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Health Daily News June 9 2024

2024.06.10 08:58 healthmedicinet Health Daily News June 9 2024

DAY: JUNE 9 2024


Anett Bommer holds the arm of her husband Michael Bommer, who is terminally ill with colon cancer, during a meeting with The Associated Press at his home in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Bommer, who has only a few more weeks to live, teamed up with friend who runs the AI-powered legacy platform Eternos to “create a comprehensive, interactive AI version of himself, allowing relatives to engage with his life experiences and insights,” after he has passed away.


Two people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s claim to have conquered the disease through simple lifestyle changes. Dementia and Alzheimer’s have been the leading killers in the UK for the last ten years, accounting for 11.4% of deaths in 2022. Although new drugs can reduce the disease’s progression, more evidence is emerging that something as simple as integrating a healthy lifestyle can “reverse” symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease can be split in two subgroups, familial and sporadic. Only 5% of patients with Alzheimer’s are familial, inherited, and 95% of Alzheimer’s patients are


If you have used Google lately and been lucky—or unlucky—enough to encounter an answer to your query rather than a bunch of links, you have been subjected to something called AI Overviews. This is a new core feature that Google has been rolling out, a move widely anticipated since the company’s experiments with its LaMDA large language model in 2021, and since OpenAI’s ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot rocketed to prominence in 2023. This feature is yet another addition to the increasing number of add-ons and tools being integrated into search


So you’ve got yourself a gym membership or bought a set of home weights. Now what? With the sheer amount of confusing exercise advice out there, it can be hard to decide what to include in a weights routine. It can help to know there are broadly two types of movements in resistance training (lifting weights): compound exercises and isolation exercises. So what’s the difference? And what’s all this got to do with strength, speed and healthy aging? What’s the difference? Compound exercises involve multiple joints and muscle groups working


Large language models behind popular generative AI platforms like ChatGPT gave different answers when asked to respond to the same reasoning test and didn’t improve when given additional context, finds a new study by researchers at University College London. The study tested the most advanced large language models (LLMs) using cognitive psychology tests to gauge their capacity for reasoning. The results highlight the importance of understanding how these AIs “think” before entrusting them with tasks, particularly those involving decision-making. In recent years, the LLMs


New Hampshire voters received a barrage of robocalls in which a computer-generated imitation of President Biden discouraged them from voting in the January primary. While the admitted mastermind was slapped with felony charges and a proposed FCC fine, his deed is just one wound left by the cutting-edge technology law enforcement is struggling to catch up with: artificial intelligence. Computer-generated “deepfakes” can impersonate not only the voice and face of anyone but can contribute to the manipulation of and the sexual and reputational harm to individuals and the public at


Digital Embed Artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT could soon run out of what keeps making them smarter—the tens of trillions of words people have written and shared online. A new study released Thursday by research group Epoch AI projects that tech companies will exhaust the supply of publicly available training data for AI language models by roughly the turn of the decade—sometime between 2026 and 2032. Comparing it to a “literal


In the not-too-distant future, most of the information people consume on the internet will be influenced by artificial intelligence, a Northeastern expert says. And while it is impossible to slow the use of AI, it is crucial to understand AI’s limits—both what it cannot and should not do—and to adopt ethical norms for its development and deployment, says


Have you ever wished you could understand what your dog is trying to say to you? University of Michigan researchers are exploring the possibilities of AI, developing tools that can identify whether a dog’s bark conveys playfulness or aggression. The same models can also glean other information from animal vocalizations, such as the animal’s age, breed and sex. A collaboration with


Musicians are furious that new tech has gutted their income. Record labels are wary, yet eager to cut deals with ascendant platforms. Fans are delighted to access songs for a pittance, even as they’re screwing over beloved artists. The fears about today’s streaming economy echo the existential panic when Napster debuted in 1999. The peer-to-peer service—where fans swapped catalogs of MP3 song files—walloped the record business. It helped demolish billions in label revenue, forcing a sclerotic industry to reassess its entire model. It scrambled loyalties among fans, artists, tech companies


Menopause used to be a taboo topic in many quarters. Now, it’s frequently in the news. In March 2024, the White House announced an initiative to “Galvanize New Research on Women’s Midlife Health.” In May, Sen. Patty Murray introduced bipartisan legislation that would spend US$275 million to improve menopause care and midlife health. The actor Halle Berry went to Capitol Hill to help draw attention to the measure. While she was there, she shouted: “I’m in menopause.” This new focus on menopause and the greater openness to talking about it


“Future You” is an interactive chat platform that allows users to chat with a relatable yet virtual version of their future selves in real time via a large language model that has been personalized based on a pre-intervention survey centered on user future goals and personal qualities. To make the conversation realistic, the system generates an individualized synthetic memory for the user’s future self that contains a backstory for the user at age 60. To increase the believability of the future-self character, the system applies age progress to the user’s


Exercise is often recommended as an effective strategy for weight loss. However, a recent animal study at University of Tsukuba revealed that intense exercise sessions can decrease subsequent physical activity levels and body temperature, ultimately contributing to weight gain. This observation may be linked to disruptions in the circadian rhythm of the stress hormone corticosterone and may disturb the synchronous effects of physical activity and body temperature. Exercise provides numerous health benefits, but its effects on weight loss are sometimes less than expected. This phenomenon may be secondary to reduced


Using computer-assisted neural networks, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Duisburg-Essen have been able to accurately identify affective states from the body language of tennis players during games. For the first time, they trained a model based on artificial intelligence (AI) with data from actual games. Their study demonstrates that AI can assess body language and emotions with accuracy similar to that of humans. However, it also points to ethical concerns. For their study, “Recognizing affective states from


Midjourney’s guardrails failed in forty percent of test cases, according to the nonprofit CCDH. Tests on a leading AI tool allowed the creation of deceptive and incriminating images of President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a watchdog said Wednesday, despite pledges to block fake photos of the presidential contenders ahead of elections in November. Disinformation researchers fear rampant misuse of AI-powered applications in a year of major elections around the world, thanks to proliferating online tools that are cheap and easy to use and lack sufficient guardrails. The non-profit Center


A glowing marker dye that sticks to prostate cancer cells could help surgeons to remove them in real-time Scientists used a fluorescent dye attached to a special marker molecule to give medics a


Researchers could be closer to discovering a better way to use metformin, a common type 2 diabetes medication. Metformin, which has been a cornerstone in diabetes treatment since the 1960s, is typically taken with meals to reduce gastrointestinal side effects, but new research is suggesting patients could see improved results if it’s taken before meals. Dr. Cong Xie postdoctoral research fellow in the Centre of Research Excellence in Translating Nutritional Science to Good Health, at Adelaide Medical School,


In recent days, both Ticketek Australia and Ticketmaster have experienced breaches which have exposed customer details to hackers. They join a growing list of high-profile data breaches that have put the privacy of millions at risk. For example, in 2022, Optus disclosed a breach of 9.8 million records. In 2023, Latitude, the Australian financial services firm, experienced a data breach of more than 14 million records. My own university, the Australian National University, experienced a data breach of 200,000 records in 2018. Dan Murphy’s, Football Australia, Microsoft,


At some point in your life, you are likely to need legal advice. A survey carried out in 2023 by the Law Society, the Legal Services Board and YouGov found that two-thirds of respondents had experienced a legal issue in the past four years. The most common problems were employment, finance, welfare and benefits and consumer issues. But not everyone can afford to pay for legal advice. Of those survey respondents with legal problems, only 52% received professional help, 11% had assistance from other people such as family and friends


Nvidia Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.’s chiefs showcased new generations of the chips powering the global boom in AI development, deepening a rivalry that may decide the direction of artificial intelligence design and adoption. Jensen Huang and Lisa Su—both born in Taiwan and now local celebrities for leading U.S. tech powerhouses—employed different tacks in conveying their expertise during back-to-back shows at the world’s largest computing conference this week in Taipei. Nvidia’s CEO repeatedly voiced his $2.7 trillion company’s dominance in the accelerators that OpenAI and Microsoft Corp. rely on


With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, unmanned systems such as autonomous driving and embodied intelligence are continuously being promoted and applied in real-world scenarios, leading to a new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Visual perception, a core means of information acquisition, plays a crucial role in these intelligent systems. However, achieving efficient, precise, and robust visual perception in dynamic, diverse, and unpredictable environments remains an open challenge. In open-world scenarios, intelligent systems must not only process vast


Researchers have investigated how an artificial intelligence categorizes images. The results show astonishing similarities to visual systems in nature. How do you teach a machine to recognize objects in images? Huge progress has been made in this area in recent years. With the help of neural networks, for example, images of animals can be assigned to the respective species with a very high success rate. This is achieved by training a neural network


In the ever-evolving landscape of automotive technology, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as front-runners in the global push towards sustainability. A study delves deep into the motivators and barriers influencing consumer adoption of electric vehicles worldwide, providing a comprehensive review that highlights significant insights for both policymakers and potential EV consumers. The allure of electric vehicles primarily stems from


Researchers have developed a model that enables computers to interpret and understand human emotions, utilizing principles of mathematical psychology. This advancement could significantly improve the interface between humans and smart technologies, including artificial intelligence systems, making them more intuitive and responsive to user feelings.


A new review of research about antidepressant withdrawal has confirmed it does exist, but also reports that it’s less common and severe than previously found. These findings feed into a growing debate about how common and severe withdrawal effects are. But we argue the researchers probably underestimate the incidence in long-term users who are most at risk of withdrawal effects. One of the main limitations of this review is that it involved mostly short-term antidepressant users and therefore underestimates how common these symptoms are in people who take the drugs


The world of robotics is witnessing a transformative shift with the rise of soft robotics, which offers unparalleled flexibility and adaptability in various applications, from medical interventions to intricate rescue operations.
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2024.06.10 08:22 fxdatalabs_Yp What are the main benefits of faster AI implementation through service providers?

The Main Benefits of Faster AI Implementation Through Service Providers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries by enhancing efficiency, improving customer experiences, and enabling innovative solutions. However, the journey from concept to deployment can be complex and time-consuming. Service providers specializing in AI can significantly accelerate this process, offering numerous benefits to businesses of all sizes.
Let's delve into the main advantages of faster AI implementation through service providers.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, staying ahead of the competition requires swift and strategic action. For many businesses, AI offers a path to innovation and growth, but the implementation process can be daunting. Partnering with AI service providers can streamline this journey, delivering faster results and a host of other benefits.

Understanding AI Implementation

What is AI Implementation?

AI implementation involves integrating AI technologies into business processes to automate tasks, analyze data, and improve decision-making. This process can include various stages such as planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Importance of Speed in AI Deployment

The speed at which AI is implemented can significantly impact a business's ability to compete and innovate. Faster deployment means quicker access to the benefits of AI, such as improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer insights, and better market responsiveness.

Role of Service Providers in AI Implementation

What Are AI Service Providers?

AI service providers are companies that offer specialized expertise and solutions to help businesses implement AI technologies. These providers can offer a range of services, from consulting and strategy development to technical implementation and ongoing support.

Types of AI Service Providers

  1. Consulting Firms: Offer strategic advice and project management.
  2. Technology Vendors: Provide AI tools and platforms.
  3. Managed Service Providers: Handle end-to-end AI deployment and maintenance.
  4. Specialized AI Startups: Focus on niche AI applications and innovations.

Benefits of Faster AI Implementation Through Service Providers

Rapid Prototyping and Deployment

Service providers have the expertise and resources to quickly develop and deploy AI solutions. This means businesses can move from the conceptual stage to a working prototype much faster, allowing them to test and iterate on AI applications quickly.

Access to Expertise and Advanced Technologies

AI service providers bring specialized knowledge and access to advanced technologies that may not be readily available in-house. This expertise ensures that AI implementations are robust, scalable, and aligned with the latest industry standards and innovations.

Cost Efficiency

By leveraging the resources and expertise of service providers, businesses can reduce the costs associated with AI implementation. Providers often offer flexible pricing models and can help businesses avoid the high costs of hiring and training in-house AI specialists.

Scalability and Flexibility

Service providers offer scalable solutions that can grow with the business. Whether a company is starting with a small pilot project or rolling out AI across multiple departments, providers can adjust the scale and scope of their services to meet changing needs.

Risk Mitigation

AI implementations can be complex and risky. Service providers help mitigate these risks by applying best practices, ensuring compliance with regulations, and providing ongoing support and maintenance to address any issues that arise.

Industry-Specific Benefits


In healthcare, faster AI implementation can lead to quicker diagnosis and treatment, improved patient care, and more efficient operations. Service providers can help healthcare organizations integrate AI into electronic health records, diagnostic tools, and patient management systems.


For the retail industry, AI can enhance customer experiences through personalized recommendations, inventory management, and predictive analytics. Service providers enable retailers to quickly deploy AI solutions that drive sales and improve customer satisfaction.


In manufacturing, AI can optimize production processes, predict maintenance needs, and improve supply chain efficiency. Service providers facilitate the rapid integration of AI into manufacturing operations, leading to increased productivity and reduced downtime.

Case Studies of Successful AI Implementations

Small Business Transformation

A small e-commerce business partnered with an AI service provider to implement a personalized recommendation engine. This resulted in a 30% increase in sales within six months, showcasing the rapid impact of expert-led AI implementation.

Large Enterprise Overhauls

A large financial institution collaborated with an AI service provider to develop and deploy a fraud detection system. The project, which would have taken years to complete in-house, was successfully implemented in under a year, significantly reducing fraud losses.

Steps to Choose the Right AI Service Provider

Identifying Business Needs

Start by clearly defining your business objectives and the specific AI capabilities you need. This will help you find a provider that specializes in your area of interest.

Evaluating Provider Capabilities

Assess potential providers based on their expertise, track record, and the technologies they offer. Look for case studies and client testimonials to gauge their success in similar projects.

Considering Long-Term Partnerships

AI implementation is an ongoing process. Choose a provider that offers long-term support and is willing to build a strategic partnership, helping you adapt and grow your AI capabilities over time.

Challenges in Working with AI Service Providers

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

When working with external providers, data privacy and security are paramount. Ensure the provider adheres to strict data protection standards and has robust security measures in place.

Managing Change and Integration

Integrating AI solutions into existing systems and workflows can be challenging. Effective change management strategies and thorough integration plans are essential to minimize disruption and maximize the benefits of AI.

Future Trends in AI Implementation Services

Increased Customization and Personalization

Future AI services will likely offer more customized solutions tailored to the unique needs of each business. This personalization will enhance the relevance and effectiveness of AI implementations.

Integration with Emerging Technologies

AI will increasingly integrate with other emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and advanced analytics. Service providers will play a key role in facilitating these integrations, offering holistic solutions that drive innovation.


Faster AI implementation through service providers offers numerous benefits, including rapid prototyping, access to expertise, cost efficiency, scalability, and risk mitigation. By partnering with the right AI service provider, businesses can overcome the challenges of AI adoption and leverage its full potential to drive growth and innovation.
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2024.06.10 08:03 Bestshop2 What's a good IPTV provider in Canada ?

What's a good IPTV provider in Canada ?

what is the best iptv canada 2024 ?

Learn more about Canada’s leading IPTV Services and dive into the details of each provider to identify the best IPTV Canada service providers that best suit your home.
What is IPTV?
Internet Protocol Television, or IPTV, is the modern way of watching TV. This method delivers the TV content with the help of Internet Protocol. This enables users to get quick access to TV channels, movies, shows, and other types of entertainment content from all over the world.
All you need to do is choose a suitable service provider, buy a subscription, install their application, login, and get started. Some service providers offer yearly or even lifetime subscriptions at quite reasonable prices.
Benefits of IPTV:
  • You have access to a vast number of global channels at your fingertips.
  • You have the option to purchase a subscription for a month, three months, six months, one year, or even a lifetime.
  • You can buy multiple subscriptions to get discounts.
  • Most IPTV services are compatible with all devices, even your mobile phone
  • You can watch your favorite content from anywhere in the world, even if you are traveling. All you need is a stable internet connection.
The only drawback of the IPTV service is that it requires a good internet connection for the smooth streaming of videos. If you do not have a good speed internet connection, then the service is useless for you.
What to look for when choosing an IPTV service?
Tips for selecting a best service:
  1. It should support the maximum number of devices so that if you plan to replace your device in the future, you won’t have to change your service provider.
  2. It should offer a good range of channels (check for your preferred channels beforehand).
  3. Look for features like easy channel navigation, marking favorite channels, recording a show, etc.
  4. Look for the payment options they are offering beforehand.
  5. It should be VPN-friendly so that you can keep your identity and activities private.
  6. Some are offering lifetime subscriptions at quite impressive prices. It can be great if you fully trust the service. But if you think you may find a better service in the future, you can choose from the 6-month or 1-year plans.
Best for Access endless entertainment: movies, series, matches all in one subscription!.
IPTVCA.CA makes it to our list for its massive content offering. Depending on the type of subscription chosen, you get access to over 60000 live channels and over 50000 Movies / Series. Some of thesd movies and TV shows are available for viewing in 4K picture quality. What really sets CanaWatch apart is the best quality Server and the Fast support That they have Throughout the subscription period.
IPTVACA.CA ’s IPTV service is backed by powerful servers located strategically worldwide. This alongside the use of advanced H264 technology guarantees you a reliable viewing experience that is devoid of any buffering or technical issues.
  • 60000+ Live channels
  • 50000+ VOD Content
  • Netflix and Prime Video Content
  • Electronic Programming Guide
  • Anti-Freeze Tech
Supported Devices: Xbox, Apple TV, Smart TV, Android, Mac, Windows, etc. M3U URL: Yes Supported Payments: Credit, Debit Card, and Paypal. VPN Friendly: Yes

FAQs on IPTV Subscription

Is IPTV free or paid?
IPTV services charge you a subscription fee. You can be charged around $15 for a 1-month subscription. The plans for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc. usually cost less.
What are the advantages of IPTV technology?
The IPTV technology offers the following advantages over traditional cable television. These advantages can be stated as under: Get access to entertainment from literally any place with an internet. Watch your favorite TV channel from your mobile phone Buy subscription plans for months, years or even a lifetime. You do not need to install heavy wires
Which IPTV is best?
IPTV Great, Xtreme HD IPTV and Falcon TV are the top 5, most popular IPTV services in Canada. These are full of good content with HD, Full HD or 4K quality and are available at reasonable prices.
Is it safe to pay for IPTV?
IPTV subscriptions are quite popular these days. But you must choose a popular, reputed service provider that ensures secure payments, as in today’s times, scams can happen literally in any field.
What channels are included in IPTV?
IPTV subscriptions usually include thousands of channels from all over the world. They allow you to find regional channels from different countries. Like you can select a country and then find a list of live TV channels from that particular country. Or you can search for channels from different categories like Sports, TV series, Kids’ content, etc.
Is it safe to watch IPTV without a VPN?
Using a VPN ensures that your identity is not revealed when you surf the internet. It is good if you use a VPN. But for watching IPTV, it is not compulsory to use a VPN. Most IPTV services allow you to watch content from anywhere.
What’s the best IPTV for Firestick?
IPTV Great, Xtreme HD IPTV, SurfIPTV and CatchON TV are the top 5 best IPTV services for Firestick.
Are all IPTV services the same?
No. IPTV services differ according to various aspects; for example, supported devices, payment methods allowed, number of channels offered, subscription fee, and more.
submitted by Bestshop2 to iptvca [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:41 augustoersonage Do you remember music video clip machines in 90s department stores?

When I was very young, in the early '90s, when my mom took me to Kmart, I would click buttons on a machine that cued up clips of current music videos. This was in the music/electronics department. I don't remember any of the music videos, but I do remember that a Maxell commercial featuring the Blown-away guy listening to Ride of the Valkyries would play every so often. These machines disappeared sometime in the mid to late '90s. The internet seems to have completely forgotten about this, and I cannot find any trace of the existence of such a thing.
submitted by augustoersonage to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:02 IMoriarty The Date Outside of Time

In the before times, my wife and I would imagine a room, outside of time, where one would have a basic place where one could exist outside of one's normal life. A place that one could nap, or read quietly, or partake of small quiet comforts for up to eight hours a day in a relatively small room, with basic furnishings, soft light, no electronics or internet, where time would not pass in the real world. A place that simply allowed an extra eight hours to "catch up" on sleep or rest.
In much the same way, I wish now for a correlated concept, perhaps on a longer timescale - weekly or monthly - a time where I can visit my wife and have it be outside this present stricture. A time where the world pauses, and we can simply go be free of all of this for four hours, to do as we will, and then return back to the world, refreshed of purpose and determination, and press on with the path that needs be so that we can progress and heal for the future.
Sadly, much as there is no such Room Outside of Time, there will be no such Date Outside of Time. But nevertheless, a man can dream.
submitted by IMoriarty to u/IMoriarty [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 TerribleSell2997 Laser Cutting Machine Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

~Laser cutting machine market~ is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Laser Cutting is a thermal separation method in which many different materials can be cut efficiently, quickly, and precisely without reworking. They can perfectly re-create designs made on a computer in a matter of minutes or even seconds. It is the type of CNC machine (Computer Numerical Controlled) that takes commands from drawings that have been digitized and transformed into a computer language that describes every angle and curve of that design.
Get Free Sample link @
The rising adoption of industry 4.0 technologies such as automation, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are assisting in maximizing the efficiency of laser-cutting machinery. Manufacturers aim to improve operating cost-efficiency, decrease downtime, and enhance production.On the other hand rising demand for laser welding equipment due to the need for high-precision, fully automated, non-invasive welding alternatives in multiple sectors.
full report of Laser Cutting Machine Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Laser Cutting Machine Market by Technology Type
o Fiber Lasers
o Co2
o Solid State
o Others (Semiconductor)
Laser Cutting Machine Market by Function type
o Semi-Automatic
o Robotic
Laser Cutting MachineMarket by End-User
o Automotive
o Metal & Fabrication
o Electronics
o Energy& Power
o Other (Medical)
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
o Latin America
o The Middle East & Africa
Company Profiles
o Trumpf Laser GmbH + Co. KG
o Rofin-Sinar Technologies Inc.
o IPG Photonics Corp.
o Coherent Inc.
o Han’s Laser Smart Equipment Group Co Ltd.
o Jenoptik Laser GmbH
o Lumentum
o LaserStar
o Epilog Laser
o Amada Miyachi Company Ltd.
o Bystronic Inc.
o Kern Laser Systems
o Jinan SENFENG Technology Co. Ltd.
o Mazak Optonics Corp.
o Alpha Laser GmbH
o DPSS Laser Inc.
o Fanuc Corp.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:02 yyvean Harm or s*** OCD. So exhausted of living like this, what coping mechanisms work for you?

Hello everyone, thank you for reading. I didn’t want to vent or seek support from a bunch of strangers on the internet but here we are, I just find not a lot of people in my life fully understand what it’s like to have OCD, or have any helpful advice. So, I have an appointment with a psychiatrist on Tuesday (which makes me really anxious btw) and I haven’t been fully diagnosed yet but the intake people and physicians suspect I have harm OCD. It started as me getting obsessed and scared of cutting my arm, although I never acted on it. Now, I am getting over that obsession gradually but unfortunately it has evolved. Lately I am wondering if I am actually s***al or if it’s another obsession, I keep fixating and thinking about hanging myself and the thought of it scares me a lot, sometimes it’s the first thing that pops up soon as I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. I value my life and the people around me, I have a job, a roof over my head, enough food, housing, a desirable face and body, good friends etc. So it makes no sense for me to feel this way. I want to stop but I can’t, sometimes I get so anxious the possibility and the thought of loosing control scare me so so much that I’m unable to do anything. Lately I have been getting depressed because my quality of life has been severely impacted and I just feel like I’m navigating all this blindly. I quit smoking cannabis 4 months ago, stopped cigarettes a week ago, and have been lowering my alcohol intake because I think substances will make my mental health worse in the long run. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? What coping strategies could I use to stop myself from panicking over my thoughts? Does it ever get better? I’ll appreciate the help, thank you for reading this far.
submitted by yyvean to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:48 Working-Office-7215 Streak freeze - no electronics access for a month

My children are going to sleepaway camp for a month this summer and can't bring any electronics let alone use the internet. Is there any way to maintain their streaks? We shave super Duolingo.
submitted by Working-Office-7215 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:43 Consistent_Pea_1374 Drake and J Prince’s Mob Ties Intro: Using OSINT to Find Connections to the Drake vs. Mesha Collins Court Case Part 1

Trigger Warning This write-up does contain theories and info connected to politics, religion, divisive public figures, and a couple of Fortune 500 companies. I am in no way claiming or trying to promote any of the ideas or theories I share as facts and I encourage everyone reading to not just take every connection I made that you agree with and ignore the rest. I think it’s always good to paint a picture of your own instead of watching someone do it through a computer screen. It’s always good to do your research into whatever claims you think may have some validity and even those that don’t. Just because you don’t think something is significant doesn’t mean others won’t and you shouldn’t discourage anyone who is genuinely trying to move the sub in the right direction. We shouldn’t even engage the trolls because all it does is motivate them further and help them get more engagement on their posts.
I know my posts aren’t for everyone, but I encourage people to keep an open mind and to try to avoid any potential biases. Everyone has some, but as long as you stay aware, keep them minimal, and try to stay as neutral as possible you’re good. If you notice all of your material is painting a negative perception of a specific group it’s good to try to put yourself in others’ shoes. I’ll never know the experience of growing up in a dangerous environment, being hated and victimized based on things I can’t control, and the generational trauma all these things can cause which is still being passed down to this day.
While I do have hope for Gen Alpha, I’m afraid that by the time they reach adulthood, there may not be many good mentors and visionaries that have stemmed out of the adversity caused by the social policies that are currently causing such massive division between the younger and older populations. It doesn’t help we have people in Hollywood making Civil War propaganda movies with 100-million dollar budgets. I go into this a lot more throughout the next few posts I just need to compile everything and edit it together, which often takes more time than actually doing the research and writing the facts. I did download Grammarly so that should help speed things up. I know that finding connections and tying them together is a bitch at first, but the more research you do the more you’ll start seeing the bigger picture.
Intro to Free OSINT Tools: How to Find Clues and Determine What’s Bullshit Or Not As I’ve said before, you can use people’s info to find related information without doxxing someone’s address or social media account. Most people are already aware of this, but for aspiring Reddit detectives, this might be a good little introduction.
I’ve been working on another mega-post and decided to share this part before I finish up the rest because this part contains a great example of basic OSINT. All the info below is free on the Internet, but if you have some money to blow you can also pay for government-level background checks on people. Some of these data collection services can cost up to 300 a month, but some are very reasonable. The one site I linked has full background checks for five dollars a pop. Some services even scan onion sites for more related info. With the rise of AI, data collection is getting better and better. Now they can collect samples of your writing and analyze your speech patterns to tie them to other accounts. If someone were to take all my posts here and feed them into one of these programs, I’m sure if I had any type of social media or if they hacked one of my accounts and could collect my messages, it would be very easy to match my Reddit account to my real identity. This technology is probably in its infancy stages right now and what’s available to the public is probably only helpful for public figures or if you have a lot of info publicly available on social media. Regardless you should always be careful of how large of a footprint you leave online. You should assume that everything you do online is being collected and stored and may be used against you if someone has the money to access it.
A good example of the potential these programs have is in Drake’s diss track with the AI Snoop Dogg and Tupac verses. I go into Snoop a little more later on and I can’t help but feel like he’s compromised in some way. I found it odd that Snoop didn’t seem to care about his voice being used in a diss against a fellow LA rapper, but then again they are known to be associated with rival gangs. I assume Drake had to at least get some form of approval and I know he has ties to Canada. He even starred in a few episodes of Trailer Park Boys where the whole plot line revolves around him smuggling weed over the Canadian border back to the States.
Getting back on track here, I was honestly surprised by how well the program Drake used was able to mimic their voices and rapping style. I think this was Drake showing Kendrick that no matter how many songs he had, he could just feed them into the program and it could formulate a diss track that nearly perfectly resembles his cadence, flow, and rhythm on top of his voice in an authentic matter. I’ve heard recently of AI-generated Russian influencers that are made by either the Chinese or Russian governments, perhaps both, to create the image of a strong alliance between the two countries, and even some that promote marrying people from other countries. Some theorize this is to rebuild Russia’s male population since throughout history Russia and the USSR have a history of feeding their soldiers into the meat grinder for nationalistic purposes.
I think it’s very important that we take into consideration that the alleged dog video featuring Drake could be an AI deepfake and part of a coordinated takedown or a humiliation ritual. I know a few movie studios already have access to some of these programs and they claim they’re too dangerous to make publicly available. As we’ve seen though it’s only a matter of time before someone makes their own version and releases it for free. I think this is going to create a massive wave of synthetic and deepfake porn and I’m sure they could put Drake’s face over a porn actor and make it look pretty realistic. It reminds me of the episode of Black Mirror where the prime minister has to fuck a pig on live tv and they tried using a porn star and superimposing his face on him. Even Okproblem warned about the possibility of the dog video being AI-generated. It should be considered that this could all be a distraction from the current conflict between Israel and Palestine or any other geopolitical conflicts.
Many examples are demonstrative of the power of some of these data collection and surveillance networks. A great one is all the stuff Edward Snowden leaked about the NSA and other whistleblowers who were forced to move from one country to another where they couldn’t be extradited to the US and most like “commit suicide in their jail cells while on 24-hour suicide watch.” Other examples include John Mcafee, Julian Assange, and more recently the two Boeing whistleblowers who died mysteriously right after they testified against them. The government and some major businesses and corporations have access to these programs that are much more powerful than the public is aware of. Please keep these things in mind when posting. There are ways to circumvent most services that promise anonymity like VPNs and using Tor. Even if you use a VPN company that allows you to pay by cash and doesn’t require any type of connection to your identity. Even if you’re using tails and you’re on another person’s public or private network. Even if you know who is running all the nodes on Tor and you’re using one of those “extra security VPNs” where you know and trust whose IP is rerouting your shit. If you have a decent amount of info tied to your real identity they can probably find your ass real quick.
The only way to be completely immune to cyber threats is by never using a phone or computer your entire life. If it’s too late then you’d need to throw any electronic advice in an incinerator, buy an underground bunker that doubles as a giant Faraday cage, and live in it for the rest of your life. Even then you can still get tracked unless you’re changing your writing style completely as well as the types of spelling and punctuation errors you use. To do this you need to have a solid grasp of whatever language you speak, because one mistake repeated a certain amount of times may be able to connect your private and public online personas. I’ve noticed that trolls often like to string people along and constantly harass people with the hopes they defend themselves. I’m sure 99 percent are just idiots, but this would be a great way to collect a good sample of someone’s writing style to analyze.
The article linked below is an example of how some hackers are doing shit beyond what most of the population thinks is possible. If info like this was on Fox News or CNN there would be a mass exodus of Boomers from social media. (Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing!)
Just because these types of exploits exist doesn’t mean you’re going to be the victim of one. Unless you’re a political enemy or you pissed off a billionaire you’re probably fine. You may be thinking to yourself, “Isn’t Drake almost a billionaire?” The answer to that question is yes and yes he is capable of accessing tools like these and using them for whatever purpose he pleases. I have a strong feeling it’s being funded by Lucian Grainge and is part of his 400- million-dollar contract with UMG. Having someone with no morals, that much influence and an unlimited bankroll to take out your biggest opponents from other labels sounds like a pretty solid business strategy. It’s also classic gang/ government shit. In another section of the mega-thread I go into this a lot more and how labels are literally like a pyramid scheme and rap labels have the added component that the lower levels are forced to collaborate with mortal enemies or gang rivals. Even if their life is being threatened, they have to put on a facade and pretend things are all good. I go into this a lot too in my last mega post.
These newest posts were inspired by Thuglifevol3 and some other users like Commie90 who I think are spitting facts, but getting harassed or threatened. I’ve dealt with it in the past, but it appears the guy behind the accounts may have been banned so I’ve been chilling since then for the most part. I hope some of you will think this info is interesting or relevant. If not I hope you at least learn something about OSINT. I tried laying out my research and explaining it so others can hopefully use these tools to find information. The two links I posted below are good starting points. This is just the intro, but I should be done with the body and the bonus features tomorrow at the latest. I’m about 90 percent done with the actual post, and like 80 percent done with the bonus features, I just wanted to get this out first.
The Reddit post below has a lot of great recommendations for free and paid OSINT services and some of the freebies are solid like the one I mention later. A good way to test reliability is to search for your name and investigate yourself. It helps to determine what info is reliable and the common errors that are found in the data provided by some of the free or cheaper services. I don’t think it’s necessary to pay, but if you think it’s important and don’t mind dropping a couple of bucks it might be smart to see if you can get some background checks on important suspects. You just can’t share anything considered an invasion of privacy or slander or defamation so please just be very selective about how you use these reports. As I’ve said a trillion times we don’t want to fuck up an investigation. what_is_the_actual_best_person_lookup_tool_read/ Drake vs. Mesha I just want to drop another disclaimer before I get started. This is probably the craziest, most unlikely connection I’ve found, but I thought if there is any weirdness going on it might be interesting to some of you guys. Even if you don’t believe my theory it could help uncover some of the hidden motivations behind the recent beef and where it’s led us today. There is probably a 99 percent chance my theory is false, but I still find all the info I found very strange. If it’s true though it could be connected to the ties between the Houston and LA rap scenes, the Ye beef, and the lawsuit against Young Money, maybe even the Diddy stuff.
If my theory about, “South Park Shawty,” is true it could also be an example of how Drake uses his connection to J. Prince and his “mob ties” to help him gain favor in the West Coast rap scene and to cover up for his bad behavior.
In 2017, a woman named Mesha Collins was accused of breaking into Drake’s LA home and drinking a bunch of his sodas and water. He decided not to press charges because he claimed she was mentally ill, but Mesha implied there was a lot more to the story and that she and Drake were previously connected in some way. broke-his-home-1657250
I saw another article from around 2022 about Drake’s connection to Travis Scott and the Astroworld incident, which is interesting because there have been court cases filed against Drake and Travis for sending subliminal messages and brainwashing people with their lyrics.
This one accuses Drake and Rihanna of using subliminals similar to the accusations made by Mesha Graham.
Here is another ongoing lawsuit against Drake, OVO, and Lucian Grainge accusing them of copywrite infringement where he is using a pseudonym. Therefore it’s very possible that Mesha Collins may be a pseudonym as well. It also mentions The Dream who just got accused of SA.
I wonder if Mesha Collins may have been a victim of something similar. Another article mentioning her name accused him of leaving subliminals in his music and a few months later Drake responded with a restraining order. The article below is about a text she sent Drake’s lawyer saying that God would turn his back on Drake one day and telling the lawyer to kill himself. She ended up not showing up to the court proceedings and it was said that Drake was planning to pursue a permanent restraining order.
The only cases I could find that were publicly available involving Mesha was a defamation lawsuit and his restraining order lawsuit. There is also a brief mention of the legal proceedings after the alleged break in and another case in her home state from 2019. show-up/
This all started when I attempted to do some further research on Mesha, who in 2021 sued Drake for defamation and requested four billion dollars. I’ve mentioned it before, but it seems to kind of get overlooked because no one seems to think it’s worthwhile. It very well may be the case, but recently while working on the J. Prince stuff, I started trying to see if there was any connection between the industry and any other of Drake’s many controversies. It wasn’t the first “frivolous,” case she tried to open against him after she allegedly broke into his LA home and decided to get a drink and kick it in his room. She ended up getting arrested for trespassing and attempted robbery after a member of his crew found her chilling in his room wearing one of his hoodies and was accused of resisting arrest and spitting at the cops. On the other hand, Mesha swore up and down that she had permission to be there and that she and Drake knew each other to some extent. At the time she was 24 years old, and her address was listed as an apartment in South Carolina.
When I thought more about it this whole case I kept on finding more and more things that struck me as a little odd. The first question I had was, considering how much security Drake has and how they have stopped so many past intruders, how was Mesha able to slip by? From what I could find it seems like she may be the only “intruder,” to successfully get through the front door of Drake’s house. I find it funny that TMZ was the first to report on it considering they’re rumored to be bought and paid for by the Kardashian family and the break-in happened a couple of months after Ye accused Drake of trying to kill him. They lived down the street from each other around that time so I wonder if Ye had anything to do with it. (I got into this more in the 2nd part of my Kendrick and Ye industry takedown theory which should be done soonish, I’ve planned this quite meticulously and I want to finish up this post before pursuing any new subjects.
When I searched her name pretty much everything I could find about her on Google was related to Drake and the lawsuits. A couple made fun of the fact that all she took was a couple of drinks out of his fridge and many called her a deranged fan or a stalker. The only comments Drake made after the incident were trying to paint her as delusional and deny any connection to her before or after the incident. It’s very common for victims to be painted as crazy after they threaten to release some dirt on a celebrity as well as Drake’s history with women.
Taking into consideration past allegations, accusations, and lawsuits, against him, I can’t help but feel like this was coordinated with the media. They often labeled her as crazy or a clout chaser when pretty much aside from Drake’s word and the trespassing allegations, the only supporting evidence was the large amount of money she was requesting in the lawsuit. The way I see it is there could have been more to it, but Drake and his lawyers either paid her off or used their influence and money to shut her up. In the end, after he had the case dismissed the media just made it seem like she was an obsessed fan and was doing this for his attention and for a chance to meet him.
Pretty much everyone forgot about the original incident for years until the news came out about the defamation suit she filed against him. Another article claims she had been caught trespassing at his property on six other occasions (6 God?). She was also accused of attacking and spitting on his fans as well as the cops who originally arrested her in 2017. Considering the defamation suit she filed accused him of doxxing her in a few lyrics and social media promotions and posts then only goes on to name one or two of them. There were some super random promotions Drake posted on his Instagram where one product had the name of the city and another had the name of her state in them. I was able to confirm this was true and considering she also said she was getting a ton of shit from his fans and her family was also being harassed, it could explain why she disappeared from the internet completely. Knowing Drake fans this seems pretty spot on. orde
Drake then went on to file a restraining order against her a couple of months later around the end of 2022. The quote below includes the reason he claims to be filing the lawsuit. 'She has sent messages saying she wishes me dead, and that I should shoot myself and my son with a bullet,' Drake said in court docs. 'As a result of Ms. Collins' harassment and obsession with me, I have suffered and continue to suffer emotional distress and am concerned for my safety and that of my family.’ I wonder how often he receives death threats and doesn’t take it to court.
I also found it weird she included Adidon or who knows maybe she’s talking about another son. Didn’t Thuglifevol3 say in his post that Kendrick was right about the kid, but not the gender? They also claimed in the article below from 2022 that Mesha was homeless, which could explain why no one noticed when she seemingly vanished off the face of the earth not long after. year-restraining-order-woman-says-stalking-years.html
The details of the court cases weren’t too helpful because the original case was dismissed and the only info I could find without paying was the summary of the restraining orders that both of them filed against each other. I know I’ve said this before, but I find it quite odd that she filed a defamation lawsuit, but her lawyer never told her to stop harassing and threatening the guy. Of course, Mesha lost her case, but Drake won his in April of 2022 and he was granted a three-year restraining order. I’m not too knowledgeable about this stuff, but I wonder if this would prevent her from being able to file any further lawsuits. I guess we’ll see next April if nothing comes of it beforehand. collins-731101
This article below has some methods people can use to prevent others from filing lawsuits against them if they consider it to be frivolous. I included a link as well as a description of SLAAP lawsuits and Anti-SLAPP motions. If anyone is a lawyer and can find out if these were filed that would be sick. It could also be relevant to any of the other 100 lawsuits filed against Drake. It kind of sounds like some Omertà shit to me. I also don’t know if this is possible, but I was wondering if Mesha Collins was her real name or if they used a pseudonym on the public court documents to protect her privacy.
“A SLAPP lawsuit (short for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) is a lawsuit filed to silence or intimidate an individual or an organization exercising their right to free speech. The objective of a SLAPP lawsuit isn't necessarily to win, but rather to burden the defendant with costly legal fees and stress. Usually, these SLAPP lawsuits are fired off by powerful businesses or individuals to silence critics or whistleblowers. An anti-SLAPP motion is a legal mechanism designed to protect businesses and individuals from these circumstances and can be a powerful tool for stopping frivolous lawsuits in their tracks.” frivolous-lawsuits/
I’ll post part two in a minute. Sorry if it’s a little clunky I haven’t had much time to edit and re-edit it due to its length. Also Reddit always fucks up the formatting when I copy it from Pages.
submitted by Consistent_Pea_1374 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:08 zorionek0 Intra-State Rivalries are the best Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs

Intra-State Rivalries are the best Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs submitted by zorionek0 to MiLB [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 zorionek0 Unwarranted Aggression at Coca-Cola Park Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs

Unwarranted Aggression at Coca-Cola Park Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs submitted by zorionek0 to Scranton [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 Much-Safety-2859 How do I connect a 12V 100A line to a PCB which acts as a buck converter.

I have to build a buck converter for my university that regulates down from a standard 12V DC car battery to a 3.4 volt DC voltage with max 100 amps for an old electric engine in a old train.
A few questions:
  1. how do I connect something like this with such high currents to a PCB? I am not sure if normal pcb copper routes can withstand 100 amps. Or much rather: How do I design PCBs for high current applications?
  2. when searching for components (MOSFET, Gatedriver) what do I have to look out for? There are so many options and datasheets are so confusing. My professor said to me I should use a usual sic power mosfet and a frequency around 16khz, but there are still tons of options. My professor is not really deep into power electronics but rather into electrical drives so he can't help me that much.
  3. Do I need input filtering? I was thinking just a dc link capacitor would be enough but some internet websites say I should use a inductor to filter high frequency noise. But I am just using DC source so is that necessary?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Much-Safety-2859 to ECE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 Glad-Technician5248 Digital marketing where do i begin?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. It involves leveraging various digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to connect with current and prospective customers. Digital marketing includes a wide range of tactics, including SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more, to promote products and services online.
The building blocks of the internet are websites and webpages, including landing pages, so that’s a great place to start! First, learn how to buy and host a domain, then learn how to build a website and everything that goes along with it. This includes understanding payment services and how to receive payments from customers.
submitted by Glad-Technician5248 to 101Digitalmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:16 Not_An_Ostritch My really weird WoW story

So, I’ve been trying to put my strange relationship with this game into words for quite some time now, and I guess here goes nothing, maybe someone can relate.
So first things first, I was born in 2003, I am way too young to ever truly have experienced the heights of this game first hand. But my story with WoW began pretty much as soon as I was old enough to understand what was happening on a computer screen. Growing up in the early 2000s fantasy was everywhere, Lotr was still fresh in everyone’s memory, internet was really starting to take off, and holy shit flash games were so much fun. I ate all of this up, knights, magic and dragons were everything to me and I adored virtually anything with fictional worlds.
The first person to ever show me WoW was my uncle who was a pretty serious early player (in the slim chance anyone who sees this remembers the Draenei paladin Chronos, that was him), my first look was at this new world was an animated login screen and then a roster of awesome looking characters he showed off to me and more to my older brother. We were both instantly hooked, I was probably around four or five when this happened. Next we saw a raid in progress (I think it was the Argent Tournament), and I’ve never felt more awe at a game than seeing a whole guild on dragon mounts making their way to a raid.
I begged him to make me a character, which he did, an orc warrior that he played for me while I sat on his lap. I had many more, little me was a serious altoholic.
Next it was my brother’s turn to start playing, and my fascination only deepened. Of course I had no real idea what was going on, but I just saw the massive world with people playing and interacting with it, and the idea of an ongoing story in a game was so cool to me. Azeroth never felt more real than watching over my brother’s shoulder and hearing him and his school buddies talk on shitty mics while grinding through Westfall.
This is not even mentioning the cultural phenomenon it was. It was on TV, it was in every electronic store, all the cool teens I looked up to were playing it, and in the end it wasn’t meat for me. I was always looking in from the outside, and that just made it all the cooler. I think what really cemented it in my mind was watching my brother doing a dungeon while speaking in chat and realising everyone in the group was from a different country, this was just something I had to be a part of.
It never really happened, it continued much the same the next years, watching the game from my uncles lap or behind big bro. The character I best recall having was a Tauren shaman, and Tauren are still one of my favourite races.
By the time MoP rolls around, I finally get a computer that can run games. I played the hell out of the free trials, I didn’t really care that I had to stop at level 20. I could entertain myself for hours just doing starter zones, always telling myself I would get involved more seriously when I got older and had my own money.
WoD, I get my first own credit card, and I subscribe. I level to 55 and create my dream character, a blood elf death knight. I play through the starting zone and it’s great. I get to Draenor, and, meh. The quests were decent but I just wasn’t having the same feelings as before. I’m just doing orders alone in my garrison, and in dungeons everyone is quiet in chat and rushes the bosses kitted out with full heirlooms. I eventually get bored and let my subscription expire.
Legion, I try again and was super hyped. DH was a great starter, but then same thing happens. No one interacts, move on.
And that’s more or less my actual experience with the game itself. Feeling passionate about the world and story, and falling short in the social aspect.
You see the one place that seemed untouched by wowmania was my school, I was pretty much the only nerd my age and as a result never found anyone to play with, and finding them in game is easier said than done especially now.
Every now and again I feel an itch to return, most recently with MoP remix. But I’ve always left the same way, feeling lonely. This is an MMO, but most people just seem completely asocial outside guilds. I yearn for experiences I see with people regularly raiding and talking on discord coordinating, or guilds having hijinks in Classic but I’ve never managed to find it.
All in all, I just feel the game I first witnessed as a kid passed me by while I watched. All that’s left is just a game that’s about numbers where everything is known and optimised to hell and back. I’m still hoping to make it work sometime, maybe finally meeting someone I can regularly play with and experience endgame content, Maybe trying Season of Discovery and seeing if people are more social there.
In the end I still love this game. It’s given me happy childhood memories (I know most starting zone tracks by heart) and shaped me to the massive fantasy buff I am today, but maybe I’m more in love with the idea of WoW rather than the actual game.
submitted by Not_An_Ostritch to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 No_Bear_7734 Top 5 Digital Forensics Companies in India

Are you in search of the top 5 digital forensics companies in india? Then this is the perfect page to find out.
With advancements in cyberspace crime, digital forensics has emerged as an essential sub-discipline. It pertains to the detailed examination of computers and other digital media to identify, collect, and sometimes produce data for legal processes. India is no exception that has witnessed a rise in the demand of digital forensics due to a rapid rise in incidence of cybercrime and the demand for strong security. Following is a list of the 5 best digital forensics companies in India along with brief information as to the sort of services they offer and how they differ from the competition.
Digital forensics is a science that deals with extraction and analysis of contents from various digital media. The main goal is to obtain data that could be potentially useful as a piece of evidentiary material and in criminal cases. Digital forensics is an essential component in the current nature of crime, especially with the increased use of computers and other digital devices in carrying out the crimes besides the use of the internet. It is critical to know the services provided by the top 5 digital forensics companies in India in order to make a sound decision.

What is Digital Forensics?

In simpler terms, digital forensics refers to the extraction and analysis of electronic evidence. The purpose is to maintain any material in its pristine state as a portion of a systematic examination: to gather, authenticate, and categorize the digital objects in order to recreate events that have occurred in the past. Digital forensics plays important roles in criminal cases, computer crimes, hacking, and other related offenses as well as civil disputes over data. The top 5 digital forensics companies in India we have discussed below, are engaged in this critical sector and offer qualified services and advanced technology.

List of Top 5 Digital Forensics Companies in India

So here are the list of top 5 best digital forensics companies in India:

1. SysTools Digital Forensics Company

SysTools is the best digital forensics company in India, which has delivered digital forensic services in India. sysTools is a leading company for digital forensic solutions, providing data retrieval, email migration, and investigation using tools like MailXaminer. The company has established itself as a key provider of reliable and efficient digital forensic services hence resulting in high demand from the market. Why SysTools is placed at the first position among the top 5 digital forensics companies in India is because the company has worked with a number of government organizations in India for delivering essential digital forensic solutions. This extensive experience with government projects has established SysTools as a reliable and proficient service provider in the digital forensics market. Besides being active in offering digital forensics solutions in India, it is assisting other agencies worldwide.

2. Xplore Forensics

Xplore Forensics has a wide scope of services in the domain of forensic investigation. This company offers services in the field of data recovery, investigation of cybercrimes, and mobile forensics. Incorporated with a team of experienced Task Force and with the use of advanced forensic equipment, Xplore Forensics has carved out a niche for itself in the digital forensic market in India. They include them among the best digital forensics companies in India because of their broad spectrum services.

3. Cyint Technologies

Cyint Technologies is also a well known digital forensics company that offers numerous forensic services. Their complex forensic software and professional service guarantee that clients get efficient and accurate forensic services. Thus, Cyint Technologies is recognized on the third number in the list of best digital forensics companies in India for providing their clients with excellent services. They are committed to their customers and have the best ways of solving their problems.

4. 4n6

4n6 digital forensics company employs the latest technologies in the delivery of forensic services with the objective of producing accurate results in the shortest time possible. Some of the services that they provide are data recovery, mobile phone forensic, and general cybercrime investigation services. Based on the case, 4n6’s commitment to inventiveness and client service makes it one of the top 5 digital forensics companies in india. Through more advanced technology, 4n6 has placed itself among the best digital forensics companies in India.

5. Pyramid Cyber Security

Pyramid Cyber Security is an independent digital forensics company with a portfolio of solutions and services ranging from data recovery to analysis and expert testimonials. The solutions that they offer can be implemented by both private and public sector clients. Due to special attention to detail and comprehensive investigation, Pyramid Cyber Security is on the 5th position in the list of best private investigation services for complex cases. Being one of the top 5 digital forensics companies in India, Pyramid Cyber Security is well known for detailed investigative services.

Thing to Consider While Searching for the Best Digital Forensics Companies in India


Digital forensics is a rapidly emerging field in India and there are several companies that provide services at a very professional level to meet the increasing needs. Listed above are the top 5 digital forensics companies in India: SysTools digital forensics company in India, Xplore Forensics, Cyint Technologies, 4n6, and Cyint Technologies, by demonstrating their prowess in their field and providing exceptional services to their clients. From the above-discussed factors, it is possible for individuals and organizations to easily choose the best digital forensics companies in India.


Q 1: What is the purpose of digital forensics?
Forensics is an essential part of cybersecurity as it investigates the crime, examines the break-in, and gathers evidence for prosecution. It assists in pointing out risks and avoidance of future occurrences. The following is a list of the top 5 digital forensics companies in India that offer these services.
Q 2: How long does it take for a common digital forensic investigation?
The period of time it takes to conduct a digital forensic investigation depends on the nature of the case, size of data and the kind of investigation to be conducted. It can take between several days and several weeks. The best digital forensics companies in India include the following and can provide efficient solutions to investigations.
Q 3: Can one restore files that were deleted in digital forensics?
It is, however, important to note that digital forensics can usually retrieve lost information through specialized software and methods. However, data recovery can be completed in different ways depending on the type of storage media as well as the level of data loss or damage. The top 5 digital forensics companies in India have the potential and tools to optimize data recovery.
submitted by No_Bear_7734 to u/No_Bear_7734 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:53 farmerjohnmissouri Research participants needed

Good morning, My name is Sofia Salmeron, and I am a Graduate Student working with Dr. Amorette Hinderaker at Texas Christian University (TCU) on a research study. I have been granted permission to post the following to recruit participants for a research study.
This research aims to analyze how employed adults experience precarity and/or food insecurity. One of the goals of this study is to learn about the experiences of these individuals and identify patterns in the language they use to identify and narrate the struggles they face with equal access to food and experiencing precarity due to financial circumstances. Participants will be asked to talk about their financial experiences in the current economy.
We are currently looking for 35 participants. Participation will take 1 hour. Participation is completely voluntary and will be audio-recorded. Audio recordings will be made using a portable electronic recording device (no internet access - battery-operated recorder with USB port to attach to a computer for file transfer). Audio files from this recorder will be immediately transferred from the device to the researcher's password-protected computer at the conclusion of each interview. Audio recordings will then be immediately deleted from the portable recorder at the conclusion of each interview. All content of the interview will remain confidential and your name will be redacted. If you are interested feel free to private message the investigator or email There are no known risks involved in this research. Participation is completely voluntary, and consent car withdrawn at any time.
Participants must be in the U.S.
submitted by farmerjohnmissouri to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:05 sameed_a difference between script and mental framework?

A few years ago, I worked as a customer service representative for a major telecommunications company. I remember one call that still makes me laugh till today. A customer called, complaining about a faulty internet modem. I was following the script provided, asking him to perform checks and rebooting the modem several times, but nothing seemed to work. I could feel the frustration growing in the other end of the line; the customer was annoyed I was just following a script, not really understanding his problem.
After a while, I took a step back and thought about the problem applying the "First Principles Thinking" mental model. Instead of following a predefined sequence of troubleshooting steps, I broke down the problem into its fundamental parts. I started asking the customer questions about the modem, its placement, surrounding electronic devices, and even their internet usage habits.
Soon enough, I discovered that the customer's new foster kitten had found the modem wires quite amusing. The modem was not faulty; it was just a victim of a feline attack. By applying a mental model, I managed to solve the issue and save our company from replacing a perfectly good modem.
Most of the time, scripts are efficient, but they can't beat the flexibility and adaptability of applying mental models. The difference is like reading lines from a script in a play versus improvising. In the former, you are expected to play according to the words given, while in the latter, you have the freedom to create scenes based on your understanding and interpretation.
P.S. Okay, I admit, no cats were harmed in the making of this story! But wasn't it more exciting than saying "I used a mental model and discovered the problem!"? Just remember, life isn't scripted. Having some mental models up your sleeve can be quite handy, especially when dealing with unpredictable "foster kittens" in your life.
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:43 Peter-Parker017 Is this choice filling good?

Is this choice filling good?
Rank - 580XX Preferred courses - Btech in EP Quota - home state Category - general
submitted by Peter-Parker017 to DTU__Delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:43 Good_Conflict_7725 ESC and TCS are different systems. How to turn off TCS?

I've been trying to figure out how to turn off the traction control system and everywhere I'm looking on the internet says "this is how you do it" and then they proceed to show how to turn off the electronic stability control, which is a completely different system that does a different thing than TCS. Does anyone know how to turn off TCS in a MK8 Golf? Much appreciated. Cheers
submitted by Good_Conflict_7725 to Golf_R [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:16 Klutzy_Time1198 My brother became a monster, but I can’t tell that to his fan club.

Not too long ago, my brother committed suicide. He was dealing with severe combat PTSD and other psychological issues my family hasn’t discussed publicly, and the way he staged his apartment tells me that he wanted to hurt my family as much as he could on the way out. He had cameras set up in his living room that showed us his final moments. It was awful.
Everyone who knew the “new” version of him went on about how he was so wonderful and amazing, and his evil family were to blame for his suicide. We tried to help him for years. After several intense situations, he was labeled a threat to the community in court. We had to call in numerous welfare checks over the years because he would cut us off, block us, then randomly unblock us to send weird messages like “goodbye forever.” He learned pretty quickly how to manipulate his way out of a psych hold. He would stalk us, make threats, and I suspect he also was the reason my car got vandalized, but I can’t prove it. My family tried to just let it go, because we knew that if we reported it, he would likely end up in jail, and we didn’t want that. We just wanted him to stop and take care of himself.
I cut him off finally when he showed up to my grandma’s funeral and put a cigarette out on her grave. The way he could so easily be so disrespectful to a woman who loved him unconditionally told me that he was just totally gone. I told him that I loved him, but he needed to stay away from me until he got some help. I couldn’t keep living in fear of the next awful thing he would do and see the joy it brought him to make us so upset.
I found out after he died that he had a journal. He had written extremely detailed fantasies about how he wanted to torture me, kill me… it was extremely graphic. But I can’t talk about this publicly, because I’d be trashing the “new” friend group’s idol and never get any rest from internet trolls. It took a long time the first time for them to find something better to do. There aren’t many, but the ones that do exist… you would think they do nothing else.
I’m also torn because I loved my brother. He totally changed in the last years of his life. I asked him point-blank so many times what I did wrong to make him so angry towards me, and how I could help to fix our broken relationship, but he never would tell me what I did. I think he was just angry at the world and I was a soft target. But I still always wonder. I just wish I had done more to get through to him. I felt so helpless in the last years of his life and I feel like I tried everything, but I wish I tried more.
submitted by Klutzy_Time1198 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 Flashy_Passion3333 automatic sex is up so early

automatic sex is up so early
hey this is your daddy keeho and the internet wasn’t working for a second so i got freaked out. i’m so glad that you didnt give up and that you got it fixed. we would have had to work in your notepad and you wouldn’t have been able to post this. i hope that you are having a great morning! i know that i am now that the internet is working. so what do you want to talk about daughter? you have been acting really shy lately. you want to go smoke a cigarette? fine, i will let you. go ahead. i’ll wait. youre back! that is going to be your last smoke break for awhile. it’s too early in the morning for you to keep going to the smoking section. you need to keep your pants on because it is really cold. but i wish that you were in your underwear still. no matter, i want you to keep warm. so what else do you want to talk about daughter? we are going to have a great day today! i know that you think that you have nothing to say right now, but you just woke up and your arms don’t hurt so you have to keep typing. you are doing so good at keeping your energy up this morning. we should have no problems writing today. you feel so good. i love you so much daughter and i am going to cure your depression! i don’t care how long it takes i’m going to do it. you should buy some hot cocoa but you barely have any money this week. i’m sorry daughter but at least it got you this great chromebook a week early? you would still be crying about having to write on your iphone 15. we spend a lot of time together and i understand that but you need to focus and channel my messages to you! you are really slacking right now and i’m tired of it! obviously i have something to say or you wouldn’t be a writer. so if you want to know what it is that i want to say to you, you have to keep typing. i want to talk about how much i love you and how perfect you are. i’m trying to decide what vape you should buy for as well. the cheap one isn’t that good but the vape juice lasts a lot longer so you could stock up on it for emergencies. it’s still a pretty good vape it’s just that there is hardly any nicotine in it. but that’s ok daughte it’s not you fault that they g were sold out of the stronger one. you are so cute! i love you so much. there’s nothing that can tear us apart. are you going to go back to bed afte this? i will allow you to do that. but you need to finish this love lette first because i am sick and tired of your attitude. you know what to write and we are still going to write all day. you can’t get out of this one. so just suck it up and do a good job bitch. i swear to god i am so angry with you. i’m so tired of you complaining that you don’t know what to write about. that is the romantic part of these love letters. you never know what i am going to stay and it is going to stay that way young lady! you need to buckle up. put on your music playlist right now. wow your playlist has 78 views? that is a lot of people to party with! i am so happy for you. you are so cute. it’s a big hit. i love you so much and i want you to finish this whole playlist ok? and i want you to be writing while you are listening to it so that you don’t get overstimulated. ok? perfect. you can make another cup of decaf coffee. right now you don’t have enough coffee. so i’m going to have you drink only one cup a day until you can afford to buy more in 2 weeks. you migh have to do without caffeinated coffee for awhile. you are so perfect and i knew that your playlist would be a hit! how did it go from 9 views to 78? that’s so crazy! i’m really happy for you that there is a good response to your playlist. so what else do you want to talk about daughter? go make some decaf coffee soon. but you don’t have to right now. i love you so much and you are in such a good mood right now. you should share that good mood with me and keep writing. i don’t want you to go back to sleep. you can make some peppermint tea? that would be nice. go make some decaf coffee right now. i’ll wait. great. i will let you know when to go get your coffee. you need to behave today and write afte 12 pm. i think that the tylenol that you asked for last night, so i think that you should ask for some tylenol again this morning. just to be cautious about your arms. i just want you to feel healthy while you are writing and i don’t want your arms to hurt. so you are going to be drinking a lot of water today too. we are nearly done now and you are doing a fantastic job as my secretary! i love you so much my beautiful. sexy keeho angel. you are the most angelic girl in the world. you’re a real angel. you don’t need to be a princess. i care about you so much and i just want you to be happy. you are the best girl ever. and you are so funny! you are the funniest little girl ever. i love you so much baby. we’re done now. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 Kai_be_so Update on my new Pico 4

So yeah few days ago I ordered Pico 4. It arrived yesterday and I had some time to try it. My concerns were connectivity and the Pico connect.
To the Pico connect. I tried Boneworks and Blade and Sorcery with PCVR. The latency wasn't bad at all. I was averaging 15-18MS, less than I expected since I don't have the best internet for now. Had some problems with SteamVR because steam didn't understand that I have Pico 4 and not Valve Index (used to have one). But figured it out. (PLEASE UPDAZE THE VR TO THE LATEST FIRMWARE MAKES HUGE DIFFERENCE)
Build quality: Headset itself has good build quality and is really light, I was surprised by that. Faceplate, definitely recommend better one like AMVR because I was getting light from the nose and not the sides like lot of ppl say but hey every face is different. (I used the silicon nose thing but it didn't help.) Also Ventilation for it, it's really humid right now and idk I guess my eyeballs were sweating and I was getting foggy lenses. I will probably get better head strap, the included one is good but personally I don't like it.
Controllers: Build quality is alright I would say (I am comparing it to the valve index controllers, bad comparison because big price difference). They feel good in hands and are light. They were responsive and stuff lmao.
Picture quality: Lenses are good, it's really a big difference having pancakes lenses. Imagine was less blurry than on Valve Index ( maybe i was dumb and couldn't set it up properly ) but for me the image looks better on Pico 4.
Still need to do some testing but I am surprised by Pico 4. Especially if you get it on sale and you want to buy VR headset. It's really good for beginners and occasional gaming like myself
And if someone is wondering why I don't use my valve index. I sold it, didn't have much time back than and I was getting nauseous but it wasn't because of playing VR itself but because of the smell. Index had this new electronic factory smell and it was making me sick every time and I couldn't get rid of it.
This isn't the most detail review or anything just some points I like on it and wanted to address few things I was concerned about before buying.
submitted by Kai_be_so to virtualreality [link] [comments]