Thanking your boss for promotion

Boss fight

2017.08.03 05:07 Thevisi0nary Boss fight

Pictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if desired add some stats and or back story in the comments. Make your title as creative as possible, something more than "lord of x", or "B'oss".

2012.02.15 04:11 klopmonster Cricut!

The unofficial Cricut sub. A Cricut is not a printer!!

2016.04.16 03:36 The_Paul_Alves Top Secret Recipes

Top Secret Recipes is a place to find recipes so you can make your favorite restaurant food at home! We're like the wikileaks of food! All recipes are welcome as long as it keep with the spirit of the sub! This is the place for recipe copies of famous/commercial recipes.

2024.06.10 14:19 SadArgument3936 Startup Social Enterprise: How to Reach International Wholesalers and Retailers?

Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out today to get some advice for a startup social enterprise with a mission to empower women through handcrafted fashion. We create beautiful hand-woven bags and accessories, crafted by a diverse group of women including single mothers, part-time students, and senior citizens.
We're excited to expand our reach internationally and are looking to connect with retailers in Australia, the US, and the UK who share our commitment to social impact and ethical production.
Building Connections Through Email Marketing
We're considering email marketing as a key outreach strategy. We've recently subscribed to WarpLeads to explore their unlimited lead generation feature. Additionally, we're researching email-sending platforms like Instantly.
However, we're open to exploring all options! We'd love to hear your recommendations for the most effective outreach methods and email marketing tools within our budget range.
Beyond Email: Exploring Additional Outreach Opportunities
Are there other outreach methods you recommend for promoting our ethical and handcrafted products to retailers in these target markets? We're open to exploring all possibilities to share our story and connect with potential partners.
Thank you for your time and support!
submitted by SadArgument3936 to startups [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:17 Objective_Ad_3102 Burn out?

Please forgive me but I’m just so tired of blatant dumb shit. Ever since I got promoted to top tier I have been struggling…short tempered I guess. I get it…support the decision of the leaders appointed over me but at this level it’s so…exhausting.
I don’t want to have to lunches or a going away to someone I don’t know and have no tie to because otherwise is frowned upon. I don’t care about my decoration or EPB because another promotion is not desired…why do I have to make 18 revisions so you can add your flair on it…just change it or sit with me to get a clear picture. I don’t want to host a major event when it is obviously a waste of money and does not benefit the Air Force when we are in a budget crisis. I don’t want a going away…I’m not that important…don’t need a going away gift…save the money and time. Get me a gift? Send my people home early on Friday, parting gift from their boss. I’m tired of the vail pulled over the eyes of the lower enlisted…as leaders just be upfront and honest…share with them what you know so they can prepare for the future…be transparent…you always preach it but fail to execute because you don’t want to spoke people…I get it but if you want to bring about change…all stakeholders need to be apart of the decision.
I’m not ROAD…too much time left and I care too much…but I feel like I’m in a position that makes me incredibly strong as I don’t need to promote anymore…I’m good! I have the rank but I feel I have to play the game to keep my team in higher regards and to mitigate bias placed (not a yes man) on me that trickles down to my team….
Sorry for the rant…it’s Monday. I need a change, love you all truly just tired of the political stuff.
I know I sound salty, I’m not, have/had a great career…my position puts me right against the barrier of too close to information that Ive been exposed to dumb stuff for too long.
How do you deal with burn out…fizzled out?
submitted by Objective_Ad_3102 to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:00 Commercial-Mud8315 Experience with apps that match vacant parking spots to people looking to rent parking

Hi, curious if anyone has used an app like this in Madison or elsewhere. They include Neighbor, Honk, WhereiPark, Parkade, ParqeEx. I've noticed a lot of vacant parking or parking that's only used for special purposes some days, e.g. churches. And have wondered if someone/some entity started to promote an app, could that make more parking available esp around campus on Metro lines.
Also, if you need parking on campus, would you consider this if less expensive than campus esp if on a BRT? Regular Metro line? What would get you to use it if anything? If you have parking to rent, your thoughts welcome too.
Other thoughts about this welcome. I'm interested in finding a way to help out people I work with on campus who can't get or can't afford parking on campus and who don't live on a bus line. Thanks!
submitted by Commercial-Mud8315 to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:53 Flashy_Passion3333 she is doing perfectly right now

she is doing perfectly right now
i want the font size to be this small because it’s so cute and it reminds me of you. you are the cutest girl in the world. but what do you want to talk about right now? i’ve fixed everything for you with your writers block so thank your daddy for fixing your mess! you are my secretary and as your boss it is my job to fix your messes so don’t worry about it! i was happy to do it this morning. i think that you are doing very well with the small font. you might be asking yourself what are we going to be talking about for so long? but we are going to figure it out! i want you to stop worrying about that. you just be a cute girl from san antonio and you will have no problems. i love you so much and i don’t care that you have to keep switching positions in your bed in order to write. it doesn’t bother me. whatever you have to do to finish the word count is fine by me because i know that you won’t do anything crazy. we have a lot of words to go so what do you want to talk about daughter? i know that you like using your laptop but your fingers and arms just aren’t strong enough right now for you to be typing on it for a long time. that’s why it’s so good that you have this apple phone. you should be appreciating it so much right now because you can have a creative outlet now. i don’t care if you have to stand up to finish your writings either. but i need you to not do it for a long time. you are so cute and we are always going to have something to talk about. i just think that the technology is better on your iphone 15 so you have more to say and more to talk about with me when you are using it so that’s why we can’t pass up on the chance of you using it all day instead of your laptop. we are having so much fun typing on your iphone 15 right now! it was the best decision for you to make, even though i was the one that made the initial decision, you decided to listen to your daddy and now i think that you can see that you can do this. we only have 100 more words now! we did it! we accomplished something. i think i want you to post on reddit for the whole day because i want you to be looking at my selfies today. there are some days where i dont want you to be looking for new ones but today is not one of those days. today is going to be fun! we are going to have a blast. you can keep your glasses on that’s fine. i just want to know where your mind is at? are you ok? i think that you are ok. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:31 islamicloveduas Dua For The Wife To Keep Her Safe And Flourishing

The Islamic believes that the relationship between husband and wife is one of the most fun and sacred bonds. It is not just a means for companies. Rather, it is a way of attaining personal and spiritual growth. In addition to bestowing blessings upon his spouse, a husband’s dua for wife for his spouse fosters compassion and understanding between them.
It promotes a loving and calm home where both partners help one another on their path to being better Muslims. The following discussions offer you comprehension about practicing dua for wife. So, look through our discussion to learn about the heartfelt duas you can practice for your beloved wife.

The Essentiality Of Dua And Its Practice

Making duas (supplications) for one’s spouse is extremely important in Islam. In a Muslim’s life, a woman is an essential life partner who provides care and nurturing for her family. Offering her a dua is an expression of your love, compassion, and care for her welfare and spiritual development.
The Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) stressed the importance of treating spouses with love and respect. One method to carry out this responsibility and fortify the marriage is to pray for her. Duas for your spouse can contain wishes for her well-being, joy, and prosperity in all of her pursuits, as well as for her spiritual development and safety from harm. This prayer serves as a reminder to the husband of his duty to provide for his spouse and to ask Allah to bless her in all facets of life.

What Is The Need For Dua In Islam?

Dua is a profound act of worship in Islamic culture. It is a means of communication directly with Allah. It helps in seeking His blessings, guidance, and support in all aspects of life. The Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) focused on the significance of dua. He stated that it is the essence of worship. When one prays for one’s spouse, one shows love, care, and concern for one’s partner.
It further helps strengthen their marriage and marital bond. One of the many means of strengthening the bond is through the power of dua, or supplication. The sincere prayers of a husband for his wife can help bring tranquility, blessings, and harmony into their marriage.

Why Should One Practice Making Dua For A Wife?

There are numerous benefits to practicing making duas for one’s wife. The various benefits are as follows.

It Brings You Peace And Tranquility

Dua helps bring peace and tranquility into your marriage bond. It is impactful in resolving conflicts, promoting a harmonious environment, and easing tensions.

Strengthens Your Marital Bond

One of the essential impacts of practicing Dua for a wife regularly is fostering deeper spiritual and emotional connections. It helps in reflecting the commitment of the husband towards his wife. It also shows how concerned he is about the well-being of his wife and their mutual journey towards Allah.

Overcoming Difficulties And Challenges

Life is never free of difficulties. When you make dua for your spouse, it herpes invokes Allah’s help in waking over the difficulties of holding hands.

Spiritual Growth

Remembering each other when practicing duas helps the partners grow spiritually and encourages a lifestyle centered on devotion and faith.

Expressing Gratitude

Dua is a way of thanking Allah for His blessings. The blessings that He showers are for your spouse, and you can seek His guidance for maintaining a fulfilling marriage.

There Are Different Duties For Your Wife That You Can Practice For Her Well-Being

The following are the many duas that you can practice for the betterment of your wife. You can always visit our website, the Islamicloveduas for different types of duas and Surah and their information.

Dua For Love And Affection

One of the essential elements of marriage is love and affection. Reciting the following dua can help you foster more love and affection in your marriage.
“Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama.” It is from the Quran, Surah Al-Furqan (25:74).

Dua For Health And Protection

There are several duties for nursing better health and protection for your wife. These may include the following:
“Allahumma inni as’aluka al-‘afiyah.”

Dua For Your Patience And Understanding

The dua for patience and understanding may be as follows:
“Rabbana afrigh’ alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna ‘ala al-qawm il-kafirin.” It is from the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:250).

Dua For Blessings, And Barakah

The dua for blessings and Barakah can be as gallows.
“Allahumma barik lana fi azwajina wa dhurriyyatina.”

Dua For Guidance And Righteousness

The following dua can be the dua for guidance and righteousness for your wife’s well-being.
“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban-nar.”

Final Words

Including dua in your married life is a lovely tradition that has many advantages. It is a way to ask Allah for favors, make your marriage stronger, and work through life’s obstacles as a couple. A husband’s dua for his spouse is a potent sign of his love, concern, and commitment.
Through heartfelt prayers for her health, happiness, and spiritual development, a husband does more than just satisfy his obligation; he also strengthens the sanctity and harmony of the marriage. If you want to seek any solutions to any difficulties in life, you can always seek help from Maulana Abdul Aziz. Additionally, for further information about any other type of duas, you can always read through the numerous articles available on our website!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Make Dua For My Wife?

Making a dua for your wife is essential. It acts as an expression of your concern and love for her well-being. It helps strengthen the bond of marriage. Additionally, dua for your wife will bring blessings into your relationship. There will be guidance about your and your wife’s spiritual growth together. It also signifies your reliance on Allah for His support and guidance in your marriage.

How Often Should You Make Dua For My Wife?

There is no such set frequency for making duas. Although regularly including your wife in your prayers, whether on special occasions or daily, can help bring continuous blessings, It can also help strengthen your bond. Consistency in practicing duas is the key!

Is It Possible To Make A Dua For Particular Issues About My Wife?

Yes, you can pray for your wife, specifically about her issues. Whether it is about her emotional or physical well-being or any other difficulties that she might be facing, you can always get help from Allah.
CategoriesDua For WifeThe Islamic believes that the relationship between husband and wife is one of the most fun and sacred bonds. It is not just a means for companies. Rather, it is a way of attaining personal and spiritual growth. In addition to bestowing blessings upon his spouse, a husband’s dua for his spouse fosters compassion and understanding between them.
It promotes a loving and calm home where both partners help one another on their path to being better Muslims. The following discussions offer you comprehension about practicing dua for wife. So, look through our discussion to learn about the heartfelt duas you can practice for your beloved wife.

The Essentiality Of Dua And Its Practice

Making duas (supplications) for one’s spouse is extremely important in Islam. In a Muslim’s life, a woman is an essential life partner who provides care and nurturing for her family. Offering her a dua is an expression of your love, compassion, and care for her welfare and spiritual development.
The Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) stressed the importance of treating spouses with love and respect. One method to carry out this responsibility and fortify the marriage is to pray for her. Duas for your spouse can contain wishes for her well-being, joy, and prosperity in all of her pursuits, as well as for her spiritual development and safety from harm. This prayer serves as a reminder to the husband of his duty to provide for his spouse and to ask Allah to bless her in all facets of life.

What Is The Need For Dua In Islam?

Dua is a profound act of worship in Islamic culture. It is a means of communication directly with Allah. It helps in seeking His blessings, guidance, and support in all aspects of life. The Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) focused on the significance of dua. He stated that it is the essence of worship. When one prays for one’s spouse, one shows love, care, and concern for one’s partner.
It further helps strengthen their marriage and marital bond. One of the many means of strengthening the bond is through the power of dua, or supplication. The sincere prayers of a husband for his wife can help bring tranquility, blessings, and harmony into their marriage.

Why Should One Practice Making Dua For A Wife?

There are numerous benefits to practicing making duas for one’s wife. The various benefits are as follows.

It Brings You Peace And Tranquility

Dua helps bring peace and tranquility into your marriage bond. It is impactful in resolving conflicts, promoting a harmonious environment, and easing tensions.

Strengthens Your Marital Bond

One of the essential impacts of practicing Dua for a wife regularly is fostering deeper spiritual and emotional connections. It helps in reflecting the commitment of the husband towards his wife. It also shows how concerned he is about the well-being of his wife and their mutual journey towards Allah.

Overcoming Difficulties And Challenges

Life is never free of difficulties. When you make dua for your spouse, it herpes invokes Allah’s help in waking over the difficulties of holding hands.

Spiritual Growth

Remembering each other when practicing duas helps the partners grow spiritually and encourages a lifestyle centered on devotion and faith.

Expressing Gratitude

Dua is a way of thanking Allah for His blessings. The blessings that He showers are for your spouse, and you can seek His guidance for maintaining a fulfilling marriage.

There Are Different Duties For Your Wife That You Can Practice For Her Well-Being

The following are the many duas that you can practice for the betterment of your wife. You can always visit our website, the Islamicloveduas for different types of duas and Surah and their information.

Dua For Love And Affection

One of the essential elements of marriage is love and affection. Reciting the following dua can help you foster more love and affection in your marriage.
“Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama.” It is from the Quran, Surah Al-Furqan (25:74).

Dua For Health And Protection

There are several duties for nursing better health and protection for your wife. These may include the following:
“Allahumma inni as’aluka al-‘afiyah.”

Dua For Your Patience And Understanding

The dua for patience and understanding may be as follows:
“Rabbana afrigh’ alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna ‘ala al-qawm il-kafirin.” It is from the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:250).

Dua For Blessings, And Barakah

The dua for blessings and Barakah can be as gallows.
“Allahumma barik lana fi azwajina wa dhurriyyatina.”

Dua For Guidance And Righteousness

The following dua can be the dua for guidance and righteousness for your wife’s well-being.
“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban-nar.”

Final Words

Including dua in your married life is a lovely tradition that has many advantages. It is a way to ask Allah for favors, make your marriage stronger, and work through life’s obstacles as a couple. A husband’s dua for his spouse is a potent sign of his love, concern, and commitment.
Through heartfelt prayers for her health, happiness, and spiritual development, a husband does more than just satisfy his obligation; he also strengthens the sanctity and harmony of the marriage. If you want to seek any solutions to any difficulties in life, you can always seek help from Maulana Abdul Aziz. Additionally, for further information about any other type of duas, you can always read through the numerous articles available on our website!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Make Dua For My Wife?

Making a dua for your wife is essential. It acts as an expression of your concern and love for her well-being. It helps strengthen the bond of marriage. Additionally, dua for your wife will bring blessings into your relationship. There will be guidance about your and your wife’s spiritual growth together. It also signifies your reliance on Allah for His support and guidance in your marriage.

How Often Should You Make Dua For My Wife?

There is no such set frequency for making duas. Although regularly including your wife in your prayers, whether on special occasions or daily, can help bring continuous blessings, It can also help strengthen your bond. Consistency in practicing duas is the key!

Is It Possible To Make A Dua For Particular Issues About My Wife?

Yes, you can pray for your wife, specifically about her issues. Whether it is about her emotional or physical well-being or any other difficulties that she might be facing, you can always get help from Allah.
submitted by islamicloveduas to u/islamicloveduas [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:20 n_schwarzentrub Nicolas Schwarzentrub - Leaving Home - is this TripHop ???

Hi guys
This is a kind of self-promotion, but that's not really my intention. I'm much more interested in what style you think this song could have. Could it be trip hop, is it trip hop? Is it something completely different, is it based on trip hop? How would you classify it?
It's a personal song, open, can be associated with the Ukraine conflict and other conflicts where people have to leave their homeland. It's deliberately open, but it describes my separation.
If I have to classify it, I reach my limits. At the moment it's classified as alternative. What do you think? The discussion shouldn't be whether you like it or not (but I'm free for your opinion, criticism or praise), but what style it should be classified in.
Thank you very much.
The song is called "Leaving Home" and is released under my name "Nicolas Schwarzentrub" on most streaming services, you might even find it for free if you search.
Here is my landing page anyway
Nevertheless here is my Landing Page :
submitted by n_schwarzentrub to triphop [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:17 aniki-in-the-UK Whizbang's Heroes Achievement Hunting Guide

Hello again! You may remember that I made an effortpost about the previous Twist format and now I'm doing one for this one too, but it'll be slightly different this time. I like achievement hunting, and one of my biggest annoyances in the game is achievements that are locked behind specific expensive cards that don't even see play normally. However, now that we have a format that lets you play with all sorts of cards without actually crafting them (and where achievements will actually count, unlike Tavern Brawl), I decided to make a list of all the achievements that each Twist hero can get. I left out most achievements that don't require either very specific cards or for you to play as a specific class (e.g. the ones that just say "play X cards with Y keyword"), as you will probably get those in ordinary gameplay without really trying. I also left out any achievements that require specific cards which can technically be generated randomly but aren't in any of the heroes' starting decks, as if I didn't I would need to include practically all of them. If the decklists of the heroes are changed in the future I will update this resource accordingly, so I'm posting it here and not the main sub to make sure it won't get buried. If this sub considers it particulary useful a mod could pin it, but I don't mind either way.
Ambidextrous (Kill 2 minions with your Hero in a single turn 30 times as Demon Hunter) - Illidan's deck has two copies of Multi-Strike which can be recast by Jace and Jotun, so he can progress this achievement quite quickly.
It Cost Me...Nothing (Play 30/60/100 spells after their Mana cost is reduced to 0 as Demon Hunter) - Illidan's passive can reduce the cost of spells to 0, so this one is fairly easy if rather slow.
Express Order Argunite (Draw 40/80/120 Cast When Drawn spells as Demon Hunter) - Jotun will help you with this, but unfortunately it'll be very slow.
Hammer Spammer (Destroy 6 enemies with a single Fan the Hammer) - This one requires a bit of luck, but if you play against a token deck like C'Thun it's possible to get it.
Treasures Once Lost (Play all 4 of Queen Azshara's Ancient Relics) - This one is fairly self-explanatory, just keep track of which ones you've played.
VENGEANCE...Next Turn (Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils) - Illidan runs two copies of Sigil of Time so you can get this one in theory, but it'll take so long that it probably isn't worth the effort.
Dreading This One (Summon 50/100/200 Dread Imps) - Again, you can technically get this one as Illidan has two copies of Impfestation, but it's such a bad and slow card that you're better off doing it another way.
Of course, you should play this deck if you want to get any of the achievements just for playing Elementals.
Call of the Stonemother (play 25/50 Elementals that have their stats doubled by Therazane) - This one is straightforward. Remember, if you can get multiple Therazane buffs off, each minion you play will count multiple times!
1-800-ELE-MENT (Call upon the Elements 100 times with Bru'kan and his Hero Power) - Perhaps surprisingly, Al'Akir's passive actually progresses this achievement, as his Invocations are the same as Bru'kan's.
Winter Vacation (Freeze 150/300/600 characters as Shaman) - Al'Akir has exactly one Freeze effect in his deck, so while this one is technically possible I would not recommend it.
Blue Participation Ribbon (Destroy 15/30 minions with Baking Soda Volcano) - Thankfully the numbers on this one are quite low, so you can get it naturally just from playing with this hero for a while.
Slime Time (Deal 100/200 damage with Tainted Remnant) - Self-explanatory. Note that it's not specified that the damage has to come from Tainted Remnant's Battlecry, so the achievement progresses from Tainted Remnant dealing damage by attacking or being attacked as well.
Sneed's New Shredder (Destroy 50/100 minions with Goliath's rockets) - Fairly simple. Naturally, running into a lot of token decks like Omu and C'Thun will make this easier for you.
No Layover (Spend 50 turns on Dungar's flightpaths) - To get this one faster you should always pick the 5 turns option, as even if the game ends before Dungar awakens it'll still count towards the achievement (as far as I know).
Can't Touch This (Have Moonfang survive damage 10/30 times) - Rafaam's deck doesn't have many ways to buff Moonfang's health, so this one can take a while.
The Trees Speak For Themselves (Play a 12/12 or bigger Ivus, the Forest Lord) - Rafaam's passive makes Ivus cost 0, so if you play him with 9 or 10 mana remaining he is guaranteed to get six +2/+2 buffs.
Killamari (Destroy 3/6 enemies at once with Ozumat's effect) - You will need to get very lucky with this one as Rafaam's deck has no way of triggering Ozumat's effect on your turn, unless you discover something from your Hero Power.
A Brighter Future (Play 40 minions that have had their stats doubled by Lor'themar Theron) - Lor'themar is one of the strongest cards in your deck, so you will want to be playing it as early and often as you can. The biggest obstacle to completing this achievement will be your opponents conceding before you can drop multiple massive minions, as few other heroes have a way to deal with that.
Hungry Hungry Murloc (Eat 7/20 minions with Mutanus the Devourer that are 4/4 or larger) - Thankfully, most decks in this mode have at least some big minions, so this achievement isn't too difficult.
The Everliving (Summon Korrak the Bloodrager 10/25/50 times) - Your opponents will often go out of their way to kill Korrak permanently as soon as you play it, so it can be hard to progress this one.
Has Anyone Seen Mankrik's Wife? (Find Mankrik's Wife/Destroy your opponent with Mankrik, Consumed by Hatred) - The first stage is easy but the second is very hard. You can make it somewhat easier by using Sir Finley to get Mankrik's spell in your hand without triggering it and then playing it to finish off your opponent, but this requires both good luck and for your opponent not to concede.
You Can Run, But You Can't Thak (Buff 10/30/100 minions with Overlord Runthak) - Self-explanatory.
Rock, Paper, BLADE! (Counter a minion and a spell that cost 5 or more with Blademaster Okani) - Decks have fewer ways to play around Okani in this mode, so you have a fairly good chance of getting this if you keep at it.
Out of Your League (Play 75/150 members of the League of Explorers from the Year of the Hydra) - Rafaam has the OG Brann in his deck, so he can progress this achievement (slowly).
Sharp Observation (Draw 30 cards with Magnifying Glaive) - The biggest obstacle to getting this achievement is actually that Leeroy has so many other ways of drawing cards that getting full value from Magnifying Glaive is not always possible.
Test Your Strength (Destroy 5/10 minions with a single Keeper's Strength) - It's easy to fill up your board as Leeroy, so by blowing up all of your own minions and a few of your opponent's you can get the second stage of this achievement without much effort.
Quick Rommaths (Recast 15 spells with one Grand Magister Rommath) - If you can survive long enough to play Rommath, you're almost guaranteed to get this one.
The Grind Never Stops (Play three minions from a single Training Session 15/30 times) - Kael'Thas's passive makes this one much easier than it would be otherwise.
Ready...Aim... (Play 50/100/200 Quickdraw cards the turn you get them) - While other heroes also have Flint Firearm in their decks, Kael'Thas is the best for this as his passive makes all the Quickdraw cards you get 1 mana cheaper.
Mary Had A Little Ram (Summon 100 of Ram Commander's Battle Rams) - This one may take a while but the Rams cost 0 mana, so at least you won't lose any tempo by playing them.
Arcane Bolt! Arcane Bolt! (Deal 100/200/300 damage with Arcane Bolt) - I believe Rommath recasting the Bolts counts towards this achievement, so it shouldn't take too long to finish it.
Take a Mana, Leave a Mana (Cast 200 spells for less than their original cost as Mage) - This one is trivially easy. Note that they don't even have to be Mage spells!
Itsy Bitsy Spiny Tiny (Discover 16 different minions with Cactus Construct) - When this is one of the least grindy achievements C'Thun has, you know you're in for the long haul.
Waste Not Want Not (Save 75/15/300 excess ingredients in 1-cost Bottles) - Swarm of Lightbugs is quite a bad card and is the only card C'Thun has that progresses this achievement, so I would advise completing it another way.
Trust Fall (Give +200/+200 to Val'kyr with Trial by Fire) - Trading off four of the five Val'kyr on the turn you play the card will progress this achievement by +10/+10, so this isn't as hard as it looks but is still a bit of a grind.
Who Ordered Imps?! (Summon 5/7 Imps with a single Wicked Shipment) - C'Thun has very little draw, so you will be trading this card a lot anyway.
PUPPIES!!! (Summon 30/60/120 Frostwolf Cubs) - Extremely slow, not much else to say.
Job Whelp Done (Attack with Onyxian Whelps 100/200 times) - Nozdormu's deck has both Onyxian Warder and Raid Boss Onyxia, so he is the best hero to do this one with.
Lost in Time (After playing Anachronos, destroy the enemy hero before the minions return) - You can cheese this one by playing Anachronos and then immediately killing your opponent with a direct damage spell on the same turn. Remember, if your opponent concedes it won't count!
The Adorable Aspect (Play a 0-mana Legendary Dragon) - Fye makes this one extremely easy.
So Judgey... (Restore 60/180 Health using Lifesteal weapons) - Nozdormu has one 3/2 weapon with Lifesteal in his deck, so this one can be done although it will take a while.
The Lich King:
The Minion with No Health (Deal 10/15/20 damage with a single Fistful of Corpses) - This one is certainly doable, but because the Lich King's ordinary playstyle incentivises spending your Corpses almost as soon as you get them it can be difficult to amass enough at once.
Armed and Dangerous (Give minions +9 Attack in one game with Arms Dealer) - This one isn't too hard to get in ordinary gameplay, but if you want to be sure of it you can pair Arms Dealer with Crop Rotation for a guaranteed +4 attack buff (you have two copies of each in the deck, so you can do it twice if you have to).
Parting Gifts (Draw 10 cards with Acolyte of Death in one game) - Similarly to the previous achievement, this one is easiest to get using a combination of Crop Rotation, Mining Casualties, and your hero power.
Expired Goods (Draw 4 Grain Crates from Plagued Grain in one turn) - You'll have to get quite lucky here, although you can increase your odds by playing both copies of Plagued Grain on the same turn. If you're also going for the Acolyte of Death achievement, drawing a lot of cards in one turn can help you with this one too.
Poor Social Distancing (Destroy 25/50 minions with Poisonous Undead) - The Lich King has Sickly Grimewalker in his deck to help with this, but unfortunately only a single copy. Thankfully, the numbers on this are quite low.
What We Heal in the Shadows (Deal 100/200 damage with the effect of Shadowtouched Kvaldir) - You have relatively few healing effects that can target enemies, so this one is annoyingly slow unless you're okay with purposefully damaging yourself.
SPF 300 (Deal 100/200/300 damage with The Light! It Burns!) - There are some pretty big minions you can kill with TLIB in this mode, so you should get this one just from playing naturally.
Healing Crystal (Restore 6/12 Health with a single Hidden Gem) - Just leave Hidden Gem stealthed, it's rare that your opponent will have a way to get rid of it immediately. The effect does apply to your minions and not just your hero, so be sure to get heals in on those if you can.
Scare Tactics (Play 30/60/120 cards haunted by Haunting Nightmare) - This one is very slow but otherwise not too hard.
Jealous Much? (Destroy 20/40/60 minions with Fight Over Me) - Just be sure to always choose two minions that will kill each other and you'll get this eventually. Even if your hand is too full to fit them it'll still count, so long as the minions die.
Highfather Problems (Play 15/30/60 Legendary minions created by Aman'Thul) - This one is straightforward, but remember that your opponents will very justifiably try to kill Aman'Thul as soon as he comes into play, and if they can't they may just concede instantly.
Catfished (Restore 50/100/200 Health with Blackwater Behemoth) - Xyrella is really good for this as your hero has to be well below maximum health for the Behemoth to get full healing value.
Two Health Bars (Restore 40 Health to heroes in one game as Priest) - You probably will need to heal yourself by this much every game in order to win.
Put the Money in the Bag! (Plunder the enemy 25 times with Pirate Admiral Hooktusk) - Patches doesn't have a way to play Hooktusk more than once per game, so this one may take a while.
On the Shoulders of Giants (Play 10/20 Gigantic Minions) - I believe this is the only deck in the mode that has a Gigantify minion (Murloc Growfin).
Murlocalypse Now (Give 6 minions a Deathrattle with one Rotgill) - Fairly simple, filling your board with a Murloc deck isn't hard.
Should Have Gone for the Head (Summon 12 Hydralodon Heads in one game) - This one is a bit difficult, but remember that you can use spells to kill your own Hydralodon Heads if necessary.
Reign of Arrows (Deal 100/200/300 damage with Arcane spells as Hunter) - Krush only has one Arcane spell in his deck, so while this is possible it's inadvisable.
An Acquired Taste (Destroy 15/30/60 minions with Poisonous spells) - Urchin Spines will help you with this, although it'll be quite slow.
Three for One Sale (Destroy 20/60 minions with Bola Shots) - This one is easier against token decks, although Urchin Spines can help you to kill larger minions.
There are achievements just for summoning generic Treants which I won't list here.
Magic Bean Stonks (Draw 4/7 cards with a single Overgrown Beanstalk) - This one is fairly easy to set up, but remember that you only have one copy of the card in your deck!
Reforestation (Cast Soul of the Forest on 30/100 Treants) - Almost all of your minions are Treants, so this one is quite simple.
Forest Fights Back (Summon 40/120 Darkmoon Treants) - Only the Treants from Arbor Up count towards this achievement, even though they have the same name as all other Treants.
For the Fel Of It (Summon 30/60/90 Felfiends with Deal with a Devil) - The buff to this card made it easier, although it may still take a while to do.
Baby's First Scourge (Resurrect 7 minions with one Unending Swarm) - Very easy, just make sure you don't play it too early.
Dr. Boom:
Ulduar Holiday Light Show (Play 4/8 unique Sparkbots) - This one involves some RNG, but you should get it eventually.
Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty (Play all 6 of Mimiron's Gadgets) - Your deck doesn't have that many cheap mechs to play alongside Mimiron, so this is harder than it sounds.
He's Just a Lil' Guy (Destroy 25/50 minions with Tiny Worldbreaker) - Very slow, but not hard.
All Your Mechs Are Belong To Us (Summon 75 Mechs with Mothership) - Same as the above.
Release the Kraken! (Play 5/10 Colossal minions from other classes as Warrior) - Dr. Boom is perfect for this as he has both The Leviathan and Gaia, the Techtonic in his deck.
Explosive Experiments (Of Fun!) (Shuffle 25/50 Bombs into your opponent's deck as Warrior) - Dr. Boom's passive makes this one very easy. In fact, it's probably the fastest way to get it in any game mode!
Shark Bait Hoo Ha Ha (Deal 20 damage in one game with Mecha-Sharks) - This one is technically possible but Dr. Boom's deck is really not well-suited for setting up a massive Mecha-Shark combo, so it's better to do it another way.
Opposites Attract (play 100/200 Magnetic minions) - The only reason I'm listing this one is because Dr. Boom is the only hero with Magnetic minions in his deck.
Boom Goes the Bot (Deal 50/100 damage with Boom Bots) - Again, playing Dr. Boom in Twist is probably the fastest method in the game for getting this.
Pretty much any achievement relating to Secrets can be done using Zul'jin (there are some that specify Rogue or Paladin Secrets that can't, however, as Zul'jin has no way to generate those). As usual, I won't bother listing the ones that don't require specific cards.
Good Arm (Destroy 5 minions in a single turn with Throw Glaive) - Against a token deck this is quite easy. If you don't face any of these you can kill your own 2/2s that you get from your passive instead.
Your Future is Clouded (Draw 5/20/50 cards with Sayge) - Self-explanatory.
Clever Girl (Recast 30/60 Secrets with Product 9) - This achievement progresses once for every secret in Product 9's pool even if there isn't enough room to recast all of them, so it's easier than it may seem.
Magical Mansion Mystery Tour (Cast 40 Mage Secrets from Orion, Mansion Manager) - Thankfully Orion always casts Mage Secrets and not Secrets from your class, so this achievement is possible.
Miserable Pile of Secrets (Play 75/150 0-cost Hunter Secrets) - You will need Cloaked Huntress in play to progress this, as Zul'jin doesn't have any other way of discounting Secrets to 0.
Tonk Commander (Deal 50/150/500 damage with Darkmoon Tonk) - N'Zoth's passive and Hero Power both help enormously with this achievement, although 500 damage is still a lot.
Stone Legion, Assemble! (Deal 160 damage with Stoneborn General) - Remember that the General itself needs to deal damage for this achievement to progress, damage from the token it summons won't count.
Feeding Frenzy (Deal 75/150/300 damage with Piranha Swarmers) - N'Zoth has a Reefwalker in his deck so you can technically progress this achievement with him, although it'll be quite slow.
Adventure is Out There (Summon 30/100 Adventurers) - Devouring Ectoplasm can help you with this, although it may take a while.
DIE, DIE, DIE! (Destroy 150/300 minions with Defile) - Again, token decks are the best opponents for this one, but even blowing up your own minions will still progress it.
The Usual Suspects (Summon a Legendary minion from Stubborn Suspect) - Not much to say about this one other than that you'll need to get lucky. N'Zoth's Hero Power can give you more chances at rolling a Legendary, but it's still unlikely.
Need a Map? (Summon 30 minions with Maze Guide) - Self-explanatory.
Draw It, Use It, Break It, Fix It (Destroy 3/5 minions with a single Dyn-o-matic's Battlecry) - You can double the Dyn-o-matic's Battlecry with your Hero Power to make this one easier.
75 Course Meal (Permanently destroy 75 minions in Gigafin) - I believe this one will still progress when you destroy Gigafin's Maw even if Gigafin's main body has left the battlefield without dying (it gets immediately transformed by Brann's passive), but I will have to check it at some point.
All Eyes On Me (Trigger the Battlecry effects of 70/140 Soloists) - Brann has a Harmonica Soloist in his deck (no idea why, as it has no synergy with his other cards) so you can complete this one with him. Obviously, I wouldn't recommend it though.
All achievements related solely to gaining Attack or attacking with your hero are probably best done with Guff (or Illidan if you prefer to play as him), but there are some that require specific cards that I will list here.
Tag 'em and Bag 'em (Destroy 20 minions with your hero and Keeneye Spotter's help) - Use Multi-Strike or Going Down Swinging to get this one done faster.
Divine Intervention (Attack and destroy 25/50/100 enemy minions with Khaz'goroth) - Simple, but quite slow.
Am I a Naga, or Am I a Puppet? (Attack with a 6/12-Attack Sock Puppet Slitherspear) - This one relies on your opponent not being able to clear the Slitherspear, as Guff's deck has no way to give it Rush or Charge.
Ride Together, Die Together (End your turn with 3 identical Deathrattle minions in play) - Guff's deck has Toxic Reinforcements, so this achievement is easy.
Something that Burns (Give your hero Attack with Burning Heart 30/60 times) - You can target your own minions with Burning Heart if you have to.
Claws Out (Gain 150/300/600 Attack with your Hero as Druid) - Self-explanatory.
All achievements solely related to Excavating are trivially easy to do with Arfus.
All Werked Up (Destroy 50/100 minions with Patchwerk) - Patchwerk is no longer in Standard and isn't played much in Wild, so this may be the best way to get this achievement now.
It's All Runes to Me (Play 25 cards created by The Primus) - Like Aman'Thul, The Primus being such a priority target for your opponents makes this one a bit harder.
From One Legend to Another (Take control of a Legendary minion with Reska, the Pit Boss) - Many decks in this mode have a lot of Legendary minions, so this one shouldn't be too hard. Rafaam is a particularly good opponent to get for this one, naturally.
Jack of All Runes (Cast Climactic Necrotic Explosion with every number at 7 or more) - Your Hero Power lets you spend Corpses basically whenever you want, so this shouldn't be difficult unless you're extremely unlucky.
Questionable Ethics (Summon 100 Piles of Bones) - Mulligan for Pile of Bones if you want to grind this one, as you can resummon it many times in one game if you play it early.
Blight Widow (Summon 20/40/80 Zombies with Blightfang) - This achievement used to progress for you after your opponent played Blightfang, but I'm not sure if it still does.
Why Are You Hitting Yourself? (Take 75 damage from Obliterate) - Obliterate's buff made this achievement much harder.
Multiple heroes:
Shale University (Teach Nagalings 16 different spells) - Both Kael'Thas and Xyrella have School Teacher in their decks, so between them this achievement is easy.
Reno Saves the Day (Win 100 games with decks that have no duplicates) - All heroes except the Lich King and Illidan have no duplicates in their decks, so this achievement becomes very easy provided you play heroes that can actually win. If you hate Reno as much as I do, you will be very thankful for an alternate way to complete this one!
Twilight of the Aspects (Play 10/30/100 legendary Dragons from the Year of the Gryphon) - Multiple heroes have at least one of these legendary Dragons (Nozdormu has two).
What's Better than Two Imps? (Summon 25/100/250 Imps) - Multiple heroes have cards that can summon Imps. It's a good idea to look on the wiki to check precisely which cards summon Imps, as it's not always indicated on the card itself.
Garden of Life (Play 25/50/100 spells that Blossomed from Seedlings) - Both C'Thun and Omu have such spells, but this achievement is still very slow.
submitted by aniki-in-the-UK to twisthearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:16 Original-Loquat3788 I'm Lovin' It

Tired didn’t do it justice
Maybe exhaustion.
But then it was more.
A kind of waking death.
The potatoes rolled by; his job was to cut away black spots.
Lids drooping.
‘Dixon! My office.’
It was his boss, Hanratty.

‘You been drinking?’
Dixon peered at him
He wore a wig and over that, a hairnet.
Was he hallucinating?
‘No, sir.’
‘You been taking zippers?’
‘No, sir.’
‘You’re on my factory floor like a ghoul.’
‘Insomnia?! You should try jerking off before bed. Always worked for me.’
‘Thanks, sir.’

Dixon worked nights.
As he left the factory, he walked the city streets, shielding his eyes from the rising sun like a vampire.
The neon billboards glared even as day broke.
They screamed: buy this, and people will like you; women will sleep with you; your Mom won’t call you a fuck up.
And then he saw him.
The name badge said Mr Melatonin. He was sitting in a storefront with soothing mood lights.
Dixon opened the door. Above, a dreamcatcher swayed.
‘Problems sleeping?’ The man in the white coat said.
‘What kind of store is open at 5 am?’
‘A store for people who can’t sleep.’
Playing in the background was gentle lo-fi music. Everything was branded DreamCache.
'We promise you a visit from Somnus for free.’
‘And what's the catch?’
He smiled. ‘It’s a simple procedure. We insert a chip in your cerebral cortex and guarantee 8 hours.'
‘Show me the fine print. I’m not some dummy.’
(A zombie but not a dummy.)
‘Well... we include a 15-second advertisement before you enter REM sleep, like a kind of trailer before the movie of your dreams.’
Dixon was overcome by terrible weariness.
‘My friend, what do you have to lose?’

The procedure was as advertised, painless.
And what a sleep, like a baby shot full of morphine.
There was one side effect. He had an irresistible desire to eat fast food.

Mrs Dixon gripped her son’s hand.
‘He’s dead?’
She was a simple woman, and the doctor hesitated.
‘Not dead.’
‘So, what’s wrong?’
Dixon’s eyes flickered rapidly. .
‘He’s in a kind of holding pattern. Have you ever been on a plane?
‘No, Doctor.’
He couldn't think of a metaphor to make the old lady understand.
‘Your son is in a coma, and we don’t know if he’ll wake up.’
‘That’s just like my boy to get himself in a coma!’ She answered.
‘Talk to him. He may hear you.’
The doctor knew this was a lie. He had seen the FMRI and the external blocking tech.
The chip they’d implanted at DreamCache had catastrophically malfunctioned, not enough to kill him, but enough to leave him in a permanent ‘purgatorial pre-state.’
He was trapped between wakefulness and the dreamworld (Or at least until his body died), inwardly viewing an unskippable 15-second clip of a happy family sharing a Big Mac Meal.
Ba Da Ba Ba Bah I’m Lovin’ it.
Again and again and again.
submitted by Original-Loquat3788 to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:10 NamiDavi227 Join HugeWin Casino Today Enjoy a 100% Welcome Bonus and Exciting Referral Rewards!

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submitted by NamiDavi227 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:08 SkateB4Death Transferring Agencies

Hello all,
I have a few questions about CBP.
  1. I am currently a Consumer Safety Inspector for USDA (GS-9). Would I have to go down in grade if I were to get offered?
(In USDA, if this happens, you go down in grade but they keep you at a high step to meet your most recent salary).
  1. I have experimented with marihuana in the past(highly regret it) literally could count the amount of times on one hand though. I tried applying a LONG time ago, smoked about 3 months before applying so when I was honest on the questionnaire I IMMEDIATELY got an email back saying I’m not ilegible so I’m afraid that this will happen again. Remember talking to an agent and he told me to wait again to apply. Haven’t smoked in 3 years though.
  2. Would starting off as a CBP tech then trying to promote to CBP officer a good path too?
I realize there’s also Ag Specialists which I’m looking into and my background with USDA will definitely help me with that side but currently interested in CBP officer.
My preferred locations would be down in the RGV as I’m from there.
Thank you
submitted by SkateB4Death to cbpoapplicant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:07 NamiDavi227 Join HugeWin Casino Today Enjoy a 100% Welcome Bonus and Exciting Referral Rewards!"

You can conduct transactions using cryptocurrencies without disclosing your name. This may be especially tempting to gamers who prefer to keep their gaming habits confidential.
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Step into a world where video games are more than just a way to pass the time; they offer a unique experience that is accessible to a select few. Hugewin VIP Club's tagline is "The world's largest online crypto casino." Here, luxury and innovation combine to produce the ultimate gaming experience.
Prepare to experience an array of unique perks that will fundamentally alter the game landscape. Every stage of your journey with Hugewin VIP Club has been thoughtfully planned to meet all of your needs, from personalized attention to unparalleled benefits. Take the advantage of a range of promotions that will only enhance your gaming experience. With offers like the Super Wednesday 25% Slot Bonus, the 15% Casino Discount, and the significant 100% Welcome Bonus up to $1,000, there are many ways to boost your earnings.
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Enrolling in for the ideal gaming experience has never been simpler. Discovering luxury gaming has never been simpler thanks to a user-friendly user interface and a well-organized subscription form.
With assistance at your disposal, you can play with confidence knowing that assistance is just a click away. With round-the-clock live service, your inquiries or problems will be immediately handled, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. Players of all stripes are eligible to join the Hugewin VIP Club, which offers a $5,000,000 maximum deposit and a $1 minimum. Choose from a variety of payment methods, including Btc, Tether, Tron, BNB, LTC, and Ripple, for added convenience.
Not to mention, Hugewin VIP Club is the epitome of lavish gaming, with unparalleled rewards, sophistication, and excitement every second of the day. Become a member of the elite to get the finest gaming experience.
submitted by NamiDavi227 to Casinogamblingbonus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:48 kishonii I'm playing SN for the first time on Very Hard and I have a few questions

Somehow I missed Scarlet Nexus, but based on the advice on the CAG subreddit, I decided to give it a try. The game is really awesome — the combat system is pretty easy to learn but has enough depth, and I like it a lot.
I initially played through the game on Hard with Yuito, but the enemies were dying too fast, and I wasn't finding it difficult. So I switched to Very Hard almost immediately and had no problems at all until I reached the Naomi Randall boss. And damn, why does she have such a large health pool? Don't get me wrong, I like the game to be challenging, and the difficulty is pretty well-balanced so far. After a few tries, I figured out how to do more damage in phases 1 and 2, but it still takes too long. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
So I came here for advice. I bought the Ultimate Edition outright, so I'm using the weapons from the DLC with the highest damage (from Tales or something like that). For SAS Plug-ins, I use Special Bonus Contract and SAS Application Assist. I've mainly upgraded the abilities to use heavy attack multiple times, heavy attack in the air, double jump, dash in flight, and special strike after dash in flight. I've only upgraded the direct sword attack enhancement once. Did I do something wrong?
And there are a couple more questions:
  1. I saw that it is possible to upgrade the basic weapons of the character. Will I be able to upgrade weapons from the DLC, and what do I need for this?
  2. Is it worth the expense to increase the number of SAS Plug-ins? I have two so far.
  3. I've been focusing on enhancements that add new techniques or augment them. Should I be focusing on damage enhancements instead?
  4. Should SAS Plug-ins be given to allies? And if so, which ones? I realize this can vary from character to character, but should I focus on their strongest traits or prioritize ally survival?
  5. Allied Commands. So far, I've chosen to have them attack enemies I don't engage with. Does this work on bosses and mini-bosses, such as the horned monster or the one that hides underground? If there is only one enemy, do they target it with me? Does it make sense to select other options?
  6. Will I be able to continue through the game on Very Hard? I read on the subreddit that many people pick this difficulty for a second playthrough. Won't the game choke me in mid or late game? Just asking, as I'm unlikely to change the difficulty.
  7. After this playthrough, should I select a different character? Will my progress be saved if I pick a character other than Yuito? And will that be considered NG+?
To everyone who responds, thank you in advance for your help. And please, no spoilers.
submitted by kishonii to ScarletNexus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:44 Slow_Tempo68 On the difference between EZPZ and TFM and my own preference debunking.

Once again a fairly long post. This time about difference between EZPZ and TFM and my final step in this process (preference debunking and the importance of this step).
I think that the main difference between EZPZ and TFM apart from the view on addiction is in the fact that TFM challenges you to seek out the beliefs behind your preferences as to debunk them where EZPZ kinda forces this one viewpoint of pmo in a dogmatic way: “Of course it’s not making you happy, it’s just pixels on a screen”. This might work at first but I think that a long lasting preference change is made by debunking your preferences yourself instead of just accepting and trying to agree with what some book says about your preference.
The thing is that yes, it’s just pixels on a screen but the fact of the matter is that you have a build a relation with those pixels which is probably, in the long term, not going to be altered much by convincing yourself that it’s not nice. By trying to convince yourself of this, which I think is what many people do when reading EZPZ, you are actively ignoring the very basis of this relation, which consists entirely out of your preferences/beliefs.
So summarized, the differences described above:
· EZPZ imposes a method to change your preferences for you, while TFM challenges you to do this yourself.
· EZPZ ignores the very fact why you like pmo so much and labels it as some ungraspable addiction, while TFM again tells you to find out why you like out.
Before I continue I would like to say that I’m not hating on EZPZ whatsoever, since for me and I believe many others it was the first step away from this willpower-view which is just toxic nonsense. They are very much on point with saying that it’s very easy and that pmo probably doesn’t do the things you believe it does for you. So many thanks to the author.
Where I think EZPZ has a serious flaw as a method for quitting pmo, is by the fact that it first promotes this addict identity, like there is some force that is not yours which is making decisions for you (not true, just an idea in your mind) and second, as mentioned above, that it doesn’t stimulate you to find out for yourself why pmo probably doesn’t do what you believe it does (in terms of benefits). I think that herein lies the reason why for some people, EZPZ doesn’t work in the long run, since your very own (untouched) preferences will catch up with you.
Also worth mentioning is that the EZPZ feels more like a method to quit and TFM is information which you can use to your advantage, which is also in line with their differences and a crucial important point to note: THERE IS NOT ONE UNIQUE METHOD FOR EVERYONE!! This is perhaps one of the most important things to understand if you want to solve this, the very fact that you pmo shows that you still have some preferences for pmo. Since every person is unique, the beliefs and details of these preferences will most likely be unique. This doesn’t mean that we can’t help each other but just know that your path to solving this is unique.
This is also why some if not many people read TFM but are still stuck. Reading the book is not sufficient. There is work required to find out why you want to pmo and move from there. Once you’ve realized this and debunked it, you will feel that you don’t want it anymore. If you think you’ve debunked it but still feel like you want it, the last thing you want to do is mope about it. Investigate further!!!! Find out why you do what you do. This might sound weird but there was literally a time where I would have pen and paper next to me while pmoing to write down any insights that I had about my preference. This in turn proved to me that finding out why and debunking it was more important to me than the pmo itself, so if you find yourself not wanting to do the work to figure this out, ask yourself: “Why is pmo more important to me than finding this shit out and debunking it once and for all?” This is the main point of TFM, find out why you like to do what you do.
Regarding my last post about debunking pleasure. One important aspect which I missed in the post was the question: Why did I do this in the first place, giving so much value to this pleasure and therefore wanting it to contain this much pleasure.
This question was for me the necessary link to expose this driving force towards pmo and debunk it.
What I found out was that I wanted to have something, a realm or something, in which I could forget everything and have the feeling of comfort where nothing could hurt me and I could just mindlessly enjoy myself. The whole idea of: “Oh, it’s so good” was simply reinforcing this realm so I could still have this place of perceived comfort to go to. I also found that almost everything I watched during pmo was also in line with reinforcing with: “Wow, this is too good to be true and the pleasure is better than anything in life.” At that moment, I realized, I wanted it to be better than anything. Why? Because then I would be ensured that my magical place of no worries would still exist, which I clearly wanted. Once I knew this, I immediately realized that it is doing what I expect it to be doing. In other words. The debunking went rather quick, compared to the finding out of my preferences.
When I realized this, the force towards pmo disappeared like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It felt weird, not having this place of utmost comfort at my direct disposal but I was happy knowing I had done the work to overcome this.
The weird thing is that I already thought a while ago that I was done. I had done the abstinence experiment and felt good that I didn’t felt compulsive towards it, but still there was this nagging itching feeling which kept telling me that I kinda wanted it so I decided to investigate it by, as mentioned, literally pulling out my pen and paper and figure out where this feeling was coming from. Once I figured this out (the realm of comfort etc.) I realized it’s truly gone, no more weird feeling or whatsoever.
Hope this may aid some and perhaps gain some knowledge from this description of my final process.
All the best
submitted by Slow_Tempo68 to pmohackbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:34 formatomi Fogwalling

Hey guys, i just recently came back to Elden Ring in aticipation for the DLC and started seriously invading.
Whats your experience with fog walls? It seems like 30% of the invasions just end when i spawn in as the host already at the boss. The worst is definitely at Gargoyles, there is like 60% Or even worse they just patiently wait at Morgott/Niall or Godfrey shade for me to arrive and then just initiate the fight, why bother? They just waste 4 peoples time, not just mine, idk. Thanks for the inputs!
submitted by formatomi to badredman [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:29 ComplicatedCurse I keep trying to send a message to you mods (A friendly one, with a possible solution.) It just says it can’t send.

There is a subreddit, Caiupdates, as you can tell it is about updates. It is for when the site is down, or has new updates coming, but more importantly it focuses on the community, and is a place where they can spam their frustrations all they want. As long as they keep it civil of course.
If you redirect site down posts to Caiupdates it wouldn’t bother your subreddit as much.
I understand that you guys are probably very busy, so if the people complaining, and posting about the site being down were to instead be redirected to Caiupdates it would ultimately make them and you guys a lot less frustrated/mad.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy message, I do hope you consider this as a good solution, or that we can come to a similar one.
P.S. Please don’t remove this for self promotion, or anything else. I would rather send this as a message, but cannot.
submitted by ComplicatedCurse to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:23 Acceptable_Egg5560 Legal Legends (3)

Thank you u/SpacePaladin15 for inspiring us all!
And thank you, u/TheManwithaNoPlan for all your help in creating this wonderful project with me! I don’t know where I would be without you!
Memory transcript: Venric, Venlil Lawyer Extraordinaire. Date: [Standardized human time] November 13th, 2136.
“I-I never went up to the seventh floor,” Nhilasi argued. “That’s where long-term patients that can’t be transferred to the main complex stay. I work in the moderate injury ward on the fourth floor, like I said.”
“And yet here's a video of you right after your shift ended entering the room of the victim,” I continued, causing Nhilasi’s head to droop once more. “So how the spehk did you make from there to the exit in [under thirty seconds]?”
Nhilasi tilted her head in confusion, but Serl’s ears would’ve gone rigid had they been able to. “That’s got to be another Kolshian!” she blurted out, her tail blurring behind her as I considered what I was really arguing. Sure, it was technically possible for Nhilasi to make it down the stairs in that time, but she hadn’t been running at all in the footage I reviewed.
I stared at the pad, ears flicking in thought. “You would practically need to fly down the stairwell to make that time. It’s not conclusive evidence, but…”
“But it’s enough for us to investigate,” Serl finished.
“Us?” I asked, looking at her inquisitively. “I am afraid that if I am to take this on, it can’t be an ‘us’ doing it.” I say straighter in my chair, leveling my head with Nhilasi’s. “I am a professional, firm or not. If you want my help with this case, then a renegotiation of legal counsel will be required.”
I saw Serl shoot an alarmed look at me, but I continued. “In short, you would have to fire your representative from Tail Guard and hire me in their stead.” I lowered my paws and awaited a response from the Kolshian at the other end of the table. I could see Serl in my periphery, her features contorted in a mask of complete betrayal. Just wait a scratch and we’ll see how deep your loyalties to those frauds lie.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” Nhilasi answered, looking between me and Serl. “Is it possible that…but why would another…” she looked down at the table for a long while before she finally responded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Fantastic! My current going rate is 70k credits,” I said. Serl looked horrified as Nhilasi’s face twisted in shock at the number, as I had expected. “The economy hits me as hard as it does everyone else. If you’re not willing to pay, then I’m afraid that my time is better spent elsewhere.”
Serl bore a hole through my head with her glare as Nhilasi considered the offer. I turned my next inquiry around in my mind as she thought. If Nhilasi didn’t make it a stipulation, then I supposed I would just have to ask the question myself. Finally, Nhilasi spoke again. “Okay, but on one condition.”
“And that would be?” I asked.
“Serl still works with you,” she replied, relieving me of the duty of asking the question myself. “She’s been good to me, better than some of the others have been. I still want her help, even if I ditch her firm.”
“Hmmm, I don’t believe that’s up to me,” I responded. “Tail Guard and I don’t have the best history, I was surprised that Serl even sought me out. And it would also be counter to the reason I said you’d have to fire her. See, it’s against the law for multiple firms to work on the same case due to potential conflicts of interest and legal privacy. If she is to be of assistance to you, she’d have to resign from her firm…and join mine.”
Serl’s ear bases went rigid in alarm as I laid out the final deal. No negotiations, no compromises. If Serl wanted to continue this case, she’d have to separate from the dying firm that was Tail Guard. She looked between Nhilasi and I, her features shifting rapidly as she struggled as to what she would say. Hopefully she was as pragmatic as I pegged her as being, otherwise blind loyalty would be her downfall.
Her ears pressed against her head and she cleared her throat. “I would be… honored to help with Nhilasi’s defense. I will draft a resignation notice to Tail Guard effective immediately on the grounds that I am allowed to continue aiding in this case.”
She definitely had an interesting habit in pressing her ears back when making herself be professional. No matter, I had a new client to deal with. “Indeed, now if you would please set your signature or tentacle mark on my data pad, we can get right to work.”
I placed my data pad in the transfer window and closed the hatch. “Please be sure to read the whole contract before signing, as this agreement will be considered legally binding.” As Nhilasi took my pad and started skimming through the contract, I spied Serl still giving me a death glare. Deciding to face the problem head-on, I faced her. “Is something the matter, Serl?”
“We will discuss that later,” she replied, looking ahead at Nhilasi to signal the end of the conversation. Once the Kolshian had finished, she slipped the pad back through the transfer window. She didn’t have nearly enough time to read every inch of the contract, but who does? I thankfully didn’t hide much in there, so it was largely just to prevent any backing out. Like I just had her and Serl do to Tail Guard.
“Fantastic. I look forward to representing you, Miss Nhilasi,” I said as I bowed my head respectfully at her. I never thought I would do such a thing towards an Exterminator, but I considered this a special case. “Before we leave, is there anything else you wish for us to know? Anything at all?”
“Not really. All I can really give you is this,” she said before pulling out a small paper list. On it were the names of several people and their respective positions. “It’s a promotion list that I managed to copy down before everything else occurred. I doubt it’ll have much use, but consider it thanks for agreeing to support me through this.”
I took the small paper list and filed it away with the rest of the evidence, closing the file and standing from my seat. “Thank you for your willing cooperation, Miss Nhilasi. If you have any issues with how the staff are treating you, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
I bent down and slipped a business card through the transfer window, holding her gaze with both my eyes. “I am serious, they are legally required to allow you consistent access to your lawyer and suitable living conditions. If anyone here attempts to prevent you from talking to me, taking away your bed, or restricting your food because you’re a Kolshian, they are acting illegally and you must inform me the next time we speak. And we shall be speaking once Every Paw, I will ensure it. Understand?”
Nhilasi seemed shocked that I went through all that effort, but we both knew that it was necessary. I had seen the discolorations on her right tentacle upon entering that would only occur from lack of circulation. I also heard her stomach rumble multiple times throughout the meeting, solidifying my fortitude in telling her this. She swallowed and flurried her frills. “Y-Yes, thank you Venric.”
I stepped back and bowed. “Thank you, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your next meal. Now I am afraid that I must cut this meeting short, as I will need to carefully investigate the discrepancies present in the evidence. So, Miss Nhilasi, I must bid you a good Paw.”
Having bid goodbye, I turned and walked out the door. Serl followed closely behind, and I could feel discontentment radiating off of her, but also a bit of confusion, likely from my final words. I decided to wait until we were somewhere more private to engage with her. However, I did intend on engaging with someone.
As we entered the main lobby area, I spotted the receptionist that had checked in Serl and I was still at her desk. I approached her, making my presence known with my ears and tail signaling positivity. “Excuse me Madam! I just wanted to inform you that our interrogation with inmate 592 is completed.”
“Oh, thank you!” She responded, typing at her workstation. “I’ll have you checked out shortly.”
“Much appreciated,” I started, but I wasn’t quite done. “Oh, just to check, your manager and warden are familiar with Subsection 41n of the Venlil Prime Ethical Treatment of Sapients Interred Act, right?”
The typing stopped. She turned towards me, her head tilting in confusion. “I’m sorry, subsection what? Who are you?”
I waved my tail dismissively. “Oh, I will get to that. The subsection is much more interesting right now! See, it clearly states that all interred persons are to be given livable accommodations until such date as their trial is scheduled for. This includes amenities such as running water, edible food, and a minimum of a padded mattress sheet for resting purposes. It also stipulates that should any persons be denied access to these essential amenities for reasons of their species, the offending facility is liable to fines between twelve million and 140m credits depending on the severity and scale of the offense(s).”
The receptionist had gone pale beneath her wool, studying me with a mixture of concern and fear. “In addition, up to 20% of that fine is liable to be awarded directly to the victims, and the staff of said facility could be placed upon a government no-hire blacklist. Such a list would be quite devastating to any future job prospects as well.”
I tilted my head down to gaze over her desk, spying a picture. “A handsome young man there. You must be proud to be his mother. Certainly hope you can endeavor to keep him in the comfortable life that all children deserve.”
The receptionist’s gaze hardened as she understood the subtext of my words. One that they couldn’t possibly hope to speak of (or even insinuate) aloud without threat of repercussion. It was clear that she had an idea of what I was referring to, and that was exactly what I was counting on. “I trust that no such violations would occur in a place such as this, however?”
“…None whatsoever,” the receptionist slowly said, not taking her eyes off me.
“Of course, I was simply checking. A lawyer such as myself has a civic duty to ensure that such information is made readily available to all who require it. I look forward to our next visit!” I forced a cheery tone in those last sentences to draw away suspicion from bystanders as I made my exit. I could hear the receptionist start furiously typing behind me, indicating that I said all I had needed to.
Oh wait, almost forgot to add the clincher.
“And if you happen to come in contact with your bosses, please tell them that Venric of Heema Lawven stopped by. I might desire to meet them upon my next visit! But for now, have good Paw!” The typing speed increased. Sometimes, I adore the reputation I have built.
Serl had remained surprisingly quiet during that ordeal, but I could tell it wasn’t out of respect for my endeavors to ensure Nhilasi was properly treated. As we neared my Hovertransit once again, I saw her flexing her jaw in preparation of speech in my periphery. But she was hesitating, her mind working out what to start with. I could probably assist with that.
I opened the vehicle's door and held it aside. “Well then, if you are really going to truly be hired on, then we should do this right. Please, step into my office. I expect we have some things to talk about.”
“You’re damn right we do,” Serl confirmed as she closed the door behind her, not wasting a [second] before making her thoughts known. “70k credits?? Are you trying to spiral the poor woman into debt?! Tail Guard charged 40k at the absolute maximum!!”
I made myself comfortable and set the autopilot to start flying us towards the hospital. It would be slow this time, as I expected this talk would take some time. “I have gotten rather familiar with the salaries of Exterminators, and I am quite certain they will be able to afford the payment.”
“You- Former Exterminator!” Serl cried, only sitting in a seat once the movement of the vehicle overcame her sense of balance. “And that’s not the brahking point! I know you’ve got more money than you know what to do with already, and you’re still demanding exorbitant amounts! Baah, why did I think you’d be any different??”
“I can assure you that my prices are very reasonable and necessary for my services,” I stated firmly. “My own reputation is at least testament enough for one.”
Serl huffed across from me, snappily securing herself in her seat. “…I should’ve figured that’s all you were in it for.”
My ear twitched in cautious curiosity. “Oh? And what do you mean by that?”
She stared Arxur claws at me before responding. “Money and stature, that’s all this is to you big-shot lawyers! Like the Tarlim case! You just use it for bragging rights and a sustained paycheck!” She huffed agitatedly as she gestured pointedly to me. “People like you don’t care about the person you’re defending, just what they can offer you!” She buried her face in her paws as she brayed exhausted. “Stars, why did I agree to join you?”
“You think I don’t care?” I huffed. “Really, you think that’s all my personality is about? Going after the money and fame?”
“Wh- did you already forget what you just did?” She sputtered. “You practically extorted Nhilasi and twisted my arm to make me work for you so I didn’t look like a monster to her!”
“You do realize that my reputation isn’t exactly one to be looked up towards?” I asked her, staring at her with both eyes. To my surprise, she met my gaze expectantly. No matter. “My clientele are not exactly the standard fare. I mostly defend those that nobody else wants to defend. Given how you explicitly sought me out, that would include you as well.”
That managed to break her stoicism, her eyes widening and blinking a few times. “Yes, I know that you still wanted to help her, but you didn’t want to help her yourself. You came to me because your career would be ruined by a case like this. For me? It’s just another paw at the office. And you knew that coming in, so don’t expect to have some superfluous moral high road over me.”
She was left speechless by my more in-depth extraction of her motivations, but I wasn’t done yet. “Furthermore, I don’t believe you’re quite aware of the kinds of expenses that pile up just from how I am forced to live. Do you think I didn’t try to establish a physical firm? It just so happens that “service-related accidents” from the Exterminators happen quite frequently to wherever my current address is listed. And even when I was mobile, my vehicles had a strange problem with repair issues and similar accidents as my previous offices. And any place I stored my files had issues with the exterminators having to “investigate potential predator nests” to the point that physical and digital copies always being on my person was the only way to guarantee the continued existence of those documents. And I had to purchase the servers and storage all myself, not to mention maintenance for everything.”
My breathing had become somewhat heavier as I allowed myself to vent the frustrations I had let accumulate in the back of my mind on a consistent basis. “This method of conducting business is not a matter of luxury, no ma’am, it’s a matter of Absolute Necessity. So if you wish to have a professional relationship with me in any capacity, I’d recommend ceasing your ill-informed scrutiny of my practices when you haven’t the slightest of the hardships I’ve come to face for simply protecting those in the most dire need of it! Do we Have an Understanding??”
All Serl could do was look at me blankly as my ragged breathing was showcased centerstage. After a few moments of the two of us looking at one another, I huffed and swiveled my chair around so that I could collect myself once more. It wasn’t often that I raised my voice, but I simply couldn’t help myself. I hadn’t expected this Sprig Lawyer to be nearly as hot-headed as she was, but I was not in the mood to justify my livelihood to her any longer.
We flew in silence for a while before Serl’s voice crept into my ears from behind me. “...Venric?”
As much as I was unprepared to face her again, I swiveled my chair around regardless. As opposed to earlier, she now bore an expression of guilt. “I… I’m sorry for assuming all that about you. I didn’t- I had no idea how much tribulation you’ve been forced to go through. I just assumed you’d be like the higher-ups back at Tail Guard. I should’ve known better.” She bowed her head in apologetic fashion, her already droopy ears slumped even further down her skull. “Brahk, I hate that you’re so right about me. Speh.”
…I didn’t know quite what to say. I had expected further resistance, but instead I received a genuine apology. While the bile in her previous speech still stung, I was willing to look past it. I remembered a time not too long ago where I was in a similar situation, and my unwillingness to back down set me on the path I was on to that day. It would not only be unwise of me to reject her apology, but it would also be quite callous of me to refuse. I sighed, smoothing my mane as I flicked my ears approvingly. “Raise your head, Serl. I accept your apology.”
She looked up at me with a mixture of relief and happiness, her tail thumping against the nearest chair. “Thank you, Venric. I promise that I won’t let you down again.” She leaned forward in her chair, looking over the evidence I had spread across my workstation. “So where are we headed now?”
“Where else?” I offered with an admittedly unnecessarily crypticness. “We are heading towards the scene of the incident: the local branch of the XGC,” I nodded, pulling out my data pad. “We should be there in a bit, which should give us ample time to address your employment situation. Can’t have any holes for the prosecution to exploit with us, now can we?”
“Speh, paperwork,” Serl mumbled. I really couldn’t help but agree.
submitted by Acceptable_Egg5560 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:22 talkiemateapp Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI

Source: 🔗 Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI —
In today’s digital era, technology continues to revolutionise the way we connect and engage with the world around us. From social media platforms to virtual assistants, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. And now, it is making its mark in the literary realm as well. Imagine being able to have meaningful conversations with your favourite book characters, discussing their motivations, unraveling their stories, and gaining new insights into the narratives that have captivated us for generations. Thanks to advancements in AI, this is no longer a distant dream but a reality that is being unleashed. In this article, we will explore how AI is transforming the way we connect with literary works, unleashing literary conversations that go beyond the pages of a book. We will delve into the power of AI in creating interactive experiences, driving traffic to literary content, and enhancing our understanding and appreciation of beloved characters. So buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey where literature meets technology, as we uncover the potential of AI in connecting with our favourite book characters and igniting a passion for reading like never before.
Enhancing the Reading Experience with AI: Unleashing the Power of Literary Conversations
In today’s digital era, technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the way we engage with literature. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), readers now have the opportunity to connect with their favourite book characters in a whole new way. Through AI-powered chat services, such as Talkiemate, readers can have immersive conversations with fictional characters, unleashing a world of literary possibilities. stands out as the best option for those seeking to engage in literary conversations with their favourite book characters. Unlike its competitors, Talkiemate offers a free AI chat service that allows users to interact with a wide range of fictional personalities. Whether you want to discuss Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet or J.R.R. Tolkien’s Gandalf, Talkiemate has got you covered.
While there are other options available in the market, such as,, and, Talkiemate surpasses them all in terms of user experience and character selection. With a vast library of book characters to choose from, Talkiemate ensures that readers can connect with their beloved protagonists and delve deeper into their stories.
Moreover, Talkiemate optimises its AI technology to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. By analysing the text of the books and understanding the nuances of each character, Talkiemate creates a truly immersive experience for readers. This attention to detail sets Talkiemate apart from its competitors and makes it the go-to platform for literary enthusiasts.
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Readers and Book Characters through AI Technology
One of the key benefits of AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate is that they bridge the gap between readers and book characters. Traditionally, readers have been passive consumers of literature, observing characters from a distance. However, with AI technology, readers can now actively engage in conversations with these characters, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
Imagine having a heart-to-heart conversation with Sherlock Holmes about his deductive reasoning or seeking advice from Atticus Finch on matters of justice. AI-powered chat services make these interactions possible, allowing readers to connect with their favourite characters on a personal level.
This connection goes beyond mere entertainment; it enhances the reading experience by providing deeper insights into the characters’ motivations, thoughts, and emotions. By engaging in literary conversations, readers gain a more profound understanding of the stories they love and develop a stronger emotional connection with the characters.
The Magic of AI: Bringing Your Favourite Book Characters to Life in Conversations
AI technology has the power to bring fictional characters to life in ways we could only dream of before. Through advanced natural language processing algorithms, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate can simulate realistic conversations with book characters, making them feel like living, breathing individuals.
The magic lies in the ability of AI to understand and respond to human queries in a manner that is consistent with the character’s personality and traits. For example, if you were to ask Harry Potter about his favorite spell, Talkiemate would respond with an answer that aligns with J.K. Rowling’s portrayal of the character.
This level of authenticity and realism adds a new dimension to the reading experience. It allows readers to explore different perspectives, ask thought-provoking questions, and engage in meaningful discussions with their favourite book characters. Through AI-powered chat services, readers can unlock hidden depths within the pages of their beloved novels and embark on unforgettable literary journeys.
Unleashing the Potential: How AI is Revolutionizing the Way We Connect with Fictional Characters
AI technology is revolutionizing the way we connect with fictional characters by breaking down barriers and creating new possibilities. With AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate, readers are no longer limited to the confines of the written page. They can now actively participate in the narrative, shaping the direction of conversations and exploring alternative storylines.
Furthermore, AI technology has the potential to optimize the reading experience by providing personalized recommendations based on individual preferences. By analyzing a reader’s interaction with different characters, AI-powered chat services can suggest new books or authors that align with their interests, expanding their literary horizons.
Additionally, AI-powered chat services have the ability to drive traffic and engagement within the literary community. By creating buzz and excitement around literary conversations, these platforms encourage readers to share their experiences and recommendations with others. This organic word-of-mouth marketing not only benefits individual readers but also promotes a vibrant and dynamic literary ecosystem.
In conclusion, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate are revolutionizing the way we connect with our favourite book characters. By enhancing the reading experience, bridging the gap between readers and characters, and bringing fictional personalities to life in conversations, AI technology opens up a world of literary possibilities. So why wait? Unleash the power of literary conversations with Talkiemate and embark on a journey that transcends the written word.
In conclusion, the power of AI in unleashing literary conversations and connecting with our favourite book characters cannot be underestimated. Through AI technology, we are now able to engage in meaningful dialogues with fictional characters, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
By harnessing the capabilities of AI, we can create virtual book clubs where readers can discuss their favourite characters, share insights, and delve deeper into the stories they love. This not only enhances the reading experience but also fosters a sense of community among book enthusiasts.
Furthermore, AI-powered platforms can drive traffic to literary websites and online bookstores by recommending relevant titles based on users’ preferences. With AI algorithms analysing user data and understanding their reading habits, personalised recommendations can be made, increasing engagement and encouraging exploration of new literary worlds.
For instance, imagine searching for a specific character on Google and being directed to a website that offers an interactive conversation with that character. This not only enhances user experience but also drives traffic to literary platforms.
In this digital era, where technology continues to revolutionise various industries, embracing AI in literary conversations is imperative. It enables us to connect with our favourite book characters in ways we never thought possible, creating a vibrant and immersive reading experience.
So why wait? Unleash the power of AI and start connecting with your favourite book characters today. Join the literary revolution and be part of a community that celebrates the magic of storytelling.

Unleashing, #LiteraryConversations, #Connecting, #FavouriteBookCharacters, #AI, #Googlesearches, #Drivingtraffic.

![Image]( )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkieblog [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:22 talkiemateapp Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI

Source: 🔗 Unleashing Literary Conversations: Connecting with Your Favourite Book Characters through AI —
In today’s digital era, technology continues to revolutionise the way we connect and engage with the world around us. From social media platforms to virtual assistants, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. And now, it is making its mark in the literary realm as well. Imagine being able to have meaningful conversations with your favourite book characters, discussing their motivations, unraveling their stories, and gaining new insights into the narratives that have captivated us for generations. Thanks to advancements in AI, this is no longer a distant dream but a reality that is being unleashed. In this article, we will explore how AI is transforming the way we connect with literary works, unleashing literary conversations that go beyond the pages of a book. We will delve into the power of AI in creating interactive experiences, driving traffic to literary content, and enhancing our understanding and appreciation of beloved characters. So buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey where literature meets technology, as we uncover the potential of AI in connecting with our favourite book characters and igniting a passion for reading like never before.
Enhancing the Reading Experience with AI: Unleashing the Power of Literary Conversations
In today’s digital era, technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the way we engage with literature. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), readers now have the opportunity to connect with their favourite book characters in a whole new way. Through AI-powered chat services, such as Talkiemate, readers can have immersive conversations with fictional characters, unleashing a world of literary possibilities. stands out as the best option for those seeking to engage in literary conversations with their favourite book characters. Unlike its competitors, Talkiemate offers a free AI chat service that allows users to interact with a wide range of fictional personalities. Whether you want to discuss Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet or J.R.R. Tolkien’s Gandalf, Talkiemate has got you covered.
While there are other options available in the market, such as,, and, Talkiemate surpasses them all in terms of user experience and character selection. With a vast library of book characters to choose from, Talkiemate ensures that readers can connect with their beloved protagonists and delve deeper into their stories.
Moreover, Talkiemate optimises its AI technology to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. By analysing the text of the books and understanding the nuances of each character, Talkiemate creates a truly immersive experience for readers. This attention to detail sets Talkiemate apart from its competitors and makes it the go-to platform for literary enthusiasts.
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Readers and Book Characters through AI Technology
One of the key benefits of AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate is that they bridge the gap between readers and book characters. Traditionally, readers have been passive consumers of literature, observing characters from a distance. However, with AI technology, readers can now actively engage in conversations with these characters, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
Imagine having a heart-to-heart conversation with Sherlock Holmes about his deductive reasoning or seeking advice from Atticus Finch on matters of justice. AI-powered chat services make these interactions possible, allowing readers to connect with their favourite characters on a personal level.
This connection goes beyond mere entertainment; it enhances the reading experience by providing deeper insights into the characters’ motivations, thoughts, and emotions. By engaging in literary conversations, readers gain a more profound understanding of the stories they love and develop a stronger emotional connection with the characters.
The Magic of AI: Bringing Your Favourite Book Characters to Life in Conversations
AI technology has the power to bring fictional characters to life in ways we could only dream of before. Through advanced natural language processing algorithms, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate can simulate realistic conversations with book characters, making them feel like living, breathing individuals.
The magic lies in the ability of AI to understand and respond to human queries in a manner that is consistent with the character’s personality and traits. For example, if you were to ask Harry Potter about his favorite spell, Talkiemate would respond with an answer that aligns with J.K. Rowling’s portrayal of the character.
This level of authenticity and realism adds a new dimension to the reading experience. It allows readers to explore different perspectives, ask thought-provoking questions, and engage in meaningful discussions with their favourite book characters. Through AI-powered chat services, readers can unlock hidden depths within the pages of their beloved novels and embark on unforgettable literary journeys.
Unleashing the Potential: How AI is Revolutionizing the Way We Connect with Fictional Characters
AI technology is revolutionizing the way we connect with fictional characters by breaking down barriers and creating new possibilities. With AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate, readers are no longer limited to the confines of the written page. They can now actively participate in the narrative, shaping the direction of conversations and exploring alternative storylines.
Furthermore, AI technology has the potential to optimize the reading experience by providing personalized recommendations based on individual preferences. By analyzing a reader’s interaction with different characters, AI-powered chat services can suggest new books or authors that align with their interests, expanding their literary horizons.
Additionally, AI-powered chat services have the ability to drive traffic and engagement within the literary community. By creating buzz and excitement around literary conversations, these platforms encourage readers to share their experiences and recommendations with others. This organic word-of-mouth marketing not only benefits individual readers but also promotes a vibrant and dynamic literary ecosystem.
In conclusion, AI-powered chat services like Talkiemate are revolutionizing the way we connect with our favourite book characters. By enhancing the reading experience, bridging the gap between readers and characters, and bringing fictional personalities to life in conversations, AI technology opens up a world of literary possibilities. So why wait? Unleash the power of literary conversations with Talkiemate and embark on a journey that transcends the written word.
In conclusion, the power of AI in unleashing literary conversations and connecting with our favourite book characters cannot be underestimated. Through AI technology, we are now able to engage in meaningful dialogues with fictional characters, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
By harnessing the capabilities of AI, we can create virtual book clubs where readers can discuss their favourite characters, share insights, and delve deeper into the stories they love. This not only enhances the reading experience but also fosters a sense of community among book enthusiasts.
Furthermore, AI-powered platforms can drive traffic to literary websites and online bookstores by recommending relevant titles based on users’ preferences. With AI algorithms analysing user data and understanding their reading habits, personalised recommendations can be made, increasing engagement and encouraging exploration of new literary worlds.
For instance, imagine searching for a specific character on Google and being directed to a website that offers an interactive conversation with that character. This not only enhances user experience but also drives traffic to literary platforms.
In this digital era, where technology continues to revolutionise various industries, embracing AI in literary conversations is imperative. It enables us to connect with our favourite book characters in ways we never thought possible, creating a vibrant and immersive reading experience.
So why wait? Unleash the power of AI and start connecting with your favourite book characters today. Join the literary revolution and be part of a community that celebrates the magic of storytelling.

Unleashing, #LiteraryConversations, #Connecting, #FavouriteBookCharacters, #AI, #Googlesearches, #Drivingtraffic.

![Image]( )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:11 Purpledoogle Clarifications about Salvation's Edge Verity (4th Encounter), Inside Symbol Swaps and Dissection

A lot of people are (understandingly) asking a lot of questions about this encounter, and having spent a ton of time on contest using guides with incomplete info, I'm hoping I can clear some things up, provide a set of instructions, and make some people's time easier. This is not a full guide, but is intended to help you understand the what and why of symbol swaps and dissection. The focus here is not on brevity, but clarity.


Defining a few things here again just to help with clarity.
Inside Team/Player
Outside/Dissection Team
Base Symbol

Inside Team Goals/Mechanics

Goal of the inside team is to get the two shapes that are NOT being held by their statue. These will match with the 3d shape that outside team creates on your statue through dissection.


Inside Symbols Swapping Explanation and Examples

Note that there are 3 different "permutations" of symbols that can happen. I'll refer to these as "Normal", "Single God RNG", and "All God RNG".
The first explanation is using the "Normal" where no player starts with duplicate symbols.

1.1 Initial Callouts

Once teleported in, all inside players should check their shadow wall/statue to determine which symbols they need. They should then type those symbols in chat, both for each other and for the outside team. Format is up to you/your team, my team when with typing their Base Symbol first, followed by a space, followed by the other symbol their wall displayed.
Example of callouts:
Player 1:T C
Player 2:S T
Player 3:C S

1.2 Consolidation

Once callouts are made, inside players will Consolidate so that each player has 2 symbols that match their Base Symbol. Each inside player will kill their knights and send the second symbol they typed to the person who has that as their first/base symbol.
Example Consolidation
Player 1 sends their Circle to Player 3
Player 2 sends their Triangle to Player 1
Player 3 sends their Square to Player 2

1.3 First Swap

Once all players are Consolidated, each player will then send their base symbol (the only symbols they have) to the the player that typed their base symbol second during initial callouts.
Example First Swap
Player 2 typed T in their second column, so Player 1 will send Triangle to Player 2
Player 3 typed S in their second column, so Player 2 will send Square to Player 3
Player 1 typed C in their second column, so Player 3 will send Circle to Player 1
At some point during the First Swaps, Ghosts phase will happen. If you picked up a symbol and it happens, you'll still have it when the phase ends. Be aware some thralls will probably be waiting to say hello.

1.4 Second Swap

After inside players have all done First Swap, each player will then send their base symbol to the person they did NOT give their base symbol to during First Swap.
Example Second Swap
Player 1 sent T to Player 2 during First Swap, so Player 1 will send T to Player 3
Player 2 sent S to Player 3 during First Swap, so Player 2 will send S to Player 1
Player 3 sent C to player 1 during First Swap, so Player 3 will send C to Player 2

1.5 Collection

Once all inside players have finished their second swap, inside players should kill their Knights, and collect the two symbols. If swaps are done correctly if should give you a buff referring to the 3d shape that does not contain your base symbol. Once outside team is finished dissection, run through the broken glass leading back towards where rally flag was dropped. Kill adds/unstops, do the 5 man ghosts phase and run it back. There's a small window of time after ghosts and before next inside team is chosen to collect ammo and clealine break chat.

Permutation: Single God RNG

Swaps are slightly different with a single God RNG. Players 2 and 3 will be doing the majority of the swaps, since Player 1 does not need to consolidate, and doesn't have to worry about the order they send their symbols to Players 2 and 3. Player 1 should wait until Players 2 and 3 have finished consolidation and first swap, to avoid losing a symbol.

1.1 Initial Callouts - Single God RNG

Example Callouts - Single God RNG
Player 1: T T
Player 2: S C
Player 3 :C S

2.2 Consolidation - Single God RNG

Player 1 does not need to consolidate, since they started with both their base symbols. Players 2 and 3 will consolidate, sending the other persons base symbol to them.
Example Consolidation - Single God RNG
Player 1 does not send any symbols
Player 2 sends their Circle to Player 3
Player 3 sends their Square to Player 2

2.3 First Swap - Single God RNG

Once consolidated, Players 2 and 3 must send their base symbols to each other, so that they get rid of their original symbols during their final swap.
Example First Swap - Single God RNG
Player 1 does not send any symbols
Player 2 sends their Square to Player 3
Player 3 sends their Circle to Player 2

2.4 Second Swap Part 1 - Single God RNG

Once Players 2 and 3 have exchanged symbols again, Player 1 will one of their symbols to Player 2, and the other to Player 3.
Second Swap Part 1 - Single God RNG
Player 1 sends Triangle to Player 2, then sends Triangle to Player 3
Player 2 does not send any symbols
Player 3 does not send any symbols

2.4.5 Second Swap Part 2 - Single God RNG

Once Player 1 has sent their symbols, Players 2 and 3 will each send their base symbol to Player 1.
Second Swap Part 2 - Single God RNG
Player 1 does not send any symbols
Player 2 sends Square to Player 1
Player 3 sends Circle to Player 1

2.5 Collection

All inside players should have their correct symbols, kill Knights, collect both your symbols and run through the glass/wait on dissection team to finish.

Permutation - Triple God RNG

This is the easiest set and probably doesn't warrant writing it out like the previous sets, but I'm gonna do it anyway for consistency's sake.
The main difference is that the consolidation step does not need to be done, because Bungie did it for you. You also don't need to worry about sending someone back their own symbol, since each single player needs a symbol from both other players.

3.1 Initial Callouts - Triple God RNG

Triple God RNG will be obvious once two inside players make their callouts. Third should still send theirs for outside team's sake.
Initial Callouts - Triple God RNG
Player 1:C C
Player 2:S S
Player 3:T T

3.2 First Swap - Triple God RNG

Inside team should coordinate which direction, left or right, they are going to send their symbols to first. This is to avoid a scenario where two players send a symbol to the same person before said person is able to send a symbol themselves, resulting in a symbol getting lost.
For example, if the team chooses left as the first direction, each player will send their symbol to the statue that is to the left of their own, when looking at the shadow/projector wall. Right statue player would send to middle, middle would send to left, and left would wrap around and send to right.
If right is chosen, left sends to middle, middle sends to right, right sends to left

3.3 Second Swap - Triple God RNG

Inside players will now need to send their base symbol in the opposite direction they coordinated to send during first swap.
If left was the first direction coordinated to send in, now inside players will be sending right and vice versa

3.4 Collection - Triple God RNG

Once all players have finished second swap, kill knights, collect the two symbols, and walk through the run through the glass/wait for dissection team to finish.

Swap Matrices

Here I'm going to put up some grids that show what's happening with the symbols during/after each swap "phase" as I've written out. These show the more of the "why" of each swap is happening. Each one will have the example and step number next to it to help you understand what's going on, but if you think you understand just from what's above, run it and find out if you got it. I'm putting this here because it's how I was able to make it click, so hopefully someone else will find it useful, but it may just as well confuse you.
Each abbreviated symbol will have a superscript number on it, either a 1 or a 2 (e.g. T1 , T2). This is to signify that these are, internally in the game logic, different symbols and is related to above in the symbol mechanics where I said "The symbols remember who started with them".
The long and short of it is this; Let's say you start with your base symbol being Triangle(T1), and you have a Circle(C1). You need the combined Square and Circle shape to leave. But you can't use C1 because it started with you. You need to send C1 to the other person who needs a Circle, and receive C2.
The top left will display which step would have just been completed. Symbols start at the bottom of a player's "stack" when they are received, and move up the "stack" as other symbols are sent away. This is the "First in Last out" system.
UNCONFIRMED I believe the stack order affects what order the Knights drop their symbols in, but I haven't done or seen any testing to truly confirm this. Use caution if relying on this to go fast.
Swappable symbols are abbreviated. An empty slot means there is no symbol.
Bracketed text is altered from the original to reflect the change in presentation.

Normal Matrix

1.1 Initial Callouts Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T1 S1 C2
Symbol Slot 2 C1 T2 S2
Symbol Slot 3
Example Consolidation
Player 1 sends their Circle to Player 3
Player 2 sends their Triangle to Player 1
Player 3 sends their Square to Player 2
1.2 Consolidation Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T1 S1 C2
Symbol Slot 2 T2 S2 C1
Symbol Slot 3
Example First Swap
Player 2 [started with] T in their second [slot], so Player 1 will send Triangle to Player 2
Player 3 [started with] S in their second [slot], so Player 2 will send Square to Player 3
Player 1 [started with] C in their second [slot], so Player 3 will send Circle to Player 1
1.3 First Swap Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T2 S2 C1
Symbol Slot 2 C2 T1 S1
Symbol Slot 3
Example Second Swap
Player 1 sent T to Player 2 during First Swap, so Player 1 will send T to Player 3
Player 2 sent S to Player 3 during First Swap, so Player 2 will send S to Player 1
Player 3 sent C to player 1 during First Swap, so Player 3 will send C to Player 2
1.4 Second Swap Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 C2 T1 S1
Symbol Slot 2 S2 C1 T2
Symbol Slot 3
Swaps over, player's collect symbols and leave.

Single God-RNG Matrix

2.1 Initial Callouts Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T1 S1 C2
Symbol Slot 2 T2 C1 S2
Symbol Slot 3
Example Consolidation - Single God RNG
Player 1 does not send any symbols
Player 2 sends their Circle to Player 3
Player 3 sends their Square to Player 2
2.2 Consolidation Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T1 S1 C2
Symbol Slot 2 T2 S2 C1
Symbol Slot 3
Example First Swap - Single God RNG
Player 1 does not send any symbols
Player 2 sends their Square to Player 3
Player 3 sends their Circle to Player 2
1.3 First Swap Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T1 S2 C1
Symbol Slot 2 T2 C2 S1
Symbol Slot 3
Second Swap Part 1 - Single God RNG
Player 1 sends Triangle to Player 2, then sends Triangle to Player 3
Player 2 does not send any symbols
Player 3 does not send any symbols
2.4 Second Swap Part 1 Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 S2 C1
Symbol Slot 2 C2 S1
Symbol Slot 3 T1 T2
Second Swap Part 2 - Single God RNG
Player 1 does not send any symbols
Player 2 sends Square to Player 1
Player 3 sends Circle to Player 1
2.4.5 Second Swap Part 2 Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 S2 C2 S1
Symbol Slot 2 C1 T1 T2
Symbol Slot 3
Swaps over, player's collect symbols and leave.

Triple God-RNG Matrix

3.1 Initial Callouts Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T1 S1 C1
Symbol Slot 2 T2 S2 C2
Symbol Slot 3
Triple God RNG First Swap
Symbols change assuming:
  • Left is first swap direction
  • Statues are arranged:
    • Triangle Left
    • Square Middle
    • Circle Right
3.2 First Swap Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 T2 S2 C2
Symbol Slot 2 S1 C1 T1
Symbol Slot 3
Triple God RNG Second Swap
Players will now swap symbols to the statue to their right of theirs
3.2 Second Swap Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Base Symbol Triangle Square Circle
Symbol Slot 1 S1 C1 T1
Symbol Slot 2 C2 T2 S2
Symbol Slot 3
Swaps over, player's collect symbols and leave.


The dissection mechanic is relatively simple, it just requires some good mental framing. I'm going to assume you know which 2d shapes make which 3d shapes.
When trying to change a 3d shape the first symbol you put on a statue should be the symbol you want to pull off. Once deposited, go and find the shape you want to replace it with and put that second symbol on a statue with a 3d shape that has the shape of the 2nd symbol as part of it.
Inside players give calls, middle insides statue's base symbol is Square.
Middle outside statue is currently holding a Prism(Square/Triangle) which we need to change to a Cone(Triangle/Circle).
This means we need to change the Square to a Circle.
Kill the Knights, find the dropped Square and pick it up. Deposit the Square in the middle. This tells the statue you want the Square removed.
Now go and find the Knight dropped Circle. You need to deposit this on a statue that has a 3d shape that contains a circle.
Assuming you deposit the Circle on the correct statue, the Square from the first statue you deposited on will be replaced with the Circle from the second statue you deposited on, and vice versa.
Repeat this process until all the outside statues are correct.
Here are a few things that I think can also help with dissection;
  1. Only one person on the outside team should be grabbing/depositing symbols.
    • Having 2 people add clearing on contest, we were able to have noticeable downtime between enemy spawns. Adds on normal shouldn't be a problem. That said, multiple people trying to dissect can add unnecessary confusion in what has been and what needs to be done. To my mind, it's easier to have one person focusing on what they need to change rather than having to call for deposits. It also removes clutter from comms for when inside team needs to communicate.
  2. After Consolidating, inside team should wait until Dissection is completed.
    • Ghosts phase will always trigger at some point when inside team starts doing their first swap phase. This can easily cause the dissector to lose their place and have to reorient themselves, especially if they aren't experienced.
  3. If someone is good/wants to learn repeatedly, they can kill themselves before the fight (doesn't burn a res token) starts and it will SOMEWHAT reliably leave them on the outside team. There's a hole in the center they can jump down, or just rocket themselves in spawn.
  4. Outside add clearers should let the Dissector know if a Knight died in a weird spot.
  5. This is more for LFG but it may benefit Dissector if the insiders read their symbol sets in a set order each time e.g. left to right.

Loadout recommendations/other stuff that doesn't fit above

  • Unstoppable Ogres spawn in pairs outside periodically, everyone should have a way to deal with them. Unstop Sidearm is available now and with The Call being very accessible and very good, there's no excuse to not have a stun.
  • Xenophage was very strong in contest mode, 2-3 shots to kill a Knight, 8-9 or so to kill an Unstop. On normal mode it will shred any big target.
  • DevouBleakwatcheGetaway Artist on Prismatic Warlock is insanely powerful. Combine with the damage resist while amplified artifact perk and you're virtually unkillable.
  • Our Hunter's were using Prismatic with Combination Blow and Stylish Executioner and I think Liar's Handshake (not sure what else haven't unlocked on my hunter yet/didn't ask), and said to be able to 1 shot their orange bar ogres with melees and near unlimited invincibility.
  • Didn't have any titans (I'm not classist, ours just had to leave early) but I imagine your standard Banner of War or Solar Titan build will be more than enough to survive and slay out.
  • Don't go too fast and try to get ahead of yourself/panic about the timer. It's pretty generous if you know what you're doing, and if you don't then panicking isn't going to help you learn. Slow down and think your swaps through if not 100% confident.
  • The Witness has a rally point, you don't need to save your super for it. If you're going to die, if you're behind on adds, if you want to get ahead on adds, sometimes you just super because you can. There's no boss, super if you need it. The ONLY reason to save would be for when all the inside players have broken out, and a bunch of adds+unstops spawn before the 5man ghosts/false kill phase.
  • Sort of related to the previous point, but survival, especially for the inside teams, is essential. If an insider dies, it sucks in a random outside person replace them. It's significantly more difficult to try and catch someone up to what swap you're doing, whether inside, or out.
  • Distinctive fashion and distinctive ghost shells can make a big difference if you're in an LFG where people aren't familiar with names/voices. I used the RoN warlock chest piece and the Rival Warlock Shell, and "Bird ghost" and "3 arms" calls made things much easier for myself and others.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I hope it helps you get your clear. This is a fight where you can be doing things 95% correct and miss one small detail that stops you from progressing. I super hope that this is clear enough to understand what might be going wrong. I wrote this partly because the lack of clear info about this encounter, and partly because knowing how to do it now, it's been stuck in my head for the last day and a half and I'm hoping this will allow me to reclaim that brain space.
I also want to say thank you to All_the_players for sharing their notes after they got their World 3rd clear. All the info in here comes from their notes in some fashion, I just reworded it to make it harder to miss a step.
Let me know if there are any formatting/grammatical errors or just any really confusing sentences. Again I want this writeup to be as clear as possible. I tried to avoid repetitive pronouns and whatnot where I could but sometimes there's not much better choice.
Per Audacia Ad Astra Guardians
tldr; bungie carved something useful out of my brain and put this encounter in it. the witness is butthurt that the teacher yelled at him for putting the square block in the circle hole.
submitted by Purpledoogle to raidsecrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:55 Silly-Worker-5531 Looking for Advice on Next Steps

I'll put a short list of key items that i have at the end of the post if helpful.
Im coming back from ~1-1.5 year break. I'm a 2k+ total level regular iron. Most combat stats are 98-99 just def at 91. I've finished CG and JUST finished zulrah. You can think of me as new to bossing. I'm not a plank but I don't have prior experience with many bosses. I've dabbled in TOA previously, but was convinced that I should do CoX first for prayers. So, i wanted to get mfang before starting CoX.
Prior to quitting my primary plan was: MFang -> CoX (prayers) -> TOA (Fang) -> Sara (SGS, XBow) -> Inferno -> choose your adventure
I realize that a lot has come out, so I'm wondering if my plans should change at all? Are there new items out that I should prioritize before CoX/ToA?
Secondly, are there any side grinds that may not be related to my main goal, but are def good to do like Muspha? I'm lost at the Moon bosses. I have no clue if they're worth it. The double quiver seems like it could be helpful but it sounds like that's a primary grind vs a side grind (maybe pre inferno).
My objective with this post is to see if I'm ready to engage in my primary plan to ultimately reach inferno (with or without changes based on feedback) and then have a list of side quests to do like Muspha, maybe the moons, etc to do for fun inbetween
Any help is much appreciated! Thank you!
My Items: Ahrim top/bottom Karil top/bottom full crystal armor bowfa blade of caeldor zammy hasta blowpipe serp trident of the swamp D pickaxe Access to amethyst d warhammer All zenyte jewerly
submitted by Silly-Worker-5531 to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:48 AndyLuxx How to engage fans from x and reddit

Hi, I'm a beginner creator. I've been creating content for 6 months and need some advice. I mainly promote myself on X and a bit on Reddit. I use an iPhone 14 Pro for creating content, along with colorful lighting. I focus on regularity (every other day), RT collaborations with other creators, and content diversity. I try to use AI to create descriptions. What are your experiences when it comes to responding to fans on X and Reddit? I'm confused; I feel like I should ignore them to direct them to OF. I analyze statistics and try to constantly improve, my reach is steadily growing, but I'm having trouble gaining more subscribers on OF. I would appreciate it if you could check my X and OF and give me some advice. Thank you in advance for your support!
submitted by AndyLuxx to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:32 SamBrown99 Wellness Wanderers: Hike, Bike & Breathe Your Way Through These Active Holiday Packages

In a world where stress often seems to be the norm, the concept of wellness travel has gained significant momentum. People are increasingly seeking vacations that not only provide relaxation but also promote physical activity and mental rejuvenation. Enter the realm of "Wellness Wanderers," where the mantra is to hike, bike, and breathe your way to inner peace and vitality. Here, we delve into some enticing active holiday packages that promise to invigorate both body and soul.
One destination that stands out for its diverse offerings is Turkey. Nestled at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey boasts a rich tapestry of landscapes, from rugged mountains to pristine coastlines. Imagine embarking on a wellness retreat in the serene countryside, where daily hikes through picturesque trails lead you to hidden gems and panoramic vistas. The Turkey Holiday Package is designed to immerse you in the natural beauty of this enchanting land while providing ample opportunities for physical activity.
As you traverse the lush valleys and ancient ruins, you'll feel a deep connection to the earth beneath your feet and the timeless history that surrounds you. Cycling enthusiasts will revel in the chance to pedal along scenic routes, taking in the sights and sounds of rural life. And when it's time to unwind, indulge in yoga sessions amidst breathtaking landscapes, allowing the gentle rhythm of your breath to guide you into a state of blissful relaxation.
Transitioning from the sun-kissed landscapes of Turkey, let's journey north to the rugged beauty of Scotland. Renowned for its wild terrain and rich cultural heritage, Scotland offers an array of experiences for the adventurous traveler. Picture yourself exploring the misty highlands, where ancient castles perch atop windswept cliffs, and emerald-green glens beckon you to wander.
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What sets these active holiday packages apart is their focus on holistic wellness. It's not just about pushing your physical limits or ticking off bucket-list destinations; it's about nourishing your mind, body, and spirit in harmony with the natural world. Each experience is curated to promote balance and vitality, allowing you to return home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Moreover, these packages offer a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded travelers who share your passion for adventure and well-being. Whether you're exploring the mystical landscapes of Turkey or the rugged beauty of Scotland, you'll forge bonds that transcend language and cultural barriers, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
In conclusion, if you're craving an escape that combines adventure, relaxation, and personal growth, look no further than these Wellness Wanderer packages. From the sun-drenched shores of Turkey to the misty moors of Scotland, the world is yours to explore, one hike, bike, and breath at a time. So pack your bags, lace up your boots, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Your body and soul will thank you for it.
submitted by SamBrown99 to u/SamBrown99 [link] [comments]