The guy in the pain olympics video

The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All

2023.12.02 14:46 kazutistic The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All

Welcome to the The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All (気になってる人が男じゃなかった, Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko Janakatta) Subreddit! Dive into discussions, theories, and fan creations in this delightful and surprising tale of unexpected romance of our main characters!

2018.05.08 14:26 Parents are just really fucking stupid sometimes

A subreddit based on KidsAreFuckingStupid.

2013.11.08 16:33 catfapper Just your everyday occurrence in Russia

Gifs/Video/Pics of your everyday occurrence in Russia or the surrounding areas. Bonus points if not common in the rest of the world

2024.06.10 08:31 Everleigh_Hart McElwee Mondays: Achieving Swift Recovery in Facelift Evolution

I just checked out this awesome video on Memorial Plastic’s site about facelift recovery, and it totally rocked. If you're gearing up for a facelift, you gotta give it a watch.
The video breaks down the whole recovery process in simple terms, telling you what to expect in the days and weeks post-surgery. Dr. Tyler McElwee dishes out some practical advice on dealing with swelling, bruising, and pain, which is a real lifesaver.
What I really dug were the stories from real patients and their tips on stuff like sleeping positions and getting back to your regular routine. It's a quick watch but jam-packed with super useful info, so definitely check it out before you go under the knife!
submitted by Everleigh_Hart to u/Everleigh_Hart [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:30 CatStriking7561 COSTABILE: ONE JONAS BROTHERS SONG FOR THE BC LIONS - Written by Kristina Costabile

If you’re wondering if I’m a fan of the Jonas Brothers, who were just announced as the Twisted Tea Grey Cup Halftime Show at the 111th Grey Cup, why don’t you ask my “Team Jonas” Jonas Brothers Fan Club card from 2009 or the ticket stubs from the two concerts I’ve gone to see them live at.
So, am I a fan?
You bet I am and I’m so excited to see them play at BC Place later this year.
I was thinking of ways to connect Nick, Joe and Kevin to football and the BC Lions (other than with their song Pom Poms and the accompanying video for it where they perform in what appears to be an empty football field) and what better way than naming a Jonas Brothers song for the BC Lions?
Keep in mind I’m Only Human, and When You Look Me In The Eyes, please don’t tell me these aren’t Cool. Hold On, this is going to be fun.

(Listen to the song here)
This technically isn’t a Jonas Brothers original song, but it was the most iconic song from the hit Disney movie Camp Rock (I had to watch Camp Rock 1 and 2 the night before this announcement went live just to get prepared. It’s called research, duh.).
“I just wanna play my music,” the guys sing.
You know who else wants to just play their music? The BC Lions.
In the last three years, the Lions have had the most epic kickoff performers: One Republic, LL Cool J and, this year, 50 Cent. And the year they’re hosting the 111th Grey Cup, they’ve gotten Jonas Brothers. They do like to play their music.

Full Story Here:
submitted by CatStriking7561 to BC_Lions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:29 Physics-Head Am I the only one embarrassed by the drama in BJJ and wanting to leave?

BJJ is the only sport that I’ve trained seriously for nearly 10 years. I loved it. But I’m sure as hell I don’t like what’s happening now. Every time I tell other bjj people how embarrassed I am seeing all these recent drama (it’s a shit show guys, let’s face it), they simply tell me “it’s just people” and I’d find the same kinda nonsense in other sports and areas in life too.
Now I strongly doubt that.
First off, I won’t be as embarrassed if it’s only the top level “professionals” doing it. The problem is, shit shows even happen in local competition scenes too, where post-comp complains, in-comp fist fights seem to increase. I may have rosy retrospection and I’m definitely not saying that everyone was respectful back then, but something is definitely changing. Ryan Hall points out that he’s disillusioned with the modern bjj scene too.
Also, I seriously doubt if all sports have the same level of shit talks and enemy-making. I watch olympic weightlifting 🏋️‍♀️ occasionally, and I’ve never seen even 1 shit talk in that sport. Now I get it, it’s not a combat sport, but it still proves my point that not all sports have the same kinda shit show as we have now.
I’m very disappointed and I’m thinking about leaving bjj. Please share your thoughts, I’m confused and sad.
submitted by Physics-Head to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:24 SaigonDrugs Yodeling [insurance?] commercial (Mike Jones - Cuttin remix)

Does anyone remember where this yodeling sample from this Mike Jones song comes from? I swear it was from a local car insurance commercial with guys wearing lederhosen but I can't remember it. To make this craving for the memory worse, there used to be a video on YouTube for the remix of this song and it actually spliced in clips of the commercial and I screenshotted it a few years back, but the video is gone now.
submitted by SaigonDrugs to houston [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:23 jatermif [15MtF] a younger person looking to make some friends on the internet and make some cool connections

Basically I’m bored, and struggle with making friends, in the wise words of a guy “something something financial support” I’ve been trying to find some people to talk to because my irl friend group is kinda just like my ex gf, her gf and her sister, so I was thinking maybe it might be time to branch out my social interaction.
I’m neuro divergent, queer in many ways, 5’10, and chronically online, if you share any of these things than feel free to message me, otherwise I may or may not come across as insane.
I like archeology, mythology, I’m super into video games and internet culture, I’m not super big into anime but I’ve seen a bit, I’m an artist, indigenous to Canada, and even university educated (partially true) I like all sorts of things, from pokemon, to niche hipster Minecraft game (don’t starve) I’m a trans woman, I like forests and pineapples, not eating pineapples but I do like pineapples.
I have 3 dogs, I’ve had many other pets, and I generally like alt and rock music, and rocks because they funny
Also Canada is my favourite flavour of country
submitted by jatermif to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:21 _TropicalCucumber90 Have I cooked this battery??

Have I cooked this battery??
Hello everyone, just wanting to look around and see what people think about my situation and if it helps anyone else.
So my headphone jack refused to play out of the right side so I replaced it but kept the battery the same (I bought the device second hand). Now granted this battery is old but the battery was working and in good enough condition as I had just been raw dogging it with one working side. However for whatever reason re seating the cable was so difficult and as a such I resorted to using tweasers instead of my sausage fingers. It was still being difficult and then I noticed some sparks fly off like a damn jjk black flash.
From there for a brief moment I smelt a burning smell for a couple seconds before it went away. However my fears seem to be confirmed as now I get that oh so annoying dead battery screen where the iPod wont boot. Any ideas for fixing and weather or not getting a new battery will even fix this issue or did I potentially damage something else? Because my next logical step is to buy a new battery and probably a big 3000mAh one because if I am going to upgrade may as well make it worth it. But, what I do not want to do is act prematurely as if it was the cause of my headphone jack being bad then I do not want to buy a new expensive battery and put it in frying that battery too?]
Let me know what you guys think and feel free to ask me any questions! Thanks in advance T_T
The headphone jack is brand new and off Aliexpress however I posted this a second ago and it was removed instantly with no explanation so I have removed the "link". If it helps I also have an iFlash Solo SD card in there. The tweasers I was using are metal and its a normal 5th Gen Video A1136.
submitted by _TropicalCucumber90 to ipod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:19 Zestyclose-Ad-8200 WIBTAH if i broke up with my bf because he (possibly) watched his friend's sex tape?

So I've (19F) been dating my boyfriend (20M) for about seven months now. Our relationship has had its ups and a couple downs but had overall been much better than all of the other ones in my past. I can safely say that we've just about left the honeymoon phase. There's just one issue that's been lingering in the back of my mind for the last week.
When my boyfriend hung out with one of his guy friends (22M) they were discussing their dick sizes and wanted to compare. Instead of whipping it out or whatever, his friend offered to show my boyfriend one of his sex tapes. Apparently it's of his girlfriend (20F), a mutual friend of theirs, going down on him. My boyfriend agreed and they messaged the girlfriend to get her consent. When he told me this story, my boyfriend said that they didn't end up watching the video but I have my doubts. If he didn't watch it then how does he know what happened?
I've been letting this information sit with me and I realized that I feel really hurt. I wish that he messaged me about it when it happened since it's a boundary of mine - even if we haven't talked about it before. I've considered ending things over this but haven't brought it up yet. Is this kind of behaviour normal? I haven't been in many relationships before, so I wouldn't know. Am I overreacting?
submitted by Zestyclose-Ad-8200 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:18 J-hophop Strange thought - looking for feedback

I was just watching a show and something in the scene and the acting just hit like a freaking sledgehammer...
A guy is panicked, driving his wife to the hospital in labour, he hurriedly parks, gets out, grabs a wheelchair, wheels her in, squeezing her shoulder he steadily reassuringly tells her she'll be okay, they'll do this together. Then they're stopped by security saying the hospital is at capacity. He looks utterly stricken, desperate, pained in a totally different way than she is pained... he pleads with the security guard, and likely due to the intensity of the emotions he's displaying more than her physical distress, the guard let's them in and even tells them which desk will get them seen faster.
And it hit me in a way I've just never clicked it. Perhaps men are so driven to fixing and get so very worked up about the women in their lives for just this reason here at the biological core of it - that there is this key thing for and around which we bond, wherein she must suffer and he must protect and provide and facilitate a process he cannot properly fathom, one he knows is immensely painful, and she's undergoing exactly because she's been with him.
Even though, in my experience anyway, they get not this degree of desperate and impassioned, we evoke that same undercurrent when they've bonded and we're distressed. They get desperate to fix things for us. To make it okay, somehow, even if it can't be. Not that we don't also support them and sometimes try to fix things, but the level of distress at it, the tendency to laser focus, the multiple emotions at once to the point where even the biggest toughest most stoic dude will show some of them because SHE is distressed.. the tendency for them to get more distressed about our distress than we are in the first place. Well, no wonder. Despite all the bullshit that floats around, we all know that when it comes to pain anyway, women can take more. So just because we're not showing top of the thermometer stress doesn't mean we aren't already past a lot of his normal thresholds.
Folks... I'm no spring chicken. Hopefully not yet sinewy lol but I'm working on my second career, I've been married and divorced, yet this kind of understanding has just never hit me like this before. Like obviously, I knew they cared, but I never really understood the strength of these tied drives. I saw the biological element under patriarchy saying men must protect and provide and such, but I just never clicked how profoundly powerful some of these elements are or how else they'd come out.
Do you ever just get taken aback by learning something new still that's big and important or realising something that was right there the whole time, for decades?
Folks think I'm right on this theory of exceptionally strong undercurrent as soon as a guy bonds, not just once he's actually a father?
Any additional insights to share?
submitted by J-hophop to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:18 Starlight__13 Am I bi or lesbian?

I am struggling to decide what to label my sexuality. I have been with a fair amount of men before (double digits), but literally only enjoyed being with one of them. It still wasn't zero, but I also know that I never want to be with men again and only want to be with women from now on. Would you say I'm bisexual or a lesbian?
I still feel attraction toward men sometimes, but it's mostly celebrities, and I also don't actually want a dick inside me ever again. Men really don't know what they're doing, and I don't really like penetration anyway, which is the main event with men. That's always been my least favorite part of sex with men, and I dreaded it. Sex with men always felt like a chore/assault even if it wasn't. I always felt kind of scared and incredibly nervous beforehand and during it. I'd usually get really drunk beforehand, and for years I only ever had sex while drunk. There's only one guy who I ever slept with sober. I usually basically tolerated sex with men but didn't enjoy it. It felt more like something I let happen to me rather than actively participated in. I only participated in a performative manner to play the part and impress them. I spent the whole time feeling self conscious and like I needed to pose certain ways, suck in my stomach, and basically "perform" for them.
What was always most exciting to me about having sex with men was using it as a social currency to bond with other women. I couldn't wait to tell my friends about it afterward and even demonstrate or recreate what we had done together. That was always much more appealing to me than actually having sex with men.
With women, I'm much more comfortable because we have the same bodies, so I know she won't judge me for having cellulite, fat, or hair in certain places like men would. It felt far more natural and less forced to have sex with a woman. It also makes sense to me that women know how to please our own gender more since we have the same parts. Men are clueless and don't know what to do with us. I've also always preferred the presence of women in terms of friendship and companionship anyway. I have nothing in common with men. I don't care about sports or video games or any of the things that men are stereotypically into. I was so thrilled to discover that I'm also sexually attracted to women so that I not only get to have wonderful friendships with them, but can also have a partner who I love and can have sex with! I genuinely don't understand why any woman who figures out she likes women would keep dating men. Why wouldn't you be incredibly relieved and thrilled that you don't have to date men anymore? Why would you go back to dating men when you can date women? It's like going back to sardines when you can have caviar. House vodka when you can have Grey Goose. It's like I was blind and now I see... Why would I blind myself again? But I don't know if having that opinion alone makes me a lesbian.
I'm leaning toward that I am a lesbian at this point, but it feels weird because I feel like I'm still supposed to say bi to honor the time I was with men before. But I know a lot of lesbians were with men before they figured out they were lesbians. It's just also weird that I slept with over 15 guys and only one woman, yet from that alone I know I don't want to be with men again because being with a woman was SO much better for me. Especially after I slept with my ex-girlfriend, I knew I was way more attracted to women than men. I never orgasmed with a man, but I would orgasm every time with my ex-girlfriend and even squirted multiple times! I can also only get off to the thought of women while masturbating, and that's been the case for over two years now.
Chappell Roan and Reneé Rapp have helped me become more accepting of the idea that I might be a lesbian because they were always vocal about having been with men before but hating it and preferring women, so I've always been like "they're just like me!" and now that they've both came out as lesbians, I thought "oh maybe I am too then" since my experiences are so similar to theirs. Conversely, when Sabrina Carpenter or Taylor Swift sing about how much they love men/having sex with men, I'm like.... I do not feel that way at all LOL
TLDR: If I've been with men before but didn't enjoy it and know that I never want to be with men again and only want to be with women from now on, would you consider me bisexual or a lesbian?
submitted by Starlight__13 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:15 dridibits Stockpiling and switching medications and more.

Hi. It’s been a long time since I checked in. Four level failed lumber fusion. I’m wondering if anyone has dealt with the things I’m dealing with lately at my pain management office.
My pain management office has appointments for everything. Does yours? I have my medication appointment and then a week later there’s a check up appointment for it. During this appointment nothing is really discussed but how I’m doing on my medication. This happens every month. Then there’s an appointment to go over my drug test even though I and everyone else had seen the results. Then there’s a cognitive ability test and an appointment to go over that. Many times they don’t show up or are hours late. I have to do pt and get injections just to please them even though it doesn’t work. Do you have to go to a million appointments? I’ve been looking for other drs but haven’t found any who prescribe any more. Ok that was boring. This new era of no medication makes me want to cry.
Have you dealt with people treating you like an addict? I have never failed a test but a year ago I went into Walgreens and they told me to not come back and did a number on me. Nothing preceded this guy going off except I was there picking up my medication. I don’t go there anymore and now go to Costco where I’ve haven’t had any bad luck.
My main question though is whether or not you’re on buprenorphine for pain and how you like it compared to a regular opiate. Last year after the Walgreens incident the person I dealt with at pain management convinced me to go on buprenorphine in the hopes I wouldn’t have to go through this. Biggest mistake of the year. I had an easy transition and it worked ok for nine months when all of a sudden it seemed to stop working. It was weird as it had worked for all those months. It wasn’t great but I could get through with it. In the last two months I’ve been in complete agony and I haven’t been able to grocery shop or do much of everything else. It feels like I’m taking norco which has never worked after my failed fusion.
I had to fight to get an appointment with the head doctor which I finally got last week. He had no problem switching me back to oxycodone. It doesn’t seem real till I pick up the prescription. I went to give the prescription and I was told it would take five days to fill. Is that how long it’s taking to get meds now? I’m trying to think of how much I have to stockpile. I was already nine days late in getting the buprenorphine which I didn’t want to pick up as I didn’t want them to think I was trying to pick up two medications. During that time I was trying to get my appointment with the doctor. I have just enough medication to get through. I have old oxycodone but I dare not take it as it’s not part of my new prescription. What would you do if you were in agonny? Does this make sense? Meanwhile I haven’t been in this much pain in a decade. I’ve tried taking oxycodone since I got the buprenorphine in between care and it worked great so I’m not really worried about it working again.
I’m surprised now when I read people love buprenorphine/suboxone for pain. I just don’t get it. I also don’t completely understand why it seems like I’m taking nothing right now.
Anyway that’s been on my mind and was interested in what you’ve been through with any of these things . If I hadn’t stockpiled a lot I wouldn’t have made it. I have just enough to get through barely. I feel like I have razor blades cutting the inside of me tonight.
Thanks for any input. I hope your pain is under control tonight. Gentle hugs to everyone.
submitted by dridibits to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:15 uneLeDlairC This whole situation is kafkaesque

Many have already said this, but seeing the whole community waiting for the video and going berserk in the sub as an outsider is completely insane.
I had watched Witcher 1 and 2's videos a long time ago, as background noise for whatever game i was playing at the time, and rewatched them just at the time Joseph announced he would delete his channel if he did not release the video before 2024. Since then, i've been lurking this sub, even though i never use Reddit anymore for anything else, and going through every post and reply. I really don't know when i started caring about this video and i don't even know if i really do, because what has kept me interested is actually the sub: it's just like the "car accident you can't turn away from" thing.
The passive aggressive "you need to chil out" post, the replies praising Joseph and then all praise continuously disappearing and turning to absolute hate as whole months passed by. The absolute radio silence from Joseph until one stream where he showed a clip from the video with suspicious enough writing that made people think it was some kind of joke to mock the people waiting for the video. The accounts that make daily posts until the release of the video that are basically on day 100+. The people on here who just want the streams to come back and have to deal with this whole situation. The fact this video has been in production for almost the same time the game took to be made. It's so surreal.
It's hard not to read through replies made by angry people criticising Joseph and not take their side and get angry too, but at some point after checking into this sub every other week for months, i can't even get mad anymore. It's just way too funny. It's like this whole situation was carefully engineered by the guy to make every fan of his, whether or not they care about the video, go into unrecorded levels of madness.
submitted by uneLeDlairC to josephanderson [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:11 Guilty_Supermarket49 This isn't supposed to be SO painful, WTF?

Guys, this is killing me. Pictured: after an episode, post-cerave moisturising lotion.
I've had eczema my whole life but never super serious, just flare-ups here and there. I also have rosacea. Sensitive skin. ADHD and possibly ASD if that's relevant. This KP issue started in 2017, when I began HRT with testosterone. The first prickling episode happened that year. It took years to be diagnosed as KP but it doesn't seem to add up.
I have raw, angry KP across my entire back, in places on my chest and abdomen, and the nape of my neck. My scalp too but it's not as serious unless I wear a hat. Without regular exfoliating, keratin that feels like grains of sand is trapped under my skin, and it's very itchy. If I scrape at my skin with my nails or just rub it with my fingertips there's hundreds of these grains that come out. That itchiness is really unpleasant, but it's not actually the thing that I'm at my wit's end over.
It's sudden, painful, stabbing pricks anywhere that the rash is, that hit me like a wildfire, on frequent occasions. Kind of like a hot flash, but with needles instead of heat. No - with white hot needles. Taking antihistamines helps a little, but not much.
If I go too long without exfoliating & moisturising, get too active, get anxious or go outside when it's hot, or get really sweaty, or get touched too much by the dog (allergic probably), the prickling episodes are complete agony. It's like my nerves are having a panic attack. It's like a million burning needles aggressively pricking me over and over again and I can't breathe. I'm completely at a loss. I just want to know what on earth this is. KP is supposed to be painless. What is happening??
I have depression and I go long periods without looking after myself so that obviously has helped this to remain a chronic thing - probably if I showered, exfoliated, moisturised every day it'd stop. But it's a cycle. It's so hard to keep it up. It's so involved, exfoliating makes me flare up unless I really let my skin soak - if it's a quick shower I'm just in pain from the stubborn dead skin. If I scrub enough to remove it without softening it first the inflammation makes it comes back faster.
Anyway I just feel really alone in this because literally nothing online explains these episodes and nobody online describes feeling this strange, painful thing. It's like pins and needles on meth. It's like every square millimetre of my back is being simultaneously pounded by a large gauge tattoo gun.
submitted by Guilty_Supermarket49 to keratosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:09 Basevelocity I won’t be returning here

So just wanted to say that this will be my last time browsing through this subreddit. I’ll be going through a “dopamine reset” sort of thing and I’ll be aiming to not use any SM or electronics for a whole week. The goal will be to not spend hours of playing video games and/or being on phone.
Before I go on to the relationship stuff, I just want to thank everyone here. Thank you for helping me through some tough times. Everyone here, reading through your stories and posts really helped me understand that I wasn’t going through it alone. This last breakup had me thinking I really was alone in how I viewed relationships and that everyone in the world would rather give up than try and work things out, but coming here made me realize I’m not alone. To those still struggling, hang in there. Take it day by day. Recovery isn’t linear, you’ll have your good days, and suddenly have some really bad days, but this is normal. You’re not alone.
Well, with all that said, I think im good enough to handle the rest on my own now. Y’know, the bad days are few in between now, and my good days are really good. But, i still have times when I’m sad about it. Hell, sometimes I’ll feel “numb” to it and feel bad about that. It’s especially hard because I still see her at work, but I’m working on getting a better job not just to avoid her but because it’s about time I move on towards a career, or atleast a job that can get me started in that direction. Even at work though, it’s getting easier day by day. It’s rough to see someone you spent so much time with and have to pretend you don’t care about them, and seeing them do the same to you. I don’t know if she’s truly over it, but I don’t stress myself about it as often anymore. I can only accept the fact that she has not reached out to me, and despite my efforts in the past, she wasn’t interested in trying.
I think the biggest thing I realized about it is that I loved her, and no matter how she feels or what she does, I still love her. But, i also need to start taking real steps to loving myself. I didn’t love myself at all when we’re talking, and I completely dedicated everything to the relationship and pleasing her. Can’t say I lost myself, because I didn’t even know “myself” prior to the relationship. But I can say now that I’m gonna try my hardest to find it. I’m gonna work towards a better me. I’m not gonna isolate myself or never talk to girls like how i previously handled breakups, I’m just gonna do what I think is right. Loving myself doesn’t mean I have to hate her.
I wanted to reach out to one person in particular I felt as if we were going through similar pains. But besides that, I’ll be moving on from this subreddit. Thank you all again, and I wish you all the best in your road to recovery. You got this!
And with that I bid you all a farewell.
submitted by Basevelocity to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:02 DifferentClassroom53 How do you guys deal with feeling n* from constipation

I hate that I've done this to myself but in the last few days I've taken pepto bismol twice and a zantac, and I know that those cause constipation. I haven't had a bm in days and I'm feeling the effects of it.. I felt the sharp pain in my abdomen earlier but felt like I couldn't go to the bathroom no matter how hard I tried. I'm also getting acid reflux and a salty/sweet taste in my mouth I can't get rid of plus a burning stomach which definitely isnt helping my case in trying to calm. My sister also had constipation from some medications so my mom gave her a laxative drink but when she drank it she kept saying "I'm gonna tu, I'm gonna tu" because the drink was apparently really sweet and so I'm scared of trying that same thing. I'm scared of eating too because I think that if I haven't gone in several days, my stomach will be too full and reject the food that I try eating. How do you guys get rid of this quickly or force a bm? I'm asking here because I've seen a lot of people with similar experiences with constipation. (Worried that if I dont have a bm soon, being this backed up will cause me to tu)
submitted by DifferentClassroom53 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:59 Far_Artist_806 How to handle SO constantly on the phone when you’ve already spoke up about it.

I (22F) am dating an amazing guy (25M). But he is ALWAYS on the phone. When i say always, i mean always. He has always been a heavy phone user but i never really took into account how much he is actually on it. From the time he opens his eyes in the morning till the time he goes to sleep he is always doing something on his phone (that may be exaggerated just a smidge). From scrolling facebook to talking to his friends, it’s always something.
Today we were at my his family’s and everyone was in the pool but SO. I had to go in to grab a drink and saw him sitting on the couch scrolling. I asked if he wanted to come out and he said yes, so i gave him a kiss and grabbed his hand to kinda nudge him up. He just said “i’ll come out in a few minutes”. I responded with “okay baby”, gave him another kiss and walked back out. A hour later and he still hasn’t came out. another 30 minutes go by and he finally comes out. He doesn’t speak to anyone, just walks over to a chair, sits down, smiles at me, pulls out his phone and starts watching tiktok.
Later on when we got home, i went to give him a kiss, he was holding his phone with it unlocked. I puckered my lips and closed my eyes and went in for a kiss. As we’re kissing i hear his phone start ringing as if he had just called someone. I open my eyes to see his eyes open and looking at his phone, he had opened his call log, clicked call to a friend and the phone was ringing. All while i was kissing him and he was kissing me. I WAS LIVID.
I have spoke up about this a few times in the past. small stuff like “please don’t watch videos while we eat together, let’s talk about our day” or “you’ve been on multiple phone calls all days with friends, can we talk some, im craving some one on one time”. He will do good for a while and then it slowly comes back. It is REALLY starting to piss me off. What do i do? any suggestions?
submitted by Far_Artist_806 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:56 iupuiclubs To the braindead dad being mean to his young daughter at Redpoint BBQ

im on fire, and cant sleep.
this dad is going on this continuous point by point break down of his like 7 year old daughters rock climbing competition, treating her like she's 25 getting ready for the olympics. Literally at one point said "this is how brooke rabatou would do it."
As some point she started talking about harry potter and was saying her favorite professor. Then she said "dad you know why im afraid of dementors?"
He goes "Honestly I don't know what dementors are, so i don't care." word for word.
He's just continously having her break her own rock climbing competition down for him. "What havent you told me? You're holding back." and she like has to invent something she didn't already say.
10 mins later she literally starts to mention harry potter and he goes "Stop. I don't care."
and she says in this tiny voice "oh... i was just talking to myself.."
And she just kept looking over at me.
You know. I came from the city to get away from having to go off on people. This is the 2nd city person I've ran into there that invites such a thing. And I'm not "folded in" to the locals after 1.5 years, so not trying to burn bridges everywhere going off on this guy or interrupting to explain you don't have to be afraid of dementors because we all have a patronus. Its like i'm walking on eggshells with the locals *and* the city people.
I'm thinking of going back to the city after this. I grew up reading harry potter at her age, and I can't seem to gap who I was in the city not ever letting that slide versus compromising myself to maintain half way social interactions here.
If you see a young (7-10) female climber with glasses crushing and she mentions harry potter, make sure you tell her about the Patronus.
I was afraid of dementors too.
And my thought for locals: if you don't ever actually engage people looking to contribute to the community, they will eventually leave confused. It was wild moving to a place and becoming really poor through job loss, and being completely brushed aside by people in a similar situation.
The entire local population is barely half of the population of what my city high school was, let alone college. Yet you have people running into each other pretending not to know each other because they're "outsiders". Its possible that person you see around all the time absolutely loves climbing but has fresh nerve damage which is why you haven't met them at the wall yet. Bit of a strange feel to become an un-person as a result of that damage, I can attest.
anyway. Thanks. Hopefully I run into them at breakfast.
submitted by iupuiclubs to RedRiverGorge [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:55 luciaannette Han Sung Soo has been credited as the Head Producer in every Pledis Artist’s MV?

Has everyone noticed that since January 2024, Han Sung Soo has been credited as the Head Producer in every Pledis artist’s MV? The only other person consistently receiving credit under Hybe is Min Hee Jin, the CEO of Ador.
Well, I respect Han Sung Soo’s style in music and performance. He wants to make his name stand out even after no longer being the Pledis CEO. It’s just confusing me which parts of these projects he produced.
P/s: Under Pledis artist MVs, the credits include the entire team, whereas Ador just specifically credited the producer and video director. And do you guys see the similarity between Min Hee Jin and Han Sung Soo in this, they all want to be remembered and get praise for the product that they​ created. But a few weeks ago he chose to stand by Bang PD and join the team against Min CEO. I think it's because he planning to get more power as HYBE. I just wish that he would keep Pledis Artist's benefit as his top 1 concern, don be like other companies, and forget the reason why he opened and created Pledis.
submitted by luciaannette to tws [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:52 Professional_Sale489 Losing my diamond

A year ago I was in a good place, I had a good physique, good friends and in general I was doing pretty good for myself the only missing piece was a girlfriend. I found myself the perfect girl for me. Smart, sweet, kind, weird so clingy so very beautiful. I could have the spent the rest of my life with her. But I didn’t realise all this. I treated her like a piece of meat at times and didn’t give her the treatment she deserved. She liked me so much. For whatever reason I couldn’t like her back fully. So I left her. Hoping that she would be willing to friends with me still because I valued her as a person so much still. We tried but she couldn’t then she didn’t want to be friends at all then 3 months later she got into a relationship with another guy and didn’t wanna be friends anymore out of respect for him too. A month after I ended it with her I started liking another girl. Another beautiful girl who was great in all aspects. I couldn’t pull her tho because she wasn’t looking for anything, but even if I could have I probably wouldn’t have been as happy as I had been with the girl I couldn’t fully like. She was my everything. After I stopped like this other girl is when I had enough time to realise all my past mistakes and flaws and realise what I truly lost. It was too late. She was already in a realtionship with another guy now. There was nothing I could do besides she was so happy with him. She deserved to be happy. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy. If only I knew all I know now back then I would have made her the happiest girl in the whole world. I would not have treated her like shit. She was my diamond. I miss her so much. I see her in my dreams almost every night. It hurts so much all I want to do is run and grab her by her waist and give her a hug like I used to and tell her not to go. Stay. I love you. Why was I so late to realise all of this? If only I realised this sooner she would have still been my beautiful girl. Yesterday on Instagram I saw her wearing matching Messi football jerseys with her boyfriend and that honestly broke me. I’m a Ronaldo fan and that’s what she used to support, Ronaldo and Madrid. We even spoke about wearing matching jerseys but we never got to it. It all hurts so much. It’s a lesson but a painful lesson. I could wait for her for an eternity but there is no point because she would probably be happier without me. I just want to go back in time and do things differently. I miss her and love her so much it hurts so bad.
submitted by Professional_Sale489 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:49 Salty_Wolf7322 Can i win my ex girlfriend back

So basically me and my ex met on hinge started out fwb and she courted me for like 6 months i then asked her to be my gf after knowing her for 8months it was great we were both really in love. We both faced hardships together moving multiple times etc…. She gave me her 110% the entire relationship. I don’t want to say i took her for granted cause i got her flowers and did boyfriend duties. I eventually made the decision to send her home… she hadnt been home with her parents in 7 years i did this so i could buy a home and start our new life. Her parents were traditional muslims so her going home means she cant leave till she gets married. She left due to their strict rules early on. She moved in with an ex boyfriend who she was dating for 7 years they were poor but grew together eventually he became a multi millionaire and scammed people… but she was living the high life at around age 20 but he cheated on her she fell out of love… she met an fwb between me and her… eventually found me and i dont want to say i was out if her league but i knew i had it in the bag. I asked for coffee and she said we can go to your place… you know how that ends. Anyways we eventually were daying and having a ton of fun… to be quite frank i didnt know i was going to meet her when i did and buying the home took us breaking up just a hair longer than i wanted. I dont think she resents me for sending her home. But about one month prior perhaps two months prior to us breaking up given i bought her cartier and constantly making food for her… her mom basically said she deserves better so she came over and given i think we both took each other for granted saying i did the bare minimum but she was easily influenced by tik tok trends bringing up “if he wanted to he would” as an argument and to be frank i didn’t understand what to do with this but basically i learned a lot after the fact… she was coming from an emotional place and felt unreciprocated love. But when she came iver she said her mom would be so mad at her if she didnt break up with me. So i started planning date night trying to break bad habits and getting the door etc. but that was only one month prior to me getting upset about some vulgar guy saying something to her i was doing a lot better with my emotions i said “ idont like what he said” to which i got no response via phone so i said” i think im gonna go play some video games” trying to not let my blood boil she took it as hanging up on her so she ignored me till the next day given i just bought a 2k trip for her birthday to ny. But she took that as me hanging up but I explained that i was just trying to cool off and she understood, however she said she wants me to refund the trip and she doesnt think things will ever be easy between us. She said she wanted to come over and talk given we were only seeing eachother once a week. And she would spend the night and those date nights turned into she just wanted to cuddle. So i listened. Given i should have probably atleast got flowers on those weekends. However i took the wind out of her sails and was hurt and tolf her if she is breaking up with me i will set her stuff outside she responded with we will talk when she comes over i asked if she is going to spend the night. She said either way she has to get her things aka breakup. So she came over and i gave her a kiss no hatd feelings nothing after i gave her a kiss and kissed her on the lips and called her beautiful she said she was 15 tors in looking for one reason to dtay but i couldnt give her that because i knew it would just be buying time so i let her walk no fight. I asked her to take the picture she got for me since i didnt want to be reminded of her and i saw the hurt i caused by saying that and that I already moved out pictures into the hidden which i saw her body go pale and accept the defeat looking back she wanted me to fight but i had to figure out why this isnt working. Extremely sweet words were said post breakup and about loving eachother forever we had a 4 hour bitter sweet phone call the next day talking about the relationship fits like a glove but when it doesnt it feels like its me and she said whenever i figure out those reasons shed take me back in a heartbeat. So following the first week post breakup i reached out three times one of which did not warrant a response and just let her know i was thinking about her. And dropped a card and flowers off on her car at work. The second a few days later asked if i could call no response… the third a voice memo and to which i got a response that dtated it wouldnt be a good idea to see eachother so soon we both need time and soace and she is confused about what she wants and needs and to respect her wishes i hearted the message she took that as rejection and blocked my number. The next following week or two she was liking things about people breaking up to come back together stronger then turned into breaking up with a good guy but not a good fit. I never reached out via social media she also liked things along the lines as to if i were to come back i already would have. I tried to call her after seeing that n realized she blocked my number so i didnt push it. So i didnt contact her for about 3 more weeks and in that time frame i saw her turn bitter and mean with tik tok reposts i did not react. She eventually saw a tik tok on when to give up on someone and basically she was trying to get at that i manipulated her. Very much from the truth n in her heart she knows that but she is easily influenced the next day she posted a video on her instagram with her old fwb. I did not react i felt indifferent knowing we are both hurting definitely immature since i am the bigger person always not giving a final ick. After that she liked things in twitter about expecting more for other since she would do it for me and somethings are worth fixing. No reaction to anything. Given one time very early on she tried to block me everywhere and breakup and i showed up to her apartment to fix things, stupid breakup but worked for the next year and a half she did some sus thing and apologized. So after the fwb and all the tik tok reposts I understand that she felt unloved or not loved enough. So i sent a heartfealt apology only taking accountability but she definitely didnt communicate well. Even after the fwb thing she then reposted bitter tik toks n reply to the apology. And then removed me off twitter. I like a tweet when she was being extremely roud with tik tok replies. About being quite the truth will tell itself. I am a solid dude, and treated her well. Sure we didnt communicate the best and perhaps i could have done a little more but i was doing the big things. The distance hurt us the most. She then reacted to that tweet given neither of us follow eachother about a month and five days post breakup bo words said. She was stalking me she then removed me from her tik tok following and was liking my reposts i think she realized it wasnt right to be hating on me as hard as she was so i think that was so she stopped reposting at me. She then removed me off tik tok following me and liked one more tik tok before hand. Her final move was another insta video directed at me no one involved but clearly in someone elses car. I had a friend view it then i removed myself from following her and privated all my accounts. I wanted to communicate like adults. She then unblocked my number and has not reached out. She feels as though she deserved better but wanted me to be better for her. I am buying a house next montth and doing my best to become better. So about a month and ahalf later i noticed she blocked me on twitter neither of us even follow eachother. Not blocked tik tok or instagram. I dont think phone either. I see signs that she is holding on. I know her super well. Most painful breakup for us both. She lost a ton of weight. But i did not have the option to pull up to her home to fix things. She has yet to delete me on snap but i deleted her . She still follows my friends and sister on instagram. I feel as though this twitter move is for me to either pursue to win her back. Only me and her bestfriend followed her on twitter and even after the remove so its not for another guy. A month and half after breakup on a random saturday. She has yet to respond to the apology, except for tik tok reposts. She is 24 almost 25 i am 27. I just know for our dynamics for this to actually workout real time needs to reset things. Her birthday is hour days after i close on my home. I know that that will help show i am on the right track. She made me refund the trip on her birthday she cared about me enough to not take it without me and didnt want to go with me. She has been giving extremly mixed signals although now i believe she wants to be done but clearly still holding on. I want to win her back and do it the right way if i make shre it can last indefinitely. However i dont know what i should do. I think if i fought for her those first two weeks i had a high likelyhood but our dynamics would have been set right back. We both wish we would have gotten the coffe and done things the right way and she hopes we just randomly bump into eachother but i cant hang on too much more so i think after the home i reach out any lady opinions i know that meeting the mom would be eassential and would have to make more aof a priority i think she saw me as wasting her daughters time since they get married fast and my now ex wanted to get married and start life in a studio however i wanted to be more presentable to the parents getting the home first which i explained in the apology
submitted by Salty_Wolf7322 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:49 necronomikkon Your ex follows a ton of guys/girls after breaking up:

If your ex follows a ton of guys or girls after a breakup it’s because they are sooooo insecure and ego driven. They are not actively choosing to heal. Maybe they moved on in the relationship (which I doubt). But more likely than not they are trying to self-soothe and satisfy by seeking out someone to be their new shiny toy momentarily…until shit inevitably hits the fan. And their immature, unhealed self, is shown. IT REEKS OF DESPERATION.
For example, my ex and I broke up a month ago. He texted me a few days ago. And he’s followed more than 50+ girls. More than he has ever followed when we were dating. I think maybe he thinks this bothers me but it’s actually quite embarrassing and strange. LOL. Especially since we were dating for 4 years.
Instead of healing they are trying to fill the extremely deep void you left behind. Personally, it makes me laugh.
How pathetic do you have to be to seek validation from others instead of healing and focusing on yourself? They are choosing their next victim, who may even have a worse demise.
Healed individuals seek validation internally before latching onto others. This person you were with is actively avoiding their pain by trying to seek others. Eventually their issues will leak into their relationships.
Be glad you left and dodged a bullet. They can REPLACE you but they can never replace YOU. Let them learn this on their own. Let them seek empty situationships and attachments. Let them try to fill the void. Most of the time, the cycle will just repeat itself unless they do their inner work and reflection.
I truly feel bad for the next person who has to be romantically involved with them. Imagine, dating someone who follows tons and tons of women/men ??? Weirdo behavior.
submitted by necronomikkon to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:48 Trash-Parfait What do you do if you think you're being followed during your exposure routine?

While it may very well be paranoia that I was being followed by some random guy, I rather not take that chance.
I usually stick to where there's people (I rather feel the pain of social anxiety and judgement than take an isolated route) and I walk while the sun is still out. I also take a phone with me (this is why I recommend taking a phone. It's a must). Should I avoid going out too often?
Any other tips would be greatly appreciated. I've gotten better at going out and feel confident enough to go inside public transportation again, but still have trouble going in stores, talking or eye contact.
submitted by Trash-Parfait to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:46 DravenDravenDraven22 [23/M] Europe - Looking for my someone 😊

Hey there! I am a 23 year old guy, and im looking for my special someone.
I am 190cm(6'3) tall, I have short black hair, hazel eyes. My hobbies are driving, working on my car, going to the gym, play video games, listen to music and watch YouTube videos, and also play with my dog too :D I go to university to be an IT Engineer and also work part time aswell.
I am a very cuddly person, very loyal, honest, and I like giving all of my attention to the person who's important for me. If we'd get closer, I'd love to spend all my freetime with you and chat/voice call a lot, and hopefully develop a long lasting relationship, and hopefully it'll turn to irl in the future.
I'm looking for a girl who's also cuddly, clingy, kind, sweet, and who'd also be a good Passenger Princess 😋
If you'd be interested in chatting and getting to know each other, send me a message :)
submitted by DravenDravenDraven22 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]