Mark driscoll on dating

Mark Driscoll & Mars Hill Church News

2014.06.02 01:25 pensivebadger Mark Driscoll & Mars Hill Church News

We stand in solidarity with numerous people who need access to the API including bot developers, people with accessibility needs (blind) and 3rd party app users (Apollo, Sync, etc.).

2012.07.06 18:37 DemonicHeart Aromanticism - We exist too

A community for aromantics to discuss being aromantic. Someone who is aromantic experiences little to no romantic attraction. If you are questioning if you are aromantic, make sure you comment your experiences on our pinned “Am I aromantic?” post.

2009.01.27 13:20 /r/Nudism: No clothes, no problems

This subreddit is dedicated to genuine Nudism and Naturism. We align with major worldwide organizations (INF, AANR, FCN, etc.) to keep this a clean, safe space to discuss with others about Nudism/Naturism. Any sexual posts will result in a ban. Please check our "About" section for our rules, list of upcoming events and helpful links. In our "menu" section we have a list of International Resorts, Clubs, Beaches and Organizations.

2024.06.10 02:52 Terrible_Anywhere203 AITAH? PLEASE HELP

I (24F) have been with my husband (28M) for a total of 5 years and married for 2. My ongoing issue with my husband is that he is very lazy and very much one sided, and doesn’t seem to have any interest in doing things with our family. It hasn’t always been like this until he started asking to go out more with his friends around our one year mark, no big deal, go be with your friends and have fun, no issue. Well fast forward we now have 2 children and I find myself spending most of our days alone with just us and it is depressing. I have had many conversations with him about this and how idc if he hangs out with his friends but I would like to be invited or have at least 1 day out the weekend to do something with our family. Well it caused a big argument and now “ I am needy”. Mind you I work, pay half of ALL bills, cook dinner every other night (because we usually have enough for leftovers because I work every other night), clean, and am the sole caretaker for our children most of the time unless I ask multiple times for him to get off the couch and off his phone to spend time with us. He doesn’t read the kids books with me at night,he doesn’t play outside with us, no pool time, no baseball or trampoline, NOTHING, he doesn’t have a single interest in anything I try to plan or date nights I offer to pay for. I have tried so many times over the years to converse about how we can compromise on different activities we both like to no avail. We also don’t have the best sex life, he is very vanilla and I am very much not. I try to spice things up and just get shut down or ignored, it has made me not even want to try to engage in sex anymore which makes me feel like even more shit but he doesn’t seem to mind not having sex. I am so young and I feel like I am living with a room mate, I don’t want to go straight to divorce because I love my husband but I have tried to suggest marriage counseling and he turned this down. I got upset this last weekend because he left to go out with friends again and I had to take my kids to the park alone yet again and I asked him what I could do to be a better spouse or what I could do to make him more interested in me and he says he is content, I’m tired of feeling like I am single and a single parent when in fact I am not. I don’t know what to do. If communication and effort to try and better things isn’t working then what will? Men from your perspective what could I do? He hasn’t always been like this, like I said this happened about a year and a half into our relationship and I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet but I am so defeated.. sincerely a woman who just wants her marriage to work.
submitted by Terrible_Anywhere203 to u/Terrible_Anywhere203 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:04 Feisty-Narwhal8400 Moving from abusive partners to emotionally unavailable ones?

Hello everyone,
Quick backstory: I was in two abusive relationships, physical and emotional, totaling 12 years of my life. I have depression and anxiety on top of that, made way worse by the abuse.
I was a real mess for a really long time, and am in therapy and on meds. I am doing much better now - could even say I'm almost thriving, to the point where I felt ready to start dating again. About 9 months ago, I met what I thought was an amazing partner. It was definitely my first "healthy" relationship; or so I thought.
Over the course of 9 months, his effort slowly waned, despite me giving effort. He never planned anything, and while he was great with words of affection, he just didn't seem to hit the mark on the type of effort needed to maintain a romantic relationship. Never took me on dates, could not consistently communicate... In the beginning he was so understanding of my past trauma and would hold me and reassure me if I would have flashbacks and I would try to explain the complexities of what I was feeling when the CPTSD came calling. I never demanded he be my emotional support and was open to going to couple's therapy.
He dumped me cold turkey a few days ago with very little closure, saying he "lacked the mental fortitude needed to give the kind of effort" I "deserve from a partner".
This reopens a ton of old wounds from emotional abuse that I am "too much", but the healed part of me knew and realized I deserved more long before the fallout.
Those of you who have been formerly abused and are now dating on the other side, how do you know your trauma isn't "too much"? How do you identify a strong partner? Did you find one? Are you better listening to your intuition now?
submitted by Feisty-Narwhal8400 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 housesnark baby's first half marathon (bank of america chicago 13.1)

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A Sub 2:40 Yes
B Sub 2:30 Kinda
C Don't Walk No


Mile Time
1 11:05
2 11:08
3 11:16
4 11:12
5 11:15
6 11:21
7 11:16
8 11:25
9 11:39
10 11:08
11 11:03
12 11:38
13 11:46
14 9:27


my goal this winter was just to continue running, so as motivation I signed up for the shamrock shuffle as it would keep me somewhat active through the winter but wouldn't require a ton of dedicated training.
and then I was laid off in february, and suddenly had a LOT more time to dedicate to running and no more excuses about missing runs/feeling tired/etc. I got more involved with the running community in chicago on the north side and quickly found a group that was interested in the distance series step two - the chicago half marathon.
I followed a loose version of the hh novice half plan, essentially adding a mile to the long run each saturday. I didn't end up adding a lot of distance during the week until later in my training, which I do think was a mistake and I would want to do that next time.
but honestly, was able to run consistently 3x a week through march, april and may, and logged more miles than I ever had in my life.


I got my period :( woke up cramping, whole 9 yards, and was not looking forward to the added twist of managing my monthly while running the longest distance I have ever run. I had my usual breakfast and tried to hydrate as much as possible. otherwise, the morning was cool and beautiful with a nice breeze. the uber drop off was stress-free, and the only other issue was the port-a-potty line was INSANE next to the corrals.


I had read a lot the night before on making sure to start off at a reasonable pace. I had told myself I would start off the first mile at a 12 min pace to ease myself in, that didn't happen. started off a little faster than I'd like, but the weather was cool, and I was able to chat with one of my friends through the first 5 miles so decided to hold the pace as best as I could.
I lost an airpod at the 5k mark (whoops) and decided for the first time to try to raw dog the race without music.
took advantage of a short port-a-potty line in mile 4 to check in on my period, which then cost me my second time goal. :(
for anyone unfamiliar with chicago and the race course, this goes through the park system on the west side which is not a typical course. for a north sider, it was definitely eye opening to what other parts of the city look like. much less densely populated and overall just a feeling of a not a lot of people being around. granted it was like 7:30-8:30 in the morning, so that could have been a big part of it!
this continued into humboldt park when we ran directly next to tents which was definitely a bizarre feeling as a privledged person who signed up for a $100 race for fun.
miles 6-9 I just told myself, you can't walk until mile 10 and then you can have a quick break. stopped off in the biofreeze station which felt amazing, and definitely helped my knees for about two miles. there were some seemingly long stretches without any water that also included a lot of direct sunlight, to help distract me I popped in my one remaining airpod and tried to drum up some excitement. there were some LONG straight aways which I had read about, but going through them really did feel endless.
after ten miles, it started getting not fun. I was maintaining my pace but started taking short walking breaks in miles 12 and 13 to just give my knees a break and maintain my sanity.
by this point, a lot of people were walking and alternating, which was not very motivating.
finally, got to the point where I could see the finish line and dug deep and finished under 2:30 on my apple watch (I paused during my bathroom break in mile 4).


stumbled through the finish line medal hand outs and food. I wish I had grabbed 2 water bottles because I couldn't find any more water past that point. threw everything in my vest, met up with my fans and got out of there, only to be hosed by the cta and have to wait 20 minutes for the green line and 20 minutes for the brown line.
overall, learned I can do this and with a better base fitness, I can break 2:30 and realistically probably drop much more with some dedicated training.
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by housesnark to running [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:18 Sad_Throat6619 Enhanced Agent Management and Executive Assistant Agent (a.k.a. Jarvis)

While I was working on the multiagent system workflow posted a couple of weeks ago, I came up with the following PRD for this idea on Jarvis, the executive assistant agent. Having product management experience, I created a PM agent to produce the document. It may be appropriate to start a new thread, but I came up with the following PRD for Jarvis, the executive assistant agent.
This idea came to me because I have been having to create, update, and delete agents on a regular basis to accommodate changes in my needs. Since some of the conversations are important pieces of knowledge, I backup and save the agents' conversations into a text file before deleting them.
The ability to manage the relationship and hierarchy between parent and child agents—for instance, by configuring a master PM agent and slave agents specifically for each project—would improve the user experience in a centralized, methodical framework for agent management and governance. In this framework, the user only needs to update the prompt for the master PM agent; the slave agents do not require updating. At the level of the slave agent, only commands require updating.
Although it may be a challenging engineering project, I believe it has the potential to transform the application into a sophisticated enterprise tool.
Let me know what you think!

Product Requirement Document (PRD)

Product Title: Enhanced Custom Agent Management and Executive Assistant Agent

Author: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

1. **Executive Summary**

This document outlines the requirements for enhancing the navigation and usability of custom agents within Taskade. The key features include improved tracking of agent conversations, an advanced executive assistant agent named **Jarvis** to delegate tasks to the appropriate custom agents based on user prompts, and dynamic creation and selection of agents. Additionally, this document addresses the need for conversation backups and value assessment when users delete agents.

2. **Goals and Objectives**

  • **Improved User Navigation**: Simplify the process for users to track and continue conversations with custom agents.
  • **Executive Assistant Agent - Jarvis**: Develop an intelligent agent capable of analyzing user prompts and delegating tasks to the most suitable custom agent.
  • **Agent Governance Model**: Enable dynamic creation and selection of agents, forming a multi-agent system to meet complex user requirements.
  • **Conversation Backup and Value Assessment**: Provide users with options to backup conversations and present value assessment when deleting agents.

3. **Key Features and Requirements**

3.1 Improved Navigation and Tracking

**Description**: Implement a feature that enables users to easily track their last interaction with custom agents and navigate back to it.
  1. **Recent Conversations List**: Display a list of recent conversations with custom agents on the user's dashboard or a dedicated section.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want to see a list of my recent conversations with custom agents so that I can easily continue where I left off.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: The recent conversations list should display the agent's name, a snippet of the last conversation, and the date/time of the interaction. Clicking on an entry should take the user directly to that conversation.
  1. **Search and Filter Functionality**: Allow users to search and filter custom agents by name, role, or last interaction date.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want to quickly find a specific custom agent using search and filters.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: The search bar should support keyword input, and filters should allow sorting by name, role, and interaction date.
  1. **Favorite Agents**: Enable users to mark specific agents as favorites for quicker access.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want to mark some agents as favorites so that I can access them quickly.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: Users should be able to mark/unmark agents as favorites. A dedicated favorites section should display these agents prominently.

3.2 Executive Assistant Agent - Jarvis

**Description**: Develop an advanced agent named **Jarvis** that acts as an executive assistant, analyzing user prompts and redirecting them to the appropriate custom agent.
  1. **Prompt Analysis**: Implement natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to understand and analyze user prompts.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want Jarvis to understand my prompt and decide which custom agent is best suited for the task.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: Jarvis should accurately interpret the user’s prompt and provide a summary of its analysis before redirecting the task.
  1. **Agent Delegation**: Based on the analysis, delegate the task to the appropriate custom agent.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want Jarvis to delegate tasks to the best-suited custom agent automatically.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: Jarvis should seamlessly redirect the task to the selected custom agent and notify the user of the delegation.
  1. **Feedback Loop**: Allow users to provide feedback on the accuracy of task delegation to improve Jarvis’s performance over time.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want to provide feedback on Jarvis’s performance to refine its accuracy.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: After delegation, users should be prompted to rate the accuracy and relevance of the agent selection. This data should be used to improve Jarvis’s algorithms.

3.3 Agent Governance Model

**Description**: Establish Jarvis as a central governance model that enables dynamic creation and selection of agents based on user requirements, forming a multi-agent system.
  1. **Dynamic Agent Creation**: Jarvis should be able to create new custom agents dynamically based on specific user requirements and contexts.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want Jarvis to create new custom agents dynamically when my prompt requires specialized tasks that existing agents cannot handle.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: Jarvis should create a new custom agent if needed and brief the user about this creation, including its role and capabilities.
  1. **Multi-Agent Coordination**: Enable Jarvis to coordinate between multiple custom agents to accomplish complex tasks.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want Jarvis to manage multiple custom agents working together to complete complex tasks.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: Jarvis should delegate subtasks to different agents and coordinate their outputs to achieve the overall task objective.
  1. **Performance Monitoring and Optimization**: Continuously monitor agent performance and optimize agent selection and task delegation processes.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want Jarvis to learn from past interactions and improve its performance over time.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: Jarvis should use historical data to refine its agent selection and delegation processes, providing more efficient and accurate task completion over time.

3.4 Conversation Backup and Value Assessment

**Description**: Provide users with options to backup conversations and present a value assessment when deleting agents.
  1. **Backup Option**: When a user decides to delete an agent, prompt them to back up their conversations.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want an option to backup my conversations when deleting an agent so that I don’t lose valuable information.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: The system should prompt the user with an option to back up conversations before confirming agent deletion.
  1. **Conversation Summary and Recommended Action**: Show a summary of the conversations and recommend actions based on the value of the knowledge created.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want to see a summary of my conversations and receive recommendations based on the knowledge value before deleting an agent.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: The system should display a summary and recommended actions, assessing the value based on user preferences and inferred metacognitive analysis.
  1. **Value Assessment**: Assess the value of conversations based on user’s explicit preferences and inferred metacognitive analysis of tool usage.
  • **User Story**: As a user, I want the system to assess the value of my conversations and consider my usage patterns before making recommendations.
  • **Acceptance Criteria**: The assessment should incorporate both explicit user preferences and inferred data from past usage to provide accurate recommendations.

4. **User Stories**

  1. **As a user, I want to see my recent conversations with custom agents on my dashboard so that I can continue them easily.**
  2. **As a user, I want to search and filter my custom agents so that I can quickly find the one I need.**
  3. **As a user, I want an executive assistant agent named Jarvis to analyze my prompt and delegate the task to the appropriate custom agent so that I don't have to remember which agent does what.**
  4. **As a user, I want Jarvis to create new custom agents dynamically if my prompt requires specialized tasks that existing agents cannot handle.**
  5. **As a user, I want Jarvis to manage multiple custom agents working together to complete complex tasks.**
  6. **As a user, I want to provide feedback on the task delegation accuracy to help improve Jarvis over time.**
  7. **As a user, I want an option to back up my conversations when deleting an agent so that I don’t lose valuable information.**
  8. **As a user, I want to see a summary of my conversations and receive recommendations based on the knowledge value before deleting an agent.**
  9. **As a user, I want the system to assess the value of my conversations and consider my usage patterns before making recommendations.**

5. **Dependencies**

  • **NLP Engine**: Integration with a robust NLP engine to analyze user prompts.
  • **Backend Development**: Enhancements to the backend to support tracking, searching, and filtering custom agent interactions.
  • **Front-End Development**: UI/UX design and implementation to support new features.
  • **Performance Monitoring Tools**: Tools to monitor and optimize agent performance and task delegation processes.
  • **Backup and Storage Solutions**: Solutions to allow users to back up and store conversations securely.

6. **Timeline**

Milestone Target Date
Requirements Finalization [Date]
Design Phase [Date]
Development Phase [Date]
Testing Phase [Date]
User Feedback and Iteration [Date]
Final Release [Date]

7. **Stakeholders**

  • **Product Management**
  • **Engineering Team**
  • **UX/UI Design Team**
  • **Marketing and Sales Team**
  • **End Users**

8. **Success Metrics**

  • **User Engagement**: Increase in the number of interactions with custom agents.
  • **User Satisfaction**: Positive user feedback and ratings for Jarvis.
  • **Task Accuracy**: Improved task delegation accuracy as measured by user feedback.
  • **System Efficiency**: Reduced task completion time and increased efficiency of the multi-agent system.
  • **Data Retention**: User satisfaction with backup options and conversation summaries when deleting agents.
This PRD serves as a comprehensive guide to develop and implement the enhanced navigation and executive assistant features in Taskade. Feedback from all stakeholders will be crucial in refining these requirements and ensuring successful execution.
submitted by Sad_Throat6619 to Taskade [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:17 lost_library_book [You say he's a murderer, but we're in *love*] My (47F) pregnant daughter (22F) is going to marry an incarcerated man (29M). How can I go about this situation?

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/ThrowRA-sad_mom123
Originally posted on relationship_advice
Content warning: mentions of stalking, domestic violence, homicide
2 updates - mediumish
Original post - June 7th, 2024
Update 2 - June 9th, 2024
Update 3 - June 9th, 2024
My (47F) pregnant daughter (22F) is going to marry an incarcerated man (29M). How can I go about this situation?
I’m concerned for my child. Yes she’s an adult but I feel like she’s making the worst decision for herself. I don’t approve AT ALL.
My daughter had good things going on for herself. She graduated high school, went to college and graduated with her associates, got accepted into dental school and all of its going down the drain because she’s chosen to invest her time and energy into her “soulmate”.
About a year ago, my daughter started writing letters to prisoners as a pen pal to keep them company. At first I was uncomfortable with the idea for many, many reasons (it never crossed my mind that she’d fallen for a criminal) but I still rented a P.O. Box for her so she wouldn’t give out her address.
My daughter was in a healthy relationship with her now ex-fiancé. They’ve been together since her senior year in high school. They just had their first child over a year ago, expecting another, and they got engaged 6 months ago. A month ago, my daughter told me that she and her fiancé were taking a break and two weeks ago she called off the engagement and left him. He’s a complete wreck. He told me it hurts that his family that he created with my daughter is now broken. He feels so blindsided as do I because I believed my daughter was truly in love but she wasn’t, she wasn’t happy.
I’ve been very supportive of my daughter during this whole situation, that is until she told me she was already in a new relationship. I was taken aback. I obviously started questioning her about it and she confessed that she had fallen for one of the prisoners she’s written to, in fact, they’ve been together for 3 months. It makes me sick to my stomach even typing this out right now because I just can’t believe it. She said they’ve been in contact for almost 8 months and since then they’ve fallen more and more in love with each other. She’s visited him multiple times, in fact she’s even taken my grandson to see this man. She’s shown me pictures of them embracing and him holding my grandchild. I’ve done some research and looked up his charges and I’m livid she even brought my grandson, even herself around someone who could do such horrible things. I’m terrified for my daughter and grandson.
I’ve tried expressing my concerns to her but she’s in a whole other world. She told me the last in person visit they had he popped the question and she said yes, that’s when I snapped. I was and am very pissed about this whole situation and she’s hurt that I’m not supportive of her decisions. She defended their relationship and her choices and we started arguing. It got so bad that now she’s not speaking to me or allowing me to see my grandbaby and it breaks my heart. I love my child but I will never approve of this relationship.
I understand that as an adult, she has the right to make her own choices, and l've always been proud of her independence. But as someone who truly loves her deeply, it's hard for me to watch her make a decision that I feel could be harmful to herself and my grandson. I'm scared for her because of what I've learned about this person's past, and I can't shake the fear of what could happen. I don't want to lose her or my grandchild to a situation that seems so risky. I don’t know what else I can do and I feel so hopeless. Please, what else can I do?
TLDR: I'm worried because my daughter, who's achieved so much, is throwing it all away for a prisoner she fell for while being a pen pal. She's left her fiancé for him, and it's hard for me to stomach or support this decision.
Relevant Comments
I would personally give all the information you have on the new guy to the ex and implore him to get to family court immediately and fight for full and sole custody of the kids. You can't stop your adult child from ruining her life and putting herself in danger BUT you can assist in getting your minor grandchild away from this situation and away from her poor decision making. She may hate you for doing this but the safety of the child is more important than her clouded feelings right now and maybe the courts threatening to remove her child might be the wake up call to stop the foolishness
Is the former fiancé fighting for custody? How does your daughter plan to support her two kids? Hopefully the ex will be able to make sure the kids are safe and get CPS involved if they are not. I have a feeling that the exhaustion from single parenting a newborn will have your daughter coming to her senses soon.
How much longer is her partner in jail for?
Her ex fiancé still doesn’t know about her new relationship. When my daughter ended their relationship, he felt completely blindsided because he didn’t see it coming, no one did. If he knew she was in another relationship, especially with a criminal, it would be a living nightmare. I mean he has the right to know because she’s bringing his children to see this man.
For privacy reasons, i will not give out any names. He’s currently serving a life sentence (I’ll let you guess) but he could get out early due to parole. He has a history of domestic abuse and breaking protective orders.
In later replies, OOP reveals that daughter's new beau is in prison for stalking, violation of protective orders, and murder. Mostly that last one.
You need to explain to your daughter now before you take legal action to gain sole custody with the father. She needs it spelt out on paper how this person is literally dropping an atomic bomb on her life while literally being locked up.
This is the craziest post I have ever read. Please update us and I am sorry this is happening.
Updates 1 & 2 - 2 days later
I wanted to start off with thanking everyone that took time to give me some advice. After receiving a lot of comments with suggestions on how i should handle this situation i went ahead and told the father of my grandchildren about what’s been going on. He was my soon to be son in law and I’ve grown to love him as if he was my own. I believe he has every right to know about the wellbeing of his children so I confessed everything to him. Thankfully, I have a family therapist who is a very close friend of mine. She’s been here with us since the divorce between me and my ex husband.
I called her, we spoke about the situation and she agreed to guide me to tell the kids father. I called him over to my home and we all had a very long talk. I let him know everything and he broke down, crying hysterically. It was horrible. He felt so violated not only as a partner to her but as a father to their kids. I made it very clear that I would support him no matter the circumstances, at this point it’s not only about my daughter but my grandkids. We discussed the charges against my daughters new fiancé, and he was beyond livid. He actually suggested himself taking my daughter to court and I agreed with him that it would be the best thing to do. We came to an agreement that he wouldn’t tell my daughter what he knew that way I could get more information to help him plead his case. But yesterday, shit hit the fan.
Yesterday, I received some angry texts from my daughter and it didn’t end well. I posted the texts here :
Text are transcribed below, feel free to skip to where this post resumes.
D = Daughter; M = Mom (OOP)
D: Mom
D: Why aren't you answering me ??
D: Dude Answer your phone *eyeroll* *facepalm*
M: I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone, I was driving and my phone wasn't connected to the Bluetooth.
M: What's wrong babe, is everything ok?
D: Why tf do you hate me so much
D: Like what the fuck is wrong with you ?? Why are you going out your way to tell my business to [redacted] for ?
M: [redacted] babe I love you but please don't speak to me like this.
M: Can you please try telling me what's going calmly.
D: The fuck do I need to be calm for all you do is stress me out. I'm 7 months pregnant and high risk and you want me stressed for what ?????
M: [redacted] honey I don't want you to be stressed and I don't want to be the reason to cause it.
D: SO why the fuck are you telling [redacted] my business?
M: What do you mean?
D: He's been blowing up my phone all night long.
D: He called me again on his break this morning and said you brought him to see Dr [redacted] and told him that I've been cheating on him throughout our relationship.
D: You told him about [redacted] and that ive been letting him around [redacted]
D: Wtf is wrong with you?
M: [redacted] honey there's nothing wrong with me. I understand why you're upset but baby this man is a very dangerous criminal.
M: He's doing life for a reason. He murdered his ex. He abused her and she went to get an order of protection against him and he violated all of it.
M: I love you and [redacted] with all my heart and I can't imagine a life without you both.
M: [redacted], I'm asking you to please be respectful. I don't deserve to be spoken to like this.
D: [in reply to M: [redacted] honey there's nothing wrong with me. I understand why you're upset but babe this man is a very dangerous criminal.] Dangerous?? You don't even fucking know him
M: Did you skip over the message right after that. He was abusing a poor girl. She didn't feel safe and went to get a protective orders against him and he violated them and ended up murdering her. [redacted] open your eyes.
M: He's guilty and serving time.
D: He's not guilty of a damn thing. You clearly don't understand how any of this shit works.
D: He wasn't found guilty he took a plea deal
D: He still got life but he can still get out on parole
D: He did this to avoid getting life without parole.
D: You don't understand any of this shit
M: He still killed someone. Why are we not addressing this? He's a murder
D: No he's not. He's a victim that needed to defend himself.
M: Defend himself? He was a grown ass man beating on a woman.
D: So men can't be victims of abuse?
D: The bitch would start fights, hit him and play victim in the end. It was a whole cycle
M: [redacted] can we not do this over text? Please answer your phone.
D: No I don't want to we can talk thru text or don't have to talk at all *grinning smily*
M: What is your issue?
D: My issue is you.
D: You're weird as fuck going behind your daughters back
D: I'm your kid. You should have my back
M: I do have your back, but I also care for the livelihood of my grandchildren. This situation is unhealthy and unsafe for children. You as an adult can whatever you please, but when children are being put in these toxic situations, action needs to be taken.
D: oh so you agree with [redacted] that I'm an unstable, unfit mother *crying-laughing**crying-laughing**crying-laughing*
D: You're such a narcissistic bitch
D: I can see why dad divorced you before he dies.. I wouldn't want to be buried next to you either
M: I've had enough of the disrespect [redacted] I've been nothing but calm and respectful and you've disrespected me over and over.
D: We've been past respect. You told my business to my baby daddy.
D: You disrespected me so I'm returning it *laughing-crying*
M: You've changed. You have become such a nasty individual and it's upsetting that as my only daughter you treat me this way after everything I've done for you.
D: yeah I have changed
D: I had a fucking baby
D: Went through postpartum by MYSELF
D: [redacted] would see me struggling and didn't do shit. I was working to provide for my family. I had no emotional support. I WAS BY MYSELF
D: just me and my son. When I found out I was having baby 2 i was by myself. Yeah [redacted] had a job and took care us but he wasn't there to help me
D: I found a man who yes made some mistake in his past but he's making up for it. He finished school, is allowing god to lead him in life, and he's positive
D: He respects me and pushes me to be strong. He motivates me and he provides emotional support. I don't need a mans money because I make my own but I needed love and he provided that for me
D: I don't understand why you felt the need to go out of your way to disturb our peace but I'm happy and very much in love with him and I'm not leaving him.
M: Look at how you're acting [redacted]. You're spiraling. This man is no good.
D: Omg gtfo I'm tired of the back and forth *facepalm*
D: Like I told [redacted], good luck taking me to court *finger*
D: Until then, you won't be seeing me, [redacted], or the baby for the sake of our mental health.
D: You bring nothing but drama and negativity into our lives and we'd be much better off without you. Please don't contact me or your will be blocked
I called the children’s father to ask him what the hell was he thinking and he explained that he wasn’t. He’s been apologizing nonstop but the damage has already been done. I’m at a loss for words. I’m devastated. I’m heartbroken. I’ve ofícially lost my daughter and grandkids and I don’t know what else to do. I can’t imagine not being a part of their lives and it hurts me deeply. What did I do wrong to deserve this? Is there any way I could fix this ?
Relevant Comments
Time. Guarantee this guy has other women on the hook. Why not? He’s got nothing going for him and will never see the light of day again. Maybe it’s possible to hire a PI that can find out if there are others? At some point, she’s going to miss being touched. Dates. Hugs in the morning and at night. Just be there when she crashes because she will. That’s all that you can do. I’m so sorry.
Keep supporting the father. He will get them eventually and you can still be Grandma. Your daughter was lost before you even posted. She may come back but keep in with the Dad. Good luck OP.
He feels really guilty for my daughters reaction but I believe it was only a matter of time before she was going to crash out. At this moment in time, I’m worried for my grandson. It makes me question if my daughter can get so angry with me with something like this, how angry can she get at my grandbaby 💔
Your grandchild's dad can still get custody.
Daughter is making horrible choices.
After rereading her messages, I think it’s possible my daughter was suffering from postpartum depression and by getting pregnant again so soon her body didn’t get enough time to heal. Her hormones are all over the place and her mental is declining.
She wasn’t like this a year ago, she was a happy, respectful, caring soul but all of that’s changed. and I feel horrible. I wish I could’ve seen her behavior myself. I could’ve gotten her the help she needed right then and there 😞
Marked ongoing.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Stay safe and remember: at least 37% of your after 5 pm beverage sales must consist of mixed/blended call drinks.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 theprimz I have joined the Chemical Burn Club by using the Blue Deodorant Stick. Here's how it happened, what I did to cure it and questions about what to do next.

I have a similar story to others who have posted on this sub. However, many have not posted about possible solutions. So here it all goes:
For the past 6 or 7 years, I have used the Old Spice Fiji Anti-Perspirant (AP) with no issues. The AP does the job of 1) preventing me from smelling like sweat and 2) making me smell good (I think so and I have received compliments from others). I have been obtaining this AP by purchasing it from Amazon. A few months ago, Amazon mistakenly sent me the Blue Deodorant Stick (BDS) version of Fiji. I called Amazon Customer Service and they agreed to send me the AP and that I could keep the BDS instead of shipping it back. I said "ok cool, win win" and tossed the BDS into my backpack for emergency use.
On May 21, that "emergency use" happened. I was at work without my AP and heading into the city later for dinner and a movie with my girlfriend. I remembered the BDS in my backpack and applied it. It felt slimy, as a BDS usually does (not a fan) but it did the job of improving my scent.
On May 23, I noticed a weird burning feeling under my left armpit. I ignored it, as it was tolerable at the time and thought I maybe slept on it weird in my pyjama shirt. The next day (May 24), the armpit was burning with excruciating pain. I looked under it and it was discoloured, blistered and looked disgusting...
Pics here (warning, quite gross):
Over that weekend, it continued to burn and hurt when I raised my arm or rubbed it. I immediately threw out the BDS and stopped using AP on my left armpit. Also, I applied a mild soap to the left armpit in the shower which calmed it a bit. I then found this subreddit and so many other people who have had the same experience as me. Also, this class action lawsuit that dated back to 2016:
On Monday May 27, I went to the walk in clinic and a doctor told me it looked to be a chemical burn (similar to touching poison ivy) and prescribed a $15 cream called Betaderm, which is an upper-strength cortisone cream. Betaderm was oily and stained one of my shirts. It also didn't do anything to soothe the pain. I then visited my actual doctor two days later who told me that it was infected and to try a $50 cream called Fusidin containing Fusidic Acid. Fusiderm is usually used for extreme cases of excema. The Fucidin worked pretty quickly, I rubbed it in and the scabbing rubbed off. By June 3 or 4 after using Fusiderm 3x times a day, the burning finally subsided.
It is now June 9. The pain has stopped and it does not look as gross, but I am left with a red mark and scarring under my armpit. To others who have been put through this awful ordeal, did you contact the company? Did you receive any compensation? Is there anything I can do to write this wrong? Any help is appreciated.
submitted by theprimz to OldSpice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 Difficult-Light5689 Upcoming movie night

Hey, movie buffs!
Ready for an unforgettable movie night experience? Look no further! We're hosting an Movie Night on our Discord server next weekend, and you're all invited!
📅 Date: July 14th - 16th 🕗 Time: 8:00pm - Sunday Evening @ 12:00am PST
🎞️ Movie Genre: Friday - Comedy Saturday - Action/Adventure Sunday - Drama
Why You Should Join Us:
🍿 Top-Notch Flicks: We've handpicked great movies that's sure to captivate audiences of all tastes. From heartwarming dramas to action-packed thrillers, this moviethon!
🎥 Theatrical Experience: Our Discord's voice chat will be transformed into a virtual theater. You can laugh, cry, and share your thoughts with the rest of the community.
🎁 Surprise Giveaways: Stay tuned for surprise giveaways during the event. It could be ANYTHING
How to Join:
  1. Join Our Discord Server: Click this link to join our movie-loving community on Discord:
  2. Mark Your Calendar: Save the date and time in your calendar so you won't miss out on this cinema extravaganza!
  3. Be Punctual: Arrive a few minutes early to secure your spot and ensure smooth event coordination.
  4. Bring Snacks: Don't forget to prepare your favorite movie snacks and beverages for the ultimate movie night experience!
A Friendly Reminder:
Please remember to respect everyone's enjoyment during the movie by keeping conversations in the designated voice chat channels and refraining from spoilers for those who haven't seen the film before.
🚨 Important Note: Limited slots are available due to server capacity, so make sure to arrive early to secure your spot!
Subscribe here:
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded movie enthusiasts and immerse yourself in the magic of cinema. See you at our MovieTHON on Discord! 🎬🎉
submitted by Difficult-Light5689 to introvethub [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 Boilerbunch Checkride Medical

This may sound like a dumb question but I wanted to be 100% sure. I have a first class medical that is about to reach the 12 month mark, I understand that from here on I will be able to exercise third class for the next 48 months. Will I be able to take a checkride on the third class privilege time or must the first class medical itself be up to date as a whole. I am under 40.
submitted by Boilerbunch to flying [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 adulting4kids Divination Tool 🎁 Box

  1. Tarot Cards
  2. Runes
  3. I Ching
  4. Pendulums
  5. Scrying
  6. Astrology
  7. Numerology
  8. Tea Leaf Reading
  9. Geomancy
  10. Palmistry
Here are brief descriptions of each tool:
Here are some common types of divination tools and their practices:
  1. Tarot Cards: A 78-card deck divided into Major and Minor Arcana, each card representing symbolic archetypes, situations, and characters. Tarot readings involve shuffling and drawing cards, interpreting their meanings in relation to the seeker's question or situation.
  2. Runes: Ancient Norse symbols carved on stones or wood, each representing a concept or force in nature. Rune readings involve casting the runes and interpreting their meanings based on their positions and combinations.
  3. I Ching: An ancient Chinese text containing 64 hexagrams, each symbolizing a different state of change. Consulting the I Ching involves casting yarrow stalks or coins to create a hexagram and interpreting its meaning from the text.
  4. Pendulums: A weighted object suspended from a chain or string, used to access subconscious knowledge or communicate with spirits. Practitioners ask questions and interpret the pendulum's movements (swinging side to side, back and forth, or in circles) as answers.
  5. Scrying: The practice of gazing into reflective surfaces like crystals, mirrors, or water to receive visions or messages. Practitioners relax their minds, focus on a question, and interpret the images or symbols that appear.
  6. Astrology: The study of celestial bodies and their positions to interpret influences on human affairs. Astrologers create birth charts based on a person's birth date, time, and location, and use planetary alignments to make predictions or offer guidance.
  7. Numerology: The study of numbers and their mystical significance. Numerologists assign numerical values to names, dates, and events, and analyze patterns to reveal hidden meanings or insights.
  8. Tea Leaf Reading: A practice of interpreting patterns in tea leaves left in a cup after drinking. Readers examine the shapes and symbols formed by the leaves to offer insights into the seeker's life or future possibilities.
  9. Geomancy: A practice that involves casting dots and lines to develop a sense of specific periods of time and space.
  10. Palmistry: The practice of reading the lines, mounts, and markings on the hand to reveal information about a person's character, life path, and potential. Palmists examine the shape of the hand, the lines on the palm, and the mounts at the base of the fingers to make interpretations.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:06 Cjt2023 Are they the same person?

This is a weird one. Could just be my mind overthinking but I need to ask somewhere.
I (21m) have been chatting to a couple girls for about a month and a half now, B(18f) and M(18f). It's going well with both of them. Part of me feels bad about chatting to them both, though all it is is talking and some photos at the moment. But that's not the thing I'm asking about Like I said, I may just be overthinking, but there have been some things that make me think they may be the same person, though there are things that make me think probably not (which is the saner mindset).
First off, I stared talking to B first. Met on a dating app, and carried on on Snapchat a few days after. The day after we moved to Snapchat, M added me too, completely randomly, claiming she accidentally added me while trying to add a friend (I was bored and curious so I added back).
I've seen photos of both of them, they obviously look different and they obviously talk differently. So I'm making myself insane by even thinking they're the same person.
But here are the reasons I think they could be: 1. They either both don't message and are busy, or they both message. So I'm either talking to one, or neither 2. If in the middle of a conversation, one takes a while to respond, so does the other. 3. They have sent photos where the background looks weirdly similar (marks on the wall etc.(this makes me sound creepy)) 4. They have said some things exactly the same, like when I told one I was home from hanging out with friends, she said welcome home. I didn't tell the other I was home, the last message I sent to her was that I was chatting shit with friends, and she said welcome home too.
Am I being insane like I think I am or is there merit to these thoughts? If there is merit to these thoughts, how do I look into it more without outright asking?
submitted by Cjt2023 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:53 FewWillingness1081 SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?

SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?

How are both B2B SaaS and B2C SaaS companies finding clients?

There's never been a better time than now to start a SaaS startup. Whether you intend to focus on the B2B space or B2C, SaaS companies are experiencing extreme customer success. The sheer amount of companies that existed before the pandemic, compared to now is outsized and growing at an amazing scale. Many companies changed their work model, enabling millions of workers to work from home. In order for this to be successful at scale, requires technology to fundamentally support the many workers and their ever-evolving task lists.
Customer success is the primary ingredient for the success of many SaaS startups in 2024. By helping their clients achieve their business goals, customers have been more likely to stay loyal to their favorite SaaS products as they grow and succeed.
At the core of every SaaS business strategy, 3 key points stand out:
  1. Customer Retention
  2. Customer Engagement
  3. Customer Satisfaction
Harnessing these three areas helps you build a strong and durable customer base.

Customer success at the forefront of your SaaS company

For B2B & B2C SaaS startups, the customer success departments have evolved from simply handling tickets to collecting and analyzing customer feedback in an effort to optimize the customer experience. This doesn't need to be something reserved for the larger players in the space. As an early-stage SaaS you want your customers to spread the word to their friends and colleagues, about their experience, so going above and beyond is a must! Let's put this idea as a fundamental requirement, and the next set of activities will help you to scale your products at lightning speed!

Stop struggling to get initial users for your SaaS product

Why is Reddit ranking so high in Google Searches? Saas
I [will] make a strong argument that we often cannot see the solution to our problems because we are too close to the problems to see our surroundings in the first place. The more you've optimized and automated your SaaS, the more you realize that there's less to do, up to a certain point. The next thing you typically pivot focus to is growth through marketing or advertising. So you start to post in DigitalMarketing, socialmedia, and marketing for ideas on how to perform outreach, enhance your seo, and even dabble in PPC. If you're lucky, you'll begin to see that there are issues with basic things, because members of Reddit will happily point them out to you.
If you haven't already seen this post, it's a good thread, and I recommend you check it out. The OP reveals some reasons why their product is struggling to gain traction. The community on Reddit is fantastic for providing insights as to what can be useful. Especially in communities such as SaaS, while others sometimes are not so forgiving (cough, cough, Entrepreneur).
Most of us SaaS founders don't actually have the luxury of spending time doing this. It's very much a make-it-or-break-it type scenario. Those of you who feel this way will certainly appreciate the next few bullet points that I will provide that should help you to begin generating traffic to your SaaS landing page [immediately].
  1. Find the subreddit or community (Reddit, Linkedin, Facebook, Slack, Quora, X (Twitter) that you think aligns with your product niche.
  2. Answer every question that you believe aligns with your target consumer, such as the "How-to's", or "Why's" that appear in the "Best", "Hot", and "New" tabs. Browse through each and every single tab.
  3. Post only if you think what you have to add is immensely utilitarian, otherwise, spend time engaging through comments, and providing resources, links, and sources to any material you share.
  4. Make sure your profile is optimized, because if you [do] provide any information that stands out, both happy and unhappy users will pounce on your profile to find anything that they can use to their advantage (be ready for the trolls).
  5. Check your analytics. You'd be surprised to realize that some posts (that you don't create) will get thousands of views. A small percentage of viewers will then roll into your website to see what you have to offer, for their own reasons.
If 1,000 people visited your website from this tactic, consider that maybe 50 - 100 of them might actually be your customers, maybe even smaller. The better the offering on your landing page, the more likely you'll even get sign-ups for your SaaS with free trial periods, or free offerings!
Repeat this every day, and you're now generating 10,000 - 20,000 (or more) potential clients to your website daily. Some days will be great, others not so great, but you've found a method that now works, and is proven!

Leveraging social media (organically) to scale your SaaS

I like to break social media platforms into 2 categories:
  1. Literature-driven communities:
    1. Reddit
    2. Quora
    3. Linkedin
    4. X (Twitter)
    5. Slack
  2. Social Media Apps:
    1. Instagram
    2. Tiktok
    3. Pinterest
    4. X (Twitter)
Yes, I purposefully placed "X" in both categories because it had a great mix of both content types, and was originally based on small "tweets", but now it provides a lot more media, and I find myself spending less time reading.
Literature-driven communities are apps that you're potential SaaS customers have to stop and read, to find something interesting, even on mobile. While the "social media apps" are full of videos, and media fighting to hook your attention. This rapid-scrolling behavior is conducive to "doom-scrolling", making it much harder to capture the eye of your potential customers.
I would recommend investing more time into "Literature-driven platforms", as I think you'll get far more engagement without the need to sell your soul for likes, and followers. In fact, I only have about 100 followers on Reddit at this time, yet I still managed to gain 50,000,000+ views on my content in May 2024.
Also, here's another great Reddit Post about finding customers for your B2B SaaS.

Opening up to friends, family, and colleagues as early customers

As you launch your product you're typically stuck in a paradoxical situation of needing to convince new clients with testimonials from previous clients. It's not easy to convert potential users without any data or feedback. It's much easier to do this when you have traction, but that's now always the case for a new SaaS founder.
Here are a few methods you can use to attract clients of your product early, in exchange for much-needed testimonials and referrals:
  1. Offer your product to your "inner circle". This includes friends, family, colleagues, connections on Linkedin, or members of your social club.
  2. Give discounts, and extended trial periods. It may cost you next to nothing to give your product out to testers, but having received a testimony repays you 100-fold!
  3. Run surveys on Survey Monkey, or - Not only will you get structured feedback from prospective users, but some of these testers might be willing to stay on, and use your product for an extended period.
  4. Offer lifetime deals to early adopters. This may not be very fun, but it's a real opportunity to start bringing in revenue, validating certain functions and capabilities, and again, creating testimonials that you can use to convince new clients that your service works.
Consider this your beta trial (B2B SaaS) period. B2B SaaS founders typically will leverage their existing network at the beginning due to a high likelihood that they have some level of corporate experience (at least I hope!) going into their new venture. To get started, all you need is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which represents the leanest version of your app idea. Customer feedback will significantly add value to the long-term outlook of your product at this stage.

Using analytics to optimize your sales funnel

How to build a SaaS sales funnel
This next section is dedicated to BareMetrics, who inspired many of the lists that you'll see.
First, let's talk about what a SaaS sales funnel actually is, according to BareMetrics:
"In sales and marketing, the “funnel” refers to the process of qualifying leads and converting them to customers. You pour in leads at the widest part at the top of the sales funnel. As you work on converting them through the sales process, the funnel narrows. The bottom of the funnel is where your hottest qualified leads pour into your business as customers.
The traditional sales funnel is broken down into a few stages as leads engage with your brand:
Awareness: This is where your prospects become aware of your product and your brand. They’re just learning who you are, what you do, and that they have a problem you can solve.
Discovery: This is the phase where prospective leads are doing some initial research, narrowing down the products and services that can help them solve their issue.
Evaluation: In this phase, prospects are conducting more serious evaluations, weighing the pros and cons of making a purchase, as well as comparing you to your competitors.
Intent: This is the final phase of the funnel before a purchase is made. Logic, numbers, and value-driven communication are the keys to making that final persuasive push.
Purchase: This is where leads have ultimately decided that your brand meets their needs. They then join the ranks of your paying customers! Your work isn’t done, though: You still need to help them through the welcome and onboarding phase.
For your SaaS business, you have one key additional stage you need to consider: retention. Unlike other retail businesses, you don’t just want your customers to make a one-time purchase. You have to continue persuading them of your continued value each month. In this phase, you can also use the insights you gather about the customer and their behavior to upsell with features that meet their specific needs (and, in turn, increase your average revenue per user)."
Beautifully written (in my opinion). Retention also deserves much of your focus here as a SaaS entrepreneur. You have to convince customers month-over-month that you're not only maintaining quality, but the product has a roadmap for improvement. The use case that attracts initial customers doesn't necessarily guarantee that they will keep coming back. You're going to have to keep an ear out for what they are saying, and use as many opportunities as you can to understand what their needs are. I did something like this on Reddit within the dating app space.

Learn which metrics you should be tracking to optimize your SaaS sales funnel

Hubspot CAC Recovery Chart - SaaS companies
Hubspot has a great write-up about 15 metrics that you should be tracking. Here they are (below):
  1. Customer Churn
  2. Revenue Churn
  3. Customer Lifetime Value
  4. Customer Acquisition Cost
  5. Months to Recover CAC
  6. CAC: LTV Ratio
  7. Customer Engagement Score
  8. Qualified Marketing Traffic
  9. Leads by Lifecycle Stage
  10. Lead-to-Customer Rate
  11. Customer Health Score
Every SaaS startup is different, and what they use to track overall growth and retention varies from company to company. Generally, most experts can agree that at a minimum, if you're team is focusing on optimization, these items should be reviewed every day, if not weekly within your organization.

What tools you should be using to optimize your SaaS sales funnel

Best analytics dashboard for my SaaS product - Mixpanel
My favorite tools for tracking data throughout your sales funnel are as follows:
  1. Unbounce / LeadPages - Landing page tracking and optimization
  2. / Inspectlet
  3. / Google Analytics
  4. / Wix / Webflow
  5. / Square / Braintree
  6. / Hubspot / Constant Contact
I also included some variants in this list. Notice that I did not include any ad platforms here. I know many marketing agencies would kill me, but it's not a necessary tool. Most of us have been taught to spend money on ads, to start tracking users to your platform, but if you're not generating at least 10,000 monthly visitors to your website organically (today), then you should take the organic route. Here's a resource on how to start getting clients for your SaaS startup. Only when you've exhausted all other ways of generating organic traffic, you should invest in advertising.
For me, it may be worth it to bring in another resource, who can guarantee me organic traffic with proven strategies, than pay for a PPC campaign, full of bot clicks from bot farms!

Create comparison content with competitors

Just recently I found a thread in SaaS talking about their journey with SEO. After 6 months of implementation, their strategy now brings in passive sales, due to their commitment to content creation. Many SaaS founders are admitting that creating "comparison content" with competitors is a great way to leverage a larger brand's presence in the SERP space. I highly recommend you invest in creating feature matrices detailing where, why, and how you stand out from other competitors on the market.

What you should do after you've gained thousands of new customers

Let's do a short recap to identify how we've gotten here.
  1. We officially launched our SaaS
  2. We invited our inner circle of friends, family, and colleagues as initial testers of our B2C SaaS, and leveraged our professional network for B2B SaaS.
  3. We offered discounts, trials, or lifetime deals in exchange for feedback and testimonials.
  4. We've highlighted initial success stories as case studies on our SaaS brand website, to help us convince new clients
  5. We've set up a sales funnel (feedback loop) to track conversion success at every core inflection point using top tools like Mixpanel, Unbounce, and Stripe.
  6. We're implementing organic social media strategies that drive 10,000+ visitors to our SaaS landing page every month, which helps us optimize our sales funnel (5).
  7. We've invested in a customer retention strategy, equal to our outreach strategy. Tools such as Mailchimp (newsletters), and SMS marketing ( work well here.
  8. We've exhausted growth, and need to further 10x our user base. Now's a great time to consider influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, or paid ads.
The decision to invest in a team or organic social media assets to continue growth, or take the path of investing in ad campaigns for growth really depends on where you see yourself in 2 - 3 years. Some people want to build a SaaS product that helps them live a simpler life, assisting in an exit from the traditional corporate 9 - 5 pm. Others desire to take the VC route, raise funds, and scale to extraordinary heights, eventually going public through an IPO.
No matter what your decision is, none of this can happen without achieving success in steps 1 - 8. For some SaaS founders, they will achieve every point mentioned within 6 months, while others might take 6 years. A good example of this slow and steady approach is Mailchimp of course!

Getting customers for your SaaS is easier than you think

This article will single-handedly provide you with the links and resources needed to build a customer base within your first 6-months of launch. Within 2 - 3 months you could even exceed the 1,000 user mark. For some 100 customers is also great, it just depends on who you're targeting (B2B vs. B2C). Make sure to focus on customer success, get those testimonials, and establish dominance by giving your loyal clients a bespoke experience!
If you found this article helpful and are ready to continue executing, feel free to grab a copy of our book The Growth Checklist. It's the only book around that guarantees growth within 30 days, or we'll fully refund you the value of the book. If you've already purchased a copy, and are struggling to execute upon any strategies, you can simply book a meeting with me here.

Find us on your favorite platforms

We also wrote this article, along with other similar ones on the following platforms:
  1. Linkedin
  2. Reddit
  3. The Growth Blog (24 Hour Designs)
  4. Quora
  5. Medium
Follow us on whichever platform you prefer!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by FewWillingness1081 to u/FewWillingness1081 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:49 TheeMetalPigeon Advice on deposit dispute (Tenant)

Hi all,
I'm in the middle of a dispute with my former landlord and thought it best to ask other landlords think to see what ground I stand on as a tenant. Context - Myself and a friend lived at this property for 12 months. We did not think we'd have a dispute so did not take thorough enough pictures of everything.
Deposit my landlord would like to take (£1080 out of £1100)
£200 - Garden maintenance. We mowed the lawn and weeded the garden 2 days before key handover date we did not take pictures. In their claim they show pictures of an overgrown garden 2 weeks after handover and claim we left it in a state of array.
£75 - Kitchen handles damage. The kitchen handles were painted black and this paint has worn in places from use, there is no actual damage. The landlord claims we have been negligent.
£130 - Dining room linal. We had a table and chairs here. After removing the furniture on leaving we found the table had left marks on the linal. We're not fighting this as that's our fault.
£135 - Conservatory linal. Claims there are holes and other damage. This room was a mess on arrival and didn't use it once in the 12 months. We have images of this however the landlord is claiming we're photoshoping the dates on our images.
£225 - Rear bedroom. Mould damage around the window. Mould was present on arrival and we tried to deal with it without damaging anything. Again in our move in images the landlord claims we Photoshopped the dates.
£225 - Front bedroom. Smoke damage and burn marks on the carpet. We don't smoke, vape and didn't use any candles. There are marks on the wall from command strips and marks on the carpet are from previous tenants.
£90 - Stain on upstairs carpet. Slight discoloration on upstairs carpet. We're not quite sure about this one as we never noticed it.
We had a professional cleaner to come in before we left the property. We didn't take enough images to counter each location the landlord is claiming against us as we thought we wouldn't have an issue. During tenancy they seemed friendly enough so we got caught off guard here.
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by TheeMetalPigeon to uklandlords [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:38 BigMikeyP72 Envirodome

“And for the missing person reports that date back many years, police still have not found any leads to the odd disappearance of multiple people around our little town of Welks, Utah. If police find any new leads, I, Nathan White, will be the first to give you the news.” Nathan White is a small town reporter who is finishing up his final words of the day's news. Charlie Akins, Nathan’s colleague and long time friend is manning the camera. Nathan is your typical guy who never gives up and has the determination of a beaver building its dam. He will take any story he is given and will do his best to make it the best. Charlie on the other hand is about as outgoing as a sloth and so paranoid he can’t go anywhere without thinking the worst, but will never leave his friend’s side. Soon after the two wrap up, Charlie gets a call from their boss who claims to have a new story they could cover. Nathan places their gear in the news van as Charlie walks over. With the way Charlie nervously walks over, Nathan knows something is odd. “So what’s the deal? We got a story or what?” Charlie gets in the driver seat of the van without saying a word and Nathan quickly follows, getting into the passenger seat. As Charlie begins driving, he tells Nathan what their boss had spoken to him about. An old abandoned government facility sits out in the farthest outskirts of the town. It’s in the shape of a dome that’s large enough to house an entire town. There’s no records of anyone ever entering the facility since the 50’s and no one seems to know what it was for. Only thing anyone knows, or suspects, is that it may be cursed or haunted as people who have ever been near it claim to hear screams and voices coming from within. Charlie is hesitant of even the thought of covering the story but continues to drive assuming Nathan will be intrigued. Charlie was correct, of course, as Nathan quickly calls their boss to inform him that they’re checking it out. Without question, Charlie continues driving until they are so far out that Welks is completely out of sight in the rearview mirror. They eventually see a large structure in the distance that they quickly realize is the center of their new story. “Holy shit, Charlie! I’ve never seen this place before and just… Wow,” Nathan says excitedly. “Nathan, I don’t know about this one. Something seems off. Even the boss seemed hesitant to tell me about this place,” Charlie responds. “Come on, Charlie. We’ve always wanted to cover a GHOST STORY.” “No, YOU have always wanted to cover a ghost story. I’ve always wanted to get the hell away from every single person I come in contact with and sleep in my bed.” “Don’t do me like that.” “You know I’ve got your back through thick and thin, Nate. But I’ve seriously got a bad feeling about this one.” “I know but come on, serious-... ly…” Nathan is awestruck by the sight of a large sign on the outer brink of a long driveway leading to the entrance of the dome. The sign reads:
Although it was obvious by the city-sized dome in the middle of the desert, this sign fully confirmed they were in the right place. They continue down the driveway until they finally reach a parking lot that lies in front of the only noticeably cube-like design of the entire facility. The parking lot was small, or at least it seemed that way based on how huge the building was. Nathan and Charlie assumed it would be glass, but instead, the decrepit building, now known to be The Envirodome, was made of a strong thick, yet rusted metal. They realized this was most likely by design considering the people who created it wouldn’t have wanted anyone to know what went on inside. Almost the entire building was covered in a thick layer of vines except for the front door. The doors at the entrance were oddly only covered in smaller vine growth that was far more fragile than the rest. Charlie parks the van as an awestruck Nathan barely waits for him to stop and exits the passenger side. Charlie hesitantly follows suit. Nathan reaches the double entrance doors and rips away the vines. He quickly finds the handle of the right door and much to his surprise, it cracks open. “Ooh spooky,” Nathan jokingly says to Charlie. “Shut up,” Charlie snaps back. As Nathan and Charlie open the large metal door and walk inside, they find far more than, yet somehow everything, they had expected. The duo walk inside only to find an entire small community within. Businesses, homes, trees and more fill the miles long dome in all directions, seemingly to no end. “There’s a whole damn town in this place?! How the hell did not a single person know this existed,” Charlie exclaims out of pure shock. “Dude… How the fuck am I suppose to know? That’s why we’re here, remember? To cover the story of this place and get it out to the people…” Nathan sarcastically snaps back. Charlie, nervous as all hell, ignores Nathan as they continue forward in the hopes to find information on this place somewhere inside. They don’t even reach but about 10-15 feet inside before the door slams shut behind them and locks itself into place. Once fully locked, the doors start to change as if there was never a door or wall there at all. It quickly changes into a hyper-realistic hologram of more trees and roads. Soon enough, it looked as if an exit never even existed. Nathan quickly realizes that there seemingly are no walls in any direction. However, realistically and logically, there must be dead ends in all directions, the dome was obviously designed in a special way. Although there was a dome surrounding the town inside, there were still plenty of places Nathan and Charlie could explore. With beautifully green trees all around, houses and even rundown businesses, the entire place looked and felt like a normal little town instead of the inside of a previously government owned facility. Despite absolutely not a single structural flaw in the dome, a small breeze glides through the air, whistling to the ears of any who would listen. Both Nathan and Charlie are confused, yet in awe, by the experience at hand, but still they carry on. Nathan suggests going to the nearest building to search for information as he takes his next steps into the oddly beautiful scenery. Charlie, however, hesitates his next step until he realizes Nathan is already further ahead of him. Trees dance and sway in the cool breeze, grass and vines grow over large rocks and multiple buildings, and even clouds sail through the beautifully blue skies that couldn’t possibly be real but at this point it’s not unbelievable. With so much to admire, Nathan quickly loses focus on the task at hand until Charlie speaks up. “Hey, Nate. Shouldn’t we hurry up and get to wherever the hell we’re going?” “Huh? Oh… Yeah, yeah. Sorry…” Nathan snaps back to his senses and continues forward. As they continue to what seems like a small neighborhood, they notice something in the distant wooded area. It’s a four-legged creature that could be a wolf or coyote. Nathan and Charlie pick up speed as they are unsure of what it could really be and prefer not to be attacked. On arrival to the neighborhood, the two men notice that multiple mannequins are oddly placed around as if they had been living a life. An eerie feeling washes over them as they both become a little more skeptical of being there. Nathan looks back to check on his friend and notices Charlie is visibly paranoid as he looks around. He feels a moment of guilt for making him come here for a story to cover, but that moment was just that. A moment. Nathan quickly nudges Charlie to get him to come with him as he walks up to an open house. As they walk in, they split up. Charlie searches the living room and kitchen. Nathan goes straight to the farthest bedroom in the back. Searching every nook and cranny, Nathan finds absolutely nothing but an old withered bible. He begins to walk into another room when suddenly, Charlie’s voice echoes through the empty hallway. “Holy fuck,” Charlie exclaims. “What’s wrong,” Nathan yells while running into the living room. Nathan finds Charlie holding an old yellowed stack of papers. Charlie hands them to Nathan without uttering a single word. On top is an old document that reads:
Aug. 17, 1953: Testing is ready to commence for Project 718/Operation “SUPER” in the environment dome. However, there are no volunteers for testing just yet.
Aug. 18, 1953: Chief scientist, Dr. Maximus Woods, has volunteered as prime subject under the name: Subject Zero. All tests are now being prepared.
Aug. 20, 1953: Day 1 of testing has started. The Super Serum has been injected into Dr. Maximus Woods A.K.A Subject Zero at approximately 12:53 A.M. It has been hours and nothing has happened thus far.
Aug. 25, 1953: Subject Zero has gained a slight form of telekinesis. Small signs of abnormally quick healing factors have also appeared, taking only a couple of hours to fully heal mid-large wounds made on the subject's body. Tests, so far, seem to be successful with no side effects.
Aug. 30, 1953: Subject Zero has had impressive changes with easy to control telekinesis, rapid healing, and even large amounts of strength.
Sep. 5, 1953: Over the past week, Subject Zero has been undergoing small changes in personality, possibly a slight side effect of the serum. This will be monitored.
Sep. 10, 1953: Subject Zero has become rapidly unstable, showing major signs of insanity. Subject does not seem to realize the environment is simulated and treats test mannequins placed around the environment dome as if they were living beings.
Sep. 17, 1953: Multiple teams have been sent in to try and allow real communication with living beings. However, all teams have been killed by Subject Zero. He also does not allow anyone to retrieve the bodies and it is unclear what he does with them.
Oct. 3, 1953: Subject has become far too unstable to continue any further testing. All research will be abandoned but a small team will remain in the overseer’s office. For full safety measures, this team has agreed that if the facility must be destroyed then they will die with it. This was the intended way in case of emergency. If the facility is self-destructed, no one inside will survive.
“What the hell…” Nathan says fearfully. “Read the newspaper article that’s attached,” says Charlie. The newspaper article reads:
October 3, 1953 Today, the government-run facility, Envirodome, had been shut down after multiple men had been slaughtered at the hands of the company’s very own test subject, Subject Zero. The few men who made it out alive today could not speak of or about the tests done but we were told that their subject is still inside the facility. Test Subject Zero was locked inside only as a safety protocol but many wonder, how long will he remain there?
Upon this discovery, Nathan stops to think and wonders if he screwed up by taking on this story to cover. Nathan, being himself, tries to lighten the mood but before uttering a single word, he is cut off by a rough and deep voice in the distance. The voice now being the only thing to focus on, Nathan and Charlie look out the front windows of the old house and spot the figure of a man playing baseball with a mannequin. Upon further inspection, the man is wearing clothes obviously not of this era. With an old 50’s jacket that is nearly torn to shreds, an old pair of blue jean slacks, a red shoe on one foot and a black one on the other and hair that clearly hasn’t been washed in years, the man is the exact look and description of pure insanity. Not just with his looks but also with his actions, he clearly is not a stable man. In the yard of the next house over, the man is talking and playing catch with a mannequin. “For the last time Jimmy, I’m tired of your shit! Catch the damn ball or at the very least attempt to instead of just standing there,” the crazed man screams as he chucks a baseball at its head resulting in its immediate decapitation. Nathan, with a humor full of bad timing, nearly bursts into laughter. “Shut the fuck up, Nathan! That’s the guy from the document and newspaper article. He’s Dr… Uh… Maximus Woods! Subject Zero! He’s been here since the 50’s,” Charlie fearfully exclaims. “There’s no way in hell, Charlie. The guy doesn’t even look like he’s past his mid-30’s.” “I told you to call me Subject Zero! That old name is dead to me!” The man, now confirmed to be Subject Zero, yells out to another mannequin. “Believe me now, asshat,” Charlie snaps at Nathan. “Shush! What was that?” Subject Zero quickly snaps his attention to Nathan and Charlie’s direction and begins to walk to them. The two men look at each other in fearful confusion and simultaneously say, “oh shit.” Instinctually, Charlie runs out of the house from fear and with a quick, “FUCK!” Nathan follows him. Running out of the house like a couple of preyed upon animals, they run up the street further into the neighborhood. Taking a quick glance, Nathan spots a strange sight. Subject Zero and many other figures are chasing after them. Upon further examination, Nathan realizes that what he’s witnessing is something straight out of a horror movie. The other figures are , in fact, not even humans. They’re mannequins! All the mannequins they had seen back at the other houses are now moving like humans and coming right for them alongside Subject Zero. Nathan is running so fast you could mistake him for a train breaking loose from its tracks, but sadly, Charlie is slowing down, unable to keep up with his friend. Nathan manages to reach a hiding spot behind a dumpster, unintentionally leaving Charlie to await his own horrors as Nathan is nothing but forced to watch. Charlie begins to stumble and trips over his own feet. Soon after, the mannequins catch up to him. Nathan wants to help, but knows he can’t so all he does is watch in horror. Lying on the ground, Charlie gasps for air as the mannequins and Subject Zero surround him. They stare at him for a moment before eventually beating him simultaneously until Charlie is soaked in his own blood, barely alive. Suddenly, they stop. Charlie, nearly lifeless, drags his gaze in Nathan’s direction. He mouths, “GO” before coughing up blood. Nathan holds back tears and vomit as he looks away in guilt. All the mannequins that were once beating the life out of Charlie turn around and scatter before ultimately becoming, once again, inanimate objects. Like a lion searching for its prey, Subject Zero scans the area. With danger nearby, Nathan looks around to find a house with any open doors to attempt to find safety. He spots a nearby house with an open window and decides it's his best option. Without hesitation, Nathan sprints to the window and leaps in like a gazelle escaping its demise. Much to his surprise, he went unnoticed. “I might be insane, but I know I wasn't just seeing double of your little friend here. Where the hell are you,” screams Subject Zero as two mannequins carry Charlie's bloodied, yet still alive, body away. Nathan, afraid, yet determined, locks himself inside the house and sits behind a kitchen counter. He looks up to see if it's safe enough to search the house. Once he realizes it is, he begins to look around. The kitchen is oddly empty. Not a single piece of silverware, plate or food. Out of the entire house, the living room is the best looking part, even though it still looks like a tornado came through it. With hopes of finding something, Nathan scrummages through everything lying on the decrepit wooden floor. After a moment of searching, Nathan notices multiple papers scattered around all dated October of 1953. All the papers say different things about Project ‘SUPER’ and Subject Zero. Although most papers essentially say the same things, one paper stands out the most. It’s a newspaper dated a few days after the imminent shutdown of the facility. October 9, 1953 The project was abandoned and only a few escaped but one former employee of Envirodome decides to speak up about the events. “The main doors may have been closed but they sadly were not locked,” the scientist tells our interviewer, “Oddly, the doors were made to allow people in but not back out unless you went to the overseer’s office and unlocked the main doors. All this means, anyone who decides to go inside without knowing this info will be trapped forever with a psycho maniac. Fortunately, Subject Zero’s insanity affected his mind so badly he doesn’t even realize he’s in a fake little world that’s specially made for him.”
A little further down the same newspaper article it reads:
The former Envirodome employee continues. “All documents will state that Dr. Maximus Woods volunteered to be Subject Zero, but that just isn’t true. We tricked him. You see, we needed someone and Dr. Woods was just this weird scientist that no one really liked. We convinced him that if he volunteered that he would be a hero. Someone who could save our world if the serum worked. He was so happy and we just laughed at him but knew we needed him for the tests. As soon as everything began, it all ended. As he became more and more deranged, he also became more determined to make the serum work. He eventually took living people he kept with him and made his own serum to try and perfect it. But it never worked. It just leads to each person to become crazier and far quicker. He ended up just killing everyone that the serum didn’t work on. God knows what he does to any poor soul that innocently walks into that building and gets trapped.”
With this new knowledge, Nathan knew he fucked up by coming into this beautiful hell. Now filled with dreaded emotions, he gets onto his feet and sets onward through the hallway. As he reaches the beginning of the hallway, the front door is unexpectedly busted down by an already all too familiar figure, Subject Zero. Reacting quickly, Nathan sprints to the farthest back room of the house. Being the master bedroom, it has plenty of space but sadly doesn’t have a lock on the door. Thinking quickly, Nathan slams the door and nervously shoves a large stand up dresser down on its side and in front of the doorway. He knows it won’t hold for long, especially considering, just a mere seconds ago, he witnessed Subject Zero burst a door off its hinges in the blink of an eye. Subject Zero is on the hunt, looking in every room all while Nathan stands in the master bedroom freaking out. Eventually, he comes to his senses and looks out the room's only window. It’s quite a drop below due to the house sitting on a slanted yard. Without hesitation, Nathan prepares himself for his only option. He opens the window and prepares to jump as the door of the room begins to be beaten upon. The door eventually breaks in half and standing on the other side is Subject Zero. Nathan slings himself out the window but it inevitably leads to pain. Nathan, with a possibly broken ankle, stands against the wall to stay as Subject Zero looks through the window wondering how he could lose his only entertainment so easily. Subject Zero eventually angrily wanders off as he cusses at himself. Nathan takes that as his cue to stumble his way into the nearby forest. Nathan manages to make it a decent distance into the forest before stumbling and falling next to a large oak tree. Expecting to be free from danger for at least a while, he relaxes against the tree and closes his eyes. Far too early for assumptions, he hears something and quickly opens his eyes to see Subject Zero’s fist unexpectedly rushing to his face, resulting in a knockout. After a while, Nathan cracks his eyes open, barely able to see. He looks around in a trance until he hears a familiar voice. “Hey, Nate! Nate! Wake the fuck up! I’m not dead!” Nathan fully comes to and looks over to see an upside down Charlie. Confused, he looks at Charlie unsure of what to say. Eventually he speaks. “What the fuck…? Why the hell are you upside down?” Charlie points to Nathan’s feet, revealing he is in fact, the one upside down hanging by his feet. “Oh, fuck… WHAT THE FUCK?!? Get me down, you asshole!” Charlie unties the rope, leading to Nathan falling on his head. Rubbing his head, Nathan gets up with ease, which leads him to wonder why there’s no pain in his ankle. He quickly shrugs it off and looks back at Charlie as he finally realizes the situation. “Wait a damn minute, how the hell are you alive? I saw you get beaten to a pulp.” “Yeahhhh… Well, first off, thanks for leaving me, but I’ll tell you everything I know, just as they did for me.” Charlie points over to a small crowd of people waiting behind the dark shadows of the room. With a short, yet detailed, briefing, he tells Nathan that these people are all the missing people they’ve been reporting about. They all have been curious people who have wandered into the facility but inevitably became a morbid science experiment by Subject Zero. Charlie continues on to tell Nathan that every single one of these people have been injected with a similar serum as Subject Zero but each one is a slightly altered version. “So, let me get this straight… These people have all been injected with the same damn insanity poison as that madman and there’s absolutely no telling who could lose it and kill us with FUCKING TELEKINISIS!” “Yeah, pretty much. But I’ve been told that Subject Zero murders every failed attempt before they hurt any of his other precious test subjects. So far, all he’s done is prolong the insanity effects.” “Charlie, we have to somehow get the fuck out of here.” “We can’t. Do you not understand what I just said?” “Look, I get that these people are innocent but they’re obviously going to be massive dangers to humanity. We can get out of here. I don’t know how but… Somehow!” “Nate! I can’t get out of here.” “What the fuck are you talking about?” Charlie raises up his arm and reveals a small pinprick of a needle in his skin. “Charlie, what is that? No… Wait, you were injected too?” “Yeah.” “FUCK!” “Look, as far as I’m concerned, you haven’t been injected. There’s no needle mark in your skin. YOU could actually get out of here.” “I’m not leaving you behind again, Charlie! It was a nightmare seeing what they did to you the first time.” “Nathan, I -” Suddenly and very unexpectedly, one of the people in the crowd begins to scream from within the shadows. Nathan, confused and afraid, looks over at the man losing his sanity. Within seconds, the man stops screaming as the entire room falls into a deafening silence. The man looks in Nathan’s direction and shines a demonic grin with a stare that could pierce the soul of any mortal man. Knowing the man is coming toward him, Nathan slowly starts backing up against the cold concrete walls. The man, with all new senses, uses his new telekinetic ability to push others from the crowd aside. Charlie, being brave for the first and possibly final time in his life, attempts to stand in the way but is quickly subdued as he’s flung against the wall. Finally reaching Nathan, the man brings his gaze into a full on stare into Nathan’s soul. For Nathan, it’s as if death has come for him. Suddenly, the man’s gaze is ripped away by a familiar face of evil. Subject Zero heard the screams and came to claim his failed experiment. This led to an all-out brawl between the two men. Anyone would describe it in the same way you would if two rabid dogs were fighting over food. One dog gets up after being ripped open and the other gets its face gashed by a hard hitting blow, yet they still fight. Only difference between the two, one is just a dog wanting its food and the other is trained to kill. Suddenly, with a vicious blow, Subject Zero wins the fight when he takes the man’s head and slams it so hard into the concrete floor that his skull cracks open causing blood, brains, and skull fragments to fly over the silent crowd. With one final glance, Subject Zero looks over the entire crowd. He ends his gaze by making sure Nathan is the last to see his devilish eyes. Soon after, he leaves the room and locks the door. Nathan stares at the corpse lying on the ground with a look of pure terror and proceeds to collapse onto the floor while holding back tears. The small concrete room soon fills with despair as everyone watches the tears of pain and fear run down Nathan’s face. Charlie tries to make his long-time friend feel a little more hopeful, although he soon gives up as well until he has a moment of realization. He remembers back to when they first were searching for information he had found an article with some intriguing details. “Okay, so, there may be some hope after all.” “Charlie, what hope is there? Huh?! You’re pretty much fucked and I don’t exactly see a way out of here.” “One of the articles back at the house we were in said something about a self-destruct button. That’s also how you open the main doors. Apparently, no one ever bothered, or I guess, never got the chance to hit the self-destruct timer and run their asses to the door. What if we- I mean, YOU could actually do that?” “Charlie, I already told you I don’t want to leave you behind.” “GOD DAMN IT, NATHAN! I know… FUCK! I know. But I want you to survive. Can’t you just listen to me for once?! I would follow you through hell and back and it kind of feels that way right now. So? Can you just listen to what I want you to do for once while I’m practically on my deathbed?!” “Okay! Okay…” Suddenly, an unexpected chance of escape arrives at their feet. Subject Zero and a few of his mannequins walk in to remove the mutilated corpse from the room. Unexpectedly, one of the people in the crowd begins to scream out in pain just like the other man did moments ago before his demise. “Oh, great…” Subject Zero says irritatedly. Soon after, multiple others begin to scream out in pain until eventually the entire crowd follows suit. Nathan, and somehow Charlie have not been affected. The room quickly becomes engulfed in a hurricane of insanity. This leads Subject Zero and the mannequins to getting distracted by the madness and accidentally leaves the door open. Subject Zero quickly gets attacked by everyone in the room but he holds his ground firmly. Nathan knows this is the perfect chance to escape and signals Charlie to come with him. Charlie hesitantly comes along but right as they reach the door Nathan turns to hear the sounds of Charlie going through the worst pain of his life. Nathan looks in confusion but quickly realizes he’s about to have to accept his friend’s fate. Nathan refuses to accept it, but he knows he needs to. Charlie suddenly lunges at Nathan and uses his last act of sanity and control to push him out the door. “Get. To the button. Please.” “Charlie, I- I’m-” “I’m sorry…” Charlie finally snaps and is engulfed in pure raging insanity. He lunges at Nathan but before he reaches him, Nathan, with teary eyes, slams the door onto his friend, turns, and begins running out into the seemingly vast wilderness. As he runs, Nathan hears the cries of a dozen men and women as they get ripped apart. Knowing that among them is his best friend, Nathan begins to cry as he continues to run away from his previous hell.
End of Part 1.
submitted by BigMikeyP72 to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:38 LunchpaiI when does FT/PT status automatically change?

I'm currently PT. I received a letter in the mail in April about qualifying for full time benefits because of average hours March-March. I called HR and they confirmed that I had accrued enough hours to switch to FT. She said it would be the first pay cycle of June. Wouldn't that have been on Friday? Or would it be two weeks from Friday? I also keep seeing conflicting answers around here. I've seen people say July and I've also seen people say it would be the anniversary of your hire date. An old coworker did indeed switch to FT (no req or position change by SM) in the Fall. Pretty sure that was also their 1 year mark at the company. Kinda tells me the switch actually doesn't happen until the anniversary of your hire date... Which would be some months away for me still.
submitted by LunchpaiI to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 Annie_Scripted [A4A] [Neighbours] [Speaker!Birthday] [Flirty] [Shy] [Meet Cute]

This is my first time posting on Reddit so if I've made any mistakes in content or formatting, please let me know. Also, this is my first time writing an ASMR script, so please feel free to add any comments or feedback (but please be nice about it, I’m a sensitive soul lol). I really appreciate any help or suggestions the community can offer.
A note on my story formatting: … indicates a pause where the listener’s dialogue would be. Additional pauses and breaks in the conversation are marked as (Pause). Actions/direction are written out in the following formatting; [Speaker runs away].
However you want to add SFX, ad-libs, and additional breaks is up to you. All I ask is that you keep any changes small and SFW.
I'm fine with anyone using this script for recording and/or monetization but please do not reupload this script anywhere. If you use this script, please make sure you credit me in the description of your video or post. And, if possible, please link the content under this post.
Thanks bunches!
[Speaker knocks on a door. There is no answer. Sigh. Try the next door, no answer, sigh again. Finally knock on a third door and it opens after a brief pause]
“Hi! I’m so sorry to bother you so late. I swear I wouldn't normally do this but it’s kind of an emergency. Well, not a real emergency, sorry, it’s actually a (Pause) baking emergency. I live a few doors down the hall and this is gonna sound so silly but could I borrow a few cups of flour?”

“Yeah, I made it halfway through a recipe before I realized I was forgetting the most important part. Hard to bake a cake without flour, you know? I’d run out to the store and get it myself but everything around here’s closed and I don’t even know if the buses run this late. Sorry, I shouldn’t even be knocking on doors at this time of day, I probably woke up half the floor.”
“Seriously? You’d do that? Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver. The last thing I wanted to do was have to start googling those nonsense flour-free cake recipes, you know? Not that there’s anything wrong with those, obviously, just… Not what I was hoping for.”

“I’m [Insert name here], by the way. Sorry, I didn’t even introduce myself. What’s your name?”

“It’s really nice to meet you. I think you’re actually the first neighbour I’ve really met face-to- face in the building.”

“It’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but I’ve lived here for about a year, actually. What about you?”

“Hey, look at us, twins. And somehow I don’t think I’ve ever bumped into you in the elevator before.”

“Oh. Are you sure that’d be okay? I don’t want to come in if it might make you uncomfortable.”

[Laugh] “I promise I’m not a serial killer. Here, pinky promise.”

“Don’t laugh at the pinky promise! That’s unbreakable, it’s like the law. And I’ll have you know I always follow the law. I don’t even jaywalk. (Pause) Most of the time. (Pause) Alright, I did a few days ago but there was an ice cream truck across the street and work really kicked my butt and I swear there weren’t any cars coming.”
[Speaker walks in and closes the door behind them.]

“Sorry, we have almost the exact same apartment layout but yours is so… I don’t know, it’s just so much nicer. It feels like a proper home in here.”
“It does! You should see mine. I still haven’t unpacked half of my stuff since a year ago, it probably looks like no one even lives there.”
[Speaking under their breath] “Huh? Is that an invitation?” (Pause) [Stammer] “Oh! You mean, I guess, I mean, maybe if you, I, Yeah. Yeah, it could be.” [Laugh]
“What? I’m not blushing!”

“I’m not! I’m just… warm, I guess. Is the heat on in here? It feels like the heat’s on in here. It’s warm.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be getting the flour, not teasing me?”

“Oh, you like to tease? [Stammer] That’s, you, okay.” [Laugh]
“Shut up, I’m not blushing! Ah!”

“You know, you’re lucky you’re cute.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I did. I called you cute. What are you gonna do about it, huh?”

“Oh, now who’s blushing? Not so high and mighty anymore, are you? Now that the tables have turned. That’s what I thought.”

“Don’t blame me, you started it.”

“Gosh, who knew I lived down the hall from such a menace?”

[Laugh] “Alright, alright, truce?”

“Good. Let’s seal it with another pinky promise.”

“It’s not dumb, come on. Pinky up.”

“There we go, thank you.”
[Listener collects flour for the speaker, pots and pans and kitchen supplies clatter]

“Hm? The cake? Oh, it’s for me.”

“Yeah, I guess it is for a bit of a special occasion. I mean, not that special.”

“I’m not being cryptic. Maybe you’re just being nosey.”

“No, no, it’s okay. Sorry, I’m just teasing. Not that I’m a tease! That’s your job.

“Tomorrow is actually my birthday.”

“Thank you. You’re the first person to wish me a happy birthday this year. It’s a little early but much appreciated.”

[Sigh] “I don’t think I’ll do much. Probably just go to work, maybe buy a bottle of wine, have my cake.”

“My friends? Nah, they’re all busy. I mean, I guess I didn’t really ask. I do have friends, I swear. But they’ve all got partners and kids and fancy careers. They’re busy, you know? I don’t want to bug them with my stuff.”

“It’s fine, really. I usually just stick to myself for my birthday. And hey, you know what, I’m spoiling myself. It’s not everyday I eat a whole double chocolate fudge cake by myself.”

“It’s even more delicious than it sounds. If I ever get my flour.” [Laugh]

“Pardon? (Pause) You want to try it?”

“I think that sounds like a great idea.”

“Don’t even start, I am not blushing! I don’t blush!”

“If you keep teasing me, I’m withholding delicious, ooey gooey cake from you.”

“Ooo, now see, that got you, didn’t it?”

“No, don’t blame me, you started teasing me again first, you betrayed the pinky promise before I did. All heck’s broken loose at this point.” [Laugh]
“The important thing is now I know I can use treats to bribe you into behaving yourself.”

“Oh you always behave? Is that so? I only just met you and I already know better than to believe that.”
“Yeah, I do.”

“You’re gonna prove me wrong? I’ll believe it when I see it. How about you prove me wrong tomorrow night? That’d be quite the birthday surprise.

“Alright, it’s a date. [Stammer] I mean, a deal. It’s a deal. I definitely said deal.”

“I’ll the bring cake, I promise.”

“Yes, and the wine. See? Just can’t behave at all. Bossy.”

“Okay. I will see you then, yeah?”

“Cool. (Pause) Oh! The flour! I almost forgot” [Laugh]

“Thanks. I’ll see you soon. Goodnight.”
[Speaker closes door]
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ End ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
submitted by Annie_Scripted to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:17 Lawschoolhope11 Construction Defects After Moving In - 2 Years Later (Within Warranty)

Hi Everyone - I bought a new construction townhome two years ago and before the 1 year warranty mark, I sent a long list of everything that needs to be fixed. Since I sent written proof before the 1 year warranty date, the builders are obligated to fix everything on that list.
Eventually they fixed a lot on the list; however, there is one big issue that they haven't fixed and refuse to find a professional to fix it (using a fix all contractor right now). My first floor had several bubbles (wood flexing up and down when stepped on) and the concrete below it was not leveled. This is engineered hard wood and they are designed to be installed as floating floors due to the concrete.
Context (will keep dates as years but I am within the warranty):
Mid 2022: Bought home
Early 2023: Reported that the 1st floor is uneven
Early 2024: One year later, removed the floor and found that the concrete was not even (this is when I started not having any flooring in my first floor, just concrete)
It has been 104+ days since they started this whole floor removal/installation and I have had not been able to use my first floor and garage ever since (garage is full of flooring material). Leadership refuses to acknowledge my concerns, worry, and inconveniences (personal, work) that this has caused and will continue to cause. I am just wondering if there are any legal actions that I can pursue?
Ultimately, this has caused a lot of inconveniences for my family and the fact that I can't even use 1/3 of the house that I have purchased 2 years ago is crazy to me.
I have submitted BBB complaints and State AG complaints and nothing has made the builders move faster.
Looking for any advice. Thank you!
submitted by Lawschoolhope11 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:16 TheKittyCow Catholics and Young/Old Earth Creationism (and

Hey everyone, just a quick preface that I've been raised Catholic my entire life (22M) but I have a question regarding our view of the age of the Earth (and in turn the concept of Biblical absolute truth).
My roommate is Lutheran and an adamant believer of YEC and the Bible being the final and absolute truth, with nothing in it being incorrect and all being a direct account from God. With the Bible holding no falacies, according to them, the 7 days of Genesis are a literal 7 days and the bloodlines and ancestral accounts found within the other books are all accurate with nothing having been missed, skipped, and with very slight wiggle room for a few additional years here and there.
Because of all this, they believe the Earth is around 10,000 years old as can be traced back in the Bible. Which in turn was written through the influence of the Holy Spirit making it the true and exact word of God. I most certainly do not deny the influence of the HS on those who wrote the Bible, but I'm struggling with seeing the rest of it.
We have science, carbon dating that has been tested to tell the age of things, etc etc. My roommate's argument to this is that science and mathematics are all theoretical, being constructs of humanity to try and explain things. While there is some logical and absolute truth within these concepts, they are still just constructs. Since we can not repeate the creation of the Earth, we can not say that we are 100% accurate that it was formed over the course of years and everything was just "there" through the grace and creation of God with the appearance of having been there longer.
I'm a firm believer in OEC, and I do not plan on changing that. I believe that the Bible was written through the influence of the HS but that it contains a lot of things that are up to interpretation rather than to be taken word for word. Meanings can be lost in translation, some practices referenced were for the specific time period and cultures and are not meant to be applied to today's society, and so on.
Basically I'm wondering if my beliefs fall in line with the true teaching of the Church or if I'm just way off the mark. And what else I should know on these topics. Thanks everyone.
submitted by TheKittyCow to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:02 Apoc7620 How to deflate the hype of returning or new players.

Yes, I am aware there will be many posts about the sudden end of the season and how the new progression system sucks. This will not be very different from that, so if you don't feel like reading about it, that's okay but this was the warning.
While it's true I came back after the start of the season (it started on March 26th and I started a new character on April 13th), I have played every single day since. I have FO1st and the boost to Score that brings. I have completed every challenge, every day, with a booster on for each set of weeklies and two sets of dailies. And yet, I will still end up being level 145 by the time the new season drops.
So essentially what I'm being told is, I could at most take one week worth of time off from the game for the entire season if I want to hit the 150 mark, or I can take all fun out of the game and grind things like West-Tek that every talks about so I can get the leveling Score early since it's a finite resource.
How is this player friendly? But also, what kind of company doesn't give legitimate advanced notice of the season end? Especially since it appears 76's seasons vary in length from 2½ to almost 4 months. Say what you will, but at least with Modern Warfare 3 I know every season is exactly 56 days long, so I can plan accordingly. Or in Diablo 3's case, not only do I get a set end-date, but the leveling is very reasonable and quick feeling. With 76, we instead have to guess until the last minute, and can't even grind the last bit in a pinch because we're stalled by arbitrary daily limitations on what we can earn.
All in all, being so close to the goalposts only to have it snatched away after being very diligent every day is a slap in the face. I was really hoping to get some of the perk coins so I'm not left slogging through hundreds of levels to get enough cards to scrap. I'll probably try the new update, sure, but it's really taken the wind out of my sales.
submitted by Apoc7620 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:59 msnyc20 Ex "popped in".

Interestingly I was just in the middle of a 'should I reach out' post since it is feeling like I should/time is right.
Abbreviated story is 18 month relationship which was at its height, giddy happy both of us (and of course like anyone had issues), a month away from birthday I was being asked to by her basically get her an engagement ring. Whirlwind of events around the city, strangers commenting on our connection, one guy tapped us in the shoulder at a bar and said "I've been watching you two, your connection is amazing, you can feel your happiness all the way across the bar, you two look like you've loved one another since you were little children". Which was in fact exactly what it felt like. She made sure I didn't miss the significance "see babe. EVERYONE knows we belong together".
There is a significant age difference which was neither impediment or impetus. We just ... connected. The only times it was brought up was 1) after I met her mom she told me she told her mother the only thing that worried her was the age difference her mom said with the kind of love you found it won't matter and 2) once when we were laying in bed just laughing and vibing she started sobbing uncontrollably "I just realized you are going to die before me and I will miss you sooo much!" (meaning in 30-40 years of being with me).
She was torn between wanting a future with me and being terrified of commitment. She has reached early/mid 30s w/o having more than 8 mos relationship, most shorter. This from a tall pretty very social girl that lived alone for almsot two decades in 4 continents i.e no lack of opportunities. At 8 most told me I was the longest relationship officialy and first man she ever wanted to build a future with., She introduced me to each of her 3 besties whom she said she'd never introduced anyone to in the 5 years she lived her. Met each individually each turned to her independently and said the same 4 words while with us "You are so lucky". Told me one of them waited for the door to close after i walked them home to whirl around and say 'that is the nicest man I ever met and your connection with him is unbelievable'.
At around year mark she started texting me 'Babe do you stlll like me?" and I'd reply "Still? I like you more every moment I spend with you" and she'd break my heart replying "Reeealllllyyy???? 😍😍😍" as in not just happy but SHOCKED I still did.
Pushing for living together, pushing for what amounted to an engatement rind very hard for upcoming birthday after the final 3 months of our 18 mos relationship, 3 magical magical months where I was not only happy for the first time in years but happier than I'd ever imagined. Her as well. She'd text me at 3am about mising me, telling me how comfortable I made her, heck she'd fall asleep in my arms in 30 seconds, she'd facetime me so she could hear my voice while she fell asleep and know i was watching over her. Even up to the last hour I knew her she was pushing for her birthday 'ring'.
Broke up with me via text 2 days later, wanted 'distance' said 'do you think we'll stay in contact'. This girl I was joined to the hip with, 100,00 texts in 18 months, couldn't sleep wo my voice. The more I think about it the more I think SHE was convinced I did not love her and would not get her the ring since she'd repeat it over and over what she wanted.
In any event gave her the space BUT not NC style; texted every couple weeks, knew she was a mess, so just did a hey hope all if going well. After 3 MONTHS of this she broke and started texting me again like she used to; facetimes from bed in PJs, every day everything she did, subways when going to see friends, pics of her food, etc. She was very happy with changed I made. BUT was somehow terrrified to see me even though she'd reach out clearly wanting to then find some reason to back out.
Finally after 3 months of this and close to 3 THOUSAND textss from her and dozens of midnight facetimes she chased me down to my local coffee shop, fisr time I'd seen her in months. She want AWOL the next day basically. When I texted two weeks later she sent me a' sorry been busy at work plus started seeing someone and work is busy'. Last time we spoke. I didn't really buy the 'seeing somoene' since didnt gibe with gathering the courage to see me in person for first time in 6 months right then. Also I'd posted on FB something she could have easily misconstrued as very romantic first date which was not a date at all and might have been bushwacked after finaly gathering courage to see me.
So this brings us to this weekend, exactly 4mos No Contact, two people that shared 100k texts and woman who would hardly keep herself from texting me even after we parted company after 18 hours together. I was thinking of her all day yesterday, posted on FB a day trip I took.
I saw her this am on 'my' avenue where she has not shown her face for 10 mos. Ostensbily lost in texting and didnt see me though I'm sure she had to know. I went back to same cafe later on KNOWING she'd show up. And.. .voila. She did. Sat down, super affectionate funny vibe we always had.
Not sure of next move. Let her reach out. A huge component of our relationship was her always being sure she liked me more, I didn't want to be with her, I wasn't gooing to get her 'ring', she missed me more etc.
Not sure what i want except her back in my life, we made each other quite happy. I could text or wait for her. Sorta sure she showed up to see if I still had feelings or at least didn't hate her. Funny thing is turned out she had read my FB post from yesterday, she inadverntently made a comment making it clear not only she had but had knowledge of my other posts too.
submitted by msnyc20 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:56 HardcoreHenryLofT [5e][Online][English][AST][Homebrew] No Small Quest for the Big of Heart! Low/Dark Fantasy, mix of lighthearted roleplay and fantastic horror!

Expeditions North: No Small Quest
Hook: It has been 122 years since the Sixth Collapse covered the North in dangerous magical energies. The surviving population has finally stabilized into the still-habitable lands of the South, founding a handful of states along the coast and among the islands. The North has recently become survivable, at least in the short term, and the major players are all seeking their share. Remnants of once world-spanning empires looking to reclaim lost glory, upstart new kingdoms seeking power and legitimacy, opportunistic and wealthy merchant guilds seeking new venues for profit. Everyone who can afford to is funding enormous hundred-man strong exploration parties known as Expeditions North. The pay is astounding, the dangers doubly so, and the chance of returning unscarred are nearly zero, but the skilled and the desperate enlist all the same.
You don't work for those guys.
You are a newly hired adventurer of No Small Quest, the smallest and strangest Expedition that sends not 100-man endeavors, but instead 5-10 man parties into the North. Run by a mysterious person known only as the Old Woman, your organization takes requests to explore the North from those who can ill afford such an expensive service. The altruistic nature of No Small Quest and the low pay make it a hard sell for anyone but the kind of heart, or the shrewd of mind, for there is another unique feature of No Small Quest: unlike in a larger Expedition, you get to keep what you find.
Intended Vibes: The campaign will be a mix of light-hearted low fantasy hijinks, and tense dark fantasy exploration. Imagine if the protagonists of a slice-of-life story frequently dipped in and out of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Desired Party Size: 4-6 Players.
How We Play: Roll20, using Discord for voice chat. All character sheets and rolling is done on Roll20, while notes and documents can be handled using either application.
When We Play: I do shift work, and thus do not have a single reliable day/time to play. Close to the end of the month I will post my available days on a google doc, and the party will mark which days they are free and could play. Any days with at least four free players will be considered a valid session, aiming for two a month.
Setting Features
Expectations from Players
Expectations for Players
Fill out the following application if you are interested, with the intent of starting in July. If I like your application I will email you with a Discord invitation. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you at the table!
[Apply Here]
submitted by HardcoreHenryLofT to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:38 TempusCarpe The Confirmed Hoax Fallacy

The Confirmed Hoax Fallacy
The Confirmed Hoax Fallacy An Old Argument Raises Its Ignorant Head Yet Again TEMPORAL RECON JUN 8
I was recently invited to write an essay by someone who I respect greatly in their own personal search for truth. He asked that, while an update to Conviction of a Time Traveler is not necessarily in the offing, he did wonder if I might be amenable to a friendly reminder of the evidence provided in COATT nearly a decade ago now.
What spurred his request was that he had noticed recently that several people online had been echoing the ‘confirmed hoax’ trope when discussions would might around to the John Titor series of posts which occurred online back in 2000/2001.
His noticing of this false argument was nothing new; I had also noticed it crop up from time to time over the last 20 years. I hold the ‘confirmed hoax’ argument in special and particular disdain. Why?
Primarily because evidence exists and was provided in Conviction of a Time Traveler in 2009 that Titor was legitimate and, ironically enough, was read by many of the so-called experts espousing the ‘confirmed hoax’ lie. So when these fake experts tell you that the Titor story was a ‘confirmed hoax,’ they are lying to you.
Conviction of a Time Traveler provided new and original evidence that has never, to date, been debunked since its publication; a full 14 years. The evidence provided (which many of these lazy forum participants are aware of) pointed to one, inexorable and inescapable conclusion: Titor was legit. But this evidence, while never disproven, is always ignored. Why is that? We’ll put a pin in that…
Pledge your support
Ironically, not only has the evidence documented in Conviction of a Time Traveler never been debunked, but it has also even been plagiarized by lazy authors who can’t be bothered to do original research or, lacking the intellectual horsepower necessary to do even that, fail to provide appropriate attribution to their source material.
So what of this, ‘Confirmed Hoax’ claim? Is it true? HAS the John Titor episode actually been ‘confirmed’ as a hoax?
When someone in a position of pretend authority declares from their cardboard pedestal that the John Titor story is a ‘Confirmed Hoax,’ have you ever noticed they never provide the person who did the confirming?
“Confirmed hoax?” ‘Confirmed’ by whom, pray tell?
When the term ‘Confirmed Hoax’ is used, what imagery comes to mind? I dare say it implies that some sort of shadowy group of learned scholars sat around a big wooden table, carefully assessed and addressed the claims. All the evidence and counter-arguments were carefully measured while hidden away in some stone castle somewhere until a white puff of smoke curls over its stone-tiled rooftops, declaring to the world once and for all,
“Our confirmation is complete. John Titor was a hoax!”
Here’s the dirty little secret of the ‘Confirmed Hoax’ statements: they are actually shorthand for,
“I don’t have the intellectual capacity to argue in favor or against, so in order to come off like some sort of authority and maintain my fake position of authority, I’ll just take the safest position and simply declare that the Titor story is a hoax, that it was ‘confirmed’ and let’s please just move on to some other topic.”
‘Confirmed Hoax,’ is a coward’s gambit, a bet, that there won’t be anyone to come along to rock the boat and topple these posers off their flimsy stage of pretend authority.
This was the environment I walked into when I first published Conviction of a Time Traveler in 2010, and apparently, it hasn’t changed in 15 years.
When I first posted on Paranormalis (IIRC) announcing that I had written a book that documented the evidence in favor of Titor’s veracity, the then-reigning Titor authority (‘Darby’) haughtily pronounced, “Present your evidence and we’ll discuss it.”
It was in that moment that I chose a path that nobody before me had ever embarked upon. I said, “No.”
Nobody had ever said ‘no’ before. There are pages and pages of forum posts by people before me who discovered some of the same bits and pieces that I discovered that pointed to Titor’s truth. And they were excited to show what they had discovered! And, owing to their excitement, and unfortunately, their naivete, they excitedly shared their evidence, wrongfully believing that the forums’ leadership was interested in getting to the bottom of the Titor episode.
Little did they suspect that ‘Darby’ and others were acting as gatekeepers of truth, whose sole purpose was to establish and maintain a lid on the narrative that was the John Titor episode. He, and his ilk gaslighted and bullied these poor naifs into silence by using their fake authority to debunk and explain away the very real evidence they had discovered.
That is, until COATT was published.
Unfortunately for these enemies of Truth, the internet is forever. In my research leading up to the publication of Conviction of a Time Traveler, I had the benefit of not only studying Titor’s posts, but also all the follow-on discussions after their departure.
I reviewed literally years of online forum content and, as I did so, I made a very curious observation: in all the years of discussion after Titor departed, not one piece of evidence ever (ever) caused ‘Darby’ or any of the other fake authorities to question their ‘it’s a hoax!’ position. They NEVER saw a piece of evidence that they didn’t dismiss, mock, ignore or explain away with contortions of logic that would make Wetzel’s Pretzels blush. This is in stark contrast to how someone who was truly in search of truth would act.
If ‘Darby’ and the others truly were curious, isn’t this a little odd? Really? Not ONE piece of evidence ever caused ‘Darby’ to pause and say, “hmm, that’s interesting…”
Not once, ever.
And there are years of forum posts to confirm this.
So, when Darby commanded from his perch of fake authority that I ‘present my evidence so that we might discuss it’ I laughed in his face [paraphrasing],
“No. A real discussion of the evidence hasn’t occurred here for years, and I do not recognize your so-called position as some sort of ‘expert’ on the Titor story. LITERALLY EVERYTHING there is to learn, or study, is published in the Titor posts for all to read. You hold no special knowledge, no special position, no special nothing. I do not submit to your fake authority. You want to learn about Titor, read the book.”
Or words to that effect, anyway…
In the end, the evidence provided in COATT was so unassailable and the argument so solid that ‘Darby’ and his ilk suddenly became more and more quiet as they slowly realized I wasn’t going to wilt under their “authoritay.” Eventually, they slinked away with their rhetorical tails tucked.
But this was not the end of the story! Because ‘time travel’ had become quite the pet interest of mine (owing to the further evidence I discovered after publication), that I continued to post online in various discussion forums. I even wrote numerous essays on a variety of topics, all spurred on by the ‘time travel’ question and all its implications.
Fast Forward Fast forwarding to today, we’re back at the ‘confirmed hoax’ argument again. What was once offered up (“HOAX!”) by Darby and others, is now cold soup served by the latest crop of fake authorities. And what happens when fake authority utters the ‘Confirmed Hoax’ discussion-brake? The same thing that happened a decade ago: the earnest neophyte shrugs their shoulders secure in the false belief that others smarter than they have studied the topic and arrived at some irrefutable conclusion; no further discussion necessary (or allowed). They have no idea just how close they came to uncovering something truly fantastic, had they only relied on their own judgment instead of the know-nothing proclamations of others.
Pledge your support
Which brings me to why I wrote COATT in the first place. Instead of simply doing my research and arriving at my own (private) conclusion, I realized that too many people were believing fake authority and ignoring Titor’s warnings about our future. Once I realized that Titor was legitimate (caveated, of course), how could I NOT share my findings? The stakes were simply too high.
IF what Titor said were true 24 years ago, that the world was heading for an upending change in the status quo, and that many people would die as a result of it, how could I remain silent and not inform others that his warnings were something to be listened to? Perhaps people with ears to hear might take heed and make the appropriate preparations. I know I did.
But, as my friend has informed me, it appears that the fake experts have reared their ugly and useless heads once again telling us that there is ‘nothing to the Titor story’ and that it is a “confirmed hoax.”
THIS was the reason that I was recently asked to provide my evidence once again. And THIS is the reason this essay is dragging on. These pretenders to authority are like roaches; as soon as the exterminator leaves, they come out of the woodwork intent on dismantling the Truth once again. God’s work never ends, it seems, even with a 99% success rate…
So, now that we’ve got all THAT out of the way, and as a sort of transition, I’d like to bring you up to speed on what I’ve been up to since I published Conviction of a Time Traveler in 2010.
To be perfectly frank, after COATT’s publication, I thought I was done with the Titor story; I had said my piece and was perfectly willing to move on with my life and prepare for the event that causes the change in the status quo. But the annoying fact was that the Titor story itself didn’t end with the cessation of Titor’s posts in 2001.
As new evidence appeared in the months and years following publication, like dog shit on my shoe that I can’t scrape off, I could never cleanly cleave myself from the Titor story. Not that I wanted to, mind you, it is a fascinating topic, regardless of your opinion.
But what surprised me the most was that new evidence continued to appear, year after year. And, as more evidence appeared, my curiosity was consistently kept piqued and on alert. Trust me, it is exhausting.
To give you a sense of what I discovered, I can tell you that your experts are wrong and that ‘time travel’ is neither novel nor unusual; we are very literally awash in ‘time travelers.’ My research suggests that ‘time machines’ have been present in our past going as far back as 850AD. But I digress.
Suffice it to say that the Titor rabbit hole is but one example of a massively large group of programs from an unknown number of organizations from across time. The ‘time travel’ question runs much deeper (and much farther back in time) and crosses over into more (so-called) esoteric topics than anyone gives it credit for. As I said, it’s exhausting.
My whole point here is that, even after I published in 2009, my curiosity in the topic (and its implications of yet larger vistas) did not wane. And, because of this continued and unabating curiosity, I discovered yet more evidence, crafted more theories and came to more conclusions.
A philosopher once described the acquisition of new information as an ever-expanding circle surrounding the man; a horizon where known and unknown meet where new answers only beget new questions which push the circle farther and farther out. This has been my experience over the last 15 years re the Titor narrative and the larger ‘time travel’ question. How could it be otherwise?
Unfortunately for you, you are being convinced by fools that the Titor episode is a ‘Confirmed Hoax.’ You haven’t even made the leap to the possibility that ‘time travel’ is even possible. How can you explore the implications of ‘time travel’ when you can’t even consider its reality, a fundamental starting point? I have a very strong (ehem) conviction that our collective naïveté on the subject will be violently revoked in the very near ‘future.’
The Two Camps, The Two Mistakes During my research, I observed that within the Titor commentariat there are two basic camps: the Debunkers and the True Believers.
The Debunking camp will provide any contortion of logic to maintain the ‘Titor was a hoax’ narrative.
The True Believers, on the other hand, will believe any contortion of logic that maintains their belief in The Gospel of John.
What if I told you both camps were wrong?
Now, the debunking camp will tell you that Titor must be a hoax because his predictions didn’t come true. Oh, well…his predictions didn’t come true? I guess we’re done then? Obviously, his whole purpose for posting was to make predictions like some Magic Eight Ball, right? And if those don’t pan out, well, ‘CONFIRMED HOAX!’
Get the Book
On the other side of that coin, the True Believers out there, who never saw a confirmation bias they didn’t love, will tell you that Titor’s predictions didn’t come true because he changed the future. This of course is a recipe for explaining away literally any detracting evidence thus making Titor true no matter any evidence to the contrary.
Let’s take the True Believers first:
The concept of Divergence, while a handy explanation, does not/cannot explain all differences in histories away. In fact, were what Titor said was true (remember, we are True Believers for the moment and are taking Titor’s words as gospel) he absolutely must take measures to minimize divergence as much as possible and NOT allow it to span wildly. Otherwise, the entire power of the ‘time machine’ is rendered moot. I accept that Divergence is likely a real measurement necessary for the efficient execution of ‘time travel’ missions, but it should, by no means, be the magic skeleton key to explain away every question.
In fact, while divergence is very likely a real ‘thing’ or artifact or measurement of difference between world lines, the Truth is that divergence must absolutely be kept to a minimum to make any practical use of the gravity engine sitting in the back seat of your old blue Geo Metro.
So, no. Divergence cannot be the handy tool we need to contort ourselves into believing, as much as we might like to.
Now for the debunkers:
The debunkers have a variety of options available to them to argue that Titor was a ‘confirmed hoax.’ Regardless, these arguments typically boil down to two primary classes:
He has special training or knowledge, and/or
He’s just a lucky guesser.
Unfortunately for the debunkers (and those who listen to them), these explanations make a very serious error: that predictions are a relevant metric to judge Titor’s truth at all. They are not.
Serious question: Why should a ‘time traveler’ be subject to the same metrics that a psychic is to determine if his claims of ‘time travel’ are true?
The point here is that you can’t compare a horse to a whale and complain that the horse can’t swim. They are two completely different animals, and the same goes for ‘time travelers’ and psychics or tarot readers or any other domain whose reputation is dependent on the true-ness of the information they provide. Comparing Titor’s predictions to actual, experienced history is also an imperfect and inappropriate metric if one is to objectively assess Titor from a blank slate starting point. This points to a much deeper insight into the true purpose of the Titor posts, but that’s for a different day.
So, because of both these problems, any real researcher worth their salt would have to find some other way to determine the truth/falsity of the Titor narrative.
Remember, when first approaching the Titor question as an objective investigator, Titor is both equally a hoax and legitimate. Imagine Schrodinger’s cat meets Columbo…
I’ll give you this observation for free, just to get your juices flowing:
Did you notice that absolutely none of John’s predictions (event + date) came true, but all his statements concerning conditions about our future did?
Don’t you find this interesting? Or hadn’t you noticed, too blinded by the bright and shiny, attention-grabbing predictions of nuclear war?
But I am getting ahead of myself; we still haven’t provided the evidence that it’s simply more likely that Titor was an actual time traveler than some ‘hoaxer genius.’ And so we finally get to the whole point of this essay in the first place, a reminder and summary of the evidence first provided in Conviction of a Time Traveler all the way back in those halcyon days of 2010:
  1. Wireless Internet: Titor correctly predicted the advent of wireless internet when we were still using dial-up modems and America Online. Cable internet connections had only just been introduced.
“My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company that maintains “wireless” Internet nodes.”
– J. Titor, Nov 7, 2000
  1. YouTube becoming like ‘live theatre’: Titor correctly predicted the social evolution of YouTube and the decentralization of entertainment away from Hollywood evolving from short videos of grannies and cute kittens on Youtube to a sort of “live theatre” where actual shows would be presented by literally anyone, online, in a world that hadn’t even seen streaming services or video sharing services such as Rumble, etc.
“Yes, there is an entertainment industry. Again, it is very decentralized. The technology to express yourself with video is so readily available that many people do it all by themselves or in small groups. Much of the distribution is over the web. I would compare it theater here.”
-J. Titor
  1. IBM 5100 special capabilities: The statement that kicked everything off. Titor correctly identified the secret capabilities of the very first desktop computer manufactured by IBM in the 1970’s. These capabilities were utterly unknown and unacknowledged until Titor’s appearance in 2000. Interestingly, using this information, I was able to determine the most likely candidate of Titor’s grandfather which, upon this identification, also explained why Titor had to go all the way back to 1975 to pick up a copy of the 5100 and not 1985, 1995, or ‘elsewhen.’
“I was “sent” to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming languages in addition to APL and Basic.”
– J. Titor, Nov 15, 2000
  1. VOIP: Titor correctly predicted the development of phone calls being run across the internet, again, in a time where downloading a picture over dial-up took minutes.
“Many people use the Internet for communication and entertainment. I would say that affects our speech. We type very fast.”
– J. Titor, Feb 15, 2001
  1. Soldier’s Winter Poem: Titor correctly predicted the poem, by name, “A Soldier’s Winter” and its topic. There is more to this particular prediction and statement about “A Soldier’s Winter“ than meets the eye, however.
“A Soldier’s Winter.”
-J. Titor, Feb 21, 2001
  1. Second gulf war: Titor correctly predicted a second incursion into Iraq by allied forces. There is also more to this statement by Titor as well. But that’s a little advanced for right now.
“Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?”
-J. Titor, Feb 25, 2001
  1. WMD and ‘hype’: Titor correctly predicted that the WMD story was hype and not to be believed (also, there is more to this statement than is visible on the surface). This statement’s purpose is closely related to statements #6 and #9.
“Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?”
-J. Titor, Feb 25, 2001
  1. Optical Measurement for atomic clock: A biggie. Titor correctly predicted the development of a new sort of atomic clock and the reasons why it was an improvement over the then-current ‘radio’ method of atomic measurement (more precise).
Specifically, atomic clocks determine the length of a second by measuring the frequency of a particular atom. Cesium, Rhodium, etc. Measuring this frequency is done using something called the “radio method” which makes use of a gas and hitting that gas and atom with a microwave (the ‘radio’ part of the measurement). However, Titor claimed that a new ‘time machine’ had been developed that makes use of an optical means of measuring the atom’s frequency, an improvement. The Optical Frequency Comb was developed after Titor’s departure which enabled the measurement of an atom’s frequency optically, and which also allowed for greater precision in that measurement. Titor’s statement is a 3-fer:
He predicts an optical measurement system for atomic clocks.
He predicts the new system measures oscillation and not some other aspect.
He predicts this new system increases measurement precision and not some other aspect.
“The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the worldline divergence confidence much higher.”
– J. Titor, Nov 7, 2000
  1. Ginger: The most enigmatic piece of evidence and what originally spurred me to look closer at this ‘confirmed hoax’ in 2010. In the very opening of Titor’s posts in 2000, someone asked three questions to allow Titor to ‘prove’ he was legitimate. Those questions were:
“1. What was the final death count in the recent India earthquake?
  1. What is the "Ginger" (IT) invention?
  2. Who wins the Stanley Cup (Hockey) this year?”
  • M. Kolesnik, Jan 29, 2001
As you see, questions 1 and 3 are of the magic eight ball variety and are wholly inappropriate to assess Titor’s truthfulness. But we’ll extend some grace to Mr. Kolesnik as it was so early on in their discourse. And Titor demurred on answering these two questions anyway. He refused to answer the first question because he claimed he simply didn’t know. And he refused to answer the third question because he felt it to be unfair for someone to earn money using his information (pointing to a larger context of rules by which they operate).
But, the middle question, ‘…what is Ginger…’ did not violate either of those two questions so he acquiesced and answered it. He answered by saying,
“It looks like a sort of motorized scooter. What do you think IT is?”
– J. Titor, Jan 29, 2001
This answer immediately got my attention because, in 2000 when the question was asked, the answer was truly unknown, thus Mr. Kolesnik’s question. However, in 2009 when I was first looking into the Titor narrative, I knew what Ginger was because I remembered it. Hindsight truly was 20/20.
As a bit of background, during 1999 (the exact timing escapes me), a ‘viral’ marketing campaign was underway by an inventor named Dean Kamen. While never revealing what this new product was, the billboards merely asked,
“What is IT?”
“What is Ginger?”
That was all they said. It is obvious now, and was obvious even then, that Kamen was attempting to create a buzz for his new invention. Fair enough. It also explains why it was asked of Titor in 2000. Kamen’s ad campaign was working! People were truly wondering.
Now understand, the hype (and I use that term specifically) surrounding the Ginger ad campaign was fairly strong. Kamen predicted that his invention would reinvent how people moved about cities; it would cause their utter redesign and how they were laid out and organized. Big claims, to be sure. So strong in fact that Kamen was able to land a spot on Good Morning America where he finally revealed what his invention was.
In December of 2001, and live on the air, Kamen, with Katie Couric, revealed Ginger to the world. Ginger was none other than the Segway.
And what did Titor say it was?
“A type of motorized scooter”
And Stella says there’s nothing more to learn…
Get the Book
Titor’s absolute spot-on declaration of what Kamen’s invention was nearly a year before it was unveiled hit me right between the eyes. Eight years later, I already knew that Ginger was the Segway because I remembered the event.
Here was a maniac on the internet claiming to be a ‘time traveler’ and he correctly ‘guessed’ what Ginger was a mere 2 ½ hours after it was asked and 11 months before it was officially unveiled?
It was Titor’s statement here that caused me to look deeper (much deeper, in fact) into the Titor narrative and, after exhaustive research and extensive supporting evidence, I concluded that Titor was in fact, legitimate.
Now here’s the truly interesting part of this piece of the Titor saga: you can’t find this statement about Ginger online anywhere anymore. It has been scrubbed from online sources everywhere.
Now, when I first discovered the Titor story, I saw that there appeared to be a couple different versions of the posts and I just, by chance, found a version of the posts with the Ginger reference in it. I saw that some versions had the Ginger reference, and some did not. At the time, I did not know how to understand this. But I do now.
Revisiting Old Theories As I mentioned before, hindsight is 20/20, and that is especially true when discussing ‘time travel’ and ‘time travelers.’ So, it seems oddly appropriate to provide a few examples of updated information that only revealed themselves with the fullness of time after publication.
‘leader’ In Conviction of a Time Traveler, I found the following quote especially interesting:
“The President or “leader” in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights. The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.”
  • J. Titor, Feb 19, 2001
And it wasn’t necessarily the full content of Titor’s statement here, it was those damn quotes around the word ‘leader.’ Why would he put quotes around a word so simple in its definition? In COATT, I surmised that Titor was referring to Obama at the time for a variety of reasons. Namely the very high coincidence factor between facts surrounding Obama and Lincoln. My own belief also was that Titor would not consider Obama as the rightful leader of the United States due to the known problems with his birth certificate, thus making him ineligible for the Presidency. Thus, Titor wrote ‘leader’ with those quotes around it indicating his misgivings.
Of course, here we are 24 years after Titor’s statement and 12 years after I wrote COATT, and I have now come to a different conclusion about the quotation marks around the word ‘leader’. I now surmise that Titor was referring to Biden and not Obama when he wrote that. Because I personally didn’t have a ‘time machine’ at the time, I never could have expected the dementia patient currently ‘in’ the White House and supposedly ‘leading’ the country. For anyone watching, it is patently obvious that Mr. Biden isn’t ‘leading’ anything. So, in the context of this and our current national situation, those quotation marks sure make a hell of a lot more sense now, don’t you think? This reassessment obviously puts a giant bullseye on the 2024-2025 time period for what Titor commented upon in 2000.
So, yes. I have reassessed this particular conclusion since publishing Conviction of a Time Traveler due to the slow passage of time and its equally slow revelation of Truth.
Gates Another interesting comment by Titor had to do with Bill Gates. Recall that in 2000/2001, Bill Gates was ‘merely’ the CEO of Microsoft. He was among the richest men in the world and many news stories of the time commented upon this fact. Almost kind of like Elon Musk’s notoriety in both scope and scale. So, as such, a forum participant named ‘Joe’ asked Titor for any information regarding Bill Gates’ future. Titor’s response?
“This I do know but I won’t discuss.”
-J. Titor, Feb 23, 2001
An interesting, if not completely unhelpful, answer. Wouldn’t you say?
Considering we now know how Gates has morphed from Tech Titan selling mediocre products to Farmland baron, GMO mosquito breeder and mRNA advocate and (alleged) mass murderer in India and elsewhere in the third world, Titor’s statement that he does know about Gates’ future rings true.
In fact, what was also a bit interesting was when someone later pressed him on any information regarding Gates’ future. To which he responded,
Just curious, why is he of such interest?
-J Titor, Mar 5, 2001
Considering what we know now about Gates and his predilections (his ‘wife’ deserted him upon revelation of his visits to Epstein Island), I’m willing to bet that John was naturally curious as to why Gates, of all people, was of such interest to the forum participants that they would ask twice about him. Coincidence? Or did Titor suspect a mole from a different program in the forum? Who knows. His curiosity about their curiosity in Gates is interesting, nothing more.
Conclusion And there you have (some of) it. A summary of some of the evidence documented in Conviction of a Time Traveler written nearly 15 years ago. The evidence contained in that small book has never been debunked or disproven. It has been plagiarized by some and ignored by others. If you were unaware of COATT and are a regular participant in the online discussions about ‘time travel,’ you should ask yourself why the ‘leadership’ on those forums never mention COATT. Curious, don’t you think?
The reason I wrote COATT in the first place was because, after I had done my own research to satiate my own personal curiosity, I realized that some people online were downplaying his posts’ importance in the hopes that they could dissuade people from believing in Titor and the possibility of ‘time travel.’
I saw this dishonesty and decided to fight back against it by merely providing the information I discovered. From my point of view, Titor was warning us about a very severe time in our future that would upend the status quo and was to be a highly dangerous one.
Taken at face value (always a good starting point), Titor’s warnings merited being taken seriously. Had the naysayer’s deceit been left unanswered, how many of you would have failed to prepare for what is just around the corner? You have prepared, haven’t you?
And yes, as is readily obvious to many, those hard times are right around the corner. Looking at Titor’s statements 24 years later and simply looking around at the state of America and the world, do his statements seem so outlandish now?
John’s ‘final’ words to the forum in March of 2001 ring eerily prescient now:
Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road.
-J. Titor, Mar 23, 2001
It is my sincerest hope that my small book project (and the essays that followed) spurred you to think twice about the world we live in and take the necessary actions you feel you should to keep you and your family safe for the world’s awakening and rebirth.
As Ever,
Temporal Recon Share
As Ever
submitted by TempusCarpe to JohnTitor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:23 isaquemovic (32M) I made plans to go out with a woman from Bumble (34F) after a day of chatting and got stood up + ghosted.

Disaster in 5 acts: Yesterday I (M 32) matched with a woman (34) on Bumble. We exchanged words about the bio. We talked about how we have a similar sense of humor.
Act 1: Right in the third message exchange, she asked if I wanted to go to a samba with her or if it was too early to ask. I, wanting to have sex and make out, said it was cool and that we would plan for tomorrow.
Act 2: Today arrived. I asked for her WhatsApp to better arrange the time. I sent her my Instagram to prove that I’m a real person and also to protect myself from scams. She followed me and I followed back. Well, I felt reassured. She is 34 years old and a real person. What could go wrong, right?
Act 3: One hour before the meeting, she sends me a voice message asking if I’d like to change the samba date to a beach date. I, still thinking about having sex and making out, agreed and said it was fine. She seemed even excited, so I had no reason to suspect anything hahaha. I told her I lived far away and it would take me a while to get to the beach, but she was okay with it because she lives in the same neighborhood as the beach.
Act 4: From my house to the beach where she was takes about 45 minutes, and I would need two buses to get there quickly. I took the first bus, and everything was fine. When I got on the second bus, she sent a message saying that she "got her period at the beach" and that she had "terrible cramps." I don’t know much about women’s anatomy, but I think these kinds of things can be anticipated a bit, right? hahaha
Act 5: I sent a message, somewhat stunned, somewhat pissed, asking if she was okay. She said she was in pain and to forgive her because she’s a nice person. Less than 20 minutes later, when I was about to reply, she had blocked me on EVERYTHING hahaha Instagram, WhatsApp. I logged into Bumble, and the conversation was marked as ended hahaha.
Honestly, I’m not sad because, as I said, I just wanted to make out and have sex. But I’m pissed about being made a fool. And I’m also confused. I didn’t think a 34-year-old woman would act like this, but as they say, you live and learn.
submitted by isaquemovic to dating_advice [link] [comments]