Food ingredients recipes

food recipes

2012.07.26 15:06 roast839 food recipes

food recipes food recipes food recipes

2008.01.25 18:45 Cooking


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2024.06.10 16:46 iamkingsleyf 36 Foods You Should Never Store in the Refrigerator

Many of you gleefully make the mistake of keeping foods you should never store in the refrigerator out of habit or ignorance.
The household refrigerator seems the most likely place to keep foods fresh for a longer period.
However, certain ingredients aren’t just compatible with colder temperatures. This article lists foods you should never store in the refrigerator.
It also discusses certain foods that can only be kept in the refrigerator under certain conditions.

1. Garlic

Photo by Matthew Pilachowski
Garlic is one food that rots faster when kept in the refrigerator because of the extra moisture unless already peeled and prepared.
The best storage location for garlic is in a dry place with room temperature, enough air circulation, and a distance from light.
When left whole, garlic bulbs tend to last longer until they are ready for use. If you’re looking to use additional garlic bulbs, you could try producing your own garlic oil.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the foods you should never store in the refrigerator. Refrigerating oils often make them cloudy and grainy.
If you want these oils to maintain their consistency and color, they should be stored at room temperature.
However, you should also note that olive oil can rapidly degrade in quality when stored in places with high temperatures or exposed to sunlight.
Storing it in a cool, dark place, such as the cupboard or shelf in the kitchen, is better than leaving it on top of the shelf, drawer, cabinet, or table.

3. Nuts

Although lower temperatures may help sustain the natural oils in nuts, the cold can also affect or alter their flavor.
If you desire to use them soon, it’s best to keep nuts in a container in the pantry where air doesn’t circulate or reach. The location doesn’t have to be too warm well.
On the other hand, if you want the nuts to last longer and don’t plan to use them until further notice, keep them in the refrigerator.

4. Mangoes (unripe)

Like avocados, unripe mangoes should be kept or stored at room temperature because low temperatures slow the ripening process. Once ripe, they can be stored in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator.

5. Honey

It doesn’t matter where you keep honey since it lasts for a long time irrespective of storage location. Honey is on this list for different reasons, including longevity or duration.
Honey should not be stored in the refrigerator, as the low temperatures will cause it to solidify and crystallize.
So unless you want to struggle with your honey, you should leave it in its gooey, paste-like form. They are some of the foods you should never store in the refrigerator.

6. Coffee

Photo by Maria
Coffee, by default, absorbs the smell of the ingredients surrounding it. This means that storing it in the refrigerator can impair its flavor. The coffee will absorb the smells of other food in the fridge.
Instead, it should be stored in a closed container at room temperature, away from sunlight. This ensures that your coffee sustains its freshness until you are ready to brew it.

7. Onions

Whole onions that haven’t been peeled or sliced should preferably be stored at room temperature, away from the light.
Onions contain starch, so if stored in the refrigerator for too long, they will likely become damp and soggy and eventually rot.
So, if you must store cut onions in your refrigerator, seal them in a moisture-free container. Onions are among the foods you should never store in the refrigerator.

8. Avocados (Unripe)

If you want your avocados to ripen, they should be kept far away from the fridge for four to seven days. Freezing them will only lengthen the ripening process and can trigger them to go off more rapidly.
Once they have ripened, they can be stored in the refrigerator until you are ready to eat them.

9. Potatoes

Potatoes should never be stored in the refrigerator. Low temperatures convert the starch in potatoes to sugar, which can discolor them and cause them to lose their taste.
Potatoes should be kept unwashed in a place that’s not prone to sunlight. If you can lay your hand on a burlap sack, store them in it.

10. Pumpkin

Pumpkins should preferably be exposed to sunlight to sustain their freshness or toughen their skin. This process is known as “curing.”
Once this has been done and accomplished, they can now be kept away from sunlight. The location should also be devoid of moisture and have good air circulation, which is no colder than 10°C (50°F).
However, storing them in the refrigerator will trigger them to turn faster. Cured and well-kept pumpkins can last as long as six months.

11. Cakes

Your cake tends to have a taste that’s way better when it’s not very cold. If you want to preserve the freshness of your cake, it’s best to keep it in a container that keeps air out for a period ranging from three to seven days.
Anyways, if the cake is filled with cream or has cream toppings, refrigerating it should be the best. They are some of the foods you should never store in the refrigerator.

12. Butternut squash

The refrigerator’s moisture can affect the butternut squash’s quality and cause it to go off quickly. If you want to store a whole squash, keep it on a shelf or table at room temperature.
Once it’s cut, you can store it in the refrigerator, in form or cubes, for not more than four days.

13. Hot sauce

Storing hot sauce in your refrigerator is unnecessary simply because this sauce is usually rich in vinegar. Vinegar usually inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Like other foods, the chili’s hotness will be more substantial if the sauce is stored at room temperature.

14. Bread

If you intend to consume all your bread within a few days, you shouldn’t store it in the refrigerator. Like potatoes and sweet potatoes, low temperatures alter bread’s structure, giving it a stale taste.
You can only freeze your bread if you don’t intend to use it soon. To defrost and refresh frozen bread, simply put it in your toaster or oven.

15. Peanut butter

Peanut butter that has been processed can become very firm and stiff in the fridge, which makes spreading it on your toast a bit problematic. It’s more of a middle ground when it comes to organic peanut butter.
The peanut spread can last longer when stored in the fridge, but it will be at the cost of its oil separation.
At lower temperatures, it’s less comfortable to stir the product back to its proper consistency. If you intend to eat it within a period of six to nine months, it is safe if stored away from the fridge.

16. Dried fruits

Storing dried fruits in your refrigerator will only give it unwanted moisture. They are best secured in places that are void of moisture, away from sunlight and air.

17. Sweet potatoes

Similar to potatoes, keeping sweet potatoes in the refrigerator will alter the chemical composition of the vegetable. This will damage or impair its texture and flavor.
Sweet potatoes should be kept in a cupboard or pantry, with good air circulation, room temperature, and not prone or exposed to sunlight.

18. Aubergines

Neither the refrigerator nor a very warm place is the ideal storage location for an aubergine unless you want it to get wrinkled and dry.
So somewhere in between is the perfect location for this food. The recommended place will be a place at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

19. Chocolate

The refrigerator is possibly the worst place to store your bar or box of chocolates. The low temperature and moisture of the refrigerator can alter the taste, color, and texture.
Chocolate, particularly cocoa butter, also tends to absorb other foods’ aromas nearby. The best thing is to keep it away from other pungent or aromatic ingredients.
Instead, secure your chocolate in a place devoid of moisture and away from the sunlight. Store in an airtight container if you’ve already broken into it.

20. Melons

Unripe melons can be preserved in the cupboard or shelf. There’s just minimal effect pertaining to the freshness, besides, leaving such a large fruit out of the refrigerator saves you a lot of space.
Sliced melons should be sealed and preserved in the refrigerator. They are some of the foods you should never store in the refrigerator.

21. Bananas

Banana is the kind of food that requires a temperature within the range of 15 to 20°C (59-68°F) for it to ripen properly.
However, the ripening process is stopped or paused when the banana is stored in the refrigerator. Plus, the skin might gradually blacken due to the effect the low temperature has on the fruit’s cell walls.

22. Pastries

To get the best out of pastries, they are best stored in wraps in paper bags and preserved in a place at room temperature.
Storing your pastries in the refrigerator will expose them to moisture, alternating their texture and rendering them soggy and limp. They are some of the foods you should never store in the refrigerator.

23. Salad Dressing

Many salad dressings are either vinegar or oil-based, so they will be just fine if kept in the cupboard for a few days. Only dressings with cream should be kept in the refrigerator.

24. Peaches

It’s best to keep peaches away from the refrigerator when they are not ripe or ready to be eaten. It’s not a good idea to keep fresh peaches away from the fridge.
Similar to several other stone fruits, very low temperatures inhibit the ripening process, which means it will take longer before you can eat the peach.
Storing it in the fridge only makes it exposed to a higher risk of rotting. Keep them on the countertop instead and only resort to refrigerating if they’re about ready to be dug into.

25. Chocolate spread

This delicious and tasty condiment is a delight on toast. Still, when stored at low temperatures, it becomes a lot more difficult to spread.
The chocolate flavor tends to come out better when the jar is kept at room temperature.
So ensure the lid is airtight and store it in your cupboard or pantry.

26. Syrup

It is convenient to keep your syrup in the cupboard if you spend time, say a few months to consume a jar of it.
Because most syrups are made of a low quantity of water and high sugar concentration, including golden and maple syrups, they are best stored away from the refrigerator.
At low temperatures, syrups tend to become solidified, which isn’t recommended if you plan to pour them over pancakes.

27. Champagne

If you don’t intend to open a bottle of Champagne or sparkling wine within five days, don’t store it in the refrigerator.
This is because the alternating temperature of the door opening and closing will impair its taste.
Champagne is best preserved on its side, in a dark place with a constant temperature. You can then keep it in the fridge for a few hours before you open it.

28. Tomato ketchup

It’s frequently argued whether ketchup should be kept in the cupboard or refrigerator. Anyways, bottled ketchup has been in the market and stored before the fridge was introduced as a household item.
Ketchup has a rich level of vinegar, salt and sugar content. This makes it okay to preserve it at room temperature without it rotting.

29. Citrus fruits

If you didn’t know, citrus fruits are more succulent, and they taste better when stored at room temperature.
Keep citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruit, and oranges in a cool, dry place, and ensure you eat them within a few weeks.
If you intend to store them for a longer time, preserve them in a plastic bag in the fridge crisper drawer.

30. Pickled Vegetables

As long as you’ve not tainted the jar with a filthy spoon, the chemicals meant for preservation being used in processed pickles mean they should last well enough in the cupboard or shelf.
It frees up much-needed space in the refrigerator. Ensure the lid is airtight, and view the use-by date, and any particular instructions on the label.
However, if you are keeping fermented pickles or you’ve pickled your vegetables, these are best stored in the refrigerator.

31. Soy sauce

Although storing bottled soy sauce in the fridge may be stated on the labels. Still, food outlets usually leave the condiment on the tables all day.
This shows that it can be kept at room temperature for as long as six months due to the high salt content.

32. Fresh soft herbs

Soft herbs such as basil, coriander, mint, parsley, and dill should be handled like bunches of flowers. They should be cut and stored in a glass with fresh water.
Storing these herbs in the refrigerator will cause the leaves to become soggy and bend over rapidly.
However, hard herbs such as rosemary, thyme, sage, and oregano can be wrapped in a paper towel and preserved in an airtight container in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer.

33. Dried spices

Dried spices and refrigerators should never even be in the same sentence. Unwanted moisture is sure to be on your “dried” spices each time you store them in your fridge.
To prolong shelf life, store your dried spices in a place that’s devoid of moisture and away from direct sunlight. They do not need the heat, and please do not leave them stored away for more than a year, though.

34. Jam

As long as your jam is well sealed inside a sterilized jar, it can be kept away from the refrigerator for as long as two years.
Once that jar is open for use, it should be stored inside the refrigerator to avoid mold development. However, always ensure you check the label on individual jam jars if you’re not sure.

35. Butter

Refrigerated butter is almost unspreadable, so you should opt for a covered dish or plate on a worktop for preserving your butter, preferably for a day or two.
The butter should be stored in a cooler place if you don’t want it to melt or develop an unpleasant odor.
Keep away from direct sunlight exposure during the summer season. However, if you don’t plan to use your butter for the next few days, you can store it in the fridge.

36. Eggs

Eggs are some of the foods you should never store in the refrigerator and may seem like a surprising entry on this list because you believe the fridge is the best storage location for your eggs.
In the US, the fridge is ideal for your eggs because they are sterilized and must be cooled to prevent them from returning to their previous state.
In Europe, your eggs should not be refrigerated. This is because they are not sterilized, and their shell is an effective barrier.Many of you gleefully make the mistake of keeping foods you should never store in the refrigerator out of habit or ignorance.
The household refrigerator seems the most likely place to keep foods fresh for a longer period.
However, certain ingredients aren’t just compatible with colder temperatures. This article lists foods you should never store in the refrigerator.
It also discusses certain foods that can only be kept in the refrigerator under certain conditions.

1. Garlic

submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:38 fireskylark Meals for house sitters

I have a couple family members watching my house/taking care of my cat while I’m away for two weeks. They aren’t staying there full time, just checking in daily. I asked what they’d like to have available (food and open use of my place is sort of acting as their payment). They suggested quick meals they can reheat such as a lasagna. Thing is, I don’t have a microwave. I don’t mind not having one, but I’m thinking this sort of limits what I can prep for them. Please share your ideas here!! My initial thoughts are sandwich fixings, prepped burritos to put in the toaster oven, soup, and/or chili. I also will make some cookies for them, too. Even better if you provide recipes for your ideas.
submitted by fireskylark to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:36 wildyeast77 Baked with unfed starter straight from fridge!

Baked with unfed starter straight from fridge!
My experiment with using unfed starter straight from the fridge - turned out pretty well, I think! Recipe in photo #4 (Maurizio Leo’s Fifty-Fifty from The Perfect Loaf book). I keep a small (~55g) starter in the fridge and feed it maybe once a week, and usually feed it twice daily starting on a Thursday if I plan to bake that weekend. This past weekend I felt like baking but hadn’t fed my starter since the previous week, so I experimented with using cold unfed starter. I followed the recipe quantities but just extended each time interval (~5 hours for levain, ~6 hours for warm bulk, 16 hours for cold proof, then another 1-2 hours at room temp while oven heated). Not quite as good rise as usual, but still tasted great!
submitted by wildyeast77 to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:35 generaltso78 Question about enzyme supplements

Our vet has prescribed us with Pancreved as seen here. []
The directions state to feed 3/4-1 tsp per meal (not per cup).
I am in need of ordering more, and I was looking at similar products at enzyme Diane and despite appearing to have more of the big 3 ingredients per tsp serving, they're directions are 1/2-1 tsp (depending on 6x/8x) per cup of dog food.
Obviously if the pancreved label was correct, it would probably cost a fair bit less, but most of the epi dosages I've seen always state per cup not per meal.
Has anyone used pancreved? Did you use their dosing guidelines or did you use the conventional dosing (per cup of food)?
submitted by generaltso78 to EPIdogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:34 DoGsPaWsLoVe Sunday 06/09/24: 17 Posts

Sunday 06/09/24: 17 Posts
Here is the recap of the 17 monetized posts from Kylea Gomez of Kylea G. Weight loss Journey. on 06/09/24. Please view the 20 images above to see an Instagram post and the monetized Facebook posts.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
⚠️ Trigger Warning: Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) mentioned in comment section
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joseph "Joe" Gomez.
The tagline of Kylea G. Weight loss Journey. is, "I changed my entire life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS 06/09/24:
0/17 posts discussed prayer
1/17 posts discussed music (a short video of Kylea singing copyrighted music)
0/17 posts discussed exercise
3/17 posts shared a recipe
1/17 posts was a coffee tutorial
1/17 posts were a partial list of the snacks in her cabinet (Many were purchased already discounted/expired per previous content)
1/17 posts were an excuse why she does not attend church service
1/17 posts was a clapback about the claim she has gained weight
1/17 posts was a blatant engagement bait violation
3/17 posts were about changes to her Sep NYC/Bermuda trip. 1 was a clapback about her alleged financial struggles.
5/17 posts were about BB aka Backup Birdie (the new puppy) 🐶 Two were live videos. One ended abruptly due to BB yelping. It is believed Kylea stepped on her.
📢 To our friends at Meta, that means at least 53% of the monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page. Follow your monetization rules and take action.
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily & Weekly WW Points Consumed (Data compiled from monetized content):
3 WW Points: Premier Protein Shake
4 WW Points: Breakfast Casserole containing eggs, rotel, bacon pieces, cheddar cheese, and red potatoes with sugar-free ketchup
1 WW Point?: Blended coffee beverage visible during live video
13 WW Points: "Lazy Lasagna" with 2 slices of Sara Lee 45 cal bread with spray vegetable oil and seasoning
3 WW Points: Ninja Creami Key Lime Pie frozen yogurt with graham crackers
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means Kylea consumed approx. 24 daily WW points out of (up to) 30 and zero weekly WW points out of 28. This is still disordered eating and potentially deadly messaging to her 141k+ followers. Food choices matter. Weighing yourself twice daily for years is disordered. Please demonetize and deplatform her. Paying an influencer to promote an eating disorder for monetary gain is wrong.
Recipes Shared: 1. Breakfast Casserole
  1. Lazy Lasagna
  2. Ninja Creami Key Lime Pie frozen yogurt
Dishonorable Mentions:
  1. How to make flavored coffee
Comments: Her gaslighting and outrageous lies speak for themselves. I will keep it simple this time:
Wealth is quiet. Confidence is quiet. Doxxing is an actionable offense. (Info in Reddit on this event 06/09.)
📢 Reproductive Health Public Service Announcement: It's important to tell your potential/actual partners about your sexually transmitted infection (STI) status so they can make an informed decision before engaging in any activity with you. Be clear, honest, offer resources, and encourage your partner to ask questions. Treat them the way you want to be treated.
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:31 Equivalent_Fan_5277 Is this safe for my cat to eat?

Is this safe for my cat to eat?
I bought some of these for myself and my cat was super alert as soon as I opened one. She has no interest in the packaged fish sold in the treat section of pet stores. This contains soy and some amount of sodium though, so not sure it’s cat-friendly even in small amounts.
submitted by Equivalent_Fan_5277 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:31 Suspicious-Wave-7848 Question about allergies

Idk if this is the right place to ask but there's this lady I matched with who got some really random food allergies and I wanted to know if anyone had ideas about recipes and treats that would be safe? Thank you
Onions, parmesan, (she didnt mention other cheese) citrus, cajun and red pepper season (I'm assuming it's the red pepper in the cajun that's the problem idk bout the rest in it)
submitted by Suspicious-Wave-7848 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:30 _MRDev Some fun bits of trivia...

I've been reading/sorting through some interviews and other materials recently. It's a fascinating read and I kind of wish the wiki would include this more openly (it's linked to as a reference for many things but I didn't see any direct content from it anywhere). Lots of cool stuff to unpack - though until it's canon, to me, it's just talk.
With that in mind, I figured I'd compile information about whatever subject may be of interest and share it here instead of programming software that may change the world for the better (bored - need to improve a sorting strategy, might lighten the load with some bucketing system, IDC right now...). There's probably nothing new for big MiA buffs who are familiar with this content but for the lay-fan, it may be of interest.
This is a bit of a random grab-bag so let me know if any other subject is of interest - I'll scour the file for whatever I can find and sum it up if you're too lazy to do it yourself. :P Enjoy!
Note: Not all comments are from the big Tsuk himself - this is a mixed bag so don't put too much stock into what's here. Like I said, until it's canon, it's just talk.








A small animation exists of her. I don't remember seeing this, personally, and am a little curious...
The story being based on the key visual for the event, which depicts the two perspectives one after another of Riko's squad, who depart from the Narehate village, and Ganja's squad, who had just arrived at the sixth layer.
Irumyuui picks up a pot, Ganja looks for ingredients and begin making the "Ganja stew." Since Irumyuui knows which are inedible mushrooms and which ones are edible mushrooms, they were able to make a splendid and delicious "Ganja stew." After that, the recipe improved over time and the "Ganja stew" was passed down to the residents of the Narehate village.
As generations went by, we follow Riko's squad. Faputa picks up a pot and Riko proposes to make the "Ganja stew" she heard about from the Narehate village. Riko, while struggling to differentiate between edible and inedible mushrooms, heard a voice coming from the pot, who taught her about the different kinds of mushrooms. After safely enjoying the delicious meal, Riko wondered whether the curious pot was a relic or not and named it "The Rationing Pot, Talking Lag Pot".


submitted by _MRDev to MadeInAbyss [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 NerveParticular6832 Good food recipes?

Good food recipes?
Hi yall ! i was wondering if you could share any good and yummy recipes you guys have been eating for post op! The salad here is with kale, pumpkin, tomatoes and quinoa and it’s soooo good. The chicken is a spinach and cream sauce!. I’m not used to cooking for myself at all as my mom always made our meals, but she makes quite starchy food (pasta, rice, bread), so any recipes would be much appreciated!
submitted by NerveParticular6832 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:04 Jreitz4 Looking for 20 testers, can test back!

The app is called "On-hand Cuisine". It's an app the let's you search for and save recipes based on a list of ingredients. I made this app because I was tired of scrolling through huge blog articles to get at the important bits of the recipe.
Join the google group to get the link for the Play store download:
Comment with your links and I'll join your test as well. Thanks!
submitted by Jreitz4 to AndroidClosedTesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:04 barely_hanging_on2 I need some other perspectives, is it time to say goodbye to my cat?

I need some help, some outside perspective. I was a veterinary technician myself for 6 years (12 years ago) but it's so different when it's your pet.
My 18y/o cat Gracie, has been sick for a long time. First, she has hypothyroidism so she's on thyroid medication. Second, she has some anxiety and arthritis, which gabapentin has helped with. She's been on these medications and seeing her doctor every 6 months for years now. Last March of 2023 she started having diarrhea, bad diarrhea. I'm talking, straight liquid that sounds like she's shooting a super soaker into her litter box. I know its painful because she comes shooting out so fast she knocks the door flap off and doesn't bother to cover it. Sometimes she dribbles on the carpet and the wall or if we haven't scooped it immediately, she might go on the carpet in front of the litter box. Sometimes she steps in it and tracks it all over. She also started vomiting, more often. She always had some reflux issues so we have a timed feeder go off 3 times a day to make sure she always had food. But she practically stopped eating too. So we took her to the vet. They did a fecal analysis and ran some bloodwork. All came back fine. So we put her on metronidazole and hoped it would help. Nothing changed. Not a bit. So we tried another medication and another, and probiotics and stomach sensitive food (that she barely would touch). She got down to seven pounds. So we kept going back to the vet, ran more bloodwork, did xrays and ultrasounds. But nothing other than extremely distended intestines were remarkable. So we tried gas meds and a 3 month trial of a limited protein duck food to see if it was food allergies. We put her on steroids to help her feel better and motivate her to eat. She ate some at first and maintained her weight, but slowly started eating less. The steroids did seem to perk her up a bit. We noticed her play on occasion and chase a toy every once in awhile. So we tried another limited ingredient allergy diet. And again no change. The vet called every week to check on her and adjust our plans as needed for months.
We finally came to the conclusion that there is likely some type of cancer and that we just want to make her as comfortable as possible. We give her prednisolone and gabapentin, every night in wet food, which she used to eat up. But lately she eats about half of it. She still eats a bit of dry food too throughout the day, but despite being just skin and bones, she's maintained her weight of 7lbs. You can see and feel every vertebrae, her hips jut out and her eyes are a bit sunken. She still has terrible, liquid diarrhea (for over a year now), and she vomits daily. We've added several litterboxes to help her always have access to a clean one but she still defecates on the carpet in our basement somewhat often. Our basement is covered in vomit and feces stains and it kills my OCD. She still loves treats, which I give freely since she barely eats, and snuggles on our laps whenever she can. She loves to lay in her window sill cat bed by my desk while I work from home, but my heart breaks as I hear her stomach making gurgling gas bubbling sounds all the time, literally all day and night. She still purrs and gives kisses while I pet her.
I'm so torn on if it is time to say goodbye and I'm being selfish to keep her alive. My husband and I feel like she doesn't act like she's in pain. However, she's not super active, just sleeps 96% of the time, but she is 18! So I don't know if she's lethargic or that's just because she's geriatric. I don't see her play with her favorite toys much anymore. But every once in a blue moon, I see her play with something she comes across like a drawstring or dog toy for about 30 seconds. I think about if I had diarrhea every day for 15 months straight, my stomach constantly churning and bloated with gas, if I vomited every day and didn't eat much, I would hate my life. I would feel miserable. And yet, I don't know that she's miserable. She doesn't hide from us and she is still eating enough to maintain her weight, as frail as it may be.
I worry that my OCD anxiety from the constant mess of poo and vomit is making me consider euthanasia before it's time. I feel horrible guilt any time I even consider it. But then I can't tell if I'm not wrong to think about it, not because of the mess, but because of her suffering. Is she suffering? Am I just so used to this that I don't see it? The vet always says that if he didn't know about the diarrhea and vomiting, he'd think she was in decent health while a little underweight (although she is due for her 6 month check up soon). Am I cruel to let her continue like this for God knows how long, waiting till she stops eating entirely or hides from us? Or does she still have life left to live, snuggles left to soak up and kisses to give. I ask my husband and he doesn't want to sway my decision as I had her for 8 years before we met 10 years ago. He says I know her better and with my veterinary experience am more educated on the subject, but this is so different. It's not so simple. Please tell me your thoughts, is it time to say goodbye and let her be at peace or do I keep cleaning up as best I can and let her soak up the sunny naps and snuggles as long as she's eating?
submitted by barely_hanging_on2 to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:02 zeitness Do you have $2 and know how to open a can?

Gabrielle Hamilton is one of my culinary hero's, not just because of her talents in the kitchen but her life story - read her book "Blood, Bones, and Butter."
Her story is about running away to NYC at age 15 and using her cookie jar change to make this "meal." She went on to serve it at her restaurant, Prune, in NYC to great fanfare.
This is one of those great food collaborations that just comes together. Her original recipe:
Canned Sardines with Triscuits, Dijon Mustard, and Cornchons
1 can sardines in oil; 1 dollop Dijon mustard; small handful cornichons; small handful Triscuit crackers; 1 parsley bunch
Cornichons are expensive and might be hard to find, so substitute dill gherkins or capers. Haven't tried but a quick pickle (salt, vinegar) of thin sliced cucumber or zucchini could work for the crunch and sour.
I usually buy the store brand instead of Triscuits, or sub a baguette or hard bread. I also never have the parsley and it is okay.
submitted by zeitness to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:58 ohwellthisisit im really bored of eating the same indian food at home, would appreciate some easy recipes

i live in a indian household, so eating the same food has become so monotonous to me.
for some context, my daily routine usually is dosa/ chapati ( a sort of indian pancake), then rice with curry, and for dinner is usually rice again or fruits.
eating honestly feels like a chore, and ive been eating a bit too much fast food to escape this routine.
what are some foods yall make at home as people who aren’t indian? i think i might start to incorporate some variety in my food so that i don’t keep eating out.
also, for some reason, i cant stand seafood, and my religion doesnt let me consume beef, preferably only egg/chicken/veg recipes please 🙏🙏
thanks a lot in advance
submitted by ohwellthisisit to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:57 Molothrow144p (Recently paywalled) Binging with Babish and Joshua Weissman's sourdough bread recipe.

I noticed when i was going to bake bread today that Babish had paywalled his recipes and that includes Weissman's sourdough bread recipe. Since the recipe is still available via the YouTube video, it's still technically free for use but just in a way thats more annoying to access. So i thought i would post the recipe here since i already had it saved from before, along with some notes and improvements i have made after many times of making the recipe. So that you can have a higher likelyhood of making a perfect loaf :)
(Let me know if i missed anything)
Sourdough bread ingredients:
810g of bread flour 80g of whole wheat flour 600ml of water (added to autolyse dough) ~75ml of water (Used to incorporate starter and salt into the dough) 175g of sourdough starter 18g of salt Recipe:
Making the sourdough starter
Making the dough ready for bulk ferment
The bulk ferment stage
The bulk ferment stage consists of doing a series of folds, first doing 3 folds with 15 minutes of rest between. Then after the 3rd one you will wait 30 minutes for the next 3 folds (for a total of 6 folding sessions). After this you leave the dough to ferment for an hour and a half without doing any folds
Baking the bread
Resting (the hard part)
- After the bread has cooled down, it's ready to eat.
submitted by Molothrow144p to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:56 happyjazzycook Help, please, "pasteurized egg whites from a carton"...?

I am making this recipe next weekend for a cake and the ingredient list specifies "pasteurized egg whites from a carton". Now, I've seen egg whites sold in a small carton (such as a small half & half carton), and have also seen actual eggs in a carton that are sold as "already pasteurized".
Which should I use? Thanks!
submitted by happyjazzycook to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:56 Ishannaik Swiggy Instamart Consistently Delivering Expired Items!

Swiggy Instamart Consistently Delivering Expired Items! submitted by Ishannaik to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:49 nonamelikethepresent Chihiros CO2 Generator

I bought a Chihiros complete CO2 kit but complete didn't include the ingredients or recipe for creating CO2. I cannot see anything in the FAQs and as yet haven't had a replied from them having reached out..
Obviously I can find recipes online but wondered if anyone had previous experience with this set up or one of the similar ones and wanted to chime in with their thoughts? :)
Thanks for any help!
submitted by nonamelikethepresent to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:49 areemiguel A New Frontier in Food & Water Innovation is being launched by Abu Dhabi.

H.H. Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan approved the launch of the AgriFood Growth and Water Abundance (AGWA) cluster, driven by the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) and Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO).Revolutionizing global food and water security is the sole essence of AGWA. Innovative food production methods, novel ingredients and cutting-edge water resource utilization technologies are the cornerstone of the firm. AGWA’s development is in line with Abu Dhabi’s aspiration for a sustainable economy for all, drawing from the roots laid by Sheikh Zayed on sustainable agriculture.
Investors have many opportunities in the flourishing "Falcon Economy" of Abu Dhabi to take part in AGWA's expansion. AGWA has a target of responding to critical worldwide problems as well as opening up fresh routes in job creation and economic broadening through its supportive business environment, flexible policy framework, strong infrastructure, and well-thought-out government incentives. As a component of Abu Dhabi’s program for broader economic variety, AGWA is an important stride to quickening and pushing ahead non-oil sectors, making the emirate become a leader in future-focused industries. How do you envision AGWA shaping the future of food security worldwide?
submitted by areemiguel to anything [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:49 Colegirl6 My go to low calorie breakfast.

I am someone who struggled with figuring out a good breakfast plan everyday. Since I started making this recipe, it’s my go to every single day. Thought I’d share it with you guys, in case someone else struggles with breakfast foods too. I’ll also add, I struggle with eating egg whites, I know they’re good for you and high in protein, but they used to make me gag. By adding in the cheddar cheese and salsa, I actually thoroughly enjoy my breakfasts now.
6 TBSP egg whites
La Banderita Carb Counter Tortilla
1/8 cup of shredded mild cheddar cheese
2 TBSP Pace chunky medium salsa
Total calories: 175
Protein - 17g
Carbohydrates: 16g
Fats: 6g.
All I do is fry up the egg whites with olive oil spray, spread the cheese over the tortilla in the pan, add the eggs and wait until the tortilla is crispy and then pull it off the stove, add salsa and done. If I’m needing something sweet, or I’m extra hungry I’ll add in a light blueberry yogurt for 80 calories.
I’ll also be honest and say, I won’t give up good coffee creamer so I portion in 2 TBSP of Starbucks Carmel Macchiato creamer, 1 TBSP each for my two typical cups of coffee. Which is an extra 80 calories. But oh so worth it.
Anyways, just thought I’d share. Share your go-to low calorie recipes in the comments if you want!
submitted by Colegirl6 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:48 NumberC39 This page from The manga Marriage Gray reminds me of Giri when she screws up

This page from The manga Marriage Gray reminds me of Giri when she screws up submitted by NumberC39 to onimart [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:47 thegreatkarmaa Keto Diet Kickstart: A Beginner’s Guide to Your Keto Journey

Are you thinking about diving into the world of keto but feeling a bit overwhelmed? Don’t worry! Starting a keto diet can be both exciting and intimidating, but with the right guidance, you’ll be on your way to success in no time. Let’s break it down step by step:

Understanding the Keto Diet 🥑

The ketogenic diet, or keto for short, is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan designed to put your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. By drastically reducing your carb intake and increasing your fat consumption, you can train your body to become a fat-burning machine.

Getting Started 🏁

  1. Educate Yourself: Take some time to understand the basics of the keto diet. Learn which foods are keto-friendly and which ones to avoid. Good fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil are your new best friends, while starchy foods like bread, pasta, and sugary treats are off the menu.
  2. Plan Your Meals: Planning is key to success on the keto diet. Stock your kitchen with keto-friendly ingredients and plan your meals for the week ahead. Having a game plan will help you stay on track and avoid temptation.
  3. Track Your Macros: Macros, short for macronutrients, are the three main nutrients your body needs: fat, protein, and carbs. To achieve ketosis, you’ll need to keep your carb intake low (typically under 50 grams per day) and prioritize healthy fats and moderate protein.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential on the keto diet, especially during the initial transition phase. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated and support your body’s natural detoxification process.

Overcoming Challenges 🛑

Starting any new diet comes with its challenges, and the keto diet is no exception. Here are a few common hurdles you might encounter along the way:

Celebrate Your Successes 🎉

Starting a keto diet is a significant step towards improving your health and well-being. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up from time to time. Remember, progress is progress, and every step you take brings you closer to your goals.
In conclusion, starting a keto diet doesn’t have to be daunting. With a little preparation, determination, and a positive mindset, you can embark on your keto journey with confidence. Here’s to a healthier, happier you! 🥳
Have you tried the keto diet before? What tips would you offer to beginners? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 👇
Disclaimer: Before starting any new diet or nutrition plan, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure it’s the right choice for you.
submitted by thegreatkarmaa to u/thegreatkarmaa [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:47 Affectionate-Fail476 AITAH for wanting to tell my sister to do more chores so she can move out?

I (18)(ADHD), have a sister (21) ( ADHD and autism) My parents have wanted to move for several years now but haven’t cus I hadn’t finished high school yet. I have now finished and we are preparing to move in September 2025. I’ll be starting college and by the time we move my plan is to move out so I can start being independent. My sisters plan is to move with my parents into the new house and keep living like she is now (she is still studying).
This is what I’m frustrated about, because from my point of view this is lazy of her and she’s not trying to become Independent. My mom thinks it’s ok for her to move with them because ‘she’s not ready to live on her own yet’ and she struggles with things like cooking. She struggles with this because it’s a lot of things to do at the same time and it gets chaotic in her head.
I think the solution to that is practice, if she practices doing more chores around the house she’ll get better at handeling it and she’ll learn to become more independent
Thing is, I would technically have some influence in the amount of chores she does. Our dad works all day and our mom is chronically ill which means often without much warning there will be chores that need to be done, like cooking and hanging up washing. When this happens my sister short circuits and complains about it being difficult to do chores on such short notice, when I’m just upset she can’t suck it up and do the work. Last time this happened I told her I didn’t want to cook tonight (I normally do the cooking because she finds it so difficult) so she’d have to do it, and she got a little upset about it, because having to do a chore like cooking without a 3 hour notice freaks her out.
She’s 21, shouldn’t she be able to cook for our family with a short notice when she can just follow the recipe and the ingredients are already in the house?
And more importantly, can I tell her to do the more difficult chores because she should be getting ready to move out?
Can I tell her I’m frustrated that I feel like I’m more competent in life even though she’s almost 4 years older than me?
There’s several reasons why this is bad from my side, one of which might be jealousy. In the new house she’ll get a giant room and the room that will be available to me is 3 times as small because I wouldn’t actually be living there. In the build plan the two rooms were the same size ,but when we discussed me moving out the rooms were changed and she gets a much bigger one.
But still both me and our eldest sister (23)(autism) are moving out at 19 years old, and she’s 21 and not thinking about moving out. To me it feels like mom is telling her it’s fine not moving out by giving her the bigger room and that also doesn’t sit right with me.
I don’t know what to do and I desperately want some advice on how to handle this situation because every time anyone says something that hints to her not moving out I feel a giant wave of irritation and i don’t know how to deal with it.
submitted by Affectionate-Fail476 to AITAH [link] [comments]