Spine problems cause migraines

Bud drop and growth

2024.06.10 15:49 GardenerEnthusiast86 Bud drop and growth

Hi all, I have a few questions.
I live in central nc. Temps just got out of high 50s at night two weeks ago and we are low 60s at night to mid 80s daytime right now.
I have a bunch of what seem to be strong healthy pepper plants of a few varieties. Good foliage, getting taller, lots of flowers and buds and a decent amount of peppers.
My first is about bud drop. I think I’m getting around 50% right now and it seems like it’s increasing a bit in the last week or so. Is 50% normal?
Second, it seems like pepper growth has slowed a bit. I have this on jalapeño plant that grew a bunch of jalapeños all at once and they went from buds to about 1-2” what seemed like overnight. But they seem to be stuck there or their growth has slowed way down. The peppers themselves look very healthy. Am I just being impatient or should there be a problem that has slowed them down?
FWIW I know zilch about the chemistry of soil and what not so I don’t know what causes what or what to add if anything. I do have a decent set of full sized peppers that I’m just waiting to ripen up before I pick. So it’s for sure possible I’m just being impatient with the “next round” of peppers.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by GardenerEnthusiast86 to HotPeppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:48 highpercentage Starfield has really made me aware of Bethesda's growing UI problem.

After setting Starfield down shortly after release. I recently picked it up again and sank about a dozen more hours into it. During this time I had trouble putting my finger on just what was causing those moments of frustration in what is a game with so many bright spots. Finally, I realized it's the UI.
It's not just that the UI is bad. It's more that the UI is constantly competing with the moment to moment gameplay, and the problem gets worse with each BGS release because Bethesda is making each game more action oriented, while also making UI that forces us to stop the action to scroll through menus.
10-ish years ago, during the Fallout 4 gameplay reveal, Todd Howard proudly exclaimed that his team spends a lot of time designing the UI because they know players spend a lot of time in them. I think this comment shows how BGS is too close to their own work. They don't realize that their players spend a lot of time in menus because they make us. They're trying to build this immersive exploration game with intense FPS firefights, but they're also making us pause the game to eat food in combat, sort through the 20 weapons we're carrying, and move through the many layers of maps to figure out where we are and where we should be going and doing. It makes it so difficult to keep any sort of momentum in the open world.
The space travel exacerbates the issue. I don't know if the UI team is a whole seperate pod, but they really undermine the entire experience by allowing the player to do 90% of travel from the pause menu, meaning actually going to your ship and piloting, something the team spend a lot of time designing, is actually mostly a time waster compared to fast traveling.
Bethesda really should focus on pairing down the UI and allowing players to stay in the game world for longer periods of time. There's plenty of games that do this well (I'm thinking of the metro games). I think the fact that players have a spaceship we can store all our gear on was a huge wasted opportunity to make players choose a limited amount of items and weapons to take out on each excursion, stead of carrying a small town with you. For space flight, having to actually go to your ship and use an interface would have made the ships feel more real and useful. As it is they feel largely cosmetic, why would I walk to my bridge and plot a course when I can just do it from anywhere?
TL;DR The interface is exhausting and is fundamentally at odds with the immersion BGS is trying to achieve.
submitted by highpercentage to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:45 Old_tshirt72 My partner and I want to get married but his religious family would ruin our dream wedding

Hi, I really enjoy your takes so I figured I’d see how you would handle this!
My partner (m28) and I (f27) definitely want to get married at some point. We are however encountering the issue of his very catholic parents. I know nothing of Catholicism other than I left the church at 13 because the masses I had been to left me feeling… a way that was not for me. But his mother is a convert, which apparently means that she’s even more devoted to her faith than the average born-and-raised catholic (from what I have been told, converts are the most extra of Catholics)
Anyways, his mother has severe anxiety surrounding her children’s faith. She once told my partner that if any of her (5!!) kids turned out non-catholic than she had failed as a mother. Most of them are not catholic anymore… which is where our problem arises
I am agnostic. I will not pretend to be anything else for the sake of anyone else. My partner knows and adores this about me. His mother knows and accepts it. But we fear that she doesn’t accept it to the point of respecting it. We assume that if any of her kids don’t have a catholic wedding then she will LITERALLY have a heart attack. I’m not using that as a figure of speech, we truly think that if she shows up to our wedding and there’s no catholic mass she may cause a scene and end up in the hospital from stress. But we don’t want to have to exclude his fucking parents.
This has caused a pause in our plans to the point that we know we want to get married but we don’t know if we ever will because of this. We’ve talked about eloping, but we both honestly want a nice wedding day. Just both a catholic wedding day.
Quick note: only 1 of his siblings (B) is married, and B had the catholic wedding their mom wanted because he married a catholic girl. She got 1 catholic wedding so we fear she’ll expect that from all of her kids, and all of her kids are in a limbo of “okay, which one of us is going to get engaged next and break her world by telling her it won’t be catholic?”
How on gods green earth (pun absolutely intended) do we plan a dream wedding when that dream is the mother of the grooms 13th reason??
submitted by Old_tshirt72 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:45 L0SERlambda These have been the worst 6 months I could ever even imagine.

Hello... I'm a 17 year old boy.
So, on November 25th, 2023, I met a girl at the mall and I really liked her. I was 16 at the time, and she had told me she was 15. We started a relationship and it was the happiest relationship I've ever been in.. I loved that girl more than the blood in my arteries.. She was my second ever girlfriend. Later on, she ended up slowly telling me she was younger than she had previously said.. First 15, then 14, then 13.... I wouldn't have got with her in the first place if I had known the truth, but nonetheless I stayed with her because the connection was already built, I loved her so much and I was terrified of losing her. For the sake of brevity, I won't get into too much detail, but it turned out she was only using me for sex.. She broke up with me just like that, without hesitation. This was on January 10th.
From that point on, I've been utterly broken. I kept seeking other relationships, to fill the void that she once did.. I got into relationship after relationship, 7 of them since that breakup.. They all turned up dry. I self harmed on an occasional basis and instead of filling the void in my heart, it just kept getting broken, more and more and more. About a month ago, I met this girl at school.. She was a 14 year old freshman and I really liked her. I didn't see a problem with the age gap, because before, it was a psychological mental block. I wouldn't have got with that first girl in the first place if I had known her true age, but after she was honest about it the mental block went away and I stopped seeing a problem with it. This girl and I started a relationship. This would cause a huge scandal, I would end up losing almost every single last one of my friends (I had previously been a very social kid), get called a pedophile, get threatened with death and other things every day, and getting recognized in public by people who I don't even know nor go to my school, getting candid photos of me taken in public posted to social media and spread around..
Turns out, this girl was just playing me as well. She left me for another guy at a minute's notice. This broke me even more than the other breakups because not only did that mean I would lose her, but I would be left alone. Completely alone to deal with the aforementioned social issues. By some miracle, I managed to get another girlfriend. She wasn't being sincere with me at all, so after a while of pouring my blood sweat and tears into trying to make things work, I eventually gave up and blocked her. That night, I got a peculiar thought to unblock my ex, the first one I mentioned in the story who is 13, and see if we could try again, despite me having told her she'd never hear from me ever again. We facetimed, and decided to try again. We started another relationship. I went to sleep and woke up in the morning, and all of a sudden this girl who I blocked the day before was texting me crying and begging me for another chance, saying she would change. Although my heart ached for her and I wanted to accept it, I couldn't because I had got back with my ex. All of a sudden, a day later. it turns out the girl who I had given another chance, was cheating on me. She then blocked me. I was crying. Sobbing. I haven't cried like that since I was little. I called the girl who was begging for another chance, and i profusely apologized, asking if she'd be willing to fix things with me. Turns out she got a new boyfriend and lost feelings for me.
The next day, it I got a random friend request on Snapchat from a random girl. We started talking, and about 10 minutes into the conversation she asks if I send. I stalled a little bit with her by talking saucy, and eventually I sent her. She immediately screenshotted it and called me a pedophile rapist.
Great. So on top of all of this, I get my nudes leaked. Brilliant.
submitted by L0SERlambda to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:45 MajesticQuail1673 Leaving employer off resume

When I first moved to Japan I had a job from hell that I quite after 3 months. I've been at my current job for a year now but it's also not great so I'm looking to move again and I am planning to start sending out applications. I want to leave that 3 month stint with my first employer off of my resume completely but I am worried this will cause potential visa renewal problems later on. I have a visa renewal coming up soon that a potential new employer would be processing so I am nervous to omit a previous job during the interview process but then have to note it on the visa documents that the school will be processing. I'm imagining a worst case scenario where I leave that 3 month job off my resume, get an offer from a school, then have to note that job on my visa documents and have the new school notice the discrepancy which I'm assuming would result in an offer being rescinded. Has anyone left off a previous Japanese employer during their job hunt and did it have any effect on your visa processing with your new job?
submitted by MajesticQuail1673 to teachinginjapan [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:45 semixfenz Important care and maintenance guidelines for Dry Cleaning cloths

Important care and maintenance guidelines for Dry Cleaning cloths
Suede products can last a lifetime if properly cared for. To extend the life of your suede shoes or jackets, take several measures to protect them. Optimal care consists of avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight and carrying out a regular cleaning and care program. The use of protective sprays helps protect the material. It is recommended to store suede products in a well-ventilated area.
However, in some cases, intensive cleaning of suede may be required to remove stubborn stains or ugly marks, such as: B. those caused by spills or footprints. Buying suede cleaning products may seem like an easy solution, but it can be costly and time-consuming. For better results, choose the Best Dry Cleaner in Luton.
Time is valuable.
In a busy life with many obligations, it can be inconvenient to go out of your way to clean your suede. Luckily, A&Z Dry Cleaners, a professional cleaning service that specializes in suede care, offers a solution that can save you hours of effort in removing stains from your suede shoes. Instead, you can use this time for other tasks or just relax and watch Netflix. Avoid risky DIY approaches.
The internet is full of bad suede cleaning recommendations. Using the wrong methods can cost you extra in the long run. Home remedies, especially for stubborn stains, can damage your suede products. Instead of risking your investment in suede shoes, sofas and jackets, it's better to hire a professional cleaner like us. This is where professionals excel.
Each type of stain poses different problems: water, oil, grease, soda, red wine, etc. While most stains can be removed at home, stubborn suede stains are much better tackled by professionals. Best dry cleaners Luton offer a complete solution, backed by the skills required to properly deal with any particular stain. Suede Care: A Complete Guide
You has recently purchased a beautiful suede jacket. What happens next? To maintain the appeal of suede, it needs proper care. The first step is to check the manufacturer's label for any special recommendations.
Waterproof: Before wearing your suede jacket for the first time, make sure it is waterproof. Suede is very susceptible to water damage, which can become permanent. Not only does waterproofing protect your jacket from moisture, it also prevents stains and makes it easier to wash.
Suede brush: Invest in a quality Dry Cleaner Luton to quickly remove dirt and dust from your jacket before it sets. Always brush in the direction of the grain to preserve the suede's structure. Not sure which brush to use? Contact A&Z Dry Cleanersfor recommendations. ? Proper Storage: Store your suede products carefully to avoid dust accumulation. Store them in a box or hang them in a protective clothing bag to protect them from environmental influences.
Avoid the washing machine: Do not wash your suede jacket at home, even if you find attractive DIY instructions. Submerging suede in water, especially if it is heavily soiled, can permanently damage the delicate fibers and ruin its beauty.
Summary! Our suede dry cleaning service utilizes specialized solutions that carefully clean this delicate material, ensuring it will last for years to come. Don't have the time? Suede Cleaning Services Hitchin offers a free collection and delivery service - just give us your instructions and we'll take care of the rest.

submitted by semixfenz to u/semixfenz [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:44 Snoo-36169 I blame eating disorders for my self-medicating and alcohol abuse

I don't really know exactly where the best subreddit is to post this, because I don't want to trigger anyone currently struggling with ED or alcoholism. So I figured this might be the right place.
I (26F) developed severe anorexia and bulimia when I was 17 years old. At 5'7" I weighed a mere 95 lbs. How I didn't end up in hospital and was able to finish my senior year as valedictorian, I have absolutely no clue. Started self-medicating with any pain meds I could get my hands on in that year, and I also started self-harming. A lot. I was discreet about it, though. Through my years of trying and failing and trying again to recover from the EDs, I found that the only way for me to get myself to eat anything is if I have an alcoholic drink with it (preferably one beforehand on an empty stomach, too) so that I don't have to feel the guilt of eating so badly. The problem is, when I drank I'd be more prone to self-harming. It's messed up, I know. It's caused me a lot of trouble, and now I'm seriously concerned for my health. I've had bouts of sobriety in the past few years but they didn't last too long. Now I'm determined to try my best to turn things around. My liver is shot, and I really don't want to be that alcoholic 20-something-year-old on the waiting list for a liver transplant but probably won't get it because of her history. Been in rehab and a lot of therapy. And now I've finally decided quit, but it's really hard. It's like trading one vice for another. Now I just can hardly get myself to eat anything without breaking down crying. Not only did I f*ck up my body from years of disordered eating, already putting stress on all my vital organs, but the drinking just exacerbated it. Now I have a messed up reproductive system that hasn't been able to function normally for years, a messed up liver, a messed up mind and scars that I will carry for the rest of my life.
submitted by Snoo-36169 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:43 Far-Ad-6185 Am I wrong for expecting my partner(now ex) to distance themsleves from an ex- friend?

I'm sorry this is very long.
My ex and I broke up pretty recently and this has been bothering me for a while. We had a mutual friend, Henry. Henry and I met through Instagram and were coincidentally in the same school. Junior year just began and I had started crushing on my ex. Henry helped me find out which class they were in which was his. He even got me and my ex to meet since they knew each other. Eventually, my ex and I started dating after a year and announced it via Instagram. Henry got pissed at me cause said that he introduced us so he should have known before we decided to announce it. Which was weird cause he only seemed to take it out on me. Henry ignored me for almost a month or more and barely spoke to me but he kept sucking up to my ex. He got them snacks and food randomly and my ex didn't seem to bat an eye. I did speak to my ex about this sometime later and they said they found how I was being treated sad too.
Henry and I did speak again but our relationship worsened and we cut off each other due to a big fight. The fight mainly happened cause Henry started crushing on someone from my previous friend group who obviously wasn't a nice person and then asked me to hype him up since he was gonna go out with her, which of course I wasn't thrilled about. He also brought up(in the fight) me not telling him I was dating my ex again and how he introduced us. I was grateful but I didn't think I deserved to be treated like this for not telling him.
My ex was in the same class as him so I didn't expect them to cut him off but I was hoping they wouldn't be together as much. Something to know about Henry he's a bit weird. He once saw a friend of mine and told her she looked "fu#kable" as a compliment, so yeah. As time went on my ex and Henry got closer since they had a bunch of mutual friends and I tried to drop hints that it bothered me and then my ex one day asked what my problem was. I said that I didn't like it and that it seemed weird considering everything that happened. I also told them that I didn't want them to be so close to him. They reassured me and said they weren't. Then few months pass and I get a screenshot of Henry trying to flirt with my ex jokingly, I brushed it off with some fake jealousy. Eventually every month after that I got few screenshots of Henry flirting which I replied to with fake jealousy.
After a few months, we break up. On the last day of my finals(which was just days after I broke up with my ex), I come home to Henry's text who I had unblocked the night before). He tells me about how he's had a notes app full of stuff he had been waiting to tell me and how one of them was me asking my ex to distance themself from him was wrong. I talk to my ex to understand what the hell is happening and they totally switch sides(They in the past have also admitted to not liking Henry and called him weird etc.). They said that I got weird about all the fake flirting thing and that's why they eventually stopped sending it to me but I was joking the whole time and it was pretty obvious. Of course, I didn't appreciate it cause come on. Something I forgot to mention before is after Henry and I cut each other off, Henry started to bring my ex food again and started to share his lunch with them or just bring lunch for them. So the cycle was practically repeating. I was being treated badly while my ex got away with it. My ex says that he had not done anything to them so they didn't need to distance themselves and Henry said I was weird for expecting people to not like someone I don't like. Which I know can sound weird but If someone treated my ex like that or any of my other friends, I wouldn't speak to them much less get close to them. It's not like I asked my ex to stop hanging out with Henry all together cause I was partially at fault to for us cutting each other off but I still expected some distance which I should have probably communicated more directly? I'm not sure.
submitted by Far-Ad-6185 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:42 Medium_Magician6990 My mom (44f) started crying when I (18m) told her I have a gf (18f)

The title basically 😣. For more context, My parents are immigrants from a third world country and they came here for a better lifestyle but things are not so good. My dad owns a business and is mostly away for 5-6 days a week, and has cheated on my mom multiple times. Their relationship is really sour but on the other hand I have pretty good relationship with my parents. I’m definitely more closer to my mom tho mostly because she’s a SAHM and I’m an only child. She can get a bit controlling but I’ve also learned ways, to get my way, without aggravating my relationship with my mom.
I have been dating my gf for three weeks now but I did not disclose it to my mom as I know she won’t approve it as she’s fairly religious. I thought I’ll only tell her when I had clear intention to marry my gf but day before yesterday she saw a snap notification from my gf and demanded to check my phone. I just came clean and tried to be extra sweet about it as it works often, but she saw my chats with her and started crying.
Honestly it was so heartbreaking watching her cry and I kept apologising all night and even promised to block her, even I cried a little. Later she called my dad, and he agreed with her and told me I shouldn’t even think of dating or marrying until Im financially independent.
I’m just worried about my mom she already has medical issues like heart problems and diabetes and I don’t want to be a cause to worsen it but I also can’t handle her controlling nature now. Other then this she’s a wonderful mom and I know she cares for me deeply, I just want to soften her stance on me dating.
Tl;dr: My mom started crying when I told her I have a gf. How can I soften her on the idea of me dating?
submitted by Medium_Magician6990 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:41 soylamulatta People who have posted here after finding mushrooms growing in their home: what ultimately happened with your situation? What caused the problem and what did you do to fix it?

People who have posted here after finding mushrooms growing in their home: what ultimately happened with your situation? What caused the problem and what did you do to fix it? submitted by soylamulatta to Mushrooms [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:41 fluoritez Wisdom tooth growing - pain + migraines

Okay so long story short. I am 17. I am getting all my wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, except for one - cause when I was like 14, my right 2nd molar was removed to make correcting my teeth with braces easier, and the surgeon said that in his opinion it’s the best option, cause the wisdom tooth will grow in that place.
And yeah fair enough, it’s the only one of my wisdom teeth that doesn’t have to be extracted. Except that there are a few issues with it:
I will get braces for the second time in July, because my last orthodontist left me with a slight overjet and my new ortho said she doesn’t understand why she would left my teeth the way she left them. She also said that she will put braces on the wisdom tooth we are leaving too.
And that’s where my question is: will the pain go away if the tooth will be corrected with braces? I am kind of afraid the tooth is damaging some sort of a nerve or something and I don’t know should I mention it to my ortho or just leave it to be 😭 Like I know that its usually painful when wisdom teeth are growing but for me, it is growing in a different place than it should and I am somewhat afraid it’s going wrong
submitted by fluoritez to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:41 Beginning_Cook7501 Symptoms indicative of pancreatic (or other) cancer? Feeling worse and worse with no answers.

42F, 5'2, 196 lb, taking Buspar and Spironolactone, no alcohol, smoking or drug use.
From November to February, I was on multiple rounds of antibiotics (UTI, and then horrible sinus/bronchitis issues like I've never had in my life). At some point in all of this, I lost my appetite and began getting cramping pains on the left and right side under my breasts. They were very quick and seemed related to all my hacking.
In March, I felt some tightness across my bra line and after eating Chinese food, began throwing up and had several days of yellow diarrhea. Eventually my stool turned kind of clay colored, then went back to normal. The same diarrhea happened a week later after I tried to eat mac and cheese. I was diagnosed with Pylori at this time and completed triple therapy.
Now, here we are in June and I still have not felt a hunger pang. I feel like I could go days without eating and not notice, although I can sit down and eat a meal. I dropped a decent bit of weight initially after the vomiting, but am holding steadier now that I am eating again (around 2 lb loss in 6 weeks). I have a full feeling/tightness in my abdomen. During pylori treatment, my stools were green and just not right. Now they are better, but I've noticed that sometimes they float or break apart a little bit when I flush. I still sometimes get the quick pains, and have been noticing lower back pain as well.
Gallstones were found on an ultrasound and an ulcer during endoscopy. I am 3 weeks into treating the ulcer with omeprazole and have a HIDA scan and surgeon consult scheduled. A RUQ ultrasound was clear except for the stones, a pelvic ultrasound and CA 125 were clear, my yearly bloodwork was ok except for slightly raised bilirubin, and a colonoscopy was clear.
My doctor thinks the gallstones are my problem and said that if any cancer or something more serious was present, it would have been picked up in the screens I've had so far. I am still concerned because I feel worse than I did over the winter and this symptom of never feeling hunger is terrifying to me. I always hear that no appetite = cancer, and I'm concerned that something serious got missed in the midst of the obvious health issues I had going on. Do my symptoms send up any red flags to anyone, or could the ulcegallstones legitimately be causing these issues?
submitted by Beginning_Cook7501 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:39 Medium_Magician6990 My mom (44f) started crying when I (18m) told her I have a gf (18f)

The title basically 😣. For more context, My parents are immigrants from a third world country and they came here for a better lifestyle but things are not so good. My dad owns a business and is mostly away for 5-6 days a week, and has cheated on my mom multiple times. Their relationship is really sour but on the other hand I have pretty good relationship with my parents. I’m definitely more closer to my mom tho mostly because she’s a SAHM and I’m an only child. She can get a bit controlling but I’ve also learned ways, to get my way, without aggravating my relationship with my mom.
I have been dating my gf for three weeks now but I did not disclose it to my mom as I know she won’t approve it as she’s fairly religious. I thought I’ll only tell her when I had clear intention to marry my gf but day before yesterday she saw a snap notification from my gf and demanded to check my phone. I just came clean and tried to be extra sweet about it as it works often, but she saw my chats with her and started crying.
Honestly it was so heartbreaking watching her cry and I kept apologising all night and even promised to block her, even I cried a little. Later she called my dad, and he agreed with her and told me I shouldn’t even think of dating or marrying until Im financially independent.
I’m just worried about my mom she already has medical issues like heart problems and diabetes and I don’t want to be a cause to worsen it but I also can’t handle her controlling nature now. Other then this she’s a wonderful mom and I know she cares for me deeply, I just want to soften her stance on me dating.
submitted by Medium_Magician6990 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:38 Medium_Magician6990 My mom (44f) started crying when I (18m) told her I have a gf (18f)

The title basically 😣. For more context, My parents are immigrants from a third world country and they came here for a better lifestyle but things are not so good. My dad owns a business and is mostly away for 5-6 days a week, and has cheated on my mom multiple times. Their relationship is really sour but on the other hand I have pretty good relationship with my parents. I’m definitely more closer to my mom tho mostly because she’s a SAHM and I’m an only child. She can get a bit controlling but I’ve also learned ways, to get my way, without aggravating my relationship with my mom.
I have been dating my gf for three weeks now but I did not disclose it to my mom as I know she won’t approve it as she’s fairly religious. I thought I’ll only tell her when I had clear intention to marry my gf but day before yesterday she saw a snap notification from my gf and demanded to check my phone. I just came clean and tried to be extra sweet about it as it works often, but she saw my chats with her and started crying.
Honestly it was so heartbreaking watching her cry and I kept apologising all night and even promised to block her, even I cried a little. Later she called my dad, and he agreed with her and told me I shouldn’t even think of dating or marrying until Im financially independent.
I’m just worried about my mom she already has medical issues like heart problems and diabetes and I don’t want to be a cause to worsen it but I also can’t handle her controlling nature now. Other then this she’s a wonderful mom and I know she cares for me deeply, I just want to soften her stance on me dating.
submitted by Medium_Magician6990 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:37 semixfenz Are you scared of cleaning? Home cleaning vs. professional cleaning

Are you scared of cleaning? Home cleaning vs. professional cleaning
Do you have a hard time washing your clothes? You're not alone! With the increasing demand and cost of eco-friendly cleaning products, more and more people are considering sending their clothes to the dry cleaners. However, if you don't have a well-ventilated space or your fabrics require special treatment, professional help may be your best option. In this blog post, we'll discuss all the factors to consider when deciding whether to try it yourself or send your clothes to a professional dry cleaner.
Home dry cleaning vs. professional dry cleaning
Home dry cleaning has the advantage of cost-effectiveness and convenience. It can be done at your own leisure, potentially saving you money in the short term.
However, home dry cleaning may not produce the results you expect, such as: B. Perfectly washing your clothes without damaging them, or effectively removing stubborn stains and minor damage. Achieving such results requires a certain level of skill and attention to hand-finished Dry Cleaning near me. The most effective is at-home dry cleaning, which can remove odors without the need for extensive cleaning.
On the contrary, a professional hand dry cleaner near you will provide you with excellent service and proper attention. Professional cleaners have the expertise and skills to handle delicate fabrics and intricate patterns that can cause problems if you clean at home. Professional dry cleaning is also a time saver.
Benefits of at-home dry cleaning
Cost-effective: Doing your own dry cleaning can save you money. At-home dry cleaning kits and detergents are often less expensive than professional dry cleaning services. However, it is important to keep in mind that results may differ from those of professional services.
Convenience: At-home dry cleaning offers unparalleled convenience. You are not tied to the opening hours of professional cleaning services. You can wash your clothes at home whenever you want.

Benefits of Professional Dry Cleaning
Expertise: Professional dry cleaners have extensive knowledge and experience working with a variety of textiles and garments. They know the specific treatment each property requires to achieve the best results while minimizing damage.
Time Saving: With professional dry cleaners, you don't have to spend your own time on the cleaning process. Dry cleaners do everything from cleaning to ironing, so you can focus on other tasks. Advanced Equipment: Professional dry cleaners use industrial cleaning equipment that goes far beyond the capabilities of home cleaning methods. This innovative technology ensures that your items are thoroughly cleaned and have an excellent finish.
Quality Service: Professional dry cleaners provide excellent cleaning services based on their extensive knowledge and expertise. They succeed in removing stains without causing damage, strengthening the fabric, and ensure that your clothes are returned in perfect condition and ready to wear.
Summary! Keeping your clothes clean is not just about being clean. It also includes wearing fashionable clothes that boost your confidence. However, your attractive garments need the right care to keep them in good condition. This is where A&Z Dry Cleaner comes in.
As one of the few hand-finished dry cleaning providers in Luton, we focus on sustainability by removing petrochemicals from our cleaning methods. From wedding dresses to elegant leather jackets, we clean all our garments in an eco-friendly way to promote cleanliness and environmental consciousness.
Moreover, hand-finished dry cleaning Hitchin also offers alteration services to improve the fit of your garments and give your favorite closet items a new and attractive look. A&Z Dry Cleaner keeps your clothes clean, fashionable and environmentally friendly.
submitted by semixfenz to u/semixfenz [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:35 daring_to_be_stupid I know this isn't the place but I gotta get it off ny chest.

I know this isn't the place but I gotta get it off ny chest.
This shit is getting so old. The reason I'm posting this here is because I'm banned on the bitch ass Myfaction sub reddit cause some body named Kool20005 got pussed that his mom wouldn't make him a pb & j and decided he needed to come to the defense of someone that I was literally helping out. So like a typical key board warrior he reported me and the mods said I was being the asshole even though he was the one calling people names. I was just cracking jokes and even on the thread my comments were getting up vote love while his were being consistently down voted cause he was the one being an asshole. Kool you're a little bitch and you need to get over yourself. It took you 10 tried to beat Drew because you fuckin suck at the game.
But I digress.
The myfaction sub reddit has been completely filled by a bunch of fuckin cry babies who think they know what's good for everyone and all they want to do is cry about how much they suck or how unfair it is. Like this fellow shown above kingslayer. Which funny enough he's also someone I've got into it with over something he was crying about. I think he was crying cause 1k ripped him off because they hadn't released the wm40 arena yet even though they said it wouldn't be till summer. Oh shit no I remember he was crying cause he didn't get tye exw dlc early like some of us other ps players and he was so mad. Some drywall probably took a hit that day I tell you.
Anyways. They either cry because they can't win, or they cry that they aren't giving things they seem to think they're entitled to and thr main reason for this post. They down vote and attack you if you dare spend money on my faction. Like you are the scum of the earth and everything from issues with 2k to global warming are your fault. And let's not forget the almighty "oh you spend 20 bucks a month on something you enjoy? You're a gambling addict" yeah and you're a fucking crying addict cause it's all you do. Also you can tell that the only reason this dude is there is to put others down cause he literally says he only spent 53 dollars on the game and he NEVER plays my faction. Then why the fuck are you in a my faction sub reddit? Also just for the people he was attacking in the heard above. When the dlc was coming out the reason he was being ripped off was because he spent 120 on the game and couldn't jerk off to cm punk early like some others. So which is it? 53 or 120 you lying piece of shit.
Now that that's done I wanna say to everyone that struggled with the live events, fuck the my faction sub reddit. Come here message me message eastern we'll help. Yes I'm gonna give you a hard time cause that's what I do but I'm also gonna help you get it done cause I just don't have any issues with these things. I'm not bragging it just is what it is.
And all you "you're the problem people" just shut the fuck up. You've all said it a million times, we heard you the first time, and we don't fucking care. Are there gambling addicts in there? Probably but I don't know so it's not my place to assume. But someone who spends a set amount of money a month to spend on something they enjoy is not a gambling addict you ignorant fucking no talent ass clowns....
Anyways carry on. Finally got my diamond Iyo so once I'm off work I'm gonna crush some ranked play. Maybe I'll post some videos or something. And if you're having issues with any aspect of the mode hmu I'll do what I can to help. Cause that's what a community should be and I'm encouraging g that that is the atmosphere we push and support in this, the dominate and far better of the ny faction sub reddits.
Have a nice day!
submitted by daring_to_be_stupid to WWEMyFactionSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:34 empower-health Exploring the Benefits of Plasma hair Treatment

Exploring the Benefits of Plasma hair Treatment
Are you tired of dealing with frizzy, damaged hair that lacks shine? If so, you might want to try plasma hair treatment. This treatment can help make your hair healthier and promote growth. Here's what you need to know:

Understanding Plasma Hair Treatment


Plasma hair treatment, also called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, uses your body's own plasma to help your hair grow and improve its health. First, a small sample of your blood is taken. Then, the plasma, which is rich in growth factors and platelets, is separated from the rest of your blood. This concentrated plasma is then injected or applied to your scalp, where it helps rejuvenate hair follicles and encourage hair growth.

The Benefits of Plasma Hair Treatment

  1. Stimulates Hair Growth: Plasma hair treatment can wake up dormant hair follicles and help new hair grow. The growth factors in plasma nourish and revitalize hair follicles, leading to thicker, fuller hair over time.

  1. Improves Hair Texture and Thickness: This treatment can also make your hair feel and look better. By making your scalp and hair follicles healthier, it helps your hair become stronger and less likely to break.

  1. Reduces Hair Loss: Whether your hair loss is genetic or due to other factors, plasma hair treatment can help. It targets the root cause of hair loss and stimulates hair follicles to grow new hair.

  1. Enhances Scalp Health: Having a healthy scalp is important for healthy hair growth. Plasma hair treatment provides your scalp with important nutrients, improving circulation and overall scalp health. This can help with common scalp problems like dandruff and itching.

  1. Non-Invasive and Natural: Unlike some other hair treatments, plasma hair treatment is safe and natural because it uses your body's own plasma. There's no risk of allergic reactions or side effects.

  1. Quick and Convenient: Plasma hair treatment sessions are fast and easy, usually taking only 30 to 60 minutes. There's little downtime, so you can go back to your normal activities right away. With a series of treatments over several weeks, you can see real improvements in your hair.

  1. Long-lasting Results: Many people see long-lasting improvements in their hair health after plasma hair treatment. With proper care and follow-up treatments, your hair can stay healthy and vibrant for a long time.

Is Plasma Hair Treatment Right for You?

Plasma hair treatment can be a good option if you're struggling with hair loss or want to improve the health of your hair. But it's important to talk to a doctor or hair specialist to see if it's right for you. They can help you decide if plasma hair treatment is a good fit for your needs and create a personalized treatment plan.

Final Thoughts

Plasma hair treatment is a safe and effective way to improve the health and appearance of your hair. By using your body's own plasma, this treatment can stimulate hair growth, make your hair stronger, and improve scalp health. If you're ready to say goodbye to hair problems and hello to beautiful, healthy hair, plasma hair treatment might be worth exploring.
submitted by empower-health to u/empower-health [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:34 Safe-Virus-5867 Please help me and my friend expand the world in our story!

hello everyone!
me and my best friend are writing a little comedy/adventure book for a competition in our school, but there is one little thing that we don't know how to do!
It is rather difficult to explain, but i will try lol. this story is set in real life, however the two main characters go on wacky adventures through unknown places that no human has seen before, like a ginormous forest, where each tree is the size of a building, or a sentient sea of blood. Our problem is there there is nowhere like this on earth, and most of earth has been discovered already, so we want to expand Earth somehow, but we have no idea how!
Some ideas that we thaught of, but ended up getting rid of were:
it is somehow discovered that the earth is about 300x larger than what we thaught, but the worlds governments came together to keep it hidden for unknown reasons
Another idea was that a big experimental bomb was misfired from a secret government building, and it exploded on impact with the oceans floor, but it landed between two tectonic plates, and made them split apart, causing them to reveal a second layer of earth that was festering underneath the surface
if you couldn't tell, this doesn't need to make sense AT ALL (a lot of nonsensical things happen in this story lmao, it is a comedy after all!)
Any ideas would be appreciated!
submitted by Safe-Virus-5867 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:32 Beautiful-Hold4430 Things You Don't Want to Tell on Your First Date

Nelle prepared to send out the obligatory distress signal. The raiders were long gone with the harvest of a small nearby village. With their jamming devices out of range too, she confirmed sending the automated message. This was the third time this year they raided their world, Landis. Small raids attacked farm villages all over the planet.
She shrugged at the uselessness of it. Little help was to be expected. Maybe they could warn off other worlds, she thought, so they could hide some of their produce. The village would manage with the support of others, but it was going to be a hard winter. Raiders were common throughout all civilized worlds. No one could stop a determined and armed group. She wished something could be done about it.
Mike was a big man, with a big beard, a big belly, and a big generous smile. Trouble was bad for business. And Mike was a businessman. An interstellar trader, with his own company: New Frontier Trade. Someday it was going to be big. He had to focus on his role.
Mike frowned when his implant chirped. His smile left him for a moment as he set a course for Landis. Change of plans.
Closing in, he started to talk into his communicator: "This is NFT 001 calling. Call sign NFT 001 requesting landing."
The spaceport of Landis was most of the year unused and unmanned. Nelle was drying a glass in her bar, which was empty at the time. Bored, she hung with her elbows on the counter. She was from a beaver-like species with skin that lives as much in water as out of it. Except there was little water to swim in in this world. Only swamps. Her family came here long ago as refugees, fleeing some government or law. Startled, Nelle jerked up when the communicator in the back started to beep. A message from space? Raiders did not bother. Traders only came on set dates. She wondered who it could be.
Nelle let the communicator replay the message. It automatically translated while keeping some of the original voice. The sounds of a large being rumbled into words. NFT? Nelle quickly looked it up. Probably not that weird token thing? Oh, right here it says: trading company New Frontier Trading. She quickly tried to remember protocol and responded:
"NFT 001, this is Landis Spaceport. Proceed to land at the following coordinates, at the landing pad. I mean, landing pad 1. Over."
Mike's smile got bigger. "At the landing pad," he thought. This world seems to lack trade. There must be something he could sell. His mind flew quickly over some of his cargo. Brushes that would change the color of hair in an instant. Thousands of drones that could work in unison to give spectacular light shows. Probably not those.
He entered the coordinates in his computer and let it handle the landing while leaning backward and bringing up a view of the planet. No oceans. Huge swamp areas surrounded by farm fields and small villages. The only town, also called Landis, was the spaceport according to the database. Landis was on the other side of the planet during the initial descent.
"NFT 001 landing at landing pad 1 Landis Spaceport. Coordinates confirmed."
Landis had two things. Too much water and it rained endlessly when it moved furthest from its host star, and too little when it approached at its closest. Nelle disliked both periods of about 14 days. The only thing she liked here was the big moon. The twin planet, as the farmers liked to call it, is technically still a moon. At full Twin, it filled a large portion of the night sky and made her long to leave the planet.
Luckily, they were in the short period between extremes and she could walk to the spaceport with only mild discomfort. Near the landing pad was a roofed-over section with a steel table and chair, exposed to the winds on all sides. Kids had put graffiti on the ceiling. Clouds before a large red star. Clouds during the heat season. A profanity according to the local population. Nelle chuckled. She didn't understand the symbolism, but she understood the rebellious nature of kids all too well.
A large freighter descended swiftly, causing a small storm that ruffled Nelle's hair. Not too fussed, she saw it break hard and touch down. Bit of a show-off? she wondered.
She no longer wondered when the ramp lowered and a figure dressed in colorful clothes disembarked, his demeanor a dead giveaway. Definitely a show-off. Energetically bouncing, he came in her direction. A species she never encountered before. Human, her computer said when she looked up the freighter's call sign before. Making her little wiser. Their homeworld was far from here and besides an occasional trader, there had been little contact with them in this part of the galaxy.
"Hello there, I'm Mr. Mike Tumbler. Who do I have the pleasure of dealing with?" the man said, his manners all charm. His hands fidgeted distractingly as if he was a little nervous. Nelle did not fall for it. The stone-cold gaze he scanned his surroundings with was at odds with how this being portrayed himself. It only lasted a fraction of a second, then his smile reached his eyes again.
The spaceport official introduced herself as Nelle. A cute beaver-like creature with intelligent big black eyes that looked at him intensely. He should not think of her as cute, Mike cursed himself. She was smart, too smart for his liking. It would make his job harder.
"I received that distress call. Are there still people in trouble?" Mike asked. He was uncomfortable. He came here prepared as a gadget trader. Distress reliever might be a bigger package than he could deal with. Still, there was the possibility to complete plans much faster. It would catapult him into the elite of the elite when he gets back home.
"Perhaps we can discuss how I can be of assistance while inspecting my ship. Mind of course I am just a simple gadget trader, I am not a distress relief vessel," Mike waved invitingly with his hands to the still-open ramp.
Nelle nodded and followed the man inside the ship. She entered what was obviously the biggest room, the cargo hold. It was packed full of shelves and boxes, leaving only small paths in between. She pointed at a few random boxes. One contained plastic flowers that would sing when watered. Another had fluffy dolls from a popular series. This trader had the newest gadgets one could wish for, Nelle thought. Even in the industrialized worlds such dolls would be in high demand. It looked good. Almost too good to be true. Nelle decided to inspect the rest of the ship first and have a look at the manifest next.
The rest of the inspection was over before she knew it. It was as if it was made to be inspected, everything visible and easily accessible. It was obvious there were no hidden compartments anywhere. Who was this so-called human Mike with his friendly smile and stone-cold eyes?
She checked the manifest and decided to check one more box. There should be dolls from the new hit series "Cats in Space." About the cutest imaginary species, one could imagine, her absolute favorite. She just wanted to have a look, just doing her job of course.
"Oh, right, those. Go ahead," Mike said, opening the top drawer, and revealing an array of colorful dolls. Nelle let out an involuntary squeal of delight. They looked even more real than in the vidcasts. She could not help herself from asking: "For how much will these go?" Feigning disinterest, Mike said: "About 5 standard units, depending on the local economy. How much for a beer in these parts?"
"There is only one place selling beer, that's my pub. A beer will cost you 2 s.u.," Nelle answered, hoping to make some kind of deal. Mike pretended to think a bit, holding his hand over his chin. His implant chirped again. "Let's make it 4 standard units then. Or two beers. Deal?" Mike extended his hand, waiting for her reaction. "Yes, yes. Beer, beer. I mean 2 beers," and she touched the man's hand, not knowing his customs.
"I am not sure how you can help the people with them being raided. But I think your wares can put a smile on some faces. Perhaps that is all that matters for now," Nelle continued. Mike solemnly nodded, saying, "I'll do my best, ma'am."
Mike closed the box again, still holding on to one of the "Kitten MK 3 action doll/color red" packages, and asked, "How far to the pub?" Nelle showed her two front teeth and motioned for him to follow. It started to rain again, and she extended the brim of her hat. Mike just put on a hat and let the rain flow from his waterproof jacket.
Mike was congratulating himself. First contact! The secret services had done a pretty decent job in creating his digital profile and matching it with a ship full of cargo. Earth had been listening in for a few centuries now. No direct contact was established as Earth's governments decided first to analyze and gather as much data as possible.
The faked first contact was only with deliberate searching available, consisting of a scant few records from a wandering family of traders with a disputable reputation about the truth. Humans were described as friendly, often operating alone. An alien anthropologist had picked up on it and used it as further proof for his thesis that intelligent species always acted alone or in small groups. Some attention could not be avoided.
But the attention had the governments worried. Or not the attention per se, but the nature of it. Why did that anthropologist think that intelligent species cannot act as a large group? The anthropologist group, structurally underfunded even when a one-sided contact with aliens was established, now received proper funding and started to delve up curious statements of facts that well, seemed curious. Not logical at all.
The discussions continued into the night. Mike presented various gadgets and items from his ship, demonstrating their uses and advantages. The villagers were particularly fascinated by the practical tools and novelties that could make their lives easier amidst the constant threat of raids.
Mike noticed the shift in the atmosphere. The initial wariness was giving way to cautious optimism. He took the opportunity to delve deeper into their problems, learning about the raiders and the challenges faced by the community.
"These raids," Mike asked during a quieter moment, "why haven't you been able to stop them? Surely there's something more that can be done."
Nelle sighed, her eyes reflecting the weariness of repeated struggles. "It's not just us, Mike. Every planet in the Federation faces similar issues. The raiders are organized in small, highly effective groups. They strike swiftly and leave before anyone can mount a proper defense. It's like fighting shadows."
Mike nodded thoughtfully. "I see. It sounds like a deeply rooted problem."
Nelle looked at him, her weariness momentarily giving way to curiosity. "What about humans? Do you face similar issues?"
Mike hesitated, carefully choosing his words. "Humans...we might have a different approach. Back on Earth, we developed certain strategies and methods to deal with such threats. Maybe we can introduce you to some of these concepts. I hope you can forgive us if they seem...unconventional."
Nelle tilted her head, intrigued. "What do you mean by unconventional?"
Mike took a deep breath. "It's a long story, but we have a concept called 'war.' It's not something we're proud of, but it has shaped our history. If you trust us, we can share some of our knowledge and help you organize better defenses."
Nelle's eyes widened. "War?"
submitted by Beautiful-Hold4430 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:32 _jaydexo_ Shower Oil Preservative?

So I’ve made a shower oil, the ingredients are:
Originally I decided not to add a preservative because when I asked the formulator who provided me with the formulation about it he said that I wouldn’t need one because “it is an oil-based formulation and does not have water, so there is no possibility of having a microorganism problem.” Because my shower oil is for use in the shower, it’s kept in the bathroom and I open it whilst I’m in the shower, so some water gets on the bottle cap. I’ve noticed there is a white sticky residue forming around the cap (which smells horrible, it has a rotting type smell), and I’m guessing it’s being caused by the Lumorol k 5229 emulsifying with the water residue. Even though my product doesn’t contain water, should I still add a preservative since it’s in an environment where it will be exposed to water? If I add a preservative, will this stop the issue of the residue on the cap from smelling awful? I’m planning on selling this as a product, it’s not just for my own use, and obviously I wouldn’t want to sell a product to people that is producing a bad smell or could go bad quite quickly.
If I do add a preservative, which one would be suitable for this type of product?
submitted by _jaydexo_ to DIYBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:31 sonder_apricity-178 My Experience with Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 📱

My Experience with Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 📱
As a flip 5 user so far my experience had been good but recently after 6 months of usage there was a green line in the phone for which the servicr centre change the display under warranty then afrer 3 days there is a black dot i cant say its a reliable phone. Buy only if you are careful and use phone less otherwise other models are far much better.
I am fed up of being cautious with this phone also the recent problems had made me regret my decision a lot.
My 6 months experience is :- Camera is average quality is good Battery life poor Performance is amazing Smooth and fast Display is very sensitive Covers and other accessories are way too expensive The cover screen is good to use Easy to carry Very compatible Overall good but risky.
Can say buy at your own risk.
I wish this phone was strong cause the innovation it brings is amazing the cover screen is so good and makes it easy to use also the performance is smooth the main screen use wise is good only problem is it being sensitive.
I feel bad cause of its display problem as nobody likes to visit service centre again and again.
submitted by sonder_apricity-178 to galaxyzflip [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:31 Extreme_House2816 I (21m) have been dating my (20f) for a year… I need advice?

I can’t believe I’m making this post. I (21M) messed up bad. For the past year I have been dating my now girlfriend (20f). She is the best person I ever met and the other half of me. I love her with all my heart and I would move earths to see her happy. She’s my perfect person. To give some backstory to us.
When we first got together I was a manager at a retail store and she was a barista as well. I never had a great childhood nor a wealthy one at that. I got kicked out from my parents when I was 17 and had to support myself ever since. I had amazing siblings that helped me along the way but I felt my life was going no where. I had no relationship all I had was my car my dog and my shared apartment. Then it was When I met her my whole life changed. I went from going out every chance I got to got and getting black out drunk to going every night to her place and spending the extra $15 in gas to see her. She was amazing. Had beautiful blue green eyes and amazing wavy golden hair. She reminded me of early morning childhood days. When you see the golden sun rays grazing through the curtains on a Saturday morning. That same excitement is how she makes me feel every time I see her. I went from working in management to becoming a car salesman. I loved my job. I did it to have the ability to buy her everything she wanted. She deserved it. Working here did come with a price. I would end up spending all my days there. Missing her and eventually losing time with her. By this time my grandpa had passed away and her dad as well. Since my job always had me there I was never able to leave. At this point I started questioning my career path. This eventually led to me becoming a little depressed. My son (my dog) was really the only keeping me going. A beautiful German Shepherd only 6 months old. I loved him so much but my girlfriend gave me a ultimatum. She didn’t want to take care of him since I was working a lot and I had to either give him up or break up and honestly after some thinking I gave up my son. He needed a bigger space and eventually gave him to a military vet. This began my spiral downwards. I did everything I can to keep my girlfriend happy. My depression didn’t help. Around Christmas time. My girlfriend began to get really weird feelings and started to think I was cheating. In my mind I wasn’t. She decided to go through my phone and found text messages between me and my old friend (20f we live states apart) we always jokes around with each other and made flirtatious comments to each other but it was platonic. We often talked about our significant others and expressed how we were doing and so on but never really much from there. She knew of my girl friend and I knew of her boyfriend. When my girlfriend saw this though she thought I was cheating which fair enough I can see it. I will remove her and block her. Cool we move on. Things get a little better for some time and I eventually quit working at the dealership. I now work a 9-5 job with weekends off essentially and the pay is great. My girl friend went to school became a nurse and I could never be more proud of her. She went for it and got it. She got hired for one of the big hospitals in our area although not the one she wanted it’s a great first step. She starts nightshirt pretty soon and it worries me because we won’t spend much time together but I’m willing to work it out. But now comes the real problem.
this past month I made a mistake. We have been having some trouble communicating our emotions recently and it caused some issues. We haven’t been getting intimate as much anymore. I began staying up playing my games and it slowly led to me watching porn again and we’ll eventually led me to look for woman to get pleasure from. Although I never went and actually did it there are messages. I feel like shit trust me I beat myself up enough. Well last night she had the same feelings. Me not thinking much like it’s one person and thinking I deleted it I was wrong. She found it and now wants to end it. I don’t blame her. I know I’m an asshole but I do love her more than anything. I admitted to my family what I did already within the night but I don’t want to lose the love of my life either. I fucked up bad and I know it. I was being dumb it was stupid of me now I might lose the person that means the world to me and I don’t know how to process it. I love her so much. I told her about this Reddit page and I’m not sure if she’s active here but if you are please. I’m sorry you deserve the best and I’m sorry I haven’t given you my best. If you decide to still take me back I promise I’ll do better.. if you move on I hope you get the love and care you deserve cause you are worth it …. I love you so much
submitted by Extreme_House2816 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
