Teacher newsletter templates free

r/raimimemes: The Home of Pizza Time

2017.04.07 19:09 r/raimimemes: The Home of Pizza Time

The place to celebrate the original Spider-Man trilogy, and other Sam Raimi movies, such as Evil Dead and Darkman, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The largest meme subreddit dedicated to Spider-Man! Join us as we PRAISE RAIMI! discord.gg/raimimemes

2009.07.12 03:39 cytac Metric: Setting the Standard of Measurement

This community promotes the International System of Units (SI) and its use around the world. Posts discussing metrology, measurement, the SI system, standardisation and related topics are welcome! Please post jokes, memes and cartoons to metriccrusade

2024.06.10 14:33 Serious-Pollution-22 Are you in need of a goal tracker that solves all of your problems and is also for free? Look no further than this well developed, frequently updated template.

Are you in need of a goal tracker that solves all of your problems and is also for free? Look no further than this well developed, frequently updated template. submitted by Serious-Pollution-22 to BestNotionTemplates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:33 Fresh-Friendship-420 [Want] Perry Belcher – Newsletter Workshop

Hi all!
I would like to download a preview of the following course before buying it officially:
Perry Belcher – Newsletter Workshop
Has anyone heard of it? Any review? Any free tips and ideas share would be appreciated too.
Thanks for your help!
submitted by Fresh-Friendship-420 to MinaIrfanFANCLUB [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:28 xH33PZz Gielinor Guardians Social PvM All welcome.

Join the Gielinor Guardians!
Hey folks! Not going to bore you all with lots of waffle, here’s the short of it:
Who are we?
We are a new UK (W350) based clan but welcome members from everywhere. With a strong core of players who have played together over the years we’ve decided to band together to create a community of like-minded point and click enjoyers like ourselves.
Home world - 350
Clan Chat - The Guards
Uk, but accept all regions!
What events do we offer?
Weekly Events ( Bossing, Raids, SOTW, Masses and more)
Teachers and Guides for high level content
Mix of Medium & high level content
Something for everyone A welcoming environment, with lots of support and a range of abilities.
1k+ total level We have a very small clan application process in our discord, but the only other requirements are that you are active, friendly and a good fit!
Come join our BotW/SotW and Raids events!
If it sounds like you'll like it in here, feel free to join our Discord - https://discord.gg/AvZuSaqJvY
Join our CC in-game at “The Guards”! https://i.imgur.com/lmJ603B.png
submitted by xH33PZz to OSRSclanFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:26 UnicornAdoption Hit a Roadblock with X's API Pricing - Need Your Advice!

I've been working on a tool to help increase engagement on social media platforms, particularly on X. The idea is to use AI to automatically generate and send DMs to new followers, helping to boost engagement and softly sell offers like newsletters or products. I got a cool domain and made a nice logo and everything.
Then I discovered that X's API is no longer free (not sure how I missed that before), they now charge $100 per month for the basic tier that allows sending DMs and reading data, while the free tier only allows posting tweets. I'm totally ok with paying for services in general, but I'd like to avoid paying $100 per month for 3-4 months only to discover I can't get anyone to pay for this tool :D I'm looking for some advice and ideas: - Are there any platforms or tools that offer X API without the hefty price tag? Any experiences with these? - How are you handling follower engagement on X? Any creative strategies that don’t rely on DMs? I can make AI generated tweets and post them automatically, but not sure where this would be useful (without the ability to query X tweet/profile data) - For those who have faced similar issues, how did you justify or manage the costs associated with these API services? By the way, as part of my broader project, I've been working on something called Automateo, which is currently in early access, and it's what the automated DM tool will use as a backend. It’s a workflow prompt chain builder for integrating LLM abilities into apps.
submitted by UnicornAdoption to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:21 el_tacomonkey Value Investing software Tools

I see a lot of posts with a template like "I'm brand new to investing, and I'm also a software dev who feels I need AI on my resume, so check out this tool I made that wraps OpenAI's API". Maybe not framed EXACTLY that way, but I spent a long time in tech and have seen (and gone through) all the phases that software devs go through.
(as a total aside, if what I said above hits close to home, feel free to reach out to me directly. I left tech this year, but I'm always happy to talk to junior devs who are trying to make sense of their situation. I got through the dot com crash as well as the financial crisis, and you'll probably get through this one. I'm on your side.)
When someone wants me to check out a tool they built to help people invest, I want the answer to two questions:
This isn't to say that software tools aren't useful. I was a tech lead for ... let's just call them "institutional investors you've probably heard of," and I led teams of devs in the development of software, data, and machine learning tools. Now that I'm on my own, I have several tools and data pipelines that I've written that have proven to either save me time or to recommend investments. None of these tools would be useful to anyone else because they're designed to work with my investing system, and my system isn't guaranteed to be a good fit for how your brain wants to approach the challenge of making investment decisions.
The point of this post is just to get people to think about what, really, is the goal of these software tools, especially ones that claim to use AI.
submitted by el_tacomonkey to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:15 ST4BILITY Am I too strict on my children?

So I 52 F am married to my husband, 68 M. We'll call my husband Kyle. We have two twins together, 12 F and 12 M. I know at my age I should probably be a mom to much older children, but I only got married around my 40's, which delayed my time of having kids. Anyway, we recently moved to Europe, (we were living in the Southern Hemisphere before) and we weren't native speakers of the native language and the change has been pretty big. We've been here for nearly 3 years. The first year we were here, we sent the kids to a really nice, fancy school. It was international, and everyone there spoke very good English, but it was also very very expensive, however we didn't have anywhere else to go, so we let them go for a year.
After a year, around the end of the school year, we told our kids we were going to move more up north where it was more peaceful and rural, to get some peace and quiet. The kids were around 9-10 at the time, so they just strugged it off. I could tell my daughter really liked the school, she had lots of friends, was happy, and came home smiling everyday.
After moving, we sent the kids to a new "international" school. They were the only school who could speak English in the area. In the old school, the teachers that taught the native language were absolutely useless and taught nothing, which was the only flaw in the school besides how expensive it is.
Even in this new school, they still don't teach the native language, and they even exclude the kids in some activities/subjects because they don't know how to speak the native language. For example, they don't get taught history because it's in the native language ONLY. Which is ridiculous especially since they aren't even providing them with teachers.
The new school is, of course, expensive, but literally half of the old school, so it helped us financially. With a new school and new system and the new Cambridge system and what not, me and my husband decided to set up a timetable for our kids. I'm just wondering if we're being too strict on them. I'll show you their routine:
Kids wake up on week days around 7:30 (school starts at 8:45, leave house at 8:30) they eat breakfast, etc, and go to school. After school, they get home, eat for a bit, shower, play their piano for 30 minutes, do their piano theory for another 30 minutes, do maths, science and other studies, chinese and portuguese. They are not allowed to touch/use their digital devices until 9:00 PM, and then they get 30 minutes of free time before going to bed. They are not allowed to play games during the week.
They have 1 piano lesson a week, each in the morning, (7:30 - 8:30 AM). I feel like they need more. They've been playing piano for 7 years. (I had to introduce them to it, they never had a choice.)
They are permitted to play 3 hours of video games on each weekend day. (3 hrs on Sat, 3hrs on Sun). They have 2 hours of portuguese from 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM on Saturday, they come home, and at 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM they have chinese class. After coming home, they are allowed to play until maybe 10:00pm at night. Depending on if they're playing with friends. On Sunday, they vacuum the house and clean. This usually takes maybe 3-5 hours. Then after that, they do their usual daily studies, Maths, Chinese, Science, and portuguese. Depending on the day, one of the cleans the dishes at night. We have a dishwasher, but it is too expensive and wastes water, and if we have our kids do it for us we needn't worry.
They have to get 90 or above in school, or else their laptops are taken away from them until they get their grades up. They each have a phone, but they are in our bedroom constantly unless one of the goes out. We read their messages, and we are allowed to see their search history, screens, screen time, and everything they do at any time or location.
My daughter has noticeably changed since we moved. After the we moved, she's been quiet and reserved, constantly causing trouble. I blame this on the teenage phase, but I feel like something else is causing it, too. She didn't make any friends in her new school, since all the girls there are native, and since my daughter didn't speak the native language, they excluded her and didn't try to make friends. My daughter doesn't have a single (girl) friend and it's been like that for 2 years. I just hope that doesn't affect her grades, cause if it does, I don't know what I can do.
There are other things they do, but that's round about what they do. I feel like they don't do as much as I want them too. I think my husband is going soft on them. They do what I choose, they don't have a say or opinion in what we do as a family or what they do as an individual. They are only kids, and I believe they shouldn't need to decide for themselves yet, they are too young. (Ex. My daughter was forced to come along to one of her brother's party's. She didn't want to go, but I made her go, cause it's polite!)
Am I too strict? My kids keep screaming about it to their friends or whispering it among them, and I don't think so. Not at all. Am I in the wrong?
submitted by ST4BILITY to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:46 ihavenoego Judging Satan before meeting him is wrong. Jesus didn't even write The Bible. It's an imagined opinion of somebody's opinion of an ascended master you've never met.

I've been cataloguing a divine tribe of 160 Gods (Dunbar's number) stretching from prehistoric times until tens of thousands of years time. Note some of the archetypal names. For example, South Asian, Destroyer, The Moon... would be Shiva. From the third age, from when Astrology was founded. Earth, Water, Air and Fire reflected in synchronicities across spacetime in humanity. Kabbalah was of the 4th age, philosophy, along with Daoism probably the most successful philosophy the human race have ever achieved. Bringing the tribe up to date. Like the ship's doctor and the ship's captain, a paradigm.
Then 10 ages.
I'm writing a book about it. Our goal is to all become like God, to evolve completely until all things are learned from everyone in this reality, each of us holding a fruit of our dreams, a simulation-shapeshifter.
Quantum mechanics really opened up the potential to explore these spiritual-leadership routes, becoming the leadechief and the spiritual/shaman... the spiritual-leader. Evolution. Exolution. Singularitology.
I channel, or rather tune into a broadcast from my God-self who has infinite resources to shape the past; a delayed choice quantum eraseretrocausality. Awesome papers if you want to check them out.
Psychedelics have played a role, as well as ketamine. They're good because when they wear off, so does the psychic, so you don't have to become psychotic to experience the psychic.
Over the course of 500 years, if you don't fuck it up, you should learn Astral Projection, with the third eye being it's primal state, a higher vision. It's incredibly difficult, and the 'I WANT IT NOW' culture of modernity has led many into battle with psychosis over exploring it. It should be a slow trickle, a low entropy growth. We don't just shoot out of our mums into offices; it takes a long time and this is going to take even longer. Most people around us will not achieve it until later in humanity.
The Titans, depicted in Ancient Greece were of the 2nd age of the Gods (Google it) and they were followed by the Olympian's. In reality, this is when witchcraft, proto-Buddhism and proto-Hinduism was being practiced. It's all very much to do with how our diversity across the planet in the mental makeup of us creates an order out of the chaos. Neurological-migratory 'gold-panning'; fight and flight.
It's extremely synchronistic-mathematical-quantum and relative to you. It's a crystal from the bottom to the top. A dance of spirits and their manifestations; mind body soul fucking.
This feels like such weak sauce of a post, as usually I put in more inspiration. But in reality I just wanted to point out the title. I'll post more in the future, with more heart. This community should be MASSIVE. I mean it is the biggest community in reality, with the most wisdom and the most intelligence. We're on the way to some of the most amazing experiences, and I just cannot fucking wait. For now, tea and Baldur's Gate 3.
submitted by ihavenoego to pantheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:40 Fit-Bit2907 VIZ Media Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses

VIZ Media Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses
(Updated June 10, 2024)
Even my mum knows VIZ, no need for an introduction.
(She doesn't...)
Please Note- this post does not include all upcoming releases, it only includes new starting manga with volume 1 or one shots that are yet to come out.

Kasumi Yasuda - Fool Night 1 - June 18, 2024 (Ongoing)

In a distant future where the sun no longer shines, Toshiro Kamiya gives up his body to a sinister floral metamorphosis for a payday.
The earth of the distant future is covered in thick clouds, and the sun no longer shines. Plants wither, and oxygen is thin. To fight extinction, humankind has developed a technology that turns humans into plants, providing a small amount of oxygen. Is this process sustainable? Is it ethical? Toshiro Kamiya must consider these questions as he’s faced with a difficult choice—save his family or save himself.
Kamiya is at the end of his rope. His mother is ill, and his job barely pays for her medication, much less food. With few options left, he considers the life-changing process of transfloration. Ready to give his body up for a payday, Kamiya is about to explore the limits of society’s waning humanity.

Natsuo Sai - Naruto: Konoha's Story—The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Manga 1 - July 9, 2024 (Total 2 Volumes)

A comedic story set in the universe of Naruto that features Kakashi, Guy, and Mirai Sarutobi, along with the rest of the new generation!
Sarutobi Mirai has a lot to live up to as the granddaughter of Konoha’s Third Hokage and the daughter of Sarutobi Asuma, the hero who gave up his life during the Great Ninja War. But as everyone continues to expect great things from her, she struggles to separate herself from her family’s legacy and find her own way.
When Mirai is assigned a supersecret mission to protect Kakashi and Guy on their journey to the Land of Steam, she expects to fend off assassins around every corner. Instead, she finds herself babysitting two grown shinobi who are acting like an old married couple on a hot springs vacation! What’s a girl trying to prove herself to do?

Koushun Takami and Yukai Asada - Battle Royale: Enforcers 1 - July 16, 2024 (Ongoing)

High school students battle each other to the death in the original survival game!
Decades ago, the fascist government of the Republic of Greater East Asia seized control of Japan. In order to terrorize the citizens and crush any possibility of rebellion, the government established Program 68—a savage military program where teenage students were sent to a remote island and forced to kill each other—also known as the Battle Royale.
After being banned 20 years ago, Program 68 is back, this time under the direction of a sinister government artificial intelligence. The troubled and misbehaving kids of Daitoa Academy’s Class F have been chosen, divided into squads, given weapons, and commanded to fight to the death. Now friendships and loyalties will be tested, and only the strongest will survive.

Haruichi Furudate - Haikyu!! (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - July 16, 2024 (Total 15 Volumes)

Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don’t need to be tall to fly!
Ever since he saw the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else?
After losing his first—and last—middle school volleyball match against Tobio Kageyama, “the King of the Court,” Shoyo Hinata swears to become his rival. But the guy he wants to defeat ends up becoming his teammate at Karasuno High School! The two will have to prove themselves capable of playing together if they want to have a future playing volleyball.

Junji Ito - Alley: Junji Ito Story Collection - July 23, 2024

A collection full of grotesque imagination and surreal urban legends.
Every night, a young man hears children playing outside his boarding house—but the alley below his window is fenced off from the world. Then, when a young woman’s family starts acting strangely at the same time she begins having bizarre dreams, she decides to stay with her aunt, but the town she heads for has neither addresses nor roads… Also, an all-you-can-eat ice cream bus that’s more sinister than sweet!
Legendary horror author Junji Ito presents ten bloodcurdling short stories.

Taiyo Matsumoto - GoGo Monster 2nd Edition - July 23, 2024

A haunting and poetic vision of one boy’s imagination.
Third grader Yuki Tachibana lives in two worlds. In one, he is a loner ridiculed by his classmates and reprimanded by his teachers for telling stories of supernatural beings that only he can see. In the other, those supernatural beings vie for power with malevolent spirits who bring chaos into the school, the students’ lives, and nature itself.

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625 - August 27, 2024

The official companion guide to the first twelve episodes of the smash-hit anime series Spy x Family**.**
Discover the secrets behind the Forger family in Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625.
This companion guide to the first 12 episodes of the hugely popular anime based on the manga series by Tatsuya Endo provides readers with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this comedic and action-packed anime series. Sketches, storyboards, and special interviews with the production team show how the world of Loid, Anya, and Yor was carefully crafted by the animators. Tatsuya Endo also provides commentary about his experience with the anime’s production.

Jun Hioki and Yana Toboso - Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant The Novel - August 27, 2024

A tie-in novel based on the Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile video game and inspired by Alice in Wonderland**.**
Meet the curiouser and curiouser students of Night Raven College in Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant. When Yuya Kuroki is transported to the mysterious academy for the magically gifted, he must navigate a colorful cast of characters as he searches for a way home.
There’s just one problem: no one knows where his home is. Yuya quickly realizes he’s in over his head, stranded in a magical world filled with ghosts, monsters, fire-breathing cats, and bickering classmates. Without any magical ability of his own, Yuya must struggle to find his place in this Twisted Wonderland.
Inspired by the classic Disney movie Alice in Wonderland and based on the popular mobile game, Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant features an original concept by famed manga artist Yana Toboso, creator of Black Butler.

Hayao Miyazaki - My Neighbor Totoro Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - August 27, 2024

Revisit one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics with the My Neighbor Totoro film comics, collected for the first time into one large deluxe hardcover edition!
Eleven-year-old Satsuki and her sassy little sister Mei have moved to the country to be closer to their ailing mother. Soon, in the woods behind their spooky old house, Satsuki and Mei discover a forest spirit named Totoro. When Mei goes missing, it’s up to Satsuki to find her sister, and she’ll need help from some new—and magical—friends.
Revisit one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics with the My Neighbor Totoro film comics, collected into a deluxe hardcover edition!

Ai Yazawa - Last Quarter - September 3, 2024 - September 3, 2024 (Total 3 Volumes)

A supernatural mystery of two star-crossed lovers from the creator of Nana**!**
Two star-crossed lovers transcend time in this supernatural mystery from the creator of Nana!
Struggling to adapt to life with a new mother and sister after her father’s remarriage, Mizuki meets a blue-eyed man playing guitar on the street in Shibuya and is powerfully drawn to him. How far will she go to see him again?
After a brush with death, young Hotaru meets Mizuki for the first time in a dream. The next day, Hotaru wanders into an abandoned mansion and comes face-to-face with the girl she met in her dream…

Various Artists - Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga – Anthology 1- September 10, 2024 (Total 2 Volumes)

An anthology of manga shorts featuring all your favorite characters from the Disney mobile game.
Short stories set in the world of Twisted Wonderland, based on the hit mobile game from Disney!
The first installment in a collection of small but mighty adventures, featuring the characters and world of Twisted Wonderland. Each tale is written and drawn by a different manga creator!

GRAVEWEAVER - I'm the Grim Reaper 1 - September 10, 2024 (Ongoing)

It’s a hell of a job…
When Scarlet finds herself doomed to eternal punishment in Hell for a sinful life she can’t even remember, Satan himself offers her a deal: return to earth and kill one marked sinner per day…as his grim reaper!
Using the power of Hell, Scarlet quickly learns the ropes of being a reaper: bring in one sinner per day, regardless of their sins, and avoid the ninth circle herself. This work brings her into the path of Chase, a disgraced former detective trying to solve a high-level case that seems wrapped up in Scarlet’s former life. Scarlet decides to partner with Chase to find the answers to her locked memories—as long as Chase doesn’t discover Scarlet’s bloodstained bargain with Satan first.
This volume collects episodes 1–16 of the popular WEBTOON, exclusive never-before-seen content, and a bonus short story!

Ryoichi Ikegami and Riichiro Inagaki - Trillion Game 1 - September 17, 2024 (Ongoing)

A charming sweet-talker and a timid computer programmer team up with hopes of making a trillion dollars and getting everything they’ve ever wanted in this world!
Self-proclaimed “world’s greediest man” Haru and timid computer whiz Gaku set out to make a trillion dollars. They start the company Trillion Game to accomplish this task and hope to iron out the details as they go. With charm, technical skills, and no business plan, can these unlikely friends reach their lofty goal?
After Haru and Gaku become the first Japanese people in the 21st century to be listed among the world’s top-ten billionaires, Gaku reflects on when he and Haru met and the events that led to the founding of their company. What started as a middle school acquaintanceship builds to a fruitful and unorthodox partnership as the two progress on their ruthless path to success.

Hayao Miyazaki - Kiki's Delivery Service Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - September 24, 2024

A young witch named Kiki sets off on a journey to become a witch—what does she find at the seaside city where she settles?
Now that she’s 13 years old, it’s time for young Kiki to start thinking about her future. One night, under the shine of a full moon, she grabs her black cat Jiji, hops on her mother’s broom and heads off into the night. The next day she arrives at a friendly seaside city, and this, she tells her loyal and furry companion, is where she’ll spend the next year learning how to become a real, honest-to-goodness witch.

Akira Himekawa - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Complete Box Set - September 24, 2024

The manga adaptation of the hit Twilight Princess video game, now available in a box set! Become part of the Legend—The Legend of Zelda!
Once upon a time, wizards tried to conquer the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. The Spirits of Light sealed the wizards’ power within the Shadow Crystal and banished them to the Twilight Realm beyond the Mirror of Twilight. Now, an evil menace is trying to find Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm, and the fragments of the Shadow Crystal to gain the power to rule over both the Twilight Realm and the World of Light.
This box set contains all 11 volumes of the smash-hit manga series The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and a collectible, double-sided poster!

Pokémon: The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide Box Set - September 24, 2024

A slipcased, two-volume set of full-color databooks with stats on 898 Pokémon!
Each book in this two-volume set is filled with descriptions and stats, including Abilities, Moves, and Evolutions. Includes 898 Pokémon!

Julietta Suzuki - Otaku Vampire's Love Bite 1 - October 1, 2024 (Ongoing)

Some vampires live to feast on the blood of their victims. Others just want to score super limited edition anime merch!
Hina Arukado is a modern vampire who drinks blood from bags instead of from humans. But she’s also a complete shut-in who hasn’t left the house in 30 years. In an effort to reach her, Hina’s dad does something that changes her life—he gives her the complete box set of the Vampire Cross anime! Hina is instantly obsessed, especially with the character Mao. But it’s difficult to fangirl as hard as she wants from her bedroom in Romania, so now Hina is out of the house and off to Japan to live her otaku dream!
Hina’s so busy collecting Mao merch that she almost doesn’t feel bad about missing out on the Vampire Cross cafes. If only she had a human friend who could eat all the themed food for her! But connecting with humans isn’t easy until Hina literally bumps into her neighbor Kyuta, a prickly boy who looks just like Mao. Having her best friend live next door will be so convenient! Now if she can just convince him to actually be her friend…

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family: The Official Coloring Book - October 8, 2024

Color over 70 images from Tatsuya Endo's best-selling manga series Spy x Family**!**
Join the mission to color in over 70 images featuring Loid, Anya, and Yor Forger from the hit manga series Spy x Family.
This 80-page coloring book showcases the art of Tatsuya Endo and is filled with action-packed line art from the Spy x Family manga series. Starring the unlikely family composed of a spy, a telepath, and an assassin, these exciting images are printed on thick, high-quality paper. The book also includes a flexible binding for easy coloring. Spy x Family: The Official Coloring Book will provide hours of fun for all fans of the series.

Koyoharu Gotouge - Koyoharu Gotouge Before Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - October 8, 2024

A collection of manga stories from the brilliant creator of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba**!**
See how best-selling creator Koyoharu Gotouge, creator of the worldwide sensation Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, got started. This collection features four short stories packed with supernatural action—including a deadly vampire hunt starring Tamayo and Muzan that would serve as the direct inspiration for Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Katsura Ise and Takuma Yokota - Destroy All Humans. They Can't Be Regenerated. A Magic: The Gathering Manga 1 - October 8, 2024 (Ongoing)

Travel back in time to the early days of Magic: The Gathering**!**
It’s the nineties at Tokiwaga Middle School. And for gamers like Hajime Kano, the release of Magic: The Gathering means nothing will ever be the same again!
In everything he does, it seems like geeky Tokigawa Middle School student Hajime Kano always comes in second place behind popular honor student Emi Sawatari. But when Hajime takes a trip to a new game store he’s been hearing about, their rivalry takes an unexpected turn. Welcome to the early years of Magic: The Gathering! When a trading card game shaped a generation forever!

Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court - Spider-Man: Octo-Girl 1 - October 8, 2024 (Ongoing)

A new Spider-Man manga from the creators of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes**!**
Spider-Man rogue Doctor Octopus faces his biggest challenge yet—living life as a middle school girl in Japan!
After a battle with Spider-Man, the evil genius scientist Doctor Octopus falls into a coma. When he wakes up, his consciousness is in the body of Otoha Okutamiya, a middle school girl in Tokyo! Thus begins the strange school life of Spider-Man’s biggest rival...as a normal Japanese girl!

Junji Ito - Uncanny: The Origins of Fear - October 15, 2024

For the first time since his debut 35 years ago, horror master Junji Ito reveals exactly how he creates his unique worlds.
Why are we drawn to fear?
Horror manga legend Junji Ito has fascinated the world with his beautiful and strange tales, starting with his debut story “Tomie,” and followed by Uzumaki, Gyo, and many other famous works.
In this memoihorror manga analysis, he tells all and digs into dark recesses—reflections on influences from his childhood, thoughts on manga, next-level idea generation techniques, character design, craftmanship, and more. Chock-full of never-before-told insider anecdotes and behind-the-scenes stories, this is a must-have book for fans to immerse themselves completely in the world of Junji Ito.

Chie Shinohara - Red River (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - October 15, 2024 (Total 9 or 10 Volumes)

A 3-in-1 edition of the classic romance fantasy series where a modern girl is whisked to ancient times and must navigate a scheming court and warring factions while trying to find her way home.
Yuri, a modern teenager, is transported to ancient Anatolia as part of a scheme by the evil Nakia, queen of the Hittites. Only the intervention of Nakia’s stepson, Prince Kail, saves Yuri from the queen’s bloodthirsty intentions. As an unintended consequence of the prince’s actions, the people of Anatolia embrace Yuri as the incarnation of the great war goddess Ishtar.
Finding herself entangled in the social and political drama of a fractured royal family, Yuri begins to maneuver through their manipulations and learn how to survive while stuck deep in the past.

Hirohiko Araki - JoJo A-Go!Go! - October 15, 2024

Let***’***s JoJo A-Go!Go!
Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a beloved epic with dedicated fans everywhere under the sun. The art book JoJo A-Go!Go! collects exclusive illustrations and color pages as it dances through Stardust Crusaders, Diamond Is Unbreakable, and *Golden Wind—*and it even includes a peek at Stone Ocean!
Available for the first time as a standalone hardcover, this collection of Araki*’*s beautifully bizarre artwork is a truly deluxe package, a funky look at the all-star characters and good vibes that made JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure a success!

Matsuri Hino - Vampire Knight Complete Box Set - October 22, 2024

Meet your knights in shining darkness in this fan-favorite series about eternal love.
Cross Academy is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on their way to school. Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are the Guardians of the school, protecting the Day Class from the Academy’s dark secret: the Night Class is full of vampires!
A new collector’s box set of the entire Vampire Knight series! Includes the Day Class planner and an exclusive art book!

Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book - October 22, 2024

Discover the world of Night Raven College with Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book**.**
The Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile game features an original concept inspired by classic Disney Villains and reimagined by renowned manga artist Yana Toboso, creator of the series Black Butler. This deluxe book features gorgeous character and card art from the hit game, including stunning Groovy card images. A section featuring sketches and handwritten notes provides fans of the series with a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the striking character designs for every character in the series, including Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengrotto, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, and more.

Studio Ghibli - Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation - October 22, 2024

A deluxe art book featuring exclusive commentary, sketches, concept art, and paintings detailing the unique architecture in Studio Ghibli’s films.
Explore the dazzling animated worlds of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, and more with Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation!
Learn how the visionary animation studio brings its vibrant worlds to life through hundreds of pieces of concept art, sketches, and background paintings that illuminate the architectural inspirations of Studio Ghibli’s animated classics. Distinctive interiors, imaginative exteriors, breathtaking landscapes, and the interplay between the three are all examined in detail through collected remarks from acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki, exclusive commentary from renowned architect Terunobu Fujimori, and quotes from the artists and art directors of Studio Ghibli’s beloved films.
Readers will learn of the historical, architectural, and personal inspirations behind such iconic and inventive buildings and structures as the bathhouse from Spirited Away, Howl’s moving castle, and Satsuki and Mei’s country home from My Neighbor Totoro. This book is the perfect gift for all fans of Studio Ghibli’s timeless movies.
This book is the translated reprint edition of the catalog for the exhibition Studio Ghibli’s Architecture in Animation.

Alto Yukimura - Colette Decides to Die 1 - November 5, 2024 (Total 20 Volumes in Japan)

Colette, an overworked apothecary, finds romance and a new lease on life—in the underworld!!
When exhausted workaholic apothecary Colette jumps into a well, instead of dying she finds herself caring for a new patient: Hades, Lord of the Dead. As Colette goes back and forth between her world and the underworld, new patients of every kind arrive daily!
Colette meets Hades, a fellow workaholic, while he is ill in bed with a rash and fever. After treating his condition, she learns about the work he does and what drives him, which renews her sense of purpose as an apothecary. When Colette is sent back to her own world, is it the last she will see of Hades?

Takeru Hokazono - Kagurabachi 1 - November 5, 2024 (Ongoing)

Chihiro's cursed past sends him down a quest of bloody vengeance!
Chihiro Rokuhira's father, Kunishige is the most famous swordsmith in the land. Thanks to his six enchanted blades, the war that had been gripping the nation ended and peaceful days followed. After the war, he retrieved all six blades and hid them in the cellar of his workshop. However, sorcerers raided his home, stole the legendary swords, and left Kunishige dead in front of Chihiro. Now Chihiro wields Kunishige’s seventh and final enchanted blade on a mission to exact revenge and retrieve the swords his father forged.
As a young boy, Chihiro trained every day under his father to become a swordsmith. The two, although different in temperament, spent endless peaceful days laughing and working, but one day, tragedy struck… Now Chihiro burns with hatred and is determined to exact revenge on those who killed his father!

Eiichiro Oda - Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece - November 12, 2024

A series of original works by the mastermind behind the worldwide hit One Piece.
See another version of Luffy in the original short story that launched a legend. The creator of One Piecepresents this unique collection of his earliest works. From western to fantasy to ghost hunting, this special volume has it all—including “Romance Dawn”—the one-shot that would become the international mega-hit One Piece!

Hiroshi Higuchi - X-Men: The Manga: Remastered 1 - November 12, 2024 (Original X-Men: The Manga is 12 Volumes)

A deluxe manga take on your favorite X-Men stories!
Jubilation Lee is a teenager with a secret: she’s a mutant, the next level of human evolution, and has fantastic powers. All she wants is a normal life with trips to the mall to get away from her parents, but when the mutant-hunting robots known as Sentinels come after her, that normal life is pushed out of her reach! Discover the X-Men—mutant heroes hated and feared by a world they’re sworn to protect—alongside Jubilee in this classic manga series!
X-Men: The Animated Series was a global sensation and the perfect introduction to Marvel's mutants! The classic manga adaptation, unavailable for years, now finally returns to print! Newly remastered and presented in a deluxe edition, this is the ultimate X-Men collector’s item!

Sumi Eno - After God 1 - November 19, 2024 (Ongoing)

Thirty years after the gods reduced Tokyo to rubble, survivors set out to answer a seemingly impossible question—how do you kill a god?
Japan has been invaded by gods—and they’ve left nothing but death and destruction in their wake. With entire cities now classified as uninhabitable danger zones, Anti-God researcher Sachiyuki Tokinaga is determined to find a way to take down the gods and save humanity. When chance leads him to high schooler Waka Kamikura, the two may just end up changing the fate of the world forever.
Desperate for answers about her friend’s disappearance, Waka breaches the Tokyo danger zone in search of clues. Instead, she finds Tokinaga, a researcher with the Anti-God Science Institute. While Waka tries to decide if she should trust Tokinaga, he quickly realizes Waka is hiding a dangerous secret of her own—one that may just be the key to killing off the gods once and for all.

Naoya Matsumoto and Keiji Ando - Kaiju No. 8: Exclusive on the Third Division - December 3, 2024

Kaiju No. 8’s Third Division takes center stage in this tell-all novel!
Extra! Extra! Read all about the Third Division! After all, who wouldn’t want to memorize every little tidbit about the talented folks saving Japan from the threat of monstrous kaiju? In this exposé, you’ll get an exclusive sneak peek into the lives of the heroes, including new recruits Kafka and Reno and their brutal training, star soldier Kikoru Shinomiya and the story behind her weapon, and Vice-Captain Hoshina and his secret worries! Want to know more about the Third Division? Read on!

Kohei Kadono and Tasuku Karasuma - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak 1 - December 3, 2024 (Total 3 Volumes)

The first manga spinoff of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!
Ten years have passed since Dio’s death in Stardust Crusaders, but his presence lingers among his former followers, including Hol Horse. When Hol Horse accepts a request from an elderly woman to find her lost parrot that was trained by the owner of Pet Shop, he finds himself trekking across half the globe to the Japanese city of Morioh.
Hol Horse is entrusted with finding a missing parrot and takes Boingo to Morioh, S City. In the unfamiliar town, Hol Horse hears words that DIO once spoke in another time: “Look how wide the sidewalk is.” He turns to look and sees a car barreling toward him, but he’s saved from danger by another Stand user—a young man with a pompadour and a school uniform...

Luka Kobachi - Rainbows After Storms 1 - December 10, 2024 (Total of 13 Volumes)

Are high-school girls Nanoha and Chidori ready to face the storms in their new romantic relationship together?
Nanoha and Chidori are best friends who attend the same all-girls high school—and also share a heart-pounding secret: they’re lovers. Through sunny days and tumultuous storms, they’re always ready for new adventures together.
For Nanoha and Chidori, best friends turned lovers, normal situations for close friends turn into electrifying moments through the lens of love. Between sharing furtive looks and promise bracelets, the pair spend their hectic school days flirting in secret and hiding their relationship from their friends.

Masaoki Shindo - RuriDragon 1 - January 7, 2025 (Ongoing)

Ruri faces the usual high school issues: pushy classmates, annoying teachers, and…waking up with dragon horns?!
Ruri Aoki awakens one morning to find a pair of horns growing from her head! It’s already hard enough trying to be a normal high school girl, so how the heck is she gonna figure out this crazy dragon stuff?
Just after starting high school, Ruri gets hit with the biggest reveal of her life—she’s a dragon! Well, a half dragon. Her mom admits Ruri inherited her draconic traits from her father, who, yes, is actually a dragon. As if dealing with curious classmates wasn’t already challenging enough, Ruri and her dragon genes literally turn up the heat in the middle of a lecture. Her ordinary life is about to be anything but!

Oreco Tachibana - Firefly Wedding 1 - January 14, 2025 (Ongoing)

Satoko is bound by duty to marry a noble, but can’t escape the assassin who has her in his sights.
Afflicted with a heart condition, Meiji-era noblewoman Satoko is determined to secure a marriage that will benefit her family before she dies. But before she can realize her goal, she’s targeted by a mysterious assassin named Shinpei. In a last-ditch effort to save her life, she asks her would-be murderer to marry her. Her proposal isn’t sincere, but unfortunately for her, Shinpei loves as intensely as he kills. Can Satoko find a way to break the engagement without losing her life?
On the surface, Satoko has it all—she’s beautiful, the daughter of a nobleman, and at a prime age for marriage. Unfortunately, she is also quite ill and only has a short time left to live. Before she can secure a marriage that will redeem her worth in her family’s eyes, she finds herself the target of the mysterious assassin Shinpei, and her plans are put in jeopardy. In order to save herself, she makes a desperate proposal—of marriage! When it comes to love, however, Shinpei takes “until death do we part” seriously.

Homura Kawamoto, Hikaru Muno and Posuka Demizu - Beyblade X 1 - January 14, 2025 (Ongoing)

Who will rise to the top of X Tower in the ultimate Beyblade showdown?!
Bladers are ready to battle it out! They’ve set their sights on the top of X Tower and prepare to fight their way to victory. With new technology and powerful opponents entering the arena, Beyblades are pushed to their extremes as they race through a new era.
Amateur Blader Robin Kazami is left without a team after a crushing defeat. Things start to look up when he runs into former Beyblade champion Jaxon Cross, who is on his own journey to fight back to the top of X Tower under the alias “Blader X.” This unlikely duo teams up and vows to rise to the top of Beyblade!

Takehiko Inoue - Vagabond Definitive Edition 1 - January 21, 2025 (Total of 12 Volumes)

This large-trim definitive edition with gorgeous textured design collects three volumes of the phenomenal samurai story by manga legend Takehiko Inoue!
Striving for enlightenment by way of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi is prepared to cut down anyone who stands in his way. Vagabond is an action-packed portrayal of the life and times of the quintessential warrior-philosopher—the most celebrated samurai of all time!
At 17 years of age, Miyamoto Musashi—still known by his childhood name, Shinmen Takezō— is a wild young brute just setting out along the way of the sword. In the aftermath of the epic Battle of Sekigahara, Takezō finds himself a fugitive survivor on the losing side of the war. Takezō’s vicious nature has made him an outcast even in his own village, and he is hunted down like an animal. At this crucial crossroads in Takezō’s life, an eccentric monk and a childhood friend are the only ones who can help him find his way.

Keigo Shinzo - Tokyo Alien Bros 1 - January 21, 2025 (Total 3 Volumes)

Aliens walk among us—but they’re just two bros hanging out in Tokyo. Oh, and they’re on a mission to colonize Earth
Fuyunosuke Tanaka is a perfectly ordinary college student, except for one thing—he’s secretly an alien. He and his brother Natsutaro are on a mission to study the people of Earth and evaluate the planet’s resources, but adapting to fit in with life on this new world might be a bit harder than they bargained for.
Fuyunosuke’s been living the good life in Tokyo. In fact, he’s almost got the whole “being human” thing down. His brother Natsutaro, on the other hand, can’t figure out the first thing about blending in on this strange planet. There’s still a lot they don’t know about humans, but with any luck, Fuyunosuke might just be able to show his bro that life on this little blue ball isn’t so bad after all.

Hayao Miyazaki - Spirited Away Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - January 28, 2025

Fantasy and adventure await in this book based on the winner of the 2002 Academy Award® for Best Animated Feature!
Chihiro’s family is moving to a new house, but when they stop on the way to explore an abandoned village, her parents undergo a mysterious transformation and Chihiro is whisked into a world of fantastic spirits ruled over by the sorceress Yubaba. Put to work in a magical bathhouse for spirits and demons, Chihiro must use all her wits to survive in this strange new place, find a way to free her parents and return to the normal world.
Experience one of Hayao Miyazaki’s most critically acclaimed animated films in a deluxe hardcover volume!

Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto - Boruto: Two Blue Vortex 1 - February 4, 2025 (Ongoing)

The ninja adventures continue in this second series featuring Naruto’s son, Boruto!
Naruto was a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He achieved his dream to become the greatest ninja in his village, and now his face sits atop the Hokage monument. But this is not his story... A new generation of ninja stands in the swirling vortex of a new ninja age, with Naruto’s own son, Boruto, at the center!
In a cruel twist of fate, Boruto’s and Kawaki’s lives have been switched due to a powerful jutsu. Now branded a traitor, Boruto is on the run from his village as he trains with Sasuke. But when Code attacks Konoha, it’s time for a grown-up Boruto to return home and show how powerful he’s become!

Yoshihiro Togashi - Hunter x Hunter (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - February 18, 2025 (Ongoing, 12 Omnibus/ 37 Singles)

Plucky Gon’s quest to find his dad leads him into a whole world of crazy adventure.
Hunters dedicate their lives to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other people. But such pursuits require a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the grueling qualification exam. Those who do pass earn the right to call themselves Hunters.
When country boy Gon decides to follow in his father’s footsteps to become a legendary Hunter, he embarks across the perilous sea to take the Hunter Exam. After he finally finds the elusive Exam Hall, the other Hunter hopefuls prove deadly serious, and the tests are wild and wicked. Will Gon’s plucky spirit and courageous heart be enough to carry him closer to his dream?

Inio Asano - Mujina into the Deep 1 - February 18, 2025 (Ongoing)

No life but the one you make, no rights but the ones you take!
In the near future, human rights aren’t guaranteed, but they are for sale. Without your rights, you’re nothing—a mujina. There are no laws to protect the rightless. But if the laws don’t apply to you, you can do anything you want. You just need the skills to back it up. And if you’re really good, you can become an elite assassin!
Terumi Morgan bitterly accepts that he shouldn’t expect a lot from life. He just wants to meet his deadlines at work and watch his porn in peace. But then a bout of new Covid sends him on a collision course with two people who will change his world forever—a runaway kid and a thirtysomething mujina. Suddenly life is expecting a lot from him.

Kazune Kawahara - A Star Brighter than the Sun 1 - March 4, 2025 (Ongoing)

You don’t have to be a star to shine
Sae has always been taller and stronger than the average girl. Koki used to be smaller and weaker than the average boy. But now that he’s in high school, he’s tall and super popular! Will their childhood friendship rekindle…and possibly develop into something more?
Sae and Koki have been friends since childhood. One fateful day at the end of middle school, she has a revelation: Koki is hot! Now they’re in high school, and Sae has another revelation: she has feelings for Koki! But Sae isn’t the only girl who does... The question is, who does Koki have feelings for?!

Tatsuya Endo - Four Lives Remain: Tatsuya Endo Before Spy x Family - March 4, 2025

A dark and gritty collection of short stories from Tatsuya Endo before Spy x Family
A young girl fighting her way through bounty hunter school. A princess forced to flee her moon empire after a coup. Witch hunters hell-bent on killing with bloodsucking swords. And a group of ragtag musketeers tracking down armed robbers.
In these early works by Tatsuya Endo, creator of the hit series Spy x Family, follow the adventures of four resourceful and unexpected heroes as they discover that true strength, power, and beauty can be found in walking the path one believes in.
submitted by Fit-Bit2907 to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:35 Froggerbotrom Comprehensible Input(CI) Review 1000 hours in review so far!

Hello everyone,
I'm excited to share that I've reached the 1,000-hour mark in my Spanish comprehensible input journey! A lot has happened since my last update at 600 hours that took me forever to reach due to work, my baby turning 2, and my businesses. I want to provide a detailed review of my progress and experiences.


Hello hello t's been a year since my last post. Over the past 12 months, I've been dedicated to my Spanish immersion journey despite some ups and downs. Here’s a look at my progress and what I’ve learned along the way.
Daily Routine:
YouTube: For the past 300+ hours, I have really been focusing on videos. This is my main way of getting content. I stopped subscribing to Dreaming Spanish with Pablo, not because it isn't a good platform, but because I got tired of the videos and was only using it for its hour tracker, which I now use Google Sheets for. My main channel is RichardBetaCode. He plays tons of video games with 10+ years of content. I'm currently going through all the OG Resident Evils, sometimes with subtitles on, sometimes off. When not watching Richard's channel, I'm on Luisito Comunica's channel where he travels the world to interesting places. I used to watch Mateo & Lisanna but got rubbed the wrong way due to the age gap in the relationship, clickbait, and their overly positive reviews and never being negative.
Video Watching: Video watching definitely suits my attention span. I used to use Language Reactor for videos with Spanish audio and subtitles, which greatly improved my reading and listening skills, but I haven't used it for about a year. I want to get back into it but life has been happening. I wish they had a mobile version; it would be a lot more helpful for my style of learning. I honestly have no idea how many words I know right now because of that, but it is definitely a lot more.
When not watching video games in Spanish, I play games with Spanish audio. I'm currently on Resident Evil 4 remake and The Last of Us 2.
Tutor CI:

Main Areas:

Reading: By far my biggest area of fluency. CI does a fantastic job in this area. I feel like YouTube videos with subtitles in the target language only are the way to go. In my opinion, CI does not help with phrases or grammar, and at that point, you need to switch to a tutor, find a partner, or complete immersion. I have a new patient who relied solely on CI and never had a tutor; his target language was Portuguese. He eventually switched to just talking with a partner and saw a gigantic improvement. After 200 hours, he is very confident in his Portuguese and has gone to Brazil.
Listening: While CI is good for watching videos or podcasts, I can get easily distracted and need to refocus myself. I also go back and forth in my head with direct translations, which messes me up because then I miss the remaining context. If I relax my mind and just let it flow, the Spanish comes to me easier. I feel as I get more hours, it will become easier. The issue with YouTubers is that their speaking is different compared to natural conversation, so there’s a bit of a learning curve. Also, depending on the country, the Spanish can be very fast.
Speaking/Writing: My weakest area. CI doesn't help with speaking, at least for me. I still do a lot of direct translations from English to Spanish. The only time I get to speak is with my tutor, and that 1 hour is definitely not enough. The only way to improve this area is by increasing speaking hours, which I plan to do more compared to watching videos.

Key Insights:

  1. I need to start embracing mistakes and understand they are part of the experience, but it is hard not to get discouraged.
  2. Using a mix of resources helps keep the learning process from getting stale.
  3. I need to increase my speaking hours to really improve, and that will be my main area of focus. I plan to visit a Spanish-speaking country, most likely Peru or Bogotá, Colombia, depending on my schedule.

Looking Forward:

I’m aiming for the 1,500-hour mark next. My goal is to improve my speaking fluency and achieve native-like comprehension.
Tests to show you where I am at:
Translating to English:

Spanish Paragraph:

Durante los últimos meses, he estado dedicando una hora diaria a mi aprendizaje de español. Este método de inmersión ha sido muy efectivo, pero también he enfrentado algunos desafíos. A veces, es difícil mantener la motivación, especialmente cuando estoy ocupado con el trabajo y la familia. Sin embargo, he notado una mejora significativa en mi comprensión auditiva y en mi capacidad para leer textos en español. Estoy emocionado por seguir avanzando y alcanzar un nivel de fluidez aún mayor.

My Translation:

During the last months, I have dedicated an hour daily to learning Spanish. This method of immersion has been very effective, but also I have been faced with some challenges. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain motivation, especially when I am busy with work and my family. However, I have noted more improvement in my compression in listening and my capacity to read text in Spanish. I am engaged in advancing and alcanzar?? a level of better fluency.

Corrected Translation:

During the last months, I have been dedicating an hour daily to my Spanish learning. This immersion method has been very effective, but I have also faced some challenges. Sometimes, it is difficult to maintain motivation, especially when I am busy with work and family. However, I have noticed significant improvement in my listening comprehension and my ability to read texts in Spanish. I am excited to continue advancing and reach a higher level of fluency.
Translating to Spanish: Last summer, I decided to start a small garden in my backyard. I planted a variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. It was a lot of work, but seeing the plants grow and eventually harvest the vegetables was incredibly satisfying. Every morning, I would water the plants and check for any pests. By the end of the season, I had more vegetables than I knew what to do with and shared them with my neighbors.

My Translation:

En El pasado verano, decidi empiazar un Jardin pequnio en my patio. plante vegatales various, including tomatoes, cucumbers y bell peppers. Fue mucho tiempo pero viendo El plantes grow y harvest El vegetabels fue incredible satisfecho. Cada manana, deberia water los plantes y observar por any insects. Por El fin de season. tenia mucho vegetables sabia que estar con y shared con mi neighbors.

Corrected Translation:

El verano pasado, decidí empezar un jardín pequeño en mi patio trasero. Planté varios vegetales, incluyendo tomates, pepinos y pimientos. Fue mucho trabajo, pero ver las plantas crecer y eventualmente cosechar los vegetales fue increíblemente satisfactorio. Cada mañana, regaba las plantas y revisaba si había alguna plaga. Al final de la temporada, tenía más vegetales de los que sabía qué hacer y los compartí con mis vecinos.
As you can see my translation from Spanish to English is far better than me translating to Spanish. Looking over the corrected translation to Spanish I can see where I made mistakes and kick myself in the ass when I forget the words.


Thank you for following my journey after multiple years of doing this. For anyone on a similar path, I highly recommend the CI method if traditional methods haven’t worked for you. Although it is a longer path, I feel it is worth it but definitely need to implement a tutor.
Feel free to ask any questions or share your own experiences. ¡Buena suerte a todos!
shout out to for his fantastic site that is Dreamingspanish.com . If you are wanting to learn Spanish recommend using his program.
Shout out to my Spanish professor Carlos - Italki Link to his profile
My previous post at 600 hours: 600 hours post
submitted by Froggerbotrom to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:23 Steven-ape Luxury late game mall

Luxury late game mall
That's no moon! Well, actually it is a moon. But still.
I wrote recently about a late game PLS-based mall segment, and then started looking into recycling.
Recycling is a bit expensive; you basically need one additional ILS per five buildings that your mall is producing. In the midgame, this may not be worth the extra power requirements.
But I figure that if you are going to build a spiffy late game mall, then you have resources to spare anyway and recycling is a natural thing to add. So I decided to combine my last two posts into one. First, I updated the PLS-based mall segment to include recycling. I also cleaned up the recycling design a lot. I then used the mall segment to build a complete late game mall, as a proof of concept.
During the limited time I've experimented with it, I found it comfortable to use and set up, and fast.
  • Can export any produced item to anywhere in the cluster, and can also recycle any produced item from anywhere in the cluster.
  • Fully proliferated.
  • Can make up to 100 buildings and other items.
  • It is large, but not as large as designs that use one ILS per building. It's also tucked out of the way: it is built outside of the equatorial area. This means that you can include all production for the mall on the same planet, reducing off-world dependencies.
  • With three re-composing assemblers per building, using speedup proliferation, the mall can build any building up to 18x the speed listed in their recipe. For example, it can build three ILSs per five seconds, 11.25 pile sorters per second, and 30/s mark 3 belts. If you should need even more speed, you can dedicate two columns to the same item.
  • You can easily start small and add to it as your game progresses. Whenever you need to make more buildings, you can add a mall segment (which clicks into place perfectly), adding space for ten buildings. The order in which you add buildings is unimportant.
  • Four materials can be imported per building, which is usually enough; it is also possible to share the middle belt between two adjacent assembler columns, which makes it easy to set up those few buildings that need five inputs.
  • It uses PLSs to import materials, which may be inconvenient if you want to produce all the input components off-world. (That said, I recommend producing the components for the mall on the same planet as the mall itself, to reduce off-planet dependencies.)
  • It is a lot larger than other full featured mall designs.
  • It buffers a lot of material, since for every building all inputs are imported separately and buffered in a PLS somewhere. For high throughput, these PLS buffers cannot be too small either, and the ideal buffer size depends on your production capabilities, usage patterns as well as logistics upgrades, so it may need to be hand-tweaked. For example, a complete mall makes 20 items that require iron ingots. If 1000 iron ingots are buffered for each, that means that when idle, the mall stores over 20000 iron ingots. Same for other common products.
  • A full mall contains 40 ILSs and 100 PLSs, so it is power hungry, especially during the start-up phase.
  • The mall bulges into the equatorial area slightly, meaning that you might not be able to place ILSs everywhere you like in the equatorial area. (Sorry!)

A mall segment

The updated mall segment looks like this:
Makes ten buildings
The segment should be placed one tropic line out from the equatorial area towards the pole, with the ILSs towards the pole. The blueprint is tileable, and the mall should be expanded by placing copies side by side as you unlock more technology and want to add buildings or other items.
The blueprint is 80 cells wide. This area of the planet has a circumference of 800 cells, so you can stamp it down exactly 10 times to complete a ring, allowing you to make 100 buildings in the mall. There are currently not nearly that many buildings in the game, meaning that there is plenty of room also if the game should be updated with more buildings. (Of course there's no requirement that you complete the ring; it's just pretty if you do.)
Setting up:
The ring of ILSs closest to the equator import all the buildings to recycle them; the ring of ILSs towards the pole exports all produced buildings. So, if you want to produce a new building, first add it to the inner ILS. Leave the storage capacity at maximum and set it to "local storage" and "global demand". Set the output filter on one of its outputs to that building.
Now add the same building to the outer ILS; leave this one at "local supply" and "global supply". Set the product limit to the amount you want to receive if you request that building from somewhere across the cluster. For me, this means I set most product limits to 100, except for the items I use most, like belts and sorters. Leave the "min load of vessels" setting of both ILS at 1% (or at most 10%), so that vessels will fly out even if the ILS contains only 100 buildings.
The next step is to find the column that corresponds to the output filter you just set on the ILS. Set the three assemblers in that column to the building you want to produce. Note: although it's not strictly required, I like to keep the buildings in the ILSs settings and the assembler columns in the same order.
Find the PLS for that column and import the materials that the building requires. Setting the perfect product limits in the PLS is tricky: the best number depends on many factors such as: how much of this material does your mall need, how far away is the production, how fast are your drones, and how much do you want to avoid overbuffering. If you don't really know, I recommend setting each product limit to 1000 initially. For low throughput building materials you could use an even smaller buffer, and for high throughput you might sometimes need to make it larger. Keep an eye on your mall after you've built it so you can detect if some materials are not supplied quickly enough, and increase the buffer size if that should be the case.
If your building requires more than four input materials, there is the option to share one input belt between two columns of assemblers, namely the middle belt out of the five in-between buildings. Since only relatively few buildings need this, in the blueprint only one column of assemblers grabs from the middle belt, but you can easily add sorters that supply the material on the middle belt to the assemblers in the other column.
If your building requires fewer than four input materials, then you can choose which of the four connected belts to use. If you like, you can delete the remaining belts, spray coaters and sorters that were attached to it.
Set the PLS output ports to the right materials. Production should now start.
Making a bunch of assemblers :) I forgot to set the ILS output filters in this pic.
The storage boxes buffer the produced buildings. In the blueprint, these boxes are set with a storage capacity of 5 slots, which should be okay for most use cases. However, again it's better to think it through in a bit more detail for every building you're making. In the early and midgame, fewer slots might suffice and save resources, but this mall is aimed at the end game, where you might often want substantial buffers. As a rule of thumb, you should set the number of slots such that the buffer contains somewhere between the same number of buildings as the ILS product limit, and twice as much. This means that you should usually give buildings with small stack sizes more buffer slots. For example, Ray receivers stack in groups of 20. If your ILS is set up to supply them in groups of 200, then your buffer box needs a capacity of at least 10 slots to buffer an appropriate number of them.
As a finishing touch, you can change the alarm icon on the traffic monitor to the building you just added; it's not necessary but it can be nice if you want to be told exactly which building is failing.

The completed mall

I used the mall segment to set up a complete mall that produces every building, as well as all drones and ammo. In my experience, each segment with 10 buildings takes about 15 minutes to set up.
In the first mall segment, it is important to get the space warpers and proliferator going. I found the following convenient way to do this:
  • Set the first slot of the importing ILS to request proliferator, and set the first slot of the exporting ILS to REQUEST space warper. (It is the only slot on an exporting ILS set to "demand".) Lead the space warper out of the correct output by setting the output filter.
  • Set the three assemblers in the corresponding column to producing space warpers out of graviton lenses. These will serve as a backup: if space warpers are unavailable but graviton lenses are still supplied, your mall can keep working.
  • Since the assembler column uses only one input, you can remove its other three inputs. That frees up space to run a belt of proliferator from the ILS to seed the proliferator belt.
In my blueprint I've also set up ammunitions, because there are so many unused slots that I figured I might as well. However, depending on your playstyle you may need a higher production rate than what can be delivered by a mall. So it is really up to you whether or not you feel that having ammo in the mall is useful.
Find the blueprint for the complete mall in the references below!

Comparing malls

To give an impression of how this mall compares to my tiny sushi mall, here's an image that shows both of them in a single picture:
Help! There's a mall in my mall!
... yeah. So, is this late game mall worth it?
In my personal experience, the sushi mall is fast enough until you start planting down planet sized blueprints, and even then, it's only a couple of items that aren't produced quickly enough. So you might prefer to just use the sushi mall or some other smaller mall, and scale up specific items using dedicated designs once you reach the very late game.
On the other hand, if you're in the late game anyway, and you have a good production and enough power and plenty of space, and you want to have a mall that's arguably a bit easier to understand, that can support more buildings, that offers far superior throughput and that has recycling built in from the start, then this new design might be your jam.


The mall segment: Dyson Sphere Blueprints - Recycling PLS mall segment
The full mall: Dyson Sphere Blueprints - Recycling PLS mall
My sushi mall: How to build an effective sushi mall in the early game : Dyson_Sphere_Program (reddit.com)
My bot mall: Bot mall (dark fog ready) : Dyson_Sphere_Program (reddit.com)
Bot mall segment: Dyson Sphere Blueprints - Optimall segment
submitted by Steven-ape to Dyson_Sphere_Program [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:07 rayneforme [M4A] JJK Roleplay, Story Driven Heavy! Looking for a Gojo

Hello! So first things first, I am still new to JJK, I am currently on Episode 14 I think, but I know a bunch of spoilers and I don't necessarily care about spoilers, I'll still watch the show, ANYWHO ever since starting it I have had this character in my mind that I'd love to use, and I would love it if someone could play as Gojo for me!!!
So, long story short, Gojo would discover my guy through a normal every day life, after seeing him in combat, he takes quite a liking to him and decides to take.him.under his wing, train him to be an elite sorcerer, also for warning this is not a romance story, just Teacher and Student friends, yes there can be romance, I'm not opposed to it, but that would be when the idea of playing as multiple characters gets brought in, I don't mind playing multiple characters or the other gender as well, just throwing that out there
Either way, if your interested and willing to deal with my lack of knowledge even as I am learning, please feel free to message me!!! My DMs are always open!! Hope to be speaking with you soon!!!
submitted by rayneforme to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:04 CoylerProductions I was bored and this amused me for a couple minutes, feel free to take a crack at filling in the template to share some of your favourite characters chaps.

I was bored and this amused me for a couple minutes, feel free to take a crack at filling in the template to share some of your favourite characters chaps. submitted by CoylerProductions to JustOnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:04 hellopriyasharma Top 10 Preschool Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

Top 10 Preschool Teacher Interview Questions and Answers
Preschool teachers must possess not only a strong interest in early childhood education but also the ability to clearly communicate their knowledge and style of instruction in order to succeed in the employment market. Gaining an understanding of the interview questions and answers for preschool teachers will greatly increase your chances of landing a job in this fulfilling industry. The increased acknowledgment of the value of early education in preschools in India and abroad is driving an increase in the number of openings for preschool teachers, which in turn is driving up competition for these positions.
This book aims to provide aspiring preschool teachers a better knowledge of often requested interview questions and sample responses that highlight their qualifications and dedication to fostering a positive learning environment.

Introduction to Preschool Teacher Interviews

It's important to showcase your expertise, teaching style, and special abilities to preschoolers in order to land a preschool teaching position. Interviews for these jobs frequently focus on your background, methods for managing the classroom, and tactics for enthusing young students.

Common Interview Questions and Answers

1. What inspires you to become a preschool teacher?

Answer: I'm passionate about nurturing young minds during their formative years. Witnessing the curiosity and growth of preschoolers inspires me to contribute positively to their educational journey, laying a strong foundation for their lifelong learning.

2. How do you approach classroom management in a preschool setting?

Answer: I believe in creating a structured yet flexible learning environment that respects children's natural curiosity and need for exploration. By setting clear expectations and using positive reinforcement, I manage the classroom in a way that promotes respect, cooperation, and a sense of community among the children.

3. Can you describe a successful teaching strategy you've implemented in the past?

Answer: One effective strategy I've used is integrating storytelling with hands-on activities. This approach not only enhances language skills but also engages children's imaginations, making learning a dynamic and interactive experience.

4. How do you communicate with parents about their child's progress?

Answer: Open and regular communication with parents is crucial. I utilize newsletters, parent-teacher meetings, and digital platforms like a school parent app to share updates, celebrate achievements, and discuss any concerns. This ensures parents are actively involved in their child's education.

5. What do you consider the most challenging aspect of teaching preschoolers, and how do you manage it?

Answer: One challenge is meeting the diverse needs of young learners in a single classroom. I address this by differentiating instruction, offering various activities that cater to different learning styles and developmental stages, ensuring each child feels supported and challenged.

6. How do you tailor your teaching methods to accommodate children with different learning styles?

Answer: I believe in the importance of differentiated learning. By observing children's interactions and engagement with materials, I adapt my teaching methods to include visual aids, hands-on activities, and auditory storytelling, ensuring each child's learning style is addressed and supported.

7. What measures do you take to ensure the safety and well-being of your students?

Answer: Safety is my top priority. I ensure the classroom environment is secure and that all materials are age-appropriate and non-hazardous. I also practice regular safety drills and maintain clear communication with my team to address any concerns promptly.

8. Can you share an example of how you've incorporated cultural diversity into your curriculum?

Answer: Recognizing the rich cultural background of the best preschools in India, I integrate multicultural books, celebrate a variety of festivals, and invite parents to share their traditions. This approach enriches our classroom culture and fosters respect and appreciation for diversity among the children.

9. How do you support emotional and social development in preschoolers?

Answer: I create a warm, inclusive classroom environment where children feel valued and understood. Through group activities, role-playing, and open discussions, I encourage children to express their feelings, practice empathy, and develop social skills necessary for healthy interactions.

10. Describe a challenging situation you've faced in the classroom and how you handled it.

Answer: I once had a student who was struggling with separation anxiety. By working closely with the child's parents and gradually increasing the child's comfort level through short, positive classroom experiences, we were able to ease the transition, demonstrating the power of patience, understanding, and collaborative problem-solving.

Preparing for the Interview

Research: Understand the specific needs and philosophy of the preschool. Knowing about preschool teacher salary norms and educational standards in preschools in India can also provide context for your application.
Reflect: Consider your teaching experiences, focusing on examples that demonstrate your creativity, adaptability, and commitment to early childhood education.
Rehearse: Practice answering common interview questions, focusing on clear, concise, and relevant responses.


The role of a preschool teacher is both a privilege and a responsibility, requiring a blend of patience, creativity, and a deep understanding of early childhood development. As you prepare for interviews related to preschool teacher vacancies, remember that your answers should reflect not only your qualifications and experience but also your passion for teaching and your commitment to making a positive impact on young learners' lives. By thoughtfully preparing for interview questions and answers for preschool teachers, you position yourself as a strong candidate ready to contribute to the nurturing and educational growth of preschoolers.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to u/hellopriyasharma [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:03 PodcastGeneral Vaartaalaap - My podcast

I used to do storytelling a while back on my other account ( got banned for a stupid reason) . ( Sleeping in class with lady teacher , I hope you might remember it).
A lot of people commented that they found my voice soothing and adviced me to take up podcasts , I finally have the time for it now.
There is no need for you to reveal your identity , we could have the podcast over discord and talk about general topics or topics suggested by the guest.
I believe it will help in enhancing communication skills and help in broadening the spectrum of thought.
If anyone's interested , pls feel free to hmu on my discord ( on my profile) or dm me
submitted by PodcastGeneral to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:58 technics303 My journey through NixOS and flake, an update

2 month ago I posted a question about NixOS VMs / Container management in an attempt to use NixOS and it's various tools to automate the deployment of my homelab. I (naively) thought that i could just replace Terraform / Ansible with NixOS flakes and deploy NixOS LXC container into my proxmox automatically with a CI pipeline whenever i push changes to my nix config, using deploy.rs.
This post is a follow up on how i now plan to use NixOS and flakes, what i've understood trying all of this and what i still don't quite understand.

1. Tool change

As i said earlier i'm used to deploy Debian LXC containers on Proxmox using Terraform and configure them using Ansible, which a very common and well documented practice. I was just planning to replace Debian with nixos, completely avoid Ansible for configuration because i would be useless, and deploy using NixOS' tools which are more adequate than terraform.
I've learn that NixOS is not really well integrated with LXC yet. There are ways to create an LXC template and upload it to Proxmox, but it was not a clean approach.
One of the comments on my other post mentionned (microvm.nix)[https://github.com/astro/microvm.nix\], which is a tool to build NixOS VMs and run them on various hypervisor, notably QEMU / KVM. I tried it extensibly for a month now and i'm very happy with the result. It can build very small VMs, with a small footprint which why i used LXC in the first place so it's a great replacement.
So, if my experiments continues to be successful, i now plan to migrate my whole homelab to MicroVMs and write a Flake for each VM i want to deploy.

2. How i use Flakes

For the past 2 month i read a lot of documentation and articles about NixOS philosophy, Flakes and it's usage... All of it was obscure to me and is now much more clear.
I now have :
Basically it looks like this :
nixos-minimal-config/flake.nix :
``` { description = "NixOS minimal config flake";
inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05"; };
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: { nixosModules.minimalConfig = { config, pkgs, modulePath, ... }: { nix = { settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; settings.trusted-users = [ "@wheel" ]; };
 networking = { firewall = { enable = true; allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 ]; }; }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Paris"; console.keyMap = "fr"; i18n = { defaultLocale = "fr_FR.UTF-8"; }; security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false; users = { users. = { isNormalUser = true; description = "Prénom Nom"; extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; shell = pkgs.zsh; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "sshkey1" "sshkey-gitea-action-runner" ]; initialPassword = "initialpassword"; }; }; programs = { zsh = { enable = true; shellAliases = { ll = "ls -l"; lla = "ls -lah"; }; }; tmux = { enable = true; }; }; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; environment ={ localBinInPath = true; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim ... ]; }; services.openssh = { enable = true; settings.PasswordAuthentication = false; settings.KbdInteractiveAuthentication = false; settings.PermitRootLogin = "no"; }; system.stateVersion = "24.05"; }; }; 
microvm-gitea/flake.nix :
``` { description = "NixOS in MicroVMs";
inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05"; microvm = { url = "github:astro/microvm.nix"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; minimal-config.url = "git+https://git.repo/nixos_minimal_configuration"; };
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, microvm, minimal-config, ... }: let system = "x86_64-linux"; in { packages.${system} = { default = self.packages.${system}.my-microvm; my-microvm = self.nixosConfigurations.my-microvm.config.microvm.declaredRunner; };
 nixosConfigurations = { my-microvm = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { inherit system; modules = [ minimal-config.nixosModules.minimalConfig ({ config, pkgs, ... }: { networking.hostName = "gitea"; services.gitea = { enable = true; user = ""; settings = { server.HTTP_PORT = 3000; server.ROOT_URL = "http://proxy.address/"; service.DISABLE_REGISTRATION= true; }; database = { createDatabase = false; type = "postgres"; host = "db.address"; user = "gitea"; passwordFile = "/run/secrets/gitea/gitea-dbpass"; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 3000 ]; }) microvm.nixosModules.microvm { microvm = { volumes = [ { mountPoint = "/"; image = "/valib/microvms/my-microvm/root.img"; size = 8192; } ]; shares = [ { proto = "virtiofs"; tag = "ro-store"; source = "/nix/store"; mountPoint = "/nix/.ro-store"; } { proto = "virtiofs"; tag = "gitea-env"; source = "/home/tbarnouin/microvm_minimal_config/env/"; mountPoint = "/run/secrets/gitea"; } ]; interfaces = [ { type = "tap"; id = "vm-test1"; mac = "02:00:00:00:00:01"; } ]; hypervisor = "qemu"; socket = "control.socket"; }; systemd.network.enable = true; systemd.network.networks."20-lan" = { matchConfig.Type = "ether"; networkConfig = { Address = [""]; Gateway = ""; DNS = [""]; IPv6AcceptRA = true; DHCP = "no"; }; }; } ]; }; }; }; 
I wonder if it is the "right way" to use flakes ? Maybe my base config should be a single configuration file i can copy on every new flakes i write ? Or maybe every flake i write for a service should be an independent module, and i should juste call those 3 module onto a fourth flake gluing everything together ? Doing so, i think i reproduce some ansible mechanism i'm used to, and maybe it is not the NixOS way of doing things.
Also, i would like to template those flake so i can input variables on my services' flake and pass them to the minimal_config one. That way i can pass a different username, add an SSH key or anything else. I don't know any way to do this ? I also don't if this is (again) a automatism i have from ansible and if there is another NixOS way to achieve it.
Feel free to ask anything and share your experiences !
submitted by technics303 to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:54 AccumulatedAvocados Regulators, Reporters, and Representatives to Contact

This list expands on the suggested steps to take in the pinned post with some new avenues for, as well as background you could include when, reaching out to legislators, reporters, and regulatory agencies.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Under 12 CFR Part 1091, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau can issue a Notice of Reasonable Cause, based on complaints it has received, to establish supervisory authority over a nonbank entity such as Synapse, Juno, and Yotta. With this supervisory authority, the CFPB can "conduct examinations of" a nonbank app to evaluate compliance and refer matters to law enforcement. The CFPB also has supervisory authority over banks with over $10 billion in assets. Evolve Bank and Trust has far less than $10 billion in assets as of March 2024.
12 CFR Part 1091: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-12/chapter-X/part-1091
78 FR 40351: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/rules-policy/final-rules/procedural-rule-establish-supervisory-authority-over-certain-nonbank-covered-persons-based-risk-determination/
CFPB RIN 3170-AA24: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/eAgendaViewRule?pubId=201310&RIN=3170-AA24
Previous nonbank supervisory designation proceedings: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/compliance/supervision-examinations/institutions/#published-documents-from-supervisory-designation-proceedings
Banks with $10 billion or more in assets: https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_depository-institutions_2024-06.pdf
Synapse Brokerage Agreement: https://synapsefi.com/synapse-brokerage-llc-customer-agreement
  1. File complaints against Synapse Brokerage and Yotta or Juno: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/

Federal Reserve Board

The Federal Reserve Board is the primary regulator for Evolve Bank and Trust.
FDIC BankFind Certificate 1299: https://banks.data.fdic.gov/bankfind-suite/bankfind/details/1299
  1. File a complaint against Evolve Bank and Trust: https://forms.federalreserveconsumerhelp.gov/secure/complaint/formComplaintIntro.html

Members of the United States Congress

Congressional staff can accept constituent casework for issues involving a federal agency such as for a complaint open with or forwarded by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that is unresolved. Members' staff can work to "facilitate the appropriate administrative processes involved, encourage an agency to give a case consideration, and sometimes advocate for a favorable outcome." In this case, that administrative process would include the CFPB establishing its supervisory authority over the fintechs involved.
Casework in a Congressional Office (RL33209): https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/RL/RL33209
  1. Find your representatives: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
  2. Find the casework section on their website
  3. Complete their privacy release form
  4. Email the issue that you would like to be resolved that involves a federal agency, along with any documentation

The White House

  1. Complete a casework request
    1. Request assistance: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/request/
    2. Select the CFPB

United States House Committee on Financial Services

Share an Experience
Members of this House committee oversee agencies and issues related to financial services.
  1. Email members: https://financialservices.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm
  2. Email minority members: https://democrats-financialservices.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm
    1. "Share your story about your experience with consumer financial products, or a government financial agency."

United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and United States Senate Banking Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection

Share an Experience
Members of this Senate committee and subcommittee oversee agencies and issues related to banking.
  1. Send a fax to members: https://www.banking.senate.gov/contact
    1. Send fax for free via FaxZero or the HP Smart app (no printer, landline, or payment method required)

Federal Trade Commission

  1. File complaints against Synapse Brokerage and Yotta: https://ftc.gov/complaint

State Attorney General, State Agencies, and State Legislators

  1. Email state attorney general: https://www.google.com/search?q=state+attorney+general or https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-find-my-states-bank-regulator-en-1637/
  2. Email state legislator: https://www.google.com/search?q=state+legislator+lookup


Share a Tip
  1. Email or message The New York Times - Your Money reporters
    1. https://www.nytimes.com/section/your-money
  2. Email or message The Wall Street Journal - Personal Finance and Banking reporters
    1. https://www.wsj.com/news/authojeremy-olshan
    2. https://www.wsj.com/news/authoben-eisen
    3. https://www.wsj.com/news/authoandrew-ackerman
    4. https://www.wsj.com/news/authogina-heeb
  3. Submit a news tip to local news - https://www.google.com/search?q=local+news+tip


Suggestions for things to mention to the committee, representative, White House, federal agency, etc.
  1. Please encourage the CFPB to take the steps in 12 CFR Part 1091 to supervise the nonbank parties that are part of the reason why my funds are frozen. I would like the FRB to similarly supervise the banks involved. I would like the regulators to work together to ensure depositors' funds are returned since the court overseeing Synapse's bankruptcy does not have jurisdiction to oversee that since depositor DDA and FBO funds are not part of the estate.
  2. Please introduce or co-sponsor legislation that would protect fintech depositors and prevent this regulatory blackhole from forming again. https://x.com/Hugh_Son/status/1799198004383257009
  3. I believed my funds were safe since [Yotta OR Juno] represented that I held a demand deposit account (DDA), made available through Synapse, with Evolve Bank and Trust, member FDIC. https://synapsefi.com/evolve-bank-deposit-agreement. [Yotta OR Juno] and Evolve unilaterally changed my checking/DDA account to a for-benefit of (FBO) account structure in October 2023. My checking account funds were pooled in this FBO account without obtaining my affirmative consent.
    1. https://help.withyotta.com/en/articles/8448062-what-is-changing
    2. https://help.juno.finance/en/articles/8470047-what-changed
  4. Evolve Bank and Trust and Synapse have been aware of a shortfall in depositors' funds since September 2023 including while these changes to the account structure were made. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/07/synapse-bankruptcy-trustee-85-million-of-customer-savings-is-missing.html, https://www.theinformation.com/articles/inside-the-collapse-of-synapse-missing-funds-were-known-to-investors-banks-for-years and Synapse CEO (Sankaet) comment: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7204819435184947201?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28activity%3A7204819435184947201%2C7204847419023360001%29&dashCommentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_comment%3A%287204847419023360001%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7204819435184947201%29
  5. My ACH processing has been halted since May 7, 2024, and my debit cards issued by Evolve Bank and Trust have also been frozen.
    1. https://www.withyotta.com/payment-processing-updates
    2. https://juno.finance/blog/latest-updates-on-banking-and-card-services
  6. Other relevant news coverage, YouTube videos, Substack articles, and Reddit posts
    1. See https://www.reddit.com/yotta/comments/1cv1mkc/comment/l5h4m00/ for some links
    2. https://apnews.com/article/synapse-evolve-bank-fintech-accounts-frozen-07ecb45f807a8114cac7438e7a66b512
    3. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/01/synapse-bankruptcy-yotta-accounts-locked.html
    4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBUkajbg688
    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYk_s1OMwRw
If anyone has a template of what to include in these messages and forms, please share it in the comments. I can also update this post with any additional background, templates, or links.
submitted by AccumulatedAvocados to SynapseVictimsFight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:44 Yellow_pepper771 How I use Anki to practice Guitar (or any Instrument)

Preamble: I mentioned I use Anki for learning Guitar in this thread, and got lots of replies asking to share my routine. I figured I'd make a post to spark some more diskussion on the topic.
First of all, please don't think of this as a definitive tutorial. I'll just share my routine, while being aware it is probably not optimized. I'm always open to improvement suggestions, especially as I'm not that deep into the mechanics of Anki.
That being said, I'm convinced practicing Guitar with Anki has made it possible for me to reach a level that I wouldn't have been able to with conventional practice, at least not at that efficiency and relatively low-effort.
Why use Anki to learn an instrument?: I think the most difficult part in learning an instrument is not a lack of talent or skill, but to actually practice. In fact, I think everyone can learn every instrument, and you don't need any skill at the beginning. Where it gets difficult is setting up and maintaining an effective practice routine. Without a teacher who sets up a practice routine for you, it's easy to get lost. You end up noodling around, play a song here and there, but ultimately you'll keep forgetting what you learned, because its incredibly hard to keep track of everything you already learned, and practice it before you loose that skill. That's demotivating, and keeps you feeling like you're going nowhere, leading to a circle of picking up the instrument for a few months, quitting, picking it up again and so on.
Another thing is how difficult and time consuming it is to set up a traditional practice routine. It shouldn't be too hard because that'll be demotivating, and it shouldn't be too easy, or it'll get boring and you wont learn anything new. This means you have to extensively manage your practice routine, and periodically reevaluate and rework it, which is an exhausting and time consuming process. Time that could've been better spend practicing or learning something new.
That's where Anki comes into play. It enables you to just sit down and practice effectively, without worrying about what to do. You can work at your own pace, but the algorithm makes sure you will get better over time. I find this extremely motivating, just to know if I sit down and do my cards, I'll keep getting better and better.
Creating Cards: Your cards have to come from somewhere. In my opinion, it's best to write your own cards, because you can determine which areas you want to practice, and which ones aren't that important to you. Furthermore, everyone learns differently, especially when it comes to learning an instrument.
But I would advice to have a structured course from where you create your cards, instead of random YouTube videos (although I use these complimentary when I feel like I want to dive deeper into a particular topic). A structured course will ensure you'll gradually build up your skills, instead of trying to learn a piece thats way above your skill level, and getting frustrated.
For guitar, I use the courses by Justin Sandercoe on his website (big shoutout for his amazing work!). They're completely free of cost, well structured, and range from beginner to advanced, which will ensure you'll never run out of new things to learn. I recommend the website over YouTube, because it lets you keep track of your progress and provides additional information and resources written out under each lesson.
I just go through the lessons, and create cards from them as I see fit. It could be as easy as "Play the A Chord 20 times with the chord perfect practice detailed by Justin", and then the chord diagram on the backside. Or it could be playing a whole song, it's really up to you, and depends a bit on skill level.
Scheduling: For scheduling I use my default settings (which are from Anking I believe) with just a few tweaks (suggestions welcome).
Learning steps are 1h 1d, with a graduating interval of 3 and easy of 4. Relearning steps are 10m 1d (probably gonna change that to 1h 1d too), with a minimum interval of 1.
Differences to learning pure facts: Learning an instrument is different from learning merely intellectual knowledge. When you're learning facts, its entirely possible you'll memorize a card on first sight. That rarely happens while learning an instrument, and isn't even supposed to happen. When learning an instrument, you want to build muscle memory through repetition. This is something to be aware of, as it might differ from the way one would use Anki normally.
It's entirely normal for some of my cards to be kept in the "learning" phase for extended periods of time, sometimes even months. I just keep them in there by pressing "again". Only if I'm confident with the specific technique or song on the card I press "good" and let the spaced repetition take over. Per se, that is just how Anki is supposed to work I guess, but it sure feels strange at first.
In my experience, for learning an instrument it's best to see a card only once per day, or maybe twice if you're very motivated. Any further repetitions won't build that muscle memory faster, as it primarily develops while you sleep. So I just keep giving my brain a little stimulus every day, and let it work it's magic at night.
It's a really cool feeling to practice something hard like a barre chord just for a very short time every day, and without you having to do anything else you just get better! At first it just feels impossible, but with time it becomes second nature.
Limitations I've encountered: When learning an instrument, there are some drills you want to do regularly over an extended period of time. The method mentioned above works great for that, because it keeps the card in the learning phase, so it doesn't accumulate ease and you can press "again" as often as you want. However, for some things it would be nice to schedule cards at specific intervals, for example "Do some transcribing every sunday". I havent found a workaround for that, but these cases are very rare and can easily be scheduled via my conventional calendar.
Also, sometimes it would be nice to have dependend cards. E.g., "When finished with this exercise, suspend this card and unsuspend the card with the same exercise but in a harder version". There are quite a few occasions where this would come in handy, but I just work my way around it by editing the card, and adding in the harder exercise this way (for example raise the BPM from 40 to 80).
That post got much longer than expected, however these are my thoughts and experiences about learning guitar with Anki. In summary, it works really well for that use case, and it's definitely something I don't want to miss! Let me know if you've found this helpful, and happy learning! 🎶
submitted by Yellow_pepper771 to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:39 MarcusAureliusWeb Anyone want a free Elementor Pro website?

I have been a web developer for many years. I understand that building custom websites from scratch can be very time consuming. So I build websites so you don't have to.
Full transparency: I need help proving the concept. I am willing to give you my Elementor website and template for free in exchange for some feedback.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Available are landing pages, full websites (including e-commerce).
DM me
submitted by MarcusAureliusWeb to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:38 Pethron Coding/Robotics/Music Saturday Activity School

Hello there! I'm a computer engineer with a decade of experience and also 6 years as a university professor while my wife is a music teacher that is pivoting to general teaching with Montessori methodology.
I'm already employed (my wife is expecting so she's not working rn) and I'm looking to start a side-business that could help with the income that shouldn't get in the way of my primary job, for the next year at least.
I live in a small town (15k people, very few attractive things here) so the idea would be to create a space to learn about technology (robotics, software, computers) and music (chorus, instruments and the likes). For now I thought about it being open only on saturday (all day), if things go well I thought about opening during afternoon and evening as well. I'm lucky enough to have a space in the center of the town to start out which has really good visibility and I can gather fairly easy some used equipment to start out.
I'm not really sure how to go with this, I'd really like it to be:
I thought about starting a CoderDojo since I like the philosophy and we would really love to offer some kind of "free" experience, but I'm failing to see how this can coexist with paying students. Codeninja is not available in my country (Italy).
Some thoughts?
submitted by Pethron to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:29 Ok-Month3089 What is going on with me?

So I don’t really know what’s happening, but whenever I think about something, it always ends up happening? Like for example, the other day I was thinking to myself about why 2 of my friends stopped having conflict (they used to hate each other) and then a few days later there was drama between them. Also things like, I’ll think of a random question to ask my teacher, and then later there will be a news article popping up on my newsfeed about the question I asked? Or a classmate will say a random word and then on the T.V someone will also say that word. Or i'll be on Spotify with my playlist on shuffle and then a random song will start playing in my head, and then boom, that song comes on next. Also getting déjà vu a lot and I’m becoming quite concerned. Maybe I’m reading too much into this and I have no clue if this is the right place to be asking, sorry if it isn’t though. Feel free to delete my post if needed.
submitted by Ok-Month3089 to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:28 BubblyMedicine607 Mastering SEO for Your Blog: Tips from Industry Leaders

Mastering SEO for Your Blog: Tips from Industry Leaders
In today's digital age, having a blog is essential for establishing an online presence and engaging with your audience. However, simply having a blog isn't enough; you need to ensure that your content reaches the right audience. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. SEO helps your blog rank higher on search engines, driving more organic traffic and improving your blog's visibility. In this guide, we'll delve into SEO strategies and insights from industry leaders to help you master blog SEO.

Understanding the Basics of Blog SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing your blog's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO is crucial for blogging as it directly impacts your blog's reach and readership.
High-quality content is the backbone of SEO. Content that provides value, engages readers, and solves their problems is more likely to rank higher. Additionally, user experience plays a vital role. A well-designed, easy-to-navigate blog keeps visitors on your site longer, reducing bounce rates and improving your SEO performance.
Keyword Research Strategies
Keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO. It involves identifying the terms and phrases your target audience uses to search for information related to your blog topics.
Importance of Keyword Research
Keywords are the bridge between what people are searching for and the content you provide. Proper keyword research helps you understand your audience's needs and tailor your content accordingly. By targeting relevant keywords, you increase the chances of your blog appearing in search results, thus driving more organic traffic.
Tools and Techniques for Effective Keyword Research
Several tools can help you find the best keywords for your blog. Some of the most effective tools include:
  • Google Keyword Planner: A free tool that provides keyword ideas and search volume data.
  • Ahrefs Keywords Explorer: Offers extensive data on keyword difficulty, search volume, and related keywords.
  • SEMrush: A comprehensive tool for keyword research, competitive analysis, and SEO tracking.
Identifying High-Volume and Relevant Keywords
When selecting keywords, focus on those with high search volume and low competition. Long-tail keywords—specific phrases that are less competitive but highly relevant to your niche—often have higher conversion rates as they target users with a clear intent.

On-Page SEO Techniques

On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual pages on your blog to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Key elements include titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content structure.
Crafting SEO-Friendly Titles and Meta Descriptions
Your blog post titles and meta descriptions are the first things users see in search results. They should be compelling and include your target keywords. Here are some best practices:
  • Title Tags: Keep them under 60 characters and place the primary keyword near the beginning.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write concise, 155-160 character descriptions that accurately summarize the content and include a call to action.
Optimizing Headings and Subheadings
Headings (H1, H2, H3) help structure your content, making it easier for readers to scan and for search engines to understand. Use keywords naturally in your headings to signal relevance to search engines. Ensure your H1 tag is unique for each post, and use H2 and H3 tags to organize sections and subsections.

Creating High-Quality Content

Creating valuable, detailed content is essential for engaging readers and improving your SEO.
Writing Detailed and Valuable Posts
Long-form content tends to perform better in search rankings. Aim for at least 1,000 words per post. Cover topics thoroughly to increase dwell time and engagement. Detailed content answers readers' questions and keeps them on your site longer, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable.
Incorporating Keywords Naturally
Keyword stuffing can harm your SEO. Instead, integrate keywords naturally within the content. Use synonyms and related terms to make the text flow better. Tools like LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords help search engines understand the context of your content without overusing primary keywords.
Enhancing User Experience
A positive user experience is crucial for retaining visitors and improving SEO.

Improving Site Speed

Page load speed affects user experience and search rankings. You can optimize site speed by:
  • Compressing images and files.
  • Leveraging browser caching.
  • Using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to reduce server response time.

Ensuring Mobile-Friendliness

With mobile traffic surpassing desktop, having a mobile-friendly blog is essential. Ensure your blog uses responsive design, adjusts to different screen sizes, and addresses mobile-specific issues like font size and button placement. Test your blog on various devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

Leveraging Internal and External Links

Links are a critical aspect of SEO, helping search engines understand your content and enhancing user navigation.

Internal Linking Best Practices

Internal links connect related content within your blog, helping readers discover more of your posts and improving SEO. Use keyword-rich anchor text and link to relevant articles to pass link equity and improve page authority.
Building External Links
Backlinks from reputable sites boost your blog's credibility and search rankings. Here are some strategies:
  • Guest Blogging: Write high-quality posts for other blogs in your niche.
  • Outreach: Reach out to bloggers and websites for link opportunities.
  • Content Promotion: Share your posts on social media and online communities to attract links.

Measuring and Analyzing SEO Performance

Tracking your SEO performance helps you understand what's working and where to improve.
Tools for Tracking SEO Performance
Use tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs to monitor your blog's traffic, keyword rankings, and user behavior. These tools provide insights into how users interact with your content and highlight areas for optimization.

Key Metrics to Monitor

Some essential metrics to track include:
  • Organic Traffic: The number of visitors coming from search engines.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing one page.
  • Average Session Duration: How long visitors stay on your site.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (e.g., signing up for a newsletter).


Mastering SEO for your blog involves a combination of keyword research, on-page optimization, high-quality content creation, and continuous performance monitoring. By implementing these strategies from industry leaders, you can improve your blog's visibility, drive more organic traffic, and achieve your blogging goals. Start optimizing your blog today and watch your search rankings soar!
submitted by BubblyMedicine607 to SEO_Digital_Marketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:14 DuckeySerious Donuu Oc

Donuu Oc
Heavily Based Off me but yeah it’s an oc of a culinary teacher lol. It’s my first time posting on Reddit so hope I did this right (screen shotted the knowledge from my tiktok lol)
submitted by DuckeySerious to fundementalpapereduca [link] [comments]
