How to see friends i have hidden on facebook

Find the Sniper

2014.10.08 01:00 1sagas1 Find the Sniper

The well camouflaged hiding in plain sight.

2015.08.19 05:39 Vmoney1337 You see, comrade

You see comrade/You see Ivan images.

2014.05.18 14:53 Cougars & MILFS

OC ONLY ❣️Verification not required❣️ Welcome to a great milf page to see both Cougars & Milfs in the same subreddit. All cougars and Milfs are welcome here.

2024.06.10 04:51 These_Passage1395 Ask me anything -10 years of ParaGard

Hi friends! Thought I’d share my experience because I just had my copper IUD removed after 10 years and I found a lot of answers on these threads. Ask me anything and I’m curious how your experience lines up.
I got mine when I was 20, I can’t have any kind of estrogen or other hormonal birth control because I had a severe stroke-like migraine on estrinidiol and my doctor red listed me for any kind of birth control due to clotting risks.
I knew I never wanted kids and the only option for me was the copper IUD. Overall I was happy with what it was and while I did have a lot of the negative side effects I dont think it’s a bad option (especially if the other one is a stroke at 30). The insertion was predictably miserable, and I literally went into “labor” with contractions of my uterus trying to push it out. I was in an insane amount of pain for 2 days before I didn’t have continuous cramps.
The first 6 months-a year I didn’t have a normal period. Spotting constantly or just off by a few days that my cycle didn’t regulate until a year or so. I’d always had bad cramps and long periods so I wouldn’t say they were abnormal for me, but since I haven’t had a “natural” period in almost 15 years I don’t know what my real cycle is. Definitely long, definitely painful. I’ve seen a lot about bloating being exacerbated by the IUD and that tracks in my experience.
I didn’t see a reason to remove it and I couldn’t do anything but get my tubes tied instead but I was “too young” at the time, so I had it for 10 years. Cycle definitely normalized in the later years but I did have an ectopic pregnancy (thankfully didn’t need surgery) so there’s that. :/
As for the symptoms: My skin always breaks out on my chin terribly during PMS, I strongly suspect I have PMDD based on my insane mood swings (might just be me), and I would get outrageously tired a day or two into my period and need a whole day to sleep sometimes.
So finally after I hit 10 years and 30, I got my tubes removed (another story time) and my IUD removed a week later. There was scar tissue on my cervix where the string had kind of grown in so they basically ripped that out, no anesthesia of course, and that was it. Besides that initial pain it was not bad, like cramps for an hour. The only weird thing is I had random dark spotting today (2 week from removing) and I already had my period, but I think it’s normal.
I’d never talk someone out of getting it though, I still think it’s the best long term option for people like me who really don’t want kids and can’t use other hormonal alternatives.
RIP Hilda
submitted by These_Passage1395 to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:50 sameed_a how does reframing improve time management?

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself completely swamped at work, with deadlines looming and a gnawing feeling of anxiety that I simply didn’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done. I felt overwhelmed, like I was on a sinking ship and the water just kept pouring in faster than I could bail it out.
That's when I stumbled upon the concept of reframing. Reframing is all about changing your perspective. It’s about looking at the same situation from a different angle, or through a different lens, and seeing something new. I decided to give it a try.
Instead of seeing my constantly crowded inbox as an unscalable mountain, I reframed it as an opportunity. An opportunity to handle diverse projects, engage with different people and learn new things.
Suddenly, my mental model was clear. Managing time wasn’t about handling multiple tasks at once or working at a frantic pace. It was about choosing which task was important and giving it my full focus.
I started to organize my tasks in terms of importance and urgency. Instead of trying to do a bit of everything and ending up achieving nothing, I would tackle one task at a time, complete it and then move on. This meant that some things would have to wait, but that was okay because I was on top of what truly mattered.
This shift in perspective worked wonders. I still had the same amount of work, the same deadlines, but now I had a strategy. I was in control and not at the mercy of my inbox. I found that I could work less hectically and yet get more done.
I started to enjoy the feeling of ticking tasks off my list and seeing the progress I was making. My stress levels dropped dramatically, and I had more time for leisure and recharging. Who knew that a simple shift in perspective could have such powerful effects?
So, my friends, if anyone is struggling with time management, perhaps it’s time to try reframing. Look at your task, not as a burden, but as an opportunity. And remember, it's not just about doing things right, but doing the right things.
P.S. Just to be clear, this story is a mix of fact and fiction, designed to illustrate how mental models can change the game. But believe me, the reframing part – that’s as real as it gets! I may or may not have exaggerated about being totally at peace with my inbox, but hey, a guy can dream, right?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:50 baduCleo Hanging out with 19yo as a 25yo?

I’m a 25M and just this year I met this 19yo girl at theatre class, and we bonded a lot, especially because we were both going through dark times and we supported each other. Straight forward 6 months, I kinda saw her as a younger sister, which is crazy since we’ve known each other for only 9 months before that. But anyways, we would talk about anything, texting, or over the phone, at class and so on. Fast forward 3 months I sometimes invited her to some hangouts with my friends, which I didn’t have any actual problem in doing it. I also met her best friend and sometimes like hung out together. Then it happened that she invited me to a night out with her friends, and I did feel a little bit uncomfortable at the idea of it, I mean it would be weird showing up in the middle of a group of 19/20yos as a 25yo! This was just up until we met because from then on it was all pretty cool we went clubbing and had fun, just as I would with my other older friends.
I’ve had someone pointing me out that me hanging it out with those two 19yo seemed weird and a little bit immature. I honestly think that if we bonded it means we’re compatible and idk does it make me really immature?
Now I’ve asked some of my friends if it was actually weird for me to hang out with that much younger people, not that I needed validation but I just wanted to make sure this was not some sort of unhealthy thing I’m doing. And I’ve heard pretty contrasting opinions.
Is there anything wrong with what I’m doing? I mean I do have fun with people my age, I have plenty of people with my same age or older I go out with, but I don’t know its a different type of fun with these 2 19yo, it’s the just the kind of friend I wish I had, but unluckily (for how some people see it) she’s 6 years younger.
I honestly don’t see a problem, but even drug addicts don’t see a problem in what they’re doing, but it still something that it’s not healthy to do and has some underlying problems
submitted by baduCleo to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:49 Unacceptable-Death I just need to get this out.

I’m 26 and I am lonely.
I live at home with my family who always find ways to make me feel like garbage. Living here is just walking on eggshells and I can’t relax.
My friends all live super far away, some I’ve lost touch with, some I talk to online, some I play dnd with over discord weekly. My best friend is the only one I see in person but it’s only about 4-5 times a year cause I have work and he has school.
Everything in my area is closing, you need to drive at least 30 minutes to get groceries let alone do anything, so meeting people is difficult.
I can tell at my job I’m basically a background character to everyone. They only seek me out if they need something and anytime I try to talk and joke around with them it’s super awkward, and my anxiety doesn’t help. I also have a physical issue that I’m embarrassed about that limits things I’m able to do/how I interact with people. I’m in therapy but it’s slow going, I’m making progress though, so that’s good.
I just needed to vent for a minute cause this was weighing on my mind and my therapist is off atm.
submitted by Unacceptable-Death to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:48 DramaticImprovement Search button on iOS app

My friend has an iPhone and could not find the search button/magnifier on their screen. Is it available for iOS or is it hidden away somewhere compared to android iOS.
I have an android and see it on the upper right when I open Signal. And also I see it when I open a conversation so that I can look within the chat for keywords.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by DramaticImprovement to signal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:47 Daisy_Main Full Inscryption chapter concept

New Survivor - Luke Carder
A socially anxious content creator, Luke found himself wrapped up in a dark conspiracy after the discovery of a floppy disk in the woods. His perks Boon: Of the Magpies Eye, Pack Opening, and Tip the Scales show his strange expertise and knowledge from his past life.
Survivor Perks
Boon: Of The Magpie’s Eye
Pack Opening
- After searching a chest, you roll 2/3/4 more random items outside of the chest. After picking up one of these items, the remaining items can only be picked up by your teammates 
Tip The Scales
Sacrifices must be made - You are able to Rummage in chests - Rummaging through a chest will give you the Dagger temporary item. - Upon using the dagger, you will gouge out your eye. While gouging you scream and reveal your current location briefly. After gouging your eye, you are permanently inflicted with the blindness status effect for the remainder of the trial, constantly leave 50/40/30% more frequent blood pools for the remainder of the trial even while healthy, and make injured noises at 50/40/30% of the normal volume while healthy. - When your eye has been gouged, you remove 1 hook stage you have accumulated, and your hook progresses 20% faster. - Using the Dagger when you have not been hooked a single time has no effect, but still applies all negative benefits - You can only use one dagger per trial, and only 2 daggers can be used amongst all survivors
New Killer - The Scrybes
4 legends of card creation, The Scrybes found themselves in a new realm following the deletion and destruction of their old one. Their perks Corrupted Data, New Game Plus, and Herd Mentality allow them to manipulate the normal rules of a trial
Killer Perks
Despite your differences, you work together in dire moments
New Game Plus
You’re trapped in an endless cycle of blood and hooks
“So let us dance. For we shall be meeting our makers soon.” - Magnificus
Corrupted Data
D̸̘͛O̴̰̐ ̸̦͇̔͘Ǹ̸̢͇͠O̴̜̱̐T̴̖̑͝ ̵̗͖̀̍Ṯ̴́Ȯ̸̩̃Ủ̶̯̆͜C̵̡̛̝̋H̸̯͒T̶̤̓Ḩ̷͑̍Ẻ̶͍ ̴̯͘͜Ö̶̦́̓L̴̳͚̀D̶̯̥͆ ̴̫̈́D̸̤̿͛Á̶͙͈T̵͈͕͛͠A̵̬̿
“Why not simply eject the disk, Luke? Spare me and whatever is left?” - Magnificus
Power - Methods of Inscryption
Up- Leshy’s camera
Cooldown - 15 seconds
Right - P03’s Particle Scanner
Cooldown - 130 seconds
Down - Grimora’s quill and epitaph
Cooldown - 60 econds
Left - Magnificus’ brush
Cooldown - 15 seconds
Special Status Effect - Inscribed
“Another challenger... it has been ages. Perhaps you have forgotten how this game is played. Allow me to remind you.” - Leshy
Addons - Brown
Starvation card - When all powers are on cooldown, regain all powers at a 25% faster rate
“The battle had taken a toll on you. Your supply of new creatures was exhausted. Starvation began to set in...” - Leshy
Gravedigger card - Reduces the cooldown of Grimora’s Quill and Epitaph by 4 seconds
Orange Mox Card - Decreases the spacing of the Paint attack’s projectiles by 1 meter
Empty Cell Card - Removes the brief move speed penalty after ending early or failing The Factory chase
Addons - Yellow
Geck Card - Leshy’s camera is instantly recharged if it doesn’t connect with a survivor
Necromancer Card - Survivors who have a Skeleton summoned within 16 meters of them gain a stack of Inscribed.
49er Card - If the killer injures a survivor with a basic attack while in The Factory, the survival timer increases by 3 seconds
Blue Mox Card - Reduces the amount of time needed to fully charge a Paint attack by 1 second
Squirrel Card - Hitting a survivor with a Camera Flash reduces all other cooldowns by 6 seconds
Mage Knight Card - Hitting a survivor with a Paint Attack reduces all other cooldowns by 6 seconds
Addons - Green
Cockroach Card - Getting stunned by any means reduces all current cooldowns by 10 seconds
Double Gunner Card - Using the Particle Scanner causes all other survivors not brought to The Factory but still hit by the scan to be inflicted with Blindness for 45 seconds
Bone Heap Card - Any time a survivor enters the dying state, instantly recharge the Quill and Epitaph - Increases the maximum amount of skeletons by 1
Green Mox Card - Paint attack projectiles bounce off the environment once
Strange Larvae Card - Survivors who complete a generator gain one stack of Inscribed
“A largely unimpressive specimen” - Leshy
Addons - Purple
Urayuli Card - Flashes from Leshy’s camera ignore walls and obstacles
“The level of strength needs no explanation.” - Leshy
Stinkbug Card - If a skeleton has survived for 15 seconds, when within 24 meters of that skeleton, gain the Undetectable status effect
“I wasn't sure if I would ever escape that Iron Crypt.”- Stinkbug
Stoat Card - The Scrybes keep the maximum lunge increase for the remainder of the trial after successfully downing a survivor in The Factory
“Bad move.” - Stoat
Stunted Wolf Card - After standing still for 2 seconds while painting, the Paint Attack ignores walls
“Our player friend here...they already hold the key....” - Stunted Wolf
Iridescent Inscryption Floppy Disk
An Entity created copy of the game Inscryption
“I think I just beat him!” - Luke Carder
“Weak cards. Total lack of synergy. This pile really doesn’t stand a chance against me.” - P03
submitted by Daisy_Main to PerkByDaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:46 New_Nail2848 Is this dude not into me?

How did this date go? if he wants to take it slow is that good or bad sign?
We’ve only kissed. He’s technically in my friend group. Known each other but never did anything. In fact, most of the time we would be arguing. Which was probably bc there was an attraction and tension. I didn’t notice at the time. But recently we had a moment where we talked for hours and it was nice.
I think I may have made him a little uncertain bc I kept saying I wasn’t sure if we should go on a date. I was scared. He was technically in my friend group and I know he’s hooked up with another girl on my friend group but they’re not a thing. It was a hook up and that’s all. So I got worried he might think we would do the same with me.
But he was sweet. He was respectful and didn’t do anything to make me uncomfortable. He didn’t try kissing me or anything that night. But he did ask me out. We went to dinner and I think we both had a good time but I got the sense he had his guard up a bit.
I asked why. He said he feels like we have a great time together but is worried that we would argue all the time. Bc we do argue a little but mostly it’s been playful. So he wants to first see where this goes. I said I agree we’re both very passionate people but that I was a little disappointed bc he wasn’t as affectionate as he was that night. He told me it’s bc in the past he’s been burned when he went all in. He said bc of his past he now takes things slow. And I told him that I want to pursued and not question or not if you like me. Bc it did feel like “does he want me?” he started asking my hypothetical questions too.
Like about how I would react if had to leave for a bit bc he’s in the military. He asked me about marriage and such. I answered honestly and he seemed happy about my answers. But at the same time I could see there was still a wall there. It just made me sad. We kissed at the end of the date and he told me to text him when I got home. I told him I don’t expect us to talk everyday but when he does reach out I don’t like to be left on read. Bc one time he did that and it bothered me. He said okay.
We kissed, said goodnight. He said he wanted to go again but didn’t make plans. That was Friday.
Today I sent him my number bc he only messages me through Snapchat bc I don’t like giving out my number unless I feel comfortable. I sent it to him he said “woah I finally got it 😂” and I said “yeah I had fun during our date.” He said “yeah it was a good time. I had fun” not adding much to the convo at all.
I’m so confused he was all over me and now he’s playing hot and cold?
So, how did this date go? Am I over thinking? or is this a waste of time?
submitted by New_Nail2848 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:45 imsatansson Accidentally knocked robins nest from tree.

My friend came over to help take down a tree in my yard, and unfortunately despite our best efforts of looking, when we removed a portion of branches we saw a nest attached. The (presumably) mother flew away. We made the judgment call to move the nest to a bush about 10 feet away, nestled in slightly so they didn’t have the hot sun on them. Is there anything else I can do to aid this nest? Will the mother return? I feel absolutely awful and want to do whatever I can to increase their chances of survival. For what it’s worth, the baby birds have feathers and don’t look to be extremely young. I have a few questions as well.
1.) How long should I wait before determining mom has indeed abandoned the nest?
2.) Would the nest be better suited sitting on top of the bush for viability’s sake? I feared the hot sun or a local predator may get them had we not put the nest below the branch line, but now fear mom may not see them.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
submitted by imsatansson to Ornithology [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:44 Bimefrenchfries02 AITA for feeling like my friendship is one-sided? (Part 2)

I've never posted on Reddit so apologize if my story has been hard to follow. Anyway thanks again for reading my story. I ask that all responses be respectful, please.
A Significant Event: The most hurtful incident was when my uncle died suddenly. I didn’t respond to anyone for almost a week because his passing was so sudden. When I apologized to my friends and explained about my uncle, everyone except Todd acknowledged my loss. He started talking about himself instead.
Thinking he might not have received my message, I replied, but he didn’t respond. Then I saw a concerning post of his, and it worried me, so I checked in on him. He didn't respond for a few days, so I followed up with a voice note. I told him I just wanted to know if he was okay, and that I’d give him all the space he needed. I just asked if he could let me know he's okay.
When he finally did reply, he said he was busy and promised we would talk, but more days passed without contact.
I changed my number not too long after that since I just moved to a new state. I messaged him, and he seemed happy to hear from me. We flirted and talked a bit, but it quickly returned to the same pattern of brief, unengaging conversations. The last straw was when he sent me a text, I responded, and he said nothing.
A Confrontation: I finally asked him if we could talk. I told him how I felt—that it seemed like he didn’t want to engage in conversation with me anymore and that our connection was fading. I was sad because we hadn’t had real conversations in a while, just the same repetitive questions about our days. I suggested scheduling phone calls once or twice a month, thinking it might help us bond without overwhelming each other. I made it clear I wasn’t upset and didn’t blame him for anything.
Todd’s Response: He responded by saying he felt punished and criticized, and that he couldn’t handle conversations about life’s hardships, even though I never said that’s what I wanted. He felt I was only considering myself and not him, which isn’t true. He also claimed no one inquires about his struggles, which is not true. At least in my case. I've often put aside my feelings to make sure he knows he's loved.
My Dilemma: I see a pattern where whenever I express my feelings, he feels attacked. Despite understanding he’s going through a lot, I feel it’s unfair for him to expect me to navigate his needs without clear communication. Now, he wants to do phone calls, but I can’t stomach talking to him after he downplayed our friendship and ignored my uncle’s passing.
I’m heartbroken and contemplating ending our friendship. I’ve tried to fix things, but it seems like nothing I do makes a difference. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Should I end things with him? I really need advice.
[Link to Part 1 in the comments]
submitted by Bimefrenchfries02 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:44 Mountain_Ad_987 Scared to leave my partner because dating is so so hard

I know I need to break up with my bf. We’ve only been dating for like 2 months and there’s already so many red flags. We have completely different political views, he has a lot of internalized homophobia, drunk drives, and dumbs all his emotional problems on me. But he’s the first partner I’ve ever had that genuinely treated me like a man.
Prior to this I was single for a good two years despite trying to get out there. My last relationship ended because my ex wanted to date cis men and “have the real deal”. It’s been so so hard dating. It’s been so many chasers or people who just weren’t attracted to my body.
I’m so sick of being single but I really can’t stay in this relationship. I’ve seen a handful of success stories online but all the trans friends I have irl (some of them are in their 30s and 40s) are all single for the same reason.
I’d move to a more progressive area if I had the money but otherwise I just don’t see what else there is to do. I never get any matches on dating apps and meeting people irl is a dice roll. If you managed to find a long term relationship since coming out how did it happen? Do you live in a progressive area or just get lucky?
submitted by Mountain_Ad_987 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:43 aaishakallier AITAH for wanting to fly my cat across the world?

I (31f) and my partner (30m) have been traveling a bit for the past like...4 or 5 years. Now, I am someone who needs to be grounded In someway or another so I usually turn to Animals I.e. cats. The first move to Korea, forced me to leave my first cat with my mom (which was ok because he definitely prefered my mom over me). While In Korea, I came across an abandoned kitten on the highway and was planning just fostering her but my heart is the death of me and I thought we would be staying in korea for at least 2 or 3 years to save up money for a house.
Boy, was I wrong. My partner decided to apply to a prestigious school in Switzerland without discussing it with me and dropping the news that we was accepted, I infront of our friends who where so excited and happy while I was shell shocked...he got made that I wasn't happy for him lol
Now, what to do with cat #2? Switzerland is expensive and I couldn't afford to fly her over so because our courses (I had yo scramble my way into an art academy) were only a year, I left her with a good and trustworthy friend.
Covid happened and visas ran out so we had to go back home to South Africa. Cat #1 and cat#2 are both still extremely happy and chubby where they are and I visit when I can.
Fast forward to now, we're back in korea. I'm 31 with not even a tootsy roll to my name. I don't want children but I do want to settle down and have a home and stuff like that. So my plan is to save. However, I have sever depression and anxiety and I take meds and am seeing Dr's etc, my heart feels empty without cat #3. I'm like a Pokémon trainer I just collect cats.
Yes I know I can rescue one from here but that comes with it's own issues and costs which I figured, I can just use to bring the only cat that I feel misses me as much as I miss her over. I've done soooo much research and am working with travel agents for pets.
My partner keeeeeeps flip flopping on the idea and reminds me of how selfish I am to uproot her and we can here to save and it's so expensive to fly her over. I'm using my own money and I'm resigning my contract even if he doesn't want to. I'm trying to make something of myself without just having yo follow him around on his whims and fancies.
Am I the ass hole for feeling that I need to fly my cat to south Korea (I WILL be here for 2 years minimum)
submitted by aaishakallier to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:42 GhoulGriin Best Flower Soap Dispensers

Best Flower Soap Dispensers
Discover the delightful world of Flower Soap Dispensers! In this roundup, we'll be showcasing a stunning array of scented floral soaps dispensed through delicate, intricately designed dispensers. From the most fragrant lavender to the refreshing scent of citrus, explore the wide range of options to enliven your senses and elevate your daily bathing routine. Let us take you on an aromatic journey – read on for the ultimate selection of Flower Soap Dispensers that will transform your shower experience.

The Top 12 Best Flower Soap Dispensers

  1. Stylish Debossed Flower Soap Dispenser with Crackle Glaze - Bring the farmhouse charm indoors with this multicolor debossed floral soap dispenser, featuring a reactive crackle glaze finish and a neutral stoneware design.
  2. Natural Stoneware Holland Floral Soap Dispenser - Elevate your soap storage with the beautiful, natural glazed stoneware SKL Home Holland Floral Soap Dispenser, featuring an intricate watercolor floral design and perfect for holding your favorite lotion or liquid soap.
  3. Floral Stoneware Soap Dispenser with Hand-Stamped Design - Elevate your décor with this multicolor floral hand-stamped stoneware soap dispenser, perfect for any bathroom or kitchen.
  4. Stylish Ceramic Sunflower Hand-Painted Soap Dispenser with 550ml/18oz Capacity - Beautify your bathroom with the enchanting Ceramic Sunflower Hand Painted Soap Dispenser, combining traditional hand-painted techniques and unique floral décor, all within a spacious 18oz capacity.
  5. Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder with Resin Base - Introducing the Bath & Body Works Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder - a stunning blend of natural beauty and sparkle, specifically designed for use with Bath & Body Works Gentle Foaming Hand Soaps.
  6. Clear Glass Flower Soap Dispenser Bottle with Plastic Pump - Brighten your space with the Topadorn 17oz Flower Glass Soap Dispenser Bottle, featuring a practical plastic pump perfect for liquid soap, lotion, and more.
  7. Floral 17oz Glass Soap Dispenser for Modern Bathroom Accessories - Add a touch of romance to your home with these stylish 17oz flower theme glass soap dispensers, boasting a wide opening for refills and practical design to accommodate liquid soaps.
  8. Vintage Blush Pink Floral Hedge Soap Lotion Pump - Introducing the captivating Floral Hedge Lotion Pump in blush pink, a vintage-inspired bathroom essential adorned with charming floral motifs and reminiscent of classic elegance, perfect for elevating your luxurious spa experience.
  9. Vintage-Inspired Distressed Floral Soap Dispenser with Blue/White Pastel Accents - Elevate your bath time with this vintage-inspired, carve flower madeleine soap dispenser, featuring a unique distressed floral design and smooth pump action to dispense lotion or soap, creating a distinctive rustic touch to any bathroom decor.
  10. Turquoise Floral Resin Soap Pump with Silver Edge Detail - Enhance your rustic home with the Tough 1 Turquoise Floral Soap Pump, featuring a 7 3/8" height and a stylish silver edge detail on a 2 3/4" wide leather-look design. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your daily soap routine.
  11. Floral Foam Soap Dispenser for Multiple Daily Necessities - The versatile and eco-friendly Flower Liquid Soap Dispenser boasts a stunning floral design, suitable for a wide range of daily necessities and perfect for both bathrooms and kitchens.
  12. Vern Yip London Floral Lotion/Soap Dispenser - Add a touch of elegance to your bathroom with the SKL Home Vern Yip London Floral Soap/Lotion Dispenser, featuring a stunning glazed ceramic design and versatile function for any liquid soap or lotion.
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🔗Stylish Debossed Flower Soap Dispenser with Crackle Glaze
I recently added this Creative Co-op debossed stoneware floral soap dispenser to my bathroom, and I must say, it's been a game changer. The multicolor debossed floral design adds a touch of soft nature to my space, while the reactive crackle glaze finish gives it a rustic farmhouse feel. Standing at seven inches tall, it definitely makes a statement.
One thing I noticed about this dispenser is that it's made from 100% stoneware. While it's undeniably sturdy, it's also quite heavy. I had to be careful when positioning it on the countertop. Another minor downside is that the soap dispenser itself doesn't include a stone riser, which I think would've added a nice, cohesive touch to the overall design.
Despite these minor issues, I'm really happy with this purchase. It's unique, stylish, and adds character to my bathroom. It's a great way to curate a space that reflects my personal style, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a statement piece for their bathroom or kitchen.

🔗Natural Stoneware Holland Floral Soap Dispenser
I recently tried the SKL Home Holland Floral Soap Dispenser, and I must say, it's quite a statement piece for any bathroom. The glazed ivory finish, adorned with a watercolor-like floral design and accentuated by antique bronze trim, exudes elegance and a touch of nature.
However, while I appreciated the sturdiness of the stone and its size, I encountered a minor issue: the dispenser seemed to chip slightly after a few weeks of use. Despite this setback, the overall design and appeal of the product made it a visually appealing and functional addition to my bathroom.
With a diverse range of products, from bath accessories to home decor, SKL Home successfully caters to a variety of styles and preferences. Whether you're looking to add a pop of color or a touch of tranquility, their products are sure to elevate the atmosphere of your living space.

🔗Floral Stoneware Soap Dispenser with Hand-Stamped Design
Last week, I stumbled upon the floral stoneware soap dispenser and I couldn't resist adding it to my bathroom décor. The hand-stamped floral design truly stands out, bringing a playful touch to the space. I appreciate that it's made of 100% stoneware, which gives it a pleasant weight and feel.
One concern was its dimensions, as it turned out to be larger than I anticipated. While it's not a major issue, it's something to consider if you have limited counter space. Nevertheless, I'm pleased with how it adds character to my bathroom. This little gem is a great conversation starter and serves its function well.
Incorporating this floral stoneware soap dispenser into my home décor has been a delightful experience. The unique design and high-quality construction have made it a valuable addition to my kitchen and bathroom.

🔗Stylish Ceramic Sunflower Hand-Painted Soap Dispenser with 550ml/18oz Capacity
I recently tried the Ceramic Sunflower Hand Painted Soap Dispenser in my bathroom, and it instantly added a touch of charm. The 550ml/18oz capacity is perfect for daily use and keeps bathroom essentials neat and organized. The soap bottle has a pump head and a plastic tube, providing easy dispensing.
The only downside is that it's not entirely hand-painted, but the combination of decals and hand-painted techniques makes it unique in my eyes. I'd certainly recommend adding this dispenser to your sunny morning ritual.

🔗Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder with Resin Base
I've been using the Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder at my kitchen sink and I must say, it adds a touch of elegance to the room. The resin base and brushed nickel finish make it look like a fancy accessory, while the glitter and faux gemstone accents sparkle like a dazzling gemstone necklace.
One of the things I appreciate most about this soap holder is its stability. Unlike other soap holders I've tried, it doesn't tip over or slide around, even when you fill it with soap. The flat base and the design keep it securely in place, which is a huge plus for me since I'm always in a rush to wash my hands.
However, there is one downside to using this product. It seems to rust quite easily. Not just the base, but the inside metal parts as well. I wish the manufacturer would've used a rust-resistant material for the base and the soap dispenser part. This would've made this product even better.
Despite the rusting issue, the Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder still makes a strong impression. It's a great addition to any bathroom or kitchen and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to my friends. It adds a hint of luxury and sophistication, turning an everyday task into a little ritual of self-care.

🔗Clear Glass Flower Soap Dispenser Bottle with Plastic Pump
As a reviewer, I must admit that the first time I used the Topadorn 17oz Flower Glass Soap Dispenser, I was absolutely delighted by its whimsical design. The colorful, handcrafted flower patterns brought a touch of elegance to my daily routine.
One of the main features that stood out to me was the versatility of the product. Not only could it be used for liquid soaps, but it also worked with lotions, dish soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and even hand sanitizer. I loved how convenient it was to use daily, without any hassle.
However, there was a slight downside to the product - the pump, while beautifully plated, was a bit delicate and required more precision when refilling the bottle. Additionally, the small size meant that it wasn't the most suitable option for larger families or environments.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I found that the Topadorn Flower Glass Soap Dispenser was a perfect addition to any bathroom or kitchen setting, and its unique design made it an ideal gift for someone special. All in all, I highly recommend this bottle for those seeking a touch of romance and practicality in their everyday routine.

🔗Floral 17oz Glass Soap Dispenser for Modern Bathroom Accessories
Imagine walking into your bathroom, greeted by the sight of two stunning flower-adorned glass soap dispensers. Each one holds 17 ounces of your favorite liquid soap, lotion, dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, or hand sanitizer. The ABS plastic pump is designed to sit securely in the liquid, while its plating coating adds an extra touch of elegance.
Refilling these sleek dispensers is a breeze, thanks to their wide opening and easy-to-use design. And don't worry about their versatility - they're perfect for your bathroom, kitchen, or office toilet. The 3.1-inch diameter and 8.2-inch height make them the ideal size for any countertop.
In terms of aesthetics, these flower-themed dispensers will instantly elevate the romantic atmosphere of your home, transforming ordinary soap into a luxurious treat. They're a fantastic choice for any bathroom, guest room, or kitchen. You'll love the unique yellow accessory that adds a pop of color to your space while providing a functional, modern touch. Simply rinse with water or a neutral wash, and dry with a cloth for optimal results.
This set of two makes a perfect gift for close friends or relatives, showcasing your thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Plus, they're a great choice for those looking to elevate their bathroom or kitchen experience with a touch of sophistication.

🔗Vintage Blush Pink Floral Hedge Soap Lotion Pump
Last week, I decided to revamp my bathroom decor and stumbled upon the Floral Hedge Lotion Pump by Allure Home Creation. The first thing I fell in love with was the blush pink color, which added a touch of elegance to my countertop. As I started to use it, I couldn't help but appreciate the intricate floral patterns surrounding the beaded edges of the glass dispenser.
To give credit where it's due, the glass dispenser was sturdy and had weight to it—a plus in my book. But, as much as I loved it, I couldn't shake off the concern that the plastic pump would break down faster than I would like it to. I hope, for the sake of the product, that the plastic issue is a one-off problem, as I wouldn't want to see it break down prematurely.
Overall, the Floral Hedge Lotion Pump is truly a work of art and a lovely addition to my bathroom. However, addressing the concerns with the plastic pump would definitely enhance the product and keep it running smoothly for a longer time.

🔗Vintage-Inspired Distressed Floral Soap Dispenser with Blue/White Pastel Accents
Imagine a cozy morning routine with the warm embrace of a vintage-inspired countertop soap dispenser. The Madeleine, featuring a distressed floral carving, adds a touch of charm to your rustic decor. Its blue/white pastel hue complements any bathroom or kitchen design, while the cold cast ceramic construction ensures durability.
During my daily use, I appreciated the Madeleine's easy-to-use pump mechanism that dispensed liquid soap with a simple press. The pump head didn't leak, making for a clean and mess-free experience. Its versatility allowed me to use it not only for soap but also as a lotion dispenser.
One drawback I encountered was the difficulty in cleaning the pump mechanism, as its narrow neck made it a bit challenging to reach inside. However, this minor inconvenience wasn't enough to overshadow the overall aesthetic and functionality of the Madeleine.
Now, whenever I reach for my favorite hand soap, the Madeleine adds a touch of vintage charm to my morning routine. Its sturdy construction and effortless dispensing make it a valuable addition to any home.

🔗Turquoise Floral Resin Soap Pump with Silver Edge Detail
I've had the pleasure of using the Tough 1 Turquoise Floral Soap Pump in my daily life, and it certainly has added a touch of elegance to my home decor. The silver edge detail really stands out, making it the perfect accent for a rustic-themed space. At 7 3/8 inches tall and 2 3/4 inches wide, it's a statement piece that will definitely draw attention.
The resin construction feels sturdy and well-made, ensuring that the soap pump will last for a long time. However, I did notice that the soap dispenser can be a bit finicky when it comes to releasing the soap. It took a bit of trial and error to get the right amount of pressure for a smooth soap flow.
Overall, the Tough 1 Turquoise Floral Soap Pump is a beautiful addition to any home, especially if you're looking to incorporate a bit of western charm. Despite the minor issue with the soap dispensing, I would definitely recommend this product for its unique design and quality construction.

🔗Floral Foam Soap Dispenser for Multiple Daily Necessities
I've been using the Flower Soap Dispenser for a few weeks now, and it's become a staple in my bathroom. The floral design definitely adds a touch of elegance and I love its functionality. The leak-proof pump has made my morning routine a bit more convenient as I no longer have to worry about drippy hands.
One downside is the plastic material, which feels a bit cheap compared to the price. However, the 300ml capacity has been quite sufficient for my daily needs.
Overall, this Flower Soap dispenser is a cute addition to any bathroom set-up and has made my soap application a little more enjoyable. Given the eco-friendly nature of the product, it's definitely got a thumbs up from me.

🔗Vern Yip London Floral Lotion/Soap Dispenser
I recently tried the London Floral Dispenser from the Vern Yip by SKL Home Collection, and I must say, it's a beautiful addition to my bathroom. The dispenser is made of glazed ceramic with a charming floral leaf design, giving it a unique and eye-catching look. It's perfect for holding liquid soap or lotion, making it super convenient for daily use.
One of the best things about it is that it's 100% stoneware, which means it's durable and can withstand everyday wear and tear. Plus, the metal pump ensures smooth and easy dispensing of your favorite products. The only downside is that it's quite heavy, so it might not be the best choice if you're looking for something that's easy to move around.
Overall, I'm thrilled with this London Floral Dispenser. It adds a touch of elegance to my bathroom while serving its purpose efficiently. If you're looking for a stylish and functional dispenser to upgrade your bathroom, this one's definitely worth checking out.

Buyer's Guide

A flower soap dispenser, also known as a soap pump, adds a touch of elegance to any bathroom or kitchen. Not only do they look great, but they also make refilling your soap simple and easy. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. This guide will help you understand the important features to consider when purchasing a flower soap dispenser, as well as provide advice for choosing the perfect product.

One of the first things to consider is the material of the soap dispenser. Common materials include plastic, glass, and metal. Glass dispensers can be quite attractive, but they may be more delicate than plastic and require more careful handling. Metal dispensers, on the other hand, can be durable but may be more expensive.

Flow Control

An essential feature of any flower soap dispenser is the flow control mechanism. This allows you to control the rate at which the soap flows out, helping you use the correct amount for each wash. Look for dispensers with adjustable flow control settings so you can easily customize the amount of soap you use.


Consider the capacity of the flower soap dispenser as well. Smaller dispensers are more compact and may be suitable for smaller spaces or infrequent use. Larger dispensers, on the other hand, can accommodate more soap and are ideal for high-traffic areas or frequent use.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Choose a dispenser that is easy to clean and maintain. Dispensers with removable parts or those that are easy to disassemble can be cleaned more effectively. It's also a good idea to choose a dispenser with materials that are resistant to mold and mildew to ensure its longevity.

Design and Aesthetics

Aesthetic is an important factor when choosing a flower soap dispenser. Consider the style and look of the dispenser to ensure it fits well with your décor. Some dispensers feature designs that resemble flowers, while others have a more minimalist look. Choose the one that best suits your space and personal taste.

Price and Value for Money
Finally, consider your budget and the value for money you're looking for. Flower soap dispensers come in a range of prices, so there are options available to suit most budgets. It's essential to find a balance between quality, features, and price so you can get the best possible value for your money.
Remember, a flower soap dispenser is both functional and decorative. By taking the time to consider the features that are most important to you, you can find the perfect dispenser for your needs. Happy shopping!


What are Flower Soap Dispensers?

Flower Soap Dispensers are decorative containers used to hold soap and dispense it, typically by squeezing or pumping the bottle. These dispensers often have a floral design and are used to add a touch of style to bathrooms or kitchens.

What are the benefits of using a Flower Soap Dispenser?

  • They are convenient and hygienic, as the user doesn't need to directly touch the soap.
  • Flower Soap Dispensers add an aesthetic appeal to the room.
  • They help to conserve soap, as they dispense only the amount needed.
  • They can also enhance the scent of the room, as many flower soap dispensers come with built-in scent diffusers.

What types of materials are Flower Soap Dispensers made from?

Flower Soap Dispensers can be made from various materials such as plastic, glass, ceramic, or metal, depending on the design and function desired.

Are Flower Soap Dispensers easy to clean?

Yes, they are generally easy to clean. To clean a Flower Soap Dispenser, you can remove the soap and wash it with warm soapy water, then rinse it thoroughly. Some designs may be more difficult to clean, so it's best to refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper cleaning.

Can I get Flower Soap Dispensers in different colors and styles?

Yes, there are many different colors and styles available in the market, catering to various preferences and bathroom decor themes. Some Flower Soap Dispensers even come with matching accessories such as taps and decorative elements.

How do I choose the right Flower Soap Dispenser for my bathroom or kitchen?

  • Consider the design and color that will match your bathroom or kitchen decor.
  • Evaluate the size of the dispenser, ensuring it will fit on your counter or sink space.
  • Look for features such as a pump action or a push dispenser, depending on your preference.
  • Determine the type of soap you will be using with the dispenser, as some are designed for specific soap types.
  • Check the overall durability and quality of the dispenser to ensure it will last for a long period.
  • Consider the cost, as there are many options available at various price points.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:42 Bimefrenchfries02 AITA for feeling like my friendship is one-sided? (Part 1)

I’ve submitted this post under a different title on another subreddit. (AITA for feeling like my friend neglects me?) I feel that title wasnt the best to use so I changed it. Btw I have never used Reddit before but I really need advice. I ask that all responses be respectful, please.

Backstory: I (23F) and my friend Todd (35M) have always been very close. We met last year in May, and our long-distance relationship (LDR) has had its ups and downs. Initially, we explored a romantic relationship, but that ended because he didn’t want a relationship and wasn’t sure when he would. He only expressed this months later, after I caught feelings. He told me this after I suggested we have dates via Facetime, which he felt was “too serious.” I contemplated ending things then but didn't, feeling naive and clinging to my feelings. We took dates off the table, and I eventually accepted that he wouldn't be ready to date anytime soon. Even though we were still “seeing where things go” by August/September, he started treating me differently, as if we were just friends. It was clear we weren't platonic, so why was I being treated like a friend? Looking back, it was obvious he did not want me, but at the time, I was confused.
We decided to just be friends, agreeing that we could revisit dating if I were still open when he felt ready. However, things didn’t stay platonic, and we continued to interact as if we were in a relationship. I felt you all deserve some backstory on how things started before diving into my most recent dilemma.
Recent Issues: About three months ago, we both were going through a lot and decided to give each other the space we needed, while still checking up on one another occasionally. Todd needed more space than I did, which I understood, so I would check on him every few days to show I cared. I was also dealing with some of the worst days of my life but chose not to share everything with Todd because I didn’t want to worry him. Even now, he doesn't know everything I struggled with this year.
By mid-April, Todd started messaging me again, and since he never mentioned when he needed space, I interacted with him as usual. My birthday is in April, and I was excited to talk to him on my birthday.
When my birthday came, he forgot it. I was hurt and told him about it, but also made sure he knew I wasn’t upset with him. To my surprise, he got upset with me, feeling like I was saying he doesn’t celebrate me and isn’t a good friend. He also mentioned wanting to withdraw and not talk to anyone. I panicked and reassured him that he was a good friend and how much I cared about him. While it bothered me that he was upset, I thought I pushed my feelings aside thinking that maybe I was only seeing things from my perspective. I even wrote him two poems to show how much he meant to me.
Changes in the Relationship: After that, things felt different. Our conversations had been repetitive and unfulfilling for a while, mostly just asking about each other’s day. Since neither of us could do much or afford to, our days were monotonous, and the conversations ended quickly. Whenever I tried to start a conversation, he seemed uninterested. I gave him space, but when he did text me, he often didn’t respond.
[Link to Part 2 in the comments]
submitted by Bimefrenchfries02 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:41 No-Photograph8709 I'm in my mid-twenties, I make $70k, and I'm working on my mental health

CW: This diary contains sensitive topics such as alcohol issues, disordered eating, weight issues, and mental health challenges
📈 Section One: Assets and Debt
I live at home and have done so since I graduated college which puts me in a much better financial position than I would have been in otherwise. Just want to be upfront about that.
Retirement Balance: I have $12.5k in my 401k and $3.5k in my Roth IRA
HSA: $5k
Taxable brokerage: $3.5k all in VTWAX
Home Equity: Nada
Savings account: I have $17k in my emergency fund and $1k in a separate sinking fund for travel
Checking account balance: $650 at this time
Credit card debt: Currently $135 but I pay off my card every week or so
Student loan debt: I borrowed $33k for a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) degree from an Ivy League university. It's down to $15k right now. I specified that it was an Ivy League school because I want to use this moment to say that I did not have a great experience and I do not think it was worth it. For the vast majority of people, especially those who are middle class and can't afford it without debt but also won't qualify for need-based aid, I would actually advise against attending one unless you're targeting specific, highly competitive post-grad roles such as investment banking, management consulting, or big tech. For everyone else, I recommend going to your state school and picking a major with good ROI. Sometimes what glitters is gold, but most times it's just fucking glitter. Ok I'll get off my soapbox now.
💰 Section Two: Income
Income Progression:
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $4,065 after taxes, 401k, HSA, and insurance. No side gigs.
💸 Section Three: Monthly Expenses
Housekeeper: $200 + $50 tip. I don't pay rent or utilities so I figure this is the least I can do.
Transportation: $100
Groceries: $300
Student Loans: $500
Savings: $1,000 which is split between my emergency fund and my travel fund. Down the line, I want to save to pay off my student loans and maybe put away some cash for a downpayment.
Roth IRA: $250
Taxable brokerage: $100
Therapy: $180
Gym + HIIT Classes: $125
Spin Class Package: $80 for 5 classes
Spotify: $12
I use my parents' Netflix and I bought every season of Brooklyn 99 as a birthday present to myself two years ago, which I rewatch regularly.
✨ Section Four: Money Diary
Monday: Anxiety wakes me up around 4am but I stay in bed until my alarm goes off at 4:45am and I get ready for the gym. Today is leg day, which is not my favorite, but I'm still excited to exercise. The gym is my safe space in a lot of ways.
After my workout, I shower at the gym, get to the office, and eat my packed green yogurt and granola. It's a pretty chill day, all things considered. No client calls, which is a blessing. I just prepare a few proposals to sell in additional projects and prepare a scope of work. At some point, I eat my packed pasta for lunch. Surprisingly, I'm done at six.
When I get home, I see that we have white wine in the fridge, and force myself not to have any. Instead, I grab my prepped rice, ground beef, and veggies meal and pop it in the microwave. I have a problem with binge eating (and drinking) so I try as much as possible to stick to what I meal prep.
After dinner, I pack my gym bag for tomorrow and watch an episode of Brooklyn 99 before going to bed.
Tuesday: Same deal as yesterday: wake up too early, lie in bed worrying about nothing until my alarm goes off, and head to the gym for a much needed mental health break. Today is upper body day which is my fave! I'm able to bench 65 pounds which makes me really happy and proud of myself. I know it's objectively not much weight, but when I first started, I was barely able to bench the bar.
I shower after my workout, get to the office, eat my greek yogurt and granola, and get to work. An RFP came in so getting everything sorted for the proposal takes up much of my day. We also have a creative review with our client, which does not go well. Towards the end of the day, we get a very angry email from said client so my boss and I hop on a call to talk her down.
On the way home, I think about my career choices. My friends in investment banking are equally miserable but at least they're well compensated for their misery. For dinner, I eat the lunch I was supposed to eat at work plus my dinner. Oops.
Wednesday: Leg day again. I feel much better after working out but it only lasts until I get to the office. It's one of those days when everyone is mad at you. The client is mad because they don't like the creative, the creative team is mad because they don't feel like you stood up for them enough, your boss is mad because they're stressed, and you're mad because of...everything.
I go on a lunch walk and pass a wine bar. I manage to not get a drink but I do end up at a Shake Shack where I emotionally eat until I feel sick which obviously does not help things ($26). I spend the rest of the work day putting out fires and trying not to cry. I repeat to myself that it's just advertising: no one's going to die.
After work, I head to my therapist's office and spend the first five minutes of the session just crying. Then we talk about things, do some EMDR work, and some somatic exercises ($45).
When I get home, I eat my lunch for dinner, even though I'm still pretty full. Before bed, I talk to a friend on the phone. She asks about how work is going and I keep things vague because she just got laid off and I feel like it's insensitive to complain about work to someone who just got fired.
Thursday: I wake up anxious but determined to not have a shitty day. I go to the gym, do my upper body workout, and hit a PR for an overhead press (only 55 pounds but I'm still proud). It's so lame but I feel really blessed to have this time to just be in my body, listen to Sza, and not think of anything in particular.
Today is a wfh day so I shower at home and eat breakfast with my mom. She casts a judgmental glance at my yogurt bowl and says I could probably eat half of it and save the rest for lunch. My therapist tells me to "grey rock" my mom in these situations so I ignore her and put my headphones on but it still hurts my feelings, especially because I calculated the macros for that meal (and all my meals) almost exactly and have been losing weight at a slow and healthy pace.
Work is only mildly stressful instead of extremely stressful and for that I am grateful. I even have time to eat my lunch.
After work, I catch up with a former boss of mine who works as a creative lead at a beauty brand now. I get over myself and let him know I'm looking for a new opportunity and he immediately puts me in their referral system.
After the call, when I'm eating dinner, I tear up a little thinking about that interaction. I sometimes have a hard time believing that people like me and have my back so it a nice reminder. I savor the moment.
Friday: For once I'm woken up by my alarm. I head to the gym for my HIIT bootcamp class and hang out with the coach and other attendees for a little while after. On the way home I think about how much easier that class was than when I first started. I think about how I'm on a first-name basis with people there, who seem excited to see me and even save me a spot when they know I'm coming. Another nice moment I savor.
It's Friday and a wfh day, so work is pretty chill. I have a virtual coffee chat with a coworker who also hates it here and is trying to leave advertising which is always cathartic. Then I have a 1:1 with my boss which goes surprisingly well. She says some very nice things which embarrassingly makes me tear up a little. I eat my breakfast for lunch and my lunch as a snack a couple of hours later.
That evening, my dad and I go on a walk which is nice. Then we have dinner and I go to my room. I start reading Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan but I get bored, so I switch to Funny Story by Emily Henry instead, which I enjoy much more.
My mom comes into my room and vents about the job interview she just had, which did not go well. I reassure her that it's just a tough market but tell her that her feelings are valid, and hold her hand as she cries a little. It's been a tough year for her. I hope she finds something soon.
Saturday: I "sleep in" until 5:30am, then keep reading Funny Story until my alarm goes off at 6:45am. Then I get ready for spin class.
I randomly run into my friend at the studio which makes me so happy! The class is tough but fun. I feel relief from my brain for a good 45 minutes, which is always welcome. After the class, we walk to a breakfast place nearby and catch up ($18). She takes a picture of me to post to her Instagram story which makes me nervous because I don't usually like how I look in pictures but I actually look pretty good.
After our hangout, I go grocery shopping and head home ($80). My mom is in the kitchen when I get back and she helps me put my groceries away. I tell her that I ran into my friend and show her the picture. She says I look lovely which is a really nice feeling because as pathetic as it is, I still care what she thinks about my appearance.
I take a shower, take a nap, and go to the kitchen to meal prep when I wake up. My mom comes in to grab a snack and jiggles my belly fat then shakes her head at me disapprovingly as she walks by. I do what my therapist and I practice: which is nothing. No reaction, no acknowledgement, even as she lingers, expecting me to say something. I just keep chopping my bell peppers.
Later that night though, I let myself feel pissed. Usually, I make excuses for her. She came of age during the height of diet culture. She was a pageant queen and that environment really messed her up in some ways. I did gain 60 pounds during the height of my binge eating and drinking struggle. She's much meaner to herself than she is to me. All of which are true, but none of it makes it right. Acknowledging that actually makes me feel a tiny bit better.
Sunday: I wake up pissed and anxious, but Sunday is a rest day so I unfortunately can't work out to get it out of my system. I go on a walk but it doesn't help much.
So I just take a shower and read my novel until I finish it. It's 2pm by the time I'm done and I feel hungry, but I don't want to go downstairs and be around my mom right now. My stomach grumbles so I suck it up. She gives me a small smile when she sees me but I ignore her, grab an apple, and leave. She looks hurt but oh well.
Back in my room, I open my spreadsheets and look at how my financial goals are progressing. Only 3-4 years until my major milestones are reached and I'll feel secure enough to move out. I remind myself that this is what it's all for. If I can delay gratification now, I can put myself in a secure position and set myself up well for the future. Deal with her shit now so I won't have to deal with it later. I can do this.
Before bed, I write up this MD as my laundry runs, then pack my gym bag for tomorrow, and post.
Weekly Total: $169
☁️ Reflection: This ended up being a slightly depressing journal entry more than anything else but I still found it really helpful. I'm really surprised by how low my spend was, compared to this time last year. I was spending at least $300 a week on food and alcohol (and weed). It's also interesting to see how far I've progressed in terms of using the healthy coping skills I've learned.
I considered taking some of the heavier stuff out but I feel like my mental health stuff gives context to my financial habits. Anyway, it was a tough week but I got through it relatively ok. That's a win!
submitted by No-Photograph8709 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:41 grace9431 Need some advice on a Facebook message

Need some advice on a Facebook message
So there was a guy friend I’ve had since elementary school, but in high school we had a falling out due to an argument. I still occasionally had to talk to him since we had some of the same classes, but not as much. I was friends with him on Facebook still and he messaged me through the messenger app saying he wanted to talk to me/call me, but since I was no longer interested in talking to him I ignored him. This was a few years ago after I graduated high school and eventually I think he either unfriended me or made a new account, so I never interacted with him. Although a few weeks ago he messaged me on Facebook from his new account asking how I was doing. I asked for advice from my family and they said it may be better to just ignore him because he might ask me out or try to visit my house (they said this since it’s likely that he likes me and may know where I live/lives nearby). Since I don’t like him, I don’t know if I want to respond because I already have other things in my life to worry about and he stressed me out back in high school.
To whoever sees this on Reddit, I wanted to thank you for reading this and ask for advice on how you would approach this. I am leaning toward ignoring him because answering his message may cause me anxiety. I don’t want to be rude, but he has bothered me in the past and I don’t think I can handle talking to him anymore.
submitted by grace9431 to texts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:40 WitnessNo1930 I think i'm in love with my cousin

Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
To start this off i need to say that i'm native. If you don't know the issue with being native is that you have a lot of cousins.
Anyways, I met this guy through mutuals and we started talking. We've been hanging out everyday and have become really close friends. I found out he's native too but from a different state so i assumed it was okay, as none of my family is from there.
Well about a week ago he mentioned his grandma is from one of my reservations. I went into panic and started looking up his family on facebook to see if we are related.
I can't find anything, no mutual friends with his grandma, or connects between each of our families. I tried to ask my mom about his last name and she said she hasn't heard of it. So while it seems in my favor i'm terrified this is gonna be a sweet home alabama case. Considering we share a reservation.
We're also the same tribes, however his inheritance is on the complete opposite side of the country from mine.
Great news, we haven't done anything physical so i could just pass this off as a close friend. However I feel so gross and disgusted. Wish me luck and if anyone feels like their love life is going bad, i hope this made you feel better.
submitted by WitnessNo1930 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:39 Beneficial-Yam7881 AITAH for not liking my gf guy friend?

(17M) met my gf (16F) in 2023, lets call her sarah. Before her I have had 2 gfs. My first ex cheated on me many times during our relationship and eventually left me for one of my friends. My other ex also cheated on me, with my cousin. After a few months of being alone, I met sarah. She was like a breath of fresh air. The only relentless problem in our relationship is sarahs relationships with other boys. She had a "phase" a year before her and i met (iykyk).Sarah is adamant that shes changed and she only had that "phase" because of a lack of self worth and desperation for validation. sarah was ugly for a while and if i had met her before i did i probably wouldnt have given her a second thought. at the end of her freshman year she had an unreal glow up-like otherworldly. and with that came a lot of attention she wasnt used to. she told me this skyrocketed her ego and that she did what she did to try and satisfy the hole inside her made by the insults she had received over the years. while this makes sense to me, its still hard to ignore my anger at that part of her past. The worst part about this is her guy best friend, alex. sarah met alex 3 years ago. I might not have as much caution around their friendship if they hadnt had had a month long fling a year into said "friendship" and its very obvious that alex is in love with her. since i was cheated on i am very paranoid about this stuff, which she has been understanding of. to my knowledge sarah has never been unfaithful to me, but in empathy for my past, she let me delete basically every guy off of her snap, she lets me go through her phone, and she cut off her other guy friend for me. i had almost made my peace with her friendship with alex until i saw a weird conversation on her phone that ended with her saying; "we havent talked like this in forever ive missed you" alex: " i know we shouldnt lose touch again. your bf wont let us hang" her: "im just not tryna to start anything with him" alex: " i want to see you" her: "ik. lets talk more tmr ok? love you, gn" alex: "i love you" ever since i saw this, her and i have been fighting nonstop. she told me she was saying she loves him like how she loves her friend ava. she also says that he was there for her at her worst and that she cant discard him like trash just bc she has a bf. earlier this week sarah agreed to cut alex off. but ever since shes been rly sad, keeps making excuses not to see me, hasnt told me she loves me in 3 days, leaves me on deliv for hours, and when she does talk to me shes really dry. i need to know if im right that that conversation was weird. telling a boy she talks to all the time, refuses to cut off, has ignored me for in the past MANY times, and who is a in love with her that she loves him is rlly messed up, right? am i in the wrong?
submitted by Beneficial-Yam7881 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:39 Purple_Moment9605 I think it finally happened…

I finally chose not to go back when she tried to hoover me and it clicked in my brain that things are really over when I did that. It broke the connection. I even started blocking the people who would even mention her to me still after I warned them I was leaving it all behind. Some just couldn’t let it go, so I let them go. It has been years. I deleted all messages and pictures. I deleted everything. I never thought I would.
When I tell you it was hard… it was so difficult… it took years of fighting myself to break free from the grasp that situation had on me. Now I see things with indifference that used to remind me of her all the time and trigger me. Now I am all, “meh” about it.
For a while I was convinced my feelings would never go away unless I dated someone new. But this time, it’s like I couldn’t do that. I used to do that in the past. This time, healing was the only option available to me. It’s like any time I tried to talk to anyone it would all surface up again and refuse to be hidden anymore. So I embraced it. It was time for me to stop running from myself and my feelings.
The last time I experienced a string of events that reminded me of her she had just tried to get me to talk to her again, and I ended up emotionally breaking down after in my vehicle just bawling nonstop for 30 minutes straight. About a week or two after that I woke up from a dream about her and I mourned something I had never mourned before. I mourned the loss of our friendship I thought we had. That was the most painful part of it all for me. It was buried so deep. And I just bawled some more and just screamed in pain until I prayed and pleaded and asked for help with healing. I absolutely got the help I asked for within about a week or two. It feels surreal now and it has been long enough that I feel comfortable in saying that I am over the bulk of it. I have learned what I need to feel comforted and safe now and how to deal with things.
I can’t believe it in a good way. I am content. Now I am back to really focusing on working on myself and not working on healing from betrayal. I learned many valuable lessons and wouldn’t have it any other way. I learned how to really love myself. I actually found myself by losing my old self that was just a shell of me anyway.
I believe this needed to happen for my own development. If it wasn’t necessary, I would’ve already had the boundaries in place to protect myself from it. I needed to grow, and I am so glad now that I did. If there is another person who comes into my life romantically she is going to be like me in that regard. She is going to be grown and healed and emotionally mature, because I won’t accept anything less anymore. I genuinely know what love is because I found it in myself instead of always giving it away to others at my own expense.
submitted by Purple_Moment9605 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:38 GuiltlessMaple Best Flower Pillow

Best Flower Pillow
Are you in search of the perfect pillow to accompany your sweet dreams? Look no further! In this article, we present to you a roundup of the most exquisite Flower Pillows that will not only beautify your bedroom but also provide unparalleled comfort to ensure a good night's sleep. Get ready to indulge in a world of floral delight!

The Top 6 Best Flower Pillow

  1. Comfortable, Breathable Flower-Shaped Throw Pillow - Revitalize your home decor with the Vdoioe Flower Pillow, a plush, flower-shaped throw cushion perfect for adding comfort and style to your sofa or seat settings.
  2. Handcrafted 3D Sunflower Throw Pillow Cover - Illuminate your living space with these exquisite 3D Sunflower Pillow Covers crafted from eco-friendly materials, offering a decorative statement piece with hidden zipper for ease of access.
  3. Colorful Sunflower Plush Throw Pillow - Brighten up any room with the ZL ybxdxz Plush Sunflower Throw Pillow, the perfect soft and colorful gift for any occasion!
  4. Adorable Daisy Flower Pillow for Ultimate Comfort - Experience ultimate comfort with the Menoeceus Flower Pillow, a stylish and practical addition to any room, with its attractive daisy design, soft plush material, and versatile size options for various seating applications.
  5. Pink Floral Embroidered Throw Pillow with Timeless Charm - Experience timeless elegance with the Frannie Pink Floral Embroidered Throw Pillow, combining comfort and style in 18 inches of soft, plush perfection.
  6. Elegant Flower Floor Pillow for Comfort and Decoration - Transform your living space with the Kekeso Flower Floor Pillow, a soft, non-toxic, and stylish addition for relaxation and comfort.
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🔗Comfortable, Breathable Flower-Shaped Throw Pillow
I recently tried the Vdoioe Flower Shaped Throw Pillow, and I must say, it's a breathable and comfortable addition to my seating setup. The plush materials and soft cotton made for a cozy experience, especially during long office hours.
The unique flower shape added a pop of color and style to my sofa, making it a great conversation starter for guests. However, one thing to note is that the sizing might be slightly different, so it's best to measure it carefully before purchase. Overall, this Vdoioe Flower Pillow is a stylish and comfortable decorative piece for any home.

🔗Handcrafted 3D Sunflower Throw Pillow Cover
I've been using these beautifully handmade throw pillow covers for a few weeks now, and they've really livened up my living space. The 3D floral design is simply stunning and adds a touch of elegance to any room. The hidden zipper is a great feature that makes removing the insert easy without compromising on the appearance.
While the material feels soft and luxurious, I do wish it was a bit more durable. I've noticed some fraying around the edges after a few washes, and I hope it holds up better in the future. Also, the pillow covers aren't included, which can be a bit of a bummer for those looking to complete the set.
Overall, these throw pillow covers are a lovely addition to my home decor. The eye-catching design and comfortable material make them a great choice for anyone looking to add a pop of color and style to their living space.

🔗Colorful Sunflower Plush Throw Pillow
The ZL ybxdxz Plush Sunflower Throw Pillow is a delightful addition to any room, with its brightly colored, joyful sunflower design. Its skin-friendly velvet fabric ensures that it's soft and comfortable for anyone who snuggles up to it.
When you first lay eyes on it, you'll notice the vibrant sunflower prints, which instantly liven up any space. However, be aware that, like many colorful plush toys, it's best to give it a good wash in water to make it nice and fluffy.
Despite being vacuum-packed, the pillow maintains its shape and elasticity, ensuring comfort no matter how long you sit or sleep with it. It's especially great for younger ones, with a recommended age of 36 months.
Using this Plush Throw Pillow in my home has made my space feel more welcoming and cheerful, offering a pop of color and fun to any room. It's a perfect gift for any occasion - birthday parties, baby showers, Easter celebrations, and even Valentine's Day. Just remember to give it a good wash before use!

🔗Adorable Daisy Flower Pillow for Ultimate Comfort
As a curious homeowner, I stumbled upon the Menoeceus Flower Pillow during a recent decoration shopping spree. The unique daisy-shaped pillow caught my eye instantly and I couldn't resist bringing it home. The moment I sat on it, I noticed it was exceptionally comfortable, thanks to the soft, skin-friendly cotton and cozy plush cover.
One of the standout features of this pillow was its versatile design. Not only did it look fantastic as an accent piece on my living room sofa, but it also transformed into a convenient floor cushion or even a chair backrest in a snap. In fact, it proved so useful that I ended up keeping it in my office as well.
Despite its numerous advantages, I did notice one minor setback: the pillow was flatter than I expected. This could have been due to the lack of support from the base, leading to the pillow sinking into the cushion more than I desired. However, this issue didn't significantly affect my overall experience with the pillow.
In conclusion, the Menoeceus Flower Pillow is a lovely and functional addition to any living space. Its unique design, variety of sizes, and softness make it a worthy contender for those seeking a comfortable and attractive cushion to enhance their home decor.

🔗Pink Floral Embroidered Throw Pillow with Timeless Charm
For a while now, the Frannie Pink Floral Embroidered Throw Pillow has been adorning the couch in my living room. Its timeless elegance was the perfect touch to my current interior design. With its intricate embroidery and soft pink color, it definitely brought a sense of luxury to the room. The chenille fabric was very comfortable and the pillow held its shape well.
One of the things I appreciated most about this pillow was its versatility. It blended seamlessly with my modern, contemporary design, yet, it added a classic touch to the room without looking out of place. This made it a great conversation starter for guests, who would often compliment its unique blend of styles.
However, its thickness was just average. While it wasn't uncomfortable, I wished it were a bit more padded for those cozy movie nights. Overall, though, the Pros definitely outweighed the Cons, making this the perfect accent piece for my home.

🔗Elegant Flower Floor Pillow for Comfort and Decoration
I recently had the chance to use the Kekeso Flower Floor Pillow and I have to say, I was quite impressed with its quality. Made from premium plush and PP cotton, this pillow offers a soft touch, making it perfect for cuddling on the floor. Plus, its non-toxic and safe nature adds an extra peace of mind.
This flower-shaped pillow also makes a great decorative throw pillow, thanks to its attractive design and fine stitching. Its PP cotton filling ensures that it remains strong, stretchy, and not easily deformed. Not to mention, the pillow's durability makes it a long-lasting addition to any space.
As a comfy cushion, it's perfect for helping to reduce waist pressure, which is especially nice after a long day at the office. And, the pillow's versatility makes it suitable for various seating options, such as office chairs, car seats, and even wheelchairs.
My only gripe? The pillow can be a bit difficult to carry and store due to its non-standard shape. With that being said, the lovely flower design easily makes up for it, making this floor pillow a worthwhile purchase for any space, especially those that need a pop of color and cuteness.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for Flower Pillows! In this section, we'll discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a Flower Pillow for your home. Our focus will be on the product category as a whole and not on specific product picks or external resources.

Materials and Construction

Flower Pillows come in various materials, such as silk, cotton, or linen. Consider your lifestyle and cleaning preferences when choosing a material. Machine washable materials are a good option if you want a low-maintenance pillow. Additionally, look for pillows with high-quality filling like down or feather for added comfort.

Size and Shape

Flower Pillows are available in different sizes and shapes to accommodate various needs. Standard sizes range from 18 inches to 24 inches in diameter. Choose a size that aligns with your comfort level when sitting or lounging. As for the shape, most Flower Pillows are round or oval, but square or rectangular options may also be available. Consider where you plan to place the pillow in your home and select a shape that fits well with your decor.

Design and Aesthetics

Flower Pillows come in various designs and styles, from simple to intricate floral patterns. Consider the overall aesthetic of your home and select a pillow that complements your decor. If you prefer a more neutral look, opt for pillows with solid colors or subtle patterns. If you're looking for a bold statement piece, choose a pillow with a vibrant floral design or an eye-catching color.

Price and Value

Flower Pillows can range in price depending on the materials used, size, and design. Generally, premium materials like silk or high-quality down feathers will cost more than lower-end materials like cotton. Consider your budget and the intended purpose of the pillow when making your purchase. In some cases, investing in a higher-end pillow may be worth it for its added comfort and durability.

Care and Maintenance

To ensure your Flower Pillow maintains its beauty and comfort, follow the manufacturer's recommended care instructions. This typically includes avoiding excessive exposure to direct sunlight, which can cause colors to fade. Spot clean any stains as soon as they appear and avoid machine washing if the manufacturer advises against it. Regularly rotate the pillow to prevent the filling from settling on one side.
We hope this guide has provided you with valuable information on Flower Pillows. By considering factors such as materials, size, shape, design, price, and care, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed purchase for your home. Remember, the perfect Flower Pillow is one that complements your decor and provides you with both comfort and style.


What is a Flower Pillow?

A Flower Pillow is a type of pillow that features a decorative, floral design on its surface. These pillows are designed to add a touch of elegance and charm to any bedroom or living space. They come in a variety of sizes and materials, making them suitable for different sleeping preferences and budgets.

How is a Flower Pillow made?

Flower Pillows are typically made using a combination of synthetic materials and natural elements, such as silk, velvet, and cotton. The design features intricate embroidery or applique work, incorporating flowers, leaves, and other botanical elements. This process usually involves a combination of hand-stitching and machine-sewing techniques, ensuring a high level of detail and craftsmanship.

What are the benefits of using a Flower Pillow?

Apart from their attractive aesthetic, Flower Pillows offer several benefits. They are often made from high-quality materials that provide good support and durability. Additionally, their stylish design can help to improve the overall look of a room, making a statement about the user's taste and style. Finally, they are available in various sizes, making it easy for users to find a model that suits their needs and preferences.

What are some popular types of Flower Pillows?

Some popular types of Flower Pillows include:
  • Silk Flower Pillow: Featuring a luxurious silk cover, these pillows provide both comfort and style. They are available in a wide range of colors and designs, making it easy to find one that suits your taste.
  • Velvet Flower Pillow: With a rich, velvety texture and a vibrant floral pattern, these pillows add a touch of sophistication to any space. They are comfortable, easy to clean, and long-lasting.
  • Cotton Flower Pillow: Made primarily from cotton, these pillows offer a soft, breathable surface that is perfect for sleeping. They are available in various sizes and designs, making it easy to find one that fits your needs.

How should I care for a Flower Pillow?

To maintain the quality and appearance of your Flower Pillow, it is essential to follow these care instructions:
  • Gently hand wash the pillow cover using a mild detergent and lukewarm water.
  • Avoid using a machine washer or dryer, as this could damage the delicate materials and embroidery work.
  • Air dry the cover in a well-ventilated area, preferably away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
  • Store the pillow in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold or mildew growth.

Where can I purchase a Flower Pillow?

Flower Pillows can be found in a variety of retail stores that specialize in home decor or bedding. You can also find them online from reputable e-commerce platforms and specialty sites. When purchasing a Flower Pillow, be sure to consider factors such as the size, material, and design to ensure you find the perfect model for your needs and style.
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2024.06.10 04:38 Excellent-Wonder9473 Bottled coat.

I was about 25 or so, hating my life, drinking alcohol daily, and feeling sorry for myself as I cried myself to sleep. For weeks this went on—pushing myself through work just to get home and drink myself into the next day. I rarely went out, and when I did, it was just to go to work or get more booze. One night, I went for a walk.
This became a regular thing. I walked along the beach for hours in the middle of the night until I went home and drank myself to sleep, crying because of how lonely and deep in a hole I was. One night, as I was walking, I saw a girl sitting on an old wooden bench, looking out at the beach as she rubbed tears from her eyes. It was about midnight, and instead of asking if she was okay, I just walked past her, not wanting to scare her.
The next night, she was there again, in the same spot, on the same old wooden bench with her green coat. I didn’t know what she was going through, but I knew the kind of sadness she felt. I walked up to the bench and asked if she was okay. She looked up at me, cleared her throat, and said she was fine. I asked again if she was sure, and she repeated herself, saying she was fine. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, I carried on.
The following night, she was there again, same spot, same bench, same green coat. She was crying as usual. This time, I walked over and asked if she was okay. She looked at me with a small smile and tears rolling down her cheek, saying that she was fine. I asked if I could sit down next to her, and she nodded, scooting over so I could sit. We just stared at the waves crashing against the sand in silence. After about 10 minutes, she said it was nice meeting me but that she had to go. I nodded and said my goodbyes, and she stood up and left.
The next day, she was there again, but this time she wasn’t crying. I sat next to her and once again asked how she was. She always said the same thing: that she was fine. After 10 minutes of silence, she said she had to go and that it was nice to meet me. This went on for a few weeks. Sitting next to her every night, watching the waves in silence, became the one thing I looked forward to each day. Although she was a stranger, it felt like I knew her.
One night, I introduced myself, telling her my name. She said her name was Kayla and that she looked forward to seeing me every night. I told her I felt the same. We never really spoke before that night, aside from me asking if she was okay. After 10 minutes, she said she had to go again. I said my goodbyes and went home.
This routine continued until one night, I went to the same spot, same wooden bench, but no Kayla. I thought it was odd but figured she must have been busy. The next night, and the night after that, she still wasn’t there. Each walk grew shorter, and I found myself drinking more again, trying to fill the void her absence left. Kayla had become the closest thing I had to a friend.
Weeks passed. I still walked to that same bench, hoping to see her, but it was always empty. One night, as I approached the bench, I saw something unusual. There was the green coat, but no Kayla. I picked up the coat and took it home, hoping to return it to her someday, but she never came back.
It’s been about three months since I last saw Kayla. I still go to that same wooden bench with the coat around midnight, finding it empty and overlooking the beach. I wish there was more to this story, that I’d see her again, but I’ve lost hope. Kayla, a stranger I was deeply connected to, is gone, and I’m left with the memory of her and a green coat that now sits in my apartment as a reminder of what once was.
submitted by Excellent-Wonder9473 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:38 FartKing9000 Display turned off while riding then bike wouldn't start

I'll leave my theories until the end so i won't influence your thinking... would love to hear what you guys are thinking.
Was having problems on my 2012 ZX6R for last few weeks, intermittent power surges (was giving it constant throttle and it would just cut power for a tenth of a second, making it very choppy. My bike has after market traction control thought that might be glitching but my battery read 11.4V) put in a new battery yesterday, went for a ride today. The intermittent power surges seemed to be fixed.
I was riding today for about an hour and i noticed that i started feeling the power surges very briefly but they were definitely happening, then my display turned off but engine was still on, pulled over tried to start again heard a few clicks and that was it, wouldn't turn on.
I was able to push start it but the display was still off and i couldn't get it to go above 15mph, power was cutting two or three times a second making it impossible to get any kind of speed, i was hoping to ride it home as it was but i was about 15mi from home.
Currently loaded in my friends' truck heading home. Will update post with what the battery reads in the morning but my intuition tells me it's dead.
I'm not the greatest home mechanic and would love to hear what you think the problem is, and how i can diagnose the problem at home. Thanks.
My theory is that it's the stator that's fried and not charging the battery, some friends who are more mechanically apt than me told me that on a weak battery with a bunch of aftermarket stuff (trac control, power commander, quick shifteautoblipper etc) i could see the power surges. Even with a new battery
submitted by FartKing9000 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:37 AcademicAstronaut395 AITAH for losing my friend over he messing with an older guy.

Hello i am not gonna use real names bc of privacy. But im E(17 F) and i have a best friend who is M(17F). About a month ago me,M and a few other friends went to a beach about a hour away from where we live. Anyways they meet a group of boys who work at a jet ski rental place and start talking and flirting with them. Both me and M have boyfriends so i told them i am not comfortable with this and went and sat back on the other side of the beach. Anyways long story short they start to get these boys numbers. Anyways i went home after but the next day M is telling me about how she in love with a 23 year old boy who has a fiancé. M and the same others girls go back to the same beach a week later. I didn’t go bc i was uncomfortable and just grossed out about all this. Later that day M mom calls me worrying because she has not heard from M and thought i was with m. Long story short no one could contact them and M didn’t come home till 9 pm that night. Anyways M told her mom and her mom was mad and didn’t want her with a 23 year old. M and the other girls were mad at me saying i snitched cause i was jelly and whatever. Anyways i still stayed there friends lol. Anyways i am the only one in the friend group with my own car the others use their parents car. So i often am driving but every time i hangout with them now all they ask is i can take them to the beach which i told them many times i’m not comfortable being around older guys because im only 17 and i’m also in a happy relationship. They keep asking so much it feels like they only wanna use me for my car. They have gone to the beach a few other times i assume using their parents car or something. (forgot to add they get really drunk and drive to and don’t see anything wrong with it). But i am honestly hurt idk what to do i feel like i am losing all my friends because i dont wanna hang around older men and do things with them. I am worried for my M because she is sending nudes and doing stuff with this guy and her mom thinks she not talking to him no more. Idk what to do i feel like i am being used and about to lose all my friends. What do i do. Drop them ? Tell an adult? Thank you for reading sorry it’s long i tried to sum it up the best i could also thanks in advance for advice.
submitted by AcademicAstronaut395 to AITAH [link] [comments]