Complementary angles test

Tekken: The Iron Fist Tournament

2014.07.14 10:03 Tekken: The Iron Fist Tournament

News, footage, and discussions related to the upcoming Tekken 7.

2017.08.30 20:12 Ringing in the ears, or what do you hear? Discuss tinnitus.

A community to discuss tinnitus. We are here for any questions or input you have.

2021.09.16 06:39 Original_Ad8834 Open Format Ethical Research With an Eye on COVID-19, Social Issues, & Nature Conservation

This community is intended to be an open space for COVID-19 research in an open format. Please feel free to share your latest insights and questions. This is a place for open science and research related to the COVID-19 pandemic and related lines of concern like wildlife conservation. The intent is to investigate from all potential and probable angles, and then test those hypotheses against the process of elimination and open review, and raise awareness of open questions in the process.

2024.05.29 06:43 Mackle-J Tony/devs please read

To echo much of what has been said, I don’t love the zoomed in camera angle and would like the option to adjust it. Also, it would make more sense if you allowed settings customization in training, that way we can test bindings/mess with settings right there as opposed to going back and forth.
For other redditors, does anyone have any idea what controller settings used to be in the beta? Something feels off, I swear I didn’t have to rely on pressing A (on Xbox) to jump around, and that you could also use up maybe I’m wrong about this?
As disappointed as I am rn at launch, I have faith in you, Tony, and the rest of PFG to fix/address many of the grievances people are bringing up.
submitted by Mackle-J to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:36 nerosighted Serial Monitor Print Issue

Totally lost. This code printed values, but when I uploaded it to the board absolutely nothing. Checked past iterations of the code that printed earlier and nothing still. Entirely unsure of what to do, any ideas? /* @Author: Maclab @Date: 2024-02-06 11:59:09 @LastEditTime: 2020-12-18 14:14:35 @LastEditors: AJ<3 @Description: Smart Robot Car V4.0 @FilePath: */ #include  //#include  #include  #include  #include "DeviceDriverSet_xxx0.h" #include  #include "ArduinoJson-v6.11.1.h" //ArduinoJson #include "MPU6050_getdata.h" //#include "UltrasoundByWill.h"*/ #include  extern "C" { #include "FinalTest.h" #include "FinalTest_private.h" #include "FinalTest_types.h" } /*Hardware device object list*/ MPU6050_getdata AppMPU6050getdata; DeviceDriverSet_RBGLED AppRBG_LED; DeviceDriverSet_Key AppKey; DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001 AppITR20001; DeviceDriverSet_Voltage AppVoltage; DeviceDriverSet_Motor AppMotor; DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC AppULTRASONIC; DeviceDriverSet_Servo AppServo; //DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv AppIRrecv; /*f(x) int */ static boolean function_xxx(long x, long s, long e) //f(x) { if (s <= x && x <= e) return true; else return false; } static void delay_xxx(uint16_t _ms) { wdt_reset(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _ms; i++) { delay(1); } } void ApplicationFunctions_Init(void) { bool res_error = true; AppVoltage.DeviceDriverSet_Voltage_Init(); AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_Init(); AppServo.DeviceDriverSet_Servo_Init(90); AppKey.DeviceDriverSet_Key_Init(); AppRBG_LED.DeviceDriverSet_RBGLED_Init(20); //AppIRrecv.DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv_Init(); AppULTRASONIC.DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC_Init(); AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_Init(); //res_error = AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_dveInit(); //AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_calibration(); // Intialize DemoWeek 5 Parameters //FinalTest_P.controlEN = true; //FinalTest_P.dir_MA = true; //FinalTest_P.dir_MB = true; //FinalTest_P.speed_MA = 128; //FinalTest_P.speed_MB = 64; } // Initialize some variables float Yaw; // yaw angle from the IMU int IRSensL; // Left IR sensor int IRSensM; // Middle IR sensor int IRSensR; // Right IR sensor uint8_t keyValue; // key value float device_voltage; // pin voltage uint16_t ultrasonic_fb; // ultrasonic reading bool IRerror; // IR receive error uint8_t IRrecv_code; // IR receive code unsigned long previous_time = millis(); //for distance IR Sensor const int pinIRd2 = 25; const int pinIRa2 = A0; const int pinLED2 = 9; int IRvalueA2 = 0; int IRvalueD2 = 0; /* Motor Inputs */ bool dirMA; bool dirMB; bool motEN; uint8_t PWMA; uint8_t PWMB; int Servo1_Output, Servo2_Output, Servo3_Output; #define Servo1Pin 44 #define Servo2Pin 45 #define Servo3Pin 46 #include  Servo servo1; Servo servo2; Servo servo3; #define IR_LEFTMOST_PIN A8 #define IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN A9 #define Button_PIN 18 #define MAX_DISTANCE 200 // Button-related variables int dropOffButton = 0; static int lastButtonState = HIGH; static unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; const unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); void setup() { FinalTest_initialize(); Serial.begin(9600); ApplicationFunctions_Init(); /*UltrasoundInit();*/ //pinMode(Servo1Pin,OUTPUT); //pinMode(Servo2Pin,OUTPUT); //pinMode(Servo3Pin,OUTPUT); servo1.attach(Servo1Pin); servo2.attach(Servo2Pin); servo3.attach(Servo3Pin); pinMode(IR_LEFTMOST_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Button_PIN, INPUT); FinalTest_P.PWMsl_l = 200; // range = 0-> 255 (uint8) baseline 200,50,50,200 2baseline 200,150,150,200 3baseline 180,150,150,180 FinalTest_P.PWMsl_r = 180; FinalTest_P.PWMsr_l = 180; FinalTest_P.PWMsr_r = 200; pinMode(pinIRd2,INPUT); pinMode(pinIRa2,INPUT); pinMode(pinLED2,OUTPUT); //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Button_PIN),ButtonStuff,RISING); /* Interrupt Initialization TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = B00010010; //CNCx ICESx – WGMx3 WGMx2 CSx2 CSx1 CSx0 ICR1 = 20000; // Set Timer Interrupt 100 Hz. If you want 100*(10)= 1 kHz, just put ICR1=10000/(10)=1000, Similarly, using 2000 will produce 500 Hz //Note: Be sure the timer interrupt frequency matches with the simulink block diagram. Otherwise, the "after" function in simulink or any other functions related to time won't be accurate. TIMSK1 = B00000001; // Enable Timer Interrupt */ } unsigned long PreT = 0; /* unsigned long UltraSoundTime = 0; bool UltraSoundWaiting = false; int UltrasoundDis = 0; int UltraSoundChecking() { if (!UltraSoundWaiting) { digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW); //while(!digitalRead(ECHO_PIN)){} delay(1); UltraSoundTime = millis(); UltraSoundWaiting = 1; } else { if (!digitalRead(ECHO_PIN)) { UltrasoundDis = (millis() - UltraSoundTime) / 58; UltraSoundWaiting = 0; } } return UltrasoundDis; } */ int DebugNum; // ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect){ // } void loop() { //Serial.print("T:"); if (millis() - PreT >= 10) // Runs at 100 Hz { //Serial.println(millis() - PreT); PreT = millis(); //delay(50); // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings. //Serial.print("Ping: "); //Serial.print(sonar.ping_cm()); // Send ping, get distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range) //Serial.println("cm"); // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: //AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_dveGetEulerAngles(&Yaw); // Get vehicle orientation IRSensL = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_L(); IRSensM = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_M(); IRSensR = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_R(); AppKey.DeviceDriverSet_key_Get(&keyValue); //device_voltage = AppVoltage.DeviceDriverSet_Voltage_getAnalogue(); //AppULTRASONIC.DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC_Get(&ultrasonic_fb); //AppIRrecv.DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv_Get(&IRrecv_code); /* Send fb data to Simulink Module */ FinalTest_U.IRSensL_in = IRSensL; FinalTest_U.IRSensM_in = IRSensM; FinalTest_U.IRSensR_in = IRSensR; //DemoWeek5_U.VoltageDetect_in = device_voltage; //FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in = ultrasonic_fb; FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in = sonar.ping_cm(); FinalTest_U.IRkeyCode_in = keyValue; //DemoWeek5_U.MPU6050IMU_yaw_in= Yaw; //DemoWeek5_U.IRSensorCode_in = IRrecv_code; FinalTest_U.IR_LEFTMOST_in = analogRead(IR_LEFTMOST_PIN); FinalTest_U.IR_RIGHTMOST_in = analogRead(IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN); FinalTest_U.dropOffButton = dropOffButton/2; //IR Distance IRvalueA2 = analogRead(pinIRa2); IRvalueD2 = digitalRead(pinIRd2); FinalTest_U.IR_DISTANCE_in = digitalRead(pinIRd2); // Read and debounce the button int buttonState = digitalRead(Button_PIN); if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { lastDebounceTime = millis(); lastButtonState = buttonState; dropOffButton++; } // if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) { // if (buttonState == LOW && lastButtonState == HIGH) { // dropOffButton++; // Serial.print("Button Pressed! Count: "); // Serial.println(dropOffButton); // } // } //lastButtonState = buttonState; /* Step Simulink Module*/ FinalTest_step(); /* Extract outputs from Simulink Module */ PWMA = FinalTest_Y.PWMA; PWMB = FinalTest_Y.PWMB; motEN = FinalTest_Y.MotorEN; dirMA = FinalTest_Y.dirMA; dirMB = FinalTest_Y.dirMB; Servo1_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo1; Servo2_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo2; Servo3_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo3; DebugNum = FinalTest_Y.A; /* Send commands to actuators */ AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_control(dirMA, PWMA, dirMB, PWMB , motEN); //AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_control(1, 0, 1, 0 , 1); servo1.write(Servo1_Output); servo2.write(Servo2_Output); servo3.write(Servo3_Output); } /* Verify remaining outputs */ if (millis() - previous_time >= 1000) { // Print things here Serial.print(IRSensL); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(IRSensR); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(IRSensM); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_LEFTMOST_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_RIGHTMOST_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_DISTANCE_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(keyValue); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(DebugNum); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(dropOffButton/2); Serial.print("\n"); previous_time = millis(); } } //void ButtonStuff(){ //dropOffButton+=1; //delay(100); //} 
submitted by nerosighted to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:35 blurryturtle 2024 Roland Garros Women's Singles Round Two Wednesday Matches

Wednesday WTA matches are below. I'll put the Thursday matches up tomorrow in the evening EST.

Swiatek vs Osaka :

Iga Swiatek will have a very high profile matchup in round two, and it should be entertaining tennis. Osaka has played admirably in her return to clay. She’s trying her best, she’s problem-solving on court, she’s complimentary to her opponents, and she’s winning matches. To do all that post-pregnancy and post-clay struggles is a great thing in itself, and it’s good to see her enjoying tennis again. Her backhand inside out remains one of the best on tour, and her serve and power are enough to making this interesting. 3 sets with Bronzetti indicates she probably won’t get within striking distance of Swiatek, but Bronzetti will make you really earn a win so it’s a solid second round performance.
The courts in RG are playing slow, and as DC insider redswader pointed out, the rainy conditions are making them even slower. It makes it really tough to hit through Swiatek, and she isn’t just a defensive test. She has the windmill forehand technique that Rafa made famous, and her backhand moves the ball well and is fairly hard to read. This should be fun, but Swiatek in 2 by at least 3 breaks.

Fett vs Bouzkova :

If you like 20 shot rallies, this is the match for you. Jana Fett has tons of experience, and is finding herself back on tour for the first time in a while. She’s a solid baseliner, and is playing someone who is best described as a wall. Bouzkova rarely misses with her backhand, and her defense and speed are good enough to keep her consistently in the top 50 on tour. Bouzkova is expected to be the stronger player here, but I don’t see a great way for her to win quickly. Her serve isn’t particularly great, and Fett beat a solid player in Bouzas Maneiro. Bouzkova in 2-3.

Golubic vs Potapova :

Big surprise for Golubic to beat Krejcikova in round one, and yet not a surprise at all for Krejcikova to lose in round one. Barbora has been really inconsistent for a while now, and Golubic is more than capable of keeping the ball moving enough to benefit if Krejcikova is spraying errors. Annnnnnnd she was. 51 unforced errors in total, although 34 winners is also pretty impressive.
Potapova won’t help Golubic win here, and she just hit through a similar test in Kamila Rakhimova. Potapova hits real big, and she’s hungry for these wins. I expect her to win in 2.

Wang Xinyu vs Tomova :

Tomova was expected to give Alexandrova trouble, but Alexandrova forgot to give Tomova trouble. It sets up a very winnable second round for Tomova. She hits a heavy heavy forehand and on these slow courts it really works. Wang is through after besting Niemeier in 3, and while she’s not at her best on clay, she has good enough tennis to win. This reminds me a bit of the Arnaldi Fils match. Wang has the game to beat Tomova if she’s patient, but she tends to go big a bit too often for clay and Tomova’s game doesn’t really fluctuate. Alexandrova is a better win than Wang on paper, but Alexandrova helped by making errors. I expect this to be closer. Tomova in 3.

Collins vs Danilovic :

Collins’ run continues. Danilovic is playing sharp, but the type of pressure that Danielle Collins applies can really bother anyone on tour. Danilovic needs to keep her first serve percentage high, and last round it was only at 59%. That’s not bad, but you want it higher against Collins. The good thing for Olga is she might be able to put some pressure on Collins’ serve with the power she has from the baseline, but the bad news is she’s lefty and going crosscourt will get her in trouble since Danielle loves to trade crosscourt with her backhand and tends to create a larger angle and more depth on every subsequent swing. Collins in 2.

Vekic vs Kostyuk :

Vekic got a forfeit, and playing fresh can be a big advantage. Kostyuk and her both have a similar approach. They hit hard, the end. Vekic does have dropshots at her disposal, but I think Kostyuk is a slightly better mover and in these slow conditions it’ll be tough to hit through her. A long match with Pigossi will have her hitting well also, so Kostyuk in 3.

Siniakova vs Paquet :

Huge surprise win for Paquet in round one, and I realized today I’ve been spelling her name wrong for a while (adding the c before the q). Sorry about that. Anyway, beating Shnaider is great, but I did not catch much of the match so I’m not sure how that happened. Siniakova is projected to win here, and aside from the Shnaider result there’s not much to argue against that. Somehow they’ve played twice with Katerina winning both, but those wins were in 2016-17. Siniakova in 2, but I would get too specific with any predictions here since Paquet is playing at home and her game is entirely built around her serve.

Volynets vs Vondrousova :

Volynets and Vondrousova has the potential to last 2 hours even if it’s a straight setter. Vondrousova has more ways to score here, but Volynets commitment to defense has elevated her game. Those little squash gets and lobs might get dismissed once, but having to execute over and over can draw errors, and Volynets speed can make people force shots. Vondrousova isn’t exactly automatic on her offense. Despite the hype, Volynets will have a really hard time scoring on Marketa, so I think extending rallies is the best she can do. Vondrousova in 2-3.

Gauff vs Zidansek :

Gauff didn’t bother with her usual slow start here. As she gets more comfortable on tour, the rough performances are less and less frequent, and she rights the ship and wins some of those anyway. Zidansek was a clay specialist and a mainstay on tour, but her game has fallen off a bit due to some injuries and inactivity. This should be fun, but Gauff should be a break better in each set. Gauff in 2.

Wang Yafan vs Yastremska :

Big win for Wang in round one. She’s ranked 68 now, but just a season ago she was winning Challenger events and hinting at a move inside the top 100. Wins at majors are hard to come by, so this was great for her. Her variety and defensive style might give Yastremska a bit of trouble here. Yastremska is supposed to win though, and she’ll have ample time to figure it out. Yastremska in 2-3.

Samsonova vs Anisimova :

Samsonova crushed Linette in round one and is a deserved favorite here, but Anisimova’s win should not be overlooked. Sramkova almost beat Ostapenko (third set tb) and has been one of the big surprises in the clay swing. Anisimova has a decent chance to beat Samsonova here but it will take her best tennis. Samsonova didn’t face a breakpoint in round one, and will likely continue to play well here. Anisimova has the h2h 2-0, but both were close. Conditions are better for Samsonova, and while I’m expecting this to be very close there really isn’t a result that would surprise me here. Both players’ levels can deviate a great deal, and both are lights out when their offense is flowing. Samsonova in 3.

Bucsa vs Cocciaretto :

Haddad Maia continues to struggle to close matches out. Cocciaretto was down a set against her but managed to win in three. It wasn’t smooth sailing and there were a number of breaks exchanged, but Haddad never really regained her best form. It sets up an interesting match against one of the tour’s more unsung but likely phenoms. Cristina Bucsa hits the ball huge despite appearing to only weight about 15 pounds. Her frame is light, but she will hit winner after winner when she’s in a rhythm. This matchup is all offense.
Cocciaretto has a better backhand and a better serve, but Bucsa moves better and ended the match with Starodubtseva in excellent form. Vaguely expecting this to go 3, but it’ll require Bucsa to avoid the errors that had her down a break early against Staro. Bucsa in 3. Feels wrong to type is but I think she’s ready to win.

Ostapenko vs Tauson :

Their two previous meetings have gone three sets, and both are playing decent. Ostapenko isn’t at the level that won her a RG title in 2017, but her offense is big enough to give Tauson trouble. Tauson probably isn’t quick enough to defend against Ostapenko’s onslaught, but her serving is good enough to keep her out of trouble for some portion of the match. Basically, neither player can run down their opponent’s power. I think Ostapenko actually has more stamina in this matchup, which is rare to say. Ostapenko in 3.

Kenin vs Garcia :

Another really hard match here. Kenin has beaten Garcia in all three of their meetings, but none of them were on clay and her current level should be considered independent of all earlier performances. Kenin is not the same player that challenged for major titles, and from round to round her level can disappear. She won a surprise in round one against Siegemund, and that’s actually the level she’d need to give Garcia trouble.
Garcia needs to isolate Kenin’s forehand to win this. Her own forehand is her best weapon, and if she’s serving well she should win the match. For Kenin, she needs to keep the ball in difficult spots for Garcia. Height, slices, and dropshots. Force Garcia to create her own power, because if you give Garcia pace she redirects incredibly well. Expecting another 3 setter here. Garcia in Garthreeya? Awful, awful joke. The h2h makes me think I’m wrong, but Garcia has simpler ways to score here. I’d avoid trusting me here because I didn’t see the Kenin/Siegemund clash.

Fernandez vs Wang Xiyu :

This is a fun one. Fernandez is clearly better on clay, and should win. All that is true, but Wang has so much power that it might not be possible for Fernandez to win in straights. Earning every point is tough, and early on in Fernandez’s career she had trouble against the bigger hitters on tour. Fernandez in 3.

Osorio vs Jabeur :

Osorio Kalinina was one of the most exciting matches of the entire first round, but it ended sadly in a retirement. Kalinina was hitting the ball huge and constantly breaking Osorio’s serve. Osorio was defending with incredible heart and managed to get back into the game multiple games each set. In the end, Kalinina had to withdraw. I had her beating Jabeur with the level she was at, but I think Osorio will have a tougher time. Jabeur looked pretty good in round one, and despite her slump, clay is still a great surface for her. She’ll be able to dominate from the baseline with power in the same way that Kalinina did, and Osorio had a really hard time holding serve so Jabeur should win. It’s always a big should with Jabeur, and with her sort of slump Osorio will know that it is possible to outlast her. Maybe not physically, but mentally. Jabeur can get discouraged, so this is a risky spot. Jabeur in 2 or Osorio in 3.
submitted by blurryturtle to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:30 GhoulGriin Best 30mm Qd Scope Mount

Best 30mm Qd Scope Mount
Welcome to our comprehensive roundup on the 30mm QD Scope Mount! If you're a sports enthusiast, a hunter, or simply someone who seeks precision in their aim, this article has got you covered. We've handpicked a range of top-tier 30mm QD Scope Mounts to ensure that you make the most informed decision when choosing one for your next endeavor. Dive into our in-depth reviews and comparisons to find the perfect companion for all your shooting adventures.

The Top 15 Best 30mm Qd Scope Mount

  1. Fast QD Design Picatinny Sling Mount for M Lok Handguards - For ultimate convenience and rugged durability, upgrade your rifle with the Allen Citadel Tactical QD Picatinny to QD Black 10846, featuring a fast QD design for M Lok handguards, seamless integration with push button QD swivels, and a sleek black finish.
  2. 45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories - Versatile 45-degree off-set rail mount by NcSTAR eliminates interference, offering easy access to accessories and a perfect fit for CQB situations.
  3. Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit - The Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount for Specialized Swat Black offers a lightweight and convenient solution for attaching your computer to your specialized bike, ensuring easy access and compatibility with Garmin, Wahoo, and Bryton devices.
  4. Sons of Liberty Quick Detach M-LOK QD Socket - Upgrade your QD socket experience with Solgw's high-quality M-LOK Quick Detach Socket in a durable and lightweight black finish, ensuring reliable performance in even the toughest conditions.
  5. Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes - Securely mount your Explore Scientific Finderscope with ease using the Finder Scope Base, featuring sturdy construction, reliable mounting screws, and compatibility with various telescope models.
  6. Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount - Enhance your Mini 14 scope experience with the Reptilia AUS Mount, a versatile 34mm flat dark earth anodized finish mount designed for 1.54" bore heights, offering precision and durability.
  7. 5.5" Quick Detach Scope Mount for Aimpoint Micro Footprint - The Reptilia ROF-90 is a versatile 30mm APNT micro black mount designed for Aimpoint Micro, offering a quick detach solution for your optics.
  8. Quick-Transition 30mm QD Optic Mount - Upgrade your Geissele Automatics' Super Precision 30mm optic mount with the Reptilia ROF-90 30mm APNT Micro for quick transition to AIMPOINT Micro in close-range target engagement.
  9. High-Quality 30mm QD Scope Mount with Anodized Finish - Experience precision and durability with the Reptilia 30mm 1.54" FDE AUS Mount, featuring a flat dark earth anodized finish, low-profile design, and compatibility with various ROF products.
  10. Precision Scope Mounting Kit for Marlin 336 - The Wheeler Scope Mounting Kit Combo 1-Inch/30mm ensures a secure, level, and aligned scope, making it the perfect choice for your Marlin 336 Scope Mounting needs.
  11. High-Quality 30mm Quick-Detach Scope Mount - Samson Manufacturing Corp. provides a top-quality 30mm Rapid Precision Mount, ensuring precise and secure scope attachment for optimal shooting accuracy.
  12. Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount with Black Anodized Finish - Experience rock-solid stability and seamless compatibility with this superb Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm 1.93" Cantilever Mount, designed to elevate your shooting accuracy to new heights.
  13. Versatile ABS Spotting Scope Mount Adapter for Binoculars, Monoculars, Field Observation, and More - Stable and versatile, the 30mm-48mm universal Photography Holder is an ABS-made perfect partner for your spotting scope, binoculars, and more, providing easy imaging and a snug fit up to 55mm.
  14. Leica Piper Lasers Scope Mount for Enhanced Accuracy and Precision - Enhance accuracy and precision in challenging conditions with the 4x28 Leica Piper Series Pipe Lasers' scope and mount assembly, featuring a 30mm QD scope mount and ideal for Leica Piper 100 and 200 models.
  15. 30mm QD Scope Mount for Aimpoint Micro Footprint - Secure your Aimpoint Micro with Reptilia ROF-SAR's 30MM Optic Mount, featuring anodized flat dark earth (FDE) finish for ultimate precision and durability.
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🔗Fast QD Design Picatinny Sling Mount for M Lok Handguards
As I was scouring the market for a stylish picatinny sling mount, I stumbled across the Allen Citadel Tactical QD Picatinny to QD Black 10846. I was immediately drawn to its sleek design and time-tested rugged manufacturing. The black aesthetic blended perfectly with my weapon and added an authentic touch to my outfit.
The fast QD design for M Lok handguards was a game-changer for me. It made it incredibly easy to detach and reattach my weapon as needed. The use of the push button QD swivel allowed for a smooth and secure attachment to my weapon, without causing any damage to the sling mount. It was like having a reliable and efficient partner by my side during my outdoor adventures.
However, I did notice that the Allen Citadel Tactical QD Picatinny to QD Black 10846 was a bit bulky, which made it slightly more challenging to store when not in use. While this was not a major issue, it would have been great if the designers had found a way to make it more compact.
Overall, this Allen sling mount proved to be a reliable and functional companion during my adventures. Its black finish complemented the look of my weapon and made it stand out without being too ostentatious. I appreciate the fast QD design as well as the push button QD swivel. Despite the slight inconvenience of its bulkiness, this Allen Citadel Tactical QD Picatinny to QD Black 10846 is well-suited for outdoors enthusiasts and gun lovers alike.

🔗45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories
Imagine you're in the heat of the moment, aiming down the sights of your rifle, trying to take out a target from around the corner. This is where the NcSTAR Mount shines. Its 45-degree offset angle allows you to mount your lasers, flashlights, or red dot sights at just the right angle for a clear view down the barrel.
The offset canted design of the mount adds a level of versatility that's not often found in other mounts. It eliminates interference with vertical grips, hand guards, optics, and other accessories, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Plus, the ergonomic design gives easy access to on/off switches for your accessories, which is a game-changer when you're in the thick of it.
But let's not forget the solid construction. The NcSTAR Mount is made from hard-anodized aluminum, which not only adds strength to the mount but also makes it resistant to corrosion. And the single-slotted thumb nut secures the mount to Weaver Style or Picatinny rails quickly and easily.
The NcSTAR Mount isn't just a device, it's a tool that could give you the edge you need in tense situations. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that's easy to use and a pleasure to work with. And the reviews from other users certainly back this up - they've praised its quality, price, and performance. So, if you're looking for a reliable, dependable, and versatile mount, the NcSTAR Mount is definitely worth considering.

🔗Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit
I had the chance to try out the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount, specifically made for Specialized SWAT Black bikes. When I first received it, I was intrigued by how lightweight this mount was, weighing just 15g. It certainly didn't slow me down during my rides.
One of the unique features of this mount is that it's easy to install at home without needing any specialist tools. Plus, it didn't interfere with the SWAT system, which is a definite plus! However, one downside I noticed was the compatibility - it's only made for Specialized bikes with the SWAT concealed transport tool kit.
Overall, the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount is a good choice for those looking for a lightweight, easy-to-install mount for their computer on their Specialized bike. If you don't fit the compatibility criteria, it might not be worth it for you.

🔗Sons of Liberty Quick Detach M-LOK QD Socket
I've been using the Solgw Aluminum M-LOK QD Socket Black for my sling and it has become my go-to accessory. The sleek black finish adds a touch of sophistication, while the lightweight yet strong design ensures that it won't fail me when I need it most.
The positive lock up mechanism allows me to secure it with confidence, even in the roughest terrain. However, the one downside I've noticed is that it can be a bit tricky to attach or detach at times due to the QD mechanism. Overall, this socket has proven to be a reliable addition to my daily gear setup.

🔗Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes
As a stargazing enthusiast, I recently tried the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base and was astounded by how convenient and reliable it was. It's the perfect addition to any telescope, providing a stable base for mounting the finder scope of your choice.
The highlight of this product, for me, was the ease of installation. It literally took me a few minutes to set it up, thanks to the provided mounting screws. The knurled knobs on the base really make locking the finder into place a breeze.
However, it's not all smooth sailing. One inconvenience was the lack of lock washers in the box which, although not a deal-breaker, would have been a nice addition for added security.
Overall, the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base was a pleasant surprise in terms of functionality and ease. Despite a minor hiccup, it's a winner in my book for those who enjoy stargazing and want their equipment to be secure and robust.

🔗Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Reptilia Aus Mount, a 34mm scope mount with a Flat Dark Earth finish. This bad boy boasts an anodized finish that adds a touch of durability and style to your setup. The mount is designed for a bore height of 100-155, making it a versatile choice for various rifles.
Using the Reptilia Aus Mount in my daily life has been a breeze. The sleek design fits seamlessly with my Mini 14 setup, and the secure locking mechanism ensures that the scope stays firmly in place. One thing that stood out to me was the anodized finish, which not only looks great but also provides protection against the elements.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. Firstly, the installation process could have been a bit easier, especially for beginners. And secondly, the price point might be a bit steep for some users.
All in all, if you're looking for a high-quality scope mount with a stylish finish and great durability, the Reptilia Aus Mount is definitely worth considering. Just make sure you're comfortable with the installation process and are willing to invest in a top-tier product.

🔗5.5" Quick Detach Scope Mount for Aimpoint Micro Footprint
I've been using the Reptilia ROF-90 for a while now, and let me tell you, it has made a real difference in my shooting experience. This quick detach scope mount fits seamlessly with the Aimpoint Micro footprint and even works perfectly for my 30mm optic. The anodized black finish not only looks sleek but also blends well with my rifle's overall appearance.
It's amazing how much it enhances my accuracy on the range. The only drawback I found was that it felt a bit heavier than some other mounts, but overall, it's a small price to pay for the added stability it provides during my shots.

🔗Quick-Transition 30mm QD Optic Mount
Whenever I hit the range with my trusty Super Precision 30mm optic mount, I've grown to rely on the Reptilia ROF-90 30mm APNT Micro. With its drop-in upgrade, I've found it a reliable addition for my tactical setup. This 30mm quick detach scope mount offers a mounting point at 90 degrees, allowing for a swift transition to my AIMPOINT Micro when I need to engage at close range.
It's a versatile piece of gear that's never let me down.

🔗High-Quality 30mm QD Scope Mount with Anodized Finish
AUS Mount from Reptilia, for 30mm diameter magnified optics, is a beautifully crafted piece of machinery. This product is the result of a 2-year development program and it truly shows in its design and functionality. The finish, an Anodized Flat Dark Earth, gives it a sleek look that blends well with various M1913 Picatinny rails it can be attached to.
This AUS Mount stands out due to the custom bolt mounting system with an anti-snag, spring-loaded, nitrided steel clamp. The clamp can be tightened using either a 5/32 hex or a flat blade driver for a low-profile, streamline design. The single piece of billet 7075-T6 aluminum, which it is made from, is further enhanced with the MIL-STD Type III Class 2 hard anodize coating.
The AUS Mount is compatible with all of Reptilia's existing 30mm ROF line and will also work with several new ROF products launching soon. Despite its robust build and advanced tech, it is surprisingly lightweight and compatible with different optic configurations.
While there is no denying the AUS Mount's capabilities and aesthetic appeal, users might still find the price a bit steep. Overall, this product is worth the price tag for those who prioritize high precision, durability, and a stylish touch in their magnified optics.

🔗Precision Scope Mounting Kit for Marlin 336
I recently had the chance to try out the Wheeler Scope Mounting Kit Combo, and I must say, it provided a smooth experience while mounting my scope. The highlight feature that stood out for me was the "F. A. T. Wrench Torque Screwdriver" – it allowed me to tighten screws with a precision that I haven't experienced before. The wrench-bit set was easy to use, and the 10 bits provided made it a versatile tool for any mounting setup.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks that I encountered during my experience. The level-level-level didn't quite live up to my expectations. Although it was functional, it could have been more precise, making it easier to achieve a level scope. Additionally, the plastic case for the set was a bit flimsy, which wasn't ideal for storage and transport.
Overall, the Wheeler Scope Mounting Kit Combo proved to be a helpful tool for securing and aligning my scope. While there were a few issues, such as the subpar level and case quality, the positive aspects like the F. A. T. Wrench Torque Screwdriver made it a worthwhile investment.

🔗High-Quality 30mm Quick-Detach Scope Mount
As a hunter, I often find myself in need of a durable and adaptable scope mount. Recently, I stumbled across the Samson Rapid Precision Mount, a 30mm Qd Scope Mount by Samson Manufacturing Corp. This black beauty grabbed my attention, and I decided to give it a try.
Upon first glance, I was impressed by its sleek design and solid construction. Easily attaching to my rifle, it proved to be a reliable addition to my hunting gear. Its adjustable height was a game-changer, allowing for a clear and accurate view of my targets. However, I did notice a minor issue when adjusting the elevation - it felt slightly sticky.
Despite this minor hiccup, the Samson Rapid Precision Mount exceeded my expectations in terms of durability and flexibility. Its ability to lock securely in place while still being easy to adjust made it a well-rounded contender for any hunting expedition. However, those with tight budgets may find their wallets reluctant to part ways with the premium price tag.
Overall, the Samson Rapid Precision Mount is a top-notch choice for hunters seeking a robust and adjustable 30mm Qd Scope Mount. Despite the minor issue with the adjustment, this versatile mount has proven to be a reliable companion on my hunting adventures.

🔗Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount with Black Anodized Finish
As a reviewer, I tested the Trijicon Cantilever Mount, Q-Loc, 30mm, Anodized Finish, Black, 1.93" Bore Height AC22051. It impressed me right off the bat with its sleek black anodized finish, which perfectly blended with my riflescope.
This mount is solid and secure, providing a dependable hold even when I took aim under recoil. Yet, it stands out for its quick-release function. With a simple quarter-turn motion, I was able to detach and re-attach it effortlessly.
The Q-Loc feature makes it incredibly convenient for frequent adjustments or storage. The Trijicon Cantilever Mount does have one downside: it's slightly heavier than some of its competitors. But overall, it was a reliable and functional addition to my setup.

🔗Versatile ABS Spotting Scope Mount Adapter for Binoculars, Monoculars, Field Observation, and More
I recently tried out this versatile PH Adapter Mount Clip Bracket for my photography needs. The durable and stable rubber holder allowed me to easily switch between different mobile devices, and its size adjustability was quite helpful.
One thing that stood out was the curved groove design, which effectively stabilized my mobile phone while preventing it from getting stuck. The shielding design connected to the tripod helped avoid light leakage, which is a crucial factor in photography.
The wide range of application made it suitable not only for spotting scopes and binoculars but also for field observation and appreciation. The adjustable focus and tightness made it easy to imagine and use in various situations. While the ABS material is solid, it's essential to note that there might be slight errors due to manual measurement and monitors.
Overall, I'm happy with the purchase and would recommend it to others looking for a stable, versatile option for their photography needs.

Buyer's Guide

To find the perfect 30mm QD scope mount, you should consider some specific features and aspects such as size, weight, durability, compatibility, ease of use, and price. In this buyer's guide, you will learn about the essential factors to take into account when choosing a 30mm QD scope mount to suit your needs. Remember, the aim is to make an informed decision that will enhance your shooting experience or enhance the aesthetics of your rifle.

Size and Weight

When buying a 30mm QD scope mount, you ought to consider the size and weight that will not negatively impact your weapon's balance or the overall functionality of the scope mount. A lightweight yet sturdy mount will not affect your rifle's accuracy or weight distribution, making your experience with the scope mount more comfortable. Make sure you check the specs provided by the manufacturers to ensure the mount is light enough for your liking and still provides the required stability for your scope.


A 30mm QD scope mount needs to be built with durability in mind. This means that you should look for mounts made of quality materials that will withstand the rigors of outdoor usage, provide consistent accuracy, and have a good level of resistance to wear and tear, giving you value for money. Opt for mounts that are designed with precision engineering and made from materials such as aluminum, steel, or titanium, which offer durability and reliability.


Before purchasing a 30mm QD scope mount, it is crucial to verify that it is compatible with your desired scope, rifle, and turret assembly. Check the manufacturer's specifications or consult with a knowledgeable person to ensure it fits your firearm correctly and securely. This will help prevent scope creep and maintain the scope's zero setting while in use.

Ease of Use

The best 30mm QD scope mount is one that is easy to install, remove, and adjust your scope. Look for mounts with Quick-Detach (QD) mechanisms that enable a swift and simple action without requiring any tools, thus reducing setup time and increasing convenience. This would save you time and effort, especially if you frequently switch between scopes or need to use different weapons.


The price of a 30mm QD scope mount depends on factors such as the materials used, design, brand reputation, and additional features. Set a budget that suits your requirements and preferences, but do not compromise on the quality of the mount. Research various brands and models to compare prices and features, as this will help you make a more informed decision.

Additional Features

Some 30mm QD scope mounts come with additional features and customization options, such as adjustable cant or windage dials, which can further enhance accuracy. Other features, such as anti-glare or fog-resistant coatings, can improve visibility in outdoor conditions. Consider these extra features when selecting your mount to optimize its performance and suitability for your hunting or shooting activities.
By following this buyer's guide and weighing the importance of crucial features for a 30mm QD scope mount, you will have a comprehensive understanding when choosing the perfect mount for your needs. With the right selection, you will enjoy the added convenience and improved accuracy that come with a high-quality scope mount.


How do I choose the right 30mm Qd Scope Mount for my needs?

The first step is to consider the type of shooting or hunting you will be doing with your rifle scope. Various 30mm Qd Scope Mounts are designed for different purposes. Mounts designed for tactical shooting usually have sturdy, rugged construction, while those made for long-range shooting often feature adjustable height and tilt. If you plan on using the scope for both purposes, look for a versatile mount with a lot of adjustment options.

What is the main difference between 30mm Qd Scope Mounts and 1-inch scope mounts?

The main difference is the diameter of the scope ring. The 30mm diameter suits larger rifle scopes with larger objectives, which can provide a wider field of view and better light gathering capabilities. On the other hand, a 1-inch scope mount is more suitable for smaller rifle scopes, which are typically preferred for shorter-ranged target shooting or hunting.

What is the difference between "Quick Detach" and "Permanent" 30mm Qd Scope Mounts?

Quick Detach (QD) mounts allow the scope to be easily removed from the rifle, which can be convenient for switching scopes or during transportation. These mounts use a lever or knob to release the scope from the rifle. In contrast, Permanent mounts are designed to be fixed in place and are not meant to be removed without disassembling the scope mount.

What are some features to look for in a high-quality 30mm Qd Scope Mount?

  • Rugged construction: A good scope mount should be able to withstand recoil and outdoor conditions without getting damaged or breaking.
  • Adjustable height and tilt: If you plan on using the scope for long-range shooting, it helps to have adjustable height and tilt features to make sighting in easier and more accurate.
  • Easy-to-use locking mechanisms: The mount should have a secure locking mechanism that allows quick detachment without the need for extra tools.
  • High-quality materials: Look for mounts made from materials such as aircraft-grade aluminum or steel, which can provide strength and durability.

Are there any downsides to using a 30mm Qd Scope Mount?

While there are many benefits to using a 30mm Qd Scope Mount, they can be heavier and bulkier compared to 1-inch scope mounts. This can be an issue for shooters who value portability or need to travel light, as extra weight can affect the overall balance and handling of the rifle. Additionally, high-quality 30mm Qd Scope Mounts can be more expensive than 1-inch scope mounts.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:23 alleyoopoop Am I doing this calculation correctly? Is it really dumb to do it this way?

I want to set up some portable ground mount solar panels. I can't mount them on the roof because I'm renting the house. They need to be portable because the shade in the back yard moves during the day, so I need to move them once a day to keep them in the sun. It's just four panels, each about 24 sq ft. They will connect to batteries and an inverter in the garage.
I will mount them on an EG4 Brightmount rack that holds four panels easily, with a little space between them to allow the wind to see them as separate, if that matters.
My plan is to bolt the rack to a framework of landscape timbers that have 5" wheels bolted underneath. I've already tested that the wheels allow me to easily move the timbers with the weight of four panels (about 62 pounds each) on them.
My concern is about the ballast I will need to keep the wind from lifting them. The wind should never be very strong --- it is usually less than 10 mph here, rarely gusts over 25 mph, and the area is sheltered by the house and fence. Still, I would like to plan for sustained winds of 40 mph. If the weather report says anything over 30 is expected, I will take them down - it only takes a few minutes to detach them from the rack.
I found this wind load calculator
Using the worst-case scenario of temperature, humidity, etc., it shows that a 40 mph wind at a 60 degree angle exerts a force of 92 pounds on a 24 sq ft surface. So there should be a max of 400 pounds of force from the wind on the four panels.
I have a bunch of 18-gallon plastic storage bins. Filled with water, they weigh 150 pounds each. Very easy to fill and empty without ever having to lift them.
So am I correct in thinking that if I put four bins on the timbers (I'll have to attach some kind of platform for them to the timbers, but that shouldn't be hard), they will be adequate to hold down the rack in 40 mph winds?
submitted by alleyoopoop to SolarDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 Count-Daring243 Best 30Mm Cantilever Mount

Best 30Mm Cantilever Mount
Are you in search of an efficient and reliable cantilever mount for your latest project or venture? Look no further! In this roundup article, we'll be taking a close look at the top 30mm cantilever mounts on the market. Get ready to explore the features, benefits, and specifications of these mounts, and discover the perfect fit for your needs. Let's dive right in!

The Top 19 Best 30Mm Cantilever Mount

  1. Quick-Transition 30mm QD Optic Mount - Upgrade your Geissele Automatics' Super Precision 30mm optic mount with the Reptilia ROF-90 30mm APNT Micro for quick transition to AIMPOINT Micro in close-range target engagement.
  2. High-Quality 30mm QD Scope Mount with Anodized Finish - Experience precision and durability with the Reptilia 30mm 1.54" FDE AUS Mount, featuring a flat dark earth anodized finish, low-profile design, and compatibility with various ROF products.
  3. Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount with Black Anodized Finish - Experience rock-solid stability and seamless compatibility with this superb Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm 1.93" Cantilever Mount, designed to elevate your shooting accuracy to new heights.
  4. Portable Articulating Arm Wall Mount for 32" LCD TVs - Experience the perfect view with the Master Mounts Portable Cantilever Articulating Arm Wall Mount, a versatile solution for mounting your 32" LCD TV in both offices and homes.
  5. Durable 50-Pound Capacity Cantilever Storage Rack Brackets - DeWalt's 6-Inch Cantilever Bracket Set offers impressive 50-pound support, secure locking pins, and easy height adjustments for professional-quality storage solutions, making it a sturdy and versatile choice.
  6. Rack Mount Cantilever Shelf for 19" Standard Equipment - Organize and secure your rack-mount equipment with the versatile and premium quality Raising Electronics 1U Cantilever Shelf, featuring a 25LB weight capacity and a rust-resistant aluminum finish.
  7. Versatile Cantilever Desk Riser for Comfortable Workspace Adjustments - Enjoy the benefits of a standing desk with the Lorell Cantilever Desk Riser, boasting a seamless height-adjustment feature and two separate platforms for optimal monitor and keyboard placement.
  8. Black Steel Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base for Large Tables (26" x 26") - The Flat Tech CL2626281A Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base offers a sleek black powder-coated finish and mounting capabilities that support tables up to 38 inches by 38 inches, ensuring durability and stability for larger dining spaces.
  9. Medium-Duty Cantilever Rack with Adjustable Incline Arms - Versatile MIA-C-30 Medium Cantilever Incline Arm, 30" offers an accessible open design for manual loading, perfect for storing lightweight, hard-to-reach items while maintaining a 500-pound uniform capacity.
  10. Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles - The Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles, featuring 30mm mounting holes, offers durable and reliable performance for off-road enthusiasts.
  11. High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories - Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket: Engineered to high standards, offering a high-grade design and extended lifespan, made with premium materials - perfect for mounting your autopilot on vertical surfaces.
  12. Heavy-Duty Cantilever Rack for Efficient Material Handling - Vestil HSA-C-30 Heavy-Duty Cantilever Rack provides flexible, long-lasting storage for heavy materials with a 30" HD cantilever incline arm design.
  13. Adjustable Rear Cantilever Brake for Cycling - Experience reliable stopping power and superior control with the Shimano Altus CT91 Rear Cantilever Brake, featuring adjustable brake toe and spring tension, and designed for Super SLR compatibility.
  14. Sturdy 30Mm Cantilever Mount for TVs (14-30 inches) - Sturdy and versatile InstallerCCTV Universal Cantilever Wall Mount guarantees a secure fit for 14-30 inch LED, LCD, and flat panel TVs, offering full motion adjustments for custom viewing angles.
  15. Versatile Stainless Steel 30MM Sensor Mounting Bracket - The Banner Engineering SMB30MM is a versatile, right-angle 12-gauge stainless steel mounting bracket with a curved slot, ideal for various sensors, and provides clearance for M6 (1/4) hardware, perfect for sensing and instrumentation applications.
  16. Guide Scope Mount for Telescopes - Efficient 16" anodized aluminum bar for connecting guide scope rings to telescopes, suitable for multiple models, with easy attachment through pre-drilled holes.
  17. Space-Saving Cantilever Mount for Flat Panel Displays - The Ergotron Neo-Flex Cantilever is a versatile, space-saving, and easy-to-install mount for flat panel displays, offering maximum adjustability and a sleek design, making it the perfect choice for modern workspaces and home entertainment setups.
  18. Premium 1U Rack Mount Keyboard Tray for 19" Equipment - Cantilever Mount and Stable Design - Experience premium quality and durability with the Raising Electronics 1U Rack Mount Sliding Keyboard Tray, featuring a powder-coated finish, 20LB weight capacity, and convenient cable hole design.
  19. Stylish Japanese Market-Exclusive 30mm Cantilever Mount for Electronic Equipment - This Rec-Mounts Polar Combo Mount with a 31.8mm cantilever design offers seamless compatibility for your electronic devices, ensuring optimal performance and maximum convenience in your Japan-based adventures.
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🔗Quick-Transition 30mm QD Optic Mount
Whenever I hit the range with my trusty Super Precision 30mm optic mount, I've grown to rely on the Reptilia ROF-90 30mm APNT Micro. With its drop-in upgrade, I've found it a reliable addition for my tactical setup. This 30mm quick detach scope mount offers a mounting point at 90 degrees, allowing for a swift transition to my AIMPOINT Micro when I need to engage at close range.
It's a versatile piece of gear that's never let me down.

🔗High-Quality 30mm QD Scope Mount with Anodized Finish
AUS Mount from Reptilia, for 30mm diameter magnified optics, is a beautifully crafted piece of machinery. This product is the result of a 2-year development program and it truly shows in its design and functionality. The finish, an Anodized Flat Dark Earth, gives it a sleek look that blends well with various M1913 Picatinny rails it can be attached to.
This AUS Mount stands out due to the custom bolt mounting system with an anti-snag, spring-loaded, nitrided steel clamp. The clamp can be tightened using either a 5/32 hex or a flat blade driver for a low-profile, streamline design. The single piece of billet 7075-T6 aluminum, which it is made from, is further enhanced with the MIL-STD Type III Class 2 hard anodize coating.
The AUS Mount is compatible with all of Reptilia's existing 30mm ROF line and will also work with several new ROF products launching soon. Despite its robust build and advanced tech, it is surprisingly lightweight and compatible with different optic configurations.
While there is no denying the AUS Mount's capabilities and aesthetic appeal, users might still find the price a bit steep. Overall, this product is worth the price tag for those who prioritize high precision, durability, and a stylish touch in their magnified optics.

🔗Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount with Black Anodized Finish
As a reviewer, I tested the Trijicon Cantilever Mount, Q-Loc, 30mm, Anodized Finish, Black, 1.93" Bore Height AC22051. It impressed me right off the bat with its sleek black anodized finish, which perfectly blended with my riflescope.
This mount is solid and secure, providing a dependable hold even when I took aim under recoil. Yet, it stands out for its quick-release function. With a simple quarter-turn motion, I was able to detach and re-attach it effortlessly.
The Q-Loc feature makes it incredibly convenient for frequent adjustments or storage. The Trijicon Cantilever Mount does have one downside: it's slightly heavier than some of its competitors. But overall, it was a reliable and functional addition to my setup.

🔗Portable Articulating Arm Wall Mount for 32" LCD TVs
Imagine having a TV mount that doesn't just hold your screen in place, but also brings your entertainment to new heights. Master Mounts' Portable Cantilever Articulating Arm Wall Mount is the epitome of functionality and elegance, fitting perfectly in any home or office setting.
One of the most impressive features of this wall mount is its full motion capabilities. It adjusts to the perfect viewing angle, ensuring that you don't miss a single detail in your favorite shows or movies. But it's not just about convenience; the clean, contemporary design seamlessly blends with any decor, elevating the aesthetic of your space.
Designed to fit TVs up to 37" with a VESA pattern up to 100x100, this wall mount can hold screens weighing up to 25 pounds. Plus, its unique design allows you to slide the articulating arm with the LCD screen attached onto another mounted wall bracket, giving you the flexibility to enjoy your screen in different locations throughout your home or office.
However, be prepared for some assembly and installation. While the wall mount itself doesn't require any additional tools, you'll need a power drill and screwdriver for the installation process. And remember, you'll need an extra bracket to use this mount style in two separate places.
Overall, the Master Mounts Portable Cantilever Articulating Arm Wall Mount is a game-changer for those looking for versatility and style in their TV mounting solution. So, say goodbye to watching TV in the same old spot and embrace the convenience of the ultimate entertainment accessory.

🔗Durable 50-Pound Capacity Cantilever Storage Rack Brackets
These Cantilever brackets are a game-changer for any storage solution. Made of strong and sturdy steel, they can effortlessly hold up to 50 pounds each, fitting seamlessly onto Dewalt storage racks.
The locking pins ensure secure attachment, even when stacking heavy materials. Their removable design allows for easy adjustment of height, and the end stops keep your belongings from rolling off the rack.
The best part? . They're compatible with other brands too, a feature that sets them apart.

🔗Rack Mount Cantilever Shelf for 19" Standard Equipment
As a tech enthusiast, I've had the pleasure of using the Raising Electronics Cantilever Server Shelf Rack Mount in my daily life. The 19-inch cantilever shelf easily fit my tower units, monitors, and other equipment, ensuring a tidy and organized workspace. The aluminum construction is both lightweight and durable, making it a perfect addition to my home office.
One aspect I loved about this shelf is its cold-rolled steel construction combined with a powder coated finish. This not only adds to its sleek appearance but also protects it from rust and corrosion, ensuring it stays looking as good as new for a long time. With a maximum load capacity of 25LB, I had no issues mounting it securely on my 19-inch standard rack mount rack or cabinet.
Despite its heavy-duty capacity, the cantilever shelf remains easy to install, thanks to its versatile and customizable nature. While the design is minimalistic and understated, it never compromises on functionality. Overall, the Raising Electronics Cantilever Server Shelf Rack Mount is a reliable, stylish, and practical solution for all your rack mount needs.

🔗Versatile Cantilever Desk Riser for Comfortable Workspace Adjustments
As someone who spends long hours at my desk, the Lorell Cantilever Desk Riser has been a game-changer for me. It features two separate platforms that keep my monitor and keyboard in a comfortable position, which has greatly reduced strain on my back and neck. The easy-to-use design allows for quick height adjustments, making it perfect for going from a seated position to standing.
One of the things that stood out the most to me is how the desk riser doesn't take up too much space on my desk, unlike some other models I've tried. It's only 25 inches wide, which is perfect for accommodating my iMac 21-inch without any issues. The height-adjustable feature has also been really helpful in allowing me to enjoy the health benefits of standing while I work. Overall, I couldn't be happier with this purchase and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a versatile and comfortable desk riser.

🔗Black Steel Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base for Large Tables (26" x 26")
After adding the Flat Tech CL2626281A Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base to my dining area, I must say it has made a significant improvement in the overall appearance of the room. The 26" x 26" base is perfect for holding a table that's up to 38 inches by 38 inches, providing stability while still maintaining the aesthetic appeal. The black powder-coated finish has been a wonderful feature, as it resists scratches and chips, ensuring a clean look in my home.
However, even though it has a durable steel construction, I found that it could have been a bit taller to accommodate a larger table without any issues. But overall, this versatile and stylish wall mount has been a great addition to my dining space, making me feel proud of the functional and attractive design in my home.

🔗Medium-Duty Cantilever Rack with Adjustable Incline Arms
As a DIY enthusiast, I recently tried the Vestil MIA-C-30 Medium Cantilever Incline Arm, and it has completely transformed my workspace. With its adjustable incline arms, it's become a breeze to store those hard-to-reach items off the ground. The 30-inch arm length fits perfectly in my limited space, and the steel frame construction gives me the durability that I need.
The 500-pound capacity per arm is more than enough for my bar stock and tubing. The only downside is that it's not the most affordable option on the market, but its functionality and strength make it a worthwhile investment.

🔗Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles with 30mm mounting holes. This robust little gadget impressed me from the get-go with its sleek design and sturdy build. The 30mm mounting holes make it versatile and compatible with a variety of crawler axles.
One of the features that stood out to me is the cantilever mount, which provides a secure and precise connection between the steering servo and the crawler axle. This not only ensures smooth and efficient movement, but also adds a touch of elegance to the overall setup.
However, I did notice that the installation process could be a bit more streamlined. A few users have mentioned that the screw holes could be more accurately aligned, which would make installation a breeze. But overall, this mount is a solid choice for anyone looking to upgrade their crawler axle steering servo setup.

🔗High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories
As a sailor, the importance of having a reliable and secure autopilot system cannot be overstated. So when it came time to replace the mounting socket for my autopilot, I decided to give the Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket a try. The high-grade design stood out to me and, after a few weeks of using it, I can confidently say that it delivered on its promise of extended lifespan.
One of the things that impressed me most during my first installation was how easy it was to fit on my autopilot. The 30mm cantilever hole was perfect, and with a simple cut and a few twists, the socket was securely in place. I also appreciated the sturdy design, which gave me the confidence that my autopilot would hold up during even the roughest sea conditions.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks as well. After my first use, I had a bit of trouble with the mounting system. Even though the included epoxy was effective in securing the cap, I faced some difficulty getting rid of captured air. Eventually, I found a workaround that involved leaving some of the glue-free while inserting the cap, but I wouldn't say it was ideal.
Overall, I'm satisfied with my purchase of the Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket. It's a well-engineered product that delivers a rock-solid performance, and while it's priced a bit higher than some alternatives, it's worth it for the peace of mind it provides.

🔗Heavy-Duty Cantilever Rack for Efficient Material Handling
In my line of work, I often find myself dealing with heavy and bulky materials that need to be properly stowed away in the warehouse. That's why when I heard about the Vestil HSA-C-30 Cantilever Rack, I knew it was right up my alley.
The first thing that caught my eye was its adjustable design, which provided me with the added flexibility I needed. Whether I had a single piece or a full load, this rack made it easy for me to align the arms perfectly. The pre-drilled holes and included hardware made the process even more streamlined, ensuring that my materials were safe and secure.
One of the features that really stood out was the lips on the rack, which prevented any products from falling off. This little detail made a big difference in ensuring that my materials stayed in place, even under heavy loads.
Of course, no product is without its drawbacks. For me, the one downside was the color, which was a bit loud for my taste. However, this is a minor detail that didn't affect the functionality or durability of the rack.
Overall, the Vestil HSA-C-30 Cantilever Rack has been a lifesaver in my warehouse. Its versatility, durability, and customizable options have made it the go-to product for handling long, heavy materials. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to keep their workplace organized and efficient.

🔗Adjustable Rear Cantilever Brake for Cycling
I recently had the chance to use the Shimano Altus CT91 Rear Cantilever Brake with Link Wire during a grueling mountain bike ride. After struggling with my previous brakes, these new ones made a world of difference. The adjustable brake toe and spring tension provided me with peace of mind when braking, especially during those high-speed descents.
One of the things that stood out to me was the straddle wire inclusion. I found myself adjusting it frequently during my ride, which allowed me to fine-tune the brake tension to my liking. The Shimano Reference Number, BR-CT91, also showed me that this was a quality product that would last.
Despite the overall positive experience, I did face a few minor issues. The installation process was a bit longer than I would've liked, and the straddle wire needed some fine-tuning to prevent any unwanted noises or vibrations. However, these issues were easily overcome, and the product's sturdiness and stopping power truly shone through.
In conclusion, the Shimano Altus CT91 Rear Cantilever Brake with Link Wire proved to be an excellent choice for my mountain bike. Its adjustability, durability, and ease of installation made it a win for me, despite those minor hiccups during setup.

🔗Sturdy 30Mm Cantilever Mount for TVs (14-30 inches)
As a reviewer, I've been using the InstallerCCTV Universal Cantilever Wall Mount for my TV for quite some time now, and my experience with it has been nothing short of satisfying. Made of heavy-duty aluminum and steel, this mount is incredibly sturdy, providing reliable strength to hold up to 45 pounds, no matter the type of television I use.
One of my favorite features is its compatibility with a wide range of TV sizes, including LED, LCD, OLED, and flat panel TVs from 14 to 30 inches. The full-motion design allows for easy manual adjustments, enabling me to find the perfect angle for an optimal viewing experience. The package comes with everything I need, including a user manual and hardware pack, making it a hassle-free setup process.
However, one area where it falls short is the bubble level. It doesn't come included with the mount, so users might need to purchase it separately or rely on their own tools for ensuring a perfectly balanced positioning. Nonetheless, this minor inconvenience hasn't detracted from my overall positive experience with the InstallerCCTV Universal Cantilever Wall Mount. It truly is a reliable and user-friendly choice for any TV enthusiast.

Buyer's Guide

A 30mm Cantilever Mount, also known as a cantilever bracket or mount, is a type of hardware that is commonly used to support items such as shelves, railings, or other components. These mounts are designed to be strong, stable, and flexible, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. In this guide, we will discuss the key features and considerations when choosing a 30mm Cantilever Mount, as well as some general advice for using them.

Materials and Construction

When it comes to 30mm Cantilever Mounts, the materials and construction play a crucial role in their performance and durability. Some common materials used in the production of these mounts include high-grade steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. The choice of material will depend on the specific application, as well as factors such as resistance to corrosion, strength, and weight.
The construction of the mount should also be taken into consideration. Look for mounts that have been designed using sturdy and robust manufacturing techniques, ensuring that the components are securely joined and can withstand the stresses and strain of regular use.

Load Capacity

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a 30mm Cantilever Mount is the load capacity. This refers to the amount of weight that the mount can safely support before it may become damaged or fail.
Ensure that the mount you choose has a load capacity that is suitable for the specific application and the weight it will be expected to support. It is always better to opt for a mount with a higher load capacity than you may require, as this will provide additional peace of mind and ensure the safety of the items being supported.

Adjustability and Flexibility

Another important factor to consider when selecting a 30mm Cantilever Mount is adjustability and flexibility. Some mounts may be more versatile than others, offering the possibility to change the angle or orientation of the mount quickly and easily.
Additionally, consider any accessories that may be available for the mount, such as extensions or additional support components. These can be helpful in expanding the mount's capabilities and ensuring its suitability for a wider range of applications.

Installation and Maintenance

Before purchasing a 30mm Cantilever Mount, be sure to research the installation process to ensure it is a good fit for your skill level and experience. Some mounts may be more complex to install than others, and there may be additional requirements or considerations to take into account.
Regular maintenance is also important for ensuring the longevity and performance of your mount. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning, lubricating, or replacing any components as necessary to keep your mount in prime condition.
Choosing the right 30mm Cantilever Mount involves considering various factors, such as the materials and construction, load capacity, adjustability, installation, and maintenance requirements. By taking these factors into account, you can find a mount that is suitable for your specific needs and applications, ensuring safety, durability, and flexibility in its use.
Finally, always remember to consult the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations for installing, using, and maintaining your 30mm Cantilever Mount. This will help ensure you are using the equipment correctly and safely, and will help you get the most out of your investment.


What is a 30Mm Cantilever Mount?

A 30Mm Cantilever Mount is a type of mounting bracket used to support and hold industrial equipment and machinery, such as cameras, sensors, and other devices, on structures or surfaces. It is specifically designed to provide a robust and versatile mounting solution for heavy-duty applications where weight and stability are critical factors.

What materials are commonly used for 30Mm Cantilever Mounts?

30Mm Cantilever Mounts are typically made from high-strength materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, or carbon fiber to ensure durability, strength, and resistance to environmental factors. These materials also provide a lightweight and corrosion-resistant solution for a wide range of industrial applications.

What are the different designs and configurations for 30Mm Cantilever Mounts?

There are various designs and configurations available for 30Mm Cantilever Mounts, depending on the specific needs and requirements of each application. Some common options include single-point, double-point, or triple-point cantilevers, fixed brackets, adjustable brackets, and specialty mounting systems compatible with specific equipment or surfaces.

How can I choose the right 30Mm Cantilever Mount for my application?

When selecting a 30Mm Cantilever Mount, consider factors such as the weight and size of the equipment, the surface material and structure providing support, the environmental conditions, and any additional mounting requirements. Consult with the manufacturer or a specialized expert to determine the most suitable design and configuration for your specific application.

What are the installation and maintenance requirements for a 30Mm Cantilever Mount?

Installation and maintenance requirements for a 30Mm Cantilever Mount will depend on the specific design and configuration. Generally, installation involves mounting the bracket to the desired structure or surface using appropriate hardware, including bolts, nuts, and washers. Maintenance may include periodic inspections to check for any signs of wear or damage, as well as cleaning the mount and the attached equipment.

How do 30Mm Cantilever Mounts help to improve industrial applications?

30Mm Cantilever Mounts offer several advantages for industrial applications, such as improved weight capacity, stability, and versatility. They can accommodate heavy-duty equipment and provide stable support in challenging environments. Additionally, their modular designs allow for customization and flexibility, enabling the mounting of various types of equipment or additional features.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:09 The_Sodomeister A different take on Mech Warrior

I've hit legend with Mech Warrior twice now, but the second list takes a very different form than the first. Admittedly, the first time wasn't "dominant" by any stretch, I just played a lot of games with a slightly-over 50% winrate. This new deck was a much easier coast to legend, and it felt much higher powered both in terms of deck strength and meta positioning. So this writeup will of course be dedicated to the second and current iteration of the deck.

Taunt Mech Warrior

Class: Warrior

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Execute

2x (1) Frequency Oscillator

2x (1) Garrosh's Gift

2x (1) Sanguine Depths

2x (1) Tar Slime

2x (2) Gold Panner

2x (2) Greedy Partner

2x (2) Needlerock Totem

2x (2) Roaring Applause

2x (2) Unlucky Powderman

1x (3) Bellowing Flames

2x (4) Backstage Bouncer

2x (4) Boom Wrench

2x (6) Testing Dummy

1x (7) Containment Unit

1x (8) Inventor Boom

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (3) Virus Module

1x (5) Perfect Module


Card choices

My absolute most favorite thing about this deck right now is the crazy amount of synergistic cards. Tons of packages come together, with shared synergies and complementary strengths. There are even other packages I tried in other iterations (riffs, armor gain, excavate, etc) which didn't make my cut, but still have definite potential in alternate lists.

Mech package

Frequency Oscillator, Zilliax, Boom Wrench, Testing Dummy, Containment Unit, Inventor Boom
I don't run any tutors for the combo pieces, and haven't needed them. You almost always end up with a wrench + Testing Dummy by ~turn 7 with the amount of draw in the deck, and the deck has lots of survivability in the meantime.
Instrument Tech just felt bad as a 2 drop, particularly for tutoring as weapon that doesn't have any real standalone value or immediate impact. The deck ran way smoother when I just relied on regular draw to dig for pieces.
I'm iffy on Containment Unit. The deathrattle isn't game winning, and the magnetic ability isn't useful very often. Though it's ridiculous to magnetize onto a Testing Dummy and proccing both deathrattles twice with the Boom Wrench. But that's a rare hit, and the deck often wins on its own without really needing Containment Unit. It's the best of the other "big mech" options, but it's worth experimenting with other utility cards instead.

Taunt package

Tar Slime, Unlucky Powderman, Backstage Bouncer (+ Dummy & Zilliax)
Fantastic stabilization against aggro and decent protection against OTKs. Backstage Bouncer also sucks up a ton of removal that suddenly isn't available for your stronger turn 6-8 plays. Backstage Bouncer also turns your weaker drops (Tar Slime, Oscillator, Greedy Partner) into valid threats.
I've flirted with the draw-2-taunts card - who doesn't love a good 2 mana draw 2? - but honestly you're usually looking to draw other stuff when you're really in a pinch. The other draw options were generally more impactful.

Draw package

Needlerock Totem, Gold Panner, Roaring Applause
Since we don't run tutors for our combo pieces, the draw really helps getting set up with whatever is needed for the current match. Digging for taunts and clears vs aggro; digging for executes vs tall minions; etc.
Roaring applause is a pretty interesting card with a surprising amount of hits in this deck. Mechs, elementals, totems, and undead.

Execute package

Sanguine Depths, Execute, Garrosh's Gift
This package is the most surprising performer and became a staple in all my Warrior decks. It was a necessity when Warlocks were running rampant, and still helps vs the assortment of giants and buffed minions that are still seeing play now. Cheap single removal never feels too bad.
Sanguine Depths is such a versatile location, and 3 procs for 1 mana is absurd value in a deck with strong survivability like this one.
I've tried replacing Garrosh's gift with Blast From the Depths (and adding Kobold Miners for a full excavate set), but the versatility of Garrosh's gift just felt more impactful. I wouldn't be surprised if an optimal version made room for the excavate package though; the ox is another ridiculous power swing for this deck.

Other card choices

Greedy partner: accelerates your combos by a turn. This can be the difference maker way more often than you might think. It allows Wrench on 4 into Testing Dummy on 5, sometimes even allowing the mini weapon if you have another coin or the Oscillator discount.


More Board clears - the deck can generally put enough minions on the board to contest whatever your opponent has. The goal isn't to save up for one big combo turn. The goal is to apply midgame pressure and then pull off something backbreaking once you have sucked up your opponent's resources. Essentially, the goal is to outlast your opponent's board clears, instead of worrying about your own.
Riffs - the deck wants more minions early, and can't wait for 5 mana to start getting minions on board. The 1 and especially 3 mana riffs don't cut it.
Armor - your best defense is a bit of offense, and these cards are generally zero offense. Part Scrapper is pretty bad without Safety Goggles, as otherwise you're basically spending 4 mana to save 5 mana later (not great). Meanwhile, these cards eat up your draw, while you're looking to draw impactful or combo pieces.
Excavate - this is probably the closest package that deserves to make the cut. Replacing Executes or Garrosh's gift with Blast Charge, and then replacing another 2 drop with Kobold Miner. It was stronger when Pain Warlock was rampant, since you needed the Blast Charges to handle the giants. Now, they're more likely to sit dead, or get wasted on low-impact minions for the sake of the excavate. Also, the flexibility of Garrosh's Gift is hard to quantify, but quite often you're actually going for Shield Block.


The deck is surprisingly capable of keeping early presence to match aggro, while having enough mid and late game threats to pressure control decks.
The deck has a lot of 2 drops, so you often have to make some awkward choices through turns 2-4. Finding ways to get multiple procs off a single totem / gold panner can be incredibly important. And against aggro, these can basically soak up your opponent's attacks to protect your face.
It is not always better to proc both weapons on the same turn. Sometimes you should swing the 3 attack weapon and save the mini for a subsequent combo. Aggro sometimes doesn't even kill the Testing Dummy, allowing the same proc next turn.


Matchup dependent.
submitted by The_Sodomeister to CompetitiveHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:09 Able_Field9883 E46 throttle adaptation issues

E46 throttle adaptation issues
So I have a e46 drift car with a m52tu has m50 manifold and is also swaped to ms43 ever since I’ve done the swap to ms43 throttle has given me weird issues I can hear the IAC open and closing when I press on the accelerator I checked all the wiring tested good and everything is right I know you need to the pedal learn for 10 seconds but it seems to me that the car isn’t learning anything like the throttle body is bad anyone have experience somthing like this I also have seen people saying the cam sensor can cause weird issues with throttle response the car won’t rev past 3k obviously and has eml abs dsc light on the car also has welded diff bc coilover slr angle kit im going to swap the exhaust cam position sensor tomorrow and clear faults maybe see if I have spare throttle body at the shop (I work at bmw shop) anything to help point in the right direction im not worried about the evap codes or ambient air temperature due to just being a m50 iat sensor needs a tune or for me to just cutt threads in m52 iat sensor
submitted by Able_Field9883 to e46 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:03 coronagotitslime GE T2280A Walnut Veneer Cabinet Radio

Hello! I need some help with an GE T2280A radio I inherited from my late great grandfather (who I never got to know). This radio works great... except it is extremely quiet. I think something is wrong with the antenna, as the volume is turned up to its maximum and I can barely hear anything. I have really good radio in my area, usually crystal clear with no trouble tuning, but this radio is extremely distorted and quiet. I used this radio briefly a few years ago to test, and it sounded fine and was not exhibiting any of the issues I described above. I have no familiarity with radio equipment, but I want to keep this alive and with me for as long as I live. Please let me know if you know anything about this radio, as I have struggled to find any information online. And if there are any cheap fixes or tune-ups that you can suggest, please do! I want to restore this to the best of my ability.
This is the sticker on the base of the radio, shows the model information. Date code is 1027 if that means anything to anyone!
Here's the front of the radio!
The power cord also comes out of the bottom, and is not angled. I make this distinction because I have seen images of this with a cord that comes out the back and connects at a right angle to the wall.
Let me know if there is anything else I should share! Thank you.
submitted by coronagotitslime to VintageRadios [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:51 ElectroMenZ I just beat my first full Kaizo ROM hack (SM74 Ten Years After v3.74) + my review

I just beat my first full Kaizo ROM hack (SM74 Ten Years After v3.74) + my review
Ok, so on May 26th 2024, I got all the stars after 31 hours + 3 more I had on another save file, and let me tell you what, it was quite a rollercoaster of an adventure, so here I'll just review my overall experience of it
C1 Dice Domain: (9/10) It was a nice beginning course that felt welcoming for people who are just getting started on easier Kaizo hacks, like sure, it feels a bit different from the original source material, and that can be great, as it gives a player something kinda new, so overall, it's a solid level without it being intimidating, and it's just a nice little warmup for me, someone who's trying Kaizos for the first time
C2 Concrete Jungle: (8.5/10) This is also a pretty solid course, and although, the red coin star was replaced in this version, it was still a solid experience without them, and the stars still felt like a nice little warmup. Also, there was that one heave-ho trick I had to know about, so yeah, I didn't know at the time, and instead went the long way on top to slide and jumped to the star, which involved me finding a bug where I get soft locked on the slope, but again, still quite a solid level with interesting design choices
C3 Wallowing Wells: (8/10) This is a great mashup of C3 from SM74 and EE, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of water levels, you actually have faster swimming, and it's way better than what I tried in EE, I mean, I had a good time getting the stars and the 100 coins even, then you have the waterless mode star which is a good test of your platforming skills, and even though a fell down a few times, it's actually not near as bad as what you had to do in EE, and it was quite enjoyable, so still a nice mashup that doesn't feel like a difficulty spike out of nowhere, but still slightly trickier than the first two courses
Underground Slide: (7.5/10) Now, here's the first little difficulty spike in the hack, so this one had me dying a bit on the slide's reds, and yeah I died at the end to that stupid pillar. Also, to get that first star in the metal cap switch, I decided to take the long route instead of doing the skip, I dunno why, but anyway, near the end of that section kinda felt like a chokepoint, but I mean, it's not bad, and I liked how they replaced the Mario Party minigame music with the underground theme from Yoshi's Island, which is quite fitting with the redesign, so overall, even if it's a bit of a difficulty spike early in the game, I still did like my experience with it quite a bit, and I like the new aesthetic of it
B1 Bowser's Park Party: (9/10) I actually like what they did with this version, they made it feel a bit different by making it like an island in the sky, and the stars were just pretty fun overall, like the one metal cap star was an interesting because of the way you go inside the building to get it, and the key section felt free because of the metal cap safety net, but there was that one part where you had to do oddly precise lava bounces, I don't know why LinCrash made it that way, but I'm not gonna question it, and it was an enjoyable experience all the way through
C4 Bogey Bayou: (8/10) I thought this course was pretty fun, but there was that one pit with Bubbas with the red coins that were a bit risky to get due to the relentless nature of them, however, the rest of this course had some solid stars in it, like there was one star where you have the entrance to a secret lava section, and due to the Parallel Lakitu cam, you didn't have to do blind guesswork, so that's nice, but yeah, the actual secret entrance star was just free, nothing else to say about that one, but even though the 100 coins took me longer than it should've, I actually had quite a fun time platforming on rooftops over some deadly quicksand sludge
C5 Flamework Factory: (8.5/10) An interesting course with tunnels that leads you to other stars and parts of the level, and honestly, I liked how it felt sort of like nice little puzzle with a couple of stars requiring certain caps to traverse to the other section, and in the current version, the tunnels just warp you to that certain room, I don't really mind the change that much because it doesn't really decrease the difficulty that much, so overall, another solid experience when I knew the places I needed to go for certain stars.
MC Aerial Alpine: (9/10) I love what they did with the metal cap stage from the original EE, they turned it into a snow level, and now it's a lot more enjoyable, and even though this current version replaced the red coin star, it was still a nice chill stage, no pun intended, and the stars felt like nice little warmup sections that I had a pretty good time with, even though they replaced the metal cap section with a shell riding one, so that actually felt a bit more fun to do, since I'm actually good with the shell
VC Dusty Darkness: (6.5/10) Now, this is the first level that started giving me a bit of problems, like there's this one star where I had to jump down to a walljumping section, and I actually had to turn up the brightness on my monitor to see where I was, and even then, I kept on getting caught on the one wall because the collision is weird, and I missed my jump quite a bit because of it, but once I learned to stop touching the wall, it wasn't as bad, and there was one more star that gave me slight problems, but that one at least didn't have bad collision, and the other stars were actually quite decent, so yeah, definitely not a great level at all, but not that bad
WC Lava Pit of Inversion: (7.5/10) Yeah, it's just a chill wing cap course that doesn't feel special at all, it was just like the original, except flipped upside down, I mean, the stars were satisfying to get, however, could've done something more creative with it, but I mean, it still is quite a decent experience
C6 Stalactite Cave: (8/10) This is yet another water stage, and again, I'm not the biggest fan of them, but this one actually was kinda interesting, even though this course got the Drowned Factory treatment. This course seemed quite solid with this one platforming section above water that is slightly tricky, but quite fun to do, and I liked that one part where you had to get a Chuckya from the cage below and clip behind a wall to get that one star, so yeah, nice rendition of course 6 that had completely different stars, and it was not bad to navigate at all
C7 Crumble Rumble Tower: (8/10) I really do like the aesthetic of this course, and I enjoyed the climb to the top with the 5 secrets, it's actually kinda fun doing those ledgegrabs near the top, even when there were those clouds that blew you off the course, and the 100 coins were fun to get, except there was that one sketchy red coin you had to get a walljump off of, but it was still a bit of fun nonetheless, and the King Whomp bossfight is actually not bad, even though it was sand, but you actually had more of a platform to work with, so yeah, overall, solid course with only a couple parts that made me go "meh"
C8 Absolute Zeroasis: (6.5/10) Yeah, this is a course I didn't enjoy as much due to that red coins maze with freezing water, and the camera not being the greatest, along with that one spiral pyramid star that was quite a bit annoying to get, but if you set aside that, the 100 coins and other stars are actually decent, so overall, it's not that bad, but yeah, wasn't really a fan of a couple stars
C9 Nature Nocturne: (8/10) This is actually a solid rendition of Course 9, I liked the music in it, it was a nice vibe from Yoshi's Story, and I liked the red coins in it, there was some enjoyable platforming on top of wood planks, and it's interesting going under the flower field to get this one secret, even though you had to go back to get the star, but I really like the idea of it, and yeah, the star under the bridge I could've gotten by using the switch, but I did it the hard way, which took me dozens of tries, but overall, what a solid remake
B2 Bowser's Tidal Tropics: (6.5/10) So yeah, this is the first level that actually made me rage a bit, but before I get into that, I will say that I love the Koopa Troopa Beach music in this course, it really compliments the theme of it, and 4 of the stars in there were just kind of a nice experience, but that one star where you had to do the firsties at the right angle, even though, thankfully it's not quicksand this time, it's water, it still proved to be quite a bit annoying, but it was satisfying once I pulled it off, and now, the key part was what really started getting to me because at the beginning, I felt like I had to do the one firstie so that I can have just the right height land on the platform without getting grabbed by the Chuckya, and that gets annoying because every time a failed on those angled timed boxes, I have to start front the beginning, but I realized, I did that part the hard way, so my experience with this could've went a lot smoother, if it weren't for that, but still, not the greatest experience due to it deriving from the EE version of this stage, however, the stars before the key section were overall not bad, and again, that key section made me quite a bit angry, but the rest of it was actually not bad, it was just a matter of getting past those couple things I mentioned earlier
C10 Quicksand Beach: (9/10) After the last stage, this one was actually quite chill, the stars were actually quite enjoyable to get, like the red coins were fun to shell jump up to get in the middle of the quicksand, and thank God LinCrash decided to have 100 coins nerfed because in the older versions of SM74, you had to get all the blue coins like near frame perfect, and you had to slowly push all the bullies into that one tiny lava pit, but this version, really made it chill, and at first, I thought the stars you had to get by going into the quicksand tunnel we're gonna be a pain, but actually, the Parallel Lakitu cam worked out in my favor, and I actually enjoyed going down there, so this yet is another nice and solid experience
C11 Polluted Pond: (7/10) So, it's the level with one of the stars I dreaded, the star where you have to do walljump crossovers over a platform with quicksand, but I really surprised myself here, as it only took me a few tries, and I actually never died to the quicksand itself, I just failed at the last crossover a few times, so this might've been just a fluke, but yeah, while the rest of the level wasn't the greatest due to having to climb back up out of the toxic sand below, and it took me so long to find the last red coin for some reason, although, it still has quite a bit of fun platforming here and there, but on that one hideout star where you kinda have tight window for those timed boxes, it was mildly annoying when I hit that arrow leading me to it, however, after that is not that bad, just one sketchy jump, so overall, not really a great course, but the platforming was a bit of fun to do
C12 Cliff of Time: (8/10) Now this is an interesting one because this is like the first time that we see two versions of a course that you get to switch between depending on the star, and I mean, I enjoyed getting these stars, they were quite a bit unique from each other, and yeah, the red coins weren't really as bad as I thought, it was just that one sketchy walljump ledgegrab I had to do to get to the rest of the course, and every time you started the harder version of this course, you had to do a firstie to even start it, which is not that annoying at all, and just meh, but the same went for some of the red coins, however, you did have quite a bit of room for error before the timer ran out, so this course overall has cool concepts, and it felt quite fair
C13 Sea Salt Peaks: (5/10) Now, most of this course felt a bit free, and Koopa the Quick is still slow, this was just a fine level, but oh my God, the Hot Arch Crossing star really brings down the experience because it was so annoying with those firespitters while having to do more precise walljump crossovers three times in a row, and one where you have to do kind of a precise triple jump to get to the last crossover, like that star genuinely made me just rage, and I never wanna touch it again, although the 100 coins were quite a bit scarce
C14 Veninium Sphere: (8.5/10) Now this course was quite fun, and I actually like how LinCrash designed the course to have more gaps in it to make up for the nerfs he did, so it still didn't feel too easy for what it was, and the climb was quite satisfying, but the one small flaw I had was with the first star Tower of the South, and that is when I just got through the hall of angled walljumps, I would sometimes miss the star because I couldn't exactly tell where it is in that hole in the ceiling, but I mean, I feel like that one was just on me, although, the rest of the level was very good, and the red coins didn't feel daunting at all to get, so overall, it was quite an enjoyable experience
C15 Delombru Sphere: (8.5/10) Same as the last course, the climb was quite satisfying to do, but this course felt a bit more convoluted to me because there was that one sideways tower that I didn't know I could reach with a triple jump until I tried it, and there was that one Dungeon Dominance star where I didn't think that precise walljump ledgegrab was intended, yet it was, but it wasn't actually that bad, and thank God that one crazy Tower of the North star was changed into an amp obstacle course because in the old versions, you had to do really precise walljumps consistently without ledgegrabbing, and the 100 coins and 8 reds were actually pretty satisfying to get on only like what, my 4th attempt? I mean, you got those two sketchy red coins at the beginning, but after that, it was nice and smooth sailing because I just crushed it, I genuinely thought I was gonna fumble more on that, but glad I didn't, however, the Morbid Deadly Puzzle star was still pretty tough because it's like closer to EE difficulty than any other star here, and I will not forgive that one Snifit that killed me one time when I was getting far into that star, but it was quite satisfying once I finally got the star at the end, so overall, a well designed course with a challenge that will prove to be pretty difficult, but comes with a satisfying reward at the end
Void of the East: (8/10) Now this was quite a tough and challenging star, and that one angled walljump off the pillar and tower right next to it is kinda what made the challenge even moreso, but good thing you can come up with a good routing method for this star to not feel like as much of a drag, so for me, the metal cap lava bounce secret was the easiest, so I did that last, and yeah, to get off that one rooftop, it sucked when I just couldn't make the jump with the wrong angle, but as I did the right angle, it wasn't as bad, and the rest of the course is actually fun, so once it got consistent, it was quite enjoyable, and I was thoroughly satisfied after getting that star
B3 Bowser's Rainbow Realm: (6/10) Yeah, I didn't enjoy opening the cannon in this stage that much at all, I just hated having to do those angled wall kicks over the first lava section at every attempt I had at opening the cannon, but good thing that you didn't have to do three of those in a row, just one of them, and the amp section was just a bit annoying because I had to be careful with my jumps, while having to deal with the possibility of the firespitter getting me, as for the second lava section that first jump was quite sketchy to make, but right after that, the section was definitely better than the first one. There was also that Heave-ho on the third section that killed me at least a couple times, and it felt like a slap to the face when that happened to me, but when I opened the cannon, I felt quite a bit relieved, and the other stars were actually a bit enjoyable, despite me wanting to get to Grandmaster's Goal that final day, like the secrets had some decent platforming, but it was just a slight flaw that I couldn't properly see that one opening to getting that 5 secrets star, however, I got the right angle at some point, and now the 8 red coins were actually quite decent, it felt like a good break, but there were a couple red coins that seemed slightly sketchy, but we're not bad at all, however, I will say, wasn't really the biggest fan of getting on those steep slopes, as they felt fast, and I had to make sure my angle to get on them was good or else I'd fall down due to no ledgegrabs, but it was alright, and yeah, I accidentally got that one caged Banjo Tooie cartridge star while getting the red coins, but after that, there was one more kind of annoying star I had to get with that risky platforming on the walls of the amp section, and the final fight was just Bowser, but the bombs were oddly closer than the original, don't know why LinCrash made them like that, but whatever, it's fine, so overall, yeah, this stage can get quite frustrating when you are trying to open the cannon, but after that, it's not bad at all, it actually got quite a bit fun, although, the music felt a bit repetitive NGL
Grandmaster's Goal: (8/10) This was a pretty good gauntlet at the end, but oh my God it's quite nerve-wracking I got closer to the end, and when I died a couple times at those cones in the Cliff of Wrath part, it was a bit disappointing, but as I noticed that I was getting more consistent with the other parts, the confidence built within me, and in this current version, they added a heart at the walljump crossover section, and oh man, I really needed it, even though it nerfs the endurance test a bit, I still appreciated it, and yeah, the metal cap section was still a chokepoint because of that one walljump ledgegrab, and at the beginning of me doing this gauntlet, I kept dying at the Stalagmite Cave slide part, even though I shouldn't have because it's easy when I got the angle right, but yeah, overall, this gauntlet was pretty well put together, but yeah, there are a couple parts that are easily chokeable and can be roadblocks to your success. Oh and one thing I forgot, the other two Grandmaster's Goal stars, they were a bit easy to get, like you could just do a skip to save time for the "speedrun" star, and there was that one hidden star that was fairly easy to find, so those two stars were essentially before the real deal, and they were kinda cool to get
In conclusion, my first Kaizo experience definitely had times where I got quite a bit frustrated, but in the end, I'm glad I beat this as my hardest ROM hack, and the experience was definitely worthwhile, so I decided to post this review here to share my experience
submitted by ElectroMenZ to sm64hacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:56 Top-Ocelot-9758 How far should I pursue issues with window/door install?

I had a company replace all of my windows and doors with hurricane impact resistant replacements. The project was mismanaged, they forgot to file the permit which delayed the project by 8 weeks, a large number of the windows and doors had cosmetic damage to the frame ranging from mild to severe.
I made a punchlist and they did come out and fix most of the issues (mainly by warranty replacement). Once the last cosmetic defect was fixed I paid the final deposit and signed the contractor release form. The work passed all city inspections and the permit was finalized.
Fast forward to this past weekend: I was repairing some drywall around the new sliding glass door frames when I noticed that the drywall appeared to be wedged at an angle causing the corner bead to pop off. Upon further investigation I noticed that the drywall extended behind the frame of the sliding glass door, and that there was approx a 1.25" gap between the edge of the frame and the wood buck.
Florida Building Code is very clear, wood bucks must extend to the edge of the frame of the doowindow.
Unless otherwise tested, bucks shall extend beyond the interior face of the window or door frame such that full support of the frame is provided. Anchors shall adequately transfer load from the window or door frame into the rough opening substrate [see Figures R609.7.2(1) and R6097.2(2)].
The gap appears to be an improper installation per building code, I think they used a 1x4 instead of a 1x6 in this spot for some reason. The building department doesn't actually verify that each and every buck was properly replaced, they rely on the contractor to sign an Affidavit that they did properly replace the window bucks along with photo evidence.
The remedy would probably involve completely removing the frame, installing new wider bucks, redrilling new holes and remounting the door frame.
How far should I pursue a remedy from the contractor on this? Do I take it all the way to litigation? Do I cut my losses and get a different contractor to fix it? I get the feeling the company is pretty sick of me, but I just want properly installed undamaged windows and doors
submitted by Top-Ocelot-9758 to Contractor [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 Izzillla I hate our father for warping our feeling of intamacy. Feels like we'll never know innocent love.

you don't have read the long or short story., I just... I've seen other systems dump, and I need it... I really need it right now I'm so tired.
I fell in love with a part 2 months ago. We are in an AFAB body that has, among many other things, OCD, limerence, and deep insecurities.
We already had/have an outer-gf, but my inner-gf feels more like "mine". Who else can I feel their joy in my heart like it's my own... Maybe it's very indirect self love, we all have mild variations of the body's face, and I love looking in the mirror more sense loving who knows. Don't care. I love her. I still do...
My inner-gf is soft, frilly, sparkly and likes pink since we were kids, and I'm ... The opposite. I am a polite but ill-mannered neurotic punk who overshares when their nervous... Ever sense our teens. The body is almost 30 now. Why we never realized we were different ppl between the amnesia, dissociation, and personality overhauls beats me. Maybe I thought I was a phase. Really funny and obvious in hindsight.
She likes being scooped up, and I like scooping. We're addictingly compatible, we can go anywhere and do anything together, and most of all we understand our pain ...and it feels amazing.
But here's all the fucked up stuff I can't tell anyone. You rdy?
My age-sliding gf holds the memories of our fathers CSA, our masc shell alters kindnesss reminds her of the father she wished she had, and now my gf is suffering intrusive sexual attraction to him because we have OCD, and we've all struggled with inappropriate sexual feelings toward any one who makes us feel safe, Because our father, our brothers, our cousins, every male person we trusted preyed on us, and it's making literally everyone in the system feel terrible, especially my gf who is now feeling suicidal for for corrupting the safest outlet she had to heal it.
This is just... Torture. It's literal torture and we're all tired.
We are both healing hypersexual parts too. I have some of those SA memories, but it's incredibly vague.
Long story:
She coped by sexualizing her victimization, i coped by sexualizing victimizing. I've never actually victimized anyone, but I liked very "borderline" porn from the perspective of the "initiator" ,I'll say that. I have sense stopped watching it now because I realized playing "predator" is so I don't have to confront how I was preyed on... I am hypervigilant about anything that could scare her or me now.
I put in work to be better. Especially now with my sparkly GF who age regresses when she's vulnerable... Our intrusive thoughts are mutually corrosive sometimes, and my worst fear is being a monster like our father.
So... Falling in love with her meant we had to confront those wounds. I was afraid I was a monster, and she only knew monster love, so... not being able to hide them those intrusive thoughts, and having the subject just go "it's okay🌸 I like being afraid!!" Took all of my stength to rise above our mutual depravity.
It was hard, sometimes hilarious, but we actually did it. I taught her real love is when someone respects your consent. There's no such thing as "loving someone so bad you can't resist them", that's what parasites do, not ppl who love you. It made both of us trust me more, because given the chance, i never hurt her.
Apparently , that whole time I didn't realize that I'm not the only one who's afraid of being a monster... So is our shell. Let's call him "Sheller". Sheller is a strange person. I'm a strange person. We get along well now that they realize they're a part too, not a container, or robot. We still do, things are just... Awkward... It's not his fault...
Sometimes I'd blend with Sheller, and they'd struggle to seperate my love for my gf from their own. They're like me in that they don't really feel like a woman either. So we both felt NB. Till he realized he didn't.
This poor dude... Had no idea the can of worms identifying as masculine would open. The dude just wanted to see himself, and when he did, it was a big healing thing to stop feeling like he only existed as our shadow. Truly, nothing is different now, he's just like 8 inches taller, boob-less, and his shoulders are wide. He's just as nice and safe as before, although more afraid of hurting us now.
I tbh didn't mind he thought my gf was cute, cuz she is!!! I trust him , and Of course he likes being around her, she's like sunshine and rainbows, it feels good to feel her joy, and when he blends with her he just fades in the back without thinking. He blends and expresses with everyone, it's his job lol. He also feels genuine joy when I am happy, and he supported and mediated our couple issues, he has and continues to be really supportive of us. He works a job and gets us shit he doesn't care about just cause it makes us happy. But I knew he was always quietly lonely. He loved seeing my gf get scooped up by me, cause she's a part of him too, a part that needs to feel loved and cherished. We all baby her tbh, but he never crossed any boundaries.
But then, this month, he fell in love with our old shell... "Shelley". Shelley had been inside an inner "infirmary" for a bit. She went through... so much for us. Shelley couldn't talk for years after ...And when she was finally discharged with his help... They bonded over the unique trauma of being shells, and being intense and weird. And when I say this dude was down bad, I mean it, he was down bad. Me and my gf are like treble, but they're BASS. Their love was so deep, and inspiring. Me and my gf were so happy, it felt like our awkward and stunted older brother fell in love and was opening up. We were going to have a cool older couple to bond with, and they were both just funny to watch too. We also remember reaching through Shelley, who never knew she was a system, but took care of us somehow even so, so we already cared for her.
My gf was happy for them, but started getting triggered by the glimpses she would see of their intimacy, and it made her think of the things she saw our parents doing by accident. And shed pop up sometimes when Shelley would feel those bright frilly things, and it would confuse her and make her uncomfortable.
She got really upset at Sheller one day and age regressed, telling everyone how uncomfortable it made her feel, pointing fingers and crying. Sheller felt terrible... He apologized profusely to my gf, asked how to make amends, and I did my part to soothe the rift between them too.
My gf felt very ashamed of both her regression and otp reaction, so she apologized for triggering his intrusive thoughts about being a monster again. She realized when she was big again that she was misdirecting anger at our father onto him, because Sheller is actually safe. She said she thinks she just wished she had pointed fingers at our Dad when he did what he did.
I think Shellers reaction to her discomfort was so gracious, kind, and safe... that she realized how much better things would have been for her if our Dad was like Sheller.
So she asked him if he could be her Dad. ... Lmao
He, understandably, insisted he was not stable enough to do that. He has too many intrusive thoughts he was still healing from, and could not risk both his own and her mental stability having even more responsibility on top of what he does. He was also honest that he saw my gf had some weird intrusive thoughts already slipping through and making him further uncomfortable. He said if he didn't share a brain, he would accept in a heartbeat, cause he likes taking care of us. And she accepted that well, but was sad.
She apologized about the intrusive thoughts, but when she thought about it more deeply, she explained she never had a safe male role model who didn't prey on her. That she wishes she had someone who could model familial love for her, and be a safe source of intamacy when she just wanted to be held without worrying it would turn sexual. She said I'm safe, but her attraction to me and mine to her reinforced the blurry lines she has around healthy admiration and sexuality. Me being the one to love her romantically but also hold her while shes age regressed sometimes makes her feel she's still warping those lines. I understand it, cause tbh, Sheller made me feel safe in that way too, but more like a brother.
He maintained his stance but said he already saw her as something like family. She realized it was enough to just know he loved her, and wasn't going to forget about her, and that we could all have family events with games or movies, and that was enough for her to move on happily.
The next day Sheller and Shelley had a beautiful date. They kept it inncoent in case my gfs signal was pulled in by accident. It was, but it wasn't a big deal, they were just dancing. I came out too so my gf felt less awkward. We had a whole evening together the four of us, and it was very fun. We just danced to our fave songs and listened to the rain storm.
My gf actually felt so happy and content. Id dance with her, and she's look over and see Shelley and Sheller laughing at us and waving at her. She was so happy, and felt like she finally had a family. But it was like... Out of nowhere she began spiraling.
She felt like she was going to lose all of us. She felt like she'd do something to mess things up. That her heart was breaking, or someone else's was. She couldn't place where it was coming from. Just heartbreak. Twisting sickening dread. Fear of abandonment. She started pulling back again and we all tried to comfort her to no help.
I switched in to comfort her more easily... But then I felt it too... It was like this depressive miasma... I started having all the same fears. Maybe I was just blending, but it was so confusing
She spent so long trying to understand why she felt this way, and testing different ideas, and now shes having those intrusive sexual attraction to Sheller really high.
Everyone involved feels fucking terrible now.
My gf has become incredibly depressed. She's terrified I'll leave her over this- and yeah, it's pretty disturbing and triggering for me, but I'm not really upset at her. I don't think I want to leave her yet. I mean I have intrusive sexual thoughts too, I've even had them about Sheller myself! But hers are way worse, cause she gets little and sees him as a father figure sometimes, and that must be so 🤢... OCD is like a shark and the more terrible a thought is the harder it tortures you with it.
My gf is trying not to feel suicidal... She's been far away all day... She feels like she will never know peace... Everytime she finally has someone show her love, her body reacts inappropriately, and not only will she lose me, but Sheller will Lose Shelley because he's getting his own intrusive thoughts about my gf, Shelley feels terrible because this all happened when she came along but my gf is afraid Shelley hates her, when she was excited to be yinyang friends with Shelley (who is also cute but more into spooky things).
Me and Shelley feel insecure too, cause like... Sheller is more masc than me and my gf is more femme than Shelley, so we are projecting all the insecurities into it. And what if we're wrong to trust them and they just run off and decide to have some gross fucked up trauma-themed relationship? Idk man, it's so mortifying even talking about it. But I really love both Sheller and my gf still, even with this burning in my chest, and they both are struggling with suicide ideation right now, and its just...
It's a whole ass mess...Our caretaker alt thinks Shelley, (sense she's an old shell) was blending with Sheller or my gf, and we were feeling her emotions, which we know she struggles with. It probably is that tbh. Cause we can barely lock onto Shelley sometimes. We think this is why it's been so weird and we don't even sound normal lately, and our signals are coming from weird angles.
So yeah... That's where we are... I just wanted to vent I guess. Support is welcome. I don't know man... Just feel so tired and embarrassed lol. I just feel like... Were so mentally ill and I hate it. Ugh... I hate our dad so fucking much. He really fucking broke us, and we're still in so much pain.
The only good news is we all have our anger placed in the right direction, not each other. We all understand what's happening isn't more than trauma. It just hurts so damn much ... Ugh... I really some how think we'll get through this... That day was so nice... And I felt so safe and happy... We all did ... And I think that's why we all possibly mutually ruined it lolol.
submitted by Izzillla to OSDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:39 Nightmare2828 Got caught in the Herman Miller Aeron hype, fully regret it.

I bought this chair used and it is in great condition from what I can tell. But, for a chair that is praised as the best chair ever since the beginning of ergonomic chairs, I am extremely disappointed.
The first thing that I couldn't believe is lacking is a back angle adjustment. You can adjust the angle of the entire setup, back + seat, but you can't adjust the angle of the back in relation to the seat. I come from serious back and neck pain due to lack of ergonomic posture in my "youth", and I need to rest my back in a perpendicular position. People often go crazy at how exactly 90deg my back settings are. Yet, this is impossible with the Aeron. Tilting the entire chair until the back is straight enough means the seat is so tilted I slide down and need to keep myself pushed up. This feature exist in most chairs, even cheap ones, so I'm at a lost at how a 2600$ CAD chair doesn't have this feature.
Second point is how long the seat is. I'm a 6ft tall guy, which isn't huge but not small by any measure. And the seat of this size "B" chair is so long that if I keep my lower back held against the chair's back, the edge of the seat touches my legs ever so slightly. On that same note, you can't adjust slide the seat forward or backward like many ergonomic chairs I've tried back in the days... so the long seat wouldn't matter if you could.
Third, the classic chair I bought has a spine bump adjustment that can push IN your spine, or OUT, but for some reason no up or down. The only way I found that this bump doesn't push only my tailbone, if to slouch the fuck back in the chair, and have my entire back mimicking the shape of a croissant.
It's a good thing I bought this used, cause I really got caught in the internet hype for this chair, even though I was so carefully by choosing my first ergonomic chair through intensive testing (guess my brain turned to mush with time). Hopefully I can sell it back at the same price or so... I can't explain why this chair is considered a top "ergonomic" chair when you can't properly adjust it to how so very different each of our bodies are.
Just had to vent a little. Thanks all.
submitted by Nightmare2828 to OfficeChairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:24 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (05/06/2024 to 05/12/2024)

Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Currently in the process of reenlisting as a prior service who was chaptered out in AIT for SI. Submitted and turned over all my paperwork to my recruiter and awaiting MEPS. My recruiter said this is the longest part of the waiting game from his experience. How long should I be expecting to wait realistically? I would ask my recruiter but I feel like I've bothered him enough over the past few weeks lmao. - Thanks!
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Hey guys l need some advice so i'm gonna get straight to the point. I am 20 and a junior in college. I ship in June and i have 3 Mos choices so far. 19D, 11b and 19k. Which do y’all recommend?I'm hardworking and not lazy so yeah. I am joining for many reasons but one of the main reasons is travel. Would I get to do tha much? Thank you
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Hey guys, I enlisted with an airborne contract that has my first assignment at Fort Liberty. How likely is it that I get assigned to the 82nd?
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Weight loss
I'm currently 5% body fat over for the arms 2.0. I'm eating way better and consuming 12-1,500 calories and losing an average of 3,000 calories a day. I've been running/walking 2 miles a day of hill terrain. My recruiter said I need to lose 10 pounds by May 17. I need tips and tricks on how to lose those pounds by then
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Army National Guard recruiter says at MEPS you can choose from several dates to start basic. Is that accurate?
If so, typically how many dates are there to choose from and how far in the future? I have a great civilian job, so would like to know my date as far in advance as possible.
Edit: would go on to traditional state OCS (yea, I know the internet’s opinions on it but it fits my life really well) afterwards.
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I've got 4 years active and 3 years guard under my belt and I've always put in to my tsp to get the match. I know you need 8 years to keep the matching, but my unit has drained what little motivation I had left for the army, and I've decided I'm done. I'm curious if anyone can help me figure out if there's any option that will help me keep my tsp matching besides a 1 year extension. I doubt the IRR counts towards 8 years, and from what I understand, the inactive guard is simply a pause button. So instead of pushing me to 8 years, it's just delaying my 7th till next year or something. I'm also wondering if a future federal job would contribute to that 8 years or if it has to be all concurrent. Thank you for any help or any resources or links yall can send me to figure this out.
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I was wondering if I could join the army with depression, anxiety, and OCD. All diagnosed. I have no suicide attempts or anything like that, no inpatient care either. All of these are somewhat mild and manageable, and I haven't been on any medication. But that was another concern of mine, if I was to get on any medication, would that disqualify me? Thanks a lot.
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Im currently a senior in high school trying to enlist in the army since December but I’m at a loss of what to do. I took the asvab scored a 61 but autism came up on my records from when I was a kid. I had to get a full medical Record for meps then they wanted my pharmacy record and now they want some more records my recruiter made me sign a form for my old doctors to get it from them about a month and a week ago. I called him the earlier this week and he said he Kentucky or Kansas (I didn’t hear him well and forgot) doing some training I honestly just don’t know what to do I’ll graduate from high school in a few weeks and I probably have a month after that before my parents kick me out any advice?
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Hey all, I wanted to get some insight on whether you all think I would be able to enlist with Crohn's. I've seen online that it's generally marked as an "unwaivable medical condition" but sometimes goes on a case by case basis. My IBD is very mild, I honestly forget that I even have the damn disease because it doesnt effect my daily life at all. I have it managed by taking an 8-week biologic but have gone on extended breaks from it before due to insurance reasons (roughly 2-3 months without any meds) and had no flare ups or any issues of the sort. However, my doctor is thinking of switching me to a daily pill (Rinvoq). I don't have any food sensitivities like a lot of Crohn's patients have (caffeine, alcohol, dairy, etc.) and have never had any surgeries nor does my GI doctor think i'll ever need one. I wanted to enlist for a 17C contract as im already in college for tech anyhow, I'm not sure if that would effect my standing. However, dream MOS is 18X but I figure that may be tougher to get by a recruiter. Any advice or thoughts? Army has been my dream forever and I don't want to have to give it up, so I'd really do anything haha.
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I have 2 non violent felonies from 2011 and PTD from 2022 for possession. I've been upfront and honest with my recruiter. He sent me to test today and I scored 63 on Asvab and GT of 113. Is there a chance for me? Thanks in advance. 30 and in great health and shape.
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What bases would you do bmt if your in cyber security and aviation mechanics?
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I ship out in a week. Went to meps and signed in March. Can I change my MOS? Or is it too late ?? I want something language related because I’m fluent in Arabic (already passed DLPT)
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For anyone that has done OSUT at Fort Moore, how long does it typically take before they’ll tell you where your FDS is?
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I have read a few horror stories where someone enlisted with X,Y, or Z in their contract, but after basic they where told something else and could not confirm the original. For example, someone claims they had a specific location through Option 19, only to later be told they are going somewhere else.
My first question is: has this happened to anyone here, and if so and how was it resolved?
My second question is: after signing your contract, how do you gain acess to it later? Do you receive a physical copy for yourself? Can you download a copy? Is there someone you can ask in the Army to retrieve it for you? Will it be acessable on a portal of somekind?
I am considering enlisting with option 19 and the location is very important to me. Thank you!
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Is phone use in BCT only delegated to calls? Also does phone use depend on what phase you're in, like, red phase 20 minutes, blue 30 minutes? Going to jackson
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Not the best time to swear in, waivers
I have all of my waivers approved, however, I won’t be swearing in due to job circumstances. If things change, can I still go back into the army or will I blocked out of it forever?
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I have an AAM and 3 COAs which S1 has been tracking for months but which have yet to reflect on my PPW. Do I have any recourse?
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my recruiter says that I can't get option 4 in my 35W contract but I really want to be airborne as a 35p/m so I have a higher chance of having my skills be put to use. Can i put in for airborne at DLI or AIT? what is the earliest I can do this and how would I go about it? I just went through the normal MEPS process not the airborne physical fyi
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Is a bonus worth choosing the Army over the AF?
In general, I’ve heard that the army’s QoL is less than that of the Air Force. However, the army has way more jobs w bonuses that I’d be interested in. And it’s the same or similar jobs as the Air Force, but w a bonus. I know the Basic Training for army is also longer, but a bonus can be convincing. I have the same question, but in regards to joining the navy as well. I want to focus on my education during my enlistment & get my bachelors & id also like travel opportunities. I haven’t taken my ASVAB yet, it’s scheduled the 16th. I scored rlly well on the PiCAT, and according to those scores I qualify for some army jobs w a bonus. I know it’s not as simple as that, and it’s a whole process & based on what’s available. Just want some opinions on if I was offered an army job w a bonus as opposed to the same/ similar Air Force job without, would you consider it worth it based on your experience?
I already got some answers from a post I made about this, but moderator deleted it and said to comment here. But any additional info/ insight is greatly appreciated. I want to make the best choice for my future in the case that I don't want to do 20 years.
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I'm joining up rn and working with a recruiter. We've got my waivers and everything. Pretty much just have to pick a job. For background I was an IET separation back in 2009. From what I've read and what me and my recruiter have gone over I am glossary non-prior service. I could have sworn I read (albeit a while ago) that business rules did not apply to GNPS, so I should be free to pick my MOS. However, I talked to my recruiter earlier today and he wants me to sit with his 1SG and go over the job options available for prior service. Am I wrong and I just get what I get?
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Please help!
I was looking to join the guard but in my medical records it shows I had Guillan barre. I was feeling some numbness in my legs, but looking back at it, it was very cold outside and I was just a bitch who would try to get out of school by any means possible. They did a spinal tap and never found any trace of the disease however. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, the gave me immunoglobulin and then I went home and nothing ever came of it. I am currently completely asymptomatic This was when I was 12 or 13 years old. Now I’m 18 and want to join but my recruiter said I have to get all the records and stuff. What is the chance that I will still be able to join? I tried looking it up online but I couldn’t find an answer. Also if I’m able to join, will I need a medical waiver?
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My MOS is 68W, I'm shipping out in June and I'm taking the OPAT in a couple of weeks. I'm 5'2 and 115ish pounds. I'm pretty fit. My biggest worry is the standing long jump. I want to pass the OPAT with flying colors and keep my MOS. Is there any advice or tips y'all can give me?
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I’m looking to graduate and enlist in a month but can’t decide on what MOS I want. I think 11B because I don’t want to individuate and do army shit or 68W but I’m not sure if I can get advanced combative training or other schools I want. I want to do something that’s “high speed” and meaningful while working my way towards Ranger reg. Is the 82nd Airborne a good pathway to that? How is civil affairs? Can you enlist directly into it while being active duty?
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Thinking about reenlisting to army with 8.5 PS in USMC. Been out < 5years. Will I have to repeat AIT if I keep my same MOS? I know this is the wrong channel for USMC feedback but also considering going back there if it would mean not repeating AlT. Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone! I’m a high school student planning on joining the military. I’m Muslim, so I want to be sure that whichever branch I join is accommodating to Muslim needs. If it changes anything, I’m planning joining through the ROTC route.
My main concerns are, does the Army give beard waivers for Muslims? Is it possible to take short breaks throughout the day to pray? Can you fast during Ramadan? Can you be provided with halal (no pork/no alcohol) food?
Also, I’m interested in infantry or armor (or any kind of ground forces officer in general). Would these accommodations interfere with being selected for these careers or being mission ready? (Such as a beard, fasting, etc.)
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i’m a current nasty girl and i’m looking to transfer to Active duty. i understand i need a conditional release in order to sign a new contract and need my G-1 to sign off on it. i’m looking for info on the process from someone who’s gone through the process.
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What are the odds of getting a waiver for ulcerative colitis? I was EPTS’d out in march 2023 after being diagnosed while I was at 30th AG. My GI said I was in remission as of jan of this year. I take 4 Lialda pills a day and get an entyvio infusion every 2 months. I feel perfectly fine now though. Scored a 74 on the asvab.
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Medical record
In the navy currently and getting out in a year. I had a back injury prior to enlisting that I didn’t disclose. I plan on entering the army after my contract. If this comes up will my discharge from the navy be lowered or my benefits revoked?
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So my recruiter told me that I have to get a lease first, but the thing is, is that we don't have one with our landlord. It's more like an oral lease and he's a slumlord who never tries to communicate with any of us. That being said, my recruiter then said that I should find a lease online and edit it to where I state that I'm paying the rent to my sister instead (who has a valid ID) He also stated that my sister and I have to go to a check-cashing place to get it notarized. Is this all ok to do and will the BHA be approved? Also if it's approved, does this mean that the rent we pay which is $1,365.50, is going to be paid for while I'm away and how exactly??
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Can I enlist if I have a Mexican highschool diploma? (I am american, just finished highschool in mexico) And don't have a address in the USA???
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I am thinking of finishing up my bachelors and joining as an officer, my question was whether it was possible or not to guarantee mos 17c in the army if I join as an officer.
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I just got told that I cant enlist for 2 years after my waiver got denied for a history of depression. I stopped feeling depressed last August but got officially cleared into remission in February. I was told theres no point in a consult and the most I can do is reach out to a congressman. Other than reaching out to a congressman, is there really nothing I can do?
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Questions about Virginia National Guard
I want to do OCS! Now here’s my confusion. My recruiter is saying that the moment I swear in is the moment my contract is going to start and will count towards that 6 year! So, if he is right, I will basically complete 2 years training if I do state OCS. But I would like to have more control on what branch I get! My top 3 are: cyber warfare, signal, and intel. Should I do accelerated in that case? Also how likely am I to get one of those aforementioned three if I do state OCS of 18 months? My bachelor was in Computer Engineering, and I am currently enrolled in ASU for master’s pursuing Computer Science! Will I get that 24k a year tuition fee because he said there’s a possibility I might get it since it’s fully online? Can I get tuition assistance and loan repayment both? Does getting either one incur additional service time?
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im thinking of joining as a officer and going into ocs, what is the best branch for a well paying civilian job after completing my service, for context my major right now is relg studies plus maybe bio.
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I leave for Future Soldier Preparatory Course for the fitness aspect on the 21st, has anyone gone through it recently? There’s not a whole lot of information on it online, I was just wondering what it’s like, and what to expect. Do you get issued all of your gear since you will be going to bmt after? What is reception like? Any and all information and tips is greatly appreciated!
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So my husband is going to meps next week. he has 2 different sets of scars on his left arm. He works at a mobile home plant building houses. One was from when he got caught on a nail so it's a little deeper looking and another was from some sheet metal at work. He didn't disclose it to his boss because he works on a line and it would've put his team behind so he just put some bandaids on it and went about his day and cleaned it up when he got home. This was about 1-2 years ago. What is his meps experience going to be like? They aren't self harm obviously but we've heard horror stories about the doctors at meps not believing people and DQ them. He honestly forgot about telling his recruiter and his recruiter has already sent in all his medical history and got him scheduled for meps. Should he still go ahead and tell his recruiter or just wait and disclose it at meps?
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Should i go in as 17c or try my luck at ocs?
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I'm currently in process Enlisting in the Reserve, while holding an associate's degree in mechanical engineering technology, with some side education in programming. While I am working towards my bachelor's degree, I'm looking to pick an MOS that will help my career, or at the very least, be interesting. I don't remember my scores, but my Recruiter told me whatever I pick, my score won't be the limiting factor.
Top of the list for career jobs is 15 series, from what I've heard from currently enlisted in my friend group, wrenching on aircraft in general is a fast track to a cushy job on the outside with my education. 25 series looks boring but useful as anything IT/electrical complements my degree. On the more interesting side, I was looking at 91 series, either 91F or 91P.
Am I going anywhere wrong with any of these jobs? Anything I should be keeping in mind?
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25D or 35T I just wonder which MOS would be better for career. I am really interested in IT. I know 25D is not entry MOS. Let’s say you meet requirements for both MOS. If you stay as enlisted side, what would you recommend?
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I’m heading to ait now at fort Moore for 91M do I get my phone and am I in a dorm how is that like
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Hi all,
I am a permanent resident here is the US, and last week I finished my ASVAB mock test with a 95 on my AFQT. The recruiter says I am eligible for everything that doesn't require a security clearance which is kind of a problem as my dream MOS are the 35-series and 17-series (As both of these are locked behind clearance requirement)
After some thinking, I narrow down to the following, but there are still too many so I hope I can get your feedback on what I am doing. My aims are: a/I want something that will translate into the civilian world well if my time in the army doesn't go well, b/I want an MOS that can advanced through warrant or becoming a commission officer if my time in the army does go well, and c/I want to push myself to the limit and break out of my comfort zone to see where I can go. If I sound arrogant, please forgive for that: I am just trying to be as careful as possible. I am nearly reaching my thirty, and I want to take deliberate steps because I no longer have the luxury of youth and family to try and fail.
The MOS are:
11-series, 12B and 12D: I have a soft spot for these despite knowing they don't translate into the civilian world. But in my heart somewhere is a wild child that wants to test my physical prowess and wants to blow things up. I do know my knees and lower back will hate me for picking this.
15 series: With exceptions to 15C, 15J, and other works related to flying or being mechanics of sensitive equipment, I can be an aircraft technicians. I read that there are demands for airplane mechanics but I don't know much about this field other than a/I got to repair planes, b/people seem to hate it because you have to sign a long contract if you become a warrant.
68A: I did see this MOS getting recommended a lot but after reading its description, I am not very sure if I want to do it either both in the army or afterwards. I must also admit I don't have a good insights onto the day to day life of this job. Can someone shed some light about this MOS for me?
68C: Becoming a nurse seems like a very safe choice out of the military given that the BLS projects nurse to be in high demand and being able to take care of your family sounds like a big plus to me; however, I don't know if I like being a nurse. My parents were doctors, and having seen the hospital environment I can say I am not a fan. I also look into 68A but BLS prospect for it didn't seem good, and the training on 68E, 68D, and 68V look a little bit too short. Do you really become a dental assistant just with 10 weeks of training?
68W: I must admit, I have a soft spot for 68W as it allows me to be both learn some medical skills and be on the field. However, I do notice that 68W only translates to paramedic/EMT post-army, while 68C translates to becoming a nurse (which is more valued and regarded as "better" than paramedic or EMT and thus in higher demand)
88H, 92A, 92F, and 92Y: I pick these because, according to BLS, there is a projected increase need for people in warehousing and transportation. From my limited understanding of the fields, you will be in charge of handling logistics such as maintaining unit inventory, ordering supplies and weapons for your units, etc. but I am not very sure on the difference between, say, 92Y and 92A.
So, can you give me a suggestions? May anyone who has been in these MOS share their experience to help me pick? What are some of the MOS I miss?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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Is the 09m program ending at the end of may?
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How does one secure a religious exemption before basic training? My recruiter said we would talk about it down the line but it’s getting down to the wire and I’d rather it not get forgotten.
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Hi my duty station is at JBLM I’ll hopefully be there around May of 2025. I still have too go through basic and AIT but I was hoping that I could get some info about the barracks and hopefully get in touch with some of the people that are getting stationed/ already stationed There that are aviation, specifically 15Y. Thank you
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How can i improve my chances of success after the military?
I'm going to meps in 2 weeks and im shooting for a 25 series mos. 25H was what was available at the recruiters after i took my practice asvab. I'm not the brightest bulb but, hey, I'll take it. Aside from college ,which i want to continue to pursue throughout my time in the army (or after depending on my mental fortitude once i'm actually in,) how can i set myself up for success in the civilian world? Any input from past 25h or 25 series who somehow translated their career into decent paying jobs will be much appreciated.
I'll add I'm only joining the army for the college benefits and free training as i come from a poor household and have no other feasible way to pay for it.
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Hello everyone,
I was recently laid off from a $64k job, and honestly, I'm not too upset. I was already feeling burnt out and unhappy, staying primarily for the promised educational benefits to facilitate a career change, which obviously fell through with the job loss. Now, I'm considering my options and the military as a new path has been sounding appealing to an extent. The VA loan and GI Bill are particularly enticing because they would help me pursue a degree without getting into debt, and enabling the career change I've been considering. And the thought of being able to buy a house at this age/economy seems awesome.
At 28, I'm weighing the implications of joining now, especially considering the pay cut and spending four years AD without the guarantee of going overseas which for me would make it much more worthwhile. Also, I'd likely be one of the older members among younger peers, which is another factor to consider. My entry rank would be E3 due to my associate degree told by the Air force recruiter I met, but I'll need a moral waiver for a misdemeanor I had at 18, which might limit my job options not to mention she told me I would have to be at the disposal of whatever the Air Force wanted me to do? Which I am assuming means that I could enlist for one thing that they tell me nope get your doing this.The Air Force recruiter told me that I would be just fine and I would be able to get in as long as my ASVAB score is high enough.
I'm torn about whether to commit to AD and save myself or a longer term in the military via reserves but still stuck in the same loop of feeling in fulfilled, unable to afford university and in a place I would rather leave. Insights from anyone who joined the military later or faced similar decisions would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for any advice!
P.S I am also ok with the idea of the military as a career as I would still be able to retire earlier than many of my peers if I pursue the 20 year route..
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I’m reenlisting at the end of this month (was NG but going active). My husband is also active and I was wondering how likely is it that I can be in the same battalion as my husband? I know married couples aren’t supposed to work directly together but would that still be considered “working together”?
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Hi All, I'm 23F graduating college with my bachelor's in international relations at the end of July. I speak intermediate Spanish and would be open to learning more languages. I am looking for a mos that doesn't restrict me to behind a desk or sitting on my ass all day. I was thinking of something intelligence related. I would appreciate any advice/help.
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So i have hemorrhoids right now and I go to MEPS monday. I have a Drs visit from about 2 years ago where she prescribed me the cream to use. The cream says to only use it when you have hemorrhoids. I still have the cream. Will I pass MEPS if I bring that the Dr visit. or should I get a new one the day before? It's Saturday so my recruiter won't answer.
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So I enlisted on Friday. (25H) and I ship to BT in August. I’ve made my mind up before enlisting that I was going to make a career out of it. So now I’m here before you all to ask… what’s some advice you could give someone looking to do 20. Like what’s steps would you take if you could go back to make the most of your Army career? I remember my dad who served in the navy would always say “choose your rate choose your fate” and I think I started off on the right foot. Any suggestions to help make the correct steps in my new career path?
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Going back in. Needing some suggestions on different MOS.
So when I was in the first time I was a 25U. I was 16 when I swore in to secure my mos and left at 18YO. I’ve decicided to go back in. Im picking between 19 jobs, I qualify for all of them as I keep my old asvab scores. I scored over a 105 in everything so I have a pretty big list to pick from. These jobs have good jobs outside of the army and that’s my angle, I know 25U translates to a good job outside of the army but it’s not my cup of tea. So any info on the jobs in the army and civilian life for these mos would be greatly appreciate. The jobs are: 68L 68X (specifically because I want to help vets who are/have suffered) 88H 35F 25B 35M 35G 35L 88K 88N 88U 27D 31E 12M 15Q 15N 25U 88L 88M
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Already signed my contract but I really really wanna change my MOS by the time I ship out for BCT in mid-July, what would be the best way to approach and ask my recruiter to change my MOS? The one that I want is really in demand (19K) so maybe that might help?
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Background: Greencard holder, 6yr+ experience in IT field. No degree. Married.
Always wanted to join the military and finally have the opportunity to do so.
What I want to experience from the military;
I want the opportunity to grow in the IT field and have military experience and later on attain a contractor job in overseas installations. Very interested in being able to move overseas for a few years specially Japan.
My biggest interest is to grow in my career + experience other countries.
Recruits have also told me that for active duty they are allowing first duty station to be chosen because the army apparently has a shortage of people joining so they want to motivate people to join by allowing them to choose duty stations. This has made me consider going active IF they aren't lying about this + the job security has always been a plus to me.
My primary plan was :
Going reserve, getting my citizenship while in basic training, changing my mos to 25B then finding government contracting job overseas preferably (Japan) and changing my unit to Japan to drill there (Camp Zama). Overall my biggest goal is to move overseas and be in the IT field.
What is the best route? Advice is greatly appreciated in advance:)
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I want to enlist as a 19D Wont be for a year or so still but trying to do my research and evrything and make sure this is what i want, So far it looks like it is but i have a couple of questions that i need answering before i decided to enlist. 1. as a 19D with 19C coming will 19D still be manning Bradleys 2. What are my chances of being assigned to a cav unit i really dont wanna be assigned to an infantry or god knows what else 3. Am i able to enlist as active at 17?
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Is it hard to get a self harm waiver? It happened one time three years ago. My recruiter is pushing for it now
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I'm going to MEPS this week and I was told that the Job I'm really interested in (12w) is rare and to not get my hopes up. I'll be doing research about some other jobs, but if I really want that job should I just wait for a slot to open up or go with alternate choices?
Does anyone have any experience with this job and how often slots show up?
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Vision Waiver Acceptance Probability
So I’m wanting to enlist as an 11x OP 4in the army, went to MEPS a few weeks ago, and am currently waiting on a current injury to be waived. I’m just kind of worrying about my vision waiver. Recruiter said we have to wait for this to be cleared first, then we can launch the vision waiver.
What’s the probability that a vision waiver will be accepted with Visual Acuity of 20/30 20/50 corrected vision. I understand everything is case to case, I’m just kind of worrying that it’ll end up being denied.
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Is there a list of all the different Options in contracts? Like Option 40, Option 4, Option 19, etc?
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In the process of renegotiating my contract before shipping out and I'm seriously considering 19K (M1 Armor Crewman). Recruiter told me that anyone can volunteer to go to airborne school at BCT and I really want to go airborne but it seems like 19Ks don't really do it as much as other MOS's. Is it true that i will have the opportunity to volunteer myself for airborne school at basic? If not, how can I attend Airborne or any other specialized school as a tanker?
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Leaving for BT in 2wks. First stop Ft Lenwood and then ft sill for AIT. Then off to Ft Drum for my 1st duty station. Can anyone offer insight on what to expect at each location/stage? 13F if it matters. Much appreciated.
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Just reserved mos 88L Water craft engineer.
Was excited at first as I’ve e heard a lot of good things about this mos, but i have a wife, 6yr old and another on the way and am worried that i wont be home that often given this mos. Im supposed to go to meps in 4 days and swear in. Im really not trying to be away from my family all that often. Is this mos bad for family life? Have i made a mistake? Or should i keep it and roll with it. Any recommendations on what i should do?
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Hello, I’m in ROTC right now but I’m about to go to CST. I have been looking into branches as much as possible and am pretty set on ADA but I wanted to ask if anyone here has been on a HIMAD or SHORAD deployment that can give me some insight on what it’s like, more specifically SHORAD but I do want to hear both sides.
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Joining the army
hi, I am 17 turning 18F, and im joining the army and going to boot camp soon. What are some advice or anything you would tell someone before they go to boot camp or thinking about joining the army?
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Hello, I'm currently a high school senior who is interested in joining the ROTC. I've reached out to ROTC recruiters in the colleges that I will be attending however, they never picked up their phones nor responded to their emails after multiple attempts. I've also scheduled appointments with them only for them to not show up multiple times. I've also called the army and they said they would have someone call me but they never did either. I was wondering if anyone could help me get in touch with an ROTC recruiter as I got a few questions about the Army ROTC as well as the process to proceed.
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Can you go to an maritime academy before your service then get it paid when you join? Can you take maritime academy while active duty?
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What are possible first duty stations for Army officers out of ROTC by MOS?
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2024.05.29 02:24 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (05/06/2024 to 05/12/2024)

Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Currently in the process of reenlisting as a prior service who was chaptered out in AIT for SI. Submitted and turned over all my paperwork to my recruiter and awaiting MEPS. My recruiter said this is the longest part of the waiting game from his experience. How long should I be expecting to wait realistically? I would ask my recruiter but I feel like I've bothered him enough over the past few weeks lmao. - Thanks!
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Hey guys l need some advice so i'm gonna get straight to the point. I am 20 and a junior in college. I ship in June and i have 3 Mos choices so far. 19D, 11b and 19k. Which do y’all recommend?I'm hardworking and not lazy so yeah. I am joining for many reasons but one of the main reasons is travel. Would I get to do tha much? Thank you
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Hey guys, I enlisted with an airborne contract that has my first assignment at Fort Liberty. How likely is it that I get assigned to the 82nd?
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Weight loss
I'm currently 5% body fat over for the arms 2.0. I'm eating way better and consuming 12-1,500 calories and losing an average of 3,000 calories a day. I've been running/walking 2 miles a day of hill terrain. My recruiter said I need to lose 10 pounds by May 17. I need tips and tricks on how to lose those pounds by then
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Army National Guard recruiter says at MEPS you can choose from several dates to start basic. Is that accurate?
If so, typically how many dates are there to choose from and how far in the future? I have a great civilian job, so would like to know my date as far in advance as possible.
Edit: would go on to traditional state OCS (yea, I know the internet’s opinions on it but it fits my life really well) afterwards.
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I've got 4 years active and 3 years guard under my belt and I've always put in to my tsp to get the match. I know you need 8 years to keep the matching, but my unit has drained what little motivation I had left for the army, and I've decided I'm done. I'm curious if anyone can help me figure out if there's any option that will help me keep my tsp matching besides a 1 year extension. I doubt the IRR counts towards 8 years, and from what I understand, the inactive guard is simply a pause button. So instead of pushing me to 8 years, it's just delaying my 7th till next year or something. I'm also wondering if a future federal job would contribute to that 8 years or if it has to be all concurrent. Thank you for any help or any resources or links yall can send me to figure this out.
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I was wondering if I could join the army with depression, anxiety, and OCD. All diagnosed. I have no suicide attempts or anything like that, no inpatient care either. All of these are somewhat mild and manageable, and I haven't been on any medication. But that was another concern of mine, if I was to get on any medication, would that disqualify me? Thanks a lot.
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Im currently a senior in high school trying to enlist in the army since December but I’m at a loss of what to do. I took the asvab scored a 61 but autism came up on my records from when I was a kid. I had to get a full medical Record for meps then they wanted my pharmacy record and now they want some more records my recruiter made me sign a form for my old doctors to get it from them about a month and a week ago. I called him the earlier this week and he said he Kentucky or Kansas (I didn’t hear him well and forgot) doing some training I honestly just don’t know what to do I’ll graduate from high school in a few weeks and I probably have a month after that before my parents kick me out any advice?
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Hey all, I wanted to get some insight on whether you all think I would be able to enlist with Crohn's. I've seen online that it's generally marked as an "unwaivable medical condition" but sometimes goes on a case by case basis. My IBD is very mild, I honestly forget that I even have the damn disease because it doesnt effect my daily life at all. I have it managed by taking an 8-week biologic but have gone on extended breaks from it before due to insurance reasons (roughly 2-3 months without any meds) and had no flare ups or any issues of the sort. However, my doctor is thinking of switching me to a daily pill (Rinvoq). I don't have any food sensitivities like a lot of Crohn's patients have (caffeine, alcohol, dairy, etc.) and have never had any surgeries nor does my GI doctor think i'll ever need one. I wanted to enlist for a 17C contract as im already in college for tech anyhow, I'm not sure if that would effect my standing. However, dream MOS is 18X but I figure that may be tougher to get by a recruiter. Any advice or thoughts? Army has been my dream forever and I don't want to have to give it up, so I'd really do anything haha.
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I have 2 non violent felonies from 2011 and PTD from 2022 for possession. I've been upfront and honest with my recruiter. He sent me to test today and I scored 63 on Asvab and GT of 113. Is there a chance for me? Thanks in advance. 30 and in great health and shape.
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What bases would you do bmt if your in cyber security and aviation mechanics?
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I ship out in a week. Went to meps and signed in March. Can I change my MOS? Or is it too late ?? I want something language related because I’m fluent in Arabic (already passed DLPT)
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For anyone that has done OSUT at Fort Moore, how long does it typically take before they’ll tell you where your FDS is?
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I have read a few horror stories where someone enlisted with X,Y, or Z in their contract, but after basic they where told something else and could not confirm the original. For example, someone claims they had a specific location through Option 19, only to later be told they are going somewhere else.
My first question is: has this happened to anyone here, and if so and how was it resolved?
My second question is: after signing your contract, how do you gain acess to it later? Do you receive a physical copy for yourself? Can you download a copy? Is there someone you can ask in the Army to retrieve it for you? Will it be acessable on a portal of somekind?
I am considering enlisting with option 19 and the location is very important to me. Thank you!
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Is phone use in BCT only delegated to calls? Also does phone use depend on what phase you're in, like, red phase 20 minutes, blue 30 minutes? Going to jackson
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Not the best time to swear in, waivers
I have all of my waivers approved, however, I won’t be swearing in due to job circumstances. If things change, can I still go back into the army or will I blocked out of it forever?
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I have an AAM and 3 COAs which S1 has been tracking for months but which have yet to reflect on my PPW. Do I have any recourse?
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my recruiter says that I can't get option 4 in my 35W contract but I really want to be airborne as a 35p/m so I have a higher chance of having my skills be put to use. Can i put in for airborne at DLI or AIT? what is the earliest I can do this and how would I go about it? I just went through the normal MEPS process not the airborne physical fyi
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Is a bonus worth choosing the Army over the AF?
In general, I’ve heard that the army’s QoL is less than that of the Air Force. However, the army has way more jobs w bonuses that I’d be interested in. And it’s the same or similar jobs as the Air Force, but w a bonus. I know the Basic Training for army is also longer, but a bonus can be convincing. I have the same question, but in regards to joining the navy as well. I want to focus on my education during my enlistment & get my bachelors & id also like travel opportunities. I haven’t taken my ASVAB yet, it’s scheduled the 16th. I scored rlly well on the PiCAT, and according to those scores I qualify for some army jobs w a bonus. I know it’s not as simple as that, and it’s a whole process & based on what’s available. Just want some opinions on if I was offered an army job w a bonus as opposed to the same/ similar Air Force job without, would you consider it worth it based on your experience?
I already got some answers from a post I made about this, but moderator deleted it and said to comment here. But any additional info/ insight is greatly appreciated. I want to make the best choice for my future in the case that I don't want to do 20 years.
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I'm joining up rn and working with a recruiter. We've got my waivers and everything. Pretty much just have to pick a job. For background I was an IET separation back in 2009. From what I've read and what me and my recruiter have gone over I am glossary non-prior service. I could have sworn I read (albeit a while ago) that business rules did not apply to GNPS, so I should be free to pick my MOS. However, I talked to my recruiter earlier today and he wants me to sit with his 1SG and go over the job options available for prior service. Am I wrong and I just get what I get?
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Please help!
I was looking to join the guard but in my medical records it shows I had Guillan barre. I was feeling some numbness in my legs, but looking back at it, it was very cold outside and I was just a bitch who would try to get out of school by any means possible. They did a spinal tap and never found any trace of the disease however. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, the gave me immunoglobulin and then I went home and nothing ever came of it. I am currently completely asymptomatic This was when I was 12 or 13 years old. Now I’m 18 and want to join but my recruiter said I have to get all the records and stuff. What is the chance that I will still be able to join? I tried looking it up online but I couldn’t find an answer. Also if I’m able to join, will I need a medical waiver?
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My MOS is 68W, I'm shipping out in June and I'm taking the OPAT in a couple of weeks. I'm 5'2 and 115ish pounds. I'm pretty fit. My biggest worry is the standing long jump. I want to pass the OPAT with flying colors and keep my MOS. Is there any advice or tips y'all can give me?
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I’m looking to graduate and enlist in a month but can’t decide on what MOS I want. I think 11B because I don’t want to individuate and do army shit or 68W but I’m not sure if I can get advanced combative training or other schools I want. I want to do something that’s “high speed” and meaningful while working my way towards Ranger reg. Is the 82nd Airborne a good pathway to that? How is civil affairs? Can you enlist directly into it while being active duty?
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Thinking about reenlisting to army with 8.5 PS in USMC. Been out < 5years. Will I have to repeat AIT if I keep my same MOS? I know this is the wrong channel for USMC feedback but also considering going back there if it would mean not repeating AlT. Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone! I’m a high school student planning on joining the military. I’m Muslim, so I want to be sure that whichever branch I join is accommodating to Muslim needs. If it changes anything, I’m planning joining through the ROTC route.
My main concerns are, does the Army give beard waivers for Muslims? Is it possible to take short breaks throughout the day to pray? Can you fast during Ramadan? Can you be provided with halal (no pork/no alcohol) food?
Also, I’m interested in infantry or armor (or any kind of ground forces officer in general). Would these accommodations interfere with being selected for these careers or being mission ready? (Such as a beard, fasting, etc.)
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i’m a current nasty girl and i’m looking to transfer to Active duty. i understand i need a conditional release in order to sign a new contract and need my G-1 to sign off on it. i’m looking for info on the process from someone who’s gone through the process.
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What are the odds of getting a waiver for ulcerative colitis? I was EPTS’d out in march 2023 after being diagnosed while I was at 30th AG. My GI said I was in remission as of jan of this year. I take 4 Lialda pills a day and get an entyvio infusion every 2 months. I feel perfectly fine now though. Scored a 74 on the asvab.
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Medical record
In the navy currently and getting out in a year. I had a back injury prior to enlisting that I didn’t disclose. I plan on entering the army after my contract. If this comes up will my discharge from the navy be lowered or my benefits revoked?
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So my recruiter told me that I have to get a lease first, but the thing is, is that we don't have one with our landlord. It's more like an oral lease and he's a slumlord who never tries to communicate with any of us. That being said, my recruiter then said that I should find a lease online and edit it to where I state that I'm paying the rent to my sister instead (who has a valid ID) He also stated that my sister and I have to go to a check-cashing place to get it notarized. Is this all ok to do and will the BHA be approved? Also if it's approved, does this mean that the rent we pay which is $1,365.50, is going to be paid for while I'm away and how exactly??
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Can I enlist if I have a Mexican highschool diploma? (I am american, just finished highschool in mexico) And don't have a address in the USA???
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I am thinking of finishing up my bachelors and joining as an officer, my question was whether it was possible or not to guarantee mos 17c in the army if I join as an officer.
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I just got told that I cant enlist for 2 years after my waiver got denied for a history of depression. I stopped feeling depressed last August but got officially cleared into remission in February. I was told theres no point in a consult and the most I can do is reach out to a congressman. Other than reaching out to a congressman, is there really nothing I can do?
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Questions about Virginia National Guard
I want to do OCS! Now here’s my confusion. My recruiter is saying that the moment I swear in is the moment my contract is going to start and will count towards that 6 year! So, if he is right, I will basically complete 2 years training if I do state OCS. But I would like to have more control on what branch I get! My top 3 are: cyber warfare, signal, and intel. Should I do accelerated in that case? Also how likely am I to get one of those aforementioned three if I do state OCS of 18 months? My bachelor was in Computer Engineering, and I am currently enrolled in ASU for master’s pursuing Computer Science! Will I get that 24k a year tuition fee because he said there’s a possibility I might get it since it’s fully online? Can I get tuition assistance and loan repayment both? Does getting either one incur additional service time?
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im thinking of joining as a officer and going into ocs, what is the best branch for a well paying civilian job after completing my service, for context my major right now is relg studies plus maybe bio.
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I leave for Future Soldier Preparatory Course for the fitness aspect on the 21st, has anyone gone through it recently? There’s not a whole lot of information on it online, I was just wondering what it’s like, and what to expect. Do you get issued all of your gear since you will be going to bmt after? What is reception like? Any and all information and tips is greatly appreciated!
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So my husband is going to meps next week. he has 2 different sets of scars on his left arm. He works at a mobile home plant building houses. One was from when he got caught on a nail so it's a little deeper looking and another was from some sheet metal at work. He didn't disclose it to his boss because he works on a line and it would've put his team behind so he just put some bandaids on it and went about his day and cleaned it up when he got home. This was about 1-2 years ago. What is his meps experience going to be like? They aren't self harm obviously but we've heard horror stories about the doctors at meps not believing people and DQ them. He honestly forgot about telling his recruiter and his recruiter has already sent in all his medical history and got him scheduled for meps. Should he still go ahead and tell his recruiter or just wait and disclose it at meps?
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Should i go in as 17c or try my luck at ocs?
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I'm currently in process Enlisting in the Reserve, while holding an associate's degree in mechanical engineering technology, with some side education in programming. While I am working towards my bachelor's degree, I'm looking to pick an MOS that will help my career, or at the very least, be interesting. I don't remember my scores, but my Recruiter told me whatever I pick, my score won't be the limiting factor.
Top of the list for career jobs is 15 series, from what I've heard from currently enlisted in my friend group, wrenching on aircraft in general is a fast track to a cushy job on the outside with my education. 25 series looks boring but useful as anything IT/electrical complements my degree. On the more interesting side, I was looking at 91 series, either 91F or 91P.
Am I going anywhere wrong with any of these jobs? Anything I should be keeping in mind?
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25D or 35T I just wonder which MOS would be better for career. I am really interested in IT. I know 25D is not entry MOS. Let’s say you meet requirements for both MOS. If you stay as enlisted side, what would you recommend?
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I’m heading to ait now at fort Moore for 91M do I get my phone and am I in a dorm how is that like
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Hi all,
I am a permanent resident here is the US, and last week I finished my ASVAB mock test with a 95 on my AFQT. The recruiter says I am eligible for everything that doesn't require a security clearance which is kind of a problem as my dream MOS are the 35-series and 17-series (As both of these are locked behind clearance requirement)
After some thinking, I narrow down to the following, but there are still too many so I hope I can get your feedback on what I am doing. My aims are: a/I want something that will translate into the civilian world well if my time in the army doesn't go well, b/I want an MOS that can advanced through warrant or becoming a commission officer if my time in the army does go well, and c/I want to push myself to the limit and break out of my comfort zone to see where I can go. If I sound arrogant, please forgive for that: I am just trying to be as careful as possible. I am nearly reaching my thirty, and I want to take deliberate steps because I no longer have the luxury of youth and family to try and fail.
The MOS are:
11-series, 12B and 12D: I have a soft spot for these despite knowing they don't translate into the civilian world. But in my heart somewhere is a wild child that wants to test my physical prowess and wants to blow things up. I do know my knees and lower back will hate me for picking this.
15 series: With exceptions to 15C, 15J, and other works related to flying or being mechanics of sensitive equipment, I can be an aircraft technicians. I read that there are demands for airplane mechanics but I don't know much about this field other than a/I got to repair planes, b/people seem to hate it because you have to sign a long contract if you become a warrant.
68A: I did see this MOS getting recommended a lot but after reading its description, I am not very sure if I want to do it either both in the army or afterwards. I must also admit I don't have a good insights onto the day to day life of this job. Can someone shed some light about this MOS for me?
68C: Becoming a nurse seems like a very safe choice out of the military given that the BLS projects nurse to be in high demand and being able to take care of your family sounds like a big plus to me; however, I don't know if I like being a nurse. My parents were doctors, and having seen the hospital environment I can say I am not a fan. I also look into 68A but BLS prospect for it didn't seem good, and the training on 68E, 68D, and 68V look a little bit too short. Do you really become a dental assistant just with 10 weeks of training?
68W: I must admit, I have a soft spot for 68W as it allows me to be both learn some medical skills and be on the field. However, I do notice that 68W only translates to paramedic/EMT post-army, while 68C translates to becoming a nurse (which is more valued and regarded as "better" than paramedic or EMT and thus in higher demand)
88H, 92A, 92F, and 92Y: I pick these because, according to BLS, there is a projected increase need for people in warehousing and transportation. From my limited understanding of the fields, you will be in charge of handling logistics such as maintaining unit inventory, ordering supplies and weapons for your units, etc. but I am not very sure on the difference between, say, 92Y and 92A.
So, can you give me a suggestions? May anyone who has been in these MOS share their experience to help me pick? What are some of the MOS I miss?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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Is the 09m program ending at the end of may?
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How does one secure a religious exemption before basic training? My recruiter said we would talk about it down the line but it’s getting down to the wire and I’d rather it not get forgotten.
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Hi my duty station is at JBLM I’ll hopefully be there around May of 2025. I still have too go through basic and AIT but I was hoping that I could get some info about the barracks and hopefully get in touch with some of the people that are getting stationed/ already stationed There that are aviation, specifically 15Y. Thank you
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How can i improve my chances of success after the military?
I'm going to meps in 2 weeks and im shooting for a 25 series mos. 25H was what was available at the recruiters after i took my practice asvab. I'm not the brightest bulb but, hey, I'll take it. Aside from college ,which i want to continue to pursue throughout my time in the army (or after depending on my mental fortitude once i'm actually in,) how can i set myself up for success in the civilian world? Any input from past 25h or 25 series who somehow translated their career into decent paying jobs will be much appreciated.
I'll add I'm only joining the army for the college benefits and free training as i come from a poor household and have no other feasible way to pay for it.
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Hello everyone,
I was recently laid off from a $64k job, and honestly, I'm not too upset. I was already feeling burnt out and unhappy, staying primarily for the promised educational benefits to facilitate a career change, which obviously fell through with the job loss. Now, I'm considering my options and the military as a new path has been sounding appealing to an extent. The VA loan and GI Bill are particularly enticing because they would help me pursue a degree without getting into debt, and enabling the career change I've been considering. And the thought of being able to buy a house at this age/economy seems awesome.
At 28, I'm weighing the implications of joining now, especially considering the pay cut and spending four years AD without the guarantee of going overseas which for me would make it much more worthwhile. Also, I'd likely be one of the older members among younger peers, which is another factor to consider. My entry rank would be E3 due to my associate degree told by the Air force recruiter I met, but I'll need a moral waiver for a misdemeanor I had at 18, which might limit my job options not to mention she told me I would have to be at the disposal of whatever the Air Force wanted me to do? Which I am assuming means that I could enlist for one thing that they tell me nope get your doing this.The Air Force recruiter told me that I would be just fine and I would be able to get in as long as my ASVAB score is high enough.
I'm torn about whether to commit to AD and save myself or a longer term in the military via reserves but still stuck in the same loop of feeling in fulfilled, unable to afford university and in a place I would rather leave. Insights from anyone who joined the military later or faced similar decisions would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for any advice!
P.S I am also ok with the idea of the military as a career as I would still be able to retire earlier than many of my peers if I pursue the 20 year route..
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I’m reenlisting at the end of this month (was NG but going active). My husband is also active and I was wondering how likely is it that I can be in the same battalion as my husband? I know married couples aren’t supposed to work directly together but would that still be considered “working together”?
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Hi All, I'm 23F graduating college with my bachelor's in international relations at the end of July. I speak intermediate Spanish and would be open to learning more languages. I am looking for a mos that doesn't restrict me to behind a desk or sitting on my ass all day. I was thinking of something intelligence related. I would appreciate any advice/help.
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So i have hemorrhoids right now and I go to MEPS monday. I have a Drs visit from about 2 years ago where she prescribed me the cream to use. The cream says to only use it when you have hemorrhoids. I still have the cream. Will I pass MEPS if I bring that the Dr visit. or should I get a new one the day before? It's Saturday so my recruiter won't answer.
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So I enlisted on Friday. (25H) and I ship to BT in August. I’ve made my mind up before enlisting that I was going to make a career out of it. So now I’m here before you all to ask… what’s some advice you could give someone looking to do 20. Like what’s steps would you take if you could go back to make the most of your Army career? I remember my dad who served in the navy would always say “choose your rate choose your fate” and I think I started off on the right foot. Any suggestions to help make the correct steps in my new career path?
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Going back in. Needing some suggestions on different MOS.
So when I was in the first time I was a 25U. I was 16 when I swore in to secure my mos and left at 18YO. I’ve decicided to go back in. Im picking between 19 jobs, I qualify for all of them as I keep my old asvab scores. I scored over a 105 in everything so I have a pretty big list to pick from. These jobs have good jobs outside of the army and that’s my angle, I know 25U translates to a good job outside of the army but it’s not my cup of tea. So any info on the jobs in the army and civilian life for these mos would be greatly appreciate. The jobs are: 68L 68X (specifically because I want to help vets who are/have suffered) 88H 35F 25B 35M 35G 35L 88K 88N 88U 27D 31E 12M 15Q 15N 25U 88L 88M
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Already signed my contract but I really really wanna change my MOS by the time I ship out for BCT in mid-July, what would be the best way to approach and ask my recruiter to change my MOS? The one that I want is really in demand (19K) so maybe that might help?
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Background: Greencard holder, 6yr+ experience in IT field. No degree. Married.
Always wanted to join the military and finally have the opportunity to do so.
What I want to experience from the military;
I want the opportunity to grow in the IT field and have military experience and later on attain a contractor job in overseas installations. Very interested in being able to move overseas for a few years specially Japan.
My biggest interest is to grow in my career + experience other countries.
Recruits have also told me that for active duty they are allowing first duty station to be chosen because the army apparently has a shortage of people joining so they want to motivate people to join by allowing them to choose duty stations. This has made me consider going active IF they aren't lying about this + the job security has always been a plus to me.
My primary plan was :
Going reserve, getting my citizenship while in basic training, changing my mos to 25B then finding government contracting job overseas preferably (Japan) and changing my unit to Japan to drill there (Camp Zama). Overall my biggest goal is to move overseas and be in the IT field.
What is the best route? Advice is greatly appreciated in advance:)
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I want to enlist as a 19D Wont be for a year or so still but trying to do my research and evrything and make sure this is what i want, So far it looks like it is but i have a couple of questions that i need answering before i decided to enlist. 1. as a 19D with 19C coming will 19D still be manning Bradleys 2. What are my chances of being assigned to a cav unit i really dont wanna be assigned to an infantry or god knows what else 3. Am i able to enlist as active at 17?
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Is it hard to get a self harm waiver? It happened one time three years ago. My recruiter is pushing for it now
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I'm going to MEPS this week and I was told that the Job I'm really interested in (12w) is rare and to not get my hopes up. I'll be doing research about some other jobs, but if I really want that job should I just wait for a slot to open up or go with alternate choices?
Does anyone have any experience with this job and how often slots show up?
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Vision Waiver Acceptance Probability
So I’m wanting to enlist as an 11x OP 4in the army, went to MEPS a few weeks ago, and am currently waiting on a current injury to be waived. I’m just kind of worrying about my vision waiver. Recruiter said we have to wait for this to be cleared first, then we can launch the vision waiver.
What’s the probability that a vision waiver will be accepted with Visual Acuity of 20/30 20/50 corrected vision. I understand everything is case to case, I’m just kind of worrying that it’ll end up being denied.
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Is there a list of all the different Options in contracts? Like Option 40, Option 4, Option 19, etc?
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In the process of renegotiating my contract before shipping out and I'm seriously considering 19K (M1 Armor Crewman). Recruiter told me that anyone can volunteer to go to airborne school at BCT and I really want to go airborne but it seems like 19Ks don't really do it as much as other MOS's. Is it true that i will have the opportunity to volunteer myself for airborne school at basic? If not, how can I attend Airborne or any other specialized school as a tanker?
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Leaving for BT in 2wks. First stop Ft Lenwood and then ft sill for AIT. Then off to Ft Drum for my 1st duty station. Can anyone offer insight on what to expect at each location/stage? 13F if it matters. Much appreciated.
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Just reserved mos 88L Water craft engineer.
Was excited at first as I’ve e heard a lot of good things about this mos, but i have a wife, 6yr old and another on the way and am worried that i wont be home that often given this mos. Im supposed to go to meps in 4 days and swear in. Im really not trying to be away from my family all that often. Is this mos bad for family life? Have i made a mistake? Or should i keep it and roll with it. Any recommendations on what i should do?
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Hello, I’m in ROTC right now but I’m about to go to CST. I have been looking into branches as much as possible and am pretty set on ADA but I wanted to ask if anyone here has been on a HIMAD or SHORAD deployment that can give me some insight on what it’s like, more specifically SHORAD but I do want to hear both sides.
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Joining the army
hi, I am 17 turning 18F, and im joining the army and going to boot camp soon. What are some advice or anything you would tell someone before they go to boot camp or thinking about joining the army?
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Hello, I'm currently a high school senior who is interested in joining the ROTC. I've reached out to ROTC recruiters in the colleges that I will be attending however, they never picked up their phones nor responded to their emails after multiple attempts. I've also scheduled appointments with them only for them to not show up multiple times. I've also called the army and they said they would have someone call me but they never did either. I was wondering if anyone could help me get in touch with an ROTC recruiter as I got a few questions about the Army ROTC as well as the process to proceed.
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Can you go to an maritime academy before your service then get it paid when you join? Can you take maritime academy while active duty?
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What are possible first duty stations for Army officers out of ROTC by MOS?
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2024.05.29 02:19 peeta789 Is this a fair quote?

Is this a fair quote?
Vehicle is a 2001 Toyota Highlander 190k miles
submitted by peeta789 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:12 AbdoulayeTarnagda The world is unfair, but I don't care. The onus is on me to fix it anyways. That's why I'll take action, no matter how many times I fail. I'll just keep trying anyways.

No one is coming to save you, in fact, people secretly want you to fail. They would feel a sense of enjoyment knowing that you failed in your goals, because it would make them feel better over not accomplishing their goals.
You're depressed, with no friends, struggling, broke, addicted to social media, porn, you hold resentment towards other people, you suffered a lot, someone called you ugly, you got rejected, you failed your math test...
Welp, no one cares. No one gives a shit.
B-but I-
There's no point in talking more, because no one gives a shit.
The world is unfair. People die unjustly. There's unfair social hierarchies and systems.
It's genetics and luck. I had a bad starting point.
But I was depressed and suicidal.
The black pill doesn't help in the long run because it doesn't matter.
People commit suicide everyday, no one gives a shit. Injustices happen everyday in the world. No one gives a shit. You could have trauma. No one gives a shit. It all comes down to that same conclusion, so why feel self-pity? Why feel sorry for yourself when there's no point?
There's irony about being black-pilled about the black-pilled. Even if there's nothing you can do, and if life is based off luck and genetics, there's nothing you could do about nothing you could do. Those statistics don't actually change anything in your reality.
There's no point in feeling sorry for myself because no one gives a shit.
If you feel depressed and hate your life, the non-politically correct, but the only valid thing you could do, is not give a fuck that you feel depressed, work out, study in school, looksmax, try to solve your problems and move on anyways.
No point in complaining about shit that happened in the past. There's a lot to complain about, but there would be no point. I don't come from privilege. I had it from all angles, in every stage of life.
I could have killed myself when things were low, it was raw luck which is why I'm even typing this, but I don't give a fuck, I don't care. I'm still going to try anyways.
People mocked me, then prove them wrong dumbass.
People make fun of Tate, Peterson, Hamza, Bryan Johnson, Myron Gaines, they get made fun of all of the time, everyone who's trying to make it out of hell gets smoked and shat on, because they, the elites, the matrix, whatever you want to call it, wants to keep society in a polarizing spectrum. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The winners win more, and the losers lose more, they don't want losers to swap to the other side and become winners.
They don't want the fat guy to become fit, the poor guy to become rich, they want to keep the fat, fat, the poor, poor, and the ugly, ugly.
So you have to rebel against that, and strive to improve your looks, your physique, and wealth even if it seems that everything is against you.
The world is unfair, I don't care. The only thing that's possible for me to do is to try, irregardless of every bad thing that happened to me.

submitted by AbdoulayeTarnagda to AbdoulayeTarnagda [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:17 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 245

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 245: A Clockwork Wish
The quiet streets of Hartzwiese stood in contrast to the lights of the many inns, bars and taverns.
Despite its modest size, the town boasted as many drinking establishments as there were adventurers somehow drunk enough to be booted from the guild hall. And yet for all the bright lanterns singing from the windows, they paled in comparison to the moonlight as it graced the steps before me. A white carpet ushering me towards a tavern Apple was now using as a stables, and where I could enjoy a complementary room, courtesy of the fact I now owned it.
But before I could put my day’s labours behind me, there was still an important task I had to do.
The most important.
Rewarding my loyal handmaiden, who throughout these arduous days had remained firm and true as much as the sword by my side.
Indeed, no ill deed went unpunished, and no good service went unrewarded.
Why … she even knew the same.
Stopping before a large fountain in the centre of the town square, Coppelia held her palm out towards me as she eyed the faintly glittering surface.
“Gimme change,” she said brightly.
“I want to toss a coin into the fountain~”
My mouth opened wide.
“E-Excuse me! I know very well you possess coins of your own! Furthermore, I’ll not give you money from our hard earned hazelnut croissant fund merely to quite literally toss it away!”
“It’s not throwing it away. It’s making a wish.”
“A wish?”
“Mmh~ drop a coin into a fountain. Get a wish. An absolute bargain. Haven’t you tried it before?”
“Coppelia, I’ve no need to drop coins into fountains. I ring a bell. That’s how my wishes come true.”
“Well, do you have the bell with you?”
I paused.
“... No.”
“There you go, then! Until you get your bell back, you’ll need to toss away coins for your wishes.”
She beamed with childish expectation, palm still outstretched, fully expecting me to humour her request.
Well, sadly for Coppelia, I was not so easily moved!
Our personal finances went into maintaining a minimal standard of living! And that meant every coin we had to spare went into purchasing premium apples and cinnamon rolls! It would be unconscionable of me to allow it to be spent so frivolously!
I rolled my eyes.
“... Fine, one copper crown,” I said, rummaging through my bottomless pouch. “Really now, this is hardly a djinn you’re bribing. I’m surprised you wish to add to the fountain and not merely scoop up what’s there.”
“Hey! I have standards! … I don’t like copper, it’s less shiny than silver and gold and gets in the way when I rummage through my ill-gotten gains.”
I offered Coppelia a sigh along with the small coin.
She accepted it with a giggle. As she turned to the fountain, the stars twinkled from her eyes more than the surface of the clear water.
It vanished into the depths.
A small proof of our hardship, now given to the fountain to judge and a magpie to steal come the morning.
“And what wish do you hope to acquire through a less shiny copper crown?”
Coppelia merely smiled.
No word left her lips as her turquoise eyes gazed at the fountain’s disturbed surface. She herself was motionless but for the soft wind tugging at the ends of her fluffy golden hair.
And then–she twirled on the spot.
Arms spinning around, she raised them out and stopped like a melodramatic ballerina.
“World domination! I shall subjugate all squishy life under my cute, clockwork heel!”
“Please pick a different wish,” I replied, waving her declaration away as I would a plain chouquette. “World domination has already been chosen by half the world’s rulers. There’s not enough wishes in any fountain to accommodate them all.”
“... Got it! I’ll take an apple strudel!”
“You can wish for something that isn’t already in our possession.”
“In that case, I’ll take an apple strudel from every bakery in the world!”
I nodded. Better. Especially as I was far more dependable than any wishing fountain.
Indeed, as soon as I returned to the Royal Villa, I’d order a squire to go fetch an apple strudel from every bakery in the world as part of some inane quest!
“But what about you?” she asked, never knowing the suffering and hardship her casual request had just caused somebody not me. “Don’t you have any wishes for the totally legitimate wishing fountain?”
I held a hand to my chest, scoffing with a princess’s dignity.
“Ohohoho … for the fountain? No. I’ve no need for a fountain to make my wishes come true, for I have my own strength of purpose. And that is enough to grant all I desire. The prosperity of my kingdom. The health of my family. And the loyalty of my subjects.”
Coppelia leaned towards me, her smile appraising my own.
I reacted with the indignation such scepticism deserved … and also a quick glance around me as I eyed for witnesses.
“... W-Well, if I could maybe have one thing, it would be an opportunity to finish reading my current novels. I have been stuck on the same pages for far too long.”
“That really annoys you, huh?”
“I-It’s terrible, Coppelia! At this rate, I’ll need to re-read some of them … and frankly, it’s enough of a strike against my fragile heart to do so once! There is only so much research a princess can take!”
My loyal handmaiden giggled. She wouldn’t if she knew the dangers that overexposure to the world of bestselling adventure romances could cause. I’d seen noblewomen collapsing at court more often with a copy of Scandals Of The Incorrigible Viscount in hand than any knife to the back.
A moment later–
A second copper crown was casually tossed into the fountain.
“Done~” said Coppelia with a satisfied clap. “I’ve made your wish for you!”
My mouth widened as I stared between the fresh ripples and her mischievous smile.
“E-Excuse me! Didn’t you say you had no copper crowns?”
“I only said I didn’t like them. I never said I didn’t have just the one lying around. Isn’t that great? Now it means we both get our wishes! Apple strudels and scandalous books galore!”
“C-Coppelia! That is an entirely unnecessary waste of a copper crown … and more besides, I could have wished for a dragon’s hoard!”
“I mean, you could. But if you thought people were a problem before, wait until they know you’re even richer than a normal princess. You’d have burglars breaking into your vault even while you’re still busy swimming around in the pile of gold.”
“Please. That happens regardless of whether or not a dragon’s hoard is involved. And if it ever became a true issue, well … I’d simply solve it by hiring a dragon.”
“You’d hire a dragon to guard a dragon’s hoard?”
“Why not? There’s clearly no better proven warden.”
“Yep, that’s true. They’d even guard it against you. How would you get the treasure back?”
“I wouldn’t. It’d simply exist to slowly erase the population of burglars from my kingdom. That would be its true value.”
Coppelia looked up in thought.
“Huh. That sounds suspiciously like something which could work.”
I smiled with quiet pride. But not too quiet. I had my pride, after all.
“Ohohoh … naturally, I’m not only a princess. I’m a genius … but since I’m mostly a princess, this also means ensuring my retainers are rewarded for their service, and bribed concerning any slovenly faces I may have made.”
“Now that’s the level of subtlety I like. Negative numbers.”
“Well, negative numbers is also how I value most fae trinkets. But perhaps you can find worth in it.”
Coppelia clapped her hands together and beamed.
“Ooooh~! I smell souvenirs! Did you steal toiletries on the way out of the Fae Realm?”
“I did not steal toiletries! … although if I’d seen any, I possibly may have!”
“So you stole something else? Like cutlery?”
“Coppelia! I do not steal things whenever I visit a different plane of existence!”
“Why not? Everyone else does.”
“I am not ‘everyone’. Even when abducted, I’m still required to display the regal bearing of my station, representing always my kingdom and my family … and there was no cutlery, either.”
“Wow. You must have had an awful time.”
I gave a grim nod.
No toiletries. No cutlery. Not even a branded napkin.
The next time I was indiscriminately abducted to the Fae Realm, I’d ensure I would wander lost until a stack of towels accidentally fell into my arms.
“It was dire. But while I didn’t return empty handed, it was with nothing drawn from a dragon’s hoard or edible like a mound of apple strudels. Regardless, here is a gift acquired from the Spring Queen to add to your collection of trinkets and doodads I have no wish to know about.”
Thus, I reached into my bottomless bag, sweated as I fished for a slender object, and then retrieved a small ring of jade.
Unlike the crystal ring gifted to me by the Winter Queen and now embellished by her sister, the jade ring was adorned only with a pattern of crystalline vines upon the band, lacking any jewel set upon it.
Even so, Coppelia’s eyes lit up like a twin pair of moons.
She pointed at herself.
“Wait, is that for me?”
“Indeed, it is. You may have it.”
“Eh … ehhh?! It actually looks expensive, though! I was expecting something like a postcard!”
I raised a brow.
“If you’d prefer a postcard, I’m sure I could ask for one instead.”
Coppelia appeared speechless. Something so impossible not even a fountain could grant it.
Blinking in disbelief, she reached out and accepted the ring. Without putting it on, she held it against the moonlight, studying its finish.
“Ooooh~ it’s so shiny! … Will I blow up if I wear it?”
“No.” I paused. “At least, I don’t think so.”
Coppelia stopped as the ring met her finger.
“There’s no need to fear,” I added as I took a step away. “It’s a ring gifted by the Spring Queen, and so is imbued also by her magic.”
“I’m not hearing anything which says I won’t blow up.”
“You won’t blow up. Probably. After all, this thing is still little more than a child’s trinket. It contains a single favoured plaything from her court of dreams. The very swing she sat upon during our meeting.”
“The swing?”
“The swing. I believe it functions similarly to the bed. Why not try summoning it in the same manner?”
Deciding she’d paid enough tribute to caution, Coppelia popped the ring on.
She studied herself to ensure she hadn’t melted, before raising her hand in curiosity.
“Sooooo … do I just need to say [Summon Swing] and–woooaahh!!”
The moment the words left her lips, she was lifted from the ground as a swing of crystalline leaves and vines appeared where she stood, seating her automatically in the process. Against the dour backdrop of Hartzwiese’s decidedly human streets, it shone with as much vividness as the Spring Queen’s mirror-like wings.
Coppelia blinked, her eyes wide as she wrapped her hands around the ropes of crystallised vines.
And then–
She began to swing.
With only the rustling of her clothes and the fluttering of her hair to disturb the quiet scenery, she proceeded to test the Spring Queen’s plaything, wasting little time before she began to swing like a pendulum, backwards and forwards at greater speeds.
She did not say a word, nor voice any thoughts, and although she wore a smile upon her face, it was no different to one she regularly affixed upon herself.
A moment of doubt struck me.
“N-Naturally, it’s rather unorthodox as a gift. It is no great heirloom or weapon, and rather impractical so far as useful function is concerned. But I imagine the ring itself is worth some value. If you do not want it, I’m certain some curio collector would pay for its novelty value. Regardless, please consider it as a bonus.”
Suddenly, Coppelia leapt off the swing in mid-flight. She skipped a few steps owing to the momentum, yet still pirouetted effortlessly on one foot as she twisted around to face me.
Her widening smile was the only warning I received.
Because the next moment …
I experienced the sensation of being hoisted off my feet.
Oh no.
Wrapping her arms around my waist, she easily lifted me up.
A feeling I’d experienced once before. And one I had not forgotten. Terror mixed with only the tiniest drop of excitement met me as I was promptly swung like an errant pillow.
“C-Coooppeeeliaaaa!! M-My priiiinnceess imaaggee!!”
With a girlish smile, Coppelia paid no heed to my meek and delicate cry as she twirled on the spot.
Around and around, my hair billowed behind me as all the town became a blur which helped to hide the many holes and cracks in the walls and windows, until somehow, the other side of my hair became known to the opposite side of my face.
Just as I felt the world beginning to take on entirely new colours, she came to a stop.
She placed me down, continuing to smile as I waved away her supporting hands. I stumbled as I chased equilibrium, all the while blowing the many strands of my dark hair away from my mouth. My fingers instinctively went into emergency combing mode.
“I-It seems … uughh … you enjoy … the gift … uuuh … I’m … I’m pleased …”
Coppelia stepped back, arms behind her back as she gave another twirl, this time mercifully without me attached. Like a maiden in a meadow, she lightly skipped around her new magically summoned fae swing, examining its fine spring motifs and crystalline details, before finally turning to me once again.
I leaned away, not least because there were now several versions of her before me.
“Thankies~” she said brightly. “I like this a lot!”
I held my tummy, making sure nothing terrible was about to happen before I replied.
“You’re … uugh … you’re welcome …”
She gave a giggle of amusement at my expense, then seated herself on her new swing once again.
For my part, I rather desperately eyed the direction of my kingdom’s latest acquisition. A tavern which possessed very helpful walls. Even if I had no intention on using the beds within them.
After all–
It wasn’t only Coppelia who had reason to smile tonight.
Indeed … I also had a new and improved bed to enjoy!
Now that my minor detour to this corner of my countryside was complete, my only remaining task was to thoroughly and objectively test the Spring Queen’s magic for myself.
Yes … it was time to indulge my face in the Winter Queen’s pillow once again! To hug a silken duvet now gifted with the scent of an eternal meadow! A moment to thoroughly reward myself as I purposefully shoved any and all dangerous thoughts of tomorrow to the wayside!
And nothing, I knew, could disturb me from my slumber!
That ominous feeling I’d forgotten something important?
Why … I barely even felt it!
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:57 sikuaqisnotslovenian since the event is over, here's my personal tier list. share your opinions / agreements / disagreements if you'd like!

since the event is over, here's my personal tier list. share your opinions / agreements / disagreements if you'd like!
this isn't me ranking these off one specific criteria, just an amalgamation of my thoughts. let's start.
(Arsenal) this one is the crème de la crème. uses their original gameplay style to create a run & gun level that's fun & goofy, even has replayability to complete all the levels. kudos to the flood escape reference too! so many other Easter eggs that made me chuckle, like the war game relic gun.
(Bee Swarm Simulator) there's not much for me to say here. playing the event made me feel like I was blown back to the era of people creating a lot with a little in terms of developing resources. it was really cute, and pretty easy to go through too, you don't have to do a perfect run
(A Dusty Trip) I didn't expect a lot from this, cause I knew it was just a Roblox knockoff of a steam game that ive heard of before, but playing this with my friend proved to be a lot more fun than expected. we almost lost our car on the heights bridge but shoved it back up by clipping a tire under it, real exhilarating content. I loved the feel of driving past old relics of Roblox Classic architecture. had a perfectly suitable climax.
(Tower Defense Simulator) this was really fun and even had its own little storyline. the Guest scout skin is super cute and has its own interactions that I love seeing, and it perfectly follows the classic theme. my only critique is that it's a bit overturned and might turn away new players who are unfamiliar with the tower defense genre
(Clip It) I'm gonna be honest I first entered this game, walked around it for a few minutes, then left and moved on to another. I'm sure many other had the same interaction. but after coming back to it with a friend who knew all the locations, it was really fun walking around and recording goofy joke clips with eachother. the directions given are pretty confusing, uninforming, and honestly a little misleading too, but once you get past that it's pretty alright. would not play this game after the event ends, though. I hate Tiktok
(Gunfight Arena) alright this one is pretty goofy. you run around a classic themed map and use classic themed weapons to pelt your probably botted opponents with. I don't think it was necessarily designed very well, but it was extremely funny at the time, rekindled my inner 8 year old spawnkilling the enemy team with no quarter. it also took a lot less time than it should have because I figured out self kills counted as weapon kills, which I also found hilarious. Perhaps this game is ranked highly for me, for the wrong reasons
(Driving Empire) I first hated how grindy this one was, but it warmed up to me and I found it pretty fun spinning out of control with my friends. I even found myself enjoying testing out different vehicles configurations. I do have to admit this would be a lot more boring and tedious without a friend along you, and I'm upset at the model of allowing you to pay robux to finish the event sooner.
(Blade Ball) This one, while having an interesting boss fight with classic references in its mechanics, gets lowered from just how kind of tedious it is. It's completely reliant on finding the right maps & having them voted for, it doesn't play well on low ping connections, and the boss can be wildly unfair with a combination of jailing you in place & pelting you with strong attacks you can't avoid. The event is easier to do if you server hop to smaller servers to blow through rounds faster, and I personally think that's a signifier of poor design.
(Dragon Adventures) This was actually my first game played in the event. it took me a second to figure out how to do the event, but once I did it didn't take too long. it's a bit RNG with finding the TIX eggs, but it's really not that bad. my biggest problem is the flying controls. being purely camera-angle based made me feel nautious after throwing my camera up and down to change elevation.
(Toilet Tower Defense) This one gets memed on a ton, but it's honestly not that bad. You can knock it out through a couple rounds, though you'll want to beg for towers in the general chat or manage to summon your own, else it might slog more for you. But also I hear they nerfed the requirements on the last couple days, so it's possible I got the "better" experience. ymmv
(Dress to Impress) while I love this game, this event was pretty lackluster. a generic TIX hunt, then an obby that felt incomplete, and only vaguely resembled the classic theme. since it's one of the easiest to complete, I don't really hate it, but it's dangerously close to the category below.
(Restaurant Tycoon 2) alright I'm gonna tell you my experience with this game. I searched up the TIX locations, got them all, then afk'd in my restaurant for an hour. I mean the TIX hunt was kind of cute but the tokens were a slog to get, and I can't imagine doing this event without a previously made restaurant to carry me. if any of you 100%'d this as a new player, please tell me your experience, id like to know
(Adopt Me) Adopt me is just another TIX hunt and a grind fest. You have to level up your classic pet to adult, which takes way longer than I'd like it to, especially with the lack of content required besides walking around every 6 minutes or so. the only thing that made this tolerable for me is that I was doing Genshin dailies on the side.
(Livetopia) Livetopia didn't even try. There's nothing really classic about it, just do some weird delivery job and find TIX around the map afterwards. It wasn't difficult, but also, I don't know what's classic about this at all. Maybe it's the old food & misc models in the store you collect items in? that's a stretch.
(Bed Wars) Hooh boy, where do I start. There's nothing classic about this event at all. The only thing "classic" about it is the TIX you find around the lobby. The actual gamemode itself is incredibly hostile to new players. Even with a friend group of 3 you'll find yourself struggling to 100% the event. Good luck if you're alone, because the randoms you queued with are probably children on mobile devices unable to contribute any meaningful amount, and certainly not able to coordinate with you (not that it's the fault of these kids, but you shouldn't have to be relying on others this intensely.) Bed Wars was the final game I had to complete im the event, and I was just never able to. I can knock out maybe three penguins before dying and losing all of my currency, and by that time they're already at your bed, and you lose the round. Not only is this absurdly frustrating for anyone that's not a Bed Wars Elite Champion, it's a horrible way to introduce new players to your game. This should be in "Minecraft: The Classic" instead of the event it starred in now.
That's all folks, thanks for listening. Hope the future events get better quality control, or better yet, Roblox creating their own content for their users. Regardless, this was still a lot of fun and I'd love to see more events. This obviously is just a way to boost player counts & generate revenue from the absurdly expensive merch in the lobby, but I'd rather it exist than not, because I'd love more people to be introduced to the feel of what Roblox used to be like. The lobby was phenomenal, too.
submitted by sikuaqisnotslovenian to roblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:55 msbehaviour DAE Use Nootropics for managing ADHD?

I've been exploring the use of nootropics for years, and been using a combination of L-Tyrosine + Caffeine as a boost before mental or physical workouts. It's in a lot of pre-workout powders, but I prefer to mix the powder from half a 500mg gelcap with a coffee.
Personally, I find the effects are similar but better to Ritalin which makes me hyper-sensitive. I've also used L-Theanine, which is extracted from green tea to wind my brain down at night.
Has anyone else had any positive effects using either of these amino acids to manage their ADHD?
I'm a science reporter, not a doctor, so I can only describe not prescribe these. However here's some of the research behind their use:

L-Tyrosine and ADHD

However, it's important to note that L-tyrosine and caffeine are not proven ADHD treatments. They should be considered complementary aids and not replacements for standard medications like Adderall. Consulting a doctor before using supplements for ADHD is recommended.L-Tyrosine and ADHD.

L-Theanine and ADHD

L-theanine may help manage ADHD symptoms in the following ways:
Improving Focus and Attention
Decreasing Impulsivity
Promoting Relaxation and Sleep
However, the evidence is still limited, especially from large-scale studies. More research is needed to fully validate L-theanine's efficacy for ADHD. It should be considered a complementary option and not a replacement for standard ADHD medications without consulting a doctor.
submitted by msbehaviour to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:30 Ohmyus Second instance of I2C using the Arduino IDE?

Hello guys! I've wanted to improve my HOTAS' joystick for a long time (for those not in the know, it's just a fancy way to say flightstick) so I've designed and built something that I've come to be quite proud of.
(Note for the mods, if this post doesn't belong here, I'll take it down or change the flair or whatever action is required)
My issue comes now with the electronics for this project, essentialy I've found a library that allows the Raspberry pi pico to act as an HID device, exactly how I want it. This library is for the official mbed RP2040 Arduino boards (sorry if I didn't get the naming right, I'm just saying that I can't use Earlephilhower's fantastic arduino core).
The sensors that measure the joystick's position are two MT6701 magnetic angle encoders, the design already incorporates them, and the communication protocol is I2C. Now, both sensors have the same addres, and despite their datasheet saying that it is programmable, I've not found any way to change it. Fortunately, the rp pi pico has two I2C buses that can be used at the same time. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work on my board. I'm not using pull-up resistors, maybe that's the mistake, but I have been able to communicate with one sensor using the wire method and connecting SDA and SCL to GPIO's 4 and 5 respectively.
I'm attaching the code to the post, so anyone can go through it, and help me troubleshoot what's wrong.
Here's what I've achieved so far:
And what still needs troubleshooting is:
I've scoured the internet searching for some clear documentation on how to go about this, but nothing has worked so far, so in this predicament, I present these issues to you. Hopefully, someone has already ran into this, and there's a solution or a workaround.
#include  #define WIRE1_SDA 2 // Use GP2 as I2C1 SDA - doesn't work? #define WIRE1_SCL 3 // Use GP3 as I2C1 SCL - doesn't work? arduino::MbedI2C Wire1(WIRE1_SDA, WIRE1_SCL); int encoderAddress = 0x06; //Defautl address of the MT6701 magnetic encoder, don't know yet how to change it unsigned int lowbyte, highbyte, rawAngle; float auxiliary, degAngle; #define register_1 0x03 #define register_2 0X04 void setup () { Wire.begin(); Wire1.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop () { getAngle0(); Serial.print(""); getAngle1(); Serial.println(" "); } //function to get the angle from the encoders, has been tested on arduino pro micro. void getAngle0() { Wire.beginTransmission(encoderAddress); Wire.write(register_1); Wire.write(register_2); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(encoderAddress, 2); if(Wire.available() <= 2) { highbyte =; lowbyte =; } highbyte = highbyte << 6; lowbyte = lowbyte >> 2; rawAngle = highbyte lowbyte; auxiliary = rawAngle; degAngle = 360*auxiliary/16384; //Serial.print("Y: "); Serial.print(degAngle); } void getAngle1() { Wire1.beginTransmission(encoderAddress); Wire1.write(register_1); Wire1.write(register_2); Wire1.endTransmission(); Wire1.requestFrom(encoderAddress, 2); if(Wire1.available() <= 2) { highbyte =; lowbyte =; } highbyte = highbyte << 6; lowbyte = lowbyte >> 2; rawAngle = highbyte lowbyte; auxiliary = rawAngle; degAngle = 360*auxiliary/16384; //Serial.print("X: "); Serial.print(degAngle); } 

submitted by Ohmyus to raspberry_pi [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:12 Dull-String4883 PN Comprehensive Predictor 2023. Email at

submitted by Dull-String4883 to NursingStudent [link] [comments]