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2012.10.26 18:19 Icanhazcomment FootballDownload

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2011.08.17 21:20 Women's Soccer

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2010.01.26 19:23 blisstonia 30 ROCK

Guess which subreddit thinks gesturing with one's thumbs is for poor people, is immortal, has TWO BAD KNEES, is beautiful but doesn't know it, and hasn't cried once today? THIS ONE. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show 30 Rock. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else 30 Rock related.

2024.06.10 06:06 King_Harry26 [17m] Looking for some friends, and not people who ghost or are creeps. If you relate to any of my interests or just wanna talk or even vent, dm me (more info in the body text) and a drawing in progress down below of mine. Dm me

[17m] Looking for some friends, and not people who ghost or are creeps. If you relate to any of my interests or just wanna talk or even vent, dm me (more info in the body text) and a drawing in progress down below of mine. Dm me
Am Harry, 17m from the states but am Chicano, both parents are Mexican. (So Spanish speakers can also dm me!!) I like to draw, I listen to a lot of music, like to play video games (fortnite, minecraft, roblox), and also play(sometimes) and watch football(soccer). So if you are interested or just wanna talk abt anything you like dm me. I prefer 16+, and also idc abt gender. If you just want to vent am also here.
If you prefer discord i also have it. So you can ask me for it. Umm that's really it. Dms open!!
(Photo is a drawing in progress, not finish yet!!!)
submitted by King_Harry26 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:44 over18forreal four

5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 6500 6750 7000 7250 7500 7750
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:11 PhuckingPhabulous AITA: neighbor drunkenly displaced rage at her sister at me and now I’m isolated from the neighborhood.

Background: I was raised with a borderline mother. My entire childhood was fucking screaming. As a 36 year old adult, I don’t put up with that type of emotional immaturity. Period.
Story: (god this feels so dumb. I thought we were just having a fun discussion amongst friends. I found out that wasn’t the case)
Neighborhood super Bowl party. Super progressive group. Not a bunch of conservatives. Nobody is watching football.
Jay z was flashed on the screen. This was a week after TSwift won the best album and Jay Z called out the racism of Beyoncé never winning best album. When he flashed on screen I was like “honestly I’m glad he said it. A black woman has not won best album since Lauryn Hill in 1999. Like come on. It’s time.”
This 42 year old neighbor (who I’ve hung with a few times ) turns beet red and goes “but Beyoncé doesn’t write her own music.” I responded that swift has writers as well and also writers aren’t the only parts of artistry. There’s so much more.
This woman lost her MIND. FULL blown tantrum and started full blown screaming TAYLOR SWIFT WRITES HER OWN SONGS. TALYLOR SWIFT WRITES HER OWN SONGS. I’m literally agreeing with her and saying YES I AGREE. Every time I try to speak and say I don’t disagree-TAYLORYYYYYY SWIFTTTTT WRITES HER OWN SONGS (again this woman is 42. This is insane).
As she’s screaming im in total shock bc I thought this as a social conversation. The room is quiet bc of her screaming and at one point I go “I honestly feel like I’m dealing with my irrational borderline mother. I’m getting flashbacks and I need to get the fuck out of here. “ So I gather my shit to leave and apparently she hadn’t had enough and yelled from the kitchen “BYEEEEEEEE BITCHHHHHH”. As I walked out the door she screamed “IF YOU CANT TAKE IT DONT DISH IT BITCH.”
This is ALL over Taylor swift.
That was February. I blocked her dog just died in September. I don’t have energy for crazy. We’ve all had bad moments but she took it too far IMO. She is unstable and demonstrated that to everyone and I have no energy for that. I did nothing wrong.
Apparently she tried to text me an apology. If she’d just left it at the initial screaming, I would’ve moved on but her continued screaming to embarrass me when I tried to remove myself demonstrated she has zero control of her impulses and emotions & I want nothing to do with her.
she is “having issues with her sister and got wasted and displaced those issues on me.” That has happened to me too many times. I don’t put up with it anymore.
Since she’s lived here longer than me, the neighborhood feels as though I am the problem bc I did not just forgive her and move on. Im honestly offended that her tenure overrides her disgusting behavior. I’m looking for a new place bc I am no longer invited to anything since that night.i feel isolated. Am I the asshole for not just moving on and accepting her apology?
TLDR: neighbor had family issues. Drunkenly took them out on me and now I’m the neighborhood pariah bc I won’t accept her apology.
submitted by PhuckingPhabulous to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:08 blue_slowda I think Sheldon might be a little nuts.

I think Sheldon might be a little nuts. submitted by blue_slowda to YoungSheldon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:00 AutoModerator /r/footballhighlights weekly SPOILER AND DISCUSSION FREE match ratings thread (Is that game worth watching?). 10-Jun-2024 / 17-Jun-2024

Example: Real Madrid vs Everton - 8/10
Please participate. If you seen a nice game please rate it here
Suggested ratings (not obligatory but you can use them as a guidance).
  • (0-4) bad match, not worth your time
  • (5) average/ok game
  • (6) decent match, perhaps worth your attention
  • (7) great match, worth watching
  • (8) non-stop action and/or lots of goals
  • (9) game of the year contender
  • (10) instant classic
PS : Ratings are totally subjective. Higher rating does not mean your and/or favorite team is winning. The game of Football loves upsets. Try not to forget the reddiquette while commenting.
submitted by AutoModerator to footballhighlights [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:22 ThrowRAfmfan46 How can I (46f) encourage my husband (49m) “show up” in our marriage?

Married 17 years, 4 kids (16, 14, 12) how many opportunities do I need to give him to “show up”— we have had very difficult times over the past few years and are currently in couples therapy (and I am seeing a therapist on my own) but husband does not recognize his place in our issues. Has said he’s “stuck in a sh*tty marriage” and I’ve been a horrible wife, but he “still loves me.” He adamently refused individual therapy at the suggestion of our marriage counselor. An example of the most impactful “disconnect” resulted in a two-month separation in November following the sudden death of my brother in which husband was extremely distant from me and our children during the services. The day of the wake, he decided to take a nap and I ended up driving my parents and children to the funeral home. His excuse was “he works nights and was tired” —quite literally, he had been off for two nights but chose to play World of Warcraft for 8+ hours a day and watch college football instead of being concerned with my family tragedy.
Two weeks ago, I found a lump in my breast and went for diagnostic imaging. To be certain, they scheduled a biopsy and so I discussed with him, he offered to come with me, I told him the date and time 10 days in advance and added it to our shared online calendar app (which he refuses to utilize). There have been a couple of disagreements in the meantime. I told him I was really nervous about the biopsy (2nd reminder), my brother’s birthday was coming up in a few days and I really needed my husband, really needed his support. There was no check-in on my brother’s birthday, he hasn’t asked how I’m feeling/dealing with all of this while I’m also trying to be supportive to my sister in law, nephews and my parents. Well, he scheduled himself to work (7a-7p) the night before my 7:45am procedure (he obviously forgot, or simple didnt GAF). But he has reminded me twice already about Father’s Day lunch with his Dad. He easily remembers and makes time for others (his friends/family). When it comes to me, he’s extremely indifferent. Current situation: Procedure is tomorrow and so before he left for work I asked if he was going to be able to be with me or if I should ask someone else to come? I can tell by his reaction he had forgotten. All weekend I was tempted to not even say a thing at all and just go alone. Unfortunately, this is not a new scenario…but it felt like I was setting him up for failure if I didn’t “remind” him. Did I owe him another reminder? I feel if the tables were turned, there’s no way I would have forgotten his appt esp knowing it was something he was concerned about. So many other things just lead me to think this marriage is not going to show any progress….any advice appreciated.
Tl;dr: Did I owe him another reminder? I feel if the tables were turned, there’s no way I would have forgotten his appt esp knowing it was something he was concerned about.
submitted by ThrowRAfmfan46 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:14 HomerSPC POST GAME THREAD: BC Lions (0-1) @ Toronto Argonauts (1-0) - June 9, 2024

BC Lions @ Toronto Argonauts - June 9, 2024

Kickoff: 07:00 PM EDT / 07:00 PM EDT
1 2 3 4 Total
BC - - - - 27
TOR - - - - 35
How to Watch
Region Channel Notes
US CBSSN/CFL+ 34 regular season games will be broadcast on CBSSN while the remainder will be broadcast for FREE on CFL+
International CFL+ All CFL regular season games, plus playoffs & Grey Cup will be available for FREE on CFL+
BC 980 CKNW or Sher-E-Punjab Radio AM 600
TOR TSN 1050
SiriusXM See the complete broadcast schedule
For more information see:
Subscribe to these communities
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by HomerSPC to CFL [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:08 AStinkyPickle 25[M4F] Pennsylvania/Online into IRL - Looking for someone who's would probably say, "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles"

Hello! Jokes aside from my title, I can tell a server if my order isn't correct on my own and I like pickles. However, I hope that paints a good picture to start with on what type of person I'm looking for. Obviously I'd like to be friends first and go from there.
Possible deal-breakers:
What/Who I'm looking for:
What I bring to the table in return:
Personality-wise(I wrote these last couple sections as paragraphs, sorry):
I'm fairly rational and honest. I am, probably for the worse for my well-being, an open book. I talk way too much sometimes, especially when I'm passionate about something or excited. I do like alone time, or just sitting in silence together. I try to keep things lighthearted most of the time and I laugh at a giant amount of stupid things that probably aren't that funny. My humor is pretty cursed because of that and I find some dark/internet humor funny in general. I'm pretty whimsical and often like to try new things. I get really focused on things for a little while, then I kind of move onto whatever takes my attention away. Because of that, my hobbies are kind of a revolving door a lot of the time. I think my worst trait is that I sometimes genuinely have a hard time understanding people and their decisions.
For my hobbies, it's all just kind of nerd hobbies for the most part. Most of my free time is spent playing video games with the occasional watching or reading something in between. My friends describe my taste in games as torture sims which translates to me enjoying being challenged. I actually like and follow sports when I feel like with said sports being baseball and football. Despite being ingrained in internet culture, I do touch grass regularly. Some things that I'd like to do, but refuse to do alone are things like hiking and traveling. I also don't know if I'd really consider it a hobby, but I exercise.
Physical appearance:
I'm fine sharing pictures, but will describe nonetheless. I'm about 5'7 or 67 inches. I'm white and not really pasty despite the overwhelming amount of time I spend inside. I have the old man balding genes, so I keep my hair rather short. I also keep my facial hair around as short. Both of which are brown, though my face has some other colors mixed in. I'm pretty broad. I'm overweight and working on it, as stated above. I have hazel eyes, but they usually like 90% brown and 10% green.
Thanks for the presumably single digit people that have actually read this far. You're wonderful and I hope you have a great day or night.
submitted by AStinkyPickle to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:00 AutoModerator r/FremantleFC Fantasy Discussion Thread

The weekly Freo-centric thread for all things Fantasy Football.
Which Freo players are going in this week's fantasy team, and if you're feeling particularly traitorous, which non-Freo players make the cut?
Who is on your watch list? Which player is killing you and is on the chopping block?
Have you made a masterful trade that you want to gloat about?
This is also where you can engage in friendly bants - sledge your vanquished opponent from previous rounds, or let your upcoming opponent know how badly youre going to beat them etc
(Non-Freo fans welcome for intel gathering.)

Dont forget to set your line-ups (including subs, Captains and Vice Captains) each week once team sheets are announced

Top weekly score (last week):
Top weekly score (season):
Permalink to the FremantleFC subreddit Discord.
submitted by AutoModerator to FremantleFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:54 2008wasbetter Kicking and?

I went to Lambeau Field last year for the week 3 game (My family lives in Wisco, dey all cheeseheads) and they want me to drive up again in December. I'm like why tf do we play in GB two years in a row?
Is that normal in the league?
Is Chris Olave the chosen one?
Is the National Football League ready to get Rattled?
I think we got a pick 6 or kick return, and I celebrated and spilled some beer on one of the packers players kids. Their mom was NOT happy. It was so uncomfortable after that they said i smelled like B.O hahah I wanted to leave so bad but it was sick. Watching us choke, and then miss a FG to win really made me realize how much I took kicking for granted. Kicking and Screaming is not the worst movie
submitted by 2008wasbetter to Saints [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:29 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:26 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:18 tmullen99 Thoughts on Stallions’ attendance (long post, but I feel it’s worth a read).

I just saw Anthony Miller’s post on X and I guess this is my response. Before anyone gets upset 1) I am a Stallions fan from Alabama saying all of this and 2) I don’t think that this post falls in the “tribalist XFL v. USFL” category.
I’ll be the first to admit that the Stallions attendance should be and needs to get better. With that said, I feel like alot of people are missing some context as to why attendance is what it is. So I felt the need to make this post. Also, this post is in no way targeted towards Battlehawk fans or St. Louis, I just mention them (for context) because we are most often compared to them.
I think that for a city that has been burned by spring football so many times, putting 10-15k in the stands for a spring league is pretty good. The only direction from here is up.
Yes, the team is very good, having won two straight titles and possibly a third soon. This success often gets pointed out when people criticize the Stallions’ attendance. But they ignore the 3-4 other teams who are putting up just as bad if not worse attendance numbers, and all of those teams (except for Memphis) are in much larger markets than Birmingham. I get “those teams get a pass because they aren’t as good but Birmingham is a disappointment because they are winning so much and should have Battlehawks level attendance.”
On the surface, this might seem like a fair point. However, the reality is that decades of fly-by-night leagues have deeply affected Birmingham’s psyche around spring football. People are simply afraid the league will fold and don't want to get too emotionally invested only to be heartbroken again.
So yeah… the assumption that people in Birmingham don’t care about or are hostile towards the Stallions is false - as should be evidenced by TV ratings and conversations around the city. Most people are in a “wait and see period” where they will watch them on TV, and support them from afar. Go to almost any sports bar in the city and they’ll have the Stallions game on. Alot of folk who won’t go to games watch every game and will even get upset or nervous when the team looks like it will lose or actually loses. There are a lot of “over the mountain” (white middle class to wealthy conservative suburban folk) who will engage with the Stallions’ social media pages or local news station posts about the team’s games - but just aren’t at the point yet where they are ready to fully get over that past trauma and come to games. Which leads to my next point:
Anyone suggesting or hoping for the Stallions to relocate needs to stop. There is zero chance that happens, and it would be foolish for the league to move what is probably its biggest brand (it’s either us or the Battlehawks), a brand that also has a 40-year history in Birmingham. I believe the league would fold before relocating the Stallions and I don’t think any team is at any immediate risk of being moved.
Leaving Birmingham, where the low attendance is mostly due to generational trauma, would only confirm that all of the people who were hesitant to show up to games were right in staying home. There would be a bunch of “see, look, I knew it.” The only thing that makes any sense is for the league to remain here, significantly beef up local advertising, and (once it becomes financially feasible), have players live in their home markets to integrate with the community. Many fans across the league are put off by the players living in Dallas and only flying in for games. If the Stallions leave, it would reinforce fears and sour the city on non-NFL football beyond repair. No spring league football team would ever have a chance in this market ever again.
What I think is most absurd is when I see people comparing Birmingham to cities that have - or have had at one point - NFL teams like St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Houston, which all lost NFL teams but saw instant support when the NFL returned. This comparison is very flawed and is a very lazy comparison without much or any real thought behind it. The NFL is an established league with a sense of permanence. When those cities got new teams, it was their own fault for losing the previous ones (the Rams leaving wasn’t St. Louis’ fault but the Cardinals leaving was) because they - after repeated warnings from team owners to build new stadiums - failed to do so. The replacement teams in those markets had instant sellouts due to the NFL's stability. People know that the NFL is not going to fold. The team may relocate, but there is always, at least hypothetically, a chance you can get a replacement team at some point. You can’t get a replacement team in a league that no longer exists so Birmingham’s situation is different; past teams left not because of lack of support, but because the leagues themselves folded.
The Vulcans and Americans of the 70s WFL, the OG Stallions of the 80s USFL, and most other teams all had good attendance until repeated league failures just eventually wore people down.
The AAF and Birmingham Iron folding did a real bad number on folks in Birmingham and are a big reason why the Stallions have attendance issues. When the Iron came, there were enough Millennial and Gen Z folks who either weren’t old enough to remember or weren’t yet alive (me) to remember any other alt-league team so as the older Birmingham folks were treating the Iron like everyone here is treating the Stallions now, younger folks were embracing the Iron and showing up in pretty good numbers and reacting to the Iron like St. Louis is the Battlehawks. The Iron was the only pro football team we’d ever known in Birmingham so I guess we assumed them and the AAF would last forever. But then the AAF folded suddenly mid season and all of those Millennial and Gen Z people got that same bad taste in their mouths as well. All of this is hurting the Stallions.
All of this is to try to give some context that alot of people are seeming to miss - the Stallions' attendance issues are rooted in a long history of broken promises by various leagues. Moving the team would only deepen the scars left by past failures. The league needs to continue to invest in Birmingham and give the city a reason to believe that this time will be different. You can’t half a$$ marketing in a city with such deep trauma and then point the finger back at the city when attendance is a little low.
submitted by tmullen99 to UnitedFootballLeague [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:13 becausefootball_ Fan Zone in Liege?

Hello you lovely Belgians, I will be in Germany for the group stage of the Euros but I want to experience a match in Belgium while the Red Devils play. I am planning to visit Liege as it is closet to where I'll be in Germany.
Does anyone have recommendations for where to watch a match on June 17th for the Belgium v Slovakia match?
Side note: I'm a football youtuber and plan to document the day, especially as it will be my first time in Belgium. So I'm looking for a fun, colorful atmosphere!
Merci and Bedankt!
submitted by becausefootball_ to belgianfootball [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:13 Nickyt2016 Which team should I support?

Hi! Im an American soccer (football) fan who currently cheers for the Columbus Crew. After a couple years exploring MLS football, I’m trying to explore more teams in Europe and since I’m 50% Greek, I thought it’d be fitting to find a team in the Greek Super League and as fans of the league, I’d thought I’d come to you!
Things I look for in a team: - passionate fan base - doesn’t consistently lose (doesn’t have to win all the time either) - exciting to watch
Feel free to persuade me join your teams fanbase! Or don’t, up to you
submitted by Nickyt2016 to GreekFooty [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 dixcgirl10 Breaking Down Bates

  1. Carlin and Evan pretended they were on vacation alone again this year but really they were with their new favorites. Sorry PopPop and Ninni, you’ve been replaced by the new Cult Church Pastor and his family. Proving that they are serious about this influencer grift, the Stew Crew met up with 4 other Trad wife Family Vloggers and Carlin showed that she can be like all the TikTok girlies and eat crab legs, too! She swung by a Chick-fil-a on the way home to wash the taste out of her mouth. It was a week of the standard beach pics, kids in bikinis and speedos while the adults wore modest swimsuits, ice cream, family fit checks and Evan invading all of Mexico Beach’s privacy with his drone. In a clear case of one up man ship, Carlin forced her entire family to wake up at 3:40am, dress up and go to the beach for a sunrise photo shoot. Pure torture and proof that this was not a vacation, but a work trip. These poor babies never get a break. Once they made it home it was business as usual with Layla in a crop top selling bracelets. Evan popped in with a 2 second proof of life of the dog. Izzy probably enjoyed a week without a camera and hearing “are you excited? Isn’t that exciting? Say it again… look over here”…sigh…
  2. Katie was obviously miserable all week at the Jersey Shore with travis’ family bc she was relatively quiet and there was no new vlog from the Clark family this week. She pushed a few links, made a reel featuring her baby doing things all babies do and called her the sweetest one year old EVER. Of course we know how important being SWEET is in this crowd. She also bought some glass beads down the shore and used those to show us all what color eyes they have… because that’s riveting content also. By the way… Travis Clark? Not on tour.
  3. The Bates Family beauty queen Josie Balka spent the majority of the week in her bathroom filming hair and makeup tutorials. She used creative wording to make people believe she isn’t wearing extensions, but she can’t hide the fact that the pool noodle isn’t holding her curl all day. Someone took to the comments to rat out the fact that come July, Mrs Balka will no longer be available for wedding makeup. Josie continues to push her workout content and this week did CrossFit with her pool noodle in and her 3 kids roaming around a garage. Josie ditched the Memorial Day cookout at the big house to hang out with the Balkas. Kelton is turning up the heat on his chef career and made Tuscan salmon and roasted chickens this week. His cooking videos feature overhead shots and close ups… Zach could never. Josie pushed links while showcasing the girls in their new crocs. She is also selling a hair supplement that works out to cost $2.30 per pill. They wrapped up the week at Kelton’s flag football game. Josie agreed to attend and feature it on her IG without the pool noodle in her hair.
  4. Summer is happening full throttle at the Webster’s down in Florida…& that means… coffee, cleaning out the school room and working out in the gym. The excitement can hardly be contained. Alyssa finally scored a partnership this week… it’s for a Wallie phone case and hopefully she sold enough to afford the next trip to Costco. Maci was Alyssa’s target this week and she was forced several times to sing a song while her mom filmed her and said “LOUDER, LOUDER”… Maci looked terrified and managed to whimper out the ABC’s and that old cult classic “The Lord’s Army”. Alyssa is back to filtering her children’s faces off and poor baby Rhett looks like his is melting off while she runs behind him screaming “isn’t he the funniest? Isn’t he the cutest? I can’t stand it!!” Yea… neither can we. Proving that she isn’t estranged from her entire family, Jackson came over and Alyssa pretended that he was begging her to cut his hair. She told us how she grew up poor and was forced to give haircuts even though she hated it and wasn’t very good at it. Jackson played along to give his sister some content. In return he sharpened her knives bc that’s yet another thing her goofy husband cannot do. John doesn’t have time anyway bc he is running away to a softball game. Alone. Again. In a last ditch attempt to bring Alyssa back into the fold, Kelly instructed everyone to go comment on her reel featuring Rhett…Carlin, Lydia, Whit and Ellie followed orders. Later Alyssa decided to put all of the children’s books on the very highest shelf where the only way to reach them is with a step ladder. Lurch watched. She also had to have Allie tell her where Lexie was because apparently she had no clue. She showed the depressing, colorless school room filled with CD’s and by 8pm filmed herself with dead eyes saying she needed her kids to go to bed. The unhappiness is just oozing out.
  5. Whitney and Zach spent the week at Folly and in Charleston. They ate at Loggerheads Bar and TBonz Grill &Chill and I really feel like Zach may have had a beer and Whitney sipped a White Claw. Whitney wore her bikini and crop tops and Zach went shirtless and wore shorts and they are dangerously close to seeming normal. They insisted on using some Instagram crap sunscreen and poor Kacie got a bad sunburn. They played around with the TikTok trend of jumping from one place to another and heavily featured all of their kids all week in bathing suits. Over in the Bates Kitchen this week Zach made the exotic dish known as Stuffed Mushrooms. He explained how he grew up eating a severely limited menu and on his honeymoon in Hawaii they ate Subway and KFC. He held his dish up for the camera this week and used a clear bowl but that’s as good as it’s gonna get bc apparently his camera just cannot move. The recipe featured 6 different chunks of cheese and some dried Great Value seasonings and Zach told us he is taking knife lessons because he doesn’t have a clue what he is doing. Yet he still believes he is good enough to have a cooking channel.
  6. In his continuing trend of telling too much and showing too much Trace Bates filmed a Memorial Day cookout at the Big House and showed all the nooks and crannies and mercy that place is a hot mess. Crap is piled in every corner, on every shelf, that huge old sectional is spotted and stained and has grease spots from heads and all the kitchen cabinets are just left wide open. Kelly Joe is piled up on the couch and there seems to be an old sheet hanging in a window. Whew! Lydia’s family joined in for the cookout and they are just obsessed with pickle ball. They spent the week at the beach with the Romeike’s and Ryker was miserable on the flight and just about cut their tail. Lydia had PTSD thinking about the flight home. Lydia and Trace later dress Ryker like Larry from 3’s Company in a baby leisure suit. He would have fit right in down at the Regal Beagle. Their beach photo trip featured Trace in his jeans rolled up like capris. When they got back home they tried to sell us a camera that fits up your nose and in your ear… watching Trace Bates dig around in his ear is just a bridge too far for me. Big news… Lydia gets to go on a girls trip soon… and she gets to take the baby with her. That is the exact opposite of a girls trip, but what’s she supposed to do… leave the kid with Trace??
  7. Michael and Brandon are back to arts and crafts this week. Brandon checked out JebJud from the big house so he would have an excuse to color and forced him to film trying to draw a badger. What they drew did not, in fact, look anything like a badger… it was a grey and black blob. Brandon said this is strictly because badgers don’t live in Tennessee. Well Brandon, neither do whales and you drew those several times.
  8. Erin Bates is slowly slipping back onto social media but because Chad said she had to be purposeful she is steadily cramming weird old yard axe preachers down her viewers throats. We first heard a very pointed message from some old dude who believes mothers would grab trinkets and leave their children behind in a house fire. Later she shared a reel featuring her dad preaching, but she was just warming up. She decided to sit down ole Gil and have him give his testimony on her YouTube. Testimony is apparently fundie for “lie and rewrite history” bc Gil said when he was 15 he skipped school to go drink beer with his buddies but just before taking a sip of the devil’s elixir he stumbled upon a Bible and spent the rest of the day looking up Bible words in the dictionary while those other boys drank Budweiser and looked at girlie magazines. Testimony also is fundie for “fairy tale”. Shut up Gil. Later Erin attended Bible Baptist and showed us little Carson fervently taking notes. She is pushing her cardboard cards in a special Father’s Day box that includes an amazing free gift… a Bic Pen!!! Hurry and order now. She told us she and Tori are living their dream and wrapped up the week with a Rocky Top Recap that quietly left out Carlin. Such a Christian thing to do…
  9. Tiffy Bates is 33 weeks pregnant and went as Lawson’s date to the Hermitage for an AHA fundraiser. This former actress is now just Mrs. Lawson Bates as he took top billing. Their vlogs were both old and recycled and one featured footage from last year’s Medicorp trip to Turkey where they let them package trail mix to stay out of the way of the real work being done there. If you ever wonder who the people are that buy BSB dresses… they are the same ones who have sent Lawson&Tiffy TONS OF BABY GIFTS. Sickening to see when there are SO many mothers who struggle and need help. Lawson said growing up his dad kept the cars with no gas in them and then whichever kid got in to drive would have to use their money to pay for gas. Man Gil is a real piece of work! Lawson made Tiffy do a fit check and called her Pookie. Why do they refer to each other as “boys” and “girls” and why are they constantly talking to the camera asking their viewers asinine questions about things that won’t matter by the time they get the answers?? Tiffy is also selling that weird ear camera and I don’t want to see her earwax either. Lawson and Evan decided to sing a little R. Kelly in the vlog for fun….& they ended the week with Lawson saying he was going to get fat because Tiffy cooked a roast beef dinner.
  10. Bits and Bytes… Kelly shared Ellie’s reel from the farm… Kelly announced that Warden and his sidekick Dylan have a new business striping things. Like putting down stripes… for game courts I guess? Didn’t know that was an in demand thing… Josie’s girls are still in gymnastics…could the current string of Bates boys be the Lord’s way of saying “stop exploiting your daughters”??
Have a great week friends and remember… according to the Bible…Christian women should NOT make coffee… it’s right there in “HeBrews”
submitted by dixcgirl10 to BatesSnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 dixcgirl10 Breaking Down Bates

  1. Carlin and Evan pretended they were on vacation alone again this year but really they were with their new favorites. Sorry PopPop and Ninni, you’ve been replaced by the new Cult Church Pastor and his family. Proving that they are serious about this influencer grift, the Stew Crew met up with 4 other Trad wife Family Vloggers and Carlin showed that she can be like all the TikTok girlies and eat crab legs, too! She swung by a Chick-fil-a on the way home to wash the taste out of her mouth. It was a week of the standard beach pics, kids in bikinis and speedos while the adults wore modest swimsuits, ice cream, family fit checks and Evan invading all of Mexico Beach’s privacy with his drone. In a clear case of one up man ship, Carlin forced her entire family to wake up at 3:40am, dress up and go to the beach for a sunrise photo shoot. Pure torture and proof that this was not a vacation, but a work trip. These poor babies never get a break. Once they made it home it was business as usual with Layla in a crop top selling bracelets. Evan popped in with a 2 second proof of life of the dog. Izzy probably enjoyed a week without a camera and hearing “are you excited? Isn’t that exciting? Say it again… look over here”…sigh…
  2. Katie was obviously miserable all week at the Jersey Shore with travis’ family bc she was relatively quiet and there was no new vlog from the Clark family this week. She pushed a few links, made a reel featuring her baby doing things all babies do and called her the sweetest one year old EVER. Of course we know how important being SWEET is in this crowd. She also bought some glass beads down the shore and used those to show us all what color eyes they have… because that’s riveting content also. By the way… Travis Clark? Not on tour.
  3. The Bates Family beauty queen Josie Balka spent the majority of the week in her bathroom filming hair and makeup tutorials. She used creative wording to make people believe she isn’t wearing extensions, but she can’t hide the fact that the pool noodle isn’t holding her curl all day. Someone took to the comments to rat out the fact that come July, Mrs Balka will no longer be available for wedding makeup. Josie continues to push her workout content and this week did CrossFit with her pool noodle in and her 3 kids roaming around a garage. Josie ditched the Memorial Day cookout at the big house to hang out with the Balkas. Kelton is turning up the heat on his chef career and made Tuscan salmon and roasted chickens this week. His cooking videos feature overhead shots and close ups… Zach could never. Josie pushed links while showcasing the girls in their new crocs. She is also selling a hair supplement that works out to cost $2.30 per pill. They wrapped up the week at Kelton’s flag football game. Josie agreed to attend and feature it on her IG without the pool noodle in her hair.
  4. Summer is happening full throttle at the Webster’s down in Florida…& that means… coffee, cleaning out the school room and working out in the garage . The excitement can hardly be contained. Alyssa finally scored a partnership this week… it’s for a Wallie phone case and hopefully she sold enough to afford the next trip to Costco. Maci was Alyssa’s target this week and she was forced several times to sing a song while her mom filmed her and said “LOUDER, LOUDER”… Maci looked terrified and managed to whimper out the ABC’s and that old cult classic “The Lord’s Army”. Alyssa is back to filtering her children’s faces off and poor baby Rhett looks like his is melting off while she runs behind him screaming “isn’t he the funniest? Isn’t he the cutest? I can’t stand it!!” Yea… neither can we. Proving that she isn’t estranged from her entire family, Jackson came over and Alyssa pretended that he was begging her to cut his hair. She told us how she grew up poor and was forced to give haircuts even though she hated it and wasn’t very good at it. Jackson played along to give his sister some content. In return he sharpened her knives bc that’s yet another thing her goofy husband cannot do. John doesn’t have time anyway bc he is running away to a softball game. Alone. Again. In a last ditch attempt to bring Alyssa back into the fold, Kelly instructed everyone to go comment on her reel featuring Rhett…Carlin, Lydia, Whit and Ellie followed orders. Later Alyssa decided to put all of the children’s books on the very highest shelf where the only way to reach them is with a step ladder. Lurch watched. She also had to have Allie tell her where Lexie was because apparently she had no clue. She showed the depressing, colorless school room filled with CD’s and by 8pm filmed herself with dead eyes saying she needed her kids to go to bed. The unhappiness is just oozing out.
  5. Whitney and Zach spent the week at Folly and in Charleston. They ate at Loggerheads Bar and TBonz Grill &Chill and I really feel like Zach may have had a beer and Whitney sipped a White Claw. Whitney wore her bikini and crop tops and Zach went shirtless and wore shorts and they are dangerously close to seeming normal. They insisted on using some Instagram crap sunscreen and poor Kacie got a bad sunburn. They played around with the TikTok trend of jumping from one place to another and heavily featured all of their kids all week in bathing suits. Over in the Bates Kitchen this week Zach made the exotic dish known as Stuffed Mushrooms. He explained how he grew up eating a severely limited menu and on his honeymoon in Hawaii they ate Subway and KFC. He held his dish up for the camera this week and used a clear bowl but that’s as good as it’s gonna get bc apparently his camera just cannot move. The recipe featured 6 different chunks of cheese and some dried Great Value seasonings and Zach told us he is taking knife lessons because he doesn’t have a clue what he is doing. Yet he still believes he is good enough to have a cooking channel.
  6. In his continuing trend of telling too much and showing too much Trace Bates filmed a Memorial Day cookout at the Big House and showed all the nooks and crannies and mercy that place is a hot mess. Crap is piled in every corner, on every shelf, that huge old sectional is spotted and stained and has grease spots from heads and all the kitchen cabinets are just left wide open. Kelly Joe is piled up on the couch and there seems to be an old sheet hanging in a window. Whew! Lydia’s family joined in for the cookout and they are just obsessed with pickle ball. They spent the week at the beach with the Romeike’s and Ryker was miserable on the flight and just about cut their tail. Lydia had PTSD thinking about the flight home. Lydia and Trace later dress Ryker like Larry from 3’s Company in a baby leisure suit. He would have fit right in down at the Regal Beagle. Their beach photo shoot featured Trace in his jeans rolled up like capris. When they got back home they tried to sell us a camera that fits up your nose and in your ear… watching Trace Bates dig around in his ear is just a bridge too far for me. Big news… Lydia gets to go on a girls trip soon… and she gets to take the baby with her. That is the exact opposite of a girls trip, but what’s she supposed to do… leave the kid with Trace??
  7. Michael and Brandon are back to arts and crafts this week. Brandon checked out JebJud from the big house so he would have an excuse to color and forced him to film trying to draw a badger. What they drew did not, in fact, look anything like a badger… it was a grey and black blob. Brandon said this is strictly because badgers don’t live in Tennessee. Well Brandon, neither do whales and you drew those several times.
  8. Erin Bates is slowly slipping back onto social media but because Chad said she had to be purposeful she is steadily cramming weird old yard axe preachers down her viewers throats. We first heard a very pointed message from some old dude who believes mothers would grab trinkets and leave their children behind in a house fire. Later she shared a reel featuring her dad preaching, but she was just warming up. She decided to sit down ole Gil and have him give his testimony on her YouTube. Testimony is apparently fundie for “lie and rewrite history” bc Gil said when he was 15 he skipped school to go drink beer with his buddies but just before taking a sip of the devil’s elixir he stumbled upon a Bible and spent the rest of the day looking up Bible words in the dictionary while those other boys drank Budweiser and looked at girlie magazines. Testimony also is fundie for “fairy tale”. Shut up Gil. Later Erin attended Bible Baptist and showed us little Carson fervently taking notes. She is pushing her cardboard cards in a special Father’s Day box that includes an amazing free gift… a Bic Pen!!! Hurry and order now. She told us she and Tori are living their dream and wrapped up the week with a Rocky Top Recap that quietly left out Carlin. Such a Christian thing to do…
  9. Tiffy Bates is 33 weeks pregnant and went as Lawson’s date to the Hermitage for an AHA fundraiser. This former actress is now just Mrs. Lawson Bates as he took top billing. Their vlogs were both old and recycled and one featured footage from last year’s Medicorp trip to Turkey where they let them package trail mix to stay out of the way of the real work being done there. If you ever wonder who the people are that buy BSB dresses… they are the same ones who have sent Lawson&Tiffy TONS OF BABY GIFTS. Sickening to see when there are SO many mothers who struggle and need help. Lawson said growing up his dad kept the cars with no gas in them and then whichever kid got in to drive would have to use their money to pay for gas. Man Gil is a real piece of work! Lawson made Tiffy do a fit check and called her Pookie. Why do they refer to each other as “boys” and “girls” and why are they constantly talking to the camera asking their viewers asinine questions about things that won’t matter by the time they get the answers?? Tiffy is also selling that weird ear camera and I don’t want to see her earwax either. Lawson and Evan decided to sing a little R. Kelly in the vlog for fun….& they ended the week with Lawson saying he was going to get fat because Tiffy cooked a roast beef dinner.
  10. Bits and Bytes… Kelly shared Ellie’s reel from the farm… Kelly announced that Warden and his sidekick Dylan have a new business striping things. Like putting down stripes… for game courts I guess? Didn’t know that was an in demand thing… Josie’s girls are still in gymnastics…could the current string of Bates boys be the Lord’s way of saying “stop exploiting your daughters”??
Have a great week friends and remember… according to the Bible…Christian women should NOT make coffee… it’s right there in “HeBrews”
submitted by dixcgirl10 to BringingUpBates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:31 bgva 60 Minutes

I’ve gotten to the point where I now watch 60 Minutes regularly, and it’s not because football ran late or because I’m waiting for whatever comes on next on CBS. I actually find the stories interesting.
Anyone else?
EDIT: left out a word.
submitted by bgva to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:28 Tough-Ad46 [16M] hey, looking for some new friends. what’s ur fav movie?? :3

hi! u can use the question in the title as a conversation starter if you’d like. here are some things about me: im from europe so if ur also from there that makes it easier. but if ur from somewhere else im definitely still down to talk :)some of my hobbies are: listening to music (mostly hiphop but some other genres aswell), watching movies and shows, playing videogames (which is something we could DEFINITELY do together) and i also watch and play of football (soccer for the americans). hope to see u in my dm’s 🫶 P.S. i have a very cute cat and i am open to sharing pics :)
submitted by Tough-Ad46 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:20 SnooHamsters64 25F, new to Brissy and would like some friends.

Hello hello. I’m new to Brisbane. I moved here from Melbourne a few months ago. I’m a law student who works full time. Life is a little boring right now and I would like some friends.
I love football (as in soccer), I’m interested joining a mixed soccer team. If you know any, please let me know! Would also love a gym buddy cause I’m too unmotivated to go by myself.
I would really like to do more outdoorsy stuff, like hiking/camping if we mesh well. But I am naturally introverted so I wouldn’t mind just hanging out at home, watching anime or playing games. If you are a student, study sessions would be great too.
Honestly down for whatever, I just need some friends lol. So please message me if you have similar interests or feel the same way.
Thanks :)
submitted by SnooHamsters64 to BrisbaneSocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:19 dfykl [PFF] 2024 NFL roster rankings: Strengths, weaknesses and X factors for every starting lineup

[PFF] 2024 NFL roster rankings: Strengths, weaknesses and X factors for every starting lineup
Biggest strength in 2023: Edge Rusher
Khalil Mack drank from the fountain of youth in 2023, delivering his best season since 2020 despite being 32 years old. The former Defensive Player of the Year recorded a career-high 18 sacks last season, including six in one game against the Raiders, while also generating 88 pressures and a 91.8 PFF grade.
Joey Bosa battled injuries last year but was still very productive when on the field, registering seven sacks and 24 pressures in just nine games. Bosa will be 29 when the 2024 season begins and has never earned a PFF grade below 75.0. In Bosa’s absence, 2023 second-rounder Tuli Tuipulotu picked up a lot of the slack, converting eight of his 51 pressures into sacks while also being very stout against the run (88.4 run defense grade).
Biggest weakness in 2023: Wide Receiver
The Chargers had one of the worst cap situations in football this offseason, and the result was them having to jettison their top two receivers. Longtime standout Keenan Allen was traded to the Bears for a fourth-round pick, while Mike Williams signed with the Jets after being released.
Los Angeles spent a first-round pick on Quentin Johnston last year, and he had plenty of rookie struggles. The team drafted three receivers in 2024 to compete for playing time — Ladd McConkey, Brenden Rice and Cornelius Johnson. Despite these additions, the receiving room lacks any established playmakers for Justin Herbert to throw to.
X-factor for 2024: WR Quentin Johnston
To say Quentin Johnston struggled as a rookie first-rounder would be an understatement. While his drop issues were overblown (he only dropped two passes last season), he struggled to make any real impact. Aside from a 91-yard performance against the Broncos in Week 14, he didn’t have a single game with more than 52 receiving yards.
After the losses of Keenan Allen and Mike Williams this offseason, Johnston will be called upon to step into the No. 1 receiver role if this Chargers offense has any hope of having a strong passing attack.
Rookie to watch: RB Kimani Vidal
Despite having been taken in the sixth round of the draft, Vidal has the potential to take over the starting running back job sooner rather than later.
The Chargers signed Gus Edwards and J.K. Dobbins away from the Ravens this offseason, and while Edwards played well last year, setting career highs with 810 rushing yards and 13 scores, he is 29 years old at a position that ages rapidly. Dobbins, on the other hand, has dealt with many injuries throughout his career and can’t be counted on to stay healthy. The other back of note on the roster, Isaiah Spiller, hasn’t done much in his two seasons out of Texas A&M.
With a good training camp, Vidal could find himself high in the running back rotation right out of the gate.
OveUnder 8.5 win total: Under
While Justin Herbert’s passing ability and the addition of Jim Harbaugh as head coach will cover up a lot of problems, this team is too thin at many key positions to be considered a serious threat in the AFC.
The Chargers do have one of the easiest schedules in terms of 2023 records, but they don’t appear to have the firepower to take full advantage of that.
submitted by dfykl to Chargers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 Kaylee_Arc Not sure if this is something else anyone has experienced but I need a little insight?

I've (F20) identified as bisexual with a lean towards women since I was 14 and I was talking to my straight friend (F20) yesterday about relationships and we got to discussing about what we would do for our partner in a relationship. We both think watching golf is one of the most boring activities ever so I asked her if she would consider watching a 3+ hour golf game with her boyfriend every weekend if he asked her to. She said she absolutely would because she would want to understand why he likes it and she would want to put in an effort to enjoy his interests. Which, I completely understand. However, it made me think about my past relationships with both men and women and I realized that I definitely treated them differently.
In high school, I had a boyfriend who played and watched football all the time. He would constantly send me football-related videos and ask me out to football games and I would never even pretend to be interested in any of it, I would get annoyed sometimes and I always made excuses to not have to go to a football game with him. I then eventually broke up with him over it. There were other instances with boyfriends where they would tell me about an interest of theirs and I just would not put any effort at all to share that interest. But in my relationships with women, I would watch 7+ seasons of entire shows (no matter how boring I found it) just because I knew it was the her favorite show and it would give us something to talk about/watch with each other. I also think basketball is just as, if not more, boring as football but the girl I currently have a crush on has said that she likes basketball and I know that if she ever invited me to watch a game, I would say yes without hesitation.
Anyway, these past few years I've learned that one of my love languages is sharing interests/quality time but I'm now realizing that I have never even pretended to care about the interests of my past boyfriends like I did with my past girlfriends/current crush. I know there's a lot more to it when figuring out if you're lesbian instead of bisexual but this is where I'm starting before I dig a little deeper and I wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences as me when they were with men before realizing they were actually a lesbian?
submitted by Kaylee_Arc to LesbianActually [link] [comments]