Ranchi public board

Public Health

2009.10.07 03:32 akannan Public Health

In the medical field, clinicians treat diseases and injuries one patient at a time. But in public health, we prevent disease and injury. Public health researchers, practitioners and educators work with communities and populations. We identify the causes of disease and disability, and we implement large-scale solutions.

2011.12.30 00:00 pedals: share your musical pedal(gree)

The cooler community for effects pedals.

2010.10.29 19:19 tjw Planting trees, milling logs, and everything in between.


2024.06.11 11:15 SpearfishingWalrus Question to Portuguese spearos

Greetings all, finding information or interpreting it is quite a challenge for spearfishing in Portugal.
Question is:
Are you allowed to Spearfish in the following Natural Parks?
Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina
Natural Park of Arrábida
Natural Park of the North Coast
Natural Reserve of Berlengas
I got my license and the way its worded is a bit unclear: ¿ The exercise of fishing on board in the marine areas included in the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, in the Natural Park of Arrábida, in the Natural Park of the North Coast, and in the Natural Reserve of Berlengas is authorized from Thursday to Monday and on public holidays, this restriction does not apply between June 1 and September 30.
As above statement does not include spearfishing and some random websites states that its not allowed...
P.S. if you have recommendations around Sagres for shore dive if above is allowed do let me know :D
Thank you in advance!
submitted by SpearfishingWalrus to u/SpearfishingWalrus [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 11:14 poopy-macarena Ryan Cohen's make or break logistics at Chewy. A case-study for GME?

Still doubting with Ryan Cohen’s capability to turn a challenge into an opportunity? This is the guy that founded Chewy, sold for $3.35 billion, then IPO’d as a $17 billion dollar public company. With strong competition in the landscape, he was able to provide competitive differentiation for the business to succeed.
I came across this podcast from the Harvard Business Review. It is a case-study that demonstrates his capabilities as a leader to tackle challenges during his time at Chewy. He had to make difficult choices for the company to keep on growing, and made them he did.
Disclaimer: None of this is financial advice, just some old ape who has been around for 84 years doing some research on his management style.
From the podcast, some things that made Ryan Cohen and Chewy stood out were:
1. Differentiation by providing a personal touch
In a world where ecommerce competition is fierce, how do you differentiate a company providing a commodity such as pet food?
When asked how Chewy differentiates itself from the likes of Amazon, Ryan replied: “Last year we wrote five million handwritten notes to our customers”.
They even write to customers who have lost their pets. That’s some deep customer obsession… some deep fucking value to customers. Treat your customers right, and they'll treat you right.
2. Premiumization of the product
People who humanize their pets tend to spend more on them. You know, those who like to dress them up on halloweens or take pets with them on luxury hotels and spas.
Pets got “humanized” to the point that customers can buy food that pass as being called “human-grade”. Once you get past the beef heart, the rest of the ingredients look yum. Organic, grass feed, mmmm… better than eating crayons.
Provide premium quality products, and you’ll have repeat paying cusotmers. Coupled with a service that comes with personal touch, these are repeat customers that bring value back to the business.
3. Growth by making tough choices
It came to a point where Chewy’s third party logistics provider (3PL) couldn’t keep up with the growth of the business. The 3PL knew something about ecommerce, but had issues dealing with large bulky items. Packages became wet, packed haphazardly, and jammed conveyer belts.
The board wanted to slow down growth because they wanted to maintain a good relationship with their 3PL. Why rock the boat if the status-quo can be maintained?
Ryan had something else in mind. He had to sit down with his board of directors to tell them their 3PL isn’t keeping up pace with their growth. Things had to change. It was in a situation where he wanted to save the company with a well-defined path forward, but none of the options looked attractive. It was a tough choice to make in the presence of high ranking board members.
Jumping in with both feet in the process, in-sourcing the fulfilment capability gave Chewy the opportunity to run logistics in-house, learn the process, and keep up with the growth of the company. In-sourcing their capability also changed logistics from a variable cost to a fixed cost. It was a gamble, but a smart gamble. Vertical integration baby.
Now, this is just a case-study. Past performance is not an indicator of future results, but this shows the type of character Ryan as a leader and the business he is capable of building. This CEO knows a thing or two about building business and growing it, so chill. Just chill. Have a little faith. Or not. It's your own choice to make.
I don’t have enough wrinkles in my brain to get a fancy MBA degree, but here’s a thought...
GME can always move to the personal pet-rock business, then sell human-grade rock food powered by in-house logistics.
submitted by poopy-macarena to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 11:01 Chas-- Nikken's End 3B: The Purges Begin

"What distinguished the Indian system from that of the ancient Western world is the absence of slavery. The caste system made formal slavery unnecessary in ancient India." - from The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System, by Sudheer Birodkar.
In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" ** [Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 3rd chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Animality.

Table of Contents

  1. Notable Purges In History
  2. Stalin And The Moscow Trials
  3. The Wider Purge
  4. The Purge You Didn't Notice
  5. Obayashi As First Kulak
  6. Definition of Animality (Chikusho)
  7. Getting Some Help
  8. The Survivor Gita

1. Notable Purges In History

From the Wikipedia ... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purge)
In the era of Republican Rome, Marius proscribed Sullan supporters after he and Cinna ousted Cnaeus Octavius; Sulla followed with even more brutal proscriptions against Marian supporters when he came into the dictatorship. The Second Triumvirate instituted more proscriptions some forty years afterward after taking control of Rome from Caesar's murderers.
The earliest use of the term itself was the English Civil War's Pride's Purge. In 1648, the moderate members of the English Long Parliament were purged by the army. Parliament would suffer subsequent purges under the Commonwealth including the purge of the entire House of Lords. Counter- revolutionaries such as royalists were purged as well as more radical revolutionaries such as the Levellers. After the Restoration, obstinate republicans were purged while some fled to New England.
The French Revolution saw revolutionary factions purging each other. The most famous purge was Robespierre's Terror which ended with him being purged as well. After the fall of Napoleon, all those associated with revolutionary activity were purged.
Purges are often associated with the Stalinist and Maoist regimes. Those who were purged (among them artists, scientists, teachers, people in the military, but also many long-time communists who dared to disagree with the party leadership) were sent to labor camps or executed. The most notorious purge was the Great Purge initiated by Joseph Stalin during the 1930s. Deng Xiaoping was known for the distinction of returning to power multiple times after surviving multiple purges.
The Nazis also engaged in purges, most notably in the Night of the Long Knives (1934) and the mass reprisals against Adolf Hitler's opponents following the July Plot (1944).
Of these kinds of purges, the purge most likely surrounding a shaky succession [like the hand-off of the imaginary Transfer Box, between Nikken Abe 67th and Nichinyo/Gikan Hayase 68th] ... is the Stalinist Purge.

2. Stalin And The Moscow Trials

From the Wikipedia ... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Purge)
Between 1936 and 1938 three Moscow Trials of former senior Communist Party leaders were held. The defendants were accused of conspiring with the western powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders, dismember the Soviet Union and restore capitalism.
Thus, accusations of dealings with the Soka Gakkai or the Reform Priests, whether true or not, become sufficient proof to render one of the priests, vulnerable to a purge.
The first trial was of 16 members of the so-called "Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre," held in August 1936, at which the chief defendants were Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev, two of the most prominent former party leaders. All were sentenced to death and executed.
The accusations of misconduct are immaterial. The clearing out of opposition to the changes being brought about in the next stage, which is the consolidation of power, will affect anyone who is not a complete and utter minion of the power elite.
The second trial in January 1937 involved 17 lesser figures including Karl Radek, Yuri Piatakov and Grigory Sokolnikov. Thirteen defendants were shot, the remainder received terms of imprisonment in labor camps where they soon died.
The third trial, in March 1938, included 21 defendants alleged to belong to the so-called "Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites," led by Nikolai Bukharin, former head of the Communist International, former Prime Minister Alexei Rykov, Christian Rakovsky, Nikolai Krestinsky and Yagoda. All the leading defendants were executed.
There was also a secret trial before a military tribunal of a group of Red Army generals, including Mikhail Tukhachevsky, in June 1937.
Some Western observers who attended the trials said that they were fair and that the guilt of the accused had been established. They based this assessment on the confessions of the accused, which were freely given in open court, without any apparent evidence that they had been extracted by torture or drugging.
The British lawyer and MP Denis Pritt, for example, wrote: "Once again the more faint-hearted socialists are beset with doubts and anxieties," but "once again we can feel confident that when the smoke has rolled away from the battlefield of controversy it will be realized that the charge was true, the confessions correct and the prosecution fairly conducted."
It is now known that the confessions were given only after great psychological pressure had been applied to the defendants. From the accounts of former OGPU officer Alexander Orlov and others the methods used to extract the confessions are known: repeated beatings, torture, making prisoners stand or go without sleep for days on end, and threats to arrest and execute the prisoners' families. For example, Kamenev's teenage son was arrested and charged with terrorism. After months of such interrogation, the defendants were driven to despair and exhaustion.
Once the political enemies are finished off, the sense of relief in everyone else who is a "Survivor" is palpable.
This relief is short-lived, however. The worst has not yet begun.

3. The Wider Purge

Eventually almost all of the Bolsheviks who had played prominent roles during the Russian Revolution of 1917, or in Lenin's Soviet government afterwards, were executed. Out of six members of the original Politburo during the 1917 October Revolution who lived until the Great Purge, Stalin himself was the only one who survived. Four of the other five were executed. The fifth, Leon Trotsky, went into exile in Mexico after being expelled from the Party but was murdered by a Soviet agent in 1940. Of the seven members elected to the Politburo between the October Revolution and Lenin's death in 1924, four were executed, one (Tomsky) committed suicide and two (Molotov and Kalinin) lived. Of 1,966 delegates to the 17th Communist Party congress in 1934 (the last congress before the trials), 1,108 were arrested and nearly all died.
The trials and executions of the former Bolshevik leaders were, however, only a minor part of the purges ...
While kulaks were "liquidated as class", on July 30, 1937 the NKVD Order no. 00447 was issued, directed against "ex-kulaks" and "kulak helpers", among other anti-Soviet elements, see NKVD troika. This order was notable in several respects, becoming a blueprint for a number of other actions of NKVD targeting specific categories of people.
The Kulak's worst crime was of being competent in commerce. Their ability to do commerce on the local level was the possible seed for a counter-revolution. Therefore, they had to go.
A series of national operations of the NKVD was carried out during 1937-1940, justified by the fear of the fifth column in the expectation of war with "the most probable adversary", i.e., Germany, as well as according to the notion of the "hostile capitalist surrounding", which wants to destabilize the country. Polish operation of the NKVD was the first of this kind, setting an example of dealing with other targeted minorities. Many such operations were conducted on a quota system. NKVD local officials were mandated to arrest and execute a specific number of "counter-revolutionaries," produced by upper officials based on various statistics. .
So, in the end, the thing that threatens an incompetent elite that wields power ... is any competent sub-group that does not.
And a competent sub-group that can be crushed, MUST be crushed. The drive to crush the potential threat is overwhelming. Any vehicle will do, and most likely the one that does the job finally, is only the last in a series of failed attempts. And that ultimate successful subjugation is done with a vengeance.

4. The Purge You Didn't Notice

There was a purge done in Nichiren Shoshu that you may have only partly noticed.
Of course, there was the embarrassing growth and success of the competent Soka Gakkai, that showed the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood for the negligent and lazy parasites that they were. Then, specious charges were flung at President Ikeda, which didn't do it at first, then later something stuck well enough, and the Soka Gakkai was purged completely in the hope that some would submit, but the numbers of cowards and traitors to the Law itself, were too small. Those purges were ineffectual because of the strength and core determination of the membership to do Kosen Rufu.
But that's not the purge that I'm talking about.
The purge that I'm talking about was completely effective and was done IN PLAIN SIGHT, but went unrecognized for what it was.
Only now, in the light of the story of the missing Transfer Box, which is the heritage of the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu, is it possible to understand the methods and purpose of the seemingly insane actions of Nikken Abe, the 67th High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu.
Now, for the first time, the truth can be seen for what it is !!!
Only the Transfer Box could give Nikken an unchallengable hold on the past, present and the future of the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood. Without it, his hold would remain tenuous, and his legacy of control, insecure.
In the prologue to the book "The Self-Appointed High Priest", is recorded only the FIRST effort to retrieve the Transfer Box by the false High Priest two days after the death of the previous High Priest Nittatsu, by attempting to extract it from Nittatsu's family in the person of his son-in-law Sugano.
After that failure to retrieve the Transfer Box, and in a pattern of terrorist actions that only the mind of Nikken Abe and the Al Qaeda commander of Iraq, Zarqawi, could understand ... the legacy of Nittatsu Shonin the 66th High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu was destroyed, piece by piece, until the last and greatest piece, the Sho Hondo, was the last remaining hostage that Nikken Abe held a knife to the throat of. True to his brother Zarqawi, Nikken acted grimly, as the butcher he is.
Without ever going public, the Hosoi sons and Nittatsu's son-in-law watched in horror as Nikken Abe unspeakably reduced every edifice and every single cherry tree that Nittatsu ever built or planted to rubble and kindling, and yet they would not give up the one thing that Nikken would destroy everything for, the legitimizing possession of the Transfer Box for Nichiren Shoshu.
And they were right not to, for having gained possession of the Transfer Box, Nikken would have had to proceed to do the exact same series of actions, so as not to appear guilty of extortion. And of course, there is the evil joy of gloating over subjugated victims, by teaching them a lesson in persistent determination.
So, this is real reason why the Sho Hondo had to go.
The Soka Gakkai was not even part of it !! We were just some extra pieces on the Go playing board.
Atari !!!

5. Obayashi As First Kulak

Someone finally perceived the threat that Obayashi, as head of the Overseas Bureau, posed to any succession of the High Priest. As a competent and corrupt head of a network of priests around the world, any small set of temples in Japan could be joined with the network under his control and that would be seen as Nichiren Shoshu. Indeed, after the departure of several temples in Japan to the reform movement, that clearly IS NICHIREN SHOSHU !!
Thus, whither goest the Overseas Bureau, goest Nichiren Shoshu.
This was too much of a threat and so in August, 2 months after the publishing in English of "The Self-Appointed High Priest", and 3 months before the announcement of Nikken's handover of the High Priest's position to Gikan Hayase, Obayashi got canned in a forced retirement. And this was a castration to Nichijyun Fujimoto's hopes for an after-succession coup d'etat. [He's speaking in a subdued and higher pitch now, I'll wager.]
And Obayashi was replaced at the head of the Overseas Bureau by a handsome fellow (clearly the recipient of the eye operation), who is unconnected by any close family ties, and who can be easily controlled or disposed of.
[This introduces an inherent weakness and inefficiency in the organization. But control isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing.]
Having lost three temples in court challenges when the Transfer Box could not be produced, Nichiren Shoshu is now in trouble and must seize the remaining temples under close family control, before any more important temples are lost.
Shiba in San Francisco and Kawabe in Washington were only the ignorable beginning. It is only a matter of a very brief time before all the major temples not now under the control of the extended group of the 6 clans (Hayase, Abe/Takanos, Ishii, Kimura, Imano) ... will be brought under direct control of family members.
The window of opportunity for the exodus of those vulnerable, non-family priests in those temples is quickly closing.
However, the issue of the Transfer Box being published in Japanese and now in English, makes a successful court challenge possible and even likely for both Overseas Bureau temples and Nichiren Shoshu temples in Japan, for the first time. This is precisely BECAUSE it is internationally public and cannot be hidden any more from the view of non-Japanese eyes.
Now is the time to take your temple over to the other side. After the consolidation, it will be too late. Then the next and closer consolidation will occur, as the old Hokikai faction finally reaps the benefits of a century of maneuvering ...

6. Definition of World of Animals (Chikusho)

From the SGI Dictionary:
world of animals [畜生界] (Jpn chikushō-kai): Also, realm of animals or world of animality. The third of the Ten Worlds and one of the three, and the four, evil paths. When viewed as a state of life, the world of animals is a condition governed by instinct, in which one has no sense of reason or morality. Beings or persons in this world stand in fear of the strong but despise and prey upon those weaker than themselves. In The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind, Nichiren defines the characteristic of this world as "foolishness," which is one of the three poisons.

7. Getting Some Help

If you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest, or a Hokkeko member from anywhere in the world, and are thinking about switching to the SGI call (310) 260-8900 or contact the Headquarters at SGI Plaza.
Tell them that you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest or Hokkeko member, and wish to speak to someone about the SGI, and what to do.

8. The Survivor Gita

Nikken, the self-appointed Usurper King of the Rats at Taisekiji, has been replaced by Nichinyo, who is an angry member of the elite, due to too many blows to the head in fights. A little punchy, he rules from weakness, since Nikken publicly had plans for his son to take over.
One thing that is known for certain: There will be a new Rat King. And then there will be another.
Another thing that is known for certain: All the alliances will change, and more than once. Anyone that has watched Survivor knows this.
Rule Number Zero:
The War of the Rodents can only be won by ... King Rat.
More to come ... These questions will be answered !!!
submitted by Chas-- to SGIWhistleblowersMITA [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:57 DigitalNinjaaa 📈Stock Updates📉

Click here to join our WhatsApp channel for more such stock market content.
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submitted by DigitalNinjaaa to StockMarketIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:49 Idkjustarandomuser anything helps

intended major: psych
demographics: south asian female, INTERNATIONAL STUDENT APPLYING FROM INDIA, also in a private boarding schoollll if that matters somehow
budget: tuition budget is around 18k usd annually so will require aid
sat: 1500 (will retake in august)
grades: don't have a gpa but i did igcse for 9-10th and my grades were:
  1. business studies A*
  2. economics: A
  3. accounting: A
  4. environmental studies: A
  5. english as a first language: A
  6. spanish as a second language: A
  7. extended mathematics: B
then i'm currently doing IBDP (6 subjects + core requirements for those who don't know) with a predicted of 40/42
awards and ecs: (intentionally somewhat vague)
• cambridge ICE distinction
• finalist for northeastern university essay competition (4000+ participants)
• intern at india's largest life insurance public sector company for 1 month (assisted with customer inquiries and learned how to create an analytical report)
• volunteer at a ngo with ~ 240 hours (span of 1.5 years)
• volleyball captain (9th and 10th) then volleyball vice captain (11th-12th) of varsity team
• student instructor and volunteer for an event (taught 300 kids aged 3-10 different sports)
•dance (9th-12th) performed at multiple school assemblies and annual days
•member of club (raised awareness about waste segregation in 30 elementary classes and implemented a campaign where we put separate bins and all that)
• paid esl tutor of children in my neighbourhood (9th grade and 10th grade- i was in the same school then but was not living in the boarding house it's hard to explain)
• interned at a major hospital under a psychiatrist for 1 week
•certified student volunteer for violence against women campaign
• working on more!!
essays: idk yet working on it cos applying at the end of this year cos jan deadlines (might also apply ed tho idk) :)
LOR: psych teacher (9/10) we're rlly tight💪🏼 others idk yet
unis i'm applying: for the us i haven't fully decided definitive list yet but maybe these: 1. yale 2. columbia 3. Upenn 4. umich 5. uc berkeley (omg dream) 6. nyu 7. UChicago 8. northwestern 9. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 10. UCSD 11. UCLA 12. UC irvine 13. boston university 14. give suggestions for more !!
submitted by Idkjustarandomuser to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:29 rouddi Faire référencer ton canal Telegram

Faire référencer ton canal Telegram
Si tu souhaites développer ton canal Telegram de manière organique, une excellente stratégie consiste à le faire référencer sur des annuaires en ligne.
Cependant, il est important de noter que tu devras généralement remplir deux conditions spécifiques pour y figurer.
✅👉🏻 Un canal public : Assure-toi que ton canal soit public afin qu'il puisse être facilement accessible aux utilisateurs de Telegram à la recherche de nouveaux contenus.
✅👉🏻 Un canal avec environ 200 membres : Pour augmenter tes chances d'être accepté sur les annuaires, il est recommandé d'avoir atteint un nombre minimal d'environ 200 membres. Cela montre que ton canal est actif et suscite de l'intérêt.
Si tu n'as pas encore de canal Telegram, ne t'inquiète pas !
Tu peux trouver des tutoriels ici pour t'aider à créer ton propre canal et commencer à le développer.
N'oublie pas que Telegram offre de nombreux avantages, notamment en tant que l'un des meilleurs canaux d'acquisition pour les créateurs de contenu MYM Fans.
De plus, il peut également servir de sauvegarde pour ta communauté en cas de suppression de tes réseaux sociaux.

Les annuaires :

L'indispensable 👇🏻
🌟👉🏻 https://telemetr.io/en/channels 🥳
Voici d'autres annuaires
🌟👉🏻 https://telegramic.org/
🌟👉🏻 https://telegramchannels.me/
🌟👉🏻 https://www.tlgrm.f
🌟👉🏻 https://tgstat.com/
🌟👉🏻 https://fr.telegram-store.com/
🌟👉🏻 https://tdirectory.me/
🌟👉🏻 https://tgdr.io/
🌟👉🏻 https://threej.in/
🌟 👉🏻 https://telegram-board.com/

Le SEO Telegram :

Les hashtags sur Telegram permettent désormais d'être trouvé dans les résultats de recherche des chaînes publiques, ce qui contribue à découvrir de nouveaux créateurs et à parcourir les sujets populaires.
Si tu cherche le hashtag #mymfans tu vas très souvent tomber sur mon canal par exemple.

Les taux d'engagement

Pour moi, Telegram est la plateforme la plus efficace en matière d'engagement communautaire.
J'ai pu constater que mon canal sur Telegram par exemple affiche un taux de lecture de 44%. C'est un pourcentage vraiment très élevé.
Un canal créateur peut afficher un taux de lecture d'environ 25% à 200%, ce qui est très intéressant.
Il est important de noter que plus un canal fait de publicités pour d'autres créatrices, plus l'engagement a tendance à diminuer.
En résumé, Telegram offre des taux de lecture plus élevés que d'autres plateformes, ce qui témoigne d'un engagement réel de la part des abonnés. Ne pas avoir de Telegram pour développer ton MYM ou ton Onlyfans est quasiment une erreur.
submitted by rouddi to MYMFans_Strategies [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:25 Sunshine_Every_day How AI Views Ryan Cohen's Investment Committee

Ryan Cohen, as CEO of GameStop, along with the board of directors, has been granted significant authority to manage the company's investment portfolio, including the ability to invest in equities. Here are the key points and implications:
Authority to Invest Company Funds
  1. New Investment Policy:
  1. Scope of Authority:
Ethical and Legal Considerations
  1. Conflict of Interest:
  1. Insider Trading Risks:
  1. Corporate Governance:
Historical Precedents
  1. Director Fraud:
  1. Regulatory Scrutiny:
Ryan Cohen and the GameStop board have the authority to use company funds to invest in equities, including those where Cohen has personal investments. While this policy aims to align Cohen's interests with those of the company, it raises significant ethical and legal concerns, particularly regarding conflicts of interest and potential insider trading. Historical precedents highlight the risks and potential consequences of such practices, emphasizing the need for strict corporate governance and regulatory oversight to protect shareholder interests.
Now I can understand why he is doing back to back offerings to raise cash. He is a genius.
submitted by Sunshine_Every_day to DailySwingTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:21 QuagmireQ The Hunger Will Reign Supreme.

The Hunger Will Reign Supreme.
A Statement From The Guacamole Contributors On Moving Forward, Understanding Shortfalls, And Building Through The Noise.
This past week has been nothing short of a rollercoaster for all of us. Our journey has always been rooted in our community-oriented tokenomics and a fully circulating supply, principles that generally serve us well. However, this approach also has its challenges. When prominent holders feel we’re falling short or perceive better opportunities in the ever-shifting memecoin landscape, it can trigger a wave of doubt and rapid sell-offs. We understand the frustration and anxiety this causes, and we are committed to navigating these turbulent times together, with transparency and unwavering dedication.

Building A Dream From A Meme

Anyone with even a passing interest in the crypto markets knows that memecoins have seized the spotlight, becoming the driving force behind project growth and community building. We started as a meme, which brought its own set of expectations. However, as we’ve grown and developed a cohesive, feature-rich ecosystem, our focus has shifted. It’s no longer just about capturing attention but about delivering valuable products, ensuring they are used effectively, generating revenue, and maintaining high quality and reliability.
We’ve transitioned from creating content to essentially scaling a business. Unlike content creation, where attention is key, scaling a business requires guiding users through conversion funnels to create the feedback loop we’ve designed. It’s a challenging process, often like throwing darts at a board and seeing what sticks. But we’re committed to this journey, and we’re dedicated to learning and growing together as we navigate this ever-evolving landscape.
The great news is that our applications feature thousands of users and have started to scale revenue quite nicely. However, we recognize that this growth could be scaled much faster in a more transparent fashion and with fewer hurdles and quality checks. We’re committed to improving these aspects to ensure a smoother and more efficient experience for everyone involved.

The Race Against Cinco De Mayo

Our greatest challenge yet was harnessing the power of our one-year anniversary and holiday launch with a huge release on Cinco De Mayo. We had just finalized version 2 of our application, and the timelines were tight from the start, resulting in a sprint to the finish with our small team working tirelessly from the moment they opened their eyes until the moment they fell asleep.
Version 3 launch video introducing our new brand and designs.
To rise to the occasion, we brought in designers and completely updated every facet of the Guacamole brand and ecosystem. We are proud of this achievement. Each application needed to be fully revamped with new features like GuacSwap added. While exciting, this task was ultimately too much for our short timeline, especially with marketing trips to Token2049 in Dubai, personal matters, and other distractions.
We held meetings and decided what could be delivered on that faithful Sunday and what could be polished in the following week to ensure we provided a better experience. However, personal matters for core contributors started to pile up, greatly burdening our planned timelines. It’s unfair and deeply personal to list them here, but losing loved ones and relationships you hold dear is never a joyous experience, nor is the aftermath.
As most people forget, we may cosplay as avocados, but at the end of the day, we are still human like you.
So, we started to fall behind, using what energy we had to continue pushing forward and maintaining instead of fixing and updating. It’s not our job as founders and contributors to share our personal matters to garner empathy; after all, this is crypto, and markets take that for weakness.
But like all pain and problems, time heals. Unfortunately, we fell a bit too far behind on community expectations, and social momentum started to work against us. However, we’ll never give up.

Catching Up And What’s Coming Next

We are thrilled to share that we have started catching up on our schedule, thanks to the tireless efforts of our dedicated contributors. Their hard work and commitment have been instrumental in making this progress possible.
We have been diligently working on updates for the Guacamole DEX, incorporating all necessary changes, updates, and community-requested additions. We recognize the importance of meeting industry quality standards and believe that v3.1, which we plan to release next week, addresses these comprehensive issues.
A preview of our current development changes. This is not the final product — and yes volume and APY% on pools will display correctly in production.

GuacSwap Updates

Feature-rich enhancements to the GuacSwap interface and other facets of our new AMM systems will be released with v3.1. We are also in communication with Jupiter for the planned integration of our liquidity pools into their swap routing system. Until then, our AMM remains somewhat siloed from the rest of the Solana ecosystem. However, a few community members have stepped up to arbitrage prices, resulting in increased volume and fees for our system. While we have no final estimates on Jupiter integration, we will be releasing public SDKs to facilitate interaction and help fast-track other sources of usage and volume. A contributor-supported arbitrage program is also in the works for public release. We look forward to seeing what the community can create using the SDK.

Other Updates

Our business development efforts are expanding with “SkippeTimothy” leading the charge, engaging in new conversations and partnerships. Meanwhile, our intern and his team are focusing on catching up and delivering an enhanced and fully polished platform. The marketplace expansion is already underway, with daily limits being raised and hundreds more items being added to the library. We have also officially inked our first corporate partner for a private white-label test of our systems. This milestone is a significant step towards our overall ambitions and should help scale daily active users for shop programs into the thousands of payment users.
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we strive to deliver a better experience. We are committed to moving forward and achieving great things together.

Understanding The Need For Change

While we are catching up with development and making significant strides in our ecosystem, we recognize that other challenges still exist.
Starting tomorrow, we will launch the long-awaited expansion of DAO communication and think tank channels. It’s time to discuss several initiatives, address problems, propose solutions, and consider necessary changes.
We’ll continue building, but we’re also reaching out and asking the community for constructive criticism. Together, we are stronger, and your input is invaluable as we navigate these challenges and continue to grow.
Thank you for your unwavering support and engagement. Let’s move forward together.

Some Starting Topics

  • What does “Marketing” look like to you? Influencers, Airdrops, Campaigns, Listings? Is the DAO ready to pay for these?
  • Planning Ecosystem Incentives and GuacSwap Farms For Growth
  • Brainstorming a more responsible launch platform + pump.fun competitor utilizing our platform, AMM, and features.
  • + More community recommendations


The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Guacamole Platform and its affiliates are not responsible for any investment decisions made based on the information provided. Cryptocurrency investments are highly volatile and carry significant risks, including the potential loss of all invested funds. Always conduct your own research and seek advice from a qualified financial, legal, or tax professional before making any investment decisions.
By using the Guacamole Platform, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. The Guacamole Platform is not responsible for any damages or issues arising from interactions with third-party protocols and integrations on our platform. Use of the platform is at your own risk, and we are not liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible property.
Thank you for being a part of the Guacamole community.A Statement From The Guacamole Contributors On Moving Forward, Understanding Shortfalls, And Building Through The Noise.
This past week has been nothing short of a rollercoaster for all of us. Our journey has always been rooted in our community-oriented tokenomics and a fully circulating supply, principles that generally serve us well. However, this approach also has its challenges. When prominent holders feel we’re falling short or perceive better opportunities in the ever-shifting memecoin landscape, it can trigger a wave of doubt and rapid sell-offs. We understand the frustration and anxiety this causes, and we are committed to navigating these turbulent times together, with transparency and unwavering dedication.

Building A Dream From A Meme

Anyone with even a passing interest in the crypto markets knows that memecoins have seized the spotlight, becoming the driving force behind project growth and community building. We started as a meme, which brought its own set of expectations. However, as we’ve grown and developed a cohesive, feature-rich ecosystem, our focus has shifted. It’s no longer just about capturing attention but about delivering valuable products, ensuring they are used effectively, generating revenue, and maintaining high quality and reliability.
We’ve transitioned from creating content to essentially scaling a business. Unlike content creation, where attention is key, scaling a business requires guiding users through conversion funnels to create the feedback loop we’ve designed. It’s a challenging process, often like throwing darts at a board and seeing what sticks. But we’re committed to this journey, and we’re dedicated to learning and growing together as we navigate this ever-evolving landscape.
The great news is that our applications feature thousands of users and have started to scale revenue quite nicely. However, we recognize that this growth could be scaled much faster in a more transparent fashion and with fewer hurdles and quality checks. We’re committed to improving these aspects to ensure a smoother and more efficient experience for everyone involved.

The Race Against Cinco De Mayo

Our greatest challenge yet was harnessing the power of our one-year anniversary and holiday launch with a huge release on Cinco De Mayo. We had just finalized version 2 of our application, and the timelines were tight from the start, resulting in a sprint to the finish with our small team working tirelessly from the moment they opened their eyes until the moment they fell asleep.
submitted by QuagmireQ to Guac [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:12 Accembler Please clarify Global Talent Visa criteria

Hi all! The Global Talent Visa criteria are not 100% clear to me, so could you clarify the difference in the criteria?
I would appreciate any help explaining the difference in the criteria as I am already confused.
There is a mandatory criterion:
You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product, or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repositories, or similar evidence.
There is also an optional criterion 3:
How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contribution to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member, or employee of a product-led digital technology company?
Both criteria are about the impact you have had on the company.
Example: I have participated/am participating as a leader (software engineer) in creating a product and several modules for other products for a digital technology company, which increased product demand, competitiveness, and reduced employee time for certain tasks. 
I want to attribute this to the mandatory criterion, but can you explain if I can also use this for criterion OC3? Can I attach different pieces of evidence for the same project in both Mandatory and Optional categories?
For example, evidence could include:
  1. A letter from the head of the department/stream about my merits, including assistance in expanding the team by 2 valuable people.
  2. Screenshots from chats with thanks for the work done on projects.
  3. Employment contract with salary information (compared to salaries in my region).
  4. Screenshots with repository statistics on GitHub, showing that I am the main contributor.
  5. Possibly some charts and statistics.
There will also be a recommendation letter from a leading industry expert who works in this company with me and is in a higher position.
Please explain, using these examples, which evidence should go where and how they are generally distributed.
What else can be added as evidence for these criteria?
submitted by Accembler to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:11 Accembler Please clarify Global Talent Visa criteria

Hi all! The Global Talent Visa criteria are not 100% clear to me, so could you clarify the difference in the criteria?
I would appreciate any help explaining the difference in the criteria as I am already confused.
There is a mandatory criterion:
You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product, or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repositories, or similar evidence.
There is also an optional criterion 3:
How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contribution to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member, or employee of a product-led digital technology company?
Both criteria are about the impact you have had on the company.
Example: I have participated/am participating as a leader (software engineer) in creating a product and several modules for other products for a digital technology company, which increased product demand, competitiveness, and reduced employee time for certain tasks. 
I want to attribute this to the mandatory criterion, but can you explain if I can also use this for criterion OC3? Can I attach different pieces of evidence for the same project in both Mandatory and Optional categories?
For example, evidence could include:
  1. A letter from the head of the department/stream about my merits, including assistance in expanding the team by 2 valuable people.
  2. Screenshots from chats with thanks for the work done on projects.
  3. Employment contract with salary information (compared to salaries in my region).
  4. Screenshots with repository statistics on GitHub, showing that I am the main contributor.
  5. Possibly some charts and statistics.
There will also be a recommendation letter from a leading industry expert who works in this company with me and is in a higher position.
Please explain, using these examples, which evidence should go where and how they are generally distributed.
What else can be added as evidence for these criteria?
submitted by Accembler to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:58 Shyam2424 Types of Cybersecurity Hackathons

Before diving into the details, we have some exciting news! If you are thinking about participating in a cybersecurity hackathon, look no further. Where U Elevate, in collaboration with CCOE and DSCI, is hosting a fantastic Great AppSec Hackathon where you can boost your Cybersecurity skills and stand a chance to win a prize of 10 lac. Now, let's explore what happens in a cybersecurity hackathon.
Cybersecurity hackathons are events where participants come together to solve real-world security challenges. These hackathons can vary greatly in terms of their focus, structure, and objectives. Understanding the different types of cybersecurity hackathons can help you choose the right one for your skills and interests. Here’s a detailed look at the various types of cybersecurity hackathons and what they entail.
1. Capture the Flag Hackathons
Capture the Flag (CTF) hackathons are among the most popular and well-known types of cybersecurity hackathons. These events are typically structured as competitions where participants solve a series of security-related challenges to capture digital "flags."
Key Features:
Example: DEF CON CTF, one of the most prestigious CTF competitions, challenges participants with a wide range of advanced cybersecurity problems.
2. Bug Bounty Hackathons
Bug bounty hackathons are events where participants search for vulnerabilities in software, websites, or applications. The goal is to identify security flaws that could be exploited by malicious actors.
Key Features:
Example: HackerOne frequently organizes bug bounty hackathons where participants can test various companies' applications and earn monetary rewards for valid vulnerability reports.
3. Red Team vs. Blue Team Hackathons
In Red Team vs. Blue Team hackathons, participants are divided into two groups: attackers (Red Team) and defenders (Blue Team). The Red Team attempts to breach the systems, while the Blue Team works to detect and mitigate the attacks.
Key Features:
Example: In a corporate setting, a Red Team might simulate a phishing attack, while the Blue Team works to identify and respond to the threat.
4. Thematic Hackathons
Thematic hackathons focus on specific cybersecurity issues or industries, such as healthcare, finance, or IoT (Internet of Things). These events challenge participants to develop solutions tailored to the unique security needs of a particular sector.
Key Features:
Example: A healthcare cybersecurity hackathon might focus on protecting patient data, securing medical devices, or preventing ransomware attacks on hospital systems.
5. Innovation Hackathons
Innovation hackathons encourage participants to create new cybersecurity tools, technologies, or methodologies. These events are less about solving predefined problems and more about fostering creativity and innovation.
Key Features:
Example: A hackathon organised by a tech company might challenge participants to develop a new type of encryption algorithm or a novel intrusion detection system.
6. Cyber Crisis Simulations
Cyber crisis simulation hackathons simulate a large-scale cyberattack, such as a data breach or ransomware outbreak. Participants must respond to the crisis, manage the incident, and mitigate the damage.
Key Features:
Example: A simulation might involve a mock ransomware attack on a city’s infrastructure, requiring participants to restore critical services and communicate with stakeholders.
7. Educational Hackathons
Educational hackathons are designed primarily for learning and skill development. These events often include workshops, tutorials, and mentoring sessions alongside the main competition.
Key Features:
Example: A university-organised hackathon might include workshops on the latest cybersecurity tools and techniques, followed by hands-on practice through challenges.
8. Collaborative Hackathons
Collaborative hackathons bring together participants from different organisations, such as companies, government agencies, and academic institutions, to work on common cybersecurity challenges.
Key Features:
Example: A national cybersecurity hackathon might bring together experts from various sectors to work on improving the country’s critical infrastructure security.
9. Capture-the-Flag (CTF) Jeopardy-Style
Jeopardy-style CTF hackathons present participants with a board of challenges across different categories. Each challenge has a point value based on its difficulty.
Key Features:
Example: A university CTF event might include challenges on topics like steganography, SQL injection, and password cracking.
10. Corporate Hackathons
Corporate hackathons are organised by companies to solve specific security issues related to their products or services. These events often aim to improve the security posture of the company’s offerings.
Key Features:
Example: A tech company might host a hackathon to find and fix vulnerabilities in their latest software release.
Cybersecurity hackathons come in many shapes and sizes, each offering unique opportunities for learning, collaboration, and innovation. Whether you're interested in solving specific security challenges, developing new tools, or responding to simulated cyber crises, there's a hackathon for you. Understanding the different types can help you choose the right event to match your skills and interests, ensuring a rewarding and enriching experience. Happy hacking!
submitted by Shyam2424 to u/Shyam2424 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:49 WineCups Thoughts? Basava 2.0???

Thoughts? Basava 2.0??? submitted by WineCups to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:22 Worldly-Tradition-59 Benefits of Choosing Delhi Public School Panvel for Your Child's Education

Benefits of Choosing Delhi Public School Panvel for Your Child's Education
Delhi Public School Panvel
Best CBSE School In Panvel, Navi Mumbai
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most crucial decisions you'll make as a parent. The foundation of your child’s education significantly shapes their future, making it essential to select an institution that aligns with your values and aspirations. Delhi Public School (DPS) Panvel stands out as a premier choice for many parents due to its holistic approach to education, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to excellence.
History and Reputation of Delhi Public School Panvel
Delhi Public School Panvel is part of the renowned DPS Society, known for its legacy of excellence in education. Established with the mission to foster academic rigor and character development, DPS Panvel has grown into a beacon of quality education. Over the years, the school has garnered numerous accolades, reflecting its commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals.
Academic Excellence
At DPS Panvel, academic excellence is at the forefront. The school offers a robust curriculum designed to challenge and engage students. From primary to senior secondary levels, the emphasis is on fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. The school’s consistent performance in board examinations and various competitive exams is a testament to its academic prowess.
Qualified and Experienced Faculty
A school’s faculty plays a pivotal role in shaping students' futures. DPS Panvel boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers dedicated to their profession. The faculty members are not only experts in their respective fields but also passionate educators who continuously update their knowledge through various professional development programs.
Holistic Development Approach
DPS Panvel believes in nurturing every aspect of a child's personality. The school offers a plethora of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and drama, ensuring that students develop skills beyond academics. This holistic approach helps students discover and hone their talents, fostering a balanced and fulfilling school experience.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Infrastructure plays a significant role in providing a conducive learning environment. DPS Panvel is equipped with modern classrooms, well-stocked libraries, and advanced laboratories for science and computer studies. The school also features extensive sports facilities, including playgrounds, courts, and a swimming pool, encouraging students to stay active and healthy.
Technological Integration in Education
In today’s digital age, integrating technology into education is imperative. DPS Panvel leverages smart classrooms and digital tools to enhance the learning experience. Students have access to various online resources and educational platforms, which aid in interactive and personalized learning.
Strong Focus on Safety and Security
Safety is a top priority at DPS Panvel. The school has implemented comprehensive safety measures, including CCTV surveillance, secure entry points, and regular safety drills. These protocols ensure a safe and secure environment where students can focus on their studies without any concerns.
Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Effective communication between parents and teachers is crucial for a child’s development. DPS Panvel fosters strong parent-teacher relationships through regular meetings and open communication channels. This collaboration helps in understanding each child’s unique needs and addressing them promptly.
Personalized Attention to Students
DPS Panvel prides itself on offering personalized attention to each student. With an optimal student-teacher ratio, teachers can focus on the individual needs of students, providing tailored guidance and support. This personalized approach ensures that every child receives the attention they deserve, enhancing their learning experience.
Inclusive Education
Inclusion is a core value at DPS Panvel. The school provides support for students with special needs, ensuring they receive the necessary accommodations and assistance. Additionally, the emphasis on diversity and inclusion fosters an environment where every student feels valued and respected.
Global Exposure and Exchange Programs
In an increasingly interconnected world, global exposure is invaluable. DPS Panvel offers various international exchange programs and partnerships with schools abroad. These opportunities allow students to experience different cultures, broadening their perspectives and preparing them for global citizenship.
Focus on Values and Ethics
Education at DPS Panvel goes beyond academics; it encompasses values and ethics. The school implements character education programs and encourages students to participate in community service initiatives. These efforts instill a sense of responsibility, empathy, and integrity in students.
Achievements in Sports and Arts
DPS Panvel has a rich history of achievements in sports and the arts. The school encourages students to pursue their passions and provides ample support to excel in their chosen fields. Whether it's winning sports championships or showcasing talent in arts and music, DPS Panvel students consistently make their mark.
Choosing Delhi Public School Panvel for your child’s education comes with a multitude of benefits. From academic excellence and experienced faculty to holistic development and state-of-the-art infrastructure, DPS Panvel ensures a well-rounded and enriching educational experience. The school’s commitment to safety, personalized attention, inclusive education, and global exposure further enhances its appeal. By fostering values and ethics alongside academic and extracurricular achievements, DPS Panvel prepares students to succeed in all aspects of life.
What is the student-teacher ratio at DPS Panvel? The student-teacher ratio at DPS Panvel is designed to ensure personalized attention, typically around 20:1, allowing for individual mentoring and support.
1. Does DPS Panvel offer transportation facilities? Yes, DPS Panvel provides safe and reliable transportation facilities for students, covering various routes in and around Panvel.
2. How does DPS Panvel support students with special needs? DPS Panvel has a dedicated support system for students with special needs, including specialized staff and tailored educational plans to ensure an inclusive learning environment.
3. What extracurricular activities are available at DPS Panvel? DPS Panvel offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, drama, and various clubs and societies to cater to diverse interests.
4. How can parents stay informed about their child's progress at DPS Panvel? Parents can stay informed through regular parent-teacher meetings, progress reports, and the school’s online communication platforms, ensuring continuous updates on their child’s development.
submitted by Worldly-Tradition-59 to u/Worldly-Tradition-59 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:14 WreveAU DD:DA Bingo with Bingosync

DD:DA Bingo with Bingosync
Tl;dr: I love Captain Domo's Bingo Brawlers events for Elden Ring and wanted to emulate that game mode in DD:DA, so I found a YouTube tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPPNYb4A6T8) for how to make a Bingosync board and did so. I'm posting the template publicly on here so that anyone else who thinks they might enjoy such a game mode needn't create it from scratch themselves. If you're interested I've posted a .xlsx file below with everything you need.
Example board of a game in progress
Like some others in the community, I've found Dragon's Dogma 2 to be a bit of a let down. In some ways, it's a vast improvement. The traversal, the graphics, player homes, ripostes on stunned/downed enemies, all of these things are great. Yet (for some of us) it has not proven itself to be worth playing over the original, and whilst I'm personally holding out hope for more substantial patches to address some of the more substantial issues and for a DLC to swoop in and revitalise the game, I need something to do in the mean time. Like just about everyone else here, I've done more or less everything there is to do in DD:DA. So in my search for new ways to enjoy this old gem, I decided to take one of the most popular community created game mode ideas in all of gaming and apply it to DD:DA. That game mode of course being Bingo.
On the off chance that you're unfamiliar with this game mode, it basically boils down to listing a bunch of arbitrary objectives to be completed in game and racing with another player to complete a random selection of those objectives. Beyond that, rules vary quite a bit. You can play Lockout Bingo where only 1 player can mark each objective, you can play Blackout Bingo where instead of trying to score a Bingo your goal is to complete every objective on the board. It's a very fun way to create a real-time competitive experience from traditionally single-player games. The template and instructions file (linked below) is currently sitting at 90 objectives which is a bit less than an objectives list like that currently used by the Elden Ring Bingo Brawlers but still enough that you won't be seeing back to back to back repeats of the same objectives. I could probably stretch it to 110-120 by adding in some more fetchey and/or exploration based objectives but I'll see how it goes with 90 before padding anything out.
So yeah, that's basically it. Figured if I'm making for myself it's not much extra work to share it so that anyone else who has the same idea doesn't have to make it from scratch. Feel free to suggest changes/additions to the objective list or just download the .xlsx file and make your own.
submitted by WreveAU to DragonsDogma [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:06 WeKnowNothing 16day Trip Report - Milan - Venice - Arezzo - Salerno - Rome (4/11/24-4/27/24)

Hi all, and thanks for all the wonderful help and advice I found on this subreddit whilst planning this trip. We've been home for a little over a month now, and I finally feel like I have some time to post the details of our trip. I'll try to be as detailed as possible, but please feel free to ask questions, and I'll do my best to answer. Just for a little background, we started planning this trip around summefall of 2022. My wife and I are in our early 30s, and our friend who joined us is in her mid-40s. Our friend has traveled extensively, but my wife and I have only had a couple international forays, and this was my first trip to Europe. We're easy going and don't pack a ton of luggage (a carry-on each and one checked bag total). We did a lot of planning up front so we could do more relaxing when we got there. My wife and our friend both have celiac disease, so you can count this post as gluten-free guide to Italy too. Hope you enjoy!
Day 1: Denver to Milan
Day 2: Milan to Venice
Day 3: Venice
Day 4: Venice
Day 5: Venice
Day 6: Venice to Arezzo via Florence
Day 7: Arezzo
Day 8: Arezzo
Day 9: Castiglione del Lago/Cortona/Arezzo
Day 10: Arezzo to Salerno via Florence
Day 11: Salerno/Paestum
Day 12: Capri
Day 13: Vesuvius and Pompeii
Day 14: Salerno to Rome
Day 15: Rome
Day 16: Rome
In Conclusion: Phew, that was a long synopsis. Hopefully there's one or two of you out there who gathered something useful from it. We thoroughly enjoyed this trip and can't wait to return. Venice and Salerno were definitely our highlights, but the whole country was beautiful. Traveling and navigating public transit were super easy. Learning Italian is absolutely not necessary as every person spoke at least a little English, but I recommend it anyways for fun and to show a little respect. We didn't feel the need to pay for international cell phone service, just downloaded some offline google and avenza maps and snagged wifi when we could. Please feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by WeKnowNothing to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:52 lokey_convo Board of Supervisors to consider truncated hours for the Planning & Building Department

The Board of Supervisors have been considering a lot of issues relating to local governmental structure and operation over the past week. Check out the June 3rd meeting and the second half of the meeting today, June 10th, if you're out of the loop. Tomorrow (June 11th) they are going to look at possibly changing the hours of operation for the Planning & Building Department, allowing the office to close to the public (that's you) at 2pm.
What does that mean? If the only time you can ever get down there to submit something or ask questions in person is in the later half of the day, you're s.o.l. Keep in mind that on June 3rd the Board of Supervisors approved an allowance for all County departments to close to the public on Fridays if the department's leadership so choose. So these new operating hours for the Planning & Building Department could be in addition to closure on Friday's.
They also don't open to the public until 8:30am every day, and in 2020/2021 during the worst of COVID the department's leadership was proud to be open to the public with normal hours before vaccinations were readily available, putting staff at risk. But I guess now they can limit their public operating hours... because reasons...
Keep in mind, staff will still be there, they just wont talk to you in person.
submitted by lokey_convo to Humboldt [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:48 Benjanomy MTG Set Review [Draft] [Other]

Hi Spikes,
For some weekend fun I made an MTG set reviewer. It lets you give card ratings, build around / side board ratings, and you can share your set review with others.
Here's one I started on my account for mh3 (need to finish the actual reviews lol). Just click on the my review and you can share the url with others it should be public.
I just made this for fun, hoping it will make doing your set reviews a little easier and make it easier to share.
Feel free to roast or let me know if you want any specific features.
submitted by Benjanomy to spikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:15 StillChillTrill Calvine! An Eyebrow Raising Classic UAP/UFO Case

Calvine! An Eyebrow Raising Classic UAP/UFO Case
I think the Calvine UAP story is fascinating. I also found it interesting that the Calvine photo was used during Nell's Sol Symposium slides that compared a UAP to a TNO. I think this is one of the cases that has been mentioned in the past as existing info in the public sphere but has suffered attacks and attempted obfuscation. There has been a lot of research over the years into this one so I don't think I will uncover anything new for those with a lot of time in the topic, but it may help to consolidate the related information into one place for those interested in it. The photo.
Calvine 1990 Photograph
It was celebrated around here when the photo was found. See Calvine shares similarities with other confirmed UAP/UFO like the Tic Tac. Cases that where whispers, then leaks, then retroactively confirmed to be a UAP/UFO.
  1. ATS website posts about the Tic Tac Event, posted in 2007
  2. Reddit post about the Tic Tac event, posted in 2013
  3. Fightersweep article about the Tic Tac Event, posted in 2015
  4. 2017 Article written by NYT as part of a series that talks about the Pentagon's UAP programs and some of the events. The Tic Tac is one of those events described in the NYT Article
The official story regarding the Calvine UFO incident, according to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), is that after examining the photograph and investigating the incident, they found no evidence of any threat to the UK's defense and no indication that the observed phenomena were anything other than ordinary. Consequently, they concluded that the UFO sighting was of limited interest and decided not to pursue it further. The MoD has maintained that their interest in UFOs is strictly in terms of defense and national security, and they investigate sightings only to ensure there is no potential military threat.
So it's not investigated if it isn't a threat. If it's some sort of allied craft that was being escorted, they could deem it not a threat, and not investigate it?
Has helped bring new details to light in this classic case and I recommend reading the articles that are recent explanations of the Calvine story. David Clarke is a known skeptic but his healthy approach to the phenomenon and persistence in this case has allowed it to remain as one of the most interesting cases in the public sphere to date. Since it hasn't been debunked and it's been out there for 34 years, it remains a true UAP.
"Eventually the two men stuck their camera out from where they were hiding and fired off six frames. At that point, the object shot vertically upwards and disappeared way, way up in to the sky."
The 2 hikers who took the photo shared details of the encounter worth reading about. Apparently we won't know their identity until 2050 due to MoD classification. If it was deemed to not be a threat, what gives for the lock down of their identity and classification?
Who is Nick Pope)?
Pope worked as a civil servant for the Ministry of Defence from 1985 to 2006. From 1991 to 1994, he worked in Secretariat (Air Staff) Sec (AS) 2a more commonly known as the "UFO desk", where his duties included investigating reports of UFO sightings, to see if they had any defence significance. At the time, while the Ministry of Defence stated that it "remains totally open-minded about the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms", it also stated that there was no evidence to suggest that any UFO sightings posed any threat to the UK or that they were extraterrestrial in origin.\5])#citenote-5) It is clear from material that Pope wrote whilst still at the MoD that he did not share the MoD's view that conventional explanations could be found for all UFO sightings.[\6])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Pope(journalist)#cite_note-6)
I find comments like this from Nick Pope to be very intriguing:
Calvine UFO Photo: It's my policy not to comment on leaked information, especially if it might be classified, so until I receive Ministry of Defence advice, I can neither confirm nor deny if this is the picture that was displayed on my office wall when I ran the MoD's 'UFO desk'
There have been references of a mockup that hung in an office over the years.
Nick Pope spoke on the Calvine photo in an article written October 2020.
The MoD’s technical wizards leapt into action. The images were enlarged and analyzed, using the full resources and capabilities of intelligence community specialists. Even now, years after these events, I can’t discuss the details of this process, as so much of the information is top secret.
The analysis was nothing short of sensational. The photos hadn’t been faked. They showed a structured craft of unknown origin, unlike any conventional aircraft. There was no fuselage, no wings, no tail, no engines and no markings of any sort.
Because the photos had been taken in daylight with the surrounding countryside visible, MoD boffins could make some calculations about the mystery object’s size. It turned out to be nearly 100 feet in diameter.
Now here's where it gets interesting for me.
An enlargement of the photos revealed two military jets in the background. It wasn’t clear if they were escorting the UFO, trying to intercept it, or whether their presence was coincidental and the pilots had been too far away to see it.
My predecessor had undertaken the investigation and I was staggered to learn that it hadn’t proved possible to trace the aircraft. This was unprecedented and suggested that someone inside the MoD had sabotaged the investigation and blocked the UFO project from getting to the truth. Dark forces were at work.
I've seen an explanation that some believe it was a hoax photo and the whole thing was an argument over who owned the Harrier. But if there were two Harriers, according to Nick Pope who spoke on the existence and authenticity of the photo to the press, then how come they weren't arguing over both Harriers?
The RAF and USMC both had Harriers and the Royal Air Force asked the Americans why a USMC Harrier was flying in Scotland. Neither side claimed ownership of the plane. But I think it's important to note that according to Nick Pope, there were 2 Harriers in a photograph analyzed by MoD.
Some do suggest it's a rock and reflection, and the Harrier is a person in a rowboat on the water. Well again, what Harrier where they arguing about if it was a rowboat on the water.
Calvine Rock Debunk Picture
But there has been a significant amount of leg work by others that make this theory very implausible. As this user shared a year ago:
It's almost definitely not a reflection, it is known where they were taken - Struan Point near Calvine in Perthshire. The video I shared previously has David Clarke getting interviews with the RAF spokesperson as well as a local, they go the place where the photo was taken and match up everything. There is no lake where the photo was taken. Here's an article on the UAP from David Clarkes website.
Approximate Location of Calvine photo
A senior lecturer in Photography at Sheffield Hallam University has done some photo analysis.
Although it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the plane could be flying upside down, the shadow of the clouds would also be reflected backwards, this is not the case.
Here's a comparison of a colourised image and the location determined by the investigators as the correct one.
The MoD have hidden all 6 photographs for the past 32 years. While photocopies, drawings and insider mock ups of the “Calvine UAP” have been leaked to the public, the originals were kept classified. In 2020, when their 30 year statute of limitations was up, the MoD was supposed to release info on the event as part of a secret UFO dossier on January 1 2021. The MoD and The National Archives ruled over the statute to keep them and the identity of the photographers classified until 2076 (though the photographers name has now been revealed). A retired RAF officer secretly kept a copy of one of the pictures. Surely it would have been easier for the MoD to explain it away as a rock from the offset.
More analysis has been done as of late
By two planes. Maybe I'm wrong though. Look forward to thoughts! I mostly just find this case so interesting since it was used as an example of a UAP vs TNO during Nell's slides at Sol Symposium.
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:14 ElliotFladen It is official: my town council just UNANIMOUSLY condemned Students for a Democratic Society for uttering racist chants against Jews.

It is official: my town council just UNANIMOUSLY condemned Students for a Democratic Society for uttering racist chants against Jews. submitted by ElliotFladen to DenverCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:50 Agitated-Concept2949 Uptu registration starts today!!!!

Uptu registration starts today!!!! submitted by Agitated-Concept2949 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:48 Agitated-Concept2949 Uptu registration starts today !!!!!

Uptu registration starts today !!!!! submitted by Agitated-Concept2949 to AKTU [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:04 AnarchoFerret A message from the LPCO

The Libertarian Party of Colorado (LPCO) will not nominate Chase Oliver & Mike ter Maat as its candidates for President & Vice President
LPCO has always stood firmly for liberty, principled opposition to overreaching government, and the promotion of individual freedoms. Our commitment to these values guides our decisions and actions.
Tonight, the LPCO Board passed a resolution affirming our dedication to these principles by deciding not to submit paperwork to place the Oliveter Maat ticket on the Colorado Presidential ballot.
This decision was not taken lightly, it reflects the will of our delegation which voted NOTA in the final round of voting. and reiterates our deep concern that the national ticket does not align with the values and strategies that the LPCO holds dear.
While Chase Oliver was having a masked and distanced Thanksgiving dinner in 2020, LPCO members were risking fines and jail to have normal, human, illegal Thanksgivings with their friends and families.
While Chase Oliver was saying that "gender-affirming care" is a decision between the parents and the child, LPCO members were pointing out the network of public school officials, public health bureaucrats, and billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies creating a web of perverse incentives to pressure parents and children into irreversible decisions.
While Chase Oliver was silent about alleged Russian collusion, LPCO members were years ahead of the public in identifying the intelligence agencies' creation and the Clinton campaign's funding of the Steele dossier.
While Mike ter Maat was making feeble jokes about former President Trump's New York trial verdict, LPCO members were organizing locally to preserve the rule of law in the face of a nationally unprecedented assault on this fundamental societal underpinning.
The LPCO appreciates their strong antiwar stances, as war is indeed the health of the state. However, the fact remains that these individuals have not understood the regime when it mattered and are therefore unfit to represent our values—they are essentially useful idiots for the regime, and we will not lift one finger to support them.
The LPCO remains committed to leveraging our position to secure concessions that advance liberty, undermine the regime, and build a local bench of elected officials who can eventually win.
We call on the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) to decertify the Oliveter Maat ticket and align with the true principles of liberty that our party stands for. At a minimum, the LNC must allow states to pursue their own electoral strategies to maximize Libertarian outcomes.
We thank our members for their unwavering support and dedication to the cause of liberty. Together, we will continue to fight for a freer Colorado and a freer America.
Source: https://x.com/LPCO/status/1800348419208135136?t=N5uLwFbJdJ2hUnh3c_s_Rg&s=19
submitted by AnarchoFerret to LibertarianPartyUSA [link] [comments]
