Graphing points worksheet to make a picture

What Should I Cook?

2019.04.04 18:37 Star_Dog What Should I Cook?

Post a picture or list of what's in your fridge, and other redditors will suggest meals to make

2011.06.21 12:42 noriyasuu Birds with Arms

It's birds... with arms.

2010.11.29 18:17 bsteinfeld Samoyeds: If you love these dogs then you're in the right place

A community dedicated to the wonderful Samoyed dogs. Post anything related to Samoyeds just please read the rules before posting!

2024.06.10 12:05 salehi_erfan001 On Voting

I want to start this post by mentioning that I am not an anarchist, probably adjacent. I'm from the middle east, which seems to be a very contentious issue throughout this whole voting discourse. I'm not here to start an argument. I'm merely here to offer my own perspective as someone who might suffer from the political decisions made in the US.
Are you living in an authoritarian regime? (I mean overt ones, since every state is by nature authoritarian) I am. At some point, I realized that no matter how I voted and protested, it would not matter, but only because the votes were completely faked, and that the police only exists to protect the upper class. Thats when I started examining my own positions, and moving left politically. The minority groups in my country are either suppressed violently, or killed. The state religion also permits death for sexual degeneracy. No politician has ever defended any of them, nor tried to make things even slightly better, only making it actively worse and worse. If I could vote to just stop the worsening conditions for them, I would do so. Even with all of this, even in those minority groups, the majority of them do not understand anything about other minorities, and do not see the oppression. Most of the people in my country support Israel, just because the state is funding Hamas. They don't see how the Afghans, Kurds, Turks, Arabs and the many other minorities are suppressed (Those groups also share the same perspective about each other, of course).
I can not change anything in their or the state's behavior and beliefs. Nor can I slow down the deterioration. Now, if I were to tell you, that you have it very well in western countries, what would you think? Your votes, even if only barely and slightly, do matter. You have better access to knowledge to better yourselves and your people. You can spread your beliefs (mostly) openly. I know you perceive all of this differently. I know that you think we are not moving towards a better future fast enough, or that everything is getting worse. I agree with both of those things, but with a few caveats. We know that "Liberalism" and capitalism have already won (I will clarify). Most of the world follows the same system, and holds on to similar beliefs. Our numbers are quite few. We need time. But with the states of the world inching towards fascism, we have to speed up the process. Now, if you could stop the slide towards outright fascism and authoritarianism (Again, most of them already are, just hidden) even a bit, would you not do so? If you could protect those around you from certain further oppression, would you not do it? All of this can be achieved in many ways. But, since I am talking about his whole discourse, I will speak about direct action and voting.
I see that some people do hold beliefs that only furthers state power, and I acknowledge that. But I also see some people, that seem to do nothing but put one of the ways that we can use to slow the March of fascism down. And in fact, seem to be only doing so online. I have a question for both of these people. Do you actually do anything other than engage in this completely pointless discourse? Do you, as an anarchist, truly view this as praxis? Spreading divisive BS in an actual echo chamber? Do you like the sound of your own voice? This is all that I'm seeing from this subreddit. You do realize that we want more people to turn to our beliefs, right? You sending divisive posts in an echo chamber filled with people who mostly agree with you, does nothing but divide the people here, and actively turns others away.
I know I will be criticized for this post. I know you'll look at my profile and go: "Oh look, it's another liberal." Or: "Oh, they're following this POS. Don't listen to them even slightly." Yes, I know. I know the arguments. I am flawed, as all humans are. I would list every defense of myself, but I am truly tired of online discourse, doing nothing but harming and dividing allies, and driving curious people away. I know that this seems like I put faith in some of these systems, and maybe I do, but if we're not willing to use every single tool at our disposal, not willing to claw and bite our way out, we will lose. Please, go and do anything that isn't pushing discourse, and online culture war. Go help people. Go hold conversations with actual people, not strangers behind a screen, which will most likely not change their opinions. Make actual difference, and please, I beg of you, even if not for the sake of your own minorities, but my friends, vote pragmatically. I have queer friends moving to the US. One of them is trans, and the other is gay. If some policies in certain states were made national, what would they do?
Sorry for the rambling, the long post, and appeal to emotion, and if it made little sense. English is not my first language. I have no other way to convince people. I sincerely wish the best for all of you, and hold nothing but admiration for all of you, even while disagreeing with some beliefs and opinions. Thank you for reading.
Sincerely, A lurker
submitted by salehi_erfan001 to Anarchy4Everyone [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:04 General-Attitude2748 Google search in Chrome is broken

Google search in Chrome is broken
Hello everyone, so basically the title says it all. Everything was normal until 2-3 days ago when all of the sudden when I search something in Chrome (with Google being the default search engine) all my reesults are showing highlighted as if I'd already opened them and when I click on a link it simply opens up a new tab with the google results again and not the actual page I'm trying to open. It's extremely frustrating and I've ran out of solutions on what to do. I tried removing/changing my adblock extension, deleted all cookies and cache from the beginning of time, uninstalled and installed again Chrome and yet the problem still persists. In the picture you get to see what I see everytime I try to use the search engine. What's strange is that this only occurs when I'm using Chrome with my profile and attempt to open a normal tab. When I use incognito or... Mozilla for example everything is fine and working like it should be.
Every suggestion will be welcomed because I've gotten really used to Chrome and wouldn't want to change, but I'm losing my mind at this point.
Thanks in advance!
Google search is broken on Chrome
submitted by General-Attitude2748 to chrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:04 Sea-Channel59 What am I hearing? Is it even anything?

When I'm falling sleep, all is quiet, my mind is empty, I hear voices in a crowed. I can't make out what's being said but I hear hundreds of people talking all at once like in a crowed. Every now and then I'll hear a word or two as if it's being said right next to my ear and it's clear as day. It's always some kind of information I already know. Personal information and sometimes weird personal information. As in my family nick name being said. My favorite food. Or just a random phrase like "You will" It's gotten to the point where I consciously listen to the crowed of people trying to make out what's being said. Am I going crazy?
submitted by Sea-Channel59 to Mediums [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:03 overenthusiastic_cow Taking on my first client project and the client is being very unclear about what they want, can somebody help me here

Taking on my first client project and the client is being very unclear about what they want, can somebody help me here
For context, I’m an 18 year old designer and a friend’s dad has recently hired me to redesign some training PowerPoints for his company. The designs on slide 1 and 2 were turned down for being ‘too arty’, which is maybe fair, but I had already spent >10 hours designing slides in a similar style.
After that, I was asked for 4 ‘radically different ideas’ (the designs on slides 2-5). I thought that the 4 I came up with were different enough but I was met with ‘I could come up with these’ (no you couldn’t, because these PowerPoints looked like utter shit before I fixed them). Now I’m not sure what to do. I’m going to try cutting the image out and maybe adding some other images off the web but this point I don’t know what they want.
(Also I’m doing this entire thing on LibreOffice because the ppts need to be editable which is making this whole process about 5x slower than it needs to be LOL)
submitted by overenthusiastic_cow to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:03 Sensitive-You-2827 my addiction Xanax and what it’s caused (pls read)

im from a bad part New Mexico just now I grew up around pills n been smokin since 14 did my first Xanax at 14 at 15 I would take take them everyday didnt wanna eat n be became really skinny to the point where my parents said I looked anorexic I got off them like at 16-17 due to fall out with friends over Xanax cuz they make u forgot things then at my childhood pet died the next year and then the same day I lost my best friend of 6-7 years found out he was talking behind my back to a to a girl who was i was with at the time cut him off n then so I started taking them again cuz im kinda week minded at was hurt about my friend n pet so like i jus wanted to forgot it all so used them like every weekend n mixed it with liqour and weed had a easy job so I’d just take half cuz they make me happy n confident motivated to work n be happy but then when I went out and was off Xanax and beer and weed i have a good poker face none of my friends have ever. Noticed that I was high of them so I would get drunk do some xanax go out meet some girls they’d wanna “hangout” the next I don’t even know what I would say because of the Xanax the next day I wouldn’t even remember the sex I lost my virginity at 18 just at 19 my ex did me bad left me n that also made me relapse last year ,im turning 20 soon and 6 out of my 9 bodies I was off Xanax n im still battling them on off they jus motivate me to want to have fun get wealthy there’s so much more how it’s effected my life🤦‍♂️they just make me Happy im a very depressed person maybe its just a chemical imbalance but I can’t even remember how many I’ve gotten over this 6months or how much money
submitted by Sensitive-You-2827 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:03 ZelMaYo Perk idea : Farewell

When two survivors have been killed, Farewell can be used
Upon staying still for 2 seconds and pressing the 1st ability button, Farewell activates
Your aura is now permanently revealed to the killer. It can no longer be hidden by any other perk or being in a locker. The killer can also see the aura even if suffering form the blindness status effect Upon being downed, you are immediately sacrificed to the entity (same way you die to the end game collapse)
The other survivor has the following effects :
Their aura can no longer be read by any mean
They can no longer scream
They no longer leave any scratch mark or pool of blood
They no longer make grunts of pain or walking sounds
(This one might be a little bit overtuned) They no longer trigger killer instinct (or maybe they are aware when triggering killer instinct, idk)
The aura of the hatch is revealed to them (before it opens ? After it has opened ?)
I think the idea is pretty clear, make the 1v2 scenario faster, avoid slugging for the 4k, giving a pretty guaranteed hatch escape
Now what are the issues ? I already have thought of some : Adept : For killer, it is impossible (solution : make killer adept a 3k challenge, not 4k) (this also works for Myers' achivement) For survivor : in a 2 man swf, it becomes way too easy (solution : it has to be a gate escape ? Idk)
If the "hidden" survivor wants to take the killer hostage, it's annoying but you can't really do anything about that anyway, and now it's not 1 hour of 2 guys hiding but 2 minutes of one guy so it's better
Maybe to incentivize using it give a 100% bloodpoint bonus to the survivor activating it for any action
Also blood point bonus for the killer if they chase/kill you, because of the BP they will not get from the 4k
There is also a specific scenario that can happen : the "hidden" survivor makes a gen and the "revealed" survivor loops very well... Now, this perk could be used to BM the killer (they can not avoid seeing you), which is sad, but tbh BM always exists and this perk will not make it that much worse
Maybe make is so that if the "hidden" survivor gets down, Farewell deactivates
If you think about another issue, I would like to hear about it
submitted by ZelMaYo to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:02 zssodlrt I enjoy going to church but barely believe anything they preach

So, for a little background. I grew up a mixed-religion home. My parents are solidly Buddhists, though tolerant of other religions. My sister converted to Christianity after getting married. When I was a kid, my parents sent me to the neighborhood church because they thought I could socialize and make friends. I was baptized and regularly went to services till my college years. But then I realized how little I actually believed and stopped going. I attended a Unitarian Universalist church for a bit, even reverting back to Buddhism for a while.
I went through some very rough years where my life got derailed, and I just pretty much stopped believing in anything. Life sort of just happened around me. I basically became a ghost.
Last year I went on a cruise with my sister's family and some people from her church. They suggested that I go back to church. On a whim and because I was lonely, I decided to attend Sunday services. Honestly, the people at the church are some of the most genuinely friendly people I have ever met. They make you want to come back.
I've forgotten that Christians are real people with real lives and problems and not just the caricatures I've imagined.
Outside of worship services, I'm invited to a lot of fun social events. I've made a lot of good friends. The kind who will drop everything they're doing and call you if you tell them you need someone to talk to. It's surprisingly how quickly and seamlessly I've returned to the fold after all these years. I'm even taking communion again. They give me a sense of belonging I didn't realize I was missing.
The problem is the church is evangelical, and I barely agree with any of their teachings. I'm a leftist who is heavily influenced by my Buddhist background and my exposure to Christian Universalism. I've started reading the Bible again. My eyes roll so much, I'm afraid they're going to fall out. The biggest sticking point is the belief in salvation through faith in Christ alone. I have turned down leadership roles because I just don't feel comfortable proselytizing. I honestly don't believe in eternal damnation. If there is a loving God, I believe he would forgive and save all his children without exception.
I mostly keep it to myself. Though, I have opened up my lack of faith to one of the members. He's actually fairly open-minded. Instead of just telling me I'm wrong, we respectfully debate about it.
TL;DR: I love being part of a Christian community. I keep my unorthodox beliefs to myself because I'm afraid of losing that community. Because truthfully, I don't have much else.
submitted by zssodlrt to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:02 LimitFree4775 Brides opinion needed!

So I got married in 2022 and something is still bugging me. I thought I'd ask here if I may.
Picture this. Husband and I listening to the band in the hall as all other guests are outside as it's baking hot in the hall only for one of the bridesmaids to take a piece of cut wedding cake and a candle from catering and got all my guests to sing happy birthday to another guest (who was mortified and apologised so much after) the guests joined in and we were stood in the hall on our own with our mouths open 😳...
My husband looked so sad because we were literally on our own and the band actually played Happy birthday.
There was no warning :/
Am I wrong to think this is awful etiquette? I don't think I would have minded if she had asked but she didn't!
I haven't approached her about this and written this off as someone who doesn't know it's a bit naff to do that at someone's wedding we paid alot of money ourselves... But it still makes me sad 😢
submitted by LimitFree4775 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:02 loans-paradise Smart Moves: Your Guide to Choosing the Best Balance Transfer Personal Loans in Hyderabad

Are you someone who has taken out a personal loan—and that too at an astronomically high interest rate? Are you tired of seeing your hard-earned money disappear into hefty EMIs? Well, there is a solution to all your problems: balance transfer personal loans in Hyderabad. Do you know this strategic move can significantly reduce your monthly payments, save you money on interest, and even help you consolidate multiple debts into a single, manageable loan?
Now, the real question — and the challenge many face — is how to find the best balance transfer personal loan. Well, here we have tried to make this task a lot easier for you. Just follow this guide, and you will become an expert in this once-seen mammoth task. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Beginning with —

What Factors to Consider When Choosing Balance Transfer Personal Loans in Hyderabad

It is no secret that choosing the right balance transfer loan requires careful consideration. Simply put, you need to consider several factors before doing so —
Interest Rate: It is, without a doubt, the most important factor of the lot. You naturally would want a loan that has the lowest interest rate available; otherwise, what’s the point of doing all this exercise? So, look for a lender that does just that. You must compare rates from different banks and financial institutions in Hyderabad.
Balance Transfer Fees: There are fees for you to consider as well, such as the charge for transferring your existing loan balance. This can range from a flat fee to a percentage of the transferred amount.
Processing Fees: Processing fees are now everywhere and that includes balance transfer personal loans as well. They can vary, so be sure to compare them across different lenders.
Prepayment and Foreclosure Charges: This is also something that you need to keep in mind as well.
Eligibility Criteria: Finally, lenders have specific requirements regarding credit score, income level, employment history and more. Learn all this before you apply for a transfer.

Steps to Choose the Best Balance Transfer Loan

Now that we have talked about the factors to consider, it is time to talk about what you need to do before deciding on one. Here are the steps you must follow —
  1. Analyse your current loan — calculate your outstanding balance, interest rates and remaining tenure before even considering a balance transfer loan
  2. Explore the many excellent lender options that are available in Hyderabad
  3. Assess these loan options based on the factors that are listed above
  4. Review the specific eligibility criteria of each lender to ensure you meet their requirements before applying
  5. Once you have chosen the best fit, complete the lender’s application process. You might be required to provide multiple documents necessary
  6. Verify the completion of the process with closing of your existing loans and starting your new loan with the lending partner

Final Words

There you have it, folks — a guide to choosing the best balance transfer personal loans in Hyderabad. Follow these steps, and you will be rewarded with satisfactory results. Also, you can reach out to Loans Paradise for all your loan requirements in Hyderabad.
submitted by loans-paradise to u/loans-paradise [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:02 AutoModerator Good morning, Brew Enthusiasts! Join today's Daily Brew Chat to share your coffee moments, ask questions, and discuss anything related to the world of coffee.

Good morning, Brew Enthusiasts!
Welcome to today's Daily Brew Chat – your daily rendezvous with fellow coffee lovers. This thread is the perfect place to share those special moments from your daily coffee routine, be it a freshly brewed espresso at dawn, a latte art attempt, or a quiet cup of joe that sets your day right.
🌟 Today's Discussion Points:
📸 Photo Sharing: We love to see your brews! Share photos of your coffee, setups, or brewing processes.
🔍 Learning Corner: Share any tips, tricks, or advice you've learned about brewing a great cup. Newbies and veterans alike, let's learn together!
Remember, whether you're a seasoned barista, a home brewing enthusiast, or just beginning your coffee journey, your contributions make this community vibrant and diverse. Let's keep our discussions respectful, supportive, and as warm as a freshly brewed pot of coffee.
submitted by AutoModerator to brew [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:02 Noob_Guy_666 Static Discharge, that one spell to win D&D. Probably.

so I made some crackpot spell, it's probably broken but I'm certain that it's the whole point why I made it
Level: 9
School: Transmutaion, maybe?
Casting Time: Action
Range: Self (50-foot radius)
Component: V, S
Duration: 1 Round
Class List: Sorcerer
You surround yourself with a massive sphere of violent storm and rain pour, causing everyone and everything within the sphere to be completely soak in water and is heavily obscured, no range attack can be made against anything inside and anyone inside it, including you, is deafened until the spell end.
When a creature moves into the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature is stunned and must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 20d12 + 60 lightning damage, 20d12 + 30 thunder damage and 10d12 + 30 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one, and you regain hit points equal to total lightning damage you dealt with this spell on each creature. While the spell is active, you are immune to lightning damage and regain hit points from any lightning damage you take and the creature is disintegrated if this damage leaves it with 0 hit points.
A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
submitted by Noob_Guy_666 to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:02 Far-Arugula1087 Science Facts Channel

Hey everyone at ThreeScienceFacts!
I’m a science enthusiast who’s embarked on an exciting journey of exploring and sharing captivating science facts through my YouTube channel. Every day, I post a short, engaging video that delves into fascinating scientific concepts. My goal? To make science accessible, fun, and a starting point for everyone to delve deeper into the wonders of our world.
I'm reaching out to this amazing ScienceFacts community because I sense we share a mutual curiosity and passion for uncovering the mysteries of science. In my latest series, each video brings to light three science facts, unraveling complex concepts in a way that's easy to understand and appealing to a diverse audience.
If you’re intrigued, I’d be honored if you checked out my channel:
Your support is invaluable, and I’m always open to feedback and ideas for future videos. Let’s make learning about science an exciting adventure together!
Looking forward to being a part of this journey with you all!
submitted by Far-Arugula1087 to ThreeScienceFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:01 romanholidays Weekly Free Talk and Index Thread - new and fresh every Monday!

Welcome to the Weekly Free Talk and Index thread!
You can post whatever you want here - unsubstantiated rumors you heard, fan theories, random shower thoughts, or even musings that are unrelated to the Marvel universe.
Anything goes - please just follow the Reddiquette and above all else treat each other and those that contribute to this subreddit with respect.
Potential points of interest:
submitted by romanholidays to MarvelStudiosSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:01 AutoModerator ★OFFICIAL DAILY★ SV/NSV Thread: Feats of the Day! June 10, 2024

Celebrating something great?
Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness!
Post it here!
Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it using the sidebar if needed.
Don't forget to comment and interact with other posters here, let's keep the good vibes going!
Daily Threads
Weekly Threads
submitted by AutoModerator to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 AutoModerator OYS - Where Progress is Made (06/10/24)

Struggling or failing? It's time to own it. Nice guys hide their flaws, trying to put on a false impression of who they are in order to impress others. We don't do that. We're up-front and honest with the fact that we're sinners and failures. James 5:16 compels us to confess our sins to one another and to pray for one another. 1 John 1:9 goes even a step further and makes confession a cornerstone of the Gospel - acknowledging that we are insufficient on our own. So, where are you failing? What do you need to confess?
To do this, it would be helpful to get to know how you're doing in a variety of areas. To that end, just as God is triune, he created us with three core parts of our being: our physical bodies, our heart/mind, and our spirit/soul. Try to cover all three. Use the questions in each category as inspiration, but roll with whatever you need to put out there.
PHYSICAL: How are you doing with lifting? Losing weight? Where's your body fat %? What have you been eating lately? How about your porn/alcohol/drug/cigarette/whatever use? Are you employing kino on your wife properly? Are you going too far with your girlfriend? How's your fashion sense? Are you still lounging around the house in gym shorts and using your ratty flip flops when you go out? How are you spending your time? How's your income doing? Your body is God's temple: are you reflecting that appropriately? For married men: how's your sex life?
MENTAL/EMOTIONAL: How have you been doing reading and learning new things? How's your frame? Do you still struggle with living up to someone else's expectations? Have you mastered Agree & Amplify? Amused Mastery? Negative Inquiry? STFU? Your DNGAF attitude? Are you failing fitness or comfort tests? How are you leading your wife/girlfriend this week? Do you feel pressure from any sources to do something or to act/not act a certain way? Are you depressed or lonely? Are you secure in your heart/mind that God's will is good, even if it's not what you want?
SPIRITUAL: How are you doing on the 7 basics? Rank yourself:
MISSION: Have you solidified your mission - and does it have eternal consequences or does it only affect this world? Does your mission extend beyond the home? Do you have someone discipling you? Are you discipling anyone else? Have you talked with your non-Christian friends about Christ recently? Are there parts of the Bible you're just not understanding? How are things going with your church or small group?
Again, these are all things just to get you thinking. Share where you're really struggling. We may give you some encouragement. We may kick you in the butt and tell you to get to work. Or we may leave you to meditate on your comment yourself. How we respond to your comment and update isn't the point. What matters is that you put it out there so you have a milestone to look back on next week - something where you can ask yourself: have I improved or not?
submitted by AutoModerator to RPChristians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 CatSpilledSpicedTea Aita for REFUSING to tell my family which of my baby girls I adopted?

Aita for REFUSING to tell my family which of my baby girls I adopted?
I, a single, twenty year old female gave birth to a baby girl about two months ago, and at the same time adopted a second baby girl who was born about three days before. The daughter that I had in my uterus, I will call Rose. The daughter that I didn't carry I will call lily.
I got pregnant with rose about the same time that my best friend who I'll call Anna got pregnant with Lily. While I was ecstatic about being pregnant, anna was not. Anna felt that she wasn't in a good place emotionally, financially, or any other way to have a child. She told me she was considering getting an abortion, but that she wished her child could have a good life somewhere else, instead of "just being thrown away" but anytime she pictured putting her child up for adoption she remembers all of the story's of abusive adoptive parents. She said that she felt helpless because there didn't seem to be any good answers, that's when we came up with a hesitant plan.
We decided that if after Lily's birth, anna still didn't feel like she could raise her i would adopt Lily and raise the girls as twins. Anna didn't want Lily to know she was adopted, but I hated the idea of lying to a daughter of mine. We decided that once lily was old enough to understand I would explain that she was adopted. if at that point anna felt ready we would tell Lily that Anna was her bio mom, and if not then we would say that her mother wasn't ready for her to know who she was. This way lily could live her life, Anna didn't need to be worried about Lily because she could check on her at any time, and Anna would be able to continue working on getting her life in order.
I chose not to have any of my family in the room during the birth because I wasn't comfortable with them seeing me like that, and Anna was fighting with her family at the time. So anna and i were the only ones in the room for each other during the births. After lily was born Anna still wanted me to adopt Lily, and also said that she did want to be in her life more than she originally thought. we decided that she would be the god mother of both girls and I would be their mother. when it was time for us to go home, I organized a get together for my family to meet both of my daughters and we went forward with the adoption.
As soon as my grandmother met my babies she asked me which one was my daughter, and I replied that they both were. She rolled her eyes and said that I knew what she meant, I told her that, no I dont because they are both my daughters. she got mad about that and asked me which one was "my real daughter" and my parents backed her up saying that I should tell them which daughter I had adopted. I got mad and asked them why it mattered, both babies are my children, I'm breast feeding both of them, I named both of them, and I was there through the entire pregnancy for both of them, even if I only carried one of them myself.
This lead to a fight with my family insisting that I tell them which daughter is which, and me insisting that my grandmother apologized for implying that one of them wasn't my real daughter. My parents told me that I am being dramatic, pointlessly stubborn, ridiculous, and that they just wanted to know when dealing with the girls which one was their granddaughter. I kicked all of them out and said that unless they apologize and stop asking which daughter is adopted, they would not get to see either of them.
After they left I sent out a text saying that I will tell them which one is adopted when I explain to her that she is adopted, but adopted or not they are both my children. I also reiterated that until I get an apology, and they agree to view my daughters equally they will not see the girls and I will not be talking to them. I received a massive amount of text ranging from them demanding that I let them see the kids and telling me how I was cruel and selfish to deprived my daughters of their love, to pleading with me to just tell them which girl is which and let them see my daughters.
After a few weeks of this i said enough. The stress of trying to take care of two babies, adopt Lily, and deal with my family was to much. So I sent out another text telling them that I was serious when I said I won't tell them which daughter is adopted. I then told them that I cant take their constant text anymore, and anyone that text me something that doesn't start with an apology is getting blocked.
Most of my family realized i wouldn't back down and stopped texting. I did have to block my brother, who sent me two paragraphs about why I should just give our parents and grandparents what they want, because it isn't worth the fight. I also had to block my mom, who texted my to tell me that no one was going to help me take care of the children until I told them them the truth about which is my real daughter. Anna agrees with me that they shouldn't care which one is adopt and says she wishes that my family didn't even know that one girl was adopted.
Well yesterday both babies were crying, lily needed a diaper change and rose was hungry and I realized that my mom was right. I can't be in both places at once and I can't take care of them by myself. Luckily Anna was there and she was able to take care of them both and get them settled, because I broke down sobbing and was completely useless. Now I'm starting to wonder if I am a bad mother for not leting my daughters see their family, and if I have chosen the wrong hill to die on.
P.s Anna was able to cheer me up, we cuddled together, and with the babies on the sofa, eating ice cream and chocolate most of the night. she is also the one who convinced me to write this post because she is obsessed with reddit.
Thank you all so much for the support! I was shocked when I saw how many people had commented because I honestly expected to find maybe three or four. I tried to read through the comments quickly and I want to answer a few things that I saw multiple people say.
1 everyone know that Anna was pregnant and that one of them is her bio kid. Anna and I do look pretty similar on a basic level. Both have similar colors of brown hair, dark brown eyes, and are both white. I am a little darker than anna, she is fair skinned and I always look like I have a tan. we also both got pregnant by a white guy. To me at least it isn't obvious which girl is who's bio kid.
2 Anna had been dating Lily bio dad for maybe half a year, but when he heard that Anna was pregnant he told her that he didn't want anything to do with a child. I got pregnant because I went to a party and was an idiot. I have contacted roses father, but he told me to give him time to think so I have been waiting for him to come around.
3 I have not legally adopted Lily yet. Anna and I have agreed that lily is my child and Lily is staying at my house, but Anna is still currently her legal guardian. Right know we are trying to figure out where Lily's father went.
4 I think I saw several people saying that I don't know how much work two babies will be. I definitely did not know what I was signing up for. Me and Anna thought we knew it would be hard but this is not what I was expecting. Anna has been an absolute angel! She is probably the only reason I am still sane right now. After we realized our false expectations Anna comes over almost daily (except for the two days before I had a mini break down) and has fallen asleep at my house a few times while caring for the kids.
another friend of our who I'll call James has also been stoping by, he doesn't help with the girls because in his own words "I don't know what to do with a baby" but james makes food, and cleans up the house a bit. I am eternal grateful to both James and Anna because I would be lost without them
5 a lot of you have point out that telling Lily when she is old is a bad idea, and I agree with you. That was my idea I didn't really think about how that could affect her find out when she was older. I'm going to talk to Anna about this because I dont want to cause my daughter any issues down the line.
I, a single, twenty year old female gave birth to a baby girl about two months ago, and at the same time adopted a second baby girl who was born about three days before. The daughter that I had in my uterus, I will call Rose. The daughter that I didn't carry I will call lily.
I got pregnant with rose about the same time that my best friend who I'll call Anna got pregnant with Lily. While I was ecstatic about being pregnant, anna was not. Anna felt that she wasn't in a good place emotionally, financially, or any other way to have a child. She told me she was considering getting an abortion, but that she wished her child could have a good life somewhere else, instead of "just being thrown away" but anytime she pictured putting her child up for adoption she remembers all of the story's of abusive adoptive parents. She said that she felt helpless because there didn't seem to be any good answers, that's when we came up with a hesitant plan.
We decided that if after Lily's birth, anna still didn't feel like she could raise her i would adopt Lily and raise the girls as twins. Anna didn't want Lily to know she was adopted, but I hated the idea of lying to a daughter of mine. We decided that once lily was old enough to understand I would explain that she was adopted. if at that point anna felt ready we would tell Lily that Anna was her bio mom, and if not then we would say that her mother wasn't ready for her to know who she was. This way lily could live her life, Anna didn't need to be worried about Lily because she could check on her at any time, and Anna would be able to continue working on getting her life in order.
I chose not to have any of my family in the room during the birth because I wasn't comfortable with them seeing me like that, and Anna was fighting with her family at the time. So anna and i were the only ones in the room for each other during the births. After lily was born Anna still wanted me to adopt Lily, and also said that she did want to be in her life more than she originally thought. we decided that she would be the god mother of both girls and I would be their mother. when it was time for us to go home, I organized a get together for my family to meet both of my daughters and we went forward with the adoption.
As soon as my grandmother met my babies she asked me which one was my daughter, and I replied that they both were. She rolled her eyes and said that I knew what she meant, I told her that, no I dont because they are both my daughters. she got mad about that and asked me which one was "my real daughter" and my parents backed her up saying that I should tell them which daughter I had adopted. I got mad and asked them why it mattered, both babies are my children, I'm breast feeding both of them, I named both of them, and I was there through the entire pregnancy for both of them, even if I only carried one of them myself.
This lead to a fight with my family insisting that I tell them which daughter is which, and me insisting that my grandmother apologized for implying that one of them wasn't my real daughter. My parents told me that I am being dramatic, pointlessly stubborn, ridiculous, and that they just wanted to know when dealing with the girls which one was their granddaughter. I kicked all of them out and said that unless they apologize and stop asking which daughter is adopted, they would not get to see either of them.
After they left I sent out a text saying that I will tell them which one is adopted when I explain to her that she is adopted, but adopted or not they are both my children. I also reiterated that until I get an apology, and they agree to view my daughters equally they will not see the girls and I will not be talking to them. I received a massive amount of text ranging from them demanding that I let them see the kids and telling me how I was cruel and selfish to deprived my daughters of their love, to pleading with me to just tell them which girl is which and let them see my daughters.
After a few weeks of this i said enough. The stress of trying to take care of two babies, adopt Lily, and deal with my family was to much. So I sent out another text telling them that I was serious when I said I won't tell them which daughter is adopted. I then told them that I cant take their constant text anymore, and anyone that text me something that doesn't start with an apology is getting blocked.
Most of my family realized i wouldn't back down and stopped texting. I did have to block my brother, who sent me two paragraphs about why I should just give our parents and grandparents what they want, because it isn't worth the fight. I also had to block my mom, who texted my to tell me that no one was going to help me take care of the children until I told them them the truth about which is my real daughter. Anna agrees with me that they shouldn't care which one is adopt and says she wishes that my family didn't even know that one girl was adopted.
Well yesterday both babies were crying, lily needed a diaper change and rose was hungry and I realized that my mom was right. I can't be in both places at once and I can't take care of them by myself. Luckily Anna was there and she was able to take care of them both and get them settled, because I broke down sobbing and was completely useless. Now I'm starting to wonder if I am a bad mother for not leting my daughters see their family, and if I have chosen the wrong hill to die on.
P.s Anna was able to cheer me up, we cuddled together, and with the babies on the sofa, eating ice cream and chocolate most of the night. she is also the one who convinced me to write this post because she is obsessed with reddit.
Thank you all so much for the support! I was shocked when I saw how many people had commented because I honestly expected to find maybe three or four. I tried to read through the comments quickly and I want to answer a few things that I saw multiple people say.
1 everyone know that Anna was pregnant and that one of them is her bio kid. Anna and I do look pretty similar on a basic level. Both have similar colors of brown hair, dark brown eyes, and are both white. I am a little darker than anna, she is fair skinned and I always look like I have a tan. we also both got pregnant by a white guy. To me at least it isn't obvious which girl is who's bio kid.
2 Anna had been dating Lily bio dad for maybe half a year, but when he heard that Anna was pregnant he told her that he didn't want anything to do with a child. I got pregnant because I went to a party and was an idiot. I have contacted roses father, but he told me to give him time to think so I have been waiting for him to come around.
3 I have not legally adopted Lily yet. Anna and I have agreed that lily is my child and Lily is staying at my house, but Anna is still currently her legal guardian. Right know we are trying to figure out where Lily's father went.
4 I think I saw several people saying that I don't know how much work two babies will be. I definitely did not know what I was signing up for. Me and Anna thought we knew it would be hard but this is not what I was expecting. Anna has been an absolute angel! She is probably the only reason I am still sane right now. After we realized our false expectations Anna comes over almost daily (except for the two days before I had a mini break down) and has fallen asleep at my house a few times while caring for the kids.
another friend of our who I'll call James has also been stoping by, he doesn't help with the girls because in his own words "I don't know what to do with a baby" but james makes food, and cleans up the house a bit. I am eternal grateful to both James and Anna because I would be lost without them
5 a lot of you have point out that telling Lily when she is old is a bad idea, and I agree with you. That was my idea I didn't really think about how that could affect her find out when she was older. I'm going to talk to Anna about this because I dont want to cause my daughter any issues down the line.
submitted by CatSpilledSpicedTea to SpilledSpicedTea [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 AutoModerator [Semi-Weekly Inquirer] Simple Questions and Recommendations Thread

This thread is a place for any recommendation requests or simple watch-related questions. Please feel free to post them here, rather than making a new thread, per our posting rules. Please keep in mind that all of our community posting rules apply here as well.

For recommendation questions, you may want to read the relevant section of our posting guidelines first, and check out our Brand and Buying Guides as well. Remember, the more information you give us, including pictures or links to watches that interest you, the better we can help you find a watch that you really like!

Questions should be as thorough as possible to avoid confusion, and to help the respondents answer more concisely. Include links pertinent to your question and read through the above recommendation information that may be applicable. Feel free to ask your question on our Discord Chat for a possibly faster response.

For the latest questions, sort by 'New'.

A new Inquirer thread will be automatically posted on Mondays at 6am and Thursdays at 6pm, all times UTC-5. You can also view all previous Inquirer Threads.

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submitted by AutoModerator to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 sameed_a how to use mind mapping to improve problem-solving?

If there's one thing I know, it's that problem-solving is a make or break skill. Now, I never considered myself the next Sherlock Holmes. But let me tell you about the time I got myself out of a particularly perplexing pickle using an innovative tool, mind mapping.
Picture it: I was directly in charge of a major project at my office, but we hit a massive roadblock. We couldn't figure out the best way to allocate our limited resources while still ensuring quality and timely delivery. I felt like a sailor lost at sea, stranded with no land in sight.
That's when I remembered something I came across online: mind mapping to enhance your problem-solving skills. Huh, in my desperate situation, it sounded like a potential lifeboat worth exploring.
So, I started by doodling in the center of a large sheet: this represented our major concern - resource allocation. From there, I started drawing branches out, each representing a different aspect of the problem - people, time, money, materials.
Next was the sub-branches. Under 'people', we had individual team members with their specific skills. 'Time' was broken down into project phases, 'money' into budget aspects, and 'materials' into necessities for each stage of the project.
Suddenly, staring at the mind map, it was as if all the fog had cleared. I saw how we could rearrange certain tasks, reallocate people based on their unique skills, and even save money by reusing materials. We could stay within budget, provide quality, and deliver on time.
To say this map was merely useful would be an understatement. It was transformative. It provided us with a visual feedback loop that made it much easier to understand the problem and find the optimal solution.
And here's the kicker - we didn't find just one solution. The mind map method helped us find back-up plans A, B, and C just in case our first solution hit unforeseen hurdles.
So, there you have it. The story of how a simple tool called mind mapping saved my bacon at work and transformed me into an office hero.
P.S. Full disclosure: This story might be a bit embellished for effect. But hopefully, it gives you a realistic view of mind mapping's magic. Try it out in your daily life. Who knows, you might soon be the Sherlock Holmes of your own problems! Now, if you'll excuse me, I hear a new problem calling for my master detective skills.
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 AutoModerator Project Progress - June 10, 2024

Welcome to MakeupRehab’s Project Progress!
Project Progress is one of MUR’s oldest community activities, formerly known as Project Pan. The goal is to pick products you want to use up and keep track of how you are progressing. Every member has different goals and timelines, so project progress was created to be welcoming for everyone.
Got a stack of samples to work through? Join us!
Want to get more use out of your giant lipstick collection? Join us!
Have a lotion that you feel has stuck around too long? Join us!
These posts go up every Monday!
Follow the template below to share your progress on whichever products you want in whatever time frames work for you. Tracking progress is the best way to see it and we’re all here to cheer each other on!
Product name Beginning and/or remaining amount: Goal: (Finish the product? Make a dent in it? Use it x-times a week?) Picture:
submitted by AutoModerator to MakeupRehab [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 Stirlingblue So what do you think will actually change?

Based on the results of the election it seems that the extreme changes like Flemish independence are off the table but it’s clear that there’s still been a shift to the right across the country.
Based on the likely coalition in each region, do you think there will be more minimal changes or will anything fundamentally change in the big right wing talking points like immigration, cultural integration, government spending and taxes?
Looking at the coalition the only thing I can see in common between them all is the promises all parties make about essentially doing the same things we always do, but better through tech/education/automation etc
submitted by Stirlingblue to belgium [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:59 LisaaWithStyle Would this be a good last picture on my profile? Many people say you shouldn't use group pics but I want to show that I have friends...(I'm the one on the far left btw in case that makes a difference)

Would this be a good last picture on my profile? Many people say you shouldn't use group pics but I want to show that I have friends...(I'm the one on the far left btw in case that makes a difference) submitted by LisaaWithStyle to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:59 _judgefudge_- tesehki vs jelly

That was so foul what she did to jelly. at least be a real bitch like you say you are and make jelly square up instead of punching her with her arms open wanting to hug you...
I really wish jelly didnt even explain herself after that. she should have just pull out a whole PowerPoint presentation on how tesehkis Man look like and clown tesehki cause NO ONE wants your man PERIOD.
submitted by _judgefudge_- to BaddiesSouth [link] [comments]