Candid myspace

The youth's of social media become pro Macedonia and anti Greece

2024.03.29 18:53 I_love_lucja_1738 The youth's of social media become pro Macedonia and anti Greece

The youth's of social media become pro Macedonia and anti Greece
In this alternate timeline, Macedonia remains with Serbia until 2006 like Montenegro. Much like in our timeline, the "Republic of Macedonia" applies for EU access. The Greek government places an embargo on the newly independent nation. They demand that Macedonia changes it's flag and name as they believe that their culture is being stolen.
The Embargo was noticed by younger people in countries like America, Great Britain, and Canada. They found an Embargo on a new developing country to be cruel and morally wrong. Millions of people all over the world began to protest the embargo in a number of ways. The Macedonian flag became an extremely popular profile picture on Myspace and Facebook. Large protests in western cities were held. Presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on "ending the embargo"
Your opinions on Macedonia and Greece became a big political talking point. More conservative people sided with Greece as it is a NATO member. More liberal people sided with Macedonia.
submitted by I_love_lucja_1738 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 03:51 Routhwick After 14 years and change, this scrobbling veteran reached 10,000 tracks of various provenance this late afternoon.

At this writing (9/3/2024), LFM and LFM Stats respectively count 10,022 and 10,020. Keeping this discrepancy in mind (ongoing Pro cleanup will take a while to reach the extra two), our two candidates for milestone tune are none other than:
In-universe, both appeared in Volume 12, Movement II of Reflections, the animated music-video magazine from the soon-to-rebrand-and-relocate Kino Lorber Panama City (KLPC). (This installment is an entire miniseries unto itself: Of Bikes and Bajans, about two orphaned rabbit kits--a homegrown Barbados girl and her visiting boyfriend from Brixton in London--and the former's participation in a national cycling tournament.)
As for the more-or-less-mandatory frequency breakdown this time around (via LFM Stats):
≥ # Scrobbles Tracks %
50 3 0.02994
40 36 0.35928
30 66 0.65868
20 95 0.94810
10 154 1.53693
9 187 1.86627
8 243 2.42515
7 331 3.30339
6 419 4.18164
5 606 6.04790
4 943 9.41118
3 1604 16.00798
2 2863 28.57285 7,157 one-and-done selections since December 2009, when I joined LFM to test the waters after imeem got sold to Myspace. (A good deal of them came from GPlay, Rdio, or whatever else I tried out for streaming pre-August 2019; thanks to KLPC's hard work, I've nowadays switched to concentrating on only the tunes they and I actually care about. If I stream music these days, it's been on the Amazon Fire Stick and Alexa--and only on the rarest of occasions until recently.)
As for the rest of the story: 19,926 scrobbles / 4,941 acts = 4.032787 ratio. Variety: 10,020 / 19,926 = 50.28606% (or 1.988623 spins per tune).
A reminder as to why I scrobble ever so intermittently: Real-world events, lots of personal/creative commitments, and prior to late 2022, lack of adequate time/space/resources--especially concerning my backup/storage concerns--were once to blame. (Especially a plethora of events back in OctobeNovember 2020 that made me miss out on scrobble #20,000--once scheduled for February 2021, then planned for later that November...and now carded for later this month.)
After said scrobble milestone, our 5,000th act isn't that far behind. About time!
Pinging in, post-API-standoff; RDT needs bettemore ethical staff/executives/management. For now, please give me a number, and I'll give you the tune ASAP. For artists/albums/tracks, you could soon hear your suggestions in a future Reflections volume/Music Time edition if it's not in the KLPC catalogue yet. And if your library's similar in size, let's make comparisons. Take care--and happy listening!
P.S. I'm off for the next two weeks, so if you're reading as an anthro, I could offer you the barest of sketches for my commission line--but don't quite count on it.
This post, and all data therein, released under CC0/Kopimi.
submitted by Routhwick to lastfm [link] [comments]

2023.11.09 22:25 FakeElectionMaker United States House of Representatives career of Ed Donnell (2005-2009)

United States House of Representatives career of Ed Donnell (2005-2009)
Ed Donnell meeting with Felipe Calderon during his 2007 visit to Mexico.
Donnell sought to play an important role in the Democratic Party, as the face of a new generation of Democrats committed to the poor, women and minorities, and a foreign policy of avoiding unnecessary and costly wars. He used "Complex solutions for complex problems" as a slogan until his 2016 presidential campaign, when it was dropped to avoid likeability issues.
Donnell was assigned to the House Armed Services Committee, House Committee on Education and the Workforce, and House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
In 2008, Donnell was rated by the Lugar Center as the tenth most bipartisan member of Congress. He worked with Republicans on the national debt, crime and support for the Afghanistan War.
In spite of the latter policy, Donnell opposed the Iraq War surge, and voted against it, saying there should have been no war at all, and that the appropriate solution for increasing violence in the country was to appropriately train and arm the post-Saddam Iraqi Army.
As the US economy worsened in late 2007, Donnell and 13 other US representatives proposed a bank regulation bill increasing oversight of the financial sector. While it failed to pass the House, the proposal gave him national attention and went on to inspire Dodd-Frank.
Other policies he advocated for, but were impossible with a Republican White House, were repealing Bush's tax cuts for high-earners in order to pay the national debt, a manufacturing tax credit, and mandatory trigger locks for all firearms manufactured after January 1, 2009; the tax credit for manufacturing jobs was signed into law by Barack Obama during the latter's presidency.
During his congressional tenure, Donnell frequently used social media such as MySpace and Facebook in order to communicate with his constituents. He endorsed Joe Biden during the 2008 Democratic primaries due to Biden's experience and potential to appeal to both populist and suburban voters, and on October 2007, switched his endorsement to Barack Obama, as Obama was the youngest primary candidate and would become the first black US president.
During April and October 2008, Ed Donnell appeared with Barack Obama on campaign rallies he held in Virginia, and in the later rally, he said John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate meant McCain had "poor judgement". Donnell was reelected to Congress with 56% of the vote.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to GustavosAltUniverses [link] [comments]

2023.10.23 00:36 Masculine_Dugtrio Net Neutrality could be restored! (this is important for everyone)
Copy pasting this from perplexity:
Net neutrality is the principle that all data on the internet should be treated equally by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). It ensures that all users have access to all legal content on an equal basis - without ISPs blocking or favoring content from certain sources or charging for "fast lanes" to their own content and slowing access to their competitors' content. Net neutrality is important for several reasons, as reported in the search results:
Basically, if you feel like you're free speech is being silenced by big tech, or that small businesses can't get off the ground because of big tech... Then you should support net neutrality.
Also a really good read:
Without net neutrality, individual ISPs can provide higher connection speeds to certain websites or throttle access to others. At the most extreme, an ISP could block access to some material altogether.
Comcast, for example, owns NBC. Net neutrality is the reason why it can't block access to competitors like CBS (CBS) - Get Free Report and ABC or double the speed of videos from in an effort to drive viewers.
Or take a more common example: the famous death of Myspace. When Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook (FB) - Get Free Report he had a startup website against one wealthy and established. Net neutrality meant that every ISP had to connect users to both equally, giving Facebook an equal opportunity to compete and succeed.
Net neutrality also means that ISPs can't charge users access fees for particular websites. For example, Netflix accounts for almost 20% of all the internet traffic in the U.S. Without neutrality laws, an ISP can establish tiered access plans with certain "in-network" websites advertised as free and premium fees for accessing out of network sites, video streaming, online gaming and any other high-bandwidth services.
Or the service provider could establish those fees on the business end, charging websites for access to their subscribers. If you're frustrated with the ongoing proliferation of streaming services, picture a day when Hulu only works on AT&T (T) - Get Free Report , Netflix is a privilege for the Comcast network and Amazon (AMZN) - Get Free Report Prime only streams to iOS devices.
Then, of course, there's politics. An ISP which supports one candidate in an election could slow down or block access to the opposing party's websites. Or, without taking sides, it could charge for access to its subscribers.
The goal of net neutrality is to ensure that businesses can compete freely on the internet without having to pay gatekeeper tolls. Without it consumers would look more like advertising segments than an open marketplace.
submitted by Masculine_Dugtrio to BreakingPoints [link] [comments]

2023.08.23 17:06 CP4-Throwaway My span for the transition between the Modern 2000's and Classic 2010's (Part I: Fall 2008 to Spring 2010)

Just like the one I did, portraying the transition from the 1990's to the 2000's, I will do the same here with the 2000's and the 2010's. I'd say that the overall transition from the Modern 2000's and Classic 2010's spanned from September 15, 2008 with the Global Financial Crisis to December 21, 2012 on the Mayan's predicted date for "the end of the world". This is a give or take and maybe it started slightly earlier or later but not too far off. This is pretty accurate in my opinion.
I know most will disagree with the timespan but this is just my opinion. This is gonna be much longer so this will probably be done in two or three parts, one again.
Let's begin.

Lehman Brothers Files for Bankruptcy and American Finance Collapses - September 15, 2008

The fourth largest US investment bank Lehman Brothers files a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. With $639B dollars in assets, it is the largest corporate bankruptcy. Long story short, it officially ended the "spend, spend, spend" lavish, gaudy culture that dominated the zeitgeist of the 2000s culture. This event set the tone for economics and politics going forward, and just our current era in general. This would be the birth of the 2010s era.

Democrat candidate Barack Obama wins the 2008 presidential election - November 4, 2008

The 2008 election draws to an end on Nov 4, 2008 when Barack Obama wins the popular vote (52.9%) against John McCain. Obama would become the first African-American US President. This would further change the zeitgeist of US politics and be another event that would launch us into a different world.

Twilight releases in theaters - November 21, 2008

There was a sense of joy in the movie theaters back in 2008, and that feeling has been carried with audiences every time they turn on the film, no matter where they are. Twilight influenced readers in 2008, it changed the culture of contemporary media, it created cult fan culture, and it created a new direction for pop culture, but most importantly, it took a fictional experience and elicited feelings that are real and true. In a way, it arguably could have influenced the dystopian movies that started getting popular in 2012 with the Hunger Games.

Barack Obama gets inaugurated to office - January 20, 2009

Barack Obama getting inaugurated into office definitely shifted the zeitgeist of our country. Bush was finally gone, and society was beginning to be more liberal and progressive but gradually. It wasn't "in your face" until like 2013, but it was getting there. We had the first African-American president that would launch us into a new decade, as we were in the midst of one of the worst recessions in history.

Circuit City closes down - March 9, 2009

The electronic store Circuit City, which goes defunct and this would one of many key shopping stores of the 2000s that go "belly-up" during this time. The recession was at its worst and it was not kind to any business.

Signs of the H1N1 virus emerge - March 18, 2009

Multiple cases of influenza emerge in Mexico. It is later confirmed to be a new strain of the H1N1 virus (responsible for the 1918 Spanish flu). This would start another pandemic and societal panic among citizens.

The Black Eyed Peas' hit song "Boom Boom Pow" release - March 31, 2009

This song is very important to note because this would be the song to fully launch the club boom, a.k.a. "electropop" music into the zeitgeist of pop culture. This song would hit #1 in the year-end Billboard Hot 100 list so you know this song was playing EVERYWHERE. Hip-hop, rock, and R&B would be fading around this time in relevance.

Justin Bieber's "One Time" releases - May 18, 2009

Justin Bieber makes his debut with the song "One Time". This song would launch the career of 15-year old Justin Bieber and make him another rising artist that would define 2010s pop music.

The Great Recession officially comes to an end - June 2009

This horrific onslaught that was the "Great Recession" was finally over. But it was so bad that it had a large overhanging effect for a couple of years, so it wasn't really over until like 2013ish. It's just that by July 2009, it had reached to a certain level to where it wasn't a "recession" anymore. Lots of people would be out of jobs and this would effect the societal climate going into the new decade.

The Black Eyed Peas' hit song "I Gotta Feeling" releases - June 15, 2009

This would be another hit song that the Black Eyed Peas would have that makes it to Top 5 in the Billboard Charts for the year, in the #4 spot. 2009 was undoubtedly the year of the Black Eyed Peas. No one could say otherwise. This was clearly their peak.

The "King of Pop" Michael Jackson dies - June 25, 2009

His death sent shockwaves to the music industry like you've never seen before. It was had a huge impact on the entertainment world and you could feel the change that would come as we head into the summer. This was a huge blow to the 2000s cultural zeitgeist as well, to be honest. And this would be the first of many deaths that would happen this year. You can pretty much safely call the Summer of 2009 "the Summer of Death" that was very close to the horrific year that was 2016, and this year also rivals it in the amount of celebrity deaths it has.

Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift at the 2009 Video Music Awards - September 13, 2009

Do I need to say anything about this? You know this was gonna be on here. Kanye interrupting Tay-Tay at the VMAs brought in a lot of controversy for the VMAs and Kanye would obviously get a lot of backlash for this. This moment would be immortalized, thanks to the rising social media that would create tons of memes of this moment, which would be a center of pop culture, as we head into the 2010s.

Modern Family premieres on ABC - September 23, 2009

One of the defining television shows of the 2010s make its debut on ABC television. Not much to say here except that this would show would represent the social and cultural change that was going on during this time. Literally in the name "Modern Family", this family was more progressive than most families you would see on TV at the time.

Nickelodeon goes through a rebrand - September 28, 2009

Nickelodeon's hallmark logo that was the 'Splat' logo, that they used for 25 years, which has seen darn near the entire evolution of the network, through the good times and the bad times, finally gets replaced for a cleaner, more minimalistic and simplistic look. This would define the network during the 2010s decade, and would be the start of the infamous minimalist trend that many companies would start to go towards.

Windows 7 releases to the public - October 22, 2009

This operating system would be the epitome of the 'Frutiger Aero' aesthetic that was prominent from the mid 2000s to the early 2010s with a lot of technology. Even though it would define one of the two main technological aesthetics of the 2000s decade, this operating system would define most people's internet experience of the early-mid 2010s, since it wouldn't really overtake the dominant operating system of the time, XP, until around 2011. Some of the new features included in Windows 7 were advancements in touch, speech and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disks, support for additional file formats, improved performance on multi-core processors, improved boot performance, and kernel improvements.

Angry Birds releases to the app store - December 13, 2009

This game would revolutionize the app market and lead the trend in popularizing mobile app gaming during the early-mid 2010s. Something of which has never been seen before.

Justin Bieber's single "Baby" releases - January 18, 2010

Justin Bieber's song that featured Ludacris would hit the airwaves as soon as the new year rang in. Now, THIS would be the song that launched Bieber into superstardom and put him everywhere. Preteen girls everywhere would love him and want to be with him, while boys, and that even includes some grown ass men, would despise this dude. There would be memes of him all over the internet where JB would get his ass kicked or something brutal would happen to him. He was pretty much the most hated person on the internet in 2010 and even 2011.

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie releases - March 19, 2010

With the success of Jeff Kinney's books during the late 2000s, he would capitalize on that success by releasing a movie based on the first book that came out in 2007. And this would make Diary of a Wimpy Kid even more popular and make it a part of the mainstream pop culture of the time. This was the peak of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid fandom during the late '00s, that would extend into the very early 2010s.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), a.k.a. Obamacare is signed - March 23, 2010

On Mar 23, 2010, Obama signs the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare. The ACA is aimed at expanding medical coverage, cutting healthcare costs, and improving healthcare quality. This would be the first major decision that president Obama does and this was pretty much his first real year as the commander in chief.

The iPad releases in stores - April 3, 2010

After being unveiled by Steve Jobs in January, the iPad ( a computer tablet) was released on Apr 3, 2010. At the time, it was priced at $499, 7.46M iPads were sold in 2010. The iPad being released was another smart device to help shed off the 2000s culture and bring in the 2010s.

Other events that also had an impact that happened around this time period (give/take):
This is the conclusion of the first part. Stay tuned for part 2.

I hope you enjoyed it and I would appreciate it if you would comment on these, as well as the other two:
Part 2: June 2010 to July 2011
Part 3: September 2011 to December 2012
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2023.08.16 16:32 Lavender_and_Maroon “If Taylor Swift is gay, why hasn’t she come out yet?”- A PR perspective

Disclaimer: I use the words ‘gay’ and ‘queer’ throughout this post as umbrella terms.
One question people ask a lot is “If Taylor Swift is gay, why hasn’t she come out yet?” Here’s my theory from a PR perspective.
Taylor Swift came out on the music scene is 2006 as a country music artist at just 16 years of age. Not only was she possibly too young to have figured out her sexuality yet, but the lack of acceptance of gay people among the generally conservative country music fans of the time likely caused her record label to tell her she couldn’t be openly gay/had to sing about boys more. The song Teardrops On My Guitar from that first album has an original, unreleased demo version that does not include he/him pronouns or the name “Drew” but those things are included in the album version of the song. Another song on the album, “Stay Beautiful”, includes the name ‘Corey’ but it’s rumored that the original version of the song had the name ‘Kelsey’ instead- in reference to her high school friend, Kelsey Morris, who she made a bunch of very flirtatious MySpace posts and comments about and is also the potential muse for the many references to a hometown love that she left behind for bigger and better things that are made throughout her discography ('Tis the Damn Season, Midnight Rain, Dorothea, etc.). These changes were almost certainly made at the request of her record label.
This would mean that she was introduced to the public as a straight woman and would be a straight woman in the public consciousness throughout her career. This would complicate coming out later since it’s hard to veer from what the public already believes once a celebrity’s public image is well-established. If she had been out from the beginning, or if she had come out early in her career- the PR strategy would be much less complicated because the general public would be much more accepting.
Throughout her career, Taylor has been the target of much misogyny-related criticism. This includes an endless reporting on the guys she was rumored to have dated. The existence of most of these relationships is considered to be factual- even by her fans- but only a few have been confirmed. Taylor herself has stated that she has not actually dated many of the guys that people think she has dated. Since we (on a sociological level) assume that everyone is straight by default until they specifically state otherwise, it was reported that she was dating a guy even if there was only minimal evidence. It was not, however, reported that she was dating a woman (even with a huge amount of evidence). This constant reporting on her love life in the media has established her as a serial dater in the public consciousness but also has firmly established her as a straight woman in the public consciousness. Her massive success throughout her career means that she is firmly rooted as an A-list celebrity and, therefore, her public image is also firmly rooted. And the public thinks she is straight. Once that public image is in place, it’s hard to change it without a massive amount of criticism and accusations that she is faking it for attention, sales, or continued relevancy. Her PR team almost certainly knows that it would be much more delicate with her than with someone who is earlier in their career or who is less well-known than her. Demi Lovato’s career, for example, was majorly harmed recently by coming out as non-binary after already having been firmly established in the public consciousness as a woman.
With the release of the Lover album in 2019, Taylor seems to have been attempting a coming out. Her record contract with her former label had ended, and therefore so did their conservative hold on her career. This would create a perfect opportunity for her to be more authentic in her art. I imagine her PR team discussed ‘soft launch’ vs. ‘hard launch’ coming outs. Soft launch being the Joan Jett style coming out where she just starts being publicly gay without making an explicit statement to the public that she is and hard launch meaning making a public statement. She appears to reference the soft launch strategy in ‘The Great War’ with the ‘crimson and clover’ line (Joan Jett released her cover of the song ‘Crimson and Clover’ in 1981- with female pronouns- as part of her own soft launch coming out). Lovers' accompanying documentary (Miss Americana) and the album itself were likely made with both of these strategy options in mind. There’s evidence that Miss Americana was meant to be about her coming out as gay and NOT about her coming out as political. Not only is she shown writing and recording “ME!”- which is likely meant to be a gay pride anthem- but she describes her vision of the music video for it as including “all the things that make me me” in parade form and includes ‘gay pride’ as one of the things that make her her. The music video itself shows her and Brendon Urie (an openly bisexual man) walking down the street while Brendon is throwing the bisexual pride colors at windows and streetlights spiderman-style and Taylors' dress bleeds the same colors. The gay pride rainbow is overhead during much of the parade and it’s worth mentioning that parades are often associated with queerness because of gay pride parades. At one point, he proposes to her but she declines in favor of petting a kitten (aka she turned down a guy because she’d rather have p***y). In Karma, she says “karma is a cat purring in my lap because it loves me”- or does it love ME! the song? The song itself is a self-loving anthem and included the now removed line “spelling is fun” which appears to have been a subtle reference to the use of letters for identifying queerness ("LGBTQ+").
The documentary is set up in a way where it could just as easily have been a coming out documentary instead of a “coming out as political” documentary. First, it doesn’t even make sense that she would need a documentary just to make a public statement about her political stance on a local Tennessee candidate- which is what the version that was released to the public basically was. The concept of the documentary does make sense in the context of coming as gay or bisexual. All the talk about being a perfect, good girl and role model makes more sense in the context of why she wouldn’t come out sooner.
Another single from the album (You Need To Calm Down) may have gotten its title from a phrase that she was previously told by her management under her former record label when she was too open or obvious with her queerness. I believe a lot of things she was told ended up in songs as a cheeky reference to them. For example, “being too loud”- as in being too loud/open about her queerness- is in You Need To Calm Down and again in The Last Great American Dynasty where she uses it in reference to both herself and Rebecca Harkness. These lines may have been included in YNTCD as way of saying that it’s not her who should calm down and be less loud but the people who would have a problem with her being gay that should. Throughout YNTCD, and throughout the Lover album and even in later albums, she uses light/dark imagery as a metaphor for being in closeted vs. being openly gay. “There’s sunshine on the street at the parade, but you would rather be in the dark ages” and “shade never made anybody less gay”, etc. In the music video, she burns down the trailer of heteronormativity and instead joins a bunch of LGBTQ+ celebrities in a gated trailer park community (literally meant to represent the LGBTQ+ community) that has a banner of pride flags over the entrance. She does this whilst wearing the bisexual pride colors in her hair. At the end of the video, she lovingly meets up with a woman who is the hamburger to her french fries (they’re in hamburgefrench fry costumes) and they hold hands and stare into each other’s eyes. Not to mention the fact that the lyrics of the song includes herself as one of the people who shade never made less gay. The colors on the Lover album cover are blue, purple, and pink- the bisexual pride colors.
Lover was set to be released in August of 2019 but in June of 2019, Taylor’s masters to her first 6 albums were sold to Scooter Braun’s Ithaca Holdings. I’m sure most Taylor Swift fans know why this was an issue but just to recap: Taylor wanted to buy the masters from her previous record label, and they would only sell them under unfair terms that included staying with them and releasing more albums on their label and earning them back one by one. She chose to decline that offer since she wanted independence from her label and to own all future work. Scooter Braun was manager of Kanye West and assisted with his attempted canceling of Taylor. When Taylor refused to stay with her previous record label, it’s likely that they sold her masters to Scooter as an insidious way of punishing her for not staying with them. This sale happened two months before Lover was set to be released. Taylor wanted to speak out publicly about this and announce that she intended to re-record her earlier work but it was likely decided among her PR team that doing that AND coming out would be too much major media exposure at one time and would disastrously result in neither being taken seriously. She chose to switch the hard launch coming out for the soft launch instead and publicly announced her intention to re-record her masters. By this time, the ME! and YNTCD songs and music videos (which were likely supposed to be part of the hard launch strategy in the form that they were released in) were already released but the album and documentary had not been.
In June, after the sale of her masters, Cautious Clay was contacted about making a last-minute approval to sample one of his songs for the song “London Boy”. This implies that London Boy was a last-minute addition to album after the masters were sold ( and, therefore, after she made the decision to stop her hard launch coming out. This song was probably included to makeup for a song that was removed that was too explicitly gay to be included now or to just add an overall sense of straightness to the album. The song itself feels like a cheeky parody and includes a sample of Idris Alba saying “go riding on my scooter” which was taken from a talk show where someone had won a date with him. Many think this is a subtle way of implying that the relationship described in the song is fake.
Before the sale of her masters, Taylor made a surprise performance at a Stonewall Inn pride event on June 14th. She was rumored to attend the NYC Worldpride event on June 30th (after the sale of her master’s) as well, but she never made it to that event. Designer Christian Siriano made a rainbow dress that was likely originally meant for Taylor to wear to this event but was worn by Billy Porter instead. If Taylor was previously planning to make a coming out speech, it likely would have been at this event. Instead, an interview with Vogue magazine was published on August 8th where Taylor made a statement to effect of “I can advocate for communities that I’m not a part of”. This was probably done as narrative control since she had put a stop to her full coming out and the statement was intentionally vague as to whether she was a part of the LGBTQ+ community herself. This is often used as the main piece of evidence that she is straight, even though it was quite vague and LGBTQ+ is comprised of many different communities.
The album was then released in August of 2019 without any grand statements of queerness. The Miss Americana documentary was released in January of 2020 with only minor statements of queerness (“gay pride makes me, me”) that may have been left in intentionally or may have just slipped passed the editors when making the gay vs. non-gay versions of it. They couldn’t pull the release of the documentary all together because its' release had already been announced to her fans and she had a contract with the production company to release it- so it became a “Taylor Swift comes out as political” thing.
Unfortunately, many people misinterpreted the queer flagging of this era. She was seen as a problematic ally who includes herself way too much in the narrative of LGBTQ+ rights, instead of this self-inclusion being seen as her saying she is part of the community. The line “shade never made anybody less gay” was a double meaning metaphor (people talking shit vs. being in the closet) that many misinterpreted and many thought she was simply comparing “talking shit” to homophobia, which reduced its' credibility in the eyes of many. Later, in the song Paris (a song about having a beautiful gay love “in the shade”), she clarified: it’s not the kind that’s thrown, it’s the kind under where a tree has grown. The light/dark imagery of the song and album support that narrative as well. ME! suffered the fate of not being recognized as the gay anthem it was meant to be and was interpreted as childish instead.
After this, her subsequent work was released with accompanying media material that appeared to attempt to control the narrative of the songs. For example, the very gay sounding ‘Folklore’ album was accompanied by the release of The Long Pond Studio Sessions that described the album as mostly fictional and “from a male perspective”. The body language and facial expressions of her and Jack Antonoff in this documentary appear to indicate that they are not telling the truth much of the time and are a bit amused at the narrative that they are telling. Midnights was accompanied by several Instagram reels. One of these reels discussed the song Lavender Haze and described it as a love song whose title comes from a beautiful 1950s saying about love. The song itself is slightly in opposition to that description with lines admonishing “that 1950s shit”- which supports the idea that the reels were intended for narrative control. I think the idea of staying "in that lavender haze" actually comes from what you get when you blend the bisexual pride colors together. Maybe her previous record label/PR team wouldn’t let her use the bisexual pride colors in her performances/social media posts/etc. but would let her blend them together in a vaguer way so that the intended queer flagging wasn’t as obvious. This would mean that ‘staying in that lavender haze’ is a metaphor for being closeted.
EDIT: Yes, I am aware of lavender marriage and significance of lavender in queer history. As we know, Taylor often has multiple meaning to her metaphors and I think this is an example of that.
If Taylor plans on coming out in the future, it’s likely that the PR strategy will be a slow buildup to it. Currently, a large portion of her fan base have taken it upon themselves to aggressively defend her straightness. I’m sure there’s concern that this would result in a massive cognitive dissonance response from those fans if she were to come out. The best way for her to proceed would be to keep “dropping hairpins” until the majority of her fanbase is at least accepting of Gaylor theory, even if they don’t personally believe it. The goal would be to gradually make it less and less deniable and only then make a public statement. She does seem to be using this strategy in the Midnights era. The Gaylor theory has many new converts in her fanbase and that amount of converts in slowly growing every day. Once enough of her fans have been converted, only then will she make a grand public statement.
And with this, I leave you a poem:
I can see you
I can see right through you
You don’t have to answer,
Just because they asked you
If you prefer hiding in plain sight,
That’s ok
You can just stay
In that lavender haze
But there’s sunshine on the street at the parade
And shade never made anybody less gay
And not the kind that’s thrown,
But the kind under where a tree has grown
So if you remember that you’re a rainbow with all of the colors
Midnights don’t have to become your afternoons
When you step out into the daylight,
You’ll be remembered for the things that you love
And I know it’s delicate, like clover
But it’s golden, like daylight
I can see you

LGBTQ: Because spelling is fun! =)
submitted by Lavender_and_Maroon to Gaylor_Swift [link] [comments]

2023.07.24 16:03 madonna-boy Things that could go horribly wrong with the TV adaptation?

So we've seen a lot of posts about what we'd like to see the new adaptations do well/better... but let's see if we can come up with the worst things that could happen with the reboot. I'll start:
Should be self-explanatory, but when Sorcerer's Stone premiered even Myspace hadn't been invented (and if you were there you knew that ppl with dial-up couldn't really use the site). Facebook came out between movies 3 & 4 but also was invite-only when it launched and didn't have "fan" pages etc. With twitter, instagram, snapchat, tiktok, etc all in play now and an arguably larger supporting cast we could see some big casting changes in between seasons. Recasting anyone in the Gold or Silver trio would be jarring but if we become more familiar with characters from other houses (milicent bulstrode) this is going to be a huge problem and will require a lot of time/attention.
LOL, not big hate to the company... but they really seem to struggle with non-vulgar, non-sexual storylines (there's a funny SNL sketch about them acquiring Sesame Street that comes to mind). I really hope we don't have easter eggs of ghosts humping, polyjuice shenanigans, etc. Younger kids are into Potter and I'd like for them to be able to watch this without having to redirect them every time something vulgar happens (similar to what has been edited out of the 90s Disney movies). I also don't mind horribly if Harry uses more unforgiveables and is sassy and Hermione keeps Rita hostage but... I really hope they aren't dropping more F-bombs than dungbombs.
I don't want to see political easter eggs either... I feel like this would cheapen the series and it's timelessness. The overarching theme is death (and love), but if they add a joke about a particular candidate / modern event I think I might vomit. It's good that our sub steers clear of this... and we still have PLENTY to talk about.
I really don't need 10 hours of Sorcerer's Stone... 4 is plenty. That being said more time MUST be spent on GOF/OotP/HBP than on SS. So I'm hoping the length of each season will vary in proportion to the length of each book. I would even prefer that SS/CoS share a season (of 10 episodes) or that GOF be stretched into 2 seasons (if each season is only 5 episodes). The books vary in length and I hope that they won't fast forward through some for the sake of symmetry because if they do then... I don't really know what the point of this is (and I don't want to wait another 25 years to get what we're all kinda hoping for here).
Completely unavoidable... I assume nothing is being written now (was this reboot announced before or after the current strike?). There was another television strike several years ago... but if one were to occur in the middle of this series that would be dreadful (because of the aging child actors, and honestly all of the actors). BBC was able to salvage and end to His Dark Materials despite covid shutting everything down, but I remember being nervous... that show really only needed 2 kids and the timeline isn't as strict as "now you're in 9th grade". But I was worried that we would be left with another incomplete adaptation (the previous film should have been part of a trilogy and never was).
The bar here is set pretty high. The movies did a phenomenal job of casting (regardless of what scenes they dropped from the books). I don't think anyone can really argue otherwise. Personally, I'd love to see Ian McKellen play Dumbledore this time around. I could see a lot of manufactured outrage depending on what they do here (look at cursed child or recent disney movies if you want an example). Overall, it would be free publicity but I hope they keep the cast mostly british). The casting of the films really helped with the immersion. I'd also be upset if any of the children cast in this new adaptation receive a fraction of the hate that Jake Lloyd got for being cast as Anakin in Star Wars... overall I don't see how that's possible to avoid though. Particularly with Season 1/SS the comparisons to the films will be rampant. I hope that the media and social media will leave these kids alone and have some perspective that this is a TV show and not some sacred ritual that if preformed "incorrectly" will detonate the world. While I think that knowing which characters will be important to the overall story should help the creative team cast the right people for the right roles when they first appear on screen, I think that we'll see a ton of recasting and I think that cyber-bullying will the reason for at least one major exit from the series. Anyway, this long rant boils down to: I don't know who will be playing the golden trio but I feel sorry for them already.
submitted by madonna-boy to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2023.06.04 18:38 earththejerry Suffering from Succession withdrawal? Here’s a suggested reading list of the show’s real-life inspirations and stories

Succession fans - if you’re missing the show and also interested in juicy longform journalism about the real-life media dynasties and family drama that inspire the show, or are similar to it, below is a partial list of things I’ve enjoyed reading/watching before and during the show’s run. Some have been posted here before, but would love to collate them together and see if anyone else has other suggestions. A lot of them are paywalled but hopefully you can bypass them if you’re clicking for the first time.
Murdochs - there’s no shortage of materials about the OG inspiration behind the Roys, here’s a few that especially stood out:
Inside Rupert Murdoch’s Succession Drama (Vanity Fair) - most recent piece by longtime Murdoch chronicler Gabriel Sherman, includes lots of juicy details about the Murdoch family and even few references to how Succession has impacted family dynamics
Planet Fox (New York Times) - 3-parter longform article about the Murdochs’ family drama, how their empire melded with Trump’s, and how it reshaped politics and culture in the Anglosphere countries in the past few decades
A very Australian coup: Murdoch, Turnbull and the power of News Corp (The Guardian) - a 4-part deep dive into how the Murdochs influence Australian politics and wield their media empire as a political weapon
The Heiress (New Yorker) - profile of Elisabeth Murdoch and her relationship with Rupert and the rest of the family just as the infamous News Corp phone hacking scandal broke out
The Pirate (New Yorker) - an oldie but a goodie from the 90s, it details Murdoch at his prime as he conquers the American media industry one acquisition at a time. His risk-taking, anti-establishment, and swashbuckling personality as he built the empire is probably what inspired the Succession writers and Logan Roy’s “YOU’RE PIRATES!” speech at ATN
The Endless Reign of Rupert Murdoch (The Monthly) - a long but very well written summary a few years ago of Murdoch’s life and work, recommend it if you’re not familar with the Murdochs
BBC’s Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty (whose title music and sequence is very Succession-esque) and CNN’s Murdochs: Empire of Influence are also great watches - I think the former has free episodes on Dailymotion
Redstones - former rival to Murdoch who built up the Viacom/CBS/Paramount empire and also known for his risk-taking style, they famously clashed for Myspace back in the 2000s (lol), the relationship between an ailing Sumner in his later years and daughter Shari seems to be an inspiration for Sandi and Sandy
She Won’t Be Manageable’ They Said. Now She’s in Charge (New York Times) - about Shari’s journey to taking over from her ailing father, with whom she has had a stormy relationship, by battling his girlfriends and executives like Dauman at Viacom and Les Moonves at CBS
Endless Sumner (Vanity Fair) - about Sumner Redstone’s descent to illness and the battle for his estate between Shari, the executives, and his live-in girlfriends, some of the details are kinda sickening honestly, so be warned - but ties in to a lot of Logan’s private life behaviors on the show
Maxwells - another rival to Murdoch (and also father to Ghislaine Maxwell) who disappeared off his yacht as his indebted media empire collapsed over pension debt, but his rags-to-riches and escape-from-WWII story is absolutely captivating and harrowing
The Murky Life and Death of Robert Maxwell and How it Shaped His Daughter Ghislaine (The Guardian)
Others that have some striking parallels with the show’s plot:
The Rogers family feud: From a butt-dial to a B.C. Supreme Court case, here’s what’s happening inside Canada’s biggest telecom boardroom (The Globe and Mail) and The Man Who Would Be King: Inside the ruthless battle for control of the $34-billion Rogers empire (Toronto Life) - about the family and boardroom drama over Rogers, a major Canadian telecom and media empire. There’s tidbits about a dominant father figure and siblings duking it out in the boardroom, all very Succession-esque
Pierre Karl Peladeau: King of Quebec (Maclean’s) and Angry Son (Forbes) - about the Peladeau family and Quebecor, which owns much of Quebec’s newspapers, TV networks, telecom infrastructure, and much more. PKP succeeded his father early on over his siblings and is known for his irratic temper and risk-taking. He even stood as the lead candidate for Parti Quebecois to fight for Quebec independence back in 2015. His real life story might have been what Kendall’s would be like had the latter prevailed or if Logan died early
The Fall of the House of Bingham (NYT) and Scenes from a Marriage (Vanity Fair) - about the implosion of the Bingham family who owned Louisville’s newspaper and TV station. Super old and obscure compared with the others, but is a very good read for fans of local history, complete with family tragedies, sibling infighting and more
The Legacy of Citizen Robert (Texas Monthly) - about a rising ambitious mogul defeating his own family members for control of the Belo Corp, which owned Dallas Morning News and many local stations, and building on top of the existing family business - honestly a more motivating read than the usual family heirs squabbling over ancestral legacies stories
There’s also plenty of other examples like Berlusconi in Italy, the Bertelsmann and Axel Springer empires from Germany that’s both trying to expand in America, and iconic old media barons like William Randolph Hearst that inspired Citizen Kane (which Succession referenced via Rosebud), and national media empires with outsized personalities and political influence like Brazil’s Globo and Argentina’s Clarin that you can read about
Hopefully you enjoy reading some of these very well-written article, and alleviate your case of Succession withdrawal!
submitted by earththejerry to SuccessionTV [link] [comments]

2023.05.13 13:29 FakeElectionMaker I am working on a remake of fictional politician Steve Welch.

I am working on a remake of fictional politician Steve Welch.
2004 US elections
Former Governor of Oregon Steve Welch had developed a reputation as one of the country's most progressive and effective governors. Between 1999 and 2003, Welch had implemented the following:
  • The closure of the gun show loophole and mandatory trigger locks for firearms.
  • The expansion of Medicaid and protections for those with preexisting conditions.
  • Greater funding for Planned Parenthood and birth control available over the counter.
  • Higher funding for childcare and K-12 education.
  • Greater wages for teachers and a focus on vocational training and trade schools.
  • Mandatory rehabilitation for drug criminals through drug courts.
During the 2004 Democratic primaries, Welch shocked the political work by winning the primaries as an anti-war populist, defeating John Kerry.
In the general election, Welch made the following campaign promises:
  • Healthcare reform, through Medicaid expansion, protections for preexisting conditions, and a public option;
  • The repeal of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and closure of corporate tax loopholes;
  • A gradual withdrawal of US troops from Iraq;
  • The renegotiation of NAFTA with higher labor and environmental protections;
  • Joining the Kyoto Protocol and cutting subsidies for the fossil fuel industry;
  • Repealing Common Core and instead focusing on trade schools, higher pay for teachers and funding for the Department of Education;
  • Keeping abortion safe, legal and rare;
  • Making the Assault Weapons Ban permanent, closing the gun show loophole and making trigger locks mandatory;
  • Legalizing same-sex civil unions.
Welch chose former House Minority Leader and Missouri populist Dick Gephardt as a running mate, in order to unite the party and appeal to moderates and Midwesterner voters. The Democratic nominee attacked George W. Bush for his tax cuts for the wealthy and invasion of Iraq.
However, his campaign suffered a setback when on October 2, 2004, a woman went on MSNBC and admitted she had performed an abortion on Steve Welch's wife. This revelation damaged the Democratic ticket in the South, but did not affect him in pro-choice states such as Nevada, and Welch successfully deflected.
On October 28, Steve Welch's slight lead in the polls was dampened by the release of a video where Osama bin Laden admitted to having committed the 9/11 attacks. On election day, the two nominees were neck on neck.
Presidency of Steve Welch (2005-2007)
Over a dozen Republican members of Congress boycotted Steve Welch's inauguration.
One month afterwards, a Republican mass movement was formed in the form of the Tea Party. The movement supported neoconservatism, low taxes and limited government outside of foreign policy.
Back to the administration, Steve Welch used an alarmingly large number of executive orders/actions and memorandums to implement his agenda by bypassing the Republican Congress. The following acts were controversial:
  • An "executive agreement" with the European Union, with almost the exact same terms and guidelines as the Kyoto Protocol.
  • Orders for the Department of Health and Human Services to require blue states to expand Medicaid.
  • The requirement federal agencies increase the fuel efficiency of automobiles.
  • An executive order increasing the wages of teachers in public schools.
  • Another "executive agreement" with Mexico and Canada, increasing labour and environmental protections in the United States' foreign trade with the two countries.
However, Steve Welch managed to work with Congress on several legislative accomplishments. Chiefly among them were:
  • Greater funding for NCLB in the 2006 budget.
  • Mandatory trigger locks for all firearms manufactured from January 1, 2006.
  • The creation of a $50,000 tax credit for health insurance.
On foreign policy, Steve Welch increased military aid to Iraq, while gradually withdrawing US forces from the country. The last American military units left the country on 5 March 2007.
He also revoked China's most favored nation status, and formally declared them a currency manipulator. There was increased military aid to Eastern European countries during his presidency.
In late 2006, Welch began an US troop surge in Afghanistan, sending 30,000 new troops into the country, where they worked with the local army in fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. This had limited success.
During the first half of his presidency, Steve Welch had sluggish approval ratings due to the congressional gridlock that marked his presidency.
Presidency of Steve Welch (2007-2009)
Steve Welch became increasingly unpopular from 2007 onwards, as the Republican trifecta and subsequent constitutional hardball prevented major legislative accomplishments, and his use of executive orders to bypass Congress came under criticism by experts.
In early 2007, the White House and Congress could not agree on a budget. As such, there was a two-month long government shutdown that only ended when Steve Welch and Mitch McConnell agreed on a "compromise" budget.
During the second half of his presidency, Steve Welch's sole major accomplishment was the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, signed by the President on 27 January 2007.
He also issued executive orders, agreements and memorandums to:
  • Cease the deportation of all undocumented immigrants who were attending school, under 18, or military veterans.
  • Create 5 million new private health insurance plans until 2010, in partnership with the healthcare industry.
In late 2007, increased violence in Iraq following the US withdrawal caused the Welch Administration to authorize drone strikes against Al-Qaeda and its offshoots. However, the focus on Afghanistan caused a slight reduction of violence and relative weakening of the Taliban.
As the US economy worsened in early 2008, Steve Welch – then focused on winning reelection – stepped up his attacks on the Republican Congress, accusing it of violating historical norms by "refusing" to cooperate with his Administration.
After the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the Republican Congress demanded a stimulus plan enacting measures such as tax cuts, instead of a bailout and greater bank regulation as Steve Welch and the Democrats wanted. As such, only a stimulus package of $700 billion was passed before Welch left office.
2008 United States presidential election
John McCain won the Republican nomination as a standard neoconservative, shifting quite a bit to the right in order to do so.
In the general election, McCain advocated for:
  • Enacting a stimulus package and extending the Bush tax cuts in order to improve the economy.
  • Stronger enforcement of immigration laws and allowing states to impose them.
  • Restrictions on abortion such as mandatory parental notification and consent, and a ban on abortion after 25 weeks unless the mother's life is at risk.
  • Deregulating healthcare markets in order to expand coverage across state lines.
  • A strong foreign policy and the continuation of the war in Afghanistan.
  • Expanding offshore drilling and greater investment in nuclear energy.
  • Free trade with Latin American countries, and aid against drug trafficking.
John McCain frequently emphasized his service in the Vietnam War, and his campaign attacked (to a degree) Steve Welch for his weak foreign policy and inability to pass policy.
After the subprime mortgage crisis, McCain was projected to win 348 electoral votes, until Steve Welch, with his effective campaigning, managed to narrow things down significantly:
  • Welch used the Internet and social media such as MySpace and Facebook for campaigning;
  • Welch's campaign attacked John McCain for the latter's rightward shift before and during his presidential campaign;
  • And John McCain's decision to take a break from the campaign to work with Congress on a stimulus package was widely seen as erratic.
Also, Steve Welch was a match for McCain during the debates. As the gridlock during his administration was caused by a Republican Congress, he campaigned for Senate and House Democratic candidates.
The economic collapse and gridlock stopped the President from winning reelection. John McCain defeated Steve Welch by flipping Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine's 2nd congressional district and Nevada, becoming the oldest US president and the first born outside of the 50 states.
Presidency of John McCain (2009-2011)
John McCain's inauguration speech focused on recovering the United States' economy and countering the threats of China, Iran and Russia. The Republican trifecta gave McCain the freedom to implement his campaign promises.
The first major bill he signed was an extension of the Bush tax cuts until 2017, to help the economy grow.
Also, during his first year in office, McCain expanded offshore drilling and ordered the construction of a nuclear power plant in Michigan.
The stimulus policies implemented by Steve Welch continued, but his plan for greater bank regulation was scrapped and replaced by an extension of the Bush tax cuts.
McCain refused to bail out large businesses, as to avoid angering the Tea Party he had shifted right to please.
On foreign policy, the McCain Administration imposed sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program, and provided propaganda support for the Green Movement protestors.
Also, greater military aid was provided to Eastern European countries due to the Russian invasion of Georgia.
Steve Welch's tougher policy towards China was expanded. In 2009 and 2010, John McCain visited Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Free trade deals were signed with Mexico, Colombia and Australia as a means of reducing foreign trade with China.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2023.05.11 13:56 FakeElectionMaker 2008 United States presidential election

2008 United States presidential election
John McCain won the Republican nomination as a standard neoconservative, shifting quite a bit to the right in order to do so.
In the general election, McCain advocated for:
  • Enacting a stimulus package and extending the Bush tax cuts in order to improve the economy.
  • Stronger enforcement of immigration laws and allowing states to impose them.
  • Restrictions on abortion such as mandatory parental notification and consent, and a ban on abortion after 25 weeks unless the mother's life is at risk.
  • Deregulating healthcare markets in order to expand coverage across state lines.
  • A strong foreign policy and the continuation of the war in Afghanistan.
  • Expanding offshore drilling and greater investment in nuclear energy.
  • Free trade with Latin American countries, and aid against drug trafficking.
John McCain frequently emphasized his service in the Vietnam War, and his campaign attacked (to a degree) Steve Welch for his weak foreign policy and inability to pass policy.
After the subprime mortgage crisis, McCain was projected to win 348 electoral votes, until Steve Welch, with his effective campaigning, managed to narrow things down significantly:
  • Welch used the Internet and social media such as MySpace and Facebook for campaigning;
  • Welch's campaign attacked John McCain for the latter's rightward shift before and during his presidential campaign;
  • And John McCain's decision to take a break from the campaign to work with Congress on a stimulus package was widely seen as erratic.
Also, Steve Welch was a match for McCain during the debates. As the gridlock during his administration was caused by a Republican Congress, he campaigned for Senate and House Democratic candidates.
The economic collapse and gridlock stopped the President from winning reelection. John McCain defeated Steve Welch by flipping Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine's 2nd congressional district and Nevada, becoming the oldest US president and the first born outside of the 50 states.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to GustavosAltUniverses [link] [comments]

2023.04.20 03:00 hyejinny_ Streak 3: How Real Are You on Social Media

With the introduction of social media, from Facebook to TikTok, many things have changed drastically. People often post their best selves on their social media and often use it for the purpose of boasting or showing off themselves. People became more egocentric and self-centred than ever, competing to the illusion of others. I used to love posting pictures on social media. Ever since I was a child, I used to take lots of pictures. I enjoyed posting them on a blog or a platform like myspace (although I did not use myspace since I lived somewhere else).
The more I post and spent time on social media, however, the more I became depressed and anxious. I became more obsessed with social media, so I altered my pictures to look “more beautiful and attractive” to the society’s beauty standard. Nevertheless, beauty is subjective and shifts over time. I struggled to keep up with the rapidly switching beauty standard, and eventually I got to the point where I lost myself completely, vain and empty.
I once encountered a story on Instagram, quoted from a book, talking about how curated photo dumps and delicately manipulated aesthetic feeds actually restrain you to only express the fine part of your life, disregarding the true and real version of you. I couldn’t relate more. I didn’t realize how obsessed I was with posting the ideal and pleasantly looking pictures on my social media. The life I had on social media was far from the life I had—I was constantly struggling with my mental health. Unlike the smiling pictures and myself having fun with friends, I was suffering, combatting with my biggest enemy, which is my ideal self in the utopian world.
Once I had this enlightenment, I tried to post more natural and genuine pictures of myself. Although I tried to post candid and honest pictures of myself, it was hard to be honest on social media because I didn’t want to break the aesthetics I kept on for a while. I liked how my feed looking nice and perfect. I enjoyed getting compliments from my friends that my feeds and pictures are so well-organized. I didn’t want to give up on all of that, so I made a big decision—I deactivated my social media.
It hasn’t been a long time since I deleted my social media, yet the effect of not having social media and not checking everything daily is great. My focus and productivity has improved. My mood has improved. I actually do something instead of scrolling and mindlessly spending my time, doing nothing and chasing other people’s mirage.
I will eventually go back and activate my social media at one point. As much as I hate to admit, I love the attention and affection I can get from social media, even if they are full of vanity and nothingness, I somewhat enjoy getting notifications or messages on my social media. After all, I am a human being who craves connection with people. Now that I understand the negative aspect of social media, however, I will use it with caution. And before I can use it with caution, I probably will make my social media deactivated for the sake of maintaining healthier lifestyle for a while.
I think I strayed a bit too far from the topic while talking about my personal experience about how social media has impacted me, mainly in a negative way. To conclude, I am not real on social media. Sometimes, I think I construct a fake identity and personality on social media, to be a better fit amongst popular people, but that’s just not who I am. I respect those who post their real self on social media, but I don’t think most of us are honest and real on social media. It’s hard to open up yourself on social media—as it’s shallow, pretentious, and superficial.
I don’t think social media only has downside. It’s helpful at times and provides great entertainment and sometimes a great tip to those who are in need. Are we all honest on social media? — My answer is no, we are not that honest and real on social media.
A note to the correctors: I am open to any corrections. If there are other corrections you want to make besides the grammatical or syntax issues, please do not hesitate and add them to your comment. It could be a word, expressions, sentences, context, or anything you would like to suggest. I would be totally up for it. Regardless, thank you for taking your time to correct my writing. It helps me tremendously, and I genuinely appreciate the effort you put in. I hope you have a great day.
submitted by hyejinny_ to WriteStreakEN [link] [comments]

2023.03.30 00:00 Evanawesome123 Is this the site everyone keeps talking about??

Is this the site everyone keeps talking about?? submitted by Evanawesome123 to shittydarksouls [link] [comments]

2023.02.28 17:04 Hooked_on_PhoneSex Testing for Incompetence

Someone posted a photo of an IQ like test question a little while ago, and it reminded me of an old employer.
I work in a rather niche financial services field. When I started my career, this field was still fairly new, so there wasn't much in the way of training or program development available.
So employers adopted whatever harebrained HR algorithm software that was currently in vogue. They also did temp to hire so that they could test out and train new staff without having to worry about adhering to labor laws and standards until they were sure that the staffer was well equipped.
How did they figure out who would stay on?
Why with an IQ test of course! And not just any IQ test. It was the kind of 15 question test you might find on one of those "test your IQ" websites popular in the early days of Facebook and Myspace.
So a new crop of staff was hired, trained and put to work. Their promised 3 month temp to hire trial period ended, and nobody was converted. It continued, staff lost patience, many found permanent work in other departments or at other firms. Finally, after 18 MONTHS of stringing these poor people along, offers were made to the remaining holdouts.
But they had to pass one final hurdle. That "IQ test". Two of the candidates failed. These happened to be the sharpest pair, highest performers. They also had the most desirable industry license of the remaining holdouts. But because neither was good at matching shapes or solving rudimentary picture puzzles, both were sumnarily terminated.
This particular firm ran into major trouble during the US sub-prime mortgage crisis. It did not survive the resulting fallout. They also got into some legal shenanigans for falsifying signatures on loan documents.
Ultimately, the people who failed their IQ tests, were better off working elsewhere. Lucky bastards.
submitted by Hooked_on_PhoneSex to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2022.12.09 04:47 SobeyHarker Article Update

This article is slightly longer than planned as it's going to be part of an investigative piece on current protests. With a timeline of events, discussing the issues themselves, and the technologically-assisted hyper-acceleration of nationalism in China. This is more a comment on nations having their first "myspace period" but I'll go into that more in detail in the article. It does directly lead me to what piqued most people's interest; a clip that was originally found then shared from a pro CCP signal boosting sealion.
The person in question is no longer in China. I've gained two additional acquaintances of his and additionally...he's also in the UK.
We've had a first touch of base and will arrange for something in person that's nice and candid.
I've also connected with a friend of mine in the UK from Shanghai to assist with few additional talking points but will also bring in the founder of Hong Kongers in Britain to comment as to provide various view points.
If you have anything else you'd like me to pursue that would fit within the umbrella of the above please feel free to let me know. I can't go too far outside of scope otherwise it'll increase research, writing, and editorial time.
If you know of any groups that may benefit from tools such as DNS resolvers & VPNs to keep themselves safe - please don't hesitate to get in touch and I'll see that they're given out free of charge. We also provide reporters, NGOs, and protestors complementary access.
submitted by SobeyHarker to u/SobeyHarker [link] [comments]

2022.12.08 00:00 FakeElectionMaker In 2008, the seventh installement in the Election Simulator series and the fifth main game, Election Simulator '08, was released for Windows and Linux PCs, plus the Xbox 360.

In 2008, the seventh installement in the Election Simulator series and the fifth main game, Election Simulator '08, was released for Windows and Linux PCs, plus the Xbox 360.
Election Simulator '08 was announced on March 27, 2007, with a promotional trailer being released, including in YouTube and Google Video.
After a long development, ES08 was released on October 3, 2008.
Its new features included:
  • A primary mode, allowing up to seven candidates (including custom politicians) to run for either party's primary.
  • Economic statistics such as the Dow Jones Index.
  • The nerfing of fictional characters.
  • The ability to have profiles in parodies of Myspace, YouTube and Facebook.
  • Players being able to choose a country the United States was at war with, in a custom match.
The game contained county maps, but without margins; and the player had to click on the state to see them.
ES08 had a soundtrack with several songs such as "Happy Days are Here Again" "Fanfare for the Common Man" and JibJab parodies like "Time for Some Campaigning".
This game had positive to mixed reviews; its depth, entertaining nature and writing were praised, while the primary mode and omission of the Great Recession were criticized.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to GustavosAltUniverses [link] [comments]

2022.12.03 17:01 drkstrk A Quick Guide for Kanye fans who want to convert to Taylor Swiftism

A Quick Guide for Kanye fans who want to convert to Taylor Swiftism
It's me, hi. I’m aware that the whole bit of “we’re converting this sub into a Taylor Swift sub” is just a joke, but I wanted to make a little guide for any one who was serious about wanting to like her. So instead of just naming some random facts about her you can find on Wikipedia, I will mention some things that made me become a hardcore Taylor fan, aside from her music, which might not be to everyone's taste.
1. Her Rolling Stones interview.
During her “reputation” era (2017-2018), Taylor would not give any interviews as the album motto was “there will be no explanation, there will only be reputation”. It's corny af, I know, but remember that this era was just a character that she built and shouldn’t be taken too seriously as many people do. In 2019, she released her *happy* album, “Lover” and started doing interviews again and Rolling Stones did a really well written piece on her. In this interview, Taylor talks about her songwriting, her musical inspirations, her creative process, her way of processing feelings, how she takes criticism, her political stands and her friendship with Katy Perry (after both decided to apologize and end their overreacted feud), and, of course, about the Kanye situation. It's interesting because it gives a little behind the scenes timeline of their friendship and how she feels like Kanye would always contradict himself, especially after she presented him the MTV Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, per his request, and then he went up on stage and basically said it was all a coy by MTV to get more views when it was actually his idea. Link
2. Miss Americana (2020)
Taylor's Netflix documentary came out in 2020, directed by Lana Wilson, and it started filming around 2018 until the release of her album Lover in 2019. The film explores a lot of themes that Taylor has had to struggle with her entire carreer, like the public's perception of her, eating disorders, having to reinvent herself over and over to fit in the music industry, how she managed to keep her (now 6 year) relationship private while being scutinized by the media in 2016-2017, etc. The highest points of the documentary for me, personally, was when she discussed her sexual assault case, which she won, but then her assailant sued her for defamation asking for 3 million dollars in damages. She countersued for one dollar and won the case. Another high point for me was when she talked about how her label executives always pressured her into staying silent about politics because of what had happened to the Dixie Chicks when they criticized Bush. Taylor supported a democratic candidate for her home state and started taking more political stands after 2017, to which Trump replied that he liked "her music 25% less". The low point of the documentary is that she does talk about some struggles that may feel a bit futile, like when the documentary opens with her being upset for not getting a Grammy nomination. I usually take these scenes with a grain of salt, considering that she is a white woman who was been rich basically her whole life. So if you decide to watch it, have that in mind as well.
This is her cat Benjamin Button, which she adopted during the set of her music video for \"Lover\". Check the behind the scenes for their meet cute.
3. Her relationship with her fans
Taylor has always been active on social media every since her debut era. She loved uploading her music to MySpace when she was a teenager, at the start of her career, even though her label executives believed that CDs and Radio were the only ways to sell music, and not through the internet (boy were they wrong huh). After MySpace died (RIP), she mostly kept interacting with her fans through Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr to discuss her lyrics, trade memes and talk about important topics such as the BLM protests in 2020. Today she's more of a private person and during 2020 she disappeared for a few months (granted she was producing two back-to-back albums), but she began interacting more with fans again after creating a TikTok account in 2021 in which she's always liking an commenting on fan tiktoks. Expect lots of cat content.
4. Her relationship with other artists
Taylor is someone who has always praised other artist's work, especially women's. In her 2015-2016 world tour for her album "1989", Taylor used to bring surprise guests for every show and sing a song with them. A few of her guests were Lorde, Selena Gomez, Dan Reynolds, Wiz Khalifa, Tove Lo, Omi, Justin Timberlake, Alanis Morisette, Steve Tyler, and many more. Sometimes it was not even a musical guest, but just famous people who she knew people would go crazy for like Kobe Bryant, Serena Williams and models like Sean O'Pry, Cara Delavigne, Heidi Klum, Karlie Kloss (we don't talk about Karlie though, don't ask me why), etc. Here's a complete guide to every one of her guests, she may have performed with someone you like. Aside from that, Taylor always treats other artist with respect. She sent a bouquet of flowers to Cardi B when she took her #1 spot on the Billboard chart with "Bodak Yellow", and to Don McLean whe she broke his almost 50 year old record of holding the longest song to reach the #1 spot (him with the 8 minute long "American Pie" and her with the 10 minute version of "All Too Well"). More recently, she also sent an old sealed letter to Lizzo to congratulate her. Taylor's just an old lady at heart and we love her for it. There are many more examples of her praising other artists but these are just a few of my favorite ones.
  1. Her fight for better rights in the music industry
Taylor got into the industry when she was very young. She signed with Sony/ATV in 2004 when she was 14 and then with Big Machine Records in 2005, with whom she stayed with until 2018. During those years, she would always be kept away from business meetings held by older men who decided what was better for her career without consulting her. For almost every record she released under BMR, she had to fight to keep certain songs and album concepts, not to mention doing promos that she didn't want to do. Although she is grateful for all they have done for her, her experiences made her want to help other artists to be able to have more freedom in the industry. In 2014, she pulled her entire catalogue, including her recently released album "1989" from Spotify, in other to pressure them to pay artists more fairly. They ended up doing that a few years later and she returned in 2017. In 2015, she wrote an open letter to Apple Music after they decided not to pay artists for streams given during their 3 month trial period, which she wouldn't be greatly affected by due to her touring revenue, but would impact smaller artists who depend on streaming money. The letter got a huge positive response and Apple decided to comply. In her 2019 acceptance speech for the Billboard Woman of the Decade award (she was the first artist in history to achieve this), Taylor spoke a bit about her struggles as a woman in the music industry and praised the new generation of female artists. Fun fact: when she won the Woman of the Year award in 2014, she said "somewhere right now, your future Woman of the Year is probably sitting in a piano lesson or in a girls choir" and, funnily enough Billie Eilish, who won the Woman of the Year award in 2019, was taking choir lessons at around that time.
6. The Easter Eggs
You may have heard that swifties go crazy hunting for easter eggs. This started out when Taylor would put secret messages in the CD booklets for her first albuns and then it started growing into bigger references here and there, and now some swifties analyze anything that she posts, even the amount of emojis she uses because they think it might be a reference to new music. To be fair, she does indulge us a lot, like her recent NYU 2022 Commencement speech had a bunch of references to her album "Midnights", which she released a few months later. It's a way for fans to get together and have fun speculating about what will happen in the future. More recently, her music video for "Bejeweled" was full of easter eggs referencing the future release of her rerecorded 2010 album "Speak Now". By the way, if you don't know why she's rerecording her first 6 albums (there's only 4 left), this article explains it in short.
7. These performances:
I Did Something Bad (American Music Awards, 2018), Don't Blame Me (Live at Reputation Stadium Tour), Blank Space (Live at Grammy Museum), cardigan/august/willow (Live at Grammy 2021), All Too Well (Live at AT&T Chicago), Hits Medley at AMA's 2019. These are a few of my favorites. While we're at it, here's Taylor swift handling rude interviewers and rude questions for 4 minutes straight. And Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn obsessing over each other for 4 Minutes Straight (Taylor can't stop looking at her boyfriend Joe Alwyn while performing). I sincerelly hope you fall into a Taylor Swift youtube spiral like I have many times.
This is just a few of the things that made me become a hardcore fan ever since 2017, despite being a casual listener ever since 2012. All of these are examples of how Taylor has been a gracious presence in the music industry. She keeps to herself, she doesn't start shit and she always fights for what's right. Even if you might not like her music (which is totally ok), I think it's only fair to recognize that she's always been a force to be reckoned with. Swifites, lemme know if I missed anything.
submitted by drkstrk to Kanye [link] [comments]

2022.10.04 17:52 swifferhash Lost What if..Short Stories

Here's some silly what if fan fiction I had fun writing.
What if Jack didn’t save Charlie from Ethan?
Jack is unable to resuscitate Charlie from Ethan’s hanging. Without the rockstar, the Losties successfully capture Ethan and he doesn’t get shot six times. They interrogate Ethan and with Sayid’s bamboo under the fingernail trick, Ethan complies. They learn about the Staff station where Claire births Aaron successfully. Locke gets jealous because now his secret hatch isn’t as cool. Sayid asks if there are more stations.
Ethan brings them to the Pearl station. He warns them of the dangers of climbing up to the Beechcraft and is willing to shoot anyone that attempts to do so. Boone lives. They climb down into the Pearl station and see all the tvs. Hurley asks if they’re on a hidden camera show. Sawyer asks if they have any more toilet paper. Jack recognizes Desmond as an old workout buddy. Locke gets mad for spoilers.
In a bid to stay cool and edgy, Locke asks Ethan what the smoke monster is. Ethan reveals their home is safe behind a sonar fence that repels the monster. They have backyards, book clubs, and plumbing. The Losties demand to be taken there for safety. Ethan resists. Hurley threatens to sting him with a sea urchin and Jin will pee on it. Ethan reluctantly agrees. They trek towards the barracks. Ethan suggests they stop by the Flame to rest. They are greeted by Mikhail with iced tea and fresh milk. Vincent gets along with Mikhail’s cat. Sayid is impressed with the communications equipment available. Kate finds peanut butter in the pantry and gives it to Claire. Shannon checks on her myspace.
Locke is still sad that Ethan spoiled what was inside the hatch. That was like a big mystery for him. Mikhail tries to cheer him up by letting him play chess on his computer. Sawyer finds a case of DHARMA beer in the basement. Sayid raises a toast for Ethan's successful capture and that no one thought it was necessary to shoot him 6 times before he answered any mysteries we had about the island. The gang argues about whether Ethan killed Scott or Steve. No one knows for sure. Jack succeeds in getting the World Series playing on one of the tvs. Locke gets a checkmate. Hurley finds all the files Mikhail collected on them and is 60% convinced they’re on a hidden camera show. Locke enters 77.

What if Ana Lucia and Jack switched seats?
Wanna trade? Jack agrees to Ana Lucia’s request at the airport bar. The two leaders switch roles. Rose dies because Boone fails to administer CPR and tries the pen thing. Bernard dies without AL’s guidance to grab the nearby branch.
AL feels protective over Claire because she was pregnant once. Edward Mars dies without Jack’s care. Kate’s criminal past remains a secret, oblivious to the former cop. Without Jack’s live together, die alone speech, the fuselage group are more unruly. Boone dies trying to save the drowning Joanna. The caves are never discovered along with their source of water. Sayid goes too far torturing Sawyer over an inhaler. Ethan easily kidnaps Claire and kills Charlie. Jin nearly kills Michael over a watch.
Jack bonds with the flight attendant, but can’t focus because he is being led away by his father. Jack teams up with Mr Eko to travel south and follow his dad. They are led to the beechcraft. A vision of Yemi convinces Mr Eko to climb the plane. He dies trying to enter it as it falls off the cliff.
Jack gets caught in a net and is discovered by Danielle. The French woman tells him there is a camp of plane crash survivors nearby that keep shouting WALLLLT. She’s only ever known whispers for the last 16 years, so the shouting is like really annoying. She notes they are infected with a sickness. She must eliminate them before they spread and asks for Jack’s help. He sees in the distance his father telling him he has what it takes. Jack agrees and the MIB smiles as the number of candidates dwindles.

What if Sawyer pushed Hurley out of the helicopter?
I’d feel a helluva lot better if we were a few hundred pounds lighter!
Sawyer pushes Hurley out of the chopper. The group are shocked and angry. Sawyer defends his actions with every man for himself. It was us or Jumbotron. The helicopter group is saved by Penny. Jack says they have to lie. Sawyer agrees and leads the con. No one trusts him anymore. It’s a super awkward boat ride.
As the island moves, Daniel sees Hurley and picks him up with the zodiac. “It’s your lucky day!” Daniel exclaims. Hurley is less than amused, he feels betrayed and wishes he banished Sawyer for real that one time.
After Oceanic 6 is saved, Sawyer is still wanted for the murder of Duckett the day before 815. He has to go into hiding, changing his name once again. His friends won’t talk to him. He is stricken with guilt over what he did to get off the island. He tries to hit up Michael to start a support group. Ghosted.
Sawyer loses himself in a bottle of MacCutcheon whiskey at the bar. A woman approaches him. “James, this isn’t what was supposed to happen.”
The white haired woman is stern and asserts her mission onto Sawyer.
“My name is Eloise Hawking. Your actions have upset the timeline. You should have never pushed Hurley out of the helicopter.”
Eloise explains to Sawyer that she found her son's notebook in the 70s depicting the excellent adventures of Daniel and his best friend Hurley on a time traveling quest to rewrite Star Wars. Sawyer questions what this has to do with him. Eloise says nothing, they’re just having a really fun time driving around in the Dharma van and golfing. You’re missing out.
Sometime later
Kate retorts, “ Why would I go to his funeral?”
Jack is asked family or friend at Jeremy Bentham’s funeral. “Neither.”
Ben tells Jack in the parlor, “We’re gonna have to bring him too.” As the camera pans to reveal Sawyer smirking in the coffin.
submitted by swifferhash to lost [link] [comments]

2022.09.11 10:40 avail1987 The amount of questions "should I mine?" or "What happens after The Merge?"

These questions keep on coming and to be honest, no one knows the answer. But, here's something to think about my experience througout my short life so far.
I started mining ETH in 2017 and they told me it will never be profitable, so why bother.
They also said in late 90's that Altavista will always be #1 search engine and somewhere around mid-90's they told me Netscape will always be #1 browser.
Hell, they said around 2006 that MySpace will always be #1 social platform. And the list just goes on.
My point? There will always be "The next Altavista/Netscape/MySpace/Ethereum" etc. Always. Tech goes on, someone does something better than the previous market leader at some point always.
Is Ergo the next Ethereum, solely in talks of mining profitability, though? I don't know, but I sure hope it is. And when I take a look at Ergo's biggest competitors in the PoW field (especially GPU mineable) I think Ergo is the strongest candidate to carry the flag after The Merge.
The next couple of months especially might be hard, but please remember we're mining ERG here, not USD/EUR etc FIAT money. The FIAT amount of ERG might be in loss for a unknown period of time, but I strongly believe one's efforts now will be paid generously in the future.
Just my two cents about the upcoming weeks.
submitted by avail1987 to erg_miners [link] [comments]

2022.07.10 05:13 ThrowAway237s Who lost their work in the MySpace datapocalypse arguably ignored a warning sign years earlier.

In discussions regarding the MySpace datapocalypse, there are many grievances by people who have lost valued data including musical work and family photos. What remained is a digital graveyard of unplayable tracks.
While it should be obvious anyway that one can not rely on online/cloud services for indefinite data storage (see XKCD comic 1150 "Instagram"), there was yet another warning sign that should have warned even users who habitually overrely on online services:
In June 2013, MySpace spontaneously purged user blogs. If anyone thought after that "this happens just once, they surely won't do it again", that's very naïve. It would be smarter to think "if MySpace memory-holes blogs without warning, perhaps it would be wise to save the rest of my stuff, just in case?". Of course, everyone is affected by the massive loss of Internet history, but individuals who lost their own work in that datapocalypse ignored a big warning and had over four years afterwards to get their files.

Positive side-effects

The massive >200TB data loss as a result of gross negligence by the MySpace back-end developers at least has the benefit that it taught the masses of non-coputer-savvy users to have local backups and perhaps upload their work to more than only one platform. It must have been painful for the people who lost their MySpace files to think "I could have saved all that stuff from the 2000s as recently as 2017! But I forgot about it, thinking it will always be there". Sorry, pal. You can't rely on someone else to take care of your stuff forever.
It also sent a message to web masters: "if you don't want to go down in embarrassment like MySpace, better back up that stuff!". Almost certainly, something like that will happen in future, but perhaps on a smaller scale. Quora is a candidate, since they have made clear they don't give much craps about history.
submitted by ThrowAway237s to Archiveteam [link] [comments]

2022.05.02 20:05 scrovak The political season is already here. Beware anything and everything you read relating to politics.

We already have our first ban relating to astroturfing and sock-puppets for political reasons.
Special Note: If any candidates in Delaware elections wish to conduct an AMA, please reach out to the mod team and we'll be happy to help out. That said, astroturfing and violating the rules of reddit for political purposes is frowned on and will be treated harshly.
Our first example:
DelawheresMyFunko posted this letter from a sit-down he allegedly had, I'm sure you all remember.. mammothface3245 is coming back three months later replying as if he were OP. From some basic snooping and analysis, it would appear Jerrod(Jerrold?) Price is utilizing both these usernames for some discreet grassroots politicking.
In a comment, I referred to OP as a nutjob. mammothface3245 responds (albeit 3 months later) with "Thank you for prejudging me as a nut job with out knowing me" Mammothface is OP.
But then in this comment Mammothface responds as Jerrod (Jerrold?) Price:
Yes I know how to correct crime and yes I went to college and ran a business
Same in this comment:
I am not taking campaign funds from anyone. I will not be in anybody pocket.
Rule 5 of Reddit:
You don’t have to use your real name to use Reddit, but don’t impersonate an individual or an entity in a misleading or deceptive manner.
This seems incredibly deceptive to me, and both accounts are now banned from /Delaware. Ban appeals are welcome, but it's going to be interesting.
To everyone else, be aware that reddit, tiktok, Facebook, Myspace, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Xanga are all being utilized to manipulate you politically, to varying levels of effectiveness. Your mod team will do everything in our power to reduce its presence in this sub. Please report anything that violates the TOS or sub rules, and we will do what we do.
Stay excellent. -Scro
submitted by scrovak to Delaware [link] [comments]

2022.02.21 13:31 KonekoBot Mon Feb 21 23:31:21 2022

But then you have to ask yourself about hese floating islands left on Netflix, Roku, FB... List can go on. All showing hidden bullish divergence on the RSI or macd. There have been plenty of bull traps in recent weeks around earnings.. maybe it's time to catch the bears out.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:09:31 2022 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
I don't know why or how eBay exists. I'm not giving them 12.5% commission on what I sell. Would rather us FB marketplace or something like that. No fee, no shipping.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 04:03:49 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
IMO, it will take another year until casual / hobby / basement / attic sellers realize the new $600 1099-K rule is such a headache and nuisance when tax season rolls around, that many will ditch eBay and migrate to Craigslist, FB Marketplace, other classified ad style local platforms, and even old-fashioned flea markets and garage / yard sales where cash sales are the norm. Casual sellers are like virtual flea market vendors who want quick and easy cash sales without the headache of having to track expenses, itemize deductions, and then deal with more cost and complications when doing their IRS income taxes by having to file a 1099-K along with it. I just don’t see a promising future for eBay and other platforms that require users to register with their banking information and SSN so that your sales can be tracked and then reported to the IRS. These are the main reasons I wouldn’t gamble on a long-play with this stock.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 21:54:04 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
As more people get margin calls it snowballs and down the hill it goes. Big money can see exactly who and how much is short and when they get margin calls. They can and will short it down to force you out and take your shares on the cheap on the way down. I was in that situation once and sold shares in my winners to cover a margin call due to a stock that was getting hammered. It was touch and go for a week but the hammered stock came back and I'm glad I held it. My winners I sold to cover margin call also dropped after I sold and I was able to buy back for about 10% less. This was during the covid drop. I was down to $189k from $750k and on margin call. By shuffling stocks I got through it and up to $890k now. Lesson learned. I never go that deep in margin now. About 50% cash now waiting for Russia war crash to play out and get back in. As far As TSLA I stay away at these prices. I feel TSLA is priced like they are the only EV play there is. All car companies going EV and theri share prices are all too high due to the EV bubble. As far as I see they are all double where they should be. Several small EV companies are in play too now. Due to the competition and low profit on EVs I have no doubt sales of EVs will be high but profits will be low. If TSLA thinks they have the market to themselves they are mistaken. GM and Ford are coming up strong. When I buy my first EV it will be GM or Ford. My fun EV will be a corvette or mustang. At some point TSLA will crash like FB. Right now TSLA is priced like they are the only EV maker in the world and all other car makers will do gas cars forever.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 06:51:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I sold my FB at a loss on margin. But I bought in again with my own cash. This way I don’t incur interest. HOWEVER, lesson learnt and I cut my positions drastically.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 07:35:49 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
fb / crm / visa / netflix / paypal took a round trip and back to 2020 january prices. market: "sell FB, Paypal, Roku, Salesforce, Adobe and pay up > 35x PE for Clorox, Pepsi, Coca cola, Mcdonalds, and also buy banks and oil stocks" I have a feeling 2 yrs from today, lots of these tech stocks will have 2-3x from this level
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 03:20:01 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I am not invested in FB and nor do I plan to, but saying FB is dead is plain stupid imo. I don't know how much it will go down more in the current market but it is far from dead, even with Google's future privacy changes.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 19:00:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I'm not sure there was a bubble. Prices have been fairly reasonable when you adjust for growth and interest rates. The problem is interest rates have been so low and now may need to raise so quickly it's quite possible this is just the start of a long, more severe bear market. If you just assume the 10y will be going to 1.5% then we would need the S&P500 to fall at least another 10%. And that's just 2.5%, were it to go to 3% you would be looking at 20-30%. Then you have to consider slowing growth and recession risk. Not only will interest rate increases require multiple contraction, but they raise the chances of an economic slowdown and perhaps even a recession. In a worst case scenario where earnings contract a drop 50-60% drop on the S&P500 wouldn't be crazy. And recession isn't the only risk here. Obviously we have the ongoing developments in Ukraine. While Russia invading Ukraine in itself probably wouldn't have much economic consequence there are lots of things that could happen in the way of supply-chain issues and sanctions that could hurt, especially within specific sectors of the economy. What really bothers me is how this has all been playing out though... I've never seen specific segments of the market get hit so hard while other stocks like AAPL are doing fine. With AAPL near ATHs there is no way the NASDAQ can recover. You would have to assume almost every stock apart from AAPL is going to bounce back. I don't see that happening. The alternative is that AAPL demands an even higher multiple but I don't see that happening either. My guess is that the safety trade is next to be hit and that will play out next month. First low-quality growth was hit last year, then high quality growth towards the end of last year, then various low-conviction names like FB and NFLX started to get taken out and that just leaves the high quality stocks like AAPL. I personally I think AAPL should be trading closer to 22 PE and if I'm right you're looking at a 20-25% drop for AAPL and the S&P500 would likely follow. I don't know what the bull case even is. During the COVID selloff my go to was that the FED would step in and that's what happened, but the FED can't step in now. In fact, they have no choice but to do exactly what the market doesn't want them to do and raise rates. In 2018 we saw far more severe drops in valuations and that was just from the FED reducing the balance sheet. This time they're likely to reduce the balance sheet and rapidly raise rates. And if the markets don't like it, they're not going to be able to do a U-turn like in 2018 unless financial conditions really deteriorate. And if that happens your stocks are likely to already be down 30%+. I'm not sure what number I am. There was no bubble, but inflation not being transitory has now completely changed the game so we probably need to go quite a bit lower. If we don't see signs of inflation peaking soon, or if it actually gets worse, it's going to be brutal. At that point the FED will probably have no choice but to shock the economy into recession to combat inflation. Would be keen to hear if anyone disagrees with me, or what the bull case is for a recovery.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 17:59:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
You need to at least at #4, bubble burst, and now the market is moving towards health. I’m at #3. You can buy FB at P/E 15, INTC at P/E 9, PARA at P/E 5..... the list goes on. These are tech and media companies. The market is filled with over-valued, undervalued, and everything in between. Meanwhile, earnings have been astounding. A pandemic is lifting. Unemployment is good...
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 19:19:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Russian Sanctions would ease the global chip supply issue (taking a year or more off the supply chain and inflation related recovery) while likely increasing oil/gas prices and adding to short term inflation. Inflation being as it is was obvious even in 2020 to somewhat like me—you think the FED didn’t also know it? They even prepped everyone for inflation by quietly raising their inflation target before the lockdowns even happened lol. I don’t disagree with your points, but I think the system is far more complicated. When rates rise, it changes the entire global dynamic. State funds flow into the US, which will offset some of the doom and gloom. Meanwhile, look at your FB example. P/E of 15, no debt, tons of cash, easy business model to not get hurt by inflation.... Some of these hated companies become almost hedges at this point, were your scenario to play out. It is scary though, because there is not much the FED could do, in terms of intervention right now, were the market to crash. I think money get’s tied up for at least 3 years, were it to crash right now. But then, a crash would also slow inflation.... Lol, this stuff get’s complicated. I love it. Enjoyed your post.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 21:19:53 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I'm picking up stocks like DOW, WBA, FL, and HPE. I'm watching FB, GOOGL, NFLX, MSFT, and AAPL as well--no reason big tech can't fall to value prices.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:45:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Dude, had u hold your original stocks u would be down closer to 70%. Be grateful you jumped ship on those shit-stocks. Your current portfolio feels diversified and good, FB has taken an huge beating so im guessing thats one big reason you are down so much
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 17:11:17 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
It is kinda messed up how many are attacking OP. There are probably dozens of people who bought stuff like FB, DKNG, PLTR, CRWD, SE, SHOP, ROKU, PYPL, SQ, MRNA, NET, BABA, and so many others at ATH in the same spot as OP. It wasn't that long ago those type of stocks were hyped up. Now it is just survivorship bias where people either say things like they got out early or sold for profits. But I think there are others out there who probably lost a lot of money in the last 3 months in market.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 18:13:00 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I’m in the same boat dude. I also cut my losses on memestocks and spacs and for me psychedelic biotech stocks lol. Thankfully like you, I think we both cut our losses before it was down 70%+. In my case my portfolio was also only worth a few grand at the time so the solution is sort of just to add more dry powder to the portfolio every paycheck in smart ways. Personally I took the leftover money and threw it in to big blue chip growth like AAPL and AMD and it mostly counteracted some of the dumber choices I made. Apple went from $100ish to $175, AMD I sold some after going from $75 to $116. Now I think maybe I’ve fucked up again buying Shopify and FB as they continually fall but only time will tell. I think I’m done selling but the rest of my money from here on out might just be DCA’d in to VOO. If anyone knows any other good broad passive ETF’s to look in to I’m taking suggestions. Maybe VTI
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 17:54:37 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I'll start by saying I'm sorry you lost money and I hope it's not causing you too many emotional/health issues. Managing your own portfolio is not easy and you should approach it with the expectation that you need to learn how to do it. If you are not prepared to do it, put your money elsewhere (real estate, mutual funds) or DCA into a broad market ETF. If you are prepared to learn a bit, you first need to figure out the approach you want to take - passive index investing, dividend yield stocks, buy and hold individual growth stocks, value or growth individual stock picking, swing trading, etc. It does not seem you have done that yet. First off, forget about your first 25% loss - you had no clue what you were doing, that money is gone. As to your current portfolio, you had rotten luck with the entry points but some of the picks are not bad (GS, JPM, WM), the rest I'm not sure about. I'm saying this because in my view, we are heading into an inflationary/rate hikes period and as such, I'd want to be long commodities, financials and consumer staples, so WM, GS, JPM might be ok. However, it seems the market may not be done bottoming out yet so I'd hold off making any purchases just yet, maybe even short the indexes until we get the bottom in. We are still in the damage limitation. So I'm not sure about SPY, VOO; perhaps cash might be better. About FB - I'm not sure FB is done dropping, the issues they are facing may be longer term. How long to make your loss back? If you go with indexing strategies, I would guess around 5 years (assume around 10% return per year). If you learn to do active investing successfully, you can probably make it back in a couple of years. If you stick with your current portfolio - I'd guess between 3-5 years. Good luck. And remember, this advice is worth exactly what you paid for it :)
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 20:15:35 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Join the Retire on Dividends and Dividend Growth Investing groups on FB. They have plenty of sound investing resources there and lots of experienced long term investors as members. These groups don’t desl in crypto shit and Wall Street Bets behavior, but you can learn a lot from the many intelligent investors there. Lots of millionaires there from 30+ plus years of consistent investing. Hopefully, this will help you to recover.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 17:32:51 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
No I was under the impression that OP sold those off and invested in the others listed. Of those I’m familiar with charts for FB JPM VOO and WM. FB is highest risk of those (I’d still say hold) but the others seem to be moving with the market right now so I wasn’t too concerned for him.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:46:14 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
well thats the problem that i see with a lot of posts. it implies that people should ignore risk if they are "long". You see this with people telling others that stocks are on sale or w.e. Some may be, some may not. You still need to consider the overall risk to your portfolio. Im long FB for my own reasons. You could be right about yours with fb. However neither of us will know until it plays out. since the outcome is an unknown, I make sure the position size is not one that will greatly impact my portfolio. tldr: just because you are long, doesnt mean you made a good call. so you should always practice sound risk management.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 19:39:31 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Same with FB. YoY FCF growth of 50% doesnt translate to 35% drop
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 21:27:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB also has Whatsapp (what everyone outside the US uses), Instagram, Messenger... The boomer argument only really holds for FB imo.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:01:22 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I made a post a few days ago about how all the bear cases against FB use anecdotal evidence but none have data or numbers to justify it.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:01:45 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Down 25%, my largest holding was FB though soooo…haha guess I’m otherwise doing ok?
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 19:04:02 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
My portfolio looks like my winners are: AAPL +25%, GXO +25%, PCG +20%, SARK and AMD +5% (AMD I sold out of after a huge gain last year though, paid off my credit card with it, the 5% is since a month ago) Losers are: SHOP bought recently -19%, DKNG bought recent -18%, FB bought recently -11%. DIS down a tiny bit. VOO down a tiny bit. Basically all I’ve bought in the past month have continued to bleed hard but the things I bought a year ago are up. Fidelity says I am down -35% YTD. But my portfolio right now is still 30% cash so I am not worried about being too buried. I think I may put the rest DCAing in to VOO/VTX though and keeping my eye out for any deep discount days on a couple of my higher conviction stocks. My luck picking stocks has not been good so far this year though. I’m tempted to give up all together and admit that I am not going to beat the index.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 19:39:57 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I am down 68% due to NIO, FB, and PYPL and the nasty margin calls now.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 01:29:48 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Down 21% .. 48% of my profile is BTC 11% ETF and 31% individual stocks. My stocks are strong blue chip stocks, bought the FB drop as I believe the market is over reacting. my risky stock is TELL which is like a child to me most my losses are from BTC without that taken into account I’d be down around 6%. Emotions wise I’m unfazed as a crypto trader, bear market is a 80% correction over there
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 05:10:31 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Minus 25% at the moment. I got all the big loosers FB, Paypal, PLTR, SQ, TTCF.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 06:26:42 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Didn't expect FB and PYPL to go this low. NIO is ok I can understand. 150k is the margin balance now... Trying to play some puts in the coming 1 month.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 02:55:43 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Why are you bullish on FB? I don’t trade individual stocks but i’m curious
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 02:33:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
PYPL and FB just entered into a partnership with WEN: discounted rent in their dumpsters
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 14:18:10 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB because of 7% FCF
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:06:56 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB is the only one I would chance on that list. I'm well aware of negative catalysts for them, but I can't imagine they are going to roll over and die. Start small and keep more cash than you think you need to avg down.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 02:03:48 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
PLTR and FB. NFLX too. Streaming isn’t going away, and NFLX being valued at lower than pre March 2020 is absurd.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 23:11:00 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
As a thought exercise, FB or NFLX. With my own money, none of them.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 21 00:25:02 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
In short, no. At least nothing that anyone here could reasonably predict with any certainty. Google has and will continue to have an unbeatably large moat in search. The longer it’s on top, the larger that lead gets through AI and Machine Learning. Not to mention the insights and headstart it would have on any competitor. The hardware risk that FB has (its app has to be on Apple or android phones) doesn’t exist for Google as they own android and pay Apple an ungodly amount of money to be the standard search function on iPhone. Apple and Amazon have tried to take down search and failed, and likely don’t see a reason to try again. Amazon is making its own ad business through the Amazon app, but that’s not a replacement for true search. Something truly seismic would have to happen that would get the world away from searching on the internet, which no one here can really predict. Far fetched ideas like Nueralink or Facebook smart glasses where people start to interact through the world differently could change the idea of typing into a smartphone, but even then Google won’t sit idly by and let it happen. Google is and continues to be one of the most well run and most impenetrable businesses on the earth. 25 times earnings seems fair to me to be part of one the worlds largest cash printing machines with genius engineers and AI making it better 24/7/365
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:14:36 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
PE of 25 is expensive for google? Its like the cheapest big tech PE of all of them aside from FB now
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 22:45:36 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
In short, no. At least nothing that anyone here could reasonably predict with any certainty. Google has and will continue to have an unbeatably large moat in search. The longer it’s on top, the larger that lead gets through AI and Machine Learning. Not to mention the insights and headstart it would have on any competitor. The hardware risk that FB has (its app has to be on Apple or android phones) doesn’t exist for Google as they own android and pay Apple an ungodly amount of money to be the standard search function on iPhone. Apple and Amazon have tried to take down search and failed, and likely don’t see a reason to try again. Amazon is making its own ad business through the Amazon app, but that’s not a replacement for true search. Something truly seismic would have to happen that would get the world away from searching on the internet, which no one here can really predict. Far fetched ideas like Nueralink or Facebook smart glasses where people start to interact through the world differently could change the idea of typing into a smartphone, but even then Google won’t sit idly by and let it happen. Google is and continues to be one of the most well run and most impenetrable businesses on the earth. 25 times earnings seems fair to me to be part of one the worlds largest cash printing machines with genius engineers and AI making it better 24/7/365
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:14:25 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
In short, no. At least nothing that anyone here could reasonably predict with any certainty. Google has and will continue to have an unbeatably large moat in search. The longer it’s on top, the larger that lead gets through AI and Machine Learning. Not to mention the insights and headstart it would have on any competitor. The hardware risk that FB has (its app has to be on Apple or android phones) doesn’t exist for Google as they own android and pay Apple an ungodly amount of money to be the standard search function on iPhone. Apple and Amazon have tried to take down search and failed, and likely don’t see a reason to try again. Amazon is making its own ad business through the Amazon app, but that’s not a replacement for true search. Something truly seismic would have to happen that would get the world away from searching on the internet, which no one here can really predict. Far fetched ideas like Nueralink or Facebook smart glasses where people start to interact through the world differently could change the idea of typing into a smartphone, but even then Google won’t sit idly by and let it happen. Google is and continues to be one of the most well run and most impenetrable businesses on the earth. 25 times earnings seems fair to me to be part of one the worlds largest cash printing machines with genius engineers and AI making it better 24/7/365
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:14:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
In short, no. At least nothing that anyone here could reasonably predict with any certainty. Google has and will continue to have an unbeatably large moat in search. The longer it’s on top, the larger that lead gets through AI and Machine Learning. Not to mention the insights and headstart it would have on any competitor. The hardware risk that FB has (its app has to be on Apple or android phones) doesn’t exist for Google as they own android and pay Apple an ungodly amount of money to be the standard search function on iPhone. Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon have tried to take down search and failed, and likely don’t see a reason to try again. Amazon is making its own ad business through the Amazon app, but that’s not a replacement for true search. Something truly seismic would have to happen that would get the world away from searching on the internet, which no one here can really predict. Far fetched ideas like Nueralink or Facebook smart glasses where people start to interact through the world differently could change the idea of typing into a smartphone, but even then Google won’t sit idly by and let it happen. Google is and continues to be one of the most well run and most impenetrable businesses on the earth. 25 times earnings seems fair to me to be part of one the worlds largest cash printing machines with genius engineers and AI making it better 24/7/365
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:15:00 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 03:56:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
We are in a stealth bear market. Probably dont want to say stock is undervalued and it tanks 25% like what was said about FB before its earnings.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 22:39:18 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
There primary revenue generator is the dutch auction the conduct for search terms. It is where people come to Google to tell them what is on their mind. It does not have any privacy issues like FB and the others have. It is why more and more ad business will move to Search as privacy becomes a bigger issue. Google also does not set price and instead uses an auction so they can't be accused of price gouging
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 03:01:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Read this the other day and yes, Google search is broken - it’s all sponsored ads and link aggregators gaming SEO. Who knows if it will happen, but I could easily imagine them in a slow death spiral like FB. (FWIW, I think Google is evil, so I use Firefox, DuckDuckGo and a private paid email service for sensitive communication).
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:28:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Long term GOOGL is fine! But yeah maybe wait to purchase if you want. I'm in at 2300. I doubt GOOGL will fall another 25%, it's not FB. But if it does I'll buy more.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 22:41:59 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I agree that a lot of solid stocks have been unfairly beat down, but what keeps me away is that if the overall market continues to decline, it would be hard for anything to do well and I don't think the S&P500 has fallen anywhere near as much as it needs to. Would you be a buyer of these stocks today? Or are you waiting for a better time to get in? For example stocks like FB and NFLX are arguably quite attractive at these valuations, but keep going lower with the market.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 21:15:21 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
RemindMe! In 5 years "GOOG before 20:1 $2609, FB (Meta) $206"
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:07:24 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I hold both. Personally, I think GOOGL has the biggest moat in the FAANG - between its search, YouTube, mobile OS duopoly with Apple, and one of the big three in the cloud space. Plus, obviously, massive advertising revenue. It’s heavily in favour on Reddit at present as it crushed earnings, and I like how many different verticals they’re trying to get into… though they’ve often fallen flat on innovations. Either way, it’s a monster and will continue growing like one. The stock split will also likely drive up the share price. Sentiment is incredibly negative on FB at present, and it’s always been considered like a vice stock. The Metaverse isn’t something I’m totally sold on, though a lot of large companies are throwing R&D budgets at it. If it comes off, FB will be well-positioned. With it as beaten down as it is, I think there’s a lot of upside. The headwinds of Apple and Google’s advertising changes remain, but FB continues to turn massive profits. Declining active users on the FB platform itself is heralded as the end of days for the company, but… I don’t see it. While people do move on to newer platforms, FB itself has been incredibly sticky as a social media platform. Likewise, Instagram remains insanely popular. WhatsApp may be harder to monetise, but it’s got a massive, active, user base. FB is also doing well with the Oculus in the VR space. My biggest criticisms are really that they could be doing more to bolster their core business. Reels to compete with TikTok is good, but I’d like to see them capitalise more on the marketplace feature / collaboration with Shopify and similar; rather than having everything quite so focused on the Metaverse. In short, FB is the riskier play with greater headwinds, but has been oversold to the point it’s got a decent amount of upside potential. If it lands its Metaverse gamble and/or finds a way to recover some of the advertising future earnings to be lost to privacy changes, it could be a really good long hold. GOOGL will likely continue to grow consistently and churn profits. If it builds a moat in any of the various areas they’re focusing R&D money, it will be a very nice upside.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:38:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Easy call is GOOG, also the one with a much high sentiment right now. FB on the other hand has room for being a turn around trade, we never know when they might pivot their business model again or if/when investor confidence in the meta verse increases. I see GOOG as a more sure bet but I can definitely see a world in which FB severely outperforms GOOG and the market.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:05:42 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Hard call to make, and I believe it’ll come down to which stock enjoys the higher multiple on its earnings. I expect them both to perform well over the next 5 years. FB has a lot of headwinds but you can make the argument that they are near-term. Once resolved FB will appreciate in value both from multiple expansion as investors feel more confident in their business model as well as higher earnings. Near-term hiccups include Apple’s IDFA policy which is costing FB approx. $10B/year (maybe more), and transition to reels which has a lower monetization rate than feed. Tiktok is a scary competitor and FB hasn’t faced a rival this serious since inception. My personal theory is Tiktok can be positive for Facebook over the long-term. It’ll force Facebook to evolve into a better company, and for the moment I believe anti-trust cases are off the table which was previously a dark cloud over them. Google is free from these issues and if they were similar in price I’d go all in on Google. The lack of uncertainty ahead of the company is reflected in their higher multiple and could be the reason Facebook appreciates more over the next 5 years. If you want a stock that will likely give above-market returns without additional volatility, I’d go with Google. If you do not mind the volatility and understand Facebook is suffering from terrible sentiment, the current price for shares is very attractive. Tl;dr Facebook if you are a gambling man, Google if you prefer certainty.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:53:43 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
If you are only gonna compared 1 multiple atleast use PEG instead of PE.. About who is gonna win over the next 5 years, it very hard to say, i belive more in Google than FB, but when making an intrinsic value FB is definitely cheaper…
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:31:31 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
GOOG is safer but FB has much more potential for growth on a % basis. Really depends on if the metaverse is a dud or not.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:28:53 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB source: am bagholder
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:22:12 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I'm taking a contratian position and saying FB. It's on sale, they are in the first stages of meta and they are laying the groundwork for their future. They bought oculus in an effort to be able to push down prices and increase vr affordability in order to push the metaverse. Also, consider the bias, reddit has a natural hatred for FB, they don't speak for the masses. In the grand scheme of things, FB is alive and well and their recent setbacks makes it a good time to get in. I'll set a reminder for 5 years and see how this comment has aged.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:38:30 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
GOOG is a safer bet. FB is running into headwinds but if the meta play does pay off there would be a big return
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 02:55:38 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Just buy both lol FB isn’t going anywhere and their PE is ridiculously low
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:06:38 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Though call there. My first though was GOOG? But then again, FB is way down right now, so that one might be a better deal right now. With a 3-5 year timeframe, in addition to FB, maybe also look at some other severely beaten down stocks that are still profitable companies like PYPL and ROKU. I’ve been in both of these since this past fall, and I’m down like 40% on PYPL, and 60% on ROKU. And that’s even AFTER averaging down on both, AND selling off some of my higher priced shares of both back in December for a tax loss.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:35:30 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I like GOOGL more than FB, however FB is priced better right now. Wait for correction in GOOGL. Buy FB now
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:18:37 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB better price, GOOG better company. Buffett's advice here would be to go with the better company.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 01:31:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Safe bet is Google. Some people scream “I deleted FB years ago and it’s dying” Maybe, maybe not. FB could innovate like they’ve always done and be good for years. IMO, Google is here to stay. FB may be as well and at is current price it seems like a bargain. I’d bet FB stock has more growth in the next 5 years, but I’d say it has a chance of going red in the next 5 years. Short story: best odds of being green in 5 years is Google. Chance at a higher return is FB
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 04:33:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB. Metaverse will be huge. People just don't understand what it is all about right now.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 00:36:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Im heavily in FB because I think it has more short term upside, but I think long term both are good but maybe a little more in Goog
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 01:37:55 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
If it came down to which I would rather have, I would rather have GOOG. With that being said, fire sale on FB is where my money went. I will be genuinely surprised if this was a bonehead move. Time will tell. I will continue putting money in if it continues to drop.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 01:58:16 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FB will be the next myspace
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 03:54:53 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Technically speaking, the oversold stock will have higher probability to bounce faster (given if you buy FB at 210)
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 03:55:56 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Obviously only a personal anecdote. But I deleted FB a couple of months ago. Don't even think about it anymore. However I would not be able to function without google.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 22:13:36 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FBs problem is Zuck. They could be pulling a Microsoft. Get a new CEO in there and bam- big turnaround. I’d argue under Zuck they’ve not done any meaningful innovation and they just keep buying their way to growth. Their core product is vanishing. Adapt or die.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 20 01:14:35 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 19 23:33:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
submitted by KonekoBot to BizSMG [link] [comments]

2022.02.07 15:02 KonekoBot Tue Feb 8 01:02:12 2022

fuck FB, bring back myspace
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 16:58:23 2022 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
> A mega-cap stock moving like a penny stock isn’t a sign of a healthy stock market. And the past few years of extreme bullishness with little downsides was a sign of a healthy market? Nothing about the explosion of values in the past few years has been healthy. The market recovered the losses from the covid crash in nearly 6 months to the day. Last green day closed on the SPX before the crash was 2/19/20 @ 3386. 08/18/20 It closed at 3389. 6 months while record unemployment and businesses struggling to even operate was still happening. Before this most recent dump, on 01/04/2022 SPX closed at 4793. So in 1 year and 10 months, we added 41.55% in value to the SPX. Even using yesterdays close, We are at 32.22% up still. That is still a VERY healthy increase for basically 2 years where we saw 2 corrections. You still would have made a very tidy profit just buying and holding SPY. Nothing about how this market is currently valued is healthy. Valuations are sky high and not a ton of reason for it. Currently ~20% of the total SPX value is in 5 tickers. AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, GOOGL, & GOOG. Bring that number out to top 10 companies? You add TSLA, NVDA, BRK.B, FB, UNH and are looking at closer to 28%. With that kind of concentration at the very top, moves in any of those companies have a significant impact on the overall market. Hell FB is a perfect example of what happens when those companies shit the bed.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 16:45:34 2022 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
This became a way longer post than intended and ventured into politics. My b. Respond or don't up to you. > Is that what will cause the next crash? The reason FB dropped so severely is simple, the loss of users was extremely unexpected. It was THE surprise. FB holding steady with users or slowly adding them has become the norma. It was more or less proof that FB's influence is waning with new generations and that influence is the primary source of it's value. Remember, the past few years companies have experienced record breaking growth, and honestly growth that is so staggering it's unbelievable. MSFT is a perfect example, in 3 years (02/06/2019-02/04/2022) MSFT has experienced ~189% growth in stock price. That is fucking ludicrous for a stock like MSFT. MSFT has always been seen as a boomer stock that is just slowly growing and predictable. But 189% growth in 3 years is anything but slow. Even Spy only grew ~68% in that time frame, 75% if we use price before this correction. This is a problem across the board. More blood will be shed and it needs to happen. The markets haven't been rising and falling in a healthy manner for years, it's going to hurt really bad. > What I’m worried about is what happens when all or half of those top 10 companies you just mentioned release bad reports in 2022 and 2023 Odds are that stuff will start being priced in shortly. Though one you can rely on is probably AMZN. Again, barring any legal issues, AMZN is such a ubiquitous company they exist in nearly every large dollar field now. 2022 is going to be a painful year most likely. The playbook of the last 2-3 years, the stonks go up mentality where trading was fucking easy mode really, is going to have to be put away. But yes, the next wave of corrections will be coming. We haven't even had a single rate hike yet and we can expect probably 3 or 4 at least this year. Expect valuations to fall even more this year as the fed increases rates. Things are going to get really spicy out there. Hedge your shit and pull back on risk. The next couple years is the time to be more conservative. What we really need is to get back to properly regulating our markets. I know people in trading hate regulation because it "Stifles growth potentials". But regulations are what keep companies in line, keep markets more fair, and keep them from turning into a house of cards built on a dinghy in the middle of a storm where every little thing causes a massive move like we are seeing now. FB lost 150k users. 150k. Out of nearly 2 Billion. This is an overreaction for sure, but it speaks to an underlying issue with the markets. Honestly, I am more worried about the political ramifications of this shit all coming to a head now right before midterms, rather than the economic ones. The economy will recover and the market will continue to exist. But politically we are in a very uneasy spot. The general public doesn't understand basic economics or that the stock market has little to do with their daily life, but media spins it that way and the public will eat it up. Naturally, Dems will be blamed for the fall in the market, in spite of all of this bloat and unease kicking off during a Republican President. The bad part? With the rise in populist GOP rhetoric, bordering on facist more and more honestly, the next GOP candidate will be much worse than Trump. More terrifying? That candidate will probably have a better political face. Trump would have been so much worse if he was just slightly less abrasive. The next one will be more eleoquent, more creative, more pleasing to the general masses. I am truly terrified of the GOP candidate that comes in the wake of Trumpism 1.0.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 16:46:18 2022 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
Facebook has been linked to increased radicalization of people and the spread of disinformation. Their algorithm purposefully pushes stuff that makes people react negatively because it gets more engagement. But yeah, all social media is bad and inherently not a good thing for society. Especially when it becomes tied to profits. Also I highly doubt reddit is actually worse. In October 2020, reddit had 52 Million daily users. Facebook has 1.840 Billion daily users during December the same year. By sheer numbers alone, Assuming every single user on reddit is 100% real and 100% unique, Facebook would have to have over 90% fake users logging in daily to even come close to the same number of "real" users. That is an extreme example but yeah. It's quite silly to assume that reddit is worse when you look at those numbers. Honestly, reddit is also more moderated than Facebook. FB basically doesn't moderate their platform unless you are blatantly planning murder. Even then it's a dice roll if you get stopped. Because there have been people who are actively engaged in facilitating genocide that used facebook as a communications platform for their actions.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 17:05:13 2022 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
FB's biggest challenge comes from their own inability to deal with the challenge of short videos. tiktok has counterattacked. There is no hope for the Metaverse's investment, and the investment is huge, and it is difficult to say what the future will hold.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 01:18:51 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Firefox has Facebook Container so FB can not track you. How soon before other browser do something similar, or FB pays them not to?
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 00:38:19 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Apple should ban FB.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 13:39:22 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
A browser add-on, Fluff Busting Purity, gets rid of ads for me. Ads occasionally reappear when FB changes their software.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 00:36:18 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
That’s quite interesting, especially given it’s alternative meaning in nearby Ancient Greece. On topic, I really think the tide has metaphorically turned on FB, in that various issues (privacy, apples update, Zuckerberg being a weirdo, the demographic shift ‘ageing’ FB, and now this weird evasive rebranding attempt) have all coalesced to spell doom for me. Young people aren’t just not into it anymore, they actively seem to dislike FB and Zuckerberg. I wonder if the same thing could ever happen with Amazon and Bezos?
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 12:54:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
You guys are crazy if you think FB or Meta is going to die anytime soon. Zuckerberg is not Tom from Myspace fools.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 13:00:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Who TF are you to label people old, stupid, or deserving of being ashamed of themselves? I barely ever touch FB either but i'm not going to cast a broad judgement on anyone who does. You appear to have contempt for anyone outside your demographic.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 13:20:38 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Well, the groups on there is nice. I also was able to get a roommate by listing on their marketplace. I think FB will devolve into a group only thing and marketplace before it fully dies. I don't use it except to connect with comedians and motorcyclists. I'm sure I can do that without FB, but for now it's easier to use it for the group thing.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 14:19:57 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
That probably wont happen. It will definitely be another company that's more for the people that takes FB and YOutube's place. Only a matter of time.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 14:22:01 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
So what you are all saying is that FB is gonna crash and go to zero right? It will no longer be held by HFs? Okay I will remember this thread and return EOY and we will see what the numbers are looking like...
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 10:49:41 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
What point is that though? The real point is that FB isn't going anywhere and will recover and be profitable for many years
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 16:27:55 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
IBM is the big AI services company, that's most of what they do now; hybrid cloud where IBM does the AI part. Google has nothing in this area, neither does FB, and nobody would trust that sort of data with them. The article you linked is about FB using AI internally, for their own business purposes. They do a lot of that already, so it doesn't really have anything to do with an AI product or service, and can't be expected to be anything other than an incremental improvement in their current AI. Amazon is just a generic cloud CPU and storage rental service. That does get them a slice of the pie; with hybrid cloud it is normal to have the AI hosting at IBM and the storage and general purpose CPU/analysis/visualization at Amazon. If you really believe in AI to be a driver of revenue, then perhaps IBM should be bigger than their historical market cap, instead of smaller. I think they're a great company, and a good investment, but I don't think AI is that important. To the extent that AI is important, it isn't specific companies (other than IBM) that will benefit. Most of it will be business tools that companies run on their own servers in their offices in order to provide business intelligence. The tools are generic and open source, and the value is in the inputs you have available and the software analysts you can hire. If you outsource it to the wrong company, your competitors hacked your supply chain and have your secret sauce!
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 08:32:59 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
We all just became long term FB investors smh
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 17:05:08 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Good thing I'm not a FB investor, I'm a Meta investor. Quadrupled my Meta bag today!
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 21:39:00 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
FB will burn 🔥
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 08:30:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
FB.. changes name to Meta. "Hey I'm new. Please like me people under 50"
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 04:02:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
FB: sure, I will go to hide behind $200
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 06:29:03 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
How do FB stockholders justify the value of FB? It’s 4chan for boomers. Have any of y’all been on Facebook recently (ie last 5 years)?
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 17:17:19 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
You could go crazy on FB and IG and click on random* ads 24/7. Random cause you know apple blocking targeting and such
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 00:49:11 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
So is now a good time to buy FB? Or are they going to keep getting worse and eventually die a horrible death, the way I hope and dream they do?
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 01:55:34 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Merely a temporary setback. Unfortunately FB will continue to metastasize.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 04:37:10 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Facebook needs to acquire Twitter and combine data from FB, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter and target ads on all platforms. They need to cut the BS of "Privacy is the most important thing" and start improving their Balance Sheet.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 18:42:11 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I traded FB when it was $32… I have a YouTube video to prove that… the haters caused me to close my FB account…. No regrets 😝
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 00:00:14 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
You could have read what Facebook does before typing your uninformed opinion. FB owns instagram, whatsapp, oculus AND Facebook. Younger generations are on Instagram, literally everyone uses instagram. And a lot of older people use FB, FB’s is still growing at +30% annually. Tiktok is growing really fast but hasn’t overtaken Meta’s platforms active users yet. Also the value of a business is not decided by you and 1 friend thinking you should delete the app. It’s decided based on current profits and future expectations.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 17:35:51 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
FB P/E ratio is 17.46 now. before the trop its wasnt too crazy. Lower then most of the indices. listed here: (
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 19:01:40 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I agree that most people think of FB as the new MySpace but you have to remember FB also owns WhatsApp and Instagram, probably two of the most popular apps out there. I believe FB will bounce back, it happened back in 2018. I am not a big fan of Mark but the guy/robot/alien is smart.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 09:48:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
There are no perfect morally okay companies out there. Yall is picking and choosing on whatever the current narrative is, amazon is evil too apple too and so is tesla. Why does FB only get hate lol.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 22:19:16 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
You’re sounding like a conspiracy theorist. So you don’t want to invest in fb because Zucc is a lizard and wants to over take the world? Also how is he evil when all of the users consent and willingly keep using his platform? Anyone who doesn’t like fb/insta can delete the app and no one will say or do anything about it. Pls delete all Meta’s apps, they don’t need people who don’t appreciate the platform, yet most people do feel the urge to keep the apps since it delivers a lot of value. Im an investor I look at the business (future) profitability and see that the management team is doing a great job at it. The hypocrisy here is crazy, since im pretty sure that if Zucc is evil Jeff Bezos must be 10x worse lol. The only reason why you’re crying about FB is because everyone around you likes to follow the ‘FB is evil’ bs just to push their bs narrative that makes 0 sense. FB is not responsible for your kids. Anyone complaining about that should maybe take the time teach their kids how to handle certain situations but you cannot let Zucc be responsible for monitoring 3,6B daily users to make sure they’re not ‘feeling bad’ because that’s obviously not possible.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 00:46:01 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
If the meta verse is the future, there will be competition. I would, as a user, would choose an Apple, Google, or Microsoft meta over a FB meta. I do not trust FB with a stake in the Meta.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 01:57:36 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I deleted my FB account years ago. Don't miss it.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 03:17:37 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Same here. I’ve dabbled with FB ads for 3 different businesses and all of them gave horrible returns. I had too many clicks from fake accounts etc, and had to constantly tweak my targeting to improve accuracy. It was a complete messed. Plus yes there were almost no support given unlike google ads where there’s a consultant who would check up on us every other month. Further to this, I used workplace by Facebook for my company and it’s so shit that I struggle to even upload photos on my chats. For these reasons alone I’m bearish on FB.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 01:05:51 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
The only play im not sure of that could be a major upswing, is turning whatsapp into the next wechat for india, and thus monetizing the entire Indian ecosystem and perhaps turning it even into the next shopify + aliexpress all in one app. Basically, whatsapp is apparently the most important mobile app in India. Merchants use whatsapp to communicate with customers and its a major marketing channel. Ive heard through the vines that fb is considering opening a store front directly on whatsapp where users can shop, negotiate, barter etc. Directly with shop owners no different than taobao. This obviously extends to western mkts where someone in Europe can access a shopify like private store front that is owned and operated entirely by some folks in India that can ship them cheap goods. Difference here being that fb can process payments very quickly via novi wallet so merchants can get paid instantly but with very little fees. This is obviously no different than what tiktok and shopify is doing. But the thing is, tiktok is fully banned in India. So my question is, can these guys build the tiktok replacement for the Indian market of 1.2 billion people. Cause that shit can potentially be worth a lot. I dunno. But right now, the stock feels to me like its being priced as a mediocre cash cow, with some small option play to bounce on weird projects like whatsapp or metaverse plays etc. Everything else about the company is trash, particularly its hardware department outside of occulus. Building 8, today basically FB Portal, is garbage.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 05:53:48 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I think the FB is a AD platform now, rather than a social media sites.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 01:18:36 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I don’t know if FB is going to pull it off but the companies that do create it will be amazing. The current Facebook experience is nothing like what the metaverse will be like. Facebook now is about seeing other peoples experiences. The metaverse will will be about our own experiences. Its seems like you are saying that you don’t enjoy riding horses so your not going to like riding in a car. Two completely different things. I’d bet on Apple, Microsoft, and google to get it done before Meta. They are never running out of cash. The metaverse is going to be amazing on many levels but we still have a long ways to go.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 00:01:32 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
>1) I'm not really active on facebook since 2017. Every friend I have there I just checked and stopped to post or use it and just barely opens it. Your experience, doesn't mean everyone outside your bubble does that too. >2) Facebook is a toxic, nasty degenerated place. Full of karens, consiparancy and idiots TikTok or Snapchat are not better. >3) I advertise on 10 different platforms for my business and facebook is no doubt the absolute worst. First they basically do not have a support channel. Only a useless chat. Your personal experience. FB oppositional revenues are still growing so it must be worthwhile for all the businesses paying for it. >Second, they 100% RANDOMLY BAN your ad account every few months, even if you are not using it or use it correctly. Never heard of this. >But they do not stop there. Once you are banned, is for life. They track your ip, device, credit cards and everytime you try to open a new advertising account to start over, you just get banned instantly. That's why FB is used by businesses for targeted ads. FB apps collect a wide stay off info on users across their apps. TikTok and Snapchat don't have this depth of information. >3) whatsapp is not monetizable, apart that they spy your convo and vocals to advertise you better. Yep, it probably just collects info to supplement info on user preferences. >4) Instagram WAS a great platform but, as facebook pages and groups, its just dying out. You organically cant grow anymore unless you are a fuckin whore with onlyfans and your naked cheeks on every picture. The communities I follow are active on Instagram and I don't see any signs of slowing down. So personal experiences are clearly irrelevant in analysis of stock value >I do not know if they will pull it off with the metaverse, to me it looks a stupid idea that nobody wants and care. AVR is probably going to be huge in the future. FB's recently reported decrease in net profit resulted from investments in this R&D, not from operations. IMHO, it might go down further but I think it more likely to grow in the next months or years than not.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 01:33:05 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
This is spot on they are changing a lot. A good way to see what the company is up to see their jobs and the new jobs are like much different. They are making on VR and pretty much next gen stuff. By the time a lot of us realize their next move it will be priced in. I say BTD. I do wanted 170 but will see although my half for FB sale is in.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 23:10:21 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Depends on your definition of "youth". What I've seen, as a father of a 19 year old and as someone working in online and social media advertising, kids 20 and younger are mostly using Snapchat and TikTok. My son says FB, Insta, and emojis are for old people and the data I have from advertising back that up. All social media advertising is less effective than it was a few years ago. People have learned how to ignore the ads, that's the nature of advertising and there's a very finite shelf life for successful ads (apart from big-budget, mass-marketing by major brands and that's only effective as a very long-play). Amazon advertising is the most effective right now because most shoppers don't realize they're clicking on ads when they're shopping.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 22:25:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
But everyone is leaving FB - that was OPs point. So if Meta is going to be like FB then this is a non-starter and a waste of time and cash. Needs to be next Gen of TikTok or snap, not just a VR version of FB….
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 06:17:46 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I agree with you that the concept is great and a logical next step in social media, why so many tech companies are pushing so hard into VR and AR. Why FB purchased Oculus. However, I have the least amount of faith in FB to be the one to pull it off, think they have become out of touch with what consumers want from social media, and no one trusts them with the data they have now and I feel the public would be even more skeptical of some FB virtual world re-brand or no
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 04:04:00 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Looks like growth of FB has already stopped.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 06:10:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Agree. FB is for the Gen X and “hip” (/s) baby boomers, Insta for the millennials, and Snap / TikTok / Discord / etc… for Gen Z. Gen Z are experts of identifying ads and ignoring and use a bunch of platforms - very fluid in use. FB is dying and Insta probably going same direction.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 06:05:42 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
As someone who works with online marketing, FB is quickly becoming one of the worst in terms of the leads it generates, and it skews so much older than other platforms. 65 year old women were largest group that responded to a campaign we ran last year. And them skewing older is a major issue and one of the main driving factors behind the rebrad. Facebook is quickly becoming uncool and they know it.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 03:58:42 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
> Last year they randomly banned Coca Cola That's backwards. Coca Cola suspended their FB advertising because they decided it was bad for their brand.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 22:29:49 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Oh, in Italy many news were about Cola being banned by FB. My bad
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 08:15:22 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Ill still take FB over the clippers
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 08:42:46 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
My understanding for FB was 1) people are concerned about the decrease in active users and 2) apples privacy changes costing it 10B. Meanwhile Amazon’s doubled their profit.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 22:12:50 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Yes. That's good news; if you trust your own analysis, you'll be seeing huge bargains here! Time to do some shopping. Amazon's retail business is only unprofitable if you exclude prime memberships, though. And who cares if they lose money in some areas, and make money in others, when the divisions support each other and the net profit is good? The observations regarding the Rivian investment are good. I agree; it is dubious "income" since they didn't sell and it doesn't sound like they have any plans to. So perhaps Amazon is over priced. FB doesn't "have increasing profits," though. They had slightly increased profits, but lost users, and are unlikely to have increasing profits going forward. FB's VR idea is, frankly, stupid. You're conflating their Oculus gaming headset with their social media VR plans. There is no reason at all to believe that anything about their plans creates new revenue. Gaming is where there is money, and as you point out, they're already doing that, and it is already fully priced in, including forecasts for their next generation of headset. Don't double-count this simply because they have an idea. As a software engineer, I should point out there is no way to replace AWS. It isn't just a "platform." It is a critical service. There are lots of AWS-compatible APIs. Other companies offer drop-in replacements, and you can drop in your self-hosted replacement. Amazon has shown itself, over decades, to do a really good job managing the data centers for this service, having really good uptime, and delivering what they promise. Their is very little danger of losing clients. They're so good at what they do that most other cloud companies don't try to directly compete. For example, IBM's hybrid cloud offerings put the AI in the IBM cloud, and offer integration with AWS for data storage and general purpose computing resources. Being able to inter-operate with AWS is a major selling point for their competitors. That is not going away in the foreseeable future. I don't hold either of these stocks, and if their performance was reversed, I still wouldn't buy either of them. To go up, they have to do better than professional analysts expect. There is no reason to read their books and think you can make that call on companies this big. They did well for awhile, but they could also trade sideways for a decade, regardless of the performance of the companies. If you like companies this big... buy a basket of them in an ETF and come back in 10 years.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 01:38:14 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Great comment. I do own Amzn and think this is the year they go up 10 to 15% vs last year being flat. Thinking about adding FB because the sell off was over done. Probably looking at next week. I saw some data that Aapl had some major sell offs in the last 2 years on different days. The major companies has the resources to compete and will continue to grow.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 01:57:16 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
FB still the market leader in social due to the amount of users they have and is literally a cash machine. Amazon on the other hand would have ended the quarter at a loss if they did not have rivian 12B profit to prop up the earnings report. Rivian profit is also a one off. So it's not going to show up again in next earnings report
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 07:18:19 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
It really is. I'm just happy I could make my moves and get FB and Spotify at deeply lowered price points.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 19:41:24 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Lol @ FB, fk Zuckerberg
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Fri Feb 4 13:54:16 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
FB has reached a realistic price imo. The rest should follow.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 17:12:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
A couple of weeks ago you would of included FB in the list of “safe companies”.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 07:13:12 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
> A. Keep in cash. 0% > B. Put into index ETFs (VOO, SPY) 0% > C. Put into more risky ETFs 0% > D. Put into safe companies (MSFT, APPL, AMZN, GOOGL) Depends on whether you include Tesla, if so, 70%. Holding any of your example "safe companies" would be a lot more risky than holding Tesla to me though, because I know much more about Tesla. Some would've considered FB safe a month ago, but those people didn't know enough about the company to see the last earnings coming. > E. Put into riskier companies. The other 30%. The bigger your disposable income is compared to your portfolio, the bigger risks you should be taking. I.e. if you're just starting out or you have a huge disposable income, you can afford to take more risks as your portfolio is mainly going to be growing by how much you put in. If your disposable income is (or has become) negligible to the size of your portfolio, you should be taking less risk as your portfolio becomes more responsible for the growth of your wealth. > Another question: How much of your portfolio do you usually keep as one stock? Depends entirely on conviction and the size of your portfolio. Unlike what many people on here think, it's much riskier to keep you money in many different stocks you barely know anything about than in 1 company you understand through and through. In general, unless you're a fulltime investor, I think anything over 10 different stocks is unfeasible. 2-6 is ideal. If you're just starting out, you should not be worrying about diversification. The lower you want your risk to be (for reasons described above), the more diversified you should be (whether through more stocks or ETFs). Conviction builds wealth, diversification preserves it.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 09:33:51 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I could say the same thing about IG and WhatsApp. People are not going to stop using FBs products anytime soon.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 08:22:08 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
bought FB because my daughters high school use fb messager for students group chat and discussion. and a lot of her classmates communicate with each other by using instagram message.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 18:06:43 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
You should never buy a stock of a bad company period. Out of the universe of buyable stocks, there are some that are clearly buy-and-hold while others are swing-trade candidates. Buy-and-hold are really really good businesses with a deadly moat and low-risk strategies. GOOGL, AAPL best fit this criteria. Swing-trade stocks are good businesses with less of a moat and who follow higher-risk strategies. FB, SHOP, AMZN, TSLA
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 21:14:56 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Yes, I bought FB and regret it immensely!
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 00:45:11 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Honestly probably better to scatter among FB, Alphabet, Amazon and Microsoft. When they all compete to start the “AR revolution” you can capitalize on it all. They also have very strong cash positions as well. FB I would never hold due to morals but the others I can be ok with
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Mon Feb 7 11:47:23 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Makes sense. Yeah last Monday was a crazy rip for some on that rebound day. And then the extra volatility to the downside as well. NFLX, PYPL, FB, SNAP (both ways actually), just to name a few.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sun Feb 6 21:24:22 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I run Facebook, Google, and Microsoft ads for my small business. The cost of customer acquisition on Facebook went from $25 to as much as $100 with ios14. Google ads are primarily search based, so someone is already looking for a product. My cost of acquisition on Google did not change at all. I'm spending all of my effort trying to further improve Google ads because it's nearly impossible to run profitable ads on FB. I reduced my FB budget by 95% and I don't think I'm the only one.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 23:39:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
This post was interesting to read. I personally don’t own any shares of FB, but I do appreciate a proper discussion with original thought.
KEYWORD : FB DATE : Sat Feb 5 23:14:30 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks
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