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2019.05.21 15:35 #1 STEM Reddit in the Nation

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2016.01.15 03:02 AFC Ann Arbor

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2024.06.10 05:41 My-Meat-9312 come on

Low down. I got a shit past my future is bleak as hell I live with two people who hate the world one keeps talking about how his kids hate him and the other hates his life because he cant do anything he wants to. I have to look after them and clean up their shit and they charge me rent that's going up next month. the only reason that I'm even with them is because I had nowhere to go and this was the best at the time. I got a friend that doesn't talk to me much one that says I just need to find someone new and a friend that was helping me with my issues but now he cant help because his parents are getting a divorce. my dad lives in Illinois I live in Arizona. The only reason I'm talking to my mom after she kicked me out after I graduated high school is because the only person that was on my side the whole time throughout my life is now dying in a bed and cant even tell who anyone is anymore and hasn't eaten in 3 days. My sister probably wont make it to 30. and just a few weeks ago my girl left me after being together for almost 3 years. My other grandma in Illinois is depressed all the time and lives alone because my grandpa died in 2013. My boss doesn't really give a shit he's like a fucking robot.
The only thing going good in my life is the fact that I'm probably going to be getting my license soon and get a car or something.
my birthdays coming up in February next year and I have nobody to spend it with because I'm so broke that the only people who even slightly care about me are so far away.
oh and by the way I'm 20 right now but that probably doesn't matter anyway either.
and all I can think is what did I fucking do to deserve this shit. every night its another void or nightmare. I can never sleep right I only sleep about 10ish hours a week. I barely can afford to eat shit is so fucking expensive. my fucking phone bill is coming up and I don't have the money to pay it.
The last thing I need right now is another you'll be okay everything will work out just laugh it off eat some food or something smoke a joint have some booze go to work and take your mind off everything you'll find another girl plenty of fish man Hell I'm so fucking broke right now that I cant even afford suicide because its too damn expensive and even if I did do it all it would prove is that I am the letdown and disappointment that everyone thought I was going to be
submitted by My-Meat-9312 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:40 CNIS-Azerbaijan-Baku Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”

Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”
“Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them…”
(Lack of) Human Rights and Freedoms
Interrogations of Journalists in the “Smuggling Case” Continue. Journalist Alya Yagublu has been summoned to the Baku City Main Police Department (BCMPD). She informed “Abzas Media” about this herself. Alya Yagublu stated that she was called to the department in relation to the “Toplum TV case.” “They have summoned me for June 6 at 11:00 AM. The person who called identified himself as chief investigator Alibala Hajiyev. This will be my first time being questioned as a witness in this case,” said Alya Yagublu.
Previously, journalists such as Khadija Ismayil, Javid Ramazanov, and others were also questioned as witnesses in this case.
On March 6, the police conducted an operation in Baku related to the independent online television “Toplum TV” and the III Republic Platform. A criminal case was opened under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling committed by a group of persons with prior agreement), and a total of nine people were charged. Seven individuals were placed in pre-trial detention, while two were put under police supervision.
The “Toplum TV” team issued a statement asserting that the events were connected to the media outlet’s professional activities and described them as pressure on independent media. The III Republic Platform also declared that the arrests were politically motivated.
Many local and international organizations have recognized those arrested in this case as political prisoners and have called on the authorities to release them immediately.
The Court of Appeals rejected Tofig Yagublu‘s complaint regarding his house arrest and the extension of his detention. During the court session, Tofig Yagublu harshly criticized both the judge and the Aliyev government. Judges Zaur Huseynov and Murad Mammadov presided over the session. Both judges were recently appointed to the Court of Appeals. Tofig Yagublu remarked, “Do you think you are a judge? Putting a BMW badge on a ‘Zapi’ (Zaporozhets) doesn’t make it a BMW. Just because you are wearing a robe, do you think you are a judge? You are slaves to one family. You only carry out their orders! Since 1993 my rights have been violated. How many times can I be falsely accused and imprisoned? I have yet to see a judge make a fair decision in my case because you are all dishonorable slaves!”
Journalist Nargiz Absalamova‘s appeal has been denied. The appeal against the second extension of detention for the journalist, who was arrested in connection with the “Abzas Media case,” has not been upheld.
Political prisoner and disabled person Famil Khalilov, whose body is deteriorating in prison, is being denied visits with his family. According to his family, Khalilov’s ears and surrounding areas are decaying. Previously, they reported that his hands were also deteriorating. His family is not being allowed to visit him. Khalilov’s wife, Kichikkhanim Khalilova, expressed, “This marks our third attempt to visit him in Kurdekhani (detention facility), yet we are consistently being denied the opportunity to see him.”
On June 4, the “III Republic Platform” issued a statement regarding the pressures faced by their imprisoned spokesperson, Akif Gurbanov. The statement highlights that Akif Gurbanov is under severe threats. It states: “A high-ranking state official visited Baku Detention Center and harshly threatened Akif Gurbanov. He was demanded to refrain from making self-defense statements and to avoid mentioning the name of the head of state in his speeches. He was warned that failure to comply would result in mistreatment, including torture. Furthermore, the head of Baku Detention Center, Elnur Ismayilov, personally threatened other illegally detained individuals connected to the ‘Toplum TV‘ and ‘Democratic Initiatives Institute’ cases, stating that their situation would worsen if Akif Gurbanov continued his court speeches. They were warned of harsh consequences if he persisted.”
In his recent court appearance, Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD (The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). Gurbanov said: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”
The Defense Line Human Rights Organization noted that the investigative authorities investigating the fabricated criminal case against Akif Gurbanov do not adhere to the requirements of criminal and criminal procedural codes, and objectivity, impartiality, and fairness of criminal proceedings are not ensured due to political instructions; on the contrary, additional pressure and threats are exerted in the investigative detention center.
Moreover, The Defense Line” stated that Akif Gurbanov, speaking in the appellate instance, provided detailed answers to the smear campaign taking his source from official circles, provided detailed information about his personal property and wealth to the public, presenting his activity in the Central Election Commission, civil society activities, and reports on his family and spouse’s financial activities, while also criticizing the repressive policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, comparing the current political climate and legal system to Stalin and “NKVD” practices. “The Defense Line” expresses deep concern that after the aforementioned speech, additional pressures began at Baku Investigative Detention Center No. 1 on Akif Gurbanov, family members were not allowed to visit him, phone calls were restricted, books sent to him were returned, and he was subjected to repeated and very harsh treatement.
Former MP Huseyn Abdullayev, who has been imprisoned for over six years, is reportedly on a hunger strike in detention. His lawyer, Javad Javadov, stated that Abdullayev initiated the hunger strike to protest against a new charge brought against him and the extension of his detention period, despite his initial sentence nearing completion. Abdullayev is currently held at the Baku Investigation Detention Center in Kurdekhani, and the detention center’s management has been informed about his hunger strike. Abdullayev was sentenced to six years in prison by the Baku Military Court in April 2018. Although this sentence has now expired, he has not been released. In early March, a new criminal case was filed against him, charging him under Article 193-1.3.2 of the Criminal Code (legalization of property obtained by criminal means), which carries a potential sentence of 7 to 12 years imprisonment.
Human rights defender Rufat Safarov has reported that the mother of political prisoner Huseyn Abdullayev, 74-year-old Zeyneb Abdullayeva, has begun a hunger strike. Huseyn Abdullayev is also continuing his hunger strike. Both mother and son are protesting against what they claim to be unlawful charges.
The Defense Line Human Rights Organization expresses deep concern that a new repressive phase denying fundamental human and citizen rights and freedoms is unfolding in Azerbaijan, with increasing political persecution, psychological and physical violence in the regime’s operations, torture, inhuman treatment, and deteriorating conduct becoming widespread.
In its statement, The Defense Line regrets that there is no guarantee of a democratic structure within the framework of the Constitution, and there is a refusal to adhere to the legal state model that ensures the independence of laws as an expression of public will, hindering fundamental freedoms, including speech and opinion, press and information, freedom of assembly, and participation in public and the state’s political life.
“The Defense Line” calls on Azerbaijani society, local and international human rights organizations, representatives of civil society, leaders of political organizations, independent media centers, and Western and European countries’ embassies in Baku to take serious actions to stop illegal actions against III Republic Platform speaker Akif Gurbanov and other prisoners of conscience, and to take urgent, effective, and practical measures to restore the freedom rights of public and political activists.
“The Defense Line” strongly condemns the repressive actions of the judicial authorities and urges the government to pursue a policy of respect for the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and Convention, demanding the immediate release of Akif Gurbanov and nearly 300 other political and conscience prisoners.
During his speech on Tuesday, President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan is actively collaborating with the development of small island states, remarking, “We are also actively working with developing small island states and plan to establish a special fund to support them.” However, the President’s comments sparked outrage in Azerbaijan, given the dire state of the country’s economy.
Jamil Hasanli, Chairperson of the National Council of Democratic Forces, reacted to the president’s statement by underlining the urgency of addressing the country’s severe economic situation. Hasanli: “It is necessary to create a special fund to provide child support for the vulnerable children of Azerbaijan who are struggling, for the veterans of Karabakh who have set themselves on fire out of desperation and committed suicide, and to create it for the poor nation whose average monthly wage is even lower than that of Armenia.”
In New Caledonia, the minimum wage is 1645 euros (approximately 2975 manats), while in Azerbaijan, it is 345 manats. New Caledonia ranks 33rd in the world with a GDP per capita of 38,000 dollars, whereas Azerbaijan, with a GDP per capita of 7,000 dollars, ranks much lower.
Amid wider geopolitical tensions, France has leveled accusations against Azerbaijan, alleging interference in its Pacific territory of New Caledonia. The accusations include supporting independence movements and disseminating disinformation. An investigation by RFE/RL has revealed that several individuals associated with Azerbaijan’s ruling party were engaged in what appears to be a coordinated social media campaign aimed at France regarding the recent turmoil in New Caledonia, a French-governed Pacific island. Numerous accounts on X, formerly known as Twitter, were shut down for disseminating disinformation, including misleading photos and videos, according to findings by RFE/RL. This action followed similar allegations made by French authorities. By tracing the digital footprint of some of these suspended accounts, RFE/RL uncovered information about individuals linked to them, including their affiliations or roles within the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), which is headed by President Ilham Aliyev.
submitted by CNIS-Azerbaijan-Baku to CNIS_Baku [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:39 Just_Description_961 I don’t know why I feel this way with my parent

I have an extreme attachment with my parents and want to live with them forever.
I am a 20F who got married out of high school with my s/o 22M and moved across the country bc he’s in the military. I was perfectly okay with moving and was excited for the new chapter. I have lived there for a little over a year.
Because of his job he had to be gone for months (8 to be exact) so I had decided to visit my parents for all that time so I wouldn’t be alone. Well now when he’s coming back is confirmed I have been so anxious to leave my parents. I’m an only child so I have a really good bond with both of my parents and consider them to be my (only lol) best friends. I just feel so comfortable and safe with them and it’s not that I don’t with my s/o but it’s a little different. I’m just on the struggle bus to leave and feel like each day I am full of anxiety in my stomach and want to sob at any given moment. I just need comforting words or others in relatable circumstances so I don’t feel like I’m an odd ball. But I know deep down in my heart I want to live like the Step Brothers, which embarrasses me now but it’s what I really want lol. I’m tired of feelings like this and making myself sick cuz of it.
submitted by Just_Description_961 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:38 over18forreal tree

250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:37 Unnecessarilygae Summarizing current bugs/problems and my personal expectations to see how many would be fixed in the patch next week

Please add stuff that I missed in the comments. Or things you think should be looked into and adjusted.
  1. -1 Stratagem slot modifier needs to go. Or, you could still choose to bring a stratagem in a red slot but it's disabled during the mission. It'll be back online after you completed additional objectives such as disabling all AA fire in the area.\ \
  2. 500Kg bomb's hilariously small AOE. And its inconsistencies at killing some enemies despite having landed right in their faces.
  3. Orbital Railcannon Strike cooldown too long. And please give its pre-nerf auto select range back.
  4. Orbital Barrage. Instead of precision aiming allies they better have a vague aim for enemy buildings and big units.
  5. Eagle Rocket Pods should prioritize landing all rockets on a single big enemy near its beacon instead of spreading it evenly like siblings sharing a pint of orange juice.
  6. Shield Generator Relay is too weak. It needs to last much longer and cover 20% more area.
  7. MD-I4 Incendiary Mines. Cover bigger area and more mines. Also we need more mines type stratagems for democracy!
  8. Sentries. Either let us place it on high ground like a normal logical coherent thing it is. Or make it so it gets lower aggro. I'm still baffled by the devs' pursuit of realism while you can't even place sentries on a slightly elevated flat surface. It's so wacky lol. Btw the machinegun sentry might needs lower cooldown
  9. Orbital Gatlin is just not good.
  10. It would make sense that anything came from the orbit to deal high damage. Would be a nice addition if the Orbital EMS, Smoke and Gas Strikes shell can kill enemies or destroy buildings on initial impact.
  1. Airburst Locket Rauncher needs a button for us to detonate the rocket manually.
  2. I've only seen 3 to 5 persons used the Arc Thrower in the past month and half of the time they got it from a point of interest. I think that explained its situation pretty well.
  3. Why can't we just make the Stalwart replace your primary weapon after picking it up?
  4. Give Quasar Cannon -1 or 2 seconds of cooldown and it'll be perfectly balanced.
  5. Railgun should be able to penetrate and damage enemies in a line.
  6. Spear :)
  7. It would be nice for the Laser Cannon to have shorter wind up time.
  1. Guard Dog and Guard Dog Rover need to stop headshotting players. Either make it fly at a different angle or let Helldivers take significantly reduced damage from it.
  2. After the darkfluid backpack we can all agree the Jump Pack MUST get a shorter recharge time and a stronger thrust. It'll be very nice to make it an upgrade or reward for completing a MO.
  3. Please give us the pre-nerf shield generator back. There are simply too little options for survivability related stratagems.
  4. So about the Ballistic shield backpack...Why can't we just salvage the shield Devastator's shield and make our own REAL ballistic shield with it. Instead of this one we currently have that's made out of reinforced cardboard?
  1. Come on man just equip the Exosuits with actual heavy armors instead of toilet papers.
  1. Hulks have faster turning speed than the Helldivers. It's equipped with advanced flamethrower which fires way more lethal damage and wider longer range. Makes me wonder why we can't salvage those and upgrade ours. They can also tank 4×6=24 and more impact grenades right on the head.
  2. Factory Striders can use their height and snipe the generators in defense missions.
  3. Shield Devastator and Rocket Devastator. Both have unlimited ammo, long range, short reload, super accuracy, wall hack and tanky body. What the duck. They're quacking imbalanced.
  4. Automatons can shoot through solid covers. Automatons can aim and shoot through thick fogs like it's nonexistent. Automatons are still locked onto you and shooting despite being half a map away. Their aggro distance is insane.
  5. You can get juggled around by their explosives and stunlocked in that stupid ragdoll animations till you die. Tbh it's painfully funny.
  6. Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery. Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery. Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery. Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery. Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery.
  7. Our helmets got no extra stats or passives to protect us from headshots. Wonder why you still get one shot lots of times wearing heavy armor with the 50% explosion resistant passive? That's why.
  1. Spewers vomit can one shot heavy armor in 0.3 seconds. Its damage should be a stackable damage over time and Spitters damage can amplify it.
  2. Hunters are super agile, have high damage, appears in great numbers, medium health and they can also apply this insanely annoying slow effect on you. They and the stealth Spewers are the bane of everyone's existence.
  3. Bile Titan can apply slow on your without line of sight. Also I wish my joints were as strong as theirs.
  1. Alt-tab can crush the game. Tab-ESC can crush the game. Pressing Window key can crush the game. Double tapping ESC during a loading screen after a mission can freeze the game or it can kick everyone out of your squad. (These are my personal experience tho)
  2. Misaligned scopes. Scopes with limited visibility. Scopes with poorly designed patterns further crippling the visibility.
  3. Stems, the thing that you use in emergencies to save your life, can be interrupted EASILY with ANY damage you take from the enemies. Rendering it completely useless in emergencies. How is that a coherent design?
  4. Overused slow effects. Ragdolling takes too long to recover from.
  5. Despite having big fat clappy butts weighted over several tons some enemies can still play stealthily better than anyone. Such as tanks and Spewers who are completely silent for some reason.
  6. Enemies walking through piles of corpses like it's nothing but players are forced to circle around it because we can't climb it for some reason.
  7. Enemy corpses are deadlier than when they were alive.
  8. Very tight window to shut down enemies that are calling for reinforcements. The reinforced enemies immediately call in for support. The support forces arrived and the next thing they do is to call for their comrades. What the heck.
  9. Mission preview doesn't include possible enemy type encounters. Maybe we can have this as an upgrade or the reward for keeping some planets liberated.
submitted by Unnecessarilygae to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:37 Disastrous_Sound_376 How can I move forward from this guilt and shame?

Hey folks. I’m struggling beyond belief, and I don’t know what to do.
To keep things as simple as possible, I want to try to break things down.
I’m in the social work field. I’m not exactly a professional, I’m not licensed or anything I just work in nonprofit. My job was to work with youth, mostly high school aged. I was also supervising a social work intern, let’s call her Maggie. I also supervised one other person, who was a career developer. So, I was a supervisor in the space.
There were 6-7 social work interns in total, Maggie being the one I supervised. These interns had a very similar workload and job to me. They were the traditional “buy coffee for us and file papers” interns, they were doing crisis counseling and facilitating groups, just like me. One of the social work interns, let’s call him Max, and I, got really close.
We hung out every day and ended up being romantically involved. I eventually fell hard for him, and we made it official. Obviously, we kept it on the low. I ended up quitting my job because of a few reasons (one being low pay, another being my blossoming relationship)
Fast forward to today. We’re still together, stronger than ever. I’m in a different nonprofit doing similar work, he’s finished with his internship and working a different job. This is the strongest relationship I’ve ever had. I’m putting all my eggs in this basket. We are even discussing our future together. It’s that serious.
I love him and I’m so happy with him.
However, I acknowledge how unprofessional our relationship was, and I see where things were not great. In my eyes, I should have never gotten that close with a colleague, especially not an intern. I need to practice stronger boundaries, and that is something I’m working on with my therapist. I was also a supervisor and really need to learn how to act like one. A supervisor does not have drinks and send memes with entry level workers/interns. Again, something I need to work on : my professional demeanor.
I also know he’s an intern who was there to learn, not date. I worry I took some of his experience away from him.
I also had some ick about our age gap, but that’s something I’ve gotten over.
However, today so many people are gossiping about us. I’ve been called a predator, a creep. People are saying I was his supervisor (I was not) and that our relationship is so inappropriate. Another intern even told the youth I worked with that I got fired for dating Max. It isn’t true and the argument I keep getting is that I was still a supervisor and it was still a power dynamic. I don’t really see it that way. I had no say in anything he did, I couldn’t get him in trouble or move him forward or give him any benefits or anything. We were in different departments….. he wasn’t part of my work scope.
I’m struggling with feeling like a disgusting person and feeling down on myself, and need advice on how to move forward.
It’s really eating at me.
submitted by Disastrous_Sound_376 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 RarelySayNever [TW: SA in school setting] Parents ignore SA, then want credit for trying to prevent it.

A teacher at my high school sexually abused my classmates. I was spared only by chance - I wasn't abused myself, but my classmates were.
Much later, this teacher was convicted, along with another teacher from the nearby middle school.
There were rumors already when I was in school. There were a few teachers suspect enough that older students told us never to be alone with those teachers. I tried to make sure I never left another student alone with the suspect teachers either. I was fortunate enough to have a support system - not at home, but in my basketball teammates - and I was fortunate enough to be warned by older kids. But not everyone could be so lucky. Some kids couldn't completely avoid it. Some kids were targeted.
I didn't know I could call the police on my own. I would've called 9-1-1 from a payphone. I didn't know I could call CPS. I thought my parents, the adults, needed to place those calls. I would do almost anything to go back.
I told my parents about the rumors many times. I told them about the protection behaviors we kids tried to undertake. My parents were sick of hearing about it because they said "You talk about this ALL the time! I'm sick of hearing about this!" and "Let's change the subject."
When the conviction happened, I told my parents, but they said they'd never heard about the abuse in that school. I reminded them of the many conversations we had about the rumors, suspected abuse, attempts to protect ourselves, etc., but my parents insisted I'd never told them. They just didn't remember. It wasn't important enough to them.
This year, without going into too much detail, there was an update on the case. My parents suddenly told a very different story:
I realized then that my parents would've blamed me if I'd been abused.
"But you seemed happy with it!" - This is what a classmate of mine was told by her parents. She was abused. Her parents told her they didn't protect her because she seemed fucking happy with it. Happy. HAPPY. I think parents like these should face legal consequences, if it's provable in court that they knew and did nothing.
submitted by RarelySayNever to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 payalnegi7505 Assessment Help: Key Strategies for Excelling in Your Studies

Navigating the academic landscape can be daunting, especially when faced with multiple assessments that determine your progress and success. Whether you are in high school, college, or pursuing higher education, mastering the art of assessment is crucial. Here, we offer essential strategies for excelling in your studies, focusing on the key aspects of assessment help.
Understanding the Assessment Requirements
The first step towards excelling in any assessment is to thoroughly understand its requirements. Assessment help often begins with careful analysis of the assignment brief or exam guidelines. Take note of the key objectives, criteria, and any specific instructions provided by your instructor. Clarifying doubts with your teachers or peers early on can prevent misunderstandings and set a clear path for your preparation.
Effective Time Management
Time management is an indispensable skill for academic success. Develop a study schedule that allocates sufficient time for each subject and assessment task. Breaking down your study sessions into manageable chunks and setting realistic deadlines can help prevent last-minute cramming. Utilize tools like planners, calendars, and digital apps to keep track of your progress. Prioritizing tasks based on their deadlines and importance ensures that you stay organized and focused.
Utilizing Assessment Help Resources
There are numerous resources available to assist you in your studies. Libraries, online databases, and academic journals provide a wealth of information that can enhance your understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, seeking assessment help from tutoring centers, study groups, and online platforms can provide valuable insights and support. Don’t hesitate to leverage these resources to gain a deeper comprehension and improve your performance.
Active Learning Techniques
Active learning techniques are proven to enhance retention and comprehension. Instead of passively reading textbooks, engage with the material through note-taking, summarizing, and questioning. Techniques such as mind mapping, flashcards, and self-quizzing can be highly effective. Participating in discussions, whether in class or study groups, allows you to explore different perspectives and clarify concepts.
Practice and Revision
Regular practice and revision are key components of successful assessment preparation. Practice past papers, sample questions, and quizzes to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions that may be asked. This not only builds confidence but also highlights areas where you need improvement. Consistent revision helps reinforce your learning and ensures that you retain information over time.
Stress Management and Well-being
Maintaining a healthy balance between studies and personal well-being is essential. Stress can significantly impact your ability to perform well in assessments. Incorporate regular breaks, physical activity, and relaxation techniques into your routine to manage stress effectively. Adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and staying hydrated are also crucial for optimal cognitive function.
Seeking Feedback and Improvement
Constructive feedback is a valuable tool for improvement. After completing an assessment, review the feedback provided by your instructors and identify areas for growth. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses allows you to tailor your study strategies accordingly. Continuous improvement should be the goal, using each assessment as a stepping stone towards better performance.
Developing a Positive Mindset
Lastly, cultivating a positive mindset can significantly impact your academic success. Believe in your abilities and approach assessments with confidence. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than obstacles. A positive attitude can enhance motivation, resilience, and overall academic performance.
In conclusion, excelling in your studies requires a multifaceted approach, incorporating effective time management, active learning, regular practice, and well-being. By utilizing available resources and seeking continuous improvement, you can master the art of assessment. Remember, assessment help is about developing strategies that work best for you, ensuring academic success and a rewarding educational journey.
submitted by payalnegi7505 to u/payalnegi7505 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 Available-Sector7718 How to get along with my classmate?

Me (f 17) and my classmate (m 17) have very different work ethics so we tend to butt heads whenever we have to work together, I care about my grades throughout the whole school year and follow deadlines given by teachers, while he cheats every chance he gets, lazy af, and only does his work when it’s the end of the semester and grades get finalized. Unfortunately I have every single class with him this year and the next because of the course we’re in so I try to get along with the others that are also in the course as we see each other all the time. Recently we had to work together on a project that had a big effect on our semester grades. I finished my part in the first week and he still hasn’t opened the project even when tomorrow is the day grades get finalized. I have been asking him “hey have you done your part yet?” “ are you having trouble opening the document?” “ is everything good on your end?” and he either ignores me or tells me “como chingan” or “wtf is wrong with you?!?!” I BARELY EVEN ASK HIM THAT LIKE 3 TIMES A WEEK. Idk how I’ll keep my sanity for another year if this goes on.
submitted by Available-Sector7718 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:35 Impossible-Yam3680 Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce So High School edit (sw1ftam on TikTok)

submitted by Impossible-Yam3680 to Edits [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:34 missed_abortion Dad died. His abusive mother waited a while, but hinted toward grandparents rights. We live in different states. I'm in Texas, she's in New Jersey.

I lived in New Jersey for 10 years. I had my daughter in 2018. Her father and I were never married. He was a heavy heroin addict that was eventually diagnosed with cancer a year after I met him. We lost our apartment after his diagnosis and moved in with his mother. She began physically abusing me a month after moving in, so I took my child and left. The family raked me across the coals for leaving him during cancer. However, I could not remain in a house with his abusive mother and his active addiction. I filed for custody and it was granted. His access to her was terminated, and he was allowed supervised visitation until his death. Since he was too sick to leave home, the courts chose his mother to supervise.
This went on for less than a year. Then he died. I stayed in NJ for two years after he died. We sporadically saw his family, but not often. I'd let them see her on some weekends or on some holidays as a kindness since they lost her dad.
Then I decided to move back to my hometown. I knew they'd give me grief for this, but I hadn't seen my own family for a decade. My parents were aging and my sisters getting married and starting their own lives. I didn't want to keep living as a single mom in a high cost of living state with my dead exes family as support. So I got a nice job in my hometown in Texas and moved at the end of the school year without telling them.
They were livid and devastated, but i ensured them I would still facilitate contact. Which I did. Grandma came to visit once and they spent four days together. She's able to video call her and I send pictures.
However about a month after I moved back a relative went nuts and started harassing my extended family and I over my decision to move. She went insane and started mass messaging everyone I knew that I was off my medication (no idea what she's talking about as I'm not on any "medication") and a bunch of other crazy stuff and called and texted me more than 100 times from her and her husband and childrens phones to shame me for moving.
I blocked her and moved on, but grandma agrees with her, and is just scared to confront me. Grandma often disparages my own parents and tells me frequently that I made a huge mistake. She cites Texas as too red, and that I was abusive for taking my child out of NJ schools. She cites I'm abusive for taking my child to church on Sundays. She cites I'm abusive for cutting contact with crazy harassment cousin. She cites I'm abusive for letting her have contact with my family. She calls me often to tell me how to parent. She calls me a religious nutjob all the time.
So what's funny is the church thing is a summer camp. I'm actually not religious. The child went from being heavily dependent on an IEP in NJ to independent and eligible for gifted and talented here. Her speech impediment is gone and she's an accelerated reader. I work from home now so I spend more time giving her supplementary education at home in addition to her school studies and this has helped strengthen our bond. She has ample access to Healthcare and great health insurance. I have a savings for her. I am not an abusive parent.
Grandma rarely calls the child. She'll sporadically call maybe once a month if that. It is usually to talk at length about dead dad. This bothers my daughter. I send pictures but Grandma usually doesn't respond to the pictures. Grandma picks fights with me often and is argumentative but generally unhelpful. I moved here a year ago.
After a heated phone call where she shamed me for not allowing my daughter out of the state without me foe a visit, I decided that I don't think this side of the family is mentally healthy. They're crazy and all over the place. Grandma herself is battling several health conditions. They're overbearing and controlling and they've belittled and abused me since the day they found out I was pregnant.
If I pull her would Grandma be able to petition for grandparent visitation? What is the likelihood she would win? Is my video call allowance enough to convince a judge that she is being allowed access to the child? What do those cases usually look like? I never considered pulling her until Grandma started trying to tell me I'm a religious wackjob who can't parent. She also claimed that I pulled the only thing they had left of her son and that I was selfish for taking that away from them. I vehemently stand by that she was 2, almost 3 when her dad died and she is a child who deserves love and support. Not an object to fix their grief. She's done so much better since we've moved here. She's finally healed. I'm so scared that someone insane and abusive could have legal access to the child I worked so hard to raise in peace and love.
She has only hinted toward court ordered visitation once and that was during a phone call 3 months ago but it is clearly something she knows exists.
submitted by missed_abortion to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:33 FakeElectionMaker The constitutional amendment proposed by President Aníbal, a social democrat and pro-union populist, easily passed Congress, with even the majority of PDA voting for it.

The constitutional amendment proposed by President Aníbal, a social democrat and pro-union populist, easily passed Congress, with even the majority of PDA voting for it.
Vice President Simão Teixeira, president of the Senate and a machine politician, also supported the amendment, as did the PDA's parliamentary leader, who belongs to one of the main political dynasties in Atlantis.
Aníbal's presidency saw innovative programs against hunger, poverty and homelessness, which in many ways expanded upon those of the previous administration, but were accompained by a greater policy of economic intervention and stronger relations with China, Cuba, Venezuela and Libya. PDA activists and especially Eugênio Henrique accused Aníbal of being a puppet of Castro and Chavez, but this was not true, and the opposition similarly looked up to Bush and Blair.
Eugênio, who had broken with the PDA during its second administration, failed to attract the electorate beyond his hardcore base who never abandoned him no matter what, and only won 423,351 votes, or 3.29% of the vote. He won 8.34% of the vote on his home state he was governor and built his political career in, allowing Aníbal to win the state.
Nicolau Lago said he would be tough on crime, and expand social assistance by creating work-study programs for high school students. He was more open to privatisation than Aníbal Marcos, who unified most of the left and had the support of the "21st century socialist" PT and the overwhelming majority of unions, but aspects of his business career before being elected governor in 2002 came under attack by PSA campaigners.
Aníbal Marcos did not attend any presidential debates, making the only debate (the second being cancelled) a shouting match between Eugênio and Nicolau. The former president attacked PDA for voting with Aníbal Marcos's position 58% of the time, and promised to follow an actual right-wing course, while the PDA nominee accused Eugenio's candidacy of being a PSA operation to split the opposition vote. In any case, the debate had little effect in the election.
During the election, PSA made gains among rural and Catholic voters, while suffering losses among the middle class and businesspeople. Four years later, Daniela Paiva was elected President, becoming the first female President of Atlantis.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to GustavosAltUniverses [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 Striking_Bug_4896 Ex from high school

I’m a male 26, just recently got divorced but have been separated for over a year sadly. I am still slowly moving on and healing. She had two affairs which devastated me. But this post isn’t about my divorce.
Actually since the divorce I have been thinking a lot about one of my exes from high school. She was a year younger than me and we started to date in middle school. We can call her L. I can honestly say she was my first true love. A few months after my ex wife and I separated I came across L on social media. All those feelings and memories just flooded into my heart and soul. Out of curiosity I sent her a follow request. To my surprise she accepted and followed me back. I decided to sent her a dm “You look great! Hope you’re doing well”. L replied “Thank you! Hope you are too! “… that was the end of all communication I did not follow through.
When we were in high school I was madly in love with her. And vice versa. But I was being an abusive piece of poop to her. I would shove her , grab her and intimidate her. I was a really a scum. Finally at one point the cops were called and I was arrested for simple assault. I was 16 at the time and had to go to juvenile court for it. L , her mother and sister were there. I lied through my teeth saying I never laid hands on her. I saw how hurt she was when I was lying in front of everyone there. And that’s when I realized what a piece of trash I was. The prosecutor decided to drop the charge and place a no contact order on me. Can’t make any contact with L until we both turn 18. But what the prosecutor said that day has stuck with me for years. He said “ you never know you both may end up marrying each other in the future.”
That’s something I would love to happen. But not only the history we’ve had and how much of a scumbag I was I don’t think that’s possible. She just graduated a masters program for nursing and she’s about 5’7 and she has aged so well looking gorgeous as always. I’m 5’5 and make pretty good money as well but I believe she’s way out of my league so I won’t attempt to approach her in that sense . A few months back I decided to remove people from social media and Lee was one of them. I felt like I’m not good at all for her and she would find a perfect man within her same profession. She’s very educated and can’t say nothing but great things about her. And I’m just ehhh. But for the last several months all I can think of is her . Morning, afternoon and night. Sometimes dream about her as well. Not sure if I can still say I love her because I don’t know the L of today. I only know the L I hurt.
I really messed up and haven’t had an actual conversation with L in over 10 years. But those words the prosecutor said that day we were in court is engraved in my heart till this day. But logically I know it won’t happen.
I’m not looking for advice nor a “you’ll be ok”. I just wanted to vent about this for a while. I don’t want to share this with friends or family because I am ashamed and regret my actions and the person I was. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Striking_Bug_4896 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 DrJohnsonTHC ‘White: Melody of Death’ (2011) is way better than I thought it’d be.

If you haven’t heard of it, here’s a synopsis:
Each member of a failing K-pop group begins falling into horrible accidents after finding fame from a song that was discovered on an old grainy VHS tape of a mysterious unfinished music video. One of the members discovers the song is cursed, and tries to reveal the secret.
It’s not the most highly rated Korean horror movie out there, and it uses a lot of horror tropes that are played out.
But I don’t know man, something about it got me. It definitely scratched the Asian horror movie itch, and I was into it from start to finish. It’s predictable and doesn’t bring much new in terms of scares, but I think they do it all effectively. I’d have to say this is my horror movie guilty pleasure.
And that vocal booth scene? Terrifying.
submitted by DrJohnsonTHC to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 Old_Initiative_8828 What is wrong with my sousaphone?

I recently picked up a sousaphone from my high school, intended for me to play during marching season. It is a King sousaphone.
The thing sounds SO BAD. Anything I want to play, it does the exact opposite. The sound is extremely airy and loose, I can't hit a single note correctly, and it's just extremely difficult to play. I can make better sounds by buzzing into my mouthpiece. (Which is a Helleberg, it's worked fine on countless other sousaphones and tubas.)
I used to play a Yamaha fiberglass sousaphone, which was so much easier to play and better sounding than the King.
I could possibly make a video at a later point, showing how terrible it is. Maybe that'll help someone answer my question. It really seems like there's an air leak though.
I've tried everything, making my embouchure tighter, looser, further, closer, jaw clenched, jaw wide open, all that stuff. It just doesn't work.
The sousaphone is heavily dented and I noticed some cracks in the leadpipe (where I put the neck in), but I have fixed the leadpipe. There are welding marks where support beams were removed and replaced.
I am extremely frustrated. How am I expected to play during the marching season when I'm buzzing into an out-of-tune metal didgeridoo? And how can I learn how to play it without completely destroying my embouchure? Should I just bring it up to the directors when marching season begins? They seem like they'd be extremely pissed off at me.
submitted by Old_Initiative_8828 to Tuba [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 digimarketeronline How can businesses effectively leverage AI and machine learning in their digital marketing strategies?

Businesses can leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning in their digital marketing strategies to gain insights, automate tasks, personalize experiences, and improve overall marketing effectiveness. Here are several ways businesses can effectively leverage AI and machine learning in their digital marketing efforts:
  1. Data Analysis and Insights: Use AI-powered analytics tools to analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, including customer interactions, website traffic, and social media engagement. Machine learning algorithms can uncover patterns, trends, and correlations in the data, providing valuable insights for optimizing marketing strategies and campaigns.
  2. Predictive Analytics: Employ predictive analytics models to forecast future trends, customer behavior, and market demand. Machine learning algorithms can analyze historical data to make accurate predictions about which marketing tactics, channels, and messages are likely to drive the best results.
  3. Audience Segmentation and Targeting: Use AI algorithms to segment your audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and purchase history. This allows you to create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific audience segments, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  4. Personalization: Leverage AI-powered personalization tools to deliver tailored content, recommendations, and offers to individual customers based on their preferences, browsing history, and past interactions. Personalized marketing messages can enhance the customer experience and drive loyalty.
  5. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Implement AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to automate customer support, answer frequently asked questions, and assist users in real-time. Chatbots can provide personalized recommendations, resolve queries, and guide customers through the sales funnel, improving customer satisfaction and efficiency.
  6. Content Creation and Curation: Use AI algorithms to generate and curate content automatically, such as blog posts, social media posts, and product descriptions. AI-powered content creation tools can save time and resources while ensuring consistency and relevance in your content marketing efforts.
  7. Ad Targeting and Optimization: Utilize AI algorithms to optimize advertising campaigns across various channels, including search engines, social media platforms, and display networks. AI-powered ad platforms can analyze audience data, adjust bidding strategies, and optimize ad creative in real-time to maximize ROI and ad performance.
  8. Dynamic Pricing: Implement dynamic pricing strategies using AI algorithms to adjust prices dynamically based on factors such as demand, competition, and customer behavior. Dynamic pricing can help businesses optimize revenue and profit margins while remaining competitive in the market.
  9. Email Marketing Automation: Leverage AI-powered email marketing platforms to automate email campaigns, segment subscribers, and personalize email content based on user behavior and preferences. AI algorithms can optimize send times, subject lines, and content to increase email open rates and conversions.
  10. Fraud Detection and Prevention: Use AI-powered fraud detection systems to identify and prevent fraudulent activities, such as fraudulent transactions, account takeovers, and spam attacks. Machine learning algorithms can analyze patterns and anomalies in user behavior to flag suspicious activities in real-time.
By effectively leveraging AI and machine learning in their digital marketing strategies, businesses can gain a competitive edge, improve marketing ROI, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth in today's data-driven and increasingly automated digital landscape.
submitted by digimarketeronline to digimarketeronline [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:29 Sneku_69 Good starting business?

I'm a younger guy finishing up high-school, and im about to be a junior in college (dual enrollment, already have 40+ credits). I'm working at McDonalds currently, and make ~400 a paycheck. In saying this, I have no capital and I'm flat broke. Whats a low entry cost / high profit margin business model?
Things that I was considering was supplier to consumer, affiliate Marketing, or private label sales. I was also considering online courses. Whats some opinions on these options? I would need something I could do on the side. I'm not looking for anything crazy, 3-4 figure monthly sales would be good enough for me. Just trying to dip my toes into E-Commerce, to provide for myself and my family.
submitted by Sneku_69 to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:29 kjan1289 How can I shift careers?

I have about ten years in the therapy world. I’m a licensed art therapist/ LPC working in a well known & respected private practice in my area.. and I have come to realize that I just hate it. I have been all over career wise- inpatient & all levels of care, community action, school based positions.. there were parts I enjoyed but I mostly dread every day and I’ve realized my own anxiety is so high due to it. I make absolutely no money, no real savings or anything to show for it- other than high student loans. The most recent position I had only offered 52k - which I know is good, but no where near what it should be for the role & I still struggled to get by and I had to force myself to get up every day. The issue is that I can’t even seem to move into other psych related positions that aren’t client facing. I can’t get an interview for positions that are completely unrelated. I’ve worked in retail part time but nothing else. I never even get a call back. My resume is only therapy positions. I feel so completely stuck. I don’t know what I’m truly interested in or what I can even do to start new.. I just need stability and a decent paycheck. I don’t know if going back to school would really help since I’m in such a bad financial spot, but I can’t seem to get anything else.. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can start again, or shift into something else completely. I’ve been looking into a carpentry position, maybe IT? I don’t have any ideas honestly.
submitted by kjan1289 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:28 Humble_Weight7535 DAE feel like Covid lockdown was the best period of their life?

I often hear that covid caused many difficult mental health issues for a lot of people, and that everyone is so glad that covid lock down is over. Oftentimes, I feel like I'm the only one that misses covid lockdown.
I was in high school during covid lockdown, and I got to see a lot more of my girlfriend during covid since neither of us were ever busy, the gym was always empty because people didn't like wearing a mask and working out, I didn't have to deal with the stress of being surrounded by so many different people all the time, and I got to spend tons of quality time with my family.
Four years later, I often look back on those 1-2 years everyone is so glad to be rid of and I can't help but think that was the happiest I've ever been.
Obviously I am not saying I miss the virus itself or the damage it caused to people who had it, just the change in lifestyle as a result
submitted by Humble_Weight7535 to DoesAnybodyElse [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:27 Emotional_Tiger_3583 Off carvedilol back on losartan and Hctz and lower pulse

So today, I decided to stop my beta blocker. My last dose was yesterday morning. I decided to go back on my losartan and hydrochlorothiazide my blood pressures are currently running between 135/80 to 150/90 but laying down my pulse is around 49. I know it may take a while for it to take full effect. I normally am on a 100 of losartan and 25 hydrochlorothiazide. At 6 o’clock tonight, I took a half a dose of each and noticed no movement on my blood pressure for the most part, at 9 o’clock tonight I took the remainder for a total dose of 100 losartan and hydrochlorothiazide 25. I noticed when I really relaxed my blood pressure gradually declined but my pulse stays around 49. How long do you think it’ll be before my blood pressures to become normal. I also will not go back on the carvedilol because that made me very anxious and at this point with the pulse of 49 I do not want to push myself any lower. I was only put on Carvedilol because I recently had to stay in the hospital for high calcium hypertension. Whatever reason they took me off of all my blood pressure medication and discharged me without any meds on board. Because I had a high pulse when standing the follow up doctor put me on carvedilol but not my regular meds. The carvedilol was horrible. Anyone here go from a beta blocker back onto losartan , and how long did it take to adjust?
submitted by Emotional_Tiger_3583 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:26 Comfortable-Hornet83 I want to fuck my brothers best friend

Okay for context, I’m a fraternal twin 21f and my brother 21m, we went to the same high schools so all of my friends know him and I know all of his friends, when we were in high school some years ago I think maybe when we were 15? He had a bestfriend that me and a couple of my friends liked. I managed to seduce him and he we both ended up liking him, I told my brother I liked him and I wanted to date him and at first he was against it but eventually became okay with it and we started dating and they still stayed friends, years pass we’ve now since broken up for a while still on good terms everyone is still friends but here’s my dilemma, I’m now Immensely attracted to one of his other best friends, we’ve been having these really deep conversations online and it was innocent at first but things have turned a frisky and we both really want each other, there’s just something about him that is drawing me but I feel dog about it because my brother has told his best friend not to do anything with me, and his best friend told me this but I just really want him, and I don’t know if I should tell my brother that I like another one of his friends and if he’ll be okay with it. Also for some more context and back story my brothers best friends is one of my friends exes. I just need some outsider thoughts on this bc I feel really dog about it but he’s just so like alluring and I really can’t help the way I feel and react to him
submitted by Comfortable-Hornet83 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:25 Adventurous_Form6546 Advice: Taking Care of the Stay Home Parent

First off, hello, this is my first post. I could use some stay home dad advice.
Stay Home Dads, how are you and your working spouse saving for retirement?
Background: Her career is doing so well we fired the nanny and I quit my job. That was in 2016. We’ve moved as she’s been changing jobs and locations. Three employers, six residence moves. In 2020 she started remote work and hasn’t gone back. I felt like “my space” was invaded and I’ve never gotten it back. I feel like I can’t get anything done as we keep the house quiet while she works. The children are in elementary school.
The home is in a shared trust, but there is no money in the trust. The trust is to take care of us should the other die, but then it goes to the children.
The trust needs to be rewritten, but she refuses.
I realized recently she’s keeping all her income in an account I can not see. She pays bills out of that account, and claims that if something happens to her, it goes into the trust. The credit card I use, has a high limit, but I cannot even log in to monitor the balance or see the transactions.
Recently, she’s started diet meds, claims to be lonely and depressed and I think stressed about work and says something to the effect of “we have no shared interests, you don’t add anything to my life, I can’t give you what you want, you spend too much, would divorce be so bad? Don’t worry I’ll be fair to you”
It was then I realized I’ve been too trusting of the situation. I have little money of my own.
I’d prefer not to get divorced.
But, it’s a possibility, and then I’ll have to fight for half my f the account she’s hiding and half of the house in trust.
I’ll be 8 years out of the job market, two hours from any significant job market, and too old for most jobs.
Your advice, assuming I can upright the situation, how do you trust but verify that your retirement savings is being taken care of as a stay home?
Are you using financial instruments like SSIPS?
I’m feeling pretty naïve and trusting.
submitted by Adventurous_Form6546 to StayAtHomeDaddit [link] [comments]