Country facebook album names

13 or 30

2017.07.22 19:02 zbf 13 or 30

When you can't tell the age of the person.

2014.11.15 12:08 Opechan By Natives, About Natives and The Americas.

Native American and Indigenous news, happenings, cultures, politics, arts, community, and thought. Give us your local, give us your Pan-Indian, Aleut, Hawaiian, Yupik, Inuit, and Métis; it's all good. We accept all Indigenous Peoples. Please consider checking out our community on the Old Reddit design model:

2013.10.20 11:26 tilnewstuff Where everyone is a quantum scientist...

For only the very smartest braggarts.

2024.06.10 16:36 Competitive_Radio752 Is the CCP in China likely to abandon Communist and Marxism in the future?

I have heard that in 4 years the CCP will move to completely remove marxism, Marxism leninism and communism from their party and change the name of their party to Chinese labor Party and instead focus on Socialism with Chinese characteristics, Mao Zedong thought and Chinese nationalism. If this happens China will completely not be a AES country. Which other communist country or communist party in the world will will form and grow?
submitted by Competitive_Radio752 to Socialism_101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:35 Pretty_Handle6380 LAST CARDDD and I get to complete my album 💖💖💖

LAST CARDDD and I get to complete my album 💖💖💖
seeing if anyone is willing to gift🥹
submitted by Pretty_Handle6380 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:34 BattleReadyZim Misadventure Near Fire Island

Hello all! I thought I'd share my weekend excitement.
I have a little Thistle, The Pretty Princess, and I have a perverse desire to do very non-Thistle-like things with her. Sail camping is top of the list, so I reserved a back country camping permit on Fire Island on the south side of Long Island, and my friend and I were going to sail from Cap Tree Park to our campsite, beach the boat, camp, and sail back the next day. We failed at this quite spectacularly.
Neither of us are experienced sailors. I'm self taught on this Thistle that was gifted to me, and she's just learned from coming out with me. It's a very blind leading the blind situation. Well, wind was 10-13 knots, which I thought I was ready to try. I wasn't. We were having a terrible time getting the Princess to behave herself and go where we wanted, especially tacking into the wind. At one point, to get past a particularly troublesome stretch, I took her close to shore, pulled the centerboard and rudder, and just got out and walked her along. I named her for my dog that passed about a year ago, and she pulls on her leash just like my dog did.
I tow the boat and my companion along as far as I can, and then hop back in and we prepare to sail again. Finally, we are making some progress; it feels like we're just starting to get a hang of things. I'm cutting a little too close to straight into the wind, so we keep losing it, and I'm getting frustrated again. I've got the mainsheet pretty tight so I can catch some forward motion when I hit the right angle. I'd done this a couple times already and lost it because, again, I am a rank amateur. This time, though, it caught and we went straight over. Capsize!
Now, I don't know much, but I have been doing research. Thistles capsize. I wanted to be ready, and I daresay I was. I adjusted the lines I needed to adjust so we wouldn't just blow over again, and then I showed my friend how we were going to right her. And we did! I started bailing and she started swimming around gathering stuff that was trying to float away. The anchor was out from the spill, so I didn't have to set that.
Camping was now cancelled. All our gear was soaked, we were tired and not doing well at the whole sailing thing. It was time to go home. I have no doubt that we could have bailed a bit more, caught the downwind, and sailed back under our own power. But when a good Samaritan came along and offered us a tow, we were too spent to refuse.
And then when the Coast Guard came along and offered to take over the tow, I'm not sure if we were allowed to refuse?? Now, good and bad of my Coast Guard interactions: Everyone on the boat that came to get us were super kind and polite. The local police boat was also super nice and professional. It was almost worth capsizing to receive such great customer service! I do think that the sequence of events led them to believe this was more of a catastrophe than it was. Thistles are racing boats. They fall over sometimes. We were being towed out of laziness rather than need. The Coast Guard boat wouldn't see that until we were already on board answering their questions. I'm trying to say that they did not make any mistakes from their perspective, but the situation did get blown out of proportion. In any case, my poor little Thistle did suffer a bit being strapped to their big boat, but we were grateful for the ride back.
I may try to put some money aside for lessons before I head out in winds like that again :)
submitted by BattleReadyZim to sailing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 Fishpotsanddigger Does this mean I won or is it a scam?

Does this mean I won or is it a scam? submitted by Fishpotsanddigger to VaLottery [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 Witty_Side8702 Marketing news you should have cared about last week from u/lazymentors

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Instagram & Threads 🗂️

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

Brands & Ads 🏓

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Reddit


Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Instagram & Threads 🗂️

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

Brands & Ads 🏓

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Reddit


Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

submitted by Witty_Side8702 to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 ImmaPhotog Took our 6x12 across country on its first journey fully completed

Took our 6x12 across country on its first journey fully completed
After back to back 18 hour and 22 hour days of driving, we made it back home to Alabama from Wyoming. Truck is a Ford Maverick Hybrid.
The trip was absolutely amazing, so much wildlife and great scenery, and I’m glad that our camper stayed together. We visited Grand Teton for one week and Yellowstone for another. Now for the deets.
We used a little over 200 gallons of fuel, and hand calculated the average came out to be 23 MPG. Towing seemed to average around 20 MPG with lowest of 14 in some nasty headwinds. About 3800 miles of the trip was actual pulling the camper. Not towing was averaging in 60’s in National Park. In regards to weight, please see CAT Scale ticket. Really happy as we were hoping to keep the build at around 2K lbs and we seem to be at about 2,200 lbs with tongue weight and all our geafood included. Went down a 7% grade for 5 miles coming out of East Yellowstone and the truck held great in tow/haul and L. No physical brakes needed except slowing down for sharp corners. Otherwise, on small hills and flats we towed in Eco mode for smoothness. Tow/Haul just felt kind of snappy in pedal and seat-of-pants like it was ready to take off at any time. Power is plenty and I would say adding trailer brakes later might be appreciated, but certainly did not feel required.
Wife drove it for probably 15 hours and she did great and felt comfortable, even with never pulling a trailer before or hauling anything!
Interior pictures of trailer is also included, it is a 6 x 12 enclosed that we built out everything ourselves over the course of eight months. The only thing I would do differently is maybe spend extra for the aluminum framing instead of the steel frame that would save some weight, but we seem to be OK. We are fully insulated except the floor and our window covers are made with double layer reflectix, but thick socks help the cold floor.
This project was the most difficult thing we have ever done, but we are so happy with it and learned so much throughout our time building it!! We also saved a ton of money vs. buying something off the RV lot.
Still have some fuses and maybe an extra battery and solar panels to add, however the current electrical setup is 2000W Harbor Freight MSW inverter (runs our projector fine), Victron 15A shore power charger, 100AH LifePO4, and 200 watts of solar on top. For water we just use two 5 gallon Scepter containers under sink, with a 12v pump we switch on and off.
DIY composting toilet in the front wall in V Nose with some storage shelves on each side.
Thanks for reading this far and I will try to answer any other questions best I can!
submitted by ImmaPhotog to cargocamper [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:23 DJTYR4NT warning.

I'm in the market for a new pair of scissors, and while browsing the net, came a cross Decent discounts on products, but mainly from a brand called Matsui (which is their own product). Sound Japanese, made with Japanese steel (apparently), but made in China. I contacted them via Facebook, as I couldn't find any independent reviews of their site, and within 24hrs, I had a response from somebody telling me to check reddit for reviews... I found about 3 mentions of their site across the entire internet. One asking if they were a scam, and 2 people (who could easily work for the company) saying they own a pair. For a company with "thousands of happy customers" and over 2000 reviews from buyers on their site, you'd think they'd have more of a mention elsewhere.
I responded to the person on Facebook, stating my findings, and guess what.... Blocked 😂😂😂 You would think that a legit company would have offered assurances?
If they're a genuine company, their product is cheap, Chinese made rubbish that they put a premium price on and then discount to make it seem more appealing. Personally, I think they're just scam artists, using the name of a brand that was dissolved in 2020.
What is everybody's go to brand for Scissors? I've heard good things about Joewell and Kasho, but I've been out of the loop for years and just getting back into it all. Tia 😊
submitted by DJTYR4NT to hairstylist [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:14 g3thic [F4A][Literate] Attack on Titan!

I honestly feel like the AoT fandom has died lately, where are all the fans at? Seriously lol I haven’t heard anyone mention it in forever. But I’m still here! I’d love to do an AoT roleplay with somebody. The story is beautiful, even if it is quite gruesome and sad. There are still aspects that still shine out, one of the main reasons as to why it’ll always hold the place of favorite anime in my heart.
To start things off, a small introduction on my part. You can call me Hina or Hinata and I’m from Japan. I’m currently in the GMT+1 timezone temporarily for vacation but I usually am in the PST timezone. I’m mentioning this because sometimes time zones can matter or change the roleplay/roleplay friendships. I don’t mind what timezone you’re in, honestly, as long as we can talk things out without a longggg pause. I have been writing since I was 9 when I joined a writing campaign and a story competition held by my school which sparked the writeroleplayer in me and I am currently 22 years old. To finish my introduction off, I am someone who listens to goth music/vkei (i LOVE plastic tree. i’m so happy to see they got some of their popularity back on tiktok), I like to play and watch basketball, I watch anime and I am currently rewatching bluelock as a refresher, and.. I also play many video games.
Now onto things I’m looking for roleplay-wise. I mentioned something about Attack on Titan but I didn’t talk about anything really specific. That’s the thing. I don’t mind what story we do. It could be something modern AU with the original characters, another story of Mikasa and Eren, maybe even an OC with one of the characters in a more modern setting. It could also be something done in the original timeline. Going through the events of becoming a scout and the rumbling as two other oc’s or one OC and one original character. I’m honestly down for anything! Just hit me with it.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:14 Interesting_Laugh354 Northwestern University and Brand Name

I am an international student so I don't know a lot about how much brand name plays a role in getting students a first job (in engineering or business sector or in getting into grad school). In my country, my friends and relatives tell me I shouldn't consider Northwestern versus another school that is usually regarded as more prestigious like Columbia or UPenn. Is it true that this will affect me in the long term? Is there a perceived difference between these schools? Sorry if this post sounds blunt. It is not my intention. Thanks
submitted by Interesting_Laugh354 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:06 sugaraddddiiiiict Selling baked goods process

I want to start baking goods from my country and test the market by giving it away to friends and family, and maybe post on social media.
As a start, I will just be baking at home. There is no business yet, just an idea at the moment.
So my plan is, basically, bake goods, give it away and see the reaction and if people would organically ask if they want to order.
And let's say, it is something that could be a business, I wonder when is it time to register the business? Etc? Like when should I do the proper processes like informing the municipality etc (Getting a bakery/official kitchen is not a problem as we have friends who have restaurants and open to collaborate etc)
Because right now, im thinking, IF someone orders, they can just swish but im looking ahead and looking for input etc. And ofcourse I want to follow the rules and pay tax.
(I dont have a residence permit yet, and everything will be under my sambos name and swish too, if that matters)
And this basically just something for me to do and if goes well, I want to be prepared.
Also, I dont plan on opening a shop, more of an online store or connecting with shops etc. Any input is very much appreciated!
submitted by sugaraddddiiiiict to Asksweddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:04 partypastor Unreached People Group of the Week - the Tay of Vietnam

Welcome back to the Reformed UPG of the Week! This week, Joshua Project seems to be having a DNS error (or attack?) so I am going to again re-do an older post that I did a few years ago and also pull some info from Meet the Tay of Vietnam!

Region: North Vietnam

low quality map bc JP wont load
Stratus Index Ranking (Urgency): 66
It has been noted to me by u/JCmathetes that I should explain this ranking. Low numbers are more urgent, both physically and spiritually together, while high numbers are less urgent. The scale is 1-177, with one number assigned to each country. So basically on a scale from Afghanistan (1) to Finland (177), how urgent are the peoples physical and spiritual needs.
The Stratus Index - Synthesizes reliable data from different sources to clearly display the world’s most urgent spiritual and physical needs.
The vast majority of missions resources go to people and places already Reached by the Gospel, while only 3% of missionaries and 1% of missions money are deployed among the Unreached. This is the Great Imbalance. As a result, there are more people without access to the Gospel today than a decade ago. Stratus seeks to equip the global church with fresh vision to accomplish the Great Commission by addressing some of the factors that perpetuate the Great Imbalance. We hope this tool allows the church to better understand what steps will be required to overcome the barriers that prevent needs from being met, spurring informed and collaborative missions strategy. Stratus Website
Quay Son River
Climate: Due to differences in latitude and the marked variety in topographical relief, Vietnam's climate tends to vary considerably for each region. During the winter or dry season, extending roughly from November to April, the monsoon winds usually blow from the northeast along the Chinese coast and across the Gulf of Tonkin, picking up considerable moisture. The average annual temperature is generally higher in the plains than in the mountains, especially in southern Vietnam compared to the north. Temperatures vary less in the southern plains around Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta, ranging from between 21 and 35 °C (70 and 95 °F) over the year. In Hanoi and the surrounding areas of the Red River Delta, the temperatures are much lower between 15 and 33 °C (59 and 91 °F). Seasonal variations in the mountains, plateaus, and the northernmost areas are much more dramatic, with temperatures varying from 3 °C (37 °F) in December and January to 37 °C (99 °F) in July and August. During winter, snow occasionally falls over the highest peaks of the far northern mountains near the Chinese border. Vietnam receives high rates of precipitation in the form of rainfall with an average amount from 1,500 to 2,000 mm (60 to 80 in) during the monsoon seasons; this often causes flooding, especially in the cities with poor drainage systems. The country is also affected by tropical depressions, tropical storms and typhoons.
Rice Terraces in Vietnam
Terrain: Vietnam's northern terrain is mostly mountainous or hilly, with some highland areas covered by a thick green blanket of jungle (about half the total land area). The Red River Delta and coastal plains in the lowland part of the North are heavily populated and intensively cultivated (almost entirely by rice fields).
The joined Delta of Hong River (Red River) and Thái Bình River is a flat, triangular region of 15,000 square kilometers. The Hong River Delta is smaller but more intensely developed and more densely populated than the Mekong Delta. Once an inlet of the Gulf of Tonkin, it has been filled in by the enormous alluvial deposits of the rivers over a period of millennia, and it advances one hundred meters into the Gulf annually.The ancestral home of the ethnic Vietnamese, the delta accounted for almost 70% of the agriculture and 80% of the industry of North Vietnam before 1975.
The Red River, rising in China's Yunnan Province, is about 1,200 kilometers long. Its two main tributaries, the Sông Lô (also called the Lo River, the Riviere Claire, or the Clear River) and the Sông Đà (also called the Black River or Riviere Noire), contribute to its high water volume, which averages 4,300 cubic meters per second.
The entire delta region, backed by the steep rises of the forested highlands, is no more than three meters above sea level, and much of it is one meter or less. The area is subject to frequent flooding; at some places the high-water mark of floods is fourteen meters above the surrounding countryside. For centuries flood control has been an integral part of the delta's culture and economy. An extensive system of dikes and canals has been built to contain the Red River and to irrigate the rich rice-growing delta. Modeled on that of China's, this ancient system has sustained a highly concentrated population and has made double-cropping wet-rice cultivation possible throughout about half the region.
The central mountains, which have several high plateaus, are irregular in elevation and form. The northern section is narrow and very rugged; the country's highest peak, Fan Si Pan, rises to 3,142 meters in the extreme northwest. The southern portion has numerous spurs that divide the narrow coastal strip into a series of compartments. For centuries these topographical features not only rendered north–south communication difficult but also formed an effective natural barrier for the containment of the people living in the Mekong basin.
The Mekong Delta, covering about 40,000 square kilometers, is a low-level plain not more than three meters above sea level at any point and criss-crossed by a maze of canals and rivers. So much sediment is carried by the Mekong's various branches and tributaries that the delta advances sixty to eighty meters into the sea every year. An official Vietnamese source estimates the amount of sediment deposited annually to be about 1 billion cubic meters, or nearly thirteen times the amount deposited by the Red River. About 10,000 square kilometers of the delta are under rice cultivation, making the area one of the major rice-growing regions of the world. The southern tip, known as the Cà Mau Peninsula is covered by dense jungle and mangrove swamps.
Ha Long Bay
Wildlife of Vietnam: Faunal species noted are accounted as 11,217 species of animals, in Vietnam's hot and humid climate. These are broadly: Indian elephants, bears (black bear and honey bear), Indochinese tigers and Indochinese leopards as well as smaller animals like pygmy lorises, monkeys (such as snub-nosed monkey), bats, flying squirrels, turtles and otters. Reptiles such as crocodiles, snakes and lizards are also reported. Specifically the faunal species which are endemic to Vietnam are the following. While many variety of animals have become extinct like the Northern Sumatran rhinoceros, the protection of large animals have been addressed. The Vietnamese Javan rhinoceros used to live throughout the region of Vietnam but was declared extinct in 2010 when the last remaining individual was found dead with the horn removed.
Unfortunately, they have monkeys.
Wild elephant in Vietnam
Environmental Issues: The main overall issue that Vietnam is currently dealing with surrounds environmental pollution. This includes a lack of clean water supply, waste water, air pollution, and solid waste. Not only do these issues effect Vietnam, but also its population, urbanization, and surrounding countries.
Languages: Vietnamese is the national language. Also in Vietnam, French, Tày, Cham, Khmer, Chinese, Nùng, and Hmong. The Tay speak Tay.
Government Type: Unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic

People: Tay in Vietnam

Tay women
Population: 1,835,000
Estimated Foreign Workers Needed: [Joshua Project is down]
Beliefs: The Tay are 1% Christian. That means out of their population of 1,835,000, there are roughly 18,000 believers. Thats about 1 believer for every 100 unbeliever.
The Tay worship a multitude of gods. Ancestor worship (praying to deceased ancestors for protection and guidance) is commonly practiced. The Tay are also animistic (believe that non-living objects have spirits).
Traditionally, most Tay villages had temples where they worshipped a multitude of gods associated with earth, water, fire, and important ancestors. Many other spirits and ghosts were also worshipped. The major ceremony of the year was held at the beginning of the farming season, when the various deities were asked permission to prepare the farm and plant the seeds. Folk literature and art were also of importance in religious life.Traditionally, most Tay villages had temples where they worshipped a multitude of gods associated with earth, water, fire, and important ancestors. Many other spirits and ghosts were also worshipped. The major ceremony of the year was held at the beginning of the farming season, when the various deities were asked permission to prepare the farm and plant the seeds. Folk literature and art were also of importance in religious life.
The Tay worship a multitude of gods. Ancestor worship (praying to deceased ancestors for protection and guidance) is commonly practiced. The Tay are also animistic (believe that non-living objects have spirits) The Tay have a strong belief in supernatural. Worshiping their ancestors is the most invaluable ritual of the Tay. The altars for the ancestors are placed in a central location in the house. The altar room is such a sacred place that guests is not allowed to sit on the bed in front of the altar.
Their polytheistic belief system consists of worshiping spirits, ancestors, and midwives. Astrology is also an important part of their belief system. For instance, for marriages and building new houses they consult astrology. The cult of the midwife is especially worshiped. After the wedding, the wife stays with her parents during her pregnancy to avoid evil spirits. When a child is born, there’s the one-month ritual for honoring the midwife.
Tay people praying before an altar
History: The Tày were originally known as the Thổ people. Thổ is derived from Chinese (土), which means 'land' and 'local'. Although not inherently a pejorative it was often used as such in practice (cf. "bumpkin") in both Vietnam and China. Under the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Thổ was deemed a pejorative and substituted with Tày
The Tày are closely related to the Nùng people and Zhuang people, who they are culturally and linguistically almost "indistinguishable from". (pulled this from Wikipedia. this sounds racist and probably not entirely true)
Although they are considered an indigenous group, portions of their population likely originated in China during the 11th and 12th centuries. However unlike the Nùng, they were more heavily Vietnamized due to their closer proximity to the Kinh and shared similar cultural practices with the Vietnamese such as lacquering their teeth black. By 1900 around 30% of their language was made of Vietnamese loan words.
Tày customs were altered greatly due to Vietnamese and Confucian patriarchal structures, however some customs persisted. Polygamy with multiple equal wives and legitimacy of issue was practiced. Marriage was preferred to occur within the clan. Young wives lived with their parents until giving birth to their first child. Tày women, like those of the Nùng and Zhuang, were said to have used poison to seek revenge when wronged.
At the end of the 1700s when Vietnam was in chaos, several ethnic groups united with the native groups of Thai speaking peoples. These people became known as the Tho. Today, they are regarded as an official minority in Vietnam. They prefer to be known as "Tay," since the term "Tho" is now considered derogatory.
Tay village (i think)
Culture: Typical qualification that all people groups can't be summed up in small paragraphs and this is an over generalization.
The Tay are farmers who have a long tradition or wet rice cultivation. They have a long history of intensive cultivation and irrigation methods like digging canals, laying water pipes, etc. They also maintain the custom of harvesting the rice and thrashing the grains out on wooden racks, which they call loong, while still in the fields, then carrying the threshed rice home in baskets. In addition to cultivating wet fields,the Tay also plant rice on terraced fields along with the other crops and fruit trees. Cattle and poultry raising are well-developed, but a free range style of animal husbandry is still popular. Household crafts are worthy of note. The most famous Tay craft is weaving brocaded designs of beautiful and original patterns which are highly prized. The market is also an important economic activity.
The Tay have developed a rich culture of poems, songs, epics, tales, funny stories, and dance. Popular folk songs of the Tay are call-and-response singing, lullaby, Then, and wedding and funeral singing. Then is sung at events such as worshiping at the ancestral altar, praying for sick people, praying for a couple to have children, at family get-togethers, to welcome guests, and at a “going to the field” festival held in the first month of the new year. Then is an indispensable part of the spiritual and religious life of the Tay.The Tay have developed a rich culture of poems, songs, epics, tales, funny stories, and dance. Popular folk songs of the Tay are call-and-response singing, lullaby, Then, and wedding and funeral singing. Then is sung at events such as worshiping at the ancestral altar, praying for sick people, praying for a couple to have children, at family get-togethers, to welcome guests, and at a “going to the field” festival held in the first month of the new year. Then is an indispensable part of the spiritual and religious life of the Tay.
The Tay’s Quang regime is a form of social organization which resembles a feudal system that is aristocratic and hereditary. Within its rule region, the Quang owns all lands, forests, rivers, etc. Hence, it has the right to control everyone who lives on that land and to exploit these people through forced labor, imposing duties on commodities, and enforcing the payment of tributes and offerings. The Quang regime appeared very early and persisted until the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th century. Tay families are usually small and the line of descent is traced through the father. Children begin school at six years of age and older. There, they begin studying the Vietnamese language. Young people choose their own marriage partners, and after a betrothal ceremony, many marriage rituals are performed. The groom is expected to perform some work for the bride's family as payment
The traditional dress is made from indigo dyed cotton. It is usually plain, with little embroidery or other decoration. The women wear a simple shirt with silver buttons down the front teamed with black trousers. Both sexes wear colorful head scarves. Nowadays the Tay are often seen wearing Viet and western clothes.
The Tay are mostly peasants who live in the low, sloping mountains between the high mountains and the plains of southeast Asia. They grow wet rice and use slash and burn techniques to grow dry rice, maize, buckwheat, watercress, sugar cane, and other vegetables. They grow hemp and use it for making bags and nets for fishing. They sell or exchange products for household items and use forest products for food.
The Tay have settled in valleys in the Northeastern part of the country: Quang Ninh, Bac Giang, Lang Son, Cao Bang, Bac Can, Thai Nguyen, Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai. Their villages are characteristically large and crowded, and there are villages with hundreds of houses. The Tay traditional house is built on stilts with a frame of rafters and 4, 5, 6, or 7 rows of columns. A house has from 2 to 4 roofs made from tiles, straw, or palm leaves. Wood or bamboo is used to make the walls. The Tay always build at the foot of a mountain. They call the name of the villages after a mountain, field, or river where they live. Each village has about 15-20 households, some big villages can contain hundreds of roofs. The Tay mainly live in houses built on the ground. These houses are private property, as are their accompanying gardens. However, there are still some Tay who live in houses built on stilts. The architecture of these homes is simple, without the fancy gables and decorative work commonly seen on other houses. Today, nearly all the Tay are part of a collectivized agricultural program in the form of community (collective) farms. Farm land is seen as community property that people are free to use, but not own.
Villages used to be the center of economic activity, with local markets rotating among a series of villages and trading mainly with the Vietnamese and Chinese communities. Today, however, the Tay have been primarily assimilated into the Vietnamese society. Traditionally, the Tay were master hunters. They used traps, cages, and automatically triggered arrows. Today, they hunt very little because of the changed ecological conditions.
Tay traditional dress is made from homegrown cotton that is indigo dyed. There is usually not much embroidery or other decorations. Women wear skirts or trousers, with short shirts inside and long one worn on the outside. The Ngan group wears shorter shirts, the Phen group wears brown shirts, the Thu Lao group wears conical-shaped scarves on their heads, the Pa Di group wears hats that look like house roofs, and the Tho group tend to dress like the Thai in Mai Chau (Hoa Binh province).
Tay Traditional Dress
Cuisine: In the past, in several places, the Tay ate mainly sticky rice, and almost every family used stew and steam pots for cooking. On festival occasions, they make many kinds of cakes, such as square rice cakes (banh chung), round rice cake (banh day), black rice sesame cake (banh gai), lime-water dumpling, fried rice cake, marble dumplings made of rice white rice flour with rock sugar fillings, patty make of mashed rice, etc. There are special cakes made from flour with an ant egg filling, and com, a young rice confection made from smoked sticky rice, roasted, and pounced. Other famous dishes among these peoples are Five-color Sticky Rice, Thang Den cake, Ha Giang sausages, and Grilled “Bỗng” Fish.
Thang den’ (floating sticky rice cake)
Prayer Request:
Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)
Here are the previous weeks threads on the UPG of the Week for from 2023 (plus a few from 2022 so this one post isn't so lonely). To save some space on these, all UPG posts made 2019-now are here, I will try to keep this current!
People Group Country Continent Date Posted Beliefs
Tay (updated) Vietnam Asia 06/10/2024 Animism
Sunda (updated) Indonesia Asia 06/03/2024 Islam
Malay (updated) Malaysia Asia 05/27/2024 Islam
Jewish Peoples United States North America 05/06/2024 Judaism
Jordanian Arab Jordan Asia 04/29/2024 Islam
Bouyei China Asia 04/22/2024 Animism
Arab Libyans Libya Africa 03/25/2024 Islam
Gafsa Amazigh Tunisia Africa 03/18/2024 Islam
Hindi South Africa Africa 03/04/2024 Hinduism
Arabs Iraq Asia 02/26/2024 Islam
Bagirmi Fulani Central African Republic Africa 02/12/2024 Islam
Gujarati Portugal Europe 02/05/2024 Hinduism
Western Cham Cambodia Asia 01/29/2024 Islamc
Yadav India Asia 01/22/2024 Hinduism
Thai (updated) Thailand Asia 12/18/2023 Buddhism
Bayad Mongolia Asia 12/11/2023 Buddhism
Bedouin (Suafa) Algeria Africa 12/04/2023 Islam
Aboriginal (Reached) Australia Oceania 11/27/2023 Christian
a - Tibet belongs to Tibet, not China.
b - Russia/Turkey/etc is Europe but also Asia so...
c - this likely is not the true religion that they worship, but rather they have a mixture of what is listed with other local religions, or they have embraced a liberal drift and are leaving faith entirely but this is their historical faith.
Here is a list of definitions in case you wonder what exactly I mean by words like "Unreached".
Here is a list of missions organizations that reach out to the world to do missions for the Glory of God.
submitted by partypastor to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:03 lazymentors Marketing news you should have cared about last week + An update regarding my r/marketing ban

These are all the updates of the week below and you can find all the sources and other sections of my newsletter on the website. (Read)
The post made by u/SCARLETHORI2ON to protest my temporary ban for 30 days was deleted by mods.
A lot you follow me from marketing. So, In case you want others to see these updates, feel free to copy the text and paste them in that sub-reddit. No need to add credit to my newsletter, helping the community is the main goal.
Enjoy, and do ask questions if you have any about the updates below:

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

Brands & Ads 🏓

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Reddit


Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

submitted by lazymentors to u/lazymentors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:02 imadeyousquirt The young generation is here!!

The young generation is here!! submitted by imadeyousquirt to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:02 atra55 Assimilation, Chapter 9

First Previous
Memory transcription subject: Radai, Krev consortium captain
Date [standardized human time]: September 12, 2136
I had been dreading this instant since I received the convocation. A meeting with the leaders of the consortium was a very bad sign when you were a low-ranking officer that had just dealt with a serious situation.
As I walked along the corridors of the complex, completely oblivious to the finely crafted beauty around me, my mind was racing about all the mistakes that I could have done.
Were they mad at me for the Venlils having FTL coms, something I had no control over? That would be stupid. I then remembered that our leaders were politicians, and my feathers raised in fear.
Not to count the fact that Xen and Arna were transferred on Valle. At first, I thought that whatever talent they were kept for was needed for the coming war, but maybe that was a punishment.
I couldn’t turn back anyways. Even if honor did not demand me to face the consequence of my actions, I could be convicted for high treason, which meant a life sentence. After getting my DNA checked for the fifth time since I entered this building, I stepped on what I was sure would be the chopping block. The Resket spoke first.
“Ah, Captain Radai. Do you know why we called you here today?”
“Is it about the incident with the Venlil ship?”
“More or less. Before we begin, let me state again that everything you see and hear here is extremely confidential. Some of us were opposed to revealing you the details”, he said with a glance at the Jaslip, “But honor commands that you be informed of the consequences of your mistakes.”
This was it. No matter what came next, my life was over. I had done an irreparable mistake and would never be able to make up for it. This time, it was the Trombil who spoke.
“When you accepted the hail of that federation ship to hack them, they replied with a cyberattack of their own. They pierced our defenses with ease and infected our entire internet. The virus they sent us has been detected, with egregious difficulty may I add, in 12% of all tested devices.”
“I bear the entire responsibility of this failure”, I said, strangled by fear. “My cybersecurity expert assured me that there were no risks, I shouldn’t have trusted him.”
The Resket took the floor once again.
“Now now, if we punished people for trusting their subordinates on their specialty, do you really think we would be where we are now? No one is at fault here. Or maybe everyone is. This attack is light-years beyond what the though the federation to be capable of. We assumed that just because they were stagnating technologically when we discovered them, they would remain in that state forever. Now, we pay the price of our over-confidence.”
The Trombil continued.
“If we want to get rid of this virus, classical means are useless. We would need to replace every single electronic device in the consortium at once, which is completely unfeasible. Thankfully, we may have a solution. A startup called Dataspace recently developed an implant which we could for cleaning our network, among other things.”
“You don’t seem very enthusiastic about that.”
“Well, the implant… It can do two things. The first is giving you access to a visualization of electronic systems, called ‘dataspace’.”
“And the second?”
“It … Connects the brains of the participants, allowing them to exchange information directly. At first, it was supposed to be like telepathy, but during the testing phase, it turned out that it resulted in some form of … light hive-mind?”
I was horrified. Hive-minds were universally represented as evil in media, for a good reason. They were the death of individuals, a horrible caricature of society, only interested in devouring everything they could.
“Now, don’t panic, it’s not that bad, and individual keep their thoughts and personality, just… They share them with others. Under normal circumstances, we would have shut down this research, but considering it seems the ideal solution to our problem, we plan to create a new agency, were all members would have this implant. It would be composed of mostly programmers, but we also need some miscellaneous roles. We would like to put you in charge of the security, if you accept.”
The tone made it very clear that I wasn’t really offered a choice.
“I accept.”
“Then this meeting is over. You will be contacted by the director of the agency in the coming days, and they will explain you the details. Ho, one last thing: congratulation for your promotion, Colonel.”
I left the room with a salute. I had no illusions on the fact that this “promotion” was a punishment, like the last one. If things kept going in that direction, I would end up at the head of the military.
Not that I was looking forward to becoming part of a hive-mind. They really found a way to condemn me to the death penalty without technically killing me. Ho well, I had sworn not so long ago that I would die for my country, even if I imagined it to be in somewhat different circumstances.
Memory transcription subject: [Error: could not identify a single subject]
The Krev took the bait without a second thought. This start-up, composed entirely of suspiciously amoral individuals… Wait, no, not suspicious since they work in tech.
Anyway, this startup comes out of nowhere, with a device decades beyond what they could do, that is exact solution to their problem, and they don’t have any suspicions. The bigger the lie, the more believable it is.
Let’s hope we can do something with the Krevs soon, because we need more ships! We need so many, it’s absurd. To invade Venlil Prime, we need an estimated 4000 military ships, which is already twice as many as our fleet before the battle.
But we don’t need just warships, we need cargo and passenger transport to maintain our occupation over time. In the federation, there are 5 civilian ships of equivalent size for every warship. We should be able to lower that to 3, but that still means we need 16000 ships to invaded one planet, out of hundreds!
And if we want to establish our own colonies outside the solar system, which we do, then we need even more ships! And to build the infrastructure to build ships faster, we need, guess what, SHIPS!
It’s a vicious cycle, and the only way to get out of it is to slowly, painfully, build ships until we have enough. And to think that if we were in the federation, we could just drop a few thousand of tons of gold to the Fissans or Nevoks and be done with it.
Ho well, we are centuries behind in terms of economic development, that’s just how it is.
And besides, it shouldn’t last long.
submitted by atra55 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:01 ManawarGames Destiny 2 Caln Recruitment

submitted by ManawarGames to ManawarGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:01 volcanictiki TAILGUNNER + Special Guests

TAILGUNNER + Special Guests

TAILGUNNER bring the Guns For Hire tour for their critically acclaimed debut album to Krakatoa in 2024! + Special Guests TBA.
TAILGUNNER are here to put British Heavy Metal back on the map! 'Laser Guided Riffs N’ Hooks that Kill' - No apologies, no compromises!
Launching in 2022 the band are a blitzkrieg in the underground, playing two UK headline tours boasting sold out shows and heralded as ''The most exciting live band in the country'' by Rockflesh, the band signed to Fireflash Records, brand new offshoot of German behemoth Atomic Fire all in just the first 6 months of their career.
Getting the seal of approval from KK Downing of Judas Priest fame, the band opened for the Metal legend just a week before their now critically acclaimed debut album ‘Guns For Hire’, charted in the UK - A feat not seen on a debut album by a Heavy Metal band since the glory days of old. Following a headline tour of Germany and the UK with more sold out dates, including a capacity crowd at the iconic Blackheart in London, the album was listed by Fistful of Metal magazine as the # 1 album of 2023!
This is no throwback, this here and now. Welcome to the Revolution!
submitted by volcanictiki to Krakatoa [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:00 ProkopLoronz Crackpot Solo Ye album theory

Hello goons, I think I may uncovered the name of Ye's upcoming solo album.
I think it's going to be named Dantye or DantYe
Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, writer, and philosopher best known for his epic poem "The Divine Comedy," which describes a journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
He was not afraid to be a bit controversial at the time and so he got EXILED (‼️‼️) from FLORENCE (‼️‼️)
The pieces were always there, see you in two years goons 🫡
submitted by ProkopLoronz to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:58 Spin_Assassin7813 TOXIC FRIEND!!!

Hello Potato Family!! Charlotte I have been watching your content for years and I look forward to your videos all the time!!
So it’s been ten years since this happened and I think now it’s time to share!!
Alittle bit of backstory…i did the one thing you should never do with your friends from high school…we became roommates our senior year of college. Now i thought this person was my friend but it became very obvious i was just a convenience for her. The apartment she moved into was the one i had lived in the year before with my last roommate before she graduated.
For the sake of names i’ll call my EX toxic friend Susan. Right off the bat Susan was treating the apartment like it was all hers and i didn’t get a say in anything at all. She would bring certain people over no matter how much we fought about it but to her i didn’t matter. Also during a fight she told me that all of our mutual friends hated me…yea. That sent me into a tailspin i never quite recovered from.
The true beginning of the end of our friendship was the days following after my parents came up to visit me, take Susan and myself for food and drinks, and then see a football game. Now my parents are the nicest people in the world. Personality wise they appear different. My mom is wacky and talkative while my dad id quiet and serious. But they have been together for almost 40 years so…this is context for what comes next.
So on a random Tuesday before I was heading out to class Susan decided to do one of her hypothetical questions. She asks me ‘so hypothetically, which one of your parents do you think would cheat on the other?’…i was DUMBFOUNDED!!! My mind was spinning and my brain could not compute such a question. Since my brain was basically overloaded and frozen she took it upon herself to give me HER answer. ‘Well I think your mom would be the most likely to cheat on your dad’!
Now this is where i begin to shutdown. I start crying and trying to understand why my so called best friend would say something so horrible about my mother. I started crying which confused her because she said it was just a hypothetical question. On what PLANET is that an okay thing to ask someone?? Let alone your FRIEND?!?! So that was the beginning of the end.
Fast forward till about November. I was about to go to bed and Susan came back around 10PM begging me to go out with sone friends of her ex boyfriend. So after alot of poking i throw some clothes on, throw on a face, and then head out. One of the guys there (i’ll name Ned) i really hit it off with. I ended up friending him on Facebook and then he asked me for my number.
Now I didn’t find this out till later…Ned, after chatting with me for about a day, decided to ask me out BUT…he wanted to learn more about me from Susan…
Apparently he messaged Susan asking what i was like. (Remember friends…facebook is FOREVER!!!) Susan decided to tell him all sorts of horrible things about me. How i was a two faced b**** and a horrible friend and a bunch of other horrible things about me. You’d think that made him second guess asking me out? NOPE!! Ned wanted to find out for himself just the kind of person I am.
A week after that first date we became official much to the horror of Susan. And after Ned told me about what Susan said about me i was infuriated and it was the final straw. This person was clearly never my friend and if it wasn’t for Ned I don’t know what would’ve happened. I was able to spend more time at his apartment since he didn’t have a roommate.
Fast forward to the year about to end. Susan and i were at each other’s throats. She was treating me like a maid (i always had to clean up the kitchen after her messes), some of my medication had gone missing, and using me as her alarm clock. Because with her alarm she’d completely sleep through it and let it keep sounding for HOURS!!! She never once owned up to what she said to me but I digress.
After Susan moved out i completely cut contact and never spoke to her again. I also want to mention that there is a festival at our college that alot of people go to. She reached out to me once asking if i was going to be in the apartment during that time. I never responded. She then reached out to Ned asking about it too. He also didn’t answer. Since all of the amenities were in my name the day i moved out i cut everything. No wifi no cable no NOTHING!! I never found out if she went or not. Good riddance.
Right now you might be wondering what happened between Ned and I? Well, we’ve been married several years and have a wonderful family together. Best revenge i could have.
And Susan if you ever see this EFF YOU!!!!!
submitted by Spin_Assassin7813 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:58 zepporamone [For Sale] American Football, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Converge, Drive Like Jehu, Lee Fields, Al Green, Albert King/SRV, Libertines, Nas, Queens Of The Stone Age, Sigur Ros, The Strokes, T. Rex, and framed RIAA awards for Mos Def, NWA, and Vampire Weekend

Ahoy Hoy,
A few new items and price changes below. Have another large-ish collection coming in shortly so I wouldn't mind moving some of these. Also including a few more framed RIAA awards. Everything ships from Boston/Cambridge and is a flat $5 to CONUS no matter how much you order. All vinyl is visually graded (media/sleeve) unless otherwise noted. Next mail run happens today. Anything paid up by 12PM EST will ship right out. After that, my next run will be Wednesday or Thursday. Pickup at better prices always available but please be certain to let me know when you would like to drop by in the first message. If you're interested in anything, please contact me via CHAT ONLY, please. Cheers.
American Football American Football (Gold) (NM/VG+) Vinyl is near pristine. Jacket stored in shrink with hype. $30
Brian Jonestown Massacre Strung Out In Heaven (Black & White Starburst) (VG+/VG+) Small dimple in one spot that's largely just cosmetic and doesn't affect playback. Vinyl is otherwise very, very clean. Jacket stored in shrink. $15
Brian Jonestown Massacre This Is Why You Love Me 12" (VG+/VG+) Vinyl is very clean. Jacket has only slight shelfwear. $20
Converge Axe to Fall (Coke Bottle Blue) (NM/VG+) Original owner. I think I might have spun this once. $23
Drive Like Jehu Drive Like Jehu (Red, Translucent) (VG+/VG) Vinyl is very clean. No insert included. $40
Lee Fields Let's Talk It Over (2LP) (VG+/VG+) Each platter has a faint paper scuff or two from the inners that doesn't affect play. C1 has a groove in the vinyl from manufacturing that I thought would affect play but it held up just fine on testing (perhaps a super faint crackle in spots). Sleeve has a little bit of ringwear developing on the bottom, a super faint and small crease in one spot, and sharpe across the UPC. $10
Al Green Let's Stay Together (Green) (M/NM) Factory-sealed copy. $35
Albert King & Stevie Ray Vaughan In Session (Red) (M/NM) Factory-sealed copy. $35
The Libertines The Libertines (Tri-Color Red/White/Black) (VG+/VG+) Vinyl is very clean. Labels have light imperfections on both sides (a crease, etc.) Jacket stored in shrink with hype. $70
Nas Illmatic (Clear) (VG+/VG+) Vinyl is closer to NM. $40
Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork (Red) (VG+/VG+) Vinyl is very clean. Jacket stored in shrink. $30
Sigus Ros Valtari (2LP) (VG+/VG+) There's a cosmetic imperfection on D1 that didn't seem to really affect play on testing (perhaps a faint crackle here and there but nothing that was easily discernable from the music). $12
The Strokes Is This It (Blue/Gold Translucent Split) (VG+/VG+) Grading conservatively. Vinyl is closer to NM. Jacket is sharp with minimal shelfwear. Includes hype sticker. No. 0711. $175
The Strokes Room On Fire (Black/Gold Split, Numbered) (VG+/VG+) Vinyl is very clean with only a faint paperscuff on Side A that doesn't affect play. Jacket is sharp. #0769 $90
T.Rex Tanx (Silver and Purple) (VG+/VG+) Perhaps an exceedingly light hairline or two but it plays beautifully. Jacket is sharp. $35
RIAA Gold and Platinum Awards
So, at the moment, I'm sitting on a number of RIAA awards for various albums. Pricing these out involves a fair amount of guesswork because they're often not really readily available in the marketplace. I've sold a couple for $600-$750 and others for $10-$20. Just sort of depends on the artists/release. These were only ever issued to folks who were somehow involved with the creation and/or promotion and sales of the album. They each includes plaques that are personalized to that original recipient (name erased in images) but, y'know, they're still fun little collectibles and you could always change your name. Please note that I'll need a couple of days to source appropriate boxes and packing materials, so these won't ship today. If you're in the Boston/Cambridge area and up for picking one of these up and saving me the trouble of shipping, I'll cut you a deal. I'm just tossing up a couple for now but I'll have a bunch more in the near future...
Mos Def Black On Both Sides This one might be my favorite from the bunch that I've currently got on hand. $400 shipped.
NWA NWA Legacy Volume 1 The LP/CD combo makes for a nice late 90's/early 00's touch. $350 shipped.
Vampire Weekend Contra This one should have had my name on it but it went to some other jerk, instead. $500 shipped.
submitted by zepporamone to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:54 Purple_Garage6719 The truth

The truth
I lay here with nothing to do day in day out I only know how to wake up after everytime I've went to sleep so as a teenager you get on the ice the freedom of the night enlightens you so you want more time in the night more then you want the drugs since you're doing things with your friends getting whacked smoking cones up a bush track in the car to sitting up at a blokes house playing puff puff pass so you like spending the time awake but you don't want to learn how to change your sleep schedule so you stay up until you're completely drained that's 4 days long then you go to sleep the more you do it for awhile the longer it seems to span out as in drag down the matter is normally so heavy by the 4th day you go to sleep straight away you repeat this process until you find yourself sleeping in the day they you work that out the same way until you find yourself sleeping in the night again you've been turned upside down the world feels different to you you're happy you continue doing the same thing for years to the point you're smoking a half gram in 1 day where as when you first did it you'd be awake 4 days from a half gram then the 4 day period awake feels shorter time seems to pass by so fast because of the solitude in nothing physical really happening to you so you're at mental peace speaking to people on the internet you go on there for 2 years straight the people on there never change in such a way they show a personal friendship with you there is no bond as if you're just going there to listen to them like it's their job with society showing no form of emotion to me I stay attached to myself in the things I do they were so time filling to begin with where it was angelic and happy but now the time passes by so quick the people are still the same on the internet they haven't changed even tho I've shown up everywhere I can for days at a time you'd think that'd be the sort of atmosphere where you'd form a relationship but I've never even used my private message on the website it's like this place where you show up and you just see what happens with where the conversation goes but most of the time they don't want to hear you talk so you're in this room where they don't mind you being there but they don't want to listen to you unless they've spoken to you they are cocky people with attitude some of them others are gamers and nerds there's asians and there's blacks they have their own rooms they stay in but these people are sometimes up on the screen it's 4am their camera looks like different sort of quality and they make no sense in what they say but they do answer your questions but it seems to be the same thing just about anywhere they just ignore you for the most part like you're in this place on the internet that is 2d on the screen but it's a feed of a projection where does that bounce off ?? This place seems like the only place for decent social activity but you're never apart of their community so it's difficult to get involved into the form of conversation they are so not whacky people they were whacky once in 2020 they were doing the stuff I was doing everyone was being ignorant in a sense of madness it was a trip but now they more serious and you find more mysterious figures then people happy to see you remember after years of going on this site everytime I got on the pipe I still hadn't formed a personal friendship with anyone the community is relatively small but it does change not in the ways you'd think sometimes we see new people but there's been times where months had passed not many new people we still showed up in the room everyday then people were just making different named rooms going in them there still some people there just sitting there after years and that so over this entire time I've listened to music while I was chilling only using Soundcloud I've now reached a block on the rap music I find I only see other new rap when I make a track myself it's the same thing with the electronic music it's all the same rap is better but yeah it seems like there's a block on the music in society otherwise it's just me making the sense everyone now thinks I've lost the plot that I'm always gonna be not in a job since I'm on the job about whatever the plot is. This is how hard people are to come by. That is life it seems life I've seen it both in the physical and society's mental. So now I'm just smoking dope and ice trying to think of a way out of the box how can I change life not mine but that around me.
Some people are stupid and it shows why they want my eyes I made this profile of Ben smith with not even his real photo and who adds it ? Rory castles does he's deleted me now but also other people added it what would that suggest that Rory could be the underlying problem ?
Yeah isn't taking sool all about how long you can stay up for
That's what it was for me when spending the weekend with people
It's just your own consciousness
Yeah well I'm not talking about that I'm talking about they meet you once and nobody has anymore plans with you
That's good, you see I don't know if that would mean I'm in a world where I'm with my family but we the only ones that live here and everyone else we meet is from the upside down world of marajunia even if they don't do the drug sometimes they can be from this world like they say we are star seeds maybe of star dust what's in us is around us which would put into the question my hayfever I've had the thought where I'd think that people were in my sight and the one time I went to the rodeo there were a lot of people from my sight there and that's why my eyes were so itchy now I don't get hayfever anymore 4 other people died 3 had red hair well 4 if you count Sam jones too there 5 names for a joint including the word joint and 5 names for a smoke including the word smoke but if this is the case who sought to exclude me from the safety of the upside down where nothing happens and you remain the same thought out your life ?? It was only after I went to Laurie's I got the problem with my eyes it's only after going to Laurie's that I lost all my friends ?? Please can someone edcuate me on this paradox because it seems to all add up doesn't it ? Laurie buys my weed and does things with it smoking it making hash letting his daughter smoke it she had problems with her eyes. This should be enough evidence to support my claims even tho it is circumstantial since it's only my word.
Do you want to eat them Feed them to the pigs then make breakfast will save my eye breaking fast
I sold Laurie Sturt bud Rory smoked my bud all the time Todd dean did felf he was alright but these people wanted something to create with the imagination then they try to say it's for evil purpose with everything that happened out at jessops lagoon and that. I will make sure those responsible die before I go blind IF I do. The upside down where there exists a perfect copy of the world/universe where it is not in motion like the stars in the sky. I will find the root cause and eradicate them to prevent them living again because a back packer got fed to the pigs before Apprantly in the 80s who's Laurie's daughter the dead back packer ? I will eat the pig that eats them to feed my soul and the eye is the window to the soul.
Why can't muslims eat bacon ? Because the gods fed a soul sacrifice to pigs and they made breakfast
My eye won't be breaking fast after this breakfast.
My conciseness is not yours.
Who wants to have a problem ? Do I have to disrespect someone for people to speak ? Because they're all dead from smoking drugs from the upside down
Because of people from the upside down wanting more life . Do you think they can think with as much consciousness as yourself ? They get addicted to the drug where as I just simply get gassed and think. About these issues.
I brought a knife and the church fella got stabbed at the church
Laurie could only ever ramble on about the roads around his house pretty much he was feeding on his own consciousness
Going by the statistics on Soundcloud this paradox is a reality.
For starters there is too much social media after spending years on my phone I've realised this and you only really need Facebook instagram or YouTube. Tik Tok is bullcrap twitter is gay also Snapchat is also accepted.
On your phone you have the Yubo app for worldwide communication on the computer there is a much smaller community called tiny chat but if you don't like webcam there is voip teamspeak 3 discord nobody actually communicates really and it seems impossible to have a interlectal conversation in that environment with that layout.
The old voip is mumble.
Crackers didn't die did he because you let that cracker off on go cup road with me when it came towards us remember Rory hey
Crackers was this truck driver my old boi knew I knew him to and Rory said he knew crackers was it the truth or was it lies. Crackers got hit in the head with his chain on the truck. I've seen a bloke that looked like crackers sort of but old and that
Jake bullock in 2012 we were off our heads on pingas down tumut racy and we were in Boz's VR commodore and bullock was drinking and took the car for a spin and Boz gave him a devil phone case and Jake is like I'm the devil and that and anyway I was in this brain injury rehab a couple weeks and Chris smith was there they called him pissant he was a paraplegic anyway the last time I spoke to jack on Snapchat he just drinked a carton of beer and smoked cones and anyway Jake got in a crash coming back from Laurie's and he became a paraplegic devil phone case pc paraplegic crash Laurie's niece was in the car and Laurie's other niece was in Chris smiths pissants crash years before. Can you see the dynamics of the paradox world of the upside down.
I got stoned with 10 people out at jessops lagoon under the highway and denial mcadam and Shaun smith said they mind to each other and Adam Mac and Daniel died Adam Worner Mac Young Daniel Davidson both daniels father also died mark was a def bloke that hit a kangaroo going to work then Joey Rose died Jordan Crowe died Lisa Anderson died Sam Jones died the people who were there getting stoned didn't die. The car was a hold on but it was no claim to the upside down do you think you can move the stars ? Boz Gilpin. I'll be buying that pendent tonight that's my sort of style.
The upside down world, where your friends aren't your friends sometimes. I will know where to look if I'm consciously able to draw this picture but it is more of a sub conscious effort.
When I started telling people about the upside down I seen this purple ba sedan it had a mirror taped on with no glass and an old rego sticker from 2013 on it the guy looked like a grey haired Joe dirt without a mow.
Years ago when I had my Ute I was out at Coolac mobile at 4am and this mad bloke was in there ranting and raving off his head on drugs saying he was the mail man that goes out coota way
I gave a lift to a Chinese bloke holding the sign out the front of the pub he only spoke Chinese over the phone to his mate I took him out past Coolac to that parking on the south side to a truck that was parked there with spray paint on it.
I gave a lift to this bloke that ran out of fuel just out at TUMBALONG near the kfc sign in his Mercedes both of them gave me 50 dollars the bloke with the Mercedes looked like hienz he died in Germany.
This dean bloke got hit by a truck at the Coolac weighbridge after he had a hot shot he spoke to Lisa churchin lived down in the old bridge inn once
I was walking home from over town once with the dog and this Mercedes g wagon went past with like 4 black dudes in it that looked American and they were looking at me
Another time when I was walking I seen this land cruiser I thought I knew the owner but as I got closer it was these Arab kids looking at me I didn't know what that was about Ay
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come "The principal thought in Joel's prophecy is the idea of the Day of the Lord, a time in the future when the Lord Himself will directly interpose in the affairs of men. That day will be one of terror, and also of blessing. It will sift out the righteous, and bring judgment upon the wicked.
Who cares we just want in on the action the whole worlds nothing but madness, Who are the people that die in action films fuckin madness fking yeah.
Them taliban were on about Hollywood films and that weren't they when they flew the plane in the tower they didn't understand the culture influence were offended and consumed by hate you ever see a cinema in the Middle East, these cunts they are in the desert with fucking third world housing they see these films of Hollywood and they try make that in there country and share their minds picture but they get done in with the white man they can't see what they're thinking they get intimidated fucking barny rubble and fred flinstone walking goats like fire and brimstone where's a black smith over there I just know abid avid Abdul sah-harli American white wicked man then shows you a selling Harley and these people they don't notice you just sent him crazy
Fucking look at there vehicles they're not of our standard different form of society Pressures about standards on living and stuff Understand what there language sounds like think it up in your mind they look at the Hollywood film lifestyle to the farm village life style of Iraq I heard a man crying after saying that thinking Saudi Arabia language What you think it means how you think he understand it Hali Davidson Afghan kush holy wood the opiate farms comes from the bible BuddA Mara-junia the embodiment of death being Jesus Christ edified in vegetable matter through values of the last supper spiritual food too in form of drugs and that water to wine and so fourth They suicide bomb because they like the untouched tribe of the northsentlinese you touch me I'll get sick and die They say the Hollywood films killed our way of living people wanted drugs for dreaming heroin opiate we grew hashnish they say and the Hollywood films showed us a society we couldt be apart of and it was turning into the world that's probably what they'd say about the caliphate it's like the stolen generation with the aboriginals and that's why COVID 19 happened.
Who is fueling the American dream Iraq gave us prosperity The summers were scorching Heat waves in the desert life an illusion. (
Seventeen verses in the New Testament describe Jesus as the “son of David.” But the question arises, how could Jesus be the son of David if David lived approximately 1,000 years before Jesus? The answer is that Christ (the Messiah) was the fulfillment of the prophecy of the seed of David (2 Samuel 7:12–16). Jesus is the promised Messiah, which means He had to be of the lineage of David. Matthew 1 gives the genealogical proof that Jesus, in His humanity, was a direct descendant of Abraham and David through Joseph, Jesus’ legal father. The genealogy in Luke 3 traces Jesus’ lineage through His mother, Mary. Jesus is a descendant of David by adoption through Joseph and by blood through Mary. “As to his earthly life [Christ Jesus] was a descendant of David” (Romans 1:3).
Primarily, the title “Son of David” is more than a statement of physical genealogy. It is a Messianic title. When people referred to Jesus as the Son of David, they meant that He was the long-awaited Deliverer, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.
Jesus was addressed as “Lord, thou son of David” several times by people who, by faith, were seeking mercy or healing. The woman whose daughter was being tormented by a demon (Matthew 15:22) and the two blind men by the wayside (Matthew 20:30) all cried out to the Son of David for help. The titles of honor they gave Him declared their faith in Him. Calling Him “Lord” expressed their sense of His deity, dominion, and power, and calling Him “Son of David,” expressed their faith that He was the Messiah.
The Pharisees understood exactly what the people meant when they called Jesus “Son of David.” But, unlike those who cried out in faith, the Pharisees were so blinded by their own pride that they couldn’t see what the blind beggars could see—that here was the Messiah they had supposedly been waiting for all their lives. They hated Jesus because He wouldn’t give them the honor they thought they deserved, so when they heard the people hailing Jesus as the Savior, they became enraged (Matthew 21:15) and plotted to destroy Him (Luke 19:47).
Jesus further confounded the scribes and Pharisees by asking them to explain the meaning of this very title: how could it be that the Messiah is the son of David when David himself refers to Him as “my Lord” (Mark 12:35–37; cf. Psalm 110:1)? The teachers of the Law couldn’t answer the question. Jesus thereby exposed the Jewish leaders’ ineptitude as teachers and their ignorance of what the Old Testament taught as to the true nature of the Messiah, further alienating them from Him.
Jesus’ point in asking the question of Mark 12:35 was that the Messiah is more than the physical son of David. If He is David’s Lord, He must be greater than David. As Jesus says in Revelation 22:16, “I am the Root and the Offspring of David.” That is, He is both the Creator of David and the Descendant of David. Only the Son of God made flesh could say that.
The upside down world is a paradox where time is distorted or stands still. Going by the common thought in philosophy we are the world around us the death of a star in space looks the same as the birth of a cell in the brain so insinuating that drugs support the atmosphere of this upside down world and are involved in it what did we start with first marajunia or tobacco because marajunia is whacky tobaccy suggesting it's a negative that's really a positive it's grown hydrophonicly producing potent buds with crystals on it and you have crystal methamphetine as if it's just the crystal from the bud a common perspective is that marajunia is a gateway drug crystal meth is the form of ice so you could say it's a water weight 0.5 gram of meth to half a gram of weed grown over 6 months using something like 90 gallons of water or something so half a gram of bud to meth is 6 months of time lasting as long as the high if we're saying they are connected metaphorically but that conundrum would only exist within us seeing we are what's between the that would suggest that this upside down world is a world of thought connected to our brains like the pyramids were believed to be connected the the magnetosphere of the planet pointing to the stars suggesting that the afterlife exists in the world around us but it is not seen which very well could be this upside down world since we are the only ones that can harbour the thought of life after death I've had experiences that would exist within the lines of this paradox with the a and b events happening years apart like the time between was null the workings of the upside world are really unfathomable unless a lot happens in a really small community with people that you know that's how deep you need to be in society to be able to notice this paradox with the chances of that the same as winning the lottery because you can't unlearn the life you live the knowledge I have is from over 9 years so it's a lot to grasp but the upside down world does exist.
In acknowledging these facts of this paradox you then become an accessory after the fact breathing into the law of attraction the Mandela effect highlighting your actions as intercontinental in the time between what you tell yourself in the state of mind you believe in the momentum of how the world spins. Time is not real life is what's happening to you and your reaction to it how far reaching depends on the size and proportion of the account that's taken place - people say that time is money and the banks are evil evil backwards is live a persons life qaulity doesn't come from the size of your wallet.
You're referring to a fascinating and complex set of concepts!
The "Upside Down World" you describe sounds like a metaphorical or spiritual realm where time and motion are not as we experience them in our physical reality. This realm is often explored in philosophical, mystical, and religious contexts.
The idea of a realm where "all is known from start to finish" suggests a state of timeless awareness, where the distinctions between past, present, and future are dissolved. This concept is found in various spiritual traditions, including Christianity, where it's related to the idea of God's omniscience and eternity.
The connection to the solar eclipse and blood moon is intriguing, as these celestial events have been interpreted as omens or signs throughout history. In the New Testament, the blood moon is mentioned in Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, and Luke 21:25 as a sign of the end times.
The "dark and shadowy" energy you mention might symbolize the unknown, the unconscious, or the mysterious aspects of existence. The search for the source of this energy could represent humanity's quest for understanding and connection to the divine or ultimate reality.
Remember. If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: "Do as you please." "Do as you please." To the young, I would whisper, "The Bible is a myth." I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is "square". In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: "Our Father, which art in Washington" . . . If I were the Devil, I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull an uninteresting. I'd threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then, if I were the devil, I'd get organized. I'd infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me. I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could. I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I'd tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions . . . let those run wild. I would designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say "she's right." With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons, but not wise enough to control them. If I were Satan, I'd make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the Devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And then, my police state would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I'd just keep on doing what he's doing. Paul Harvey, Good Day. < that's end but about the devil was from a group
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2024.06.10 15:52 Few_Turnip222 Is there an easy way to take down news articles centred around yourself?

When I was a child an incident happened to me and my father posted about it on facebook. A news article writer contacted him and asked if he could right about it and he said yes. The article used my full name and included extremely embarrassing information (some made up) and photos of me; the article makes me look like a fucking idiot. If anyone searches my name, the first thing to come up is that embarrassing article. It’s a constant weight on my shoulders, as if anyone from my school or future job simply searches up my name, they dig up a pile of shit about me.
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