Cute love friend quotes

Love Quote

2012.07.19 10:41 lovequotepicture Love Quote

All about Love Quote Picture, Words of Love, Friends Forever Quotes, Marriage Quote, Falling in Love Quotes

2017.11.14 22:51 Chameleons holding things

A subreddit full of pictures of chameleons holding things

2021.09.15 02:33 turnkeyhole Slightly sexy

Try Sexy_SFW

2024.06.10 05:36 over18forreal 1, 2

One two
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:35 b47jacobs1 Such is life.

Im a 20 year old male who has never had a girlfriend and doesn't even have a close friend to talk to. There was a girl who made me feel like if life was truly a blessing but she didn't feel the same. I can only accept that decision. I still haven't moved on fully. Growing up I never had gotten any love neither from my parents and was extremely introverted so making friends was just impossible. Some days I don't exactly feel the emotions of feeling lonely, some days I cope well but other times I fall into extreme depression. I like to think that many people go through what I am going through, and by that logic it helps me disregard how I feel and let me have a glimpse of what normality is. Them's the Breaks I guess.
submitted by b47jacobs1 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:35 Ecstatic_Comb_1592 WIBTA for ruining someone’s image of their father?

My family family moved to Canada from Italy after WWII for a better life. My mother grew up and was raised in a small town by two loving, but lived-through-the-war, and all it’s atrocities, parents. As a war torn immigrant family, life was mainly about survival and rebuilding for a better future (hence the move to Canada). I can’t even imagine what they went through and I’m forever grateful for my life here, cause of them.
My mother grew up fairly sheltered, anxious, didn’t have many friends, and was quite introverted. She is a loving and giving person who will always put the needs of others, above her own. In hindsight, her childhood needs for love and affection were likely not met, and so now, she doesn’t handle criticism or conflict well, as it feels like a personal attack and brings out deep rooted insecurities. In her early 30s, she decided to go through with IVF. Her parents supported her and she was successful with the process - as I write this here today. So I’ve always known I was a sperm baby.
As a single mom, she raised me all on her own. I might not have had the coolest toys or newest clothes growing up, but I had a roof over my head, food on the table, and place to go home, in that same small town. For my mother to do all this, by herself, and still make it, is incredible.
Fast forward about 25 years, I decide that I’d like to know some info about my bio dad. I ask my mom if she knows and she says no, she opted not to receive that information. Now I should mention, that I am one hard-headed and stubborn girl… not one of my best attributes. So naturally, when she said no, I became inquisitive. I stated that whether she wanted to or not, the facility/organization ethically, has to keep SOME documentation. She quickly responded ‘no, it was a different time back then, etc etc, and because she requested to not know any information, that information would be destroyed’. Being as stubborn as I am, I took matters into my own hands and told her I’d call the hospital myself and ask for the records. She laughed in a defensive tone, and said “fine”.
The hospital had nothing. There was never any name given as my father on my birth certificate. I knew this, as it was IVF, but they had no documentation. When I called my mother again to tell her the news and that I felt a bit off and disjointed, as I didn’t understand how there could be nothing, she was quickly defensive and irritated by my will to know. Things like “well why does it matter anyway? “ or “I’m your mother, haven’t I done a good enough job?” Or “oh so I’m a bad mom, that’s why you want to know”. We had a huge fight, an absolutely massive blow up.
I went home a few days later and asked her why she was defensive. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t ask any questions and why it was causing such a response from her. We ended up in a yelling match, with me on the driveway asking “tell me the truth”, and her yelling back “I am telling you the truth! How could you believe that your mother would lie about such a thing!” Her responses somehow morphed into, get off the driveway and come inside so we can talk about this.
I came inside and she let me read a letter without saying anything. It was written by a man, one I did not know, professing his love to my mother. This man was my father. It turns out that my mother had an affair with a married man and got pregnant. He wanted to marry her after he found out she was pregnant, but feeling embarrassed for falling into such a predicament in a small town from a VERY traditional, hardcore morals, type of family, she declined and decided it was better to tell everyone she got pregnant via IVF. She didn’t want him apart of my life and refused his presence.
In that moment, my entire world shattered. For my entire life I’ve thought that I was a sperm baby, only to find out 25 years later that she did in fact, know my father. They actually kept in touch all these years and she would send him photos of me. Immediately after revealing the truth to me, she made me vow to never contact him or tell anyone. She didn’t want to make a big deal of the matter, and I don’t blame her. She carries a lot of hurt and pain within her and she only did what she thought was best for me, as a child.
I felt numb through the shock for a while, but eventually I worked up the courage one night to google his name and try to find some info about him. The first google hit that came up with my search, was his obituary, from 3 weeks prior.
  1. Weeks. Prior.
Can you grieve someone you never met? Someone you never knew you even had? Maybe it was the fact that the opportunity I didn’t even know I had earlier in the year, was now gone. I called my mom the next day and asked if she knew. She already knew. She found out the next day but thought it was best not to tell me as it would upset me. Turns out it was his daughter that sent out a notice to her father’s friends, coworkers, etc. A daughter from his marriage.
I have a half sister?
Now, I don’t want to draw a bad light on my mother - with the resources she had and the life she was given, she did the very best she could. I whole heartedly believe and know that she loves me. But now I’m sitting here, writing to you, asking for advice:
WIBTA for contacting my half sister and explaining that her deceased father had an affair on their mother, had a secret child with my mom, and that we’re half sisters? I want to try to know her, but I also don’t want to shatter her image of her father. If she doesnt want/believe me, that’s fine, I can accept it and I’ll leave it at that.
Thank you for listening and TIA for the input.
submitted by Ecstatic_Comb_1592 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:34 downbytheriver42069 AIO Husband Won’t Post on Instagram

I’m looking for some piece of mind on this hopefully from any/ all age groups.
My(30) husband (28) stopped using social media almost entirely about two/ two and a half years ago. Until then he used it normally, to communicate with friends and post pictures. Just to say he was on it a reasonable but not excessive amount.
It makes me really sad that he doesn’t post anymore for just our special occasions. He doesn’t post for anything else so it’s not like he’s specifically leaving out our relationship milestones, but I just really long to be celebrated in this way.
No one who follows him (besides our mutual friends) knows that we even are married because he never posted about that. Birthdays, anniversaries, nothing.
Our two year anniversary is tomorrow and I’m already sad to know I won’t see anything online from him about our anniversary. I’ve asked him a couple of times in the past if he’d post for x event (our wedding was a big one) and he wouldn’t and he gets bothered when I ask him.
Our relationship is great and solid and I do feel very loved and wanted and supported by him most of the time. I sometimes reason with myself that my husband doesn’t show off our relationship online but that I’m lucky to probably have a better relationship than most couples who do that. I think I’m just having some “comparison is the thief of joy” feelings since it seems I’m the only person in the world who’s spouse doesn’t post about them. I feel silly writing this, I am looking for some reassurance that I am in fact being silly. Does anyone else have a similar situation? Am I overreacting?
submitted by downbytheriver42069 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:34 GardeniaGremlin A lot of I statements...

I am writing this to you. This is the truth of I feel about you.
I want to do all of the kinky and depraved things that you dream about. I want to be your muse in every way, shape and form. I want to be used, but only by you.
I have never felt this deeply for a man before. I want all of the vanilla romance. I want to give your aching body a massage and go on dates together. I want to share a milkshake and watch the sunrise together. I want to know everything about you. I want you to show me how to be the best I can be for you. I want romance and love that soothes the soul.
I also want you to take what you want. I want you to want me.
I can accept that you don't want me that way. It is probably for the best. I'll do my very best to be your best supportive friend.
submitted by GardeniaGremlin to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:33 Heaven_Razor I'm not sure about 50 LVL Ghoul update

So I really love ghouls in Fallout games and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel I completed as Cain (Ghoul), and because of it I really exited about this update, but there's a few things that make me a little unsatisfacted:
  1. Play as 50 lvl - yeah, I know that it's easy to get this level because you can start from level 20 (back in my time all players started as 1 level), but still that's a lot of time to become a ghoul. It would be nice if you can play as ghoul since exiting from Vault
  2. The irreversibility of the process - what if ghoul update will be not so good? What if you play a little as ghoul and like "No, i want to be human again", but you can't become human anymore? Yeah, I know that's being a ghoul really sucks in lore, and most of them want to become humans again, but still
  3. Closed Brotherhood of Steel content - really, smoothskin?? So you can't get Hellcat PA and other stuff? So you can't trade with Brotherhood of Steel venders bots? All right, that's sound lore friendly, but hells, what will we get in return? I don't want to farm for power armor
And of course some questions:
  1. Radaway - it's only for sale for ghouls?
  2. Feral Ghouls - They won't attack if you're ghoul?
  3. Could we add hair to ghoul? I know, high dose of radiation can cause hair loss, but I want to play as ghoul with long hair like Cain
(I won't say anything about builds, I always use radaway)
submitted by Heaven_Razor to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:33 Niktastrophe Please help me help my Pomeranian

I am hoping someone is able to help me with my Pomeranian. I tried posting in dog advice, and was asked to try in a training sub. The mod bot thought i might be dealing with bite inhibition, but I am not sure Bella is dealing with this. She is gentle taking things from us, and when she isn’t startled or doing something she doesn’t want to do, she is extremely gentle and loving. She just seems to have a strong attitude, with possibly a wild-type phenotype. She caches her food. She body slams the door when I or my husband leaves. She announces my arrival or my husbands arrival with a loud piercing bark. Then quiets when we greet the person at the door. However when friends visit, she doesn’t do this. However if she views you as part of her pack, she hates it when you leave and if she hasn’t seen the person in a long time, she has an excitement pee. For example my best friend, gets this greeting and Bella is upset when she leaves.
If we turn over at night, she growls, barks and yells at us” that we woke her slumber. If we attempt to touch her or say it’s ok Bella, your safe, you will get bit. If I whimper, she then comes to me, and taps my legs with her paw. Telling me it is ok to touch her.
She is relatively well trained in all manners, except her sleep startle reflex. Perhaps with the information here and from the linked post, is there anything I can do to help her. I feel I made the mistake of giving her space growing up, as I didn’t want her to develop a separation anxiety, which it seems I did allow to develop. I focused on things like touching her face, paws, grooming and teeth brushing. Grooming has always been a challenge since she was a pup. When she first arrived, she was very bum sensitive. She wouldn’t let us wipe her bum, she covered as if she had been violated. Over the past 3 years we have worked closely with our groomer to help her allow us to touch her bum. Even as a pup she would attack when startled when she slept. We have tried being calm and waking her before touch, we have tried telling her to leave the bed or area when she is ready to sleep to avoid attacks, she now sleeps under the bed. We have tried crying out in pain when nipped, I have never hurt her or tapped her snout as my trainer teaches positive reinforcements not negative conditioning. She is a really good girl, but when she sleeps, or we pick her up when she doesn’t want to be picked up, we are at risk of being nipped.
submitted by Niktastrophe to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:33 uncomfortablynumb_11 [21M] [friendship] Chill vibes and lazy hangs

Hey there!
Im a very laid back and easy to talk to person. Summer vacation is boring as hell so why not use it to get to know some people and make some friends :D
I play guitar semi professionally in a progressive metal band, i listen to all kinds of music including deathcore, k-pop, jazz , blues etc. I also mix and record my own and others music. If you wanna learn smth new or just talk about it I'd love that.
I love valorant and would love to geek out about the new map and how annoying neon is to play against.
I have 2 pet birbs and a doggo, I'm be willing to spam pics any time of the day.
Im hoping for something long term. Please respond only if you're actually willing to put effort.
Thank you for reading this post, you're amazing :D -/
submitted by uncomfortablynumb_11 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 ChaoticHoneyPie How to talk to ur rp partner

Ok so context me (24) and my friend (23) have know each other and have been role playing all kinds of stuff since we were pre-teens, from fantasy to pokémon even a skyrim rp at one point. WELL, onto what I need opinions (or even advice it’s my first post this this sub i wasn’t too sure what to put this) is our current rp which is on a My hero academia universe (i know cringe shhh) anywho, they have a new character they’re wanting to add that is a villain that’ll turn hero later on but has like, a prototype nomu thing added onto her already existing quirk (which is taken from a horror anime so she can transform into an invincible beast) so she’s essentially going to be an overpowered character that if she decides to let loose trying to prevent or even stop the character will be near impossible? plus my friend is wanting to bring in a character from demon slayer as her love interest? (I have watched some DS but have yet to make it where this character is shown in the series so idk who it is). Is there like, a way to point out kindly that maybe this new character shouldn’t be so overpowered? especially when our other characters kinda fit into the mold and aren’t OP? or how to politely say “i dunno how to act as this character from demon slayer for your new character”? I know i’m rambling i’ve just been sitting on what to say to my friend cause i don’t wanna hurt their feelings they seem excited i’m just not really on the same page i guess?
submitted by ChaoticHoneyPie to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 Striking_Bug_4896 Ex from high school

I’m a male 26, just recently got divorced but have been separated for over a year sadly. I am still slowly moving on and healing. She had two affairs which devastated me. But this post isn’t about my divorce.
Actually since the divorce I have been thinking a lot about one of my exes from high school. She was a year younger than me and we started to date in middle school. We can call her L. I can honestly say she was my first true love. A few months after my ex wife and I separated I came across L on social media. All those feelings and memories just flooded into my heart and soul. Out of curiosity I sent her a follow request. To my surprise she accepted and followed me back. I decided to sent her a dm “You look great! Hope you’re doing well”. L replied “Thank you! Hope you are too! “… that was the end of all communication I did not follow through.
When we were in high school I was madly in love with her. And vice versa. But I was being an abusive piece of poop to her. I would shove her , grab her and intimidate her. I was a really a scum. Finally at one point the cops were called and I was arrested for simple assault. I was 16 at the time and had to go to juvenile court for it. L , her mother and sister were there. I lied through my teeth saying I never laid hands on her. I saw how hurt she was when I was lying in front of everyone there. And that’s when I realized what a piece of trash I was. The prosecutor decided to drop the charge and place a no contact order on me. Can’t make any contact with L until we both turn 18. But what the prosecutor said that day has stuck with me for years. He said “ you never know you both may end up marrying each other in the future.”
That’s something I would love to happen. But not only the history we’ve had and how much of a scumbag I was I don’t think that’s possible. She just graduated a masters program for nursing and she’s about 5’7 and she has aged so well looking gorgeous as always. I’m 5’5 and make pretty good money as well but I believe she’s way out of my league so I won’t attempt to approach her in that sense . A few months back I decided to remove people from social media and Lee was one of them. I felt like I’m not good at all for her and she would find a perfect man within her same profession. She’s very educated and can’t say nothing but great things about her. And I’m just ehhh. But for the last several months all I can think of is her . Morning, afternoon and night. Sometimes dream about her as well. Not sure if I can still say I love her because I don’t know the L of today. I only know the L I hurt.
I really messed up and haven’t had an actual conversation with L in over 10 years. But those words the prosecutor said that day we were in court is engraved in my heart till this day. But logically I know it won’t happen.
I’m not looking for advice nor a “you’ll be ok”. I just wanted to vent about this for a while. I don’t want to share this with friends or family because I am ashamed and regret my actions and the person I was. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Striking_Bug_4896 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 mineralgrrrl Positive Children's Books for Bedtime?

Trying to get two birds stoned at once here..
I have chronic insomnia, really badly. I am also just starting with my therapist the process of befriending my child self that is scared and hidden inside me. There was a trauma therapist on youtube that read a goodnight story (children's book) and I couldn't even make it through the first minute before sobbing. It was so comforting I couldn't handle it. I'm sure that makes some sense.
Anywho. I am looking for reccomendations for childrens stories to read to myself before bed, to calm me down and start a nurtuing practice with the child in my heart. I'd love things that teach about acceptance, emotions, etc. Things that would have been comforting to me as a child who felt scared, alone, and unloved.
Anybody have children book reccomendations of this nature? Comforting, supportive, emotional awareness maybe. Even if it's a little off the topics I've mentioned, if you have a soothing bedtime book you think would be worth a shot please let me know. I'm having a hard time looking at kids books online and without being able to read them know which ones are just cute stories and which ones would feel comforting. I think comforting my child self will help with my sleep.
submitted by mineralgrrrl to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 NitroLADS AITA - Am I the control freak in this ex relationship?

I broke up with my girlfriend probably around 4 months ago now. For context my ex before her had broken my heart after a 2 year relationship when she just abruptly told me she didn’t know if she still loved me after being cold and neglectful to me for a while so I broke up with her before she could decide “how she felt” because in my opinion you know when you love someone especially after 2 years. Anyway. The girl this post is about was very aware of this, yet 2 separate times she told me she “didn’t know if she still loved me” so we separated twice. The day we split the second time she began posting on social media about this new person she had a thing for which broke me. It took everything in me to get over her and I couldn’t so I decided to move on. A month later I found myself talking to someone who understood me incredibly but this wasn’t okay with my ex apparently. She began telling everyone we knew all this bullshit which she completely made up and got her close friends to harass me both in person and online daily leading to me staying at home for weeks straight out of state of depression and restored heartbreak. This lead to the girl I was talking to drifting from me and so I went back to my ex because even though throughout our relationship she frequently neglected me and my very severe depression she was everything to me. Yes I have depression, which she was fully aware of but whenever I would come close to relapse she would practically ghost me until it was over. Now I understand these sorts of issues are too much for some people to deal with but she also struggled with similar issues which I helped her through every single step of the way. So we got back together again anyway, I know what the fuck was I thinking. I decided to bring up her neglect of me in my times of need and would comment on her tendency to completely ignore me for her friends every single time I got bad. She spinned that into me saying that she “wasn’t allowed to hang out with her friends” and would use that against me every single time I asked for her for support or help. Eventually about a month later she once again becomes “unsure” on her feelings for me so I end things for the final time. Over the course of the next 3 months her friends would harass me on her behalf daily saying that I was a manipulative control freak and was “the worst man to ever live”. Those were their exact words btw. Now it’s ofc clear to me that this relationship was ofc toxic in many ways. But after she manipulated me with things I had never said, neglected me emotionally and made me feel on constant edge. I don’t see how I am in any way the control freak or even the bad person here? Yet I find myself hating myself for the stuff I must have done to her even tho I know I would never do anything to hurt her. If I am in the wrong here please let me know I’m fully open to judgement, I just want an unbiased opinion. Apologies for the length of this one there’s a lot more I could say about shit she did but this should be enough I hope.
submitted by NitroLADS to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 JHWH666 My former BPD girlfriend was abused in a relationship by another pwBPD and now came back

So, this is sort of complicated.
My ex girlfriend (2019-2021) has BPD. She was and is very asexual and aromantic. She has a lot of depressive attacks, low self esteem and needs a lot of validation and commitment. Anyway she is a nice shy person and never actually did something bad towards me.
She tried to commit suicide in 2021, during our relationship. This broke me as a person and broke her as well. She left me afterwards in order to heal.
In 2023 she found a boy. I was still broken, but happy that she found somebody to cuddle her.
Between 2023 and 2024 sometimes she appeared back in my life and then disappeared again. It was very odd and confusing. She was just friendly, but cold because I was still clearly in love.
She came back to me two weeks ago telling me everything. Apparently he was a narcissist and violent manipulative individual. He imposed on her every restriction: she could not go to the gym (where they met), she could not go outside alone, she was always accused of being unfaithful and then she discovered that he had 50+ open chats with females on Snapchat. He accused her of not being sexual enough, so he had to go with other girls. She told me "I just wanted to be loved" and that she came back to me because I was the only one treating her nicely. The other times she came back was when they were arguing and fighting, so she could install back telegram and write to me. Then she would fall again for him and delete every social media.
Now, there are some problems: - she is not stable at all. She ended up in such relationship and stayed in it for 1.5 years because she needs drama and validation like most borderline people, but seems very tired of it - she told me she does not want to fall for him again (he is a psycho, calls her 150+ times a day, sends thousands of messages in a week insulting her and accusing her of everything even if he was the unfaithful and violent one) - she still responds to him - she does not wanna give me a stable contact (like her new phone number and such, or her new house address) since she is afraid 'he might discover this' and he is 'unpredictable' - I am not sure she wants to meet me
What do you think should I do? I clearly am in sort of love with this person and I cannot abandon her in this time of need, but I am very afraid she will fall again for this psychopath because "they had many nice things together". I am also very afraid she will just disappear into thin air after using me in this bad period. She is not really that kind of borderline person... but she still is very unstable and constantly depressed. I would just love to help her.
It's agonising, it has been 5 years of my life.
submitted by JHWH666 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 anothercutebrunette 24f wanting to talk to some cool new people :)

hi!!! i’m bored and looking to make new friends <3 i love sports, music, the outdoors, traveling, shopping, i can talk about a lot !! looking for people near my age who would love to chat !! hit me up :)
submitted by anothercutebrunette to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 mindfullofworries What do you do, when feel you no longer believe in Jesus?

I was raised in a Christian home. Was always adamant about reading my bible, going to church etc. However, within the last year I’ve really no longer wanted a relationship with God. I feel very alienated and ignored by him which is what has led me to not wanting anything to do with him.
My salvation is something I think about everyday, literally. I feel ashamed and guilty to even ask for anything from Him. Such as forgiveness or help or a blessing. Why would he? When most of the time I view him as a foe and not a friend.
Sometimes I am envious that people have such great relationships with Him. I always hear God told me this or God told me that. Or I can feel his love or I feel so loved. I can’t recall a time a i actually felt loved by him or heard him speak to me. I feel like you must be special and handpicked to hear from him.
Any advice? Has anyone gone through something similar and came out of it?
submitted by mindfullofworries to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 Interludevol Ex Girlfriend

Ex Girlfriend
My ex (F24) and I (M26) broke up a week ago. Last night she came over and we had sex. I texted her recently saying sorry because before she was about to leave last night I was about to cry, I started tearing, but she told me not to so I didn’t. I was also drunk. We broke up mainly because I yelled at her through a voice note also being in another state since I went to school out of state, but that same week we broke up I decided I was coming back to my hometown to do school here since I didn’t like the whole out of state thing. So, she was also doing the LD relationship thing with me. I doubted her love for me because at times she would call this relationship stressful and obviously you don’t want to hear that from your significant other or feel that you are stressful. It’s also because we’re at different stages in life. She’s applying to grad school. I’m about to do trade school soon/just started getting my life together. She drives. I don’t. I went out of state then came back. That night I yelled at her, it all started because I got mad at her because she said she was anxious about me coming to her bday friend party because there’s going to be ass shaking and how I once slid in her friends DMs but tbh It was so long ago and before we started dating I don’t remember what I said. Worst thing I did was probably heart eye her stories. To make matters worse I once called her by her friends name cause I was drunk while I tried to yell my girls name while I was laying down on the couch and her friends name slipped out. Honestly I wasn’t thinking of her friend nor do I see her friend like that. I honestly love my ex like I never loved anyone before. I wanted to marry her. I wanted to grow old together, have kids. To my defense my bartender of that night I called my ex her friends name was also named her friend name also and no I don’t see nor think of her like that.
So when she got home a family situation happened and she said she was overwhelmed but before she told me it was a family situation going on she said not to call her and I’m thinking it’s about me on why she’s overwhelmed but she just wanted space to deal with what was going on in her home. So me being drunk was just thinking of myself and said stop fucking playing with me since I thought she had her doubts in her relationships and honestly she I always felt she did and this incident sealed the deal and realizing she doesn’t want to be with me.
Here’s the dilemma: I love her. I always will. I told her I just want to have a good time with you not be a burden. I do want to be her friend and spend as much time as possible even when I do know she’ll eventually find someone new. I really love her guys. She said she loves me to and she’s not confused about getting back together and she’s not about to just have sex with someone else. It just goes to show eventually she will and that she’s really over this relationship. And somehow she loves me but not enough to get back with me and work it out. It’s sad but for real, this is my one life, I won’t regret spending time together because I love her and at least I had that time with her.
submitted by Interludevol to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 No-Welcome9781 22F Any nyc fans want to go to events/kpop nights together?

Title. I hope this type of post is allowed >< I'm 22f and in Manhattan and I've come across soooo many kpop events in the city but I don't wanna go alone, anyone down to chat and go together?
I have always dreamed of having a kpop-friendly goup to share music with, dress up in cute fits, go to events, learn dances, and chat about our favorite groups and biases.
Btw I listen to many bg and gg: BTS, EXO, SEVENTEEN, Stray Kids, NCT, ZB1, Red Velvet, Twice, NewJeans, Wonder Girls, Aespa... and many more
Message or comment if you're interested!
submitted by No-Welcome9781 to adultkpopfans [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 AppropriateCurrent93 Deskbots/Bunborg art?

Hey! Sorry to bother folks, but I wanted to ask: Is there full-body art for Deskbots 5-8? I'm asking because a part of me wants to possibly try 3D modelling for the first time, and the first project I could imagine was the Deskbots. Only problem is, some parts are still obviously obscured by like the card boxes and stuff, and I just wanted to know if there was any other views or full prints of the card art for that?
They're my favorite cards, due to their abilities being all basically just how well they work together, and their designs are so darn cute, I love'em. I already am a bit hesitant though since obviously it's not like they got a front-back reference or anything, buuuut at this point, figured I'd try what I can.
I also wanted to know: Was the artist Kazuki Takahashi, or someone else? I only can see that name on the card, and I know Kazuki passed away, soooo can't exactly e-mail the artist if that's the case obviously. But yeah, any help at this point would be appreciated!
Edit: Well, I just found out there's an actual Deskbots reddit board... Iiiiii'll probably check there next, but I figure since I posted here first, I'll just see first if anyone's already got info here, before I dive in there.
submitted by AppropriateCurrent93 to yugioh [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 Sartorial_2749 Best UVB options for Chameleon?

So! I have a friend that wants to get a chameleon. She’s researching and we are now trying to set up enclosure. My question is—- what’s the best lighting setup?
Or cost effective too I guess. What type of bulbs are recommended?
Are there any LED lights to cut cost overtime? I somewhat know PAR value because I love plants and planted aquariums, but not sure reptile requirements.
Also, what kind of enclosure is recommended? A breeder that was contacted said the mesh makes it hard to keep humidity, but others have said mesh is preferred.
Thank you!
submitted by Sartorial_2749 to reptiles [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 Historical-Reward-82 Lesbian (Bi) death bed or is she not the one?

So let me start with some back story… I thought I’ve been straight my entire life until I visited my sister, I also did molly for the first time. I saw a woman that was there and realized I might feel differently about women than I thought. Fast forward to my junior year in college, I joined the rugby team. I met this girl, this remarkable girl who was our captain and basically our coach. She is such a natural leader without meaning to. She could walk into a room and exude respect anywhere she went. I feel so comfortable around her, she is my best friend, she is the first one I want to tell good or bad news, I love her, but… I don’t find her attractive sexually the way that I have to men in the past anymore. Now, fast forward to present time I have been dating said girl for two plus years. How do you know when they are the one? And I don’t want any corny stuff.
submitted by Historical-Reward-82 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 Arcwriter The Prey’s Same Old Story (Cassette beasts) - Ch 1.5

A fanfiction of “The Nature of Predators” by SpacePaladin15 As well as a crossover with “Cassette Beasts” by Bytten Studios
[So really quickly before we start, I apologize for there being such a long wait between last chapter and this one, I didn’t mean to abandon this concept for a second there but life got in the way. Not only that but I was trying to rework this a little but because I felt like it was leaning to into one fandom but not the other, and I didn’t want to just be posting Cassette Beasts fanfic’s with a sprinkling of NOP so in order to make up for my lack of posting and to get more NOP in this Cassette Beasts Fic, you get not one, but ***TWO* chapters today! One legitimate chapter, and one bonus chapter to help you get to know Rania better!]**
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Memory transcription subject: Rania, Venlil Exterminator, Citizen of Venlil Prime
Date [standardized human time]: July 1st, 2136
There were two known instances of predatory species achieving sentience in the galaxy.
The first were the Arxur, a reptilian predator race who've been stuck in a brutal war with us for generations. A race that has destroyed dozens of worlds and taken the lives and flesh of countless sapients over hundreds of races.
The second were the ones right in front of me, humans, their cruelty and blasphemous acts being limited only by the fact that they never reached space-faring technology. We elected to exterminate them before they could reach the same level as the Arxur. Luckily for us they seemingly destroyed themselves before we could even lift a claw.
I stood in front of a section in a museum that was a particular favorite of mine, “Pure Evil” made by a Venlil curator named Haysi… I pride myself as an Exterminator in knowing all there is to know about any predator, even ones that are extinct like these vile humans… Despite our history with the Arxur there is so little we know about sapient predators with a grand sample size of one alive race, and one extinct one. How they manage to create societies despite their aggressive infighting perplexes us. And while it may only be a coincidence that we encountered a second race, I personally think we should prepare in the worst case scenario of encountering a third race of predatory sapients. Especially now when Venlil Prime is so weak from the most recent Arxur raid… It helps me keep my mind off her…
Yet even still with this well put together exhibit I know for a fact that we only ever scratched the surface of this species. Some may think I’m crazy for wanting to know more about these monsters but I simply wish to see the problem from every angle. After all, if you said that the denizens of Venlil Prime were the exact same as the ones from Nishtal, or to Aafa simply because we’re all prey, you would offend any Venlil, Krakotl or Kolshian in the room. So what differences would there be in two predatory species?
This exhibit shows why this species was worse than the Arxur at least in my eyes, they had the ability to pretend to love, yet they beat those whom they faked affection with. They had loved their offspring, enough to know that killing the offspring of their enemies would be devastating…
A part of me wondered how their society worked? What their species worshiped… They clearly couldn’t understand devotion to another or to a higher power except in the ways it could benefit their bloodlust, They couldn’t comprehend artistry as that would require a higher level of empathy. and they couldn’t understand fighting against injustice as they were the injustice. There was one object of worship I knew they would share with the Arxur… [̷̮̐̒C̵̮̜͂̎͘O̵̻̒N̴̡̩͔͊̅Q̶̅ͅǓ̸͚̰̀̎E̵̥͈̬̍̋S̸̥̦̈͊̀T̵̲̟͑]̷̦̹͓͛
Just like the Arxur their only goal would have been to conquer new planets under their name… I shudder to think of what could have happened if they were to escape their prison of a planet before they wiped themselves out…
“S̷o̶ ̴t̷h̸i̸s̷ ̷i̶s̵ ̵w̷h̴a̷t̵ ̵p̸a̴s̴s̴e̶s̴ ̵f̵o̷r̵ ̶c̵o̶n̴q̸u̴e̶s̴t̶ ̸i̶n̸ ̷t̴h̴i̴s̸ ̷w̷o̶r̸l̸d̶?̸ ̴I̸’̸m̷ ̷d̷i̶s̶a̷p̴p̸o̴i̷n̷t̸e̸d̵…̴”̷
Ỉ̵̺ ̴͚͝t̶͇̊ṷ̵̽ṛ̴́n̶̡͠ė̴͓d̵̮̄ ̶̥̓á̴̜r̷͓̎o̶̢͝ů̷̥ñ̵̜d̷̥̾ ̴̺̔ä̷̹́n̸̦͋ď̶̙ ̵̠̿s̷̲͐à̷̞w̶͓̑ ̵̰̄a̶̤͗ ̸͇̆h̸̬̆ư̶͙m̶͕͑a̷͈͑n̶̯̈́ ̴̜͐w̵̫͐i̶̢̿t̵̯̏h̵͍̎ ̵̛͓â̷͜ ̸̡̽s̶̨̃t̴̲͒r̴̬͠ą̶̈́n̶̳͘ğ̵͕e̸͍͌ ̷͔͛h̷̪̍ē̴͇ä̸̡́d̸̢͋ ̷͉̊ì̶͈ṉ̴̈́ ̵̌ͅa̷̼̓ ̶̛͙r̵̞͗e̷͙̔d̸͔͝ ̷̞̾p̸͈͌e̷͓̓l̷̟̽t̷͖̊-̶̢͑
I turned around and saw my colleague Gilgar, a male Farsul, and part of the same exterminator guild that I worked at.
“W-What did you say?” I asked, gaining an intense feeling of Déjà vu.
Gilgar looked at me a little confused by my anxious demeanor, “I said ‘So this is what passes as fun during your free claw?’ like obviously I understand the devotion to the cause but you can stand to take a break sometimes.”
Gilgar noticed the aghast expression on my face… “…Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a predator…”
“I umm… I…” What was I just doing? “It's just… another annoying subordinate almost got me killed during an extermination attempt on a Shadestalker’s den. What are you even doing here?”
Gilgar put his paws together and his tone lowered, “Just checking up on my friend, I know you haven’t been doing well since-”
I stopped him mid sentence, “Don’t… don’t even say it…”
A look of shock appeared on Gilgar’s face before his ears lowered in shame, an awkward silence took place for about a minute before Gilgar put an arm around my shoulder and turned me away from the glass case of replicated human artifacts. “Tell you what, you and I go to that new bar that opened up and you can tell me all about it, I’ll even pay for you today.”
I looked back to the glass case I was looking at, replicas of their primitive weapons of war were displayed, I turned back to Gilgar with a happy ear flick. “P-paying for a Venlil’s drinks? Y-You must want to be in debt” I said in a nervous yet joking tone, knowing that he had once paid for both me and…
It might be good for me to do what we used to do before…
“-And then! T-That Spehking lunatic has the g-g-gall! …to ask me why I didn’t warn them about the possibility of the father coming back!” The words were flowing out of my mouth, unfiltered thanks to the alcohol. Both of us were sitting on stools discussing the latest blunder that one of my Apprentices made…
My friend was taking the drinks a lot harder than I was. “W-wait… hic! s-so that idiot disobeyed your direct orders and almost got the whole platoon killed? Why?”
“H-He accused me! His senior officer! T-That my methods were too predatory!” I scoffed at the idea, before taking another drink out of anger.
“T-To be fair… hic! I do sometimes get that vibe from your tactics!” Gilgar said with a clear aura of smugness as he took a sip. I playfully nudged him in his stool, almost causing him to tip over.
“Oh b-brahk off… I-It’s more efficient to take out the whole den at once… I-If we waited for the father to come back to the den with its catch we could have taken them all out in one go, thereby reducing the damage caused... I-I even positioned each of us so we could enclose them in a wall of flames… making sure they couldn’t run… But this guy just had to break formation, c-causing other inexperienced apprentices to panic, r-ruining my strategy and leading to the mother being alerted to our presence, and the father even coming back! T-That’s what you get when you trust a Yotul…”
Gilgar let out a laugh at that, “Right… T-That’s why you’re ranked as high as you are… did you at least manage to get the adults?”
My paw was shaking as I tried to finish my current glass, “O-of course I did! But the beast’s pup’s got away! N-no thanks to that primitive… W-we had to retreat because too many of us were injured so I’m gonna have to go back there with a new team to clean up the s-stragglers…”
I finished my glass and placed back on the counter with a light “Thunk”! “I-I swear, s-sometimes it feels like they’re giving me these inexperienced imbeciles just to screw with me… T-they dpon’t know how to follow orders and always feel the need to [̷͓̥̮̒͝Ŕ̵͇̬͂͑E̶̮͊B̷͔̽È̷͎̎L̵̠̒͊]̵̫͕̙̽́ against a higher authority…”
“A̵̙̒Ṉ̵̈D̵̢̒ ̵͖͘H̶̱̋E̴̍͜R̷̹͝Ẻ̷͔ ̸̫̐I̵̝̊ ̴̥͋W̵̭͝A̴͙̚S̶͙̚ ̷̭͝T̴̰̋H̵͖̿I̸͓͊Ǹ̷̯K̶̮͆I̵͍͋N̶̡̾G̵̠̏ ̵̖̓Ḫ̷͝U̸̠͑M̵̡̓A̴̝̚N̴͓̈S̸̠͘ ̸̤̾W̵͉̋E̶̛̺R̴̪̒E̸̱͝ ̸̯̒Ḅ̸̛A̷͚͛D̸̡̅…̴͓̓”̶͓̾
İ̴͚ ̶̩̀ẗ̸͚́u̸͈̾ř̶̻n̶̜͂ë̸̺d̸͖̽ ̵̜͋ț̶͛o̶͘͜w̵͍̒a̷̡̋r̵̨̽ḓ̷̐ ̸̭́G̶̰̅ȋ̴̘l̴̢̋ǵ̶͓a̵̩̋r̶͚͊ ̵̨̏š̵̺h̷͖̍o̶̝̚ṳ̵̂l̶̹̕d̸͈̕ ̶̛̥h̶͖̐ȃ̴͔v̵̧͌e̸̹͝ ̴̛̦b̵͈̎e̸̛̺e̸̯̾n̶̘͊ ̶̭͝ṡ̶͔i̷̘͝t̸̜́t̶̞͆i̶̦͆n̸̼̾g̵̫̊ ̶̡̿a̷͖̎n̵̖͐d̵͓̾ ̶͍̅s̸͉͝à̸̲w̷͖̕ ̴̘̑a̵̜̒ ̸̧̉h̵̡̃u̶̠͛m̸̖̾a̷̧͂n̴̗͂ ̸̹͆t̸͇̒h̶̡̓a̵̓͜t̵͉͐ ̷̣̉w̴͓̋á̸͎s̸͉̾ ̵͎̀p̴̢̓ü̴̝r̸͍̾e̵̘͐ ̷̤̂w̶͇̉h̸̘̅i̸͚̚t̸͚̀e̷̻̋ ̷̡̈́ạ̶̒ń̶ͅd̵͚̎ ̸̬̉l̷̩̋o̷̥͘o̴̩̒k̸̦͊e̸̫̎d̶͕͆ ̸̍ͅs̴̥͝h̶͔͆ǎ̸͍t̷͈̃t̶͈̅e̴͕̾r̴̨̄e̶͈̅d̷̲̐ ̶̟̈l̷̯̄ï̷̬k̷͖̈́e̵̱͗ ̴̱̔g̵͍̉l̵̹̚a̸̗̍s̸̳͘s̵̯͗
I turned toward Gilgar, Once again getting an insane taste of Déjà vu “Y-You with me bud?”
I snapped out of my trance, “S-sorry… what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I thought working with Krakotl was bad, here’s hoping that I never get paired with a primitive… You good?”
Brushing off what I thought I saw as the alcohol setting in, I got off the stool and tried to keep upright, “I-I think maybe we should stop for the night…” “Umm… y-yeah sure, hang on I’ll help walk you home…”
Once Gilgar paid the owner what we owed, we were walking home. Well… more like he was dragging me home.
“W-What happened to all that talk about the Venlil’s higher alcohol tolerance?” Gilgar teased me while I could barely stand, “I-I could have kept going all night!”
“O-Oh shut up…” I weakly shot back…
We both had a chuckle before it became silent and Gilgar broke it, “T-they’d be proud of you you know… Y-your sister…”
“D-Don’t talk to me about Varynn…” I growled back, the memory of receiving confirmation of… Oh Inatala…
Gilgar struggled to keep me upright, “I’m serious… she’d be proud that you were the one to take her place in the guild… you know for all the teasing she spoke highly of you…”
“I-I know…” That would probably be the part I missed the most… “…I-I don’t want to talk about her right now…”
I could tell Gilgar wanted to continue but stopped as he saw tears running down my cheek… “But… you know what, you’re right, it’s still fresh for you… I apologize…”
We both continued in awkward silence before Gilgar decided to change the subject… “You know… you spend all that time in the human’s exhibit at the museum, talking about learning from them in case a third predator species emerges, it got me wondering… What would you do if you were to ever actually meet a human?”
“Kill them…” I answered without hesitation, “Kill them and learn about possible allies they could have, and make sure that they’re gone too, because if I ever meet a human, that means they’re back from extinction, and I’m gonna make sure that th-ey s-tay ex-tin-c-t t-hi-s t-i-m-e….”
Once again I slowly woke up in a daze, my head throbbing like last time…
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submitted by Arcwriter to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 Responsible-War6412 Should I stay friends?

TW- Toxic friendship?!? There is alot of examples of things that have overall made me question my friendship with this person me (female) ,and my two friends (who i wont name) I who is good but will come up(female) and the one im questioning , E (AFAB) they use they/them pronouns but are originally a girl .(no its not important just clearing it up) . We are still in school grade.
Ok so pretty much there’s background information but the real problem is im wondering if its a toxic friendship and if i should still stay in contact or cut E off completely. So pretty much last year i met two when we started cross country together, we became friends because after that we had our first period class together so easily we hung out alot. Over the months (august to november i made other friends , there was a few times they tried to make me hang out with their friends i just didn’t really click if yk yk , but when we where together people thought we were a couple even their friends did. We did things like drive eachother to meets , events hang out after and before class and danced together at dances and stuff and brought eachother things. A few months later they gave me a note before my last period class they gave me a note, it was a love note and after that we kinda drifted apart. I didn’t (still don’t) know my sexuality and i wanted to make my friend happy so for months i convinced myself i liked this person in that way eventually that stopped and we ignored each other the rest of the year. Time skip to this august they had became friends with someone i became close to at the end of the last school year it was fine. So I is the girl we both became friends with. Im still friends with her we get along good. So everything was fine pretty much first semester we were ok except for some weird comments and jokes from E which me and I ignored. Timeskip second semester they had gotten worse and would always take pictures and say weird stuff to us and became kinda violent ,(i don’t like to call a person that but thats what it was) . For example they would say things like “ it would be so funny if i crushed your skull right now” while I was laying in the grass and E was standing near. Alot of things like that were said and yes that did happen. So ine day i think january we had to play lacrosse with our friends in gym class, so we all were doing our thing in a group and suddenly E is swing the racket in the air at like full force and it even made a sound, usually thats fone but they were “fake” swinging it at me and I , which made us flinch and they would laugh. There was definitely a few times they threw sports balls at my head or body and it hurt and left bruises. That happens still and me and I are trying to talk less but they always follow kinda and sit next to us in class when we try to move away. Another time I remember a few months ago E , I and me were walking through the football field to get to the lunch area we sit at , it was normal. Once we got to the middle-ish area they shoved me pretty hard and i fell(i don’t really have a bunch of strength and usually not super stable on my feet either) ,so i fell then they got onto of me pushing me down , which hurt and i was trying to fight them off , and they were did kick me aswell , when i tried to push them off. I was yelling for them to stop and I had to pull E off of me and i kinda having a panic attack because i couldn’t breathe the best during that so stayed a bit away with I . And before you ask it was a normal conversation and everything not bringing up anything negative i don’t remember what they were saying i could have just been talking to I about a book(i usually do) or something idk. The other main thing is they bring up my dad alot. Im not gonna trauma dump just give the brief of it , pretty much him amd my mom fought a lot verbally, he was a alcoholic, had medical issues, and passed away last june . During that time E was not doing anything of this and i was more connected so i was stupid and told them some stuff. Usually they just made fun of it and teased me. Now they always say things to me like “ At least my dad didn’t spend all the money om beer” , or “ At least my dad isn’t rotting in the ground”. I try to laugh this off but i don’t have the greatest mental health and these comments don’t help alot. Maybe im just being sensitive or dramatic to it or i should be over his passing but to me it feels a bit too far and i have made that clear to them and E still says those things . Sometimes just out of nowhere saying those things too . E also has a habit of making fun of me for my grades and how i get sick alot . I get sick every month for about a week sometimes so i miss alot of school which makes me miss work and assignments so my grades dropped. While i am currently trying to get things sorted out they always tease me about that I don’t think i have the worst grade not the best though i have mainly B’s and two C’s and three A’s i think thats okish but they always will make fun of me i learned that. Other thing is they make racial jokes and tease me for being pale.I am mexican/spanish whatever i don’t pay to much mind to it E is also mexican . But i am and always have been super pale that i look sick so they make fun of me for that . They make comments to I calling her a “rice picker” and pretty much anything E can come up with. Im used to the “ your skin matches the concrete!” comment by now but its kinda starting to get to me idk . They always bring up that our black friends do whatever or somehow bring skin colors ip in conversation.! Last thing the is fat jokes. (i have issues with that too isn’t it great?) They always make comments on my scars when we change for gym or how i look sometimes comments like “ biggy” , “fattie” . thats the normal comments or something about breaking the scale (i am underweight btw) So everytime im trying to eat because i have been told by my doctors i need to gain weight they always make fun of me while i eat leading to me not eating lunch anyway. Thats it pretty much , please let me know your thoughts and opinions and any ideas on what to do!
submitted by Responsible-War6412 to ToxicFriends [link] [comments]