What to say on a preschool progress report

it's the most important meal of the day

2011.06.13 01:14 Britannica it's the most important meal of the day

A place for breakfast aficionados to share their love for all things breakfast.

2012.02.22 03:42 arnib Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is way of eating that restricts *when* you eat, usually on a daily or weekly schedule. People engage in IF to reap the many benefits to health, fitness, and mental clarity. This is a place to share success, support each other, ask questions, and learn. IF is an 18+ community because the practice is not medically recommended to/for children.

2010.12.18 21:05 mtux96 Retail Hell - A Community of Support for Retail Workers

Retail Hell is a place for workers in the retail space to come together and support each other. Vent about your bad experience. Bitch about your boss. Tell us a heartwarming story about the customer who turned your day around. Post a funny meme.

2024.06.10 08:40 voidinnate What can I do about my progressive, LGBT muslim friend?

Since last year I have this friend at university who I honestly don't really like anymore, but I don't know how to end the friendship with her because it will cause a stir between the other (non muslims) in my friend group.
She is muslim and she wears the hijab, she says phrases like "Ya Allah" "Alhamdulillah" etc and in rare occasions we briefly talked about religious stuff. But from the day I met her she revealed to me that she is 1. Lesbian and 2. Transgender, female-to-non-binary. When we first met she asked me if I was homophobic, and because I didn't know any better about LGBT in Islam I suddenly answered "no", and she told me "thank goodness because a lot of hijabis are homophobic". She constantly makes remarks like "Happy June (aka pride month)!" and queer jokes like "Oh she's definitely gay..." and "Women 💖" and whatever else. For some inclass presentations she outright chooses to talk about her sexuality and queerness with no shame, and as a Muslim it was so embarrassing for me to here because she is muslim herself and she's saying all of this in a majority non-muslim classroom!
But what really annoys me is her progressive, western-centred feminism from twitter dedicated to putting men and straight people down. Like whenever there is talk about a man and and a woman being together her first immediate thought is "straight people", or if there are relationship problems between a man and a woman she would say "are the straights okay?", as well as other derogatory comments like "Straight people are so boring" and this one time she outright made negative comments about straight people with another friend right in front of me while I had earphones in, and I knew this because right after she said those comments she immediately looked at me, nervously laughed and said sorry, but then continued the conversation anyway. this one time she even asked if I was a misogynist because I didn't like this one popular female fictional character (who is straight up arrogant and rude), she said it in a joking manner but it still annoyed me a lot. whenever someone is of the norm and not gay or whatever she jumps up to make comments about them to put them down, but I can't even say anything that goes against her or I'll be seen as "homophobic" or whatever other label.
as for her comments about men, whenever a man does something wrong she's quick to jump and make mean remarks about his gender, she asked me how I could "possibly talk to men" (referring to my male peers) just because they made a joke, she would tell women (not in real life, but referring to photos of women, fictional or not) to run away from her man because he's a man, i honestly can't remember much because I try to push these out of my head but she is a straight up misandrist and I'm tired of hearing these comments and expecting me to agree with her. the most I can do is stay silent.
and the WORST part about all of this is that she doesn't even seem proud to be a muslim! She was forced to wear hijab by her parents so I simply sympathised with her and didn't think much of it. When I invited her to go pray she would say she'll pray at home, but when the hours got really late she wasn't worried about prayer at all even when the next azan was about to come. Recently when the lecturer was talking about religion (particularly Islam) she would say "not again" or put more emphasis/make more comments on the religious comments the lecturer made instead of anything else the lecturer said, and when the Syariah law was brought up she would cover her ears make this annoying cry to avoid hearing the lecturer talk about religion, then she straight up told me that she's not very religious. I don't understand how she could be using phrases associated to Allah e.g. "Ya Allah" and then turn around and say that!
TLDR: She's fully supportive of LGBT and is part of it herself, she's a misandrist who's obsessed with women and constantly makes remarks about men, and she clearly has negative thoughts about the religion she's in (I get that she might have some trauma associated with it because she was forced to wear hijab, but to be so open about it infront of everyone in a non-muslim majority university instead of actually working on it???).
What should I do about her? Guide her, cut her off? If I cut her off, how should I go about it? If I tell her I'm not supportive of LGBT she might tell my other friends (some of whom are also queer but are normal and definitely not annoying about it like her + they don't make derogatory comments at all, besides they are non muslims so what they want to do is up to them) and it's going to cause drama and I don't want a negative reputation.
Sorry if my words are confusing, I'm pretty mad writing this + if any of you are GEN Z and aware of these queer jokes and insults about men in progressive spaces (especially on twitter), then you can definitely understand the type of person she is. I really need your help because I don't think I can stand her anymore and I don't want to be a pushover and just let her say all of these things in my presence. Thank you SM for any help!!
submitted by voidinnate to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:37 Popular_Mycologist51 Zappify 2.0 Reviews: Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes with Zappify

Are mosquitoes dampening your outdoor fun? Fear not, as Zappify is here to reclaim your outdoor spaces from these buzzing nuisances. This state-of-the-art anti-mosquito lamp not only attracts and traps mosquitoes and bugs but also eliminates them without the use of harmful chemicals. With Zappify, say farewell to pesky insects and hello to enjoyable outdoor moments.
Zappify Official Website Up To 25% Off
What is Zappify?
Zappify stands out as a revolutionary device in the realm of mosquito control, transcending the capabilities of traditional traps through its safety and efficiency. Unlike conventional methods that often rely on chemicals, Zappify harnesses advanced technology to attract, trap, and eradicate flying insects naturally, promoting a healthier environment for both you and the planet.
The Technology Behind Zappify
At the core of Zappify’s effectiveness is its innovative light-based technology that draws mosquitoes into a trap where they are eliminated. This method is completely chemical-free, making Zappify an environmentally friendly option for pest control. Its cutting-edge design specifically targets mosquitoes, shielding you and your loved ones from the vectors of mosquito-borne diseases while ensuring that your outdoor experiences remain undisturbed.
Design and Functionality
Zappify is not just a tool; it's a user-centric solution designed to enhance your outdoor lifestyle. It features a compact, portable build and a rechargeable battery that delivers extensive protection, lasting through the night. This makes Zappify a perfect companion for any outdoor setting, from backyard BBQs to wilderness camps.
Benefits of Zappify
How Does Zappify Work?
Zappify utilizes the principle of phototaxis, an innate attraction that mosquitoes have towards light. The device emits ultraviolet light to lure mosquitoes. Once they are drawn in, Zappify’s clever trapping mechanism ensures they are captured and eliminated. This seamless integration of attraction and capture technology forms a protective barrier around your outdoor spaces, creating a mosquito-free zone.
Using Zappify
To maximize the effectiveness of Zappify, follow these simple steps:
Customer Reviews and Experiences
Customers have praised Zappify for transforming their outdoor spaces. Reports highlight its effective mosquito control, user-friendly design, and the enhanced outdoor experiences it facilitates. The device’s ability to maintain mosquito-free zones has been particularly appreciated, allowing users to enjoy their outdoor activities without interruptions.
Pricing and Availability
Zappify is affordably priced and readily available online, offering various packages to suit different needs and preferences. Additionally, it comes with a solid refund policy, underscoring the manufacturer's confidence in its effectiveness and commitment to customer satisfaction.
With its innovative approach to mosquito control, Zappify is more than just a gadget; it’s a comprehensive solution that brings peace of mind and enhances outdoor enjoyment. By combining safety, efficiency, and convenience, Zappify stands as the ultimate choice for anyone looking to improve their outdoor experiences. So why wait? Embrace Zappify today and turn your patios, gardens, and campsites into safe havens free from mosquitoes.
submitted by Popular_Mycologist51 to Usertested [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:31 oxcyde_boi Ongoing intermittent connection (LOS light on) for almost 6 mos.

Apologies for the wall of text. I tried to summarize the events I had to go through for the past months.
I'm a Fiber X 1500 subscriber. The issue started back at the end of December 2023 wherein the modem's (old non-5G capable model) LOS light goes up and the connection gets cut around midnight and then it goes back around 7 or 8 the following morning. Prior to this, the only connection interruptions I had experienced were sparse and far apart and they usually get resolved in a day. Around this time, I didn't mind the issue and thought that maintenance was just being done in the area. Another important point is that there are two Converge lines in the same household, just in different rooms, and only mine experiences this issue.
The issue went on throughout the entire January until I have decided to report it and give Tech a call; since the issue happened during late nights, my usage wasn't badly affected. During the first site visit, the technician recalibrated the modem and replaced a part inside the modem. The modem recalibration didn't resolve the issue as it happened again later on that same night.
During the calls I did from February to April, CS detected that my modem was "unlocated" and did an "adjustment" on their end (as what they usually say in email replies). Another technician offered to replace the old modem with a 5G capable one for free. The replacement did not help resolve the problem at all. On top of this, I called CS several times on different dates after that and they kept on saying that their system shows "unlocated" as the status of my new modem despite being calibrated right away after installation.
During another site visit in May, another technician suggested that my line should be transferred to a different hub, so I had it requested through CS through the next site visit. The line was transferred and the issue appeared to be resolved, but the problem happened again the following night. However, I thought that the issue was fully resolved when I had more than a week of good and continuous connection.
Apparently, that wasn't the case as just last week, I experienced another LOS, except this time, there were nights where my connection gets cut as early as 1 in the afternoon or 6 in the evening, yet still going back to normal the following morning. I had this reported once again to CS (at this point, my calls to them are more frequent than ever and done as soon as I get my connection back from an LOS) and to my surprise, one agent mentioned that my modem is once again unlocated.
Another agent I talked to after that said that the unlocated issue was fixed, although I am doubtful because I probably must have primed them about it and just told me that it was resolved. I requested another site visit to find another solution, however, during the usual heads up call I get for the site visit, the technician just advised me to observe the issue and give them a call in case it happens again until 5pm that day and opted to not continue with the visit. As per them, they could not attend to the issue unless the modem is currently experiencing an LOS (I gave the technician a quick rundown of the issue and the attempted solutions prior to this) and just give CS another call to create another ticket in case it happens past that time.
Now in the present time, just this morning, I gave CS another call and advised them about what the technician told me (the first two calls either got dropped or I was put on hold until the line was put down). At this point, I have no idea what other resolutions they'll do as neither CS nor the technicians provided another concrete step aside from just assuring me that there's still something they could do. I suspect that if this kind of interaction and endorsement continues, I will just be put into a loop.
Key points:
submitted by oxcyde_boi to ConvergePH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:25 Express_Tea6056 POV: from Broke to Boss - Hilarious Tips You Need To Know

Hey, Money Squad! It's Money Psyche here, and I'm thrilled to have you back for another exciting episode. TODAY! we're diving deep into a topic that often gets a bad rap for being a bit... well, yawn-inducing: ‘’BUDGETING’’ But fear not! because we're about to turn budgeting into the most entertaining party you've ever attended!!!
Now, I know what you're thinking - budgeting and fun don't usually go hand in hand, but we're about to change that perception. Why? Because managing money should be as enjoyable as finding money in your pocket you didn't know you had!
So, grab your favorite snack, get comfy, and let's embark on this laughter-filled journey through the basics of budgeting. But first, if you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell so you never miss out on our financial adventures. Alright, let's kick things off with the fundamental question: Why budget at all? Well, it's like having a roadmap for your financial journey. It helps you stay on track, avoid detours, and reach your money goals with a smile on your face.
Now, let me share a personal story of a budgeting blunder that turned into a comedy of errors. Trust me, we've all been there, and I'm here to prove that budgeting mishaps can be hilarious in hindsight.
Picture this: it's a typical Saturday morning, you're feeling like a financial superhero armed with your budgeting spreadsheet, ready to conquer the month. But then, life throws you a curveball. You decide to treat yourself to a fancy coffee at the trendiest cafĂ© in town – a small indulgence, right? Well, turns out, they were having a 'buy one, get one free' special, and who can resist a free coffee? So, naturally, you end up with two artisanal lattes instead of one.
As you sip your overpriced concoction, you glance at your budget app and realize you've blown a hole in your 'caffeine fix' category for the month. Panic sets in, but fear not – our hero, you, decides to reallocate funds from the 'entertainment' category because, let's face it, sipping on this coffee is pure entertainment. Fast forward to the end of the month, and you're left wondering why you couldn't afford that movie night you had planned. Little did you know, your budgeting superhero alter ego had sacrificed cinema for an unexpected caffeine fiesta.
The moral of the story? Budgeting is like navigating a comedy of errors – unexpected plot twists, a few laughs, and the occasional sacrifice for the greater good of financial stability.
Now, let's learn from my caffeinated caper and dive into some practical tips on how to avoid budgeting pitfalls and make the process more enjoyable. Trust me, after today, you'll be able to face any budgeting blunder with a smile and a plan.
So, grab your cape, or coffee mug in this case, and let's continue our laughter-filled journey through the basics of budgeting! ☕💾"Isn't it liberating to know we can laugh about our money missteps? It's all part of the journey, and today, we're going to explore some practical tips and tricks to make budgeting stress-free and, dare I say it, enjoyable.
Stay tuned as we break down the budgeting process into bite-sized, digestible nuggets that even your grandma would find amusing. From categorizing expenses to setting realistic goals, we're going to cover it all. Before we dive in, let me know in the comments your biggest budgeting challenge. Are you team 'I can't stick to a budget' or team 'What's a budget?' We're here to help, and who knows, your comment might just be featured in our next video.
Alright, grab your notepads, get ready to jot down some budgeting wisdom, and let's laugh our way through the basics of budgeting together. It's going to be a wild ride, so let's get started!
Now that we've had a good laugh at my caffeinated caper, let's break down the budgeting process step-by-step, making sure it's as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.

Step 1: Set Clear Financial Goals
First things first, we need to set some clear financial goals. Think of these as your destination on the financial roadmap. Whether it's saving for a vacation, paying off debt, or building an emergency fund, having a goal makes the budgeting process more exciting. Write down your goals and keep them somewhere visible to stay motivated.
Step 2: Track Your Income and Expenses
Next, let's track your income and expenses. I know, I know – this part sounds about as fun as watching paint dry. But here’s where we spice things up. Use colorful charts, fun apps, or even gamify the process. There are fantastic budgeting apps out there that turn expense tracking into a game, making it much more engaging.
Step 3: Categorize Your Spending
Now, let’s categorize your spending. Create categories that fit your lifestyle – essentials like rent and groceries, and fun stuff like dining out and entertainment. Remember to include a ‘fun money’ category. This is your guilt-free spending zone where you can enjoy those lattes without blowing your budget.
Step 4: Set Spending Limits
With your categories in place, it’s time to set spending limits. Here’s a fun tip: think of this as creating a reality TV show challenge. Each category is a contestant, and your goal is to make sure no contestant goes over their allotted budget. If they do, they get ‘voted off’ the island for the month. Keeping it competitive makes it more fun!
Step 5: Monitor and Adjust
As the month progresses, keep an eye on your spending. This is where our earlier coffee shop story comes in handy. If you notice you’re overspending in one category, adjust your budget accordingly. It’s all about flexibility and making sure your budget reflects real life – with all its unexpected plot twists.
Step 6: Celebrate Your Wins
Finally, and most importantly, celebrate your wins! Did you stick to your budget this month? Treat yourself to something small and enjoyable. Achieving your financial goals deserves recognition, so don’t skip this step. Celebrating keeps you motivated and makes budgeting a positive experience.
Alright, Money Squad, that’s a wrap on our laughter-filled journey through budgeting basics. Remember, budgeting doesn’t have to be boring. With the right mindset and a few fun twists, you can make managing your money an engaging and rewarding experience. Before we go, let me know in the comments what your biggest budgeting win has been so far. And if you enjoyed today’s video, don’t forget to hit that like button, share it with your friends, and subscribe for more entertaining financial tips.
Stay tuned for more fun and insightful content right here. Until next time, keep laughing, keep learning, and keep thriving financially. See you soon, Money Squad!
submitted by Express_Tea6056 to u/Express_Tea6056 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:23 Ball34s The Terran Dominion:Beginnings.Chapter 16.The Meeting of Minds

The grand hall of the Qoran palace was a testament to their advanced and artistic civilization. The walls shimmered with a bioluminescent glow, casting an ethereal light over the intricate carvings that depicted the history and achievements of the Qorans. The high ceilings arched gracefully, supported by pillars that seemed to pulse with life, a testament to their bio-engineering prowess.
As Varak and Goru walked through the entrance, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and respect for their hosts. The air was filled with a faint, sweet fragrance, a subtle reminder of the Qorans' ability to manipulate their environment to create a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere.
Zamor led the Drakavian delegation through the hall, his antennae twitching in a rhythm that seemed almost ceremonial. Flanked by his guards, he exuded an air of calm authority.
We are honored to welcome you to our home," Zamor said, his voice resonating with the hum of the palace. "The Qorans believe in mutual respect and cooperation, and we hope this meeting will pave the way for a prosperous alliance."
Varak inclined his head respectfully. "We are equally honored, Zamor. The Drakavian Empire values the strength and wisdom of the Qoran people. We believe that together, we can achieve great things."
They reached a large, oval table made of a translucent material that seemed to glow from within. The Qoran delegates took their seats, their movements fluid and synchronized, a testament to their hive mentality. Varak and Goru followed suit, their expressions composed and focused.
Zamor began the proceedings. "As you know, the Hiyon system holds significant strategic importance. Our people have thrived here, and we have developed technologies and resources that could be of great benefit to the Drakavian Empire. In return, we seek your expertise in military strategy and your advanced weaponry.
Varak nodded thoughtfully. "The Drakavian Empire is prepared to offer our full support in these areas. We have faced many challenges in our conflict with the Terranians, and our experience has honed our strategic capabilities. Additionally, we can provide you with access to our latest technological advancements in weaponry and defense systems."
Goru leaned forward, his eyes meeting those of the Qoran warriors present. "Our military resources are vast, and we are willing to share them with our allies. However, we must ensure that our collaboration is built on trust and mutual benefit. The Drakavian Empire does not seek to dominate but to cooperate as equals."
A murmur of agreement rippled through the Qoran delegation. Zamor's mandibles clicked softly, a sign of contemplation. "Your words are wise, Goru. Trust is indeed the foundation of any successful alliance.
Goru knowing that the Quran knows nothing about humans intervenes. Zamor what we need at this moment is ships and soldiers, the humans enters our territory more and more and we must stop them.
That's right, Vorak replied,we lost many ships fighting them, and we need time to replace the lost ships, says Vorak in a solemn voice.
If we are to give you ships, my people must earn something from it, replied Zamor.
In the meantime the journey to the Beta Lyrae System was swift, the hyperspace engines of the fleet propelling them through the stars with unprecedented speed. On the bridge of the battleship MONTANA, Rear Admiral Carson monitored the status displays, his eyes scanning the data feeds for any signs of trouble. Beside him, his trusted officers and crew prepared for the imminent conflict.
The MONTANA led the vanguard of the Terranian fleet, a formidable array of dreadnoughts, aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, and corvettes following in perfect synchronization. Each vessel was equipped with the latest in Terranian military technology, their weapons primed and ready for battle.
As they approached the Beta Lyrae System, the fleet dropped out of hyperspace, the stars outside the viewports returning to their normal pinpoints of light. The tactical display lit up with the positions of the Drakavian defenses: an array of ships and space stations, their weapons systems active and scanning for threats.
Admiral Darius's voice came over the fleet-wide channel, calm and authoritative. "All ships, this is Admiral Darius. We have arrived at Beta Lyrae. Our objective is clear: disable their defenses and secure the system. Rear Admiral Carson, you have command of the vanguard. Lead us to victory."
Carson straightened, his gaze fixed on the tactical display. "Understood, Admiral. All ships, form up and prepare for combat. Engage at will."
The MONTANA surged forward, its engines roaring as it led the charge. Behind it, the fleet followed, their formations tight and disciplined. The Drakavian defenses opened fire, a barrage of energy beams and missiles streaking towards the Terranian ships.
"Shields up!" Carson ordered. "Return fire!"
The MONTANA's advanced shielding systems absorbed the initial impact, the energy dispersing harmlessly across the ship's surface. The battleship's heavy cannons roared to life, sending a salvo of plasma bolts and railgun projectiles towards the Drakavian ships. Explosions rippled through the enemy formations as the Terranian firepower found its marks.
"Focus on their command ships," Carson instructed. "Take out their leaders and the rest will fall into disarray."
The MONTANA's targeting systems locked onto a Drakavian dreadnought, its massive silhouette dominating the tactical display. Carson watched as the ship's railguns charged, their magnetic fields building to launch projectiles at near-light speeds.
"Fire!" he commanded.
The railguns unleashed their deadly payload, the projectiles streaking across the void to slam into the dreadnought's hull. The impact was catastrophic, the ship's armor buckling under the assault. Secondary explosions erupted along its length as critical systems failed, the dreadnought listing to one side before its reactors went critical, obliterating it in a brilliant flash of light.
"Target destroyed," Carson confirmed. "Move on to the next one.
"Admiral Carson, we're detecting a significant energy buildup in the central station," the tactical officer reported. "It looks like they're preparing to activate a superweapon."
Carson's eyes narrowed. "We can't let that happen. All ships, concentrate fire on the central station. We need to disable it before they can bring that weapon online."
The fleet shifted its focus, the combined firepower of the Terranian ships converging on the central station. The MONTANA's heavy cannons and missile launchers unleashed a relentless barrage, the station's shields flickering and failing under the sustained assault.
"Status on the station?" Carson demanded.
"Shields are down, but they're still powering up the weapon," the tactical officer replied. "We need to hit their power core."
Carson nodded. "All ships, target the station's power core. Give it everything you've got."
The MONTANA's targeting systems locked onto the station's core, its cannons and railguns cycling for maximum firepower. The battleship unleashed a final, devastating salvo, the projectiles and plasma bolts punching through the station's armor to strike the core.
The resulting explosion was immense, the station tearing itself apart in a chain reaction of energy discharges. The shockwave rippled through the battlefield, scattering debris and disrupting the remaining Drakavian ships.
"Central station is neutralized," the tactical officer confirmed. "The remaining Drakavian ships are retreating."
Carson allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction. "Well done, everyone. Secure the area and prepare for any counterattacks. We need to hold this position until reinforcements arrive."
As the fleet began to regroup and assess the aftermath of the battle, Carson turned his gaze to the stars beyond the viewports. The capture of the Beta Lyrae System was a significant victory.
Now all that is left is for the ground troops to land on the planets.
Please visit my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_uC67FeKOA2_jNGCGLe1jA
submitted by Ball34s to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:15 Stupidartist_lol intrusive thoughts, im a horrible person (WARNING, INTENSE)

ive had intrusive thoughts for as long as I can remember, just recently theyve been getting worse and I'm scared
Im scared because I dont want to hurt people, I'm scared because what if I do?? My therapist says to cope but I CANT FUCKING COPE I cant ground myself I cant just sit and watch my fucking thoughts like a movie what kind of disturbing movie is this??
They've been pretty normal for the past few years cut yourself, kill yourself, what if you kill somebody by accident? imagine somebody getting hurt. imagine sexual things you dont want to think of. sexual stuff, disgusting stuff. guts, intestines. daydream about characters, get lost in your own world, daydream about dying characters, daydream about characters having sex.... FUCK thats the normal.. kinda, daydreamings my way of coping, horrible, maladaptive even.
but recently its just gotten worse, I cant regulate my emotions, I feel stunted in the way of not being able to sympathize to the point of being told I'm emotionally neglectful and more.. great, its not on purpose, i want to fix that so bad but when I say its hard I dont mean it because I dont want to
So I argue with my partner all the time because I'm always in the wrong my pet rabbit died wich took a big fucking toll on me and i just had a HUGE argument with my partner set them off. they said they hate me and yeah i hate me too, i wasnt doing anything right for them, i upset them to the point where they were gonna kill themselves or cut it was hell, and i was stupid, but I fixed things yk??
but then I get to being alone because they go to sleep and I try to sleep. physically exausted. rethinking the whole argument, what they said, thinking about how I can do better, be better, even if they doubt that I can because all I do is fuck up with no progress of being better whatsoever
and i think i want to cut, i want to get high, i want to kill myself daydream me crushing my skull only a little enough to be sent to the hospital, for people to care to die in my sleep like my rabbit did to get hit by a car and i keep thinking i should kill myself, its the worst its ever gotten and then it hits me. I should kill my mom. And the idea of me standing over her just horrifies me, I dont want to but I feel like i dont know if i do things will be better things wont be better but the intrusive thoughts say so, they say kill the people important to you, hope the people important to you die, kill yourself, kill animals, play with dead animals, sex, drugs, death, sex, death, high
i dont want to live like this anymore, nobody understands and its so scary to be in this body, in this head, I dont wanna be here like this, this isnt me, I just wanna be the kid that draws
submitted by Stupidartist_lol to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:04 AdWarm6981 neglectful and absent father filed for custody

My sons father served me today and I’m scared. My son was born when I was 18 and he was 17, we also got married. We ended up separating when I was 19 because he wouldn’t stop cheating and was neglecting our son. The last straw for me was when I came home from work (he didn’t have a job) and there was as flour every where in the kitchen, a kitchen chair was pushed up to the counter and the counter was covered in flour with little foot prints in it. He was playing video games while our child was on the counters. After that he started taking our son on the weekends, I practically had to force him to because I didn’t want my son to not have his father in his life. The lasted until my son was 6, come to find out most weekends he sent my son to his grandmas and when he was at his house he ignored him and his girlfriend at the time took care of him. When I was 21 I got addicted to fentanyl, I was able to keep it together until I was 24 when I finally realized I needed help, for my son. I went to rehab and while I was there my son stayed with his dads grandma, he saw our son twice during the time I was in rehab for two months. Afterwords I got my son back and we lived in a sober living house for a year, during this time he saw our son once and only because I begged. It was for my sons birthday. After a year I got us an apartment, my son went for a visit to see his dads grandma for a month during the summer. His dad only lived 5 minutes away from his grandma and saw him only once. A few weeks after he got back my son came to me and told me his dad had been sexually abusing him. I immediately reported it to the police but after I month of trying my son would not talk about it to the police and I had no proof so the case was dropped. I was scared for my son and didn’t know what to do so I cut his dads side of the family entirely out of our lives. I didn’t think his dad would care since he’s never cared before but today I was served, he’s gotten a restraining order against me with 4 let’s from his family telling outright lies about me and saying that his dad is the main caretaker. There’s a request for a parenting plan asking to give him full custody and to pay him 800 a month in child support. I’m going to be finding a lawyer tomorrow. I’m absolutely terrified for my sons safety. We are finally stable and my son is thriving and doing better than ever. I don’t really know why I’m posting here, maybe for advice or to just vent. All I know is I can’t sleep because of the pit of anxiety inside me.
submitted by AdWarm6981 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:02 AdWarm6981 [US] neglectful and absent father filed for custody

My sons father served me today and I’m scared. My son was born when I was 18 and he was 17, we also got married. We ended up separating when I was 19 because he wouldn’t stop cheating and was neglecting our son. The last straw for me was when I came home from work (he didn’t have a job) and there was as flour every where in the kitchen, a kitchen chair was pushed up to the counter and the counter was covered in flour with little foot prints in it. He was playing video games while our child was on the counters. After that he started taking our son on the weekends, I practically had to force him to because I didn’t want my son to not have his father in his life. The lasted until my son was 6, come to find out most weekends he sent my son to his grandmas and when he was at his house he ignored him and his girlfriend at the time took care of him. When I was 21 I got addicted to fentanyl, I was able to keep it together until I was 24 when I finally realized I needed help, for my son. I went to rehab and while I was there my son stayed with his dads grandma, he saw our son twice during the time I was in rehab for two months. Afterwords I got my son back and we lived in a sober living house for a year, during this time he saw our son once and only because I begged. It was for my sons birthday. After a year I got us an apartment, my son went for a visit to see his dads grandma for a month during the summer. His dad only lived 5 minutes away from his grandma and saw him only once. A few weeks after he got back my son came to me and told me his dad had been sexually abusing him. I immediately reported it to the police but after I month of trying my son would not talk about it to the police and I had no proof so the case was dropped. I was scared for my son and didn’t know what to do so I cut his dads side of the family entirely out of our lives. I didn’t think his dad would care since he’s never cared before but today I was served, he’s gotten a restraining order against me with 4 let’s from his family telling outright lies about me and saying that his dad is the main caretaker. There’s a request for a parenting plan asking to give him full custody and to pay him 800 a month in child support. I’m going to be finding a lawyer tomorrow. I’m absolutely terrified for my sons safety. We are finally stable and my son is thriving and doing better than ever. I don’t really know why I’m posting here, maybe for advice or to just vent. All I know is I can’t sleep because of the pit of anxiety inside me.
submitted by AdWarm6981 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:01 ThrowRA_lantern Would you stay in this type of workplace as a junior? Difficult boss and colleague, but mostly a great workplace.

I’m currently one of the two grads/juniors at my workplace, working under a partnership business in my profession. 90% of the office is friendly and wonderful, an ideal workplace. Boss 1 is absolutely incredible: friendly, positive, respectable, a top notch mentor, very professional and business-minded. However, Boss 2 is the complete opposite
 to the point he almost ran the business into the ground losing all his employees until Boss 1 entered the picture and saved it.
Boss 2 deliberately avoids training me even though I have a proactive and humble approach to him. I think my mere existence makes him insecure (he always takes jabs at my good grades and work ethic). I tried EVERYTHING to get him to sign off and check my completed work for him (reminders, emails, post it notes, booking a meeting, asking colleagues to remind him, chasing him down the corridor, etc), but often fail. Once we reach the deadline and clients are angry, he will blame and scold ME!! In performance reviews, he claims I never take initiative which is a complete lie and lack of accountability on his end. I don’t think he values me and is blind to my hard work (a common complaint many current and past employees say about him).
Boss 2 also has clear favouritism for the other grad and their relationship is borderline unprofessional despite their 40 year age gap. This other grad steamrolls me, steals work/clients assigned to me and takes credit for it, acts unprofessional to our clients, acts insubordinate to Boss 1 and kisses Boss 2’s feet to compensate for her complete lack of skills. Boss 1 has called her up on her antics many times, but it’s often vetoed by Boss 1 who REWARDS her (she now earns more than me).
Promotion time is in a month. 90% of the office thinks it would be crazy for them to promote the other grad over me. I’m confident too, except the other grad is fully convinced she’ll get it despite not having the skills and I’m worried she might have a chance given Boss 1 blindly favours her and clearly dislikes me. She is also older than me.
Boss 1 reassures me that I’m progressing really well. He repeatedly reminds me of how invaluable I am and insists there are long term plans for me. Boss 2 won’t be around for long, as he’s very old and sick.
But is that change going to come around soon? Are they just dangling the carrot in front of me?
I’m wondering if it’s worth staying. My goal is to develop my skills and experience in a smaller, close-knit business like this, then work my way up to a bigger corporation. But right now, the job market in my profession is woeful- they call it the Hunger Games these days and my cohort says I should be more grateful to have this job since majority of them are still unemployed.
What would you make of this situation?
submitted by ThrowRA_lantern to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:55 idlechat [2024 Read-Along] Week 24, The Silmarillion - Quenta Silmarillion - Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad (Chapter 20)

The hearts of the Noldor grew hot, and their captains wished to assail their foes upon the plain; but HĂșrin spoke against it, and bade them beware of the guile of Morgoth, whose strength was always greater than it seemed, and his purpose other than he revealed.
Welcome one and all again to the 2024 Read-Along and Discussion of The Silmarillion here on tolkienfans. For Week 24 (Jun 9-Jun 15), we will be exploring The Quenta Silmarillion (The History of the Silmarils) chapter 20, "Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad."
Beren and LĂșthien returned to Middle-earth from the Halls of Mandos. After briefly greeting Thingol and Melian, they retired to the island of Tol Galen, never to be seen again by any Man. They had a son, Dior, before finally dying for the second time, witnessed by no one.
Hearing word of the deeds of Beren and LĂșthien, Maedhros and the rest of the Sons of FĂ«anor were inspired to try and attack Morgoth. They sent emissaries out to the rest of the Eldar and their allies to gather a league, which was known as the Union of Maedhros.
Yet their prior deeds greatly hindered their effort. Orodreth of Nargothrond refused to send aid, and out of Nargothrond came only one small division led by Gwindor, whose brother Gelmir had been taken by Orcs in the previous battle. Thingol refused to aid them as well due to Celegorm and Curufin's misdeeds against his daughter LĂșthien. Only Beleg and Mablung came from Doriath, and they served under Fingon, not Maedhros. Maedhros was successful in getting the help of several allies: Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost, Easterlings led by BĂłr and Ulfang, Elves and Edain out of Hithlum, and members of the House of Haleth. Tidings even reached the hidden city of Gondolin of the battle that would soon occur.
Maedhros was over-eager to fight and revealed himself too soon, clearing all the northern parts of Beleriand of orcs. This alerted Morgoth to his plans, and thus he began planning a counterstroke, made all the easier by the presence of Men in his employ among the forces of the Noldor.
Maedhros planned to attack Angband from the east over Anfauglith openly to attract the attention of Morgoth's forces. Meanwhile, Fingon would hide in the passes of Hithlum and wait for a signal fire in Dorthonion to reveal the right time to attack, and thus both groups would trap Morgoth's army between them. On the appointed day of Midsummer, the forces took their assigned places. Fingon brought many Men both from Dor-lĂłmin led by HĂșrin and Huor, as well as the Haladin of Brethil under Haldir. Yet things had begun to go awry already, as Maedhros was delayed by false reports of an Orc attack. But the darkness that had fallen on the hearts of the army of Fingon was lifted by an unexpected arrival: Turgon, leading ten thousand spears from Gondolin, had come in secret to aid his brother. Fingon was elated and proclaimed that the darkness was finally lifting and day had come at last.
The battle soon commenced, as Morgoth had been planning for a long time. His forces crossed the deserts of Anfauglith cautiously, hiding their swords so the light would not reflect off of them. They were not noticed by the Noldor until they were almost in position. The Noldor were eager to attack, but HĂșrin restrained them from doing so and urged a defensive posture instead. But the Orcs came prepared, and brought with them Gelmir who had been seized in the previous battle. They cruelly put him to death and succeeded in provoking Gwindor his brother to attack.
Gwindor lead out a band to attack, and the rest of the Noldor under Fingon soon followed. They charged through the ranks of Morgoth's army and made it all of the way to the wall of Angband, but they were unable to keep up the assault, and they were soon repulsed.
Morgoth's armies counterattacked, pushing back Fingon's armies on the fourth day of the assualt. Haldir was slain along with many Men of Brethil. Turgon withheld his forces at first until Fingon was pushed back towards the Pass of Sirion, then rushed out to help Fingon. At this time as well, the forces of Maedhros finally arrived and began to turn the tide of battle. Yet even this was not enough, for Morgoth deployed every force he had: Glaurung, Orcs, Balrogs, and wolves. And the worst stroke of all, the Easterlings with Maedhros betrayed the forces of the Eldar and went over to the enemy. This final stroke proved too much, and broke the armies of the Elves. The Sons of FĂ«anor escaped unharmed, but many mighty warriors such as AzaghĂąl, lord of the Dwarves of Belegost, were struck down.
In the west, the army of Fingon was also broken. Fingon himself was struck down by Gothmog, lord of Balrogs. Only the sons of Hador, HĂșrin and Huor, were able to rally a defense strong enough to hold off the forces of Morgoth. They bid Turgon to retreat, with Huor saying that from Turgon and himself a new star would rise.
Huor would die soon after, while HĂșrin was captured and brought before Morgoth, though not before slaying more than seventy Orcs. Thus ended the battle that would later be known as Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Unnumbered Tears. It was the most grievous loss of the all the battles of Beleriand.
The aftermath of the battle was grievous for Elves and Men alike. The kingdom of Fingon was destroyed forever as a result of the battle. The Sons of FĂ«anor would be reduced to a nomadic existence. The men of Brethil would only barely survive the battle. The Orcs of Morgoth had free rein to attack the North of Beleriand. The Havens of CĂ­rdan were destroyed soon after the battle, with the remnants of the Eldar fleeing southwards to the Isle of Balar. Turgon would soon reach out to CĂ­rdan in secret, and he commissioned the shipwright to build seven ships to sail westward and seek pardon from the Valar. Yet none of the ships would reach their destination, with only one sailor ever returning from the doomed voyage.
Morgoth feared Turgon's survival, and ever sought to find the hidden city of Gondolin. He had HĂșrin brought before him, but HĂșrin refused to tell him of Gondolin's location. Morgoth was enraged, and he brought HĂșrin to the top of a high mountain and cursed him to sit in a chair unmoving. There he cursed the family of HĂșrin to a malevolent fate, and he gave HĂșrin his own eyes to watch his family suffer their doom. Yet even this was not enough to break HĂșrin, no matter how many years he was cursed to remain. [1]
Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad at The Lord of the Rings Wiki: This chapter tells of the great NĂ­rnaeth Arnoediad, which results in the deaths of Fingon, Huor, and many others, as well as of the capture of HĂșrin, and Morgoth cursing him and his family. Also in this chapter is the attack of Morgoth's forces on the Havens of the Falas. The same events are accounted for in chapter two of The Children of HĂșrin.
Chapter discussion at Entmoot TolkienTrail.
Chapter discussion at The Barrow-Downs.
Questions for the week:
  1. Rate Tolkien military operational and strategic sense, from how He describes the preliminaries to the battle, its approaches, and development
  2. Could the hosts of Nargothrond and Doriath have turned the battle result, thus delaying Morgoth's dominance for a generation of orc rebuilding?
  3. Why can not Maedhros and his brothers, with all their Noldorin wisdom, caution of treason, and some telepathic power (such as Finrod in chapter 17) not detect treason in the sons of Ulfang?
  4. If Ulfang's people are already traitors and spies for Morgoth, why does he not get intelligence of Maedhros' growing strength and plans until Maedhros make his preliminary attacks?
  5. What might have been some good and effective tactics for the Noldor, Dwarves, and Men (who stayed faithful) to use against mature dragons such as Glaurung?
For drafts and history of this chapter see [coming soon].
For further history and analysis of this chapter, see Arda Reconstructed (by Douglas Charles Kane).
Be sure to have your copy of The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad on hand as you go through this chapter.
Some Tolkien-related hangouts on YouTube (relevant to this week):
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide at Tea With Tolkien.
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide by askmiddlearth on Tumblr.
Quettaparma Quenyallo (QQ) - The most extensive list of Quenya words available on the internet, by Helge Fauskanger, 1999-2013.
Tolkien Collector's Guide - Guide to Tolkien's Letters
A (Hopefully) Light Guide to the Silmarillion — Or What I Wish I’d Known Before Reading It by u/Ok_Bullfrog_8491/
The Definitive Family Tree of the Tolkien Legendarium by u/PotterGandalf117
Wikipedia - The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Announcement and Index: (Take 2) 2024 The Silmarillion and The Fall of Gondolin Read-Along
submitted by idlechat to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:53 LilithTrillUwU Elydes is super under-rated (and Book 1 stubs in two days)

Elydes is an in-progress LitRPG Isekai. Despite that being potetnially my least favorite subcategory of progression fantasy it has consistently kept me intrigued, invested, and impressed.
Right off the bat it skips out on many stupid tropes by starting the MC as a child and not letting him keep any technical or scientific knowledge. The story dodges another common pitfall by very nimbly walking the line between having a child speak and think like an adult and having to read what an adult thinks a childs inner monologue sounds like. The end result strikes a believable and pleasant balance between being motivated by his previous life while still having some degree of childhood and childish desires. The closest story I've read to this is BTDEM which approaches both issues slightly differently;I prefer BTDEM's solution of science and Elydes with maturity. To put it more succintly; It avoids the pitfalls many similar stories fall in while still utilizing the opportunities those tropes present (weak baby mc to OP adult mc, for instance).
The first bit of the story to really hook me was it's worldbuilding. The story barely makes it through its second chapter before inteoducing one of those lovely alternate PoV's that are becoming quite popular. The PoV really sinks it's claws deep into you by having both excellent detailed world building that avoids feeling like an infodump and an excellent PoV from an important and interesting character. The world hasn't stopped impressing me since. Whether it's a well written religion or politics and socioeconomics that feels deeply realistic Elydes' Author seems to have truly considered their world in a way many authors simply don't.
The last praise I'll sing--due primarily to a desire to keep my post from being too long--is to it's pacing. Elydes' pacing fits into a vague group of stories that I like to think of as "Magic School" pacing. That is to say that these stories focus is on the protagonist's growth (magically, emotionally, or otherwise) but the protagonists do have to do things other than just learn; Millenial Mage, Path of Ascension, And all fit in this category to some extent. These stories don't shy away from showing their Protagonist's growth in detail and often tskr time away from tension and the pressure of the plot, but their Protagonists are driven and are not usually allowed to sit peacefully for long. I find this blend lends itself well to training arcs and deep intricate worlds without going quite as far as Super Supportive or any of the intensely Slice of Lifey series. Elydes inspires both comfy magical discussion and edge of your sest tension in a way I deeply appreciated, with both aspects accentuating the other's differences.
Tl;dr Elydes is in the process of becoming a genre staple like BTDEM or Millenial Mage and given a few years of writing I expect it to be considered as favorably as they are.
submitted by LilithTrillUwU to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:48 Big_Recognition9965 Biden Administration Considers Protection for Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens

Biden Administration Considers Protection for Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens
NOTE - The Biden administration is considering a proposal to protect undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation and allow them to work in the country legally, according to four officials with knowledge of the discussions.
The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the matter, said that no final decision had been made and that the shape of the policy was unclear. Any such program could also provide some spouses an easier route to obtain U.S. citizenship.
The proposal comes as President Biden has moved to address political liabilities in his immigration policy in recent days.
Last week, he moved to bar asylum for migrants crossing into the United States as part of an effort to toughen border enforcement, eliciting criticism from members of his own party. And now, a move to protect undocumented immigrants in the United States could help Mr. Biden address some of the fierce resistance that order elicited and shore up support among immigrant advocates, Latino voters and his progressive base. ADVERTISEMENT SKIP ADVERTISEMENT
The program said to be under consideration is known as “parole in place,” which has been used in the past for other populations, like families of military members. It gives undocumented immigrants in the United States protection from deportation for a certain period of time and access to a work permit.
Crucially, it also makes it easier for some undocumented immigrants to gain new access to a green card and a path to U.S. citizenship.
Generally, unlawful entry into the country blocks people’s access to U.S. citizenship in cases in which they would have otherwise been eligible, like being married to a U.S. citizen. Parole in place, however, helps some immigrants obtain a “lawful immigration status” and become eligible to begin the process of becoming citizens.
It is unclear how many people such a program could affect.
Mr. Biden’s executive order last week prompted immediate blowback, with some congressional Democrats likening it to a Trump-era measure to stop migrants from gaining access to protections in the United States.
“While there are some differences from Trump’s actions, the reality is that this utilizes the same failed enforcement-only approach, penalizes asylum seekers and furthers a false narrative that these actions will ‘fix’ the border,” Representative Pramila Jayapal, Democrat of Washington, said in a statement last week. Even as he announced a restrictive border policy last week, Mr. Biden appeared to indicate that he was considering more progressive moves on immigration.
“For those who say the steps I’ve taken are too strict, I say to you that — be patient,” Mr. Biden said on Tuesday.
What you should know. The Times makes a careful decision any time it uses an anonymous source. The information the source supplies must be newsworthy and give readers genuine insight. Learn more about our process. A White House spokesman said on Sunday that the administration had been considering many options.
“As we have said before, the administration continues to explore a series of policy options and we remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system,” the spokesman said in a statement.
Immigration advocates have left briefings with the White House optimistic about the potential for the protection, but also did not receive any indication that the administration would act right away.
Immigrant advocacy groups like Fwd.US have said that more than a million undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens are in the country. “We are optimistic and working tirelessly to ensure that President Biden takes action to protect the long-term undocumented in our country, including the estimated 1.1 million undocumented people in the U.S. who are spouses of an American citizen,” said Andrea Flores, a former administration official and vice president of immigration policy at Fwd.US.
“Doing so would fulfill his Day 1 promise to keep these families together,” she said.
Recent surveys show many Americans, including Democrats and Latinos, favor both tougher immigration enforcement and legal pathways to citizenship.
The embrace of more restrictive policies has come as more cities and states have scrambled to accommodate record numbers of migrants entering the country, and as an increasing number of Republican candidates nationwide have played on fears that migrants pose a threat to jobs, elections and the cultural identity of the nation, even as they run in races far from the border.
Mr. Biden’s shift on immigration has been seen by some political strategists as a play to neutralize the issue for white, blue-collar voters in Midwestern swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin. But a perception that Mr. Biden is echoing the Trump administration’s playbook or prioritizing enforcement over improving legal pathways to citizenship risks depressing the vote among younger Latinos and progressives who have powered major Democratic victories across the Southwest.
Many Mexican American and Latino activists and elected officials in California, Arizona and Nevada have come of age and entered politics through immigrant-rights movements. Charles Franklin, who directs the Marquette Law School Poll, said that respondents in Wisconsin polling tended to see former President Donald J. Trump as better on the issue of immigration than Mr. Biden by a 2-to-1 ratio, a potentially insurmountable hurdle for the president this late in the race.
The best argument for Mr. Biden’s tougher enforcement policies, Mr. Franklin said, might be to reduce the salience of the issue among independents and swing voters, whose views remain more persuadable but whose response is an open question.
“The percentage of Democrats who support deportation is surprisingly high, but he has a bigger faction within his party that is quite troubled by his recent actions,” Mr. Franklin said. “It is a divided set of gains and losses for him with these policies.”
The Trump campaign last week made its own play for Latino voters by rebranding its “Latinos Trump” effort to “Latino Americans for Trump.” Campaign officials said the new label was meant to draw Latino voters by emphasizing a unifying American identity. But Latino historians and researchers have also called it a strategic move to drive a wedge among Hispanic voters, some of whom are concerned by the arrival of new migrants.
The American Civil Liberties Union has indicated that it will sue the Biden administration over Mr. Biden’s measure limiting asylum access at the southern border.
On Sunday, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the Homeland Security secretary, said the administration was prepared to take on any legal challenges to Mr. Biden’s executive action.
“I anticipate they will sue us,” Mr. Mayorkas, appearing on ABC’s “The Week,” said of the potential for lawsuits. “We stand by the legality of what we have done. We stand by the value proposition.”
submitted by Big_Recognition9965 to DACA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:45 KITKAT94639 AITAH for getting for getting upset and breaking up with my ex after he pissed on my floor?

I (24) FM decided around last year around (2023) January to try a poly relationship. Me and my current boyfriend were curious on exploring ourselves with other people. I decided to go out with this guy that I had know since highschool. We'll call him Jerry. Jerry and I had started hanging around each other more often and decided to start a relationship with each other. I did introduce Jerry to my current boyfriend and they honestly got along great! The only thing Jerry mentioned to me was that he had an alcohol problem. I told him I trusted him he wouldn't go over board and get blacked out drunk and that I was cool with him drinking. I don't usually drink myself but I'm totally cool with others drinking.
Me and Jerry had gone out for about three months around the time we broke it off. I have him usually coming over on my weekends to hang out and have fun. I guess I should mentioned he also had been to court for child endangerment and drug possession because he was in the same house of those charges. He didn't possess any of the drugs only weed or were the kids his. They were his brothers. I know huge red flag but I thought I could trust a friend from highschool.
So this one night I was picking him up after work to take him to my place for the weekend. He had texted he was with a few of his friends drinking and I told him cool I'm just out in the car waiting. He eventually came out with his bag of stuff and we headed to my place. He started telling me about how his mom was probably gonna be put in prison for a while due to also being in the house of the drugs and child endangerment charges. And he told me he was scared and upset she was gonna be taken to jail for a while. I tried my best to console him and let him know that everything was gonna be alright. Once we got back to my house I eventually made some dinner for us and we watched some anime.
While we were watching the anime show he starts to pull out more alcoholic drinks and down them with no issue. Like I said I don't drink so I'm a bit clueless on with alcohol has a ton of alcohol in it and what doesn't. ( I eventually learned the alcohol he was drinking was basically 90% alcohol. They were small little bottles) he drink an entire package of the little alcohol bottles and I thought he was good for the night. Nope. Turns out I was wrong. As the night progressed he started to act more impaired than sober. He was sweating a lot and stumbling everywhere he went. I had honestly panicked at this point because I have never dealt with an impaired person before.
Eventually I sit on the couch and I get him to lay on my lap and fall asleep. Hoping that when he woke up he would be more sober. Eventually when my current boyfriend woke up to get ready for work Jerry decided to wake up and attempt to walk. Yeah that didn't happen. As soon as he stood up he immediately stumbled and slammed into my cat tree next to the couch and slouch onto the ground. My current boyfriend at this time was leaving for work and I kindly asked him to leave because I was extremely embarrassed of what was happening. I told him I loved him and he left for work. When I went back to Jerry that's when I started to see a puddle appear around his pants. I thought at first he had knocked over a drink during his stumbling. But when I went to take a towel to clean the liquid up I noticed it was extremely warm. I later realized he had pissed on the floor. He then stripped his pants and underwear off and tried to sleep on the ground. Me being the people pleaser I am decided to help pull out the pull out bed from out couch and have him lay on it. So there Jerry was half naked sleeping with a blanket while I threw his pants, underwear, and the towel I used to clean up the piss into the washer. I then put his clothes in the dryer and decided to sleep in my own bed that night. I was absolutely embarrassed and overwhelmed with what had just happened. I was also very upset not knowing what to do. I did send Jerry a text before going to bed letting him know about the situation just in case I woke up before him. I had planned on talking to him the morning after when we woke up to talk about the whole pissing on my floor situation. (I also should mention I didn't text my current boyfriend to let him know Jerry was half naked cuz I didn't think he wanted to see that either)
The next morning I had woken up twice. Once to go to the bathroom and the second time to go ask the neighbors to stop blaming their music to a point it was shaking my house. When I eventually woke up at 1:30 pm. (I'm a swing shifter I usually stay up till 5 am) For work I went to go see if Jerry was ready to go back home. But as soon as I came into the living room I saw he had left. I texted him asking where he had gone. He told me that I seemed upset when I woke up to go pee and tell the neighbors to quiet down so he decided to have someone else pick him up. I ask him why had someone pick him up because I planned on talking to him about the situation on the way to his house. He told me I should have talked to him when I woke up twice. (I'm a terrible insomniac I prefer to try to get more sleep for work which is why I didn't talk to him when I work up those two times) I told him I was half asleep and wouldn't be able to talk about this serious situation with him half asleep. I was actually very pissed at the point because I felt he was running away from a seriously situation without talking to me about it. I did try to get him to understand the situation but he continued to not make a big deal of him being blacked out drunk and pissing on my floor. To say the least I broke it off with him after that.
Oh bonus tea. I was going to a therapist at this time for my attachment issues to my awful excuse of a mother. I had told her everything that happened that night he pissed on my floor and told me to give him a break because he's and alcoholic and I told her that was no excuse to get so drunk at my place that he pissed himself. (And no he has never gotten that black out drunk before) She continued to blame me and say I was controlling and was scaring him cuz I was upset about the situation. She also tried to ruin my 3 year relationship with my current boyfriend (which is now 5 years c:) to go out with a guy I've known only for three months and to stop doing the poly relationship thing. Most my friends agree with me that my therapist was the AH and that Jerry was the AH. But what's y'alls opinions?
submitted by KITKAT94639 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:43 Count-Daring243 Best Forearm Resistance Bands

Best Forearm Resistance Bands

Discover the power of resistance with Forearm Resistance Bands! Our must-have selection promises to enhance your workout routine and improve hand and forearm strength. In this roundup article, we have curated a list of top-notch options that cater to various skill levels and fitness goals. Get ready to revolutionize your hand and forearm training with our amazing collection of Forearm Resistance Bands.
Enhance your hand and forearm strength with our top picks of Forearm Resistance Bands. In this comprehensive roundup article, we've compiled the best options that cater to diverse fitness levels and objectives. Embark on a journey to redefine your hand and forearm training with our phenomenal collection of Forearm Resistance Bands!

The Top 5 Best Forearm Resistance Bands

  1. Whatafit 11-Piece Resistance Bands Set for Home and Travel Workouts - Whatafit Resistance Bands Set: 11 colorful, adjustable resistance bands for versatile home workout sessions, marked with equivalent weights for easy use.
  2. Resistance Loop Bands for Home Workouts - Enhance your home workout routine with Blogilates Loop Bands (4pk) - perfect for fitness enthusiasts of all levels and ideal for staying fit during travel. Only available at Target.
  3. Fitness Gear Power Band Kit for Strengthening and Toning - Elevate your fitness goals and enhance mobility with the Fitness Gear Power Band Kit, featuring versatile resistance training bands for targeted strength and toning.
  4. Valor Fitness RT Resistance Band Collection for Door Mount Set - Transform your workout routine with Valor Fitness RT's Resistance Band Collection, featuring anti-snap bands, door attachments, and a travel bag for lightweight and portable mobility training.
  5. Stylish and Portable Home Gym Resistance Bands - Experience seamless, effective workouts at home with BodyBoss's high-quality resistance bands, customized for every body type, and providing full-body resistance training for a gym-like experience! 5/5 stars.
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🔗Whatafit 11-Piece Resistance Bands Set for Home and Travel Workouts

I've been using the Whatafit Resistance Bands Set for a few weeks now and it's been a game-changer in my home workout routine. The different colored bands are adjustable, which means I can get just the right resistance for each exercise. Plus, they're super portable, making them perfect for taking on trips or storing in a small apartment.
One of the standout features of this set is the quality of the materials. Each band is clearly marked with its equivalent weight, so I know exactly how much resistance I'm getting. And unlike some cheaper sets, these bands have held up well even after multiple uses.
However, there are a couple of downsides to this product. The handles can be a bit small for some people, making them a bit uncomfortable to use. Plus, the clips that attach the bands to the handles can be a bit difficult to snap on.
Overall, I'd say the Whatafit Resistance Bands Set is a great addition to anyone's home gym. It's versatile, easy to use, and made with good quality materials. Just be prepared to potentially double up on the straps and wear gloves if you have larger hands!

🔗Resistance Loop Bands for Home Workouts

I recently got my hands on the Blogilates Loop Bands - 4pk, and oh boy, these have been a game-changer in my daily workout routine! Having four different resistance levels, from light to crazy, has allowed me to tailor my workout sessions according to my mood and energy levels.
The highlight of my experience has been the fact that these loop bands are incredibly easy to pack. This feature has made maintaining a fitness routine while traveling so much simpler for me. Plus, the designs are developed by none other than Cassey Ho, a leading fitness personality and Pilates instructor. Her expertise guarantees that these loop bands will take your home workouts to the next level!
However, there were also a few minor drawbacks. The light resistance bands, while serving beginners, weren't as effective for me when I desired an intense workout. Additionally, the plastic-like texture of the bands can be a bit off-putting at first, especially if you're used to fabric resistance bands.
Despite these minor issues, I've seen a significant improvement in my overall fitness since incorporating these loop bands into my workout regimen. Their portability and various resistance levels make them a must-have for anyone looking to diversify their home workout sessions.

🔗Fitness Gear Power Band Kit for Strengthening and Toning

I recently started using the Fitness Gear Power Band Kit to incorporate some resistance training into my workout routine, and I've had quite the experience with it. The kit comes with three bands of varying resistance levels, which is great for beginners like me who are just getting started with this kind of workout.
The highlight for me has undoubtedly been the versatility of these bands. They've helped me tone and strengthen various muscle groups throughout my body, and I've particularly found them useful for improving mobility in my hips, legs, and shoulders. Plus, they've made my workouts more challenging by boosting quickness in lateral movements.
However, there are some cons that I've encountered during my usage. Firstly, the smell of the latex can be quite strong, which might be off-putting to some users. Secondly, the lightest resistance band rolls up quite easily, making it less comfortable to use during certain exercises.
Despite these minor issues, I believe the Fitness Gear Power Band Kit is a valuable addition to my home gym setup and has helped me diversify my workouts. If you're looking for an affordable way to incorporate resistance training into your fitness regimen, this kit might be worth considering.

🔗Valor Fitness RT Resistance Band Collection for Door Mount Set

I recently got my hands on the Valor Fitness RT, a set of resistance bands that promise strength and flexibility training anywhere. I've been incorporating it into my daily workout routine, and let me tell you, this little package packs a punch!
What I love most about these bands is how they cater to different weight capacities, making it easy for me to target various upper body muscles. From triceps to pectorals, these resistance bands have got it all covered. Plus, the smooth protective sheath ensures my comfort and safety while exercising.
Another highlight is the door mount feature. It sets up incredibly quickly and allows me to work out anywhere, whether I'm at home or traveling. No more hauling around heavy weights!
However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, the bands should not be stretched too far beyond their original length to avoid any damage or injury. Secondly, it's important to ensure a strong anchor point while attaching the bands to prevent any accidents.
In summary, the Valor Fitness RT has been a game changer for my exercise sessions. It offers versatility, portability, and quality in one convenient package. Highly recommended!

🔗Stylish and Portable Home Gym Resistance Bands

Just the other day, I was struggling to find time for my regular gym visits. That's when I came across the BodyBoss Resistance Bands and boy, am I glad I did! These custom resistance bands have completely transformed my at-home workout experience. The high-quality material ensures that they last longer and provide the perfect tension during my workout routines.
One thing that stood out to me was the protective cloth covering on these bands. It gives me peace of mind knowing that even if the bands get tangled or damaged, they won't snap and injure me. Plus, their custom design of 32 inches in length caters to all body types and heights, making them incredibly versatile.
However, one minor drawback is that there's only one resistance level. If you're looking for more variety in resistance, you might need to consider other options.
Bringing the gym experience to your doorstep was never this easy or convenient before. So, if you want to get fit without leaving the comfort of your home, the BodyBoss Resistance Bands are definitely worth trying out!

Buyer's Guide

Important Features

Forearm resistance bands are essential workout tools that help strengthen your forearm muscles. When choosing one, consider the following features:
  • Resistance levels: Make sure to choose a band with varied resistance levels to accommodate different stages of your workout.
  • Comfortable grip: The band should have a comfortable grip that ensures easy and secure handling during exercise.
  • Durability: The band must be made of high-quality materials to withstand the stress of regular use.
  • Easy storage: A portable and compact design is ideal for those who travel frequently or have limited storage space.


Before purchasing a forearm resistance band, consider the following:
  • Your fitness goals: Ensure the band aligns with your fitness goals, whether it's building strength or improving grip.
  • Your current fitness level: Choose a band with an appropriate resistance level for your current strength and fitness abilities.
  • Compatibility with other exercises: If you plan on incorporating the band into other workouts, make sure it's suitable for those exercises.

General Advice

When using forearm resistance bands, follow these tips for optimal results and safety:
  • Warm up before use: Always perform a warm-up stretching routine before using the band to prevent injuries and enhance muscle performance.
  • Technique matters: Focus on proper technique during exercises to maximize effectiveness and minimize risk of injury.
  • Gradual progression: Increase resistance levels gradually as your muscles get stronger to prevent plateauing and maximize muscle growth.



What are forearm resistance bands?

Forearm resistance bands are elastic bands designed to provide targeted resistance training for the forearm muscles. These bands are used to improve grip strength, wrist stability, and overall forearm conditioning.

How do forearm resistance bands work?

Forearm resistance bands work by creating resistance when stretched or pulled. As the band is stretched, it provides varying levels of tension on the forearm muscles, helping to strengthen and tone them over time.

Who can benefit from using forearm resistance bands?

Individuals of all fitness levels can benefit from using forearm resistance bands. They are particularly useful for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to improve grip strength, wrist stability, and overall forearm conditioning, as well as for those rehabilitating from wrist injuries.

How do I use forearm resistance bands?

To use forearm resistance bands, first, place the band around your fingers or wrist. Then, slowly twist and flex your wrist and fingers while maintaining control of the band. Perform a series of repetitions on each hand for the desired number of sets. Be sure to follow the included instructions and consult a fitness professional if needed.


What are the benefits of using forearm resistance bands?

Forearm resistance bands can help improve grip strength, wrist stability, and overall forearm conditioning. They are also useful for rehabilitating wrist injuries and can be incorporated into various exercise routines to target specific muscle groups.

How often should I use forearm resistance bands?

The frequency of using forearm resistance bands depends on your fitness goals and current fitness level. It is generally recommended to incorporate them into your workout routine at least 2-3 times per week, with proper rest and recovery between sessions.

What types of exercises can I do with forearm resistance bands?

Forearm resistance bands can be used in a variety of exercises targeting the forearm muscles. Some common exercises include wrist curls, finger curls, reverse wrist curls, and wrist flexor exercises. Be sure to consult the included instructions or a fitness professional for proper form and technique.

How do I choose the right resistance level for my forearm resistance bands?

Choosing the right resistance level depends on your fitness level and personal goals. It is recommended to start with a lighter resistance band and gradually progress to heavier bands as your strength increases. Consult the included instructions or a fitness professional for further assistance.

How do I care for and store my forearm resistance bands?

To care for and store your forearm resistance bands, follow these steps: * Wipe the bands clean with a damp cloth after use to remove any sweat or dirt buildup.
  • Allow the bands to air dry before storing them in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight.
  • Store the bands in a storage pouch or container to protect them from dust and damage.

Are forearm resistance bands suitable for beginners?

Yes, forearm resistance bands are suitable for beginners. They provide a gentle yet effective way to target the forearm muscles and can be easily incorporated into various fitness levels. Always start with a lower resistance and gradually progress as your strength increases.
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2024.06.10 07:43 ThrowRA_lantern A difficult boss and a difficult colleague: what would you do?

I’m currently one of the two grads/juniors at my workplace, working under a partnership business in my profession. 90% of the office is friendly and wonderful, an ideal workplace. Boss 1 is absolutely incredible: friendly, positive, respectable, a top notch mentor, very professional and business-minded. However, Boss 2 is the complete opposite
 to the point he almost ran the business into the ground losing all his employees until Boss 1 entered the picture and saved it.
Boss 2 deliberately avoids training me even though I have a proactive and humble approach to him. I think my mere existence makes him insecure (he always takes jabs at my good grades and work ethic). I tried EVERYTHING to get him to sign off and check my completed work for him (reminders, emails, post it notes, booking a meeting, asking colleagues to remind him, chasing him down the corridor, etc), but often fail. Once we reach the deadline and clients are angry, he will blame and scold ME!! In performance reviews, he claims I never take initiative which is a complete lie and lack of accountability on his end. I don’t think he values me and is blind to my hard work (a common complaint many current and past employees say about him).
Boss 2 also has clear favouritism for the other grad and their relationship is borderline unprofessional despite their 40 year age gap. This other grad steamrolls me, steals work/clients assigned to me and takes credit for it, acts unprofessional to our clients, acts insubordinate to Boss 1 and kisses Boss 2’s feet to compensate for her complete lack of skills. Boss 1 has called her up on her antics many times, but it’s often vetoed by Boss 1 who REWARDS her (she now earns more than me).
Promotion time is in a month. 90% of the office thinks it would be crazy for them to promote the other grad over me. I’m confident too, except the other grad is fully convinced she’ll get it despite not having the skills and I’m worried she might have a chance given Boss 1 blindly favours her and clearly dislikes me. She is also older than me.
Boss 1 reassures me that I’m progressing really well. He repeatedly reminds me of how invaluable I am and insists there are long term plans for me. Boss 2 won’t be around for long, as he’s very old and sick.
But is that change going to come around soon? Are they just dangling the carrot in front of me?
I’m wondering if it’s worth staying. The job market in my profession is woeful- they call it the hunger games these days and my cohort says I should be more grateful to have this job since majority of them are still unemployed.
What would you make of this situation?
submitted by ThrowRA_lantern to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:38 Significant-Tower146 Best Ford F-150 Grilles

Best Ford F-150 Grilles

Get ready to upgrade the style and performance of your Ford F-150 with the latest grille options on the market. In this article, we've compiled a roundup of the best Ford F-150 grilles to help you find the perfect fit for your truck. From sleek designs to heavy-duty options, these grilles will not only enhance your vehicle's appearance but also provide additional protection on any terrain. Let's dive into the world of Ford F-150 grilles and explore the best options available today.

The Top 18 Best Ford F-150 Grilles

  1. Ford F-150 RedRock Upper Replacement Grille with LED DRL - Experience the ultimate F150 transformation with the F150 RedRock Upper Replacement Grille, boasting forceful styling, LED DRL T569085, and enhanced engine cooling!
  2. Upgrade Your Ford F-150 with a Stylish Double Layer Black Powder Coated Grille - Upgrade your Ford F-150's appearance with this sleek, double-layered laser cut stainless steel grille in a durable black powder coated finish, backed by top-notch customer reviews.
  3. Luxurious 2.5mm Wire Mesh Grille for 2021-2022 Ford F-150 Lariat - Transform your Ford F-150 into a stylish, corrosion-resistant marvel with this 2.5mm high-quality stainless steel 2021-2022 grille, featuring a luxurious chrome finish and easy installation.
  4. ToxicStorm Matte Black Mesh Grille for Ford F-150 F150 2018-2020 with DRL & Turn Signal Lights - Upgrade your Ford F-150 with ToxicStorm's durable Matte Black Mesh Grille, featuring DRL & Turn Signal Lights and 3 Amber LED Lights for an eye-catching, aggressive look.
  5. Black Front F-150 Grille with Satin Finish - Upper Grille - The DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk offers a striking black finish and precise fitment for a bold transformation of your Ford Super Duty, elevating its appearance and providing added protection with its vertical fence full ABS front grille.
  6. Ford F-150 Off-Road Armor Grille with LED Lights - Upgrade your Ford F-150's off-road capabilities and style with the AMERICAN MODIFIED Armor Grille, featuring LED lights for enhanced visibility and a durable ABS construction for unmatched durability.
  7. Ford F-150 Raptor Style Grille Replacement - Matte Black - Experience a stylish and durable Raptor Style Grille Mesh Grill for your Ford F-150 2018-2020, featuring DRL & turn signal lights and an easy installation process with no instructions needed.
  8. Upgrade Your 2021-2023 Ford F150 with Raptor Style Mesh Grille and Amber LED Lights - Upgrade your Ford F-150 with the American Modified Raptor Style Front Grille, featuring a predator-like design, increased airflow, LED lights, and durable construction for off-road adventures.
  9. Ford F-150 Customizable Grille Assembly for 2004-2006 Models - Restore your Ford F-150's front end style and protection with this premium, paintable grille assembly, offering hassle-free installation and a variety of high-quality finishes to choose from.
  10. American Modified Armor Grille with LED Off-Road Lights for 2015-2017 Ford F150 - Transform your Ford F-150 into a fully-customized off-road warrior with the AMERICAN MODIFIED Armor Grille - the ultimate combination of aggressive styling, high-quality LED lighting, and durable ABS construction.
  11. High-Quality Paintable Ford F-150 Grille Assembly with Honeycomb Insert - Elevate your Ford F-150's front end with a premium grille assembly, offering hassle-free installation in a variety of high-quality finishes that provide both style and protection.
  12. Stainless Wire Mesh Grille for 2006-2008 Ford F-150 - Upgrade your Ford F-150's appearance with APS's 1.8mm Stainless Wire Mesh Grille, expertly crafted in ISO-9001 certified factories for unmatched durability and style.
  13. Stylish Grille Upgrade for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty F-150 - Upgrade your vehicle's appearance with the DNA Motoring Black Precise Fit Vertical Fence Full ABS Front Grille for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty, offering easy installation, stunning looks, and ultimate protection.
  14. Chrome-Finished Ventilating Ford F-150 Grille Overlay with Mesh Design - Enhance the performance and style of your Ford F-150 with the ABS447 Chrome Upper Grille Overlay, designed to provide ventilation and prevent debris buildup while offering easy installation and a sleek, polished chrome finish.
  15. Stainless Steel Billet Grille Replacement for 1997-1998 Ford F-150/Light F-250/Expedition - Upgrade your 97-98 Ford F-150, Light F-250, or Expedition with the sleek, durable, and UV-resistant black iGrille, providing a stylish alternative to chrome while offering front-end protection.
  16. Ford F-150 Luxury Wire Mesh Grille with Chrome Polished Finish - Upgrade your Ford F-150's style with this 1.8mm stainless-steel wire mesh grille, featuring a polished finish and custom-fit for select models.
  17. American Modified Armor Grille: Off-Road Ready LED Lights for 2004-2008 Ford F150 - Take on any off-road challenge with an aggressive, armored look, thanks to the durable American Modified Armor Grille made specifically for 2004-2008 Ford F150 pickup trucks.
  18. AMERICAN MODIFIED Armor Grille: Durable and Aggressive Front Replacement for Ford F-150 - Transform your Ford F150 with the American Modified Armor Grille, featuring a striking aggressive design, durable ABS construction, and easy installation for off-road adventure and unique style.
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🔗Ford F-150 RedRock Upper Replacement Grille with LED DRL

A few weeks ago, I decided to upgrade my 2006 Ford F-150's front grille with a new RedRock Upper Replacement Grille. The idea of turning my mild-mannered daily driver into a mean off-road machine was too tempting to resist.
As I started the installation process, I noticed the honeycomb design of the grille and the three integrated LED accent lights across the top, giving it quite a unique look. The installation guide that came with it was fairly straightforward, but I found removing the grille surround a bit tricky.
With a few tools and a lot of determination, I managed to complete the installation. The overall style of the grille is pretty striking, and people started noticing my truck right away. However, I have to admit that the visibility improvement wasn't as noticeable as I hoped, considering the LEDs are mounted quite high.
The grille itself feels pretty solid and well-built, which was a pleasant surprise. The only downside was the presence of a few plastic components, which made it feel a bit less rugged than I expected.
All in all, the RedRock Upper Replacement Grille is a stylish choice for Ford F-150 owners looking to add some personality to their vehicle. Just be prepared for a bit of installation frustration and some minor visual trade-offs.

🔗Upgrade Your Ford F-150 with a Stylish Double Layer Black Powder Coated Grille

I recently upgraded my beloved Ford F-150 with a new Sheet Grille, and it's become the talk of the town. This high-quality grille is crafted from a sturdy stainless-steel frame, expertly laser cut into unique patterns that give it a bold look. The grille's durable black powder coating finish not just shines, but it also provides reliable corrosion resistance.
The package arrived with application-specific brackets, hardware, and an installation manual, making it super easy to install. The process is straightforward and doesn't require expert help. My Ford F-150 now boasts a sleek, luxurious appearance, with the added bonus of drawing admiration from fellow car enthusiasts.
However, I should note that the grille doesn't come with a logo or the plastic grille shell. But, since I'm more about the custom touch and durability, I don't mind a bit of extra effort on that end. Overall, I'd say this Sheet Grille is a worthy investment, and the result is truly a head-turner.

🔗Luxurious 2.5mm Wire Mesh Grille for 2021-2022 Ford F-150 Lariat

After installing the APS Wire Mesh Grille on my Ford F-150 Lariat, I was immediately impressed with the overall quality. The 2.5mm woven wire mesh made from 304 stainless steel provides a stylish and durable barrier against corrosion while the solid stainless-steel frame gives it a sturdy, well-polished finish. The installation process was straightforward, and the custom-fit brackets, hardware, and manual made everything easy to handle.
However, there's one thing to consider: the logo, emblem, and plastic grille shell are not included in the package. APS could consider adding those to create a complete, ready-to-install front grille. Nonetheless, this stylish wire mesh grille has significantly elevated the appearance of my car, and I'm thrilled with its performance and look.

🔗ToxicStorm Matte Black Mesh Grille for Ford F-150 F150 2018-2020 with DRL & Turn Signal Lights

I recently had the opportunity to try out the ToxicStorm Front Grill Mesh Grille Replacement for my Ford F-150 2018. The first thing that struck me was its aggressive design, which gave my car a whole new and intimidating look. The matte black finish was a nice touch, as it blended seamlessly with my vehicle's color.
One of the features that I truly appreciated was the durability of this grille. Made from high-quality ABS, it was strong enough to withstand the rigors of off-road driving and harsh environments. However, I did notice that the installation process could be a bit challenging, especially for those without prior experience. It took a bit of patience and perseverance to get everything connected correctly.
Overall, I'm happy with my purchase, and the ToxicStorm Front Grill Mesh Grille Replacement has been a great addition to my Ford F-150.

🔗Black Front F-150 Grille with Satin Finish - Upper Grille

When I was given the opportunity to try out the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk for my 2005 Ford Super Duty, I was excited to see how it would enhance the appearance of my ride. Installing it was surprisingly easy, even for a beginner like myself. I appreciated the precise fit and the fact that it was an OE replacement, meaning it fit like a glove on my truck.
One of the highlights of this grille was its vertical fence style and full front grille frame, which truly made my vehicle stand out on the street. It gave a striking appearance, making heads turn. The black finish not only looked amazing but also added a touch of class to my truck.
However, there were a few things that did not meet my expectations. While the grille was easy to install, it was made of plastic which made me concerned about its durability. I also noticed that it did not include any clips, which made me modify the installation process a bit.
Overall, the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk offered a great alternative for transforming my truck's appearance, but I wish it had been made from a more durable material. Despite the minor drawbacks, it certainly enhanced the appearance of my ride, and I would recommend it for those looking for a stylish grille that fits perfectly.

🔗Ford F-150 Off-Road Armor Grille with LED Lights

I recently had the chance to try the American Modified Armor Grille with Off Road Lights for my 2018 Ford F150. The grille boasts a unique and aggressive look that gives your Ford an armored style, perfect for those who love off-roading. The LED light bar adds a sense of security when driving in dark environments, making it ideal for off-road expeditions.
The product is made of high-quality ABS materials, which ensures durability while still maintaining a lightweight build. I found it easy to install, requiring no special tools or modifications to my jeep. The cover fits the 2018-2020 Ford F150 models, except for Raptor models. However, it's essential to note that the grill won't work if your truck has a front camera.
Overall, this product offers a perfect blend of style and functionality, making it an excellent addition to any off-roading enthusiast's jeep. The American Modified Armor Grille with Off Road Lights lives up to its promise of providing a rugged, predatory look while also ensuring safety and illumination during off-road travels.

🔗Ford F-150 Raptor Style Grille Replacement - Matte Black

If you're looking for a way to modify your Ford F-150 and give it a cool, new look, this is the grille for you. I had a chance to try it out, and let me tell you, it looks amazing! The matte black finish perfectly complements the style of the Raptor, and the high-quality ABS plastic ensures that it's not only sleek but also durable.
One thing I'd like to mention is that it's a bit tricky to install without instructions, so be prepared to unscrew the old grille and match the pre-drilled holes. It's a straightforward process once you get the hang of it, though. Overall, I think this grille is a great addition for any Ford F-150 enthusiast looking for some extra style. The 4.5 rating from 167 reviewers is proof that it's worth trying out, but just like any product, it might not be perfect for everyone, so make sure it fits your truck and your needs before making the purchase.

🔗Upgrade Your 2021-2023 Ford F150 with Raptor Style Mesh Grille and Amber LED Lights

As a reviewer, I've stumbled upon the AMERICAN MODIFIED Raptor Style Mesh Grille, perfect for enhancing the look of a 2021 to 2023 Ford F150 pickup truck. Its aggressive design not only adds a predatory flair to the vehicle but also offers practical benefits like increased airflow to the radiator, and protection for the engine against debris.
One of the most notable features of this grille is the addition of three premium amber LED lights, providing extra visibility on the road, especially at night. These lights are strategically placed to ensure clear illumination while driving.
The grille is built with durability in mind, using highly resistant ABS material that can withstand harsh weather conditions and off-road adventures. Its simple installation process requires no cutting or specialized tools, making it a quick and convenient upgrade for your truck.
However, not every experience with this grille has been smooth sailing. Some users have reported issues with the quality of the product and the customer service provided by the manufacturer. It appears that communication and support may be areas that need improvement.
Overall, the AMERICAN MODIFIED Raptor Style Mesh Grille can be a great addition to your Ford F150, providing both style and functionality. But, as with any purchase, it's crucial to be aware of potential drawbacks and consider the importance of a good customer support experience.

🔗Ford F-150 Customizable Grille Assembly for 2004-2006 Models

I recently had the chance to try out the Garage-Pro Grille Assembly for Ford F-150, and I must say, I was impressed. The paintable shell with a honeycomb insert not only provided a sleek and stylish look, but it also added a layer of protection to my vehicle's front end.
The installation process was a breeze, with its direct fit ensuring a hassle-free experience. The premium look and durability offered by the grille assembly were definitely noticeable, and it truly made my Ford F-150 stand out. However, there were a few minor setbacks, such as the slightly tight fit and a couple of paint chips that occurred during the installation.
Despite these minor issues, overall, I am quite satisfied with the Garage-Pro Grille Assembly for Ford F-150. It not only improved the appearance of my vehicle but also added a layer of protection that I appreciate. I recommend this product to anyone looking for an affordable and stylish upgrade to their Ford F-150.

🔗American Modified Armor Grille with LED Off-Road Lights for 2015-2017 Ford F150

Ever since I installed the American Modified Armor Grille with Off Road Lights on my 2017 Ford F150, I've been thoroughly impressed with the way it adds an extra layer of protection and a touch of uniqueness to my vehicle. The design is a perfect match for my off-road adventuring lifestyle, giving my truck a menacing but cool look on the road.
What I appreciate the most about this grille is its quality construction. Made from a durable ABS material, it's well-equipped to handle the hazards of off-roading without compromising on weight, which has made my driving experience smoother and safer. The installation process was straightforward and didn't require any modifications. The grille fits perfectly, and within minutes, I could already see the difference it made to my truck.
One drawback, though, is that the light bar has a limited lifespan, but it's nothing that a replacement can't fix. The experience with the customer service was not entirely satisfactory; the response was slow, and there was a mix of helpfulness and confusion. Despite this, I'm glad I made the decision to get this grille, as it has made a significant difference to my vehicle's appearance and performance. Overall, it's a worthy investment for those looking to enhance their off-road driving experience and add a touch of individuality to their trucks.

🔗High-Quality Paintable Ford F-150 Grille Assembly with Honeycomb Insert

In my quest for a factory-like look at an affordable price, I stumbled upon a grille assembly for my Ford F-150. With a variety of premium finishes to choose from, I was excited to give it a try.
The easy installation process was a bonus, but I did notice a slight gap on the driver side which required some adjustments. Overall, this grille assembly has given my vehicle a fresh, stylish look, and I am quite pleased with the result.

🔗Stainless Wire Mesh Grille for 2006-2008 Ford F-150

I recently had the pleasure of upgrading my 2006 Ford F-150 with the APS Honeycomb Style Stainless Wire Mesh Grille Combo. This grille added a touch of customization to my car without breaking the bank.
One of the features that stood out to me was the stainless steel 1.8mm wiring mesh. Not only does it look great, but it also provides exceptional durability. The design of the honeycomb pattern is a nice touch, adding a unique element to the front of my truck.
However, the installation process took a bit longer than expected, which was a bit of a downside. I had to consult the user manual a few times before I could get everything situated properly. But once it was installed correctly, the result was well worth the extra effort.
Overall, the APS Stainless Wire Mesh Grille Combo is a great choice for Ford F-150 owners looking to enhance their vehicle's appearance without breaking the bank.

🔗Stylish Grille Upgrade for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty F-150

I had the opportunity to put the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty to the test in my daily life, and I have to say, it delivered on both form and function. The black finish of this grille is truly striking, turning heads on the street as I drove around.
One of the highlights of this product is its easy installation process. Even though I'm not particularly handy, I managed to set it up without any issues. The precision fit of the grille is also noteworthy, as it allowed for an OE replacement that truly looks like it belongs on the car.
While the vertical fence style of the full front grille frame adds a touch of aggression to the car's appearance, I did notice that it can be a bit difficult to clean, as the crevices tend to accumulate dirt and debris. However, the grille is made from high-quality materials, so I trust that it will withstand the test of time.
One minor inconvenience I encountered was the ABS plastic used in the construction. While it provides a certain level of strength, I had a plastic piece break during installation. Thankfully, the issue was resolved with some ingenuity and a pair of zip ties.
Overall, I am quite pleased with the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty. It provides a great alternative for enhancing the appearance of my car while still maintaining its functionality. I highly recommend this grille to anyone looking to transform their vehicle's appearance.

🔗Chrome-Finished Ventilating Ford F-150 Grille Overlay with Mesh Design

I recently tried the Ford F-150 Trim Illusion Grille Overlay and was pleasantly surprised by its easy installation process and sleek appearance. It's made to fit the Ford F-150 XL model and has a ventilating chrome mesh design that helps keep debris out of your engine block while keeping it aerated.
One of the highlights of this grille overlay is its polished chrome finish, which looks great on a Ford F-150. However, I did notice that the overlays didn't provide a full coverage on the grill, especially around the Ford emblem. This might be a minor issue for some users, but it didn't affect the overall appearance of the grille.
Another feature that stood out was the ease of installation. There's no drilling required, which is great for those who want a quick upgrade. The overlays are easy to apply and require just a little bit of precision when placing them. However, I did find that removing the protective covering on the tape before applying it made the process a bit easier.
Overall, I'd recommend the Ford F-150 Trim Illusion Grille Overlay for anyone looking to add a touch of style to their truck without breaking the bank. Just be sure to practice your placement before applying the overlays for the best results.

Buyer's Guide

Selecting the right grille for your Ford F-150 can significantly enhance its appearance and personalize your vehicle. This buyer's guide will outline important factors to consider while selecting a grille, ensuring you choose the best fit for your needs and preferences.

Material and Construction

Grille materials and construction play a crucial role in determining their durability, weight, and overall quality. Common materials include steel, chrome, aluminum, and stainless steel. Each material has its pros and cons, and you should consider factors such as corrosion resistance, weatherability, and maintenance requirements when making your choice.

Style and Design

Ford F-150 grilles are available in various styles and designs, making it essential to select one that complements your vehicle's look and your personal taste. Consider factors such as the shape (e. g. , square, rounded, or oval), mesh pattern, and overall finish (e. g. , matte, glossy, or brushed).


While aesthetics might be your primary concern, it's crucial to consider functional aspects as well. Some grilles may have built-in lighting features to enhance visibility or incorporate air intake systems to enhance cooling. Ensure that the grille you choose doesn't compromise your vehicle's functionality or safety.


Price and Budget

As with any product, your budget plays a significant role in your decision. Ford F-150 grilles vary in price depending on materials, design, and functionality. Determine your budget and prioritize features to find a grille that fits your preferences without overextending your financial resources.


Installing a new grille can be a straightforward DIY project or require professional assistance, depending on the complexity and your level of expertise. Ensure you're choosing a grille that's compatible with your vehicle and consider installing it as a post-market upgrade if necessary.

Maintenance and Warranty

Regular maintenance is vital to preserve the appearance and longevity of your Ford F-150 grille. Look for grilles that offer reasonable warranties, covering any defects or wear issues during the specified period.
In conclusion, investing in the right Ford F-150 grille requires careful consideration of various factors, ranging from material and construction to style, functionality, price, installation, and maintenance. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision that enhances your vehicle's appearance and meets your needs and preferences.


What are Ford F-150 Grilles?

Ford F-150 Grilles are the front-end face of the Ford F-150 pickup truck, which showcases the vehicle's unique style and design. They can also enhance the truck's performance by improving airflow or reducing weight.


Why should I consider upgrading my Ford F-150's grille?

There are several reasons to upgrade your Ford F-150's grille. It can improve the vehicle's appearance, enhance its off-road capabilities, and even contribute to better fuel efficiency due to better airflow. Additionally, a custom grille helps you distinguish your Ford F-150 from others on the road.

What types of materials are Ford F-150 Grilles made of?

Ford F-150 Grilles are typically made from various materials including chrome, stainless steel, and plastic. Each material offers its own benefits, such as durability, low weight, and visual appeal.

What is a popular Ford F-150 Grille style?

Many Ford F-150 owners prefer the step bar or sport grille styles since they provide better ground clearance and give the truck an aggressive look. However, the choice of grille often depends on personal preference and the desired style for your vehicle.

Can I install a new grille on my Ford F-150 myself?

Yes, it is possible to install a new grille on your Ford F-150 yourself. However, it may require some mechanical skills and the proper tools. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and consult a professional if you have doubts.

Do Ford F-150 Grilles affect the vehicle's performance?

While upgrading to a new Ford F-150 Grille will not directly improve the vehicle's engine performance, it can contribute to better fuel efficiency by increasing airflow or reducing weight. Additionally, a properly designed grille can provide improved off-road capabilities due to better ground clearance.

Can I find customized Ford F-150 Grilles?

Yes, there are many aftermarket grille manufacturers that offer customized Ford F-150 Grilles to fit specific styles and preferences. Always make sure to choose a high-quality grille to ensure durability and a proper fit on your vehicle.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:36 CashmereBuffalo Controller RDR (Retirement, Death & Resignation)

Controller RDR (Retirement, Death & Resignation)
Air Traffic Controllers have continued to leave the workforce at a faster pace than previously forecasted. The FAA is required to submit a report to congress each year highlighting themes within Air Traffic Control and its workforce. As someone who enjoys researching, forecasting, and data interpretation, I have pieced together numbers in a category that I think statistically shows that this career needs better pay, benefits, and working conditions. One thing that this union is absolutely horrendous at is analyzing numbers, wrapping them up with a bow, and presenting them in a manner that shows we deserve more.

Controller Retirement Pattern

FY18 - 27% of controllers leave within first 2 years of retirement eligibility.
FY24 - 49% of controllers leave within first 2 years of retirement eligibility.
Note ~ An almost 2x increase in retirements within first 2 years of maximum 13 years of eligibility. Introducing ways to suppress and balance this trend should be implemented in order to protect the workforce, its size, and the publics tax investment in this service. In recent years frontloading the workforce with mass hiring at the entry level has been the only focus. No focus has been at the exit level and retaining controllers.

Controller Losses (Death, Resignation)

FY18 - Estimate 68 / Posted 91 (+34% Suprise)
FY19 - Estimate 79 / Posted 88 (+12% Suprise)
FY20 - Estimate 82 / Posted 94 (+15% Suprise)
FY21 - Estimate 90 / Posted 106 (+18% Suprise)
FY22 - Estimate 94 / Posted 173 (+85% Suprise)
FY23 - Estimate 141 / Posted 136 (-4% Beat)
FY24 - Estimate 142 / TBD
Note ~ 106% increase in estimated losses pertaining to death & resignations over past 6 years. This category outlines the current health of this workforce. Actions should be taken to improve the health of those working which further translates to protecting the size of the workforce. During this period the total headcount of controllers decreased from 14,481 (FY18) to 13,853 (FY24). More losses, smaller population. There is now almost an equal amount of people dying and resigning each year as there are retiring. FY24 FAA estimated retirements 181. Estimated deaths and resignations 142.
Opinion: This union is 6 steps behind the FAA's mess at all times. There should be people slamming their fists on the desks of those who run this operation demanding more. This is unacceptable. Long live the brothers and sisters of PATCO who were not scared to fight for what they deserved. There is a lot of negativity in this membership, and it has created a lack of progress. I consistently see arguing on who's right and wrong on this forum. During this crucial modern era, we need to unite together as one to get what we deserve. If you are complacent, you are a part of the problem.
Thank you MathematicianIll2445 for the inspiration.
submitted by CashmereBuffalo to atc2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:32 JWTom What would make you think JW Land is seriously crumbling vs. just experiencing a slow decline like all religion?

There are often posts here saying that JWs are collapsing and then posts also saying the opposite....that JWs are on a slow decline like all religion - but definitely not collapsing and JW Land will still be here in 100 years.
I fall into the group that thinks Watchtower is in serious trouble and the evidence of this is the drastic changes we see. Also, the dysfunction shows that the Governing Body and JW Leadership are willing to do just about anything to keep the con going.
If I had posted on Reddit EXJW two years ago and said that sisters would be wearing pants, brothers would have beards, the ministry would be dead and that the Governing Body would say "the good news will not be preached before the end comes"......many here would have said this was crazy talk and that those things would never happen.
The reality is: The last 24 months has been a crazy, chaotic and mind-blowing mess for anyone associated with Jehovah's Witnesses.
Things that make me think JW Land is in serious trouble:
I want my PIMI/PIMQ family out of this cult and when I see the chaos in this religion it truly makes me think it is in a death spiral.
What would make you think this religion is seriously crumbling? Or please feel free to share any of your thoughts.
Note: I post and comment here regularly. It has been a healthy activity for me as I have became POMO almost 2 years ago. This is a great group of people that have helped me beyond what I can express in words.
submitted by JWTom to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:30 Dependent_love458 AITA for wanting an Apology!

Hi I’m in my first year of high school. In January I got rid of my best friend/Andrea and crush/Alejandro. I know it’s been awhile.
The reason why I got rid of them was simple. Andrea started excluding and ignoring me at our lunch table. Alejandro was a whole different thing. He would sit by and let Andrea exclude me.
In December was when it all started. I was staying after school trying to hangout with Alejandro. He was busy doing his assignment when our other friends walked in. They noticed me in the back and started laughing. I couldn’t hear them ,but I wanted to know so I took off my headphones. I heard a classmate say “I’m so sorry mc .” Afterwards I got a text with videos of Alejandro and other friends making jokes about my appearance. The real kicker was there wasn’t just 1 there was 10 all shot at different times. The classmate who apologized earlier later confirmed that they were doing it while I was there.
I asked Andrea to block them. She said “ Just because they did something bad to you doesn’t mean I have to stop talking to them.” So I then said ok I get that and blocked all of them. I ended up forgiving them after Alejandro contacted me and apologized for everyone’s behavior.
Going to where it all broke down it’s now January. After I found out what they did I returned all of their Christmas presents. Nathan one of the guys in the videos texts me “where’s my gift?” And I tell him “ I returned them after what happened. I’ll give you 20 bucks since you gave me a gift.” He then said “Your gift was worth 30 actually.” I started getting anxiety and before I knew it I was crying in my kitchen. My older sister 23 asked what was wrong and helped me through my nervous break down. She responded to him saying I wasn’t giving him anything then. He then called me a greedy bitch. That same night I texted Andrea and Alejandro about what happened. Andrea said I was the problem for not just calming down. Alejandro said well what am I supposed to do? I texted both of them that they were no longer my friends.
After I blocked them a couple days go by when I wake up on Saturday to find screenshots and texts of Nathan removing me from a band gc saying “fuck mc she is a bitch and blocked us for no reason” while Andrea and another friend Ana said “yeah she like was bullying me and jealous of my relationship with Andrea.” This gc had over 25 people in it all consisting of people in band with me. People started joining in saying “let’s jump her” or “ I hope she dies.” I take the screenshots and go straight to my father. He drops by my school on Monday and reports what happened. They all get talked to about cyber bullying.
To this day they still talk about me . I’ve deleted all my social media to get away from it all. I’ve tried to reach out to Alejandro for consolation. I wanted an apology. Anything that showed that he felt bad or that anyone cared about what they did. All I got was ”Can I do it over text?” AITA for wanting an apology?
submitted by Dependent_love458 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:27 BronzyOW New Report/Ban System

This is something that has been talked about many many times but it's getting way out of hand.. I would fully accept if an account gets banned in lower ranks because people don't like smurfs, which I PERSONALLY don't think smurfing should be bannable (I'm not sure if it is because streamers do unranked to GM series or play with friends on stream all the time and don't get banned) , but if enough people report you, you get banned.
This is what I wanted to talk about because as Carter tried as well, he had zero play time but because enough people reported him he got banned. There's the link to his VOD which is deleted, but here's the tweet: https://x.com/Carter_OW/status/1533518279721029632
I think it's absurd that if people just report you you get banned, without any sort of action from the people in charge of this. I've had 2 accounts in Masters/GM that I play on stream, mostly every single game was played on stream.. and they got banned for cheating. Sometimes they don't even give a reason for your ban, but they write: https://imgur.com/wQcwxzH
This account was Top 500 on Tank and DPS, but it still just gets banned because if enough people report you, you get banned..
There definitely needs to be something done about this because it happens to so many of my friends, and even pro players who have their alt accounts banned. I remember a long time ago there was talks about having a system like CSGO had called "Overwatch" ironically, where upstanding members of the community could review vods and see if someone is cheating or not, would definitely help.
What are your thoughts?
EDIT: Another thing I forgot to mention, I sometimes see streamers report someone and say "Oh well, if they're not cheating they won't get banned, ill let Blizzard decide.." , they don't decide, its based off how many reports you get.
submitted by BronzyOW to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:26 Last_Development_656 How to Ask for Music Feedback to Improve Your Songs

How to Ask for Music Feedback to Improve Your Songs
Music feedback is crucial for artist development. Seeking feedback on your songs will enhance your music and production skills.
As musicians, we become so immersed in the production process that it becomes challenging to hear our music objectively. Useful music feedback, both positive and negative, provides a fresh perspective on your work. It drives artistic decisions, presents new ideas, and identifies problems that may need fixing. The feedback you receive can also help with writer’s block and fosters continuous learning.
What Types of Music Feedback to Expect
Knowing what types of music feedback you may receive will help you apply it effectively. There are three common critique types:
Technical Feedback: This provides specific advice and is the most constructive and useful kind of feedback. Individuals with particular skill sets, such as a mixing engineer or songwriter, are best qualified to give feedback on technical aspects of your songs.
General Feedback: This relates to your artistic decisions, providing general rather than specific technical advice. For example, it might suggest adding or removing vocals.
Opinion Feedback: This is the most common and hardest type of feedback to apply. An opinion is simply someone saying your song is good or bad.
How to Ask for Feedback and Use It to Improve Your Music
Services like SharePro have become viable options for music feedback. But how do you ensure the feedback you receive is constructive and useful? And how do you ask for song feedback without burning bridges or annoying people? Finally, how do you interpret feedback on your songs?
Here are ten things to remember when asking for feedback on your music:
  1. Know Why You’re Sending That Specific Song for Feedback Are you sending your song because you’re out of ideas or need help deciding between multiple ideas? Specify this to the listener. For instance, “I’m still working on this track and would like to know which of the drops at 1:15, 2:08, and 3:22 is the strongest.”Additionally, don’t ask for feedback if you’ve stopped working on the song. Don’t waste someone’s time if you’re not going to incorporate any suggested changes.
  2. Know Why You’re Sending That Song to a Specific Person Your listener should have experience relating to whatever technical needs improvement. For example, if you want feedback on your mix, ask a mixing engineer. If you don’t like the lyrics, ask a songwriter.Don’t discount feedback from non-music people either. While they may not provide technical advice, their emotional or stylistic feedback can be valuable. For example, ask, “How does the song make you feel?” or “What artist does the song remind you of?”
  3. Know What Specific Aspects of the Song Need Work Don’t expect the listener to critique everything. Most feedback covers one or two aspects of a song. Be explicit about what areas need improvement. For instance, ask, “What do you think of the lyrical concept and song structure?”
  4. Know Your Artistic Objective for the Song Music evokes emotion. Besides asking for technical feedback, ask how your song makes the listener feel. For example, does it evoke happiness or sadness? Also, communicate your artistic objective to the listener.
  5. Know Your Commercial Objective for the Song If you have a specific commercial objective for the song, be clear about it. For instance, is the song intended for club play, radio, or sync/licensing? Let the listener know how you plan on using the song.
  6. Ask for Music Feedback in a Professional Manner Keep your request simple, concise, straight-to-the-point, and polite. Personalize your message to let the listener know why you’re seeking their feedback.Important Tip: Send your music to people involved in the music industry, such as a DJ who plays songs similar to yours, a music supervisor who syncs songs like yours, or someone who listens to your genre.
  7. How to Respond to Music Feedback Receiving negative feedback can be tough, but it’s essential to respond well. Thank the listener for their opinion and let them know you’ll consider it. Avoid attacking someone for their feedback, as it discourages honest input. You don’t have to apply all feedback, but don’t dismiss it either. Respect the time someone has taken to help you.
  8. Music Feedback Services Music feedback services like SharePro offer detailed feedback and statistical reports. This in-depth feedback helps you make better-informed decisions about composition, production, and promotion.
Don’t hesitate to combine feedback from people you know with anonymous feedback from services like SharePro.
By doing so, you can gain diverse insights to refine your music and elevate your artistry.
submitted by Last_Development_656 to supportindiemusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:26 Cat_Lady_1997 Friends phone hacked by her employers rival

My friend is a low level employee at an insurance/pharmacutical company, she handles phone calls that have to do with copay issues. I don't want to get too detailed for privacy and because, frankly, I barely understand her job anyway. This is in the US.
Memorial day weekend we found out her phone was hacked by a rival pharmaceutical company. When somebody called her, their call was directly transferred to the menu of the pharmacy company saying "connecting to a representative" or something like that (she has a recording of it). This is a huge company, that took over my friends phone number and had it direct them to company representatives.
It turns out this had been happening on/off for a month or more until it was noticed.
Her phone company managed to fix it and now her phone number is only hers (or so we hope). The HR of her company says they're doing an "investigation" which obviously means fuck-all. As of now the only thing that's happened is my friend sent HR a long email affirming that she has no affiliation to that other company, she did not consent for her phone number to be used, and that she wants an investigation.
Her friends a lawyer in another country and says she doesn't have any damages so there's no lawsuit. But i'm still interested in what others have to say. We know she's not getting money from all this, but my big question is- do we report this to the police or something?
submitted by Cat_Lady_1997 to legaladvice [link] [comments]
