Cvs clindamycin t


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2024.06.10 19:49 Proficiently-Haunted Is this endo, & if so, what do I do?

Hi! So I’m (22f) in a bit of a situation atm and I’m not sure if my symptoms are worth seeking help for. I would really appreciate to hear from people who have had similar symptoms and what they could do about them <3.
Right before I turned 18, I started experiencing these vertigo/fogginess episodes. I went to my GP, who recommended I go to a neurologist. My neurologist diagnosed me with “atypical migraines,” and prescribed Topiramate. After a couples months with poor results, she changed my prescription to Aimovig (a new drug specially for migraines, unlike Top) and sent me to an orthopedic(I think that’s what they’re called..?) person because I have TMJ.
The orthopedic doctor noticed my TMJ was so severe that my right jaw was wearing down the bone. He also noticed I had a deviated septum, which was impacting how much air I could breathe through my nostrils. I got surgery on my nose to correct the septum and a plastic retainer thing to take pressure off my jaw and allow it to heal. But my “atypical migraines” still persisted.
My insurance eventually dropped coverage for Aimovig so I stopped, and my dentist actually found that my retainer for my jaw was misaligning my teeth, so I stopped wearing that too.
When I turned 20 I began to get some of the worst acne I’ve ever had. I got a prescription for some tret and clindamycin which helped a bit but not enough. My dermatologist then told me my acne was hormonal and that my only option was BC, which I didn’t want to do. I still suffer from hormonal acne. I’m currently trying topical Spironolactone but it’s not helping much.
I should also mention I’ve tried nearly every “acne diet” out there with absolutely no results. I’ve also found no correlation between my diet and my migraines. Now, all I do is eat very fresh and balanced, and I workout 3 times a week. I mention this not only because of the migraines and the acne, but because I’m always consistently slightly overweight.
About 6 months ago, I started experiencing ovulatory pain. They’re similar to bad period cramps, and I’ve even spotted a couple times during them. I think it’s ovulatory because it’s always when my cycle tracker tells me I should be ovulating. Also in the past 2 years I’ve been having really severe mood swings right before menstruation. Otherwise though, my cycle is very regular so I never really considered that anything was wrong.
I’m beginning to wonder if everything is connected to endo, though, as both my sister and my aunt have severe endometriosis. But as I’ve never really had cycle issues (except for the ovulation thing recently), I never considered it for myself. I don’t currently have a GP either, which makes getting this explored a bit more difficult.
TLDR: symptoms are hormonal acne, mildly overweight, ovulatory pain, and “atypical migraines”. Two close relatives with endo.
submitted by Proficiently-Haunted to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:46 Pale-Tea4874 New to R, having some problems

I'm just starting with Rstudio and when i use read.csv to import data it always sends me back this error:
1: In read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : line 1 appears to contain embedded nulls 2: In read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on: (the ubication of the cvs in my library) I can't seem to find the problem, the data i'm trying to upload is just date (day/month/year) and representative market rate (RMR) (yes i writted Header = T for this), i watched videos about it and did every correction, there's no space between any data and changed all the "," with ".", but still every archive i try to import sends back that, just spent the past 2 days fixing it and can't find solution 
submitted by Pale-Tea4874 to rstats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:41 Standard_Article4077 oil/balm cleanser advice?

looking for a new oil cleanser or cleansing balm i can buy in US stores like CVS or Target. Currently using an asian brand but don’t want to keep buying it off of amazon and am looking for something i can buy in a pinch. preferably something on the cheaper side, please! thx for any help😊
submitted by Standard_Article4077 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:15 boinabbc 20 New NYC Data Science, Data Engineering and Machine Learning jobs

Job Title Company Location Country Skills
Data Analyst Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Analyst Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Analyst- Remote Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Entry Level - Research Data Analyst (Remote) Immed... Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Analyst Junior - Entry Level - Junior Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Remote Data Scientist/Software Engineer - AI Model... Outlier AI New York United States Java
Data Analyst- Junior- Full Time - Remote Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Engineer Arrow Search Partners New York United States SQL, ETL
Data Engineer Cerity Partners New York United States Python, SQL
Junior Data Analyst Patterned Learning Career New York United States Business Intelligence
Data Analyst- Remote Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Scientist, Decisions, Lyft Media Lyft New York United States Python, Machine Learning, SQL
Data Analyst- Junior- Full Time - Remote Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Analyst- Junior- Full Time - Remote Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Data Analyst- Remote Herr Alexander Wunsch New York United States
Senior Data Engineer The Walt Disney Company New York United States Python, Scala, Spark
Business Data Analyst Global Team Staffing, LLC New York United States SQL, Data Visualization
Senior Data Analyst Abridge New York United States SQL
Data Analyst/Market Researcher Intoude Foundation New York United States Power BI, Tableau, SQL
Data Scientist CVS Health New York United States Machine Learning, Modeling
Hey, here are 20 New NYC Data Science, Data Engineering and Machine Learning jobs.
For more, check our Google sheet with more opportunities in Data Science and Machine Learning (updated each week) here
If you want to take some Data and ML courses, click here
Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!
submitted by boinabbc to NYCjobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:01 PoolEnvironmental898 Always do what you have passion for

A quick lesson learned:
I am a fresh graduate engineer but unfortunately haven’t got a job in my domain, but in other domains.
Anyway, recently i got the opportunity to be as a Co-Founder for an app, mainly everything related to the product management side.
I also started my own project, a platform, got partners and it’s going good.
Still haven’t launched any nor gaining profit but surely will in the near future.
What i want to tell you is, even though you haven’t worked or succeeded in your background, certificate or whatever, always do what you love and have passion for.
For example me, i hate doing whatever work is especially being an employee, but working on the apps makes me feel super relaxed and encouraged. (The best part of having a business is a no need to use CV, submit CVs and make disgusting useless HR meetings)
To add, I am open to collaboration on a side hustle or project you are working on 🤝
submitted by PoolEnvironmental898 to sidehustle [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:49 AltruisticSecond_ When do I start?

I just got my prescription and am waiting for CVS to fill it (they said it would be filled today). I am moving on Friday and Saturday to a new apartment and will obviously be unpacking a 2 bedroom apartment. I WFH as a therapist and my husband works from 4am- 4pm ish every day but Tuesdays. He’s taking Friday and half of Saturday off but once we are done moving I will basically be responsible for unpacking because I just want it done vs taking my time.
My question is when do I start Zepbound I hear there can be significant side effects and with everything going on, when would you guys suggest I start taking it.
I also take an anti nausea med for something else so nausea shouldn’t be an issue
submitted by AltruisticSecond_ to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:59 ilovebees69 Just finished my last pill of slate run and start rising pharma tomorrow, I’m on 300mg XL. Really hoping there’s no difference

I’ve been taking buproprion for maybe 6 years now. From what I can recall I’ve taken both Lupin and slate run and have had no issues with both of those. 3 months ago I was switched from lupin to slate. I have a 30 pack of rising tomorrow I need to start. I called my cvs and they said for now all they have is rising, next time I’m due for a refill there’s a chance it can change but they aren’t sure. Fun fact I’m actually on Amitryptiline 37mg and was switched a few weeks ago from slate run to rising as well and had no issues. But from it seems like a lot of people on buproprion are having issues on rising. We will see!
submitted by ilovebees69 to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:53 his32amy Tretinoin and Dry Eyes: My Experience with Switching to Microsphere Gel

I wanted to share my experience with tretinoin, especially for those of you dealing with dry eyes. I used to use 0.05% tretinoin gel for years, and it worked wonders for my acne. However, after undergoing LASIK surgery in December, I had to stop using it because tretinoin exacerbated my dry eyes.
During the recovery period, I couldn't use any facial products and my skin started breaking out badly. After a few months, I tried tretinoin again but it made my dry eyes unbearable. My skin became extremely congested with closed comedones, and nothing else seemed to work as effectively as tretinoin.
I visited a dermatologist who performed a few chemical peels and prescribed clindamycin to help calm my skin. On my last visit, she prescribed me tretinoin microsphere 0.04%. Initially, I was skeptical since both tretinoin and tazarotene had previously caused severe dryness.
However, she reassured me that the microsphere formulation is gentler. She advised me to avoid applying it too close to my eyes. I did that and used a thick cream around my eyes and on my lips. To my surprise, I woke up with perfectly normal eyes and no increased dryness. My lips, which used to be constantly chapped while using the non-microspheric tret, are now fine. Maybe microspheric formulation doesn’t travel to other places like normal one does.
I wanted to share this in case anyone else is struggling with dry eyes and considering giving up on tretinoin. The microsphere formulation might be a game-changer for you.
Hope this helps you guys :)
submitted by his32amy to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:14 macarongrl98 My mom gives me hair envy

My mom gives me hair envy
Not sure if these types of posts are allowed 😂 but she doesn’t use any products. Not even conditioner. She combs her hair with a comb from CVS and dyes it with henna. Maybe the henna is keeping it healthy? Unfortunately I did not inherit her hair genes. Does anyone else have such good luck with their fine hair or is my mom just a mythical unicorn? It took years of trying a million products to get my hair look half decent and not have split ends.
submitted by macarongrl98 to finehair [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:59 SuccessPotential2749 HIRE ME

I've been in customer support (technical, sales, and insurance) for over 3 years. If I was able to deliver success to major telco and insurance companies in the US such as T-Mobile and CVS Health, I am CONFIDENT to do the same for your business!
TG/Whatsapp: @ krystaalize
Email: [](
submitted by SuccessPotential2749 to OFchattingAgency [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:53 SuccessPotential2749 HIRE ME

I've been in customer support (technical, sales, and insurance) for over 3 years. If I was able to deliver success to major telco and insurance companies in the US such as T-Mobile and CVS Health, I am CONFIDENT to do the same for your business!
TG/Whatsapp: @ krystaalize
Email: [](
submitted by SuccessPotential2749 to OFChatter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:57 SassyGalBlogs My Medical Mystery

Ok…. So, around Dec 2023 / January 24, I awoke with a fever & flu / cold like symptoms. That first day, after a bout of uncontrollable sneezing, I threw up. Little did I know, this would in someway kickstart 5-6 months of hell. The fever only lasted that first day. I maybe threw up once or twice that week. While the majority of the flu symptoms went away after 2 days. But, I did still feel extremely weak. Now, I very rarely get sick. I maybe get a bad cold once a year, but other than that I rarely am legit sick. I get tired (mainly from depression) but everyone else in the house will be sick and I’m the one person who just doesn’t.
Well, slowly the throwing up became more regular until there were far more days that I threw up than I didn’t. I kept saying I would go to the doctor but never did. About 2-3 months ago, it was becoming just overwhelming, but still I ignored it. I help take care of my parents, so I just kept on. Suddenly tho, I started being unable to have the energy to cook meals. Then the last 2 months I started having to sit down and take a break after climbing one flight of stairs - usually I could carry 10 grocery bags up and be fine. But now, just my purse (which is light - I only carry bare essentials in ky purse)…. I stopped going to the grocery store because I just couldn’t physically walk that much.
1 week ago, I went to CVS and while walking around felt like I might pass out at anytime. Now, back to the throwing up, there wasn’t any rhyme or reason to when I would throw up. Sometimes a smell could make me throw up, taking a drink or eating, sometimes I would feel the nausea and would know I am gonna throw up - but it could take an hour or s9 before I would throw up …. I even started puking while driving most times.
Anyway, so I finally breakdown and go to the ER. They do an x ray, CT scan and blood work up. Turns out my hemoglobin levels are around 6.8 and they admit me so I can have a transfusion….. long story short, they haven’t found the cause of why my hemoglobin levels were low, nor the source of why I was puking. But, I haven’t felt nauseous or thrown up since having the blood transfusion. The doctors are clueless as to the cause of all these issues.
Anyway, I guess I am hoping maybe someone with medical knowledge will see this and maybe have an idea of what might be going on with me. I lost 50 pounds during all of this. My worse fear is waking up and finding myself weak or throwing up again.
Any knowledge would be appreciated.
submitted by SassyGalBlogs to medicalmysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:15 FurryFriendXYZ7 Best prices on non-food essentials?

I have a few non-food grocery items on my list this week: hand soap refill, shampoo & conditioner, disinfectant wipes, and ziplock bags.
I have been shopping mostly at WinCo Foods, and while their food prices are amazing, the price and selection of non-food items is not that great.
My Walmart is a nightmare to shop at, I’d prefer not to go there…are they really the cheapest?
No access to Costco or Sam’s. No I don’t want to be convinced.
I have a Kroger affiliate, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Big Lots, Family Dollar.
I know Dollar Tree has a good selection of hand soap pumps…but I’d rather refill an existing pump, and long-term that is cheaper.
I have not had good results with Dollar Tree shampoo.
I don’t want to run all over town…where would you go first?
submitted by FurryFriendXYZ7 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:45 NotAFlyingToy74 Is this a CV?

Is this a CV?
Hello…first post in this sub. I’m looking at this on Marketplace, and I’m too much of a noob to know exactly what version of Squier Strat this is. I searched the Fender serial number database, and it didn’t find anything. I know ICS means where it’s made. I think G means July and 2021 is the year? I found a number of examples of CVs in Candy Apple Red, but the “Fender” on the headstock were all gold with a black outline
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by NotAFlyingToy74 to Stratocaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:36 Flashy-Consequence81 Anxiety - CVS tomorrow

I lost my son almost 5 months ago at 32 weeks for TFMR. He had a lethal genetic condition that I didn’t know I was a carrier of and was not caught on the scans. Before I had time to really process what happened, found out I’m pregnant again
I’m 12 weeks and my CVS is tomorrow. I’ve been having lots of anxiety about the pain. My amnio and the shot to his heart were very painful procedures for me. I was listening to the gentle hypnobirthing app during my last pregnancy and it really helped with labour. I decided to do a meditation one tonight on the app and oh ma gawd. The music itself took me right back to my son and I couldn’t stay relaxed and breathing cause I was straight up crying for him and what happened. Everywhere I turn there’s a reminder of what could have been 😭 how do you deal with the anxiety in pregnancy post TFMR?
submitted by Flashy-Consequence81 to PregnancyAfterTFMR [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:02 iris-elise Should I push through? Purge? Barrier damage? what’s going on

Should I push through? Purge? Barrier damage? what’s going on
I have had acne on and off since I was a teenager, I’m 23 now and it’s the worst it’s ever been. I was prescribed tret cream .025%, topical clindamycin, and an oral antibiotic. I know the purge is a thing and can last up to 6 months, but I feel like this is way worse than anything I’ve seen on here or others subs. Like at least a 50% increase in acne, and my face feels inflamed and irritated all the time. I only use tret every 3 nights, I’ve tried scaling up to every other night twice but have had to go back down because irritation keeps getting worse. I know tret is a long game but I don’t know if this goes beyond a normal purge and if I should continue. First 3 pictures from may 1st, the night I started tret, second three from may 16, third 3 from this morning.
AM routine: 1. cetaphil gentle skin cleanser 2. topica clindamycin 3. vanicream facial moisturizer 4. SPF
PM routine: 1. cleansing balm 2. cetaphil gentle cleanser 3. tret (every 3rd night 4. vanicream facial moisturizer 5. thin layer of vaseline (not on tret nights)
submitted by iris-elise to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:29 Hopeful_Bid7229 [Acne] Purging stage, is this normal?

Hey, guys. I’ve started using a cream that’s combination of tretinoin 0.25% and clindamycin. I’ve used it 2 times for the past year, that’s the third time I use it, it’s a prescription cream and I asked my dermatologist if it’s okay to use it again and she prescribed me it. Last time I used it from January 2024 to March 2024 since I shouldn’t use it for more than 3 months, last 3 weeks I started breaking out again, that’s when I went to my dermatologist and got it prescribed, I used it 3 times already, and I notice new pimples is it normal to purge again even tho I’ve used it 2 times before…
submitted by Hopeful_Bid7229 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:19 oddgoblins Getting Off Birth Control

When I originally went off birth control after getting my bisalp, I scoured this sub for experiences similar to mine so I thought I would make a post in case it could be helpful for anyone.
I had my bisalp in Sept 2023 and went off of birth control. My first few months, my period was a bit irregular - period coming later than I was used to. But, my periods were not as bad as I thought they would be. I had bad cramps on birth control and they were about the same after. I also was more moody and emotional (mostly angry) before my period.
My hair seems to be growing faster and thicker, but also shedding more. I also have noticed more dark hair on my face and chin.
The worst part that sent me into a spiral was body acne. I developed horrible back and chest acne along with KP bumps on my upper arms. I went to a dermatologist in December (3 months after being off birth control) and she prescribed me topical clindamycin that made it worse. There were multiple points where I almost gave up and went back on birth control but I’m glad I didn’t. The acne has gotten SO much better - it started improving right at the 6 month mark.
I felt horrible about myself for those full 6 months but I’m glad I waited it out. I have also lost nearly 20 pounds since January and feel soooo much more myself. My sex drive has mostly returned and my confidence has gotten better as well.
I still deal with depression before my period as well as cramps but I’m still glad I’ve gotten off of birth control. Hopefully my experience can encourage people who are having a hard time adjusting!
submitted by oddgoblins to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:46 Cultural_Category_10 Trans tips (a full guide in sections)

INTRO: Being a trans guy has its struggles, which is why I want to post this. Every trans person need a trans person who is more seasoned to give advice. Here are some tips I have for this.
Chest: If you are thinking to get a binder, unless you're very thin, don't. Binders are good for people who just want to flatten their chest, but if you want a flat and masculine chest, do not use a binder. (Alternative to binder): trans tape/KT tape LOCATION TO BUY: you can buy KT tape in just about any store. Primary places I've seen it in are: RiteAid, CVS, and Target. TIPS: make sure when you're binding with tape to not put on too much. The initial piece you put on that tapes your chest over is the most crucial part of the binding process. If you have a bad base, you're more likely to have a bad overall look. WARNINGS: taping will most likely cause some blisters on your skin. They aren't too horrible, but can be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. Make sure you are changing out your tape at least once or twice a week. CLOUTHES: even when binding with tape, it's almost impossible to get it perfect every time. Buying shirt with graphics on the front (a design that is a different material than the shirt) can help hide some imperfections. HOW TO BIND?: there are many videos with tutorial on how to bind with trans tape and KT tape
Shoulders: I've struggled with disphoria with my shoulders. The main thing you'd want to do is workout your shoulders to have a broader overall frame. You don't need Olympic level arms, just simply growing the size of your arms can make a difference CLOUTHES: growing muscle doesn't just happen overnight, so here are some things you can do clothing wise: wear shirts with a shorter sleeve and roll your sleeves.
Hips: Training arms not only helps shoulder dysphoria but also hip dysphoria. You can also do leg workouts such as: lunges, quad sit ups, and Bulgarian split squats. These workouts train your quads mainly without growing your glutes too much. Training quads gives the illusion of more narrow hips, as well as more masculine legs. CLOUTHES: try to avoid baggy pants. You don't want something too fitted either, but something in the middle. Straight cut or 90s loose are both good fits for trans masc people. LOCATIONS: you can buy jeans like this at the GAP or Wrangler.
I hope this was helpful, and always remember, your trans journey's purpose isn't for others. It is not for you to change yourself for others, but to change yourself to be yourself. Have a nice day, and wonderful life :)
submitted by Cultural_Category_10 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 Eliza_Hamilton891757 CVS at Barracks PSA

So I know I’m already an idiot for using CVS, but insurance sucks. I went to get my prescriptions tonight and was checking to make sure they were correct, and I saw that I full-on had someone else’s prescriptions in my bag. This was concerning on many levels; the cashier appeared to check all the bags before giving them to me, but handed this to me anyway. So now I was in possession of this person’s full name, address, phone number, DOB, insurance info, and some private medical information. And it wasn’t like it was my same last name or a prescription I also use. I took it back to the pharmacy and the tech just laughed and said “oh, oops!” like it was funny and not an incredibly concerning blatant HIPAA violation. I already hate CVS, but damn. This is a new low.
submitted by Eliza_Hamilton891757 to Charlottesville [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:37 Red91414 Am I the only person who prefers non applicator tampons?

I feel like the applicator never really worked for me like I’d try to put it in and it would fall out, it was also a huge waste of plastic just to get it in me. I’m pretty comfortable with my body so it doesn’t bother me using my hands. It feels more natural to me. I use OB tampons because they’re the most available on the market for non applicator tampons in my location I can go to cvs and get them.
submitted by Red91414 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:35 Main_Competition_549 topical solution alternative?

I use Glencin T ( a clindamycin phosphate topical solution) for my acne and its very effective. however, for some reasons they stopped stocking the product in pharmacies in my country. Can anyone suggest an alternative pls? I live in the middle east if that matters for reference ;)
submitted by Main_Competition_549 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]