engineer not a doctor so you can read up on it
All I know is it makes my periods less hell (dx with pcos and likely have endo.. mom had endo and fibroids. I accidentally went off it once when I got surgery for my gall bladder and I was like omfg what happening to me.. and realized wait I need to get back on it
If a non hormonal pill could be help to you talk to your doctor (most don’t know about it but if they’re Indian they might) and do your research to see if it could help you… and you can order online so no stupid state law or anything should be able to interfere.. I hope.
submitted by theyellowpants to WelcomeToGilead [link] [comments]
