Lamictal dose 150


2010.08.18 01:25 orangepotion Epilepsy

The mission of epilepsy is to provide a community forum for people who are affected by epilepsy. We exist to share ideas about the direction of epilepsy research, available treatment options for all seizure disorders, SUDEP, and to overcome the challenges and stigma created by epilepsy through lively discussion in a safe supportive environment.

2024.06.10 12:37 ElephantOne7273 Trazodone + lexapro

I've been for more than 20 years on escitalopram from 10 to 30 mg, now stack in 20 mg.
It has worked for my depression at least partially, but anytime I try to stop or substitute it I get in the shit. Only medicine made me little similar was brintellix but it made me feel very nauseous and constipated so I had to quit.
Also I tried for several times to add bupropion 150 mg XL, but all of the times I had to quit because of hair shedding like crazy, despite many benefits from it, energy, libido, focusing, and some sides (nervousness, anxiety...)
One of the worst effects of escitalopram for me is the feeling of tiredness and sleepiness, but in the night I have insomnia, and if I try lexapro in the night then I feel nervous in the morning and depressed. Other big problem are sexual side effects, my libido is absent (male 40y) and have ED.
So after reading some essays and trials with trazodone for sexual induced side effects by SSRI's, I decided yesterday to try after getting precripted weeks ago by my GP.
Yesterday first dose, 50 mg in the night: (keeping 20 mg of lexapro in the morning).
Any other experiences???
submitted by ElephantOne7273 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:37 hcneybunn Day 6 Wins

I took Wellbutrin 150 XL for about 8 months in 2022. I only stopped because I got a new doctor and she wanted me to be on the least meds as possible (was also taking Zoloft and Adderall at the time). Present day I also take Adderall XR 15 mg, and my newest doctor added Wellbutrin to help with some depression symptoms.
Yesterday was day 6 and it was sort of a whirlwind. I was definitely more irritable in the morning, however as the day progressed I noticed I was just like… doing things??? And not thinking about it??? Like I went to fill the ice tray and put it back in the freezer, and afterwards I JUST STARTED CLEANING UP THE KITCHEN??? What is this?
Later that evening I had this sense of peace and like happiness just come over me. I wouldn’t describe it as euphoric (which I have experienced when my Adderall dose was too high) but just like a sense of contentment with my life. Which I have not felt, probably since I stopped taking Wellbutrin in 2022 lol.
submitted by hcneybunn to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:27 Ok-Salad3309 Lamictal with SSRI/SNRI for depression

Hi everyone! About a week ago I started taking Lamictal at 50 mg and today I have increased to 100 mg as per my doctor’s plan. I take in addition to it paroxetine and Cymbalta. I don’t have bipolar but I have social anxiety and depression. I tried many SSRI/SNRI but they did not work especially for the depression side. My doctor thought that adding Lamictal to my current drugs will increase their effectiveness.
Anybody had any experience like this and did they have improvements? After when and at what dose? I believe my doctor will not increase the dose beyond 100 mg because he only said increase it to 100 mg.
submitted by Ok-Salad3309 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:24 Proud-Negotiation-64 Split dose

Lamictal causes me to have insomnia if I take it at night. Why do doctors want you to split the dose? I take 100mg and he suggested 50mg a.m. 50mg p.m. Does anyone just take the dose one time a day?
submitted by Proud-Negotiation-64 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:42 Adood2018 TRT, BP 3 weeks in - Please help

Evening gents, been on TRT for 3 weeks.
Test E shallow IM 32.5mg Mon/Thurs/Sat
= TOTAL 97.5mg week (from my doc)
No AI or HCG or any other Meds, no bloods until 8 weeks in, although could get sooner.
41 yr old male, 5ft 11inches 88kg (194lb).
BP was 120/80, however I had to work very hard to maintain that with cardio, keeping weight in check, always been a struggle.
I’m now 130/90 ish in the morning and during the day (office job, not stressful) runs at 150/110 (!!!).
Should I:
1) Wait for it to ‘settle down’ as my body gets used to it, if that’s a thing.
2) Pin 4 x week to split into smaller doses ( e.g. 25mg M/Tues/Thurs/F)
3) Start low dose BP meds (or cialis?)
4) Any other options.
Thanks gents, appreciate the input.
submitted by Adood2018 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:15 not-here-somewhere anything that helps if you forget a dose?

On 300mg extended release but i take 150mg at night and 150 in the morning. I forgot the morning dose today and only realised when i arrived at work. Is there anything i can do to avoid feeling very ill in 3 hours when im meant to be in a meeting other than go home and back :(
submitted by not-here-somewhere to Effexor [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:39 Strawberry_Lemon26 Haven’t slept is this an emergency?

It's 2:30 where I am and I haven't slept yet. I missed my dose of Lamictal and Abilify yesterday and man do I feel it now. I'm super anxious about not sleeping because that is usually the first sign of mania. I feel awful now and was wondering if this is an emergency? Should I call a crisis line/go to the ER or wait until tomorrow? I don't know what to do and I'm scared.
submitted by Strawberry_Lemon26 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:33 JumpFromBridge I dont know what is going on

The whole last week took gaba (half capsule of 150) every day. Did it to help myself with tapering suboxone. Yesterday went sleep and every time ended with pounding heart. Took more suboxone, didn't helped much. It's already gaba withdrawal? I'm scared. At the end took a little gaba and think that helped. Was 3am and at 6 had to woke up to work. What to do. It is possible to get addicted from so small dose in just one week?
submitted by JumpFromBridge to gabapentin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:45 Sufficient-Yam-652 Itching and chest and jaw pain

I started taking this med wellbutrin xl 20 days ago. After day 7 i upped the dose from 150 to 300mg. After couple of days i couldn’t breathe and i had severe chest pain that i went to the ER and they told me to go back to 150. 2 days later i still have the chest pain and it sucks and today my body is very itchy. What should i do? The appointment is still a month away.
submitted by Sufficient-Yam-652 to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:27 Emotional_Tiger_3583 Off carvedilol back on losartan and Hctz and lower pulse

So today, I decided to stop my beta blocker. My last dose was yesterday morning. I decided to go back on my losartan and hydrochlorothiazide my blood pressures are currently running between 135/80 to 150/90 but laying down my pulse is around 49. I know it may take a while for it to take full effect. I normally am on a 100 of losartan and 25 hydrochlorothiazide. At 6 o’clock tonight, I took a half a dose of each and noticed no movement on my blood pressure for the most part, at 9 o’clock tonight I took the remainder for a total dose of 100 losartan and hydrochlorothiazide 25. I noticed when I really relaxed my blood pressure gradually declined but my pulse stays around 49. How long do you think it’ll be before my blood pressures to become normal. I also will not go back on the carvedilol because that made me very anxious and at this point with the pulse of 49 I do not want to push myself any lower. I was only put on Carvedilol because I recently had to stay in the hospital for high calcium hypertension. Whatever reason they took me off of all my blood pressure medication and discharged me without any meds on board. Because I had a high pulse when standing the follow up doctor put me on carvedilol but not my regular meds. The carvedilol was horrible. Anyone here go from a beta blocker back onto losartan , and how long did it take to adjust?
submitted by Emotional_Tiger_3583 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:19 Sivirus8 Drug interactions & seizures: lamictal & psychedelics

On the topic of psychedelics, weed and lamictal/lamotragine when regarding seizure disorders
I’m someone who has had seizures for awhile (didn’t really realize it until earlier this week and things like benedrly, zrytec, coffee and more tend to trigger different types of seizures, but I never really had issues with low-moderate doses of psychedelics + weed, but I do notice I get seizures on psychedelics when I take antihistamines or really high doses of psychedelics alone can also sometimes trigger it.)
From research i’ve been doing, it seems like lamictal doesnt really have interactions between weed, lsd and shrooms, but what do ya’ll think?
For those who take lamictal & psychedelics, how has that been going?
submitted by Sivirus8 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:45 nope4140 Feel like you’re gonna jump out of your skin—is it anxiety? A harbinger of a mania/hypomania? Or is it a med side effect?

Having a bit of a tough time here sussing out the cause of my symptoms. Yesterday I thought it was anxiety from having just visited with my dad. Earlier today, I noticed that I was feeling “fast.” Talking fast and a lot. Too much My wife noticed it too. Fast forward to right now. I am shaking. My hands have been shaking a lot lately. I’ve been told it’s anxiety. But right now I feel like my whole body is shaking inside and out. My usual knee/leg bounce has sped up. When I stop moving, the muscles in my legs flex and unflex so it feels like my leg muscles are twitching. I did a conscious breathing exercise and practiced some mindfulness and grounding techniques. But I still feel like something is inside of me and needs to come out. My stomach muscles are now starting to twitch as well. I feel like I’m going crazy and that I have to escape my own body.
I recently weaned off of Trazodone and increased Lamictal from 150 to 200. It seemed to have lifted my mood a bit. I’m taking it as a mood stabiliser along with lithium, so i don’t see how it could make me manic.
Has anyone ever had symptoms remotely similar to what I’m feeling now? Were you able to get through it without having to go inpatient? If so,how did you do it? Thanks in advance for your help.
submitted by nope4140 to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:17 HottskullxD Brainstorming Help

Hey guys. Looking for someone to help brainstorm ideas about an AU Time-Travel fix-it Fic from the Naruto fandom. Looking for an Alpha reader
Title: TBD
*Rating: T, later M (possibly Explicit if Smut is involved but much, much later)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Time-Travel Fic, AU, Canon re-write, Team as Family, Found-Family...more to be added
Main characters: Kurama, Team-7 Seven, Kakashi... Naruto ensemble cast, eventual Pairings: SasuNaru (other pairings)
TW: Grief, Child abuse, Shinobi's total disregard for their own health, more to be discussed... Doesn't go into great detail, but discussion of sex work because Naruto grows up around the women at a brothel
Type of/Level of Help: Currently just brainstorming; getting my ducks lined in a row for a cohesive plot... maybe flow, SPaG later on down the road.
Projected WC: Unknown but anywhere from 25k-150+ (depends on how lengthy the plot needs it to be).
Has This Work Been Edited?: Nope. Nothing to edit as of now.
Long-Term or Short-Term: Preferably Long Term, but I'm not picky.
Summary: Kurama goes back in time at the behest of the damn blond and because Kurama's life sucks, of course he goes back in time to get sealed right along with his past yin half. Good thing the Nara had planned for Naruto's screw up. The problem is that now Kurama has to deal with his surly, brooding self before he gets a large dose of sunshine and sheer stubbornness enough to rival his own. Why the f#c* is it taking 3 years to reverse the failsafe seal - Damnit, Naruto!
Kurama spends 3 years trapped with himself in the worst form of self reflection ever. He doesn't have access to the kits psyche quite yet, but he isn't worried. Not much can happen in three years, right? Kurama must have forgotten who his Jinchūiriki is.
submitted by HottskullxD to Sasunaru [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 TommyEria Can you get the rash from not taking it at the same time everyday?

I was told by a friend that if I don’t take my dose at the extract tone everyday, I can get the dangerous rash from lamictal. My psychiatrist didn’t say anything about it other then watch when starting because the rash can occur as a reaction. Anyone know? I lost my psychiatrist number because my phone disappeared.
submitted by TommyEria to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:10 Last_Science8267 Lamictal dosing

I am currently at 200mg/day taken 100am/100pm, pdoc scribed me to 225mg/day with 150mg tabs.. Question is, do I take 150am/75pm or switch to 225am only? Anyone have any experience with uneven split dosing? Note I am currently taking 1/2 of the 150mg along with a 25mg from my previous script to male the 100mg. The 25mg script is almost gone so that won't work much longer.
submitted by Last_Science8267 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 Slight-Pound5392 Constant tension headaches 24/7 for over a month, tinnitus, extreme migraines

21F 5'6 150 lbs Caucasian Constant tension headaches 24/7 for over a month, tinnitus, extreme migraines
lamictal 50 mg, desvenlafaxine 75 mg, I do drink, no smoking or recreational drugs
Hi everyone! About a month ago, I started to develop neck pain which I just wrote off as sleeping wrong. Then out of nowhere, I started to get extreme head pain constantly. I have experienced everything: stabbing, tension, throbbing in all parts around my head. I have seen flashing lights and been dealing with tinnitus for 2 weeks now out of nowhere. My CT scan was clean when I had to go to the hospital. I am waiting back for the MRI. I have already tried two steroid packs, rizatriptan, muscle relaxants, propanolol, and sumatriptan, but nothing has worked whatsoever. I am currently seeing a neurologist and made an appointment with a PT. I just want some relief because my head has not been the same for over a month. If anyone has any idea or if this sounds like NDPH please let me know. I just want the pain to go away.
submitted by Slight-Pound5392 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 gsmith7292 Does having bipolar disorder exclude someone from getting a septorhinoplasty?

I have bipolar disorder and I've been stable for a while. I take lithium, lamictal, buspar, and low dose seroquel for sleep. I broke my nose 6 years ago which caused a deviated septum and it's crooked. I probably can't get a septorhinoplasty because I've been advised to not take NSAIDs with lithium which is probably necessary to recover from the surgery. Just curious if you've had any bipolar patients successfully undergo plastic surgery or if it's a bad idea. I understand if I'm not a good candidate.
submitted by gsmith7292 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:59 forestgump2016 Breathing problems - How to tapper off?

I have been on Lamictal for 5 years now. It was prescribed to me for impulse control. I went from 100 to 200mg and have been on 200 mg for four years now. Ever since I started, I have had breathing problems. I would play tennis and be out of breath almost immediately. I take other meds like Zoloft, ADHD, and Blood pressure medications. It never occurred to me that Lamictal would be the cause of my breathing issues. I went to cardiologists and pulmonologists but with no luck. I stumbled upon other posts and realized this could most likely be my problem.
How soon can I taper off Lamictal? I have halved my dose to 100 for a week. I dont feel any adverse effects yet. If Anyone else tapered off due to this problem, how long did it take for your breathing to normalize?
submitted by forestgump2016 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 Professional_Jump846 Air bnb whole house rental for isolation?

An air bnb is in our affordable range, whole house, away from folks, etc. ... with 3 very young children (one is 6 months) and a half dozen pets - isolation in house is impossible... and sending them away is more expensive than sending me away for a month.
My dose will be 150, and my thinking is that I stay for the 12 days, then clean, and leave keeping it for an additional 2 weeks so that the house has gone through a thorough cleaning and 4 half lifes before any future folks are in the house after me...
We had talked to the nurse about renting an RV(apparently I was the first one to ask about using a rented RV?) and they seemed to think this would be ok, so figure it would apply to a house rental.
submitted by Professional_Jump846 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 sharkaerodynamicbone Late insomnia

Been on TRT for about a year. Always had a bit of an issue with waking up too early, but pretty mild compared to some of the other posts I read. Usually it would just go in waves, sleep great for a few weeks then have a week or two of short sleeps, then repeat. Go to bed at 10pm, planning on waking up at 6 or 7 on weekends, but wake up at 5 instead. Been on TRT for a year now, started at 100mg/wk, gradually increasing to alternating 150/180mg/wk when the bloodwork above was taken. No AI, no HCG.
After that bloodwork they said I should try 180/wk but pretty quickly (and maybe it was coincidence) my sleep went to shit. Haven't slept past 5am and half the time I'm up at 330, 4am etc and completely unable to get back to sleep. Sleep hygiene is pretty good, work isn't super stressful. No alcohol in a couple months, no gabapentin or anything like that for a couple months either (disc/nerve issues).
Once I realized it wasn't my normal on/off sleep quality wave, I cut back to the old dose and pinning more frequently to reduce the peaks and valleys but two weeks later that hasn't helped.
Any ideas? HCG? AI? Pregnenolone has come up but it's impossible to get in Canada as far as I can tell, through normal channels or.. grey area.. ones. Unfortunately my doctor isn't available for another month(!!!) and this sucks! I know my e2 is high but half the people I've bounced this off say high is fine because my T is high and the ratio is correct,
submitted by sharkaerodynamicbone to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 samer79y ZOLOFT EFFECT

I have the below questions which will really help me understand how Zoloft works.
When I change the dose up or down, what is the duration until I see the change effect?
When I started Zoloft, Anxiety gone, but being lazy and lost still exist, I mean lost when I want to start something, I don't know from where to start? And of course that after I decide to start? Anyone feel or face the same and how you solve that.
Some people mention that Zoloft will lower your emotions and feeling, how is that being solved?
I know that Zoloft dosage could be different from one to another but can you post your experience and dosage, I'm taking 150 but don't feel I still feel my self lost and not in focus.
submitted by samer79y to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 tomboy_goddess My psych wants me to try Cymbalta (duloxetine) and I'm scared to...

(Originally posted in cyclothymia)
I should probably preface this with the fact that I'm not formally diagnosed with anything, but my symptoms have been consistent with cyclothymia (possibly bp2). I'll fall into a depressive state for a week or two, then swing back to normal, then be way too up for a few days.
I brought this up as an initial concern with my GP and my psych, and was prescribed Prozac first, which did not make me feel better in the slightest. If anything, I felt worse, and it probably induced a couple of hypomanic episodes that I had back in Nov/Dec. I fell into a depression so bad I considered hospitalizing myself, and stopped taking it not long after. A few months ago, I was prescribed 150 mg of Wellbutrin (bupropion), and thought it was working until I started having anxiety so bad I wouldn't sleep for 2-3 hours a night, had borderline panic attacks, migraines, and my mood was fluctuating from hour to hour. I stopped taking it a couple days ago and I already feel better, but I'm worried it's a hypomanic episode based on how I'm behaving and how fixated I am on my symptoms.
My psych prescribed me Cymbalta for me to try. It's the lowest dose, and she assured me that giving it a try should be okay, but stories I've heard (especially from those with some form of bipolar) do not exactly inspire hope within me that I'll be fine when on it. Part of me wants to say fuck it and see how it affects me, hoping the answer will be "badly" and she'll finally tell me I can try a mood stabilizer, which is something I think I've needed for months.
I don't know what to do. I'm scared I'll crash and I won't be able to function without something influencing my mood. I'm worried I'm wrong in thinking I have cyclothymia. I'm worried about what will happen if I try an SNRI--I don't want to induce an episode. It's frustrating--I don't feel like she's listening to me, but I'm not the professional in this situation. Have any of you had an experience like this? Should I try it?
submitted by tomboy_goddess to bipolar2 [link] [comments]