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Capture One: #1 Photo Editor

2014.07.19 13:57 JPOG Capture One: #1 Photo Editor

Discuss and help with any Capture One techniques, problems or workflow questions. Talk about the newest releases and if you should update or not.

2020.08.17 00:45 MoSyed110 MoSyedPosts

Subreddit of the greatest editor of all time, the one and only Mo Syed

2008.05.06 07:10 M-x emacs-reddit

The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.

2024.05.29 09:14 kl__ Finally I'll listen to the Craft team and move my notes... It's a docs app. Here's my story.

To be fair, Craft has been very clear on what it does, I don't know why it took me this long to action this. They're clearly saying on the website "Craft the best docs in the world" and I was still using it as my personal notes app.
This isn't a criticism of Craft or the team. I know building software is very hard and you can't keep everyone happy.
The reason I moved to Craft in the first place was to replace Obsidian for personal notes. I still use Obsidian for PKM, but at the time wasn't as aesthetically pleasing as Craft, nor did it support Apple PencilKit. We use Notion across our businesses.
Craft was perfect, it brought backlinks that I got accustomed to from Roam Research, together with a native app, a reasonable implementation of pencil kit, a block based editor, being able to group things into a new page without leaving where you are, ... and the list goes on.
My use case is a simple one, daily personal notes. I don't need to share them or publish them, I use Notion for that. I just want a seamless experience inputing the notes, searching them and navigating the app to go to where I need to.
I think over the past period I went through stages, from being very enthusiastic about Craft, recommending it to everyone, suggesting new features here on reddit (to no reply at the time), all the way to a bit upset at the direction/priorities, to now indifferent.
Over just a short period of time using Apple notes, for my use case, and I can say:
Craft (theoretically) does many things better than Apple Notes, but I found that not to be the case for me personally:
Of course there are some aspects I'll miss for sure, Apple Notes certainly isn't perfect:
So in conclusion, I really got to a point where navigating Craft wasn't something I wanted to do, not to mentioned the random surprises here and there. I needed something more polished and reliable, albeit less functional in some areas, but was more where it matters to me.
I looked through the whole market and I couldn't find the right fit and hence why I had to retrofit my workflow into Apple Notes and I've been very pleasantly surprised.
I saw the post about Craft 3.0, which is exciting. I'm glad to see that the current version isn't the end game. There's just significant potential here, Craft is very uniquely positioned, and not far off. Some parting few thoughts to the team:
Good luck.
submitted by kl__ to CraftDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:08 tempmailgenerator Editing Unpushed Git Commit Messages

Mastering Git Commit Amendments

Git, the cornerstone of modern version control, offers an array of commands to manage your project's history effectively. One common scenario developers encounter is the need to modify a commit message that hasn't been pushed to the remote repository yet. This requirement can arise for several reasons, such as correcting typos, adding missing details, or refining the message for clarity. The ability to alter commit messages before sharing changes with the team is crucial for maintaining a clean and informative project history.
Modifying an existing, unpushed commit message is not just about keeping the project history neat; it's also about improving collaboration and communication among team members. A well-crafted commit message can significantly enhance the understanding of a project's evolution, making it easier for everyone involved to track progress and changes. Therefore, mastering the techniques to amend commit messages in Git is an essential skill for any developer aiming to contribute effectively to a project while adhering to best practices in version control management.
Command Description
git commit --amend Modify the most recent commit message
git rebase -i HEAD~N Interactively rebase the last N commits

Deep Dive into Git Commit Alterations

Understanding the intricacies of modifying unpushed git commit messages requires a comprehension of Git's flexibility and the importance of commit messages in the development process. Commit messages serve as a log or documentation for the changes made, explaining why and what changes were made. This becomes critically important in collaborative environments where multiple developers contribute to the same project. In such scenarios, clear and descriptive commit messages enhance team communication and facilitate easier code review processes. However, mistakes happen, and sometimes developers commit changes with incomplete or incorrect messages. Fortunately, Git provides tools to rectify these messages before they are pushed to the remote repository, ensuring that the project's history remains clear and meaningful.
The ability to modify a commit message that has not yet been pushed is a powerful feature of Git, allowing developers to maintain a clean and professional project history. This process involves commands like `git commit --amend` for recent commits or interactive rebase for older commits. Amending a commit message is straightforward for the most recent commit. However, altering messages of older commits requires a more detailed understanding of Git's rebase functionality. It's a process that involves rewriting commit history, which, while powerful, can be complex and requires careful handling to avoid unintended consequences. Mastering these techniques is essential for developers who wish to ensure their project history is accurate and reflective of the project's development process.

Amending the Latest Commit Message

Using Git CLI
git commit --amend -m "New commit message" git log git status 

Interactive Rebase for Editing Multiple Commit Messages

Command Line Interface on Git
git rebase -i HEAD~3 # Change 'pick' to 'reword' before the commits you want to edit # Save and close the editor git log git status 

Enhancing Your Git Workflow: Modifying Unpushed Commits

Understanding how to modify existing, unpushed commit messages in Git is an invaluable skill that can significantly enhance your workflow and project history clarity. When working within a Git-managed project, it's common to make a commit only to realize that the message associated with it could be improved for better clarity or additional context. This situation often arises in the fast-paced world of software development where changes are made rapidly, and the need for clear, concise, and informative commit messages is paramount. Amending commit messages before they are pushed to a remote repository ensures that the project history remains clean and that each commit accurately reflects its purpose.
The ability to modify unpushed commit messages also plays a critical role in collaborative projects. It allows developers to ensure that their contributions are correctly understood by others, thereby preventing potential misunderstandings and keeping the team on the same page. This practice is particularly important in open-source projects or in scenarios where code reviews are a standard part of the development process. By refining commit messages, developers can make it easier for others to follow the project's development history, understand the rationale behind changes, and facilitate more effective communication within the team.

Frequently Asked Questions on Git Commit Amendments

  1. Question: How do I change the message of my last unpushed commit?
  2. Answer: Use the command git commit --amend -m "New message" to change the last commit message.
  3. Question: Can I modify a commit message after it has been pushed?
  4. Answer: Yes, but it requires force pushing with git push --force, which can disrupt the history for others if it's a shared branch.
  5. Question: Is it possible to change multiple commit messages at once?
  6. Answer: Yes, you can use git rebase -i HEAD~N, replacing N with the number of commits you want to go back, then choose reword for each commit you wish to change.
  7. Question: What should I do if I accidentally amend a commit?
  8. Answer: You can use git reflog to find the commit before the amendment and reset to it using git reset --hard commit_hash.
  9. Question: How can I change a commit message without changing the commit's content?
  10. Answer: Use git commit --amend without adding any changes to the staging area, and only modify the commit message.
  11. Question: Is it advisable to amend public commits?
  12. Answer: Generally, it's not recommended to amend commits that have already been shared with others as it can lead to history conflicts.
  13. Question: Can I use git commit --amend to add forgotten files to the last commit?
  14. Answer: Yes, stage the forgotten file(s) with git add and then run git commit --amend.
  15. Question: How do I edit a commit message in an interactive rebase?
  16. Answer: Mark the commit with reword during the interactive rebase process, and you'll be prompted to edit the message.
  17. Question: What happens if I amend a commit and then push normally?
  18. Answer: If the commit was previously pushed and you amend it, you will need to force push. However, if it's not pushed, a normal push will work.

Final Thoughts on Git Commit Message Amendments

Amending unpushed Git commit messages is more than a technical necessity; it's a practice that fosters clarity, precision, and teamwork in software development projects. By understanding how to effectively alter commit messages, developers can ensure their contributions are accurately documented and easily understandable by others. This guide has outlined the essential commands and provided insights into the significance of precise commit messages, underscoring the importance of meticulous version control practices. Whether you're working on a personal project or collaborating with a large team, the ability to modify commit messages before pushing changes is an invaluable skill that enhances project management and communication. As developers continue to navigate the complexities of version control, mastering these techniques will undoubtedly contribute to more organized, efficient, and collaborative development efforts.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:01 DrGirlfriend47 WTF Wednesday đŸ˜±

Hello, have you encountered any of the following in the past week;
  1. Truly heinous opinions and takes on current events in Romancelandia at large
  2. Questionable metaphors in Romance novels etc
  3. Did you DNF anything for a reason that has left you speechless?
Welcome to WTF Wednesday, a space to share our despair.
A few rules just to keep everything in line;
  1. This is absolutely not a space to kink shame. What doesn't work for you may well work for someone else.
  2. Please be mindful that a lot of self published authors haven't got the resources to have their work read over and corrected by multiple editors. Be a little generous with minor grammar and spelling mistakes, no one is perfect.
Please revisit the rules if you're unsure about submitting or commenting, or of course feel free to ask any questions you may have or clarifications if necessary.
So, what made you say WTF this week?
submitted by DrGirlfriend47 to romancelandia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:38 xxxx_Blank_xxxx Newbie Challenge: How to Get a Professional Sound with VST Plugins?

Hi everyone,
I’m a video editor who loves the creativity and challenges of my work. Recently, I’ve become curious about music production and want to create tracks that sound as polished as my favorite songs.
I’m a complete beginner in music production and would like to achieve a sound similar to Joji’s songs like "Pretty Boy," "Gimme Love," "Daylight," "Tick Tock," and "Sanctuary." I’m not aiming to copy these songs, but I want to understand the techniques and tools to achieve high-quality sound.
I have the following Waves VST plugins:
I also have other plugins like OCS-45, Pancz, and Spacer from Spectral. I use some of these plugins for video editing as well.
Despite watching many tutorials, I feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Are there additional VST plugins I should consider? How can I best use the ones I have to achieve a professional sound?
I’d appreciate any beginner-friendly advice and guidance. Thank you for your time and help!
submitted by xxxx_Blank_xxxx to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:23 CrystalCommittee If you're a glutton for punishment (Kidding)

So 1-4 have been up for a while, I just dropped 5, thank you all for your help, comments etc. on figuring out which of many options I had to go. I went with the original 1,3,5. But ya'll wanted to know where it's going. (Yes, I can use ya'll, even though I'm not southern US). Seriously bite me, I DARE YOU!
So here they are with the last stats I had on them. They are raw, they need editing and attention. Thus, be brutal, I challenge you to be mean! I have my comments in them. They are named revising for a reason, as well as a tiny description.
Chapter 6 (Revising) Garrett & Steiner (3675)
Chapter 7 (revising) Sam & Scott (7528)
Chapter 8 (revising) - Sam in dorm (6363)
Chapter 9 (Revising) Sam coming home (9520)
Chapter 10 (Revising) Sam going to work (1362)
Chapter 11 (Revising) Sam and Garrett (5831)
Chapter 12 (Revising) Sam and Steiner (3229)
Chapter 13 (Revising) Sam and Carter (5345)
Chapter 14 (revising) Sam and Riley (8093)
Chapter 15 (revising) Sam, Bryant and Chavez (4750)
I'm giving this one, because it's lame to cut it off here -- It's a good pause point in the crazy.
Chapter 16 (Revising) Sam-Riley-Calgon (6395)
I would like to squish some of these together, as it's the same day. Time is not relevant in my world, but those would be 11,12,and 13.
Fair warning, I'm through chap 25, and then I pulled and made chaps 1-4. I have to rework that madness. (it was 44 in it's original incarnation) If you want it's fully ugliness, it's a link to Kindle, you'll have to pay for it, and it's 216K long. Yeah, but it's published.
Need to test your proofreeding, grammar, etc, skills on it, It is free reign for now. I will take your nasty, your brutal. You don't think you are alpha readers, beta readers, editors, etc. Check again. You just don't know it yet. I'm a 'jill of all trades, expert of none' but someone getting me to dive deep into my video archive, I realized That's my thing.
Enjoy if you choose, I need to do that sleepy time thing.
submitted by CrystalCommittee to FictionSerials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:12 SquareAltruistic5548 X-Men in 1997--Reading Every X-Franchise Comic released in 1997: Cable & Deadpool & The Daydreamers *SPOILERS*

Hello again Oldheads, and welcome to the next installment of me reading every X-Man related comic released in 1997 and then rambling about them. Today we'll be going over the adventures of our favorite time traveler and his big knives, Cable! We'll also be reading an odd one shot starring Colossus. Then we'll be going on a whimsical and strangely emotional journey with The Daydreamers. To finish things out, we'll be enjoying(?) the comic stylings of the ever annoying and ever present Deadpool. Let us begin.
Cable Vol 1 -0, 41-51 Writers: Todd DeZago, Brian K. Vaughan, James Robinson, Joe Casey Artists: Steve Crespo, Randall "Randy" Green, Chap Yaep, Allen Im, (José) Landrönn, Rob Haynes
Cable starts 1997 by traveling to the bottom of the ocean with guest star Bishop. Apparently there are strange signals coming from the ruins of Graymalkin, which blew up back in the aftermath to X-Cutioner's Song in X-Force. These strange signals are being caused by Sinsear! Remember him? New Cannanite cyborg from the future and minor villain from the first arc of this ongoing? No? Well, that's unfortunate since he sacrifices himself to save the world from blowing up and hasn't shown up again. RIP Sinsear.
The next couple of issues are kind of similar filler affair. Marrow shows up in one issue, which I feel is a sentence I'm going to be typing up a lot in future review installments. Cable, and his little shoulder pouches where he keeps his knives, helps foil her and Callisto from planting a bomb at a Lila Cheney concert along with Storm. Would you believe me when I said that Storm's claustrophobia weakness gets used when she gets pushed into a mosh pit? Cause it does!
There's a flashback issue to young Cable's time fighting the New Cannanites while also trying to prevent a young mutant from brain melting some racists who had been trying to kill him. This issue is mostly notable as it's the first published Marvel work of a young Brian K. Vaughan, who is the co-writer. Nice little nerd Jeopardy question right there.
Finally we get to the first issue of the the James Robinson run, and oh boy, it's a Madelyne Pryor issue! Later retcons would establish that this isn't actually "our" Madelyne, but it's interesting in that on its own the issue treats her with some dignity and respect, which is more I can say for certain writers and editors in the period of 1986-1989. As someone who likes Maddie, I have to say good on you Mr. Robinson.
-0 is a weird issue in that not a lot happens in it. Turns out Cable's first trip back to the past was on Muir Island. He has a brief run in with Moira MacTaggart, a very young Wolfsbane, and Reverend Craig for that matter. Moira points him Charles Xavier's way and he leaves, but not before erasing Wolfsbane's memories off panel so as not to cause a continuity problem. Natch.
Next, we get into the Operation: Zero Tolerence crossovers. And uhhhhh, man I really feel for James Robinson here since he's not given a lot to work with. Bastion is invading the Xavier Mansion for two reasons, to kidnap the mutant tracking X-Force member Caliban and to steal the Xavier Protocols, which contain information on how to defeat every mutant Xavier has ever encountered. I imagine that a lot the methods contained would just be "shoot them" but I digress. Only Cable can stop him and his band of oddly Deadpool looking soldiers from doing so! There's an odd moment where Cable has Bastion in his sights and Bastion talks him out of killing him because if he does then all of OZT has orders to go after the families and friends of all the mutants! This is a very odd plot point to me for two reasons. First, isn't OZT rounding up all the mutants to either kill them or put them in death camps? If one hair is harmed on Bastion's dumb soul patch, then Cyclops' grandpa and the Greys get it! But, how is that really any worse than what's happening right now? Second, it kind of points to Robinson's hands being tied in this. The main villain of the summer crossover can't be defeated in a goddamn Cable tie-in issue. You have to come up with weird contrivances to excuse why he doesn't at least try. Oh well.
Finally we move onto the Hellfire Hunt storyline. Irene Merryweather, Issue #48 being her first appearance, is investigating Sebastian Shaw and the Hellfire Club. Turns out that the club closely monitors all drunken conversations that people who catered an event for them one time have with reporters and send the goon squad to kill Irene, the drunken caterer, and the entire staff of the sleazy tabloid she works for. Luckily for her, Cable shows up to save her in some slightly hard to follow panels. Turns out Cable is also on the club's trail because they're trying to find Apocalypse to somehow claim his power as their own. He takes Irene with him for slightly contrived reasons as they attempt to thwart the Club in their mad scheme. There's also a subplot with this guy who got sent back in time by the Askani to make sure Cable becomes the Messiah. One interesting tidbit is that this arc establishes that the one who caused Donald Pierce, the insane mutant hating cyborg, to start losing limbs was Cable after he, along with the help of Iron Man in the George Tuska rivet head armor, foiled one of Blake's fiendish plots to conquer Albania! Wow!
To be charitable, let's say that (José) Landrönn takes very heavy influence from the works of Jack Kirby. However, his ability to lay out panels and to convey motion and action aren't as polished as that of the King's. It leads to some slightly confusing sequences where you kind of have to squint your eyes and just move along to get fully what's actually happening. There's even a bit where an editorial balloon makes fun of some of the paneling choices. A mixed bag. The other artists are fine enough, if unspectacular.
So would I recommend reading this? If you're a fan of Cable and Madelyne Pryor? Sure. If you're a casual like me, I would skip Cable's 1997. Not that much interesting happens and the art is pretty spotty.
Colossus Vol 1. #1 Writer: Ben Raab Artist: Bryan Hitch
This is a very strange issue. For one, it's not really a solo issue but more of a side story to plots that are going on over in Excalibur. Colossus and Meggan, who are, let me emphasize, just friends, are in Paris to go visit Meggan's favorite theme park, Dudleyworld. Which I suppose makes her some sort of Disney Adult. Dudley Adult? They get kidnapped by Arcade, because of course they do, and Dudleyworld actually turns out to be Murderworld. Colossus has to fight a robot version of Proletariat, since of course he does, as well as wear his old Acolytes uniform because Arcade gets off to that sort of stuff. Turns out the whole caper is just an act so Arcade can fake his own death and get out of a contract with a bunch of bad guys who are also from Excalibur. Big whoop.
There's a scene where Colossus grabs Meggan and jumps out of a 5 story building, for no other reason than he can. He ends up smashing some of the pavement below. You know Colossus, someone's going to have to fix that! Kind of a dick move.
The Bryan Hitch art is pretty good and if you're Colossus fan lord knows you're starved for any and all content involving him. Read it just for that.
Daydreamers Vol 1 #1-3 Writers: J.M. DeMatteis, Todd DeZago, George Broderick, Jr., Andy Jozefowiez Artist: Martin Egeland
From the pages of Generation X, Join the Daydreamers, Artie, Leech, Franklin Richards, Tana Nile, Man-Thing, and Howard the Duck as they travel through what they think is the Nexus of All Realities, visiting worlds modeled after The Wizard of Oz, Dr. Seuss, and Duckworld. All the while, pursued by the shadow covered Dark Hunter whose identity and motives you might be surprised by.
You know for the out there premise and obscure characters involved, I thought this was really good. Like an offbeat Nemo in Slumberland or Neverending Story. I think this would make a really good children's movie with a few tweaks here and there. It's also cool to see Tana Nile, an old 60s Thor character, in any role at all.
Howard the Duck is pretty much the perfect choice to tell this story. The original Gerber stories with the character were always weird and meta and mostly a way to tell deeply personal and emotional stories that go beyond normal comic book conventions. I think all the choice this comic makes are the correct ones.
Since the big twist turns out that they're not traveling the multiverse, they're in a reality created by Franklin Richards who is unable to process the death of his parents via Onslaught the year prior. He was creating all of it to try and avoid that single truth. However he's not alone, as the First Family of Marvel might be gone but he's got these weirdos with him.
Too bad Heroes Return would ruin the whole thing and the emotional catharsis of these issues. THANKS FOR NOTHING PETER DAVID!
I would recommend reading this, since these are actually good comics. Always read good comics. Then maybe listen to this afterwards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKtto2yZXw0
Deadpool Vol 3 #-1, 3-12 and Daredevil/Deadpool Annual Vol 1 #1997 Writer: Joe Kelly, Stan Lee Artists: Ed McGuinness, Kevin Lau, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Pete Woods, Shannon Denton, John Fang, John Romita Sr
I think I want to highlight the annual as it was my favorite issue out of this whole bunch of Deadpool comics. The whole issue serves as a bit of a retcon of an issue of Daredevil: The Man Without Fear released 4 years prior. In the Daredevil issue, a young Matt Murdock who had yet to don the horns, was perusing a criminal through a brothel. The prostitutes there started attacking Matt. Matt, in a fit of panic due to his inexperience in crime fighting at the time accidentally knocks one of the prostitutes out of a window, sending her to what Matt believes is her death. Wait a minute. Daredevil, prestige format origin story, gritty, violence against prostitutes? Frank Miller, you scamp! You've been the same all this time.
What this issue reveals is that the Prostitute that Matt knocked out the window was actually Mary Walker, aka Typhoid Mary. Turns out she didn't die from the fall, but the psychological trauma, on top of all that she had experienced prior, was the finally tipping point needed to turn Mary into the murderous and psychotic Typhoid. The issue then becomes a bit of a therapy session for Mary, as Deadpool attempts, and fails at, helping her move beyond this trauma. At least Daredevil knows he's not actually a murderer, which is something. The issue also features Weasel and Foggy Nelson commiserating over pizza about being perpetual second bananas. Not bad.
Anyway, I'm going to go over the cliff notes of these issues for reasons I'll get into later. Meet Deadpool and his room mate/prisoner Blind Al, in a story line that just feels uncomfortable and a bit of an artifact of the initial pitch that Joe Kelly got bored with as the run goes on. Meet T-Ray, a guy that looks like a Darkstalkers character with powers to match and really hates Deadpool. Meet Deathtrap, a guy who never appears again after the one issue he's introduced in. Meet Siryn, the X-Force leader who convinces DP not to murder Dr. Killebrew, the Weapon X scientist who gave Wade his healing factopsychological scars. Meet the Great Lakes Avengers who at the time are known as the Lightning Rods, who get involved with Deadpool for the first time in a whacky time travel adventure. Also this is the first time Flatman is implied to be gay. Meet Zoe Culloden of Landau, Luckman and Lake who, in a storyline I didn't like when I first read all this 20 years ago, tries to get Deadpool to become a true hero so he can fulfill a prophecy about a cosmic messiah.
I think this re-read puts something in perspective for me: I just don't like Deadpool. I don't like his jokes. I don't like references, metatexual or otherwise. I don't like him constantly saying duodenum. I don't like the pathos, such as it is, of being a "hero" versus a "sociopathic murderer". It all feels like we're following an emotionally disturbed 13 year old boy who is constantly quoting Jim Carrey bits from movies and has to go the OTHER class after lunch recess. As someone who was that 13 year old boy, I feel qualified to make that judgement.
I don't know if its personal growth, or that I've seen a lot of what is going on here before, but I just did not enjoy reading a lot of this. Joe Kelly's run is considered pretty seminal in the history of the character and a lot of what has made the character enduringly popular reaches maturation here, but it's just not for me anymore. Familiarly breeds contempt I suppose.
Would I recommend reading this? Yes actually. Joe Kelly is a good writer, despite my dislike for a lot of the Deadpool-isms that are present here, and the art is very good. It's also a spot where a lot of people were introduced to the character. If anything, the historical significance makes it worth looking at.
Next Time: A Bunch of Europeans, Teenagers, and Gambit
submitted by SquareAltruistic5548 to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:37 ImpatientDelta 10 Best Writing Apps for iPhone

10 Best Writing Apps for iPhone
Writing apps have become essential tools for writers of all levels, offering a wide range of features to enhance creativity, productivity, and organization. From simple text editors to comprehensive writing suites, these apps provide users with the tools they need to brainstorm ideas, draft manuscripts, edit prose, and collaborate with others. With intuitive interfaces, customizable settings, and cloud-based storage, writing apps empower users to write anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Whether you're a professional author, a student, or a hobbyist writer, writing apps offer the flexibility and versatility to support your creative process and bring your ideas to life.

1. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a powerful and widely-used word processing app that offers a comprehensive suite of features for creating, editing, and formatting documents. With Microsoft Word, users can easily compose essays, reports, resumes, and more with its intuitive interface and familiar tools. The app provides advanced formatting options, spell-checking, grammar correction, and collaboration features, making it suitable for professional and academic writing tasks. Additionally, Microsoft Word seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft Office applications, allowing users to create complex documents with ease.

2. Story Planner for Writers

Story Planner for Writers is a specialized app designed to help writers plan, organize, and develop their stories. With Story Planner, users can outline plot points, create character profiles, and brainstorm ideas using customizable templates and tools. The app offers features such as timeline views, scene mapping, and goal tracking to assist writers in crafting compelling narratives. Whether you're writing a novel, screenplay, or short story, Story Planner provides the structure and guidance needed to bring your ideas to life.

3. Day One Journal: Private Diary

Day One Journal is a versatile app that allows users to create and maintain a digital journal or diary. With Day One, users can capture their thoughts, memories, and experiences through text, photos, and audio recordings. The app offers customizable prompts, reminders, and tags to help users organize and reflect on their entries. Additionally, Day One provides advanced security features to keep personal journal entries private and secure. Whether you're journaling for self-reflection, gratitude, or creative expression, Day One offers a convenient and intuitive platform to document life's moments.

4. Editorial

Editorial is a sophisticated text editing app designed for writers, bloggers, and journalists. With Editorial, users can write and edit documents using Markdown syntax, allowing for efficient formatting and styling. The app offers powerful automation features, including workflows, scripts, and custom actions, to streamline repetitive tasks and boost productivity. Editorial also integrates with various cloud storage services and publishing platforms, making it easy to sync and share documents across devices. Whether you're drafting articles, taking notes, or writing code, Editorial provides the tools and flexibility to support your writing workflow.

5. Google Docs: Sync, Edit, Share

Google Docs is a cloud-based word processing app that enables users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents in real-time. With Google Docs, users can access their documents from any device with an internet connection and seamlessly collaborate with others through comments, suggestions, and simultaneous editing. The app offers a range of formatting options, templates, and add-ons to enhance document creation and productivity. Google Docs also integrates with other Google Workspace applications, such as Google Drive and Google Sheets, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for productivity and collaboration.

6. Byword

Byword is a minimalist writing app that offers a distraction-free environment for focused writing. With Byword, users can create and edit documents using Markdown syntax, allowing for quick and efficient formatting. The app features a clean and intuitive interface, customizable themes, and typewriter mode for improved concentration. Byword also supports seamless syncing with iCloud and Dropbox, enabling users to access their documents across devices. Whether you're jotting down ideas, writing drafts, or composing blog posts, Byword provides a simple yet powerful platform for writing without distractions.

7. Medium: Read & Write Stories

Medium is a popular platform for reading, writing, and sharing articles and stories on various topics. With the Medium app, users can discover and follow their favorite writers, publications, and topics to explore curated content tailored to their interests. Additionally, users can write and publish their own stories directly from the app, reaching a global audience of readers. Medium offers a clean and intuitive writing interface, as well as features such as drafts, editing tools, and social sharing options to enhance the writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned writer or aspiring author, Medium provides a platform to share your voice and connect with others through storytelling.

8. Tumblr – Fandom, Art, Chaos

Tumblr is a unique blogging platform and social network that allows users to create and share multimedia content, including text posts, photos, videos, and GIFs. With the Tumblr app, users can discover and explore a wide range of content from creators around the world, as well as create their own blogs to share their interests and creativity. The app offers intuitive tools for composing posts, customizing blog themes, and interacting with other users through likes, reblogs, and comments. Whether you're sharing personal thoughts, creative projects, or fandom content, Tumblr provides a dynamic and expressive platform for self-expression and community engagement.

9. WordPress – Website Builder

WordPress is a popular website builder and content management system that empowers users to create and manage professional websites, blogs, and online stores. With the WordPress app, users can easily publish and manage content on their WordPress-powered sites directly from their mobile device. The app offers intuitive editing tools, customizable themes, and media management features to streamline website creation and management. WordPress also provides access to site analytics, comments moderation, and user management tools for monitoring site performance and engagement. Whether you're a blogger, business owner, or developer, WordPress offers a flexible and scalable platform to build and grow your online presence.

10. Daily Tracker Journal & Diary

Daily Tracker Journal & Diary is a versatile app that allows users to track and journal their daily activities, moods, and goals. With Daily Tracker, users can create customizable journal entries, set reminders, and track progress towards personal goals and habits. The app offers features such as mood tracking, habit streaks, and customizable prompts to encourage reflection and self-improvement. Daily Tracker also provides data visualization tools and export options to help users gain insights into their habits and behaviors over time. Whether you're journaling for personal growth, productivity, or mindfulness, Daily Tracker offers a convenient and intuitive platform to track your daily life and progress towards your goals.


In conclusion, writing apps have revolutionized the way we write and communicate, providing a wealth of features and functionalities to support writers in their craft. With their user-friendly interfaces and robust tools, writing apps empower users to unleash their creativity, organize their thoughts, and produce polished prose with ease. Whether you're writing a novel, a blog post, or a research paper, writing apps offer the flexibility and convenience to adapt to your writing style and workflow. As technology continues to advance, writing apps will likely continue to evolve, offering new features and innovations to further enhance the writing experience. No matter your writing goals or preferences, there's a writing app out there to help you achieve success in your literary endeavors.
submitted by ImpatientDelta to appmania [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:22 Aromatic-Swimmer-771 Know about Shootmyvideo and it's area?

Know about Shootmyvideo and it's area?
Welcome to Shootmyvideo, your one-stop destination for capturing life's most precious moments and transforming them into everlasting memories. At Shootmyvideo, we understand the significance of every occasion, whether it's a wedding, birthday celebration, the arrival of a new bundle of joy, or simply a moment worth cherishing. Best Photography services in Noida having skillfull team and photographers and videographers is dedicated to capturing the essence of your special moments with creativity, professionalism, and attention to detail.
According to Shootmyviceo, Here including photography, videography, wedding coverage, birthday shoots, newborn baby sessions, and comprehensive video editing services, we cater to all your needs under one roof. Whether you're envisioning a cinematic wedding video, a heartwarming family photoshoot, or a creative birthday album, our experts will work closely with you to bring your vision to life.
At Shootmyvideo, quality is our top priority. We use state-of-the-art equipment and innovative techniques to ensure that every shot is picture-perfect. Our commitment to excellence extends to our post-production services, where our talented editors craft seamless and captivating videos that you'll treasure for years to come.
submitted by Aromatic-Swimmer-771 to shootmyvideo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:02 rpeg How do _you_ implement a CSS framework within your blocks theme?

As I continue my sad journey into understanding block theming, I now am wondering how one effectively implements a CSS framework into their theme. What I mean is, how do YOU do it?
From what I can see so far, a lot of CSS is just added through the site editor(?). I'm watching a video that states/implies that all CSS is just added to a theme.json now. Is that the case?
submitted by rpeg to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:01 tempmailgenerator Cleaning Up Untracked Files in Your Git Repository

Cleaning Your Git Workspace

When working with Git, managing your project's workspace efficiently is crucial for a streamlined development process. Over time, as you experiment with new features or test out different configurations, your Git repository can become cluttered with untracked files. These files, while not part of your repository's version history, can pile up, making it harder to see the forest for the trees. Understanding how to identify and remove these untracked files is essential for maintaining a clean working environment. This not only improves your workflow but also ensures that your repository remains organized and only contains files that are necessary for your project.
Removing untracked files from your Git working tree is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to avoid accidentally deleting important data. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to version control systems, mastering the art of cleaning your workspace can significantly impact your project's success. By keeping your repository tidy, you make it easier for yourself and others to navigate and work on your project. This introduction will guide you through the steps to clean up your Git repository by removing untracked files, ensuring a clutter-free working environment that fosters productivity and collaboration.

Managing Your Workspace in Git

When working with Git, one of the common scenarios developers face is dealing with untracked files cluttering their working directory. These files, not part of the Git repository, can result from new files being created, files being copied into the directory, or files being generated as a part of the project's build process. Having a clean working directory is essential for a clear overview of the project's state, ensuring that only relevant changes are included in commits.
Removing these untracked files is a crucial step in maintaining a tidy workspace. Git provides powerful tools designed for precisely this purpose, helping developers to avoid accidental inclusion of unnecessary files in their version control system. Understanding how to effectively remove untracked files not only streamlines the development process but also prevents potential issues with project dependencies and build processes, ensuring that the repository remains clean and manageable.
Command Description
git clean Remove untracked files from the working directory
git clean -n Show which untracked files would be removed without actually deleting them
git clean -f Force the removal of untracked files from the working directory
git clean -fd Remove untracked files and directories

Deep Dive into Git Clean Operations

Git's ability to handle untracked files with the git clean command is a powerful feature that ensures a pristine working environment, crucial for the accuracy of your project's status and the integrity of your commits. This command is designed to help developers manage their workspace by removing files that are not being tracked by Git, thereby preventing the accumulation of clutter and potential conflicts. Untracked files in a Git repository can include build outputs, log files, or files created by editors and other tools. Without proper management, these files can obscure the true state of the workspace, making it difficult to discern which changes are significant and should be committed versus those that should be ignored.
Utilizing git clean effectively requires understanding its options and implications. The command offers several flags to customize its behavior. For example, the -n option (dry run) allows you to preview which files will be removed without actually deleting them, providing a safety net to ensure that only the desired files are affected. The -f option is necessary to execute the clean operation, as Git, by default, will not delete files to prevent accidental data loss. Further, the -d option extends the command's reach to directories, and combined with -f, it becomes a potent tool for deep cleaning your repository's working directory. Understanding and using these options allows developers to tailor the cleanup process to their specific needs, ensuring a clean and organized working directory that enhances productivity and reduces the risk of errors.

Example: Cleaning Untracked Files in Git

Git Command Line
git clean -n git clean -f git clean -fd 

Enhancing Workspace Efficiency with Git Clean

One of the critical aspects of maintaining an efficient development environment is ensuring that your working directory is free of clutter and unnecessary files. The git clean command is an indispensable tool in the Git suite for achieving this cleanliness, allowing developers to remove untracked files with ease. This feature is particularly beneficial in large projects where binaries, logs, and temporary files can quickly accumulate, potentially leading to confusion and errors. By removing these files, developers can keep their repositories organized and reduce the risk of including unwanted files in their commits. Moreover, a clean workspace facilitates easier navigation and improves the overall development experience.
Beyond its basic functionality, git clean provides a variety of options for more granular control over what gets removed. For instance, the command can be configured to ignore certain files or directories by using a .gitignore file, ensuring that only truly disposable items are deleted. This level of control is crucial for projects with complex build processes or where specific untracked files need to be preserved for reasons such as local configuration or development tools. Thus, understanding and utilizing git clean effectively becomes a significant asset in a developer's toolkit, aiding in the maintenance of a clean, efficient, and error-free repository.

FAQs on Managing Untracked Files with Git

  1. Question: What does the git clean command do?
  2. Answer: It removes untracked files from your Git working directory, helping to keep your repository clean and organized.
  3. Question: Can git clean delete ignored files?
  4. Answer: By default, it does not delete ignored files unless you use the -x option.
  5. Question: How can I see which files will be deleted without actually deleting them?
  6. Answer: Use the git clean -n or --dry-run option to preview the files that will be removed.
  7. Question: Is there a way to remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files?
  8. Answer: Yes, you can remove untracked directories by using the -d option.
  9. Question: How can I prevent accidental deletion of important untracked files?
  10. Answer: Always use the -n option to perform a dry run before the actual clean operation, and consider using a .gitignore file to exclude files from being tracked and cleaned.
  11. Question: What does the -f or --force option do?
  12. Answer: It forces the deletion of untracked files, as git clean requires this option to run for safety reasons.
  13. Question: Can I recover files deleted by git clean?
  14. Answer: Once deleted, these files cannot be recovered through Git, so use this command with caution.
  15. Question: How does git clean differ from git reset?
  16. Answer: git clean removes untracked files from the working directory, while git reset undoes committed changes.
  17. Question: Is it possible to configure git clean to exclude specific files?
  18. Answer: Yes, by using a .gitignore file or the -e option, you can exclude specific files from being removed.

Mastering Workspace Cleanliness with Git

Maintaining a clean and organized workspace is essential for any development process, and Git offers the necessary tools to ensure this through the git clean command. This feature not only simplifies the developer's task of managing untracked files but also enhances the overall project's integrity and efficiency. By understanding and utilizing the various options provided by git clean, developers can tailor their workspace cleanup, ensuring that only unwanted files are removed while preserving important untracked files. Moreover, the practice of performing a dry run before actual cleanup and using a .gitignore file to specify exceptions plays a crucial role in avoiding unintended file deletions. As developers become more adept at leveraging these tools, they can ensure a cleaner, more manageable Git repository, leading to smoother development cycles and a more focused approach to version control. Embracing these practices not only aids in personal project management but also contributes to better team collaboration and project health in the long run.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:56 OkStill9594 How to make the most of an awkward summer?

This is sort of messy but:
I have been unemployed since graduating college, despite looking for a job. I had a pipe dream that I'd get a remote job and be able to live anywhere, so me and my longtime roommate agreed to move back to our costlier hometown. Now we have until August left on the lease and I still do not have a job. My parents very graciously paid my half of the rent until I told them I would take over last month, and I've paid the bills with substitute teaching, which is about to dry up due to summer.
I can't start work until next month anyways due to some family travel, and I have two offers lined up for part-time special ed childcare work (ABA therapy). One is in my hometown, which would require staying with my family until my roommate and I got a new place. One is in my current town, which would require quitting when we move. Both of these seem bad to me--I've gotten permission from my family to stay with them but don't want to impose. I feel like they've already given me a lot and I worry that they're agreeing to be supportive, not because they're really okay with me stating there. Also, I don't want to ditch out on a job after two and a half months.
I could do retail this summer--I've done food service before and could get my spot back at my old company. I would feel less bad about quitting that, since that's pretty normal in retail. However, it feels like sort of a cop out, since I told people I'd do the ABA job, and makes me feel like there's more I should be doing career wise.
For more info on me, I'm also planning on applying to grad schools this fall. That leaves me with a free year before classes start. Failing that, I want to go back to school to become a speech language pathologist assistant. I am also volunteering as an editor with a nonprofit to build up a portfolio, so hopefully soon I can apply to editing jobs. I like anything to do with language and have some advanced knowledge in a foreign language, but it's not very widely spoken in my area and I don't have the credentials to do freelance translation yet. I've studied Python and am bad at math but do like programming. I'd like to use the summer to make money and increase my chances of a real job in the future, but it feels like I have no room to work with. Either I impose on my family, quit a job early, or go back on a promise to my roommate. I'm sure there's something I can do, but I've thought about it too much to see it. What can I do to use this chunk of time well?
submitted by OkStill9594 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:55 legendarysnake Slayers Try is too dense sometimes

Im on episode 14 and theres so much information being show at this episode, i feel that Try should have 2 seasons instead of one to give the viewer some time to disgest all the information that this season gives to you. For me is the most dense Slayers season so far(i still have to rewatch the 2008 anime, because i dont remember anything, only that terriermon like mascot was anoying.
back to try, dont you guys feel the same? The pacing of season 3(try) is too rushed on some episodes. And also the villain names and some techinical names are hard to follow Dugradigdo, they called Darkstar Dugradigdo out of blue, and i had to google it because it got me confused.
Also they mention about Shabranadgo battle vs Ceifeed dragon and im like, Ceifeed was mentioned before, i dont remember him?
anyway im not actually marathoning slayers, im having trouble advancing in Slayers Try due to how dense this arc is.
whats your thoughs about Try? Try is a canon? I read it years ago that Try is like the Dragon Ball GT of Slayers franchise, because the studio itself that produced and many ideas for this seasons came from they instead of kanzaka
submitted by legendarysnake to SlayerS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:34 crazyworldhey Looking for video editor (PC - streaming Fortnite/RL/sports/etc.)

Hello all,
I just made the [hopefully not dumb] investment of about $5k into a strong PC setup (building myself lol)/desk/chaietc.. to start live streaming games such as Fortnite, RL, sports games and more (probably mostly Fortnite). All the parts for the build should be here by mid-June.
What's interesting is I have never played on a PC before. Ever. So this should be a fascinating experience, and I want to start the live-streaming right from the moment of unpacking all the parts, building it, and learning how to transform my console prowess onto PC.
I don't have much to offer upfront (I know I invested $5k, but that was a *hefty* investment for me haha), but if some young editor or editor out-of-work with some time on their hands would be willing to help out right from the get-go, I'd happily offer 50% revenue (if there is any lol) of the edited videos.
Could maybe also be worth noting my now-ex gf (ended on good terms) is one of Canada's biggest live streaming TikTok'ers (800k followers) and is consistently at the top of the rankings, so we'll have a minor "in" through her community hopefully haha.
If anyone is interested, let me know!
submitted by crazyworldhey to CreatorServices [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 adulting4kids Writing Contests: Upcoming December/January Deadlines

If this content is something you want to see more of, comments below will be taken into consideration as we prepare to start finding the open submissions for a variety of writing and artwork competitions. If it's of no interest, let us know that too! This is YOUR subreddit!
Seeking Submissions for Poetry Chapbook Prize
Deadline: December 31, 2023
The winner of The Headlight Review’s 2024 Poetry Chapbook Prize Contest will receive publication (a perfectly bound book with a full color or black/white cover), an award of $500, and 25 copies of the book. A list of finalists will be announced sixty days after the close of submissions. All manuscripts will be judged blindly. The finalists who make it through the first round will be judged by esteemed poet Valerie A. Smith.
2024 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction
Deadline: December 31, 2023
The 2024 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction will be awarded to an outstanding, unpublished collection of short stories. Reading Fee: $30. Award: $1,000 cash advance, publication, and 53 copies. To Enter: Submit online with Submittable or by mail from September 1–December 31, 2023. Press 53 short fiction editor Claire V. Foxx will serve as the only judge. Winner and finalists announced by May 1, 2024; advance review copies sent to major reviewers and outlets; publication in May 2025.
Complete details at www.Press53.com/award-for-short-fiction.
After Happy Hour Contest (Theme: Animals)
Deadline: February 15, 2024
For this year’s contest, we want submitters to go wild—or domesticated, or sentient, or whatever other form of beastly you’re feeling. Submissions should feature some kind of animal that is integral to the story. Note that this doesn’t need to be a real animal—it could be a cryptid, a hybrid, or a human-to-animal transformation. Each $10 contest entry covers 1 short story, creative nonfiction piece, or suite, or up to 3 individual poems or flash prose pieces. Winners receive publication and a cash prize determined as a percentage of total entry fees (full details are on our website).
The swamp pink Prizes in Fiction, Nonfiction, & Poetry
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Formerly known as the Crazyhorse Prizes, the swamp pink Prizes award $2,000 and publication to a story, essay, and poem. From January 1 to 31, submit a story or essay of up to 25 pages or a set of 1–3 poems via Submittable. Judges for each genre can be viewed on our website. The entry fee is $20; all entries will be considered for publication. swamppink.submittable.com/submit
2024 Bill Hickok Humor Award Deadline: February 28, 2024
I-70 Review announces the Bill Hickok Humor Award for a poem. The winner receives $1,000, and the poem will appear in I-70 Review 2024. Submit one to three poems with a $15 entry fee to i70review@gmail.com. Reading period: Jan 1 to Feb 28. No submissions before January 1. Submissions will be eligible for publication in I-70 Review. The judge is Alice Friman.
For more info visit i70review.fieldinfoserv.com.
The Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction
Deadline: April 4, 2024
The 2024 Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction offer $1,500 and publication by Orison Books for a full-length manuscript in each genre. Judges: Ellen Bass (poetry), Kaveh Akbar (fiction). Entry fee: $25. Entry period: December 1, 2023–April 1, 2024. For complete guidelines visit orisonbooks.com/submissions.
2024 Colorado Prize for Poetry
$2,500 honorarium and book publication: Submit book-length collection of poems to the 2024 Colorado Prize for Poetry by January 14, 2024 (we will observe a 5-day grace period). $25 reading fee (add $3 to submit online) includes subscription to Colorado Review. Final judge is Brenda Shaughnessy; friends and students (current or former) of the judge are not eligible to compete, nor are Colorado State University employees, students, or alumni. Complete guidelines at coloradoprize.colostate.edu or Colorado Prize for Poetry, Center for Literary Publishing, 9105 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-9105.
Burnside Review Press Contest
Manuscripts of 50-100 pages of poetry will be accepted until December 31, 2023. Arda Collins will judge. The winning book will be published by Burnside Review Press in 2025. The author will receive a $1,000 prize, plus ten copies of the book. A $25 entry fee must be paid at the time of submission. Contest entrants will receive one Burnside Review Press title. The editors may select an additional manuscript from the submission pool for publication.
Visit www.burnsidereview.org for complete guidelines.
2024 William Saroyan International Prize for Writing
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Submissions are now being accepted for the 11th Saroyan Prize. The awards, co-sponsored by Stanford Libraries and the William Saroyan Foundation, are intended to encourage new or emerging writers and honor the Saroyan legacy of originality, vitality, and stylistic innovation. Two prizes of $5,000 each are given for works of fiction and nonfiction. Writers who have published four books or more are ineligible. Submit five copies of your work published between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023, with a $50 entry fee by January 31, 2024. Visit our website for complete eligibility and submission details: saroyanprize.sites.stanford.edu.
Interim Poetics: The Test Site Poetry Prize Deadline: December 15, 2023
Interim will choose two winning books for the series—one title publicized as the winner of The Test Site Poetry Series and the other as the Betsy Joiner Flanagan Award in Poetry. Both winners will receive a $1,000 award and their books will be published by the University of Nevada Press. Submit by December 15, 2023. www.interimpoetics.org/test-site-poetry-series
Driftwood Press In-House Contests + Additional Submission Opportunities
Deadline: January 15, 2024 (In-House Contests)
Driftwood Press is happy to share a plethora of submission opportunities for writers and artists! Our In-House Short Fiction & Poem Contests, in which every work submitted is considered for publication as winner or runner-up, is ending soon! For our yearly print anthology, we are looking for poems, short stories, comics, and visual art that will wow our readers with innovative language and strong craft. We are a paying market, and our published writers also get to take part in bespoke interviews about their work! Driftwood is also on the hunt for amazing book-length titles to grow our catalogue, so if you have a novella, poetry collection, comic collection, or graphic novel manuscript, we would love to read it! Visit us here for our Submittable page, and we encourage you to follow us on social media (@driftwoodpress) to learn about even more submission opportunities!
The Twin Bill’s Second Annual Baseball Lit Contest
Deadline: December 30, 2023
The Twin Bill, a baseball literary journal, is open for submissions for their annual contest for best baseball fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. The winner in each category will receive $100 and an engraved baseball trophy. The runners-up will receive $50 and will be published in our January 31 issue. Each piece will be professionally illustrated. Contest submissions are $10 and will be considered for both the contest and the Opening Day issue. thetwinbill.com/submissions/
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:02 Choice_Evidence1983 My twin sister (18F) and I (18F) took a genetic test, and we did not share any DNA. What should my next step be, when no one in the family is telling me why?

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/throwra6064
Originally posted to relationship_advice
My twin sister (18F) and I (18F) took a genetic test, and we did not share any DNA. What should my next step be, when no one in the family is telling me why?
Editor’s Note: added paragraph breaks for readability
Original Post: May 13, 2024
My twin and I are fraternal twins. Recently, we took a genetic test for fun, because we wanted to see what we shared and the differences between us. Since we still share genes, fraternal twins are like siblings genetically. My grandparents had suggested the tests and got them for us, so our parents didn’t know about it. But our results made no sense. My twin’s was coming up almost completely as Eastern European and Western European. Which makes sense, as most of my family are Croatian, German, or Austrian. So all of that would be accurate.
But mine wasn’t anything like that. It was almost completely Scandinavian, with some Russian and a couple of other places. Neither of which were on my twin’s result, she had a very small percentage of Scandinavian but that was it. And we had no matched DNA. Which clearly seemed impossible.
We were literally twins, we have to share DNA. My twin said they must have mixed my sample up with someone else. We ended up contacting the company, and my twin and I took a test again. It was the same result. Both my twin and I were really confused. We told our grandparents, and they just said that was interesting, and said nothing else.
My twin said we should tell our parents, and see if they had ever done a genetic test, or if any of our siblings had, and then we could see if somehow ours were still right. I mean, it kind of made sense I'd have Scandinavian, because I'm much taller than my mother, and quite a bit taller than my twin and I'm way better at football and handball than she is.
And I'm very blonde compared to the rest of my family, but I had thought it was the German. When we told our mother, they reacted almost the same way as my grandparents, but she seemed annoyed. And said that they're inaccurate anyway, and our grandparents shouldn't have told us to take one. And when we asked our father, he basically said nothing.
I'm confused. I know my twin thinks it's just a mistake, but I don't think so. We have to share DNA, about 50%. That's how twins and siblings work. Even though we're fraternal, we should still share quite a bit of DNA. But other explanations don't make sense.
My mother can't have cheated on my father, because my twin and I would still share DNA. Just less, because we would have different fathers. The results mean we can't share a parent, or even be related. But I don't see why my parents would adopt me if I'm not their child, when I don't think they've ever been to Scandinavia and why they'd adopt a baby that's almost exactly the same age as their baby. I'm panicking.
The person I'm closest with in the whole world, who I thought I even shared the womb with, might not even be related to me. My birthday might not even be real. None of this makes any sense, and no one is telling me the truth. I'm also scared my twin might tell her boyfriend about it, and then people might end up knowing that I'm some kind of fraud and my family isn't my family at all.
Edit: I called the clinic where my mother gave birth to all of my siblings. The day of my birthday, my mother is in the records but only for one birth. Not two, not twins. I don't know if it's an error, or my mother didn't give birth to me.
Relevant Comments
OOP on asking her extended family members for answers and ask her parents and grandparents
OOP: I don't think they want to tell me anything, they're all acting weirdly now, and I heard my mother yelling at people on the phone. I don't know what's going on, but there's no way they want to tell me what's going on.
I looked when my twin wasn't there, but I had no close ones, only very distant ones. Only people who are my eighth cousins and that sort of thing. So not very helpful.
She sounded a bit too polite for that sometimes. And sometimes at odd times of day, so I'm not sure it was always my grandparents. Probably my father too.
OOP on her mother’s records at the clinic and see if it was possible she was swapped at birth
OOP: Sadly, my mother has given birth every time in a private clinic that is very small, she prefers it. She thinks hospitals are disgusting and she prefers knowing the doctors. So while that is possible, and I'll look into getting parental DNA done, it would be very concerning if that had happened because at most, maybe three or four other woman would have given birth at a similar time as her. But possible, definitely.
OOP on getting her birth certificate from her parents, which might reveal more details on her background
OOP: I didn't think about my birth certificate. I'll ask them, but if they don't give it to me, then I'm sure it shouldn't be too difficult to find.
OOP on if her grandparents knew anything about her situation
OOP: Kind of, I did ask them why they suggested it, and my grandmother said that it doesn't matter. I said clearly it does if the results are right, but she just said she's doesn't know anything and to tell my mother that.
I don't know why they'd deliberately upset my parents with this, but I'm only assuming that they wanted me to know. But I don't know why, I think my grandmother thinks I should figure it out myself now I know, but I literally have no clue when no one will tell me anything at all.
Update: May 22, 2024
So, I'm adopted. Which was probably quite obvious as soon as I got the results, but I guess I was in denial.
My parents told me a couple of days ago, not much, but a bit. I know now that my mother was Danish, and my father's old girlfriend from when he was really young, which is seriously weird. I asked them a lot of questions, but I didn't get answers to all of them. I don't know who my father is, how my parents were able to adopt me and why, if she's even alive, nothing.
But thankfully I am actually legally adopted by them, which is a relief, since I was worried I might not be. And my birthday is actually my birthday, so they haven't been committing any weird fraud.
It's very weird. My sister has been acting weirdly, and my family as well. But in some ways, it's a relief. My parents still feel like my parents, and my siblings like my siblings. I know that technically they're not, but I don't feel too upset about it.
I'm just upset they lied, and also won't tell me everything. I don't know if they genuinely don't know, or don't want to talk about it, but at least I have an idea about everything now. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it, but I'm glad I know about things now. Plus now I have a country that's actually good at football to support, which is nice.
Maybe some day I'll find out everything, maybe not. I could probably look her up, and find her if I wanted to, but I'm not sure if I do, if she's still alive. Although everything is different, it doesn't feel so bad, but it does at the same time. It's very weird.
But I have a family that loves me, so it could be much worse. I feel sad about my twin, since we're not actually related which feels really different and she's acting different as well, but I still love her a lot, and my parents as well. I think it will take some time to know how I really feel. In some ways I want to be mad at everyone and do stupid things, but that's only sometimes, and overall I feel okay so that's good. And eventually I think I'll be content with how everything is.
Relevant Comments
OOP on looking into her background to find her biological relatives especially birth parents
OOP: I didn't think of that. Maybe at some point I will, but right now I'm happy with my family and how things are and I don't really want to go through all of that right now.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:42 3RR0R_0FF1C1AL I made the most OP item...

I made the most OP item...
I created the most overpowered item using IBE Editor. (im on Quilt, but also use Fabric mods together) I used a bamboo and then edited it in the SNBT editor mode and the visual editor and created the most overpowered item EVER. Here's some screenshots. BTW you wont be able to obtain it yourself without the mod etc. etc. unless you already have the item, so here's the google drive link with the world files (i zipped the folder): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MZY_W1pZVU9xxKikXl-LoIolQsZMsFy5/view?usp=sharing
Warning: This might not work in the newest version of Minecraft. This was run with version 1.20.1. Because of command NBT to components structral change for 1.21 (& snapshots), this item won't work with 1.21 and pre 1.21 snapshots. Why will this nerf the item? Well it's because the item uses stacked enchantments, EXAMPLE (using SNBT): { "minecraft:sharpness", lvl:255 }, { "minecraft:sharpness", lvl:255 } will act as sharpness 510
In an item frame.
Dps and lore.
The Warden v/s Nature's Wrath.
One Hit K.O.!
submitted by 3RR0R_0FF1C1AL to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Fun_Ear4654 Been getting rejected from communications/editor/marketing jobs for the last 6 months - is my resume that bad?

submitted by Fun_Ear4654 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:09 riltok "A Grand Domestic Revolution" The American Material Feminist Movement of 1860s – 1930s and Their Strategy to Abolish the Second Burden. Seeking constructive criticism on a to be published zine.

Hello everyone,
While I was assigned male at birth, I have recently found myself deeply interested in feminism. Maximizing freedom and human dignity is one of my key values, and these conditions cannot be realized if they do not first and foremost apply to women. Therefore, during my current time in college, I decided to educate myself further and take more courses on women's history. For a course in Women and Gender in U.S. History, I wrote the piece I am sharing today.
I am posting it here because I don't know where else to post and am planning to publish this work as a zine and am seeking any preliminary feedback, constructive criticism, or thoughts and suggestions on rewriting the piece to communicate more effectively. I hope you enjoy the read and find it interesting.
Thank you!
A Grand Domestic Revolution.
The American Material Feminist Movement of 1860s – 1930s and Their Strategy to Abolish the Second Burden.
In her 1981 book 'Grand Domestic Revolution', Dolores Hayden coined the term 'material feminism' to describe a branch of feminist thought and practice that emerged within the first wave of feminism in the United States. Material feminists were activist women who were the first to articulate the dependence of the society on unpaid women’s reproductive labor, in turn demanding economic and social justice for their sex. Their ideas and practice centered around a call to women that to become truly equal and thriving members of society, they must work together to alter their material conditions through creation of feminist cooperative economic institutions, homes, neighborhoods and cities that are designed to socialize housework, eliminating the ‘double burden’.
Despite being overlooked by the public and even contemporary feminist scholarship, the material feminist movement played a crucial role and influenced not only feminism but also other progressive and egalitarian movements of its time, lasted between 1860s and 1930s. Although the material feminists movement ceased to exist over a century ago, the social critiques and proposed solutions it put forth remain more than relevant to this day. This essay aims to provide an overview of some of the participants of the movement, their theory and practice as well as influence on the feminist and other movements.
Context of the time.
Although the practice of the movement can be formally seen to have begun with the founding of the Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society by Melusina Fay Peirce in 1869 (to be discussed in detail below) the critique of the traditional domestic life in America traces to the beginning of the century with the utopian socialist movement. Members and practitioners of the movement engaged in construction of ideal communities, “building new world in the shell of the old” as a saying of the time went, believing that the power of example would lead to larger transformation of society. Emancipation of women being one of the goals of the movement, Charles Fourier, French philosopher and socialist thinker, argued that “the degree of emancipation of women is the natural measure of general emancipation” and that a society where women enjoyed economic independence was superior to one where they were condemned to domestic drudgery[[1]](#_ftn1). Followers of the movement thus worked to build close knit communities with socialized childcare, laundry and cooking.
Religious communities too contributed to the rise of the movement. Between 1774 and 1826 the Shakers, an offshoot of The Society of Friends, built over 19 settlements in northeastern US, [[SK1]](#_msocom_1) although utopian communities would thrive well until the Civil War[[2]](#_ftn2). In her Seven American Utopias: The Architecture of Communitarian Socialism, 1790 – 1975, Dolores Hayden counted over 130 separate communities, most of them situated in the New England and Midwest regions[[3]](#_ftn3). In such communities’ domestic work was treated equally as important as agriculture or production, with men and women equally being required to participate in agriculture as well as social reproduction. Domestic chores became social labor, with the people singing songs while they worked. Communal kitchens were the “dynamic centers of the village”[[4]](#_ftn4).
It was such communities that Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an aspiring suffragette, came to encounter in 1847 when she moved to Seneca Falls, New York. At the time, the community housed two Shaker villages and at least eight Fourierist Phalanxes[[5]](#_ftn5). The following year at the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention she would give a rousing speech in support of co-operative living and against isolated home:[[6]](#_ftn6)
“my duties were too numerous and varied, and none sufficiently exhilarating or intellectual to bring into play my higher faculties. I suffered with mental hunger. . . . I now fully understood the practical difficulties most women had to contend with in the isolated household, and the impossibility of woman’s best development if in contact, the chief part of her life, with servants and children. Fourier’s Phalansterie community life and co-operative households had new significance for me.”
Some 50 years later in 1899 at the National American Woman’s Suffrage Association, she would urge Susan B. Anthony to add cooperative [[SK2]](#_msocom_2) housekeeping to the organization’s agenda[[7]](#_ftn7).
After conclusion of the civil war, Americans were witnessing a drastic change of their nation as industrialization was picking up steam. More and more people were moving into ever denser towns and cities, where row houses gave way to apartment hotels and horses beginning to give way to street cars and trains. Alongside industrial factories, commercial laundries and large-scale restaurants were mushrooming. In such context, housework began to change as well.
First Practical Experiments.
In 1864, Melusina Fay Peirce (1836-1923), published an article in The World magazine, where she first imagined housekeeping cooperatives – women’s associations where housewives and former servants would work together to produce clean laundry, mended clothing and cooked food which would be delivered to husbands for cash on delivery[[8]](#_ftn8).
Melusina Fay Peirce was one of nine children, born in 1836 to a Vermont clergyman father and a severely overworked housewife mother, Emily Hopkins Fray (1817-1856). Emily died at the age of 39, and the toil that plagued and cut short her life instilled in Peirce an ardent desire to improve the lives of housewives. Despite coming down in the annals of herstory as originating the theory of co-operative housekeeping, she must have gotten inspiration from her great aunt Caroline Howard Gilman (1794-1888), who advocated for creation of municipal cooked food services, and professionalization of housekeeping services in her 1834 book Recollections of a Housekeeper[[9]](#_ftn9). Majority of Melusina’s cooperative theorizing would come out in a series of articles published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1868 and 1869 where she developed her critique of women’s economic position in industrial society[[10]](#_ftn10):
“It is one of the cherished dogmas of the modem lady, that she must not do anything for pay; and this miserable prejudice of senseless conventionality is at this moment the worst obstacle in the way of feminine talent and energy. Let the cooperative housekeepers demolish it forever, by declaring that it is just as necessary and just as honorable for a wife to earn money as it is for her husband”.
Peirce preceded many feminists who viewed unpaid domestic labor as the source of women’s oppression, both economic and intellectual. She argued that women’s intellectual talents suffer a “costly and unnatural sacrifice” to “the dusty drudgery of house ordering” [[11]](#_ftn11). Since women's economic dependency on men was identified as the root cause of their inequality, she and other reformers aimed to create new women's public institutions and professions to foster women's economic independence. The professionalization of women’s household chores was to be done with scientifically planned equipment, built environments, and training by professional female teachers. She aimed to transform household chores into public businesses and in turn create female professions of equivalent status to that of men[[12]](#_ftn12). Even if not explicitly organized under cooperative structures, this ethos would be central to the material feminist movement. However, cooperative form of organizing became the dominant model of organization for in cooperation these women were able to carve out oases of female-dominated and -controlled space, resisting male dominated, hierarchically organized, household and the firm[[13]](#_ftn13) – in other words:
“Cooperatives were the material embodiments of changes the reformers created in gender and class power dynamics involved in the performance of household chores.[[14]](#_ftn14)”
For domestic servants turned employees, cooperative environments offered a more pleasant working experience compared to individual households. The collaborative nature of cooperative labor made tasks lighter and more manageable. Cooperatives often had access to more modern equipment, which facilitated easier completion of tasks. By working in cooperatives rather than individual households, servants were freed from the vulnerabilities associated with being employed in private residences, such as the risk of sexual assault or social isolation. Moreover, participation in cooperatives elevated the status of servants to that of higher-status and higher paid wage laborers, allowing them the opportunity to marry and establish their own independent households. From the perspective of housewives, joining cooperative environments provided a reprieve from the constant supervision of servants. Many housewives utilized this newfound free time to engage in domestic reform organizations or self actualization[[15]](#_ftn15).
On May 6th, 1896 Peirce’s famous Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society (CCHS) located in Cambridge, Massachusetts would hold its first meeting. The experiment was partially successful but would last only until 1872. Since women had to have permission of their husbands to participate in the co-operative, Melusina decided that the board of CCHS would be overseen by a Council of Gentlemen, a board made of husbands of the members. Although praising Peirce’s scheme overall, a feminist paper The Revolution run by the Elizabeth Cady Stanton, labelled establishing the Council of Gentlemen as “licking of the male boot”[[16]](#_ftn16). Indeed, the Council of Gentlemen would be its downfall. At the beginning of the experiment, the Council consciously altered the original constitution developed by the women to hinder the experiment and restrict their wives’ labor to the household[[17]](#_ftn17). In the original constitution, each department—a grocery store, a bakery, a kitchen, and a laundry—was to be directed by four directresses answerable to a thirteen-member executive committee. This structure ensured that “the responsibility would have been so shared that it would not have fallen too heavily upon any, and the decisions arrived at in a number of cases would have been wiser”[[18]](#_ftn18). However, the new structure made Peirce an "active and responsible agent for the whole [enterprise], as in a manufacturing company," quickly overwhelming her with all the supervisory work and eventually leading to her complete burnout.
The society first opened a laundry since it was needed the most by the community. Women working in the laundry were paid higher wages than at any other industrial laundries[[19]](#_ftn19). However, despite collective efforts, the laundry could not turn a profit since the volume of the laundry being processed was a quarter of the size for which machinery had been installed[[20]](#_ftn20). On July 1870 the society opened a cooperative grocery store which Melusina expected to manage, something she could not meaningfully do due to her involvement with the laundry. Because of what Melusina would label Husband – Power, only 10-12 members patronized the society, not nearly enough for the society to break even. Indeed, many board members, managers and the president would avoid the CCHS due to opposition of their husbands. To cite one example among many, the president was made to resign because her husband expressed dissatisfaction with the frequent visits of the directors to their home for meetings. He was particularly furious when he had to wait for his wife to finish a meeting before she could sew a button for him[[21]](#_ftn21). As Peirce describes him, a famous Cambridge abolitionist would exclaim “What! My wife cooperate to make other men comfortable? No indeed![[22]](#_ftn22)” The Council of Gentlemen would vote to close the operation on April 1st, 1871[[23]](#_ftn23).
Despite failure of the experiment, Peirce remained a respected theoretician. Her articles would remain in global print from Colorado to London UK[[24]](#_ftn24). Peirce would go on long traveling tours, first domestically then abroad to Europe where the cooperative movement was much more developed. Many of her ideas and practices would ultimately manifest themselves in those regions[[25]](#_ftn25). In 1884 she would publish her famous book Co-Operative Housekeeping; How Not to Do It and How to Do It. A Study in Sociology which summarizes and organized all her experiences so far. In the work, her feminism was sharp. She wrote that:
“No despotism of man over man that was ever recorded was at once so absolute as the despotism — the dominion of men over women. It covers not only the political area. It owns not only the bodies of its subjects. Its hand lies heavily on their inner most personality, and its power is so tremendous that whatever they are, it is because these absolute lords have willed it.” [[26]](#_ftn26)
Although brief, Perice’s experiment would ripple through the ages and continents, sparking constant attempts at the Grand Domestic Revolution.

Growth of a Movement
The movement was diverse in both class and political ideology. In 1880s Kate Field, a New York socialite, started a Cooperative Dress Association which only hired women and specialised in “healthful clothing for women”. A neat feature of the operation was that all the employees, whether seamstresses or clerks, all were provided with comfortable seating[[27]](#_ftn27). In 1885, Marie Howland (1836-1921), a New York editor and writer, fierce advocate of free love, anarchism and trade unionism, would publish extensive plans for co-operative housekeeping. Howland came to the movement when in the 1860s she lived for a year at the at the Familistere or Social Palace established by Fourierists in Guise, France. It was a vast complex of buildings which contained centrally heated apartments, day care facilities and cooked food service for 350 iron foundry workers and their families[[28]](#_ftn28). Howland would later expand the agenda of cooperative housekeeping to include collective childcare. As an urban planner, she designed and built neighborhoods with central kitchens and kitchenless houses, catering to socialists who established communities in California and Louisiana.[[29]](#_ftn29).
In 1874 Marie Howland wrote Papa’s Own Girl, a utopian novel inspired by her experience in France. The material feminist movement would inspire a whole genre of utopian literature[[30]](#_ftn30). 1887 Edward Bellamy published Looking Backwards, a utopian socialist novel set in Boston in the year 2000. In the city of the future all the cooking is done in public kitchens while washing is done at public laundries. This work became an instant success and only accelerated the movement, spreading the ideas of material feminism to the larger socialist movement.
In 1873, Ellen Swallow Richards (1842-1911) achieved the milestone of becoming the first woman to receive a Bachelor of Science from MIT. Two years later, she made history once again by becoming the first woman appointed to its faculty. In her role, she headed a "Woman's Laboratory," which was the world's first laboratory dedicated to teaching science specifically to women.[[31]](#_ftn31) In 1892 she coins the term “oekology” as a science of consumption and social reproduction, in the future the science would lose its political rigor and would come to be known as ‘home economics’. In 1890, she established a New England Kitchen, a community kitchen that provided affordable, ready-cooked, and nutritious meals. The Kitchen was particularly geared for working classes who had to summon the energy to prepare meals at home after spending ten or more hours each day laboring in factories and mills. Her first Boston location was country's first health food restaurant, as well as its first large-scale nutrition laboratory or a “household experiment station”[[32]](#_ftn32). These Kitchens were established in cities across New York, Rhode Island, Boston, Chicago, and Hull House, and were run by well-paid women scientists nutritionists[[33]](#_ftn33).
In 1898 Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1860-1935), daughter of an impoverished single mother, published her seminal work Women and Economics: The Economic Factor Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. In the work Gilman asserted that patriarchy was impeding human evolution by confining women to the domestic sphere. She believed that human progress could be accelerated by relieving women of domestic duties and childcare responsibilities, enabling them to pursue both motherhood and paid employment, thus granting women economic independence from men. It was her original contribution that the advancement of socialism would be facilitated by the establishment of socialized domestic work and the creation of new domestic environments, not the other way round as was traditionally thought[[34]](#_ftn34). Thus, Hayden suggests that Gilman effectively developed “a solution with-out a name to what Betty Friedan was later to call 'the problem with no name'.[[35]](#_ftn35)” Harriet Stanton Blatch, suffragist and member of the Socialist Party, saw Gilman’s work as her “Bible”, while NAWSA’s[[36]](#_ftn36) leader, Carrie Chapman Catt considered Gilman to be the greatest living American feminist [[37]](#_ftn37).
By the turn of the 20th century collective housekeeping became a recognizable solution by the feminist movement to the problem of domestic drudgery. To some examples of many, in 1907 Carthage Missouri, local suffrage group organized a community kitchen and dinning hall to furnish which all the members of the community brought their dinner tables. Having freed themselves from constant need to cook, the suffragists converted their old dinning rooms into offices for their cause[[38]](#_ftn38). Along side Carthage, countless other community kitchens, dinning halls and cooked food delivery services would be organized across the country[[39]](#_ftn39). In 1915 Henrietta Rodman and her Radical Feminist Alliance in NYC organized a feminist apartment house in Greenwich Village[[40]](#_ftn40). In September 1918 Zona Gale published an article in the Ladies’ Home Journal, stating that “The private kitchen must go the way of the spinning wheel, of which it is the contemporary.[[41]](#_ftn41)”

Reaction and redbaiting.
Despite all this context, a pertinent question arises: what happened to this movement, and why does the second burden persist over a century later, despite attempts to address it? The answer to that question can be summarized as follows: forces of reaction. Not just the Material Feminist, but the larger feminist activist movement fell under heavy and sustained attack that came with the Red Scare starting in the 1919. Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent represented countless women’s civic organizations as being part of a “red web” answerable to Alexandra Kollontai, the head of Zhenotdel (Women’s Department) in the nascent Soviet Union[[42]](#_ftn42). Adjacent organizations were set up like the Woman Patriot which was “dedicated to the Defense of the Family and the State AGAINST Feminism and Socialism”[[43]](#_ftn43). Fears ignited by waves of labor strikes and demonstrations domestically, coupled with revolutions abroad, prompted captains of industry in the US to contemplate a variety of strategies to mitigate conflict between labor and capital. One of the results was the 1919 campaign by the Industrial Housing Associates, stating that – “Good Homes Make Contented Workers”[[44]](#_ftn44). This would be the root of the famous Levitt Towns and the modern suburbia. As Levitt himself would say in 1948: "No man who owns his house and lot can be a Communist. He has too much to do"[[45]](#_ftn45).
Among countless other contributors, in 1928 American anti-feminist Christine Frederick, would publish a book that still defines the consumer economy to this day: Selling Mrs. Consumer. She dedicated the book to Herbert Hoover, American industry, and advertising executives. In her words, advertising was to be aimed at women’s “inferiority complexes”[[46]](#_ftn46), while the industry was to flood the market with labor saving devices but implement “progressive obsolescence”[[47]](#_ftn47) to insure steady consumption.[[SK3]](#_msocom_3)

Even though the American material feminist movement was not led by Alexander Kalantai, it held significant potential for sparking a genuine domestic revolution. By establishing economic institutions rooted in feminist and mutual aid principles, reformers were effectively engaging in economic direct action. They were, as the saying of the time went, "building a new world in the shell of the old," one neighborhood, town, or city at a time.
Despite losing to the forces of reaction, the movement can never completely die because the fundamental critique of the Material Feminist movement remains valid: social reproductive labor is still predominantly performed by women, unpaid, which keeps them economically dependent on men.
The hegemonic consumerist ethos made the home nothing more than a box to be filled with commodities. Incapable of addressing the multitude of crises that such an ethos created, its only response is to silence and medicate dissent. In a true capitalist realist fashion, a 1978 advertisement for Valium and Librium—drugs mass-prescribed to housewives suffering from myriad mental health problems caused by this ethos—read, "You can't change her environment, but you can change her mood."
This is the central insight of the Material Feminist School of Thought: the material environment can be changed through reason and collective action, leading to an improvement in women's lives and a deeper independence, both personal and economic. In the current crisis of imagination regarding a meaningful future, bold experiments like those undertaken by activists in previous centuries are essential to demonstrate that a better order is not only possible but preferable. As David Graeber points out, "revolution happens when there is a change in common sense of what is possible." By projecting their imagination and reason into the polit–economic realm, material feminists provided working examples of a better order, offering hope and instructions of a liberated future. Hence, the movement faced such strong opposition, because it presented a viable alternative to the hegemonic patriarchal order.
Primary Sources
Frederick, Christine.1929. Selling Mrs. Consumer.
Peirce, Melusina. 1884. Co-Operative Housekeeping; How Not to Do It and How to Do It. A Study in Sociology.
Peirce, "Cooperative Housekeeping II,” Atlantic Monthly 22 (December 1868)
Zona Gale, “Shall the Kitchen in Our Home Go?,” Ladies' Home Journal, 36 (March 1919).
Secondary Sources
Albinski, Nan B. 1988. “Utopia Reconsidered: Women Novelists and Nineteenth-Century Utopian Visions.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 13 (4): 830–41.
Hayden, Dolores. 1979. Seven American Utopias: The Architecture of Communitarian Socialism, 1790 – 1975. MIT Press.
Hayden, Dolores. “Melusina Fay Peirce and Cooperative Housekeeping*.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2, no. 1–3 (March 12, 1978):
Hayden, Dolores. 1981. The Grand Domestic Revolution: a History of Feminist Designs for American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities. MIT Press.
Hayden, Dolores. 1984. Redesigning the American Dream: the Future of Housing, Work, and Family Life. W.W. Norton.
Spencer-Wood, Suzanne. 2004. A historic pay-for-housework community household: The Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society.
Stanley, Autumn. “Scribbling Women as Entrepreneurs: Kate Field (1838-96) and Charlotte Smith (1840-1917).” Business and Economic History 21 (1992)
Swallow, Pamela Curtis. The remarkable life and career of Ellen Swallow Richards: Pioneer in science and Technology. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2014.
[[1]](#_ftnref1) Hayden, Dolores. 1981. The Grand Domestic Revolution: a History of Feminist Designs for American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities. MIT Press. p. 35.
[[2]](#_ftnref2) Ibid, p. 39.
[[3]](#_ftnref3) Hayden, Dolores. 1979. Seven American Utopias: The Architecture of Communitarian Socialism, 1790 – 1975. MIT Press. p. 362-366.
[[4]](#_ftnref4) Ibid.
[[5]](#_ftnref5) Ibid, p.51.
[[6]](#_ftnref6) Ibid.
[[7]](#_ftnref7) Ibid.
[[8]](#_ftnref8) Spencer-Wood, Suzanne. 2004. A historic pay-for-housework community household: The Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society. P. 142.
[[9]](#_ftnref9) Ibid; Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 78.
[[10]](#_ftnref10) Peirce, "Cooperative Housekeeping II,” Atlantic Monthly 22 (December 1868), p. 684.
[[11]](#_ftnref11) Peirce. Co-Operative Housekeeping; How Not to Do It and How to Do It. A Study in Sociology. Massachusetts: J. R. Osgood and company, 1884. p. 181
[[12]](#_ftnref12) Spencer-Wood. The Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society. p.138.
[[13]](#_ftnref13) Peirce, "Cooperative Housekeeping II,” Atlantic Monthly 22 (December 1868), p. 691.
[[14]](#_ftnref14) Ibid, p. 142.
[[15]](#_ftnref15) Ibid.
[[16]](#_ftnref16) Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 79.
[[17]](#_ftnref17) Ibid.
[[18]](#_ftnref18)Spencer-Wood. The Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society. p.150.
[[19]](#_ftnref19) Ibid. p.147.
[[20]](#_ftnref20) Ibid.
[[21]](#_ftnref21) Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 81: Peirce. Co-Operative Housekeeping. p. 107-109.
[[22]](#_ftnref22) Peirce. Co-Operative Housekeeping. p. 108.
[[23]](#_ftnref23) Spencer-Wood. The Cambridge Cooperative Housekeeping Society. p.150.
[[24]](#_ftnref24) Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 82.
[[25]](#_ftnref25) Pearson, Lynn. The architectural and social history of Cooperative Living. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.
[[26]](#_ftnref26) Peirce. Co-Operative Housekeeping. p. 184.
[[27]](#_ftnref27) Stanley, Autumn. “Scribbling Women as Entrepreneurs: Kate Field (1838-96) and Charlotte Smith (1840-1917).” Business and Economic History 21 (1992): 76.
[[28]](#_ftnref28) Hayden, Dolores. 1978. “Two Utopian Feminists and Their Campaigns for Kitchenless Houses.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 4 (2): p. 277.
[[29]](#_ftnref29) Ibid. Architectural & social history of cooperative living. 242
[[30]](#_ftnref30) Albinski, Nan B. 1988. “Utopia Reconsidered: Women Novelists and Nineteenth-Century Utopian Visions.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 13 (4): 830–41. Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 137-147.
[[31]](#_ftnref31) Swallow, Pamela Curtis. The remarkable life and career of Ellen Swallow Richards: Pioneer in science and Technology. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2014. c.12.
[[32]](#_ftnref32) Ibid. p.103.
[[33]](#_ftnref33) Ibid. c.19.
[[34]](#_ftnref34) Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 184.
[[35]](#_ftnref35) Hayden, Dolores. “Melusina Fay Peirce and Cooperative Housekeeping*.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2, no. 1–3 (March 12, 1978): p. 415.
[[36]](#_ftnref36) National American Woman Suffrage Association – One of the main women’s suffrage organizations in United States. Existed from 1890 to 1920.
[[37]](#_ftnref37) Ibid, p. 5.
[[38]](#_ftnref38) Hayden. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 207-208.
[[39]](#_ftnref39) Ibid. Chapter 10.
[[40]](#_ftnref40) Hayden. Utopian Feminists. p. 282.
[[41]](#_ftnref41) Zona Gale, “Shall the Kitchen in Our Home Go?,” Ladies' Home Journal, 36 (March 1919).
[[42]](#_ftnref42) Such organizations included General Federation of Women’s Clubs, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, the Young Women’s Christian Association, the American Home Economics Association, the American Association of University Women, the League of Women Voters. Dolores. Grand Domestic Revolution. p. 281-282.
[[43]](#_ftnref43) Ibid.
[[44]](#_ftnref44) Ibid. p. 283.
[[45]](#_ftnref45) Hayden, Dolores. 1984. Redesigning the American Dream: the Future of Housing, Work, and Family Life. W.W. Norton. p. 8.
[[46]](#_ftnref46) Frederick, Christine.1929. Selling Mrs. Consumer. p. 43-54.
[[47]](#_ftnref47) Ibid. p. 245-255.
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2024.05.29 04:40 BigRocksWilderness [CLAIM] Guiana on the Spear Point The Fallen Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is Not Yet Lost
So long as we still live.
What the foreign power has seized from us,
We shall recapture with a sabre. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ All exclaim in unison,
"Enough of this captivity!"
We've got the scythes of RacƂawice,
Koƛciuszko, if God wills.
Kuznetsov Naval Academy Review
Cayenne, Guiana
Summer, 2072 Volume Thirty One, Number Two 

Guiana On the Spear Point: The Fallen Commonwealth

By: Cursor Lucullus
The fall of the EU and The Commonwealth is the greatest geopolitical disaster of this century, all at once Democracy's Great Shield collapsed leaving The Commonwealth's Defense Forces out of position and out of time. Assisted by the Bandung Pact, our foul weather friends, the Commonwealth's great navy ferried much of their strength to Naval Base DĂ©grad des Cannes and Naval Air Station Meridiem.
Governor of Guiana, Dmitri Benoüt welcomed President Maxim Katz and Fleet Admiral Kalev Morozov with open arms, with the president taking up temporary residence in the Hotel "Le Paradis d'Émeraude". President Maxim Katz has instilled upon the nation that The Commonwealth's ideals of freedom and individuality will not be trampled upon, highlighting the government's commitment to protecting citizens' liberties and maintaining a stable, just society.
GALLERY: Guiana Space Centre during Rocket Launch Operations.
General Secretary of Commonwealth Space Operations Anastasia Wisniewska met with Fleet Admiral Kalev Morozov to discuss the security of the Guiana Space Pier Array, one of the very few remaining links between Mother Earth and the Commonwealths numerous space colonies, to ensure the continued export of the Solar System's vast resource bounty to resource starved industries. Recognizing the strategic importance of the Guiana Space Piers, both leaders emphasized the need for heightened security measures and robust logistical support to safeguard this critical infrastructure.
The Commonwealth's Red Banner Northern Fleet Headquarter's have been shifted temporarily to Naval Base DĂ©grad des Cannes until it can be returned North once more. In the meantime dozens of warships including Four Fleet Carriers Float in DĂ©grad des Cannes, proving that The Commonwealth's Strength, while weakened is still a tantamount threat to those who wish to test Democracy's Great Shield.
This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Kuznetsov Naval Academy Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kuznetsov Naval Academy Review by an authorized editor of Kuznetsov Naval Academy Digital Commons. For more information, please contact repository.inquiries@akna.edu.
The hum of the trio of Nuclear Reactors hung in the air in a quiet chorus that whispered at the two Engineering Cadet's Ears. For the first time since they had left Severomorsk, the Cadets had dared to enter the Engine Room, having before being assigned to chipping away old paint and other simple deckwork. They stood atop the ladder leading down further into the crowded Engineering space, cluttered with pipes, lead shielding, cooling pipes, and, most importantly, Engineers. The Cadets used to the heat of an Engine Room, found the steam whistling through the pipes a newfound annoyance. While staring in dumbstruck awe at the calamity of activity before them, a man in a boilersuit dogged the hatch behind and then not-so-politely pushed past them and proceeded down the ladder. Upon reaching the bottom, the man turned and looked back up at them, "You two, get down here! We've got work to do."
The cadets walked down the ladder towards the man, each attempting in a mess of words to explain that they were not part of the ship's crew and instead simply cadets who found their way aboard during the evacuation. The Engineer just looked confused. "Cadets or not, I need hands. If you can follow orders and hold a wrench, you're crew enough for me. Now stop yammering and get to work!"
Wordlessly they followed him deeper into this ships bowels, ducking under pipes until they reached a catwalk over one of the reactors shielding. "You two got names?" The Engineer asked.
"Emīlija and Ivan, Sir," Emīlija responded.
"I’m Chief Engineer Marek Nowakowski. Either of you got a light?"
The Cadets pulled out E-Cigarettes, and Chief Nowakowski waved his hand, stuck a cigarette between his teeth, turned around, and grabbed a broom.
"Do you know what this is?" He asked.
"A Broom?" Ivan responded.
"Very good; now go find the high-pressure steam leak."
"With a broom?"
"Yes. When the end of the broom touches the leak, it will be destroyed. Good luck."
"Seriously? Like, isn't this what they did during the Great Patriotic War? I think my great-grandfather died doing this!"
"No, I'm not fucking serious; didnt you learn how to do this in the academy?"
The Chief's Radio crackled to life, informing him they were about to arrive in Guiana.
"Get topside; it's a beautiful view you don't want to miss," Nowakowski ordered them.
Leaning against the Bridge Wing, Ivan and Emīlija stared at the endless jungle on either side as the Aircraft Carrier HICMS Kazimierz Wielki was pushed against the pier by a fleet of tugs. Off in the distance, the Space Piers were a hub of commercial activity, and beside them, Cayenne was simply a wall of beautiful buildings and dazzling lights.

The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is all that is left of the Polish-Lithuanian Dual Republic, The French Republic and a significant of part of Russia herself. Betrayed by all sides, we are not angry, much, simply disappointed in our former friends and allies.
  • Official Languages: French-Guianese Creole, French, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian.
  • Capital: Cayenne
  • Head of Government: President Maxim Katz
  • Population: 3,863,000
submitted by BigRocksWilderness to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 just4sanu Is Elementor Birthday Sale Live? (2024 Full Details Inside)

Elementor 8th Birthday Sale 2024 (May 28th – June 6th)

The Birthday sale of Elementor is live, just click the button below to claim your discount — they’re offering up to 30% off on their pro plugin and up to 75% off on WordPress hosting.
Get Elementor Birthday Offer
The Elementor Birthday Sale is going on now, and you can get a hefty discount of up to 75% on their page builder WordPress plugin or WordPress hosting.
Just stay with us to find out all about the latest deals and offers as Elementor turns E-I-G-H-T.
Usually, Elementor doesn’t give out coupon codes all the time, but on special occasions like this, they offer special discounts. So make sure you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.
Elementor was started in June 2016 and since then they’ve been offering birthday sales, where you get the chance to save big on their paid plans. This year, they are offering discounts again. If you want to know what birthday offers they have, you came to the right place.
Let’s find out all the details without any further delay.

What is Elementor Birthday Sale?

Elementor Birthday Sale is an annual celebration of the popular WordPress page builder, Elementor. During this sale, users can get discounted pricing on Elementor WordPress hosting + Elementor Pro, which is the paid version of the plugin and includes additional features and functionalities.
It usually takes place around the anniversary of the company’s founding and offers users a chance to save money while using Elementor to build their websites. This year’s birthday sale is LIVE right now, and we have picked out the best deals for you below.

#1. Get up to 75% off Hosting and Builder

Take a look at the special discounts on Elementor Hosting during Elementor’s birthday sale in 2024.

#2. Get up to 30% off Elementor Pro Plugin plans

Here are the anniversary discounts available for the Elementor Page Builder plugin (pro version).

How to Grab the Birthday Deal of Elementor Pro?

To get the special discount for Elementor’s birthday sale in 2024, all you need is to follow these instructions I’m going to tell you. Let’s start.

Step #1: Go to Elementor Website (Click here to jump)

First of all, you need to visit the official Birthday Sale landing page of Elementor, and from there choose what you want to purchase — Elementor hosting or Elementor Pro Plugin.

Step #2: Select your plan

On their Birthday landing page, you’ll see that Elementor is offering up to 30% off its pro plugin and up to 75% off its hosting plans. Here, you just pick your favourite plan that you’d like to go with and hit the Buy Now button.

Step #3: Create an Elementor account for free

You’ll now see your cart showing the plan you chose, and total pricing. The Elementor Birthday sale discount code will automatically be applied to your purchase. From here, you can now proceed to enter your valid email address and password for your Elementor account.

Step #4: Enter your billing info

Now, you have to complete your billing information. It includes your first name, last name, address, city, country, pin code, state, and company name. After filling in all these details, click the continue button.

Step #4: Finish your order

Elementor offers two ways to pay for your purchase. You can choose to pay with your credit card or use your PayPal account. Once you have entered all the necessary information, just click on the “Pay Now” button to complete the payment process.

Step #5: That’s all. Elementor Birthday 2024 Sale is yours

If you’ve been following our instructions closely, you’ve already gotten the number one Website builder tool. There’s no more step after that.
Remember, this Birthday sale of Elementor is only available for a limited time (expiring on 7th June 2024), so don’t wait too long to take advantage of it.

Elementor Birthday Sale Price for Plugin and Hosting

Elementor has two products:
Let’s look at each of them one by one and discuss their pricing plans.

Elementor Hosting Plans

Elementor is not just a page builder, but it also provides web hosting for WordPress websites. It’s like getting a package deal because when you buy web hosting from them, you also get the Elementor Pro page builder plugin.
So, if you’re still trying to decide on a web host or if you’re unhappy with your current one, Elementor’s cloud hosting could be a great choice for you.
Here’s how they have reduced the prices of their hosting plans during their special Birthday sale or anniversary celebrations.
Click here to snag up to 75% discount on any Elementor WordPress hosting and get page builder and theme for FREE — all in one package.

Elementor Page Builder Plugin Plans

Elementor offers both a free and paid version of its website builder plugin. The cost of the paid version, Elementor Pro, starts at $59/year for a single-site license and goes up to $399/year for a 1000-site license.
Here’s a discounted plan for the Elementor Pro plugin during the Birthday sale.
They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee (for both hosting and plugin) so you can try it risk-free.
Click on this exclusive Birthday sale link to choose your favourite Elementor Pro Plan.

Get Your Elementor Birthday Deal 2024

No doubt Elementor is the #1 website builder tool available on the market that helps you make any type of website in less than one hour. They have a visual drag-and-drop editor that lets you easily change things on your website while you’re working on it.
And the best part is, when you make changes, you can see them live right away on your website. It also has ready-made designs and templates that you can use to make your website look professional without much effort. Overall, I would say Elementor is super simple to use and doesn’t require any coding skills.
From May 28th – June 7th, there’s a special sale on Elementor because it’s their birthday. So if you want to try it out, now is a great time. Just click the button below to sign up and get started.
Claim Elementor Birthday Discount Sale
Well, that’s all from this blog post. Now, I want to hear what you think about Elementor and its BIGGEST Birthday offer.
Did you like them (if you ask me, then yes, I especially like their plugin as well as the huge discounts they provide during their birthdays)? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Byeeeee

Frequently Asked Questions – Elementor Anniversary Sale

Is Elementor Birthday Deal live?

Yes, Elementor’s birthday deal 2024 is live! This year they are celebrating their 8th birthday and offering a whopping up to 75% discount on all of their plans. The sale is only for a limited time so make sure to grab this opportunity before it ends.

When is the Elementor Birthday Sale happening?

The Elementor Birthday Sale typically takes place in late May or early June, around the time of Elementor’s official launch date. At the time of writing this article, the Elementor Birthday Sale is live (from 28th May – 7th June), you can check them out from here.
submitted by just4sanu to u/just4sanu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:05 scassim I Am Sam

I am Shaheer Cassim (pronounced Shuh-HER Kuh-SEEM), editor of Arctic News blogspot. I write on the threat of runaway global warming caused by methane hydrates. Some esteemed scientists I confer with are Peter Wadhams, world leading expect on Arctic Sea ice at the University of Cambridge and Guy McPherson, emeritus professor at the University of Arizona. In 2011 I founded the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, which included esteemed scientists John Nissen and Paul Beckwith, professor of climatology at the University of Ottawa.
In 2011 scientists discovered 100 methane seeping structures on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and estimated there may be many thousands of them. There are more than 1700 billion tonnes of hydrate in the ESAS. Methane hydrate has been liked to four of the five major extinctions in earth history. Scientists Natalia and Igor told that 50 billion tonnes of methane hydrate could be released at any time, which Peter Wadhams calculated would cause a 1.2 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures in a matter of years. This would cause localized warming which would release more methane hydrate causing runaway global heating. In 2012 I applied an exponential best fit line to Arctic Sea ice and predicted that the sea ice would disappear around 2016. Peter Wadhams agreed with this conclusion.
Yet here we are, 12 years later and no news at all from the Arctic. I believe the government is secretly geoengineering the Arctic to prevent the collapse of the sea ice and catastrophic release of methane hydrates.
The ESAS contains 1700 Gt (Giga-tonne, billion tonnes) of methane hydrate. Since methane hydrate is about 10% pure methane, the ESAS has about 170 Gt methane. What would be the effect of a release of 1 Gt methane? Since methane has 105 times the warming effect over 10 years than CO2, that would be the equivalent of adding 105 Gt of CO2. Humans now emit about 36 Gt CO2 annually.
Methane is decomposed in the atmosphere by hydroxyl. The level of methane we have been emitting in the atmosphere has significantly reduced atmospheric hydroxyl. Large releases of methane will further decrease it until there is no more. Methane in the atmosphere will not decompose anymore.
The IPCC, the International Panel on Climate Change, a U.N. body, says we must at net-zero emissions in just a few decades. Net-zero is the carbon we can emit that will not increase the emissions. Net-zero is about 8 Gt, about 1 tonne of CO2 per person. This number may be too high.
The IPCC is lying to us when they say temperatures will only rise by 3 degrees Celsius by 2100. They are killing us.
There is more carbon in methane hydrate than in all the coal, oil, and gas in the world. In 2009 James Hansen, former director of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, told if we burn all the coal, oil, and gas, we will cause runaway heating turning Earth into Venus. He told it is a certainty. Now when you add in methane hydrate, it is a dead certainty.
If we pass this tipping point in the next year, 2026, in a decade humankind will be extinct.
In 2012 I came up with the idea we should have not an Earth Hour or Earth Day, but an Earth Year. A year to solve our problems. This is the list of what we must do.
  1. Abandon the cities and return to the farmland, build yourselves homes and grow food.
Cities cause carbon emissions. They require enormous amounts concrete, which need coal. There is not enough land to grow food. Food grown outside must be trucked in.
  1. End all weapons and live in peace.
Weapons kill and cause carbon emissions. Killing creates hatred and a desire for revenge.
  1. Have only one child. After 200 years you may have two.
When Jesus Christ died 2000 years ago world population was 200 000 000. At the start of the industrial revolution population was 1 000 000 000. Today it is 8 000 000 000 and climbing by 80 000 000 a year. This is due to fossil fuels. Oil and gas will run out by 2050, coal later.
  1. Eat only plants. Fish is allowed on Fridays.
When you hurt an animal, it feels as we do. Farming is suffering. For an egg, you need a male and female chicken. The baby boy chicken is killed. Milk needs a male, female, and baby cow. All are killed. Do not eat shrimp. Why kill 100 lives for one meal when you can kill one. Do not eat shellfish, for they are boiled alive. Wild fish offers B12, essential oils, and fulfills the human need for flesh.
  1. Technology is not allowed. Electric bicycles and phones powered by solar panels are allowed.
All technology breaks down and must be replaced. Electric cars use huge amounts of metals and oil, and the battery weighs 1000 lbs. Nuclear power plants use concrete, takes years to build, and uranium supplies are running low. Nuclear plants on tectonic zones must be shut down immediately. Wind turbines use concrete, metal, and oil, and must be torn down after forty years. Batteries are less energy dense than fossil fuels. Ships, planes, and freighters will never be electrified
  1. Timekeeping is not allowed. Live by the cycles of the sun and moon.
Humans cannot live by the clock. Timekeeping creates anxious behaviour and effects mood. Only students and professionals must live by the clock.
  1. Pay all an equal wage.
The labourer working in the field did not have opportunity and education growing, and deserves more than 12 cents an hour. The doctor had education, and the business owner had capital.
  1. Give all the right to a home, food, medicine, and education.
  2. Sit, eat, and sleep on the floor.
Too many trees are killed by furniture
  1. Grow hemp.
Hemp grows fast on marginal soil, the seeds provide protein and oil, the stalks textiles, and the residues can be burned for cooking.
  1. You may use the body of a deceased animal, but you must not eat it.
Meat is a drug. If you give drugs again, you will become addicted.
  1. Cats and dogs must be pescatarian.
  2. Plastic is not allowed.
By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean then fish. There are micro plastics in the rain and drinking water.
  1. Tobacco is not allowed.
Tobacco kills. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin. Butts destroy nature.
  1. Coffee is not allowed.
Coffee affects the sleep-wake cycle.
  1. Sugar is not allowed.
Sugar is the most damaging crop to nature. It's causing a dentistry, obesity, and diabetic crisis.
  1. A man and a lady must use their hands and mouths on their partners sensual organs, and avoid normal lovemaking to prevent the creation of new life.
Vaginal love making risks the creation of new life. Every year billions of condoms are thrown into landfills. Condoms must be kept for those with STDs.
What happens when you smoke?
Smoke is composed of tar, carbon, and chemicals, some which are cancerous. Tar clogs up the passageways of the lung and alveoli. These are microscopic sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon. Carbon cuts up the alveoli. Eventually they collapse, and respiration becomes impossible. Chemicals and small carbon pass into the bloodstream and are distributed through the body. Blood cells try to remove the carbon from the body, and are cut up and killed. Another blood cell tries to remove the carbon, and this continues. Small carbon enters the brain and becomes lodged in the brain cells. To be removed from the body, carbon needs to bond with oxygen. Carbon from smoke cannot bond so remains in your body
.Jesus Christ wants you to stop killing yourself. Jesus Christ ❀
What does it mean to kill someone?
When you take land, and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you destroy nature, and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you pollute and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you deny knowledge, you kill.
When you deny food, water, shelter, or medicine, you kill.
Giving drugs, tobacco, and alcohol kills.
Buildings that collapse, catch fire, or are destroyed by rain.
Enabling weapons.
Why quit motion video?
Flashing lights affects the brain. Motion video is rapidly moving lights. Children viewing motion video become dramatic. Too much of certain wavelengths of light can affect the brain. Sunlight has the perfect light. Go out and enjoy sunlight.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you will Live Forever. See Jesus Christ. Love Jesus Christ. Forever Jesus Christ ❀
submitted by scassim to NTHE [link] [comments]
