Rip tattoos for guys


2020.06.14 23:05 IamDJK IamDJK

This a subreddit for anyone and everyone who supports IamDJK! Post memes, pictures or rip into IamDJK this Subreddit is for you guys!

2010.03.18 01:55 Gushers Dragon Ball

A subreddit for the entire Dragon Ball franchise.

2018.10.17 05:56 rabbit_tattoo A place to learn together.

This subreddit is for those in or seeking a traditional tattoo apprenticeship to share their work, whether it be tattoos or artwork, and gain honest advice and constructive criticism. ✨Remember guys, we are here to help each other. If you see someone practicing unsafe/unsanitary tattooing, tell them. That is one of the most important things in tattooing. Also if you are seen being rude and not constructive whatsoever, you risk removal from this subreddit.✨

2024.06.10 09:00 benm73 Deploying to a hot zone and don’t know how to tell my gf

so i’m not gonna go too far in to detail but my title basically sums everything up. and i know a lot of people are just gonna tell me to break up with her or whatever so i’m not really looking for some stupid advice like that. so basically i just finished OSUT a few months back and i’ve just recently found out that my unit is getting deployed. i’m 11b and we’re not going to some nice place it’s a full on combat deployment and everyone in my unit is taking it super seriously as am i. my only issue isn’t the deployment itself (i know very well what i signed myself up for) it’s breaking the news to my gf that i’ve been with for a little over 2 years now. she’s been with me since before i left for OSUT and she’s paranoid as shit about me getting deployed and dying bc she watches too many war movies for her own good. she’s very supportive of me in my career and my choices to join (not like she had an option i joined before i even met her). i know she’s gonna be scared asf and super paranoid about it and i’m honestly really scared of breaking the news to her bc i don’t want her to get upset. (she probably will regardless but i can’t just sit here and lie to her about where i’m going and what i’m doing) i’m just looking for some advice on how to break the news to her and make her feel a bit better about the whole thing (which seems absolutely f’ing impossible). i’m probably over thinking the whole thing and should probably just rip the bandaid off but i was wondering if i could get some friendly advice from someone who’s been in a similar experience. i’m not so much worried about her cheating or leaving me bc she honestly wouldn’t be able to physically do it ( for some reason or another she’s convinced she wants to marry me and have a family with me idk what she sees in me lol). just need some advice as a new guy who’s going on his first deployment. any actual advice would be much appreciated.
submitted by benm73 to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:56 Own_Resolve_4218 LETS NOT MEET

TW: Mental illness,
This is a long one I’m sorry 😭
Hi Courtney and friends! So a little bit of context, i was friends with this girl (we’ll call her Ruth) since 5th grade. She moved around a lot because of her mom who “had” to move for all of her boyfriends. So we didn’t see each other a whole lot but talked. Anyway, she had moved back into the area because her mom got a bf down here and she came back to our school. We did so much stuff, we would go out to the movies, mall, drives etc. School started and she had started drinking with her other friends and what not, then would get thrown in the drunk tank for trying to fight her mom or someone else. Whenever she would fight with her mom she would ask me to pick her up or she would ask the cops to bring her to my house and they would. Sometimes I would pay someone to take me to pick her up if her mom kicked her out on the highway or something. After so long drinking it’s like she went into a psychosis or something. She would start saying all this crazy stuff, like one time she took me across the track field and told me to turn my phone off and put it under my led and said “there was 7 star sisters and if you look there’s only 6 and I’m the fallen star and I’m saving people being trafficked” anyway she would just call the cops on random people, even like old men and woman. So she was my friend and I dealt with her crazy because I loved her. Anyways feels like I’m rambling, this was years ago so I don’t remember all the details but she went crazy on me saying that I was stealing from her, calling me a fake friend and saying I was poor and shit lmao😭 i told her I never stole from her because she has nothing to steal, and that if I wanted something I just had to ask my dad. idk it was stupid we stopped being friends for about a year and she had EMAILED me apologizing saying she was just going crazy blah blah blah… I forgave her and we were friends again, we were back to best friends even went to the states (we live in Canada) went to Maine and went on a few other small trips whatever. Anyway in Maine we used her card for the hotel because mine wasn’t working and then we started drinking. And she started saying weird shit like people were watching us and she would go in the bathroom and be whispering and I was like eeeee. We went to bed and went shopping the next day and started to head home. When we got home I sent her some money for my food and my half. Fast forward to summer 2023 she comes down to visit for a week (at this point I’ve been around her enough to realize that she was a negative person and I made the decision to block her when she went back home)and her moms cars brakes down, I drive her and her mom to pay for their tow and the whole drive up she’s bitching and nagging at her mom, pulling out her drivers permit asking “whose pic is this who name is this on here mom huh?” And I’m like “and??? What’s your point Ruth it’s your shit?” She says “oh idk”. Then a few minutes later she brings her car registration paper out and starts ripping it up😭 and she keeps being rude to her mom saying stuff like “remember when you used to beat us ?” I told her a few times to stop and I said “don’t disrespect your mom in front of me. I love my mama and I respect my mama don’t disrespect her in front of me do that in your own time. Right now this is my time” she was chill we went shopping and got food and then we headed home and I needed to get gas and she started nagging again and I told her to stop because my 7-8 month old son is in the car. And she’s bitching at me now saying that it’s her mom bluh bluh bluh… we start driving home and she keeps going so I tell her if she doesn’t stop I’m kicking her out of my car because my baby is on the car. I pull over because she hasn’t shut up and I tell her to get out. “No my mom paid you to take us you have to bring us home” I said “exactly your mom paid me to take her not you so get out “ and she starts raising her voice and man I’m about to lay my hands on her but god just kept telling me to call the cops so I did and told them she wouldn’t get out and was freaking out and my baby was in the car. They take our information and they tell me to pull into the gas station and THIS BITCH calls the cops and said “I’m in a hostage situation she’s taking me somewhere against my will” and my dispatcher is like “what I don’t even know what do say about that” she finally gets out after her mom gets out too and I leave and the cops are just saying there’s nothing they can do bluh bluh. So my cousin (my bestie at the time) is seeing her and he picks her up he gives me a hug and apologizes and then leaves. She starts harassing me, spam calling, texting, and I block her and she downloads texting apps and keeps harassing me saying I abuse my baby, and I’m a drug dealer and all this other stuff. She then starts saying I owe her 800$ for that Maine trip for the room and the food, she paid for a few meals and I did. I sent her my half of the room money when we got home AND I paid for the gas there and back which was about 300$. So I told her “since you wanna say I owe you money take it out of all that money you owe me, all those years of me paying for your school lunch because you guys couldn’t afford it, all the times I took you shopping and bought you stuff, all the cigarettes I paid for, all the times I took you out to eat and the movies. I just kept blocking her. She starts messaging me on my cousins accounts and then I just block him too because why are you letting your raunchy crazy gf say that shit to me. Now I keeps blocking accounts she keeps making. I then found out that she secretly hated me all those years I was nice to her and dealt with her shit and was saying I wanted to be her😭I don’t wanna be a crazy girl so to the girl that used me and hated me for YEARS let’s not meet😭😭😭
Ps. I’ve been subbed for years I only watch your vids on YouTube 😭 love you! Also sorry if this doesn’t make sense inhaled too much Mary Jane before writing this
submitted by Own_Resolve_4218 to spoopycjades [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:46 Legal-Whereas-8843 Different binders and my thoughts on them

Hey, I've been out as a trans man for 5 years and I've tried a lot of different binders. I'm a bigger guy, 250lbs with DDs. Here's my thoughts.
Gc2b No. 5 Half binder: 4/5 Good binder, doesn't get me as flat as I'd like but its breathable and comfortable. It does stretch out after a while, about six months of wearing it every day and it was at 1/2 of what it originally was binding, which was already looser than I wanted but good for working and school and physical activity because isn't super restrictive. This is the binder I wear every day currently. $35
Gc2b Luxe Racerback: 2.5/5 It's fine. It worked. it binded less than the No. 5 but was easier to put on. It lasted about 2 months of everyday wear before the straps started to rip and the seams came undone and it wasnt usuable. Not worth it for everyday day. $48.50
Gc2b Tank Binder Classic 2.0: 2/5 I hated it. The actual binder part was fine, basically the same as the No. 5 half binder. My issue was with the tank part. I was not for fat people or anyone with a big stomach at all. It does not stay down. It got sticky when I sweat and was impossible to get on and stay on and I just could not stand it.
Underworks Tri-top Chest Binder: 3/5 It was a good binder, it binded really well and I loved how flat it made me. It was a little harder to breathe in but I never minded that. My issue was the fabric. It was super itchy/scratchy. I couldn't wear it for very long and it the seams hurt my underarms. If it was a different fabric, it would've been perfect. $31.99
BaronHong Tomboy Trans Lesbian Cotton Middle Hooks Chest Binder Elastic Band: 1/5 I couldn't even get it on. I followed their measurement chart and it was pretty cheap but it was definitely made for skinny people. I don't know if it's safe or not either. $14.99
TransGenX Tape: 2.5/5 I know this works for some people, it doesn't work for me. I can't figure it out. $12.75
submitted by Legal-Whereas-8843 to TransMasc [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:40 Content_Gap_9020 Should I leave him or Should I stay?

TL;DR I don't trust him with his tattoo career
I "21F" have dated this guy for 7 years" 22M" we have basically grown up together, but in the 2nd year of our relationship he cheated on me and we went NC for 2 months, after that he said sorry and wanted to come back and I accepted it , after the time he cheated on me, he has never laid his eyes upon anyone and he's never ever willingly talked to any girl. It's been 5 years since he cheated but I still cannot fully trust him and I am still scared that he might do it again. Anyways, he started his tattoo career last year and he is very dedicated towards it and I am genuinely happy for him. He will soon leave for his apprenticeship for 6 months and I don't think that I trust him enough to do LDR and not just that he will be tattoo-ing other women ( I brought this up to him and he said he won't and that he will give his girl clients to, his co worker) and I am not comfortable with it, I know he has given me clarification but I don't think I trust him, because someday he has to ink some women right? Should I leave him because of my trust issues or am I being too dramatic?
submitted by Content_Gap_9020 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:33 Mysterious_Cat_1706 Gribble 2 - Chapter 4

[Backstory][Arc 1][[[Next>]]()
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Chapter 4: The March
Gribble perched atop a massive stone, its surface jagged and blackened by the conflagration that had consumed the dwarf fortress. His clawed feet gripped the charred rock, bits of ash crumbling away. The Dark King surveyed his handiwork, lips skinning back from yellowed fangs in a death's-head grin.
Below him stretched a blasted hellscape of shattered walls and tumbled masonry, still smoldering in places. Thick black smoke stained the sky, blotting out sun and stars alike. The twisted wreckage of siege engines jutted from the rubble like the bones of long-dead leviathans. But where once the corpses of fallen dwarves had littered the ruins, now there was only the restless stirring of Gribble's Dark Legion.
The dwarven dead had risen, their broken bodies reknit by the necromancer's foul sorcery. Shattered bones had been made whole, rent flesh and sinew woven back together by tendrils of sorcerous shadow. Now they stood in silent ranks, skeletal warriors clad in rusted scraps of their own armor, bony hands gripping notched axes and shattered swords. The eye sockets of their skulls glowed with a spectral light, an eldritch radiance that matched the burning pits of Gribble's own gaze.
The Dark King breathed deep, nostrils flaring. The stench of death and dark sorcery hung heavy on the air, a cloying miasma that would have choked a mortal man. To Gribble it was more intoxicating than the finest incense. He savored it, tongue flicking out to taste the foul, sweet reek of undeath and dark magic.
This. This was the moment he lived for. When all the planning, all the rituals and sacrifices, bore their terrible fruit. When mighty bastions fell and whole peoples were subsumed into his deathless horde, their own fallen warriors turned against them. When all would know the true power of the necromancer-king, the devourer of souls, the shadow that gnawed at the heart of the world.
Gribble's gaze raked the assembled host of the dead, taking in their ranks and ragged phalanxes. Each skeletal soldier represented a victory, a life snuffed out and bent to his infernal purpose. The dwarves had resisted to the last, fighting with the grim determination of their kind. But even their stout axes and implacable wills had not been enough to stem the inexorable tide of the restless dead.
Now the children of the mountain marched beneath Gribble's dread banner, their stubborn valor suborned to his will. They would fight for him now, these fallen foes. Fight and die again, as many times as was needful, until all life was extinguished and only a dead world remained for the Dark King to rule over. Such was the power of his necromancy, to shackle even the dauntless spirits of the dwarves to his service.
A faint rattling drew Gribble's eye to the outskirts of the assembled horde. Through sheer force of will, a single dwarf skeleton was dragging itself up from the shattered earth. Clods of grave soil clung to its yellowing bones, falling away as it reached its feet with a final, jerky heave. A notched axe hung from one bony hand, edges gleaming dully in the guttering light of the burning keep.
The skeleton turned its fleshless skull to face Gribble, eye sockets flaring with the same eldritch light that suffused its breathren. For a moment it simply stared at the Dark King, as if some last vestige of dwarven stubbornness sought to resist the binding of its will. Then, with a rattling sigh like the wind whispering through a charnel house, it bent its spine in supplication, axe saluting its new master.
Gribble allowed himself a moment of dark amusement at the sight. Even in death, it seemed, the dwarves fought against their fate. But it was a futile struggle. All bowed to the Lord of Bones in the end. All became cogs in his great necromantic engine, the dread machine that would one day grind all life to ruin and dust.
The Dark King's thoughts turned to the next link in his plan's unfolding, to the reason he had brought his horde to this once-lofty keep amid the cold stone of the mountains. The Whispering Woods, that primeval tangle of sorcery and shadows that lay between him and his next conquest. Long had he brooded on how best to navigate that treacherous sea of leaves and boughs. No common sorcery would suffice to fend off its grasping roots and venomous spores, the subtle madness carried on its evanescing fog. Gribble would need to turn its own dark power against it, fight primordial shadow with deeper shades still.
And for that, he would need more than mere foot soldiers, more than the rank and file of his skeletal legion. He needed monsters, dark champions to batter down the palisades of dripping vines and thorn-strangled trees. Beasts of brawn and fang to rip and rend, to blaze the twisting trail for his deathless ranks to follow.
He had one such creature already, a nightmare made flesh to serve as the spearpoint of his advance. The Grey Fur Beast, that nemesis beast whelped from a shadow-veined egg coughed up by the blasted peaks beyond the dwarf-hold. Even now Gribble could feel its presence, a hulking silhouette crouched at the base of his stony aerie.
The Dark King prodded the beast's mind with a psychic barb and it surged to its feet, muscles bunching and sliding beneath its shaggy pelt. Ember-red eyes flared in sunken sockets as the Grey Fur Beast swung its massive head to transfix its master with a sullen, smoldering gaze. Spittle dripped from its hooked beak, viscous strands of ichor webbing its needle-studded maw.
Suppressing a shudder that was equal parts revulsion and ecstasy, Gribble pressed his will upon the creature, bending it to his whim. The Grey Fur Beast fought him, feral instincts clashing with the necromancer's inexorable dominion. But it could not gainsay the black shackles of sorcery that bound it. With a shuddering growl, the beast lowered its eyes, acknowledging Gribble's supremacy once more.
Gribble caressed its mind with tendrils of thought, sibilant whispers slithering through the thing's benighted brain. "You will serve," the necromancer crooned without words or voice, his psychic touch an obscene invasion. "You will rend and despoil at my command, a hound at the hunt. And when the time comes, monster mine, you will blaze me a path through the whispering dark..."
The Grey Fur Beast twitched, a full body spasm rippling through its elephantine bulk. Whether in acquiescence or loathing, Gribble neither knew nor cared. The beast's fealty was assured, as inviolable as the sorcerous chains he had first lashed around its soul when it clawed its way out of the shadowstuff womb that bore it. It would serve unto death and beyond, just as his other minions did.
Gribble turned his mind from his nemesis beast to the grim work that lay ahead. The dwarves and their shattered fortress were only the beginning, a first foray into the lands he meant to make his own. The Whispering Woods and the beastmen who skulked beneath those ebon boughs awaited, ripe for the reaping.
Gribble would bring his Dark Legion down upon them like a scourge of old night, a tsunami of dessicated bone and necromantic fury. The beastmen would fall as the dwarves had fallen, their furry hides flayed from still-living bones, their spirits shackled to his ever-growing armies of the dead. And the Whispering Woods, that ancient haven of shadow and sorcery, would become an extension of his own dark will, its every twisted limb and gloaming glade suborned to his foul purposes.
Yes, the Whispering Woods would serve him well. A staging ground for future atrocities, a dank womb disgorging fresh horrors upon this benighted world. Under Gribble's malign influence it would become a haunt of walking nightmares, a place where the monstrous ran rampant and the dead knew no rest. The sighing of wind through sable leaves would be replaced by the clatter of skeletal feet, the groaning of stressed boughs would mingle with the agonized wails of tortured spirits.
And it would only be the beginning. With the Woods and the beastmen broken to his will, Gribble would turn his gaze to other lands, other realms ripe for conquering. The kingdoms of men, perhaps, with their gleaming cities and vaunted champions. The haughty enclaves of the elves, hidden behind wards of crystal and starlight. Even the bleak halls of the mountain dwellers, hewn into the bones of the world itself. All would fall beneath his grim tread, all would feed his burgeoning legions of the restless dead.
In the end, Gribble would be the last sovereign of a murdered world, the Dark King astride a blighted throne. And all the works and glories of the living would be naught but fading memory, their vaunted bastions and valiant heroes reduced to shuffling bones enlisted beneath his patchwork banners of flayed flesh and tattered skin.
The vision was a succor to him, a draught of gall and grave-niter to slake the thirst of his undead spirit. It thrummed in his desiccated veins like a drumbeat of the damned, a necrotic tattoo urging him on to the next charnel field, the next victory in his war of skins.
Gribble cast his gaze over his assembled host once more, taking in the thousands of dead eyes staring back at him in silent obedience. The dwarves had been a fine addition to his ranks, their sturdy frames and stubborn wills now suborned to his necromantic domination. They would serve as the backbone of his forces as he pushed on into the Whispering Woods, the thews and sinews to match the Grey Walker's monstrous fury.
But they were only a start, a single fount of gore and bone in a world yet brimming with warm life to be extinguished. Gribble would not rest, could not rest, until all that lived and breathed bowed down in death to his supremacy. Until his was the only will left animate in a universe of eternal sepulchral silence.
He lifted a withered hand, desiccated flesh stretched taut over bones yellow with grave-mold. As one, his deathless legions snapped to attention, a clattering staccato of arms and armor. The Grey Fur Beast lifted its shaggy head and howled, a savage ululation that set spectral echoes to shivering through the assembled host.
It was the cry of the hunt, the grim clarion of the pale death that rode out to slay the world. Gribble drank it in, savoring the shudder of fear and exultation it set twining through his ancient bones. Then, with a final gesture, he turned and began his descent from the blackened stone spire.
His skeletal minions parted before him like a sea of bone, closing in his wake with the smooth precision of marionettes guided by a single master's hand. The Grey Fur Beast loped at his side, its massive strides easily matching the Dark King's gliding progress.
Together they moved through the smoldering ruin of the dwarf-hold, a nightmare procession wending its way toward the twisted eaves of the Whispering Woods. Behind them, the army of the dead followed in eerie silence, an inexorable tide of horn and steel and yellowing bone.
And at its head strode Gribble, the Horned Necromancer, the Bane of the Living. His eyes burned with the cold fire of the abyss, his heart was a whetstone upon which he had long ago sharpened his will to an ebon edge.
There would be no mercy. No reprieve. Only the harvest of ruin, and the cold rictus grin of the Reaper who wielded the scythe of eternal night.
The world would drown in a tide of bones. And Gribble would be the one to drag it down into the darkest depths, until all was silent and still at last beneath his dead, dead gaze.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:17 Janube 34[M4F] - Michigan - Seeking Life Partner for Snark and Joy to Combat the Vast Emptiness and Cold Indifference of the Cosmos

Hi! The world is an existential nightmare, but it could be a nightmare we share together!
I'm a professional writer and game designer looking for a long-term relationship. No kids (got the snip), no prior marriages, no addictive substances (except sugar). Pretty far-left political stances.
I'd love to meet someone curious, clever, and confident. Bonus points for people with gothy/punk/alternative styles, but that's not a dealbreaker or anything (I would like someone to help me pick out tattoos). No smokers, please! That is a dealbreaker.
I've been around enough to know what I'm looking for and not to settle. I strive for open communication, patience, honesty, a problem-solving attitude toward conflict, and compassion/empathy/understanding/patience. Self-improvement and being up-front are important to me. Communication has recently been a problem with prospective partners over the last couple years, so I want to stress that I'm not the right fit for someone who's conflict-avoidant or who doesn't approach their partner with the benefit of the doubt. For me, there's no point in a relationship if you can't trust each other and feel safe with each other even when you disagree about something. Just trying to learn and grow with a partner while we complement each other.
I'm mostly fit (though my cardio is garbo), slender, and 6'0, and I've been told I'm handsome if you like guys with shaved heads- Ideally would like to be with someone of a similar build/fitness and generally around my age +/- 9 years. I love a faux-combative dynamic with partners - giving each other low-key shit. Life's no fun unless we're being a little mean to each other (Them Statler and Waldorf vibes, right?)
I'm definitely more of a homebody/introvert, but I like walks, swimming, working out, and indoor rock climbing. But you're more likely to find me playing some kind of game or hyperfixating on research. I'm affectionate and mostly silly even if I take a lot of topics seriously. I try to view life with humor, but I've got anxiety/depression, so I'd prefer to be with someone who at least understands mental health issues.
It generally takes me a minute to warm up to someone until I have a good idea of how we mesh and what kind of affection/banter works well with us. I err on the side of caution, so let me know if you want me to shift gears!
If you weren't driven off by my writing style/density, please give me a holler and we can be snarky weirdos together~ (I would really appreciate a picture with your message if you're comfortable with it. I just don't want to waste your time if the attraction's not there!)
submitted by Janube to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:05 Whiteyukkon [Moblie] [unknown] Anime style zombie/post apocalyptic game with characters from all over the world

Hi everyone this is yet another a repost of another post (third time’s a charm) i made on here since the first time I posted this it didn’t get any engagement. I need help finding this game that i’ve been looking for for a bit. I’ve described it to the best of my ability but unfortunately I never actually played the game and all the info i know/remember about it comes from it’s wiki so please take everything i say here with a grain of salt.
Platforms - I’m fairly certain that the game was a moblie game. If not then the only other platform it could be on would be pc.
Genre - Since as i have previously mentioned i never actually played this game i don’t know what the combat was like. I do however remember that all the characters were drawn in an anime style. I also feel like the game took place in a post apocalyptic or zombie infested setting but that may just be me mashing multiple similar games together in my head. Reason i think this tho is because i feel like it was mentioned on the wiki and i know that the wiki had a dark color scheme of primarily black.
Estimated Year of Release - Tho i don’t remember the exact year of release I doubt the game was released before 2018 or 2015 at most. If i had to guess i’d probably say somewhere around 2020 or 2021
Graphics/Artstyle - As i mentioned earlier i don’t know what the in game graphics looked like but i do remember that all the characters were drawn in an anime style. Similar artstyles would probably be games like tears of themis, epic 7, or maybe even mystic messenger.
Notable characters - The only character i can remember (and the reason i’m trying to find the game) is a guy whose name i don’t remember. He was tall and had long blond hair similar to luocha from Hsr. He wore a black long sleeve lace/sheer button up shirt and black trousers and shoes. obviously being that this is an anime style game he was ripped but like the skinny kind of ripped. I think he was a dancer from somewhere in Europe. I also think there may have been and american baseballer dude but i’m not sure.
Notable gameplay mechanics - Again since i never played this game i have no knowledge of any of the gameplay mechanics. The only thing is that the game might be a gatcha game but that is a very big might so take that with a grain of salt
Other details - The only other thing that i think would be worth mentioning is that similar to valorant every playable character in this game comes from a different real world country.
submitted by Whiteyukkon to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:05 ZealousidealTrifle67 IM NOT 12!

My sisters (29&27) and I (23f) took our annual sisters’ trip this past weekend. My sister (27) and I had to fly to our destination unfortunately. Sis had my boarding pass on her phone so we went together to the tsa agent where they check your ids and scan your passes.
Now this agent is an older guy, like a ‘he retired from his job and was bored so he got this gig’ type old. He checks us and everything is fine but my Sis is tsa pre-checked but I am not so she lets him know. The man yells across the way to the other agent saying “hey so n’ so, the mother is pre checked but the daughter isn’t.” My sis is laughing but shocked and lets him know that we’re sisters.
Mind you we look very similar. We are the same height and have similar builds. The main difference is that she wears makeup and I never have. My sis says she’s offended because no way does she look old enough to be my mother which she doesn’t. It’s me on the other hand… I am constantly getting comments on how young looking I am. I’ve gotten anywhere from 18 to now 12. On average people think I’m a freshman in high school. This older agent definitely saw me as super young and just assumed. He never said an age exactly but this next agent does.
Right after this I’m waiting to push my things down the conveyor belt for security check with my sis already going through the body scan machine. Another tsa agent at the belt tells me “if you’re 12 and under, you go to that body scanner” and pointing to the machine where children and parents go through. I must have had a super confused look on my face because when I turned to look at the agent standing at the scanner she shook her head no and pointed to the actual body scanner. So the agent thought I was 12 years old.
This was all during the peak time of flights so the line was full. I felt extremely embarrassed.
I unfortunately was wearing leggings so you couldn’t see my leg tattoos but I have a large forearm tattoo. That still didn’t stop people from thinking I’m a child. I turn 24 in a couple of months. Smh
submitted by ZealousidealTrifle67 to OlderThanYouThinkIAm [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:42 Whatthehellnow420 D-Day #2 and Trickle Truths… Where to Go From Here?

My (25f) husband (23m) and I are both bisexual. I have never judged him for his attraction to men just as he hasn’t judged me for my attraction to women. I just wanted to start by saying that.
However, we have always agreed on a monogamous marriage.
On May 26th of this year, I found Grindr in the hidden apps on his phone. I demanded an explanation. He told me he had only swapped nudes and it never went further. I didn’t believe him. For the 14 days that followed, I pestered him and pestered him for the truth. I’m aware of the infamous “trickle truth” cheaters are often guilty of.
Last night, he finally told me. One morning after dropping me off at work in November of 2023 (the same month I started that new job), he went to an apartment near our local college of a guy (19 y/o) he met on Grindr and gave him oral sex. The guy wore protection and didn’t know he was married, and he has since moved out of town. They are not in contact.
I lost it on him. I screamed at him and called him names. I’ve never done such a thing in our 5 years together. I called him a monster and told him I hated him. I regret saying those things now, but the pure rage I felt was indescribable. I tried to shoot myself, but he ripped the shotgun shells from my hand and wouldn’t let me. I begged him to let me die. The heartache, I couldn’t bear it…
I’m staying at my mom and dad’s house for a couple of days. I want to stay with him and make it work, but I don’t know where to begin. I don’t know what I need to do, or what he needs to do to make this work. He says he doesn’t want to lose me and that this wasn’t anything to do with me. He assured me he’s attracted to me and more so than anyone else, and that I’m everything to him. But if that’s the case, why can’t he show me that? I have always been a good wife to him.
submitted by Whatthehellnow420 to CheatedOn [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:38 HazukiWolfe Help finding two horror movies

I hope this is ok to post here but I've been trying to find these two movies for years but I only remember small sips of them.
First movie is a about a husband giving his wife a clock. I don't remember much else but a scene where the wife rips off the wall paper to find clock cogs all over and in the end, she was able to turn back tome to when her husband gives her the clock and she breaks it
The second movie I remember a spirit I think had control of the house. I remember a scene where a guy is trying to fix the sink and he taps the switch down for the sink grinder only for the house to flip it on and he loses a few fingers. I also remember a scene where this black woman who lost her arm, and flips the bad guy off (well ties too but no arm) and I remember the ending where a girl gets on a public bus, puts I think blood in the doorway of the bus, and it stops a guy from getting on it.
submitted by HazukiWolfe to HorrorMovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:36 lolfreng PPP removal surgery

Hey, I wanted to share my experience with pearly penile papules and how I got rid of it, as there isn’t much information about it online and it might help someone :)
I am a South Asian uncircumcised man in my late-20s and I’ve had PPP as long as I started paying attention to my little-one. Mine weren't too noticeable, at least I had seen more noticeable cases of PPP online… and even though they aren't an STD/STI, I wasn’t a fan of them.
I have slept with 12 women now and (to my surprise) only 1 noticed, and that was after a couple months. With her, I explained what it was, she googled it, asked some questions and after a few minutes we went back to business. I think one aspect of intimacy I hadn’t really considered is that the lights are usually off/dim, plus there’s more “doing” rather than “looking” if you know what I mean. That being said, even though it was all in my head, I didn’t like my PPP as I sometimes felt anxious, particularly when a girl went down on me.
I first checked in with my doctor about them a few months ago and he brushed it off saying its perfectly normal. I asked to be referred to a dermatologist, he sent me a few floors down and the guy said that he can use a CO2 laser, but the effects don’t work as well on darker skin (like mine) and that they tend to grow back anyway. I left accepting my fate that I’d have to live with these, so be it.
Few months later, I started googling removal methods myself and found some pretty disturbing suggestions on reddit (people actually used a soldering iron on their own penis?! no thanks). I’d rather go to a professional. I booked an appointment with a dermatologist in New York (near me) that did a range of cosmetic procedures, and explicitly stated PPP removal without CO2 on their website.
I turned up on a Friday 5pm for a free 15min consultation. He took a look, explained that he can take it off using radiofrequency technology. Plus, the papules tend to stop growing after your mid-20s so its unlikely that they’d grow back after removal. He had done the procedure 100s of times without any issues and it cost $950 - a cost I'd gladly pay to avoid soldering my own dick... He applied some numbing cream and I sat in the waiting room for 40mins for it to take effect (I watched an episode Rick and Morty). He called me back in, applied a couple more sanitising creams and pulled out this tiny dome-headed device and blitzed each one individually. It took around 15 mins and besides a delightful (/s) burning smell, I couldn’t feel a thing because of the numbing cream and there was no bleeding. He applied a layer of Aquaphor (vaseline) and I left the clinic by 6:30pm.
As the numbing cream wore off after 30minsish, the surface was quite sore/sensitive as a layer had effectively been removed. My doc had explained that for 2 weeks I shouldn’t have sex or masturbate and that 1-2 times a day I’d need to clean the area using baby shower-gel (its more sensitive) and re-apply Aquaphor (moisture makes for better healing conditions and prevents the wound from attaching to my foreskin). The first few days, I had to be super gentle cleaning as it was still sensitive and I didn’t want to rip a scab off. After a week, there was still some redness but I didn’t have to be as delicate with it. Two weeks later, there was still some discolouration but completely successful in my eyes.
3 weeks in (now)- a silky smooth head and no new papules. This is a little strange, but I think my penis looks beautiful now lol. To the point where I’m actually super confident about getting intimate :). I’ll update this thread if any new papules show up.
TLDR 1: No-one is going to look at your penis as much as you do. seriously, no-one cares about your PPP besides you.
TLDR 2: Despite point (1), for readers that are conscious about their PPP, I get it. If you have disposable income, just find an experienced professional near you and find out what your options are.
submitted by lolfreng to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:24 PhoKingAwesome213 First Complaint in 15 years

Well I've been eating In N Out for 15 years and I finally have my first bad service.
Decided to skip the long drive thru line and stood outside in the cold California spring at 9pm.
Ordered my food with no issue except even standing at the window it took 40 minutes for them to call my number.
First problem was they gave my order away to someone else and gave me a small bag with just a burger.
After showing them my receipt they apologized and had me wait another 15 minutes for them to correct my order.
Once the correct order was given the guy at the window slid my food towards me but the counter was wet so the bottom of the bag ripped when he tried to lift it. Had they listened and put it in the box instead of the bag I would have left without any further incident but it was just not my day.
Instead of remaking the order again he tried to rebag everything even though the burgers were touching the counter.
I added some colorful language demanding my refund and watched the manager berate the guy for having a messy counter. She offered to remake my food again but I had it and just took my money and left.
Got in the car, took 5 minutes to order from the Wendy's app. The 6 minute drive and my food was handed to me with an accidental free drink size upgrade.
submitted by PhoKingAwesome213 to innout [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:12 ready_player31 Do our enemies even pose a real threat at this point?

Xivu ripped from her throne, Eramis with a broken house, Fikrul is a foe we've bested countless times, the remainder of the Witness's forces are scattered or splintered, some minor figures carrying out its last orders. Savathun's been bested before, we kill her ghost and do it again and shes gone for good this time...
On the power scale Guardians just bested the biggest bad guy in the universe. Whats the point in worrying about future enemies? Whats a bigger enemy than the Witness? Outside of the Vex I can't think of any interesting enemy that can realistically pose a substantial threat to us and it makes me wonder if the episodes all just end in our victory. I mean how could they not? I feel like the Vex are bungie's last card for real threats story wise. I just don't see how we can defeat the Witness but lose out to Xivu, Eramis, Fikrul, Yirix, or Savathun. Am i missing something?
submitted by ready_player31 to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:11 JurassicCher Is he stalking me? Please help.

Hey guys, this is going to be long, but I'm going to be as honest and detailed as possible. I'm hoping to gst some insight into this situation.
We bought our first home in September, 2023. The day we got the keys, I moved us in alone as my husband had to work. I took our dog into the backyard (shared fence with backyard neighbor) and Bob (fake name for safety) let his Doberman and pitbull out directly after. They aggressively attacked the fence, scared me and my dog horribly bad. My dog reacted and also went at the fence, she ripped her paw pad off. I had to take her to ER Vet.
This continues to happen every single day of my life. My husband spoke to Bob in person multiple times. We asked if we could go in on a fence replacement with him, 50/50. It's a 20 year old wood fence and falling apart. He declined. We moved on from trying to replace the fence.
We asked him if we could have the dogs meet at a park or something so they can know they're not a threat. He declined. We asked if he would be willing to come up with a solution, he declined. So every day, I take my dog out to potty, he let's his dog out on us. (The Doberman was injured by the pit and out down.) His dog growls, barks, aggressively attacks fence, mine goes into protection mode.
So, I began setting up privacy screens all along the fenceline because I didn't want him to know I was outside. I felt like he was waiting for me to be out there so he could let the dogs out and cause chaos. Since he's done it hundreds of times, I know for a fact it's on purpose.
Then, I started catching him watching me in the cracks of the privacy screens. We have a backyard camera, so, I always check to make sure he's not outside before I take my dog out. It never fails that he let's his dog out when I take mine. My dog has wound up in er vet 3 times over injuring her paws on the fence. I had to do something. She didn't care about the electric fence, shock collar, treats.... I even started tethering her so she wouldn't hurt herself, that didn't work either. The trellesis and such I set up are the only things keeping her from getting to the fence.
Bob started doing weird things... he now keeps his back door open. Because of this, I've been having to take my dog out front. That's just the dog stuff!!!!
After a couple of weeks in the house, I noticed he was watching me through our back window and sliding glass door. I covered then with film and curtains. Then, I caught him watching me while I was outside, peeking through the fence. Now, he's watching me through a crack in his door... I had taken my dog out and just... felt wrong. I looked over and saw a tiny crack in his door with the curtains slightly opened. I went inside, went to our bedroom and started recording as I looked out the window. He then moved, turned on his porch light, closed the door and shut the curtain.
No matter what I do, he finds a way to harrass me. He's extremely, EXTREMELY pissed off about the privacy stuff. I made it all look really pretty and nice, so it's not an eyesore. My husband texted him and asked "are you purposely letting your dog out on us?"
Here's his reply:
Husband: Hey Bob, are you purposely letting your dog out on us?
Bob: What are you talking about? I let my dog out. It needs to go out. It's hot in the house. It needs to go out. What's the problem? Can I let my dog out he needs to go out to go out.
Bob: Just watch you guys whenever you let your dog out let mine out. I can't even see over there. What you guys are doing blocked everything 1 let my dog out. It needs to go out you can't stop. If there's a problem, come out and talk to me
Husband: No man, of course you can let your dog out. We just need to come up with some kind of solution where both our dogs can go in their own respective backyards without them trying to tear each other's throats out.
Bob: It's OK if the dogs bark at each other a little bit they're not tearing down the fence. I'll let my dog out whenever it needs to go out. Nobody's telling me to let my dog out. Just control your dog my dog controlled. My dog is in the house all day when l'm at work cooped up. He needs to go out and spend time outside. I'm not keeping him inside the house.
Husband: Alright
To make matters worse... my husband is gone 90% of the time and has been gone for 2 months straight this time. It's been just me (female.)
I've contacted pd non emergency, no help. Animal Control, no help. HOA, no help.
After several months of this happening, I decided to check his Facebook. I wanted to see what type of person he was and if he'd posted anything abut the situation. I went into detective mode. I found a strong gang affiliation. That's as far as my detective work went. I also have had to check the cameras on a constant basis. He will stand at his back door and just stare at our house. Like he's waiting for me to come out.
There's so many instances I've lost track. I have photos, videos, etc of him watching me. Of him doing really, really creepy things. Now I feel like a stalker because it's like... watching him watch me.
Here's an even weirder part. He's NEVER spoken to me. Not even when we introduced ourselves. He doesn't make eye contact with me, and if he ever does, he literally runs and hides.
Everything I've done has been to solve the problem. To find a peaceful solution. The privacy stuff would usually make neighbors happy. Not him. He's so angry about it. He's also doing everything he can to make things worse. He now feeds the dog directly beside the fence. If you know anything about dogs, that's the worst thing he could do. His dog will protect it's food, it's territory. So if my dog goes anywhere near the vicinity of the food bowl, it goes ballistic. There's no way that's not intentional on his part.
From what I understand, this is harrassment. However, it's not something the police can do anything about. He has to threaten me, hurt me, etc before they can step in. He did scream and yell at me after I went inside one day. I didn't hear a threat but he did say "you're a bunch of @*holes" and "this is stupid sht, stupid sh*t!!" When my dog goes into protect mode, nothing, absolutely nothing has worked to snap her out of it. So, I bought a dog deterrent. When his dog went at the fence, she went at it. I tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn't. So I turned on the alarm. It worked immediately. Both dogs stopped. I grabbed mine and rushed her inside, checked her over to make sure she wasn't hurt, then checked the camera to see if he was out there. He was. And he was PISSED. I waited til he went back inside and I turned the alarm off. (It's motion activated if left on, I do not leave it on because I have zero desire to make him mad or antagonize the situation. ) after that, he kept waiting for me. It was obvious he was waiting for me. I avoided the back yard like a plague after that.
To me, all this is freaking crazy. It's so unreasonable. It's like... he HAS to make my life hell and if he can't, he finds other ways of doing it.
In your opinion, would you consider this stalking and harrassment? Or... am I just a paranoid karen? My gut hasn't ever failed me. It says this is going to end bad. Any insight into this would be so so sooooo helpful.
Thank you!
submitted by JurassicCher to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:59 RoseBlack2222 Out Of The Apartment (Part 7)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
It's a good thing we have some battery packs with us. Otherwise, my phone would be dead by now. I've been making sure to keep it charged and off unless necessary. We don't want to repeat what happened to Drake at the gym. If I ever end up getting torn apart by zombies to a song I want it to be something more fitting like heavy metal.
Anyway, Jeff and his group were an okay bunch and let us spend the night. We knew we should’ve kept moving, but free weed is free weed. Besides, we were safer in a group than braving it by ourselves. We were enlightened about The Unplagued. It had a long and rich history, dating back to about a week ago.
Jeff and the others saw shit going down and decided, “Fuck it. Let’s live in the woods”.
I don’t quite see the appeal. Then again, it’s not my place to judge, for the most part. Drake and me were sitting with Jeff, playing a round of Go Fish.
“Any fours?” I asked.
“Go fish,” Jeff replied.
I drew a card. While it wasn’t what I wanted, it did match another card in my hand. I put down a pair of sixes.
“By the way, “we meant to ask you this other night. Did any of you happen to see a guy named Van pass through here?” Drake inquired and gave a brief description of Van’s appearance.
Jeff’s confused expression broke into another wide smile.
“Oh, you must mean the chosen one.”
“The what now?” I asked.
“The ceremony will begin at moonrise. You will find out everything then.”
In hindsight, we should’ve taken that as our cue to skedaddle. Instead, we stuck around. Drake ended up winning our game and afterward, Jeff ordered everyone to gather. He then got up onto a tree stump.
“Everyone, Drake and Gus here have been wonderful company among us. Have they not?”
At that, there were cheers of agreement.
“But they are still unaware of all of our customs. What do you say we demonstrate them so that we may have a lucrative harvest? Let the ceremony begin.”
The cheering grew louder, worrying us that it would attract some zombies. We remained safe, though so things proceeded. Everybody started chanting and dancing like the people on Spooky Island from the first live-action Scooby-Doo movie. As this happened, we observed a large square object getting wheeled out covered in a bedsheet.
Everyone stopped and pointed at the sheet that was then yanked off, revealing a wooden cage with someone naked inside, curled up in the fetal position. Upon realizing who it was, our eyes squinted in disbelief.
“Van?” we said in unison.
Feebly, he lifted his head, recognizing us. To put it bluntly, he looked like shit. Dirt, bruises, and cuts covered him. A piece of cloth was gagging his mouth. He muffled something and we assumed he was trying to say, “Help me”.
“Okay, that’s it,” Drake spoke up. “Does anybody want to tell us what the hell’s going on?”
“Friends, there is no need for this confusion,” Jeff told us. “The answer is simple. Van here is the chosen one and his noble sacrifice will yield us healthy crops.”
“Wait, did you say sacrifice?” I asked, a bit concerned.
“Why yes. It is a great honor and your friend here was worthy enough to be chosen.”
While we were far from friends with Van, especially at this point, the idea of him getting murdered didn’t sit well with us. At most, we wanted our money back and maybe to rough him up.
“Take him to the pit,” Jeff commanded.
The crowd parted, revealing a massive tarp surrounded by torches with abandoned construction equipment near it. The tarp was pulled back, revealing a hole filled with snarling zombies. The sacrifice part of things was making more sense now.
“Hey, quick question,” I told Jeff.
He raised a hand, prompting the others to become quiet.
“Yes?” he replied.
“Let’s say hypothetically we weren't exactly comfortable with all this and wanted to get Van out of here. What would happen?”
We thought Jeff would be offended by what I said. To our surprise, however, he was ecstatic.
“Why, nothing would make us happier.”
“Okay, well, in that case-”
“Solidarity is a truly noble gesture.”
“Wait, what?”
“Triple the offerings means triple the harvest.”
The next thing we knew we were surrounded and grabbed.
“What are you doing? Let us go,” Drake demanded.
Jeff ignored him.
“To tell you the truth, we were going to throw you in the pit tomorrow night anyway.”
We froze.
“You were going to kill us?” I said in disbelief. “How do you all even know this whole sacrifice thing works?”
“It’s quite simple really.”
Jeff explained that when The Unplagued was founded, there was little food. One night, a member tried sneaking off with all they had, and in their attempt to flee didn’t notice the pit and fell in. Zombies were already in it that devoured them alive,
“Would you believe that right after seeing this, we were blessed by finding bags of beef jerky and cans of beer?”
“Not be rude, but how do you know that wasn’t a coincidence?” I asked, trying unsuccessfully to appeal to what little remained of the crowd’s reason.
“Because we sacrificed someone to the pit the night after before going into town the next morning. Not only did my followers and I find supplies, we remained safe while doing so. Therefore, it is now our custom.”
If there’s anything this past week has taught me, it’s that things can go to shit fast. Van was taken out of the cage and lifted into the air. We could only watch in horror as he was crowd-surfed to the pit and tossed in. The zombies were all over him like ants to sugar water. As he was getting his insides eaten, the gag was ripped out of his mouth, making his shrieks echo throughout the woods.
It was only as we were getting pushed toward the pit that I found the ability to speak again.
“Can’t we talk about this? It’s not exactly a fair deal for us,” I shouted.
“Of course, it is. After this, you will be in paradise.”
“What proof do you have of that?”
“Our faith. Drake, Gus, your noble offers will not be forgotten.”
“How about you forget us being offerings in the first place?” Drake frantically asked.
“What’s done can not be undone.”
All of our careful planning just to be killed by some cultist nutjobs. At least, that’s what would’ve happened if not for another streak of incredible luck on our part. Storm clouds had been gathering during this ordeal. Following a clap of thunder, rain began pouring down, causing the dirt to become mud. People slipped on it, falling into the hole.
They piled into it, giving the zombies a means of climbing their way out. What followed was two minutes of mayhem. The Unplagued was no longer a fitting name. We were being held by two people each at the time. When the person on my left arm and the other on Drake’s right were tackled away, we seized the opportunity and freed ourselves.
Drake punched the guy holding him in the throat and shoved him to the ground. I stomped the foot of the person holding my arm and then kicked him in the crotch. He doubled over, groaning in pain. Then he was dog-piled by the zombies.
“Gus, look,” Drake said, pointing.
Our stuff was resting by a tree. We rushed over, grabbing our guns. Zombies tried attacking and Drake smashed onto across the face with the butt of his rifle while I shot another with my handgun. Fighting wasn’t easy given the limited visibility except during lightning flashes which meant we were going mainly off sound. Anything we heard coming towards us was getting the pump action treatment.
“Didn’t we pack some flashlights with us?” I asked, then yelled “Oh shit” as a flash revealed another zombie lunging at me.
I put a bullet through its head as Drake was rummaging through his bag.
“Got it,” he exclaimed in triumph and turned it on. “Catch.”
I caught it when he tossed it to me and kept the light on him as he got his weapon ready.
“On your left,” I told him as he was cocking his rifle.
With one turn and pull of the trigger, half of a zombie's face disappeared in a cloud of red mist. To think, a mere few days ago such a sight would’ve made us blow chunks. I guess we’ve become more resilient since then. I don’t know if that’s necessarily a good thing or there might be even more psychological shit we’ll have to deal with later down the road. Either way, it’s helped us survive this long.
Maybe I just shouldn’t think about it too much.
“God damn it, they got us all disoriented,” I said. “Which way should we head?”
After a brief discussion, we decided to go east while the cult members were getting devoured. Along the ground, I noticed someone had dropped the calumet and picked it up.
“Hang on, do you see that?” I asked, shining the flashlight on a nearby bush.
Checking it showed us Van’s stuff. We took the money from his wallet and left the rest of his things behind. We kept running until the cries of people and zombies alike were out of earshot.
“I think we’re safe for now,” Drake said as our lungs were getting some rest. “We need to find someplace to hunker down for the night.”
“Not exactly many options when it’s poring.“Guess all we can do is keep moving.”
We hoped the rain would let up soon. It didn’t and continued all night. We were miserable being soaked from head to toe and having our pants covered in mud. I would have given my right nut for a warm place to dry off and change.
“Rain’s stopped finally,” Drake commented as the clouds parted, revealing the first rays of sunlight. “Hey, Gus?”
“Did we grab any energy shots at the store?”
“I think so.”
“Oh, thank Christ.”
We each downed an 8-Hour Energy, temporarily alleviating our fatigue. However, our feet were still screaming at us. Therefore, we decided to sit on some nearby logs for a bit.
“How far do you think we have until we’re out?” I asked.
“Gus, I don’t know. We’ve been traveling for over two days now. We have to be close at this point.”
“I hope so. Hey, do you think maybe we should do something when and if we make it out of here?”
“Well, even before all this, we were spinning our wheels in the mud. I think we deserve to treat ourselves.”
“I get what you mean, man. Tell you what. After all this, let’s get some of that good shit for the peace pipe.”
“Hell yeah.”
We had breakfast, a bag of mixed nuts each with some water. Then we got moving again.
“Hold up,” Drake said. “Is that smoke?”
By this point, another two hours of us waking had gone by. I took out the binoculars from my pack and handed them over.
“Holy shit, it is,” he said ecstatically while looking through them.
“But where's it coming from?”
He gave them back to me. Raising them to my eyes showed me a cabin in the distance.
“Someone's living all the way out here?” I asked.
“Looks like it. They probably want to be off-grid. Let's see if they'd be willing to help us.”
When we reached it, we were met with a medium-sized one-floor log cabin.
“Hello, is anyone there?” Drake asked, knocking on the door. “Sorry to bother you, but my friend and I are in bad shape.”
No answer came. I gestured to the knob. Drake shrugged and tried it, finding, to our surprise, it to be unlocked. He turned it, pushing the door open to a home shrouded in darkness.
“That doesn't make any sense,” I said. “We just saw smoke coming from here.”
“Maybe whoever made it left.”
“Should we wait for them to come back then?”
At the noises of ravenous zombies in the distance, we decided it'd be a safer bet to try explaining our unlawful entry. We went inside, shutting the door behind us.
“Help me find the light switch,” Drake said and I heard him feeling along the wall.
There was a click and the lights came on.
“Good going, Gus.”
“That wasn't me.”
Suddenly, there was laughter coming from someone whose voice was eerily familiar. When he spoke, it chilled us to our core.
“Drake, Gus, it's been too long.”
Our heads whipped in the direction of that voice. Stepping from the shadows was the grinning face of Erickson. His fingers were wrapped around the handles of a glass tank containing a severed head he referred to as his wife.
“I take it you’ve enjoyed my virus?” he asked.
“Your virus?” Drake replied, shocked. “You’re the one responsible for the zombie outbreak.”
“That’s right. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t expecting you both to survive this long. Of course, I knew contaminating the water would take care of most of this town’s residents.”
“The water?” I said, realization splashing me in the face, no pun intended.
I thought back to before everything went to hell in a handbasket. Our faucet had acted up and therefore we switched to drinking bottled water. As far as we knew, Roscoe and Van were only drinking bottled water as well. The latter made sense, seeing as how he had higher standards. As for the former, I think he mentioned once that he didn’t drink from the tap because he heard it would make him gay.
I don’t quite understand his reasoning. To each his own, I guess.
“Give us one reason we shouldn’t blow your head off right now?” Drake asked, pointing his rifle at Erickson.
The mad doctor only smiled. My face broke out in a sweat at the noise of several weapons being trained on us from the darkness.
“You didn’t think I’d be so careless. Did you?” Erickson asked.
More people came out of the shadows. Only then did it dawn on me how oddly lit the place was. The majority of them were a form of cop or security profession. Then there were two that stood out. The first we recognized.
It was former mayor Bill Schneider. With him was a woman sporting a viper smile.
“Why is the mayor here?” I asked.
“Yeah, and why do you look like Hilary Clinton?” Drake added to the woman beside Schneider.
“Now that he mentions it, she does remind me a lot of her,” I thought.
Erickson gave a sinister laugh.
“All will be answered in due time,” he told us. “ Now, would someone be so kind as to show our guests where they’ll be staying?”
At that, we were both struck across the face with batons, making everything go dark. I can’t accurately say where I was taken. I faded in and out of consciousness as they were dragging us away. What I did glimpse, shakes me to my core to even describe. There were windowed rooms with different zombies.
I thought what we’d encountered thus far were abominations. These go against Mother Nature herself. The worst ones I saw were a fused zombified family and one guy without any skin clawing at his window. He was moaning as he did it and I got the harrowing sensation it was due to pain. All my weapons were taken away and I was thrown into this room.
It’s similar to the ones in hospitals with a bed and a sink. I still have my phone on me. I’m not sure why. I guess they don’t realize I have internet access. Either that or they missed it outright.
In any case, I’m able to upload this post. There’s a wifi signal down here. The password wasn’t difficult to crack. It was “EricksonIsAGnnuis_1234”. I have no clue where they took Drake.
I can only hope he’s staying strong. Knowing that Erickson is behind all this and whatever’s in store for us is making my nut hairs bristle. If I don’t get a chance to update again, I want to end with this message. No justice. No Peace. Fuck the police.
submitted by RoseBlack2222 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:56 NoRecommendation9282 Short Wedges...

Hey all,
So i'm a decent golfer because I started at a very young age. Notice I said decent...I am not* a good golfer. That said, I can hit the ball what i'd consider above average and (usually) relatively straight. Now personally I dont really care about distance. I'm 35 now and just aint got time for that. But I am curious as to why this is happening and what I might be able to do to fix it. So on average I drive about 270, dont play woods, 4 iron about 200, 5 iron 190, etc etc. 9 I hit about 140 and my P about 130. So I should be hitting my 52 about 120
Nope. I hit that thing like 100 yards max. Same thing with the 56 - On a good day I hit it about 90. Now again I don't particularly care about hitting long distances. I play with guys who always hit shorter than me and always kick my ass. I just dont understand whats happening here. It does create awkward positions where I have to try and hit my pitching wedge soft or try to rip it with my 52. Neither situations usually end well for me. So whats the deal here? Anything I can do to fix it?
submitted by NoRecommendation9282 to golftips [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:07 Dry_Description_2936 my uncle and aunt went through my brother journals

I'm pretty sure my my aunt and uncle broke my brother today please help I need some advice as soon as possible. I wanna fix this. I'll be posting to a few different subs so I can get as much help as possible. Thank you
My (16) brother (M23) is an incredibly selfless person from a age he was the one protecting us from our drug and alcohol addicted parents on good days they'd just leave us alone which meant that my brother would be forced to take care of me and my eight siblings but on the bad days they'd find any reason to be mad and beat us, my brother would stand in front of the door way nake sure they would beat him instead of us. They'd use irons, bats anything to make us feel pain but my brother protecting us he would get the worse of it all, he still has a lot fo scars from it all but he has some tattoos that cover them up.
He never got any chance to have a childhood. And even now life hasn't gotten any easier, this last year has been crazy. He lost his best friend of ten years to a drug overdose, and only a month later we lost my little brothers both (M13), my cousin (F16) and my younger sister (F10) car accident a
All three of them ended up in a coma but eventually passed away one by one during this time my brother wouldn't leave their side, he never slept, didn't sleep or drink water. He'd only drink coffee and enegery drinks to stay awake.
And finally we lost our grandmother. She and my brother were always super close, and she passed away. After her passing things quickly went downhill from there. He couldn't sleep, he would've eat and I'm pretty sure he didn't take his meds that are meant to help him with his bipolar.
One day I came home from school and I found out that my brother tried to kill himself so he was sent to the psych ward.
We got to visit him while he was there but he wasn't like himself, he isn't really happy go lucky he can sometimes be like Wednesday Addams but he just looked so drained and dead inside. The nurse said that he had signs of burnout, a mental breakdown and psychosis.
He's been home for about a week now and there is no difference in his behaviour. He is still cold, distant and sometimes I catch him starring off into the distance. I can tell he feels very vulnerable position but he won't let any one of take care of him.
I'm gonna get to the point now today I came home from soccer practice to my uncle and aunt trying to get me to talk to my brother because they got into a fight. I don't wanna get into to much detail but it started over coffee and developed into them blaming him for the car accident and they were shaming him over things they found in journal entries like how he hated raising us, how he wished he could live a normal life, how he struggling with self harm and a lot of different stuff.
When I went upstairs he was in a ball crying telling me he's sorry and that I shouldn't have to see him like this. When I bent down to try and comfort he moved from me quickly begging for me not to touch him saying that he doesn't want to hurt anyone and that he is tried of hurting people. I told that it was okay but before I could say more to comfort him he just screamed to leave him alone.
I'm not sure what to do from here. I called my godmother and she left about thirty minutes ago. She managed to calm him down with some herbs.
Do you guys have any advice or tips on how I can help him? Please please help me. Thank you
submitted by Dry_Description_2936 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:58 Whatthehellnow420 D-Day #2 and trickle truths, what to do now?

My (25f) husband (23m) and I are both bisexual. I have never judged him for his attraction to men just as he hasn’t judged me for my attraction to women. I just wanted to start by saying that.
However, we have always agreed on a monogamous marriage.
On May 26th of this year, I found Grindr in the hidden apps on his phone. I demanded an explanation. He told me he had only swapped nudes and it never went further. I didn’t believe him. For the 14 days that followed, I pestered him and pestered him for the truth. I’m aware of the infamous “trickle truth” cheaters are often guilty of.
Last night, he finally told me. One morning after dropping me off at work in November of 2023 (the same month I started that new job), he went to an apartment near our local college of a guy (19 y/o) he met on Grindr and gave him oral sex. The guy wore protection and didn’t know he was married, and he has since moved out of town. They are not in contact.
I lost it on him. I screamed at him and called him names. I’ve never done such a thing in our 5 years together. I called him a monster and told him I hated him. I regret saying those things now, but the pure rage I felt was indescribable. I tried to shoot myself, but he ripped the shotgun shells from my hand and wouldn’t let me. I begged him to let me die. The heartache, I couldn’t bear it…
I’m staying at my mom and dad’s house for a couple of days. I want to stay with him and make it work, but I don’t know where to begin. I don’t know what I need to do, or what he needs to do to make this work. He says he doesn’t want to lose me and that this wasn’t anything to do with me. He assured me he’s attracted to me and more so than anyone else, and that I’m everything to him. But if that’s the case, why can’t he show me that? I have always been a good wife to him.
submitted by Whatthehellnow420 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:58 paizl Tattoos

I've got tattoos and plan on filling full sleeves, how do you guys hide them for cosplays?
submitted by paizl to CosplayHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:57 HeadOfSpectre Soldiers Keep Moving (Part 4)

Part 3

I needed a drink.

God, did I ever need a drink.

The incident by River Ridge was nothing short of a disaster, to say the least. When he’d made it to the scene, Sheriff Smith had asked me for every detail I could give him on what had happened, and I’d told him most of the truth.

Most of it.

I left out the part where Clementine Di Cesare had drank a man's blood and caused the earth to move. Biggs probably would’ve believed all of it if I had told him, but the Sheriff? He’d probably send me to get my head checked, and I wouldn’t blame him one bit for that. Even if there was a chance he’d believe me, I couldn’t really bring myself to include those particular elements of the story. I barely believed them, even though I’d seen it all with my own two eyes. None of this seemed to make sense anymore. I felt like I was looking at the shifting gears of some great machine without any context for what any of them did. I only knew that they did in fact do something.

I knew that Apostle was killing monsters.

I knew that Di Cesare probably wasn’t actually with the State Police.

I knew that apparently there’d been a bunch of fish women living down by River Ridge, and I may or may not have just saved them all from being ambushed. These were things I knew… and yet they didn’t make sense to me.

Christ, and here I thought small towns like this were supposed to be simple?


I was at The Honey Pot and Spaniel, having a beer when Dr. Miller found me. The moment I saw him walk in, I gave him a nod and wasn’t in the least bit surprised when he slid into the booth across from me.
“Deputy Sawyer… sounds like you’ve had a hell of a day, huh?”
“I’ve had a hell of a week,” I replied. “I didn’t think you drank, Doc.”
“From time to time,” He said. The bartender, Dixon came by and he ordered a beer.
“You look like you’ve barely slept,” He said, once he was gone.

“Yeah? Go figure?” I asked. “I’ve got coffee keeping me going for the time being.”
“Caffeine doesn’t really make up for a good night's sleep.”
“Maybe not, but I’ve kinda had a lot going on lately. That doesn’t really give a man much time for sleep.”
“No, I guess it doesn’t,” Dr. Miller admitted.
“So what brings you to my little watering hole?” I asked, “It’s not 5 o’clock yet, so I can’t imagine this is a social call.”
“Yes and no,” He admitted. “Thought you might be interested in the autopsy results from last night's victim.”

I raised an eyebrow and took a sip of my beer.
“Yeah, I am actually,” I said. “I take it she had gills?”
“Noticed those, did you?” Dr. Miller asked.
“I saw them on the other girl. The one that got shot.”

He nodded.
"Guess I don't need to tell you that I've never seen this before, do I?"
"I'd be shocked if you had, Doc."
He laughed humorlessly.
"Yeah… gotta say, there wasn't a hell of a lot to find on the victim. Her name was Melissa Sinclair. Address was listed as River Ridge. Far as I can tell she owned an RV there."
"Sounds about right," I said, taking a sip of my drink. "You find anything else?"
"A lot, actually. But I'll spare you the autopsy details and cut to the really interesting bit."

He reached into his pocket and set a black card down in front of me. It looked a little bit like a student card. On it, I could see a picture of Melissa, along with her name in white text and a bar code. In the top right hand corner was a red four pointed star that looked a little bit like a cross.
"What's this?" I asked.
"Found it in her purse. There was a similar one in Hector Russells wallet too. Ever seen anything like this before?"

I took a closer look at the card. Aside from the red star, there wasn't much to ID it as belonging to any particular group, and the red star logo didn't look familiar to me either.
"No, never," I admitted.
"Me neither. Two victims with cards like this though? I'm no cop but something tells me it's connected."

I nodded, looking the cards over carefully.
"Yeah… Vickers and the Russell's… you ever met them while they were still alive?" I asked.
"You know, I actually did. My wife and I signed up for couples dance lessons for our fifteen anniversary… Hank and Patricia were in the same class as us. Can't say we were close, but I'd spoken to them a few times."
"You ever notice anything off about them?"
"Not in the slightest. I sure as hell didn't imagine they'd be… well…"
"Yeah…" I finished, nodding thoughtfully. "Melissa and Kayley… the girl that got shot… they passed as human too. So did Vickers. It's weird… no one seemed to suspect a damn thing about any of these people, but our gunmen seem to know exactly who they are, where they are and what they are…"

I looked down at the card and turned it over in my hands.
"Almost as if they've got a list of them…"
Dr. Miller's brow furrowed.
"You think that's possible?"
I nodded.

"Makes sense, doesn't it? Vickers worked in IT, right? Could be that he had access to this list… that's why he was the first target. Could also be why they burned his house. To try and get rid of any evidence of the list existing."
Dr. Miller grimaced.
"Why target the Russells and Melissa next though?"
"I'm not sure. Melissa… I may have some idea on what was going on there. The Russell's, not so much… but…"

I pocketed the card.
"I've still got time to find out."
Dr. Miller nodded.
"Keep me posted if you do," He said as Dixon brought him his beer.
We shared a drink together, and went our separate ways.


It was late in the afternoon when I finally made it back home. Since Di Cesare still had my car, I needed to take a cab, which I may have used as an excuse to drink more than usual. After the whirlwind of chaos that had defined the past 24… hell, the past 72 hours… I was more than ready to collapse and finally get some rest. Dr. Miller was right. I did need some sleep.

I unclipped my gun from my belt and left it in the living room along with my wallet before I dragged myself to the bedroom. I didn’t even bother to get changed before sinking down into the bed. Christ, I was getting too old for this… the drinking, the shooting. Ten years ago, maybe I wouldn’t have felt so rough, but I wasn’t in my body from ten years ago, now was I?

I rested my head back on my pillow, half ready to doze off completely. Unfortunately, that was around the time I noticed I wasn’t alone in my room.

There was a man with a red beard and a military crew cut, standing silently in my doorway. He fixed me in an intense stare, and I stared right back at him as an exasperated pit formed in my stomach.
“Well…” I said, “Hello there.”
“Deputy Rick Sawyer,” Red Beard said, his voice was low and rough with a distinct southern drawl to it. “You’ve been quite the pain in our ass, haven’t you?”
“Just today, or have I been an ongoing pain in the ass?” I asked, sitting up. I noticed two figures waiting in the hall behind Red Beard. One of them was a very disgruntled looking bald man with his arm in a sling. I waved to him. His eyes just narrowed at me.

I could feel my heart beating faster. But I did everything I could to keep a stoic face. These pricks didn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing they’d spooked me.
“The boss wants to have a little chat with you,” Red Beard said. “Get up.”
“If you’re gonna shoot me, do me a solid and do it in my own bed. I’d like to at least die comfortable,” I said.
Red Beard just grunted.
“Lawrence, Oswald. Get him on his feet.”

The bald man and the other guy who I didn’t recognize both pushed past him, storming into my room to force me up. The bald man hung back, letting his friend do most of the work in forcing me to my feet. He only grabbed me with his good arm when I was already standing. Red Beard turned without a further word, leading us down the hall and through the door where a black Audi waited for us. I was forced into the back seat with my bald friend, while Red Beard got into the passenger seat.
“Oswald, keep a gun on him. Make sure he don’t do anything stupid,” Red Beard said.

The bald man… I guess he was Oswald, nodded. I figured that meant that the man who got in the driver's seat must’ve been Lawrence.
The car rolled away from my house, heading away from town.
“Taking me back to that abandoned auto garage?” I asked.
“Nah,” Red Beard replied. “Had to burn that one because of the mess you made… but we’ve got other places to stay.”

“On the run, huh?” I asked. “That’s gotta suck.”
“If you wanna stay alive, Deputy, that attitude ain’t gonna do you any favors.” Red Beard hissed.
“I wasn’t aware staying alive was on the table,” I replied.
“You’ve seen the way we work, Deputy. If we wanted you dead, we wouldn’t be having a conversation right now.”
I guess he had a point there.

Trees and farmland drifted past through the window before the car pulled into an overgrown parking lot with a single run down building in it. Once upon a time, that building had been a restaurant, although it looked like it’d been defunct for over a decade.

The car stopped and Oswald gestured with his gun for me to get out. I did.

Red Beard stepped out of the car as well, and without so much as a word to me, headed in through the broken door of the old restaurant. Oswald pushed me to follow. The old restaurant was baking in the summer heat and the dining room was completely empty. The tables and chairs that had probably once been here were long gone and the carpet where they’d once stood was dirty and covered in debris. The ceiling fans that had once hung over the dining room were stained and dirty. One of them had collapsed entirely.

Oswald ushered me past all of this, coaxing me toward an office where I could hear the roar of indoor fans. At his insistence, I stepped through the door and was greeted by a massive man behind a desk.

This man, I almost recognized… almost.

Joseph Cray. There’d been a photo of him on Apostle’s website, identifying him as the man who’d gotten the whole operation started. But the man in front of me only barely resembled the man in that photo. In fact, if it hadn’t been his employees who’d kidnapped me, I probably wouldn’t have recognized him at all. Cray looked to be somewhere in his mid fifties to early sixties, and he was big. I could see this man topping 600 or 700 pounds easily. He was bald and covered in liver spots, with an unkempt, wiry beard and coke bottle glasses. He was dressed in a khaki shirt with matching pants and wheezed with every breath.

He looked at Red Beard and I when we came in, and gave Red Beard a curt nod.
“Thank you, Klaus.”
Red Beard… Klaus, I guess, nodded in response and turned to leave. As soon as he was gone, Crays attention shifted to me.
“Deputy Sawyer…” He rasped, “So good to meet you face to face. I’m Joseph Cray.”
“Figured as much… so, to what exactly do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, getting straight to the point. Cray just gave me a twisted smile.

“You can relax, Deputy. I guess you probably think this is some sort of punishment, for that trouble you caused us today… but I assure you, it’s no such thing. I’m a reasonable man, Deputy. I understand you were doing your job and my men were doing theirs. Situations such as the one that occurred today are inevitable in our line of work. We don’t hold it against you… actually, you’re here because I’m inclined to offer you an olive branch. You’re a diligent, hardworking man. I respect that. Diligence in particular is a virtue I cherish.”
“Dragging me out of my home and bringing me here… hell of an olive branch,” I noted.

He laughed sheepishly.
“Sorry about the theatrics. But we both know you probably wouldn’t have accepted a formal request for a sit down and this location, while not ideal, does offer us an ideal amount of privacy.”
“I’m sure. Nobody would hear the gunshots, if things didn’t go the way you wanted.” I said.

Cray’s smile didn’t fade. He didn’t deny it.
“With all that’s been going on these past few days… I’m certain you must have questions.” He continued, “You’ve seen the bodies. Seen that they’re not human. I’m sure that might give you some ideas as to why the work we’re undertaking is so important.”

I didn’t answer that. I didn’t need to.
“This little town of yours… it’s dying, isn’t it?” Cray asked. “Or at least it was. You’ve had quite the shift in fortunes, over the past few years. Small warehouses, new businesses. Exciting, no? New life creeping into an old husk… like a hermit crab taking a new shell. Although that new life… it’s not what it seems, is it? Tell me… is it fair to the people who’ve lived their lives in this town for their entire lives, who’ve built it from the ground up to wake up and find that they’re not the ones in control anymore? Is it fair for something to come in, creep into the abandoned husks of dead buildings and bring them back as something else?”

“Better than letting the town die off,” I said.
“Is it? Perhaps it might be, if it weren’t for the ones behind it,” Cray said. “Make no mistake, these friendly new faces are anything but. This isn’t reinvigoration, it’s an invasion. Slow and insidious. Creeping into your communities, armed with lemon squares and potato salad, smiling just like people but hiding their teeth behind closed lips. Demons with human faces and a need for blood, calling themselves your friends, your neighbors… turning your home into theirs. You’ve seen most of them by now. Vampires, werewolves, sirens… others. Yours is not the first town they’ve co-opted. It will not be the last either.”
“And so what exactly is your mission, then?” I asked. “Kill them before they can… what? Form a homeowners association?”
“Before they can kill you,” Cray said gravely. “Our business is pest control. Parasites come in… and we exterminate them. We’ve done it before. It’s bloody, thankless work. But we have done it.”

I shifted uneasily. The way Cray spoke so proudly about having done this before disturbed me. That twisted smile on his lips told me that he wasn’t bluffing.
“I recognize that what we do may seem needlessly violent. I recognize that you may have reservations about our work. But you’ve seen the things we’ve killed. Deep in your gut, I think you know that this is necessary. These creatures look human. They act human. They seem so human. But they aren’t. I have fought them long enough to know for certain how monstrous they truly are… when they sink their claws into a place like this, there is no choice. You fight or you die. I am giving you the opportunity to fight.”

Cray leaned in toward me, and my eyes locked with his.
“We’re not enemies, you and I. You can help save this town, Deputy. You are obligated to save this town.”

I looked Cray in the eye, knowing what he was asking me. I didn’t even need to think about my answer.
“Save this town from what, exactly?” I asked, “Monsters? You want to know how many people in this town have been killed by vampires, Mr. Cray? Not a single goddamn one. You wanna talk about how many folks have been mauled by werewolves? None! But let’s take a look at the number of folks who you’ve shot in the past week. Five. And it would’ve been a whole hell of a lot more if I hadn’t stumbled into your ambush for those RV’s! Y’know, I may not have the firmest grasp on exactly what the hell is going on here right now, but from where I’m sitting, the only thing I have to save this town from is you!”

Cray’s eyes narrowed.
“I’d be watching my words if I were you,” He warned.
“If you’re gonna have your lap dogs shoot me, then just shoot me and get it over with.” I snapped. “You want me to sit here and grovel, because your boys have some guns? You want me to kiss your ass? See your side of things? No. That ain’t gonna happen, so take your olive branch, and shove it up your ugly ass.”

Cray went silent for a moment. His brow furrowing into a look of rage that admittedly gave me pause. After a moment, he sank back into his chair. From the corner of my eye, I saw Oswald raise the gun to my head again, but Cray raised a hand, making him stop. His eyes were still on me.
“We don’t make a habit of killing our own kind without good reason,” Cray said coldly. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or Oswald. “Misguided as you may be, Deputy Sawyer… you’re still human. But they aren’t. Please, Deputy… reconsider who you’re thinking of standing up for, here. These creatures may fool you, but you need to understand they’re not what they claim to be! Even that witch who saved you today… Perhaps she did preserve your life, but you saw what she was capable of. With power like that, she’d be more than capable of leveling this county on a whim! Think of the bigger picture here! Do you really want to throw your lot in with the likes of that?”

“As opposed to throwing it in with you?” I snapped. "You murder people, claiming they're monsters! And maybe they are? Maybe! I don't really know how else to explain the things I've seen these past few days! But even if they're not human… they're still part of this goddamn town!"
“They’re an infestation!” Cray said. “Make no mistake, Deputy. This is war and you must choose a side. Are you going to look me in the eye and choose the bloodsucking, feral monsters over your own kind?”
“Considering what ‘my own kind’ looks like right now… yeah… I think I’ve made my choice,” I replied bitterly.

Cray stared at me, before finally huffing through his nose.
“Why is it that the stupidest people have the strongest convictions?” He said under his breath, “I’ve done everything in my power to talk some sense into you… you’ve chosen not to listen. I’m disappointed, but I won’t argue with a man unwilling to accept reality. Mr. Oswald, kindly take the Deputy out back and dispose of him. Then, you and Mr. Lawrence can find a suitable spot to dispose of the body.”
“Bout damn time…” Oswald huffed, pointing the gun at me. “On your feet.”

I didn’t move. I just stared down Joseph Cray.
“Come on, Cray. If you’re not gonna kill me yourself, at least look me in the eye like a man.”
The corner of his mouth shifted into a half smile as a single dry laugh escaped him.
“If you insist,” He said, before giving Oswald a half nod.

Oswald pressed the gun into the back of my head, and I looked Cray dead in the eye as I waited for everything to end. But when I inevitably heard the pop of gunshots, they were from somewhere else. Somewhere outside the restaurant.

Cray looked out through the open door, but I couldn’t read his expression. I heard the screams of men over the gunshots, but couldn’t tell exactly what the hell was going on out there. Not until Oswald was suddenly launched across the room by absolutely nothing. He was sent flying across the office and hit the far wall hard enough to leave a dent in the drywall.

I didn’t even need to see her to know she was there… Just that told me who it was.

I seized my opportunity, racing toward Oswald and lunging for him. He still held the gun tightly in his grasp, but he was disoriented. I slammed my boot into his face and heard his nose crunch under my heel before diving down to rip the gun from his hands. He didn’t let it go without a fight. But he only had one functional arm, and I had two. Mathematically speaking, he got his ass kicked.

I slammed his head hard into the ground, knocking him out cold before pulling the gun from his hand and raising it to Cray. He was holding his own .45 in one meaty hand. I could see markings along the barrel of the gun. Runes of some kind, but I couldn’t figure out what they meant. His teeth were gritted in rage, although his attention quickly shifted away from me and back toward the door of his office as the cause of all the current commotion strolled in through his door.

Clementine Di Cesare.

Her posture was casual and relaxed, as if she’d been on an afternoon stroll and just happened upon us by chance.
“In trouble again already, deputy?” She asked, calmly.
“Same trouble, actually…” I said.

She hummed in acknowledgement, looking at Cray from behind her sunglasses.
“So… you’ve saved me the trouble of hunting you down, Witch,” He snarled. He held the gun tightly in his hand. Di Cesare stared down the barrel, unflinching and calm.
“Joseph Cray… not what I’d been expecting,” She noted. “I’d thought a man of your reputation might be… different.”

“Mark my words, Di Cesare. I am no less a man than any soldier under my command!” He hissed.
“And yet no greater a man than any who’s tried to kill me in the past,” Di Cesare said calmly. She studied the runes on his gun, before huffing. “Well… at least you have an appropriate weapon, unlike most. I recognize those runes… you’ve found a way around my attribution spell… clever, but on the whole meaningless.”
“I knew they’d send you…” Cray said. “Clementine Di Cesare… they say you’re among the strongest of the Di Cesare Sisters. Still, you impress me… I presume you found us through the Deputy, didn’t you?”

She gave a half nod.
“Very astute. Even more impressive is how you’ve even managed to manipulate one of the local deputies over to your side… I’ve barely seen you in action, but I already know you more than live up to your legend, don’t you? Ironic… since you’ll be the first Di Cesare to die in two hundred years.”
“Fire that gun at me, and I’ll manipulate that bullet into your skull,” Di Cesare said. Her tone was calm, as if she was simply stating a fact, not making a threat.
“I know you would,” Cray said. “But the funny thing about the runes on this gun is… they ain’t unique.”

Di Cesare’s eyes widened and I heard a sudden gunshot. She moved, diving into cover behind the door frame, but not in time. I saw her blood spatter against Cray’s face as someone shot her from behind. A bullet hole appeared in Di Cesare’s shoulder. Cray’s gun followed her, I took aim at him and fired twice, aiming for his outstretched arms. I saw his wrist twist at an unnatural angle as my bullet tore through his hand, robbing him of a few fingers. Cray’s gun discharged but the bullet went through the wall behind Di Cesare, missing her entirely. He clutched at his ruined hand, screaming in pain before shooting me a death glare. A moment later, all 700 pounds of him came barreling toward me.

I fired twice, hitting him in the chest before he slammed into me, slamming me into the far wall of his office. The two of us tripped over Oswald’s unconscious body before crashing through the drywall and landing in what used to be the kitchen. My gun slid out of my hand as I tumbled to the ground and I didn’t see where it went.

My ears were ringing, but I looked up to see Cray forcing his way through the splintered wall joists. The buttons on his shirt had popped off and I could see kevlar underneath. Of course he was wearing kevlar.

In the office behind him, I could see Red Beard… Klaus coming in through the door, handgun drawn as he rounded the corner to finish off Di Cesare. The moment he took aim at her though, the ceiling of the office collapsed down on him, burying them both underneath it.

Cray still stumbled toward me, drenched in blood and sweat as he picked up speed again. I only barely got out of his way in time, and scrambled behind one of the kitchen counters before picking myself up. The counters were bare, not a weapon in sight, but I still needed to put up a fight.

With an almost animal scream of rage Cray continued after me. He moved with surprising speed, closing the distance between us and grabbing me by the throat. My fists pounded at his face, breaking his nose and knocking his glasses off, but he refused to let up. His hands wrapped around my neck and started to squeeze as he dragged me around, rasping and wheezing with every step. My legs kicked frantically and I desperately dug my fingers into the bullet wound on his hand. I felt his flesh squish beneath my fingers and he let out a cry of pain before pulling back. I kicked him in his generous stomach, but that didn’t really do much to stop him. He barely even flinched and instead caught me across the face with a backhand.

I found myself back on the ground, scrambling across the floor to put some distance between us before kicking back at him. My shoe connected with his groin, earning a pained rumble from him as I quickly picked myself up. I threw a haymaker, right in his face, sending him back just a single step. My fist connected with his face again, again and again before Cray finally collapsed backward onto the ground.

Through the hole in the wall behind him, I could see that both Di Cesare and Klaus had recovered from the collapse of the roof. Klaus still seemed a little disoriented, but Di Cesare was already coming for him. She gestured violently with her hand, and Klaus’s body was jerked violently to the side. I heard the crunch of drywall as she borrowed a move from Cray’s playbook and hurled him through the office wall, although Klaus was sent into the dining room, not the kitchen. Di Cesare glared at him, making sure he was down for the count before gritting her teeth and stepping through the hole in the wall that led to the kitchen.

Cray looked over at her, blood dribbling from his split lip and broken nose. His breath came in heavy pants and I could see a look of utter disgust on his face.
“No…” He rasped, “No… no… no…”

He tried to stand, but I forced him down onto his stomach. I took a pair of handcuffs from my belt, and closed them around his wrists.
“Joseph Cray…” I panted, “You’re under arrest for the murders of Geoffery Vickers, Hank Russell and Melissa Sinclair… you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law…”

As I read him his rights, Di Cesare just stared down at him. Her expression was completely neutral. No anger. No contempt… nothing. Finally, she simply turned away to deal with the others. Klaus, Oswald and Lawrence… wherever the hell Lawrence had ended up.
submitted by HeadOfSpectre to HeadOfSpectre [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:54 Big_Magician_9438 Want to leave my husband but want another baby.

Hear me out. I will try to be as thorough as possible as I have problems with memory loss, forgetfulness and confusion. I started dating my husband when he was 32. I was 22F. We are now 26 and 36. When I first met him I was completely engaged in him and how successful and smart he was. I have dated 3 men before him who were all drug addicts and assholes. So talking to him and seeing his success (he was 10 years sober when I met him) i was so drawn to. I really looked up to him as he was older and had more experience. I liked and loved him on a different level than I do now. We had our first child 2022. He has blessed our lives and I couldn’t do this life without our son. But since becoming parents I have been so disconnected and drawn apart from him. He is so immature with parenting, lazy, slow.. since our son has been born I have done it all my SELF. Every second of his life. He is 2 now and I still do it all. Every diaper change, every wake and feed at night. I also have no family around so there was literally no help. Even as my toddler runs around and plays with my husband I still have to have my eye on him because I don’t trust him with him. My brain hasn’t truly slowed down or got the chance to since I gave birth. I feel wired and tired at the same time everyday. On top of being extremely exhausted. I have several health issues I’m trying to take care of, but I can’t do that because I don’t have a second alone. My son is attached at the hip still and needs me for anywhere he goes. It’s very challenging.I can’t make dinner, clean, shower etc. unless I ask my husband for help but it’s like I’d rather just do it myself. I make them whatever I can to eat during the days. I have come to a place where I don’t even find my husband attractive anymore from all of this. His family is also crazy and his mother is so attached to him. He didn’t have to do chores or anything growing up. When I first met him I felt like I was dating his mother too. They are all immeshed. Now I feel like I’m HIS mother and it’s such a turn off. We hardly ever have sex, and I am not really comfortable doing so. It just feels like a chore and we only do it if we wanna try for another baby( welll I only do it if I wanna try for one otherwise I don’t wanna engage). (I want a sibling for my son) but the sex is just not my type at all. He is quiet the whole time doesn’t say a word, (he’s also a very quiet man) I grew up with loud house of Italians so it’s very different. He has a very small wee (I don’t really mind it though) but it’s all very awkward and nothing seems organic for me. From being so frustrated and overwhelmed from everything, I did cheat on him and deeply deeply regret it. I was a couple months post partum and my brain was honestly a mess, I am a born again Christian now. I had to go on medication. I truly was parting from God and I feel like the devil came in and truly tried to rip everything from me. I always feel like I’m living a lie but I keep staying to see if things will change. He is a great guy and super friendly. I don’t feel he’s my soulmate. He grew up in the city and I grew up in the country with 4 older brothers who did everything for me!! Anything I needed they could fix, etc. my husband can’t even use a hammer or hang a picture frame. He will act like he can no problem tho because of his ego but we have to hire someone for EVERYTHING. And that’s just not how I grew up and now I’m the one doing everything for him and our son. I hang the curtains, mount the TV’s, build all our furniture, do the water filters, air purifiers , change shower heads and I built all the baby’s furniture at 37 weeks pregnant. He has no sense for putting things together he will be there days trying to figure it out. He has a job from home on his computer and he’s an investor. He makes good money and can provide financially. But emotionally mentally and physically I don’t feel it at all. And when I tell him that he tells me I’m crazy and I’m taking out how I feel about myself on him. He makes me feel stuck when I m trying to truly tell him how I feel. He is really such a nice guy but has no personality like he doesn’t make me laugh at all. Hes just sooo quiet and has the most basic boring conversations with everyone and ill call him out on it and he’ll say “any human being would talk like that and say that” My dad and brothers all they ever do is make me laugh. I miss them so much. I just feel I needed to write this and vent the best I could. If you made it this far thank you for listening. God bless.
submitted by Big_Magician_9438 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:44 over18forreal four

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submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]