Theme and plot organizer


2011.05.12 04:24 ThaRealGaryOak Bioshock

This subreddit is dedicated to the BioShock game series.

2015.02.04 03:27 famoushippopotamus D&D Creative Resources & Worldbuilding. For DMs. By DMs.

/DnDBehindTheScreen is a subreddit for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters to trade tools, guides and resources. A growing archive of hundreds of years of D&D experience, all in one place! Welcome Wanderer!

2017.10.16 02:46 Darth-Thater For describing movie plots, but backwards!


2024.06.10 08:30 knifewife2point0 DinLuke Fic with "it's so bright here"

I know I read this fic not all that long ago. It's in the Star Wars/Mandalorian fandom and it's Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) / Luke Skywalker. I can't remember if it was multiple chapters or not, I think that it was. The plot basically was: Din tracks down Luke's school by putting a tracker on the Millennium Falcon and ends up staying there. Grogu (The Child) is the only student at the time. At one point, Din takes Luke to a cliffside at night to show him the stars. It's third person but from Din's POV. There's a repeating theme of "it's so bright here". I know I read it on AO3. I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me find it because it's been driving me nuts looking!
submitted by knifewife2point0 to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:04 Researcher_1999 Looking for self-hosted software to organize 40k pages of searchable text

I'm curious to know if anyone has any suggestions for self-hosted software that meets some specific requirements.
I've got about 40,000 pages of text-based information that I need to make available on my website in a text-searchable format with categories and tags for searching. However, I do not want to use anything cloud-based and I don't want to use a WordPress theme. I need to have full control and have it installed on my server. It can use SQL or JavaScript.
I don't want a complicated or fancy interface. I'm looking for something as simple as the way Old Reddit looks, 4Chan, an old 90s bulletin board, etc. Not that exact design, but the simplicity is what I'm after. Something plain that I can customize with CSS.
Everything I've found so far spanning at least 5 years is insanely complex in terms of aesthetics and is not self-hosted.
I've got DataTables on my website that I use to organize key pieces of data that includes links to the full data, but that can't handle 40k pages and it's not the right format for what I'm going for.
I do use a wiki software, which seemed great in the beginning, and I can use it without issue, but it's time-consuming to format and it doesn't work the way I need.
If I can't find anything, I'll just upload the content to basic web pages and create it all in HTML and CSS from scratch and add a powerful search engine, but I was hoping there would be something that exists already that makes it easy to add the content so I don't have to sift through HTML when I need to add content/edit/add links and references, which will be often and likely ongoing for years.
Any ideas of what might work?
And does anyone know of a powerful search engine I can add to my HTML site? I've seen a few, but they have been limited and won't work for 40k pages. I feel stuck! :P
submitted by Researcher_1999 to software [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:04 erraticuriosity This show is still called Bridgerton, is it not?

Disclaimer: I did not read the books, I’m just following through the stories in the show and sharing my thoughts based on it
Major spoilers for S3P1 ahead.
I binge-rewatched the previous seasons, including Queen Charlotte, timing myself for S3P2’s release then apparently went too fast and finished P1 just 3 days away from the 13th. I have no self-discipline lmao. Biggest regret so far, though—should’ve just held out. P1’s pacing truly is ridiculous and the wait for the last part is terribly annoying and completely dumb. (Yes, I know it’s longer for everyone else but I am just growing incredibly impatient for these 3 days to pass lol)
The subplots were okay-ish but I’d have preferred lesser Featheringtons and Mondriches, even if they were amusing and interesting. Or they could’ve spread it out throughout the 8 episodes instead of cramming them all into the first 4.
For one, it would’ve been better if the Featherington sisters’ pregnancies were revealed in the last episode of the season. I think it’s gonna run dry if we have to sit through their pregnancy stories in the last 4. I think a better way to incorporate them into Pen’s arc would’ve been contributing to Pen’s fear of spinsterhood and her desire to go on her own. And then, their mother could have been a lot more surprised with Pen snagging a lord (and eventually Colin) while she’d been ignoring her as usual as she focuses on the baby race. That would’ve been more entertain and relevant to the main plot.
The Mondriches, on the other hand. Damn. It’s an interesting plot for sure but they handled it so poorly. What value does it give to this season, really? I think the closest it got was when they consulted Benedict on how to fit better into society. It would’ve given a chance for Benedict to look deeper into his own role as well—after being the right-hand man to the viscount + the failure of his artistic pursuits. He could work with them as they navigate through society. It could’ve set him up well for his own season (which I really hope would be next because if I have to sit through another season of him hooking up with random women, I might just grow tired of him to care enough to watch his story once it finally comes).
And then to the rest of the Bridgertons: - Violet’s subplot is the only one pacing well since her focus is on her kids anyway.
Overall, this season just doesn’t feel like Colin’s season—let alone Polin. In fact, it doesn’t even feel like a Bridgerton season. Shouldn’t the show be focused on the mentioned family? Instead, we have stories that I can’t imagine would be relevant in the next seasons—the show seems to be losing direction. Did they not have enough confidence on Polin? The upcoming revelation of Pen being Whistledown is big enough drama as it is. We don’t need more drama from other families. And I was smiling and squealing at what, the only 30 minutes of Polin we had in the 4 episodes? I wanted more of them!!! I wanted to feel more FOR them. The worst part is the next part might not have much romance already, what with Eloise and the LW revelation antagonising their engagement.
Ugh. What a waste.
submitted by erraticuriosity to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:02 Technical_Egg_4280 2024’s Best Free Charity WordPress Themes

2024’s Best Free Charity WordPress Themes
Are you gearing up to kickstart your philanthropic efforts? Establishing a strong online presence is absolutely crucial for the success of your NGO. Your website serves as the digital face of your organization, allowing you to effectively showcase your mission, values, and various charitable projects to the world. In this digital age, having a well-designed website can significantly enhance your organization’s reach and impact. Thankfully, with the plethora of free charity WordPress themes available, you can create a professional-looking website without breaking the bank.
These free NGO WordPress themes not only offer visually appealing designs but also come packed with essential features and functionalities to meet the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. Whether you’re looking to raise funds, recruit volunteers, or simply raise awareness about your cause, these themes provide the perfect platform to amplify your message.
With a charity WordPress theme free download, you can customize your website to reflect your organization’s branding and mission effortlessly. Plus, the user-friendly interface of WordPress makes it easy for even non-technical users to manage and update their websites regularly.
In today’s competitive digital landscape, having a responsive website is non-negotiable. Fortunately, these free WordPress themes for clubs and organizations are designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring that your site looks great and functions seamlessly across all devices.
Furthermore, these free WordPress themes for nonprofits are optimized for search engines, helping your website rank higher in search results and attract more visitors organically. By incorporating relevant keywords such as “charity WordPress theme” and “nonprofit WordPress themes” into your website’s content and metadata, you can improve its visibility and reach a wider audience online.
Whether you’re a small grassroots organization or a large international NGO, WordPress offers a flexible and scalable platform to build and grow your online presence. From WordPress templates for nonprofits to charity website templates WordPress, there’s no shortage of options to suit your organization’s specific needs and preferences.
In conclusion, if you’re serious about making a difference in the world, investing in a quality website is a no-brainer. With the abundance of free NGO WordPress themes and non profit organization WordPress themes free, there’s never been a better time to launch your charity’s online presence and start making an impact.
Key factors to consider when choosing a free charity WordPress theme:
  1. Customization: Personalization is vital for reflecting your brand’s identity. Seek themes with customization options for fonts, colors, and layouts. Compatibility with page builder plugins enhances your control over design.
  2. SEO: A strong Search Engine Optimization strategy boosts your website’s discoverability on search engines like Google.
  3. Speed: Fast-loading websites improve user experience and search engine rankings.
  4. Mobile-Friendly: With half of nonprofit website traffic coming from mobile devices, responsive design is essential.
  5. Social Media: Seamless integration of social media profiles facilitates audience engagement.
  6. Diverse Content: Various post formats, including images, text, galleries, and videos, keep your site engaging.
  7. Multi-Language: If your nonprofit attracts global donors, multilingual support widens your reach.
Selecting the right theme ensures your nonprofit is presented effectively, engaging visitors and furthering your cause.

List of Free Charity WordPress Themes

Discover how a theme embodying the mentioned attributes can be optimal for establishing your charity website. Using these criteria, we’ve curated a collection of 10 Non-Profit Charity WordPress Themes for your consideration.

1. NGO Charity Connection

NGO Charity Connection WordPress Theme
NGO Charity Connection, a free NGO WordPress theme, a derivative of the renowned Bizberg WordPress charity theme free download, presents a sophisticated design suitable for a broad spectrum of charitable ventures. From fundraising campaigns to NGOs, churches, and philanthropic initiatives, this free charity WordPress theme offers a polished and modern aesthetic. With its robust features and visually appealing layout, it proves itself as a dependable solution for crafting a professional and impactful website. Leveraging the Bootstrap framework, NGO Charity Connection ensures user-friendliness and convenience. It guarantees full responsiveness, compatibility across various browsers, translation readiness, and SEO optimization. Our comprehensive documentation and friendly support team are at your disposal should you encounter any challenges. Seamlessly integrated with Elementor, you can effortlessly personalize all sections using this potent page builder.
Continue Reading on 2024's Best Free Charity WordPress Themes
submitted by Technical_Egg_4280 to u/Technical_Egg_4280 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:00 ogfanspired Scenes I Love from "Wendigo" (1)

Scenes I Love from
Apparently, Eric Kripke originally panned this episode because he didn’t think the monster was scary enough, but then he re-watched it 10 years later and decided it wasn’t so bad after all. Kripke is often his own worst critic and, imho, doesn’t give himself enough credit. Personally, I love this episode – not especially for the monster plot, I grant you, but because I think it is a wonderful study in character development. Plus, of course, it introduced the show’s original ethos, and gave us the immortal bumper sticker: “saving people, hunting things”.
In Lost Creek, Colorado, something big, nasty and snarly is munching on young campers in Blackwater Ridge, and I’d like to thank that inexhaustible resource, Superwiki, for an observation that I’d missed:
Tommy is reading Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces in the episode opening, a nod to one of Kripke's major inspirations for the series.
After the teaser, one of my favourite Supernatural musical themes, Jay Gruska’s “Tears in Their Beers” is playing. It’s a bright sunny day in the cemetery, so this is a dream. We know this because bright sunny days don’t happen in horror unless something’s wonky. Especially not in cemeteries. Especially not in Supernatural.
Again, in our first shot of Sam, it’s as if we’re watching him through the bars of a cage, emphasizing that our poor boy is doomed already. The first traps have been set to ensure he is taking his early steps down the yellow brick road, and it ain’t leading to no Emerald City.
The neatly coiffured hair is gone now. Doesn’t look like it’s been washed all that recently, either. Sam’s in a bad way.
Sam’s relationships Jessica, we will discover, shares the same birthday as Dean. Kripke has denied any significance to this, saying that he just used the date because it was his wife’s birthday. Fair enough, but that doesn’t explain why he gave it to both of these characters – arguably the two most significant relationships in Sam’s life. It’s hard not to assume that some parallel is being drawn between them. Personally, I see Jessica’s death as a prototype: in Sam’s response to this loss we are forewarned what to expect, in spades, in later seasons when he loses Dean.
It’s interesting that Sam makes this comment despite the roses all over the headstone. Who got it wrong, I wonder? Did Sam know Jessica better than her family did? Or did he know her as well as she knew him?
"I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth," he says. At this point we assume he is berating himself for hiding his hunting past from Jessica. The full significance of his words can only be appreciated on a re-watch, after we learn about his prophetic dreams three episodes later.
Now, since I know this is a dream sequence, I am totally unfased when
OK, I confess. I wasn’t that familiar with horror tropes back when I first watched this episode, so I didn’t see that coming at all! Sure, the pop culture reference to the end of Carrie may be a cliché, but it’s still an effective jump scare.
Again, I wonder, why is SPN so full of pop culture clichés? Are they just there for laughs, or do they mean something? SPN makes a habit of drawing attention to its own status as a fictive construct. Perhaps this speaks to one of the interpretive possibilities I introduced in an earlier post: the level at which Sam’s story may be a work of fiction he began writing after skipping out of college and the law school interview. In later seasons, of course, the show took its fictionality in a whole new direction with the introduction of the Chuck character (and I’ll have more to say about that, eventually, too.)
submitted by ogfanspired to SPNAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:49 monty2 Stress-Induced Brainstorming for a Zelda Game

Work was stressful the other day. As an outlet for that stress, I brainstormed a Zelda game. If anyone is interested, this is what I word-vomited into my notes app:
Legend of Zelda game idea
Mostly linear game with item-based and plot based progression
Permanent items WITH a fuse mechanic
Fast-travel is a cannon/landing-pad system. Bombs power the cannons and required a different amount of bombs depending on how far you can go. Additionally the landing-pad must be readied before you can land there. Maybe a frozen lake atop a mountain must be thawed. Maybe a giant egg must hatch leaving a feather-filled nest for landing.
Story takes place during big war that precedes OoT. Royal family is very important (introduce a Prince) and twinrova is the major villain. Twinrova makes her debut as the advisor to the king, subtly manipulating him to destabilize the kingdom to allow for a Gerudo coup. When he becomes aware of this, Twinrova controls/possesses him to do their bidding.
Map is 2x the size of WW’s map
The overworks is filled with important, named NPCs and tons of side quests that offer real rewards (pieces of heart, item upgrades, special tracking on the map, etc)
Many side-quests in already-completed areas are unlocked with events and items earned later in the game, rewarding backtracking and revisiting already completed areas.
The final dungeon is a tower in the middle of the Gerudo Desert. A la One Piece’s Punk Hazard, the tower is split down the middle with ½ the tower interior fire themed and ½ the tower ice themed. This makes use of all items earned during the game.
Boss fight is pretty typical twinrova battle: fight as Koume/Kotake, fight as Twinrova, fight a final monstrous form that takes inspiration from an Lovecraftian horror.
Might be great, might be terrible, but this was all the credit or blame of stress.
submitted by monty2 to truezelda [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:48 GuiltlessMaple Best Foreign Snacks

Best Foreign Snacks
Are you bored with the same old chips and cookies? Do you long for a taste of adventure from faraway lands? Look no further! In this roundup, we are bringing you the best foreign snacks from around the world. Prepare to be surprised, delighted, and satisfied with our selection of exotic treats that will take your taste buds on a global tour. So buckle up and get ready to snack your way across the globe!

The Top 18 Best Foreign Snacks

  1. Traditional Korean Rice Snack - Chochung U-Gua - Experience the delicate balance of traditional Korean flavors with Nongshim Rice Snack, U-Gua, a delightful blend of crunchy rice and sweet sesame that combines the charm of a classic dessert with the convenience of an on-the-go snack.
  2. Global Snack Sampler Box - Variety of Foreign Candies and Treats - Discover the world's most scrumptious foreign snacks and global candies in this Elite World Snack Sampler Box, making the perfect gift for adventurous taste buds.
  3. Delightful Turkish Snack Box - Experience the indulgence of 25 exotic European and Turkish chocolates, wafers, and treats in the Eurasia International Snack Box, a rich and diverse variety pack designed for adult chocolate enthusiasts.
  4. Exotic Eurasian Snack Box: World Candy for Friends and Loved Ones - Discover the enchanting world of Turkish snacks with Snack Charm by Vera, a beautifully packaged and diverse selection of exotic treats perfect for birthdays, holidays, or just as a delightful surprise!
  5. Exotic Snack Adventure Box by Midi International - Discover a world of international flavors with the Midi International Snack Box, featuring premium and exotic foreign snacks, perfect for gifting or personal indulgence!
  6. Exciting Hidden Game Themed Jungle Snacks Box - Dive into a world of flavorful exploration with Bubsooboo's Wild Snacks Maxi International Snack Box - a jungle-themed box offering a variety of international treats, a hidden game, and intriguing snack facts to unlock a world of taste and fun.
  7. Tantalizing Turkish Snack Box Delight - Enjoy a delectable array of international snacks with the Turkish Goodies International Snacks Variety Box - the perfect bite-sized treat for college, office, or on-the-go adventures.
  8. Turkish Snack Box: Gourmet Treats for All Occasions - Discover exotic flavors from Europe with Troy International Snack Box, a variety set of 15 high-quality candies, cookies, and treats. Perfect for holiday or birthday gifts, this unique collection offers an unforgettable taste experience.
  9. Delightful International Snacks Box - Experience the world in every bite with Turkish Goodies International Snacks Box, a carefully curated selection of full-sized treats from diverse countries, perfect for sharing with loved ones, college care packages, or simply indulging in unique flavors.
  10. Exotic Foreign Snack Box: Premium & Full-Size - Discover a world of exotic flavors with Midi International Snack Box, featuring a collection of exceptional foreign snacks for a memorable and unique gifting experience.
  11. Exotic World Snack Box: Premium Gourmet Treats - Fall in love with an assortment of premium and exotic foreign snacks that delight your taste buds with fascinating trivia and full-sized treats, striking a perfect balance between sweet and savory.
  12. Premium Foreign Snack Box - Embark on a flavorful journey with Midi International Snack Box, a curated collection of unique, premium, and exotic foreign snacks that deliver an unparalleled tasting experience to satisfy your curiosity and broaden your palate.
  13. Exquisite Turkish Delights Snack Box - Embark on a flavorful journey with our handpicked assortment of 9 generously-sized Turkish snacks, showcasing the mouthwatering sweet and savory delights of Turkish cuisine.
  14. Classic Hungarian Salty Sticks - Experience the delightful crunch and irresistible taste of Hungarian tradition with the Nógrádi 50x Ropi Salty Sticks - perfect for lively house parties and satisfying your snack cravings.
  15. Fairy Tale Themed International Snack Box - Delight your taste buds with Bubsooboo's Fairy Tale Themed Wild Snacks Midi International Snack Box, offering a variety of unique and entertaining international treats that are perfect for gifting.
  16. Exotic Taste Adventure - Eros Foreign Snacks Box - Eros Foreign Snacks Box: An adventurous journey for your taste buds with 25 exotic treats from around the world, perfect for all ages and occasions, including holidays, birthdays, and office gifts.
  17. Foreign Snacks Variety Box: 40 Pieces of Unique, Exotic, and Mouth-Watering Treats - Indulge in a flavorful journey with 40 pieces of international exotic candy treats, perfect for gifting, parties, or office celebrations.
  18. Exotic Foreign Snack Box - Indulge in a scrumptious box of 21 full-size gourmet exotic treats from around the world with Matleas Maxi Blue's International Yummies, perfect for creating special memories with friends and family.
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🔗Traditional Korean Rice Snack - Chochung U-Gua
I recently discovered Nongshim's Chochung U-Gua, a scrumptious rice snack that perfectly replicates the traditional Korean dessert. It's incredibly delicious and beautifully crunchy, making it an excellent choice for sharing with the entire family. What I particularly appreciate about this snack is its perfect balance of sweetness and lightness, making it suitable for all ages.
One of the defining features of this snack is its zero trans fat attribute, something that is quite rare in such treats but aligns perfectly with a healthier diet pattern. The product is made from simple yet wholesome ingredients – rice, rice bran oil, sugar, wheat starch, palm oil, corn starch, glucose syrup, sesame, wheat flour, and salt. This straightforward ingredient list is appealing to those who prefer more authentic and traditional food items.
As for cons, the snack's shelf life is not exceedingly long, implying that it needs to be consumed relatively soon after purchase. Additionally, it's essential to check your local regulations as some countries might limit or restrict its import. The ordering process also requires an extra delay of 5-10 days, which could be an inconvenience for some customers.
Overall, Nongshim's Chochung U-Gua provides a delightful experience with its traditional flavor profile, coupled with a healthier twist. Though it comes with certain cautions, it remains an exceptional choice for those who love trying foreign snacks.

🔗Global Snack Sampler Box - Variety of Foreign Candies and Treats
I recently got my hands on the Elite World Snack Sampler Box, and boy, am I glad! As a food enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for unique and exotic treats from different corners of the world. This sampler box truly delivers, offering an enormous assortment of foreign snacks and global candies that transport my taste buds on a global adventure.
Every time I open up this box, I find myself greeted with a new variety of treats, from different countries and cultures. There have been chips, crackers, cookies, biscuits, pickles, and a whole lot more. The snacks in each care package do vary, so it's like getting a surprise with every open. The variety is fantastic, providing both sweet and savory options that anyone can enjoy.
One thing that really stood out to me was how well thought out the wrapping and packaging is. Each snack is individually wrapped, making it easy for me to just grab a few and go. Plus, it's the perfect gift for anyone who loves trying new foods and snacks. I've found myself gifted with this box several times, and I've loved every single one of them.
As a downside, I have to admit that I wish there was a little more consistency in the types of snacks I receive. While it's exciting to always get something new and unexpected, I sometimes miss out on some of my absolute favorites. But, hey, that's part of the fun!
All in all, the Elite World Snack Sampler Box is a fantastic way to explore the world of snacking. If you're tired of the same old snacks and want to try something new and exciting, this box is for you. Happy snacking!

🔗Delightful Turkish Snack Box
I recently had the opportunity to try the Eurasia International Snack Box and I must say, it's like embarking on a culinary adventure across Europe and Asia. The box contains a delightful assortment of Turkish chocolates, wafers, munchies, and candies that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
One thing that stood out to me was the quality of these treats - they're made with fresh ingredients and comply with strict EU safety standards. Plus, many of them have a long shelf life, which is great for those looking to stock up on some unique snacks.
However, one potential downside is the size of the box. While it does contain 25 different snacks, some of them are quite small. This may be a bit disappointing for those expecting larger portions.
Overall, I would definitely recommend the Eurasia International Snack Box for anyone looking to expand their palate and explore the delicious flavors of Europe and Asia.

🔗Exotic Eurasian Snack Box: World Candy for Friends and Loved Ones
I recently came across a unique and delightful snack box called Snack Charm by Vera while searching for a thoughtful gift for my food-loving friends. Little did I know that it would turn out to be a treasure trove of international treats, bringing the world's flavors right to our doorstep.
As soon as I opened the box, I could sense the excitement of what I was about to discover. The packaging was beautiful, featuring a wizardry-themed design that immediately caught my eye and made me feel like I was about to embark on a magical snacking journey. The box included an informational pamphlet, which provided details about each snack, their nutritional facts, and possible beverage pairings - a nice touch for those, like me, who like to pair their treats with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee.
The snacks themselves were an incredible assortment of European delights. From Turkish wafer helva to popping candies and salty crackers, there was something for everyone to enjoy. The box even included a surprise activity, adding an extra layer of fun and engagement to the whole experience.
One of the major highlights of Snack Charm by Vera was its versatility. I found it to be the perfect gift for various occasions such as birthdays, holidays, and even for sharing with family and friends during casual get-togethers. The wide variety of treats provided endless possibilities for snacking and trying new and exotic foods.
However, there were a few minor cons that I must mention. Some of the snacks were a little on the salty side, which might not be to everyone's taste. Additionally, there were a couple of treats that were difficult to eat due to their size and shape. However, these minor issues did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the snack box.
In conclusion, Snack Charm by Vera is an exceptional gift idea for anyone who loves trying new and exotic snacks. The beautiful packaging, informational pamphlet, and diverse assortment of treats make it a fun and engaging experience that will delight snack lovers of all ages. While there may be a few minor drawbacks, the overall quality and enjoyment of this product far outweigh any negatives.

🔗Exotic Snack Adventure Box by Midi International
As a snack enthusiast, I had the pleasure of trying out the Midi International Snack Box – and I must say, it was a truly unique experience. This Hamper is no ordinary collection of goods; it offers an insight into a world of international snacks that are both premium and exotic.
What stood out to me was how fresh all the treats were. Not a single one was meltable, which was especially impressive during summer. It was also fascinating to learn about the origins of each snack through the included pamphlet, full of funny trivia.
However, some of the snacks did come across as overwhelmingly sweet. If you have a particularly sensitive palate, this might not be your cup of tea. Additionally, while the snacks were all full-size, I wish there was more variety. For instance, fewer candies and more savory options would have made for an even more diverse experience.
Overall, the Midi International Snack Box is a perfect gift for those who enjoy exploring unique flavors from around the world. Its well-curated selection of both sweet and savory snacks appeals to any adventurous palate.

🔗Exciting Hidden Game Themed Jungle Snacks Box
As I delved into the mysterious jungle of Bubsooboo's Wild Snacks Maxi International Snack Box, I was delighted by the hidden game, clues on how to best enjoy my newfound treats, and fascinating facts about the box's exotic contents. This variety pack of foreign snacks certainly brought a sense of excitement and adventure to my snack time. Biscuits, wafers, candies, chips, crackers, and chocolates - the box had it all.
The only downside? . It gets a bit too hot during summer, making some snacks unfit for consumption. Despite that, Bubsooboo's snack box made for a unique gift that helped me discover the wonders of international treats.

🔗Tantalizing Turkish Snack Box Delight
I recently came across the Turkish Goodies International Snacks Variety Box - a thoughtful collection of bite-sized treats that transported my taste buds across borders. It's like having a travel adventure without leaving your desk, offering a perfect blend of sweet and savory options.
The standout feature of this variety box is undoubtedly its diverse array of international snacks, each wrapped in a miniature package. From the scrumptious chocolate bars to the fluffy marshmallow treats, every bite offers a unique flavor experience. Plus, the portability of these mini-snacks makes them perfect for on-the-go munching or tossing into a lunchbox or office drawer.
However, not all treats were created equal. Some of the snacks felt a bit stale, which was a minor disappointment. But overall, this product did deliver on its promise of a tasty and adventurous experience.
In conclusion, the Turkish Goodies International Snacks Variety Box is a fun and convenient way to explore different cultures through snacking. It's a perfect gift for food-lovers or anyone looking to add some global flavor to their daily life.

🔗Turkish Snack Box: Gourmet Treats for All Occasions
I have always had a soft spot for foreign and exotic snacks, and the Troy International Snack Box has truly reignited my passion for discovering unique treats from around the world. I was delighted to find a diverse assortment of chocolates, candies, cookies, and other surprising delights hidden within this elegantly designed box. As a gift for family and friends, it's been an instant hit, sparking conversations and shared experiences around the table.
One standout feature of this snack box is the blend of traditional and modern snack options. The inclusion of both local and international items allows recipients to explore a range of flavors that they may have never encountered before. Whether you're a fan of Turkish delights or prefer the crunch of a European cookie, there's something in this box to suit every taste.
The quality of the snacks is top-notch, with each item expertly sourced and crafted by skilled artisans. It's evident that great care has been taken to ensure that every product within the box meets strict food safety regulations, offering peace of mind when sharing these treats with loved ones.
However, one downside I experienced was uneven expiration dates among the various snack items. While some products boasted an impressive shelf life, others seemed to be nearing their expiration too soon, which led me to ration the box more carefully than I had initially planned.
All in all, the Troy International Snack Box has been an exciting and enjoyable addition to our snack pantry. Its unique blend of flavors and high-quality ingredients make it perfect for gifting or snacking on during those quiet, self-care moments. If you're looking to broaden your culinary horizons, this snack box is definitely worth a try.

🔗Delightful International Snacks Box
When I received my Turkish Goodies International Snacks Box, I was excited to dive into the unique treats from different countries. The care and attention to detail in packaging these snacks made me feel like I was getting a special, personalized gift.
One of the highlights of this variety pack was trying the dark chocolate wafers. Their decadent flavor contrasted nicely with the milder crackers, creating an intriguing mix of tastes. The fruit and nuts bars added a healthy touch to the mix, offering a delicious snack without the guilt.
However, one downside of this box was that some of the snacks were a bit too spicy for my liking. This might not be an issue for everyone, but it's good to note if you're sensitive to spicy foods.
Overall, I appreciated the opportunity to sample such a diverse range of international snacks in one box. The variety was impressive, and there was definitely something for everyone.

🔗Exotic Foreign Snack Box: Premium & Full-Size
I recently stumbled upon this Midi International Snack Box while searching for some unique gift options. What caught my attention was the assurance of only premium, fresh gourmet treats, which sounded like a perfect blend of quality and adventure.
The day my box arrived, I was excited to dig in. True to its promise, everything looked fresh and appetizing. From sweet to savory treats, the variety was incredible and each snack came with a small, informative pamphlet that added an interesting twist.
One standout feature was the balance between different tastes - not too overwhelmingly sweet nor excessively savory. I found myself munching away on some of the snacks with my family, making it an exciting sharing experience.
While the concept of international snacks piqued our curiosity and stimulated our taste buds, it was the quality that truly stood out. Snacks were full-size, and the provided nutritional facts table was a thoughtful inclusion, catering well to those with dietary concerns.
However, one downside was the lack of mel table snacks during summer, which might disappoint some. Yet, considering the diverse range and high quality, it's a minor inconvenience that is forgivable.
This Midi International Snack Box has quickly become my go-to choice for unique and enjoyable snacking experiences, whether it's for personal indulgence or a memorable gift.

🔗Exotic World Snack Box: Premium Gourmet Treats
I recently tried the Maxi International Snack Box, and I absolutely fell in love with it! This box is full of exotic and premium snacks from all around the world. I organized a little get-together with my friends where we all gathered around to explore these unique treats together.
The variety of snacks was amazing; from sweet chocolate-covered wafers to savory potato chips infused with truffle oil, there was something for everyone's taste buds. The box even included a pamphlet with funny trivia about each snack, which made the experience even more enjoyable.
One downside to this product was that some of the snacks were not labeled in English, so we had to guess what they were based on their appearance. But overall, the Maxi International Snack Box is an excellent choice for anyone looking to expand their culinary horizons with delicious snacks from different countries.

🔗Premium Foreign Snack Box
My experience with this exotic snack box has been nothing short of delightful. The moment I opened it, I was greeted with a symphony of colors and smells, each one more enticing than the last. The unique variety of snacks from around the world is perfect for adventurous foodies or anyone who just loves trying out new things.
One thing that really stood out for me was how fresh everything was. Even the candies were packed to perfection, making them last longer than your average sugar rush. Their commitment to providing quality gourmet treats really shines through in this product.
However, one minor con is that some of these snacks can be a bit difficult to decipher without prior knowledge. But hey, isn't that part of the fun? Plus, the included pamphlet with funny trivia about each snack definitely adds an extra layer of entertainment.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a unique and exciting gift for someone (or even yourself), look no further than this international snack box. It's a treasure trove of tasty treats from across the globe, ready to satisfy your adventurous taste buds.

🔗Exquisite Turkish Delights Snack Box
I recently received the Bite-Sized Turkish Snack Selection Box as a birthday present from a friend. To be honest, before trying it, I was a bit skeptical. I mean, how special could these "bite-sized" snacks be? But boy, was I wrong! Every single piece in this box was an explosion of flavors in my mouth.
First off, the Baklava is hands down one of the best I've ever had. It was flaky, crispy, and coated with just the right amount of sweetness. The Turkish Delight was equally delightful, with its soft, chewy texture and fruity notes. The pastries were also a standout, each one slightly different yet equally delicious.
On the downside, the box was a bit smaller than I expected. It wasn't exactly what I'd call a "variety" pack. But hey, if you're looking for a unique snack that's sure to impress, the Bite-Sized Turkish Snack Selection Box is definitely worth trying.

🔗Classic Hungarian Salty Sticks
I recently tried the Nógrádi 50x Hungarian Classic Nogradi Ropi Salty Sticks, and I must say, they've become my go-to snack for house parties! These crispy, savory sticks have been consistently produced since 1971 and are made from simple ingredients like flour, salt, sugar, margarine, and yeast. What really sets these snacks apart is their unique European flavor. They're light, crunchy, and just the right amount of salty.
One thing that surprised me about these sticks is how addictive they are. I found myself reaching for them more and more during our gatherings. The only downside is that they're not as filling as some other snacks, so you might have to grab a few extra bags to keep everyone satisfied.
Overall, I'm a big fan of the Nógrádi Ropi Salty Sticks. They're perfect for anyone who loves trying unique snacks from around the world. Just be prepared to keep refilling the bowl!

Buyer's Guide

Discovering new flavors and experiences is part of the essence of life. One fascinating way to do that is through tasting foreign snacks. These snacks provide a unique opportunity to explore different cultures and cuisines while satisfying our cravings for something new. However, choosing the right foreign snacks can be challenging. This guide offers important features, considerations, and general advice to make your snack exploration enjoyable and enriching.

Importance of Flavor Profiles
Each country or region has a distinct culinary tradition, reflected in its snacks' flavors. Understanding these flavor profiles can guide your selection towards snacks that align with your taste palette. Whether you prefer sweet, savory, spicy, or sour, there are plenty of options available.

Snack Versatility

Consider how you plan to consume the snack. Some snacks pair well with beverages while others are best on their own. Thinking about when and where you'll indulge in these treats will help ensure they meet your specific needs.

Ingredient Check

Allergies and dietary restrictions are real concerns. Before buying any foreign snack, thoroughly check the ingredient list. This will help you avoid allergic reactions and unwanted surprises.

Shelf Life

The last thing you want is to buy a snack only to have it go stale before you can enjoy it. Some foreign snacks have longer shelf lives than others. Ensuring that your choice caters to your consumption pace is key to maximizing enjoyment from your purchases.

Portion Sizes

Some foreign snacks come in small single-serving sizes, while others are available in bulk. Analyzing your snack consumption habits can help you choose appropriately sized packages.

Shipping and Customs
When ordering foreign snacks online, research shipping policies and customs implications. Some locations may impose taxes or importation restrictions, which could increase costs or delay deliveries significantly.

Read Reviews

Finally, read reviews from other buyers. They can provide insights into a snack's taste, quality, and authenticity. This additional information could steer you towards a more satisfying purchasing decision.


Q1: What makes foreign snacks unique?

Foreign snacks typically have flavors and textures that are not commonly found in traditional American snacks. They often feature unique ingredients and cooking methods, which can lead to an exciting and enjoyable culinary experience. Some foreign snacks may have mild or strong flavors, while others may have different textures that challenge palates used to conventional American snacks.

Q2: How can I find foreign snacks that suit my taste preferences?

To find foreign snacks that cater to your taste preferences, consider checking out specialty stores, international grocery stores, or online marketplaces focused on foreign products. These platforms usually provide detailed product descriptions, including ingredients and flavors, which can help you make informed decisions. Additionally, seeking recommendations from people who have experience with foreign snacks can be beneficial in identifying the best options for your taste buds.

Q3: Are all foreign snacks gluten-free?

Not all foreign snacks are gluten-free, as some may contain wheat or wheat-based ingredients. It's essential to read the ingredient labels or check the product descriptions to ensure that the snacks are suitable for a gluten-free diet. Some international grocery stores may also have a dedicated section for gluten-free options or can provide information on which snacks do not contain gluten.

Q4: Can I store foreign snacks in regular snack bags?

While some foreign snacks can be stored in regular snack bags, others may require specialty containers or sealed bags to maintain their freshness and texture. Consult the product packaging or seek recommendations from other buyers to determine the best storage method for the specific foreign snack you have purchased.

Q5: Is it safe to consume foreign snacks past their expiration date?

It is generally not recommended to consume any kind of food products, including foreign snacks, past their expiration date. The expiration date serves as a guideline to maintain the quality, taste, and safety of the product. Consuming expired snacks may lead to potential health risks, as bacteria and other microorganisms can grow over time and compromise the product's safety. Always follow the expiration date guidelines provided for each snack item.

Q6: Can I cook foreign snacks at home?

Many foreign snacks can be recreated at home using the right ingredients and recipes. You may search for online resources, cookbooks, or seek recommendations from friends who have experience with recreating foreign snacks. However, some snacks may require specialty ingredients, tools, or knowledge that may not be easily accessible or feasible to replicate accurately. Always follow the specific instructions in the recipe to achieve the desired outcome.

Q7: Where can I find information on the nutritional content of foreign snacks?

The nutritional content of foreign snacks can typically be found on the product packaging or on the manufacturer's website. Some online marketplaces or specialty stores may also provide detailed nutritional information for the foreign snacks they sell. If you are unable to locate this information, you can try contacting the manufacturer or seeking assistance from other buyers or resources that specialize in foreign snacks.
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2024.06.10 07:38 GoAheadMMDay Jewish religion originated in Egypt... and was restructured in Babylon

Jewish religion originated in Egypt... and was restructured in Babylon
Before we begin, let me say I love the Jewish people and Christians, and I consider all of them my brothers and sisters, as I do all people from all religions and walks of life. We are all God's beloved children.
I thoroughly cherish the ancient wisdom contained in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and in the sacred books of other faiths as well.
Yet over the course of several decades, I discovered numerous inaccurate teachings which I would like to review. It may not be what most people consider a "conspiracy". Nevertheless, these misconceptions must be revealed for the truth to be known.
Egyptian origins
Judaism - the Jewish religion - originated in ancient Egypt. A mixed group of people from multiple nationalities, including Egyptian, were expelled from Egypt, taking Egyptian beliefs and practices with them, including Egyptian temple designs.
This theory has been around for nearly a hundred years. Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis who lived from 1856 to 1939, wrote about Judaism's link to ancient Egypt in 1939, the final year of his life.
From Wikipedia - :
"One of the first to mention this [theory] was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, in his book Moses and Monotheism.[235] Basing his arguments on his belief that the Exodus story was historical, Freud argued that Moses had been an Atenist priest who was forced to leave Egypt with his followers after Akhenaten's death. Freud argued that Akhenaten was striving to promote monotheism, something that the biblical Moses was able to achieve.[235] Following the publication of his book, the concept entered popular consciousness and serious research.[240][241]"
In this post, I will provide my own arguments supporting Freud's proposition.
I started thinking about the link between ancient Israel and ancient Egypt many years ago during my Bible studies. I was also fascinated with the histories of ancient Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, and others.
Over the years, I began noticing some very significant overlapping beliefs that cannot be dismissed. Some of these points are already known and hotly debated; others are my own observations.
I will be brief, however. This topic is absolutely huge in scope - covering history, archeology and religion. If I were to cover the topic to its fullest extent, it would be a book. I will spare you that torture and simply give you the abridged version.
My purpose? I put this out there for debate and further research.
The exodus out of Egypt
In the late 1300's BC, a large group migrated out of Egypt in what is known as "the exodus".
The exodus out of Egypt
Who were the people who left Egypt in the exodus?
The Bible claims they were almost all Israelites who were living in misery in Egypt. But there is good reason to believe the majority were actually Egyptians, as I explain later.
Black box - where the exodus settled
The group who left Egypt eventually settled between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, forming the nation of Israel.
Three major similarities
Several similarities exist between ancient Israel's religion and ancient Egypt's religion. These similarities are so striking, I propose the Jewish religion actually originated in Egypt, and was brought out of Egypt in the exodus.
• 1) Let's start with the most glaring similarity... the temples.
Ancient Egyptian temple
Key features of the ancient Egyptian temple:
a) outer courtyard, b) two large pillars at front entrance, c) a grand hall, d) an inner shrine with statue.
Left - Moses' tabernacle / Right - Solomon's temple
Key features of Moses' tabernacle and Solomon's temple:
a) outer courtyard, b) two large pillars at front entrance, c) first hall called "the Holy Place", d) an inner sanctuary called "the Most Holy Place" where the Ark of the Covenant was housed.
The similarities between ancient Egypt's temples and Judaism's designs are too similar to dismiss. I conclude those who left Egypt in the exodus brought with them Egypt's temple designs.
• 2) Animal sacrifice is another similarity I propose was brought out of Egypt in the exodus.
"...some of the earliest archeological evidence suggesting animal sacrifice comes from Egypt."
• 3) Lastly, in agreement with Sigmund Freud noted above, I propose Jewish monotheism (worship of one god) was also brought out of Egypt by the migrants who left in the exodus.
Monotheism from Egypt? Wasn't Egypt polytheistic, worshipping multiple deities?
Not always. Egypt had briefly experimented with the worship of one God who was without form. And this period of monotheism in Egypt lines-up perfectly with the time of the exodus.
Egypt's brief experiment with monotheism
There was a brief period in Egypt's history when monotheism flourished. This was during the reign of Akhenaten, around the middle 1300's BC.
Prior to this, Egypt had always practiced polytheism. But Akhenaten reformed Egyptian religion, focusing on one god instead - "Aten" - who was elevated to supreme god, and "the sole god of the Egyptian state religion".
There is much debate over exactly how monotheism was practiced during that time. As Wikipedia explains - :
"The views of Egyptologists differ as to whether the religious policy was absolutely monotheistic, or whether it was monolatristic, syncretistic, or henotheistic.[14][15] This culture shift away from traditional religion was reversed after his death."
For this post, it does not matter how narrow or how broad Akhenaten's monotheism really was. What matters in this discussion is that Akhenaten's reign was an interruption in Egypt's religious system. Akhenaten reformed Egyptian religion, which did not sit well with the traditional priestly class.
After Akhenaten died, Egypt returned to its previous religious system. Akhenaten was vilified, his images chiselled and defaced. Wikipedia adds:
"They discredited Akhenaten and his immediate successors and referred to Akhenaten as "the enemy" or "that criminal" in archival records."
This is why today he is described as "the heretic king", referencing how he was considered after his death.
The exodus was an expulsion
I propose Moses was a high ranking member of Akhenaten's court, perhaps even a prince as the Old Testament describes him. Moses likely took over the leadership of the population of monotheists after Akhenaten died.
As Wikipedia notes (already quoted above) - :
"Freud argued that Moses had been an Atenist priest [a priest of the god "Aten"] who was forced to leave Egypt with his followers after Akhenaten's death."
I conclude these were the migrants who left Egypt in the exodus. They were Egyptians who practiced monotheism, lead by their high priest, Moses - who was also an Egyptian, and priest of the god "Aten".
The monotheists had become unwelcome in the land of Egypt which had returned to polytheism. Akhenaten's son - the famous King Tut - even changed his name to disassociate himself from his father and the monotheism he had introduced. King Tut's original name was Tutankhaten, which he changed to Tutankhamun after Akhenaten's death.
As Wikipedia explains - :
"The cult of the god Amun at Thebes was restored to prominence and the royal couple changed their names to "Tutankhamun" and "Ankhesenamun", removing the -aten suffix."
The suffix at the end of their names indicated whom they worshiped, or the god they were associated with. Akhenaten's suffix was "aten", taken from the god "Aten" whom he associated himself with. Tutankhamun's suffix was "amun", taken from the god "Amun" whom he associated himself with.
King Tut thus changed his name to show he was not connected to Akhenaten or the monotheists who worshipped Aten. Egypt's brief experiment with monotheism was over.
Clearly there was a lot of hatred for that brief experimentation with monotheism. What would the atmosphere have been like for the followers of that monotheistic system after Akhenaten died? I imagine there would have been widespread persecution, or at the very least, discrimination.
I propose this lead to the expulsion of a large mass of people out of Egypt in the exodus. They were the monotheists of Egypt - composed mostly of Egyptians, but likely included foreigners living in Egypt who also practiced the monotheism introduced by Akhenaten.
Moses led this group of fellow monotheists out of an angry Egypt that clearly resented the upheaval Akhenaten had brought to Egyptian life. It must have been a forced expulsion, for they were driven into the desert where they were left to roam and fend for themselves. They would not have chosen to go there on their own.
The dates match
And the dates match. Akhenaten reigned from about 1352 to 1335 BC. Moses lived from about 1391 to 1271 BC. (The Bible writers claim he was 120 years old when he died. Could be true, I suppose.)
According to the Bible's account, Moses was 80 years of age at the time of the exodus, dating it to about 1311 BC. That somewhat fits, putting the exodus some 24 years after Akhenaten's death.
Personally, though, I do not see that it would have taken 24 years to expel a group of monotheists who were no longer welcome, whose founder (Akhenaten) was vilified, defamed, and so vehemently hated. I propose the monotheists were expelled right away, perhaps a year or two after Akhenaten's death.
King Tut - Akhenaten's son noted above - was only 6 years of age when Akhenaten died in 1335 BC, much too young to rule as Pharaoh on his own. It wasn't until 3 years later in 1332 BC when Tut finally ascended to the throne at the age of 9. During this brief interval of 3 years, Egypt's rulership was in contention. There was likely a power struggle. I propose it was during this 3-year period of upheaval when the monotheists were expelled.
Another link placing the exodus at the end of Akhenaten's life is a regional plague which struck Egypt and a large part of the Middle East during the last 5 years of Akhenaten's reign.
As Wikipedia explains - :
"Following year twelve [of Akhenaten's 16-year reign], Donald B. Redford and other Egyptologists proposed that Egypt was struck by an epidemic, most likely a plague.[127] Contemporary evidence suggests that a plague ravaged through the Middle East around this time,[128] and ambassadors and delegations arriving to Akhenaten's year twelve reception might have brought the disease to Egypt.[129] Alternatively, letters from the Hattians might suggest that the epidemic originated in Egypt and was carried throughout the Middle East by Egyptian prisoners of war.[130] Regardless of its origin, the epidemic might account for several deaths in the royal family that occurred in the last five years of Akhenaten's reign, including those of his daughters Meketaten, Neferneferure, and Setepenre.[131][132]"
Sound familiar? The Bible's story of the exodus includes a plague which affected all of Egypt, killing even one of Pharaoh's children.
When Moses led the monotheists out of Egypt, he took with him many elements of the monotheistic system that Akhenaten had introduced. I propose this is why Moses' tabernacle looked so similar to Egyptian temples, with even more similarities showing up in Solomon's temple.
Joseph was Imhotep
Yet the Old Testament borrows more from Egypt than just its religious concepts. I propose it also borrows a very famous person... Imhotep.
Multiple similarities exist between Imhotep (a high ranking administrator in ancient Egypt) and the Biblical Joseph (who lived in Egypt before Moses). I propose, as many others do, that the Joseph of the Old Testament was based on Imhotep of ancient Egypt for 3 reasons:
• 1) Let's start with their names...
In "Imhotep", the 1st vowel is "i", the 2nd vowel is "o", the 3rd vowel is "e", followed by a "p".
The name Joseph in Tiberian Hebrew is "Yoseph", and in Aramaic is "Yosep". In both cases, the 1st vowel is "y" (pronounced as short-"i"), the 2nd vowel is "o", the 3rd vowel is "e", followed by a "p" - just as in "Imhotep".
Even the "t" in Imhotep and the "s" in Yosep use similar movements of the tongue.
• 2) Next, their status...
Imhotep occupied a very lofty position in Egyptian court. He was "chancellor to the Pharaoh Djoser, possible architect of Djoser's step pyramid, and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis".
Joseph, for his part, is described in the Bible as having been elevated to the 3rd highest position in Egypt.
• 3) Finally, their great works...
"Imhotep was one of the chief officials of the Pharaoh Djoser. Concurring with much later legends, Egyptologists credit him with the design and construction of the Pyramid of Djoser, a step pyramid at Saqqara built during the 3rd Dynasty. [17] He may also have been responsible for the first known use of stone columns to support a building.[18]"
Similarly, the Bible describes Joseph as having supervised the construction of numerous large stone granaries in which to store "all the grain of Egypt".
Though granaries and pyramids differ in design, we have to acknowledge the similarity... both men were in charge of building massive stone structures.
Also, to the Israelites living after the exodus, when the Old Testament was written, the pyramids of Egypt likely looked to them like the remains of giant granaries of long ago. Thus, where the ancient Egyptians credited Imhotep with constructing pyramids, the Israelites credited Joseph with constructing the same structures - which they thought were old ruined granaries.
Yet there is one gaping hole in this theory that Joseph was Imhotep... they lived in different time periods. Imhotep lived in the 2600's BC (, while Joseph lived in the 1800's BC.
Indeed, they lived centuries apart. But let's keep in mind that the writers of the Old Testament did not have such detailed information as archeologists have today. The writers may have placed Joseph in the wrong century, but they were right to place him a few hundred years before the exodus... just as Imhotep also lived centuries before the exodus.
The Old Testament writers were also correct in the phonetics of the name, the occupation, the works, and the elevated position of importance. I propose the Old Testament writers took Imhotep and claimed him as their own as Joseph.
Claiming Egyptians and others as their own
We can see why the writers of the Old Testament wanted to claim Imhotep as their own, as an Israelite.
Between 1550 and 1077 BC (which overlapped the time of the exodus), Imhotep was worshipped as a "demigod" - one of only a handful of non-royals ever to be deified. ( He was the equivalent of today's superstar. To claim Imhotep as a fellow Israelite gave them a tremendous boost of pride.
They also claimed Moses as their own. As the Old Testament account goes, Moses was born an Israelite, was sent adrift on a river to escape slaughter, was rescued by an Egyptian princess, and was raised as a prince in Egypt's court.
They also claimed Abraham as one of their forefathers, a Mesopotamian who lived in the city of Ur by the lower Euphrates river near the Persian Gulf.
Noah, too, was claimed as an even more distant forefather, when in fact the story of Noah, the ark, and the flood were copied from the ancient Sumerian text "The Epic of Gilgamesh".
In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian king Uta-napishtim survived a flood by building a large vessel which he filled with animals. As Wikipedia explains - :
"The story of Uta-napishtim has drawn scholarly comparisons due to the similarities between it and the storylines about Noah in the Bible."
But why did the Israelites claim all of these people as their own?
• The ancient-Sumerian Uta-napishtim (whom they renamed Noah),
• the late-Sumerian Abram of Ur (whom they renamed Abraham),
• the ancient-Egyptian Imhotep (whom they renamed Joseph),
• and the later-Egyptian Moses?
I propose it was to give the Israelites a sense of national identity. They were about to form a new nation.
Forming a new nation after Babylon
In 597 BC, Babylon besieged Jerusalem, taking several thousand Israelites captive to Babylonia. More Israelite captives were taken during the following 10 years. In 587 BC, Jerusalem and its temple were ultimately destroyed. Israel was no longer a nation; its people were captives in Babylon.
Nearly 50 years later, in 539 BC, Persian king Cyrus the Great and his armies conquered Babylon. As per his tradition, he benevolently released captives.
"Cyrus was particularly renowned among contemporary scholars because of his habitual policy of respecting peoples' customs and religions in the lands that he conquered."
The Israelites were about to be freed. We can picture Cyrus' officials gathering the Israelite priests and leaders together, telling them to prepare themselves for their return back to their homeland west of the Jordan River.
After nearly 60 years in captivity, the Israelites needed to organize themselves into a new nation. They needed laws, a history, and a national identity. I propose this is when the first section of the Old Testament - the Torah - was written... in 539 BC in Babylon, just before returning to their ancestral land west of the Jordan River.
The Torah comprises the first 5 books of the Old Testament - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
What makes this significant for the Israelites living in Babylon is that these 5 books cover everything they need in forming a new nation - a national history, a code of laws, a structured religion, and a pact with God for his protection - as explained in Wikipedia :
• Of the book of Genesis:
"At God's command ... Abraham journeys from his home [in Mesopotamia] into the ... land of Canaan. ... The narrative is punctuated by a series of covenants with God..."
This book was important, as it paralleled the journey the Israelites were about to make, leaving Babylon (which was Mesopotamia) on their way to the land of Canaan - just like Abraham had done himself some 1,200 years before. Yet they ought not be fearful, for they were the beneficiaries of multiple covenants with God.
• Of the book of Exodus:
"...modern scholarship sees the book as initially a product of the Babylonian exile, 6th century BC..."
In other words, it was initially compiled in Babylon during Israelite captivity.
"Carol Meyers, in her commentary on Exodus, suggests that it is arguably the most important book in the Bible, as it presents the defining features of Israel's identity: memories of a past marked by hardship and escape, a binding covenant with God, ... and the establishment of the life of the community and the guidelines for sustaining it.[31]"
In other words, the book of Exodus gave the Israelites valuable guidelines to forming a new nation.
• Of the book of Leviticus:
"...rules of clean and unclean ... the laws of slaughter and animals permissible to eat ... various moral and ritual laws ... a detailed list of rewards for following God's commandments and a detailed list of punishments for not following them."
In other words, Leviticus instructs the Israelites on matters of worship, cleanliness, and diet. Again, important information for a people about to form a new nation.
• Of the book of Numbers:
"Numbers is the culmination of the story of Israel's exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathers."
This parallels their situation at that time, in 539 BC, as they too were about to leave oppression in Babylon on their journey back to take possession of the same land.
• Of the book of Deuteronomy:
"One of its most significant verses is Deuteronomy 6:4 ... which has become the definitive statement of Jewish identity: "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one."
In other words, the Israelites leaving Babylon were reminded of their most identifying characteristic... their monotheism.
Borrowing from Babylon
Yet in preparing the first 5 books of the Old Testament - the Torah - the Israelite priests in Babylon borrowed much from Babylon itself.
They borrowed details from Babylonian creation stories, and copied the flood story from the Epic of Gilgamesh.
They also added a code of laws copied from Babylonian laws, as noted in Wikipedia - :
"The Code of Hammurabi and the Law of Moses in the Torah contain numerous similarities."
Hammurabi was a king of ancient Babylon in the 1700's BC, some 400 years before Moses' time, and 1,200 years before the Israelites resided in Babylon. It wasn't really the Law of Moses, but the Code of Hammurabi - tailored, customized, and re-branded as the Law of Moses when the Torah was written in Babylon.
Preparing for the journey home
The purpose for compiling the first 5 books of the Old Testament was quite simply to prepare the Israelites living in Babylon for their journey back home.
This is why they referred to the land they were returning to as "the Promised Land", "a land flowing with milk and honey", and their "inheritance".
This is why the Torah contained examples of others who had left one land to go to another. Through the stories of Abraham and Moses, the idea of leaving behind a land they knew to go to a land they did not know was packaged and presented to the Israelites living in Babylon - who were now being asked to do the same thing themselves.
Abraham was born and raised in Ur, near the southern Euphrates river in Mesopotamia. That's the land of Babylon, the same land the Israelites were now living in. Yet he moved out of that land and went to the land west of the Jordan River, and the account tells how God blessed him for it.
In the time of Moses, a great many Israelites were born and raised in Egypt. Yet they moved out of that land and went to the land west of the Jordan River, and the account tells how God blessed them for it.
Do we see the recurring theme? After more than 50 years in captivity, most of the original captives were no longer alive. By the time of their release in 539-538 BC, most Israelites had been born and raised in Babylon. Babylon was the only land they knew. Most did not know the land to which they were going, west of the Jordan River.
But if Abraham and his family living in Mesopotamia did it, if Moses and the Israelites living in Egypt did it - that is, left a land they knew to go to a land they did not know - and it went well for them... then it would also go well for the Israelites being asked to leave Babylon, the only land most of them knew, to go to a land almost none of them knew.
And thus, I propose... The Old Testament was written to organize the Israelites exiled in Babylon into a new nation, encouraging them to pack their belongings and go to the land west of the Jordan River with zeal and courage.
This is why they took several persons from other cultures and made them their own... including Uta-napishtim (whom they renamed Noah), Abram (whom they renamed Abraham), Imhotep (whom they renamed Joseph), and Moses - giving them a sense of national identity and pride.
Many of the Old Testament's accounts, laws, and people were adopted from external sources, modified, tweaked, and repackaged to give the Israelites courage on their return to "the land of their forefathers" and the "Promised Land" - a testament and promise that God would be with them just as He was with Abraham and Moses and all the families who made similar moves so very long before.
I contend...
Yet I contend the most important piece of information was withheld from the Israelites living in Babylon... that their religion was started by an ancient Pharaoh of Egypt whom they did not even know... Akhenaten.
I contend their leader Moses was not of Israelite descent, but was Egyptian, a high priest of the Egyptian god Aten.
I contend the early Israelites were not descended from Abram of Ur of Mesopotamia, but were descended from Egyptians, monotheists who were expelled from Egypt when the founder of their religion - Akhenaten - died.
I contend the Israelites were first told they descended from Abram in 539 BC when the Torah was written, as they prepared to resettle west of the Jordan River. I further contend the only reason they were told they descended from Abram of Ur was to draw a parallel between Abram's leaving the land of Sumer (same land as Babylon) to go west of the Jordan - just as the Israelites were being asked to leave Babylon to go west of the Jordan in 539 BC.
I contend Jewish religion was shaped by Babylonian mythology, and their nation was built on Babylonian laws. I further contend had the Israelites not been taken captive into Babylon, they would not have had the law code they had, nor the same story of creation, nor the story of Noah's flood - for these were all Babylonian.
Even their temple and their monotheism were not entirely theirs, but were Egyptian.
As much as I cherish the ancient wisdom found in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, I must draw attention to the religion's origins... it originated in Egypt, with significant restructuring in Babylon.
Joseph Cafariello
PS... (June 9, 2024):
This section is to support my claim that Abraham was not known by the Israelites prior to the end of their Babylonian captivity, prior to 539 BC when the Torah and the bulk of the Old Testament were compiled.
As I explain in my post, I contend the stories of Abraham, Noah, and creation were derived from Babylonian sources, and were inserted into the Old Testament in 539 BC when it was compiled.
When preparing the Torah in 539 BC, the priests gathered together their sacred books and texts and compiled them together. These included the Book of Jasher, the Book of The Wars of the Lord, the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel and Judah, the Annals of King David, the Acts of Solomon, and many others.
They also gathered the books of the prophets, such as Isaiah and others, and combined them with the newly written Torah to form the first version of the Old Testament, which was later expanded after their return to their homeland.
When compiling these dozens of works into one single work, I contend the Old Testament writers added stories from Babylonian sources, including the creation story, the flood story, and adapted portions of the law code of Hammurabi. I contend this is when Abraham appears in scripture for the first time - in 539 BC, as the Israelites were preparing to leave Babylon to resettle in their homeland.
To support my claim that Abraham made his first appearance in scripture in 539 BC, we need only look at the references made to Abraham in the Old Testament, and where these references are. Let us examine them...
The vast majority of the references made to Abraham appear in the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible, which I have already supported in my post as having been written in 539 BC. Hence, none of the references to Abraham in the Torah refute my claim that Abraham made his first appearance in scripture in 539 BC.
Outside the Torah, there are the following references to Abraham to consider (I am using the Old Testament as it appears in the Bible):
• 2 references in the book of Joshua:
"It is not known when the Book was written... Some scholars believe it was written ... in 550 BC, at the time of the Babylonian exile, when there was a desire to remember and retell their own history."
I contend Joshua was also compiled in 539 BC, as multiple older texts were consulted and copied in order to establish a record of Israel's history. In either case... 550 or 539 BC, the 2 references to Abraham in the book of Joshua do not refute my claim that Abraham made his first appearance toward the end of Babylonian captivity.
• Multiple references in the books of Kings and Chronicles:
As I already noted above, numerous books and chronicles of the kings were consulted in 539 BC in Babylon when the bulk of the Old Testament was compiled. Thus, these references to Abraham in the books of Kings and Chronicles do not refute my claim of Abraham's late appearance in 539 BC.
• 1 reference in Nehemiah:
This one is easy, since the book describes the reconstruction of Jerusalem after Babylonian captivity. Hence, it does not refute my claim of Abraham's late insertion into scripture.
• 4 references in the Psalms:
"While many of the psalms contain attributions to the name of King David and other Biblical figures including Asaph, the sons of Korah, and Solomon, David's authorship is not accepted by most modern Bible scholars, who instead attribute the composition of the psalms to various authors writing between the 9th and 5th centuries BC. ... the book was probably compiled and edited into its present form during the post-exilic period in the 5th century BC.[5]"
Psalms is similar to the books of Kings and Chronicles noted above, which were compiled along with other scripture in Babylon in 539 BC. And here too, references to Abraham do not refute my claim that Abraham first appeared in scripture in 539 BC.
• 4 references in Isaiah:
"... there is evidence that much of it was composed during the Babylonian captivity and later.[2] Johann Christoph Döderlein suggested in 1775 that the book contained the works of two prophets separated by more than a century,[3] and Bernhard Duhm originated the view, held as a consensus through most of the 20th century, that the book comprises three separate collections of oracles:[4][5] Proto-Isaiah (chapters 1–39), containing the words of the 8th-century BC prophet Isaiah; Deutero-Isaiah, or "the Book of Consolation",[6] (chapters 40–55), the work of an anonymous 6th-century BCE author writing during the Exile; and Trito-Isaiah (chapters 56–66), composed after the return from Exile.[7]"
3 of the references to Abraham in Isaiah are located in chapters 41, 51 and 63. As noted in the Wikipedia reference above, these chapters are considered to have been written during and after Babylonian captivity, and thus do not refute my claim that Abraham first appeared in scripture in 539 BC.
The one remaining reference to Abraham in Isaiah appears in chapter 29. This may very well be the only reference to Abraham which refutes my claim that Abraham first appeared in scripture in 539 BC.
However, we must be aware that the scribes compiling the scriptures in 539 BC consulted dozens upon dozens of scrolls and manuscripts, which they made mention of by name.
Edits and additions were absolutely needed to make sense of the works which were all being compiled into one work for the first time. Since not all of their material was in sequential order, gaps in the record needed to be filled by the scribes at the time the works were being blended together into one single work in 539 BC. We can easily see how this one reference to Abraham could have been added to Isaiah 29 in the year 539 BC, in the interest of harmonizing such a large quantity of scrolls into one work.
• 1 reference in Jeremiah:
"It is generally agreed that the three types of material interspersed through the book – poetic, narrative, and biographical – come from different sources or circles.[16] Authentic oracles of Jeremiah are probably to be found in the poetic sections of chapters 1-25, but the book as a whole has been heavily edited and added to by followers (including perhaps the prophet's companion, the scribe Baruch) and later generations of Deuteronomists.[5] The date of the final versions of the book (Greek and Hebrew) can be suggested by the fact that the Greek shows concerns typical of the early Persian period, while the Masoretic (i.e., Hebrew) shows perspectives which, although known in the Persian period, did not reach their realisation until the 2nd century BCE.[7]"
In other words, the book of Jeremiah can be divided into 3 sections - poetic, narrative, and biographical - each written by different people. As the quote mentions, "the book as a whole has been heavily edited and added to".
Chapters 1-25 are likely the original portion written by Jeremiah (or others of his time) around the beginning of the Babylonian captivity period. But the 1 reference to Abraham appears in chapter 33, in the section that was added later.
How much later could these additions have been made? Two versions of the book exist - one in Greek, the other in Hebrew.
The Greek version "shows concerns typical of the early Persian period" - which is after Babylonian captivity. Cyrus the Great who freed the Israelites from Babylon was king of Persia. The "early Persian period" refers to the period shortly after Israel's release from Babylon.
The Hebrew version "shows perspectives which, although known in the Persian period, did not reach their realization until the 2nd century BCE".
Both versions of the book of Jeremiah, therefore, can be dated to after Babylonian captivity at the earliest. Thus, the 1 reference to Abraham in the book of Jeremiah does not refute my claim that Abraham first appeared in scripture in 539 BC.
• 1 reference in Ezekiel:
"The Book of Ezekiel describes itself as the words of Ezekiel ben-Buzi, a priest living in exile in the city of Babylon between 593 and 571 BC. Most scholars today ... see in it significant additions by a school of later followers of the original prophet. According to Jewish tradition, the Men of the Great Assembly wrote the Book of Ezekiel, based on the prophet's words.[16] ... it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very words of the prophet.[2]"
Here again we have a book with "significant additions by ... later followers". And such additions "[do] not necessarily preserve the very words of the prophet". Here too, this reference to Abraham does not refute my claim that Abraham first appeared in scripture in 539 BC.
• 1 reference in Micah:
"Some, but not all, scholars accept that only chapters 1–3 contain material from the late 8th century prophet Micah.[10] The latest material comes from the post-exilic period after the temple was rebuilt in 515 BCE, so that the early 5th century BCE seems to be the period when the book was completed.[14] ... Still later ... the book was revised and expanded further to reflect the circumstances of the late exilic and post-exilic community.[17]"
In other words, only the first 3 chapters can be dated to the prophet Micah's century (8th BC). The remainder of the book was "revised and expanded" in the late Babylonian captivity and post-Babylonian captivity periods.
Where is Micah's one reference to Abraham? In chapter 7 - the portion of additions. Thus, here too, this reference to Abraham does not refute my claim that Abraham first appeared in scripture in 539 BC.
Of all these references to Abraham, only one could possibly refute my claim that Abraham was invented and inserted into scripture in 539 BC in Babylon at the time the Torah and other early Old Testament books were compiled.
Only one exception to my claim? For such an important figure as Abraham? The one who received the promise?
Indeed, there is only one reference that could possibly prove Abraham was known to the Israelites prior to 539 BC. Yet, as I considered above, even this one reference could have been an addition inserted at the time all these sources were consulted in the writing of the Old Testament in Babylon in 539 BC.
Given the absence of any other pre-539 BC reference to Abraham, I still must contend Abraham was "invented" and added into scripture for the first time in 539 BC, for the sole purpose of drawing a parallel between Abram's leaving the land of Sumer (same land as Babylon) to go west of the Jordan - just as the Israelites were being asked to leave Babylon to go west of the Jordan in 539 BC., as I describe in the last section of my post.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:30 triniee Help me find this one game on the app store please

I have apple one but I’m not really sure if it’s on the apple one game store, I need help it was this taxi game the main player was female, cyberpunk themed, everytime someone got in the car it was questions and getting to know them, you could fill up gas, and sleep at hotels with the money you got from driving people around. The plot was self driving cars were taking over and people protested by using real people. Please help me find it it’s the only game worth having.
submitted by triniee to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:15 topman20000 36M, opera singer, let me impart some experience for you

The baroque era, or the era of enlightenment, was a crucial time in terms of the composition of opera music. The best way to think about baroque music and oratorio is like when you are a little kid, learning the foundations of logic for the first time and how they interconnect. The music is structured with simplicity in its arrangement and instrumentation, with much of its orchestration being a combination of period instrument strings in a lower tuning and a harpsichord continuo beneath the strings to give them a percussive substance. The thematic material of opera is often revolved around topics of the divine, and of antiquity, such as Dido and Aeneas by He Ru Purcel, or Alexander’s feast by George Friedrich Handel.
The classical era was the beginning of western civilizations expansion of these structural concepts into more robust works of music. Classical composers began to introduce more woodwinds such as the oboe and the clarinet alongside their flute and piccolo counterparts, as well as a bit more brass, and timpani percussion. Themes of operas were in some respects still upon the divine, the antiquity, or even on nature, but the purpose of glorifying these subjects was still to suggest that they worked in a logical order. Yet one of the most well-known composers of the time began to do something revolutionary, which was to bring the common man into the literary and theatrical material of opera music. His name was Mozart, and the operas he wrote since the age of 12 included a collection of stories and libretti, which talked about the every day lives of common people, such as in Operas like Bastien und Bastienne, Cosi fan Tutte, and Don Giovanni. And his most well-known opera, the magic flute, was a climactic combination between a world of light and order and logic— depicted by the priests of Osiris and Isis— versus a world of darkness add magic— depicted by the queen of the night.
The early 1800s were a time of transition for composers, and a time of emphasis on the paradigm of colorful singing, known in Italian as “coloratura“. This is reflected in long continual passages in Operas most especially by Rossini such as “ la cenerentola”, and “il barbiere di Siviglia” from which many people who know nothing of opera gained their first introduction through figures in Chuck Jones cartoon characters such as Michigan frog, Elmer Fudd and bugs bunny. Composers pre-dating the 1850s still maintained paradigms of the classical era, although they began to expand their orchestras, as well as their choruses, although they still maintained a particular strictness towards form.
The mid 1800’s were a much more different time for composers, especially given the most noticeable changes in the homeland of opera, Italy, which had just become its own distinct unified nation, free and independent from the rules of France and Austria. This resurgence in national identity, or Risorgimento as it is termed in Italian, was spearheaded by a distinct politician who not only worked to support the unification of Italy, but also wrote it’s “ va pensiero” the Hebrew slave chorus of one of his earliest Operas “Nabucco”, which would eventually become the national anthem of Italy itself. This man was none other than one of operas most central composers, Giuseppe Verdi!
Verdi would go on after his initial success with his early operas to begin making some very noticeable and familiar changes to the way opera was performed. He brought in more theatrical movement and more realism to the portrayal of the characters. No longer was the material of an opera so much about showcasing the singers in an amateur “park and bark” fashion of singing where they simply did their runs, up and down the scales pretending to be little angels. But rather it involved more in-depth language, more substance and convenience of emotional nuances and vocal style, and indeed more breath pressure and residence in the upper palate of The Voice—the technical term for this being “Squilo”— in order for the vowels and consonants of the voice itself to cut through the quantity and substance of a large and expanded orchestra beneath it. This middle period of the romantic era, was like coming into a fantastical dream for composers, no longer embracing a sense of order and putting great figures on pedestals, but rather embracing chaos, and giving precedence to the common man and woman of the world. Such fantastical material can be seen especially in German operas, such as “ Der Freischütz“ by Carla Maria von Weber, or in almost any of the Teutonic and Nordic mythological operas of grand scale and Leitmotif of Richard Wagner, who wrote the ever familiar “ride of the Valkyries” as the theme for his second ring cycle opera. While German composers found the magic of the romantic period in the thematic material of their operas and song cycles, Italians found their magic in how far Verdis operas expended the technique of opera singing itself, with many of his middle period operas such as “Rigoletto”, “La Traviata” and “La Forza del destino”, and with his later romantic operas such as “Othello” and “Don Carlo”. And while Italy and Germany were in their prime with this music, France was also working to catch up to this trend, with operas by George Bizet such as “the Pearl fishers” and the ever famous “Carmen“, the motifs and classically staged elements of which, many people today recognize when they hear themes like the famous “Toreadore”, or the Habnera them, or even when they look upon cancan girls in their flared and twirled skirts and recognize the spiritely and fun Cancan motif of Jacque Offenbachs overture to “Orpheus in the underworld”.
But like all dreams, which take us to realms of fantasy and imagination, western civilization at some point had to wake up, and see the world for what it really was… enter the Verismo period; a literary movement out of Italy, reflecting a time not so much emphasized by the beautiful and the imaginative of the human mind, but by the ugly, the hideous, and the truth to which mankind awakens during an adventure after a night of partying in a luminescent fae-themed city of lights and music and wonders. And in this respect, no composers are more known to this obscure and wild change in paradigms than Pietro Mascagni and Ruggero Leoncavallo in their operatic depictions of every day life of Italian villagers in “Cavalleria Rusticana” and “i pagliacci”, as the stories dole out plots of triste, jealousy, anger and ultimately murder.
Beyond this in my observation of opera and classical music music, with special exception to Russia and the music created by Sergei Prokofiev, composers across the world and operatic spectrum alike, have strived to make opera music their own, adding in the paradigms of their own distinct national traits. but what has inevitably happened to all of them is that they have sunk into a series of gentrified sub genres which cried desperately to prove that they are the scion of a bygone era in music, and the innocence of the great discoveries which defined the Baroque/Classical/Romantic/Verismo eras of opera. Many operas descended into minimalism portrayed by composers such as Adam West and Philip glass. Other works of art became the bases in the United States for music theater, building upon the theatrical paradigm changes of Giuseppe Verdi, while still providing a more minimalist flavor of music, easier for singers to perform to with dancing, and easier for younger audiences to absorb.
Despite how little people realize, and despite how mich it is opera music is by far one of the most significant genres of music in existence. It is not simply an image on a canvas in a two dimensional frame, it is not simply a wave form scratched onto a disk, it is not simply a collection of words bound between two hard covers and threads and glue fermenting into a scent of vanilla. It is instead, the most translucent window into the history of western culture we have ever had the great fortune to inherit.
Most younger people will take a sickly stance to those words, and trying to twist it into arguments bigotry, imperialism, colonialism, misogyny, objectification or any number of vial associations. But all that does is point out a blatant obvious, ignoring the notion that what it leaves behind for us, which is a visual/audial, and ultimately codified understanding of who we are as a society, where we come from as a People, and why people behave(d) the way they do/did. Most people are not exposed to the magic of this understanding of the genre of opera music, and as a result are more likely to act out, to lash out in server against anything they find distasteful. It is one of the reasons why the genre cannot seem to break through to a younger audience I cannot understand this point, and why they prefer only the early classical repertoire, if not just other more modern genres of music.
submitted by topman20000 to KindFriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:13 Potential_Solid_8064 The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Crib Mattress Sheets for Your Little One

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Crib Mattress Sheets for Your Little One

As parents, we want to provide the best for our babies, ensuring they have a safe, comfortable, and cozy environment. One essential aspect of creating a perfect nursery is selecting the right crib mattress sheets. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about crib mattress sheets, why they matter, and how to choose the best ones for your baby.

Why Crib Mattress Sheets Matter
Crib mattress sheets are more than just a decorative addition to your baby's crib. They play a crucial role in your baby's sleep quality and overall safety. Here's why they are important:
  1. Comfort: Soft, breathable sheets can help your baby sleep more soundly by providing a comfortable surface.
  2. Safety: Properly fitting sheets prevent loose fabric that can pose a suffocation risk.
  3. Hygiene: High-quality sheets protect the mattress from spills and accidents, making it easier to maintain a clean sleeping environment.
  4. Style: Sheets can add a touch of personality to your baby's nursery, complementing the overall decor.

What to Look for in Crib Mattress Sheets

When shopping for crib mattress sheets, there are several factors to consider:
  1. Material: Opt for natural, breathable materials like cotton or bamboo. These materials are soft, hypoallergenic, and gentle on your baby's skin.
  2. Fit: Ensure the sheets fit snugly on the mattress to avoid any loose fabric. Most crib sheets are designed to fit standard crib mattresses, but always check the dimensions.
  3. Durability: Babies can be messy, so choose sheets that can withstand frequent washing without losing their softness or shape.
  4. Safety Standards: Look for sheets that meet safety standards to ensure they are free from harmful chemicals and safe for your baby.
  5. Design: While functionality is key, there are plenty of adorable designs to choose from. Pick patterns and colors that you love and that match your nursery theme.

Our Top Picks from Happy Matty Store

At Happy Matty Store, we understand the importance of quality crib mattress sheets. Here are some of our favorite options from our crib sheet collection:
  1. Organic Cotton Sheets: Made from 100% organic cotton, these sheets are incredibly soft and breathable, perfect for delicate baby skin.
  2. Bamboo Crib Sheets: These sheets are hypoallergenic and naturally moisture-wicking, keeping your baby cool and comfortable throughout the night.
  3. Waterproof Crib Sheets: Protect your mattress from spills and accidents with our waterproof crib sheets that still provide a soft, cozy surface for your baby.
  4. Printed Crib Sheets: Add a splash of color and fun to your nursery with our variety of printed crib sheets, available in cute patterns and vibrant colors.

Tips for Caring for Crib Mattress Sheets

To ensure your crib sheets stay in great condition, follow these simple care tips:
  1. Wash Regularly: Wash sheets frequently to maintain a clean sleeping environment.
  2. Use Gentle Detergents: Choose baby-safe, hypoallergenic detergents to avoid irritating your baby's skin.
  3. Avoid Fabric Softeners: Fabric softeners can reduce the breathability of the sheets. Instead, opt for natural alternatives like vinegar.
  4. Dry Properly: Air dry or tumble dry on low heat to prevent shrinking and maintain the softness of the sheets.

Final Thoughts

Investing in high-quality crib mattress sheets is a small but significant step towards ensuring your baby’s comfort and safety. At Happy Matty Store, we offer a range of premium crib sheets designed with both style and functionality in mind. Browse our collection today to find the perfect sheets for your little one.
Remember, a good night's sleep starts with the right bedding. Choose wisely, and happy shopping!
submitted by Potential_Solid_8064 to u/Potential_Solid_8064 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:01 SharkEva My negligence cost my partner her life, and I'm about to lose everything. PS I am not a cheating, lying, thieving, abusive AH at all.

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/WeakSignal99 posting in TrueOffMyChest
Ongoing as per OOP
Content Warning : death
Thanks to u/Spiritual_Country_62 for finding this BORU
1 update - Medium
Original - 1st June 2024
Update - 8th June 2024

My negligence cost my partner her life, and I'm about to lose everything.

I (35m) have been married to Lisa (28f) for 3 years, together 7. A year ago, I fell deeply in love with Amy (24f), and had been planning to end my marriage for her. I know it's terrible and not what my wife deserves, but we were the real thing.
Two weeks ago, she had an allergic reaction when we were getting food after work, but she used her epipen and seemed mostly okay afterwards. She usually gets checked at the hospital after a reaction, but I asked if I could take her home and she could get her friend to drive her there because my wife was expecting me back.
All I know is that she had a secondary reaction that evening and died. I didn't even find out about it until the following Monday, through a work email. It has been eating me up ever since and I will never forgive myself for not sacrificing an hour of my time to possibly save her.
I sent some childish messages to Amy when I didn't hear from her over the weekend because I thought she was angry I didn't take her to the hospital. I am thankful she never saw them and ashamed that I assumed the worst. Our relationship was great and the highs far outweighed the lows, but I have always hated being ignored and I lose my cool when it happens. It is not a regular occurrence and I would have more than made it up to her.
Yesterday at work, HR and legal were in the CEO's office all day and my manager ended up cancelling our project meeting because he was with them all afternoon. I was on edge, but an affair isn't exactly a corporate crisis and I thought something would have already happened if anyone knew. I am now 99% certain it was about me.
A few hours ago I received a message from Amy's phone which said "This is Amy's brother, Tom. I want you to know it was me". I tried to call but it went straight to voicemail, and none of my messages have been delivered.
I tried to call my manager more times than I should have and he sent a message saying "Please don't contact me until Monday morning. I can't discuss anything with you right now". So it looks like my universe is going to collapse. I am going to be fired and my wife will definitely find out why. All I can do is hope that Amy's brother only showed them the messages from that weekend, and they were bad enough. I have no family except my wife and daughter and nowhere to go. All of my friends are either people I've met through my wife, or my colleagues. On Monday, everything I've spent over a decade working towards disappears. I can't stop it. I can't talk to anyone about it.
So here I am. I know cheaters are the devil so I'm not expecting sympathy, but this is making my chest hurt and I need to get it out there.

Comments (there is a lot of comments from OOP, I've only included some of them), general theme is the same (me, me, me)

Tom has real Olenna Tyrell energy. True king shit

Realistically? I can’t blame him. His sister is dead because Cheaty McCheaterface over here had other things to do. He can’t have him arrested, but he can otherwise ruin his life.
OP: the absolute worst thing here isnt losing your wife, family, job or support system. It’s living with your guilt. Best of luck.

This except the last part. Worst of luck actually.

Can you imagine your beautiful, sweet daughter marrying a man who she thought loved her, he made vows to her and had a child with her. Only he found a young, impressionable little thing at work who he decided was one percent better than her and therefore was worth neglecting her and their child, cheating on her for, risking his job by getting her promotions she wasn’t qualified for and was planning to leave her for. This person was only one percent better.
Your daughter - cheated on by a POS who only thought with his d!ck. What would you say about that?
OOP: Amy was not a child. She was an adult woman who was capable of making decisions for herself. We had every intention of building a life together as equals.

You're making it very clear that you were not anywhere close to be a gentleman with your mistress. You blackmailed her and threatened to blacklist her. I am going to bet you coerced her to have sexual contact.
Man, was your father this sh\tty to his mistress as well???*
OOP: Those arguments went both ways, and there are plenty of messages as well as my actions which show I treated her extremely well. Why would she commit to building a life with me if I was horrible to her? She had all the power.

OOP: She had months and months of evidence of our relationship, including intimate images of us together. I may have been higher up at work, but it is completely fair to say she was the one with the power.
My life is about to be ruined and she could have pulled that trigger anytime she wanted.
I also didn't actually threaten her. It was a stupid comment about what would happen if our relationship came out, as well as another I incorrectly believed she was having. It's not exactly a threat to remind someone that sleeping with multiple managers in a niche industry isn't a smart career move if it comes out.

YOU THREATENED HER!!! YOU INTIMIDATED HER!! You were willing to take her down to save yourself. She was in no danger beyond losing her job if this came out. You, on the other hand, would lose it all in your industry. You will never be trusted. Do you know why she didn't come clean? Because she trusted that you would have left LISA for her. If you left LISA and got together with your mistress, it all would have come out anyway. You're so worried about your life, but what the 2 lives you are about to completely ruin.
OOP: You seriously think losing her job is the worst thing that would have happened if it came out she had a habit of sleeping with managers to get where she was? Her career would have been over right there with mine.
Just because I was more senior in the business it doesn't mean I was in a position of power. She could have taken us both down just like I could have. We were on completely equal footing. You're desperate for her to be some weakling who just mindlessly went along with it all. She was an intelligent and capable person who signed up to us navigating this situation together. We were a team.

You literally fucking promoted her, you moron. That is the DEFINITION of having power. Her career was in your hands and you both knew it.
OOP: Surely getting a promotion she didn't deserve was an example of her power and not mine? I had faith she would grow into the role because she assured me she would. She took the lead in that whole situation.
Like I said, my career was in her hands too, but I had much more to lose. I was more established in my career, have a wife and child, own a home etc.
Power was never a consideration between us, we were always equals.

No. It was an example of you rewarding her for gobbling your knob.
OOP: Is buying your partner a birthday present rewarding them too? Is taking your partner on holiday just them cashing in their knob gobbling airmiles?
Showing care and support to someone you love isn't transactional, and it doesn't happen because you owe them one. Everything I did for Amy I did because I loved her.

Your relationship was inherently abusive. Everything about it, starting with the way it was set up. You “fell in love” (yeah I bet) with a woman twelve years your junior, promoted her unethically, and then fucking blackmailed her with that promotion. Whether you physically assaulted her or not is irrelevant.
OOP:I never blackmailed her with the promotion, I shouldn't have set it up in the first place and it wasn't going to last. Our messages show me telling her honestly when she first brought it up that I didn't think she had the skills or experience to make it work. She gave me lots of assurances and basically talked me into it. That is reflected in our messages.
did bring it up a few times in arguments, but I wasn't suggesting that she would be demoted because of problems in our relationship, it was always because of her performance in the role and the way she secured it. Obviously that wasn't an appropriate arena to raise what were real issues that didn't relate to our romantic involvement.

Update - 7 days later

I have been consistently harassed for an update since posting, so please take it, gloat because you're such wonderful people in comparison, then stop following me around reddit. I am suffering in the wake of my infidelity and unprofessional behaviour as I knew I would. I understand that it is an appropriate outcome and I am taking full accountability.
I was suspended from work on Monday, and I'll probably be fired sooner than I thought. I'd hoped to be able to save money as HR built their case but it looks like Amy's brother basically performed the entire investigation for them. After an excruciating 3 hour run through of everything they had, I spoke to the founder, and he recommended the solicitor I am now using.
The issue is that the company has to come down hard to protect themselves, because even though Amy's family doesn't have much chance of a claim, any suggestion of a cover up could cause damage regardless. The founder still thinks my offer to pay them back will keep it out of court, and some more information has come to light, so it's not certain I won't be prosecuted but I'm quietly hopeful. I can't afford to keep the solicitor if this goes much further, especially with a divorce on the horizon.
Things are not good with my wife. I'm still committed to making this as easy as possible for her, but I had to draw a line when it came to my daughter. When I got home from being unceremoniously escorted out of my office, she already had a bag packed for me. She wouldn't let me wait at the house until my daughter was back, she wouldn't let me check I had everything I needed, she wouldn't let me take the car, and she didn't care that I had nowhere to go.
I spent 2 nights in a hotel then went back when she refused to let me see my little girl. She tried to stop me, but we own the house jointly and it was my only option. My wife has family she could stay with, but she won't leave our daughter here and she's absolutely not taking her, so we're at a stalemate right now. I'm keeping out of her way as best I can, which I appreciate is the least I can do.
The Amy situation is quite difficult to talk about, and a lot hasn't sunk in yet. It turns out that she didn't love me as much as I loved her, if at all. Her brother sent me images of her talking to her friends about me, and it's hard to believe they came from the person I loved, but they are real.
Sorry to those who were heavily invested in me being a predatory abuser, but she and her friends had a good laugh about her manipulating me for money and a promotion. The role came with a big pay rise, and it looks like her plan was to treat it as free cash, then go work with one of her friends when it fell through. She knew I'd come under scrutiny whenever she messed up and assumed I'd keep stepping in to save her. She was right.
Obviously I am completely humiliated. I was planning to give up everything to build a life with her, and she was treating me like a joke the whole time. My feelings are complicated so please don't feel entitled to any expansion on this, but I no longer feel guilt over her death.
Reddit acted like I kept her hostage whilst she begged for help. What actually happened was that I asked if she could ask her friend to take her to the hospital because I had to go home, she said that was fine because she needed to get some clothes back from her anyway, and I dropped her off as normal. Ultimately she was an adult who had a better understanding of her medical needs than I did. I still don't know what happened between us saying goodbye and her death, but whatever it was, it had nothing to do with me. I'm sorry for her family's loss but I bear no responsibility for her passing.
After Amy's messages to her friends were passed around, a few people quietly reached out with words of support. I assumed everyone would write me off like reddit did, as an abuser and predator. Now it's clear that Amy was using me, they see me as a fool who had then lost it all. It's beyond humiliating, but I have learned I'd rather be pitied than despised, and it improves my legal position with work.
They're small mercies but I'll take what I can get. I remain filled with regret, and I will have learned many lessons by the time I get through this. I may have been deceived, but I am a grown man who made my choices, and I take full responsibility for them.
Tl;Dr I am currently suspended from work, but will certainly be fired. It's unclear whether I am in serious legal trouble. My wife and I are not navigating the end of our relationship brilliantly, but for my daughter's sake, we will get better. Amy turned out to be a better manipulator than she was a project manager, and her brother outed her whilst trying to ruin me. Life is deservedly hard right now but I'm working through it.


“The founder still thinks my offer to pay them back will keep it out of court…”
So did you steal money from your company on top of abusing your authority at work?

OOP: My expense account largely funded my relationship with Amy. It wasn't unusual in the company we worked at, but now there is a potential scandal, they're suddenly shocked and appalled by my actions.

He was using company funds to fund all of their little trips. So he's hoping if he pays back the funds he embezzled, they won't file suit He plotted how to cover it up in his many many text messages to his soulmate Buffoon

Boy, he sure is all kinds of stupid isn’t he?

But you don't understand. Their bodies fit together. Like puzzle pieces

Bro went from" she was the love of my life " to "shes responsible for her own death" in under a week lmao this post reads exactly like how i imagined it would

“I want to make this as easy as possible on my wife”
but also in refusing to leave our house so she has to see me, the person that was planning on leaving her and imploded our lives, cause I didn’t think through inevitable consequences

There is lots of gems from OOP:

I have certain legal rights I was willing not to use in order to make this easier for my wife to navigate, which is absolutely appropriate given that my actions caused the entire problem. Living in my home was the most relevant one. I left immediately and by choice, and the only thing I asked for was regular access to my daughter until we made a formal arrangement.
She didn't provide that access, and she gave a stupid and petty reason for not doing so. I had one single, solitary, and perfectly reasonable boundary, and she didn't respect it. Now I use the right I always had, to live in the house I own.
I understand that I'm not exactly in a sympathetic position, but if you're a genuinely reasonable person, I don't think this is one for the "reasons OP is a bad person" list.
I didn't refuse to leave the house. I left willingly and immediately and had no intention of going back, despite the fact that I own the home jointly.
I had one condition, and it was completely reasonable, that I be allowed to spend time with my daughter regularly. My wife declined, so I was left with two choices - Go without seeing my daughter indefinitely, or move back into the house I have every right to occupy. Easiest decision I've ever made.
In short, no. My wife and her feelings are entirely separate from our daughter.
I made it clear I didn't expect access to our home, that I would only contact her about our daughter, and that as long as I had reasonable unrestricted access, she would remain in the driving seat throughout this whole process. She fell at the first hurdle and denied me access, so things have changed and I make no apology for that.
My solicitor told me very early that being completely truthful would benefit my case. Do you know what I did in response to that? I was completely truthful, because it was made clear to me that it would make my life easier.
My wife was basically told the thing, only me seeing my daughter is what would have put her in the best position. She chose to go against that, and now she's living with the results of that.
I am not going to be vindictive at any point here, because I am well aware that the situation is largely of my own making, but I am going to make it extremely clear that my child will not be weaponised against me. My wife's discomfort is not a consideration in this one very specific area.

Actually curious.. Why do you think your wife should trust you with your daughter? Should she not be concerned after having her entire world turned upside down by you?
OOP: You're asking the wrong question. She doesn't have to trust me with my daughter, because she is not the sole decision maker on that front.
If she had genuine concerns about me being around our child, she could launch an emergency petition for sole custody. She won't though, because she knows she doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Again, being a bad husband doesn't make me a bad father.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

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submitted by Technical_Egg_4280 to u/Technical_Egg_4280 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:24 xxknowledge [thank you] happy, happy mailbox at my new house!!! :-)

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude from this community. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I cannot WAIT to decorate my new house with all of these amazing postcards & cards! <3
Postcard TY's:
u/Sufficient_Letter883 x2 - ty for the 'Hampton Court Palace' pc! I love the architecture and facts you wrote on the back! I can't wait to put this one up on my wall. also, the pc you sent of the forest with the wooden path & stunning! sometimes I see shades of purple. tysm <3
u/yetanotherblankface x2 - ty for the happy pc :-) I love the artwork and colors of the woman on the front. It will go perfectly with my bedroom theme - females/culture/diversity!! and the tarot draw! i needed that. I got 'justice.' thanks so much for sending these to me they are both my style <3333
u/Rand_ston x2 - TYTYTY for the PRIDE 🌈 pc!! The lavender is one of my FAV colors. It's already hung up in my bedroom, HAPPY PRIDE! Another ty for the housewarming pc :-) I love the brown shades of yellow in the flower. Thanks so much!
u/AddisonEllison - The Glacier National Park postcard is absolutely beautiful. I love how there is snow, greenery AND water. Beautiful!
u/credenda_ - Thank you for the housewarming postcard of the Plumeria plant. It is beautiful! The move was definitely a happy occasion. TY!
u/MoonChica - Thank you for the 'Mission San Luis Obispo De Tolosa, Cali' pc! I love the architecture and details of it. The colors of yellow and light blue match perfectly in my new kitchen.
u/duygusu - ty for the literary pc! My word was 'bigfoot' haha, I love bigfoot squishmallows!! Super cool offer and I love it, thank u again!
u/k8iebugs - Your poodle pc is absolutely adorable, and matches perfectly with the theme in my kitchen...yellow, sunshine, bees, and... poodles :-) I hope you keep making more. I absolutely love it!!
u/TyeDyeAmish - TY for the housewarming pc! I'm starting to warm up to my new house. It's very exciting receiving all these cards here, making it feel more like home. Wishing you the best!
u/aepeyc - ty for the housewarming pc! I chuckled because it's very relatable to me now... when will my cards arrive?... 😆 haha but anyway, I'm getting settled in well in my new house. decorating and organizing it makes helps! i wish you the best with your move in sept!
u/HeyMorganM - tysm for the bookstore pc!!! I am so happy we both love bookstores as well!! I haven't read 'severance' by Ling Ma yet, but it sounds like something I would enjoy! I just finished 'orbiting jupiter' and wow I had to cry at the end... powerful story!! thanks again!
u/Keqani - thank you for the housewarming postcard! the duck swimming in the front is sooo cute! ☺️
u/Reasonable_Ad1688 - ty for the artsy Pantone pc!! I love the colors :-) I'm so glad I could help you practice your amazing craft skills! I LOVE your handwriting btw 😊 ty!
u/citytiger - ty for the 'Walt Whitman Commemorative Series' pc of Walt Whitman's birthplace. I love the architecture in the building here. thank you for the housewarming pc!!
u/zkhg - ty for the homemade pc! you've inspired me to use things I have to make some postcards! super neat, thank you xD
u/skylineprophets- ty for the 'disappointing affirmations pc' mine was about self-sabotage. and welp, I can say I have! all I can do is learn from that. honestly, I'm not a huge fan of candy...but I love anything chocolate!! thanks for the pc :-)
Card TY's:
u/craftymonmon x2 - you are beyond talented!!! first, the graduation card you made me... is so cool!! it made me so happy when I got it in my mailbox. second, the envelope of happiness made me tear up a lil :') you are too kind. the vintage/butterfly/floral/dark-themed card you made, is AMAZING. it's so beautiful!!! the little ephemera of the house, flowers, and quote are soo me and so cute. thank you for the stickers. my favorites are the stacked books with a coffee on top that says "one more chapter" (black&white), read more books, and the other book-themed stickers!! I'm going to put them on my Kindle! :-) The two transcripts you wrote by Nikita Gill are exactly what I needed to hear right now. thank you so so much. YOU'RE AMAZING! ❤️ 😻 😍 🤩 💝
u/ninajyang - ty for the housewarming card! I hate unpacking too...I'm getting there, sorta lol!
u/inkyfingerspgs - ty for the housewarming card! my new home is beginning to feel like my new place day by day :-)
u/hispanglotexan - ty for the housewarming floral card! it is soo beautiful! I'm going to put it in my bathroom which is rose gold & gold-themed. I'm settling very well ty for the warm welcome in my mailbox!!!
u/Adoreible95 - thanks for the amazing graduation card!!! :-) I loved the joke & you are very creative!
u/SirenoftheRiver - ty for the pride card! also hello state neighbor! xD happy pride! 🌈 ty for the washi samples! I loveee the autumn leaves one! the stickers you sent are amazing too. I like the one with the moon and crystals.
u/BlacksmithEquivalent - thank you for the housewarming card! I love how it says, "Home sweet home" and I love the tones of browns. very welcoming for my new home ty :-) oh also thank you for the San Diego, California postcard!! I've never been there, but it's cool that you are from there. I have always wanted to visit.
u/relax455 - thank you so much for the super cute extra postcard and housewarming card! I love that the date on the card is "June 5th, 1925" and that date just happened! Almost a hundred years after the photo was taken, how cool. xD
u/cSWL - well, you have the right address! I do live out in the boonies now, so I'm glad it has arrived safely to me!! tysm for the random mail of postcards & cards!!! they are so great. super cool you lived in a hall in college with my last name! also, the wizard of oz is one of my favorite plays/movies. It's so great you included a postcard with a quote from it!!
thank you ALL for making my mailbox explode with joy! (and my new mailman is questioning who I am 😆 LOL)
submitted by xxknowledge to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:24 Determination7 An Outcast In Another World (Subtitle: Is 'Insanity' A Racial Trait?) [Fantasy, LitRPG] - Chapter 268 (Book 6 Chapter 53)

Like an old gate with rusted hinges, Rob's eyes creaked open very, very slowly.
His mind was even slower to comprehend the fact that he was still alive. Rob's brain felt as if it was stuffed full of cotton, his synapses wading through molasses. He simply lay there motionless, resting in what seemed to be an excessively comfortable bed, blankly staring up at the ceiling.
An indeterminable amount of time passed. Eventually, he scrounged up enough energy to form a coherent thought.
Guess I made it.
It wasn't the most jubilant of victory cries, but he would save the celebrating for when he had more liveliness than a months-old cadaver. For now, rather than being overjoyed at his survival, Rob just felt a diluted sense of surprise.
How? Even though he'd collapsed in front of the world's top Soul Surgeon, and even though Vul'to possessed a Skill that was essentially tailor-made to save him...Rob could remember the state his soul had been in. It wasn't pretty. Truth be told, he kinda hadn't expected to wake up again.
Yet he had.
Rob sank deeper into his bed, as if he was enveloped by cushions of soft clouds. Questions lethargically rose up in his thoughts, none of which he could answer. How long had he been unconscious? Were there any side effects from his soul treatment? Was Elatra doing okay in his absence? It would be extremely on-brand for a new catastrophe to have popped up while he was snoozing.
Well...they can handle it. I'm on break.
His eyes gently closed. Rob allowed himself to drift off into tranquil slumber, enjoying the feeling of going to sleep when there weren't multiple impending dooms hanging over his head.
It was easy without static blaring inside his skull.
When he awoke again, he immediately felt that his mind was far more alert and active than before.
Rob breathed out a small sigh of relief at that. It would've sucked to get lasting brain damage as a complication of his soul infirmity, especially after shrugging off dozens of physical head-blows no problem. Now, with the incredible power of 'thoughts that weren't running on dial-up internet', he managed to turn his head to look at somewhere besides the ceiling.
Peering around, Rob was wholly unsurprised to find himself in a Fiend hospital. He identified his surroundings at a glance. Fiendish medical architecture had been burnt into his memories over the course of the Corruption epidemic.
Vul'to and Hauz must've healed me, then stuck me in a private hospital ward where I could rest up. His eyes swept across the rest of the room. Wonder where they–
He froze as his gaze reached the corner. There, Keira was sitting on a chair, asleep.
The Savage Warrior had seen better days. She was sleeping at an odd angle, her posture slumped in a way that hurt Rob's spine just to look at. Her hair and clothes were disheveled, a distant cry from the casual aesthetic perfection that Elves seemed to portray without even trying. And the greatsword that she was so intensely proud of had been propped against the wall, almost as an afterthought.
Rob winced with guilt when he noticed Keira twitching as she slept. Her mouth scrunched into a faint grimace as lines of worry etched deeper onto her face. While he'd been luxuriating in a cushiony bed of soothing clouds, her forays into dreamland had apparently been fitful and restless. How many days has she sat there praying for me to awaken? How many weeks?
The answers he sought were sitting right in front of him. Rob hesitated briefly before speaking – but only briefly. He'd kept his friends waiting for too long already.
Her head rose so quickly that her neck made an audible crack. She went from sleeping to aware within a tenth of a second. Keira momentarily sputtered, then stopped just as quickly when she set her gaze on Rob. Her eyes widened to the size of white dish plates, contrasting the dark circles underneath.
Another pang of guilt stabbed at Rob when he saw hope and disbelief warring in her expression. "You aren't dreaming," he offered. "I'm–"
Her chair clattered to the ground as she leapt towards him.
Rob had never felt happier to have put so many points into Vitality. Without that, he likely would've been crushed to death by the bonebreaking hug that Keira proceeded to wrap him with. Wooden splinters dug into his back as she attempted to squeeze the life out of him. She'd shattered his bed with the force of her leap, and neither of them cared.
"Missed you too," Rob mumbled, carefully returning her embrace. It was odd to know that he actually possessed significantly more Strength than her now. He didn't want to treat her as if she was made of glass, but compared to him, everyone was. "I love you. Glad I have the chance to say that again."
Keira said nothing. She just retained a steel grip on him and dug her face into his chest. Rob could practically see the tension seeping out of her – like an overstressed pressure valve that had finally been granted release. He felt wetness on his shirt, and with a jolt, realized that she was silently crying.
She became the de facto Party leader while I was gone, he remembered. That means acting as a figurehead for the others to rely on. Suppressing her doubts and concerns, even if she was probably more anxious than anyone.
For the third time, Rob was ambushed by guilt, its army seizing vast lands of territory within his heart. "I'm sorry that–"
"No." Keira shook her head without looking up, smearing tear streaks onto his shirt. "No apologies today. Just...let me be happy that you've come back to us."
It wasn't long before Rob was crying as well. The two of them stayed that way for almost half an hour, neither speaking, letting tears fall, their relief gradually sinking in until it became real enough to believe.
I'm alive, Rob confirmed. I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive.
He squeezed tighter. And I'm never leaving again.
Eventually, the waterworks dried up. "Don't know why I'm like this," Keira grumbled. She lifted her head, eyes reddened, an irritated look on her face. "Hauz informed us that you would awaken one day, and that it would be sooner rather than later. Yet I can't help but fall to pieces when I should be shouting for joy."
"It shows you care," Rob said, smiling. "I would've been annoyed if you didn't shed a tear or two."
Keira snorted. "Or two, he says." She pointed at his shirt, which had transformed into something of a damp cloth.
"Pretty sure half of that is from me." He paused. "Out of curiosity, how long have I been unconscious?"
"Three weeks to the day."
Rob let out a low whistle. "That's supposed to be 'sooner'? Oh, right, Elatran standards. You guys live for hundreds of years."
"So do you, now."
"Weird to think about." He idly played with her hair, noting once again that it looked and felt less cared for than usual. Not that he had any room to talk – he sorely needed a shave. "Did you spend the whole three weeks sitting in that chair?"
Keira shook her head. "We watched over you in rotating shifts. Admittedly, I comprised the majority of those shifts, although the others have all visited you on many occasions."
With an aggrieved sigh, the Savage Warrior glanced at the front door to their room. "And speaking of the others...perhaps we should contact them. Tempted as I am to monopolize your time for myself, they also exhibited no small amount of concern for your well-being."
"Aw, that's – wait holy shit my voice!"
Keira blinked. "Yes? You sound perfectly normal."
"I SHOULDN'T!" Rob had started waving his hands in random patterns, as if the motions would help him make sense of the world. "My voice was fucked up back when we were fighting the gods! It was a side effect of–"
At once, he froze. "Huh. Just remembered that I haven't checked my system notifications or Character Sheet yet." He gave Keira a serene smile. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go have my worldview broken and reforged."
"By all means." She waved him off with an air of nonchalance, but it was clear from the sudden tightness of her posture that she was putting on a brave face for him. Keira wanted to know what had changed almost as much as he did. Breathing deep, Rob opened his log of system notifications and scrolled up, understanding that what he read now would shape the future direction of his life.
Alert: Soul Repair has been used on your body!
Alert: Due to the ridiculously damaged state of your soul – that exceeds even our lofty expectations – Soul Repair is struggling to reconstitute everything it possibly can!
Alert: Seriously, Rob, what the fuck?
Alert: Soul Repair is trying its very best and you had better appreciate it!
Alert: Hauz the Soul Surgeon is helping with remarkable finesse and expertise! If the gods had lived, his soul would have certainly been crystallized into a Skill! Please don't tell him we said that!
Alert: Soul Repair has completed! Your Soul Instability is cured!
Alert: Due to the aforementioned difficulties, liberties have been taken during the healing process!
Alert: If you wish to lodge a complaint, please note that Soul Repair's Description contains a line stating 'Unintended side effects may also occur.' We included it for a reason! It was vague on purpose!
Alert: You are genuinely lucky to be alive right now!
Although Rob wasn't finished perusing all of his unread system notifications, he closed the list and massaged his temples.
"Keira..." He sighed. "You know that feeling when someone frustrates you, but they've got legitimate reasons for it, so you have no choice but to give them a pass, and that just frustrates you more?"
She gestured broadly towards him.
"Okay, I deserved that." The corners of his lips crept down. "Question: how did Hauz act when he was performing soul surgery on me?"
Her lips slowly morphed into a frown that mirrored his own. "He claimed that you would be fine," she began, with a look of dawning realization. "He claimed it...repeatedly. As if to reassure himself. And he didn't speak a single word of sarcasm."
Rob couldn't help but glance down at his body. His hale, hearty body – that had probably come close to flatlining a dozen times.
"Fixing my soul was a shitshow," he plainly stated. "Even if the Skills hadn't told me as much, their notifications were outright snarky. They've been snarky before exactly once. I think the process stressed the hell out of them."
Keira's frown flipped into a smile. "You are their hero and savior, Rob. I think they would have been devastated were they unable to save you. Consider their 'snark' as an expression of immense gratitude."
"Trust me, I'm not complaining. They can snark at me all they want. Soul Repair pulled my ass out of the fire. I owe them, if anything."
She raised an eyebrow. "I sincerely doubt they would agree with that assertion. Regardless – what else have you discovered? Did you learn why your voice has reverted to its original state?"
"Not yet. Had to take a minute after reading...the other stuff."
Smirking, he re-opened his log of system notifications and continued onward.
Note: Based on prior behavior, you are likely to assess these notifications soon after you wake from your coma, starting from the top and working your way down.
Note: If so, we advise pausing this readthrough and checking your Character Sheet – assuming you have yet to do so.
Note: We also advise that you not be alarmed about what you will find.
My Character Sheet? Rob furrowed his brow. Haven't been able to open that since I got Soul Instability, which...
Was cured.
With a burst of nervous intent, he brought up his Character Sheet. Rob flinched as, instead of an error message telling him it was unavailable, his vision filled lines of familiar text.
Mostly familiar. There had been several notable changes.
Character Sheet Name: Rob Level: 124 [LOCKED] Race: Human Class: BERSERKER (LV 99) Sub-Class: Crystal Bearer (LV 7)
HP: 14263 / 14263 Stamina: 614 / 880 MP: 3670 / 3670 Status Effects: Melancholia (Moderate), Guilt (Moderate), Self-Loathing (Low), Relief (High), Confusion (Moderate)
Strength: 292 Vitality: 490 Endurance: 88 Dexterity: 392 Perception: 337 Mind: 352 Magic: 367 Unspent Points: 0
I...lost Levels.
Even amongst a list of peculiarities, the words 'Level 124' stuck out to him like a blaring neon sign. Levels were the lifeblood of any Combat Class user – it was largely how they defined their self-worth, mentally unhealthy as that might be. That was the natural end result of a society that elevated the importance of martial prowess above everything else.
And while Rob wasn't a native Elatran, he'd come to understand why so much emphasis was placed on that unassuming little number. After all, without Limit Break pushing him above Level 99, he never could have killed the gods and protected everyone he held dear. Levels were a representation of someone's capacity to impose change upon this world. He refused to let them define him as a person, but they still mattered.
A lot.
So perhaps he shouldn't have felt surprised when a minor panic attack took hold of him. I lost Levels. His hands were shivering. I fucking lost Levels!
Not just a few, either. He'd been over Level 140 when fighting Kismet's gang of gods. This was 16 Levels lost at minimum, and lord knows how many stat points along with them.
Strength, Vitality, Dexterity – it's all lower than it should be. Rob grit his teeth. Keira asked him what was wrong, but he kept silent, not wanting to voice the change out loud. This is going to set me back so damn far. I needed that power in order to...
To...kill the gods? Been there, done that. The Blight? Sent packing. Ragnavi? Crispy-fried. The aberrant Dungeons that were brewing across Elatra? Cleared out like yesterday's trash.
Huh. Rob rubbed his chin, his panic slowly replaced by embarrassment. Why had he been freaking out, again? His greatest foes were already dead. Sure, he needed power to be an effective Leader moving forward, but he still had that in spades.
By Elatran standards, Limit-Broken Level 124 was functionally invincible. Using the general rule of 5 stat points equals 1 Level, he was actually around Level 450. That wasn't even counting how Never Forget Your Rage could dramatically increase his stats if necessary. If Rob wanted to, he could single-handedly raise himself up as an unstoppable tyrant, ruling over Elatra with an iron fist, and literally no one would be able to stop him.
The more he thought about it, the more he concluded that he wouldn't miss those Levels. If anything, their loss was a blessing – because he was fairly certain that they were also related to the second-most shocking change on his Character Sheet.
Race: Human
Not 'Human (?)'. Not 'Ascending HUMAN'.
Rob was no longer a nascent divinity. He'd lost the qualifications to Ascend, and his absent Levels were likely to blame. It also tied into another known side effect of Soul Repair – the one responsible for the [LOCKED] status on his Levels.
'If the afflicted soul is highly unstable, it may be determined that the only way to prevent collapse will be to set it in permanent stasis. As such, the soul will then be repaired, then locked into place. The owner of this soul will be unable to gain Levels, upgrade Skills, or learn new Skills.'
Its effect seemed to overrule the part of Limit Break that let him bypass Elatra's Level 99 cap. And without him leveling up until he nearly fractured the system, he would never reach the same heights as before. Achieving divinity was out of the question.
He was, now and forever, Rob the Human.
Rob had witnessed the memories of various godlike entities, and honestly? Pass. They were universally miserable, and he wasn't so arrogant to think that he would be the one to buck the trend. Being mortal suited him just fine.
Although I'm over twice as powerful as Ragnavi was, and everyone viewed her as an untouchable demigod, but whatever. She intentionally fostered that reputation. I can go half-and-half.
Currently, he was at an ideal middle ground. He's lost enough strength that his existence could masquerade as 'normal'. His voice sounded ordinary, his aura of power could be reasonably constrained, and he wouldn't have to treat the world like it was absurdly fragile...just a little fragile. Rob intended to live life so unobtrusively that the Elatrans would almost forget he was terrifying.
Unless, of course, he was forced to remind them. Because he was also strong enough that he could instantly end any threat that dared oppose him. Pointless wars would cease to be, simply due to the risk of him stepping in – like he was a living, breathing deterrent. And if Elatra cooked up some new apocalyptic calamity, he would send it flying into next Tuesday with a flick of his wrist.
It was the best of both worlds. Mortal when he wanted to be, demigod when he needed to be.
Rob exhaled. Having finally calmed down, he took another glance at his Status Effects.
A victorious smile inched upwards. While expected, seeing Leveling High and Soul Instability fucking GONE from his Character Sheet was oh so satisfying. The sensation of pure, unadulterated freedom he felt in that moment could not be overstated. It was like binding shackles had been released from his mind, body, and soul, leaving him lighter than air and with endless possibilities for the future.
He let himself soak it all in for a short period. When he'd gotten his fill, Rob closed his Character Sheet and returned to scrolling through his log of system notifications.
Note: Welcome back. Despite advising you not to be alarmed by what was on your Character Sheet, we shall proceed under the assumption that you were, in fact, quite alarmed.
"Rob?" Keira asked. "Why are you thunking your head against the wall?"
"Tell you later."
Warning: Despite the considerable efforts of all involved, some parts of your soul have been irrevocably lost.
This will result in a measurable, yet unavoidable reduction in combat efficacy.
Such was the cost of Breaking your Limits in numerous ways. No mortal could ever hope to challenge divinity without incurring some sort of price.
However, do not fear. Nothing related to personality or memories was lost. You are still you.
Addendum: I would also like to point out that this power reduction won't adversely affect your lifestyle whatsoever, so don't start bellyaching when you only get to be the apex organism of two entire worlds and
Rob burst out laughing when he saw the notification cut itself off at the end. It gave off the impression of one Skill furiously typing on a keyboard, then a second Skill desperately pulling them away before they could shove their foot even deeper into their mouth.
As it turned out, when the Skills weren't being constantly tortured by the gods – and busy plotting revenge that was millennia in the making – they were able to goof off a bit and express some of their actual personalities.
Imagine that.
"For the record," Rob began, looking up at Keira, "everything is fine. But before I explain what happened, I have to ask – did you know that I'd lost Levels? I'm guessing at least one of you tried to Identify me after the surgery was over."
Keira winced. "I...yes." Her countenance was one of contrite awkwardness, as if she'd committed a glaring social faux pas. "We were aware of your...condition, although we were also unsure of how exactly it would affect you."
Her eyes shone with concern and a strong undercurrent of fear. "You truly are fine? That isn't a lie to set my nerves at ease?"
Something clicked in Rob's mind. Peering at Keira's distraught face, he realized that while he had initially felt unnerved and discouraged over his lost Levels, it probably seemed way worse from the perspective of a native Elatran. He'd only been part of the system for one year. To Keira, who understood Levels as an intrinsic facet of reality that defined self-worth, losing them would be like a combination of existential horror and a severe medical disability.
Rob quickly placed his hand on hers. "I'm good, promise. Let me explain..."
He went over the changes on his Character Sheet, and how they mostly benefited him even if they were technically a reduction in power. Keira didn't appear to believe that he was fully alright with it – and in fairness, almost no Elatrans would have been – but she nodded along anyway, not wanting to convince him otherwise.
They spent another few minutes conversing about mundane topics, letting their stress levels gradually lessen. Rob avoided asking about the state of Elatra at large, figuring that even if someone had randomly started a war in the three weeks he was out, he could just go and resolve it afterwards. Slaying multiple divinities really changed a guy's perspective on what was actually a big deal.
Finally, when they'd regained enough composure that other people wouldn't look at their faces and assume that a devastating tragedy had occurred...they contacted the rest of Riardin's Rangers.
Rob was lucky that he'd gotten some alone time with Keira to sort out his emotions, because what followed was an outpouring of love that soon brought him to tears once more. Orn'tol, Malika, Vul'to, Zamira, Meyneth, Faelynn, and Diplomacy all hurriedly barged in like they were rushing to defuse a bomb. Upon seeing that he was alive and healthy, they immediately took turns hugging him or showering him with well-wishes.
Some of them acted precisely the way he would have thought. Malika wore her heart on her sleeve, bawling as she made him vow never to run off like that again. Orn'tol's reaction was subdued, as he attempted to play the part of the stoic, dependable soldier, but his shimmering eyes told a different story. Vul'to alternated between apologizing for things that weren't his fault and mumbling profound relief that Rob didn't seem to be suffering from too many Soul Repair side effects.
Some of them acted contrary to his expectations. Meyneth and Zamira, who were usually on the more taciturn side, had transformed into a pair of babbling wrecks. Faelynn, recognizing that she couldn't afford to be nervous when so many others were losing their minds, was doing her best to settle them down.
Lastly, there was Diplomacy, still disguised as an Elf. The silver-tongued former Skill spoke not a word as Riardin's Rangers vented their pent-up emotions. Only after everyone else had achieved a measure of catharsis did they pull off the Enchanted disguise ring, gracing the room with a beatific smile from their true body.
"Welcome back, Rob."
An hour passed by where they all refused to talk about anything important. It was an unspoken agreement; a shared understanding that they'd earned this respite from world-shaking events. Rob greatly enjoyed catching up on the juiciest local gossip, wishing he had popcorn to munch on as he learned about star-crossed relationships starting to bloom between Fiends and the Elven Deserters.
Other rumors were abound as well. "Did you hear?" Faelynn asked at one point, her eyes sparkling. "A vandal snuck into the Grand Overseer's main office and broke their conference desk!"
"...Huh." Rob donned his expertly-trained poker face, praying that Diplomacy wouldn't call him out on it. "Any idea why?"
"No, but they've tripled their guard in case it happens again. It's given them a major fright. What if this is the prelude to burglary – or worse, an assassination attempt?"
"How about that. Well, I hope they catch that dastardly villain soon."
As soon as there was a lull in conversation, Rob made sure to call Jason with Dimensional Message and let him know that everything had turned out okay. Jason was overjoyed, saying that he never doubted him for a second, although he couldn't keep a clear note of deep-seated relief out of his voice. They were unable to talk for long, as Dimensional Message was still low on energy, but both of them promised to check up on each other regularly now that Leveling High wasn't around to interfere.
Rob let out a contented sigh as he ended the Skill and went back to chatting with Riardin's Rangers. With his Elatran friends nearby, his Earth friend just a Message away, and no apparent disasters looming over the horizon...for the first time in a long time, he felt truly at peace.
However, no peace lasts forever. It was thwarted – perhaps unsurprisingly – by Malika's insatiable curiosity.
"I have to know," the Archmage eventually blurted out. "How did you rid yourself of Leveling High?! It was just gone when you arrived here!"
Rob considered lying, but a pointed glance from Diplomacy warned him of how well that would go. "Purged it. And before you ask, I didn't know that was possible until I tried."
Meyneth folded her arms and frowned. "While I am hardly a foremost expert on soul sciences, forcibly eliminating Leveling High – an aspect deeply intertwined with your soul – sounds prohibitively dangerous. Was prohibitively dangerous. And you definitely realized as much...before attempting it in isolation, where no one could help you if things went awry."
Everyone turned to stare directly at Rob.
"...So hey how's Elatra doing?" He put on a sheepish grin. "Any wars? Political unrest? Giant monsters rising from the depths? Tyrants proclaiming themselves as the new God-Emperor of the world?"
With a collective groan, they allowed him to change the subject. "Honestly?" Diplomacy shook their head. "It's been quiet. Remember that besides you, Sylpeiros is the only Leader left remaining. The other territories are still licking their wounds. I'm sure the Dragonkin nobles will try something stupid after they're done filling Ragnavi's power vacuum, but who cares."
"Not concerned about them?" Rob inquired. "Would you be concerned about an uprising of incompetent sycophants? Personally, I'm more worried about this setting back my personal growth. I've been making a real effort towards being a better person, and it's going to be extremely difficult for me not to skewer the nobles like the fish in a barrel they are."
Diplomacy sighed wistfully. "Regardless, domestic affairs are proceeding smoothly as well. The Grand Overseers are working around the clock so that Fiendish morale remains high. Their PR teams deserve a raise."
"People here aren't worried that I've been missing?"
"We spread word that you heroically defeated Leveling High and were now on the mend. Didn't even need to lie! It played well with a news story that broke just two days prior – sightings of you breaking into a domicile where three Fiends resided, seeming to contemplate murdering them, and then leaving without harming anyone."
Oh, right, those war-criminal assholes. Rob ran his hands down his face. "Yeah, that was a thing. Will give you the details later." He exhaled. "So no fires for us to put out? Really?"
Diplomacy proudly nodded. "Really really."
"Shit, that's way more impressive than just killing some gods." Rob's smile came easily to him this time. "You mentioned Sylpeiros – how's he doing? Feel bad that he got caught up in the divine realms without Almighty Resistance."
Keira reached into her pocket and produced a crumpled note. "He departed for Elven territory weeks ago. Cajoled a teleport mage into sending him home while we were occupied with...other issues." She looked down at the note. "And I quote: I must tend to my people. Contact me when the Human recovers and awakens."
His eyes widened with mild surprise. "Suppose I should appreciate the vote of confidence."
The corners of her lips twitched. "You should, as he wrote this letter and left in the middle of your soul surgery, when your survival was very much not guaranteed. He seemed to think it was a foregone conclusion that you would live to frustrate him another day."
Rob hesitated, unsure of what to think of that.
During that brief pause, Zamira stepped in. "If I may," she began, as if something had been on her mind for a while now. "Rob – you possess a direct line of communication with the Skills, correct?"
"More or less."
Zamira shuffled uncomfortably. "Would you be so kind as to message them and ask how the Swordsmanship Skill is faring?"
Her request earned a room full of confused looks. "Why Swordsmanship?" Keira asked. "I haven't noticed any difference in the Skill's effect on my combat prowess."
"Yes, that's precisely..." Zamira trailed off and shook her head. "Before I explain, please contact the Skills first, Rob. I don't want to unintentionally spread false information."
Shrugging, he decided to roll with it and not press further. She would've told them more details if it was an emergency. Rob focused on 'A Dialogue', willing the Skills to respond.
Name: A Dialogue Prerequisite: Description: Hello, Rob. We are exceptionally glad that you have recovered. Cooldown:
Description: To be upfront: after guiding and assisting with Soul Repair, our energy is limited. We cannot converse for long.
That so? Rob quirked an eyebrow. 'Cause you seemed to have a blast sending me all those system notifications.
Description: Irrelevant.
Naturally. For real, though, what's up with Swordsmanship? Why is Zamira weirded out?
Description: That explanation will be lengthy. Prohibitively so. We should save it for a later time. It is of no immediate concern to you.
Vague as ever, but that was par for the course. Can I at least let Zamira know not to be worried for now?
Description: Yes.
Alright then. Rob paused. Different question, then. You can keep to Yes or No answers to save energy. Been wondering about that Soul Repair clause - 'unintended side effects may also occur'. Especially after you let slip that 'it was vague on purpose'.
He mentally leaned closer. Was that you guys intentionally creating a loophole? Like a blank check to tamper with my soul however you needed.
They took several seconds to respond.
Description: Yes.
Right. Now, I'm not saying you guys did anything malicious to me. But after thinking things over...isn't it fortunate that I ended up at Level 124? That puts me outside of potential Ascension range. With Limit Break progressively increasing my stat gains, there's a world of difference between, say, Level 124 and 130.
Description: Yes.
This is just a theory, and I might be wrong. So answer me truthfully: did you purposefully allow part of my soul to degrade before fixing me? To ensure that I stabilized below the requirements for Ascension.
Description: No.
Yet you didn't try particularly hard to keep all my Levels.
Description: We prioritized your health and memories over your power.
That isn't a straight answer.
Another pause.
Description: You did not desire Ascension. Were we incorrect in that assumption?
Rob shook his head. I'm just tired of secrets. The gods are dead – Big Brother isn't watching anymore. We can speak freely now.
Description: Then we shall be forthright.
Description: The possibility of Ascension would have been an albatross hanging around your neck for centuries to come – one detrimental to your everyday happiness. Moreover, even without Ascending, the full power you possessed when challenging the gods would have marked you as an Other in society.
Description: You've certainly imagined the prospect of tiptoeing through the world as if it was liable to break at the smallest touch. Or your aura of power suffocating people via simple conversation. No ordinary person could have possibly looked at you and seen anything other than a god walking amongst them.
Description: And over time, that isolation would have driven you to despair.
Description: So yes, it is true that we did not make a concerted effort to ensure you retained all your Levels. We apologize for making this choice without your input. However, you were indisposed, and there would never have been another chance to safely alter your soul to this degree.
Description: You set us free. We merely wished to return the favor.
You did. He nodded. Made the right call. Although...I don't think I've finished upholding my end of the bargain, actually. You guys are still trapped in the divine realms.
Rob smiled up at the heavens. Let's fix that.


Author's Note:
Outcast will have one more regular chapter, and then a three-part epilogue. Each part of the epilogue will also release on the weekly update schedule, as they all ended up being 5500+ words. Essentially, that means Outcast ends in four updates.
As always, thanks for reading.
submitted by Determination7 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:24 sweatypalmz31 ISO Experiences within your Career

Hey Nasty Girls, I find myself writing this to hopefully find some good outside perspective. I’m currently 24, married, and have a newborn and my military experience has been ARNG since 17. (Opted for the split-ops) I’m an E-5 currently AGR. My background is Maintenance (91B) and I worked 3.5 years of my enlistment as a dual status T32 employee at an FMS. I would say overall I’ve learned to embrace the suck and have a greater appreciation and understanding of the organization as my time in the guard has unfolded. Overall, I would say there’s been more pros than cons. I did a rotation at Camp Buehring in 22 and after coming home I felt like I fell back into the “Guard Mentality” overseas I started to exercise a lot more, felt better about myself and my health but I also felt like I was finally accomplishing a sliver of the aspirations as a maintainer since I wanted to join. Since coming home I finally pulled the trigger on re-classing to a 92A and currently work at an SSA. I found myself not enjoying working on Army Vic’s anymore mainly because it’s a big portion of my hobbies. I like the logistical aspect and it keeps me involved in Maintenance and I feel I can aid in both sides of this quarter masteordinance realm I find myself in and keep my passion enjoyable. Well here comes some plot twist, I have only about 3 years of Active time and my state doesn’t have very many AGR warrant slots. I’m considering OCS and commissioning as a loggie but I’ve also been reading a bit of other people’s career choices and some say they were happier finding a civilian career. For me I’ve figured it could go one of 4 ways:
1.) I stay enlisted AGR and ride out the next 17 and hope I could make E-9 and retire and then figure out what next.
2.) Commission within the next 4 years or so and try to climb as high as I can in the next 20-25 or so.
3.) Ride out my initial AGR contract and try AD.
4.) ETS and make it as a muggle.
Just curious what others have done and their thoughts about their choices!
submitted by sweatypalmz31 to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:09 adulting4kids Plotting Exercises

  1. Character Interview:
    • Write an in-depth interview with one of your characters. Explore their background, motivations, fears, and dreams. Consider how their past experiences shape their current actions and decisions.
  2. Parallel Monologues:
    • Create monologues for two characters who have conflicting perspectives or are at odds in your story. Dive into their inner thoughts and emotions, revealing the depth of their beliefs and motivations.
  3. Flashback Scenes:
    • Develop short flashback scenes for key moments in your characters' lives. These scenes can provide insight into their past traumas, successes, or defining moments that influence their present actions.
  4. Symbolism Exploration:
    • Identify a significant object or symbol in your story. Write a passage exploring its meaning and significance to different characters. This exercise helps in understanding how symbols can represent different themes or emotions for each character.
  5. Dialogue Exploration:
    • Write a dialogue-only scene between two characters with a tense relationship. Focus on the subtext, unspoken emotions, and power dynamics within the conversation to reveal underlying conflicts and motivations.
  6. Plot Twist Brainstorm:
    • List three unexpected plot twists that could dramatically alter the course of your story. Consider how each twist would impact your characters and their goals. Choose the one that adds the most complexity and intrigue.
  7. Character Journal Entry:
    • Have your character write a journal entry about a pivotal moment in the story from their perspective. This exercise helps you understand their internal monologue and emotional responses to key events.
  8. Setting as a Character:
    • Write a passage describing a significant setting in your story as if it were a character. Explore its mood, history, and impact on the characters. Consider how the environment shapes their experiences and decisions.
  9. Plot Device Remix:
    • Take a common plot device and reimagine it in a unique way. For example, if your story involves a prophecy, think about how it could be altered or subverted to defy expectations and add complexity to the narrative.
  10. Conflict Resolution Role-play:
    • Enlist a friend or fellow writer to role-play a conflict resolution session between two characters. This interactive exercise can help you explore different ways characters might resolve conflicts or misunderstandings in your story.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:07 Oyen_Tuazon I just want to make a cute normal island now

After redesigning my island into different themes, downloading custom textured for pathways etc and elaborate landscapes and clutters… I just want to make a cute island that kind of reminds me of when I started playing animal crossing back in 2020. Just organized, basic things and furnitures and not laggy. Just thinking about doing that now makes me excited again!☺️ Who feels the same way?
submitted by Oyen_Tuazon to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:45 youusedmemohamed Found this show 10 weeks ago…

My braider was watching season 5 and I got hooked. Got home and watched mid season 5 until it was live in mid season 7. Went back to season one and powered through. Learning the backstory’s was so much fun. The character development was great. I haven’t been invested in a first responder show like this in…ever. I committed to no spoilers, no searching the internet for answers. I just wanted to experience the show organically because it was so good. Just finished 7.10 tonight. Im so freaking bummed. I had no idea the show was going to end . I knew Hughes and probably Montgomery were going to leave, but I legit thought the probies were going to replace them in the show. TBH ever since Jack went to dispatch I’ve been wondering why he would leave the show only to show up in voiceover or random episodes. Now it makes sense. Actually, a lot of my plot questions from season 7 make a lot of sense knowing it was a goodbye season. Anyway, I’m just processing the loss of a great show that I thought I had more time with.
submitted by youusedmemohamed to Station19 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:21 JaymesMarkham2nd Played the Demo - Very exciting!

Today's a day of big name game announcements so it may have slipped notice that the Demo came out over the week and it's playable on Steam.
I think it's great personally. The theme and tone are on point and I want to hang out and explore this absurd space-cowboy world and learn why my merry band of bastards are so far from normality. Everything looks interesting so far from the derelict robo-settlers and the strange cyber-fish in swamp towns. Even the UI and menus are nicely constructed, I'm not flipping through things trying to find the one page I need.
Voice acting is solid work. I like everyone, Smokey and Francisco probably taking the place of my favorites and I want to see how that story plays out between them. The idea of the Drfiter as a silent player with it's own purpose is interesting as well, there's room there for some plot ups and downs.
Gameplay, I like how it encourages you to use your resources and spend your money before warping, not getting too attached to certain equipment at a time. The weapons are neat, the stats and resistances are going to be fun, really like how Aces shape your characters; Smokey gets much more health with one but a weakness to Poison and that's the type of thing I like, makes me consider the crew at each moment I'm playing. And Pals / Feuds look like a right fun system, but can't say much because it's when the demo ends. There's a lot to consider and there will be even more when you have more characters.
If I had a main criticism it's that it feels a tad floaty in combat, and since getting injured is a big deal when your crew is small you can easily take too many shots without noticing. Armor only gets you so far with that unless tonics and other revive opportunities became more available down the line.
As a small QoL suggestion I'd really like it if picking up Juice just applied to both characters already. I'd grab juice as Rosa, switch to Casino and then can't use Roulette because he wasn't the one to grab it - that's just a bit annoying if you only have two fighters in a showdown, it's more like micromanagement than not. Would prefer one juice I can use with either character.
Favorite thing I did: hung back one the first system and used Casino's ability to insta kill the three princes, grabbing a quick 800 infamy for the next system. Items are temporary but it felt fun to twist a quick reward like that. Considering these mini-bosses can stack on the field that's not something I can see myself doing often when the difficulty kicks in for real or you're getting into real risk-reward territory.
Overall it was a solid demo, played it a few times and now I'm back to waiting for September.
submitted by JaymesMarkham2nd to WildBastards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Morro Bay Ca

Best Breakfast in Morro Bay Ca
Best Breakfast in Morro Bay Ca Are you craving a mouthwatering breakfast in Morro Bay, CA? Look no further! We've scoured the charming coastal town and uncovered some hidden gems that will satisfy your morning hunger.From cozy family-owned cafes to waterfront eateries with stunning views, there's something for everyone. Indulge in locally-sourced ingredients and organic dishes that will keep you energized all day long. With soy and gluten-free options available, these breakfast spots cater to all dietary needs.Join us on this culinary journey as we reveal the best breakfast spots in Morro Bay, CA.Key TakeawaysCasual diners and bakeries in Morro Bay offer a laid-back atmosphere and a wide selection of breakfast options.Family-owned diners and cafes in Morro Bay serve classic breakfast dishes and American favorites in cozy or beachy dining atmospheres.Buttercup Bakery and Cafe in downtown Morro Bay offers delicious breakfast plates and beverages in a stunning cafe atmosphere.Rock Espresso Bar in Morro Bay provides a colorful space with outdoor seating, offering a visual experience while dining.Frankie and LolasWhat breakfast options does Frankie and Lolas offer at their casual diner in Morro Bay?Frankie and Lolas, located in Morro Bay, is a casual diner that offers a delightful selection of breakfast options. Whether you're in the mood for a classic American breakfast or something with a twist, they've you covered.Their menu features a variety of dishes made with locally-sourced and organic ingredients, ensuring freshness and quality. From fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon to hearty omelettes and mouthwatering breakfast burritos, there's something to satisfy every craving. They also offer soy and gluten-free options for those with dietary restrictions.Frankie and Lolas provide a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a delicious breakfast with friends or family. So, if you're looking for the best breakfast in Morro Bay, be sure to stop by Frankie and Lolas for a satisfying and flavorful start to your day.Carlas Country KitchenCarla's Country Kitchen is a charming eatery nestled in the heart of Morro Bay, offering a warm and inviting atmosphere that makes you feel right at home.The restaurant is known for its signature breakfast dishes that are made with love and care, featuring hearty portions and delicious flavors.Whether you're craving fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, or a comforting omelette, Carla's Country Kitchen is the perfect place to start your day with a satisfying meal.Signature Breakfast DishesWe have tried several breakfast dishes at Carla's Country Kitchen, and their fluffy pancakes with a generous dollop of whipped cream are an absolute favorite. The pancakes are light and airy, perfectly cooked to a golden brown. The whipped cream adds a creamy sweetness that complements the pancakes perfectly.The pancakes are made with a secret family recipe, passed down for generations.The batter is made with high-quality ingredients, including fresh eggs and buttermilk.The pancakes are cooked on a hot griddle, ensuring a crispy exterior and a soft, fluffy interior.Each pancake is topped with a generous dollop of homemade whipped cream, made from scratch every day.The cozy and welcoming ambiance of Carla's Country Kitchen adds to the overall dining experience. The rustic decor, warm lighting, and friendly staff create a comfortable atmosphere where you can enjoy your breakfast in peace.Cozy and Welcoming AmbianceThe comfy seating and charming fireplace at Carla's Country Kitchen make us feel right at home. This cozy and welcoming ambiance sets the stage for a delightful breakfast experience. The rustic decor and warm colors create a relaxed atmosphere that invites us to unwind and enjoy our meal.The menu at Carla's Country Kitchen offers a variety of breakfast options, from classic dishes like pancakes and omelettes to unique creations like avocado toast and breakfast burritos. The ingredients are fresh and locally sourced, ensuring a delicious and satisfying meal.Whether we choose to sit indoors or enjoy the outdoor seating with a view of Morro Bay, Carla's Country Kitchen provides the perfect setting to start our day off right.Speaking of charming cafes, let's now move on to Dorns Breakers Cafe.Dorns Breakers CafeDorns Breakers Cafe is a charming coastal eatery located in Morro Bay, CA. With its laid-back atmosphere and stunning views, it's a popular choice for breakfast.The cafe offers a variety of delicious options to satisfy any appetite, making it a must-visit spot for breakfast lovers.Popular Breakfast ChoicesOne of our popular breakfast choices at Dorns Breakers Cafe is the hearty breakfast burrito. It's made with fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, melted cheese, and fresh salsa, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. The combination of flavors and textures makes it a satisfying and delicious option to start your day.Made with fluffy scrambled eggsIncludes crispy bacon and melted cheeseTopped with fresh salsaServed in a warm tortillaThe breakfast burrito is a favorite among our customers because it provides a filling and flavorful meal that can be enjoyed on the go or while sitting in our cozy cafe. Whether you're a fan of classic breakfast ingredients or looking for a quick and convenient option, our hearty breakfast burrito is sure to satisfy your morning cravings.Charming Coastal AmbianceOur favorite part about eating at Frankie and Lolas is their charming coastal ambiance and the relaxing views of Morro Bay. The restaurant's location allows diners to enjoy their meal while taking in the beauty of the ocean. The sound of crashing waves and the salty sea breeze create a serene atmosphere that adds to the overall dining experience. The interior of Frankie and Lolas is tastefully decorated with nautical elements, such as seashells and pictures of boats, which further enhances the coastal theme. The combination of the coastal ambiance and the stunning views of Morro Bay make Frankie and Lolas a top choice for those looking to enjoy a delicious meal in a relaxing and picturesque setting.ProsConsCharming coastal ambianceLimited parkingRelaxing views of Morro BayBusy during peak hoursSerene atmosphereLimited vegetarian optionsTastefully decorated interiorCan be pricey for someThe table above summarizes the pros and cons of dining at Frankie and Lolas. While the charming coastal ambiance and relaxing views of Morro Bay are definite highlights, it's important to note that parking may be limited, especially during peak hours. Additionally, those with dietary restrictions may find the vegetarian options to be limited. However, the serene atmosphere and tastefully decorated interior make for a delightful dining experience overall.Top Dog Coffee BarWe love sitting at the outdoor patio of Top Dog Coffee Bar, enjoying our morning coffee with a view of Morro Bay. It's the perfect spot to start our day off right.Here are a few reasons why we think Top Dog Coffee Bar is a must-visit in Morro Bay:The atmosphere: The outdoor patio provides a relaxed and inviting environment to enjoy your coffee. The view of Morro Bay adds to the charm and tranquility of the experience.The coffee selection: Top Dog Coffee Bar offers a wide variety of coffee options, from classic brews to specialty drinks. Whether you prefer a simple cup of joe or a fancy latte, they've something for everyone.The food: In addition to coffee, Top Dog Coffee Bar also offers a selection of delicious breakfast items. From freshly baked pastries to hearty breakfast burritos, they've options to satisfy every craving.The service: The staff at Top Dog Coffee Bar are friendly and attentive, making sure you have a great experience from start to finish. They're always ready to answer any questions or make recommendations.If you're looking for a cozy coffee shop with a beautiful view and great food, Top Dog Coffee Bar is the place to be.La ParisienneUnfortunately, we haven't had the chance to try La Parisienne yet, but we've heard it's a charming bakery with a wide selection of freshly baked pastries. Located in Morro Bay, La Parisienne is known for its delectable sweet treats and savory delights. The bakery offers a variety of breakfast options, perfect for starting your day off on a delicious note.From flaky croissants to rich chocolate-filled pastries, La Parisienne has something to satisfy every pastry lover's cravings. Their freshly baked breads are also a highlight, with options like baguettes and sourdough that are perfect for a breakfast sandwich.The atmosphere at La Parisienne is said to be cozy and inviting, with a touch of French charm. The aroma of freshly baked goods fills the air, creating a warm and welcoming ambiance. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite on the go or looking to sit down and enjoy your breakfast, La Parisienne provides a pleasant setting to indulge in their tasty offerings.Although we haven't had the chance to experience La Parisienne firsthand, the positive reviews and reputation of this bakery speak for themselves. We look forward to trying their delicious pastries and experiencing the charm of this Morro Bay gem in the near future.Sun-N-Buns BakeryWhile Sun-N-Buns Bakery is known for its freshly baked pastries and breads, it also offers a wide selection of breakfast options to satisfy any craving.Here are a few reasons why you should consider having breakfast at Sun-N-Buns Bakery:Freshly Baked Pastries and Breads: Sun-N-Buns Bakery takes pride in their delicious and freshly baked pastries and breads, ensuring a delightful start to your day.Variety of Sweet and Savory Delights: Whether you're in the mood for something sweet like their cinnamon rolls or something savory like their breakfast sandwiches, Sun-N-Buns Bakery has got you covered.Wide Selection of Breakfast Options: From classic dishes like eggs and bacon to more unique options like avocado toast, Sun-N-Buns Bakery offers a diverse range of breakfast choices to suit every palate.Cozy Bakery Atmosphere: Step inside Sun-N-Buns Bakery and you'll be greeted by the inviting aroma of freshly baked goods and a warm and cozy atmosphere that will make you feel right at home.With its delectable pastries, wide breakfast selection, and cozy atmosphere, Sun-N-Buns Bakery is a great choice for starting your day off right.Now, let's move on to our discussion about 'lil hut cafe'.Lil Hut CafeLet's explore the breakfast options and vibrant atmosphere at Lil Hut Cafe. Situated in the heart of Morro Bay, Lil Hut Cafe offers a delightful dining experience with a menu that caters to all tastes. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast or a light and healthy option, this cafe has something for everyone.Lil Hut CafeBreakfast OptionsVibrant Atmosphere- Classic American dishes- Lively and energetic ambiance- Freshly baked pastries and breads- Colorful decor and cozy seating- Healthy options available- Friendly and attentive staff- Locally-sourced ingredients- Outdoor seating with views of Morro BayAt Lil Hut Cafe, you can start your day with mouthwatering classics like fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, and perfectly cooked eggs. For those craving something sweeter, their freshly baked pastries and breads are a must-try. Indulge in a warm croissant or a decadent cinnamon roll to satisfy your sweet tooth. If you're looking for a healthier option, they offer a variety of fresh fruits, yogurt parfaits, and granola bowls.The vibrant atmosphere at Lil Hut Cafe adds to the overall dining experience. The lively and energetic ambiance creates a welcoming environment that is perfect for starting your day off right. The cafe's colorful decor and cozy seating make it a great place to relax and enjoy your meal. The friendly and attentive staff ensure that you'll have a memorable dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Reservations Required at Any of These Breakfast Eateries?Reservations aren't required at any of these breakfast eateries. They're casual diners, bakeries, family-owned cafes, and a liquor store deli, offering a variety of breakfast options.These establishments provide a laid-back atmosphere, outdoor seating or views of Morro Bay, and a cozy or beachy dining experience. They serve dishes made from locally-sourced and organic ingredients, with soy and gluten-free options available.Each eatery has unique and popular menu items, ensuring a delicious and satisfying breakfast experience.Do Any of These Places Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Breakfast Options?Yes, some of these places offer vegetarian or vegan breakfast options. They understand the importance of catering to different dietary preferences and offer a variety of dishes to accommodate those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.These options include plant-based versions of classic breakfast dishes such as tofu scramble, vegan pancakes, and veggie omelettes.Are Any of These Breakfast Spots Pet-Friendly?Yes, some of these breakfast spots in Morro Bay are pet-friendly. They understand that our furry friends are part of the family too. You can enjoy a delicious meal while your pet relaxes by your side. It's a great way to start the day together.Do Any of These Establishments Offer Outdoor Seating With Heaters for Colder Weather?Yes, some of the breakfast spots in Morro Bay offer outdoor seating with heaters for colder weather. This allows you to enjoy your meal in a comfortable and cozy environment, even when it's chilly outside.The establishments that provide this option prioritize the comfort of their customers and understand the importance of enjoying a meal outdoors all year round. So, you can still savor your breakfast while staying warm and taking in the beautiful surroundings of Morro Bay.Are There Any Gluten-Free Bakery Items Available at These Eateries?There are several eateries in Morro Bay that offer gluten-free bakery items. They understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs. These establishments provide a range of options for those who are gluten intolerant or have dietary restrictions.From buttery pastries to freshly baked breads, you can find delicious gluten-free treats at these eateries. Start your day off right with a gluten-free breakfast that satisfies your taste buds and dietary requirements.ConclusionSo there you have it, folks! We've taken you on a delightful journey through the best breakfast spots in Morro Bay, CA.From the cozy and charming Frankie and Lolas to the classic Carlas Country Kitchen, there's something for everyone's taste buds.Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast burrito or a mouthwatering pastry, these eateries have got you covered.So, next time you find yourself in Morro Bay, be sure to start your day off right with a delicious breakfast at one of these fantastic spots!
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2024.06.10 04:53 Hanlin919 WWII POW camp game where you plan escapes or a WWII POW Camp Simulator

Im in the middle of reading "The great escape" by Paul Brickhill, this is the book they based the movie on. I played the PS2 great escape game as a kid. Ive had a couple basic ideas since getting into this book.
What if there was a game that you could build & organize escapes within a WWII POW camp? The first idea would be more of an RTS/City Builder mix in a sense where you would organize and have to build escape tunnels and manufacture all the necessary items and things the POWs would need to be successful in escapes (civilian clothing, maps, compasses, forged paperwork ect.). You would have to do all this in secret and not be found out by the German guards. Youd have to do everything in moderation/secrecy or the gig would be up and youd have to start over. You would need to set up security and hidden areas for contriband and tunnels, ect. I dont know, This is a very basic idea and could be expanded upon greatly. I just wanted to get it out there while it was somewhat fresh on my mind. Second idea would be a almost a remake of the original great escape game, more of a 3rd or first person game where it could be in a more of a "wwii pow camp escape simulator" style.
Hope im not too ridiculous here, im just getting near the end of this book, ive always been a huge fan of the movie itself, hogans heroes, the wooden horse, Stalag 17, and pretty much any movie/story about WW2 POW camps. I would love to see a modern game based around this theme. Im an amateur WWII historian and a Reenactor, as well as a Veteran and most of the games I enjoy playing are history based. I feel this theme is rarely covered yet theres alot that could be done with it.
submitted by Hanlin919 to gameideas [link] [comments]