First car nicknames

Post about your first car!

2013.01.09 23:08 barkatmark Post about your first car!

This is the subreddit all about your first car and your experience with it as well as getting advice for your own first car! Feel free to ask as many questions as needed.

2017.11.14 18:23 tomqueefed My First Car

This subreddit was created by Dan and Geoff. We are the hosts of a podcast called My First Car Podcast. Its pretty simply, we talk about cars and discover our guests first car! This subreddit was created as an open community for anyone and everyone who love cars and want to share their first car.

2008.01.25 08:07 Europe

Europe: 50 (+6) countries, 230 languages, 746M people… 1 subreddit.

2024.06.10 09:17 FitBananers Question regarding FFL03+COE

So I bought a new CZ P-01 today at a Sportsman’s Warehouse. Used my FFL03 and COE. First time doing so and was apprehensive of doing so since many of the employees don’t seem to know what FFL03/COE even is.
My question: the counter clerk asked for my current CA DL, and I mentioned and provided my FFL03/COE paperwork.
The clerk then said I needed a valid government document like a car registration or utility bill to verify that my CA address listed on the driver’s license is actually correct. I personally thought that a REAL ID and FFL03/COE paperwork was all that I needed for firearm related purchases moving forward. Am I mistaken? Now that I think about it, it does make sense.
submitted by FitBananers to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:16 atmaninravi How To Achieve Spiritual Enlightenment By Overcoming The Self

We, human beings, have a gross physical body that has various vital organs like the heart, lungs, brain and kidneys, amongst others. We are conscious of our 5 sense organs, just like we are aware of certain organs of action like our hands, legs, fingers, etc. However, these make just the hardware of the human body. Human beings also have a software that drives their body to act. It is MIME – the Mind, Intellect, Memory and Ego. Unlike the physical body, this is the subtle body. We can't touch or see it, although we know that it exists. As we live, we think that we are the ME, the Mind and Ego, the 'I'. We have a name, a surname, a nationality, a religion and an occupation. We identify ourselves with all these attributes and further, when we say, 'My height is... and my weight is...' all of this collectively defines our existence. A computer cannot function only with the hardware and the software but also needs a power supply to fire it up. Similarly, our body needs Power to energize it, to bring life into it. The life force within us is our Soul. The SOUL is a Spark Of Unique Life. Thus these three essential aspects—the gross physical body, the subtle body or MIME and the Soul, together, make us a human being.
Who is this 'I' that keeps saying that this is 'my' hand or 'my' eyes? Who is this 'I' that proclaims that this house is ‘mine’ or this car is 'mine'? The 'I' that constantly tells 'me' and 'mine' is our ‘ego’! All through our life, till our last breath, we keep on believing that we are the ego. We have a body, mind, and Soul but we don't realize the truth. We live and die in ignorance as we are lost in the myth that we have been taught and grew up with. We believe in the lie, till we die.
As long as we don’t realize that I am not ‘I’, we will never realize that we are the Divine Spirit, the SOUL, the Spark Of Unique Life. So, how does one achieve this Spiritual Enlightenment or Awakening? One can achieve this by overcoming ignorance. Ignorance can be overcome by going on a quest and seeking answers to the vital questions of life. Ignorance can be overcome by asking the most important question – ‘Who am I?’
When we ask, ‘Who am I?' we will get various answers. ‘Am I this body?’ Of course, we have a body but are we the body? When was this body created? This body was created over nine months in the womb of our mother but we were born much earlier than that. We were conceived when the first cell of existence, the zygote, was created. A Spark Of Unique Life, SOUL, gave life to the zygote and then from one cell, it multiplied to two, to four, to eight, to sixteen, to thirty-two and so on, till it became twenty-five billion cells and then, we were delivered to this earth on a date, which we celebrate as our birthday. Our birth certificate tells us that it is the date of our birth but in reality, it is only an arrival date on earth. Therefore, we are not this body that was formed. One day, this body will die. Death is certain. Every ‘body’ must die and when the body dies, people will say that we passed away. They are so sure that we passed away that they would destroy our body by either cremating or burying it. These facts prove and ensure us that we are not the physical body.
So, are we the mind? Where is the mind? When we try to find our mind, where it is, we cannot find. Mind is just a bundle of thoughts. As long as the thoughts exist, the mind exists. The moment the thoughts cease to exist, the mind ceases to exist too. Therefore, we are neither the body nor the mind. If we are neither the body nor the mind but we exist, then, who are we? Realizing ‘Who am I?’ is Awakening. It is Spiritual Enlightenment.
Spiritual Enlightenment is a journey of finding out that I am not ‘I’. When we realize that I am not ‘I’, then I am able to let go of my ego because it is the ego that says, ‘I, me and mine.’ The ego will say, ‘I am John’ but was I John when I was born? No! I was just a baby boy. The baby that was born was not John. John is just a name but unfortunately, we believe that we are our name. When we look at a picture or a group photograph, we will point out and say, ‘Hey, that is me.’ But that is not me, that is just my body. The ego sticks to the false identity. Unless we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth, we will always live as this body, mind and ego and will suffer the triple suffering - physical pain, the misery of the mind and anguish of ego in the form of anger, hate, revenge and jealousy. All of this disappears when there is a Spiritual Awakening, an Enlightenment. All this happens with the Realization of the truth.
Therefore, we have to let go of our ego, the ‘I’. There is a simple formula -
Man – Ego = God
God + Ego = Man
Because of ignorance we believe that we are the body that we appear to be while in reality, we are the Divine Soul. Ignorance creates the ego. We human beings live and die but this is not the end. If we do not find out, ‘Who am I?' then we will return to this earth in a rebirth because we will have Karma to redeem. Karma is actions performed by the physical body, directed by the Mind and Ego, ME. Each action, good or bad, becomes a seed that is planted and has to bear fruit. To reap the rewards or fruits of our actions, the Mind and Ego, ME makes us return to earth in a rebirth.
If we want Spiritual Awakening or Enlightenment, we have to let go of ‘I’. We have to realize – ‘I am nothing. I am just a Spark Of Unique Life, a SOUL that arrives at conception and departs at death. The Soul is a part of SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power and so, I am the Divine Soul.’ The moment we realize this, we are awakened. We achieve the goal and realize that we are the Divine Soul. Then, we do not return to earth in a rebirth. We attain Liberation and ultimately, at death of the body, get unified with the Divine, SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power.
submitted by atmaninravi to god [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:16 hellokittyluvr76896 idk what to do

hello all,
i’m a 25 (F) and my parnter is 34 (M) we’ve been talking on and off for about 9-12 months. everything was going good in the beginning when we first met… a a few months or so into the relationship i figured he was lying to me about stuff he promised me and they were pretty dramatic lies (not going into detail but like i said very dramatic) i stopped talking to him for a while once he came clean about the lies . he wanted to make things up to me, i let him he paid for my hair and nails and also did my oil change on my car. so fast forward a week or two prior to this obviously we are on good terms, i spent the night last night… and things took a turn i got into my feels about some petty bs idk whatever i called him out of his name and was about to leave his house he grabbed me by my hair and pulled it back and put his arms around my neck and said that i wasn’t leaving and that im not gonna talk to him like that blah blah. i’m like ill toughen it out till in the morning im laying in bed with him and he’s trying to talk to me and im just ignoring him and then i finally said that im leaving and he will never hear from me again after all of this he get ontop of my and is squeezing my rests and putting his arm on my chest like a weight saying ur never leaving me, this is for life, i love you and im sorry you know i would never hurt you blah blah. i leave finally back home now and i just don’t know what to do . not to mention he’s a convicted felon, i know should have already been the first red flag… also he has nobody like no family no friends nothing, his mom has nothing to do with him… he’s just a lot of baggage and i didn’t know what i was walking into and i fear for my life .. i stayed with my parents and i fear for theirs too… oh last thing he also always mentioned how he saw his mom got beat and hit on and he would never do that to me but he just did it… should i contact the police idk i just need help ..
submitted by hellokittyluvr76896 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:14 RainnTheSussyBaka So much shit going on at once 29 mtf (pretransition, recent egg crack)

It's been a while since I've felt this low honestly. And what's sad is that I was doing SO great not too long ago. Realizing I was trans was an overwhelming, but positive experience, but once you crash down to reality instead of making up fantasies of reconnecting with people as your true self you think about your relationships. I still live at home for a myriad of reasons, so I'm terrified. My parents knew I was gay and didn't really care but my dad's been red-pilled through reactionary youtubers and now spouts off about keeping lgbt away from kids and the new world order so I'm pretty sure I'm losing my father.
My best friend of 20 years, my only friend now. The only respite from these thoughts of dread, his dad has a Ted Nugent for President sticker. I don't know my friend's opinion on trans people but he said he didn't care when I came out as gay, and that's what's so scary to me.
These frusturations, on top of having to remember really awful childhood memories to help realize I am trans is making me feel like my head's gonna pop. It took all of my 20s to get over the friends I wish I could reconnect with, or at least realize that I didn't deserve such polar opposite personalities in my friends, for instance one of them said I was the brother he never had, and an hour later would get high and pretend he was sexting with the girl I liked, even while I started talking crazy and telling him to run me over.
My mom, who I know had a very traumatic childhood, has been dismissive as hell. When I came out to her as trans the first time, she said as long as I was happy, and the second time I brought it up it was like the first time never happened. She dropped "I can't ever call you by another name" and then asked why I got upset and stormed off.
I'd take a bullet for my family- I'd be dead without them and we've all been through a lot together as a unit. My grandparents on both sides are and were very toxic people (the "are" is the worst person I've ever known in my life, and a maaaaajor source of my trauma), but my grandmother, as toxic as she was was a good person deep down, and was a better grandmother than a mother so I'm lucky to have parents as well adjusted as I do.
But even they had faults too, I was dragged to church constantly by my ear- at one point I even tried diving out of a moving car. It was nothing but the "adam and eve not adam and steve" nonsense ad nauseum and my mom would go on about how smart my CCD teacher was, when years later I found out he is a Juvie Prosecutor. He was smart back then, but now he's an extremist mom? I remember in 2nd grade smuggling home Harry Potter because of how satanic it was. I couldn't play DnD with my friend and his dad because it was satanic. The family friend Catholic school teacher wasn't a "real catholic" cause she didn't demonize HP.
No matter how hard I tried, she kept telling me I needed to be confirmed, well guess what? I'm fucking confirmed! I also wasn't allowed to have a relationship with my pagan free-mason uncle, and he died back in 09 so, oh well. Had a gay activist uncle, dead too- and I didn't get to know him. My "being a lesbian is a cross to bear later in life convert" late aunt was the one who I tried diving out of her car, so there were absolutely zero positive queer role models in my life.
As well as being neurodivergeant, I think out loud a lot- which in turn means I get rage panic attacks, where I'll start ranting out loud to myself. About shit I posted, the bullshit that's going on in the US with my fucking people, and other stuff. I don't Kyle out and smash shit, even though sometimes I want to.
The rage is new to me. I was always extremely passive, going as far as apologizing for things others would do to me. It's like now my inner child is fucking Damien or some shit. I don't understand how my mom who knows what it's like to be controlled by your past (she can't smell lavender or listen to most songs from the 70s) tells me to just be happy and ignore everything- sending me FB reels of random shit.
Add on top of all of that I have a semi in denial addiction to weed in general but carts especially. If I'm feeling this way stoned I'm scared af to see what the sober is gonna be like. With the way the world is going, why WOULDN'T you want to be stoned out of your gourd? You can't OD, it makes you feel music, it can turn a borderline agoraphobic to a chill person, at least with my friend. I smoked on and off until the pandemic, when I was introduced to a plug and then it was legalized in NJ. There's a store a block away that sells carts for 20 bucks a pop.
I also don't have any applicable life skills. You can't really learn those if you're only just now seeing a smidgen of a future (as a Lulu from FFX esque queen) after years and years of feeling like I'm either floating or just existing. Rainn is a woman who's the complete opposite of me. A woman who's been through hell but she doesn't let it control her life. She's confident- the one to tell the manager her bf didn't ask for pickles (Rob can't even go in public without blasting heavy metal in headphones, while being stoned af most of the time). A Nancy Sinatra kinda bad bitch who wants to dismantle the powers that be. A woman who'd be brave enough to throw the brick.
And just all of this on my fucking shoulders at once makes me just wanna do something I shouldn't to myself. It's actually pretty odd, because I've been feeling the opposite about certain people, which I know makes me sound unhinged but idk, it's not a hot take for a traumatized person to want to traumatize their abusers. I've heard most suicides are in a quick moment, like if I had a gun, there have been moments throughout my life where I could've pulled the trigger, but then I calm down after a while of watching funny shit on YT or playing AC Odyssey and just unlocking all the question marks.
Sorry for the trauma dumping essay, I'm trying to sleep but I'm just too preoccupied with all of this shit to actually calm my nerves enough. Just took down my FB again, the anti LGBT shit was funny at first, just cause of how stupid the people were, but it started to get to me and poison my happiness. I'm in a lot of "Hey, look at how stupid these bigoted people are" groups and although the context is different the bigoted shit is still posted. That thousands and thousands of people want me GONE. In the words of their savior, eradicated like the "radical-left vermin" I am.
Happy pride month I guess.
submitted by RainnTheSussyBaka to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:13 clean_shave_2605 Few questions regarding IITB Masters

Hey folks, I have gotten MS(R) offer from CMINDS IITB. First off, I have been really lucky to be a part of such an esteemed institute. However, I have a few questions that I wanted to ask -
  1. I was offered the offer for the first time in Round 3 (May 26) via COAP and mail. However, I retained the offer and now in Round 5 I have accepted the offer (Jun 7). I haven't received any mail yet. By when do they send the mail?
  2. Are MS students allowed to own vehicles (cars/motorcycles) on campus?
  3. How are the hostel situations? Some of them seem to be really great, but others seem to be a little run down.
All inputs are welcome :)
submitted by clean_shave_2605 to iitbombay [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:11 joshua0005 Started going into nature yesterday and I finally feel at home

I guess this is just a "redditor touches grass for the first time in 241 days" post lol
Yesterday I went to a marsh and I walked around it and I felt so happy. It felt like that's where I belong. Today I went again but I went near dusk and by the time I got back to my car it was dark.
Yesterday I had been walking for only a few minutes before I found a deer just a few feet from the path. It was so strange to be that close to a wild animal of that size but it didn't run away and I just continued down the path.
Today I ended up on a path that went through a meadow and just before the sun finished setting I found a deer in the middle of the path and a couple more were right off the path. I really wanted to continue but didn't want to risk getting attacked so I just stood there for a few minutes while we stared at each other. It eventually started making some noises so I turned around and returned to my car.
As I was getting close to my car I heard an animal a little bit off the path which gave my spine shiver and made me start biking as fast as possible. I heard it run away (I think it was a deer) which calmed me down but that short moment of adrenaline felt so good.
Even when I was just biking down the path and didn't hear anything I still felt a bit uneasy because I was in nature and other than the sound of cars it felt like I was so far from civilization. I knew I was so close to home but I still felt like I was in unknown territory and that it could be really hard to get home.
I don't know why I'm posting this. Guess I just wanted to start a discussion about nature lol
submitted by joshua0005 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:10 senpaistrood just having a horrible night

ended up having a two hour conversation with my ex and ex best friend, almost a year ago now is when they left me for each ithrr and its the first time i reslly talked to them since. Even after all this time and what theyve done i still somehow miss them so much its painful and im just so fucjing lost and i as hoping to come out of the conversation being friends again or maybr in the future rvrn though thats so goddamn stupid of me and orettty much my ex best friend told me he never wants to see me again and he doesnt miss me at all which i knew but i reslly hoped i didnt know but since its strsight from him now i reslly do no and she also couldnt care less abkut seeing me again and they were the closest people ive ever had and i just feeel so fucjing numb so i got in my car at 2 am to drive becsuse i didnt know what else to do and tjen like 20 minutes ago a racoon ran out into the road and i pannickrd snd instead of hitting the break i hit the gas a ran the rscoon over and now this ooor fucning raccoon is dead becsuse of me and im pulled over in the side of the road in the middle of nowhere sobbing with literally noone to talk to and wishing i was dead but im not suicidal so im just stuck here feeling like shit and i have no clue what the fuck to do i just have to take the pain until it wears off
submitted by senpaistrood to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:10 ForceElectrical4005 The Whisper of the Candles

Growing up in the shadow of superstition, I always thought my parents were a bit extreme. On each birthday, they would whisper hurriedly about “the Time Demon” and lock the doors as if the very wind might invite it in. There was no singing, no cake, no candles—just a quiet dinner and an extra tight hug. I never understood why, until now.
I’m 30 today, and my parents are gone. They passed away in a car accident last year, and the old superstitions went with them. As the only child, I inherited their creaky, Victorian house on the outskirts of town. The village folk still avoid our family, muttering about our "strange ways" and "unholy fears." Yet, this year, I decided it was time to break free from those shadows and celebrate my birthday like everyone else.
My friends were eager to help, seeing it as a chance to bring some normalcy into my life. Julie, with her infectious laugh and radiant smile, took charge of the preparations. She had always been the life of the party, the kind of person who could light up a room with her presence. The others, David, Michael, and Sarah, brought drinks, decorations, and enthusiasm. We spent the evening transforming my parents' somber living room into a festive den of balloons and streamers.
As night fell, the anticipation grew. I stared at the cake Julie had brought, a beautiful confection adorned with thirty candles. I could almost hear my parents' stern warnings echoing in my mind, but I pushed them aside. Tonight was about new beginnings, about stepping out of the past and into the future.
We gathered around the cake, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the old, worn wallpaper. Julie began singing the familiar birthday tune, her voice joined by the others. Their smiles were warm, their faces full of joy. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of fear, but I forced a smile and joined in.
As the song ended, everyone cheered, urging me to blow out the candles. I hesitated for a moment, the ghost of my parents' warning lingering at the edge of my thoughts. But then I took a deep breath and blew. The candles flickered and went out, plunging the room into darkness for a brief moment before Julie switched on the lights.
“Happy birthday, Alex!” they all shouted in unison, their faces beaming with happiness.
We laughed, drank, and celebrated late into the night. I could feel the weight of the years lifting off my shoulders, the oppressive fear that had haunted my birthdays dissolving into the merriment of the evening. As the party wound down, I felt a sense of accomplishment, a feeling that I had finally taken control of my life.
However, as the last of my friends left and the house grew silent, an uneasy feeling crept over me. I couldn't shake the sense that something was watching, something ancient and malevolent. I brushed it off as leftover nerves from breaking my parents' taboo.
I cleaned up the remnants of the party, my thoughts drifting back to the stories my parents used to tell. The Time Demon, they said, was an entity that fed on the years of human lives. Each birthday celebration, each candle blown out, was an invitation for it to take a year from your life. I had always dismissed it as nonsense, a relic of old-world superstitions.
As I climbed the stairs to my bedroom, I felt a chill run down my spine. The hallway seemed longer than usual, the shadows deeper. I shook my head, trying to dispel the unease, and reached for the light switch. Just as my fingers touched the switch, the hallway light flickered and went out, plunging the corridor into darkness.
I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. The house was silent, eerily so. I took a cautious step forward, the floorboards creaking under my weight. Suddenly, I heard a soft whisper, a sound that sent a shiver down my spine. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but it was there—a low, hissing sound that seemed to echo through the darkness.
I turned around, my breath coming in shallow gasps. The darkness seemed to thicken, pressing in on me from all sides. I could feel a presence, something cold and menacing, lurking just beyond the edge of the light.
“Who’s there?” I called out, my voice trembling.
There was no answer, just the faint whispering that seemed to grow louder, more insistent. I took a step back, my mind racing. The Time Demon, the stories, the warnings—all of it came flooding back, and for the first time, I felt a cold dread settle in my bones.
The whispering grew louder, a chorus of voices chanting in a language I couldn’t understand. I stumbled back, my eyes wide with fear. The shadows in the hallway seemed to shift and move, coalescing into a dark, swirling mass.
In the center of the darkness, a figure emerged—a tall, gaunt figure with hollow eyes and a twisted, malevolent smile. It was the Time Demon, I realized with a sickening jolt, the entity my parents had warned me about. It reached out a bony hand, its fingers long and claw-like, and I felt an icy grip close around my heart.
“You have invited me,” the demon hissed, its voice a raspy whisper. “You have summoned me with your candles and your song. Now, I shall take what is mine.”
I tried to scream, but no sound came out. The demon’s grip tightened, and I felt a cold, crushing pain in my chest. My vision blurred, and I could feel the years slipping away, draining out of me like sand through an hourglass.
The last thing I heard was the demon’s laughter, a chilling sound that echoed in my ears as the darkness closed in around me. Then, everything went black.
When I awoke, the sun was shining through my bedroom window. I sat up, gasping for breath, my heart pounding in my chest. It had to have been a dream, I thought, a nightmare brought on by the old superstitions and the stress of the night.
But as I got out of bed and looked in the mirror, I saw something that made my blood run cold. There, on my chest, was a single, dark mark, like a burn, in the shape of a candle. I touched it, my fingers trembling, and felt a jolt of pain.
It was real, I realized with a sickening dread. The Time Demon was real, and it had taken a year of my life.
As the days went by, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed. I felt weaker, older, as if a part of me had been drained away. The mark on my chest remained, a constant reminder of that night, and every time I saw it, I felt a cold shiver of fear.
I knew then that my parents had been right. The birthday candles, the singing, the celebration—it was all a ritual, a way to summon the Time Demon and offer it a piece of your life. And now, I had paid the price for my ignorance.
I vowed never to celebrate my birthday again, never to light another candle or sing another song. The shadows in the old house seemed to grow darker, the whispers more insistent, as if the demon was always lurking, waiting for its next chance to take another year.
And every year, on my birthday, I could feel its presence, a cold, menacing shadow that followed me, whispering in the darkness, reminding me of the price I had paid.
The Time Demon was real, and it would always be with me, waiting for the next invitation, the next chance to steal another year of my life.
And so, in the old house on the outskirts of town, I lived in fear, knowing that the shadows held a darkness that could not be escaped. The candles, the song, the ritual—it was all a trap, a way to invite the Time Demon into our lives, and once it had taken its hold, it would never let go.
I had learned the hard way that some superstitions are not just stories—they are warnings, born out of a fear that is all too real. And now, I could only wait, knowing that each year, the demon would return, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
submitted by ForceElectrical4005 to AI_Fiction_Forum [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:08 NicomacheanOrc [PI] You were kidnapped, You pretend to develop Stockholm Syndrome in hopes the kidnapper will go easier on you.

The original prompt is here. I missed the window, but I couldn't let this one go to waste. Warning: account of abduction.
I was surprised how cold they kept the courtroom. It kept distracting me from the board's voices as they went over her history. I hadn't known what her life in prison was actually like; she'd fed me the parts she'd wanted me to know. But as her lawyer recounted the incidents she'd been through–witnessed, suffered, perpetrated, survived–I realized I hadn't known her, even after all this time. It was yet one more piece of context I never had, this uncomfortable cold of laws and lawyers and policies and guards.
"Sir?" the chair of the board called to me. "Sir? The board would like to address you with some questions, if that's alright."
"That's why I'm here," I said, and stood. I took a breath and walked up to the front few desks. Across the aisle from me she sat with her hands folded, not looking at anything, eyes fixed on the wooden joint between the floor and the jury box. The symbol of it struck me: it was the lowest point at the front of the room, the place where the Law met the ground. The thought made yet another layer of distraction, atop the cold of the room, and the doughy faces of the board, and the long, winding history of my abduction.
"Let the record show that the inmate's primary victim is in attendance," said one of the board members, and someone started typing.
The chair of the board cleared her throat messily. "Sir, you've come today to attend the inmate's hearing for parole, is that right?"
"Yes," I said, with clarity. So far, so good.
"Would you describe your relationship with the inmate for the board?" she asked.
"I was kidnapped by her," I replied.
The chair nodded. "How long did she hold you?"
"Forever," she'd said, twelve long years ago, with her arms wrapped around me, as I lay on that filthy pallet.
"Eight years," I said, in the present, addressing the court.
"You were held by the inmate against your will for eight years?" asked another board member. This one looked like a russet potato having its best hair day.
I felt the first stirrings of tension in my gut. "I don't know, sir," I said, but my voice held firm. I thought of my wife in the back of the courtroom, what her face must look like right now, and that helped me hang on.
"You don't know how long you were held?" he asked.
"It's complicated, sir," I said.
"Would you care to elaborate?" he returned.
"Sure," I said, and took my deep breath. I could do this.
I kept my voice flat, calm, almost monotone. "She took me off the street when I was nine. I'd seen her around the neighborhood, my mom had talked to her a few times, but I didn't know her well. She took my hand and started walking me off and I went with her to her car. It wasn't until we got out of town that I realized something was wrong. I fought her a bit, but in the end, there's wasn't much I could do."
Beside me, my kidnapper's countenance fell just a fraction, but it made my stomach lurch like the earth had quaked. Suddenly I was there in that house again, the second one, with the concrete walls in the basement and the cicadas buzzing outside. Those fractional changes were all the warning I'd had that she was about to explode, so I'd studied them very, very carefully.
I didn't let that quake creep into my voice. "I was with her for around eight years after that. We moved often. At first, she locked me in when she went to work, but as time went on and I behaved well, she gradually gave me more freedom."
"She let you out of confinement?" asked another board member from behind her owlish glasses.
"Well, by then, I was acting like I was in love with her," I said, and as I said it, the skin of my back crawled.
"You acted like you were in love with her?"
"Yeah," I replied. "I'd heard as a kid about some kind of syndrome that kidnapped people could get where they'd start feeling affection for their kidnappers. So I figured if I could play that convincingly, I could get away from some of the bad stuff she put me through."
The parole board lady frowned. "Bad stuff?"
"Yes, ma'am," I answered. "But I'm not here to talk about that."
She nodded, her face clouded with emotion. I imagined I saw a mix there of sympathy and professional interest, layered like a curtain atop a morbid curiosity about the lurid details of my capture. But for all I knew, it could just have been that she'd eaten too many bran muffins before the hearing. I needed to remind myself not to jump too hard into conclusions; "hypervigilance" is now a crippling part of my vocabulary.
Another board member picked up the thread. "So you told her you loved her?"
I nodded. "Yes, sir. And I showed my affection in many other ways. I would hold her hand, and brush her hair, and give her massages when she got back from a late shift. I remember for a while that she worked nights, and I would get up at two in the morning to rub her shoulders." That one earned frowns from the entire board.
"As she started to accept that I loved her, she started to be less guarded. She gave me gifts, played games with me, read me stories and took care of me when I got sick. She was often genuinely kind to me, despite her persistent instability. Eventually she gave me the run of the house, and then of the neighborhood."
"Why didn't you try to leave then?" asked the potato.
"Where would I have gone?" I asked back. "It had been years, and several moves, and I was still too young to do much on my own. I didn't know where we were, or how to get home, or anyone in our town. Until I could figure out what to do, I figured I'd just keep doing what I had been. Things were improving, I just needed to sort out my plan."
The potato and the owl both nodded, neither of them understanding.
The chair of the board wiped the midsummer sweat off her face, though I couldn't at all figure out how she could be sweating in the chill of the room. "You mentioned Stockholm Syndrome," she began.
"Yes, ma'am," I replied.
"Do you believe you had it?" she asked.
I blinked hard, and flexed my shoulders. And into that cold room, I stated my truth as clearly as I could. "I don't know," I said, and my world turned.
The chair scrunched her eyebrows together. "You don't know?"
"No, ma'am," I said.
"Would you please say more?"
"Well," I said, "it's a condition that affects how you feel, right? So I acted like my affections changed, and then I didn't immediately run off when I found the first opportunity. Somehow, I just didn't. To this day, I cannot tell you what I felt. I truly, genuinely don't know what I felt. All I can do is report what I did."
"Are you suggesting," said the owl, "that at some point you stopped being held against your will?"
"I'm saying, as clearly as I can, that I don't know." I tried to keep my face flat, but I felt my brow betraying me. "I acted like I felt love for her. And then I didn't leave her, not for a long time, not until I figured other things out. I'm saying I don't understand my own feelings enough to say."
"To say what?" asked the sweating chair.
"To say whether I had Stockholm Syndrome, or just pretended to."
The board had grown silent, turned their twelve eyes on mine.
My voice wavered. "Was I pretending to love her? Or pretending to merely pretend to love her, while truly loving her? I don't know." I'd started shaking. "I don't know." I stared, desperately, at that seam at the base of the jury box, right where I knew her eyes were pointed. Because with my gaze fixed there, I had no way to turn and see what she looked like right now.
Beside me, out of her field of view, her lawyer spoke. "Let the record show that the victim has met with my client nine times since her incarceration. And in each visit, he has listened to her, but has said absolutely nothing." I'd expected him to wield this fact like a sword, but instead he simply laid it quietly out into the space, and I realized then that he didn't know the truth of it all any more than I did. None of them did. This was too big. This was too big for all of us.
For a time, nothing moved.
"Sir," asked the parole chair, her face carved with lines of aching care, "why are you here today?"
I forced myself to meet the eyes of the board. "Because she asked me to be." Surprise etched their faces.
"And do you know why she did?" prodded the chair.
I shook my head.
"Sir," she said again, and her voice echoed, "are you here today to recommend granting this prisoner's parole? Or to recommend against it?"
"I don't know," I said, and meant it.
submitted by NicomacheanOrc to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:07 Lucid-DreamerOwl The Forgotten Path

The Forgotten Path
Sarah had always been an avid hiker, seeking solace in the tranquility of nature. One weekend, she decided to explore a remote forest that few people ever ventured into. It was said to be unmarked on most maps, a place of untouched beauty and eerie silence. She packed her gear, left a note for her roommate, and set off early in the morning.
The forest was everything she had hoped for: dense, quiet, and full of life. The sun filtered through the thick canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Sarah followed a faint trail that seemed to wind deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest. After several hours of hiking, she came across a fork in the path. One trail was well-trodden, the other overgrown and barely visible.
Intrigued by the idea of discovering something hidden, Sarah chose the overgrown path. The deeper she went, the darker and more oppressive the forest became. The trees seemed to close in around her, and the air grew heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves.
After what felt like hours, she stumbled upon a clearing. In the center stood an old, weathered signpost, its lettering barely legible: "The Forgotten Path." Beneath it, an arrow pointed towards a narrow, almost invisible trail leading into the depths of the forest. Sarah's curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to follow it.
The trail was treacherous, filled with gnarled roots and thorny bushes. As she pushed forward, she noticed strange carvings on the trees—symbols that seemed ancient and foreboding. A chill ran down her spine, but she pressed on, driven by a mix of fear and excitement.
Eventually, she arrived at an abandoned village, hidden away from the world. The houses were crumbling, overtaken by nature. Vines crept up the walls, and the roofs sagged under the weight of years of neglect. Sarah felt a sense of unease but couldn't resist exploring further.
She entered one of the houses, its door hanging on broken hinges. Inside, everything was coated in a thick layer of dust. It looked as if the inhabitants had left in a hurry, leaving their belongings behind. She found old photographs, yellowed and brittle, showing families with solemn expressions. As she flipped through the photos, she noticed something odd: in every picture, there was a figure standing in the background, barely visible but unmistakably there.
A sudden noise startled her—a soft rustling, like footsteps on dry leaves. Sarah turned around, but there was no one there. The unease grew stronger, and she decided it was time to leave. As she stepped outside, she noticed the sky had darkened, and an unnatural fog was rolling in.
Panicking, Sarah tried to retrace her steps, but the path she had come on seemed to have vanished. Every direction looked the same, and the symbols on the trees seemed to shift and change when she wasn't looking. The forest felt alive, and it was closing in on her.
Hours turned into days as Sarah wandered through the forest, her supplies dwindling. She felt constantly watched, shadows moving just beyond her vision. The forest was toying with her, leading her in circles. She screamed for help, but her cries were swallowed by the dense foliage.
One night, as she lay exhausted and terrified, she heard whispers. They were faint at first, but grew louder, chanting in a language she couldn't understand. Shapes moved in the darkness, figures that seemed to be made of shadows and mist. They circled her, their whispers filling her mind with dread.
Sarah realized with horror that the figures resembled the ones in the photographs. The village hadn't been abandoned—it had been claimed by whatever malevolent force resided in the forest. And now it had her.
In a final desperate act, Sarah stumbled upon the old signpost again. The letters had changed, now reading: "No Escape." She collapsed beside it, her strength and will to fight drained away.
Weeks later, a search party found her abandoned car at the edge of the forest. Despite an extensive search, Sarah was never found. Her disappearance became another unsolved mystery, a whisper among the locals who warned others to stay away from the forest.
But those who ventured close enough swore they could sometimes hear faint whispers in the wind and see a shadowy figure watching from the trees. And deep within the forest, the forgotten path awaited its next traveler, hungry for another soul.
submitted by Lucid-DreamerOwl to u/Lucid-DreamerOwl [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:07 Pitiful_Committee_56 First Corolla!!

First Corolla!!
This is my 2nd car and I’m really happy with it so far. My first car was a 2018 Fiat 500 (second pic) that just kept having problems, so I thought perhaps it was time to move on to something more reliable. Forever going to miss Freddie the Fiat, my sweet clown car, but I’m welcoming CherryBomb (“The Bomb” for short), 2014 Corolla S plus. Welcoming any better name recommendations fr Anything I should know as a first time Corolla owner??
submitted by Pitiful_Committee_56 to COROLLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:06 Cautious_Ad_8700 Help me find this book before I go insane!

This may contain MULTIPLE spoilers but I have tried everything to find this book so I will give as many details as possible. Woman gets into a car accident in the woods and is brought to a cabin in the woods by a man. She does not trust him at first, but as he nurses and takes care of her they begin to grow closer. However, there are multiple instances where he does seem to be a bit suspicious. Such as not allowing her to go to her car due to ‘unsavory’ conditions outside. (There is a snowstorm so xD)As this is happening there are a series of murders occurring (this book most definitely has multiple POV’s). At some point the man and woman make it out of the cabin due to the snow clearing, and end up in a hotel protected by the police.
I read this book so long ago but am itching to reread it. If anyone can help I would be so appreciative.
submitted by Cautious_Ad_8700 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:02 Xtaljohnson Ireland Itinerary went from 8 days to 17, How does this itinerary look?

Itinerary sanity check-
Husband and I have 16 nights in Ireland Aug 25-Sept 11, I was originally going to split this between Ireland and Scotland but it started to feel very rushed and have decided to stay the entire time in Ireland.
This has really screwed up my itinerary and I cannot change the first three nights because I don’t believe I can rebook the night I’ve got at Ashford castle. So the beginning is going to stay a little rushed if that makes sense. I essentially sprinkled in some extra days in my shorter itinerary in areas that felt rushed and an extra city to fill our time. It feels more relaxed but I’m not sure if I have my time spread out in a good way. Looking for helpful input from anyone willing to chime in as a sanity check on this itinerary or suggestions.
We love nature, history, new cultures, some city stuff here and there if the town is cool. Late 30s in good physical shape. Not big drinkers but want to check out a pub or two for the experience and maybe some live music.
2 nights Dublin, 1 night ashford castle, 2 nights Cliffden/Connemara, 2 Nights Galway (base for moher), 3 nights Dingle, 3 nights Killarney, 2 nights cork, 1 night Wicklow.
1. Arrival Day – Dublin/Overnight Dublin Shelbourne
Getting in just before noon, taking a taxi to the hotel, may hit a museum/site on my Dublin list in the afternoon if we are up for it
2. Dublin Day/Overnight Dublin Shelbourne
Trinity College/Museums/Dublin Castle/Guinness storehouse etc.
3. Dublin to Ashford Castle/night at ashford castle
Pick up rental car at 8:00 am drive to ashford castle/afternoon tea/horseback riding booked.
4. Ashford Castle/stay in Connemara
Breakfast and Hawk walk at ashford
Kylemore abbey etc.
Transfer to either Abbyglen Castle or ballynahinch castle
5. Connemara/stay night in Connemara
Do some hiking in Connemara/diamond hill
6. Connemara to Galway/Night in Galway
Either do something else/hiking in Connemara during the day or if over it transfer to Galway earlier
Head to Galway/Hardiman hotel/check out Galway
Trad on the Prom/Touristy Irish show? (on the fence)
7. Arron Islands overnight Galway
Take a ferry to the Arron islands/rent bikes
Maybe do the Burren
8. Galway to Dingle Cliffs of Moher (very long drive day) Overnight Dingle Skellig
Check out early from Galway hotel
Drive to cliffs of Moher for hike
Drive from Cliffs of moher to Dingle
9. Dingle/Overnight Dingle
Slea Head drive/Dingle things
10. Dingle Day/Dingle overnight
Conor Pass? Is this too much time in dingle?
11. Dingle to Killarney overnight
Drive to Killarney in the morning
Hit Torc Watefal/Muckross Abbey etc.
Check into hotel Brehon
12. Drive to Portmagee/overnight Killarney
Wake up early drive to portmagee for skelling michal landing tour
Hit the cliffs of Kerry and rossbeigh beach on way back
13. Killarney Things/stay overnight Killarney
Gap of Dunloe etc. open to more recommendations
14. Killarney to Cork/Stay overnight in Cork
Hit blarney castle and gardens on the way
15. Cork stuff/Overnight Cork
Need to do more research spend a day in this area
16. Cork to Wicklow/Night in Wicklow
Leave early, drive from cork to Glendalough/hit the things in that area
Check into hotel in Wickow
17. Depart Wicklow for Dublin airport
Leave early for 3:30PM flight back home from Dublin

submitted by Xtaljohnson to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:02 OutlandishnessRich34 What reached your limit until you reacted the way you wouldn't expect to during a gameplay?

Mine was the first time that someone cussed and threatened me because I accidentally bumped into his/hethey car at an intersection and I was already having a bad day so I broke down crying. Definitely an unfortunate timing
submitted by OutlandishnessRich34 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:01 Sinsofazzrael AITA for telling my uncle he deserves what hes going through right now.

My uncle I won't use his name was like my big brother growing up he was one of the people i was closest with. But that all changed when my grandma passed away. You see when my grandma passed away, she left me her car it was a 2005 ford focus I think it was. Anyway, my uncle convinced me to give it to him because he said he would keep it safe for me and me having no reason not to trust him said sure because i couldn't trust anybody really to keep it safe. (My grandma didn't write a will saying it was going to me it was literally my word against most everyone although I've always been the favorite grandson cause i was essentially the first grandson to carry on my grandma and grandpa's last name.) He took the car (it was more of an SUV) and gave it to his adopted daughter that took his last name when he married his ex-wife whose daughter wasn't biologically my cousin and as far as I'm aware she doesn't talk to him after my uncles and her mom's divorce. (Makes me think that he cheated on her which he said they had a falling out but i dont trust him to tell me the truth.) It honestly does make me a fair bit angry that my uncle took what belonged to me for someone's gain that had no right to gain from my loss.
Long story short I have posted on social media about my uncle stealing my car and tricking me into giving it to him and how I lost and that's not what I'm posting about, I have since forgiven him for what he did, and we talk and we're cordial but I dont trust him and i never will after the past. Currently my uncle is homeless and he's living out of his truck with his kids because his ex-wife was evicted and he took the kids until she gets established and gets a better job, he would have had a place to stay with his girlfriend but thing is he went down to Louisiana to mess around with an old flame in Louisiana while he was dating his ex and his ex-even while Shes on vacation said flat out he can pound sand she doesn't care what he's going through.
My question is AITA for telling my uncle that he deserves this for what he did to me in the past and for the fact that I feel that karma is getting him back for what he did to me and not to mention I feel he's an idiot for cheating on his ex?
submitted by Sinsofazzrael to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:01 Casswiki Costco Tire Center is intentionally over inflating tires to a hazardous level

Let me preface this as the location in Surprise, AZ is not the first Costco Tire Center which I have witnessed this. The location in Avondale, AZ, upon my last tire rotation, also over inflated the tires to over 40 PSI, when the manufacturer specification is 29 PSI. I have previously had to argue over several days between Corporate and the store manager at this location to warranty two tires that prematurely wore out only the center tread bar, due directly to their practice of over inflating customer tires.
I arrived today at the Surprise, AZ Costco for a scheduled tire rotation and to inspect a tire that had a slow, 1-2psi/week, air leak. I arrive and am told they are backed-up and it will not be until closing that my vehicle will be ready. I state that is fine, and to please inflate the tires to the manufacturer's specs. The worker states that they always inflate the tires 4PSI over the spec. I state that last time they inflated them to over 40psi, which is far more 4PSI what the manufacturers recommendation. He says they will inflate them to whatever is in the door jamb. About one hour later I get a call from the tire center as I am walking back to the Costco that the vehicle is ready for pickup. Great, I think.
Upon arrival, an employee at the tire center, let's call him “K”, informs me that a puncture was found, though it is okay as the tire was covered by the Costco road hazard warranty. I asked to see the tire, which he obliged. Upon bringing the tire out he shows me what appears to be a staple, with a tip fully going through the tire. I asked him why this is not repairable, it is between the treads on the face of the tire. They said because it appears it's two punctures next to each other, they cannot repair it. as they said it is covered by their road hazard warranty, there's nothing to worry about. Great I think, though they then tell me the bill will be $122, as their warranty is prorated and they are only rating the tire at 50%. The tire was put on the car approximately 10 months ago and less than 20,000 miles has passed. I state that there is no way they can rate the tire at 50%, as these Michelin tires offer a 75,000mi warranty. The employee K goes to fetch his supervisor, let's call him “E”. E then states it's actually rated by the tread wear not the mileage. I look at the tires and see that there is well over 50% of the tread remaining, closer to three quarters. They state they have to estimate it and they would not show me by their gauge.
At this point I inform them that I did not clear them to replace a tire that they were going to charge me for, and I would not be paying for this, especially as the tire is clearly repairable. I state they can either warranty the tire with a full replacement or put it back on the car. they oblige and cancel the sale and replace my original tire, and refuse to rotate it, and also add notes into my account to not rotate the tires further or offer any warranty coverage. I again state to not over inflate the tires and to use the manufacturer specification for tire pressure. I stand there for about 10 minutes until they tell me the car is ready, where I get in the car and wait for the TPMS to turn over. when it does display the tire pressure it shows 40-42PSI on all tires. I get out and use my own tire pressure gauge which I keep in the glove box, and the tires are indeed at about 42 PSI.
I do not move the car, and return to the customer service desk, where I ask to speak to the manager of the store, where I am then directed to a lady named “I”. I tell I briefly what just transpired and show her the tire gauge showing 42 PSI, which I then I tell her that I believe the employees at her tire center “are F’ing with me at this point”. I goes into the tire center, and speaks to them, they apologize and go out to deflate the tires to the correct pressure. I inform them that I will become a corporate the following day and return as well to speak to “J” the tire center manager.
So please let this be a warning to all of you who purchase tires at your local Costco tire center. Be sure to check your air pressure independently of what they tell you they are setting it to. It is my belief that these tire centers are purposely overlaying tires in order for them to wear prematurely, in a manner that will not allow them to be warrantable.
submitted by Casswiki to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:00 AdObjective9452 Donations ✨

Hi ! 👋 It's extremely satisfying to get help when you are in need. I'm usually the person to donate $ to people if they are requesting funds. At this time, I'm up to my hairline in bills. My grandfather, whom I was providing caregiving services, recently passed.. thank God the house we lived in got paid off, but I'm not able to pay bills, buy food , and put gas in my car..although I've paid current bills and bought a bit of food , I'm not finding any room to wiggle with gas or essentials hence the start of the month. Normally I purchase all things on the first of the month. If there is a single soul that feels my pain or even better just wanting to make a person of my circumstances see through a financial crisis, please don't hesitate to send donations to my cashapp $clemonschas (my grandads old cashapp) anything would definitely be appreciated...
submitted by AdObjective9452 to PaypalDonations [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:58 SaraTyler I found my very first inconsistency... at the end of the series

First time watcher, I'm in love with the show and I really don't know what to watch in two episodes, when I'll finish the series.
Anyway, I was watching S11E21 and I was in an awe noticing an out of character behavior for the first time in the entire show: yes, during S01 characters were still defining themselves and they sometimes differ from the following seasons, but I think I never noticed something very OOC or completely inconsistent. In E21, on the other hand, Frasier and Charlotte are stuck in that horror movie scenario with the family with the coffin in the living room (didn't like that either), because Frasier's car had a indicator light on since months.
I can't believe for one second that Frasier didn’t take its beloved car to the garage as soon as the light went on, it's completely not-him style.
But I think that it's amazing that such a thing happens so late in the show, while in other series the inconsistencies are a given at least halfway through the running.
What do you think? This is the episode I liked the least, what about you?
submitted by SaraTyler to Frasier [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:57 PutinExplainsMemes Do the GT3 cars have mufflers in the 24h Spa?

I will go to the 24 hour race at Spa this year for the first time and was wondering if the cars will have mufflers like at the Nürburgring or if the wont like DTM. I was at DTM in Hockenheim last year and the Porsches, Audis and Lambos could be heard almost over the whole track. I also loved the rumble of the Mercedes V8s when passing, they made everything shake, especially when driving in packs. While it seems that the mufflers at the Nürburgring took away a good chunk of their sound.
submitted by PutinExplainsMemes to Sportscar_Racing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:56 HungryForMiles Does anyone know where this blue ring could have came from?

Does anyone know where this blue ring could have came from?
Was not there when I first got the car until after I took it to get serviced at dealership.
submitted by HungryForMiles to 4Runner [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:56 SeveralIdeal3619 Stop cat from darting out door

I adopted my first cat about 6 months ago (he’s currently 8 months old), he was found outside in the rain at only 8 weeks old so he already has knowledge/interest in the outdoors however where I live it’s not safe to let him out. As titled, he’s started running out the door if he hears/sees it being opened (thankfully he’s only gotten out once before I was able to stop him and he just ran under the car). I plan to get an apple tag for him when he’s a bit bigger in case he ever does get lost but any advice to stop him from trying to escape?
submitted by SeveralIdeal3619 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:52 Beneficial-Sugar6950 Is the w204 a good first car?

I’ve been a Mercedes enthusiast for years, I can name all the chassis, engine, and transmission internal code names, my iPhone wallpaper is the MB hood ornament. I’ve spent hundreds on model MB’s. My point is I genuinely love these cars and I’m not afraid of the maintenance. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the 204 and their reliability. They look amazing in my opinion, and they were an IIHS top safety pick. All this being said, is it worth it for me to spend the money on one or should I go for something cheaper?
submitted by Beneficial-Sugar6950 to w204 [link] [comments]