Sequencing picture cards

True Picture Birthday Cards

2014.11.30 15:51 hindithoughts True Picture Birthday Cards

Collection of HD True Picture Based Happy Birthday Cards. Pictures of beautiful Birds, Flowers and landscapes are used to create these birthday cards.

2013.03.18 09:12 lehmongeloh A Place for Card Kindness

This is a place to send or receive cards for anyone who would like one. The purpose of RAoC is to spread a little bit of joy around the world. All are welcome! Please read the sidebar or Wiki/FAQ page to get started.

2019.09.02 05:51 algorthin CalorieEstimates

Post a picture of any food for estimates on calorie counts. Recommend: Including location, a comparison for size (i.e., coins/playing cards), and any important information about the food that might be hard to discern from the picture.

2024.06.10 12:55 Psyyx Once in a lifetime opportunity to my gf into MC - what do I bring on holiday?

Going on vacation with my gf in 2 weeks. Plan is lots of hiking during the day, and lots of boardgames the rest of the time. My girlfriend wants to try (after some convincing) MC for the first time, but is generally intimidated by card games.
What do I bring to showcase the amazingness of this game? I probably have room for 3 hero decks and 3 villains. She has no particular affiliation within the Marvel universe, we've seen the MCU movies, she liked Into the Spider-verse a lot, so I was thinking to bring sinister motives + aggression spider-man peter parker.
She can learn the rules with Spidey aggression, and then we have 3 spiders ready for the SM campaign, which has interesting but not too complicated villains. Miles is not too complicated but very strong, as is Spidey Peter-parker, and I love protection builds so will enjoy Ghost Spider in a team-up.
Other option was taking quicksilver + scarlet witch. Think she might enjoy the simple sequencing puzzle that is quicksilver and scarlet witch is one of my favourites.
Thoughts/suggestions on heroes/villains to consider? I don't have GMW and Mad Titan's Shadow, own all the other campaigns and basically every protection hero pack released :P
submitted by Psyyx to marvelchampionslcg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:46 emojesusgorl 26 f / ex gf left me in a restaurant randomly/petty

Preface: We saw each other casually for like 2.5 months and then I stopped talking to her because she took pictures of every receipt from every dinner she paid for, gas money from a trip we went on and concert tickets she bought even though I told her I wasn’t sure I’m going, she wanted the points to her card from Booking it. (around 1500 CDN ) Only hours after I told her I wasn’t interested in being intimate or dating, needed time after my last ex, (set a hard boundary because I don’t think she took it seriously when I told her I wasn’t ready for a new relationship or intimacy yet)
Even though I constantly tried to pay and she would take my card out of the machine, and insist on paying. And when I would try to give her cash and she would refuse it. Also she lived w me for free for almost 2 months, ($1800 CDN monthly) lol
We meet up again after 3 months not seeing each other, I assured her I will pay her back but was weirded out by the passive aggressive email.
Told her going forward let’s just split bills and/or take turns paying to avoid resentment
She seemed chill etc then I did my makeup and we went to a quiet barestaurant, ordered her food, I got a soda + water
(We already talked about everything thought we were good and told her it’s on me tn so let me pay)
On the way she was yelling at everyone she saw then cursing out someone over the phone, then claiming she’s a “psychopath, evil, bad person, sociopath etc etc etc” get there and order food; She sits up and looks at me “we aren’t friends, never were never will be” got up didn’t eat her food, left me there alone to Uber home crying lol. Refused to speak on anything. At least got my stuff back from her place after telling her I need it for work. Left it outside.
What is that ? We hung out for like 10+ hours, talked through everything, she kept telling me I’m her only friend she can be real with, asked me if I felt rejected by her (I didn’t I just wanted to be friends from the beginning…) she said “you’re not my type anyway ew” then flipped the convo to like praising me ? Then complaining about being rich because she was adopted into a wealthy family and I’ll Never know her pain (I won’t know the “trauma” of being adopted into a healthy rich household but she kept trying to compare trauma like it was a competition, her dad cheated on her mom (womp womp) I wasn’t adopted but at least she never was raising her siblings at 6 and went hungry for food for weeks or was left abandoned at 15 homeless? I wish I had billionaire parents to set up my life lol If it was a competition I’d win (petty comment idc I already cried it out)
Idk what that was lol did I deserve that or was it just some calculated weird thing for her Tea 🫖 ? opinions ?
submitted by emojesusgorl to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:26 DevilisaBottom Why does my Hermod+ say this after following the extremely east firmware update directions?

Why does my Hermod+ say this after following the extremely east firmware update directions?
I’ve reformatted 2 different sad cards. I don’t know what else to do.
This damn think stoped reading note data from my qunexus. I’m beginning to think there are a lot of bugs. I didn’t mention my encoder know was extremely loose and as of now I don’t know where it fell of too but square are cool and buying mea new knob.
Anyone else have problems with the Hermod plus?
I still can’t get it to slaver to another sequencer either, original reason for the few headache
submitted by DevilisaBottom to modular [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:23 Acceptable_Egg5560 Legal Legends (3)

Thank you u/SpacePaladin15 for inspiring us all!
And thank you, u/TheManwithaNoPlan for all your help in creating this wonderful project with me! I don’t know where I would be without you!
Memory transcript: Venric, Venlil Lawyer Extraordinaire. Date: [Standardized human time] November 13th, 2136.
“I-I never went up to the seventh floor,” Nhilasi argued. “That’s where long-term patients that can’t be transferred to the main complex stay. I work in the moderate injury ward on the fourth floor, like I said.”
“And yet here's a video of you right after your shift ended entering the room of the victim,” I continued, causing Nhilasi’s head to droop once more. “So how the spehk did you make from there to the exit in [under thirty seconds]?”
Nhilasi tilted her head in confusion, but Serl’s ears would’ve gone rigid had they been able to. “That’s got to be another Kolshian!” she blurted out, her tail blurring behind her as I considered what I was really arguing. Sure, it was technically possible for Nhilasi to make it down the stairs in that time, but she hadn’t been running at all in the footage I reviewed.
I stared at the pad, ears flicking in thought. “You would practically need to fly down the stairwell to make that time. It’s not conclusive evidence, but…”
“But it’s enough for us to investigate,” Serl finished.
“Us?” I asked, looking at her inquisitively. “I am afraid that if I am to take this on, it can’t be an ‘us’ doing it.” I say straighter in my chair, leveling my head with Nhilasi’s. “I am a professional, firm or not. If you want my help with this case, then a renegotiation of legal counsel will be required.”
I saw Serl shoot an alarmed look at me, but I continued. “In short, you would have to fire your representative from Tail Guard and hire me in their stead.” I lowered my paws and awaited a response from the Kolshian at the other end of the table. I could see Serl in my periphery, her features contorted in a mask of complete betrayal. Just wait a scratch and we’ll see how deep your loyalties to those frauds lie.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” Nhilasi answered, looking between me and Serl. “Is it possible that…but why would another…” she looked down at the table for a long while before she finally responded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Fantastic! My current going rate is 70k credits,” I said. Serl looked horrified as Nhilasi’s face twisted in shock at the number, as I had expected. “The economy hits me as hard as it does everyone else. If you’re not willing to pay, then I’m afraid that my time is better spent elsewhere.”
Serl bore a hole through my head with her glare as Nhilasi considered the offer. I turned my next inquiry around in my mind as she thought. If Nhilasi didn’t make it a stipulation, then I supposed I would just have to ask the question myself. Finally, Nhilasi spoke again. “Okay, but on one condition.”
“And that would be?” I asked.
“Serl still works with you,” she replied, relieving me of the duty of asking the question myself. “She’s been good to me, better than some of the others have been. I still want her help, even if I ditch her firm.”
“Hmmm, I don’t believe that’s up to me,” I responded. “Tail Guard and I don’t have the best history, I was surprised that Serl even sought me out. And it would also be counter to the reason I said you’d have to fire her. See, it’s against the law for multiple firms to work on the same case due to potential conflicts of interest and legal privacy. If she is to be of assistance to you, she’d have to resign from her firm…and join mine.”
Serl’s ear bases went rigid in alarm as I laid out the final deal. No negotiations, no compromises. If Serl wanted to continue this case, she’d have to separate from the dying firm that was Tail Guard. She looked between Nhilasi and I, her features shifting rapidly as she struggled as to what she would say. Hopefully she was as pragmatic as I pegged her as being, otherwise blind loyalty would be her downfall.
Her ears pressed against her head and she cleared her throat. “I would be… honored to help with Nhilasi’s defense. I will draft a resignation notice to Tail Guard effective immediately on the grounds that I am allowed to continue aiding in this case.”
She definitely had an interesting habit in pressing her ears back when making herself be professional. No matter, I had a new client to deal with. “Indeed, now if you would please set your signature or tentacle mark on my data pad, we can get right to work.”
I placed my data pad in the transfer window and closed the hatch. “Please be sure to read the whole contract before signing, as this agreement will be considered legally binding.” As Nhilasi took my pad and started skimming through the contract, I spied Serl still giving me a death glare. Deciding to face the problem head-on, I faced her. “Is something the matter, Serl?”
“We will discuss that later,” she replied, looking ahead at Nhilasi to signal the end of the conversation. Once the Kolshian had finished, she slipped the pad back through the transfer window. She didn’t have nearly enough time to read every inch of the contract, but who does? I thankfully didn’t hide much in there, so it was largely just to prevent any backing out. Like I just had her and Serl do to Tail Guard.
“Fantastic. I look forward to representing you, Miss Nhilasi,” I said as I bowed my head respectfully at her. I never thought I would do such a thing towards an Exterminator, but I considered this a special case. “Before we leave, is there anything else you wish for us to know? Anything at all?”
“Not really. All I can really give you is this,” she said before pulling out a small paper list. On it were the names of several people and their respective positions. “It’s a promotion list that I managed to copy down before everything else occurred. I doubt it’ll have much use, but consider it thanks for agreeing to support me through this.”
I took the small paper list and filed it away with the rest of the evidence, closing the file and standing from my seat. “Thank you for your willing cooperation, Miss Nhilasi. If you have any issues with how the staff are treating you, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
I bent down and slipped a business card through the transfer window, holding her gaze with both my eyes. “I am serious, they are legally required to allow you consistent access to your lawyer and suitable living conditions. If anyone here attempts to prevent you from talking to me, taking away your bed, or restricting your food because you’re a Kolshian, they are acting illegally and you must inform me the next time we speak. And we shall be speaking once Every Paw, I will ensure it. Understand?”
Nhilasi seemed shocked that I went through all that effort, but we both knew that it was necessary. I had seen the discolorations on her right tentacle upon entering that would only occur from lack of circulation. I also heard her stomach rumble multiple times throughout the meeting, solidifying my fortitude in telling her this. She swallowed and flurried her frills. “Y-Yes, thank you Venric.”
I stepped back and bowed. “Thank you, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your next meal. Now I am afraid that I must cut this meeting short, as I will need to carefully investigate the discrepancies present in the evidence. So, Miss Nhilasi, I must bid you a good Paw.”
Having bid goodbye, I turned and walked out the door. Serl followed closely behind, and I could feel discontentment radiating off of her, but also a bit of confusion, likely from my final words. I decided to wait until we were somewhere more private to engage with her. However, I did intend on engaging with someone.
As we entered the main lobby area, I spotted the receptionist that had checked in Serl and I was still at her desk. I approached her, making my presence known with my ears and tail signaling positivity. “Excuse me Madam! I just wanted to inform you that our interrogation with inmate 592 is completed.”
“Oh, thank you!” She responded, typing at her workstation. “I’ll have you checked out shortly.”
“Much appreciated,” I started, but I wasn’t quite done. “Oh, just to check, your manager and warden are familiar with Subsection 41n of the Venlil Prime Ethical Treatment of Sapients Interred Act, right?”
The typing stopped. She turned towards me, her head tilting in confusion. “I’m sorry, subsection what? Who are you?”
I waved my tail dismissively. “Oh, I will get to that. The subsection is much more interesting right now! See, it clearly states that all interred persons are to be given livable accommodations until such date as their trial is scheduled for. This includes amenities such as running water, edible food, and a minimum of a padded mattress sheet for resting purposes. It also stipulates that should any persons be denied access to these essential amenities for reasons of their species, the offending facility is liable to fines between twelve million and 140m credits depending on the severity and scale of the offense(s).”
The receptionist had gone pale beneath her wool, studying me with a mixture of concern and fear. “In addition, up to 20% of that fine is liable to be awarded directly to the victims, and the staff of said facility could be placed upon a government no-hire blacklist. Such a list would be quite devastating to any future job prospects as well.”
I tilted my head down to gaze over her desk, spying a picture. “A handsome young man there. You must be proud to be his mother. Certainly hope you can endeavor to keep him in the comfortable life that all children deserve.”
The receptionist’s gaze hardened as she understood the subtext of my words. One that they couldn’t possibly hope to speak of (or even insinuate) aloud without threat of repercussion. It was clear that she had an idea of what I was referring to, and that was exactly what I was counting on. “I trust that no such violations would occur in a place such as this, however?”
“…None whatsoever,” the receptionist slowly said, not taking her eyes off me.
“Of course, I was simply checking. A lawyer such as myself has a civic duty to ensure that such information is made readily available to all who require it. I look forward to our next visit!” I forced a cheery tone in those last sentences to draw away suspicion from bystanders as I made my exit. I could hear the receptionist start furiously typing behind me, indicating that I said all I had needed to.
Oh wait, almost forgot to add the clincher.
“And if you happen to come in contact with your bosses, please tell them that Venric of Heema Lawven stopped by. I might desire to meet them upon my next visit! But for now, have good Paw!” The typing speed increased. Sometimes, I adore the reputation I have built.
Serl had remained surprisingly quiet during that ordeal, but I could tell it wasn’t out of respect for my endeavors to ensure Nhilasi was properly treated. As we neared my Hovertransit once again, I saw her flexing her jaw in preparation of speech in my periphery. But she was hesitating, her mind working out what to start with. I could probably assist with that.
I opened the vehicle's door and held it aside. “Well then, if you are really going to truly be hired on, then we should do this right. Please, step into my office. I expect we have some things to talk about.”
“You’re damn right we do,” Serl confirmed as she closed the door behind her, not wasting a [second] before making her thoughts known. “70k credits?? Are you trying to spiral the poor woman into debt?! Tail Guard charged 40k at the absolute maximum!!”
I made myself comfortable and set the autopilot to start flying us towards the hospital. It would be slow this time, as I expected this talk would take some time. “I have gotten rather familiar with the salaries of Exterminators, and I am quite certain they will be able to afford the payment.”
“You- Former Exterminator!” Serl cried, only sitting in a seat once the movement of the vehicle overcame her sense of balance. “And that’s not the brahking point! I know you’ve got more money than you know what to do with already, and you’re still demanding exorbitant amounts! Baah, why did I think you’d be any different??”
“I can assure you that my prices are very reasonable and necessary for my services,” I stated firmly. “My own reputation is at least testament enough for one.”
Serl huffed across from me, snappily securing herself in her seat. “…I should’ve figured that’s all you were in it for.”
My ear twitched in cautious curiosity. “Oh? And what do you mean by that?”
She stared Arxur claws at me before responding. “Money and stature, that’s all this is to you big-shot lawyers! Like the Tarlim case! You just use it for bragging rights and a sustained paycheck!” She huffed agitatedly as she gestured pointedly to me. “People like you don’t care about the person you’re defending, just what they can offer you!” She buried her face in her paws as she brayed exhausted. “Stars, why did I agree to join you?”
“You think I don’t care?” I huffed. “Really, you think that’s all my personality is about? Going after the money and fame?”
“Wh- did you already forget what you just did?” She sputtered. “You practically extorted Nhilasi and twisted my arm to make me work for you so I didn’t look like a monster to her!”
“You do realize that my reputation isn’t exactly one to be looked up towards?” I asked her, staring at her with both eyes. To my surprise, she met my gaze expectantly. No matter. “My clientele are not exactly the standard fare. I mostly defend those that nobody else wants to defend. Given how you explicitly sought me out, that would include you as well.”
That managed to break her stoicism, her eyes widening and blinking a few times. “Yes, I know that you still wanted to help her, but you didn’t want to help her yourself. You came to me because your career would be ruined by a case like this. For me? It’s just another paw at the office. And you knew that coming in, so don’t expect to have some superfluous moral high road over me.”
She was left speechless by my more in-depth extraction of her motivations, but I wasn’t done yet. “Furthermore, I don’t believe you’re quite aware of the kinds of expenses that pile up just from how I am forced to live. Do you think I didn’t try to establish a physical firm? It just so happens that “service-related accidents” from the Exterminators happen quite frequently to wherever my current address is listed. And even when I was mobile, my vehicles had a strange problem with repair issues and similar accidents as my previous offices. And any place I stored my files had issues with the exterminators having to “investigate potential predator nests” to the point that physical and digital copies always being on my person was the only way to guarantee the continued existence of those documents. And I had to purchase the servers and storage all myself, not to mention maintenance for everything.”
My breathing had become somewhat heavier as I allowed myself to vent the frustrations I had let accumulate in the back of my mind on a consistent basis. “This method of conducting business is not a matter of luxury, no ma’am, it’s a matter of Absolute Necessity. So if you wish to have a professional relationship with me in any capacity, I’d recommend ceasing your ill-informed scrutiny of my practices when you haven’t the slightest of the hardships I’ve come to face for simply protecting those in the most dire need of it! Do we Have an Understanding??”
All Serl could do was look at me blankly as my ragged breathing was showcased centerstage. After a few moments of the two of us looking at one another, I huffed and swiveled my chair around so that I could collect myself once more. It wasn’t often that I raised my voice, but I simply couldn’t help myself. I hadn’t expected this Sprig Lawyer to be nearly as hot-headed as she was, but I was not in the mood to justify my livelihood to her any longer.
We flew in silence for a while before Serl’s voice crept into my ears from behind me. “...Venric?”
As much as I was unprepared to face her again, I swiveled my chair around regardless. As opposed to earlier, she now bore an expression of guilt. “I… I’m sorry for assuming all that about you. I didn’t- I had no idea how much tribulation you’ve been forced to go through. I just assumed you’d be like the higher-ups back at Tail Guard. I should’ve known better.” She bowed her head in apologetic fashion, her already droopy ears slumped even further down her skull. “Brahk, I hate that you’re so right about me. Speh.”
…I didn’t know quite what to say. I had expected further resistance, but instead I received a genuine apology. While the bile in her previous speech still stung, I was willing to look past it. I remembered a time not too long ago where I was in a similar situation, and my unwillingness to back down set me on the path I was on to that day. It would not only be unwise of me to reject her apology, but it would also be quite callous of me to refuse. I sighed, smoothing my mane as I flicked my ears approvingly. “Raise your head, Serl. I accept your apology.”
She looked up at me with a mixture of relief and happiness, her tail thumping against the nearest chair. “Thank you, Venric. I promise that I won’t let you down again.” She leaned forward in her chair, looking over the evidence I had spread across my workstation. “So where are we headed now?”
“Where else?” I offered with an admittedly unnecessarily crypticness. “We are heading towards the scene of the incident: the local branch of the XGC,” I nodded, pulling out my data pad. “We should be there in a bit, which should give us ample time to address your employment situation. Can’t have any holes for the prosecution to exploit with us, now can we?”
“Speh, paperwork,” Serl mumbled. I really couldn’t help but agree.
submitted by Acceptable_Egg5560 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:23 Sea-Palpitation4112 International Parcel undelivered

International Parcel undelivered
Hey guys, I posted an item from Italy to the UK and the only tracking number I have is for the Italian post service as shown in the picture. There’s been no update for a few days and it’s stuck on “available for collection at the foreign operator’s office”. Apparently royal mail is the most likely UK postal service it’s been handed over to but there’s been no card left for me to go get it at a post office?? Does anyone know any other route I can go down and if there’s another way for royal mail to locate it - the original postal service has been no help. Any advice is appreciated as getting desperate :( thanks in advance
submitted by Sea-Palpitation4112 to royalmail [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 TheLotStore 809 S Kentucky St, Crossett, AR 71635

809 S Kentucky St, Crossett, AR 71635
809 S Kentucky St, Crossett, AR 71635
Nice city lot with utilities in a great Crossett, Arkansas location.
Please Note: Home pictured has been removed from the property.
Debit/Credit Cards Accepted No Closing Costs Cash Price: $2,950 Finance with $250 Down and 24 Payments of $140 Per Month 
Property Address: 809 S Kentucky St, Crossett, AR 71635 (Map location is approximate)
County: Ashley
Assessor Parcel Number: 706.00977.000
Legal Description: Block 106, Lot 5, Crossett Original F Subdivision
Section: 19 Township: 18S Range: 8W
Zoning: Residential
Annual Property Taxes: $72.00
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information:
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:37 GiversBot /u/notgrass87 [COMPLETED] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-06-10 (t3_p7rh9m up 1025.37 days, LONGTAIL, ACCOUNT DELETE/SHADOWBAN)

notgrass87 deleted from /borrow

Active loans

Quick search


[REQ] ($50) - (#Kern County, California, USA) (Repay $55 or 60 on 8/26) (Zelle, Paypal, Cashapp, Facebook Pay, Venmo)

Post contents

Edit: Ya’ll are amazing. I have TWO lenders both sent $50, will repay each of them $55 by 8/26. They are aware of each other and the terms. Socks and I are blown away by the kindness and we appreciate it so very much!!
Hey all! My kitty Socks has some digestive problems and an unforeseen vet trip is in the cards. I’m about $45-50 short for the medications he needs. I will repay a week from today, possibly sooner. Will show proof of income in DM, and will include pictures of Socks as cat tax below. We both appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and hopefully help with a loan! Thank you!! Socks the cat
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:22 MudCompetitive863 Is this normal, real or fake?

Is this normal, real or fake?
I found this small dealership that will export trucks and cars. I have been emailing them on a few trucks they have. I tried researching them and can find them on Google maps. They do have a small dealership with cars. They even have a YouTube account with video walkthroughs on some of their cars and trucks. (Made sure the pictures are not screenshots of the video too so I do believe they have the cars and trucks on site)
However their Google reviews show some people saying this place sucked and they didn’t get their car. Other reviews are saying it was fine and they did get their vehicle.
I am 100% ready to buy this truck EXCEPT, they will only accept bank transfers. I have asked if they could do an escrow or credit card but they said they only do bank transfers. Is this normal for dealerships and exporters in Japan? If it is, fine. If not, this might be the red flag that makes me give up on these particular trucks.
Thanks for any advice!
submitted by MudCompetitive863 to keitruck [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:17 BrainstormBot ⟳ 6 apps added, 74 updated at

⟳ from Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:39:17 GMT updated on Mon, 10 Jun 2024 08:50:53 GMT contains 4435 apps.
Added (6)
Updated (74)
submitted by BrainstormBot to FDroidUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:59 GuessSad2645 Literally begging

So, basically, I have an account I’ve have since 2019. A hacker got into my account and logged me out and changed the password. They didn’t change my email but discord wont let me change my password without a code sent to the phone number connected or something. The hack came from a real person pretending to be my real life friend. They replied to and answered my calls and talked like a real person, so I know it wasn’t a bot. They tried to get ransom from me. It was either 20$, boobs, someone with a badge, or a gift card of some sort. This account has photos of my family that are dead, old conversations with them I reread like good books. There’s pictures I can’t forget and people I can’t forget. Is there anything I can do? Discord disabled my account for suspicious activity so it booted off the hacker. Is there any way I can enable my account and get it back?
TL;DR: a human hacker got into my account and changed the password and not the email, discord disabled it for suspicious activity, discord pages and help pages aren’t helping and I wanna know if there’s a way to get my account back using the email or something. I don’t know where else to post because of the rules for the communities and i don’t wanna break it. Please help
submitted by GuessSad2645 to helpdesk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:59 Loch-M It won’t let me use my apple account to pay for robux

It won’t let me use my apple account to pay for robux
I got a new 20 dollar apple gift card, added it to my account, got 800 robux(and a few other stuff) and then did the cheapest option. I had enough to get it, but it didn’t work. I pressed continue and it automatically sent me to my mothers Visa card. I then pressed back which sent me to the screen that is shown in the second picture. I don’t know how to use the apple account. Can someone PLEASE help me.
submitted by Loch-M to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:49 SPC99Salt My favourite bug

My favourite bug
After installing a few mods I've noticed a bug - not too significant, just seems to affect horses. Millwater mod - a horse appear inside The Sleeping Giant, grazing on the fire (it's usually by the fishing supplies)! But my favourite is this one pictured in the intro sequence. The horse usually stays at the back where Hadvar dismounts but for some reason it now comes along for processing. Hadvar looks so frustrated that he can't stand where he's supposed to stand (the side-eye in pic 2). The horse is also in the way of character creation screen, doesn't concern me too much. But may concern others. Only occured after installing interesting NPC's and immersive roads.
submitted by SPC99Salt to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:38 Vast_Demand2566 Non filings, barely any records.

What options does someone have who suffered depression and suicidal notions over grief at one point along with a laundry list of other things, hiding inside not living life, watching their eCommerce business fall each year 100Ks, website shutdown and, running off fumes on marketplace listings that kept staying up, throwing the order via email to a company to ship, borrowing lots of money at high interest, but having no record of it at this point, no record of deductions, no record of sales, no bank statements, a few unreadable carbon copies of checks in a box all crumbled up that was only for rent and one supplier. no ability to get bank statement, marketplace data, website data, loan interest as its all 100% gone gone gone due to the time years, 15, 16, 17. It's a miracle this person is alive, me, yes me, not a friend. I suffered for so long and only recently in the past year got help with medications(which are barely working) and therapy and grew a new business, cpa, payroll, and doing everything right, but still I'm not living life unfortunately as I hide inside refusing to live from the weight of the past and .t anxiety and fear of people is still very high. i may never break free of it, . weighing so heavily, just waiting for one moment to break down, one push into a corner where the frustration and pressure is too much and finally feeling free to click the trigger because I refuse to suffer any further. I know me enough to know I'll let it come crashing down in my face if they come for me eventually.
Everytime I tried to sit down and get the information, I got 10 mins in to having basically nothing.I went through hard drives, emails, everything and came up with a few invoices, but sales data. no cogs, nothing. I accidentally cleared an entire drive of bank statments reformatting it to send to a supplier to get pictures because I only have 4G LTE out here. Because I talked with a CPA who was gonna help me who manages my new business account now, and when I went to get him what I had, I was literally freaking out as it wasnt there. I called bank and they don't have records back that far. And there's no way I'm paying tax plus penalties and interest on around probably like 1.4 million in gross sales over that time, based on my memory. They have the 1099 copies from marketplaces which don't even include refunds for returns! We're talking maybe, 6% take after deductions, cogs, etc if based on prior years. so maybe like $84K divided by 3, most being in year 2015, 2016 falling and 2017 tanking hard to a few hundred thousand in sales. I borrowed money from friends just to make it through and maxed every credit card I had. They have never contacted me, sent any letters. if I get a notice that I owe taxes on millions in sales, instead of the 6% or so I truly made, I'll do exactly what said above. I'm not going to have the will power to deal with it as I can't even recall much from those years as I suffered so much, it's mostly a blank.
Every program I've read requires filing and I can't file what I don't have. I will never paymore than what I made, plus penalities/interest. They will have to rip it from my cold dead hands. wellz there won't be much as I don't own much. I just finally got a car after 3 yrs without one and business has been good over past year and half. I want to expand and get a warehouse and employees, but I can't do it. I just can't knowing how fragile I am and everything is. Just a volcano of pain waiting to explode. Therapy only does so much when fear overrides it. And I'm not even scared of them. I'm scared of myself and my reaction.
In my head I thought, maybe they will be kind and just move on and let me keep living and pay taxes now and into future, but reality kicks in. No filing, no compromise! This is the USA where they tax the crap out of us to fund thier greedy hands to fund wars. It's never about us. Don't pay, fck you. Just a number and when that number is faulty or expired so be it. But why can't they just look at current and prior years, come up with a reasonable number and go from there? ohh that's right, again USA! Would rather turn me into a slave in prison working for pennies and watch me suffer more.
Anyways, input? And leave me alone on the crazy stuff, I don't need to hear it. Just the options that may be available to the situation. Maybe I hire an attorney to negotiate with them? idk. And I'm sorry, the isolation has made me hate people. I don't even have any friends anymore as I brcame very toxic and negative and developed anger issue from the pain. The only people who talk to me are my parents really and health folk. So yeah, hard for me to even ask for help. just airing it all out. Nothing was intentionally done. I used to be one of those people who got mad at folks making money under table. I think that's why it has ruined me so much as it goes against my own morals. I just have mental issues and I feel like that won't be good enough reason.Best part, because I isolated myself so much, I have no records of doctors, etc as I never went back than. I suffered seizures in my home by myself, dizzy spells passing out, delusions, paranoia and to top it off my neighbor would yell things outside like crazy! freak! come out come out you nutjob! Led me to have all blinds curtains closed and live in darkness for a year and half
submitted by Vast_Demand2566 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:32 Cheezfield Grandparents hands

Grandparents hands
Hello people,
Yesterday I asked for an edit and it came through nicely! I have a request once more. So we have a picture with only the hands of my grandparents? The picture will be used as a sort of watermark on the funeral/mourn card. (I don't know how it's called in English).
The printer of the cards is making a mess out of it so I hope you can help out. Would mean a lot!
Will tip
submitted by Cheezfield to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:04 jazminjuju Anxious because of the neet pg form

So, I received a message from NBEMS to upload my image again. I’ve been struggling to upload the picture because it kept showing an error: ‘Human face not detected, image too small.’ This happened after I spent hours resizing the image online. I finally managed to upload the picture, but I’m still extremely anxious. What if they reject it again? Will I not get my admit card? This is my drop year, and I cannot afford to miss the exam, my anxiety is through the roof.
submitted by jazminjuju to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:59 Agitated-Yellow-4777 Need Help Interpreting Candle Wax Reading and Oracle card pull – Share Your Insights!

Hi everyone! I'm seeking help interpreting a recent candle wax reading and an Oracle card pull. The candle wax seems to form the shape of a heart and an embrace, but I'm unsure of its full meaning. Additionally, I pulled an oracle card with a message that has left me pondering:
'You are being seduced with dazzling promises that will mostly not eventuate. In effect, you are being deceived; enticed into accepting something that will cause you much difficulty and eventually lead only to disappointment. Don't be seduced by the glitz and glamour, or by the holy and benevolent façade; things are not what they seem. Incredible promises are simply that; incredible. Observe the image on this card. The Temptress entices with her sensuous beauty and exotic surroundings, yet just behind her is the all-seeing eye of truth. It is staring you in the face all along. Take a few steps back, look at things from an objective and balanced perspective, and the real picture and hidden agenda will emerge.'
If you have any insights or interpretations, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you in advance for your wisdom and guidance!
submitted by Agitated-Yellow-4777 to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:46 SAYGAH Does anyone have any leads for where to accurately price vintage nintendo consoles and games + where to sell them? (Australia)

Hi all, im looking at selling a bunch of my old consoles however it seems since I was last playing that prices for things have changed dramatically and that its harder to track down what things should be worth...
Is there a website other than just kinda filtering through ebay that has somewhat accurate info? Also is there a better place other than ebay to sell consoles, games and guides in Australia?
TD:LR of everthing im wanting to sell and ill put a full listing of everything below the base stuff (its a lot):
Modded Nintendo Wii with games and accessories
32GB Wii U with games
DS Lite + Games (including stuff like the gen 4 pokemon games)
3DS purchased before august 2011 + games + accessories
Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and OOT 3D with Guides
Modded Wii stuff:
Wii Games (official, no point in listing out the modded ones as theyre worth nadda):
Wii U + Games
Nintendo DS Lite
DS Games (with Box + Manuals)
DS Games without a box but has manuals:
DS Games on their own:
3DS - Kinda special as it was purchased before 12th of August 2011 before they increased the price of the system, they gave 20 virual console games to make up for it, not all of which i think were officially released on the eshop? those games are:
3DS games (boxed + with manuals)
Other 3DS stuff:
TLOZ: Phantom Hourglass
TLOZ: Spirit Tracks
Any info would be super useful!!! (tbh im kinda not wanting to split things up if i can avoid it but same time I dont want to be selling stuff for absolutely nothing either)
submitted by SAYGAH to nintendohelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:04 gammaknifed ISAT U IT AND COMP SCI INTERVIEW

pabulig lang ko tani sa mga nag kwa da interview sa isat kung gin hambalan kamo ma send sang soft copy sang shs card kag kung ano ang email nga sendan kag ano ang format sang pag send kay nalipat ko mag picture kagina :((((
submitted by gammaknifed to Iloilo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:52 Pearl_PKMN_Trader [USA] [H] Pokemon Fire Red, Heart Gold CIB, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team/Explorers of Darkness, Pokemon Trading Card Game, [W] PayPal

Pokemon Blue Rescue Team Game Only: $35:
Pokemon Heart Gold Game, Case, Manual, Poke Walker and Heavily Used Box $280 OBO:
Pokemon Explores of Darkness Game & Case: $50:
Pokemon FireRed Cartridge: $140:
Pokemon Trading Card Game: $35:
Hey everyone, please see below for the prices for each game along with the pictures: Let me know if you need any additional close ups of the games or videos showcasing them working.
Pricing takes into account PayPal fees for the transactions, but happy to negotiate on certain items if offers are reasonable.
Have trade references on pkmntcgtrades
submitted by Pearl_PKMN_Trader to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:51 Emotional_Emu_5901 Whacha think of my ideas for a Godzilla series(check description)

Whacha think of my ideas for a Godzilla series(check description)
Basically my idea overall is that the Japanese government is having a kaiju problem so they created an organization dedicated to stopping them with it not only having humans but even having kaiju working for them
Those said kaiju being ones that are godzillas allies (Mothra, King Kong, Ronan angirus etc.) And there trump card is Godzilla himself
Basically it’s kinda similar to hellsing but with kaiju instead of vampires(hence the little meme I made)
I’m picturing it being called something on the lines of “Godzilla:kaiju hunters”
But feel free to let me know what you think if I cooked or not
submitted by Emotional_Emu_5901 to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:37 Prestigious_Spare835 TX divorce and trying to find solution how to pay off my share of the debt.

Background: My husband and I are trying to come up with debt payment solutions in the divorce. There have been multiple ideas thrown around but he is adamant that he doesn't want to close any of the accounts that are only in his name, even though he opened them after we were married.
Note: we have no kids, no real estate. Our only assets are my 2016 car and our retirement accounts. We haven't hired lawyers yet, we are just talking about how we can divorce amicably without spending a huge amount of money neither of us have. I will be hiring an attorney, so I will get specific legal advice at that time.
We live in TX, which is a community property state, so I know I am legally responsible for my share of the debt. That's fine, I don't contest that. I'm just wondering if such a thing I'm thinking about actually exists or can be arranged somehow.
The most fair way in my mind would be to take the total debt, split it in half, and then split that into payments. For instance, we have X amount of money in credit card debt. Could I take my half of the debt, agree to pay him X amount of money a month for 3 years and that would meet my debt obligation?
But even if that is an option, he said he didn't trust me to actually pay and believes that I would try to screw him over (which honestly I have no interest in doing- I just want out of the marriage. Screwing him over would just prolong the whole thing and I want this done yesterday).
I told him I would have the money automatically sent out of my paycheck to him every month (like set it up with my employer to deposit X amount of money in his account monthly automatically) so he wouldn't have to rely on me to remember to send him money. But even that's not good enough. He wants something similar to my wages being garnished, where he would 100% know he would be getting it no matter what.
Is there anything like an agreement where I would be legally obligated to pay the agreed amount and he would feel more secure because he would have recourse if I didn't pay it? It would essentially only be for his peace of mind- I would just do the automatic deposit from my paycheck no matter what because that would also leave a paper trail to protect me.
I don't even know of there is something like this. I know in child support situations a person is legally obligated to pay and they get in legal trouble if they don't, but is there anything like that for situations like this?
Or could something just be put into the divorce decree saying I would pay him X amount of money per month for X number of years and there would be legal consequences if I don't? Similar to how a car payment might work?
Again, I will be working with an attorney once I get all the money saved up. So I'm not looking for specific advice, just general information about this idea.
If that's not a legally feasible solution, are there other options that could work short of me selling feet pictures on OnlyFans to save up for a bulk debt pay off? Is there any option to where he can keep his credit lines open but I am no longer obligated to pay for anything accrued after the divorce?
I guess I'm just looking for ideas at this point.
submitted by Prestigious_Spare835 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:32 Good-Resolve3594 Lady Giving away her Main Coon for free….

Hi, I recently saw a Facebook post from a woman offering her Maine Coon kitten for free. I messaged her, and she didn't ask for any money. Since we live far apart, she offered to arrange transportation for $300, which I would only need to pay when the cat arrives at my door. For the adoption and shipping process, she requested my full name, address, phone number, and email.
However, I find it odd that I can no longer find the original post on Facebook. Before it disappeared, I noticed that her Facebook Marketplace profile had numerous posts about selling or giving away cats and dogs. Additionally, her messages include a lot of unnecessary personal information about her life, which seems strange. The earliest post on her Facebook is from March 25. She also sent me a picture of her health insurance card, claiming I would need it to show the delivery person.
She mentioned using "Cargo Hub Logistics" for shipping, and I'm based in Canada.
Could I be at risk of a scam if I provide the information she's requesting?
submitted by Good-Resolve3594 to Scams [link] [comments]