Videos of japanese women groped on trains

Just Guys Being Dudes

2020.09.11 04:50 tinytyler12345 Just Guys Being Dudes

Funniest internet videos of Just Guys Being Dudes, boys being boys, and madlads goofing around.

2020.01.10 17:54 eridian4 PublicGroping

Videos/images of women being groped in public. (Without consent)

2015.12.08 02:13 RespectMyAuthoriteh FitWomenGifs: gifs and videos of fit women and female athletes

FitWomenGifs is now closed. You can visit FitAndNatural and girlswithbigmuscles for fit women gifs and videos.

2024.06.10 05:36 over18forreal 1, 2

One two
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:34 emkenobii I know plenty of people in this sub will probably say I deserved it and will defend Drinker but this isn’t okay and I hope Mauler and others acknowledge that stuff like this happens and it isn’t okay.

I know plenty of people in this sub will probably say I deserved it and will defend Drinker but this isn’t okay and I hope Mauler and others acknowledge that stuff like this happens and it isn’t okay.
Before anyone even goes there yes I watched Drinker’s video and yes I do believe what he said was inherently racist and misinformation even if he doesn’t think so. I do not think there’s a need for a “film reviewer” to take the time to point out a child’s race or gender. I don’t think that is analyzing the show especially when it has nothing to do with the actual story. It’s doing nothing but trying to claim a “woke agenda” is happening which doesn’t even exist. Female younglings make something work? Diversity makes something woke? What does that have to do with the actual show? Nothing. It’s just him promoting his political views again.
Now I used to like Drinker and I’ve enjoyed some of his videos in the past. But lately I’ve felt like he’s just spewing his political biases and claiming it’s him “film reviewing.” I don’t know how you can see that image and think it’s normal to do and couldn’t possibly have racist undertones.
So yeah it made me upset to see so I tweeted it. I have a very small following on Twitter and I don’t consider myself as a creator at all. I just post my feelings like any one else and I didn’t think it would blow up. Well it did and boy was I getting attacked. Immediately there were racist and misogynist responses blatantly saying women and people of color were lesser than and were ruining the show by being in it. I’m not saying everyone saying this is a Drinker supporter but I know some of them were and it was sad to see.
What then became a standard unhinged Twitter debate turned into something else entirely when these same users started spreading illegally downloaded nude images of myself without my consent as a way to harass me. Yeah I do OF and automatically there’s gonna be people jumping to this post to respond “well then you deserve it!” “It’s not revenge porn if you do OF.” Yeah it is. You can’t download paywalled content and share it especially without the owners consent. Idc what you do or who you are, no one deserves that treatment. Especially when it’s done specifically to harass someone. When I reported it they just kept posting it and eventually there were over 3 thousand posts.
Now I have had to hire two different companies to take everything down because X was useless and said it didn’t violate guidelines. 94% of them have been deleted thankfully. But it was really sad to see people stoop that low because they disagreed with something I said. Hate my Star Wars opinions? That’s fine. Think something isn’t racist? Alright that’s your opinion. But revenge porn is never okay. The ironic part is I don’t even advertise my OF. They had to go through two websites and three links to find it just to harass me.
I’m posting this because I know Mauler is close with Drinker and other people with similar ideology. I feel like because he’s friends with them he’s blind to a lot of stuff that they say or do and just doesn’t get involved. I also think he thinks there’s a lot less of these unhinged fans than there actually is and doesn’t understand these types of attacks happen every day.
Am I upset by what happened to me? Yeah it’s illegal and I wouldn’t want that happening to anyone. But what really angers me is how much racism, homophobia, sexism, etc has become normalized in the Star Wars community. It’s normalized because of the stuff creators like Drinker post. People feel comfortable saying racist and sexist shit because their favorite creators are doing it and getting paid bank for it. It’s not okay and it’s why the Star Wars fandom won’t ever change.
Don’t like the acolyte because of the story? That’s fine. But saying something is bad because of a diverse cast or a female lead has nothing to do with the show. There’s no excuse for racism and there’s definitely no excuse for using revenge porn against someone you disagree on about Star Wars.
Idk I know I’m preaching to the void but I hope Mauler, Rags, and Fringy see this stuff is happening and speak up about it. I don’t care if you disagree with my Star Wars opinion that’s great we don’t need to agree. But there’s a difference between disagreeing and harassing a person.
Call me delusional but I’d like it if the Star Wars community shut down racism and sexism and agreed it’s not okay. Idk I’m just still really upset by this whole thing. I’ve been a fan of Mauler and Efap for years and I still am. I know he has controversial friends and I know he isn’t racist or homophobic himself. But he’s platforming people who are and who condone stuff like what happened to me yesterday. I just wish he took a stance and spoke out about how it isn’t okay. I really think a lot of people would listen to him and change their mindset.
Also if you think someone deserves revenge porn just because they do OF idk what to tell you. Get off the internet and seek help. That type of behavior is never justified.
submitted by emkenobii to MauLer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 nighm あーーっす = Earth?? [Spoilers]

I did a quick to see if anyone else mentioned possible renderings of the theme song title, but did not see any, so... here we are.
Basically, I was watching some space anime, and I was imitating a character's voice and how he would say "Earth" and I realized that I said it the way they say "US" in the One Piece opening. So then I did a little digging, and indeed アース or あーす is a perfectly reasonable way to transliterate "Earth" into Japanese.
Then I remembered some theory videos on YouTube that used "Binks' Sake" as the basis for some extensive theory about the end of One Piece, and thought: "Is it possible there is a hidden meaning in this song?" Of course a song written for the anime, but it still caught my interest. (Even "Binks' Sake" some collaboration between Oda and Kohei Tanaka at the time Oda wrote the lyrics, so... who knows?)
Anyway, I decided to look at the lyrics to see what I could see. I am just taking them from the the fandom site:!
"Earth! Earth! All of earth! The end of dreams, the end of the sea": A couple things to be gleaned here. We now know from recent chapters that the Earth was completely covered by floods, so that "all of Earth" is something that is hidden in mystery. Earth is also quite literally "the end of the sea".
"Our destinations differ for each of us But one thing shines After the legend is revealed Crackling with no limit, from here ONE PIECE!" Now, of course, we all await with joyful hope the revelation of exactly what the One Piece is, but is it perhaps the Earth that is hidden so? The phrase "ONE PIECE" just shows up in the lyrics here, but perhaps it is the treasure that is revealed. Indeed, it is without limit, for however far you go on the Earth, it is still there. Another foreshadowing of this would be from Skypiea, where the "Vearth" (pronounced "Vāsu"/"ヴァース") is held to be of greater value than all the gold they possess. (Not sure what you do with Fairy/Endless Vearth referring to the moon... what mysteries!)
"But still, all of Earth [is] in the midst of an adventure": "Earth" works just as well as "Us" here.
"Ore tachi to tomo ni sekai kawari tsuzuketeru": This next line doesn't use the "assu" but uses both possible meanings: "ore tachi" means "us" and "sekai" means "world" or basically "earth". Kind of fun that both are used in this line without the ambiguous word.
"The world is intertwined with legends that need to be destroyed. Even now, All of Earth, we are waiting": Not sure what legends could be referred to here. Probably whatever lies are propping up the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. But once these are uncovered, the mystery of "All of Earth" will at last lie open.
"If the dispersed contexts have connections somehow The threads of time will be rewoven": Obviously the remnants of the Earth are dispersed in the many islands throughout the world, but if they can be connected, the past will make sense again.
Anyway, to be clear, I am not the first person to make this connection. The fandom page cites Kohei Tanaka who says that the song intentionally has multiple meanings. To quote directly from his tweet (translated by Google in browser):
『Yesssssssssssssss!』[Original: 『あーーっす!』]This title was suggested by the lyricist, Fujibayashi. At first I wanted to call it "All of us," [Original is in English:『All of us』] but the lyricist strongly requested it, so it ended up like this. Right now, I think this is the only title I have! It can also be interpreted as the greeting "aasu," "Earth," or "tomorrow."
So "us" is certainly the first meaning, but Kohei Tanaka decided to make the meaning intentionally ambiguous. A further question: Who is Fujibayashi (藤林)??! On the fandom page, the artist is Hiroshi Kitadani and the composer is Kohei Tanaka. So who is this lyricist?
Thankfully, Oda knows:
Shoko Fujibayashi, who seems to be an industry lyricist:
Not sure why the English fandom page for "One Piece Music" only lists artists, but the Chinese one also lists composers and lyricists. It shows that, among the openings, "We Are" are "OVER THE TOP" are composed by Kohei Tanaka, and that Fujibayashi is the lyricist for these as well.
There is another tweet from Tanaka (retweeted by Fujibayashi) that suggests there is further meaning:
I've listened to it hundreds of times, and I still get excited every time. Kitadani-kun's powerful singing. Nakamura's flashy and intricate arrangement. Fujibayashi's lyrics are bizarre yet have deep meaning. And then, my song. I can't wait to let you hear it.
Not a whole lot of information here, but if Tanaka is working with Oda on music for the series, then it's not too far-fetched that his compositions have some significance in connection with the story, more so even than the other opening and ending tracks.
Anyway, thank you for humoring me. I'm sure there are bolder theorizers who can go further into possible connections and interpolations, but I just wanted to make sure this piece wasn't missing from the whole puzzle. It seems odd to make "Earth" a possible meaning for this song in a sea-faring anime unless it ends becoming a major part of the story. And with the most recent manga revelations, we see that "Earth" is much more important than we could have imagined.
(Also: I don't know how to add the Spoiler flair, so please add it if you can...)
submitted by nighm to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:26 mhollla Successful EP during 8-day work trip to Spain; here are the exhaustive details

TW: nursing, oversupply
TL;DR: lots of planning, careful packing, and increasing comfort with pumping in public made it possible to pump and maintain my supply while away from my baby for 8 days, and despite annoying Spanish policies I made it back home with all the milk!
I just got back from a work trip to Spain and wanted to share my experience in case it's helpful for anyone else. I planned for this EXTENSIVELY and, other than some stomach problems keeping me from partaking too much of the actual work-related events, it went well. First, some background - my baby had just turned 3mo. We mostly nurse but I had started pumping early on when he was in the NICU, and kept pumping so my husband could do a bottle at night and in the morning.
This trip was on my radar since before he was born, so I also purposefully cultivated somewhat of an oversupply with a goal of having 200oz frozen by the time I left, so he could continue to get breastmilk while I was gone. (He has a disease of the colon and it's particularly important that he have breastmilk; otherwise I would have been fine with him having partial or mostly formula). In the end, I was so fortunate (this time! I wasn't able to breastfeed my first at all!) and had about 400oz frozen when I left. 200oz seemed like a huge number when he was 1mo and I was pumping 5-10oz a day (and giving two bottles) but I did the math and knew it was possible even if I only had a few ounces leftover each day.
Once it looked like my stash would be okay, I started thinking about the logistics of pumping while traveling. Here's my packing list:
I had to buy several things for this trip (dishwashing stuff, pump bag, cooler backpack) but will use most of it when I start working in the office soon.
In addition to the packing, I was planning. I contacted the workshop organizers and asked for a place to pump, and asked both them and the hotel about the availability of a fridge/freezer. Also, once we got the schedule, I put it into my calendar and scheduled 8ppd. I DID NOT FOLLOW THIS SCHEDULE but it was an important exercise, I think. The travel day was INSANE and if I hadn't had a plan there's no way I would have pumped as much as I did. I scheduled 8ppd with a goal of doing 7, and assuming that, based on the magic number chart, 6 or even 5 would be okay for me.
I also requested permission from my employer to fly business class because I needed to pump, and they agreed. This was so helpful, honestly - gave me access to really nice lounges during the layovers (more below) and I felt totally comfortable pumping in my little pod on the long flight. Plus, as a mother to a 3mo I was not interested in sacrificing sleep while traveling for work!
Okay now here's what this looked like, especially on the travel days:
During the workshop, I froze bags in the conference center freezer and had staff freeze some in the hotel. The hotel was definitely not as good; they put them in there themselves and they were not at all flat.
this is how the milk was frozen at the hotel . . .
The trip home was a bit easier in some ways and a bit more complicated in others, because I had to do it in two parts. I packed my cooler backpack full of all the frozen milk.
all my milk finally frozen flat!
I seriously can't believe how well it all went. I pumped 50 times over nearly 8 days - in planes, trains, cars, while walking - and produced 265oz (over two gallons!), and all of the milk made it home! But basically I learned that EP requires so much mental and physical energy, and all of you who do it day in and day out are the real MVPs!
submitted by mhollla to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:24 Interesting_Ad_5676 Help required to learn ipv6.

I am in IT infra. All the while I dealt with ipv4.
Now there is a situation where I need to work with ipv6. With so much of experience, I was having over confidence. I tried, and no wonders, I failed. Story repeated with every try.
I decided to learn ipv6 from scratch. I watched many YouTube Video's, read few tutorials. Situation didn't improved.
Probably I was following wrong training material. Help required to get perfect and easy online resource to learn ipv6.
Please help.
Points where I felt that I am stuck on
  1. Private IP space. [ I need a network only with private ipv6 space - The devices on this network are not supposed to access internet ] What is the ipv6 private ranges ?
  2. Ipv6 and vlans
  3. How to decide dhcp range in ipv6 regime ?
  4. How to use nat with ipv6 ?
  5. All ipv6 addresses looks very confusing to me.
submitted by Interesting_Ad_5676 to ipv6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:19 Art-lover18 AITAH for arguing with a girl in the comments of a TikTok for her saying ALL MEN when not all men are AH’s

I 17 almost 18 female saw a response video to a comment of a man saying “if I had to choose between a man or a woman in the woods I’d choose a woman bear is too hard to pin down” (Or something very similar to that) So a girl had posted a comment saying “All men” Me being annoyed by this analogy of all men being bad I responded saying “All men aren’t pieces of crap I know a lot of men who aren’t” me stating a simple fact of knowledge Well this started an argument with her. (To make things easier I’ll put all her comments first in order than mine in order for response) 1 “ALL men” 2 “you are 17, you know children ☠️” 3 “read up on the topic of all men girl you clearly don’t understand it, I ain’t gonna hold hands” 4 “you needa go yap to a wall I ain’t gonna help you” 5 “im problematic for a lot of reasons but ALL men is not one, that’s a cautionary to the women that pay attention” (My comments) 1 “it’s not all men. There are a few men who aren’t like that I know quite a few that aren’t gross like that” 2 “ok so what if I’m 17? That literally has nothing to do with this. I can be smart and understand not every single man is a piece of crap” 3 “no I do understand. People say all men right? Yeah saying that every man is gross and a piece of crap yet it’s not all men tho I’m tired of everyone saying it’s all men when it’s not” 4 “you know you are part of the problem” 5 “I do pay attention I actually pay attention a lot to my surroundings and people I hang out with but not every man is a rapi$t p3do or a Gr00m3r you are stuck to one stereotype. Get therapy” I personally don’t think I’m the AH because not every man is a rapi$t or p3do or a gr00m3r or an abu$3r, sure there’s a lot of bad men out there especially in big and seen communities. But to say normal and mentally stable everyday men are apart of that “ALL men” mentality is wrong and disgusting. It’s like men saying all women are overly emotional or fat or sensitive or manipulative, it’s sexist to think of one stereotype or even think and support stereotypes at all. But let me know if you think I’m the AH. Note: I don’t think this will blow up and this is my first post but let me know what you think and If it blows up I’ll post an update/respond to comments.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Art-lover18 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:17 Direturkey 30 [M4F] Canada/Anywhere – Happy to just cuddle

Before I say anymore about myself, here's a couple of things that might be deal breakers for you:
Still reading? Ok, cool.
Its hard to be convincing when a lot guys lie about this, but I'm just a nice guy looking for a partner to spend my time with. While I love gaming and nerd stuff in general, that's not all I am. I'm just as likely to head out on a day trip just to try a new restaurant as I am to stay at home and game with friends. I love watching movies and videos on the most random topics because I love learning about things I'm unfamiliar with. So even if we don't share similar hobbies, I'd still love to get to know you and your passions.
What would we do? We could go out together and try all the things that would be awkward to try alone. We can order all the sweets you want and split it so you don't feel so bad. Or maybe we can just stay in and watch some trashy TV and make fun of them. Anything really.
What I'm looking for? Someone who has their own things. Their own passions and interests and wants to share it with someone else. Someone who might not be interested in gaming but wants to learn because they want to spend time with partner. The kind of person who treats service staff with kindness and understanding. Ideally not a smoker. I'm open to long distance but I have realistic expectations on it. So it would be best you're also in BC, but who knows. Maybe it can work.
Your Concerns. I know a lot of women have had terrible experiences or horror stories about men. While I can't promise to be "the one". I can promise you that I won't be another horror story. I'm not going to play games. If I like you, I will just say so. I will send you memes and no unwanted pics. And if there are other ways men have found to be terrible, you can include it here as well, because honestly, we're both adults and who has time to be a jerk.
If you read this far, thanks. If you also think we could get along, shoot me a message and let me know your favourite meal/food so I know you read till the end. I'd be happy to trade pics if you want, but I'm more interested in who you are than how you look.
submitted by Direturkey to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:14 Ch33se-Burger Can anyone help me find a specific Vocaloid/Japanese song..

Theres been this specific Japanese song I’ve been trying to find for ages on YouTube. It tells the story of a girl with a scarf and how she accidentally kills another girl by pushing her down the stairs at her school. It leads with one of her guy friends running away with her after the murder. And I’m pretty sure in the end they get caught by the police and either the girl (the one in the scarf) either dies or goes to jail because he wears her scarf in the end. Sorry for the poor description I don’t remember much about it.
P.s- I’m pretty sure the tittle was something like the loser and the killer (around the lines of that). The video would be posted around 2010- 2019? Also I’m pretty sure they were both teenagers and in their school uniforms.
Thanks so much for the helppp :))
submitted by Ch33se-Burger to Vocaloid [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:14 Direturkey 30 [M4F] Canada/Anywhere – Happy to just cuddle

Before I say anymore about myself, here's a couple of things that might be deal breakers for you:
Still reading? Ok, cool.
Its hard to be convincing when a lot guys lie about this, but I'm just a nice guy looking for a partner to spend my time with. While I love gaming and nerd stuff in general, that's not all I am. I'm just as likely to head out on a day trip just to try a new restaurant as I am to stay at home and game with friends. I love watching movies and videos on the most random topics because I love learning about things I'm unfamiliar with. So even if we don't share similar hobbies, I'd still love to get to know you and your passions.
What would we do? We could go out together and try all the things that would be awkward to try alone. We can order all the sweets you want and split it so you don't feel so bad. Or maybe we can just stay in and watch some trashy TV and make fun of them. Anything really.
What I'm looking for? Someone who has their own things. Their own passions and interests and wants to share it with someone else. Someone who might not be interested in gaming but wants to learn because they want to spend time with partner. The kind of person who treats service staff with kindness and understanding. Ideally not a smoker. I'm open to long distance but I have realistic expectations on it. So it would be best you're also in BC, but who knows. Maybe it can work.
Your Concerns. I know a lot of women have had terrible experiences or horror stories about men. While I can't promise to be "the one". I can promise you that I won't be another horror story. I'm not going to play games. If I like you, I will just say so. I will send you memes and no unwanted pics. And if there are other ways men have found to be terrible, you can include it here as well, because honestly, we're both adults and who has time to be a jerk.
If you read this far, thanks. If you also think we could get along, shoot me a message and let me know your favourite meal/food so I know you read till the end. I'd be happy to trade pics if you want, but I'm more interested in who you are than how you look.
submitted by Direturkey to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:12 Direturkey 30 [M4F] Canada/Anywhere – Happy to just cuddle

Before I say anymore about myself, here's a couple of things that might be deal breakers for you:
Still reading? Ok, cool.
Its hard to be convincing when a lot guys lie about this, but I'm just a nice guy looking for a partner to spend my time with. While I love gaming and nerd stuff in general, that's not all I am. I'm just as likely to head out on a day trip just to try a new restaurant as I am to stay at home and game with friends. I love watching movies and videos on the most random topics because I love learning about things I'm unfamiliar with. So even if we don't share similar hobbies, I'd still love to get to know you and your passions.
What would we do? We could go out together and try all the things that would be awkward to try alone. We can order all the sweets you want and split it so you don't feel so bad. Or maybe we can just stay in and watch some trashy TV and make fun of them. Anything really.
What I'm looking for? Someone who has their own things. Their own passions and interests and wants to share it with someone else. Someone who might not be interested in gaming but wants to learn because they want to spend time with partner. The kind of person who treats service staff with kindness and understanding. Ideally not a smoker. I'm open to long distance but I have realistic expectations on it. So it would be best you're also in BC, but who knows. Maybe it can work.
Your Concerns. I know a lot of women have had terrible experiences or horror stories about men. While I can't promise to be "the one". I can promise you that I won't be another horror story. I'm not going to play games. If I like you, I will just say so. I will send you memes and no unwanted pics. And if there are other ways men have found to be terrible, you can include it here as well, because honestly, we're both adults and who has time to be a jerk.
If you read this far, thanks. If you also think we could get along, shoot me a message and let me know your favourite meal/food so I know you read till the end.
submitted by Direturkey to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:10 Toe-Muncher-2 This job stresses me out so much

This is my first job. I’ve been working here since last year. Training was bad and I had to learn as I went along. I worked in women’s and dressing room, and liked it, though preferred dressing room because I’d rather be bored than stressed. Every single shift I’ve gotten in women’s, I’m the only associate. I’ve heard it’s typical for some stores, my mom is a manager for Marshals and tells me there should be at least 2, but every time it’s just been me. I never finish all I need to do. Usually I’m just running racks all night, because the moment I step away to try and begin recovery, the racks are full again. They just trained me on register, and I may have made a few mistakes, I’m not super comfortable with it, but now every shift since I’ve been trained, they’re pulling me from women’s to be on register. Today I went in at 10:15 and worked in women’s doing recovery until around 12:30ish? Then I was on register until 2:15 (my shift ended at 2:30) and I asked if they wanted me to go back to women’s, and they said yes. Rack up front was full. Dressing room was full. My sister came in as the Women’s Associate after me at 2:30, but right when she came in they put her on register. I’m always running around the store, picking up clothes, running racks. and it still looks messy at the end of the night. Most nights we don’t leave until 10:20 or later. Now that I’m trained on register and they keep pulling me, women’s is only looking worse. I go in and try to run all the racks first then start recovery but I’m never able to do it all. Today, when I went in, my manager told me recovery was a mess last night which is why I was doing it all morning. I got through Casual up to clearance but wasn’t able to after they called me up. They give me tons of clothes to price check/find matches for mismates and it’s so much. I don’t know if I’m exaggerating and if 1 person really is enough for women’s at other stores, but it’s too much for me. It’s affected my school life, I still got the grades I wanted but I could have done so much better. I’ll admit it’s also my fault for not doing the homework, but I get home from school at 3 and leave for work at 4:45. Those 2ish hours are my only free time in the day so most of the time I spent it eating before work, getting ready for work, and trying to relax. I haven’t gotten a single credit card and I know they’re going to be mad at me for that. I’m just tired of going in and coming home stressed every single day because they don’t schedule enough people. If you’re going to pull me from Women’s to ring for 90% of my shift, have someone else in women’s to make sure stuff gets done!
I plan to leave in a year, idk how I’m going to last even that long. The thing is, everyone complains about their job and doesn’t like it. I don’t know if another job would be any better. On the other hand, The fact that I’m looking for reasons to justify leaving is a reason to leave in of itself.
submitted by Toe-Muncher-2 to TjMaxx [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:07 Connect-Kick-8425 Why are men not interested in marriage?

Across my friends group of other ladies it's the exact same issue. Either we have a BF who won't marry, or we are single and struggling to find a serious man who wants to marry (Toronto, female 34 if that helps). We work different jobs but primarily white collar with decent income and good apartments.
It's hard to even find good men who are serious for marriage, some aren't interested in growing up and maturing. Men seem very childish and just wanna play video games or watch sports. Men nowadays don't seem to grow up.
Men, let me know what's going on.
Women, drop a a comment if you also share my experience of struggling to find serious men who want marriage. What the hell is happening. Is this a Toronto thing? Or other cities also?
submitted by Connect-Kick-8425 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:02 Express_Hedgehog2265 Just a Vent

On a video by a Melkite Catholic woman who was saying that women need to not wrap their identity so much in virginity (regarding if they do, indeed, fall into sexual sin before marriage) I responded: "Our religion does not teach that, if we aren't virgins before marriage, we are utterly without value. All is forgivable, and we are still loved". Commentors (both guys, btw) called me a heretic and said I was justifying sex outside of marriage. I love the internet!
submitted by Express_Hedgehog2265 to CatholicWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:01 Plastic_Ad7341 Another Schizo Thread just because

Drake is suffering from a porn addiction.
Let’s start with NBA Player Michael Porter Jr. explaining that multiple NBA players in the league develop “weird fetishes” involving “poop cookies” due to their access of pretty women
We know Drake has tons of “access”
Here’s Drake being seen with an adult film actress
Drake admitting to taking a liking into oral sex themed videos
Teanna Trump is mentioned in BackOutsideBoyz on Her Loss(2022)
Another line about sex work is in his last album “Click the linktree and see you sucking dick on cam”
We already know that Drake was accused of having weird fetishes surrounding oral sex by Layla Lace
A whole ass lawsuit was filed
Drake settled the lawsuit with a payment, didn’t go to court and win, he settled(Diddy settled his lawsuit with cassie btw)
Drake was seen with an OF model that does weird shit with poop.(Posted here already)
Drake allegedly has ties to the porn company “Net Video Girls” in which a fan pointed out that a redacted name sent her there, the name could be Drake.
Rappers mention head all the time, but mentioning pornstars by name/being seen with them is a red flag.
Could be the reasoning behind all the weird allegations in the blind items.
submitted by Plastic_Ad7341 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:00 AutoModerator The Daily Moby - 10 06 2024

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2024.06.10 04:58 Livid-Seesaw-7039 Seeking advice and anecdotes ! I (F18) am questioning my relationship with my boyfriend (M19)

The way I've composed this is a wreck and there's no cleaconcise point or question, and I'm sorry for that. I'm posting this to a women's group because I'm honestly scared of breaking some rules or being deemed an asshole or something. I feel that here I may get a little more understanding and support in the way that will be helpful and constructive to me. I don't so much need cold, hard truth as I just need someone to listen and offer some personal anecdotes maybe.
I am young and naive and just need some woman who recognizes that lol
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half. I know it's not long in the grand scheme of things but you know I'm a kid, this is my first serious relationship, and I love him so much so it feels like a huge deal to me. I know I'm young and of course I'm experiencing this obsessed, puppy love and think "this is the man I'm going to marry!" because I don't know anything else.
There are some fundamental issues with the relationship that I gloss over, that I also think tie into issues I have within myself. For example: - He smokes and drinks (not addicted, and not daily), and I don't do those things at all, and I disapprove of this (I can't explain but it just makes me so uncomfortable)((I wasn't aware of these habits when I entered the relationship)) - I have a future set up for myself, at least I like to think, and he doesn't, and doesn't plan to. He doesn't want to work ever (I know this also is a teenager mindset but he seems really set on this). He has no aspirations that could actually support a family or even himself, and if we were to continue and he stays stuck on this mindset, he's convinced he can just live off of me. - His plan for the future involves what he calls "bumming around" and hopping trains. (I like to think he's joking but he's gotten increasingly serious about this) - I have anxious attachment issues and AGAIN I am young and don't know what I'm doing so I'm not the healthiest, so this issue could just be myself. However, I feel as though he doesn't love me sometimes. He'll reassure me that he does but he just has no other way to show it. I've tried my hardest to communicate but he just can't do it. He just knows that I love him and that's enough. He doesn't need extra supportive words, he doesn't need any gifts, gestures, affection, nothing. I've said i love him, he believes it, and that's that. I do not work like that, I need to see love through actions. I've tried to communicate this but I just am never satisfied. Again, this might be my own issue. This is just something that has stood out in the relationship and hasn't seemed to change as much as I would've liked by now. I feel like such a prude for even saying some of these things. Like I can't begin to explain the substance use thing I have no idea why it bothers me so much it just does and it isn't fair of me to ask him to change or anything and I feel that's a dealbreaker for me personally but I didn't know before getting into the relationship. I tend to look into the future in terms of relationships (like I look at him and am thinking about marriage and kids), I don't do short term and un-serious flings. I look at him and think, do I want this person to be the father of my kids, or to be the one who's supposed to be there to support me in the future? In my naive mind, the answer is yes of course. Looking at it realistically, though, I recognize these traits (for my personal preferences) are not desirable.
I know the answer is probably as simple as we just have compatibility issues. I just don't want to hear that. I feel like I'm in too deep. I don't have the courage or strength to end a relationship either. I was head over heels when we first met and I still am to an extent.
I know he won't break up with me, at least anytime soon. He tells me he's never considered spending his life with anyone like he has with me. And like I stated, he's not very high maintenance— I could stop talking to him right now and he'd probably just be sitting happy and assuming nothings wrong and he'd be satisfied for life.There's no outlying issue in our relationship making it toxic or unhealthy, so there's no reason to get out as soon as possible. It's more just mundane. I very often feel unsatisfied. I have self confidence and respect issues though, and I think this is the best I can do. i find myself thinking like this: I can't break up with him because I am lucky to even have a chance with him in the first place, and I'll never find anyone else.
I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, because that would take so much courage on my part and I'd regret it and be a wreck. Also we're going to the same school for the next three years. Forgot that detail. He transferred from a further away school to be closer to family and whatnot. I don't want to leave him either. I really do love him, which makes me sound even more naive. (I'm on Reddit, asking for advice, so of course I'm not talking about the happy sunshine and rainbow parts of our relationship, you're only hearing my qualms), but he is a good guy and we've grown so close while knowing each other. He's one of my closest friends. I love his family, they love me. We spend a lot of time together and enjoy the same things.
My problem comes from thinking about the future. Nothings explicitly wrong now, but what if I never feel satisfied, never leave, never see our growth together? I'm scared I have no self respect and I'm too much of a wuss now to recognize my/our issues and I'll end up stuck like this regretting it in the future.
I apologize this is so long and so messy. Again, I don't have any specific question to be answered. I don't expect anyone to read this all the way through, honestly. I'm more just feeling a little stuck and worried and need someone with maybe a little more experience to comfort me and tell me maybe this is normal to be feeling(or tell me that it's not and beg me to seek help lol).
Gosh this is embarrassing to even post I feel so immature Anyways
TLDR; I'm young and naive and am having doubts about my relationship and need someone to share their story or reassure me or harshly knock some sense into me
submitted by Livid-Seesaw-7039 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:58 Stage-Piercing727 Best Flying Orb Balls

Best Flying Orb Balls
Discover the fascinating world of Flying Orb Balls! These hovering wonders will keep you and your family entertained for hours on end. In this roundup, we'll showcase a variety of these captivating toys, explore their features and benefits, and highlight our top picks. Get ready to be amazed!

The Top 19 Best Flying Orb Balls

  1. Flying Orb Ball Toy for Indoor and Outdoor Fun - Experience the magic of flight with SVJJ's 2023 Flying Orb Ball Toy, a hand-controlled, 360° rotating, and safe drone toy perfect for both indoor and outdoor fun for all ages.
  2. Soaring Hover Pro Boomerang Spinner Ball Toy - Experience endless fun with Tikduck's Flying Orb Ball, a hand-controlled mini drone that spins in a globe shape, perfect for stunt challenges and hours of entertainment for both kids and adults.
  3. Upgraded Flying Ball Orb Toy - Experience the magic of flight with DPTOYZ's Hand-Controlled Flying Ball, a handheld boomerang orb boasting dynamic hovering capabilities, RGB color-changing lights, and durable design perfect for both indoor and outdoor enjoyment.
  4. Flying Orb Ball for Endless Tricks and Fun - Ciniffo's sleek and powerful Flying Orb Ball, with endless tricks and hand-controlled motion, is the perfect boomerang hover ball for kids to learn and enjoy with its safe and captivating design.
  5. Colorful LED Flying Orb Ball Toy - Experience the magic of the high-tech hand-controlled AMERFIST Flying Orb Ball with intuitive flight control, stunning RGB lights, and endless entertainment for adults and kids alike, making it the perfect gift to reduce stress and improve creativity.
  6. Flynova Pro Flying Ball Toy: Illuminate the Sky with Your Choices - Flynova Pro: A safe, brightly lit flying orb toy that's easy to transport and perfect for parties and gatherings.
  7. Flying Toy Ball with Magical Hand Control - Experience magic and excitement with the Hoverball, a hand-controlled flying orb that provides hours of fun, enhances hand-eye coordination, and fits perfectly in the palm of your hand for unlimited entertainment.
  8. Hover Orb Boomerang Spinner Drone with LED - Fly Orb Ball Toy: The Perfect Indoor and Outdoor Boomerang Spinner Mini Drone for Kids and Beginners, with 360° Built-in LED for Smooth Flight Routes and Boomerang Effects.
  9. 360° Rotating Flying Ball Toy with Built-in LED Lights - Flying Orb Balls: Hand-Controlled Boomerang Ball Toys for Every Age, Enhancing Reaction Skills and Boosting Outdoor Fun with LED Lights and 360° Rotating Soar!
  10. Infrared Controlled Cyber Flyer Orb Ball - The Flipo Cyber Flyer is an interactive LED-lit flying orb that utilizes infrared technology for intuitive hand-controlled flight, making it a fun and engaging toy for both adults and kids aged 8 and above.
  11. Hand Controlled Flying Ball Toy - Blue - Feel the magic in the palm of your hand with the Hoverball, an aerodynamic flying orb that provides hours of fun, hand-eye coordination training and is small enough to take and play wherever you go.
  12. Glowing Hand-Controlled Flying Orb Ball - Experience mesmerizing flights with the HIJPS Flying Orb Ball, a hand-controlled drone toy with RGB lights, perfect for enhancing motor skills and creativity in ages 6-10.
  13. Hands-free LED Flying Orb Ball Toy with Boomerang Effect - Experience the thrill of flying with the Zummy FS1161BL Hand Operated LED Orb Ball Toy - perfect for both indoor and outdoor play, featuring a boomerang effect, smooth flight modes, and a responsive design for hours of fun.
  14. Upgraded Galaxy Ball Toy: Indoor & Outdoor Fun - The Ciniffo Flying Orb Ball is a highly advanced, feature-rich, educational toy that perfectly blends technology and fun into a seamless, entertaining experience for children and adults alike.
  15. Bright LED Flying Orb Ball Hover Mode Toss Mode Boomerang Mode Gyrosphere Ball Gift - Experience the fun of viral TikTok gadgets with the Gyrosphere Flying Spinner Ball. Featuring multiple smart modes and bright LED lights, this magnetic space toy offers hours of entertainment!
  16. LED-Animated Flying Spinner Ball - Get ready to soar with the Wonder Sphere Flying Spinner Ball, featuring mesmerizing LED animated lights and the ability to magically float in the air and perform jaw-dropping tricks and stunts with just a flick!
  17. Upgraded 2023 Cosmic Globe - Flying Orb Ball - The Am Duo Duo Flying Orb Ball is a hand-controlled hover ball that offers 20 minutes charge, 8-10 minutes playtime, and can fly straight down, straight up, or follow curved lines, making it a perfect gift for birthdays and holidays.
  18. 2023 Flying Orb Ball Galactic Floating Spinner Boomerang Drone Toy for Kids - For an engaging, stress-relieving toy suitable for both kids and adults, the Vantexi 2023 Flying Orb Ball offers a unique flying experience with multiple play modes and a safe design. The perfect versatile gift for any occasion!
  19. Upgraded Hover Ball with Endless Tricks - Ciniffo Flying Orb Ball 2024 Upgraded: A magic hover ball for endless fun and tricks; perfect for both kids and adults, made with child-safe, high-quality ABS material, charges in 25 minutes providing up to 30 minutes of play.
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🔗Flying Orb Ball Toy for Indoor and Outdoor Fun
I recently got my hands on the SVJJ 2023 Flying Orb Ball Toy, and I must say, it's been a delightful addition to my collection of indoor games. The day it arrived, I couldn't wait to give it a shot. It's such a unique twist on the classic boomerang fly spinners we know and love.
The first thing that caught my eye was how easy it was to operate. Even though I'm not a tech-savvy person, I had no trouble flying this orb around. It's light as a feather and moves smoothly, making it perfect for indoor play. Plus, it's designed with safety in mind, which is great if you've got little ones running around.
However, one thing I noticed was that this toy doesn't handle windy conditions very well. It tends to get a bit unstable in windy environments, so it's better suited for indoor play or calm outdoor settings.
All in all, I'd highly recommend the SVJJ 2023 Flying Orb Ball Toy. It's a fun and interactive gadget that keeps everyone entertained, whether you're playing alone or with friends and family. And who knows? Maybe it'll inspire some creative play as well!

🔗Soaring Hover Pro Boomerang Spinner Ball Toy
As a tech enthusiast, I was excited to try out the mini drone hover orb globes from Tikduck. The vibrant color and unique un-enclosed structure definitely caught my eye, and I was eager to see what kind of fun and games I could get out of these spinning orbs.
One of the highlights of my experience was the level of control I had with the orbs. I was able to execute different stunts and even compete with others to develop the best stunts and tricks. This is definitely a fun toy for kids and adults who enjoy a good challenge.
However, there were several downsides to this product. The quality of the orbs was a major concern for me. Many users reported that their orbs stopped working after just a few uses, and others even experienced issues with the lights not functioning properly. Additionally, the shipping times for this product were quite lengthy, with many customers reporting that their orders took weeks or even months to arrive.
Overall, while I appreciate the novelty of the Tikduck Flying Orb Ball, I wouldn't recommend this product due to its poor quality and long shipping times. There are certainly better options out there for toy enthusiasts who are looking for a fun and engaging toy.

🔗Upgraded Flying Ball Orb Toy
As an avid fan of gadgets and tech toys, I couldn't resist trying out the DPTOYZ Flying Orb Ball. It's everything you'd expect from a high-tech toy, but in a surprisingly compact and lightweight package. The moment I powered it up, the first thing that caught my eye was the stunning RGB lights that make the orb look like a small celestial body floating in the air. Its responsiveness to hand gestures is impressive too, and the hovering, sliding, and spinning capabilities based on the throttle make it so much fun to play with.
Not just fun, it’s also incredibly durable. The sturdy design not only keeps the internal parts safe but also ensures the eyes and skin of children are protected from potential harm with its enclosed propellers. Its robust nature extends to its collision system too, making it ideal for any environment, be it indoors, outdoors, parties, or school playgrounds.
One of its unique selling points is its multifaceted benefits. Not only does it provide endless fun, but it also helps improve children's hands-on abilities, intelligence, and creativity, giving them a hands-on chance to learn physics and develop spatial awareness. And for us adults, it's a stress-buster, perfect for taking a break to enjoy outdoor fun with our kids.
Lastly, its portable nature and quick charging feature via USB (just 25 minutes) make it a delightful accessory to carry around. Plus, the user-friendly boomerang flight control makes it ideal for kids aged 6+.
However, I did face one small issue. The toy's noise can be a bit distracting in some settings. Nonetheless, the overall experience has been fantastic, and I find myself reaching for this fun Flying Orb Ball more often than I anticipated.

🔗Flying Orb Ball for Endless Tricks and Fun
Imagine unboxing a blue, small Flying Orb Ball. Oh, how thrilled I was to see the spherical design, reminiscent of a miniature flying saucer. Thanks to its powerful engine, this orb can hover and perform stunning tricks effortlessly. I've had so much fun just spinning it, watching it perform endless spins, and playing with it like it's my personal flying helper.
Its design is based on aviation flight principles and boasts a variety of flight modes, which makes it an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor fun. Not to forget, its high-precision sensors ensure a safe and enjoyable playtime for kids. It's one of the trendy toys I wish I'd discovered when I was younger, but I'm still having a blast being a big kid with it today.
However, I've encountered one minor issue. During my playing spree, the ball didn't always fly in sync with my movements, like it needed a little more time to sync up. I'd hope for a slightly smoother response in future models. But aside from that, I'd say the Flying Orb Ball has been a joy to play with and would make an excellent gift for any adventurous kid.

🔗Colorful LED Flying Orb Ball Toy
As an enthusiast of gadgets and gizmos, I recently stumbled upon this incredible flying orb ball that has quickly become my go-to for entertainment. This high-tech hand-controlled drone is not only visually striking with its cool RGB light, but it's also incredibly intelligent in its flight patterns. Tilt it back and throw it out, or release it horizontally for levitation - the possibilities for play are endless!
One of the most incredible things about this orb is its durability. Made from high-quality, flexible materials, it's perfectly safe for my kids to play with. Plus, it's lightweight and portable, making it easy to bring along wherever I go. And when the fun is over, charging it is a breeze - just plug it into my computer or power adapter for about 20 minutes and I'm good to go for another 8-10 hours of playtime.
The flying orb also offers countless benefits, from improving hand-eye coordination and creativity in children, to reducing stress and promoting social interaction in adults. It's the perfect gift for anyone, from my little one to my tech-savvy friends.
However, I have to admit that sometimes it can be a bit unpredictable in its flight path. But that's part of the fun, right? Overall, I'd highly recommend this flying orb ball for anyone looking for a unique, immersive, and entertaining toy that's great for both indoor and outdoor play. It's definitely been a hit in our household!

🔗Flynova Pro Flying Ball Toy: Illuminate the Sky with Your Choices
When I first got my hands on the Flynova Pro, I was honestly blown away by its unique features. The colorful LED lights instantly caught my eye, and it wasn't long before I was lighting up the night sky, changing colors as I pleased.
But it's not all about aesthetics; the safety features are a godsend. The soft, light material and protective casing make handling this little ball a breeze, even for kids. I've had countless hours of fun, indoors and outdoors, whether it's with friends at a party or just unwinding at home.
I also appreciate the rechargeable, portable design. The USB cable makes charging quick and easy, and the toy itself is lightweight and portable, perfect for travel or just tossing in my bag for a day trip.
One little con might be the battery life. I've found that it drains a bit quicker than I'd like, but overall, the Flynova Pro has been a fantastic addition to my toy collection. Plus, it’s such a fun and unique gift idea, I can’t wait to surprise my friends with one of these.

🔗Flying Toy Ball with Magical Hand Control
As a mom of three kids, I know how important it is to find toys that are not only fun but also educational and safe. That's why I was thrilled to discover the Hoverball, a flying toy orb that offers hours of entertainment for my little ones.
The first thing that caught my eye was its sleek design, with an aerodynamic enclosed orb that allows it to float effortlessly through the air. It's truly magical watching the Hoverball take flight, then hover back to your hand like it's a living creature. This not only keeps my kids enthralled, but also helps improve their hand-eye coordination and encourages physical activity.
One issue we did encounter was the battery life. While the charge time is fairly short, the run time isn't quite as impressive (think minutes rather than hours). However, my kids didn't seem to mind and still enjoyed playing with it. Additionally, the Hoverball is incredibly durable, with a caged orb design that protects it from bumps, falls, drops, and even collisions.
In conclusion, the Hoverball is a unique and fun toy that's perfect for keeping kids entertained and active. While there are some minor drawbacks like battery life and lack of control, the overall experience has been overwhelmingly positive for my family.

🔗Hover Orb Boomerang Spinner Drone with LED
As a toy enthusiast, I've had the chance to try some exciting new gadgets, including the Flying Orb Ball. This toy is the perfect blend of fun and learning, providing hours of entertainment while helping kids understand basic physics concepts.
The highlight of this toy is its hand-controlled design. With a flick of your wrist, the orb takes flight, spinning gracefully in the air before returning to your hand like a boomerang. The control is intuitive and responsive, making it easy for anyone to master within minutes. Plus, the built-in LED lights give the orb a magical glow that's sure to captivate both children and adults alike.
Another aspect I appreciated about the Flying Orb Ball is its durability. Despite several crashes, it always bounces back without any damage. The propellers are well protected, ensuring that no fingers get caught in the spinning blades. And when it needs charging, the USB cable provides quick and easy recharging, extending the playtime significantly.
However, there are a few cons worth mentioning. The charging process can be somewhat temperamental; sometimes the orb doesn't charge even when plugged in. Additionally, while it's designed for indoor and outdoor use, windy conditions can make controlling the orb more difficult.
Overall, the Flying Orb Ball is a unique and engaging toy that brings together fun and learning in a way that appeals to people of all ages. Its hand-controlled design, durability, and LED lights make it a standout in the world of toy drones.

🔗360° Rotating Flying Ball Toy with Built-in LED Lights
I've been using the Flying Orb Ball in my daily life and it's quite the experience! This responsive drone ball toy is perfect for hours of fun, whether indoors or outdoors. The AI-chip control helps the orb fly back towards you when your hands approach it, making it a really fun and interactive toy. Its 360-degree rotating soaring ability adds to its charm.
The best part about this orb is the ease with which it can be controlled. The trick is to throw it at a 30-degree angle and watch it spin back to you as if it were a boomerang. It's safe to use too, as it stops automatically when it hits any object in its path.
However, the battery life isn't the best. You only get about 8-10 minutes of playtime after charging it for 25 minutes. But on the positive side, it's rechargeable and portable, making it easy to carry around wherever you go.
The Flying Orb Ball is a perfect gift for people of all ages, not only for its fun factor but also for helping kids stay away from screens and engage in more outdoor activities. It's a great addition to the roundup of flying toys! While it's not perfect due to its battery life, its fun, interactive features more than make up for it.

🔗Infrared Controlled Cyber Flyer Orb Ball
As a tech enthusiast who loves gadgets that make my daily life more fun and entertaining, I recently got my hands on the Flipo Cyber Flyer Infrared Controlled Technology Flying Ball Globe. This little flying orb has been a hit with both adults and kids in my family.
What really stood out to me about this product was its smart design. The Cyber Flyer is not only easy to use, but it also includes a safety feature that automatically starts and stops the toy. This made it perfect for my younger siblings who were eager to try it out.
On the flip side, while I appreciate the simplicity of using my hand to control the flight path of the flyer, I must admit that the battery life could be better. It's a bit inconvenient to have to charge the flyer for 30 minutes just to get 7 minutes of playtime.
Overall, the Flipo Cyber Flyer Infrared Controlled Technology Flying Ball Globe is a unique toy that brings joy to everyone who tries it. Its infrared technology, coupled with the vibrant LED lights, make for an exciting experience indoors. However, be prepared to deal with short battery life and potentially flimsy construction.

🔗Hand Controlled Flying Ball Toy - Blue
As a mom of three energetic kids, I'm always on the lookout for toys that are fun, engaging, and promote active play. The Hoverball, a flying orb that magically returns to your hand with a gentle toss, has been a hit in our house. The first time we took it out to the beach, my kids spent hours tossing it around, laughing as it zoomed up and down the shoreline.
One of the things I love about the Hoverball is its durability. The enclosed orb design not only looks cool but also protects it from those inevitable bumps and scrapes that come with rough play. Plus, the hovering effect it creates when you release it into the air is truly mesmerizing - like watching a tiny hovercraft floating across the room!
However, there are a few drawbacks to note. The battery life could be better, especially if you have overly enthusiastic children who want to play with it non-stop. And while the color options were appealing at first, I wish there was a more straightforward way to control exactly where the hoverball goes.
All in all, the Hoverball is a unique and entertaining toy for kids and adults alike. Just be prepared to replace the batteries frequently and don't get too disappointed if it doesn't always hover back right where you aim. Still, I'd say it's definitely worth checking out for an afternoon of fun in the sun!

🔗Glowing Hand-Controlled Flying Orb Ball
I've been using this HIJPS Flying Orb Ball and it's been quite a unique and exciting addition to my toy collection. It's a hand-controlled drone ball that spins and flies in the air, creating a cosmic globe effect, perfect for both fun and skill-building activities.
One highlight is its colorful RGB light, which makes it look even cooler, especially when played with at night. I also love the dense mesh and full coverage design, making it safe and durable - even after countless crashes. Plus, the intelligent protection feature ensures that the hidden propellers never harm anyone during playtime.
As for charging, the USB rechargeable feature is super convenient, taking just 25 minutes for a full charge. I found that using it responsibly and following the user manual guidelines ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience. Overall, the HIJPS Flying Orb Ball has been an excellent toy for improving not only my hands-on abilities, but also my intelligence and creativity.

🔗Hands-free LED Flying Orb Ball Toy with Boomerang Effect
Ah, the Zummy FS1161BL Hand Operated Flying LED Orb Ball Toy with Boomerang Effect - quite a mouthful, isn't it? But don't let that deter you. This little device is bound to bring hours of fun for both indoors and outdoors.
Now, I've had my fair share of experiences with this toy. There's just something quite satisfying about throwing it up and watching it boomerang back to you. Not to mention, the craftsmanship is quite impressive. Made from high-grade ABS material, it's lightweight yet robust enough to withstand a good few crashes.
However, my experience with the Zummy FS1161BL has also had its hiccups. The first time I took it outdoors, it was a gusty day and before I knew it, the orb was soaring high into the sky, never to be seen again. I guess I should have stuck to indoor play.
And then there's the battery life. While it charges quite quickly, the 8-10 minutes of flying time seems to be gone in a blink of an eye. It's almost as if it were teasing me, saying 'Just a little bit more, you know you want to. . '
But despite these minor hiccups, I can't help but recommend the Zummy FS1161BL. It's a fun way to spend an afternoon and a great bonding activity for families. Just remember to keep it indoors, especially on windy days!

🔗Upgraded Galaxy Ball Toy: Indoor & Outdoor Fun
After a long day of hustle and bustle, I find solace in a bit of relaxation and play. Recently, I came across this intriguing toy called the "Ciniffo Fly Spinner. " It's essentially a fun, flying orb that can perform multiple tricks, making it the perfect companion for a fun and engaging evening.
What really piqued my interest was how effortlessly it integrates into both indoor and outdoor settings. Whether it's a sunny day in the park or a cozy night indoors, it keeps you or your children entertained for hours. The best part? The controls are incredibly intuitive, making it easy for anyone of any age to dive in right away.
However, there are a few things that caught my attention in a not-so-positive way. The battery life, though decent, could be better. Also, it sometimes struggles to maintain consistent flight trajectories, especially in windy conditions.
All things considered, the Ciniffo Fly Spinner is an impressive toy. It's not only fun but also encourages physical play and fosters a sense of curiosity. Its versatility and ease of use make it a great addition to anyone's toolkit of entertainment, making it a perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, or just an afternoon surprise.

Buyer's Guide



What are Flying Orb Balls?

Flying Orb Balls are remote-controlled, spinning orbs that hover and move through the air. They are designed for entertainment and can be controlled using a handheld remote or an app on your smartphone or tablet.

How do Flying Orb Balls work?

Flying Orb Balls operate on the principle of aerodynamics, utilizing internal fans and a lightweight design that helps them maintain altitude and move smoothly without falling to the ground. The remote control or app allows you to control the altitude, direction, and speed of the orb.

Are Flying Orb Balls safe for indoor use?

Yes, most Flying Orb Balls are designed with safety in mind, featuring soft, cushioned exteriors that prevent them from causing injury or damaging objects when they collide. However, it is recommended to keep a safe distance from people and fragile objects while operating the orb to avoid any accidents.

How long do the batteries last in Flying Orb Balls?

Battery life varies depending on the model and brand, but generally, Flying Orb Balls can provide around 6-10 minutes of continuous flight time on a single charge. Some higher-end models may offer longer battery life, up to 15 minutes or more.

How do I charge my Flying Orb Ball?

Charging methods depend on the model and brand, but most Flying Orb Balls come with a charging cable, which can be connected to a USB port for charging. Simply plug the cable into the charging port on the orb and connect the other end to a USB power source. The charging process can take up to 40-60 minutes, depending on the battery capacity.

What age group are Flying Orb Balls suitable for?

Flying Orb Balls are generally suitable for all ages, but children under the age of 12 should be supervised by an adult when playing with them. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for age suitability, as some models may have small parts or features that could pose a choking hazard to young children.

How far can Flying Orb Balls travel?

The distance a Flying Orb Ball can travel varies depending on the model and brand. Some basic models may have a control range of up to 20-30 feet, while more advanced models can have a control range of up to 100 feet or more. It is essential to keep the remote or smartphone within the control range for proper operation.

What is the typical price range for Flying Orb Balls?

The prices of Flying Orb Balls can vary significantly depending on the model, brand, and features included. Basic models may cost around $20-$30, while more advanced ones with longer flight times, higher control ranges, and additional features like music sync or LED lights can cost up to $60-$100 or more.

Can I perform tricks with a Flying Orb Ball?

Yes, many Flying Orb Balls come with a range of features that allow you to perform various tricks and stunts. Some models may feature adjustable flight modes, allowing you to transition from beginner-friendly to more challenging maneuvers. Additionally, some orbs come with built-in sensors, enabling them to perform 360-degree flips and other advanced tricks at the touch of a button.

How do I choose the right Flying Orb Ball for me?

When selecting a Flying Orb Ball, consider factors such as battery life, control range, price range, brand reputation, and whether it includes any additional features you find appealing. Reading product reviews and watching videos of the orb in action can also help you determine if it aligns with your expectations and intended use. Always prioritize safety when choosing a Flying Orb Ball, especially if you plan to use it around children or pets.
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2024.06.10 04:57 blablabla_uhoh TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint (Download)

TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint (Download)
TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint

TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint Reviews: Is it worth it?

Hey there, fellow traders! If you're anything like me, you're always on the lookout for ways to up your trading game. Well, I recently stumbled upon something pretty cool that I think you'll want to hear about. It’s called the TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint, and it promises to be a game-changer. Let’s dive into what makes this course a must-try.

Cover the Basics and Build a Foundation

So, let’s kick things off with the basics. The TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint course starts from square one. Even if you’re new to the trading world, you won’t feel lost. They make sure you understand the foundational concepts before moving on. This part is like the warm-up before the big game, getting you ready for the heavy lifting.

Piecing It All Together

Next up, they help you piece it all together. You know how sometimes you learn a bunch of stuff but can’t see the big picture? Not here. This course guides you step-by-step, making sure you connect the dots. It’s all about building that “aha” moment when everything clicks.

Train Your Eye to Spot Leaders

Here’s where it gets exciting. Imagine being able to spot the next AMZN, AAPL, or TSLA before they blow up. That’s what TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint aims to teach you. They train your eyes to identify leadership stocks in the market. And trust me, this isn’t just fluff – they back it up with real examples and proven methods.

Develop Your Edge

Every trader needs an edge, right? This course helps you develop yours. They understand that each trader is unique and has their own personality. So, while they provide a proven process, they also show you how to tweak it to suit your style. It’s like getting a custom-tailored suit – fits you perfectly.

Perform Like a Pro

All this learning isn’t just for show. The goal is to get you performing like a pro. The TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint gives you the tools and knowledge to make smart moves in the market. They break it down into a simple approach that leads to consistent and superior performance.

Hours of Engaging Video Content

Now, let’s talk about the content. They’ve got hours of video lessons, and the best part? It’s all in an easily digestible format. You can watch them on any device, anywhere. Whether you’re on a lunch break or chilling at home, you can keep learning. It’s like having a personal trading mentor with you 24/7.

Real-World Application

Theory is great, but real-world application is where it’s at. The lessons in TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint use real examples of market winners. You get to see how the concepts apply to actual trading situations, which makes the learning process so much more impactful.

Setting Realistic Goals and Achieving Realistic Results

One thing I really appreciate about this course is its focus on realistic goals and results. They’re not promising you’ll become a millionaire overnight. Instead, they’re about setting you up for long-term success. It’s a refreshing change from all the hype you often see in trading courses.

Conclusion: Your Roadmap to Success

In a nutshell, TraderLion - Leadership Blueprint is a comprehensive guide that can truly enhance your trading skills. It’s not just about learning to trade; it’s about learning to trade smartly and effectively. So, if you’re ready to cut years off your learning curve and spot true market leaders with accuracy, this course is definitely worth checking out.
Happy trading, folks!
submitted by blablabla_uhoh to BunyStudying [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:54 TerraVirizionz Shoe found in the new video

This is quite a morbid thought and it’s most likely nothing sinister, but the shoe he found in the newest video kinda reminded me of the shoes that were found in British Columbia that were from victims of the Japanese tsunami in I think 2009. Is it possible that this shoe was from someone that might of also perished in that considering he found other Japanese items on that island. Its a morbid thought that came up in my head lol
submitted by TerraVirizionz to outdoorboys [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:52 Hayate-kun 60 most-viewed ASMR videos published on YouTube last week (2024-05-26 to 2024-06-01) [Discussion]

No eatingslimekinetic sandmagnetic ballsstop motion cookingnoisy reaction/comedymarbles<2 minuteanimatedchiropractic

Views Channel Video
757119 ShiliASMR Korean Interview Makeup & Hair | Visual Tingle ASMR
752170 Alex FaBB ASMR: She Gave Me REAL TINGLES with her Back Neck Shoulder Head Massage and Scratching
404482 Jojo's ASMR ASMR for people who DESPERATELY NEED sleep (Ear Cleaning)
395299 Moonlight Cottage ASMR Reviewing Old-fashioned Makeup & Hair Products (+ testing on you) | ASMR (unintelligible whispers)
393707 Jojo's ASMR ⚠️WARNING⚠️ this ASMR WILL get you HIGH (on tingles)
381572 edafoxx ASMR ASMR the most comforting face tapping & scratching
332052 ♡Necoma Ch.♡猫羽かりん 【けもりふ】 【KU100/耳舐め】疲れをほぐして元気になっちゃお♡ねっとり奥責め耳舐めASMR♡【音圧、密閉感、高音質】EarCleaning,Earlicking,Mouthsound,힐링,귀 핥기,舔耳
318563 Gibi ASMR Roll For ASMR 3
307976 Patra Channel / 周防パトラ 【ASM2時間】どこまでも寝落ちできる!耳かき&マッサージ。綿棒/吐息/肩マッサージ/Ear Cleaning& Brain Tingling for Deep Sleep 2Hr【周防パトラ】
300537 Luna Bloom ASMR ASMR Eyes Closed Follow My Instructions 🌙 (whispers only) 🩵🍄
275806 Tingting ASMR [ASMR] Relaxing Spa Hair Treatment
259973 LunaRexx ASMR ASMR I'm on Top...of YOU...again! 👀 we both relax 👀 (personal attention, asmr for sleep)
244114 RaffyTaphyASMR ASMR Two Powerful Triggers for Instant Sleep
239357 asmr zeitgeist ASMR 💈Barber & Haircut Trigger Mix to Bring You Some Zzz‘s 💤 Sleep. Chill. Tingle!
198516 Gentle Whispering ASMR ASMR Magazine Flip Through ○ Soft Spoken ○ Fall Asleep Fast
190556 ASMR Cham ASMR Crazy GIrl’s Lens Cleaning 📷
186054 Yarify ASMR ASMR ✨ DONCELLA te prepara para el BAILE de la Reina 👑 Bridgerton Atención Personal Extrema ✨
185753 beebee asmr 22 Minutes of Fast & Aggressive ASMR ( Long Nails on Mic, Mouth Sounds, Positive Affirmations + )
181823 ASMR Glow ASMR Goodnight Kisses & Hand movements ✨
180275 Goodnight Moon ASMR Renaissance Faire - Come Along With Me! (ear to ear whispering, ambience)
176022 みやぢASMR ※広告なし※[ASMR¦KU100]ゼロ距離 お耳愛撫のじかん♡
174822 Momota ASMR 【ASMR】同級生と見つめ合いながら耳かきをしてもらうロールプレイ
171964 Tiptoe Tingles ASMR ASMR Body Triggers: Collarbone Tapping, Sock Scratching and Strap Snapping
170053 alwaysslightlysleepy but WHY can't i touch your face? 🥹 (asmr)
166301 Doña Esperanza ASMR Masaje ASMR y limpia energética de Doña Esperanza hormigueo, susurros y sonidos suaves para dormir
166254 鵜飼沙樹 / 銀海渡ニシェ 【ASMR】おやす耳かき配信【バイノーラル/白dio】
165538 Nanou ASMR ASMR - Taking Your Picture!
164558 Anny ASMR ASMR DOBLE para DORMIR en MENOS DE 15 minutos con MARIA DL ASMR / atención personal
162522 ASMR Bakery ASMR Make Your Ears Flutter | Semi-Intense with 3D Brain Penetration (No Talking)
161788 Mol ASMR. ASMR español atención personal para dormir desde mi cama
161377 Mol ASMR. ASMR español soy tu mejor amigo atención personal para dormir
160534 Nanou ASMR ASMR - FaceTiming With You! (lofi)
158557 Macoto ASMR まこと。 あとで耳舐め【ASMR】超高音質の耳元近い吐息♡マッサージ✨whispering, Tingles, Ear Massage, japanese【ASMKU100】
158448 ASMR KittyKlaw АСМР Уложу тебя спать (Для Сна) 😴✨ ASMR Putting you to sleep 💤
155516 ASMR Rebecca Anticipatory ASMR for Deep Sleep and Relaxation 😴
154158 ASMR Mongsilunnie 몽실언니 ASMR.sub 릴렉싱 순환 마사지 샵🌿 | 피부 디톡스 | 시각 팅글 | Relaxing customer service roleplay
150600 Starling ASMR ASMR The Most Detailed Exams : Full Body , Eyes , Cranial Nerves , Face , Sleep
150098 anna dreamy ASMR ASMR ESPECIAL DE 2 MILHÕES | +100 Triggers e +10 Roleplays (2 horas)
148272 沙汰ナキアASMR - Nakia Ch. 【ASMKU100】とろとろオイルのマッサージで寝かしつけ♡囁き/タッピング/Oil massage【沙汰ナキア/睡眠導入】
143387 esteASMR ASMR 😪 내시경 귀청소로 더 깊은 휴식과 수면 🌙
143303 Ecuador Live María Elisa's energy purification & ASMR relaxation massage with soft whispering sounds
142889 Nanou ASMR ASMR - Playing With Your Hair!
141026 TomASMR ASMR *WARNING* At 0:13 You Will Get Tingles
138155 ASMR Darling ASMR Spa Day Treatment ♥ Personal Attention and Skin Care
136278 Akasi ASMR [türkçe asmr] eskiden sevmediğim ama şu an sevdiğim tetikleyiciler 🎬
133077 Diddly ASMR ASMR Brain Melting Tingles (mouth sounds)
132007 WalChe ASMR АСМР🤯Триггеры Которые Я Ненавижу🤬asmr triggers that I hate
129016 Rola's Diary ASMR اهلاً بيكوا في عيادة النوم و الاسترخاء هتسمعوا اصوات تنمل المخ 👩🏻‍⚕️💤 #asmr
126363 Joyceful Tingles ASMR | 30 Triggers In 30 Minutes✨(Trigger Assortment For Relaxation and Sleep)
123595 WalChe ASMR АСМР Нежный Доктор Проверит Тебя🩺👩🏼‍⚕️ASMR Doctor’s Check Up
119862 ASMR Glow ASMR Ear Massage With Oil for Deep Relaxation 💤
117539 Semide ASMR Gentle Back Massage, Cedar Smudge, Acupressure & Aromatherapy for Maya (Real Person ASMR)@asmrplur
116942 dakota b asmr ASMR | The Most Sensitive Mouth Sounds for Ultimate Tingles
116524 WhisperAudios ASMR ASMR - 🥛Go Back to Sleep!🥛
submitted by Hayate-kun to asmr [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:52 Low-Paramedic-3957 I'm an anxious mess and I do not know why. Does anyone have any tips to get through this

Hello everyone, over the past two years I have developed some pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks and I do not know what is causing them. I am 23 years old and I am just looking for some advice on how to handle this.
So basically with these panic attacks they seem to happen when I go out with my friends and that can be to a bar, a club, a sports game, while on the train, in the uber, just in large crowds. When these events occur I have to pee every 20 minutes, my stomach is in shambles, and no matter how much I ate I poop like twice while out (sorry for the tmi). Once I return home I instantly feel better and there are no more stomach aches or anxiety attacks. Now, I do smoke weed and probably too much. I have been starting to cut back on it but it really helps when I am having these panic attacks and I really want to find another solution.
One thing that I think may be getting to me is the current state of America (I know this will sound soft). I want to be clear before I get into this part I do not identify with republicans or democrats, they are both liars that do not give a shit about any of their voters or what they are advocating for. Our politicians are all bought and paid for by lobbyists and we as the people need to realize again that we have the power and not these NGOs. But back to what I think may be causing this. Social media has videos of people dying on it every day, I am all for free speech but we do not need to have live updates of people getting shot, stabbed, or anything else here in America or anywhere else. Variety of opinion is needed for this country to stay as amazing as it is so I am against the censorship of any political views but filming a 13 year old girl just 10 minutes after her arm was blown off has no reason to be on social media.
The reason why I do know how to handle this or even why this started is because last February I started dating the most amazing girl in the world, shes everything I ever wanted in a woman and more, I have a very loving family, and really strong friend groups at home and from college. I have never been at a public event where there was an attack or something really scarring happened and i witnessed it. In fact, I have quite literally been the opposite of everything I have listed above for 21 years of my life. I get really scared when these attacks randomly come on I feel like I am about to pass out but my mind is fighting it and then I begin to get very light headed.
If anyone has gone through something like this please let me know how you have dealt with it. This very well could be an addiction to weed which is why I want to stop smoking as well so if anyone has any tips about that too it would be greatly appreciated. I just feel so isolated even when I know I am not and it scares me because i dont know where the problem is stemming from.
submitted by Low-Paramedic-3957 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:51 Mean_Palpitation_171 (M 44) My Story . (Relationship Trauma,Grief,Domestic Abuse)

My first and defining relationship was with an older woman when I was 21. She was 37. I was attracted to her boldness and it was exciting to be around her at first. She was a heroin addict, and one day she was in the bed nodding off and I said I have to go and I left. I had sort of decided to break it off with her . Then a note came in my mail box...a letter which said in ransom note cut out newspaper lettering...I will take you from rags right through to stitches. I got scared and wondered who it was.i called her up and asked her. She didn't confirm or deny and seemed amused. She then offered to share some heroin with me if I ever wanted some. Even though I was freaked out something drew me back and I called her. We shared the heroin. Over the next few weeks she displayed odd behaviours like kicking me in public, verbal put downs and flirting in front of me with other men. I was too inexperienced to walk away.i got sucked into it and the sex and intimacy made me fall in love. She became pregnant three months later. Because my father had killed himself when I was eight, I decided I needed to be a good father to my child so I embraced the idea. I was a talented songwriter and musician and as the relationship started so did my career in the town. During her pregnancy she had moments of violence, such as threatening me with a baseball bat,hitting me over the head with a phone and literally clinging onto me as I tried to leave and held on until I fell over exhausted. Despite these outbursts we also had moments of bliss preparing the house for the child. She had the child, a son and I embraced fatherhood. She was highly strung and jealous of my female friends, and by this point I had become addicted to painkillers after the heroin ran out. She could be calm and loving one moment and suddenly snap and become frightening and intimidating the next. Certain events like Christmas or Easter she would invariably snap and make a scene and I would cop the physical or verbal abuse. It was a strange time where we were raising a child and there were moments of bliss but also terror and confusion. Things went on like this for years until I finally had to get away. During this time she made it difficult to see my son. We got back together on and off but it would end when she would snap and I felt threatened. I made a final break after a bleeding stomach ulcer from my addiction to painkillers during which she kicked me while I lay on the floor for her to call and ambulance. I nearly died and was so scared I left town. During this time she made threats to harm our son and I was so worried. I didn't want to abandon my son but I had to be away from her. Eventually I went to rehab in another city and sorted out my issues properly. During this time she became a meth user and became neglectful and abusive to our son and psychotic and violent to her brother and others. My son came to visit me shortly after I completed the year long stint in rehab and my friends convinced me to keep him with me, despite me feeling powerless to do so. It was a hard few years but my son and I lived together and I was sober and healthy and while it wasn't perfect I'm proud I was able to give my son some refuge from her abuse and a good sober father figure in his early teen years. I went to court and obtained a parenting order.i took out DVO's against her to protect me and our son. He attended a wedding where she was there and despite me doing everything to ensure his protection and safety ( it was his half sisters wedding, my ex's daughter - he really wanted to go) she tried to grab him and ended up choking him with his tie and caused a huge scene at the wedding.i felt so guilty when I found out because I had let him down again. Unfortunately the parenting order stated he still see his mum, and she convinced him to stay with her one visit and there was nothing I could do. He was 16 by this point. I was devastated.But one year later he called me crying saying she had threatened him again. I decided to move back to hometown so he could live with me and finish school. It was a difficult time and I met a co worker who we became romantically involved, but she had alcohol issues and drank herself to death within two years of us falling in love. Meanwhile my son finished school and I see my ex now on the street and feel no more fear. This is enormous because for twenty years I was petrified of her. My son is now 21 and is in strife now ...he went to a party and hooked up with a girl , he thought it was consensual and it didn't go beyond kissing and light groping. The next day her friend convinced her it was sexual assault and the cops were called. My son is facing serious charges. This has been so devastating and stressful.he is handling it well enough but I'm concerned about the stress the prolonged trial will have on him. I am now 44 and feel like I've been robbed of the last twenty years, my prime years, by a woman who terrorized me and seriously abused our son. It still angers and enrages me , disappoints me, saddens me, I feel so guilty for what my poor son has been through. She is now an alcoholic and her health is severely affected. I no longer feel she is going to kill me one day which is what I thought for twenty years. She has mellowed in her age. But there is always that 'what if' in the back of my mind. I also feel robbed of a chance at my true calling which is music.i still achieved things but my time and energy was spent dancing around my son's mother's abusive behaviours. And living in response to them. I don't feel like I've ever been in control of my life. I realise now I can finally be free. I still worry about my son but I can't rescue him now he is an adult. This feels strange. It has been my main purpose for so long. And now I am just in disbelief at all the events of my life. And wondering where to go next , what to do. I'm absolutely terrified of women now. I'm so tuned in to noticing any red flags and any sign of even slight manipulation or potential for abusiveness sends me into panic mode. I hope to have a normal life someday, a normal relationship, and some happiness. I still find it so hard to forgive his mother for what she did to our son. And I feel so much guilt for letting him down. Does anyone have any advice on processing all of these feelings and moving on from this sort of thing? Any resources or wisdom. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Mean_Palpitation_171 to CPTSD [link] [comments]