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2023.11.15 14:16 ConfusionMountain458 3Guys1Hammer


2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2018.07.20 06:46 ethanbrecke The Try Guys: The Original Fan Subreddit

A group to discuss the Try Guys. A YouTube group who does fun challenge-based content. Providing us twice weekly videos, podcasts, IGTV videos and other content. www.tryguys.com

2024.06.10 18:06 thisiskeving Paint Pots to Helmet/Ochre, Helmet Creek, and Tumbling Creek… worth the trip?

Paint Pots to Helmet/Ochre, Helmet Creek, and Tumbling Creek… worth the trip?
I'm driving from Winnipeg to the Kootneys in July. I managed to book overnight stays at Helmet/Ochre, Helmet Creek, and Tumbling Creek, but based on everything I'm reading, it sounds like I'm missing the best part of the Rockwall trail.
To be clear, I've never been up that trail, but that series of overnights seems like really short hikes, and I'm not super keen on spending half my day in camp when I could potentially see more of the trail. I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth the trip.
I'm thinking about going the extra length on my last day through Numa Creek and out at Numa Falls Trailhead, but I have no idea what I'm signing up for if I go that route.
Any advice from those who have done the trial previously?
submitted by thisiskeving to kootenays [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:05 chrowona I(24M) want to cut off a friendship with 20(F) because of issues with my current LDR gf(25F) of 3 years. Any advice?

Hey Everyone! So abit of backstory, me and my online friend of 1 year used to play games together for several hours every evening and quite frankly I was addicted to games and was neglectful of the time I could spend with my girlfriend (around june last year). I hid messages because I could tell my girlfriend was rightfully jealous and insecure about my friendship with my friend and I didnt think it would be a problem because I would never cheat and I could also enjoy playing games. I have stopped playing as much and spend much more time with my girlfriend however my friendship with my friend is a major problem in our relationship. I feel entitled to break off the friendship so my girlfriend will not have to feel jealous or insecure about my intentions as no matter what I do she will always feel that way towards my friend because of what happened in the past.
What advice would you guys give me?
(ps i questioned why my gf stayed with me because im very immature and have improved alot so pls just genuine advice on what i should do )
submitted by chrowona to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:05 Phromheus Praying before bed causing nightmares

I would love to hear you guys advice and thoughts on this. As of late I have been on my journey in christ, and to my call from the infallible one. I have been for years, but it has just picked up alot more, as I find knowlege and wisdom that once understood, I have began feeling the holy spirit always with me.
Often before bed I began praying. And I have noticed when I pray before bed, I began having these intense, extreme nightmares. These were some of the worst nightmares I have ever had in my life. Upon awakening I feel myself stepping back into this world, and thus process is so vivid, I don't want to say vivid anymore because it's real, and I know it is real. This isn't something that I'm just trippin over. These reoccurring dreams are of a large house, in a worn down part of town, one of the worst neighborhoods to ever exist.
This house is dark with no lights, nothing on inside. And I would find myself in this house trying to get out. The house inside would be huge, but dark dark dark. Something I cannot see would be chasing me. Sometimes these houses morph to childhood homes I lived in, or a shopping mall, but the same scenario. It's dark and it's a maze inside and I cannot find my way out. And something dark is trying to get to me.
Id wake up in instant sleep paralysis, and inside my room I would be surrounded by these dark forces and now this isn't a nightmare, now I'm awake. And I'm looking in my room, fully conscious, and FEEL and SEE these demons around me, trying to make themselves hard to see. It would be in the hallway and even if I cannot clearly see it, I know it's there and I know it's watching me, and there are more all around me.
The other night I had sleep paralysis, and something was standing next to me, and was poking my arm with a needle. And it hurt. And I couldn't wake up. When I pray to Jesus and pray for his light to shine upon them, it would usually dissipate and I'll finally be back able to move. But I am so scared to go back to sleep because, even though I'm fully up now, I know they are still there. And I know they haven't left. So I would stay up for a while longer.
Before I go to bed I pray, and this began to get more intense and happen more often every time I pray before bed.
I'm guessing they don't like this. They don't want me to find Jesus christ but I still don't stop praying.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Phromheus to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:05 welp007 The last ATM offering ran from May 17th - May 24th with 236 million in volume. Friday and today’s volume? 234 million. 🚀

The last ATM offering ran from May 17th - May 24th with 236 million in volume. Friday and today’s volume? 234 million. 🚀 submitted by welp007 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:05 Vast-Explorer-9118 LF Don’t Wait Up and Cool Wagon

LF Don’t Wait Up and Cool Wagon submitted by Vast-Explorer-9118 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:05 Rob-Retro-Linux A bit of Vectrex today on my TSP.

A bit of Vectrex today on my TSP. submitted by Rob-Retro-Linux to trimui [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:05 get_in_the_bin_ I have 90 mil and need to replace Baggio, who do I get?

I have 90 mil and need to replace Baggio, who do I get? submitted by get_in_the_bin_ to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Specific-Rip-8353 New player would appreciate some help

New player would appreciate some help
Hello, I'm brand new to the game (after almost a year of friends begging me to try it) and trying to finish a few of the super basic sticker sets finished and make a few friends for the game. Stickers not necessary to add me as a friend :)
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/Lrz1ajocDhs
In game name is Zono :)
submitted by Specific-Rip-8353 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Katastrofa2 What can I do, as an intermediate player, to make it so I will be able to play advanced pieces in the future?

Played one year as a child, been playing for around 6 years since age 22, half of it (and currently) with a teacher.
I already accepted that I'll probably never play virtuous pieces, but I'd like to be able to play advanced pieces in the future. What can I do, assuming I have a life and can't practice more than 1 hour a day (except weekends), to reach an advanced level? Preferably without selling my soul to Hanon / Czerny. Do I even have a chance?
Some piece I'd like to play (some possibly too hard): greig - wedding day at troldhaugen, Poulenc - melancholie, Chopin - any of the ballads / sonatas 2-3, Beethoven's famous sonatas, some late Brahms, liebstraum.
Some pieces I can currently play at an acceptable level - Chopin raindrop, ravel pavanne, Poulenc novellete 1&3, Tchaikovsky June, Debussy arabesque 1, greig nocturne (the famous one).
Also idk if the title is proper English.
Any insights would be amazing, thank you!!
submitted by Katastrofa2 to piano [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Jakzeti1453 Why is it better to Castle into a full Pawn Attack rather than Forking Rook and Queen?

Why is it better to Castle into a full Pawn Attack rather than Forking Rook and Queen? submitted by Jakzeti1453 to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 honeylemonade96 Love, personality, career? 🥺

Love, personality, career? 🥺 submitted by honeylemonade96 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Abject-Earth5917 Anyone?

Anyone? submitted by Abject-Earth5917 to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 69anonymousperson69 About to transfer an UGMA, 2 Q's: 1.) Do I need to liquidate assets first? 2.) Should I call my bank before transferring?

Hi all, probably "no-brainer" questions...but thought I should ask just in case.
So I'm attempting to transfer an UGMA account (under Merill Lynch) that I have legal access to (I'm no longer a minor) to my personal bank account. 2 questions:
1.) The $ amount is quite large, so I'm guessing I should notify my bank before transferring it.
2.) I've seen that my UGMA is mostly composed of bonds and mutual funds...wondering if I need to sell/liquidate them (and thus, call my account's broker) before transferring them to my personal bank account.
submitted by 69anonymousperson69 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Psyche-Ophis Choosing a New Monitor Help

Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for your help!
I currently have a G7 Odyssey 32" monitor (1440p, 240Hz) which I primarily use for watching YouTube, studying, and playing Halo Infinite competitively (Onyx rank). Despite my love for Halo, my PC setup isn't the best. I have an MSI RTX 3090 (non-TI) and an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400 @ 2.60GHz, with 32GB RAM. I usually get around 180-240 FPS in games.
I often split my screen into four sections to run multiple applications/browsers for research and programming. I've been thinking that a second monitor would be very useful, especially since I've always wanted a multi-monitor setup (2-3 monitors). My plan is to use the current monitor for gaming, one for Discord/chat, and one for programming/research.
I need help deciding on my next monitor. Should I get a larger monitor to use as a dual setup or upgrade to a 4K monitor? If I go 4K, should it become my main gaming monitor?
I trust MSI, Samsung, and ASUS. I’ve heard good things about ASUS, Samsung makes good monitors, and MSI has amazing customer support. Here are my requirements:
My biggest issues with the G7 Odyssey are:
  1. The powesettings button is finicky. I initially thought it was broken because it took so long to turn the monitor on. You have to hold the button to turn it on/off and press it to access settings.
  2. Slight ghosting, likely due to the VA panel. I’d prefer an IPS panel for better color accuracy and response time.
I’m considering using my current monitor for editing and getting a new 4K IPS monitor (120Hz or so) for gaming and other tasks, as my PC might struggle with 120 FPS on a 4K monitor.
I am open to get another curved. I am open to getting a larger monitor 32" or more. I am open to being convinced into buying a new gaming monitor and using my present monitor as the editing/discord monitor. I am basically open to any advice
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Psyche-Ophis to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 candamce2890 Song Elimination Game: Oops!…I Did It Again Day 3

Song Elimination Game: Oops!…I Did It Again Day 3
‘“Where Are You Now” is out!
Every day we’re eliminating 1 song. Name the song that you like the least. The song with the most upvotes gets eliminated.
Before commenting please check to see if the song’s already been mentioned and upvote instead of commenting again!
Please don’t downvote posts you disagree with instead upvote posts you DO agree with. It’s a game. No one should be losing karma points over a game. It just discourages people from playing!
1.Oops!…I Did It Again
4.Don’t Let Me Be The Last One To Know
5.Don’t Go Knockin On My Door
6.(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
7.What U See (Is What U Get)
8.Can’t Make You Love Me
9.When Your Eyes Say It
10.Dear Diary
Eliminated Songs
8.One Kiss From You
9.Where Are You Now
submitted by candamce2890 to BritneySpearsGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Lemon7444 Looking for outro please !!

Looking for outro please !! submitted by Lemon7444 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:04 Abject-Earth5917 Anyone?

Anyone? submitted by Abject-Earth5917 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:03 whowhatwear77 IVF Advice for RPL

Hi guys, I'm just starting my journey along the IVF road after 2 MCS and 2 IUIs (and another MC from the last IUI) and have been here for some time because I find the information provided here super insightful and sometimes even more than what my RE can provide.
For those of you who have had success, what protocol or treatment did you find success with for early RPL where the embryo stops growing at 7 weeks?
I am hopefully having an ER week of July 8th and I am currently stacking with coq10, pqq, myoinosital with dchiro, tru niagen, glutathione and prenatals. I know this seems like a lot but I'm trying the kitchen sink method after 3 early pregnancy losses. We don't know truly why I keep MC early bc the RPL panel is negative and my AMH seems okay at 1.77 (37 y). My husbs morphology is at 5% (all other numbers norm) and I cant find real answers on whether that can cause early miscarriages but Im really trying to up my egg quality just in case my eggs are reason and he is taking a male fertility supplement (when he remembers 😅.) I am also going to talk to RE about starting steroids during the transfer process due to potential inflammation there which I self diagnosed bc of the extremely painful sex I've had even though RE said I didn't seem to have any uterine issues when he did the SIS.
My FET process will start with stims (menopur, follistim) and then trigger in the evening after confirming follicle the day before ER approx around Day 14.
I would welcome any and all of advice from you guys! I'm extremely scared about this process and being on this sub helps with my nerves so thank you in advance for all of the great information I've gotten from you guys already just by lurking :)
submitted by whowhatwear77 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:03 Dayngerman Union won a 4.0% + 3.5% increase, but I got 4.0% + 1.49% because of some prior missteps from Management. Am I entitled to the full amount? Full details in post.

Ok, lots of details here, I will try and make this a clear and simple as possible.
Located in Ontario
1: Got promoted to Manager, offered $90,789 in writing from Senior Manager. Turns out the actual salary should have been $89,000, but they were anticipating a 2% increase, so offered that within this new rate assuming the other Managers would be brought up with the retro pay when it was released.
2: New CBA, with 4.0% & 3.5% increases (4.0% retro to June 1, 2023 & 3.5% from June 2024 to 2025)
3: Initially get 4.0% on the $90,789, not the $89,000, get $94,421.
4: Given new Increase letter, with rate now at $95,823 which is the top step of the new band. If the 3.5% increase was applied, I would have been at $97,725.
I am not unionized, so my question is, does the new CBA bind my employer into giving me 3.5% on whatever I was making, or are they allowed to short me on my second raise to in order to level me with the salary grid and bring me in line with the other Managers?
submitted by Dayngerman to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:03 Outrageous-Ad-4992 Do I have too much in my portfolio?

I've seen a few posts and people saying you should just go with 1 or 2 big funds like jus s&p 500 and ftse all world. Should do the same thing or are these good as they are?
submitted by Outrageous-Ad-4992 to trading212 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:03 HLyulkod091 Idk if it's L or W but I need portal

Idk if it's L or W but I need portal
If someone accept this trade you can add fruits
submitted by HLyulkod091 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:03 Hot_Ad_6408 Cursed_Daughter

Cursed_Daughter submitted by Hot_Ad_6408 to cursedcomments [link] [comments]
