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Oregon Gun Owners

2018.04.05 21:13 arakboss Oregon Gun Owners

Oregon Gun Owners aka orgunowners is a subreddit dedicated to the concerns of gun owners from all political persuasions. You are welcome to submit posts related to all firearms ownership topics. Topics related to Oregon gun laws, past, present and future will be heavily represented here.

2017.03.25 15:44 BlazeDragon Revival Druidry

**Revival Druidry** Druidry reemerged in the 18th century (1701-1800) Since then it's grown and flourished. Which is the main purpose and goal of this sub-reddit. To discuss and share ideas with fellow seekers.

2017.01.18 23:09 batman_jr Fire Emblem Heroes - Open the gateways between worlds, heroes at your side.

A subreddit dedicated to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's 3rd mobile title released on February 2nd, 2017. The game is available worldwide on iOS and Android.

2024.06.10 04:33 I_MakeCoolKeychains Old unfinished mod

If you wanna skip my brief story my question appears after the !!!!!
I've never modded a game before, cheating sure I've even done a bunch myself over the years but nothing terribly complex, like me identifying the hexes to recognize then teach Cecil to cast bahamut in ff4 gba.
I've been modding new vegas more and more as I went along and it all started because I got curious what existed, I installed Delilah and decided to full on ignore getting revenge and instead played entirely different than I normally have by pursuing Delilah ambition of becoming the best doctor in the Mojave(took me around 25 hours to complete her quests and find her books from the beginning of the game, worth every second). Once I was done I started adding some more things, female power armor, new guns, altered the leveling system with a laundry list I was recommended(level 100, perk every level, max special, perk by level) and I ran into the mod to extend dialogue screens to have significantly better visibility, but I needed to install script extender first. I'd seen it before and just said no cause I don't understand why it's so significant. However this time I said yes and did it. Okay everything works fine. I finished the main quests and didn't feel like doing the dlc so I went looking for interesting new quest ideas, like the giant underground tunnel network. Because I have script extender I can say yes to things now!
!!!!! Phew so here's why I came here. In order to install a new unfinished companion named Jocelyn I needed to install children of the waste land. But I couldn't find it(quickly found out why Jocelyn creator didn't bother to finish her). but I tracked it down anyways, so I installed her. Everything was fine, it took awhile to find her(I'd already killed her captors so she wasn't in vault 3 she had already ran home on her own), as soon as I got her to follow me every single person's dialogue disappeared and became
Goodbye Goodbye
Even the children's clothing store was working perfectly until she followed me. Only way I could fix it was to reload to previous save before I found her. So there's a children's clothing store in my Mojave now :/ I really want her to work and filtering out my 56 mods one by one might not even work. Does anybody know how to help me correct this dialogue error? And please speak slowly, I've only been modding with "vortex" for 2 weeks :)
submitted by I_MakeCoolKeychains to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:33 Jungle_Lynx Advice on a role

Heya, I’m looking for some advice. I was offered a swe position through an acquaintance after working in system administration for 3 years and I feel like I’m going to do miserably.
I don’t know if I should take the job or not, I can’t afford to get laid off due to underperformance. The offer is 85k which is a bit less than I’m making now, however I feel like I hit a dead end and need a change.
I’ve written very little code to automate some tasks at my current job and struggled to get it to work. I find the idea of turning code in on a deadline frightening especially if I’m trying to grasp knowledge that I should be aware of already. I’ve started taking crash courses which is making me feel even more stupid for considering this.
With disregards to the money factor, should I take the risk? How patient will people be with me? Does coding get easier when it’s your main focus? Is it common to get some mentorship in the beginning?
submitted by Jungle_Lynx to SoftwareEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:30 MemoryRazzMatazz Lucas or Thomas?

Husband and I are expecting a baby boy next month and are debating between Lucas and Thomas. We like they are both traditional names and like the -as ending with our last name.
Main problem: We both like Thomas slightly more than Lucas, but we both much prefer Luke to Tom, and we figure at some point in his life, people will shorten his name. This seems even more likely with Thomas, and I’m really not sold on Tom.
Other considerations: - we also have a friend named Tom and it seems weird to name our son the same name as a friend who is likely to be a prominent figure in our lives as he grows up.
submitted by MemoryRazzMatazz to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:27 tinitustini My Feedback

I like the bones of the game well enough, and I love what they are going for with the setup of the game overall. Unfortunately, like a team that has seen major changes in the transfer window, on the pitch it feels a little bit like the game is currently lacking a little bit of an identity. As the game is currently in beta, I hope that they can adjust some of it.
Style of Play/Attacking
My main issues come when you have the ball, but there are definitely some things defensively as well. After playing, I'm not really sure that the team has an idea of exactly how they want matches to unfold, and if they do, it's not quite realized on the pitch yet. Do they want something slower, more possession based, and more methodical? If so, passing is way too inconsistent, AI isn't up to par yet for providing a variety of passing options, and lack ball retention through decent shielding or even minimal amounts of dribbling combine to make a more possession game tough to pull off.
Or, do they want a faster paced, counter attacking, back and forth arcadey style? If so, the speed of passes and shots make more sense, but the inability to effectively dribble at pace or attack with any degree of agility and explosiveness kills that vibe some as well.
I genuinely don't know how easy it is to tweak the AI in a game like this, so this is the area that concerns me most long term if it's something they are going to struggle to be able to get right. As mentioned earlier, even when playing around with tactics, I never really felt a variety in build up opportunities within a match. My players that were likely to be open in minute 4 were every but as likely to be open in the 85th, and there wasn't a huge variety in players making themselves available for passes, or trying intelligent runs into open spaces.
Special shout-out though to the AI around loose or air balls. When an attacking team has the ball knocked away, even without the defending team taking possession, I noticed the players IMMEDIATELY going into their defensive posture (pressing/falling back/etc) instead of intelligently reacting to the situation or challenging for the ball before possession was actually taken by the opposition. And when crosses or other long balls were played, it often felt like a coin flip to me whether a well positioned player would challenge for the ball or not, not to mention the inconsistent apparent flight speed of the ball, especially on crosses, making it difficult to time things up on occasion.
Finally, what should I imagine be an easy tweak, the free kick taker standing frozen in place after taking the kick for a bit, even if the ball rebounds right back to him off the wall should be addressed.
As many other people have mentioned, I experienced major input delay when playing UFL this weekend. Whether more of a server issue or something more within the code itself, it was especially noticeable on defense.
Jockeying and contain felt pretty good, but tackling was at times a nightmare, especially near the box. Standing tackle animations are very clunky and often ineffective, and the input delay made sliding tackles even more of a gamble than they should be, which meant that positional defending, playing for interceptions, and simply running into the ball were my most effective methods of defense. I'm actually quite happy about the way those first two I mentioned work, but tackling itself needs some fixing in my opinion.
Closing Thoughts
Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised with UFL from what I played this weekend. I don't believe that it's at the level yet of EAFC or eFootball, but it's not supposed to be, yet. It's in beta for a reason. I think the bones of a quality game are there, even if it is currently lacking a bit for me. Hopefully the feedback from the community this weekend gives them plenty to go to work on and create a polished, fun, and fair game upon full release.
submitted by tinitustini to UFLTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:27 santai12345 What would you put in this space

What would you put in this space
We already have a sitting area and dining area. Grass doesn’t grow because of the tree. This is right behind our main living room with a panel of windows so it is pretty visible. The grading wasn’t well done so it’s not really very level. I guess I don’t have a clear budget but am looking for ideas. Additional patio pictures included for perspective but I’m asking about the orange area
submitted by santai12345 to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:27 RaySaysHai The production, mixing, and mastering of potentially the first track of my first EP: Dreamwaves

As someone that's been mingling in music production(mostly DnB music) for the past year, I wanted to go all the way and set out to release my first EP this summer. This is a pretty huge undertaking for me as my process for creating music until now has always been to mess around until something sounds good, maybe finish the track, then kind of leave it totally unmixed as it rots in my hard drive.
For an EP, it would be much more visionary, process-oriented, and committal. For those of you who don't know, an EP stands for Extended Play, basically a smaller version of an album that's about 10-30 minutes. Usually 3-6 tracks. For a lot of people this means slapping together a few tracks they made over the past few months and calling it a day, but for me I wanted this to challenge me as a creative and an artist. I wanted this to force me to put a cohesive and thematically related set of tracks in a certain order that made sense to me, and doesn't seem random. Additionally, as this would eventually be my first official release, I want to make sure this was the highest quality of musicality and production I can muster out of myself, ideally being high enough quality for any high-profile DJ to be able to slap one of those tracks into a set and no one would be like "wow this track is lower quality than all these other tracks". As someone that bedroom DJs, I also find the idea of adding in one of my own tracks into my recorded mixes pretty freaking cool. I mean imagine making a set and just being like "oh yeah, this track? This one I made myself "
Nonetheless, I spent about 12 hours yesterday working on this track from start to finish, 9 hours of it was just choosing samples, synthesizing a few sounds on serum, creating the notes and chords, and putting it all together. Let me tell you this, those 9 hours passed by like it was nothing! I was very much in the zone, crafting the track I've had in mind for a while now, which is a dreamy like super liquid DnB track with lush pads, ambient atmos, and bubbly arps. I synthesized several elements on Serum, which is two pads, the bass, the arp in the second half of the track. Otherwise, the drums I sampled together, one of the pads I sampled, the FX are obviously sampled, and the arp that appears halfway into the first and second drop I sampled. I'm super proud of how I synthesized the bass and arp together because I used some pretty cool techniques on both of them for them to be transformative throughout the track. I used a variety of automation clips that cleverly manipulated the LFO cutoff, cutoff filter, and LFO rate on the bass to really build up the tension before the drop. For the arp, I used automation clips that changed the detune and blend of the main sound, as well as a slow introduction to a volume-building second oscillator that becomes apparent in the second drop.
I was so happy with the result, that it actually pushed me to mix this myself. So I called up my friend who's an expert on mixing and mastering and asked if he could guide me on the whole process btw. We started with gain staging, which by itself took about an hour because wowee the audio levels were extremely messed up. In the process he showed me how to group sets of instruments and sounds together to make it easier for mixing, such as drums, bass, pads, arps, FX. After gainstaging, we added a few plugins from my Waves subscription to boost certain frequencies and reduce certain frequencies of each instrument to give it the depth it needed, and then added a few more EQs to the master channel with a compressor to really top it all off. This is really only a light mix and master, I plan to work on it more to really give it the optimization in the next coming days as I learn more about audio engineering. I'm looking forward to what I could come up with for my next 2 or 3 tracks for the EP in the next few weeks!
submitted by RaySaysHai to Endeverus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:24 Extension_Sir_3724 HOW TO PROPERLY OPERATE AVR please help me

At the moment, I have three PCs, two of which have different CPUs. I have AVR, but I have no idea how to operate it. I would like to know if it is necessary to connect the AVR to the main circuit WALL before plugging in my extension, computers, and finally the extension to the AVR.
Which scenario is better?
Scenario 1 ((Wall < AVR < Extension < 3 monitors and CPU))
Scenario 2 ((WALL < AVR < 2 Monitors and 1 CPU)) ((Next wall would be my Extension cord for 1 monitor, 1 CPU, 1 Fan, 1 Wifi, 1 charging phone, others than can be off sometimes))
Please help I’m currently living alone and I just really need to make sure since base on mu research they usually use 1 pc in avr.
submitted by Extension_Sir_3724 to PHbuildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:20 CapAccomplished8072 Let's discuss ideas on writing women BETTER rather than worse in media. Saw this post on Tumblr, "Shounen for women" and I was curious if this would be something educational for many and empowering for women?

Let's discuss ideas on writing women BETTER rather than worse in media. Saw this post on Tumblr, submitted by CapAccomplished8072 to NotHowGirlsWork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:16 CozyCraving Cozy Craving [Semi-Vanilla] {Survival} {Java 1.20.6} {Geyser Bedrock} {No Whitelist} {Diamond Economy} {Expanding Perma Map} {CoreProtect} {Dedicated Server} {Dynmap} {USA}

🌐 「 Our Server in a Nutshell 」 🌐

We are a new server - our community and buildings are all since mid February of 2024. Our current map is 14k by 14k, and will continue expanding to make new vanilla content accessible as it is released and accommodate more players as the server grows. We have a large expansion planned for after the 1.21 update. Our vision is to have a server that is as vanilla as possible, while also addressing various QoL issues that come along with a large playerbase on an unwhitelisted server. As such, we have implemented a handful of plugins including renewable elytra (via the ender dragon fight), a simple chest shop system using currency that is interconvertible with diamonds, and night skip with just one player sleeping.
We have an outstanding community of builders! From skyscrapers and cozy villages to high-efficiency iron and raid farms, we have it all. We also have a nether roof transportation hub easily accessible from spawn and with blue ice boat paths. Want to see more? Our photo galleries are linked below. If you decide to check us out, there are plenty of active players who are happy to help you get started and fill in the gaps for you!
We have no land claims plugin, but rest assured your builds and items are safe. We use CoreProtect, a plugin which keeps detailed logs of blocks, items, entities, and more. It allows for custom, precision rollbacks of specific players, time ranges, locations, and more. This allows for convenient grief reversal in real time. The CoreProtect inspect command is enabled for all players, which allows you to check the logs of containers and blocks; you can see if alterations have been made by someone who does or does not have your permission without needing staff assistance.
We have an amazing staff team. Many of our staff members are also our most active players, and we have staff from various timezones around the globe to provide support throughout the day and night hours. We are responsive on Discord, and care about helping out the community and spreading good vibes.

🧭 「 Our Principles 」 🧭

Community First: Our primary goal is to foster a fun, cooperative, supportive community on our server. Profit from the server is not a short or long-term goal. We want to scale and develop our community, but at a pace that is reasonable and sustainable.
Long-Term Map: We plan to never reset the map. We want builds, farms, and communities made on the server to be permanent, and this is why we have opted for an expanding map to incorporate content from new releases.
Golden Rule: Respect. Other. Players. You can see a more precise list of rules on our spawn board or Discord server, but in general all rules follow from the simple principles of respecting others and using common sense.
Work Hard, Play Hard: The server is on hard difficulty. There is no keepinventory, no /tp, no /back, no warps other than /spawn and /home, and staff will not use tools to roll back legitimate deaths or mistakes that do not violate the rules. We hope in our community you will become a pro gamer, and this means learning to navigate all the difficulties of the Minecraft world, even if they are sometimes frustrating or inconvenient. We aim to preserve the minimalism and realism of Minecraft, as we believe these features are essential for maximizing players' sense of immersion in our world and community. We hope you will feel the same way if you give it a try!
No P2W: We do not and will not even remotely resemble a Pay to Win server. We do accept donations. The only perk for donors is an optional cosmetic change of their game name from white to blue. Any future donor perks added will also be purely cosmetic.

📀 「 Discord Overview 」 📀

On our Discord you can:
  • Submit help tickets to notify staff of problems and get support
  • Submit suggestion tickets with your ideas about how to improve the server
  • Read our FAQ and Info sections for useful information
  • Check out and share photos of many of the server's coolest builds
  • Share pet photos, memes, and your sports analysis
  • Voice chat and listen to music
  • Ask any questions and engage with our awesome community!

🔗 「 Server Details 」 🔗

  • Server Name: Cozy Craving
  • IP Address: (same for Bedrock, default ports)
  • Hardware: Dedicated server - Ryzen 5600G and NVMe
  • Discord: Join Here!
  • Photos: Builds Art
  • Version: Java 1.20.6 with ViaVersion and Geyser Bedrock - Will Update to 1.21 ASAP When Paper Updates!
  • Activity: 20+ players online during peak hours
  • PVP: Enabled, PVP looting not allowed
  • Difficulty: Hard

👏 「 Thanks 」 👏

Thank you for taking the time to read through our server description. Even if our server is not the one for you or not your final destination, we wish you the best of luck on your server-finding journey! Feel free to share our server and this post with others you think may enjoy it. Leaving an upvote if you like our server or found the post easy to navigate would also be much appreciated. And wherever you end up, don't forget that the main point is to enjoy yourself and have fun!
submitted by CozyCraving to MCVanillaServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:15 brainrot__ Please respond

Please respond
I don’t know what is wrong,, please respond
I’ve been calling it some form of schizophrenia because I’m not sure what else to call it. I have looked everywhere I can and the closest I can find is delusions of grandeur, but that’s not exactly it.
I have been hearing voices from a very young age. For as long as I can remeber, there’s been a man named Louis (Lew-is) taking to me inside of my mind. He’s often times good, he’s very smart, he would help me at school, he knew things I didn’t know. Then as my anxiety grew with me, I felt the presence of a woman, she was holy to me. Im not allowed to speak her name, as it correlates with her powers, and Louis tells me that if I say her name then people will think I’m crazy. I began to pray to her when I got scared or nervous. One time in 5th grade a massive tornado hit my school, they told kids to pray, everyone prayed to god, and I prayed to Her. The tornado soon blew by and hadn’t harmed our school very badly at all. Since that day, I have been almost her servant. I ask her for permission before I do anything, and she communicates with me through colour and numbers. For example, I asked her if I could post this, I closed my eyes, and opened them, and I was shown a blue star. This is a yes. Blue and cool toned colors are good and often mean “yes” along with certain numbers (2,4,8 especially ,10,14,20, etc), red and warmer colors along with 3 or ANY multiples of it, are bad. Im trying to recall important things to mention. Her powers include time manipulation, through her ability to manipulate reality and time, I am able to manipulate reality and time. I know things about the future, but I’m not very allowed to share them. Anyway, there are now many more voices. Lewis: been here from the start, in his mid 20s, very intelligent Klaus: in his late 30s, unintelligent, came in during my early teens Beatrice: in her mid 30s, acts as a mother for the younger ones, I believe once she dated Klaus Sullivan: in his mid 20s, Lewis’ near twin, unintelligent Simon: 14, very geeky and emotional, truly only talks to Logan Logan: 16, always very angry, hates most everyone besides Simon Lilac and Summers: twin girls, I belive they’re 4, they came in at around the time Klaus did, but disappeared shortly after I’m trying to recall anything else important to mention, I will include an illustration I did of Her. I understand that diagnoses is impossible from this rant, but if you have any idea of what sounds similar to this, please tell me so I can do my own research on it. Thank you
submitted by brainrot__ to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:12 RM_9808032_7182701 Idea?

I haven't posted here in a while due to timings with the invitation and some other thing.
I have an idea that someone has given to me, its about a snake that he has made, so I will try my best to keep it as far away from his design as possible while sharing some of his ideas.
There are these snake-like creatures which are very resilient yet flexible, I don't know what to call them, but they use their body similar to a boa constrictor, yet also have venom that destroys the victim's tissue, allowing for easier digestion, and these snakes are able to stretch up to 100 feet long, (the person that talked about his version stretch up to a kilometer long) to move faster. They are hunted for their skin and venom mainly, due to them being able to camouflage along with mimic textures. They are considered one of the rarest creatures in the (somewhere, comments can suggest where they can be located), and the entire snake is utilized, with prices ranging with the part of the snake. The only way to capture them is to hunt them into an area, utilize rapidly changing colors and/or textures, confusing the snake and allowing it to be captured.
I don't know if someone already posted this, because the universe scales with posts. So if that is the case, then I can try changing this up.
submitted by RM_9808032_7182701 to ProjectUndefined [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:12 thewritegrump I'm so excited to see what my friend cooks up this time!

I'm currently practically vibrating with excitement and wanted to share my joy- so last year, my friend made an animatic of my fic for my birthday! It was a truly stunning piece that I go back and watch all the time; I'm not surprised it turned out so good given that my friend is a professional animator, but I was still floored to see it completed! Anyway, it was a really incredible gift that meant a lot to me, but I knew it was quite the undertaking for my friend (she spent three or four months straight working on it), so I didn't think she'd do it again after finishing such a big project.
Well, it turns out that my fiancee is working with her again to create an opening animatic for the fic that I'd cooked up a while back (I sometimes come up with little AMVs in my head, and once in a while I'll write one down to explain it to my fiancee)! It's a take on the Baccano! opening (an anime OP that manages to have title cards for 17 characters; perfect for my purposes since the main cast of the fic is 17 characters), using the music and the general concept of each character introduction flowing seamlessly into the next, being big on creative transitions. My birthday isn't for about 5 more months, so I've got some waiting to do, but she wanted to get started on it as soon as possible so she has enough time to finish it before then.
Anyway, I'm just really excited to see how she interprets my idea this time, and feeling really thankful and blessed that she's even willing to take on a project this big in the first place. QvQ She's been my go-to artist since we became friends a couple years ago, and I always feel so spoiled when she uses her talent to make art and things for my fics.
submitted by thewritegrump to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:11 Extension_Sir_3724 Educate me to properly operate AVR please

At the moment, I have three PCs, two of which have different CPUs. I have AVR, but I have no idea how to operate it. I would like to know if it is necessary to connect the AVR to the main circuit before plugging in my extension, computers, and finally the extension to the AVR.
Which scenario is better?
Scenario 1 ((Wall < AVR < Extension < 3 monitors and CPU))
Scenario 2 ((WALL < AVR < 2 Monitors and 1 CPU)) ((Next wall would be my Extension cord for 1 monitor, 1 CPU, 1 Fan, 1 Wifi, 1 charging phone, others than can be off sometimes))
Please help I’m currently living alone and I just really need to make sure since base on mu research they usually use 1 pc in avr.
submitted by Extension_Sir_3724 to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:09 Cambabamba7 Theory about the Unmade

The Unmade are perhaps the most mysterious creatures on Roshar. All that is known of them is that they are perversions of their former selves; corrupted by Odium and turned into machines for his war effort. I have long wondered what the Unmade were before their unmaking, and I have an (admittedly flimsy) theory as to their origins.

The Unmade were city-spren for each of the Oathgate Cities, much like how the Sibling is the spren of Urithiru.

Initial Thoughts:
Which Unmade Goes Where?
It is difficult to tell precisely which Silver Kingdom each Unmade was designed to inhabit, as we know little of their history or abilities, but there are some clues that make me confident about some of them.
Wait, aren't there ten Oathgate Cities?
Yes! Excellent question! It is my belief that one of these ancient city-spren could not be corrupted. Perhaps this city-spren was too strong, perhaps the Singers were never able to penetrate far enough into the city to corrupt it, or maybe Odium had already collected the other 9 and didn't want to break his number pattern.
Finishing Thoughts:
submitted by Cambabamba7 to Cosmere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:09 possessedkoala I’m terrified to quit my job, but I have to, for me.

I (23F) have been working in a secretarial position at an insurance agency for about 8 months now. To say I’m unhappy in my position is an understatement.
My boss at my current job is terrible to say the least. She was fantastic at first. Very easy to get along with, happy to answer any question I had, etc. But within the last 4 months, she’s started treating me like shit. She’s made horrible remarks to and about me, she’s hard on me for no reason, she’s gets pissed when I ask her questions, etc. She loves intimidating me. She loves making me feel small and making me feel disposable. It almost feels like she takes her anger and frustration out on me. Within the first day my new coworker was in the office, she said “(boss) treats you like shit. Why are you still here? Why do you put up with it?” Not to mention the fact that I’m working for an embarrassingly small amount of money. I get paid $10/hr. I work 40hrs/week. I do not make enough money to survive on my own. The maximum I will ever make in this position at this agency is $12. To get that raise, I have to get my insurance producers licenses, which require exams. My boss paid for the course and the exam fees, which we agreed to at the beginning of my employment.
That aside, I’ve been looking for a new position, and I was lucky enough to get poached. I was recommended to another agency, and they were interested in me. I will be doing the same job, but I’ll be making nearly twice as much money. My new boss has only had one stipulation - to get this position, I had to pass my exams and be ready to get my license when I came in. I passed my exams last week, and I am ready to get my license.
Now, here comes the hard part. I have to quit my current job. Despite the fact that my boss is shitty and the pay is terrible, I love what I do. I love the people I interact with daily. I love being able to help people and make their day better. It’s going to break me to have to sever those relationships. My concern is how my boss will react. My new boss wants me to work out a two weeks notice for my current boss (just so it looks better on me,) but I’m terrified of how she’ll react. I have no idea how to quit this job. I have a two weeks resignation written up, and I keep going over and over it. I mean, what am I even supposed to say? She JUST paid for my exam. I JUST passed. She’s planning on getting lunch for the office tomorrow to celebrate. When the Hell am I supposed to quit???? How do I quit??? What do I even say?? How the hell do I say “I hate you so much I can’t see straight, I have a job opportunity that will actually pay me, thanks for paying for my exams, peace out” to her face? I feel so dirty for what I’m doing. Nobody knows about this.
I am so lost and so anxious. I’ve been losing sleep. I barely have an appetite. I cry constantly. I feel so guilty for doing this behind her back and leaving, but I know I have to. How do I go about this with grace???? I’m so scared that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. Any advice is appreciated, but mainly just needed to get this out.
submitted by possessedkoala to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:09 Extension_Sir_3724 Help me please how to properly operate AVR

At the moment, I have three PCs, two of which have different CPUs. I have AVR, but I have no idea how to operate it. I would like to know if it is necessary to connect the AVR to the main circuit before plugging in my extension, computers, and finally the extension to the AVR.
Which scenario is better?
Scenario 1 ((Wall < AVR < Extension < 3 monitors and CPU))
Scenario 2 ((WALL < AVR < 2 Monitors and 1 CPU)) ((Next wall would be my Extension cord for 1 monitor, 1 CPU, 1 Fan, 1 Wifi, 1 charging phone, others than can be off sometimes))
Please help I’m currently living alone and I just really need to make sure since base on mu research they usually use 1 pc in avr.
submitted by Extension_Sir_3724 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:06 DreamMasterFTW Havoc form "fire" not working (Archon)? Won't shoot out anything.

So I finally got to level 10 archon, but when I click/hold fire, nothing happens. Only blinking and shield work. Am I doing something wrong? is this a known bug? Kind of had a havoc only build idea but it won't work if I can't use the main part of the build lol.
Is there supposed to be a crosshair or something?
submitted by DreamMasterFTW to remnantgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:06 LeynaDOTexe Disappointed 😞

Disappointed 😞
Honestly I love this app! I've been using it for a little over a year now even before the app part launched. It's brought me a lot of creative ideas and even inspired me to create a dating sim (just launched the demo) I find it very sad that it's come to all this chaos. I think if the devs could just take criticism and focus on the main issues then we wouldn't have this problem. Silencing those who have legit concerns is not a great look. (I'm talking good criticism not rude or disrespectful behavior)
submitted by LeynaDOTexe to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:06 Lotta_Latte In-laws packed our things without asking

Not sure if this is the appropriate forum to post this but figured no where else would understand.
My husband and I lived with his parents for a few months. We finally moved this past week and got all the major things out of their house, as well as over half of everything else. We told them we would finish moving through the weekend and clean as well. Welp, literally a day after moving into our apartment, they, really my father in law, packed all of our things into boxes and put them by the front door. Not only did they touch my things without asking, they packed it in the most incoherent manner possible. I mean, the most random items in boxes that makes absolutely zero sense, at least to my brain.
I’m livid. I spent a bit of time panicking and shed a few tears over the mere fact my things were touched without permission, and that I had no idea where my things were as none of the packing made sense to me. Now, I feel frozen. The idea of digging through several boxes with no idea what is where is stressing me out beyond belief. I’m also just in general really upset by the whole thing. I would never think to touch someone’s belongings without asking. I had a few things stored at my sister in laws and even she asked if it would be helpful to pack those few things up for me to get, I said yes and was grateful. But to go around me and my husband and throw things haphazardly in boxes? Outrageous.
I don’t know. Mainly just needed to vent and hope someone understands my point.
submitted by Lotta_Latte to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:05 ConsiderationLow2367 What are some of your favourite examples of idols doing side quests?

For anyone not up to date with current internet terminology a side quest is "A quest given to the player that has no direct bearing on the main story/campaign of the game.". Now it's often being used to describe actions of a person that is random, pointless or unexpected. The main idea to get from it is that it's something they don't necessarily have to do, but they did it. A wholesome example maybe something like this.
submitted by ConsiderationLow2367 to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:02 formerpremed1 self-taught former premed looking to learn more

hello programming friends :)
i am a recent graduate with a bachelors’ degree in the biological sciences. it’s kind of the usual story: i had previously planned to attend medical school, but realized that medicine isn’t for me (for a few reasons, but mainly because i dread the idea of patient interaction and didn’t enjoy any of my clinical experiences). i am currently planning to attend graduate school and become a researcher, because i always liked the idea of being a scientist and doing research, but i’m also aware of how difficult the job market is in the biological sciences. if you aren’t familiar, see this.
obviously, i’ve gotten a little nervous — i was planning on medical school mainly as a “backup plan” for the bad career prospects in the biosciences, but i don't really like the idea of doing medicine even as a backup :v i’m looking at CS as a maybe better option.
now, i do have some history with coding: i’m self-taught and pretty good in HTML/CSS (i know, i know, this isn’t programming :p but still). i’ve also picked up some python on the side more recently; i’m still a beginner but i can make some simple programs that run in the command-line, using if/fowhile loops and some imported libraries, and at one point i coded a relatively simple discord bot. i’ve also always generally been “good with computers” — i would say i’m generally better with computers than most of my science peers and have often been the “tech support friend”.
i enjoy the “making things” and problem-solving aspects of programming. at a few points i’ve gotten so absorbed in coding that i forgot to eat lol.
i know this isn’t a question anyone can really answer for me, but what would you recommend for someone in my situation? i’d like to continue learning programming, for fun side projects and maybe as a backup/alternative career plan if the whole scientist thing doesn’t work out or isn’t for me long-term. i understand the market is pretty oversaturated and competitive right now, but so is biomed…i feel that CS could be a good culture fit for me, and i am generally good at learning quickly and independently, and logical problem solving.
i'm considering learning JS next so i can use it with my HTML/CSS knowledge to make more "real" projects, or learning how to develop an iOS app, but i feel like i'm not good enough at programming to think of learning another language yet. python has been treating me well and i've heard it's useful in the science field; i'm sure i can make a lot of cool things too if i get more advanced.
(sorry in advance if this doesn't fit here; i wanted to post this on cscareerquestions, but don't have enough karma on my main account + didn't want my irl friends who know my username to read it lol)
submitted by formerpremed1 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:01 Visual-Choice2489 Permanent solution to permanent problems

// Child Abuse, ED, Racism, Malpractice
Howdy, im moreso typing this up because i want the world to know ive busted my ass to make it here, i never stopped fucking fighting even when i wish i really had. But im done, im too tired to fight anymore.
Im the middle child of a fairly average-low income family, but when i was younger we had next to nothing. My mom would bathe me and my little sister together till i was about 11 or so (10 years ago now) because we really couldnt afford water. Both my older sister and younger had such drastically different childhoods from me, even though we're all blood related and lived together. My sisters got whatever they wanted, had the freedom of the world by middle school each. But ive been stuck inside my entire life. I never got to go events or parties or anything, regardless of if they were friends or school-hosted. My sisters got to do every extracurricular activity they wanted, from 6th grade camp to different sunrise and sunset events, i never got to. I mean hell, i didnt even get a real senior fucking year. My step and repeat was in a shitty 6 car parking lot on a temp stage that shook so bad when you stood on it that my cap and gown pics are blurry. Ive been locked in my entire fucking life and thats the fucking easy shit to process
Now mix in dysmorphia and reoccurring ED thanks to my mom making me feel like shit for eating literally anything and everything, dysphoria from being trans and built like a twitter porn artist's mascot, AND internalized racism from, well growing up in the 2000s where it felt like everywhere i looked it said black folk are evil.
Ive tried my hardest to stay around for my friends, the few ive got that havent abandoned me, but i cant help but feel like im starting to bring them down.
Now, before you freaks start commenting shit like "seek professional help to deal with your trauma" IM TRYING!! Like i swear to god this is so stupid my pathetic useless insurance has been REFUSING to send me my depression/anxiety meds because i "ordered too recently" when i havent ordered my meds in over a month and they only gave me 2 weeks worth of doses. Im literally fighting my depression after dropping off my meds cold turkey because my insurance does not care. I cant fucking do this anymore i try so fucjing hard to get better but it feels like the universe is telling me to give up i mean ive had fucking elder-queers tell me to give up, that shit fucks you up so fucking bad and i just dont have the fight in me anymore.
Im tired, boss.
submitted by Visual-Choice2489 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]