Federalna tv bih stream


2024.05.29 09:50 kudlamusic Forecast

Free download / Streaming / Licensing: https://www.lokhmatovmusic.com/product/forecast/
Atmospheric and #positive theme with modern lounge feel. Well suited for broadcast TV forecast, high tech #news, #business presentations and commercials. Here you can hear #electronic accurate drums, #cinematic piano and lyric strings. Loopable!
Feel free to use this music track at no cost in your YouTube Shorts, TikTok videos, and Reels on Facebook and Instagram (link above).
You can stream it on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Amazon, SoundCloud, Deezer, NetEase, and more (link above).
To monetize your Youtube videos follow link above.
A big thank you to everyone who listens to and incorporates my music in their videos!
submitted by kudlamusic to lokhmatovmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:41 Turbulent_Property_4 Chi è Taylor Sheridan? il genio dietro le migliori serie tv western e non solo

Ecco tutto quello che dovete sapere sulle tante (tantissime) serie tv create in questi anni dall'infaticabile Taylor Sheridan.
Tra le nuove serie da vedere a giugno 2025 su Paramount+ c'è anche il ritorno di Mayor of Kingstown, ennesima creatura dell'infaticabile sceneggiatore, regista e produttore Taylor Sheridan: quante serie tv ha creato negli ultimi anni?
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:38 pinky_stoned Finished the revival, wish I could erase my brain

When the show was originally aired I was a little to young and it was hard to keep up on regular tv back then. I’ve always been a fan of Kristen’s and followed her work through the years until I could finally stream binge watch all 3 seasons of Veronica Mars, it became my hyper focus so I kept going into timeline watching the movie and the said revival in a span of a month. Just finished the Hulu piece and I’m devastated. Like why? I didn’t had to wait for years like many fandom members but after everything ending this like that was….. It will take me a while to get through this, I’ll accept fic recommendations to cope until I can find something else to obsess over.
submitted by pinky_stoned to veronicamars [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:30 flashbangyamoma Please help me select the ideal TV for my use case

Hey guys, so I have been wanting to upgrade to a new tv for a while now. The thing is I live in a third world country and the economy as well as the exchange rate devaluation is worse then it has ever been and buying a luxury item such as a nice tv costs too much. Therefore buying anything larger than a 55" is not doable because of the already inflated prices. Also once i upgrade i wont be able to get a new set for many years so I don't have the luxury to buy a new tv in 2-3 years.
I currently have a LG C9 which I got a few years ago and although it is a great TV it wasn't that bright when in launched to begin with and now over the years WOLEDS have gotten much brighter and plus QD-OLEDs have really stepped up. So I want a TV which is like a substantial and meaningful upgrade over the C9. I'm hoping its kind of like the same upgrade I got when going from a LCD to the C9 but I don't know how realistic that expectation is.
Firstly, I will also be using the TV as a pc monitor primarily for gaming. PC Gaming at 4k 120hz or 144hz is the first priority and apart from that I will be using it for watching 4k blu-rays and streaming shows on netflix, amazon etc.
So anyway I've been looking online on what the options I have as not every brand or model is available here. Plus from what I've looked up online so far many TVs have a few minor issues which border on deal breakers for me. I will try to list down the pros and cons of these TVs and would like your help in selecting the ideal tv for me.
Samsung S95B and S95C:
  1. The colors on QD-OLED are much better than WOLEDS. They are also generally brighter and more vibrant too.
  2. Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall
  3. Supports 144hz as opposed to 120hz.
  1. Samsung's QC is not good. I have seen many posts where people have had issues with their sets.
  2. Higher risk burn in on QD-OLED TV's as they are relatively newer is also a concern.
  3. No Dolby Vision and DTS passthrough is also a con.
  4. HDMI 2.1 ports on the S95C are capped at 40GB/s which is not good for me as I want to play games at 4k and high refresh rates.
  5. S95B doesn't officially support 144hz which can cause issues in some cases.
  6. Thermal Throttling?
LG G3:
  1. Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall.
  2. Reliable technology therefore less chance of burn in.
  3. LGs QC is better than Samsung and I have not had any issue with my set.
  4. Support Dolby Vision and DTS.
  5. 48 GB/s HDMI 2.1 ports
  1. Color vibrancy inferior to QDOLEDs.
  2. Brightness in game mode is much lower which is not good for my use case.
  3. Refresh rate capped at 120fps.
  4. No way to disable ABL.
LG G3:
PROS (Mostly same as G3):
  1. Supports 144hz
  2. Better brightness in game mode compared to the G3.
  3. Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall.
  4. Reliable technology therefore less chance of burn in.
  5. LGs QC is better than Samsung and I have not had any issue with my set.
  6. Support Dolby Vision and DTS.
  7. 48 GB/s HDMI 2.1 ports
CONS (Mostly same as G3):
  1. Color vibrancy inferior to QDOLEDs.
  2. Reduced brightness in game mode is not as bad as with the G3.
  3. No way to disable ABL.
  4. Price. This is the most expensive set out of the ones I have listed.
So guys these are the things that I have come up with after watching a few reviews and reading some threads/comments. Looking at the list the G4 is the obvious choice as it has the least amount of cons and the pros list is also fairly long.
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Also would appreciate input from owners of these sets and any problems/ gripes with their sets.
submitted by flashbangyamoma to LGOLED [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:30 AutoModerator Daily Thread - May 29, 2024

Welcome to the /SeattleKraken Daily Thread! Please use this thread to discuss hockey events from today, or anything else you'd like.
Comments are automatically sorted by new to keep the conversation current.
Have you tried the /SeattleKraken Discord?
Want to buy or sell tickets? See the tickets megathread!
New to hockey? See this handy guide.
Questions on how to watch? See this TV/Streaming guide.
Lets go Kraken!
submitted by AutoModerator to SeattleKraken [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:29 flashbangyamoma WOLED OR QDOLED FOR GAMING

Hey guys, so I have been wanting to upgrade to a new tv for a while now. The thing is I live in a third world country and the economy as well as the exchange rate devaluation is worse then it has ever been and buying a luxury item such as a nice tv costs too much. Therefore buying anything larger than a 55" is not doable because of the already inflated prices. Also once i upgrade i wont be able to get a new set for many years so I don't have the luxury to buy a new tv in 2-3 years.
I currently have a LG C9 which I got a few years ago and although it is a great TV it wasn't that bright when in launched to begin with and now over the years WOLEDS have gotten much brighter and plus QD-OLEDs have really stepped up. So I want a TV which is like a substantial and meaningful upgrade over the C9. I'm hoping its kind of like the same upgrade I got when going from a LCD to the C9 but I don't know how realistic that expectation is.
Firstly, I will also be using the TV as a pc monitor primarily for gaming. PC Gaming at 4k 120hz or 144hz is the first priority and apart from that I will be using it for watching 4k blu-rays and streaming shows on netflix, amazon etc.
So anyway I've been looking online on what the options I have as not every brand or model is available here. Plus from what I've looked up online so far many TVs have a few minor issues which border on deal breakers for me. I will try to list down the pros and cons of these TVs and would like your help in selecting the ideal tv for me.
Samsung S95B and S95C:
PROS: The colors on QD-OLED are much better than WOLEDS. They are also generally brighter and more vibrant too.Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall. Supports 144hz as opposed to 120hz.
CONS: Samsung's QC is not good. I have seen many posts where people have had issues with their sets. Higher risk burn in on QD-OLED TV's as they are relatively newer is also a concern. No Dolby Vision and DTS passthrough is also a con. HDMI 2.1 ports on the S95C are capped at 40GB/s which is not good for me as I want to play games at 4k and high refresh rates. S95B doesn't officially support 144hz which can cause issues in some cases. Thermal Throttling?
LG G3 PROS: Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall. Reliable technology therefore less chance of burn in. LGs QC is better than Samsung and I have not had any issue with my set. Support Dolby Vision and DTS. 48 GB/s HDMI 2.1 ports
CONS: Color vibrancy inferior to QDOLEDs. Brightness in game mode is much lower which is not good for my use case. Refresh rate capped at 120fps. No way to disable ABL.
LG G3: PROS (Mostly same as G3): Supports 144hz. Better brightness in game mode compared to the G3.
CONS (Mostly same as G3) plus Price. This is the most expensive set out of the ones I have listed.
So guys these are the things that I have come up with after watching a few reviews and reading some threads/comments. Looking at the list the G4 is the obvious choice as it has the least amount of cons and the pros list is also fairly long.
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Also would appreciate input from owners of these sets and any problems/ gripes with their sets.
submitted by flashbangyamoma to OLED [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:23 flashbangyamoma Please help me select the ideal TV for my use case

Hey guys, so I have been wanting to upgrade to a new tv for a while now. The thing is I live in a third world country and the economy as well as the exchange rate devaluation is worse then it has ever been and buying a luxury item such as a nice tv costs too much. Therefore buying anything larger than a 55" is not doable because of the already inflated prices. Also once i upgrade i wont be able to get a new set for many years so I don't have the luxury to buy a new tv in 2-3 years.
I currently have a LG C9 which I got a few years ago and although it is a great TV it wasn't that bright when in launched to begin with and now over the years WOLEDS have gotten much brighter and plus QD-OLEDs have really stepped up. So I want a TV which is like a substantial and meaningful upgrade over the C9. I'm hoping its kind of like the same upgrade I got when going from a LCD to the C9 but I don't know how realistic that expectation is.
Firstly, I will also be using the TV as a pc monitor primarily for gaming. PC Gaming at 4k 120hz or 144hz is the first priority and apart from that I will be using it for watching 4k blu-rays and streaming shows on netflix, amazon etc.
So anyway I've been looking online on what the options I have as not every brand or model is available here. Plus from what I've looked up online so far many TVs have a few minor issues which border on deal breakers for me. I will try to list down the pros and cons of these TVs and would like your help in selecting the ideal tv for me.
Samsung S95B and S95C:
  1. The colors on QD-OLED are much better than WOLEDS. They are also generally brighter and more vibrant too.
  2. Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall
  3. Supports 144hz as opposed to 120hz.
  1. Samsung's QC is not good. I have seen many posts where people have had issues with their sets.
  2. Higher risk burn in on QD-OLED TV's as they are relatively newer is also a concern.
  3. No Dolby Vision and DTS passthrough is also a con.
  4. HDMI 2.1 ports on the S95C are capped at 40GB/s which is not good for me as I want to play games at 4k and high refresh rates.
  5. S95B doesn't officially support 144hz which can cause issues in some cases.
  6. Thermal Throttling?
LG G3:
  1. Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall.
  2. Reliable technology therefore less chance of burn in.
  3. LGs QC is better than Samsung and I have not had any issue with my set.
  4. Support Dolby Vision and DTS.
  5. 48 GB/s HDMI 2.1 ports
  1. Color vibrancy inferior to QDOLEDs.
  2. Brightness in game mode is much lower which is not good for my use case.
  3. Refresh rate capped at 120fps.
  4. No way to disable ABL.
LG G4:
PROS (Mostly same as G3):
  1. Supports 144hz
  2. Better brightness in game mode compared to the G3.
  3. Very bright compared to the C9. Also better picture quality overall.
  4. Reliable technology therefore less chance of burn in.
  5. LGs QC is better than Samsung and I have not had any issue with my set.
  6. Support Dolby Vision and DTS.
  7. 48 GB/s HDMI 2.1 ports
CONS (Mostly same as G3):
  1. Color vibrancy inferior to QDOLEDs.
  2. Reduced brightness in game mode is not as bad as with the G3.
  3. No way to disable ABL.
  4. Price. This is the most expensive set out of the ones I have listed.
  5. It has a 2300 nit panel and not a 3000 nit panel. Is it better to wait for the G5 which might have a much better 3000 nit panel?
So guys these are the things that I have come up with after watching a few reviews and reading some threads/comments. Looking at the list the G4 is the obvious choice as it has the least amount of cons and the pros list is also fairly long.
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Also would appreciate input from owners of these sets and any problems/ gripes with their sets.
submitted by flashbangyamoma to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:23 marinluv How streaming is ruining the watch experience for paying customers [rant]

We will start with a simple example-
You bought a subscription of Jio cinema to watch their so-called “premium” 4k content. You install their app on your 4K TV and going to start streaming the 4K CONTENT. That's when you notice that your 4K TV is not powered by Android or doesn't have a H/W piece which Jio wants so you won't be able to play the 4K content you paid for on your 4K TV which you also paid for.
The above example is not limited to Jio. All streaming services are doing the same in the name of protecting their content from pirates like govt wants to scan... [story for another day]. Forget 4K, even 1080p isn't available if you are a Firefox user. Their content is already being pirated, and people who pirate are watching the same content in the highest quality possible. But if you pay and try to watch the same content on Firefox or a device they don't certified, then you will be limited to HD (720p) resolution.
I buy physical media and can play that FHD disc on any of my TV without any issue, but the same can't be said for streaming. For FHD, you need Chrome but for 4K you need Edge - No logic here. Unless they are being paid by big corporations to force users to use their services by making an excuse in the name of DRM or protecting their content. I am not even diving deep on things like “Buying a content” ≠ “Owning a content” or their rent policy or how they remove the content which you paid for.
I don't pay for services except a few like Criterion. But I was recently setting up my friend's TV, and they bought Jio subscription for 4K content, but that didn't work because the TV they have is from 2015, and Jio don't support it.
submitted by marinluv to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:18 gamesweldsbikescrime Android tv Australia 7plus ad splash screen forcing me to open 7plus

And if I wait long enough it turns to channel 9now ad
I am able to use the voice assist button to open other apps (which is actually a great way to do things I guess) but what kind of cyberpunk shit is this.
My mother called out to me mad as hell "the ugliest man I've ever seen is stuck on the tv!" Being the face of some tv vet? personality guy...
These are both streaming apps for Australian tv networks channels 7 and 9. Australian networks have been scare mongering about subscription services apps being given preference on menus and stores etc.
This is a pretty extreme move I think. Is anyone else having this experience and able to navigate away from the ad without using voice assist?
submitted by gamesweldsbikescrime to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:01 AutoModerator بعد الفراق : كتب لحبيبته أغنية قال فيها " رغـم الـوداع انا بفتـكــرلك كـل حاجــة حلــوة فيــك" ..

 بعد الفراق : كتب لحبيبته أغنية قال فيها

بعد الفراق : كتب لحبيبته أغنية قال فيها " رغـم الـوداع انا بفتـكــرلك كـل حاجــة حلــوة فيــك" ..

بعد الفراق : كتب لحبيبته أغنية قائلا " رغـم الـوداع انا بفتـكــرلك كـل حاجــة حلــوة فيــك" .. أستمع الى أجمل اغاني الفراق عن قصة حقيقية أغنية رغم الوداع للفنان مصطفــى النفيــاوي.

بعد الفراق : كتب لحبيبته أغنية قال فيها \" رغـم الـوداع انا بفتـكــرلك كـل حاجــة حلــوة فيــك\" ..
لنا ولكم موعد مع أغنية من اجمــل أغــاني الفراق حرفيا .. الأغنية التي أشعلت مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي بقصتها الغير طبيعية..
حينما قرر مصطفى النفياوي الغناء وقدم واحدة من اغلى وأجمل اغاني الفراق الى حبيبته وهو ليس فنان ولم يسبق له الغناء او درسه من قريب او بعيد..
ليقدم أغنية عن فراق حبيبته , الأغنية من كلماته والحانه وصوته وتوزيعه مع فريق عمله.. أستطاع مصطفى النفياوي ان يكتب كلمات غاية في الرقة والذوق والادب والتي تدل على مفهوم التسامح ولكن بشرط الثقة في النفس وهذا ما غناه الفنان المبدع مصطفى النفياوي في اغنيته رغم الوداع..

الاغنية التي اعجب بها العديد من الجماهير والمتابعين والتي حققت شهرة لا بأس بها للفنــان مصطفى النفياوي ولكنها تحتاج الى التسويق وستكون الأغنية رفم واحد في أغاني الفراق ولكم الحكم أسمعوا أغنية رغم الوداع من هنا على يوتيوب , فيديو 2 , فيديو 3 , فيديو 4 , فيديو 5 , فيديو 6
أغنية رغم الوداع حققت عدد كبير من المشاهدات وتحدثت عنها بعض الصحف قائلة "رجعنا للزمن الجميل" زمن بليغ حمدي
مصطفى النفياوي هو اول فنان مصري متعدد المواهب له العديد من المواهب الاخرى يمكنك متابعته على فيس بوك , انستجرام , Twitter
قدم الفنــان مصطفـــى النفيــاوي العديد من الاغاني السنجل والبوم كامل بعنوان اغنيته الشهيرة رغم الوداع يمكنك مشاهدة الالبوم من هنا
submitted by AutoModerator to egyptstory [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:55 NewYorkPosthub Amitabh Bachchan loses track of time on social media, fans say 'Sahi pakde hain'

Amitabh Bachchan loses track of time on social media, fans say 'Sahi pakde hain'
Veteran Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan wrote about the woes of using social media, a sentiment many on the internet can relate to. On Wednesday, May 29, Big B wrote on X in Hindi, which translates to, "Once you start using social media, you lose track of time."
Amitabh Bachchan
As the actor shared his views on social media, many X users resonated with him. One of them commented, "True words Sir. Your condition is everyone's condition (sic)." Another fan noted, "Absolutely true, sir! Social media has a way of captivating us with its endless stream of content. It's easy to lose track of time when exploring its vast universe.
Meanwhile, Amitabh Bachchan shared on his blog that he has been keeping busy with work, hence has no time to write detailed blogs. ".. workloads keep me away from detailed Blogging... another early call tomorrow and hence .. a picture and a night filled with goodness .." the 'Kalki 2898 AD' actor wrote.
The 81-year-old actor is currently busy shooting for the upcoming season of the TV show, 'Kaun Banega Crorepati'. He is also awaiting the release of Nag Ashwin's sci-fi drama 'Kalki 2898 AD', set to release on June 27. The film also stars Deepika Padukone and Prabhas in the lead roles. Amitabh Bachchan will also soon make his Tamil debut with 'Vettaiyan'.
submitted by NewYorkPosthub to u/NewYorkPosthub [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:51 Igneek Banco De Chile Santiago P1 - Discussion

Starting right after the Mar Del Plata P1, we jump into another P1 tournament with the best players in the world. This time, the courts seem to be faster. Who do you think will benefit from these conditions?



Where to watch:

Until Quarter Finals:


If you can't see the Center Court with English and/or Spanish commentary, you'll need to use a VPN to USA as an example
From Quarter Finals on:

Redbull TV

List of countries where Redbull TV is available to watch
*If you are in France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Andorra, Czech Republic, Haiti,
Hungary, Myanmar, Poland, Monaco, Slovakia, Vietnam or Romania check your local broadcast or use a VPN*

Livescore, Draws, Results, Player List

How do Premier Padel rankings work?
Before the tournament, players are seeded based on their official rankings to ensure competitive matchups. Then, a random draw determines opponents for each round within the pool of players.
Men Ranking Women Ranking

More information:

Official Premier Padel Website
Premier Padel Twitter
Premier Padel TikTok
Premier Padel Instagram
You can also jump into /Padel Discord server!
Remember to sort by "new" to stay up to date!
submitted by Igneek to padel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:48 Jud01-k Moonlight without Sunshine

Maybe a dumb question, but do I have to use both moonlight and sunshine? I've set up moonlight on my pc and my lg tv but I don't use sunshine, are there any downside If I do it that way? Also is there any way to get it running stable over wifi. I use a dedicated wifi 6 Router to stream games to my meta quest headset, it runs flawless, but if I try to stream steam games to my tv its very unstable and looks bad..
Pc Specs Rtx 4090 And 5800x3d Win11
submitted by Jud01-k to MoonlightStreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:34 Igneek Banco De Chile Santiago P1: Discussion

Banco De Chile Santiago P1: Discussion
Starting right after the Mar Del Plata P1, we jump into another P1 tournament with the best players in the world. This time, the courts seem to be faster. Who do you think will benefit from these conditions?



Where to watch:

Until Quarter Finals:


If you can't see the Center Court with English and/or Spanish commentary, you'll need to use a VPN to USA as an example
From Quarter Finals on:

Redbull TV

List of countries where Redbull TV is available to watch
*If you are in France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Andorra, Czech Republic, Haiti,
Hungary, Myanmar, Poland, Monaco, Slovakia, Vietnam or Romania check your local broadcast or use a VPN*

Livescore, Draws, Results, Player List

How do Premier Padel rankings work?
Before the tournament, players are seeded based on their official rankings to ensure competitive matchups. Then, a random draw determines opponents for each round within the pool of players.
Men Ranking
Women Ranking
Tournament Points
EventsPoints: FinalistsPoints: Winners
Premier Padel Finals (1 event) N/A 1,500
Premier Padel Major (4 events) 1,200 2,000
Premier Padel P1 (11 events) 600 1,000
Premier Padel P2 (9 events) 300 500

More information:

Official Premier Padel Website
Premier Padel Twitter
Premier Padel TikTok
Premier Padel Instagram
You can also jump into /Padel Discord server!
Remember to sort by "new" to stay up to date!
submitted by Igneek to u/Igneek [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:31 AccidentProof4262 Wolf or Projectivity

Which do.you prefer.....Aesthetically and from a user perspective...1st one - Wolf, 2nd one - Projectivity.
submitted by AccidentProof4262 to ShieldAndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:22 AccidentProof4262 Projectivity Launcher

I've wolf launcher on both my shield and Formuler Z11 Pro Max...I've added Projectivity to both, and like the simplicity and sickness...
There is one thing..The folders I find are too low down from the top of the tv screen.
Is there any way to rectify this, ie move the folders up nearer the top of the screen?
submitted by AccidentProof4262 to ShieldAndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:17 itsIzumi Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at the SoCal Star League #3!

Final Bracket

Twitch Stream

(VOD not currently available)

Youtube VODs

Place Player Losses in Swiss pools Eliminated by
1st FLY ∣ Jmook (Sheik) --- ---
2nd 69% ∣ Fiction (Fox) KoDoRiN Jmook
3rd Tempo ∣ Axe (Pikachu) Mango Jmook
3rd C9 ∣ Mango (Fox & Falco) --- Fiction
5th GUG ∣ Kürv (Fox) S2J & Joshman Jmook
5th KoDoRiN (Marth) Mango Axe
5th Khalid (Jigglypuff) S2J & Lucky Mango
5th S2J (Captain Falcon) Jmook & Axe Fiction
9th Mango's Friend ∣ Lucky (Fox) bobby big ballz, Fiction & Kürv ---
9th Moist ∣ Joshman (Fox) Khalid, KoDoRiN & DQ'd ---
9th bobby big ballz (Falco) Jmook, Joshman & S2J ---
12th ABG ∣ salami (Fox) Mango, max & Khalid ---
12th max (Sheik) Axe, Fiction & Kürv ---
14th ↓ Steech (Fox) Fiction, Axe & bobby big ballz [+Tiebreaker: salami] ---
15th ↓ GIS ∣ cliché (Falco) Jmook, Lucky & Kürv ---
15th ↓ teccskill ∣ nut (Sheik) KoDoRiN, Steech & salami ---
  • null originally had a spot, but couldn't make it. Axe was his replacement
  • Bottom 3 SoCal players get relegated. S2J, bobby big ballz, and max are this iteration's "guest players" who don't count for relegation
  • cliché and nut get relegated to Division 2 for placing 15th
  • salami beats Steech in the 12th place tiebreaker. Steech gets relegated to Division 2

Division 1 Finals

Jake "Jmook" DiRado // Twitch Twitter Wiki FlyQuest vs. Shephard "Fiction" Lima // Twitch Twitter Wiki 69% Apparel
Jmook 3 - 0 Fiction
1 stock = Sheik Dream Land 64 Fox = ---
2 stocks = Sheik Frozen Pokemon Stadium Fox = ---
1 stock = Sheik Frozen Pokemon Stadium Fox = ---
Generated by Tournament Tabler

Division 2 Results:

(happened a week ago but I'm opting to include it here)
  • There were six open spots in Division 2. A points-based system from SoCal tournaments determined who would get these
  • snake, IggyNieves, Zeo, ZimD00D, s-f, and Calvin (1st to 6th in points) qualified
  • sumi, wingstop21, and J Button (7th to 9th in points) got to play one "Elimination Playoff" set against a player who placed 12th for a chance to take their Division 2 spot
  • salami, cliché, and Khalid got promoted to Division 1. Khalid beat Zeo in the third place tiebreaker
  • ZimD00D and Calvin got relegated for placing 15th
  • In the Elimination Playoff sets: sumi beat s-f, SubTails beat wingstop21, and Venelox beat J Button. SubTails and Venelox remain in Division 2, sumi is now in Division 2
Place Player Losses in Swiss pools Eliminated by
1st ↑ ABG ∣ salami (Fox Franz ---
2nd ↑ GIS ∣ cliché (Falco) Alberto & Cohenski salami
3rd ↑ Khalid (Jigglypuff) --- salami
4th ABG ∣ Zeo (Captain Falcon) Khalid cliché [+Khalid]
5th PEPIS ∣ Noire (Falco) snake & Life Khalid
5th Cohenski (Fox) SubTails salami
5th Franz (Dr. Mario) --- cliché
5th Alberto (Captain Falcon) Franz & IggyNieves Zeo
9th OBE ∣ snake (Falco) Zeo, Cohenski & cliché ---
9th true ∣ Life (Marth) Zeo, salami & Alberto ---
9th PNUT ∣ IggyNieves (Fox) Venelox, Zeo & Noire ---
12th GS ∣ SubTails (Sheik) Khalid, Life & Alberto ---
12th YET ∣ Venelox (Fox) salami, cliché & Noire ---
12th ↓ Melee Stats ∣ s-f (Marth) Franz, cliché & snake [+sumi]
15th ↓ ZimD00D (Marth) salami, IggyNieves & s-f ---
15th ↓ ωZ ∣ Calvin (Sheik) Khalid, Cohenski & Noire --
submitted by itsIzumi to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:10 IchibroXII Very new to this

Just started like a week ago. Mostly want people to pop in and let me know if it's streaming okay. As of this post me and my homie are playing man of medan, mw3, multiversus, and helldivers. Any tips much appreciated as well.
submitted by IchibroXII to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:08 Ok_World_8819 The biggest differences between Zillennials, off-cusp Gen Z, Zalpha, and off-cusp Gen Alpha (1995, 2002, 2012, and 2017)

The earliest common Gen Z start date is 1995, entering school after Y2K. It seems to be the most popular Zillennial start date (1994 is considered Zillennial on the subreddit, but they've never been called anything but Millennials, entered school pre-Y2K, and most people consider them safely Millennial). I'd consider them to be the very, very first Zillennials, albeit definitely more Millennial overall.
While most people here consider 2001 the first off-cusp Z year, I do not consider them off-cusp; their lasts (college age adults pre-COVID being the biggest example)
The most popular Gen Alpha start date on social media is 2010, and most people on here consider 2010 as the first Zalpha year (more Gen Z but still cusp regardless). I don't myself; to me 2012 is the first cusp year for many reasons.
The end of Zalpha is not entirely defined. I would place the end in 2016 (in school during COVID and before the Ukraine-Russian war, could have vague memories beforehand), making 2017 the first clear-cut Gen Alpha birth year.
The biggest differences between those born in 1995 and 2002:
The biggest differences between those born in 2002 and 2012:
The biggest differences between those born in 2012 and 2017:
submitted by Ok_World_8819 to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:48 Marvel-guy-1 Easiest Way to Stream and Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 from Anywhere

Prepare yourself for an exhilarating journey of extraordinary talents as America’s Got Talent returns for its 19th season. Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 on Peacock will be released on 29 May 2024. This season promises to be more spectacular than ever, with a diverse array of performers ready to showcase their skills and captivate audiences worldwide.
From mesmerizing magicians and stunning singers to awe-inspiring acrobats and hilarious comedians, AGT Season 19 is set to deliver an unforgettable viewing experience. The show brings back its beloved panel of judges and the charismatic Terry Crews as host, ensuring that every moment is filled with excitement, emotion, and edge-of-your-seat entertainment.
Get ready to be dazzled by some of the most talented individuals on the planet, all competing for the ultimate prize and the chance to make their dreams come true on one of the biggest stages in the world.

Quick Steps: Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA On Peacock

Follow these simple steps to watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA
  1. Download a reliable VPN [we recommend ExpressVPN OR PureVPN as it provides exceptional streaming experience globally]
  2. Download and install VPN app!
  3. Connect to a server in the US
  4. Login to Peacock
  5. Watch your favorite content on Peacock
Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA with ExpressVPN

Where To Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA?

America’s Got Talent Season 19 will be available for streaming on Peacock, NBC’s official streaming platform. Peacock offers a variety of TV shows, movies, live sports, and exclusive content, making it a go-to destination for entertainment.
With an extensive library of NBC shows, both current and past seasons, movies, and original content, Peacock caters to diverse viewing preferences. It provides affordable plans, including a free tier with ads and premium plans for ad-free viewing and additional content. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface with personalized recommendations and user profiles, enhancing the viewing experience.
Additionally, Peacock allows for live streaming of TV, including sports, news, and major events. However, Peacock is geo-restricted and only available in the USA, so viewers outside the US will need a reliable solution to bypass these restrictions.

Why Do You Need A VPN To Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA On Peacock?

To watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 on Peacock outside USA, you need a VPN because Peacock enforces geo-restrictions, limiting access to its content to viewers within the United States due to licensing agreements and regional content rights.
A VPN helps you bypass these geographical barriers by masking your actual IP address and rerouting your internet connection through a US-based server. This process makes it appear as if you are browsing from within the United States, allowing you to access and stream AGT Season 19 seamlessly from anywhere in the world, ensuring you don’t miss any of the captivating performances and episodes.

Best VPN To Watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA on Peacock

For smooth and hurdle-free streaming you need quality VPNs to watch America’s Got Talent Season 19 Outside USA on Peacock.
ExpressVPN is widely regarded as one of the best VPNs for streaming content from different regions. Here’s why:
PureVPN is another excellent option for accessing Peacock and streaming AGT Season 19 outside the USA. Here’s a closer look at its features:
submitted by Marvel-guy-1 to BuzzHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:32 rw1337 Why do movies on TV Netflix app look so much better than playing a movie from my PC via HDMI? Anyway to make PC HDMI look better?

I use MPV and MPC-HC on my PC and have HDR turned on via Windows menus.
I usually use high quality copies of movies in x265 4k HDR but I still notice that even a 1080 old movie from Netflix pops more than my PC.
As lots of movies and TV shows I want to watch are not on Netflix or on any streaming platforms I'd like to make my PC streaming look equivalent or better. Any ideas?
submitted by rw1337 to S95C [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:32 Timely_Appearance_17 Uncover the Online Entertainment Market: Trends, Stats, and Insights

Uncover the Online Entertainment Market: Trends, Stats, and Insights

Online Entertainment Market Introduction

The global online entertainment market size was valued at USD 419.87 billion in 2023. The market is further projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.30% between 2024 and 2032, reaching a value of USD 2048.33 billion by 2032. In this era of rapid technological advancement, one of the most significant shifts in consumer behavior and media consumption habits has been the rise of streaming services.
Online Entertainment Market
This shift has not only transformed the way we access and consume content but has also had profound implications for traditional media industries such as television, radio, and cinema. In this blog post, we will delve into the impact of streaming services on traditional media through a comparative study, exploring the evolution of streaming platforms, the disruption of traditional media, changes in content production and distribution, viewer behavior and preferences, economic implications, regulation and competition, and future trends and predictions.

Evolution of Streaming Services:

Streaming services have revolutionized the entertainment landscape, providing consumers with on-demand access to a vast array of content anytime, anywhere. The emergence of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+ has fundamentally changed the way we consume television shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment.
These platforms offer subscription-based or ad-supported streaming services, allowing users to stream content over the internet without the need for traditional cable or satellite TV subscriptions. According to statistics, the number of streaming subscribers worldwide has been steadily increasing, indicating the growing popularity and demand for streaming services.
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Disruption of Traditional Media:

The rise of streaming services has disrupted traditional media industries such as television, radio, and cinema in several ways. One of the most significant impacts has been the decline of traditional TV viewership, with more and more consumers opting to cut the cord and switch to streaming platforms for their entertainment needs. This shift has led to a decrease in advertising revenue for traditional broadcasters and cable networks, as advertisers increasingly allocate their marketing budgets to digital platforms with targeted advertising capabilities. Moreover, the proliferation of streaming services has challenged the dominance of cable and satellite providers, forcing them to adapt their business models to compete in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Content Production and Distribution:

Streaming services have not only changed how content is consumed but also how it is produced and distributed. With the rise of original content creation by streaming platforms, we have witnessed a paradigm shift in the entertainment industry. Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have invested heavily in producing high-quality original content, including TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more. This has disrupted the traditional content production model, where content was primarily produced by studios and networks and then distributed through various channels. Additionally, streaming platforms have disrupted content distribution channels by securing exclusive rights to popular TV shows and movies, bypassing traditional distribution channels such as DVD and Blu-ray sales.

Viewer Behavior and Preferences:

The advent of streaming services has also influenced viewer behavior and preferences, leading to changes in how we consume and engage with content. One notable trend is the rise of binge-watching culture, where viewers watch multiple episodes of a TV series in a single sitting. This binge-watching behavior is facilitated by the availability of entire seasons of TV shows on streaming platforms, allowing viewers to binge-watch at their own pace. Moreover, streaming platforms use sophisticated recommendation algorithms to personalize the content recommendations for each user based on their viewing history, preferences, and demographic information, further enhancing the user experience and increasing engagement.

Economic Implications:

The rise of streaming services has had profound economic implications for both the entertainment industry and the broader economy. On the one hand, streaming services have created new revenue streams for content creators and rights holders, providing them with additional avenues to monetize their content through subscription fees, advertising revenue, and licensing deals. On the other hand, traditional media industries have faced revenue losses as consumers increasingly shift their attention and spending towards streaming platforms. This has led to job market shifts in the entertainment industry, with layoffs and restructuring occurring in traditional media companies while new job opportunities emerge in the streaming sector.

Regulation and Competition:

As streaming services continue to gain prominence, they have come under increased regulatory scrutiny and faced growing competition from both traditional media companies and tech giants. Regulators have raised concerns about the market power of streaming platforms and their impact on competition, consumer choice, and cultural diversity. Additionally, streaming platforms face competition from other digital entertainment platforms such as social media, gaming, and e-commerce, as well as from new entrants seeking to disrupt the market with innovative business models and technologies.

Future Trends and Predictions:

As we peer into the future of the entertainment industry, it becomes evident that the landscape will continue to evolve at a rapid pace, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and shifting market dynamics. Here are some future trends and predictions that are likely to shape the future of the online entertainment market:

Content Fragmentation and Personalization:

The era of mass media is gradually giving way to a more fragmented landscape, characterized by niche content catering to specific audiences. Streaming platforms will increasingly invest in personalized content recommendations and targeted advertising to cater to the diverse preferences of individual users. This trend will lead to a proliferation of niche streaming services focusing on specific genres, languages, or demographics.

Convergence of Entertainment and Technology:

The boundaries between entertainment and technology will continue to blur as advancements in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and immersive technologies transform the entertainment experience. We can expect to see the rise of interactive storytelling experiences, virtual concerts and events, and personalized entertainment experiences tailored to individual users' preferences and interests.

Global Expansion and Localization:

Streaming platforms will continue to expand their global footprint, tapping into emerging markets with growing internet penetration and smartphone adoption. However, success in these markets will require a nuanced approach, including localization of content, pricing, and payment options to cater to local preferences and cultural sensitivities. We can expect to see increased investment in regional content production and partnerships with local content creators and distributors to drive growth in emerging markets.

Hybrid Business Models:

Traditional media companies and streaming platforms will experiment with hybrid business models that combine subscription-based, ad-supported, and transactional revenue streams. We may see the emergence of tiered subscription plans offering different levels of access to content, as well as innovative monetization strategies such as pay-per-view events, merchandise sales, and brand partnerships.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Industry Consolidation:

As the online entertainment market matures, regulators will likely ramp up scrutiny of streaming platforms' market power, data privacy practices, and content moderation policies. This may lead to increased regulatory oversight and compliance requirements, as well as potential antitrust investigations and regulatory interventions. Moreover, we can expect to see further consolidation and convergence in the industry through mergers and acquisitions as companies seek to strengthen their competitive positions and expand their market reach.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

With growing awareness of environmental issues and social responsibility, consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and ethical practices from entertainment companies. Streaming platforms will come under pressure to reduce their carbon footprint, minimize waste, and promote diversity and inclusion both on and off-screen. We may see increased investment in eco-friendly production practices, diversity initiatives, and corporate social responsibility programs as companies strive to meet these evolving consumer expectations.

Emergence of New Platforms and Formats:

The rapid pace of technological innovation will give rise to new platforms and formats for consuming and experiencing entertainment. From social audio platforms and live streaming apps to virtual reality theme parks and blockchain-powered content marketplaces, we can expect to see a proliferation of new platforms and formats that push the boundaries of traditional media and redefine the entertainment landscape.
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