24 hour notice letter

Animal Frens

2011.11.30 02:08 VAPFW Animal Frens

Welcome to frens! This subreddit is about animals who are friends with other animals (For example: Ducks snuggling up with dogs, Cows playing tag with cats, etc). This is the place to share pictures, stories, videos, and gifs of animal friendships.

2015.12.07 05:02 woofe woofe whats for lumch haha

This is a subreddit devoted to cute little animols such as puppers, cates and turtols, and all sorts of other cute animols :)

2014.11.13 06:05 Best of Legal Advice (BOLA) ~ Meta discussion of r/legaladvice

Meta discussion of the best posts from legaladvice and related subs

2024.06.10 16:33 Overall-Charity-4896 YOLOv8-OBB Nano on artificial dataset: Model Produces Poor Results for Thin and Long Objects

YOLOv8-OBB Nano on artificial dataset: Model Produces Poor Results for Thin and Long Objects
Description: During model inference, there is a noticeable issue with the detection of thin and long objects but none on the other types. These objects tend to be poorly detected, with significant cropping occurring along their edges. This problem persists despite the availability of ample artificial data for training purposes. FYI, problem is also present in YOLOv8-Detect (non oriented bounding boxes)
Dataset: I use my own artificial dataset. You can check my repo here: https://github.com/QuantumForgeEngineeartificial-obb-dataset
Investigation: I suspect the issue may stem from the probiou metric used in the loss function. Their author are saying that there might be problems on large aspect ratio objects but I don't think that my objects have a that big aspect ratio.
Expected Behavior: The model should accurately detect and delineate thin and long objects without significant cropping or misalignment along their edges.
Additional Information:
Dataset: Artificial dataset of simple shapes (squares + rectangles) Model Architecture: YOLOv8-OBB
I would appreciate any insights or suggestions regarding the root cause of this issue. I can use mmrotate but I would rather avoid this solution.


Ultralytics YOLOv8.1.42 šŸš€ Python-3.9.18 torch-2.1.1+cu118 CUDA:0 (Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB, 32501MiB) Setup complete āœ… (32 CPUs, 376.6 GB RAM, 6595.6/7333.6 GB disk)
OS Linux-5.19.0-32-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 Environment Linux Python 3.9.18 Install git RAM 376.57 GB CPU Intel Xeon Gold 6144 3.50GHz CUDA 11.8
matplotlib āœ… 3.8.2>=3.3.0 numpy āœ… 1.24.4>=1.22.2 opencv-python āœ…>=4.6.0 pillow āœ… 10.1.0>=7.1.2 pyyaml āœ… 6.0.1>=5.3.1 requests āœ… 2.31.0>=2.23.0 scipy āœ… 1.10.1>=1.4.1 torch āœ… 2.1.1+cu118>=1.8.0 torchvision āœ… 0.16.1+cu118>=0.9.0 tqdm āœ… 4.66.1>=4.64.0 psutil āœ… 5.9.7 py-cpuinfo āœ… 9.0.0 thop āœ… 0.1.1-2209072238>=0.1.1 pandas āœ… 2.0.3>=1.1.4 seaborn āœ… 0.13.0>=0.11.0

Minimal Reproducible Example

import torch from ultralytics import YOLO import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Polygon import cv2 model = YOLO('best.pt', task='obb') # I can share the model if required img_path = "test_example.png" img_tensor = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # I modified the code to accept grayscale images img_tensor = img_tensor[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] # H, W -> B, C, H, W img_tensor = torch.Tensor(img_tensor) res = model.predict(img_tensor) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7)) ax[0].imshow(res[0].orig_img.mean(axis=-1), aspect='auto') ax[0].set_title(f'Ground Truth') # Preds ax[1].imshow(res[0].orig_img.mean(axis=-1), aspect='auto') for (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4) in res[0].obb.xyxyxyxy: x1 = x1.to("cpu") y1 = y1.to("cpu") x2 = x2.to("cpu") y2 = y2.to("cpu") x3 = x3.to("cpu") y3 = y3.to("cpu") x4 = x4.to("cpu") y4 = y4.to("cpu") xy = ( (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4) ) # Create a rectangle patch representing the bounding box bbox = Polygon(xy, linewidth=0.9, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax[1].add_patch(bbox) ax[1].set_title(f'Predictions') ``` 
submitted by Overall-Charity-4896 to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:32 greenlaser73 Slay-by-Comment Season 7 Day 58: Spiked Slime implies the existence of Non-Alcoholic Slime. Whatā€™s our play? Whatever comment is most upvoted in 24 hours is what weā€™ll do.

Slay-by-Comment Season 7 Day 58: Spiked Slime implies the existence of Non-Alcoholic Slime. Whatā€™s our play? Whatever comment is most upvoted in 24 hours is what weā€™ll do. submitted by greenlaser73 to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:32 Plus-Molasses1280 How do I offer below 60%

How do I offer below 60%
I donā€™t understand what it means by message seller to send the offer šŸ˜­ can the seller only send it?
submitted by Plus-Molasses1280 to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:29 SnooDoodles3055 Stats bug ???

Hey guys, Iā€™m level 110 and noticed my stats are bugged out, as much as I donā€™t actually wanna know how many hours Iā€™ve put into it I know itā€™s a lot more than 23hours lol. Is there any way to fix this ??
submitted by SnooDoodles3055 to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:29 evoanonix Need advice regarding TRT bloods came through this morning..results attached

Need advice regarding TRT bloods came through this morning..results attached
What I didnā€™t realise prior to taking my bloods is that youā€™re meant to take bloods at trough..so my bloods were taken approx 3 hours after my Monday morning injection. Iā€™m on 250mg a week of Test E (125mg taken twice weekly Monday AM & Thurs PM) my test level natural before TRT was 650ng/dl
I was only taking 200mg for the first couple of weeks and been taking 250mg for the last four. Anyway yeah please find all my levels attached and feel free to discuss and point me in the right direction. My test is at 66.6 nmol/L which equates to 1920 ng/dl and free test 2.132 so my test levels have tripled on just 200/250mg per week
Whats worrying me is my other hormones (mainly Oestradiol) and my lipids? 379 pmol/L e2. How raised are these expected to be due to taking bloods after my injection? Always suffered with a bit of gyno even as a kid with a very healthy bmi. Havenā€™t noticed any growth on TRT certainly no pain but slight sensitivity perhaps. Some days my sex drive is through the roof and other days itā€™s not. Really depends on a day to day basis
Doctor said my LH and FSH is low which is to be expected on TRT. She also said that my prolactin level is raised but nothing to be concerned about at this level
Would you recommend an AI and are there any supplements I can use to improve my lipids etc
submitted by evoanonix to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:29 brevy1618 My battery health has dropped 1% every week for the past month

My battery health has dropped 1% every week for the past month submitted by brevy1618 to batteryhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:28 Prudent-Lychee6479 Oh my

Oh my submitted by Prudent-Lychee6479 to shittytattoos [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:28 -andthanksforthefish Posting here so I donā€™t text him

Itā€™s been 3 months+ of no contact. I donā€™t want to ruin all that progress.
But, fuck, I miss him so much. Being alone has been good for me. I know that. Itā€™s given me time to reflect and to think about the kind of life I want to live and the kind of person I want to be.
But I miss him so much. I miss laughing with him. I miss talking about all the weird and wonderful ideas and thoughts we have. I miss debating him. I miss his raspy voice. I miss him singing for me. I miss him brushing my hair. I miss watching him work. I miss the way heā€™d pull me into his chest. I miss reading him the love letters Iā€™d write him. I miss the dates heā€™d surprise me with.
I miss showing him movies and shows that I liked and how weā€™d discuss them for hours. I miss our passionate kisses. I miss the fun weā€™d have when heā€™d teach me to play a new game he liked. He was so very patient with me. I miss his calmness. I miss his comfort. I didnā€™t know what comfort felt like until I met him. I miss how he would create space for me to be vulnerable. I miss how I felt I could be honest with him about anything and everything, because he never ever weaponised anything I told him in confidence. I miss making him breakfast. I miss how he would bring me back a sweet treat every time he was presented with the opportunity.
I miss convincing him to stay up later because I wanted to keep hanging out. I miss giving him massages, which were his favourite. I miss how sweet he was with kids. I miss how he would rub my feet after Iā€™d had a long day. I miss hanging out with our families together. I miss our knees touching under the dinner table or his arm loosely around my hips.
I miss watching him get along with my friends. I miss turning him on and doing something about it. I miss turning him on and doing nothing about it. I miss his smile, his smirk and his laugh. I miss wrestling around in bed. I miss putting together little gifts for him. I miss going to pretty places. I miss staying out all night together because heā€™d always make sure I was safe. I miss exploring new cities and new forests. I miss playing with him at the beach. I miss reading to him my favourite books. I miss the sweet good night kisses. I miss being in his arms.
I miss loving him.
I miss being loved by him.
submitted by -andthanksforthefish to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:28 BlueLensFlares Questions Regarding Batch API

I'm familiar with the OpenAI API but new to the batch API. Just some questions.
1) Does anyone have experience with the behavior of the Batch API? Has there been any difference in quality from using the synchronous API? Have you encountered any issues with the Batch API? We are using GPT-4o.
2) Does it matter if I decide to send 1000 batches a day of one line JSONL files, versus 10 100 line JSONL files? Does the frequency impact speed? Does the size of the JSONL file impact speed? Is the 24 hour window that is stated typically respected, and is it usually around 24 hours to complete?
Thanks -
submitted by BlueLensFlares to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 SnooRevelations2106 Erectionculture

Erectionculture submitted by SnooRevelations2106 to houseplantscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 nihilistic_pussycat My LDR bf(m27) isnt always honest with me and i just learned that he keeps the fact that im (f26) here to visit him a secret. What should i do?

my bf (m27) and i (f26) have been in a LDR for almost 2 years. During the duration of our relationship, bcus my work is more flexible i come to see him as much as i can and my visa requirement allowed (Im Uk and he is French).
Most stays last 3 weeks -2.5 months each time. I flew to see him 5 times in total. And he came to see me 1 time of two weeks in March 2023. I always feel bad putting so much efforts into our relationship - organizing and managing my life responsibilities so i can come to see him since he canā€™t take holidays.
We fought often bcus i feel neglected not by just being the one who travels more but also needs are not met. He couldnā€™t provide me time and attention. We do communicate about our issues but it is mostly me talking and him being quiet.
Last time we were apart in Mar 24, we had a bad argument about me wanting love from him and he isnt not being honest with me and i feel insecured. Then his friends came and visited him during that time and told him to break up with me because i make him depressed and i am a danger to him since they heard his side of story and saw him crying.
He called me with his friends instructing him what to do and broke up with me. I told him to call me again when they are gone and we can talk like real couple.
Later we made up and began making progress. He went to get diagnosed and is doing therapy for depression. I thought we were making progress and decided to book a flight to see him in May for 6 weeks. I booked the flight since we always talk about coming to see each other and he told me he wants me there whenever.
However, a few weeks after i booked the flight - he told me one of his friends who was also the one who advised him to break up with me was having a wedding and her wedding was during the time im coming over and he would have to travel to see her and i would be left alone that weekend if i were here.
We agreed to postpone my flight to a week later since he wouldnā€™t take me to the wedding. I was ok i could make the sacrifice and see him one week less. I did and covered all the financial expenses for the change and even planned to do a 24hrs layover so i wouldnā€™t land on the day of his friendā€™s wedding but a day later so he could come and pick me up at the airport without having to miss the wedding or have the pressure of choosing between me or her.
This trip had been amazing. He complained about having less time together and wanting more. I woke up at 4-5am everyday to do my remote work as im working in gmt+7 time and he goes to work from 9-6 on weekdays so we enjoyed whatever time we have together and he told me he is happy again. Very happy. He wants us everyday.
We still discuss about how to work on our issues and trying to make progress so we can both feel secured and loved.
One more thing to note - he was doing a major house moving and i was the one helping him move. Then i started noticing he would take update pics of the move without me unlike before and started doubting our relationship wanting to know who is hiding me from.
And i found out yesterday that his friends who he was at her wedding a day before i landed doesnā€™t even know im here and he is keeping me a secret. I asked him why and he said his friends think i am a danger to him and that they will pressure him to break up with me and they will see him as a weak person for continuing our relationship. I feel so gutted and unappreciated with him sending them update pics of his life or moves and i was the one doing most things. And i finally piece it together that he was talking to her in a car so she wouldnā€™t hear my voice and know that im here.
I told him i cant live with the dishonesty anymore. Needing to look for clues and find out the truth. But i love him very much and it also seems like we are not healthy for each other.
Im looking for advice of what we can do. But i feel so hurt being kept as a secret. And this isnt the frist time he broke my trust or omit some important facts about himself. I want to move on from this
TDLR; we are in a LDR. I come to visit him and he is hiding the fact that im currently here from his friend because they think im a danger to him.
submitted by nihilistic_pussycat to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 Commercial_Yogurt687 To take the pay cut or not?

I am 25 and have worked in a car dealership for the last 5 years, I started when I was 19 writing service for oil changes and such, I worked 5 days a week a 10 hour days and was off on weekends, the job ended getting to me mentally and I just never left the place even when I was home, so I put in my two week notice, on the final day of my two week I was offfered a job in sales where Iā€™d make more money but itā€™s commission only, fast forward 3 years through covid and such and Iā€™m making 100k a year, they pay my monthly healthcare premium and participate in a 401k profit sharing and match. I am working 50-60 hours a week with Sunday off and a random day off in the week 10 hour days and no lunches or breaks (you take your lunch and could miss your chance at a sale), and I hate it, the sales stress to meet quota is weighing on me all the time, and my managers are all mid 50s with no intention to retire, so upwards mobility is not a guarantee, my managers berate us for taking time off and make fun of other sales people for pretty much anything, theyā€™ve made one guy cry countless times. I dread going in every day, my anxiety has hit a point where itā€™s constant dread, my doctor tells me to leave to get away from stress. My fiancĆ© and I just bought a house and she is working as well, and she has told me she doesnā€™t care what I make she just wants ā€œmeā€ back. Iā€™ve kind of been offered a job with a local school district as a secretary making 40 grand a year. I am considering taking this just get away from a job that genuinely feels like itā€™s killing me, what has been any one else experience with leaving a job to feel better? We could most likely make such a pay cut work but Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll trade this work stress for money stress
submitted by Commercial_Yogurt687 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 DigBeeg69 Survival: How I Turned my Life Around

At the age of 8, I was exposed to some bad things. Coincidentally, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes shortly after the incident. I was in such a bad state. I had nosebleeds every few hours and starved myself until my bones showed on my skin. I was a kid who weighed about 30 pounds total.
After that, the abuse continued in my family and followed me into my teenage years. I was locked up most of the time. I was only allowed to go out with my friends a total of 4 times, and both times under very strict rules. One time I forgot to look at the time and my abusive father found me in his car. I knew what would happen after that.
The abuse continued for years afterwards. My father was then sent to prison and I eventually became homeless at the age of 12. To survive, I had to eat leftovers from a nearby bakery. These leftovers were usually frozen and days old. I was grateful for the food I had.
My father's old friends took pity on me and took me into their garage. The garage was a very cold place and in a very bad state. There was mold everywhere, rats and no carpet. However, there was a fireplace, and as it was winter at the time, I was very grateful. Although I only had a Tshirt and no backpack, I continued to go to school. I had nothing, of course, so the only drive I had in life was to get good grades. After all, I had no other way to entertain myself, and I desperately wanted to be good at something, and I was. I was a straight A student kids avoided, but I was VERY grateful. That meant a lot to me. To me, it meant that I had a decent chance at life.
Then my dad got out of prison and the abuse started again. I was 13 at the time, then he went back to prison and this time I lived in a random inmate's basement. There was a carpet, beds and even a TV. I was very grateful. But I was starving, and the inmate abused my mother.
Anyway, a lot of bad things happened after that. I enrolled in a high school and tried to do the same thing I did before, but my body gave up. As a diabetic, I really had to take good care of myself 24/7. My mom finally had some support to help me, but it was too late. In 2014, at the age of 15, I attempted S and dropped out of high school.
The following years after that were bad. The bullying, the criminal side of my father's family, and the abuse continued, but I tried to pick myself up year after year. And really, year after year, day after day, things got a little better.
I will leave out my overdose and the two comas I was in. I will also leave out that I got two blood clots at the ages of 17 and 19. Maybe even the part about why I became an alcoholic in my early 20s.
But I am sober now. I have a steady, normal job. No one can abuse me anymore. I live comfortably in my apartment and live with my dog. I have forgiven my father and even talk to him from time to time. He regrets everything he did, which means very little to me, but I want my heart to stay pure till my last day.
I wrote this post to tell you that it's okay to choose to try. It doesn't have to be terrible. Choosing to live (PERIOD), live better, be better and act better is brave. I know we all have different lives, but life had a funny yet terrifying way of showing me that in the end, it's all about trying. When I tried, I failed. I've had many trials in life, and many more I left out. If you can take anything away from my story, it's the realization that it's just as important to try as it is to succeed. One cannot exist without the other. I hope you can all take something from this story to help you in some say. Life couldnā€™t beat me, because thereā€™s life in me. Itā€™s in all of us. And you have control over it, even when you donā€™t. ā¤ļø
submitted by DigBeeg69 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:27 ImmaPhotog Took our 6x12 across country on its first journey fully completed

Took our 6x12 across country on its first journey fully completed
After back to back 18 hour and 22 hour days of driving, we made it back home to Alabama from Wyoming. Truck is a Ford Maverick Hybrid.
The trip was absolutely amazing, so much wildlife and great scenery, and Iā€™m glad that our camper stayed together. We visited Grand Teton for one week and Yellowstone for another. Now for the deets.
We used a little over 200 gallons of fuel, and hand calculated the average came out to be 23 MPG. Towing seemed to average around 20 MPG with lowest of 14 in some nasty headwinds. About 3800 miles of the trip was actual pulling the camper. Not towing was averaging in 60ā€™s in National Park. In regards to weight, please see CAT Scale ticket. Really happy as we were hoping to keep the build at around 2K lbs and we seem to be at about 2,200 lbs with tongue weight and all our geafood included. Went down a 7% grade for 5 miles coming out of East Yellowstone and the truck held great in tow/haul and L. No physical brakes needed except slowing down for sharp corners. Otherwise, on small hills and flats we towed in Eco mode for smoothness. Tow/Haul just felt kind of snappy in pedal and seat-of-pants like it was ready to take off at any time. Power is plenty and I would say adding trailer brakes later might be appreciated, but certainly did not feel required.
Wife drove it for probably 15 hours and she did great and felt comfortable, even with never pulling a trailer before or hauling anything!
Interior pictures of trailer is also included, it is a 6 x 12 enclosed that we built out everything ourselves over the course of eight months. The only thing I would do differently is maybe spend extra for the aluminum framing instead of the steel frame that would save some weight, but we seem to be OK. We are fully insulated except the floor and our window covers are made with double layer reflectix, but thick socks help the cold floor.
This project was the most difficult thing we have ever done, but we are so happy with it and learned so much throughout our time building it!! We also saved a ton of money vs. buying something off the RV lot.
Still have some fuses and maybe an extra battery and solar panels to add, however the current electrical setup is 2000W Harbor Freight MSW inverter (runs our projector fine), Victron 15A shore power charger, 100AH LifePO4, and 200 watts of solar on top. For water we just use two 5 gallon Scepter containers under sink, with a 12v pump we switch on and off.
DIY composting toilet in the front wall in V Nose with some storage shelves on each side.
Thanks for reading this far and I will try to answer any other questions best I can!
submitted by ImmaPhotog to cargocamper [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:26 nihilistic_pussycat Should i break up with my ldr bf who keeping me a secret from his friends

my bf (m27) and i (f26) have been in a LDR for almost 2 years. During the duration of our relationship, bcus my work is more flexible i come to see him as much as i can and my visa requirement allowed (Im Uk and he is French).
Most stays last 3 weeks -2.5 months each time. I flew to see him 5 times in total. And he came to see me 1 time of two weeks in March 2023. I always feel bad putting so much efforts into our relationship - organizing and managing my life responsibilities so i can come to see him since he canā€™t take holidays.
We fought often bcus i feel neglected not by just being the one who travels more but also needs are not met. He couldnā€™t provide me time and attention. We do communicate about our issues but it is mostly me talking and him being quiet.
Last time we were apart in Mar 24, we had a bad argument about me wanting love from him and he isnt not being honest with me and i feel insecured. Then his friends came and visited him during that time and told him to break up with me because i make him depressed and i am a danger to him since they heard his side of story and saw him crying.
He called me with his friends instructing him what to do and broke up with me. I told him to call me again when they are gone and we can talk like real couple.
Later we made up and began making progress. He went to get diagnosed and is doing therapy for depression. I thought we were making progress and decided to book a flight to see him in May for 6 weeks. I booked the flight since we always talk about coming to see each other and he told me he wants me there whenever.
However, a few weeks after i booked the flight - he told me one of his friends who was also the one who advised him to break up with me was having a wedding and her wedding was during the time im coming over and he would have to travel to see her and i would be left alone that weekend if i were here.
We agreed to postpone my flight to a week later since he wouldnā€™t take me to the wedding. I was ok i could make the sacrifice and see him one week less. I did and covered all the financial expenses for the change and even planned to do a 24hrs layover so i wouldnā€™t land on the day of his friendā€™s wedding but a day later so he could come and pick me up at the airport without having to miss the wedding or have the pressure of choosing between me or her.
This trip had been amazing. He complained about having less time together and wanting more. I woke up at 4-5am everyday to do my remote work as im working in gmt+7 time and he goes to work from 9-6 on weekdays so we enjoyed whatever time we have together and he told me he is happy again. Very happy. He wants us everyday.
We still discuss about how to work on our issues and trying to make progress so we can both feel secured and loved.
One more thing to note - he was doing a major house moving and i was the one helping him move. Then i started noticing he would take update pics of the move without me unlike before and started doubting our relationship wanting to know who is hiding me from.
And i found out yesterday that his friends who he was at her wedding a day before i landed doesnā€™t even know im here and he is keeping me a secret. I asked him why and he said his friends think i am a danger to him and that they will pressure him to break up with me and they will see him as a weak person for continuing our relationship. I feel so gutted and unappreciated with him sending them update pics of his life or moves and i was the one doing most things. And i finally piece it together that he was talking to her in a car so she wouldnā€™t hear my voice and know that im here.
I told him i cant live with the dishonesty anymore. Needing to look for clues and find out the truth. But i love him very much and it also seems like we are not healthy for each other.
Im looking for advice of what we can do. But i feel so hurt being kept as a secret. And this isnt the frist time he broke my trust or omit some important facts about himself. I want to move on from this
TDLR; we are in a LDR. I come to visit him and he is hiding the fact that im currently here from his friend because they think im a danger to him.
submitted by nihilistic_pussycat to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:25 nihilistic_pussycat Im so hurt that my LDR keep the fact that im visiting him a secret from his friends

my bf (m27) and i (f26) have been in a LDR for almost 2 years. During the duration of our relationship, bcus my work is more flexible i come to see him as much as i can and my visa requirement allowed (Im Uk and he is French).
Most stays last 3 weeks -2.5 months each time. I flew to see him 5 times in total. And he came to see me 1 time of two weeks in March 2023. I always feel bad putting so much efforts into our relationship - organizing and managing my life responsibilities so i can come to see him since he canā€™t take holidays.
We fought often bcus i feel neglected not by just being the one who travels more but also needs are not met. He couldnā€™t provide me time and attention. We do communicate about our issues but it is mostly me talking and him being quiet.
Last time we were apart in Mar 24, we had a bad argument about me wanting love from him and he isnt not being honest with me and i feel insecured. Then his friends came and visited him during that time and told him to break up with me because i make him depressed and i am a danger to him since they heard his side of story and saw him crying.
He called me with his friends instructing him what to do and broke up with me. I told him to call me again when they are gone and we can talk like real couple.
Later we made up and began making progress. He went to get diagnosed and is doing therapy for depression. I thought we were making progress and decided to book a flight to see him in May for 6 weeks. I booked the flight since we always talk about coming to see each other and he told me he wants me there whenever.
However, a few weeks after i booked the flight - he told me one of his friends who was also the one who advised him to break up with me was having a wedding and her wedding was during the time im coming over and he would have to travel to see her and i would be left alone that weekend if i were here.
We agreed to postpone my flight to a week later since he wouldnā€™t take me to the wedding. I was ok i could make the sacrifice and see him one week less. I did and covered all the financial expenses for the change and even planned to do a 24hrs layover so i wouldnā€™t land on the day of his friendā€™s wedding but a day later so he could come and pick me up at the airport without having to miss the wedding or have the pressure of choosing between me or her.
This trip had been amazing. He complained about having less time together and wanting more. I woke up at 4-5am everyday to do my remote work as im working in gmt+7 time and he goes to work from 9-6 on weekdays so we enjoyed whatever time we have together and he told me he is happy again. Very happy. He wants us everyday.
We still discuss about how to work on our issues and trying to make progress so we can both feel secured and loved.
One more thing to note - he was doing a major house moving and i was the one helping him move. Then i started noticing he would take update pics of the move without me unlike before and started doubting our relationship wanting to know who is hiding me from.
And i found out yesterday that his friends who he was at her wedding a day before i landed doesnā€™t even know im here and he is keeping me a secret. I asked him why and he said his friends think i am a danger to him and that they will pressure him to break up with me and they will see him as a weak person for continuing our relationship. I feel so gutted and unappreciated with him sending them update pics of his life or moves and i was the one doing most things. And i finally piece it together that he was talking to her in a car so she wouldnā€™t hear my voice and know that im here.
I told him i cant live with the dishonesty anymore. Needing to look for clues and find out the truth. But i love him very much and it also seems like we are not healthy for each other.
i feel so hurt being kept as a secret. And this isnt the frist time he broke my trust or omit some important facts about himself. I want to move on from this
TDLR; we are in a LDR. I come to visit him and he is hiding the fact that im currently here from his friend because they think im a danger to him.
submitted by nihilistic_pussycat to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:25 RSPS_317 [USA NEW YORK] SnowRSPS - 3X Monthly - Discord Scrap Shop - Autokits - NEW Rust Console & Rust PC Servers - Lookup SNOWRSPS - Better than Wonkaland & Others - discord.gg/snowrsps

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submitted by RSPS_317 to ServersRustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:24 Difficult-Buy-4853 A demon found me last nightā€¦

Iā€™ve had sleep paralysis my entire life. Iā€™ve struggled with it here and there but ultimately have learned to not be afraid of it. I even see the spooky things sometimesā€¦ people wandering my rooms, dark shadows and figures. At times Iā€™ve felt as if I were being dragged under the bed. Even what appears to be dead people crying pleading for helpā€¦.
But last night was something different. I fell asleep on the couch next to my boyfriend.
Side note: my bf knows I struggled with sleep paralysis and can usually tell when Iā€™m in it and heā€™ll wake me up. I tend to have movement of my feet which Iā€™ll kick around until he notices or I wake myself up. I can also control eye movement and respirations.
So last night I wake up and Iā€™m in SP. Naturally I start moving my feet in hopes of waking him up next to me. But he was sound asleep. I figured Iā€™d have to wake myself up so I worked on moving my fingers and feet, I start recalling thoughts and memories of the day to help wake my mind up. And do some serial math problems. Then I opened my eyes to see if that would help me wake up (sometimes this works bc of the lights in the room, but it can be a gamble bc of what might be lingering there).
Well we have a mirror on the floor that weā€™ve been meaning to put up for sometime. And when I wake up, I look around the dimly lit room and see a man crawling around the couch. Crawling in a human body but with inhuman movementsā€¦ I only caught as he was going around the couch towards where my feet were. I got spooked. But thereā€™s always something so I wasnā€™t terrified. Just figured that I better wake up soon. I started moving more and more to wake up and then I caught a glimpse of the crawling man peering around the corner of the couch where my head was. I could see his reflection from the mirror that lay against the wall that was towards my feet. I was scared at this timeā€¦. As I felt like he could see meā€¦ so I stopped moving and pretended to be asleep. I laid as calm and still as I could and closed my eyes shut!
And then I could hear him crawling closer and closerā€¦ he got up to my face and I could feel him breathing on me. And he said with the deepest, darkest voiceā€¦ a voice that consumed the room where could hear nothing elseā€™sā€¦ he said in a mocking toneā€¦ ā€œwhat these last like 5 or 10 minutesā€¦ā€ referencing my sleep paralysis. ā€œLook at me!ā€
With each word I could feel the musky breath off of him. I could feel wind of my face and his voice was so loud that it hurt my ears.
He somehow knew that I was faking being asleep and knew that could see him. He kept yelling at me to open my eyes so I could witness him. But I held them closed. It felt so horrid and haunting. Darkā€¦ it was messing with meā€¦ it wouldnā€™t let up
And then finally it stopped. All went silent. I slowly took a deep breath and opened my eyes and THATS WHEN I SAW HIM. Waiting for me, inches from my face. A dark devilish man with an evil grin. He laughed as if it was happy to have tricked me. But what I saw was so horrible, so uglyā€¦ so realā€¦ that I panicked and screamed. It was a muffled scream as I was still in sleep paralysis and suddenly it became a full scream as I woke up.
My boyfriend sat me up shaking me thinking I was still asleep. I gasped and the first things out of my mouth was ā€œthereā€™s somebody in here with us!!!ā€ By this time I had tears in my eyesā€¦
Iā€™ve had my time with sleep paralysisā€¦ Iā€™ve seen lots of thingsā€¦ but this has been one of the worst. Itā€™s like this thing came for meā€¦ he knew I could see him and he wanted something out of me. I couldnā€™t sleep for hours afterwardsā€¦
Iā€™ve had SP on my own several times. And can be spooky but nothing like this one. Iā€™m staying at my bFs place rn. And there was one other time here that I saw someone standing in his closet while a hand with long fingers crept out while we slept.
I tend to sleep with a nightlight because of my SP. And this time we were on the cough watching Netflix when we both fell asleep.
submitted by Difficult-Buy-4853 to Sleepparalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:24 nihilistic_pussycat My LDR bf(m27) isnt always honest with me and i just learned that he keeps the fact that im (f26) here to visit him a secret. What should i do?

my bf (m27) and i (f26) have been in a LDR for almost 2 years. During the duration of our relationship, bcus my work is more flexible i come to see him as much as i can and my visa requirement allowed (Im Uk and he is French).
Most stays last 3 weeks -2.5 months each time. I flew to see him 5 times in total. And he came to see me 1 time of two weeks in March 2023. I always feel bad putting so much efforts into our relationship - organizing and managing my life responsibilities so i can come to see him since he canā€™t take holidays.
We fought often bcus i feel neglected not by just being the one who travels more but also needs are not met. He couldnā€™t provide me time and attention. We do communicate about our issues but it is mostly me talking and him being quiet.
Last time we were apart in Mar 24, we had a bad argument about me wanting love from him and he isnt not being honest with me and i feel insecured. Then his friends came and visited him during that time and told him to break up with me because i make him depressed and i am a danger to him since they heard his side of story and saw him crying.
He called me with his friends instructing him what to do and broke up with me. I told him to call me again when they are gone and we can talk like real couple.
Later we made up and began making progress. He went to get diagnosed and is doing therapy for depression. I thought we were making progress and decided to book a flight to see him in May for 6 weeks. I booked the flight since we always talk about coming to see each other and he told me he wants me there whenever.
However, a few weeks after i booked the flight - he told me one of his friends who was also the one who advised him to break up with me was having a wedding and her wedding was during the time im coming over and he would have to travel to see her and i would be left alone that weekend if i were here.
We agreed to postpone my flight to a week later since he wouldnā€™t take me to the wedding. I was ok i could make the sacrifice and see him one week less. I did and covered all the financial expenses for the change and even planned to do a 24hrs layover so i wouldnā€™t land on the day of his friendā€™s wedding but a day later so he could come and pick me up at the airport without having to miss the wedding or have the pressure of choosing between me or her.
This trip had been amazing. He complained about having less time together and wanting more. I woke up at 4-5am everyday to do my remote work as im working in gmt+7 time and he goes to work from 9-6 on weekdays so we enjoyed whatever time we have together and he told me he is happy again. Very happy. He wants us everyday.
We still discuss about how to work on our issues and trying to make progress so we can both feel secured and loved.
One more thing to note - he was doing a major house moving and i was the one helping him move. Then i started noticing he would take update pics of the move without me unlike before and started doubting our relationship wanting to know who is hiding me from.
And i found out yesterday that his friends who he was at her wedding a day before i landed doesnā€™t even know im here and he is keeping me a secret. I asked him why and he said his friends think i am a danger to him and that they will pressure him to break up with me and they will see him as a weak person for continuing our relationship. I feel so gutted and unappreciated with him sending them update pics of his life or moves and i was the one doing most things. And i finally piece it together that he was talking to her in a car so she wouldnā€™t hear my voice and know that im here.
I told him i cant live with the dishonesty anymore. Needing to look for clues and find out the truth. But i love him very much and it also seems like we are not healthy for each other.
Im looking for advice of what we can do. But i feel so hurt being kept as a secret. And this isnt the frist time he broke my trust or omit some important facts about himself. I want to move on from this
TDLR; we are in a LDR. I come to visit him and he is hiding the fact that im currently here from his friend because they think im a danger to him.
submitted by nihilistic_pussycat to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:24 justforthelulzz Chungdahm CDI Improving

Hi all, I noticed that Chungdahm gets a lot of flak on the sub so I wanted to share some details about it. I currently work there and Chungdahm are trying to improve things for their staff.
Holiday is now 15 days plus red days (if they fall on assessment weeks or first week of term, we don't get it off but do get overtime pay)
Salaries are increasing. For example experienced staff can get 3.5 (excluding housing but CDI cover key money amount)
One other clarification I should make about Chungdahm is about hours worked. I have seen people complaining that they have to prep at home and have to do loads of work. In my opinion that's false. I can easily roll up to a class with zero prep and still deliver a good class. Some weeks I am only working 24 hours but getting paid for 40. When intensives week (school holiday classes basically) rolls around I have to do more but I'm still only doing 30 hours teaching and getting paid for more.
All in all, I don't think my work at Chungdahm is bad. I understand it's very different from branch to branch but I feel like Chungdahm are trying to right their wrongs. It's not perfect but compared to what I have heard about other hagwons I count myself lucky.
I'll be happy to take any questions.
submitted by justforthelulzz to HagwonBlacklistKorea [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:23 FlowerMadison Paper Mario Boss Elimination Day 5: Sissiors has been eliminated! 92/96 bosses are left! Vote for the next boss to be eliminated! The most upvoted comment will make the boss leave the stage! Who will be the next one to get off the stage in the next 24 hours? You decide!

Paper Mario Boss Elimination Day 5: Sissiors has been eliminated! 92/96 bosses are left! Vote for the next boss to be eliminated! The most upvoted comment will make the boss leave the stage! Who will be the next one to get off the stage in the next 24 hours? You decide!
Sorry for the delay. But Iā€™m sure the next elimination will be at 1:30 AM, it's 10:22 now, so yeah. Also as you lads spoiled the photo, Iā€™ll give credit to Freddy The Mole
submitted by FlowerMadison to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:23 NaiRad1000 Friend thinks his entire well being rests on getting his old job back

So prior to this Iā€™ve already made a few posts in this subreddit about a specific friend. If youā€™d like more context about him Iā€™d go and read my other posts as they would help you get a better feel for his mental state. So hereā€™s the story; nearly six months ago my friend was fired from a job he really loved and had for nearly three years. Heā€™s the kinda person that needs human interaction and energy. Now I will say up to this point he was in his ā€œhermitā€ stage, even by his own admission. Pretty much his anxiety and depression has gotten so bad he almost never leave the house, he would say yes to anyone invite him out but not go or come up with an excuse at the last minute. This job was pretty much the only thing that got him out of the house. But even then it was exercise. Heā€™s in a place where he can get easily distracted or triggered. Heā€™ll spend three hours getting ready for work but leave the door when his shift started in 5mins. Other little things where his boss wasnā€™t treating him the nicest, he was sort of forced into a manager role,many times being left alone for hours on end. How he wasnā€™t fired for tardiness alone is beyond me. Anyway fast forward to this past December, he was kinda pressure sto participate in a Secret Santa and one a persons list they asked for a Twisted Tea. The lists went through management, nothing was said. My friend even asked their security if it was fine. They said it as long as it wasnā€™t opened or consumed on the premises. Fast forward after the fact the boss finds the Twisted Tea opened in their break room fridge. Never caught my friend drinking on the job, nor was he; but was fired because he brought it in. Now this was Christmas Week 2023. Almost 6 months. My friend has been trying to create some sort of letter to get his job back, laying out whatā€™s been happening to him, making a plea. Personally I think heā€™s waited too long; so much so he could probably just reapply. I canā€™t see any HR company taking his letter legitimately justified or not. Itā€™s just a greeting card store at the mall. But I think having that job was ā€œkeeping him togetherā€ and losing it destroyed everything. Since then his been home alone every single day with little to no interaction from anyway. Every time I come it like word vomit because Iā€™m usually eh first person he interacts with. We have other roommates but they keep to themselves. So I think heā€™s attributing the job to the downfall of many things as his mental health has gotten steadily worse. He claims heā€™s been trying to get a new job but I question it cause he never leaves the house. Unless theyā€™re all zoom interviews but again idk. I think itā€™s time for him to move on but he wonā€™t see reason
submitted by NaiRad1000 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
