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2024.06.10 03:20 thatguy060709 My girlfriend of four years cheated multiple times

My girlfriend of four years cheated on me multiple times, rant
This is a bit of a long rant, but I will try my best to articulate it in a way that is not overly drawn out.
I know that your mind plays tricks with you after a relationship is over, and makes you remember only the good things about a relationship, but I do want to be as accurate and honest as possible in conveying both the positive and negative. I (22M) cut things off with my girlfriend (21F) after we had been together for almost four years by this point. We met right around COVID started, and ever since then I had been having my doubts about her, but I loved her regardless. She cheated on me 2-3 months ago repeatedly with one of her coworkers.
We are both a Muslim couple, albeit we were not in a married relationship. That is the first thing that I got into that burned me and I have learnt my lesson. From the beginning however, I never really knew if we were compatible. I come from a decently established family, my parents are together, loving siblings, strong social network, etc. She however comes from a bit of a different background. She comes from a dysfunctional family, never had any relationship with her father (in fact, regularly mocks him when he used to call her), her mum is a deadbeat and lives off the father's income (even though they are separated) and off government benefits, and she has two brothers both with very significant mental needs that require a lot of care. I was warned consistently by family and friends alike that she is not the kind of girl that is used to love, and a supporting environment, In my ignorance, I continued the relationship despite it all, because I thought I saw a level of kindness and caring in her that I didn't see in others. Looking back in hindsight, she was not perfect at all, but in the days right after the breakup I was at a great loss for what had happened.
We went everywhere together. We both made excuses for each other to see each other whenever we could. We went to the same university, although she had no ambitions and I was studying medicine. We exchanged our SIM card trays, we would get each other gifts, it was the most poetic and movie-like relationship that I knew of at the time. We became co-dependent, dangerously. Or at least I did. We had the same job at university (we applied together), we had the same retail job, etc. She never used to have many friends at all, she only had two friends, falling out with one of them. However, I let her into my numerous friend groups at university, to make her not feel as bad. She deleted every single guy off her instagram and all socials, only having me and my best mate there. We grew up together, in those four years. We went on international trips, she saved up and bought us a car together, and we would go all around the country, just enjoying each other's presence. I started to move up in my medicine degree and started to go on placements and conferences, however her degree ended up being useless and she was at a loss on what to do. She wanted to pursue a master's however the cut-off for application had passed so she decided on a gap year.
Fast forward to this gap year, she started working at a new job. It was a very taxing job, requiring very odd hours and constant round-the-clock work. However, she seemed to enjoy the money she was making and because it was a gap year, it wouldn't interfere with her studies. Things changed at the start of this year though. She started her master's degree. I had assumed she would quit her job the second she did as her master's was an intense allied health degree that required full attention, and the basically full-time job she had would not be compatible with her study, but she didn't. She said that she would be able to juggle the work and uni, she would just skip out on most classes and study after.
This didn't happen. She consistently failed most of her assignments and gradually slipped deeper into failure. She was about to repeat her semester and this was the final straw. If she failed the semester she would have to repeat the year, blowing over her loan limit at that point and then not being able to pursue her degree (and stuck with the useless undergrad degree she had received). She agreed to quit, but after 2 weeks so she can get her affairs in order.
Fast forward, I had a couple of business trips lined up back to back I was going to for a couple weeks. She offered to drop me off to the airport for the first one. This was when I spotted a opened condom in the backseat of her car. I didn't know what to think. She was, until then, the most innocent girl I knew. She was a muslim, and wore a scarf at that, so I didn't know what to think. She works at airport security and had a shift that day, so when I confronted her about it she said "I don't know where it came from, it must have been from a passenger's bag or something". It was a shit excuse, in hindsight, but I agreed to believe her. On the ride to the airport, I was still suspicious and I couldn't let it go. I told her, show me your phone so I can believe you and put my heart at ease. She hesitated at first, but then agreed. I saw a guy I had never seen before on her instagram, it was her coworker, a recently arrived immigrant from the same background as her, I clicked the conversation and it was the most flirtatious messages I had seen. I clocked out, I didn't even know what to say. She said it wasn't what it seemed like. She admitted that the most they had done physically was hold hands, and they only hung out twice after work. I didn't know what to think, I told her to drop me off the side of the road and I grabbed an uber to the airport. I blocked her on all socials, all I did was get her to download life360 on her phone and to keep it there for the duration that I told her for, and from there we went no contact.
Fast forward a bit more of around a week, I was on a business trip that was close to our city when I get a no caller ID phone call. I pick it up and it was her, saying that she was outside my hotel and she was 'missing me so much, and couldn't see a life without me'. It is a very long drive to this destination so I (stupidly) agreed to hear what she had to say. In the meantime, I had hooked up with two people but I couldn't even enjoy it. All I could think about was her, and my mates told me to take it easy on myself as well as it may not be the healthiest outlet to have. When she came to my room, I told her this. She started crying, saying she 'felt upset but that she deserved this'. We eventually couldn't control ourselves and we hooked up. We went back on talking terms again for a bit but I told her that there is nothing long-term left in our relationship.
Fast forward to one week ago when I was on my final work trip, and this destination was the furthest (10 hours out from our home city by drive). On this trip however, I had asked her to come stay the night. She arrived pretty late during the day, and we lied down to watch a movie, when I noticed my phone buzzing. I walked over and I see that someone had sent me a photo, a number that wasn't saved. It was a photo of my ex, naked, having sex with him at his place. No scarf on, nothing. I didn't know what to do, all I could think about was telling myself not to do anything stupid that would ruin my future. I asked her to leave. She started crying, screaming almost at the hotel room, and at that point I didn't want our colleagues to hear. It was midnight and very cold, but I didn't really care and it didn't really matter anymore. We were done, and I threw her out. I called up my mates for some comfort but I knew I had to go through it on my own. I wasn't as angry as I initially was the first time I saw the instagram messages, because those were already the biggest betrayal of our trust. I ignored the condom in the car, but it's funny how the universe makes sure to reality check you before you start believing in the lies.
To this day though I don't know why she would ever do it. It is unhealthy but the only thing I can think about is what I as a man couldn't do. When she had come over and we were back on talking terms for a bit, she said the only excuse she had was that she felt she wasn't a priority in my life anymore. She felt that as I started medicine and went deeper into my career, she took the backseat. She felt lesser than me apparently. I was gaslit into believing all this was true. But she had sex with a guy who had her nowehere on his priority list. In fact, along with the picture of her that he sent to me, he said that 'he wouldn't touch her at all again, she is a ___ (slur for a promiscuous woman) and I am done with her now. I am sorry I have no beef with you but I think you should know'. He knew about us the whole time, she told him about us. He was a deadbeat person, a bit older than us (26M) but has no future ambitions whatsoever. I do not want to toot my own horn here but I am taller than him, a lot more physically fit, on my way to an established career, and we were together for FOUR YEARS through our most formative years. She KNEW about the picture that was taken without her consent, and yet CONTINUED the relationship. When I first found out, I was so upset and sad rather than angry, scared that I would lose her. However, that picture cemented my anger in her, and we are no longer talking again. Her best friend removed her from her life as well, as did everyone. I feel pity for her sometimes, because those feelings never really went away completely. It is so sad it had to happen like this, but this incident really helped me to reconnect with those around me, including family and friends, and have given me a new vigour to improve myself.
submitted by thatguy060709 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:15 thatguy060709 My girlfriend of four years cheated, but it was worse than I thought

This is a bit of a long rant, but I will try my best to articulate it in a way that is not overly drawn out.
I know that your mind plays tricks with you after a relationship is over, and makes you remember only the good things about a relationship, but I do want to be as accurate and honest as possible in conveying both the positive and negative. I (22M) cut things off with my girlfriend (21F) after we had been together for almost four years by this point. We met right around COVID started, and ever since then I had been having my doubts about her, but I loved her regardless. She cheated on me 2-3 months ago repeatedly with one of her coworkers.
We are both a Muslim couple, albeit we were not in a married relationship. That is the first thing that I got into that burned me and I have learnt my lesson. From the beginning however, I never really knew if we were compatible. I come from a decently established family, my parents are together, loving siblings, strong social network, etc. She however comes from a bit of a different background. She comes from a dysfunctional family, never had any relationship with her father (in fact, regularly mocks him when he used to call her), her mum is a deadbeat and lives off the father's income (even though they are separated) and off government benefits, and she has two brothers both with very significant mental needs that require a lot of care. I was warned consistently by family and friends alike that she is not the kind of girl that is used to love, and a supporting environment, In my ignorance, I continued the relationship despite it all, because I thought I saw a level of kindness and caring in her that I didn't see in others. Looking back in hindsight, she was not perfect at all, but in the days right after the breakup I was at a great loss for what had happened.
We went everywhere together. We both made excuses for each other to see each other whenever we could. We went to the same university, although she had no ambitions and I was studying medicine. We exchanged our SIM card trays, we would get each other gifts, it was the most poetic and movie-like relationship that I knew of at the time. We became co-dependent, dangerously. Or at least I did. We had the same job at university (we applied together), we had the same retail job, etc. She never used to have many friends at all, she only had two friends, falling out with one of them. However, I let her into my numerous friend groups at university, to make her not feel as bad. She deleted every single guy off her instagram and all socials, only having me and my best mate there. We grew up together, in those four years. We went on international trips, she saved up and bought us a car together, and we would go all around the country, just enjoying each other's presence. I started to move up in my medicine degree and started to go on placements and conferences, however her degree ended up being useless and she was at a loss on what to do. She wanted to pursue a master's however the cut-off for application had passed so she decided on a gap year.
Fast forward to this gap year, she started working at a new job. It was a very taxing job, requiring very odd hours and constant round-the-clock work. However, she seemed to enjoy the money she was making and because it was a gap year, it wouldn't interfere with her studies. Things changed at the start of this year though. She started her master's degree. I had assumed she would quit her job the second she did as her master's was an intense allied health degree that required full attention, and the basically full-time job she had would not be compatible with her study, but she didn't. She said that she would be able to juggle the work and uni, she would just skip out on most classes and study after.
This didn't happen. She consistently failed most of her assignments and gradually slipped deeper into failure. She was about to repeat her semester and this was the final straw. If she failed the semester she would have to repeat the year, blowing over her loan limit at that point and then not being able to pursue her degree (and stuck with the useless undergrad degree she had received). She agreed to quit, but after 2 weeks so she can get her affairs in order.
Fast forward, I had a couple of business trips lined up back to back I was going to for a couple weeks. She offered to drop me off to the airport for the first one. This was when I spotted a opened condom in the backseat of her car. I didn't know what to think. She was, until then, the most innocent girl I knew. She was a muslim, and wore a scarf at that, so I didn't know what to think. She works at airport security and had a shift that day, so when I confronted her about it she said "I don't know where it came from, it must have been from a passenger's bag or something". It was a shit excuse, in hindsight, but I agreed to believe her. On the ride to the airport, I was still suspicious and I couldn't let it go. I told her, show me your phone so I can believe you and put my heart at ease. She hesitated at first, but then agreed. I saw a guy I had never seen before on her instagram, it was her coworker, a recently arrived immigrant from the same background as her, I clicked the conversation and it was the most flirtatious messages I had seen. I clocked out, I didn't even know what to say. She said it wasn't what it seemed like. She admitted that the most they had done physically was hold hands, and they only hung out twice after work. I didn't know what to think, I told her to drop me off the side of the road and I grabbed an uber to the airport. I blocked her on all socials, all I did was get her to download life360 on her phone and to keep it there for the duration that I told her for, and from there we went no contact.
Fast forward a bit more of around a week, I was on a business trip that was close to our city when I get a no caller ID phone call. I pick it up and it was her, saying that she was outside my hotel and she was 'missing me so much, and couldn't see a life without me'. It is a very long drive to this destination so I (stupidly) agreed to hear what she had to say. In the meantime, I had hooked up with two people but I couldn't even enjoy it. All I could think about was her, and my mates told me to take it easy on myself as well as it may not be the healthiest outlet to have. When she came to my room, I told her this. She started crying, saying she 'felt upset but that she deserved this'. We eventually couldn't control ourselves and we hooked up. We went back on talking terms again for a bit but I told her that there is nothing long-term left in our relationship.
Fast forward to one week ago when I was on my final work trip, and this destination was the furthest (10 hours out from our home city by drive). On this trip however, I had asked her to come stay the night. She arrived pretty late during the day, and we lied down to watch a movie, when I noticed my phone buzzing. I walked over and I see that someone had sent me a photo, a number that wasn't saved. It was a photo of my ex, naked, having sex with him at his place. No scarf on, nothing. I didn't know what to do, all I could think about was telling myself not to do anything stupid that would ruin my future. I asked her to leave. She started crying, screaming almost at the hotel room, and at that point I didn't want our colleagues to hear. It was midnight and very cold, but I didn't really care and it didn't really matter anymore. We were done, and I threw her out. I called up my mates for some comfort but I knew I had to go through it on my own. I wasn't as angry as I initially was the first time I saw the instagram messages, because those were already the biggest betrayal of our trust. I ignored the condom in the car, but it's funny how the universe makes sure to reality check you before you start believing in the lies.
To this day though I don't know why she would ever do it. It is unhealthy but the only thing I can think about is what I as a man couldn't do. When she had come over and we were back on talking terms for a bit, she said the only excuse she had was that she felt she wasn't a priority in my life anymore. She felt that as I started medicine and went deeper into my career, she took the backseat. She felt lesser than me apparently. I was gaslit into believing all this was true. But she FUCKED a guy who had her nowehere on his priority list. In fact, along with the picture of her that he sent to me, he said that 'he wouldn't touch her at all again, she is a slut whore and I am done with her now. I am sorry I have no beef with you but I think you should know'. He knew about us the whole time, she told him about us. He was a deadbeat person, a bit older than us (26M) but has no future ambitions whatsoever. I do not want to toot my own horn here but I am taller than him, a lot more physically fit, on my way to an established career, and we were together for FOUR YEARS through our most formative years. She KNEW about the picture that was taken without her consent, and yet CONTINUED the relationship. When I first found out, I was so upset and sad rather than angry, scared that I would lose her. However, that picture cemented my anger in her, and we are no longer talking again. Her best friend removed her from her life as well, as did everyone. I feel pity for her sometimes, because those feelings never really went away completely. It is so sad it had to happen like this, but this incident really helped me to reconnect with those around me, including family and friends, and have given me a new vigour to improve myself.
submitted by thatguy060709 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:51 Zerrian Goblin Slayer TRPG v0.7.0 Open Beta for Foundry VTT

It's time, the Open Beta for the Goblin Slayer TTRPG v0.7.0 is ready for testing. Let's get right to it!


Healing Attrition/Fatigue Buttons

A button has been added to quickly heal attrition and fatigue through various means of resting, potions, and/or spells. Simply click on the heart icon in the upper-right section of the field to receive a prompt for the amount to be healed. There appears to be a small bug when healing a lot of fatigue. Further testing will be needed to possibly address this issue.

Polish Language

The Polish language has been added to the game and is now a language that can be used to allow users to play Goblin Slayer in this language. Simply adjust the language in the main system settings to use this new language.

Bug Fixes


Removing attrition by clicking on the checkboxes no longer applies fatigue in either case of zero/over-half health wounds.


A bug that stopped attrition from shifting down a fatigue rank if applying two fatigue when over half-health has been fixed. Fatigue application from the attrition track now works correctly and as intended.

Monster Sheet

A bug was missed during updates from Foundry v11 -> v12. The monster attack types and range would not save properly. These have been addressed and save properly again. All monsters in the compendium have been checked to ensure their types/ranges are correct for all attacks.

Open Beta Installation

Copy/Pasta the Download Link into your Game System:
  1. Open Foundry VTT
  2. Switch to the Game System tab
  3. Click the 'Install System' button
  4. Bottom of the new window, paste the URL from above into the 'Manifest URL' area and click the 'install' button
Recommended Modules: Dice So Nice! (search in 'Add-on Modules' tab)
Issues & Bugs: Report any bugs or other issues you find at my GitHub Issues page account for proper tracking and documentation.
How to Use the Game: Read the README file or at my main GitHub Goblin Slayer game system page.
submitted by Zerrian to u/Zerrian [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:27 Saeral1 Wi-fi card poor performance

i recently bought a dell optiplex and i added this card but when i put it in i only get 2 mbps compared to 40mbps. what could i do to fix this?
submitted by Saeral1 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:26 SnooHobbies6547 Domingo hacky: me hice un bot con puppeteer.js para descargarme un curso

Domingo hacky: me hice un bot con puppeteer.js para descargarme un curso
El curso de bata esta buenisimo pero pagar una subscripcion mensual de 30 dolares es un choreo, ya garpe 2 meses dense por pagados.
Lo hice en un par de horas, basicamente abre la pagina, se logea, va al primer video, busca el src del video, lo descarga con axios, hace click en el boton de siguiente y loopea.
submitted by SnooHobbies6547 to devsarg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 spacenb Several accounts hacked over a few days... what else can I do?

What it says on the tin.
Over the last few days, my Instagram, PayPal and LinkedIn accounts have been hacked. They were all using different passwords (but same email address), so my bf and I are suspecting something like stolen authentication tokens from my browser cookies--even more so since PayPal is usually pretty good at blocking access from unusual locations. I did accidentally download something fishy a little while ago, antivirus scans found some suspicious stuff that was deleted. That would seem the most likely culprit.
I reset my password on several websites (esp email, personal and business PayPal, LinkedIn, Facebook/Messenger (I just deleted Instagram)) and installed 2FA wherever I could, forcing log-off everywhere I could.
Is there anything else I can do...?
submitted by spacenb to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:41 Alone-Audience-300 🎉Discover the power of convenience and efficiency with our free apps – download now and transform your daily routine🎉

🎉 Ready to elevate your entertainment experience? Download our free application now and dive into a world of endless fun! With a vast library of movies, games, music, and more, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day, bond with family and friends, or simply explore new content, our app has you covered. It's easy to use, completely free, and guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours.
submitted by Alone-Audience-300 to CanadaEntertaiment [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 AsherQuazar Week 1 launch lessons. What worked and what didn't

Hey everyone! I launched a debut book June 1st and I wanted to share some lessons I learned for debuting as a complete nobody.
The stats: I sold 22 copies (15 ebooks, 7 physical), got 568 kindle reads (about 1.5 of the book length), and 5 reviews. I hit the Amazon bestseller page for LGBT+ sci-fi a few times, so I am technically an Amazon bestseller!
Pre-game - ARCS
I didn't do any pre-order period because nobody knows who I am anyway, but I did send out ARCs 2 weeks ahead of the launch. I messaged 70 in-genre influencers, 5 got back, and 2 left a review. I expect a few more reviews to come later. A few made social media posts, but there was no bump in sales the day of the posts, and views were low. (If you're paying attention to the social media landscape, views across the board for small and medium-sized influencers are down).
I submitted my ARC to various Facebook groups and Voracious Readers Only. From there I got 1 reviewer who "doesn't do" Amazon reviews and a drive-by 2-star rating.
The rest of my reviews came from beta readers that I personally contacted. I did not ask friends or family for reviews because they don't read this genre anyway.
Lessons learned: Messaging influencers is a ton of work, and returns are minimal. They can be a good source of reviews but don't expect sales from their posts. Additionally, message them early; 1 month at least. ARC groups are mainly populated by people looking for free crap and a good half of them won't even download the file anyway (I tracked clicks). Some will read the whole thing, download your free novella, and then still not leave a review.
Personally sending messages to people on Discord, Reddit, and wherever else is the best way to get those reviews. People say you're not supposed to pester readers, but it honestly returned the best results for me. It seems that the personal element adds some pressure for them to actually write a review. Additionally, they tend to write better-quality reviews than total strangers. I'll keep you updated as more reviews come in.
The package - Cover, content, and metadata
My cover cost $1000+ and took 40 or so hours of my own time to paint the background, balance the colors, and format. This is going to be overkill for most authors, but in the LGBT SFF space, covers with 2 full-body characters are the standard.
The book took me several years to polish and went through two rounds of professional editing. I'm going to be honest, I don't think all the money spent on professional editors had as much of an effect on the final product as all the beta-reading did. Even the proofread was returned with errors despite that I went to a reputable (and expensive) agency. I've now found a personal contact who's an excellent proofreader, but based on my experience, the only person you can trust to do the job right is yourself. Take the time to do the boring work of learning how to use commas, hyphens, and all that, because no one will put as much effort into polishing your work as you will.
For Amazon keywords and categories, I spent days researching and debating. I ended up spreading my categories thin between sci-fi > dystopian, romance > vampires, and LGBT > sci-fi, but I think my most traction has come from the smallest of those three, the LGBT+ > sci-fi category. Additionally, I used nearly all of my keyword space, which got me added to several additional categories like cyberpunk, but after more thought, I realized that trimming off the less-searched terms and concentrating my focus was a better strategy. Additionally, I did use a subtitle, which many people recommend not doing, but adding that subtitle allowed me to rank first page for some critical terms like "gay dystopian" and "vampire dystopian" without even putting those in my keywords.
I set the novel price to $.99 for the first week to lower the bar to entry. I've since raised it to $2.99 to stay below my competitors, and I'll let y'all know how it changes sales.
Lessons learned: Spend those marketing dollars on your cover art first. Take your time planning your meta-data and keywords. A modest sub-title won't get you banned.
Post-launch - Social media marketing
I had big plans for marketing. I bought props, I took a week off of work, and I put my whole heart into it. All my social media efforts resulted in 46 clicks (I tracked this through affiliate links) and one sale--one sale of someone else's book, lol.
Here's an example of one of the several book trailers I made:
I really thought these were going to pop off, but for each one, I got negligible views on Instagram and Facebook, 250 impressions on TikTok, and 1k on YouTube shorts. You can also see that I have a number of low-effort posts on my social media, and they got the same views as my high-effort ones. TikTok especially surprised me, because I made far crappier videos 2 years ago and could get up to 10k impressions.
I think I may have gotten 1-2 sales from recommending my book on Reddit and 1 from someone I talked to in the comments of Instagram.
Lessons learned: Social media marketing is probably a waste of time for a debut. It seems like a place people go to follow you after they've read your book. TikTok is dead for most genres, but YouTube shorts might be a valid route. Instagram is best for static images, but it's a slow-build game. Facebook only works if you already have a network that's interested in your genre (but my demo isn't big on there). Again, any sales will be through one-on-one interactions with people. If you really want to try social media marketing, make bucket-loads of low-effort content. A video with hours of planning and editing will get the same views as a low-effort trope post.
Busting out your wallet - Paid ads
I experimented with Instagram boosts, Facebook ads, and Amazon ads. I didn't bother with TikTok ads or anything that was pay-per-impression. For $2, I boosted a few Instagram posts, which claimed to get me 8 clicks, but my affiliate links did not report those clicks, so I honestly think these may be a scam. I'm still experimenting with Facebook ads, so I'll report back on those later.
As for Amazon ads, I directly targeted about 250 similar novels and 400 key terms. Many of these books and terms are highly-niche and extremely applicable to my novel, but because they are so niche, they never got many impressions. Moreover, I could target a queer sci-fi vampire novel that is a 1-for-1 comp of mine, but if I wasn't willing to pay $.90 for a click, I couldn't compete with the general vampire erotica bidding on that spot. There was one exception, the category LGBTQ+ Science Fiction. General advice is that buying ads on categories is a bad idea, but all of my 3 sales were from this category. I also experimented with UK, Canada, and Australia ads, but they didn't return any sales.
For general statistics, I got 1800 impressions, 12 clicks at $0.40, and 3 sales. For the first three days of activity, Amazon wouldn't give me hardly any impressions, so I basically had to "earn" the right to pay for those clicks.
Lessons learned: Amazon ads on niche terms/books/categories will provide your best cost-per-click. Category ads for niche categories can be a good investment. I think when people search for a category, they don't have a particular book in mind, so it can be easier to close the sale. I've gotten clicks on competitor's books, but never a single sale; I assume the customer just bought the book they were looking for in the first place.
Final takeaways
So, out of 22 sales, I estimate 3 were from beta readers, 3 were from friends/happy ARC readers, 3 were from ads, and maybe 3 were from personal recommendations online. Where did the other 13 come from? My best guess is Amazon itself. My "customers also viewed" is finally getting into a place that makes sense, and I know I've got a super shiny cover. I wish I had more reviews, but I think the fact that the few I have are very detailed is saving me.
This leaves me with one final takeaway: The best use of your time and money is on polishing your Amazon sales page to a high shine. Perfect your blurb and metadata. Spend money on the cover before spending on ads. Create A+ content and a proper author bio before spending time on social media.
Also, remember that you can ask your betas or friends for quotes to put in your product description. Ask them right after they read it too, because if you come back a month later, they might never get around to it.
submitted by AsherQuazar to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 Brilliant_Mobile7492 Targetting CS internships for Spring/Summer 2025. Any suggestions/improvements form my resume would be really helpful..

Targetting CS internships for Spring/Summer 2025. Any suggestions/improvements form my resume would be really helpful.. submitted by Brilliant_Mobile7492 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:12 Mindless-Alps-4595 Nearly 160K Records Compromised on the Data Breach at Agricultural Credit Policy Council

Nearly 160K Records Compromised on the Data Breach at Agricultural Credit Policy Council
The Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) is the latest government agency to be targeted and have been hacked, compromising sensitive information. The threat actor, identified as “ph1ns,” claims to have accessed the ACPC’s server and databases, downloading around 20GB of data.
Website defacement at ACPC domain Ph1ns, known for breaching other government agencies like DOST, PCO-EMB, PNP-FEO and several private companies such as Acer Philippines. Ph1ns utilized an exposed Git token to gain access. The breach was exposed based on the team’s initial investigation approximately 160,000 records of sensitive personally identifiable information (PII), including ID cards and driving licenses.
We asked ph1ns to provide a detailed explanation of the breach. The threat actor exploited an exposed Git token that granted full access to the ACPC’s repository. This token was used to clone the repository, revealing critical database credentials. With these credentials, Ph1ns accessed a script named phprunner.php, which allowed the execution of custom queries. This led to the extraction of unencrypted usernames and passwords, resulting in complete control over user accounts.
The data downloaded by Ph1ns includes sensitive personal information of approximately 160,000 individuals. Among the compromised data are various ID cards and driving licenses, potentially affecting a large number of people connected to the ACPC’s services.
During the attack, Ph1ns also manipulated the ACPC’s loan request system. The threat actor attempted to approve as many loan requests as possible within the brief period of access, further complicating the impact of the breach.
Ph1ns also provided screenshots from the ACPC’s system to demonstrate the extent of their access. One screenshot shows a list of loan applications, detailing applicants’ regions, remarks on their submissions, names, programs, and email addresses. The list highlights issues such as incomplete business plans and required re-uploads, showcasing a total of 1,051 entries. Another screenshot from the ACPC’s administrative dashboard presents various statistics, including program briefing completions, program sign-ups, business planning preparations, documentary requirements, and evaluations by PLC. The dashboard also includes a graph of registered users from January 2022 to June 2024, along with gender distribution and the total number of verified applicants.
The ACPC has yet to release an official statement regarding the breach. Authorities are expected to launch an investigation to understand the full extent of the breach, its impact, and to prevent future incidents.
The actions of ph1ns and the subsequent exposure of extensive personal data underscore the urgent need for enhanced security protocols to safeguard sensitive information and maintain public trust.
submitted by Mindless-Alps-4595 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:52 Yukinoooo Looking for an application to check the health status of SATA HDD and SSD

I'm looking for a GNU/Linux application that is similar like CrystalDiskInfo for Windows users. Is it possible to have information on the health status percentage, number of hours, number of counts like this for GNU/Linux ?
I'm using Fedora 39 KDE
submitted by Yukinoooo to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:49 heandhiscow Live Lite 12 won't install on specified disc

Hey! I just started using a supplemental SSD (D:) for my PC and I'm having trouble installing Ableton.
My intent is to install all of my applications and frequently-used programs on my SSD to cut down on load times. I'm not really sure how to explain my process, so here's a checklist:
I've also changed my system settings so new applications and files are saved to my SSD. Is there something I'm missing? Why is Ableton ignoring me harder than my step dad?
submitted by heandhiscow to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:14 Dyl2259 I found a use for the 1tb iPad Pro

I found a use for the 1tb iPad Pro
Downloaded all the wan shows and all the scrapyard wars in 1080p. Gotta make the most of my storage
submitted by Dyl2259 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:00 HeadFondant3663 What are these data packs and what do they do?

What are these data packs and what do they do?
When clicking on the “Open Game Data Browser” button on the bottom of a games page it opens this (screenshot). What are data packs? Why do some games have none at all, some have 1 and some have 2. Why are only 1 on? What happens if i activate or deactivate the switches and press the download or delete buttons? I’m trying to learn how flashpoint works but I don’t want to mess anything up. Thanks
submitted by HeadFondant3663 to FlashpointArchive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:59 Microsoft82 Defender for Endpoint - Security Baseline va Standard Endpoint Security Policy

Newer to MDE. I see that Microsoft security baseline has most of the settings set that are in the endpoint security MDE standard Antivirus policy. So my question is, what are folks doing about this? Is there a reason to set the MDE standard Antivirus policy? Are they any important setting missing from the baseline that should be just set with the settings catalog? I had ChatGPT compare the settings, and this is what I got (removed deprecated settings):
Settings in Security Baseline but Not in Standard AV Policy:
1. Block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts 2. Block Win32 API calls from Office macros 3. Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion 4. Block Office communication application from creating child processes 5. Block all Office applications from creating child processes 6. Block Adobe Reader from creating child processes 7. Block credential stealing from the Windows local security authority subsystem 8. Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content 9. Block Webshell creation for Servers 10. Block untrusted and unsigned processes that run from USB 11. Block persistence through WMI event subscription 12. [PREVIEW] Block use of copied or impersonated system tools 13. Block abuse of exploited vulnerable signed drivers (Device) 14. Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands 15. Block Office applications from creating executable content 16. Block Office applications from injecting code into other processes 17. [PREVIEW] Block rebooting machine in Safe Mode 18. Use advanced protection against ransomware 19. Block executable content from email client and webmail 20. Hide Exclusions From Local Admins 21. Hide Exclusions From Local Users 22. Oobe Enable Rtp And Sig Update
Settings in Standard AV Policy but Not in Security Baseline:
1. Allow Full Scan on Mapped Network Drives 3. Avg CPU Load Factor 4. Archive Max Depth 5. Archive Max Size 6. Days To Retain Cleaned Malware 7. Disable Catchup Full Scan 8. Disable Catchup Quick Scan 9. Enable Low CPU Priority 10. Excluded Extensions 11. Excluded Paths 12. Excluded Processes 13. Signature Update Fallback Order 14. Signature Update File Shares Sources 15. Threat Severity Default Action Remediation action for High severity threats Remediation action for Severe threats Remediation action for Low severity threats Remediation action for Moderate severity threats 16. Allow Network Protection Down Level 17. Allow Datagram Processing On Win Server 18. Disable Dns Over Tcp Parsing 19. Disable Http Parsing 20. Disable Ssh Parsing 21. Disable Tls Parsing 23. Engine Updates Channel 24. Metered Connection Updates 25. Platform Updates Channel 26. Security Intelligence Updates Channel 27. Randomize Schedule Task Times 28. Scheduler Randomization Time
submitted by Microsoft82 to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:56 TechGearWhips NixOS and i3wm, perfect match!

submitted by TechGearWhips to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:33 MindlessCranberry491 If you have an active Alberta Opportunity Stream application, read this

I have been following really closely this program as I am an applicant myself, and this is not only the shadiest PNP program in all of Canada, but also the least transparent.
Couple days ago, a new document checklist was released, this checklist includes a new “employer authorization form” and also the eligibility criteria page was updated with a link referring to this site and outline that this form is MANDATORY.
As you know, in the terms and conditions, they say that eligibility criteria and updates may be released without previous notice to the applicant, well this is one of them.
If you guys have an active application, please have your company fill this form out and upload it to your profile just like an update.
Also, remember that AAIP is not a first come first serve application, which means that applying before the pause doesn’t guarantee you will be processed. The “draws” they will be doing, are based on their own interests, so if you don’t have a complete application or give them reasons to reject you, they will happily do so, don’t let them do it. Good luck to you guys
submitted by MindlessCranberry491 to ImmigrationCanada [link] [comments]

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submitted by Araagorrness to MetaQuest_Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:26 Araagorrness Quest device Referral (30€ / 30$ / 23£ for free) AND 25% off Asgard's Wrath 1 (PCVR) & 2 Assassin's Creed Nexus Arizona Sunshine 2 Beat Saber Dungeons of Eternity Pistol Whip Virtual Desktop The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Chapter 1 & Chapter 2

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2024.06.09 22:26 Araagorrness Quest device Referral (30€ / 30$ / 23£ for free) AND 25% off Asgard's Wrath 1 (PCVR) & 2 Assassin's Creed Nexus Arizona Sunshine 2 Beat Saber Dungeons of Eternity Pistol Whip Virtual Desktop The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Chapter 1 & Chapter 2

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