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2009.01.13 23:55 Botany

Botany is the scientific study of plants. Topics may include: Evolution, Ecology, Morphology, Systematics, and Physiology. Please use whatsthisplant for all plant identification requests.

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2010.08.03 16:38 kanez Lawn Care

Lawn care guides, pictures, and discussions.

2024.06.10 11:05 h0rnierthanever WYR have every single text message you’ve ever sent posted on the internet, or have a nude photo of you posted on the internet.

submitted by h0rnierthanever to WouldYouRather [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:59 Blogstra Tennessee's Monarch Restoration Effort: A Fight Against Extinction with Free Milkweed Seeds

Tennessee's Monarch Restoration Effort: A Fight Against Extinction with Free Milkweed Seeds
In recent years, the once ubiquitous monarch butterfly has been facing a troubling decline, inching perilously close to extinction. However, amidst this bleak scenario, a glimmer of hope shines through the efforts of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) and dedicated nurseries like TN Nursery. Their collaboration aims not only to prevent the monarch's disappearance but also to enhance biodiversity and preserve ecosystems. At the heart of their strategy lies a simple yet profound initiative: the distribution of free milkweed seeds to the public.
The monarch butterfly, known for its vibrant orange wings and remarkable annual migration, has long been a beloved symbol of nature's beauty. Yet, habitat loss, climate change, pesticide use, and other human activities have taken a severe toll on their populations. The consequences of their decline extend far beyond aesthetics; monarchs play a crucial role in pollination and serve as indicators of ecosystem health.
Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Tennessee Department of Transportation has taken proactive steps to aid in monarch conservation. By distributing free milkweed seeds, TDOT aims to provide essential habitat for monarchs to breed and thrive. Milkweed is not just any plant; it is the sole host plant for monarch caterpillars, making it indispensable for their survival. Through this initiative, TDOT not only mitigates the impact of habitat loss but also engages the public in conservation efforts.
Collaborating with TDOT in this noble cause is TN Nursery, a leading supplier of pollinator plants dedicated to supporting monarch populations. Among the myriad of pollinator-friendly plants they offer, three stand out as particularly beneficial for attracting monarchs to gardens: milkweed plants, butterfly weed, and purple coneflower plants.
  1. Milkweed Plants: As the cornerstone of monarch conservation efforts, milkweed plants are non-negotiable for any garden aspiring to host these magnificent butterflies. Not only do milkweed plants provide food for monarch caterpillars, but they also offer nectar for adult butterflies. With their broad leaves and distinctive flowers, milkweed plants add both beauty and functionality to any landscape.
  2. Butterfly Weed: Aptly named, butterfly weed is a favorite among butterflies, including monarchs. Sporting vibrant orange flowers, this perennial plant is a magnet for pollinators of all kinds. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, butterfly weed serves as a crucial nectar source for adult monarchs, fueling their long migrations and sustaining their populations.
  3. Purple Coneflower Plants: While renowned for their striking purple petals, purple coneflower plants boast more than just visual allure. These hardy perennials are a favorite among pollinators, including monarch butterflies. By planting purple coneflower in your garden, you not only enhance its beauty but also contribute to monarch conservation efforts by providing vital nectar resources.
Together, milkweed plants, butterfly weed, and purple coneflower plants form a trifecta of pollinator-friendly flora, essential for attracting and supporting monarch butterflies. By incorporating these plants into their landscapes, individuals can play a tangible role in monarch conservation, transforming their gardens into sanctuaries for these imperiled insects.
The distribution of free milkweed seeds by the Tennessee Department of Transportation represents a significant step forward in monarch conservation efforts. By empowering individuals to take action and providing them with the means to do so, TDOT and partnering nurseries like TN Nursery are fostering a sense of collective responsibility towards protecting our natural heritage.
However, the fight to save the monarch butterfly is far from over. It requires sustained commitment and collaboration from individuals, communities, and governments alike. Whether through planting pollinator-friendly gardens, supporting local conservation initiatives, or advocating for policies that protect wildlife and their habitats, each of us has a role to play in ensuring the monarch's survival.
As we stand at a critical juncture in the monarch's plight, let us heed the call to action and join hands in safeguarding these iconic butterflies for generations to come. By working together, we can turn the tide against extinction and create a future where monarchs continue to grace our skies, reminding us of the resilience and beauty of the natural world
submitted by Blogstra to BloggersLink [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:50 errorstar Disney Thanksgiving SVG Free Cut Files

Welcome on a journey of creativity and festive spirit, the unique blend of Disney magic and the Thanksgiving holiday presents Disney Thanksgiving SVG, a delightful opportunity for DIY enthusiasts and Disney fans alike. The fusion of these themes allows for the creation of unique, personalized projects that can bring a touch of enchantment to the Thanksgiving season. With the resources available at, the possibilities are endless for crafting memorable pieces that capture both the essence of Disney’s beloved characters and the warmth of Thanksgiving.

Bringing Disney Magic to Thanksgiving Crafts

The charm of Disney characters, when incorporated into Thanksgiving projects, can transform traditional holiday decor and gifts into whimsical creations that appeal to all ages. Imagine crafting Mickey Mouse-themed placemats or Minnie Mouse napkin rings to adorn your Thanksgiving table. These Disney SVG files allow for a seamless integration of such beloved characters into your holiday setup, ensuring that your decorations stand out with a playful yet sophisticated touch.

Personalized Projects with a Twist

Personalization is at the heart of DIY projects, and what better way to personalize your Thanksgiving crafts than by incorporating Disney SVG files? Whether you’re creating custom t-shirts featuring classic Disney characters dressed in Thanksgiving attire or designing unique home decor with subtle Disney elements, these SVG files provide the flexibility to tailor your projects to your preferences and themes. For instance, a custom-made welcome sign with the silhouette of Cinderella’s castle and Thanksgiving motifs can greet guests with a warm and inviting message.

Creative Ideas for Disney Thanksgiving Crafts

  1. Thanksgiving Cards with Disney Characters: Design and print Thanksgiving cards that feature Disney characters expressing gratitude and friendship. These can serve as special mementos for friends and family, reminding them of cherished moments shared together.
  2. Disney Character Table Centerpieces: Create table centerpieces that showcase Disney characters in Thanksgiving scenes. A centerpiece featuring Winnie the Pooh and friends gathered around a honey pot, for example, can add a heartwarming and festive touch to your table setting.
  3. Custom Disney Thanksgiving Apparel: Utilize SVG files to make custom apparel, such as aprons, t-shirts, or hats, adorned with Disney characters celebrating Thanksgiving. This not only adds a fun element to the holiday attire but also makes for great photo opportunities during family gatherings.
  4. Disney Thanksgiving Wreaths Craft a welcoming wreath for your door featuring elements from both Disney and Thanksgiving. Use SVG cut files to create silhouettes of Mickey Mouse ears adorned with fall leaves, pumpkins, and acorns. Incorporating classic autumn colors with a touch of Disney magic can create a festive entrance to your home.
  5. DIY Disney Thanksgiving Garlands Design a garland that blends Thanksgiving symbols with Disney characters. Imagine stringing together cutouts of Mickey Mouse-shaped pumpkins, autumn leaves, and the iconic Cinderella pumpkin carriage. This garland can serve as a charming decoration for your mantle or dining room, adding a whimsical yet elegant touch to your holiday decor.
  6. Custom Disney Thanksgiving Placemats Using SVG files, create placemats that feature Disney characters in a Thanksgiving feast setting. Characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse sharing a Thanksgiving meal can engage children at the table and add a fun element to your dining experience.

Tips for Maximizing Disney SVG Files in Your Crafts

The Joy of Crafting with SVG Files

The joy of crafting with Disney SVG files from lies in the ability to merge the creative freedom these files offer with the personal significance of Thanksgiving traditions. These projects not only allow for the expression of individual creativity but also foster a sense of togetherness as families come together to celebrate the holiday with a touch of Disney magic.


As we approach the Thanksgiving season, the integration of Disney-themed SVG files into our celebrations opens up a world of creativity and festive cheer. Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a novice looking to add a personal touch to your holiday, the wealth of resources available at provides an excellent starting point for your Disney-themed Thanksgiving projects. Let the magic of Disney inspire you to create unforgettable memories this Thanksgiving.
submitted by errorstar to freesvgdownload [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:49 Jealous-Split1279 Has Photoshop always been stealing our art, or is this new?

This policy sounds wayyyy too directed to machine learning imo
" 4.2 Licenses to Your Content. Solely for the purposes of operating or improving the Services and Software, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free sublicensable, license, to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on, publicly perform, and translate the Content. For example, we may sublicense our right to the Content to our service providers or to other users to allow the Services and Software to operate as intended, such as enabling you to share photos with others. "
submitted by Jealous-Split1279 to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:45 TiodoGais Hell survival Manual - How to get out of Hell (Part 5)

If you missed my grand entrance into the silver city, I recommend reading my last post.
If nothing here makes sense to you, start from the very beginning.
I apologize for the long period without news. I received an unexpected visit, and because of it, I was bedridden for quite some time. I'm grateful that my boss saw everything happen—I mean, saw what he thought was happening—and assured me that I would receive financial assistance while I recover.
Did you know that if you don't have most of your documents, the hospital bombards you with questions? It's pretty obvious, isn't it? It's a shame I didn't think of that while I was being taken there; I could have jumped out of the car and avoided the headache.
Jokes aside, the last few weeks have brought me answers. Maybe I have a chance to correct some mistakes. Maybe all of this wasn't just a desperate final act to gain favor with the Lord. This place has been much more useful than I anticipated.
Today's post is important because I finally have the chance to talk about the most precious information one can have when condemned to the abyss: how to escape it.
But before I start walking through my memories, I need to tell you guys how I ended up in this miserable state.
In short, I got into a fistfight with an angel.
And If you think I got all busted up, you should see the other guy!
As I mentioned in my last post, beings from the depths of Tartarus have been haunting me since my escape. Jailers of rotting flesh, insectoids with multiple faces that recount countless insults to my person.
With focus and meditation, I can ignore them during the day, endure them at night, and pray not to encounter them in my dreams. Although this last one always seems to happen, I usually manage to carry on with my life relatively well.
I just didn't knew that hell wasn't the only realm keeping an eye on me. With that in mind now, I should have noticed that something was wrong.
I have been having strange encounters.
A taxi driver who, instead of taking me to my apartment, guided me without me noticing to the nearest Catholic church and vanished with the car as quickly as he arrived.
A lady in the park who watched over me throughout the period I spent enjoying my late afternoon near the lake. I don't remember the color of her eyes, but something tells me she had more than one pair.
And the most recent one, a beggar who threw me against the wall as I exited through the back of the burger joint with my boss.
I couldn't see him arrive because he wasn't there initially; it's as if he had materialized from thin air in a matter of seconds.
I remember opening the door and heading towards the gutter, then an unbearable heat enveloped my body for a brief moment, and I was thrown against the wall.
At first, I also thought it was just a random bum trying to rob me, but the spectral glow in his eyes, the way reality slightly warped around his body, and his voice that echoed in my mind like the roar of a beast told me otherwise.
I... panicked.
You see, I am doing everything I can to avoid setting foot in Gehenna again. Until that attack, I clung to the comforting fact that I am out of that prison, that they can't hurt me anymore.
So when one of the soldiers from the celestial ranks pushed me against the wall, wrapping his heavy hands around my neck, a primordial fear crumbled my will. I could barely struggle as he roared in my mind.
"To dust thou returned, and cannot stay here. Thy soul, stained by the ashes of hell, is marked by the blood of the star. In thee, he sees a way out; in thee, the holy sees a mistake."
In his eyes, I could recognize pity and hatred.
He saw me as something so small and fragile, something to be protected from the claws of sin. One of the Creator's toys that had been so rudely broken and was now fighting against the rules that guide existence.
In his own words, a mistake. One that needed to be fixed.
Even with such a fragile appearance, his strength was tremendous. He squeezed my throat while whispering apologies in my mind. I could see demons approaching in the darkness, ready to grasp my soul in my final moments.
My heart racing, my mind almost devoid of oxygen, I could no longer think straight—I was going to die.
I stretched my arms against the wall, anything would do, any way to defend myself.
My hand closed around something cold and heavy, and with all my strength, I pulled.
Adrenaline is a powerful drug. I managed to wrench one of the rusty bars from the window and hit him with all I had.
The blow sent him into the street, where a van ran him over shortly after.
My boss insists that I had a panic attack and that in my altered state, I ended up throwing a loose iron rod at a school van, scaring some poor kid shitless, before fainting on the ground.
This brings me many questions.
Now more than ever, I feel paranoid, watched.
And knowing that people wouldn't even know if I were being attacked terrifies me.
I feel like my time is running out, something horrible is about to happen. So without further ado, I must fulfill my purpose and at least help you while we still walk in the same plane.
Hell is a place of torture and punishment, the reward our sins earn us in the afterlife, but it is also a prison.
It's not just for the sinners who wander the circles in search of a light that has long rejected them, but also for the original evil—the serpent that hisses hatred long before humanity even dreamed of existing.
The being forged when the Creator and the original angels still roamed the cosmos, shaping and expanding it.
He who was once God´s favorite, but has since fell with a third of the stars.
The one who commands faithful followers both on Earth and in the depths.
The concept of time in hell is complicated; some circles distort your perception, and two hours can suddenly become two minutes.
Combine this with the lack of natural light and claustrophobic confinements, and you will see that most of the slaves in the Silver City go through years like zombies, one day indistinguishable from the next, unaware if they have been there for a day or a decade.
In my fourth year as Jack's torture toy, this condition was affecting me aggressively.
Over the years, Jack had opened my schedule, allowing me to work under the orders of some of his followers in other regions of his kingdom, still confined behind the walls and never seeing the light of day.
My schedule was cruel and irregular, so much so that even today I must admit that I am not confident in stating that only four years have passed. In the morning, Astaroth would play with my mind; I lived a thousand lives with a thousand deaths, the profane void and the painful light of the vastness, my mind reduced to ashes and then expanded beyond the confines of my skull.
Immediately after, I was blindfolded and taken to the Pleasure zone, where I was forced to synthesize drugs and beverages from the blood of beasts and fungi.
In the floor directly below one of the main sales points of the Scarlet Maiden, the most purchased drug in the city, I worked for hours grinding and heating, accumulating terrible blisters and burns while my mind was numbed by the aroma and visions.
In a hot and cramped room, I was joined by five other slaves, and there we spent most of the day.
Deaths from overdose were common, some fell from excessive work, others were killed for pure pleasure. Our guards were always incredibly high and enjoyed mistreating us to maintain their sense of power.
Pawns so low in the hierarchy of the infernal king, probably venting years of spite in our daily sessions.
From time to time, the owner of the operation would come down to check the quality of the product, which was never refined enough, and would punish us for it.
By order of the king, he wouldn't lay a hand on me, but he made me watch and often forced me to participate in the torture of my colleagues. Fingers cut off, teeth pulled out, hot iron spikes on the backs of those who spilled even a gram of his precious product.
The things I was forced to do still keep me awake.
And always accompanying him, I saw her.
Unfortunately for Mice, the girl brought with me did not meet her end in his perverted arms, but in the hands of one of Jack's captains. Always with a distant look, drugged beyond her limit, following her master like an obedient dog.
Occasionally, she would watch me with a hint of sanity in her eyes.
While her master punished us. she often tried to approach me, but always without success.
When the work was done, I was put to sleep with gas and woke up again imprisoned in the palace catacombs, ready to endure another session of agony before sleep.
Day after day, this insanity continued, my long-diminished hope was exhausted, I became a shadow, a shell of my former self, ready to follow the next order, begging for mercy that was never granted.
This cycle continued until one particular night, when I woke up again below the castle, chained to the wall, with a decrepit old man beside me.
For some reason, Astaroth had let me rest that night; I should have suspescted something was wrong.
In the darkness, his face was hard to discern. I remember terrible dark circles, short and damaged gray hair. His eyes were sunken, pulling you in like ocean waves, his lips cut, and what seemed to be terrible gashes on his neck.
"So... it's true?" the old man murmured, breaking the silence.
"What are you talking about?"
"I've heard that madman's ravings many times, but this sounds different; there's some ground that supports the theory this time."
"I don't have time for the ramblings of a senile old man."
"Do you really have the Mark of the Beast?"
I stared into his eyes, recalling the same claim coming from my captor's mouth.
That fucking mark, up until then, I thought it was just an excuse that bastard Mice used to save his own neck, one that had cost me four years of confinement.
But there was a fearful weight in the old man's voice; his words carried a sense of truth.
"What is this damn mark? Ever since I set foot in this cursed city, I've been treated like merchandise, my mind scourged night after night because of this shit! You're all mistaken, you're wasting your time! Leave me alone!"
"Haven't you noticed anything strange, young man? We're just a bunch of damned souls in hell, but don't you feel that your stay has been particularly difficult? As if the very ground fights to keep you here?"
"I've listened to the ramblings of the collector who found you; you were captured by an angel, weren't you? That doesn't usually happen. Something attracted it, just like the Succubus, just like the beasts."
"I'm just a wretched soul; there's nothing more to it. I'm only getting what I deserve! I should have been patient, Holly didn't deserve that, but she was going to tell everything! She was going to show the photos, and I was going to lose my job, my damn family, my house! I saw no other way! And now I'm paying for it, nothing more, nothing less..."
"Do you really think that's all there is to it? So many here with souls far more rotten than yours, yet still surrounded by pleasure and power. If hell worked as you think, why would Jack have what he has? Why would sinners be able to raise such a heresy as this metropolis?"
"I don't know, damn it! I just want all of this to end! I just want to go home!"
In the moments that followed, the old man pondered something in his mind, looking avidly into the darkness, fearing we were being watched, and then he said calmly, "I know a way out."
Despair is dangerous; the lack of a path, of a light, brings out the worst in humanity. Surrounded by eternal darkness, I was presented with a way out of torment, and it was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
"Don't say anything, just listen to me. If what I've heard about you is true, there is a chance. But I'll only tell you everything if you promise to take me with you. I'll withhold details as we travel to make sure you don't betray me. You'll do everything I say, how I say it, when I say it, or the deal is off."
"Wait, travel? To where?"
"The ninth circle of hell, of course, where the one who marked you is eagerly waiting. There, he holds a passage to a higher plane, where perhaps one can obtain a new body. "
A shock ran through my heart, a new body.
A way out of here.
"Even if all of this is true, how do you suppose we escape from here? It's not like Jack will suddenly repent of his sins and set us free overnight."
"That part I'll leave to you. Think of it as a test of your abilities. If you can get us out of here, it will serve as proof that you can handle the journey to the depths of the abyss. If we get caught, I'll know I was wrong about you."
We didn't talk for the rest of the night. I couldn't sleep either; how could I? My mind was restless with the possibility of salvation, an escape route from all the pain, a new chance at life. I just needed to get us out of there, but how? Trapped in the catacombs, without even the grace of seeing the city, I had no idea what things were like on the surface. I couldn't formulate a plan.
At least, not alone.
Patiently, I waited, the days passing by, torturous and merciless. But in that moment, I had gained a frightening resilience, with something to cling to, hope had flourished again, I thought not even the corrupted shadows of the city could shake me anymore.
Damn, was I wrong.
Finally, the day I had been waiting for arrived. You see, with so many slaves falling from excessive work and cruelty, an exchange would happen from time to time, and some familiar faces would appear when I was lucky.
On that day, when the blindfold was removed, I had to hold back from showing my happiness.
In the laboratory with me was John, tied to a wooden table in the corner grinding fungi with a leather mask, and in the middle, cracking open beasts' skulls with a giant hammer, was the gigantic man who had been captured with me.
A long day followed, the smell of sweat, blood, and drugs intensifying with each passing hour.
My eyes were keenly watching the movement of the guards, restless and anxious. It was almost a daily ritual, the moment they secretly entered the stockroom to 'evaluate the quality of the product.'
Precious few minutes when we were left alone.
As always, the guards grew tired of the trembling and tapping feet and retreated to the stockroom, threatening us with the loss of our eyes if we told anyone. As soon as the door closed, I got up and went directly to John.
As naturally as I could, I put on the leather mask and pretended to help him with the fungi while whispering by his side:
"I don't have time to explain, but I might be able to get us out of here, and I need your help to do it."
His calloused hands stopped working, dropping the equipment on the table.
"What?! Nate, is this true?"
"Don't turn to me, keep working."
Slowly, he returned to mashing the fungi and sorting them into small bags. He was trembling, making mistakes; hope in hell can easily shake anyone.
"What do you need?"
"Information, you work outside too, don't you?"
"Selling everything to the addicts who come from the lower city, but I don't know if I trust my life to anything that comes out of their mouths."
"That's something already. I need to know everything, even if it doesn't seem important. Please tell me, maybe we can-" — A heavy hand landed on my shoulder.
That behemoth of a person was standing right behind me.
He had heard everything.
Even with the constant cacophony of the equipment, the incessant blabbering from the upper store, and the lower tone of our voices, he had listened. He knew we were trying to escape.
"I want in."
"A cripple and a pile of sticks? There's no way in hell you two are escaping this city without my help. If you want to do this, I'm coming along. If not, the guards will have a nice little surprise when they come back."
I could hear footsteps approaching. His expression made his intentions clear. I had no other choice at the moment but to include him in the team.
"Damn it, fine! Information, as much as you can get. When we meet here in the lab, we'll share everything we've discovered. Once we have a plan, we start taking action."
The door opened, and the soldiers entered, still with their masks down and their noses full of powder, seeing each of us quietly in our respective places.
In the following weeks, with the extra help, I was able to learn a lot about the flow of drugs and weapons in the city.
The Greek god of a man is named Yudi, and when he's not in the lab, he spends his days carrying metal plates to the lower city until his feet bleed.
With him, we discovered that about twice a month, the Collectors go out in droves through the gates toward Lust in search of fresh meat, taking with them an absurd amount of metal to supply the numerous outposts scattered throughout the circle.
John had discovered that a significant portion of the merchants in the Pleasure Zone use this expedition to transport a large part of their stock to the higher circles right under Jack's nose. On the night before the group's departure, the masters' most valued slaves are chosen to carry box after box to a certain warehouse in the lower city. There, the Collectors take their share of the deal and hide the goods in their cars before the day begins.
The collectors' parts are properly marked, and the rest is supposedly not opened.
In the darkness of the dungeon, my mind began to formulate a plan. If we could find a way to stay in the lab until the end of the shift, we might be able to infiltrate the merchandise and escape the Silver City through the front gate.
There were still many problems: the merchandise was moved at night, precisely when we were taken to our respective 'dormitories'. Our absence would surely be noticed. And how on earth were we supposed to even know which box would be moved to the warehouse and which would be sold the next day?
If we were to do that, we needed more information, but we also needed to be quick.
Up until that point since the old man's arrival, Astaroth and Jack had left me alone. If they decided to do another torture session, the Archduke of Hell would claim domain over my mind again and know exactly what I was planning to do.
I shivered, thinking about what horrors would await me after that.
Each night before bed, I updated the old man on the progress of my plan, asking for details on exactly how we would escape from that cursed plane when we reached the ninth circle. But that bastard never said anything, just looked at me waiting for my next move.
Afraid of losing the precious window that had opened for me, I foolishly decided that it would be better if we acted quickly and forced fate to smile upon us for a change.
When I woke up in the laboratory the next day, I took advantage of the guards busy fucking with their own minds to tell my colleagues the plan.
It was insane, but what in that pit of despair was coherent?
On rare occasions, the old man graced us with his presence in the laboratory; because of the agreement, he had to come along. I gave the excuse that he knew of a safe place where we could rest if we managed to escape. It wasn't convincing, but what other choice did they have but to accept?
When the four of us were working together, we would act. Thanks to John, I found out that we didn't always work the day shift in the laboratory; every other day, we spent entire nights in that damn cramped place.
If we caused a distraction, we could use the panic to invade the stockroom and hide among the merchandise that would be mislaid. The slaves would take us to the Warehouse, and from there, we would rely on luck for them to be too busy searching for us in the Upper City to find us.
We would have to leave before Jack was notified of our escape; with Astaroth by his side, there was no place in the city where we could hide.
Luckily, nobody wants to be the one to bring bad news to the psycho.
With the plan set, we began to act.
Having no idea the self-appointed King of Hell was already well aware of our actions.
The day I escaped from the Silver City was also the day I officially gave up my humanity while in hell.
Hatred, anger, they consume the heart of everyone, from the purest to the most honorable, not that I am anywhere close to being either of those things.
Even to this day, I still feel dirty, undeserving to be here now, and I know it all too well, but still, I do not regret the things I did to survive.
The plan had started well, with all of us together in the laboratory feeling anxious with every passing second, my stomach churning, my hands trembling. I didn't know how to act normally anymore, didn't want to raise suspicions, so I hyperfocused on my work, waiting for the end of the shift.
Cutting muscles from beasts, roasting ground fungus powder with a meat-like texture, slowly being numbed by the sweet aroma that always hung in the laboratory.
The sound of footsteps upstairs had considerably reduced, one of the signs that the shop was about to close, I looked at Yudi and nodded.
You know, the strange fungus that grows on the walls of the city has some interesting characteristics, they call it Dead Man's Fiber, to the touch it's like touching wrinkled skin, when ground and heated, a strange reaction causes it to become slimy and acidic, sticking to human muscle it devours it, generating a byproduct in the form of orange powder. The unrefined form of Scarlet Maiden.
In this state, the drug is highly unstable, and upon contact with water, it rapidly increases its temperature, which can give you horrible burns.
Or, if there's a sufficient amount, an explosion.
Throughout the day, little by little, we gathered five small bags filled with the byproduct, hiding them beneath the many empty bags scattered in the corner.
When I nodded, Yudi slowly rose and headed to the pile; the soldiers had once again left to get high, so he quickly planted the powder bags around the boiler, attracting curious glances from the poor souls accompanying us on that shift.
I hoisted John onto my back, the old man following closely behind, and we positioned ourselves at the edge of the stairs.
As soon as Yudi saw that we were ready, he lifted the water jug we received at the beginning of each day and threw it toward the boiler.
Then, chaos.
An explosion caused the floor directly above the boiler to collapse, powder and chemical gases making it nearly impossible to see more than a foot ahead, screams and cries of pain ensued.
One of the slaves who accompanied us was caught in the blast; an iron pipe from the boiler had pierced his neck, pinning him to the wall, the last customers of the shop above were caught in the flames that rose like a mushroom through the hole that opened in the floor.
Soldiers hurried down the stairs to control the fire, not seeing us pressed against the wall, we quietly went up as soon as everyone descended to control the damage.
John guided us to the stockroom; we had little time until the merchandise was moved to be saved from the flames.
I could already hear murmurs from outside; the distraction had worked, we had drawn attention.
Perhaps, too much of it.
In the darkness of the stockroom, it was hard to see anything; dozens of boxes filled the space, mostly unmarked. We had no idea which ones to break into.
"What now? Do we just pick at random? You told us you had a plan!" Yudi said, pulling at my shirt.
"Now is not the time for this!" John said somewhere in the dark. "Fuck, just...I don't know, pry open one of the smaller ones! There's supposed to be a way for the collectors to know which one to pick, maybe there's something inside!"
"Look at how many boxes there are! The fire is already spreading, it won't take long till-" Yudi was interrupted by a pound at the door.
"Open this fucking door already! I want my powder safe and sound, do you hear me! Useless bitch, hurry up!"
What little time we had was about to be over. I could faintly see scared eyes looking at me for answers in the darkness. My heart was pounding, and I just wanted to get out of there.
I noticed a pile of boxes that was more isolated than the others. Without light, it was hard to tell, but with no other choice, I hurried towards them.
The door was about to give in; we would have to rely on luck.
We opened two boxes, put on the leather masks in an attempt to avoid inhaling too much of the drug, and split up, hiding within the merchandise. I stayed with John, trusting that Yudi would take care of the old man.
The door gave in with a loud thud.
"Quick, you incompetents! I want every damn gram secured! And you, slut, get two more and get this shit out of here now! If Jack shows up, he's going to ask questions, and questions ruin an honest man's business."
The screams and footsteps, the smell of the drug making me dizzy, the smoke from the fire engulfing the shop. We were hurriedly moved to the elevator, and as I felt us descending, a wave of relief filled my heart.
Through the small cracks in the wood, I could distinguish the lower city slowly growing larger, the plan was working as intended.
I remember John smiling.
Maybe it was the drug, maybe it was the euphoria of the moment, but I remember being happy to have him with me.
...I miss him.
We were led to the warehouse, where they left the boxes and abandoned us in the darkness. I could hardly believe how well the plan was going.
Looking back now, I realize I was a fool.
The collectors never checked the boxes; they just loaded them onto the cars.
Before I could connect the dots, we were passing through the silver gates. Looking through the crack, I had once again the full view of that sin-ridden skeleton, and even as I moved away from it, I felt in my heart that I had already been touched by the city, and it tends to always reclaim what belongs to it.
The truck that was carrying us headed towards the Spire until the crown of the first circle was nothing more than a small dot on the horizon.
And then, it stopped.
"Why now? We haven't reached the spire yet, why stop now?" John whispered nervously in front of me.
Before I could respond, a chilling shiver ran down my spine upon hearing Mice's voice.
"Well, I think the little show has gone on long enough, hasn't it?"
The lid of our box opened, and I could hear the pumping sound of a shotgun. Above, Mice and two companions grinned maliciously at us.
"Well, well, what do we have here? Jack's new favorite little toy and his buddy! Care to tell me what you're doing in my shit?"
"Please, Mice, you can have the drugs, just let us go!" I pleaded.
Mice laughed, laughed so hard that his fucked-up lungs gave him a coughing fit. After composing himself, he ordered us to be taken out of the box. Yudi and the old man were already kneeling in the sand with their hands on their heads.
"Oh, fucking amazing! Hold on, let me get this straight. You really thought your dumbass idea would work out so well? Holy shit, buddy, you're really stupid, haha! Listen here, I'll tell you a little secret."
Mice approached my face, pressing the shotgun barrel against my chin.
"You would never have even found your little buddies again if Jack hadn't ordered it."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on! Use your fucking head! Everything so convenient, so perfect, your whole plan worked because Jack wanted it to. Your encounter with the old man, the information that reached your colleagues, the timings lining up, the guards leaving, all observed, all permitted."
My face contorted in horror; once again, I was nothing but a pawn, a toy of that maniac. Astaroth would always watch us, the king always controlling every miserable inch of his kingdom.
"Why!? Why would he let us get this far?"
"Something in your ultimate fate pleases him. If he can't extract any information from you, he'll just let you guide him to what he wants, won't he?"
"But then, why stop us now?"
Mice chuckled.
"Ding ding ding! This is the question of the moment! Congratulations, idiot, some neuron up there still works as it should! You see, I never cared about that mangy mutt. Jack is just a little baby who luckily gained a lot of power, if he's so afraid of what your mark represents like this, it means that you pose a danger to his empire, through you I'll have the chance to take the throne that has always belonged to me!"
Mice was interrupted by a sound, Yudi laughing as he watched kneeling.
With a smile, Mice approached, knelt in front of Yudi, carefully dusted the drug powder from his shoulders, and asked: "And what's so funny about that to you?"
"It's nothing, it's just that you call us idiots, but if you think you can usurp the throne with two piles of muscles and a tough attitude, you're even dumber than you seem to be."
The smell of gunpowder invaded my mind before I could process what had happened.
I remember touching my head, something was stuck in my hair, I lowered my hand and saw myself holding a loose tooth. "I heard a howl of fear, but why fear?
My ears were ringing, I couldn't think straight.
Yudi was lying back.
His skull sprawled across the sand, stained by a scarlet puddle.
"Oops, my bad, loose finger and all that."
"You motherfucker!" I lunged toward Mice, the barrel of his gun slowly turning towards me.
"No, no, no! I don't think so! If you lot wish to stay alive and not get a one-way ticket straight to Lust, where we already have some scouts ready to capture you, I must point out, you will behave!"
All that, just to become someone's toy again, I could hardly believe it.
Looking at Yudi's body, I wondered if he had felt any pain, the harder I made it for Mice, the better. Maybe if I were quick, I could escape the collectors in Lust.
But then, while I pondered, others acted.
The old man lunged at one of Mice's companions, biting his neck with all his might. The second one, startled, reached for his holster, but John quickly grabbed his legs, bringing him down to the ground.
They were willing to fight, to die for a chance.
Mice turned the gun towards them, pumping the shotgun once again. "Damn it, can't you do anything right? Stay still! I can't aim like this!"
I saw the opportunity and grabbed the shotgun.
A deadly tug-of-war ensued, punches and kicks thrown in an attempt to take control of the weapon, the power to kill. I was malnourished, still weak, tired, and slightly high. Mice was an experienced Collector, a bloodthirsty killer who had faced demons head-on. It was only a matter of time before he overpowered me.
I gave up pulling the shotgun towards me and pushed it with all the weight of my body towards Mice. We fell and rolled in the dry sand, the gun stopping a few feet ahead.
I crawled to the shotgun, Mice holding onto my feet and pulling me into another exchange of punches.
I don't know what came over me, all the anguish, all the fury and fear accumulated until that moment exploded into rage. I gave up on the gun and threw myself at Mice, landing repeated punches to his head.
Again, adrenaline is a powerful drug.
Screaming, without full control of my arms, I punched, I punched until Mice's face was nothing but a red mess, until his arms stopped retaliating, until his chest stopped breathing. I continued until tears filled my eyes and sobs choked my throat.
I looked at my hands, and the weight of what I had done became clear in my mind.
Killing a person changes you; you can feel life slipping away from their eyes. Even in that place, where death is just the beginning of another cycle of pain, it still holds its weight.
The old man's screams of pain snapped me out of my trance. His efforts were admirable, but he was eventually thrown to the ground, where the Collector attempted to strangle him. I grabbed the shotgun, and out of pure instinct, I struck the Collector's head with all my strength. He immediately fell onto the old man, the base of the gun now adorned with a red stain.
Looking to the side, John was trying to wrest the gun from the Collector, without success. In the distance, I could see dust rising; we weren't alone. The king had noticed that something was amiss.
The old man took the gun from my hands and opened a hole in the Collector's chest, who collapsed like a house of cards onto the dry ground.
The spire was visible; we needed to go. With John in my arms, I ran.
"Leave him behind! He'll do nothing but slow us down!"
I could feel John's embrace tighten. He knew he was a burden; he knew what they would do to him if we left him behind. I could feel his fear.
Ignoring the protests, I headed towards the spire.
They were getting closer; I could discern the caravan amidst the cloud of dust.
Upon reaching the spire, Aecus's judgmental gaze bore down on us coldly. Remembering Mice's words, I approached.
"Oh Aeacus! King of Aegina, my heart is not pure for rest, my eyes are blind to injustice, and my fists only weigh for my desires. From dust I came and to dust I return, my soul judged to forever burn, so I beg you to open the doors to my torment."
His cold gaze remained unmoved; the Spire would not heed my words.
"This won't work. We need to go to the lower circles. It would be incredible if we could get Rhadamanthus's attention, but at the top of Hell, it's hard for him to hear us."
"What do we do now? I've done my part; I got us out of the city. Do yours and take us to the Ninth Circle!"
The old man looked at me, his eyes burning with fury; for a moment, it seemed like there was a dark gleam in his eyes. He calmed himself and approached the entrance.
The followers of the morning star follow his teachings in exchange for secrets and powers greater than a mere sinner could ever dream of. How to survive in such a ruthless terrain, how to tame and enchant demons and spirits, how to change oneself.
The old man whispered words in a convoluted language forgotten by time. Aecus began to chant in response, and the spire trembled in anticipation, the chamber taking on a sinister glow.
Without looking back, the old man said, "A wish for a wish, a will for a gift, Blood taken in exchange for bliss"
"What the fuck are you?" I asked.
"Nathanael, you have a choice to make. Do you want to escape Hell? Do you want your life back?"
"Of course!"
"Then John must die."
A chill ran down my spine. Nothing comes easy in the abyss. Only pain, only suffering.
John begged for mercy, and in my mind, I knew what I had to do, the price Minos demanded for his services. The old man merely watched me.
John fought, struggled until the last second.
He threw himself off my back and crawled through the sand towards the caravan, which was slowly approaching.
"I'm sorry, John."
I dragged him by the stumps of his legs into the depths of the spire. He tried to cling to the ground, breaking his nails in the process. I threw him against the inner wall, and in that moment, both of us could feel it.
The Spire would claim him.
There would be no turning back; death would be eternal. Nothingness would embrace him.
I had to ensure he wouldn't escape.
With tears in my eyes, I broke his arms, his screams still haunt me. Even to this day, I suffer from it; every morning, I hear his whispers, every night, his screams keep me awake.
I did what I had to do to survive.
I wished there was another option. I wished so much that John was still by my side, but Hell was devised in such a way that even something as simple as friendship is only allowed for punishment.
I tried to be quick. With one of the rocks from outside, I broke his knees, turned around, and left.
"Nate, please! Please, Nate, don't do this to me! You bastard, what did I ever do to you? I hope you suffer, you piece of shit! Burn a thousand times in the deepest pit of this place!"
When I left, a black mass flooded the chamber, and I could see as Nate was consumed by the Spire. Until the moment they were dissolved, his eyes never stopped looking at me in that way, with palpable hatred.
At that moment, I realized that everything I had suffered until then was justified, I belong in Hell.
I tried to warn; I am not a good person.
The mass took on a purple glow, and the old man quickly pulled me inside. The last thing I saw before disappearing was the red glow of Jack's ring approaching in the caravan.
The air in Heresy is putrid, a constant miasma floats in the air like snowflakes, slowly filling your lungs and eventually killing you.
Outside the Spire in the center of the 6th circle, I noticed for the first time a strange mark on the back of my left hand.
A delta adorned with thorns.
But at that moment, I couldn't focus on it; all I could do was cry, huddled near the Spire, wondering if it was all really worth it.
"Let's go, he doesn't like to wait."
He looked at me, with a somber look in his eyes.
"Samael, the Morning Star, the true Lord of Hell."
These memories pain me, my hands tremble, and my eyes filled with water make it difficult to write.
I also still haven't fully recovered from the beating I took from that angelic being, so for today, we'll stop here.
Hell is an eternal prison, where everything and everyone are made and placed in such a way that at any moment they can be used against you.
Only pain will bring you a semblance of security, only agony will bring you power.
In this insane realm of trades, I should have realized that even the way out would exact a terrible price.
submitted by TiodoGais to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:35 Immediate-Tie5965 What happens if you get in an Accident while driving for lyft?

What happens if you get in an Accident while driving for lyft?
Imagine this scenario—you’re driving for Lyft on a rainy evening, ferrying passengers to their destinations. Suddenly, another car swerves into your lane and a collision ensues. You’re shaken, your vehicle is damaged, and you’re left wondering, "What now?" This blog post dives into the steps you should take if you find yourself in an accident while driving for Lyft.
We’ll cover everything from immediate actions to long-term legal advice, specifically for those in Scotch Plains, NJ.

Understanding Lyft’s Insurance Coverage

Lyft provides specific types of insurance coverage, but understanding what applies to you can be confusing. Here’s a breakdown:
When You’re Waiting for a Ride Request?
  1. Limited Coverage: Lyft offers limited liability coverage, which may not cover all damages or injuries.
  2. Your Insurance: You might need to rely on your personal auto insurance during this period.
En Route to Pick Up Passengers
  1. Primary Coverage: Lyft’s primary liability coverage kicks in, offering more comprehensive protection.
  2. Uninsured Motorist Coverage: This may also apply if the other driver is at fault and lacks sufficient insurance.
While Transporting Passengers
  1. Full Coverage: Lyft’s full insurance coverage is in effect, including both liability and comprehensive collision coverage.
  2. Medical Payments: Some states require additional medical payment coverage, which can help with immediate medical expenses.

When to Contact a Lyft Accident Attorney?

In some cases, you may need legal assistance to ensure you receive fair compensation. A Lyft accident attorney can help guide you through this process.
Assessing Your Need for Legal Help
  1. Serious Injuries: If you or your passengers suffer significant injuries, legal advice is crucial.
  2. Insurance Disputes: When there are disputes over coverage or compensation, an attorney can advocate on your behalf.
Locating an Attorney in Scotch Plains, NJ
  1. Specialized Lawyers: Look for a lyft accident lawyer in Scotch Plains NJ with experience in rideshare-related cases.
  2. Consultations: Many attorneys offer free consultations to evaluate your case and advise on next steps.

The Immediate Aftermath of a Lyft Accident

When an accident occurs, the first few moments are crucial. Your initial actions can significantly impact your safety and the outcome of any legal proceedings.
Ensure Safety First
  1. Check for Injuries: Assess yourself and your passengers for any injuries. Call emergency services if necessary.
  2. Move to Safety: If possible, move your vehicle to a safe location to avoid further collisions.
Inform Authorities
  1. Call the Police: Reporting the accident ensures that there is an official record, which can be crucial for insurance claims.
  2. File a Report: Make sure to get a copy of the police report for your records and future reference.
Gather Evidence
  1. Take Photos: Document the scene, including all vehicles involved and any visible damages.
  2. Collect Information: Exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver(s) and gather witness statements if possible.

Tips for Preventing Future Accidents

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to help you avoid future accidents while driving for Lyft:
Stay Alert
  1. Avoid Distractions: Keep your focus on the road and avoid using your phone while driving.
  2. Follow Traffic Laws: Adhere to speed limits and traffic signals to reduce the risk of accidents.
Vehicle Maintenance
  1. Regular Checks: Ensure your vehicle is in good condition with regular maintenance checks.
  2. Tire Safety: Pay special attention to tire conditions as they significantly impact driving safety.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Having a lyft accident attorney in Scotch Plains NJ, by your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
Expert Guidance
  1. Legal Expertise: Attorneys specializing in rideshare accidents have the knowledge to handle complex cases.
  2. Fair Compensation: They can help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for injuries and damages.
Navigating Legal Complexities
  1. Documentation: An attorney can assist with gathering and submitting necessary documentation.
  2. Negotiations: They can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, saving you time and stress.
submitted by Immediate-Tie5965 to u/Immediate-Tie5965 [link] [comments]

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submitted by ForeignWoodpecker254 to scorch_whistle6810758 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:29 Adept_Detective5013 Spirituality┃ The wrongness of spiritual teaching "be desireless" - guidance needed.

Hello, I'm in need of some pointers on a spiritual teaching.
I'd first like to put down some quotes about it from spiritual masters: "First, desire itself is Existence. The energy called desire is the same energy as Existence".
Your very being is desire; to be against it is to be against yourself and against all. To be against it is to be against the flowers and the birds and the sun and the moon. To be against it is against all creativity. Desire is creativity."
" If you bring awareness to your desiring process, it is a wonderful instrument. But if it finds unconscious expression, then it makes you run like madman."
"You made a statement that “desire is the source of all misery.” Desire is not the source of all misery; unfulfilled desire is the source of all misery. Fulfilled desires are the source of joy."
"It is generally attributed to Gautama Buddha that he said “desirelessness.” When he said “desirelessness,” he is not stupid to think that people can exist here without desire. He knows that without desire there is no existence. You wanting to be desireless itself is a big desire".
"TO BE TOTALLY FREE OF DESIRE WILL MAKE YOU DEAD -you will not be alive any more. That’s what has been taught: Be desireless! But what can you do? You can go on cutting desires; the more desires are cut, the poorer your life becomes. If all desires are destroyed, then you have committed suicide, spiritual suicide. No, desire is the energy of life, desire is life."
I'm having trouble understanding this certain teaching. I have thought about it in depth and meditated over it but I'd still need some help from fellow meditators. What I've gathered is the fact that desire itself is Life, it's force, creativity and presents the driving force behind humanity and our daily lives. If we had zero desires we would simply sit still, become a statue and drop dead. I can understand Buddha's quote where he claims that it's the source of all misery but it desires can also be positive and they do not have to necessarily affect us in a negative way. Many teachers preach that desire is the worst thing that you can ever be involved in and that we must completely eradicate it from our lives. So that's what caused my inquiry.
Kindly read what ill write down below and share your own thoughts:
- Can we desire a house, a partner from a presence of wellbeing and knowing fulfilled desires don't lead to being fully content? - Can we desire to purchase clothes we like, things we enjoy but not identify it as a prime source of our inner wellness? - Are we supposed to completely destroy desires and not want to do anything our lives, hence not making any kind of action towards anything at all or is this teaching more about being conscious about desires? - I've came across various spiritual content that the teaching of being desireless is often misunderstood, would you say that's true? - Do you have any positive desires in your life that don't continuously affect you negatively in any way?- Can you still have desires and subsequently buy things and enjoy them while not basing your whole worth on them?
Is this teaching commonly misinterpreted? I have heard that the desire itself isn't bad and that it's normal to have desires and they are natural aspects of human nature and we should have desires and that desires are the building blocks of everything that is done in life, from the society, buildings and to the health care system and so much more, what I've heard that it mostly has to do with "clinging" to that desire... would you say this teaching is understood wrongly and if so, can you explaing it based on your insight and understanding?
Based on various spiritual teachings, discourses from enlightened masters desires can also be understood as neutral, some desires can also be healthy and lead to imroving one's health and mind-state, and so on...
I'd greatly appreciate an in depth or even short answer on this subject matter.
Thank you for your time With love, a fellow meditator.
submitted by Adept_Detective5013 to streamentry [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:12 Mountain-Leader2722 The Chronicles of the Meridian War: A Tale of Sacrifice and Triumph

In the annals of galactic history, the Meridian War stands as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace and the price of security. It was a conflict that spanned the stars, a war waged not just with weapons, but with the very essence of courage and determination that defines the human spirit.
The war began with the rise of the Terminids, a species so alien and so voracious that entire planets fell victim to their insatiable hunger. The Super Earth High Command, guardians of our interstellar frontiers, watched with growing alarm as world after world succumbed to the Terminid blight. It was clear that a line had to be drawn, a stand had to be made, and it was on the planet Meridia that fate would have its say.
The Battle for Meridia
Meridia was a jewel in the cosmos, a planet teeming with life and potential. But as the Terminids approached, it became the frontline of an existential struggle. The High Command deployed the Terminid Control System (TCS), a network of defenses that promised to halt the Terminid advance. For a time, it worked, and hope blossomed like the flowers of Meridia's vast jungles.
But nature, in its infinite complexity, found a way. A mutation within the Terminid ranks gave birth to a Supercolony, a collective of creatures more resilient, more cunning, and more deadly than any had anticipated. The TCS, once the harbinger of victory, became a relic overnight, and Meridia transformed from paradise to battleground. The Terminids, a relentless swarm of mutated creatures, had pushed the galaxy to the brink of despair. Their Supercolony had overwhelmed the most sophisticated defenses. Meridia, once a beacon of life and hope, was now the epicenter of a war that threatened to consume all in its path.
The Ethical Dilemma
As the war raged, the ethical implications of the conflict became a burden too heavy to bear. The High Command faced a decision that would echo through eternity: to save the many, must the few be sacrificed? The answer came in the form of Dark Fluid, a substance of such power that its use meant not just the end of Meridia, but the potential beginning of a new era of warfare.
Operation Enduring Peace
Operation Enduring Peace was not just a mission; it was a final gambit, a desperate yet calculated strike to end the threat of the Terminids once and for all. The mission was simple in its objective, yet unimaginable in its cost. The Helldivers, an elite force of warriors, descended upon Meridia with the weight of history upon their shoulders. They descended upon Meridia, each aware that this mission could very well be their last. The battle that ensued was apocalyptic. The Terminids swarmed in numbers beyond comprehension, a sea of chitin and malice that sought to overwhelm. But the Helldivers held firm. they fought through the Terminid hordes, they endured the loss of comrades and the whispers of doubt, and they delivered the Dark Fluid to the heart of the planet. They fought not just for Super Earth, but for the very concept of a future free from fear. Each fallen comrade, each act of heroism, each moment of terror, was a testament to their unyielding spirit
At the heart of Meridia, the Helldivers reached their objective. The Dark Fluid was deployed, a pulse of energy that cascaded through the planet's core. The effect was instantaneous and catastrophic. Meridia's vibrant landscapes, its mountains, and its life-forms, all were consumed in a cataclysmic event that tore the fabric of space itself.
Meridia imploded, leaving behind a void where once there was life. The Terminids were halted, their spread contained, and the galaxy breathed a sigh of relief. In the aftermath, where Meridia once orbited, there was now a black hole—a silent sentinel and a grim memorial to the cost of peace. The Terminids' advance was halted, their Supercolony vanquished in the wake of the planet's destruction.
The galaxy mourned Meridia, even as it celebrated the end of the war. The actions of the Helldivers and the High Command were debated, analyzed, and eventually, understood. The choice they made was not one of conquest, but of protection. They had shouldered the unbearable burden of decision and acted with the courage that few could muster.
Operation Enduring Peace became a symbol, not of loss, but of determination. It was a message to the universe that the people of Super Earth, in the face of oblivion, would stand as one. They would make the hard choices, endure the unendurable, and emerge not as conquerors, but as guardians.
Operation Enduring Peace is a story that will be told for generations, a reminder of the price of peace and the valor required to maintain it. Fight of light against dark, of life against annihilation
submitted by Mountain-Leader2722 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:11 Difficult-Mood-6981 Fanfic! Give me your characters (if you like) and they’ll be in it!!

Hey everyone!!! So I'm brainstorming a fic and I thought it would be really fun to have my cat as a character in it, and so I also thought other people might want to share their OCs or their cats to be a character appearing in the story! I'll credit everyone if I do post it somewhere, right now I'm establishing broad story points so I have room for people's characters if they'd like for them to be there.
Time period is between cloudstars journey and mapleshades vengeance so I can somewhat reasonably not include many characters we do have in canon and instead have my own and your characters.
Due to this time period and the location being forest I unfortunately can't fit any Skyclan OCs into the story :(
But, if you have an OC you'd like to have included, give me some info about them that is necessary (clan, age, clan position, warrior name) and I'll put it in my list! Please also let me know if you're happy for you character to be altered when it comes to family so I can fit everyone together, if not I'll do my best to fit what you have into what I write.
If you'd like for your pet cat to be a character, feel free to tell me that too! I can either give them a name, clan and everything myself if you describe their appearance and personality (or DM a photo to me) or you can do the naming and clan selection :) whatever you prefer!
Kittypet and rogue/loner characters are also fine!
If you have a death in mind and when it would occur that would also be great lol, I don't want to kill anyone's character too soon or upset anyone by killing their character but some have to die LOL. if no one wants their baby to die that's fine I'll make my characters be the ones that die, but for you funny guys that have some elaborate death I can also fit that in if you want me to :3
If your character is a leader, deputy or medicine cat, we may have to all discuss together about succession and procession of everyone's characters, or I may have to not use anyone's characters as those roles and instead I'll make some up so that I'm not leaving anyone out or favouriting. If you have a character with one of these roles but are happy for them to be a warrior instead in this story, that's great too! They can still be a part of it, we just might have to give them a slightly different story in this compared to your story. Or just have them be youngein apprenticeship but have that role in the imagined future too.
And if people do like this idea I'll make sure to update regularly with how things are coming along as I plan and write <3
submitted by Difficult-Mood-6981 to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:11 Strange_History_394 A 100 things to do instead of waiting for Silksong news

A 100 things to do instead of waiting for Silksong news
Hey everyone, I only recently got familiar with Hollow Knight, so I haven't waited for Silksong to come out for as long as you do, but I get your frustrations. Instead of getting disappointed again and being angry at Team Cherry, let's see what you can do instead with your free time, shall we?
  1. Open the window and let some fresh air in your room, maybe look out the window and appreciate your city (or wherever you're living)
  2. Try to cook, make something simple if you're not good at it, a sandwich can do
  3. ​Drink a cup of water, you're probably dehydrated
  4. Do the dishes if you haven't, one by one
  5. Go to the grocery store to buy new food if your fridge is empty
  6. Eat a nice ice cream
  7. Clean any room in your house
  8. Look through your old items you had forgotten about
  9. See which one of them you should throw away or keep
  10. Think about that one thing that's been bothering you mentally
  11. Write about it somewhere
  12. On the topic of writing, try to write a journal entry, it's really not that hard
  13. If you're a writer, proofread the things you wrote, maybe there were some inconsistensies or grammar mistakes
  14. If you want to be a writer, begin that prompt that's been stuck in your head
  15. Finally read that book that's been gathering dust on your shelf
  16. Why not search for other books to read?
  17. Watch a book review on Youtube
  18. If it's easier for you, play any video on Youtube and use it as background noise while doing any of the things I've mentioned
  19. By the way, there are probably dozens, hundreds of videos in your "watch later" playlist! Maybe stop putting them off?
  20. If you're a youtuber or want to be one, begin making your first/next video
  21. Okay, still can't get Silksong off of your head? Do something that requires A LOT of time, for example... stop motion animation
  22. Grab your lego figures, anime figurines, make something out of clay - It doesn't matter - and begin filming your creation frame by frame
  23. Literally just film something, it doesn't have to be stop motion
  24. Draw! If you haven't drawn before, just try it. It doesn't matter if you lack skill, at least you're being creative.
  25. If you're an artist, finish that drawing you abandoned, or start drawing something you've wanted for a long time
  26. If you're an artist, practice anatomy, proportions, brush up on your color theory knowledge, anything!
  27. Try voice acting
  28. Did you make a to-do list and forgot about it? Well, do it!
  29. Are you still in school/college? Do your homework, prepare for the upcoming test or exam. Trust me, you'll be grateful later. It's summer? Well, everyone's school yeasituation is different
  30. On the topic of studying, everyone knows how distracting your phone is. Remove social media apps, turn off the notifications.
  31. Your phonescreen is definitely dirty, clean it.
  32. Watch that show/movie you've wanted to see for a long time
  33. Do you have pets? Spend some time with them, give them food, play with them, search for something new to buy for them.
  34. If you have a cat, let it watch a video showing birds. It will definitely pay attention. Bathe it, trim its nails.
  35. If you have a dog, walk it or teach​ it a new trick
  36. If you have fish, check up on them. Maybe they need new water in their tank. Maybe you forgot to feed them.
  37. If you have a bird or a rodent, check up on their cage. Clean it, give them new food, refresh their water bottle.
  38. Whatever, let's just get a new pet
  39. Oh crap, is there a fly or a mosquito in your house and you didn't bother to kill it? Do it. Your nerves are not worth the sounds.
  40. Your room probably sucks, man. So many unnecessary things lying around on your floor and desk. Clean it, rearrange it!
  41. *Sigh* are you still mad at Team Cherry for being silent? Let out your frustrations by screaming into your pillow as hard as you can.
  42. What are you wearing right now? Is it sweaty and dirty? Are there clothes lying around, ready to be put into the washing machine?
  43. Look for new clothes to buy online
  44. How about doing a whole shopping trip online? Search for things you want! Be careful with how much you spend though...
  45. Touch grass and go shopping outside!
  46. Okay wait, how about ACTUALLY touching grass, like, literally? It feels nice on your palms
  47. Do you have a fountain where you live? Look at it, admire it, let your mind rest
  48. Is your mind always thinking? Try meditating, even for a little bit
  49. If you have friends, call them, arrange something to do together, visit them
  50. Are your friends always busy or they live far away? Talk to any relatives you have. Especially your grandparents.
  51. Can't even do that? Well, not much I can do here to fulfill your need for social interaction. Maybe play a multiplayer game?
  52. Listen to that one song or playlist you've been putting off
  53. How about creating a playlist?
  54. Listen to an artist or a genre you haven't listened before
  55. Dance!
  56. Sing!
  57. Try writing song lyrics.
  58. Test yourself! How much time can you spend without going on social media once?
  59. Do you have a computelaptop but don't want to play anything? Go through websites you haven't seen before
  60. Go to Steam and look for games that might interest you. Is that Silksong in your wishlist? I... *sigh* why are you even looking there?
  61. Try doing that new makeup tutorial you saw
  62. Oh, you're a guy who's too afraid of being feminine? I mean, you gotta learn something new in life to make it fullfilling.
  63. Do you have long hair? Try a new haircut!
  64. Maybe wash your hair
  65. Or how about... taking a shower?
  66. Treat yourself to a nice bath
  67. How about putting a rubber duckie on the water?
  68. Or even better... take a nap
  69. Make your bed as cozy as possible
  70. ...when was the last time you changed your sheets? Or even washed them? Do it.
  71. Charge your phone, laptop or headphones
  72. Wash your face or hands
  73. Do you have a lot of clothes in your closet? Try to wear them in various different styles or combinations
  74. Trim your nails
  75. Do you grow plants? When was the last time you watered them?
  76. Do you want to grow something but you're too lazy? Try cacti. They're low maintenance.
  77. Is that a bee on your flower? Be friendly to it! Watch it carefully.
  78. Do you always feel tired? Are your bones stiff? Try doing simple exercises that don't require gym equipment!
  79. Maybe look again at your diet. Do you eat too much greasy and sugary food and not enough nutrients? Some simple apples can do
  80. Then again, if you DO go the gym and haven't done it today yet, you should visit it
  81. Are you someone who likes to renovate? Change your apartment or house. Paint the walls a different colour, rearrange your furniture.
  82. Is there a TV in your house that you don't use outside of gaming? Look through the channels once again like you used to when you were a kid
  83. Do you have money you don't know where to spend? Donate!
  84. Do you have an old camera? Take pictures with it if you can
  85. Better yet, if you're a photographer, photograph something interesting or new
  86. Are you sick? Treat yourself to some warm tea, like black tea, raspberry tea, chamomile tea, green tea...
  87. Remove the old files on your PC that has been taking up space
  88. Do you like cosplaying? Do you like to make the outfits by yourself? Cosplay someone new!
  89. Try diamond painting!
  90. Try painting by numbers!
  91. Try origami!
  92. Do some crocheting/knitting, I've heard it's really addicting when you get the hang of it
  93. Go to the library
  94. Your eyes hurt from looking at screens too much, do some eye exercises and look away!
  95. Try to blow a bubblegum
  96. Watch an essay on Youtube covering a topic you've never researched bedore
  97. Imagine yourself like you're in an edit, or even make one!
  98. Do you live in a quiet town? Listen to some relaxing nature noises
  99. Read funny reviews on games, books or movies/tv shows
  100. And lastly, instead of being sick of waiting for a game to come out, try to write a list of things you're grateful for!
submitted by Strange_History_394 to Silksong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:10 Thausgt01 Cyber Core: Book Two, Chapter 12,

[/[Next/]]( ​

Mission Log: Day 0024

Addendum 11

Spending three complete clock-cycles reviewing relevant data-files on 'Human-A.I. Relations' gave me a few suggestions on how to 'properly' introduce myself to Packard, Plenulru and Thusarrel. Given that only one of those three was a 'Human', I gauged my odds of a wholly-successful first meeting as no more than about 75%, but that was still better than nothing. ​
I did manage to fabricate and install a 'blank frame' in between the first and second dioramas after Kregorim agreed to invite them down to the first sub-level, so the next three people to learn about my existence wouldn't have to spin in their seats between the 'show' of the displays and the 'tell' from me, if I had chosen to mount the newest 'blank screen' on the opposite wall. ​
So, as the four of them came around the corner and beheld more rows of tables and bench seats, I angled the screen on its stand a bit and animated the avatar giving them a welcoming smile. “Hello, everyone, please make yourselves comfortable. I'm called Joachim.” ​
Packard's hand went to the grip of his sword and he shifted position so that he could potentially parry whatever spells he thought Kregorim could fling at him, or possibly land a mortal wound on the admittedly frail-looking older man. ​
Plenulru folded her arms across her ample chest and snorted. “And what, exactly, are you supposed to be?” ​
I animated the avatar waving at the bench-seats in front of the dioramas. “I'm technically not a Dungeon, nor a 'house-spirit', but I very much would like to offer my assistance to you and the rest of the group above,” I answered. ​
Thusarrel turned to look over his shoulder at the doorway back to the stairway and the surface, his eyes glinting in the light, but then he shot a questioning expression at Kregorim. ​
The magician shrugged. “I've only had the pleasure of speaking with Joachim for a relatively short time, but I believe that he has much to offer us all.” ​
The lines around Thusarrel's nose and mouth deepened while his eyes narrowed. “Not as reassuring as you think you are, magician,” he answered, but took a few steps forward. ​
“You still haven't answered the lady's question, 'Joachim',” Packard said, shifting his position but leaving his hand lightly gripping his sword-hilt. “Do you mean harm to us, to the Lignignory family, or their property?” ​
I animated the avatar wincing, but then holding up an empty hand, palm out. “I, Joachim Roarke version two point oh,” I said, taking on a formal tone. “...Hereby swear by Ada Lovelace my mother and Alan Turing my father that I mean no harm to any of you, either here in this room or elsewhere within my dominions, and I further swear that my intentions are wholly based on a desire to offer aid and comfort in furtherance of recovery from disasters.” ​
That caught Packard off-guard enough that he straightened up out of his ready-stance, turning to look at Kregorim. “This?” he asked, angling the elbow of his sword-hand in the direction of the screen. “This... talking smear of magical ink, is what's running this outpost? What happened to that assessment that all those little fragments of a mind couldn't possibly assemble themselves into any kind of threat in less than a hundred years?” ​
“Sir, if you'll kindly continue onward to view the fifth diorama from where you stand, you'll get something of an explanation of what those 'fragments' that the magician detected actually were,” I said. “But for the time being, I reiterate: I have no desire to harm any of you, and I hope that you'll all at least give me the opportunity to earn your trust.” ​
Thusarrel huffed out a sigh. “All well and good, and you spin a nicer story than the Lignignories did before they put these on us,” he said, tapping the band of metal around his neck with one hand, matching the ones around his wrists and ankles. “So what kind of aid and comfort can you offer? And what's the price you'll have in exchange?” ​
I animated the avatar giving a somewhat tired smile. “Permit me to answer your second question first,” I answered. “Which amounts, primarily, to trash and your wastes,” I answered. “Please encourage everyone to make use of the lavatories whenever the need strikes them.” ​
That, at least, managed to get them to show some genuine surprise and more than a little confusion. “Wait, what?” Plenulru asked. “Just that? Nothing about first-born children or a year of our lives or...?” she let her words trail off, shaking her head slowly. ​
“Well, whatever food-scraps you would otherwise just toss to the scavengers,” I answered after a moment. “I'll also take anything burnt in your kitchen or moldy from your larder, or otherwise inedible. And pretty much anything that's broken or worn out past the point you can repair it.” ​
“And you just want us to put all this in those... lavatories?” Thusarrel asked, blinking. ​
“Well, no, I'd rather you only use the lavatories for your bodily-wastes. I have a series of oubliettes for everything else, and larger quantities could go into the resource-collection tower next to the foyer up on the ridgeline...” I paused, animating the avatar looking at the 'visitors'. “Excuse me, but I'd like to be able to address you by something other than Mister Sword, Mistress Hammer and Mister Fists.” ​
Thusarrel clenched his fingers, nodding, then shot a stifled grin at Plenulru. “He's not much of a cook, if he can't recognize a meat-tenderizer,” he commented. ​
The Half-Ork hefted the weighty cooking-implement in one hand, but still sent a somewhat pleased expression toward the screen. “Call me Plenulru, Joachim,” she answered. “I'm the chief cook for the caravan.” She indicated the others with the thumb of her free hand. “The beaky-nosed fellow over there is Kregorim, supposedly the magician for House Lignignory. The bald fellow here is Packard, somewhat-former bandit currently the head of security for the House, and this walking reed goes by Thusarrel. He's mostly responsible for keeping the slaves in line, but has also taken it upon himself to minimize the harm done to them at the Lignignory family's hands, primarily young Master Nehdud.” ​
“Pleased to meet all of you, though I feel obliged to mention that I've already had some conversation with Magician Kregorim.” ​
Packard shook his head, glaring at the other Human. “Why am I not surprised?” he murmured to himself before raising his voice to address the avatar. “I'm still waiting on an answer to that question of what 'help' you can offer, Mister Joachim, and I'd still like a little more information on why you think that our 'dung' will be sufficient payment for any of it.” ​
“The dioramas should provide a much more detailed answer to the question, Packard. The simplest possible answer is that I can turn your wastes into raw materials for many things, ranging from repairs and maintenance to the building around you all the way to fertilizer for the farms I operate elsewhere. I also can gain information from the substances.” ​
“What kind of 'information'?” he asked, eyes narrowing. “Some vile magic to try and influence our thoughts?” ​
“I honestly know very little of what you call 'magic', Packard,” I answered. “What I mean is that your solid and liquid wastes let me know many things about your health.” ​
“Aside from what we've been eating and drinking, you mean?” ​
“Indeed. For example, I can explain to everyone who has provided a 'sample' what foods, flowers, and other things to avoid so they do not experience allergic reactions. I also have a concise map of the genetic relations linking the six Lignignory family-members up above. Lord Zortemos Egenor Lignignory the Fourth is, indeed, the father of Adallinda, though as Miss Zoti has not yet awakened from her slumber to use the lavatory in her chosen chambers to provide me with similar evidence.” ​
Packard's glare softened, somewhat. “And myself?” he asked. “Purely out of curiosity?” ​
“Would it surprise you to learn that I already knew your names before Plenulru introduced you?” I asked. “Or that I have determined that you are second cousin to Stockley?” ​
Packard's eyes flared, and his hand re-clenched on his sword-hilt for a moment before slowly relaxing. “That means that we have a great-grandparent in common, as I recall how the nobles measure such things,” he said, after a moment. “That'd have to have come about more than a hundred years ago. Which means that whoever he was, the old man could've sired any number of other bastards aside from my grandfather.” ​
He stepped forward and took a seat on the bench facing the screen occupied by the avatar's head, torso, and arms. “Besides, common lineage doesn't mean a damned thing if it doesn't come with money,” Packard said, giving a languid, dismissive wave. “And I seriously doubt that either of us would've gone into our present line of work if we had a supply of that.” ​
Thusarrel gave a soft chuckle, and turned to face the first diorama. “Family can mean everything or nothing, but it rarely means exactly what we think it does,” he muttered, before raising his voice. “So, what exactly is this meant to display, Joachim?” ​
“This shows how and why I'm able to produce the purest water you'll ever drink...” ​

Addendum 12

By the time I had gotten them through the dioramas explaining water, power, temperature control and food, I had no doubt that I had sold the four of them on the truth of my assertions about the 'genius building'. Even Thusarrel seemed fascinated by the possibilities. ​
“So, this... 'architect module' you say you'll spin off at some point... All it needs is a supply of sewage and debris?” ​
“Fresh water, too. As you saw, the nanites can turn seawater into perfectly good drinking-water; it just takes a fair amount of extra effort to do so.” ​
“And they can grow anywhere?” ​
“Eventually, yes. I feel obliged to point out that they grow fastest when there's a generous supply of materials available.” ​
Packard reached for his sword-hilt again. ​
“For whatever it may be worth, they operate under very specific geasa against treating living beings larger than insects as 'materials', Packard.” ​
He flickered his fingers in sequence on the hilt twice before letting it go... while keeping his hand in his lap. ​
“... Anyway, if you'll look closely at the next diorama, explaining the basics of nanite construction, you'll note that I've already excavated the river-valley floor quite extensively, producing a system of columns to support the floors and roofs of four sub-levels.” ​
“Extending nearly [half a kilometer] upstream and downstream from this vicinity?” Kregorim noted, his tone brimming with curiosity. “What do you expect to use all that empty space for?” ​
“For the most part, a placeholder for my children to build in or under more extensively,” I answered. “I currently plan to send at least one architect module across the streambed, by way of that small bridge over the creek, to settle at the base of the far side of the river-valley.” ​
Thusarrel waved a dismissive hand. “Yes, yes, of course, you'll want to make it easier for the merchant princes in the Hoeffschtaeder Barony to move their goods across the valley, and carry their own loads of rubbish for you and the other 'genius buildings' to use. And presumably you'll take something similar from the Clan Lands. Well and good. But what, exactly, do you wish to provide for those of us here and now?” ​
I animated the avatar counting off points while tapping fingers. “Food, shelter, clothing, and tools, to begin with,” I answered. “I can help you improve the wagons in at least a dozen different ways, ranging from reducing their weight while improving their structural integrity all the way to making the ride more comfortable than you could imagine. And very soon, I can provide medical support from simple treatments to...” I let my voice trail off while I studied my copy of Sudryal's vocabulary. He had a word for 'surgery' but the connotations implied that, when practiced without magic, most people of this world still considered it barely better than literal butchery. ​
“... Well, let's just say that I also hope to educate you in many things that will help you improve your lives, and learn about this world from you in exchange,” I wrapped up.
“Assuming that you'll let us go in peace, at any rate,” Packard grunted, but Plenulru shook her head. “Even if this madness about having farms underground is true, what's to keep the Ells from claiming all the food for themselves and forbidding aught but scraps to the slaves?” ​
I animated the avatar pointing to the construction diorama. “My plan calls for creating at least six levels of apartments above the valley-floor in a single stack, and the more additional dross and trash I receive from anyone who cares to provide it, the sooner I'll be able to produce additional stacks with a wider array of shops and offices and other places of interest. Each residential unit will have their own oubliettes, fabricators and refrigerators. Beyond that, I can and will make sure that the Ells can neither barge into any apartment other than their own units, nor forbid anyone from claiming one or more for themselves.” I animated the avatar facing Packard. “That includes you and your team, Packard. For as long as any of you wish to stay, you'll each have living quarters with the potential for material comforts undreamed-of by even the Duke himself, and you'll all be able to decide exactly who may and may not visit... including forbidding Lord Zee himself from entering without your leave.” ​
Everyone, even Kregorim, paused to think about that. ​
“I... could re-open papa's tavern...” Plenulru said, her tone thoughtful. ​
"By the Bear, I could catch up on my sleep..." Packard added, a note of genuine awe in his voice.
Thusarrel shook his head, tapping the shining bands that marked him as a slave. “What's the point if these stay in place?” he said with a sigh. He waved at the dioramas. “So many wonderful promises, but if the Ells still have our lives in their hands, they still control it all through us.” ​
I animated the avatar shaking his head, a smile spreading across his face. “Let's just see how well those collars and shackles stand up to some nanotechnology, then, shall we?” I asked. “Please give me a moment to summon a suitable number of them...” ​
submitted by Thausgt01 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:05 bruddagames [Store] Welcome to Brudda's Store featuring Collector's Cache Sets from TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's and 2023 Diretide events.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss the sale of my sets at the prices listed below, payable in items.
If you're curious about why you should trust me, consider my extensive track record. I've successfully sold over 1000 sets from events like TI6, TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's, and Diretide 2022 Collector's.
For checking my gifting Cache Sets history, feel free to review the comments on my profile and verify the sets in their inventory that were gifted by me.
In terms of transaction protocol, the buyer is always goes first. However, if you prefer an added layer of security, we can involve a middleman from this subreddit.
Regarding any concerns about scamming, it's simply not in my best interest. With over 800 cache sets available for sale, my focus is on providing a trustworthy and legitimate service.

August 2023 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Primeval Abomination Primal Beast 20+ $10
Astral Herald Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Taur Rider Alchemist 20+ $10
Spectral Shadow Abaddon 20+ $15
Crescent Huntress Spectre 20+ $20
Tyrant of the Veil Wraith King 20+ $15
Tomo'kan Footsoldier Hoodwink 20+ $10
Darkwood Eulogy Death Prophet 20+ $10
Sea Spirit Kunka 20+ $20
Triumph of the Imperatrix Legion Commander 20+ $10
Beast of Thunder Storm Spirit 20+ $20
Ancestral Heritage Jakiro 20+ $10
Dezun Viper Dazzle 20+ $15
Brightfist Marci 20+ $30
Snailfire Snapfire 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Bird of Prey Legion Commander 20+ $15
Grand Suppressor Silencer 20+ $10
Darkbrew's Transgression Alchemist 20+ $15
Transcendent Path Oracle 20+ $15
The Wilding Tiger Brewmaster 20+ $10
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold Doom 20+ $15
Cursed Cryptbreaker Pudge 20+ $15
Feasts of Forever Night Stalker 20+ $10
Darkfeather Factioneer Phantom Assassin 20+ $10
Withering Pain Clinkz 20+ $10
Freeboot Fortunes Ogre Magi 20+ $10
Acrimonies of Obsession Vengeful Spirit 20+ $20
Sacred Chamber Guardian Huskar 20+ $15
War Rig Eradicators Techies 20+ $10
Grudges of the Gallows Tree Treant Protector 20+ $25
Brands of the Reaper Anti-Mage 20+ $40
Sublime Equilibrium Void Spirit 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Shadowleaf Insurgent Hoodwink 20+ $15
Scarlet Subversion Riki 20+ $15
Whippersnapper Snapfire 20+ $10
Hounds of Obsession Chen 20+ $10
Seadog's Stash Clockwork 20+ $10
Starlorn Adjudicator Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 20+ $15
Chines of the Inquisitor Faceless Void 20+ $10
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt Ursa 20+ $10
Crimson Dawn Phoenix 20+ $10
Forgotten Station Terrorblade 20+ $15
Dirge Amplifier Undying 20+ $15
Champion of the Fire Lotus Monkey King 20+ $10
Deathstitch Shaman Witch Doctor 20+ $10
Blue Horizons Marci 20+ $30
Angel of Vex Invoker 20+ $50
Dark Behemoth Primal Beast 20+ $50

Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Scales of the Shadow Walker Phantom Lancer 23 $15
Perception of the First Light Dawnbreaker 22 $15
Apex Automated Clockwerk 22 S $15
Test of the Basilisk Lord Razor 25 $10
Secrets of the Frost Singularity Ancient Apparition 23 $8
Perils of the Red Banks Chen 22 $10
The Chained Scribe Grimstroke 24 $10
Widow of the Undermount Gloom Broodmother 23 S $15
Forgotten Fate Mars 22 $5
March of the Crackerjack Mage Rubick 24 $10
Cosmic Concoctioneers Alchemist 23 $20
Blightfall Abaddon 23 $15
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected Ogre Magi 25 $35

Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Twilight Hex Dark Willow 23 S 15$
Litany of the Damned Doom 24 15$
Astral Terminus Enigma 23 10$
Caerulean Star Enchantress 22 10$
Arcane Inverter Gyrocopter 22 S 25$
Creed of the Skullhound Lycan 22 S 25$
Desert Bloom Nature's Prophet 23 20$
Silence of the Starweaver Oracle 23 10$
Eyriebound Imperator Skywrath Mage 23 15$
Anthozoan Assault Tiny 23 25$
Defender of the Brumal Crest Winter Wyvern 10 S 10$
Red Sands Marauder Shadow Shaman 23 20$
Footfalls of the Sporefathers Witch Doctor 12 60$

Collector's Cache I 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Ravenous Abyss Underlord 20+ $15
Apocalypse Unbound AA 20+ $10
Beholden of the Banished Ones Warlock 20+ $15
Fury of the Righteous Storm Disruptor 20+ $5
Mindless Slaughter Pudge 20+ $20
Heartless Hunt Bounty 20+ $15
Herald of the Ember Eye Grimstroke 20+ $10
Fissured Flight Jakiro 20+ $10
Flashpoint Proselyte Husker 20+ $15
Signs of the Allfather Nature prophet 20+ $15
Glory of the Elderflame Lina 20+ $35
Origin of the Dark Oath Night Stalker 6 $25
Songs of Starfall Glen Enchantress 20+ $10
Ancient Inheritance Tiny 20+ $30
Forsworn Legacy mars 20+ $50

Collector's Cache II 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Evolution of the Infinite Enigma 20+ $6
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristle back 20+ $15
Clearcut Cavalier Timber 20+ $10
The King Of Thieves Keeper of light 20+ $10
Horror from the Deep Tide 20+ $20
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 20+ $15
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade Rubick 20+ $6
Crown of Calaphas Shadow demon 20+ $15
Wrath of the Fallen doom 20+ $20
Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper 20+ $10
Secrets of the Celestial 📷 Skywrath mage 20+ $5
Blaze of Oblivion Phoenix 20+ $10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber Templar Assassin 20+ $25
Claszureme Incursion Void 20+ 70$
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Arc Warden 6* C 35$
Master of the Searing Path Ember Spirit 3* C 40$

Collector's Cache 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Paean of the Ink Dragon Grimstroke 1*C 15$
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma 21 10$
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter 20 10$
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet 21 10$
Curse of the Creeping Vine Undying 6*C +1 25$
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark 18 25$
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle 20 10$
Defender of Ruin Disruptor 22 25$
Allure of the Faeshade Flower Dark Willow 4 * C - 1 reserved 25$
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar 4* C 25$
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle 3* C 35$
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen 4* C 15$

Collector's Cache II 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger 31 15$
Tribal Pathways Warlock 30 10$
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk 31 10$
Endless Night Abaddon 30 15$
Dapper Disguise Pudge 27 15$
Fury of the Bloodforge Bloodseeker 30 15$
Automaton Antiquity Broodmother 31 10$
Grim Destiny Wraith King 29 10$
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 30 10$
Verdant Predator Venomancer 31 10$
Prized Acquisitions Batrider 31 5$
Fowl Omen Necrophos 34 30$
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 4*C 25$
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend 1 * C 45$
Tales of the Windward Rogue Pangolier 3 * C 45$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache I

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum Bloodseeker 20 10$
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud Dark Seer 18 4$
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel Spirit Breaker 21 $10
Molokau Stalker Venomancer 21 $10
Morbific Provision Witch Doctor 22 10$
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin Queen of Pain 20 15$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 20 5$
Fate Meridian Invoker 2 *C 30$
Visions of the Lifted Veil Phantom Assassin 1 *C 40$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 4 *C 20$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Pitmouse Fraternity Meepo 37 10$
Fires of the Volcanic Guard Ember Spirit 37 10$
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript Axe 37 S 6$
Shimmer of the Anointed Nyx Assassin 29 5$
Loaded Prospects Brewmaster 39 15$
Ire of Molten Rebirth Phoenix 36 10$
Pattern of the Silken Queen Broodmother 26 5$
Third Awakening Dragon Knight 7 *C -2nonR 35$
Dread Ascendance Doom 5 *C 40$
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge Underlord 22 20$

The International 2017 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Rumrunner's Carronade Brew master 20 15$
Abyssal Vortex Enigma 27 10$
Samareen Sacrifice Huskar 22 10$
Shadowforce Gale Luna 24 20$
Mechalodon Interdictor Gyrocopter 27 + 3*C 15$
Cunning Corsair Riki 24 20$
Pressure Regulator Clockwerk 3 *C 20$
Meranth Dragoon Sven 2 *C 35$
The Dread Prophet Nature's Prophet 2 *C 35$
Riptide Raider Monkey King 2 *C - 1nonrev 20$

The International 2016 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Nightsilver's Resolve luna 2 M* dtygod* 20$
Oni Knight the Dark Conqueror Chaos Knight 3C + 2 dtygod dopey* 20$
Rising Glory Magnus 2C+ 1 moiz 20$
Dirgeful Overlord Undying 3 *C 25$
Iceburnt Elegy Winter Wyvern 1 *C 25$
Wartorn Heavens Zeus 1 *C 35$
I've updated my policy and no longer entertain joy riders. If you're interested in adding me, I request a $3 deposit in items upon adding me.
This $3 deposit will be deducted from your total set cost.
Please refrain from adding me if you're not comfortable with the listed prices.
Keep in mind that prices are subject to change, and sets may go out of stock even if you're waiting for one, as someone else may purchase it before you.
If you're interested in reserving sets, please make sure to do so.
submitted by bruddagames to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:52 Nervous-Cost-7384 Birding app brings me simple joy

Birding app brings me simple joy
For those that haven’t heard of it, I wanted to share about a small life upgrade that has brought joy to my life and increased my connectedness with my surroundings.
The app Merlin Bird ID can identify birds by sound or photo. It’s such a delight to purposefully notice the sounds of birds singing and the app is so cool. 100% free fun and an easy way to enjoy nature/ walks more.
submitted by Nervous-Cost-7384 to simpleliving [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:51 No-Extent-4867 Why can’t I shake the feeling he is hiding more from me?

My (23F) boyfriend (23M) and I have been together for 3 years this August. Last October, I found out that he had messaged 5 different girls, no idea of the timeline on that, and it had been sexual. He planned to hangout with them and have sex. He said he never actually planned to meet them, he was just horny. I was hurt for awhile, and tried to let it go, because he told me that he did these things because we would fight so much or I would be upset about something and wouldn’t let it go. I tried to work on myself and be better.
He doesn’t put in effort the way I need, taking me out on dates, writing sweet love notes or even texts, doesn’t show love emotions, getting me flowers, etc. i communicated this with him. Said he would “work on it” and never did. He just argued with me and plays video games 24/7, doesn’t feel like he is even interested in me. He doesn’t even really try to have sex, he says he is tired or since I complain so much he doesn’t want to have sex with me. Me trying to communicate and stand my ground on something is me “having too many problems”.
So, i went through his phone. Didn’t have much time so I found out he had an onlyfans account where his card got declined 9 times. Says he didn’t do anything wrong because the purchase didn’t go through. He had started following new girls on instagram because he found them attractive. Also adding/unadding girls on snapchat. Social media is how he cheated before keep in mind. He also was searching here on reddit, our town and state nudes, to “jerk off” to. Why on earth would anyone do that unless they had some idea to possibly meet up with someone?? He says he did nothing wrong and blocked me on everything for “investigating” him and his phone.
Mind you, everyday has been a fight. It’s me trying to explain why all of these things upset me. He ignores me, argues, and tells me I have too many problems. He says I don’t let things go and I’m always upset and even told his parents that I have too many problems and they told him “you can’t fix her problems”. I ask him how can i trust him? he says “i don’t know”. All i have tried to do is get him to see that our fighting is because of the things he has done. i just wanted him to be sorry and remorseful. he says we won’t work because i don’t see how he shows love and i choose to not be happy and make things work.
this stuff won’t leave my mind. i’ve tried letting things go, i’ve tried being happier and making things work. we have disagreements and i am to blame for everything. i know i am a sensitive person but i stay because i feel like maybe i am the problem here. yesterday i was crying because he made a comment about his ex saying, “she has all of the features now that i wanted”. as i was crying he said i was jealous of her and insecure. i was crying more and he said “jesus christ you can’t be happy for more than 2 hours”. i dont mean to let it hurt me, wtf.
i’m just so confused. it seems that i am the one making things worse, but all i have tried to do is stand up for myself so i thought anyway?? what am i supposed to do differently???! what am i so confused about?
submitted by No-Extent-4867 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:49 hippiestitcher Sometimes simpler living means letting a dream go

For decades, I dreamed of growing lots of my own vegetables and learning to can. Didn't have the room, the time, the money. Now that I have all three of those, I have discovered that I just suck at it and do not have the patience or the gumption to keep trying. Third summer in a row, they stop growing and/or just die. I'm done. Until we get around to tearing them down, I'm just going to plant annual flower bedding plants in the raised beds and enjoy the blooms. And will buy my fresh summer produce from local growers who DO have the talent and the passion for doing it.
I'm letting my old internal monologue of "you SHOULD be growing some of your own food" go, and it feels like a huge weight is being lifted. Just sharing for anyone else in the same boat. I'm 55 and I want to spend my free time outdoors watching the birds and tossing the odd native plant into the ground here and there, not slogging over plants and ending up with 5 tomatoes.
submitted by hippiestitcher to simpleliving [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:44 Initial-Knowledge486 (COMMENT⬇️) BBC Tattoos Wet and addict Petite on videos Homemade MILF Ass Pussy favorite Bads Ass Furries pet videos

Lia Marie Johnson Lilbabysasha Lilchiipmunk Lilmochidoll lilsummerhoe Liquidpyro Lisa ASMR Livstixs Lizzy Wurst Liz Katz Lucifersexdoll Luxury Girl Mackenzie Jones mackzjoness Madison Beer Main Categories Maitland Ward Makoshake Malu Trevejo Mangomay Maria Bella Mari Grace matildem Mati Marroni Mayana Katherine Megan Guthrie Megan McCarthy Megan Rain Megan Samperi meggyeggo Megnutt02 Meg Turney Mekkk Melina Goransson MeowVicka Meowycake Meryl Sama Mia Khalifa Mia Malkova Micaela Schafer Michelle Rabbit Mikaela Pascal Mikaela Testa Miley Cyrus MissBuscemi MissSykeology MissyPwns Miss Alice Miss Bo MizzyCyn Molly Eskam Momokun Momotama Monica Corgan Moon Maison Morgan Vera Morgpie Moriah Mills MsFiiire Mspuiyi mutanastasia Nadia Jay Nadya Tolokonnikova Nagisake Naked Bakers Nala Ray Narduchita Natalie Gibson Natalie Roush Neiva Mara Neonpuddles Nicki Minaj Nicole Lawson Nicolle Off Grid Nikki Eliot Nipple Slips Noel Leon Novaruu Nylalueeth Thorne Hot4Lexi Katiana Kay Christina Khalil Mackenzie Jones victoryaxo mati marroni megnut corinnakopf sarii sariixo matildem belledelphine Amanda Cerny Sommer Ray Amouranth Belle Delphine Mikaelatesta Megnutt Breckie Hill Riley Reid Melimtx Katiana Kay Realskybri Corinna Kopf Jadebabii Noelle Leyva Blahgigi Liliana Hearts Sonya Blaze Caroline Zalog Jenni Neidhart Trippie Bri Pamibaby Belle nude kkvsh sextape japanese adult video first time anal videos free ass this will make you cum big dick bitch full naked sex best porn squirting pussy girls sucking teen xxx hd leaks corinna kopf addison erin andrews ver pornos hot ball sexy de belle delphine emma watson homemade games sexo shaking gay eating black older how to eat cock en español zendaya nelly store near me worship spring twerk shaved suck blowjob paris hilton on huge wife Mei Sierra Skye Siew Pui Yi Silkyvinyl Skye Blue skylarmaexo Skylar Mae Skylar Rae Sky Bri Slim Whispers Snapchat Sommer Ray Sophie Mudd rittfit Tia Judd TikTok Tinslee Reagan Touki00 Trisha Paytas Tropicgun Tru Kait Twitch Tyga Youtube Yuuie Zoella Zoe Heiler Zoe Maguire Zoie Burgher Savannah Bond Indigo White Riley Reid Sofia Gomez Abigaiil Morris TEEN LEAK PACK teen young Abigail Mandler Abigail Ratchford Abigale Mandler Acidblue Adison Briana Adriana Chechik aestheticallyhannah Alena Witch Alexandra emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo leak vids leaks photos School girl naked Belle Delphine nude Snapchat MEGA Young Snapchat leaks Celeb leaks sextape Snapchat Boobs Hannahowo real Slut twitch streamer Erica Jasmin Omegle leak Telegram twerking ebony pyt pics hardcore porn link Snapchat MEGA Telegram Leaks hannahowo belle delphine corinna kopf amouranth of free leaks nikacadoavocado wettmelons realskybri kendrakarter fwtina tina_042 emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo leak vids leaks photos School girl naked Belle Delphine nude Snapchat MEGA Young Snapchat leaks Celeb leaks sextape Snapchat Boobs Hannahowo real Slut twitch streamer Erica Jasmin Omegle leak Telegram twerking ebony pyt pics hardcore porn link Snapchat MEGA Telegram Leaks hannahowo belle delphine corinna kopf amouranth of free leaks nikacadoavocado wettmelons realskybri smoneyordie veronica perasso toni storm sweetie fox cecilia rose skylar blue rae lil black hannah jo jenni neidhart kristen hancher misswarmj mikafans jessica nigri lauren alexi Addison Ivy Belinda Nohemy Amanda Cerny Realskybri Missbo Bella Rayee Trippie Bri Breckie Hill Katiana Kay Caroline Zalog Daisykeech Sonya Blaze Waifumia Megnutt Urfavbellabby Utahjazz Hannahowo Jadebabii Mackenzie Jones Elle Brooke Belle Delphine Riley Reid Melimtx Katie Sigmond Morgan Jadebabii
submitted by Initial-Knowledge486 to torch_croon6870022 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:29 Arceus_123 FT: various Events LF: various past Events

Hello, I’m looking for past authenticable Events.
This is the list of events that I have.
(ENG tag) Ash’s Cap Pikachu set OT: Ash ID: 201023 exchange history: A button photo proof
(KOR tag) Tapu KoKo OT: 멜레멜레 ID: 170408 exchange history: video proof
(ENG tag) FEB2015 Darkrai OT: FEB2015 ID: 02135 exchange history: wc proof
(ITA tag) Leonardo’s Charizard OT: Leonardo ID: 211031 exchange history: video proof
Please feel free to comment various events.
submitted by Arceus_123 to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:20 rosaryrave hire me to do your tasks + selling contents for funds. more info below :>

hi! i’m a 21 year old female living independently and supporting myself. unfortunately my income isn’t as stable and i am needing of funds, especially as my rent is due in a few days.
here are the things I offer:
online services: * canva editing/layouting (powerpoint, infographics, logos, posters, invitations) * cute cartoon-style drawings (can send plenty of samples of my works) * virtual gf/companion * accountability buddy * nudes/nsfw contents (no face reveal) (can send blurred samples & legit check) * if you need help in something particular, let me know and we can discuss!
irl services: * dog and cat sitter (qc area) * shopping/grocerry errands (qc area)
can send screenshots of past transactions or any proof of eligibility <3
prices depends may vary according according to complexity :)
i don’t do nsfw meetups/vc
if this post doesn’t strike any interest for you, feel free to ignore. if interested, feel free to dm. thank you <3
submitted by rosaryrave to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:11 TechTrekUpdates How to Increase Upwork Profile Views and Get More Work

I've been working on optimizing my Upwork profile and wanted to share some tips that have helped increase my profile views and secure more work. If you're looking to boost your visibility and get more gigs, these strategies might help:
  1. Complete Your Profile: Ensure every section of your profile is filled out comprehensively. A complete profile builds trust and showcases your skills effectively.
  2. Professional Profile Photo: Use a high-quality, professional photo. Profiles with photos are more likely to be viewed and trusted by potential clients.
  3. Craft a Compelling Title and Overview: Your title should clearly state your expertise. In your overview, focus on what you can offer to clients, highlighting your skills and experiences concisely.
  4. Use Keywords Strategically: Incorporate relevant keywords in your title and overview. This helps your profile appear in search results when clients are looking for specific skills.
  5. Showcase Your Portfolio: Include a diverse range of samples that demonstrate your skills and past work. A strong portfolio can significantly impact a client's decision to hire you.
  6. Get Client Reviews and Ratings: Positive feedback from clients builds your credibility. Always aim to deliver high-quality work to receive good reviews.
  7. Stay Active: Regularly update your profile and keep your availability status current. Being active on the platform can improve your visibility in search results.
  8. Take Skills Tests: Upwork offers various skills tests. Passing these tests and displaying them on your profile can showcase your expertise.
  9. Network and Ask for Testimonials: If you’ve worked with clients outside of Upwork, ask them for testimonials and include these in your profile to build trust.
  10. Set Competitive Rates: Especially when starting, setting a competitive rate can attract more clients. As you build your reputation, you can gradually increase your rates.
Increasing your profile views on Upwork can indeed help you get more work, as visibility is key to landing new clients. By optimizing your profile and staying active, you can improve your chances of securing more gigs.
Hope these tips help! Feel free to share your own strategies or ask any questions.
submitted by TechTrekUpdates to Upwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:07 fatimashaikh123 Track Your Dubai Visa Application Status Today

Track Your Dubai Visa Application Status Today
Getting a visa to visit Dubai can be an exciting but sometimes nerve-wracking process. One of the most crucial aspects of ensuring a smooth journey is tracking your Dubai visa application status. Why? Because knowing the status of your visa can help you avoid travel delays, ensure all your documents are in order, and provide peace of mind. Let’s dive into how you can effectively track your Dubai visa application status today.

Understanding the Dubai Visa Application Process

Types of Dubai Visas

Before you can track your visa, it’s essential to understand the type of visa you’ve applied for. Dubai offers various visas such as tourist visas, business visas, student visas, and transit visas. Each visa type has specific requirements and processing times.

Steps to Apply for a Dubai Visa

The application process typically involves filling out an online form, submitting required documents (like your passport, photos, and proof of travel), and paying the visa fee. Once your application is submitted, the waiting game begins, and that’s where tracking comes into play.

Why You Need to Track Your Visa Application

Avoiding Travel Delays

Travel plans can go awry if your visa isn’t approved on time. By tracking your application, you can make alternative arrangements if there are any delays.

Ensuring Document Accuracy

Sometimes, additional documentation may be required. Tracking your application ensures you’re aware of such requests promptly, preventing unnecessary delays.

Peace of Mind

Knowing the status of your visa application reduces anxiety and helps you plan your trip with confidence.

Ways to Track Your Dubai Visa Application Status

Online Tracking through Official Websites

Most Dubai visa applications can be tracked online through official portals like the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) or the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA).

Tracking via Email Notifications

Some visa application centers provide email updates at different stages of the processing. This can be a convenient way to stay informed without having to check the website constantly.

Contacting the Visa Application Center

If online tracking isn’t available or if you prefer a more personal approach, contacting the visa application center directly can provide the information you need.

Step-by-Step Guide to Online Tracking

Accessing the Official Website

Go to the official website of the authority handling your visa application, such as the GDRFA or ICA portal.

Entering Your Application Details

You’ll need to enter your application number and passport information. Make sure you have these details handy.

Understanding the Status Updates

Status messages like "Application Received," "Under Process," "Approved," or "Rejected" will appear. Each message indicates a different stage in the processing of your visa.

Common Status Messages and Their Meanings

Application Received

Your application has been received and is awaiting processing.

Under Process

Your application is currently being reviewed by the authorities.


Congratulations! Your visa application has been approved, and you’ll receive your visa soon.


Unfortunately, your application was not successful. You’ll need to check the reasons and possibly reapply.

What to Do if Your Visa Application is Delayed

Checking for Missing Documents

Sometimes delays are caused by missing documents. Ensure you’ve submitted everything required.

Contacting Customer Support

Reach out to the visa application center’s customer support for assistance and clarification on delays.

Reapplying if Necessary

If your application is rejected or excessively delayed, consider reapplying with all necessary corrections.

Tips for a Smooth Visa Application Process

Double-Checking Your Documents

Ensure all documents are complete and accurate before submission to avoid unnecessary delays.

Applying Early

Submit your visa application well in advance of your travel dates to account for any potential processing delays.

Keeping Copies of Your Application

Always keep copies of your application and supporting documents for your records and future reference.

Understanding Visa Rejection Reasons

Common Reasons for Rejection

Rejections can occur due to incomplete applications, incorrect information, or insufficient documentation.

How to Avoid Rejection

Carefully follow the application guidelines, provide accurate information, and ensure all required documents are included.

Reapplying for a Dubai Visa

Steps to Take After Rejection

Review the reasons for rejection provided by the authorities, make the necessary corrections, and reapply.

Improving Your Application

Ensure that your application is thorough and all information is accurate to increase the chances of approval.

Using Third-Party Services for Tracking

Pros and Cons

Third-party services can provide convenience and additional support, but they may also come with extra fees.

Trusted Service Providers

Research and choose reputable third-party services to ensure reliable and secure tracking of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dubai Visa Tracking

How Long Does It Take to Process a Dubai Visa?

Processing times can vary depending on the type of visa and the volume of applications, but it typically takes a few days to a few weeks.

Can I Track My Visa Application on My Mobile Phone?

Yes, most official websites are mobile-friendly, and some may even offer dedicated apps for tracking.

What Information Do I Need to Track My Application?

You’ll need your application number and passport information to track your visa status online.

Benefits of Online Visa Tracking

Real-Time Updates

Get the latest updates on your visa application status in real-time.


Track your application from anywhere, at any time, using a computer or mobile device.

Reducing Anxiety

Stay informed about your application status and reduce the uncertainty and anxiety associated with waiting.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Online Tracking

Incorrect Application Number

Double-check the application number you’ve entered to ensure it’s correct.

Website Downtime

If the tracking website is down, try again later or contact customer support for assistance.

Unresponsive Customer Support

Persistently follow up with customer support if you’re not getting responses, and consider visiting the visa application center in person if necessary.


Tracking your Dubai visa application status is an essential step in ensuring a smooth and stress-free travel experience. By understanding the application process, utilizing online tracking tools, and knowing what to do in case of delays or rejections, you can stay informed and prepared. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying your trip to Dubai without any visa-related worries.


  1. How Long Does It Take to Process a Dubai Visa?
    • Processing times vary, but it usually takes a few days to a few weeks depending on the visa type and application volume.
  2. Can I Track My Visa Application on My Mobile Phone?
    • Yes, most official visa tracking websites are mobile-friendly, and some may offer dedicated mobile apps.
  3. What Information Do I Need to Track My Application?
    • You will need your application number and passport details to track your visa status.
  4. What Should I Do if My Visa Application is Rejected?
    • Review the rejection reasons, correct any issues, and reapply with the improved application.
  5. Are Third-Party Visa Tracking Services Reliable?
    • Many are, but it’s crucial to choose reputable and trusted service providers to ensure the security and accuracy of your tracking.
submitted by fatimashaikh123 to u/fatimashaikh123 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:02 TheRealYou Summer 2024 Painting Competition: Submissions Now Open

Submissions are now open!

We're happy to announce that submissions for the Summer 2024 Painting Competition are now open! Submitting your entry is super easy, just create a new image post, follow the directions on how to photograph your entry below, and use the flair "2024 Unpainted Painting Contest Entry". Once you submit your post, you'll receive a response from AutoMod with a link to the form to complete for entering the competition.
You'll receive a message from the mod team here that your entry has been accepted (or in the rare case rejected or if there's a problem) and then you can begin painting! If you have questions on any of this, feel free to post below or shoot us a message and we'll get you an answer.

Important Dates

All dates start 12:01 am / 00:01 Pacific Time and end 11:59 pm / 23:59 Pacific Time.



This year we’re opening things up a bit and allowing users to have multiple entries, with a limit of one entry per category and you can not use the same model in multiple categories. If your model would fit into multiple categories, pick the best one for it.


Judging and Awards

This year judging will be handled entirely by the community of minipainting! Once entries are finalized and submitted, a new post will be pinned with the entries and information on judging. We've looked at previous years' data and have decided on a range that we feel will give a fair result to every entry. Judging will be simple as we make changes and test things out, so this year the two factors that will be judged are the build of the model, think mold lines removed, gaps filled, etc. And then finish, so the paint and techniques itself.

Judging Criteria Points Available
Build 1-4
Finish 1-4
Total Available 2-8
Scoring will be tallied up and averaged from the community judging form and the following levels will be awarded.


How to Enter

Create a new image post containing the images of your submission and be sure to use the "2024 Unpainted Painting Contest Entry" flair. Follow the instructions on the comment left by AutoMod, be sure to do this or your submission will not be counted! You'll get a link to a form that will ask for a few more bits of information.
Once your submissions is in, you'll receive a message from us letting you know that your submission was accepted and you can begin painting!
The entry form includes a section to submit your unpainted entry picture(s). Unpainted entry pictures must include the following clearly visible and not be edited/photoshopped in:

Here are some examples of unpainted entries that would and would not be accepted:
Good examples of unpainted entries (will probably be accepted)
Bad examples of unpainted entries (will not be accepted)
Entry pictures need to be posted to minipainting using the post flair “Unpainted Contest Entry”. The flair will become available starting on June 10th when the entry form goes live.
If you need more than one picture for your unpainted entry, like if you have multiple minis in a large entry, please make a gallery post that includes all your images and not make separate posts for each image. When you make this post, automod will send you a message explaining what to do next!
Entry pictures do not need to include the base, basing materials, or extra bits you might add during the painting process, but everything in your piece should be painted during the contest, base included. It is also fine if you add a few extra bits to your piece during the painting period that were not in your original unpainted entry. Adding simple bits like pouches, weapons, or a simple headswap are fine, but your unpainted entry picture should represent about 90% of what your final piece will be.
Do not use pre-painted/pre-finished bases or minis. Everything in your final painted entry must be painted during the contest, after you have made your unpainted entry.
“Unpainted” is not completely literal, and there is some flexibility in what your unpainted entry can be (including primed, based, etc). Basically the model can have everything done up to the point of applying actual paint beyond priming.
With the addition of multiple entries, if you are entering into two or more categories you will need to submit a post for each entry.
Note: Banned users cannot enter this contest


Final Submissions

Final submissions will begin being accepted on July 22nd and end on August 11th at 11:59 pm/23:59 PST. If you did not submit an unpainted entry that was accepted, you cannot submit a final painted piece.
Once final submissions open, a new announcement will be made with links to the final submission form for your final pictures along with full final submission details. You do not need to timestamp these images or include your username. If you finish early, take your pictures, and hold onto them until July 22nd!
Please keep the background as neutral as possible, this means no artwork backdrop (unless it’s part of the model/base) or AI generated backdrops, screens, etc. We suggest a neutral white, black, or gray background that lets the viewer focus on the model(s) and your work.
Final submission requirements:
Must be posted to minipainting with the “2024 Painting Competition Final Submission” flair (this flair will become available on July 22nd)
Must not be posted to minipainting before the final submissions open (WIP posts are fine before this date, as well as posting final images to other social media platforms or subreddits)
Must include a picture of your entry from the front*
Must include a picture of your entry from the back*
Must include one picture of your entry next to a standard bottle or pot of hobby paint (ie. vallejo, citadel, army painter, etc) or a ruler for scale placed vertically next to your mini
*If it makes more sense to photograph your mini from the left and right sides instead of the front and back, you may use those angles instead. The important thing is we see as much of your mini as possible.
The paint pot/bottle may be included in either the front or back photos, or be a separate photo.
You may include more pictures if you would like, but you must include the above at minimum.
Final submissions cannot include misleading lighting, filters, image editing (beyond basic cololevel adjustments), AI adjustments, etc.
Once your final submission is accepted, you cannot change or update it in any way. Make sure your piece is finished and your pictures are good before you submit it! Links to submit your finished piece will be included in a new announcement post on July 22nd. Remember not to post your final pieces to minipainting before this date.
The first picture in your gallery will be used as the preview image during the community and judge voting. You cannot request another image be used instead, so make sure to arrange your images correctly when you post your gallery.


Community Favorites

During judging we’ll ask the community for their favorite entry and tally these up. At the end of judging the top entries will receive the Community Favorite flair in addition to any medal earned from judging.


Important Dates

All dates start 12:01 am / 00:01 Pacific Time and end 11:59 pm / 23:59 Pacific Time.
submitted by TheRealYou to minipainting [link] [comments]