Cerita main amoi cina

Going NC with family? Is this petty?

2024.05.26 21:38 siderealscorpio_02 Going NC with family? Is this petty?

Hi everyone. I'm 24F. Currently living out of pulau Jawa. Anak pertama, dan punya adik 14M.
Backstory: Right after high school, i took a gap year mainly because my family's finance was not good at all. Mom had numerous debt after my step dad passing in 2015. So i worked ever since i was 18, dari serabutan sampe akhirnya gue bisa dpt corporate job thn 2019. Kuliah sambil kerja (awal masih dibantu nyokap untuk bayar UKT, tapi semester 3 sampai gue lulus it was all me). Dan dari kerjaan serabutan gue pertama, sampai sekarang, I have always tried to give something to my mom. Dari nominal kecil sampe lumayan gede gue selalu share as my thank you.
Singkat cerita, setelah sekian lama enduring all the passive agressive from my family (mom and brother), gue dpt offer di luar pulau untuk kerja dan gue ambil tanpa mikir panjang karena gue udah segatahan itu dirumah. Giving money is one thing, being eldest daughter is another thing. Nyokap gue dititik kalo ngobrol sama gue gajauh-jauh dari duit. I could talk about the anything with her it will end up to her lacking of money. Even gue udh jauh dari rumah, isi chat kita garing, gada tuh nanya kabar gue gmn/kerjaan gue dan ujung2nya bakal ngomongin duit. And because I know her, that's her way of asking money. She never explicitly 'asking' for money from me, rather she will be passive agressive, atau kode2 gitu loh. Gue pernah blg sm dia, kalo memang butuh, ngomong, gausah gaenakan, dan sebisa mungkin jika gue mampu gue akan bantu.
Tapi tetep aja, masih dengan kode2 itu, ditambah omongan dia yang selalu terngiang "Mama gabutuh uang dari kamu, ka. Mama cuma butuh kamu berbakti aja sama mama, cukup kok. Mama masih bisa sendiri kalo uang." Tapi gue gapernah dengerin dan gue ngerasa selama gue masih tinggal dirumah dia, gue harus bantu. Sampai akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk move out. I thought, this way it would be easier to say no, incase i do not want to give her any money (sorry gada uang/uang lg mepet abis). Ternyata engga cuy lol
Saat gue pindah, gaji gue memang naik, tapi gue jg merasa gue harus bayar rent + cost of living dll yang dimana walau bukan pulau jawa, gue juga harus nabung untuk masa depan gue. Gue tetep ngasih setiap bulannya, tapi nominal gue turunin sedikti demi sedikit. Tapi ternyata diluar allowance bulanan yang gue kasih ke dia, gue juga tetep ngasih ke adek gue. Lama-lama banyak yang dia minta, entah dari isi topup e-wallet. Belum lg adek gue minta.Januari kemarin, adek gue dengan bodohnya nabrak orang. Iya umur 14 tahun dikasih motor dan diberi izin, nabrak anak kecil. Untung korbannya cm luka ga sampe meninggal. Nyokap gue nelfon gue, laporan. Salahnya gue disini trauma takut dimintain uang, gue ada omongan bahwa maaf, gue gabisa bantu karena pengeluaran lg memang banyak dan gue baru aja kasih duit bulanan dia juga. Gue saat itu worry tp juga bener2 gabisa bantu + gue ngerasa ini jg kelalaian dia sbg ortu ngasih izin adek bawa motor. Dia sakit hati merasa dia cm pgn lapor tp gue malah bales gitu. Had a whole fight, sampai dimana dia ada omongan yang super nyakitin, kemungkinan gue tidak akan bisa memaafkan dia sampai gue mati nanti.
> She said and I quote "Kamu tidak malu sudah mengambil jatah kasih sayang papa adek kamu? Dia anak yatim kasian gada yang sayang. Kamu dulu saat kecil dapat kasih sayang dari papa dia harusnya kamu malu. Kamu baru bisa ngasih yang tidak seberapa itu jangan harap bisa membayar pengorbanan yang sudah diberikan oleh ibu kamu ini."
(Context: never met my bio father, grew up with my step dad, im grateful he was a decent kind man. Step dad died when I was 15 and my brother was 5. Knp gue harus kesannya ambil jatah? Dan gue tau, gue blm bisa kasih a whole house, tp pengorbanan dan pemberian gue 0 aja gitu dimata dia selama ini? Whew.)
Bulan ini, gue ga ngasih bulanan ke nyokap, karena sejujurnya gue sempet travel tanpa bilang ke mereka. Karena gamau dianggap gue ada uang banyak dan mereka minta lebih. Karena dimata mereka kalo gue bisa jalan2, ada uang lebih untuk mereka dong. Gue gamau ngasih kalo ga ikhlas. Tapi gue dikejar-kejar seakan gue ada hutang sm mereka. Sampe dikirim video tentang anak durhaka halus karena mereka anggep gue ada uang tapi gamau ngasih. Padahal uang gue beneran abis dan gue udh blg ke mereka tanpa konteks gue abis jalan2. But they still kode2 pasif agresif.
I've had enough, gue tau mungkin yang gue tulis disini ga cover beberapa tahun gue menjadi sandwich generation di keluarga gue. All the mental I've had to go through. And I know I sound so selfish to have a desire to cut them off completely over this matter. But truth is, ini resentment built up dari dulu yang memang baru meledak sekarang. P.S Nyokap gue gamau remarry lg krn dia males, gue udh kasih restu kalau memang dia mau nikah biar ada yang provide untuk dia selain gue. Karena gue juga cm anak, bukan the man of the family.
  1. Apakah wise kalau memang gue truly go NC?
  2. Karena posisi gue ga dirumah, gue cm ada foto KK dan copy KK. Is this possible untuk pecah KK
  3. Are there other necessary steps if I'm going to NC with them?
All the help and comment will be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by siderealscorpio_02 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:11 WillowQueasy4939 Oi , Cina help me learn Mandarin!!

Sorry ✋😔
My Malay friend keep saying that I should learn Mandarin since they love to go china for buying cheap stuff and sell it back to Malaysia
I also thought maybe I could sell something or being an agent for china companies and sell it back to Malaysia or even Sg
Many of friends does this , they aren't Cina but M so huhu.
Had travelled to China , like it there but me sad Kenot speak to Original amoi and Supplier
Learn Mandarin nowadays seems beneficial So dear my lovely Cina babi frens
How do I learn Mandarin?
What Mandarin should I learn?
How long does it take ?
Any online teacher willing to teacher? Pls recommend
And lastly how to rizz original amoi (ignore if U hate me)
Me Irfan need Mandarin to feed family ,pls help me
Dear Cina
submitted by WillowQueasy4939 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:33 Latter_Transition_32 Say no to this stereotypical men, Let U decide ur ideal woman.

Say no to this stereotypical men, Let U decide ur ideal woman. submitted by Latter_Transition_32 to u/Latter_Transition_32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:32 akangmacho SADIS, SISWI SD TEWAS DAN DIBAKAR


Keluarga Aldelia rahma (11), siswi SDN 10 Durian Jantung, Kabupaten padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat (sumbar), menuntut pihak sekolah yang dianggap lali. Menurut pihak keluarga, Aldelia terbakar karena ulah temannya saat ia dimintai wali kelas membakar sampah.
Saat itu, kakak sepupu Aldelia, Media Madona, menyebut Aldelia disiram dengan pertalite oleh temannya yang jahil. Api pun langsung berkobar membakar tubuhnya.
Akibat kejadian ini, Aldelia mengalami luka bakar 80%. Setelah sempat di rawat sejak 23 Februari 2024, Aldelia yang juga mengalami gizi buruk setelah kejadian itu meninggal dunia pada Selasa (21/5) di RSUP M Djamil Padang.
"Kami dari awal sudah tidak senang. Kejadian di jam sekolah dan di lingkungan sekolah. Awalnya kejadian ini berbeda versi guru dengan cerita Aldelia." tutur madona saat dihubungi kumparan, Kamis (23/5).
Wali kelas Aldelia yang dinilai keluarga terlalu abai.
Aldelia selama ini sering di bully oleh anak ini. Ketahuan setelah Adelia cerita ke kakaknya. Sering ditendang, ditempeleng dan bahkan di dorong," ungkapnya.
Setiap Aldelia mengadu ke guru, menurut Madona, Wali Kelas malah memarahi Aldelia karena berteman dengan laki-laki. Padahal, Madona menilai, selama di sekolah tak ada bedanya berteman dengan lak-laki atau perempuan.
"Sama semua. tergantung anak ini. Memang anak ini jahil. Sebenarnya anak ini kalau ditegur sama guru, pasti berhenti jahil,"
Madona mengungkapkan, awalnya pihak keluarga mendapat cerita bahwa kejadian ini terjadi tanpa disengaja. Menurut penuturan guru kepada keluarga, api menyambar Aldelia karena botol berisi minyak tanah yang ada di dekat bakaran tumpukan sampai meledak.
"Gurunya menuduh kenapa main api di belakang sekolah," kata Madona.
"Sudah itu datang temannya ini, disiram, lalu terbakar. "Ada guru di sana?" tanya saya.
"Tidak", katanya. Saya tanya. "Warna hijau minyaknya?"
"Iya," kata Adelia.
Berarti kalau hijau pertalite. Namun versi guru disebutkan minyak tanah," ungkap Madona.
Dalam versi guru, lanjut Madona, seluruh siswi hanya diminta bersih-bersih di kelas saja. Padahal berdasarkan cerita Aldelia, semua teman sekelasnya diminta bersih bersih di belakang sekolah karena akan ada kegiatan.
"karena akan ada kegiatan di sekolah, anak olahraga kelas 4 ini diintrusikkan bakar sampah. Ini tidak ada pengawasan juga dan guru," sesalnya.
submitted by akangmacho to u/akangmacho [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 10:30 WillowQueasy4939 Say no to this stereotypical men, Let U decide ur ideal woman.

Say no to this stereotypical men, Let U decide ur ideal woman.
For context , As a men we got to choose our dream girl doesn't matter she is coming from what races.
Take responsibility and give her the best treatment as our ideal woman.
Just same like buying a car , Buy what you need instead of want.
Say no to PULUN (full loan)
submitted by WillowQueasy4939 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 13:44 WhyHowForWhat Apakah kalian pernah dianggap tidak dewasa oleh orang lain?

Bokap sama istrinya cerita kalo adek gua sempet konsul sama psikolog. Terus istri bokap gua cerita alesan adek gua stress banyak dan salah satu nya karena mikirin keluarga nya termasuk gua. Dia bilang gua tuh ga dewasa karena gua tuh kebanyakan main game (uuuh Im cutting my gaming hours nowadays, I mostly read stuff now). Setelah gua denger itu, gua ngerasa gagal jadi kakak.
And you know what? I think she is 100% correct. Its not like Im not trying at all to better myself tapi gua ngerasa setelah lulus kuliah gua ga pernah all out lg. Apakah dia dalam hati gemes liat gua msh blm dapet kerja beneran? Ato dia sbnrnya malu punya kakak cuekan sama omongan orang lain dengan bentukan mcm wibu NEET kayak gua? Apakah gua yang dari jaman SMA jadi "penengah" antara nyokap dan bokap gua (terutama soal bulanan) sampe skrg itu ga cukup? Gua jadi cuekan gini sbnrnya jg karena gua udh males mengindahkan perkataan orang banget, gua lebih prefer nyaman dengan diri sendiri daripada berusaha nyenangin banyak orang tau2nya gua malah justru buang2 waktu dan tenaga.
Gua tuh depan dia emang santai banget, dia aja sampe berani manggil gua nama (the name one is on me tbh). Apa karena gua kurang tegas sama dia? All in all Im not saying that she is wrong to think of me as not mature, I am just confused right now. Maybe because she mostly sees me playing games that she manage to arrive to that conclusion but Idk, maybe there are other factors that makes her think like that. I am too afraid to call myself a mature women because I really dont know what is the standard for someone to be called mature.
Sekian TedTalk existential crisis gua, ada yang sepengalaman?
submitted by WhyHowForWhat to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 DangerousAd7359 Amoi Tiktokers who regularly appear in baju kurung

I know this sub has hard on for amoi in kurung or kebaya. So I create this thread for us to share the sauces of the amoi influencers who wear kurung or kebaya from time to time, not just in raya season or to kenduri. Others with sauces also please share in the comments!
  1. Jessica Minkoff
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicaminkoff?lang=en
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jessicaminkoff/featured
This one not only often appears in kurung & kebaya but sometimes wears tudung also. She is an online seller especially of Muslimah products so of course she gonna play to the gallery lorrrr...
  1. Cempaka Lim
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cempaka.l?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cempaka.l/?__d=11
This one is an O&G engineer and also harum manis seller. Mainly motivational content about being a kampung girl who succeeded after hardwork bla bla bla.
  1. Sherlyn Heon
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sherlynheon?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sherlynheon/
This one mainly dancing content. She has made a very cringe video during GE15 to support Tengku Zafrul.
So, I have share mine. Share yours in the comments!
submitted by DangerousAd7359 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:31 xoxefo3952 PASIEN NOMOR SEMBILAN dari Ris Manice untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Ini adalah cerita tentang pasien nomor sembilan yang datang padaku murni sebagai pesakitan. Allsya, remaja yang terlahir dari keluarga berada tapi tak bisa menikmati bahagia. Ditempa oleh keadaan yang memaksanya untuk dewasa sebelum waktunya. Diusianya yang masih belia ia mencari tentang keadilan, perbedaan laki-laki dan perempuan, dan pembedaan perlakuan. Ketika di penghujung SMP--masa sibuknya ujian, berhasil menemukan jawaban. Patriarki. Selain dari buku yang dibacanya, ia juga mendapatkan pemahaman dari Ersya--mahasiswa yang sedang KKN di desanya. Menjalin kedekatan. Mengajari banyak hal setiap malam, berbagi perhatian, dan juga memberi perlindungan layaknya sepasang kakak-beradik. Tiga bulan sudah, tiba masanya Ersya harus pulang. Tugasnya telah usai dan harus kembali menyelesaikan studynya di kota asal. Tentu saja Allsya tak baik-baik saja setelah perpisahan. Terciptanya kebersamaan membuatnya merasa kehilangan. Terlebih ketika mimpinya dipaksa mati oleh sang ayah dengan jeratan sebuah perjodohan. Ketika ia datang padaku memberanikan diri bercerita tentang sekelumit hidupnya sebagai upaya penyembuhan diri, maka mata hatiku merubah cara pandang tentangnya. Menebas segala prasangka yang sempat tercipta karena kesaksianku yang tidak utuh. Keputusannya datang padaku adalah momentum terbaik untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang yang sering mengundang pikiran yang bukan-bukan serta kesimpulan tanpa rujukan. Namun secara tidak langsung ia mengajakku bermain-main dalam labirinnya. Bahkan bukan lagi bersifat ajakan melainkan paksaan karena ini menyangkut tanggung jawab profesi. Baiklah, dengan bantuan diary sebagai saksi bisu sang pemiliknya yang dibiarkan aku baca, kesaksian seorang lelaki yang sangat kupuja, serta mataku sendiri yang menyaksikan beberapa bagian hidupnya, aku susun benang merah dari hidup seorang pasien nomor sembilan. Silahkan, saksikan saja kinerjaku ini! Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:41 xentanicx Cerita kusung saja

Bukan mau cerita pulitik yang malatup-latup tapi hanya cerita kusung yang kupi-kupi di kedai cina ah wong dengan pesanan kupi-O dan mee hun ayam. Kalau tengok keadaan Sabah sekarang boleh dikatakan 50-50. Mau cakap ok tidak juga , mau cakap tidak ok pun tidak juga.
Masalah masyarakat Sabah yang umum sekarang adalah 6 perkara saja :
  1. Infrastruktur
  2. Jalan Raya
  3. Air
  4. Elektrik
  5. Pendidikan
  6. PTI
These 6 perkara ini memang kadang-kadang bikin kita fed up sebab even though kita sebagai rakyat tidak kira la bayar cukai atau tidak memang sukar untuk Kerajaan kasi lulus. Now sia tidak pertikaikan Kerajaan sekarang dan dulu sebab for me there are certain things diorang macam KIV sampai sekarang tiada cerita that's why kita mau tau apa jadi sudah dengan perancangan yang mereka rancangkan. Instead abandon that huge project they're talked why not give us some update at least we're informed.
Kadang sia terfikir juga tiadakah macam badan bebas or bahagian swasta ambil alih sekiranya Jabatan-Jabatan tertentu tidak dapat tunaikan sebab fokus ke projek lain? lebih-lebih lagi yang melibatkan keperluan seharian macam Air dan Elektrik? ini dua perkara ada perkara paling essential dalam kehidupan seharian kita.
Now, sia tidak mau huraikan semua itu cuz kadang saya terfikir juga after all these messed up things that happening in Sabah tiadakah yang betul-betul step up and fix this thing? I cannot help but hope that there will be someone yang berani , someone yang don't give a fuck but do the talk instead banyak cakap.
Talk about PTI , i guess there's someone behind this and kita tau sedia maklum with these "Project IC" but my God the amount of illegal immigrants in Sabah are too damn high sampai kita sendiri pun tidak dapat bezakan lagi samaada orang local or not. I'm not surprised yang satu hari nanti diorang pelan-pelan take over lebih-lebih lagi sektor kerajaan dan ekonomi.
How can we as an individual Sabahan prepare ?
Dan macam mana mau satu hati kalau sebagai individu pun tidak bersatu hanya kerana perbezaan pandangan politik?
Can we overcome this? or sekadar biarkan macam penyakit yang pelan-pelan menjadi kanser.
Banyak persoalan namun siapakah yang menyelamatkan Sabah yang tercinta? us or politician?
ps: kalau sia tersilap atau pun terdapat kesalahan boleh betulkan saya. I don't take comments yang tiba-tiba bawa gaduh atau troll cuz it's just a waste of time untuk layan.
submitted by xentanicx to Sabah [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:27 Blockchain-TEMU Brigs Process 3D Architecture

  1. A house has 16 Letter 1. Wind 2. Rain 3. Sun 4. Air 5. Water 6. Fire 7. Dark 8. Divine 9. Clan 10. Master 11. Ruler 12. Jonnay (Local 1) 13. Tiffany (Local 2) 14. Nathans (Cat 1) 15. Hakes (Cat 2) 16. Davids (Master 1) 1.1 Example House David's Personal House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / y4smvo49kmuf722kfzzw2 / ABFupxIpPjKv0vmUd7rxQ9A ? rlkey = a6bhk3df580yr1at4vs1szsjl & dl = 0 1.2 Lifes System Provision ENHANCE 1.3 Chunks Bar Grill Simalcrafood 1.4 Exterior Houses 1.4.1 Exterior House Kitchen 1.4.2 Exterior House Bed 1.4.3 Exterior House Hidden Toilet 1.4.4 2 Extra Exterior Houses 1.4.5 Full Pay To Play Casino 1.4.6 Trade with Our Minerals Dealer 1.4.7 Terrabrew Coffee Hidden Packet 1.4.8 Tranquiltea THC Spice 1.4.9 Use our Garbage Bin to Throw Away A Terrabrew Cup 1.5.0 Vend with the Terrabrew Machine some Fats And Weed (Coffee) 1.5.1 Spaceport Transit, Transit to Another Port 1.5.2 Example House Fred Falke's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / qg0z8tppgw0ojnv6zrl8z / ALcPH9JQjt0y0TTBVI2nvig ? rlkey = lmlb24is14pgouc2senxyqs4q & dl = 0 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 1.5.3 Exterior Cosmarium - Includes Outer Space Adventure 1.5.4 Interior 4 Bedroom House 1.5.5 Toilets To Upstairs 1.5.6 Cosmarium Access 1.5.7 Interior Den Accessible at Cosmarium 1.5.8 Cosmarium Includes Planets Display 1.5.8 Example House Keyanu's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 4q14v79pgg5sstq326dm0 / AFsD7QWvqv0-EnefhjuqWJ0 ? rlkey = csonjdhbhw5y065pcqu44bhp5 & dl = 0 1.5.9 Nice Lawn and Grill 1.6.0 Foyer Main Access 1.6.1 5 Bedroom Studio Included 1.6.2 Toilets Individual Every Room 1.6.3 Intrinsic Kitchen 1.6.4 Standard 16 Bar Oxygen 8 Lumen System 1.6.5 6 Unique Instruments In Studio and PC In Most Rooms 1.6.6 Clothes Stocked in Every Room 1.6.7 Payday's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / y5f4zeq9rqfxf9z2wvn3x / AF1XzGXYmhFLadEONmz9f60 ? rlkey = 947afvpm4ysgt1sl3rnzk7k1c & dl = 0 1.6.8 Dog Run 1.6.9 Intrinsic Grill 1.7.0 Foyer and Toilet for Foyer 1.7.1 Piano Room 1.7.2 Upstairs with Three Bedroom 1.7.3 Downstairs with Two Bedroom 1.7.4 Two Upstairs Bath 1.7.5 Standard 16 Bar Oxygen 8 Lumen System 1.7.6 Pingpong Table Included 1.7.7 Full Rock Tunnel To Dogland 1.7.8 Dogland Mailman and Dogland Delivery 1.7.9 PCs and Clothes Included 1.8.0 Science Coin Plus House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / th8s8y2cvm53v4ihjz7uf / AOpx9h9DweYWyg8oTURDb7Y ? rlkey = gazzoslez39f6tv43ckp7q82h & dl = 0 1.8.1 Full Back and Front Yard 1.8.2 Interior 3 Bedroom Upstairs 2 Bedroom Downstairs Classic Modern House 1.8.3 Kitchen With LIGHTS Smell 1.8.4 Full Penetrating Aroma Diffusor 1.8.5 Downstairs Bunker 1.8.6 Standard 16 Bar Pressure 8 Lumen Setup 1.8.7 Includes Credit Card Of 4000 Dollar Limit Tied to the Property 1.8.8 Includes Access token to local utilities and stores 1.8.9 Includes 1 Car Garage and street parking 1.9.0 Treasurer Martin's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / i25kajtfyq7rsbley4zcv / AD2UVKeX9RxIgErDuntigR0 ? rlkey = i8r6ykg6vsm1r4o7r5tu0spkw & dl = 0 1.9.1 4 Bedroom Fatboy Slim House 1.9.2 Private Toilets for Each Room 1.9.3 Community Secret Upstairs Gathering Area 1.9.4 Full 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 1.9.5 Includes Kitchen In Break Room 1.9.6 Clothes in Every Room 1.9.7 PC In Every Room 1.9.8 Music Area in Gathering Area 1.9.9 Stocked With Crew Connor, Duncan, Yung Bae, Ievan 2.0.0 Tweak's New House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 6gpljpd8w7xnk5qxsztux / AAcWFry56HLFgSFNipowiRg ? rlkey = 9dg7vuqr6dvebo6lowbataxys & dl = 0 2.0.1 Foyer and Backyard and Upstairs and Kitchen 2.0.2 Standard South Park Layout 2.0.3 Toy Chest Included in Bedroom 2.0.4 Upstairs Bathroom 2.0.5 Downstairs Television 2.0.6 Includes Parents Room 2.0.7 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.0.8 Full Plumbing System 2.0.9 Closet Included 2.1.0 Virtual Riot Energy Drink Contest Home https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 9tcvy80bq4gvngv7zew0j / AOAsl2olcanfLMIxKpJhbK4 ? rlkey = 6ur44i4wb14mmwjdhof4awqcw & dl = 0 2.1.1 Upstairs 4 Bedroom 4 Bath Downstairs Kitchen With Lawn 2.1.2 Included 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.1.3 Fitted for Contest Winner Ryan 2.1.4 Includes Interior Music Studio 2.1.5 Includes Rations At the Kitchen 2.1.6 Full House Lawn 2.1.7 Includes Virtual Riot Energy Drink Crate 2.1.8 Includes full Kitchen Cooking System 2.1.9 Does not include Pizza Box 2.2.0 First Edition Baths https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 070erahxtx6kheqkq7viv / h ? rlkey = 8vejr3pfkskq104e5da51ocgm & dl = 0 2.2.1 Full Ryuken Style Retreat 2.2.2 American Style 2.2.3 Hyaluronic Water Display 2.2.4 Multiple Accessible Toilets 2.2.5 Hostel Home Associated 2.2.6 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.2.7 Associated to Virtual Riot Energy Drink Contest House 2.2.8 Full Plumbing 2.2.9 Only Outdoor Pool 2.3.0 Mandelbrot's Portion https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 4rsa861mh57tv6ibiqc7f / AHer3vgPNYOdj8UR3q4atNI ? rlkey = sx4nhltlh6mqmzw8s9cbay4ei & dl = 0 2.3.1 Full 4 Bedroom 4 Bath Lakeside House 2.3.2 Intrinsic Music Studio 2.3.3 Standard 16 Bar Oxygen 8 Lumen System 2.3.4 Plumbing for Every Bath 2.3.5 Connector Upstairs Adjoiner 2.3.6 Included Medical Access 2.3.7 Clothes in Every Room 2.3.8 PC in Most Rooms 2.3.9 Reserved Canadian Graveyard Spot 2.4.0 Tim Garza's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / exy2mkx34e4vyyx3gm9zm / ANDv3_B38xt2wFxTfjpMvy8 ? rlkey = nzhtm8ozk9azxem7bgvcrx1pw & dl = 0 2.4.1 Nonstandard 14 Bar High Altitude 8 Lumen System 2.4.2 Comes with Additional House Patrick's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / g556jmzhsi70ikjcdsm8c / AOypud9QDtb5h5ELYoZQxxk ? rlkey = 7obp5svlq35q6kz7rw6ejhrer & dl = 0 2.4.3 Nonstandard 14 Bar High Altitude 8 Lumen System 2.4.4 4 Bedroom and 3 Bedroom House with 2 Bath and 1 Bath 2.4.5 Part of a development with further 2 Houses 2.4.6 Plumbing for Every Bath 2.4.7 Other two houses not for sale 2.4.8 Comes with Clothes in Every Bedroom and A PC In every bedroom 2.4.9 Comes with Kitchen in both house 2.5.0 KPOP House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 0gn89hioxlhy99hkeofl y / AOQJj6Q60JxCyfzn_Zqqh04 ? rlkey = 8997eg0yi4to9l05wocrnol53 & dl = 0 2.5.1 Kpop contest House, 4 Bedroom 4 Bath house with Upstairs Adjoiner 2.5.2 Plumbing for every baths 2.5.3 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.5.4 Comes with intrinsic music studio 2.5.5 Comes with clothes in every bedroom 2.5.6 Comes with PC in every bedroom 2.5.7 Comes with KPOP Marketing display tool 2.5.8 Comes with participation in radio contest 2.5.9 Music tape recorder not included 2.6.0 Intellisecure Headquarters https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / takyluondf4y22byxxkfk / AN6ShFOeGYooczDEjm8zt88 ? rlkey = 77dycju3q87ayh61ci4qlhu57 & dl = 0 2.6.1 A girl, Other Ryan, is getting surgery for her melanoma outside 2.6.2 The girl responds well to her melanoma surgery 2.6.3 There is an upstairs to the hospital 2.6.4 There are maybe 4 rooms to the hospital 2.6.5 There are toilets in each room side room 2.6.6 The girl presumably makes her way to beds in the hospital after surgery 2.6.7 There is a standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System throughout 2.6.8 There are various medical equipment needed for the girl in the main area 2.6.9 The girl might use the toilet upstairs behind the door 2.7.0 Fries' Sama-House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / zlrtcq60lnqxj7ic3cae9 / AFed_Pfio_u8Mv3_ktBn2iE ? rlkey = 5y095iaxti5w863uzuaoaa8iv & dl = 0 2.7.1 A 3 Bedroom 1 Bath Downstairs 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Upstairs House with a Dojo Outside 2.7.2 Some people have been partying in the basement 2.7.3 There is a standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System at high altitude indicating conditioned air 2.7.4 There is a toilet room in the dojo 2.7.5 There is a TV room with a TV in it 2.7.6 There is a PC and a TV in the Downstairs Bedroom 2.7.7 There is some crates of food near the kitchen 2.7.8 There is a downstairs kitchen 2.7.9 There is a whole downstairs area where Fries' Son has another bedroom and some couches 2.8.0 Borat's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / qv6mgav9tsizmepwmp8es / AMoiFypY85vOMfnKU1lwduY ? rlkey = muh8z5z7gfql71vb9b820bf4q & dl = 0 2.8.1 A very old house in kalmskya with the ownership of the town store 2.8.2 There is one toilet in the house 2.8.3 There is the neighbor's house 2.8.4 There is the store that borats family owns 2.8.5 The neighbors house has a toilet 2.8.6 Borat lives with his sister 2.8.7 There is standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System given at the house or elsewhere 2.8.8 There is goods at the store including potato and cigarrete 2.8.9 This house actually is not for sale 2.9.0 Jamal's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / jkaaa7dar68oaewd5klys / AK9ZJNVKArzUiGKT_gyPOFw ? rlkey = ie92hphxup1b4bz48f31pubed & dl = 0 2.9.1 Set of 4 Houses 2.9.2 Baths included in each house with plumbing 2.9.3 Standard 14 Bar 8 Lumen High Altitude System 2.9.4 Main Room to Each House 2.9.5 Side Room with TV to each house 2.9.6 Clothes in each bedroom 2.9.7 PC in each bedroom 2.9.8 Back Yard House with Jordan In it 2.9.9 Included marketing display 3.0.0 Centennial Retirement Home https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / dh6hgc85048bdnzv4976u / AC8LJyFV-erivp2kmxCifxA ? rlkey = jt54mis1nytwit9mfmpfdb2h0 & dl = 0 3.0.1 Eight Patient Retirement Home 3.0.2 Medical Provisions Provided 3.0.3 Personell Capacity 16 Bar and 8 Lumen System 3.0.4 Malfunctioning Exterior Toilet 3.0.5 Gymnasium and Kitchen and Pepsi Machine and Mess 3.0.6 Secure Patient Checkin with Scan System 3.0.7 Poor Right Side Adult Ward Baths 3.0.8 Adolescents Ward Can Conceal Marijuana 3.0.9 Good Oxygenation Conditioning 3.1.0 Dubstep Challenge Island https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / l5y84ufg7p5ou9bkp5y8y / AEa_4z_e7YiJp2UzkfI7OWw ? rlkey = l08yxiqn4s7k1c8lilai7y1j4 & dl = 0 3.1.1 Nuerohop out of the boat into the island mainland, avoid the wilderness! 3.1.2 Get safety to Korbis and Putin and Efe on the Dubstep Challenge 3.1.3 3 Room 1 Trap 3 Bath House Provided with Upstairs Connector 3.1.4 Kitchen and Apparatus Provided 3.1.5 First Banned From The Island Leave Up at Docks 3.1.6 Full Music Studio Included with Beachhouse 3.1.7 Some Dogs Lurk in the Wilderness On The Island 3.1.8 No Specific Oxygen Line Provided for Waste 3.1.9 Found DJ Tool in Boilerroom 3.2.0 Justin Beiber's Mom's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / s8guwv5jph98kbxwq8z9v / ADWyXiZtcTzC3myr3ZHJIOc ? rlkey = upizj57oo5t7fdx9egx113cgp & dl = 0 3.2.1 Classic Industrial Area Flat 3.2.2 Included Industrial Area Food Anglomerate Output 3.2.3 Beiber's Mom's House 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Flat Provided, Foyer Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom 3.2.4 Beiber Child PC Text Trainer 3.2.5 Clothes In Bedroom 3.2.6 Plumbed Bathroom 3.2.7 16 Bar 8 Lumen System Provided 3.2.8 Childs Studio Provided 3.2.9 Standard Canadian Education Recomended 3.3.0 IRKLUNDANDER Commune https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / bgmfrbvkvh74qg739uqou / AGrF-BK-eA5GRxom5oI71KM ? rlkey = mbswm151h8ozh73ptt59g2s2m & dl = 0 3.3.1 3 Vox Trainer Reality Show Houses Made of Aluminum Glass 3.3.2 Toilet Included in Secret Room Beneath House 3.3.3 Community Toilet included in main area side room 3.3.4 Rations in every house 3.3.5 Space heater in every house 3.3.6 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.3.7 In a Winter Wonderland Area 3.3.8 Includes Clothes 3.3.9 Includes PC 3.4.0 Tim Garza's House 2 https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 4y216z2iddjpq2llkk4r9 / ACsSuQdkhToPeo-gUq4VuyM ? rlkey = 7tii9866lgyo4qy4jsshtfziu & dl = 0 3.4.1 Similar Format to Tim Garza's House 3.4.2 Includes 2 Bath 4 Bedroom 1 Community Kitchen House 3.4.3 Includes 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.4.4 Includes Plumbing for each Bathroom 3.4.5 Includes Appliances for the kitchen 3.4.6 Includes back and front yard entrance 3.4.7 Includes basement and clothes in every room 3.4.8 Includes tim garzas K-Workstation 3.4.9 Includes Heirloom Tomato grow actual tomato in back yard 3.5.0 JK Rowling's Castle https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / xnov07r1vsy8lgr2s7e9q / AHMvwcVoLRce2t-8bl6HMXA ? rlkey = kvh0aaz6js1gv15r3x4omf7yz & dl = 0 3.5.1 Full Castle With Dungeon and Great Hall and Dormitories in the Style of the Movie 3.5.2 Separate from castle built for movie 3.5.3 3 Classrooms moved from the set of the movie 3.5.4 Many 4 Bathrooms With Plumbing 3.5.5 Includes Hogsmeade Buildings on Grounds 3.5.6 Shrieking Shack, Three Broomsticks, and Igor's Tavern in Hogsmeade 3.5.7 Actual Hidden Tunnel to The Shrieking Shack 3.5.8 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.5.9 Appropriate dormitories for players of the movie 3.6.0 The Flavor Isles https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 8vyh83ce11kf5pb2gwadv / ANsJbcJKKeQI384oE8Se5UM ? rlkey = puoqw30lgu5zhk6erk9yc4s90 & dl = 0 3.6.1 Flavor Themed Disneyland Resort in Joey's Basement 3.6.2 Massive Spicy Shrieking Hut Cuisine and Other Classics 3.6.3 Stay in for a night at a 4 bedroom 4 bath resort hotel 3.6.4 Plumbing for Every bath 3.6.5 16 Bar 8 Lumen Classic System 3.6.6 Use clothes or a PC at the bedroom 3.6.7 Double Depth, Go to the next ride at the next depth 3.6.8 4 Bedroom 4 Bath House in the Hidden Area and another Restaurant 3.6.9 Full Service Recycling 3.7.0 Rented Ice Hotel https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / ddk5zf8729uaiebclbb1o / AIqBsidXAXrTQXi-PCxWdNA ? rlkey = o9yjupq7b823imenx1ybucpzl & dl = 0 3.7.1 One Room Ice Hotel 3.7.2 Made out of Ice 3.7.3 Has Bathroom and Plumbing 3.7.4 Has Ice display 3.7.5 Agnes' Ice Hotel 3.7.6 Real 5 Copy Build Method 3.7.7 16 Bar 8 Lumen Limited Oxygen System 3.7.8 Has Kitchen in Ice Hotel 3.7.9 Has Marijuana In Ice Hotel 3.8.0 Dorisburg's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / qy5sgm3j89td9n7g1i5r5 / AA0m-DE6cmlNiFKbL0baT5c ? rlkey = mtmlf5198napxkl3i75hvpnjo & dl = 0 3.8.1 4 Bedroom 4 Bath House With Interior Kitchen and Back Yard 3.8.2 Plumbing for Every Bath 3.8.3 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.8.4 Telivision Room and Telivision 3.8.5 Downstairs Television 3.8.6 Beds in Every Bedroom 3.8.7 Back Yard With Vegetable Grow 3.8.8 Front Yard Access Through Waterjet Channel 3.8.9 Dedicated Oxygen Line for Television Aerial 3.9.0 Bahn Mi Village https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / ovm5lhsgogw4rspchx9to / h ? rlkey = 0n4sdcyb8qi3ebolbab708fgc & dl = 0 3.9.1 Community 4 Hut Village 3.9.2 Standard Lavatory for Village 3.9.3 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.9.4 Transit to Another Village, Daft Vox Village https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / ipyuy0vuqpyfzjymcbfkq / AP4Iset5VTAue8bZeWvWqwg ? rlkey = wqs4a2bbqym8qi8eyum96uqcl & dl = 0 3.9.5 Multiple Buildings in Daft Vox Village 3.9.6 Full 16 Bar 8 Lumen System Also In Daft Vox Village 3.9.7 Possible Nice Buildings in Daft Vox Village 3.9.8 Transit Provided Between Village 3.9.9 No Medical 4.0.0 Burma Village https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / hzm7gtq590pu9e1a9u9mb / AJriN2hXiHX7crTIXRThKXs ? rlkey = kf197unmk5ol7luu4mrsby970 & dl = 0 4.0.1 Nice 5 Building Town 4.0.2 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 4.0.3 Food in Some Houses 4.0.4 Scheming Old Man Putin in Burma Village 4.0.5 Kings Palace 4.0.6 Dusty Banquet in the Palace 4.0.7 Multiple Areas To All Houses 4.0.8 Trade with Putin 4.0.9 Trade for Gambling 4.1.0 Wojak Station https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 3bjjwhkgpxichahc1naxn / ACH0V5oQrWm0dsUzjeW4fso ? rlkey = z01f8v8k2hhc5z0ace0940ny7 & dl = 0 4.1.1 Full Space Adventure 4.1.2 Includes House 4.1.3 Includes Plumbing 4.1.4 Includes Cars Parked Outside Your House 4.1.5 Includes Taza's House 4.1.6 Full House Interior 4.1.7 Multiple Houses Done 4.1.8 Kitchen System To House 4.1.9 Full Bath System.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:55 Blockengineersbro- Decided to open the shop and saw this. What do i do?

Decided to open the shop and saw this. What do i do? submitted by Blockengineersbro- to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:24 134679888 Self sabotage 101

Self sabotage 101
Harga cekik darah nak main fitnah, ni Dasar F Cina ke apa? Didnt even know your brand exist to smear your brand in the first place.
submitted by 134679888 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:57 Fearless-Structure88 He wasn't wrong

He wasn't wrong submitted by Fearless-Structure88 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:38 caule07 Reddit itu seperti apa?

Reddit itu cara mainnya seperti apa ya? Bercerita atau bagaimana menurut kalian pengguna app yang sudah lama?
Karena saya masih baru disini dan melihat cerita orang seru-seru dan ya saya suka membacanya.
Tikok untuk melihat video lucu but the comment bisa dibilang sudah bisa tercemar gitu, F untuk mencari informasi tapi kebanyakan bapak-bapak main burung, then g sekarang yang paling better, twiter sangat frontal tapi bisa juga menjadi tempat berkeluh kesah untuk diri sendiri. setelah ketemu reddit seperti balik ke dimana sosial media masih natural dan no gimmick tempat berkeluh kesah dan bertanya paket kumplit.
Terimakasih untuk pengalaman baru dan saya merasa bernostalgia.
submitted by caule07 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 08:26 Puzzleheaded-Tea1242 what do you call this kind of people

local Sabahan grew up in Sabah, i started a business 5 years ago and my first office was set up in Petaling Jaya. i got culture shocked and suprised how racist 'orang KL' can be. not all but most of them.
my office is filled with Sabahan, Malay, Indian and foreigner pun ada. so you can say i am a very open minded employer because i can easily work and adapt with every races buttt orang KL especially Malay. (i hope i don't offend anyone, but if you are please know that i respect you regardless as long as you are a nice person because apparently im talking about those racists, so if you're not then no offense should be taken 💕)
ok so i've been hiring staff from different background and so far i have no issue working with them. i respect them they respect me. but i have 2 Malay staff, 1 is former staff but I fire him due to his working perfomance (lateness, unresponsive, RUDE to his colleagues and to me as well can you believe it! well maybe because i'm not a local and i'm not Malay who knows).
this one still ok but the other Malay staff... idk how to feel about this.. when he first started working the performance is excellent, he's being very nice and even volunteered to help things that's not even in his jobscope. i was pretty happy with him and promote him a higher salary after 6 months. right after the promotion his performance decline.. he's being unresponsive, took countless of last minute 'emergency' leave. and at one point he's started to show true colors.. talking rudely and he can just ignore important messages from me and other staffs. after few warning letters still no change, so he's being downgrade to original salary and apparently he's not happy with that and performance declining and declining until i finally meet him and ask him to resign
so after resign ok lah nothing happen until he texted me ask me about Kwsp. i was like can i just ignore his message like how he ignored me when i needed something? loll but being a professional i still reply him.
so for context my business has been teribbly affected during MCO so Kwsp payment is lonngggg delayed due to few restructuring. but that's not an excuse i still make payment by stages. i even kena saman due to this so i've paid the Saman and the court given me time to pay by installment. i am being completely transparent about this and inform to every single employee so they will expect delay Kwsp payment and everyone is being so understanding except for this fella. i've admitted this is a shortcoming from my end and i even appologised. im a person with protocol in life. if you are wrong i question you, if im wrong i will not hesitate to say im sorry even if im the boss. you respect me i respect you. you cross my line, you deserve to be treated like a piece of dirt.
ok so back to the story, i appologised and? what do you want me to do? pay you first? that's not gonna be fair to other staff
so yesterday after a long explanation, he still cannot except and he say he will go to Kwsp himself to report me, i told him GO AHEAD cause i know they wont do anything to me as i paid saman. lol seriously man idk how to feel about this kind of people.. apa kamurang rasa? cerita2 kusung saja sebab tidatau mau cakap sama siapa
EDIT: ok i know this is quite confusing. my blood was boiling when i posted this. it's when i came back to see the comments and i read back what i wrote doesn't make any sense. my bad my bad
so what happened was my ex-staff sent me a last message 'cina makan babi'. hence the 'racism' comment continued with what actually happened and i got carried away while typing that it got off topic.
and about KWSP that's memang my fault i won't say anything to backup my ass. if im wrong means im wrong i won't be a coward try pusing cerita. in fact i already kena fine and i was given a timeline to pay off the debt. i inform each and every staff about this but you know i can't force everyone to understand my situation. i've done what should be done so if they want to report me i won't stop them
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Tea1242 to Sabah [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:40 novkriz puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh

puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh
Pada zaman dahulu, tersebutlah kisah seorang puteri raja di Jawa Barat bernama Dayang Sumbi. Dia mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Sangkuriang. Anak tersebut sangat gemar berburu dia berburu dengan ditemani oleh Tumang, anjing kesayangan istana. Sangkuriang tidak tahu, bahwa anjing itu adalah titisan dewa dan juga bapaknya. Ketika kembali ke istana, Sangkuriang menceritakan kejadian itu pada Ibunya. Bukan main marahnya Dayang Sumbi begitu mendengar cerita itu. Tanpa sengaja dia memukul kepala Sangkuriang dengan sendok nasi yang dipegangnya. Sangkuriang terluka. Dia sangat kecewa dan pergi mengembara. Setelah kejadian itu, Dayang Sumbi sangat menyesali dirinya. Dia selalu berdoa dan sangat tekun bertapa. Pada suatu ketika, para dewa memberinya sebuah hadiah. Dia akan selamanya muda dan memiliki kecantikan abadi. Setelah bertahun-tahun mengembara, Sangkuriang akhirnya berniat untuk kembali ke tanah airnya. Sesampainya disana, kerajaan itu sudah berubah total.
Di sana dijumpainya seorang gadis jelita, yang tak lain adalah Dayang Sumbi. Terpesona oleh kecantikan wanita tersebut maka, Sangkuriang melamarnya. Oleh karena pemuda itu sangat tampan, Dayang Sumbi pun sangat terpesona padanya. Pada suatu hari Sangkuriang minta pamit untuk berburu. Dia minta tolong Dayang Sumbi untuk merapikan ikat kepalanya. Alangkah terkejutnya Dayang Sumbi ketika melihat bekas luka di kepala calon suaminya. Luka itu persis seperti luka anaknya yang telah pergi merantau. Setelah lama diperhatikannya, ternyata wajah pemuda itu sangat mirip dengan wajah anaknya. Dia menjadi sangat ketakutan. Maka kemudian dia mencari upaya untuk menggagalkan lamaran Sangkurian.

submitted by novkriz to rdatadao [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 18:20 Dam_K2022 I quit my F&B job

I quit my F&B job
So I just quit my F&B job and just got into Sales & Marketing. Ngl my new job is way better and not toxic at all. People here prayed and didn't talk dirty and very friendly yet religious.
Why'd I quit? So some of you guys answered my question if I should quit my job due to: - My previous boss asked for asking to do Lalamove while I was on vacation/off day, and disturb my time when I am not inside my working hour. Sometimes got scolded if something wrong WHILE I'm in my off day. - Manager did the same, didn't act professional also such as thumb print late, or never came to work at all without telling us at all. Bad language sometimes... - Poor management. Boss doing Manager's job, Manager doing admin's job. Cashier doing Supervisor's job and so on. - No free meals other than main dish. Discount only on certain side dish (such as nasi goreng cina and biasa) - Boss blames us all as bad people lazy worker... - We have to pay for customer's meal when the customer left the restaurant without paying... - I broke my leg during last year's ramadhan, the bone fractured, yet still working for the boss, but no appreciate for em, or even say thank you. The boss complained why'd I even work (I did so to get some money because it's my hard time if yk what I mean) - When someone used iPhone while we're in our hard time, the boss be like "Dah tau susah pakai iPhone" like huh? - When the boss discuss about plan A, we did A, then suddenly changed B without even informing us and later blame on us like "Lahh kan aku suruh buat ni" when the boss literally asked to focus on A before. - No discipline. Staff didn't come to work without MC, no action was taken especially "orang kampung". Are they VVIP or something? - I visit my boss when em sick st the hospital, never said thank you, instead "Jangan focus dekat aku, fokus dekat kedai je". - I am the only creature that working there can talk English fluently. Useful on foreigner. Yet no credit. - The boss never accept staff's ideas or feedback from customers.
Once after I changed my job, I feel more positive environment and enjoyment on working. Since I burnout on previous job. Praise to God I got this offer and accept it as gift for my succession.
**Above is an example of conversation between my boss and I. This is when I asked if I should leave the group or not. Sorry if my English is poor, I didn't speak or write in English for a very long time.
submitted by Dam_K2022 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 14:35 Nogisuperiorgene Wonder Pets! (Edisi Khas Bolehland)

Wonder Pets! (Edisi Khas Bolehland)


Shitposter menyelamatkan Bolehland
Masa untuk kerja
Pergi dulu Bodoh, jumpa nanti Sohai, bye Macha
Ada post, ada post baharu
Ada post, kami datang
Ada post, ada post baharu
Ada taik post yang baharu, ada taik post yang baharu, ada taik post yang baharu di reddit

"Aku tak suka cina,india dan melayu"
Tengok, umpan lumba di Bolehland
Umpan Lumba
Di Bolehland
Awak Pasti

"Gila betul semua kaum, saya tak ada kaum sebab tu saya siuman"

Memang betul ada umpan lumba di Bolehlandlah
Tapi umpan lumba itu apa, Bodoh?
Ia tu umpan yang tak berkualiti

Apa post macam ni buat di r /Bolehland, saya ingatkan post macam ni biasa di r /malaysia
Biasanya macam tu, tapi kena ban
Kerana mod r /malaysia senang trigger
Jadi orang yang kena ban pergi ke sini

Umpan lumba
Ada di Bolehland
Ini seerius
Mesti taik posting
Tingkatkan shitposting! Tingkatkan shitposting! Tingkatkan shitposting!!!

Dan Sohai juga
Shitposter datang post me-me

Apa yang penting, taik posting
Apa yang penting, taik posting
Post kehornian kami sebagai shitposter di Bolehland
Saya akan tunjukkan femboy paling hangat di dunia ini supaya orang dapat lupakan perlumbaan
Woooo Amoi sedap slupraisnisniv
Baiklah, saya pula akan post cunny ugghhh😭😭😭😭😭😭

Sedia untuk tekan butang, shitposter
Kami akan selamatkan awak Bolehland

Plap, Plaap,Plap

Shitposter, shitposter, kami taikpost
Membantu Bolehland dari hal politik
Kami tak ori, dan kami tak lawak tapi lagi bagus dari jadi rasis
Yaaaay shitposter

"Adalah masanya untuk sedar bahawa kita semua boleh jadi femboy yang kita cari-carikan"
"Amoi masak maggi, nampak sedap slurpslrup"
"Cunny or not cunny, semua kasi pembetulan 😭😭😭😭😭😭💢💢💢"

Mmmmm, orang masih gunakan perlumbaan sebagai umpanlah
Cepat Sohai, Macha, kita perlukan lebih banyak taik
Apa lagi yang kita ada selain horny?

Kita tak cukup idea
Macam mana kita nak cari lebih banyak idea taik
Kita adaa maasaalah
Cepat nanti post rasis bertambah

Oh kita boleh anggap kehidupan kita sebagai satu taik posting yang besar dan mengambil inspirasi daripadanya
Macha, itu idea yang bagus
Baiklah Macha, kamu memberi idea taik dalam kehidupan seharian
Sohai, kamu mencari atau membuat gambar yang sesuai dengan idea tersebut
Dan saya akan muat naikkan idea taik kita

Dan Sohai juga
Shitposter datang post me-me

Apa yang penting, taik posting
Apa yang penting, taik posting

Semenjak itu, posting taik telah melangkaui umpan lumba dan reputasi r /Bolehland telah pulih sebagai subreddit yang tak serius

Kita berjaya, shitposter
Kita berjaya lakukannya dengan kerjasama

Shitposter, shitposter
Kami berjaya
Menyelamatkan Bolehland dari racing
Kami tak ori, dan kami tak lawak tapi lagi bagus dari jadi rasis
Yaaaay shitposter

submitted by Nogisuperiorgene to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 12:31 LexisMonte Gatit sau comanda de mancare?

Sunt curios de pe care varianta mergeti si daca v-ati facut un calcul aprox lunar ca sa comparati varianta in care mancati doar mancare gatita acasa cu varianta in care comanzi mancare prin food delivery.
Am fost curios cum este sa mananci meniul zilei timp de 30 de zile. Am comandat doua meniuri diferite de-o data ca sa imi iasa transport gratuit pe tazz. Unul pentru azi, altul pentru maine. Total dupa taxe vin 72 de lei, deci 36 lei/meniu cu supa/ciorba si felul doi. Adica 250 lei/saptamana si 1000 de lei/luna.
Daca compar banii astia + faptul ca pot manca zilnic ceva diferit + faptul ca restaurantul de la care comand ii renumit si are mancare buna si portiile sunt sotioase , imi dau seama ca nu prea merita ca sa gatesti... tot pe acolo ajungi ca si costuri + timpul care il petreci gatind si cautand retete + timp de spalat vase + depozitat mai multe alimente si riscul ca unele sa expire + mers mai des la cumparaturi + ideea ca nu ai mereu timpul ca sa gatesti zilnic si iti faci o mancare care sa te tina pentru 2-3 zile, sau toata saptamana:))
Este pana la urma "a comanda mancare un lux asa cum multa lume vorbeste de ani buni" sau ii un avantaj daca stai si tragi linie? Mai ales in vremurile astea cand toate alimentele s-au schimbit substantial.
E drept ca duc dorul vremurilor cand meniul zilei era 20-25 lei...
Edit: uitasem sa mentionez ca vorbesc doar de o singura masa pe zi... pranzul. Pentru mic dejun si cina imi pregatesc mereu ceva pe fuga. La dejun mananc: iaurt cu cereale integrale si un fruct sau 3 oua amestecate cu cascaval si putine mezeluri La cina: ceva rece din frigider sau imi fac sandwish cald
submitted by LexisMonte to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 08:44 arbeyz Minta saran & masukannya dong gan

Cerita nya gini aku pribadi lagi mau Deket sama seseorang yang dulunya temen satu kampus kita udah saling kenal satu sama lain sampe sering juga diajak main kerumah dia ataupun main bareng keluar bareng nah permasalahannya selama ±3thn ini hubungan kita tuh gak jelas ntah Itu kita cuma temenan atau ngga nih,
Saran dong kalo aku mau tembak dia tapi nggak bikin canggung kalo semisal ditolak harus gimana ya agan agan semua ?
Terimakasih sebelumnya
submitted by arbeyz to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:40 Xanimal123 The TNI should, in fact, be called out for committing war crimes.

Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
- Sila kedua Pancasila
The world’s eyes are currently on Gaza right now, and for VERY good reasons. After Hamas’s October 7th attack, Israel has razed the entirety of Gaza to the ground with missile strikes, in addition to the deliberate starvation of the population in Gaza of any kind of aid like food, water, fuel, and medicine as collective punishment. Many, and I mean many, war crimes have been documented being committed by the IDF including massacres of innocent civilians, rape, and torture. Israeli officials, soldiers, and segments of the public have been astonishingly clear that they want to ethnically cleanse Gaza of all Palestinians. It’s fully obvious right now that what’s happening in Gaza is a genocidal campaign being committed by the Israeli government with the full backing and funding of the US as well as parts of the Western World.
Some of you may see where I’m going with this, but I think it’s important for me to lay out an example that I’m sure most of you can see is pretty morally unjustifiable and use it to make analogies with what I’m gonna talk about, implicitly or otherwise.
As I’m sure most of you are aware by now, there’s been some recent discourse around the circulation of two video recordings that recently went viral on Indonesian social media where it showed a group of TNI soldiers torturing a Papuan man known as Definaus Kogoya inside a barrel filled with water that was contaminated with his blood. One of the videos shows the soldiers punching, kicking, and beating him in the head, while the other shows someone cutting him with a knife. The soldiers themselves recorded this.
The backlash against the TNI because of the video was so bad that the military had to apologize, investigating 42 soldiers and arresting 13 among them that were suspected of being involved in the torture. The TNI accused the man in the video of being a KKB member who was planning to commit arson, but there’s no evidence of this provided, with members of the man’s family claiming he was just fixing his roof along with another friend of his, Alianus Mirok, when TNI soldiers captured them.
After they were handed over to the police, they were released soon afterwards due to there being a lack of evidence against them. After Defianus was already tortured.
There are also some articles that state that Defianus died from his injuries, which if true would make this whole situation extra fucked.
However, this is far from the only incident of torture that has been committed by the TNI. In February of 2020, a civilian named Jusni was tortured to death by a group of 11 soldiers, with most of the perpetrators only getting 9 to 11 months in prison, and only 2 received a sentence of more than a year as well as getting fired.
Even more recently as I was making this, there was a recent article reporting on how TNI soldiers tortured a journalist in Northern Maluku for reporting on the TNI seizing a ship with minyak tanah and threatened to kill him unless he signed a deal where he promised to stop reporting on their activities and quit being a journalist.
The TNI always had a pattern of behaviour when it comes to this, with there having been 431 cases of torture in Papua by apparatuses happening all the way back from 1963 up until 2010, with only 2 having been committed against pro-independence militants, the rest of them being civilians. Of these cases, 65% of them were committed by the military, 34% by the police, and 1% by separatist militants.
Why was there such a high amount of torture by the military against civilians? Aside from the soldiers having a power complex over other people and for the most part feeling immunity from any kind of punishment, there’s another important reason, racism.
Sangat sulit (mengidentifikasi) karena mukanya hampir sama. Mereka brewok
- Mayjen Izak Pangemanan, Commander of the Cenderawasih Military Area Command, when asked by the press why the military had a hard time distinguishing between civilians and militants.
So, to be clear, because TNI soldiers were incapable of telling the difference between a regular civilian and a separatist militant, they captured civilians who weren’t even involved with the militants in the first place and since they were free to do whatever they want, tortured them. Apparently, this problem is so bad that Papuan men have a term for it, musa (muka sama) because they’re afraid that they’ll be mistakenly captured as being a part of the TPNBP and tortured by TNI soldiers.
Now, with the recent discourse surrounding the use of torture by the TNI in Papua, there’s been some comments by people I’m gonna refer to as “ultranationalists” that try to justify or defend what the TNI soldiers had done in Papua. Some of them are current soldiers that say that because TNI soldiers and POLRI men have been killed by TPNPB members, that they shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. Then there are your netizens that will basically defend everything the military does and say that the people criticizing them are unpatriotic western bootlickers who should go to Papua themselves if they care so much about HAM.
To put this one straight, I strongly disagree with these deflections, I think they’re war crime apologias and I’m gonna spend the rest of my post arguing against them.
And just to be extra clear, when I say “war crimes,” to my understanding it means violations of international law (including torture) that are committed during an armed conflict, at least from what I read from the UN.
There are 2 main arguments I want to make for this case, the first are the political arguments and the second are the moral arguments.
Political Arguments
If we’re looking exclusively from a realpolitik perspective where the main goal is the integrity of the current borders of NKRI, then what happened in Papua, and most likely continuing to happen, is a fucking optical disaster, and undermines that goal entirely.
In Papua itself, stuff like this would radicalize the fuck out of your average Papuan person, imagine if you found out that a family member of yours was tortured by TNI soldiers and the perpetrators went scot-free, of course you would be fucking livid. It further erodes trust in the institutions of the state and galvanizes the pro-independence movement, as chances are they’ll either join one of the civilian pro-independence organizations, or if they’re in the more rural and mountainous areas take up arms with the TPNPB. TPNPB members don’t just come out of nowhere.
We’ve seen this phenomenon played out countless times already, torturing or oppressing a group of people with the aim to instil fear in a population and subdue them usually leads to the opposite effect. As an example, not long after Oct 7, support for Hamas, which advocates for armed resistance, has increased among Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank due to Israel’s incessant bombing of Gaza as well as increasing violence with Ultra-Orthodox settlers in the West Bank, while support for the Palestinian Authority has plummeted to the ground.
Internationally, it hurts Indonesia’s credibility on the world stage, turning public opinion against Indonesia’s handling of Papua. People often forget that one of the reasons why Western governments decided to no longer back Indonesia’s occupation of East Timor (may Henry Kissinger burn in hell) was because of the Santa Cruz massacre, in which Indonesian soldiers gunned down unarmed protesters that killed about at least 250 civilians, with footage of the massacre causing international outcry as well as pressure on Western governments to cut their support for Indonesia, similar to what we’re seeing in Gaza right now.
If your goal IS the integrity of the current Indonesian borders, then you should scream out of the top of your lungs to say that shit like this is unacceptable, because this just leads to the opposite effect.
Moral Arguments
As far as moral arguments go, it essentially boils down to this, torture is morally bad, no exceptions.
For one, torture has terrible effects on the victim. Physically, it can lead to chronic pain, brain damage, hearing and vision loss, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, and physical scars. It also psychologically traumatizes the victim, causing them to have depression, PTSD, sleep deprivation, and in the case of stripping the victim naked, strips them of their identity and causes shame.
Two, torture also affects society at large, as the use of torture can lead to its continued and increased use. If soldiers are allowed to torture someone without any consequences, that leads to the entire military feeling that they can get away with it, leading to more cases like Defianus.
The military should not have leeway when it comes to using extrajudicial punishments, as there’s the rule of law when it comes to stuff like this. The use of torture is a violation of the law itself, as Indonesia is a party of the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), which among other things include the prohibition of torture, as well as of UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture). Heck even in the 1945 constitution of Indonesia itself, at verse 28G of chapter 10A (which is a chapter that focuses solely on human rights), it explicitly states the right to be free from torture.
“BuT HAM iS JuSt WeSTeRn SJW ProPagAnda” Pancasila&Orba_supporter_#315645, I dare you say that to our founding fathers.
If we legitimize extrajudicial torture as a legitimate form of punishment by the armed forces, who’s to say that the same tactics can’t be applied to you when you’re, say, protesting or criticizing the government? It sets a bad precedent that your civil rights don't need to be taken into account when it comes to the military or authorities for that matter, as well as further creating a culture of impunity among the military and police. I’m sure most of us here don’t want the return of the Orba regime.
Even if the victim was in fact a KKB member who has done some heinous shit, torture in general, aside from being a bad way to make someone tell the truth as it just leads to people lying in order to escape the pain, is just a harm to the individual and society as a whole, hence why I think it should be universally opposed.
So yeah, that about wraps up the main part of my long fucking Reddit post. Normally in a situation like this, I would just write a comment on a post and call it a day, but certain comments riled up my brain that I felt the need to write this all down.
I’ve seen the same logic espoused by Zionists to justify to their ongoing genocide in Palestine by blaming Hamas being said by Indonesian ultranationalists who try to justify the torture of Papuan civilians because of the actions of the KKB, which is EXTREMELY ironic to me, considering I know that these same people would consider themselves to be Pro-Palestine.
To be extra, extra clear, the killing of civilian workers as well as the burnings of public facilities by Papuan militants are completely unjustified and also constitute war crimes. In the same breath, I’m sure that some TNI soldiers feel pain from the loss of friends to KKB gunshots. But that’s the thing though, some of those people part of KKB probably joined the group at least initially because TNI soldiers did some fucked up shit towards either them or their family and friends, but that surely doesn’t justify their attacks on civilian workers on the vague assumption that they’re “spies for the enemy”, neither should that apply for the TNI (and in case the analogies weren’t obvious enough, this also applies to both Hamas and the IDF).
The insane number of comments, lies, and abuses that were levied against the Rohingya Refugees that landed in Aceh by netizens as well as Acehnese students shows to me how dehumanization rhetoric can affect basically everyone, it just depends on how susceptible you are to it. It’s the main reason why I decided to make this post in the first place. We shouldn’t fall into dehumanization rhetoric of an entire group of people just because of the actions of a few. Terrorism committed by the TPNPB should not give the military impunity to do whatever they want, and vice versa for that matter. If we do, we end up using the same justifications that Zionists use.
Di sila kedua Pancasila, dibilangnya kalau semua kemanusiaan itu adil dan beradab. Which to me certainly suggests that all people have equal rights, a.k.a., HAM (gasp, scary acronym). I’m not sure if ultranationalists Orba types who defend TNI soldiers torturing civilians and tell protesting students at BEM UI to KKN to Papua realize that they’re going against a literal principle of Pancasila but guess we all have our blind spots.
A few of the responses to this post will say that I’m just a stupid, unpatriotic, SJW who’s out of touch with the real situation in Papua, and maybe I am, but hey, at least I’m not a war crime apologist.
submitted by Xanimal123 to indonesia [link] [comments]
