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TheWayWeWereOnVideo: Videos From Another Time

2013.12.21 01:30 coobatis TheWayWeWereOnVideo: Videos From Another Time

A collection of home movies or any other kinds of videos that capture **everyday life** of people from past decades. Inspired by /TheWayWeWere.

2010.01.26 06:19 dgillz Alcoholism

Information and support for those affected by alcoholism/Alcohol Use Disorder. If you are concerned about alcohol's effect on your life or a loved one's life, please feel welcome.

2019.03.31 09:21 GlibIsMe Moto Sekai Ichi'i Subchara Ikusei Nikki: Hai Player, Isekai wo Kouryakuchuu!

Moto Sekai Ichi'i Subchara Ikusei Nikki ~Hai Player, Isekai wo Kouryakuchuu!~ The Former Top 1's Sub-Character Training Diary ~A Dedicated Player is Currently Conquering Another World!~ The Former World Number 1's Alt Character Training Diary 元・世界1位のサブキャラ育成日記~廃プレイヤー、異世界を攻略中!~

2024.06.10 06:00 Choice_Evidence1983 [New Update]: AITA for cutting off my cousin and her mom after they accused me indirectly of stealing at her wedding?

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/annoyedcousinthrow
Originally posted to AITAH
Previous BoRU
[New Update]: AITA for cutting off my cousin and her mom after they accused me indirectly of stealing at her wedding?
Trigger Warnings: accusations of theft, emotional abuse and betrayal
Original Post: May 20, 2024
Hey Reddit,
I'm in a tough spot and could really use some outside perspective on this situation. So, my cousin Emma and I have never been particularly close, but we've always been civil. When she got engaged in December 2022, I sent her a thoughtful present, which she thanked me for repeatedly. Fast forward to February, and Emma invited me to her wedding in April 2024. Living abroad and starting a new job, I made it clear that I needed advance notice to attend, and thankfully, I managed to make it.
Emma asked me to be part of her wedding entry, and despite our not being very close, I agreed, hoping it would help us build a better relationship. However, just a week before the wedding, I found out she'd been talking negatively about me and my career as a project manager. It stung, but I didn't want to cause drama before her big day, so I kept quiet.
During the wedding weekend, I helped Emma get dressed for her Hindu ceremony, and her mom told me to leave the jewelry as she would handle it later. So, I only packed away the bangles. The entry went smoothly, and I attended the reception without any complaints. However, after the wedding, I chose not to leave a gift, intending to address the hurtful comments privately after the festivities.
Days later, Emma asked me about the missing jewelry, and I told her I hadn't touched it beyond what her mom instructed. Later that day, I saw Emma posting on Facebook about missing jewelry and implying that someone in the family might have taken it. I felt uneasy, especially since her mom and I were the only family members helping her get dressed.
Then things escalated when her sister made comments on the post saying, "we didn't like her anyway". Her mom reached out to me, asking about the bangles, which made me feel like they were singling me out. Even my grandmother called, further cementing that they may have discussed me as a suspect.
Finally, another cousin messaged me saying the jewelry was found boxed up in a car. But Emma refuses to retract her accusations online because she's embarrassed. Feeling betrayed, I chose to cut Emma and her mom out of my life. I deleted them from my socials and blocked their numbers.
Now, my grandma is upset, saying I was unfair for not explaining myself. So, Reddit, am I the jerk for cutting them off without explanation? Should I have handled the situation differently?
Thanks for your insights.
Additional Information from OOP:
OOP: Adding to my post:
I would like to add that Emma and I are first cousins. Jessica, who told me about the update, is a second cousin who is distant from Emma. So it sounds like this was being discussed with everyone but me. Thankful that Jessica heard it and decided to let me know immediately.
AITAH has no consensus bot, OOP was NTA
Relevant Comments
OOP on if she has received an apology regarding the missing jewelry
OOP: No, no apologies from their end. All I've heard since was "she's embarrassed to pull her posts and say she found it"
Severe_Ad7761: NTA
Probably way off but...This was probably a set up. If she doesn't like you and y'all aren't that close then why ask you along with her mother to help her get ready? Why not her sister? That last minute invite. It was either a happy coincidence to be able to accuse you or she set you up but someone else 'discovered/found' the jewelry where they weren't supposed to be looking...a box in a car that you would think would've already been taken out by now.
OOP: Did not think about it this way. Her sister was popping in and out of the changing room, I did not think anything of it at the time. It's sick if they truly wanted to use that against me and not speak up.
Even if they post a retraction, I want nothing to do with them. Accusing me and "finding it just recently" in your car is unacceptable.
OOP on if her grandma has a favorite grandchild because of what happened
OOP: Emma is grandma's favorite btw (if you couldn't tell)
Update: May 22, 2024
Link to original post:
I read through the majority of messages received and I agree, I should have confronted it.
Last night, I called grandma and Emma on three way, asking about the jewelry that was CONVENIENTLY FOUND in a car. Emma said "that wasn't for me to find out as she only told her mother and grandma (obviously a lie because Jessica heard and passed it to me, she also lives abroad and isn't close to Emma). Grandma then said, "well, it's material and it's found. We don't have a long time here, let's all get along."
I responded, "no thank you, I needed a PUBLIC apology because I blindly believed Emma and I had a good relationship. I even heard she made comments about my job, which I wanted to address AFTER the wedding." Emma confirmed the comments about talking shit (re: my job and her sister's comment) but is sticking to her guns about the jewelry. I mentioned to her I was posting on Facebook about the jewelry and will attach screenshots to it. And that I wanted nothing further to do with Emma since she was not remorseful and is proud of disliking me for whatever reason.
Lesson learned. Thanks everyone!
Relevant Comments
flindersandtrim: Sorry that so many people in your family are horrible, OP. You deserve better. I could see how much you cared by willing to travel for a cousin you weren't even close with, you hoped to get closer to, and how you reacted to their bullying. You're better off without them. Do make sure to get your side of the story to others in the extended family, because you can bet that everyone involved - possibly with your grandmother seeing and not actively shutting down - will be telling a story to them where YOU are the bad guy.
OOP: That's what really hurt. I was hoping she was sincere about inviting me and asking me to participate. When she got engaged, I even sent her a present incorporating her interests and she was so appreciative (or so she seemed?). It sucks knowing I meant basically nothing.
I was hurt that they "never really liked me anyway" and made fun of my job as a project manager at an engineering firm. Have never done anything to them to warrant this - it's just confusing and hurtful.
However, the bandaid is off and life will continue without them
OOP on sharing her information with the extended family on social media about what really happened at the wedding
OOP: I'm posting it this evening regardless if she takes it down or not. Jessica gave her blessings for me to use her messages as proof, so I'm not playing around. I am not a thief, I don't care if you like me or not - you're not going to get away with that.
OOP proceeding how she dealt with the family talking badly behind her back and Emma’s background on saying bad things about her
OOP: That's my thing, why are you EMBARRASSED? You were emboldened to post about it and clearly discuss it offline w/ my name in it ...which is how it got back to me.
Emma does not have very many friends, she's one of those very religious and conservative girls - does not drink, smoke, party, have multiple partner (been with the same person for 10 years), has good grades, etc. According to other cousins', she's very much about the optics and very judgmental.
Life will be perfectly fine without her and I am looking forward to responses on my post clearing my name.
OOP responds on how her grandma was upset with her cutting off the family and accusing her for ruining Emma’s day
OOP: Correct. Grandma was one of the people questioning me, even though I gave the same answers and wants me to explain why I'm cutting off my cousin and to dismiss it because it was found.
How is that fair to me after I've been accused and had my name dragged through the mud?
Final Update: May 23, 2024
After consulting with an attorney friend and compiling all relevant evidence including screenshots and messages, we took the step of sending a legal letter to my cousin. Additionally, I made a post on Facebook, tagging family members, family friends who attended the event, the priest who officiated, and even her neighbors (yup, my petty ass went the extra mile) to bring awareness of the situation.
🔊 **Important Announcement Regarding Emma's Wedding\
Hello everyone in the Brown family,
I hope this message finds you well. I feel compelled to address a matter that has been weighing on my mind since Emma's wedding last April.
Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to Emma for inviting me to be a part of her special day. It was an honor to participate, and I was genuinely touched by the opportunity.
However, recent events have left me deeply disheartened. It has come to my attention that there have been discussions, both prior to and following the wedding, where unkind remarks were made about me and my profession. While this was hurtful, I chose to handle the situation delicately and intended to discuss it with Emma after the wedding to gain clarity.
Despite the hurtful comments, I remained committed to supporting Emma on her wedding day. I assisted her with changing outfits and took care of her belongings as requested. Regrettably, shortly after the wedding, I was unfairly implicated in the disappearance of some jewelry.
Subsequent discussions with Emma revealed that there were private conversations insinuating my involvement, which left me feeling unfairly targeted. It was only through the disclosure from a third party that the truth about the jewelry's whereabouts emerged.
I confronted Emma about these revelations, hoping for resolution and understanding. However, her response was dismissive, and she refused to acknowledge the hurtful nature of her actions. Instead, she chose to maintain hurtful social media posts, causing further distress.
In light of these events, I have made the decision to distance myself from Emma and her immediate family. My conscience is clear, and I refuse to tolerate such unjust treatment.
Furthermore, I want to assure you all that I am taking the necessary steps to clear my name. I am in contact with legal counsel to draft a letter and seek exoneration from these false accusations.
I share this message not out of spite or animosity but to set the record straight and reclaim my integrity.
PS: The missing jewelry was found by her mother in the car. For those interested in the details, I've compiled all relevant screenshots and supporting information in a Google Drive. Feel free to click the link to access it.
Thank you everyone who supported, gave advice, and comforted me. Looking forward to going on my vacation tomorrow while Emma spends the next few days dealing with this.
EDIT: As of 8AM EST, Emma has STILL not rescinded those Facebook posts.
Relevant Comments
OOP on the birth order with Emma and how her grandma planned to distribute her possessions
OOP: That's the funny part... she's actually 4 years younger than I am! I have never been a fan of the fighting for land and jewelry, I have always told my grandma I wanted one of her saris and a pair of her earrings (if she was ok with it). Even if I didn't get the earrings, the sari would be enough. Just something to remember her by,

----NEW UPDATE----

As of this morning, Emma has pulled her Facebook posts. Grandma is saying that I was "unfair" to go public and she is disappointed in me. I explained to Grandma that after our three-way conversation, it was clear I was being accused. It was NOT fair to be unjustly accused and not notify the public that the jewelry was found because Emma wanted to "save face."
Emma's mom and sister have tried to reach out to me via friend requests. I want nothing to do with them until Emma issues an earnest public and private apology.
Since my last update regarding the Facebook post, multiple family members and family friends have reached out to me about what a crappy person Emma is. Some expressed disappointment in her actions to "protect her facade" and her treatment of me when I have been supportive and sincere to her on her big day. I thought that was rather amusing.
Edit since someone assumed I'm "putting up with my grandma's shit" - she was cut off after that conversation.
Relevant Comments
SLJ7: Good. I remember your original update about this. She deserves for people to think badly of her; sometimes that's the only thing that will change a person. She could have ended this long ago by just posting online to say the jewelry was found ... she didn't, so here we are.
OOP: I never wanted to go that route, I wanted to be civil about things however she wanted to let people run with the idea what I stole the jewelry? no ma'am.
wlfwrtr: What does her new husband have to say about all of this and the type of person that he now knows he married?
OOP: Not sure honestly, he does not have social media - he's a detective. I would LOVE to know his stance though.
I wonder if she hid all of it from him! He seems quite polite and nice, it baffles me that she managed to lock him down...



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:58 civiljester AITA for going no contact with my brother and sister after being excluded from our mums Christmas gift?

I'm sorry in advance, but this is a long story. And names have been changed.
I am the youngest of three. There's my eldest sister Christine 46F, my brother Daryl 40M, and myself Katherine 37F.
My family has always been toxic, but the last couple of years had been the straw that has broken the camels back.
Firstly I'm a DV survivor and only escaped back to my home country with my two young kids ( 2F and 4M) just over two years ago after living in the states for four years and within the first two weeks home I went to visit my brother and SIL Sam 38F and their two kids( 2F and 3F months). After a somewhat pleasant visit on the last night, we went out to dinner at the local pub as a family. As I had just moved back from the States back to Australia I was starting to try and explain some of the abuse I suffered while with my ex in America and I started to tell the story of how I was opening my first bank account in America after two years of not having one and not even having a dollar to my name and while opening the account I mentioned I used to be a retail GM and the bank manager implied I should apply for a Manager's position at the bank or something similar as she explained to me it would be like a retail position of opening and closing the branch and helping with similar things Iike with a retail store. I'm not sure if this is accurate or true, but it is what she told me at the time. This was actually a throwaway detail as the point was that when I tried looking into it further I couldn't actually do it as I couldn't get the support of family members in America to help me to pursue it. Now in Australia there is no way I could go for this position as you need financial education to get these positions so my brother instead of doing the normal thing as to listen to the story then on the way home turn to his partner and say I'm full of it. He instead decides that he needs to stand up in a crowded pub and scream at me that I'm a liar and some other choice words and proceeded to Storm out of the pub and then cancelled Christmas over it. This was also my kids' first Christmas back in Australia after escaping.
After this, a year goes by, and my sister refuses to hear what happened for me to finally cut my brother from my life.
The next Christmas me and my kids and I are excluded from it with everyone as it is hosted by my brother. I, however, send gifts up with my mum for my brothers kids days before Christmas.
Now I'm a single mum dealing with post separation abuse with receiving no child support so Christmas is a really tough time for me financially and I found out that my sister, brother and SIL all went in on a gift for my mum without me.
While I know I was not speaking to my brother but my sister could have reached out to ask if I wanted to go in on it. All I had to do was transfer my share and they just write my name on the card but I was excluded and my brother and SIL didn't even return the thought of getting my kids gifts even though they knew we sent some to their kids. My kids were very young at the time and didn't understand why they were not given anything in return. The truth is I've made my kids leave the only cousins they knew when I escaped their father, and they then couldn't even have any in Australia due to my brothers poor behaviour.
When my mum found out what they had done and how upset I was from it, she promised me she would talk to them and assured me she would absolutely do it as it was not right. Well my mum is a coward and hates confrontation and so of course never addresses it with them another year goes by and they do it yet again excluding me from the expensive gift to our mum and so I messages my sister to say that it was not ok that they were excluding me and while I expected it off my brother I thought she was a little better.
My sister is a licensed NLP provider so you'd think she would be wanting to help me the most and yet I got no help from her in fact even though when her girls were yound and I was around 19 I would help babysit her kids all the time and didn't ask for payment but if I asked them for a once in a blue moon babysitting off them I had to pay them $20 an hr.
Her response to me was " Ill let you know when I have the space to talk" and "you have to listen to what I have to say and if you can't do that it's best we don't talk."
That's my sisters language on how she's about to twist it so that I deserve the treatment I'm getting. So I decided that after everything I have gone through, I can't keep having more abusers in my life and cut contact with her, too.
There are a lot of other issues that lead to this, but I would end up writing a novel. But aita for cutting them off for excluding me from going in on mums Christmas gift?
submitted by civiljester to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:57 HeadOfSpectre Soldiers Keep Moving (Part 4)

Part 3

I needed a drink.

God, did I ever need a drink.

The incident by River Ridge was nothing short of a disaster, to say the least. When he’d made it to the scene, Sheriff Smith had asked me for every detail I could give him on what had happened, and I’d told him most of the truth.

Most of it.

I left out the part where Clementine Di Cesare had drank a man's blood and caused the earth to move. Biggs probably would’ve believed all of it if I had told him, but the Sheriff? He’d probably send me to get my head checked, and I wouldn’t blame him one bit for that. Even if there was a chance he’d believe me, I couldn’t really bring myself to include those particular elements of the story. I barely believed them, even though I’d seen it all with my own two eyes. None of this seemed to make sense anymore. I felt like I was looking at the shifting gears of some great machine without any context for what any of them did. I only knew that they did in fact do something.

I knew that Apostle was killing monsters.

I knew that Di Cesare probably wasn’t actually with the State Police.

I knew that apparently there’d been a bunch of fish women living down by River Ridge, and I may or may not have just saved them all from being ambushed. These were things I knew… and yet they didn’t make sense to me.

Christ, and here I thought small towns like this were supposed to be simple?


I was at The Honey Pot and Spaniel, having a beer when Dr. Miller found me. The moment I saw him walk in, I gave him a nod and wasn’t in the least bit surprised when he slid into the booth across from me.
“Deputy Sawyer… sounds like you’ve had a hell of a day, huh?”
“I’ve had a hell of a week,” I replied. “I didn’t think you drank, Doc.”
“From time to time,” He said. The bartender, Dixon came by and he ordered a beer.
“You look like you’ve barely slept,” He said, once he was gone.

“Yeah? Go figure?” I asked. “I’ve got coffee keeping me going for the time being.”
“Caffeine doesn’t really make up for a good night's sleep.”
“Maybe not, but I’ve kinda had a lot going on lately. That doesn’t really give a man much time for sleep.”
“No, I guess it doesn’t,” Dr. Miller admitted.
“So what brings you to my little watering hole?” I asked, “It’s not 5 o’clock yet, so I can’t imagine this is a social call.”
“Yes and no,” He admitted. “Thought you might be interested in the autopsy results from last night's victim.”

I raised an eyebrow and took a sip of my beer.
“Yeah, I am actually,” I said. “I take it she had gills?”
“Noticed those, did you?” Dr. Miller asked.
“I saw them on the other girl. The one that got shot.”

He nodded.
"Guess I don't need to tell you that I've never seen this before, do I?"
"I'd be shocked if you had, Doc."
He laughed humorlessly.
"Yeah… gotta say, there wasn't a hell of a lot to find on the victim. Her name was Melissa Sinclair. Address was listed as River Ridge. Far as I can tell she owned an RV there."
"Sounds about right," I said, taking a sip of my drink. "You find anything else?"
"A lot, actually. But I'll spare you the autopsy details and cut to the really interesting bit."

He reached into his pocket and set a black card down in front of me. It looked a little bit like a student card. On it, I could see a picture of Melissa, along with her name in white text and a bar code. In the top right hand corner was a red four pointed star that looked a little bit like a cross.
"What's this?" I asked.
"Found it in her purse. There was a similar one in Hector Russells wallet too. Ever seen anything like this before?"

I took a closer look at the card. Aside from the red star, there wasn't much to ID it as belonging to any particular group, and the red star logo didn't look familiar to me either.
"No, never," I admitted.
"Me neither. Two victims with cards like this though? I'm no cop but something tells me it's connected."

I nodded, looking the cards over carefully.
"Yeah… Vickers and the Russell's… you ever met them while they were still alive?" I asked.
"You know, I actually did. My wife and I signed up for couples dance lessons for our fifteen anniversary… Hank and Patricia were in the same class as us. Can't say we were close, but I'd spoken to them a few times."
"You ever notice anything off about them?"
"Not in the slightest. I sure as hell didn't imagine they'd be… well…"
"Yeah…" I finished, nodding thoughtfully. "Melissa and Kayley… the girl that got shot… they passed as human too. So did Vickers. It's weird… no one seemed to suspect a damn thing about any of these people, but our gunmen seem to know exactly who they are, where they are and what they are…"

I looked down at the card and turned it over in my hands.
"Almost as if they've got a list of them…"
Dr. Miller's brow furrowed.
"You think that's possible?"
I nodded.

"Makes sense, doesn't it? Vickers worked in IT, right? Could be that he had access to this list… that's why he was the first target. Could also be why they burned his house. To try and get rid of any evidence of the list existing."
Dr. Miller grimaced.
"Why target the Russells and Melissa next though?"
"I'm not sure. Melissa… I may have some idea on what was going on there. The Russell's, not so much… but…"

I pocketed the card.
"I've still got time to find out."
Dr. Miller nodded.
"Keep me posted if you do," He said as Dixon brought him his beer.
We shared a drink together, and went our separate ways.


It was late in the afternoon when I finally made it back home. Since Di Cesare still had my car, I needed to take a cab, which I may have used as an excuse to drink more than usual. After the whirlwind of chaos that had defined the past 24… hell, the past 72 hours… I was more than ready to collapse and finally get some rest. Dr. Miller was right. I did need some sleep.

I unclipped my gun from my belt and left it in the living room along with my wallet before I dragged myself to the bedroom. I didn’t even bother to get changed before sinking down into the bed. Christ, I was getting too old for this… the drinking, the shooting. Ten years ago, maybe I wouldn’t have felt so rough, but I wasn’t in my body from ten years ago, now was I?

I rested my head back on my pillow, half ready to doze off completely. Unfortunately, that was around the time I noticed I wasn’t alone in my room.

There was a man with a red beard and a military crew cut, standing silently in my doorway. He fixed me in an intense stare, and I stared right back at him as an exasperated pit formed in my stomach.
“Well…” I said, “Hello there.”
“Deputy Rick Sawyer,” Red Beard said, his voice was low and rough with a distinct southern drawl to it. “You’ve been quite the pain in our ass, haven’t you?”
“Just today, or have I been an ongoing pain in the ass?” I asked, sitting up. I noticed two figures waiting in the hall behind Red Beard. One of them was a very disgruntled looking bald man with his arm in a sling. I waved to him. His eyes just narrowed at me.

I could feel my heart beating faster. But I did everything I could to keep a stoic face. These pricks didn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing they’d spooked me.
“The boss wants to have a little chat with you,” Red Beard said. “Get up.”
“If you’re gonna shoot me, do me a solid and do it in my own bed. I’d like to at least die comfortable,” I said.
Red Beard just grunted.
“Lawrence, Oswald. Get him on his feet.”

The bald man and the other guy who I didn’t recognize both pushed past him, storming into my room to force me up. The bald man hung back, letting his friend do most of the work in forcing me to my feet. He only grabbed me with his good arm when I was already standing. Red Beard turned without a further word, leading us down the hall and through the door where a black Audi waited for us. I was forced into the back seat with my bald friend, while Red Beard got into the passenger seat.
“Oswald, keep a gun on him. Make sure he don’t do anything stupid,” Red Beard said.

The bald man… I guess he was Oswald, nodded. I figured that meant that the man who got in the driver's seat must’ve been Lawrence.
The car rolled away from my house, heading away from town.
“Taking me back to that abandoned auto garage?” I asked.
“Nah,” Red Beard replied. “Had to burn that one because of the mess you made… but we’ve got other places to stay.”

“On the run, huh?” I asked. “That’s gotta suck.”
“If you wanna stay alive, Deputy, that attitude ain’t gonna do you any favors.” Red Beard hissed.
“I wasn’t aware staying alive was on the table,” I replied.
“You’ve seen the way we work, Deputy. If we wanted you dead, we wouldn’t be having a conversation right now.”
I guess he had a point there.

Trees and farmland drifted past through the window before the car pulled into an overgrown parking lot with a single run down building in it. Once upon a time, that building had been a restaurant, although it looked like it’d been defunct for over a decade.

The car stopped and Oswald gestured with his gun for me to get out. I did.

Red Beard stepped out of the car as well, and without so much as a word to me, headed in through the broken door of the old restaurant. Oswald pushed me to follow. The old restaurant was baking in the summer heat and the dining room was completely empty. The tables and chairs that had probably once been here were long gone and the carpet where they’d once stood was dirty and covered in debris. The ceiling fans that had once hung over the dining room were stained and dirty. One of them had collapsed entirely.

Oswald ushered me past all of this, coaxing me toward an office where I could hear the roar of indoor fans. At his insistence, I stepped through the door and was greeted by a massive man behind a desk.

This man, I almost recognized… almost.

Joseph Cray. There’d been a photo of him on Apostle’s website, identifying him as the man who’d gotten the whole operation started. But the man in front of me only barely resembled the man in that photo. In fact, if it hadn’t been his employees who’d kidnapped me, I probably wouldn’t have recognized him at all. Cray looked to be somewhere in his mid fifties to early sixties, and he was big. I could see this man topping 600 or 700 pounds easily. He was bald and covered in liver spots, with an unkempt, wiry beard and coke bottle glasses. He was dressed in a khaki shirt with matching pants and wheezed with every breath.

He looked at Red Beard and I when we came in, and gave Red Beard a curt nod.
“Thank you, Klaus.”
Red Beard… Klaus, I guess, nodded in response and turned to leave. As soon as he was gone, Crays attention shifted to me.
“Deputy Sawyer…” He rasped, “So good to meet you face to face. I’m Joseph Cray.”
“Figured as much… so, to what exactly do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, getting straight to the point. Cray just gave me a twisted smile.

“You can relax, Deputy. I guess you probably think this is some sort of punishment, for that trouble you caused us today… but I assure you, it’s no such thing. I’m a reasonable man, Deputy. I understand you were doing your job and my men were doing theirs. Situations such as the one that occurred today are inevitable in our line of work. We don’t hold it against you… actually, you’re here because I’m inclined to offer you an olive branch. You’re a diligent, hardworking man. I respect that. Diligence in particular is a virtue I cherish.”
“Dragging me out of my home and bringing me here… hell of an olive branch,” I noted.

He laughed sheepishly.
“Sorry about the theatrics. But we both know you probably wouldn’t have accepted a formal request for a sit down and this location, while not ideal, does offer us an ideal amount of privacy.”
“I’m sure. Nobody would hear the gunshots, if things didn’t go the way you wanted.” I said.

Cray’s smile didn’t fade. He didn’t deny it.
“With all that’s been going on these past few days… I’m certain you must have questions.” He continued, “You’ve seen the bodies. Seen that they’re not human. I’m sure that might give you some ideas as to why the work we’re undertaking is so important.”

I didn’t answer that. I didn’t need to.
“This little town of yours… it’s dying, isn’t it?” Cray asked. “Or at least it was. You’ve had quite the shift in fortunes, over the past few years. Small warehouses, new businesses. Exciting, no? New life creeping into an old husk… like a hermit crab taking a new shell. Although that new life… it’s not what it seems, is it? Tell me… is it fair to the people who’ve lived their lives in this town for their entire lives, who’ve built it from the ground up to wake up and find that they’re not the ones in control anymore? Is it fair for something to come in, creep into the abandoned husks of dead buildings and bring them back as something else?”

“Better than letting the town die off,” I said.
“Is it? Perhaps it might be, if it weren’t for the ones behind it,” Cray said. “Make no mistake, these friendly new faces are anything but. This isn’t reinvigoration, it’s an invasion. Slow and insidious. Creeping into your communities, armed with lemon squares and potato salad, smiling just like people but hiding their teeth behind closed lips. Demons with human faces and a need for blood, calling themselves your friends, your neighbors… turning your home into theirs. You’ve seen most of them by now. Vampires, werewolves, sirens… others. Yours is not the first town they’ve co-opted. It will not be the last either.”
“And so what exactly is your mission, then?” I asked. “Kill them before they can… what? Form a homeowners association?”
“Before they can kill you,” Cray said gravely. “Our business is pest control. Parasites come in… and we exterminate them. We’ve done it before. It’s bloody, thankless work. But we have done it.”

I shifted uneasily. The way Cray spoke so proudly about having done this before disturbed me. That twisted smile on his lips told me that he wasn’t bluffing.
“I recognize that what we do may seem needlessly violent. I recognize that you may have reservations about our work. But you’ve seen the things we’ve killed. Deep in your gut, I think you know that this is necessary. These creatures look human. They act human. They seem so human. But they aren’t. I have fought them long enough to know for certain how monstrous they truly are… when they sink their claws into a place like this, there is no choice. You fight or you die. I am giving you the opportunity to fight.”

Cray leaned in toward me, and my eyes locked with his.
“We’re not enemies, you and I. You can help save this town, Deputy. You are obligated to save this town.”

I looked Cray in the eye, knowing what he was asking me. I didn’t even need to think about my answer.
“Save this town from what, exactly?” I asked, “Monsters? You want to know how many people in this town have been killed by vampires, Mr. Cray? Not a single goddamn one. You wanna talk about how many folks have been mauled by werewolves? None! But let’s take a look at the number of folks who you’ve shot in the past week. Five. And it would’ve been a whole hell of a lot more if I hadn’t stumbled into your ambush for those RV’s! Y’know, I may not have the firmest grasp on exactly what the hell is going on here right now, but from where I’m sitting, the only thing I have to save this town from is you!”

Cray’s eyes narrowed.
“I’d be watching my words if I were you,” He warned.
“If you’re gonna have your lap dogs shoot me, then just shoot me and get it over with.” I snapped. “You want me to sit here and grovel, because your boys have some guns? You want me to kiss your ass? See your side of things? No. That ain’t gonna happen, so take your olive branch, and shove it up your ugly ass.”

Cray went silent for a moment. His brow furrowing into a look of rage that admittedly gave me pause. After a moment, he sank back into his chair. From the corner of my eye, I saw Oswald raise the gun to my head again, but Cray raised a hand, making him stop. His eyes were still on me.
“We don’t make a habit of killing our own kind without good reason,” Cray said coldly. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or Oswald. “Misguided as you may be, Deputy Sawyer… you’re still human. But they aren’t. Please, Deputy… reconsider who you’re thinking of standing up for, here. These creatures may fool you, but you need to understand they’re not what they claim to be! Even that witch who saved you today… Perhaps she did preserve your life, but you saw what she was capable of. With power like that, she’d be more than capable of leveling this county on a whim! Think of the bigger picture here! Do you really want to throw your lot in with the likes of that?”

“As opposed to throwing it in with you?” I snapped. "You murder people, claiming they're monsters! And maybe they are? Maybe! I don't really know how else to explain the things I've seen these past few days! But even if they're not human… they're still part of this goddamn town!"
“They’re an infestation!” Cray said. “Make no mistake, Deputy. This is war and you must choose a side. Are you going to look me in the eye and choose the bloodsucking, feral monsters over your own kind?”
“Considering what ‘my own kind’ looks like right now… yeah… I think I’ve made my choice,” I replied bitterly.

Cray stared at me, before finally huffing through his nose.
“Why is it that the stupidest people have the strongest convictions?” He said under his breath, “I’ve done everything in my power to talk some sense into you… you’ve chosen not to listen. I’m disappointed, but I won’t argue with a man unwilling to accept reality. Mr. Oswald, kindly take the Deputy out back and dispose of him. Then, you and Mr. Lawrence can find a suitable spot to dispose of the body.”
“Bout damn time…” Oswald huffed, pointing the gun at me. “On your feet.”

I didn’t move. I just stared down Joseph Cray.
“Come on, Cray. If you’re not gonna kill me yourself, at least look me in the eye like a man.”
The corner of his mouth shifted into a half smile as a single dry laugh escaped him.
“If you insist,” He said, before giving Oswald a half nod.

Oswald pressed the gun into the back of my head, and I looked Cray dead in the eye as I waited for everything to end. But when I inevitably heard the pop of gunshots, they were from somewhere else. Somewhere outside the restaurant.

Cray looked out through the open door, but I couldn’t read his expression. I heard the screams of men over the gunshots, but couldn’t tell exactly what the hell was going on out there. Not until Oswald was suddenly launched across the room by absolutely nothing. He was sent flying across the office and hit the far wall hard enough to leave a dent in the drywall.

I didn’t even need to see her to know she was there… Just that told me who it was.

I seized my opportunity, racing toward Oswald and lunging for him. He still held the gun tightly in his grasp, but he was disoriented. I slammed my boot into his face and heard his nose crunch under my heel before diving down to rip the gun from his hands. He didn’t let it go without a fight. But he only had one functional arm, and I had two. Mathematically speaking, he got his ass kicked.

I slammed his head hard into the ground, knocking him out cold before pulling the gun from his hand and raising it to Cray. He was holding his own .45 in one meaty hand. I could see markings along the barrel of the gun. Runes of some kind, but I couldn’t figure out what they meant. His teeth were gritted in rage, although his attention quickly shifted away from me and back toward the door of his office as the cause of all the current commotion strolled in through his door.

Clementine Di Cesare.

Her posture was casual and relaxed, as if she’d been on an afternoon stroll and just happened upon us by chance.
“In trouble again already, deputy?” She asked, calmly.
“Same trouble, actually…” I said.

She hummed in acknowledgement, looking at Cray from behind her sunglasses.
“So… you’ve saved me the trouble of hunting you down, Witch,” He snarled. He held the gun tightly in his hand. Di Cesare stared down the barrel, unflinching and calm.
“Joseph Cray… not what I’d been expecting,” She noted. “I’d thought a man of your reputation might be… different.”

“Mark my words, Di Cesare. I am no less a man than any soldier under my command!” He hissed.
“And yet no greater a man than any who’s tried to kill me in the past,” Di Cesare said calmly. She studied the runes on his gun, before huffing. “Well… at least you have an appropriate weapon, unlike most. I recognize those runes… you’ve found a way around my attribution spell… clever, but on the whole meaningless.”
“I knew they’d send you…” Cray said. “Clementine Di Cesare… they say you’re among the strongest of the Di Cesare Sisters. Still, you impress me… I presume you found us through the Deputy, didn’t you?”

She gave a half nod.
“Very astute. Even more impressive is how you’ve even managed to manipulate one of the local deputies over to your side… I’ve barely seen you in action, but I already know you more than live up to your legend, don’t you? Ironic… since you’ll be the first Di Cesare to die in two hundred years.”
“Fire that gun at me, and I’ll manipulate that bullet into your skull,” Di Cesare said. Her tone was calm, as if she was simply stating a fact, not making a threat.
“I know you would,” Cray said. “But the funny thing about the runes on this gun is… they ain’t unique.”

Di Cesare’s eyes widened and I heard a sudden gunshot. She moved, diving into cover behind the door frame, but not in time. I saw her blood spatter against Cray’s face as someone shot her from behind. A bullet hole appeared in Di Cesare’s shoulder. Cray’s gun followed her, I took aim at him and fired twice, aiming for his outstretched arms. I saw his wrist twist at an unnatural angle as my bullet tore through his hand, robbing him of a few fingers. Cray’s gun discharged but the bullet went through the wall behind Di Cesare, missing her entirely. He clutched at his ruined hand, screaming in pain before shooting me a death glare. A moment later, all 700 pounds of him came barreling toward me.

I fired twice, hitting him in the chest before he slammed into me, slamming me into the far wall of his office. The two of us tripped over Oswald’s unconscious body before crashing through the drywall and landing in what used to be the kitchen. My gun slid out of my hand as I tumbled to the ground and I didn’t see where it went.

My ears were ringing, but I looked up to see Cray forcing his way through the splintered wall joists. The buttons on his shirt had popped off and I could see kevlar underneath. Of course he was wearing kevlar.

In the office behind him, I could see Red Beard… Klaus coming in through the door, handgun drawn as he rounded the corner to finish off Di Cesare. The moment he took aim at her though, the ceiling of the office collapsed down on him, burying them both underneath it.

Cray still stumbled toward me, drenched in blood and sweat as he picked up speed again. I only barely got out of his way in time, and scrambled behind one of the kitchen counters before picking myself up. The counters were bare, not a weapon in sight, but I still needed to put up a fight.

With an almost animal scream of rage Cray continued after me. He moved with surprising speed, closing the distance between us and grabbing me by the throat. My fists pounded at his face, breaking his nose and knocking his glasses off, but he refused to let up. His hands wrapped around my neck and started to squeeze as he dragged me around, rasping and wheezing with every step. My legs kicked frantically and I desperately dug my fingers into the bullet wound on his hand. I felt his flesh squish beneath my fingers and he let out a cry of pain before pulling back. I kicked him in his generous stomach, but that didn’t really do much to stop him. He barely even flinched and instead caught me across the face with a backhand.

I found myself back on the ground, scrambling across the floor to put some distance between us before kicking back at him. My shoe connected with his groin, earning a pained rumble from him as I quickly picked myself up. I threw a haymaker, right in his face, sending him back just a single step. My fist connected with his face again, again and again before Cray finally collapsed backward onto the ground.

Through the hole in the wall behind him, I could see that both Di Cesare and Klaus had recovered from the collapse of the roof. Klaus still seemed a little disoriented, but Di Cesare was already coming for him. She gestured violently with her hand, and Klaus’s body was jerked violently to the side. I heard the crunch of drywall as she borrowed a move from Cray’s playbook and hurled him through the office wall, although Klaus was sent into the dining room, not the kitchen. Di Cesare glared at him, making sure he was down for the count before gritting her teeth and stepping through the hole in the wall that led to the kitchen.

Cray looked over at her, blood dribbling from his split lip and broken nose. His breath came in heavy pants and I could see a look of utter disgust on his face.
“No…” He rasped, “No… no… no…”

He tried to stand, but I forced him down onto his stomach. I took a pair of handcuffs from my belt, and closed them around his wrists.
“Joseph Cray…” I panted, “You’re under arrest for the murders of Geoffery Vickers, Hank Russell and Melissa Sinclair… you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law…”

As I read him his rights, Di Cesare just stared down at him. Her expression was completely neutral. No anger. No contempt… nothing. Finally, she simply turned away to deal with the others. Klaus, Oswald and Lawrence… wherever the hell Lawrence had ended up.
submitted by HeadOfSpectre to HeadOfSpectre [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:57 stan_loves_ham What do I do after a fire situation? (Louisiana insured)

Hi all
I live in Louisiana and my husband's work provided van spontaneously caught on fire
Some quick details to lead to my question
-He had a different van for a year, this was a 2023 model that's been in the shop for a year, waiting to be worked on for electrical, wiring issues, etc from the employee who had the van prior that he replaced.
-Jun 1st around 4:45pm, all my neighbors start banging on every part of my house, I run outside, see the van in flames, grab my babies and him and run out the back door. Police/fire/etc is called.
-While taking their freaking time, our personal vehicle that was parked next to it, the driver side back end at the vehicles passenger side front end, catches fire as it begins to spread. Flames all eventually put out, everyone is safe, job is contacted, and footage reviewed on our ring cam.
-Jun 5th, a fire expert is flown in from a different state to track what caused it etc. Then when he cannot for the life of him figure out what caused a van to spontaneously catch fire, he says to file claim with our insurance, he will be in touch etc.
Our insurance said they would not cover the claim, even though his job said they would not fight it, given the circumstances. Upon hearing this, his job calls their insurance people, who get us a rental, says they are representing us and taking our claim, and the fire expert who took detailed photos of everything including every inch of our personal vehicle will draft up a repair summary by end of this upcoming week (prob total out)
So the problem is somewhat solved.
The question now is..... My car is still driveable when I tested it, badly burned, don't know if anything mechanically is wrong. But I just received invoice for my car payment due on the 25th.
How do I go about this?? Do I pay to keep a vehicle I'm not using insured?? I don't want to cancel with them, but I don't want to pay for a car I can't do anything with. And I don't know what specifically will happen, total out or fix it on their end. Cancelling will probably come with early termination fee. Is there a way to explain the situation and still keep coverage without paying this rate for the vehicle?? Or is it pretty much cancel, and sign back up for whoever when vehicle situation is solved. It's due the 25th, but has a 11 day grace period. Just not sure what to do here. I've only had to deal with getting into an auto accident and dealing with insurance, and that was once 4 years ago.
Anyone have any ideas, tips, etc?
Can provide more info if needed
Thank you
submitted by stan_loves_ham to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:56 frenchkiss2179 Dear Not So Stranger

You see, I have always been the type who doesn't fall in love easily. Growing up, I learned to guard my heart with utmost care, determined not to be easily mislead by men. This vigilance turned into a shield so strong that I began to feel almost inhuman, emotionally detached, and distant from the realm of ordinary feelings.
For most of my adult life, I succeeded in protecting myself. I kept my emotions in check and avoided the pains of vulnerability. But then, one day, you came into my life, and changed everything.
From the moment our paths crossed, something shifted inside me. No matter how hard I tried to fight back my feelings for you, you always ended up winning effortlessly. Trust me, I tried and tried to drown these emotions, even when I couldn't quite define them. I am not entirely sure what to label these feelings. But I knew that you made me feel things—beautiful, profound things that were impossible to ignore.
The calm, peace, and safety I feel when I'm with you feels like a breath of fresh air - it makes me feel so alive! With you, I find a sanctuary where I can let down my guard and be myself. Your presence dissolves my fears, bringing light back into to my life.
Despite all these beautiful feelings, I find myself struggling. I am terrified. I want you in my life, but I don't know if you feel the same way. The uncertainty of your feelings haunts me, and I don't know if I can bear to live with that doubt.
submitted by frenchkiss2179 to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:56 stealthieee I feel terribly depressed about where I am in my career

Hi everyone. I'm just looking for words of encouragement and tools i can use in my day to day to feel better. My whole life since I was about 4 I have loved acting. I loved "pretending" and living truthfully under imaginary circumstances. To this day I casually do it in my day to day life. I always dreamed of moving to LA and pursuing it head on. I had a whole plan: get a bachelors in something else that I can get a job with so I can support myself when i move out there. Anyway, finished bachelors... moved across the world alone to do this. I'm now in LA, it's obviously filled with amazing opportunities and so many amazing people to collab with and make fun short films etc.
I just feel so stuck. The depression comes and goes, but I feel like I moved here right after COVID, and then the strikes happened, and it's been pretty difficult. I feel like I constantly need to be doing more/not doing enough. I'm working on my own projects (writing, directing, producing) just so I feel a bit more autonomy and control. I keep getting auditions for shitty gigs that have terrible writing and I feel 0 passion about. I managed to sign with an amazing management but havent booked shit and they send me auditions but I constantly feel like I'm letting them down (and more importantly, myself). I just feel sad. I feel like I'm 23 and almost 24 and I'm running out of time (I know that sounds stupid but I'm just ranting rn). I see all these amazing successful actresses Jenna Ortega, Zendaya, Ariana Greenblatt, etc etc even Margot Robbie who got her break early 20s, and I feel like a failure I feel like It's just not possible for me and it makes me feel so down. I know I should keep my eyes on my own path, just help me with some words of encouragement if you can and have the time, and maybe help me with tools that help you. I find myself feeling envy and bitterness and feeling like, how come these people have these opportunities that so many of us don't get to have? It's such a victim mindset. I'm looking to change it (again, it comes and goes). I guess since i was young I had a vision/idea of what my future "looked like" and now that I'm here I just feel like I will never get there.
I want to be able to work for studios/professional indie films and be a part of projects that I love and feel passionate about.
Please be kind in the responses, I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read. I'm just going through it right now. Feeling: hopeless, lost, sad, defeated.
submitted by stealthieee to acting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 Powerful_Coat5617 Where do they come from?

Did you just wake up one day and have migraines? Like out of the blue? What do you think caused them?
For me, I was having more of the vertigo symptoms all of my life..especially after having my daughter at 23…my family used to laugh at me because I directly related it to my sinuses and something being wrong in that department …so they would tease me and say,”Oh it’s her sinuses again! Little did I know it was migraine affiliated all along…but the frequency and didn’t symptoms didn’t show up until after I had Bells Palsy in March..which makes sense because migraines are a neurological disorder…although I don’t have horrible pain like some of you, the sensory or motor aura is annoying and really hard to deal with sometimes…so tell me your story? How did it happen for you?
(And yeah I’ve seen a neurologist and a headache doc…I was prescribed Topamax…I’m obviously scared to take it so I do preventative stuff that doesnt seem to last too long…thinking really hard about trying this Topamax because the tingling in my face gets really annoying and kinda scary after having one side of my face paralyzed before🙄
submitted by Powerful_Coat5617 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 PineappleBrilliant35 It’s been awhile

I’ve been doing a lot of therapy and working on healing since my now ex ended the relationship nearly 8 months ago. I’m still not over it. I still feel love for him and miss him every day. I saw pictures of him today in my camera roll and sobbed.
I guess this post isn’t really about that I know it takes time.
The thing I struggle with most personally still is feeling like I just meant nothing to him. That none of what we had together was real and he was just using me.
He was cheating with another woman for 10 months. Another woman he was sexting with for 6 months and trying to meet up with in person. Another woman he had been talking to for like a month and had hooked up with her twice. And those are just the few I was able to find before he deleted all the evidence so I’m sure there were many more.
We were together a year when I found out (not by his admission). And then tried to make it work for 5 months but he ended things saying that he lied about so many things that he wanted just because he wanted to be with me so badly. That this relationship wasn’t what he needed and too much about it would need to change and that based on everything he knew about me it just wouldn’t work.
In the end it just felt like more lies and that he never loved me he was just trying to play the long game to save face and preserve his reputation.
Idk if anyone can help me with my specific situation but just wanting to give context. In general, how do you move on and cope with the feeling of being used by someone you thought was the love of your life?
submitted by PineappleBrilliant35 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 Powerful-Actuary-423 AITAH for break up a 4 year friendship

Okay I know that the title sounds bad but just hear me out. I (18fm) have known these two friends both (17fm) for only 2 years. Lets call them, H and D so we don't get confused. I meet H through a virtual friend and ended up meeting D a week later. I have noticed recently that D always uses H's money when we go out. Now mind you this was before we graduated. We went on a girls trip to Vagas when it was D's birthday as she's always wanted to go. Me and H were the only one's who paid for the flight as we agreed on it so it would be a surprises for D. That's when I noticed H paid for all D's expenses. Mind you we were still in high school at the time but we went during winter break as we didn't wanna miss school. H comes from a wealthy home yet she's properly mannered as she doesn't make fun of anyone for not having as much money as her. H is a very kind soul who would pay for any of her friends if she notices you don't have enough which is why I wasn't surprised when she payed for all of D's expenses as she didn't know where we were going. Yet sometimes bothered me as she never brings money when we go out even though she's usually the one to plan it. It's not like she's poor as I've known her for a while now and she does have money.
Recently our senior class went to a amusement park as a celebration for graduating. It was a trip during the weekend they planned before we graduated and went our separate ways. Our school fundraised the money and paid for the ticket. This time D did bring money but it was only $40. I told her that won't be enough to cover her cost as she has a very high life style and would want to buy everything in the store. She said she would be fine and took the 40 only. The park only exepted card but they had machines to convert the money into a VISA card. Only H took a credit card out of the three of us as she's the only one who has one. I took over $100 as I knew everything inside was expensive.
I just wanna say that I have a friend group of six however, one didn't want to go as they were busy that day. In the beginning of the trip the other two of our friends wanted to go to the bathroom and told us to wait for them by the entrance. They left the the bathroom and we waited for a minute or so before D told us to go find for a place to eat. Me and H both looked at each other and told D we should wait for the others as they would be back soon. This is when D preceded to grad me and H's hand and drag us away from the entrance. I grabbed my phone and called my other friend to tell her we left. She didn't even want to hear the reasoning and hung up angerly. I was confused as to why she was mad as it wasn't my fault but I gave her some space as she's the type of person who needs space so she could calm down.
We found a place to eat and D picked for us what we were going to order. Not only did she demand us to get something off the menu but she made H get something off the menu that costed money as she was the only one at the time who had a card. In the pack the school got for us we received a paper that gave us free meals every 90 minutes so the food was free except for desserts. Which is what D made H get. After she was done eating as me and H weren't really hungry, we went to find a machine to turn our money into cards. We had to walk all the way to the entrance as the one's around the park were broken. After that we were supposed to get on rides but D wanted to go to a bakery inside the park so we went. Me and H bought something inside but she didn't for some reason. She then wanted to get ice cream so we went to find a place. After she got it we ate at a table. At this point me and H were pissed as we had plans since the beginning but D was running the fun. Me and H were done eating our food but D was taking too long to eat ice cream and me and H were done with her as we told her since the beginning we wanted to go on rides. After she was done eating she dragged us to a store to buy something. We were mad at this point but we didn't say anything as she would get mad. She asked us to buy something for her as she didn't have enough on her card. We told her to get another card as she only put $20 on it and still has 20 more. She said she didn't want to put anymore money on her card and wanted to use our money as she didn't want to waist hers. We both told her no as she had money and didn't want to use it. She ended up only buying 1 out of the 3 things she wanted to buy. Me and H then told her we were going on a ride. We found a ride and got in line. When we were almost on the ride I look turn around to see D gone. She went to sit down on a table near by and me and H got on a ride. When we got out of the ride we went on another and the same thing happened but this time she texted me saying that she was going to go with our other 2 friends. I asked her why and she said " because I can 🙄" we just let her be and ended up having a good time that night. The next day, D texted H and told her she was mad at her and me. She said she felt excluded and we didn't even want to include her. We were confused as she was the one who excluded herself. My other friend that went to the bathroom in the beginning said that my friend was mad at me as we left them because me and H wanted food. I asked her who said that and she said D. So not only was D using us for money but she said something false to our other friends and they believe her. H and D ended up not talking and now they are no longer friends.
I know you are asking what I have to do with this, well I was the one who told H that it wasn't worth it to save the friendship she had with D as this wasn't the first time she was mad at us for a dumb reason. I told her that D was using me but especially her for money and didn't care about us unless it was to make herself look smarter. So to recap D was using us for money, popularity, and to make herself look good infront of others as she was smarter then us. She would put me and H down for messing up a sentence and make fun of us as we get confused talking and spelling in English as it's both of our second language.
I just can't stop thinking about this and need to know if I'm in the wrong so please any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
submitted by Powerful-Actuary-423 to AITAHonesttitles [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 sameed_a how does critical thinking improve mental health?

I woke up one morning, feeling unusually low. I couldn't quite put a finger on it, but something just felt off. It's like when you walk into a room and you can feel that someone's been in there earlier. You know, someone moved your stuff, but you can't quite place what's missing. That was how I felt, something was amiss, and I couldn't figure out what.
So, I did what anyone in this day and age would do: I went on the internet. I ended up on this subreddit about critical thinking and mental health, and I must say, it was enlightening.
I found out that often, when we're feeling low, we tend to make decisions based on negative emotions rather than rational thought. This is where critical thinking can be a game-changer.
So I started paying attention to my thoughts, examining them critically. I used the mental model of 'First Principles Thinking' where you break down a complex problem into its basic, self-evident truths. For example, when I felt low, I asked myself, "Why am I feeling this way?" instead of just accepting it as my fate for the day. This gave me control over my feelings and helped me identify the root cause.
Days turned into weeks, and the practice of critical thinking became easier. I found my mental health improving, my mood swings decreased, and I felt overall more positive. I had unlocked a superpower that allowed me to manage and understand my mind better.
Critical thinking wasn't just a tool to solve puzzles of philosophy and science anymore; it became my personal mental health wizard.
P.S. As it turned out, the 'thing' that was off was my favorite mug missing from its usual spot. Found it in the dishwasher later. Also, just in case you're worried, this story is a hypothetical one, just my way of making you feel the wonders of using mental models in your daily life. So no, you don't have to try looking for my missing mug!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 TanjiroKamado102810 Hey everyone!

So im on a trip to New Jersey right now. Do you guys have any idea of the place where the guys went hiking in “A Day in the Life”? Its been a goal of mine to hike there.
submitted by TanjiroKamado102810 to EverymanHYBRID [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:55 ObamaDramaLlama I'm Grieving the End of BG3

I've been sitting on the ending for a few days now. Overall my experience with this game has been extremely positive.
However I'm still on a bit of a roller coaster re my opinion of my ending.
I played as Authentically as I could - placing independence and freedom basically above everything. I helped to redeem Shadowheart, Laziel and Astarion. I also freed Wyll of his pact. I encouraged Karlach that I would support her decisions and if that meant not returning to Avernus that I'd be with her when her engine gave out.
However shit happened.
I betrayed the Emperor because it seemed like they couldn't be trusted - and faxed down Hell itself in order to free Orpheus and help liberate the Githyanki people. Once I confronted the Emperor I don't remember there being any way to sway him. To persuade him to the course of action I was going to take. It seemed that my distrust proved correct as the Emperor immediately betrayed me to join the absolute. He must have always been her puppet.
Then I was faced with the impossible decision. There was no choice - someone had to become Illithid. In the beginning I refused - I had spent about one hundred hours getting invested in this game and story. Everything I'd been fighting for was to rid us of the Illithid parasites - there had to be another way.
But then Orpheus volunteered to do it himself and I could not let him go through. If he meant to do it then it MUST be the only way. So my character became the thing they had always thought to destroy. Heck maybe Orpheus and the Githyanki might reward us with a Wish if we saved both of our worlds??
But decisions have consequences. We destroyed the Elder brain and won the day. The narrator then described how my character felt their Illithid compulsions threatened to erase all of who they were - they might become a threat. My character figured if the Emperor had inevitably fallen - so would they.
So that's how I arrived at the suicide ending. There wasn't really an epilogue for me. I didn't really get to see the payoff for my party members stories. Because I was dead.
What I did get to see was Karlachs despair at the end. I had broken my promise to her. I wasn't with her at the end.
I guess there's the hint that Withers may be able to bring me back. It only makes me feel slightly less bad.
So I keep on cycling through different stages of grief. Today I'm angry AF at the Emperor. Because it turns out that he isn't guaranteed to betray to and side with the absolute. You can destroy the absolute with him providing you absorb Orpheus. Either way - it seems there aren't really any truly good endings to Baldurs Gate. Someone has to pay the price.
Great game. I've never felt so emotionally invested in a story. But at the end of the day my Canon is a tragedy and I just needed to share this with someone as I'm still sad about the whole thing in real life. Decisions have consequences. I'm satisfied in the decisions I made but that doesn't mean I don't feel devastated - like I'm waiting on DLC or a sequel so my character can be resurrected and finally get some sort of epilogue and closure.
submitted by ObamaDramaLlama to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:54 Disastrous-Panda-757 I think I need therapy but don't know what exactly to look for.

Just to give you an idea, I was married for several years and my ex wife walked out on me and cheated. In doing so, she stole hundreds of dollars which she just blew out, started tarnishing my reputation claiming I abused her, and began cheating with multiple people. She slept with at least 4 people. One of which required flying out of state and meeting up with a stranger. My sister in law joined her and did the same, thus destroying her own decade-long relationship. The betrayal from it all was horrible. It was when my dad died so I ended up going into such a depression that I lost my job, lost access to money, and thus had no electricity or water in my house and basically thought I was gonna die of starvation. Out of pure hunger and desperation did I apply for a job and eventually get back on my own two feet.
What makes matters worst is that I had to fight hard for custody and blew out even more money. My ex cheated when my child was younger too. This time though, she got pregnant. The betrayal is so strong. I filed for divorce nearly 2 years ago and I am very much traumatized. I guess I have PTSD. At night I cannot sleep. I have a loss of appetite. Hair thinning. Generally poor outlook on life. Half the time I wish to get hit by a car to end it all. And to make matters worst lately she's been reaching out to me to make me feel bad on how her life has gone, etc. I probably would have answered her had I not felt she has various guys on her phone and I'm just one of many, which pisses me off. Anyways, I'm tired of feeling like pure shit, day in and day out. It's been 2 years of fierce depression, coupled with anxiety from other additional issues such as finances and not having transportation. I feel like ending it somedays, although I wouldn't consider myself suicidal.
Meaning, I'm not gonna do something intentionally to myself despite my depression. I was wondering what type of therapy I should get? I'm sick of feeling this way. Her betrayal has wounded my soul. Not to mention I don't wanna just give a random therapist money who has no idea what they're doing. I'm so sick of my reality. I think I may be suffering for narcissistic abuse although it seems nobody takes that term seriously anymore. I don't know what else it could be though.
submitted by Disastrous-Panda-757 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:54 junipatree Some ponderings on Iron & Wine's Greatness

I'm such a huge fan of Iron & Wine and I just can't comprehend why he's not more popular. i get that his music isn't for everyone and that its special, i think most people have a really intimate relationship with his songs... It's just so weird to me. I see him as such an incredibly talented songwritelyricist. one of the best that i have ever heard.... i feel sad sometimes thinking how little recognition he gets. I know it probably doesn't matter to him and it's not all about how popular a musician is. I just feel like most modern music is literally so crappy comparatively. I feel that he's in the league with certain classic musicians who will go down in history. Bob Dylan, CNSY, Beatles, any of the modern artists who have really "made it" and left an impression on the world.. just somehow i think it may come later on for him, which i still find so freaking weird. there are unreleased demos that he has (where the sound quality is literally terrible) that are WAY better than so many songs I hear- in the sense that the song structure/storyline/lyrics and melodies are just so captivating/moving. I find it hard that I don't have more friends who are into his music as much as i am. It almost seems like a "you either like him or you don't" kind of thing.... quiet, contemplative lyrics, interesting and unique songs of all different genres.. but once i fully dove into appreciating his music, i feel it took me for such a sonic ride, which not everyone is into such variety and experimentation. i for one absolutely love it! i have been contemplating sharing some songs with some different friends to see if they could appreciate it but it almost seems like a different language to people and maybe it is! many of his songs are so delicate lyrically- maybe people don't know how to even digest them? if they aren't the introspective types? is it just the deep thinkers into his music? the artists and creatives? dreamers, boundary pushers, critical thinkers? i've always been a huge fan of music my whole life and i have gone thru different phases with different obsessions with bands. But i feel discovering Sam's music is just next level incredible. I am still discovering some of his songs i've never heard before and I'm still awe struck on the first listen. Like "Talking to Fog," I heard the first time the other day. Just amazing! it joins the giant ever-growing list of other simply incredible I & W songs. I feel his music is such a gift and i'd love to share the artistry with others but I have a sense that some can't even "see" the beauty and i just feel sad and almost confused at this realization. i am an artist, poet and musician myself and i just admire his talent so much! it's so much of what i would want to express thru my own music- if i ever get back to it someday :) I would love to hear some other fan's thoughts on these topics, if anyone wants to share! thanks for reading :)
submitted by junipatree to IronAndWine [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:54 Big_Magician_9438 Want to leave my husband but want another baby.

Hear me out. I will try to be as thorough as possible as I have problems with memory loss, forgetfulness and confusion. I started dating my husband when he was 32. I was 22F. We are now 26 and 36. When I first met him I was completely engaged in him and how successful and smart he was. I have dated 3 men before him who were all drug addicts and assholes. So talking to him and seeing his success (he was 10 years sober when I met him) i was so drawn to. I really looked up to him as he was older and had more experience. I liked and loved him on a different level than I do now. We had our first child 2022. He has blessed our lives and I couldn’t do this life without our son. But since becoming parents I have been so disconnected and drawn apart from him. He is so immature with parenting, lazy, slow.. since our son has been born I have done it all my SELF. Every second of his life. He is 2 now and I still do it all. Every diaper change, every wake and feed at night. I also have no family around so there was literally no help. Even as my toddler runs around and plays with my husband I still have to have my eye on him because I don’t trust him with him. My brain hasn’t truly slowed down or got the chance to since I gave birth. I feel wired and tired at the same time everyday. On top of being extremely exhausted. I have several health issues I’m trying to take care of, but I can’t do that because I don’t have a second alone. My son is attached at the hip still and needs me for anywhere he goes. It’s very challenging.I can’t make dinner, clean, shower etc. unless I ask my husband for help but it’s like I’d rather just do it myself. I make them whatever I can to eat during the days. I have come to a place where I don’t even find my husband attractive anymore from all of this. His family is also crazy and his mother is so attached to him. He didn’t have to do chores or anything growing up. When I first met him I felt like I was dating his mother too. They are all immeshed. Now I feel like I’m HIS mother and it’s such a turn off. We hardly ever have sex, and I am not really comfortable doing so. It just feels like a chore and we only do it if we wanna try for another baby( welll I only do it if I wanna try for one otherwise I don’t wanna engage). (I want a sibling for my son) but the sex is just not my type at all. He is quiet the whole time doesn’t say a word, (he’s also a very quiet man) I grew up with loud house of Italians so it’s very different. He has a very small wee (I don’t really mind it though) but it’s all very awkward and nothing seems organic for me. From being so frustrated and overwhelmed from everything, I did cheat on him and deeply deeply regret it. I was a couple months post partum and my brain was honestly a mess, I am a born again Christian now. I had to go on medication. I truly was parting from God and I feel like the devil came in and truly tried to rip everything from me. I always feel like I’m living a lie but I keep staying to see if things will change. He is a great guy and super friendly. I don’t feel he’s my soulmate. He grew up in the city and I grew up in the country with 4 older brothers who did everything for me!! Anything I needed they could fix, etc. my husband can’t even use a hammer or hang a picture frame. He will act like he can no problem tho because of his ego but we have to hire someone for EVERYTHING. And that’s just not how I grew up and now I’m the one doing everything for him and our son. I hang the curtains, mount the TV’s, build all our furniture, do the water filters, air purifiers , change shower heads and I built all the baby’s furniture at 37 weeks pregnant. He has no sense for putting things together he will be there days trying to figure it out. He has a job from home on his computer and he’s an investor. He makes good money and can provide financially. But emotionally mentally and physically I don’t feel it at all. And when I tell him that he tells me I’m crazy and I’m taking out how I feel about myself on him. He makes me feel stuck when I m trying to truly tell him how I feel. He is really such a nice guy but has no personality like he doesn’t make me laugh at all. Hes just sooo quiet and has the most basic boring conversations with everyone and ill call him out on it and he’ll say “any human being would talk like that and say that” My dad and brothers all they ever do is make me laugh. I miss them so much. I just feel I needed to write this and vent the best I could. If you made it this far thank you for listening. God bless.
submitted by Big_Magician_9438 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:53 No-Speaker2197 How do I (27F) talk to my boyfriends (32M) brother (30 M) about his girlfriend (26F) who stays over every night?

I (27f), my boyfriend Tim (32m) and his brother, Dave (30m) all moved in together when my boyfriend and I decided it was time to try living together (we had been dating for almost four years). Money was tight, the town we live in is expensive and Dave was all for us three splitting rent someplace. It’s been convienent for all of us as we save money and Tim and Dave get to spend time together still. Dave started dating a girl, Emma (26f). It was weird tinder dates where she would sneak in while Tim and I watched a movie in the living room and she never really introduced herself for I’d say three months. After a few months we got to know her more and she’s sweet and kind. We get along very well! I’d see her as a potential friend in the future! However, this is where my boyfriend and I are getting frustrated.
Flash forward to now. Dave and Emma are inseparable. And I mean it. Emma has her own apartment she doesn’t share with anyone, yet every night, she comes to our place. No exaggeration, it’s every single night. They are up late, talking loud, smoking lethal amounts of weed, then in the kitchen cooking at late hours because they get the munchies. Not to mention what we hear through thin walls. Tim and I get literally no alone time. At this point we hardly have sex or get to enjoy our own home. It’s like we are constantly hosting someone and need to be on our best behavior. We’ve asked for nights alone, but Dave just doesn’t get it and is so clueless as to WHY we want alone time. Tim’s brought this up a couple times to Dave, asking why she’s over all the time and to please maybe go to her place for a couple days but Dave is kind of a hot head and flips out at Tim.
She’s now brought her own towels here to shower and has started doing her laundry here as well. I’m starting to see her own decorations too. Our apartment is not the biggest, and I guess I’m just frustrated because she’s basically living here and not paying any rent which wouldn’t be an issue but at this point she’s not even offering to clean, doing her own dishes or walking Dave’s dog (which my boyfriend and I have to watch constantly). Tim and Dave used to be really close, but now she’s kinda taken over Dave’s life and it’s sad to watch happen. At this point when she comes in and says hi, Tim and I don’t even really say anything; it’s like she’s a new roommate but just freeloading.
TL;DR My boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend, who has her own apartment with no roommates, is over 7 days a week, is causing a rift between the three of us. She is basically freeloading to the point my boyfriend and I are at the end of our ropes. How to we talk to his brother, who’s a hot head, about drawing boundaries about how often his girlfriend can stay over?
submitted by No-Speaker2197 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 gl00my834r handling silence while codependent?

sorry, this requires a bit of context, so it may be long.
i have known i’ve had codependency issues for a while. for years now (I couldn’t tell you how many due to memory lapses), i’ve been on and off with someone with NPD.
i believe she is a covert narcissist and has manipulated and hurt me in subtle ways through the course of our relationship. she suddenly discarded me and left our apartment forever when i was in the middle of an overdose (i became suicidal during the deterioration of our relationship). i have no doubt that my codependency contributed to the deterioration of our relationship and our dysfunction today.
since then, she has been in and out of my life. we’ve dated and she’s suddenly dumped me twice. when she gets frustrated with me, she suddenly brings up my clinginess and unwillingness to cooperate with her need for space. she says i have problems with respecting her boundaries (which i will not deny, when it comes to space).
i (27F) was groomed by an older man from age 14 up until he dumped me when i was 21. he often would say he didn’t love me anymore if i mentioned that he hurt me. he also went through depressive spells, not contacting me for days or weeks. we had no mutual friends, and i didn’t have contact with his family, so at times I thought he had killed himself. he would also say he needed to leave during arguments so that he wouldn’t blow up and hurt me (emotionally and physically).
the aforementioned ex (not groomer) recently mentioned her need for space after i expressed pain with her actions, again- telling me i never respected this boundary. I agreed and I feel like i need to obey to a T, to prove to her that i respect her wishes.
i genuinely can not tell if she has a normal boundary that triggers my intense abandonment wound, or if this is a cycle of abuse. her behavior fits the cycle of idealization/lovebombing, devaluation, and discarding perfectly. she is kind and calm and collected, making me look hysterical and sick by comparison.
even while being groomed and after, my abandonment wound never caused me this much pain. i had never self harmed or attempted suicide, and now i have attempted multiple times. i have gone long periods without eating, at one point losing 30lbs (i am 5’1” and around 120lbs now that i am more stable, so this was Significant)
am i overreacting to a normal boundary? should I feel like i’m being punished?
is it possible to have a normal relationship with her? how do i cope with this situation, and begin to heal?
submitted by gl00my834r to Codependency [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 Hopefullyfree1 Really hard everything here

Hi, everyone. I wanted all of us not to have to deal with narc parents.
I am finally seeing very clearly my whole situation. I have a non functional sister, who seems very immature for her age, and does not function. That it is. She does not behave as a functional person. Therapists and people always told me that one days she would, that one day she would be ok when I am not there, but it is BS. She was never functional. And I doubt she will ever be.
The story of my family is the story of the untold. Nobody assumes anything, nobody apologizes for anything. Nobody chooses anything, but they end up choosing anyway with their attitudes.
My mother is a horrible person. The worst I have ever met. She is a nightmare. I feel I am living inside a nightmare She can speak properly, but she never communicates anything. Life around her is hell. Everyone of her family gave up on her. She has only me and my sister. My sister, as I said is not a functional person. So the heaviness is on me.
I wish I did not have to live this. It is too heavy Therapists don't get it Friends don't get it Partners don't get ir It is lonely Dark Heavy
submitted by Hopefullyfree1 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 heoeoeinzb78 Thoughts?

Do you agree? Thoughts?
[The reality of the boyfriend and girlfriend culture in the west]
Something I’ve noticed living in the West is how common girlfriend and boyfriend culture is, and how marriage rates have gone down. You can see people who are in their thirties and forties who are still not married, but rather have a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship.
But there is something that is happening that the Muslims do not realize, especially the sisters. What is happening in the West is they are telling women random stuff in the name of “Women’s Rights.” There’s a lot in this, but I want to especially talk about how they are making women believe that they are the same as a man, you can do what a man can, you don’t have to listen to him, and so on. Now in Islam, it’s quite simple, men and women are equal in the sight of Allah, but different in the sense they have to work together and they are good at their own things. So when you tell the women that you can do what the man can, things start to get really messy.The fact is we as Muslims have to wake up and realize something. Think about it, why don’t the people who attack Islam every day attack Hinduism, or other religions? The fact is that these religions have given up. Christians have given up; you can see from their leaders and preachers that they have accepted homosexuality and all types of wrong things that are prohibited in their books, and so have the Hindus. The fact is these religions aren’t taken seriously; they are not seen as a threat. But Islam is seen as a threat.
The fact is they do not care or mind that we pray Tahajjud or we fast during Ramadan or we perform Hajj. They don’t care if we keep beards, but among the things they care about is our families! The people in the West, so many have zero idea of who their father is! But we Muslims, alhamdulillah, have brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, and so on. This is what they are coming after! They want us to also become like them and to engage in zina, but the fact is this is worse for the sisters, as I will explain In Shah Allah.
This is a whole chain, and Shaytan has made it look nice, like with every sin, and is deceiving us to fall for it. He makes the sisters think about so-called women's rights that the West has created. When zina spreads and when women are told they are the same as men and so on, they start to engage in girlfriend and boyfriend relationships. Now the man has life easier; he doesn’t have to provide, because the West has made it so the man and woman are independent. So he doesn’t provide, and when he has used the woman to his advantage, he leaves her, finds a more attractive woman, does the same, and the cycle goes on.I can start giving statistics and all, but In Shah Allah I will do that later.
Another thing with this is the reason marriages have gone down; this is something which is clear and obvious. The non-Muslim courts in the West have made it so that a woman can easily get divorced no matter what, and unfortunately, this is happening in Muslim countries as well.Muslim women think this is freedom and this is awesome, but the reality of the fact is, this will come back to bite you.
Think about it, if a man knows that if he has kids and if he marries a woman, and there’s a big chance of getting a divorce and it’s very likely that the woman will take his kids if he has any, she will take most of his wealth, house, and all. He knows that if he has a kid under 18, he will have to provide for him, which isn’t the problem, but the problem is when a man is providing for his child and he can’t even meet them or visit them, nor will the kid listen or care about his father.
So why would a man marry when he knows this will happen? Some people will take this as a joke, but when it comes back to them, then they will realize, but then it’s a bit too late.
So what’s the outcome of all of this? Men will do zina, not marry, and engage in girlfriend-boyfriend relationships. Even those who get married, they won’t have kids because the man knows in the back of his mind that she might leave and take everything. And the worst out of all, a woman will not find a husband who is willing to provide for her and take care of her.It’s quite simple. Now, this doesn’t mean every man or woman is like this, and alhamdulillah, there are still practicing Muslim men and women who fear Allah and will not do such things.
Think about it, if a man is sitting with his friend, and his friend tells him that his wife left him, took the kids and most of his wealth, and he has to pay for the child while he can’t even see him. The man will think the same about his wife; he will have a fear in the back of his mind that this is a possibility.
Trust is being removed.
And so-called Muslim scholars are helping the West spread their agenda by sugarcoating Islam and spreading false information. They have already opened the Qur’an and Sunnah for everyone to interpret on their own.The generation that made mosques in the West—the children of their own children are becoming atheists and leaving Islam. With homosexuality on the rise, Muslim countries being forced to accept such things, they are coming for the families. Like I said before, they won’t care about the prayers or our beards, but they are coming for our families. And the fact that hypocrites are also supporting them in their agenda, and deviant Muslim scholars are also supporting their agenda.
Things are not what they seem.
We see the lives of those in the West when they are young. They have degrees, they wear what they want, they have cars and houses and whatever. But why do we ignore those same people when they turn 70? Where are they then? Old homes? Their kids threw them out? Their kids visit them once a week?
Their lives are destroyed by then; they have nothing to make them happy. At the time they would have grandchildren, they have dogs to give them company. After so many girlfriend and boyfriend relationships, this is their end.
Is this also what we want?
[Nur al-Qalb 1/136-139]
submitted by heoeoeinzb78 to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 ARIANZER0 Hal visiting Abin Surs grave after he quits the corps (gl #182)

Hal visiting Abin Surs grave after he quits the corps (gl #182) submitted by ARIANZER0 to Greenlantern [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 heoeoeinzb78 Thoughts?

Do you agree? Thoughts?
[The reality of the boyfriend and girlfriend culture in the west]
Something I’ve noticed living in the West is how common girlfriend and boyfriend culture is, and how marriage rates have gone down. You can see people who are in their thirties and forties who are still not married, but rather have a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship.
But there is something that is happening that the Muslims do not realize, especially the sisters. What is happening in the West is they are telling women random stuff in the name of “Women’s Rights.” There’s a lot in this, but I want to especially talk about how they are making women believe that they are the same as a man, you can do what a man can, you don’t have to listen to him, and so on. Now in Islam, it’s quite simple, men and women are equal in the sight of Allah, but different in the sense they have to work together and they are good at their own things. So when you tell the women that you can do what the man can, things start to get really messy.The fact is we as Muslims have to wake up and realize something. Think about it, why don’t the people who attack Islam every day attack Hinduism, or other religions? The fact is that these religions have given up. Christians have given up; you can see from their leaders and preachers that they have accepted homosexuality and all types of wrong things that are prohibited in their books, and so have the Hindus. The fact is these religions aren’t taken seriously; they are not seen as a threat. But Islam is seen as a threat.
The fact is they do not care or mind that we pray Tahajjud or we fast during Ramadan or we perform Hajj. They don’t care if we keep beards, but among the things they care about is our families! The people in the West, so many have zero idea of who their father is! But we Muslims, alhamdulillah, have brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, and so on. This is what they are coming after! They want us to also become like them and to engage in zina, but the fact is this is worse for the sisters, as I will explain In Shah Allah.
This is a whole chain, and Shaytan has made it look nice, like with every sin, and is deceiving us to fall for it. He makes the sisters think about so-called women's rights that the West has created. When zina spreads and when women are told they are the same as men and so on, they start to engage in girlfriend and boyfriend relationships. Now the man has life easier; he doesn’t have to provide, because the West has made it so the man and woman are independent. So he doesn’t provide, and when he has used the woman to his advantage, he leaves her, finds a more attractive woman, does the same, and the cycle goes on.I can start giving statistics and all, but In Shah Allah I will do that later.
Another thing with this is the reason marriages have gone down; this is something which is clear and obvious. The non-Muslim courts in the West have made it so that a woman can easily get divorced no matter what, and unfortunately, this is happening in Muslim countries as well.Muslim women think this is freedom and this is awesome, but the reality of the fact is, this will come back to bite you.
Think about it, if a man knows that if he has kids and if he marries a woman, and there’s a big chance of getting a divorce and it’s very likely that the woman will take his kids if he has any, she will take most of his wealth, house, and all. He knows that if he has a kid under 18, he will have to provide for him, which isn’t the problem, but the problem is when a man is providing for his child and he can’t even meet them or visit them, nor will the kid listen or care about his father.
So why would a man marry when he knows this will happen? Some people will take this as a joke, but when it comes back to them, then they will realize, but then it’s a bit too late.
So what’s the outcome of all of this? Men will do zina, not marry, and engage in girlfriend-boyfriend relationships. Even those who get married, they won’t have kids because the man knows in the back of his mind that she might leave and take everything. And the worst out of all, a woman will not find a husband who is willing to provide for her and take care of her.It’s quite simple. Now, this doesn’t mean every man or woman is like this, and alhamdulillah, there are still practicing Muslim men and women who fear Allah and will not do such things.
Think about it, if a man is sitting with his friend, and his friend tells him that his wife left him, took the kids and most of his wealth, and he has to pay for the child while he can’t even see him. The man will think the same about his wife; he will have a fear in the back of his mind that this is a possibility.
Trust is being removed.
And so-called Muslim scholars are helping the West spread their agenda by sugarcoating Islam and spreading false information. They have already opened the Qur’an and Sunnah for everyone to interpret on their own.The generation that made mosques in the West—the children of their own children are becoming atheists and leaving Islam. With homosexuality on the rise, Muslim countries being forced to accept such things, they are coming for the families. Like I said before, they won’t care about the prayers or our beards, but they are coming for our families. And the fact that hypocrites are also supporting them in their agenda, and deviant Muslim scholars are also supporting their agenda.
Things are not what they seem.
We see the lives of those in the West when they are young. They have degrees, they wear what they want, they have cars and houses and whatever. But why do we ignore those same people when they turn 70? Where are they then? Old homes? Their kids threw them out? Their kids visit them once a week?
Their lives are destroyed by then; they have nothing to make them happy. At the time they would have grandchildren, they have dogs to give them company. After so many girlfriend and boyfriend relationships, this is their end.
Is this also what we want?
[Nur al-Qalb 1/136-139]
submitted by heoeoeinzb78 to Muslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 delulu_bish [NF] regret?

Yall imagine this: Your in your high school living your life. Yet something feels missing from you, you experienced high school romance many times and earn many achievements yet it still doesn't feel right as if your wolrd was empty as if you haven't met the right person. One day your in your new school year with new classmates getting to know each other. Yet something catches your eye, its your classmate who's a little shy when talking to people. You introduce yourself to your shy classmate and they seem to be comfortable around you.
A little weeks pass by and you both are already close. Months has passed and you noticed something, something changed in you as if you found the right person. So u give all your attention, love and even help yim with his academics since he's a math wizard and can't seem to understand other topics.
One day you slowly find yourself falling for that person, you can't seem to hide it and other suspects that there is something between you two. Yet u wonder if that person felt the same way, he treats you like your his only comfort person in the whole words yet sometimes he gives you mixed signals. You don't want to ruin your friendship so you hide your feelings for that person, only to find out sooner that person that you dear the most likes somebody else.
They seem to he a good pair and you can't help but be happy for them yet your heart aches from the pain. As weeks pass by you slowly feel that your beloved person is slowly loosing interest in talking to you. You guys talk it out only to end up in you getting friendzoned. Your heart aches as tears falls down your eyes, you have a final talk with him as friends before finally letting him go. You recall the times when you both had still became close. The memories of happiness with that person wondering where it all went wrong. "Did things change if i hadn't told my oerson about my feelings?" You ask to yourself as you hear a song called" colors" by hailey, tears fall down your eyes as the song describes that person so much and how much the color blue reminded you of that person. As you sat in your bed relapsing the times
that you felt loved because of that person, now that person is gone in your life. You have nothing to blame but yourself for being selfish.
(Hi yall sorry about my grammar and typos, i know this i bad pov but this just came out of my head) ( Admins pls approve of this ;x)
submitted by delulu_bish to story [link] [comments]