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2024.06.10 10:00 Round-Ice-35 I cheated on my last few college assignments

I have so many swirling feelings right now so this will be a meandering ramble, but I have to get it out of me or I will explode.
tl;dr: I caved to internal pressure and cheated on my assignments for one of my last classes. I feel bad and also realized that I stupidly plagiarized from the first result that comes up on google when you search for the assignment.
I am on a throwaway for the same reason everyone uses a throwaway reddit account: I am ashamed, embarrassed, and/or I want to mitigate the chances of this traced back to me despite the "anonymity" of Reddit. In my case, all of those apply. This will sound to many of you like a major overreaction to what is a relatively tame confession, but I cannot change the way I feel about what I did. I'm not really sure how many details I want to share, but I will try to be as specific as possible. Okay, enough preamble.
I would like to start with the context of the situation. I am currently an undergraduate college student who is close to graduating. I am not stupid, but I'm also not the best student—if I spent the same amount of time in high school as I have in college, I would currently be considered a super-super-...-senior. I know that people finish their degrees in their own time, but I am still somewhat self-conscious about this fact. In all that time I have never once cheated, never even been suspected for cheating.
Being in school as long as I have... you get a special kind of senioritis after the first couple goes at being a senior. I'm sure grad students know what I'm talking about, but there's at least some aspects of grad school that mix it up and keep it fresh, from what I can glean.
Another important bit of context is that I have taken the class in which I cheated three separate times, as it is required for my degree. Once again, I'm not stupid, so at this point I'm intimately familiar with the course content. I get 100% on the quizzes and I could probably give the lectures for the professor. So, what's the issue? Just apply that knowledge and finish the course!
My—let me emphasize, my—issue with the class is that the professor structures the assignment due dates in such a way that you can turn them in whenever before the end of the term. If they're late they're scored -25% and if they're more than a week late, they are scored an additional -25%. A completely reasonable (and actually very generous) late work policy has been my downfall for over a year and a half of trying and failing this class.
My issue is that as I prioritize my assignments, my brain just breaks. No part of my brain can justify prioritizing a soft deadline (minimal consequences for completing late) over several hard deadlines (hard consequences for completing late/no late work policy) even when the soft deadline has been missed by several weeks. This is fine for one assignment, but it happens throughout the term, and consequently I arrive at dead week having completed none of the assignments. I simply do not have the skills required to navigate taking this class alongside other classes with competing deadlines.
Importantly, despite having two previous terms to learn my lesson, taking the class this term resulted in the same outcome. I went into this term with the explicit mindset to completely ignore the late work policy for that class and pretend it did not exist, but when push came to shove, it was the first to give. That brings us to today, where I am now almost done with the assignments for the first time ever—but the work largely does not belong to me.
A week ago... The immense pressure brought about by being so close to graduation after so many years and yet so far from completing this required class... I did not make a conscious choice to cheat. I was led by my desperation to try to find an easier way; a way that would allow me to complete all of my assignments in one week. And I found more than I was asking for: an entire archive of solved assignments.
I didn't even remember my original rationalization until now. I told myself that I just needed a starting point—a launching board that could point me in the right direction, and I would be off to the races. But I didn't close the tab in my browser, and the next time I got stuck I took a peek. Suddenly rather than flipping between the assignment requirements and my solution to attempt to puzzle it out, I was flipping between the assignment requirements and the project archive I'd found to see how that solution fit those requirements.
I was even able to rationalize that, as I came to understand why the solutions in the archive were the correct answers, which allowed me to change the answers slightly so that I could trick myself into thinking that I wasn't plagiarizing. I realize I sound like a fucking cop right now, but years and years of not cheating admittedly gives one a sense of pride that is not easy to give up, even when doing so and deciding to cheat could have potentially saved me years of my life and thousands of dollars.
Anyway, that sense of pride has come crumbling down today as I realized the implications of what I've done. If I'm being totally honest, part of me is for sure disappointed in myself, but another part of me is still holding onto the idea that there is some moral ambiguity to my actions which basically amount to looking up the solutions and changing them slightly so that it is less obvious that I plagiarized the whole thing. That part of me is only disappointed in myself insofar as I face consequences, which is fairly likely.
In my process of rationalization, I rationalized away the fact that I was literally copying from the first google result for " assignment ." All other feelings aside, I feel like such an idiot for cheating so close to graduating for the sole purpose of saving a little dignity in not having to take the class a fourth time, and the part of me that only wants to avoid consequences makes me feel like an idiot for doing it in such a stupid and obvious way.
At this point, the only way to take it back would be to try to start from scratch without the archive and try to complete the assignments in even less time without actually having the answers in front of me this time. I would certainly not be able to complete the assignments in time, and there is no taking back the fact that I still have at least some of the solutions in my head from when I plagiarized them. As I'm sure anyone could tell, this is not my first pick, as it also entails me telling close friends and family with whom I've already celebrated the completion of my assignments why I have to take the class a fourth time. But I also know that it is the right thing to do.
Anyway, that is not nearly everything I'm feeling right now, but it is the large feelings that were building up inside me all day today. I simply could not keep them inside me anymore, but I'm obviously not decided on what I'm going to do about the class, so I can't talk to the people close to me yet. I know this was one of the more self-pitying posts on this sub, but like I've said, I was going to explode if I kept this in. Thanks.
submitted by Round-Ice-35 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:57 Deep_Earth4598 Addams family hatsu

Im bored right now and i want to create a nen ability for the Addams family, not sure why i got this idea but i kinda want to try it.
Gomez Addams Ability name:???
Morticia Addams Ability name:Call for the dead
Nen type ( 100% Specialization) Ability: If Morticia close her eyes, she can communicate with the dead people.
Drawbacks: Morticia needs to be in a quiet place without any disruption,touching and calling her will stop the ability.
Wednesday Addams Ability name: Past and future
Nen type (100% Specialization) Ability: Wednesday needs to choose the target and touch one of their belongings to look into their past and future.
Drawbacks: She needs to touch the belongings from her target.
Pugsley Addams Ability name: Bomb boy
Nen type: (60% Conjurration) (40%Emmision) Ability: He can conjures bombs and emmit them out of his hands
Drawbacks:Overusing this ability will result in his hands burned
Uncle Fester Ability name: Electrokenesis
Nen type:(100% Transmutation) Ability: Like Killua, he can manipulate electricity only in his hands.
Drawback: Overusing it will result for him to lose his electricity, he needs to absorb more in order to activate it again
That's all i can think of for now
submitted by Deep_Earth4598 to HatsuVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:56 caesarsucks2281 How can I tell the firmware version on my Xiaomi/Poco device?

I'm not talking about MIUI, ROM, or Android version. I'm talking about the deeper firmware that updates with MIUI and is also flashable through a recovery like TWRP when going custom. Pretty sure it's named something like "V14.0.3.0.TJUMIXM" in a similar manner to ROMs.
Thing is, I had a custom ROM on my X3 Pro but it had a device-killing bug that'd prevent it from being usable as a daily driver. I flashed back to raw stock MIUI 13 + Android 12 through Mi Flash tool and fastboot using the clean all option, but I need to know which firmware it's currently running in case I'll go custom again, since custom ROMs call for a specific firmware version, and I have no idea which is currently installed.
submitted by caesarsucks2281 to PocoPhones [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:55 RottenTornadoes ye dmed me

ye dmed me submitted by RottenTornadoes to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:55 NoInstruction1067 [UPDATE] I was the recruiting hell back in 2002?

Original post:
TLDR at bottom.
So in my original post regarding me wearing a chicken suit to a job interview, someone posted that it was too bad I didn't have the suit still. This gave me the idea to purchase a similar one online. The style where your face looks through the slightly open beak.
I did however have the original briefcase in my basement, it still had some of the old fake resumes under a strap in the lid.
I went to the official retirement party in normal clothes, (Arts Center event room) waited until people started mentioning "speech speech" and then slipped out to quickly toss on the suit. I pretty much interrupted his speech when I opened the door with a loud hinge-squeeeeeeeaaak! We stared at each other a moment, then he said "Boy I should have never told you guys that chicken suit story." I walked up to the table by him, set down and opened the briefcase, pulled out the pre-cut birdseed bag and still dumped way more than I wanted to on the table, pecked at it a few times, then stood there saying nothing.
I'd say maybe 20 people in a room of 60+ knew what the hell was going on at that moment.
He finished his speech, got some hugs, shook hands etc. He then came over to where I was, sliding birdseed into the briefcase from the table and told me "You know that really happened to me". I told him "I know... that was me." There was this pause and he laughed, saying he knows I heard it when he told us about it on his last day.
So as I had anticipated, this would just end up being a situation where I would maybe create some doubt in his mind. Was it a retirement joke, or was I actually that stupid kid? Then it occurred to me right then... I had those damn resumes in the lid of the briefcase. 20 year old paper and printer ink have a specific feel and look to them. Fonts have changed since then. They had been folded in there the whole time, had dates, company names, etc. I pulled them out, told him this briefcase had survived 2 moves and and sat unused in my basement for years.
The resumes were evidence. Even my co-workers that thought I was full of it looked at them and started to think maybe I wasn't just looking for an excuse to wear a chicken suit to a retirement party, but had actually pulled this stunt years ago. Of course the literal words from my friend, who was there, wasn't enough for them.
So basically everyone came around and from what I can tell, believe it was me. Even his wife, who doubted it ever happened for years, said nobody would go to this trouble to corroborate "such a ridiculous story." He also said that 4 people were at that interview even though in my memory there were 3. It was a gigantic ornate desk though and he said he'd shoot me a picture of it someday since he has old photos somewhere.
TLDR: I went to my old boss' retirement party, put on the chicken suit, poured out some birdseed in front him and pecked at it. A ton of people there were confused. He came up to me a short-while later, told me that it wasn't just a story, I told him it was me. He didn't exactly believe me until I showed him some old resumes I used at the time, old paper and ink look and feel like old paper. So now my co-workers that thought I was just messing around, my old boss and his wife all pretty much agree that I pulled this chicken-suit joke 20 years ago. Also my memories of how many people were there were wrong, there were 4 and not 3.
Interesting how things work out sometimes.
submitted by NoInstruction1067 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:52 lagunitarogue I cant unsee what I saw

I want to share a real experience that I had about 7 years ago. This might not be as interesting as it could be, because its real. Im not trying to make things up for the sake of entertainment, I just want to get this off my chest, as it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.
Around the age of 19 I was disqualified from the military due to a medical disqualification. I wasn’t too sure what to do with my life since this was a lifelong dream, I felt very lost. I did a lot of soul searching during this time, studied many religions and philosophies. At some point I got in to occultism, law of attraction, meditation and finally, astral projection.
To keep it short, I started meditating to attract in to my life the things I wanted, and I also started to practice astral projection. After a few weeks, my aunt started to come in to my room, scared, and began to question what I was doing. I told her I was meditating quite frequently, some times up to 3h a day, why was she asking? She told me that something very weird had just happened in the house, in fact, for a few days now, several weird things had been happening.
She told me while they were watching tv the front door of the house unlocked itself, and the door had just been slammed open. They told me things had been falling off counters, and my uncle was seeing things from the corner of his eyes. She didn’t ask me to stop, she actually seemed intrigued. My aunt is into crystals and all kinds of groovy-doo stuff.
I kept this going, I wasn’t able to astral project yet, but I was able to get parts of my body to leave (as weird as that sounds). I was able to “remove my arm from my arm”, its a very odd feeling to describe. It feels like your arms is paralyzed, yet another one you can fully manipulate and feel is coming out of it. I was also able to do this with my right leg. For those who are not understanding what astral projection is, it means leaving your body. Im not sure if your soul leaves your body or if you project it mentally, all I know is its very real. Im not here to persuade you one way or the other, but its thing. Supposedly you are able to soul travel by doing this.
In any case, a couple weeks go by and my uncle and aunt need to be gone for a couple days, and I have the house for my self. So what do I do, have a girl over like any normal dude would? No, I meditate and try to leave my body, by this point im obsessed.
For the first time I fall a sleep while meditating, and what proceeds to happen is one of the most traumatic and terrifying things to ever happen to me, who am I kidding, its by far the most terrifying experience of my life and it haunts me to this day. This is the part of the story I dont like telling anyone, because they dismiss it as a nightmare or “its just sleep paralysis bro”. I dont care what you decide to call what im about to tell you, if you want to label it as fake, it was more real than life to me.
I have astral projected a few times, I never saw anything very interesting other than my own home, freaking out my dogs and mostly what I do Is fly over lakes, factories at night, the city. I can never do it for very long, I have not mastered it and nowadays I avoid the practice altogether, although it happens involuntarily still from time to time. What I experienced in this instance was different, it felt more physical, it felt more real, and I was attacked by God knows what.
I wake up, laying flat on my bed, facing up, arms wide open and legs spread apart. The TV is on, the show ink master is running. Its night, but the room has a natural light to it, almost like a full moon. I see a shadow in the corner of the room, I try to get up but I cant move, im paralyzed. I start being able to move, but I feel heavy, like trying to swim underwater. The shadow gets closer to me, and then crawls ontop of my body. (This is embarrassing to say and I normally leave this part out of the story) this thing, proceeds to put its hands between my legs and press and squeeze…you know. I feel immense physical pain, there is actually something griping my body and really hurting me. I try to scream, but I cant.
I start saying -“the power of christ compels you” over and over, but it does nothing. My back starts to bend in an arch and im slightly levitating over my bed, everything is happening very silently. Which allows me to hear loud footsteps coming from the kitchen. While this is all happening, a man walks from the kitchen in to my room. I can barely see or look, but he is a middle aged man wearing a suit, looks very old fashion. After several attempts of asking, my words finally come out -“who are you?”. The man standing in the corned of my room states -“my name is Lucer”. I then ask, concerned -“Lucifer…?” He states -“No, Lucer”.
The painful back arching and floating continues for a while, when suddenly, it stops. I fall on my bed, and its suddenly daylight, ink master is still on and I can hear birds chirping. I never woke up from this, like waking up from a dream, it simply stopped and I was still awake.
I spent the entire day looking things up online, trying to make sense of what happened. When it came night again, the same thing happens again… this entity or what ever it is, grips me the same way and hurts me. You gotta understand the pain is very physical and excruciating, I can feel its hands and fingers, and this time im very pissed off. For one reason or another, this time im not afraid and I start trying to strangle it. I start asking it get me out of my body so I can murder it, and suddenly, it all stops, just like that.
After this second episode, it never happened again. From time to time, I am still attacked by an entity that looks like me, and am forced to fight it, but these are more like vivid nightmares, nothing like the situation I just described. I quit meditating, I quit trying to astral project, and this situation never happened again. I still involuntarily astral project in my sleep sometimes, but its very uneventful. I dont see other entities or have bad or good things happen, I just float over a lake near my house and enjoy the view for the most part. Maybe theres more I could share, but I think I have share enough, thanks for getting this far. I never found out who Lucer was, I tried, no idea.
submitted by lagunitarogue to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:50 pfloyd2357 Considering acquiring small business — Stuck in major “analysis paralysis” and would love any input, thoughts, etc.

Hey everyone. I’ll try and be brief but this admittedly may be long to ensure I have all my current thoughts out here:
I came into some money a few years ago largely just through day trading and continually buying crypto, so I’ve been constantly trying to think of business ideas, investment opportunities, etc. I by no means struck gold, but I went from paycheck to paycheck to being debt free, buying a home w/ 20% down, and starting a family. I want to keep growing, though, because without touching any savings/investment money, my wife and I both make barely enough to scrape by right now. A little cushion would be nice.
I make a point to not touch my portfolio, and this has been my major crisis, as I’m not sure my current business opportunity is worth selling off crypto. (I’d rather honestly get a loan, I’d end up paying less in a sense just from not having to pay capital gains tax by cashing out).
The opportunity is fairly perfect, as I want something I can ease into, and continue working my (work from home) FT job as I do this. The guy selling it ran it this way himself for 15 years or so, and he has a great reputation online (with almost no online presence, which I would change), and he was pulling about $40k average (I saw his docs, he was up to $80k a few years back even but said it was just too overwhelming working that much while also working his careefull time job). He says he was doing this by just putting in two half days a week on average. I could do more, since I could get at least a couple hours a day in while also doing my WFH position, and also put weekend time in, too.
The cost isn’t super high, but it’s not cheap, either (around $20k, and I’m basically getting all the tools necessary to make everything, though honestly paying mostly for the name/repeat customers, (most importantly) the training to make it to the high standard he’s known for, and his online store (which he ran mostly just through eBay… I’d like to move to Shopify probably but idk). He’s retiring and moving, so he just wants to get something for it and not have to move everything from his home.
It is a fairly saturated market, he makes holsters, but I could also swing this into a second small business my wife and I could run, too (thought about making a type of leather guitar strap that’s getting harder and harder to find, maybe just trying to sell some simple Kydex wallets, stuff like that).
My goal here isn’t to get rich or anything. I just want to know I have something I can do from home for extra income, and if I’m able to grow it enough, I can hand a lot off to my wife so she can quit her job and stay at home with our son. Even if I just made like 15k a year at first the first year or two while learning everything else, I wouldn’t be mad. I’d have a full workshop, the money I paid for it paid off, room to grow, and some security knowing I at least have tools and knowledge to make and sell stuff.
But again, I keep getting hung up on parting with any more of my crypto (I’d still have a good bit left, but still), and especially at this moment (and for tax reasons I’d like to be able to sell half now and half next year, but that wouldn’t be possible). There’s a chance my father would help and loan me maybe $10k or so, but I have too much pride I guess to ask him for any help at this stage in our lives.
And then I also keep having ideas about just spending less and getting a CNC machine, or refinishing used furniture, buying vending machines, all stuff that’s also over saturated but such low startup costs.
Idk… I just really want to do what’s right for myself and my family, and I’m not sure if it’s fear or rational analysis that’s keeping me second guessing everything.
submitted by pfloyd2357 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:48 hazelparadise How I Turned 1 Ebook Into a Full-Time Business

How many times have you started writing your ebook but failed to complete it?
How many drafts are there in your drive right at this moment?
How many ebook ideas do you have in your mind right now?
Let me answer this for you. In my case —
  1. 57 incomplete books (20k word count)
  2. 13 in the draft stage (not edited yet!)
  3. More than 100 right now. (for multiple pen names!)
I am slow, I admit it. It takes me at least 5 days to write a short perfect ebook. The revision takes a few more days to complete.
Before this, it took 2 weeks to complete an ebook.
Then not to forget that I need time to —
  1. Market the book
  2. Keyword research
  3. Topic research
  4. come up with chapter headings
  5. and so on.
If you are in the same boat then this article will be really helpful for you. I will give you some concrete steps so that you don’t have to worry about your books anymore. Consider this as a checklist. Change it according to your needs!
The more I write. The more I improve. Simple.

Choose Your eBook Topic

Now time to choose a topic for your book. The best one is to stick to the topic you already know. This way you never have to research for it.
for those who want to try new niches then this is what you can go for —
  1. wealth (Finance advice, side hustles, how to make money online)
  2. Health (lose weight after 30, weight gain, diet plan)
  3. Relationship (parenting, dating)
Every niche out there comes under these three alone. So if you are looking for a new niche then pick something from this.
For example — I always go for a Wealth niche. 90% of my business is based on wealth niche. I MAY go for a Health niche in the future. But NEVER for the Relationship niche.
So according to your interest choose your niche!
Example — Most of my ebook topics are on selling ebooks, making money as a writer as so on.
Published on my blog.
submitted by hazelparadise to u/hazelparadise [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:42 Fun_Tune_107 What this called

I'm looking for a romance manhwa that I don't remember its name or its beginning but I do remember that about halfway through the story they discover that they were gods before but because their relationship was a sin when they discovered them they were punished, I don't remember they were killed and They were reincarnated as humans or their punishment was to live as humans without remembering their life as gods, I remember that their relationship was forbidden but he was courting the girl until she also fell in love with him and they had a relationship until they were punished, the world was set with technology from the middle ages and I don't remember if there was magic in their world or not, if you have any idea what it is can you please let me know
submitted by Fun_Tune_107 to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:40 VulpineGlitter Type me by le questionnaire

L (logic)

How much time and energy do you spend researching or studying? Do you like researching and studying, and why?

A lot, but only about things I'm interested in. For example, I love curating travel plans and reading all about different cultures. I get almost as excited by that as the actual travelling.

How many of your own opinions do you form? How often do you do actual thinking on your own, more than just finding an existing answer?

It depends on my mood, but generally I like being efficient, so if it's easier to find the answer, I'll do that, but otherwise it's fun to think things through to see if I can figure it out. But for subjective matters, I usually form my own opinions quickly, but then I want to look for arguments of the opposite stance, because I get curious why people think about it differently.

How often do you talk about concepts or facts? Why exactly do you talk about it, and what do you like talking about most?

Mostly only during debates, which is my love language. Thing is, it stimulates me and I can keep debating for hours and hours lol. I always wear the other person out 🙁 There's not really a reason for it, it's more like a game that energizes me better than any coffee can lol. Topics can be anything, but I tend to dislike really technical topics because that usually involves a deeper level of research than I have the attention span for. But I do like when people explain them to me. I guess I'm an interpersonal/auditory learner in that way.

Do you struggle with thinking about things by yourself? Does this bother you, and how much? How well do you handle criticism from others when it comes to your logical concepts or factual knowledge?

Some finance stuff gets a little confusing for me, but I just need a moment to make those "click" for me. I get frustrated and impatient if I can't solve something though, but this is usually more the case with spatial reasoning puzzles, which is a weakness of mine. I don't mind criticism as long as they're doing it with at least partially the intention to share their knowledge, and aren't just being insulting/dismissive with no actual argument, meaning nothing to learn.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

Sure, somewhat but too ADHD to be a in depth nerd, no, and no.
E (emotion)

Do you consider yourself a creative person? What do you do that's creative?

Not in the poetry and paintings sense, but I like writing satire and doing theatre.

How do you feel about expressing your own emotions? Are emotions part of your decision-making at all? How much of a role do they play in your decisions?

Idk? If there's a problem, I want to just solve it. Emotions are kind of just a byproduct. I would say yes, because I prioritize doing what I like. I often jump into things on impulse.

How much effort do you put into creating a positive emotional influence on other people? Do you try to do this at all? Do you like exploring the emotions or creativity of others?

It's not really my job to manage other's emotions, but I usually am pleasant with people unless they get in my way. I would say yes I do enjoy exploring others' emotions and creativity. I love super dramatic music, stories, I tend to be drawn to very emotional and creative people, because I enjoy the colour they add to the world.

Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your emotions? Do you struggle with knowing exactly how to connect with others on a deeper and more emotional level? Do you struggle with knowing how to go about dealing with and handling your emotions?

Not really. I usually act more emotional than I am, while feeling nothing inside lol. It's almost like a theatre role I get to step into to release a more general type of energy. I'm definitely not good at forging deep emotional connections with people, according to what others have told me lol. Not really, I deal with emotions by solving whatever problem caused them. No sense in wallowing when I can mobilize myself to fix the issue.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

This section seemed more vague and fuzzy, so not really. No. Honestly yeah. And yes.
F (physics / foundation)

How much time and energy do you put into your physical health? Do you try new healthcare or self-care products often?

Idgaf about health, just about looking hot, but those things coincide enough that I tangentially do care for my health. Honestly, I kind of want to die in a fun way before 55. Live fast, die young, leave a pretty corpse is my m.o. lmao

How often, and what kinds of products do you like trying?

Just beauty stuff.

How much do you care about your physical appearance, including fashion choices, or decorating the physical environment for comfort?

A lot, because pretty privilege/halo effect is a real thing. Beauty is power. I give zero fucks about decorating my physical environment or comfort stuff though.

Do you like exploring the physical environment (food, nature, architecture, etc), or doing physical activity?

Exploring, yes, only if it's something new and different. I get bored of hikes quickly cuz they're kind of all the same lol. I'm often hyper, but I hate the gym. I hate getting out of breath, and I'm glad I barely sweat because it's disgusting. It means I get heat stroke a lot, but better that than being gross, in my view about myself.

Do you like talking about your personal tastes often? How often do you explore the personal tastes of others? What about your own health or the health of others? Do you like creating or exploring comfortable environments with others?

Sure. I care about others' personal tastes more because it can yield interesting insights about them. No, I get easily grossed out discussing health topics. As for the last question, no, because I'm too lazy for interior design lol. I live like a vagabond lol.

Do you stress about what people will think regarding your personal tastes? Do you prefer to follow fashion trends in worry that people may judge your own style? Do you worry about being sick or in poor physical health often? Are you able to take criticism about your health, aesthetic choices, personal tastes, or physical appearance?

For personal tastes, no. But I definitely obsess over my looks, nitpicking and relentlessly fixing flaws. BDD, eating disorders, you name it. I usually try not to think about health stuff, but yeah I have bouts where I doomscroll about horrific diseases like rabies lol. I also have a bad enough fear of old age that I have a hard time being around elderly people, and intend to self del at the first sign of any old age health issues.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

Eh, it had to be done. Unfortunately yeah, it occupies too much mental real estate. The human body feels like a prison, so yeah anything that reminds me of that is a bummer.
V (volition)

Do you know how to get what you want? How much effort do you put into figuring out how to get what you want? Do you just take action and get started, do you plan, do you research or try to get advice from others?

I get excited and jump into things that pique my interest, doing lots of research enthusiastically, and then taking action if I can.

How often do you feel motivated to work on your future? How often are you busy working on a goal for the future? Do you prefer routine, or often fall into routine? Is your routine making progress on a goal? What makes you change your routine? What makes you start working on a goal?

Every damn day. I always wake up with some big vision I want to achieve and I then delve into that full steam. The problem is, my goals frequently change, so I ping pong a lot between wanting to, for example, start a theatre school, and wanting to become an author, to wanting to go to law school, etc. So routines are hard for me, but I always make progress towards whatever my goal of the day is. I'm not sure what causes my goals, it's often me seeing someone do something and wanting the thrill of doing that, in my own way.

Do you like guiding or helping people reach their goals? What kinds of goals do you prefer to help people with? Are you a leader, or do you prefer to work in groups where you're an equal? How and when do you take charge, if ever?

Yes, if doing so benefits me in some way. So it can be whatever I see as a payoff towards one of my goals. I usually do take charge in groups, especially if I see better ways to do things.

Do you overwork yourself? Do you worry that you might be lazy or that you aren't progressing quickly enough? Does it feel impossible to find the right method forward? Are you able to take criticism over your choices for working towards your goals? How do you respond to being challenged?

I can, but it's usually more me being hyperfixated out of excitement, so it doesn't feel like overwork. Sometimes I do feel lazy if I'm having a low energy day and I want to work on something but have a massive migraine, for example. I have no problem with methods, because I tend to experiment, and usually something yields fruit. As for criticism, I just kind of wave them off. I do what I want, I don't need advice from people who usually can't even manage their own lives. If challenged, I get competitive. I have an inner animal in me that can't resist that lol.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

It was fine. Yes, I believe one's actions and goals make the person, so by definition this is a big part of my identity. Not really and no.

Please share any mental or physical health struggles or diagnoses that may affect your answers or how you interact with the world

ADHD Hyperactive Impulsive, pots/EDS

You may also optionally share a rough age range to help clarify your current life circumstances for anyone reading

Late twenties

Let us know anything else about you that might affect your answers or how you interact with the world

Likely 2w3 ENFJ EIE
submitted by VulpineGlitter to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:37 Famous_Floor7983 [TOMT] [NURSERY RHYME ALBUM] [EARLY/MID 2000s]

Hi I distinctly remember listening to an album of nursery rhymes when I was younger (around 2007) where a British woman in her 30s sang them. The songs I remember being on there were "Row Row Row Your Boat" "Round and Round the Garden" and I believe "Itsy Bitsy Spider". There were more; I can't remember which ones. If I remember correctly, the CD had two settings—one for normal and one for sleep, where the songs would only be her vocals and piano. This might be too broad because all of the albums are the same but I thought it might be worth a shot to see if anyone knew the name of the CD.
submitted by Famous_Floor7983 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:29 thebeastsanity Tips To Self-Learn And Improve As A Support By A 9.4K MMR Coach

Hey guys, back again with another daily post. The last post was about mid-laners, this post is going to be for supports. I'll keep it as short and to the point as possible, hope you guys can take something useful out of this and implement it in your games!
If you want to learn any hero, on support, just go on , and type the heroes name. You need to look at the following things:
  1. Skill build- Similar to the mid-lane you have to prioritize what is being by players on ( sometimes the build will be different depending on what is required, for example people might max out frostbite against spirit heroes because root is more important to catch these heroes, and sometimes they might max the first spell because they need the damage , this is just an example )
  2. Item Build and Smoke of Deceit- Item builds are very crucial for supports, just remember to always buy 1 smoke, in the start of the game and press it, this will help your mid-laner place an early mid ward, and you can also get first blood if you place a ward on the enemies cliff on the right side of the mid tower. You can make the same play as Dire always. For the items, just remember you have to keep atleast 2 sets of tangoes, and buy stats in lanes where the enemy will not use a lot of spells ( e.g Mirana and Legion) and buy stick in spell heavy lanes ( Pugna, Mars / Sky , Mars). Also as soon as you pick up bounty runes you have to buy another sentry ward. You need to have two sentries to be able to control both camps, you can learn more about camp priority here. Here is an example to show how you can get first blood as Radiant: SECURING FIRST BLOOD
  3. Itemization- Try to look at these item builds, for supports there isn't always going to be a specific item build that you go for, and since you won't be farming that much, you won't have so many choices to buy from, so buying the correct item is crucial. Use this information to buy your first item as a support -> If the enemy has chain stuns, razor link or clockwork cogs/riki smoke, buy Force Staff, if the enemy has a burst of magic damage, for example storm , puck , necro, buy Glimmer Cape, if the enemy has a blink initiator like Axe , Legion etc Euls can be a great purchase. If you feel there is no need to buy a save item. If your team doesn't have an initiator, buy a Blink Dagger instead of Aether Lens. Both items are kind of the same they help you use your spells from far away, but blink is used to start fights, Aether lens is used to play fights from far away. Buy Drums Of Endurance to secure towers and you can buy Vladimir's Offerings sometimes to finish the game if you are stomping. So these are just ideas, now using them try to see replays and see why players are buying a certain item, and how are they providing impact using these items.
  4. Early Ward- Mostly you will place the early ward to secure first blood, but if that isnt the case, if you are playing position 4, you can place your observer ward in two ways, you can either place it behind enemy tier 1 to snipe enemy couriers, or you can place it on the lane to see if the enemy carry steps up or for example enemy has a pudge support and you are able to spot where he is trying to hook you from. Just remember whenever you place a ward, it should result in some sort of impact. As a Position 5 you can place the ward on the lane, to see if someone TPs on to your lane, you can place it on the gates to see gates rotation, or you can place it somewhere around the outer camps, to see enemy mid laners rotation.
  5. Courier Usage- Always get another consumable and a sentry ward as soon as you pick up the bounty runes, you have to try to secure both camps using sentries, more about camp priority here. Whenever you have the gold to buy something don't save up like 500-600 gold just buy items that can help you stay on the lane it can be stats, it can be salves, or tangoes, just remember not to go too overboard with regen, just buy enough to sustain the lane.
  6. Laning Phase: All you have to do as a position 5, is to first of all know creep priority i.e Deny->Hit Enemy. Also another important this is to know standing on either the left side, or the right side of your carry matters. If enemy has a range support try to trade with him so he doesn't hit your carry, trading means to just distract the guy, don't fully commit and walk to his tower and die, just poke him slowly and wait for oppurtunity. At the same time if you play against a melee sup just play on the right side, and hit enemy offlane, because the melee sup can never close the distance between you and them because they are melee and you are ranged. Try to secure range creeps with your spells if your carry cannot, and try to go on the enemy as soon as you hit level 2. The same concept applies to position 4, of standing on the left or right side of the lane!
  7. Night Time Ward- Always remember to place a ward around 4:30 for the enemy mid laner rotation, on both top and bottom lane as soft/hard support. Because around 6 minutes the enemy mid laner would want to come to your lane to gank with a rune.
  8. When To Leave Your Lane?- As a support this is the biggest confusion, just remember you have to try to pull the siege creep around minute 5, as a hard support, this helps in killing the enemy siege creep. Also keep in mind that at some point in the lane enemy offlaner, is gonna get level 6 and you have to leave the lane anyway like what can you do against doom level 6, legion duel , brewmaster 6, just mirror the same pressure with your offlane and break their tower thats all. Stop telporting to defend safelane tower . After this move you can start moving on the map, you can help secure the 6 minute rune and then try to snatch the enemy 7 minute rune. Your main job is to help your offlane open up the tower on the enemy safelane, and then try to make a move around the mid-lane to take mid tower. Outside of doing this remember you have to always be doing something every minute, it could be stacking, it could be warding/dewarding, and it could be to defend a tower with your spells don't stand AFK try to keep thinking about your next move!
  9. TP Exhaust: This concept also applies as a support, for example you kill enemy support on the lane, now you have a free rotation on the enemy mid lane, because this support cannot use his TP to help mid lane anymore, so watch out for enemy TPs and try to make plays around them not having teleports.
  10. Mid Game Pairing- As a support your job will be to find this pair, it will mostly be either your mid hero, or your offlane hero, and you have to try to just combo up with them and kill heroes on the map. E.g you are playing a Grimstroke, you want to play with a blink initiator it could be your position 4, your mid and your offlane, Try not to stay on the safelane for too long even if your carry is complaining, you you need to make moves on the map to make the game easier for your team!
So your job while watching these replays to look at their item builds for specific lanes, lane positioning (left or right), purpose of rotation, time to leave lane, night time ward, warding in general, spell casting, team fighting positioning, courier usage , map movement , and overall pairing.
If you understand the importance of rune control and tower pressure you will be able to win the developing mid game.
If you buy the right item, you will win the mid-game as you will have a solution against a specific enemy hero.
This pressure in the mid game will help you secure objectives like Roshan and then eventually poke highground to close out the game.
Let me know if you found it useful , and any questions you might have in the comments below.
Coaching/Contact Me:
Discord ID: sanityyyyyy
submitted by thebeastsanity to learndota2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:28 thebeastsanity Tips To Self-Learn And Improve As A Support By A 9.4K MMR Coach

Hey guys, back again with another daily post. The last post was about mid-laners, this post is going to be for supports. I'll keep it as short and to the point as possible, hope you guys can take something useful out of this and implement it in your games!
If you want to learn any hero, on support, just go on , and type the heroes name. You need to look at the following things:
  1. Skill build- Similar to the mid-lane you have to prioritize what is being by players on ( sometimes the build will be different depending on what is required, for example people might max out frostbite against spirit heroes because root is more important to catch these heroes, and sometimes they might max the first spell because they need the damage , this is just an example )
  2. Item Build and Smoke of Deceit- Item builds are very crucial for supports, just remember to always buy 1 smoke, in the start of the game and press it, this will help your mid-laner place an early mid ward, and you can also get first blood if you place a ward on the enemies cliff on the right side of the mid tower. You can make the same play as Dire always. For the items, just remember you have to keep atleast 2 sets of tangoes, and buy stats in lanes where the enemy will not use a lot of spells ( e.g Mirana and Legion) and buy stick in spell heavy lanes ( Pugna, Mars / Sky , Mars). Also as soon as you pick up bounty runes you have to buy another sentry ward. You need to have two sentries to be able to control both camps, you can learn more about camp priority here. Here is an example to show how you can get first blood as Radiant: SECURING FIRST BLOOD
  3. Itemization- Try to look at these item builds, for supports there isn't always going to be a specific item build that you go for, and since you won't be farming that much, you won't have so many choices to buy from, so buying the correct item is crucial. Use this information to buy your first item as a support -> If the enemy has chain stuns, razor link or clockwork cogs/riki smoke, buy Force Staff, if the enemy has a burst of magic damage, for example storm , puck , necro, buy Glimmer Cape, if the enemy has a blink initiator like Axe , Legion etc Euls can be a great purchase. If you feel there is no need to buy a save item. If your team doesn't have an initiator, buy a Blink Dagger instead of Aether Lens. Both items are kind of the same they help you use your spells from far away, but blink is used to start fights, Aether lens is used to play fights from far away. Buy Drums Of Endurance to secure towers and you can buy Vladimir's Offerings sometimes to finish the game if you are stomping. So these are just ideas, now using them try to see replays and see why players are buying a certain item, and how are they providing impact using these items.
  4. Early Ward- Mostly you will place the early ward to secure first blood, but if that isnt the case, if you are playing position 4, you can place your observer ward in two ways, you can either place it behind enemy tier 1 to snipe enemy couriers, or you can place it on the lane to see if the enemy carry steps up or for example enemy has a pudge support and you are able to spot where he is trying to hook you from. Just remember whenever you place a ward, it should result in some sort of impact. As a Position 5 you can place the ward on the lane, to see if someone TPs on to your lane, you can place it on the gates to see gates rotation, or you can place it somewhere around the outer camps, to see enemy mid laners rotation.
  5. Courier Usage- Always get another consumable and a sentry ward as soon as you pick up the bounty runes, you have to try to secure both camps using sentries, more about camp priority here. Whenever you have the gold to buy something don't save up like 500-600 gold just buy items that can help you stay on the lane it can be stats, it can be salves, or tangoes, just remember not to go too overboard with regen, just buy enough to sustain the lane.
  6. Laning Phase: All you have to do as a position 5, is to first of all know creep priority i.e Deny->Hit Enemy. Also another important this is to know standing on either the left side, or the right side of your carry matters. If enemy has a range support try to trade with him so he doesn't hit your carry, trading means to just distract the guy, don't fully commit and walk to his tower and die, just poke him slowly and wait for oppurtunity. At the same time if you play against a melee sup just play on the right side, and hit enemy offlane, because the melee sup can never close the distance between you and them because they are melee and you are ranged. Try to secure range creeps with your spells if your carry cannot, and try to go on the enemy as soon as you hit level 2. The same concept applies to position 4, of standing on the left or right side of the lane!
  7. Night Time Ward- Always remember to place a ward around 4:30 for the enemy mid laner rotation, on both top and bottom lane as soft/hard support. Because around 6 minutes the enemy mid laner would want to come to your lane to gank with a rune.
  8. When To Leave Your Lane?- As a support this is the biggest confusion, just remember you have to try to pull the siege creep around minute 5, as a hard support, this helps in killing the enemy siege creep. Also keep in mind that at some point in the lane enemy offlaner, is gonna get level 6 and you have to leave the lane anyway like what can you do against doom level 6, legion duel , brewmaster 6, just mirror the same pressure with your offlane and break their tower thats all. Stop telporting to defend safelane tower . After this move you can start moving on the map, you can help secure the 6 minute rune and then try to snatch the enemy 7 minute rune. Your main job is to help your offlane open up the tower on the enemy safelane, and then try to make a move around the mid-lane to take mid tower. Outside of doing this remember you have to always be doing something every minute, it could be stacking, it could be warding/dewarding, and it could be to defend a tower with your spells don't stand AFK try to keep thinking about your next move!
  9. TP Exhaust: This concept also applies as a support, for example you kill enemy support on the lane, now you have a free rotation on the enemy mid lane, because this support cannot use his TP to help mid lane anymore, so watch out for enemy TPs and try to make plays around them not having teleports.
  10. Mid Game Pairing- As a support your job will be to find this pair, it will mostly be either your mid hero, or your offlane hero, and you have to try to just combo up with them and kill heroes on the map. E.g you are playing a Grimstroke, you want to play with a blink initiator it could be your position 4, your mid and your offlane, Try not to stay on the safelane for too long even if your carry is complaining, you you need to make moves on the map to make the game easier for your team!
So your job while watching these replays to look at their item builds for specific lanes, lane positioning (left or right), purpose of rotation, time to leave lane, night time ward, warding in general, spell casting, team fighting positioning, courier usage , map movement , and overall pairing.
If you understand the importance of rune control and tower pressure you will be able to win the developing mid game.
If you buy the right item, you will win the mid-game as you will have a solution against a specific enemy hero.
This pressure in the mid game will help you secure objectives like Roshan and then eventually poke highground to close out the game.
Let me know if you found it useful , and any questions you might have in the comments below.
Coaching/Contact Me:
Discord ID: sanityyyyyy
submitted by thebeastsanity to TrueDoTA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:28 ErikCoolness O.MG/Malicious Cables - What I Found and How to Protect Your Smart Device

Warning: I am not a technician, programmer, or a cybersecurity expert, I am simply a tech enthusiast who hopes to help people in whatever way possible. So do take my advice with a grain of salt, as what I know may not be 100% true.
Also disclaimer: This post is not to criticize Hak5, O.MG or ridicule their staff, but rather to point out the potential danger posed from anyone who intend to use one of their products for malicious intent. I am sure they mean well, as their products are made to help improve the security of companies and software products.
It’s a bit of a rare topic to talk about when it comes to cybersecurity, and I think it deserves more attention, especially since hackers are becoming more clever with hardware.
I came across this YouTube video by Linus Tech Tips where he talks about a special type of cable known as, O.MG Cables. They sound terrifying because they are replica cables of the ones officially sold for iPhones and Android devices. These cables at first glance look normal and exactly like the ones you’d plug into your phone, but are actually hacking devices. Inside the USB end of the cable is a small, compact Wi-Fi connector that uses the Wi-Fi your device is connected to allow remote access to it. Once plugged in, a hacker immediately has remote access to your phone and it automatically keylogs everything you type, allowing the hacker to read everything you are saying, including in chat messages with other people, and even see your logins and passwords. I’ve been doing research on these things for the past two weeks now, and as a guy who travels a lot, either to college or general public, I even started to wonder if my cables were replaced at some point by somebody unknowingly. It was just simply out of fear and imagination though, and I’m pretty sure they’re still the same cables I’ve always had and used, plus I’m sure I would’ve noticed if somebody replaced them or tapped into my phone, but I am keeping a close eye on my cables from now on. (I mean I’m using my phone to make this post now.)
Now, I want to clarify, what I’m about to say is pretty much already covered in Linus’ and other YouTube videos, but I felt it necessary to spread word with more detail as possible.
Throughout my research, I found out these cables are sold by a company called, Hak5, who sells a bunch of hacking devices to red teams, IT departments, corporations, police departments, government agencies, or people in general to help improve security systems and patch out vulnerabilities in software. This is their website here:
No, it’s not some black market scheme; these are legally sold. I know the media usually portrays hacking in a dark tone, whether it’s on a fictional TV show or video game, or news outlets explaining the dangers of hacks, but not all hacks are malicious as the media portrays; as already mentioned, they are sometimes done to help find vulnerabilities to be patched. If you’re into cybersecurity or a tech enthusiast like me, you may have at one point heard of the Wi-Fi Pineapple, a device used to find holes in a public Wi-Fi and eavesdrop on people, or the USB Rubber Ducky, a device made to look like a normal USB Flash Drive is actually a small computer that loads hacking payloads onto PC’s. These are actually products of Hak5. The O.MG Cable basically does the same thing as the Rubber Ducky, but it’s harder to detect since it was mainly made for smartphones, and they’re often detected as keyboard or mouse peripherals, which is usually the method of bypassing. They are indeed intended for smartphones, but in some cases I heard it can also affect computers too.
In case you don’t know what a payload is, it’s basically a script or a piece of code written by a hacker, made to cause the target system to do things without the need of its intended user, such as commanding the computedevice to open the default web browser and immediately go to a malicious website to download malicious files. Another reason why O.MG Cables and their payloads in particular are harder to detect is because the payloads are written in a unique coding language made for the O.MG Cables.
The O.MG Cable isn’t actually made by Hak5, but rather a product they sell in cooperation with another company, that being O.MG. Now I know what some of you iPhone users may be thinking: “what’s the big deal? Just update your iPhone and don’t jailbreak it!” Oh my friend, you have no idea what this thing is capable of. The O.MG Cables are regularly updated, with various updates, and new payloads are shared amongst people who use Hak5 sold products, and O.MG every once in a while releases a new model of O.MG Cables. Just last month, as of the time of this post, they released a new version:
The good thing about cables like these, whether they’re O.MG or generic malicious cables, because there are some that have existed before O.MG ones, is that they are rare, and Hak5 sells O.MG Cables at a minimum of $180 USD. You’re most likely to see one of these things left on the ground at corporate offices or government agencies, where hackers might attempt to breach and obtain vital company or government information by hoping someone working in those fields will pick them up and think they’re benign devices. Now, that doesn’t mean that anybody who has a hold of one of these things won’t try to hack into a random individual’s device.
However, if you are somewhat worried whether or not your USB cables are legit or not, there do exist software and devices that can help you ease your worries, most notably, USB data blockers. These small USB devices were made to block out data transfers but allow power to pass through them, making it safer to even use public chargers that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies keep telling people not to use (though, I personally still wouldn’t trust them anyways). There’s plenty of them out there, but the most popular choices I’ve seen are the following:
-Juice Jack Defender -PortaPow USB Data Blocker -Charger Defender -Gosund USB Data Blocker -USB Condom (Yes, that’s actually its name.) -The Databloc -JSAUX USB Data Blocker
O.MG even made one themselves, because (this may make you chuckle) the wife of the guy who made the O.MG Cables got tired of trying to figure out which cables they had in their home were O.MG Cables, and which ones were genuine charger cords. According to the webpage on Hak5 and O.MG’s instruction manual for the product, this not only blocks data, but also there’s an LED indicator to alert the user that the Cable is attempting to connect to Wi-Fi or perform actions other than charging, so good thing they made such a product:
If you’re wondering whether or not your cable may be malicious, and for some reason you cannot get ahold of a device or software that can help you find out, here are some things and some signs to know if your phone is hacked, especially by one of these:
  1. You may already know this one, but one of the first well known obvious signs is that your battery is draining fast. This is because your phone or device is being forced to do extra work so that the hacker maintains access to your phone.
  2. Another well known and obvious sign is that your device is heating up even without you using it. This ties in with #1, where the device is doing extra work to keep the hacker connected.
  3. Your web browser suddenly opens a web page you didn’t even intend to open. The keyboard is also acting on its own to make this happen.
  4. Your device suddenly installs an app that you don’t even remember installing.
  5. Probably the scariest one, is that your device suddenly sends texts or messages to others you don’t remember sending or the phone suddenly takes a photo from the camera or screenshot of what’s currently on the screen and immediately sends it to an unknown contact.
  6. If you’re using an iPhone, it should be un-jailbroken. Being jailbroken means that your iPhone can download unauthorized apps and run files that are not approved by Apple and published in the AppStore. Apple keeps the iPhone un-jailbroken and sandboxed to ensure the safety of the user and to make sure iOS is as secure as possible, and the only software that you can download to your iPhone are the ones approved by Apple. If you find that your iPhone is jailbroken and you did not intend for this to happen, this means a hacker had somehow tapped into your phone and uploaded malicious code to jailbreak itself, so that the hacker could do more damage to it by making it download unauthorized files.
Note: 3,4, and 5 are signs that payloads were executed onto your device. As mentioned before, these are scripts or at least, pieces of code that were unknowingly sent by the hacker and executed so that the device performs actions that were not intended by the user and could most definitely be an indication that something you plugged into your phone is malicious.
These are some of the more well known signs of malware or hacks present on your device, and it may be best to check and see if your cable or whatever you may connect to it may be responsible. But what should you do if you believe the cable you currently hold is malicious? Here’s some steps I came up with:
  1. Throw it away, or if possible, turn it in to police department. Throwing it away may sometimes or most times be the better, time saving option because oftentimes, a malicious cable has a self-destruct feature. Don’t worry, I do not mean it’ll blow up and cause physical harm to you. What this means is that the hacker can put in a command that’ll tell the cable’s computer components to delete everything it may have stored onto itself and fry the electronics, turning it into a normal charging cable and leaving no traces in the code as to who was hacking you. The hacker no longer has access to your device or can control the cable afterwards, but you should still throw what’s left in the cable away even if they could or did self-destruct it. So, when throwing it away, and I recommend wearing rubbenon-conductive gloves if you feel the need to do this, cut the wire in half or in pieces with a pair of scissors, flush cutter, or a knife and dismantle the connectors on both ends, the USB connector and the lightning/USB-C connector; this can be done by either crushing the shell and pulling the components apart with some strong pliers, or, and a bit of a dangerous method, smash it with a hammer. I don’t recommend the latter though, as the internal pieces could go scattering and end up somewhere you can’t find or get to them. If you can and it’s recommended anyway, dispose of the now dismantled cable in an e-waste bin. The reason we want to tear it up like this is so nobody else falls victim to the cable.
  2. Replace your wire with an official wire from retail, such as Best Buy, Walmart, or even an Apple Store, or a phone service store like T-Mobile, Verizon, etc. Don’t buy a cable off of eBay, since most of the times, those are just random sellers who are not affiliated with a business and there’s a chance they might have tampered with it in some way and secretly turned it into a malicious cable (unless of course for whatever reason, you have a really old iPhone model that requires the old bulky connector). If you intend to buy a third-party cable online, especially from Amazon, do research first, see what people say about the particular cable you are about to buy whether it’s YouTube reviews or reviews on Amazon. I don’t know anything about Android cables unfortunately since I’ve never owned an Android phone, but for iPhones, definitely look for a cable that’s MFI Certified. MFI Certified means that the cable/product was checked and verified by Apple themselves and they confirmed it safe to use.
  3. Factory Reset or download an AV app for your device if the hacks and possible malware continue to persist, even with the cable gone. If you have an Android phone, it’s definitely possible to download an AV off of the Google Store. Definitely find one with good detection rates and a firewall. I usually recommend the following for computer users and they could be just as good on Android if they are available: Bitdefender, Kaspersky, ESET, Malwarebytes, and Sophos. For iPhone users, I hate to say it, but you’re most likely going to have to backup and factory reset your iPhone. Because of the nature of the iPhone and Apple’s strict policy and sandboxing doesn’t allow true antivirus software onto iPhone. You’ll see many AV companies make apps for iPhone, but these are mostly jailbreak checkers and VPNs. Factory resetting is usually the way most iPhone users go to remove malware, hacks, payloads, and even reverse jailbreaks on an iPhone. Even then, Apple usually does great job at patching security exploits, so if you don’t want to do the factory reset, try checking for updates for iOS or simply turning off and on your iPhone again to see if that removes any problems first.
  4. Lastly, and very simple. Keep your device’s OS and apps up to date. Especially if there’s a major update, download and install it. Consider a VPN for extra security if you feel the need.
If the steps above don’t work, it’s probably best to go see a cybersecurity or computer expert. At the very least, you should definitely change any the passwords and set up 2-Factor Authenticators for any and all accounts that were logged in onto your device through a non-compromised one.
That’s all I have to say for this post. I simply wanted to bring attention to malicious USB charging cables and give out some tips on whenever and if ever you came across one and you may have infected your smartphone device with one of these. I’m sure Hak5 and O.MG mean well, since their products are mainly done to pentest security systems and seek out vulnerabilities to help companies and people patch up their systems. The O.MG Cables have been around for some time, about four years now, they even come in different models that aren’t smartphone replicas, such as a USB to USB-C adapter, though the smartphone replicas are much more prevelent. While it is a bit rare to see a hardware based attack these days with tight security amongst corporations, and people being more weary of their surroundings, I still felt it necessary to make this post, and I hope it does potentially help someone in the future.
submitted by ErikCoolness to AskNetsec [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:28 thebeastsanity Tips To Self-Learn And Improve As A Support By A 9.4K MMR Coach

Hey guys, back again with another daily post. The last post was about mid-laners, this post is going to be for supports. I'll keep it as short and to the point as possible, hope you guys can take something useful out of this and implement it in your games!
If you want to learn any hero, on support, just go on , and type the heroes name. You need to look at the following things:
  1. Skill build- Similar to the mid-lane you have to prioritize what is being by players on ( sometimes the build will be different depending on what is required, for example people might max out frostbite against spirit heroes because root is more important to catch these heroes, and sometimes they might max the first spell because they need the damage , this is just an example )
  2. Item Build and Smoke of Deceit- Item builds are very crucial for supports, just remember to always buy 1 smoke, in the start of the game and press it, this will help your mid-laner place an early mid ward, and you can also get first blood if you place a ward on the enemies cliff on the right side of the mid tower. You can make the same play as Dire always. For the items, just remember you have to keep atleast 2 sets of tangoes, and buy stats in lanes where the enemy will not use a lot of spells ( e.g Mirana and Legion) and buy stick in spell heavy lanes ( Pugna, Mars / Sky , Mars). Also as soon as you pick up bounty runes you have to buy another sentry ward. You need to have two sentries to be able to control both camps, you can learn more about camp priority here. Here is an example to show how you can get first blood as Radiant: SECURING FIRST BLOOD
  3. Itemization- Try to look at these item builds, for supports there isn't always going to be a specific item build that you go for, and since you won't be farming that much, you won't have so many choices to buy from, so buying the correct item is crucial. Use this information to buy your first item as a support -> If the enemy has chain stuns, razor link or clockwork cogs/riki smoke, buy Force Staff, if the enemy has a burst of magic damage, for example storm , puck , necro, buy Glimmer Cape, if the enemy has a blink initiator like Axe , Legion etc Euls can be a great purchase. If you feel there is no need to buy a save item. If your team doesn't have an initiator, buy a Blink Dagger instead of Aether Lens. Both items are kind of the same they help you use your spells from far away, but blink is used to start fights, Aether lens is used to play fights from far away. Buy Drums Of Endurance to secure towers and you can buy Vladimir's Offerings sometimes to finish the game if you are stomping. So these are just ideas, now using them try to see replays and see why players are buying a certain item, and how are they providing impact using these items.
  4. Early Ward- Mostly you will place the early ward to secure first blood, but if that isnt the case, if you are playing position 4, you can place your observer ward in two ways, you can either place it behind enemy tier 1 to snipe enemy couriers, or you can place it on the lane to see if the enemy carry steps up or for example enemy has a pudge support and you are able to spot where he is trying to hook you from. Just remember whenever you place a ward, it should result in some sort of impact. As a Position 5 you can place the ward on the lane, to see if someone TPs on to your lane, you can place it on the gates to see gates rotation, or you can place it somewhere around the outer camps, to see enemy mid laners rotation.
  5. Courier Usage- Always get another consumable and a sentry ward as soon as you pick up the bounty runes, you have to try to secure both camps using sentries, more about camp priority here. Whenever you have the gold to buy something don't save up like 500-600 gold just buy items that can help you stay on the lane it can be stats, it can be salves, or tangoes, just remember not to go too overboard with regen, just buy enough to sustain the lane.
  6. Laning Phase: All you have to do as a position 5, is to first of all know creep priority i.e Deny->Hit Enemy. Also another important this is to know standing on either the left side, or the right side of your carry matters. If enemy has a range support try to trade with him so he doesn't hit your carry, trading means to just distract the guy, don't fully commit and walk to his tower and die, just poke him slowly and wait for oppurtunity. At the same time if you play against a melee sup just play on the right side, and hit enemy offlane, because the melee sup can never close the distance between you and them because they are melee and you are ranged. Try to secure range creeps with your spells if your carry cannot, and try to go on the enemy as soon as you hit level 2. The same concept applies to position 4, of standing on the left or right side of the lane!
  7. Night Time Ward- Always remember to place a ward around 4:30 for the enemy mid laner rotation, on both top and bottom lane as soft/hard support. Because around 6 minutes the enemy mid laner would want to come to your lane to gank with a rune.
  8. When To Leave Your Lane?- As a support this is the biggest confusion, just remember you have to try to pull the siege creep around minute 5, as a hard support, this helps in killing the enemy siege creep. Also keep in mind that at some point in the lane enemy offlaner, is gonna get level 6 and you have to leave the lane anyway like what can you do against doom level 6, legion duel , brewmaster 6, just mirror the same pressure with your offlane and break their tower thats all. Stop telporting to defend safelane tower . After this move you can start moving on the map, you can help secure the 6 minute rune and then try to snatch the enemy 7 minute rune. Your main job is to help your offlane open up the tower on the enemy safelane, and then try to make a move around the mid-lane to take mid tower. Outside of doing this remember you have to always be doing something every minute, it could be stacking, it could be warding/dewarding, and it could be to defend a tower with your spells don't stand AFK try to keep thinking about your next move!
  9. TP Exhaust: This concept also applies as a support, for example you kill enemy support on the lane, now you have a free rotation on the enemy mid lane, because this support cannot use his TP to help mid lane anymore, so watch out for enemy TPs and try to make plays around them not having teleports.
  10. Mid Game Pairing- As a support your job will be to find this pair, it will mostly be either your mid hero, or your offlane hero, and you have to try to just combo up with them and kill heroes on the map. E.g you are playing a Grimstroke, you want to play with a blink initiator it could be your position 4, your mid and your offlane, Try not to stay on the safelane for too long even if your carry is complaining, you you need to make moves on the map to make the game easier for your team!
So your job while watching these replays to look at their item builds for specific lanes, lane positioning (left or right), purpose of rotation, time to leave lane, night time ward, warding in general, spell casting, team fighting positioning, courier usage , map movement , and overall pairing.
If you understand the importance of rune control and tower pressure you will be able to win the developing mid game.
If you buy the right item, you will win the mid-game as you will have a solution against a specific enemy hero.
This pressure in the mid game will help you secure objectives like Roshan and then eventually poke highground to close out the game.
Let me know if you found it useful , and any questions you might have in the comments below.
Coaching/Contact Me:
Discord ID: sanityyyyyy
submitted by thebeastsanity to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:23 Throwaway_29705 My father is in a cult and wants to move our entire family across the globe to join his cult

Hi, this is my first time posting on here, I’m 18f and just graduated. I still live at home while going to school(college) in the upcoming fall. My father has been in a cult for around a decade. He has been unemployed since the pandemic and this has been his passion for years. I will not name said cult to protect myself. Recently, he has been acting fucking crazy. At first, everybody laughed it off because it seemed so ridiculous, but he was serious. He is now insisting that this cult has established a commune of sorts across the world and wants all of us to go. By the way, I have six siblings, so seven kids in total, who have built our entire lives in America. We have not even stepped one foot outside of this country. He has been seriously arguing with my mother for around months, planning to go wherever he is going since I don’t know either. He has not given us any detail about where this commune is or what we are going to do there. We do not even know what this cult is or does. We are practically clueless.
The leader of the cult was imprisoned a few years ago for defrauding the elderly, and recently was released, probably explaining my father’s erratic behavior and irrational need to leave the country. He genuinely believes in and wants to follow this leader to the commune, which, again, we don’t know the exact location of.
I can’t give the full details, since I was not present for the whole debacle. My sister (22f) gave me the run down: my father and my grandma(father’s side) wants us to uproot our entire lives and follow this cult leader to his commune. The whole family had a serious discussion, where my dad was not listening and not answering our questions and concerns in any meaningful way. He’s trying to gaslight and manipulate my mother to come with him so that my younger siblings, who are all minors, have no choice but to follow. I think my mother is against the idea, but she is an enabler. She’s actually known about this for years, and has done nothing.
My older siblings and I are extremely against this decision. Us, collectively as siblings, have told our father straight to the face we are not going, which resulted in him threatening to disown us. It’s like talking to a brick wall, he literally doesn’t want to listen to the facts or hear any criticisms. He accused my sister of being a spy for the government and working against him all because she asked him questions about the details of the commune. He is literally delusional and paranoid and batshit crazy!
I just came home from the gym only to be stuck in this wild conflict and I have no idea what to do. How do I navigate this situation? What can I say to my mom to convince her that this isn’t a good idea? Is there any legal recourse to prevent my father from taking my minor siblings to this commune? I will answer any questions for those who need clarification but I can’t be too specific because I’m scared what would happen.
submitted by Throwaway_29705 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:22 stlatos Minoan Greek Libation Formula
Two ladles inscribed with Linear A begin with either “ da-ma-te ” or “ a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja ” (Rosen). Since da-ma-te = Dāmā́tēr / Dēmḗtēr is clear, and has been seen many times before, consider a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja. This appears at the beginning of the LA libation formula on the 2nd ladle, so it clearly seems to be the name of a goddess. In the same way, Chiapello’s (2024a) LA nu-ma-pa as *numphā ‘nymph’ only makes sense if LA was used for Greek, also (based on his reading, 2024b) nu-pa3-e ( = nu-pha-je, G. numphaia ‘of the nymphs’), showing that LA formed derivatives with the same suffixes used in Greek. All these words have IE etymologies, and are produced with sound changes known from at least one Greek dialect. Thus, it seems obvious all these words are Greek and essentially the same in both languages. Interpreting LA as Greek would be hampered if the dialects spoken on Crete had many of these obscuring changes. From records of historical Crete, we know many odd changes occurred there. With the shifts of d / th / l, ks / kr / *xr > rh, m / p, even a few such changes in LA would make it hard to match Greek words to a sequence already uncertain due to spelling with syllables alone, often leaving out C’s in the coda, r in CrV-, etc.
Each example of the libation formula seems to express an offering to a god mentioned at the beginning; some to a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja or others (or separate names for a small group of god(desse)s). In other places it’s seen with the variants ja-ta-i-jo-u-ja / a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja / a-na-ti-jo-wa-ja. At the start of a word ja- is often used instead of a- (maybe just spelling, or representing ha- after some *y > h (as in Greek), or some other sound change involving a > æ, etc.). The different ways of spelling this name out show it began with *ant-, either specifying the coda or not (such decisions in a syllabary might depend on whether the meaning is clear from context). Since the Greeks had the goddess Mḗtēr Antaía, and Hecate was also called Antaía (from antaîos ‘opposed to / besought with prayers’ < ánta ‘face to face’, with some meanings likely from the situation of facing a statue of a god when praying), I see these variants as evidence of shortening (haplology of *ya-ya, etc.) of the term *Antawyā *Yowyā. Such a word with many w / y would be particularly likely to be subject to simplification (maybe also *-eyay- > *-eiy- > *-i:y-, see below). For G. -aîos / -eîos / -eús < *-awyos and the shift of *ew / *aw (*H2awsro- ‘sunrise / morning’ > Lt. austrums ‘east’, L. auster ‘south wind’, *Havros > G. Eûros ‘east wind’ etc.), see (Whalen 2024c).
Names are not all they share. Look at these 2 LA libation formulas :
TL Za 1
a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja o-su-qa-re ja-sa-sa-ra-me u-na-ka-na-si i-pi-na-ma si-ru-te
a-ta-i-jo-wa-e a-di-ki-te-te[…..]-re pi-te-ri a-ko-a-ne a-sa-sa-ra-me u-na-ru-ka-na-ti i-pi-na-mi-na […]-si-ru-[…] i-na-ja-pa-qa
They are very similar, so TL Za 1 must be a more basic version of PK ZA11. The added words in PK ZA11 are not essential to a sentence (SOV), but should be analyzed as further descriptions of the action, or what is offered, etc. Ideally, they would match Greek words about pouring an offering of wine, words for the parts of the ritual, etc. Since the words also vary slightly, knowing that a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja : a-ta-i-jo-wa-e shows *ja > *je or *ā > *ē. Since Greek dialects had *ā > *ē (LA could have Ion. type all -ā > -ē or intermediate ā > ǣ with assimilation of jǣ > jē), if other evidence of this exists, it would prove my claims as much as anything could. Since numphaia > nu-pa3-e (above) shows the same change to the same Greek suffix, there is no reason to doubt the theory. This is needed based on evidence internal to LA and matches the same in Greek. Since Arm. also had e- > ye-, it’s possible LA did, too. If *e- > *je-, one spelling for both would make sense.
The LA libation formula on the ladle TL Za 1 has “ u-na-ka-na-si [i-pi-]na-ma ”, so “ u-na-ru-ka-na-ti i-pi-na-mi-na ” on PK ZA11 must be a variant (either 2 dialects or more evidence of e > i, o > u, etc.). LA u-na-ka-na-si / u-na-ru-ka-na-ti shows ti > si (just like G., with *-tis > -tis / -sis a very common suffix, both forms seen in dialects). Even if no one knew Greek had ever been spoken in Greek, and forgot it even existed, looking at variants in LA requires *ti > ti / si (or a very similar change). To us, it looks just like another G. dialect. With no proof that LA was a non-IE language, or that Greeks appeared in Greece one year before they began using LB, the obvious answer is that Greeks used LA to write Greek.
Since LA u-na-ka-na-si / u-na-ru-ka-na-ti are 2 slightly different compounds, they require ka-na-si : ka-na-ti as the 2nd part, u-na-ru- & u-na- (as 2 related words derived from the same stem). Since Iurii Mosenkis takes the word u-na-a found in LA a-pa-ki u-na-a, on a píthos (large wine jar, KN Zb 40), as related to IE *woinā > Greek oínē ‘vine / wine’, the ending -aa would represent long -ā, with *o > u, *wui- becoming either ui- or wi- seems to make sense (Chiapello has *o > u to explain many LA Cu, few Co; like *H3ozdo- ‘branch’ > óz[d]os / Aeo. úsdos, *sto(H3)mn- > G. stóma, Aeo. stuma ‘mouth’, *wrombo- > rhómbos / rhúmbos ‘spinning-wheel’). To support this, he adds LA wi-na-du, which could be from *woinā *hādū ‘sweet wine’ (Mosenkis compared oînon… hēdún, Dor. hādú-oinos, etc., among other possible explanations). This is found on KH 5.2, as an item in a list, where the sign VINb also appears. This is used to denote wine, supposedly of lesser quality (Younger), so sweet new wine might be differentiated from aged, more expensive wine. If *woinaHro- > oinērós ‘of wine / containing win’ could form compounds with same meaning as plain *woinaH, it would show 2 instances of *o > u. Seeing words like wi-na-du, u-na-a, affixed u-na-(ru-) in contexts associated with wine makes their interpretation more clear.
Duccio Chiapello (2023a) sees LA a-pa-ki as G. aparkhaí ‘beginning of a sacrifice / first-fruits (for sacrifice)’, which would make u-na-a, to me, specify that the pithoid jar (which Chiapello gives evidence was used religiously) was used to pour part of the first batch of wine as an offering. Since 2 words are found on jar, it would be likely 1 would be ‘sacrifice / offering’ and the other what was offered. Since -ios > -i(s) is known in later Greek, an adjective or derivative like G. aparkhia would work best, maybe *aparkhios ‘for the beginning of a sacrifice’.
Together, LA u-na-ka-na-si / u-na-ru-ka-na-ti as a word in libation formulas for wine makes sense. If ka-na-ti/si was related to krā- ‘mix’, krâsis / krêsis ‘mixing/blending (of wine & water)’ (Greeks often made wine mixed with water, either to drink or to offer to gods), it would make sense. This would be derived from a nasal-infixed form, like :
G. kígkrēmi / keránnūmi ‘mix / mingle / blend / dilute wine with water’
*ki-kraH-n- > *kin-kraH- > kígkrēmi
*kraH-n- >> *kraHntis > *krantis / *kransis : LA ka-na-ti / ka-na-si
Some verbs create nouns based on either the present stem or the bare root. Greek infix -n- can often appear further to the beginning than other IE (*pi-pleH1-n- > G. pímplēmi, Arm. yłp’anam ‘be filled to repletion / be overfilled’). LB didn’t always spell Cr- as CV-RV, some just CV. Thus, *uinā-kransin / *uināru-krantin ‘mixing/blending (of wine & water)’ fits all data, both for sound and meaning. So far, this is not essentially different from interpreting a LB sentence. Most of these ideas are simple and based on known Greek words. LB words often require never-before-seen compounds, case endings, affixes, etc., or are from IE roots not previously seen in Greek. Some LB words are still of unknown meaning or origin, yet this would not “prove” that LB was not Greek, as previous problems with LA somehow are taken as it being non-Greek. Starting with the simple cognates, words that should be clear from context, is an easy first step, that few have been willing to take.
Other words are variants of those seen elsewhere, allowing other sound changes to be seen, or restorations of damaged signs to be made:
TL Za 1 also has “ si-ru[-te ”, so I will restore it “ […]-si-ru-[…] ” both as “ sirute ” ( < *siluntḗn, below)
others have “ (j)a-di-ki-te-te-du-pu2-re ”, so I will assume the same origin for “ a-di-ki-te-te[…..]-re ”
This “ u-na-ru-ka-na-ti i-pi-na-mi-na ” vs. “ u-na-ka-na-si i-pi-na-ma ” must be evidence of either endings -ma vs. -mina or earlier *-m(e)na (G. -ménos, -mnos in dagómenos ‘weak’, dágmnos ‘pitiable’ (likely < *dánk-m(e)nos ‘worn down’ << dáknō ‘bite’)). Others that probably show PIE *-m(H1)no- include: heiamenḗ ‘riverside pasture / flood plain / meadow’, íamnos ‘meadow’ ( < *(ye)-ya-m(e)no-?), mérimna ‘care/concern’, médimnos ‘a measure of corn’, kórumna ‘necklace’, khélumna ‘tortoise / lyre’, húmnos ‘song/hymn/ode’ (*sHo- / *soH3-mn > Skt. sā́man- ‘song’. Some G. dialects had -mn- > -nm-, so LA na-ma-ma-ti-ti-ne might represent *nmāmat- : G. mnêma, Dor. mnâma, Thes. nmâma ‘memorial / remembrance / record / monument (in honor of the dead)’ (Chiapello 2023b, Whalen 2023). This same change could turn -mna > *-nma, either later > *-mma or spelled without the coda (as is often done in LA & LB). Here, epi-nā-menā() ‘emanation’ < epi-nā́ō ‘send forth emanations/influences’ could refer to the supposed magical energy sent from a libation that was supposed to strengthen/please a god (without him actually drinking the wine in person). Since this is derived from *naH2- (nā́ō ‘flow (over)’, *naH2mn > nâma ‘anything flowing / stream’, gen. nā́matos), it might also be an older meaning for ‘flowing / pouring’ of some type. This also shows *e > i as in G. sikúa / sékoua ‘gourd’. As circumstantial evidence this occurred in Cretan Greek, Nagy takes keikúnē ‘kind of fig tree’ as < *kīkúnā.
With so many words for ‘pour’, ‘wine’, etc. (as might be expected), LA a-ko-a-ne as from G. anakhéō ‘pour forth’ (in dialects often ana- > an-) fits (G. khóanos ‘melting pot / etc’, *khowanā > khṓnē ‘smelting furnace / funnel’, Skt. hávana-m ‘oblation’). Many dialects had w > 0, and since -oa- is not common in many languages, but is in Greek (due to -w- / -h- / -y- > 0), it also fits LA as Greek. Since both it and pi-te-ri are together and “inserted” into the longer version, *pisteri ‘into the trough’ (G. pistḗr) would make the phrase in context “from the jar into the basin” (or the same basic idea, depending on what libations were poured from into the depression in the libation table, since PIE *g^hew- can describe liquid offerings, funnels to pour them, jars, etc.). A similar range in G. pipískō ‘give to drink / make drink’, pistḗr \ potístrā ‘watering-place / drinking-trough / channel’.
As further evidence, see the context of LA libation formula on the ladle TL Za 1 (given in Younger, with some readings of damaged areas helped by equivalents in other LA; for ex., VRY Za 1 reads: i-pi-na-ma si-ru-te) which can be read (using dialect changes covered in Whalen 2024a to 2024h):
TL Za 1
a-ta-i-jo-wa-ja o-su-qa-re ja-sa-sa-ra-me u-na-ka-na-si i-pi-na-ma si-ru-te
Antayyowya OksugWales aisa-saramē(n) uinā-kransin ipi-nāmmā() siluntḗn
*Antawya-Dyewya Hok^sugWlHes aitya-twaraHa woinā-krantim epi-nā-m(e)nā() (e)thelontḗn
Athena of Swift/Sharp Arrows, I pour an offering of wine mixed with water, sent forth (to you), willingly
which allows, with additions :
a-ta-i-jo-wa-e a-di-ki-te-te[…..]-re pi-te-ri a-ko-a-ne a-sa-sa-ra-me u-na-ru-ka-na-ti i-pi-na-mi-na […]-si-ru-[…] i-na-ja-pa-qa
Antay-yowye Adiktet-dvure pistéri an-khowanēt aisa-saramē uināru-krantin ipi-nāmimā() siluntḗn (y)īnaiapaskhā()
*Antawya-Dyewya H2ak^-dhH1taH2t-dhworaH2 aitya-twaraHa woināro-krantim epi-nā-menā() (e)thelontḗn wīnaia-pathskā()
Athena of the temple of (Mt.) Dikte, from the jar into the basin, I pour an offering of wine mixed with water, sent forth (to you), willingly under force of misfortune
Details :
Many types of inscriptions often specify that they’re done ‘willingly’. G. (e)thelontḗn ‘voluntarily’ comes from *gWhel(H1)- ‘wish / will’ (Whalen 2024i) and e- vs. 0- is old (2). The change of th > s is known in later G. and LA if su-ma : thûma at a place of sacrifice (Chiapello 2023b, Whalen 2023). An offering made “willingly under force of punishment (if I have lied)” would further specify that the gods would punish those who made promises they couldn’t keep (or even perform a ritual improperly). That this final word did not appear in TL Za 1 shows that it is, again, a further specification that is not needed (or commonly found in later Greek).
Since q in LB stood for KW / x ( < kh, k > x before s) (Whalen 2024j), pa-qa could be *paskha, PIE *kW(e)ndh-(sk^e) > G. páskhō ‘suffer / etc’, páthē \ páthos ‘what is done to a person / experience / pain/s / misfortune/disaster / passion/emotion’, apathēs ‘not suffering / unpunished’
For other sound changes, most covered before and known from G. dialects, Chiapello’s idea about several words with *th > s like Doric Greek also holds up. 2 words, both *w- > 0-, *awo > a-o in a-ko-a-ne, i-na-ja < inaía ‘force’ << ī́s < *wī́s, some *we / *wi > *ye / *yi implied by optional *we > (h)e in G.
The attribute OksugWales < *Hok^su-gWlHes-, recalling Hekatē-bólos ‘far-shooting / Apollo / Artemis’. These from *gWelH1- > bállō, dellō, Arc. zellō ‘throw’, so the -QA- represents -gWa-. If ‘Swift < *Hotk^u- / Sharp’ had already merged in sound, the exact meaning would be unclear.
For JA-SA-SA-RA-ME see (Whalen 2024g).
Also, the words in Linear A
strongly suggest the existence of compounds in du-pu2-re (*ð(u)vure) ‘door / palace / etc.’ (Whalen 2024k). The first parts would match 2 places :
di-ka-tu di-ka-ta-jo Diktaîos
pa-i-to pa-i-to Phaistos
Since pa-ta-da-du-pu2-re was found near Phaistos, it seems highly likely that these were phrases for ‘palace of Phaistos’, ‘temple of (Mt.) Dikte’, or similar. This would require at explanation for apparent *adiktet-dvure and *phaistad-dvure showing affixes in -t (and assimilation of *-t-d > -d-d). If LA was Greek, the ablative case from PIE *-(H)d or *-(H)t would make sense. The abl. and gen. are often similar or identical in IE, and if distinct, the abl. deals with location and movement, just as would be the case here. For the existence of LA words ending in -e and -a matching G. -os, see (Whalen 2024c). It is hard to imagine that a non-IE language would have such close matches, especially since both Phaistos and Dicte seem to be of IE origin.
Mt. Dicte is supposedly named for the goddess Díktunna, a huntress, Cretan version of Artemis. If the meaning of ‘(goddess) of shooting (arrows)’ could be found, it would confirm this word’s IE origin. Maybe ‘archer’, so from “throw / shoot”
*piHpt- ‘(make) fall / throw down / shoot?’ >> LB *Piptunna = Díktunna?
*dia-piHpt- / *dia-Hpt- > (katá) iáptō ‘hurt’, proïáptō ‘send forth / shoot (arrows) / (int) rush’
dikeîn ‘throw’, díktu(on) ‘fishing net’, Díktunna / Díktē ‘goddess of the hunt / ~Artemis’
Reduplicated roots forming compounds often lose Ce- / Ci-, hence *dia-piHpt- / *dia-Hpt-. Since *piHpt- is from H-metathesis, and there is more in *pH2i-pta- (Whalen 2024l):
*petH2- ‘extend / fly’, *pi-pt(a)H2- > *piH2-pt- > G. pī́ptō, Aeo. pissō ‘fall’, *pi-pt(a)H2- > *pH2i-pta- > *fipta- > Koine híptamai ‘fly / rush’
metathesis in *diaHpt- > *adiHpt- > *adixpt- > *adikt- > Dikt- would fit, and explain LA a-di-ki-te.
(1) *y / *dy > *dz / *zd > dd / d / z / *y / í in Greek (Whalen 2024m) :
*Hyorko- > G. dórkai ‘eggs of lice/etc.’, *Horkyon- > Arm. ork‘iwn, *Hirkno-? > *rinksa- > Os. liskä, Skt. likṣā́, A. liiṇṭṣií ‘nit’
Cornish yorch ‘roe’, *york^- > G. dórkos / íorkos, zorkás / dorkás ‘roe / gazelle’
Skt. yáva-s ‘barley’, yávya- ‘sown with barley’, Li. jáuja ‘barn’, G. zeiaí ‘fodder’, Cretan G. dēai ‘barley’, dēttaí ‘barley pottage’
*di-ambo- > *dyambo- > *yambo- > íambos ‘2-syllable metrical foot / iambic verse’
*diha-pãt(e)o- > Arc. Diápatos / Lápatos ‘(name of a month)’, dat. Zapatéai ‘a god, Poseidon?’, *Dyapat(y)o- > Iapetós, brother of Krónos (likely from diapatéō ‘tread through’)
These are certainly not all loans, which somehow happened to have y- opposed to unrelated Greek words with d- (so some say dorkás < *derk^- ‘see / be bright/colorful/spotted’).
(2) (e)thel- with thel- old enough to be in LA (Whalen 2024l) :
PIE *gWel- ‘wish / want’ is reconstructed based on Greek evidence :
*(e)gWela > Mac. izéla ‘good luck’, G. bále ‘oh that it were so!’
*gWel[?]- / *gWol[?]- > G. boúlomai, Arc. bolomai, Thes. bellomai, etc. ‘wish / want / prefer / pretend / claim’
*gWolnaH2 > G. boulḗ, Arc. bōlá, Thes. boulá, etc. ‘will / wish / counsel / council’
The origin of these is not clear, but they greatly resemble :
*(H1)gWhel- ‘wish / want / will / be/make willing / charm’ > OCS želja ‘wish’, ON gilja ‘allure/entice/seduce/beguile’, G. (e)thélō ‘be willing’, (e)thelontḗn ‘voluntarily’
*wel(H1/y)- / *wleH1- ‘wish / want / choose’ > L. velle, OE willan, E. will, Skt. var-, Li. pa-vélti, viltìs ‘hope’, *wlèH1yoH > G. leíō / lḗō ‘will’, Arm. gełj / bałj ‘desire / wish / longing’
*wel(H1)p- > L. volup ‘gladly’, voluptās ‘pleasure’, G. elpís ‘hope’
Not only is it unlikely these sets of words would resemble each other by chance, but each group has its own set of irregularities. Each oddity needs to be explained for group-internal reasons, and the results of each support the same optional changes in the others. I mean that *wel(H1)- needs *welH1- for the tone in -vélti, and *wel- for viltìs. The same for *welH1p- > volup vs. *welp- > elpís (no other examples of *-Hp in Latin, but unstressed *a > *e is known, and *-ep > *-op > -up would fit with *el > ol > ul, etc.). This would make sense if H-metathesis optionally moved *H1 creating both *welH1- and *H1wel-. Some metathesis here is already needed for *wlèH1yoH > G. leíō / lḗō anyway. With this as the start, the odd (e)- in G. (e)thélō can hardly be unrelated, and it is possible that i- in Mac. izéla vs. G. bále also goes back to *(e)- (too little Mac. data to know if *eC- > iC- is expected (or environmental)). This means all groups could come from *H1- vs. *-H1-. This would make common origin certain :
*H1gWel- / *gWelH1- ‘wish / want’
*H1gWhel- / *gWhelH1- ‘wish / want / will / be/make willing’
*H1wel- / *welH1- ‘wish / want / choose’
Though no evidence exists for the presence of *-H- in most, these are also the languages in which *H- > 0- happened, so if from those variants no evidence for *H- or *-H- would be expected. Arm. gełj / bałj might come from optional *HgW- > *Hb- (which would be dissimilation if *H1 was γ^ / R^ or similar). It is beyond chance that these groups would be unrelated, and they must show optional changes. Reasonably, an onset like *H1gW- would have the properties needed (since *H caused optional C > Ch in other words). For *gW vs. *w, the same might happen in others (maybe mainly near *H ?) :
Each new piece of evidence and its reasonable interpretation leads to a support of the idea that Linear A in Crete could represent a Greek dialect. It would be hard to relate so many LA words to ‘pour’, etc., in context if unrelated. These would show LA as a dialect of Greek, often with the same variation already known from dialects (many of which match those from Crete). With no difference in spelling for l / r, it stands to reason that they had only one liquid or they optionally alternated. Other changes known from within Greek include e / i and o / u. The related Linear B is also unusually well-adapted, for a syllabary, for spelling Greek words (containing phu, pte, ha, rja, nwo, qe, etc., which are often used to spell words of certain native Greek origin). LB used q for KW (retained from PIE) and -oa- within a word is common in Greek; why would these be seen in a supposedly unrelated language spoken in the same place? With other proposals like *wo2 = *wyo > *w’w’o would be unusual to find in both LA and Greek if unrelated, though I think simple *wō makes more sense, but would also show LA contained Greek sounds (Whalen 2024n). More important than this is the correspondence of long LA words to Greek ones, including endings: Greek dia-dómata, diadidómenos; Linear A da-du-ma-ta, da-du-mi-ne (Whalen 2024i), Linear B ku-su-to-ro-qa ‘total’ (also abbreviations ku-su-to-qa / ku-su-qa), Linear A ku-ro ‘total’ which could be another abbreviation of the same (Whalen 2024e), Linear A po-to-ku-ro ‘grand total’ (as if from *panto- with dialect change a > o by P, G. ablábeia : Cretan ablopia), and even LA au-ta-de-po-ni-za as *auta-despotnidza- ‘absolute ruler / queen’ also matches context. As these continue to add up in obscurity, when will others take note?
Chiapello, Duccio (2021) The “libation tables” of the Minoan goddess. Remarks on the “primary formula” of the dedicatory inscriptions in Linear A
Chiapello, Duccio (2022) The Libation tables of Τάν Ὀράτριος. Remarks on the "secondary formula" of the dedicatory inscriptions in Linear A
Chiapello, Duccio (2023a) Aparchai in the Late Minoan Age. The KN Zb 40 pithoid jar and the “Minoan Greek” hypothesis
Chiapello, Duccio (2023b) Minoan graffiti, and beyond. The “Minoan Greek”, two «base words» as a key to interpretation, and the meaning of (J)A-SA-SA-RA-ME
Chiapello, Duccio (2024a) The Minoan Nymph, and more speculations. A notebook on the Linear A Za 8 tablet and the “Minoan Greek” hypothesis
Chiapello, Duccio (2024b) A libation table of the Minoan Nympha? A reassessment of Linear A PK Za 8 libation table, and the “Minoan Greek” hypothesis
Hesychius of Alexandria, Alphabetical Collection of All Words
Liddell, Henry George & Scott, Robert (1940) A Greek-English Lexicon
Mosenkis, Iurii (?) GREEK ECONOMY IN LINEAR A (short summary)
Rosen, Leah (2023) A Semiotic Analysis of Two Linear A Inscribed Ladles\_honproj
Nagy, Gregory (2019) Minoan and Mycenaean fig trees: some retrospective and prospective comments\_FigTrees.pdf
Whalen, Sean (2023) Minoan Sacrifice, Fake Men and Baskets\_sacrifice\_fake\_men\_and\_baskets/
Whalen, Sean (2024a) Environmental Causes of Greek *Ē > Ā, *H1 / *0 > E / Ē, *H / *0 > E / A / O / 0; Cretan Tā́n, Tálōn
Whalen, Sean (2024b) Greek Consonant Changes: Stops and Fricatives in Contact (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024c) Greek *we > eu and Linear B Symbol *75 = WE : EW (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024d) Indo-European Alternation of *H / *s (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024e) Indo-European Fricatization and Metathesis by S (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024f) More Values of Linear B Symbol *25 : A2 (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024g) Linear A Words A-DI-DA-KI-TI ~ Greek adídaktos, MNA-TI-RI ~ Greek mnāstr- (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024h) Greek dia-dómata, diadidómenos; Linear A da-du-ma-ta, da-du-mi-ne (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024i) Analysis of PIE *(e)gWel-, *(H1)gWhel-, *wel(H)- ‘wish / want’ (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024j) Linear B q-series: evidence for use for both labiovelar KW and aspirated kh / velar fricative x (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024k) Linear A (j)a-di-ki-te-te-du-pu2-re & pa-ta-da-du-pu2-re (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024l) Greek & Skt. P-dissimilation & P-assimilation, *f > ph, *v > w, *mv > *nw, *rh, o/u by P, need for fricatives & optional sound changes (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024m) Linear A Goddess A-TA-I-JO-WA-JA
Whalen, Sean (2024n) Linear B *79, e-wi-su-zo-ko, e-wi-su-79-ko
Younger, John (2023) Linear A Texts: Homepage\~jyoungeLinearA/
submitted by stlatos to HistoricalLinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:18 WeakPlatypus4176 Best Solutions for Gaming Creative Casino Ads Casino Platform

Best Solutions for Gaming Creative Casino Ads Casino Platform
Gambling is a rapidly growing industry that is continuously evolving with new technology and trends. As more and more people turn to online gambling, it becomes increasingly important for businesses in this sector to stand out in a crowded market. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through strategic and innovative advertising. In this blog, we will explore the best gambling ads

Understanding the Landscape of Gambling Ads

Gambling ads are a unique subset of digital advertising that requires a nuanced approach. They must adhere to stringent regulations and guidelines while also capturing the attention of potential customers. The key to successful gambling digital ads lies in creativity, relevance, and strategic placement.

Key Elements of Successful Gambling Ads

  1. Engaging Visuals: High-quality graphics and videos are crucial. The visual appeal of an ad can significantly influence its effectiveness. Use vibrant colors, dynamic imagery, and clear branding to catch the viewer’s eye.
  2. Compelling Copy: The text in your ad should be concise and compelling. Highlight unique selling points such as bonuses, free spins, or special promotions. Ensure that the language used is persuasive and calls for immediate action.
  3. Targeting the Right Audience: Utilize advanced targeting options to reach your ideal audience. Age, location, interests, and online behavior are all critical factors to consider when setting up your campaigns.
  4. Ad Placement: Where your ad appears can be just as important as what it says. Leveraging a reputable gambling ad network like "7Search PPC" can ensure that your ads are placed on high-traffic sites frequented by your target demographic.

Examples of Effective Gambling Ads

1. Bet365’s Live Streaming Ad

Bet365’s ads often feature live sports streaming. These ads appeal directly to sports enthusiasts by offering them the ability to bet on live events as they unfold. The combination of real-time excitement and the opportunity to place bets creates a compelling call to action.

2. PokerStars’ Celebrity Endorsements

PokerStars has successfully used celebrity endorsements in their ads. By featuring famous poker players and celebrities, they add a layer of credibility and appeal. This strategy taps into the aspirational aspect of gambling, where players want to emulate their idols.

3. DraftKings’ Fantasy Sports Promotions

DraftKings often runs ads that highlight their fantasy sports offerings. These ads are particularly effective because they blend the excitement of fantasy sports with the thrill of betting. They use engaging visuals and clear, compelling calls to action.

Innovative Ideas for Gambling Ads

1. Interactive Ads

Interactive ads engage users by allowing them to participate in the ad experience. For example, an ad could feature a mini-game where users can win a free bet or bonus. This not only grabs attention but also provides an incentive for users to click through to your site.

2. User-Generated Content

Encourage your users to share their own experiences with your platform. User-generated content can be incredibly powerful as it provides social proof and builds trust. Create campaigns that incentivize users to share their wins or favorite moments.

3. Seasonal Promotions

Tie your ads to seasonal events or holidays. For instance, run special promotions during major sporting events, holidays, or the beginning of a new year. Seasonal promotions can create a sense of urgency and capitalize on times when people are more likely to engage in gambling activities.

Creative Strategies for Online Gambling Advertising

1. Storytelling

People love stories. Creating ads that tell a story can be a powerful way to engage your audience. For example, you could create a series of ads that follow a character’s journey from a beginner to a seasoned gambler. This can create an emotional connection and keep viewers coming back for more.

2. Social Media Campaigns

Social media is a goldmine for online gambling advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer robust targeting options and a variety of ad formats. Use eye-catching graphics, short videos, and interactive content to engage users on these platforms.

3. Influencer Partnerships

Partnering with influencers can help you reach a broader audience. Look for influencers who align with your brand and have a strong following among your target demographic. Influencer campaigns can provide authenticity and trustworthiness to your advertising efforts.

Leveraging 7Search PPC for Gambling Ads

"7Search PPC" is a powerful platform that can help you maximize the impact of your gambling ads. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

1. Targeted Campaigns

7Search PPC offers advanced targeting options that allow you to reach the right audience. You can target users based on location, age, interests, and online behavior, ensuring that your ads are seen by those most likely to convert to an online advertising platform.

2. Cost-Effective Advertising

One of the major advantages of 7Search PPC is its cost-effectiveness. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, which ensures that your advertising budget is spent efficiently.

3. Comprehensive Analytics

7Search PPC provides detailed analytics that allows you to track the performance of your ads. Use this data to refine your campaigns, improve your targeting, and maximize your ROI.

4. Ad Network Integration

By integrating with various ad networks, 7Search PPC ensures that your ads are displayed on high-traffic sites frequented by your target audience. This increases the visibility of your ads and enhances the chances of conversion.


Gambling advertising is a dynamic and challenging field that requires creativity, strategic thinking, and the right tools. By leveraging the power of engaging visuals, compelling copy, and advanced targeting, you can create ads that stand out and drive conversions. Platforms like 7Search PPC provide the infrastructure needed to implement these strategies effectively, offering targeted campaigns, cost-effective advertising, and comprehensive analytics.
Incorporate the examples, ideas, and strategies discussed in this blog to elevate your gambling ads and achieve your marketing goals. Whether you are promoting an online casino, sports betting site, or poker platform, the right advertising approach can make all the difference.


What are the best types of ads for gambling sites?

Ans. The best types of ads for gambling sites are those that feature engaging visuals, compelling copy, and clear calls to action. Interactive ads, user-generated content, and seasonal promotions are also highly effective.

How can I ensure my gambling ads comply with regulations?

Ans. Ensure that your ads comply with all local and international regulations by staying informed about the legal requirements in each region where you advertise. Work with a legal advisor if necessary, and use ad networks like 7Search PPC that are familiar with these regulations.

What is the role of targeting in gambling ads?

Ans. Targeting is crucial in gambling ads as it ensures that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your offerings. Advanced targeting options allow you to reach specific demographics, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

How can 7Search PPC help in gambling advertising?

Ans. 7Search PPC can help by providing advanced targeting options, cost-effective advertising, comprehensive analytics, and integration with various ad networks. This ensures that your ads are placed in front of the right audience and perform optimally.

What are some innovative ideas for gambling ads?

Ans. Some innovative ideas for gambling ads include interactive ads, storytelling, social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and seasonal promotions. These approaches can help you stand out in a crowded market and engage your audience effectively.
submitted by WeakPlatypus4176 to u/WeakPlatypus4176 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:06 PossiblyNewts [A4A] Flirting with a would be bully [Teasing] [Enemies to ???]

If you like the script you can monetize it. If there are changes to words, tone, or other things in the script you think would be fun to add or alter to run smoother you are allowed to do so. I assume A4A means any for any but I will state here that all gender combinations are allowed.
This seemed like a fun idea and I had a lot of fun typing out the end a lot. I hope whoever reads this script can get at least one laugh out of it.
*Overlapping conversations and multiple sets of footsteps\* *Casual\* “Yeah, the teacher really let me have it for being late again. Honestly, you’d think they would give up trying at this point. It’s not like I’m failing so why do they care so much?” *Annoyed\* “It’s totally just a power trip for them. I mean just teach, it’s not like they're our parents” *A person walks by the speaker. Sounds of books falling\* *Smug\* “Watch where you’re walking loser. Maybe if you were paying more attention, you would have noticed my foot quick enough to avoid it. Pick up your shit and get out of here.” *Sounds of shuffling. The speaker laughs and zeroes in on the listener\* *Intrigued\* “Hey you” *Pause\ **Annoyed*** “yeah you, the person standing there with that stupid look on your face.” *Smug\* “Ah sorry, that’s just your face” (Thoughts: “Kinda cute actually.”) *Casual\* “What’s your name?” *Teasing\* “Stupid name, how about I just call you baby?” *Teasing\* “Cause you got a baby face, and you look like you’d cry like one” *Snarky\* “Whatever, Was it fun staring at us baby? Were you hoping to be next or something? Good news for you because it worked.” *Casual\* “You new baby? I think I would have noticed someone like you before” *Embarrassed\* “W- well, cause your face looks stupid. I already said that, are you also just an idiot in general?” *Smug\* “Hey hey, no need to look like a kicked puppy just yet baby. Is it seriously that easy to upset you? If so, you just made this even more fun.” (Thoughts: “Yeah, they’re cute alright. I think I’ll have a lot of fun with them” )
*Casually\* “So you didn’t answer my question. You new or something? I would have been picking on you a lot more if I had seen you before.” *Smug\* “Speaking of” *Speaker snags your hat\* *Smug\* “Thanks, it’s kinda ugly but it’ll look better on me. I’m not sure why you thought you could hide a face like... that anyway.” *Listener attempts to take their hat back\ **Taunting*** “Come on now, you’re going to have to try harder baby. You didn’t look like much to begin with, but I thought you could do better than that” *Speaker chuckles\* *Smug\* “God, you’re more pathetic then I thought to begin with. That’s an accomplishment, something I’m sure you’re not use to” *Listener looks upset\ **Cruelly*** “What the hell, don’t start crying over something so lame. It’s just a hat, I know you were trying to cover up how shitty you look but you can’t hide that forever.” *Smug\* “I did you a favor baby. If you are new it’s best to let everyone see what you look like now, so they won’t be as disappointed as I was when they got to see you without the hat” (Thoughts: “They’ll actually be pretty popular I think. I don’t know why I’d want people to see them now that I think about it. I kind of liked the idea of keeping them to myself.”) *Casual\* “You know what, I think I’m done teasing you for now. Don’t think about trying to hide from me. Now that I’ve got you on my radar I’ll definitely be able to spot you now.” *Speaker goes to walk off with their friends. Listener grabs their shirt\* *Confused\* “Huh? What the hell. What do you want? I said we’re done here.... your hat? Seriously? Look, I’m not giving it back.” *Smug\* “You know what, meet me at the end of the day, I’ll give it back to you if you manage to take it from me. Does that sound fair? Doesn't matter either way, that’s the only way you’re getting it back” *Sometime after classes\* *Casual\* “You actually showed up? Seriously didn’t think you had it in you.” *Smug\* “I don’t know what you expected to accomplish by showing up though. There’s no way you’re going to be able to take your hat back.” *Casual\* “What shampoo do you use by the way? I’m only asking cause.... it sucks, smells awful. Seriously you need to change it” *Listener tries to snag the hat back\* *Smug\* “I can’t believe you thought you could just try and swipe it like that. You really are just that stupid aren’t you” *Listener looks down\* *Smug\* “Awwww are you upset already?” *Smug\* “Here, let me bend down a little so you have a better chance of succeeding. Is that fair baby?” *Sounds of the Listener grabbing on to the speakers shirt\* *Playful\* “Oooh getting handsy? You don’t actually think you can put up a real fight do yo-”
*Speaker is caught off guard, listener kisses their cheek\* *Embarrassed\* “W- what wai- yo- ... no! That's not fair!. What the hell was that!?” *Listener gets the hat and just smiles at the speaker. Speaker grunts annoyed\* *Pouty\* “Fine. Whatever, you got your stupid hat back. It’s not like I wanted it anyway. And I guess it’s better your ugly... stupid face is being covered again” *Embarrassed\* “I- I- what!?, I am not cute when I’m pouty.... and I’m not pouty!. Shut up!” *Confused\* “What the hell, how did things turn out like this anyway. You were all cute and easy to pick on just a couple hours ago” *Pouty\* “No way, you’re lying. There’s no way you were acting!. And no!, I did not call you cute. Once again. Shut. Up. You’re not funny.” *Embarrassed\* “I- I’m not sad, why would I be sad?” *Embarrassed\* “First kiss!?, no!, I’ve kissed tons!, you were nowhere near my first kiss and you won't be my last neither. I can kiss whoever I want” *Speaker Growls\* *Flustered\* “I’m not asking for another kiss!. Why would I want to kiss you!” *Flustered\* “Fine!, whatever, yes I called you cute. When you were all pouty and upset you were cute.” *Flustered\* “Sorta like I am now? Shut. Up, Or I’ll make you” *Embarrassed\* “Not by kissing you no!. Listen, you’re driving me crazy, and not in the way you’re thinking!.” *Tired\* “Listen... why don’t we just pretend this never happened. I won't pick on you and I’ll stay out of your hair?” *Embarrassed\* “I’m not hoy when I’m- Do we have a deal?” *Confused\* “What do you mean no? You can’t just keep bothering me!” *Annoyed\* “Now that you got me in your radar you’ll definitely be able to spot me.... I just decided... I really don’t like you” *Pleading\* “Please... please shut up. Stop calling me cute.” *Tired\* “Okay okay... what do you want? Anything but a kiss. Stop asking me to... do that.” *Flustered\* “I did not like it..... no.... definitely hated it”
*Confused\* “You’ll quit flirting wit- you've been flirting with me? Right, stay focused. You’ll quit doing... whatever it is you’re doing if I’ll hang out with you.... fine, where do you wanna hang out?” *Casual\* “Seriously? out to eat? what is this a date?” *Flustered\* “It is!? No! I don’t want to- well... wait I’m not actually considering this am I?.... damn it. Okay, yeah. Fine. Date” *Listener holds out a piece of paper\* *Confused\* “I didn’t see you write anything... have you planned all this out? You really are a pain in the- give it here.” *Speaker grabs the paper and the listener gives them a quick kiss while they bend for it before walking away\* “Flustered\* “...... Damn it they’re good at that. How did I end up with a date?.... holy shit I have a date.”
submitted by PossiblyNewts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:06 Delicious_Chicken_87 Child constantly wakes up through the night. Help a mumma desperate for proper sleep.

For probably the last 3 months, my now 18 month old daughter wakes constantly over night. I am at my wits end on how to help, or what to change anymore and would love some insight from absolutely anyone who has any new ideas.
She will wake up anywhere between 5 and 15 times overnight. A good night is 1-3 wakes. She wakes 7am, naps 11-1pm and goes to bed 7 or 7.30pm. She is in a cot, in my bedroom because we are short on space. The air con was set 24, now being winter is turned off. My only other option at this stage is to move her into my 7yo sons room to see if anything changes, but I also don't want to disrupt his sleep.
You name it, I've tried it. Clothing, room temp, nap changes, bedtime changes, pitch black and then night lights, making sure shes well fed, multiple milk bottles overnight, then tried cutting them out, sheet fabric changes, pillows and blankets, then none at all, comforters never worked. She only has a dummy.
Occasionally she will resettle. Most times I have to get up, lay her back down and tuck her in. She varies from crying to screaming. Tough nights, she'll sleep with me and still wake up. My husband works away so it'll all me 100% of the time and I am over it.
Please help me get some proper sleep.
submitted by Delicious_Chicken_87 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:03 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 5: Immortal Sins⁹

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 5: Immortal Sins⁹
Last time. The gang battled the Anti-Sapiens and was successful. They proved to be worthy opponents and brought them to their limits. Afterwards the others would rest up. 2 months would pass by. There hasn't been a single Anti-Sapien in sight. Fasha's cousin, who was born on the same day appears. The boy who was stealing is shown. What is he up to? What will happen right now? The people are getting scared.They contact the Justice Drivers. They are known in their area. They are very popular amongst the people. At the building. Julmbo" Wait. The cameras are all out. Whoever they are they are very good." Strider" More work for us. Yeah." As soon as they leave, the killing begins. Tinn" Hey over here!" Julmbo" When did this happen? They struck this sudden!" Spike" But how?"
Julmbo" We only left for a second. Wait. Shh. You hear that?" They all hear and follow. Strider" Where's Tinn and Spike?" Julmbo" Beats me." The scene goes dark for a second. Julmbo is all alone. He hears screaming and running. A hand grabs him and he is startled. Laughter is heard. Julmbo" What the hell!!!" Draum and the others Come out. Everyone is laughing. He's a shamed. Julmbo" You pranked me. That wasn't cool. We still have work to do." Next scene. The boy is taking money from people's houses.
Arc Notes- Spirit Cuffs. Wind Slice Attack. Sid spit lightning attack works with fire (combine together) FATHER. Light Power heel chair. Rade plant lady. Geo likes to eat but Yolmmo eats more. Rade uses Genesis to get information without having to leave his spot. He tells to Eyashi Arc 6. Rade apple. Draum takes Hydro Corps with Justice Drivers. Keina Kiyoshi 7. Last time on opening Arc 6. Arc 7 lots of demons. Sez Unemori gadget style. Arc 5. Korin Kore. Soothsayer short witch attire. Go to school together. Gru boxing style. Sid, Phil and Fasha back to back. Nara Haseku. Frogg Kikio 5. How to do Fire Morph. Wind Swallow. Shadow Spea Sabitist Lemaru pike. Blaze rich. Call me Darkness. Sid and Phil extend fists before the fight. Draum stronger than the demons. Danly I am a demon. Ignoramus. Mountain. Blade Eater. Draum he used a kikio. Geronimo. Sakura Justice Drivers. Anti-Sapien animal powers. Named after series. Blood charge. Julmbo old friend demon. Frogg taking stuff like money.
Sidney's group. Tiger(female)=Donta. Bear=Yoshatora(fat). Gorilla=Jasin(stuck in form/good archer).
Mind Controller- Dwells into the person's mind and uses their memories against them. Making the mind attack it's owner.
Team Earth: Corroshi Setse(all styles/fire fav)(master), Geo Kazy(Dragon style/Jeet Kune Do), Eyon Yoshi(Lightning/fire), Yolmmo Usay(wateice) Domay Usay(wind), Korr Yoshi, Kunesuke Atara(glasses/reads/black/lady's man), Su Lin(Eyon's girlfriend/Chinese/not black), Ishani Sharma(Indian skin/not black/turban/Yolmmo's girlfriend)
Hydro Corps: Sodum Hydro(leader), Coracoona/Charzie Anderson(not black), Dornymious(door-nee-me-us)Ryeno or Rhyno(Rhino/not black/charges), Shune Tuche(to-shay/special suit and mask/great hunter)
Areas- Tohoku Japan(setting/West Japan), Togyu Manji(Sid's home), Conithio Town, Kurai (dark) Haitsu(heights), Renyu Haito, Shiawasena Michi(happy road), Hausada, Heteritoke Town, Kibakoru(near a bakery), Ryusoka (ree-u-so-kah)Tofa,(small town), Zuloko Ikiki(large area), Uketa(oo-kee-tah) Sada(near a graveyard area), Sushun(Soul Snatcher's headquarters), Osaka Japan(western Japan)(Team Earth's original home), Kanta Japan(eastern Japan), Burakkubēsu(means black base)/(Black Widow's hideout),
Greater Demons-Balaam and Dracula
Notes-Mirror asylum. Plache appears arc 6. Rade is a scientist. Wants Kikia to give up her organization. He uses a dark gass it turns people into demons. Erika, Keira Umo, Eyashi, Zushi, and others become demons put into a facility. Must find antidote. Rade has all the demons power Who died. Haden arm becomes demon-like but hasn't turned yet. Kikia will stick him with a syringe. Demon form wears off. Arc 6. Haden and MaXx can't win. demon souls. Airball- can be small or large/chargeable. Eyashi- Wind of the Dragon Punch. Charge fist thpen strike the enemy/enemies. Late effect. Final blow will feel like a combination of all the punches in one. Maybe Phil. Dead Beat- idea demon/creature. Gru move mountain. Camme punches Sid untie hair. Huff and puff(wind style). Blaze and Gruesome take off suit jacket. Gruesome shirtless. Plache likes Sid.
Lightning Beam (Death Beam). Eyashi got 3 main bosses to like him. Absorb moves/spirt energy. Thunder Strike/plow. Dragon Breath. Heat Vision. Hot as Hell move. Double jump. Liba Tezu. Kiko glasses. That arm. You're a Soul Killer. You have the red flower. It's you. Punch/ uppercut Thunder Rider. MaXx grabs it and throws it back. Saundra asks for Sid's name. She tells Ryu. He appears and sees Sid. Sid sees Kiko's glasses. Demon mirror.
Charging fist Sid and Phil. Regular male student too many female characters. Genesis. Rade uses rings to cuff body/Freak Ring Circus/Spirit Ring Cuff. Dragon Flare origin during Bosch's story. Burning Impalememet Sid. Surfing Ice Blade works with other elements. Sid used first with Reaper Sajettus then Fasha with Rudiaslaudia and Sakura used. 1st Lt Alex Mohoto. The Hydro Corps. Eyon vs Tairon was controlled. Fēng's blade Dragon Heart. Dark Matter. Haden purple lightning. When Danly dies, Rischardo will be shown/ Flashbacks shown/will say his son's name. Velencya bird. Corri Howbori. Sid lightning style against Blaze. Lightning Slash. Spirit energy. Rischardo trains Sid. Underwater. Destruction/Destructional Saucer(disk) Domay. Hall of the Gods. Gods on left and Goddesses on right. Gods of Time. Rischardo warns his Greater Demons. Rischardo runs into them later Arc last straw. Camme can't fly. Lightning and wind Morph speed. Mandi glasses Blaze IV likes Spike in Blaze 3.
Ra-Ibo and Kungaru power greater than God of Spirit world and demonic king
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