Sayings about not caring anymore

Dogs with Jobs

2014.02.03 23:29 mr_bag Dogs with Jobs

This is a community for real working dogs. These are jobs or tasks a dog is specifically trained to perform such as Guide Dog, Service Dog, Herding Dog, Police Dog, Sled Dog, etc. Silly/Fake jobs are NOT allowed in our sub. Read the full rules in the sidebar before posting.

2012.09.28 23:38 Thor4269 For not caring about Thor4269!

This subreddit was made to hold life update posts for people to hate on

2015.06.27 06:23 secopree When Reddit Goes Too Far


2024.05.29 09:38 robaninfo Need Some Suggestions/Help

I have been learning penetration testing since while, I have been learning but I don't know why but even after learning for these long i kinda feel Am I going the right way? What am i missing so i am not performing well? I have learning everything on my own like no any paid course or subscriptions. Till now i have grasp many fundamentals but sometimes i feel like Is this field even for me? But the one thing that kept me attracted to this field is , even i feel disturbed and tried to left this and choose another field, my mind always think of penetration testing and hacking stuffs to learn more. Recently i tried to switch and learn SOC but after learning for weeks I am not interested anymore onto it so i am really disturbed of what should I do. I want to do penetration testing i am really interested in it , i just don't where I am going wrong or what it is. I am currently pursuing my bachelor degree, and there is only me who is interested in this field, everyone are trying to be a developer or something else. most of them even don't know what is pentesting or security also. They make fun while i say ethical hacking for their understanding . It's really hard to be in circle of my peer group also.
I have understanding of the following things ( some of them require revision that i can do it easily)
  1. familiar with linux systems
  2. familiar (basics ) with burpsuite and all
  3. I know familiar with networking but not so deep like haven't done course like Network+ (thinking of doing it from yt)
  4. Some web vulnerabilities like IDOR, XSS and i have read books from portswigger about how to map the targets and all ( not advanced but i know how they occur and some fundamentals)
  5. Programming fundamentals ( I am learning JS currently , know basics of Bash Scripting)
This is my first post on reddit, and i even don't know even this place is for posting such suggestions type post, but i really need some suggestions, i would be very thankful towards everyone. If the post is not appropriate here, please kindly help me reach out somewhere appropriate place. sorry for my bad English. WHat can i do advance more deep dive into here. Thank You !!
submitted by robaninfo to tryhackme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:37 damienwagner Why are parents so angry on the road?

Seriously though. I live in Cali and while Cali drivers are bad in general, the worst of the bunch has to be parent drivers. I say this because it seems like every single time I drive past a highschool or middle- hell even elementary school- it seems like the parents are hauling complete ass with no regard to any one elses kid or possible pedestrians. I constantly get accident alerts on my phone for locations close to schools- which is shockingly sad and disturbing to say the least.
I have no clue what it is. Do these parents just not care about anyone else but their kid? But then again driving recklessly sets a horrible example. Maybe I am just not in the loop as I am childfree, lol.
Perhaps people just are naturally angrier after having children? No clue.
submitted by damienwagner to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:37 aPimpNamedSenpai The people who say “stop being weird/sexualizing”

I’ve been seeing a lot of people comment on posts about stray kids making a SLIGHTLY dirty joke or just mention something kinda dirty on all social media. For example, those videos where the members do something attractive on stage like lift their shirt or unbutton their shirt (bangchan) and people in the comments will say something that overall is a little bit dirty? Or they just joke about how they can’t handle it and “why are they doing this to us”. It’s annoying that I keep seeing people get mad and say to stop sexualizing them. Some of us are adults, skz are adults, and they know what they’re doing. I don’t see the harm in making a slightly inappropriate joke or statement on a post they most likely won’t see? And they know we do it!! I feel like everyone jokes about their celebrity crushes that way. What about when bangchan joked about how if we are his baby girls, that makes him our daddy. I feel like someone can call him daddy on a post after that and so many people are going to go on about how we need to stop sexualizing them and respect them. I highly doubt that any of them care that we think they are attractive when they’re making thirst trap worthy content lol. Has anyone been seeing this? I even see a comment on an instagram post and someone will call one of the members their husband and people get upset and say to stop being weird. I thought doing things like that were normal. They’re just jokes. They’re the same guys who wrote Taste and Red Lights, they’re not children
submitted by aPimpNamedSenpai to straykids [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:36 Ceispy Learn from Me

I posted this on my IG a couple days ago. I was afraid to speak up about it here, but I won't let fear of being bullied by a sect stop me anymore. I encourage everyone to read and believe in the Gospel, but not through the group that so many of you has been encountering. I believe that they are all good people, especially by heart, but their leader is a person to question and be concerned about. I plea to you all that if you ever encounter one of these recruiters, treat them with kindness. Do not yell at them, belittle them, or tell them otherwise, but politely decline their offers. To my fellow Christians, it is okay to question your leaders, in fact, it says so in our Bible. If you, or anyone interested in coming closer to Jesus, ever feel the need to join a group (as have I in the past and present), I strongly suggest to first look into the group you're interested in, see what organization or Church they are attached to. And also make sure you spot red flags, for the sake of your spirituality and faith. Here is the post I posted on my IG, may God bless you all:
"I am glad that this is being recognized more everyday. The group mentioned shouldn't be approached. They are not students, the majority at least, and they mainly target younger ○ students because they are more susceptible to their 'teachings.' They host meetings far away, usually Irvine twice a week (Wed. & Friday), and they are not registered as a club at OCC, UCI, and 2 other campuses they like to roam on. They constantly approach those they failed to recruit on the first try If you are Catholic, they try to convert and baptize you in thei sect. If you are of no faith, they try to convert and baptize you Most of the members live together as communes, one of then appears homeless. They try to make you break up or leave anyone who does not share their visions and beliefs. One of them left their family in Texas. The leader is an older man, at the very least in late 50s. They always do tithings, at the very least they donate 700$ a week to their "Church," but that money is being used not in Godly ways. They have constantly asked me for my home address and of friends addresses, luckily I wasnt dumb enough to expose myself or the ones I love. They have rejected those who want to hear the Bible because they havent conditioned them yet to be apart of thei sessions. They approach ex-members to try to get them back Most of the members seem to be good people, but they are blind to the true intentions of their leader. I know all this because I was foolish enough to join. l've since tried to rebuild what was damaged. I was taught good things in the wrong ways. My faith hasn't been broken, but my inner being has been shattered. Ever since leaving I have never felt at ease stepping onto OCC. One time I told them I couldnt go to a meeting because of rain over the phone. They kept questioning me over the phone and wouldnt let me answer my pops who was trying to call me, evemtually they did let me, bu a day later they made me feel stupid and ill-hearted for not going to their event. Me being Catholic was a no-no to them, and me being well informed about the Bible and educated didn't help me. I always fight myself inside because of the things I was a witness to. To my family who reads tbis I am sorry for not telling you all this, I was scared and I needed to deal with it myself. I now only believe in the one true God, I do not need a cult to help me with that. I just want to feel normal again. Iwant to be a good Christian, but I feel that fear whenever I think a bout that group. I plea to everyone to never join any group, religious or not, without looking more into thai group's true nature and intentions. If you seek God, talk to a trusted person, don't be blind like me. I pray that all those members are safe. And Matthew Wringler, you deceiver, I pray that I am wrong about you, but using young people to gain profits and using God as a mask to hide your scheme is a sinful thing to do. I do not hate you, God commands that I dont, but I hope you are judged fairly and I hope you stop your deceptions I apologize to my family and anyone else for my behavior during those months and months after when I was a member of that sect and for not expressing myself and my fears.I shouldve been smarter and stronger, I shouldve talked to someone."
Learn from me. Do not be susceptible to anything. To my fellow Christians, believe in Jesus, do not blindly follow what a group says to do, but follow Him alone. May all you readers have a blessed day tomorrow.
submitted by Ceispy to OCC [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:36 TwitchedPaperman AIW for walking away from a conversation and asking to be paid for babysitting my neice?

Let's get into it I'm 32f and my sister is 34f you can call her T. About 7 years ago I had hit my mental limit and attempted suicide by train. I say attempt because I felt bad for the people on the train who would have to deal with my death and jumped out of the way last minute. I wanted to die but not hurt anyone in the process. I made the decision to call my sister cause I knew she always had her phone on her. We were never particularly close but I needed to talk to someone right then.
She took me and my cat in afterwards. I was at my lowest and felt worthless and overwhelmed with life. I had been dealing with my depression and anxiety on my own since middle school and I just couldn't function anymore. I didn't have any self worth and agreed to help anyway I could including helping with looking after her son.
My sister T, did help get me insurance and psychiatry the first year. I didn't get better quick enough for her I guess so she started talking crap about me and made me feel obligated to do whatever she said. She would talk shit about me not having a job or being able to function. Over the years I thought about leaving but was told to just hold out.
I stayed with her even when I couldn't take it anymore and it didn't get better. She even had another kid after only dating the guy for 6 months. I was the defacto childcare, when T was at work I watched her baby and if she was home and couldn't get her baby too settle she handed her off to me. I have changed this little girl's diapers from the day she was born.
My sister was able to get me a job finally as I was doing much better. But the caveat was that my schedule had to work with hers so I can watch her kids while she works. So my schedule is 12am to 4pm currently 5 nights a week. When she works mornings I have to come home and stay up and get the little one on the bus and off. So I can go upto 48hr on only 4hrs of sleep sometime.
She expects me to be functional on that amount of sleep but I become irritable and get snappy. Which is wrong, it's hard to catch myself and regulate. She expected me to go along with whatever she said and when I started pushing back and getting more confident in myself she started getting worse. She basically treats me like a child and not another adult she lives with.
Anyway I finally got fed up and was planning to have a conversation about how I need to save and leave and if anything maybe we could have found a better arrangement and avoided that all together. Well I gave the wrong person a heads up about my plan and they told her so instead of a conversation it was her telling me all the things she was going to do and any time I tried to deviate or say I wasn't okay with that she just repeated what she said. There was no conversation it was her telling me what was happening. So I got up and just walked away cause nothing I said mattered anyway. It was all about her doing what was right for her. All these things she didn't have time in her life to do suddenly she found time for it. Like getting child care something that could have been done at anytime but didn't benefit her because I was home. It's not like she is paying for it, it would be free from some government program.
Anyway since she wasn't going to actually have a conversation about anything I told her to pay me as a babysitter if she wanted me to take care of her kid today. This where I am probably wrong, I spent years being a free babysitter gave my late 20s early 30s to watching her kids. This is where it all came out that she really did expect me to do whatever because she took care of me when I was at my lowest and I owed her.
She then called my a goodie goodie and all this stuff that people say like no one likes you, you think your smarter then everyone, you would have more friends if you weren't stuck up, that no one who meets you likes you, all my friends say your mean. I basically just asked for what they said and to explain what i had done or said to them. Obviously met with a different insult each time instead of anything I actually did wrong.
I basically said everything was a transaction for her and I paid her back tenfold in childcare alone. Which just dug her deeper into the I owe her for all the years. She also gave me to the end of the month to get out. Threatened to destroy my stuff and let my cat out if I am not out on the first.
So am I in the wrong for walking away from our "conversation" and asking to be paid to watch her kid?
submitted by TwitchedPaperman to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:35 NoSalary1226 Aiw for going off on my fiancé because he left me hanging and has stopped making time only for me?

I (f29) and my partner, now fiance (31m) got engaged a few months ago.
A few days ago I told him to come over to mine since we don't live together yet ... A cultural thing at my end. He told me that he'll think about it since he has gotten a new project and he may be working. But then the same day he went over to his friends place who also invited him. This friend who is a guy is going through a bad divorce and was emotionally in a bad place.
When my partner told me I got a bit irritated but I understood since I probably would have done the same if I had a friend who needed me. So I made some plana of my own. But what irritated me was that my partner kept insisting and telling me that he will visit me afterwards and that he wants to make it to mine.
An hour passed. Then two. Then three. I had put my own plans on hold by then. Made dinner. After four hours he sends a text that he is still there and since his friend is in a bad place it could take him a while.
It was already past 9 pm at that time and I just blew up at that. Like I get it that your friend needs you so pay attention to him. I told him that he is a dick for making me cancel my plans and to keep waiting for him and that he should not come here anymore since I don't want to see him.
Before the engagement he actively made plans with me. Sometimes these things also happened where I felt I am a second priority to his friends and I'd go off on him and he would try to make ammends.
He kept saying that he wants to come see me no matter what the time is but by that time I stopped believing him.
submitted by NoSalary1226 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:35 tpricks9 Should I convince him to attend therapy or Should I just not care?

Sent him this post, he read all these comments. Maybe he felt ashamed though we didnt talk about this much. He said he just had them clicked in his phone not to fap but he felt they were nice..(which I certainly don`t believe because why the fuck would you have their smoking hot pics in your phone). He said he never fapped to them and told that he deleted all the pictures of other girls on that very day.. But I assume he has been watching normal porn or celebrity kinda stuff. Idk I asked him to send the screenshots of his gallery again..but he says I should trust him.
I asked him to attend therapy only then I will get back. He gave me a mixed reply..back and forth for a while. We ended the convo. He seems bit adamant on spending money on it. Thinks it is useless because he doesnt believe how therapy changes a person. Though I can never forgive or justify his actions, being a close person, for a fact I know he has some deeper level issues. He developed avoidant tendencies + addictions to cope up.
I know it is not on me, but I can`t see my favourite person spoiling his life in every way possible. He has good potential. But idk if I should really care..because I cant stop caring. Can someone share their experiences on how therapy changed their lives for better?
submitted by tpricks9 to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:34 shanoshamanizum Beyond tokens

Every system of the past shared the same roots with the previous ones. The foundation of them all was commodification of all resources and the corresponding tokenization. Treating Earth as a pie to be split into pieces and grabbed had its vital role in history. It increased productivity and automation although at the expense of ecological and social issues. Eventually it made the evolution to Autonomy possible. The fundamental difference being that we had enough efficiency and automation to not care about productivity anymore and to stop measuring value and replace those with human satisfaction, variety and happiness. We knew the time has come for this when planned obsolescence became a mass practice. It meant that the system has outgrown itself and is creating new tricks to sustain itself artificially. What's more it proved we already live in abundance and the only scarce indicator left is the monetary system and the outdated model of production for personal ownership rather than shared use. Every quantitative system turned life into a game of accumulation of numbers. We replaced this with something far more natural to us - compassion, cooperation and inner desire to help one another. People focused on solving problems rather than playing monopoly games.
submitted by shanoshamanizum to AutonomyBook [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:32 solyluna23 my first experience with racism

I work at a retail store as an ODP in a somewhat small town in Minnesota. I was about to finish my last order of the day, I was alone in an aisle when an elderly man approached me and said the following words: "What are you looking at, piece of shit? I'm going to wipe out your race and the others." He took out a necklace whose meaning I’m not sure of, but he said it was a guarantee. I reported it, but nothing was done. I feel paranoid when I leave the house.
When I asked for help from his family and friends, I received comments like "This is America" or "That's the kind of person who would be my neighbor."
To give some context, I am Mexican and have Caucasian features. I met my wife through a video game and waited almost 5 years to legally enter the United States. My wife's father has mentioned many times that he is racist. He makes comments like "You should speak English, only English is spoken here." He refers to people of color as people who smell bad, steal, and ask for a lot of government assistance. He talks to his sister and says "You should be careful with black people." This while I see him using drugs and drinking every day.
I try to improve my English daily. I know basic phrases and the products customers look for. I really try to help them.
My wife tells me not to take the comments personally and that not all white people are bad, but sometimes I feel very uncomfortable stares towards me.
In these first few months, I have had severe depression. Sometimes I see looks of rejection towards me and Somali people. I have seen how some people feel superior because they know English or make you feel dumb.
When I experienced this, I sought therapy because I want to be strong for my wife, but honestly, sometimes I feel like my spirit is breaking.
submitted by solyluna23 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:32 HealthyYard6559 Revelation 3:7

"And write to the angel of the Philadelphia church: Thus saith the Holy and True One, who has the key of David, who opens and no one shuts, who shuts and no one opens.
Rev. 3:7
"And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write: Thus saith the Holy and True," In Philadelphia at that time there were also false and untrue gods, so Jesus begins the letter to the church of Philadelphia by mentioning two attributes of God that only the true, true God possesses and no one else because the true God cannot be compared to anyone, and that is why God addressed and introduced himself to the Israelites with the words:
"So who are you going to equate me with so that I can be like him?" says the Saint."
Isa. 40:25
"For I am the Lord your God; therefore take revenge and be holy, for I am holy;"
Levit. 11:44
"For thus speaks the High and Exalted One, who lives in eternity, whose name is Holy:"
Isa. 57:15
In addition to the fact that Jesus says that He is holy, He also says that He is True. God is Holy in character and in practice He is True and these qualities go together because if God is Holy then He must also be True because if some of that is not true then God would not was God. God is holy and true, and about this Jesus said:
"I was born for that, and that's why I came into the world to bear witness to the truth..."
John 18:37
"I am the way and the truth and the life; no one will come to the Father through me."
John 14:6
"And this is eternal life for them to know You, the only true God, and whom You sent Jesus Christ."
John 17:3
We see here that Jesus is True, so we can freely say that this is the same Yahweh of the Old Testament who appeared to the Israelites as Holy. Here in these verses Jesus says that He is Holy and True and He appears not only to the church in Philadelphia but also to us that we get to know him well and believe the words that God Jesus himself gave us.
"And we know that the Son of God is coming, and he gave us understanding to know the True God, and to be in His true Son, Jesus Christ. This is the True God and Eternal Life."
1 John 5:20
,, who has the key of David, who opens and no one shuts, who shuts and no one opens." Here we have verses that also appear in the prophet Isaiah which read:
"And I will put the key of the house of David on his shoulder: when he opens, no one will shut, and when he shuts, no one will open."
At the beginning of this chapter it is written that God will give his prophets visions for the future:
"Burden to the Valley of Vision"
Isaiah 22:1
"Because this is the day of torment and persecution and hindrance from the Lord, the Lord of hosts, in the valley of vision; they will knock down the wall, and the shout will be loud"
Isaiah 22:5
and they refer to Jerusalem and the state Jerusalem was in because the Assyrian army had already marched on Israel, we can read further:
,, And the Lord of hosts calls you on that day to weep and weep and to pluck your hair and to wear sackcloth; And behold, joy and rejoicing, they kill cattle, slaughter sheep, eat meat and drink wine, saying: Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we will to die."
Isaiah 22:12-13
At that time, the leader of Israel was Somna, who was the treasurer of the royal treasure and who was very carefree, but the Lord told him that he would take his position and hand it over to Eliakim son of Hilkiah. was the one who had the right to manage the house of David, he was the one who could open and close whenever he wanted and this was actually a prophecy for Christ.
"Thus says the Lord, the Lord of hosts: Go to that treasurer, to Somna, the steward of the palace,
And tell him: What are you doing here? And who is there for you, and you dug your own grave there? You have carved out a grave for yourself on a high place and you have prepared for yourself a dwelling in the stone. Behold, man, the Lord will throw you far away and bury you. He will whirl you around and rush you like a ball into the vast earth; there you will die and there will be the chariot of your glory, a disgrace to the house of your master; And I will overthrow you from your place, and I will drive you out of your service. And at that time I will call my servant Eliakim son of Hilkiah; And I will put your robe on him, and I will gird him with your belt, and I will give your authority into his hand, and he will be a father to the people of Jerusalem and the house of Judah. ​​And I will put the key of the house of David on his shoulder: when he opens, no one will shut, and when he closes, no one will open. And like a wedge I will drive him in a hard place, and he will be the throne of glory to my father's house;"
Isaiah 22:15-23
From this we can see that Jesus is the One who has the authority and the right to rule over Israel and also over the entire universe and over us who live in this time. Jesus is the "Door" and it is open to anyone who willingly wants to accept Him "Behold, I have given you an open door" and the key is salvation through Christ, and to whom it is "unlocked" with this key no one can "lock" anymore, nor to whom it is "locked" no one can "unlock". The only one who can unlock and lock is the Lord Jesus, and whether someone will be unlocked or locked depends on the people, because Jesus will not forcibly "unlock" anyone, nor will he "lock" anyone. People accept Jesus willingly and also if they reject Him. they choose their own way to hell. Only through Jesus can a person come to God and there are no other ways.
Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life; no one will come to the Father through me."
John 14:6
and also there is no other name by which men can be saved:
"For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we can be saved."
Acts 4:12
"Behold, I have given you an open door, and no one can close it," said the Lord Jesus to the church in Philadelphia, so He opened the door of preaching to them, opened the way for them to spread the gospel, in other words, He gave them "Himself". because they were supposed to preach the good news and it was talking about Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul prayed for this:
"Praying for us at the same time that God will open the door of the word for us, so that we may preach the mystery of Christ, for which I am bound."
Col. 4:3
and also wrote the following on this subject:
"Because a great and rich door has opened for me, and there are many opponents"
1 Cor.16:9
"And when I came to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ, a door was opened for me in the Lord."
2 Cor.2:12
submitted by HealthyYard6559 to u/HealthyYard6559 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:30 AntEasy7172 Unfortunately, the People trending "All Eyes on Rafah" on instagram, don't actually care about Rafah. They won't donate money for the cause, and they're "ONLY" looking for instagram acceptance.

This isn't about sending hate to any particular gender btw, just by observation.
I asked one of the girls who posted this on instagram if they were donating money to the cause, and they said "NO".
They don't actually give a damn about what's happening. I think it's their way of saying "I'm feeling bad, and I'm very empathetic on instagram".
This is the same girl who doesn't give even 5 rupees to the beggar btw, and she's the same girl who wouldn't speak up on issues LITERALLY of her own community getting prosecuted because it's not "Cool" to do so infront of her friends.
I don't remember her raising voice for Ukraine, Africa, Manipur - Apparantly it wasn't cool enough. And for that matter when her own caste in Tamil Nadu was being prosecuted and killed.
She didn't bother.
ps - And btw, I totally sympathise with innocent palestinians and innocent israelis. I myself donated Little money to a reputed NGO.
But how come do you have kindness only for the innocents only on one side? How come you don't care about hostages? The africans? The pandits? How come you don't care when your own people are getting tortured but you don't care about them?
Very weird
I'm really confused about instagram, it looks more about validation than anything else.
Going to delete this app and focus on my studies.
submitted by AntEasy7172 to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:30 iwantanalienmaid I Want To Buy This Car, BAD. But I Am Concerned About Having Engine Issues Or Them Not Abiding By The Warranty. Please Explain To Me Like I’m 5.

Are these just rare occurrences? I’m a woman and I am still learning about cars, but if I’m stuck somewhere it’s like what do I do? I know how to change a tire, but if the engine fucks up what do I do? I need at least 8 years out of the k5. I want reliability. I have been doing homework on the Kia k5. Though it’s not everyone I have seen people complain about engine issues like the car burning oil too quickly and then the dealership giving them the run around. Then I heard if you take it to a non-Kia dealership they’ll make excuses not to work on it or void your warranty. But then I heard even if you do your warranty will NOT be void, so I don’t know what to believe.
And then I heard Kia and any manufacturer claiming 1qt per 1,000 miles, but then I heard from users on here that’s not even necessary. 1qt per 3,000 miles, some even said 5,000 miles is what I heard some of you say.
Are the engine issues just defects or are the owners just not taking care of their car properly? It seems like it could be both. So, if I just baby my car I’m good? That’s what I gathered as well. That you can’t mess up and be fine like with a Toyota. Am I right? I want this car BAD so I’m willing to baby it. But I don’t want to baby it and it still screws me over.
submitted by iwantanalienmaid to KiaK5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:29 Responsible_Screen81 Help me learn by pointing out my mistakes and roasting my second print

Help me learn by pointing out my mistakes and roasting my second print
OK, I definitely understand that this will probably descend into soul sucking, comically brilliant insulting of my genetic background, lack of education, too much education, somehow my sexual orientation will come to play and yet this is the place to consult the masters.
I served for a decade in the combat arms and during that time, I took quite a few shots the head, and not those kinds if you know what I mean! ( I’ll start the first one)
But in all seriousness, I can read things all night long and still walk away learning about half of it, but the military taught me the best education is that done by experience.
So tell me what I’m doing wrong. If you can make it funny and witty all the better, I don’t care what you say as long as it’s on topic and helps me learn to become better.
So here’s the details: Prusa Mk 4 Prusa .6 nozzle w/ IS Print settings .32 “structural” too big I’m guessing Generic SainSmart PLA
Free Man’s G26 (was first print I found months or years ago and saved) Used Prusaslicer
It’s later than I thought. Will answer any questions about the print that I can.
submitted by Responsible_Screen81 to fosscad [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:28 Cultural-Show9603 Am I wrong for having a grudge against my father?

Hii!! I (19F) have a difficult relationship with my father (66M), one that is my main source of anxiety in my own house (thanks god is only that). I have grudge agaisnt him for things he did in the past, but when I say why I have grudges, people tell me I'm a spoiled daughter and should value him more. I came here to ask if I'm indeed a spoiled daughter or is normal my feelings...
The things I have grudges are: - Since I was a child I was a reaaaally shy and sensitive girl, having a lot of problems to make friends and with being bullied. My mother always knew something wrong was happening inside school, but everyone told her she was crazy because I refused to tell the true. One of the persons who refused to believe my mother was my father, supporting the idea of me staying in this school even after I confessed I was being bullied
All of this was behind my mother's back, and my father told me that if I told on him it would be my fault if the family broke up 💀
I have to say that yes, he did change, and everything was better between them and they even had my little brother, but that doesn't make the revelation of this secret a before and after for my life. The man who seemed to me to be the perfect father and who "rightly" made me feel like an idiot in the end was in his past someone who was sexist and manipulative. It was all a lie.
Ah, and his family was perrrrfect and never did something wrong 🤓☝️. Now I was really divided because this is OBIOUSLY something really biased.
After all this shit, on every family dispute, my mother in secret tells me to support her while my father in secret tells me to support his truth, and I feel in the middle of a crossfire.
There is more shit that I want to say but this is the most important. Rereading everything I see I forgot to add the positive things, because my father isn't all negative after all. - He never hit me or insult me, only yelled at me. - He was always on time to take me to and from school. - Giving me incentives like a chocolate bar or iced coffee when he knows I'm stressed about college. - He always tries to get me the best movile, tablet, pc... - Even if he wanted me to be a doctor to make his childhood dream come true, he also knew the independence that a career like this could give me and wanted me to live wealthy on the future. - Before this marriage, he had a previous one where my big sister was born, and he wasn't the best father with her because of his job. When he married my mother he decided to change his job so he could create a new family where he would be present. He loves my sister and knows he did bad, so he didn't want to repeat his mistakes. - He changed for my mother. Still there are toxic traits and dynamics between them, but if it's true my mother's version of the secret, the change was spectacular.
Sorry for the long post. I needed perspective :(
submitted by Cultural-Show9603 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:28 FotiaStorm My psycho aunt kicks me out because she truly believes I'm a vindictive sociopath.

TL;DR I lived over a year with my Aunt, was hell, got kicked out during covid.
So this will be a bit long as there is alot to unpack here so ill start with a bit of background on me. I am currently a 26 year old female, this took place mostly when I was 21-22. I should also say, I am not a sociopath, I do have mental issues which I'll briefly explain in a moment, but none of these issues is being a Sociopath.
Before this story I had a very strong relationship with both my aunt and uncle. I had been living with my parents but they were moving to a new state and I at the time didn't want to leave my life behind. So my aunt and uncle offered me to move in, originally no rent required or any expectations of me.
This seemed like a great idea, I could grow to be my own person and start healing from some really bad experiences I had prior, a story for another day there. However i really had absolutely no idea just how bad this would turn out for me.
The first few months were great, I got a new job nearby at a grocery store. I got myself a therapist for my mental issues, short list for context. I had developed a severe depression at a young age and had a history of attempted self deletion and self harm, i have a severe anxiety which is now worse today, PTSD, and three I was born with, Dyslexia, ADHD and Autism. Despite all of these i was starting to actually function as a normal member of society thanks to my therapist.
For the first time in my life i actually began to feel good about myself, i wasn't judged on my clothes, i wasn't judged on my eating habits and i wasn't judged on doing my art projects or my gaming. I even got myself a tattoo of a roaring tiger turning into a dagger on my shoulder. Its still awesome today.
Then it happened, I apparently broke the water filter on the fridge, so like the responsible adult I was trying to be i offered to pay for it, and I did. Then bought myself a filter water bottle so i didn't break the fridge filter again. Now i wouldn't know this until months later but apparently this was taken as me being spiteful. How is this spiteful you may ask, your guess is as good as mine.
Then a few weeks later my little sister spent three days with me at my aunts place, i took care of her and everything was fine i went to work on the last day and came home to chaos. So im still not entirely sure what exactly happened, but the microwave, which was in perfect condition before work, was broken in a strange way. The glass on the microwave door was... shattered? Im not entirely sure how to describe it, but it looked as if someone tried to break the microwave door off the microwave. Not something my at the time 14 year old sister had the strength to do, but she was being blamed.
So here I am trying to be responsible and just solve the issue by offering to pay for a new microwave as I knew it wasn't my sister, but someone had to fix this issue and I felt it was my responsibility to protect my sister. So i bought a new microwave, leading into this next issue.
My aunt said i spent too much money and offered to help me save. The original deal was i give her 400$ a month and she puts it away for savings. I was stupid and young thinking no way my family would screw me so I didn't get this in writing. I never saw this "savings" as she used all of my money. But hey this may be half of my monthly money but at least im not having to buy my own food and hygiene products.
I was so wrong, two weeks later I wasn't allowed to eat their food or expect them to buy my shampoo and body wash. Well thats no big deal, I surely make enough and the money im giving my aunt will be for moving out once i find a place. I did not make enough in between paying my therapist, my phone bill, my rent and trying to buy my own food i was broke.
Then my aunt would request me to bring home groceries with the promise to pay me back, then never did. Heres an example, one day my aunt asked that I bring her home an entire lemon pepper rotisserie chicken, that about 10$, I only made 10$ an hour. So i buy it, bring it home and stand there waiting for my money as she start eating it right there, i was appalled by what she said "no you cant have any, this is my food. Go away."
Eventually I ate maybe once every three days and my therapy sessions weren't working as my therapist began claiming I was just over dramatic when I talked about how useless I was beginning to feel. Eventually found out my therapist and aunt were close and they talk about me alot, my therapist even telling my aunt everything I said in therapy.
Then covid started and this is when it got worse. My aunt claimed I was a sociopath, what was her evidence you ask. I didn't yawn when other people yawned. Suddenly any small mistake I made was "a vindictive attack". Forgot to throw away a ramen wraper, "I left it there out of spit". Don't rotate my laundry at the exact moment the cycle ends, "I'm purposely in the way so she cant do her laundry". God forbid i leave my adult toy on my bed in my closed room. "You are a woman! You dont need Satisfaction from anything but a man!" That was a huge incident that really screwed me up.
She also had a habit of opening my mail and reading it, trying to push me off to random guys when they dragged me to bars and casino's. I don't like going to either im not a big drinker and I hate gambling. Lets not forget what happened when i told her I was Bi.
"You are either born straight or you are born gay, and you were born straight, being bisexual is a perversion! If you ever date a woman I will disown you!"
So naturally my Girlfriends were kept secret. By October 2020 my aunt claimed she couldn't deal with me anymore and kicked me out, so i moved to my parents as i had no money because she never gave me that "savings" money. My aunt then disowned me after she kicked me out, at first I was distraught as I truly had no idea what I had done so wrong living with her.
An unfortunate side effect of Autism is you truly dont understand why people react the way they do, and most people don't care enough to take the extra time to talk to us. We are also unfortunately easy to manipulate and break apart. That year I spent with my aunt was meant to build me up, instead it did alot of damage to me mentally. Oh and I dont trust therapists anymore.
To this day I still haven't talked to my aunt and I now always make sure there is a contract made for anything involving money, family or not. To this day, my aunt still belives I'm a Vindictive Sociopath and that she was a saint for dealing with me for so long.
submitted by FotiaStorm to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:28 Future-Cold3850 My wife gave up

It's been 4 weeks since I lost my job. I've never been a good drunk, and on this night..i decided to smoke on top of being drunk..
So i was at this company gathering, having some beers and shots to send off a female coworker leaving. Towards the end..i went outside to vape, stumbling around thinking about how i need to stop so i could drive home soon..and the said, farewell co worker, was leaving the party early. I saw her a few feet at the side door of the bar and i called out to her..and, wished her good luck at her new job and followed up with something inappropriate.
She is 300lbs of woman and had the biggest ass anyone has ever seen. Not in a flattering way when ur sober..
And my drunk ass told her, "Ya know your ass is pretty fat"..🤦🏽‍♂️ I was I thinking...but in my mind I didn't think anything that bad was said, because she laughed about it...till my boss pulls me aside telling me she called him, told him about it...and I was fired for it right on the spot....
My wife had a great weekend planned to hang with friends in China town. So Friday I was fired, and I didn't wanna ruin her I wait til Monday.
Not knowing yet, she asks me Sunday night, if I would be leaving to work early on the morning..I told her No..and that I needed to talk to her.
I told her what had happened...No reaction from her.. just a cold stare into the street we live on..
A year before this, on the same stoop....we had a disconnect that I never reacted to... She told me a year ago, that she felt like she was falling out of love with me.. and around this time she had been having some emotional reactions, which she would usually say; she's just getting her period.
Looking back on it now, I always thought her periods were getting more common..she would always say I just don't know cause I don't go through it.
But since that talk a year ago...through reading alot of texts..looking at alot of pictures..and still so confused on how I was suppose to see this? I question how? Everything looked fine. We talked all day, we took the kids to parties..we went on a couple dates, but getting a trustworthy person to watch our kids, is difficult. Her son, whom I helped raise since he was 2, because his father isn't around, just now became the legal age to watch our other 2.
This was the perfect time for us to reconnect. But I fucked up..
I now despise drinking.. I cut down the smoking almost entirely. And my wife, does not want to work it out with me..
I never abused her.. Never manipulated her I never cheated on her Never told her anything other than she was my queen..and she was beautiful. Making sure she was covered with her favorite blanket every night..and filling her water bottle before bed. Watching all the murder docs she was obsessed with 😭
I just made dumb mistakes. Mistakes i compare to other husbands and feel im no where near as damaged as those. ...and now I'm losing my home, my kids, my welcome, and my queen. 😭😭
After much much research...I know seperation works one of 2 ways...
either she'll realize that this is not the way..and since I'm more than willing to fix this now than I was a year ago..she knows she can come right back to me.
Or, she meets someone new.. And even though, I'll be an improved man...focused on providing for myself and my children and healing my mental health...
she still won't want me.
I'm scared of my future. Everybody seems to have the same advice...move on..focus on urself...
but I've been living in my basement for 4 weeks.
And I'm going crazy.
My new job hasn't had me start yet so I'm always thinking about her..I can't even play with my kids without feeling sad and having to walk away before bursting into tears about not being able to see them every day.
I hope I can survive on my own...cause the last 12 years...we built up our home and family together...I don't want to give up...but i feel like she won't have it any other way, and I can't fathom living in the same home, seperated from the person I love..while she leaves me with my children to either work..or hangout with friends. Both of which are usually night time events.
I can't focus..I can't show love..I feel numb. I feel hurt...abandoned. I'm familiar with this feeling. And she doesn't care anymore
How could she just give up on me like this.. 😞
submitted by Future-Cold3850 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:28 annonmymouse Would you end 10 year relationship over this?

Partner (fiancé) 30M and I 28F have known each other 12 years and been together for ten years, engaged for 1.5 years.
His sibling and their partner been together same amount of time, around 10 years, yet his siblings partner gets treated differently/like part of the family whereas I’m not. Some examples; he being put on greetings cards and I’m not, him included in personalised family plaques-everyone name included except mine and my fiance has been grouped with his sister and their partner, he met extended family years ago where I’ve only met them very recently, our engagement announcement was largely peoples comments for partners sibling and their partner to get married and engaged more than talk about our engagement/wedding, they are encouraged to have a baby and yet when the dad thought I was pregnant they said “you’re not starting a family are you?” as if it would be a negative thing.
Apart from me being treated different in those ways, they are very nice, friendly, polite etc with me. I feel like I’m treated like a family friend. His mom texts me often, brings gifts etc, invites us for dinner etc. But I do feel like an outsider due to how differently I’m treated.
I do feel like my partner should have said something to them or asked for a reason rather than let me feel like crap all these years.
Well after seeing this plaque with everyone’s name but mine at his grandmothers home this weekend I “jokingly” asked his mom why I was not on there, she texted back that she didn’t do it and it was nothing to do with her 😘. At this point I just couldn’t take anymore, I’ve stayed silent about this for 10 years. Tried to have a positive and close relationship which I thought I did but clearly I’m not considered equal to the other in law and I wanted an explanation for why I’m treated like an outsider with the things mentioned above. It really hurts.
So, I sent a very long text polite, not blaming anyone, not saying I’m hurt-just saying the examples I’ve given above and how in Th ink they’re lovely people so clearly I’m the problem (just so they didn’t feel attacked) but I value honesty and wish they’d be transparent with me. Hoped I would get an explanation. 2 days have passed they’ve said nothing.
Suddenly now my partners wants to have a conversation with them and his reason is “well I’m losing you and my parents so not a great situation”. He was happy staying silent for years and years and now suddenly he wants a conversation with them because it now affects him.
Honestly in my heart I just feel like things are over. I can’t even trust my partner to have my back. He keeps insisting he does but it sure doesn’t feel like it. I’m so hurt and disappointed by the whole situation and to be honest I’ve just had enough. I think my doubt about ending the relationship is that it’s been so long plus I wouldn’t be able to move out of the house we both live in.
I’ve made another post about this but there’s an update and I’d like some further advice.
TL ; DR TL;DR - partners parents treat me differently to the other child in law and I don’t feel supported by partner and not getting answers, considering ending relationship
submitted by annonmymouse to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:27 HungryOpposite9553 I need opinions, please!

Not too long ago, I met a girl online. We started talking and playing games together. Two weeks go by and I didn't think that we would have so many things in common. It wasn't just the good things but the bad things that has happened to the both of us are very similar. We laugh with each other on voice call while telling our stories. I realized that I was starting to like her.
The day after, in the evening, she didn't text me to let me know that she wanted to call like we always do everyday. I got a little curious but just brushed the thought of thinking she was just tired and needed a little 'me' time. I would for sure love that. But it kept on happening the next few days. I decided to ask her why we don't call anymore and she told me that her best friend just ot back from volleyball camp and that they usually call each other every day on the same time that we do. Of course, my first question would be whether her best friend is a guy/girl, but I didn't ask her because I don't wanna seem weird or give her any hints that I like her. Eventually, because of this, we stopped texting each other as frequently. She doesn't initiate conversations anymore but I still tried my best by asking her how her day was or whether she has eaten. But she only replies with "Yes", "No", or "Good", never asking me back. Although, I knew that we were getting further and further away from each other I chose not to pay attention to it.
On a random day, when I was at school, she decided to send me a screenshot of her best friend confessing to her and ask me "What should I say?". Obviously, with the amount of stress I was already facing in school I decided to leave her on seen before things escalate. Fifteen minutes later, she texted me asking why I had left her on seen. I got super mad. I texted her, "Why on earth are you asking me?" in frustration. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go home and just sleep for the rest of the day. There were so many things which crossed my mind that day. It was whether to confess to her too or just forget about her. I did the latter and have been regretting it ever since. Two months has gone by, and now I am still endlessly thinking about her. I want to tell her about my day, how well I did on my math test and somehow everything that has a small glimpse of beauty like a butterfly landing on a flower or just the beautiful sunlight that lights up my way home, all reminded me of her. But all that has gone.
Just recently, I texted her to check up on her and I asked her whether they were dating. She said yes. I just said goodluck and threw my phone to my bed. Nothing can ever describe this feeling of emptiness in my heart. It feels as if there's a train strapped onto my back and shoulders whenever I walk.
What do you all think? Should I confessed to her then? But it would only cause her more stress and I have only known her for less than a month, so obviously she would say no, right?
submitted by HungryOpposite9553 to romance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:27 generalezeta Moroccans should normalise self care

Good morning everyone, i was thinking about this subject and i thought of sharing it with you and hear your opinions.
I think that in Morocco self care isnt normalised between moroccan men, its almost seen as a bad thing, thinking its too feminine while even Islam promotes taking care of yourself and always appear the cleanest and the most good looking version of yourself but for some reason its not practised, ive seen this in my family and everyone is alhamdulillah goodlooking but could look so much better and appear cleaner (take care of the beard, hairstyle etc)
But from what i have noticed i think its getting more normalised?
I know there are people who are gonna say, this is a first world problem bla bla etc but its just excuses really. Thoughts?
submitted by generalezeta to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:26 put_the_record_on Taking care of people/being taken care of in healthy ways

This is something i will bring up in therapy tomorrow but i would love to hear some of your thoughts. ill do my best to keep it brief but you know how that goes sometimes lol.
TW codependency , mention of mental health issues.
I was diagnosed a year ago, early 30s, burnt out AF. Part of my masking has been taking responsibility for other people's emotions and overly caring about them to my detriment (could be called codependency) and as a result, I've pulled back a lot and put all of my energy into myself and it's helping. I'm nowhere near better but I'm on the right track.
It hasn't been a problem. I noticed I've really distanced myself from people who have more problems or who seem "needier" emotionally because I automatically go into caretaker mode and it drains the crap out of me.
The problem is I've made a friend at uni who is a positively wonderful person. She's autistic, a few years younger than me and we get along really well. she also has mental health problems (As we all do, but maybe more severe than me.) She doesn't make them my problem, i will stress that. but just knowing about them makes me nervous, like i need to be ready to give energy that I don't have.
She helped me feel better after down after a meltdown this week, in ways that didn't feel overly smothering and was just perfect. And i just feel like an awful friend because I don't know if I could do the same? I just don't have the capacity to look after people right now. I am so burnt out. But I feel awful that I feel repelled even thinking about reciprocating. my body just says no, i don't know how to help without losing myself. I don't know how to NOT help without feeling like an ass.
Is this something you can learn as an autistic person? Or one in burnout? To help in authentic ways, ones that don't feel awful, respecting your own needs and boundaries, not taking on too much but give a practical helping hand when you can? It just feels impossible to me right now and I feel like I don't deserve such a good friend.
I guess this was a bit of a vent too. So even if no advice, just agreeing is also helpful . ❤️
submitted by put_the_record_on to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:24 theofficialguac happy anniversary to my first kpop love shinee <3 a long and detailed appreciation post

*this will be a long post heh*
SHINee just celebrated their 16th anniversary a few days ago and I was watching fancams of their concert and I just bawled like crazy. It made me so emotional watching them and I really wanted to write this post to share my journey with SHINee.
In 2011, my friend in middle school showed me this iconic music video and it was love at first sight. I was so obsessed with the guy in the all red outfit and that my friend was how I found my first bias at the ripe age of 14. I went all in with SHINee, I bought their first album on Amazon, The SHINee World, and I ripped the CD on iTunes and put the songs onto my iPod. And till this day I always go back to listen to Best Place, Romantic, One For Me because they are genuinely some of the best R&B tracks in all of Kpop. This is a great medley performance of their first album songs!
They were also the reason I got into Korean variety shows. From their iconic Hello Baby series to other funny variety appearances like this one. And their iconic SNL appearance where Minho's dibidibidis rap is made to life LOL
Also adding this popular clip where Jonghyun recreated their ramen commercial and he falls down and just watch the chaos that ensues after, Minho's laugh could be heard miles away I swear.
Because of their appearance on SNSD's Hello Baby I also got into SNSD right after as well. Throwback to when Key and Taemin were the fanboys of this VCR for SNSD's concert, it's so good lmao
I also will not let people forget about the iconic collabs that they had with their sister groups SNSD and f(x). They did Juliette with soshi here and Hello with f(x) here and this iconic one where Taemin kissed Krystal. Yes he really did that, 2nd gen wasn't playing with their stages.
But what was the main reason that I got into SHINee? It wasn't just because of Key's cute ass outfit in Hello but it was because the song was that f*cking good. It only takes one good song for me to get into a K-pop group and I can tell instantly if they're talented or not. So lemme get real into it, SHINee's discography.
They went on this show called The Muzit and did covers with a live band and I kid you not I watched this video like almost everyday back then. Key had that ridiculous Lucifer hair here but he killed the rap in I'll Be Missing You.
Everyone is always Ring Ding Dong this Ring Ding Dong that but what about my girl Jojo??? She is one of the best b-sides out there, ok just please listen to their vocals on this track, it still gives me chills till this day.
We all know noona neomu yeppeo but do we know the Japanese version where Yoona was the main girl and they had those crazy ass sneakers with wings on them and Taemin actually had more lines? No well here it is because she's a banger even in Japanese! While we're at it, let me introduce Kiss Kiss Kiss as well another great Japanese track by them.
The album that I really want to highlight is The Misconceptions of You Chapter 1 - Dream Girl. Why? Because they came out on stage spinning those mics like their lives depended on it. SHINee's back back, ok. Let me tell you why this album is a genius because in the first track Spoiler - Jonghyun included the name of every single song from Misconceptions of You Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 into this song. Yes he included the names of all 18 tracks in the song Spoiler. This song is pure genius because the intro literally sounds like Sherlock but then you're like wait what is going on, just listen to it. He literally gave us the spoiler by putting the spoilers inside a song called Spoiler.......Ok you thought I was done with this album, right? No I am not. They have a song on there called Sleepless Night and when I say their vocals will make you cry and give you goosebumps, this song is here to back up my point.
Other notable songs that I need to call out is Love Sick which pays a tribute to Replay both in lyrics and in CHOREO, when this came out I literally felt sick because I was gagged by how they are literally doing Replay's dance during the chorus.
I also need to put people on this beautiful b-side called Feel Good, literally put this song on and that is how you will feel. It's such a good track, and the 1 of 1 album was so SHINee and a perfect album.
After 2017, I did withdraw back a bit and it was much harder for me to follow SHINee the way I used to. But I always kept up with them and would check out their releases. From recent years I really wanted to point out the songs Countless, Kiss Kiss, Body Rhythm, Days and Years, and Sweet Misery.
I can't get too into the solo stuff because this post would go on forever but my favorites are as follow:
Onew - Love Phobia, Into The Whale, Caramel
Jonghyun - Hallelujah (omg this song drives me crazy), Moon, U & I
Key - Hate That, I Wanna Be, One of Those Nights
Taemin - Be Your Enemy, If I Could Tell You, this iconic Japanese song idk the English title
Minho - Heartbreak, Chase, Stay For A Night
Anyways SHINee has had an incredible career and they were such big pioneers in the K-pop industry. They captured my heart right away because they're such a genuine and hard-working group. Not only that but they have been with me through some of the hardest and loneliest years of my life. Whenever things were bad at home for me I would turn on their music or search up english subs to their variety shows or binge watch their concert fancams. Their music and presence gave me so much hope. I was never alone because I got to cry and laugh with SHINee while growing up. It was evident from early on that this group loves each other so much.
I was able to write this long post because of all the years of heartfelt memories I shared with them. I have all of these specific moments, songs, and performances deep in my mind. Somewhere in the corner of my heart, SHINee will always be there, just like how I have a mini encyclopedia page for them in my brain.
They're the reason I got into K-pop 13 years ago. I might not follow them as much and they might not be my ult group anymore but they'll always be my first love in K-pop. And we never forget our first love. I wish nothing but the best for SHINee and I will continue to support them wherever I am. I truly wish them the best anniversary this year. Happy belated birthday SHINee <3 OT5 FOREVER <3
I hope that newer fans can also appreciate the legends that they are.
And my last song recommendations are A-yo, Up & Down, Ready or Not. Their 2nd full album is kinda crazy, but in the best best way. And watch the Hello music video, I promise it will put a smile on your face.
submitted by theofficialguac to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:24 yellowparadox Help me get this off my chest

So I don’t know if I can call this a situationship or whatever.
There’s this guy whom I’ve been hanging out for 2 months. I’vee known him through work and he was so kind and caring. Both of us seemed really interested as we kept wanting to get to know each other. We went out a couple times and it was so fun and sweet. No sex or anything.
Basically, he told me that he sincerely likes me and everything about my personality. But the thing is, we’re not allowed to date people we work with lmao. And he’ll be sent to work in our office in Italy in a few days (we are both aware of this since before we started hanging out). He’s staying in Italy for good. When we hung out last time, I asked what his plans are once he leaves and he told me that he has a lot of things to consider (distance and work) and he has no plans about us just yet. I took his word as “he is not that serious about us” although he did not directly say it. I took it as a no because I hate uncertainty. We talked about this in person because i was brave and bold to ask this question in his face so I can get the answer quickly 😂
When he told me that, I stopped responding to all his messages but deep down, I’m so hurt and disappointed at him. That happened last week and we said our proper goodbyes because I told him it was the last time we’ll see each other. He also stopped messaging me and I did not bother to text him even once after that conversation because I don’t wanna look desperate as we might still be interacting at work and it could be awkward. But the last thing I told him was “you wont hear from me again” in a funny way while I’m laughing. I acted like it was casual and we were both laughing but it wrecked me deep down.
It’s sad that we both sincerely liked each other but we can’t control the circumstances and situation. Maybe it’s why I am feeling so sad. Because I can’t find any reason to hate him since he was so honest from the start up to the end.
It’s been 7 days now since it happened and I’ve been trying so hard not to break the no contact. I did not know it would be this hard. Maybe I just need someone to tell me that I did the right thing of trying to act unbothered by what he said and did. 😂 give me some tips to go on with my life ksksksksksksk
submitted by yellowparadox to heartbreak [link] [comments]