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2008.03.26 17:11 Magic: The Gathering

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2015.12.17 22:51 SrGrafo Online Game

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2024.06.10 13:29 LongjumpingGoku4844 Me againšŸ™ˆ thinking about registering for the online DBFZ World tour. Just wondering if anyone wants to run games, UK Xbox Thanks

submitted by LongjumpingGoku4844 to dbfz [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:28 NoFallOff This game is so good but so damn frustrating

I just finished the story. About 160 hours in the last 2 months. So many deaths, being forced back to watch 15 minutes of cutscenes before dying again and rinsing and repeating until I get online and find the stuff I have to go grind for so that I can beat this boss (whoā€™s names start with S, Y and J) just to fall into the same song and dance with the next boss (this time for 2 days instead of a week). Thank God for the trio of 9999
Chocobo training sucks Blitzball sucks The cloisters of trials can burn in hell The mini-games for getting the sigils were designed by fans of torture. The big tentacle bastard confusing and poisoning everyone Wakkaā€™s a racist Itā€™s all Bad. Proudly a lot of skill issues there but no game has given me as many-near controller throwing moments as much as Final Fantasy X.
So many times I wanted to say fuck this game, Iā€™ll come back another time. But dammit, these characters. They drew me in all the way. Especially the main character, Yuna. I know Tidus is the protagonist, but Yuna being the focal point of the story and the one who drives the plot along, makes me root for her so greatly (plus sheā€™s the MC of the next game on my list) Their romance is also so beautifully done. I canā€™t think of many moments in gaming that made me more elated than their kiss.
Rikkuā€™s really cool and extremely useful. Lulu is my Waifu. Auron is a badass. Kimahri is an underrated gem of a character to use. Wakkaā€™s probably my least favorite character but he gets the job done.
I totally see how this would have been someoneā€™s favorite game as a kid. Itā€™s stunning, itā€™s fun, itā€™s captivating and itā€™s really damn good. Itā€™s also extremely frustrating, feels like it hates you for playing it sometimes.
7/10. Yuna is the GOAT.
submitted by NoFallOff to finalfantasyx [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:27 Briffon Am I letting my insecurities get to me?

I met someone over discord in a gaming community about 5 days ago now. She initially tly came into my dms and we naturally hit things off. Weā€™ve messaged with each other nearly all day since weā€™ve started talking. Iā€™ve wanted to actually call with her but she has covid and hasnā€™t felt up to it. She has however sent me voice notes. On the second day of she started turning things sexual. Iā€™m not one to get into anything sexual very quickly especially online but I felt comfortable with her. Weā€™ve sent each other pretty racy photos and had explicit conversations.
Today Iā€™ve just been feeling pretty insecure on wether sheā€™s genuinely interested in me or not. I think it started when I saw her join a public vc in the server we met on. I was hurt because Iā€™ve been asking to call with her and we havenā€™t yet. I donā€™t think me being hurt was really justified because she stayed muted while she was in there.
I feel like I was also put off because she wasnā€™t nearly as flirty as she has been the past fee days. She usually calls me a range of petnames and I didnā€™t really get any.
Iā€™m used to people becoming disinterested and slowly backing away from me. I donā€™t know if my brain is trying to avoid getting hurt before she hurts me or if I should feel valid in my insecurities. I also have been avoiding online relationships for the past few years so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth it to even pursue this.
submitted by Briffon to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:27 ossamamidoune 1080p 144hz budget setup

As the title suggest im looking for a decent build recommendation which can handle 1080 144hz for competetive online games like apex legends..etc
submitted by ossamamidoune to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:24 Briffon Am I letting my insecurities get to me?

I met someone over discord in a gaming community about 5 days ago now. She initially tly came into my dms and we naturally hit things off. Weā€™ve messaged with each other nearly all day since weā€™ve started talking. Iā€™ve wanted to actually call with her but she has covid and hasnā€™t felt up to it. She has however sent me voice notes. On the second day of she started turning things sexual. Iā€™m not one to get into anything sexual very quickly especially online but I felt comfortable with her. Weā€™ve sent each other pretty racy photos and had explicit conversations.
Today Iā€™ve just been feeling pretty insecure on wether sheā€™s genuinely interested in me or not. I think it started when I saw her join a public vc in the server we met on. I was hurt because Iā€™ve been asking to call with her and we havenā€™t yet. I donā€™t think me being hurt was really justified because she stayed muted while she was in there.
I feel like I was also put off because she wasnā€™t nearly as flirty as she has been the past fee days. She usually calls me a range of petnames and I didnā€™t really get any.
Iā€™m used to people becoming disinterested and slowly backing away from me. I donā€™t know if my brain is trying to avoid getting hurt before she hurts me or if I should feel valid in my insecurities. I also have been avoiding online relationships for the past few years so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth it to even pursue this.
submitted by Briffon to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:24 EarthFairy420 Am I a fool for staying with my long term boyfriend that puts no effort into our relationship

Hello, I (22F) have been with my boyfriend (24M) for 7 years, but I cant help but think that my boyfriend doesn't put any effort into me/ our relationship. Take me on dates, get me flowers (that isnt for valentines day), or even just hang out with me that doesnt involve him being on his phone the whole time etc. I've communicated that with him, but he would get upset when I bring it up and I would feel bad because I am grateful for him and every bare minimum thing he has done for me.. so I just stopped pushing it. In the beginning - I helped him get his first job when he was 21 because I did not like that he asked his parents for money (in front of me sometimes) to take me out on a date or to go watch a movie. So I applied to jobs for him. No biggie sometimes people need a little push when it comes to a first job. We've been together for 7 years and he is 24 now and still has not gotten his drivers license. When I was 16-17 I begged him to get a drivers license because my parents were upset that I picked him up and drove us everywhere.. so I helped him study, I took him to the dmv to do his permit test. He passed, but procrastinated on learning how to drive so his permit expired. I took him to the dmv again a year later and he passed, but this time I put my foot down and attempted to teach him how to drive myself because I knew that he was probably going to procrastinate again. He didn't like how I taught him so he said his dad was going to teach him.. its been 7 years and still no license so Ive been driving us to work (I got a part time job at the same place because it was easier on the gas), to do errands and picking him up from places. I got over the license so it doesn't bother me as much anymore kinda, but it does get tiring never getting to sit in the passenger side at least once especially when I do get anxious a lot to drive. Not biggie though? I dont mind I just wanted to put that out there because it always bats an eye when ever I tell people my boyfriend cant drive. We live together now - We started living together 3 years ago, and then moved to the opposite side of state together 2 years ago. It felt like a new opportunity for our relationship to grow because we moved to a city we've always talked about moving to that we know no one in and he always told me about focusing on each other and his plans about taking me on picnic dates on the beach or going hiking every week because its my favorite activity , but now that we are here hes taken me on maybe 2 dates (that I planned) and went hiking once (that I planned). We havent done that picnic date yet unfortunately, but I went on a picnic on my own once while he stayed home because he didn't want to come with me. Sometimes when I would communicate that I wish we would do things more going out or not at least something together even at home like cook a meal, do a puzzle, paint or things he likes like playing video games together, but it never happens. Ive learned that hes not much of a leaving the house person so Ive adapted to that lifestyle of just staying at home and watching tv together even though he's usually just on his phone most of the time when we do. Our life at home weekly usually ends up with us not going anywhere even after he and I made this whole week plan for us to go do something and I get so excited but It always never happens and he ends up just gaming the whole day (he has a schedule for gaming with his friends to give me times he's unavailable to do things with me but its always flexible when it come to that for him - he would cut our day going out short so he can get home on time to get on his game and it didnt bother me till it happens at least everyday all day) while I lay in bed or him on his phone while I try to make myself productive and do activities I like while he does his I guess. But I understand that he needs his space too so I don't ask all the time about doing things so I just now wait till hes in the mood to (rarely in the mood). Im just a little sad because I do feel like Im rotting on the couch sometimes waiting for him to be done gaming so he can watch a movie before bed like he promises to get off the game before 12am (usually on from 3-12am sometimes 6-12am), but sometimes hes too tired afterwards and just wants to go to bed. Sometimes sex, but rarely.. only when hes in the mood not when I am. Things we do when we have a day together- Usually he would need to run an errand that day so I would drive him to the places he want to go to like a store and Ill just follow him around (one time I drove him to a shop he wanted to go to, but asked him if he knew what he was looking for because its a pretty far drive and I pay for gas, but I dont mind taking him and he'll always end up not getting anything anyways when we've been in the shop for 2 hours just for him to see a shirt he saw online in person and end up just buying it online anyways) , and after he'd let me drive us to go where I want to go, but nothing that he wouldnt have interest in like going thrifting with me, the farmers market or to a art store because he gets bored because I take too long. We usually end up at target because it easy and he needs something from there too. Im really tired of going to target every other day, but he considers it going out or a date if he buys me a coffee or boba after. Sometime I would want to eat out after and will offer to pay, but we never do. So usually he rushes to get home before 6 ever time we go out so he can game with his friends and Ill wait or do my own thing till hes done. Other than that days we are off is errand day so the usual grocery shopping, laundry mat, target, then back home. I wish we did more things like other couples do like try new resturants, go to a park, etc. but theres always a clock over my head so it never happens so my day is just being at home. Why do I love/ still with him? - He is my high school sweet heart been together for a long time and we've expressed to each other all the time that we love each other even though he doesnt do the things I wish he did for us, he is loyal, patient, respectful, honest, kind, well mannered, hygienic and loveable by everyone he meets. He has a great family all very kind and took me in as their own. They also have said they cant wait for our future together. I believe that he shows his love in other ways like cleaning our home on his own, (now) offering to pay for most things, cooking sometimes when I dont, ordering me food, buying my favorite snacks, doing acts of service for me whenever I ask him to grab me something from another room and letting me just relax. Hes very clean, smart and just knows what needs to be done and wont require me to lift a finger. I do love him and everythings hes ever done for me cause he has help me with a lot. He knows me more than anyone I know even more than my own family. He talks about our future and where we will end up which I love. I dont look for a lot in a person as long as I know they also see a future for the both of us. What think we are lacking- Romance and memories. Even though we are deadset on one another, it hurts knowing all of these days, weeks, months are going by and we aren't actually experiencing things together. Every plan just falls though. I want us to explore and do fun stuff we've never done. Not just stay home and calling it a day. Forget the license, passport renewals, or even leaving the house ffs etc. Ill do it, as long as I we can do something that will create memories that we can look back at and talk about even if its just simply being at home watching something or doing a puzzle as long as its the both of us doing it together. I want us to have stories of our love while we are still young. We've always talked about wanting to travel and see places we always talked about when we first started dating. I wish I had something to tell people when they ask what we did this past week (not that what other people say matters to me) but getting asked that and realizing we dont do anything but us stay home while he plays video games and I just lay there or go run errands kind of takes a toll on my heart because this is not how I saw our life together. Its been years of this. Ive adjusted to what he wants but I dont think he realizes that Im just not happy anymore and feel like Im just another person that he has to please but I really dont ask for much or do I? Im getting sort of tired of waiting. Its really taken a toll on my mental health and dont have anyone but him.
I dont even know anymore. Any thoughts?
submitted by EarthFairy420 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:24 mcaffrey Is it typical for computer chess games to always play the same moves?

Iā€™m on a long British Airways flight, and was playing the online games on the seatback, one of which was chess. Iā€™m not that great, lose a couple matches on intermediate-skill-level, but won my third match.
I had tried an unusual opening the time I won, so I set the game to the hardest skill level and did the same opening, and the computer followed all the identical moves as before, so I ended up winning again. Kind of seemed like cheating?
Anyway, is that typical with computers? That once you beat a particular AI once, you can always beat it by playing the same moves?
submitted by mcaffrey to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:24 Day_of_Demeter Would hooking up a PS4 in a place with no internet still allow you to play any downloaded games?

So I have a PS5 that I've had for 3 years, and I have an old PS4 that's 10 years old and it's been collecting dust ever since I got my PS5. I've been thinking of giving my old PS4 away, and I know someone who's offered to take it off my hands.
My uncle lives in a poor and authoritarian country where internet access is very limited and/or restricted for most people. He doesn't have internet, and entertains himself by watching downloaded shows on USBs or discs on his TV. However, he gets bored often, and happens to like gaming.
Thankfully, game consoles are allowed in his country, and they're allowed to be sent or brought by family members from outside the country. My question is if he would be able to play any downloaded games without internet access. Would he even be able to log into my account? Would logging in even be necessary to play the downloaded games? Those are things I'm not certain about.
I know that whenever the internet goes out where I live, I'm still able to log into my account and play any games as long they're offline games. But I'm not sure what would change if I hooked up my PS4 to a place with no internet to begin with, assuming all the same data is still in my PS4. I plan on giving him my PS4 permanently.
Another issue is certain games that have single player but are sort of online all the time, like some Need for Speed games (I think?). I'm not sure if those kinds of single player campaigns would be playable offline. For now I've downloaded games for him that are totally playable offline, like GTA V and Ace Combat 7. If anyone else has any suggestions for good offline games, please comment.
submitted by Day_of_Demeter to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:23 Background-Tomato616 34 M Just a Dad looking to talk about fitness, books, video games or anything your passionate about!

A little about me, I have a strong passion for fitness and staying in shape. I love pushing my limits to be the best version of myself physically. Hiking, swimming, weight lifting, and running are all things I love to do. When Iā€™m not working or working out I really enjoy a good horror book. Something about the macabre really piques my interest. For games I have a special place in my heart for RPGs and FPS games. Baldurs Gate 3 and Destiny 2 are a couple of my favorites! Looks wise Iā€™m 5ā€™10 with short brown hair, fit build and green/blue eyes.
So letā€™s hear about you! What are some of your hobbies? Do you travel? Do you like to read? Would love to hear from you whether you share my interests or bring something new to the table I would love to hear what youā€™re passionate about! While Iā€™m not online 24/7 I will always make time to respond and connect with kindred spirits.
Hope to hear from you!
submitted by Background-Tomato616 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:23 molasseshybrid Basic video editing: Macbook Air M3 8GB or should I go Pro?

What I do:
I'm a frugal person and I like to really spend only on what I truly need. Oh and it (kinda) matters to me that the laptop doesn't heat up too much because I want to take care of the internals as much as possible. Nonetheless, I could just buy a cooling pad for that.
Thank you!!
submitted by molasseshybrid to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:23 jiw98moby Respectfully, saving LBP will not work.

Yeah the title is heavy and brutally honest, so what? On the final days of this game when it was online, there were not many people willing to play it or wanting to play it and create levels. I was a creator who had 250 or so hearts and didn't care about the game all too much after the last shut down before it was taken offline forever.
What would we all do if the game was online again? I can tell you that not many people will constantly play it for new experiences, but only for nostalgia. PlayStation clearly cares only for profit and not what people want.
Hell, I would say saveTF2 would work better than a saveLBP because people at LEAST still play tf2 not only because of nostalgia. If you think this post makes you mad; then I'm sorry, you've been told the truth about little big planets current state of non nostalgic popularity in 2024.
submitted by jiw98moby to littlebigplanet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:22 GalvusGalvoid Is the series mainly centered on online modes?

I like single player offline games and i know many love the gameplay and story of this series, so iā€™m curious if i should buy all 5 games knowing iā€™ll only play offline. I hope they arent too short or limited compared to the online experience.
submitted by GalvusGalvoid to GearsOfWar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:20 21-Breeze Anyone know how to fix this?, Can't install and still loading

Anyone know how to fix this?, Can't install and still loading submitted by 21-Breeze to XboxGamePass [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:19 Find_Your_Job Italian-speaking Customer Service Representative (m/f/d) Social Media Support ā€“ 100% home office

Experience the power of a game-changing career
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In this position as a Italian-speaking Customer Service Representative (m/f/d) Social Media Support ā€“ 100% home office, you will be the first point of contact for various customer enquiries, whether by phone, email or chat.
With the following general conditions:
Start at the next possible date full or part-time 100% home office Monday ā€“ Sunday from 08am ā€“ 11pm Italian and English Inbound up to 2.500ā‚¬* gross/month
Does that fit in with your everyday life? Perfect! Then it's our turn - read on and let us impress you, just as we impress our employees day after day. Weā€™re proud to be recognized with awards such as "World's Best Workplaces," ā€œBest Companies for Career Growth,ā€ and ā€œBest Company Culture,ā€ year after year.
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Your contact person: Serra Akkan
Your future place of work: Concentrix GmbH - Homeoffice, Deutschlandweit
Please note that the location still holds its former name. Webhelp is now part of Concentrix and we look forward to receiving your application!
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Concentrix is an equal opportunity employer
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Diversity and equal opportunities are core values at Concentrix. We therefore actively encourage applications from people with disabilities. Severely disabled people and people of equal status are given preference if they are equally qualified. We offer individual support to provide the ideal position for you.
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In accordance with German law, only applicants who are legally authorized to work in Germany will be considered for this position.
Click here for the application form!
submitted by Find_Your_Job to u/Find_Your_Job [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:16 AutoModerator How can i looking Bad Boys: Ride or Die for free Legally?

How can i looking Bad Boys: Ride or Die for free Legally?,,.Hey fellow Movie lovers. As Iā€™ve been watching Movies for long time, I've done some digging to access the trusty Bad Boys: Ride or Die online free Movies. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online for free...
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
What app/website are you using to watch the Bad Boys: Ride or Die online? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a online platform of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Movie.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes online free Movies.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
Hulu, Amazon Prime or 123movies. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by AutoModerator to DunePart2ONd [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:15 AutoModerator Watch 'Bad Boys: Ride or Die' 2024 Online for Free on Reddit

Watch 'Bad Boys: Ride or Die' 2024 Online for Free on Reddit,..Hey fellow Movie lovers. As Iā€™ve been watching Movies for long time, I've done some digging to access the trusty Bad Boys: Ride or Die online free Movies. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online for free...
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
What app/website are you using to watch the Bad Boys: Ride or Die online? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a online platform of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Movie.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes online free Movies.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
Hulu, Amazon Prime or 123movies. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by AutoModerator to DunePart2ONd [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:15 UnityAssets_new_bot Object Insights Highlighter : Support: YouTube Discord Email Online Docs WebGL DemoThis Text Inspection System enables the display of a 3D object's name and provides additional information when clicked. This feature can enrich the gaming experience by adding depth and realism to the g

submitted by UnityAssets_new_bot to UnityAssets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:15 AutoModerator How/Where to Watch Free Bad Boys: Ride or Die FullMovie Online?

How/Where to Watch Free Bad Boys: Ride or Die Online? Hey fellow Movie lovers. As Iā€™ve been watching Movies for long time, I've done some digging to access the trusty Bad Boys: Ride or Die online free Movies. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online for free...
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
What app/website are you using to watch the Bad Boys: Ride or Die online? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a online platform of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Movie.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes online free Movies.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
Hulu, Amazon Prime or 123movies. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by AutoModerator to DunePart2ONd [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:14 AutoModerator What's the ways to watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die Online for free?

How/Where to Watch Free Bad Boys: Ride or Die Online? Hey fellow Movie lovers. As Iā€™ve been watching Movies for long time, I've done some digging to access the trusty Bad Boys: Ride or Die online free Movies. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online for free...
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
šŸ”øWatch Now:āž” Bad Boys: Ride or Die Free Reddit
What app/website are you using to watch the Bad Boys: Ride or Die online? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a online platform of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Movie.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Movies and haven't found a great way to watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes online free Movies.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
Hulu, Amazon Prime or 123movies. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by AutoModerator to DunePart2ONd [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:12 Traditional-Funny591 Massachusetts, casino GGR up 8% in June

Massachusetts posted its June 2023 earnings report, taking a total of $132.8 million from taxable game revenue in June 2023, down 20% from the $159.6 million reported in May. Looking at the figures, the state's online sports betting numbers totaled $32.5 million in tax revenue, down from $59.4 million in May.
Online sports betting began in Massachusetts in March, meaning that some fluctuations in numbers are expected, despite expectations of an increase in execution only in the four months since its first launch.
The decline in online sports betting comes after Massachusetts reported continued growth since March. Otherwise, casino table and slot gross gaming revenue (GGR) increased to $106 million per year, up 8% from June 2022.
Encore Boston Harbor remains the largest casino in the state, with a slot and table GGR of $65.4 million, up 9% from $60 million in June 2022. Casino collected $30.6 million from table games and $34.7 million from slots. The state collected $16.3 million in taxes from this figure.
But while tables and slot games rose, Angkor Boston Harbor's sports betting revenue fell month-on-month to $80,592 from $1.3 million, representing a 94% plunge. After retail sports betting started in January, Massachusetts recorded $364,481 in taxable sales in April, compared to Madness' $1.4 million bet in March, compared to $364,481 in taxable sales in April.
The start of sports betting seems to be not yet fully settled in a state known for its sporting appetite, which may come as a shock to some, as sports betting was considered a consistent source of taxes in Massachusetts. For now, however, it remains in the early stages reflected in the financial report.
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submitted by Traditional-Funny591 to u/Traditional-Funny591 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:12 Morbid_ForFun DOOM boosting

Since the announcement of the new doom game I decided to go back and 100% DOOM 2016. Anyone interested in boosting the 2 very very simple online achievements? They wouldn't even take 30 mins
submitted by Morbid_ForFun to xboxachievements [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:11 MucepheiCustomoids Man, people in online need to chill. I just want a modest challenger

I play online for a more human experience because cpu fights gets boring at times. Not here to say that cause cpus are bad, but I just want something that let's me fight other players and get that unique human interaction in fights
The only issue I have with online is that I'm having to fight my way downwards in gsp score to get matched with lower ranked players. And the main issue is that there are people who just don't know when to stop when it's beyond clear from sextillions of universes away that I can't keep up with their skill
I started off with refusal to self destruct because I don't like doing that. But by lord, people need to learn that not everyone is on the same level of skill and need to loosen the reigns. It's not fun being infinitely combed while spamming jumps, shield, dodges, and anything else to try to get out, but not being successful in getting any breathing space
Now when I see someone I can't even get close to landing a hit on, I just let them send me off stage and then I just fall into the blast zone. Then I just self destruct. And 9/10 times they teabag and jump around in joy like it's an accomplishment to beat someone who's on the level of a level 4 cpu maybe level 5 on a good day), meanwhile they're like a level 100 cpu.
Worse is when I get an actually good match, and then the game lags like crazy (likely cheats because my internet does just fine with online games) and then the match ends with me losing after the lag clears up. The only pattern I see if that when I ag, it's lasts like a second or two. Maybe even 3 seconds in extreme cases. But when fighting cheaters, it's like 2 minutes of lag or until the match ends. And this duration of lag only happens when I get into a winning position on the other player, then a lag nuke gets sent to me
I've also been trying to build skill against players, but it's such a landslide loss for me that there's nothing I could've done to win with my skill level. I know about dodges and out of shield options, grabs going through shields, etc. I onto k ow if it's because poke.on trainer is just that bad of a fighter, or because everyone only used top tier characters, but it's just not fun losing so fast and easily, and even watching replays I can't find anything I could've done other than run away and jump off stage. I get I'm supposed to watch replays to see what I can do to get better, but when the player landslides me with an infinite combo that I can't escape, it turns into a useless replay that teaches me nothing other than to avoid characters with such extreme comboing and high rank players
submitted by MucepheiCustomoids to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]