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How are the wildlife biology programs at these schools?

2024.06.10 15:57 Status_Sherbet888 How are the wildlife biology programs at these schools?

These are some colleges I'm considering (in no particular order). How are the wildlife biology programs at them?
Also, I'm looking most for a college that 1) has a good wildlife biology program, 2) has good academics and professors, 3) is good value, 4) has smaller classes, and 5) is LGBTQ+ friendly. What are your thoughts about these places? Do you know any other pros or cons about them?
For more information about me: I'm studying to become a wildlife rehabilitation/veterinarian (I'm planning on becoming certified as both), I live in Colorado, my PSAT score is 1400, and my unweighted GPA is 3.99.
Thank you! I'm sorry that I have so many questions; any help is highly appreciated!
submitted by Status_Sherbet888 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:54 Informal-Notice683 What should I (m26) do about situation with ex (f24), whom I still in love with, after 2 years NC?

Throwaway account
My ex and I met 4 years ago and hit it of really well. We dated for a couple of months, where I was the luckiest man ever. I never before nor since been so in love. Most of the dating, kisses etc. were initiated by her. But then she told me, that she just got out of a relationship (when we started dating it must have been only weeks) and everything is moving to fast for her. She said she needed time for herself, that she will be away over the semester break for 3 months and would not respond to me. I, madly in love, was shocked but told her to take her time, thinking she would come around quickly. But she basically ghosted me for the next 3 months as she said she would. This for me was the hardest time in my life, not gonna lie (it was my first love). At the end I was extremely pissed at her. When we met after 3 months, I straight up told her, that she would have to decide right now if she wants to be together or not. And if she would still need more time, I could not wait for her anymore. She then said she wants to “try” and be with me.
The relationship for the first year was basically that I always wanted more out of the relationship, and she still was very distant and took a long time to really let herself be vulnerable. She didn’t want to hold hands, didn’t go to my concerts, didn’t want to meet my family, didn’t want to have sex etc. But she gradually came around and I was very understanding and always tried to find compromises. Even though I had to move abroad for a couple of weeks and then the pandemic hit and we where in different cities, the relationship started to become better. She put more effort in it and for a while things were pretty great.
It changed again when I moved to a different city for my graduate studies. Somehow, and because of all the troubles at the beginning, I started to slowly distance myself from the relationship. But she did the exact opposite and the dynamic basically reversed. I started to question if I really loved her and if I could see myself marrying her. I was getting more and more insecure, the more she finally worked on the relationship. I also had a very unrealistic image in my mind, how I was supposed to feel. Until then in the relationship I could always at least count on my feelings for her, also as a kind of rock for her. In the end I started to hate myself for not being able to love her as I did in the beginning and I always felt fake telling her “I love you”. We talked about that and tried to work on things for a while, but the more understanding and loving she was, the worse I felt. At the end I saw no other way out then to break up. I never really understood why I did it, (and she absolutely could not understand it) but for a while I felt better.
We had almost no contact after the break up, only met once. I always thought, that I could not show her, that I was also very unsure about the break up as then she could not move on. I always hated people, who just keep others as a backup and play with their feelings. So I never showed her how conflicted I really felt about the break up. After 6 months she wrote me a letter saying she wants to get back together, how much she still loves me and always will love me etc. I declined resolutely even though I was shaken.
For the next 1,5 years I could not have new relationships, because I always compared them to my ex and thought, if I was so sure once and this could change for me, how could I start something with someone else, if I wasn’t madly in love in the beginning. All this time I often thought about writing her and trying to work everything out, but as I was always abroad or very far away, I never did. I also know that the break up was probably the biggest identity crisis for her ever, she even changed cities to not be reminded of me (even tough I did not live in the same city then her).
But for health reasons I moved back to the region where we met at the beginning of this year. I decided to write to her and tell her that I still have feelings for her and that I was never sure about the breakup. I also started therapy and understand way better now, why I did what I did then, that I have an anxiety disorder and had irrational fears of the relationship being suddenly to intimate. I really feel, that the breakup would have been absolutely avoidable, if I would have gone to therapy earlier.
She responded positively to my letter and proposed to meet (which I didn’t, because I did not want to create any pressure for her). The meeting was amazing, I thought it would be weird, but it felt very familiar and we talked for hours. After that I felt sure, that I made a mistake and asked her for another meeting. We met 3 more times, always initiated by me, and everytime went better than the last. We talked a lot about our past relationship and what we both did wrong or misunderstood. At some point I told her, that I want her back. She said nothing. Between the meetings she was always very distant and we texted very little. But when we met in person it was the complete opposite. So for the next meeting I wanted to ask her, why she was so distant between meetings and what she thinks about all that in general. I was reminded of the start of the relationship, where she ghosted me and felt I could not do this for much longer.
So the last meeting went great as always. We hiked for hours. At the end I asked her, what she thinks about all that, and she said, she cant imagine herself getting back together with me any time soon. She said she had no feelings for me at all, she feels only indifference. Also she is afraid of it not working again. I then said, that I understand her, but I also could not keep doing what ever this was any longer. She also said, she felt that there was an imbalance in our relationship now, because other than me she met with two other guys and slept with one of them since the break up. She said she feels like she cheated on me, which I said is pretty bullshit because we were not together anymore and I broke up with her. She said, she would have waited these 2 years for me if she knew I would come back. So this does not seem to be consistent with indifference. I also said I don’t know if I should keep fighting for her, to which she said, this would not make sense, because she knows exactly how much she lost. That’s basically where we left it. I said that I could not meet with her again, because like her I would finally have to move on. I think she would have liked to meet again, but probably not romantically.
Its been a while since the meeting and I just cant let it go. I think I should have given her way more time and her situation is not easy as well. At the same time I am afraid of never being able to move on and I could not be just a friend for her. What should I do in this situation?
TL/DR Met the love of my life. Relationship was not easy, because she was very distant in the beginning and I constantly got hurt. When she finally came around I already distanced myself. Couldn’t fix it, I broke up with her. Was extremely conflicted about breakup but never told her. Decided after 2 years with almost NC I want her back. Met a couple of times, was very familiar and talked openly about past relationship. When I asked her what this is for her, she said she cant imagine getting back together. What should I do?
submitted by Informal-Notice683 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:19 Baalphire81 Observations and musings

I have an introductory knowledge of sociology and studied a bit in college, so what I am about to speak of may be entirely idiotic and simple, however hopefully I may receive some edification on the subject. I live on a small island that was once a summer community, and has now become very much a year round destination for people of all walks of life. Just like many more isolated locales we experienced a migration from the larger population centres during covid. The community here has always placed self sufficiency, but also community support and values as prime exemplars of who we are. The interconnectedness and social credit of the year round population made our community work, and allowed for a way of life to continue despite the much higher cost of living here on island. However with the influx of new members of the community, there has been a decided shift away from self sufficiency and community support and instead more of a suburban model of community has reared its ugly head. Green lawns and clear cutting has replaced woodland deer habitat and large food gardens. Larger mooring fields with sedentary rarely used yachts have replaced productive shell fishing beds. Much of the community structure has been torn asunder as newcomers assert their larger community values which place a premium on displays of wealth and more genteel pursuits, while shunning the community safety net which has for years protected our most vulnerable set of residents.
Now about my questions and musings as they concern our changing community: 1. Up until recently (within the last 30 years), the pursuits of our wealthiest visitors neatly aligned with the conservation of our wild places and promotion of self sufficient food gathering. Duck hunting kept our marshes as tidal ponds undeveloped as refuges for the sport, sport fishing did much the same for our barrier beaches and sensitive coastal habitats. These pursuits have largely been abandoned in the case of Duck Hunting, and changed completely as in the case of sport fishing (which now travel far offshore to catch trophy fish) as sport for the wealthy, and of the middle class. This has led to many of these most sensitive and rich areas to be developed or gated off from the rest of the community. Is this part of a larger societal shift away from the man vs nature trope so prevalent throughout our history? If so why the destroy the very nature that made the place special in the first place? Has the status symbol of living on a prestigious island become more of a social currency, and become less about enjoying the place for its natural resources?
  1. As stated above many of our most recent immigrants have settled here during COVID. However, many have stayed and seemingly enjoy the small community ways and peacefulness. These very ideals that make this place so attractive seemingly are at odds with what many of these new residents have set out to change in our community. Instead of planning for the isolation and what that entails as far as supplies and goods, there seems to be more and more insistence on 24/7 business and instant gratification across all fronts. There has also been a rather strong push to change the aesthetic to a more mundane mainland American style of architecture, and homogenisation of business and branding. Is this all part of a larger push subconsciously wanting comfort in the known, rather than the risk of the unknown? Will there be another population shift back to city centres, and rather than pushing the benefits and downsides of that style of living further out from urbanised settings, a retreat to those settings? Will this contraction and retreat require a large scale disruption to our way of life in order to begin, or will it just be a natural cycle of human development?
I appreciate the time you have taken to read this wall of text. I hope perhaps to hear something to think about, and perhaps spark an interesting discussion.
submitted by Baalphire81 to sociology [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:02 Apprehensive-Nail914 Are these mods quality of life or cheating

are mods like ultra stacks, death recovery mod and dragon storage v2 quality of life or just considered cheating and make the game unfun. I'm starting up a playthrough on lost island with a friend whos never played the game before and I'm trying to give him a good experience but I'm not sure if adding mods like these would make the game seem too easy and it would eventually just get boring.
submitted by Apprehensive-Nail914 to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:02 SharkEva Am I the jerk for resenting my dad because of his new family and for seeing my stepfather as a better dad than him?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/GeorgeOrwell_Gurl posting in AmITheJerk
Ongoing as per OOP
Thanks to u/Spiritual_Country_62 for finding this BORU
3 updates - Long
Original - 16th February 2024
Update1 - 18th May 2024
Update2 - 19th May 2024
Update3 - 28th May 2024

Am I the jerk for resenting my dad because of his new family and for seeing my stepfather as a better dad than him?

When I was younger I had a very good relationship with my dad. My parents divorced when I was a infant, but I spent weekdays with my mom and weekends with my dad. My dad and I were like best friends, and we had a simple routine every weekend where we'd get five Redbox movies to finish during the weekend, we'd go fishing, we'd play soccer, and we'd bike to this little secret playground near the zoo.
Something else I was used to was my dad always having new girlfriends that never lasted more than two weeks. The only one who lasted longer (a woman I really liked who lasted two years) left my dad when I was ten. But my relationship with my dad was the same as ever until I was twelve and my dad met his now wife. This woman has two kids, one older and one younger than me. They moved into my dad's apartment after only two weeks.
My room was already small, but my tiny mattress and three small plastic drawers were shoved into the corner of the room to make space for the daughters' bunk bed and dresser. Before I knew it, they started putting my bed in a closet until I came to visit and often would forget to take it out at all. When my dad moved into a bigger house, the older sister got her own room while I had to share one with the younger sister every weekend. The three small drawers I had were soon just one drawer because the little sister wanted the other two for her toys.
Slowly, I started visiting my dad less and less. Then everything went especially wrong when my dad got his girlfriend pregnant after one year. They got married and I didn't know that for a whole month because he didn't even tell me. I also didn't know my baby half-sister was born until weeks after she came home from the hospital. To make his new family happy, he started spoiling them and stopped paying child support for me and my mom. His wife is a jobless gold-digger who only cooks and cleans and shops, her older daughter is having her college paid for by my dad, and the younger daughter is the definition of a 10-year-old Sephora kid. As for my half-sister, she is still a toddler but is clearly spoiled and hates the word "No". The routine I used to have with my dad is now dead.
As for my stepdad, he's been with my mom since I was five. Apparently (though I don't remember it) I once called him "Dad" and because of that my dad told me I shouldn't love than man like a dad because he's not really my father. Apparently, that's why I started acting like I hated my stepdad. I never knew why I felt that way about him since he'd never been anything but good to me, and in the last few years I've felt much closer to him. He feels like the dad that my birth-father should try to be.
Over time, my dad has started to treat me differently. He rants to me about his political beliefs and conspiracy theories about aliens and stuff. He also brags about his new business and his new family, and if I ever try to share anything with him he gets annoyed and shuts me up before continuing with his stories. It's like now he sees me as a buddy rather than his freaking daughter. Also, it was during these last few years that I learned the reason he and my mom divorced was not because they weren't right for each other but rather because my father cheated on my mom while visiting his family in Canada.
I am now fifteen, and I have become a completely different person than the one my birth-dad remembers. I no longer love the beach or soccer and I now love music and reading and writing. I have written and published two books since 2022, and am writing the third in my series. My stepdad supports my dreams and loves me so much that he brags about me to friends and family and calls me his daughter. My stepdad has an actual daughter who I love like a real sister, though she lives up north with her boyfriend and I don't see her often. Still, though, I love them more than I love my birth-dad and half-sister who I'm actually related to.
My dad blames me for never calling, though because of how he's treated me lately I don't feel like I owe it to him. I also go months at a time without visiting him now because I no longer feel comfortable at that house. Especially since the bed I sleep on over there is literally considered as their "guest bed". In my birth-dad's house, I am a guest.
Because of all of this, I resent my dad. I haven't told anyone about this so no one is calling me a jerk, but I'm wondering if I am because my dad is in love with his new family and I'm wondering if it's a bad thing I'm not happy for him.
Am I the jerk?


Not the jerk. Your dad failed you. He’s the only reason why you don’t have a relationship with him. Glad your step dad is good to you. Hope your calling him dad now.

Nta Thank god your stepdads a real one. Also TWO BOOKS PUBLISHED AT FIFTEEN HELL YEAH KID.

Update - 3 months later

Hello. So, I made a post a few months ago talking about how my dad has basically stopped treating me like his daughter now that he has a new family. Not much has happened since, but here's an update anyway:
So, since I made the initial post, I've only visited my dad's house once and, safe to say, I truly am nothing more than an uncomfortable guest in that house.
I should start off by saying that every time I spend a few months without going to his house, my dad tries to play all innocent and calls me on Fridays to ask when he should pick me up. I never answer because he always calls me when I'm in a class or busy with studying, so he'll call my mom. But because he never asks me in advance, I tend to have plans on weekends with my cousins, friends, or just to work on writing since I am still working on my third book and it takes a lot of focus that I can't get in his house.
Actually, I'm now just gonna call him Eric. He's honestly not been as much of a "dad" figure to me as my stepdad has.
Anyway, it was my mom who had decided I would go over to his house. Despite the fact that Eric hasn't paid child support in over 2 years now and I hate going to his house, my mom says I should just visit from time to time to keep him from getting the court involved. She confuses me, sometimes saying that he's a deadbeat man, but also sometimes saying that he's my loving dad who deserves my respect.
However, under the circumstances, I'm fairly certain that nothing would be any different since I never visit him and he doesn't pay child support anyway. In fact, once on Christmas, he bought a bunch of new gifts for his family and wrapped them up and everything, but weeks before Christmas when I was visiting, he drove to Walmart so his wife could do groceries and he handed me $200 and said, "Merry Christmas. Buy yourself something and the rest can be child support or whatever." I bought two books, but the rest of the money that was supposedly 'child support' was nothing near to the amount he owed.
I have told my mom I would be happier if he lost custody of me and my stepdad adopted me, but she thinks that's too extreme and says, "He's still your dad. He deserves your respect and love".
Now, about the weekend I visited him, from the minute Eric picked me up, all he talked about was his new family. He talked about the older sister and her boyfriend, the younger sister and the shopping she does, and the my half-sister who can now talk a little bit. I stayed silent the whole ride until he asked me a question about my school, and when I answered his question he got frustrated and went into a conspiracy theory rant. I tuned him out for the rest of the drive after that.
The rest of the weekend wasn't any better. The older sister did what she always does when I visit and locked herself in her room, only coming out when I left the house or when I was in the bathroom so she wouldn't have to talk to me. And the younger sister had a friend of hers over and her friend had her stuff tossed on my bed and was sitting on it because it's the bed she sleeps in when she has sleepovers.
Eric's wife did a poor job of hiding how bothered she was by me visiting. More than once, she has been completely shocked I was visiting because Eric didn't tell her so she couldn't disagree.
And also, most of the weekend consisted of Eric taking me and my half-sister to a playground so she could run around with her friends, and I sat on a bench to read but I didn't have much time to myself since Eric kept leaving and told me to keep an eye on my half-sister who is a wild and fussy kid. I am not a babysitter, and while I am good with kids, that does not mean I enjoy putting my own time aside to look after them when they're not my responsibility.
I had to spend two days in either pure chaos or discomfort, and I had a talk with my mom about me not wanting to go over there anymore. She said that's fine and she won't force me to go anymore, but since she's said that before, I don't believe her. I don't have anyone to really talk to about this, and this whole situation is stressing me out because I don't remember my dad ever being as happy as he is now, and I still sometimes feel like I should be happy for him.
I don't know what to do, and any advice on anything I could do would be helpful. Everyone who's commented on my last post so far has said I'm not the jerk and that Eric isn't acting the way a dad should, but he still reaches out from time to time and says I'm his baby girl who he loves. Honestly, I almost cry whenever he says that because it reminds me of how we used to be.
Am I overthinking all of this or overreacting? What should I do? Am I the jerk here because I'm not happy for my dad?


You should tell your mum the more she forces you to go to your dad's the more it's going to ruin your relationship with her as she's not listening to what you want and how you feel.
You should also tell her you no longer trust what she says as she has told you before that she will no longer force you into going but she does it anyway.
If you can't talk to your mum, have a one on one chat with your stepdad and see if he can help when it comes to your mum.

Update - 1 day later

Hello, everyone. It's only been a couple of days since my last post. Since then, I have taken the advice most of you have given me and I talked to my mom about how I don't want to keep being forced by her to visit Eric (my sperm donor, as most of you referred to him as).
Long story short, I'm not 100% sure she won't continue to send me over to Eric's house, but she did wind up sending him long texts, chewing him out for not treating me right and telling him to step up and pay his child support. He didn't answer her though, so I followed some other advice and wrote him a long text myself that detailed how I felt about his treatment of me the last few years.
The thing is, as soon as I sent that text, he called me to yell at me and called me spoiled and overdramatic. He said it's my fault we don't have a relationship since I never visit or talk to him anymore, and because I mentioned the unpaid child support, he said that I was only reaching out to him for money.
I nearly cried during that phone call and wound up just hanging up on him. He sent some angry texts to my mother as well. But later that day, he left a voicemail on my phone saying, "Money is kind of tight for me right now. I'm completely broke. You know I love you, right?" The thing is that I know that's a lie because I'm always seeing my younger step-sister make Tik-Tok videos showing off the Sephora and other expensive crap he buys her all the time.
I think I'm done trying. And some of you suggested asking my stepdad for help. I wish I could, but when I asked my mom again if he could adopt me, she said something that absolutely crushed me. Apparently, my stepdad himself said he doesn't feel like he should adopt me. My stepdad is a very kind and sympathetic man, but he's also extremely unconfrontational and thinks it would be like a slap in the face to Eric if he adopted me.
Also, because I noticed some confusion about this in the comments on my last update, the reason my parents divorced was because he cheated, but it wasn't with his current wife. My parents split up when I was still basically an infant, and Eric lived in Canada where he jumped from girlfriend to girlfriend there before he moved down here and continued to jump from girlfriend to girlfriend. When I was 12, he met and knocked up his wife, Alejandra, and married her without telling me till a month after their courthouse wedding.
Also, some of you asked how old I am. I am fifteen. It feels ridiculous that I have this stress on me at my age, and I can't really talk to anyone about it. I can't talk to my stepdad because he's always working and I'm only ever with him when my mom is there too, and I don't like talking to her because she always tells me that I'm too young to really feel how I feel.
The last time I tried to discuss my mental health with my mom, I asked her if I could start going to therapy and she said that therapists are dumb and that I can just talk to her or pray to God if anything is wrong. I'm not super religious, and talking to her about anything serious makes me deeply uncomfortable. It's not that I don't love her, since she is my mom after all, but she's pretty intense and intimidating.
My dad has not reached out to me again since his voicemail. Frankly, I don't want to even thing about him for a long while now If he suddenly realizes how badly he's screwed up with me and apologizes, then maybe I'll try to rebuild our relationship.
As for my stepdad, he may not want to adopt me, but he still calls me his daughter (never just his step-daughter) and I truly feel loved by him. I love his parents like they're my own grandparents, and his whole family is so warm and loving. I might make another update if anything else happens, but for now I'm just going to focus on school and my books. Maybe now that I understand that Eric really doesn't care that much about me anymore, I can finally focus on finishing my third book.
I dedicated my first book to him, and I honestly don't regret it. I dedicated that book to the dad he used to be. It's not like he'll ever read that book since he doesn't think it's smart that I want to be a writer, but I don't care. I'm done.
Thank you to everyone who gave me advice and told me I wasn't the jerk. I feel so much better with those reassurances. Thank you.


I'd reply that maybe he'd stop being broke if he wasn't spoiling his new family and ignoring his obligations to his actual daughter. And tell him that honestly he hasn't acted like my dad in years so let's just stop pretending and he can be happy with his replacements because I'm done being ignored and walked on by someone who obviously doesn't want me there.

with screenshots of the expensive gifts to the step sister.
and give copies of them to your mom, so she can use them in court.

Update - 9 days later

Hi everyone. It's been about nine days since my last update. I just wanna say, thank you all for your support and advice. There were a lot of people asking similar questions, and it was all a bit overwhelming so I didn't respond to any of them directly, but I will answer those questions here before I get on to the actual reason for this update.
So, a lot of you were saying that I should talk to a school counselor or something. The thing is that I do virtual homeschool, and my mom works from home a lot, so I'm honestly just a bit too scared to try that.
Plus, even if I did talk to my counselor without my mom being around to hear, I really don't trust any adults to keep these kinds of things to themselves. I know that sounds a bit dumb and paranoid, but it's really just how my brain thinks.
A lot of you also said that I should bring up the therapy thing with my mom again, but I know for a fact that won't work. My mom really doesn't believe in therapy and believes that praying to God or having her preach about the bible to me will solve everything. As for my stepdad, I love the guy like a real father, and I see him as my true dad even if he doesn't want to adopt me, but he really is no help with the therapy issue either because he always just agrees with whatever my mom says to avoid arguments.
But I'm doing fine right now though, and I honestly think things are going to start getting better. And I think this because I'm pretty sure my mom is finally gonna file for sole custody and court-ordered child support.
One thing I guess I should've made clear is that my parents sorted out their custody and child-support agreement amongst themselves when they divorced. The agreement is that I spend weekends with my dad, and he pays my mom $100 per week. I'm pretty sure my dad only stuck to that agreement to keep himself looking good until he could finish his U.S. legalization process, since he used to be an immigrant from Canada. Once he was legalized, he stopped paying child support and began spoiling his new fam.
Anyway, I went to my dad's house last weekend. This time, my mom didn't force me, and I actually decided I wanted to go because I wanted to give my dad one last chance. He picked me up from my mom's house, and we didn't get down the street before we were fighting. I was excitedly telling him about a business idea I had where I can make book-boxes and sell books with DIY necklaces and hand-painted bookmarks that match book covers, and he was telling me my idea was stupid and unprofitable and a waste of money and time.
It was an hour-long drive to his house, and he was getting political or angry over every little thing I said. When I told him I was thinking about applying to colleges like Harvard or University of Chicago in the future, he began to yell about all the "dangerous Cuban and Mexican immigrants" in Chicago and began saying that Harvard is a waste of time since it's just as good as any other college, but "rich people go there, which is why it's so famous". I wound up yelling at him that he can't act so high and mighty over non-white immigrants because he was also an immigrant not too long ago. Also, I never understand why it is my dad is always so racist about Hispanic people when my mom and his current wife are both Latinas.
He went on one rant after another, and I was so sick of it that instead of staying quiet like always, I actually argued back. Because of that, my dad spent the whole weekend complaining about my bad attitude. I told my mom about all of this. I think the final nail in the coffin that finally pushed her to want sole custody was when I told her about a rant my dad went on about "the difference between men and women". I wound up memorizing and writing down everything he said and texted it to my mom. I asked her not to talk to him about it, but she was pissed at him.
Here are some of the things he said: "99% of women want to latch onto rich men", "Nearly all women are greedy and unloyal", "Men don't like successful and independent women because they're prideful and bossy", "It's more important for a wife to respect her husband than it is for him to respect her", "It is wrong for wives to make more than their husbands", and so much more. And then he smiled and said, "But you're the exception, pretty girl."
There was so much more that happened just last weekend, like him saying some of my guy friends don't count as real men since some of them are gay, and trying to tell me my summer volunteering opportunity in DR is a bad idea since "the people there are different", even though my mom's side of the family comes from there. I won't list every annoying thing he did, and I'm finally done. This was his last chance, and he blew it. I just want to say I'm pretty sure my mom is not sending me over anymore. She spent all morning looking for my birth certificate because she's wondering if she needs it for court.
She wants to get me full time, and have my dad pay child support. At the moment, he owes a lot of child support, and having him contribute financially would help me so much with preparing for college.
Also, I did not mention the names of my books in the other posts. I didn't share them because I didn't want a bunch of internet strangers seeing my social media tags at the back of the book, but I will share the titles with anyone who DMs me.
I will probably make another update if anything else happens. Hopefully, my next update will be after we've gone to court.


You are not the jerk. Divorces and parenting are complicated. Your bio-dad sounds like a real jerk. He is utterly and completely failing you.
I understand why your mom and your stepdad are trying to help you have a relationship with your bio-dad. It's one of the things parents are encouraged to do in divorces, because most of the time it's better for the kids. And if your parents had a court order that gave your bio-dad visitation on the weekends, then she could be in trouble if you didn't go to your dad's.
For your stepdad, he can't adopt you unless your bio-dad's parental rights are terminated by a court. And if bio-dad fights it, it would be a mess. SD's reluctance to pursue that kind of court battle while you are still legally a minor, actually makes sense and, I would strongly bet, has NOTHING to do with his feelings for you. He shows his love for you and your place in his heart every day. You don't need him to adopt you for him to be your father. He already is. Please don't let his concerns about the legal mess trying to adopt you would be make you think he loves you any less.
I'm glad your mom is going to go for both full custody and child support. Your bio-asshole needs to be held accountable.
I'm so sorry for you that you lost your bio-dad. He may still be alive, but the father he was is dead. But you did nothing to cause it. He's just putting all his energy into the woman who...I'll say "meets his physical needs" and leave it at that. It's an unfortunately common problem.
Congrats on your books! It's so impressive!!

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:49 AnsonCheung1227 Looking for an international school

Hello fellow redditors!
Im kinda in a little situation here… it’d be great if yall can provide some insights…
Im currently looking for an international school in HK to transfer in, but I don’t really know which school fits me…
Short intro of me: Im currently in Grade 9 (Y10), studying at DBS (local school).
I wanna to pursue the IB diploma, DBS does offer it to a crop of students, unfortunately i am not part of that group.
So… international schools it is! Even though the IBDP starts in G11, ie I have a one year gap, I still wanna transfer this year… cuz welp, DBS is VERY stressful, shit culture & community, and I don’t really like being there… (and i wanna have a transitional year)
English would not be of concern, (at least I believe), Im speak decently in English, so I think I’d be able to fit in…
What schools I prefer…
Good School-life balance (MY MAIN PRIORITY) ie A school which’s encouraging students to go out and experience, enjoy high school life, and not everything is about academics.
A school with good support (like teachers and college counselors to help you)
And a nice community…
Locational wise, preferably HK Island, mid kowloons
welp and, an international school ofc..
In terms of my academics: I rank 45/235 in DBS
ECAS: Debate team member, Informatics team member
Schools that are out of the table/considering:
Island School (and pretty much all ESF schools don’t take G10(Y11) transfers
German Swiss doesn’t take G10 transfers
HKIS (even though it runs the AP), they are closed for applications
CIS applied, but not sure if it’s (that great)
Li Po Chun, wanting to apply…
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!
submitted by AnsonCheung1227 to HongKong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:42 ThrowRA_Snaex I(F19) am promised to a millionaire(M53). But he is confused about what he wants?

English is not my first language, excuse me for any wording mistakes.
So my mother arranged the marriage for me. So let's call the man Jack. Jack is from a neighboring country. There were 4 other women Jack could've chosen for himself, note: they were much more attractive, mature, and around the ages of 21-27. Somehow I ended up being chosen and he wanted to meet me and my mom along with a translator. He paid for all the plane, hotel, food and other expenses while we stayed in his country for a week. At the time it was not a marriage agreement, I was supposed to be a surrogate mother for his son. He needed an heir. He has one daughter (F23) and he had recently divorced his wife because she is infertile. But I did not know this before meeting him. After meeting him, it became clear to me he wanted to marry me. At the time he agreed on buying me two apartments in my home country, one apartment in his country for dower before marriage. He also agreed on artificially conceiving a son. But now he wants to only rent me an apartment in his country and buy one apartment in my country on someone else's name. And also decided to naturally conceive a child. I told him the gender will be undefined in this manner but he said he would marry me after the child is born no matter the child's gender. He also rushes me to come to his country even though he hasn't given the dower as promised. He wants 2 to 3 child from me now. I can't be a housewife. I want to learn, study and work on my dreams too.
At first we agreed on two apartments before I come to Jack's country to conceive. But now he wants me to conceive first then give the dower monthly, little by little over the course of 2-3 years??? I simply believe being pregnant while unmarried is not ideal. So I requested we get marriage certificate as soon as I conceive but he hasn't answered to that and changed the subject. I feel like he doesn't know what he wants and is indecisive. Or thinks I will run away with his child??? Either way I am unhappy with the situation. The apartment is for my mother and sibling. They need place to stay while I am gone. They can also rent it and my mother doesn't have to worry about working since the rent here is ridiculously high so it's like average monthly salary.
I don't know how to deal with this situation. If I should refuse to marry him altogether. I have told his translator to start looking for new girls. But seemed like he hasn't looked for anyone. Yet he is so impatient about my decision and keeps cutting back on the dower he promised. I am in no means of running away or cheating him of money. As I've said, he's a millionaire he can hire someone to find me if i ever run away. I don't get what he is so afraid of and I am confused about what he wants because one second he wants a surrogate, then the next second a wife, and then he wants a mother for his "naturally conceived" children who he has no business of marrying. I need advice on how to approach this situation of mine, and how to understand what this man wants so I can finally be reassured about my agreement to the marriage. Note: I have already agreed to the marriage and artificial insemination but none of the fornication and conceiving of a child before marriage. As a married couple, reproduction comes naturally. But I am against pregnancy before marriage. And of course the dower is much needed since it is a tradition. I would like a traditional marriage for my first wedding. And he has agreed when I told him. But now he seems confused. At this point I'm ready to cancel the marriage.
submitted by ThrowRA_Snaex to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:19 Adventurous_Lie_6489 husband cheated me for over 4 yrs/by sexting, and calling erotic massagers.

I recently came across numerous messages, chats, and photos. He says he was just flirting and never went further with anyone. We are a married couple (male, 50 and female, 52) and have been married for 25 years. We have super-intelligent kids; the elder one is studying at one of the world’s top universities. There is no financial cheating involved, as we have joint bank accounts and several properties.
He is asking for forgiveness and is feeling ashamed. He told me that he wanted to end his life if I decided to separate from him. I'm feeling heartbroken and devastated. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Adventurous_Lie_6489 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:40 Fit-Bit2907 VIZ Media Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses

VIZ Media Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses
(Updated June 10, 2024)
Even my mum knows VIZ, no need for an introduction.
(She doesn't...)
Please Note- this post does not include all upcoming releases, it only includes new starting manga with volume 1 or one shots that are yet to come out.

Kasumi Yasuda - Fool Night 1 - June 18, 2024 (Ongoing)
In a distant future where the sun no longer shines, Toshiro Kamiya gives up his body to a sinister floral metamorphosis for a payday.
The earth of the distant future is covered in thick clouds, and the sun no longer shines. Plants wither, and oxygen is thin. To fight extinction, humankind has developed a technology that turns humans into plants, providing a small amount of oxygen. Is this process sustainable? Is it ethical? Toshiro Kamiya must consider these questions as he’s faced with a difficult choice—save his family or save himself.
Kamiya is at the end of his rope. His mother is ill, and his job barely pays for her medication, much less food. With few options left, he considers the life-changing process of transfloration. Ready to give his body up for a payday, Kamiya is about to explore the limits of society’s waning humanity.

Natsuo Sai - Naruto: Konoha's Story—The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Manga 1 - July 9, 2024 (Total 2 Volumes)
A comedic story set in the universe of Naruto that features Kakashi, Guy, and Mirai Sarutobi, along with the rest of the new generation!
Sarutobi Mirai has a lot to live up to as the granddaughter of Konoha’s Third Hokage and the daughter of Sarutobi Asuma, the hero who gave up his life during the Great Ninja War. But as everyone continues to expect great things from her, she struggles to separate herself from her family’s legacy and find her own way.
When Mirai is assigned a supersecret mission to protect Kakashi and Guy on their journey to the Land of Steam, she expects to fend off assassins around every corner. Instead, she finds herself babysitting two grown shinobi who are acting like an old married couple on a hot springs vacation! What’s a girl trying to prove herself to do?

Koushun Takami and Yukai Asada - Battle Royale: Enforcers 1 - July 16, 2024 (Ongoing)
High school students battle each other to the death in the original survival game!
Decades ago, the fascist government of the Republic of Greater East Asia seized control of Japan. In order to terrorize the citizens and crush any possibility of rebellion, the government established Program 68—a savage military program where teenage students were sent to a remote island and forced to kill each other—also known as the Battle Royale.
After being banned 20 years ago, Program 68 is back, this time under the direction of a sinister government artificial intelligence. The troubled and misbehaving kids of Daitoa Academy’s Class F have been chosen, divided into squads, given weapons, and commanded to fight to the death. Now friendships and loyalties will be tested, and only the strongest will survive.

Haruichi Furudate - Haikyu!! (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - July 16, 2024 (Total 15 Volumes)
Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don’t need to be tall to fly!
Ever since he saw the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else?
After losing his first—and last—middle school volleyball match against Tobio Kageyama, “the King of the Court,” Shoyo Hinata swears to become his rival. But the guy he wants to defeat ends up becoming his teammate at Karasuno High School! The two will have to prove themselves capable of playing together if they want to have a future playing volleyball.

Junji Ito - Alley: Junji Ito Story Collection - July 23, 2024
A collection full of grotesque imagination and surreal urban legends.
Every night, a young man hears children playing outside his boarding house—but the alley below his window is fenced off from the world. Then, when a young woman’s family starts acting strangely at the same time she begins having bizarre dreams, she decides to stay with her aunt, but the town she heads for has neither addresses nor roads… Also, an all-you-can-eat ice cream bus that’s more sinister than sweet!
Legendary horror author Junji Ito presents ten bloodcurdling short stories.

Taiyo Matsumoto - GoGo Monster 2nd Edition - July 23, 2024
A haunting and poetic vision of one boy’s imagination.
Third grader Yuki Tachibana lives in two worlds. In one, he is a loner ridiculed by his classmates and reprimanded by his teachers for telling stories of supernatural beings that only he can see. In the other, those supernatural beings vie for power with malevolent spirits who bring chaos into the school, the students’ lives, and nature itself.

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625 - August 27, 2024
The official companion guide to the first twelve episodes of the smash-hit anime series Spy x Family**.**
Discover the secrets behind the Forger family in Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625.
This companion guide to the first 12 episodes of the hugely popular anime based on the manga series by Tatsuya Endo provides readers with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this comedic and action-packed anime series. Sketches, storyboards, and special interviews with the production team show how the world of Loid, Anya, and Yor was carefully crafted by the animators. Tatsuya Endo also provides commentary about his experience with the anime’s production.

Jun Hioki and Yana Toboso - Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant The Novel - August 27, 2024
A tie-in novel based on the Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile video game and inspired by Alice in Wonderland**.**
Meet the curiouser and curiouser students of Night Raven College in Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant. When Yuya Kuroki is transported to the mysterious academy for the magically gifted, he must navigate a colorful cast of characters as he searches for a way home.
There’s just one problem: no one knows where his home is. Yuya quickly realizes he’s in over his head, stranded in a magical world filled with ghosts, monsters, fire-breathing cats, and bickering classmates. Without any magical ability of his own, Yuya must struggle to find his place in this Twisted Wonderland.
Inspired by the classic Disney movie Alice in Wonderland and based on the popular mobile game, Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant features an original concept by famed manga artist Yana Toboso, creator of Black Butler.

Hayao Miyazaki - My Neighbor Totoro Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - August 27, 2024
Revisit one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics with the My Neighbor Totoro film comics, collected for the first time into one large deluxe hardcover edition!
Eleven-year-old Satsuki and her sassy little sister Mei have moved to the country to be closer to their ailing mother. Soon, in the woods behind their spooky old house, Satsuki and Mei discover a forest spirit named Totoro. When Mei goes missing, it’s up to Satsuki to find her sister, and she’ll need help from some new—and magical—friends.
Revisit one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics with the My Neighbor Totoro film comics, collected into a deluxe hardcover edition!

Ai Yazawa - Last Quarter - September 3, 2024 - September 3, 2024 (Total 3 Volumes)
A supernatural mystery of two star-crossed lovers from the creator of Nana**!**
Two star-crossed lovers transcend time in this supernatural mystery from the creator of Nana!
Struggling to adapt to life with a new mother and sister after her father’s remarriage, Mizuki meets a blue-eyed man playing guitar on the street in Shibuya and is powerfully drawn to him. How far will she go to see him again?
After a brush with death, young Hotaru meets Mizuki for the first time in a dream. The next day, Hotaru wanders into an abandoned mansion and comes face-to-face with the girl she met in her dream…

Various Artists - Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga – Anthology 1- September 10, 2024 (Total 2 Volumes)
An anthology of manga shorts featuring all your favorite characters from the Disney mobile game.
Short stories set in the world of Twisted Wonderland, based on the hit mobile game from Disney!
The first installment in a collection of small but mighty adventures, featuring the characters and world of Twisted Wonderland. Each tale is written and drawn by a different manga creator!

GRAVEWEAVER - I'm the Grim Reaper 1 - September 10, 2024 (Ongoing)
It’s a hell of a job…
When Scarlet finds herself doomed to eternal punishment in Hell for a sinful life she can’t even remember, Satan himself offers her a deal: return to earth and kill one marked sinner per day…as his grim reaper!
Using the power of Hell, Scarlet quickly learns the ropes of being a reaper: bring in one sinner per day, regardless of their sins, and avoid the ninth circle herself. This work brings her into the path of Chase, a disgraced former detective trying to solve a high-level case that seems wrapped up in Scarlet’s former life. Scarlet decides to partner with Chase to find the answers to her locked memories—as long as Chase doesn’t discover Scarlet’s bloodstained bargain with Satan first.
This volume collects episodes 1–16 of the popular WEBTOON, exclusive never-before-seen content, and a bonus short story!

Ryoichi Ikegami and Riichiro Inagaki - Trillion Game 1 - September 17, 2024 (Ongoing)
A charming sweet-talker and a timid computer programmer team up with hopes of making a trillion dollars and getting everything they’ve ever wanted in this world!
Self-proclaimed “world’s greediest man” Haru and timid computer whiz Gaku set out to make a trillion dollars. They start the company Trillion Game to accomplish this task and hope to iron out the details as they go. With charm, technical skills, and no business plan, can these unlikely friends reach their lofty goal?
After Haru and Gaku become the first Japanese people in the 21st century to be listed among the world’s top-ten billionaires, Gaku reflects on when he and Haru met and the events that led to the founding of their company. What started as a middle school acquaintanceship builds to a fruitful and unorthodox partnership as the two progress on their ruthless path to success.

Hayao Miyazaki - Kiki's Delivery Service Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - September 24, 2024

A young witch named Kiki sets off on a journey to become a witch—what does she find at the seaside city where she settles?
Now that she’s 13 years old, it’s time for young Kiki to start thinking about her future. One night, under the shine of a full moon, she grabs her black cat Jiji, hops on her mother’s broom and heads off into the night. The next day she arrives at a friendly seaside city, and this, she tells her loyal and furry companion, is where she’ll spend the next year learning how to become a real, honest-to-goodness witch.

Akira Himekawa - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Complete Box Set - September 24, 2024

The manga adaptation of the hit Twilight Princess video game, now available in a box set! Become part of the Legend—The Legend of Zelda!
Once upon a time, wizards tried to conquer the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. The Spirits of Light sealed the wizards’ power within the Shadow Crystal and banished them to the Twilight Realm beyond the Mirror of Twilight. Now, an evil menace is trying to find Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm, and the fragments of the Shadow Crystal to gain the power to rule over both the Twilight Realm and the World of Light.
This box set contains all 11 volumes of the smash-hit manga series The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and a collectible, double-sided poster!

Pokémon: The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide Box Set - September 24, 2024
A slipcased, two-volume set of full-color databooks with stats on 898 Pokémon!
Each book in this two-volume set is filled with descriptions and stats, including Abilities, Moves, and Evolutions. Includes 898 Pokémon!

Julietta Suzuki - Otaku Vampire's Love Bite 1 - October 1, 2024 (Ongoing)
Some vampires live to feast on the blood of their victims. Others just want to score super limited edition anime merch!
Hina Arukado is a modern vampire who drinks blood from bags instead of from humans. But she’s also a complete shut-in who hasn’t left the house in 30 years. In an effort to reach her, Hina’s dad does something that changes her life—he gives her the complete box set of the Vampire Cross anime! Hina is instantly obsessed, especially with the character Mao. But it’s difficult to fangirl as hard as she wants from her bedroom in Romania, so now Hina is out of the house and off to Japan to live her otaku dream!
Hina’s so busy collecting Mao merch that she almost doesn’t feel bad about missing out on the Vampire Cross cafes. If only she had a human friend who could eat all the themed food for her! But connecting with humans isn’t easy until Hina literally bumps into her neighbor Kyuta, a prickly boy who looks just like Mao. Having her best friend live next door will be so convenient! Now if she can just convince him to actually be her friend…

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family: The Official Coloring Book - October 8, 2024
Color over 70 images from Tatsuya Endo's best-selling manga series Spy x Family**!**
Join the mission to color in over 70 images featuring Loid, Anya, and Yor Forger from the hit manga series Spy x Family.
This 80-page coloring book showcases the art of Tatsuya Endo and is filled with action-packed line art from the Spy x Family manga series. Starring the unlikely family composed of a spy, a telepath, and an assassin, these exciting images are printed on thick, high-quality paper. The book also includes a flexible binding for easy coloring. Spy x Family: The Official Coloring Book will provide hours of fun for all fans of the series.

Koyoharu Gotouge - Koyoharu Gotouge Before Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - October 8, 2024
A collection of manga stories from the brilliant creator of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba**!**
See how best-selling creator Koyoharu Gotouge, creator of the worldwide sensation Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, got started. This collection features four short stories packed with supernatural action—including a deadly vampire hunt starring Tamayo and Muzan that would serve as the direct inspiration for Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Katsura Ise and Takuma Yokota - Destroy All Humans. They Can't Be Regenerated. A Magic: The Gathering Manga 1 - October 8, 2024 (Ongoing)
Travel back in time to the early days of Magic: The Gathering**!**
It’s the nineties at Tokiwaga Middle School. And for gamers like Hajime Kano, the release of Magic: The Gathering means nothing will ever be the same again!
In everything he does, it seems like geeky Tokigawa Middle School student Hajime Kano always comes in second place behind popular honor student Emi Sawatari. But when Hajime takes a trip to a new game store he’s been hearing about, their rivalry takes an unexpected turn. Welcome to the early years of Magic: The Gathering! When a trading card game shaped a generation forever!

Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court - Spider-Man: Octo-Girl 1 - October 8, 2024 (Ongoing)
A new Spider-Man manga from the creators of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes**!**
Spider-Man rogue Doctor Octopus faces his biggest challenge yet—living life as a middle school girl in Japan!
After a battle with Spider-Man, the evil genius scientist Doctor Octopus falls into a coma. When he wakes up, his consciousness is in the body of Otoha Okutamiya, a middle school girl in Tokyo! Thus begins the strange school life of Spider-Man’s biggest a normal Japanese girl!

Junji Ito - Uncanny: The Origins of Fear - October 15, 2024
For the first time since his debut 35 years ago, horror master Junji Ito reveals exactly how he creates his unique worlds.
Why are we drawn to fear?
Horror manga legend Junji Ito has fascinated the world with his beautiful and strange tales, starting with his debut story “Tomie,” and followed by Uzumaki, Gyo, and many other famous works.
In this memoihorror manga analysis, he tells all and digs into dark recesses—reflections on influences from his childhood, thoughts on manga, next-level idea generation techniques, character design, craftmanship, and more. Chock-full of never-before-told insider anecdotes and behind-the-scenes stories, this is a must-have book for fans to immerse themselves completely in the world of Junji Ito.

Chie Shinohara - Red River (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - October 15, 2024 (Total 9 or 10 Volumes)

A 3-in-1 edition of the classic romance fantasy series where a modern girl is whisked to ancient times and must navigate a scheming court and warring factions while trying to find her way home.
Yuri, a modern teenager, is transported to ancient Anatolia as part of a scheme by the evil Nakia, queen of the Hittites. Only the intervention of Nakia’s stepson, Prince Kail, saves Yuri from the queen’s bloodthirsty intentions. As an unintended consequence of the prince’s actions, the people of Anatolia embrace Yuri as the incarnation of the great war goddess Ishtar.
Finding herself entangled in the social and political drama of a fractured royal family, Yuri begins to maneuver through their manipulations and learn how to survive while stuck deep in the past.

Hirohiko Araki - JoJo A-Go!Go! - October 15, 2024
Let***’***s JoJo A-Go!Go!
Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a beloved epic with dedicated fans everywhere under the sun. The art book JoJo A-Go!Go! collects exclusive illustrations and color pages as it dances through Stardust Crusaders, Diamond Is Unbreakable, and *Golden Wind—*and it even includes a peek at Stone Ocean!
Available for the first time as a standalone hardcover, this collection of Araki*’*s beautifully bizarre artwork is a truly deluxe package, a funky look at the all-star characters and good vibes that made JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure a success!

Matsuri Hino - Vampire Knight Complete Box Set - October 22, 2024

Meet your knights in shining darkness in this fan-favorite series about eternal love.
Cross Academy is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on their way to school. Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are the Guardians of the school, protecting the Day Class from the Academy’s dark secret: the Night Class is full of vampires!
A new collector’s box set of the entire Vampire Knight series! Includes the Day Class planner and an exclusive art book!

Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book - October 22, 2024
Discover the world of Night Raven College with Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book**.**
The Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile game features an original concept inspired by classic Disney Villains and reimagined by renowned manga artist Yana Toboso, creator of the series Black Butler. This deluxe book features gorgeous character and card art from the hit game, including stunning Groovy card images. A section featuring sketches and handwritten notes provides fans of the series with a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the striking character designs for every character in the series, including Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengrotto, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, and more.

Studio Ghibli - Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation - October 22, 2024
A deluxe art book featuring exclusive commentary, sketches, concept art, and paintings detailing the unique architecture in Studio Ghibli’s films.
Explore the dazzling animated worlds of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, and more with Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation!
Learn how the visionary animation studio brings its vibrant worlds to life through hundreds of pieces of concept art, sketches, and background paintings that illuminate the architectural inspirations of Studio Ghibli’s animated classics. Distinctive interiors, imaginative exteriors, breathtaking landscapes, and the interplay between the three are all examined in detail through collected remarks from acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki, exclusive commentary from renowned architect Terunobu Fujimori, and quotes from the artists and art directors of Studio Ghibli’s beloved films.
Readers will learn of the historical, architectural, and personal inspirations behind such iconic and inventive buildings and structures as the bathhouse from Spirited Away, Howl’s moving castle, and Satsuki and Mei’s country home from My Neighbor Totoro. This book is the perfect gift for all fans of Studio Ghibli’s timeless movies.
This book is the translated reprint edition of the catalog for the exhibition Studio Ghibli’s Architecture in Animation.

Alto Yukimura - Colette Decides to Die 1 - November 5, 2024 (Total 20 Volumes in Japan)

Colette, an overworked apothecary, finds romance and a new lease on life—in the underworld!!
When exhausted workaholic apothecary Colette jumps into a well, instead of dying she finds herself caring for a new patient: Hades, Lord of the Dead. As Colette goes back and forth between her world and the underworld, new patients of every kind arrive daily!
Colette meets Hades, a fellow workaholic, while he is ill in bed with a rash and fever. After treating his condition, she learns about the work he does and what drives him, which renews her sense of purpose as an apothecary. When Colette is sent back to her own world, is it the last she will see of Hades?

Takeru Hokazono - Kagurabachi 1 - November 5, 2024 (Ongoing)
Chihiro's cursed past sends him down a quest of bloody vengeance!
Chihiro Rokuhira's father, Kunishige is the most famous swordsmith in the land. Thanks to his six enchanted blades, the war that had been gripping the nation ended and peaceful days followed. After the war, he retrieved all six blades and hid them in the cellar of his workshop. However, sorcerers raided his home, stole the legendary swords, and left Kunishige dead in front of Chihiro. Now Chihiro wields Kunishige’s seventh and final enchanted blade on a mission to exact revenge and retrieve the swords his father forged.
As a young boy, Chihiro trained every day under his father to become a swordsmith. The two, although different in temperament, spent endless peaceful days laughing and working, but one day, tragedy struck… Now Chihiro burns with hatred and is determined to exact revenge on those who killed his father!

Eiichiro Oda - Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece - November 12, 2024

A series of original works by the mastermind behind the worldwide hit One Piece.
See another version of Luffy in the original short story that launched a legend. The creator of One Piecepresents this unique collection of his earliest works. From western to fantasy to ghost hunting, this special volume has it all—including “Romance Dawn”—the one-shot that would become the international mega-hit One Piece!

Hiroshi Higuchi - X-Men: The Manga: Remastered 1 - November 12, 2024 (Original X-Men: The Manga is 12 Volumes)

A deluxe manga take on your favorite X-Men stories!
Jubilation Lee is a teenager with a secret: she’s a mutant, the next level of human evolution, and has fantastic powers. All she wants is a normal life with trips to the mall to get away from her parents, but when the mutant-hunting robots known as Sentinels come after her, that normal life is pushed out of her reach! Discover the X-Men—mutant heroes hated and feared by a world they’re sworn to protect—alongside Jubilee in this classic manga series!
X-Men: The Animated Series was a global sensation and the perfect introduction to Marvel's mutants! The classic manga adaptation, unavailable for years, now finally returns to print! Newly remastered and presented in a deluxe edition, this is the ultimate X-Men collector’s item!

Sumi Eno - After God 1 - November 19, 2024 (Ongoing)

Thirty years after the gods reduced Tokyo to rubble, survivors set out to answer a seemingly impossible question—how do you kill a god?
Japan has been invaded by gods—and they’ve left nothing but death and destruction in their wake. With entire cities now classified as uninhabitable danger zones, Anti-God researcher Sachiyuki Tokinaga is determined to find a way to take down the gods and save humanity. When chance leads him to high schooler Waka Kamikura, the two may just end up changing the fate of the world forever.
Desperate for answers about her friend’s disappearance, Waka breaches the Tokyo danger zone in search of clues. Instead, she finds Tokinaga, a researcher with the Anti-God Science Institute. While Waka tries to decide if she should trust Tokinaga, he quickly realizes Waka is hiding a dangerous secret of her own—one that may just be the key to killing off the gods once and for all.

Naoya Matsumoto and Keiji Ando - Kaiju No. 8: Exclusive on the Third Division - December 3, 2024

Kaiju No. 8’s Third Division takes center stage in this tell-all novel!
Extra! Extra! Read all about the Third Division! After all, who wouldn’t want to memorize every little tidbit about the talented folks saving Japan from the threat of monstrous kaiju? In this exposé, you’ll get an exclusive sneak peek into the lives of the heroes, including new recruits Kafka and Reno and their brutal training, star soldier Kikoru Shinomiya and the story behind her weapon, and Vice-Captain Hoshina and his secret worries! Want to know more about the Third Division? Read on!

Kohei Kadono and Tasuku Karasuma - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak 1 - December 3, 2024 (Total 3 Volumes)

The first manga spinoff of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!
Ten years have passed since Dio’s death in Stardust Crusaders, but his presence lingers among his former followers, including Hol Horse. When Hol Horse accepts a request from an elderly woman to find her lost parrot that was trained by the owner of Pet Shop, he finds himself trekking across half the globe to the Japanese city of Morioh.
Hol Horse is entrusted with finding a missing parrot and takes Boingo to Morioh, S City. In the unfamiliar town, Hol Horse hears words that DIO once spoke in another time: “Look how wide the sidewalk is.” He turns to look and sees a car barreling toward him, but he’s saved from danger by another Stand user—a young man with a pompadour and a school uniform...

Luka Kobachi - Rainbows After Storms 1 - December 10, 2024 (Total of 13 Volumes)

Are high-school girls Nanoha and Chidori ready to face the storms in their new romantic relationship together?
Nanoha and Chidori are best friends who attend the same all-girls high school—and also share a heart-pounding secret: they’re lovers. Through sunny days and tumultuous storms, they’re always ready for new adventures together.
For Nanoha and Chidori, best friends turned lovers, normal situations for close friends turn into electrifying moments through the lens of love. Between sharing furtive looks and promise bracelets, the pair spend their hectic school days flirting in secret and hiding their relationship from their friends.

Masaoki Shindo - RuriDragon 1 - January 7, 2025 (Ongoing)

Ruri faces the usual high school issues: pushy classmates, annoying teachers, and…waking up with dragon horns?!
Ruri Aoki awakens one morning to find a pair of horns growing from her head! It’s already hard enough trying to be a normal high school girl, so how the heck is she gonna figure out this crazy dragon stuff?
Just after starting high school, Ruri gets hit with the biggest reveal of her life—she’s a dragon! Well, a half dragon. Her mom admits Ruri inherited her draconic traits from her father, who, yes, is actually a dragon. As if dealing with curious classmates wasn’t already challenging enough, Ruri and her dragon genes literally turn up the heat in the middle of a lecture. Her ordinary life is about to be anything but!

Oreco Tachibana - Firefly Wedding 1 - January 14, 2025 (Ongoing)

Satoko is bound by duty to marry a noble, but can’t escape the assassin who has her in his sights.
Afflicted with a heart condition, Meiji-era noblewoman Satoko is determined to secure a marriage that will benefit her family before she dies. But before she can realize her goal, she’s targeted by a mysterious assassin named Shinpei. In a last-ditch effort to save her life, she asks her would-be murderer to marry her. Her proposal isn’t sincere, but unfortunately for her, Shinpei loves as intensely as he kills. Can Satoko find a way to break the engagement without losing her life?
On the surface, Satoko has it all—she’s beautiful, the daughter of a nobleman, and at a prime age for marriage. Unfortunately, she is also quite ill and only has a short time left to live. Before she can secure a marriage that will redeem her worth in her family’s eyes, she finds herself the target of the mysterious assassin Shinpei, and her plans are put in jeopardy. In order to save herself, she makes a desperate proposal—of marriage! When it comes to love, however, Shinpei takes “until death do we part” seriously.

Homura Kawamoto, Hikaru Muno and Posuka Demizu - Beyblade X 1 - January 14, 2025 (Ongoing)

Who will rise to the top of X Tower in the ultimate Beyblade showdown?!
Bladers are ready to battle it out! They’ve set their sights on the top of X Tower and prepare to fight their way to victory. With new technology and powerful opponents entering the arena, Beyblades are pushed to their extremes as they race through a new era.
Amateur Blader Robin Kazami is left without a team after a crushing defeat. Things start to look up when he runs into former Beyblade champion Jaxon Cross, who is on his own journey to fight back to the top of X Tower under the alias “Blader X.” This unlikely duo teams up and vows to rise to the top of Beyblade!

Takehiko Inoue - Vagabond Definitive Edition 1 - January 21, 2025 (Total of 12 Volumes)

This large-trim definitive edition with gorgeous textured design collects three volumes of the phenomenal samurai story by manga legend Takehiko Inoue!
Striving for enlightenment by way of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi is prepared to cut down anyone who stands in his way. Vagabond is an action-packed portrayal of the life and times of the quintessential warrior-philosopher—the most celebrated samurai of all time!
At 17 years of age, Miyamoto Musashi—still known by his childhood name, Shinmen Takezō— is a wild young brute just setting out along the way of the sword. In the aftermath of the epic Battle of Sekigahara, Takezō finds himself a fugitive survivor on the losing side of the war. Takezō’s vicious nature has made him an outcast even in his own village, and he is hunted down like an animal. At this crucial crossroads in Takezō’s life, an eccentric monk and a childhood friend are the only ones who can help him find his way.

Keigo Shinzo - Tokyo Alien Bros 1 - January 21, 2025 (Total 3 Volumes)

Aliens walk among us—but they’re just two bros hanging out in Tokyo. Oh, and they’re on a mission to colonize Earth
Fuyunosuke Tanaka is a perfectly ordinary college student, except for one thing—he’s secretly an alien. He and his brother Natsutaro are on a mission to study the people of Earth and evaluate the planet’s resources, but adapting to fit in with life on this new world might be a bit harder than they bargained for.
Fuyunosuke’s been living the good life in Tokyo. In fact, he’s almost got the whole “being human” thing down. His brother Natsutaro, on the other hand, can’t figure out the first thing about blending in on this strange planet. There’s still a lot they don’t know about humans, but with any luck, Fuyunosuke might just be able to show his bro that life on this little blue ball isn’t so bad after all.

Hayao Miyazaki - Spirited Away Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - January 28, 2025

Fantasy and adventure await in this book based on the winner of the 2002 Academy Award® for Best Animated Feature!
Chihiro’s family is moving to a new house, but when they stop on the way to explore an abandoned village, her parents undergo a mysterious transformation and Chihiro is whisked into a world of fantastic spirits ruled over by the sorceress Yubaba. Put to work in a magical bathhouse for spirits and demons, Chihiro must use all her wits to survive in this strange new place, find a way to free her parents and return to the normal world.
Experience one of Hayao Miyazaki’s most critically acclaimed animated films in a deluxe hardcover volume!

Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto - Boruto: Two Blue Vortex 1 - February 4, 2025 (Ongoing)

The ninja adventures continue in this second series featuring Naruto’s son, Boruto!
Naruto was a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He achieved his dream to become the greatest ninja in his village, and now his face sits atop the Hokage monument. But this is not his story... A new generation of ninja stands in the swirling vortex of a new ninja age, with Naruto’s own son, Boruto, at the center!
In a cruel twist of fate, Boruto’s and Kawaki’s lives have been switched due to a powerful jutsu. Now branded a traitor, Boruto is on the run from his village as he trains with Sasuke. But when Code attacks Konoha, it’s time for a grown-up Boruto to return home and show how powerful he’s become!

Yoshihiro Togashi - Hunter x Hunter (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - February 18, 2025 (Ongoing, 12 Omnibus/ 37 Singles)

Plucky Gon’s quest to find his dad leads him into a whole world of crazy adventure.
Hunters dedicate their lives to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other people. But such pursuits require a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the grueling qualification exam. Those who do pass earn the right to call themselves Hunters.
When country boy Gon decides to follow in his father’s footsteps to become a legendary Hunter, he embarks across the perilous sea to take the Hunter Exam. After he finally finds the elusive Exam Hall, the other Hunter hopefuls prove deadly serious, and the tests are wild and wicked. Will Gon’s plucky spirit and courageous heart be enough to carry him closer to his dream?

Inio Asano - Mujina into the Deep 1 - February 18, 2025 (Ongoing)

No life but the one you make, no rights but the ones you take!
In the near future, human rights aren’t guaranteed, but they are for sale. Without your rights, you’re nothing—a mujina. There are no laws to protect the rightless. But if the laws don’t apply to you, you can do anything you want. You just need the skills to back it up. And if you’re really good, you can become an elite assassin!
Terumi Morgan bitterly accepts that he shouldn’t expect a lot from life. He just wants to meet his deadlines at work and watch his porn in peace. But then a bout of new Covid sends him on a collision course with two people who will change his world forever—a runaway kid and a thirtysomething mujina. Suddenly life is expecting a lot from him.

Kazune Kawahara - A Star Brighter than the Sun 1 - March 4, 2025 (Ongoing)

You don’t have to be a star to shine
Sae has always been taller and stronger than the average girl. Koki used to be smaller and weaker than the average boy. But now that he’s in high school, he’s tall and super popular! Will their childhood friendship rekindle…and possibly develop into something more?
Sae and Koki have been friends since childhood. One fateful day at the end of middle school, she has a revelation: Koki is hot! Now they’re in high school, and Sae has another revelation: she has feelings for Koki! But Sae isn’t the only girl who does... The question is, who does Koki have feelings for?!

Tatsuya Endo - Four Lives Remain: Tatsuya Endo Before Spy x Family - March 4, 2025

A dark and gritty collection of short stories from Tatsuya Endo before Spy x Family
A young girl fighting her way through bounty hunter school. A princess forced to flee her moon empire after a coup. Witch hunters hell-bent on killing with bloodsucking swords. And a group of ragtag musketeers tracking down armed robbers.
In these early works by Tatsuya Endo, creator of the hit series Spy x Family, follow the adventures of four resourceful and unexpected heroes as they discover that true strength, power, and beauty can be found in walking the path one believes in.
submitted by Fit-Bit2907 to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:38 123zane321 Computer freezing when trying to open Rust - EasyAntiCheat issue?

So I haven't played Rust for a couple months (study and whatnot, didn't have time) and decided to log on and get back into it. I get as far as the launcher screen (the one with the EasyAntiCheat logo, and "initializing" to the bottom right) but after a few seconds my entire computer freezes and I have to force restart. I can open it up directly via the RustClient.exe file, however I can't log onto any servers as I get an "EAC authentication timed out" error.
Anybody know what I can do to fix this issue and get back to playing again?
Edit: Just tried to load Staging Branch and it freezes at the exact same point...
submitted by 123zane321 to playrust [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:21 Jax1038 Cheaters please give me advice

My boyfriend of 9 months has cheated on me again, the first time he was invited to go a weird strip island and he didn't go but he was considering it, the second time he tried making plans with him and his friends to get a linggan massage which is basically just a d1ck massage but didn't go thru with it. The third time is one of the worst ones, he always told me to get off porn but he was on reddit porn the whole time, he was watching cuck porn n I told him I was uncomfortable about it, he also posted a picture of me on a subreddit of something to do with cucking and asked some men to rate me, he also saw a post about this guy asking for company to fap of to his mom n my boyfriend joined this guy, he also got degraded by another guy who was supposed to play the bull. recently, a random horny girl added him on messenger and wanted some nudes, she didn't know he had a gf, and to no surprise he sent her nudes, nudes with even his face on full show, I only found out thru his facebook and when I was crying about it he was still sexting her, he then apologised but it plays in my head everyday. I told him I didn't want to send him pictures of me anymroe cuz of what he did when he posted me on reddit n he said I was the fault for him cheating because I didn't send him pictures anymore. I am not very happy in the relationship anymore either, he is becoming very nonchalant, barely shows he cares and doesn't give me as much attention but I'm always there to fulfill his sexual needs cuz I don't want him to cheat on me. Keep in mind this rs is LDR. He said if he cheated one more time he will khs but I don't believe it. Is there really anything worth saving in this rs, I broke up with him for a day once n the whole day I was sad n lost it and I still feel like that but he causes me immense pain. so if u are a cheater please help me
submitted by Jax1038 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:13 Haunting_Meeting5332 Boyfriend (30m) and I (30f) broke up after 7 years relationship and while preparing for marriage, now we're kind of in hiatus? Help me understand

My boyfriend (30m) and I (30f) have been in a relationship for almost 7 years (since graduating college). From the start, marriage was the end goal of our relationship and we both agreed to be financially ready before marrying. He's the one who fixed a savings amount for each to have before marrying, I agreed (for buying a house together). He also suggested it would be better for each to buy a small car to not waste money, I agreed too (disclaimer, I first bought a small car (let's say rank 1), later that year he bought a bigger car (rank 3), more than x2 times the price of mine, when we argued he told me it's his money, and he's right).
Fastforward, after 5 years, I'm ready for marriage and he's not yet, mostly because of the expenses the bigger car cost him. He tells me he'll be ready next year. I agree and wait for him. That's already 1 year of me being ready waiting for him.
Surely, next year he starts talking about marriage and I can see he's excited about it. He tells me he'll initiate the process in the 2nd semester, so my mind goes with end June/start July. When I talk to him near the deadline, he tells me that he'll start in August talking with his parents to start our engagement. I'm hurt as he didn't inform me beforehand and I point out the slight delay, but he assures me that we'll marry before the end of the year.
August comes and he doesn't talk with his parents (there were some parents health issues). I respect that for a few weeks, but when I hear that his parents traveled for a kind of vacation/healing trip, I start again asking him when will he come. Meanwhile, he started telling me that after marriage he needs 3h per day alone to study for an international test (as a future new wife that hurts me a lot, later he tells me he was joking, but if didn't seem like he was), that we should move abroad, that he doesn't like his job and wants to change it (this has been the case for years and I always suggested he change jobs), that he doesn't like his salary and doesn't think it's enough (it's an above average salary and we always agreed on 50-50).
In September, he suddenly tells me that this is taking too long and that he needs to talk with his parents, which he does soon after. It seems that when he told his parents, they told him to "wait" and "not now". When I ask for an explanation, he tells me it's family stuff, they need time to get ready and it has nothing to do with me. So I keep asking him when will he come for the engagement, he keeps telling me that he is discussing the question with his parents. I have a mental break down where I tell him in chat, while he's in a vacation with his parents, if he's not coming by the end of the month, we're over and I'm not waiting for him anymore (not great, I know). We don't fight, he stays calm and tries to calm me down and assures me he'll come. But then he says some stuff that hurts me like "why you wanna marry now?" "what's the differerence if we marry this year or next year". I'm not angel, I also said some hurtful disrespectful things like fuck off (first time I say it to him, never again).
In October, I have another mental break down and tell him I'm done waiting, he tells me we'll talk when we meet. Once we do, he tells me that he can't come now for us to marry. He says his parents want his sisters who live abroad to be present and they can't come at the moment (though they didn't tell the sisters about the marriage, they just implicitely asked if they can come to home country). His other sibilings are in the same country as us. I ask him if he wants his siters to be present for our marriage, he tells me yes. I respect that and agree to wait. He assures me the delay won't be more than 1 year, which is 1st semester of next year. There's also the other family stuff which he again tells me I don't need to know about and not related to me. He also mentions that he's not satisfied with his salary and that he's not financially ready (again, it's an above average salary).
By the end of the same year, we get into an argument out of nowhere over a dress that I bought and that I was not going to wear as it didn't turn out like tbe picture. It was quiet revealing and tight, that's not my style in public and he knows it; behind closed doors with him it's a different matter. He doesn't talk to me for the entire next week. This has never ever happened before. I keep trying to talk with him. By the end of the week he's back to his senses and he tells me he had issues at work that disturbed him (he almost always have issue at work as he's not comfortable there).
A couple of weeks later, he has health issues for weeks, I try to be supportive. But then I have another mental break down where I tell him that his actions are not the actions of a man who wants to marry and that I'm done waiting and that it feels as if I'm forcing him to marry me (yes again, not a great approach). This time we both argue and he tells me that I don't care about him as a person and only want to marry, that I became obssessed with marriage and that at each opportunity I mention the marriage.
After new year we go on a date. I ask him if the date of marriage is still the same, he tells me at least we should have the engagement in the 1st semester, which means that the marriage would be in the 2nd semester, and that would be a 1 year delay, unlike what he promissed me. I'm so shocked and hurt that I say nothing more on the subject. After having lunch together, he drops me home abruprtly (though it's been weeks we havn't seen each other because of his health probs and we're used to seing each other every other week). I ask him what's wrong because he seems off on the ride back home, he tells me he has errands to do and I believe him. Once at home, I have a habit of sending him a "thank you for today" msg. He replies late in the evening by accusing me of staring at others guys in front of him and how disgusting that is. This again never happened. I tell him that I don't know what he's talking about and he tells me to not pretend I know nothing. He doesn't talk to me again that night. I remind him that all I literally want is for us to be together. The next morning still nothing, I send him a break up msg.
He doesn't reach out to me again. The day after, I reach to him and we get into one of the biggest arguments we ever had in our 7 years relationship. It seems he was mad furious about the thing he accused me of. After many trials, as he didn't want to tell me directly, he finally told me I looked at some guy and made a sexual moan reaction that women make when having oral. I assured him that I didn't look intentionaly at any guy, and that if I made such reaction it must be on something else, nothing sexual at all, and that it's a misunderstanding. I assured him that I was solely focused on him that day, everything and everyone else was background, and that's how things are always for me. He tells me now I'm making him seem crazy as he saw the entire thing with his own eyes. He tells me this isn't the first time he catches me staring at guys while I'm with him. I tell him he should've told me this before to correct my behavior as I remind him that I have a habit of staring at people absentmindedly (this he knows very well, we even joke about it as like me watching tv). He switch the subject and reminds me that we're not in a relationship anymore as I broke up with him.
Our argument goes on for days and weeks. Most of the time, he doesn't answer me and keeps me on read. I keep asking him to meet to talk things out, he refuses and tells me he doesn't want to see me. I go to his place and ask to meet him, he comes to my car, we try to talk, I cried the entire time for 3 straight hours, he let me hold his hands. He told me he needs time to forget what he saw. I tell him to at least talk with each other on the weekend, he agrees. We do that for 3 weeks, I initiate. After that somehow it exploaded again. I don't remember what happened. He doesn't want to see me and swears won't come down if I go to his place, tells me the relationship became worthless and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore, to just stop talking. I even begged him... (Yes, I know, the humiliation...). Since then, he's not talking to me, if I talk to him, sometimes he answers sometimes not. After a couple of weeks he calmed down, I talked with him and he answered, he told me he had so many things going on in his life that he can't think straight of what I'm telling him. I leave him be. After a few weeks I send him a msg on his birthday to which he replies. After a few weeks he sends me a msg on a specific occasion, I reply and remind him about my feelings and that we need to meet to talk, he tells me we will meet but not now as he has many things to do. After 2 months, I send him another msg on a specific occasion, he replies and I remind him that I love and miss him and need to meet to talk, he tells me soon we'll meet to see each other.
A few details worth mentioning :
*Him and I have always agreed that we don't want a long time in our marriage process, approx 1 month of talking, engagement and marriage is what we both want, him specifically. So when he told me that he'll talk with his parents about marriage in August, it meant that we'll be married whithin approx a month after that. Yet the marriage kept getting delayed from September to October to DecembeJanuary and then to S1 next year... He know about this.
*During this entire time I was actively preparing for our marriage as he told me talking will start in August. So I had all my dresses prepared in advance to not be late for him (custom made as I have a specific taste and wanted to incorporate his taste too), bought all the sexy bedroom things (a big number, to say the least, of sexy underwears, sets of sexy lingeries, nightgowns, different tight/sexy/kinky dresses... For context we're both high libido and I consider sex an event to get ready for, and I wanted new things for after marriage), was preparing for the honeymoon and making adjustements with each month delay, was looking for a place to rent for us together... He knows about this.
*Last year I have been under a tremendous stress. Since graduating I've been working day and night for a specific project only to see it fall apart slowly that year. This project has been a big part of my identity and I did it mainly for us to be together more comfortably (work conditions). This has nothing to do with my actual main job, this was a plan B that fell apart after years of investment. He knows about this. So all those times I had a breakdown, it was mainly because of this project and I lashed out on him everything (not so great, I know...). I was not in the right mindset at all.
*Yes I became obsessed with the marriage since August and kept asking him a lot about it, especially with the constant delay and everything going wrong in my life. But before that I never ever pestered him on the subject as I didn't want to pressure him and could see he wasn't that comfortable. Before we'd only talk broadly about stuff like after marriage we'd do this that...
*Since he talked with his parents in Seprember, I could see that he is no longer excited or talking about the marriage, it's almost as if he doesn't want to marry at the moment anymore. I doubt something was brought up in his discussion with his parents. He never again was the same man who was excited for marriage as before he talked with his parents. I felt not wanted and desired.
*In the early years of our relationship, I had a habit of telling him to break up when things were tough only to come back in the next 24h (never ever went to look else where, this is just with my own self as this was my first ever relationship), I did it 3 times. By the 3rd time we talked and he let me know how hurt he was by my actions and made me realise my mistake. Since then I worked on myself and never did it again for years, until recently... And honestly I'm ashamed of myself, as I didn't mean it at all.
This man is the love of my life. He's my first ever love and relationship. I'm not his first relationship, but I am his first love. We're very lovey, touchy and very attracted to each other. He's sweet and gentle with me, usualy very rational and calm and not so emotional. Before this, he was never ever that angry furious. We both care about each other deeply and always wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We're bestfriends and can talk freely about almost anything. He's more mature than me. I'm no where near perfect; compared to him, I am very emotional and senstivie with ups and downs, yet he's always so patient with me that it leaves me in awe. He taught me a lot of things and healed me from many things, he always believe in me and he helped me grow on many levels. He was literally my everything and now I see that I was so attatched to him that it was unhealthy for both of us. No cheating or betrayel whatsoever. I don't know from where he got that sexual interpratation from; usually I'm very vocal about my love with him and I always tell him how much I love him and his dick. We all make mistakes, but he has a lot of good qualities and in my eyes he's a good person. He's the only man I ever wanted to be with and I never ever layed eyes on another man.
I don't know what happened. I'd appreciate others' perspectives, help me understand the situation, what we did wrong and how we can work on this.
submitted by Haunting_Meeting5332 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:52 shadowtempest91 Cthulhu Wars. The Cuban exodus, the escape from the Moon and the collapse of reality

Cthulhu Wars. The Cuban exodus, the escape from the Moon and the collapse of reality
Bubastis: Alex Isabelle Crawling Chaos: Luca Giannini Sleeper: Davide Guglielmi
Somewhere in the world a game of Arkham Horror, one of Mansions of Madness and another of Mythos Tales end badly. The cult of the Sleeper of N'kai, also known as Tsathoggua, flourishes in Arkham and spreads throughout North America, while that of the Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep, explodes in China. This alarms the population of Earth cats, who go to council on the Moon to decide what to do. With all due respect to Randolph Carter, Doctor Armitage, and the other humans who have tried in vain to prevent the coming of these nightmarish creatures, the situation is now out of control and the future of the Earth is sealed: all that awaits us is open war between these two cults and the cats to decide the fate of the planet.
A late premise: the writer takes great pride in having theorized, five years ago, that the long story in which the "space cats" debuted, namely The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, was a fake, and despite all this time has not changed his opinion. Seeing that one of the most recent expansions of the game, and one of the most hated, presents the cats as a playable faction, however, I found it necessary to impose myself and ask to control it, to make peace with that rubbish story and thus celebrate the more questionable (presumed) side of Lovecraft's production.
It's war, we said. It opens with some Chinese cultist moving to Europe, while some North American goes to South America. Cats, however, leap from the Moon en masse and sweep across North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Europe and Asia. A somewhat random placement, which however allows the beasts to study the situation in depth and benefit from it (read: they have unlocked some powers).
By itself, the presence of these cats near the summoning portals of the two cults is not a problem: they cannot be captured (smart, the cats), but they cannot even take control of the portals in question (fools, the cats). Nonetheless, the cult of Nyarlathotep protects itself by having two nightgaunts jump out of its portal in China. They are faceless creatures with bat-like wings that Lovecraft claimed to have dreamed of following the death of his grandmother, and who curiously appear for the first time, in literature, precisely in that story of dubious origin mentioned above... but let's not digress. The cult of the Sleeper does the same: in South America the cultists from Arkham equip themselves with not one but two "Wizards", and here the quotation marks are a must because they are poor people fused in a symbiotic relationship with species of gargoyles, or so I understand, at least, by looking at their thumbnails. I have no idea the reasons behind that name. The fact is that shortly afterwards a serpent man also appears in North America. It is a mysterious subject, always at the service of the Sleeper, capable of changing his physical appearance and defending the Arkham portal. Even cats equip themselves with reinforcements: a Cat from Mars actually lands on the Moon.
The war is preparing but has yet to get to the heart of things, and so the cultists of the Crawling Chaos open a portal in Europe, after which some of them leave China to go among the creoles of the Mascarene Islands, in the Indian Ocean, and there found a further cult sect, opening a new portal. In short, we are at the beginning of the game and the cult of Nyarlathotep already has three portals: it would be a good time to realize that perhaps the Crawling Chaos is a problem to manage, but the cult of the Sleeper and the cats don't do that, preferring to fight between of them. As a result, the serpent man who previously appeared in Arkham is seen chasing a cosmic cat active in those parts, ridiculing himself without achieving any success twice in a row. The third attempt will be the good one: the cat will be captured, probably killed badly, and at least we will never hear about it again.
Keep on roading on the blog!
Available in italian language too:
submitted by shadowtempest91 to wargames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:52 purvi0959 My Amazing Trip to Rajasthan with Thrillophilia

My Amazing Trip to Rajasthan with Thrillophilia
I visited Rajasthan last month. It is a beautiful state of India. I had an amazing time! In Jaipur, I saw the Hawa Mahal and City Palace. I went to Amber Fort, Pushkar’s holy lake and Jodhpur’s blue houses. Although Jaisalmer's desert safari and Udaipur’s lakes were incredible and were highlights of my trip. I met many friendly people there and delicious food made the whole trip even more memorable.
All these things made my trip fantastic. I covered all the famous cities and here are the details about my trip:
Day 1: Jaipur - The Pink City
My adventure started in Jaipur, also known as the Pink City because of its pink-colored buildings. As soon as I arrived, I was amazed by the beautiful architecture. The first place I visited was the Hawa Mahal, or Palace of Winds. It’s a tall building with many windows, and it was built so that the royal ladies could look outside without being seen.
Next, I went to the City Palace, a huge palace where the royal family still lives. The palace has museums with old weapons, clothes, and beautiful paintings. I also saw the Jantar Mantar, an ancient observatory with giant instruments for studying the stars and planets. My trip was organized by Thrillophilia, which provided excellent service and support throughout my journey.
Day 2: Amber Fort - A Majestic Fortress
On the second day, I visited the Amber Fort, located on a hilltop. The fort is like a big castle with courtyards, gardens, and beautiful halls. To get to the fort, I rode an elephant, which was so much fun! Inside the fort, the Sheesh Mahal (Hall of Mirrors) was my favorite. It’s a room decorated with tiny mirrors that sparkle like stars.
Day 3: Pushkar - The Holy Town
After Jaipur, I traveled to Pushkar, a small town famous for its holy lake and temples. The Pushkar Lake is believed to be sacred, and many people come here to take a holy dip. I also visited the Brahma Temple, which is one of the very few temples dedicated to Lord Brahma in the world.
In Pushkar, I enjoyed walking through the local markets, buying souvenirs like colorful bangles and traditional Rajasthani clothes.
Day 4: Jodhpur - The Blue City
My next stop was Jodhpur, known as the Blue City because many of its houses are painted blue. The highlight of Jodhpur was the Mehrangarh Fort, one of the largest forts in India. The fort stands on a high hill and offers a stunning view of the blue city below. Inside the fort, I explored the museum with its collection of royal palanquins, costumes, and weapons.
I also visited the Umaid Bhawan Palace, part of which is now a luxury hotel, and part is a museum. The palace is grand and very impressive.
Day 5: Jaisalmer - The Golden City
Jaisalmer, also called the Golden City, was my next destination. The city gets its name because the buildings are made of yellow sandstone, which glows in the sunlight. I visited the Jaisalmer Fort, which is unique because it’s still a living fort with people living and working inside.
One of the most exciting parts of my trip was the desert safari in the Thar Desert. I rode a camel and spent the evening watching a beautiful sunset over the sand dunes. At night, I stayed in a tent and enjoyed traditional Rajasthani music and dance around a campfire.
Day 6: Udaipur - The City of Lakes
My last stop was Udaipur, known for its beautiful lakes and palaces. The City Palace in Udaipur is stunning, with its intricate designs and beautiful courtyards. I took a boat ride on Lake Pichola, which was very peaceful and offered great views of the palaces around the lake.
I also visited the Jag Mandir and Jag Niwas (Lake Palace) situated on the islands in the lake. The Saheliyon ki Bari (Garden of the Maidens) was another beautiful place with fountains, flowers, and marble pavilions.
My trip to Rajasthan was unforgettable. The state is full of amazing history, beautiful architecture, and vibrant culture. I met many friendly people, tried delicious Rajasthani food like dal baati churma and gatte ki sabzi, and learned a lot about India’s royal past. If you ever get a chance to visit Rajasthan, don’t miss it – it’s like stepping into a fairy tale
submitted by purvi0959 to u/purvi0959 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:51 Pure-Preference868 AITAH for not letting my gf out because she cheated?

in the beginning of our relationship my gf kissed another guy when she was drunk and she didn't tell me. i found out a few months later but i forgave her. however i made her cut contact with the guy and her friends that were at this party and anywhere she goes now i must be with her because i dont trust her. its been 2 years since it happened and she seems to be depressed. she says it is because i dont let her go out alone and she feels like she doesnt have a life and also she doesnt have friends. but she did it all to herself! now she wants to go abroad for exchange study for a week and i told her i cant let her go or we have to break up. i think its pretty understandable why i cant trust her alone for a week but she is very upset with me. AITAH?
TLDR: AITAH for not letting my gf go out without me since she cheated on me?
submitted by Pure-Preference868 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:50 shadowtempest91 Cthulhu Wars. The Cuban exodus, the escape from the Moon and the collapse of reality

Cthulhu Wars. The Cuban exodus, the escape from the Moon and the collapse of reality
Bubastis: Alex Isabelle Crawling Chaos: Luca Giannini Sleeper: Davide Guglielmi
Somewhere in the world a game of Arkham Horror, one of Mansions of Madness and another of Mythos Tales end badly. The cult of the Sleeper of N'kai, also known as Tsathoggua, flourishes in Arkham and spreads throughout North America, while that of the Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep, explodes in China. This alarms the population of Earth cats, who go to council on the Moon to decide what to do. With all due respect to Randolph Carter, Doctor Armitage, and the other humans who have tried in vain to prevent the coming of these nightmarish creatures, the situation is now out of control and the future of the Earth is sealed: all that awaits us is open war between these two cults and the cats to decide the fate of the planet.
A late premise: the writer takes great pride in having theorized, five years ago, that the long story in which the "space cats" debuted, namely The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, was a fake, and despite all this time has not changed his opinion. Seeing that one of the most recent expansions of the game, and one of the most hated, presents the cats as a playable faction, however, I found it necessary to impose myself and ask to control it, to make peace with that rubbish story and thus celebrate the more questionable (presumed) side of Lovecraft's production.
It's war, we said. It opens with some Chinese cultist moving to Europe, while some North American goes to South America. Cats, however, leap from the Moon en masse and sweep across North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Europe and Asia. A somewhat random placement, which however allows the beasts to study the situation in depth and benefit from it (read: they have unlocked some powers).
By itself, the presence of these cats near the summoning portals of the two cults is not a problem: they cannot be captured (smart, the cats), but they cannot even take control of the portals in question (fools, the cats). Nonetheless, the cult of Nyarlathotep protects itself by having two nightgaunts jump out of its portal in China. They are faceless creatures with bat-like wings that Lovecraft claimed to have dreamed of following the death of his grandmother, and who curiously appear for the first time, in literature, precisely in that story of dubious origin mentioned above... but let's not digress. The cult of the Sleeper does the same: in South America the cultists from Arkham equip themselves with not one but two "Wizards", and here the quotation marks are a must because they are poor people fused in a symbiotic relationship with species of gargoyles, or so I understand, at least, by looking at their thumbnails. I have no idea the reasons behind that name. The fact is that shortly afterwards a serpent man also appears in North America. It is a mysterious subject, always at the service of the Sleeper, capable of changing his physical appearance and defending the Arkham portal. Even cats equip themselves with reinforcements: a Cat from Mars actually lands on the Moon.
The war is preparing but has yet to get to the heart of things, and so the cultists of the Crawling Chaos open a portal in Europe, after which some of them leave China to go among the creoles of the Mascarene Islands, in the Indian Ocean, and there found a further cult sect, opening a new portal. In short, we are at the beginning of the game and the cult of Nyarlathotep already has three portals: it would be a good time to realize that perhaps the Crawling Chaos is a problem to manage, but the cult of the Sleeper and the cats don't do that, preferring to fight between of them. As a result, the serpent man who previously appeared in Arkham is seen chasing a cosmic cat active in those parts, ridiculing himself without achieving any success twice in a row. The third attempt will be the good one: the cat will be captured, probably killed badly, and at least we will never hear about it again.
Keep on roading on the blog!
Available in italian language too:
submitted by shadowtempest91 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:27 CouragePotential6489 3 Characters for sci-fi survival horror

3 Characters for sci-fi survival horror
I’ve created characters for a sci-fi themed survival horror game that transports players to an unexplored, mysterious planet. I’m designing characters that are meant to evoke fear and tension, with their design being crucial to the game’s atmosphere. I would like to hear your opinions on the technical execution and appearance of these characters. Are they scary? Do they harmonize with each other and the environment? What are your general impressions? Any constructive criticism is welcome. The characters include the main hero and two monsters.
The story centers on Victor Lex, a scientist who crash-lands on a distant island full of dangers and mysterious minerals called Energonites after his spaceship malfunctions. His mission is to survive, study the extraordinary properties of Energonites, and battle dangerous creatures that also use these minerals as a power source.
made in Zbrush
submitted by CouragePotential6489 to ZBrush [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:14 ThrowRA123456829382 I wish my (F26) boyfriend (M26) would stop smoking, but I don’t want it to build resentment, how can we go about it?

My bf and I have been together about three years and this is a meaningful relationship for both of us.
I have a history with weed where I used to smoke a lot and it negatively impacted my life where I didn’t feel like myself and lost my motivation beyond the base level of getting the bare minimum done, it made me less likely to seek out things beyond my study/work that contribute greatly to my quality of life.
My boyfriend on the other hand smokes weed every week (not everyday but sometimes a few days in a row), and he says that he does not feel negatively affected by it. He knows well about the effects of weed on the body and the brain and does not take it too far at all. He thinks it’s his relaxing ritual, and can sometimes give him a mild creative boost to make connection he wouldn’t usually and has according to him helped him finding his way and understanding himself.
I can see that he is not unmotivated and that weed does not affect him like it did me. But I feel maybe if not for this regular smoking, maybe he would be less forgetful, maybe he would spend his evenings on other things, maybe he would make extra efforts for his relationships and his life that he does not at the moment. In short, go beyond the bare minimum of working, exercising and surviving.
I do not smoke at all anymore and have chosen in the last few years to not live with roommates who smoke. Although I knew at the beginning of our relationship that my boyfriend smokes sometimes and it didn’t bother me then at all, the more I have grown to love him and as now we live together, the more it bothers me. It makes me very uncomfortable to think that my partner would never stop, including having a family with him where maybe he starts smoking more often in the future because he needs to relax more or maybe where in the future he thinks he will benefit from its creative effects.
I feel a deep sense of distance from him when he smokes and often cannot stand his presence knowing he has smoked, although he doesn’t act much differently, but I feel like he is not all there. I also tend to get paranoid about whether he smoked or not and look for signs that he did (as if a person who thinks they are being cheated on look for signs of it). It makes me feel like I am going crazy and my personality completely changes because of this. I feel a sense of instability in our relationship because of his relationship to weed. I am now going to therapy to figure out why my relationship with weed is so negative but I don’t know if it will change anything.
But I feel like I have no right to ask him to stop. I feel that it would only create resentment between us, where he would feel like I controlled him with this which may lead him to feel subconsiously as if he need to compensate for it somehow? I don’t want him to feel like I suppress a big part of his self expression and harbour negative feelings toward me for it.
How can we move forward?
TLDR: I hate that my boyfriend smokes weed, but it does not affect him negatively, can we find middle ground?
submitted by ThrowRA123456829382 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:38 PossessionLegal8546 Absolutely lost

Hello to anyone reading this, I am just lost here. I was 22 yo when I met my ex. She contacted me via Instagram and I ignored the first message when she remessaged me I was getting off work and told her I am gonna be sleeping and not ignoring her message and we could talk later. She was in a different Texas and I was in Miami. We spoke via text and then moved to iMessage and then to FaceTime where it all went up from there. I never had a gf before because of my fear of getting cheated on or getting off track from taking care of my sick mother I was possibly losing. I was successful and just finished a contract and make 33 k in a month on a high horse o sure was but not flashing as I don’t post. She told me she had exs who beat her physically and cheated on her. I wanted to show her that good men exist and i couldn’t believe someone could do that to a person. She said she had an abandonment issue and would blow up my phone and be clingy which I liked because I never had anything before I thought it was just normal because I was loved and they didn’t wanna leave my presence. She never wanted to do anything with her life and was fine being a waitress for her career or even stripper for a while. I told her never tell me that again and I told her she can do real work and not sell herself. She then leaves for the military 4 months later while I was in a fire academy. Her bootcamp was 2 months I sent her pictures of me wrote pages of letters with quotes whether religious or motivational and sent her pictures I found in bootcamp to her family. She would call for 5 min every Monday and I made notes on how she sounded all was well in my notes she was healthier less acne she said and yeah. Then she gets out and I’m the last person she wants to see. I broke up with her and cried so hard yelling. I fixed the relationship and we got back. Found out she had 2 friends she hung out with who crap talked me and I was so dumb to not understand who gave them the info. I lose my house my grandma and am in charge on 5 men in academy while studying my ass off driving 2 hours a day. She couldn’t care less. Fast forward we got back and I was in search to be hired as a firefighter paramedic and was hired. Then my dream department passed me to move forward which I worked 3 years to get there and test and that day she didn’t care or ask about how it went so I went the whole day seeing if she would ask after 5 calls and night FaceTime no question about it. Next day I went crazy disrespectful I called her horrible names and it escalated because she said I just woke up oh my god meanwhile i extremely hurt. Oh also the pasts months before the blow up she was depressed so I was alone on FaceTime with a dark muted screen and could never ask her about work because she hated it and was tryna leave. Also she blamed a suicidal attempts on me saying it’s gonna be because of me. Why hate me ? I do no harm. She’d pull her eyelashes out and brows and I’d say well guess what we just keep trying again you’re absolutely still beautiful. So I broke up with her. Cried she hung up. Then starts going out. Says I’m worse than a cheater and abuser and that she can take a few black eyes and broken ribs but not what I did. Does she have no ammunition against me so she made lies ? Well ready she cheated not once wait wait 8 times ohhhh yeah. Oh and when she came to visit me for 2 weeks she tried leaving food on my floor while I work 24 hour shifts fuck the guy in my apartment with my car never cooked for me slammed my doors and sex was horrible I knew when I met her in person something was horribly wrong spiritually energy or whatever. We’ll post breakup she married the guy who was her friend in her room I was told about from her to make me jealous 3 months after and knew her while we were together. Wtf happened, I don’t understand and now I find out life rewards her and him with 4 k additional monthly because they are married. I consider it blood money if it’s for scam marriage but she posts the date they got married on her bio and the guy doesn’t so maybe she is in love bro idk. I’m mind fucked. I got closer to god but am still so angry. It destroys me to see how life handles things and I try to see it as maybe the devil is giving her what she wants so she is further from god. Just help me please I’m punishing myself living with these thoughts.
submitted by PossessionLegal8546 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:08 unidentifiable001X Romance Movie?

Looking for a lady who is interested in:
  1. Write up a plot for a romance movie with me
Plot: where a couple in love develops resentment toward each other because of social media and other people's words, and then falls back in love when they realize how foolish they were. Plus the female perspective is something that can probably help me in creating this plot.
  1. Starring in this movie with me
I don't need an actress or someone studying theater. I'm not a theater student either. This is just an interesting side project.
Side note: I don't want this to be a Dhar Mann video. I'm not gonna preach to my audience about teamwork and/or not cheating- this is a romance movie.
submitted by unidentifiable001X to yorku [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:04 International-Tip202 Azriel Theory and 'The Angel of Death’ Mythology/ Biblical text/ Other Modern Literature Link

Thank you Fine-Grapefruit-4193 for convincing me to write this.
Here is a quick study on Azriel and Azreal (the biblical Angel of Death)
Now; This links to Bryce X Azriel Mate Theory. The Brycriel theory has been bouncing around for a while now and it's growing in popularity. For me, the ‘Angel of Death’ is closely associated with Bryce and Az but you may find links that work with your theories as well.
Firstly a quick summary of Brycriel's theory. if you want to go more in-depth go read emmyeggo Brycriel's theory. If you like this please go a read her theory linked below; (It is amazing) Bryce x [spoiler] (TW: controversial !!) : crescentcitysjm
Key Links between Bryce and Prythian:
Other links between Prythian and CC:
The Dusk Court:
Azriel and Bryce:
Hunt and Bryce are chosen mates not fated fae mates, He is made for her by the princes of Hel. Who along with the Asteri, want them together (Majorly Sus). There are also a lot of theories about how Hunt is just a copy of Az (They have similar characteristics and scents) and it's predicted that Hunt is going to die at some point (probably by Bryce's Hand).
Now onto the links with Azrael, the Angel of Death:
nancÿ (u/nanchey) - Reddit recently looked at Azriel and his namesake the Angel of Death, Azreal. They bring up some good points linking the two. I have always been shocked by how many people miss the links.
Read their post here: Azriel and the Dusk Court Connection : crescentcitysjm
For those who don't know Azriel is named after the Angle of Death. Who has widely been replaced in most modern monotheistic religions by the Grim Reaper but who is still prominent in Islam and appears in a lot of Jewish and Christian texts if you know where to look. Now his stories vary from one source to another but I'm going to summarise some key points:
The AoD received his titles before the creation of man. He was the only angel brave enough to go down to Earth and face the hordes of Iblīs or the devils. He then brought god the ingredients to make man.
Traditionally he is an archangel, one of God's most powerful Angels. He is described as being emotionless, and cold, simply going about his duty with prejudice. He's also described as being compassionate and is also the angel of grief and suffering. He can be extremely fierce and terrifying.
Azriel is described as being mysterious and quiet. He is also one to not complain. He knows his loyal, protective and gentle but only to those he considers family or close friends. He is also terrifying, Even Rhys thinks so in ACoMaF.
For me, another key link is how he helps others through Grief towards happiness. I think this is what we're going to see with Gwen and Elain, both of whom are grieving. One grieves the death of her human self and the other her sister. Both are grieving a former life and the sense of innocence they once had. As is Azriel, has a very obvious ‘white knight’ flaw.
The Shadows:
This was the first obvious link to me.
Azreal is said to have an eye and a tongue for every living person. He is said to know their truths, including if they are blessed or damned. For me, this connects with Azriel's shadows.
Think about Peter Pan and what it taught us about Shadows. Everyone has a Shadow that embodies our individual conscious life. This Trope is common in Barrie, The Author of Peter Pan, writing. The shadow is both a physical object and a kind of negative reflection, a second self that is yet not part of the self. For Barrie, his shadows are linked heavily to the idea of death and the self one both wants to be a part of and does not want to be a part of.
Essentially we are all made up of the parts (Actions, words, traits, ect) that we both want and don't want. These things are reflected in the shadow of ourselves. Azriel reads shadows and therefore has a link to a person's truth. He knows everyone's secrets.
His Appearance:
The AoD is a cosmic-sized being whose wings are said to stretch the length of the sky, further than any other angel. Azriel is said to have the largest wingspan.
The AoD is also said to have two true forms. One beautiful and Ethereal, Azriel is described as handsome and pretty by almost every female character with a POV. Bryce mentions it almost every time she looks at him and Nesta comments on it as well.
The AoD second form is hideous and terrifying. It is linked to mortal madness and only other archangels can gaze upon it. The Devil himself is said to fear it. Azriel is said to be feared by some of the most powerful characters in ACoTaR, even Rhys has moments where he fears him. However, it also links to the idea of his second form.
SjM has two figures on her desk when writing HoFaS a pegasus doll which symbolises Bryce and a Godzilla with blue eyes (breathing blue fire I believe) This is Azriels second form or a symbol of it.
Symbols of the AoD:
Like most figures in mythology and religion, Azreal has several key symbols associated with him. Some are very obviously connected with Azriel and others are not.
Firstly; The symbol of the blue-coloured ram. Blue is very obviously a link to Azriel’s Siphons. Another colour Associated with the AoD is white as it is the colour of mourning.
He is also strongly associated with butterflies and feathers. Butterflies are a symbol of rebirth.
The most telling one however that a key symbol of the AoD is Stars and Starlight. A direct connection to the Starborn Fae and the Starborn heir, Bryce.
The AoD is also said to have one foot on the 4th or 7th of heaven (depending on your version) and another on the bridge between heaven and hell. He is the bridge between mortal suffering and eternal peace or torture.
This may be a potential link to Azriel and Hel which has been long assumed. Also links with the idea that the dusk court is a bridge between life and death.
Modern Books Link:
Azreal appears in a lot of modern literature. We already heard about the Sailor Moon link however I wish to draw your eyes to another series.
‘The Lost Angels’ by Heather Killough-Walden came out a few years before ACoTaR did, It's very much a teenage romance book and I quickly reread it after CC (some things may be wrong as it was a very quick reread).
Let me summarise it for you; It's about 4 archangels who make the journey to Earth to find their soul mates, 4 perfect female beings created just for them (Seeing the links yet?).
The third book ‘Deaths Angel’ is about Azreal. Who is a very tortured and self-loathing character, who goes by his nickname, Az. Upon his journey to earth, his previous role as the angel of death has caused him to transform into the first vampire (Not relevant) steeped in negative energy and shadows (Relevant).
This Az is described to be very similar to our Az:
He recognises his mate instantly, however, she doesn't recognise him. So he goes out of his way to win her over. Now she has several key traits that relate to Bryce:
The biggest link however is perhaps the female's name which is Sophie Bryce.
This was far bigger than I imagined it would be and I'm sorry. Now I'm not saying I know what's going to happen and it's certainly not going to happen in the next two books. I have said it before but SjM likes a long game.
However, there are so many coincidences that they can't just be coincidences at this point. And they just keep adding up.
Also, typed on my phone so please be nice.
submitted by International-Tip202 to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:52 jasonk98 To future decidees - an attempt at a master guide summary of Davis: The Town and University that Gives To Each Their Own. (For Humanities Especially)

My family was trying to discern why Davis felt so beautiful, inviting, full, and rigorous enough for my first few months here. I think I've distilled that below. At the very bottom at least.
Firstly, I am, have been, a pretty active PoliSci/IR major. I double majored in sociology for most my time here, but dropped it to graduate early -- strictly and directly because Davis gave me so so much more to want to do. I say directly because it's own PoliSci study abroad program made me see that. More on that later. Or feel free to message me. However long in the future.
I can talk a lot, don't like to end sentences, and use metaphors. But when I was doing this search a few years back, I was dying to find someone verbose so I hope this helps you, future applicants. Congrats for making it this far. Take a breath, whatever choice you make will be right.
For some context on my perspective, I moved from Greece to SoCal when I was about 10, so got a good balance of an American "local" perspective and the classic, aptly stereotyped European borderline snobbery perspective. After getting waitlisted at Berkeley for too long, and accepted at Santa Cruz, where my brother had gone, San Diego and Irvine, I chose Davis. Among those choices especially, I am beyond happy. Throw Berkeley and LA into the mix, I'm still happy. And this is coming from an academic junkie honestly -- taking five courses a quarter for quite a few of my quarters here (normal full-time student is 3), worked at our lovely student newspaper (shoutout to The California Aggie), did some remote internships on the side, partied, did nothing for days, made friends, lost friends, saw friend groups fall apart terribly, hilariously, bar crawled, crammed, emailed every excuse in the book (except for grandma) etc.
EDIT: that works best at the top. A VERY important thing that college "experts" don't tell you about here is how you need to find, and search until you find, a reliable counselor in your school/major. Someone that KNOWS the requirements and courses you need. Meet with them plenty. I give a shout-out later to my counselor, the lead for PoliSci/IR, Saira, I don't even want to think of what chaos I could have fallen into if not for her. Go use UC davis mydegree (SUPER useful) but for the love of God, talk to your counselor every quarter, even just for five minutes, always pop on the platform, select a specific counselor, and make the appointment. Even if the earliest one is a week or two ahead. Book it.
A Brief Prelude:
Going in to college guys, my two cents is just treat life like you love learning the world around you, know it will absolutely fuck you up sometimes, and know 24 hours in a day is enough. I am by all accounts far, far from perfect but I feel like with a tiny bit of grit and commitment to go tf outside, not always letting in negative feelings when they want to (ahem, thanks phone) you can have all those experiences you dream of.
This is where Davis comes in. It successfully facilitated that. And I think it can for many, many more people. To be a bit of a pundit ass, it's a truly hidden gem.
Here We Go:
My reasoning has three parts, tldrs for the first two, or if you really want, just skip to the third:
1: The town and the uni as areas
The uni itself has a very balanced culture (look at how Berk can be called unbalanced and clastrophobically manic, and how the SoCal suburb UCs & SD can just be more or less socially dead) and by all means the town would survive without the uni. The town is VERY well placed indeed with SF a stone's throw away (and uni buses that take you straight there for cheap) Sac moments away (for God sakes avoid rush hour), and make some fucking use out of that godtier student discount on the ikon pass to go to Tahoe and ski unlimited days if that's your thing. Or teach your friends!. Join the "ski" club for their ludicrous parties at least once.
I remember the mailers I got pummeled by in senior year of high school, Davis calling itself something like the college town of California half-heartedly struck me like, huh, I wonder what that's supposedly like. It's fucking AWESOME. If you don't have a car, don't have a generous friend with a car, then use student discount on Zipcar, if you don't want to take the train/bus to SF or are going somewhere else. There is zero, zero excuse to not explore those two places heavily if you have four years here, quite heavily too for my lovely transfer students and their two years. Added to the beautiful hometown-but-lively feel of Davis, that regional amenity pack is honestly, perhaps, the best among all UCs. UCLA doesn't even have a goddamn public transit connection to get to the rest of the city in its name. Though that should change with the Olympics. Anyways.
As a foodie with some global chops,, for how sleepy and nonchalant Davis seems,, it still surprises the fuck out of me. Just had birria noodles (!?) from the same place I had one too many drinks at the other night, like, what? There's bomb poke at zumapoke, ol reliables in n out and Cane's, incredible, incredible ice cream at Davis creamery, a surprising few solid options for Indian, Thai, Chinese, and cheap - restaurant - michelin restaurant levels of sushi. Though my dark horse is the sushi & nigiri at the Coho. Guads for Mexican. I used to hang with friends that went to Tijuana for tacos during high school lunch, Guads gets the job done. hapilly. There's also a really good hotdog place,, that for obvious reasons won Guy Fieri's food show awards here earlier this year. A value staple (for my bulking gym friends) at Tim's in the Wednesday chicken katsu special, though it's great and honestly 2.5 meals for me any day of the week,
and oh back to transport a bit -- there's a solid supply of Ubers/Lyfts at all hours, a very smart measured amount of bikes/scooters scattered about to rent, and again, buy your own damn bike. I love the buses and they are absolutely great here,,, but trust me buy that bike off of Craigslist. To close, cannot forget to shoutout Mishkas for coffee and study spot. Though goddamn are there rival options as well. Can do a really thorough personality test thingy off of your coffee spot selection here. That's how many there are.
To start closing this section, If you can access a car (you have so many options) or can, like a good Next-Gen American, see yourself taking Amtrak or other public/uni transport to SF,, (coming back at night no need to spend housing $ most nights) you will be more, much more than fine if you're after for a lot out of your undergrad experience. Basically having so many A+ tier options (many more than the GOATS mentioned) to go to on a slower weekend, for a necessary change of scenery, or to say fck it we ball and skip some classes, live life,, that makes Davis a no-miss possibility. But make sure you go meet people,, from orientation, classes, clubs, frats, sports (volunteer teams too),, go find your people, they are here. Among the hidden sixty thousand of us.
tldr; the town (town, not city) has an excellent energy, beautiful scenery, truly bike friendly so no hassle to move around, great amount of amenities as places -- especially bars that closed during COVID are still reopening (+2 bars just in the last two years) -- and has the BEST location to explore the State during your time here. No other place can offer you a cozy hometown base, literally 50min-1.20hours time to one of the world's most fascinating cities in SF, AND an absolute holy grail of snow and water sports in Tahoe (~2 hour scenic drive is not bad, even during a five class workload, enjoy our youth while we have it everyone).
2: The campus/ The academics:
Campus is downright gorgeous, it's specialty is in fall and especially spring, but in winter too, for my winter enjoyers, it does hit the spot a surprising amount. Just make sure you have rain and wind gear. For your bike too. Don't let that shit rust. Rear fender before you get the dreaded stripe. The heat is fine, 0 humidity is a cheat code. You can also effectively treat campus as a very small one, stay in the centre cluster of the library, Quad, MU, the core academic buildings, or -- as you should -- venture out on your bike or on foot and become familiar with it's nooks and crannies. The (massive) Arboretum , now under some unfortunate but environmentally awesome renovations in the lake, is absolutely fabulous. Going to the West End and it's massive, absolutely massive grass sprawl with redwood and non redwood tree clusters between classes and chilling is just...insane. Forget the lovely cows, go give some love to my boy Truffle the Goat (a goat of goats) and his neighboring alpacas....and cows. Shoutout to the house/EDM nighttime party at the grass area by the coffee class building on picnic day. Shit slapped. But then 5 minutes on the bike and you're -- still in campus -- but back in the hustle and bustle. Balance. I don't think we talk about this enough for college campuses. I was obsessed with Berkeley's lively af scene, felt so so in touch with urban Europe vibe, the opposite of SoCal suburbia. But Davis is only an hour away and hey, we have a massive and bustling Palestine encampment that I'm very proud of + some peace. To each their own.
To any architecture or design majors, you will enjoy this. It's a sleeper hit. The variety in the building styles is insane, but, it works? How mystical and beautiful. Also, the Death Star.
If you ever see a class with it's location at the Mondavi Center - fucking take it. Lecture in a state of the art theateconcert hall? Where I saw Pink Martini perform? Yes please. Oppositely, a mandatory class at Rock Hall? An unfortunate necessary evil. At the TLC? Why the hell are there screens on every wall; Old-school spoiling us behavior, nice to see for a bit of a change honestly and thank God, one building for $85 million. Climate neutral though. Shoutout to Wellman Hall, California, Everson oddly enough, the RADICALLY good vibes in the Art Building, the cave vibe of Kleiber, and yeah. There's much more. God bless the reading room at the library, screw you if you aren't self conscious of your noise level in there ("reading" room, "moderately social"). Make sure you spend a good chunk of your breaks at the part of the Arb by Mrak Hall. Convenient as hell location, + ducks. And all the good that comes with troops of ducks.
Academics largely function the same as that To each their own sentiment, for us in the humanities. When I took the Davis-specific study abroad program at the London School of Economics and PoliSci,,, you could see what a top 10 school in the humanities was like. Or at least my corner of them. Davis is much more relaxed than that. However, if you choose to do something about that, you will find yourself getting an education much much much more tailored to you than if you went to a bigger institution. What's the other proverb, big fish in a small pond or small fish in a big pond? I guess now that I'm in the end, I feel even more confident to say that the former of those two is the way to go for undergrad in particular. But emphasis on the fact that the pond here is not that small, no matter what major you're in. I haven't heard a single person really complain that their area is just crucially lacking. On that, programs like UCDC and UCSac are VERY well funded here and there is an outsize amount of perks, obviously for UCSac especially. And these programs are NOT utilized ENOUGH. I suppose they're throwing money at them to incentivize you, reading this post, to attend.
So tldr on academics (no tldr for campus, sorry); you are either absolutely fucking set from the start or you're not far below that and retain the option to boost that educational value MUCH more than in institutions that wrangle their professors more and are more in the spotlight, or too far away from it. Davis basically IS the Harvard for a few STEM majors. That has an effect on us all. People told me this ahead of time too, but it's another thing to actually experience that. And funding is not an issue here at all (keeping in mind the fact that no public educational institution in this country and even state receives nearly as much public funding as it did a few decades ago).
3: "Energy"
If we delineate between the city & geography (1) and campus & education (2) then three has to be just the energy, and the stuff satellite to those things that complete the experience. Davis really is the school best positioned to say to each their own. I am a person that learns best off of good examples and influences, but that didn't hobble me much here, unlike what I expected. The people are a representation of that "to each..." mantra. You can find plenty of uber passionate, talented and hardworking people here. You can find quite a few extremely fratty people,, the spice of life maybe lmao. You can find many people that just want their quiet consistent little groups. And you can find people that don't care, or just don't care yet. And the most beautiful, you can find people in the middles of those.
The fact that you can find all those populations in equal or at least broadly proportionate amounts is striking, and what makes Davis, Davis. No other university I personally know in California, in the West or East Coast, in the UK or continental Europe is quite like that. Especially with the aforementioned regional amenities pack here. You cannot go wrong with this school. I can see at worst people saying that you can, I have been in moods to say that for sure, but that's a fleeting impression most likely born out of staying in your comfort zone too much. If you need to be poked hella, yeah perhaps you'll need to remember that so you don't slide into the uneventful side of the place, but it's beneficial to have that there in some times.
There's a healthy amount of frats partying, downtown buzzed on all appropriate nights, though I did want more, we now have regular fresh churro stands at night which slaps, there's clubs living it up in their own fields, more than enough new places to eat/study at, lots and lots of classes to try (check out the California Aggie Best Of articles,,, and the California Aggie in general, as a former employee, the paper rocks), lots of credentialed professors, lots of assholes lots of sweethearts (ratemyprof as always), so much campus space to explore and enjoy, and the cherry on top, you don't like that? Here's San Franfuckingsisco an ~ hour away car or no car. Here's Lake goddamn Tahoe just two hours away for a literal privileged lifetime supply of nature and snow sports, and just for fun, here's Yosemite three hours away. A comfortable fun weekend destination. And something like Lake Berryessa 30 min away.
Another shoutout to Sac airport — you receive one of my most favorable airport reviews globally. And you're ~26 minutes away from The Green when I'm not speeding. (The slander on the Green, is utter bs. I'm surprised just as you that it is, but it is all just fake news. Just don't pick the room next to the trash,, or the 1st floor in my personal view. Bugs and noise. Also it literally runs almost 100% on solar, how cool).
No university is as well positioned as this one to make the world feel like your oyster.
If you are just willing to push a little, consistently. Sure, it's not a "statement" youve made it school that just offers itself on a silver platter. But you can make that silver platter on your own. Fuck it make a golden one even. On academics especially, again, it IS a statement school for some majors, and unlike most times this phrase is used, it does trickle down. As a Greek I love and habitually stereotype (and then being proved wrong is a bonus),,, I can't stereotype Davis. Probably the 2nd-3rd time I say that ever. At least not as a whole. There's too many sizeable factions of wildly different lifestyles. Cows? Love em, yeah we're in gorgeous farmland, but we're also home to Picnic Day (one of California's holy trinity of social college events, for good reason) Lawntopia, the Whole Earth Festival, next to Sac and a bit out from The City. Barhopping is far, far from world class in the post-covid era but rebounding and, if there's a pirate themed bar with free caricatures and way too strong cocktails, how bad can it really be? If you're not here for STEM, sure your professors aren't in the news but don't think it's not a competitive job to land here, and that you're not better off as a student with them not being primadonas. The campus itself, with a bike ofc, nothing less than a chef's kiss. Make sure you get in a sunset or a few at the parking structure.
Actual Conclusion:
I will say nothing more but a close and an addition that there's still so, so much more. This is a BIG university that gives. So much. It's so American in that you reach for what you want (though of course we're very liberal and there's so many good people, staff here to help you. Shoutout to my girl Saira Delgado for PoliSci counseling). But as in previous-century Americana especially, the more you reach for here, the exponentially more you get than in other places.
So reach, refuse too small a comfort zone, but stay true to yourself, this is your life you're in the middle of. This is a school that will make you grow in any way you show you want to.
We don't appreciate balanced environments, adaptable to your own preferences enough.
To quote & slightly paraphrase the end of my favorite trilogy as I also say goodbye to this university,
Take what you can, leave nothing behind.
submitted by jasonk98 to UCDavis [link] [comments]