First day of kindergarten letter

Democratic Socialism

2012.11.04 22:58 Regular-Snowflake Democratic Socialism

Whether your a Progressive, Marxist, or a Democratic Socialist you're welcome here! Unity over division!

2013.11.08 16:33 catfapper Just your everyday occurrence in Russia

Gifs/Video/Pics of your everyday occurrence in Russia or the surrounding areas. Bonus points if not common in the rest of the world

2012.06.16 05:34 Learn to Draw

New to drawing? Let us help you learn how to get started! Drawing is a skill, not a talent. It doesn't matter if you can draw or not, with practice you can be the best. We welcome you to our community. Learn with us, the future artists of reddit.

2024.06.10 09:40 sameed_a how does goal setting improve emotional intelligence?

It all started during my first year in college. I was a typical freshman—ready to conquer the world but not quite sure how to go about it. I was a bundle of emotions, feeling ecstatic one moment and overwhelmed the next.
One day, I walked into my psychology class and our professor introduced us to a topic that would change my life: Emotional intelligence. He explained how emotionally intelligent people can identify, understand, and manage their emotions, and how this trait influences our ability to navigate social complexities, manage behavior, and make personal decisions. I was intrigued.
He then introduced the concept of goal setting and how it can improve emotional intelligence. To be honest, I was initially skeptical. How could writing down my aspirations help me control my emotions?
But as I dived deeper into the concept, I realized goal setting is not just about achieving something or ticking off a checklist—it's about understanding oneself, acknowledging one's emotions and gaining control over them. It's about knowing what makes you happy, what saddens you, what frustrates you, and what motivates you. It's about having a clear vision and knowing the emotional roadblocks that could veer you off your path.
So, I decided to give it a shot. I started setting small, achievable goals. I quickly realized that having something tangible to focus on helped dissipate some of my overwhelming emotions. I started identifying what triggered my anxiety, and learned strategies to navigate those triggers. I recognized my achievements, no matter how small, and celebrated them, which boosted my self-esteem.
Soon, I was setting bigger goals, and working towards them became a therapeutic process. It helped me understand and manage my emotions during the journey, not just at the destination. It helped me become more self-aware, empathetic, and resilient.
Looking back now, I realize that setting goals wasn't about becoming a successful person, but about becoming a better version of myself. It was about growing my emotional intelligence and resilience, and I think I've come a long way since that freshman year.
P.S. Okay, I admit it, this tale may be slightly embellished for effect (the lightbulb moment wasn't quite so dramatic), but the concept is real. Setting goals can improve our emotional intelligence. And hey, if it can work for a lost freshman like I once was, it can work for anyone!
Remember folks, real-life isn't like a neatly written story, it's messy. But that's where the fun, learning, and growth lies. So, go ahead, set a goal, make a plan, and get messy with those emotions. After all, we're all just works in progress.
P.P.S. This 'Emotional intelligence and goal setting' could well be a mental model to use in your daily life. Just saying. ;)
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:40 Meebur-Gascon Us open ticket buying

Never been to a tennis match in my life but I’ve decided the us open will be my first time attending anything tennis related. Can someone experienced just let me know what their process for buying tickets is? Do you wait til just before the event? Do you buy now? Will prices skyrocket? What is your method for the most quality day? (Lots of questions I know)
submitted by Meebur-Gascon to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:40 VulpineGlitter Type me by le questionnaire

L (logic)

How much time and energy do you spend researching or studying? Do you like researching and studying, and why?

A lot, but only about things I'm interested in. For example, I love curating travel plans and reading all about different cultures. I get almost as excited by that as the actual travelling.

How many of your own opinions do you form? How often do you do actual thinking on your own, more than just finding an existing answer?

It depends on my mood, but generally I like being efficient, so if it's easier to find the answer, I'll do that, but otherwise it's fun to think things through to see if I can figure it out. But for subjective matters, I usually form my own opinions quickly, but then I want to look for arguments of the opposite stance, because I get curious why people think about it differently.

How often do you talk about concepts or facts? Why exactly do you talk about it, and what do you like talking about most?

Mostly only during debates, which is my love language. Thing is, it stimulates me and I can keep debating for hours and hours lol. I always wear the other person out 🙁 There's not really a reason for it, it's more like a game that energizes me better than any coffee can lol. Topics can be anything, but I tend to dislike really technical topics because that usually involves a deeper level of research than I have the attention span for. But I do like when people explain them to me. I guess I'm an interpersonal/auditory learner in that way.

Do you struggle with thinking about things by yourself? Does this bother you, and how much? How well do you handle criticism from others when it comes to your logical concepts or factual knowledge?

Some finance stuff gets a little confusing for me, but I just need a moment to make those "click" for me. I get frustrated and impatient if I can't solve something though, but this is usually more the case with spatial reasoning puzzles, which is a weakness of mine. I don't mind criticism as long as they're doing it with at least partially the intention to share their knowledge, and aren't just being insulting/dismissive with no actual argument, meaning nothing to learn.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

Sure, somewhat but too ADHD to be a in depth nerd, no, and no.
E (emotion)

Do you consider yourself a creative person? What do you do that's creative?

Not in the poetry and paintings sense, but I like writing satire and doing theatre.

How do you feel about expressing your own emotions? Are emotions part of your decision-making at all? How much of a role do they play in your decisions?

Idk? If there's a problem, I want to just solve it. Emotions are kind of just a byproduct. I would say yes, because I prioritize doing what I like. I often jump into things on impulse.

How much effort do you put into creating a positive emotional influence on other people? Do you try to do this at all? Do you like exploring the emotions or creativity of others?

It's not really my job to manage other's emotions, but I usually am pleasant with people unless they get in my way. I would say yes I do enjoy exploring others' emotions and creativity. I love super dramatic music, stories, I tend to be drawn to very emotional and creative people, because I enjoy the colour they add to the world.

Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your emotions? Do you struggle with knowing exactly how to connect with others on a deeper and more emotional level? Do you struggle with knowing how to go about dealing with and handling your emotions?

Not really. I usually act more emotional than I am, while feeling nothing inside lol. It's almost like a theatre role I get to step into to release a more general type of energy. I'm definitely not good at forging deep emotional connections with people, according to what others have told me lol. Not really, I deal with emotions by solving whatever problem caused them. No sense in wallowing when I can mobilize myself to fix the issue.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

This section seemed more vague and fuzzy, so not really. No. Honestly yeah. And yes.
F (physics / foundation)

How much time and energy do you put into your physical health? Do you try new healthcare or self-care products often?

Idgaf about health, just about looking hot, but those things coincide enough that I tangentially do care for my health. Honestly, I kind of want to die in a fun way before 55. Live fast, die young, leave a pretty corpse is my m.o. lmao

How often, and what kinds of products do you like trying?

Just beauty stuff.

How much do you care about your physical appearance, including fashion choices, or decorating the physical environment for comfort?

A lot, because pretty privilege/halo effect is a real thing. Beauty is power. I give zero fucks about decorating my physical environment or comfort stuff though.

Do you like exploring the physical environment (food, nature, architecture, etc), or doing physical activity?

Exploring, yes, only if it's something new and different. I get bored of hikes quickly cuz they're kind of all the same lol. I'm often hyper, but I hate the gym. I hate getting out of breath, and I'm glad I barely sweat because it's disgusting. It means I get heat stroke a lot, but better that than being gross, in my view about myself.

Do you like talking about your personal tastes often? How often do you explore the personal tastes of others? What about your own health or the health of others? Do you like creating or exploring comfortable environments with others?

Sure. I care about others' personal tastes more because it can yield interesting insights about them. No, I get easily grossed out discussing health topics. As for the last question, no, because I'm too lazy for interior design lol. I live like a vagabond lol.

Do you stress about what people will think regarding your personal tastes? Do you prefer to follow fashion trends in worry that people may judge your own style? Do you worry about being sick or in poor physical health often? Are you able to take criticism about your health, aesthetic choices, personal tastes, or physical appearance?

For personal tastes, no. But I definitely obsess over my looks, nitpicking and relentlessly fixing flaws. BDD, eating disorders, you name it. I usually try not to think about health stuff, but yeah I have bouts where I doomscroll about horrific diseases like rabies lol. I also have a bad enough fear of old age that I have a hard time being around elderly people, and intend to self del at the first sign of any old age health issues.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

Eh, it had to be done. Unfortunately yeah, it occupies too much mental real estate. The human body feels like a prison, so yeah anything that reminds me of that is a bummer.
V (volition)

Do you know how to get what you want? How much effort do you put into figuring out how to get what you want? Do you just take action and get started, do you plan, do you research or try to get advice from others?

I get excited and jump into things that pique my interest, doing lots of research enthusiastically, and then taking action if I can.

How often do you feel motivated to work on your future? How often are you busy working on a goal for the future? Do you prefer routine, or often fall into routine? Is your routine making progress on a goal? What makes you change your routine? What makes you start working on a goal?

Every damn day. I always wake up with some big vision I want to achieve and I then delve into that full steam. The problem is, my goals frequently change, so I ping pong a lot between wanting to, for example, start a theatre school, and wanting to become an author, to wanting to go to law school, etc. So routines are hard for me, but I always make progress towards whatever my goal of the day is. I'm not sure what causes my goals, it's often me seeing someone do something and wanting the thrill of doing that, in my own way.

Do you like guiding or helping people reach their goals? What kinds of goals do you prefer to help people with? Are you a leader, or do you prefer to work in groups where you're an equal? How and when do you take charge, if ever?

Yes, if doing so benefits me in some way. So it can be whatever I see as a payoff towards one of my goals. I usually do take charge in groups, especially if I see better ways to do things.

Do you overwork yourself? Do you worry that you might be lazy or that you aren't progressing quickly enough? Does it feel impossible to find the right method forward? Are you able to take criticism over your choices for working towards your goals? How do you respond to being challenged?

I can, but it's usually more me being hyperfixated out of excitement, so it doesn't feel like overwork. Sometimes I do feel lazy if I'm having a low energy day and I want to work on something but have a massive migraine, for example. I have no problem with methods, because I tend to experiment, and usually something yields fruit. As for criticism, I just kind of wave them off. I do what I want, I don't need advice from people who usually can't even manage their own lives. If challenged, I get competitive. I have an inner animal in me that can't resist that lol.

Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?

It was fine. Yes, I believe one's actions and goals make the person, so by definition this is a big part of my identity. Not really and no.

Please share any mental or physical health struggles or diagnoses that may affect your answers or how you interact with the world

ADHD Hyperactive Impulsive, pots/EDS

You may also optionally share a rough age range to help clarify your current life circumstances for anyone reading

Late twenties

Let us know anything else about you that might affect your answers or how you interact with the world

Likely 2w3 ENFJ EIE
submitted by VulpineGlitter to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:40 Nervous-npc I think my sister might be getting abused.

TW: domestic abuse
Hi there, this is my first post on this subreddit as it wasn't allowed on relationship_advice due to its themes.
I, 23F, think that my older sister “Mary” (32F) is being abused by her fiancé, “Mike” (31M). Mike and Mary have been together for 17 years and have a son together.
Now, first of all I understand that this is a very serious allegation to make; however, I love my sister very dearly and I'm very worried about her.
Some context: they’ve only recently gotten engaged due to financial difficulties in the past, covid-19 then a huge natural disaster event that happened last year. They are planning their wedding for this September, but no one knows what's happening or even if it's still happening. Another thing to note is that Mike's late father was an extremely abusive man, resulting in his mom leaving his dad when they were children.
Mary enjoys doing sports and cultural activities outside of work. Mike enjoys similar activities too so this isn’t out of the ordinary for them. This is important as earlier this year her performance group was in a national competition so she had to travel a lot for practices (nearly every weekend for 4+ months). This was around the time when my parents and I noticed that something might be wrong. My dad had also seen an unknown vehicle down their driveway and a woman there while my sister was away for the weekend. My nephew also said that she was, "an aunty-something" as he didn't know her name. It could be purely coincidental though.
One day we noticed that Mary had a black eye and was hiding it behind her sunglasses, and blamed it on hitting it when she got into Mike’s truck. There is a significant height difference between them (Mary is 5’4 and Mike is 6’4), so he needs a larger vehicle than hers and it could make sense.
My parents immediately grew concerned but didn't want to assume anything. My mom contacted our sister, “Anna” (33F) about it. Anna and Mary are extremely close so she would be the one person to know anything. Our mom asked her if she thought that Mike and Mary might be in an abusive relationship, but Anna gave her a scared look (something she rarely does) and gave her a hesitant and inconclusive response.
A month or so later, my nephew "Jack" (10M) and his paternal aunt were talking to my mom and I when they mention how Mike had pushed Jack and punched the wall next to him when he was angry. Mike's sister pointed out that she would call him out when he’d be really cruel to Mary as it was borderline abusive.
My mom is now looking for ways to approach Mary about it, but it'll be difficult because my sister is a very closed off person and could get really angry/offended.
Unfortunately I'm not very close to my sister so I wouldn't be able to ask her, but is there anything else I can do? My mom suggested that our dad ask her, but even then we could be totally wrong and be assuming the worst. Do I reach out to her? Would that be really weird of me as we don't normally message each other? I'm afraid to ask our sister Anna about it for the same reaction, although her and I are a lot closer .
Thank-you once again. I apologize for the long post but I appreciate any and all advice.
submitted by Nervous-npc to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:39 alic3po I’m scared I’m making the wrong decision.

My fiance (35M) and I (33F) have been together for 6.5 years. The first 4 years were great and so we got engaged, but his family changed their tune at that time and did not approve of me anymore (hint hint, we’re in an interracial relationship). They had a whole family meeting and since then his entire demeanor changed. For the last 2.5 years we’ve been in limbo… what he’s been saying does not match his actions. He says he loves me and wants to be with me, but he no longer touches me and makes absolutely no plans for the future.
During this time I’ve experienced a life-changing serious illness and a familial death… we live in an area where I basically moved closer to be with him. I have a great job and I love this place, but I have no family out here and very little friends. In the last year, I’ve been pushing the idea of moving back to be closer to my family (a few hours away, but still within the state). At first he was on board, but as we are getting closer… he’s getting “cold feet”. Again, he makes no plans for the future so every conversation about moving or getting married or just anything in general, comes from me starting it. Even then, it goes nowhere. It’s exhausting and makes me feel like he’s just waiting for the slow break up. I feel like his family has convinced him that I’m no longer the one for him, but he’s not man enough to just say it to my face. At the same time, he makes comments about the future and he tells me every day that he loves me?? It’s so confusing. Therapy is brought up all the time, but he makes no plans for it. I’m currently going through my own personal therapy though.
My issue here is that my lease ends in September. I pretty much told him that I’m done waiting and I’m moving with or without him - I can’t do this limbo anymore. He STILL won’t give me a decision on what he wants to do... If I move back without him though, I have our dog to worry about and I’m not sure I can get a good paying job back home. I’m scared.. I’m not sure how I’ll survive or make this work. I’m not sure if I’m making the right decision or if I need to give this more time to save up? I only have my AA. I feel so foolish that I don’t have my bachelors or more of a plan, but I feel like I’m being taken for granted and I just don’t know what else to do.
TLDR; been in my relationship for 6.5 yrs and for the last 2.5 yrs we’ve been in limbo. My lease is up in a few months and I’m considering moving/ending it, but I don’t know if I’m making the right decision. I’m just terrified.
submitted by alic3po to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:39 xarithia What should I do? - bf M35 took sexual liberties when I F30 was sick with fever.

I am an Australian 30F, who is in a long distance relationship with bf 35M who lives in the US. After six months of exclusive dating, I visited him last year for 8 weeks. Unfortunately after 10 days I became extremely ill, and at one point I was delirious with fever for several days. Whilst I did pick up somewhat I remained ill for the duration of my holiday until I returned to Australia where I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which is being treated.
I am about to visit him again - this time for approx 12 weeks, tickets are booked and we were both extremely excited as my health is back to where it should be. However, last week he casually revealed that whilst I was delirious during my stay, he was sexually frustrated and used my feet to pleasure himself to the point of climax. I was extremely ill during this time - I have absolutely no memory of the event, - surprised that he would have done this, I said to him that there was no consent given by myself - to which he replied that I am his woman and he doesn't need consent.
I can't seem to get this out of my head - I am not really sure what I should do or where I should go from here. I really love this guy and we were planning to eventually start a life together. My head is telling me to leave him but my heart is telling me to stay - and I cannot seem to get this out of my head. On one hand I feel rather stupid - firstly no harm was really done and I didn't even know about it - wouldn't have known about it, if he hadn't told me.
TLDR - My bf masturbated himself with my feet whilst I was delirious with fever.
submitted by xarithia to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:39 spunchy M&B 2024 Lecture 7: Repos, Postponing Settlement

M&B 2024 Lecture 7: Repos, Postponing Settlement
For our schedule and links to other discussions, see the Money and Banking 2024 master post.
This is the discussion thread for Economics of Money and Banking Lecture 7: Repos, Postponing Settlement.
Repurchase agreements (repos or RP) are a form of collateralized money-market lending that can be used, just like the pre-2008 Fed Funds market, for covering payment deficits as well as funding longer-term positions. The mechanics of repo are that the borrower sells a security (e.g. a Treasury) for money at one price and promises to buy it back at a higher price at a pre-determined future date—often the next day. The security serves as collateral that the lender can keep if the borrower defaults.
A key difference between Fed Funds and repo markets is that Fed Funds operates only between parties (e.g. American commercial banks) who have deposit accounts at the Fed, whereas anyone with acceptable collateral can fund their positions (or lend) using repo.
Because repo borrowing requires a movement of collateral in the opposite direction, problems with the market for (and price of) the collateral can cause funding problems for repo borrowers. Due to changes in collateral quality, price, and availability, firms can become less able to borrow and less able to roll over their funding independently of anything to do with their own creditworthiness, interest rate changes, or their counterparties' general willingness to lend. Unsecured borrowing doesn't have this problem.

Part 1: FT: The impact of QE3

In hindsight, we know that QE3 didn't have any dire consequences. But to what extent did it achieve any of its desired positive effects? The first article points out that QE doesn't solve fiscal problems, but it might buy time by putting a floor on asset prices. Is it ever useful to put a floor on asset prices for a purpose other than "buying time"?
Bernanke and his supporters talked about credit easing (Fed lending) while his critics talked about quantitative easing (Fed Borrowing that expanded the reserve base), so reprising a largely irrelevant precrisis debate about the relative importance of the "credit channel" and the "money channel" in the transmission of monetary policy. Meanwhile, the fact that the Fed's balance sheet had expanded on both sides tells us that something else was going on. The Fed was moving the wholesale money market onto its own balance sheet, stepping in as dealer of last resort for the money market.
The Fed issues reserves (or other liabilities) when it increases its holding of assets, thereby expanding its balance sheet on both sides. It's interesting that QE originally emphasized the expansion of reserves. Today, we barely remember the term "credit easing." But we tend to think more about the asset side of the Fed's balance sheet, anyway.
In this framing, is QE buying time for "fiscal solutions," or is it propping up the money market (and capital market?) until the private dealer system can take back over again? Or maybe both?
The second article speaks more to the idea that people sometimes think of QE as what you go to when you "run out" of conventional monetary policy and can't lower interest rates anymore. Is QE a failure if it doesn't boost aggregate demand or promote inflation? To what extent were the different phases of QE even about trying to achieve either of these goals?

Part 2: Money Market Interest Rate Patterns

The repo rate was historically lower than the Fed Funds rate, but the repo rate was higher than Fed Funds at the time of the lecture in 2012. In this lecture, Mehrling puzzles over why this might be happening.
Today, most of the wholesale money market action is happening in the repo market—including slightly different versions of repo with different rules and procedures. The Fed Funds market, as we discussed last week, is largely an arbitrage market. Since 2008, banks with deposit accounts at the Fed generally haven't needed to borrow reserves from each other overnight. The third money-market rate, LIBOR, has largely been superseded by other rates. The final US dollar LIBOR panel report was June 30th, 2023.
That being said, there are still a variety of overnight interest rates to look at, the collection of which Zoltan Pozsar and Daniel Neilson call "the overnight rate complex."
The new benchmark rate, which takes the place of LIBOR, is the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR). It is an average of various repo rates.

Part 3: What is repo?

  • Here's a short blog post that describes repo in simple, clear terms: Repo from first principles by Daniel Neilson (November 30, 2021)
Neilson points out that the cash flows and cash IOUs are normally recorded on balance sheets, but the collateral flows and collateral IOUs normally aren't.
The above set of balance sheets shows two asset intermediations: one going in each direction. The first asset intermediation—the intermediation of the cash—is what we normally see. But there's a symmetrical intermediation where the lender holds collateral and promises to pay it back.
We can also refactor the exact same balance-sheet changes into an asset swap and an IOU swap.
Showing repo this way emphasizes that there's a trade that's going to be unwound. The IOU swap is a promise to unwind the original cash-collateral asset swap. The asset swap is the "initial sale" of the collateral and the IOU swap is the agreement that the original seller will repurchase the asset. Hence, we have a "sale and repurchase agreement."
A "fail" is what you call it when the lender "defaults" on returning the collateral to the borrower during the unwind step.
  • Here's a nice FAQ about repo by the International Capital Market Association: FAQ on Repo.
Repo can have different collateral requirements and is often divided into "general collateral" and "specific collateral." With general collateral repo, collateral can be substituted when the repo unwinds as long as it meets certain equivalency requirements. Specific collateral repo requires that the same exact collateral is returned when the repo unwinds.
A feature of repo emerged shortly after these lectures were filmed is that much of it is now centrally cleared. There are "clearinghouses" for repo called central counterparties (CCPs). In the U.S., the main repo CCP is the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation.
Tri-party repo is repo where a third party manages the collateral.
  • Here's a video where Susan McLaughlin of the New York Fed discusses the risks of tri-party repo where collateral management is outsourced to a third party.

Part 4: Repo in balance sheets

Below is the set of balance sheets that Perry draws on the board to show a security dealer who reverses in a security and then repos it out.
These balance sheets only book the repo loans themselves. They do not show the flow of money moving or the collateral side of things.
The money moves right to the left, and the collateral moves left to the right.
Here are some payment arrows that show the dealer repoing and reversing, including cash and collateral flows.
"Repo" tends to mean "borrowing on the repo market," whereas "reverse" tends to mean lending on the repo market. So the above balance sheets view the world from the perspective of the security dealer. His repo lending is called a "reverse," and his repo borrowing is called a "repo loan."
When the Fed "does repo" or "does reverse," they think about it from the perspective of the private dealer too. When the Fed "does repo," they are allowing the market (dealers) to borrow. When the Fed "does reverse," they are allowing the market to lend, or park their cash, at the Fed.

Part 5: Comparison with Fed Funds

Only banks have access to the Fed Funds market. Anyone with collateral can borrow in the repo market. Anyone who wants collateral can lend in the repo market. Either way, your counterparty is usually going to be one of the big repo dealers.
Unlike the Fed Funds market, not everyone in the repo market has to know each other. Everyone just has to know a small number of dealers.
If the Fed Funds market is an overnight interbank market, we can think of the repo market as a market for overnight inter-corporate borrowing. And the corporations can include domestic financial institutions and even foreign banks that can't hold reserves directly with the Fed.

Part 6: Legal construction of repo

Repo is symmetrical in the sense that one party borrows money, and the other party borrows collateral. The borrower of money is the one who pays margin by selling the security at a haircut below its market price.
Stigum Figure 13.1 corresponds to the calculations that Mehrling makes on the blackboard.
The collateral's haircut determines how much a borrower can borrow against that collateral. By offering a single repo rate (interest rate) and quoting different haircuts on different forms of collateral, repo dealers can create a relatively homogeneous market out of heterogeneous components.

Part 7: Security dealers balance sheet

The Fed Funds market is primarily a broker market, whereas the repo market is primarily a dealer market.
In the table dealers are long Agency securities but short Treasuries, so they are picking up the spread but will lose money if that spread narrows.
"Operation Twist" is when the Fed was selling bills and buying bonds to drive down longer-term interest rates. This pushed the dealers to be long bills and short bonds.
Mehrling says the following in the lecture, which is worth trying to explain.
They're buying and they're selling bonds. But they are, at the same time, funding their longs—long positions—in the repo market . . . , and funding their short positions in the reverse market . . . .
He is emphasizing the symmetry between the cash and collateral mechanics in the repo instrument.
Having a long position in bonds means holding bonds as an asset. Having a short position in bonds means owing bonds as a liability.
If you hold bonds as an asset, you can repo them out to fund the holding of those bonds. The repo-ing of the bond may even be what lets you buy the bond in the first place.
You can similarly sell a bond by first reversing it in. If the counterparty to your reverse wants his collateral back, then you need to find a way to replace the collateral you sold.
There is a sense in which both repo (borrowing) and reverse (lending) create open funding positions that have to be rolled over. A repo is the borrowing of money with a bond as collateral, whereas a reverse is the borrowing of a bond with money as collateral.
For a repo, rolling over your funding means ensuring that people will keep lending you money against your bond.
For a reverse, rolling over your funding means ensuring that people will keep lending you the bond against your money.
Stigum makes clear however that reverses are a very desirable asset for dealers, and they do as much of them as they can, for the simple reason that they can repo out whatever they reverse in, and earn something on the spread.
In the lecture, Mehrling goes as far as to say that reverses are "monetary assets." People treat them as money. They are an alternative to deposit accounts. You might not be able to make demand payments with the money you've parked in reverse repo, but you can always make a payment the next day, when the repo is up for renewal.
When haircuts increase, it decreases the amount of funding a repo borrower can get for a given amount of collateral. This can create a funding gap on the balance sheet, forcing an entity to sell assets it can no longer fund. If people use those assets as repo collateral, that can drive haircuts up even further. This happened during the 2008 crisis with mortgage-backed securities that were being used as collateral in the repo market.

Part 8: Repo, modern finance, and the Fed

Here's what it looks like for the Fed to do repo.
It expands everyone's balance sheets.
Nowadays the Fed intervenes in this way only rarely, in the last few months mostly to test its ability to do reverse repo with the dealers, as a way of shrinking its balance sheet eventually.
Here's the Fed doing reverse repo.
It shrinks down the balance sheets of commercial banks, but the dealer's balance sheet and the Fed's balance sheet stay the same size.
The dealer has replaced his deposit in the bank with a reverse repo at the Fed. Through the reverse repo, the dealer has direct access to the Fed's balance sheet instead of having to go through the commercial banking system as an intermediary.
You can see that the reverse works to shift its liabilities from reserves (which are high powered money) to repo (which is less high powered, especially if it is term repo), and to shift the Fed’s counterparty from banks to dealers. Whether or not this is such a big deal is something we can talk about; the point right now to emphasize is understanding exactly how it all works.

Part 9: Interest rate spreads: before the crisis

Mehrling argues that we might expect the Fed Funds rate to be higher than the repo rate when the Fed wants to impose discipline. If we think of the repo rate as the market rate, the Fed wants to target a Fed Funds rate that's a little bit higher than the market rate.
I'm not entirely satisfied with this explanation. Why would anyone borrow Fed Funds when the repo rate is lower? Not enough collateral? And why would the Fed's actions to push around the Fed Funds rate not also push around the repo rate?

Part 10: Interest rate spreads: after the crisis

In 2012, Fed Funds rate was lower than the repo rate. This suggests that the Fed was trying to create elasticity. The goal would be for the Fed Funds target rate (policy rate) to pull down the repo rate (market rate) through arbitrage.
We can look at interest rate spreads as clues to help us identify disruptions in the money markets and deduce the incentives.
When spreads reverse, incentives reverse, and flows reverse.
With QE, the Fed directly tries to inject reserves into the system.
Please post any questions and comments below. We will have a one-hour live discussion of Lecture 7 and Lecture 8 on Monday, June 10th, at 2:00pm EDT.
submitted by spunchy to moneyview [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:38 malfoyslegacy How do I get over my boyfriend (24m) telling me(24f) he does not care what happens to me after he dies?

My bf(24) and I(24) are in an 8 month long serious relationship. We dated for 10 months before and broke up. But realized that we were still in love after a few years and got back together.
Trust is a big thing for us because he was the one who broke up with me before and when he came back he assured me that he knew what he wanted now and he was just a stupid 18 year old before. He is my first love and it ruined me when he left and I was not okay for a good few years. So I was very hesitant to get back together. It took about 5-6 months and ALOT of effort on his part to gain back my trust but he honestly did everything he could and it was enough for me.
We have been planning on getting married ever since we got back together. We think it would be in 1-2 years. I met his parents and we told them about our plans, he is coming to meet my parents the next month. Our individual lives are very crappy right now. We both have debt and family issues. Honestly, him and our life plan together is a big reason why I'm still able to go strong. We promised each other that we will not leave and fight whatever challenge life throws at us together and build a life together.
Everything was fine until a couple of days ago. He revealed to me that he was extremely suicidal and that he might do something to himself that very night. We were on the phone until 6 am. (Long distance, so I couldn't just go to him.) He told me he felt that way for almost all our relationship. I asked him about the promises he made to me that we would not leave each other and fight for each other. I asked him what did he think would happen to me if he k*lled himself. How that would affect me? How my whole life would be over. I told him that if he couldn't find the strenght to fight for himself then he should at least fight for me because that is what I'm doing. After some back and forth he told me "Honestly, I just don't care anymore".
That honestly broke something in me. When I was suicidal, my depression made me believe that people would be fine after I was gone. I thought they would be sad for a while and then move on like nothing. If he told me this I would be fine with it because I know what it's like. But he just said he didn't care anymore. He told me he loves me as much as he says he does and nothing is different about his feelings.
I talked him down that night. Made him make a psychiatrist appointment. We are going on as if nothing happened but it's killing me inside. I feel like I should stop the wedding plans and not have any hopes for the future, I feel really alone. I feel like I can't trust him anymore.
I know it's not fair to him and it's a mental health issue but I can't help feel like he was leaving me again. When he says I love you it doesn't feel geinune. He talks about we can do this and that when we're married and I just wanna say "well it's not like you mean it".
I don't want to talk to him about it right now because he is in a sensitive state and It might trigger him. I wanna be there for him without feeling like crap about our relationship. So, how do I get over it?
TLDR; Boyfriend told me he might k*ll himself and that he does not care how that will affect me. I feel like I can't trust him anymore but I know I'm wrong to feel this way. How do I get over it?
submitted by malfoyslegacy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:38 Difficult_Economy258 Hey, help me to know if this girl likes me or not. What do y'all think?

Greetings, so i am a high schooler in my 16s and recently the teacher changed our classroom mapping, so everybody is sitting in a different place now. In this mapping, my new place is right behind the girl i want to talk about.
First, a little of context of how our relationship was like before i started to suspect she likes me: I think we never really had a friendship going before, just a little joke or a brief shallow talking about the activities of the day; just like i do with the other school acquaintances that are not really my friends.
But ever since i changed to my new place, she started talking and initiating conversations with me a lot more. She would randomly just look back at my table and crack a joke or initiate a chat about something not necessarily related to school. My dumb friends always do some funny face or automatically start shipping us everytime she comes to talk to me.
Now, some random and isolated signs she had thrown at me: There was this one that, the whole class was sitting in a circle, for some group activity, in that way i wasn't sitting behind her anymore, so she could see me. During this entire activity, i noticed she throwing glances at me, in a way that i don't think she wanted me to notice. Afterwards, one of my friends said that he noticed it too, so i don't think i am entirely delusional.
Also there was this time when, i was not sitting at my place at the moment, i went to talk with my friend in the other side of the class. I was sitting in a chair beside him and talking about whatever, so i didn't noticed her coming to talk to me; Just to me, completely ignoring him. She initiated a conversation and came to sit beside me as well, we talked for a while before this friend of mine get up and went to sit somewhere else, to, in his words, "leave us alone". After my friend leave, she started to call me smart (?) and talk about how i would have the best grades on the class if i actually tried (???). After this, we kept talking and i said something funny and she chuckled, and then said "You are funny." In THAT way, you know? Like the way the person says after laughing and it sounds really honest.
Our conversations are always fulled with playful teasing and jokes, so i don't know if she is just trying to be my friend or actually do have some romantical interest on me.
Obs: She does have a "boyfriend", but one of my friends said it's just a fling. I don't really know if he is right and i have no way to find it out, i don't want to make any guesses here. That's why i am confused about her behavior.
So, i think thats pretty much it. What do y'all think?
submitted by Difficult_Economy258 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:37 Background_Pear_1977 I need advice because it seems like my long distance boyfriend (M 27) is cheating on me (F 29) ?

I’ve been with my bf for three years now ( he’s 27 and I’m 29). We met in LA because he was out here trying to become a screenwriter but since his visa expired he had to move back to his home country Brazil and this was last July ( so almost a year he has been back) before he left he told me that it was only temporary and we both thought it would be until he found a better job in Brazil almost immediately. What upsets me is that he asked me to move in with him 4 months before he had to leave and even told me he had a plan to marry me one day. This has all changed in the last 10 months. I noticed that when he first moved back to Brazil he was very sad and he clearly missed me for the first 4 months or so. He flew to LA to visit me for two weeks last December and we went on a trip to Hawaii together which didn’t go so well and the main reason was because I had brought up our future going forward and asked him directly and openly if he still planned on marrying me one day and his reply was “ I can’t give you a yes or no answer “.
His excuse was that he now has better job opportunities in Brazil and isn’t limited by the visa there, can work freely and build his career there. There’s nothing wrong with that but what confuses me is that he was acting so distant when he saw me and almost felt off in a way but couldn’t put my finger on it. It basically felt like it was a chore for him to spend time with me and the last night before he left back to Brazil we didn’t have sex because he said he was too tired and then finally decided he would just agree to it and said “ let’s just get this over with”. We didn’t even end having sex because he couldn’t get hard. January was the last time I saw him so it’s been about five months I haven’t seen him. A couple months ago I brought up the idea of me coming to Brazil to see him in June and he told me that wasn’t a good idea because he would have a really heavy workload.
So I waited a couple months and never brought it up until about a month ago when he started randomly asking me if I was going to come visit him possibly in August and saying how much he missed me. He even told me that the end of August would be a great time to come visit because he would be renewing the contact with his company and so he wouldn’t have a heavy workload and would have much more free time to spend with me. So I went ahead and bought my tickets for August and then surprised him the next day. I could tell by his reaction that he was trying to look excited but I could just tell that he wasn’t thrilled to hear that I was coming. The strange thing is that as soon as he found out I was coming to visit he became very distant and would barely call me and this lasted for about two weeks until one day I confronted him about it.
He said that he didn’t know what to do when I told him I had already bought my tickets because apparently his boss told him that he is going to have a lot more work around the time I’m coming which makes zero sense because he literally gave me the “ ok “ to come. When I told him that my tickets can’t be refunded he told me that he could reimburse me the $980 I spent on them. The last three weeks have been so horrible and confusing because now he is starting to tell me he doesn’t think it’s fair to keep me in the relationship when he doesn’t have an exact date to come back to the US and then mentioned that it’s not fair of him to keep me “ sexless “ since we literally can’t do anything physical. I thought it was such a weird thing for him to say.
He said he’s been really thinking about our relationship and how the whole dynamic changed and said he has been crying a lot and is super confused and so he started bringing up to me possibly taking a break. Here’s where it gets kind of weird. Last night around 2 am his time I tried to FaceTime him but he didn’t answer. I waited an hour and called him again at 3 am. Still didn’t answer the call and that’s when I started getting this really weird gut feeling that he was maybe doing something with someone else but of course I have no evidence it was just a really strong feeling. I started panicking a little bit and then started calling him multiple times and all of a sudden the call was answered around the fourth time that I called him but it was literally him accidentally answering the call for lierally 5 seconds and I just heard a faint whisper in the background and nothing else just silence and then he hung up. After that I waited for him to call me and he finally did call back about 13 mins later.
The first thing I noticed on the FaceTime when I saw him was how his hair literally looked like a birds nest. I swear it looked like he had just had sex and so I asked him what he was doing and his response was “ oh I just got home like 10 mins ago from the bar with my friends and passed out on the couch because I was really drunk and that’s why I didn’t answer your calls. Sorry love”. His story didn’t add up because he had literally texted me 3 hours before telling me that he had just gotten home from the bar so I was feeling really anxious because I had a feeling he was lying. When I brought that up to him he was like “ Oh sorry im just really drunk right now it probably was 3 hours ago that I got home but I thought I was napping for 10 mins” He was also in his t shirt and underwear while he was on the FaceTime which was weird because he said he passed out on the couch after he got home so why would he be in his briefs ? And then I asked him if he could just ease my mind by showing me if anyone was at the house and he just said his mom and brother were home and sleeping. When he showed me his living room it was dead silent and there was no one in sight. Does it sound like he was covering up and maybe had someone over and that’s why he accidentally answered the phone, had really messed up hair and was acting strange? Or does it sound like it might just look that way and I’m freaking out over nothing? I tried to give as much detail as I could so if you guys could please give me some advice it would be really helpful and appreciated!
submitted by Background_Pear_1977 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:37 Available-Alfalfa-79 My theory on future girlfriends based on Harem/Romcom reference

Well, you are probably aware that in 100 Girlfriend, the girlfriends are for the most part clichés or references to the harem and romcom in general. Based on this and my personal desires, I will present to you several theories on potential girlfriends.
Here are my theories, it was quite long friends I find it amusing to imagine and theorize about the future of 100 kanojo
submitted by Available-Alfalfa-79 to 100Kanojo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:37 Strange_Street1658 2006 GMC Sierra 1500 stalls ??

My husband recently bought a truck, it’s a 2006 GMC Sierra it ran perfect until last week it started to stall. The first time it happened I was driving it taking the kids to school and it stopped running at a stop sign. There was a message on the dash that said “ tighten gas cap” thankfully it turned right back on and I made it home. It did it again a few days later going around the round about. It will do it while driving but mainly when the truck slows down or stops. The message about the gas cap hasn’t came on since. Does anyone know what it could be??? We’re at a loss. Both of our vehicles are messing up.
submitted by Strange_Street1658 to gmcsierra [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:37 Lalelul Adding dependencies to existing packages

Dear NixOS community!
First off, I like using NixOS very much. There is this one problem I have been stuck with for a few days now though. I wish to develop a game using the Lean4 programming language. Luckily, Lean4 is packages on NixOS. Lean4 first compiles lean code into c code, and then it compiles the generated code using cmake. In my project, I wish to use raylib, which in turn depends on X11 libraries. When I try to build my project, I get the following error:
$ nix develop --command lake build warning: input 'flake-utils' has an override for a non-existent input 'nixpkgs' error: 'cmake' returned 1: CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument  value or use a ... suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. CMake Error at /nix/store/q1nssraba326p2kp6627hldd2bhg254c-cmake-3.29.2/share/cmake-3.29/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message): Could NOT find X11 (missing: X11_X11_INCLUDE_PATH X11_X11_LIB) Call Stack (most recent call first): /nix/store/q1nssraba326p2kp6627hldd2bhg254c-cmake-3.29.2/share/cmake-3.29/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:600 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE) /nix/store/q1nssraba326p2kp6627hldd2bhg254c-cmake-3.29.2/share/cmake-3.29/Modules/FindX11.cmake:676 (find_package_handle_standard_args) src/external/glfw/src/CMakeLists.txt:187 (find_package) 
In the default.nix file for Lean4, I found that it uses clang: Now my question is, can I add the X11 libraries or even raylib to this development shell which has Lean4 and clang in it? If so, how would I do that?
This is the flake.nix file I currently use for my development shell:
{ description = "Minecraft written in Lean4"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; flake-utils = { inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; in { devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell.override { stdenv = pkgs.pkgs.clangStdenv; } { NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = toString [ "-I${}/include/X11" ]; X11_INCLUDE_PATH =; X11_LIB_PATH =; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ cmake-language-server lean4 # Here I tried adding libX11 manually, which did not work :( # (lean4.overrideAttrs # (new: old: { # nativeBuildInputs = old.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ # xorg.libX11 # ]; # }) # ) ]; }; } ); } 
Thanks a lot! I would be very glad if you could help me!
submitted by Lalelul to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:37 Eager_Question Love Languages (46)

Memory transcription subject: Veroth, Former Arxur Farmer at Greatmoon Farms
Date [standardized human time]: December 8th, 2136
Shathel kept talking as the meat thawed on the counter, thin ice crystals dripping down onto the cutting board. I tightened my grip on my cleaver, and glanced around for my whetstone as my son stared at him. Vrith put his arm on Verazel’s shoulder, and his two companions watched in silence.
"I believe Chief Hunter Isif grows readier for the Resistance every day that passes,” he told us all with a smile. My body tensed at the mention of that murderer's name. I didn’t know they would collaborate with that monster. The one he’d bragged about working for, while he held a sword to Nazla’s throat.
“Soon, something will snap, and we can join our forces with the entirety of his–and now Shaza's–sector. The abolition of the Dominion will be a reality if we play our cards well. I am here to ensure we do."
I found my whetstone, poured water on it, and tried to focus on the angle of the blade.
“Are you sure about that?” Vrith asked. “Isif had a chance to side with us mere days ago, and refused it.”
I remained silent, watching the edge of the blade move carefully back and forth on my whetstone. Perhaps Vrith was being diplomatic, as Verazel had told me to be in preparation for their arrival. I pressed my teeth together in an attempt to keep silent.
"There have been some setbacks, but do not be misled by them,” he said, waving Vrith’s objection off.
“Do we have to work with a fanatic like that?” One of Vrith’s companions asked. Presumably the more intelligent of the two.
“He only did what he had to, in order to ensure Betterment did not cast its gaze too sharply upon him."
I could not stop my mouth in time, rage building within me.
"Yes, he didn't want to murder my daughter, of course," I spat, ready to rip out his throat. Shathel faltered, looking at me with an unreadable expression. I hardly cared about dissidents in principle, or about what games Isif might play with the other Chief Hunters and Prophet-Descendants. They could kill the entire Senate inside my lounge if they wanted. Ideally, they could kill Isif too. Or bring him to me, so I could have the pleasure of rending him limb from limb. He redirected his argument. "...Well, yes. I told Nazla that little stunt of hers was foolish. The Resistance survives because it bides its time, and—"
I did not allow him to finish the thought. With a strength I rarely summoned, I launched myself over the counter. I landed against his shoulder, shoving his whole body down. In a heartbeat, he was flat against the ground, one arm trapped under his torso, the other pinned down by my left claw. My legs pressed against his back, my weight too much for him to bear. Before he could say anything else, I pressed my knife’s edge to his throat, his carotid artery pulsing against it. All others froze around us.
I pressed his forearm down at just the right angle. Any brusque movement and he would just dislocate his elbow. Maybe his shoulder, if he got creative. He struggled to uselessly move his legs under me, spasming like a fish plucked from the water, his tail flailing in all directions while his head flinched away from my blade.
I placed my mouth right next to his ear and whispered, "utter my daughter's name with anything but praise in your tongue again, and I will cut it out and wear it."
All were silent for a long moment, but there was no contest, no way for him to turn it around. I was simply bigger, heavier, and armed. A defective farmer had just threatened to mutilate one of their leaders, and not a single one moved to his aid.
"...Agreed," he eventually croaked out. I removed the knife and stood away from him. He rubbed his neck for a moment with the back of his hand, and stretched the shoulder I'd almost dislocated.
"I thought you said your uncle was a farmer," said Vrith’s other companion. The one who had not spoken against cooperating with Isif.
"He is," my nephew said, looking at me with newfound respect. "Has forty years of dismembering Venlil to his name."
I heard a few scoffs from the group.
"Forty-five" I corrected. I was younger than Verazel when I started. They found that funny for some reason.
Shathel cleared his throat. "My point was that the Resistance works best in dark corners. Something Betterment and those educated through its paths are less than skilled at. Thankfully, our human friends are much better versed in the area of espionage, and thus among them I have found an ally."
I scoffed. "Oh, is this your friend you bragged about at the banquet?”
He laughed. "Oh no! Not at all. My dear friend Andes is a scientist. He could not lie if he wished to, and he would never wish to. He is soft. Weak. How do they say? Cute. My ally is the man who interrogated me. He worked with Andes, but is more vicious than any Betterment officer I ever met. He can turn it on and off. Be whatever he thinks you need to see, to act in his interest.”
"Good," My nephew said. “And you're in regular contact with him?”
“Regular enough,” Shathel said, sparing me a glance. “They call him Olivier.” Vrith nodded, again, then turned to me. “So the plan is to use your farm as a base for the Resistance, which will soon gain a lot of support, if Shathel is right about the… direction things are going.”
I gripped my knife and stepped closer to the meat to begin. It was always pleasant to admire my own handiwork, the marbling was particularly exquisite for this one.
“We will arrange for Giznel to visit it under the illusion of getting to eat the last of your cattle. We will try to use Shathel’s contact to see if human meat technology can provide a sample.”
“There is no need. We have a few dozen frozen corpses in the basement,” I said. I’d been saving them for hard times. Verazel preferred tilfish. Something about their faces.
My nephew smiled. “Even better, then. We will invite him in, and my father will do the butchering when the time comes.”
I found it odd to think about how Veralith would come home only after I had left, to butcher cattle we no longer bred. It was unpleasant enough that I sought a distraction.
“Will you provide half of the funds for a large merchant ship?” I asked, thinking back to my original plan.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. You can leave tomorrow, use of the farm is payment enough,” Vrith said. “We’ve already contacted one of our most prolific smugglers. Most of her experience has been in taking people to our hidden bases, but I’m certain she’ll manage when it comes to the humans.”
Once the limbs were well-arranged, I moved on to some more precise cuts. Verazel took out the plates, silently placing them next to me so I could begin the distribution. Given the size of the crowd, I decided on thin slices. My Venlil were well fed, but they were still smaller than an Arxur, ideally a meal for three and not a large crowd of seven. Not that I was very interested in feeding Shathel my product.
Vrith got a leg, a fore shank and a rack of ribs, as did his more thoughtful companion. The other one got shoulders and loins. I cut the tenderloin, breast and flap, but had no appetite to eat it and knew Verazel wouldn’t eat it either, so they sat there until Vrith’s rebel companion came to ask for more, and then I tossed them her way.
Shathel came to the counter, dipping his snout out once he got to it.
“...May I…” he looked at the carcass, mouth watering. “...I put Nazla’s personal effects in storage before her trial. Would you like me to send them to you?”
I nodded. We were silent for a moment, and I decided to give him the heart, liver and kidneys, which he devoured immediately. It made me wonder about Vrith, who was still eating his ribs. How did the Resistance get food? How was he so strong, and less famished than a Betterment Captain?
My son spent the whole night scanning our books. Most of them were already in the digital collection, but eighty books out of three hundred were still enough to last many hours after sunset. Vrith helped, and later helped scan the covers of those who didn't have them in digital form.
He flipped through one of the volumes, admiring the engravings. “These pre-Betterment books are a treasure, Uncle. I shall take good care of them.”
“Good,” I said, tightly packing our blankets inside of the incubators to save space. I went to Nazla’s room, but could not bring myself to touch anything. As though by some miracle, she could return one day and would like it all undisturbed. “See to it nobody enters the sun-facing room.”
“I shall block the door with a bookcase, for our time here.”
I nodded. She always hated when we moved her things.
The night gave way to day, and we stood outside our home for what we knew to be the last time. Everything we could carry was in suitcases, boxes, or incubation chambers. Verazel insisted we did not need to bring my incubators, because Captain Shathel had told him humans would not like it. That the apes saw cattle not as “pets”, but as fellow people. It seemed ridiculous to me, but even then, they might adopt them and raise them as their own. There should still be use in producing them, then. I could hardly believe that he would take Shathel’s words over mine. I should have slit that snake’s throat when I had the chance. My skills were the only tool at our disposal, and we would have to make use of them somehow. Better to have the tools and not need them, than need them and not have them.
Vrith’s smuggler arrived on a ship large as a carrier for fighters, with a dozen modules haphazardly attached, and additional propulsion on its “wings” for added speed. There was no doubt in my mind that this was a smuggler’s ship, designed for speed and cargo over all other needs.
The air around us swirled as it landed, then settled into a gentle breeze. The ramp slid down, and our pilot stepped out of the ship.
The years had gifted her new scars, but she was as lovely as ever, her tail just as powerful, her claws just as sharp. She looked as strong as she had the day I met her, perhaps stronger. My eyes became glued to her, my heart indecisive on whether to beat faster or stop altogether. I stared, immobile.
Verazel was the first to speak. “Thank you for escorting us to the humans. I am Verazel, and my father is Veroth.”
“...Yes, I know,” Isath said. I noticed for the first time that, while I had been busy staring at her, she had been staring at him. Has she ever seen her son before? I wondered. Perhaps in one of our commercials. Almost certainly not in person. Verazel had set foot outside the farm perhaps a dozen times in his life, never for more than a day.
She smiled, and dipped her snout. “I’m very happy to meet you, Verazel. You look like a fine young man.”
“Thank you,” he said. “May I carry our luggage onto your ship?”
“Of course. Your rooms should have plenty of space,” she said, “I’ve marked the doors with a red claw, and whatever does not fit can go into the empty storage compartment, second door on the left in the main hallway.”
For years I had imagined Isath’s arrival back on the farm. I never imagined her first words to Verazel would include directions. “Isath, you are–”
“I’m sure we have much to discuss!” she said, her voice loud enough to startle me. “You have always enjoyed talking… We can do so on the way.”
I did not understand why she interrupted me, but I decided to simply grab my luggage, and follow after my son.
submitted by Eager_Question to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:36 Putrid_Complaint_233 Season 2 ep 7

This is the first time I’ve ever watched this show in its entirety. In 2021… I caught two episodes while traveling for work in a hotel. I’ve been browsing for a show to watch and remembered how intrigued I was. So for the last week I’ve been glued and watching it every chance I get.
Shauna just put her bloody knuckles into the snow. I had to hit pause and see if there was a group for this show on Reddit.
I’m sitting here bawling my eyes out… like I’m sure a lot of people have. It’s so primal and gut wrenching to watch and feel. But with the song lightening crashes by live. That topped it off for me. Shauna dancing oblivious to the lyrics, Which I’m sure the writers did on purpose.
My son died in 2012 when he was 3 months old. He wasn’t gaining weight. He went from breast milk to 4-5 different kinds of formula. His belly couldn’t hold any thing down. At 3 months he still was the size of a newborn. A few years after he passed this song came on and I actually listened to the lyrics randomly. Then googled and read. In 2019 I drove 3 states away to go to epicenter to see them as a Mother’s Day gift to myself. They played Sunday may the 12th on Mother’s Day. I sat there on the ground and cried the whole time. I couldn’t keep myself from crying. That primal instinct to wanna beat someone’s face in that comes with that type of pain. Watching shauna beat lotties face in like that. Of all the songs they could of played during that scene. Sorry if I’m rambling. I had to tell someone.
submitted by Putrid_Complaint_233 to Yellowjackets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:36 collie_kulitz Getting a rejection letter is better than getting ghosted

They gave me a trial article that I worked on for 3 days. I saw the article published on their website with some alterations the next day and never heard back from them after that. They said they would pay me regardless if I succeeded or not but it’s been more than a week and not even a single email. Sent several follow up emails and even tried calling but nothing- just crickets.
I feel so shitty… I have always dreamed of working for this company so it hurts a lot that they think I don’t even deserve a formal rejection so I can at least move on and get closure. They can keep their money, all I want is a yes or no especially since I first applied to this company in March and it’s already June. I just want to vent… I know I should probably move on… I know but it doesn’t change the fact that I feel horrible.
submitted by collie_kulitz to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:36 throwaway284993920 Feeling hopeless for next year

Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this
I’ve been bedrotting in my free time ever since grade 9 and I’m afraid it might get worse next year, since I’m an incoming first year student. Honestly, I’m not sure how I even got into UBC with how few extracurriculars I do have, especially since I’ve contributed almost nothing to the clubs I am part of.
I don’t have motivation to do anything but lay in bed all day and scroll social media and I’m beginning to feel worried about how I’ll manage when everyone else seems to have more skills, hobbies, and projects than I do since they actually do things throughout the day. Is there any hope left for me, or am I actually screwed?
I really do want to get high enough grades to specialize in what I want but I don’t know if I’ll have enough motivation to do so.
submitted by throwaway284993920 to ubcengineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:36 Foxfire_vixen How do I go about trading bridesmaids?

I'm getting married in about 3.5 months. A few days ago one of my bridesmaids informed me that she would be starting clinicals in October, but wouldn't be receiving her new schedule for SeptembeOctober until the last week of August so shes unsure whether or not she will have out weekend off for it. I knew when I asked her to be in my bridal party that she was in school, But I know nothing of the medical field and how their schooling works. She let me know that if I need to replace her I can, but I wanted to try and see whether her husband (groomsman) would be coming still. I have a couple girls I can choose from ,but how do I go about messaging either gal? I don't want to seem mean ,but I cant be waiting until August to get a new girl and have her get a new dress and more in only 3 weeks. Plus i'm ordering custom items for the girls with their names so I really won't have time to order stuff then either. I just don't want the new gal to feel like I'm just picking her because I need someone last second. I'm at a loss. I've never done this before as this is my first marriage.
submitted by Foxfire_vixen to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:36 FileGato Guys, I propose that we belive on fanfics instead of the canon history of the games

Okay guys... my proposal is that instead of following the game's clues that are too vague, everyone takes what they want, make their fanfic/au and then we all share that in a fun way. We will take only what we want from the games to avoid fights over unnecessary theories
Does your canon not match mine? It doesn't matter, both are canon as neither is. Do you like to think that CC did the bite in '83 and it was all a hallucination of Fredbear because of the hatred he has for CC for biting him? Forward ¿Do you think Bonnie is blue? obviously it is, do you think it's green? well, nobody stops you Does a fan have a different theory than you? It doesn't matter, you can just watch similar alternate universes, Did the canon disconfirm your favorite theory? You keep believing what you want, It's your personal interpretation either way
(This is a joke post...although I'm nowhere near doing it because of how complicated it is for me to follow the "story" with only random data in sight. I think that the path that steel wools is taking to maintain so much mystery 10 years after fnaf one is unnecessary at this point... and that all the theories are also starting to be somewhat silly, I mean, it doesn't matter how many theories you make, with how many arguments, While we don't have a confirmed story, tomorrow we could wake up and William Afton has been henry ex and Charlotte his adopted daughter or Freddy could have been a real bear all this time, as long as it continues to give money and the possibility of making more games)
The fun thing about solving mysteries is the satisfaction that everything fits together, but that years-old theories are changed in... well, 10 years later instead of one or two games it doesn't seem so fun anymore. Much less the constant fights that I find outside of reditt.
I love fnaf, but if putting together the story or theorizing stops being fun and becomes frustrating, then what's the point really? What keeps the franchise alive shouldn't just be theorizing... it does keep it quite active, but there are still people making fangames, playing (and buying... which is actually what keeps the games alive), making art, waiting for new projects. for fun
clearly theorizing is something that makes fnaf...well, fnaf. But that 10 years after the first game we can still move the dates of the first three games, characters appear that apparently "were always there" knowing that obviously Scott did not have everything planned from the beginning and YES, he has changed some things like maybe I present them at the beginning... fighting so much over a couple of theories is really not worth it, and if that is not worth it... then is it worth hiding so much history? I think that as fans who have been (in general) giving so much time, money and love to the franchise we deserve to be able to know the story, or do you really think that when the last Fnaf game comes out everything will be resolved? Probably not, and after that in a few years the fandom will slowly stop being active in the same we will be left without ever knowing what became of the franchise we once loved.
I repeat, I love Fnaf and I admire the work of Scott and Steel Wools, or other people who officially work on this franchise. But I really hope that one day, even just one day, they will truly tell us what happened instead of letting everything float around.
Btw, This was going to be a joke post that wouldn't last more than two paragraphs and I think it still is, I just got reflective- 😭
In short: Just be happy with your own timelines, headcanons and theories guys... even if they go against everything the games tell us/j But if it truly helps you reduce how stressful the fandom CAN be, then why not? As long as you don't bother anyone rudely, really, I left the fandom once for this
And steel wols with scott, I really love his work but it's really not necessary to leave everything a mystery... or at least don't let so much time pass to "clarify" things, really 10 years 😭😭
posted on reditt because my friends can't stand me talking about fnaf anymore ugu
submitted by FileGato to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:36 butterflycole Why do they have to be legally married?

So, here is the thing I don’t understand. Why do they have to go through an actual legal and binding marriage with a stranger? Why can’t it be a trial marriage and every week they either decide to continue or they go their separate ways? Or they try things out until decision day and then decide whether they want to continue being together? Like a set timed experiment. That’s what I don’t understand.
I know the show is called “Married at First Sight,” but the premise is stupid. If you look at India and Indian Matchmaking they have been using a matchmaking system for a very long time and it has fairly high success rates. The people and their parents work with a matchmaker and the matchmaker sends them these “biodatas,” about people who have the major criteria they are looking for in a partner. Not just financially but personality wise and culture wise, and the families weigh in. Then they decide who they want to go on a date with and if they are both interested in getting to know each other more then their families meet each other.
I think that’s why it’s such a successful system, they aren’t just curating a blank checklist of people, they’re looking at character, life goals, ideas about work and family, financial goals, how their families and cultures blend. Essentially where they align on core values. That’s how you should be approaching an arranged marriage.
The people who go on MAFS are delusional at best and train wrecks at their worst. It actually doesn’t make for good TV, I think the show is going to lose viewers the more it goes on with this refuse pile of emotionally unhealthy people who truly are just seeking some fantasy or viewing marriage as some special level adult unlock or something.
My husband and I have been together 18 years and married for 17 years. We were acquaintances for a couple of years before we dated, some shared social circles but never single at the same time. We really started connecting when both of us transferred to different universities from the community college where we met. We were both struggling a bit in that every person we met on campus was new, a new friendship that you couldn’t really talk about the deeper stuff with yet and it made us both feel a bit lonely. So, we started talking on the phone pretty much daily, just about our experiences at school and our interests and such and after a couple of months I drove the hour and a half to visit him and we just seriously fell for each other.
We were both in a place where we had dated enough people to know what we didn’t want in a spouse and what we did want in a life partner. We talked about EVERYTHING, money, kids, life goals, religion, politics, domestic responsibilities, hopes, fears. I mean all of it. Got engaged after 9 months and 4 months after that we got married on our one year anniversary. We were 22 and broke and everyone thought we were crazy.
I think the best marriages are based on a foundation of friendship, connection, vulnerability, and honesty. It takes ongoing work in conversations, compromises, disagreements, and when life throws some hard slugs at you you’ve got to have each other’s backs. It’s not 50/50 it’s 100/100.
That’s how you build a successful marriage, we are living proof. We have been through really hard things together, a special needs child, miscarriages, financial troubles, secondary infertility, serious health issues, career setbacks. It has not been a perfect or easy road but we made it through because we built a strong foundation and we have each other’s backs. If we can make it through all of that and still be madly in love with each other, have great chemistry, and be truly ourselves, then anyone can do it.
I wish MAFS wasn’t a train wreck, I want to see people with actual substance and character really build something fantastic together, grow as people, and begin to move from New Relationship Energy to increasing love and affection. That’s what we want to root for right? People to actually connect and grow, not to traumatize and demean each other and themselves.
Maybe it’s just me 🤷🏼‍♀️
TLDR-You can just read the last paragraph but if you want the key to build a marriage that lasts read all of it 😉
submitted by butterflycole to MarriedAtFirstSight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:35 GreatRecipeCollctr29 Cookie Recipes that We All Love from Popular Bakeries Either Across America or Regionally in Several States

I am compiling recipes found on the Internet of cookies recipes found in popular bakeries, cookie shops from across America or regionally in several states.
If you have any cookie recipes that you know of please post the name of the cookies - then links. So other members may be interested making these to satisfy our cravings.
Specialty's Cafe and Bakery: Chocolate chip cookies either Semi-sweet chocolate chips, Semi-sweet chocolate chips with walnuts, White Chocolate Macadamia Nuts -
Black & White -
Oatmeal Wheatgerm Chocolate chip - Omit the pecans for the original kind of healthiest cookie but has a texture of a granola bar -
Pecan Sandies -
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip -
Fudge Brownies (whether it is plain, with walnuts or peanut butter chips) -
Snickerdoodles -
Note: Specialty's uses Guittard Semi-sweet chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips on their chocolate chip cookies. They also use Guittard's Au Lait White Chocolate chips on their black and white. After mixing the cookie dough and folding the chips and nuts, it is advisable to fold in the ingredients until it is evenly distributed into the cookie dough. Then scoop out either 3.5 oz or beige scoop (standard cookie size in 1990s to 2014), then reduced to 2 oz (standard blue scoop). Scoop them onto a parchment paper lined container in a single layer. Then put another layer of cardboard & parchment paper, add another single layer of cookies. Cover with plastic film and let it refrigerate and rest the cookies overnight to 24 hours.
Next day, preheat oven to 350F (conventional) or 325F (convection). Place the cookies 1.5" to 2" apart from each other on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake cookies for 14 to 15 minutes or until edges are golden brown but soft on centers.
As for black and whites, preheat oven to oven's instructions from the recipe. But cook for 12- 13 minutes to avoid chocolate from burning.
We remove the cookies from the oven, and let it cool on the baking sheets for 5 to 10 minutes to avoid breaking the cookies. People go crazy when our cookies came straight from the oven. We advise them to wait at the alloted time. Then cookies are packed in a slanted to vertical position in boxes. If it were packaged flat, they would crumble.
They also used Gold Medal Blue Label for all of their cookies.
Panera's Kitchen Sink Cookies -
Levain Bakery's Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Chips -
Levain Bakery's Chocolate Chip Walnut -
Black and White cookie from NYC -
Crumbl Cookies:
Pink Sugar Cookie -
Master document of all retired cookie flavors from Crumbl Cookies -
Follow this link and click on them to make your favorite to suit your cravings.
Cornbread cookie -
The Original Cookie Company's Butter cookie recipe -
Corner Bakery & Cafe Oatmeal Cookies -
Mrs. Field's Cookie base recipe -
Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookies -
Double Tree Chocolate Chip cookies -
Reddit's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe posted from FoodPorn -
Reddit's Best Gooeist Brownie Recipe posted from Baking -
Tate's Bakeshop thin chocolate chip cookies -
They also use Gold Medal Blue label ap flour for making their cookies. Most bakeries use this brand. Others might use a different brand depending how the flour was milled and how much protein it contains. 10% to 11% protein is ideal used by professional bakers and pastry chefs at commercial kitchens and manufacturing companies.
Good luck baking! Enjoy, have fun! Share these treats!
submitted by GreatRecipeCollctr29 to TopSecretRecipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:35 Inevitable_Way_3174 Day 1 down

I know it's only one day but I feel making an update here will help me stay in the right mindset going forward. Though it was a fairly easy first day. Was busy all day and had no time to relapse. The real challenge is tomorrow where I'll have a fair bit of free time. 🤞
submitted by Inevitable_Way_3174 to NoFap [link] [comments]